#they want ppl to die in poverty i swear
glittergroovy · 8 months
can't get food stamps if you're a full time student, have to be a full time student to get financial aid for school
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 11 months
my 3 fav cozy fun halloween watches that you can also watch
Winnie the Pooh, Boo to you too! also on archive .org!
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- No stress - Heartwarming <3 - Tiger's song "I wanna scare myself" always a banger Probably the first halloween movie kid me ever saw, and still honestly my main go-to one. Visuals? Spoopy. Music? On point. Story? Friends wanting to spend halloween with their bestie no matter what. Piglet? Brave. Tiger? Relatable. Pooh? Wise and full of love. Goffer? Slaying. Eeyore? Zero energy and still trucking. Rabbit? A nervous wreck sobbing over his pumpkin patch. Perfect. We stan.
Hansel and Gretel (1987) also on archive .org!
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- Family drama (is resolved) - catchy music! - i know some ppl can't stand child actors - THE DUCK LIVES - obviously food and eating are big plot points so yeah Is it a halloween movie? No. Do I care? Not with treats this good looking, music this catchy, vibes this cozy, or a witch this awesome. We've got haunted woods and kids eating sweets and then playing the best trick of all on the witch who wanted to eat THEM- that sounds halloween-y enough to me! Plus the witch's reveal is legit creepy. Make sure you have snacks for this one. Also, if realistic family drama due to the trauma of poverty isn't your thing, skip to after the kids run into the woods.
Shelly Dvuall’s America’s Tall Tales And Legends: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow also on archive .org!
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- Low stress - Comedy as heck - literally feels like someone telling you a ghost story - AAAAAAAACTING!!!!! - there is a spider during the picnic scene THE CLASSIC! THE OG! MY FAV!!!! This was THE hallween movie to me as a kid- and now i completely get why! It's like watching a stage play where everyone LOVED every scene they were in- the vibes are spoooooky sometimes in an adorably camp way, and then charming and cozy the next! It has so much fun- there are so many lines that are memes to me- like ichabod THROWING himself into bed with "And if I......DIE... before I wake.... BRINGMEBACKTOLIFE!" and Katerina's eyerolling "....assuming I know the horse-" (it makes sense in context i swear) and and and the FUN of seeing Brom Bones 'crushing' a tankered angrily, acting out the strain of it, when you can clearly tell the prop is like, maybe the strength of a soda pop can XD.... But the best part is the stinger ending. How this whole story is ended with the sudden reveal of the REAL headless horseman (maybe?) and how THAT terrifying image is the last thing it leaves the watching kids with- it feels like that last jump scare at the end of a campfire ghost story, the hand reaching out to grab you for one final scream, and I love it. I love this whole thing so much.
If you DO want something spookier, but only in the atmospheric sense....
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Whistle and I'll Come to You, also on archive .org - Slow building stress - Paranoia fuel - There is no way the main character is neurotypical (relatable) - a bedsheet ghost!!!!! YAY! - a few audio startlements but otherwise all gradual scares So this is based off a short story by an old not cool dead guy. It's about finding something in a grave and not heeding the warning label. I read the story years ago and was very pleased by the bedsheet ghost, the idea of feeling like Something Is Coming, and I can say that this adaption is... different, but does very good on setting up the vibes up until the ending. I'm bit let down by how the final bedsheet ghost turned out, and abrupt cut off to the story, but the vibes up till then is really fun to sink into. Some of the cinematography does a good job of making me aware of empty space, the feeling that Something I Can't See might also be in the frame. Spoooky.
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gulsuras · 6 years
you know what i’m sick and tired so i’m just gonna say it
at the end of the day your mental health isn’t worth your education or degree or the need to feel important in front of other people. you can become a doctor at 25 or get a scholarship into an ivy league school or rank top of your grade or be involved in a million extra-curriculars but it doesn’t mean shit if you’re unhappy and thinking about dying every day
who cares. literally no one on this planet does. go to college at 30 or 40. take as long as you need to finish your degree. don’t finish your degree. pack up your books and call it a night. take breaks. go out with your friends. get a couple of hobbies, spend a lot of time outside, start appreciating everything around you. be kind
if you enjoy working and studying hard, then good for you. but if you don’t, you owe yourself to take it easy. you’re allowed to be happy regardless of how much you achieve
yeah it feels good to be the prodigal kid who excels faster than others and gets into a top school or a high-ranking job, but that feeling is absolutely nothing compared to being content with yourself and mentally healthy. i wanna feel okay instead of smart
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pinkpruneclodwolf · 3 years
Ok I think the reason Decue see Yuu as a leader of there band of merry band.Hes still has a delinquent impulsive wal trying to be a good boy.Yuu is a safe bet,there the most morally good out of all of them.Along with they seem to care deeply for everyone no matter what.Damn I wanted to hold Ruggie for what Leona was doing to him.
Do you think Deuce ever last out at Yuu.No one can change overnight.He has said he used his magic over others.Maybe there both having a bad day and it escalated from there.
Also to the trey post,he could be a little bit on the Mad hatter,that damn fordora gives him away.All of the cast share personality with other characters not just the villain's hell.Riddle and Ace share character traits with Alice.
The angst potential for Deuce to lash out on Yuu—
Lemme close my eyes and pretend I didn't read.
I coulda lived my entire life NOT knowing that shit from his birthday story bruh, now I'm gonna be side eying everything he does for the rest of my life because I cannot handle people playing with my food okay?
I watched too many horror movies where that shit could go left, 1000 Ways To Die had my lil ass screaming as a child—
I just— it kicks up child hood fears of bugs in food (there's a book about a boy eating a worm with a ketchup on—🤮🤮🤮)
I swear I don't hate Trey but I do hate how his actions could lead to people getting hurt especially when he plays like he doesn't have ulterior motives just like everyone else—
Don't make your Yumesona's dependent on him bc he'll get irritated and uncomfortable and might find humor in making them eat dirt.
Which also plays into a fear that the people that love me would hate me?????
I honestly think that Ruggie's reaction after Leona tries his life needs to be explored more—not in the "poor ruggie" but rather how Ruggie and Leona's relationship functions—
They aren't friends; Ruggie uses Leona for his money, Leona uses Ruggie's willingness to to work for that money.
Ruggie could always drop Leona for another rich sucker in the school, Kalim is right there!!!!
But he stays because they're relationship is symbiotic—they understand each other and understand how each other tick, Ruggie wouldn't have taken Azul's magic boost potion if he wasn't down for it.
Money is the motive, basically.
I do think that with Ruggie's situation by depending on the closest proximity for change he kinda needed Leona to snap at him to realize that relying on Leona would end up not benefitting him if he starts acting the way that he was in Savanaclaw.
But poverty traps him in relationships he knows it isn't good for him because he has to support his family, Leona doesn't offer to change either of their situations because he's backed himself into a corner of self wallowing and hatred thinking that he's inadequate bc he's the second prince and his people kinda hate him since he's developed an unsavory personality—
Leona caused some of his problems but that doesn't mean he isn't changing—Ruggie needs Leona to step up if he wants to see change in the slums is my take away.
A lot of ppl think that Ruggie's whole personality is being a smug mother hen, and to an extent he is, but he's on a consistent grind and that is not a healthy mindset.
Back to Deuce snapping on Yuu though, I do see the potential there—yeah, he's working on being a model student and he's down to work with someone he previously viewed as weak, however—
We have to take into account that people slip up, the road to becoming a better person is never an easy journey and while one may feel like they're on top of the world one moment life has a mean ass right hook—
One argument can escalate, a misunderstanding, even just the simple act of Grim making a pass at him could end with him popping off—no i don't think Deuce is volatile due to his delinquent past, I think he's volatile because he's a teenage boy surrounded by teenage boys who think magic makes them better—
Lets not even talk about the money or social status some of these boys have (Leona, Idia, Kalim, Vil).
Just a whole lotta testosterone.
The most likely of him snapping off on Yuu would be if he perceives Yuu as weak— i firmly believe that twst!humans are strong as shit to keep up with Fae, Merfolk, and Beastmen— Yuu not being able to do something Deuce, or even Epel, sees as average can have him questioning Yuu's position.
Delinquent circles often move like a pack of animals, the leader will be challenged the same way the dormleaders have challenged their previous, the same way he and Ace challenged Riddle.
I def think Leona or Jack would step in on Yuu's behalf because Ace just seems like the type who doesn't fight physically, Grim can use magic but one cauldron and he's out, Jack stepping in could parallel how Deuce stepped in for Yuu.
Let's not even take into account Yuu's thoughts during this—your friend turning on you because they think your weak—
Just an overall angst train.
It's very ooc but angst isn't really my forte lmaooo, I also believe Deuce respects Yuu even if they're magicless, he favors the idea of strong leadership rather than strength—it's how they survived the OBs.
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Warning: multiple swear words is used by the freaking angry minor who owns this account cuz damn. The earth should be nuked
To the articles made by millenials, boomers and gen x that have titles in the lines of
“How Gen Z’s feel about Lockdown” or
“In thd mind of a gen z kid during covid” or
“Why your gen z kid is depressed= phones” or
“Gen Z will ruin the economy!” or
“Gen Zs arent gay, they are just really confused”or
“Gen Zs are suicidal”
Full heartedly from me, a representative of Gen Zs.
please. I beg you.
Sit ya motherfucking asses down.
Atleast with millenials, you guys walked so we could run. Some of your articles are true- ish. And I fully respect your opinions but
Boomers!? Thinking that they know things?! Fricking sit down sir or I’ll yeet yo ass straight outta space. You lived yo life anyways, and we need less population on this shitty earth right now. Yeeting yalls to space aint that bad of an idea.
Yes, we are depressed. 100%. Aint arguin with that. But it’s not because of the phones, okay? you old fucking fuckers. It’s because of the world that you old geezers have helped create. This old dying world filled with
Such lies
Useless homophobia
Corrupt and stupid administrations
Stupidest presidents
Arrogant misogyny 
Putrid putrid racism
Inequality because of sexism
Irreversible pollution
Multiple deaths of even the most innocent people
Despicable slavery
False fabricated history
Unfair law
Police men killing innocent
False ominous-like dictatorship
Countless people suffering from poverty
Lack of education
Massacres, murders, school shooters
Women fearing to go out at night because of creatures lurking at night
I can still go on but I fear that your little snow flake hearts can’t take it. I want you to suffer before you die. Bit by bit.
“gEn Z wIlL RuIn ThE EcOnOmY” umm... how can we ruin something that has already been ruined? Boomers started to kaboom the economy to nothing but a burning pile of trash.
“Gen Zs ArE jUsT CoNfUsSeD” muhahHAHAHA. Have you seen us. Do we look confused?! Do we look like we are joking?! You spawned gay babies. Stop blaming us when it’s obviously yalls fault. Oh, you think we were mistakes? Well, then you shouldn’t have had us in the first FUCKING PLACE! Yalls wanted us aborted, why’d you not continue? We would’ve honestly approve in “yeetus the fetus” if it was a darn policy.
“wE KnOw HoW GeN Zs FeEl DuRiNg CoViD” Haha. Maybe but naw.
Some of us are happy because of all the chill me time but our little to nil communication skills are poofed to non existence.
You guys keep talking about how it’s hard times, we shouldn’t feel stressed, and that it’s our safety and health first over anything else but!
The homework and video conferences you old ppl keep setting... motherfuckah! I’d rather die. ‘dOnT bE sTrEsSeD”. Bich. All we do now is stress because of all this shit you’ve given us.
But yeah. The article that was about Gen Zs being suicidal.
Couldnt agree more.
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Hi June. What is even going on anymore? I don’t want to discuss details because I hate having to list all the shit that happened in painstaking detail. It’s really nothing personal. That kind of stuff just bores me...
Emotional State:
I think I just need to accept that I love not being happy. It’s kind of the default state now I guess, but you can’t entirely blame me for that. What should I really be happy about? I can’t really find joy in people or things. I think I’m too disillusioned by all the bs, you know? Sometimes I still do care but it’s for shitty reasons just cuz you end up liking a person or something and that’s not something too sustainable. Most ppl are not beaten down enough to truly love but it’s a fine balance. You get beaten down too much and you don’t want to talk to anyone. Beaten down people tend to look like shit and who really likes that? What does that even really mean? I don’t know. At least unbeaten down people perform really amazingly. Thanks for the entertainment baby. It was a nice distraction while it lasted.  Maybe I’m just too freaking tired and hungry...ok, let’s just go with that... Cut:
Unsure why I’m even bothering. It’s really fucking easy to lose weight. All you have to do is starve yourself. Under 160 now but does it even really matter? Of course it does homie, how else are you gonna buy that early grave? I swear, when I die, I’ll probably rise from my grave screaming my fucking head off if you have bitches and assholes crying over my remains. Fuck off and go feed me to the dogs or something. Or better yet, toss me in the damn ocean. It’s the least you can do. Wasn’t it bad enough that I had to put up with this crap in life, now you want me to live through your fake as fuck bs after I’m dead too? You terrible assholes. Respect a dead man’s wishes and fuck off...I think I gotta chill. I’m not dead yet. Gaming and Entertainment:
Gaming can go fuck itself. I don’t even enjoy games. Grave of the Fireflies is sad as hell. Thanks for making me cry after many years. Fuck you dude...
Yay poverty :). Last Thoughts:
What do I even want? I honestly don’t know. What does anyone want? I’d be lying if I said I want happiness. What is happiness even? Makes no sense. I think I just want to not have to do anything anymore. I think secretly I’ve always wanted that. I’m uber(®) lazy and maybe that’s why I’ve always never wanted to associate with people or even have children and all of that other bs. The world doesn’t need more people like me and people like me would (do, in fact) really just suffer here. I don’t really care about making a difference, making the world a better place, becoming rich and famous and all that jazz. Shit is too much fucking effort for no real gain (cuz you fucking die bruh). Why even bother? Who the fuck cares what some ultimately meaningless speck of dust in the middle of nowheresville in the universe thinks about you? People are fucking insane...or maybe I am. Either way, I think I’m gonna fucking sleep. Thankfully the bastards haven’t taken that yet, but they’ll sure as fuck keep trying. Or maybe I’m just a paranoid asshole who needs to shut the fuck up; and on that note...
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