#they tickle my ear
lupins-hehim-pussy · 19 days
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he giggles
#wriothesley#neuvillette#wriolette#neuvithesley#genshin impact#he goes aheeheehooheehoohee#i think once neuvillette figures out how to make him laugh. he'd do it all day. and the formula is simple too he just gotta say something#really stupid. and absurd. in his usual super serious iudex voice#and wriothesley is in stitches. it's so easy. he just gotta say 'yippee' and profit. 'slay queen' and wriothesley is incapacitated#also. imagine he's ticklish. but i dont think Neuv would tickle him intentionally I think he's like. 'i heard tickling gets violent fast'#'i will not resort to that to summon moethesley'#he doesn't want to Hurt Him he just wants to see him smile and laugh and be all pink in the face. but I do think he accidentally#sets him off all the time. with kisses (neck/ears) or just like grabbing his waist and suddenly wriothesley violently Wriggles yknow.#the tickled reaction. wriothesley laments the destruction of his scary big dog image every day#but. neuvillette would only make jokes at home anyway. and to be clear it's the simple fact that neuvillette is trying to Be Funny .#that's really funny to wriothesley. or just like his awkwardness. back before he figures out he can Intentionally make wriothesley laugh#he'd bewitch him with his his gap moeism#the layers to it. Wriothesley gets embarrassed later on when he catches on because he Knows Neuvillette likes seeing him all tickled.#and flustered. and that's like so mortifying bro what do you mean you're happy just seeing me being moe#and he's embarrassed because he should not be falling for it every single time. it should not be this funny#the nerves just makes him laugh even harder. and the whole time neuvillette is just sitting there. silently delighted. waiting for the#perfect comedic timing. so he can drop a 'cowabunga!' with the exclaimation mark and all. wriothesley can't even catch his damn breathe#my art
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applesqace · 2 years
The noises the Ayuwoki make in the game Escape the Ayuwoki are just- so me
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willowser · 7 months
i just think katsuki is a very pinch their nose, tug on their ear, squish their cheeks, grab their whole face in his hand, hold them upside down by the ankles, put them in a headlock kind of dad.
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shanksxbuggy · 11 months
For your listening pleasure…Buggy’s voice
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strawbbfluff · 2 months
using pet names/nicknames while teasing me will fluster me yes but using my name????? consider me floored
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solifelessblog · 2 years
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Dadrius being a menace with his son <3
Please reblog, don’t repost :)
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riisume · 3 months
Can we get a look at the alleged "endurance training" Kikuo puts Jericho through? (I'm too shy to come off anon but I used to follow you when you were PuppyPeets! It's so good to see you again!)
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This is one of the easier endurance training sessions, but Jericho's stupid ticklish so he might disagree. '-'
(Aww it's okay!! Thank you for coming back around! It's been a while, hehe! It's nice to know people from a few years back are popping up again. ^_^ Hope you're well, Anon!!)
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ad-hawkeye · 3 months
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an appreciation post for alkaid's earrings, in order from godheim -> eden -> spirit world -> modern -> misc
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giggleesblog · 3 months
annnd here we have a request from @thecutestler for ear tickles! this definitely didn’t make my switch brain go brrr from both wanting to give and receive this AHEM.
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little-bat09 · 2 months
an underrated things that lers do that fluster the HECK out of me 0//0
when they do that thing where they squeeze your sides rapidly with their whole hand and go “eegitchigitchigitchi~” really fast like what you do when your tickling a baby!!!/&:&:&:@:@:’sndk THAT JUNK MAKES ME DIE IM SO SERIOUS I HATE WHEN LERS DO IT
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hiddengiggles · 1 month
In other news, right before falling asleep last night, @helixtickl tickled me silly. Not new, but THEN! Then he got right up in my ear to whisper “Thank you tickle toy”, and rolled back over while I sputtered and giggled for like 5 minutes, and I have not stopped thinking about it since 🥴
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smolknismofox · 5 months
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Get those delicous laughter~
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anyone else thinks scottish ladies sound incredible
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riisume · 10 months
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I rise from the grave to celebrate pulling Imbibitor Lunae last night on my first 10 pull with a doodle that took me maybe 45 minutes to draw.
I've been a bit hyperfixated on the fact that Dan Heng's ears could be super ticklish... (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
He made a huge mistake coming home cuz he's probably gonna see a lot more of this treatment. >:^)
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tickletails · 1 year
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Someone asked for lee macaque
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my ears are ticklish???? BSNDBDNBD??
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