#they were mickey mouse shaped for no reason
This piece was inspired by this Mickey Mouse cartoon as well as this early episode from Spongebob.
So tell me, do you wanna go?
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The cafeteria doors parted, swinging open as any other door would—but to Fellow and Gidel, it was as if the gates to heaven were welcoming them. Humming chatter and the smells of delicious foods churned out from beyond. Deeply inhaling, tasting the aromas in the back of one’s throat, made their bodies light and floaty, as if hunger had made them weightless.
They followed a hoard of uniformed boys with trays, drifting to buffet stations loaded with dishes they could only dream of. Slabs of roast beef dripping with mushroom gravy, racks od lamb, game birds with crisped skin, fish glistening with herb butter, steaming stews with vegetables bobbing in a sea of rich broth, fluffy rice, cakes sliced wide and trifles stacked tall. The paper-thin slice of bread and beans they had for supper had never looked quite so sorry.
Gidel didn’t notice that his mouth was agape and slick with saliva until a cane tucked under his chin and closed it for him. Fellow pulled the young boy close, a hand on his arm as he wildly gestured to the waiting delicacies.
“Take a gander, Giddie! All that food’s free and ours for the taking!!” he chirped. “Ready your fork and knife, we’re going to eat like kings today!”
Arm in arm, the duo dove into the bar, grabbing as much as they reasonably could. Generous scoops of mashed potato, the biggest pieces of meat, plenty of sauce, the largest loaves. Gidel rushed about with an apple crammed into his mouth and Fellow snuck oyster crackers into his breast pocket (as a late-night snack).
While their plates piled higher and higher, the mob students grew more irritable. Elbowing them out of the way, snatching up popular itwms, and taking far more than their share had the tendency to invoke ire. The mobs casted dirty looks at Fellow and Gidel, others raising their voices at the kitchen.
“Oi, where’s the refill of tomato soup? I’ve been waitin’ for forever over here!”
“When’re the dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggies gonna be done…”
“I’m so hungry I could eat a whole horse. What’s the damn hold up?!”
“Be patient, boys!” a ghost chef callee back. He grunted as he hailed a vat of curry off of the stove. “It takes time to prepare the food.”
“They’re ravenous today,” remarked the lead chef. “Wonder what’s going on. We normally don’t have to prepare this much.”
By this time, Fellow (trailed by Gidel) had pushed his way to the front of the crowd. He set down his tray (the tower of food upon it wobbling, threatening to collapse) and waved enthusiastically at the chefs.
“Afternoon, gents! How’s it going? Looks to me like you’re hard at work feeding all these wayward souls.”
“Oh, um. Just fine, thank you.” The head chef blinked. He liked to think that he recognized all of the students and staff that came into his dining room, but he was drawing a total blank with Fellow and Gidel. “Er… Sorry, are you new around here? I don’t think I’ve seen you boys before.”
“Fufu, that’s right. We’re new to these parts.”
“They ain’t even students,” an angry mob student behind him piped up.
The lead chef startled. Worry crumples his round, marshamallowy face. “Oh dear, not students? The buffet is only open to them and staff.” He glanced at Fellow’s pickings. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to return all that.”
Anger and annoyance shot through the fox beastman. Tch…! Those NRC brats, looking down on me! Why should they get to gorge themselves on this stuff while the rest of us beg for their scraps?!
He reached down and gripped Gidel’s hand, giving the young boy a reassuring squeeze. Gidel offered a sleepy grin back.
Watch this. I’ll turn this entire situation around and have them eating out of the palm of my hand.
He let out a theatrical gasp, then summoned his most charming smile. “My bad, I forgot to introduce myself! You see, I am a health inspector sent by the Department of Magic Education to evaluate your menu! Gidel here’s my trusty assistant.”
The leader of the ghost chefs scratched his head. “Huh? Is that what a health inspector does…?”
“Of course, or cooourse! All a part of the job description, my friend.” Fellow indicated his absurd amount of food. “They’re looking to implement new standards for magic school menus—and where better to look at as a model for reference than THE famous Night Raven College? The education it offers is elite, so the meals it offers must be elite as well! That’s why they’ve sent us to try one of everything, to evaluate the quality of your wares.”
Gidel bobbed his head. (He had little clue what he was actually agreeing with, but he agreed nevertheless.)
“Come ON, you don’t seriously buy this crap, do you?” a mob student groaned. “The old fart’s clearly lying!!”
Other voices joined him, but they all fell upon deaf ears. The head chef’s eyes sparkled, his pasty white cheeks rosy with excitement.
“Oooooh, why didn’t you say so sooner?! W-We will absolutely do everything in our power to accommodate your needs, Sir Health Inspector!” He turned to his kitchen staff. “Isn’t this so exciting, everyone? We’ll be the first group of ghosts to receive a fancy accolade after death!”
A murmur of approval weaved through the kitchen. The dining room, however, erupted into a fresh round of protests.
“You’re joking!!”
“That’s such an obvious lie.”
“How can you believe that bullcrap?!”
Keheheh, never underestimate the power of this Fellow Honest-sama’s silver tongue 🎶 I didn’t even need to use my unique magic to cut to the front of the line. Some people are just born suckers and stay suckers in the afterlife.
He smirked, giving a triumphant twirl of his cane. “Sorry, folks! You snooze, you lose. We get first dibs on everything~”
“Hah?! What’d ya just say to me?” A vein bulged on a Savanaclaw student’s forehead. He was about double Fellow’s width and rippling with muscle. “Like hell you are!”
“The way you talk is pissin’ me off!!” chimed in a Diasomnia student. He drew his baton and aimed it at Fellow. “I oughta shut you up for good!”
The idea was a seed, taking root and festering among his peers. Other students were producing their own magical pens, out of pockets and from inside vests.
Fellow paled, balking but keeping himself between the mobs and Gidel. “H-Hey now, can’t we talk this over? Violence doesn’t solve everything, you know!”
“YES IT DOES,” the mobs retorted—in unison for once. Hungry and angry, a terrible combination.
Gidel whimpered. No sound, but Fellow could sense it in the way the boy retreated into his coat. A free hand found its way to the small of Gidel’s back, keeping him upright.
Don’t let them see you like that. Weak, downtrodden. It’s letting them have the moral victory.
His grin widened. He was a fox looking to sink his teeth into unsuspecting prey.
“Why spend your youth grumpy and causing trouble? You should lighten up, live a little, laugh a little. Here, I’ll show you how. Just follow me! Come on to the Theater!! Life is Fun!!”
Fellow spun his cane, releasing a light shower of sparkles upon the crowd. They floated down, popping like popping on their skin. Eyes glazed over, twisted expressions slackened.
“Now then!!” Fellow, raised his cane like a baton, still spinning as he conducted his herd. He, poised as the ringleader. “Right this way, right this way, gentlemen! Let’s have a lively parade to the courtyard on this fine day!”
“The weather is nice today…”
“Coach said I need to get more exercise in.”
“I’ve been stressed about classes, I need to take this break.”
Marching—one, two, one, two—Fellow led the procession out of the cafeteria. He belted out a tune as he ushered students through the exit.
“Hi-diddle-dee-dee, actor's life for me!”
(Gidel pranced in and out of the line of students, reaching into pockets and retrieving miscellaneous items. Pencils, a keychain, spare change. He stashed them under his hat.)
“A high silk hat and a silver cane, a watch of gold with a diamond chain!”
When the last student was gone, Fellow made a U-turn and rushed back into the cafeteria, slamming the doors behind him. He dropped his smile, letting it shatter like a porcelain teacup and not bothering to salvage the remains.
“Sheesh, they’re finally out of my fur!” Fellow sighed deeply. “Those rotten kids really had to make me work hard for my meal...”
Gidel scrambled over to him, pulling out the various items he had clumsily pilfered. Look what I got! he seemed to say.
Fellow brightened, ruffling the child’s messy brown mop. “Atta boy, Giddie! We sure showed those snooty rich kids what for, eh?”
At that moment, the head chef bursted out of the kitchen juggling a tray of apple strudel. He was followed by several other ghosts, each carrying a new dish.
“Sorry for the wait, here’s the… Huh?” The head chef glanced around the nearly empty cafeteria, his brows knitting. “Where did everybody go?”
“Must’ve gone out for a stroll Fine by me, they’re letting us get right down to business,” Fellow laughed, clapping a hand on Gidel’s shoulder. “C’mon, that’s enough excitement for one day. Let’s dig in!”
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creativewritersposts · 4 months
not true - Luke Hughes (part two)
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PART ONE; click here
summary; Luke Hughes x reader.
Luke reads your fanfiction and wants to prove to you he's not a bad cook.
warning(s); maybe grammar errors, angst, fluff
author's note; if you like it - let me know ♡ happy weekend!
You got three hours to clean the house, clean every room and get yourself new clothes on. You wanted to change your clothes. You forgot the time because you had to clean literally everything.
Nothing happens the way you wanted. Your hair is sticking up, you're not shaved and your kitchen still looks like a bomb explosion. You're not a messy but the last work shifts were so exhausting and you just wanted to sleep.
Nobody could know Luke Hughes wants to visit you.
And your worst nightmare comes true - the door bell rings after three hours.
Luke Warren Hughes is standing on your door and you're barfeet with a mickey mouse shirt on. The door bell rings again, you feel how you want to sink into ground but here you are, opening the door.
A tall, skinny man looks on your shirt. "Ehm..eh..hi?",he nervously jiggles with his right feet. He's wearing a dark jeans and a lumberjack shirt. It suits him. It suits him well.
"Don't say anything", you warn him. Your cheeks getting heated, embarrassed about yourself.
This man is your celebrity crush for 8 months nonstop and you're standing in this shape in front of him.
"I'm sorry for being late..I had to fill my car with gas because I forgot to do it beforehand and i needed to go grocery shopping", he holds a plastic bag in the air with something greenish in it. Ew, it looks damn healthy. You thought he brings some chicken nuggets from McDonald's or something like that.
You wink him in the house, no clue what you're doing with this man now. In your fanfictions you would grab his arms and kiss him until you both can't breathe anymore but this situation is awkward.
"Do you want something to drink?", you ask politely, "water, please", he thankfully smiles and steps into your house.
How can his smile look so cute? How is he real?
How the fuck is he so tall?
You give him some water and sit down in the kitchen. His cheeks are burning too and he's quiet. This man wrote you, a fangirl, drove over three hours and now he's speaking about nothing.
"What are you cooking today?", you start the conversation. "Oh I'm cooking one of moms receipts", he talks with a voice crack. "You'll like it!", his eyes sparkle enjoyment. "It looks really healthy ", you touch the broccoli like it's poison, your face expression says enough.
Luke stands up and swiping on his phone after the receipt, "it is but I bought us ice cream after this", his calm voice fills the room.
"Wait, you're staying after dinner?!", you're shocked. Shit, you wanted to call your parents.
"Oh, I can leave after this. Don't worry", he bites on his lips, he looks insecure like I hit him in the face. "no no-", you want to save your situation. So bad.
"It's okay", he shows you thumbs up and turns around, preparing the broccoli and cheese. And green things, you never saw before.
"What do you want here?", your voice sounds powerful. Inside you're afraid to hear the real reasons.
"You're a talented writer", he answers. "And?", you re-ask him. "is it a bad thing to visit a fan? Some would pay money to see me", he shrugs his tall shoulders. He's cooking besides talking, avoiding your eye contact.
"it's weird", you stop the silence between you two. "I know", he looks in your eyes.
"Ok you have ten minutes to ask me every question you want to know about me", he starts with a new topic.
"Do you have a girlfriend?", the words fall out of your mouth. "Nah", he stirs in the pan. The green something. Whatever this is.
"Why not?", you are interested, "it's not easy to find out which girl truly loves you when your older brothers are good looking and famous and you're the baby". Your face looks completely out of mind. It makes sense. "Do you like roleplay?", you're asking without thinking.
"What?", he turns around. Poor pookie.
"Sorry, forget that one", you smile.
"Do you read fanfictions?", "yes". It surprises you. "Why?", "why not?".
The food is ready and Luke put the pan with the food on the table, ready to eat. To be fair, it smells good.
You take your first bite, and it's an taste explosion. "Thank god for Ellen", you groan in heaven for this green food.
"Maybe you'll meet her one day", his ears turns tomato red. "I love your fanfictions, I really do", he smirks. "thank you?", it sounds more like a question than as a sentence. "but you're right, you're not the worst cook".
"It sounds weird but I think you could be a really good friend", he explains, ignoring your last sentence. His plate is empty. How can he inhale so much food in seconds?
"a good friend?", you're ready to go, crying in the bathroom. It's more than you ever imagined in your life.
"Yeah I mean friends, dating, you know..all the same", his voice cracks begin to get more.
"Dating?!", you stand up in your shirt, ready to pass out. Omg if you pass out, Luke has to do CPR. Jackpot.
Your phone is vibrating and playing the song 'boombastic'.
"Luke i need to-", you get hectically. "Hi mom! Hi dad!", you fake a smile, turning yourself around to hide Luke in your kitchen with the dinner.
"our baby girl! How are you doing?", mom replies lovely. Luke loudly breathes in, because he choked on his own food.
"Who is the guy in your house?!"
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can-and-wont · 2 months
I would love to welcome the 15-20 of you to my commentary of the week!
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The fact that Iida actually needed to fend the first years off is kind of wild imo. The fact that Bakugo is ducking behind him too it’s kinda silly
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I’m with Mineta on this one. Why do so many girls like douchebags? Of course I understand the feminine (or masculine or otheruline) urge to fall for the villain but that’s only if he’s got that pathetic quality about him. But people who are just jerks? I don’t understand that.
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AUGH, seeing that they’re class 2A… in print… the heartstrings are being pulled guys it’s really almost over :(
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Idk why but the looks on their faces are telling me there’s something else going on and OF COURSE I’m going to jump to the conclusion that it’s about Shirakumo because these guys were the most connected to him and idk I feel like we might get some closure-closure soon because sure we saw him glorp away but we don’t KNOW whether or not he’s actually dead for real. Am I grasping at straws? Most definitely. But I love Shirakumo an unreasonable amount and I want him to live and make it to graduation because Aizawa promised :(
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TOKOYAMI!!! Love to see him BUT..
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I must know if this whimsical fellow is him or not. I feel that it must be, but the Hanna-Barbera energy he is projecting confounds me. Where is his cloak? Why the Mickey Mouse gloves? Maybe it isn’t him and I’m crazy lmao someone help please
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Listen when I read this I had in inexplicable feeling of dread and anticipation. The bus literally only has first years in it. Idk why i was so stressed
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I am very much in agreement with Kirishima here. Underclassmen can be scary.
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Man toga bent her way more out of shape than I thought. Also I didn’t mention the panel but the kids are allowed to stay at home now and man is that great for the implications of the world I’ve made in my head.
This chapter was very enjoyable for whatever reason! I’ll see you next week <|:0)
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newtonsheffield · 1 year
MOLLY! I saw this on Twitter today and I almost passed out. THIS IS SOO CUTE!! 🥹🥰 It’s giving….Lavender Haze?? When Kate’s pregnant with Neddy and Anthony is such an amazing, supportive husband 🥹. Or whatever story you think is appropriate. I love this. Just thought you might appreciate it. (NOT MY PICTURE) The credit/picture goes to RoxieRox29 on Twitter. Love yah 💋
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Tbh, I think this is all Anthonys. BUT for some reason this is giving me very strong Take a Deep Breath vibes. Anthony’s such an involved birthing partner, the first thing he did when they got there was sit behind her on the bed, and started braiding her hair back so it was out of the way, and then he started massaging her lower back.
“Deep breaths, Babe, you’re amazing.”
“I’m nervous.” Her eyes were so wide, so terrified and it made his chest ache.
“I know.” Anthony nodded, kissing her forehead quickly, “And I know this is going to hurt, but you can do this, I know you can.”
“And then we can see the little guy.” Kate gasped as another contraction wracked her body.
“Yeah, then we can see him. Do you need anything? Some ice chips? Do you want your birthing playlist? Fair warning, I got a new portable speaker and it’s shaped like Mickey Mouse because that felt like the vibe.”
Kate chuckled, “do you remember when you used to act like a feral street cat instead?”
“Anthony O’Malley the Alley cat’s done.” Anthony grinned, “He’s a wife guy now.”
“I need you to stop being so supportive”
The midwife scoffed, “Don’t wish for that, we had a Dad last week complaining about the wifi the entire time.”
“I’ll stop, I will, I’m just in awe of you.”
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mauesartetc · 5 months
you've stated a couple of times how sonic the hedgehog's design is visually interesting/creative, can you elabore on that and maybe put your own spin on it?
Have a nice day!
Ha, sure! I've never even played the Sonic games but I'm aware of the general pop-culture mythos around them, and I can appreciate how the characters all have unique personalities that stay relatively consistent throughout the series. I do think the Sonic characters in general have a nice variety in proportions (namely, big heads, skinny bodies, big feet) that makes them interesting to look at.
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Kinda wish the designs would deviate more from that template for a bit more variety, but I guess Sonic Boom did that? Sort of? At least with Knuckles?
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Like I get that these guys are iconic and it's in Sega's best interest to maintain that brand recognition. Of course they wouldn't want to change the designs too much. But personally if I were designing a new character for a Sonic game, I'd try to give them a different body type from what everyone else has. Samebody Syndrome doesn't count as a legitimate stylistic choice imo.
And really, the connected eyes were always a bit nonsensical and terrifying to me. It's like all the hedgehogs in this universe are cyclopses with two pupils and two irises somehow, yet the other species have regular eyes for some reason. Figure that one out.
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(But apparently Vector the Crocodile has connected eyes too, so I have no idea what the logic is there. It'd be hilarious if he revealed himself to be a hedgehog in disguise.)
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Enough about the cast; let's get into Sonic himself. Looking at his original 1991 iteration next to this 1930 patent drawing of Mickey Mouse, it's clear where a lot of the visual influence came from. Notice the body proportions, face shapes, oval-shaped black noses jutting out from the face, and the white gloves.
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This does somewhat explain the connected-eye thing as well, except it looks more natural with Mickey since each pupil is implied to represent one entire eye, with the space around them simply representing differently-colored fur on Mickey's face.
And to reiterate what I mentioned in the shape language post, Sonic's assortment of triangles visually puts him at odds with his nemesis Dr. Robotnik, who's based on round shapes. While it's more common to see villains with triangle-based designs and heroes with circle-based ones, Sonic shows us that vice versa can also work.
If I put my own spin on Sonic's design, I'd make it look a bit more like a hedgehog, separate the eyes, and add more padding to his shoes so they hold up better to running. I also felt the tail and back spikes were a bit superfluous, so I left them out.
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It's a first draft I'd need to explore more thoroughly, but it's a start. Thanks for asking!
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t-bird510 · 4 months
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So what is this AU? Is it about bedrooms? Not entirely…
The year is 2024 and everyone this nice as usual—Like every opening cutscene for a 1980s-2010s type of Video game from Nintendo!
The Sky is blue and the People are enjoying themselves…That is…UNTIL THE DARKNESS APPEARS!!!
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A large DARK Portal Emerges from the clouds that shape it to its will…Then…Gigantic Purple tentacles start to form and Emerge from the portal as well.
People start to be Grasped by the Tentacles as they try to make their escape from the terminal fate of being pulled into the portal itself…
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The city would soon be somewhat empty as around 30-something percent of the population still existed in that particular city.
Some were still in their homes…While Others were out of sight of the Giant portal tentacles that would Clench them with their Harsh Grip!
Eventully…Those who weren’t taken by the large portal would soon fall into a eternal slumbering that would normally take a Coma to wake up…But this isn’t a Coma…This is something else…
Something different…a light in the darkness if you will?
Other things about this AU:
1 - I’m planning on turning this into a Fanfic of some kind; It’s still being planned for the time being but the beginning chapters will be good in my opinion.
2 - Each Beginner chapter will follow different perspectives as they meet with other characters and they interact and figure out how they got their in the first place.
For example: Chapter #1 - The episode would be about Mickey Mouse meeting Charlie Brown or Sonic the hedgehog for example.
2/3 - This AU Will have Ocs in it, and most of them were created by me for storytelling and fanfic reasons and for fun mostly.
4 - What inspired you to make this AU?!
Well…I was inspired by the classic feel and aesthetics of these games.
1 - Kingdom hearts
2 - Sonic the hedgehog (Like Sonic adventure and its sequel.)
3 - Nights into Dreams (and its sequel.)
4 - The world ends with you (and its sequel)
5 - Worlds end club
6 - Balan wonderworld
7 - Pokemon
8 - Luigi’s mansion
9 - Ni no kuni (and its sequel.)
I like these games in particular because they are just fun! And some of them have good Fanfiction AU potential that is underused or under appreciated.
So once I get some free time I’m gonna start work on this don’t ya worry!!!
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candyvenombites · 1 year
Mickey and Friends X Madoka Magica
Soul Gems
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted any of my work and since I finally have a break from school, I decided to do a little something.
It’s no secret for those that have seen my page that I’m a Disney and Madoka Magica fan, so I combined the two.
I drew eight soul gems for Mickey and Friends and I might draw more in the future but for now I’ll show the eight I have.
Before I do show you I will make it clear that yes I did use a templates for something of the drawings. All these templates were free to use templates online. With that out of the way, here ya go!
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This soul gem belongs to the mouse man himself! If this gets turned into an actual comic or fanfic then Mickey is the Madoka of the story. He has a lot of love for his friends and wants to help anyway he can, thus giving him the heart shape.
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This soul gem belongs to my favorite duck (besides Scrooge). Donald’s soul gem can be looked at in two ways. One is that it’s a rain drop and the other is that it’s a tear drop. Either way, it related to him being a sailor and his water manipulation abilities.
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This soul gem belongs to everyone’s favorite clumsy dog dad! Goofy was a hard character to make. Mainly because I didn’t know what theme to give his outfit and gem. I eventually settled on a cross for his soul gem shape, mainly because crosses are used as a symbol of protection.
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This dazzling soul gem belongs to our sassy, but kind Daisy. Daisys soul gem does look a lot like Homuras, but she is not the Homura of the story funnily enough. I decided on giving her the Diamond shape, because after all, diamonds are a girls best friend.
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This one belongs to our gentle and sweet Minnie. Minnie was another hard character to make, since a lot of her story was made from head-cannons. This design is one I’m really proud of and it makes me happy whenever I see it.
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This beautiful orange soul gem belongs to our hyper musical rooster. Despite Panchito not having much in terms of canon backstory, he was one of the more easy characters to make. The reason he was easy is because I knew right away what his abilities would be and what he’d wish for. His personality was also very fun to play with.
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It’s time for my favorite green parrot! Josè is probably one of my favorite Disney characters ever, so I had a lot of fun creating his character. I knew exactly what his powers were gonna be, I just had to find a wish and make a backstory that corresponded to it. I hope I was able to do this magical bird justice!
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And now we finally got to the Homura of the story! Mister Oswald the Lucky Rabbit! Deciding who was gonna be the Homura of the story was difficult. I went from character to character to decided who would be best, before I settled on Mickeys brother. I’m still working on Oswald’s story, since his relationship with Mickey is way different from Madoka and Homura. However, it’ll be cool once I’m done.
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Now this is a rough drawing of what all their soul gems look like when they transform into their magical forms. I plan on updating them soon to look more like accessories like in the anime once I have more time. Here is what I plan to have them look like (These are subject to change)
Mickey: A broach
Donald: An arm band
Goofy: A necklace
Daisy: A gem on a hair accessory
Minnie: A garter
Panchito: A belt buckle
Josè: A bow tie
Oswald: An earring
If you’ve read down this far I want to say thank you. It’s nice to find people who actually take interest in what you’re creating. I hope you all have a wonderful day
💕🍬Stay Sweet🍬💕
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aurumacadicus · 1 year
Pride Pocket11--Permanently Black and Blue
Kink belongs at Pride and as an ace person I’m personally sick of people using my existence to try and push it out, so this year I’m dedicating my Pride Pockets to Kink. Tony doesn't know Steve is allowed to drive the quinjet because he always drives it himself when he's on board (barring when he's knocked out of course). No one tells him because he revoked Steve's driving privileges to his cars when Steve shot the gap between a jeep and a tank in battle while Tony, dearmored, was his passenger. Steve thinks it's hilarious.
You can find this on AO3 (here). Look out for under the cut!
The bruises were beginning to fade.
Tony frowned, turning in the mirror so he could better see the remains of the bite mark on his left hip. The edges had faded to yellow, and when he carefully pressed his thumb to it, it didn’t cause the same dull ache it had a few days ago. He couldn’t help a sigh so deep it came from his stomach, shoulders sagging.
Two weeks. Two weeks the team had been gone, undercover. Tony had had to stay behind because of a shareholder meeting. At least, that’s what Bucky had said, instead of, “Doll, you’re the most recognizable person in the world after Mickey Mouse.” And it had been very kind of him! Tony had appreciated the excuse of the meeting rather than being told he was inadequate for the mission. But now the bruises Bucky had left on Tony’s body before the team shipped out were fading, and while Tony knew vaguely when they’d arrive back at the tower, it was a tentative timeline.
Tony slid his hand down so his fingers pressed into a bruise on the outside of his thigh, sighing again when he got a dull twinge, maybe, but only because he was pressing so hard. It was hard enough going to bed alone, but now he didn’t even have the comfort of the memories of Bucky’s mouth and hands to ease his mind. It just felt… pathetic, mostly, standing in front of the mirror, trying to remember the sweet ache of the bruises, the memory of Bucky’s teeth biting into his skin until his brain stopped making so much noise, until he forgot that Bucky had to leave early the next morning. Trying to remember the way he’d been wholly at Bucky’s mercy, deep bruises on his ass making it impossible to sit at the meeting without squirming a little, his fingers trailing the hand-shaped bruises on his thighs and hips to distract himself from how boring the meeting was, how worried he was about his team.
Tony let his hands drop to his sides, frustrated, and turned to stomp over to the bed. He was being selfish. He knew the only reason Bucky had been so thorough was because he wasn’t sure how long the team would be gone, and he wanted Tony to have the reminder of him as long as possible. He would probably be pleased that Tony missed them after they healed, but that would happen later—Tony was here in the penthouse, and Bucky was… someplace Tony wasn’t supposed to know the name of but absolutely did. Who knew how long this mission could extend? Tony shuddered to think about it.
He flopped down onto the bed with a somewhat forlorn sigh, shaking his head a little as he turned to stare up at the ceiling. “Bucky will be home soon,” he told himself, even though he didn’t quite believe it. He lifted a hand to trail his fingers over a greenish-yellow bruise on his collarbone, frowning again. He felt… greedy. Foolish. Bucky was out there with the team trying to make the world a safer place, and all Tony could think about was Bucky coming home and fucking him through the mattress. As if Bucky would even be up for it. He hated going undercover. He’d probably just want to come home, wrap an arm around him, and sleep.
Tony turned onto his side with a huff, reaching out to grasp Bucky’s pillow and hug it to his chest. He buried his nose in the case, snuffling, and tried not to think about how Bucky’s scent had faded along with the bruises.
Bucky swiped the video back a minute so he could watch it again. Tony was standing in front of his full-length mirror, examining the teeth-shaped bruises over his body. Once he’d apparently decided on the one over his left hip, he ran his palm over it, tipping his head back with a sigh, closing his eyes. His cock was firming up quickly, even without any direct attention to it. Apparently, the ache from the bruises was bringing enough pleasure that it wasn’t necessary. Bucky licked his lips and hoped that he wasn’t being too obvious to the rest of the team.
The mission had been a bust. Clint, of all people, had been scoped by a carnival performer, and while the clown had been very sorry once he’d realized they were undercover, they’d still had to get out before they were made by Hydra, too. On one hand, he was glad to be getting back to Tony earlier than they’d expected. On the other, it made the last two weeks away from him feel like a waste.
He swiped the video forward this time, watching Tony bite his bottom lip and shiver as he dug his thumb into the bite mark on his stomach. The bruises would be gone by now, he thought, or almost gone. He swiped the video back again, focusing on the way Tony tipped his head back a little, eyes heavy-lidded and chest shuddering with an exhale. He’d known that Tony liked being bitten a lot more than his previous partners, but he’d never known how much. Tony liked to complain, so Bucky had sort of figured it was a shade above ‘putting up with’ for him, especially if Bucky left hickeys where they were visible. Apparently, Tony only complained when they were visible because people would obviously notice him pressing on them. He wondered if Tony was reliving the memory of Bucky putting them there, or if it was the zing of pain that got him blushing and shivering in the mirror. He didn’t mind either way.
Bucky watched as the video ended and autoplayed onto a new one as the quinjet touched down. It showed Tony touching a spot on his hip and frowning. He recognized it as a place where he'd bruised him before. Then Tony was trudging to bed, flopping down and rolling onto his back. He turned to pull Bucky’s pillow in and buried his face in it.
Bucky stood as the ramp began to extend. “I will not be debriefing actually goodbye,” he said simply, walking off the ramp and dropping the last three feet onto the tower roof. He heard a chorus of ‘what the fuck?!’s behind him and ignored it. He was not going to sit around and listen to everyone complain about the mission being a bust when Tony was curled around his pillow in their bedroom.
Tony was asleep when he arrived, which Bucky hadn’t actually expected; Tony was a light sleeper, and his sleep schedule was… interesting. He must have been exhausted. Bucky decided he wasn’t going to contemplate why. He was there now. He’d take care of him.
Bucky carefully turned Tony onto his back, hands pausing to stroke over Tony’s hip and stomach where he had in the video. The bruises were gone, like he’d expected. Most of them were, he noticed, but for yellow and green spots where his teeth dug in deepest. His eyes traced over Tony’s body, cataloging old scars and new scabs, freckles from a recent jaunt in the sun and pale inner thighs that hadn’t seen the same warmth. He licked his lips, carefully tilting his head as he leaned in, until his mouth was hovering over Tony’s hip, where he’d seen him pressing on his bruise earlier in the video. Then he pressed his teeth to Tony’s skin and bit down, hard.
Tony jerked under him, waking with a start to the pain, then froze as he tried to make some sense of his surroundings. His eyes darted over Bucky frantically, trying to see who was on top of him and struggling in the dim light. His hands carefully clenched into fists, preparing to defend himself.
Bucky sat up with a theatrical slurp, lifting a hand to wipe his chin. “Miss me, doll?”
Tony relaxed immediately, unable to help a smile coming to his lips. “Bucky!”
“God, you’re always so happy to see me,” Bucky sighed, heart flipping in his chest. Tony was always happy to see him, even now, having been jerked awake and worrying about his safety before he recognized him. It was humbling. He couldn’t imagine anyone ever looking at him with the same affection that Tony did. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” Tony answered, reaching up for him, then winced, breath hissing out between his teeth as his hands clapped over the bite mark. “Ow.” He offered Bucky a petulant scowl. “You didn’t have to bite so hard.”
Bucky couldn’t help a smirk. “No? You said you liked having marks.”
Tony grumbled under his breath for a moment, something that sounded like ‘smug asshole,’ before he reached up again, curling his fingers around Bucky’s tac vest. He tugged lightly, and Bucky allowed himself to be eased back down on top of him. “How was the mission?”
Bucky leaned down that last few inches to kiss him to avoid having to answer and tell him it was shit, had gone to shit, and was a complete waste of time. Instead, he drew Tony’s bottom lip between his teeth and bit down just hard enough that Tony mewled, just the way he knew Tony liked it. He suckled on it for a moment, then released his lip, with a soft moan. “Wanna bite you all over.”
Tony’s eyes fluttered open, as if he hadn’t realized he’d closed them. He tilted his head, frowning, then couldn’t help an amused snort. “That good, huh?”
Bucky dipped his head to dig his teeth into Tony’s shoulder. Tony hissed again, hands sliding up from his shoulders to bury his fingers in Bucky’s hair. Bucky took couldn’t help a moan when he tugged, just enough to put pressure on his scalp without it actually hurting. He released Tony’s shoulder reluctantly, tracing the shape of his teeth with his tongue before he leaned back. “Can I get you off, or…?”
“I’m tired,” Tony complained, but he looked as disappointed as Bucky felt. “Sorry.”
“It’s not your fault Steve drives the quinjet like an old man,” Bucky grumbled, eyes tracing down Tony’s body. He leaned down to close his teeth on Tony’s pectoral, around his left nipple, and moaned again when Tony yanked on his hair with a yelp.
Tony squirmed, back arching, and he couldn’t tell whether he was pressing up into Bucky’s teeth or trying to escape them. “Steve’s not allowed to drive the quinjet,” he finally managed, breathless.
Bucky sat up again, raising his eyebrows. “He can, he just gets razzed by everyone not to crash into the ocean again. ‘s part of the reason he goes so slow—to get back at us.”
“You guys are so mean,” Tony began, pulling one hand from Bucky’s hair so he could touch around his nipple. He winced, hissing again. “You’re so mean.”
“You like when I’m mean,” Bucky purred, sitting back. He watched Tony’s fingers flutter over the bite-mark again, then reached down to grab Tony’s knees, spreading them apart. “’m gonna bite all over your thighs, doll.”
“I’m tired,” Tony said again, but it sounded more like a warning than a complaint this time.
Bucky smirked at him. “I’ll get you off in the morning then.” He stroked his thumbs over the inside of Tony’s knees soothingly. “And I won’t be offended if you fall asleep.”
Tony scowled. “I won’t fall asleep with you biting me, you asshole.”
“So don’t then. Either way is good for me,” Bucky replied with a shrug, then turned his head to the left to sink his teeth into the inside of Tony’s right thigh.
Tony’s back arched, and this time he whimpered in complaint. “Ooh. Fuck, Bucky, that’s—I have a meeting in a few days, don’t be mean—”
Bucky was going to extend his bites to Tony’s ass with that new information. He hoped JARVIS would send him clips of Tony squirming in his seat and trying not to blush. He always looked so pretty when he was trying to stay calm, cool, and collected and failed just a little, in the way only someone who knew him intimately would know. And Bucky knew him very intimately.
Tony fell asleep as Bucky was suckling a hickey over where he’d bitten on his ass, but Bucky didn’t mind. Tony had been exhausted enough to sleep at ‘regular person’ hours when he came in, so he’d sort of figured it would happen, anyway. He knew Tony’s limits, and quite frankly, he was tired, too. He just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to get a few fresh bruises on Tony before he passed out beside him, especially now that he knew that Tony enjoyed the bite long after the initial sharp burst of pain.
Maybe he could use that when they woke up in the morning, having Tony press against the bruises while Bucky fucked him. Hell, maybe he’d wait for Tony to get hard just from the pressure on them before he even thought of lubing him up. It was certainly something to think about, he decided, then turned his head to bite down on the inside of his right knee. He had plenty of time to think about it, he figured.
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pottedplant53 · 1 year
Silly Little Theory Regarding Chapter Seven [Spoilers!]
Heyyyyy so this is basically just my Diasomnia brainrot organised in a semi-presentable format and dressed up as a theory, please enjoy. Major Chapter Seven and character spoilers ahead!
In every chapter so far, the unique magic of that chapter’s central students has been revealed to us; from what we can tell right now, Diasomnia is shaping up to be the same way. Malleus’s signature spell has already been revealed and explained, so it’s only natural to expect that the rest of the Diasomnia family will receive the same treatment in the near future. While I have a few little ideas about what Lilia and Sebek’s spells could be, in this tedtalk I’ll be speculating on my personal favourite character, Silver.  
Personal bias for sleepy boy aside, it’s fairly apparent that Silver will be an important player in chapter seven, and, if there is one, the potentially upcoming chapter eight. I think we can all agree that Mickey’s line about seeing Silver in Yuu’s room – or at least in Yuu’s magic mirror – sets off some major suspicious alarm bells. The fact that this man has either, A, broken into our house, or B, has some kind of connection to the cross-dimensional magic mirror that is more than likely Yuu’s only ticket home, gives us ample reason to suspect that he’s more than meets the eye.
I know I’m slightly digressing, but all of this to say that I think Silver’s unique magic might be dream hopping, or some other lucid-dreaming related talent. Thematically speaking, it matches his character very well, and in the context of the story it could potentially be INVALUABLE in beating OB!Malleus. As for how it fits into the endgame plot, it could explain why Silver was able to appear in the mirror; though there isn’t any official confirmation or solid evidence for this, considering the fact that the mirror is the method in which we regularly converse with Mickey fucking Mouse, we can (somewhat) safely assume that it’s dream related.
This point is kind of flaky, but the fact that Mickey only appears at night, combined with the emphasis on the Disney villain dreams, shows that it isn’t too huge a leap to assume that Mickey and Yuu might be meeting in some kind of sleep world of sorts. Also, the game is literally called Twisted Wonderland. I don’t know how much harder they can hint that the overarching story will have something to do with dreams without spelling out the ending in bold writing.
Given the fact that dreams and sleep have been very much at the forefront during this chapter, it’s a natural conclusion to draw that Silver, one of this chapter’s main characters who also happens to have a mysterious, unexplained ailment which causes him to fall asleep in random places might just be important.
As of right now, though we know that he put everyone to sleep, we don’t know that much about what Malleus actually did. He spoke about everyone experiencing a rebirth, and we know that the driving force for his actions was wanting Lilia to stay, but that’s…pretty much it. Most people speculate that he’s sent them all to some form of dream world, which makes the most sense.
There are still a few big questions though, mainly whether or not Malleus actually has any control over what happens there. Is the extent of his abilities just trapping them in the dream realm, or does his spell include making them believe that it’s real? Going even further down the rabbit hole, can he actively alter memories in order to create a more ideal world for himself? Like, erasing Lilia’s memory of ever wanting to leave and things like that.
He clearly wants them all to be happy there, which wouldn’t be possible if they were aware they were dreaming, so I guess he must be able to??? Idk I’m kind of talking nonsense here.   
As for how Silver will fit in, the creators could really take this in any direction they feel like. What I personally think will happen is that due to his unique magic, or perhaps his tendency to fall asleep, he’ll manage to keep his memories of reality. He’ll be faced with choosing whether or not to do the right thing and step in to stop Malleus, or to just leave things be so he can keep Lilia forever. It’s been implied before (and, in some cases, outright stated) that Silver is terrified of change, so I could picture him dealing with a crisis of conscience where he knows he has to tell everyone the truth but is too afraid of the consequences. It would fit in perfectly with the other main theme of the Diasomnia chapter, how nothing lasts forever and that partings are inevitable.  
Even if this entire analysis/theory turns out to be utter nonsense, I’m super excited to for the next update and I sincerely hope that best boy will get the screentime he deserves.
Thank you for indulging my ramblings :D
Edit: It's new years day (2024) and I was just scrolling through my own posts like an egotistical maniac, so I thought I'd leave an edit saying happy birthday to Lilia :3
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popculturebuffet · 1 month
Pirate Month III: Donald Duck Finds Pirate Gold!
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Ahoy me hearties and welcome back to pirate month, my celebration of all things piratey! Today's review is a bit special. See this blog was founded on duck rviews: I started with Ducktales Season 3, seeing it thorugh to the series end, and never really stopped covering other classics like life and times, recently finished and with a look at the extra chapters and other related works next year
but until this year it'd slowed down. But with both the end of said retrospective and donald's 90th birthday I got my fire back, and thus when it came to said birthday I had a few ideas. Ultimately I went with mr duck steps out, my faviorite of the classic disney shorts , the debut of daisy and one of many masterminded by Donald Duck's real dad Carl Barks
But it wasn't the first Carl Barks work I considered. Given how much the comics shaped donald and how much barks defined him I had another idea in mind at first before pivoting to Mr Duck Steps Out. See there's something I simply never thought about, something so basic to cover for a creator yet i'd never looked it up: What was Carl Barks FIRST Donald Duck Story? The Answer? Donald Duck Finds Pirate Gold. And since I just so happened to have pirate month every year, I decided to save this treasure. It's still one I was fascinated to read though both for starting one of the best careers in comics.. and for being the first american donald duck adventure story, yet never really being talked about. While Don Rosa went all over scrooge's story he didn't , as far as I can tell at least, refrence Donald's own adventure stories often. It's somethign that dosen't get as much love and something I was all too eager to give some to since my reaction to almost anything iwth donald duck is
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Donald Duck Finds Pirate Gold actually started as an idea for a shot, then starring Donald, Goofy and Mickey, who'd go up against pete in a quest for pirate treasure. For whatever reason the short didn't happen, but the materials found their way into the hands of Del Comics. Del was allowed to use Disney's research materials, per disney historian Jim Korkis, he's quote din a story done for mouse planet you can find here, and thus tapped Jack Hannah and Carl Barks, animatiors at disney, to draw the story as they wanted a big 64 page comic for their four color series.
As Hannah Recalled via interview in said article: " Story Research Director at the Disney Studio, "took us to meet Eleanor Packer who I believe was in charge of Whitman/Western Publishing. They wanted us to draw 64 pages of a Donald Duck story. I suspect the reason we were chosen for this assignment was that it was a more story related project. We were doing all the Donald Duck stories for the shorts and doing all the story sketches at the time so I'm just guessing that they probably felt we could work out this story as well, maybe even add in a few touches to help it flow properly."
Barks would reflect on the process of making that in another interview " "Jack and I looked the script over and decided which pages we would like to draw. After we had drawn a few pages, we decided that I should draw all of the stuff that was involved with the ducks outside on the deck of the boat or on the island, and Jack would take care of the inside stuff."
The result is a gorgeous story light on words at times but heavy on expression, with both Hannah and Barks bringign their a game. Hannah would continue in comics but unlike barks never went full time, staying with animation but it's the combination of these two titans and a solid script by Bob Karp that makes this something special. Pirate Gold may be one of the first Donald stories.. but it's also easily one of my favorites and i'd like to share with you why under the cut
We begin with a shot of the Bucket O Blood Seafood Grotto, donald's latest hustle and I find it fun that even just starting his career, even in a plot he didn't come up with... we still have Donald working a random odd job and still have a lack of money being a major plot point.
In this case Donald is catching his own fresh fish with the boys during a big wet rainstorm when they nearly die and loose their nets.
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I love this little gag though it points out something neat about this one: the boys often finish each others sentences. This feels like the biggest giveaway this was supposed to be a short and barks and later writers woudl do away with this gimmick in print.
The boys find another way to be annoying though: pestering donald about loosing their nets... while he's trying to batten down the hatches so they all don't die in this massive storm.
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They get a knock at the door.. thankfully i'ts not dave bautista and rupert grint trying to get them to murder themselves to prevent the apocalypse, but Yellow Beak, a character I don't see much in disney comics but had heard of and i'm shocked was in first carl barks story. Yellow beak is a diminutive parrot with a bossy attitude and a craving for Slumgullion. Slumgullion is a type of goulash, an american based one using pasta, red sauce and ground beef that honestly sounds delightful. I only know it exists thanks to this comic and now having some is a personal dream of mine.
For now though i'll just have to watch Yellow Beak have some as he thinks he's safe
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I'm going to get SO much use out of this panel. I love a good goofy golden age panel, a love I recently discovered binging 80 pounds of batman.
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Anyways BUT OUTSIDE is Pete. Yes that pete. As for why he's the antagonist for this : He was born to cheat and lie, he's a mean rotten guy, if you ask him why he's nasty here's his reason why: at a stork delvery his mommy screamed "Woe is me, such a dork hey mister stork behold my misery! Peteys Ghastly, pete's a blob, pete's a nasty nutty slob" can it sister because he's the mister who will get the job. In this case it's sadly not becoming king of france, but it is trying to become king of the pirates, which is even better and means you get to fight a rubber man who can become a rubberhose cartoon god if your lucky.
For now though Pete is trying to find yellow beak and we get one of my faviorite panels of the comic, only second to one i'll talk about more later.
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I really wish Barks got to draw pete more often. His pete is incredibly expressive , meanacing and when neeeded hilarous.
Pete knocks on their door and Yellowbeak hides the map he's after with donald, agreeing to cut him in for the treausre. Donald only agrees after A) Being assured this isn't the police as he'd happily turn him in and B) being reminded about those gosh dang nets they need.
WE get a fun scene of Pete going around the place, even going into the kitchen because he's "very hygenic"
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God I love that line.And hannah's art's also great nice and expressive.
Pete leaves but makes sure to listen in real good as Yellow Beak, thinking the coast is clear confides in the ducks
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Pete in this story is just such a delight. He had me thinking about something i'd considered before when I thought about a fanfic adapting the quackshot video game but following donald , daisy, and the twins on their world tour. Donald and Pete.. are good mirrors to each other. Both are impulsive, prone to chasing an easy buck, hot tempered, and in some versions family focused. But Donald tends to barely scrape by as the underdog, while Pete tends to find or steal his way into authority. Donald is batted around by the system while pete either makes it work for him selling used cars or what not, or slips into the cracks doing crimes. Donald's tiny yet scrappy, pete's big lumbering and imposing. I honestly wonder WHY the comics dont' have them throw down more often: Yes Pete is one of mickey's arch villians, but I don't see the need to so evenly seperate the Duck and Mouse comics. In the comics Pete was born to steal and lie he's a mean rotten guy, a criminal who engages in various schemes.. so him alternating between mouseton and duckburg when it one gets too hot makes sense and he makes a good foe for Donald and for Scrooge, being the kind of skeezy criminal Scrooge fights regularly.
Yellow Beak reveals the map is actually in the restraunt, retracing steps he hold from an old mate who talked to the ghost of captain morgan who had nothing but wisdom for him
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They find the map.. and not knowing their evesdropping Yellowbeak reveals they need to buy a boat. Why not just rent one is beyond me but i'm not up on 1942 economics. So pete goes off to plot
After a breif comedy bit of donald buying a fancy hat and Yellowbeak not letting him be captain, which I thought was harsh at first but honestly fair.. I mean he shoudl've let him keep the fancy captains hat, but I get that since Yellowbeak brought them the mission, he should get to lead.
I also get shades of their future dynamic with scrooge: a curmudgeonly seasoned adventuere, a frequently complaning donald as the lancer and the boys as eager assitants who are oftne key in saving the adults necks with their canny observations. The script wasn't by barks, but I wouldn't be suprised if he remembered how well it worked from before, with Scrooge being easier to squeeze into stories. After all Donald's rich dynamic uncle who always is after another rainbow is a bit easier ot set up adventures for than "a pirate parrot donald knows and dosen't like all that much"
SO pete's scheme is clever. He actually bothers to disguise himself as a greeving widow, shaving up nice and putting on a wig. As per 40's cartoon logic this works perfectly and he cons them into renting the boat instead of buying it by pretnedin gher husband the captain died. I again like seeing pete like this: he can be short sighted but I like him with a good scheme: it's part of what made Goofy Movie and Three Musketeers work so well: he CAN plan or think he's a master of psychology, but he's too arrogant to win.
We get a LOT of good gags in this comic as pete's goons, two mice wheel in tons of heavy ordanance while Donald is understandably worried. He brushes it off as a hobby but their undrestandably not convinced.
We get another fun sequence as Pete tails Yellowbeak after he gets a letter.. only to find it's agrocery list. This leads to my favoirite panel of the whole comic
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Everything about that panel to the right is perfect, from the facial expression to the clouds that weren't exactly necfessary but add to the scene. It's just such a perfectly donald expression, so "what the hell did I do" so baffled. While it was only his first comic... Barks already got how to perfectly put donald in panel. It's expressive, funny and great to look at.
The next two pages are some antics as Pete tries to get the map since it's hidden. And their good antics: he goes in at night to try and find it and gently hangs donald on a hook
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His minons suggest he just "cut dere throats and take the map" but pete TRIES to play it subtle and just get it when they take it out to plan.. but it's their plans for AFTER they get the map.
Finally Pete decides to take their advice to heart and just cut dere throats. Luckily the boys spot him and dump him aboard. While there's some good dialoge in this one, a lot of the comedy is more slapstick, as this WAS supposed to be a cartoon and it's easier to animate actions rather than talking. It still works in comics just as fine and Hannah and Barks art is super expressive, it's just neat to contrast to Barks more heavy use of dialogue in the rest of his career.
They dunk Pete and call "Woman overboard".. so Donald and Yellow beak see him sans disguise. The gig is up and a fight begins, with some beautiful actions and the boys being thrown in the brig..w hich they easily escape. This comes in handy as whlie putting up an impressive fight, complete with a little sword action as any good pirate adventure needs, Donald and Yellowbeak are cornered and forced to walk the plank.
Thankfully the boys built a raft offscreen so our heroes ar esaved by plot convience and a daring rescue and are already off in the distnace by the time pete realizes> he plans to just let the sharks have them.. only to find out Yellowbeak cut out the center of the map, the part both parties need next.
So out to sea Yellowbeak doles out rations
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Now to be fair we don't KNOW that shark had self respect. I mean most people love pringles, but I woudln't cal lme wolfing down a can of all dress pringles in one sitting self respecting. I would call it delicous. Their new to the US and their a delight. Need to get me more. THEY CONSUME ME, THEY CONSUME ME
Anyway our heroes reach the island with yellowbeak having remmebered some steps and not letting the others eat because he's a bit of a dick. They find the cove.. and pete monotring it so they break into his boat at night.. only to find he's already out searching for treasure. If this sounds a bit circular that's because.. it is> This small section feels like not a lot happens.
Thankfully it picks up soon as our heroes head to a pirate cave and find a ghost! Before donald can deal with it in his usual way
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The ghost gives them the rest of the mask and they ask no followup questions despite it obviously being pete in a bedsheet, who gave them the map back to lead him to the treasure.
So we're at the climax: our heroes dig it up, the boys make themselves scare and pete understandably waits until the two idiots have done all the work for him to strike. The boys once again prove to be the only compitent ones here, and strike back with some coconuts
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Once again Pete is cruelly denied becoming knig of france. They quickly take out the two mooks and since this is their swan song I love the designs of these guys, the buck teth, big ears. Reminds me of mortimer. Maybe he has a twin brother or two, who knows.
We end with our heroes taking the bad guys back to the ship. Donald and Yellow Beak argue about whose the captan now only to get a rude awakening to end the comic
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You know I never thought I'd see a story that ended with the boys holding Donald Duck and a modern day pirate who still acts like a goldena ge one at cannon point but i'm glad I lived to see it.
Donald Duck Finds Pirate Gold is a fun story, expressive, full of great jokes, and with a nice sense of swashbuckling adventure. I wasn't sure how much of a pirate story this was going to be but I was delighted that it kept the feel. Pete tends to be the real star with tons of great expressions, gags as he tries to outwit the heroes and some genuinely clever planning. While it was barks first story and he didn't get to write it, I was shocked by just HOW good it is. While some comic writers artists do start firing on all cyllenders, most take a bit to really lock down their style. And while barks did have some stuff to figure out, when it came to drawing comics he was fantastic and got the medium from the start. True he'd been an animator for this so he wasn't a complete newbie.. but it's still a hard medium to get just right snf hr killed it on his first try. Jack Hannah's work also can't be understated: a lot of the great pete art is his and he gets the slapstick down to a science.
It also feels like, as I mentioned before, a blueprint to barks other stories: while yellowbeak would be swaped out for scrooge a lot of the comedic beats, the skeezy protaganist of the day, and the comedic ending all fit his scrooge adventures. This comic is utterlyf antastic and since Disney hasn't repinted it recently you can find it here on archive.org
Thanks for reading and happy pirate month. Yarrgh
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moncey-imagines · 2 years
WDW Trip Headcanons | Sans x GN!Reader
Sorry this took so long, Thanksgiving week has been quite busy 🥲 but now it is done and out for all the world to see 🐎🐎for context, the reader is hyperfixated on the disney parks (just like me 😎)
Also I added an intro to lead into the headcanons 😱
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It started with a simple statement:
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* seriously.
This is the first time you found out that Sans had absolutely no idea about the pure magic and majesty of Disney parks.
* You've been on the surface for like a year...how do you STILL not know about Disneyworld...
* idk
* Do you even know about the Disney company at all??? You have to, they are industry giants in like every category of anything ever...
* i think so, are they the ones that have the princesses?
* Which princesses?
* you know, the ones.
* No I don't, you have to tell me which ones.
* the ones with the hair.
* long hair i think.
* Rapunzel?
* idk
* Okay yeah that's it, we're going to Disneyworld, lemme go book the flights.
* cool
Two weeks later, you and your skeleton boyfriend were off to Orlando so you could expose him to the wonders of Walt Disney World.
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Once you two are there and walking around, he'd probably be more focused on you rather than the park. I mean, it's kind of hard to ignore how excited you get over being in the park. The amount of facts that pop up in your brain the second you're in the parks is abundant, so much so that there is no way to stop you excited rambling (not that he'd try, he thinks it's cute).
* Look!! Look at the windows!!
* im lookin.
* It's a tribute to Marc Davis!!
* i...sorry, i dont know who that is.
Expect a lot of Sans not understanding a single thing you're talking about.
* Sans!! Look at the rocks, it's shaped like the Nautilus!!
* yeah?
* Yeah!! That's cause 20000 Leagues Under the Sea was here before The Little Mermaid ride!!
* wow.
* Do you know what any of what I just said means?
* um...not really no, im sorry.
He'll still listen though, he likes seeing you happy and excited.
* i really don't think these guys have the guts to be in here naked
* They're fake skeletons, Sans, but there's a rumor that the skull on the bed in Disneyland if re- wait...they don't have the guts. I just got it.
* took you a minute huh.
* Shut it, bonehead.
* sorry, but a name like that won't get under my skin.
* These jokes suck, you must have left your funny bone at home.
* i know, im just a lazy bones like that.
Everyone around you two have to occasionally either sit through agonizingly horrible jokes or get up and walk away.
* Hey, Sans! Do you think you can solve the murder mystery?
* murder mystery? isnt that a little dark for magic kingdom?
* It's not too dark for the Haunted Mansion, that's what this ride is all about.
* ah, okay. i wont let it rattle my bones then.
* You're such a doofus.
* actually, in your own words, im a bonehead.
* Do you think you can do the puzzle or not? The lines gonna move...
* yeah, yeah, okay.
Sans also seems to really like standing in line to hear what other people are saying.
* people say some wild stuff here, (y/n).
* Like what?
* i just heard a little girl ask her mom what happened to Mickey Mouse when he went backstage and her older sister said that the staff skinned him.
* Oh my god.
* thats not all, after that her mom agreed and told her thats how they make the Mickey ear hats.
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* these fireworks are pretty nice.
* Did you know that they have to set them off no matter what? For safety reasons, they can't let old fireworks sit back there unused, even is they cancel the shows.
* so theres technically always a show?
* ...I guess so, yeah.
* ...
* What do you think happens if an airplane flies to close to the fire works?
* what happens?
* It probably becomes a scareplane.
* that one's a stretch
* C'mon, I thought it was funny.
* you were close, but not close enough. maybe next time.
Driving the car to the hotel, you turn to Sans.
* Did you...like today's trip? I wasn't annoying was I?
* i liked it, yeah, and not at all, i thought all your little facts were great. im excited for what you tell me tommorow.
* Alright, I'll stock up on my facts for Animal Kingdom tomorrow.
* you better, ill even polish my humerus.
* I knew you were gonna make some kind of pun, I felt it in my bones.
* what, have you been spine on me?
* Okay, that one was knee-t.
Sans lets out a sigh.
* What's wrong?
* nothing at all, i love you.
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also sorry if its more dialogue than headcanons, I've been coding VNs as of late DHFYSGADFh
I kinda wanna make this into a short visual novel...but I cannot at the moment, I must get this fic out DHGFIYFSG
I hope it was good, if anyone wants a part two in another part just send in an ask 😎
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imagine how MAD everyone would be if mickey mouse suddenly said that mouse was just a surname and he was an elephant shrew all along (the shape of his nose gives off those vibes)
Yeah it would be kind of weird but he is a mouse Mickey is actually supposedly based off of a mouse that Walt kept as a feral pet
Back in Kansas City apparently they had a major mice problem a majority of them would keep off the animator's desks and were rather skittish of humans
That was until one little mouse while Walt was working scampered across his animation table, he thought it a fluke oh no this tiny little guy kept running across this table while he was working and it began to amuse him how all the rest of this mices companions and family avoided them but here was this one little mouse that was basically saying F you I'm going to do what I want,
So Walt began to offer it food and eventually he had a pet and this Mouse had no cares this is where he got Mickey's Brave attitude from,
It is unknown what happened to that little mouse that Walt Disney loved as a pet, but it is one of the reasons why Mickey is a mouse.
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mikeepoo · 1 year
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A stitch in time
Emma Stirling-Middleton, curator at the Cartoon Museum: The exhibition has everything that survives relating to The Wrong Trousers (1993). It takes you on a journey through the making of the film, from Nick Park’s sketchbooks, seeing the evolution of the characters, then developing them into an original script, then storyboarding. Then stepping onto the studio floor to see original models and props. And then we look at the film’s legacy – including the Oscar.
Photograph: Aardman/The Cartoon Museum
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To the moon and back
ESM: At the Oscars in 1991, Nick Park was up for two of the three films in the best short animation category. He won for Creature Comforts, which beat A Grand Day Out, the first Wallace and Gromit film. At that time, Creature Comforts stole the limelight while A Grand Day Out was more of a slow burn. It was really with The Wrong Trousers that public interest in Wallace and Gromit exploded.
Photograph: Aardman Studios
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A giant leap
David Sproxton, Aardman co-founder and producer of all the Wallace and Gromit films: A Grand Day Out was sort of a student film. To an extent you can pick it apart. Trousers was a whole league higher up the food chain in terms of production values and storytelling.
Photograph: Photo 12/Alamy
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A winning partnership
DS: Nick had written most of A Grand Day Out solo, but for this one we teamed him up with Bob Sandy, who’d written a lot of Doctor Who. They got like a house on fire. Bob said: ‘Come on Nick, let’s go through the sketchbooks and see what ideas you’ve got.’
Photograph: Aardman Studios
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The plot thickens
DS: Nick had about 24 sketches of a train chase on a model railway because he thought it would be funny to have something in the vein of a major cowboy film or a Bond movie, but on a living room carpet. Bob said: ‘Well, I think what we’ve got here is a heist movie, and that train chase is the denouement. And there’s a picture of a penguin here. I think that’s your villain.’
Photograph: Aardman/The Cartoon Museum
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The silent type
DS: It’s visual storytelling. The preliminary sketches are never people with speech bubbles coming out of the mouth; they’re always doing visual gags. Nick always expected Gromit to speak, but when he was making A Grand Day Out and Gromit was meant to speak, he realised he couldn’t actually animate it. So he thought: actually I can just do it with a look. That’s when Gromit went mute. And it’s one reason the entire world loves him – you can understand what he’s thinking without his saying a word.
Photograph: Aardman/The Cartoon Museum
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Sitcom side-eye
Brian Sibley, Aardman historian and co-writer on The Wrong Trousers: There’s something so human about Gromit. Just the placing of the eyes – they can be hugely expressive. Although he is a dog, he’s immensely endearing. He’s very much half of a partnership; Wallace and Gromit is a middle-aged kind of concept. It’s sort of Terry and June, a married couple that were the comedy diet in the 60s and 70s.
Photograph: Aardman Studios
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Man’s best friend
DS: Wallace and Gromit is an unbreakable marriage. You’ve got this unbelievably dedicated dog living with this master who gets himself into the most terrible holes.
Photograph: Aardman Studios
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Sheepdog trials
DS: There are similarities between Gromit and Bitzer, the dog in Shaun the Sheep. Wallace is not two-dimensional, but there’s a carelessness about him which is part of his character. The farmer in Shaun is kind of oblivious. So the dogs have the complex roles: brokering relationships and sorting out the problems set by those that surround them. They have to act as a kind of intermediaries between good and evil. They’ve got a lot of thinking to do. So they are a bit more complex and sophisticated.
Photograph: Graeme Robertson/The Guardian
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A circle of friends
BS: Wallace and Gromit are appealing, reassuring, warm shapes. Not angular. Everything about them is comfortable. We lean towards characters like Mickey Mouse, which is all circles, or Charles Schulz’s characters, which are based mostly on circular shapes. Wallace and Gromit fit that bill, as do the chickens in Chicken Run and Morph [seen here with David Sproxton (left) and his Aardman co-founder, Peter Lord]. And, obviously, the sheep.
Photograph: Adrian Sherrat/Adrian Sherratt
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Cartoon cinematography
DS: The Wrong Trousers is a film noir: all the back alley stuff has a really Hitchcockian look. A lot of that is lighting. When we started, stop-frame lighting was pretty bland and flat – think Morph or The Magic Roundabout. I said: “Let’s light these as if they are live-action dramas. Let’s put the atmosphere in as if they are proper thrillers.”
Photograph: Aardman Studios
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A DIY enterprise
ESM: Everything was done by hand, even the special effects: they put in pieces of glass to create the gunshots. A lot of their equipment was antique – mismatched odds and ends they brought from home. And they couldn’t watch back any footage: it was physical film that had to be sent from Bristol to London to be developed.
Photograph: Aardman/The Cartoon Museum
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43,200 shots
BS: Film is not a real thing. There are no moving pictures. What we are looking at is 24 images every second that cheats the eye. With a live action film you point the camera, the actors move, the camera automatically takes a whole series of still images. With stop frame animation you have to create every single one of those 24 parts of a second.
Photograph: Aardman/The Cartoon Museum
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Work continues
BS: It was a Lilliputian enterprise: repositioning tiny figures for hours each day. The meticulousness and labour-intensive concentration that goes into animation means it’s a really dedicated craft. It’s not something you just rush off.
Photograph: Aardman/The Cartoon Museum
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Peter Sallis reprises the role of Wallace
DS: Peter had a bloody good voice. Bob Baker wrote an awful lot of Wallace’s dialogue and invented his timbre, to an extent. Peter could deliver those lines with aplomb and a lovely slight tongue-in-cheek that was really wonderful and lifted the character. Peter was actually a home counties chap, but the humour in that cod northern accent brought a real magic.
Photograph: PA Images/Alamy
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Shooting wraps
DS: With animation you generally don’t shoot more than you need, but the rough cut came out about 38 minutes. In the editing room with every cut it got better and better. It doesn’t feel rushed. There’s an awful lot in it but it moves at a rattling pace.
Photograph: Aardman Studios
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The film screens
DS: We premiered at the Venice film festival, right before a big movie by this Iranian director, called Manhattan by Numbers, to which we were very much second fiddle. The Wrong Trousers got a standing ovation. I said: “Blimey, Nick this means it’s pretty special.” Then Manhattan By Numbers played and within about 40 minutes, probably about a third of them had walked out. We were sitting next to the director in the balcony. I thought: “God, we’ve gotta stay and then congratulate this guy on his wonderful work.” I spent most of the time thinking: “What the hell am I gonna say?”
Photograph: Ian West/PA
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Art imitates life
BS: There’s universality in the specificity. And people around the world love Wallace and Gromit because there’s something very British about it: people creating miniatures and mad inventions on their kitchen tables and in the garden shed. It’s quite Heath Robinson and zany.
Photograph: Sam Frost
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BS: One of Nick’s other heroes is Ray Harryhausen, and his work – as well as, say the King Kong films of the 30s – shares with Nick’s a kind of tactileness. And that creates a strange anomaly: because we know it isn’t real, it somehow looks more real. The funny thing about CGI is that it can look very real but also be obviously phony. Claymation’s seeming simplicity gives it a kind of emotional and artistic and even spiritual sincerity, which I find absent in a lot of CGI animation.
Photograph: Aardman/The Cartoon Museum
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Primal fulfilment
BS: Most people have played with plasticine – and even early civilisations made models in carbon clay. Pretty much everybody who’s ever had a teddy bear or a doll has positioned it: sat it up, laid it down, walked it around. It’s part of what makes us human – this Promethean desire to bring things to life. The special thing about what Nick does is to create figures you can see are made with the hand. The fingerprints on their work make it incredibly personal. It’s like looking at a sculpture by Henry Moore: you are seeing the craftsmanship right there, before your eyes.
Photograph: Graeme Robertson/The Guardian
Putting this together taxed my addled brain, but I love Aardman stuff, and claymation all together, just wanted to share.
The whole shebang is taken in total from The Guardian
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moonstrider9904 · 2 years
I'm about to go on a probably incoherent ramble about how Bendy is indeed peak character design but also how shocked I am at the fact that I'm enjoying a horror game so much
Context: I'm not a fan of horror at all in any of its forms. Movies, games, literature, none. Nope. On all fronts, there is no reason why I would find my interest piqued by a horror game, of all videogames, and I certainly didn't dwell over to it because it's a horror game.
I found Bendy and the Ink Machine because every so often I like to browse around for music new for me, and I stumbled upon the songs that were created for the game, with my favorites being Build Our Machine and Welcome Home. Debating internally, because I know I am naturally very adverse to horror as a genre, I decided to watch a gameplay of it to test the waters and opt out in case I felt like it (thank you, jacksepticeye, for having played the game years ago)
So with that out of the way I kinda just want to scream WHY AM I OBSESSED
WHY am I finding it so enjoyable to feel inside a chilling environment, why is that rush such a.... well, a rush?!
And I really think it comes down to Bendy.
When I first saw Bendy, this very unique, very stylish character designed in the style of the old Disney cartoons, I thought "Cool!" And yes, he is indeed, very cool - his design is fuckin' amazing.
Now, the very first time I ever saw Bendy was in the video for Gospel of Dismay, so my first impression was cool looking character who dances and moves up and down! So cute! Cool!!! And, sure, listening to the song a first time was like super sweet and all-
Then I actually paid attention to the lyrics, and I realized "Ok, this isn't the bubbly pal I'm thinking he is"
To make the story short, I finally decided to watch the gameplay because I watched Welcome Home and realized he's fucking unhinged - and you know me, guys. I'm not really a stranger to an unhinged boi with an interesting design
What I'm really trying to get to is:
Look at this dude (reference intended)
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(more below because this got really long lol)
No, you see, the thing about Bendy is that you're meant to have this first impression about him, and you're meant to associate those white gloves and those big pac-man shaped eyes with Mickey Mouse and others, which gives you a little mislead to follow, say, a "sense of comfort" when you associate him to things most of us have known as children.
But, have you noticed that a lot of those old Disney cartoons can feel creepy at times?
Bendy gives you this first impression because sure, he looks good and chummy, he was designed to be that, even ingame. Always smiling, dancing, etc.
What happens with Bendy is that the more you look at him, the more you stare at that unwavering grin and look into the shape of the eyes, something becomes unsettling. Bendy's first impression morphs with time the more you look at him and the more you watch him, for example, in the music videos; he appears angry, cocky, mocking, etc, no longer just the happy smiling dancy boi TM you first believed him to be. And, what's more is, you don't even need the rest of the music videos or the context for this to happen, staring at him is enough for you to, at one point, become unsettled by his presence. (love that word for this lol)
Taking Welcome Home as an example, which is the animation that ultimately made me obsess over this character's design (gosh, if you haven't watched it, do so!!) you see Bendy juxtaposed: what he was meant to be with what he's become, and you see some expressions like these (and these were seriously just my favorite look at that unhinged BOI-)
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And, my favorites, which precisely show a spiral from what could have been to what turned out, and the pain felt over it in some deep corner (these frames are in one same sequence):
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Please, give me characters who show pain over what's happened to them shifting into the fury and rage that they feel because it's happened to them--I want to forgive you, I want this to be better, but I'm furious that because of you I am in this living hell and it's been so long that this is the only way i know now--this is good shit as far as my historic preference in characters goes
And don't let me forget THE UNHINGED BOI:
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talk about unsettling-
and this was all progressive. The more you see him, look at him, see that he's not the smiling happy boi, you fear him more - understandably. The concept is very logical and not revolutionary in itself, but what I'm saying is, applied to this character, it's pulled off incredibly well thanks to his base design. (Kudos to the animators who worked on this!)
What's even more mesmerizing to me is that this is the exact same principle the game uses in its own gameplay. Yes, when you start playing Bendy and the Ink Machine, you know you're in for a horror game and you expect certain things, and I'm not an expert on this since it's my first horror game pretty much ever but I expected jumpscares and gory images and shit.
While there are a few in what I've seen so far of the game, and the gore is ink rather than blood, the game doesn't rely on this.
No, the game lets you play through it in an eerily silent environment, where in many corners you will see that same. smiling. face. staring right at you, unblinking, unmoving. Watching you. Little by little, you learn of Bendy, you learn of Boris, of Alice, you learn of the people who put their lives (quite literally) into them and slowly, the game becomes more unsettling, filling you with a greater sense of dread the more you become immersed in it.
I think I'm so obsessed with this game currently because it's pulled off so well that even I, someone who runs away from horror, am captivated and mind-blown by this (but also, it's not a brutal, gross horror like what I would never engage with, rather a subtle horror that builds up in the environment that almost feels more psychological and is, I believe, harder to pull off).
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irunevenus · 2 months
Investigation: The Rise and Fall of Britney Spears - A Story of Success and Struggle with Addiction
Britney Spears, the iconic pop star who dominated the music charts in the late 1990s and early 2000s, is a figure whose public life has been a mix of dazzling success and devastating hardship. Behind the bright lights and fame lies a complex and often tragic story of struggling with addiction and the relentless search for control and normalcy.
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The Rise to Stardom Born in McComb, Mississippi, on December 2, 1981, and raised in Kentwood, Louisiana, Britney Spears showed an early talent for music and dancing. She joined "The Mickey Mouse Club" in 1992, where she starred alongside future stars like Justin Timberlake and Christina Aguilera. In 1998, Spears released her first single, “…Baby One More Time,” which quickly became a global phenomenon.
Her debut album, also titled “…Baby One More Time”, was released in 1999 and sold more than 10 million copies in the United States. Britney Spears has become a cultural icon, shaping pop music and teen culture. His carefully constructed image and undeniable talent secured his place at the top of the charts.
The First Signs of Trouble As her career blossomed, Spears' personal life began to crumble under the media's relentless scrutiny. The early 2000s were marked by tumultuous relationships, including a short-lived marriage to Jason Alexander in 2004 and a marriage and subsequent divorce to Kevin Federline, with whom she had two sons, Sean Preston and Jayden James.
Signs of trouble became more evident in 2006, when Spears was photographed driving with her son in her lap, an incident that raised concerns about her behavior and her ability to care for her children. This was the beginning of a downward spiral that would culminate in an infamous public meltdown.
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Public Breakdown and Addiction In 2007, Britney Spears shaved her head at a beauty salon in Los Angeles, an act widely seen as a cry for help. That moment was followed by several admissions to rehab clinics and a series of erratic behaviors captured by the paparazzi. Spears' battle with drug and alcohol addiction became the focus of worldwide headlines.
The use of substances such as alcohol, amphetamines and other drugs began to take a significant toll on Spears' life. On several occasions, she was seen in a state of intoxication, and her public performances began to suffer. In 2008, after a series of troubling incidents, including losing custody of her children to Kevin Federline, Spears was involuntarily committed to a psychiatric ward.
Guardianship and Control After her hospitalization in 2008, a court granted conservatorship of Britney Spears to her father, Jamie Spears. Under this conservatorship, Jamie Spears assumed full control over Britney's finances and many personal decisions. The conservatorship was initially seen as a temporary measure to help stabilize Britney's life, but it ended up lasting more than a decade.
During this period, Spears continued to work, releasing successful albums and performing in Las Vegas. However, the conservatorship raised questions about Spears' freedom and rights, especially as reports began to surface that she was being forced to work against her will and that her communications were being closely monitored.
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The #FreeBritney Movement In 2019, Britney Spears abruptly canceled her Las Vegas residency and voluntarily checked herself into a mental health clinic, citing her father's health as the reason. This event reignited concerns about her guardianship, giving rise to the #FreeBritney movement. Fans from all over the world began to question the conditions of the guardianship and ask for his release.
Documentaries like "Framing Britney Spears," released by the New York Times in 2021, have brought to light the complex and often murky issues surrounding the conservatorship, increasing public pressure for a judicial review.
The Fight for Freedom In June 2021, Britney Spears made a public and emotional statement in court, describing the conservatorship as "abusive" and calling for its dissolution. She said she was prevented from making basic decisions about her life, including her desire to remarry and have more children.
In November 2021, after a long and exhausting legal process, the guardianship was finally terminated. Spears celebrated her newfound freedom, but the scars from a decade of control and manipulation left deep scars.
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Conclusion Britney Spears' story is a powerful narrative about the highs and lows of fame, the devastating impact of addiction, and the struggle for personal autonomy. As Spears continues to rebuild her life outside the shackles of the conservatorship, she allows represents an emblematic figure of resilience and strength, inspiring a new generation to fight for their rights and well-being.
Editor's Note: This article is based on documented events and interviews with those close to Britney Spears. Some information was obtained from media reports and public court documents.
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cfrog · 5 months
how did xiphoid
their design. Is so. If I had an action figure of them I would chew on the tail. How did you make them. also where did the idea for ledd come from he’s such a silly little guy
(Hopefully these are like. What you were looking for my brain is shot
Very good questions! I love character design questions :]
I'm p sure you're asking about Doctor, Xiphoid's cyborg design (the one w the very chewable tail), which did get designed after Xiph's main design. So mostly the thought process was trying to translate my goofy robot into something hot and cyberpunk! So stuff like their build, their hands, their eyes, those are all straight from normal Xiph. Beyond that, I really wanted to take inspiration from like. 90s-2000s tech, for some reason that's what I associate with Xiph. Hence that epic clear plastic. Well, and cause I think exposed bones and wires are hot. In-universe, "Doc" is canon Xiphoid's hot mary sue self insert :3c so a big part of their design is also "what would Xiphoid want to look like as a hot human" and the answer is feminine person with small tits and long legs. A direct copy of canon Xiph would be wearing that white lab coat, but they only wear that coat cause it's the only thing they have! Robots locked in company buildings can't exact go on shopping sprees. So cyborg Xiph gets whatever cute outfits they want :3 If you want more proper character design process, I can talk about robot Xiph's design too ^^
LEDD is a very fun story! I got the idea for the name from misreading a box for LED lightbulbs and for some reason getting very fixated on what the extra D would stand for. Then, when I needed an evil AI for my Portal ripoff D&D campaign, I figured that'd make a good acronym. Most of his design is also very ripped from Portal, or more accurately, from fanon designs of Wheatley. A proper lab-controlling AI needs a fancy suit and tie. LEDD's meant to feel like a cute, unassuming mascot, so I took inspiration from like: mickey mouse, the fallout guy, the monopoly man, uhh pillsbury dough boy? And also puppets in general. LEDD's round and simple and marketable and so non-threatening! He's even got those retro oval-shaped eyes, except a liiiittle off cause he's got. Pupils. All the better for watching you with :)
Thank u for asking about my blue robots :]
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