#they were REALLY fucking good i was impressed we won that game so hard
mars-ipan · 17 days
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boobabietch · 6 days
Chapter II: "A Rookie’s Obsession, A Legend’s Indifference: Is Diana Taurasi ready for Victoria O’Hara?” | Diana Taurasi x OC
Warnings: fight fight fight!! And a tad bit narcissistic Diana
A/N: I’m having a shitload of fun writing this lmao, so here’s another chapter I hope you like. As always English is not my first language so if you find something wrong tell me so I can change it asap, I can’t wait for y’all to read this and the next chapters I’m so excited. Likes, comments (!!!) and reblogs are highly appreciated and my ask box is always open. Love Sof :))
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There’s a funny thing about being the best in women’s sports. People either love you or wait for you to fall. But when you’ve been around long enough, it doesn’t matter what they think. You know your place. And you protect it.
That’s what I’ve been doing since my debut in the WNBA. Owning the court. Owning the pressure. Every game, every season, everyone expects the same thing from me: perfection. Winning is never enough because when your name is Diana Taurasi, nothing is ever enough.
Then, she showed up.
Victoria O’Hara. The rookie everyone wouldn’t shut up about. Reminded me of me, hungry, talented, a little too much attitude for her own good. The first time I saw her was just before our game against San Antonio. I’d heard her name, knew she had something. But there’s a difference between hype and reality.
May 19, 2017
Game day. I could feel her eyes on me during warm-ups, it was cute honestly, I could see the gears working hard on her mind, probably wondering what it’s like to be me, to dominate the way I have. They all wonder. But what she didn’t know yet is that being good in college doesn’t mean shit here. Welcome to the W, kid.
I didn’t give her a second glance. What was there to say? Another rookie trying to prove something. I’ve seen it all. I’ve been that girl. But this one, this woman, had something extra in her. I could see it the minute the game started. Every time she took a shot, it was like she was aiming at me, if I didn’t know she wanted to rip my throat out I’d say she was in love. Every drive, every step, was a challenge.
I could hear the yelling in the crowd, I’d hear her teammates tell her to relax, feel the energy shift. People loved watching us, golden veteran vs. golden rookie. A fucking classic. O’Hara wanted to make a statement. I could tell she was on the edge, burning herself out just to prove she belonged. And every time, I’d remind her, I’ve been there. I’ve fought harder battles. If she wanted to be the next big thing, she was going to have to earn it. She was good, but I wasn’t worried. I’ve dealt with players like her before. They rise fast, burn out faster. But this one... she kept pushing.
Every game we played after that, it was like she had a personal vendetta. I couldn’t walk on the court without feeling her eyes drilling into me. She was obsessed. It was funny, really. This kid was trying so hard to beat me, to make me see her.
I saw her. I always see them coming.
July 7, 2017
We were in San Antonio. Close game. O’Hara played her heart out, I’ll give her that. But we still won. After the game, I found her slumped on the bench, wiped out. I should’ve just left her there. But something in me couldn’t resist. The kid had fire. I respected that.
“Not bad, O’Hara. Keep it up, and you might actually be a challenge someday.”
Her face said it all. She was rattled, but she had that spark. I liked seeing it. She looked at me like she was trying to figure out if I was serious. I was. Kinda. Then, she shot back:
“Someday? I’m already a problem for you.”
I almost laughed. Her confidence was impressive, misplaced, but impressive. I glanced down, smirked. Let her have that moment.
“Of course you are,” I said, walking off.
Sometimes I wonder what things would be like if I never said that, lucky for everyone I did.
July 30, 2017
Maybe I overestimated how in control I am of everything; the game, the rookie, and my body.
We were playing again, tensions running high. It was bound to happen. O’Hara wanted her moment, wanted to prove herself. And me? I wasn’t giving her an inch. Then, somewhere in the third quarter, it happened.
I saw her coming, her eyes locked on me with a mix of defiance and determination. She made a quick drive, cutting to the basket with an intensity that almost made me respect her. But I wasn’t about to let a rookie get one over on me. I slammed into her, blocking her path with enough force to knock her off balance. She hit the floor hard, her elbows scraping against the court. The whistle blew, and for a moment, I watched her lay there, her frustration almost palpable.
“Get up,” I muttered, standing over her. “You’re gonna need more than that to take me down, rook”
I saw the anger in her eyes as she pushed herself up, pressing her chest on mine. Damn, was she this tall the whole time? The way she glared at me, it was almost as if she was daring me to push her further. “You think you’re untouchable? Just fucking wait.”
My smirk didn’t waver. I’d seen that fire in rookies before, puffed up, ready to prove themselves. “I don’t think, O’Hara. I know.” I said with the most arrogant tone I owned.
“Oh you’re just a fucking bitch, aren’t you?” Before I could react further, she shoved me hard. Everyone erupted into chaos. I felt the rush of adrenaline as I moved to shove her back, but the moment I lunged, my teammates were already there, hands gripping my arms and holding me back.
O’Hara wasn’t any better off. Many of her teammates were swarming around her, trying to pull her away from me. I could see the frustration in her eyes as she struggled against their hold, her fists clenched and ready to throw.
Fun fact about fights: when you need the strength of 4 pro basketball players to hold you back, it makes you look really fucking dangerous.
We both tried to break through the human barriers restraining us. I could almost feel the impact of our fists connecting, the unfinished fight burning in my veins. But with every struggle, every strained push against the hands holding us back, the reality set in: we were not going to get to finish this here.
I didn’t care. I didn’t care about the cameras, the refs, or the impending technical. All I cared about was feeling that fire she was throwing at me. I wanted her to know what it felt like to face me, to try and break through the wall I’d built around myself.
Eventually, the refs managed to get us both under control, leading us to opposite sides of the court. As I was pulled away, I couldn’t help but glance back at O’Hara, her eyes still blazing with that same fire. Despite the chaos, a small part of me felt a twisted respect for her, a rookie who was not just willing to challenge me, but was ready to throw down if necessary.
The arena buzzed with excitement and disbelief as we were separated, but the fight between us was far from over.
That was the moment I knew this kid wasn’t going anywhere. And maybe, just maybe, I’d finally met someone who could keep up.
Little did I know.
Fucking Victoria.
"Rivalry Ignites: O’Hara and Taurasi Get into Fiery Altercation During Friday Game"
"San Antonio Stars Victoria O’Hara Adidas Grey and Black Edition Player Jersey | SOLD OUT"
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notroosterbradshaw · 2 years
ahhh maybe 21 with rooster? 21- Having your lover list everything they're insecure about, and responding with gentle caresses, kisses, and compliments about those areas.
21. Having your lover list everything they’re insecure about, and responding with gentle caresses, kisses, and compliments about those areas.
Nonny, I'm writing this after a few drinks, so my mind is wild. Trying to keep it above board tho. Ladies' night, cock talk, dancing, drinks. Rough thots. All those cheeky things you may talk about when out with your mates. Then fluffy stuff. Enjoy x
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Hearing the front door open and a few choice curse words, Rooster chuckled quietly to himself, pausing the game. Not too concerned, he already knew his Phillies won, but it was nice to watch the game in peace. "Baby, you good?" he called.
"Oh, you're still up."
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"Have the weekend off, I'm ragin', babydoll," he joked. Hearing a thud, he cringed and asked again if you were okay.
"I'm good," you confirmed. He heard the sound of items hitting the wall - two, your heels, he bet - and you appeared a moment later, hair wildly sexy, eyes a little bloodshot and a wide grin on your face. "Hi, gorgeous."
He raised an eyebrow, giving you his attention. "Hi, babydoll. How was your night?" he bit back a grin.
"Really good," you told him.
"Lots of dancing?"
"Yeah. My feet are aching. My back is completely out of alignment from those heels."
"I could have come and got you," he reminded you.
"Shared an Uber with the girls. I knew you wanted to watch the game, it's all good."
"Thank you," he said softly, his eyes watching you move towards him. "Catch up on all the gossip?"
"We don't gossip, we state facts."
"My apologies," he laughed. "Dick talk?"
"Always. Yours reigns supreme, baby and everyone knows it."
Rooster winked. "As they should."
"But they will never really know."
"No," he agreed. "Only you."
"I'm very, very lucky," you told him with a grin.
"I'm glad to hear you say that," he murmured, his voice a little rougher as he tried to keep his amusement to himself. "You can keep stroking my ego though. If you want to, of course," he begged, teasingly.
"You stroke your own ego just fine, Bradshaw."
He shrugged modestly. Who was he to argue?
You laughed, stretching. "You want me to wax lyrical about your cock?"
"Haiku form, please?" he demanded, knowing the impossible wasn't about to happen.
"Okay, lemme try..." you inhaled, trying to remember what the fuck a haiku was. Bradley chewed his lip, trying not to lose it. You weren't drunk, nowhere near it, but you were certainly looser than usual. He loved that for you. You didn't go out with your friends as often as you should, and knew you revelled in nights just like this. "Okay, okay," you grinned. "Ready? I think I got this."
"I don't think you do, but be my guest, baby," he watched you take the floor.
"Rooster is his name," you counted the five syllables on your fingers, he licked his lips, actually about to lose it. "And he has a six-foot frame. And nine inches hard."
He cackled. "You are insane, I'm very impressed," he stood up and greeted you with a warm kiss. "You tell everyone you meet about the nine inches, right?" he teased.
"I rounded up," you reminded him. He didn't argue but pouted anyway. It wasn't a generous roundup and the locker room gifted his Rooster for it. "But usually I don't even offer a name. Just tell everyone my sexy naval aviator husband has a huge cock. You wouldn't believe how many often I am asked how I'm walking straight," you reminded him.
"All right, all right," he laughed, his dimples deep and bold. "People don't need to hear anything after nine inches, baby."
"Bradley Bradshaw, you are so full of yourself."
"Sure am, I'm the 1%. I got it all. Perfect partner, perfect house, perfect job - " he paused. Your glare told him he was incorrect. "Even if you don't agree and I'm away far too long," he held his palms up and rested them on your shoulders, leaning down to kiss you and whispered, "Sorry, I give, I give. Did you eat?"
"We ate, still hungry though. Did you leave any pizza?" you asked hopefully, as he hoisted you into his arms and fell back against the couch, you perched perfectly on his lap.
"Of course."
"You're the perfect man."
He scoffed, knowing how untrue it was. "Thank you, but you know I'm not."
You kissed him and kissed him thoroughly. He was a tender kisser, or at least knew that was how you needed it. "I missed you, lover. I love being with my friends, but this is so much better. Don't tell them though."
"Never, sweetheart. Your secret is safe with me," he pressed a kiss between your brows. "You look very sexy."
"My feet hurt, my back hurts, I think my make up is melting like The Joker."
He grinned. "Just how I like it," he teased.
"You're such a pig," you giggled, resting you head against his clavicle, appreciating the shirtlessness. His cologne invaded your senses, his skin hot, as always.
"Do you have any idea..." you murmured quietly, hiking up the skirt of your dress, to sit comfortably. Your hands rested on his clavicle, pushing in to massage his strong traps. He licked his lips at your advances and eased you both back against the back of his seat, preparing for anything you were about to give him. "Do you know, you probably do, just how sexy you are to me?" you asked, your face staring intently at his.
He rolled his eyes and sighed, a humoured smirk gracing his features. "So, you’re booking in to the optometrist next week, I see?" he chuckled darkly as you wriggled to rest on the hefty muscles of his quads. He wasn't surprised to hear your breathy gasp. You'd had a few drinks with your friends after work, leaving him all alone at home to his own devices (he watched his team play baseball, he was fucking fine) but you were fairly sober, he knew when you were drunk, this was not it. You may have been a little more turned on and chattier than usually though and he was very pleased with this.
"Look at your beautiful face," you told him, holding his jaw in your palms. "You are just so gorgeous, Bradley."
He made a face, not quite believing you. He knew what he looked like, he knew the scars that marred his skin and you knew how self-conscious he was about them. He'd tried lotions and potions, anything to help reduce the scarring. Laser too, but nothing really faded the wiry marks from a mid-air incident when he was a young pilot. He was lucky to live, and walked away with a few cuts, scratches and pretty banged up. A lot more than his father was ever allowed and that’s why he tried not to make too much of it.
“You know I hate them,” he lowered his eyes, embarrassed. A bit angry at his lot.
But you knew. He knew you knew how unsure of himself they made him feel. You never made a big deal of them. They were such an innate part of him, and he never spoke of the incident. You only learned about it during a conversation with Natasha. She was so surprised to learn you didn't know that she figured she overstepped the mark. She told you later that Rooster was so angry that she'd told you what had happened and hoped it hadn't caused any problems for you. It was early days then, when he'd do anything for your attention, sing, crow, buy all your drinks, shoo other suitors away.
You were in love with him the moment he introduced himself. He was a young aviator in port so far from his home, uniform a little tight from the burgeoning muscles he was clearly working on. Moustache that was growing in. His voice roped you in immediately as you shared a quiet beer. You'd lost your heart to him the second he introduced himself by callsign and you laughed at him. He blushed so redly from his chest to the tips of his ears. You were enamoured right then and there. You were so proud of him but you waited the day he said he would he retiring and keeping his feet planted on the earth.
Those days weren’t as close as you wanted though.
“I love every single part of you,” you reiterated. “These would never make me love you less, Bradley.”
He only murdered a gun in reply.
You lifted his gaze and traced every blemish, and kissed his chin. You thumbed his upper lip and the scar across his cleft, kissing his lips tenderly. "I love you, Bradley Bradshaw. Scars and all," you devoutly gave him everything he deserved.
You knew you words didn't soothe his disappointment but he'd be lying to say that each time your sweet lips gave love to the raised skin, it sent shockwaves through his system, the nerve endings so sensitive and it made him feel invincible.
But it didn't change what he looked at in the mirror.
You inhaled as you kissed his Adam's Apple, the longest of his scars. He swallowed roughly, his palms knotting in your hair. "Fuck, that feels so damn good, baby,” his voice lower and deeper than before.
"I know, baby," you said, trailing gentle kisses across his neck, towards the gnarliest of his scars on his shoulder.
"Thank you, babydoll," he said softly.
"I know you hate your scars, but they absolutely take nothing away from who you are. You strong, sweet, so smart, a smart ass," you told him, kissing his full lips as he resisted smiling. "And so fucking sexy, and honestly, nothing you can tell me will ever make me think differently."
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A/N: the tag list no longer exists. To keep up to date, give @notroosterbradshaw-library a follow x
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I enjoyed the Taskmaster finale episode, it took a while but seemed like everyone had finally loosened up in the studio and was having fun. They made the right call in saving the game show for the last task, that was very funny. Though it was genuinely a bit weird to see John Robins ironically play an intentionally bad gameshow host that was so similar to the actual game show host he actually played in Beat the Internet. Really underlines how bad that show was that they couldn't make a worse show than it when they were literally trying. It was really funny though. Sophie especially.
And their game show is the funniest I've found the Steve/Nick team all season. Steve's character was probably more impressive but I found Nick's character funnier, doing an idea he hadn't wanted and choosing to also play it as a character who didn't want to do it.
I think Nick Mohammed might be the biggest surprised standout for me overall, now that the season's over. In the early episodes I enjoyed his little cinnamon roll thing, but by the end I sort of caught on to how his humour works too and was loving every time he was on screen. Though Joanne McNally, whom I disliked going into this season, really won me around too by the end.
I called before the season started that John Robins would do very, very well. Not just because I like him, but because he's 1) competitive enough to try really really hard, 2) has spent years hanging out with Alex Horne and playing those little games that Alex comes up with so he has practice at this (he mentioned on the radio once that he and Alex played No More Women - later changed to No More Jockeys for obvious good reasons - in pubs), and 3) there are years of documented radio evidence of him being good at silly games, particularly any games that require quick or lateral thinking, and quick thinking is the skill that's transferable skill to the most aspects of Taskmaster. Then I spent all season watching it while being genuinely tense, treating it like a real sport because I wanted to be right so much (I did ease off the tension a bit in the last couple of episodes as the winner became clear). However, even I can't say I called in advance that, out of all contestants on UK Taskmaster in the regular seasons (outside of NYTs and COCs), John Robins would come out top of the leaderboard in total points overall, and in points per task. Coming out 8 whole points ahead of second-place Dara O'Briain in total points.
It's possible that the reason we didn't get as much of John being furious as we were expecting in this season isn't the editing, it isn't that he's now sober and enlightened and not in such a dark place, it's just that he didn't fuck up enough things to be worth yelling about. Well done to him.
Congratulations, John, fantastic season, I'm very very pleased for you. Now release Howl on Bandcamp like you said you would months ago. I haven't forgotten about that, you know.
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maeral33n · 5 months
Twisted Love
Description: Ritz has the bright idea of playing a game of twister during a sleepover, shenanigans ensue.
Characters: Veneer, Ritz, Orchid, Velvet.
Pairings: Velvet x Orchid, Veneer x Ritz.
Warnings: Swearing, Suggestive humour.
Authors Note: This is so silly and honestly kinda cringe lmao. Enjoy!
“Pick up four.” Velvet smirks as she places down and +4 card on the ever growing pile of UNO cards.
Veneer grimaced sarcastically, “Jeez I almost feel bad for this but…” he slowly places another +4 card, his eyes watching the light leave from Orchids. She had 12 cards in her hands. “Pick up 8…”
Orchid let out a defeated sigh, reaching to pick up 8 cards from a neatly stacked pile. “No hard feelings babes.” He added, fanning his three cards over his face.
“All good.”
“Nu uh, no.” Velvet interjected, brows furrowed, forming a deep crease. “Not good at all, put those cards back. Veneer take back your move and pick up 4.”
“I was under the impression that we were stacking our cards?” Veneer stated raising a brow and not removing his card to the messy pile.
“Same here.” Ritz added acting as if he was not at all entertained by the twins bickering.
“Well maybe I decided to change the rules just now.” Velvet crossed her arms, glaring at her brother with a challenge in her eyes.
Veneer scowled at her, “You can’t just change the rules mid game!”
Then Orchids meek voice butted in, “Guys it’s fine, it’s really no big deal. I’ll take the eight and we can continue. It’s just a game.”
Her attempt to mitigate the situation failed as Velvet snapped her head towards the purple haired Rageon, effectively freezing her. “No, it is a big deal. Ven has won 3 times in a row!” She snapped her head back to her brother. “And I know you’ve cheated by the way!”
Veneer lifted his middle finger at her.
Velvet looked back at Orchid, “He should let someone else win for once.”
“It’s not my fault you all suck at this game.” He mumbled under his breath. But everyone heard him and Velvet threw her cards at him.
“That’s rich coming from you!”
“The fuck’s that supposed to mean!?”
“You know exactly what I mean Mr. Give Me Five Mins I Just Need To Chat With The Cute Guy From The Gas Station And Not Come Back Until Six In The Morning.”
“He’s CUTE Vel!”
“He’s a drug addict!”
“In recovery!”
Orchid was hiding behind her cards, “What does Veneer’s one night stands have to do with UNO?”
Ritz sighed, as entertaining as it is to watch the group divulge into beautiful chaos, he did just want to play an innocent game without an argument between the two siblings. So he raised his hand.
“I have a suggestion!”
Suddenly, all heads snapped towards him, all showing a different range of emotions. Now that he had their attention, he continued.
“Since things are getting a bit tense, I suggest that we switch to a different game, how does Twister sound?”
The three seemed to genuinely consider the idea, until Velvet decided to ask, “Why Twister though?”
Ritz shrugged, “No reason, it was just the first game that came to mind that I’d think would be fun.”
She narrowed her gaze at him. Liar, she thought, you just want to stare at my brother’s ass.
But he was right, maybe playing a different game might be a good idea. UNO was getting boring and Ven was getting too overzealous, he needed to be taken down a notch.
“Fine.” Was all she said before collecting the cards and putting them back in the box.
Everyone moved to clear the area before setting down the Twister mat. After refilling their drinks and Orchid going to the bathroom, everyone was ready to start. And since Ritz was the one who suggested the game, he had the privilege of sitting comfortably on the couch with the spinner in hand and a bowl of Cheetos in his lap.
“Alright who wants to go first.” Ritz asked, popping a Cheeto in his mouth.
Immediately, Velvet and Veneer glanced at each other, “Rock, Paper, Scissors?” The said in unison.
But Orchid placed at hand on each of their shoulders, “Nu uh, not this again. I’ll go first.” Probably a wise decision really.
Seeing that no one was willing to argue with the purple haired Rageon, Ritz spun the the pointer, waiting until it stopped.
“Left hand yellow.”
Several minutes later, all three Rageons had their limbs on a coloured dot as Ritz directed, literally twisted together as the name of the game suggests.
“Alright Veneer, right foot blue.”
With a grunt, he struggled to move his foot to the closest unoccupied blue dot.
“Feeling tired yet Ven?” Velvet taunted, seeing that her brother’s position was far more uncomfortable and unstable than hers.
“Not in the slightest. I’ve been in far more…compromising positions than this.”
Orchid giggled and Velvet groaned and rolled her eyes, “I’m sure you have.” She bit her tongue to stop herself from mentioning to Ritz that there was too much ogling at her brother and not enough spinning.
But instead, she said, “Hey bonehead, my turn. Spin.”
Ritz shook his head and spun the wheel, “Right hand red.”
She moved her hand with no trouble or strain and then it was Orchids turn. “Right hand green.” Ritz directed and Orchid followed, showing only a slight sign of a struggle.
Suddenly, for whatever reason, Veneer collapsed, perhaps a slight gust of wind knocked him over or - perhaps more likely - his arms grew tired from holding his weight and gave out.
“Damn it!” He yelled.
“Haha.” Velvet teased.
“Shut up.”
Ritz laughed, “Oh pity. I guess that means you’re out and now you’ll have to join me on this suuuper comfy couch. Oh the horror!”
With a groan of defeat, Veneer picked himself up from the mat and sat on the couch, right next to Ritz. Grabbing a handful of Cheeto’s and shovelling them into his mouth “I bet $200 that Vel is gonna fall on her head and die.”
She flashed him a toothy grin, “Oh yeah. Well I bet $500 that by the end of this month you’ll get aids and die.”
“Oh it’s on bitch.” He seethed as he snatched the spinner out of Ritz’ hands, who was still processing how close Veneer was sitting next to him.
Veneer spun the wheel and waited for a few seconds, “Left foot green.”
Velvet moved, now more determined than ever to win. Then it was Orchids turn.
“Right hand yellow.”
It went back and forth like this for a while, both girls moved sometimes with ease and other times struggling.
But then an idea popped into Veneers head.
It was probably a really stupid idea, and Vel will probably beat him up later for it. But that’s a problem for future Veneer.
“Velvet. Left hand blue.”
Without hesitation, she moved her hand and Veneer had to stop the grin from forming on his face. But Ritz could see the cogs in his brain turning.
He didn’t spin the wheel.
Ritz hid a chuckle behind his hand, covering it with a fake cough. He had no clue where this was going, but knowing Veneer it was probably going to be funny.
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing!” Ritz blurted hurriedly.
“Your big ass forehead.” Veneer smirked, to which Velvet rolled her eyes. But as the game continued, her suspicions of them only grew, yet she just couldn’t quite put her finger on it.
However, it all clicked when Veneer directed Orchid, “Right hand red.”
Never one to question things, Orchid did as she was told, it was the rules of the game, and she placed her right hand on the red dot, effectively pinning Velvet underneath her.
Staring directly into Orchids eyes, Velvet could tell that she had just come to the same realisation as she did. They mirrored her own embarrassment. They…
They were so pretty.
How did she not notice how beautiful Orchids eyes were before?
She turned her head, turning her attention to the boys on the couch, who were struggling to contain their laughter. Assholes.
“You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?”
“I stopped spinning like 15 minutes ago.” Veneer snorted, arms wrapping around him, laughing so hard his stomach ached. “Honestly, I’m surprised you didn’t notice.”
With burning cheeks and hammering hearts, the girls pulled away from each other. Whatever laughter was left in the boys had died down and now only awkwardness hung in the air. For a moment, Veneer felt like he’d gone too far. Why was Vel so quiet? By now she’d be chasing him around the living room in an attempt to tackle and strangle him, as perfectly normal siblings would do.
But she just sat there, on the floor, eyes focused on nothing in particular, brows furrowed. To anyone else, she’d just look perpetually annoyed, but as her brother, he knew better. She was deep in thought, which was not something she did often, cuz she was dumb.
Then it clicked.
Holy shit did I just awaken something in her?
Thankfully, Orchid spoke up before things got too awkward. “Well this is weird, let’s watch a movie!”
“Good idea.” The rest said in unison.
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thegeminisage · 7 months
it's time for...a dual tng/ds9 update. i'm gonna be real, i would strongly prefer to put updates for separate shows in separate posts to keep my tags/archive clean, but i tried to imagine doing that for all seven seasons of ds9 (which either run concurrently to tng or voyager) and became horrifically overwhelmed. so, unfortunately, this is the way it has to be. last night we watched tng's "ship in a bottle" and ds9's "captive pursuit."
ship in a bottle (tng):
to be totally honest, i probably would have had more nuanced thoughts on this episode if 1. i hadn't been sleep deprived out of my fucking mind and also had the Worst Day Ever 2. they didn't pronounce the name "regina" to rhyme with "vagina."
like, i'm sorry, WHO SAYS IT LIKE THIS? AND THEY KEPT SAYING IT. every time i calmed down someone would say it again, or catherine would say it again to menace me, and i'd dissolve back into hysterics. i almost couldn't follow the plot of the episode because i was laughing too hard
that said, i did glance over the transcript in the cold light of day, wherein i can (attempt to) read the name "regina" as god and the mean girls intended, and i do have a few thoughts, which are as follows
i don't think moriarty makes a good villain. i mean, it's just a sherlock holmes crossover, which i'm already a little chilly on because of those fucking tjlc people, but also, it's not...really star trek. also lmao him like "YOU FORGOT ME AND I STAYED IN A MICROCHIP FOR FOUR YEARS" and meanwhile picard is like "uh no we totally researched" dude. you didn't. we all forgot about him. please be serious
ALSO, we pulled him from season 2. they were like, "SOMEONE said 'create an opponent who can out-think data'" and they can't even say pulaski's name because that was such a cheap shitty move from a cheap shitty season. do not bring that shit forward. let it die.
the sci-fi concept of "what if this nonsentient npc became self-aware and wanted to be real" is solid, i'll give it that (and bonus points at the end for picard implying they could all be living in a simulation, WHICH THEY ARE, and there's also a theory that our world is one too), but instead of...exploring the concept at all and try to decide what the ethical thing is to do about it, they play this...cat-and-mouse inception game with moriarty instead. AND THAT COULD HAVE BEEN FUN. i was actually decently impressed when geordi caught that thing in his left hand and realized a second before they told us that they had been in the holodeck all along. tng doesn't manage to trick me often and i really enjoy it when they do! i think an episode utilizing that plot twist could have been great! but it's an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT episode than "the holodeck characters may be sentient, what are you going to do about it?"
the implications were also there in "the big goodbye," which apparently won awards even though i hated it - that guy asking if his family would be there when he got home, or if he was just gonna disappear when picard walked out the door. and of course picard walked out the door and he just ceased to exist. and that one episode with what's her name, riker's dinger lady gf. there is EVERY implication throughout this series that the holodeck characters are not only CAPABLE of becoming sentient but that they ALREADY ARE SENTIENT.
THINK ABOUT THIS A SECOND. that fake deanna with no free will of her own that barclay made specifically for him to fuck is sentient. the enemies in the klingon training scenarios. the guys in the westerns. riker's fake family. geordi's creepy holodeck sex doll gf. every background extra in the dixon hill setting. the alternate versions of riker and geordi from those episodes with recordings. the alternate version of riker on the trail where he was accused of RAPE and the victim he supposedly assaulted. ALL SENTIENT.
and instead of doing anything about this, like notifying starfleet and immediately disassembling all the holodecks and never ever making another one or AT THE VERY LEAST ceasing their use until an investigation on whether or not their use is ethical takes place. we just. put moriarty and his poorly named gf into a little cube and make a 4th wall joke. a good 4th wall joke, but still.
like, is it ethical to trap them in a holosimulation that they believe is real for the rest of their endless existence? there's no choice probably but if this is the hell they go through, if they can feel the passage of time between bouts of being solid in the holodeck, isn't it unethical to create more of them?? it is the EXACT argument made for data's personhood in season 2 - the holodeck characters exist to be therapists and entertainers and whores, and there's potentially an entire race of them in there, but it is LITERALLY PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to give them agency and lives and choices of their own. YOU HAVE TO DISASSEMBLE THE HOLODECK. or stop making these kinds of episodes.
i will say that i was so worried about this being A Barclay Episode but like he was just in it. and that was fine i guess. like he didn't do anything horrible he was just there. i can live with that...but at what cost. good fucking lord. the one time tng has a solid sci-fi premise and they totally waste it on stupid ass bullshit
oh, yeah. the two gas planets colliding in this episode to make a star was cool esp bc one of them was a jupiter knock-off. i'm pretty sure that's not how stars work but i don't know enough about it etc etc etc. compelled me anyway though.
captive pursuit (ds9):
sour note right at the beginning when this poor lady was telling sisko that quark tried to fuck her...i like quark a lot so i wish we could like retcon some of the horrible ferengi stuff cuz it really takes the wind out of my sails. but whatever
i am tosk!!! it was so cute because like he literally is tosk. but then by the end it's a bummer because he's only tosk. you know :(
i love o'brien in this episode. he called the strange alien "friend" like 3 times and then proceeded to become his number one best buddy. i was so worried when he went into the ship alone that this alien was a big meanie who would jump him but instead he just smacked his head which was pretty funny
quark acting as a therapist in this episode was really funny. he's like, tell me about your problems. and o'brien is like, thanks i'd rather die. but then he does and quark is so pleased, it was extremely funny
o'brien busting tosk out really was the only solution and very cool also. o'brien NEVER got to do stuff like this in tng. "die with honor" i love that he got the gist of it and that you could see on his face that he went from wtf to honored and touched. very sweet.
side bar but ODO DOESN'T USE PHASERS??? how does he fight...he's so fascinating to me. i want to know everything about him
surprise sisko moment at the end where he gives o'brien the business and then o'brien is like okay yeah i had that coming but like could you not have caught us. like i was so sure you were gonna catch us. what happened. and then you remember sisko is being a hardass but he literally did tell odo to walk slower. i think it's another good example of sisko threading the needle where he has to follow starfleet's rules but he knows in his heart what the right thing to do is. i like him so much
TONIGHT: tng's "aquiel" and ds9's "q-less" (GROSS what is q doing on this cool show get your tng shit outta here)
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ghostfaceaddams · 1 year
It's the Great Pumpkin, Santana Lopez
Part Three
summary: It's time to see if Santana (and Quinn) will win the ultimate Halloween costume contest or not.
warnings: Santana punches Zizes, sexual thoughts for like one paragraph, and cussing.
word count: 4,690
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The party was now in full swing. Despite Santana's passion and excitement for her annual Halloween party with Puck, she hadn't left Quinn's side with the exception of getting drinks or going to the bathroom. Every year they came together and Santana never left Quinn's side.
The blonde was surprised Santana had stuck with her at first considering her irritancy over their costumes.
"Why are we going as comic book characters? People are going to think we're nerds Quinn! Do you want that? Because I certainly don't want that! It's bad enough we're gay in a small town, must we be nerds too? What's next, wearing flannel and playing video games?"
Quinn rolled her eyes and rubbed her girlfriend's tense shoulders.
"I'm going to pretend like you didn't just say that." Quinn said somewhat sternly and exasperatedly, referring to the gay comment. Santana rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.
"First of all, you already play video games. With Puck. Second of all, just because we're going as comic book characters doesn't mean we're nerds but even if we were, who cares." Santana opened her mouth to shout, "everyone" but Quinn continued. She swore a vein was going to pop with that girl.
"JBI won and he was dressed as Darth Vader, so really I think you should be excited about this."
Santana frowned and uncrossed her arms. Her face was scrunched up in a slightly dramatic pout and her arms were dangling helplessly out in front of her. Quinn sighed and climbed onto Santana's lap.
"It's just so cliche, and everyone does it. I want to impress people."
"Baby you're so hot, you're going to impress everyone." Quinn smiled encouragingly.
"Yeah, I guess I am pretty sexy huh?" Santana crinkled her nose and nodded her head cockily.
Quinn smiled and rubbed her thumbs against Santana's warm, smooth skin. "The sexiest." She confirmed, sealing the deal with a kiss.
Quinn was more than a little worried about the red and blue coming out of her hair but for the moment, for the night, she didn't give a fuck. She wanted to show Santana that she was committed to her so she went all the way in. The awe on Santana's face when she saw Quinn's pigtails and knew it was actual dye was enough for Quinn. She would dye her hair every year for Halloween to receive that same reaction.
Santana handed Quinn a red solo cup, the blue lights making Santana's leaves look cyan. Quinn went to say she was good for the tenth time that night but Santana stopped her.
"The only person you're sleeping with tonight is me and I can't get you preggers babycakes."
Quinn steadied Santana with a look, challenging Santana's easygoing smile. Santana was right of course and she didn't want to be a buzzkill. Plus that sure look glinting in Santana's eyes was contagious. She rolled her eyes and took the red solo cup out of Santana's hands. She took a lengthy sip of her drink and looked back at the brunette.
"You happy?"
"Fucking ecstatic." Santana grinned, wrapping her arms around Quinn's waist.
The both smiled as their lips met. They stayed pressed together for several seconds before parting to continue. But before they could get frisky, Puck came barreling towards them. He slung his overweighted arms around their shoulders resulting in Quinn spilling her drink.
"Damnit Puck!" Quinn grumbled and threw the plastic cup down.
"Quinn!" Santana called after her pissed girlfriend who was storming away.
Santana huffed and fixed Puck with a weighted glare.
"What?" He asked as if it was spelled wut.
Santana punched him hard in the arm but it really only ended up hurting her. She hated that Puck was wearing that fireman jacket, it was so heavy and rough. And now it caused her girlfriend to storm off.
"What the hell was that for?"
"You're a douchebag."
"Oh come on Santana, it was an accident!" Puck exclaimed.
Santana flipped him off and went in search of her precious girlfriend. She loved Puck and was protective over those closest to her, but when it came to Quinn, she was overprotective. She checked the overcrowded kitchen first in hopes of finding Quinn trying to fix her stain. When she didn't spot her she growled and started venturing throughout the house.
Quinn had her teeth gritted and was trying to scrub at the stain without worsening it. She may be overreacting but Puck just got on her nerves sometimes. Not like she hated Puck or anything (she did at first, after getting pregnant, but not anymore), he was just...a lot like Santana, without being charming and not nearly as cruel. Sure Puck was a bully the first two years but sometime after he got Quinn pregnant, he changed.
She sighed and threw the washcloth on the counter. It wasn't that bad in retrospect, but Quinn worried it could ruin the competition. She wanted to win, a little because she loved to win but mostly for Santana.
She just didn't want to let Santana down. She had already let down so many people in life, her father especially. She couldn't let Santana down. Santana never let her down and was an amazing, wonderful, extrodinary human being that didn't deserve to be let down. She knew she had let Santana down when she got pregnant with her best friend while they were momentarily broken up, she doubted she could do worse but she didn't want to ever do it again.
There was a gentle knock on the door that could only mean it was Santana. She didn't even realize she was crying until she was sniffling and rubbing at her face (the best she could to not smudge her Harley Quinn makeup).
"Quinn? You in there?"
Her heart broke hearing how gentle Santana's voice was. God she wasn't even drunk and she was already a blubbering mess! The effects Santana had on her were insane.
"Yeah, I'm just uh-I'm going to the bathroom." Quinn instantly regretted lying because Santana always knew when she was lying even if she couldn't see her face.
"Well, can I come in?" Santana turned so she was leaning her shoulder against the door.
"No Santana I'm going to the bathroom." She lied once so she might as well stick with it.
"We both know that's as fake as your hair so let me in."
Quinn sighed, her shoulders sagging forward.
"Quinn if you don't let me in I'm going to start screaming bloody murder, and then everyone's going to come rushing in thinking I'm getting murdered or fucked, and I know you don't want an audience." Santana pushed herself off the door and pointed at where she presumed Quinn was standing.
"Like anyone could hear you over this music."
"Oh I think you know how loud I can be." Santana smirked.
Quinn's heart shuddered at the memories of how loud Santana was in bed.
"So, open up."
Santana started rocking back and forth on her feet, half impatient and half amused. She knew Quinn would cave in at some point.
Quinn didn't know why she was contemplating it, she knew Santana wasn't bluffing. Oh she knew that very well sexually. Her mind drifted to a more sexual place, her heart racing with lust. Maybe she could pull Santana in and just take her right here, either against the door or on the counter. Or maybe she could make Santana watch as she took her from be-
Suddenly Santana started screaming, shattering Quinn's fantasies. The blonde flung the door open and jerked a grinning Santana in. She closed the door and flung her arms around her girlfriends neck, burying her nose beneath Santana's ear. Santana lost her grin and was replaced with a frown. She wrapped her arms around Quinn and started rubbing soothing circles into her back.
Having known each other their whole lives made opening up easy. They weren't really skilled at opening up with anyone other than each other. There was Puck for Santana and Mercedes for Quinn and Brittany for both, but it was just natural with each other.
"I love you Santana."
Part of Quinn was still stuck in her sexual fantasies and the other half was wanting to break into tears again. She felt like she was being wishy washy over the whole situation so she'd rather go down on Santana.
"I love you too Lucy Q, you know that."
Quinn did, oh God did she. Whenever she thought about Santana's love for her or vise versa, she thought about Edward and Bella. What was it Edward said, that no one ever loved anyone as much as he loved Bella? She knew it was something like that and figured that was the motto for her relationship with Santana.
She was going to marry Santana someday.
"Quinn what's going on?"
Quinn pulled away and sniffed so she wouldn't start crying again. Now she wanted to cry over how much she loved Santana and wanted to spend the rest of her life with her.
"I'm sorry. I know I'm overreacting and it's not a big deal-" Quinn was on the verge of rambling.
Santana took Quinn's hands in hers and held them in between their chests.
"Hey, whatever it is I'm sure you're overreacting for a reason."
Quinn took her hands out of Santana's and weakly smacked her on the shoulder. Santana smiled, relieved at making Quinn smile.
"Now quit being dramatic and tell me what's wrong." Definitely going to marry her.
"I just...I don't want to let you down." Saying it sounded so stupid.
Santana furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head slightly as she asked, "How are you going to let me down?"
Quinn worried her bottom lip between her teeth and avoided Santana's gentle gaze. Santana's hands migrated towards Quinn where she rested her hands comfortingly on Quinn's hips. Her fingers slipped beneath Quinn's jacket and shirt and started brushing smooth skin.
"Well Puck and his idiot self spilled his drink all over me and ruined my outfit. Now, now we aren't going to win and I just-" Quinn was getting all worked up again.
Santana smiled, somewhere between a sad smile and an amused one. Her eyes were twinkling with love and amusement as she shook her head.
Quinn shut her mouth and looked at Santana, her eyes more hazel and full of crazy worry. Santana quirked her lips up sympathetically.
"There's nothing you could do to let me down, okay?"
Quinn wanted to remind Santana about last year but from the look she was giving her, she assumed Santana knew she wanted to say that.
"You're much more important to me than any competition, even a Halloween one." She smiled lovingly making Quinn's heart ache. "Besides, it really doesn't look that bad. In fact, it looks kinda cool. Like you just kicked some major ass."
Quinn looked down and guessed that yeah, Puck's drink did make it look like some blood. She smiled and looked back up into Santana's smiling eyes.
"Now, if you're done having your meltdown, I would like to gets my groove on."
Quinn smiled and shook her head but grabbed Santana's outstretched one. Santana kissed the top of Quinn's head, Quinn's eyes momentarily fluttering shut. She imagined doing that when they were married and had kids, after long days at work when they just took a bath and watched some tv while drinking some wine.
"Your groove on?"
"Shut up."
Now it was Quinn's turn to search for her girlfriend. She had just gotten done talking to Kurt and Sam who were enjoying dancing together as a couple. Sam was trying to teach Kurt some dance moves since he stuck to three and weren't that good. Her heart ached with happiness seeing her friends happy and feeling safe.
She found her girlfriend tearing into Finn about wearing the same boring costume. Rachel kept looking around for someone or something and then would shake her head at Santana. Quinn quirked her eyebrows together curiously.
Santana shot her head over as if she had heard a gun. But when she realized it was Quinn she burst into a smile.
"See Finnocence, this is what Halloween is all about. Winning competitions, scaring little kids, and dressing up in either a sexy or iconic costume."
Quinn smiled and sidled up to Santana. The Latina's arm wrapped around Quinn while the blonde laid her head against Santana's shoulder.
"I thought Halloween was about candy."
Santana rolled her eyes exasperated.
"Halloween is the best time of the year!" Santana exclaimed.
"I thought that was Christmas."
Santana looked like she was ready to strangle to Finn. Quinn was sure if she actually had Poison Ivy's powers then she would choke Finn out with a vine.
"Hello Georgie, would you like a balloon?" Came a creepy voice.
"Holy fucking shit!" Santana yelled and before Quinn knew it her girlfriend was punching a Pennywise mask.
Santana stepped behind Quinn and wrapped her arms so tight around Quinn's abdomen that Quinn thought she was going to puke up the m&m chocolate chip cookie Brittany had given her. Rachel had her hands over her mouth and Finn's jaw had dropped to the floor.
"What the hell Lopez!" That was a different voice under the mask.
Lauren took the Bill Skarsgård Pennwywise mask off and dabbed at her nose. Some blood had seeped out but not a lot. Santana could have broken her nose if she had hit a little harder.
"You were suppose to be on the lookout Berry! You're never helping me throw a surprise party for Quinn!" Santana screeched.
Quinn placed her hands over Santana's that were still gripping Quinn entirely too tightly. She brushed her thumbs across Santana's knuckles which always helped when she was mad beyond comprehension or scared.
"She came up from behind!" Rachel defended.
"Dang Santana, that's some right hook." Mercedes mused walking up.
"Yeah so don't push me." Santana let go of Quinn's stomach and walked out from behind her.
Quinn sucked in a big breath of air. She was beginning to think she was going to pass out.
"I didn't realize you were afraid of clowns." Mercedes glanced at Quinn who slowly shook her head.
Bringing up clowns was a sure way to get on Santana's bad side. In Mercedes case she'd be ignored for a week.
"I'm not. They're just annoying and ugly. I hate seeing their faces so I punch them in hopes of making them look semi attractive like Berry over here." Defensive Santana.
Quinn smiled and wrapped her arm around Santana's waist. Santana uncrossed her arms and wrapped an arm around Quinn's slim waist. It was funny to see, Quinn all smiley and cuddly and Santana clearly pissed off and annoyed but holding Quinn so comfortably. It made Quinn's heart burst.
"You look awesome Mercedes." Finn smiled widely.
"Thank you Finn." Mercedes smiled and flaunted her outfit to everyone nearby.
Mercedes was wearing the Transvestite outfit from The Rocky Horror Show and looked just as astonishing as last time. Quinn's eyes raked up Mercedes' body appreciatively before quickly looking away. Jealous Santana was hard to deal with in a crowd. But instead of a jealous, threatening bronze in Santana's eyes there was appreciation. Her pupils were slightly dilated and they were dragging all over Mercedes' body.
Quinn couldn't believe it. Santana, miss I-know-you-had-the-hots-for-Mercedes-at-some-point-and-probably-still-do, was checking out Mercedes! She dropped her jaw and pulled her eyebrows together in a glare/pout then elbowed Santana in the ribs.
"Ow. The hell Q?" Santana whined.
Quinn huffed and pulled Santana closer against her, her hand resting very low on Santana's hip. If she was to flex her fingers they would touch Santana's ass. Santana grinned suddenly feeling lucky.
"How did you acquire this outfit Mercedes?" Rachel asked.
Both Quinn and Santana rolled their eyes. Rachel saw and just knew that they were meant to be. She definitely saw wedding bells in their future, maybe even after high school. Though she wasn't sure considering Quinn's devotion to academics.
"Mr.Schue let me borrow it. He said as long as there wasn't any alcohol and I didn't spill anything on it I could wear it."
"That was very...kind of him." Rachel faltered.
Santana laughed and started pulling Quinn sway from the diva off that was sure to happen. Santana led them outside to Puck's back porch where there were a few stragglers. Some teens were making out, one couple on the swing and another against the post. Santana cringed and pulled Quinn to the treehouse.
It had been Puck and Santana's when they were kids and passed on to his little sister. Next to it was a swing set. It wasn't much, just two simple swings but it was half of Santana's childhood. Santana's time as a child was spent with Puck, Quinn, or her abuela. She sadly only had two people left.
Their intertwined hands dangled in between the two swings. Quinn glanced up and saw a few teens littering the lawn and porch, they gave them odd looks. It melted Quinn's heart to know that Santana, who hated rom coms and touchy feely things, was holding her hand on the swings.
"Sam and Kurt told me what you did.
"Oh yeah? What awesome thing did I do now?" Santana smiled confidently.
"That you said Karofsky wasn't going to be here. That if any homophobic prick showed up you'd give them an ass kicking and kick them out."
Santana shrugged, suddenly bashful.
"They're our friends, they should be allowed to enjoy this sacred Holliday. No biggie."
Quinn chuckled and rested her hair against the chains, gazing lovingly at Santana. Santana had her head down and was focusing on the slow movements of the swing. She looked so calm and peaceful, Quinn never wanted to live in a world where she couldn't just look up at Santana.
"Even though Han Solo and Chewbacca are best friends, they're pretty cute together." Quinn commented about Kurt and Sam's costumes.
Santana doesn't comment on Quinn's knowledge of Star Wars because she was with her when her and Sam watched all the movies. Santana had been on her phone the whole time (and tried to make out with Quinn a couple of times).
"Yo, Lopez! It's time to announce the winners!" Puck hollered some minutes later when it had gotten a little chilly for Santana and the teens outside had left.
Santana jumped up and pulled Quinn along. The brunette was so excited that she practically sprinted into the house which left Quinn dragging her feet. They made it to the front of the house where Puck stood up on his coffee table and turned off all the music. Santana handed him the microphone and picked up the goblet with the winner's name.
"Alright boys and gals, welcome to the fourth annual Puckerman and Lopez Halloween Bash!"
There were cheers and people tossing back drinks. Santana smiled widely and pulled Quinn against her chest.
"Now, all the votes have been counted and tallied, and we have come to a conclusion. My right hand gal, my best woman, Santana will hand me the results. Santana." Puck turned and looked down at Santana.
Santana grinned nervously and handed the goblet up to her best man. Her arms wrapped around Quinn's waist and started messing with the hem of her shirt. Quinn slipped her hands down and squeezed Santana's. Santana smiled softly and kissed her on the neck.
If it was up to Quinn, she would obviously pick her and Santana to win. They really tried to get as close to the comics as possible and Santana would be so happy if they won. But if she wasn't helplessly and madly in love with Santana, she would choose Kurt's friend Blaine. He had made his own superhero costume and even came up with a name: Nightbird.
Rachel, Finn, Mike, Tina, Artie, and Brittany were wearing their same costumes from school so lame. Lauren purposely wore the Pennywise mask just to scare Santana so of course Quinn didn't want her to win. Puck was just trying to impress the ladies. Kurt and Sam were cute and Mercedes was stunning.
Quinn didn't pay much attention to anyone else at the party. Too many people and the lights were always flashing different colors. It was hard to tell how many people had dressed up as angels and the devil or police officers and firemen.
Puck made a show of holding the goblet out for everyone to see. Then he slowly reached in like he was a game show host and brought it out as slow as a cartoon snail. He flipped the paper over, read it, glanced around the room for a minute, and then lifted his head.
"The winner of this year's Halloween costume contest, is Santana Lopez and Quinn Fabray!" Puck shouted.
The glee club burst into cheers but none louder than Santana. She screeched while Quinn pulled out of her embrace to clap. The blonde turned and watched as Santana glowed with jubilation. There was applause mixed with boos and murmurs of disappointment. Quinn could hear Puck hopping down off the coffee table and some of the glee club members congratulating them. But all she focused on was Santana smiling.
Santana hoisted Quinn up and twirled her around. Quinn screamed while smiling, her cheeks hurting from the intensity of the smile. The brunette set down the giggling blonde and kissed her passionately.
"I told you you had nothing to worry about." Quinn smiled kindly and raised her eyebrows.
Santana smiled and shook her head, her hands gliding around Quinn's hips.
"Yeah yeah, you were right and I was wrong. Just kiss this winner or else I won't share the trophy."
The trophy wasn't a trophy at all. It was just a cake that Santana and Puck made which Quinn wouldn't let anyone eat even if they did win. They said it was vanilla with black food coloring but Quinn wasn't so sure about that. It was decorated cute at least, they had dedication she'd give them that. This year they lathered it in black icing and wrote THE ROCKY HORROR GLEE SHOW in the same red letters as THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW. There was some "blood splatters" on there and tombstones as well.
Quinn did as she was told and kissed her girlfriend, elated that they had won.
Santana was so wasted by the end of the party that Quinn was practically carrying her upstairs. Judy was on some work retreat that she couldn't get out of no matter how hard she tried. Quinn promised she wouldn't throw any Halloween parties and would tell her when she left for trick or treating and got home. Quinn thought it was best Santana stayed with her and sobered up a bit. They'd probably get in trouble for spending the night together unsupervised but Quinn thought it was the better option.
"Alright party girl, lets get your clothes off."
"Wanky." Santana slurred.
Quinn smiled and helped disentangle the costume from Santana's skin. It was just a one piece that cupped Santana's breast and barely covered her thighs. She had on green fishnet tights with leaves all over her legs, arms, and chest. But none of it looked tacky, it sparkled and looked wet which made Santana all that more appealing to the party goers. Even her skin had glitter on it. Oh how hard it was to not have her way with Santana at the party.
Quinn straightened Santana who had started to fall sideways.
"Stay here."
"Yes ma'am." Santana saluted with the wrong hand.
Quinn went to her walk in bathroom and quickly changed. She took the jacket and skin tight crop top off followed by the ridiculous short shorts and fishnet tights. She discarded her bra and slipped on a tshirt of Santana's and short shorts.
She hurried back into the bedroom and got some night clothes for Santana.
"I want one of your shirts." Santana mumbled from her spot on the bed.
Quinn smiled and got out her favorite t-shirt. It was a raggedy No Doubt one that was long and had holes in it. But it smelled like Quinn and was soft so she guessed it was all that mattered to Santana. She unclipped Santana's bra and slid the shirt over her head, not bothering with shorts.
She helped Santana up and made sure she was steady before pulling the covers back. Santana plopped down on the bed before Quinn could help her in. Quinn shook her head and crawled over the Latina who was dead weight at this point. She rolled Santana over onto her right side, sliding her right arm under her pillow and pulling her knees up. (She had read it online somewhere after the first party they had ever gone to. She never let Santana sleep alone after drinking, she didn't want to risk alcohol poisoning even if she didn't drink that much.)
She slipped her hand beneath Santana's shirt and placed her hand on the Latina's side. She reveled in the warmth of Santana's skin and sighed contently. After a few minutes she assumed that Santana had fallen asleep. It had been a long day and she was drunk so she thought that's what happened.
"I'm gonna marry you someday."
Quinn's breath caught in her throat. At first she thought she had misheard Santana, it was quiet and slurred. But then she replayed it in her head a few times and yep, Santana definitely said that.
"Oh yeah?" Quinn smiled.
Santana was cute when she talked about their future and how much she loved her, even if she was incapacitated.
"Mhm. And we're gonna buy a big ass house with a white picket fence. We're gonna have a bunch of mini Quinn's and mini Santana's running around. And a dog." Santana scooted closer to Quinn, wanting body heat and just Quinn.
Quinn bit her lip in an attempt to hide her smile. She didn't know how much of what Santana was saying was her and how much was alcohol. One thing she was sure of was that Santana wanted a future with her, just like she did with Santana.
"We'll have hot lesbian sex and you'll be the overbearing mom and I'll be the cool one."
"Why do you get to be the cool one?" Quinn thought she might as well play along because there was no harm in it.
Quinn smiled and moved her hand to the small of Santana's back and back to her side. The brunette sighed and delved even further into the mattress. Quinn did it again knowing it relaxed her girlfriend for some reason.
"Dibs on proposing." Was the last thing Santana said before honking out for the night.
"If you remember this in the morning then sure." Quinn chuckled softly and kissed Santana on the head.
Quinn sighed and stayed up for the next hour making sure Santana was still breathing. Every hour or so she woke up to check on Santana, not even thinking about how exhausted she was going to be the next morning. She would take 1,000 exhausted mornings as long as they were spent with Santana.
Santana did get dibs on proposing to Quinn because next year at Easter, after Quinn started getting used to using her legs again, she proposed. The whole glee club was there with her parents and Judy present. Everyone cried and Quinn said yes because although it had a been a rough year and they were young, she knew she would never stop wanting or loving Santana.
They got married two years into college and had their first kid right after. His name was Lucca and had Quinn's eyes and Santana's dimples. Three years later they had Maia Alma Fabray-Lopez, named after Santana's abuela. They did end up getting a dog, a beagle named Prada.
Through it all, Santana and Quinn loved each other just as much as they did on Halloween 2010.
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optimistredsox · 2 months
13 July, KC @ BOS, 0-5, win
That's better. In fact, that was one of the most fun games of the year. That was due, in no small part, to Youk and Pap joining OB in the booth. They were so much fun to listen to. Pap is basically every bit the person you think he's going to be. Yeah, we didn't walk a lot and struck out quite a bit but I really can't complain. We beat a playoff rival, prevented the possibility of a sweep and introduced the possibility of a series win, we beat one of the best pitchers in all of baseball at the moment and there was some great baseball played. Played by us at least. Which is what I want to see, to be honest. Also, it was an afternoon game so I got to watch it live without staying up until three in the morning. So, what I am trying to say, is that there were a lot of bright sides.
Kutter Crawford (still his real name) attacked the strike zone again (85% strikes!!!) and threw a peach of a game. He went 7+ (didn't last an out in the eighth but I forgive him) and gave up 2 (should've been three but the umps called what should've been a hit an error) hits, one walk and struck out six. The fielding was strong behind him, too (that error call was bullshit) and they kept it clean. 85% strikes, man. That is awesome.
Zack Kelly had a bit of a hiccup in the ninth but kept the board clean, inheriting a runner and no outs in the eighth and locking shit down, immediately getting a double play and saving the day.
Dom Smith is playing great first base. I feel it is important to mention that. I know I have before, but as he's a veteran among a young and athletic crew, he needs to get the credit he deserves. He fielded brilliantly, making a grab on an amazing but slightly off-target throw from Raffy (Raffy's grab was amazing, and a lesser third baseman making that grab would've just settled for preventing extra bases) and keeping his foot on the bag in full extension to get the out. He also came up big at the plate. He went 2-for-4 with a run scored and 2 RBIs on a big hit in the bottom of the third that gave the Sox the breathing room they need. He played great today.
Raffy went two-for-four as well, with a ridiculous dinger off the top of the barrel of the bat that I don't even think he realised it was a homer at first. I don't think any of us did. As he passed Jason Varitek on the list of career homers with the Red Sox, it was Varitek that put the homer medal on Raffy's neck when he got back to the dugout, which was really cool. Also he played third base great (unjustly charged with an error on what should've been a hit) and his first hit of the game was one of the few that went into left field. A very small dip (not a slump) seemed a distant memory by the end of the game.
Jarren Duran went 2-for-4 with a ridiculous bunt straight to the pitcher that he turned into a single by being fast as fuck. He also then was thrown out trying to steal second just after that but it was still impressive.
Reese McGuire also bunted successfully, caught a good game, knocked in the first run of the game and went 2-for-4.
Masa Yoshida got a hit and scored a run.
Wilyer Abreu, still trying a bit too hard at the plate, managed to go 1-for-4 with a RBI and a run scored anyway.
Ceddanne Rafaela went 0fer but played great short again, including making a leaping grab above second to make a remarkable out. He's distilling into one hell of a player. Not his best plate day though.
We won that game and it felt good.
We're back in sole possession of the third wild card spot.
We can win this fucking series and go to the All Star game feeling totally fucking awesome. Let's fucking go.
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natureplay · 1 year
୨୧Chapter VIII • Motorcycle Rides
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Word count: 1.8k
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You won the first round of the game. It was probably because of those drinks you had, but you felt confident enough to ask Leon to play another one.
Claire is standing by just observing the two of you, cheering for you, making comments here and there just to tease Leon.
You’re enjoying yourself pondering whichever shot would be the best. You bend over propping one leg over the table, careful to not move any balls from their position and take aim.
Your stick hits the cue ball, sending it spiralling towards the pink-striped ball. It falls in one of the pockets and you stand up with a big smile on your face. Only one left, then the 8-Ball. Even though it’s only your second game, you’re starting to get the hang of it quickly.
It’s Leon’s turn now. He skims over the entire table for a while. Pacing around with a serious look on his face.
“Hurry up!” Claire hurries.
You’re watching him closely. Leon finally gets into position. He gets ready, drawing the cue stick back and forth then it finally happens. The stick makes contact with the cue ball which pockets his remaining 2 balls. He stands with a smirk.
“Your turn”
Only the 8-Ball and cue ball are left. You thought this was going to be easy, and it could be...
Unfortunately for you, the white ball ended near one of the edges. It would be impossible. But that doesn’t mean you’re not going to try.
You totally miss the shot, pocketing the cue ball instead. This means an instant win for Leon— if he doesn’t fuck it up astronomically. You kind of hope he does, but then you feel bad for wanting him to lose.
As expected, Leon doesn’t fuck it up astronomically. The game is over and you can’t help but feel a bit disappointed. Lesson learned: don’t get cocky while playing against Leon Kennedy because he will humble you as quickly as that.
“What a show-off you are,” Claire says.
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Leon and you played another game so you could get revenge but you ended up losing. You couldn’t feel more humiliated and disappointed. You went to sit down at the table with Claire. Leon went to the bathroom.
“Don’t get bummed out, he was just trying to impress you” The brunette says. You look into her bright blue eyes letting yourself get lost in them for a while. She is just so gorgeous.
As you snap out of your daze, you realize what Claire just said. "Impress me?" You scoff, shaking your head. "I doubt that. He's probably just having a good time”
“You didn’t see what I saw” Claire winks.
“Oh really? And what did you see?”
“Well, he was definitely checking you out throughout the whole game”
You blush at the thought of Leon looking at you in that way, “No way!”
“Yes way! He barely even broke contact with you. Then you lifted your leg up and I could see it was over for him— He was definitely screaming internally”
Even if what Claire is saying is true, why would she out her friend like that?
“I’m telling you!”
“Telling her what?” Leon sits down next to you.
“Nothing, we were just talking about how good this new show is. You probably don’t know it”
Leon seems a bit sceptical, but he doesn't say anything. Instead, he leans back in his chair, eyeing Claire suspiciously.
He didn’t hear what you were talking about, did he? Oh no...
“I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling pretty hungry,” he says.
“At this hour?”
Leon shrugs at Claire like he’s saying “Yeah, you got a problem with it” nonverbally.
“Actually, I’m feeling pretty hungry as well,” you say. You barely ate anything today, even if you promised yourself you were going to take much better care of your body. But, old habits die hard. At least you were trying.
Claire sighs, “And where do you want to go?”
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You ended up going to a restaurant both Claire and Leon say they frequent. The restaurant is small and nicely decorated. No other people besides the three of you which is somehow making the place feel cold.
You’re seating at a table near the window. Claire is seating next to you, her head resting on top of the table facing the window. Leon is in the chair in front of Claire. No one is saying anything.
You’re waiting for the food to arrive. Head empty, stomach also empty.
You clear your throat but then Leon speaks.
“How come you don’t have a driver’s licence?”
Ah , here it is. The million-dollar question.
“Long story...”
“I’m all ears” He leans back.
“Well, I tried getting one at seventeen, but I failed the exam. Then I tried again after I graduated high school and failed again. I failed again in my last year of college and decided that it was a sign I don’t belong behind the wheel...”
Leon laughs.
“What if it’s a sign you should get a motorcycle!” Claire says, raising her head from the table.
You have considered it, then your mother managed to talk you out of it
“I don’t know, it’s not really my style...”
“Aw, c’mon! Didn’t you like it when you were on it with me?”
You did like it. You liked the sensation of the wind passing through your clothes and hair. It was invigorating, liberating, and brought a smile to your face.
“I don’t know...”
“Do you want to go for another ride?” she asks, eyes glistening with anticipation and excitement.
You look at Leon.
“I’ll stay here waiting for our order”
Claire jumps out of her seat and drags you along with her.
You go outside and get on the motorcycle. She hands you a helmet which you accept gladly.
Claire revs the engine and exits the parking lot with ease. You hold tight onto her waist.
You don’t usually go on thrill rides, but this feels amazing.
“It’s okay, you can relax”
You relax your grip and gaze upwards, taking in the breathtaking beauty of the night sky. The stars are twinkling brightly and the full moon illuminates everything around you. You take a deep breath and marvel at how peaceful this night is.
You’re loving the feeling of pure bliss that floods you as you tip your head back and just enjoy being in the moment.
Claire is silent for the most part, except when she’s asking if you’re enjoying it and warning you about increasing the speed. You barely hear her over the wind blowing past your ears.
You two drove around for a couple more minutes. It made you happy and forget the weariness in your bones, made you forget about worries for a little while.
You walk back into the restaurant, where Leon is sitting alone. Whatever food you ordered is ready. You totally forgot about that.
Leon looks up and greets both of you with a warm smile. "Hey, how was the ride?" he asks.
"It was amazing!" you reply, still feeling the rush of excitement from the ride. "Claire is a fantastic driver."
Claire chuckles and says, "Thanks, but it's all about the bike. She's a real beauty."
You look down at the plate before you, feeling a sharp pang of hunger in your stomach as it starts to rumble. You begin to eat, savouring every bite as the delicious flavours fill your mouth. Every morsel is delightful; each texture is unique and delectable. As you chew, it feels like a party for your taste buds - each bite brings with it something new and exciting. The food is so heavenly that you can hardly believe it's possible for something to be this good.
The three of you eat in silence, all equally hungry. You don’t know what time it is, but it’s not really important at this moment.
After finishing your meals, you pay and leave the restaurant.
“You were tight, the food here is amazing”
“I told you!” Claire says.
You climb onto the back of Claire's motorcycle once again, for the fourth time this night. She had been the one to take you around all evening and you have no doubt that she will be your ride home as well.
You had a wonderful night with the two of them. It was definitely a time you won't soon forget. Claire is such an amiable person; she and Leon appear to have an indestructible bond which is so admirable! You find yourself feeling envious of their relationship; something like that is a rarity these days.
“You know,” Claire says with a laugh, “I let Leon drive my motorcycle once and he almost crashed”
You glance back at Leon and can't help but smile at his sheepish expression. Leon rolls his eyes.
“You’re exaggerating”
“You almost sent us flying!”
You chuckle at their banter.
“I’m sure you’ve gotten better since then” You try to come to his defence. It wouldn’t be fair if both you and Claire ganged up on him like that, though a part of you wanted to do that just to see how he would react.
“You can be the judge of that,” Claire says and gets off the motorcycle. Your eyes widen but you remain in your spot.
“I thought you said you’d never let me near it”
Claire raises her shoulders.
“It’s the only way you can prove yourself. No pressure though. If you want” she winks “I’ll let this cutie right here be the judge”
Claire rests her hand on your thigh. The simple action sends billions of sparks through your veins. You can feel the heat radiating from Claire’s hand as she stares at you with an unreadable expression, waiting for your response.
You take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself before facing Leon again.
“I guess so...” you manage to say in a low voice “But shouldn’t you—”
“Great!” Claire pats your thigh and walks towards where Leon is standing beside his car.
Leon hesitates for a moment, judging if it’s worth it or not then he finally moves, looking down at the pavement. He gets on the motorcycle.
“Hold tight,” he says.
You wrap your arms around his waist. This is more intimate than you've ever been with him and it brings a strange thrill. Through the fabric of his shirt, you can feel the taut muscle underneath and it only intensifies your feelings in that moment. You take a deep breath, overwhelmed by the closeness of it all; he smells of alcohol and his scent. You take it all in.
Your eyes snap open, and you can feel your heart pounding in your chest. You try to take some deep, calming breaths. It's just like it was when you were with Claire; why are you having such an intense reaction to Leon? You try to rationalize why your behaviour has been so strange.
It’s because of what Claire said! You’re just worried he’s going to crash. That’s all.
You rest your head on Leon's back as he starts up the engine and exits out of the parking lot. You look back at Claire’s shrinking silhouette.
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justalilboyo2 · 1 year
Behind closed doors - (doug remer x reader) 1/?
You meet your favorite sports player, Doug Remer, but it seems that you might've felt more than idolatry for him.
(word count: 884)
You never really thought much of sports. Despite countless attempts from your brother and his friends, none of them really piqued your interest. Not until you saw Doug Remer. Ever since that day, Baseketball was all you could think about. You didn't know whether it was because of him being a good player, or if there was something more you felt for him. You shook those thoughts out of your head before you left for your first live Baseketball game.
 You chose front row tickets, trying to see Remer as close as possible. The way he played every game made him feel… different to you. The way he always psyched out every opponent without breaking a sweat impressed you. The way he never missed a throw. The way he… You were pulled out of your thoughts by loud cheering as coop cooper got a homerun. You jumped up, throwing your hands in the air. Coop was your brother’s best friend. You grew up together. He was like a brother to you. You yelled out into the crowd, “Fuck yeah!! Go coop!” He smiled back at you, pumping his fist as you cheered him on. 
As you were looking at him, you noticed Remer out of the corner of your eye. You noticed him looking at you while talking to Squeak.  Squeak seemed to say your name to him, smiling and waving as Remer followed. You wave back, looking confused, but still smiling. I wonder what he said about me; you thought to yourself. You tried not to get too worked up over it, knowing it probably wasn't anything to be worried about. You stopped waving when they did, looking back at Coop as the game resumed.
At the end of the game, you walked onto the field, running towards Coop once you saw him. You finally reached him, him pulling you into a hug. “You came!” he yelled, releasing you from his arms. “I wouldn’t miss the denslow cup, Coop!” you said, grabbing onto his shoulders. He laughed as he called squeak and Remer over. You began to get nervous as Remer got closer to you. “Hey guys! She came!” coop said to them. Squeak nodded. “I noticed, how's it goin’?” “pretty good, how about you guys?” Remer laughed,”Pretty good, clearly! We won the denslow cup, so it's kinda hard to not be doing good. I'm Remer, by the way.” He held out his hand to you. You thought for a second before shaking it. “I’m y/n. Nice to finally meet you. Coop talks a lot about you.” You smiled as you looked at Coop, who rolled his eyes at you. 
Remer smiled at him as he let go of your hand. “Does he now?” coop punched remer’s shoulder. “Anyways, we were gonna go out to eat together. You wanna join?” Squeak asked you, ignoring the bickering coming from Coop and Remer. “You sure? I don't want to bother you guys.” Remer redirected his attention to you. “You won't bother us at all! I always like meeting Coop’s friends, or girlfriends, in this context.” You looked at him, shocked. “Ew! No way dude. She's like my little sister. Thats fucked up.” Coop yelled, as you laughed at the assumption. “ My bad, I shouldn't have assumed.” You put your hand on his shoulder to reassure him. “It's fine, Remer. Let's go, it's getting late” Coop said, walking towards the exit.
You all arrived at the restaurant, coop taking responsibility for finding the table. When you all sat down, Remer sat next to you, Squeak across from him, and coop across from you. Your heart was beating really fast sitting next to him, his right leg touching your left. You caught yourself staring at him, turning to look at coop instead, trying not to make it obvious that you're attracted to him. As the waitress approached your table, you felt his hand on your thigh. You shot your head around to look back at him. He turned to look back at you, realizing where his hand landed.  “Oh shit, sorry! Were just so cramped I didn't mean to-” you cut him off, putting your hand onto his, keeping it in place. He looked down at your hands, slowly looking back up, making sure you were fine with it. You nodded and he decided to not move his hand. 
You all took your orders, no one questioning remer’s nervous tone and face. You found it kinda cute, seeing him so nervous about something so small. “You ok, Remer?’ squeak finally asked. “Oh yeah, I'm fine. It's just kinda nerve racking being in public, you know?” He looked at you, making sure he didn't hurt your feelings. You smiled at him, squeezing his hand. Squeak didn't think anything of it, returning to his conversation with coop. Remer smiled at you, slightly rubbing at your thigh. You scooted a bit closer to him, to the point of your shoulders meeting. As the food came, he let go of your thigh, reaching to pick up a pen and one of the many napkins on the table. “Hey guys, I need to use the bathroom. I'll be back in a minute, K?” He gets up and you see a note where he was sitting.
 Meet me in the bathroom.
its kinda rushed and a bit short but wtv i hope u enjoyed it!!
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vro0m · 2 years
vro0m’s rewatch - 154/310
2015 Monaco GP
And it’s already time for the worst GP of the year... yay...
So I don't have the full broadcast for this one and honestly I'm kinda glad because Monaco is so damn fucking long as it is already. 
Welp now I have it and I have no excuse not to watch it so here we go. (Spoiler : retrospectively the full broadcast was so worth it)
Lewis is on pole. Nico locked up and messed up his lap, twice in a row. Hill says Lewis has struck back after what happened in Spain and compliments him a lot but Simon calls him out, because if you remember he said he'd been too distracted during the break and Lewis hit back at him (I don't know if it's figuratively with the racing or if he said something about it). Johnny is grinning from ear to ear listening to him trying to justify himself now. Hill says nobody likes to have people commenting on their lifestyle but– Simon cuts him off : does he stand by it though? He maintains he thinks there is something in it, he thinks you can't travel the world and show up at the race at your best jetlagged and all. Simon asks for Brundle's opinion. Brundle says it's not his place to comment on how he lives his life, he seems very relaxed compared to how he feels himself sometimes. Johnny chuckles. Brundle thinks Lewis looks very comfortable and at the top of his game. He says right before his final run, Lewis went "okay guys let's all just calm down." Apparently it wasn't going too well and then he aced it and Nico made a mistake and that's that. 
Let's hear from Lewis himself. He says it feels very special and wow the broadcast is shit it's completely lagging. He says it feels like a great achievement and it's gonna be a tough race no doubt (can't hear, can't hear) Natalie says he's only won one and by his own very high standards that's not enough, can he win again? (can't hear) …it isn't enough but he's grateful for the one he does have and he'll work as hard as he can to win a second one today. 
Simon says he's read somewhere that Lewis went away to work on a couple of areas he felt he'd been weak over the years on this circuit. He says it shows his attention to details. 
Anyway it's Lewis' first Monaco pole! Of course Nico is right behind him. Then it's Seb and Daniel, Kvyat and Raikkonen, Perez and Maldonado, Verstappen and Jenson. 
Meanwhile Nico could become the fourth driver in history to win 3 Monaco GPs in a row after Graham Hill, Alain Prost and Ayrton Senna. 
Oh god… Lewis went to play football?! With fucking Thierry Henry?!
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There are famous people there but I don't know who they are so I'm not impressed. Some of them are not in elite-athlete shape so I’m guessing either retirees or not sportsmen.
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So yeah, Thierry's team won. Oh they have a lovely talk. It's a looooong one though (like it lasts almost 10 minutes) so I'll just tell you about what interests me the most and post the thing afterwards so you can listen for yourselves. 
Lewis says Thierry has been doing it for years but for him it's the first time (the video has a bug I think?) then he says he never played in front of people and Thierry says neither did he and they laugh. 
"The guys were really happy to be around you," Thierry Henry tells him, "at the end of the day you ARE, you know, a living legend, like they're saying."
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I like his calm voice and demeanour, it's attractive. Lewis denies it but Thierry doesn't care, he insists : "Yes you are! You know, you're gonna play it down obviously because you're humble."
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(Look at him babygirling I’d say he finds Thierry as attractive as I do)
A bit later he says : "I always explain to people that when I do something to win, I see, if I can say, myself in Lewis because he wants to win everything. Everything that he does." Lewis says he thinks they share the same mentality, when you go out there it's do or die. "I hate losing. Do you hate losing?" he asks. Thierry scoffs. He says he doesn't understand people telling people they should be good losers. They agree that they don't know what that is, (although of course Lewis has shown us he knows, since then. Or maybe he's learnt since then. Idk.) Lewis says he thinks people like that will never be champions. (Yeah. He definitely learnt. There's a difference between not caring about losing and losing with composure, if you know what I mean. That might not be the best way to word it but you get it, I trust that you do.) 
They must have recorded right after the Spanish GP because Lewis talks about getting a lot from what happened "yesterday". He feels like because he had to gain some places back he was more successful than maybe if he'd won the race. He calls it a challenge of composure. (But that's literally what I was saying about being a good loser. The same word even, lmao. Lewis you do get it you dumbass (affectionate)). He talks about the moment when Bono told him not to try and catch Nico at the end because he wouldn't be able to. He's proud of overcoming all that and not getting flustered. He then says he knows he needs to be better prepared than ever, he says the previous year he wasn't prepared the best he could for Monaco. "I've had a good car for the last two years and I haven't capitalised on it," he adds. (Bro you won the title, is Monaco really that important that you would say you didn't capitalise on it?) He thinks third time's lucky. 
Thierry asks how you find the right balance with a teammate. He says it's not easy as a footballer to be an individual in the collective. Lewis says he doesn't get paid to lift the other one up. On the one hand you want the other guy to be second for the team, but at the same time sometimes you want "the Ferrari guy or someone to take points away from that guy". "You wanna be a team player, but also you wanna win."
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He's gotten older though (he says 'a lot' but he's 30 at this point so I refuse that) and now he thinks there's an opportunity to be a leader. (Oh that’s truly… Actually I've been thinking this season we’re seeing more and more of the current Lewis in him and that's another thing he did actually emulate right? He definitely did become that leader in the end.) When he was younger he only thought about "me me me" and wanting to win and nowadays he thinks if he wants to earn the place to be a team leader for all these people, there's a way he needs to conduct himself. Even though he wants to win, he also needs to make sure the team gets a 1-2. 
Thierry says it's like the guy on the bench, he might need to replace you for the end of the game or because you're injured, and you need him to win for the team so you give him advice and lift him up but if you give too much, you might become the guy on the bench, and you might find out that once that guy plays he's not looking at you anymore. That's where he sees a similarity between them in that sense. People don't get it, how you need to be nice but not let him take over. He jokes : "I will help you. But you will never play."
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Lewis says the thing with F1 is that everything is recorded, from your heart rate to the vibrations. So you don't even need to tell the guy, he can just go in the backroom and look at it. "All of your talents are on display." He says the difference in your heart and in your ability can still come through even though it's diminished because of that. (I never thought of that part, actually. I didn't know they had such easy access to their teammate’s data. I guess it depends on the team and all that as well but yeah it makes it that much more difficult to navigate. It's kinda crazy to think that eventually Lewis developed in such a way that even with that data his teammates aren't able to emulate him? Or maybe they didn't have as much access anymore after that brocedes fiasco? I wonder.)
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I still wrote most of it down in the end because pretty much all of it was interesting lol. Thierry says "see you soon on the field". He adds he won't see him on the track because it's too dangerous for him. "I'm soft." They laugh.
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Back on the track it's another footballer. Fucking Cristiano Ronaldo. Meh. We see super models greeting Lewis in the garage, I think it's Gigi Hadid? Idk. Idc. They're with Spinz. While Johnny says he does think Lewis took control of his life and the whole management thing had a role in that too, we see Lewis joking around with the models, handing them his steering wheel then his very heavy bling necklace. Johnny says he feels comfortable with everything that's going on around him which is funny because it's true of his life and of the models lol. "Something he hasn't had for many many years," he continues, "he's always been open on that fact." And it gives him ultimate confidence on track. (I like Johnny Herbert I have to say, I feel like he's often right and doesn't take any of it too seriously.) 
There's a segment about Jules winning Marussia points here in 2014 and it makes me incredibly sad to hear these people talk about him. They all sound so proud. Max Chilton, his teammate at the time, says he got goosebumps just talking about it.
It's time for Lewis to get in the car, the models have to go. Oh, Nick is there! They hug.
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I also read that Mercedes announced that they renewed Lewis' contract for an additional 3 years ahead of the weekend! Somehow I don't think they mentioned it during the broadcast but maybe I just missed it idk. 
Formation lap. 
They're racing! 
It's a tight start, Lewis is ahead but just about. Behind him, Nico is level with Seb and there's a Red Bull, Daniel I imagine, trying to get in-between them but locking up as he tries not to collide with the Ferrari. The cars fall into place, it's actually Kvyat who almost made contact, he got ahead of Ricciardo. Yellow flags in sector two. Yeah someone is in the barriers and reversing. It's Hulkenberg. As he tries to go away again he runs in the debris of his own car. The marshals jump the barrier to take them away. His front wing is gone. Massa is dead last and saying on the radio it's finished. What happened to him? Ohhh on the replay we see Hulkenberg was actually SENT into the barriers by Alonso… Hulkenberg pits, and Massa pits and they're both getting new front wings. And Max and Maldonado make contact. Verstappen is trying to race wheel to wheel in Monaco. Which isn't a thing. Unfortunately. But tbh good on him for trying. Alonso gets a 5 second time penalty for the collision with Hulkenberg. Max and Maldonado are indeed wheel to wheel and it made me inhale through my teeth, it's scary scary. I mean. It would be scary with any drivers but it's Max and Maldonado. On paper, terrible pairing for wheel to wheel racing on a tight street circuit. Verstappen takes P8. Ted says Maldonado has a brake by wire failure so things are gonna get worse for him. Yeah, they retire him. 
It's lap 10. Lewis, 3.1 in the lead, is told to manage his front left brake. Behind him it's of course Nico, then Seb, then Kvyat and Daniel, Raikkonen, Perez, Verstappen, Jenson and Alonso is currently P10. Lewis is having issues with brake balance and temperature. It's affecting the strategy, Ted says, as they're telling him he's not making a gap to Seb quick enough now. It's so early in the race to be struggling, I'm worried. 
Lap 20. Lewis is 3.9 ahead now. The order behind him is obviously unchanged. He's told the brakes are coming under control and he can reduce lift and coast. Nico is told it's important to reduce the gap to Lewis in case there's a Safety Car. A bit later, they tell him prime warm up looks better than they thought so Vettel is a threat to the undercut, hence he has to push. He's not getting closer to Lewis though. Lewis complained he lost time in traffic but now it's Rosberg and Seb caught in it and it's helping him a lot. 
It's lap 30. Lewis is 8.6 ahead and the pit stops are ongoing. After the top 3 it's now Daniel, Raikkonen, Perez, Jenson, Kvyat, Alonso and Nasr. Verstappen is just exiting the pit lane after a 31.0 wheel change in a 52.821 pit stop. His race is ruined. Seb pits. Daniel pits. Nico pits to cover Seb. Raikkonen pits. Nico is still ahead but it was close. 
Lap 40 (sigh). Lewis still hasn't stopped and he's 8.2 ahead. Why aren't they pitting him. He's losing time. Behind Seb is now Kvyat, Raikkonen is P5, then Daniel, Perez, Jenson, Alonso and Nasr. Nico just set the fastest lap… Alonso just went straight on in a run off area. He's out. 
Lap 50. The Monaco gp is always so testing for whatever is wrong with my brain wiring istg. It makes me wanna bite things really hard. Anyway, Lewis is, guess what, still ahead, by 10.8 seconds. So there was no reason to worry about Nico earlier. But he clearly must have stopped and I missed it because otherwise it wouldn't be possible. I mean this race is fucking boring and I can't focus so no surprise. Anyway. They keep showing us "battle for P2" between Seb and Nico but Seb is over 1.5 seconds behind so they're really grasping at straws there in reality. 
Lap 60. Lewis is a healthy 15 seconds in the lead. Bla bla bla. Please make it end. Max tries to overtake Grosjean in the hairpin and can't make it. That's another risky pairing. He's told to push the engine. Oh. Guess what? They crashed. It's actually a quite heavy one… One of them changed direction and Max's front left hit his rear right. That suspension is shredded and Max goes straight into the barriers at high speed. It must have hurt… Grosjean is able to leave the scene. All the RBR mechanics have horrified looks on their face. Can we hear him over radio? He's moving. Virtual Safety Car. From his on-board we see him hand his steering wheel to the marshals. "You OK Max?" – "I'm OK." He's struggling to climb out of his car though, maybe because it's embedded in the tepco barrier. He's up and out. Safety Car. Max is being checked upon by marshals. Ooof the replay is scary, that must have been a serious amount of Gs. On the radio Grosjean asks if he has damage. "He's a (beep) that Verstappen. That was stupid." Plenty of Safety Car pit stops. Wow. We see Verstappen's car hooked on a crane and the marshals are reaaaally struggling to extract it from the barriers. It's quite shocking how deep into it it went. Lewis pits???????????? He had to wait a bit to avoid an unsafe release. 
Oh shit. Nico is ahead. Lewis and Seb are side by side behind the Safety Car. Now what. Lewis is P3. No, come on. If Nico wins I quit. Not really but that would be infuriating. How did they fuck up that much, Lewis will be furious. Ted says Lewis on the radio said "I've lost this race, haven't I?" but Bono answered not if they lose tyre temp and he'd be fast behind on supersofts but that would work IF WE WERE ON A FUCKING TRACK ON WHICH YOU CAN FUCKING OVERTAKE FOR FUCKS SAKE 
Ooooh this is so frustrating. 
Lewis asks "what's happening guys?" and Bono says they're reviewing a video? What's that about? Is it about P2? Because we just saw a replay of him leaving the pits and he was clearly behind Seb if that's what he's on about. Seb on his radio says he was in front. Yes you were. He's told they can see from the TV and it was clear. Brundle keeps talking over the radio message to say the same thing just shut the fuck up man. We know. 
10 laps to go. He needs this SC in but they have to repair the barriers… lapped cars can overtake. Brundle is pissed because that's optional and they don't need to do it. Honestly fuck off. (I'm sorry I'm really pissed off by this race.) Yeah that's a lot of lapped cars but still. What's the use keeping them lapped that's just traffic for the midfield. Be real. Bono : "Lewis can you let us know who was ahead when you crossed Safety Car Line Two?" – "Nico was ahead. I was alongside Sebastian." No you weren't love I thought we'd left the bad faith with McLaren come on. Seb is complaining : "This is like sending swimmers to swim with weights on their legs, this makes no sense. We need at least two, three laps at better pace to get a bit of temperature, I mean this is a joke." 
Safety car coming in at the end of lap 70. That'll leave them 8 laps. Fucking hell. 
Here we go. Lewis is all over Seb's rear, he needs to get ahead quickly so Nico can't get away but if he rushes he'll crash. I'm losing my fucking mind. He can't make it. Nico is already over 2 seconds ahead. You can tell he's pissed from the way he drives. Don't fuck it up though… DRS is enabled. Daniel overtook 2 cars since the restart and is up in P4 but very honestly who cares right now. 
5 laps to go… Nico sets the fastest lap. He says it's impossible to pass. I need you to try though, like last race, don't give up. And Daniel sets the fastest lap, he's right behind Lewis, so I guess he became relevant in this race after all. He's under investigation for pushing Raikkonen wide though. 
3 laps to go. Bono : "Strat mode five and you have strat mode two available." – "Please stop talking to me, please." He's losing on Seb, getting closer to Daniel, I'm so very very angry at this race how did they fuck up THAT BAD. No further action for Daniel. Come on Lewis. Fight back please. 
It's the final lap. I can't believe what I've seen. And Daniel is told if he can't overtake Lewis he'll have to give his position back to Kvyat. 
It's the end of the race. 
And so Nico fucking wins fucking Monaco fucking again. Seb is P2 and Lewis is P3. Ricciardo did give the place back to Kvyat. 
Bono : "Sorry about that Lewis, mate. Just going to have to have a word with the pit wall." 
I have no words. 
Lewis stopped by the side of the track?! He's gone again. What was that. 
Ted tells Niki it seems like the team has lost Lewis the GP. "Yes, clear." Why on earth did they pit him? "I don't know. Confusion… in the overhead… I will say… a lot of people talking. And, wrong decision." Ted is adding fuel to the fire saying the Ferrari weren't even about to pit, there was no threat and the gap wasn't big enough. "Full agree." He says he was listening to the talks and there was too much confusion. Ted asks, if he's the boss now, how does he handle it and how does he handle Lewis, who's gonna be "absolutely spitting blood." Niki says he honestly feels really sorry and even apologised to his engineers. It's unacceptable. He asked Toto to analyse it properly and see what the mistake was.
Rosberg is out of the car, Seb is out of the car, Lewis' car isn't even there. 
Ted is with Toto now. He tells him Niki said it was unacceptable. "You've lost Lewis the grand prix. Why?" Toto says they did, they made a mistake, they thought the gap was a different one than it actually was, then Lewis called in that the tyres temp dropped and he had no grip. "A complete misjudgement." (As he talks Lewis finally arrives and straight up runs over the P3 sign.) Toto says he's just so sorry, "we just screwed it up for him". Ted says he's already apologised on the radio, what is he gonna say to him? He says there's nothing else to do but to apologise, and apologise, and apologise. (You know what else there is to do, actually? find out what happened and make sure it never ever EVER happens again, but we already know that it did.)
Lewis slowly, methodically, gets out of his car, while Nico is beaming on the side. Lewis is walking very slowly to them. Seb offers his hand first.
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Lewis shakes it but barely looks at him. Seb whispers in his ear as he sets down his helmet (while I make the gif I hear "[something] won this race", possibly you should or would have won this race).
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Nico did not make one gesture in his direction, he's still smiling on his side. They head up the short flight of stairs to the Monaco royalty. He's just so happy and expansive about it honestly it infuriates me. Like I get it, he's happy, he's won Monaco three times in a row but fuck that.
But Lewis is good so he walks up the stairs, taps Nico's shoulder and shakes his hand.
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(See now the whole conversation with Thierry Henry just. Yeah I don’t need to spell it out, you get it.) Charlene pats his shoulder amicably after kissing his cheeks.
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He barely lifts his trophy to the crowd without a smile and sets it down.
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Seb says something to him again.
He looks down during the anthem. Nico's satisfied grin as Lewis wipes his face istg. I know it's not his fault but he's so grating right now. Also Lewis' face… if I was from his side of the garage I would be shitting myself. The crowd is chanting his name though. He gives them a thumbs up but it doesn't cheer him up.
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They hand them champagne. Nico grabs his bottle and runs off with it. Lewis walks away with his.
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Some official stops him in his tracks though as he's truly walking away.
The interviews begin. Will he even talk to Brundle? 
Nico says he's very happy but he also knows it was just a lot of luck today. "Lewis drove brilliantly and would have also deserved the win for sure. But that's the way it is in racing." Lewis is back, we see him sitting down behind Nico with his head bowed still. Honestly… this is such long moments after a race like that it must suck so bad. Brundle asks Nico if he has an explanation as to why Lewis was brought in and not him, he says he doesn't. You don't know the decisions being made as you're in the car. The restart on cold hard tyres was very hard but it worked out. 
In his interview Seb smiles as he says it was pretty close but he's confident he was ahead of Lewis out of the pits. He's happy to be on the podium again and he feels like they were closer in the race than they were in quali. 
Yeah Lewis does NOT want to talk. Brundle says he thinks he speaks for millions of people when he says he's sorry for him. Behind him, the whole royal family starts clapping for him.
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The whole crowd starts cheering for him. "Yeah that was not… the easiest of races. But you know the team has done amazing all year long and we win and we lose together so uh…”
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“You know I'm just grateful for the job that I did and congratulations to Nico and Sebastian."
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… He's matured a lot, hasn't he? It makes me genuinely emotional. Remember the first seasons? He's grown so much. Also it's remarkable how he actually doesn't get very angry but rather sad. I'm pissed af as you can tell. He's just disappointed.
Brundle asks if he can tell them why he was pitted. He takes a big breath in. "I'm sure we'll sit down afterwards and try and think of ways we can improve." 
How bad do you feel now, Brundle asks. You've lost a Monaco grand prix it's been taken away from you. What's going through your mind? "... Uh… come back to win the next one."
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A couple of people in the crowd yell "yeah!" and people start clapping, including the Royal family again. 
I just realised Nico's ears are absolutely not the same size. 
I read that in the post race press conference Lewis said the stop was made after he complained of his tyres, and he thought both Nico and Seb had already stopped. He was asked if he'd have full confidence in the team's strategy after that and said yes. 
Max got a 5 place grid penalty for the next race after his crash with Grosjean. He also got 2 penalty points. Oh wait lol. Until now I was like yeah okay, fair. But then I read that he claimed Grosjean brake tested him. Bro stfu. We all saw what happened. Grosjean did not slow down. Verstappen was criticised by Massa, who said he deserved the penalty. He said he did nothing wrong and pointed Massa to his own accident with Perez in Canada 2014. Bold move child. Sit down and drink your milk. 
Let's check out the postrace content now that I have it.
They sent Ted to talk to Nick. He says they're all gutted, he did such a good job. He's massively proud of what he's done yesterday and today. He seems emotional. He says he doesn't know and he doesn't want to comment on it. Ted explains what Mercedes said the mistake was due. He talks about Senna who crashed and went straight to his apartment. Nick says you can see Lewis' emotions right away. He's obviously hurting right now, but he's gonna remain positive. He says he'll make sure to give him as much support as he can, he knows he's there for him and hopefully they can pick him up and get him ready for the next one. Ted says this race kinda means more to him than others, "100%" Nick answers. Monaco is very special for everyone. 
From the commentators cabin, Crofty says he can see just above Mercedes garage, in the offices, Paddy Lowe, Toto Wolff, Bono and James Vowles. They've been talking for 15 minutes, basically since the end of the race. 
We get to hear what Lewis says in the press conference. He's not okay. He says he can't express how he feels so he won't attempt to.
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He says he saw a screen and it looked like the team was out so he thought Nico had pitted. He couldn't see the guys behind him so he thought they were pitting. The team told him to stay out so he said the tyres are gonna drop in temperature, assuming the guys behind would be on options, while he was on hards, so they told him to pit. So he went in with full confidence that the others had done the same. 
Natalie bravely went to interview him as well. Let's see how that went. Oh fucking hell. Natalie starts by asking if sorry is enough from the team. He says yes with a small smile but it sounds like he's about to break.
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She asks how he gets over this, because none of them can imagine how frustrated he is, and angry. He says he'll refocus tomorrow, enjoy his evening, and try to win the next race. "As simple as that?" – "It's all I can do."
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She said they talked before about him wanting to be a leader in the team, is that just another big challenge he has to overcome in that respect? "Um… Yeah, I guess so." – "So you can actually be that reflective and you can actually say to yourself 'you know what I can be the bigger man here, I can grow, I can learn from this'?" He says it's very difficult at the moment, "but you know I'll…" He interrupts himself, looks down and shakes his head.
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"I'm world champion so I need to behave like one and I'd like to be the team leader and I think today I showed my pace, I showed what I can do here in Monaco and… So… I feel content in my heart that I did everything I could." (The cameraperson is struggling real hard and just zooooomed on his cheekbone freckle lol) Natalie asks if he's spoken to the key strategist. He says no but it was a collective decision between all of them (he says “us”).
Then Toto is with Ted. He says they had a problem with the maths. They thought they could afford a stop to protect against Seb. But Ted cuts him off out of sheer disbelief. "But Ferrari weren't out in the pitlane!" he exclaims in a hushed voice. "You weren't protecting from anything! They weren't out, they weren't gonna make a stop!" Toto says they were 10 seconds behind them so they could have made a pit stop when Lewis was in. There was plenty of time to do a stop. But he says at the end of the day there's no excuse, because they got the maths wrong. He seems furious. The calculations for the gap were giving them a bigger gap than what they had. "Full stop". He says the margin mistake was 3.5 seconds. Now the question is whether they should have made the call with a 3.5 seconds gap or not. 
Ted is back with the others and he's not convinced by his talk with Toto. He says first of all even if Ferrari had pitted someone, the Merc (aka Nico) would still have had track position. "What circuit did they think they were at?!" he bursts out. "Track position is key!" Then he adds even if Seb had been on the quicker tyre at the end, he wouldn't have been able to get past just like Lewis wasn't able to. He's very right. The issue here isn't the gap miscalculation. 
Ted, although he says himself he might be a bit dramatic, wonders how Lewis can ever again trust a call from his pit wall after that. Simon says twitter is weaving conspiracy theories. Brundle says what they've got to remember is the million calls they've made that were spot-on. But Ted maintains it will stay in Lewis’ head though. 
Nico says yes it's a weird one to celebrate because not all of the team is excited. Indeed on the team photo I felt like there weren't as many people as usual. Of course Lewis himself wasn't there. Johnny asks if it matters, with a mischievous smile. Nico says he's learnt to take it. Sometimes the sport isn't nice to you and sometimes it is, he knows he's been incredibly lucky today, and he'll take it. Hill says Lewis will get over it, right? They're all racing drivers, they know how it is. Nico says it's not the first time and won't be the last, but he's sure today ranks as one of the worst moments for him. Losing in such a way really isn't good, especially since he's done such a good job this weekend. (He's actually being remarkably gracious about this I have to say. Very fair.) He says he has a lot of empathy for him but also a lot of space to just be happy. 
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what-if-nct · 10 months
also daily anon here again i sent that early because I didn't wanna lose the link but I'm excited about this and wanna talk about it. idk if you know much about cricket,i know it's not as popular in the US, but it's a massive deal here. so the cricket world cup is going on right now and India is hosting. there's 9 countries that qualified, so first there's 45 league matches of each of the 9 countries playing each other, then based on the run rate (basically the more runs you win by, the more points you get) the top four get to the semis, then finals. our team absolutely murdered the league games, won all 9, the last few matches were downright humiliating for our opponents (suck it england). but our team has a semifinal curse, this is usually as far as we get. and this time it was against new zealand, which is a really really really good team, and also one we lost a semifinal to a while ago when our campaign was looking good, so today was a very important match. there were literally prayers going around all over the country for us to win. and it was a tight match for a bit, but we crushed them and broke the curse and broke a bunch of very important records. kohli broke the record for most centuries in ODIs, beating a man considered the god of modern cricket also they had a cute little moment where after our innings tendulkar came down to congratulate him for breaking his record, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. also one of our bowlers got seven wickets. SEVEN. out of the total ten. in this house we worship shami. also new zealand is good at chasing, but we scored almost 400 which is literally insane. we beat them by 70 whole runs. not the biggest margin we've won by recently, but still fucking impressive
literally every new zealand wicket (a wicket is when a batter from the opposite team gets out btw i just remembered you might not know cricket so some of this might be gibberish), we could hear people in my neighborhood lighting fireworks, and when we won the match, there was literally screams everywhere and so many people brought out their Diwali firework leftovers
the final is on Sunday and i know it'll be a hard match, especially if Australia win their semi but. we're in the final can you believe it!!!!
Hiii, i have heard of cricket cause I watched a lot of British shows when I was younger but I went and looked it up cause I had a feeling I was imagining lacrosse as I was reading. And I was but i did also happen up the scores and looked more into it and it's so fascinating. And I'm so glad that you're team is absolutely sweeping the competition and breaking curses and records. And it must be amazing to hear everyone around you celebrating and cheering for your wins. And also yeah suck it England, when England loses the whole world wins, no offense to the British but you know what your country did. Yay you're in the finals!!! oh I really wish you guys the best on Sunday. It's been cold and rainy all day today so I'm happy to know that the sun is shining somewhere.
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risu5waffles · 11 months
i Miss DoTENBori
i really do. i know it's gotten cleaned up a lot from when i first got to Osaka in 2004, it's grimy charm brushed and burnished off, but it still had that undertone of scuzziness that said it could all come back if the city took the day off upkeep.
Also, i needed a TEN for the title. Sue me.
We talked about this one the Friday before last, and i still like it for it's frenetic crufting. Maybe not the most polished version of the theme that i've played, but it's got a lot of heart to it.
The precursor to Rescuing the Monster's Child that we reviewed last month. It's mostly a gallery to showcase that bigass monster, but at least some work got put in that department, which is more than you can say for most galleries. The monster itself is, well, i mean, it doesn't do much; i think at this point in LBP, folx were still working out how to get large contraptions to reliably stand up and manage limited movement. It's still impressive, and cute in its own way, and i could appreciate it. i'm pretty sure there was an intended flow to this level that i completely fucked up by going further back in layer than what would have been possible in LBP1. Ope.
This is an earlier level by the kid who did Hello Autumn! a few entries up, and it's definitely the weaker of the two in my books. It's got swimming, and it's quite rare that i find LBP swimming to be all that enjoyable as a traversal mechanic. The cameras tend to be overly pulled back, and it just feels slow moving all-around. Like Hello Autumn, it's overburdened wiv prizes, so that was going to make it a hard sell wiv me as well. It still has that charm of a level the creator really enjoyed making, tho'; and i can enjoy it on that level at least. Some creators can really bring that feeling to the front in their work.
It will always feel a little wild to me to think LBP generates its own intracommunity drama. i mean, on one level, any group of people larger than two members is going to pick up some drama over its lifespan, but it's still, like... it's LittleBigPlanet. But there was a contest, and our own wonderful chronos453 won it, and some folx got really cheesed off. chronos showed me a few of the comments from the time (i was blissfully ignorant of it, as i usually am until years after the fact), and this level here got put forward by a number of them as the level that really should have won. So, thought i, let's have a look. It's not bad. Like, i love the look of it. Well executed sticker panel visual presentation can be very slick looking. Usually when, as we see here, it's the exclusive or at least primary element in play (another great example is in chrono's Demo series, or the menus in his Tower Defense level. Gods and fish, those menus are actual fire). The problems creep in in the game itself. It's exceptionally ok. Like, i think it'd work really well as an early mobile game (that is not a dig, mobile games got shittier and shittier the more companies realized they could be turned into money engines that looked like games, as opposed to games that might happen to generate money, if you ask me). You've got a keep ship moving until you take enough damage and die gameplay loop that is, at least, easy to get into. i found it a little too simple to engage my interest more than a few tries, and it really wasn't something i would find myself going back to wivout need. And it's a shame, because you can tell a lot of work went into putting it together. i have no doubt that Gilinator was quite serious about the project, and put in the hours; but this is a good level, not a winning level.
Here's the winning level. Honestly, despite one significant flaw, it's one of the best, if not the best survival challenges i've played in 15years of LittleBigPlanet. Elegant, stylish presentation. Gameplay that requires the player to be active and paying attention throughout. Quick to get into, and quick to restart when you've messed up (a point crhonos mentioned being a particular focus in his design of the level). Like, people complained that that was too much of an homage, and not original enough; and i would invite them to go back to the survival challenge in the Metal Gear dlc pack and tell me if this is not an improvement on that in every department. You could argue, and fairly, if this should have been first place; there's always room for that kind of conversation. You cannot argue in good faith that this isn't a top-notch level. However, i did mention a significant flaw. It is not in anything that the level does wrong, or a failing on the part of chronos as a creator. It's the simple fact that, maybe not for everyone but at least for me, using the Paintinator really starts to hurt after a while. i wonder about the susceptibility of people to RSIs. Like, it can't be a 100% thing, or else they'd be more well designed for. There are millions of folx working cash registers that i imagine come home fine after work, but when i was a kid my friend up the block's mum wound up needing multiple surgeries to try and fix up her fucked up wrist after a couple years of "help make the ends meet" work at JC Penny's. i bring it up because, like, Mm must have playtested the Paintinator. Even if it was a dlc and not, like, the main game, they would have had a team working on it. And then QA after. Did no one say "hey, ummm... my wrist kinda felt like it was on fire after the Metal Gear Rex fight"? And maybe they didn't, or maybe it was just one or two folx who complained, and that was deemed an acceptable risk by legal. Maybe i'm just one of the lucky ones i kind of hate that.
This level was... it was definitely a lot. Not, necessarily a bad a lot, just a lot. i really enjoyed the extremely "this is not a real place, but we'll treat it like a real place" cartoon environment vibe; like it manages to pull that off pretty well. i like that there were a couple of spots where you've got mechanical movement and interactions mixed in wiv behind-the-scenes logic, i'll always have a soft spot for those. The end feels like it could have used a little bit more wrap up, and i will almost always prefer a scoreboard to an adventure board, but that was all ok. But... for all that is good and holy, why did the creator put that arm-y enemy where it was, and why was it set up how it was? Like, that bit just kills any momentum the level has. It's such a pain in the arse to get over the arm, because it's kinda-sorta tracking you, and then the bounce pad puts you onto a wall jump that, if you're not careful, will throw you right back into the spikes on the arm. i was not a fan of that bit, i can tell you what.
Once again i have gotten to my Halloween content well after Halloween. It one of the dangers of doing things in advance. You'll record a bunch, and then only later when you're actually setting up the editing and uploads do you realize you've already set for videos all the way up to, like, a week after some upcoming event. This one was a fun little one. Great presentation, very charming, smooth gameplay. i don't know if it's strong enough to make me want to come back to, but definitely glad i ran into it this year.
Talked about this a little bit back, but it's still really good.
What do you even say about Ramp? The first. The best. Picked up Level of the Day yesterday (i am half convinced because i, in a roundabout way, reminded StevenI that it existed). Ramp is an honest hoot, and i found myself just laughing in delight. Thought, how haven't i archived this one yet? Why wasn't it the first LBsA episode? i mean, i know the reason it wasn't the first is i'd wanted that slot to go to chronos, but Ramp should have been number two by all rights.
i think First was EightWonder-'s first published in the actual release? 'cause Ramp was first-first. Still, this one's a great example of early-early LBP1 platforming, and i had a real good time wiv it. It's a little confusing in its pathing at times, and it's definitely super-kludgy, but it has such a "having a good time" vibe to it that it's hard not to love it. i appreciate it when folx get all srs biz in their creations (i don't necessarily mean that the tone is serious, just that they've clearly taken creation seriously), but i do love it when you see these levels that are, like, let's just have fun and throw everything at the wall and see what we end up wiv. As long as the result is sufficiently level as to be playable, it's always at least a little bit of a good time.
So that's the that for this set. Pretty good spread all in all, no real clunkers. i'm sorry for being late, again, but thing's have been life-shaped. Dealing wiv a lot of little health stuff. Mostly headaches and a lot of exhaustion. Nothing that has me, like, "maybe i should go to a clinic" kind of thing, but it's really got me worn down.
A quick reminder that @soupum is running a LBP stream for Palestine at twitch.tv/soupum . Drop on by and give him some love!
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pearblossommina · 1 year
ToG Read-A-Long, Empire of Storms, day 5
Ch 29
Lysandra x Aedion is kind of interesting. She could probably have anyone she wants, with the ability to make herself look like anyone or anything, but I get the feeling that her ability would still take a tole on her, mentally. Like if Aedion is attracted to her, is it just because of the way her body looks? And what do looks matter, anyway, when she can change it with the blink of an eye?
I don’t really think she’s attracted to him, but maybe there is something between them. If they’re going to be together, it will just have to be based on love, instead of looks. And just based on this chapter I wouldn’t say I get the impression they have feelings of love for each other… but… they were purposefully trying to draw Rolfe out to a spooky abandoned alleyway, so maybe it wasn’t the most flattering depiction of what a Lysandra x Aedion relationship would be like.
Idk, I don’t really ship it, but maybe I can be convinced.
Ch 30
Elide and Lorcan are so perfect for my headspace right now. They have all the tropes. It’s fake dating, it’s only one bed. It’s “oops, my clothes are all at the laundry”
“You better wash your clothes, too, why should I be the only one who is naked”
If these two aren’t fucking by the end of this, I’ll be so shocked
what are we waiting for!
I’ve been going through hell for the last five books!
Ch 31
"It would have gotten me out of Doranelle. And we likely would have had far more fun, anyway. I know what a bastard Whitethorn can be when it comes to training."
Well I’m certain she would still have fallen for Rowan, but this guy’s pretty cute too. Maybe he’ll volunteer to help Dorian learn about his magic.
If they’re still worried that Maeve can lay claim on Aedion they really should get him to take the blood oath. Either to Aelin or to Rowan. But he should oath himself to somebody, so that he has a reason to deny her claim on him.
“What about a chimney?” Har har, you know Rowan would never lower himself to do such a thing. Why even bother teasing me?
You need to get to a bed or he won’t go past first base, baby.
(We’re definitely going to get a scene change next chapter)
(SJM… I’ve been so good…. Where’s my treat….)
Alright, I think it’s valid for Aedion to feel conflicted about meeting daddy for the first time. It really isn’t easy, with everything he’s been through. A lot of emotions in this one.
How did I know Rowan would still hold out on going further with Aelin…. Lmao
Someday, perhaps. It’s kind of hard to make time for love and sex and being happy when all this big scary stuff is on the horizon. They need to kill all the bad guys and save the world. I GET IT. I’m just sick of it, lol.
”Despite herself, despite what she'd done, she decided she wanted Rowan to call her milady at least once every day.”
You’re his QUEEN, not his lady. Also gross, lol, anyone remember when nerdy guys started using the word “milady” like it was a flattering thing to call somebody. I have an immediate averse reaction to this term, lol. EW. Please don’t, Rowan.
“This war would not be won on smiles and manners.
It would be won by a woman willing to gamble with an entire island full of people to get what she needed to save them all.”
Good for you, Aelin!!!!
You killed it at the bluffing game! Rooting for you!
Good for you, Lysandra!!!!
I feel like she’s stronger than ALL of them, right now. What would they do without her, and her amazing abilities to turn legend into lifelike depiction with her own body!
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thatqueercookie · 11 months
"I'm going on an adventure!"
So, I'm playing Baldur's Gate 3, as I said before. I've decided to keep a screenshot aided journal of my adventure since everyone's game and main character are different. This will be part Tav's (my character) internal narrative, part my own reaction, and part review. I'm about 14hrs into the game. The rest will be put under "read more" for spoilers and length.
So, Tav, half drow rogue, who's first plan is always to bullshit himself into or out of a situation, get's kidnapped by a Mindflayer ship. We know this. It's happened to all of us.
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The first character I encountered was Lae'zel. On first impression. I like her. She's a firebrand. And she allied with me instead of killing me, even if she doesn't seem to like me much. She said these tadpoles the Mindflayers put in our brains will turn us into Mindflayers.
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Luckily we realized the "tadpoles" they put in our heads made us psychically linked.
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When we got further into the ship we found a woman still trapped. Shadowheart. Now, personally, I'm not a fan of this name for a humanoid. Shadowheart is a horse name. But she's very pretty so I'll let it slide.
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Lae'zel was clearly more concerned with self-preservation than do-gooding. Normally, self-preservation is Tav's #1 priority as well, but when it comes down to clear right and wrong... Well, he just couldn't live with himself if he left someone to die, now could he?
Boy, did I have a hard time finding out how to release her her though! I had a friend jump on Discord and guide me. It's hard to get used to how movement and camera angles work in this game.
Now I forgot to take screenshots for a while after this.
We fought our way through the ship, it crashed, yadda yadda. I seemed to make a connection to the injured Mindflayer as the ship went down though. He gave me this... look.
I landed near Shadowheart on the beach. And here's where I fuck shit up momentarily. At our first waypoint, there's a locked door to a crypt. And what do I do as Tav, the show-off? I pick the lock. And I take us somewhere we're really not supposed to be yet. Instantly, there are traps everywhere. Perception rolls caught most of them but, damn. I disarm the traps.
Further into the crypt we find a door with no handle and no lock that has a voice coming from behind it. I have no clue how to open it nor can I find a puzzle, a spell, or a key. I give up and take us further into the temple. It isn't until we're past the monk's corpses and I've pushed a button I really shouldn't have pushed and a horde (and I mean a HORDE) of undead were lunging at us and the screen said OUTMATCHED that I realized how bad I'd screwed up.
I reloaded from a previous save but got lost again and encountered some thieves fighting over loot in a chapel. Naturally, they engaged. By the time I'd lost the battle 4 times, I'd done the math and realized this fight couldn't be won by two people.
Anyway, I consulted a guide and found out I was doing the Wilderness backwards.
I doubled back and met up with Astarion on the cliffside. Now, I really wish I got screenshots here but I forgot.
He'd cornered one of the Brains and he wanted me to kill it for him.
I said, "You look capable enough, do it yourself"
The second I turn he attacks me. Holds a knife to my throat. Oh, but you couldn't do that to the brain?
I deftly roll away from him. I explain to him what's happened to all of us and now he's kinda flirty. Well, knife to the throat is gay first base.
I wouldn't find out what second base was for him until later.
In the crashed ship we came across a dying Mindflayer. I actually felt sorry for it for a moment. Maybe it was the look it gave me as the ship crashed. I could sense its thoughts through the worm in my head. But it was manipulating me. I'm sure. So, I put it out of it's misery.
We found Gale in a portal on a cliffside. I can already tell this guy will be good for morale. Despite Astarion's reaction to him.
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We followed the path until we found Lae'zel being held captive by some Teiflings. Probably never seen her kind before.
I bluffed that they should leave her to me and they ran off. I did tease her a bit before I let her out though *pats my gremlin* (she likes it)
Further on we got into a battle with some goblins at the gates of Emerald Grove. Where we were introduced to a new ally.
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That's Wyll. Blade of the Frontiers. I won't get to talk to him until later though.
Inside there was a battle of another kind. Teifling refugees versus the resident Druids.
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And they're not too fond of Drow either.
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We made camp for the first time and, frankly we should all be exhausted. But still we stay up to talk (which is my favorite part)
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I really like how they all look dressed down as well as the romantic lighting and the camp designs.
Astarion asked how I'd like him to kill me should the whole tadpole situation go south and, frankly, I'm onboard with that idea. Rather die than be that. I chose the knife. It's quick if you use it in the right spot. That... interested Astarion? Maybe he was turned on.
Shadowheart overheard the conversation and completely agreed.
She also said that the Mindflayers told her she'd be a beautiful weapon. I told her it was a compliment. She saw right through that.
Tav flirts with everyone but doesn't expect anything to come of it. If someone actually responds earnestly, he goes dopey-faced.
Oh, but what's this? Astarion is sneaking out of camp at night? Why, whatever for? lol
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The next day in Emerald Grove I ran across an urchin selling fake lucky rings. Tav grew up a pickpocket himself, so he gave the kid some advice on how to run a better scam and showed him a little slight of hand and while I was doing that HE ROBBED ME. Now I have to find the urchin ringleader, Mol to get my stuff back.
There was a bard in the grove trying to get our story of the goblin battle while adding some *ahem* flourish of his own.
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I'm really impressed with the facial expressions in this game. They're very genuine.
Unfortunately, there is a power hungry madwoman in the inner sanctum. When I walked in she was about to execute a child for minor theft.
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Luckily I convinced her to let the girl go but, Hells, calm down!
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Now, something about this triggered something in Shadowheart. I asked her about it when we stepped away but she didn't want to tell me and I didn't want to pry so I let it be.
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gothbitchjuice · 3 years
Haikyuu! Crack HC's
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Written and idealized by @damndenki , @toesliketowers & @gothbitchjuice
Sugawara is an evolved backpack kid. (overly friendly, always prepared, is okay being in the background, happy to be here, only one of two REALLY close friends)
Asahi was ABSOLUTELY a boy scout. Like, all the way to his freshman year. Daichi and Suga teased him so he quit.
Kageyama practices how to talk kindly to his teammates by pretending his volleyball is one of them, but gets frustrated and gives up and slams the ball because how the fuck could he ever be nice to those dummies???
Ushijima bakes well, but his favorite things to bake are pastries, especially with chocolate, for Tendou. He also has the best apple pie recipe in ALL of Shiratorizawa.
Tanaka is actually an amazing piano player, but he keeps it a secret from everyone because he's kind of embarrassed. Noya knows, and like a good friend, he stays quiet until his bestie is ready to come forward.
Nishinoya collected POGs in his childhood, but has since gained an impressive Funko POP collection.
Iwaizumi cries at sappy movies. He loves romance and chick flicks. Catch him at home after practice choking up while watching Titanic. Man is in full-blown sobs by the time My Heart Will Go On is playing.
Oikawa listens to Eye Of The Tiger while running religiously. He saw Rocky one fucking time, and now he can't help himself.
Daichi knows how to fix anything. It's almost annoying. Bleachers wont open up? Daichi. The bus engine won't turn over? Daichi. Hinata gets tangled up in the net somehow? Daichi.
Kuroo is great at science and loves it very much, but he's failing art class. Like, it's the easiest class. You don't even have to try that hard in art, but jesus somehow that man is flunking.
Tsukishima likes to build dinosaur dioramas and statuettes, and probably has those glow-in-the-dark sticky stars on his ceiling still from when he was a kid.
Bokuto is scared of spiders and makes Akaashi get rid of them for him. That big ol' himbo walks in to the volleyball club room to grab the supplies for practice, spots a teeny little spider, and squeals like Yachi. He's all teary eyed and stuttering for Akaashi to come take care of the bug, and Akaashi just rolls his eyes and scoops up the little guy and brings him outside. Once the ordeal is over, Bokuto pretends like he wasn't just whimpering like a baby the whole time. He'll deny it to everyone.
Kenma. This boy is quiet, all the time. There's only one time of year that gets him hype and loud: E3. Kuroo makes the whole team get together and watch E3 with Kenma so that they can support their fellow teammate in his interests. This is Kenma's Superbowl. Every time they announce a new game, the blonde spins around and deadpans everyone and just mutters, "I want it for my birthday. Don't forget."
Hinata plays dolls with his little sister sometimes, and once Kageyama came over to practice and found Shoyo in his room with his sister, playing. Somehow Kags got roped in to playing too. He got stuck with the doll no one wanted, with the nappy matted hair and ugly clothes. Eventually Kageyama and Hinata end up arguing, as their dolls, over an imaginary boyfriend. Hinata's sister had to break them up.
Yamaguchi is a quiet little book nerd, but his guilty pleasure is Twilight. He remembers every little detail, went to the movies when they came out and nitpicked over every detail, and has an Edward Cullen poster in his room. If someone said they were Team Jacob, he'd lie and say he was too. He spent his summer chore money on a copy of Breaking Dawn signed by Robert Pattinson- he found it on eBay.
Ennoshita is a firm member of the alphabet army, we accept no criticisms or feedback.
Tendou is a burnout gifted kid. Part of his hyperactivity is a way of getting back the attention that he once used to receive in his youth for being so gifted. He won the spelling bee three years running!
Akaashi has a very tedious and particular hair care and skincare regime. He dedicates the last hour of his night to ensure his follicles and pores are properly tended to.
The Miya twins have dick measuring contests, except instead of measuring and then telling each other their sizes, they just straight up whip out their dicks in the locker room. They do it once a week in case someone might have had a growth spurt. Suna is not amused, but that's mostly because he knows he'd win, but he would never have the balls to prove it. One day he lets it slip under his breath, and now Osamu and Atsumu keep trying to sneak a peek.
Sukusa gives off BIG SHELDON COOPER ENERGY. Aside from him spraying disinfectant around him like he'll catch the plague from breathing the air around him, he knows a bunch of interesting facts about a lot of things. He will "Did you know" the fuck out of you. He always has to be right, but not in a snobby way- he just doesn't care for misinformation being spread.
Coach Ukai plays Latin music while cleaning his shop Sunday mornings. If you manage to be out that early, and find yourself walking past the Ukai convenience store, you might just hear the blonde man belting out along to Julio Igesias, Prince Royce, or his favorita: Selena Quintanilla. He'll be doing the salsa or the cumbia while Coma La Flor bumps through his bluetooth speaker.
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