#they think i'm insane they think my lover is strange but i don't have to fucking tell them anything
p3ach3snplums · 1 year
♪𝙋𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙚
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Personaje canon | 17-30s | Heterosexual | Teenwolf | nacido en Beacon Hills | hombrelobo | estudiante | reside en Beacon Hills | personaje abierto | fc: Ian Bohen fc joven: Froy Gutierrez
♪He is grinning like a devil | peter hale
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satorusugurugurl · 22 days
Til’ the Day that I Die (Chapter Three)
Summary: You’re a popstar in need of a bodyguard when you find yourself with a stalker. That’s how you meet Fushiguro Toji, you’re insanely hot bodyguard. Who knows how to push your buttons, and get you feeling flustered. Just how far is he willing to go to protect you? And how far would you go to protect him?
Pairing: Fushiguro Toji x AFAB!Reader
Warnings: mentions of, stalking, panic attacks, language, violence, character death, tiniest mention of blood
Word Count: 3K
A/N: Now were getting into it! I love me an enemies to lovers story! 😮‍💨
Part One Part Two Part Four
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“I-I’m going to stay with you? I don't even know you!” Your cheeks burned as you took a step back. “B-Besides, I don't want to put you out!”
“If you were going to put me out, I wouldn't have suggested it.”
“I-I—!! Satoru!” you turned your head towards your PR manager. “T-This isn't good for publicity, right?”
Much to your horror, your managers looked at each other, sharing that annoying silent communication look. How their eyes communicated told you everything you needed to know. Deep down, you knew you didn't have any other options. The best way to keep your friends and loved ones safe is to stay away.
Which is how you found yourself in a small SUV with your bodyguard. He tapped his fingers against the steering wheel, his navy eyes focused on the road. You swallowed hard, gripping your leggings as you tried to think of something. Even though he assured you weren't imposing, you still felt the lingering anxiety of being a burden.
What was his wife going to say?
He was bringing home some popstar, a girl who had a psychotic stalker. A stalker who was obviously dangerous, and Toji had been kind enough to invite you to stay with him, even when he had seen the damage that your stalker had done.
But in a strange way, you also felt comforted. You hated to impose, but for Toji to tell you to stay with him meant he was confident in his skills to protect you. Maybe Nanako wasn't exaggerating when she told you the Shiu Kong Security Company was the best.
“If you keep biting your lips like that, you'll make it bleed,” Toji spoke up finally, breaking the thick silence.
“Huh?” You prodded the tip of your tongue against your bottom lip, wincing at the sensitive spot you had made raw with your teeth. “I didn't even realize I was doing that.”
“Yeah, you’ve been chewing on your bottom lip like it's jerky since we got in my car.” he snickered, “am I that scary doll?”
Your cheeks felt like fire as you sank lower into your seat. “I don't think you're scary; I’m just nervous.” Which was the truth: staying with a family you didn’t know had your entire body tied in knots.
“You’re nervous?” Toji laughed, leaning back in his seat as he stopped at a red light. “If anyone should be nervous, it’s me. I mean, you heard what your manager told me, right?”
“Oh, I heard.”
The streetlights overhead illuminated his handsome features. His scar stretched out as he laughed softly, and his dark brows knitted in confusion and humor. Seeing him like that made you realize he was quite pretty, especially when he wasn't making broad assumptions about you or barking orders.
“He was very colorful—”
“Yeah, I don't know how he'd take a chuck of your side out.”
A visible shiver rushed over Toji, drawing out a giggle from you. “Yeah, well, good thing I'm not an asshole.”
“Hmm, debatable.”
Toji turned his head, mouth slightly agape as his eyes met yours. His navy eyes glittered with disbelief before a smirk tugged at the corner of his scarred lip. You sank back into your seat, biting your bottom lip, not driven by anxiety, but to hold back a laugh from the shock on his face.
“Oh, you suddenly have a voice and an attitude?”
“Hey~ you thought I was a pampered spoiled brat.”
“Yeah, well, you're still a brat.”
You weren't going to argue with him on that because, in a sense, he was right. Instead, you focused your attention on the road. “So,” you swallowed, feeling the need to keep the conversation going instead of wallowing in the silence. “Is uhm—your family isn't going to have an issue with me staying?” The street lights above illuminated the inside of the car as Tojo turned right on a street.
“Nah, my kid won't mind.” Toji glanced from his peripheral vision. He was good at reading body language and how your back straightened, and you quickly looked over at him before turning your attention back to the road, clued him into what you were thinking. “What? Is it that hard to imagine me being a dad?”
“W-What?! No, I-I didn't say that!”
“But your body language did.” Your bottom lip got sucked between your teeth again. “You’re pretty easy to read. Makes my job easy.”
“I am not easy to read.”
“Oh, you are.” Toji grinned, watching as you crossed your arms over your chest. “See, it’s all in the body language.”
Your head shot back in his direction, and Toji could feel your eyes practically burning holes into his skin. “Okay then, Mr. Expert. What am I feeling right now? If you’re so confident in your skills.” The car made another left as Toji pulled into a parking lot in front of an apartment complex.
“You aren't going to like it.” He said in an almost singsong voice as he parked the car.
“I already don’t like this whole situation, so let’s just put the cherry on top of the fucked up sundae that is my life right now.”
The air in the car felt thick as Toji unbuckled his seatbelt, allowing him to turn slightly to eye you thoroughly. His chest rose as he took a deep breath, his shirt straining against his chest as he draped his arm over his seat. As his eyes roamed your body, you could feel the trail they left, like a gentle caress over your skin. You swallowed hard, clearing your throat as you shifted, keeping your arms crossed.
You were beautiful but also very tense. You kept shifting your weight in the seat, and your eyes looked anywhere but at him directly. In a way, it was kind of cute seeing you like this. Where you weren't masking or giving him attitude, he was begging to realize this was some of your natural personality—not some persona you made, apart from playing in front of cameras and an audience. The sharp tongue, stubbornness, and anxiety seem to be the real you.
But he had a feeling he was only grazing the surface of you.
You had gone through so much lately that you probably layered yourself in different coats of wax. Hiding the version of who you were before, you became an Internet sensation. Toji was only seeing the top layer of who you were, and he was given time, he would be able to peel back the first layer of wax to reveal a new color, a new trait of yours. But even if he didn’t know who you were or what you were like before the fame, you were still relatively easy for him to read.
“Okay, you keep crossing your arms; that could be due to several things. It could be that you are uncomfortable, feeling slightly defensive, or insecure. Or it could also mean that you’re subconscious is telling you that yoy need to protect yourself because you have a certain distrust in me, which is fair because you don’t know me.” From the way your eyes widened, Toji knew he was right. “Then there’s the lip.” Promptly, you released your lips from your bottom teeth. “Biting your lip is a nonverbal gesture. And it could mean a couple of things. could be that you have something to say, but you’re preventing yourself from saying it, or it could also mean that you secretly want me and you’re trying to be flirtatious.” You barked a laugh, your eyebrows furrowing together as a faint flush dusted your cheeks. “But I know that it’s because you’re having anxiety; that’s one of the most common reasons. People bite their lips like that. Anxiety, stress, overwhelming emotions.” He leaned back in the driver's seat. “And from the way you’re furrowing your brows at me, which usually means that you’re annoyed in deep conversation or thought I can cross you being flirty with me off my list of options.”
“Oh yeah, go ahead and mark that off several times with a marker.”
Toji shrugged a shoulder as he turned towards the door, opening it. “No skin off my nose; I don't care.” He got out, headed to your side of the car, and opened the door for you.
“Wow, you proved your point; you can read body language. Congratulations.”
“It's all part of the job.”
A job that he was now bringing home. Toji carried your bag for you and led you into the apartment complex. With each step you took, your mind reeled more. What did a pop star tell her brand-new bodyguard’s family? Sorry for imposing on you all; I'll take the couch. Would they be cold? Feeling like you were pitting them out? Or would they be overly fanatic with you, persistently making you feel at home and treating you like a celebrity?
No matter the outcome, one thing was sure: you hated being a burden to others.
Aside from the tests and clinical work, things were easier when you were a nursing student. When you were in school, you didn't have to stress over putting on a face for the cameras, dealing with a stalker, and not worrying about the safety of your loved ones. You would rather take vials of blood from a senile patient rather than have someone destroy your home.
A twinge of pain shot through your lip as you sank your teeth into the raw spot on your lip you had made. Toji watched as your hand shot up, delicate fingers brushing against blood that dribbled to the surface—pulling your hand back to look at the crimson-stained tips of your fingers.
“I told you you were going to bite it so hard it would make it bleed.”
“I know—I just—I hate this.”
Toji’s gaze focused on the numbers blinking as you headed to another floor. “Unfortunately, you don't have many options.” His tone was soft, almost hesitant in a way, one you hadn't been expecting to come from him.
“I just hope your wife isn't too upset.” When the elevator reached the third floor, it dinged before the metal doors slid open. “I'm really sorry for imposing you both.”
“She’s not gonna mind.”
“Oh, and what makes you so sure of that?” You question incredulously, following him out of the elevator down the hall. “I’m a stranger. I would have issues letting a stranger with a stalker into my house.”
The tall man didn't say anything as he unlocked the door to one of the apartments. “Trust me, it ain't going to be a problem. This is something she would have supported.”
Toji held the door open, allowing you to step inside first. The television was playing somewhere inside, leaving you feeling awkward as you stood off to the side. Clearing your throat as Toji took his shoes off, you followed his lead, inching close behind him as he yawned, walking through the entryway.
“Megs? Hey, I'm home.” The pitter-patter of feet against the floor had you looking around Toji as a young girl, maybe sixteen, and a small boy hurrying around a corner. “Hey Tsumiki, sorry I’m late.” he reached into his suit jacket, pulling out a wallet. “I’ll pay ya’ dou—”
“Oh no! You're okay, Mr. Fushiguro. I live a few doors down, and Megumi’s a good kid.” The teenager beamed politely as she ruffled the head of the younger boy. “Plus, my mom made us dinner.” Her eyes drifted behind Toji, and she met yours. She tilted her head slightly to the side before you could see the realization hit her like lightning. “O-Oh—wait! Wait! I-Is that?! Are you?!”
Toji hissed through his teeth, pushing you back behind him. “Tsumiki—don’t.” His words went wholly ignored as she screamed.
You couldn't help but smile; seeing your fans react to you was one of your favorite things. Tsumiki jumped up and down, grabbing hold of the little boy who stared at her in confusion and annoyance, which was nearly comical on a young boy's face. But not a lot of six—and seven—year—old boys came to your concerts.
“You're too loud, Tsumiki.”
“I love you! I love your music so much!!”
Without so much as a word, you stepped out from behind Toji, taking your baseball cap off. “Thank you; I appreciate your support.” You opened your arms, but Tsumiki hesitated, looking up at Toji, who just huffed a sigh before nodding and motioning toward you with one hand.
“Go ahead.”
Tsumiki squealed, throwing herself into you and hugging you as tightly as possible. “Oh my god, it's you!! I can't believe it!” She pulled away dark strands of her hair falling in her face. “What are you doing here? And with Mr. Fushiguro on top of that? Are you two dating?!”
Much to your surprise, you and Toji barked a laugh before glaring at each other. “Hello, no.” Your bodyguard remarked with a sneer as he walked towards Megumi, lifting him. “She ain’t my type.” His words didn't sting; if anything, you felt slightly relieved that he thought the same way you did.
“Mr Fushiguro, every guy wants to date her!” The wildly enthusiastic Tsumiki shouted, finally breaking away from her hug with you. “Look at her! She's gorgeous! How could she not be your type?!”
“Well, for starters, I don't date my clients, and secondly—”
“He’s married.” You added, winning a surprised look from the younger boy whose navy eyes mirrored his father’s.
“Since when did you get married?”
Toji ruffled the boy's hair, blatantly ignoring his question before focusing on Tsumiki. “Hey, you can't tell anyone about her being here, okay? It’s for her safety, so don't go blabbing off to your mom or your little girlfriends, okay?” You felt some ease settle over you as Tsumili nodded her head enthusiastically.
“Of course! I won’t tell a soul!” her big doe eyes darted back at you, her fingers toying with the hem of her shirt. “I know the line of work Megumi’s dad is in, so you’re in good hands.” Her words trailed off as she bit down on her bottom lip, much like you had done throughout the night. “But, uhm—”
It was clear that she wanted to ask you for it, but it was also clear that she wasn't going to ask for it straight out. “Tsumiki, right?” You asked, drawing her attention back to you. “Would you like an autograph? A thank you for keeping my secret?” Her eyes sparked as she nodded her head up and down. “But that doesn't seem fair enough.” you pursed your lips together in faux thought. “How about two backstage passes to my next concert?”
“For real?!”
Toji huffed a sigh, watching to see that mask you had perfected slip on. But it didn't. You were nice but not overly perky and bouncing with energy like you had been at the concert. No, this was just you being genuinely nice to a kid. You were smiling softly, taking in Tsumiki’s reaction, savoring the joy and shock on her face.
It was that look that had Toji in a sort of haze as he walked Tsumiki back to her door. All her excitement was like white noise to him as she hurried inside her apartment, bouncing on her feet as she bid him goodnight. You were something. You couldn't handle being in a car with a stranger you barely knew, but you had no issues giving out backstage concert tickets to a stranger who was a fan.
Toji shook those thoughts out of his mind as he returned to his apartment. He found you standing in the kitchen, looking around. “Do you Need something?” he asked, sitting Megumi down on the counter.
“Oh no, just looking around.”
“Ah, well, I’ll give you a proper tour later. But first,” Megumi groaned as his father's large hand ruffled the top of his head, making his unruly hair even messier. “This is Megumi, my son.”
The little boy puffed his cheeks out, running his hands through his hair as you smiled, introducing yourself. “It's nice to meet you, Megumi. Thanks for letting me stay with you and your family.” Megumi shrugged a shoulder, his cheeks slightly flushed, as he looked up at his dad.
“Yeah, you're welcome.”
“When does your mom get home? I want to thank her properly, too.” A heavy silence fell over the kitchen as Megumi’s features softened his attention, focusing on his father, who rubbed at his neck. “Oh, you haven't told her yet?”
Toji shook his head, lifting Megumi off the counter before placing him down. “Nope, but I'll let her know now; come with me, and I’ll introduce you while I’m at it.” His words were strange, but you followed him to the living room. Toji walked towards a corner and slowly got down on his knees, his eyes focusing on the incense floating up in the air as he reached out, straightening a picture of a beautiful woman with dark hair. “Hey honey, this is our house guest for a while. Do me a favor and don't get all possessive poltergeist on me.” Your bodyguard turned back to you, watching the flush in your cheeks fade as he tilted his head toward the altar. “This is my wife, my late wife.”
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks @reap3erslov3 @wil10wthetree
Til’ the Day Tag List: (AGE MUST BE IN BIO MDNI)
@justagirl-with-aphone @flowerpot113 @elitesanjisimp @fandomtrash5092 @zoroisminty @imoutofpot @your-mum3000 @lemonmoonmochi @heymickyy @waterfal-ling @thickemadame
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holrye · 5 months
A love she can't have
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summary: a window into the sacred nights of a small island kingdoms queen and her lover
tags: plot divergence, smut, fluff, light angst, yearning, implied chubby reader (section is tiny)
a/n: ahhhh, so I'm super nervous to post this, lol. Im not the most confident in my writing, and I've been working on the idea for this for so long. tbh I don't know if I like how it turned out. I made so many different versions, and this is the only one that stuck. I hope you guys like it :)
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One night, every six or seven months, the estate of this small island kingdom is empty.
No bustling of maids and butlers as they prepare meals and clean. The orange hue of the lights inside are dimmed and the sheer curtains are often drawn.
A tradition, some would call it. Others would say it's strange. What could the young ruler do all to her lonesome up in that immense estate? Does she force her staff to leave for nefarious reasons? What secrets could she be hiding? All fair questions that will go unanswered for as long as you live. 
Privacy as the ruler of a nation is somewhat expected to wane upon your coronation. The kings and queens before you knew this, and were mindful of it. But never has a ruler taken so many precautions as you on these particular nights. These nights were often random to the public as well, the only sign being when the staff are ushered from the large french doors at the estates entrance. 
What could the diligent leader be cooping herself up for?
Oh, if they only knew…
If your people only knew that their queen was hiding a scandalous affair, with a pirate no less. What would people think? They’d say you’d gone insane, and were seduced by some horrid marauder. You’d lose every ounce of power you gained and be left to fend for yourself. Not a thing to your name other than the clothes on your back, they’d raid the estate and denounce you. 
So, these nights are secret. Whispers between you and your midnight guest that never leave the halls of the estate.
Though the guest in question is far less worried about the conspicuousness of your meetings. Not because he lacks care for your reputation, but because some would say he's a bit obtuse. A fool in love with someone he should never associate with.
You only become aware of his visits hours before he arrives, leaving you little time to fruitfully convince your entire staff to leave. Though it sounds unchallenging, your estate employs hundreds of people. Gardeners, chefs, handmaids, every task you could do yourself is done for you, mostly at the behest of your late mother who ruled before you. 
There's only so many excuses you can use without sounding suspicious. You want them to spend the night with their families or you’d like the estate to yourself or you had an awful mark on your back you didn’t want anyone to see as you bathed (that last one only made your head maid look at you worried). 
By now, they’d chalked it up to your eccentricity. The queen is just a bit strange. It made you more likable to some, relatable. There was little judgment, at least to your face, though that too was likely because of your rank. You cared little, as long as they were all gone before he blew in. 
He usually arrived just before midnight, his boat tied just off shore. A small cove sat behind your estate, sharp boulders and thick shrubbery concealing it. This is where he hides his vessel, only doing so after it was nearly found the morning after by a gardener. 
You scolded him harshly in your letters through the following months.
You’d wait on your bedroom balcony, watching the bushes. Sitting at the small table, eagerly stirring your cup of tea and waiting. Your feet are bare, cold from the breeze and the stone underfoot. 
The chill of soft trepidation is a feeling you’ve come to know since you met him. An almost nauseous feeling in your stomach, stiff cold limbs, a heavy chest. The months worth of built up suspense that has you on the edge, tempting you to jump.
Only when a hint of tanned skin is seen through the leaves, does your chest tighten. The bush moves again and his body pushes through, nearly falling to the grass. He catches himself before looking up to your balcony.
A smile stretches his freckled cheeks, and his feet are moving again.
You stand, gulping the last drink from your cup before hastily fixing yourself. Crickets and his heavy breaths as he climbs up the balcony are the only noise throughout the garden. It seemingly makes your heart pound faster, anticipation building in your belly. 
With a few more pulls, the man hops over the banister and stands before you. A shallow and shaky breath leaves your nose. Months of letters, declarations of love and yearning built up to this meeting. It always feels like the first time, standing before him in your frilly nightgown. It's embarrassing and euphoric all at once.
“Long time, no see.” His voice is soft, smile apparent as he speaks.
You smile up at him, blush dusting your cheeks.
“Hello, my love.” Your voice is softer than you mean it to be. He moves a step closer, and you notice the small bundle of letters in his hand. They’re addressed to him and the handwriting is your soft cursive. You question his purpose in bringing them, but don’t ask. 
“Have you eaten?” You ask. It’s a silly question now that you think about it, the man is known for his appetite.
He nods, still smiling as he moves closer again. His hand meets your arm, slowly sliding up to lay against your neck. The movement is soft, his thumb caressing your jaw as he looks at you. 
Your arms move to his shoulders, broad and strong. They slip to the back of his neck, dark, wet hair matting to your hand. He smells of salt water and sweat. He likely had to snow to shore due to high tide, which completely engulfed the cove most nights.
His eyes droop, as he presses a hungry kiss to your lips. It has you curling into him, his full hand meeting your hip. His feet start to move you backward, against the cold stone wall behind you. His hand moves from your jaw to the space beside your head, stealing your breath as he kisses you. Your hands twist into his hair, keeping him there until you both break with a gasp. 
He moves his hand to your lower back, pulling you into him again only for you to press a palm to his mouth. His eyebrows twist as he looks at you.
“I have some things inside for you.” You say, cocking your head to the left.
“Of course you do.” He smiles at you again.
Your bedroom, a large rounded room with a bed much too big for one, is lit with hundreds of candles. Two bottles of champagne sit unopened on the table in the middle of the room with two glasses sat to the side. An array of cheeses, bread and fruit sit on a plate to the side as well.
The bedspread is soft below you, your eyes glued to the liquid in the flute as you listen to Ace read your writing. Your hand wrapped around his wrist and your head rests against his hip as his voice nearly soothes you to sleep. You want to make a bed out of his tambre and sleep in it forever.
“I fear the selfishness I feel when you aren’t in my company. I cower at the thought of it boiling over and taking hold of me, interfering in my daily work. I yearn so much for the day I can be with you, freely, without the need to veil our flirtation. To think, I rule a nation as a queen. I wield power most only dream of, and yet I feel powerless in your absence. It nearly sickens me.” He pauses, looking at you over the parchment. 
“A kiss would satiate me for the time being. I soft kiss that speaks your tenor and goes by your name. I look forward to when we meet again, my love. May that heavenly time come soon.” He ends it by saying your signature out loud. He folds that paper again, placing it back in its envelope. 
The look on your face is melancholic, thinking back to the sadness you felt writing those letters to him. How much you missed him and what you would’ve done to see him at the time. It's embarrassing, listening to the heart you poured into the paper for him out loud.
He looks at you again, hand moving to the top of your head. He plays with the hair there, the comfortable silence taking the place of his voice.
“Is Edward well? I heard his health started declining again.” You ask, sipping from your glass again.
He nods, smile fading slightly as he speaks again.
“Yeah, the old man shouldn’t work himself as hard as he does. It's catching up to him.” Whitebeard was an acquaintance of your father, often meeting him for peace treaty signings. Even as a pirate, he’d earned your fathers respect.
“Hardworking as ever.” You smile.
He smiles as you sit up, finishing your glass off and setting it upon the bedside table. 
“You're one to talk, your highness.” He chuckles, extending his arm for you to lay against his chest.
“Ruling a kingdom is a lot of work. I do what I have to do. You’d think being a pirate, he’d use more of his free time being…free.” You say. A soft laugh leaves his chest as he nods his head.
“You’d think.” His voice evens out again as he looks down at you.
Your hand moves to cup his cheek, holding it there for a moment. It’s warm. Everything about Ace is. Whether it be his devil fruit or his personality. He warms your heart in a way you’ve never felt before. It makes it harder when you have to watch him leave, his broad form disappearing in the bushes. You’d say goodbye to him with tears in your eyes as he kissed your lips and abandon that warmth until you saw him again.
“You're so beautiful.” You don’t mean to say it out loud, biting your lip when your mouth speaks before you catch yourself. His lips quirk, eyes half-massed as he gazes at you.
“I could say the same about you, sweetheart.” He chuckles.
The room goes quiet again.
He takes your hand in his, pressing your palm to his lips. It's soft and he keeps moving up your arm, to your shoulder. He pauses a moment before looking at you again. 
“Is this okay?” He asks, kissing your shoulder again. A blush brightens your cheeks. You know what he's asking.
With a dry swallow, you nod and he smiles for the millionth time tonight. He climbs on top of you, moving from your collar bone up to your neck. Your hands move to his head, grasping the hair there at the sensation. He kisses the section just below your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
A throaty chuckle falls from him as he starts his descent of your body. A kiss pressed to your collarbone, a kiss to your sternum, a kiss to your belly, it's all too much. His hands meet your hips, bunching the fabric of your dress slightly. He moves down, pressing soft kisses to the middle of your thighs.
“You're so soft.” He says, smiling into your sensitive skin. You sigh, wanting nothing more than for him to ravish you like he’s done so many times before. His hands bunch at the end of your skirt, slowly pulling it up inch by tantalizing inch. It's enough anticipation to make you sick. 
He raises the hem to your hips, your lacy undergarments showing. You sit up as he pulls it off of you, your breasts bouncing as they fall. He kisses your lips again, before laying you down on the bed again. Your knees press together, a familiar warmth swirling through your gut and into your core.
His hands land on your hips, softly squeezing the skin that lightly hangs over your panties. Your breath catches when he kneels at the edge of your bed, looping his fingers into your underwear and slipping them down your thighs.
He exhales loudly, seemingly holding his breath before. He takes your knees over his shoulders, nipping at the fat of your thighs. A long stripe from your inner thigh to your groin has you shaking. His hands move to yours scrunched up in the blankets, lacing your fingers together.
A slow lick to your clit leaves you breathless, eyes shutting as you squeeze his hands. 
“You taste so good.” it's muffled by your skin, but you understand him. He licks you again, softly sucking your clit into his mouth. 
His mouth is so warm and wet, it has you in a euphoric state. This feeling only he can give you, one that you want to feel forever. Making love to Ace felt otherworldly, no matter how many times you did it.
“Ace..ah-” Your voice is caught in your throat, his tongue moving down to your hole.
“Yes, my love?” His tone is mocking, as if demanding you answer him. Your lips are raw, drool dripping from the corner of your mouth as you try to speak.
Words fail you, one of your hands moving from his, to his head. Leverage.
He hums into you, slipping his tongue in and out of you a few times before replacing it with his finger. His mouth moves back to your clit and your seeing stars, the blinding white matching the pace of the growing knot in your stomach.
“Ace-” You sigh as your muscles tense up. Your orgasm hits you in waves, leaving your thighs shaking around his face. He sucks the soft skin around your pussy as you come down, hands moving to your thighs.
“Mm, baby…” He says, his voice hoarse as he moves up to your face. Your skin is sticky, hair sticking to your face and palms sweating. He kisses you, the heady taste of yourself on his tongue. Your hands move to his face, draping your arms around his neck.
With little hesitation, he reaches for the buckle of his shorts, dropping them and climbing on top of you. You lift your legs, wrapping them around his hips. 
“You ready?” He asks, and you nuzzle your nose into his. With a huff, he’s pushing in and the both of you sigh loudly at the contact. His movements start slow, smooth.
His hips meet yours and your eyes go white. His hand rests next to your head, his thrusts making his bicep flex a bit. It makes you drool, pressing a kiss to his wrist as he evens out his pace.
“You feel so good…hah-” His breathing is erratic and his other hand moves to the fold of your knee. Your head falls back, moans leaving you otherwise speechless. It feels so good, you can’t move.
His pace picks up, quickening as both of you approach your highs. Your breathing is stunted and your eyes are clenched shut. Ace moves his face to the crook of your neck, licking a strip up to your chin. Everything is perfect.
“I love you.” You say, looking him in the eyes. You swear you feel his cock throb inside you.
“I love you too, your highness.” He smirks.
With two or three deep thrusts, he’s finishing inside you. You scream, voice breaking when you finally cum again. He thrusts a couple more times, only pulling out when his cock stops throbbing. Your pussy clenches around nothing, his cum dripping out of you onto the pristine sheets. 
He falls into the empty space next to you, wrapping an arm around your waist as you clench your thighs together again. The aftershocks leave you drowsy and you roll in to his chest, drifting to sleep.
You don’t wake again until the early morning the next day. Ace is awake, his warm hands brushing through your hair. Your eyes scrunch at the brightening horizon before looking back at him.
“You sleep ok?” He asks.
You nod, kissing his jaw before rising to stretch. He rubs a hand down your back and gets out of bed.
Mornings after he visits are melancholy, knowing the inevitable has come to pass yet again. He’ll leave you for another period of time unknown to him or you. Your letters will be the only form of communication you'll have for months. It’s all a bit too much to bear.
You rise, hugging him from behind as he puts his clothes back on. Freckles decorate his back and shoulders and you want to count every one of them.
Before you know it, you stand looking up at him on your balcony wrapped in a sheet. His kiss is as warm as ever, not wanting to leave. You hold him there for a while, tears nearly forming in your eyes already.
“I’ll see you soon.” You nearly whimper. He wipes your eyes with his thumbs, smiling at you. 
“I’ll keep you in my thoughts, my love.” He smiles and you remember your gift you still have to give him.
“Wait!” You say, scurrying inside and grabbing a small locket off of your vanity. You hand it to him, and he opens it.
“Keep it close to your heart.” You say. The picture inside is of you, and it warms his heart. A smile creases his eyes as kisses you again. He kisses your cheeks and your forehead as the sun starts to show over the horizon.
“I love you.” He says, slowly stepping back and over the banaster. You reach your hands out one last time, cupping his face and kissing him before he climbs down and runs through the garden. 
With one final wave and kiss to his palm, he disappears into the greenery.
No one knows why the queen hides herself away certain nights of the year. Maybe shes up to nefarious activities. Maybe she does have secrets. 
Maybe she's just in love with someone she can’t have.
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Hey, can you do a Yan!Visenya and Yan!Rhaenys Targaryen prompt where the reader is Rhaenys' twin and is very innocent. Both sisters are romantic yanderes for him (Aegon aswell but only platonic for him). Where reader wants to take a lover/mistress and Visenya and Rhaenys protests against it.
[8] "Nobody else can love you the way I love you. I would do anything to prove that to you."
[20] "I would do anything for you, even cross the abyss of death and return just to hold you again."
[28] "Every part of me belongs to you, and I will do anything to have every part of you with me."
(You can put it in any order you want.)
Prompt [8] - "Nobody else can love you the way I love you. I would do anything to prove that to you." Prompt [20] - "I would do anything for you, even cross the abyss of death and return just to hold you again." Prompt [28] - "Every part of me belongs to you, and I will do anything to have every part of you with me."
❝🔥 tw: typical Targaryen incest and perhaps a little suggestive.
❝🔥 word count: 1,552.
— note: the image/art does not belong to me and all credits to its creator. Unfortunately, I couldn't find its creator, but if you're reading this and want your credits or it removed, contact me.
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''I want a lover.''
Visenya choked on the wine she was drinking, Rhaenys froze, and Aegon frowned.
''How so?'' Visenya demanded after she managed to swallow the wine. You looked at her who looked at you like you were crazy.
''I want a lover.'' You repeated, sipping some wine.
''Why?'' The words that came out of your older sister's mouth were like poison.
You shrugged and sighed loudly, ''Because I want one and wish to have some fun. Why does anyone else have a lover?'' You replied as if it were obvious, but Visenya's violet eyes flashed with fury.
''You won't do such thing.'' She ordered, looking to the others for support.
''You don't give me orders.'' You said sharply, getting up from the table where you were having dinner with your sisters and brother.
''Where are you going?'' Rhaenys wanted to know. You looked at your twin, who crossed her arms.
''Fly with my dragon.'' You replied and without waiting for answers, you left the dining room.
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Visenya looked at her younger sibilings who looked unsure what to do. At least Aegon didn't know what to do, Rhaenys was strangely silent.
''So?'' She asked no one in particular. She looked at Aegon who raised his hands in surrender.
''What?'' He muttered, taking a piece of bread.
Visenya took a deep breath.
''We can't let (Y/N) have a lover.'' Rhaenys replied, her pretty face twisted into a grimace.
Aegon rolled his eyes, ''And why not? It's not like he's going to get married and leave Dragonstone. It's just a little fun.''
His sisters looked at him like he was insane. This angered Aegon, who just got up from the table.
''Where do you think you're going?'' Visenya questioned. ''We're not done talking.''
Aegon smirked, ''It's over for me. And if you want to know, I'm going to join our brother. It's been a while since Balerion and I have flown.'' With that said, Aegon withdrew from the dining room, leaving Visenya and Rhaenys alone.
''Our brother will not take a lover.'' Visenya decreed and Rhaenys agreed. ''He's very innocent and, I'm sorry to say, naive at times. Who knows what this lover could do to him?''
Rhaenys nodded and drank a glass of water, ''Agreed. Besides, he doesn't need one, not when he has me.''
Visenya thought for a while. You didn't need a lover, not when you already had her and, apparently, Rhaenys. It's nothing new that she had feelings for you, although you didn't know it. She wanted to become your wife, following your family's customs, but she feared that would not happen.
She was the eldest and Aegon was second. Traditionally, she would marry Aegon and Rhaenys would marry with you. She didn't like that, though. She liked Aegon, but she didn't love him the way she loved you.
She couldn't help but feel jealous of Rhaenys.
''What are we going to do?'' Rhaenys asked, snapping her older sister out of her reverie.
Visenya arched an eyebrow, and Rhaenys sighed.
''I will not and cannot allow my brother, my twin I might add, to get involved with anyone. He's mine.'' Rhaenys spoke sharply and that surprised her sister. Rhaenys's voice was always so sweet and gentle and the tone she used was nothing like her usual self.
''Yours?'' Visenya asked, amused.
Rhaenys stared at her sister with an icy glare, ''Yes. Mine. He is my future husband and my twin brother, so I believe I am entitled to claim him as mine.''
Visenya's face formed a frown.
''But,'' Rhaenys began, ''I know you're in love with him and I don't want there to be a fight between us, sister. So I propose a deal.''
''What kind of deal?'' Visenya asked suspiciously.
Rhaenys smirked, "One where we'll both get what we want."
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Your flight had been pleasant. You loved flying and you loved your dragon, two perfect combinations.
''Are you really going to take a lover?'' You turned your head to your brother who now walked beside you back to Dragonstone.
''I think so.'' You shrugged, ''Is it that bad?''
Now it was Aegon's turn to shrug, ''I wouldn't say bad, just... Unusual.''
''Why? You have a mistress, brother.''
''Yes, but that's different.''
''Oh? And why?''
''Because I don't have Visenya and Rhaenys in love with me.''
You froze, stopping in your tracks instantly. You turned to Aegon like a bolt of lightning.
Aegon chuckled, "Didn't you notice? Seriously?''
You shook your head, too shocked to speak.
''You are very innocent, brother. How do you intend to have a lover when our sisters are so in love with you? And, dare I say, possessive.''
''I...'' You didn't know what to say. You cleared your throat, ''Doesn't that bother you? You should marry Visenya.''
''No, it doesn't bother me.'' Aegon replied, starting to walk again. You took a deep breath, trying to organize your thoughts, and ran to catch up.
''What should I do?''
''Whatever you think is best.'' Aegon simply replied and when you entered the castle where you lived, he turned to you and said, ''I'm going to go get some sleep, I'll see you tomorrow.''
You stood still for a few minutes, watching your brother turn his back on you. When he disappeared from your field of vision, you decided to go bath and go to sleep. You could think about what to do tomorrow.
Knowing what you wanted, you made your way to your room and when you entered, you were surprised to see your sisters in it.
Visenya sitting in a chair and Rhaenys lying on your bed.
Both dressed in a thin nightgown that showed more than needed to be seen.
''Welcome back, brother.'' Rhaenys smiled at you.
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You crossed your arms and took a few steps back as Visenya rose from her chair and walked over to you.
She chuckled when you pulled away and cocked her head to the side, ''Scared?''
''I would say worried.'' You replied, not knowing what to do. ''What are you doing here?''
Rhaenys has decided to get out of bed and approach you. Soon you found yourself cornered by your sisters.
''We've come to make sure you don't take a lover.'' She replied and smiled, ''Because nobody else can love you the way I love you,'' Rhaenys put her soft hands on your face, forcing you to looking at her, ''and I would do anything to prove that to you.''
''We.'' Visenya corrected and you swallowed hard when you saw the determined look on her face. ''Can't you see how much I love you?''
''We.'' This time it was Rhaenys who corrected.
Visenya gave her an irritated look, but then focused on you. Your hands were sweating when she pushed you against the door.
''Can't you see that we belong to each other?'' She whispered against your lips, ''Can't you see that every part of me belongs to you?'' Visenya's breath against your lips was hot and you felt an involuntary desire rise within yourself. ''And I will do anything to have every part of you with me.''
She finally broke the distance and forced hers lips on yours.
You groaned in surprise but didn't pull away. You allowed her to kiss you. Visenya wrapped her arms around your neck, bringing her body closer to you and you blushed when you felt her breasts against your chest. You placed your hands on her waist, squeezing lightly.
''I don't know whether to be happy or jealous.'' Rhaenys commented after you and Visenya parted.
''How about both?'' Visenya muttered breathlessly. She pulled back a little and licked her lips slightly swollen from the kiss.
Rhaenys rolled her eyes and pushed her sister aside, standing in front of you.
''You know, (Y/N), it's unfair that she's the one who tasted you first. After all, you and I share the same womb at the same time.'' She grumbled and touched your cheek lovingly.
You can't help but to close your eye at the affection.
''Do you know I would do anything for you?'' Rhaenys whispered, ''You are my twin brother, there is nothing I wouldn't do for you. I would do anything for you, even cross the abyss of death and return just to hold you again.'' She declared and closed her eyes, waiting for you to kiss her.
Against your better judgment, you kissed her.
Rhaenys blushed and returned the kiss passionately and softly. Her lips were soft and you found yourself enjoying all the love she had to give you. Your hands went to her face and you deepened the kiss, your tongues touching Rhaenys hugged you, touching your bodies and you could feel how hot her body was.
You found yourself enjoying all the love your sisters had to give you. Maybe it wasn't bad after all.
You loved them and they loved you. And you were a Targaryen, there's nothing wrong with that.
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kingconia · 1 year
#4, #9 and #28 with Rook Hunt! He seems like a possessive lover
4. “You know I'd do anything to have you stay by my side, right? Anything.“
9. “Damn it all to hell, if I don't get to have you tonight then I'm never going to be able to have you.”
28. ”Come and get your fix.”
cw: slightly spicy? mentions of possessiveness and slight obsession (from both sides, lmao)
In the world of kings, princes and magical creatures, you were no one.
It was something you accepted rather quickly; this world was never yours to begin with, and no particular sadness was met by this early realisation. The role of temporary guest came easily to you, the understating of the fact that you will leave this place as soon as Crowley will come up with something, always lingered at the back of your mind.
And so, attaching to someone was prohibited. From your perspective it would be easier this way, to be able leave it, without loving someone.
You were nice to everyone to the point all of them meant nothing to you. You treated them like characters, whose stories you witnessed accidentally. Different books with curious main characters. And nothing more.
Well. Until Rook Hunt.
This story started rather ridiculously. While you hunt down backstories of others, he hunted down you. He thought of you—and that was flattering—as a unique beast to this little collection, a new target. It was the fact that you had nothing in this world that made you so special in his eyes. An attractive little thing, he said.
Despite everything—or rather, exactly because of it—you preferred to ignore him. You rolled his eyes as you felt his ghostly presence in the rooms, and your lips thinned when he talked to you, spluttering little complements here and there. Eventually, though, you got used to it.
To all of him.
In one of many days like this, you suggested him to stop hiding in the bushes or climbing on the rooftops. Instead, you allowed him to follow you.
And the game began.
What started as a strange experience ended up being the most meaningful thing that you made. He was following you, and from now, you followed him as well. And what others called a strange alliance between two of you, grew into something more.
Apparently, Rook was kissing as skillfully as he shot animals down. And, oh, you were nothing in your soul if not starved.
Rook tasted as a pure madness; a tip of his sharp, arrow-like tongue filled your mouth with bittersweetness, dragging your further in the tunnel of insanity, along with him. His every single touch, each praise, tied you even more to him, making utterly desperate.
Rook Hunt tamed you. And you were happily giving up.
”Oh, mon précieux,” he murmured, pressing his chest to yours, as he caught in the corridors of the school, shamelessly, ”it is a little late for running away from me, don't you think?”
It was. Yet, you gave it a try.
The impact of his man dawned on you suddenly as you realised how far you were from your own rules. Your own decision not to be attached to anyone was long forgotten. Now, you know, leaving this world will hurt.
”You know I'd do anything to have you stay by my side, right?” His soft lips pressed to the line of your chin, in something between a kiss and mere touch. ”Anything.”
You closed your eyes, collecting yourself. It was time to stop this game.
”Rook, cut your nonsense,” your breath came out as a roar, when his fingertips traced down your neck, stopping on the tight-buttoned collar. ”I will leave this place eventually. Stop hurting both of us.”
”Maybe I should just break our favourite mirror,” he purred, as if ignoring what you said completely. ”That will leave you without a choice, hm-m.”
”Rook,” you hissed.
His voice was sweeter than honey, and the words that left his lips were so nicely poisonous that you desired nothing but to drink it right from his mouth.
What a graceful nightmare he was.
”Be honest with me, ma prière, do you truly believe that you will ever leave this place?” He stopped his distracting actions, eyes now fully on you. ”Or is that your own way to apologise before people you left in another world?”
You hardly had anyone back there, and you never felt belonged to anywhere. Could it be the reason why you were sent here? Could it be the argument to allow Crowley to stay? Could it be—
”You are thinking too much, mon amour,” the tip of your noses met. ”Will you have me or no?”
Oh, how dared he to ask, when he knows it already?
”Damn it all to hell,” you laughed bitterly, fingers digging in his lean shoulders, bringing him as close as it was only possible. ”If I don't get to have you tonight then I'm never going to be able to have you.”
Your breath mingled together, and the sharp corners of his lips curled in a disturbingly beautiful smile, when his hands squeezed your hips possessively.
”Here you are, ma bête. Come and get your fix.”
Before you know, your lips were already brought together as you clinged to each other desperately, teeth meeting with a clicking sound, and tongues intertwining in breathless gasps.
Rook might tamed you. But he didn't win. Because it was your name that was engraved on his heart, just as he branded his own in your chest.
And there was no turning back now.
A/N: Rook calls reader ”my precious”, ”my pray”, ”my love” and ”my beast” on french in this order.
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fuxuannie · 1 year
Will you be doing the voice line hcs for all the hsr guys?? I’m high key waiting for welt’s turn HFBBFFHHFHF (also happy birthday!! <3)
↳ pairing : welt yang x gender neutral reader
↳ synopsis : voicelines about his dearest lover ♡
↳ authors note : this one is a little angsty! because welt yang my 80 year old angst bag i love u forever.. and i think i might do them all if people request them all LMAO, the voicelines thing i did for the shits and giggles because i was really lazy one day and needed smth to post ^_^
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— About Lover
☆☆ "Wouldn't it be funny if I told you that somehow, the day I had met (name), we clicked like puzzle pieces? Seeing their smile.. goodness, I can't tell you how many times I've felt the old heart of mine race when I'm around them. It's like I'm young and in love all over again."
— About Lover : Odd Pair
☆☆ "I'm sure you've heard the handful of people talking about how odd of a couple me and (name) are. The fact people this late in our age have only dated now, but.. I simply couldn't have stopped the attraction I developed towards them. Not like I could stop it back then either."
— Welt Yang's Troubles
☆☆ "I will not lie to you or myself, but it upsets me quite a bit when (name) gets to go on missions and I cannot accompany them. Not because I am jealous that they go on expeditions and I don't, but more on that I cannot accompany them and protect them."
— Something to Share
☆☆ "People think it's strange that I wear two rings on my ring finger. Though I can definitely see why, my partner does not mind. And if people knew why, they'd either not believe me or think I'm insane. So as long as (name) is okay with it, I will not care with what people say."
— Interesting Things : Meeting Lover
☆☆ "I met (name) after we had finished one of the various missions me and the Astral Express Family would go on. They explained to me that they didn't know why they were so inclined to join us, why it felt right to be by their side, specifically mine. And due to the admittedly blooming feelings I had for them and I began to notice, I wasn't opposed to the idea."
— Against his Lover
☆☆ "Don't make me relive this pain again. Don't let me lose you in this life."
— About Us : In Due Time
☆☆ "There will be a day my relationship with my partner will make sense to you, one day in due time I will be right telling you the truth."
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strongheartneteyam · 1 year
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Realize where you belong.
Chapter 8
Pairing: neteyam sully x female!human!reader/female!dreamwalker!reader
CW: a whole lot of fluff, intense feelings, angst, self doubt, slight reference to depressive symptoms, crystal appears for the first time (she's reader's best and only actual friend), playful teasing between friends, crystal is a sweetheart, some funny/feel good parts, protective neteyam, neteyam flirting with reader, heated make out session, sharing the same bed trope (idk if it counts lol), cuddling, sexual tension, kissing, mentions of being turned on, moaning, love confessions, neteyam licking reader's neck, neteyam using his fangs to tease reader in a sexual way, reader still feels a bit weird about her deep love for neteyam, bad words, melancholic vibes, reader is gradually letting go of her fears and diving deep into her relationship with neteyam. Lemme know if I forgot anything
Hi, my babies! I hope y'all like this chapter. I only had the inspo to finish it today ahaha comments are always VERY appreciated by this author! 💕 I love all my readers. You guys give me a reason to go on and not give up on my dreams (I think some of you already know I dream of becoming a pro writer one day) even when everything is dark around me.
Slightly proofread.
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Chapter 7
They think I'm insane, they think my lover is strange
But I don't have to fucking tell them anything
And I'm gonna write it all down, and I'm gonna sing it on stage
But I don't have to fucking tell you anything
That's the beauty of a secret
You know you're supposed to keep it
Strange Love (Halsey)
Yesterday had been a mess of a day. But it also ended up being one of the best days you had in such a long time. You finally had the courage to tell Neteyam about how you truly felt about him.
Today you were gonna see Neteyam at night again. You two had come to a conclusion that he would spend some time with you in your room during the eclipse. The fact that the both of you would be alone in your room for hours, when you would be wearing only a nightgown (you just were not a pajamas kind of girl) made you feel nervous in a good way. The butterflies in your stomach were flying round and round and they would not leave you alone. It felt good, though. That kind of euphoria made you forget the many things in life that would make your heart hurt way too often.
You were cooking in the lab kitchen and singing to yourself, in a low tone, excited, thinking about seeing Neteyam's beautiful big blue face again, his bioluminescent freckles adorning his forehead, cheeks, nose, chin… He was so perfect. At least to you. You did not care if the other humans found his appearance weird.
Crystal was there in the kitchen with you, her back hunched as she cleaned the floor using a high tech machine that resembled a mixture of a broom and a vacuum cleaner and had green and blue lights that shone in irregular patterns throughout its handle. She noticed how happy you looked and smiled.
"What's up with you, (y/n)? You've been so down lately and now you're singing while preparing food?" She teased you in a friendly way, laughing slightly.
Crystal was such a sweet girl. She was so calm and nice to everyone, even when treated badly. You admired that quality in her.
She was a beautiful asian girl with straight raven black hair and pale skin that contrasted with her hair, making her look angelic to you. Her smile was also so kind. It was her smile that made you trust her and befriend her the first time you both spoke.
You laughed shyly while looking at her "It's nothing, Crys." That was the nickname you gave her "I'm just a bit happy today. You should be happy for me instead of teasing me!" You were now not shy but mischievous "You're the one who's always telling me to see the good in life, despite the darkness. That's what I'm trying to do." You looked back at the meat you were seasoning and thought that Neteyam was the light in the middle of darkness for you at the moment
Crystal approached you and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek "Whatever you say, little bat. I just wanna see you happy. That's truly all I want." She would always call you "little bat" because she told you that you have kind of a gothic vibe, since you're not really that into socializing and prefer your own company most times and you don't really smile at strangers. According to Crystal, that made you mysterious. You thought that was a bit cheesy but again, not your words. Crystal was the one claiming that. You laughed internally.
"I know, my Crys. And I love you so much for that. You're the best friend I could ever ask for."
"See?! You're all sappy! Something good happened! This is not just you deciding to be positive all of a sudden. If something happened, you better tell me, you hear me?!" She teased but you knew she also really wanted to know 
Sometimes you hated how she could see right through you because you didn't always want to tell her all that was in your mind, even though you loved her so much and she was your best friend. Like now, for example. You couldn't tell her about Neteyam. That was something that, at least for now, would have to be kept a secret. You could only hope Derek would be decent enough to keep his word and not tell anyone about what had happened when Neteyam saw you and him kissing.
Even though it was cold, you kept your window unlocked and slightly open that night once again - a small gap, as always - just so Neteyam could come inside your room through it.
When you saw him approaching your window, his dark blue skin looking almost magical in the dark of the eclipse, his big size now exciting you instead of scaring you, your heart started beating so fast, it was just like it was in a running competition.
You practically jumped from your bed to the floor and walked as fast as your nervous legs would let you towards the window. Neteyam smiled at you so widely. Damn, were his fangs sexy… He barely got there and you were already getting turned on.
"Neteyam!" His name came out of your mouth in such a happy tone
"Hi, hi'ì emyu. You look so pretty tonight. I missed your pretty face."
Your heart started beating faster even if it seemed like that wasn't even possible to begin with.
"You're making me blush. Stop!" You laughed nervously as you opened the window for him "Come in." You wanted to call him "baby" or something cute like that but he made you so nervous with his confident but kind and warm personality that you still couldn't manage to do that.
Once he was inside your room, he knelt down in front of you - so your size difference wouldn't be so ridiculously big -, cupped your face with both his big blue hands and kissed your lips quickly. It wasn't a long kiss but it was enough to make your legs feel weak.
"It's late, oeyä tawtute. You have to rest. You should lay on your bed while we talk. I can lay by your side. But only if you feel comfortable with that." He looked you in your eyes, trying to let you know that now he would always try his hardest to respect your boundaries
You thought that the way he was taking care of you was so lovely. It made your heart melt, honestly. And the thought of Neteyam laying next to you in your bed, your bodies so close to each other since the bed would be incredibly small to his na'vi body, made you say "yes" immediately, without thinking twice. You wanted him that close to you so bad. You had missed him all day.
Neteyam was beyond happy with your answer. You walked towards your bed and Neteyam walked right behind you. Soon enough, the both of you were sharing your bed.
"Neteyam…" Your voice echoed in the cold air of your room but Neteyam's warmth was keeping you cozy, his body pressed against yours as you both cuddled in your bed that looked ridiculously small when Neteyam was laying on it, all curled up to be able to fit there with you.
"What, yawntu?" He looked at you with eyes so tender, they made your heart feel warm and you felt truly loved after such a long time not even knowing how that felt like
"I'm sorry I didn't say it back when you said it… but… I love you too. I love you so much. I don't even know how I can feel so deeply for you if I met you not that long ago. It's been what? 4 days?" You looked concerned 
Neteyam touched your face, making you feel the heat of his big hand all over your skin
"Stop thinking too much. Just let it be. Just feel what you feel for me and don't try to reason about it. What matters is what we feel for each other. What matters is that your heart beats fast for me and so does my heart for you." 
Even though Neteyam had just reassured you, seeming to be calm and unbothered, your words did surprise him. When he first told you, in his people's language, that he loved you, you did not say it back. He tried to think it was just you still being overwhelmed with the odd situation that being in a relationship with a na'vi was to you - he knew that the fact that you two were from different species still weirded you out a bit - but he couldn't help but feel insecure. Now that you had finally declared your love for him, he felt like he could finally breathe and that horrible fear of losing you started to slowly go away.
You breathed deep and nodded. You knew he was right. You were a chronic overthinker.
Neteyam gently brought his lips to yours and gave you a kiss full of care and love. He pressed his plump, soft lips against yours and you kissed him back. You both kept your lips together for a few seconds and slowly parted, looking inside each other's eyes. There was trust there. There was something special between you both, a bond, an energy, something that you never found anywhere else before. Nobody made you feel what Neteyam did.
"I wanna tell you something."
"Please do" Neteyam started to run his slender four fingers through your hair
"I was so afraid you weren't gonna come back for me after that night when I screamed at you." Your heart hurt as you admitted that to him, but you tried not to let it show
"Do you really think I would let you go that easily? (Y/n), listen to me. I know, I just know, right here," Neteyam tapped on his chest, right where his heart was "that I will love you forever. Even if I did everything in my power to get you to be mine and I still failed, I'd still love you until the day I die. So, no, I wasn't gonna give up on you just like that. I'm the Mighty Warrior, remember?" You laughed at the silly name Neteyam calls himself as he smiled at you and chuckled "I'd fight for you until the end, hi'ì tawtute." (small human) "That's a war I'm not willing to lose. No way."
"But I treated you so badly…" You furrowed your eyebrows, gazing at him with sadness and guilt in your face
"I know… but to be fair, like you said, you're not used to my na'vi behavior. I came on too strong. I'm sorry. It's just what you do to me. It's all your fault! You're too beautiful!" His expression quickly changed from ashamed - when he was apologizing - to playful, as he got closer to the end of the sentence and he smiled at you, winning back another smile from you.
His smile was one of the purest things you had ever seen. Perhaps the purest one. So precious.
"Can I ask you something?" You spoke
"Anything, yawntutsyìp." 
"Why do you say I'm "more na'vi than human"?" I know you already explained what you mean a little bit back when we first met but… I'm gonna need more than that." You looked at him chuckling softly, wondering, as your eyes showed him how much you wanted to know the answer
"I think it should be obvious to you as much as it is obvious to me." Neteyam smirked, playfully 
"Why so?" You smiled, confused 
"I wish you could see yourself from the outside, like I can see you. I wish you could see how miserable you look living your human life, cooking and washing dishes inside that kitchen. But, when you're in your Avatar… you smile so widely, you exude childhood wonder, your happiness is so, so contagious… It's like you feel truly alive like that, like you feel free and at home. It's so beautiful to watch. That's why I used to always watch you." He smiled looking down, bashful
Some time had passed and it was now getting only a few hours away from the end of the eclipse. You knew Neteyam had to go back to his tribe soon enough. But you didn't want him to go. You wanted him to stay forever by your side, not being parted from you for a single second, as clingy as that sounded. And the best part is: you were almost sure he felt the same way. Okay, if you were to only listen to the rational voices in your brain and not to the voices telling you that you were unlovable, you knew Neteyam felt the same way. You could just feel it in the air when he was around you.
And at that moment, he was showing you how much he needed you in a way that was making you feel things you hadn't felt in so long.
Neteyam was licking the sensitive skin of your neck, making you let your head to the side, leaving more space for him to keep on doing that, as you closed your eyes and moaned, almost too loud, at the way his large tongue lapped on your neck, tasting the skin and massaging it gently. Saying that felt like Paradise would be an understatement. You had no fucking words to even start to explain what he made you feel.
"Oeyä tawtute… my yawne…" he cooed on your ear, kissing the earlobe and using his sharp teeth to nible on it a little bit "You're mine now. All mine, my muntxate." (female mate) 
Neteyam wrapped his tail around your right leg. That felt possessive but in a good way. It made you feel safe. Like belonging to him was not gonna be such a scary, anxious experience at all to you. He seemed to already know you. Neteyam held you just the way you liked it and you wanted him to keep his big arms wrapped around you for eternity. He felt just like an overused, old t-shirt that was already so used to your body that it felt extremely comfy and relaxing on your skin, making you wish you could go everywhere wearing that t-shirt. So familiar and safe.
Even if your brain still tried to tell you it was totally insane to feel like that about a guy - a na'vi - you had just met, you didn't give a damn anymore. Your sick brain already made you suffer a lot in so many areas of your life. You wouldn't let that fucking pink squishy organ ruin your relationship with Neteyam. Not anymore.
"How camest thou hither, tell me, and wherefore?
The orchard walls are high and hard to climb,
And the place death, considering who thou art"
Juliet Capulet - Romeo and Juliet (William Shakespeare)
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tomeebear04 · 2 months
alot of people portray tord as some insane sociopath who doesn’t care about anyone and its particularly heightened in wtfuture content,that being said i personally dont mind these headcanons when i was younger i was totally in favor of tord being a villain but whats your opinion on it? From what ive seen red leader is especially abusive to future tom but i always thought the cast was pretty mean to eachother in the earlier eddisodes but just grew out of it,tord left before the rest of them stopped being so mean to eachother,now its more or less poking fun and annoying eachother here and there
do you think tord just didn’t get the memo and thought it was still okay to act like this? Im all for ‘edgier’ headcanons and story telling but i just personally think to an extent tord isn’t as much as an asshole as people try to make him out to be,at some point the cast have tried to kill eachother and tom literally did what he did in zanta claws (which i forgive him for <33) but i see alot more people give tord more flack than anyone,srry ab the long winded question but i am curious ab your answer ^^
this is a multi-part question so im going to number them to make it more readable lol. also dw about long asks; i like em. lover having conversations about the show with other people
the tord villain question. ah the thing that divides the eddsworld fandom to this day. my opinion on this is a little nuanced. i personally like that direction for his character. i think it's interesting. it recontextualizes a lot of his strange behaviors from earlier episodes. fan interpretation of the actual content of the end episodes have led to a lot of people hating that idea though. i can see why too. i'm not a fan on how people decided to portray tord afterwards. i don't think he was a nice or pleasant person from day one, but i definitely don't think he's a sociopath or psychopath or insane. well not any more insane than everyone else. there's a lot more going on with tord psychologically. he has shown to care about people to an extent. i definitely think he has some kind of personality disorder. i've seen fans discuss schizoid personality disorder and borderline personality disorder in regards to a diagnosis for tord. i don't know enough on the subject to comment either way. imo a good tord wouldn't lose any of the fun aspects of his personality to fit better into any given villain trope. trying to fit square peg in a circle hole, ya know?
tom abuse. this one im a hard no on. i dont know why this got so popular. tord and tom are rivals. making tord an abuser and tom his victim just seems wrong for their dynamic. a lot of that content is fetish driven...and well.. im not touching that topic with a 10 ft shit and piss covered pole. if you're gonna make tord terrible to tom, you have to make tom just as terrible back. they both get under each others skin. i prefer the idea that tord and tom are more friendly in wtfuture since edd is out of the picture. i mean tord has to like him enough to employ him. tom likes him enough to be able to borrow a time machine without much trouble. those are two emotional unstable buddies right there
everyone kinda sucks. this is just straight up true. everyone was out for blood early on in eddsworld. i mean just look at matt. that guy was straight up a menace. yeah the show changed a lot. the tone and the way characters treat each other softened. the tomee bear has a pretty good video on this. i don't disagree with much of what he says. it added a new way to view the end episodes which i greatly appreciate. i could see this being the direction they go for tord in canon
everyone elses crimes. when it comes to talking about the other characters crimes i'd say dont take it seriously if the show doesnt. tom's christmas demolition wasnt taken seriously at all as an act of domestic terrorism. it's a joke about tom's character taken to the extreme for comedy. most things they do are consequence-less. basically, only take it seriously when the show does. tord blowing up the house, killing jon, and betraying everyone was tonally a lot different from tom rapping about hating christmas and nuking bongland. that's the reason why people hate on tord for what he did a bit more. personally i hate tord for being an annoying gooner with confusing politics. but u know to each their own
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riacte · 10 months
Space Opera AU dashboard simulator 2 (but there's plot if you squint) (probably worse than its predecessor)
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🚀 renthepilot
HAPPY BITRHDAY TO ME!! I TURN 7!!! :D :D :D <3 <3 <3 RD
❤️ falsewell
Happy 7th birthday Ren! :)
🚀 renthepilot
Thank u FalsE!!!!!! :DDDDDD >.< RD
🍵 cinnamontea Follow
... Why is my 17yo ET1blr mutual talking to a 7yo on Sunblr. I came here for analysis posts but apparently she's babysitting her cousin or perhaps a strangely intelligent dog??
❤️ falsewell
I mean, I would be worried if a 7yo was piloting the glider I race in 🤨
🍵 cinnamontea Follow
🍀 et1vision Follow
Chat do you remember when we found RK and QoH's Sunblr accounts from when they weren't famous and were just two kids in illegal races. Because it was hysterical. Hands up if you thought falsewell was someone's canon url and not QoH herself.
🪓 handoftheking
That interaction was pretty cute to be honest. Ren's still 7 the last I checked.
🪸 hoes4redking Follow
[deep sigh] littlewood at the scene of the crime as always
#WHYYYYYYY is he chronically online #he needs to be stopped and locked up #i bet he scrolls through the treebark tag every day #he knows Too Much #do you think he brings up sunblr during dinner #and etho and bigb look at him like hes insane
7,207 notes
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🔥 yaoihell Follow
save me queen of hearts
🔥 yaoihell Follow
queen of hearts
🔥 yaoihell Follow
queen of hearts save me
🏐 apollos-dodgeball 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀 Follow
Congratulations on the prophecy!
[Beep boop, this is a gimmick blog!]
🔥 yaoihell Follow
what the actual fuck.
🌼 fast-and-bifurious Follow
i think i hauve the plague
47,981 notes
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🫐 toxicblueberry Follow
hi babes the demons in my head won so new fic!!
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i'm your biggest fan, i'll follow you until you love me, pa-pa paparazzi
pairing: the red king x blue stalker (they/them) (exterra 1 rpf)
summary: why are you as a bounty hunter so intent on hunting ren down? what do you want to do with him? pin him against a wall and kiss him until he's breathless and melting like putty in your hands?
word count: 10.1k
tags: enemies to lovers, angst, hurt no comfort, whump, ust, no actual smut, making out, blood, slight knifeplay, submissive rk, open ending
Keep reading
🏹 queenofheartsfanclub Follow
Listen, I don't do RPF, I can handle Treebark (because I have eyes), but this is crossing a line. Especially after the accusations by RK. I think his evidence is pretty compelling.
🫐 toxicblueberry Follow
dead dove do not eat. i am aware this is a fucked up dynamic but it's fictional. it's not like the real blue stalker has a toxic codependent attraction to the guy they're assigned to kill (btw i mained qoh so i completely understand where you're coming from)
🫐 toxicblueberry Follow
🏹 queenofheartsfanclub Follow
so do you wanna kiss before the haters get to you?
🫐 toxicblueberry Follow
of course. can we get married
#love can be found on the battlefield in more ways than one #fave post #annoying treebark fans fuck off!!!!!!
1109 notes
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🌹 fyeahroseduo Follow
Coming out as a falsedog shipper is harder than coming out as gay
🦇 starshipspachelbel Follow
Time is not real
🌃 nightpatrols Follow
I had vivid flashbacks. I feel faint. This post caused so much drama omfg. I need a treebark equivalent on my desk by 8am sharp next morning
🪓 handoftheking
Coming out as a Treebark shipper is harder than coming out as bi
🌃 nightpatrols Follow
#HES IN OUR WALLS #HE STARTED THE SHIP #this is gonna sweep the next unhinged moment poll #??!?1!?!???!?!?! #HATE THIS LUMIAN GLOWY ASS #btw for non et1 mutuals: this man is literally bi #yeah hes really gay for his pilot. yeah we all know #theyre always holding hands and shit #edit: DID HE REBLOG THIS AT 7:30AM #IDK HOW PLANETZONES CONVERSATION WORKS #*conversion #listen i failed school 2 years in a row ok 😭
19,626 notes
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🎵 daily-music Follow
Music video of the day is: R8cer Boi by Avril Lavigne!
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🎵 daily-music Follow
who the fuck is renn dog
🎵 daily-music Follow
who has little wood
🎵 daily-music Follow
why are y'alls twink racers larping as royals from medieval era planet earth
🎵 daily-music Follow
sorry for calling the queen of hearts a twink. im sorry women
#im so done with yalls bullshit #who are these people #why do they show up in my tags
898 notes
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hi! can I ask you for crime movie recommendations, or just a list of your personal favorites? I've been getting super into crime fiction recently (books and movies), and I'm making a watchlist of movies I want to check out next. heist movies, gangster films, thrillers, anything involving criminals is interesting to me, and I'd really love to hear about your faves! have a nice day <3
hiii, Estelle! oh I love a good crime movie! I grew up on gangster and mob movies tbh so there's some obvious choices like the godfather and goodfellas. continuing with Scorsese, I love casino. I think it's somewhat underrated Scorsese, idk i just don't see it mentioned that often, but it's super fun. the departed as well, people talked shit about it, but it's great. then mean streets, serpico, taxi driver, dog day afternoon, heat, collateral, thief, chinatown. pretty much every Tarantino ever, obviously reservoir dogs and pulp fiction, jackie brown is my favourite and the sort of song of the movie is across 110th street from the movie of the same name, so I'd def recommend that one, it's an underrated flick. heist movie-wise, ocean's eleven kind of the king here. then set it off, bound, inside man, widows, the italian job (the original), topkapi and rififi are underrated ones, the asphalt jungle, the friends of eddie coyle, the taking of pelham 123, the thomas crown affair (the remake), dead presidents, out of sight, point break, the driver, hustlers, a fish called wanda is sooo funny. sexy beast is such a great and intense movie.
if you'd enjoy something criminal and psychosexual, I'd recommend two 60s movies the housemaid and who killed teddy bear? the cook, the thief, the wife and her lover is an insane sexy one. blue velvet fits here as well. Guy Ritchie made the same movie like 4 times tbh, but I love snatch and lock, stock and two smoking barrels, I think the man from uncle is also a fun one. Brian De Palma is good at corny and sleazy and I kinda love his scarface. body double is silly but I love a good voyeuristic movie. along those lines you obviously have rear window and peeping tom, and then to continue with Hitchcock, I love rope, psycho, and think dial m for murder is quite overlooked. natural born killers, true romance and the doom generation for something stupid and bloody. mandatory Fincher recs like se7en and zodiac. I love the usual suspects, it has that twist at the end that for me personally works even upon rewatches. another underrated movie is joy house with beautiful Jane Fonda and Alain Delon in his prime. faster pussycat kill kill is just pure fun and sleaze and gorgeous ladies. I love lady snowblood and scorpion with Meiko Kaji but I know you've seen those. tokyo drifter is a stylish one as well. some obvi french new wave recs like breathless and pierrot le fou. I'd say there's nothing quite like the atmospheric the night of the hunter. I love drive too, it's all style and the only substance is blood. uncut gems and good time are quite good too. out of something extra new, I enjoyed love lies bleeding more than I expected. seven psychopaths and in bruges for something cynical and silly. then fargo, no country for old men, the big lebowski. filth and trainspotting for something utterly dirty and disgusting. not to forget Hannibal Lecter, we can't not mention the silence of the lambs and manhunter. also badlands, dirty harry, carlito's way, eastern promises, the third man, the big sleep, double indemnity, gun crazy, bonnie and clyde, foxy brown, american psycho, the talented mr ripley, prisoners. something more along crime drama strange days, fallen angels, the city of the rising sun and made in hong kong.
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lunathebee · 2 years
OMG dialogue prompt #6 “What if I hurt you?" ― "I trust you with my life” with Marc, even after being in a relationship he’s still afraid you’ll leave
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Pairing: Marc Spector x fem!reader
Warning: slight angst with comfort
A/n: Its a bit tiring to love Marc, hang in there guys
Summary: Marc is scared he will lose Y/n, while she never wants to leave his side in the first place.
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Marc paced around the apartment, and although the action just made him feel even more anxious, he couldn't help but to do so. Where is Y/n?
Marc looked at the clock ticking every second; the sound of it started to drive him insane. Marc never realized how quiet everything was without his lover here.
"Should I call her again?" "Marc I think you're overreacting; calm down; it's 7 p.m" "But her shift ends at 6! What if something happens to her?"
Marc turned away after saying so, not caring what Steven had to say. Maybe he was overreacting, but when you're a cold-blooded murderer and constantly living on the edge, it comes to you like a natural habit.
"Maybe she realized I'm a bad person, and she left unannounced" Marc ran his hand through his curly hair, letting out an exhausted sigh.
"C'mon, Y/n would nev-"
Steven doesn't get a chance to finish his sentence as the door to the apartment swings open with full force.
"Heyyy, look what I got!" Standing there is Y/n, being all happy and excited, she holds up a small white bag to Marc. "Turns out the pet store has a few tank decoration pieces, I think Gus would appreciate this haha"
"You...go buy these?" Marc is both overwhelmed and relieved that Y/n is safe, but the uneasy feeling from earlier is still there, seemingly like a black goo wrapping around him.
Y/n never failed to notice when something was wrong; she can read Marc like an open book. "What's with the long face? Did something happen when I was gone?" She drops the bag of goodies on the table before walking up to Marc and cupping his face.
Marc thinks for a moment—should he lie or tell the truth? Should he act like the usual tough guy or show you how scared he was of losing you? He doesn't know anymore, and instead of answering Y/n, he placed a small kiss on her forehead.
"It is nothing, nothing babe"
"You can be a good liar, but your eyes never lie, Marc"
Y/n watches how her lover blinks a few times before looking down with a sad frown. "Marc... I need to understand you so I can love you better"
"I'm scared of losing you, okay?"
Marc's outburst made Y/N widen her eyes; why would she leave him anyway? "Lose me to what exactly?" She asks again, finding it strange how Marc could think so; they rarely even fight or argue.
"I don't know, my job? Why would you think it's normal anyway? Why would you love me?" Marc clenched his jaw, anxiously waiting for Y/n's response. He must have messed up everything now; it's too late to fix anything.
"I love you because you are nice to me, because you treat me well, because you're the most perfect boyfriend ever… I wish you could see yourself as I see you, Marc"
Marc grip both of Y/n's wrist after hearing so, scaring she will drop her hand the next moment he says what is on his mind.
"What if I hurt you?"
"I trust you with my life"
Marc pulls Y/n into a tight hug, buries his face in the crock of her neck, and whispers a small "I love you". Y/n swears she caught a glimpse of Marc's glossy eyes one second ago, but for now...she will keep that a secret.
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yagirlwrites · 2 years
(Not) My Baby (2)
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Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Synopsis: Y/N demands answers about his strange request. Rafe struggles to explain his reasons without revealing too much.
Warnings: none so far
A/N: Part 2 babies!! A College!AU Rafe Cameron. Enemies to lovers trope. A wedding date needed and a desperate Rafe willing to do whatever it takes to get his way. A fake dating trope. What more can we want, right? If you'd like to see more of these two nemesis let me know! I'd love to know what you thought of this part :)
Series Masterlist
My work is my own; it's not to be copied, transferred or translated (but reblogs are welcome).
Happy reading! 🥰
(Not) My Baby (Part 2)
"You're serious?!" Her volume caught the attention of a few patrons and they both quickly ducked down. "Are you seriously asking me to be your date?" This time a semi whisper as to not invite any more curious glances. As if it was a shameful subject they were engaging in. Illegal, almost. And frankly it felt like it was.
"Yes. I'm serious." His face was still red, voice low and raspy. She had to refrain from cringing at how awkward he looked, how uncomfortable this whole situation was.
"No offence, but it seems to me like maybe I should call 911. Right? I mean the only explanation that makes any sense is that you're having a psychotic break." She wasn't sure how much of what she said was a joke and how much was genuine. She felt worried.
His face got even redder. He looked like a tomato. It would have been quite funny if it wasn't so concerning.
"I'm not-" He had take a deep breath to calm himself down. "I am not having a psychotic break. Can you please cool it with the theatrics?"
"What else am I supposed to think, Rafe? You literally told me you hated me this morning and now you're asking me to go to a wedding with you? Can you see how insane that sounds?" His brows were furrowed and he felt himself growing more and more impatient with her.
"Look, I'm just gonna go. It's fine. We don't have to ever talk again-" she was moving to stand when his hand met hers and she froze in her seat.
"I need you to calm down and listen to me." She looked unsure of weather she should stay or bolt. "Please..." She sank back into her seat at that. She'd never heard him sound that desperate before.
"Let me explain?" He was nodding his head encouragingly, like he was talking to a small scared child. It didn't feel that off in that moment. She had no clue what to do or how to act - well and truly lost.
She just sat there, frigid, waiting for him to speak. He was still half way embarassed and exasperated. His nerves were making a reapearrance and he was playing with his hands on the table again.
"Look." A deep breath. A sigh. "My dad... he uh - he has certain expectations of me. And I know that he wants me to have a date to this wedding because he always thinks he knows what's best. And what's best is what looks good to everyone else. You know?"
"I know he's gonna set me up with some girl I have no interest in and I'd have to spend the whole thing entertaining her and playing the part of the perfect son. It always happens at these events." Another deep breath and exhale.
"And this is the one time that I actually wanna just be there. Like it's the only wedding I ever felt kind of excited about. If that makes sense. You know, Lexis - the bride, she's so happy. She managed to actually find someone she wants to spend her life with. That's rare in my experience. And I wanna be there for her and be happy for her and celebrate. But I can't do any of that if I'm stuck with some annoying chick I don't care about. You know what I mean?"
She had to refrain from commenting on the 'chick' part but managed to give a small nod.
"I know you're thinking I can do all that if I just don't get a date but that's not how it works. I'm... expected to have someone on my arm. To look like I'm mature and understand my responsibilities." She was very confused with how any of those things were linked in his mind, but chose to stay silent in hopes he finished the story sooner.
"And I am! I am taking them seriously. So I can't show up looking like I'm still the same Rafe everyone always thought was going nowhere." A deep frown made its way onto her brow as he spoke.
"I need to look responsible! Right?" He didn't wait for an answer. "And well, you're exactly the kind of person that would make that happen!"
"How?" She finally broke her silence. He looked like he was blushing, almost as if he'd forgotten she was there in front of him.
"You're at the top of your classes. You're going places. Everyone knows it. You're gonna be someone some day. And I need that. I need someone hard working and interesting and capable. Someone who knows how to work these crowds of people and I know you can - I've seen you do it." He was looking at her with big eyes, noddding his head as if trying to convice her of his words.
"Rafe... I can think of at least a dozen girls on campus who'd look better at your side. With far better pedigrees and most importantly - who'd want to go with you!" He was chewing on his cheek and she thought he might break skin soon. But she was completely certain of her words and he knew she'd come to that conclusion too.
"My dad always mentions you, you know that?" She shook her head, absolutely taken by surprise at his words.
"Yeah, yeah. Every formal college function he makes an appearance at. He always talks about you. How smart and responsible you are. How you have a vision for your future and you're working to get it. How much he respects people like that. How much he wishes I was one..." The last part was almost a whisper but she heard it. She heard it and it broke her heart a little.
She had had no idea Ward Cameron even knew of her existence, let alone praised her to his son. Although she suspected with the way Rafe was acting, that it was more to shame him than it was to admire her. It made a sliver of anger course through her body. She hated people like that.
Nothing Rafe had said was untrue. She was all of those things. But she never thought he noticed them, or cared. It seemed she was wrong. About many things, she was realizing.
But the fact remained that they couldn't stand each other, so him expecting her to say yes to being his date to a wedding was absurd.
"So let me see if I got this right. You think, because your dad seems to have some kind of respect for me that having me on your arm would... make him respect you too?" The words weren't meant to cut, she wasn't saying anything except the truth, but the ache in his chest was still there all the same.
"Rafe, you don't even like me! We can't be around one another other without getting on each others nerves. Why would I want to go to this?" His moment of silence gave her an opportunity to keep going.
"You said yourself you wanted to enjoy it. So why would you ask me - a person you literally hate - to be your date?"
He knew she was right. It didn't make sense. But he was in a big predicament and he needed her to agree. It was vital. So instead of answering her valid questions, he opted for a diversion. A way to smooth things over. Give her something appealing to consider.
"Because this is an opportunuty for you." His smirk was back and she hated it.
"Is that so?" Her tone was exasperated and she was seriously considering just leaving. What was she wasting her time on?
"I said everyone who's anyone is gonna be there and I meant it. All the major players are going to be at this wedding. Think about it. You're getting into Harvard, everyone knows it. You wanna be a supreme judge?"
The fact that he knew that shook her. Before she could question him though, he continued.
"You need connections. Big ones. You need to know the right people to make it and you know it. So if you wanna make a difference in the world - this wedding? Your golden ticket to those connections."
Now she was thinking. He could practically see the gears turning in her head. She was torn. That was exactly what he was counting on.
She did in fact know he was right but the idea of him flaunting her off to a bunch of rich people made her skin crawl. She wasn't stupid, not by a long shot. She knew damn well that her aspirations were high and that the road there would be treacherous at the best of times. But it was her dream. And she needed to reconcile her goals and the fact that the mere idea of schmoozing a bunch of entitled assholes who spend more money in a day than she would in a year made her feel physically sick. But this was in fact how the world worked. And if she wanted a shot at ever getting to where she needed to be, she had to deal with it.
She hated to admit that this was a good opportunity. She wasn't like the other people who usually get to those places - wasn't born with a silver spoon or a trust fund. She had to work for everything she had. And she worked harder than anyone around her. And she knew she'd work five times harder than most people who are usually at Harvard, who already have a set system of connections without even trying. She did need to meet people like he was describing.
She also knew that his offer wasn't made out of the goodness of his heart. And no matter how much he tried to sweet talk and butter her up, she wasn't going to lose sight of that. She still wasn't satisfied with his reasons for approaching her with this offer and she wasn't letting him get out of telling her the truth.
"Katherine." She finally broke her silence, confusing him.
"Katherine Newberry. She's top of her classes, heading places, gonna be somebody someday." She was repeating his words back to him.
"She's the golden girl on campus. Everyone adores her. You know her! So why not ask her? She'd be the perfect date."
Her words seemed to be making him red again. He knew it was all true. She wasn't letting his offer distract her from the real question.
"Why me?"
This was it. All the excuses and reasons he had come up with to try and justify himself were gone. She put him right on the spot and he didn't see a way out. The only thing he could do, the thing he was trying so desperately to avoid, was tell her the truth.
"Because it has to be you!" He was flustered and embarrassed and wanted nothing more than for the earth to open up so he doesn't have to say more.
"Why!?" She was not letting up.
"Because they think we're together."
Silence. You could pratically see her brain trying to process his words. The tension from their table was thick enough to spread over the restaurant.
"I'm sorry, what?" She had hoped to God she had misheard him.
"My family thinks we're a couple." This was not her day at all.
"Why would they think that?" She was trying really hard not to freak out in their public setting. He mumbled something under his breath she couldn't hear.
"What was that?" His face was redder than ever. It was as if awkwardness was seeping from his pores.
"Because I told them." There it was. The most embarrassing moment of his life.
Taglist: if anyone wants to be tagged in future work let me know; @r0und3bitch @lurkymurker @tianotfound @wannabestarkeysgirl @wishing-i-was-rafes-princess @goldenjo @emeloyy @kanib45 @clinelyn @storytellingwitht @magnificantmermaid @chiara2dg @mannstarkey @harringtonstudios @totallynotkaibiased @popcrone818 @fangirlwithlou
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jweekgoji · 2 years
I keep thinking about this senario where five has recently developed a fixation on reader and has been stalking them for a little while, following them home and watching them from outside their apartment. But oneday, after watching you leave your apartment he decided to teleport inside and have a look around only to discover your small walk in closet is full of photos of him covering the wall and youve obviously known about him longer than hes known about you. Hearing you enter back into your apartment, you cant have been gone anywhere that long, were you watching *him* and perhaps hoping he would break in if you left? Did you want him to find out about your secret? But as you stand in the entrance to the room hes in, a smile on your face, he cant help but wonder.. has he walked right into your trap or, are you walking into his?
Also i wanted to say i love your contentt!!! I get so excited when i see youve posted you always have such interesting senarios <3
Yandere! Five x (Yandere?)Reader
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warnings: yandere/dark themes, yandere Five, obsessive behaviour, blackmail.
a/n: sorry if it's not what you expected ":v
You know, it's always very embarrassing for a yandere (I'm not talking only about Number Five, but in general) to find out that they're the object of another yandere's obsession. Like you said, anon, Five could have been following you for some time, which means you've already took his heart, haven't you? Cool! But once he finds out that his methods of "defending" his lover are being used against him, he'll be... not entirely happy at first.
At first he will act like a hypocrite in such a situation. He will find it strange, your incredible obsession with him,he will think that you are obviously not okay and that this is disgusting. At least this is what he will feed himself and you in his first moments of awareness.
F: “What the hell? What the hell does that mean?”
Y: “Sorry, but it was you who broke into my house and I have to ask these questions-”
F: “Don't change the subject.”
But the more he thinks about it, the more he understands that you are the same as him, he has slightly conflicting thoughts.
1) How cute! You love him so-so much, which means that the chances that you decide to run away from him or find for yourself someone else are incredibly low. This is a good chance for Five, but we move on to the next paragraph. ↓
2) You. Followed. Him. Everywhere.
You have photos of him from different angles, they were taken at different times and circumstances. You know almost everything about him. Is he afraid of you? No. Rather, it will be feared that you are very well informed about his personal life. Yes, old Five is unlikely to live a very interesting life if this happens when he is on his "retirement", but Five, who is still a member of the Commission, Five, who kills people for a chance to see his loved once — not a good man;
2.1) How can he be sure that your obsession with him is incredibly strong? Let me remind you that he didn't know about your interest in him before, only after he made his way into your house. Yes, he followed you before, but YOU did it MORE than him. How could he, the best of the best assassins from the Commission, fail to notice this?
2.2) I like to think that Five would never want to talk with his obsession about his past. He doesn't even tell his family everything, but there's probably a slightly different reason than the one he keeps for you. Five wants to distance himself as much as possible from his past, from his work there, about those people who forced him to do all these horrible things. He just hates to remember it, because he no longer considers himself a hero, and even more so, he is not yet insane enough to consider himself your hero.
2.3) As soon as you find out what he did, his world may shudder at this. He's not sure enough to know if you'll change your mind about him after this. You will surely leave him and then everything will be much, much worse. He will again do something bad that you and he will not like, but it will be just as necessary as it was then.
3) The last point is the most interesting. He is the first to use your obsession against you.
You smile slightly as you notice the real shock and confusion on face of your obsession. The more he silently stared at the walls covered with photos of him that you carefully pinned one after the other. It's hard for you not to smile even wider, like a proud Cheshire cat, when this all lasts on for some more time.
“Oh, you don't like it, honey?” you chirp sweetly, blink a few times, and stretch forward a little.
“And why the hell am I supposed to like it?” Five frowns as he rips off some photos before throwing them on the floor. “Is this some kind of fucking joke?”
You shivered a little in place, looking at all this view. In fact, who wouldn't be offended when the love of your life doesn't appreciate your work so much? Nevertheless, you maintain your pretty, smiling face, even if inside you are still feel a little sad by such a response.
“Come on, don’t react like I’m the only one doing this!” you move closer and lean down, picking up what Five threw out.
“I know that you love me too.” you tease, trying to hug him, but in return, he gives you his cold reaction, like a grumpy cat that fights against his owner who tries to pet.
As soon as your hand touches his body, almost instantly for you, he twists your hand, after which, he presses your cheek against the wall, holding both of your hands behind your back. To be honest, just a little more and you would be sure that he would just easily break your arms with just more force. It makes you hiss in pain at first, but as soon as you look over your shoulder to look at Number Five's cold expression, you can't help but smile. He, your love, holds you so close to himself!!
“Try to touch me one more time and I'll shove your hands so deep down your throat...” he threatens, clenching his jaw tightly. His gaze on you is almost murderous, as if he caught a dirty petty thief right at the scene of the crime. Noticing your smiling face only makes him more angry.
“Ouch, ouch, ouch,” you complain quietly, feeling his grip on you only grow stronger. “Sorry Sorry! I really won't do that again! Please just let me go, it really hurts, you know?”
Five scoffs, rolling his eyes in annoyance. However, that didn't make him let go of you, just ease the pressure quite a bit.
“Yeah, I noticed it, idiot.” he clicks his tongue, speaking in a tone that barely hides his complete superiority over you in this position. “But listen to me here, I'm not going to tell you this twice. You fucking creep, been following me all this time and doing this lunatic bullshit in your house without a shred of shame. You have so much evidence here that no real lawyer can get you out of this shit, so you have two choices.”
You silently look at him the whole time he speaks. Was there any point in saying something against? He's right, all the walls in your room are covered in pictures of Number Five. Some would consider this just a fun obsession, because come on, Umbrella Academy fans are definitely still left in their universe, so it's no surprise that some comic book fan fell in love with a completely nice guy like Five. But your photos were taken in places where no normal sane person has ever taken. You just invaded his personal space. Not to mention, if the police were actually here, they would definitely be able to find a bunch of items that would get you in more trouble.
“I just call the cops and then they put you in a mental hospital for a couple of decades, injecting you with a dozen drugs at a time every day. Believe me, I know what it's like,” it was Five's turn to smile contentedly, this time not from obsession with you, but from the fact that he outplayed you. “Or, you obediently do what I tell you and no one will know about your dirty little secret except me.”
You tenses up, your eyes are wide open at the very idea of what he offers you. In his hands it has become so comfortable now, even the pain that he caused you, even threatening to break a couple of your bones just like that, but now it doesn't bring painful pleasure, sweat flows down your face.
“So what will you choose?”
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🌵I don't really have a playlist mostly because I just use whatever youtube throws at me- and youtube doesn't let you save those playlists- but I do like listening to this music:
((Adam Young is Owl City- who also wrote music for Paint the Night Parade- which is another track I like to listen to whenever writing:
🐝- ((I tage people for this one, right?)) *grabs a chair and reading glasses for this* Let me just start off by saying that I appreciate you all for reading/sticking with me through these ahhh- *looks at Asha/Cepheus* strange times I guess! It's crazy to see people reading this story because ngl- when I originally made it, I was super scared because I feel like my Asha is kinda mean and a lot of it strays from being in the original Wish territory. But it's super encouraging to hear from you guys!
((I was SHOOK reading my first comment lol))
I'm sorry if I miss anybody! These are just a few I can think off the top of my head! (I just woke up and I'm not feeling too good.)
@aquamiun - I think you are a fantastic theorist- and I enjoy your theories/questions! You're super funny ((Ceph still hasn't forgotten the things you said about him tho))
@firstdove15 - I appreciate your commentary and perspective on things- especially when you pick up on Cepheus's *ahem* non-human way of thinking! ((You've inspired Asha to werk while suffering- so thank you for that!))
@tiredmiddlechild and @pinkshgumis and @millspyxis are fantastic artists- seeing your illustrations is so unreal to me?! The attention to detail/expressions/colors and everything is so amazing?! Your art gives me strength to drive Asha insane! ((I have more angst I'm waiting to unleash on @millspyxis ))
@guineapigwitch your asha among us powerpoint/slides was amazing- I can't stop laughing at how in character it was! (You also probably predicted how Nachos/Cepheus’s relationship is going to go down in the future)
@musa-style your theories are also amazing ((have you guys seen the pie charts/graphs?!)) I appreciate your comments and your little conspiracy club lol. Also RESPECT TO A FELLOW ATLANTIS LOVER!!!
@bi-pisces07 : lol you are very bad for enabling Ceph's murderous tendencies- but you are definitely one of my funniest readers/followers!
@squiggledude no joke- I feel like you've been with me for the longest (or one of the longest) and I appreciate reading your comments with every chapter (you're super encouraging!)
@iprincezzinuyoukai I appreciate reading your comments as well! You're pretty perceptive when it comes to spotting little things in the lore- that I usually try to hide. ((We'll see how well some of your comments age))
@rylxdreams I had a super good laugh when I read your comment on the noble girls ((yeah they do need water or something-))and the library chapter! ((Funny story- I rewrote that chapter like 3 times- it was KILLING me))
I once again apologize for anyone I missed (I’ll come back and update this if I missed anyone). But I do appreciate you all reading the story on AO3 and here on tumblr! (Especially all my A03 readers who don’t have a tumblr account or I may have not fond you on tumblr!)
You all are amazing! You also are in trouble! (But don’t mind that part! We’ll cross that bridge when we reach it 😌)
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claudemblems · 1 year
Could you do a Reno X reader where the reader is like a law breaker
Sure, I can do that! A reminder that I've only played Final Fantasy VII Remake so that's all I have to go off of haha
Also to anyone reading, I'm not taking requests, but I decided to go ahead and write this one. Please be sure to read my pinned for further updates! Hope you enjoy 💖
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Partners in Crime | Reno - Final Fantasy VII Remake
You break the law, and Reno enforces it. There's absolutely nothing strange about this picture, is there?
If it were anyone else, Reno would have had the culprit in handcuffs by now, resorting to some helpful "negotiation" tactics to extract information out of them.
Lucky for you, you're Reno's lover, and that also means you have the protection of the Turks. As long as you don't try to pull a fast one on Shinra, Reno can just pretend you don't have a warrant out for your arrest...
Is it a good look for Shinra to have a criminal involved with them? Maybe not, but they've participated in much worse, so just be glad you're not on their watchlist.
However, that doesn't mean Tseng won't keep a watchful eye on you. Many times he's urged Reno to reconsider who he "seduces", but it's a lost cause. Reno dates whoever he wants. If other people don't like it, that's their problem.
He also has to admit, he quite likes the thrill of the chase. Literally, in this sense. He's had to help you escape from crops and other criminals more times than he can count. But his aggravation eventually gives way to excitement. What are they gonna do, attempt to lock up one of the Turks? He'd like to see them try!
It's a familiar scene: you and Reno speeding away from a clearly angry gang on a motorcycle--one of theirs that you stole, of course. You'd been up in arms with their leader who had kept ruining potential money-making opportunities for you. So, to get revenge, you'd ripped his favorite hundred thousand dollar watch right off his hand, stealing his personalized bike for good measure.
"You're insane," Reno sneered, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist to keep himself steady. "When I agreed to go with you to 'settle some business,' I didn't think that meant making enemies with a well-known crime lord!"
"I just surprise you every day, huh?" you grinned, revving the bike for good measure. "That's why you cant get enough of me."
"Maybe I could stand to get a little less of you," he mumbled, but you felt his body shift closer to yours. "What you're doing is incredibly dangerous. I hope that realization hasn't escaped your head."
"But isn't your work dangerous, too? What's the difference?"
"I...I know what I'm doing. I can handle my work."
"Are you saying I can't handle things on my own?"
"No, that's not--! Look, would you listen to me the one time I'm trying to snap some sense into you? You could get killed out here. Shinra may have your back, but the rest of Midgar doesn't."
You went quiet for a moment, contemplating his words. If he wasn't in such a bad mood, you would have kept teasing him. But clearly he was worried--worried about you. And you knew better than to take Reno of the Turk's concern for granted.
"I'll be safe," you promised, turning your head to press a quick kiss to his cheek. "We still have lots of dates to go on, so I should probably make it out of here in one piece, right?"
"Hah, finally you're starting to sound reasonable." He pushed himself closer against your back, letting his breath hit your ear. "What would I do if my darling wasn't able to kiss me goodnight anymore?"
Your face flushed at his words, hands struggling to keep a steady grip on the handlebars. "Now is not the right time to flirt with me, darling."
"Hmph. Maybe it'll teach you a good lesson. If you'd listen to me more, you might get rewarded for it."
A yelp escaped Reno's throat as you did a quick wheelie with the bike, and you laughed knowing he must have glaring at the back of your head.
"Disobedience doesn't get rewarded."
"Maybe not, but perhaps I'd like the punishment better."
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fullstcp · 3 months
"Badlands" by Halsey Sentence Starters
"I'm sick of all these people talking."
"I'm already choking on my pride."
"There's no use crying about it."
"I'm headed straight for the castle."
"They wanna make me their queen/king."
"I probably shouldn't be so mean."
"They've got the Kingdom locked up."
"If you wanna break these walls down, you're gonna get bruised."
"This is what I live for."
"Throw me in the deep end, watch me drown."
"We don't feel like outsiders at all."
"We are the new Americana."
"Young James Dean, some say he looks just like his father."
"You could never love somebody's daughter/son."
"The city's ours until the fall."
"We know very well who we are."
"All we do is drive."
"All we do is think about the feelings that we hide."
"All we do is sit in silence waiting for a sign."
"Your laugh echoes down the highway."
"We can't stay."
"Would it really kill you if we kissed?"
"There's a storm you're starting now."
"I'm a wanderess."
"I'm a one night stand."
"I'm the violence in the pouring rain."
"I'm a hurricane."
"Lately, I like 'em crazy."
"You could devastate me."
"Do you remember the taste of my lips that night?"
"I remember the fear in your eyes."
"We'll be looking for sunlight, or the headlights."
"The timing's never right."
"I'm searching for something that I can't reach."
"I don't like them innocent."
"I like the sad eyes."
"Kiss me in the corridor."
"You say that you're no good for me."
"I hate you when you leave."
"Where'd you go?"
"What happened to the soul that you used to be?"
"You're ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece."
"You were a vision in the morning when the light came through."
"I know I've only felt religion when I've lied with you."
"We wrote a story in the fog on the windows that night."
"They think I'm insane."
"I don't have to fucking tell them anything."
"That's the beauty of a secret."
"These days I can't seem to get along with anyone."
"Well, is this fine?"
"Will it be alright?"
"I found God. I found him in a lover."
"Now we're lost somewhere in outer space."
"I've a got a lover, a love like religion."
"I'm such a fool for sacrifice."
"I'm such a fool to pay this price."
"Keep on haunting me."
"Now I think I'm possessed."
"I've been cold since you left."
"I'm hoping you could save me now."
"I've done some things that I can't speak."
"I'm begging you to keep on haunting me."
"I know you're gonna keep on haunting me."
"But then your eyes had to wander."
"You weren't looking for me."
"I've tried to wash you away, but you just won't leave."
"I came here so you'd come for me."
"Are you insane like me?"
"Do you tear yourself apart to entertain like me?"
"Do the people whisper 'bout you on the train like me?"
"You shouldn't waste your pretty face."
"You can't wake up, this is not a dream."
"You're part of a machine."
"You are not a human being."
"I think there's a flaw in my code."
"These voices won't leave me alone."
"Are you deranged like me?"
"Are you strange like me?"
"Do you call yourself a fucking hurricane like me?"
"They sent me away to find them a fortune."
"They're coming for me."
"I tried to hold these secrets inside me."
"My mind's like a deadly disease."
"I'm bigger than my body."
"I'm meaner than my demons."
"Please stop, you're scaring me."
"I can't help this awful energy."
"God damn right, you should be scared of me."
"Who is in control?"
"I jumped at the slightest of sounds."
"I couldn't stand the person inside me."
"I'm well acquainted with villains that live in my bed."
"I've grown familiar with villains that live in my head."
"You know we're gonna be legends."
"We will stumble through heaven."
"If there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes."
"I know you wanna go to heaven, but you're human tonight."
"Do you feel like a young god?"
"You know the two of us are just young gods."
"If you wanna go to heaven, you should fuck me tonight."
"I keep a close watch on this heart of mine."
"I keep my eyes wide open all the time."
"Because you're mine, I walk the line."
"I find it very, very easy to be true."
"Yes, I'll admit that I'm a fool for you."
"You give me cause for love that I can't hide."
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