crimsonfox19 · 4 years
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Grownup Cove in the upcoming epilogue is still really cute 💕
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Our Life is a nostalgic Visual Novel where you create your own character and grow from childhood to adulthood with the lonely boy next door. You can play the full game right now for free! Steam Page (Windows and Linux) Itch.io Page (Windows, Linux, Mac, and Android) Discord -  Twitter
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crimsonfox19 · 5 years
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crimsonfox19 · 6 years
I spent all day doing sidequests instead of progressing the main story
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crimsonfox19 · 6 years
If you guys haven’t listened to any of her “newer” stuff I actually really like her sound and her music. She’s grown a lot from when she was 13! 10/10 I highly recommend. :) 
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crimsonfox19 · 6 years
I’ve started keeping a checklist of things I *think* would happen in my book’s fandom if it got popular, just in hopes that I can check every box one day.
They aren’t things I *want* to happen, just predictions based on what I know about fandoms.
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crimsonfox19 · 6 years
Movie Pitch
A strict all girls boarding school is across a river from a strict all boys boarding school.
Boys and girls are forbidden from fraternizing, but they find sneaky ways to form friendships and even date. I assume there is heavily monitored internet and phones are for emergencies only so they have to resort to more unconventional methods of communication. (Messages in bottles, a system of mirrors, writing on chalkboards and putting them in the windows ect.ect.)
Until one day a shy boy at the boys boarding school tells his best friend (and the leader of a resident well meaning boys gang) that he actually feels more like a girl.
The gang leader contacts the leader of a girl gang across the river and they begin to plan an overly elobrate heist to smuggle the shy trans girl across the river in exchange for a chill tomboy and the two will assume each other’s lives until they graduate.
Hijinks ensue as they pull a ‘Great-Esacpe’ style mission to avoid detection from the overly strict headmasters and an overly passionate team of campus security guards.
Friendships are tested, there is lots of home-alone style logic to outsmart the adults, and there is romantic tension between the leaders of the gangs as they put aside their differences to help their two friends find a place to be themselves. It is light-hearted in tone but is also over the top and everyone plays it way too serious to the point of comedy. The two kids swapping places have classic “parent trap” style hijinks pretending to be the other person and avoid detection.
Think “kids next door” + “recess” but shot like a heist movie.
Add a funny character actor as a dopey but well meaning janitor and you got a stew going.
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crimsonfox19 · 6 years
Teacher: What would you do if you came late to class, and your classmate's sitting at your desk. Somehow, there are no more empty seats. And your classmate doesn't want to move.
ENTP: I would start a verbal argument
INTP: I would sit on the floor beside the chair and wait for them to leave
ESTP: I would sit on the chair.
Teacher: But your classmate's already sitting there!
ESTP: No sir, you said at the desk.
Teacher: *tiredly stares at ESTP as the class cheers and laughs*
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crimsonfox19 · 6 years
Struggles as an INTP
- Sometimes i do “too much” research and i have so many pages open on internet.
- Why should i be like everyone ? I don’t want to be like you guys so leave me alone.
- I’m not sad or angry, it’s just my normal face.
- Okay, yeah sometimes i’m angry but that’s because people are stupid.
- It’s hard to accomplish things, everything is in my head.
- Do i really have to go out ? I want to stay in and research stuff.
- No, i don’t want to work with you because you will slow me down, you’re not intellectually worth it and we’ll not do the work my way. Sorry not sorry.
- Ordinary things are so boring. What’s so interesting in getting more clothes ? You already have some ???
- Why do i have to be proper ? Can’t i just be myself ?
- It’s hard doing homework for school because like, no. It’s not doing my brain any favors, it’s not worth my attention and energy. Teachers don’t understand, it’s horrible.
- I don’t want to be like everyone else, that’s shit.
- Oh hell no, i am not going in a night club.
- Although marijuana is fun, i explore more shit and my brain is funny.
- Emotions ? That’s a foreign concept.
- Rules and guidelines are meant not to be followed. They’re dumb.
Just a few things I wanted to rant about
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crimsonfox19 · 6 years
Musings #4
Anybody else ever just think “I understood all of those words separately” while proofreading your own paper?
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crimsonfox19 · 6 years
Emotions are Healthy.
I have come to realize that I’ve been writing off a lot of my flaws as just personality quirks. This is unhealthy. As INTPs we tend to not show or be comfortable with a lot of emotions. Its different for everyone but I’ve found that with not showing emotions I began suppressing them so far to the point where I don’t even recognize them anymore. It’s so isolating to not know how I feel about anything. So I started unburying things. I’m not ready quite to be fully open and emotional with others, but I’m more comfortable with my own emotions and it is so liberating. I just want to say that if you are struggling with this too you’re not alone. It isn't healthy to keep suppressing, so try out some introspection.
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crimsonfox19 · 6 years
John Mulaney, a true ADHD icon
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crimsonfox19 · 6 years
today i found out that victor hugo has had more sex than possibly almost any other human that has lived on this planet. 
he had so much sex his biographers straight up gave up trying to document all of his sexual partners. he was reported to fuck up to 3-9 times a day. He had a secret sex diary written in code. He had “official” and “unofficial” mistresses. One estimate was that he had ~200 sexual partners in two years. 
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crimsonfox19 · 6 years
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My fucking roomba woke me up at 5 am to tell me she’s stuck near a cliff.
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crimsonfox19 · 6 years
good morning gays 🎉🏳️‍🌈🌈💃🏼
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crimsonfox19 · 6 years
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crimsonfox19 · 6 years
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crimsonfox19 · 6 years
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‘Deny, attack, be the victim’ is called #DARVO.
Men use it all the time when cornered. The yelling and abusive tone are tells.
You put horrible men into positions of authority and they selfishly break the system.
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