#they were great at the time of collaboration
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chapter ten

Pairing: Aaron Pierre x Black Original Character
Warnings: Slow burn. 18+. Smut. Sex. Talks of emergency contraception.
Summary: Iriye is forced to face the music at the table read for Paradise Lost but Aaron isn't ready to fall back.
Notes: Better late than never. I wanted to write more of their... lovemaking scene but I will consider releasing outtakes from this story. Enjoy! Drop comments in my ask box, under this post or reblog. I love the responses.
Aaron was used to tense situations. Being an actor meant long days and nights. Different personalities collaborated and clashed with each other. This was a given in every life situation. He had seen his fair share of it, but being in a situation like this was never fun.
Things were a bit tense at the official table read for Paradise Lost, and it hadn't even started. Aaron could sense it, the energies in the room clashing a bit. Aaron saw Tamara had her hands on her hips whenever she talked to someone, her voice low, but her eyes looked frustrated. She was trying to be polite, but there was a tenseness.
Nelly was too jittery. The younger woman always had a pep to her step and a joke on her lips, but she was working overtime. He could tell she wasn’t as cheerful but more on the move, her hair in a messy bun rather than the loose waves she kept together.
“Here’s your script,” Nelly said to Aaron, not stopping for their usual small talk.
“You drunk anything that isn’t dark, Nelly,” Aaron stated, trying to get a chuckle.
“I don't like that accusation,” Nelly stated before she sighed. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you,”
“No, you’re fine. My apologies,” Aaron gave her a small smile. Nelly returned it, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “If you want, I can grab you something if it helps,”
“Thank you, but no thank you. I don’t want to leave Tamara and Iriye alone together,” Nelly said before leaning in. “They are not talking,”
“Isn’t that good?” Aaron asked.
“Aaron, that’s the worst thing. They’re doing this weird passive-aggressive attitude with each other,” Nelly rambled on.
“I have a feeling that I might be the cause of that,” Aaron admitted.
“Yeah, I know. Tamara was freaking out when she realized Iriye was at your place. I didn’t tell her anything. I figured Iriye would,” Nelly shrugged.
“Well, I thought Iriye would, too,” Aaron said. Nelly looked around.
“Walk with me to get something not dark from craft services?” Nelly asked him.
Aaron nodded, and Nelly quickly put the rest of the scripts for the cast at their proper seats.
They wandered over to the craft services area set up for the table read. Nelly immediately grabbed a bottle of water, causing Aaron to chuckle.
“To think I was going to offer my great advice giving skills to you about Iriye,” Nelly rolled her eyes before beginning to look over the snacks.
“Forgive me,” Aaron said througha chuckle. “I’m sorry. I mean it,”
“Yeah yeah yeah,” Nelly pointed a pretzel at him before eating it. She took her time chewing and then proceeded to wash it down with some water before talking. “Iriye has always kept her cards close to her chest,”
“You’re preaching to the choir,” Aaron said, grabbing his own trail mix from the table.
“But once she opens it, Iriye really will give endless love and devotion. I’ve seen it,” Nelly admits.
“With Jay?” Aaron asked. “I kind of figured that they were an item,”
“Yeah but I don’t think she was ever in love with him. And she ended that before she could find out,” Nelly whispered.
“But she was able to be around you guys with him. She never even told you and Tamara about me,”
“I been knew you two were a thing. I didn’t need her to tell me. Hell, I think I knew from the time we all met in the meeting with Davis,” Nelly stated. Aaron raised one eyebrow at him, and she gave him a look. “Please. Iriye went all cool and collected. That’s her tick for nerves. And you’re a great actor. But not when you have the upper hand on someone. You’re too smug,”
“You really notice everything?” Aaron stated. Nelly raised her bottle.
“If you want to be the best assistant, you gotta notice everything and the cracks in between,” Nelly stated. “Iriye is a complicated woman. Delicate underneath it all, but she’s scared to show it,”
“I know. I get why. She told me about her dad leaving…” Aaron said. Nelly paused while sipping her bottle of water.
“Wait, she talked about her dad?” Aaron could see the gears working overtime in Nelly’s head.
“Yes, she did,” Aaron was about to ask something else when he heard Nelly’s phone ring.
“I’m sorry. I gotta take this,” Nelly said, whispering sorry before she got on the phone.
Aaron returned to where his script was, grabbing his pen and adjusting his glasses. As he was beginning to highlight his lines, he felt the chair beside him creak, and he looked to see Vivian.
“Crap, I’m sorry,” Vivian said apologetically, adjusting her bag on the back of the seat.
“No, you’re good,” Aaron said, adjusting himself so she had room to sit. She gave him a small smile before she took out a pencil case and pulled out pens of different colors, arranging them in a way that made Aaron curious.
“What?” Vivian asked, a nervous smile making it to her face as she pulled her hair back into a ponytail. Aaron pointed out her pens. “There’s a method to my madness,”
“No, we actors have ways we handle things,” Aaron raised his hands in surrender.
“How are you handling all of this?” Vivian asked. “You know, thrown into the spotlight, and it’s full-blown on you,”
“It’s something,” Aaron admitted. “I was asked to host events and things. And I keep asking myself, why me?”
“It can be a lot,” Vivian nodded. “Doing all the extra when all you want to do is just act,” Aaron could hear something in her words. “Can I give you some advice? One actor to another,”
Aaron sat up some more, ready to learn.
“Know what you’re willing to fight for and what you’re ready to say no to,” Vivian said. “I wish I had learned that a long time ago. Fortunately, I had some good people in my corner, along with some who cared more about the money than my well-being.”
Aaron nodded, knowing of Vivian through his sister’s tabloids and gossiping when they were younger. Vivian seemed to smile through it all, even when people didn’t have the nicest things to say from what he saw.
“When you set what you will and will not take, it makes it harder for people to shake those boundaries,” Vivian explained. “And trust me, with the level of fame you’re about to experience once your show comes out, you’re gonna need it,”
Aaron nodded, taking it in as Vivian checked her phone, a smile taking over her face.
“It’s my boyfriend. Every time I have a first table read, he always sends me a picture of our dog with a cheesy message,” Vivian explained, showing him the picture. Aaron smiled as he saw an actor he had seen before in something, holding the dog up and a message underneath the photo.
“Adorable dog. He takes after his father,” Aaron joked, Vivian chuckling.
“He does,” Vivian said. “Honestly, it’s nice to know after this and some meetings, I have Gabe and Charleston to go home to,” She said. “They make the boundary testing all worth it because, at the end of the day, I’m living my dream and going home to them,”
Aaron thought about those words, looking toward where he felt eyes on him. He saw Iriye, seeing her in the flesh for the first time in a week. She looked frazzled, and he just wanted to smooth the worries from her head. He would kiss her until she talked to him about the most random things in her life. Aaron would be happy to bask in her presence.
Iriye turned her attention back to the production assistant helping with the table read, not wanting to bud into whatever Aaron and Vivian were talking about. They were too close for her liking, but what could she do? Yell at the two romantic leads of the film she wrote and produced. Tell Vivian to back off of Aaron because he was her man.
But Iriye couldn’t do that because she didn’t want to open up that can of worms. They never explicitly said what they were doing with each other during the three months they had been in each other’s lives. That’s where it got tricky because Iriye was comfortable with what they were doing: going on mini dates at each other’s place before sleeping with each other. Late nights in the grocery store or early mornings trekking through the used bookstores Iriye loved. Eating food that was going against his Lanterns fitness regime and watching him try to work it off with his Lanterns regime at the home gym in his apartment.
Iriye just loved being around him. She loved him. It felt too soon to say that. The moment she realized she was really into Aaron was when he dropped her off at her apartment after picking up the morning-after pill. He seemed calm, but she could tell he was agitated. But he still offered to stay with her, having read the side effects on the box as they sat and waited to figure out the next steps of their plan.
“It says side effects include nausea and vomiting,” Aaron read plainly. Even telling her the worst thing sounded great coming from him.
“It’s not my first rodeo with the morning-after pill,” Iriye said nonchalantly.
“So, you’ve done this before?” Aaron stated.
“There was a broken condom situation when a fellow intern when I moved to LA,” Iriye explained. But she didn’t explain how the pill always tended to make her feel like she was dying. She always got the brute force of the side effects.
“I should probably stay then,” Aaron said. “Make sure you’re alright,”
“I don’t need you for this part, Aaron,” Iriye stated too quickly. “It just makes me sleepy, so I’ll be fine. I’ll probably sleep this thing off all weekend. And you probably need to get prepped for the table read and all,” Iriye knew it was a few days off, but in being around Aaron, she knew when it was playtime and work time.
“Iriye-” Aaron reasoned as she got out of the car.
“See you at the table read,” Iriye stated, walking towards her apartment.
And it was a terrible couple of days. Iriye had been fielding calls and texts from Tamara all while trying not to throw up from the morning after side effects. Once it came to Monday, she decided to stay home but not before Tamara could come banging at her door. Iriye had to pretend to not be home before seeing Tamara slip a note under her door. She waited a while before moving to grab the paper and read it: you can’t run away forever.
Now Iriye was back at the lot, ensuring everything was under control until she saw Tamara.
“Iriye,” Tamara was in professional mode.
“Tamara, I-”
“We’re using your latest script,” Tamara said in her professional voice, and Iriye raised a brow. “We can’t do this right now,”
“I know,” Iriye stated.
Tamara moved to talk with someone else on the sound stage while Iriye went to drop off her belongings at her seat. People started gathering around, with Tamara leading the group in quick introductions of the actors and creatives involved in the film. Iriye quickly introduced herself. Vivian led the group in a small round of applause, and she gave a small and curt smile.
As the reading began, Iriye was lost in everyone getting comfortable with each other. each finding their character's voice and emotional journey. One of her favorite things about being a writer was seeing the discoveries others found in and between the lines of her words.
They took their first break during Act One, and Iriye grabbed a snack from craft services. But she should have been smarter because Aaron was right on her tail.
“We need to talk,” Aaron spoke lowly under her voice. Iriye checked her watch.
“We can’t right now,” Iriye shook her head.
“We got fifteen minutes,” He said. “Enough time,”
“We said we wouldn’t do this, us, on the lot,” Iriye reminded.
“Bullshit, Iriye,” Aaron said under his breath.
“Excuse me?” Iriye was shocked at him being snappy with her. He never was.
“Bullshit. You weren’t saying that in your office,” Iriye cleared her throat, hoping no one heard. “Walk with me, Iriye Edwards,”
Aaron began walking ahead, and Iriye glared at his head. He turned towards her.
“Please, Iriye,” Aaron’s eyes softened at her even if his voice was sharp and clear. Iriye huffed and looked around before following him out. Still being the gentleman, he held one of the doors open for her, following behind her. They walked briefly before Aaron stopped them at a familiar structure: the soundstage where they met.
“We don’t have a lot of time,” Iriye stated.
“How are you feeling after the weekend?” He asked her, a nervousness taking over him.
“I took the pill if that’s what you were wondering,” Iriye stated. “I forgot how sick those things make me,” She said too much, seeing Aaron’s eyes soften more. “Don’t look at me like that. I don’t like when people see I’m sick,”
“What’s wrong with seeing you sick,” Aaron said.
“Because I was gross and hunched over a toilet,” Iriye said. “I can take care of myself,”
“I know that, Iriye. But when you’re with someone. When you want to be in a relationship with them, you let them see all sides of yourself: the good, the bad, and the ugly,” Aaron said.
“Well, here you go. You’ve reached the bad part,” Iriye said. “I self-sabotage before you get a chance to figure out I’m not good enough and leave,”
“You think I’m going to leave?” Iriye chuckled.
“Aaron, it’s a given,” Iriye stated. “You’re handsome. You’re talented. And so deserving of every chance you’re going to get,” Iriye bit her lip. “But so am I,”
Aaron raised a brow at her words, moving closer to her.
“There’s going to be a point where it’s going to be what I want or what you want,” Iriye said. “And I’m afraid that when we get to that point, one of us might make the wrong choice,”
“So you would rather quit while you’re ahead?” Aaron asked, looking at her deeply in her eyes. “Answer me, Iriye,” His gaze was intense, and she wanted to look anywhere but him. But she was in his orbit and hated how close she had allowed him to get.
“I-I don’t know,” Iriye tried looking at his sweater. Aaron tilted her chin up to look up at him.
“We need to talk about this, Iriye. Not right now, because we have to return to the table read. But we’re gonna talk about this,” Aaron stroked her chin.
“Okay,” Iriye said.
Iriye and Aaron pulled apart, trying not to walk too closely to each other as they made it back to the soundstage. Iriye let him enter first, and Tamara stopped her just as she was going to go in.
“Tamara, we’ve got to get back,” Iriye muttered.
“Why didn’t you tell me,” Tamara asked. Iriye bit her lip.
“I didn’t mean to hide it from you,” Iriye whispered.
“But you didn’t,” Tamara said. “Is this about Jay?”
“No,” Iriye admitted. “It had nothing to do with him,”
“I know he and I are still being friends; it bugs you, but he was my friend before you were his girlfriend,” Tamara stated.
“I know, Tam. I wasn’t asking you to take sides,” Iriye said.
“But I wouldn’t have said anything if he asked about your dating life. Maybe that’s why you didn’t tell me,” Tamara stated.
“I know you wouldn’t,” Iriye admitted. “I just… I’m figuring things out, and I didn’t want to say something, and it didn’t work out. Saying something would make it real. Maybe too real,”
“I saw you two at the snack table,” Tamara said. “I was going to talk to you, but I saw him and you,”
“We’re about to start again,” A production assistant interrupted them. Iriye nodded toward them, and they left.
“You like him. Probably more than you ever liked Jay,” Iriye heard Tamara’s words.
“We need to focus back on the table read,” Iriye rubbed her on her jeans.
“It’s okay to feel for him, Iriye. You deserve to be happy,” Tamara said.
“I’m sorry, Tamara,” Iriye moved to hug Tamara, and she embraced her back.
“I’m sorry, too,” Tamara squeezed Iriye. They pulled apart, returning to the table together.
The energy for the rest of the table read felt better, Iriye able to focus at moments, hearing the chemistry building amongst the cast. The reactions to different scenes and dialogues had her feeling like everything she had worked so hard for, was coming to fruition.
By the last scene, Iriye’s eyes were shiny with tears. They got to the last pages and a few of the actors in the cast clapped. Tamara took a moment to speak, letting everyone know that Lanoire productions were thankful for them to join the journey of this film getting made.
The table read was wrapped up and Iriye was grabbing her things from her office when she heard a knock at her door. She looked up and saw Aaron.
“Can I come in?” Iriye nodded and he entered her office, looking around. “How are you feeling?”
Iriye let out a deep breath she felt like she had been fighting. “I feel like… I can breathe a little better,”
“You and Tamara?” Aaron asked.
“We’re good. I’m pretty sure I owe her dinner, two bottles of wine and a gossip session about us,” Iriye said. She saw the smile smile on his face and she bit her lip. “Aaron…”
“You said us,” Aaron moved to grab her bag, packing it up. “Come on,”
“Aaron, I gotta go home,”
“I know. I’m taking you home. I know you didn’t drive your car since you haven’t been feeling good,” Iriye rolled her eyes as the man before her.
“So bossy,” Iriye took her bag from him.
“Don’t think I didn’t see you rolling your eyes at me,” Aaron said as he led her out.
Iriye was quiet as she let Aaron drive her home in his car, his hand on her thigh as Sade played in his car. They didn’t speak but it was enough for Iriye. It made her feel warm and that thought came through her head. She loved him.
They got to her place and Iriye let them in, Aaron taking her bag off and putting it where she kept it normally.
“Go shower. I’m going to make us some dinner and we’re going to talk like adults,” Aaron demanded. “Then if you want to step away from us, you can,”
Iriye was going to say something but she saw the look on Aaron’s face.
“Fine,” Iriye turned to her bathroom and went inside, using the time as she needed. She had to get this fine ass man out of her house. But taking her time in the shower would give her the space to breathe and take in how she would do this. She could go the anger route. Yell at him. Threaten him. Tell him she wouldn’t see him. But she didn’t want that. She wanted him.
Iriye dried off, taking the time to moisturize her skin and she deciped to slip into some sweats and a t shirt. She walked into the kitchen to see Aaron heating up some pasta sauce she had in a jar.
“You need to go grocery shopping,” Aaron pointed out. He had some noodles boiling and she bit her lip.
“Maybe. I’ve just been spending a lot of time at this man’s house,” Iriye said.
“Oh a man. What’s he like?” Aaron asked, playing along.
“Well for one, he’s tall. Really built like a linebacker or something,” Iriye mentioned. “His ears kind of a tad big for his head,”
“Not too much,” Aaron chuckled.
“He’s passionate and sweet and funny. Can go toe to toe with me when we bicker,” Iriye stated. She watched as he continued cooking with what she had, moving to plate the paste with the sauce for her.
“I did the best I could,” He said, moving to get her a glass of water for Iriye. He place it by her. “Now eat,”
“Someone’s bossy,” Iriye dug into the meal. He watched her eat, Iriye knowing that he was focused on her. Once she finished, she watched Aaron move her plate out the way and pulled her chair closer to him as they sat at her counter. “What has gotten into you?” Iriye asked.
“You have, Iriye Edwards,” Aaron spoke, his hand moving to her cheek and cupping it. “So if this is what you don’t want,” His hand sliding up her thigh. “You’ll tell me to stop,” He cupped her pussy through her sweats and Iriye bit her lip.
“Aaron,” Iriye moaned. His hand slid into her sweats, finding her pussy as she didn’t put panties on.
“No panties. You made this so much easier for me, love,” Aaron slipped two fingers inside of Iriye and he quickly found that spot inside of her that made her gasp out.
Iriye was going to shut her legs but Aaron stood, moving to stand between her legs. His hand went to the nape of her neck and twisted his fingers into the hair there, making her look at him.
“You want me to stop, say it,” Aaron challenged her, blue eyes piercing her own. “Say it,”
Iriye couldn’t say anything as she moaned, his fingers working inside of her, his thumb touching her clit.
“The thing is you need me, Iriye,” Aaron said. “And I need you,” He leaned down to kiss her lips and Iriye kissed him back deeply.
Iriye cupped his cheeks as their lips moved against each others, Aaron swallowing every moan and gasp that slipped as he worked her pussy with his fingers, feeling her juices coming out more and more.
Aaron pulled back from kissing her, taking his fingers out of her pussy and sliding them to her lips, letting her taste herself amongst them. Iriye moaned, tasting her sweet juices. He pulled his fingers and kissed her, groaning.
“Come on,” Aaron lifted Iriye up, her hands moving to his neck and her legs wrapped around him. He led them to her bedroom and she gasps as he dropped her on her bed. “Strip,” Iriye sat up and with the look in his eye, she knew not to play around.
Iriye shuffled her sweats down, leaving her bottom half bare and then her shirt came off, her titties bouncing back to their space. Aaron;s eyes took in every part of her body and she felt so exposed like a raw nerve. He got himself out of his shirt, the slight hair on his chest coming into view and the same speckle just above his pants. No belt was in his jeans and she watched as he unbuttoned it, his boxer briefs coming into view to show the hard bulge below as he got out of them.
“Can I taste you,” Iriye asked and Aaron just chuckled.
“You think I’m going to let you have what you want?” Aaron stated. “After you drove me mad all week, worried about you,” Iriye thought it was posessiveness making him act like this but it was more than that. “Get the condom,” Iriye shuffled up her bed to check her sidetable draw. Just as she was about to grab the gold foil, she felt a smack to her ass and she moaned from the sting, looking back at him. “Get the condom, Iriye,”
Iriye grabbed it, shifting till she was laying against the pillow. Like a lion, Aaron crawled over her. He took the condom out of her hands and opened it, slipping it onto himself.
Aaron crawled over Iriye, his eyes meeting her and leaning down for a soft kiss. And Iriye hated that she felt like she didn’t deserve him being sweet for a moment.
“Let me in, Iriye,” Aaron whispered and it wasn’t just her opening her legs and bed to him. It was everything else. Letting him into her life and her heart.
Before she could reply, Aaron pushed into her, a groan leaving his lips as he pressed into her pussy. She gasped as the familiar feeling of her body stretching around his length.
Aaron took a moment to regain himself, his body rocking into her as Iriye’s nail went to his back to find purchase. But he took both of her hands and pressed them to the bed.
“No. You’re just going to feel me. Feel what I do to you. That’s your only focus. Do you understand,” Aaron demanded.
“Yes,” Iriye moaned as she felt him beginning to thrust his length inside of her. Soft gasps left her as Aaron was commited to being slow and steady. His length slide in and out of her, the wet sounds echoing amongst their moans and groans.
Aaron was rolling his hips too good into her. Rocking against her as her feet tried to find purchase on the bed. His chest was rubbing against her nipples, growing harder and making her pussy throb with each movement.
“God, I wish I could feel how wet you are again,” He whispered against her lips, him leaning down to kiss her. Her hands were gasping the covers as Aaron pinned her down.
“You feel so good inside of me,” Iriye moaned out, feeling him thrust a little harder into her and causing her to cry out.
“You really wanted to end this,” Aaron groaned against her neck. “Look at me,” He twisted his hips in a way that had Iriye arching her back, body still rocking slowly into her. “You want me to stop?”
Iriye gasped as he thrust again, hitting her g spot. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head for a second.
“You didn’t answer me Iriye,” He thrust harder into her. “You want me to stop?”
“No,” Iriye whined out. Aaron paused for a moment and she was about to moan her discontent.
“Wrap your legs around me,” Iriye did as she was told, her legs wrapping around his waist. He lifted her back up from the bed. “Arms around my neck,” She wrapped around his neck and that’s when she knew he was trying to ruin her for anyone else.
Aaron’s muscles weren’t just for looks as he began bouncing her on his cock, lifting her like she was nothing. She began crying out, not caring that her neighbors would most likely complain. If they were getting fucked like this while on their worst behavior, they would understand.
“You really want this to stop,” Aaron lifted her, his cock hitting her g spot just right and her being forced to take the onslaught was wrecking her. They were both trying to breath between gasps and moans. “A-Answer me,” He stuttered as Iriye’s pussy spasmed.
“No. Please! No! Don’t stop,” Iriye cried out loudly. She clutched onto him for dear life as the wet slaps fell against his hips.
“You really wanted to run from this,” Aaron was thrusting up into her harder. “But no one can fuck you like this,” He made sure to puntactate each word with a hard thrust, forcing cries from her body.
“Aaron!” Iriye whined.
“When I am done with you, you’re only going know my name. You understand, love,” Aaron thrust harder into her.
“Fuck! Yes,” Iriye cried out. He thrust up into her as he brought her body down onto his length, cries and moans leaving Iriye’s body as he moved faster. “You’re going to make cum!” Iriye whined.
“Good. Cum on your cock. I’m yours baby,” Aaron leaned in to kiss her. Her lips hungrily found his and she cried out as she felt her pussy spasming. It took a couple more thrusts before Iriye screamed out. Her juices flooding his length just made Aaron thrust harder, him groaning out as his orgasm hit her and they crumpled to the bed, entangled in each others arms. They would have to talk at some point but their bodies did most of the work and that was enough for now.
@wildwomanalereyia @teenage-aria @skvrpion @absentmindeddreamer @blackpinup22 @liv10002 @styleismyaddiction @jungwonsgfs @hooliemooliedonutshawp @hippiesandpeacesigns @blowmymbackout @justagirlwho-believes13 @caribbeangyalsworld @melovedorks @moihasarrived @ashanti-notthesinger @xx-mintyxx @iluvchrisbrown @ash-ketchumzzz @deijalee @pyramidlight @xosharieee @kaylaahisthebestest- @chaniceandrea @kimmivlixx @saveadanc @kaylalb @queenbritbrat @kceeee @naughtynolly-blog @myawesome56 @chainingxday @nononoks-blog @kinginwithbreezy-blog @apple123cg @jazziejax @lauren1000000 @withoutmusiclifewouldbflat @venusincleo @loveschrisbrown20 @brwnskingirlll @iamfredtina @cozyashhh @modelmemoirs @kimiasinterlude @rpayn22 @mscarter123 @lolola22267 @thesweetestdrug @valarghoulis @nyifly22 @zimsilandela @teheeboo @blveeeeeee @5starsirl @yassbishimvintage @23jammy @prettiegal @vadeadiugularis @gabbywontlose @pinkkycherrish @slashervalley @aqueenwasmadehere @lee-jennie @wuzzzgoood
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Stitches and Sentences
Thanks for the tags @roomwithanopenfire and @leithillustration and good morning all. This is less an in-progress post than a roundup because there has been so much great content out there between CO AU Fest, EGF, and Baz's birthday that you may have missed one or all of my posts. So, helpfully, I am here to share again!
STITCHES I stumbled upon the perfect fabric for floral suit Baz six months ago, but I finally made him a reality just this past week! Here is a bonus video (in case you don't currently follow me on Instagram) that really zooms in on his amazing details.
As an aside: I am returning to my fanart for fanfic roots for the foreseeable future and have already started working on my next doll for an in-progress WIP. This doll is going to be a VISION of pink and *sparkle*. I cannot wait!
SENTENCES I posted my EGF collaboration with @rimeswithpurple on Baz's birthday. It was such a labor of love for the both of us, and like it's title, the art and fic really are very beautiful. To entice you to read Beautiful Things, here are some comments readers have already left:
"This was exquisite!"
"Arianna!! The art for this is STUNNING!"
"I know you said healing, but I wasn’t anticipating such beautiful tenderness. The way you both make them is simply stunning and as a fandom we thank you for it."
"This is my favorite kind of smut!!"
I also just posted a gift fic yesterday, Better Than This, for @thewholelemon. Is it her birthday? No. But it is our friendship's birthday, so I plan to celebrate all week by posting a new chapter every other day until I can hug her in person this Friday. Here are a few lines from chapter 1 of the fluffiest thing I have ever written.
Simon scrunched his brows and picked up the recipe, eyes scanning the paper suspiciously. This was not the reaction for which Baz had hoped. He had planned on an enthusiastic hug. Perhaps a kiss on the cheek. At the very least a thank you for all the time and effort he’d spent. Instead, Simon scratched his head and said, “I assumed these were made with magick.” Baz sighed. They were. (That was step 9, conveniently left out.) “The magick is love,” Baz replied, and then cringed internally at his own sentimentality.
GO READ MY FICS. They are so good. Seriously. Go. If you are still here, you are missing out.
Until next time.
@alexalexinii, @argumentativeantitheticalg, @aristocratic-otter, @arthurkko, @artsyunderstudy
@best--dress, @blackberrysummerblog, @brilla-brilla-estrellita, @bookish-bogwitch,
@confused-bi-queer, @cutestkilla, @drowninginships, @emeryhall, @facewithoutheart
@harrie-leithillustration, @hushed-chorus, @iamamythologicalcreature, @ic3que3n, @ileadacharmedlife
@katatsumuli, @larkral, @letraspal, @martsonmars, @messofthejess
@mooncello, @noblecorgi, @orange-peony, @prettygoododds, @raenestee
@rbkzz, @rimeswithpurple, @roomwithanopenfire, @run-for-chamo-miles, @shrekgogurt
@skeedelvee, @stitchyqueer, @supercutedinosaurs, @talentpiper11, @technetiumai
@the-beard-of-edward-teach, @twinkle-twinkle-up-above, @theimpossibledemon, @thewholelemon, @valeffelees
@whatevertheweather, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @youarenevertooold
#perfect suit baz#beautiful things#better than this#so many words#so many stitches#happy friend birthday jenny!#you deserve all the fluffy fics#with absolutely zero angst#because you have suffered enough 😆#mwah!
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Vagueblogging a little, but this sucks actually. Apologies for my disorganized thoughts. I’m not much of a writer.
I get that they were hurting, but I feel like they didn’t consider the people they collaborated with at all. I only lost one piece, but I know I’m not the only one. I had a podficcer tell me they were having panic attacks not knowing if they’d be asked to take down all their work podficcing this author, following this.
Like a heads up at least :/
I’ve been taking a few days to process this since I’ve had a lot else going on. Since I saw this, I have gotten a massage, watered my plants, touched some grass, pondered over my feelings a few separate times. It still sucks.
I love the Big Bang format, but I do feel like you encounter an attitude that the author’s work is the only component that matters sometimes.
I’ve had a lot of my art orphaned as authors pull their bang fics down, or fail to produce them at all — which, you know, is their right. My art was also posted separately on ao3 typically, and I don’t consider the effort wasted, because I love the process of collaboration, and I think it pushes me to make art in ways I wouldn’t think of myself.
But this is the first time I’ve had an author pull down something that, frankly, they were pretty minimally involved in. It contained a paragraph of their work, read by a podficcer, along with some animation (my first real go at animation in 10ish years! It was only six frames), some sound fx, etc.
I didn’t think we were pals or anything. I only worked with them the once, and I’m always cautious of putting an emotional burden on people that are getting a lot of attention, positive and negative, by acting like we’re friends. But I did enjoy working with them and thought there was some level of mutual respect as creators.
This piece is still on tumblr, and me and the other collaborators still have it where it was hosted from to post to ao3, but this was not a great thing to wake up to last week. It’s not that I was really attached to this piece, or even to the comments on the piece. For me it’s more the… social aspect I guess? Not so for everyone, I’ve had a few people tell me that this makes them want to never use the collaboration feature on ao3, if somebody could just hit “delete all” and never even consider the effect on the other co-authors. I love collaborating, and I don’t think I would do anything differently than what I did in the future.
It’s just still a little hurtful.
That all said, I hope they’re okay, or on the way to being okay.
#idk idk#this is part frustration with the Big Bang format — which I love — and author entitlement around them#which I don’t think really was the issue here#they were great at the time of collaboration#which I can’t say for everyone and that includes us plebes#and part frustration with bnfs I guess#and the impression that wow i and the other people that were affected by this were just not on your radar at all#just ants to you huh#I’m more melancholy than upset#I’ll likely delete this in a few days after reblogging to my personal#this blog is meant to be more of a straightforward gallery#but I wanted to say something :/#personal
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Claudia Black and Ben Browder being captains of their own ship since 1999.
ComicCon 2009 Wintercon 2019 Wintercon 2023
#farscape#john x aeryn#claudia black#ben browder#the show's creator did plan for it to be a love story btwn John x Aeryn#but Ben and Claudia wanted to have as much input as possible to make sure it stayed that way#and the show was very collaborative so they did have a lot of input#and they made a lot of really great acting choices#in 2019 Claudia said there had been a storyline that didn't sit well with either of them#because they felt that John and Aeryn only had their hearts on each other#but it sounds like they were bringing in another woman for John to have a thing with ig#idk if they're talking about Jenavian in LATP#but I know Ben protested against that#but he didn't win that time ugh#the vid from 2019 is mine#sorry for the camera work#i was trying to film with my phone but also making sure I was in the moment#and actually watching the panel with my own eyes and not through my phone screen#so sometimes it went off-center#my gifs#my gifs: farscape
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#i say goodbye to my boss tomorrow#not like officially officially bc im still employed into August so we have meetings#and hopefully we'll collaborate in future on projects and i have papers to write with her still#but like this is the last time ill physically see her bc shes not coming back until August and ill b gone by then#so its like. sad. bc shes my science mum. today she was complaining abt some stupid politics stuff#that went on this week in the department and she was like i kno i should b more professional but i feel like since ur leaving now#were more colleagues and friends. and im like 😭 god dammit ur gonna make me fucking cry#i came this this school to work with u and u were so great. i was so lucky to have ended up in her lab#bc i didnt kno wtf i was doing and shes not perfect but i learned a lot from her and ill b really sad to not b working with her so much#but thats how it goes. ill have to make her something cool as a parting gift#god. thatll b a fucking pain but she deserves something that takes a lot of effort#were meeting tomorrow to go over a protocol but im not sure if that's actually what were doing or if theres a surprise involved#bc she likes to do that and it stresses me the fuck out. she's been wanting to get me ice cream for the last 2 months so that might actually#b what's happening. or both could b happening. ugh. anyway. just me crying abt how im gonna miss my boss who im literally seeing tomorrow#im gonna have to giver her a painfully earnest letter abt how great she is and apologize for kinda having a breakdown#i mean i wasnt totally nonfunctional but like. it was not good and im sure i kinda sucked to b around#but whatever. god. the move it finally on the horizon. it finally feels like its getting real#unrelated
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Something I don't think we talk enough about in discussions surrounding AI is the loss of perseverance.
I have a friend who works in education and he told me about how he was working with a small group of HS students to develop a new school sports chant. This was a very daunting task for the group, in large part because many had learning disabilities related to reading and writing, so coming up with a catchy, hard-hitting, probably rhyming, poetry-esque piece of collaborative writing felt like something outside of their skill range. But it wasn't! I knew that, he knew that, and he worked damn hard to convince the kids of that too. Even if the end result was terrible (by someone else's standards), we knew they had it in them to complete the piece and feel super proud of their creation.
Fast-forward a few days and he reports back that yes they have a chant now... but it's 99% AI. It was made by Chat-GPT. Once the kids realized they could just ask the bot to do the hard thing for them - and do it "better" than they (supposedly) ever could - that's the only route they were willing to take. It was either use Chat-GPT or don't do it at all. And I was just so devastated to hear this because Jesus Christ, struggling is important. Of course most 14-18 year olds aren't going to see the merit of that, let alone understand why that process (attempting something new and challenging) is more valuable than the end result (a "good" chant), but as adults we all have a responsibility to coach them through that messy process. Except that's become damn near impossible with an Instantly Do The Thing app in everyone's pocket. Yes, AI is fucking awful because of plagiarism and misinformation and the environmental impact, but it's also keeping people - particularly young people - from developing perseverance. It's not just important that you learn to write your own stuff because of intellectual agency, but because writing is hard and it's crucial that you learn how to persevere through doing hard things.
Write a shitty poem. Write an essay where half the textual 'evidence' doesn't track. Write an awkward as fuck email with an equally embarrassing typo. Every time you do you're not just developing that particular skill, you're also learning that you did something badly and the world didn't end. You can get through things! You can get through challenging things! Not everything in life has to be perfect but you know what? You'll only improve at the challenging stuff if you do a whole lot of it badly first. The ability to say, "I didn't think I could do that but I did it anyway. It's not great, but I did it," is SO IMPORTANT for developing confidence across the board, not just in these specific tasks.
Idk I'm just really worried about kids having to grow up in a world where (for a variety of reasons beyond just AI) they're not given the chance to struggle through new and challenging things like we used to.
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"In one of Africa’s last great wildernesses, a remarkable thing has happened—the scimitar-horned oryx, once declared extinct in the wild, is now classified only as endangered.
It’s the first time the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the world’s largest conservation organization, has ever moved a species on its Red List from ‘Extinct in the Wild’ to ‘Endangered.’
The recovery was down to the conservation work of zoos around the world, but also from game breeders in the Texas hill country, who kept the oryx alive while the governments of Abu Dhabi and Chad worked together on a reintroduction program.
Chad... ranks second-lowest on the UN Development Index. Nevertheless, it is within this North African country that can be found the Ouadi Rimé-Ouadi Achim Faunal Reserve, a piece of protected desert and savannah the size of Scotland—around 30,000 square miles, or 10 times the size of Yellowstone.
At a workshop in Chad’s capital of N’Djamena, in 2012, Environment Abu Dhabi, the government of Chad, the Sahara Conservation Fund, and the Zoological Society of London, all secured the support of local landowners and nomadic herders for the reintroduction of the scimitar-horned oryx to the reserve.
Environment Abu Dhabi started the project, assembling captive animals from zoos and private collections the world over to ensure genetic diversity. In March 2016, the first 21 animals from this “world herd” were released over time into a fenced-off part of the reserve where they could acclimatize. Ranging over 30 miles, one female gave birth—the first oryx born into its once-native habitat in over three decades.
In late January 2017, 14 more animals were flown to the reserve in Chad from Abu Dhabi.
In 2022, the rewilded species was officially assessed by the IUCN’s Red List, and determined them to be just ‘Endangered,’ and not ‘Critically Endangered,’ with a population of between 140 and 160 individuals that was increasing, not decreasing.
It’s a tremendous achievement of international scientific and governmental collaboration and a sign that zoological efforts to breed endangered and even extinct animals in captivity can truly work if suitable habitat remains for them to return to."
-via Good News Network, December 13, 2023
#chad#abu dhabi#north africa#rewilding#endangered species#conservation#zoology#conservation biology#oryx#good news#hope#texas#big game#animals#endangered#environmentalism#environmental science#zoo#zoos#zoo animals
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Greetings From Santae, Our Kickstarter Is LIVE NOW! Our Kickstarter Campaign will run August 30th - September 30th! With the overwhelming support from our community we were fully funded in 28 minutes! Let's hit these stretch goals and bring so many amazing features to Santae Much Sooner than planned!
Exciting things are underway in the magical world of Santae, and there’s no better time to begin – or continue – your adventure with us.
We’re thrilled to announce that the official Santae Kickstarter campaign launched August 30! Backing the project will grant you exclusive access to the site during our Beta launch, in addition to an incredible variety of rewards.
Tier Rewards range from beautiful Animated Wardrobe items for your avatar, to the companionship of the Kyree, Phasmic, and Seamso pets, and much more. You can even unlock the opportunity to collaborate with our art and design teams to design your very own site content: A Minimal, hairstyle, on-site item or clothing set, NPC, or even pet species!
Visit the Official Santae Kickstarter Today!
Visit this page for a sneak peek of all available Kickstarter tiers and rewards!
The Road So Far…
The beginning of Santae’s Alpha test on May 12th, was the start of an incredible journey. In the weeks since then, we’ve enriched the game with dozens of regular updates and exciting new features.
Here is just a taste of what we’ve added to enhance your experience on Santae:
New pet species
On Santae, mystical pets are your adventuring companions. There are plenty to choose from, and many more species on the way! Over the course of Alpha, we released 5 brand new pet species for Santarians to befriend. We’ve also increased the amount of pet friends you can add to your adventure party to 10 when you start!
The adorable moth-like Nochturn is ready to join any Santarian’s adventuring party as soon as they join the site. Brave adventurers who journey to the Lava Caves of the Flamefall Cascades can find the draconic Harlowin and fearsome Grusim. The elegant Drava can be found at traveling merchant Vespera’s exclusive shop. And finally, the friendly Quibbit evolves from its tadpole-like Minimal form.
Which pet species will become your faithful adventuring companion?
New Pet Colors
No matter your style, you can customize your pet companions on Santae with the help of magical shimmer dust!
We announced FOUR exciting new pet colors over the course of Alpha, with more to come in Beta and beyond. Will your pet let its true colors shine with the beautiful Prismatic shimmer dust? Will it become an adorable Pipsqueak? Will they show class and elegance with a RegalShimmer Dust? Or will you give your pet a taste of retro digital style with the brand-new Synthwave color?
New Minimals
In the world of Santae, your pets can adopt enchanting companions of their own called Minimals! Choose from dozens of types to find your pet’s perfect match.
Santae’s Alpha phase has brought many new exciting types of Minimals to join the herd. Which will your pet adopt?
Exciting New Site Features
The world of Santae is rich with opportunities to explore, gather, and discover. During the site’s Alpha phase, we’ve unlocked engaging on-site mini-games that bring you and your pets all across the vibrant world of Santae.
Send your pets Gathering at locations across Santae and they will bring back exciting items to share with you! Your pet might bring you a magical rune from the mysterious Stormforge Caverns, gather useful plants from the Ancient Grove, or maybe even discover an egg that can hatch into another pet at the volcanic pools of Ember Springs. You can also direct your pet to pluck rare berries from the Great Berry Tree!
When your pets go Fishing at the sunny Solar Sands – or in any gathering location across Santae – there’s no telling what they might find at the other end of the line. You might reel in a delicious fish, an eel that can join your pet as its Minimal companion, a piece of useful equipment that only needs a small repair, and so much more. More discoveries in the depths of the waters around Santae are sure to come.
If you want to tame wild Minimals, go visit Silvershade’s Ranch in the Lani Archipelago! They will send you out into the wild to catch and tame a Minimal through an interactive Herding mini-game. Bring berries, toys, and plushies to tempt and distract the Minimal as you and your pet cooperate to befriend it.
A Dynamic World
Santae’s sunny days and mysterious nights each hold their own mysteries to explore, watch as the clouds move while you play, and every hour on the hour you can watch the transition to day/night. As the world cycles between states every hour, you and your pets have the chance to make exciting new discoveries!
Visiting the Lava Caves in the dark of night will bring you face to face with the opportunity to tame a fearsome Grusim – but during the light of day, the Grusim retreats. While the sun shines over the Lava Caves, you can instead bring your Harlowin egg there to hatch into a new companion.
Exciting Events
The most important ingredient in the world of Santae is you: The community!
Over the course of THREE exciting events, our Alpha Testers have been able to participate in and shape the future of the game’s world. Together, we’ve discovered new Minimals, locations, and even new pet species.
The Goopper Swarm
Mysterious slug-like Minimals swarmed Gathering locations all across Santae, prompting adventurers everywhere to collect them in an attempt to learn more.
By collecting the Gooppers and discovering their source, Santarians discovered a brand-new location: The Goopper Grotto. This tranquil forest clearing holds an amazing secret: When you bring a Goopper there alongside certain powerfully magical items, the Minimal will transform!
The Mourning Grusim
By following the traces of an ancient legend, adventurers learned of a mythical creature lurking deep within the Lava Caves.
Together, Santarians discovered sanDust: A secondary currency earned through site activities. This magical dust proved to be the secret to calming the ferocious ancient beast within the caves. By working together to collect sanDust, the community unlocked the ability to tame and adopt the Grusim for everyone!
The Quibbit Cove
When Santarians began to discover mysterious eggs around the site, they banded together to collect them and learn more about them. Together, we learned how to hatch Quibbspawn eggs into a brand-new Minimal: The Quibblet!
But the Quibblet was no ordinary Minimal. More ancient clues pointed the community towards a newly-discovered location, Quibbit Cove. It was there that the true secret of the Quibblet was revealed: Feeding it in the cove causes it to evolve into a fully-fledged pet, the Quibbit!
Thanks to the community’s efforts of research and discovery, the location of Quibbit Cove and the secret of Quibblet evolution are now unlocked for everyone.
Thank You For Being A Part of the Magic of Santae!
Whether you’re an experienced Alpha Tester or a brand-new applicant to the game, we’re so happy to have you as a part of the community we’re building together.
Alpha has brought so many exciting updates – but we’re even more excited for what will come next as we continue to work together to make Santae the most magical site it can be.
Make sure to sign up for notifications about the official Santae Kickstarter so you don’t miss the start of our next big adventure as a community!
With Love and Gratitude,
~The Santae Team
#santae#rpg#pet site#virtualpetsite#nostalgia#cozy vibes#arcade#kickstarter#upcoming kickstarter#Youtube
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Do NOT Support Hard Drive On Patreon

You might see friends today suggesting you support Hard Drive on Patreon today. You know, the funny video games version of The Onion? As a journalist, I will firmly tell you DO NOT GIVE THEM A DIME.
The CEO has pushed out all former staff that have built the site up to its current greatness and has been pushing the use of AI. The staff begged to have a Patreon before basically all being pushed out, but the idea was refused until now, when it will only line the pockets of a single person instead of hard working writers.
I know they might have provided laughs before, but Hard Drive is a shell of what it was once. Let it die and support the people who actually made those moments of joy possible. Don't believe me? Check out what former employees are saying below:
Kevin Podas: Okay you know what, I would feel bad saying nothing about this, so here goes:🚨SAVE YOUR MONEY🚨
We passionately advocated for a Patreon at Hard Drive & were aggressively shot down. The talent & people who built the site were pushed out. To see this now is beyond upsetting. For the past few years or so I put a lot of myself into this website. I pitched a ton of jokes, got over 120 articles published, & met a lot of great people. I'm sure if you've been following me for some time you could easily see this.
However, there is a lot of misinformation. I was eventually promoted to Managing Editor of the site & was ecstatic. Grateful for the opportunity. Felt like all of my hard work in the comedy mines was finally paying off. But things took a turn for the worst, & each day there were new surprises that affected our livelihoods. These were all very avoidable surprises, mind you.
A patreon was going to be our hail mary, but alas, for some reason, the power that be did not want it. Causing us to leave a dream job behind. "At least we did all we could," we consoled ourselves afterwards. I put a lot of myself into this project. I pitched all sorts of ideas that could have helped-- we all did. Merch collaborations, Patreon-integrated YouTube content, so much more. And most of them were shot down out of sheer stubbornness and nothing more. To see lie after lie spread, and multiple big publications and YouTubers that I am a fan of promote this Patreon under these pretenses is incredibly upsetting. There are so many receipts.
Please share this and consider pulling out if you've already put money into this. On Hard Drive using AI, also from Kevin Podas: I can't personally confirm that part aside from some of the recent header images for articles on both Hard Drive and Hard Times are being made with AI. As far as writing, it's been mentioned in the past, but I personally do not know. Maybe others do, maybe not. MORE From Kevin Podas suggesting the owner denying a Patreon being set up earlier cost an artist a job that was replaced by AI: We had a social media person who was awesome! He made the images until this AI implementation. He had to leave because ad revenue was low and a Patreon was aggressively refused.
Luca Fisher: at the risk of burning some bridges, i have to back up kevin here. i've only been part-time, in-and-out of hard drive since i got in last year, but i can corroborate that management doubled and tripled down about not hosting a patreon/crowdfunding and that many other suggestions and ideas, including mine (and ones much smarter than mine!), were shot down in really long, apocalyptic threads of everyone left on deck desperately trying to come up with ways to keep the lights on. managerially it has been messy and sad
i've written for multiple publications that have long since died, ones that were in the process of dying, and ones that, in this case, are soon to be put in the ground. it is sad and sucks every time. i don't know what could have been done differently, but i do know that a lot of great writers and content creators were left shorthanded and unhappy by the way things have gone. and it is sort of puzzling to see the sudden championing of patreon after we were all told plenty of times that it couldn't work and we should move on also, just to add my own personal two cents here, i was really disappointed by the shuttering of many different article sections on the site over the past 6-8 months. i understand cutting corners in a deficit, and i know it had to be done. that said…
all in all, i'm really sad to see this all happen. i don't fault anyone, if only because i don't really know enough about how this all can happen to make sense of it. games journalism is in a sad, sorry state, and will likely no longer be a thing in the next decade
VideoSealMan: I'm gonna say this because I think I deserve to. For months, MONTHS on end I was bugging Hard Drive management about a Patreon. Often I got ignored for a week+, but when I actually got a response I was encouraged to - of all things, write up a Google Doc pitching the concept I did it regardless. I wasn't the only one trying to sway management on a Patreon, but so fiercely was I fighting for it that last night, I was accused of making this comment directly by the CEO! With no evidence whatsoever! After I'd been gone for over a month.
I vouched so hard for Patreon because I wanted all the writers and creatives working with Hard Drive including myself to get paid better. When I actually got a response, the idea was often shut down. Eventually due to the state of my company, my pay was cut for a second time I confronted management alongside a couple other important figureheads at the org and told them that if we couldn't do a Patreon - I could no longer financially justify staying there. The answer was still no, so I left. Baffled at the decision, but whatever.
It is unendingly frustrating to know that myself and many other people who put their soul into Hard Drive LEFT because of management's absolute refusal to compromise on a Patreon, to then see them launch one anyway a month later and get over 1000 people pledging money. I'm seeing a lot of things float around about greed and people being fired. No one was fired. Everyone who left, left because they were sick of management's decision-making. And honestly, management is a lot of things but I would not call them greedy. (From my experience.) They did genuinely make an effort to pay people as much as possible. I found the pay very fair for a while. I am not disputing that I was paid what I was owed - yet management frequently feels the need to remind critics of that. Lmao, yes. I was paid what I was owed. No one is disputing payment. You did the bare minimum a business owner should do and paid everyone their due, very well done. I make no allegations of greed, cheating or foul play. I make allegations of poor management and incompetence that has fucked over other people.
Basically the only people left at Hard Drive have been there for about 2 months. They will reap the rewards of this successful Patreon I and so many others passionately fought for for so long. We will not see a dime.
I do not know the new people at Hard Drive, But I feel bad for them. They were haphazardly thrust into Hard Drive's workplace with little to no explanation on how anything works, or given any context on the state of the place. Even now managements feeds them half-truths and misinformation about other people's grievances. I am broke and have been for a while. I had to move out of my flat in Reading and back with my family because of how little money I was making. This has basically doomed my flatmate to moving back in with abusive parents, which is something I feel guilty about every day. If we had gone with the Patreon I worked myself hoarse over back then, this could have been avoided. Some of my other good pals could also not have been fucked over.
It was a bad judgment call, but it's not a crime. It's just management getting it wrong.
So should you give to the Hard Drive Patreon? I don't know! I don't think any of the new people working there to patch up the holes left by the recent mass exodus have any bad intentions. Maybe they deserve it! But it is not the same site you knew a year ago, or even a month ago. Myself and many people who were there far longer than me and did far more for it than I did are all gone now because we could not deal with management's terrible decision-making and dogass communication any longer. That's what you should know, imo
I had an agreement in place with management that I would receive the next 8 months of revenue from the Hard Drive YT channel from my leaving in November. This was a deal I appreciated, and thought was very fair on management's behalf. So far, the deal has been honoured for 2 months. However as of last night I was removed from the Hard Drive Slack without warning, and as an editor for the YouTube channel. This means I no longer have any way of verifying how much I am owed, I just have to take their word for it. I'm sure management will make their own statements full of half-truths and weird language on the many cases being brought against them - I'd take everything they say with a pinch of salt if some of the screenshots I've seen of them talking about me are any indication lol
To management; I do not want to talk to you. I want you to DM me a screenshot of how much I'm owed every month and then send me the money per our agreement until June, then we can go our separate ways. Do that and admit to your mistakes, and maybe you can recover your reputation! That's it from me, lol. If they pull out of the deal and fuck me over I'll have more to say, but most of what I know is other people's stories of incompetence and poor decision-making, lol. I genuinely get no pleasure out of doing this; I do not think management is evil - I just think they're really bad at what they do and it's cost other, more talented people, lol. You should believe the writers imo
One last thing I wanna say btw, management did often stress that no one should try to make Hard Drive a full time thing. They were transparent about that, and that is fair. I was working on it because at a few points, I was lead to believe we actually were doing a Patreon. Many other ppl have similar stories of being strung along by management changing their minds and stop-starting shit every 2 weeks. We all made the fatal mistake of overestimating our manager - who would tell you one thing one day and something totally opposite the next week lol
Hunter R. Thompson:
I'm not your dad, but speaking as a Hard Drive writer, I don't know that funding Hard Drive on Patreon is worth it
The driving talent on the back end—behind the kickass site I joined in 2019—have peaced out over the years as the site's been (in our view) increasingly mismanaged. Mismanagement like, not setting up crowdfunding before the ship sank and all its best crew failed; or publishing a screenshot of Andy Ngo pedojacketing a trans writer, complete with her deadname; or a disgruntled ex-writer getting falsely accused of shit-talk, by actual staff. I'm grateful for the writing I've gotten to produce for HD (and will forever be kicking myself for not writing even more, in the four years I've had to do it!! i'm a dumbass!!!) but it is very much no longer the site I signed up for.
I don't want to resign as a contributor altogether, because I'm open to the idea of the site recovering and bad practices being retired as finances level out-- it would just be dishonest for potential backers to not be Aware Of The Circumstances, I think.
Jeremy Kaplowitz: i truly don't want to start shit, but feel compelled to say: i want to see Hard Drive succeed w/o resorting to throwing former writers & editors, myself included, under the bus. surely there's a way to save the site without building it over the corpses of those who left. my $0.02 i don't blame anyone who wants to sign up for the HD patreon and i support the website, but that includes those who worked on it for years, have complaints, and don't deserve to be treated like bitter assholes like this kind of stuff is just objectively true, meanwhile there's these new writers who joined the site after i left (meaning, in the last ~3 months) claiming people are liars. decide for yourself if you care, but this is what happened! [Quotes this Tweet]
Seth Finkelstein: Writing for Hard Drive has been a privilege the past few years, and it makes me so angry to see people I looked up to get jerked around behind the scenes. The amount of grenades the editors jumped on our behalf is immense, and I don't think the way they're being treated is right.
Other Bits On AI: We do know for sure however that AI art has been used by the site. Its fucking owner confirms it here:https://twitter.com/MattSaincome/status/1743040541603123622. Seems the owner pushed AI written articles as well! TayFabe: My vaguetweet is making the rounds & these made me apoplectic. - owner regularly lobbied using ai. Once he tested it & said ai was writing better satire than 25% of the HT/HD writers. - ai images were used on the site & socials w/o consulting the team or disclosing it publicly I found the ai bit relevant to include bc 1) it illuminates a stark change in HD's current direction & leadership, 2) ai images have previously been used on the site and (since deleted) ig posts, 3) ai content fucking sucks, and repeatedly pushing to use it is a telling quality The "handful of writers who chose to leave" includes 2 editors-in-chief (both cofounders who wrote a combined total of >1,000 articles & defined the voice of HD), & at least 3 other editors. These guys put in WORK since 2017, so cool to be corrected by ppl who joined in Nov 2023 [Link to mentioned vague tweet from post.] More from TayFabe: owner continuously lobbied for using ai in every possible way. No one else wanted to do it, but he kept on, saying ai was writing better satire than 25% of the HT/HD writers. Also, ai images were used on the site & socials without public disclosure or consulting the team.
The owner has responded now multiple times in a private discord... Thank you for people sharing screenshots! First Screenshot:

Kevin's Response: He banned me from the server for speaking out, so no, I didn't see it. And he gave no indication of a timeline, it was just "we'll do one when *I* say so" and gave every inclination he was totally against it. It bred an environment that pushed our hands to have to leave. Screenshot Round Two:

Kevin's Response: "Starting one in 3 months" is an absolute lie. He denied it, I have screenshots and others who can confirm. No timeline was given. Just "this is what it is now" and like, I couldn't live off of that. I wanted to do more but he was allergic to good ideas from others around him.
Matt, owner of Hard Drive, responds publicly on Twitter.
Matt: Kevin, the patreon launch was delayed because I didn't think it would work. Everyone is happy that it did work. Everyone who left the site because we didn't have money to pay for creative content which didn't revenue is welcome to return home. But unclear why the hostility.
Hard Drive paid out literally every dollar it had, then a bunch more, to creative people who worked on the site. When we ran out of money, we couldn't pay anymore. We did our best.
Kevin: Right, and my point of this thread was that it was completely and totally avoidable. This is reasonable to be upset about. How could I have been any more clear?
Matt: If we knew with 100% certainly that the community would have supported us via patreon, we would have done that. We didn't know. We had tried 4 years ago and got no support. We were wrong this time. We did our best to figure it out. We paid all the money we could.
Kevin: So you knew with 100% certainty this time? Or you took a leap of faith?
Matt: It was a last gasp panic effort after ad rates got cut in half on january 1st due to seasonal spending changes. We didn't know it would work. We were embarrassed to ask for support. We wanted to figure it out.
Kevin: Every site has a Patreon. Every YouTuber, comedy group, etc. But you insisted that nobody cared about Hard Drive. Which is wildly untrue. I know you see that now, but again, I think you can see why I and many others are pretty upset. A last ditch panic effort was long overdue. A couple more things from Matt:
It was about the size of the hole we needed plugged budget wise, the time I had left of personal resources, and the past data I had about us trying a patreon (which turned out to be a bad indicator). I didn't think the Patreon would help us fast enough. I made a bad estimation
aka "if we make $1000 more dollars a month via patreon, which would be 10x what we got last time, we will not solve any of our problems. If instead we try to plow down path B, we might make it out in time." That was the thinking. I chose the wrong path, but didn't mean to Kevin also retweeted this comment from the user Matt was responding to: So you're saying that you're bad at running the business, didn't listen to any of your employees until after they were forced to leave their jobs, and now you're going to get more of the money from the Patreon that was their idea in the first place? Matt's Response: Respectfully, I made a mistake delaying the patreon decision. But keeping a comedy site alive for 9 years is not easy, there are lots of potential ideas, and think overall we've done a good and honorable job. Will leave this thread in peace now to allow people their space.
Sorry for linking to Elon's hellsite (derogatory), but sources need links so...
3K notes
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Pairing ◊ sub!fem!idol!reader x dom!idol!jungwon (ft. Lesserafim Yunjin)
Genre ◊ SMUT, fluff
Warnings ◊ SMUT (MINORS DNI), harddom!jungwon, hair pulling, fingering, oral (m. receiving), semi-public sex, overstimulation, rough, slight dacryphilia, mirror sex, aftercare, dry humping, petnames (sweetheart, baby...), reader is a year older than jungwon (so he calls her noona)
Word count ◊ 6.7k
Summary ◊ You and Jungwon were friends since your trainee days, you've always seen him as a little brother, until this collaboration you had to with him for your Summer Gayo Daejeon performance
a/n: not proofread, enjoy!
You stepped out of the sleek, black car provided by Hybe Entertainment, the cool morning air brushing against your face as you headed toward the familiar studio entrance. The tall building loomed above you, your company logo glinting in the sunlight. As you entered the lobby, you were greeted by the usual bustle of staff and trainees, everyone busy with their own schedules.
“Good morning!” you called out to a few familiar faces, receiving nods and smiles in return. The anticipation bubbled in your chest as you reached the designated practice room. Today was pretty special. The CEO had chosen you to do a collaboration stage with a member of Enhypen for the upcoming SBS Gayo Daejeon performance. And you were so happy that that member was Jungwon. You used to train together back in the day. He was only a year younger than you, and you were always pretty close. Plus, your groups debuted around the same time. But, what you did not know, was that Jungwon always kinda had a crush on you, and he’s been trying to make you see him differently for months now.
Pushing open the door to the studio, you saw him already there, stretching on the floor. His eyes lit up when he noticed you, and he jumped to his feet with a wide grin.
“Noona!” Jungwon called out, his youthful enthusiasm infectious.
“Won! You’re here early,” you said, smiling back as you dropped your bag on the bench and joined him in stretching.
“I was too excited to sleep much,” he admitted with a chuckle. “This is going to be so much fun. I can’t believe we finally get to do this.”
“I know! I’ve been looking forward to it too,” you replied. “It’s been a while since we’ve had the chance to work on something together.”
As you both chatted and caught up, the door swung open again, and the choreographer, Ji-eun, walked in. She was a renowned figure in the industry, known for her intricate and dynamic hip-hop routines. You had already worked with her, as she created the choreography for your group’s last comeback.
“Good morning, everyone!” Ji-eun greeted, her energy palpable. “Are you two ready to work?”
“Yes!” you and Jungwon responded in unison, exchanging amused glances.
Ji-eun clapped her hands together, signaling the start of the session. “Great. Let’s get started with the basics of the routine. It’s a hip-hop piece with a lot of sharp movements and synchronization. I need you both to bring your A-game.”
You and Jungwon nodded, focusing as Ji-eun demonstrated the initial steps. The beat of the music pulsed through the room, and you found yourself getting lost in the rhythm. Jungwon mirrored your movements perfectly, his natural talent shining through.
“Good, good! Now, let’s add some more complexity,” Ji-eun said, moving into the next sequence. The steps were fast and challenging, requiring both agility and precision.
As the session progressed, Ji-eun occasionally stopped to give pointers, adjusting your posture or tweaking a movement here and there. The routine was demanding, but you relished the challenge. You and Jungwon fell into an easy rhythm, your movements syncing effortlessly.
“Perfect! That’s what I’m talking about,” Ji-eun praised after another run-through. “You two have great chemistry. This stage is going to be amazing.”
Jungwon grinned at you, wiping sweat from his brow with his towel. “We make a pretty good team, huh?”
“We always have,” you agreed, returning his smile. “Remember those practice sessions back when we were trainees? We were always trying to outdo each other.”
“Yeah, and you always won,” he laughed, a hint of admiration in his voice.
“Not always,” you corrected him. “But most of the time, yes.”
You saw Jungwon roll his eyes playfully and open his mouth to retort, but Ji-eun called for another run-through. You threw yourself back into the routine, your body moving instinctively to the beat.
An hour and a half flew by in a blur of music and movement. By the time Ji-eun finally called for a break, you were both exhausted but exhilarated.
“Take fifteen, and then we’ll do a full run-through with the music,” Ji-eun instructed, heading out to take a call.
You collapsed onto the floor, stretching out your legs. Jungwon flopped down beside you, panting lightly.
“This is going to be epic,” he said between breaths.
“Definitely,” you agreed. “We’ll show everyone what Jokerz and Enhypen can do together.”
Jungwon’s expression softened as he looked at you, a hint of something unreadable in his eyes.
Ji-eun returned to the studio and gave you both some final pointers before she left you to rehearse on your own. The studio was buzzing with the high-energy choreography you had been perfecting all morning.
“Okay, you two, I think you’ve got a good handle on this,” Ji-eun said, clapping her hands together. “I’ll leave you to practice on your own for a bit. Just remember to keep the energy up and stay in sync.”
“Got it!” you and Jungwon chorused, both of you giving her a confident nod.
As Ji-eun left the room, you turned to Jungwon with a grin. “So, ready to run it again?”
“Absolutely,” he replied, his eyes sparkling with determination.
You both got into position, and the music started up again. This time, without Ji-eun’s watchful eye, you found yourselves more relaxed, allowing your natural chemistry to shine through. Your movements were fluid and synchronized, feeding off each other’s energy.
“Nice move there, wonnie!” you called out mid-routine as he nailed a particularly tricky step.
“Thanks, noona! You’re killing it too!” he shot back, his smile wide.
After a few more run-throughs, you both paused for a break. You went to take your water bottle in the corner of the room, trying to do some air with your hand.
At the corner of your eye, you saw Jungwon pulled off his hoodie, revealing a tank top underneath. You blinked, momentarily taken aback. You had always seen Jungwon as a little brother figure, but seeing the definition of his muscles was… he was so hot. You tried to ignore the unexpected flutter in your stomach as you took a sip of water. As he took his own water bottle, you watched him discretly, a pool forming in your belly.
“Uh… you’ve been working out lately?” you said, attempting to keep your tone casual.
He glanced down at himself, then back at you with a casual shrug. “Oh, this? Yeah, I sometimes work out with the hyungs. Gotta stay in shape, you know?”
You nodded, trying to focus on the conversation and not how his tank top clung to his frame. Wow, this was new. “Makes sense. It’s just… I guess I never noticed before.”
Jungwon’s eyes twinkled with amusement as he caught the slight flush on your cheeks. “Noona, are you blushing?” he teased, flexing his arm a bit more prominently.
Your face heated up even more as you sputtered, “N-no! I’m just… it’s hot in here, that’s all.”
He smirked, clearly enjoying the effect he had on you. “Sure, whatever you say.”
Determined to shift the focus, you stood up and stretched. “Let’s get back to it. We’ve got to nail this routine.”
Jungwon chuckled, following your lead. “Alright, let’s do it. But don’t think I didn’t notice, noona. You were totally checking me out.”
You shot him a mock glare, trying to ignore the way your heart skipped a beat. “Focus, won. We’ve got a show to prepare for.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he said, still grinning. “I’m focused, don’t worry,’’ his grin transformed into a cocky smirk as he put his hands into the pockets of his gray sweatpants and walked up to you.
As the music started up again, you threw yourself into the routine, trying to push aside the newfound awareness of Jungwon. But every now and then, you caught him glancing your way, that same smirk still on his lips. It was clear he enjoyed seeing you flustered, and you couldn’t help but feel a mix of embarrassment and something else you couldn’t quite place.
After a long and exhausting practice session, you finally made your way back to your dorm. As you opened the door, you were greeted by the familiar sight of one of your bandmate, Yunjin, lounging on the couch with her phone in hand.
“Yay, you’re back!” she exclaimed, looking up from her screen. “How was the practice with Jungwon?”
You sighed, dropping your bag by the door and collapsing onto the couch beside her. “It was… something.”
She raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “What happened?”
You hesitated for a moment, trying to find the right words. “Well, you know how I’ve always seen him as a little brother, right?”
“Yeah, of course. You’ve mentioned it a million times,” she replied, her curiosity piqued.
“Okay, so today, we were practicing this really tough hip-hop routine for Gayo Daejeon,” you began. “And Ji-eun left us alone to rehearse on our own for a bit.”
“Uh-huh, go on,” she encouraged, leaning in closer.
“Well, Jungwon took off his hoodie because it was getting hot in the studio,” you continued, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks at the memory. “And he was wearing this, like, tank top underneath. I had no idea he was that… fit.”
Yunjin’s eyes widened, and she burst into laughter. “Oh my God, you got flustered, didn’t you?”
“I mean…a little,” you admitted, burying your face in your hands. “It’s just, I’ve always seen him as this cute younger brother or something. But today, he looked… argh.”
“Different how?” she pressed, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
You sighed, finally giving in. “He looked… so, so hot. I couldn’t stop staring, and he totally noticed!”
She laughed even harder, clutching her stomach. “This is priceless! Our ynnie has a crush on Jungwon!”
“It’s not like that!” you protested, though your blush betrayed you. “I was just… surprised. I didn’t expect him to have grown up so much.”
“Oh, sure,” she said, still giggling.
“Stop teasing me, Unnie,” you groaned, playfully shoving her. “I’m just trying to process it. I mean, he’s always been like a brother to me, and now suddenly, he’s this attractive guy. How did that even happen?”
“Sounds like you’ve got it bad,” Yunjin teased, nudging you with her elbow. “But seriously, it’s not a bad thing. Maybe it’s time to see him in a new light.”
You sighed, leaning back on the couch. “I don’t know. It’s just… really confusing. I’ve always been so sure of our dynamic, and now it feels like everything’s shifted. It doesn’t feel…platonic anymore.”
She smiled sympathetically. “Feelings can be complicated, especially when someone you’ve known for a long time changes. Just take it one step at a time and see where things go.”
“Thanks, Unnie,” you said, grateful for her understanding. “I guess I’ll just have to see how things play out during this collaboration.”
“It’s just a week and a half away, you’ll be fine. And in the meantime, try not to get too distracted by his muscles,” Hana added with a wink, causing you to throw a pillow in her direction, one she dodged as she got up from the couch and sprinted to the kitchen.
“I hate you,” you said, loud enough so she could hear you.
As the evening wore on, you couldn’t help but replay the events of the day in your mind. Seeing Jungwon in a new light was certainly unexpected, but maybe Hana was right.
The next day, you arrived at the practice studio a bit early, hoping to get some stretches in before Jungwon showed up. As you rolled out your yoga mat and began your stretches, the door opened, and Jungwon walked in, his demeanor radiating confidence.
"Morning, noona," Jungwon greeted you with a charming smile, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
"Morning, wonnie," you replied, trying to keep your voice steady. "Ready for today?"
"Absolutely," he said, dropping his bag and joining you on the floor. He started stretching beside you, his movements fluid and relaxed.
You chuckled nervously. "We need to nail this routine."
As you both warmed up, the studio felt smaller, the air charged with an unspoken tension. Jungwon seemed more confident, and his movements were more assured. And you couldn’t help but feel turned on by his confidence. Focus, yn. Stop thinking about that. When you began practicing the routine, his eyes never left you, making you hyper-aware of his presence.
“Alright, let’s take it from the top,” you said, hoping to focus on the choreography and not on the way his tank top accentuated his toned arms. Of course, he had to wear a tank top again. A white one this time.
The music started, and you moved in sync, your bodies effortlessly flowing through the steps. But every time Jungwon’s eyes met yours, you felt your concentration waver. He seemed to notice, and his smirk grew more pronounced.
“Come on, noona, keep up,” he teased, executing a particularly sharp move with ease.
“I’m keeping up just fine,” you shot back, though you could feel the heat rising to your cheeks.
As the routine progressed, Jungwon's playful teasing only intensified. During a particularly close part of the choreography, where you had to mirror each other's movements, he leaned in slightly, his breath warm against your ear.
“You’re doing great, noona,” he whispered, his voice low and smooth.
Your heart skipped a beat, and you missed a step, stumbling slightly. “Th-thanks,” you managed to stammer, trying to regain your composure.
He pulled back, grinning. “What’s wrong? You seem a bit distracted.”
“Just focused on getting the steps right,” you lied, hoping he couldn’t see through your facade.
“Sure,” he said, clearly unconvinced but not pushing it further.
You took a deep breath and forced yourself to focus. The routine was intricate, demanding your full attention, but Jungwon's newfound confidence made it increasingly difficult. He moved with a grace and assurance that was hard to ignore, and his constant teasing only added to your distraction.
You couldn’t continue like that, or else you might burst. You never noticed how handsome he was or how hot he looked when he was focused on something. But since yesterday, that was the only thing you could think about.
During a break, you sat down to catch your breath, wiping sweat from your forehead. Jungwon plopped down beside you, a bottle of water in hand.
“Here,” he said, offering you the bottle. “You look like you need it.”
“Thanks,” you said, taking it and drinking gratefully. “You’re really on fire today. Did you have an extra shot of coffee this morning or something?”
He laughed, leaning back on his hands. “Maybe I did. Or maybe I just enjoy seeing you flustered.”
You nearly choked on your water, coughing slightly. “I-I’m not flustered.”
“Sure you’re not,” he said, his smirk widening. “It’s okay, noona. It’s kind of cute.”
Your face burned, and you looked away, trying to hide your embarrassment. Why did your heart skip a bit when he said that? The way he was looking at you, with his playful smirk and his glimmering eyes. You should scold him, he was younger than you, how could he called you ‘’cute’’. You hated that you actually liked it.
You cleared your throat, your cheeks still red and got up from the ground. ‘’Uh… we should get back to practice ‘’
“Of course,” he agreed, but the playful glint in his eyes told you he wasn’t done teasing.
As you both resumed practice, Jungwon continued to push your buttons, his confidence making him bolder. During a particularly challenging sequence, he placed his hands on your waist to guide you into the correct position, his touch sending a shiver down your spine.
“There,” he said softly, his breath warm against your neck. “Perfect.”
You swallowed hard, trying to ignore the way your body reacted to his closeness. “Thanks,” you murmured, stepping away to put some distance between you. You couldn’t be cphysically close ot him right now. Not outside of the chores.
He chuckled, clearly enjoying your reaction. “Anytime, noona.”
By the end of the session, you were exhausted, both physically and emotionally. Jungwon’s confident teasing had left you more flustered than you cared to admit, and focusing on the routine had been a constant struggle.
“Good work today,” Jungwon said as you both gathered your things. “We’re getting better.”
“Yeah, we are,” you agreed, forcing a smile. “See you tomorrow?”
“Absolutely,” he said, giving you a wink. “I can’t wait.”
As you left the studio, you couldn’t help but replay the day’s events in your mind. As the days unfolded, you avoided him the best you could. After practices, you always came up with an excuse whenever he asked if you wanted to grab something to eat or drink. But most of all, you avoided looking into his eyes. His beautiful and hypnotizing eyes.
Today was one of your last practices, as the Gayo Daejeon was approaching. You tried to keep your focus only on the routine, determined not to let him get to you. You couldn’t. The choreography required for you to look into his eyes, but today was clearly impossible. His hair was parted in a way to make his features appear stronger. he looked so good. Every time your eyes locked, your cheeks would heat up, and your heart could race uncontrollably. Instead, you fixed your gaze on the floor or focused on a point over his shoulder, hoping he wouldn’t notice.
But Jungwon wasn’t one to miss much. After the fourth time, you avoided his eyes during the routine, he began to suspect something was up. Plus, he noticed how distant you were and how you tried to avoid him during the last few days. During a particularly close part of the choreography, where you had to face each other and mirror each other’s movements, he finally decided to confront you.
You were supposed to step into each other’s space, your faces mere inches apart. Instead of looking at him, you kept your gaze firmly on the floor, focusing on your feet.
“Look at me,” Jungwon’s voice was low but commanding. He stopped his movement and placed his fingers gently under your chin, tugging your head upwards to look at him, holding your waist wth his other hand.
You swallowed hard, your eyes reluctantly meeting his. “Why are you avoiding my eyes, noona?” he asked, his smirk widening as he saw the blush spreading across your cheeks.
“I’m not avoiding your eyes,” you lied, your voice barely above a whisper.
He chuckled softly, his fingers still holding your chin. “You’re a terrible liar. What’s got you so flustered?”
“I’m not flustered,” you protested weakly, trying to pull away, but his grip, though gentle, was firm.
“Sure you’re not,” he said, his tone dripping with playful confidence. “Come on, noona, you can be honest with me.”
The intensity of his gaze, coupled with the proximity of his body, almost buckled your knees. “I just… I’m trying to focus,” you stammered.
He leaned in closer, matching your height, his breath warm against your lips. “And looking at me makes it hard to focus?”
You bit your lip, your mind racing for a plausible denial, but nothing came to you. The way he was looking at you and how confident he seemed made it hard for you to concentrate. “Yes,” you finally admitted, your voice barely audible.
A triumphant smile spread across his face. Before you could say anything, he closed the small distance between you, his lips brushing softly against yours. The kiss was gentle at first, testing, but when you didn’t pull away, he deepened it, his other hand that was on your waist pulled you closer. Your heart pounded in your chest, and you felt like you were melting into him. You wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him back with a hunger you hadn’t realized you’d been suppressing.
You both pulled away, breathless, your foreheads resting against each other. Your eyes locked with his, and you could see the desire in his eyes. His pupils were dilated and he looked at you with half-lidded eyes.
Without even thinking twice about it, you grabbed the front of his tank top, pulling him back to you for another kiss, this time a lot more aggressive and forceful. Jungwon groaned against your lips, his hands finding the small of your back and pulling you closer. The kiss was fiery, your mouths moving in a heated dance. You both put so much force into the kiss, you were practiaclly sure your lips would have bruises on tomorrow.
He backed you up until you felt the cool surface of the mirrored wall against your back. His hands were firm as they roamed over your body, leaving a trail of heat in their wake. Your hands were feeling him, going from his broad shoulders to his biceps to his abs. You felt every muscle tense against your hands, and you absolutely loved it. You needed to touch him.
“Look at you,” he murmured as his lips attached to your neck, kissing and biting it, his voice thick with desire. “So needy. You like this, don’t you?”
You gasped, feeling a shiver run down your spine. “Fuck, yes,” you whispered, the admission making your cheeks burn with a mix of embarrassment and excitement.
His eyes darkened with a predatory gleam as he pinned your hands above your head, his body pressing against yours, trapping you against the mirror. You could feel how hard he was through his sweatpants. “Say it again,” he demanded, his tone commanding.
“Yes, I like this,” you repeated, your voice trembling slightly.
Jungwon smirked, his lips brushing against your ear. “Good girl.’’ His hand slipped under your shirt, caressing your skin, eliciting a moan from you. He chuckled, his hand moving higher, his thumb brushing over your bra. “So desperate for my touch. Fuck, you’re perfect.’’
You bit your lip, trying to stifle another moan. “Please…”
“Please what?” he taunted, his thumb circling your nipple through the fabric. “Use your words, baby.”
“Please, touch me,” you begged, your voice breaking.
“Good girl,” he praised, his hand slipping under your bra to cup your breast, his thumb brushing over your sensitive skin. “I love hearing you beg for me.”
You moaned, pressing into his hand, your body trembling with need. “Wonnie, I need you…”
He growled, capturing your lips in another searing kiss. “I know, baby. I know.” His free hand slid down to your thigh, lifting your right leg to wrap around his waist. “God, you’re so perfect. So responsive.” You felt his hard-on against your clothed core as he started to move a bit, causing both of you to hiss.
You felt like you were drowning in him, every touch, every word sending you spiraling deeper into desire. He pulled back slightly, his eyes locking onto yours. “Look at you, so desperate for me. Do you know how hot you look right now?” He thrust again, a little harder this time, and you let out a small, needy whine. He smirked, his hand moving to the waistband of your sports shorts.
In one swift motion, he slipped his hand inside, his fingers finding your core. You gasped, your hips bucking against his hand. ‘’Fuck you’re so wet for me,’’ he murmured, his voice filled with awe. “You’re such a good girl, aren’t you? So ready to be touched.”
You moaned, unable to form coherent words, your body responding to his touch with a mind of its own. “Yes, yes, please…”
He leaned in, his lips hovering your ear, before you could feel him sink his teeth to your lobe. “I’m going to make you feel so good.” And with that, he entered one finger and started pumping it, slowly at first. He picked up the pace when he saw you responding to his moves. He quickly added another one and you couldn’t stop the moans from slipping.
"God, you’re so tight," Jungwon murmured, his voice laced with a mix of awe and desire. "I can barely fit two fingers in."
You gasped, the sensation overwhelming as he pushed his fingers deeper inside you. The tightness and the heat around his fingers made him groan in satisfaction. "Fuck. If you’re this tight around my fingers, I don’t know how I’m gonna fit."
You moaned, the combination of his words and his rough touch driving you wild. He smirked, pressing his thumb against your clit and rubbing harsh circles around it. "You like that, don’t you? You like feeling my fingers inside you, stretching you."
"Yes," you breathed, your hips bucking against his hand, seeking more of his touch.
His smirk widened as he pushed his fingers deeper, his pace rough and unrelenting. "Look at you, so desperate for me. So wet and tight. Oh, I’m gonna ruin you."
You whimpered, the pleasure building inside you, making it hard to think or speak. He chuckled darkly, his free hand coming up to cover your mouth as a particularly loud moan slipped out of your mouth. "Shh, we can’t have anyone hearing you, can we? Anyone could walk into the studio and see you like this, begging for my touch."
His hand muffled your moans, the pressure of his fingers inside you and the movement of his thumb on your clit pushing you closer to the edge. He leaned in, his breath hot against your ear. "You’re such a good girl, taking my fingers so well. But you’re also a dirty little thing, aren’t you? Getting off in the practice studio where anyone could see."
You nodded, tears of pleasure forming in the corners of your eyes. The combination of his praise and degradation made your body tremble, every nerve ending on fire.
"You’re going to come for me, aren’t you?" he whispered, his voice low and commanding, as he felt your walls tightening around his fingers. ‘’Fuck, I can feel how close you are. Go ahead, come for me, but keep it quiet. Show me how good you can be."
His words sent you over the edge, your body convulsing with the force of your orgasm. You bit down on his hand to muffle your cries, the intense waves of pleasure crashing over you. Jungwon continued to finger you through it, his touch relentless and rough, prolonging your release until you were a shaking, panting mess.
When you finally came down from your high, he withdrew his fingers slowly, his eyes dark with desire and satisfaction. ‘’You’ve made such a mess, all because of my fingers."
You blushed, leaning your had against the mirror. You were completely breathless. He brought his fingers to his lips, licking them clean, his eyes never leaving yours. "You taste amazing. I can’t wait to be inside you.’’
When you finally find some sanity left, you gently push him a bit from you and let your hands run through his abs before tugging at his shirt, signaling for him to take it off. You wanted to make him feel just as good. He took off his shirt, revealing his toned abs.
Jungwon raised an eyebrow, his smirk reappearing as he realized your intent. "What are you doing?" he asked, his voice teasing.
"Returning the favor," you said, your voice husky with desire.
His eyes darkened with lust as you dropped to your knees in front of him, your fingers hooking into the waistband of his sweatpants. You pulled them down slowly, your breath hitching as you revealed more of his skin. When his boxers followed, you couldn’t help but let out a small gasp. His cock was big indeed and the sight of him made your mouth water.
"Like what you see?" he asked, his voice dripping with arrogance and amusement.
You nodded, your eyes locked onto his impressive length. You licked your lips, your desire evident.
"Then show me," he commanded, his tone dominant. "I want to see that pretty mouth of yours around me."
You nodded, leaning in to place a soft kiss on the tip of his hard cock. He groaned, his hand coming to rest on the back of your head, his fingers tangling in your hair. "Good girl," he murmured, his voice a mix of praise and command.
You opened your mouth, taking him in slowly, savoring the weight and feel of him on your tongue. He let out a deep groan, his hips twitching as you began to bob your head, your hand wrapping around the base to stroke what you couldn’t fit in your mouth.
‘’Fuck, baby" he growled, his grip tightening in your hair. "You look so good like this.’’
You hummed around him, the vibration eliciting another groan from him. You quickened your pace, hollowing your cheeks and taking him deeper, your tongue swirling around his length.
"That’s it," he praised, his voice breathless.
Your eyes flicked up to meet his, and the intensity of his gaze made you shiver. His dominance, the way he looked down at you with a mix of adoration and arrogance, only fueled your desire. You wanted to make him lose control, to hear him praise you more.
You deepened your efforts, taking him as deep as you could, feeling him hit the back of your throat. Jungwon’s head fell back, a low, guttural moan escaping his lips. "Fuck. Your mouth feels so fucking good. So fucking perfect."
You felt a surge of pride and arousal at his words, your movements becoming more fervent. His grip in your hair tightened, guiding your movements as he thrust roughly into your mouth. "You like this, don’t you?" he asked, his voice rough. "Being on your knees for me, taking my cock like a good little slut."
You moaned around him, the degrading words sending a thrill through your body. He was pushing all the right buttons, and you loved every second of it.
"Answer me," he commanded, pulling you off him just enough so you could speak.
‘’Fuck, yes, I love it," you gasped, your voice breathless and needy. "I love making you feel good."
"Good girl," he purred, thrusting back into your mouth. "Keep going. Make me come."
You redoubled your efforts, your hand stroking him in time with your movements. His breathing became more ragged, his moans louder. "I’m close," he warned, his hips bucking into your mouth. "Fuck, you’re gonna make me come."
You moaned in encouragement, hollowing your cheeks and taking him as deep as you could. With a final, guttural groan, he tensed, his release spilling into your mouth. You swallowed eagerly, savoring the taste and the sound of his pleasure. When he finally released his grip on your hair, you pulled back, licking your lips and looking up at him. Jungwon’s eyes were dark with satisfaction and something deeper, something more tender.
He grabbed your jaw forcefully, making you go back on your feet and crashed his lips into yours, tasting himself on your tongue. He grabbed your hips firmly.
“Turn around,” he commanded, his voice low and rough with desire.
You did as he said, your heart pounding in anticipation. Jungwon pressed you against the mirrored wall, his body heat radiating against your back. He tugged your shorts and underwear down in one swift motion, and you gasped at the sudden coolness against your skin.
“Look at yourself,” he whispered in your ear, his hand gripping your chin and tilting your head up to face the mirror. “I want you to see how desperate you are for me.”
Your eyes met your own reflection, cheeks flushed, eyes wide with anticipation. Jungwon’s eyes bore into yours through the mirror, a predatory gleam in them. He positioned himself behind you, his hand sliding between your legs to tease you, finding you already wet and ready.
He smirked, positioning himself at your entrance. Without warning, he thrust into you roughly, a guttural groan escaping his lips as he filled you completely. You cried out, the sudden intrusion overwhelming, but Jungwon’s hand quickly covered your mouth.
“Quiet,” he ordered, his voice a harsh whisper. “Anyone could walk in and see you like this, see how much you love being fucked by me.”
You nodded, biting down on your lip to stifle your moans as he began to move. His pace was relentless, each thrust rough and deep, pushing you against the mirror. The sensation was intense, every nerve in your body on fire.
“Look at yourself,” he growled, his hand gripping your hair, pulling your head back, forcing you to meet your own eyes in the mirror. “Look at how you’re taking me, how much you love it.”
You whimpered, your reflection showing you lost in pleasure, completely at his mercy. His other hand slipped between your legs, his fingers finding your clit and rubbing in sync with his thrusts. The dual sensation was too much, and you felt your body tightening, the first orgasm building rapidly.
“Wonnie, I’m gonna—” you started, but he cut you off with a harsh thrust.
“Do it,” he commanded, his eyes never leaving yours in the mirror. “Come for me, beautiful. Show me how good I make you feel.”
His words, combined with the relentless pace of his thrusts and the pressure on your clit, sent you over the edge. You cried out, your body convulsing as waves of pleasure crashed over you. Jungwon’s hand muffled your cries.
“Good girl,” he praised, his voice rough with satisfaction. “You look so beautiful when you come.”
He didn’t give you time to recover, his pace never slowing. Each thrust pushed you higher, the overstimulation making your body tremble. “Won, please,” you begged, your voice a desperate whisper. “It’s too much.”
“You can take it,” he growled, his eyes filled with a dark hunger. His fingers moved faster on your clit, the pressure building again. You couldn’t believe how quickly another orgasm was approaching, your body responding to his every touch.
“Won, I can’t—” you started, but he cut you off with another rough thrust.
“Yes, you can,” he insisted, his voice filled with dominance. He leaned in, his chest pressed against your back as his lips hovered over your ear. “You’re going to come again, and you’re going to do it while looking at yourself. I want you to see how much you love being fucked by me.”
The intensity of his words and the unrelenting pace of his thrusts pushed you over the edge again. You screamed into his hand, your body convulsing with the force of your second orgasm. The pleasure was almost too much to bear, your vision blurring as you were overwhelmed by the sensation.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” Jungwon groaned, his own release approaching. “You feel so good. So tight and wet. You’re fucking perfect.”
With a final, deep thrust, he came inside you, his body tensing as he filled you with his release. You both stayed there for a moment, panting and trembling, the intensity of the encounter leaving you both breathless.
After you both recovered a bit, Jungwon carefully helped you straighten your clothes, pull up your shorts and panties, and made sure you were comfortable. He guided you to sit down on one of the benches, his eyes filled with a mix of tenderness and concern.
“You okay, noona?” he asked softly, brushing a strand of hair from your face.
You nodded, still breathless and trembling slightly. “Yeah, just… wow.”
He chuckled, his confidence still shining through. “Yeah, wow.’’
You smiled weakly, feeling the soreness already settling in. “I don’t think I can practice anymore today. I’m too sore.”
Jungwon’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “I guess I really did a number on you, huh? Didn’t expect you to be so breathless and sore. Maybe I should’ve gone easier on you.”
You gave him a playful glare. “Don’t get too cocky, now. You’re just lucky I didn’t outlast you.”
He laughed, sitting down beside you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “Sure, sure. But that’s not what you were saying when I was indie you, huh? All I heard was you begging for more.”
Your cheeks flushed, but you couldn’t help but smile. “You’re impossible.”
“And you love it,” he teased, pressing a soft kiss to your temple. “Now, let’s see what we can do to make you feel better.”
Jungwon stood up and retrieved a small towel from his bag, dampening it with some water from his bottle. He knelt in front of you and gently wiped the sweat from your face and neck, his touch tender and caring.
“Here, let me massage your legs a bit,” he said, his tone softening. “It’ll help with the soreness.”
You nodded, grateful for his thoughtfulness. As he began to knead the muscles in your calves and thighs, you felt some of the tension easing away. His hands were skilled, and the massage was both soothing and relaxing.
“Better?” he asked, looking up at you with a warm smile.
“Much better,” you sighed, feeling more at ease. “Thank you, wonnie.”
“Anything for you,” he replied, his voice filled with sincerity. He leaned in and kissed your neck, his lips warm and gentle against your skin.
You shivered, a mix of pleasure and exhaustion washing over you. “Won, we can’t… not here. We’re already lucky nobody walked in on us.”
He pouted playfully, his eyes filled with mischief. “But I was just getting started on round two.”
You laughed softly, shaking your head. “Maybe later. I’m way too tired right now.”
He smirked, his confidence and cockiness still evident. “Fine, I’ll hold you to that. But don’t think I’ll forget.”
You smiled, leaning into him. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”
Jungwon wrapped his arms around you, holding you close. The warmth of his embrace and the gentle hum of the studio lights created a comforting atmosphere. You laid down on the bench, your head resting on his tights, while he played with your hair.
The soft hum of the air conditioning and the distant sound of footsteps in the building provided a soothing backdrop to your quiet moment together. Jungwon's fingers traced light patterns on your scalp, making you feel relaxed and content.
“You know,” he began, his voice soft, “I’ve been thinking.”
“Uh-oh,” you teased, peeking up at him with a playful smile. “That sounds dangerous.”
He chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Very funny, noona. But seriously, I was thinking we should go out sometime. You know, on a proper date.”
You raised an eyebrow, surprised but intrigued. “A date, huh? Are you sure you can handle that?”
Jungwon smirked, his fingers still threading through your hair. “I think I can manage. Unless you’re too scared to go out with me.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Scared? Please. I’m just worried you might not be able to keep up.”
“Oh, I’ll keep up,” he said confidently. “The question is, can you handle it?”
You rolled your eyes, enjoying the banter. “Alright, tough guy. Where do you plan on taking me?”
He pretended to think for a moment, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “How about dinner at that new rooftop restaurant downtown? I heard the view is amazing.”
“Ooh, fancy,” you replied, impressed. “Trying to impress me, are you?”
“Is it working?” he asked, his expression hopeful but playful.
“Maybe,” you said, pretending to ponder. “But I’m going to need more than just a nice view to be impressed.”
He laughed, leaning down to press a quick kiss to your forehead. “Challenge accepted. So, what do you say? Dinner tomorrow night?”
You bit your lip, considering his offer. Despite the teasing, you felt a genuine excitement at the prospect of going out with Jungwon. “Alright, you’ve got yourself a date. But only if you promise not to be late.”
He placed a hand over his heart, feigning seriousness. “I promise. I’ll even show up early, just to make sure.”
“Wow, early?” you teased. “You must really want to impress me.”
“Maybe I do,” he admitted, his tone more sincere. “You’re worth it.”
You felt a warmth spread through you at his words, and you smiled up at him. “Well, in that case, I’m looking forward to it.”
“Me too,” he said, his fingers resuming their gentle play in your hair. “It’ll be nice to spend time together outside the studio.”
You nodded, closing your eyes and letting the comfort of the moment wash over you. “Yeah, it will be. Just you and me, no distractions.”
“No distractions,” he agreed, his voice a soft promise.
#enhypen smut#enhypen#heeseung#sunghoon#ni ki#jay enhypen#park sunghoon#yang jungwon#enhypen jungwon#jungwon smut#yang jungwon smut#enhypen jungwon smut#enhypen x reader#enhypen fic#enhypen fluff#enhypen imagines#enhypen scenarios#idol!reader#dom!jungwon#harddom!jungwon#dom jungwon#enhypen jungwon dom#jungwon fluff#enhypen jungwon fluff
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DREAMS lando norris pt.1 When your childhood bestfriend Flo had convinced you to get the fashion design job at her brother's company Quadrant, it finally paid off when Louis Vuitton was announced as the new sponsor for F1.

pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 wordcount: 1378
Flo's voice filled the room as she scrolled through her phone, her excitement palpable.
"I'm telling you, this is perfect for you," Flo said, thrusting her phone in your direction.
You squinted at the screen, trying to make sense of the email she was showing you. "A job at Quadrant? Flo, I’m studying fashion design, not... whatever that is."
Flo looked up, her brows furrowed as if you’d just said something ridiculous. "What do you mean? It can be. Look at Tommy Hilfiger. Or Lewis Hamilton—his fashion work, hosting the Met Gala, working with big brands. F1’s bigger than you think, and it’s not just about cars."
"Haha, Flo, what are you talking about?" you said, shaking your head at the idea. "F1 is not really the place I want to be for my fashion stuff."
You paused, realizing you hadn’t really thought about it like that before. You’d never paid much attention to Formula 1, aside from the occasional updates Flo gave you about Lando. It had been years since you'd spent any real time with him. As kids, you'd catch fleeting glimpses of each other whenever he wasn’t off karting or, later, racing. But you knew Lewis Hamilton. He had enormous influence. He’d collaborated with brands you admired and pushed boundaries in the fashion world.
"Maybe not," Flo said, leaning forward with a knowing grin. "But there could be great opportunities"
"And trust me, Quadrant desperately needs someone like you. You’ve seen their merch, right? It’s..." She continued.
"Basic?" you offered, arching an eyebrow, Flo had already showed you the designs before in an attempt for you to improve them.
"Exactly! They’re looking for someone to revamp their designs. You’re always talking about how things could be better.''
You sipped your coffee, considering her words. It wasn’t your dream job, but the thought of improving a brand and the opportunities that came with it was oddly tempting.
"Fine," you said, setting your mug down. "I’ll think about it."
Flo grinned like she'd won the lottery. "You’ll kill it. Trust me."
The buzz around Quadrant’s new merch started slowly but picked up pace when a few photos of Lando wearing your designs at the paddock made their way online. Suddenly, it wasn’t just fans buying hoodies and tees, people in the fashion and sports world were taking notice, and journalists started to make comparisons you weren’t sure anyone expected.
“Is Lando Norris the next Lewis Hamilton?” one article headline read.
Another went deeper: “From driver to brand icon: How Lando Norris and Quadrant are reshaping athlete influence.”
It had been surreal to watch the shift, you had worked hard. Max had been supportive from the start, seeing the vision. Keegan had actually become a reliable creative partner, having similar styles and taste. Lando had been the same as when you were kids, you had barely seen him, too busy racing, handling his CEO duties from afar.
And now, after months of hard work, it was all leading to something bigger.
The first time at the paddock was overwhelming. The heat, the constant movement, the blur of media, mechanics, and drivers navigating their way through the chaos—it was a world you still didn’t quite belong to. Even though it did bid a uncanny resemblance to the chaos of the fashion world, which intrigued you.
You watched as the photographers snapped pictures of Lando and the team in their latest Quadrant pieces. The collection had taken months to finalize, and the response had been overwhelming—more press than usual, more attention, more recognition.
“You’re the one behind all this, aren’t you?”
You turned at the voice, surprised to find yourself face to face with Lewis Hamilton. He was dressed effortlessly, a silk LV shirt under an unbuttoned suit vest, sunglasses perched on his nose.
You blinked. “I—uh. Sorry?”
Lewis smiled knowingly. “The Quadrant collection. It’s you.”
You hesitated. “I mean… it’s a team effort.”
“Sure,” he said, his grin widening. “But I know talent when I see it.”
Her stomach flipped. Compliments were one thing, but this—coming from him—felt different.
“I’ve been following your work,” Lewis continued, slipping his hands into his pockets. “You’ve got a fresh perspective. Louis Vuitton is partnering with F1. They want to bring in new talent, I tipped you.” Your breath caught. “Are you serious?”
“Dead serious.”
You stared at him, waiting for the catch, but there wasn’t one. He was just… offering this. Just like that.
“I—” You glanced over at the Quadrant shoot, where Lando was laughing with the guys, completely unaware of the conversation happening across the paddock. “Thank you so much.”
Lewis smiled. “You’ll be hearing from them soon. Excited to work together.”
And with that, he was gone, disappearing into the paddock like he hadn’t just cracked your entire world open in a two-minute conversation. Flo had turned to be right after all.
Louis Vuitton had officially announced their F1 partnership, and with it, their campaign featuring a select group of drivers. The second she saw Lando’s name on the list, you knew there was no avoiding it. You hadn’t expected it, even though it made sense after Quadrant’s succes and having already worked together. Still, you hadn’t expected to be working with him again, especially not like this. He hadn't shown too much emotion when you left Quadrant, but you knew he wasn't happy about it.
Now, standing in the Louis Vuitton studio, flipping through the fitting schedule, you could feel his glare when the door opened before looking up.
"From Quadrant to Louis V," Lando mused, his voice light but edged with something unreadable. "Look at us."
You finally glanced up. He walked around inspecting the room, sunglasses perched on his head, fingers brushing against the fabric of a tailored jacket. His expression was casual, like he wasn’t really thinking about what he’d just said. Like it was just an observation.
You gave a small shrug. "Who would've thought."
He huffed a quiet laugh, shaking his head as he turned toward the fitting area. "Thought you could get rid of me, huh?"
“Alright, first look,” you said, flipping through your notes without looking up.
Lando sighed dramatically. “Do I really need to try all of these on?”
You shot him a look. “Unless you suddenly developed a sense of style overnight, yes.”
He rolled his eyes but didn’t argue, grabbing the set from the rack.
You turned you back as he changed, focusing on adjusting the pins on one of the outfits. It wasn’t the first time you’d been in a fitting with Lando, but this was different. The Louis Vuitton studio was quieter than Quadrant HQ, the lighting softer, there was no Max, no Keegan, no distractions.
“Okay,” Lando said, stepping forward. “What do you think?”
You turned—and fuck.
The suit fit him unfairly well. The sharp tailoring, the way the fabric moved with him—it was annoyingly perfect. Which meant you had done a great job.
You forced yourself to be professional, stepping closer to fix his collar. “Hold still.”
Lando stayed quiet as you smoothed the lapels, fingers brushing against his chest. The silence felt thick, aware of how close you were.
“Looks good,” you said, voice even. “But the pants need adjusting.”
You knelt down, reaching for the hem.
You could feel his eyes on you as you adjusted the fabric, fingers skimming his ankle, making sure the length was right. You refused to look up, but you could hear him breathe in, then exhale slowly.
“Comfortable down there?” he asked, voice casual, but you could hear his smirk.
You rolled your eyes, unable for him to see. “Don’t flatter yourself.”
Lando huffed out a laugh, but when you did glance up—just for a second—his jaw was tight. Like he was the one struggling.
You stood, smoothing out the jacket. “Alright,” you said, stepping back, regaining distance. “I think we’re done here.”
Lando tilted his head. “You sure? Thought you liked bossing me around now.”
You smirked. “If I really wanted to boss you around, Lando, you’d know it.”
He blinked, caught off guard for just a second.
Then he grinned. “Noted.”
WN: new storyyyy wooooop, literally already had this fashion job at quadrant in my drafts and then the LV partnership was announced i had to implement that and post it
#fanfic#formula 1 fanfic#f1 imagine#f1 fanfic#f1 x reader#f1 fic#lando norris#lando norris fanfic#lando x reader#lando imagine#lando norris x reader#lando norris x you#ln4 x reader#lando norris fic#lando norris imagine#lando norris x y/n#lando norris x female reader#lando norris fluff#jealous lando norris#lando#norris#lando norris one shot#lando norris x friend#ln4 fic#f1#formula 1#formula one#ln4#ln4 x you#ln4 x y/n
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The mother of the ocean
Batfam Yan! × Batmom Selkie! Reader
Note: English is not my first language, sorry if there is any translation error

the ocean
That's where you belonged, you had arrived at the coast a few months ago everything was so new to you
It was the first time you left the sea on your own all you knew about this new world were relationships that the other selkies told you.
But you were brave and decided to go out.
This whole new world was too new for someone as inexperienced as you, you knew that selkies in their human form were too attractive for ordinary humans.
So it was not strange that no one could take their eyes off you, in the eyes of ordinary humans you were an angel fallen from heaven.
And then you met him
bruce wayne
He fell for you as soon as his eyes fell on you, you were the most beautiful and charming woman he had ever met
For you he was not Bruce Wayne, the multimillionaire playboy of Gotham
Just Bruce, the kind man who deep down cared for others, although he will not show it
Some time later he told you his big secret, he was Batman and he introduced you to Richard who was his adopted son and also Robin.
You were like a mother figure Richard at that time, it had been a short time since the death of the little boy's parents leaving a big mark on him
But since you arrived everything had changed, forming a family was not in Bruce's plans.
But he didn't regret having met you, you were the only thing he needed
And he wasn't going to let you leave his side
The waves were getting bigger and bigger, a big storm was about to start
It was time to go back to the ocean, to your home.
Even if you wanted to stay you couldn't, a part of you said you would stay with him but another part said you should leave.
That very day Bruce had proposed to you, he had only known you for a few months but he was sure you were the love of his life.
But all you did was give him a confused look and then you ran away.
He thought he had pushed you too hard, didn't you love him?
He chased you to the coast, a few weeks ago you had started to behave strangely
He asked you if something was happening to you and you just said it wasn't important, he knew you were lying.
"Bruce I...I haven't been completely honest with you"
"What do you mean?"
You asked Bruce confused, he didn't understand what you meant, was it something so serious that you weren't even able to tell him
"I...I'm not the person you think I am"
You said as you turned to look at him, at that moment you didn't know what to do, if you stayed with him you were betraying your home, your family and culture.
But if you were going to betray him, you loved him more than anything and you knew that he loved you too
At that moment you were too stupid and you didn't know what you wanted
"I love you Bruce, but you're not mine"
You said for the last time before a great wave consumed your body, Bruce tried to stop you but it was too late.
He watched as your presence disappeared among the waves of the sea
That day I felt like I had lost again what I loved the most
And again he couldn't do anything about it
For years he went to that beach looking for you, hoping that one day you would come back
But you never did, you disappeared from his life like dust.
But he swore that if one day you came back he wouldn't let you leave him again
Never again
After a year you went back out to the coast, the summer sun hitting your shiny skin
Your old skin fell off your shoulders
You had to get clothes as soon as possible, you weren't going to be naked on the beach, you had manners!
You just had to wait for your collaboration to peel off your body and you could finally walk again
You thought you were alone, you chose the most desolate place without people on the entire beach
You were so distracted that you didn't even notice the dark-skinned boy who looked at you in amazement
As soon as you looked up your eyes met his emerald eyes
At that moment you felt your body filled with nervousness
You greeted him awkwardly while giving him a nervous smile
"Are you a mermaid?"
The younger one asked, it was the first time Damian had seen a creature like you
"No, I'm a selkie" you quickly denied, it was the first time a human had seen you before you completely transformed "besides mermaids and salkies are different because-"
Before you could finish speaking you heard a distant voice calling the young man
"Damian! I was looking for you all over the beach, you can't-"
Bruce's eyes widened in surprise when he saw you, after so many years you had returned?
He had waited for you for more than 20 years and now he was back
Your name came out of Bruce's lips, you could barely react when you felt Bruce lunge at you to hug you
Damian frowned confused, because his father was hugging a strange woman
You felt like your body was about to break from the force of Bruce's hug
After so many years he had you in his arms again
And this time he wasn't going to let you leave his side
He had taken you to the mansion as soon as possible, he wasn't going to let you stay on that beach alone
Bruce had introduced you to all the members of the family, apparently he had adopted many more children than you imagined
You felt a little bad for having missed so many things
Your relationship with them was pretty good, well with almost everyone
Richard was still as sweet as when he was a child, when he saw you again he didn't know He took off from you
It seems that he was still a mommy's boy
With Jason it was a little difficult, you found out that he had died and then revived, leaving the poor guy with a lot of trauma and problems
You tried to understand him and show him that you were always going to support him, it was difficult but you managed to gain his trust
You knew that deep down he wanted that support that they could never give him when he was little
Sometimes you had your doubts about Tim, how is it possible that someone as young as him could survive with so few hours of sleep!?
The first time you found out you asked him to improve his sleep schedule, you couldn't let him stay up so late
It made you happy that he listened to you, well almost
He still had horrible sleep schedules but he tried to take some breaks
It was quite difficult to get along with Damian, maybe your first meeting with him was calm
But after he found out about your history with Bruce he completely hated you, so you were the one to blame for Bruce looking at the sea all the time in a melancholy way
You tried to have a good relationship with him but nothing worked, he ignored you or said that you could never be his mother
You understood that he was angry because his life had changed, it wasn't easy to get used to something
So you gave him his space and didn't pressure him, even so you were kind to him
Over time you started to get along better, you told him about your adventures in the sea and facts about marine animals that he had never heard
He would never admit but he liked spending time With you, something in him wanted you to never leave
Barbara was someone quite kind, you got along well since the first time you met her
You used to go out with her and the other girls to walk and talk
Cass was someone quite quiet but she still liked being with you, it was a little difficult to have a conversation with her but even so she was the sweetest girl you had ever met
Stehp was someone quite good, she spent most of her time with cass
You could tell they were good friends, and you used to bring cookies for them
In stehp's words your little streets were the best in the world
All this was so perfect, but you knew you shouldn't get attached
You knew it was wrong to abandon them but you couldn't stay
The day was approaching when you had to return to the coast
But what you didn't know is that none of them were going to allow you to leave
"You can't go (name)! After all this you're going to leave me again!?"
Bruce said trying to get you to see reason, you couldn't leave him again, didn't you love him enough?
"You don't understand Bruce..."
You tried to back away but he ended up grabbing your wrists and pulling you closer to him
"Understand that (name)!?"
His grip on your wrists tightened and made you let out a sound of pain, you were sure that would leave a mark there
"Let me go, it hurts!"
You tried to get out of his grip but it was impossible, in your human form you were too weak, maybe you should have listened to the other selkies and never returned to the surface
"I didn't want to do this, (name), but you leave me no other choice"
You could barely do anything when you felt something embedded in your neck
It was a sedative, your vision became blurry, and you could only feel Bruce's arms wrap around your almost unconscious body
You could see a cynical smile forming on his face
Who would have thought that at that moment your nightmare would begin
Every day was worse than the last, you spent all day locked up in the mansion
Bruce had told everyone your secret and from that moment on everyone had become more possessive
All the time you felt watched, plus the whole family had become more clingy with you, they were not going to allow their mother to abandon them
You should be happy that they are with you! They only want the best for you
Not only did you have to spend all fucking day with kids who wouldn't leave you alone
You also had to put up with a "husband" who wouldn't even let you go to the bathroom alone
Every day that passed you hated Bruce more, because he was the one who put those ideas in the heads of others
You were very stupid to trust a man like him
Bruce started to think that maybe he should get you pregnant, so you could never leave his side
But the first time he approached you with ulterior motives you hit him
And during that whole week you didn't say a word to him, maybe when he regains your trust he could get closer to you again
But you weren't going to allow it, you hated Bruce with all your being, sometimes you wanted to kill him but you knew that would only cause more problems
For now you will have to learn to live like this
Who knows, maybe at some point you'll get used to it!
Or maybe you'll live the rest of your life miserably locked up in a mansion.
You just hoped that this nightmare would end one day.

I finished this pretty quickly, I really liked the concept of this story
I was thinking of making it a bit romantic but I'm better at writing angst than romance
Request made by @writing-flower
I hope you like the result🙏
#batman#batfam x reader#yandere batfam x reader#batfamily x reader#batfam x batmom#batmom!reader#batfamily#yandere bruce wayne#yandere damian x reader#yandere dick grayson#yandere jason todd#yandere batfam#yandere batfamily#yandere batboys#yandere batfamily x reader#yandere batman#yandere tim drake#bruce wayne x fem!reader#batman x reader#bruce wayne x reader#batfam x fem reader#batfam#yandere dc x reader#dc x reader#reader insert
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Heyy!! Hope you’ve been great! I have a request…….💌💌
How about Drew and popstar!reader do like a super hot Calvin Klein ad together, and launch a collab with the line. xx
calvin klien collab ⎯ DREW STARKEY!
authors note i've been doing great thank you for asking lovie!! ugh I enjoyed writing this and coming up with some good ideas heheh. i hope we get to see drew on an ad one day (he would look so good). since i usually write about singer!reader x drew being in a relationship, i wanted to write something that doesn't involve them together, more so meeting for the first time.
taglist ✎ ̼ if you would like to be notified every time i post you will type in your username then be all set to go.
summary in which you and drew starkey are collaborating in a hot calvin klien photoshoot for the first time.
warning(s) high tension, flirting, bodies touching, y/n and drew being the hottest people on the planet.
Being asked to be involved in a Calvin Klein photoshoot was a complete dream come true. You've always wanted to be one of those women, and now you are able to say you are. When you got the news from your manager you were filled with loads of emotions.
What no one was expecting⎯Drew Starkey and Y/N Y/N featured on Calvin Klein together. After the announcement, everyone was going wild over the news. No one would've thought to two most upcoming talented people in the industry in a photoshoot together.
The room is alive with the low buzz of cameras clicking, stylists altering clothes, and the subtle smell of expensive cologne and body oil hanging in the air. The buzzing of music playing in the background set the mood for the shoot.
Meeting Drew for the first time felt unreal. He was so generous, kind, and understanding of boundaries. He told you, "anytime you feel uncomfortable please let me know."
That made you trust him during the entire process.
"Thank you for coming, my name is Andrew, and I will be your photographer for the shoot," he says while shaking your hands; "for this shoot, we want it to be super hot as the company quoted."
You and Drew are standing in front of a full-length mirror, bodies inches apart, wearing nothing but the sleek, minimalist Calvin Klein underwear that has already been dubbed the year's best campaign⎯and it hasn't been launched yet.
"Lean in a little more," the Andrew says.
Drew tilts his head, grinning slightly as he approaches. His fingers ghost over your waist, not quite touching but close enough to feel the warmth of his skin through the dense tension in the room. Your pulse quickens. His gaze drifts down to your lips for just a second too long. The camera flashes, recording the moment in real time.
When you put your palm on Drew's bare chest for the following shot, you'll notice how hard he swallows. His skin is warm, and his muscles feel taut when you touch them. You're supposed to be playing a role⎯selling desire, closeness, and the effortless Calvin Klein fantasy⎯but neither of you knows where the performance ends and reality begins.
As you two pull away the tension between you two is still lingering in the air. Drew's usual playful smirk soften into something unreadable. This is all supposed to be professional.
The second part of the shoot arrives. Drew is lying on his back in jeans, with you on top of him in jeans and a jean jacket. Drew's right leg was sitting up, while his left leg laid down. You rested your head on his bare chest, peering into the camera.
Andrew clicks many times in a matter of seconds, prompting you both to change positions. Drew was directed to place his left hand on your waist beneath the jean jacket, and you were asked to lift your upper body while maintaining eye contact.
His piercing blue eyes on you and yours on him. Chills going down your spine. Everything in your body was on fire.
Once the third portion of the photoshoot came to an end, Drew and you were sent back to your dressing rooms to get back into your normal clothing then come out to look over the pictures.
Pictures came out perfect.
"That one has to be my favorite" you say, referring to the picture of Drew sitting behind you, left hand on your waist, head on your shoulder. You sit between his legs, lean back against his chest, and wrap your arms tenderly around his head. You both look sexy and badass.
Drew and you walked out together with your managers trailing behind you two keeping good distance. You laughed at something he said about filming for Queer when he nearly fell.
"It was really nice getting the chance to work with you, Y/N," Drew admits. "Maybe we should hang out sometime?" Could I get your phone number?
"You're a great person to work with Drew and I would like that, I'm free this Friday if you aren't busy?" You suggest, smiling sweetly.
He chuckles before gazing at his feet, reaching into his pocket for his phone, and handing it to you.
"Perfect, see you soon, Y/N" Drew says, pulling you in for a hug.
"See ya!"
It's been four days since the shoot and your fans have been eager. Calvin Klien teased viewers with behind-the-scenes footage prior to the release of the entire campaign.
One of the clips shows Drew casually tucking a stray strand of your hair behind your ear in between shoots. Another angle captures the way he murmurs something to you right before a shoot, causing you to giggle softly—an intimate, unscripted moment that only heightens the tension.
Fans on all sorts of social media apps were going crazy. The edits of the clips were being posted. Your phone was blowing up from texts and calls from your closest circle over the campaign ad.
fan88: They didn't have to go this hard for a Calvin Klein ad, but here we are 😳
fan15: i can take them both all at once btw
fan22: so you're telling me this their first time meeting???
drew starkey: i think we just broke the internet
drew starkey: i'm about to pick you up too
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#drew starkey/rafe cameron 🍒#request 🎠#request#drew starkey#popstar!reader#drew starkey x popstar!reader#drew starkey imagine#drew starkey imagines#drew starkey fanfic#drew starkey x reader#drew starkey fanfiction#drew starkey x you#drew starkey x y/n#drew starkey drabble#drew starkey fic#drew starkey fluff#drew starkey one shot#drew starkey obx#drew starkey outer banks#drew starkey x female reader#drew starkey photoshoot#drew starkey pics#drew starkey prompt#drew starkey blurb#outer banks cast#drew fic#drew fanfiction#drew x reader#rafe cameron#rafe cameron imagines
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Hiii I was wondering if you could do a choi seung hyun x reader where the reader is also in a k-pop group and they do a callab together and they slowly fall for eachother? Sorry if this doesn’t make sense lol
𝐒𝐚𝐲 𝐘𝐞𝐬, 𝐒𝐚𝐲 𝐘𝐞𝐬
𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: 𝘛𝘸𝘰 𝘪𝘥𝘰𝘭𝘴 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘱𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨. 𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘨𝘰 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨? (𝘈𝘉𝘚𝘖𝘓𝘜𝘛𝘌𝘓𝘠 𝘕𝘖𝘛𝘏���𝘕𝘎)
𝙏𝙧𝙤𝙥𝙚: 𝘐𝘥𝘰𝘭 𝘹 𝘐𝘥𝘰𝘭
𝙏𝙮𝙥𝙚: 𝘍𝘶𝘭𝘭 𝘍𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧
𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩: 1525
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜: 𝘕𝘰𝘯𝘦
Over the years, putting two idols together and creating what some people call a “ship” has become normal in the K-pop industry and its fandom. During the second generation of idols, two particular groups reigned supreme, known as the kings and queens of K-pop then—and even now.
BigBang, the kings, and 2NE1, the queens, each had talented and well-known members. It was the peak of YG Entertainment when these two groups released a song or an album. And due to being in the same company, shipping was unavoidable. T.O.P and Y/N can attest to that.
With every interaction, fans always pointed out how the two looked at each other, how they behaved around one another, how they smiled when the other person was mentioned—everything and anything that related T.O.P to Y/N and vice versa was always watched closely. In times like this, what do fans need? A good collaboration between the biggest, unsinkable ship of the century, as one fan dubbed them during a BigBang interview on a variety show.
“So, what do you both say?” Yang Hyun-Suk, famously known as YG, asked the two idols before him. His usual cool demeanor was evident, his arms crossed as he waited for their reply. “It’s a simple collaboration song for an upcoming hit series, and the music directors specifically asked for both of you. They’d even give you the opportunity to help in the composing aspect, knowing that you are both capable of doing so, right?”
T.O.P looked at Y/N for a moment, her face exhibiting a thoughtful look. His heart started to drum in his ribcage. This was a huge opportunity for him to spend time with her, of course he would take it. “I’d be alright with taking the job, only if Y/N holds the same sentiment.” He tried to act calm and composed, but his mind was repeating, 'Please accept, please accept, please accept.'
His prayers were answered when Y/N smiled up at him. “I would love to. It would be a fun experience.” T.O.P mirrored her look with a smile of his own. YG looked between the two with one of his eyebrows raised, a noticeable smirk appearing on his face.
“Great! That’s settled then. I’ll let them know of your response.” YG stood up from his couch facing them and approached his office chair to face his computer.
T.O.P and Y/N hastily stood up after him, their hands politely placed in front of them. “Sir, if I may ask,” the latter interjected through the sounds of keyboard clicking, “What is the series we’ll be doing an OST for?”
After eagerly leaving YG’s office, they immersed themselves in planning and discussing the possible feel of the song. They knew that this collaboration would hold high expectations from their fans, who had been requesting it ever since they first saw the two idols interact during their debut days. Meeting with the music directors, composers, and producers of the song, they carved out time for late-night studio sessions, leaving others amazed by their commitment despite their tight schedules.
It wasn’t a surprise when “rumors” of their collaboration sparked the internet, trending for days.
[TRENDING] BigBang’s T.O.P And 2NE1’s Y/N Are Rumored To Collab In Upcoming Series “Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo”
Reading the comments, the two laughed to make up for their sleepless nights. “I love how excited they are; it just makes me more determined to do our best for them,” Y/N said fondly, looking at her phone, her expression failing to hide her soft spot for their supporters. T.O.P hummed in response, feeling exactly the same way.
He flinched when Y/N harshly slapped both her cheeks. “Let’s do this!” Her face looked determined as ever. It made him more fond of her, especially after the few days they had spent navigating the logistics and artistry of their vision for the song. The music directors gave them a beat, a melody, and some unfinished lyrics for the chorus. They trusted the two to make the music together and to help them in every chance they had.
There was never a dull moment between them. T.O.P softly rubbed Y/N’s cheeks with his thumbs, watching as they reddened from the impact. “Don’t do that again. You can rest if you want, but don’t hurt yourself, idiot.” He flicked her forehead lightly.
Y/N deadpanned at him. “Saying that and flicking me on the forehead nullifies your point.” He just laughed in response. ‘Never a dull moment,’ he thought as he felt his heart race at their proximity.
Y/N opened the notebook given to them for ideas and writing lyrics. She hummed in tune to the lyrics with T.O.P looking over her shoulder, adding some lyrics for his own parts as well. After some time passed, Y/N felt a weight on her shoulder, shocking her. She looked and only saw dark, messy hair. Y/N smiled, patting his head, making T.O.P bury his face more into the crook of her neck. She hesitated at first but then leaned her head on his, not noticing the smile that grew on the rapper’s face.
The shooting of the music video for the OST was simple, with the setting just in the recording studio. The two idols were side by side, singing the song. The director's main instruction was to be themselves and have fun with the song they had played such a major role in creating.
“You ready?” T.O.P asked Y/N as they both put on their headphones, the cameraman ready to capture every moment.
“I’m excited for this; it’s the first time we’re going to sing the song as a whole.” Y/N held T.O.P’s hand for a moment. “I’m proud of us, oppa.” Although he managed to maintain a cool demeanor, he was nervous that his hand might be sweaty, revealing his frantic thoughts.
The director pushed the talkback button. “You guys ready? Remember, this is to give the fans a perspective of your finished song, so just be yourselves throughout the recording. Sounds good?” The two idols nodded. “Yes.”
As the music started playing, Y/N leaned closer to the microphone.
“니 눈앞에 왔잖아 내가 여기 있잖아
너의 입술로 말을 해줘 say yes, say yes”
(I'm in front of you, I'm right here
Tell me with your lips, say yes, say yes)
The two of them looked at each other with endearing smiles as the world around them disappeared, and it was just the two of them enjoying the song. With their group, even in their solo careers, they rarely did types of music that were mellow, romantic, or light. Their music often had a touch of hip hop, so creating this song was a challenge for them, but they were definitely proud of the outcome.
“...love is true.” As Y/N finished her part, it was T.O.P’s turn to lean toward the microphone.
“간지럽게만 느껴지던 눈 빛이
이제는 익숙 하단듯이 웃음 짓지”
(Your eyes that only tickled me
Now make me smile as if I'm used to it)
T.O.P held Y/N’s hand and raised it in front of the camera, making the girl quietly laugh and lightly smack his arm. All the while, the rapper continued his verse.
After the release of the series, the OST, the music video, the groups’ fandom gobbled everything up like they never ate for weeks.
[MV] T.O.P & Y/N – Say Yes | 달의 연인 - 보보경심 �� OST
Username 5: MY PARENTS ACKKKK!!! WE NEED THIS LIVE ASAP!!! To those who agree, say “I”
↳ Username 7: I
↳ Username 8: I
– see 800 replies –
Username 6: can you all just see how smitten he is with her :(( our tabi is growing up and falling in love
↳ Username 9: “And if he falls in love tonight... It can be assumed…”
↳ Username 10: can somebody tag me if someone makes an edit of them with “can you feel the love tonight?” lion king style
↳ Username 11: @/username10 no
– see 5 replies –
Username 12: i love how he’s so comfortable with her and is the one initiating contact like T^T
↳ Username 13: I thought I was the only one who noticed that lol they’re so sweet istg
Username 15: But can someone look at how in love she is with him too, i swear JUST SAY YOU’RE TOGETHER
Username 16: no cause if someone looks at me the way she looks at Choi Seung-Hyun I would marry that girl on the spot
this is my first choi seung-hyun (t.o.p) imagine! i really hope yall enjoyed this one cause i would keep writing for that man. he deserves the world fr! keep supporting him 🧎🏻♀️➡️ also i might do a part 2 on this depends if you all want it 👀
#x reader#imagines#t.o.p bigbang#t.o.p#t.o.p x reader#choi seunghyun#seunghyun#choi seunghyun x reader#one shot#request#kpop#bigbang#fem reader#bigbang imagine#kpop kmagine
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Hi there! How do you do? Could I request the Octavinelle trio with a female s/o that's a mermaid version of their greatest enemy? For example, Azul's s/o is a shark mermaid.
So, actually, electric eels don’t have any predators aside from themselves, so Reader will just be an electric eel mermaid!
Azul Ashengrotto
You were a Great White shark mermaid, and you were visiting NRC for a special event from an all-girls college for a collaboration of some sort, and you were hosted by Octavinelle for the time being. Your first meeting with Azul went… strangely.
Now, you were no skinny woman. You were buff, and your teeth were sharp… and you were tall as well. He wanted you as his bouncer, and he even offered to pay you a salary. However, you refused and said that it wouldn’t make sense since you usually need to work a certain amount of time before earning that much.
Curse you for being so intelligent.
However, as you both spent more and more time together, you both realized that maybe opposites do attract. For example, Azul told you about his insecurities about his weight and you reassured him that having a bit of flubber usually made the whale taste better (you then had to tell him that you were joking).
Anyway… you showed him the type of workouts you did to make you so buff. He nearly died of exhaustion and a heart attack because he had never worked out so hard in his life. You had to carry him to his dormitory… and that was when he realized he never had a girl in his room before.
When you had to return back to your school, you exchanged numbers so that you could keep in touch. The tweels noticed that their boss was nearly always on his phone, and your girlfriends noticed you were always on yours. Young love, I suppose.
Jade Leech
You were a fellow Electric Eel mermaid, and you were invited as a member of a select group of girls from a school like NRC as a collaborative event. Since you were a mermaid, you were put into Octavinelle, and Azul assigned Jade as your guide.
That was how you both realized that you were very much alike. You enjoyed morning hikes, you enjoyed nature… but you were not fond of mushrooms. No, you took an interest in birds. You had a different class schedule than him, since you were a year younger, but he surprised you at the end of your classes with a small keychain of a crochet bluejay that he kind of intimidated an NRC student to give to him.
This, in turn, led you to get very excited and give him a kiss on the cheek as payment. However, he was not sure that one was quite enough.
Needless to say, by the end of the five-minute exchange, he had lipgloss marks all over his face, save for his lips. It didn’t matter to him, though, since his pearl was clearly excited and happy about something that he did for her.
On a free Tuesday afternoon, you were both in his dorm room, the door open, and he was showing you how to make a terrarium.
When you had to leave, you both were fairly sad about it, but you gave him a keychain in return, and it had your name and number engraved on the back. It was a mushroom keychain, so he appreciated it, and he made sure to save your number. His first girlfriend… he needed to tell his mother and father soon.
Floyd Leech
When he heard that girls would be coming to NRC, he was totally doing the “they’re going to bring cooties over here” stuff. However, when he saw you, his opinion changed so quickly. He was instantly trying to chat you up, especially in Octavinelle’s pool when he found out you were an eel like him.
You both were emotional rollercoasters, but you were a lot kinder. Also, instead of getting angry, frustrated, or annoyed, you just became sad. So, he would always bring you a free meal from the Mostro Lounge so that his precious pearl wouldn’t be sad anymore.
I read somewhere that the courting ritual of an eel consists of opening jaws and wrapping their tails around each other. Thus, when Floyd saw you yawn for the first time, he immediately clung onto you. Not that you were complaining, since you always loved cuddles.
Constantly, Azul and Jade noticed that you smelled like Floyd’s cologne, but neither of them said anything. After all, you were happily and willingly taking Floyd off of everyone’s hands.
That all aside, Floyd does genuinely care about you. He invites you to each of his games, and his teammates are more than happy for you to be there since you encourage him to play his best. He’s one of the tallest on the team, so they definitely need him focused. Besides, you were happy to spend time with your new ‘boyfriend’.
Soon, however, it was time for you to head back to your school, and you gave him your number as well as a kiss before hopping on the bus. Floyd was pouty all day until Jade reminded him of your number, and you were more than happy to receive a text from your mans.
#twst#twst x reader#twisted wonderland#disney twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland x reader#azul ashengrotto x reader#twst azul#azul x reader#twst azul x reader#azul#azul ashengrotto#twst azul ashengrotto x reader#twst azul ashengrotto#jade#jade x reader#jade leech#jade leech x reader#twst jade leech x reader#twst jade x reader#twst jade leech#twst jade#floyd#floyd leech#twst floyd leech#floyd leech x reader#floyd x reader#twst floyd#twst floyd x reader#twst floyd leech x reader#octavinelle x reader
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The Handsome Assistant: Viktor x Reader
Summary: You keep running into the handsome Dean's assistant, whom you find you have a lot in common with. You develop quite the crush, and things get a little messy when your friends find out about him.
Words: 3.2k
Warnings: some implied suggestive stuff, alcohol use
Author's Notes: Set before Season 1 Act 1. Just a warning, this is probably the most heavily self-indulgent of my Viktor fics so far. I’ve had ideas bouncing around my head for a long time about who I’d be if I lived in the Arcane universe, and I eventually just ended up taking inspiration from what I do in real life. So basically Reader works in human services and is similar to a social worker. I tried my best to write it in a way that makes sense even if you’re not familiar with that field.
Also, the roommate/friend characters are based on my besties irl, one of which is also my beloved tumblr mutual @ohboi , who has been dealing with my nonstop Viktor obsession for a long ass time now so shout-out to them lol. I wrote you living your dream in this fic as a way to apologize <3
It’s exhausting dealing with the powers of topside. There’s no sense of urgency here, no drive for real progress. You’ve attended meeting after meeting, maintaining composure every time they tell you your mission isn’t a priority, or that it will take decades to implement.
All you want is to help the struggling children in the Undercity. It’s what you’ve dedicated your life to, studying human services and psychology at the Academy and building your own grassroots group with a few others from your graduating class. You primarily advocate for better education, as the schools down there barely get any funding. The council doesn’t want to hear it, though, as it’s much easier to forget about the citizens below their feet.
It frustrates you beyond belief, especially since the first chunk of your life was spent in the Undercity. You lived the stark contrast between the two cities yourself, being granted countless more opportunities once your family moved to Piltover. It was sickening, and you felt so guilty with your new privileges when your friends back home still had none. But without those privileges, you wouldn’t have been able to attend the Academy and give back.
You resist the strong urge to scream after another failed proposal with the council. You prepared all of your points for weeks, fact-checking everything and making sure your ideas were plausible. The budget and statistics you wrote out projected exponential progress for both cities, as focusing on the new generation of Zaunites would encourage the next great minds and likely lead to collaboration on mutual issues. But of course, the council is not ready to contemplate such a future.
There was one factor that wasn’t usually there, though, a handsome young man sitting beside Professor Heimerdinger. He was furiously taking notes the entire meeting, looking back down at his journal anytime you made eye contact with him. Out of all the councilors, Heimerdinger seemed the most open to your ideas, but without a majority agreeing to cast a vote to actually change policy, nothing would happen.
You walk back down the long hallway, noticing someone in your peripheral vision.
“I’m sorry the council remains so stuck in their ways,” he says. “Trust me, I understand how hard it is to hold back your anger towards them.”
You turn your head, seeing the young man from earlier, “Who are you?”
“Viktor. I’m assistant to the Dean of the Academy,” he replies, leaning on a cane. “I quite liked your ideas. I think they could work.”
“I know they would work.”
You sigh, quickly realizing you’re projecting your feelings onto this stranger.
“Sorry,” you correct yourself. “I just don’t understand how they can just not care about the suffering down there. I’m from the Undercity, I’ve seen what’s happening there firsthand, and it’s only getting worse.”
Viktor’s eyes widen a bit, “I’m from the Undercity, too.”
“You’re from the Undercity and you’re the personal assistant to Heimerdinger?” you question, a bit shocked at the prospect.
“It’s really not that big of a deal, but yes.”
“What do you mean, not a big deal? I’ve never even met anyone else from the Undercity who got into the Academy.”
“I suppose we are a rare breed,” he says. “I imagine I never saw you there due to our differences in studies.”
“Most likely,” you shrug. “None of my classes were in the science halls, assuming that’s where you were.”
He smirks, “What makes you assume I studied science?”
“You just have that look about you.”
He laughs, “Well, you’re right. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised someone well-versed in analyzing humanity read me so quickly.”
“Don’t worry, you’re still mostly a mystery to me. I can’t read minds or anything,” you flash him a genuine smile.
There’s a beat of silence before he speaks again.
“I need to get back to my lab, but I do hope we cross paths again. I’ll certainly discuss your proposals more with Heimerdinger as well.”
“I’d appreciate that.”
He leaves in the opposite direction, his cane tapping the floor.
What an interesting twist of fate, meeting someone like you.
The second time you run into Viktor is at an Academy party a couple months later, something you both likely would’ve skipped if you could. It’s somewhat a recruiting event for new students, and several alumni were asked to represent their fields of study. It’s not that you mind talking with prospective students, but you know you’ll have to hold back a lot of your true opinions when doing so. If you go off about how the curriculum doesn’t cover enough about the issues in the Undercity, you’ll surely get a reprimand from your former professors. You could lose several connections and investors in your organization as well, something you’re not willing to risk. Instead, you keep a smile on your face, engaging in conversation politely and answering questions.
You notice Viktor sitting at one of the far tables, his eyes darting around the room. He has several contraptions set up, and occasionally people come up to ask him about them. He lights up when he speaks, his face making the cutest expressions.
You notice yourself staring, quickly turning your head towards something else.
That sconce on the wall looks nice, doesn’t it?
As the event slows down and the crowd shuffles out, you pack up your things and head to the door, glancing back at Viktor’s table for a moment. He’s looking right back at you, and your heels swivel promptly to go see him.
“Hey,” you say, shooting him a smile. “Nice to see you again.”
Shit, was he this handsome the first time you met him?
“You as well,” he nods, gathering up his own things scattered in front of him. “Did you find anyone to join your program?”
“A few, yeah. You?”
“Several. More than I expected.”
He huffs, soon realizing all of his tech and science displays were not going to fit in the one cart that was left.
“I can help you carry your stuff, the science wing isn’t that far from here, right?” you offer, shifting your things under one arm and grabbing some of his things with the other.
“You don’t have to do that,” he protests, but you’re already propping open the door and gesturing him to come along with a head tilt.
“I really don’t mind. Come on.”
You help him put things away in the different classrooms and offices, careful not to break anything. You’ve never been in this side of the school before, and it’s set up quite differently than the usual classrooms you were in. There’s much more going on than a usual lecture hall, tools and chemicals you don’t dare touch lining the perimeter. Viktor thanks you for your assistance as you finish getting everything in place, and you once again prepare to go your separate ways.
“Wait—” he says before you leave, pulling out his journal and flipping through it. “I wrote down a lot more notes that might be helpful for your project, I’ve been thinking about it a lot.”
He hands over the open page for you to read, and your jaw drops. It’s so detailed, every proposal you had broken down to its smallest pieces. He even laid out the budget and resource use and everything it would take to not only build and fund better schools in the Undercity, but also work on housing and overall infrastructure. He even has some theories scribbled on how to keep the air cleaner and fix problems with the fissures.
You can’t believe he’s been thinking about you and everything you said for all this time since you last met.
“Viktor, this is amazing.”
“I know it still may not convince the entire council, but I found your ideas quite inspiring. I hope my calculations can be informative.”
“They certainly are,” your fingers hover over the written words and numbers. “Thank you, Viktor.”
“Of course,” he grins. “I look forward to seeing what you accomplish.”
You find yourself running into him a lot more often after that, “accidentally” walking by each other’s offices at least once a week and talking long beyond what you probably should while working. Your soul feels so in tune with his, a phenomenon that surely shouldn’t be happening with someone you haven’t known very long.
Your conversations quickly progress to topics non-work related, his curiosity blooming with every little thing you share with him. Most days after work you simply can’t stop talking to each other, causing you to get home later and later until your roommates start to get nosy.
“I really have to go, Viktor,” you laugh, glancing at the clock that reads three whole hours past the end of your shift. You’ve been chatting about embarrassing Academy stories, reminiscing on both the stark similarities and differences between your experiences.
His eyebrows raise. “Shit, is it really that late?”
“Yeah,” you grab your bag with a sigh. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Of course.”
“You already work too much overtime as it is! What’s so important that you have to stay late every single day?” one of your roommates, Eli, probes, clearly unsatisfied with the half-truth answers you’ve given so far. You don’t really want to tell the full truth just yet, that you’ve been talking with the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen, and you don’t experience the passage of time whatsoever when you’re around him. That would sound ridiculous, especially since absolutely nothing will ever come of it. He’s a wonderful colleague, but you’d be foolish to ever expect anything more.
“There’s just a lot to do,” you finally say.
“You need a break, that’s what you need to do,” they emphasize. “How about we go down to The Last Drop tomorrow night? It’s been a while since we’ve seen our friends down there.”
You nod, “Alright, I’ll try not to stay late tomorrow.”
“You better not.”
They glare at you jokingly, and you let out a laugh and exhale of relief.
You finish up your notes for the day, whipping your head back and forth to check if the coast is clear. You know yourself and your own weakness—you certainly won’t get out of here on time if you run into Viktor for even a second.
But of course, like clockwork, his familiar tap on your leg with his cane greets you moments later, your heart fluttering to a discomposing degree. Him coming to see you is a routine now, and despite your promise to your friends you are aching to talk to him. You haven’t had a proper night out in months, why is it so hard to just leave?
If any of your racing thoughts are visible on your features, Viktor certainly picked up on them.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, just...long day,” you reply. “But my roommates are taking me out tonight, maybe that will wake me back up.”
“I won’t keep you long, then—”
He’s cut off by Eli calling your name, jaw dropped as they come towards you down the hallway.
“I knew there was something you weren’t telling me!” they chuckle in disbelief. “Working late my ass.”
“I was literally on my way home!”
“I just wanted to come check!”
Your face grows hot. It isn’t abnormal for your roommates to visit you at your job every so often, bringing you important documents you forgot at home or bringing you a treat on your birthday, but under the current circumstances you’re a bit mortified.
They reach out their hand, “I’m Eli, Y/N’s roommate. Who do you think you are?”
“Viktor.” he shakes it, surprisingly not appearing phased by their directness.
“Interesting,” they look him up and down, then turn to you. “So, he’s coming with us, right?”
“Oh, um...I didn’t ask—“
Viktor can’t help but smile at your flustered face.
“If I’m invited, I wouldn’t mind joining.”
“I can’t believe you.”
Mumbling under your breath, you enter The Last Drop. Viktor told you he’d meet you there in about an hour, which thankfully gives you some time for some drinks to numb your nerves.
“Look, I honestly don’t know why you didn’t just tell us about him. He seems like a good one.”
“It’s not like that,” you correct them. “He’s not into me like that. We just work on some projects together, that’s all.”
You order a drink from Vander at the bar, gulping it down a little too quickly.
“That kinda night, eh?” he laughs, pouring you another one before you have to ask.
You have a few more drinks and shots with your roommates and old Undercity friends, your mind and body entering such a daze that you almost forget Viktor is meeting you there later. You play games together and get teased about some of your adopted topside ways, and you even get back at Eli by pushing them to talk to Sevika, who they ogle at quite literally every time you come to this bar with them. It’s the kind of night where you can be free and careless, temporarily leaving your problems behind in favor of bad decisions.
You have to do a double take when you finally see Viktor arrive. He’s changed out of his Academy uniform, now dressed much more casually and much more like a Zaunite.
“It seems I’m a little late to the fun,” he observes.
“We’re just starting!” you beam, the drunk giggles taking over you.
“How many have you had?”
“I don’t know, like 7 or 8 maybe,” you shrug.
He lifts his cane against you and steers you away from the bar, shaking his head, “I think you’re done for tonight.”
“Fine,” you roll your eyes. “But not because you told me to, because I don’t want to throw up.”
He stays close to you while you stumble back to your friends’ table, chuckling at the slurred introductions you give him. They all accept him into their games and conversations instantly, and you quickly find out Viktor can handle his liquor a lot better than you. He puts all of them to shame, and they love finally having decent competition.
Your friends all whisper their approval to you throughout the night, even though you’ve repeatedly reminded them that nothing is going on. Although, you’re not really helping your case by zoning out every few minutes on his face.
“You have pretty eyes,” you say, staring until you realize what you just said out loud.
“That’s very kind,” he responds hesitantly. “But I’m sure your vision is a bit...tainted.”
“Alcohol doesn’t change color perception, dumbass.” you retort. “Besides, I’m sobering up a little.”
“Well then,” he smiles. “Thank you.”
You sigh, taking a sip of some water and glancing around the room. The bar is close to closing, and most of your friends have left.
“Have you seen Eli recently? I haven’t seen them in a while.”
He snickers, “You didn’t see them go in the back with Sevika?”
“They what?” you jump out of your seat. “Oh they’d better tell me everything.”
“I’m sure they will,” he laughs. “Do you need someone to walk you home, then?”
“Probably. Who knows how long they’ll be.”
The buzz has worn off quite a bit now, so thankfully you’re not tripping all over nothing and further embarrassing yourself. Viktor’s beautiful glow in the moonlight is more than enough to accomplish that, your gazes prolonging far longer than they should.
“Thank you for coming tonight, it was fun,” you say, fumbling for your apartment key in your pocket. “I’m sorry you had to see me like that, though.”
“Don’t apologize. It was very amusing.”
“Good.” you exhale. “Just ignore anything weird I said, okay?”
“I’m not sure that’s possible,” he smirks. “Now get some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Sleep is certainly what you get, and the next morning before work is full of a head-pounding hangover and chaotic conversation. Your roommates Eli and Chanthou can’t stop laughing about everything that happened, and naturally you’re very nosy about the Sevika situation. Eli tells you every little detail of course, giddy and in disbelief that they managed to make-out with her all night.
“So? Are you guys going to get together again?” you ask on the edge of your seat.
“I hope so.”
“Looks like you both got what you wanted last night,” Chanthou adds.
“Guys, he just walked me home. That’s all.” You’re getting a little annoyed with the constant reminders that your little crush is not, in fact, reciprocated.
“You...don’t remember?” she looks at Eli, then cocks her head at you. “About halfway through the night you were all over him. We just assumed you guys finally confessed.”
You didn’t think you drank enough to blackout, but you definitely don’t remember whatever they’re talking about. Besides, if you really were doing that, why didn’t Viktor say something once you were sobered up?
And what, now you have to see him in the office today, having no idea what you said to him?
“Oh, fuck, guys. What exactly did I do?”
“I don’t know what happened after I went back with Sevika, but before I left you were sitting on his lap on the couch and playing with his hair—”
“Wow, you really don’t remember, do you?”
You groan, wishing you didn’t have to go in today. You have a couple important meetings though, so you’ll have to power through. You take some painkillers and grab your things, praying for the first time that you can get through the day without seeing Viktor.
Your headache refuses to lessen its throbbing for your entire shift, making the work you usually enjoy completely miserable. You snap at one too many co-workers and find yourself staring at the clock desperately. Why did you agree to drinking on a weeknight again?
Just as you dreaded, you run into Viktor outside, too obviously waiting for you to pretend to ignore him.
“Hey…” you avoid looking into his eyes. “How come you didn’t say anything about what really happened last night?”
“I...wasn’t sure you’d remember,” he confesses. “I suspected you blacked out when you said you didn’t remember seeing Eli leave. And I wasn’t sure you meant what you said anyway.”
“Please, Viktor. Just tell me what I said. All my roommates told me was I couldn’t stop touching you, which I am so sorry about—“
“N-No, don’t be. Everything was consensual, I assure you.” his face flushes. “You just told me you have feelings for me, that’s all. I was going to tell you last night too if you hadn’t said it first.”
Your eyes widen at his words, your heart threatening to leave your chest.
“But it seems you don’t remember, so I can still count this as making the first move, hmm?”
Shivers race down your spine as Viktor leans in, his fingertips grazing your cheek. His lips meet yours softly, your eyes fluttering shut as he presses deeper. His hand remains holding your face when he pulls away, scanning your expression for your reaction.
“I guess the feeling is mutual,” you chuckle, still a bit breathless.
“Quite so, darling.”
More Author's Notes: I have a bad habit of getting drunk around guys I like irl bc I literally can’t handle being around hot people sober so that's the inspiration for that situation lol. Also, a part 2 to this is already in the works, it'll be set during Act 1 and probably parts between 1 and 2.
#viktor arcane x reader#arcane x reader#arcane viktor x reader#viktor x reader#viktor arcane#arcane viktor#arcane
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