#they were basically paper mache buildings
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#I wish all flat earthers and “truthers” a very die#very very annoyed by a video a friend sent me about Chicago#where this idiot claimed the 1893 worlds fair was how Chicago looked BEFORE the great fire#but famously that happened AFTER THE FIRE#IT WAS A PRETTY BIG FUCKING DEAL THAT IT HAPPENED AFTER THE FIRE#plus all those pretty (and white mind you—that’s not lost on me) building he shows and alleged were permanent structures#were quite literally and again famously not permanent#they were basically paper mache buildings#meant to last only the duration of the exposition 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃#and famously were left to rot#like#come on man this shit isn’t even hard and is not even slightly obscured in history#like you wanna say the Statue of Liberty looks like a painting of Lucifer…. sure#that’s not like…. provable I guess#(it’s sorta dumb but who doesn’t have dumb little pet theories sometimes)#but this shit is verifiable facts and isn’t obscured because all of it was a Big Deal#also he acts like the golden statue from the exposition is still around and it very much is not#and I know this sounds like I’m mad specifically about the Chicago thing#(which tbf I am p mad about because the exposition and Chicago history in general are some of my special interests)#but like he also has a video like this about new york and how it’s big apple nickname is satanic#and has flat earther as his name#like I just know he’s spreading wild misinformation and lies about so much shit#and it makes me TRULY angry#so like yeah I’m mad about the Chicago thing but that’s because I KNOW THE STUFF#I KNOW HES WRONG#AND I HAVE DONE THE RESEARCH TO KNOW HES WRONG#but what if someone else out there comes across literally any of his other videos and doesn’t know this stuff? a kid maybe?#someone in the right place mentally to be radicalized into this shit?#it just breeds more of it and I wish we would do something about this shit but idk what could be done#other than censorship but that’s just a whole other can of worms
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A Night To Dismember
Pairing: Michael Myers x Fem!Reader
TW: Detailed Gore, Mentions of Murder, Mentions of Sexual Assault [Not by Michael], Slightly Possessive Michael, Protective Michael, Mature Audience only!
A/N: Requested by my bestie @prettywhenibleed! I really hope you enjoy this and it was an absolute pleasure to write this for you!! Love you, my favorite slasher whore! ❤️ This isn't my best work, I'm afraid, forgive me.
The Smith's Grove Sanitarium operated according to a schedule that was consistently set in motion without interruption. No authorized doctor employed by the sanitarium, however, would have foreseen this. Medical specialists thought they were completely familiar with Michael Myers' behavior. He was docile and kept to himself, despite being the most dangerous and threatening patient in the hospital.
But if you left him alone, there was a chance he would treat you in a similar fashion. The sole exception would be if touching his masks or otherwise bothered him. Even being among other patients was something he never enjoyed.
You were a new patient, recently exiled from society and your family because of your dreadful infatuation with fire and burning objects of interest. Your arrival left the building in absolute shock. On your first day, you were assigned to the recreation room. When you entered the room, your initial instinct was to walk over to the largest and most dangerous man within the sanatorium while grinning brightly. You only watched him work on a paper mache mask while standing over his hunched figure in the corner of the room, his hospital-approved supplies scattered along the table.
You thought the colors were stunning, which you happily expressed.
As a precaution against Michael harming you, guards stood by the recreation room's entrance wielding batons. Michael, on the other hand, did the exact opposite, giving you a cursory glance before grunting and slackly pointing for you to sit next to him.
It was like you and Michael had your own timetable inside the sanitarium, and this went on for the next few months without fail. As directed by his psychiatrist, Michael was permitted to create his masks in the recreation area in the mornings. You would follow not far behind and take your normal seat beside him at a table chosen at random, apart from the other patients. You would merely watch him create his masks and ramble about whatever was on your mind. Michael never responded to the conversation, but that didn't stop you from talking to him because he had his own style of doing so without words. You have grown accustomed to deciphering his thoughts from his basic grunts and gestures.
"Hey, Mikey." You said with a smile, taking a seat at your usual spot next to Michael's side, placing your tray of food onto the table.
Michael was in the middle of placing wet paper mache on the face mold for his mask, his fingers caked in colors of paint and residue from the paper mache. He paused for a moment, giving you a small grunt as acknowledgement before returning to his activity.
You smiled more, chuckling at his usual ways of communicating as you watched him craft. You've always been interested in his masks and the variety of patterns he would use for each one. Many of his masks had their own unique qualities. However, you knew to only look, not touch.
"I see you're adding bright colors this time; are those happy pills finally working?" You teased him, nudging him softly with your body.
Michael huffed through his nose, which you learned was his way of chuckling as he shook his head at you. In the past, It took a while, but you had a better understanding of Michael's gestures and emotions than the doctors.
Simply because you treated him like a person, not an experiment.
"Maybe next time then." You replied, turning towards your tray before glancing at his project once more. "You're really good at that, Mikey. You're really talented."
Once again, Michael paused his movements, his stained fingers holding the paper mache while his eyes remained downcast. His fingers twitched before he resumed, and you almost thought you said something wrong.
"I didn't mean-"
You were cut off as Michael grabbed another mold from the table, pushing it in your direction. Your eyes widened slightly as you pushed your tray out of the way as Michael's slow movements brought other materials in your direction.
Still in slight awe, you watched him turn towards you, and your eyes connected through his favorite orange mask. You couldn't help the way your heart skipped a beat at the way his eyes stared into your own, seemingly piercing into your own soul.
The doctors were wrong; his eyes weren't soulless, nor were they black, resembling a massive void of nothingness. They were blue, similar to a clear sky or the glimmering waves of the ocean.
He huffed before pointing a finger at the materials and then towards you. He wanted you to mold with him.
"Thank you, Mikey." You said softly, a bright smile on your face.
When your eyes met Michael's, he was unable to comprehend the sensation in his chest. Usually, when his sight fell on their figures, individuals would tremble or turn away. He wasn't concerned by their fear of the facility's most dangerous patient. He actually benefited from the fear he instilled in the hearts of many who came to the sanitarium.
Yet you didn't...and he liked that.
He liked that you weren't scared of him, speaking to him, or even touching him like you've been these past few months. The thought of you being scared of him made him feel...hollow.
When you started working on your own mask using the materials that were laid out on the table, Michael couldn't help but covertly place a palm on his chest to feel how his heart was refusing to settle down. He almost wanted to groan in annoyance, hating the way he liked being around you and having your attention.
He had been content with his solitude for a long time, He preferred being alone and had been for many years. However, the notion of you leaving him made the murderous itch inside him threaten to resurface.
He decided that he would keep you with him, protect you with everything he has, and extinguish anyone who threatened to ruin that. With darkened eyes, he returned to working on his mask.
On that day, you and Michael became closer.
You weren't born yesterday and you certainly weren't born stupid. Trouble was afoot in the institution and it was either happening under the doctors' noses or they simply didn't care enough to investigate. Over the past week, you would hear feminine screams down the hallway in the women's section of the institution during the late hours of the night. Last night, the screams could be heard two doors down from your room.
The screams and cries began when a new guard was appointed to the institution, supposedly replacing a well-known guard who was at the age of retirement. Due to your paranoia, you would sit on the edge of your bed, watching the door in the chance of someone entering your room when they weren't supposed to.
During the days, you would spend all you could with Michael, hoping that your association with him would make you seem off limits to mess with, or you hoped. Yet, Michael couldn't protect you when the sun went down and the men and women would return to their respective cells on opposite sides of the institution.
Tonight, you were following the same routine, sitting on the edge of your bed and watching the door. Your mind was in shambles, trying to come up with a plan in that chance, that horrid chance of the new guard coming for you. You hoped it wasn't what you were thinking, and for once, you prayed.
God never heard your prayers, and he certainly didn't now, especially when the jingling of keys were heading down the hallway, towards your room.
Michael couldn't sleep and when he couldn't sleep, he would simply pass the time by creating more masks or painting designs onto them. He was sitting at his desk, the surface covered in paper mache, markers, paint, and crayons. He was in the middle of adding a touch of red when he heard the distant sound of screaming.
His annoyance was disguised under his mask as he sighed and tightened his grip on the crayon in his hand to the point that it almost broke in half. He puffed again at the commotion and went on, indifferent to the screams. Perhaps a patient was making a scene during the nightly check-ins.
In order to block out the noises, Michael withdrew within the walls of his mind. It was a way that allowed Michael to escape freely from the confinement of his cell. He would always imagine a life outside the institution, with you. He would imagine the way he would protect you and provide for you. The thought used to sicken himn, but now he enjoyed it, the possibility. The sound of keys jingling, seemingly opening his cage, caused him to pause, though. With a loud crash, the cell door swung open, and shouting could now be heard outside of his room.
"Want some, freak?" The guard asked him in an mocking manner while Michael remained at his desk, his back to the guard. Michael immediately understood what the guard was pulling when he heard the feminine screams and intended to ignore it.
He continued to ignore his surroundings, ignoring the rage building within his chest. The sound of his bed creaking didn't deter him from continuing on with his activity. However, it all changed when the victim screamed one word.
Your trapped figure on his bed, with your nightgown pushed up so that only your thighs were visible, caught Michael's attention as his head whirled around. Your eyes were filled to the brim with tears, which streamed down your cheeks as you sobbed and struggled. His eyes quickly shifted to the guard hovering over you, and he developed tunnel vision instinctively.
A ferocious roar erupts from Michael's mouth and takes hold of the guard by the neck and collar of his shirt, throwing him off balance. In the midst, you shakily brought yourself to a sitting position, fixing the bottom of your nightgown to cover yourself. Your eyes watched as Michael picked up the guard, pinning him to the wall with eerie silence. The man in his grasp was yelling in pain and fear as Michael kept him pinned, his legs dangling in the air.
"L-Let go! Let go, you fucking punk!" The guard cried out.
Michael did not like that, not at all. Without a second thought, Michael hurled him into his desk, his art supplies falling to the ground in a cluster of clangs while the man groaned in pain. Like a predator stalking his prey, Michael's towering form stalked over to the smaller male, his eyes black as night and void of any life or mercy within. His large hand reached out to grab the same red colored pencil,
Michael's next action seemed to be a blur, he body launching onto the guard and stabbing him with the colored pencil, his resiliant strength making the pencil tear through flesh and muscle.
You watched in a sickening twist of fascination and awe, watching as Michael stabbed the guard over and over, leaving no body part untouched, the man;s screams filling the room. Your heart felt warm, knowing that Michael was willing enough to kill someone for you.
Lastly, Michael stabbed him until his chest, stomach, and face was shrouded in punctures, cuts, and wounds. With one last jab, the colored pencil stabbed into his neck, making the man gurgle on his own blood.
"Michael..." You whispered, your eyes taking in his bloodied form as he slowly turned to you, heaving himself up and moving towards you. It was as if he was a trained dog hoping he made his master proud. However, you were nothing of the sort. When he was close enough, you wrapped your arms around him, pressing yourself into his strong form. "Thank you..."
Michael gave a small huff, hesitantly touching your head with his bloody palm, staining your strands with the bodily fluid. Without another word, Michael pushed you away and grabbed your hand, pulling you off the bed and heading towards the door.
"Where we are going?" You asked in confusion, following behind the behemoth of a man down the stark white hallway.
In response, Michael tugged on your hand and you decided to go along with whatever he had in his mind. He saved you after all; even when he didn't have to, he did. It made you feel safe and protected in his presence.
"Alright, Alright." You muttered, your figures turning a corner and out of sight.
Red and white.
Those were the colors you would never forget. The way the walls were coated in blood and bodily fluids of various nurses and guards that laid along the floor in mangled messes.
Michael was strong, very strong. You remembered the way he smashed a guard's skull in with his fingers alone. You shuddered at the thought, crossing your arms and staring at the wall in front of you as you waited for Michael to finish off his last victim. A nurse arriving at the right place at the wrong time as Michael ambushed her, his hands around her throat as he strangled her.
Michael walked over to you, his muffled huffing practically hovering over your ear as he showed you shoes and coat. You stared at the items with a blank expression, wondering what he wanted you to do with these.
He huffed before shaking the items in his hands, motioning the items towards you. You sighed before taking the items with a small smile, throwing on the shoes and coat. You felt the warmth of the fabric soothe your cold figure.
"Thank you..." You muttered softly, looking up at him as he stared down at you.
He couldn't help but think you looked...cute.
He offered you his bloodied hand, which you instantly took and followed him to the exit. You both were finally going to be free and it was all thanks to him.
After a few hours of walking, your feet were beginning to ache and the adrenaline from earlier was wearing off.
After your fifth yawn, Michael stopped in his tracks, turning towards you in the middle of the field. He simply stared at you as you bent forward to rest your hands on your knees.
Michael, I need to rest for a moment. Please my-" Your words were cut off when Michael stormed over to you, grabbing you roughly around the hips, hoisting you into his arms. His arm went around your waist, while the other held your back in a bridal style fashion.
Your eyes widened from his sudden roughness, however you couldn't complain as you basked in his warmth, nuzzling your face in the bloodied fabric of his robe.
"Thank you." You said, closing your eyes and allowing yourself to finally relax for the first time tonight. You didn't notice the way Michael was staring at you in his arms, his darkened eyes filled with something unknown, dangerous...maybe even a little bit of caring.
Silently, he turned and resumed walking through the field, making sure to keep you safe as you began to doze in his arms.
Finally, you were his.
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big fan of the great light!!! do you have any advice for story structure/finding the balance between slow and fast pacing?
so long answer, as usual
I start off by thinking of the Main Points I want to write about, and then fill out from there with Secondary Points. For example, TGL: Main Points (this isn't 100% accurate to the book just a rough example) - WoodClan and CreekClan go to war; a nuclear bomb is dropped - The cats are split up, but find each other by a badger sett - Radiation sickness sets in while trying to find their friends - The cats decide to leave to find their Clan Is the basic plotline, and then i fill it out with moments I want, I'm calling these 'Secondary Points', these are what needs to happen to allow the 4 Main Points above ie for the First point to happen, the Clan needs to be introduced and the setting developed so; - introduce Pinepaw and those closest to her, her mentor, her sister, - introduce the war between the Clans - give Pinefrost a motive to hate WoodClan (her mother's death) and reject her pacifist wishes - hint at the human war with various planes, barbed wire, and soldier mentions So I made a timeline of Apprenticeship > Warrior > Bomb, adding scenes that served a purpose (Secondary Points) and those I deem necessary; introducing a character like Blackwillow as mysterious but distant from his Clan by having him appear on the riverbank, showing Chestnutspike and Ouzelheart's relationship, showing CreekClan's buildup to war and training, showing Pinefrost as a rash, impulsive, but curious, young cat by introducing her as runnign away from her duties to explore the forest (with her friend who wants to impress her). "Necessary" scenes in WaCa fic are stuff like 'this is the medicine cat' 'this is her warrior ceremony' 'this is Clan life and hunting and patrolling', so mileage will vary on your story. When it comes to "fast vs slow" pacing, I'm not sure. I think by starting with the Big Points and whittling down, you can keep the story going- and Story also includes character moments - the "break" in TEW where the cats are in the House also explores the ruined city and affects of the bomb, gives Cuckoopaw and Rutherford some character moments (ie training sessions), not everything is nuclear war 100% of the time. Even if characters are doing something "slow" like walking, or routine hunting, something can happen- character motive reveals, backstory, or just some joking to build relationships, a nice 'break' from the fast 'something happening all the time'. I like to think back to first arc warriors were something happened every chapter (Dangerous Path - Tigerstar is revealed as ShadowClan leader, then Whitestorm reports smelling dogs, then Fireheart bumps into Greystripe in RiverClan, then Cinderheart gets 'pack pack kill kill', then Fireheart observes Snowkit acting weird, then Bluestar refuses to make new warriors, all in the first five chapters; all these are tied up by the end; vs the newer books were to me, it feels like a whole lot of nothing happens in between each chapter)
Later, I'll end up going back and adding things once I know how the rough outline goes- ie once Flaxstripe ran away from the Clan, I went and added some scenes of him being selfish and self-serving- I think it's best to get the skeleton and then paper mache on the meat of the story. 'Slow' pacing is where nothing happens (ala Stevie King where he drones on and on about advertising or some 'scary' childhood story with no relevance to the plot), as long as you are providing some information- be it plot, character beats, 'a nice break', or some fun. Eg, if a character is walking home, that's not very interesting just describing the path home, think of why you're describing it- are you setting up their home route or have we been here before and could skip it with a brief 'and she went home' mention? Is she daydreaming about the awkward goodbye she just had, or her plans for tomorrow, or marveling over the simple beauty of her walk home?
It depends on what you are going for, but if you start small and go big, it works itself out
#i hope this is somewhat... illuminating#start small and go bigger#if it helps i literally use bullet points#thank you for the ask!#writing advice
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Making Junker Queen’s Mythic Skin Knife :3
(and how i make halfway-decent cosplay weapons for potentially zero dollars !)
You can check my “nyx cos” tag for the other two weapons i’ve made so far!
Thought it’d be fun to share my very scrappy craft process without good quality EVA foam/worbla/and the like. First time I made D.Va’s gun it was actually zero dollars because I used crap I already had lying around, so if you have basic craft supplies, you can totally do something like this without splurging on anything else! Plus it’s super fun !!
I quite literally grab screenshots of the front/back/sides of the weapon I’m trying to make, blow it up to size on my PC monitor, tape a piece of paper over it and trace it directly from there. Otherwise, you can trace it digitally + print it out to size. If it’s a bigger weapon or has distinct components you’ll probably have to split it into parts/make multiple copies.
Overwatch is great for this because you can actually very easily get a 360 view of every weapon from the hero gallery. Otherwise, there’s usually a 3D model available for any game weapons you can find online.
Always save boxes!!!
Box Cutter
Craft Foam
And I mean that cheap, kid’s craft foam you use in elementary school.
Apparently Michael’s has “holiday themed” packs of foam sheets that are nothing special, just a relevant color. But that means they go on sale right after that holiday and you can get a 15 pack of 9 x 12 foam sheets for $3. Apparently white is a Christmas color!
Hot Glue
Mod Podge/White Glue (for Paper Mache)
Acrylic paint, spray paint, whatever ya got. Hell, I even used pink nail polish for D.Va’s gun because I didn’t have a good pink paint color. Aside from the fumes, works well enough!

I make the base layer out of cardboard, cutting it out by directly tracing the blueprint I make. For the knife, it was a lot simpler, since it’s mostly a flat blade, but same logic for guns, you just have to really think about the different components + layers.
Then I use the craft foam + hot glue to build on top of that + for any details! Since the cheapo foam you get is usually 2mm foam, it doesn’t really hold its own shape, hence the cardboard. I’m pretty sure the nicer EVA foam I see cosplayers use is a lot denser + can come thicker, so with that you could probably make the whole thing out of foam and have nicer edges.
Speaking of the blade’s edges, these were trash. Get a sharper blade T-T Every time I try to get a rounded/bevelled edge by carving the edge of the foam, it comes out flaky. I think the way this foam is, it’s just too soft to get a clean angled cut out of. I ended up just kind of scraping the blade across the edge in an attempt to vaguely angle it thinner on edges. Which, for guns and not a knife blade, ends up fine with the next step, but for this… it definitely could’ve used a cleaner edge. Sooo maybe DO use better materials if you’re making a dagger LMAO
BUT for the most part, however ugly/flaky/messy your foam is will not matter much because…

Paper mache!! Basically, I just needed some way to smooth everything out, get rid of foam seams, cardboard edges, etc. And it works! Also makes it pretty satisfyingly sturdy. I use old college homework as scrap paper + mod podge because it’s what I had on hand. Regular watered down white glue is surely cheaper, tho I’m not sure how much different the finish/structure will be. I’ll probably try that at some point!
Most important thing after this, though, is sanding it. As you can tell, all the paper edges are really obvious, so the one thing to actually buy here, if you don’t have it, is sandpaper. I didn’t have it when I made D.Va’s gun, and you can tell. I found a small variety pack of 80-320 grit sandpaper for around $7 I think (you can prob find cheaper), and it’ll last me quite a few projects! Those grits work pretty great, too, you definitely need to get up to a pretty fine one for it to be nicely smooth.

Not sure how well this comes across in a picture, but: sanded! And really take your time sanding, you want these things as smooth as you can get it so it actually looks good when you paint it. Also, wear a mask!! Do not breathe in paper + glue dust!!
After sanding it, I brushed on another layer of (matte! so paint actually sticks to it) Mod Podge just for an extra smooth base layer. Not sure how necessary it is, since I didn’t do it on my last gun, but I think it helped? lol

After that, it’s just painting time!! I grabbed cheap acrylic paints from Michael’s and went to town. The only thing I’d say you really have to choose with care is metallics. Apparently, a decent silver is a lot easier to find in acrylics than gold! Even then, there’s probably better options than what I used, but I think it looks decent enough.
I had a sealer spray paint from a different project, so I’ve just been using that to seal everything. It’s not the greatest choice, since it’s a glossy finish, it’s.. really glossy. I don’t mind it personally, but depending on what you’re making, mayyybe don’t pick a glossy one lmao.
And there you have it!! Cheapo prop weapons! I hope this was mildly intriguing or possibly helpful. I love me some cheap crafting and I encourage everyone to do cheap crafting. So fun!!
#no but seriously why is worbla so expensive#nyx cos#overwatch#overwatch 2#overwatch cosplay#cosplay#prop weapon#cosplay props#cosplay tips#junker queen
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how did you make the fish? i love it!
hi! the fish is made from corrugated cardboard and takeout napkins that i had laying around. i wish i would have taken photos of the process (and i’m actually working on another fish that i intended to take step by step photos for but also forgor </3).
gonna put this under a read more bc it got a little long

my goal was to make basically a taxidermy fish. these were my kind of inspo photos


i basically started with a fish shape like if you cut a fish in half medially (along it’s spine) and cut that out of cardboard. then i cut out half circles/ovals to create the curvature of a fish and hot glued them to the fish shape. i did maybe five or six, so there’s def gaps between them. for the tail, i kind of built it up out of small rectangles bc half circles weren’t working. then i used rectangular strips of cardboard running laterally along the fish (from nose to tail) to create a basically smooth surface (ie no gaps between the half circles). it ended up looking like this

it doesn’t have fins, bc i added them later. to create the curvature of the head, i used smaller pieces. then i cut out another semicircle for the gills and glued that on. this next bit is optional, but i still had some gapping that i didn’t like, so i took strips of painters tape and applied them laterally to smooth out the fish. i applied a lot on the tail bc i wasn’t super happy with the shape, so i used that to build it up a bit. then took the fast food napkins and mixed up some white glue with water, put small pieces of napkin on the fish, and used a paintbrush to put the glue over the napkin to kind of paper mache it. that gave me a pretty smooth surface. the fish is still pretty bumpy, and if you care more, this is the step you can get it a lot smoother. i then let it dry overnight. in the morning, i hit it with some white/base spray paint to prime it (again this is optional) and started painting it. i just used acrylics. i then added the fins. i added them last bc i didn’t want to have to paint the base around them and i didn’t want to paper over them bc i wanted a sharper look that i felt i couldn’t get with the napkin over them. i added a plaque to get closer to those fish taxidermy photos above and added a littler plaque that i spray painted gold and wrote the common and scientific name.
and there he is! the colors and proportions are all very cartoony bc i didn’t measure or trace anything. i just kinda cut until i liked the shapes. i like how it turned out for the rainbow trout, but i’m working on a king salmon that just looks really silly bc the proportions are so weird.
i hope this helped, and if you make a fish/other cardboard sculpture, let me know!! i would love to see it


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It is.... a lot, right off the bat, enough to surprise him, when so many of his friends and acquaintances were basically made of walls. But he doesn't mind, and he nods at the right parts in the story, so Jonas can be sure he's listening. He isn't sure Jonas cares if he's just being polite or if he really truly listens to him, but he does so all the same, giving him the space to iron out some of those frustrations. Sometimes you just needed an ear, and the guy sounded miserable, and honestly it didn't bother him any.
The problems are real, he doesn't doubt they'd be rough on anyone. But they're so..... mundane, it was almost a relief. Even with this anchoring, despondent sorrow vicing at his chest, it feels manageable this time.
He takes the card and reads it when Jonas flicks it his way, though a frown makes it's way to his face at the precursor words to its delivery. It settles further as Jonas finishing speaking, especially at the paper-mache smile. His lips pinch at one corner with how tight they pull downward, though it's still only half as far as his brows manage to furrow. "Hey man, no need to put yourself down like that. If I couldn't handle listening, I would've stopped you. And you didn't say much about yourself really, just what's been going on. And it sounds like a shit situation to be in, so you got my sympathies."
Artair taps for a few seconds on his screen as he speaks, before slipping into a focused silence. Damn, no uber or lyft drivers out this late, but that isn't the biggest surprise. He does manage to find a phone number for a cab service, though. The price-tag might make things a bit more of a squeeze, but he has the wiggle room.
At least he doesn't need to call someone with their site-- they have a form for an address to pick up from, and while he's not exactly sure where he is, the street sign is nearby, and there's a bustop. He mentions that they'd be seated there in the 'notes' section of the form, and sticks in what he does know. city of Glass Springs, street of Abernathy Boulevard. It autocompletes with most of the address save a number. He motions for Jonas to follow him as he moves, bee-lining between the bus stop and the buildings behind it.
"It's nice to meet you, Jonas," He continues once he's sure Jonas is following, "And you've come to the right person, sorta. More like I found you, I guess." He chuckles.
"But anyways, keep your twenty. We'll get you to Vegas by the morning, alright?" Artair glances over his shoulder at him, with an appraising look. "Look, it's like--- you sound like you're in the hole, right? I can sympathize. Especially when it comes to money stuff, that was my life for a long time. I personally know it's not gonna get easier to get out of if you dig it deeper, which is... pretty much what finding a bar would be. That's giving up. It'll be better in the long run for you, if you can figure out how to climb on out. Even if it's one baby step at a time. We gotta find the little ways to keep going until something good comes of it."
Artair pauses, noting the number on the building. He adds it to his phone, and sends the request out. A giant green check flashes over his screen to show it's received, and the webpage shifts to one showing the location of the cab, presumably at whatever place they start at. "....And that's easier if you have someone to help pull you out, even just a smidge. So." He wheels on Jonas, offering him what he hopes is an inviting smile. "Instead of drinking, how about this? I found you a cab, and it should show up near here. How about we sit on that bench at the bus stop over there. Then you can drop that smile we both know you don't really feel, and maybe if you want to, you can tell me more about what's on your mind? I wouldn't mind listening. And we'll have a while to wait for anything to show up. It might be nice to get stuff off your chest where you can like--- process things, right? And who better to talk to than a neutral third party that you might never have to talk to again?"
" I don't...trust that I'd be that lucky after these past few weeks," the other man groaned as he finally turned around and got to his feet, slogging over to where Artair stood. " Y'just ever like...I dunno. Have one bad thing after another pile up on you to the point you kinda wonder what you did to piss off the universe in general? It's kinda like that. " He dug around in his outlandish looking jacket and pulled out his phone, showing Artair the black and badly cracked screen.
" I got the text that I had gotten the brunch job after all right? After I had overdrawn my credit card to come all the way out here to Glass Springs on the promise of another gig which...fell through. So then! I got so excited I dropped the phone. So of course I realized too late that the last bus was getting ready to leave and I fuckin' run and realized I dunno where my wallet is, right, with my return tickets. I've got two days to come up with money enough to pay for my current hotel room back in Vegas or the casino owner threatens to kick me out 'cause apparently the automatic payment through my other credit card didn't go through, right? I'm just saying...I've got mmm twenty dollars to my name and drinking myself stupid in a bar seems like a pretty reasonable solution at one in the morning, " he said in a weary voice. He paused and then mumbled, " Sorry. I don't usually vent to a complete stranger, I could at least introduce myself first right? "
With a gesture more despondent than dazzling, he made a card appear between his fingers and handed it to Artair. It read " Jonas Copperhart. Magician For Hire! Lounge acts and private parties available. " His number was displayed underneath.
" Also that card gets you a free trip to the all you can eat shrimp bar at twelve casinos off the Strip ... it's on the other side there..." he pointed out. He glanced up at the sky. " But that's enough about me, God, you gotta be sick of it now. Sorry, sorry. I'll change the subject. "
Just like that he brushed his hair out of his eyes again and gave Artair a smile that was a bit too wide for the way he'd been acting earlier. Close up, there were a few more obvious things about his character: he dressed in the tacky typical way of a performer, he had freckles, brown eyes and shadows under said eyes which indicated sleep was probably not a constant companion of his. Also he was fuckin' short. " What's your name? You a tourist headed to Vegas or Reno or something? "
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Built a 100% homemade Gamzee Makara cosplay for Halloween this year and I'm happy to report my mother was apparently quite upset I wound up going to the grocery store like this :o)
rip to all the spooky Gamzee fans but I literally could not stop smiling for more than 2 seconds with how well this came out so goofy gumbo is what you get, cry about it.
More details about the process under the break
[please reblog, this shit took me forever to make and so much stress]
The Pants
Thanks to YouTube the pants weren't that hard to figure out, but actually making them was the frustrating part as motivation was hard to come by and goddamn getting all those spots on the pants was a pain in my collective ass. They came out really soft and cozy though so I'm using them as pj pants forever now lamo
The Horns
they went through like 3 different prototypes over 4 months. The first ones were about the length of my forearm and made from model magic. You can probably guess what went wrong with those, they were way too bendy with no internal supports and being that long they were a pain to move in as they knocked into everything. After that I tried making some out of paper mache but those wound up looking cruddy and being heavy as all getout so the final attempt was just the same model magic horns at about half the previous length and they worked amazingly as you can see.
The Shirt
The shirt is just a craft store tshirt with fabric paint so that was no sweat but waiting for the paint to dry and adding all the layers took a non negligible amount of time also I've been staring at @starsnores art waaaaay to much lately so I took some scissors to around the collar bc I like the visual storytelling that Gumboat can't put on his shirts without putting holes through em.
The Wig
It's a spirit halloween wig called 'creepy man' or smth I had to cut it to be much shorter and try my hand at styling curls into it which went much better than I thought it would considering it was my first time, but pro tip: Check what strength of hairspray you're buying apparently there's different strengths ranging from loose hold to basically a stone seal.
Final Thoughts/Extras
if/when I end up putting all this on again I'm deffie using regular facepaint instead of the biblically accurate greasepaint, I don't think it came out any better, and good lord is greasepaint just the worst to have on your face for super long.
overall this taught me alot about cosplaying tolls and I'm looking forward to my next build :oD [probbie either going to be sollux or an oc so look out for that ig]
also fun fact one of my neighbors thought i had weird contacts in [I did not, it was just my eyes]
Enjoy some bonus photos for reading about my suffering <3 [the stuffie's name is Karcrab btw]


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My King Dedede Figurine process - Part 1
Before I started, I made a mock-up of the anticipated final product out of play-doh. I did this to get an idea of what kind of size and pose I wanted beforehand.

My actual Dedede figurine began life as three rolled up clumps of tin foil. One small ball for his head, one big ball for his belly, and a flattened piece to fill the space between for his neck and chest. The belly ball is about twice the size of the head ball, the same proportion I use when drawing King Dedede by hand.

I shoved two twisted pieces of decorative wire into the bottom of the belly ball for his legs, and hot-glued them in place. I made another long piece of twisted wire as a “spine”, and glued the belly and chest pieces to it to form his basic body armature. I made the spine jut out slightly on the bottom for a tailbone. I bored a hole into the bottom of the head ball, and left some of the spine sticking out so I could attach it later.

After that, I cut down the leg wires to size, and began building up air dry clay on his belly. I made two large clumps for his feet and skewered them onto the leg wires. Once they were hard and rigid, I put clay between the feet and belly for his legs to make them sturdier. Though not shown here, I put a nail on top of the chest piece, where his shoulders would be, and put glue and clay around it. I pulled it out to leave a hole where I could attach his arms.

About the clay real quick: I used Das air dry modeling clay. It’s pretty malleable fresh out of the package, but once it’s been opened, it tends to become pretty solid and hard to use, even if you keep it in a sealable bag, like I did. I took chunks of it from the package and soaked them in water overnight to make the clay easier to sculpt with. I even soaked some so long that it turned into a wet paste, which I brushed onto the figure with a paintbrush to build up mass and sculpt the smaller, more detailed parts of the figurine. Now, back to my process.
While I waited for that to dry, I began making his arms out of more wire, tin foil, and hot glue, again, leaving wire sticking out at the shoulders that I could glue to the armature later. (Didn’t photograph this part. Oops). I bent them into the shape I wanted before beefing them up a little with hot glue so I wouldn’t have to rely on so much clay. The reason I did the arms separately was so I could get the proportions right. Once I was satisfied with them, I glued the exposed wire to the top of the chest piece. When I was satisfied with their basic shape, I glued the exposed wire into the shoulder holes.

For his robe, I took a piece of thicker copper wire and bent it into the appropriate curve. I glue the ends to his shoulders and bend the rest around his body as needed to outline the trim of the robe.

Also, as you can see here, I used a paintbrush to position his hammer-holding arm and sculpted his hand around that so he’d hold the hammer at the right angle.

I used bath tissue and mod podge to paper mache a flat sheet between his back and the wire. When it hardened, I applied more clay on top to smooth out the folds and lumps.

I started building up mass on his chest, arms, legs, and belly with more wet clay, as well as forming the trim of his robe. It was at this point I started working on his head as well. (Bc Dedede’s headless body was starting to creep me out). I molded some wet clay around his head, and formed the beginnings of his beak out of 3 clay balls, which I then carved a mouth into.


I think that’s a good place to leave off for now. Go eat a snack or something, and then click here for part 2!
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I kinda like the idea of Munakata and Fushimi just doing some elementary science experiments/projects together as a bonding activity, like how little kids would make elephant toothpaste, or volcanoes out of baking soda and vinegar, snow from baking soda and hair conditioner, white flowers turn all colors due to dyed water, building model rockets, growing bacteria in a petri dish, whatever. :D
This would be adorable and I love it. Can you just imagine how excited Munakata would be to try out all these fascinating new experiments, while Fushimi is just getting dragged along in Captain's enthusiasm and watching it all with dead fish eyes (but then imagine he starts getting into it despite himself after all). Like maybe Munakata's niece and nephew participate in a school science fair and they want 'Uncle Reisi' to attend, while there Munakata gets to see all these super amazing science experiments. Of course this being an elementary school science fair it's largely basic kids' stuff like baking soda volcanoes, growing bacteria in a dish, kaleidoscopes made out of chip cans, homemade play dough, all the things that kids usually do in elementary school science class. Except as it happens Munakata himself has never done such things (maybe his school quietly canceled their science fair for a few years until Munakata-kun moved to middle school, they were worried that given the chance he might create a homemade fusion reactor or something scary like that) and now he thinks wouldn't it be fun to bond like we were in school again and do such experiments. He mentions his trip to the alphabet squad and they all reminisce about their own school experiments, Fushimi however just clicks his tongue and says he never bothered with any of that stuff, not noticing how Munakata's glasses suddenly shine in interest.
So then the next day Fushimi is summoned into the common room of the men's dormitory and just imagine him walking in and there's Munakata with a table set up in front of him, Munakata's wearing a lab coat and glasses and rubber gloves and he's got like bubbling beakers of homemade dry ice in front of him and he just looks like a total mad scientist. Fushimi immediately turns around like 'bye' and Munakata calls him back, he's decided that this would be an excellent way for the two of them to bond. Fushimi's like 'no thanks' but Munakata is very insistent, this is part of Fushimi-kun's job as well. Fushimi mutters under his breath 'what part of this is my job' even as he reluctantly returns to where Munakata's standing. Munakata hands him a nice lab coat and some safety goggles (safety first, after all, and Fushimi's just like 'these are experiments for children, Captain'). A couple of the alphabet boys walk by the doorway, see Munakata looking like a children's TV scientist with his gloomy assistant Fushimi, and decide by mutual silent agreement to just keep on walking and pretend they never saw anything.
Munakata starts doing a few experiments and at first Fushimi is totally bored, like he doesn't see why making your own play dough or toothpaste or fake snow is all that interesting. Imagine him slowly getting into it despite himself though, like Munakata decides to do a few 'exploding chemical reaction' experiments that require some precise measuring and Fushimi ends up being at least caught up in it enough that he forgets most of his earlier annoyance. Of course the 'big' experiment is the volcano, Munakata is very excited about his paper mache volcano that he's going to make erupt. He's explaining the science of it all to Fushimi, who's staring at the volcano like he kinda wants to see it explode but also he's getting a sinking feeling about all this. This being Munakata maybe he went a bit overboard, like he knows the ingredients he's supposed to use but that won't make a very realistic volcano and he has a better experiment in mind. This leads to a very loud and messy (but realistic!) explosion, the squad thinks a bomb just went off and they run in to find Munakata standing there with Fushimi behind him and a Blue wall separating them from the volcano that's oozing bubbles and gray sludge and possibly actual lava all over the floor (Munakata assures them that all is under control, which is when Awashima walks in and gives Munakata and Fushimi both a look as she wonders who will be cleaning all this up).
#k project#Talking K#CAPTAIN NO#but also YES#imagine him in a lab coat full scientist#as he excitedly mixes baking soda and flour and food coloring together#filling balloons with water#making things go fizz and pop#he's so delighted by all of it#Fushimi wants to leave but also maybe it's a little interesting#until Awashima makes them all clean up the lava residue anyway
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Oh! To do The TM Thing™, press the Windows key and the . key at the same time and it'll open up a menu like this:
just type in the emoji you want, so like, "tm" or "eyes" or whatever else, and it'll bring up suggestions ^-^
Onto my other answer!
So my whole "static collection of armaments" thing is entirely based around the premise that the rift is static, and that if you have the luxury of other defenses (such as the naval ships like you mentioned, and the jaegers, as much as I hate to give them any level of credit...), you would have more than enough time to:
1 - Research the development of higher powered versions of the plasma cannons they've got on Gypsy Danger 2 - Build hyper-reinforced, static mounts for world-class plasma cannons that are AS LARGE AS the Jaegers themselves, meaning all that space in the Jaegers wasted on mech parts is space that, in these fixtures, would be used for power, amplification, and reinforcement of a singular weapon of epic proportions... 3 - detection systems advanced enough to track, in real-time, the movements of the kaiju directly in the area, not just their general location via satellite, allowing these mounted cannons to fire on targets with extreme precision the instant the breach the rift.
Were the rift capable of moving and changing positions, a fully mobile set of turrets, launchers, cannons, whatever else on a ship would be undeniably best practice.
But with it being static, wouldn't the best option be one that:
Does not require 24/7 man-powered operation
Does not require (relatively) frequent refueling/resupply runs
Does not risk human lives with every encounter
Maintains constant vigilance with or without input
Maybe a hybrid system would be better though? Static armaments surrounding the rift on all sides to catch any kaiju that breach the rift, with regular patrols scheduled to make the rounds starting ~4 or 5 hours prior to the expected rift breach, and ending 4-5 hours after the expected rift breach, to allow for errors in the estimated times, and to provide extra force if the static cannons fail for whatever reason.
That way, they have the first wave of defenses in the form of the static cannons, automated and serving as the first line, followed by the second wave if it's needed in the form of a mobile artillery that can move and respond to threats that get away from the rift.
On the note of the aliens drip-feeding kaiju, they explain it -partially-, as being that the kaiju they've been sending were not a militant force; they were sent to gauge the survivability of the atmosphere, which is what the cat-1, cat-2, and cat-3 kaiju were.
It wasn't until the cat-4 kaiju (and the eventual cat-5) were sent that they were putting forth any real effort. The cat-4 and 5 kaiju were "exterminators", sent to treat the "pests" that were stopping the aliens from moving in.
It was never a military operation from the perspective of the aliens; it was more akin to checking out a new house and then calling pest control to deal with a roach infestation.
Which, sure, I guess that explains the lax level of attacks they were sending, but it's still a bit odd that they wouldn't send more of them, given they knew (thanks to hive mind stuff) exactly what they were up against.
In a way I guess that human incompetence was the saving grace then; the kaiju kept seeing that humans were only fighting back with mechs of relatively low effectiveness (seriously, some of their basic environment scouts were winning), and the mech fights were getting less and less frequent, with humanity focusing efforts on a wall that, to them, was about as effective a defense as the walls of a beehive are to a dragon's breath round from a shotgun 5ft away.
So they never saw nuclear weapons, or anything more effective than the piddly little gear the mechs came with, and the, effectively, paper-mache wall being built.
Which is ultimately what ruined them; they didn't expect nuclear weapons cause humans never used them until sending one into the rift.
I dunno. Thoughts?
I owe you an apology
I watched Pacific Rim last night
That movie single-handedly taught me every reason for hating mechs and the issues with a society that sincerely believes they are the best option for advanced warfare with a (biologically) physically superior opponent.
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Hetalia family week day 3: Surprise
My third entry for @hetafamilyweek
There's this Dutch tradition called ‘surpise’. Basically, during the holidays people buy small gifts for each other and put them in a ‘surprise’ based on the other person's interests. For example, someone who's really into drawing can receive a giant pencil made with a PVC tube and paper-mache, with gifts like drawing pencils and markers in it. For more examples, search for ''surprise papier mache''.
You’re not supposed to know who has picked who for the gifts (as you draw lots) and you can also make a poem to go with it. Up until this point, the siblings don't know who had picked who.
Willem = Netherlands
Femke = Belgium
Laurent = Luxembourg
Translations at the end!
Look, when Willem convinced his siblings to do this with him, he didn’t see a reason for any rules. Which was stupid, because of course his siblings managed to be nuisances even when simply exchanging gifts.
As Willem mourned his now glittery carpet (that stuff will never go away again, he'll probably have to buy a new carpet. He should send Laurent a Tikkie, since it was his gift that had caused this monstrosity in the first place), Femke was busy laughing her ass off. Typical.
''You're buying me a new carpet,'' Willem said when he finally managed to get over the shock that came with a sudden explosion of glitter. How on earth Laurent had managed to build a glitter bomb inside of a tulip made of paper, Willem would never know.
''Aww, don’t be like that, Willy!'' Femke said.
''That's easy for you to say, Fem, this isn’t your carpet.''
''Come on, it’s just glitter-''
''’Just glitter’? Fem, dat klotespul gaat nooit meer uit m'n tapijt!''
''Just open the rest of your gifts, alright? We can worry about the glitter later,'' Laurent said, effectively cutting off the argument that would have started otherwise.
''Fine, fine,'' Willem said, before digging through the quite frankly unreasonable amount of glitter, trying to find his gifts. When he finally found them, he tried to get most of the glitter off the wrapping paper, to no avail. Sighing, he gave up on trying to get the glittery mess under control.
''Come on, open them!'' Laurent said, clearly impatient. Rolling his eyes, Willem opened the nearest present. A sketchbook and some pencils fell out. Letting out an appreciating hum, he moved onto the next gift. This one had some tubes of paint and brushes. It wasn't much, but it was personal and that was what counted. Willem loved it.
''Thanks, broertje,'' he said, ruffling Laurent's hair with a glitter-covered hand. Laurent grinned.
''Alright, me next!'' Femke cheerfully said. She twisted around and got a giant paper dog from behind the couch, closely resembling Pelutze. Laurent was already looking exited as he gingerly took the dog from Femke.
When he had finally figured out where the gifts were hidden (in its belly), Laurent stuck his hand in, exited for the gifts. As soon as he did, however, his face showed nothing but disgust, as he quickly took his hand out.
''Femke, wat ass dat?!'' he screeched, as Femke started laughing. His hand was green and slimy. Willem groaned. Great, slime. Was he the only sane sibling?
The answer turned out to be yes, as Laurent scooped up more of the slime and threw it at Femke, who squealed. In return, she reached over to Willem's tulip and scooped up some glitter that was inside of it. Before he could stop her, she had already thrown the glitter at Laurent.
''Godverdomme, stop-'' was all he could say before the slime hit him in his face. Oh, it was on. Scooping up more of the glitter, trying (and failing) not to get any more of the atrocity on the carpet, he quickly made his way over to Laurent.
''No, wait! Please, have mercy!''
''Hmmm, let me think. No, sorry broetje,'' Willem said, not sounding sorry at all as he dumped the glitter on top of Laurent.
''I'll never get this out of my hair and clothes again, what the fuck Willy!''
''Serves you right, you asshole. First getting glitter on my carpet, then throwing slime at me? The disrespect.''
''Come on, Lau, get on with it! Open your gifts!'' Femke said. Huffing, but smiling, Laurent reached into the slime. A few seconds later, he pulled out a gift. He laid it on the table, which happened to be the nearest flat surface not covered in glitter. Reaching into the slime again, he pulled out several more gifts. He then looked at Femke.
''Was that everything?''
''Why, is it not enough?'' she replied with a teasing smirk. Laurent rolled his eyes.
''No, I just don’t feel like touching any more slime for the next century or so.'' Femke giggled at this.
''Don't worry, that was all!''
''Oh, Gott sei Dank,'' Laurent said as he reached over to the nearest gift, which turned out to be a music note necklace. He immediately clipped it on, before moving to his other gifts. Next up was a card deck, decorated with musicians. Next up was a CD from Laurent's favourite band.
''Femke, where did you get this? This is amazing, merci!''
''No problem, Lau! I'm glad you like the gifts!''
''Like them? I love them!''
Naturally, the two of them were now looking at Willem, impatiently waiting for him to give his surprise to Femke. So, he reached behind him and grabbed the gigantic carton waffle. Femke stared at it in awe, mouth agape.
''I thought you were super busy?! When did you make this?''
''I was. Several all-nighters and glue gun burns where faced to make this, but it was worth it.''
''Ge zijt zot, Willem.''
Willem rolled his eyes. ''Just open it. And before you ask, no, there's no slime or glitter in it.''
Femke seemed to pout at that, but quickly found out where the waffle opened so she could reach her gifts. The waffle was filled with shredded paper to make the gifts a bit harder to find, but at least it wasn't as messy as the glitter or slime.
Femke tried to get out all the gifts at once, but it proved futile when she couldn’t fit all of them through the hole in the waffle. When she did get out all the gifts, she made quick work of opening them.
First, there was a bag of cookie cutters in all shapes and sizes. Then, a Delfts blue egg tray and an apron joined the gifts. Lastly, a notebook came out of its wrapping. It was tattered and had lots of other papers sticking out of its pages, making it appear like a journal of sorts.
''Willy, is this... is this your personal cookbook?''
''One of them, yes.'' Femke stared at him, before tearing up and pulling him in for a hug.
''Thank you, I love it!''
''Uh.. Yeah, no problem, Fem,'' he said, awkwardly patting her on the back. Over her head, he shot Laurent a questioning look, to which his younger brother shrugged. Not very helpful, but whatever.
A few seconds later, Femke stepped back, rubbing at her eyes to make the tears go away. Only to pull Laurent close to her and Willem and drag them into a group hug.
Once they pulled back, Femke smiled.
''Let's get this mess cleaned up, shall we?''
Fem, dat klotespul gaat nooit meer uit m'n tapijt! (Dutch) = Fem, that stupid stuff is never getting out of my carpet!
Broertje (Dutch) = little brother
Femke, wat ass dat?! (Luxembourgish) = Femke, what is that?!
Willem, ge zijt zot (Flemish) = Willem, you're crazy
If it wasn't clear, this is who had who:
Willem -> Femke
Femke -> Laurent
Laurent -> Willem
#hetafamilyweek2021#hetalia#aph benelux#aph netherlands#aph belgium#aph luxembourg#hws benelux#hws netherlands#hws belgium#hws luxembourg#fanfic#fanfiction#somerandomdutchfangirl#somerandomdutchartist
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I have many ideas now
Anastasia x reader kind of a first meeting thing? Like they see each other and feel their heart skip a beat or something and then one just goes up and says hi and then
And then also Anastasia taking the reader to meet the sprites and seeing how wonderful they are with her siblings and just 😳😳😳
Sorry I’m no thoughts only Anastasia rn
Finally getting around to this bestie! The lizards are running at mach three around their rocks.
Slow start I think but when i get to the family part i think it goes well.
And I'm trying to use inclusive options for height and such, you'll know it when you see it. Tell me what you think of it!
You had no idea how you had gotten so lucky.
You had been crushing hard on Anastasia from afar, she always carried herself with such distinction and poise, when she walks into a room it's like she owns the place. Her actions, words, even her heavy Schneznayan accent makes her seem like royalty from old books of knightly kings in shining armor.
So when you went up to her, trying to see if you could subtly ask her(read: be painfully obvious in your desperation to be her lover), you expected to be shot down in the same way most people were by her. With the dreaded, "oh you want to be super best friends? Sure!".
You did NOT expect her to literally steam off her skin and turn into a cryosprite.
"I-uh-I would-it be-I-s-sure we can date!" The Sprite barely managed out before fainting into your arms.
(Basically the Story x Anastasia Interaction chain but it ends differently)
And now you're sitting in Wangsheng funeral parlor getting dressed up by Hu Tao who's laughing her ass off.
"Come on Hu, I'm already embarrassed enough here! No need to kill me with it!"
"Well your already dressed for the occasion!"
The you were learning tea ceremony from Zhongli.
"No no, you need to pour it PROPERLY. You know how important this is for Anastasia!"
"Yes sir!"
"...also why do you look like a corpse?"
"Dont ask."
The you were learning how to pour vodka like tea from Venti.
"Look (y/n), even if you don't drink it you have to k no ow how to pour it for her. To my sister, Vodka is far more than just alchohol, it's a means to connect with their best friend. Pour it right, and you'll basically have their heart in your hands."
"This advice doesn't make much sense..."
"Why else do you think I drink dandelion wine?"
"To forget."
"HA! I wish..."
(If your religion or beliefs prevent you from even touching alchohol)
You also ran into Dainsleif.
"I heard you're going to date Anastasia. She's my best friend's daughter so her happiness is extremely important to me, but since you can't touch alchohol it would be a bit difficult to get the perfect date. So I made you these," he handed you a pair of white and real gloves, "they use magnetism-er-a special scientific force to hold alchohol without physical contact."
"How does that-"
He sighed, "Khaen'rian majiks."
And after all that, it was finally time for your date.
Diluc set up a special picnic gazebo out in starsnatched cliff for you two, and Xiangling and Diona were hired to serve you both food.
When you asked Anastasia about why and how such an extravagant date came to be she said that her father had many favors, and even more friends who had favors.
(Ok I have no idea how to write the date. Imagine it how you want, and send a first date prompt if you want. For now, let's skip to introducing you to the family!)
"A-are you sure about this, Anastasia?"
"Of course darling," she says, pulling your head onto her (shoulder/chest/stomach/waist depending on your height), "my dad will love you! My siblings even more so!"
She (brushed bangs out of your eyes/straightened your hair/pet your head/carefully fixed a small wrinkle in your head wrapping) then put a symbol on your hand, "just keep one rule in mind: dont ask for Junior's name."
Suddenly you were sucked into Anastasia's fake vision, which turned out to also be a conduit to a serenitea pot dimension!
As you looked around the floating island, taking in the Inazuman themed furnishings, complete with a rock garden and samurai statues! In the center of it all was a grand building that reminded you of a painting of the ancient, pre-Baal era Inazuma capital.
"Amazing isn't it?" Anastasia said as she took your hand, "reminds us all of home. Come on, let me show you the inside!"
Inside you found her family waiting patiently at a table, with one empty seat...
"Ow!" You responded.
A Dendrodsprite slinkied up your back and on to your shoulder.
"Hmmm, (your blood type), (Teyvat ethnicity), and.....quite familiar with the.....divine..."
"Leafy, sit down. This is an important part of their relationship." Came a commanding voice from behind a paper curtain.
A light shone from behind the curtain causing a cloaked silhouette to appear on it, the silhouette then stood up and walked out from behind the curtain and into the room.
He wore a multicolored cloak going from a hooded and half masked head and extending to just below his knees, and beneath that he wore black colored leather.
"My name is Spritefather, and I do believe you're name is (y/n)." he said.
"Y-yes sir!"
"Oh please no news to be so formal," he says as he tale the seat on the other end of the table from you, in the seat facing him to the door, "call me dad."
The dinner was going smoothly. You were Introduced to Anastasia's siblings, and they all seemed to like you.
Then Spritefather asked, "so, when can I expect grandkids?"
Anastasia spit out her drink, and you choked a bit on your food.
"What? Kids are great!"
(If your infertile, unwilling, or otherwise can't her pregnant despite having the necessary orgaans. And if your afab then you know about Sprites being able to on get women pregnant without the neccessary organs)
"S-sorry sir, but...I'm afraid I can't (get pregnant/get your daughter pregnant). I'm..."
Anastasia speaks up for you. Knowing how uncomfortable you feel about it, "they're (to afraid of pregnancy/infertile/any problem I do not know of that you may have). But they're a great person!"
"Y-yes sir! I may not be able to give you grandkids, but I can give you the happiest-"
"OH SHIT I'M SO SORRY!" Spritefather shouted, crying, "IF I HAD KNOWN I NEVER WOULD HAVE ASKED!"
Spritefather flies towards you and cradles you in his arms, but chances are he's far more afraid of you being upset than you are upset
"It's ok! As long as you make her happy you can date her! And I'm so sorry I made you uncomfortable! You're my lovely child in law and your perfect just as you are!"
He hugged you the entire dinner(unless you asked him to stop).
(If your Afab)
"Well, there's a problem there..."
"Is it about you being a woman? If so that's hardly a problem for Sprites."
"I'm-wait what?"
Anastasia chuckled, "yeah...I was going to tell you eventually....see since we can change forms at will, we don't really have such problems..."
(If your amab or otherwise have the necessary organs)
"I-welll..M-maybe after we-"
"Father, you know how awkward that is to ask!"
"Oh come on. They already knew it was possible, so you can't tell me you never thought of it-"
(If you prefer to adopt)
"Well we were thinking, after we get married," you began.
Anastasia held your hand, "we would adopt."
"That's WONDERFUL!" Spritefather shouted in excitement, "so when's the wedding!?"
I am not quite sure how to continue this. Honestly it's not even my adhd, it's just not really any ideas. It was a bit hard to write for the kids part, as I know reader insert fics are done for self fulfilling fantasies (which is perfectly fine) so I wanted to include scenarios for every type of person I could. And I really hope I didn't leave anyone out.
I hope it was good enough for you story! If you have any extra prompts that'd be great!
(Tagging: @golden-wingseos, @storytravelled)
Also remember, if you want to be tagged just tell me.
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Aphrodite Kallipygos (Zuko x Plus Size Reader) [Modern AU]
Summary: Zuko takes up an art class as part of his therapy and ends up falling in love with a woman who’s a work of art in her own right.
Word Count: 3,500
Disclaimer: There’s a scene in this fic where a couple of thin girls engage in some rude behavior and are criticized in a few none-too-kind words. I want to make it very clear that this scene does not reflect my views of thin people or body positivity - these characters are meant to be a metaphor for greater culture and its strict, unrealistic views of what women should look like.
Author’s Note: I hate rom coms but after writing this fic it dawned on me that I would be excellent at writing them. Also, this one goes out to all my art hoes out there. I geek out pretty hard about art history in this one.
Speaking of which, I reference real-world cultures within the structure of the Avatar universe in this one as well. Something I like to do when I zone out is think about which actual countries would belong to which bending nations; my heritage is primarily from the British Isles, and what with liths like Stonehenge and the hella castles hanging around out there, I think we’d be earth benders - same with cultures like the ancient Egyptians and the Pueblos. I also love the idea of Pacific Islanders who can bend both water and lava, and Incan air benders, and I really wish the idea of global cultures as benders were explored more in the Avatar universe.
Have I mentioned that I’m a massive fucking nerd?
~ Muerta
Zuko never considered himself much of a creative. When he thought about it, he realized that that part of his life had never really been explored; his father always pushed him to focus solely on his bending and combat skills, never allowing even the consideration of other practices or hobbies. As much as Zuko was passionate about the martial arts he'd mastered, he also came to learn that he never had a choice in being passionate about anything else.
“I think you should take an art class,” his therapist suggested. “It would be a good outlet for you, and one that isn't directly influenced by your family.”
“I don't think I've ever drawn anything, though,” Zuko admitted. “I wouldn't be any good.”
“It's not about being good,” his therapist explained, “it's about exploring things that weren't available to you in your youth, freedom of expression. Consider it - there's a shop in this neighborhood that offers classes.”
She handed him a business card adorned with an array of different art styles, from delicate watercolors to bright, bold cartoons; it read, “classes for everything” in a cheerful, clearface font.
Zuko shrugged and pocketed the card. A week later, he was enrolled in a basic studio art course.
He arrived for his first class embarrassingly early, passing under the bell of the shop’s front door twenty minutes before it was scheduled to begin.
The building that housed the shop looked to be older than the rest of the neighborhood around it; the storefront was tiny, with crowded shelves lining each wall and tables and racks wound throughout the center of the space, creating a maze that led to the checkout counter. The room’s ceilings were high, supported by beams in a dark stained wood that matched the floor below. Paper mache sculptures and handmade lanterns hung from the rafters, and the simple, antique plaster walls were decorated with paintings and sketches, likely given by the shop’s clientele. From somewhere in the back, a radio sang folk music, accompanied by the hum of an electric fan.
Zuko wandered through the labyrinthine merchandise displays until he reached the register, where he was met with the single most beautiful sight he may have ever laid eyes on.
You stood behind the counter, leaned over a textbook with a pencil in hand, tapping it back and forth over the pages; you bit your lip in concentration, a few strands of your hair falling loose from the messy knot atop your head and over your cheeks, though you were too focused on your reading to care. An apron bearing the shop’s logo was tied around your waist, emphasizing your body's dramatic curves.
To Zuko, you were gorgeous. He couldn't place what exactly about you allured him; all he knew was that his pulse had quickened to a near dangerous pace.
You looked up at him when you noticed you were no longer alone, flashing him a kind, somewhat distracted smile. He nodded curtly, too nervous to do anything but stare.
“Can I help you?” you greeted him politely.
He cleared his throat, his voice coming out a pitch higher than normal as he spoke.
“I'm here for the art class,” he told you.
You smirked a little, peering down to check the time on your phone.
“It's a little early,” you said. “I was just about to start setting up. You could help me if you want? So you're not so bored while you wait?”
“Yeah,” Zuko mumbled, “yeah, sure.���
You grinned, waving him behind the counter and through a door to the back room. To his surprise, what he expected to be a minuscule stockroom turned out to be a space larger than the actual shop, lined on one wall with massive warehouse windows that poured late afternoon sunlight into the room. Metal shelves and boxes lay haphazardly about, mixed in with a scattering of easels, pottery spinners, canvases, and other art supplies. You directed your guest to a stack of chairs in the corner, instructing him to line them in a half circle in an empty portion of the room while you placed the easels.
“So, do you have a name?” you asked, attempting to make conversation that could drown out the repetitive radio drone.
“Zuko,” he introduced himself.
You stopped what you were doing, fixing him with an awed, slightly amused gape.
“Firelord Zuko?” you wondered.
He blushed, nodding.
“Oh spirits, I'm sorry I didn't bow!” you exclaimed, dropping into a low curtsy. The gesture was mixed with equal parts mirth and genuine respect; Zuko was unsure how to respond, his heart flickering as he watched you.
“I heard you were living somewhere in the city,” you continued after making your own introduction, setting an easel in front of each chair he positioned. “Not into the whole royalty thing?”
Zuko shrugged. He focused on his work, too nervous to look you in the eye.
“Just weird going back there,” he told you. “I don't really want taxpayer money going to making sure I live above my means.”
You leaned against the last chair he set down, smiling warmly at him.
“That's very respectable,” you responded. “Thank you. Y’know, as someone who pays taxes.”
Zuko chuckled softly as you handed him a bin of art supplies, instructing him to set one of each item at every station. He did as he was told, stealing glances at you whenever he was sure you weren’t looking.
“So, uh… do you own this place?” he asked, fumbling over his words.
“Oh, no, this is my professor’s shop,” you replied. “I just work here part time.”
“You’re a student?”
You shook your head.
“Nope. Graduated last year. I work days at the history museum downtown. I also give art history classes here, and help out with the ones Professor Cong teaches.”
Zuko paused, unsure of what else to say.
“... They teach a different type of history just for art?” he asked after a moment.
You laughed, covering your mouth to muffle the sound and apologizing, giving him a little nod as you collected yourself.
“Yes. Some people even get whole degrees in it,” you giggled. “Not that it’s a useful field to learn anything about.”
Zuko shrugged, trying to shake off the embarrassment of sounding stupid in front of such a cute girl; little did he know, you found the question beyond endearing.
“It sounds important,” he contested. “I’ve been meeting historians from all over the world to correct all the propaganda from the past hundred years. It never occurred to me that I would need different historians for art.”
You smiled at him, meeting him where he stood and handing him one of the sketch pads from your bin. His cheeks pinkened, his eyes darting away from yours as he took it and mumbled a “thank you”.
“I like you, Firelord Zuko,” you decided aloud. “My classes are on Wednesdays. You can come if you want - free of charge.”
Zuko nodded, swallowing heavily as he met your gaze once again.
“Thank you,” he replied. “I appreciate it.”
You laughed a little bit, taking his now empty bin and returning both to their place on a nearby shelf. The shop’s bell rang from beyond the threshold and you went back to the front counter, telling Zuko to take a spot wherever he liked. He sat in the front row; wherever he thought he could be closest to you.

For the next five weeks, Zuko attended not only his studio art class, but your art history class, showing up early to each lesson so he could spend time alone with you. Despite the fact that you invited him to sit in, he paid the fee for the second course, not wanting you to go without the extra pay for your work - he found a doodle of a turtle duck on his seat the next time he showed up, the fuzzy little penciled duckling telling him he was a terrible listener, but thanking him anyway (with a heart scribbled in beside the words).
With your guidance, Zuko learned that there was much more to art than just vibrant colors and pretty decoration. Everything in art, it turned out, had significance, each piece and work holding insight into the people and cultures who created it; you spoke passionately about the art of the Egyptians, who used specific shapes and colors in their imagery to tell stories beyond the written word, about the mysteries of prehistoric structures that revealed how early humanity was much more sophisticated and interconnected than considered at a glance, about the symbols that translated and influenced across centuries to shape how each nation, each culture, portrayed themselves into the modern world. He found himself hanging on every word, falling even more deeply enamored with you with each moment he spent with you.
It didn’t take you long - what with the easy, pleasant conversations you shared before classes - to discover that Zuko lived relatively close to you, only two stops away on the local metro. Knowing this, you often saw each other on the days you weren't at the shop, meeting at the station between each of your respective neighborhoods and having coffee or dinner in one of its many cafes, talking about anything and everything and managing to pass several hours together in what seemed like the blink of an eye. You loved being with Zuko, finding the more you did it, the less you wanted your rendezvous to end; you thought about him all the time, getting all kinds of giddy whenever he crossed your mind.
On one of your extracurricular excursions, you and Zuko wandered around the local high street, marveling at the different streetside vendors and dreamily window shopping behind the glass of the upscale boutiques, doing little more than enjoying each other’s company. It was a hot day, and along your way, Zuko stopped at a coffee stand to get you each something cold to drink.
A pretty young woman in line in front of you eyed you up and down, her gaze flicking from between you and Zuko with disgust. She jabbed her slim, graceful elbow into her equally as flawless friend’s side, whispering something in the other woman’s ear as they both glared at you, sniggering cruelly behind flat stomachs and angular, willowy frames.
You sneered at them, making a point of hooking your arm within Zuko’s and pressing your much wider hip against his, the poison of the encounter sinking into your skin and infecting your thoughts. Zuko noticed your change in demeanor immediately, steering you away from the scene as soon as your drinks were served.
“You okay?” he asked, still holding tight to your arm.
“Fine,” you quipped, biting back tears. “Just a couple of pretty bitches proving how fucking hideous they are on the inside.”
“Wait, seriously?”
Zuko halted, pulling you to the side of the street and out of the way of traffic. He lay a hand on your shoulder, the firm, able grasp of his palm somehow making you feel even worse.
“Someone would really make fun of you?” he wondered, outraged and incredulous. “Why?”
You shook your head, smiling defeatedly as your lower lip quivered.
“People have made fun of me since I was a kid, Zu,” you told him, speaking as if he should’ve just assumed it. “I’m fat. You can’t tell me you haven’t noticed.”
“So?” Zuko replied. You were so shocked, you physically leaned away from him, raising your eyebrows. “Yeah, you’re fat. That doesn’t mean you’re not pretty. I… I think you’re really pretty. Gorgeous, even. You’re beautiful.”
You blinked at him, taken aback. He gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze, his eyes never once leaving yours.
“... Did I break you?” he tried after a moment, sounding concerned that it was a genuine possibility.
You laughed, shaking your head in feverish disbelief, attempting to clear the confusion that fogged your battered brain.
“No, I just… Nobody’s ever called me pretty and fat before.”
Zuko shrugged.
“Both are true,” he told you. “I like your body. You look like one of those Greek sculptures. Of the goddesses.”
You stared at him, searching his eyes for any sign of dishonesty or patronization; all you found looking back at you was the clumsily genuine man you were quickly falling in love with.
“... Have I ever told you about Aphrodite Kallipygos?” you asked.
Zuko shook his head, as confused as you had been a few seconds ago.
“She’s a statue of Venus,” you explained. “She’s got her dress raised up over her backside, and when they found her originally, she didn’t have her head; the guy who restored her sculpted it so that she was looking back at herself, admiring her body. There’s even a whole folktale about a pair of brothers who fell in love with two women because they had, like, beautifully fat asses and the town built a temple dedicated to Venus and her butt. The name literally translates to ‘Aphrodite of the Beautiful Buttocks’.”
Zuko chuckled, raising the hand at your shoulder to cup your cheek.
“See?” he said. “Men have worshiped thick, juicy butts since the dawn of time!”
You laughed, your cheeks turning bright red as you buried your face in your hands, leaning forward to rest your forehead on his chest and further hide yourself.
“Zuko, oh my god,” you breathed. “Promise me you’ll never say that out loud in a public setting ever again, please. You’re the fucking Firelord for Tui’s sake.”
Zuko chuckled, wrapping an arm around your waist and hugging you tightly.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, still grinning. “Made you feel better, though.”
You pulled away from him, affectionately punching him in the shoulder. He laughed, gasping at you in mock reproach before pressing a finger into your side, shocking you with a burst of static electricity; you cackled as you jumped away, sticking your tongue out at him.
Zuko felt a rush of lightheadedness as he watched you, savoring the sound of your laugh and the radiance of your smile. It was then he realized he was in love with you.

The next studio art class focused on model drawing - more specifically, a nude model. Zuko, having been raised in what was arguably the most reserved family in the world, was nervous about the idea of having to sit in front of a stranger for an hour, not only staring at their naked body, but immortalizing it in graphite on a page.
He was mortified when he arrived at the class and found you sitting in the corner, wrapped in nothing but a silk dressing gown.
As you climbed the platform you were meant to model on, your limbs rattled. You began to question your sanity, wondering what you thought you were doing offering to pose for the class, what kind of statement you thought it would make. You faced enough judgement from others about your weight with your clothes on - what the hell did you think they would do when you stood before them completely naked, every bump and crevice on full display for them to gawk at and criticize?
You glanced to the side at Professor Cong, seeking some sort of assurance or comfort from him; he, being the seasoned professional in his mid-sixties that he was, sat reclined in a chair in his Hawaiian shirt and flip flops, scrolling totally undisturbed through Pinterest on his phone. Honestly, you expected no less - his obtuse reactions in the face of the awkward and uncomfortable were basically a superpower.
Taking a deep breath, you untied the knot holding your dressing gown together and let it fall, slipping gracefully from your shoulders and to the floor. You assumed a comfortable, classic pose, purposely facing yourself away from the man whose eyes you could feel searing into your back.
Zuko’s breath hitched as he watched you undress. Though he only saw the full of your body for a moment, he was captivated. The swell of your breasts and curve of your stomach sent him into a dizzy spell, his mouth going dry and his skin heating with a noticeable flush. The rolls of your back, the ripples and divots along your thighs and rump, the stripes etched into your skin like the veins through a granite block, he drank in every part of you, moulding every detail with a focused hand as he sketched. He made note every scar and beauty mark. Once or twice, his mind drifted towards the salacious, imagining how your body would feel beneath his, soft and supple, releasing exalted breaths and enraptured moans, your nails dragging down his back as he drove you closer and closer to infinity…
He inhaled sharply, snapping himself back to his work. You were Venus, Minerva, Diana - a goddess among men. He would gladly spend the rest of his life worshiping you.

The moment the class ended, you gathered your dressing gown and made a beeline for the employee bathroom, getting back into your clothes as quickly as you could physically manage. The experience of nude modeling wasn’t nearly as harrowing as you expected it to be; you actually found it kind of freeing, being able to show yourself to a room full of other people and come out of it unscathed, in fact feeling quite beautiful - what had you nervous was the fact that you’d have to face Zuko immediately after the fact, seeing as you took the train home together after classes. His was the only opinion you cared about, and you wanted nothing more than to convince yourself that he hadn’t judged you as harshly as the self-hatred brainwashed into you made you believe.
When you emerged from the bathroom, Professor Cong stood in front of one of the empty easels in the back, smirking at the drawing the student had left there.
“Your boyfriend left you his piece,” he teased.
You blushed, glaring at him as you approached and snatched the sketch from his hands.
“He’s not my boyfriend,” you tried in vain to defend yourself.
Professor Cong just chuckled.
“I’ll believe that when I see evidence to the contrary,” he replied.
You looked down at the paper in your hand and felt the breath drain from your lungs, your heart and stomach soaring into your throat.
Zuko had drawn you in the image of Venus, your body draped in gossamer fabric and your head turned over your shoulder, eyes cast downward and lips slightly parted in a blissful, ethereal expression. In the corner of the page, he’d written “Aphrodite Kallipygos” in his sweeping handsome script, beneath which was his signature and the date. You’d never once seen yourself look so beautiful, let alone in the eyes of someone you loved so fiercely.
You swallowed hard, rolling the drawing and securing it with a hair tie from your bag before exiting the shop through the back, knowing Zuko would be in the alley waiting for you.
“Hey,” he greeted you when you appeared through the storeroom door. “Are you okay? You looked really ner-”
You interrupted him by throwing your arms around his neck, slamming your lips into his in a desirous kiss. It took him less than a second to recover himself from the shock of the action and curl his arms around your waist, pressing his body against yours and lifting you every so slightly off the ground, kissing you just as hard as you kissed him. When you parted, you were breathless, your cheeks fiery red and your lips swollen the color of vermilion. Zuko smiled at you, one side of his mouth curling up slightly higher than the other.
“So you liked it?” he asked.
You laughed, nodding.
“Zuko, I loved it,” you gasped. “I love you. I think I loved you as soon as I met you but that sort of thing is really cliche and stupid to admit.”
Zuko chuckled, raising his hand to your cheek and kissing you again, his lips soft and tender this time around. You sighed happily into his mouth, closing your eyes and losing yourself in the feeling of his body sharing the same space as yours.
“I think I loved you the moment I met you, too,” Zuko confessed, his nose grazing against yours as he pulled away. “But you’re right. That sort of thing is really stupid and cliche.”
You giggled, tugging gently on the collar of his jacket.
“Come on,” you prompted him. “Let’s go back to my apartment. You’ve already seen me naked; we need to make it even.”
Zuko laughed, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and leading you out of the alley, his side pressed firmly against yours.
“Fair,” he agreed. “But if you want me to pose for any art, you’ll have to sign some paperwork. I’m still Firelord, you know.”
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in my heart, you’re sitting cross-legged on my bedroom floor
(basically a prosaic yet impassioned lament on childhood and sisterhood that’s oddly specific to me lol)
In those moments when I remember I was not sprung into this world just under six feet with a bookbag pressed to my spine, I always end up in that backyard. The long rows of jagged rocks carved out the grass that glowed navy blue in the moonlight into little islands upon which our limbs thrashed playfully in the night, our outstretched arms unencumbered by the pressing weight of self-image that would come to inhabit itself in us in the coming years. But through the frayed mesh of the trampoline net, even the tomorrows were light years away. Smoke was perpetually ascending from the black grill near the far fence, the remnants of the night’s cookout.
Your backyard at night was a universe of its own, grass taking on its own aroma beneath the dimming sky, air veiled in the euphoria of being alive and being alive with a best friend. It was a realm unlike any fantasy landscape tucked inside my favorite picture books, because, for all its allure and mysticism, it was real. Our days were cast in paper mache and clouded with sidewalk chalk dust, marinating in thick smoke underneath the protective arms of dozens of towering oak trees.
When the glow of your room light teeters on your windowsill and spills onto my driveway late at night (I know you’ve always liked it on, I never got much sleep in your room after all), I wonder if you remember the way you gingerly pressed both your palms to my back, that night on the trampoline together when I became acquainted with the trials and tribulations of the back handspring. I never had much athletic prowess, and you knew it. But the way you floated through time and space on those mornings and evenings made me want to float with you, giddy and weightless, suspended in the years of Dairy Queen and swiveling living room chairs and dance routines we choreographed for our parents (we would always insist that they saw every movement, whirling and panting until your mother exchanged a look with mine that we both couldn’t understand and said that we should be getting home, but we’ll being seeing you very soon and we whined and cried but the promise of a day with one another was enough to quell the sticky partings on our cheeks).
Even now, my footsteps send resounding echoes down our street that whisper of our door-to-door stage makeup business (short-lived and admittedly hasty in its execution, but full of potential to the eleven year old mind), of our August afternoons spent in your kitchen, raiding your cabinets to satisfy our voracious preteen appetites as we chattered on about our first days of school, stuttering through our words that could not possibly align themselves with the speed of the whimsical, giddy prose brewing in our heads. I anticipated the arrival of the cherry-red car in your driveway every afternoon with the attentiveness of a sprinter to a starting gun. Clad in boxy shorts and garish graphic tees, we scrambled to each other’s doorsteps, brimming with lunchtime anecdotes and the newest romantic endeavors of the students of the Dunning and Potter Road Elementary Schools. We set out on afternoon bike rides like intrepid adventurers up Everest and our eyes were dazzled with the prospect of riding the same bus, of yet another home together outside the blissful confines of our street.
And when the school year tapered off into summer, we went with it. The elegant pears and supple oranges in the fruit bowl by my kitchen window became yours, and your little brother’s fleshy hands and the grand piano in your living room became mine (I used to plant my fingers on the keys like they belonged to me). We wiggled our fingers and toes in the metallic haziness of the same vast sunsets, turned cartwheels into the night, and returned to our respective doorsteps barefoot and coated in a plethora of bruises and assuaging films of perspiration. In the winter months, we bundled ourselves in pesky snow pants and bound our necks in thick fleece scarves and exhaled our favorite songs into the frigid air atop your roof. We invented our own language (which bore a suspicious resemblance to pig latin) and curled up on my bedroom floor, our cheeks pressed to the carpet as we spoke of first kisses and first periods and who, between us, would be the first to navigate the tumultuous waters of each (predictions that we scrawled into the pages of my purple lock-bound journal that had really come to be ours, your wide-set handwriting mingling with my scraggly lettering in the margins).
We talked of building tunnels underneath our houses so that when the clock estranged us, the dirt beneath our feet was intertwined. We had the kind of bond that was strong in its subtlety, in the way our days unfolded naturally into nights that revealed themselves under the stars before we could mourn the sun’s loss. In the way we burrowed the balls of our feet into our sneakers and stumbled (silhouetted against the darkening, omnipresent cloak of sky) to my doorstep, sweeping up the unwieldy overnight bag I had not yet unpacked from last time. Then we would swing the front door open again and tear back across your yard, motion sensor lights illuminating the murky way as my parents bade me a distant goodnight through the mesh of my open window. We tiptoed down your hallway, chests heaving as we contained our excitement for the short, creaky stretch so as not to wake your grandmother who slept in the room adjacent to your own. You would arrange your stuffed animals on your bed (Sheepy, the charmingly stout pillow pet, was both of our favorites; I was never allowed to touch him) and we watched our favorite sitcom and devoured your collection of Guinness World Record books until our foreheads ached from all the sensory input and our eyelids pleaded for our bodies to be still. And even then, you chose a sleeping bag over your own bed to accompany me on the floor.
I can only define our time together as a long stretch of nights spent reveling in the sheer joy of the day and the days ahead as my consciousness tiptoed down the nape of my neck and drowned itself in the folds of my red sleeping bag. I wonder how many nights we spent acquiescing to the allure of sleep like this, basking in the enchanting luminescence of your nightlight and curled up beside your bed, your prowling cats slinking around our limp bodies in the dark on impossibly light feet.
There were quiet days, and the silences were a part of us too. But one time, a day apart became a weekend, became a season, and when our paths did converge, I was blinded by all the ways you’d changed (I remember seeing you in the driveway that autumn afternoon under the rustling multicolored canopy of leaves, being struck by how tall you looked next to the impressive group of friends you’d drawn into your orbit after our axes spun out of sync). I felt our childhood slowly ebbing away in the quiet landlines and forgotten party invites (or perhaps they just got lost in the abyss between our houses). The pears in my fruit bowl must have gone sour because you no longer desired to taste them. I’ve long since scrubbed off the residue from where your fingers laced with mine in the driveway, but my clothes are still perpetually damp with it. I want to scrutinize your face for signs, but I’m afraid there is no imprint of me at your core in the way there is one of you at mine, legs criss-crossed on my bedroom floor.
I have no memory of our partings in the same way I have no recollection of our first interactions. One day sixteen years ago you flung your tiny arm across my shoulders and we stumbled through life intertwined, equipped with each other and a single pair of eyes. We never had to ask each other where we came from; we grew up on Friday night concerts on the green, on driveway chalk dust, on linked fingers and takeout in your basement.
We didn’t have the words for all the intricacies and feelings back then, and I’m now just finding them in my throat, gripping on for dear life, and wringing out all the bittersweet juice I can. It’s an unfamiliar taste, but I think that the saccharine sweetness --embittered by the time it pools in my stomach-- is reminiscent of a thank you. A thank you for letting me know you in a way I’ve never known anyone else, or maybe never will again. I don’t dare think that we’ve run our course; it was all too beautiful to be temporary.
My arms are sprawled across your cool countertops, I’m standing silhouetted in the moonlight in your yard, I’m leeching off the smoke ascending from the grill like a parasite traveling through time. You’ll never see this but I’ll never stop trying to hold on, even at bay.
a/n: woah that was 1.5k of nostalgic whining (probably with a few grammatical errors in there as well). no one will read this far but if u did,,,,,,,,, thank you so much & I hope you enjoyed!!!!! I know this is specifically tailored to my own life experiences, but I really really hope it still made an impression on readers. hehhh well yea thanks for reading lol
#writer#writers#writers of tumblr#writblr#written#writing#writeblr#prose#spilled ink#words#wordsoftheday#authors#free write#young writer#angst#im so sorry for this
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Full Name: Darby Jane Albright
Meaning of Name: “Deer”. Her parents couldn’t agree on whether to name her Darby or Jane for the first few weeks of her life and her father won so now only her mother calls her Jane when she’s had a few Xanax
Nickname: Darbs
Birth Date: December 11, 1999
Astrological Sign and Details: Saggiterrorist. Tbh it speaks for itself.
Birth Place: A hospital in Manhattan, New York.
Age: 21
Nationality: American
Race: White
Hair Color: Light brown.
Hair Style: Usually wavy and tangled, she frequently forgets to brush it.
Distinct Features of Face: Large blue eyes
Glasses or Contacts: NAh
Eye Color: Light blue
Scars or Distinguishing Marks: White scars on her left knee from when she fell down the stairs on molly and landed on broken glass, more on the palm from where she aught herself
Build or Body Type: Slim, tall.
Height: 5′7
Weight: 114
Speech Patterns: She falls into a vocal fry when she’s drunk but otherwise she has a clear speech pattern
Gestures: Talks with her hands when she’s excited, runs her hand through her hair often
Weakness: Her impulsivity
Mother: Harriet Albright
Father: Lucas Albright
Mother’s Occupation: Unemployed alcoholic socialite
Father’s Occupation: US Senator for the state of New York
Family Finances: Verrrrrrry very wealthy. Her mother’s family were oil tycoons and Lucas has old money as well.
Birth Order: Middle child
Brothers: James Albright (deceased)
Sisters: Eleanor “Leo” Albright
Other Close Family: Saffie Albright, and her aunt on her mother’s side, Georgina Albright. She’s considered kind of like the eccentric of the family, has never had a job and blows her inheritance away traveling the world and paying for psychics. Darby ran away to Georgina’s apartment frequently as a child and would sit and listen to her stories about shamans while Georgina pounded Negronis.
Best Friend: Anita de Jesus, Syre Salinger, Ellie Aldenkamp.
Other Friends: Drew Upston, Orpheus Rivera
Enemies: Formerly Leo lmao. Saf is on thin ice.
Pets: Her parents never let her have one but freshman year she had a goldfish named Billy Joel that died after a week.
Home Life During Childhood: Uhhhhh TERRIBLE. Her parents never liked her and James was always the family favorite. Darby was the rebellious one, and after her brother died things ust fell apart. Leo left, and suddenly Darby was all on her own to deal with her cold, strict father and her mother’s drug abuse. Darby started popping her mom’s pills during this time and no one even noticed the girl slipping into addiction until she made a drunken toast as a benefit party detailing everyone in the room she had hooked up with. After that, her father just pretended like Darby didn’t exist.
Town or City Name(s) Where They’ve Lived: New York, Amsterdam (briefly, after she took a a semester off)
What Did His, Her or Their Bedroom Look Like: A mix of expensive mid-century modern furniture all chosen carefully by New York’s top interior decorator and sprinkles of her rebellion. Clothes everywhere, her antique dressed paper-mached with magazine clippings, music spilling out of a record player she hauled from the antique collection in their basement. Drugs hidden in various shoes and secret hiding spaces in between books. Towering stacks of novels and literary works.
Any Sports or Clubs: She was on the cheerleading team briefly but got kicked off when she was found doing whippets in hr private school bathroom and nearly got expelled
Favorite Toy or Game: She actually liked Monopoly she’s secretly competitive as hell
Schooling: Private schools that she excelled even though she rarely attended class
Favorite Subject: English
Popular or Loner: Popular
Important Experiences or Events: Her brother’s death, watching her mom’s addiction, Leo leaving her.
Health Problems: A drug addiction that she’s precariously sober from
Religion and beliefs: Raised going to church even though neither her or her father believe in anything but it Looks Good yknow
Bad Habits: Biting her nails, not brushing her hair, shoplifting things she doesnt need and could pay for
Best Characteristic: Charming
Worst Characteristic: Stubborn
Worst Memory: The day James died in the hospital
Best Memory: Probably running around Central Park playing hide and seek with James and Leo.
Proud of: Her sobriety, her spot as he debate team captain at Yates
Embarrassed by: Her lack of ability to commit to anything, whether that’s a person or sobriety
Driving Style: Erratic, as she never formerly learned how to drive but instead taught herself (NY kids yknow)
Attitude: Pessimistic, nihilistic
Fears: Ending up like her mother
Secrets: The hit and run her and Anita were responsible for, the death she inadvertently caused when she shared bad drugs with her dealer last year.
Regrets: Her tense relationship with her sister all these years
Feels Vulnerable When: She feels out of control, when her past is brought up, when people try to get her to open up
Short Term Goals and Hopes: uhhhh I guess just keep passing her classes? Lmao she’s just trying to graduate
Long Term Goals and Hopes: Can’t picture herself living in five years but if she does she wants to finally write a novel
Sexuality: Pansexual
Day or Night Person: Night person
Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert
Optimist or Pessimist: Pessimist
Music: Fleetwood Mac, Billy Joel (cheesy ik), Neil Young. Anything her brother used to play for her
Foods: Twizzlers
Drinks: Gin and tonic
Color: Very very very light blue
Jewelry: the vintage rings Georgina brings to her whenever she visits
Greatest Want: No one look at her she just wants to be loved
Greatest Need: Uh to find stability lmao
Favorite Possession: Her record player
Married Before: Nah
Children: NO
Relationship with Family: Tense and critical
Car: Does not have one
Dream Career: Unemployed woman who lounges around all day while men bring her things and she writes occasionally to great fanfare
Love Life: A MESS she keeps falling for people who like someone else someone hold her :/ secretly she always goes for unavailable people
Hobbies: Making “collages”, reading, writing, fucking people from Tinder
Talents or Skills: Uh she can open champagne with a sword??
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❌ —————— that might look like SEAN TEALE, but it’s really WALLY WEST/THE FLASH from EARTH-52. our records indicate that they are a TWENTY-NINE year old METAHUMAN using HE pronouns. unlike most HEROES, they are TRYING TO BE A SYMBOL OF HOPE which makes them perfect for THE JUSTICE LEAGUE AND THE TITANS.
basics —
NAME: wallace rudolph west ii
ALIAS: the flash
NICKNAMES: wally, kid flash (formerly), kid lantern (formerly)
AFFILIATION: the justice league, titans, flash family
SPECIES: metahuman
AGE: 29 years old
BIRTHPLACE: keystone city, kansas
OCCUPATION: mechanic for gotham city police department
HEIGHT: 6’0”
WEIGHT: 175 lbs
EYE COLOR: green
PARENTS: rudolph ‘rudy’ west (father), mary west (mother)
CHILDREN: jai west (son, eight years old), iris ‘irey’ west ii (daughter, eight years old)
RELATIVES: iris west (aunt, legal guardian), barry allen (uncle), charlotte west (aunt), bart allen (second cousin), jenni ognats (second cousin), don allen (cousin), dawn allen (cousin)
BEST FRIENDS: dick grayson, hartley rathaway
origin —
wally west was born to rudolph and mary west in blue valley, nebraska. when he was a kid wally would often dream about becoming the flash. he was the president and only member of the blue valley flash fan club. his parents and his aunt charlotte thought that wally was setting himself up for failure. they would often talk down to him, dampening his dreams in hash ways. his father was manipulative, emotionally abusive, and punched wally on one occasion.
he was hurt that his parents didn’t have faith in him. rudy would often yell at wally, not caring if it was in front of the rest of their family. he did this at west reunion which sent wally running to his room in tears. someone familiar who was thought to be his uncle came up to visit him, encouraging wally not to give up on his dreams. this advise stuck with him in the years to come.
one summer when wally was ten years old his parents asked iris to take her nephew in, and she became his legal guardian from that day forward. wally always viewed his aunt as a best friend, getting more love from living with her for one day than he got in the last ten years with his parents.
she introduced him to barry allen, her boyfriend. barry introduces wally to his idol the flash — it was unknown at the time that barry was the flash. the boy asks him all sorts of questions, one of the major ones being about how he got his powers. it turns out that barry set up a chemical cabinet identical to the setup had been when the weather struck it for him. lightning ended up storming the cabinet, and bathing wally in the same chemicals that created the flash. wally got his abilities in the same way that barry did. after this is when barry told wally his secreted and gave the boy a suit of his own.
he became the first kid flash! wally goes on to become a founding member of the titans.
when wally becomes an adult he takes on the mantle of the flash. he’s the second one to wear the red suit. this is when he realizes that he was faster than his uncle too. he balances his time between the titans and the justice league, able to do the two responsibilities at once.
he has two children, who happen to be twins. they’re eight years old — jai and irey. they’ll be living in the tower with him. they’re also metahumans, being speed force conduits. his daughter uses her connection for speed similarly to what wally does. his son has a different use for the speed force, temporarily growing his muscles to give him superhuman strength.
his best friend is dick grayson who happens to be nightwing ever since they were little kids. wally would do anything for him which is a fact. his other best friend is hartley rathaway also known as pied piper. he’s one of the rogues, but they care about each other a lot. often hartley opens his eyes to circumstances that he wouldn’t have noticed on his own.
powers and abilities —
SPEED FORCE CONDUIT: wally is the fastest of all flashes. he is arguably the fastest person that has ever existed. he is currently fast enough to easily break all the barriers and even enter the speed force. wally has on several occasions — traveled much faster than light and entered and exited the speed force by his own volition. the flash is considered to be one of the most formidable and powerful metahumans on the planet.
SUPERHUMAN SPEED: wally west is by far the fastest being on the planet, according to max mercury he's the fastest man to have ever existed, making him one of the most powerful beings to exist. theoretically, speeds greater than Mach 10, are dangerous to both people and to the environment, but the speed force has shown that if needed, wally can use it to prevent such effects from occurring, hence why he is able to run at speeds much faster than light on the planet earth without it having devastating effects on the planet. he can also run across bodies of water and up the sides of buildings.
he is able to save and carry over half a million people 35 miles away from a nuclear warhead that had already detonated including the ones at ground zero in only .0001 microseconds (10 picoseconds, or 1/100,000,000,000th of 1 second) — a feat that would require moving 13 trillion times the speed of light.
SUPERHUMAN AGILITY: wally's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are heightened to levels greater than any human being. he is able to easily maneuver on falling debris and objects, while moving at super-speed.
SUPERHUMAN STAMINA: wally possesses vast superhuman endurance that is nearly inexhaustible. he was able to run non-stop for over 10 days straight without tiring once.
SUPERHUMAN REFLEXES: his reaction time is enhanced to levels far greater than any normal human being. he is able to easily perceive the movements of other speedsters, and react to danger and events
SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH: he is strong enough to lift 800lbs with no sign of physical strain, even while running with it. he has also been seen single-handedly reconstructing several ruined buildings, and moving heavy beams and girders into place. while rebuilding a bridge in 30 seconds, he carries heavy beams and girders one at a time, during the course of the construction.
AEROKINESIS: sometimes called “air manipulation", this ability represents an individual's ability to manipulate currents of air. by running in a circle at a certain speed, wally is able to create a vortex with a variety of effects.
DECELERATED AGING: along with every speedster that draws from the speed force, the loved ones of the speedsters will gain eternal youth.
DIMENSIONAL TRAVEL: has shown to be able to traverse dimensions with his own powers.
ELECTROKINESIS: wally's body generates large amounts of the electrical energy that he draws from the speed force. this lightning emanates off of him, especially when moving at superhuman speed.
ENERGY CONSTRUCT CREATION: he discovered if he concentrated, the speed force could be used to create solid constructs which he used to compose his costume. the first time he used this ability was to create a solid armor enabling him to run despite having broken legs. his costume itself is a construct molded from the speed force.
ENHANCED MENTAL PROCESS: mental abilities are also increased in speed, simple computations can be done at lightning speeds, and his ability to perform normal feats at increased speeds has allowed him to build hundreds of force field generators in a matter of minutes, move sandbags to cover a beach or search an entire area for something as small as a paper clip. wally can also read at super-speed.
MOLECULAR ACCELERATION: can vibrate his molecular structure at various levels to achieve various effects. if he chooses, wally can excite the molecules of whatever substance he vibrates through to critical mass causing it to explode.
INTANGIBILITY: can vibrate his molecules to achieve an intangible state. while in an intangible state, the flash is immune to any airborne viruses and can breathe regularly. he can also vibrate so fast that light does not reflect off him, rendering him invisible.
PHASING: has always possessed the ability to control his speed and angular momentum at the molecular level, and control his molecular interactions to allow his body to pass through any substance.
SPEED STEAL: able to absorb the speed and/or momentum from anyone or anything.
SPEED FORCE AURA: his body is surrounded by what he calls his “speed force aura". this aura protects him and anyone who is running with him or carried by him, from the effects of using his speed. wally can sync his aura with his children, giving him the ability to pull either of them to him with a thought.
SPEED FORCE EMPATHY: can sense when another speed force conduit is troubled, and can be drawn to the location of that speedster.
SUPERHUMAN DURABILITY: wally's durability is heightened to immense levels. it protects him from injury from high-speed impacts such as punches he delivers and receives from his opponents.
TIME TRAVEL: has shown to be able to traverse time with his own powers, unlike the other speedsters. he can traverse along the time-stream to specific points as they become visible, much like watching a movie in fast forward or reverse. in order to time travel to different periods, he must exceed light speed, which he can easily and instantly do
REGENERATION: accelerating his healing while using the speed force to sustain him, wally could heal from any injury instantly.
MULTILINGUALISM: can speak english and french.
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