#they were friends once! then the Snake Gun incident happened and it all went a bit to shit
mierolainen · 7 months
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how dare you assume he has dignity
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cr1ms0nesp3ra-ac3 · 10 months
Proflie for my COD OC,this is my art btw so I hope you enjoy it!: ⬇️
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Full Name:
Kaiden "Harmony" Stones
Age: 32 years old
Birthday: October 31,1991
Born from Colorado,Denver in America
Status: Active
Rank: Sergeant
The Blade(formerly)
Koroshii no Aka(translated in japan "The Red Kill",also formerly due to unknown reasons)
Herb (formerly)
Interesting target ( to Kane )
Pathetic (to Kane and the terrorists )
A blade soldier ( to Price,Soap and Ghost )
Despite his energetic vibe, Kaiden had the strength to protect the ones he loved and make sure that everyone is safe. Besides his chaotic matter- sometimes when Kaiden brings his neighbor snake friend "Viper" accidentally in front of the others,they were freaked out yet confused of why Kaiden had an interest of having Viper. And it got worse when Kaiden once was taking care of Willow the Spider outside of base- Price was scared of spiders when he saw Kaiden with Willow,before she died in June 4,2018.
But deep down to the other personality, that Kaiden was a very secretive,and also a liar from his own personality.. Why? He's been..pretending to hide his darkest secret pain from his ''good'' past. That he ..... preferred not to tell one.
After the kidnapped incident from Kane Joyce in December 14,2016. Kaiden began to change a bit..
He was used to be very tempered after he was kidnapped by Kane,but when he realized that the others might see him like this.. He doesn't want it to happen. And he began to feel a serious for sure.
And regardless of what happened 6 years ago, he's still caring for the others.
Yet he still pretends to hide his pain.
Languages(that he learned):
English(currently working on it)
Allies(aka his neigbor pets that Kaiden kept it secretly):
Viper the Snake
Willow the Spider (deceased at June 6, 2018 )
UNKNOWN due to personal reasons
Guns (formerly)
6'9 ft
Eye color: Dark red velvet
Hair color: Dark brown
Scars: Bullet wounds (around his body,arms and face) Knife wounds (left upper arm,right hand,neck) Glass wounds ( everywhere from his body,arms ,legs and face.)
Beauty marks: none
Blood type: A-
Early "Life":
Growing up as an infamous rockstar guitarist was the best thing Kaiden ever lived for,joined with two friends "Scott 'Junior' Adams" and "Sophie Michigans" by the name of their band "The Shining Stars",it was created in April 19,2014 at the age of 23 before he had a letter from Captain Price in 2016. And regardless.. Kaiden forced himself to retire and decided to join the military. It went well when Kaiden had an interest of blades,he prefers it over guns because he thinks they were cool to fight with! Until..
There was an reason why Kaiden had the callname "Steelblade" as to hide his identity,he always had a feeling that he was about to get targeted. And yet he was correct..
There was an organization called "Yin to their Death",an group of terrorists with their leaders were targeting someone by finding their real identity. And of course,their main target was Kaiden,Run by Kane Adams. Kaiden was the only one who knew this and didn't want the others to know. And he wished to defeat him alone.. But he knew that the others(Gaz and Price) were preventing him from fighting Kane. And so,he must do it alone for their own sake.
( That was prob for my first and ever COD AU but idk lol- this will take place before MW3. Besides all that,I hope you enjoyed! His lore was currently worked on character.ai!! )
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Gamzee: Get rid of her.
Gram was surprised he even slept for a single hour. Waking up, he didnt want to waste any time. He fed the dogs, fed the snake, fed the kitten. Got this and that done in the house, before getting ready to go to Alternia once again.
Can't be too careful, so he slips on full protective clothing. Nothing heavy, or anything. Just to cover his exposed skin enough, except his head. The sun wasn't up, that wasn't the issue, here. Though, he wishes he had some bulletproof vests or something. Oh, well. The boots are the last to go on, and he's out to the transportalizer, putting in the coordinates, and appearing in the nearest port closest to the palace.
Stepping off and making his way closer, his heart starts to race, knowing what hes going to be doing. Luckily, things don't seem horribly busy, but a few trolls keep noticing him and talking amongst themselves, pointing. The Empress may be alerted before he even goes there, not like she would hide, though. She has way too much pride to be hiding or stepping down in any way. Soon, that won't be even a thought.
Gram makes his way straight into the palace. Guards run up to him, not too many, but he is now in full focus. He shoves away guards, some he just ignores quick enough to not get hit or shot. He didn't want to wear himself down using his power already for just the guards, so hands are good enough. Some poor guards even suffer a large claw wound from him, which makes gram have to shake his hand off before entering the throneroom as quickly as possible. The clown runs straight in the large doors, kicking out the guards, punching them, tripping them, just so he can close the heavy doors and lock them. He had learned how when he was working under the Empress. So much gold on them, though. Was that reaaaaally a good idea? Anyway.
Once those are closed, there are about 6 guards in the room, and outside the other currently closed doors, and there she is, the Empress. She knows exactly who is here, she doesn't need to see him at all. She sits up a bit more, looking in the direction she hears him breathing in. "You came back?"
Gram glared at her, and spoke in a sarcastic tone. "Oh yeah, I missed ya real bad. Can't stay away."
He walked up toward her, which makes her guards stand in front of her throne. Stopping in front of them, he stares in their eyes, like needles he fries their eyes quickly with his power, just as similar to the empress, though they were easier, and they have a chance of healing. For now, they hold their faces, going to the small block in the palace through the side door, for medical emergencies. Since Gram's last incident, they thought to move all that much closer to the throneroom. The other guards step in now, though hesitant seeing what just happened, and seen others they work for get harmed by this clown. One of them steps back to where they were standing, the other comes up to Gram, then backs up again once he gives them a look.
"Thats fuckin right." he laughed.
The empress looked down in Gram's direction once again, having heard what just happened, but not bothering to step in to avoid those guards getting hurt. "Do you plan on killing me?" It was almost as if she had read his mind, maybe she did.
Gram glared again. "I don't know, how far can I get?" 
Without letting her speak up, he starts up his chucklevoodoo once again. Going straight for the brain. She screams and grabs her head, and immediately kicks him down with her sharp heel. This knocks him down and makes it stop, grunting at the impact on the hard floor. Things start quickly. The other guards that were hesitating before, point their weapons at Gram. One shoots him in the same leg that he was shot in before, making the clown growl in pain. He got up, though, attacking the guard and knocking that gun out of his hand. He goes right for the guards neck, biting a chunk out of it and spitting it away. They were too in shock to bother to try to make it to the medical block, as they were bleeding out quickly.
He was cut short, not by a guard, but by the Empress, who kicked him down once again, aiming her trident right at his torso.
"You wont get very far, your friend is just going to have to come back to save you again. You already took my eyes from me, I wont let you finish the job, you filth."
Gram laughed and looks up the gold trident, and then at her face. Still with a smile, though he will admit he is afraid of getting hurt beyond repair, or at least, wont be repaired easily.
"Ya won't, 'cuz you dont know anyone else like me. I know you wanna use me for somethin, don't you? that would be a damn shame."
"You think I won't?"
"Yeah, no, that would be a bad fuckin idea."
"You haven't taken me down yet, and you wont. I can easily replace you. Goodbye, Gamzee."
He grabs her trident above the points, just right at the handle, and shoves it away, right as she stabs down toward him. This stabs into the floor, JUST right below his armpit. He lets out a goofy laugh, at just barely missing that. He rolls to the side immediately. She realizes she missed him and raises the trident toward where she can hear his footsteps.
"Havin trouble motherfucker? lemme fix that." Once again he aims his chucklevoodoo at her, with all he can put out, stronger than ever, driven by his adrenaline. She screams once again, grabbing and scratching at her own head. She tries to fight back once again which makes the pain worse, but it shoots back to gram. This makes him wince, but he doesnt stop. Not until she is down and not fighting. So much for taking her brain, hes sure it'll be like soup in there once hes done. She swings her trident and stabs wildly to get him to stop. A few times, her trident cut into his arm, his side, and one point of the trident even stabbed into his left shoulder. He grunted in pain, gritting his teeth together, but he still kept going. She finally fell after a while, unable to keep herself up from the pain. She couldn't fight back anymore, not after the damage from the first time that the others at the palace could not repair a hundred percent. The Empress did however have new bionic eyes being made, but now that won't matter.
Gram heard the other guards that were left in the room that didn't run off, coming at his back. Only two. His powers were still going hard, he looked away from the Empress only for a moment to knock those two down, which wasn't hard as they didn't expect it. Not the smartest guards you have here, Ma'am. He then turns back to her, continuing to fry her, coming toward her as he does, picking up her trident she was frantically reaching for after she fell. His eyes glowed brightly and he could feel his own eyes getting tired, his brain was wearing out. Now was a good time as any. he stepped beside her, and raised the trident high above her writhing body, and stabbed right into her heart as hard as possible, til it went all the way through and hit the hard floor. Once again she screamed, and lost her voice immediately. Clawing and grabbing at the trident, she tried pulling it out, with what life she had left. How could she let someone so easily take her down? It's all so pathetic, and embarrassing. She won the throne, she worked hard for it.
Gram pulled the trident out, and stabbed again, twice, into her mess of a heart. This finally silenced her. She writhed still a bit longer. Gram watched silently, stopping the chucklevoodoo. His new rainbow drinker DNA, was screaming hungry. This is what he's been preparing for. No time to think. He pulls the trident out, putting it in his sylladex, and drops to her freshly dead body. He bit right into her, drinking as much as his body could take. Gotta make SURE she is dead. If the other guards were still in the room, they're out now. Gram can hear them faintly panicking outside the doors, but all that's in his mind, is that she taste delicious. He goes at this for a while, until he is just about too full. Part of him comes in behind, and goes right for biting and chewing her flesh. Ripping it all to pieces, some he spits out in the bloody mess on the floor. What a messy eater.
She's unrecognizable at this point, and grams body feels like he's drunk. But his energy is high and happy. He laughed, sitting up and taking out a knife, cutting up what was left, taking bones, and putting them in the sylladex, one after another, until she looked like animals had gotten to her. He had also filled up a few bottles with the leftover blood, putting that away too. He stood up again, and by the time he did, he looked over, and there were terrified guards, and people who worked in the palace, staring at him. The news had gotten out already. He felt he had somehow intensely colorful tunnel vision toward them. But he didnt say anything to them, he just walked ahead to the side door, moving straight to where he knew the prison was. His own blood, and her blood and meat, dripping off of him. One thing he had in mind after he would be successful - Release the prisoners. He makes his way down, still having those keys he was given. What a fool Empress, never asking for those back. He took them out, and started releasing them, one by one. He didnt bother to speak, his mind was just on autopilot. He felt floaty, and he's just going to silently enjoy this til he can think clearer.
After maybe 30+ prisoners were let free, a lot less than last time due to some being sadly killed off, he scanned the area for more, then headed back up. It didn't seem like anyone was mad at Gram. Maybe scared. Some of the higher up people next to the Empress seem to have come out to the palace aswell. Gram tried to avoid them as quickly as possible. He will return soon, but for right now, no talking, just leave. He quickly finds the nearest port again, and puts in his coordinates, stepping on straight to home. He had just barely avoided those older trolls.
As soon as he was home, he laid right down on the floor in there. Just for a little while. God hes so full, and his head is spinning, not terribly though but it is. His body wants to get up and move around, do more, but it also wants to just lay here for a long time. Staying here is good. He'll treat those wounds later. Well done, Gamzee. You caused chaos on Alternia. Hopefully for the better. He has many plans for when he heads back, hopefully he wont be greeted with anything horrible. He was very very proud of himself, though. What's best? He didn't get horribly disfigured. Time to rest.
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The Patient
Cassell Academy Helicopter Platform.
Professor Schneider and Professor Manstein raised umbrellas against the sudden downpour, the winds buffeting their coats. They looked up as the helicopter lights pierced the heavy clouds and descended rapidly. A large Black Hawk helicopter with the symbol of the red cross splashed on its nose lowered down like a comet, daring in the poor weather, but familiar with the site, able to land completely blind like this.
The cargo door opened and a stretcher was carried out, rigged with devices and IVs protected from the weather with plastic. The only identifier of the person on the stretcher was a mop of dark hair.
Schneider was approached by one of the staff. “What is his condition?”
“Slowly improving. He’s off the ventilator.” He handed Schneider a clipboard. Schneider flipped through it. “And our other patient?”
Schneider and Manstein walked to the helicopter and stepped inside. The other patient was lying still, sleeping. He looked similar to Chu Zihang, Asian with dark hair, but his face was rounder, he was younger looking and his hair was much longer.
“This is the one they reported holding up the building debris until rescue could arrive?” Manstein said, his eyes widened in surprise. “I expected to see someone stronger.”
“So did I. He’s the hybrid kept captive by the organization. He may have used a Yanling.” Schneider gently pulled back the blanket covering him. Scars dimpled the young man’s pale arms and slashed deep into the muscles of his chest. “It was Chu Zihang’s goal of saving those captive, not just destroying that organization. That’s why he proposed such a perilous mission. It would have been simple to just explode their facilities remotely.”
He peeled back the cloth until he could see the young man’s wrists. Even though he was no longer bound by the shackles, the skin was pale and thin and discolored. The muscles were atrophied there, having been bound for years.
“He’ll need to be blood tested before we can admit him here. If he is over the blood threshold…” Manstein whispered.
“This is the one Chu Zihang nearly gave his life to save. And in return, he allowed Chu Zihang to live. I’m disinclined to believe that further testing will be required. Monitoring will be all that’s needed.” 
The staff returned for the second bed and Manstein stepped aside. “You’ll take responsibility if anything happens?”
“Naturally. If he’s a monster, we’ll quietly dispose of him and bury him with honors.”
The second patient was rolled out. The wind suddenly burst in fury and the doctors had to brace themselves against it, shouting and holding on to their hats. Schneider and Manstein watched in silence.
Lu Mingfei opened the clinic door to a crowd of people in the lobby. “Woah! So many people!” He stood there, holding a bouquet of flowers. But everyone here had bouquets, large balloons that said ‘get well soon’ on them.
“We all got the message that the Lionheart President was back at the same time.” Lancelot spoke up. “You’re a little slow to get here. But the truth is everyone arrived at once.”
“Are they letting anyone in to see him?” 
“They’re making sure he hasn’t suffered any from the journey here. Once he’s settled in, they’ll let you in long enough to set your gifts there. Nothing more. Do you need a towel?”
Lu Mingfei’s fine coat was soaked with the rain outside and he was shivering under the heavy air conditioning. “Yes if you don’t mind.”
“He was so worried about his Senior brother than he ran out without an umbrella!” Finger strode in behind him.
Lancelot walked to the nurses station and the woman behind the desk went to retrieve a towel. When he returned and Lu Mingfei put it on his head, he sighed. “You even warmed it up for me. You’re so kind.”
Lancelot chuckled. “It will be some time yet before we get to see him. So get comfortable.”
“What about that other guy?” Finger asked. “The one that came back with him? No one’s here to greet him…?” Finger pulled out a small picture, taken by one of his paparazzi. It was of a second stretcher, one that didn’t hold Chu Zihang.
Lancelot picked it up. “There was a second patient? No one said anything about this.”
“That’s why I’m curious. They’re both in this hospital, but I bet if you try to ask where he’s staying, they won’t tell you.”
Lu Mingfei looked at the picture. It was true, he had no idea this other person was here. Yet he had an idea where he might be. He recalled the incident with Little Dragon Girl. After she had rescued him from death on the Midgard Snake, Chu Zihang was very badly hurt, but because he was under investigation by the school board, he was held in a more secure area.
As his friends, Lu Mingfei, Little Dragon Girl and Lionheart were permitted to see him. But Mingfei couldn’t help but imagine that this person was alone, locked away in that area. It was sad.
“You think he’s here?”
Finger smiled confidently. “I know he’s here! They brought him in, but through the back.”
Finger and Mingfei exchanged glances. Finger waggled his eyebrows.
“Don’t give me such a lewd expression.” Mingfei pushed his face away.
Lancelot chuckled. “I’m busy here, but if you want to go see the other patient, feel free.” He turned his back, giving himself plausible deniability.
They walked back under the weather. They came around the back to a loading ramp that was sunken into the ground behind the hospital. “Little Bro, get under the umbrella with me! Don’t be so prideful! What if you catch a cold!” 
“I’d rather catch a cold than be seen sharing an umbrella with you! Where is this back entrance!”
“Near the loading docks. Most suspicious patients are treated like cargo so they don’t raise alarm bells. I can’t get in but with your S-ranked credentials, you can!”
“So you’re using me again?”
“You can’t say I’m using you if you want to know about our mystery patient, too. And what do you mean ‘again’?!”
Lu Mingfei opened his mouth to run the long list: how he used him to get food and gamble on his test results? But then the large cargo bay door opened! The two scrambled behind a concrete barrier and crouched down. Two men wearing the executive department uniforms marched out from the cargo door and continued out in the rain. In a few seconds, the cargo bay door would close!
Finger grabbed his arm and dashed inside, ducking under the door as it closed. They both looked behind them to make sure they weren’t seen. “Hey, I guess I didn’t need you after all.”
“Well I’m here now!” Mingfei shook himself from Finger’s grasp and looked around. He started getting an uneasy feeling. It took him a moment to place it. He remembered sneaking into a medical facility like this. The secret vault in the Genji Heavy Industries building where a beautiful girl lived in solitude her entire life. It was no wonder when he listened to the description of someone lying alone, with no one to comfort him, his heart was moved.
“Earth to Mingfei… something wrong buddy?”
Mingfei muttered. “I don’t want to talk about it. Let’s just go.” 
“Oh come on you can tell your brother. No secrets between us!” Finger suddenly stopped talking.
Mingfei glared at him with a deep, clouded expression. This glance was like a gun pointed at his forehead. Not a threat, but a firm command with real consequences if he didn’t comply immediately.  Mingfei continued walking and Finger widened his eyes at Mingfei’s back.
The two didn’t say anything more. Mingfei seemed to be walking on his own down the hall in a strange daze and Finger followed him. 
He suddenly looked up. “Wait where are we going?”
“I don’t know, I'm just following you.”  Finger stood, looking down at the shorter man with a knowing smile. “Whether or not you realized it, you led us right to our destination.” he pointed over his shoulder.
Mingfei felt his heart squeeze in his chest. 
A vault door. It was just like before. He looked at his Student ID card and then put it away and pulled out his phone. The app was still there, the one that led him through the labyrinth of Genji to get to her.
He raised it and swiped it. 
There was no voice welcoming ‘Ricardo M. Lu back’ but the door clicked open.
Finger was completely astonished. “How did you…”
Mingfei walked in, silent, unwilling to give an explanation. Cassell having the same secure technology as the Hydra of Japan shouldn’t surprise him. After all, Hydra was officially the Japan Branch of Cassell and they shared tech. Still, he found it unnerving to go through the same motions as before.
Finger’s hairs were already raised up. To him, Mingfei’s sudden serious silence, his demeanor… everything about him seemed different than what he was outside the hospital. He walked into room where the patient was lying on the bed, sedated. He watched Mingfei look around.
Mingfei was looking for machines similar to the ones he saw when he met Erii. But he didn’t see them. The hospital room only had the basics. A heart rate monitor, a monitor for blood pressure and that was all. Mingfei came to the conclusion that he was not an unstable hybrid. So why the secrecy?
He cautiously approached the person lying there while Finger watched. Mingfei rested his hands on the railing on the bed and the man’s eyes opened. His eyes were covered with a strange film that peeled back to reveal pure golden eyes. His hand reached out and grabbed Mingfei’s wrist!
Mingfei gave a short shout of terror and pulled away from him. The man looked at him a few more seconds before his eyes rolled back in his head and closed again.
Mingfei was gasping and clutching his chest in fright. “I thought he was asleep!”
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hunnybadgerv · 4 years
1, 4, 14, 31, 36, and 39 for Tayen/Sharky?
Ship Questions
1.  How do they fall asleep? Wake up? Any daily rituals? In many cases, they pass out where they find a space. In the rare cases, when they can snatch up a bed, they usually end up quite tangled up. More than once they’ve snatched up a sofa in an abandoned cabin, and while they usually start out in a spooning kind of position, they usually end with Tayen draped over Sharky like a blanket. At least in those times when one of them isn’t keeping a watch while the other is trying to catch a little rest. 
On his own, Sharky strikes me as a starfish when he falls asleep. He falls where he may and sprawls. Tayen tends to do the exact opposite; she curls up to take up as little space as possible, especially when she is not in her own bed. She can fall asleep pretty much anywhere. 
Tayen wakes up pretty easy, relatively ... at least as long as a hangover is not involved. Both of them have that in common. Sharky can be a little groggy when he wakes up, and can be a little slow to get moving. Tayen tends to pop up like a daisy. 
When Tayen wakes up, coffee needs to be involved. If no coffee is available, then some protein is vital. Sharky will not turn down a coffee in the morning either, but he usually has to have at least one cigarette as well. 
Beyond that, Tayen doesn’t really have any rituals that I’m currently aware of, beyond the coffee and her nearly obsessive oral hygiene she doesn’t really possess what she would call “rituals.” 
Sharky, I think, would say he doesn’t have rituals; he is a free spirit. 
4.  First impression of each other? Was it love at first sight? It was not love at first sight. For one, Tayen does not believe in it; she thinks that you need to know a person in order to form that kind of connection with them.
Her first impression of Sharky was that he would probably be the death of her, but she could not deny the “success” of his tactics. 
Sharky wasn’t really sure what to think about her at first. I mean, she introduced herself as a deputy, so he was tetchy about her at first. But her skill was clear and the fact that she was willing to ask for his help at all had a positive impact of its own. It wasn’t love at first sight for him either, in fact, even the physical attraction was not instant.
Tayen can be fairly stern when things are stressful. It wasn’t until the more personal moments when he developed an attraction for her--the times she was relaxed enough to smile and really laugh. Those were the moments that sparked his interest. The fact that she listened to him like what he said was important.
14.  Anything they both dread? Sharky, and this is mainly taken from my impression of some of his in-game dialogue, seems to really struggle with the idea of rejection. I think there comes a point where Sharky dreads Tayen going out without him. No matter what he’s doing while she’s out without him, he gets anxious.
Tayen comes to dread operating in the Whitetails after the first incident with Jacob. But she keeps going back, because she can’t stand by and just do nothing, even if it means she’s going to catch hell. She also really dreads having to kill anyone in the beginning. It’s not war, or at least that is what she keeps trying to remind herself. But she does make what she considers to be mistakes more often than she would like. She hopes she’s choosing those actions for the right reasons, but she doesn’t know that she’s the one who should be making that kind of decision. She’s not an adjudicator; she’s supposed to be a protector. 
31.  Do they finish each other’s sentences?  They can, depending on the topic. When Sharky is waxing philosophical about disco and music, not so much. But when they are talking about explosives, they can. She not as big a proponent of fire, but she has explosives knowledge which for him is a total turn on. Nothing like a woman who knows how to blow shit up.
Tayen thinks she can finish his sentences. But sometimes Sharky just says some next level shit that no one sees coming. So, she doesn’t even try. 
Pick up any phrases or habits from each other?  I have to think that there is some rubbing off on one another here and there. But at the moment, I cannot pinpoint specific instances. 
Know when the other is hiding something? Tayen does. Sharky can’t lie for shit, and he doesn’t have a duplicitous bone in his body. 
Tayen wishes she could be as patently and deeply honest about herself, her thoughts, and her feelings as Sharky is naturally. But she’s always had to live between multiple spaces and the code switching gave her an innate guile that just happens. Though there are times when she does intentionally keep things close to the vest: like her past, the things that she starts to remember about having been at Jacob’s, some of her fears, things like that. 
36.  What’s their greatest strength as a couple? Their weakness? I’m going to start with their weakness. For Sharky, it’s that he’ll drop everything to go to her if she’s hurt, sometimes to his own detriment. In a way, it is something that they share. Tayen would carve her way into and through hell to keep him safe.
39.  Who initiated the relationship?  This one is hard to define. Technically, that first kiss led to more niggling little desires and thoughts, and eventually, Sharky asked her about it one night when they were out in the wilds. Her first instinct was to apologize about it. I imagine that he shocked her by kissing her the same way--just out of the blue. 
[I might just have to write this and explore it a tiny bit more. Honestly, I need to build Tayen’s entire timeline.]
Who kissed who first?   Tayen kissed him first. I actually wrote it in Clear With a Muddy Outlook. She was interested in him and she just went for it:
One quick breath and she spun around the corner fast, gun up. Sharky blinked at her; a smile curved his mouth and he lowered his shotgun. “Nothing here.”
Tayen nodded, but couldn’t stop staring at him. Her mind raced past a rush of relief sparked with adrenaline. “Oh, fuck it,” she muttered. She grabbed his collar with her free hand and pulled him close, pressing her mouth against his.
Sharky tensed in surprise, then gave in to it. His hand tangled in the short hair at the back of her head, holding her close as if he feared she might change her mind.
The deputy pressed him against the door jamb, kissing him deeper as his arm snaked around her waist. The warmth of him coursed through her; being in his embrace was like standing next to a raging fire. The heat rose in her fast, and her racing heart spread it like a wildfire in the dry brush of an open field. But this was one blaze she didn’t shrink from. Quite the opposite, she welcomed its consumption, wanted to be engulfed. Her free hand slipped to the back of his neck, pulling with all her might as if somehow the heat and connection could fuse them together as their kiss deepened.
“Deputy?” The radio crackled with Grace’s voice.
The intrusion dumped a payload of icy water on Taye’s frenzy. Her grip loosened and the kiss broke in an instant. Like a teenager who’d been caught necking on the family sofa, she inched away, staring up at Sharky guiltily. To her surprise, he didn’t say anything. Her hand slipped away as she put a few additional inches of space between them, but she couldn’t break his gaze. Keying the radio, she raised it to her lips. “What’s up, Grace?”
“We got a truckload of Peggies inbound.”
“Roger that.”
He gave her a tiny smirk, it was half-hearted at best. “Sounds like we best meander.”
“Yeah.” She thought she should say something, explain somehow, but what the hell could she even say: hey, worried about you going down the hall by yourself. Glad you’re not dead. Her eyes closed and she took a deep breath. Better to not, she thought. Then Tayen tipped her head and slapped his shoulder, switching gears completely. “Let’s lay out the welcome mat for ‘em.”
When did they realize they were in love? I can’t be completely certain of the moment. It just sort of happened. I think it crept up on both of them. One second they are just companions, then some element in the cosmos shifted for them. Even after Tayen kissed him it was still quite a while before she owned up to full-on feels.
Sharky knew first. Or perhaps the best choice of words is that Sharky admitted it first. Tayen was a little less forthcoming with her feelings. It is in her nature. She had to convince herself first, then convince herself that it was worth taking the risk of telling him, and, as she saw it, putting him in danger. In her mind, if the cult was willing to come after her that hardcore, they’d surely go after anyone close to her. Of course, she also worried about all her friends, not just him. But she thought falling in love with him, or more to the fact that people realizing she was in love with him would put him in more danger because of that connection.
In her mind it made sense, they might be resisting, but maybe if she did screw everything up and the cult did incorporate everyone in the area, they would still somehow be safe. Or at least have a chance at survival. Though Tayen’s not sure that surviving and living are the same things, but that’s a whole other topic.
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movienotesbyzawmer · 4 years
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October 21: Friday the 13th Part 3
(previous notes: Friday the 13th Part 2)
We're on a journey, you and I; a journey through the first eight Friday the 13th movies. And now we're at the only one that I actually saw in the theater! I was 11 when this came out, and I asked my dad to take me and a friend to see it in 3D. I remember mostly being excited about all the cool older kids that were in the crowd, plus also not being at all disappointed in the overall experience of cinematic violence.
And now I'm going to see it for the first time since then… and sure enough, I have it in 3D! I wonder if on my deathbed when I'm doing a mental inventory of my lifetime of experiences, if I will realize that I saw Friday the 13th Part 3 twice, both times in 3D. Will I wish I had the 2D experience at least once? Will I wonder if my life might have been different it… okay I'll shut up and watch it now, here goes…
Oh yeah, it does kind of suck to try taking notes while wearing the 3D glasses. Good thing this is just a Friday the 13th movie.
There is a card at the very start saying that the ladies and gentlemen of the audience must wear the glasses even though it won't be 3D right away!
Same director as the second one. He went on to do pretty successful non-horror movies, as I recall. The writer and director of the first movie weren't involved in any of the sequels at all, right?
Oh, the reason the beginning isn't in 3D is because it's a rehash of the end of the last movie. I wonder if they'll make it so that that ending sucks less. That's what I would do.
It's not even edited down, it's just the whole entire end of the last movie…
…oh, except, no, there is a new shot of Jason skulking away! And now the credits have started and there is a rockin' new theme, and I actually remember kind of thinking the rockin' theme was cool.
OMG the 3D here is going to be a huge problem. It is 3D, but it's broken. You know how when you look at a 3D thing without the glasses and there's the double vision thing? It's like I'm seeing the 3D effect AND the double vision. Am I supposed to have 50s-style red/blue glasses? I don’t have those. This is terrible to look at and despite everything I've noted above I am not going to watch it in 3D after all. (I tested another 3D Blu-ray and it looked fine so this is clearly just a shitty Blu-ray product. Oh well.)
The first scene after the credits is playfully doing 3D effects at us which I now cannot experience. Woe. Woe is me.
Woman in curlers is watching the story of the last movie as a news story on TV while worrying about a lurker outside. She's a little worried but she also realizes it's time to take the laundry in from the clotheslines.
Not even sure what the setting is here. The news reporter called the murders from the last one "the worst crime in local history".
The exposition has taught us about this couple who lives on this property that is a rabbit farm and a grocery store where the husband just grazes on the food. We know there's also a lurker! But there's also a snake in a rabbit cage that has mutilated a rabbit, and that snake jumps at the camera in some sort of Three Dimensional Effect! Plus also, lurker. Ch ch ch ch ch ha ha ha ha.
Husband checks a room and is butcher-knifed shockingly! These are not camp counselors. What did they do wrong. The wife gets killed quickly afterward, but with a different weapon, an arrow or something! Variety!
Now we're on some new characters. Fun lovin' young adults! One of them is a silly prankster who is insecure about his appearance. Will that play into the story later? Oh I hope so.
They all just arrived at a friend's house to pick them up for something. But uh oh… the van is on fire, look at the smoke! They are alarmed! But ha ha ha, no, it turns out there are hippies in the back of the van smoking grass ha ha! It’s their friends that had been deliberately a secret from us until this moment.
A merry Cheech/Chong scene ensues where they think the police are on their tail so they all have to swallow the drugs! But the police just pass them and it was all for nothing ha ha.
Unlike the first two movies, this Blu-ray transfer is riddled with marks and flaws.
The next tale in this saga, this veritable Odyssey, involves an old man lying on the road, obstructing their van trip. What is wrong with him! It turns out he's crazy; he is the sequel to the crazy old man from the first two movies. He is holding an eyeball maybe, and he tells them that his handheld eyeball means he has to warn them about doom or whatever. It doesn’t look like an eyeball. I am watching this movie.
The place they are at is some kind of ranch, not even a summer camp I don't think, but Chris, who it seems like might be the main girl, is reacquainting herself with a house on the premises that is adorned with many paintings. Maybe I missed where they explained who they are and what this place is, but it seems like they're just a bunch of young people who are spending a weekend at this ranch place where Chris used to hang out or live.
Insecure Guy played a trick which resulted in the 48th fakeout of the movie so far, he makes it look like he's been hatcheted, but it was just some clownin' with gore makeup. The dialogue is very, very unnatural.
Um, an incident just occurred at the grocery store! A different grocery store from where the opening murders happened. Insecure Guy was there with a friend, and some TUFFS show up to make trouble! They bully our protagonists and make them feel bad! That ends with Insecure Guy running over their motorcycles in a heroic moment for him. His character has a complex arc!
The TUFFS broke the windshield of the car, and all the characters are oddly tolerant of that.
The TUFFS apparently tracked our heroes to the ranch and are there to get some revenge. They gotta even the score! They're going to do that by siphoning gas from that stoner van apparently. But the TUFF that is a girl decides to go exploring. And someone we can't see is watching her! Hey, what kind of movie is this anyway? She is unnaturally amused by the various props on display in the barn she's exploring. She is so pleased with her decision to go exploring.
But she hears a noise! In the barn she has trespassed into! She decides to vigilantly investigate! But a moment later we see that she noticed the rope that hangs from the side of the barn and she swings on it. She is delighted! "This feels good", she actually exclaims while just swinging a little bit on a rope. I'm not sure the writers of this movie have ever met a person.
One of the TUFFS goes after her and finds her pitchforked! Then he gets pitchforked! Then the last remaining TUFF goes in there to investigate, having executed the masterful chess move of stealing gas out of the van, and gets in a fight with an assailant whose face we can't see, but who appears to have clean, pressed slacks. The last TUFF gets clubbed real good.
Insecure Guy tries to tell a pretty girl that he likes her. She responds by saying "no. I’m going to go outside for a little while, and when I come back inside, we'll talk." That's really how that exchange went. Have you ever been in an exchange like that.
We're on Chris now, and she's finally spilling the tea about her past. It turns out she was attacked by a grotesque man with a knife in the woods near her house. Just some mysterious man with a bad face. It ended with her losing consciousness and waking up with just that story which was apparently unbelievable to her parents. Glad we got to the bottom of that. Do you think this is a true story.
The way they're showing the killer makes him less scary than in the other movies. You see it's a male adult that has clean clothes and a casual, confident gait. We can't see his head at all but what we can see is well lit. Sometimes it's a fakeout because it isn't really the killer. But sometimes it is. Like just now the stoners went to investigate a mysterious noise in the barn. They don't find anything, but we see the killer, from the chest down, seeing them. Ch ch ch ch! Ha ha ha ha!
I think we just saw the first appearance of the hockey mask! Insecure Guy played another devious jape upon the pretty girl he was hoping to woo - she's sitting on a dock and he grabs at her ankle from underwater! Wearing a hockey mask. For some reason. He had a mask earlier, but it was a different one. Maybe his identity is "mask guy". Because in a way are not we all Mask Guy.
Jason, I guess, just killed that girl with a spear gun while wearing the hockey mask! It was a 3D gimmick death. Shot her right in the eye. I think when they had their first meeting about making this movie they just said "okay, let's just make a list of some different murder weapons and send it over to Fred, he'll write it up as a screenplay."
One of the guys just got macheted! I think I do remember that from before because he was a handstand walker-arounder and he was walking on his hands when Jason came upon him and swung the machete down between his legs! It didn't actually show it, but you know how he got sliced and ow.
That guy's girlfriend was in the shower when that happened, and when she comes out, she is distracted when she comes upon a very enticing issue of Fangoria magazine. They're in a bubble, the makers of this movie.
But that scene ends with her seeing her dead boyfriend in pieces above her in the rafters, and they are very gory pieces, and then she gets bowie-knifed from under the hammock as she's laying in it! Many deaths. Oh, the many deaths.
We didn't see Insecure Guy get killed; we only assume he's dead because Jason has the hockey mask now.
Oh, I had just typed that when Insecure Guy arrives at the stoner girl's door with a slashed throat. She doesn't believe it's real because he is such a fooler. Plus also maybe because it's not a very good gore effect by any standards. Suddenly her boyfriend is getting killed somewhere else in a manner that has to do with an electrical box, it all happened so fast! Then she herself gets run through with a hot poker! Jason is being very diligent about killing each victim in a different way.
Pretty sure all that's left now is Chris and her boyfriend, who were off somewhere talking about her terrible experience with a grotesque man. They are returning now, and we will soon see them realize that they are in a world of murder! murder! murder!
The boyfriend has a very square jaw. One of the squarest, really.
The most Hitchcock-y shot so far - Chris is looking out the front door and calling out for Square Jaw… she can't see him but we can, around the corner, being muzzled by Jason just out of her view! Then she goes back inside and Jason just squishes his head with his hands! Eyeball pops out and it is 3D. Unless it isn't, which in this case is what it is(n't).
Chris is exploring the campus trying to get some answers, and the body of one of the TUFFS is suddenly dangled in front of her from like a tree branch or something. Then she goes inside and wonders what oh what will become of her, and Square Jaw's body is hurled through the window. Each movie has multiple instances of bodies getting inexplicably thrown through windows and suddenly dangling out of the sky at just the right time for it to be scary.
She comes upon Jason in the house and they tussle! She stabs him in the leg with a knife that she extracted from a body that was conveniently nearby! He pulls it out and throws it at her with Olympic-caliber precision, but she still gets away.
She runs to the van and has the keys and starts it up even! Drives away and everything! But it runs out of gas so she literally just runs back to the ranch. Like, "back to the drawing board" I guess.
I can't stress enough how odd and disappointing it is that Jason just walks and dresses like a normal man, other than the fact that above the neck he is disguised by the mask. He doesn't limp or lurch or hunch, and again, he has clothes that, while plain, are oddly presentable for someone who is some kind of supernatural homicidal forest hermit.
Here now is another thing I remember from seeing this in Actual Nineteen Eighty Two; Jason's hanging from this pulley thing where she thinks she has him killed or immobilized or something, and he be-s alive at her, and even lifts up the mask to show his grotesque face! It's so that she can realize that he's the same guy that attacked her in the woods in the story she told from several years earlier.
He's about to get her… but one of the TUFFS is not dead, and emerges to fight Jason. That ends badly for the TUFF, he gets de-handed and just beaten down badly, but meanwhile Chris axes Jason in the head.
And here is what happens the next morning to blow our minds at the end of this movie. She has gotten in a canoe to get a good night's sleep. All tuckered out, time to hit the canoe, right? Then in the morning she wakes up in the canoe and spots Jason with a big head wound from her axe, he's just looking at her through a window of the house. He's totally going to come get her. But instead of him getting her, a lady emerges from the lake and pulls her in! It's maybe Jason's mother? But she's all ghoulish so we don't really know. Seems like that's the same sweater though. But also, her head is attached to her body, whereas the movie began by very clearly reminding us that Mom's severed head is a cabin somewhere else. But anyway, just like in the first movie, the consequence of that surprise waterborne attack is that she is being cared for by paramedics a little later, all confused.
This is a bad movie! So bad! From this team I expected so much this exact thing.
(next: Friday the 13th - The Final Chapter)
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batskulldrag · 4 years
Phoenix by Fallout Boy
home stretch kiddies.
warnings for discussion of abuse. Emile briefly discusses confronting an active shooter, but no details are used. Payton used homophobic and transphobic views. 
 Chapter Fifteen: Pompeii by Bastille
               “Your Honor.” Payton’s Lawyer stated. “Our case will not only prove that my client is a fit parent and that the plaintiffs are unfit to parent.”
               “Present your evidence.” His Honor waved his hand.
               “I would like to call to the stand Mrs. Lefant, Virgil’s English teacher, to the stand.”
               A pleasant looking lady made her way up. As she swore to tell only the truth Patton felt Virgil’s grip on his hand tighten.
               Patton silently rubbed his back. He didn’t have any words of comfort to offer. In fact, he was panicking. They didn’t have any witnesses to call up. Now it really was their word against his.
               “Mrs. Lefant,” Payton’s lawyer began. “How would you describe Mr. Foster’s relationship with his son?”
               “Well, from what I saw he absolutely doted on the boy.” She answered. “Payton was always at parent/teacher meetings, supervised class trips and brought Virgil to all his extracurriculars.”
               “Did Virgil ever express any problems with his home life?”
               “No, in fact we all asked him if anything was the matter when his grades started dropping, and he insisted that everything was fine.”
               “If I may, Your Honor,” Janus rose, much like a snake when it’s being charmed. “I would like to inquire if Mrs. Lefant noticed any bruises on Virgil or any signs of anxiety.”
               “You may.” The judge nodded.
               “Mrs. Lefant?” Janus looked straight at her.
               “Well, he was usually nervous later in the day and was very afraid whenever he had to present something to the class. And we expected that anxiety was the reason he went from A’s to F’s.”
               “That’s quite a plummet.” Janus nodded. “What did his father have to say about that?”
               “Payton insisted that everything was fine at home, he was sure that Virgil just wasn’t applying himself like he used to.” She made a face. “Mr. Foster was adamant that mental illnesses didn’t exist, and that they need to be ignored rather than treated.”
               “Did Virgil ever have any anxiety or panic attacks?” Janus glided forward.
               “Yes, he had a panic attack in the middle of a debate once.”
               “And as a mandatory reporter, if you had thought that Mr. Foster’s attitude was problematic you would have reported it.” Payton’s lawyer added quickly.
               “I did.” She replied. “But nothing came of it. So, I just assumed that I had overreacted.”
               “Meaning that Child Protective Services had deemed Mr. Foster a fit parent after all.” Payton’s lawyer finished off.    
               “I suppose.” She nodded.
               “No further questions, Mrs. Lefant.” Payton’s lawyer nodded.
               “Mr. Pent, do you have further questions?” The judge asked.
               “No, Your Honor.”
               “Then.” Payton’s lawyer added. “We shall call our next witness.”
               “Another one.” Virgil whispered shakily. “I’m screwed.”
               “It’s ok, baby. It’s gonna be ok.” Patton shushed.
               Payton brought up several more of Virgil’s former teachers. They all stated that Payton doted on Virgil and that they had no idea that any abuse was going on. Janus asked each of them if they noticed any bruising on Virgil or had any indication that he was anxious. They all agreed that they thought he had anxiety and that Payton insisted that he did not.
               The pattern was broken when Virgil’s old wrestling coach came to the stand.
               “Mr. Seller.” Jan cross examined. “Virgil mentioned that he quit wrestling, do you have any idea why?”
               “Virgil was being teased by the other boys.” Mr. Seller replied. “I tried my best to put a stop to it, but in the end he just quit.”
               “Why were they teasing him? Was he not good at the sport?”
               “No, he was fantastic, and he really seemed to enjoy it. The teasing started after his father came to pick him up one day.”
               “Oh, so they teased him because his dad always came to get him. And that made him a kind of daddy’s boy in their opinion?”
               “No, actually that was the first time Payton had picked him up from practice. Before that, Virgil had always gone home on the late bus.”
               “So, why would they tease him?” Janus bobbed like a dancing cobra.
               “Payton let it slip that Virgil had a bedwetting problem. And of course, we all know how kids are.”
               “Odd that he would bring up something so personal the first time he ever came to a practice.” Janus tapped his fingers together.
               “I found it a bit weird as well. Virgil clearly wasn’t comfortable with him bringing it up. But Payton came off as a bit naive at times, so we all assumed that he didn’t mean any harm.”
               “Did you find it odd that Virgil was wetting the bed at that age? Isn’t that a serious symptom of emotional distress?”
               “Of course. But when I asked him if everything was alright at home, he was very adamant that everything was fine. And he refused to talk about the bedwetting altogether.”
               “Did you find that odd?”
               “Yes, but I assumed that he was just embarrassed.”
               “So, just to make sure I have this all down.” Jan smiled. “Virgil was on the wrestling team, Payton was not involved in that, and the only time Payton shows up he lets out some very embarrassing information. Am I correct?”
               “Did Payton do anything to counter this bullying that happened?”
               “No.” Mr. Seller looked surprised. “Not that I know of.”
               “Interesting.” Janus slid back to their table. “No further questions.”
               “What else do you have for your case?” The judge looked to Payton and his lawyer.
               “We have evidence that will cast doubt on the credibility of both Mr. Foster and Mr. Berry as well as Dr. Picani and their lawyer.”
               “Ok.” Janus sighed, rising to his feet. “Your Honor, if I may hazard a guess, they are going to bring to light an incident in which my then boyfriend got himself high on mushrooms while we were camping with some friends. I myself remained sober, and had my face bashed in for my troubles.”
               “Are you?” His Honor looked at them.
               “Yes, Your Honor.” Payton’s lawyer nodded. “But I was also going to bring to light that after graduating law school, Mr. Janus Pent, changed his name.”
               “Your Honor.” Ethen added. “I used to be a woman. I changed the spelling of my name from j-a-n-i-c-e to J-a-n-u-s. The earlier spelling didn’t really suit me anymore.”
               Patton felt himself blush and looked around at everyone else. They looked uncomfortable too.
               “In that case, Janice couldn’t commit to a gender, doesn’t that raise questions about “his” credibility?” Payton added.
               “No.” Judge Douglass said. “What else do you have to say?”
               “As stated earlier, Mr. Berry is on the Autistic spectrum.” Payton’s lawyer tried to save face.
               “And this makes him an unfit parent why?” He looked confused.
               “People on the spectrum have difficultly taking care of themselves, you couldn’t in good conscience let one have a child.”
               “Mr. Berry.” The judge looked at Logan. “Stand up please.”
               Logan rose.
               “What do you do for work?” Judge Douglassr asked.
               “I teach a high school statistics class, Your Honor.” Logan said stoically.
               “Has being Autistic ever hindered you in any way?”
               “I don’t understand metaphors or sarcasm. Aside from that I am fully able to take care of myself. I worked my way through college and made passing grades.”
               “Are you violent or suicidal?” The judge asked.
               “No, Your Honor.”
               “That is all, be seated.”
               Logan sat back down. He looked at Janus for help.
               “We’re doing pretty good.” Janus whispered to them. “I think he’s almost done.”
               “We also have proof that the younger Mr. Foster was diagnosed and takes medication for clinical depression. And that he is prone to sleepwalking.”
               “So?” His Honor said blankly.
               “So, susceptibility to that kind of diagnosis is telling of how gullible my brother is.” Payton added. “You wouldn’t hand a child over to a man who sent money to a Nigerian prince, so how is this any different? His so-called illness shows a weakness of character.”
               “Mr. Pent.” Judge Douglass looked down at him. “That’s stupid. Is that all you had to discredit your brother with?”
               “No, Your Honor.” Payton said. “Patton went to pieces after our mother passed away. I was worried for Virgil’s safety, so I left with him. And ended contact with my brother.”
               “Why were you worried for your son’s safety?” The judge sighed.
               “Patton was unstable, and I couldn’t be sure that he didn’t, well, put Mom out of her misery, so to speak.”
               Patton tried to jump up, but Virgil was in his lap.
               “Objection Your Honor.” Janus jumped to his feet. “That is unwarranted slander.”
               “Hold on.” His Honor put a finger up. “You mean to tell me that you suspected your brother of murder and did nothing?”
               “Well… I… didn’t think he’d do it again.” Payton stumbled.
               “Then why was your son in danger?”
               “Objection sustained.” The judge looked at Janus.
               “Furthermore.” Payton continued. “Logan was kicked out of his parent’s house because he wouldn’t get a job.”
               “Logan’s financial records show that he was working at CVS from the age of sixteen until he was twenty-three. He was the assistant manager by the time he left to pursue teaching.” Janus countered. “Records also show that his parents disowned him when he came out as gay. There is a police report of the assault.”
               “Was that your final claim?” The judge looked deeply unimpressed.
               “We would also like to call to question the dependability of Dr. Picani, seeing as he both diagnosed Virgil and cleared Mr. Foster, the younger one, and Mr. Berry for adoption. Records prove that Dr. Picani, during his residency, stabbed someone.”
               Judge Douglass growled in his throat.
               “Dr. Picani, please stand up.” He sighed.
               Emile stood up sheepishly.
               “For the benefit of the court and to keep anyone else from bringing it up today, would you please tell the story?”
               “While I was a resident at the hospital, a man came in with a gun. He was unstable and openly firing at people. I was trying to get people out of the hallway, and he came across me and a patient. He aimed at us, so, I stepped in front of my patient and tried to talk him down. Then I stabbed him in the ear with a pen. He dropped the gun and I took it. Security took him away.”
               “What was the official verdict of the stabbing?”
               “Self-defense.” Emile said, fidgeting with his tie. “I got a medal.”  
“Very good, you can sit down now.” The judge looked back at Payton and the lawyer. “I assume you read the police report. So, why, after reading this report, did you think it would help your case?”
“In my defense your honor,” The lawyer said. “Confronting a shooter unarmed is not exactly the psychological profile of a stable individual.”
“Neither is yours.” The judge said flatly. “Custody is awarded to Mr. Foster and Mr. Berry.”
His honor hit his hammer on the desk thing.  
“Wait, that’s all?” Patton mumbled as they stood up.
“We had more than enough.” Logan put his arm around him. “I told you.”
Virgil looked between them as if he were entranced.  
“You were very brave up there, sweetie.” He pulled his anxious baby into a hug.
With shaking hands, Virgil grabbed his jacket and clutched it until his knuckles showed.
“Virgil,” Logan put a hand on his shoulder. “Do you understand what just happened?”
Virgil nodded from inside Patton’s jacket and Patton felt him go limp in his arms.
“I think he fainted again.” Patton tightened his grip.
“I’m still here.” Virgil mumbled. “I-I can’t feel my legs.”
“Yeah, he’s having a panic attack.” Logan nodded, feeling Virgil’s forehead. “We should get him home.”
Nodding in agreement, Patton picked Virgil up bridal style. He was a little heavy, but still only about a hundred pounds.
“I can walk.” Virgil protested dizzily.
No one really acknowledged his saying that for many reasons. The most obvious being that it clearly wasn’t true. They walked outside and Patton set Virgil on one of the steps. He had hoped that the fresh air would be good for him, but it was summer in Florida and the air was so thick that you could see it.
Once he was sitting down Virgil put his head between his knees and continued to gasp and cough.
“Are you ok baby?” Patton asked rubbing his back.
“Yeah…” He strained. “I’m fine.”
“Ok.” Logan pressed a pill into Virgil’s hand. “Take this.”
Virgil silently complied and Logan handed him a bottle of water.
“You two and water.” Virgil snorted.
“Water is a natural tranquilizer, and the most necessary thing for the human body second only to air.”
Virgil slammed half the bottle and put the lid back on.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled, wiping his mouth with his sleeve.
“What in the world are you sorry for?” Patton pulled his anxious baby into his lap.
“I wasn’t supposed to freak out.” Virgil slumped into him. “I think I was supposed to be ecstatically happy or something.”
“Are you happy?” Logan asked, untying Virgil’s tie and unbuttoning his collar.
“Yes, I can’t remember ever being happier.” Virgil scoffed.
“Then what’s the problem?” Patton asked, punctuating it with a kiss.
“No one is asking you start singing songs from Annie.” Logan pushed his bangs back. “We both just want you to be content that it’s over now.”
“It is, isn’t it?” Virgil laughed. “It’s finally over.”
With that said, Virgil wrapped his arms around Patton like an octopus and started sobbing. Roman appeared and took a picture of the three of them on his phone.
“Really?” Logan looked at him blankly.
“Yes. The framing was perfect, and we need something for Patton’s scrap books.” Roman justified.
“It’s ok sweetie.” Patton cooed. “I know it’s a lot to take in. But now you have two dads instead of one rotten dad.”
Patton paused as the weight of what he had just said hit him. He was a dad! He had a baby now! Virgil really was his dark strange son! His baby, their baby! He and Logan both, they were dads now!
“Logan.” Patton squeaked, feeling tears already trailing down his cheeks. “We’re parents!”
“I realize that.”
“We have a son!”
“I know, I was there.” Logan laughed.
“We have a son, and his name is Virgil, and he’s ours! He’s our son!”
Logan wrapped his arms around both of them and started laughing. Roman took a picture of that too.
“Why are we laughing?” Virgil sniffed, pulling his head out of Patton’s chest.
“Because we’re happy.” Logan said quickly, ruffling Virgil’s hair.
“Are we now?” Virgil teased.
Patton put Virgil’s chin in his hands and peppered his face with dozens of tiny kisses.
“We’re as happy as we’ve ever been before.” He sniffled.  
“I am too.” Virgil sighed, nestling himself into Patton’s chest again.
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thetriggeredhappy · 5 years
9 “My head hurts.” for Speedingbullet ~ also you're now my new fav fic author
thank you very much, you’re very sweet!! (warnings for me being mean to scout again)
9.) “My head hurts.”
Sniper really didn’t intend for things to go the way he did. He really didn’t mean any harm. Honest.
Before he joined the team, Sniper was aware of the concept of pranks and whatnot, sure, but he’d never really been subjected to any, or done them to other people. He didn’t go to college (a place where, allegedly according to Engie, pranks happen a lot) and he didn’t technically finish his last year of required schooling and even before that the closest thing to a “prank” that his classmates would do was essentially beat him up. Black eyes and bruises and bloody noses were their idea of a hilarious after-school activity to rope him into.
But on the base, he was introduced to actual pranks. The inside of Demo’s eyepatch being coated in syrup while he’s asleep, Soldier’s helmet being covered in dozens of sparkly stickers, plastic wrap over the door to the kitchen, things like that. Things that were actually a bit funny and not anything worse than annoying and inconvenient to the person being pranked.
At some point, Scout, main prank-maker of the team (years of experience under his belt, apparently) had tried to get Sniper. Salt in the sugar bowl. He’d sat down with coffee, the terrible “acquired taste” stuff that Spy occasionally drank because he mysteriously couldn’t find the normal stuff, and put a spoon’s worth into his mug to make it more bearable. Stirred it. He hadn’t noticed what Scout’s expression was until he lifted the mug to take a sip and made eye contact over the rim. Absolute interest in what Sniper was doing, just a smidge too much to be normal, and no focus at all on the bowl of cereal before him, which just wasn’t normal.
He took his sip, and it was only with that suspicion in the back of his head that he managed to keep from making a face at the taste of it. And then Sniper had a choice to make, and he did so quickly.
He drank the entire mug without flinching. Scout’s confusion rose with every bob of his adam’s apple.
“Something on my face?” Sniper asked neutrally when he put the empty mug down again, the very picture of normalcy.
“Uh,” Scout said, and shook himself from his shock, “I, uh, no. No, you’re good.”
A few beats passed, then Scout picked up the sugar bowl, glancing down at it. He hummed to himself, tipping a bit into his cereal, then putting it down and taking a bite.
He choked immediately, then looked up at Sniper, who was trying very hard not to laugh. “Oh, fuck you.”
That had been the beginning of a little prank war between the two of them.
Scout had done plenty of things. A glitter bomb from an envelope that looked just like the envelopes they received with information for contracts. Taken about half a dozen stray cats from the nearby town and put them all in Sniper’s camper while he was in the base doing laundry. Replaced all the cans of beans and soup that he had stocked up in case of emergencies big or small with cans of brussel sprouts. Given Engie twenty dollars to make a tiny little device that made a little beeping noise every two minutes and fifteen seconds, and promptly hidden it under Sniper’s mattress, driving him bonkers for a total of an hour and a half before he finally found it. It was worth noting that Sniper did lock his door, the little bugger just knew how to pick locks apparently.
Sniper’s major form of retribution for most of the pranks was to act either like it didn’t bother him or like he enjoyed what Scout did. He ended up cooking the brussel sprouts for dinner one day, and talked to Scout about how friendly all the cats were and what their names now were, and Scout was clearly extremely annoyed to see Sniper acting completely normal when he went to battle the day after the beeper incident. But for pranks like the glitter bomb, which left him in a sparkly uniform when he went to dinner, he did feel the need to deliver actual retribution.
Which is why he put an armadillo in Scout’s room. And a small non-venomous snake in Scout’s room after he then started locking his door. And the friendly owl that liked to pester Sniper for snacks in Scout’s room through the window when he asked Demo for help moving his door slightly closer to the floor. He just found that Scout tended to react a lot to animals and kept running with it.
Also he broke Scout’s door once, but to be fair that wasn’t part of a prank. That was a different thing. Which was only tangentially Sniper’s fault technically sort of. He apologized. He got a second glitter bomb.
And admittedly, their little prank war had died down a bit after that, mainly because they’d gotten on somewhat friendlier terms somehow during the mayhem. He wound up talking to Scout occasionally, the younger man just sitting himself down when Sniper was making a campfire or otherwise sitting outside his camper and doing things. In return, sometimes he tried to say hello to Scout when he passed him in the rec room. But then Sniper had suddenly been faced with what he thought was the perfect opportunity.
He’d been out doing his shopping, having headed to a bigger town to get some more specific things that he needed that weren’t easy to find elsewhere, when he’d seen it. The energy drinks Scout chugged like water most of the time, big palettes’ worth of them. Three different flavors, although he’d only ever seen Scout drinking two.
And next to them, the same three again. He walked closer, pondering if maybe Scout would appreciate getting a bulk package of the drinks instead of having to do a twice-weekly run to the store in town to buy a few six-packs. And he’d picked up one of the packs, looked it over, and noticed a little blurb written on it.
The plan hit him almost immediately, and he moved to start piling cans into the cart he’d gotten.
From there it was simple—a trick he’d learned years and years before from an oddball “friend” to sneak alcohol into concerts. Sealed drinks being all that was allowed, he learned how to open cans and close them again without it looking any different. It was the work of an afternoon to empty out the cans of Bonk! into the sand (both the Cola and the Fruit Punch flavors just to cover all his bases) and replace them with the caffeine-free versions. Then he waited for the next time they did a supply run, and put it in with the rest of the groceries.
But then, things got… strange.
Scout was fine that first day, a Friday, not particularly groggy at all. During the lunch break in the middle of the day he chugged a good bit more of the soda than even he was usually known for, and didn’t eat anything else, but otherwise acted about the same.
By Monday, things had taken a significant dive.
He first noticed that Scout was almost late. That was extremely strange for him. Scout was usually among the first to report, and would mingle and pester the rest of the team. But instead, he was dashing in five minutes before they were headed onto the field, sleeves not even rolled properly and one shoe untied, looking completely out of it. He stammered an apology, then set about fixing his whole situation.
Through his scope, Sniper kept cursory track over the team so he’d be able to know whether someone could feasibly be passing by or if it was a spy. And what he saw of Scout was funny for a little bit, but quickly grew worrying, and then terribly guilt-inducing.
Scout was fully off his game, running erratically but in a way that was clearly unintentional, getting his attention diverted by sounds of gunfire only to miss the sounds much closer to him. His chatter on the comms was limited, and Sniper caught sight of him getting gunned down over and over and over again.
When the mid-day break was called, a bit earlier than usual, his first sighting of the kid since that morning was of him sitting on a crate, elbows on his knees, head held tight in his hands, talking quietly to Medic, who looked extremely concerned about the situation. Within a few moments the scene had brought over Engie and Demo, and everyone looked fairly grim.
Spy noted the scene happening, then glanced at Sniper, and his posture went rigid at Sniper’s expression. Presumably it was one of guilt, because that’s what was rapidly overtaking Sniper.
“What did you do?” Spy asked sharply, voice a hiss.
“Nothing,” Sniper said quickly, defensively.
All at once, Spy was stood just behind him, a hand on his shoulder, the other holding a knife in the bend of his back, cutting through the stitch of his vest and pressing hard enough to make Sniper’s heart skip a few beats. “Interesting answer. Because our local little idiot has been feeling horribly, terribly under the weather all day, and this is rapidly becoming the sort of problem that gets him in trouble with noteworthy individuals,” he said, voice the kind of lighthearted that made Sniper aware that he was probably about to be killed if he so much as stuttered. Then the weight of what Spy was saying to him sunk in, and he paled in realization. Scout could get in very real trouble for such a drop in numbers. Very, very real trouble. And in their line of business, bad things usually happened to those who got in trouble with their employers. “I just found it interesting, the way you were staring at him just now.”
“I didn’t mean any harm,” he managed, voice hoarse. “Really, I didn’t!”
“I’m going to ask you this exactly once, bushman,” Spy said, voice low now. “What. Did. You. Poison him with?”
A pause. “Oh! No, no, mate, you’ve got it wrong, I—I didn’t poison him! I just—“
The slightest bit of additional pressure from the knife.
“Really! I just switched out that caffeine nonsense he drinks for the same stuff but without the caffeine. It was just supposed to be a prank, I, I didn’t think he would get like this. Figured he’d be a bit groggy and that’s all!”
Spy swore to himself under his breath. “You’re an idiot, bushman,” he hissed. He shoved Sniper a step forward. “Go explain to him what you did. Now.”
Sniper did walk over.
Medic had moved away to talk quietly with Demo, but Engie was still there, sitting next to Scout, a comforting hand on his shoulder. He looked up as Sniper approached, giving him a little, worried smile.
“Er,” Sniper said, fidgeting with his hands for a second before just sticking his thumbs into his pockets. “Scout, can I talk to you for a mo’?”
Scout hummed out a little noise like agreement.
Sniper glanced at Engie again, who took a moment before he realized what Sniper meant and went to get up and give them space. He gave Scout one more pat on the shoulder before he went.
Sniper took his place, hands to himself. “Er. So… you’re not doin’ so well,” Sniper tried.
Scout groaned, shoulders sinking further. “I dunno what the fuck is wrong. This shouldn’t be happening,” he said, voice quiet. “I’m fuckin’ dying over here.”
“Yeah?” Sniper asked, guilt corroding at him quicker by the minute.
“My head hurts,” Scout started. “I feel like I’m gonna throw up. My hands won’t stop shaking and I can barely reload a gun. I didn’t sleep at all last night or the night before that or the night before that and I can’t get a good breath in and I feel like I’m five fuckin’ seconds away from freaking out. Just the usual gunshots and screaming make me start shaking even worse and basically I fuckin’ hate everything right now an’ wanna die. I felt like shit all weekend too but it’s just getting worse and worse.”
Sniper swallowed hard.
“And I dunno what the fuck the issue is, I—I only ever start gettin’ shaky and gross feeling whenever I go without getting caffeine for a few days, and, and I’ve drank like three cans and kept ‘em down and everything and I—I dunno the fuck else to do,” Scout said, and there was an underlying kind of distress, dismay, panic, misery that made Sniper fold in on himself.
“Didn’t realize… you needed it that much,” Sniper said carefully.
Scout sighed, his breath leaving him almost explosively. “Yeah, because I didn’t want nobody to know. Only the Doc was supposed to know, because we kept tryin’ all kinds of meds but none of ‘em worked right, and we figured out if I just drink a fuck ton of caffeine it works better than most meds. So he found some stuff with a ridiculous amount of the stuff and now I drink it all the time or I can’t think right or do anything.” A second sigh, and Scout looked like he was trying to melt and sink into the ground. “And now everybody knows that I’m a fuckin’ idiot who can’t do shit or think right without drinkin’ enough liquid energy to give a bear a heart attack. And I’m maybe having the worst day ever and I just wanna go curl up and down half a bottle of headache meds and try and sleep until everything stops sucking so much.”
Sniper was pretty sure he was going to keel over dead.
“But hey,” Scout said, a dreary, sarcastic attempt at optimism in his voice, and lifted his head enough to look at Sniper, and he hadn’t noticed earlier, but his face was pale and his eyes had bags and circles under them that may as well have been bruises they were so dark. “At least you’re over here. Talkin’ to me. That’s really not like you. Good to know you give that much of a shit about me to come listen to me whine.”
Sniper had to look away, squeeze his eyes shut.
“Anyways, you said you wanted to talk to me?” Scout asked, putting on a terribly brave face despite how objectively horrible he was feeling.
“It was me.”
A pause. Sniper couldn’t look up. “What?”
“It was me. I switched your Bonk! out for some caffeine-free rubbish.”
Another, different pause. “You what?” Scout asked, voice quiet.
“It was meant to just be a prank,” Sniper said, head falling to his hand. “I thought you’d get all drowsy for a little while, be sleepy and a bit off your game and confused. I didn’t mean to make you feel this sick, and… and I’m sorry.”
Silence for a good minute or so. “Snipes, I’m gonna fucking kill you.”
Sniper nodded. “I’d deserve it,” he conceded, glum.
“I’m gonna fucking kill you.” Sniper got shoved, and was sent sprawling on the dirt. “You fuck! I can’t believe you!”
“I know, I’m sorry,” Sniper tried, sitting up.
“God damn it if you weren’t so cute I’d break you right now!” Scout exclaimed, bat in hand, red-faced and positively fuming.
“You think I’m cute?” Sniper asked, a bit surprised.
“Not the topic of conversation right now! You’re a bastard!”
Sniper fell back onto the dirt, staring up at the sky. “I’m sorry,” he said again.
“You owe me,” Scout declared.
“I know.”
“Big time,” Scout added.
“I know.”
“You’re takin’ me out after we clock out today and you’re buying me more soda and then you’re getting me dinner,” Scout finished.
“That sounds fair.’
“…Fuck you,” Scout said once more before he stormed off.
Sniper remained on the ground for another few moments, silent.
“…Cute?” he repeated to himself quietly.
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questionable government spies: chapter 1
HERE IT IS !!! ah im so excited ;) ship: eventual sprace, platonic ralbert word count: 3025 warnings: mentions and implications that someone has died (but they didn’t actually so it’s okay), a funeral, mourning editing: probably over edited at this point _______________________________ Chapter 1 Even before Albert crashed his own funeral, Race was having a bad day. For starters, he had barely slept at all the last few nights and his days had been filled with unnecessary paperwork - someone dying on the job always required paperwork - oceans worth of tears, and several failed attempts at writing a eulogy. Then this morning the FBI had called him and told him that he was being relocated to Manhattan to work on a new case in Brooklyn which involved hunting down the nations most wanted gang. This was a problem mainly because the director of the New York branch of the FBI, Davey Jacobs, particularly hated Race and Albert after an incident involving the weapons division almost getting blown up by a rogue terrorist when they were 18. Race had gone to make himself a cup of coffee only to realize he had drank the last of it yesterday. Of course he didn’t have any more coffee, it had always been alberts job to go to go to the store - race refused to step foot inside a grocery store after an unfamiliar ortunate incident involving a snake, and air shaft and a broken rappelling rope. But Albert was dead, well maybe. Race had learned to never assume anyone was dead until he saw a body. He had (probably) died last week in an explosion after the pair had succeeded in arresting a group of men who were smuggling excessive amounts of stolen diamonds out of Atlantic City. Why the diamond smugglers had explosives with them and how they managed to detonate them without dying themselves was beyond race, but that was not for him to worry about. He was only a field agent. And to top it all off he had to attend alberts funeral in less than an hour. Race moped around his and jacks and Alberts shared apartment safe house, sipping hot chocolate- which he detested - packing up only the important stuff for his move to Manhattan. Race had never been organized, so back up coms units went into the same box as his and alberts sweatshirt collection, their array of Disney movies, a bag of ammunition, and shampoo. Thankfully, jack insisted on never unpacking, so all of his things were ready for the move. He had just tossed alberts throwing stars into a box also containing two back up guns and several packets of instant hot chocolate - it was Albert’s drink of choice and he didn’t have the heart to throw it out - when he heard the coded ring of the doorbell. Four short rings, pause, one short ring, pause, long ring short ring two long rings, followed by a longer pause. Then two short rings, pause, one long ring two short rings, pause, two short rings, pause, three long rings, pause, one long ring, pause, three short rings. Race sighed, too lazy to tap back his coded response, and called out instead “hey jack” There was the sound of fiddling with the lock and the door popped open a few seconds later to reveal jack, back for the first time in 6 days, looking almost more sleep deprived than race - albert's death had been particularly hard on jack considering that he viewed race and Albert as the older brothers he never had, so he had undoubtedly spent the last week wallowing in an unhealthy amount of misery and tears. He was dressed somewhat somberly in black jeans, a black ac/dc T-shirt and his trademark black vans with doodles on the soles. Someone - probably his best friend crutchie- had advised him to put on a black and white polka dotted tie, which looked comical with the rest of his outfit. “Race, you know you’re supposed to knock back right? Otherwise how am I supposed to know whether or not I’m walking into a sticky situation?” “Shut it kelly” Race mumbled, throwing his and alberts toothbrushes and some toothpaste into the box with the rifles and the hot chocolate. “That was one time” Jack, choosing to ignore race, flopped onto the green couch and peered into one of the boxes race was packing. This one contained advil, a short range radio, several of race’s t shirts, and a pair of aviator sunglasses. “Race, your packing skills are atrocious,” jack mused, “how do you expect to find anything?” “I dont” race responded, throwing several towels into a box with some mismatched silverware. “Alberts job is to unpack.” “Race,” Jack said slowly, sitting up to look at his friend, Race could see tears brimming in the corner of his eyes. “Albert is dead. He died last week. You were there when it happened. We’re going to his funeral today.” Race let out a dry laugh. “See, that's all not entirely true, Jacky Boy. Clearly you have not known Albo as long as I have.” Jack looked at race quizzically. “But hes-” “Don’t they teach you anything in secret agent 101?” Race sighed, picking up a battered copy of the lord of the rings and throwing it into the towel/ silverware box. “The number one rule in this field is don’t believe anyone is dead until you see the body” “But-“ “Have you seen the body?” Jack was silent. “Exactly.” Race taped the last box shut and looked at his watch. “We should head out if we’re going to make the funeral on time. You have your van?” Jack nodded and the two picked up the 7 boxes that race had packed his and alberts lives into. Jacks two boxes were already in the van. Race bolted the door behind them, reenabling the electric shock doorknob on their apartment/safe house. Something told him that they would be back there soon. ••• “Is this really necessary, jack?” Race muttered disapprovingly as they sat in jacks van, jack tying a pink and black striped bow tie around his neck. “Yes race. We are going to a funeral. The funeral of your best friend, actually. You have to look somewhat decent.” Jack gave the bow tie one last twist. “There” “It doesn’t go with my outfit” race commented as he dug three coms units out of his pocket. “Race you’re wearing all black.” “So?” Race handed one of the coms units to jack. “Put this on and don’t take it out” “Why? Our mission in Brooklyn doesn’t start until tomorrow.” Jack was an intern at the agency. He was barely 17, a high school dropout picked up by the FBI because he was the only person who was able to debug all of their computers after a misunderstanding with the Russians. He had been stuck with race and Albert ever since. They were technically supposed to be training him to become a field agent, but due to his inability to stay quiet in high pressure situations - he had gotten them arrested in Houston 2 months ago and they had had to wait a week for the FBI to bail them out - Race and Albert had limited him to the behind the scenes work in the tech van and he occasionally had to don a disguise and bail them out of a sticky situation. “Just keep quiet and keep your eyes peeled.” Race instructed as he opened the door of the van and began walking up toward the church, jack following close behind. The two sat towards the back of the church incase they needed to make an exit. There weren’t too many people there, mostly just fellow agents from the FBI, a few of alberts acquaintances, but no one suspicious. There was a casket in front of the altar, but the lid was closed. Huh, race thought. Maybe he’s finally done it this time. After about 15 minutes, race had given up trying to remember his eulogy, deciding that he would just wing it, when he was distracted by a movement on one of the rafters above him. Race elbowed jack to get his attention and jack followed races gaze upward to the figure crouched on the rafters above them. Race saw jack clamp his hand on the throwing knife he had stored in his belt. The figure attached a rope to the rafter above them and began to descend slowly. “Get ready to run,” Race whispered to jack, as jack took aim with his knife, not to kill, just to cut the rope the person was using. He figure was about 10 feet above them now. Race saw jack pull his arm back, ready to cut the rope in half when he spotted something. “Jack wait” he hissed out of the corner of his mouth. “Look” he pointed up at the figure. jack shifted his gaze upwards at the figure again, following races finger to the person’s shoes and let out a tiny gasp. On the sole of the persons shoes above them was scrawled a single world in large bubble letters, intricately done with several shades of paint. Elbow. Now, to anyone else, that would mean nothing. But, back last year when jack had joined with race and Albert, race had introduced Albert as albo, and jack, being jack, had thought he had said elbow. Albert thought it was hilarious and decided to adopt it as his code name for missions. Then, about 3 months ago they had all had to do a 48 hour stakeout at a factory in the middle of nowhere in Nebraska. Jack got bored during said stakeout and pulled out some acrylic paint he happened to have in his van for some unknown reason and elaborately painted alberts code name on the bottom of his shoe while he had been sleeping. Albert had been quite mad when he woke up, saying that it could blow his cover, but race insisted he keep it because it could come in handy one day. Apparently, that day was today. Albert paused on the rope, turning his face toward jack and race and he winked at them. Race rolled his eyes, Albert crashing his own funeral just meant more paperwork for the both of them. Fantastic. Albert began to swing the rope back and forth until he had gained enough momentum and let go, flipping through the air, once, twice, three times, before landing in a low crouch in the center aisle, causing everyone to look at him rather startled. Race put his head in his hands. Why did Albert have to make such a production out of everything? “Sorry for the misunderstanding everyone!” He called to the small gathering, some of whom were still recovering from shock. “I am in fact not dead, I was just, ah, not where people thought I would be.” Race sighed, shoving a shell shocked jack out of the pew and marching over to Albert, grabbing him firmly by the arm and dragging him toward the exit. “Sorry to keep this short, but we have places to be, you know how it is” race called to the congregation somewhat genuinely as he began to pull Albert toward the exit. Jack was still frozen in shock next to him, mouth slightly agape and race swiftly kicked him in the shin to signal in was time to leave. “Thanks for coming to my funeral!” Albert called over his shoulder just before the heavy church door swung shut behind them. The trio paused on the sidewalk outside of the church, all of them remaining silent for a moment while the sun shone brightly down. Albert pulled the black beanie off of his head and shook out his slightly-too-long reddish hair before looking up at race, who had his arms crossed and was looking at his best friend with one eyebrow raised, and at jack, who was staring up at Albert in disbelief, still mostly unconvinced that his pseudo older brother was back from the dead. “Uh, hey guys” “Really Albert? That’s all you have to say for yourself? No ‘sorry I led you to believe I was dead for a week’?” Race shifted his facial expression into a well practiced glare that he usually reserved for facing down America’s most wanted criminals. “Yeah sorry about that,” Albert apologized, rolling up the sleeves of his black long sleeve shirt. “This was an, ah, unusual situation.” Race refused to back down. “Unusual how?” “Well I may have accidentally stowed away on a ship heading to Alaska after I got knocked out from the explosion and woken up locked in the world’s tiniest prison in a town called Snowfall and had to spend three days convincing the mayor I wasn’t a terrorist despite the fact that I had several weapons on me at the time before I hitchhiked my way back to the states” After years of being friends with Albert, Race was unfazed by this explanation. “And not at one point during that did it occur to you that hey maybe I should get in contact with my best friend so he knows I’m not dead!” Albert threw his hands up in exasperation. “Well it’s not my fault there was no cell reception not to mention that I didn’t even have my cell phone on me and my coms -“ Albert stopped abruptly, finally registering jacks look of ultimate shock. “What the heck is wrong with jack?” Jack took the lull in conversation as a chance to speak up, or try to. “You, you’re not... But you- I thought…. they said that- you were…” “I, ah, don’t think we briefed him about your habit of not dying when you’re supposed to,” race said quietly, all of his previous anger at Albert evaporating. Albert opened his arms, engulfing jack in one of his bone crushing hugs. “It’s okay jack, it’s okay, I’m right here, everything’s fine now” he muttered, absently running his fingers over jack's back. He tilted his head to look at race, “why didn’t you say something to him?” “I didn’t want to get his hopes up,” race sighed. Debating whether or not to tell jack about alberts antideath hobby had been the main cause of races lack of sleep for the last week. In the end he had decided against it, knowing that it would just crush jack in the long run if Albert had actually died. “Hell, I didn’t want to get my hopes up. Every time-“ races voice cracked, “every time you pull something like this, it scares the hell out of me cause I can’t help but think that maybe this time it’s real and it’s happened and my best friend is really gone and so every time I spend hours crying because I don’t want to find out it’s real and then not have taken it seriously” race moved to behind where albert was standing with his arms still around jack, snaking his arms around his waist. “I don’t want to lose you albie” Albert released his grip on jack, flipping around to instead hold race. “You know I wouldn’t do that race.” Race, whose head was buried in alberts neck made an unconvinced sounding noise. He let alberts familiar scent of chocolate and cinnamon gum ground him as he remained locked in his best friends embrace. “Hey, at least I’m in one piece this time,” Albert stated, attempting to lighten the mood. The last time Albert had crashed his own funeral had been just over a year ago, a few months before they had met jack. Albert had gone mia on a mission out in California and had eventually been presumed dead. Well, that was until he showed up midway through races eulogy in a wheelchair being pushed by their boss. Race, who had initially thought that his friend was paralyzed, nearly had a heart attack. Later he was informed that Albert was intact not paralyzed, he’d just had a few cracked ribs, several bruises and a badly torn up leg after a run in with some Russian mobsters. He still had some pretty bad scars from that experience and refused to talk about it. “Wait this isn’t the first time you’ve crashed your funeral?” Jack asked, staring at Albert wide eyed. “Course not squirt. This is, what the third time?” Albert knew Race kept track of these things. “The fifth” Race slowly pulled away from Albert and began assessing his friend for injuries. Despite what Albert had said about being in one piece, race knew that his friend tended to hide his injuries. All race could see though was a fading black eye and some healing knuckles. “Really, that many?” He laughed and jack smiled at him. Sensing that the conversation was headed toward the different times that Albert had in fact almost died, he changed the topic of conversation. “Can we go home now?” “I wish,” Race said, beginning to walk toward jacks van, the other two following close behind. “But the agency transferred us to Manhattan so we have to move, and we also have to start a new case.” “Crap, that means we have to deal with Jacobs,” Albert groaned. “I wonder if he’s still mad about us almost blowing up his weapons lab.” “What?!?” Jack shrieked. “You know, that wasn’t really our fault,” Race tried to reason. Albert laughed and turned to jack, “it was one of our proudest moments.” Then, to race, “What’s the case about, race?” “Some gang. It wasn’t supposed to be until tomorrow, but apparently we got a lead and need to get there ASAP.” Race hopped into the passenger seat, Albert popped into the rear and jack turned the key. “Nice nice,” Albert mused. “Nothing like a good gang fight after you’ve been dead for a week.” Race turned around and shot him a look. “Wait a second, you mentioned that we’re moving?” “Yeah.” “Did you, by any chance, do the packing?” It was a well known fact that race could not pack for his life. Everything went in the wrong boxes and he usually ended up forgetting something. Last time it had been albert's favorite sweatshirt and he hadn’t spoken to Race for a week after. “He sure did” jack responded, remembering the scene he walked into that morning. “Goddamnit, Race” _______________________________ so, what do we think?? this fic is my child, probably one of my favorite things I’ve worked on to date. not sure when updates will be, probably when I’ve decided to stop changing the plot of each chapter lol so maybe once a week?? oh I think the morse code says “hey idiots” I think, don’t quote me on that. im so excited to share this with you guys! once more parts are posted the whole thing can be found under #spyboys, feedback is much much appreciated, esp on this fic, send me an ask/ message if you wanna be on the tag list !!! tag list
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stayextrafrosty · 6 years
Of Saints and Sin
Fall Out Boy mob boss AU
Summary: It shouldn’t have worked. But it did. Pete, Andy and Joe. Together they were deadly. They controlled the Chicago underground. Patrick is the new boss. Taking over the gang war that killed his brother, the former leader. The mob is his new family. Trust, secrets and brotherhood complicate things. How can they cope with their sins?
Warnings: a lot of cursing, violence, sexual situations and general angst
Read on AO3 here
Chapter 1
“Please, I’m begging you. I’ll do whatever you want, but you can’t kill him! He’s all I have!” The woman groveled at his feet, begging for the life of her worthless son. The two men held him fast, his face bloody. Dominic looked bored, fiddling around with his knife, hardly paying attention to the woman.
“Well maybe you should have thought of that before encouraging him to steal from us. Ya know, we’re a pretty generous group considering the state of this fucked up city.” He stood, hands resting in the pockets of his eight-hundred-dollar dress pants.
A knock came from the door and he frowned slightly. His guys knew better than to bother him during these interrogations. He signaled to his right hand-man who stood with a gun pointed at the crooks’ head.
He made his way to the door, paused a beat, before yanking it open and pointing the gun at the intruder. The new kid stood there, horrified. The boss was surprised he didn’t piss his pants. Of course, his little brother had never been that weak. He glared at the seventeen-year-old.
“What the fuck are you doing here? This better be fucking important.” He watched as Patrick gulped. He couldn’t show his soft side with these two little shits in the room. Otherwise he would never talk to Patrick like this. It burned his throat. Reminded him too much of the way their father treated them.
“Sorry boss, but the intelligence learned something.” Patrick stood stiff as a statue. There was a moment of silence.
“Well spit it out, Trick,” He snapped. He tried not to stumble over his words. Patrick was not cut out for this business. Dominic would make sure he never had to take over. Hell, he shouldn’t even be here now.
“The woman. She’s the wife of the Snakes leader.” A beat passed as the information settled on the room. Dom knew there was something off about this whole thing. He rolled his shoulders and turned back to the woman.
“So, what was the plan, eh? Where’s the camera? Gunna try and show my guys I’m weak? That I spared a crook cause his mommy pleaded for his life. Our rules are clear.” He called his right-hand man over once again. “Get rid of them both.” The woman began screaming.
“You’ll regret this! They will come after you! You will suffer! I’ll make sure of it!” One of the men holding her son pushed a gun to his head. The bang was quick, Dom hardly registered that it happened. That happens in this business. You get desensitized.
He panicked. He might have been desensitized but Patrick wasn’t. He spun back to face his little brother. His face was blank, mouth open slightly. Tears pricked at the edges of his eyes.
“Get out of here, Trick. Right now.” He stood frozen, Staring at the scene in front of him. “Trick!” He jumped and began to back away slowly.
A thud came from behind the boss. The woman had fought her way to her son, and in doing so, stole the gun from his one of his men. Tears poured down her face as she aimed it.
“You will die.” She pulled the trigger just as his right-hand man did. She fell to the ground in a pool of blood.
The warmth spread through his body. He looked back at his brother, horror covering his face, tears flowing freely. He fell to his knees, pressing a hand to his stomach. He wouldn’t last long. Patrick was at his side, holding him up.
“You’re gunna be fine. Absolutely fine. Come on, don’t leave yet.” Patrick pressed a hand against his own. He attempted a smile.
“It’s alright, Trick. You’ll be alright. Just stay away from this business you got it? The boys will help you for a bit. But don’t you dare get more involved.”
His eyes began to drift shut. He could vaguely hear Patrick calling to him. He did everything he could. But such is the life in the mob.
Six Years Later
“What the fuck, Pete? I told you exactly what to get!”
“It’s not my fault you’re so god damn picky with your coffee!”
“You had a list! A list!”
Patrick groaned at their bickering. Why did he have to deal with this? There was actual important stuff that needed to get done.
“Would both of you shut up? Joe stop being an ungrateful shit and Pete pay attention for fucking once,” he scolded. They both straightened right away. Patrick placed his hat on the desk before running a hand through his hair.
He had only taken over recently. The rest of the members weren’t quite sure what to make of him. He only had to live up to his brother’s legacy. He involuntarily flinched as the memories raced across his mind. The gang had been left in charge of his brother’s right-hand man, Smyth.
His brother had been right though. They took care of him. Provided him with the funds he needed while finishing school. A major in business only made sense. But when he wasn’t in class, it was Smyth that taught him how this all worked.
Patrick made a promise to his brother at the burial. He would end this. He would end this war unless it ended him first.
He knew that his brother told him not to get involved. But what else did he have? His mom was killed in a gang related incident when he was young. His father was a fucking horror story. His brother was the last thing. And the gangs took him too.
“Yo, boss. Hey. Trick!” He looked up at Andy. Shit, he’d been day dreaming.
“What is it?” Andy held out the phone to him. A man of many words as always.
“Talk,” he snapped into the phone.
“Chill little guy. You don’t need to sound so scary.” Patrick cracked a grin. Smyth. He knew Patrick hated it when he called him that.
“Shut up. What is it?” There was a chuckled from the other end.
“I’m doing fine, thanks for asking. Honestly, I thought your brother taught you manners. Especially to those much older than you.” Patrick’s smile faltered slightly.
“Stop acting like you’re some sixty-year-old geezer. You’re thirty-eight.”
“Yea, yea. Anyway. There’s rumors on the street that are calling attention to you. Young boss means you’ve got a lot of reputation building to do. You should meet with your guys and lay down some rules. We’ve been following your brothers’ rules but you’re the boss now. As much as both I and your brother are against it.”
Patrick glanced over at his inner circle. You can’t see it, but under the nice jackets, each held a gun. They all knew how to wild a knife and all knew how to shake someone down. Patrick opened his desk drawer to see the small revolver he had there. He knew how to fire it. Could hit a target without even blinking.
“Got it. Call a meeting.”
“You got it, Boss.” A few seconds of silence. “I got your back, kid,” Smyth said, almost gently.
Before Patrick could let his emotions get to him, he hung up the phone. The three guys in the room looked at him expectantly. They trusted him and he trusted them.
He had known Pete the longest. Both of their families were part of the high ranks of The Overcast. Pete’s family in it much longer than Patrick’s but they were respectful and trusting when his brother took over. They were friends and Pete was the one who helped him through his brother’s death the most.
Joe was friends with Pete but his family moved back to Chicago recently. Patrick’s first interaction with Joe involved Patrick telling him how much he sucked at shooting. That ended up with a gun pointed at Patrick’s head but then knocking it away. He later discovered that the safety was on. It was a test to see how he responded. Joe never doubted him after that. He also didn’t hesitate to call Patrick out when he thought he was being a dumbass.
Andy was the strong and silent type. He didn’t say much but was brought back by Joe. There was some uneasiness at first but he had done his job well many times. He helped keep Pete and Joe from arguing and honestly that was enough for Patrick. They might have been friends but god did they argue.
“What’s the story?” Patrick looked between the only people he could really call his friends.
“New rules. I’ve been doing this with the help of my brother and Smyth so far. Now it’s time for me to put my foot down. You have been the ones to stand by me so far. It would mean a lot if that continued.”
A moment of silence before Andy raised his hand with the back facing away from him. A smiled threatened to come out as the other two guys raised their hands too. It was their symbol. Patrick joined the other three and they all pressed the backs of their hands together. A chuckle resonated through the group as they all hugged. No one but them would see or know about this.
Quiet voices filled the small auditorium. It wouldn’t fit more than fifty people. The leaders of the different sections milled about. Some snickering, never having seen their new boss. Patrick expected that kind of reaction. You have to build a name for yourself in this business. He had to be prepared to do that.
“Heard the kid can hardly hold a gun. Some shit about seeing his brother get shot messing him up.”
“Dude. He was young. That would fuck any kid up.”
“I been seeing that shit since I was ten. Maybe he just needs to get a backbone.”
“Keep talkin. Don’t be pissed at me when he puts a knife to your throat for questioning him.”
Patrick ignored the banter. Maybe he should do that. But it was his brothers’ policy to never raise a weapon against your own. Patrick stood by that sentiment at least.
He stepped up onto the small stage. People immediately went quiet. He took note of the questioning glances he was receiving. Some weren’t sure if he was the right-hand-man or the boss. He took a breath, hoping no one could tell how nervous he was.
“My brother didn’t have a chance to tell me what his policies were before he was murdered before my eyes. I only have second hand knowledge from Smyth, his right-hand-man who has been running this thing for the past six years.
“Now, I see the looks on your faces and I know that some of you are skeptical. But I hope you can extend the same trust to me as you did my brother. I know what my brothers’ legacy is and I know what his rules were. But I’m taking the lead now.” He paused a moment to try and read everyone’s faces. They were all listening intently so far.
“First of all. Stay the fuck away from minors. They don’t need this shit.” A small murmur of approval. “Second. Don’t any of you touch the meth or any sort of equivalent. I will not tolerate that kind of poison. I’m working us out of that business so don’t go setting us back.” Less approval this time.
“So where do you suggest we make up that lost revenue?” Patrick recognized the voice from before. The ass hat that had no consideration for a child watching his family die. He was going to be a problem. Patrick crossed his arms and stared the guy down.
“Why don’t you try doing something beneficial for the community that you seem so intent on running into the ground. My brother wanted to fix the community. Not destroy it. The point was to get rid of the other gangs so Chicago is safer. If you don’t believe in that idea then I will personally escort you out.” The room was deadly quiet. The guy didn’t say anything at first. Then he scoffed.
“You haven’t the slightest idea what your brother wanted, kid. And you will never be him.” Patrick didn’t even blink. The comment hurt but now was not the time to grieve.
He hopped down from the stage. The crowd of people parted for him. No one in the room dared to breathe. He stopped in front of the intimidating man. Patrick wasn’t very tall which made being a leader harder than it needed to be. The guys eyes flickered off of him for a second. Patrick assumed Joe, Andy and Pete had made themselves known.
“Rule three!” Patrick called loudly so everyone could hear. “Do not raise a weapon against one of your own. That rule still stands.” The silence was deafening. Patrick refused to break eye contact. Eventually, the jack ass standing in front of him broke. He turned away and crossed his arms. Patrick had won this one.
“Your name,” Patrick said. The guy raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Well don’t just stand there and stare at me. What’s your name?”
“Bult,” he spit out.
“Full name.” He glared at Patrick.
“Vinn Bult. The fuck you trying to prove?” Patrick sighed.
“Well if you’re gunna make problems for me and everyone else then I want this to be personal.” He ignored the look of anger that passed over Vinn’s face. Patrick made his way back to the stage. The people moved out of his way much quicker.
“Rule four! Any new alliances are to go through me first. I am in the middle of reviewing all alliances made in the past six years. I will cut off any that I think are harmful to the group. Five, don’t fuck with law enforcement. We have a relatively peaceful agreement with them. But I know which districts have been causing problems.” Patrick took a breath. “Dismissed for now. Anything else I deem to be a problem will be handled by either me or my guys and you will be informed promptly.”
Everyone stood still for a moment before filtering out almost silently. Patrick stood and watched them leave. He caught sight of Vinn again. He was glaring at Patrick and mumbling something to another guy who didn’t seem interested. Patrick wondered if this was the guy Dom and Smyth were always complaining about back then. Pete came to stand next to him.
“When you get the chance, get me any information you can find on our friend Vinn Bult,” Patrick said as the last of the people filed out. Joe came up on his other side.
“You want us to keep an eye on him, too,” Joe asked.
“Maybe pay him a little visit,” Andy added. Patrick shook his head and turned to them.
“Keep your distance for now. I don’t need to release the trio from hell on him just yet. I just think we should be cautious is all.”
Smyth watched the four young men from the door. They were all so innocent. They had no idea what they were getting themselves into. Least of all Patrick. He was the youngest of all of them. Smyth had tried to steer him away from the Mobs of Chicago and this stupid war.
At least they had noticed Bult. He had always been sketchy, even when Dom was running things. Patrick was nothing like his brother. He doubted Patrick could really do anything to end the decades long feud.
Smyth made his way over to the small group. He knew he had to back up Patrick. Protect him. That was the one thing Dom had told him to do if he ever kicked the bucket. Protect him from everything he didn’t need to know in order to be the boss.
“Hey, kid. Why don’t I take you out do some of your new businesses?” Smyth slapped Patrick on the back.
“I’ll get to that eventually. I still have to go through some paperwork,” He said, shrugging.
“Come on, boss! You seriously need to unwind or something,” Pete encouraged. Smyth chuckled at the banter. And for once he agreed with Pete.
The guys bickered back and forth, all of them trying to convince Patrick to, “have some goddam fun” in Joe’s words. They were still teenagers in some sense. At least that’s what they looked like right now. Smyth rolled his eyes and injected himself into the conversation by grabbing Patrick’s arm.
“Let’s go. I agree with the young people in the vicinity. Chill for a bit why don’t you?” Patrick grumbled as he yanked his arm away and followed Smyth. The other guys in a tow behind him.
Patrick looked around the ally. Trash littered the edges of the buildings. A homeless person sat huddled in the corner. He couldn’t quite tell if it was a guy or girl because of all the jackets they had. He sent Andy across the street to buy a couple burgers from McDonalds for the person.
“You can’t help everyone, Patrick,” Smyth muttered to him. His brother had pointed that out to him several times.
“Maybe not, but I can try.” Smyth shook his head as he pounded his fist against the metal door.
“I will never understand why you decided you wanted to get into this business. You’re good to a fault, Trick.” Patrick raised an eyebrow at him but didn’t have time to respond before the door opened.
“What do you want?” A huge muscled guy blocked the door. He was easily six-four and covered in tattoos. Patrick was used to the tattoos because of the other three guys being covered in them. Perhaps it was just the height thing.
“Depends, do you wanna meet your boss tonight?” The guy scoffed.
“Please, I heard he was a puny, overconfident shit.” Patrick watched the muscles in Smyth’s back tense. Perhaps Patrick didn’t make as good of an impression as he thought. He pulled Smyth back and stepped up to the giant.
“Depends who you hear it from I guess.” The guy looked down at Patrick and tried to contain his laughter. So, this was how it was going to be.
“Get out of here, kid. Runts like you don’t belong here. Careful Smyth, I tell the actual boss you’re trying to get kids into a strip club.” The guy shoved Patrick back, hard enough that he stumbled. Patrick sighed.
There were instantly three guns all trained on the giant man. He froze, but only for a moment. He was trained to deal with these situations after all. Patrick smoothed his jacket and pulled his wallet out.
“I’m not offended that you think I’m underage. You’re not the first. But I would appreciate it if you didn’t insult my guys by thinking they would try to undermine my rules.” Patrick flashed his ID at the guy and made a show of putting his wallet back. In the pocket next to his gun. The guys eyes widened for a fraction of a second. Then he refused to look at him.
“Alright boys, stop freaking the nice man out.” Pete, Joe, and Andy took the guns off him. He stepped to the side, letting them all pass without another word. Patrick was the last to enter and he stopped in front of the bouncer. Patrick didn’t even open his mouth before the guy tried to rush out an apology.
“I’m sorry, boss. Won’t happen again. I should have known better.” Patrick paused a moment, then pat the bouncer on the arm.
“Mind telling me who passed that information along?” Patrick rested his hands in his pockets, patiently waiting while he thought.
“I didn’t know him. Seen him hanging around with your guy Vinn. Course he wasn’t here with him.” Made enough sense. Patrick nodded and handed the bouncer a fifty.
“You’re doing your job well. Keep it up. Let your manager know I’m here.” He nodded quickly and radioed for someone just called “V.”
Patrick followed his friends to a booth. Not in front of any of the stages but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t looking. Some whistling came from a stage off to the side. Dollars fluttered about a girl. She would have been less provocative naked.
She was bathed in a red light. She danced about the pole in the center, dropping low and biting her lip at the crowd of older men. Patrick was mildly disgusted but this was her job. And she wouldn’t have it if it weren’t for the old rich guys who were for some reason unsatisfied with their wife. Her skirt could hardly be called that, pleated and not even covering h.er ass. She turned away and he saw a tattoo snaking its way down her spine, dipping into the cloth around her hips. Anything else she wore was lace.
Patrick shook himself out of the daze and hurried over to the table. Pete grinned at him. Patrick glared, trying to stop the comment before it even left his mouth. No such luck.
“Aren’t you glad we made you come out?”
“Shut up, Pete.”
They ordered their drinks and sat chatting. The thumping bass seemed to keep time with his pulse. Patrick had a hard time keeping his attention away from the stage where he saw that dancer. He had never been to a strip club before. He shook his head at himself. Was he a fucking sixteen-year-old or something?
“I’m just saying you should practice more. You can’t throw a punch for shit. Why do you think Andy does that?” Joe glared at Pete.
“And you should learn to shoot straight! Oh wait…” Pete had come out to them as bisexual a while back. None of them cared but that made for jokes that weren’t always appreciated.
“Hey, watch it,” Patrick scolded, but he was chuckling slightly. It could have been worse.
Smyth nudged Patrick. He looked over to where Smyth was looking. His breath almost caught in his throat. The girl from earlier was making her way over to the table. She had changed though. Jeans and a tank top. She stopped at the head of the table.
“So, which of you wanted to see me?” Patrick could have fallen over. This was V? He just never thought of a woman owning a strip club. He supposed that was why the bouncer did his job so well. He knew women who took no shit. This one was definitely one of them. Patrick stood, trying to not stare. He offered his hand. She looked down at it and then raised an eyebrow.
“You’re V, right?” She nodded hesitantly.
“Yea, what do you need?”
“My name is Patrick Stump.” There was a beat as recognition passed over her face. The look of indifference replaced it soon enough.
“Ok? What do you need?” Patrick blinked and he heard snickering behind him. He sighed but he intended for it to be silent. She caught it anyway. “Sorry, am I supposed to call you ‘boss’ or something? I don’t really roll like that.” Patrick tried to keep the smile off his face.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m just passing through. Familiarizing myself with our various… Businesses.” She nodded in understanding. She glanced behind him.
“So, which one is the ‘right hand?’ Or am I not allowed to know for security reasons?” Patrick shrugged.
“They all kind of are.” I wouldn’t be able to do this without them. He added mentally.
“Well they can’t all come along if you want a tour or something. Gotta keep my promise to the girls. No guys allowed in the back.” She rested her hands on her hips.
“I get it. Wasn’t here for a tour but if—”
“—If you’re offering, he would love a tour.” Patrick thanked whatever god there was that the lights were dimmed enough so she couldn’t see the blush. Pete was trying to keep his laugh under control. Patrick cursed him. He looked down at Smyth and he shrugged.
“Welp, follow me then. I can send one of our girls over here if you’d like?” Patrick’s three friends agreed excitedly. He tried to stop from rolling his eyes. Of course, he couldn’t judge them.
“You better behave, and tip her well, got it,” Patrick lectured. There was a chorus of “yeah” and “got it.” Patrick hurried after V.
“Hey Nat, if you’re feeling up to it, head over to table thirteen,” she said into a headpiece. They made their way to the bar. She pushed open the door to the kitchen and greeted the cooks. “Hey guys! Boss man is here!” They all looked up at Patrick, they waved or said some other greeting but didn’t pay much attention otherwise.
There was another door leading to a small office area. She bounced up to sit on her desk as Patrick looked around the small space. A laptop and a stack of papers sat on the desk. Not much different from his office back at headquarters.
“Ya, know I should kick you out for bringing guns in here. I’m sure you saw the sign. Also, try to not threaten my bouncer in the future. I don’t take kindly to that.” She leaned back on her hands, relaxed.
“Sorry, bout that. Won’t happen again.” A moment of silence. “I’m happy to see someone running a legit establishment. Can you pay your cooks well?” She scoffed at him.
“Of course, I can. What kind of owner do you take me for? This is a sex industry Mr. Stump. Just because you got in for free doesn’t mean those old guys gawking at our girls do.” He raised his hands in surrender.
“I have a question though,” Patrick said. Maybe she knew Vinn and his buddies. She encouraged him to go on.
“Do you know anyone by the name of Vinn Bult? Or anyone who associates with him?” She gripped the edge of the desk.
“We have a policy to not reveal the names of paying customers,” she said. That wasn’t a no. Patrick ran a hand through his hair.
“Well, he’s spreading rumors. And I’d like to keep those to a minimum if I can. Don’t need an uprising that would require force and bloodshed to squash.” She clenched her jaw.
“I get it. I’ll see what I can do.” The silence following was awkward. Something wasn’t right. But she clearly wasn’t going to give him any information now.
“Well, if you don’t mind me asking, why do you dance? I saw you when I walked in.” She released a breath, relieved the previous conversation was over. The spark returned to her eyes.
“Why? Does that make me a bad business owner? Just because I strip for men I don’t know? Because they throw money at me?” She jumped off the desk and stood in front of him, her heals making her slightly taller, of course that wasn’t hard. She was daring him to challenge her. Patrick smiled and shook his head.
“That wasn’t what I was suggesting at all. Simply curious.”
“Besides, you were watching, right? I must be good at my job.” Patrick cleared his throat and broke eye contact with her. Shit.
She stepped away from him and moved to a cabinet in the corner. She pulled out a glass and poured herself a glass of whiskey. Patrick didn’t recognize the brand. He had never seen it in stores of any kind. She glanced at him over the glass.
“Oh, sorry, did you want some?” Patrick shook his head.
“I can assume all the girls you hire are over eighteen, right? And here of their own free will?” V shot another glare at him.
“Again, what kind of company do you think I’m running? Yes. All at least twenty-one actually. Considering we sell alcohol. All here of their own volition.”
“Just things I need to ask. I’m trying to clean up the city, not make it worse.”
“So, I’ve heard. I admire that. Good luck with that—” She was cut off by dishes shattering. Patrick turned and rushed out to the main room. There were patrons huddled in against the wall. Patrick noticed the masked person holding a gun to a dancer’s head. Tears streamed down her face.
Patrick immediately looked for his group. They had their guns trained on the intruder, but the dancer was in the way.
“No one move, or she dies! I got a message for the little boss.” Patrick glared at the guy but he didn’t move. “Say something you coward! Let me know you’re here.” Patrick still didn’t move in the hopes he would just leave. The masked man sighed and shifted his gun, pointing it at a bartender. Patrick jumped but couldn’t reach her fast enough. She fell to the floor, shoulder bleeding. The guy was either a terrible shot, or he was baiting. He propped the girl up and V rushed over to help stop the bleeding.
“They don’t know what you look like yet. Don’t say a word,” She mumbled to him.
“More people are going to be hurt if I don’t speak up.”
“We don’t need to go through another loss like we did with, Dom,” she scolded.
“Let’s go, pipsqueak. Heard you were noble and shit. Don’t want anyone else to get hurt now.” Patrick grit his teeth. V shook her head.
“What do you want?” Patrick’s eyes widened at Smyth’s voice. He went to stand but V yanked him back down.
“You? I was promised a funny sight when I saw the new leader,” the masked man sneered.
“Shame you think I’m not good enough for you.”
“I’m amazed you were stupid enough to speak up” A gun fired and Patrick flinched. He shook V off and jumped up in time to see Smyth fall to the floor, clutching his leg. Andy rushed to break his fall.
“Now that I have your attention. You better give up this nice little establishment over to the Snakes and everything south of it. That won’t be too hard now will it?” The masked man shoved the girl away from him and ran out. A beat passed before all hell broke loose. The girls that had been dancing rushed over to help their coworker.
“Smyth!” Patrick had to restrain himself from jumping over the bar. Not again. Not again. Not again. The lone thought raced through his head. He fell to his knees next to Smyth. The bullet looked like it was lodged in his leg. They needed a doctor.
“Chill, kid. No use getting teary over me.” He tried to joke but the humor was lost with his grimace. Patrick wasn’t even aware his eyes had formed tears. Nothing fell but he wiped at his eyes furiously.
“You idiot! Why’d you do that?”
“Promised your brother I’d keep you safe.” Patrick looked around the room, V was busy escorting people out, offering free entry the next time they came.
“I’m supposed to be protecting you guys! I’m the boss and this war is my responsibility damnit,” Patrick scolded. Smyth’s face scrunched in pain. He would worry about the lecturing later. He called over to V as she shooed the last patron out.
“Call an ambulance!” She shook her head and hurried over to them instead.
“Not enough time. Losing blood too fast,” Joe informed him. Patrick grit his teeth.
“One of you ditch your shirt. We need to cut off circulation.” A moment passed before Andy had taken his jacket off and handed it to V. She wrapped it around his leg as Patrick applied pressure to the wound. V pointed at Pete.
“Now call the ambulance. And someone get something so we can elevate his leg. I’m going to see if I can get the bullet out myself.” Joe and Andy shared a look. “I went to nursing school now hurry up and move!” Joe jumped up and grabbed a few pillows.
Smyth groaned in pain as they maneuvered him so he was laying down. V pulled out a utility knife and cut a hole in his pants. She tried her best to be gentle around the wound but she could hardly touch it without him flinching or hissing in pain.
“For fucks sake, someone knock him out,” she complained. She moved around the hole again. Patrick watched as Smyth bit his lip to stay quiet. V watched his face occasionally as she looked around the hole. “Alright. I should be able to get it out. It’s not that deep.” She switched her utility knife from scissors to tweezers. “Someone go get the hundred-proof vodka.” Pete rushed to grab it. “This might hurt. I’m sorry.”
She poured a bit on the tweezers and then over the wound. Smyth squeezed Patrick’s hand to keep from crying out. She dug around, but not for long, she pulled the small bullet out and dropped it on the floor. Smyth was sweating and his eyes were squeezed shut.
The paramedics came rushing in, a stretcher prepared. They lifted Smyth carefully. They acknowledged the work V had done to prevent him from bleeding too much. Patrick watched as they wheeled him out. Blood covered his hands and when he looked down at them, he felt sick.
It almost happened again. Because he was too much of a coward to stand up and face the Snakes pawn by himself. V was handing him a towel. He took it hesitantly. The group stood around him, as if waiting for some sort of direction.
“Not your fault, you know,” V said quietly. The guys nodded in agreement but Patrick couldn’t think like that.
“But it is. I told myself that I wouldn’t let anyone else that I care about die. At least, not from this stupid war. I’m going to end it. And I’m going to start with this deal those fucking Snakes think they can hold over me.”
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carahealstheworld · 6 years
15 Things That Surprised Me My First 24 Hours In Uganda
I have now been in Uganda for a day and a half. In that time I have adjusted to the time here, exchanged money, gone shopping and a host of other things. I’m seriously trying to take this bit of time to vacation but I am learning a lot about myself and life in general. Here are the things that surprised me in the first 24 hours of being here:
1. How Quickly I Got Through Immigration- I am here on a tourist visa that is approved for 30 days. I thought there would be some long drawn out process like the ones you see in TV movies and here about from immigrants to the United States. I thought I would be grilled with questions about why I was here for a month on a tourist visa, who I was going to see, where I was staying, and all the medical supplies in my suitcase. The only questions I got were Passport? Visa? Yellow Card? Then they took my picture and sent me on my way. Overall, I was through immigration in 5 minutes or less. 
2. How Quickly I Forgot About Personal Space- Personal space is an American thing. If there are 2 strangers on an elevator, they stand on opposite ends. Two strangers on a bench, sit on opposite ends. Passing someone in public? Give them as much space as possible. Here in Uganda, all of that has gone out the window. It doesn’t bother me to be shoulder to shoulder with everyone else. Even when I’m on my phone. In general, everyone else you’re standing shoulder to should with here is minding their business and not worried about what you’re doing. 
3. Everyone Is A Friend When Everyone Is A Stranger- Since I was traveling alone, I made conversation with anyone who would talk to me. Some of those people were Americans going to other countries in Africa or areas of Uganda. Some of those people were Ugandans from different areas of the country. However, everyone was friendly. Everyone here is also a hugger. I’ve been hugged by many people here including merchants and hotel staff. They are all friends. 
4. That I Need To Learn More World Languages- The very first time that someone spoke to me in a language I didn’t understand, happened here. It was a European gentleman so I believe he thought I was from Africa and spoke to me in French (a lot of African countries speak French or do their schooling in French). I know English. I know a lot of Spanish. I know some Afrikaans (and it is very similar to English). I know very little Arabic. I know pretty much no French but I should probably get a move on it if I want to continue world traveling. The second time someone spoke to me in a language I didn’t understand, it was a security guard. I believe the language was Lugandan but I have no idea. 
5. How Quickly I Lost My Was Of Luxury- Taking a warm shower is a luxury that we often take for granted. We are used to just turning the tap and have warm water. That’s not always the case here. Sometimes water has to be warmed so you have to turn on hot water 10-15 min before you shower. I was somewhere that didn’t have that option. I took a shower anyway. It turned out, I just needed to least the water run a little but. It did eventually get warm but I really didn’t care. 
6. Telemundo...In English-So I’m not really surprised that they have TV in Africa. Nor am I surprised that they have “Junk TV” or Telemundo. However, I was surprised that they have Telemundo in English here. The signs and things on the screen are still in Spanish though. 
7.  The People Of Flint, MI (and any other place in the US with lead infested pipes) Have It More Difficult Than Some Africans- I know this is a VERY strange thing to say but I am a graduate of THEE Social Justice HBCU, Philander Smith College, so I had to mention something about social justice (and issue you a call to action since I never stop serving others). I said this one particularly because I have to brush my teeth with bottled water while I am here. Have you ever brushed your teeth with bottled water? Do you know how difficult that is when you’re used to being able to turn on the tap? I want you to try it for one week. Seven full days. Brush your teeth with bottled water because we often don’t understand what we don’t experience (and if you’re really adventurous don’t use your tap at all for a week--use only bottled water for cooking, cleaning, bathing, brushing, washing clothes, washing hair, etc. Save the receipts and find out how expensive and unrealistic it is to do everyday). Once you have, I want you to contact your senators and representatives in Washington DC. Tell them about your experience and how no Americans should have to live that way. Push them to create legislation to rectify this issue. If you don’t think this works or will work, I encourage you to watch the movie “Toilet: Ek Prem Katha.” It’s in Hindi but there are subtitles in English. You’ll understand after you watch. 
8. There’s No Reason To Fear Foreign Food- When we travel different places or even visit someone’s house who comes from a different culture, we tend to have an inherent fear of unfamiliar food. The benefit of the world being connected (or maybe the benefit of being American) is that you will always find some type of familiar food. I happened to have had eggs, bacon and toast for breakfast and a fried fish burrito bowl (yes I had Mexican food in Africa) for dinner. Don’t fear it. 
9. Most Of The Houses I’ve Seen Here Are Bigger And Nicer Than Mine- I’m not saying that there are not poor people here. I’m not saying that everyone here is rich. I’m also not saying that my family is poor (We’re not rich either so don’t be asking us for money). I’m just saying there are really nice houses here that are bigger than my house in the US. 
10. The Beauty of Simplicity-Most things here are pretty simple. There are some elaborate things but for the most part its simple and beautiful. There’s simple locks. Simple doors. Simple gates with guards. Simply beautiful simplicity. 
11. Police Guns-It wasn’t surprising to me that the police here carry guns. After all, I am American, I haven’t been living under a rock and we have many issues with police use of force and firearms (This isn’t a political statement or my opinion. Look at the numbers compared to other countries of the same or larger size. The numbers tell all). What surprised me was the size of the guns. Police here carry riffles. They have guns the size of their leg at their waist. 
12. There’s Literally Security Everywhere- When my professor came inside the airport to meet me, she had to through a metal detector. That was just to walk inside the airport. She wasn’t coming through security to meet me at my gate or see me through immigration. She was just coming inside the door to walk me to the car to the hotel. It didn’t end there though. We went to the mall as well and also had to go through security. Although it didn’t happen in the first 24 hours, we also had to go through security at church and a fancy hotel we briefly visited. At church and the hotel they also checked the car we were in. 
13. My Adaptability-People have always told me that I am quite adaptable. They say it in letters of recommendation and it even showed up as one of my strengths in Strengths Finder. So why did it surprise me? Because everything became so normalized to me almost immediately. Driving on the left and passing on the right? Normal. Everyone hugging me as if they haven’t seen me in years? Normal. Majority of people looking like me? Normal. I’ve just adapted super quickly and it’s surprised me.
14. The Bugs Here Clap Back- So I will tell the entire story later but for now, I will say that there was something squirming in my room in the shadows. I had no idea if it was a small snake or a bug. It turned out to be a bug and it clapped back when I tried to get it out. It turned in to a huge ordeal. Security and the hotel manager ended up coming to help. 
Number 15 is really for Millennials. I will caution you that there is some censored language in this one because it is in a common phrase. So if you want to stop reading now, I will not be offended. If you do keep reading and later find yourself offended, DO NOT attempt to contact my parents, another elder relative, my pastor or whoever else to discuss your disdain. You. Were. Warned. 
15. I Learned Where The Phrase “Black People S**t” Came From- This one adds a little more comedy to the already comical bug incident that occurred (which I promise to recap). So we’re driving around Kampala, the capital city of Uganda. I’m taking in the sites, the people and the buildings. I’m looking at traffic and people randomly gathering and everything else I was seeing. My literal though was, “This is some black people s**t.” And I mean that in the best way possible. It’s like all the stuff that we do in America that we call “n***a rigged” or “black people s**t” is written in our DNA and has been passed down to us for centuries. I’m serious. I wish you could see my face as I type this and hear me say this. I was literally watching people gather on the side of the street to eat food and party. I promise you they were having a cookout. They have what they call bodabodas (motor bike taxis) here. Y’all know most motorcycles can have 1 driver and 1 passenger. I bet you never seen a whole family ride on one though! I have and bodas are a little smaller than motorcycles. You’d be surprised at how many people can fit on one. Like how some of y’all try to squeeze your entire lineage in the back seat of a car. And the traffic. Y’all! These bodas drive wherever! Get in where you fit in at its finest. They don’t stop for traffic signals. If there’s a space between cars for the to drive in they do. If they have to drive on a side walk they will. It’s just the blackest thing you have ever seen or heard of. Why? These are OUR people. We do black people s**t and think nothing of. 
I hope you keep reading to learn more about my adventures. 
Bug story and pictures coming soon!
Be Blessed!!!!
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lightsandlostbells · 6 years
Skam Italia episode 9 reaction
shout out to the sheer number of snake emojis in the comments on any clip featuring or mentioning Martino
Episode 9
Clip 1 - Silvia spills the beans
Skam Italia being educational, kinda! I’m going to try out this headache technique. 
According to the subs I found, Sana’s janitor told her about it? … her housekeeper? That’s probably closer to what it was but I just like the idea of Sana going around striking up conversations with janitors.
But another version of the subs didn’t have that part at all so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Dear Lord, Silvia, chill the hell out. Someone sitting in someone else’s car doesn’t mean they’re dating. Although lmao, Eva and Noora could have stood to learn that in season 2.
Actually, I do get how Silvia would be upset? She’s really jumping the gun but Edoardo just treated her like crap in front of people. I would probably be a little hurt that my friend was maybe hanging out with someone who hurt me. The problem with Silvia is that her motivation is less, “Eva, how could you associate with someone who’s treated me like garbage?” and more, “Eva, what were you doing with my mans???”
Evaaaaa, why did you trade that completely obvious look with Eleonora??? Just make it seem the most suspicious you can. I mean, if you don’t want to spill the whole truth about Edoardo digging for info on Eleonora, you can literally say “I studied for my exam in the car and he asked me about it” and technically that’s not a lie.
The flashbacks with Eva and Laura were pretty cute. Aesthetic hair-braiding!
I do like Sana immediately being like “lol why would you trust Laura” and bringing up the water throwing incident as a sort of logical evidence why Laura isn’t the greatest, as opposed to Vilde/Silvia saying something dumb and Islamophobic and Sana having to mention the water incident as proof of her loyalty.  Also Silvia looks humbled by Sana mentioning she was defending Silvia’s honor. 
Sana asking Silvia whether she has to meet her mother was a nice way of calming the situation for Eva’s sake while getting Silvia to leave before the problem can escalate. It was thoughtful for Silvia, too, as it gave her a chance to escape instead of digging the hole deeper.
I'm glad that the Edoardo lift had more plot relevance than just ship teasing (multi-tasking is A+) and I think that it’s good to illustrate how much it would break Eva is to lose a friend again. Her offering to let Silvia listen to the message she left Martino as proof is rather heartbreaking in its desperation. On the other hand, I don’t know how I feel about the emotional impact of this scene having to be more about poor Eva weeping and having to beg Silvia for forgiveness over something that was ultimately trivial and meant nothing, and that we as the audience know meant nothing, rather than Eva dealing with the guilt that she’s been carrying around for months over destroying her relationship with her best friend. That is the Big Secret Eva has been hiding from both her new friends and the audience so it probably needs more focus (which to be fair, is elaborated on in the bathroom scene later).
I saw some talk of how people thought it was an improvement that Silvia didn’t call Eva a slut, and while of course it’s nice that she didn’t do so, I don’t get why it’s better for Silvia not to call Eva a slut in this version since Noora directly confronts Vilde about it in the moment, it’s not like it was this casual misogyny in the show that went unaddressed. That was the point, it was a teachable moment. It’s certainly not worse that the moment wasn’t there, I just think it’s more about how it’s handled than anything else. (Also, I mean … Vilde being a jerk was specifically a tip off that something was going on with her.) 
Clip 2 - Eva talks to a friendly serpent
Martino knows all the school drama and social scene. It is pretty damn shady of him to be like oh yeah, they didn’t invite you because that girl whose boyfriend you kissed, her friend is organizing it, when he is responsible for the apparent non-invite in the first place, or so he would think. But he’s so casual about it. Not much guilt when he tells her that. Maaaaybe a little more when she starts to tell him about what she’s dealing with at school? IDK.
Eva sounds less angry or frustrated, more defeated.
I’m still wondering what her arc is going to be? Because there isn’t that pressing question of “who are you?” and her not having her own identity, it’s like … I guess she’s questioning whether she’s become a bad person? Sort of? She has Silvia making assumptions about her being a bad person, Laura thinks she is a bad person based on events that really happened, and Gio is questioning why she hangs around with bad people. That could be an area to explore in terms of her relationship with Laura but I’m not all that sure how it would play regarding her and Gio since Gio has made many of the same mistakes she has, he can’t exactly talk.
Martino trying to pull some reverse psychology is cute because he can’t quite keep a straight face. 
Sucks that this friendship is about to go down the toilet!
Clip 3 - Eva and the older girls
Heh, this angsty song gets cut off as soon as we establish that Maria does not give a crap who Eva is.
I always enjoy this scene and this advice. It’s one of the most underrated parts of season 1. These girls didn’t seem as invested as giving Eva some friendly advice but again, love that they get interested in their own sexual exploits rather than Eva’s and she ends up just walking away.
It’s nice that there was a totally logical, boring reason they didn’t get invites though how were they planning to invite everyone else once they stopped on Facebook? Word of mouth?
Mmm, I don’t know if I totally buy that Alice’s BFF doesn’t give a shit at all who Eva is? Of course her maturity is nice, and I can certainly buy that she doesn’t care enough to keep Eva from being invited to the party, but Alice got in a physical fight with this girl because she was that upset. . Like who were those girls accompanying Alice in the fight if not her friends? (At first they seemed like they wanted to hold Alice back but by the end it seemed like they were fighting as well.)
I think I’d have preferred if Maria was like, “Just between you and me, Federico is a fuckboy and I’m glad Alice can see the truth now,” or “I don’t like that my best friend was hurt, but I’m not petty enough to keep you off the list” or “I love Alice but she overreacts to everything and makes a lot of drama.” Or just some explanation for her total lack of fucks. The older Norwegian girls weren’t like, Iben’s best friends, correct? They weren’t even in the same grade? Maria has her BFF involved.
Clip 4 - Hippogriff
Fede, teach me your ways of absorbing information just as Sana showed us how to get rid of headaches.
Sana having an uncharacteristically soft moment and trying to deny it. She’s been really blunt with Silvia but their relationship has been all about helping Silvia with no apparent gain for Sana, except friendship.
Also she’s very reluctant to spread rumors, like this Sana goes from hard to soft pretty fast.
Federico and Laura leaving the men’s bathroom together sure adds a layer to Edoardo’s comment about Silvia hanging around the boy’s bathroom! That is just a thing these characters do, hook up in bathrooms. In S3 Martino can just wander into any men’s bathroom and find a girl to pretend to like.
Clip 5 - Eva and Laura and Alice
Nice use of music with the tense beat going as Eva drags off Laura, then it cuts off abruptly as Eva is about to get real and vulnerable.
This is easily the best acting Italian Eva has done so far. There have been a few “emotional” scenes where I thought she seemed too theatrical and not natural for the material but this was very good. I almost wanted them to stretch it out longer, as in the original, so we could get more of this performance.
And I’m pretty sure Laura was crying too by the end, which is very touching. I do think it’s one of S1’s best aspects how the Ingrid/Laura is not the villain, is actually the wronged party, but that she and Eva are able to come to a peaceful resolution.
It’s pretty sad that Eva made that little attempt at a wave back in the first clip. She really missed Laura.
Ha, I didn’t care for that Alice intro, though! Seeing her come up in the hallway definitely distracted from this intense, emotional acting between Eva and Laura. Especially because the moving music keeps going as she’s spying on them, and only cuts off when she throws her books down. I think it would’ve been more effective to keep the Eva-Laura shots going and keep us really engrossed in their dialogue, and then when Laura mentions Fede, suddenly cut to Alice standing like right there in the doorway and cut off the music, for a true jolt and change in the scene’s energy.
Alice’s actress looks so defeated as she realizes what a piece of shit her boyfriend is. And it’s nice that she apologizes and asks how Eva is doing. You know, before she inadvertently reveals Eva has been betrayed by a good friend.
“He looks like he cares about you” does that mean Martino looked pained when he told Alice about Eva and Fede? Boyyyy, why did you do such a stupid thing? (I know why, it’s still stupid.)
General Comments:
This has been a solid remake and overall they’re handling Eva’s emotional turmoil well. The point I’m wondering about is what Eva’s ultimate conclusion/personal statement is going to be since they’ve left out a lot of the questioning of her identity and insinuations that she is a follower not making her own choices. Season one’s strength lay a lot in that finale so I hope they have something cohesive for her character.
I am not Italian so if I misunderstood something or missed context, feel free to correct me.
If you got this far, thank you for reading!
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authoressskr · 7 years
It Must Be Love?
Balthazar x Reader
Warnings: Language, Injury to Reader, Preludes to Sexytime
SHOUTOUT TO @murdochinthetardis for all the wonderful “dating __ would involve”, “enemies to lovers with ___ would involve”, and “being friends with __ would involve” cause I love making them extra sassy in the reblog tags. Also SHOUTOUT to Vee ( @nobodys-baby-now ) for encouraging the sassy Balthazar tags.
Note: Do NOT repost, copy and paste, post or share my works on any other platform without my EXPRESS PERMISSION. -+- REBLOGGING is fine! -+-
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From the moment the angel had appeared at the Bunker, soaking wet and surly, he had rubbed you the wrong way. At first, you had tried to be as nice as possible to the angel, hoping he just had a snarky outer shell and that he would come around.
Time only seemed to make it worse.
Every little thing you did seemed to give him a reason to look down his nose at you.
The first time you actively noticed it was in Kentucky, on a ghoul hunt. You’d never come up against a ghoul before - you had only heard of them - and you hadn’t anticipated that it would move that fast. Cas was headed towards you when the ghoul sank its teeth into your arm. You had dropped your gun into your left hand and pull the trigger once it was pressed firmly against the ghoul’s head, biting down hard on your bottom lip to keep from screaming out at the pain. As it fell away after taking three direct shots and a healthy chunk of your arm with it, you felt a large hand haul you off the ground, out of the line of another rushing ghoul.
“Hell of a hunter. Turned herself into ghoul chow.” Balthazar snaps out, shoving you behind him towards Cas. It was all over minutes later, Cas healing your arm as Sam and Dean made sure all the ghouls were dead. Balthazar just raised a blonde eyebrow as you skulked to the Impala, angry with yourself. You were not going to let Balthazar get to you. You were going to let it roll off your back like water on a duck.
The eighth time, you were pinned to a wall by a witch nearly five months later, his meaty hand wrapped around your throat as he pressed a glass of orange liquid hard against your lips - hard enough you could feel the glass scrape against your teeth. Sam and Dean were tied up across the room, having been knocked out with some strange powder right after you three had entered the house, but the witch had left you conscious. “Something to play with,” he had muttered in your ear, making your stomach lurch.
One of those fat fingers trailed down your face before resuming its place at your throat once more, tightening when a small groan came from Dean.
“Your boyfriends are waking up, little hunter.” His foul breath fanned over your face, making you dry heave, which was the worst thing that could have happened. As you open your mouth to gag, he pours the orange liquid in your mouth, half of it spilling past and dribbling down your throat as his hand clamped down over your lips as Dean began snarling profanities at your captor, Sam throwing out his own threats as he rose to consciousness.
“Cas! Balthazar!” Sam bellowed, fighting at the rope restraints as the witch let you drop to the floor before turning at the sound of wings filled the room. You stumble and drag yourself over to Sam and Dean, your eyesight making you see double as you pull Dean’s spare knife from his boot. It takes you longer than you’d like to get the rope cut on him, handing him the knife with a heavy sigh to cut Sam loose.
“Fuck,” Sam’s big hands are reaching for you but suddenly you’re on hands and knees, heaving again as your body starts to shake uncontrollably. Tears are streaming from your eyes as he hauls you upright, only to have the witch fling Cas right at him, the two of them landing in a heap in the corner. You use the chair Dean had been tied up in to keep steady, blinking to try to clear your vision. Fuck. One eye was showing just black and white now as the other was showing you so many colors it was nearly nauseating. The two of them together with the double vision was making every task, hell, even just focusing a feat you weren’t too sure you were capable of right now.
“What do you see now pet? I made that up special for you!” The witch cackles as he moves towards you, Balthazar and Dean scrubbing hands over their faces frantically.
“You,” huff “Have terrible taste in men, darling.” Balthazar sasses, still rubbing his eyes. God, he’s such a dick.
You channel the stumbling towards Cas and his angel blade, your fingers wrapped firmly around the handle when the witch yanks on your shirt, jerking you to your feet as you turn in his grasp, plunging the blade as deep into his chest as you can. He crumples to the ground, taking your unsteady ass with him. By now the shaking has gotten worse and you don’t even have the strength to cry out as you hit the hardwood floor.
“Clear.” You groan out, mostly for Dean so he’s not going to attack you. You mutter a few choice swear words as you stumble to the kitchen, pulling out the biggest pan you can find as you practically vibrate as you wait while it fills with water.
As carefully as you can, you reenter the room, dipping the dishtowel into the warm water before wiping it as steady as you can across Dean’s face. You let him manage once you get the majority of it away from his eyes before turning to help Balthazar. Not that he deserves it.
Before you are even done with the first swipe, you hear “Scared, trapped, rabid animals are steadier than you are.” You grab the pan - so thoroughly done that the anger helps calm the shaking a little - and throw it at Balthazar’s face, watching in double-vision delight as he sputters then growls. Sam’s hand falls on your shoulder, tugging you away from the angel as Cas moves in to help his brother.
“I think that was pretty fucking steady, wouldn’t you say?” You reply sweetly before you feel Sam’s arm snake around your waist, hauling you out of the destroyed living room.
You didn’t see the angel for nearly three weeks after that incident.
Which was the most peaceful three weeks you’d had since the angel had shown up nearly ten months ago - promptly ending at 9:38 am.
You had just gotten out of the shower, enjoying the fact you got to sleep in after the rough ghost hunt just over the border, tossing yourself down onto the comfy couch that Sam and Dean had scrounged up from a lounge-like room somewhere. You wiggled down, finding a comfy position as you let your eyes flutter closed - still bone tired from the hunt and the various bruises that were scattered along your back and right side - totally oblivious to the angel hovering just an arm’s length away.
Dean, Sam, and Cas shot up at the sound of Y/N screaming, all three men barreling down the hallway towards the library. She’s standing there, drenched, little pieces of ice scattered around her feet. Her chest rising and falling slower now.
“I must say, you are the prettiest drowned rat I have ever beheld.” Balthazar nods with approval as he smiles, crossing his arms over his chest.
Dean eased closer in case he needed to intervene, with Cas mirroring his movements.
Y/N just took a deep breath and, giving Balthazar wide berth, headed back towards her room.
“She’s going to inflict grievous bodily injury on you, brother,” Cas commented, frowning at his sibling.
In the week that followed, you were convinced that Balthazar was trying to break you.
Removing all the blades from your razor and stealing all your long pants. Fine, that’s not so bad. If Dean wore shorts around the Bunker, so could you.
Replacing the material of your pillow with packing peanuts. That one irked you because you loved your pillow. You’d gone through three other pillows before committing to that one. But whatever - you did have those other three in your closet.
Stopping your phone from charging all the way - no matter how long you charged the damn thing for. Okay - *deep breath* - that’s fine. Sam has a couple spares in his room anyways.
But on the fifth day, when you went to put on your bra, only to realize that the underwires had both snapped. Upon digging through your drawers, you discover that every bra you owned had the underwire snapped. You pull on an older wireless bra you found buried at the bottom of the drawer, tugging on the too small garment before half-ass buttoning your dark blue long-sleeved shirt.
“BALTHAZAR!!” You scream, stalking from your bedroom as Dean sticks his head out from the kitchen before beginning to follow behind you at a brisk pace.
“Y/N...” Dean cautions as you stomp into the library, waving your favorite bra at the blonde angel.
“FIX. IT. NOW!” You snarl as Sam slides into the library’s archway with Cas appearing behind Balthazar.
“I knew I’d get you to scream my name.” He smirks, ignoring the fury painted on your face, his blue eyes darting down to take a long glance at your chest and exposed skin.
“Fix all my fucking bras, you asshole! One underwire snapping is unfortunate. Two snapping is weird - but EVERY. SINGLE. ONE?” You take a deep breath, well as much as the old, tight bra will allow. “That is some asshole angel shit!” His eyes briefly flicker back up to yours, smirking before rolling his eyes.
“There, darling. All fixed.”
“You have disliked me since day one! I don’t know what I fucking did to you, motherfucker, but I am done! It is one thing to mess with me - with my pillow, my razor, my phone and replacing all my lotion with tapioca pudding - but MY BRAS?! Do you know how expensive these are? Do you know the care it takes to maintain them? No!” You take a few steps forward and jab a finger into his chest. “I am so beyond done with this. I don’t deserve to be treated like this, Balthazar.” You tilt your head a little, staring him right in those baby blues, making sure he understands. “Look, I get that you were all raised pretty shitty. I get you’re disenchanted with a lot of humanity - besides your rampant addiction to booze and sex - but being a dick,” His eyebrows shoot up. “Isn’t funny and it isn’t endearing. In fact, it just makes me want to shoot you in your fucking foot with angel bullets.” There is complete silence at your tone, a frown forming before you head back to your room. “And stay away from my fucking underwear.”
You avoid Balthazar as much as possible in the next few days after that and, surprisingly, he doesn’t pull any more tricks or pranks.
When Jody calls that evening, it’s a relief. She’s having a little trouble pinpointing what the thing is that is skulking around three towns over and with Claire dealing with a cursed object somewhere near the Georgia-Florida border, she needed a little help.
“So, what do the bodies look like, Jody?”
“Scratched all to hell, look like they put up a fight, Dean, but...” Jody sighs, lowering her voice a little, “the chest was open, heart crushed and there is a lot of blood missing.”
“Lamia.” You and Sam mutter in tandem before you rise, quickly scanning through the closest bookshelf - ignoring the sound of wings directly behind you - before yanking two heavy books from the middle shelf.
“Okay, well bad new first or good news Jody?” You ask, setting the books down carefully by the phone on the table.
“Hell, might as well start with the bad.”
“Well, uh, it’ll be a woman - but they look human most of the time. When they don’t, well... it ain’t pretty. Lots of claws and a nasty roar. Two ways to kill it though; Silver knife blessed by a curate or priest.”
“Or, throw a mixture of rosemary and salt on the creature then light ‘em up.” Sam finishes, Balthazar moving closer behind you.
“And what’s the good news?”
“They’re pretty rare and tend to attack only men, so I guess the good news is that you’re a badass lady sheriff.” You offer lamely before Dean scoffs loudly. “Oh, what I meant to say was the good news is that the rosemary and salt route is easier, and lamias tend - at least according to Greek mythology - to favor young or unfaithful men.”
“Huh. Why unfaithful men?” Jody questioned, the sound of the sheriff’s station now added in the background.
“Mr. Zeus-I-Fuck-Everything knocked up a very beautiful Libyan queen. When Hera-Queen-Of-Misplaced-Anger-Bitchypants finds out, she, of course, blames the woman and kills her children by Zeus. This drives the queen to madness and she begins to devour other children. She becomes distorted from her horrendous acts and then starts crushing young men’s hearts and sucking their blood.”
“Sounds like a bad 80′s video.” The muffled sounds of the sheriff’s station grind to a halt as a heavy thud sounds over the phone.
“We’re loading up and heading out now, Jody,” Sam explains as Dean wanders out of the library. “We’ll see you in about 4, four and a half hours.”
“Alright. Drive safe.”
“Will do.” You nod to Sam before scooping up the books from the table, turning to head to your own room only to nearly run into the fair-haired angel. His hands shoot out to steady you before dropping quickly.
“Careful.” He smirks out, his eyes somehow softer, making your forehead wrinkle up slightly.
“Yeah.” You agree, shuffling around Balthazar and head to your room to pack up.
The pair of lamias easily tossed Jody, Sam, Dean and you around like ragdolls, while Cas and Balthazar attempted to get close enough to smite the damn things. Your latest blow had been softened by landing on Dean, so you shoved yourself upright and grabbed the shotgun with the modified salt rounds from where Sam had dropped it after his second airborne flight.
You get three shots fired into the lamia currently pinning Cas to the far wall before the second one is coming at you, claws drawn as it opens its wide jaws to scream.
But no sound comes out except a gurgle as a blinding white light pours out of its semi-human eyes and agape mouth. The other shrieks, tossing Cas through a nearby window and rushes towards Balthazar and Dean. You fire another two rounds before the pump action shotgun clicked empty, Jody aiming her own gun as it shrieks, making all the humans wince and shy away at the sound. Cas reappears, he and Balthazar hold it down so Cas can plunge his angel blade into the creature. You sigh, leaning against the peeling wallpaper of the old sitting room, watching as the two angels easily snap away from the bodies.
“Everyone good?” Dean inquires, clapping Sam on the shoulder.
“Yeah,” Sam affirms.
“I’ve been better,” Jody mutters, giving her head a shake to clear the slight still ringing noise echoing in her ears.
“Bruised but alright.” You give a nod to the Winchesters before all four of you file out of the musty room. Your following behind Dean when another roar screeches out, sending you flying into an old oak tree. “Fuck.” You groan out before a scream tears itself from your throat, the claws of the lamia digging hard into your side. And just as soon as it had appeared, it’s gone - Balthazar’s handsome face replacing the hideous gray one that had been staring hatefully at you.
“-- Be just fine, love - tattoo - stupid hunters --” You don’t catch all of what Balthazar says before you feel the tingle of grace warm your side and an arm snake around your back and under your knees before darkness sucks you under.
The first thing you can smell is bacon and then the underlying scent of Jody’s house. You force one eye open, before rolling to your side - letting your hand roam over where you knew you had been torn up. You roll onto your stomach, trying to figure out what Balthazar had been saying to you when you’d passed out.
“You up?” Dean’s voice sounds from the doorway, making you shove your face deeper into the pillow. “Come on.” He orders, moving into the room.
“Nnnnhhh.” Dean’s hand comes down sharply on your ass.
“Come on, kid. Breakfast.” You push the blankets back, sit upright and, prying your eyes open, peer down at your pajamas.
“Did you change my clothes?”
“Come on. I made you French toast.” He moves back to the door, gripping the frame before tipping his head to the left. You slide a hand over your face as you follow Dean.
“Hey!” Jody calls out cheerfully as she dishes up eggs, slipping down into the chair Sam holds out for you before giving your shoulder a hard squeeze. Dean plops down beside you, forking over three thick slices of French toast onto your plate as you yawn. “So, how do you feel?” Jody coaxes, taking a bite of bacon before passing Sam the orange juice.
“Mmhmm. Fine, I guess.” You finish pouring the syrup on your French toast, shoving a large piece in your mouth as the soft sound of fluttering fills the kitchen.
“I am glad you’re feeling better.” Cas’s deep voice rumbles out, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
“Thank you, Cas.” You manage to say around your mouthful of breakfast, giving what Dean liked to teasingly call your “chipmunk cheeks” as you smiled. Balthazar says nothing, just watches the exchange with those baby blues flitting over you a few times in the span of a handful of seconds. Part of you was wondering what was going to come out of his mouth, shoving another piece of French toast into your mouth as you waited.
He pulled the chair next to Jody out, slipping into it and staring at you before rolling his eyes.
“No ‘thank you’ I see.” He mutters before pursing his lips and looking away.
“I honestly thought you’d have a smart-ass line or some mention of finally getting your hands on me.” You answer with a little shrug before chomping happily on a piece of bacon. Those sky-blue eyes bored into you, his jaw clenched tight. “But thank you, Balthazar.” You wait for a beat, finishing your bacon and letting him relax a smidge. “My heart will now go on.”
“Don’t you fucking -”
“Near.” You cut the rest of your breakfast up, taking a few quick bites of the scrambled eggs on your plate before softly breathing out the next word. “Far.”
“I am going to turn you over my knee, Y/N.”
“Wherever I am.”
“That’s it.” Balthazar snaps, knocking the chair over as he rises, his arm wrapping under your breasts and the both of you disappearing from the kitchen as Sam shouts your name. Balthazar pins you between the door (if the sudden jiggling of the door handle and shouts of your name were any indication) and his body, arms caging you in. “Darling, I’ve been exceedingly patient -”
“Patient? You’ve been an asshole since we met!” A deep voice sounds on the other side of the door then several pairs of footsteps recede.
“And I’ve been attempting to be nicer.”
“The last week or so has been nice?” You ask incredulously, eyebrows shooting up. He licks his lips, dropping his gaze to the floor before meeting your gaze once more - the softness from hours ago reappearing.
“I asked you to be careful.” You scrunch up your nose at the sudden change in demeanor and tone. “It was easy to smite the lamias but so much harder to see you injured.” He lifts his right hand, running his thumb along your jawline. What the actual fuck? “I have - made an effort - the last week or so, to be nicer. I brought you all the expensive sherry. No more tricks on you. Left those nice diamond earrings on your dresser. And healed your pretty rib tattoo.” You tilt your head to the side minutely, trying to process what the angel had said. “I’m supposed to protect you, love.”
“Then why did you act that way?” You hated the way your voice sounded, more sad than angry. “I tried to be extra nice to you. To make sure the boys weren’t total dicks to you. And how you treated... wait, are you drunk?”
“Mmhmm. I am a little tipsy, even for me.”
“Jesus.” Placing both hands on his chest you attempt to push him away, but he doesn’t move. Except to drop his face in the crook of your neck, his hand that had been cupping your cheek now slides into your hair.
“You smell wonderful.” He mumbles against your skin as he closes the space between your bodies. “I wanted to lie with you as you slept. To wrap my wings around you. Scent you.” A few soft kisses pressed along your throat sent chills down your spine. “My human to protect.” His lips brush against your jaw as your hands move to slide up his sides then down his back. You get a firm grip on his ass, his erection pressed against you as he captures your lips.
“Don’t think this suddenly abolishes everything you’ve done.” You pant out as Balthazar’s lips, and teeth, return to your neck.
“I am willing to work very hard to make amends, Y/N.” He promises before kissing you once more, rutting himself against you. He pulls away sharply, his hands sliding over your ass before grasping the backs of your thighs, signaling you to wrap your legs around his waist. Your suddenly naked back hits the bed, gasping as his weight settles atop you. “I am going to pound into your little human body until you pass out. Does that sound abolish-worthy?” You tangle your fingers in his short blonde hair, tugging his mouth down to yours.
“It’s a hell of a start, Balthazar.”
Tags: @nobodys-baby-now @thewhiterabbit42 @chelsea072498 @lucis-unicorn @sakurablossom4 @clockworkmorningglory
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will this be a legit tumblr fic series? no, absolutely not I just felt like writing something. Everything else will be bullet points since I can knock out like, two to three seasons in one go.
Shannon (Shan) Maywether.
Oc introduction P1
This takes place in between season 1 episodes 10 and 11 in like a mini sode I like to call "Eye of Unfairness" its a play off the fact Shan means unfortunate and unfair in Scottish (something I recently learned)
Also feel free to change out Shannon's/Shans name for your OC if you want to! I don't mind! Keep in mind this fic was made with Shannon's personality and physical condition in mind. I also wouldn't mind feed back!
Third person POV
A day had passed since the reveal of the green ninja. It was a surprise to learn that Lloyd, a kid, was the supposed chosen one. It was shock to, well everyone on board the Bounty.
It was Wednesday, so Shannon was tasked with cooking for the day. She stood, cutting vegetables for the side dish she was wiping up alongside the English breakfast she had made. Her mind was filled with ‘what if's’. As an older sister to 10 younger brothers, 4 of which that happen to be around Lloyd’s age it was startling for her. There was no telling when the 'Final Battle' will take place and what would happen during it, took the focus from the sharp edge of the blade she was holding.
"ow, damn it-" dropping the knife on the cutting board as she cursed. Bringing the cut wound to her lips she sucked on it as she searched for the bandages they kept in the kitchen just incase if kind of thing happened.
After finding bandages and bandaging the cut Shannon finished fixing up the salad. Just as she set the freshly tossed salad on the table the other residents of the ship walked in.
"Morning Shannon" "Mornin' Zane"
The other ninja mumbled a good morning as well as they took their set's at the table and began eating the breakfast prepared.
"Hay Shannon what happened to your hand?" Lloyd asked looking at the older girls hand.
"Oh, accidently cut myself." She replied placing her coffee cup down looking over at the small blonde. She ruffled his hair earning a ‘stop it’ from the boy, and chuckled at how messy his hair was now. 
The rest of breakfast went without much problem seeing as how everyone was still riding down from the adrenaline that was yesterday. It all seemed peaceful still Garmadon walked in.
Shannon's POV
Garm walked in, late as usual. And as usual we where all kinda put off with what he was eating. Dark matter grubs I think there called? Never payed much attention to this sorta thing really. I just can't get the truth we uncovered yesterday. Lloyd being the green ninja. Its going to hard for him I can tell.
Letting out an tried sigh I got up with my now empty plate and made my way over to the sink.
"Shannon, the Bounty is landing in a bit. You wanna come run groceries with me?" Nya asked as I passed her.
"Uhh, sure just tell me when you're planning on leaving." "You got it!"
Third person POV
As stated by Nya the Bounty had landed not long after they finished washing the dishes. The boys were outside training. Shannon seated cross-legged on the steps just watching with Wu. Garmadon had disappeared back into the ship, probably his room for the time being. Lloyd was hanging around the place too, inside reading. And Nya was getting ready to head out.
It wouldn't be for another 10 minutes till Garmadon emerged from where ever he was.
And unfortunately for everyone he was at the steps of the ship leading to where the ninja were training, and felt like causing some chaos.
Now it's not the man's fault, he has the venom of an equally evil snake brooding in his veins.
He knew he couldn't mess with the ninja, it was like a principle thing seeing as how they where tolerating his presence on the ship. Wu literally came to what might have been hell to most folks and brought him back to Ninjago to save his son. Nyas off limits, and as much as he wants to, his son, Lloyd is probably still shaken from not just the green ninja thing, but the snakes as well.
Which left Shannon.
The young lady had made it clear since there first interaction, that she held nothing against the dark lord. In fact she even played along with his bullshit if she felt like it. Best part, she can hold her own too. She may not train with the boys often but she knows spinjitzu, and has proven to be a good fighter, Shans just lax and a go with the flow kind of person.
With that in mind, he decided to make a comment.
"Not going to change?"
"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" Shannon questioned, she didn't bother to look at him, as she took a swig from her tea that Wu had generously offered.
"With the amount of purple you wear you might get mistaken for a snake"
"Phff, at least I don't look like a took a bath in tar"
With that, a swift yet not powerful smack to the back of the teens head was earned. It was supposed to be playful, harmless but as the force of the hit passed through the youngers head, the sound of heavy glass hitting wood made itself known. This caused the boys to stop and turn there attention back over to the steps on the deck. As Shannon looked up, it became evidently clear she was missing her right eye.
Panic ensues.
Jay, Cole, Kai, and Zane screamed at the fact there friends eye was now just gone. Garmadons just standing there questioning if he put more power than he initially thought he did. Wu went wide eyes as he stared at the girl next to him, seeing small streams of blood leak out the now empty eye socket. Lloyd and Nya came running out to only to scream themselves.
With a sigh Shannon picked up her Eye and monical that had fallen.
"Guys, chill out!" She yelled.
"CHILL OUT! SHAN YOU EYE FEEL OUT OF YOUR HEAD" the Blue ninja yelled. Pointing at the eye in the Burnetts hand.
"Its a glass eye bolts for brain's" Shan retorted.
"Glass eye?" Cole repeated.
"Yes, a glass eye! Why did you think I wore a monocle instead of regular glasses? Sure I can't see jack with my right eye but it acts as a shield of sorts!"
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"I-im so sorry, are you okay Shannon?" Garmadon asked.
"Ya, im fine" she answered.
After that everyone had gone inside. Zane grabbed the medical kit to disinfect and put a temporary patch over Shannon's eye. Garmadon had taken the glass eye and with the recommended disinfectant Shannon just so happen to have on her, put the bloody thing in a black glass cup filled with warm water and the disinfectant liquid mixture, to clean it. He may be the bad guy, but he's never really hurt anyone to the point they lose something like an eye.
Once done he gave the glass to Shannon who was now sitting in the armchair.
"So, umm how'd you uh- you know lose you eye?" Kai asked weirly, he feared there might be some sort of trauma along with it and didn't want to trigger it.
"You don't have to tell us!" Nya quickly added.
"Na its fine" Shannon said as she waved off there concerns.
"I was about seven when it happened. Home invasion. The guy had a gun. I had heard sound from downstairs and curiosity got the best of me. I think your all smart enough to piece together what happened next" she said. Everyone kinda relied back at the mear mental image.
"Yikes" Jay, shivered at the thought of it.
"I mean it’s not all that bad I guess. Altho I didn't have a say in whether or not I got a fake eye"
"What do you mean you didn't get a say in it?"
"It’s exactly as I say it is. When I woke up my depth perception was crap, but I had both my eyes. It wasn't until the doctor told me my parents were admit about me having one"
"So are, you like going to be ok or?"
"I'll be fine green bean, if anything this was a good thing, means I need a new one. Thankfully I shot my brother text about one lot long ago." Shannon said dismissively
"Brother?" Wu questioned.
"Okay, Nya you ready to got out?"
"Ya but it can wait-" "I'm good, I swear Nya lets go" the older girl instead as she got up and dragged Nya out the ship for their planned outing. (She put the glass with the eye in the table as they left)
"Well that was, concerning" Cole said as the two girls disappeared.
It was around midday the girls were not back yet. Jay was still unnerved by the eye in the cup being in such an open area, moved it over to the kitchen counter. Training was cut short because of the incident. Wu taking into account not just the mental impact of one of his charges eyes popping up in front of them, but the buildup of stuff they'd been having to deal with since his absence. Besides when the girls get back they all need to talk of a plan to get the Fang Blades back from the Serpentine before they can awaken the Devourer. 
Wu and his brother where out front on the deck talking, it felt like forever to the two of them since they last spoke in such good terms. The guys (pluss Lloyd) where inside playing video games as a pass time. It wasn't long after when the sound of a car, a taxi, could be heard coming there way. As the taxi came to a stop the guys had logged off there game and stepped out to grate the return of the only two females on their team. 
But instead of the raven and green tipped brunette haired, a blond tipped brunette boy stepped out the vehicle (not before paying of course) and made his way over to the Bounty. 
“umm, dumb question since there aren't many flying ships around, but is this the Destiny's Bounty?” The Boy asked as he neared the ship. upon closer inspection the boy was wearing a leather jacket with a white under shirt, and jeans with a pair of black converse. He had a mailman bag slung over his shoulder. 
“ya it is, what bring you all the way out here though?” Cole answered as he crossed his arms. attempting to look menacing which seemed to be working.   
“uh, I came to drop something off for my sister, Shannon?” The boy answered.
“Shannon, as in the monocle waring Shan?” Jay asked 
“yes! that one!” 
“Cool, Cool... wanna climb on board?” Kai asked him.
“Would I!” The boy, Shannon’s brother made is way up on the Bounty.
“By the way, what you name” Zane asked as the brunet dorded.
“Shane, Shane Maywather and might I say it’s a pleasure to meet the guys my sister has been staying with after all this time.” He, Shane replied.
“wait, so let me get this straight” Cole stood with his hands on his head, clearly confused by what was said. 
Its been about an hour since Shane was let on borde and the guy could see why his sister liked it here so much.  
“there are 10 of you? including Shane makes 11″ Cole sated. Shane just nodded as he let the earth ninja racape what Shane had told them. Wu and Garmadon where in the kitchen intently listening to the conversation they were having.  
“yup, Shan and I are the oldest, there where are the quads; Jason, Mayson, Tyson, Carson.” He started again listing his younger siblings.
“Then the triplets; Asher, Carter and Xavier. Then the last set of twins; Franklyn and Merlyn” Shane finished. 
“No wonder Shannon can deal with us so well” Jay said looking astonished.
“ya she had to deal with 9 younger brothers and one older one” Kai remarked. Shane snickered before correcting him.
“Shannon is the oldest, in fact despite us being twins, she’s technically a year older than me.” 
“But isn't being twins, like two people being born on the same day?” Zane inquired.
“True, but you see, my mom had Shannon on december 31st 1995, at around 11:55pm, I then happened on january 1st 1996 at 00:02am in the morning” Shane explained.
“dude” Jay commented. Shane laghed.
“yup,Shannons the ‘big sister’ of the house” He said glancing about.  
“i'm surprised though, i though Shannon would have at least mentioned something about you guys to us” Lloyd pipped in. He enjoyed Shannons company she made him feel welcome. And when she caught him setting up the prank for Kai as his uncle had asked him to, she gave him some pointers on how to eviscerate Kai’s high score. Even took some pressure off him as she stayed in the room in anticipation for the fire ninja so they wouldn't get too suspicious. To learn Shan had several younger brothers, like Jay commented, meade scene in how she was not only dealt with them but was able to deal with his father so well.
“Honestly,it's do be expected. Because Shannons the oldest our parents are hard on her... We come from a fairly well of family to the point where money is more or less a play thing to our folks” Shane started, the ninja(pluss Loyd)went wide eyed.
“so you're saying you guys are rich?” Jay asked dumbfounded. Shane fidgeted with his fingers.
“Y-Ya pretty much. But Shannon, and our parents, they... They don't get along at all. For all i can remember, the only time i've ever had with Shan was when she wasn't in any of her classes or extracurriculars. They pushed her to be perfect, and at the same time pushed her away. Looking back there where countless arguments over a lot of what they where doing” Shane said looking down at his lap. 
“There was this one argument that just hit the nail in the head though, a couple years back, it was during dinner and our parents had invited a business associates family over. They had a son, about three years older then Shannon and I. Our parents had announced that he would be Shannons fiance and thighs went downhill fast” Looking up once more Shane let a had run though his hair as he relieved the memory. The guys were taken aback by this, seeing as how Shan was arguably one of the most level headed people they knew. 
“sounds stressful” Kai quipped not really knowing how to respond to that, bur as a brother to a sister himself he could understand the feeling of not wanting your sibling to do be forced into doing something they don't want to. 
“You don’t half of it” Shan said with a sigh. 
“After that, she stormed out never to be seen scene again. At least physically, she managed to keep contact with me, we talk but not as much as either of us would like...” He finished leaning back and letting the surprisingly soft couch engulf him. 
“I’m glad though,she deserves a break after everything” Shane commented.
“ya well if you call fighting an army of skeletons, snakes and eventually Garmadon a brake, then you my friend are in need of a vacation as well” Jay replied plopping down next to Shane with a dorky grin. The tenshin that had been building in Shane dissipated, yup he could really see why his sister liked it here so much. 
Dropping the topic of who much his and Shannon's parents where that talked about other random things. It was a little bit later when the girl got back.  The two where catting about, something girl related when they walked into the main room of the Bounty. 
“Hey! Welcome back! And guess how came to visit?!” Jay sang, gesturing to Shane who was seated next to him. Shannon looked over at her bother in shock she thought-
"Good to see you again Sister!~" Shane said as be bolted form where he was sitting to envelope Shannon in a hug. As he did Shannon dropped the bags she was holding, seemingly shocked that her blood brother was here. 
“Shane?” She breathed, then hugged him back, leaning into it. 
After a bit the two separated.
“It’s good to see you again Shane! How have you been?” “Good, good, what about you? what happened to your eye? Where is it?” 
Shan laughed a little and shook her head.
“There was an accident this morning, Garmadon hit the back of my head and it just popped out” Shane stood still. Taking in the information. Once complete he turned and tried to lunged to where Garmadon was, if it wasn't for Shannon having grabbed him in that split second. He probably would have gone into a full on fist fight with the dark lord. 
“Lemme go! I'm going to eviscerate him!” Shane hissed struggling against his sisters grip. Thank the First Spinjitzu Master that Shannon trained with the boys ocashinaly. 
“Calm down little brother it was an accident” “Like HELL”  
The two go back and forth a little more till Shane camls down. Garmadon rightfully spooked at the fact that this, well mannered, e-boy looking, kid was threatened to ‘eviscerate’ him. 
“Fine, I won’t attack him, doesn't mean I won’t like it” Shane said mutting that last bit. 
“Seriously (1)Balach Milis, if you applied this anger properly, you wouldn't have to deal with what Eric and Lizzibeth right?” Shannon said as she let him go. picking up the grocery bags, and placed them on the counter. 
“(2)Flùr Gaoithe, you know when it comes to Mama and (3)Athair I can’t do do that!” He complained like a small child. 
“You really need to grow a backbone” Shane said shaking her head.
Things had settled down since then.  
“It’s getting late, I should get going, I have band practice tomorrow and need the rest.” “boo, skip and just stay here for the week” “Flùr Gaoithe” “Balach Milis“ 
With that The younger twin got up, gave his sister the new glass eye she had asked for, said his goodbyes, shot Garmadon one last glar, and left. 
“Your brother seems like a nice person” Gramadon said looking over the the greet tipped girl. 
“Ya, he’s awesome. Wish he was less of a pushover tho” 
Jay feeling thirsty, walked over into the kitchen. He spotted the black glass cup, completely having forgot about the eye inside it. Now you can't really see anything at the bottom. And Jay, in his infinite wisdom, thinking it was just some random cup of random water that had been left on the kitchen counter, and drank from it. 
 “Did Jay drink from the eye glass?” Lloyd asked his uncle who was watching from the blue ninja form the table.
“He drank from the eye glass” Wu confirmed. The others erupted into a fit of laughter and giggles. 
 (1)Balach Milis - Sweet boy  
(2)Flùr Gaoithe - Wind flower 
(3)Athair - dad
this was translated using google translate, the language being Scottish Gaelic. I know Ninjago was based off of asian culture. But like I said, Shan it scottish for unfortunate and unfair. Also nothing in the lore of the show explicitly states that Ninjago is the only continent on the planet. 
I HC that there are different parts of the world. its safe to say Ninjago is the main land where a lot of the exciting things happen, but across who knows how long away there are different countries. And Shannon’s family like immigrated to Ninjago, during it’s early years where big contributors and financial support, in building the city. 
but ye this is a mini sode, i came up with. criticism is always welcome! I will be doing bullet notes for Shan and Melody, and maye Gold to since i have an active fic about her that i haven't updated in, forever but yaaaaa. 
till next text post i guess lol                          
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choices-and-more · 7 years
An Assassin’s Latent Desire to Love  - Memoirs from Estela’s Personal Journal (cont.)
Book 2, Chapter 13
We were shoved as prisoners by four Arachnid soldiers.  In truth, they were our friends who had to give the impression that they caught us.  We had to play this ruse in order to fool Rourke.  I was about to be placed in a stasis tank filled with the tachyon fluid that was used on Rourke back at the hotel, along with our other friends.  Mouse and Fiddler were about to shove Jake into the tank, when four other Arachnid soldiers came by and took the camera out. It was Taylor and company, and we all escaped without incident, but not before placing the soldiers within the tanks and filling it with the green tachyon fluid.  Craig knocked Fiddler out with the laser cannon he took from one of the MASADA labs.  From Hydrodynamic Stasis, we descended to the Theoretical Prismatics Laboratory, where Jake found his Catalyst Idol, a howling wolf, surrounded by security lasers.  He was able to bend the lasers and short circuit them, successfully retrieve his idol, and present it to Taylor.
We are one step closer to home.  The Island’s Heart was ready, and Zahra input the coordinates of our campus.  All we have to do now is to cross the Lernaean Gate, and we are back in Hartfeld.  Before we made it through the portal, I was having second thoughts.  I swore revenge for my mother’s death, but she wanted me to live peacefully and happily.  I now understand why she wanted me to stay in San Trobida – away from Rourke and Lila.  With Taylor by my side, we jumped through the portal.  Our bodies were being dissolved like molecules as we passed through this white light.  Suddenly, we found ourselves back...
Book 2, Chapter 14
We already reached home – but it no longer was.  The scene of what was once Hartfeld University, the college we all studied in – it was destroyed in a volcanic eruption.  All our classmates and schoolmates are dead, including those from The Freshman and Sophomore levels. Other places of interest are all gone – from my home of San Trobida, to New York, London, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, to Cordonia, Berry High, Northbridge, and Westchester.  Even the oceans are now an inferno.  The famous ship Ember of the Sea had not only sunk to the bottom, but everyone on board had been burned alive by the intense fiery sea of lava.  Not a soul was spared from this kind of hell.
Taylor found a strange amber-like armor which enabled him to determine how each and everyone of us would react.  He wore it just as expected. Beyond that, there was nothing left of Hartfeld.  We had to go back to La Huerta - back to the MASADA Complex, but the portal was already gone as Varyyn had already left for Elyys’tel.  To make matters worse, a tsunami of lava was about to splash down on us.  Taylor successfully made contact with Varyyn, informing him of the danger.  Fortunately for us, Varyyn was still trapped in MASADA, evading the guards.  Diego held Taylor’s hand to communicate with Varyyn. Quickly, he rushed back to Theoretical Prismatics and pressed several buttons to open the portal, but there was something missing.  Then, the only other choice we had was to call on Quinn to open it from our side, and activate the Heart.  We all made it back, but Aleister was getting discouraged about the events unfolding before him.
As we had to find our way back to the gondola, we came across another amber statuette in the shape of a priest with the head of a snake.  This was Aleister’s Catalyst Idol.  Just as we were making our escape, Rourke suddenly appeared in screens and monitors all over the complex.  He had learned of how we Catalysts managed to evade Rourke and his Arachnid mercenaries. 
Rourke had one final trick up his sleeve  – his son, whom he manipulated into thinking that he would jeopardize his plans of controlling time by aiding the Catalysts. Aleister, now having second thoughts, decided to betray us.  
Book 2, Chapter 15
Like father, like son - no thanks to Aleister, he sold us out to his father.  The Arachnids had us all surrounded, but Taylor wouldn’t go down without a fight.  He gave me a huge morale boost – to go down fighting or die trying.  Aleister wanted Grace spared, but she refused and wanted nothing to do with him anymore. She was escorted off together with Aleister, leaving me, Taylor, and the rest.
We were shocked even more about that bastard Rourke – he even made a fool out of his own son.  He had Lila do all his dirty work, and if there would be any loose ends, there would be no stopping Rourke from tying them up. Now that I think about it, my Catalyst Idol had already predicted that Lila would eventually be an expendable asset, and Rourke would not hesitate to kill her off.  As the Arachnids were motioning for Lila to make her move, she turned around and shot the soldiers point blank. She gunned down an entire room full of Arachnids, but one of them got to her as she was struck with a bullet wound.  She was starting to limp down to her knees.  Diego reached out to her, and she was already bleeding.
As I shouldered Diego aside, I took the gun and aimed it at Lila, getting ready to kill her for the death of my mother.  She already knew that her day of reckoning would come, and was even begging me to pull the trigger.  She was telling me to get it over with.  But Taylor, being the only person who I cared for deeply, as well as my conscience and sole voice of reason, told me to let it go. 
Looking back on that night I spent with him, he told me that justice will come for both Rourke and Lila.  Karma had already set in, and it came for her.  She makes one final stand to stop the Arachnids at the cost of her own life.  That would be her way of atoning for the sin of killing her best friend - my mother.
Sneaking our way within, Raj tripped over some wires, and dropped a mysterious device which contained the same tachyon fluid which Rourke used. Zahra said that it was a one-way transponder which we couldn’t use in reverse, such as warning others about our situation, as that would cause a temporal paradox. Sean decided to say farewell to our loved ones using the device. Taylor was right – by saying goodbye, we would have no regrets about what would happen if we would not be able to prevent the apocalypse.  Everybody took their turns – Diego, Raj, Sean, myself, Quinn, Craig, Jake, and finally Zahra.  As I passed the device to Michelle, she refused, as she pushed her loved ones away and that no one would care for her.  After Craig’s turn, he passed the device to Taylor, but he never needed it.  After all, his family are all that he has, especially me.  As I took my turn on the device, I wanted to bid farewell to my Tio Nicolas, my uncle and mentor who helped me in this mission.
As we finally reached the gondola to escape the complex, we were stalled by the Arachnid operative known as Mouse.  He had a jetpack which he used to evade our attacks.  Taylor ordered Diego, Raj, Michelle, and Varyyn to escape ahead.  We fought off Mouse with everything we got, and I was able to sweep his legs.  Jake was about to crush Mouse’s face when he discovered that the operative was his friend Mike. Mouse attempted to suffocate Jake when Taylor stabbed a screwdriver into the jetpack’s fuel compartment, thereby causing it to leak and sputter weakly. Mouse fell off without even recognizing Jake or Taylor.
We gave Rourke a taste of his own medicine by destroying the complex. Aleister, Grace, and Rourke escaped in another chopper, and Zahra hacked into the security systems operating MASADA’s processing towers.  We rushed our way into the heliport, but what we found was a chopper which we thought was a hologram.  It turned out that it appeared to be phase shifting and La Huerta was no ordinary island.  Taylor then recalled the garbled message back at the humvee – and it occurred to Jake that he had already turned himself in. Using the transponder, Jake repeated the message – and the helicopter was now real.  We had an escape vehicle – and some company. A group of Arachnids fired upon us, and Craig used the chain gun to beat back our foes. As our chopper left the port, the MASADA towers overheated and everything slowly sank to the bottom of the sea.  Lundgren, being armed with a powerful exoskeleton, flew in the direction of the helicopter and tore down the door.  He wanted his Cuban cigar back, as Jake was already smoking it.  Zahra electrocuted Lundgren using the wires from the cockpit, but not before being grabbed by him, and both fell into the open sea.  Just as we were about to rescue her, we were fired upon by Tetra, who was carrying a missile launcher. Quinn made one last stand to protect us from a direct hit on the chopper, but the tail rotor was shot and we were about to crash.
I had to grab Taylor and prevent him from falling off the helicopter. However, the chopper was spinning dizzily and we couldn’t stop it. He slipped and fell off, and I was feeling heartbroken.  How can I live a life of being alone again?  I desperately need him.
I may have been separated from him physically, but I knew deep within my heart that he is alive.  I will find him even if it takes me to the ends of La Huerta. Come back to me, Taylor.  You’re everything to me now.
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Book 3, Chapter 1
So it has begun...the volcano is erupting.  Mount Atropo is finally raging.  Right after the Arachnid chopper went down, Jake and I had to split up from Sean and Craig.  Luckily for Taylor, he had been rescued by Yvonne, and together with Uqzhaal, they escaped the fiery lava of the volcano.  Just as he was trapped in the excruciating smoke, I arrived just in time to rescue him. The island is experiencing a cataclysm where time will be ripped apart thanks to Rourke tampering with it.  The past and the future are colliding.
The island was spilling lava all over the ground, and three time rifts were opened  Jake went into the first, I the second, and Yvonne the third  Taylor joined me within the second time rift, and we found ourselves within a space station, where the Earth is now a no-man’s land, and Rourke’s legacy kept his name alive for more than 800 years.  I later realized that I was getting cozy with Taylor, as his arms were wrapped around my waist, and mine around his neck. It was just like in the Observatory where he and Sean were in each other’s arms. As we were having a moment to ourselves, my eyes caught wind of a spiral-like emblem, which was Rourke’s symbol.  I hated Rourke for having murdered my mother, taken my family and friends, and destroyed everything.  I was pounding my fists into the symbol, venting my fury, but Taylor was able to calm me down. He held me in his arms, and my anger slowly melted away.  
Before we returned to the present, Taylor gave me a kiss – something I had wanted for a long time.  I let my tongue slip into his mouth, dancing around with it.  I’ve missed him so dearly, and I wanted more than anything else to be in bed with him.  From the time we made love in The Celestial, the Jeweled Cave, the Elysian Lodge, and before crossing the MASADA - I not only desire to kiss him, but I also want him to strip me completely.  And I mean, not just my clothes off, but also my virginity.  For now, I am willing to wait for that, and when it comes, I am ready to give myself to him.
A mysterious specter appeared before us as we reached Colonnade Cove in the northern shores of the island. The specter was observing me, and it handed something to Taylor.  It was a photo which I had kept in San Trobida, and it showed my mother, my uncle, and me. The photo was burned along with my home, but it was apparently saved.
After seeing the future which could have been, I have changed entirely.  I am no longer ruled by anger, vengeance, and hatred.  I am now resolved to fight for a future for everyone. This is my goal now, as shown in my Ember of Hope, where I told my uncle that I wanted to start a family.  As for Taylor, I will not lose him again.  I may have lost my mother, but no way will I let Rourke take everyone away – not only my friends, but also the most important person in my life – my soulmate.  I will protect him like my own flesh and blood, and am proud to be called his soon-to-be wife.
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flickerfic · 7 years
Skateboard Sally: PART 1 - AU SMUT (Kaylor Fic)
Taylor Swift’s knees roughly graze against the asphalt as she falls. Her textbooks scatter about her across the ground, the pages fluttering in the wind. Her long blonde hair tidal waves over her face, momentarily blocking her plain of sight. The cause of her injury? A dirt covered skateboarder girl with a scowl and a stare that could take down a hundred men. Taylor is confused at the girl’s disgruntled expression. She really shouldn’t be the one that looks annoyed in this situation, right?
“Watch where you’re going, dumb fuck!” spits the terrifyingly tall girl, a fresh scuff on her cheek. But the scuff is no comparison to the bloody wounds on Taylor’s knees.
“Karlie, you completely tomahawked her!” laughs an obnoxiously loud voice from up ahead.
Taylor is still dazed when she’s yanked back to her feet, hissing in pain as her knees straighten and stretch out her fresh cuts. Despite all this, her cause of the accident continues to taunt her. The green in her gaze is snake like. Venomous. She’s got her dirty blonde hair tied up in a ponytail. Her tongue is blue from some sort of candy she’s been eating. She’s wearing a red and white t-shirt and black denim shorts. As she begrudgingly helps Taylor up she narrows that devilish stare.
“This is the half pipe not the good girls tennis club,” she leers and picks up her board before skating off to join her other rowdy friends.
Taylor has hardly any time to react to her crude comments and winces again as her knees sting. She hears people come jogging up behind her and she fears it’s another pair of skaters. But she’s relieved to find Selena and Abigail, her two best friends by her side.
“We saw everything, oh my god. Are you all right?” Selena pants, kneeling down to inspect Taylor’s legs. Abigail is picking up her books and sliding them back into her bag.
“You poor thing. What was she saying to you? What a creep, she looked so angry,” the red haired girl rambles. She hands Taylor her bag and joins Selena at her skirt hem to take a look.
“She bumped into me by accident but said I was too close to the pipe thing they skate on,” Taylor says as she holds back tears. She’s not phased by anything that was said to her but her knees sure do hurt.
“What? You’re like ten feet away from that thing! I don’t know what she’s talking about,” Abigail says in an offended tone. “What a child.”
“Let’s take you to the nurse,” Selena suggests eagerly.
Taylor readily agrees and let’s her friends help her limp to the nurses office. She’s met with wide eyes and immediately set down on the bed whilst her friends sit in front of her and wait patiently. The nurse begins to clean the wound with disinfectant while Taylor hisses in agony.
“How exactly did this happen?” the middle aged woman asks. She takes a moment to straighten her John Lennon glasses before dabbing at Taylor’s injury again.
“I was pushed by accident and my knees hit the asphalt,” Taylor explains plainly. That’s really all that happened. Sure she was given some very rude insults afterwards but it was still an accident. Nothing to report in her mind. This wasn’t the mindset of her friends however.
“Taylor, she skated over your textbooks! Bet she didn’t even say sorry,” Abigail explains in disbelief.
“Yeah Taylor, it looked like she was annoyed with you. You need an apology and soon,” Selena adds with her arms folded and legs crossed.  
“I don't–” Taylor begins but is interrupted but the nurse.
“Ladies, please. I think this is something you should take to the principal or a guidance counsellor. This person that pushed into you obviously wasn’t very apologetic, correct?” she asks raising a sparse eyebrow at Taylor.
“Well, no. No she wasn’t. But I hate starting things–”
“If you don’t go to someone about it then we are,” Selena says sternly. Now she’s the one that looks deranged and angry.
“Sel, no. I’m begging you,” Taylor groans. Her knees are bandaged up and the nurse let’s them go with a mini first aid kid and a warning to “get that apology”.
“You guys are making a big deal out of this,” Taylor sighs.
“We’re not, we’re helping a best friend,” Abigail insists stubbornly.
They begin to make their way home in the evening sunset. Soon they come to a stop at a lamppost, a landmark for when they part ways for home. Selena is the first to speak about the incident once again.
“Tomorrow me and Abigail are going to a guidance councillor about what happened. Do you remember that girl’s name?”
Taylor sighs and runs her fingers through her short blonde hair. “I think it was Carrie or Carly? Something like that, I’m not sure. I only got her name when her friends called her.”
“It’ll do. We’ll probably be able to pick her out from the group anyway,” Abigail assures with a hand to Taylor’s shoulder.
“You guys really don’t have to do this,” Taylor protests again. She knows her arguments will not be taken to heart. But she gives it every shot she has nonetheless.
“Oh but we are,” Selena says firmly. Saw that coming.
Taylor is dreading the next day with a fiery passion. She wakes up in a mood and can’t eat. What if her friends went to school early and her aggressive book pusher was waiting to punch her face in? She holds onto her pink schoolbag straps tightly and pays attention to her surroundings. Everyone is just walking on campus to class or sitting on a park bench with breakfast bars and friends. Taylor’s knees are still sore so she’s still wearing a skirt. Anything else just rubs against the bandages when she walks. She feels so on edge and jumps when her phone pings with a new text message. Blushing at her paranoia and avoiding anyones gaze she hurries into the building and checks her iPhone. It’s a message from Selena.
Hey me nd Abi are just coming out of  the GC’s office. Ur wanted in room 29!! ❤️
Taylor sighs tiredly. Her anxiety is eating her alive and she just wants to go home. Trudging to her locker she fills it with her books and takes out the ones she needs. Then she reluctantly slinks her way to the guidance councillor to the dreaded room twenty nine.
She stands outside the door and just stares at it for a long time. She even gives herself time to pace a little as she dares herself to knock and step inside. But before she can give herself a running start the door flies open anyway. The thirty year old man with scruffy brown hair greets her with an overly enthusiastic smile.
“Hey, Tay Tay!” he grins.
Taylor restrains herself from rolling her eyes. “Hello, Mr Tweed,” she greets in almost a groan. He grins and beckons her inside.
“And call me Thomas!” he insists as he hops onto his desk and swings his legs off the edge.
Taylor just smiles briefly and then looks around the room. The tall skateboarder is nowhere in sight. Taylor gives Mr Tweed a confused look as she places her bag on her lap, slowly sitting herself down on a couch. “Um, where is–”
“Karlie? She’ll be here in a moment. Your friends have set off with a teacher to find her,” he says with an annoyingly bright smile. He clasps his hands together and points his forward gaze to Taylor. “Now, I understand that you and this girl have had some communication issues?” he asks.
“Something like that. But it’s really not that serious. She accidentally knocked me over and got annoyed. That’s it,” Taylor explains with her arms raised in defence. “I really don’t have to be here at all, I just–”
Her explanations are interrupted by the office door swinging open and nearly crashing into a nearby potted fern. At the door is a seething tower of a girl, red at the cheeks and huffing like a wild animal. She’s dressed in skinny jeans, her same Cardinals shirt, and a ruby red varsity jacket. She storms into the room, slamming the door behind her.
“What the hell do you want!” she yells at Mr Tweed who’s bright smile suddenly vanishes. He straightens up and gives a nervous chuckle. Hopping down from his perch he shoots Karlie some finger guns and smiles awkwardly.
“Karlarino! Racekar! The old Skateboard Sally–”
“Oh for fucks sake, why am I here? Does the little A-line angel want her apology?” Karlie spits furiously.
“Um, first of all, that profanity is not hip, hop, or down with me kiddo,” Mr Tweed says daintily. “And second of all, she’s sitting right behind you.”
Taylor can feel herself shrinking and shrinking. Once that cat like gaze spins around to face her she gulps. “H-Hello, Karlie,” Taylor manages to stammer out.
Karlie laughs in a sort of pitiful mewl. Taylor wishes she wasn’t able to hold a stare so well. “What sort of apology do you want, hon? A kiss on your bare feet? A hand written letter proclaiming how foolish I was and how superior you are to receive an apology?”
Taylor is taken aback by the sheer amount of hate in the girl’s voice. She gulps again, trying to keep her throat in shape to speak. “Karlie, I…” Taylor begins. She briefly looks to Mr Tweed who smiles at her goofily and she sighs before continuing.
“I am aware that what happened was an accident. But…I feel as though your reaction to the incident was…inappropriate. I apologise for getting in your way but I would also like an apology for…for they way you acted.”
Karlie is deathly silent and unblinking. She stares right into Taylor’s soul. Her eyes then catch sight of the girls bandaged knees. They flit up again the meet her. Just when Taylor thinks she’s about to make some form apology, the girl starts to giggle softly. And then chuckle a little harder until finally she’s full on laughing in her face. Karlie holds herself as she comes down from her giggling and even brushes away a tear.
“I’m not apologising for a shitty little accident,” she sneers. Taylor is immediately disgusted. It’s the first time she’s felt a hint of distaste for the girl.
“And why is that?” she dares herself to ask.
“Because it wasn’t my fault. You shouldn’t have been walking around the half pipe. You were in my way and just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. You got your pretty little knees fucked up?” She slips off her varsity jacket. A long bruise accompanied by a few scattered band aids are revealed along her left arm. “I got this puppy right here. And it bites too.” She tugs the jacket back on. “This whole thing has been a waste of my time and I’d like to leave,” Karlie demands as she faces Mr Tweed assertively.
“Not so fast, Skateboard Sally–”
“Please stop fucking calling me that sir,” Karlie mumbles.
“Ahem, Karlie, because of this lack of an apology or mutual understanding I’m forced to give you two a bonding exercise to sort out your differences!” Mr Tweed says with a loud clasp of his hands.
“Fucking what?” Karlie says.
“May I intrude?” Taylor asks but is not given permission.
Mr Tweed continues. “The two of you will help the photography club with their year book project. You’ll be given a camera to take pictures of what you both think captures the essence of Earths natural beauties. And you’ll be starting Monday of next week. You will report back to me once you’ve learned a lesson. And we will be looking for updates weekly!” he says with that same goofy grin.
“I don’t see how that’s gonna help us resolve anything. It sounds fucking gay,” Karlie sneers deliberately directing the last word of her sentence down Taylor’s way.
“Please explain to me how taking nature photographs is gay,” Taylor says sternly. It’s the first time she’s spoken authoritatively to the girl and so she feels it is an improvement. Of some sort. Taylor has many gay friends, for with her theatre group comes an ensemble of flamboyant characters. And so she feels protective of them and the words taken from them.
Karlie seems amused by her offended tone and grins an evil grin. “Have I triggered you?” she giggles in a low tone. “Are you going to start shaking and screaming at me? Have I inflicted an act of pure violence upon you?” Karlie asks with a dramatic hand over her face mocking distress.
“Violence is physical. What you’ve just done is a childish, careless misuse of an important word. By calling something gay you mock and strip a person of–”
“Oh my god, shut up!” Karlie groans and turns to the guidance councillor again. “Look, I know I’ll get fucking expelled or some shit of I don’t comply to this bull crap. So give me the camera, I’ll take a picture of my left tit, and I’ll shove that in the year book okay?”
Mr Tweed sighs heavily and takes a camera out from behind his desk. He’s about to hand it over but pauses. “If the two of you don’t have at least three decent pictures each within the next month I have no choice but to suspend you both for disorderly conduct.” He says the last part with a very serious expression and Taylor is uncomfortable all of a sudden.
The girls leave the office with an even bigger distaste for one another when they arrived. Karlie scowls in Taylor’s direction and shoves the Nikon camera into her hands. “Take ten dumb photos and send ‘em into Mr Twat when you’re done,” she grumbles.
“Yeah, that’s not happening,” Taylor says calmly shaking her head. “I’m taking my three and keeping my place here. "You’re taking your three pictures and that’s how it’s gonna work.”
“Listen up, tennis skirt,” Karlie leers with a pointer finger to Taylor’s chest. “I didn’t ask for this to happen. I don’t have time to look for shitty little pansies or worms in the dirt.”
“Really? Because you sure look like someone that plays in the dirt all the time,” Taylor bites, knowing it’s a bad move but also knowing that Karlie isn’t anything to be afraid of anymore. She’s just a big mood in an even bigger vessel. Dangerous? Yes. Lethal? Not in the slightest.
Karlie scoffs at Taylor’s insult. “What’s that supposed to mean, I’m some sort of dyke? Is that what you’re poking at?”
“You said that not me,” Taylor replies with a raised eyebrow. “And I didn’t ask for this either. So let’s just make a little time to take these silly pictures and then we never have to see each other again. Okay?”
“Do you think I’m some sort of retarded dumb fuck that listens to the likes of you?” Karlie spits.
“I think you’re an exceedingly rude individual that shouldn’t be using the word retarded in that context,” Taylor shoots back cooly.
Karlie sighs and angrily punches a locker beside her causing Taylor to jump. She glares in her direction once more. “Meet me tomorrow in the park at eight. Maybe we’ll find some dead birds or something,” Karlie murmurs.
“Do you want my number? Just so we can contact each other for this,” Taylor asks causally.
“Well I wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to get the number of a pretty girl,” Karlie leers. And it turns Taylor’s stomach as she’s reminded of her high school days. Pretty little girl was the usual nickname for her. She writes her number on a slip of paper and hands it to Karlie. The taller girl beams her evil grin and then scowls immediately after as she adjusts the straps of her school bag and storms off.
What an angry human being, she thinks to herself. She sighs and makes her way to her first class. These next few weeks were going to be no easy feat.
Selena swings her legs back and forth as she lies on her tummy on Taylor’s bed painting her nails. Abigail is shaving her legs in the en suite bathroom with the door open. Taylor has her head against the wall and typing away on her laptop. A turned down speaker plays Beyoncé’s Lemonade. A girly Friday night in at Taylor’s apartment is a fan favourite amongst her trio of friends.
Selena attempts licking up a few kernels of popcorn from the bowl beside her so as not to ruin her nails. “Sorry we got you kind of the opposite of what you wanted today,” she says. “Now you’re stuck with that beast of a thing.”
“I didn’t really want anything today but it’s all right. And she’s not a beast she just has an attitude,” Taylor replies simply, not looking up from her laptop.
“I don’t know why you’re defending her,” Abigail says from the bathroom. She wipes down her clean shaven legs. “It’s not like she deserves to be stood up for.”
“I think Taylor has a crush on the girl,” Selena teases.
“Very funny,” Taylor replies. “You get all protective of me when I’m pushed to the ground and then joke about me liking her? Kind of messed up,” Taylor murmurs.
Selena winks over at Abigail who rolls her eyes. “Lay off, Sel.”
“Oh come on, take a joke!” the brunette giggles. “Hey, maybe you can turn her good or something. Use your innocent good girl charm to convert her.”
“To what? A slightly even more constantly annoyed version of herself? She’s not a movie villain, Selena,” Taylor says but a light chuckle shines through. “Listen, I don’t think she’s as big a deal as you guys might have thought. I’ll be fine.”
“Whatcha looking up?” Selena asks referring to Taylor’s laptop.
“…Nothing,” Taylor murmurs.
“It’s Karlie’s Facebook. I can see it from here,” Abigail calls from the bathroom as she layers moisturiser on her legs.
“Taylor!” Selena laughs.
“I was just curious!” Taylor exclaims, trying to close the laptop slightly when Selena crawls over.
“Her profile pictures? Ooh, you’ve got it bad,” Selena giggles.
“I was just looking,” Taylor says trying her best to sound nonchalant. Of course she doesn’t have a crush. She doesn’t even like the girl. But she is rather pretty…in a dirty, tomboy sort of way. Her Facebook profilers consist of pictures of her holding lighters or smoking with friends as the full moon glows behind her. Leant against graffitied walls or in mid air with her skateboard clutched skilfully underneath her. Taylor almost giggles softly at the one of her with a Playboy magazine in a busy cafe as a joke. There’s a cheeky smirk on her face and the whole thing is blurred slightly, the person holding the camera obviously trying to take the picture hastily.
“Taylor you’re fucking blushing,” Abigail laughs. Taylor hadn’t noticed her peer over her shoulder.
“Am not,” Taylor mumbles bashfully.
“Her interests are heavy metal, Satan, and Die Antwoord,” Selena reads out in an unimpressed tone. “What a wannabe.”
“Okay I’m just gonna close this,” Taylor says as she promptly shuts her laptop.
“Sorry! Sorry, didn’t mean to pry,” Selena says with her arms raised in defeat.
“Yeah we did,” Abigail says deadpan.
“Yeah, we kinda did,” Selena admits and then giggles at herself. “Come on, let’s put on The Aristocats and tell spooky stories after.”
Karlie is swiftly forgotten about for the rest of the night.
Taylor waits in the park the next morning for Karlie at the time specified. She’s dressed in a cream lace skirt that just comes around her bandaged knees. She’s wearing a light blue blouse with a ribbon collar. Her freshly washed hair is kept back with a baby pink headband and it falls neatly around her shoulders. As she waits for Karlie on a park bench she reads a book and swings her legs idly. She’s not worried about today. She refuses to make herself worried.
“Well hello there Alice in Wonderland,” greets an approaching voice. Karlie rolls up to her with her hands stuffed in that same varsity jacket, her long hair flowing behind her. She ollies and lands on her feet, the skateboard clung to her side. She’s dressed in the same clothes as yesterday bar the shirt which is now a plain smoky grey one. She stuffs one hand in her skinny jeans and sighs heavily. “We gonna take some shots of a dogs asshole or what,” she murmurs.
Taylor closes her book and puts in her satchel. “We’re supposed to take pictures of beautiful things in nature. Is that your idea of beauty?” She feels confident in her backfire. Maybe she’ll have fun today.
Karlie spits. Not at Taylor but to the side very close to her feet. Taylor glares at her but Karlie winks back and snaps her backpack straps. “Why take pictures of boring shit like plants when you can get a nice detailed close up of a poodles anus?”
Taylor almost snorts at the comment but manages to keep her collected demeanour. She wants to remain the control in this project. She’s not letting Karlie’s slacker attitude get in the way of that.  "Plants can be interesting. Maybe we’ll find some ladybirds on them.“
"Maybe we’ll find some ladybirds on them,” Karlie repeats in a high pitched mockery of Taylor’s voice. “I know a place where we can find something real cool. Come on, it’s not far,” she says and hops on her board.
“Where is it?” Taylor asks, wary about if Karlie is actually wanting to take pictures and contribute to the project.
“You’ll see,” Karlie replies with a dark smile.
Taylor brushes off the uneasy feeling in her stomach and follows behind Karlie as she glides along the path. They walk and skate for about fifteen minutes and Taylor begins to grow unfamiliar with her surroundings. Her city is large and there’s plenty of places she hasn’t been to before. Karlie is quickly introducing her to one. Taylor’s gut is twisting into knots once she sees that Karlie is leading her to some sort of public walking trail at the edge of a forest. Are they going to take pictures of trees?… Or is Karlie going to tie her to a tree and leave her for the foxes.
“So we are taking nature photos. You’ve surprised me I must say,” Taylor says.
“Oh I’m full of surprises,” Karlie says without looking behind her. There’s something off about her voice. She’s hiding something in it but Taylor can’t figure out what. The taller girl hops off her skateboard and hooks it to special straps on her backpack. Taylor walks cautiously behind her as Karlie chooses a trail and leads the way.
“Sh-Should I get the camera out or–”
“Oh, you can give that to me actually,” Karlie says over her shoulder.
“Uh, okay,” Taylor mumbles and roots around her satchel to fish it out. She hands it to Karlie and they keep walking in silence. Taylor grows nervous and squeezes at the cat shaped stress ball in her bag. She suddenly doesn’t feel as confident as she did half an hour ago. “Where are we–”
“Shhh, we’re here,” Karlie interrupts. Taylor halts in her tracks and takes in their surroundings. They’ve come to a stop in the middle of a trail. Up ahead is a decrepit tool shed the size of a small room with a sign on the rusty that warns hikers to keep out. Karlie turns to Taylor with that evil grin on her face. “Why don’t we take a look inside?” she leers.
In Taylor’s heart something clicks. She’s in danger right now and there’s no one around to help her get out of it. She thinks about texting someone but Karlie’s eyes are locked on Taylor’s. She’s well and truly trapped under the girl’s cat like gaze. Taylor’s eyes flit to the shed. The only way in is the rusty red door. There are no windows. Karlie leads Taylor to the creepy looking building and knocks on the metal entrance.
“Anyone home?” Karlie asks pretending to be waiting for an answer. Taylor is standing a few feet away from her. She’s ready to bolt off in the other direction should she have to. She’s telling herself there’s nothing in the shed and that Karlie is just playing a joke, but her heart is pounding so hard against her chest it’s hard to focus.
“Why don’t we take a look inside?” Karlie says and opens the shed with a loud metallic creak. She gestures for Taylor to step in.
Taylor bites her lip. “We’re not allowed in there. Can we move on?” she asks in a quiet voice.
“Aw you’re not scared are ya? Go on, what could possibly be in here?” Karlie says. Her voice is so condescending now and it’s totally putting Taylor on edge.
Taylor quickly shakes her head, “No, I don’t want to.”
Karlie suddenly lurches forward and takes her wrist, tugging her forward slightly. “Please, I insist there’s something really interesting in here.” Her tone is gruffer now. She’s forgetting to put on her dumb character.
“Let go!” Taylor demands but her voice is so shaky.
Karlie is strong and pulls Taylor into the dark tool shed. The door is abruptly slammed shut behind her and Taylor is separated from the outside. Karlie managed to stay outside too, leaving the girl all alone in the darkness. She screams and spins around to pound on the metal. “Hey, let me out! What’s going on!” Taylor whimpers. She can feel tears pricking at her eyes but she blinks them back. This was the joke. This is as far as Karlie is going. This is nothing to cry about.
Karlie is laughing from outside. It’s muffled due to the concrete walls, which make it sound even more ominous. Taylor places a hand on her chest to steady her breathing. She knows a panic attack is about to ensue and tries to choke it down. But there’s nothing that can stop the weakness that is suddenly present in her knees. Her injuries aren’t helping the shakiness either. Taylor leans against the cold metal of the door, her hands pressed to it for dear life. She stares off into the shed. It’s pitch black. Taylor is chewing so hard on her lip she tastes copper as a thin trail of blood rolls down her chin. Karlie isn’t laughing outside anymore. In fact Taylor can’t hear anything anymore. She tries to yell Karlie’s name but her voice box has shrivelled up to nothing. When she speaks it’s a dry airy rasp. Suddenly something falls on the floor inside the shed. It’s a metallic clinking sound as if someone has dropped a penny. This noise is followed by a hushed giggle. No, giggles. There are people in here and who knows how many. It goes quiet again.
Now Taylor is sweating. What are they going to do to her? Has Karlie asked her delinquent skateboarder friends to beat her up for getting her into this situation? Is Karlie more than Taylor suspected? She’s suddenly hating herself for trying to give the girl a second chance. The deathly silence that surrounds Taylor is deafening. She knows she heard those giggles a few minutes ago. How long has she even been in here? It feels like hours. Finally she gets the courage to try and open the door again. It’s too heavy.
In a split second a loud screaming comes from inside the shed. Taylor screams too, placing her hands around her chest protectively. She feels hot tears trickle down her cheeks and she tries desperately to pull or push opens the door. To make things even more horrifying, hands roughly grab at her ankles and a chorus of screaming and malicious laughter emanate from the shadows. Taylor screams back, terrified for her life until suddenly the door swings open and she tumbles to the dirt. The shrieking from inside suddenly turns to plain unadulterated laughter. A trio of darkly dressed figures spring from the shed, two boys and one girl. They tower around Taylor still shaking on the ground. Perfect, now her elbows are scratched up too.
“Look at her dumb little mouth wobbling,” scoffs one of the boys, a blue haired character with too many piercings. “Looks like a goldfish.”
“You scared we were gonna slit your throat and harvest your organs, huh?” sneers the girl, a beanie wearing young lady with a brown leather choker.
The third man, who’s straight up wearing a skunk onesie with the hood raised, turns to Karlie. “Take the picture, Karls,” he smirks.
Taylor slowly but shakily turns her head to face Karlie. She’s holding the camera they’re supposed to be using for the project in her hands close to her chest. Taylor tries to read Karlie’s face and finds that she looks…concerned? Her mouth is slightly agape as if she’s been gasping. Her brow is furrowed and her eyes are flitting about the scene, unsure of what to make of it. Taylor is breathing like a rabbit under the watchful gaze of the three dark figures, who she’s now aware are indeed Karlie’s skateboarder friends.
“Come on, Kar! Take the fucking picture and let’s ditch like you said,” demands the piercing boy.
Karlie lifts the camera higher but doesn’t take her eyes of of Taylor’s tearful face. She stares ahead solemnly and then raises the view finder to her eye. Taylor gulps and prepares herself for humiliation. Mere seconds pass before Karlie shakes her head and abruptly brings the camera back down.
“No, I’m not gonna do that.” she mumbles quietly.
All three of her friends look baffled by her change of heart. Skunk boy puffs his cheeks out in disbelief. “Very funny, come on and hurry this up. We gotta go buy new wheels, remember?”
“I am not taking the picture,” Karlie says slowly and firmly. “Step away from her,” she adds as she walks towards them. They do as told, looks of complete confusion on their faces. Karlie reaches out a hand for Taylor to take. She looks at it, still shaken from everything that is happening all at once. Fortunately Taylor trusts Karlie and is carefully helped to her feet. Karlie helps her sling her book bag over her shoulder again.
“Go get wheels without me,” she tells her trio.
“But Kar–”
Her friends back off and see no point in questioning any further. They awkwardly turn and begin to Tom away from the two. “You’re being a cunt today!” yells piercing boy over his shoulder. Karlie stares him off and watches as they disappear down the path. She then turns to find Taylor speedily heading the opposite direction.
“Hey, where are you going?” Karlie calls as she runs after her.
“Leave me alone,” Taylor mutters as she grips her satchel to her side. She keeps her eyes straight ahead, avoiding Karlie’s gaze. She wipes a few leftover tears away with the back of her dirtied hand.
“Hey listen, I didn’t know the guys would scare you that bad. Usually people just get freaked out or pissed at us when we do shit like that. I didn’t think you’d cry, honest. Are you listening?” Karlie rambles.
“They broke my hairband!” Taylor exclaims, her voice breaking at the end of her sentence. She waves the plastic hairpiece in Karlie’s face for a brief moment and continues to walk on.
“I’ll buy you a new one! Just please listen to me,” Karlie begs.
“No, I don’t want to listen to you any further!” Taylor yells. “All you’re doing is trying to defend yourself and your stupid bully friends and it’s pathetic! You haven’t even said sorry, I can’t believe you.”
Karlie is dumbfounded by Taylor’s croaky but passionate outburst. She continues to follow the girl and beg her to listen to the fact that “It was a joke” and that she “Didn’t think it was that bad.”
“Karlie, just leave me alone!” Taylor finally utters. Fresh tears are beginning to spill down her reddening cheeks and she sprints off ahead of her.
“Taylor, wait!…Taylor?” Karlie calls but comes to a slow and watches as the blonde runs out of sight. Her broken hairband is lying on the ground in front of her. She picks it up and sighs as she inspects the dusty decoration. It’s a hard plastic thing with pink ribbon wrapped around it. And it is most definitely snapped in two.
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