#they team up to schmooze so many ladies
poobletoods · 11 months
a little personal based-on-nothing headcanon of mine is that whenever cassie and lucy encounter a pretty lady when theyre out lucy helps cassie chat her up because while cassie is a very confident woman she gets so so flustered when an attractive lady is around and she needs lucy's natural charm to break the ice
lucy is gonna get her gf a gf just you watch
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creatorofuniverses · 1 year
Gt July Day 27 – Jewelry
Checking in on everybody’s favorite viri spy for this one! And also getting pretty caught up- I have yet to do anything for today’s prompt, but sure feels good to catch up for the last week or so!
Virian was, despite herself, on another mission with Steele.
She had tried, oh she had tried, to make this a solo job. The less she needed to work with a human – and a human as arrogant as Steele, at that – the better. Unfortunately, their mutual employers were all too eager to team them up at every given opportunity, and Virian could only make so many excuses before logic won out.
“You’ll get there faster, going with me,” Steele had said. Debatable, but likely true in the end, given that humans didn’t have to worry about stealth on public transportation. “And I’ve got my part of the job in the same location. Besides, once you have the goods, I can hand them over personally, which the bosses always appreciate.”
The “bosses”, as he put it, had never before had a problem with Virian leaving “the goods” in secure drop boxes. She was known in these circles, after all. Her usual demands weren’t even really demands anymore, just facts of her employment. She was invisible, in her own way, and that was what made her a great spy. They couldn’t rightly complain that she wanted to stay invisible to everybody.
Everybody except Steele, that is. Oh, how she wished she could put that particular cat back in the bag, but alas, he knew her secret- he was well aware that she was only five and a half inches tall, and, damn him, he wasn’t hesitant to use that fact when arguing with her.
So she’d… hitched a ride, and now was thankfully inside the walls of this mansion rather than riding through the front door in the inner pocket of Steele’s suit jacket. Ah, the glorious transportation options of a viri spy.
“This feels more like petty burglary than anything else,” she muttered, knowing that her headset would take the annoyed mumble directly to Steele’s ears. She’d gotten all too used to having somebody to talk to while on the job, which was yet another thing she rather resented him for. It made no sense for her blunt hatred of him to be tempered by his usefulness. “I mean, stealing jewelry out of this lady’s bedroom? Hardly necessary for a master spy to do that sort of thing. A simple thief would work.” Any viri could do this; they wouldn’t need all the expensive gear Virian had strapped to herself, and really, neither would she, not on this simple of a job. She’d brought it anyways, out of an abundance of caution; but that was both a viri thing and a spy thing, so really she’d never considered doing otherwise.
“You really have no shame, do you, duckling?” came Steele’s voice, a low, wry comment from a human probably schmoozing with other humans halfway across the enormous house. “Calling yourself a master spy.”
“Steele, you have absolutely no room to talk to me about a lack of shame,” she shot back. She clambered up and over a support beam and started to look for an entrance into the vents. “And my point stands.”
“It’s not just jewelry.” There was a pause – well, there was a spree of Steele talking jovially with somebody “important”, which Virian always tuned out – before he explained in a whisper, “There’s supposedly some sort of secret code embedded in that particular piece of jewelry. A ring, I believe it was?” It was. Virian knew, because a ring was something she could lift; huge diamond necklaces, not so much. “So, it’s less about stealing jewels and more about finding secrets. I would say that’s perfectly within the job description.”
Virian just grunted in reply. Fair enough- not that she would say as much to Steele. It would go straight to his overlarge head.
Finding a section of the vent that was a little loose, Virian slipped through it, her cloth shoes nearly silent on the metal. She walked along until she discovered a vent grate leading to the master bedroom; from there, it was a matter of basics. Make sure the room is empty, slip out of the vent, dart from shadow to shadow and stick underneath the furniture when possible. She was doing this when she was nine. It hardly offered a challenge. Her grappling hook got her up to the lady of the house’s vanity, and from there it was a simple matter of finding the jewelry box.
Which was locked. How cute.
Virian knelt down, keeping an ear out for anything out of the ordinary, and stuck her hands into the lock. Years of practice made it easy to feel out the tumblers and get them in the right position; a quick twist of her wrists and the lock popped open. Of course, then her hands were covered in old grime, but that was easily wiped off on her pants. She, for one, didn’t have to look good for anybody; she left all the human interaction to the humans.
Heaving, Virian opened the heavy wooden lid, and grinned in at the jewelry this revealed. It glinted in the light from the windows, all glimmering gold and shining silver. Jackpot.
She leaned over, hip-deep in treasure, and rummaged around until she found the ring described in the briefing. It was rather plain all told, especially compared to the rest of the pieces in the box- just a simple gold band, one lonely sapphire inset on one end. As Virian freed it from the pile, however, her natural eye for detail (and her size, which made details that much more obvious) illuminated the edges of a shallow engraving along the inside of the ring. She tilted it, letting the grooves catch the light. It looked like a cipher of some sort.
She grinned, looping the ring through her arm and letting the lid to the jewelry box fall shut again. She locked it again for good measure, then set off with her prize.
Whatever secrets the ring held, they wouldn’t stay secret for long.
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scmg11 · 3 years
Could I request Kate Bishop x reader smut, where they are on an undercover mission in Madripoor and reader's role is to be a stripper, unbeknownst to Kate, who walks into the club where the target is supposed to be and sees reader in her element seducing the target. Craziness ensues, missions completed, and Kate and reader are back at the hotel for Kate to see the reader in her "element" some more
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A/N: A DOUBLE UPDATE IN THE SPAN OF FEW DAYS?! YES BABY I'M FINALLY BACK! Here is one of the many requests I have in my inbox. I hope you enjoy it!
As always, let me know what you guys think!
Sending love ❤️
Summary: Y/N and Kate are getting ready for their undercover mission in Madripoor, but an unexpected change of plans almost made Kate blow their cover up.
Warnings: smut.
Word count: 6064 words.
Kate and Y/N were getting ready in their luxury hotel in Madripoor for a simple mission: hunt down an art theft. He is the most powerful person here in Madripoor. He was capable, in less than 8 months, of ruling over the entire city. Everything passes by him. Fury sent them here to stop him when a month ago he tried to infiltrate in America, with a cover of selling a stolen piece of art, when in fact the trade-off was about unknown drugs and interdimensional weaponry.
"Okay, everything is ready." Y/N closed the duffle bag with all her equipment and nodded at the black haired girl, who was touching up her makeup in the body length mirror in front of the bed. "You’re going to get there and convey the room, find potential treats and assessing our target while I’m going to hack into the cameras and survey everything from the building right across the street, we distract him and then our backup team will take him. If something goes bad, I’ll be there in a second. Did you turn on your intercoms?"
Kate nodded dutifully and lifted her hand up her forehead while standing up still, "all ready, sir!"
Y/N snorted at the archer’s goofy behavior and pushed her on her stomach, causing her to stumble back a little as she let her serious façade fall off her features, "you’re a dork."
"I’m sorry, but you get too serious before going undercover." Kate snickered as she rounded her arm around Y/N’s shoulders and pulled her into a quick embrace.
"And you find this all too much fun."
"Because it is! It’s exciting!"
"It’s dangerous." Y/N countered back but the small smile tugging the corners of her lips told the archer she wasn’t completely serious about her reprimand.
"And I get free food and booze! All the while schmoozing with this mouth-dropping suit." Kate spun around to prove her point before opening the suit’s button open and arching seductively her eyebrow up at the agent. Y/N gulped imperceptibly at that gesture and couldn’t help but agree with Kate. The purple suit she was wearing was literally making her body buzz in an enticing way and her head spin out of control. The soft fabric was hugging her figure in all the right places, enhancing her curves and her slender figure, making really hard for Y/N to breath with the blue eyed girl so close to her. Her look was completed with a pair of black combat boots, bold make up to highlight Kate’s enthralling blue eyes and her hair flowing down her shoulders in almost-too-perfect waves.
"Eh it’s alright." Y/N tried to wave her off with a soft shrug and reveled at the indignation flitting over Kate’s face.
"You’ll see when all the ladies in Madripur will be all over me." Kate pushed her hair to the side confidently and winked in her direction.
Y/N covered her jealousy up with a snort and her best coping mechanism, sarcasm, "don’t forget to turn your intercoms off. I don’t want to hear anything."
Kate laughed at the joke Y/N just cracked and shook her head. Little did Y/N know Kate put that suit on only for her.
"Okay, I’m going in." Kate murmured to Y/N through the intercoms under her breath, before letting out a grounding sigh and walking into the secret location of the art dealer’s party.
"I can see you from here. Start mingling around, talk to people. When the jackass appears we will move on with the plan." Kate let out a grunt of knowledge and grabbed a glass of champagne, sniffling it to assess it wasn’t poisoned before taking a big gulp and walking around the ballroom.
This party wasn’t so different from her mother’s upper class, snotty ones she was forced to attend. She went to enough of them to know how to handle rich people and their big egos as they talked about their achievements and their futile ways to spend money. "All clear for now." Kate murmured in the intercoms and turned around on the bar counter to perch on it with her elbows and leaning with her back on the wooden surface as she swept her eyes across the room some more.
"The bastard likes to make his guests wait."
Kate laughed softly under her breath and shook her head at the comment resonating in her ears, "what is a beautiful lady like you doing here all alone?" A blue haired girl walked towards the bar to stand right beside Kate before leaning, too closer for Y/N’s liking, her body on Kate’s side as she eyed her up and down seductively, her pointer finger idly playing with her jacket fabric on her left shoulder.
"I’m enjoying this party. And you?" Kate answered nonchalantly, trying to cover up her discomfort for the unwelcome proximity and the girl’s obvious intentions.
"I’m bored. This party is so lame. But it just got ten times better now." The girl leaned her face more into Kate’s personal space, causing her breath to hit the blue eyed girl’s cheek and Kate had to physically restrain herself from punching this girl right into her face. "Can I offer you a drink?"
"Ugh this girl’s flirting attempts suck." Kate’s small smile that appeared after Y/N’s voice resonated through the intercoms was a satisfying answer to the girl’s question, because she gestured towards the bartender for two drinks.
As the girl passed Kate her drink a minute later, the music blasted loudly through the speakers as their target entered the room, followed by four bodyguards that escorted him to the left corner of the room where a small, round lounge with golden, velvet couches was. "Well it seems the boss finally arrived. Wanna dance hottie?" Kate took a big gulp of her extremely alcoholic beverage to give her enough courage to gently reject the girl, when she almost choked on her drink when a familiar face entered the private lounge the art dealer was sat in and started dancing on his lap in a really indecent way for public eyes. Kate felt like she was transfixed as she nodded dumbly at the girl and let her drag to the dance floor - close enough to where Y/N was to give her front row seats to her lewd show - while she stared at the agent dancing seductively for their target. Kate’s brain was too much occupied on being fixed on Y/N’s movements to notice the girl’s ass grinding down seductively on her hips but she wasn’t caring one bit. Her eyes swept over Y/N’s half naked body, covered in only a leather black bra and an high-waisted leather panties - Kate was having an hard time breathing correctly every time her eyes settled on her exposed ass moving rhythmically to the song playing - and a pair of high black boots, as the girl moved her left foot between his legs and bent over to push her breasts into his face, but before he could reach out for her, she turned around and pushed her ass right into his lap and ground it down. Kate felt her blood boil over when he smirked devilishly and grabbed Y/N’s hips to push her more into his lap, her fists opening and closing in anger as they itched to go there and punch him repeatedly on his face. She was pulled out of her haze when the girl turned around and started kissing her neck sloppily, leaving wet trails up and down her skin, "why don’t we go somewhere more private?" The girl breathed out sultrily into Kate neck and the girl really wanted to punch her in the face if it wasn’t for the fact that she saw Y/N standing up and being led by their target away from the ballroom and into an hidden door.
"Y’know what? Yeah. Let’s take this somewhere else."
"Follow me." The girl grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the crowd and into a dark hallway. With the corner of her eyes Kate watched a door close not too far from them so she acted quickly and pulled the girl towards that direction, but she was stopped in her way there when the girl slammed her on the wall and kissed her passionately as her hands immediately flew to her breasts to knead them harshly.
Jeez, this girl is desperate. Kate tried to reciprocate the kiss to make the girl believe she wanted this too, but her mind was too much hazed by Y/N’s little show to care a flying fuck about this girl. "There’s a room right here. I don’t want to get kicked out for fucking you in public, I have a reputation to maintain." Kate used all her strength to disentangle the girl away from her to look into her eyes before speaking up with an hard, dominant tone as she squeezed the girl’s ass hard. "Be a good girl for me and do what I say." Kate had to literally restrain herself from letting a disgusted face appear on her features at the filthy moan the girl emitted before pushing past her and opening the door, ushering them in the room and closing it soon after.
What she saw made her almost faint as her face got impossibly red from anger and jealousy. Y/N turned her head around from her straddling position on the art dealer, now almost naked with only a pair of blue boxers, and widened her eyes in surprise. With a closer look Kate now noticed that their target was knocked out unconscious and blushed furiously for letting her emotions almost blow their cover up. "Oh I’m sorry! We were searching a room to- well y’know- do that too. We didn’t want to interrupt." The girl spoke up embarrassed for naively thinking they interrupted Y/N and her partner and went to turn around but Y/N yelled at Kate to stop her.
"We can’t have witnesses!" Kate then spurred into action and punched the girl in the face, knocking her down on the floor before turning around and grimacing at her mission partner. "Kate what the fuck are you doing here? I had everything under control!" Y/N sat up from the target’s body and walked towards the archer, now sporting a mix of sorrow and anger on her face with her eyebrows furrowed together.
Kate frantically moved her eyes from Y/N to the art dealer a few times before regarding Y/N with an incredulous look, "I was supposed to talk to our target. You were supposed to stay hidden in the building right across the street! What are you doing here? Dressed like this?" Kate’s eyes strayed down at the extremely hot body she had so close to her and gulped loudly to try to get rid of the sudden dryness of her throat.
"It was part of the plan. I had to hack the cameras before going in and seduce him, taking him here to drug him and escort him out of the building where a van is waiting for him and then deleting all the security footage!" Y/N explained hastily as she walked towards their target to grab everything she used to drug him and getting ready to escort him out.
"What? Why was I not aware of this plan?"
"It was for safety. I was informed about it just an hour ago." Y/N stared at Kate in apology before hardening her gaze and walking towards here once again with a threatening forefinger pointed at her, "but you almost blew our cover up! You let yourself be distracted by this girl. Remember: mission first, fucking girls later."
Kate batted her eyes baffled at the words before shaking her head to defend herself, "whoa whoa, I wasn’t going to fuck this girl. I used her wanting to fuck me to take her here to follow you."
"Why? Everything was going according to plan."
"I wasn’t exactly aware of the plan and I thought you were in danger! He didn’t hurt you, did he?" Kate flared her nostrils as she stared at the unconscious body on the bed as images of him thrusting his hips up into Y/N’s ass flashed back into her mind, her blood boiling over in rage.
"No, he didn’t." Y/N reassured Kate by grabbing her face and made her look at her instead of him. "Now, let’s go. We’ll talk later when we will complete our mission." Y/N kissed Kate’s left cheek softly before springing into action, Y/N calling backups since they couldn’t take two bodies away from the party without being caught as Kate lifted the girl up on the bed and laid her beside their target, her jaw clenching in wrath as she saw a tent in his boxers.
A secret knock established by their team on the door came 30 seconds later and Y/N let their backups in to complete the mission, leaving the building soon after to come back to their hotel room.
Y/N closed the door to their shared hotel bedroom and sat contentedly on the bed with her coat still on after taking her boots off, her eyes closed to relax a bit. She opened them a few seconds later when she felt a pair of blue eyes on her and lifted her eyebrow up in a silent question as she stared at the black haired girl gazing at her with an hard stare and with her arms crossed, now barefoot after taking her own shoes off. "What?"
"Y’know this is the part were you apologize to your mission partner about keeping a piece of our plan a secret." Y/N sighed out sadly and sat up to walk towards the distressed archer.
"I’m sorry, okay? I wasn’t allowed to share that information with you."
"You could’ve get hurt. He could’ve hurt you."
"I did a lot of these things in the past. I know how rich, desperate men works with a sexy girl dancing for them." Y/N saw Kate clench her jaw hard and lifted her hands up to caress the skin there softly to help her relax it, feeling the muscles there doing that almost immediately.
"Still. I- I couldn’t stand there and just watch you do that. I needed to be sure you were safe." Kate reasoned in distress as she shook her head side to side, those images coming back into her mind in full force, causing anger to rush through her veins once again.
"I- thank you, really. I appreciate it." Y/N smiled softly at the archer’s kind and thoughtful words and hugged her tightly, feeling the girl’s arms circle her waist and pulling her in her body more. "But you have to admit it was a really good show! No own every relented to my seductive ways that fast!" Y/N pulled away from the embrace to take off her coat, exposing her skimpy outfit to the archer, "I felt his erection like 2 seconds after I pushed my chest in his face." Y/N giggled in amusement as she went to lay her coat on the back of the chair in the right side of the room and Kate literally growled under her breath at her words, not finding her story amusing at all. "And when I undressed him in the private room? He almost came into his boxer." Y/N laughed loudly at the hilarious night she just had, only for her to stop abruptly when she didn’t hear Kate do the same. She turned around to see if the girl was okay only for her to loose her balance when the girl was breathing heavily through her nostrils as she stared at her down with an animalistic gaze. "Kate- are you o-"
"No! I’m not okay! Ugh- I’m not finding your story hilarious because it isn’t!" Kate spoke up abruptly, interrupting Y/N mid-sentence, before walking towards her, "it isn’t funny. Do you know how I felt when I saw you? In this outfit and dancing seductively for him?" Kate asked rhetorically but Y/N shook her head nonetheless, "I wanted to beat his smug face up from even brushing you with his finger. I almost blew our cover up for it. And I don’t regret it one bit." Kate let out in a ragged breath as anger bubbled up in her chest, while Y/N stared at her up with a confused look on.
Her face broke into a devilish grin when realization hit her, "so- what you’re saying is…" Y/N trailed off to slid her finger around Kate’s blouse’s collar, before skidding it down her tie and grasping it to pull their faces impossibly closer, as her stomach filled with butterflies at Kate’s confession. "That you were jealous?" Y/N whispered hotly on Kate’s lips and smirked smugly when she heard she smallest of whines to leave her throat. They stayed like that, frozen in their spot as they breathed each other in. "Do you want me to replay that show just for you?" Y/N used her free hand to circle Kate’s waist to flush their hips together and Kate moaned pitifully between their mouths, "do you want to feel my body up with your hands?" Kate just closed her eyes and her fists on each side of her body, not really thrusting her body when Y/N was whispering those sensual words on her lips while staring at her with the sultriest look she ever witnessed, "do you want to know a secret?" Y/N waited just a few seconds for good measure before answering her own question, knowing really well the archer was waiting for her to explain further, "my show was entirely for you." Kate right then opened her eyes to stare at Y/N’s now black Y/E/C ones and gasped at her in disbelief, "I knew you were watching. I put my all into that performance because I was imagining I was dancing for you and you only."
Kate swallowed thickly the lump in her dry throat and breathed in deeply to calm her pulsating center just a bit, "are you serious?" Kate was stunned to hear her own voice now an octave lower and raspy, but it wasn’t lost on her Y/N shuddering visibly at her tone.
"Yes." Y/N had had enough, she wanted to feel those plump, pink lips on hers so much. She waited enough. So with a grunt of frustration she pulled on Kate’s tie and crashed their mouths together in an hard, bruising kiss. Kate groaned out in pleasure at the sensation of Y/N’s lips sliding on hers and kissed her fervently, sneaking her arms around her hips and torso to pull her closer as her tongue slid between the seam of Y/N’s lips to ask for permission, that Y/N granted her a second after. A mix of their moans blended in their mouths as they savored the other’s inebriating taste, pushing into the kiss more as their lustful brains take over. When air was necessary they detached their lips away from the other, sharing a few pecks before leaning their foreheads together with their chests heaving wildly. "I had been thinking about this all night. Since I saw you walk in that room with what I hoped was jealousy written all over your face."
"Well I've been waiting this since that mission in Munich."
"That was 11 months ago Bishop." Y/N teased the archer as her hand caressed the back of her neck softly.
"Exactly." Kate interrupted Y/N when she opened her mouth to probably tease her some more by kissing her hard once again on the lips, using her spurge of courage to let her left hand stray south and grasp that magnificent ass she had her eyes glued on all night, whining pitifully into the Y/H/C girl’s mouth when her hand came in contact with bare skin. "You’re so fucking sexy dressed like this." Kate growled hoarsely into Y/N’s mouth and used her hand to flush their hips impossibly closer.
Y/N wailed softly at the harshness of Kate’s touch and willed herself to rip her mouth away from Kate’s one to continue with her wicked, idea of teasing Kate some more, "you didn’t answer my questions." Kate looked confused for less than a second before Y/N’s words from earlier came crushing down on her and settling in her already pulsating center. Y/N smirked seductively at her before using her hand still grasping the archer’s purple tie to push on her chest and make her walk backwards until the back of her knees hit the bed. Kate let Y/N push her down on her shoulders to make her sit in the bed and she just dumbly stared up at her with want spilling out of her every pore. "Now tell me, Kate-" Kate closed her eyes and gulped at the dashing tone Y/N used to drawl out her name, reopening them a second later when she felt being pushed softly to sit properly on the edge of the bed as Y/N spread her legs slightly open. "Do you want me to give you a personal show?" The agent was standing right between Kate’s legs as she grasped her jaw and caressed the skin there tenderly, watching the girl merely nod at her question as a burning blush dusted over her cheeks and neck. "Use your words babe."
Kate didn’t have the time to swallow the whine at the term of endearment, causing the sound to escape from her mouth strangled and breathy, then she stared up and into Y/N’s lustful eyes, shuddering at the powerful gaze, and with the last ounce of strength she had, since Y/N decided to reduce her as a puddle of feelings and arousal, she spoke up firmly, "yes. I want that hot body of yours on mine."
"That’s all I needed to hear, Hot-eye." Y/N wanted to laugh at the wail Kate emitted at the nickname she came up a few months ago but came into her senses when she remembered her task at hand. Give Kate a hell of a show. She grasped Kate’s tie once again - she was finding that piece of clothing extremely hot on the archer - and pulled her in bruising kiss, biting harshly on her bottom lip before releasing it and putting a few inches of distance between them. She stared at the girl lustfully for a few seconds before walking towards her phone still in her coat’s pocket and played the same song that was playing at the party, placing it on the table beside the chair and turning around to walk slowly towards the black haired girl, watching her literally buzz with excitement. She lifted her right eyebrow up and smirked seductively at the archer and before she could react she pushed her left foot between her legs, mere inches from her center, and watched her gasp loudly at the fast motion and buckle her hips up involuntarily. "Since you’ve been so good today, you can touch me. Don’t be shy." Kate growled as her eyes darkened some more while her left hand slid up the girl’s calf before caressing the back of her thigh.
"You’re so hot, Y/N- shit." Y/N grabbed Kate’s neck with both of her hands as she leaned down - arching her back more than necessary - to lay a sweet kiss on Kate’s lips, feeling the girl open her own mouth to let her tongue out to kiss her deeply but she pulled away just enough to murmur between them.
"Do you know how this would get hotter?" Y/N asked rhetorically, before sliding her legs on either side of Kate’s thighs and straddled her, pushing her hips down hard as soon as she settled on Kate’s lap.
"Fuck." Kate’s hands instinctively slid from Y/N’s thighs up to reach their yearned destination on her ass to help her hips’s movements and wailing out in pleasure. "You’re so fucking hot."
"You’re talking! With this suit- shit- I wanted to rip this off of you since you came out of that bathroom earlier." Y/N moaned when Kate’s hands squeezed her ass impossibly hard and pushed her down harshly as she left wet, open-mouthed kisses up and down the column of her neck. Y/N in that moment decided to tease her more and skidded her hands up into her black tresses and pulled on them hard to disentangle her lips from her skin.
"Hey, I was enjoyi-" Kate didn’t have time to protest because Y/N smirked devilishly down at her and quickly pushed her face right between her breasts, hearing a muffled ‘fuck’ on the skin there and chuckling softly. Her laugh died down in her throat when Kate let her tongue out to lick as much skin she could reach, since her breasts were still clasped in her skimpy, leather black bra and arched her head back to moan loudly at Kate’s skillful mouth’s attention. At some point Kate got frustrated with the small amount of skin she could reach and used one of her hands to unclasp her bra and letting it fall down on the ground. "Finally." Kate grunted out in contentment once Y/N’s full breast got released from their small restraint, taking a few seconds to stare at those round mounds before her eyes then diving right back in to wrap her tongue around an erected nipple screaming for her attention.
"Shit Kate- your mouth feels amazing." Kate grunted out in knowledge and switched on the other nipple to give it the same treatment as Y/N arched her back more into Kate’s mouth and continued to move her hips to the beat of the music playing in the room. "Wait wait-"
"What? Did I do something wrong?" Kate ripped her mouth away from Y/N’s breasts like she was burned and stared up at her in worry, and Y/N almost felt like crying at the concern and care her blue eyes were showing if she wasn’t aroused out of her mind, so she just smiled sweetly down at her and kissed her tenderly. "No Kate, you were doing amazing things to me-" Kate smiled in relief at her before asking silently to elaborate her request, "I still have one more move from my show." She smiled smugly down at Kate before sitting up from her lap and turned around, bending down while arching her back to give Kate a perfect view of her ass as she laid it down on Kate’s lap and ground it down hard, feeling Kate’s hips meet her movements as she moaned loudly at the gesture.
"Fuck, this is so fucking hot." Kate moved her hands from her own lap, up to Y/N’s hips, sliding them up her back before sneaking them on Y/N’s front and settling them on her breasts to squeeze her boobs hard while their waists settled on a fast rhythm. "If you keep doing this I might come on the spot." Kate shared in a breathy tone and arched her neck back to let out a pitiful whine when Y/N pushed her hips down hard in her lap, causing a delicious friction on her pulsating clit. The song came to an end a few beats later and the room was now filled with their heavy breaths and the bed squeaking softly due to their hips’ movements. A loud moan of protest ripped out of Kate’s throat when Y/N pulled away from her once again and the blue eyed girl sat right back to stare at the girl in frustration, only for her eyes to meet the ceiling when Y/N pushed on her sternum hard and made her crash on the mattress with a muffled thud.
Kate didn’t have time to even process what happened because Y/N straddled her hips once again and kissed her passionately, taking advantage of her slightly parted lips to slid her tongue in and lick inside her mouth. "Off. I want this off." Y/N fervently fumbled with Kate’s jacket and the girl smiled at her eagerness before pushing them up forcefully in a seating position and getting rid of her blazer, all the while Y/N hastily worked on taking her blouse off too, getting frustrated 3 buttons in and ripped it open, letting all the buttons fly around on the bed and floor.
"Eager, are we?"
"Shut up." Kate laughed between kisses before pulling away and getting rid of her tie. "I really liked this tie on you." Y/N eyed wistfully the peace of garment now laying on the floor with their clothes before shaking her head at the soft giggle Kate emitted, that cute sound helping her coming back into her senses, and sliding down to sit on the black haired girl’s thighs as she worked on pulling down Kate’s pants and underwear, not having time to focus on the now exposed, dripping core she had in front of her eyes because Kate’s bra came flying right in her face and falling on the girl’s hips, covering her center up again.
"My eyes are up here Y/L/N."
"Tease." Y/N murmured as she threw Kate’s bra on the floor and reveled in Kate’s soft laugh, smiling devilishly when she stopped it altogether when her own pair of panties hit her face, intoxicating the archer’s senses with her scent. Kate pushed the underwear away and pulled Y/N’s body down on her to kiss her deeply, both moaning into each other’s mouth a second later at the wonderful sensation of their skin finally meeting without their clothes’ restraint. "I need you."
"I need you too, fuck." Kate grunted out at Y/N’s tongue leaving a wet trail from her jaw down her sternum before wrapping around her left nipple and biting on it teasingly. "I feel like I’m gonna explode, shit." Y/N was flooded by pride at the state she put the archer in and smiled into her chest triumphantly, only for her lips to open in pleasure when the archer’s leg slid between her thighs and came in contact with her throbbing center.
"Holy shit, Kate." Y/N moaned with Kate’s nipple still in her mouth and pushed her hips down to seek out her craved release, her center sliding down Kate’s strong thigh wonderfully, leaving a visible wet patch on it.
"You feel amazing babe." Y/N grunted out in pleasure at the blue eyed girl’s comment and forced her own knee to slip between Kate’s legs to come in contact with her drenched pussy. "Holy fuck." Kate’s hips immediately moved on their own accord to rub feverishly on Y/N’s thigh and both shuddered at their cunts clenching down in pleasure at the friction. Kate’s hands flew right back in their favorite place, Y/N’s ass, and helped girl’s now sloppy and erratic movements out, a clear sign that she was close. Y/N moved her head up to lean it in the crook of Kate’s neck, not able to continue paying attention to Kate’s chest due to the strong pleasure she was experiencing, and used her right hand to caress the soft skin of her neck while her left one pulled softly on her scalp every time her clit bushed on Kate’s thigh.
"I’m close, so fucking close."
"Then come with me." Y/N murmured on her lips as she lifted her head up to stare into Kate’s eyes, the gesture so intimate that tipped them both over the edge a moment later, their cores spurting out their craved release and dripping down on their thighs and sheets. They slowed their movements down until their centers stopped clenching on nothing as they shared a slow, languid kiss. "That was earth-shattering."
Kate giggled cutely and pecked Y/N’s lips, "can’t argue with that."
"You good?" Y/N asked Kate amused as the girl stared at her with hooded eyes and a dumb smile on her lips, that broadened at the question.
"Excellent, because I’m not done with you Bishop." Kate was immediately hit by arousal once again when Y/N slid down her body to finally pay the proper attention Kate’s boobs deserved, the archer’s hands slipping in her hair to push her more into her chest as she moaned in pleasure.
"Fuck, Y/N."
"That’s what I’m trying to do, babe. Patience."
"I had to endure you giving a lap dance to a filthy man. I’ve had enough of patience." Kate grunted out in frustration after using her hands to push Y/N up and gaze up at her in an hard stare.
Y/N wailed at the fire burning behind Kate’s now deep blue eyes and without warning sneaked her hand between their bodies and caressed the girl’s clit gingerly, shocked at the already great amount of wetness that gathered there. "How about now?" Y/N murmured on Kate’s lips and enjoyed the soft whine escaping her lips when her digits slid down to tease her entrance.
"Please." Kate whispered softly, bucking her hips onto Y/N’s fingers to force them inside of her, causing a rough jolt of pleasure to run down Y/N’s spine at that needy gesture.
"I can’t hear you." Y/N let out in a strained voice, her resolution of teasing the girl some more thickening by the second, wanting nothing more but push the archer over the edge once again.
"Please, fuck me. Now, Y/N." Kate grunted out harshly in frustration right after, "FUCK." Two fingers entered her throbbing core immediately without restraint and moved in and out of her in a excruciatingly slow pace, causing her hips to move up to create more friction. "Faster, please baby." Kate wasn’t giving a fuck at the neediness dripping out of her voice, all she needed was to climax on Y/N’s skilled fingers. And she needed that now.
"My baby is needy."
"Yes, I need you and I need you to fuck me faster." Kate had enough of Y/N’s teasing manners after hearing her soft chuckle, so she slipped her hand between Y/N’s legs and pushed two fingers in, causing Y/N’s laugh to come out strangled as a moan took over. "How’s that feel, hm? It’s painfully slow, hm?" Y/N nodded pitifully as her hip crashed down on Kate’s stilled fingers to silently ask to fucking move them.
"You’re not moving them."
"Neither are you. I’m doing exactly what you’re doing." Y/N just now noticed she stilled her movements of her hand in Kate’s center and looked at her apologetically, kissing her lips softly before resuming her ministrations, as she speed up her pace, causing Kate to moan loudly in satisfaction. Her lewd whine came soon after when Kate’s fingers matched her pace, adding her thumb into the equation to give her clit some owed attention. "Fuck."
"Oh, Kate." Y/N’s walls clenched on the archer’s fingers greedily as her climax neared each passing second. "I’m close, babe. Fuck your fingers are- amaZING." Y/N screeched loudly when Kate added another finger and sped up her movements, the Y/H/C girl doing just the same by adding a third digit while using her thumb to draw idle patterns on her clit, wanting with all her being to come again with Kate.
"Fuckfuckfuck." Kate murmured on Y/N’s cheek as her cunt clenched down on Y/N’s fingers with a powerful orgasm after a few particular hard and deep thrusts, and that gesture was enough to push Y/N over the brink too and coming on the blue eyed girl’s digits still moving in an unrelenting pace.
They let themselves ride their highs out as they breathed into each other’s mouths heavily before pulling, reluctantly, their hands away from their cores and both shuddered at the lack of fullness their digits were providing. Y/N hummed appreciatively when the archer’s left arm snaked behind her back to pull her into her body and cuddle her, hiding her face in her neck and breathing the unique scent that was Kate Bishop, mixed with a dash of sweat. "I’ve never been so happy with a mission plan before."
"Even if I was ready to plant an arrow in that asshole’s skull, I agree. But that will never happen again, I won’t let that happen."
"I’m really liking this jealousy side of you." Y/N murmured softly between them and smirked mischievously after releasing Kate’s bottom lip after nipping it teasingly.
"Hm, don’t test it too much Y/L/N." Kate hummed on Y/N’s lips before laying a soft peck there as they basked in this soft bubble that formed around them after their activities.
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sazc94 · 3 years
The Three Times James "Bucky" Barnes Broke your heart.
This was inspired by @msmarvelwrites 2k Writing Challenge because I'm a sucker for Taylor Swift especially sad Taylor Vibes. I chose the all too well lyrics.
Apparently, I can't do anything small so it's in two parts. Pairs Bucky x Reader and Pietro x Reader. (Not at the same time)
Part 1 Here
No smut but mentions of sex so 18+ Themes: highschool, cheating, college/uni. Friendship
Words 3368 it's Suburban AU.
2015 You finished up Uni staring in the school's production of Rock of Ages, Playing Sherry opposite Loki’s drew. Loki also moved to New York staying with his half brother Thor Oddinson. You stayed in touch with Loki and Pietro. The thing that took you by surprise however was six months after moving to Detroit, whilst working for Bruce Banner's start-up you received a DM on Instagram from Bucky. He heard from Sam and Jane that you were now living in Detroit and he was moving to the area after being scouted by the Detroit Lions. Hey Y/N, I hope you’re good. I know this is random and please feel free to tell me where to go, but I was wondering if you wanted to get a drink sometime? It would be great to see you again and catch up. Let me know. So you replied feeling like maybe after all this time it might be good to finally hear Bucky’s apology. Pietro and you had stayed in touch but you knew he was dating someone else. Her name was Sue Storm, she seemed like a nice girl, very smart and could easily give Pietro a run for his money. After hearing Bucky’s apology, you two started to become friends again, he invited you along to his games always offering to secure you two tickets if you wanted to bring someone. He was a machine on the football field, earning the strange nickname The Winter Soldier.
Everything changed in the summer of 2016 though when Bucky’s mother passed away suddenly in June. She had practically helped raise you, so you attended the funeral with Bucky. You stayed with him in the guest room in his childhood house, helping him sort through belongings and paperwork. Bucky’s dad had died when you were 8 and Bucky like you was an only child. You took in food from neighbours wanting to pay their respects. You held his hand squeezing it in comfort during the funeral, assuring him you were there for him. Two days after the funeral you and Bucky had finished packing up the final boxes, you were upstairs, and he was downstairs being awfully quiet. You went looking for him only to find him sat on the living room floor. He was crying holding a picture of you and him one Halloween when you were 9, Bucky had gone as Superman and you as Supergirl. Your mums stood behind you, both of them chuckling whilst you and bucky tried to out pose one another. Your heart swelled. Your Grandad had died in November and god how your heart had ached, but to lose your mum, you couldn’t even begin to imagine. “Hey, hey. It's alright I’m here Buck”, you said cradling his head to your chest whilst he sobbed. You stayed like that for an unidentifiable amount of time before Bucky’s crying eased. He looked up at you blinking away the stray tears, the familiar blue in his eyes pulling you in. Your not sure who kissed who first but that was how you and Bucky ended up sleeping together.
You and Bucky officially got back together in July. Your Grandma passed away in September, the start of football season. Bucky was unable to attend the funeral, he tried god he tried. Pietro made it though. He and Sue had broken up not that he told you. By the time November rolled around things were good between you and Bucky. Wanda’s fashion label Scarlett Witch was taking off and she invited you and Bucky out to join the rest of the old gang at the official launch in December of 2016. You accepted and for the pair of you assuring Bucky, there would be no awkwardness. Pietro was casually dating and was bringing a date called Crystal.
You arrived at the party in NYC completely blown away. Wanda had asked you to wear a piece from the evening wear collection, a Black strapless dress, the top if form-fitting made from chiffon fabric, the skirt cut out the front made of black tulle sparkled with the touches of glitter. It felt like you were wearing the Milky Way. After stopping to pose for photos for the press you made your way inside. The party was being held inside a beautiful gothic building. “Y/n! You look absolutely amazing, thank you so much for wearing this and of course for coming” Wanda practically pounced on you the minute she spotted you. “Bunny! I agree absolutely amazing. Bucky, you don’t look too bad yourself” Pietro said kissing you on the cheek. Pietro was wearing a deep blue suit, it made his hair and ice-blue eyes pop. Bucky had opted for the simple black tux to match you and your dress. He almost looked good enough to eat. After grabbing a glass of champagne, Wanda and Pietro took you to the rest of the gang who had made it. Jane was here with a date, Thor Oddinson you recognised him from the few times he had been to see you and Loki in shows. Carol was here too. Peter Parker was working the event as a photographer he had brought a date a lovely young lady called Mary Jane Watson. After about 45 minutes of schmoozing and catching up, you went to the ladies room. When you exited you were a little taken aback by the sight that confronted you, a redhead was hanging of Bucky’s arm chuckling away with Thor and Jane. You could only see the back of her from where you were standing. You decided to walk over and introduce yourself. However, when you got closer to the group the woman started to look vaguely familiar.
“Hey babe,” Bucky said as you approached quickly removing his arm from the redhead. Babe. That was weird he never called you babe. His blue eyes looked like they were hiding something. “Lady Y/N. This is Lady Natasha” Thor said introducing you. The redhead turned to shake your hand smiling at you with a knowing look. “Lovely to finally meet the infamous Y/N,” she said. “I told Bucky how disappointed I was not to meet you when I was in the City in September. I’m so sorry to hear about the passing of your grandmother. Bucky kept me company whilst I was around on some Business” her voice sounded harmless, sweet and pleasant. Genuine. Her eyes and knowing smirk told a different story. Bucky looked at you, the familiar betrayal in his eyes, pleading with you. “I was just telling Bucky, I’ve been offered this amazing opportunity in Detroit so Ill be moving there in February, isn’t that wonderful?” she asked. You smiled taking a swig of your champagne. Jane looked at you, then Bucky. You shook your head.
That was the second time Bucky Barnes broke your heart. He assured you that they hadn’t slept together, however had admitted that he had kept her visit from you and that she had kissed him. “Did you kiss her back?” you asked pacing around your hotel room. “Doll, please what does it matter,” he asked reaching out for you. His calloused hands once again burning your skin with his betrayal. The fact he had chosen not to answer was all the confirmation you needed. You had left him in the hotel room. Loki had been unable to make the event due to being in a small play off-Broadway, but you had texted him asking if he wanted to get a drink. You had told him everything and he had walked you back to your hotel room. You were drunk and distressed. Bucky had opened the door his blue eyes flashing with jealousy when the handsome black-haired gentleman had his arms around you. “Easy James, if anything was going to have happened between us, it would have happened in freshman year of college,” Loki said helping you into your room. After you and Bucky returned to Detroit you guys took a break for a few months.
Natasha’s job conveniently happened to be working as a fitness instructor at the Detroit Lions. After 4 months you and Bucky got back together in March of 2017. Things were going great, Natasha seemed to have released whatever hold she had on Bucky. Bucky was performing well with the Lions, his new teammate, Steve Rogers nicknamed Captain America seemed to have caught the eye of many ladies including Natasha. He however didn’t seem that interested in her and had his sights set on a girl from his home in Brooklyn her name was Peggy. Steve and you hit off due to your mutual disinterest in Miss Romanoff, he had come up with a nickname for her, he called her Black Widow because she seemed to devour the men in her life. Banners start-up tech company had taken off with thanks to your ad campaigns. You were also performing in the local summer show of Mamma Mia playing Sophie. In the summer of 17, Peggy Carter came to visit Steve, turned out she was from Britain originally. You liked Peggy and her no-nonsense approach. During July, the four of you went on lots of double dates like you were high schoolers again. For Steve’s birthday which happened to be the fourth of July, the four of you attended an event being put on by the Detroit lions. You had a great evening mixing with various teammates and their families. You even warmed to Natasha a bit that afternoon.
As the evening rolled around a giant cake was brought out to celebrate Steve’s birthday. Followed by a firework show. Everyone made their way to various blankets and cushions set out at the opposite end of the stadium. Somewhere along the way you and Bucky got separated. You didn’t worry too much, to begin with as you’d both drifted off to interact with various people throughout the event, however by the time the fireworks started Bucky was nowhere to be seen. You started to think the worst until you spotted Natasha’s red hair on the other side of the stadium flirting with a gaggle of players from various other teams who were invited. Confident Bucky would return shortly you turned your attention to the sky watching with a goofy grin, things were finally settled between you and Bucky. As the fireworks went on you decided to snap a few shots on your phone loving the way the sky lit up with bright colours. The Detroit Lions didn’t do things in small doses, so the firework display ended up going on for about an hour and a half. After about 45 minutes Bucky returned from wherever he had been slipping down behind you pulling your back flush to his chest. He stroked small circles on your arms. His rough calloused skin making you shiver from the contact.
In September you were approached by Tony Stark’s PA Pepper Potts, they had seen your campaigns for Bruce Banner and Tony was interested in headhunting you. Your contract with Bruce was up in October. You initially shot the idea down. Why would you want to leave Michigan? Your family home was a short 20-minute drive away, Bucky was doing well with the Lions. Peggy Carter was moving here after Steve had proposed at the end of Summer. It seemed ludicrous. After initially shooting down the offer. Pepper contacted you, doubling their initial offer. The offer was tempting, so you told Miss Potts you would think it over the weekend. There was no harm in bringing it up with Bucky, maybe a move would do you both good, Natasha seemed to have gotten under Bucky’s skin again. You left the office early that day. You didn’t bother to text Bucky figuring you could surprise him when he got home from training with a home-cooked meal. You stopped off to get some supplies to make Lasagne before heading over to his apartment figuring you could just let yourself in. You had called Wanda on the drive over through your cars Bluetooth. She and Vision were engaged, and she wanted you to be one of her bridesmaids. Partway through the call, Pietro had walked into Wanda’s office so you had told them both about the job offer. When you got to Bucky’s you immediately recognised the Black Widows black Mercedes. “huh, that’s weird, I wonder what she’s doing here,” you said out loud “who’s where?” asked Wanda. “oh um nothing, look I got to go I just got to Buck’s and I’m cooking dinner, going to talk to him about Tony’s offer,” you said before hanging up. You were so blind-sighted by Natasha’s car you didn’t clock Bucky’s Motorcycle parked in the corner of the small parking lot. You grabbed your bags walking up to Bucky’s figuring that you could invite Natasha in if need be whilst you waited for Buck to come home.
If you had noticed Bucky’s bike, then just maybe you would have been more prepared for the following events you unlocked Bucky’s apartment and you found clothes strewn everywhere, his jeans. A white Blouse. His boxer trunks. A Black lacy bra, that definitely didn’t belong to you. At first, you were so shocked by what you saw that you didn’t hear the moans coming from the bedroom. It was like you were possessed you carried your bag of groceries as you walked in a daze to the bedroom, you opened the door and found Bucky once again cheating on you. He and Natasha were in the throws of fucking each other, you found Natasha with her back to you, wrapped around Bucky’s waist. Bucky sat upright facing you however his eyes closed whilst he drank in the pleasure. You felt your heartbreak as you dropped your bag of groceries. The bag made a thud as it hit the ground, alerting Bucky to your presence. His eyes flew open connecting with yours. Natasha however didn’t stop riding your boyfriend’s cock. Bucky tried to push her off him, but you were already storming out the door. You grabbed your bag and left Bucky’s spare key in the door. Bucky grabbed a pair of joggers and slippers before chasing after you. Bucky’s apartment was on the second floor. All the apartments on the second floor opened outside to a walkway.
“Really James?!?” you turned round to face him before he could even say your name. “Was once not enough? Did you not hurt me enough the first time?” You asked. You could feel the anger threatening to burst in the way of tears. Bucky went to speak, his blue eyes once again filled with guilt. “How long?!” you asked quietly. Bucky moved towards you tugging on your wrist. “Come on Y/N, come back inside it’s starting to rain, we can discuss this inside,” he said, his eyes pleading with you. At that moment Natasha appeared in Bucky’s open doorway. She looked pleased with herself, wearing Buck’s shirt. The site made you want to vomit. “How. Long?!” you asked again through gritted teeth. Bucky faltered. “Since July. Since the 4th of July event,” he admitted rubbing his hand over his face. At that moment you felt completely and utterly broken. “I’m done, James. Do you hear me? I am done. We are through. You two.” You pointed to Natasha. “You two are welcome to one another”. That was the third time Bucky broke your heart.
You took the job working for Stark Industries. Your contract had ended with Bruce but your lease on your apartment was up until January so you stayed working for him until December of 2017 You said your goodbyes to Steve and Peggy in January and moved across the country to your new life in the big apple.
December 2018
The unknown number flashed up on your phone for the third time that day. You sighed before answering it. “Hello, Y/N Speaking how can I help?” you asked fiddling with your jumper. “Hey Doll, it's me. Don’t hang up.” Your breath caught in your throat. James Buchanan Barnes. You hadn’t spoken to him in over a year. He hadn’t even attempted to reach out to you after you split up mailing your things back to you, well all but a scarf. In January shortly before you’d moved to NYC you’d seen a magazine article saying the Winter Soldier was dating Natasha Romanoff. It confirmed what you already knew deep down, which was that you might be okay but you were not fine at all.
You’d worked so hard to forget about him long enough to forget why you needed to. He had better have a damn good reason for calling you. “You have 5 minutes,” You said getting up from the sofa you were sat on. “look, I know I fucked up with you. In more than one way on more than one occasion. I think it was the pressure to be the perfect couple, you know lifelong friends to more. And well I guess I just freaked out, and then I fell for her, but she didn’t want me, and when you gave us another shot, I thought I could convince myself to love you the way I did her, the way you had loved me. But truth be told, it was always Natasha after that summer. I know you deserve better, and I truly am sorry for hurting your doll. But I wanted you to hear it from me before you read about it in the news. She’s pregnant and also, we’re getting married.” Bucky said. You stood in the middle of the apartment stunned. “So, you call me up again, just to break me like a promise. So casually cruel in the name of being honest?” you whispered. Squeezing back the tears. “Well fuck you, James.” With that, you hung up. Of course, Bucky tried to ring right back, you declined the call, falling to your knees in pain. You had never asked for any of this, you had been quite happy being Bucky’s best girl as his friend. He was the one who kissed you at that prom.
You weren’t still in love with Bucky, you had moved on, forgetting about him and the pain he caused you. He hadn’t needed to call you, he could have given you a heads up through one of your mutual friends, but no. he had to go and stick the knife in. After lying there like a crumpled-up piece of paper and letting the tears fall. You picked yourself up. You washed your face and made yourself a mug of hot chocolate grabbing a Christmas cookie from the tin before making your way over to the bay window. You sat down taking in the view. The traffic had eased off a bit as things wound down for the evening. The snow had been falling pretty much all day. After about 15 minutes of sitting peacefully the key in the lock turned. You didn’t move you were incredibly content where you were, even if you could use a refill in the hot chocolate department.
“Hey handsome how was your day?” you asked not taking your eyes away from the street below. A group of kids were throwing snowballs at one another. You smiled to yourself enjoying their innocence. “It was good, busy” he replied taking off his coat and walking over to join you at the window seat. Wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close. “How about you Bunny? I saw a news alert. I’m guessing you know about the engagement?” he asked. You hummed a response. Before shuffling yourself around to face him. His floppy silver-blonde hair covering those beautiful ice blue eyes, they looked at you with such love and endearment, they also spoke a silent promise that he would never hurt you the way that Bucky had. You kissed him gently on the lips before standing up. “Come on Quicksilver let's shower before the Stark Christmas Gala,” you said pulling your boyfriend along behind you shooting him a knowing grin. His nickname may be Quicksilver for athletic reasons but there were some things he liked to take his time with.
A/N If you stuck with me through all this, I am truly sorry. I'm gonna go cry
Tagging the bestie @lannycleave
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niksixx · 4 years
New Generation: Meet the Kids
I know many of you have been waiting patiently for anything New Generation related, and I am happy to say I have finally completed a list of the NG kids! I hope you enjoy reading about my little characters, and I can’t wait to write a few little stories about them. 
A few shoutouts first. To all of you who have contributed to the characters’ personalities by sending in messages to my inbox, thank you. You have all made this series possible. I did my best to incorporate my own vision of the NG kids as well as your ideas to create something fun for us all. Second, a big shoutout to @pepeu-stuff for inspiring me. They have gone out of their way to draw a few characters (Farrah, Ezra, etc.) with their own interpretation and have inspired some of the traits for my characters. I truly cherish all of you, and I hope you enjoy the NG kids as much as I do.
A/N: Also, this is just a fanfiction. I tried my best to incorporate Crüe’s and GNR’s personalities into their ‘children’ but we all know kids can 100% be completely different from their parents. 🤗
Meet the Sixx Kids
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Nash Sixx 
Nash Sixx is the nineteen-year-old son of Nikki Sixx. He has dark hair and blue eyes with specks of green and a jawline most men would kill for. Like his father, he has an outgoing personality and a killer smirk that’s manipulated people into giving him what he wants more than once. He’s a college student that is studying music education, as he would like to be a music teacher. One of his best friends is Declan Rose, and he’s taught Declan a few tips and tricks when it comes to schmoozing the ladies. He’s also a big partier, and loves having his friends and cousins over to his college apartment. Nash’s favorite pastime though is sitting around the bonfire, glass of whiskey in his hand, while his father tells him stories of life on the road with Mötley Crüe.  
Harlow Sixx 
Harlow Sixx is the six-year-old daughter of Nikki Sixx. She has dark brown hair with clear blue eyes and free-spirited energy. Harlow and Penelope Lee are a package deal and will go nowhere without each other. She’s creative by nature, and sometimes will paint during rainy days. For a six year-old, Harlow is ridiculously intelligent. And just like her father, she has interests in photography and art.
Colby Sixx
Colby Sixx is the two-year-old son of Nikki Sixx. He has Nikki’s natural light brown hair and light blue-gray eyes. He loves finger painting with his sister, playing with toy cars, and putting together puzzles. 
Meet the Lee Kids 
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Penelope ‘Penny’ Lee
Penelope ‘Penny’ Lee is the five-year-old daughter of Tommy Lee. She’s a little girl with wavy brown hair (usually in pigtails with little bows attached), big brown eyes, a love for bright pink tutus, and has a bubbly, outgoing personality. She’s the spitting image of her father, and she has him wrapped around her tiny little finger. Penny Lee enjoys her dolls, her teddy bears, and tea parties. She’s been raised to be an independent child and loves exploring nature and making pretty flower bouquets. Penelope can be friends with anyone, and at five-years-old, she’s already shutting down the bullies who make fun of the other kids at preschool.
Meet the Mars Kids
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Dillion Mars 
Dillon Mars is the seventeen-year-old son of Mick Mars. He’s tall, lanky, with soft brown hair, blue eyes, and a sarcastic attitude. He’s not as quiet as his father, but he has his moments. Dillion tries not to take life too seriously, which is why he and Isaac Stradlin get along extremely well. Dillion has no interest in school, although he’s extremely smart in math and science. He’s president of his school’s mathletes club though he was pressured by his teachers and hates disappointing others. Most of his time is spent on the living room aimlessly playing his guitar,  Luckily, Dillon did not inherit his father’s bone disease, but he is a huge vodka drinker and occasionally will smoke cigarettes with the Stradlin twins and Ryan McKagan.
Meet the Neil Kids 
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Katerina ‘Kat’ Neil 
Katerina ‘Kat’ Neil is the eighteen-year-old daughter of Vince Neil. Kat’s thin blonde hair is usually styled straight or into two space buns on the top of her head with a few pieces framing her face. Green eyes the color of emeralds, she’s the chick every girl wants to be, and the girl every guy wants to be with. Katerina is friendly to all, but she’ll never let anyone take advantage of her kindness. As a senior in high school, she takes pride in being the captain of the cheerleading team, a lead choreographer in the dance club, and the president of the drama club. While the most popular girl in high school could have any boy she wanted, there’s only one boy that Katerina has ever been interested in. Unfortunately, that boy is Declan Rose, the son of her father’s arch enemy, Axl Rose. 
Carson Neil
Carson Neil is the fifteen-year-old son of Vince Neil. Carson’s shoulder length blonde hair resembles his father’s, and he was gifted with a singing voice that could cure the world’s problems. He’s mature for his age, which is why most of his friends are a few years older than him. Carson can be a bit stuck up though and a bit of a prima donna. When he’s not busy rehearsing lines for his school's theater productions, Carson is confined to his room blasting Aerosmith, Ozzy Osborne, and writing his own lyrics to songs he’ll never share. 
Meet the Rose Kids
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Declan Rose 
Declan Rose is the eighteen-year-old son of Axl Rose. He’s the spitting image of his father, except with shorter ginger hair with longer pieces framing his freckled face. Declan is unique in the fact that he refuses to follow in his father’s footsteps. While he enjoys listening to rock and his father’s old vinyl collection, Declan prefers hip-hop and rap music, much to his father’s dismay. Like Axl, Declan is extremely intelligent, and would decide to major in philosophy or psychology in college. He also does have his father’s temper, and while sometimes his father was misunderstood, Declan is lucky to have Katerina Neil around. She calms him down and supports his true personality, even if they have to keep their relationship hidden from their parents. 
Easton Rose 
Easton Rose is the eight-year-old son of Axl Rose. Easton was lucky enough to inherit his father’s hair color, but instead of the long locks, Easton’s hair is shorter and usually styled with gel. The eight-year-old is as stubborn as they come with a hyper and fiery personality to match his hair. He’s an athletic young boy who is also extremely personable and will talk to anyone. He’s impatient, especially when he wants his older brother Declan to help him with homework or play baseball in the backyard with his best friends Logan Adler and Hunter McKagan. Easton is a little flirt and has no problem charming ladies of any age. Easton also has a big crush on his brother’s girlfriend, Kat. 
Calla Rose 
Calla Rose is the five-year-old daughter of Axl Rose, and she is the queen of the household. Calla is the only child with blonde hair, but every now and again Axl dyes pieces of her pink (with temporary spray on hair color of course) to match the large gemstone on the tiara she wears around the house. Calla Rose is quite shy around other people, and it takes her a good twenty minutes before she’s able to muster up the courage to play with other children in preschool. Axl Rose is fully wrapped around his daughter’s finger, and it’s not shocking to catch them in the midst of coloring, ballet dancing, or playing with dolls. 
Willa Rose 
Willa Rose is the four-month-old daughter of Axl Rose. She’s a chubby baby with ginger hair and big hazel eyes. She loves making faces at her big sister and listening to her daddy as he sings her to sleep at night. 
Meet the McKagan Kids 
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Ryan McKagan 
Ryan McKagan is the sixteen-year-old son of Duff McKagan. If teenage girls could use one word to describe this boy, it’s this: heartthrob. He’s tall with wavy blonde hair and a welcoming smile, it’s no wonder the girls in high school drool over him. Ryan can be found exercising (as he’s a hockey player) or running around his neighborhood five days out of the week. Ryan does smoke cigarettes and drinks on occasion, much to his father’s disapproval. Ryan tries not to take life too seriously and would have definitely picked up on some of his dad’s lame jokes. Around his neck is the letter ‘F’ attached to a gold chain as it’s the first initial of his girlfriend’s name, Farrah. Even if they have a rough relationship (thanks to Ryan being a typical flirt around other girls) he’s confident Farrah is the girl for him, so he never takes the necklace off. While Ryan didn’t necessarily inherit many of his father’s traits, what he did receive is the ability to sing. His father has taught him how to play guitar, and they’ll sit on the porch outside in the fall, singing and strumming to Guns N’ Roses old songs.
Hunter McKagan
Hunter is the seven-year-old son of Duff McKagan. Hunter’s hair is darker than his older brother’s, but lightens up in the sun. The seven-year-old boy loves to swim and skateboard (lessons are provided for free by Dillon Mars, Issac Stradlin, and Ezra Hudson), and he’s an absolute terror when he chases his family around the house shooting Nerf gun darts at them. He’s also the reason Duff cannot find his cowboy hats, as Hunter will usually steal them and wear them throughout the day. 
Meet the Hudson Kids 
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Ezra Hudson 
Ezra Hudson is the eighteen-year-old son of Saul ‘Slash’ Hudson. Ezra is a bit shorter than his father, and yet could be his brother. Ezra was blessed with the most beautiful curls, and unlike his father he usually keeps them out of his face with headbands or ponytails. Ezra doesn’t have just one style, either. Somedays, he’ll dress head to toe in leather. Other days he prefers flannels and jeans, or button ups and khakis. Ezra is definitely a gamer. He also enjoys hiking, fishing, and hunting. He’s also into music, but is still learning how to play acoustic guitar. College is not in the cards for Ezra, as his dream is to form his own band. As for Ezra’s love life, he’s a total chick magnet. Unfortunately, he’s invisible to the only girl he wants: Isabel Stradlin. 
Mali Hudson 
Mali is the six-year-old daughter of Saul ‘Slash’ Hudson. She and her sister Maya were also blessed with their father’s glorious curly hair, and they’re damn proud of it. Mali’s hair is only to her shoulders, which is how you can tell twin from twin. At just six-years-old, little Mali has a plethora of hobbies such as origami, bracelet making, and flower pressing. Many of her crafts are given to either her parents or Farrah Adler. 
Maya Hudson
Maya is the six-year-old daughter (also the oldest twin between herself and Mali) of Saul ‘Slash’ Hudson. Maya has no problem wearing identical outfits with her sister, but their personalities couldn’t be more opposite. Maya loves to wrestle with her older brother and cousins (especially Declan who refuses to wrestle back for fear of hurting her) as well as having interests in dinosaurs, rock climbing, karate, and reptiles (she convinced her family to adopt two snakes and a lizard). 
Meet the Stradlin Kids 
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Isaac Stradlin 
Issac Stradlin is the seventeen-year-old son of Izzy Stradlin. With dark shaggy hair, bright eyes, sharp jaw and toned body, Isaac comes off as intimidating at first glance. He can be intense about the things he is passionate about (music, poetry, history) but more often than not Isaac is laidback and easygoing. Isaac’s musical knowledge comes from what his father has taught him through the years, and he’s incredibly talented when it comes to playing instruments such as guitar, drums, keyboard, flute, and trumpet. He doesn’t particularly enjoy his father’s dark and gloomy style of dress that includes black jeans, black button ups, and even black hats, as he feels more comfortable in sweatpants and tank tops. As Isaac is the only boy that doesn’t mind babysitting and playing with the little girls, he has accidentally found himself a fan club whose members consist of Penny Lee, Calla Rose, Harlow Sixx, and twins Mali and Maya Hudson. 
Isabel Stradlin 
Isabel Stradlin is the seventeen-year-old daughter of Izzy Stradlin and the younger of the two between her and her twin brother, Isaac. Isabel marches to the beat of her own drum and has what most would call a ‘bone to pick with the world’ attitude. Isabel has had many different styles, but her current wardrobe is grunge. Isabel considers herself a humanitarian, constantly joining in protests while simultaneously volunteering at homeless shelters and soup kitchens. Because of her compassionate heart, it’s no secret that she and Farrah Adler are inseparable. Isabel would inherit her father’s artistic ability, but her art would range from pottery to graffiti portraits. 
Meet the Adler Kids 
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Farrah Adler 
Farrah Adler is the sixteen-year-old daughter of Steven Adler. Her blonde hair is mostly straight with a few layers here and there, and she has the same vibrant and playful eyes as her father. Farrah’s style is mostly hippie influenced (but on occasion she can rock a leather jacket and bandana), and she has more of a laid back personality, something she absolutely did NOT get from her dad. As someone who treasures the beauty of the Earth and its creatures, Farrah would join in rallies such as ‘save the sea turtles’ and volunteer at animal hospitals, where she discovered her calling as a veterinarian. Oh, and she’s 100% vegetarian. Farrah has a peaceful aura, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that she enjoys yoga, astrology, essential oils, journaling, and smoking weed. She also has an on-again-off-again relationship with Ryan McKagan, who she drags to many wildlife rallies.
Logan Adler 
Logan Adler is the nine-year-old son of Steven Adler. He has wavy blonde hair past his neck, playful gray eyes, and a love for drumming. Logan inherited his father’s happy-go-lucky spirit, and loves to meddle into his sister’s business when he’s not playing sports or building legos. He definitely is the class clown and loves being the center of attention, which usually results in him being sent to the principal’s office. He’s a jokester, a prankster, and loves getting into trouble.
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let-it-raines · 5 years
Wishing on a Star(fish)
Based on the @csprompter prompt | here | that says: Runaway Royalty AU Prompt: In NO way does Prince Killian want to deal with his kingdom or be forced into an arranged marriage. So instead, he chooses to spend the day sailing and debates if he should just disappear over the horizon. Unfortunately, a storm makes the decision for him and blows him off course into unknown waters. When he comes to, he finds he’s being robbed by a mermaid.
~~ 5,700 words; rated T (some language)
Shoutout to @wellhellotragic and @captainsjedi for coaxing me into writing this. I don’t think I’ve written something this quickly in weeks, so obviously I couldn’t hold onto it since I have no self control ❤️
Bloody hell.
Bloody buggering hell.
Bloody fucking hell.
Every damn iteration of “bloody hell” that Killian can think of runs a course through his mind as he slams a metal gate shut behind him while he’s leaving the castle. The loud clanging doesn’t do much to cover the fact that he’s leaving castle grounds and wandering down to the docks, but he very much doubts that anyone actually cares what he’s doing right now as long as he’s not getting blackout drunk in front of dukes and duchesses or lords and ladies who are here to be impressed by the glamour of gold-lined drapes and cutlery made of the finest silver in all of the seven Northern Kingdoms, possibly even in all of the Southern Kingdoms.
This week has been a show, a way to display pretty and rare things that no one in the village his parents rule could afford, and as much as he’s known that it was coming, he’s dreaded this week in May. Not one for some of the more proper aspects of being royal, he’s tended to avoid these types of functions and balls as much as possible. Liam is the heir, the one who is expected to rule the kingdom and produce heirs of his own with Elsa, and the two of them have been the ones to schmooze with the aristocratic society of Okeanos while he spent his time running off with barmaids at the taverns he frequented while serving in His Majesty’s Royal Navy.
Captain Killian Jones, his Royal Highness of Okeanos.
It’s almost laughable to him that he has that title. He’s not yet entering his twenty-eighth year, and he was made Captain before he even stepped foot on the Jewel of the Realm for the first time eight years ago. The perks of having his father be the King and being fed up with his second son not doing anything with his life.
But his years spent in the Navy, at least in a more active role when they were warring with the kingdom of Aurum, were some of the best years of his life. It gave him a sense of purpose to be on the crew, to be a part of a team even if he knew most of the crew didn’t respect him as an authority figure, and living with sun melted into his skin and salt in his hair was the first time that Killian ever truly felt alive.
Suddenly, though, the one-year anniversary of Liam’s wedding to Elsa, the combining of their two kingdoms, came around, and Brennan decided that it was time for Killian to be wed. In the most naïve of moments, Killian assumed that maybe he would be able to choose his own bride, that he could possibly convince Milah to come back to him from her village, but that naivety was quickly squashed under an extravagant boot when his father told him that he had already picked Killian’s bride.
Princess Ariel of Atlantica.
She’s a gorgeous woman, vibrant red hair almost as vibrant as her smile, and on any other occasion, he’d walk up to her and ask for her hand for a dance. He is nothing if not a gentleman after all. But Killian has no interest in marrying someone as some kind of alliance, out of some kind of duty. It may be but a foolish wish, but spending his early years listening to the cooks and maids gossip about their husbands as he was eating an extra pastry in the pantry made him believe that marriage was for love, not duty.
As someone who has been in love, who has experienced the highs and lows of fiery passion and deep affection, he cannot imagine being the husband of a woman who very clearly does not want to be his wife.
In fact, she wants to be the wife of another man, something she told him the night their upcoming betrothal was announced, and he knew then and there that there would be no marriage. He’d protested with his father, with his mother too, and they’d shut him down in every aspect. Currently, he’s coming from begging once more not to make him go through with it, to let Ariel marry the man she is in love with, but he’d been told no before the words could even pass through his lips.
So, now, Killian’s letting his anger fuel him as he walks over the rocky path down to the docks, his own personal sail boat tied to the moor at the end. It’s a small thing, his Jolly, but it’s got a cabin below deck that’s large enough for him to sleep and prepare food, and that’s all that he needs whenever he’s sailing. There’s no one around, so he takes the opportunity to quickly run through his tasks and steer the Jolly out into the open waters, the sun beating down on his back and likely tanning the exposed flesh from where he rolled up his shirt sleeves and trousers.
The ocean is the place that calms him, miles and miles of blue water stretched in front of him until it molds into the blue of the sky of the horizon. Resentment for his father festers inside of him as well as resentment for his mother and Liam. They have power with Brennan, have the ability to get him to listen, and yet they didn’t help him get out of a situation like this when they themselves were allowed to marry for love.
Cruelty develops in many forms, but one of the most dangerous is in loved ones not listening when one speaks.
That’s exactly what has happened to him, and if he could sail to the horizon and be one with the ocean or one with a remote island away from the pressures of being a prince, that would be exactly what Killian would do.
If only wishes were granted.
Suddenly, the bright blue sky turns dark, sunlight fading in favor of the white glow of the stars above, and the water beneath Killian begins to swirl, everything happening so quickly that he has no chance to even attempt to change direction, to outrun the magic that he’s being sucked into. He may have been promoted to Captain prematurely, but he’s a hell of a Captain and can outrun anything.
Anything but this.
All he has is a moment to tightly wrap his fingers around the wheel before his vision is going back too.
“Dammit. Wake up.”
Killian moves to open his eyes, but as the first sliver of light hits, his lids shut tightly, blocking out everything so that all he can see his darkness while his head pounds, the blood running through his veins focusing on his temple and killing him. He might as well have spent a night in a tavern carrying around his own bottle of rum and drinking the entire thing for what this feels like.
What has happened?
“Hello,” a soft female voice sounds as he feels fingertips against his ankle, sharp nails poking at his skin. “I know you’re awake now.”
Slowly, he opens his eyes, lifting his arm to block the sun while he takes in his surroundings. His back is resting against damp sand, his feet cool and submerged in water, and he can smell enough to know that it’s ocean water.
Is he at home?
No, definitely not at home. The greenery is too tropical, too much like something out of the Southern Isles, and with every blink, memories of a darkened sky and a swirling ocean come back to him. There’s nothing after that, however, and he moves his fingers to pinch against the skin at his forearm just to see if the pinch of flesh can aid him in discovering if he’s living in some kind of afterlife.
The pain is definitely there, but where is he?
“Did you hurt your head?”
His head snaps back to the sound of the woman’s voice in front of him, and when he sees her, he swears that he’s delusional and is definitely halfway into some kind of afterlife.
The woman in front of him is gorgeous. Her skin is fair, much fairer than his, but covered in faint freckles that he imagines become more plentiful the closer one is to her, and she has long, golden hair falling off of her shoulders in thick waves that he knows of many a maiden who would be envious. The hair covers her unbound breasts, pretty pink buds right in his eyeline, and as much as he would like to look, his gaze glances upwards to look into the depths of her emerald eyes instead.
What exactly is happening to him?
“Can you speak?” she prods, her fingers squeezing his ankle once more. “You are definitely old enough to know how to speak, but who am I to say? Some have their voices taken away from them, and I know nothing about you.”
“I- I can speak,” Killian stutters out, his throat achingly dry. “Do you have water?”
The woman arches a blonde brow and splashes water from the ocean with a flick of her hand. “We’re surrounded by it, actually.”
“Well there’s no need to be a ponce about it,” Killian huffs as he digs his elbows into the sand and starts to move backward, realizing that he very well might be in danger here. This woman seems innocent enough, even if she’s dressed a bit indecently, but he can’t be sure. He isn’t sure of much right now. “Who are you? Where am I? Where are your clothes?”
She rolls her eyes, the green disappearing for a moment, before slinking back into the ocean so that she covers herself, only her shoulders and her hair visible to him.
“One question at a time.” She raises a singular finger to prove her point, and her right arm is covered in bracelets and jewels, the metal clanking together noisily. “My name is Emma.”
“Do you have a last name?”
“Is that your real last name?”
“No,” she smirks, the pink of her lips inviting but he knows temptation and lust when he feels it. There’s too much that he doesn’t know, and his legs don’t feel strong enough to run away. When he pats on his thighs, he realizes that he doesn’t have his dagger either. “But it’s what you can call me. I’ve been told that I’m as graceful as a swan.”
She flicks her hair over her shoulder then, the smile on her lips fading the slightest bit, and he catches the smallest bit of a lie there. He’s always been good at reading others, but she’s confusing him with her façade. He can’t tell what’s underneath it all.
“Alright then, Swan,” Killian says pointedly, “where am I?”
“An island.”
“For fuck’s sake, I knew that,” he groans, getting enough energy to sit up so that he can brush the sand off of his shirt. “Can you give me a little more detail?”
“I don’t know any more detail,” Emma says with a dramatic flourish that he can tell is fake. She seems more the type to enjoy cynicism or being facetious than being dramatic. “It’s an island. There’s no name, and no one lives here. So, I guess you could call it whatever you want. Name it after yourself for all I care.”
His heartbeat picks up, heat prickling over his skin that has nothing to do with the sun shining down on him, and his worries multiply until there’s too many to count. Danger is likely surrounding him, even if Emma claims that no one else lives here, but then again, if no one lives here, how is he supposed to get home?
Where the hell is his ship?
“Do you know where it is? If I were to show you a map, could you tell me where we are? What about the stars? Do they appear at night? Is there night here? Are we still in the Northern Isles? Have you heard of Okeanos? Why the bloody hell are you in the water?”
“Woah, woah, woah,” Emma chuckles, clearly amused by him. What he would give to not sound like a fumbling child. He should get it together, not show his weakness or his nerves. Hitting his head has obviously troubled him, but he must be calmer now. “You need to calm down. I get it. It’s confusing. This has happened a couple of times, so I’m pretty used to explaining it by now.”
“You often find people shipwrecked to this island for no one?”
“A few times.”
She submerges in the water, every bit of her disappearing, but then he sees a flash of red scales, ones belonging to a mermaid, and the vibrant color of her tail calms him if only because he knows that she’s not a siren for they have gray and black scales to shadow the darkness of their hearts. Shit. What is even happening?
“I’m a mermaid,” she tells him when she emerges closer to shore, her breasts on display for him again, no part of her seeming demure. “Well, no, actually, I’m a human who has been cursed to be a mermaid, and I’m the only one who lives on this island. I don’t know how it happened before you ask. Everyone always asks, and I have no idea. I could have wished on a damn starfish for all I know. I don’t really know how long I’ve been here, but I do know that I’ve had three people show up here. All of them have long since left since everyone always leaves, so it is possible. That should be hopeful for you.”
“Why can’t you leave?”
She nods her head to the side, pointing out at the ocean. “There’s a barrier. Every time I swim close to it, I get catapulted back here. I don’t – I don’t know what’s happened, so I can’t tell you more. There’s fresh water half a mile inland.”
With that, she dives back under the water and swims away, the ocean rippling behind each flick of her tail until there are no more ripples and he’s left sitting on the beach unsure of anything. Most of him is still hoping for this to be a dream, for him to wake up in his bed and for it to be his wedding day. He never thought that a marriage to someone who he doesn’t wish to be betrothed to would be an occasion and commitment he seeks out, especially when he was very literally sailing away from all of his obligations, but he craves at least the familiarity of knowing that bits of his life are set out before him.
His worst nightmares have now become his hopeful dreams.
Days begin to pass as he explores the island. Emma was right about a fresh water stream half a mile into the island, and once he finds it, he drinks as much as he possible can to rehydrate himself. All of his years of schooling and Naval experience did not prepare him for this, for living so primevally when he’s always lived in luxury, but he likes to think of himself as a resourceful man who can think on his feet. Very rarely has anyone ever acknowledged his intelligence, most everyone focused on his privilege or on the talents of his elder brother, but without sounding boastful, he knows that his intelligence is nothing at which to be scoffed.
And his time in the Navy allowed him to think on his feet and live off of scarce resources in a way that wouldn’t have happened had he stayed in the palace.
If he doesn’t die on this bloody island, he’s demanding that every Naval man is taught how to survive like this. He’s sure as hell not marrying someone he doesn’t want to when he’s somehow become stranded. He may have wished to go back to that life in his beginning moments of being left alone here, but this time alone has given him bits of clarity.
For the first time in years, he can hear his own thoughts overpowering those of his family.
There’s a makeshift shelter that must have been made by those people here before him, and instead of being stubborn enough to build his own, he makes use of it, making necessary repairs and improvements with what he can. It’s not the best shelter, but it will keep rain away under the tartan roof and the large jungle leaves that that tangle together above him. Either whoever was here before truly was able to escape or Emma was lying to him and they died. She wasn’t telling the full truth, but she wasn’t blatantly lying.
As the weeks pass on, each day marked into the trunk of a tree next to his camp, he looks for Emma. Most of his time is spent inland, collecting water and food from foul that he finds. The berries are plentiful, but since he’s unsure of which are poisonous, he avoids them. The only real time that he gets to search for her, even unconsciously, is when he’s drying his clothes on rocks near the shore or when he is standing in shallow waters looking for fish to spear. She’s nothing but a ghost, however, and like so many things now, he wonders if she was real at all.
Piecing together the threads of his memory is proving to be more difficult than he thought, and he foolishly keeps hoping that maybe there truly is some kind of magical starfish to wish upon that will take him home.
Forty-two days in, his skin tanned and his hair long, the hair on his jaw hastily and messily shaved with the same spear that he uses to catch fish, he finally sees a flash of red out in the ocean and the ripple effect that comes afterward. She’s moving closer to him at a quick pace, and Killian is both thrilled and terrified all at once, a combination of emotions that he hasn’t felt since the time that he and Liam took their horses and rode them up the steep cliffs of the mountain and nearly tumbled over when they reached the climbable peak.
There’s a splash in the water, and he sees Emma use her arms to climb atop a large rock that he usually dries his trousers on. She’s as beautiful as he remembers, her hair even longer than it was before and her skin more tanned, but the sunlight glints off of her in a beautiful array of colors that can’t be replicated.
“Swan,” he calls out, and she jumps, her knuckles turning white and her eyes widening almost as if she’s afraid.
It’s now that he realizes that he asked for her name, but she didn’t ask for his. Why would she not?
“Hello,” she warily greets, adjusting her hair over her shoulders so that he can now see that she has starfish covering her breasts. He can’t help but chuckle at that, at the impracticality of it, and it honestly must be some kind of magic for he’s sure that the starfish should not be able to live like that. “You haven’t built a boat to escape yet, I see.”
“It’s a bit difficult to build a boat, Swan. I have no tools except for a spear that I found from whoever was here before me. Who was here before me, love?”
“A man.”
He arches a brow. “Can you tell me more than that?”
She flicks her tail against the water, covering his face in salt spray. “No. He was a man, they all are, and while I used to get to know them, I don’t anymore. Everyone leaves, so why should I bother in making conversation?”
His heart breaks for her the slightest bit. As much as he likes to spend time alone, most everyone craves human contact. She should. She’s obviously been stranded on this island for a long time, and if she was cursed, she had a life before this. She likely had family, friends, someone she could have been betrothed to. He’s been here for forty-two days, and all he wants is to talk to someone.
To her.
“I don’t plan on leaving anytime soon, love.” He raises his arm to brush the hair back over his forehead. “And maybe if you trust me, if you at least ask for my name, we can work together to try to get you out of here too. All curses can be broken somehow.”
Her eyes squint to study him, her lips pressing into a straight line, and the stern expression on her face doesn’t change. “What is your name?”
“Killian Jones.”
Purposefully, he leaves out any and all titles that he has. He’s stranded on an island where no one is. He can be whoever he is, his own person outside of his family, and he is simply Killian Jones.
“Okay? That’s your only reaction to that?”
“I’m not your friend, Jones. You can’t help me. You think you can, but you can’t. Why don’t you just leave me alone?”
Killian steps closer to her, his feet sinking into the damp sand the closer he gets to the ocean. “I’d like to talk is all. I tell a damn good story, and I don’t see anything wrong with a little entertainment. No pressure, however, Swan. Any partnership we have is as much up to you as it is to me, but I think we could make quite the team.”
“I’ll consider it,” she huffs as her eyes flicker up and down his body.
Emma swims away then, her tail a flash of red in the water, but two days later she returns when he’s drying his shirt on the rocks. His clothes are beginning to wear thin, and he’s not entirely sure what he’s going to do about that. Or how he’s going to build this ship to go home. He should likely start searching for wood, but for now he takes the time to idly chat with Emma and ask her about what she does during the day since she obviously has to have a way to bide her time. She doesn’t give away much, just the smallest bits of how she has a lagoon that she likes to spend time in and how she enjoys seeing how many times she can circle the perimeter of her boundary in a day. Apparently, she’s improving her speed.
Little by little and day by day, they speak more. Every evening he walks from inland to the shore and finds her waiting on a rock that he comes to think of as her rock. It makes him smile, finding her there, and he also smiles at how much she’s opening up to him. It’s lonely living out here, and he’s only been here for seventy-seven days. Who knows how long Emma has been here?
Maybe in a comforting move for himself but one that is truly for Emma, he asks her about her life before this. She’s from a kingdom in the Southern Isles, Misthaven actually, and while he’s never been, he knows enough about it to be able to ask her questions and follow along with her stories. She knows of Okeanos as well, but obviously not enough to know that he is the Prince, and he likes simply being able to talk about horseback riding and the adventures he and Liam have gotten up to or about his favorite kind of pastries.
Emma is a big fan of pastries, he discovers, and one night, it’s all they talk about, debating the merits of pies and sweet cakes and if cinnamon should be included in a cup of hot cocoa. According to Emma, it should, and he takes her at her word. He’ll have to try it when he gets home.
He needs to figure out a way to get home.
So, during his days, Killian finds wood and vine, scouring the island for resources to both build a stable enough raft to sail home and also have provisions to keep him alive. He has a faint idea how far away he is, how long this trip will take, so he needs to be prepared. He also needs to start figuring out a way to break Emma’s curse. Over the months, he’s grown so fond of her that he thinks he might even fancy her. For the first time in his life, even including Milah, he’s been able to talk to someone without fear of being proper or saying the wrong things. He can share his love of recreational activities, complain about his parents, and tell of his wishes for his life that he’ll never be able to actually live out.
Emma’s heart is so visibly broken, the men who have been here before him obviously being the ones to break it even if she doesn’t say so in clear words, and as much as he wants to get away, he’s not sure how he could ever leave her.
Her laugh is even brighter than the sun, and he doesn’t know how he would survive not being able to hear it.
Making her laugh is what he looks forward to every day, and one-hundred-and-three days in, he starts making camp on the sand by the ocean so that he can spend his nights talking to her too. The way she speaks, so carefree of expectations, is the most refreshing thing he’s ever heard, and he could listen to her sailor’s mouth full of colorful curses for hours.
“You like reading, right?” she asks him tonight, her cheek resting on his chest while she looks up at him. She kept complaining about sand getting in her eyes when she rested on the sand, so he offered his stomach, even if it means that he’s now resting in the damp sand.
“Aye,” he sighs, his fingers toying with the tips of her damp hair, “I am. I’ve read maybe a few hundred novels in my lifetime. I have a – there’s a library that I have access to, and I want to manage to read all of them.”
“How will you ever live if you spend all of your time in a library?”
How will you ever live if you stay on this island forever, Emma?
“Through the stories, of course.”
“Do you think any of those stories can help me with my situation?” Emma whispers, her voice so quiet that it could very well get carried away with the wind.
Killian hums, unsure of how to answer her question. He can only think of one solution, but he’s not entirely sure that it won’t send her diving back into the ocean to never return again. So, he holds that one close to his chest until he knows for sure that it has the possibility of working.
Or, at least, until he’s brave enough to try.
“What situation, darling? The one where you find me so handsome? I don’t think you can change that.”
“You’re an ass.”
“You sure do like talking about that particular part of my anatomy.”
“Well, it does also match your personality.” She smiles up at him, something soft and happy, and Killian’s heart very well may flutter in a way that it hasn’t for years. “But no, my situation,” she insists, splashing her tail in the water for emphasis. “Do you have any ideas?”
“No, darling,” he lies, partially at least, “I don’t have any ideas that I know will solve your little issue, but I promise I’ll keep thinking.”
Time passes slowly and yet quickly all at once, and Killian spends his nights with Emma, the two of them wrapped up in each other as much as they can be. She’s been here for four years, apparently, and once a year, a new man shows up and then eventually abandons her after promising not to. It explains so much about her behavior at first, about the way that she treated him, and as Killian teaches Emma about the constellations in the sky that allow him to know that he is not too far from home, he promises himself once and for all that he cannot leave her here.
He loves her.
There’s no rhyme or reason to it, no way for him to explain it, but according to all of the stories he heard as a child, this is the way that it’s actually supposed to be. It’s not supposed to be fiery arguments and even more fiery love-making sessions to make up for it. That’s entertaining and enthralling all at once, and while he’s sure it happens in every courtship, that’s not how it should be all the time.
Love should be the ability to sit quietly in each other’s company without living in search for words to fill the air between two people – or a person and a cursed mermaid in their case. It should be trusting someone else with the depths of your heart or allowing them to make you laugh. It should be exactly what he and Emma have as warm breaths of air puff onto his chest from where she’s fallen asleep on him after talking to her about the Cygnet constellation in the sky that reminds him of her.
As the sun rises in the sky the next morning, Killian groggily helps Emma back into the water. While she’s never said how much she needs to be in the water, he knows that she can’t stay out of it for too long. Last night was far too long. So, with her arms draped over his shoulders and her tail held in his hands, he walks the two of them into the ocean, not caring about the way the water weighs his clothes down, until they’re mostly submerged.
Emma blinks up at him, sleep still in those beautiful emerald eyes, and she’s got this drowsy little smile on her face that he wants to lean forward and taste. He doesn’t get a chance, though, because with the orange coating of the sky behind them and the cool ocean water around them, Emma presses forward and slides her lips over his.
Bloody hell.
His lips are dry, hers too, but there’s something soft and glorious about the kiss anyways. It’s slow the way she moves her mouth, almost hesitant, and he gently guides her by tilting her head with his hand and by taking control of the kiss to deepen it. A current runs between them, the flames of fire stroking his spine and his desire, and if he were drowning in the water, he wouldn’t care.
All he cares about is drowning in Emma.
Suddenly, though, Emma pulls back, her eyes widened, and his stomach drops at the thought of her regretting the kiss. But then there’s a swirl in the water, one that resembles the swirl of the ocean that took him to this island, but instead of darkness, everything is as golden as Emma’s hair.
“Emma, what’s happening?” he gasps out, clutching onto her a little tighter.
“I don’t – I don’t know.”
He sees a flash of green, and then everything goes black.
When Killian wakes, his head is pounding, his heart beating too quickly, but he doesn’t care about any of that. His first thought is Emma and where she is, so he opens his eyes despite how awful the blinding light is and goes out in search for her.
Luckily, she’s right by his side.
And she has legs.
Holy shit does she have legs, but that is something for him to focus on at a later time.
“Hi,” Emma croaks out, and he helps her stand, her legs nearly giving out on her. She’s wearing no clothes, not even her starfish, so he quickly takes off his shirt and hands it to her, the frayed edges landing just at the tops of her thighs. For the first time, he sees her blush, as if she could be embarrassed, and he finds that he’s fond of that too.
He’s fond of everything about her.
“Hi,” he chuckles, leaning forward and cupping her cheeks so that he can kiss her again, just to reaffirm that the last kiss was real and because he loves her. “Do you have any idea where we are?”
Emma glances around, her eyes taking everything in, and the most beautiful smiles stretches from the left side of her mouth the other, her eyes crinkling with it. “Misthaven.”
“Misthaven?” he gasps, shaking his head in confusion. “You know what? It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter except that you’re home. Emma, you can go home to your family.”
“What about you?”
“Well, I’m obviously coming with you.”
“Are you?” Emma laughs, her eyes focused on him.
“Of course,” Killian chuckles, pulling her closer and wrapping himself in her embrace while Emma buries her head in his neck. “My love, I don’t have much experience with magic, but what we shared on that island, what allowed you to leave and return to your home, that was True Love’s kiss. I love you, Swan, and while I’ve got no real clue what’s ahead of us, I will always, always be by your side.”
(This may very well be the craziest day of his life.)
“I love you, Killian,” she whispers into his neck, and he feels the words over every inch of his flesh. “Thank you for not leaving me.”
Emma pulls back, smiling at him again, before taking his hand and tugging him forward on the beach. She obviously knows where she’s going, and he trusts her to follow her footsteps.
“Killian?” Emma questions.
“Yeah, Swan?”
“I’m going to take you to my family’s home, but I need you to know something first.” “And what’s that?”
There’s a sharp intake of breath. “I’m the Princess of Misthaven.”
Killian barks out a laugh, disbelief running through him, and he can do nothing but bring her knuckles to his lips to kiss. “Funny thing, my love, I’m the Prince of Okeanos.”
“Well, it looks like we have quite the adventure ahead of us then.”
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diredigression · 4 years
A flower for Sole wink emoji 🌼
🌼 Write a short drabble from your OCs POV meeting their LI (or if they don’t have a love interest, their best friend. If you don’t want to do a drabble, describe their first meeting instead!)
Tried not to stray too far from the intent of the prompt here ;)
The players and umpires all knew each other. Corporate-sponsored softball was a business, after all; the girls wearing the Red Rockettes logos brought in revenue to the business, and the umps were a crucial part of the game. Officially, they were shown off together at corporate events to eat and schmooze; unofficially, well, who could’ve guessed that whole teams would turn out to Ladies’ Nights at the nearby bar after games?
So yes, many of the umps were acquaintances, or even friends. And while many were older men, some were closer to her age, young enough to not yet be caught in the war effort, peers with an interest in an active hobby. Close enough to chat up over a beer about work or politics or the cute girl he’s eyeing further down the bar. Close enough to greet her with a mostly hidden grin behind his faceguard and a muffled “hey, slugger” when she stepped up to the plate. Yes, she had friends, if only the kind she laughed with at work or schmoozed with at corporate events.
But her friends moved on while she stayed put. Most of the girls on the team got married, and most of those left the team and their job in the Red Rocket office. The older umps got older, and the younger ones married as well, and they finally got caught in the war effort. Younger girls and umps took their places, a revolving door of friends. And she stayed.
So she was surprised when one returned. A little grayed, a little lined. Hard to place when she saw him in the stands with a baby in his arms instead of behind a faceguard or holding a beer. But he said, “hey slugger,” and it wasn’t muffled, but she remembered.
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Week of Toku Ladies Day 4: Free Day
Yesterday, I wrote I really wanted to be humorously aggressive with the post, but I didn’t think think the format fit the subject matter. Well...today I’m going to take my sophisticated gloves off and be really outspoken and straightforwards, just like today’s subject:
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Sumiko goddamn Ozawa. In this scene, she hammers down seven pints without even so much as blushing.
Did this cap get your attention? Good. She’s canon bisexual and you can’t take that away from me. Let’s begin.
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Ozawa is the inventor of the G3 System, which, in Agito, is the first Rider we see. She’s the leader of the G3 unit, and a genius level intellect. She attended MIT at the age of 12 and graduated at 15. She’s 24 during the events of the show.
I’m gonna run through some of her lines from the first handful of episodes of the show, because, good god, she’s really the best.
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She takes great pride in her work, and since she made the G3 System that gives her full reign to lovingly caress G3′s tiddies.
I should also note that, yes, Ozawa is extremely short which means she’s super powerful. Her actress, Toko Fujita is just 5′2. Amazing. 
Ozawa is an outspoken individual, and is never afraid to say that something is bullshit (which, in Agito, is usually coming out of Houjou, who’s salty he didn’t make it into the G3 unit).
Check out how she responds to Hikawa (the fella in the G3 suit above) having his first encounter with the Lords.
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Hikawa: Holy shit my life is in danger Ozawa: YESSSS FINALLY
She exudes a LOT of chaotic energy.
By the way- for an Inoue written show, she has what could be seen as a divine blessing- being level-headed. Seriously. God bless Ozawa.
When Hikawa comes back head over heels for Agito (that’s one of his main character traits, by the by, he’s very gay for Agito), she just flat out says:
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Amazing. Of course, Ogoro (the other G3 unit member) tries to take her to task later, and, well-
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(Huh. Didn’t realize there was a subs goof there.)
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So, this guy, Hojou, is a nasty boy. He’s got a big ego and he’s super butthurt Ozawa didn’t pick him to be G3. He spends a good chunk of the show giving lip service to the higher-ups at Tokyo Metropolitan about how much of a waste of money G3 is and how they need someone more responsible on the team, yadda yadda, wounded pride.
Well, eventually he gets his way, and shows up to inform Ozawa about this.
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She’s not pleased, to say the least. I should note this is one of the few times these scrubs use swears, and I honestly approve. It really gets across how fed up she is in this scene.
She begins to storm her way towards the big bosses to get this sorted out immediately, because fuck no she’s not working with this slimy bastard.
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She immediately goes on to break the fourth wall. But...hey, she’s got priorities.
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Seriously, homegirl straight-up stares into the camera when she asks. I’m sure there’s at least one mom out there who agreed with her. Frankly, I agree too- Hikawa a handsome boy, and Hojou’s really gross.
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Hojou tries to schmooze her over, but, well, his tendencies out in the field don’t exactly agree with her.
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Look at that face. I can feel the disgust radiating off of her. For the record: she doesn’t have romantic interest in Hikawa. She just legit thinks that G3′s operator being cute is important.
Besides, Hikawa’s too gay for Shouichi anyways :V
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Pretty shortly Hojou really screws the pooch. Yes, you’re seeing this right. This dumbass abandoned the armor because he got scared.
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Hojou tries to pin it on her (he’s off-screen in these three shots), and she rightly calls him out on it.
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Anyways, that’s just a small selection of being amazing. If she’s interested you, please watch Kamen Rider Agito. She’s among one of the many awesome characters in the show- Shouichi and Hikawa are two of my favorites in all of Rider, and they work with this amazing Toku Lady all throughout the show.
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asian-down-under · 5 years
Fork or Chopsticks?
When eating in an Asian restaurant, I'm always plagued with the same question and everlasting internal battle – should I just use the chopsticks or ask for a fork? Naturally, everyone assumes I'm more comfortable using the chopsticks since I am half Chinese and half Filipino. However, once I open my mouth and a fluent Aussie accent comes pouring out, one would definitely question my natural instincts. Being brought up by an Asian family in a Western, albeit proudly multicultural society like Australia has been in a word: challenging. The differences between the cultures are so prominent, they punch me in the face almost every day. Instead of comparing apples with oranges, I'm comparing dumplings with VB. Others in similar situations would attest that the struggles usually come from their persistent parent/s. In my case, it's my dad, my mum and her parents (my Kung Kung and Popo) who regularly make me feel like I'm disappointing them for not upholding the Chinese ways, traditions, superstitions and philosophies. My mum is still somewhat mortified when ordering food in a Chinese restaurant, all I want are the “gweilo” (a.k.a. ghost man – meaning white people) dishes like special fried rice, and sweet and sour pork. I have been living in Australia since I was 3 years old so my palate definitely prefers dishes like that over chicken feet, animal organs like livers, tongues, and any others not for the feint of heart (or stomach).
Growing up in Australia and being raised by the Asian ways made things like sleep overs and staying out past midnight nearly impossible. My dad was always too afraid to let me sleep over at my friends’ houses in fear that their parents would, in his words, “rape” me. His paranoia and overprotective parenting style definitely backfired on him during my teenage years. The teenage rebellion ruined our relationship for the good part of a decade. Nevertheless, in my earlier years, I had to do the quintessentially Asian after-school activities like tutoring and piano lessons. My mum would always and still usually speaks to me in Cantonese and my replies are in English. My dad, who let's be clear, doesn't speak Cantonese as he is Filipino and only speaks Tagalog or English, would yell at me when I was a kid for not using my native tongue (even though he couldn't understand most of the conversations which occurred between my mum, my sister and me). You would think that a brother would want to be in the know but apparently, he was quite happy just sitting there pretending that he understood.
I can't speak for Western families but I'm of the opinion that Asian parents tend to be the most strict. When it comes to children's behaviour, my dad's ultimate requirement and demand is respect. Thou shalt show thy father respect at all times, even when he's wrong (especially when he's wrong) or suffer the wrath of the ego bruised Filipino man. Trust me, it isn't pretty. It's like arguing with an infuriated, irrational and deaf gorilla. When living with my dad as a kid, next to respect, he also valued saving 'face'. We were required to answer the phone like we were running a hotel, “Good morning, thanks for calling. This is Cat speaking”. He also made us fold the toilet paper into a point like Housekeeping just on the off chance a guest (one of his mates that he was trying to schmooze) came to the house and needed to use the loo.
At school, most of my friends were Australians. I only had a few Asian mates but I still found I had more in common with my Aussie friends. I wasn't focused on my studies. I just wanted to chat, gossip and party. Being one of the only Asians in my close circle of friends was interesting to say the least. I remember on my learner's driving licence, under skin colour my mum told me to write 'yellow'. What am I, Lisa Simpson? Still to this day I find it baffling that Chinese people can be so intelligent yet so clueless in as many ways. The literal translation for my family's nickname for me was ‘fat pig bread’. Chinese people won't blink an eye if one of their friends told them they are fat or look like they've gained weight. You do that to an Australian and you may be sporting dark eye shadow on one eye by the end of the conversation.
And don't get me started on the bad driving! My husband and I have an ongoing joke that nine times out of ten a bad driver that we see on the road will usually be Asian. It's like our genes were too focused on ensuring that we all master the abilities of studying and reading that they ran out of juice in the coordination department. Perhaps we shouldn't handle heavy machinery because if I had a dollar for every time I witnessed an Asian lady reversing out of a parking space at a pace slower than the ice caps melting, I'd be able to purchase the Richmond AFL team twice over.
I've also noticed that many Asians are clean freaks and I am a self professed clean freak myself. Germs, dust and outside dirt are not our friends. Many Chinese families in Hong Kong will not only ask you to remove your shoes before entering their houses but also provide you with their own guest slippers so that your bare feet or potentially dirty socks don't soil their clean homes. I'm guilty of owning a few pairs of boot covers but I have yet to find the courage to ask a tradie to use them as the thought of the sheer embarrassment of requesting that they slip on my blue, swan print bootie protectors has overridden my fear of their shoe dirt thus far. My husband has had the toughest time having to compromise or succumb to my non-negotiable cleaning standards. The poor man worked as a gardener for some years and I'd make him undress outside to prevent getting grass and dirt inside the house. If any neighbours looked over at that time, they probably would have been mentally scarred from the sight of his white, hairy legs. Upon reflection, my OCD cleanliness could just be my individual personality trait instead of an Asian thing but I definitely have the nagging Asian wife bit down pat. My mum has taught me well for sure. It's known to some that the language of Cantonese naturally sounds more 'naggy' than Mandarin due to the elongated sounds we make after a statement. Nevertheless, all the nagging does come from a good place. Chinese people can be quite negative and adopt the ‘glass is half empty’ attitude but it all still does come from a good place.
Nonetheless, I've had my little rant but I welcome others who are in the same boat to share their crazy Asian family stories so we can have a laugh together or share if you would just like to have a vent.
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grimtwin · 5 years
How do you think an Interaction between the Straw Hat Pirates and the FF7 Party Group would go if they met? I absolutely love these series.
I love both of these series as well. But this is a difficult question since both groups are pretty dynamic in their own rights and their series don’t have too much in common...but how bout this:
Sanji’s going to swoon over Tifa and Yuffie like there’s no tomorrow. Especially Tifa. She’s got the figure that man is in love with most so he’d drop to his knees and worship her. Probably much to her and Cloud’s chagrin. At least Sanji and Tifa have somewhat similar fighting style, so perhaps they’ll trade kicking-based techniques. As for Yuffie, she’d just schmooze up to Sanji, do a little flirting, which will work very well, then rob him of his goods lol.
Franky would probably have the most fun meeting the FF7 crew. I imagine he’d been very enthralled with Barret’s gun arm, and could either learn some tips or enhance Barret’s weaponry like crazy. Likewise with Cait Sith. There’s a lot of potential to upgrade Cait Sith’s moogle body to be able to do something other than just punch with fuzzy arms. 
Chopper would probably be pretty excited to meet Red XIII, and perhaps vice-versa. Talking animal-like creatures are a dime a dozen in the One Piece world, but not so much for Red XIII that we know, so meeting Chopper could be fun. I imagine Chopper would love to try and ride on Red XIII’s back. Robin though, I feel like she’d absolutely adore Cait Sith and Red XIII’s weird appearances, like she did that ugly dragon drawing, so she’d probably hang around them.
More on Robin...she and Vincent have more distant, darker themes to them. Robin moreso in her humor and hypothetical thoughts, but maybe the two could get along? I don’t know what they’d talk about though. Vincent seems more learned from his past with his Turks, so maybe there’s some kind of information trade to be made. Aerith could probably do pretty well with Robin as well if she’s still around at that point. Both ladies look pretty well educated.
A dangerous combo, Nami and Yuffie, would definitely plot out something nefarious and sneaky. The thieves of the bunch, members of the other teams would probably have things go missing, like money and some rare or powerful items. Add Tifa, Robin, and Aerith, and I feel like the ladies of both groups would get along pretty well. Can’t be easy traveling with so many men and be fighting all the time. 
Cloud and Zoro are the most difficult to place. They’re probably not going to be the most talkative to many of the other crews, but maybe they could bond over swordsmanship. I’m sure Zoro would be interested in Cloud’s massive Buster Sword, and maybe Cloud could take interest in Zoro’s fighting style and katana.
Usopp, Franky, and Cid would also get into some engineering for sure, especially if Cid saw any of the Thousand Sunny and Franky’s creations. Probably get some major tips on how to upgrade the Highwind or the Shera.
Vincent and Usopp are the sharpshooters of the bunch. They might be able to work in a shooting competition.
Tifa’s a pretty experienced bar tender, and with Sanji’s cooking, the two of them could put together one hell of a party. Maybe Tifa would even be able to make up some drinks that’d get even Zoro and Nami drunk. 
Brook is going to immediately ask to see Tifa, Aerith, or Yuffie’s panties. He might either get decked, laughed at, or be given a peek for some of his money...or a shuriken in the face. And given his immense trauma from Zou, I think Brook might try to avoid Red XIII at first, fearing that he might be chewed on. But both are pretty old, Red is like 45 compared to humans, so they might have some wordly experiences to share. 
Luffy...that dude’s just going to have a grand ol’ time, no matter what. He might want to try and fight, and I think he’d have a pretty good tussle with Cloud or Tifa. He’d be amazed with Cait Sith, seeing it as a weird robot which he adores so much, and be blown away with any type of materia, especially summons.
There’s probably a lot more than can be said. Once I started typing, it was pretty easy to imagine how they’d get along. 
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impalasutra · 7 years
Male Nurses are Sexy
Title: Male Nurses are Sexy Author: @impalasutra (aka @revwinchester)
Summary: Dr. Sam Winchester is the Chief of Pediatrics where his partner, Gabriel Novak, is a nurse.  After a rough day at work, Sam decides to push his anniversary plans into action a few weeks early in order to cheer his partner up.
Pairing: Sabriel - Sam Winchester x Gabriel Other Characters: Dr. Luke Ifer (hahahaha, get it?), Nurse Marie (minor OFC), Dr. Shurley, various hospital patient OCs
Challenge(s): @gabriel-monthly-challenge statement prompt “Listen, it’s my duty as your friend to tell you… I’ll kick you in the kneecap if you decide to go through with this” @thing-you-do-with-that-thing Hiatus Writing Challenge prompt “Don’t listen to them.  Don’t you EVER listen to them.” @spnkinkbingo Square: Medical Kink
Word Count: 3956
Rating: Explicit Warnings: cursing, homophobia, sexism, cross dressing, bondage, medical kink (including mock/poor medical practices), prostate massage, rimming, anal sex (m/m, unprotected),
A/N: This is for 3 challenges (see above) and was a lot of fun to write.  I know NOTHING about medicine but I did some research before/while writing but I apologize for anything that’s outstandingly wrong (except for the places where I indicated that Sam isn’t trying to be right.  I don’t apologize for that part).  Anyhow, enjoy!
Male Nurses are Sexy - 
“I really think it’s the best - and only - option for your patient and if you won’t treat him, I’m going to,” Sam proclaimed, frustrated with the conversation he was having with his colleague.  It was the third time the other doctor had come to him with the same patient and the third time that Sam had given him the exact same answer.  
“Listen, it’s my duty as your friend to tell you… I’ll kick you in the kneecap if you decide to go through with this, Dr. Winchester.” Dr. Ifer told Sam.  “It’s experimental treatment at best and when it fails, it’ll ruin your career.”
Sam huffed.  ‘Friend’ was definitely stretching it, Dr. Ifer had been a thorn in Sam’s side for years - ever since they were at Stanford Medicine together - and he had always been jealous of Sam.  “It’s only experimental treatment in the U.S.  They’re having massive success with it in Europe,” Sam reminded his colleague, “and it’s really Karl’s only option at this point.”  Besides, Sam knew that the hospital trusted his judgement.  One of the reasons he had gotten the promotion to Chief of Pediatrics was his willingness to take on higher risk patients.  Patients that Dr. Ifer wouldn’t even look at twice for fear of ruining his “perfect record.”  To this day, Sam couldn’t figure out why the man had thought pediatrics would be a good fit.  
Laughter rang out from down the hall, drawing Sam from his thoughts and both doctors  turned toward the nurses’ station where a few of the ward’s nurses were gathered.
“Look at Mr. Nurse over there, schmoozing it up with the other ladies,” Dr. Ifer sneered, emphasizing the words “other ladies,”  “What a fa-”
“Just because a man is a nurse, doesn’t automatically make him gay,” Sam cut him off before he could finish his sentence and use a derogatory term.  He already had enough paperwork on his desk, he didn’t need to be writing up his colleague again, especially when it seemed like the powers that be didn’t give a damn about the harassment that Gabriel often endured, anyway.
Dr. Ifer rolled his eyes at Sam.  “You’re right, you’re always right, Sammy.  It just means he couldn’t hack med school.”
Dr. Ifer began to leave but Sam grabbed his shoulder and halted the shorter man in his tracks.  “We graduated together, Luke, and I know for a fact that you barely ‘hacked’ med school,” Sam seethed.  He stopped and took a breath, focusing his anger on something else.  “And it’s Dr. Winchester or, at least, Sam.”  All Sam wanted to do was tell Luke to go fuck himself and to never speak about Gabe again but he settled for what he could get.
It was true that being a male nurse didn’t automatically mean someone was gay but Gabriel was.  And Sam considered himself a lucky man to have Gabe waiting at home for him after a long shift.  The Chief of Medicine and the hospital board knew about their relationship but that was it.  Gabriel preferred to keep it quiet, he didn’t want anyone thinking that he got special treatment because of their relationship.  Sam had decided long ago that if secrecy at work was what Gabriel wanted, he would give it to him, even if it hurt sometimes.
Luke shrugged out of Sam’s grasp and stared daggers at the man, his boss really, before sauntering over to the nurses’ station.  Sam couldn’t hear what he was saying but he could see the reaction his words garnered.  The once jovial nurses closed down, returning to whatever tasks they could in order to discourage his presence.  
Sam watched as Luke turned to Gabriel and said something that made the man’s face turn hard.  The eyes of the nurse standing beside Gabe almost bugged out of her head in disbelief at the doctor’s words.  Sam’s blood was boiling as he began to march over but Gabriel’s eyes flicked towards him and the nurse quickly shook his head.  
Sam took a few calming breaths and waited for Dr. Ifer to leave before he finally made his way over to the nurses’ station.  The mood was still tense but the faces were much more friendly at his approach than they had been at Luke’s.
“Dr. Winchester, to what do we owe the pleasure?” Gabriel asked.
Sam huffed a laugh through his nose.  “Just checking in with my favorite nurses,” Sam replied, shooting a smile towards a woman who was organizing some files.  “And how many times do I have to tell you, Gabriel? Sam is fine, especially when there aren’t any patients around.”
Gabriel just shrugged.  “Guess I’m just old fashioned like that, Doc!”  He was the only nurse who refused to use Sam’s first name.  The doctor knew it was because he was worried about slipping up and getting too familiar at work but he still liked to give the man a hard time about it.  
Sam rolled his eyes, “Well, nurse,” he said, emphasizing the title, “I’m going to need…”
It was their usual style of banter at work but Gabriel’s face hardened again and his eyes were cold.  “Marie, can you help Dr. Winchester with whatever it is he needs?”
Before his colleague could reply, Gabriel turned on his heel and strode away into a patient’s room.  
Sam stood there dumbfounded for a moment before turning to Marie.  “What did I do?”
Marie moved around to the other side to the desk, giving Sam a sympathetic look.  “He’s had a rough day.  We’ve got a new patient and she’s a sweetheart but her dad is a sexist asshole,” Marie explained.  “He’s been giving Gabe crap about being ‘just a nurse’ every time he needs to go into the room.  But Shannon, the patient, has taken a liking to him so he sucks it up and puts on a smile for her.”  The nurse paused to breathe and Sam’s heart clenched at her words.  “I think that, combined with Dr. Ifer’s comments… It just set him off when you called him ‘nurse,’ I think.”
Sam groaned and swiped a hand down his face.  “Shit,” he mumbled, “OK, thanks.  I’ll talk to Shannon’s dad and have another sit down with Dr. Ifer.”  Sam had known that Shannon had been admitted to the ward but this was the first time he was hearing that her dad was a problem parent.  Hopefully, he’d be able to assure the man that all of the nurses on the pediatrics team were highly qualified, subtly letting the man know that he was aware of the things he was saying and that he wouldn’t let one of his staff be treated like that.  “And I’ll find Gabe and apologize,” he added.
Sam went to leave but Marie stopped him for a moment.  “For what it’s worth, I think he’s more upset with the whole thing.  He’s not mad at you specifically.  If I had to guess, I’d say you’re his favorite doctor to work with by far.”
Sam smiled.  “Thanks Marie,” he replied, “I’m sure you’re right.”  He walked down the hall and caught Gabriel as he was exiting the room he had disappeared into a few minutes earlier.  His face was even more tense and Sam realized that it must have been Shannon’s room.  He took a quick look over his shoulder to make sure no one was watching and pulled Gabe into a supply closet.  He crowded his lover against the door and kissed him fiercely.  “Marie told me about Shannon’s dad and about Dr. Ifer trying to start shit,” Sam said, his voice breathless after the kiss.  He looked into Gabriel’s eyes, holding his gaze.  “Don’t listen to them.  Don’t you EVER listen to them.”  Sam pressed his lips into Gabriel’s again, peppering the man with kisses until he was trying to squirm away.
“Sam, stop,” Gabriel mumbled into the quiet room.  “Scrubs don’t hide anything and I can’t go back out there with a hard-on.”
Sam smirked against Gabe’s skin but he did listen and pull away.  He pulled Gabriel into a tight embrace.  “I love you and I’m sorry that I hurt you back there,” he said, murmuring the words into the shorter man’s hair.
Gabriel squeezed him tighter in response.  “It’s OK.  You didn’t know.”  He got on his tiptoes and placed a chaste kiss on Sam’s lips.  “I love you, too.  Now, pass me something from the top shelf so it doesn’t look weird when we walk out of here together.”  Gabriel’s smirk told Sam that while, usually this kind of interaction would be discouraged at work, he was ok with it today, had needed it even.  
Sam reached up over his head and grabbed a stack of towels from the top shelf, passing them down to Gabriel before the two of them left the room.  No one seemed to notice the two of them coming out of the closet but Gabe still made a show of restocking the towels at the nurses’ station, even though they already had plenty.
Sam stopped in Shannon’s room and carefully but firmly laid down the law with her dad, hoping that one conversation would be all it would take to get things on the right path between the family and the nursing staff.  He had a few patients left to see but nothing that was urgent so, instead, he went to the Chief of Medicine’s office and he told Dr. Shurley that there was an emergency at home.
“You had mentioned wanting to be on the floor of the pediatrics unit, sir, to see how things run down there,” Sam explained, “so I was hoping you might cover for me so that I can take care of things at home.”  If Dr. Shurley said yes, Sam was hoping this would kill two birds with one stone.  “Dr. Ifer is on the floor now and would be happy to walk you around.”  Maybe if he saw Luke in action, the Chief of Medicine would do something about him.
To Sam’s surprise, Dr. Shurley agreed and Sam made a beeline for the parking lot.  A few weeks ago he had made a plan and a couple of purchases for his and Gabriel’s upcoming anniversary but Sam had decided to put the plan into action a little bit early in order to cheer Gabriel up.
By the time Gabriel got home, Sam had everything in place and he darted up the stairs to get changed while the smell of his favorite take out lured Gabe into the kitchen.  Sam had put the food onto a plate, poured a glass of wine, and lit a candle for his lover.  Next to the glass was an envelope that said “eat first, then open me.”  Sam had even drawn a heart on it.
Once he had changed, Sam crept downstairs barefoot and stood behind Gabriel in the doorway to the kitchen.  He silently put his shoes on the ground and stepped into them, grateful that he had decided to break them in and practice walking in them whenever he had been in the house alone over the past weeks.  Sam leaned on the doorframe and watched with a smile as Gabriel finished his meal and polished off the glass of wine, finally reaching for the envelope.  His smile only grew as Gabriel laughed at what he had written inside.
“What you do is so important and you are an amazing nurse.  Besides, I think male nurses are sexy as fuck.  Let me prove it to you tonight. - S”
Sam watched as Gabriel read and then sat back in his seat, his posture relaxed and happy, a total 180 from the way he had been holding himself in the hospital.  Sam posed himself in the doorway as sexy as he could manage considering his shoes and attire and then he spoke.  “So, what do you think? Let me take care of you tonight?”
Gabriel jumped a little at the sound of Sam’s voice but regained his composure and turned around quickly, his jaw dropping as he took in his partner.  
Sam was wearing a “sexy nurse” costume or, more accurately, a woman’s sexy nurse costume.  The dress stretched across his chest, showing off the tattoo he had above his heart, and the flared skirt barely covered his ass.  He was wearing red thigh high fishnet stockings that perfectly matched the red trim on the dress.  He spun in a circle, showcasing the big red bow on the back of the dress.  The costume was made complete by a red and white cap and apron and a pair of white patent leather platform heels that added another six inches to Sam’s already impressive height.
Gabriel looked Sam up and down and when he was finally able to pick his jaw up from the ground, he let out a long whistle.  “Hello nurse!”
Sam could feel himself blushing under Gabriel’s scrutiny.  “So, you like it then?” he asked, trying to mask his self consciousness.  
Gabriel was on to him, though, and crossed to where Sam stood.  He could barely reach to kiss the man o a regular day but now, in his heels, he stood more than a foot taller than Gabriel, literally towering over his lover.  Gabe put his hands on Sam’s hips and looked up into his face before pressing a kiss over his heart.  “I love it Sam,” he assured the man.  “Now,” he added taking a step back and wagging his eyebrows, “I believe you said something about taking care of me, nurse?”
Sam beamed down at Gabriel and took him by the hand, confidently leading him through the house.  With each step in the heels, his hips swayed and the crinoline in the skirt brushed against his ass.  Sam had never worn something or done anything quite like this before but if his erection and Gabriel’s reactions so far were any indication, this wouldn’t be the last time.  “The exam room is ready for you, Mr. Novak,” Sam told Gabriel as he led him into their guest room.  He had shifted the furniture around a little earlier in the day in order to suit his purposes.  The desk was now in the center of the room and covered with the white paper you’d find covering the exam table in nearly every doctor’s office.  Sam had even managed to make the bed look clinical, doing away with the comforter and changing the sheets to a starched white set reminiscent of what would be found in the hospital, if hospital beds were queen sized, four poster beds.
Sam led Gabriel to the center of the room and then sashayed across to the wardrobe.  He pulled out a hospital gown and brought it to his partner.  “You’ll need to change into this,” he explained before moving to take a seat on the edge of the bed, his eyes intently trained on Gabriel.
Gabriel put on a little bit of a show for Sam as he shimmied out of his scrubs, choosing to turn his back to his lover and bend at the waist as he removed his pants and then slowly stood up.  Once he was naked he took his time shaking out the hospital gown that Sam had given him before he slid his arms into it.  “I think I’m going to need some help getting it fastened,” he said, looking over his shoulder at Sam who had begun to stroke his cock while watching Gabriel undress.
Sam’s pupils were blown wide with lust but he kept it together and stood, leading Gabriel towards the desk in the center of the room and gently pushing his back so that he bent at the waist, his chest pressing into the paper that covered the wooden surface.  “I don’t think that will be necessary, actually,” Sam replied as he positioned Gabriel’s arms up above his head.  “I hope you don’t mind the restraints, it’s a new office policy after a few unruly patients,” he explained, wrapping leather cuffs around Gabriel’s wrists and attaching them to a small eyebolt he had installed on the desk.  “Your chart says you need a thorough prostate examination and I need unrestricted access in order to do that to you- I mean, for you.”
Sam crossed around behind Gabriel, his heels clicking against the hardwood floor as he collected a few items he was planning on using throughout the evening.  When he returned, he ran a hand down Gabriel’s back.  “Now, if you would just relax and spread your legs, Mr. Novak, I can begin.”
Gabriel spread his legs and Sam ran his hands over his partner’s ass.  “You’re ready to begin, Mr. Novak?”
“Fuck yes, Nurse Winchester,” Gabe replied and Sam clicked open the bottle of lube.
Sam slicked up his fingers and slowly pushed one into Gabriel’s ass.  He quickly found his lover’s prostate and began slowly rubbing his finger against it.
Gabriel, who was already turned on from Sam’s outfit and his unexpected strip tease, responded immediately with a low groan.  He began canting his hips, desperate for friction along his cock, but the crinkly medical paper only moved with him and provided him with no relief.  “More, please nurse,” he plead in frustration.
Sam slung his free arm over Gabriel’s lower back, holding his hips in place.  “Mr Novak, I’m going to need you to stay still,” he told the man as he worked a second finger into his ass, “otherwise, I can’t get an accurate result from your examination.”
As Sam’s fingers resumed their slow, torturous work, Gabriel let out a sound that could only be described as a whimper.  He caught his breath and managed to grind out a single word.  “Bullshit.”  Sam had been stretching the truth or just plain making up medical facts throughout the examination and Gabriel had decided he wanted to play a more active role.
Sam playfully gasped at Gabriel’s outburst.  “Mr. Novak!  You shouldn’t use language like that in the exam room!” he admonished as he reached for the bottle of lube, planning on adding more of the slick, cherry flavored liquid to his fingers.
Before he could open the bottle, though, Gabriel spoke again.  “I looked it up on WebMD before I came in and they disagree with everything you’re saying.”  Gabriel’s voice was smug and Sam decided to play along.
He quickly pulled his fingers out of Gabriel’s hole, causing the man to cry out at the complete loss of contact.  “Talking about that filthy website is prohibited, Mr. Novak!” Sam informed Gabe.  “If you insist on using such vulgar language, I’m going to have to punish you.”  His hand landed on Gabriel’s ass with a loud smack and his patient groaned in pleasure.  Sam spanked Gabe hard enough that his ass turned pink under his hand but not so hard that it wouldn’t be a pleasurable spanking and by the time Sam was done, Gabriel was moaning with and rocking his hips back into every slap.
“Now, I think I need to perform a closer examination,” Sam informed his patient.  He carefully got to his knees and used his hands to spread Gabriel’s ass cheeks.  Sam gently licked over Gabriel’s hole before pulling back to watch the muscle contract at the loss of sensation.  Gabriel whimpered for the second time that night as Sam blew a stream of cool air over where he had just licked and Sam watched his muscles clench and contract again.  “Your reflexes look good, Mr. Novak.  Just a few more tests to run.”  With those words, Sam dove back in, running his tongue over and around Gabriel’s hole before pointing his tongue and pushing it past the ring of muscle he had loosened with his fingers.
Gabriel was writhing and moaning on the desk as Sam continued his onslaught, the only intelligible words falling from his mouth being “nurse,” “Sammy,” and the occasional expletive.  His hips bucked hard when Sam added a couple of fingers to the mix and, soon enough, Gabriel was on the edge of an orgasm.
Sam pulled his mouth away but kept three of his fingers deep in Gabriel’s ass, slowly massaging his partner’s prostate.  “I’m so sorry, Mr. Novak,” he apologized.  “I’ve gotten you all aroused, how unprofessional of me.”  Sam slowed his fingers even more, barely teasing the sensitive gland.
“Don’t stop now, please,” Gabriel panted as Sam pulled his fingers away, “don’t stop.  I’m so close…” He tugged on the cuffs at his wrists and Sam realized a second too late that he hadn’t buckled them properly and his patient wasn’t as secure as he had thought.  
Gabriel caught Sam off balance, the heels slowing his progress as he returned to his feet, and spun him around, wrapping the cuffs around Sam’s wrists and securely fastening them behind his back.  As Sam tried to regain his footing in his heels, Gabriel pushed him onto his back on the bed.  He flipped up Sam’s skirt and was pleased to find that his nurse had been getting just as excited during the examination as he had.  He knew Sam would get uncomfortable quickly with his arms pinned behind his back and under his body as they were, so he didn’t want to waste any time.
Gabriel straddled Sam’s erection and sunk down, his well stretched hole taking his lover’s cock with ease.  Once he was fully seated, Gabriel shifted his hips and Sam groaned, throwing his head back into the pillows.  “I should tease you like you were teasing me,” Gabe threatened, “but you make a very naughty nurse, Sammy, and I’m about to burst.”
With that, Gabriel dropped his hands to the bed on either side of Sam’s head for leverage and lifted himself up before dropping back onto Sam’s cock, eliciting a long, low moan from the man beneath him.  Gabriel crashed their lips together as he fucked himself on Sam;s erection.  
Sam’s hips bucked up, meeting Gabriel thrust for thrust and when Gabe was sure his partner was close, he adjusted his position so that Sam’s cock brushed against his prostate with every move either of them made.  Gabriel brought one hand down to his erection and began stroking himself, pushing himself over into his orgasm.  His cum splattered across Sam’s stomach and chest as his muscles contracted around Sam’s cock and the man groaned as he released deep inside of Gabriel.
Gabe managed to maneuver his body so that he collapsed next to Sam rather than on top of him and after a few moments, Sam rolled onto his side, his back facing Gabriel.  He took the hint and uncuffed his lover’s wrists, tiredly rubbing his shoulders to release some of the tension that the position had built up.  Gabe was fighting to stay awake after being teased for so long before finally grabbing control and taking his release from Sam’s body.
A few minutes later, Sam got up and retrieved the towels he had stashed in the room earlier and gently cleaned them up, kicking his heels off in the process.  He scooped Gabriel up in his arms and carried the well satisfied man back to their bedroom.
“You were right,” Gabriel mumbled into Sam’s chest once they were in bed, “male nurses are sexy.”  Gabriel’s mouth opened in a huge yawn but just as he was drifting off to sleep he added, “I liked the sound of Nurse Winchester.”  
Sam wasn’t sure Gabriel had even meant to say it, but it was something he had been thinking, too.  Even more, Sam liked the sound of Dr. Winchester-Novak and he knew what his new anniversary surprise was going to be.
If you’d like to be added to one of my tag lists (either forevers or a specific character or ship) let me know!
Fic Tags: @nanika67 GMC Tags: @gabriel-monthly-challenge @ashiewesker @archangel-with-a-shotgun @lacqueluster @revwinchester
FOREVERS!: @hexparker
All Ships: @purgatoan
Medical AU/Sabriel Tags from @mrswhozeewhatsis: @mrswhozeewhatsis @thinkwritexpress-official @SinceriouslyAmellPadalecki @ferferelli @chrisatplay @faith-in-dean @winchesters-princess @jelly-beans-and-gstrings @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell @justanothersaltandburn @mysaintsasinner @brothersonahotelbed @hexparker
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lahayna · 7 years
Moonlighting with Space Cowboy
Rory remembers the summer Lahayna became the backing band for French born DJ, Space Cowboy.
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In the midst of our chart-entering success, we were approached by French born DJ-turned-artist Space Cowboy (known as Nick to his friends, parents and now Lady Gaga and Flo Rida), to become his backing band for a one off performance of his new album.  Space Cowboy had his own UK top 40 success when he collaborated with Nadia-Oh, with ‘My Egyptian Lover’ reaching #2 in the UK Indie singles chart.  
Space Cowboy’s new album ‘Digital Rock’ was due for physical release in the UK on 29 January 2007 (digital release in Japan on 31 July 2006) and off the back of Sony releasing the album in Japan, XFM DJ Eddy Temple-Morris boarded the Space Cowboy hype-train and offered him the opportunity to headline an XFM show at Cargo, which would be broadcast live on XFM.  Enter Lahayna, stage left…  
The courting of Lahayna started, as any teenage romance does, by a quiet question posed to a friend-of-a-friend, regarding a newly discovered band reaching the national red-tops, and after a quick chat between management, rehearsals began in Shoreditch.
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I don’t know how many of you reading this will have ever been to London rehearsal spaces, but comfort, space, working equipment or any sense of normality are luxuries seemingly not-afforded. The lasting memories from rehearsing with Space Cowboy are the vodka cranberries prior, during and post-rehearsal, the thick shag-pile green carpet stapled to the walls and meeting the one and only Scarlett O'Hara (Scarlett Black).  Miss O'Hara (real name Scarlett Black) was to be the Cher to Space Cowboy’s Sonny. She arrived at rehearsals fresh from stage school, which she attended alongside Lily Allen, and had the poise, diction and eloquence to match. 
Whilst rehearsals were progressing well, Space Cowboy had a music video to shoot, and asked us Lahayna boys to perform in it - the track was called ‘Talking in Your Sleep’ and you can watch the finished video here:
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Extra points if you can guess the age of the models, spot the moment Matt realises he is being attacked by clumps of feathers, can count the bars between the penultimate notes in the song, or spot what Churchy’s bass is plugged into…!!
Whilst filming the music video was fun, there was to be no schmoozing as we had a half day shoot before heading to the Bull and Gate for a sold-out* gig. (*This may not strictly be true!).  When we saw the final video we realised there were models we could have chatted up (or invited to the gig!).
If truth be told we kinda forgot about the music video for a while… until we were sent the picture below.  Space Cowboy’s ‘Digital Rock’ album was hitting the big time in Japan, and this picture shows it playing in a Japanese record store!
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There wasn’t too much time dwell on the success our mate Nick was having, as the XFM show loomed ever closer. Rehearsals ceased and Cargo was packed to the rafters and the album (plus a cover of Daft Punk’s Technologic) was played to thousands in the UK live on XFM. 
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Ending?! Well, with 10 years having passed, there’s an opportunity to look at what happened next… The Lahayna tale will be described here in other blog posts, but the tales of O'Hara and Space Cowboy are worth telling. 
We didn’t hear anything from O'Hara until our paths crossed on the same Jitterbug Jive bill at The Brickhouse (Shoreditch) in 2010, with O'Hara dressed in a Jennifer Ellison catsuit as she raa-raa’d greetings and exultations prior to performing a bendy, twisty, talented show, which the Shoreditch faithful enjoyed for the imaginative choreography as much as the lyrical and musical display.
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We heard that Nick had moved to America and was hanging out in various high-profile nightclubs and exclusive parties… We then spotted him in the video for Lady Gaga’s ‘Poker Face’. A few messages later and we realised he had become part of Lady Gaga’s writing team and was the proud owner of two Grammy’s! He had also dueted with Ms. Gaga and had Flo Rida feature on a Space Cowboy single… 
So whilst we don’t expect Lahayna’s long awaited debut album to *quite* earn us Grammy’s, be played live on XFM or reach #1 in Japan, (equal writing royalties after all this time right boys!?) We do hope everyone enjoys the songs and the album. There are a lot of memories contained in those songs and hopefully these blogs will have triggered some memories of your own! 
NB. If we do earn Grammy’s, get played live on XFM or reach #1 in Japan, then Matt has told us he will perform solo wearing O'Hara’s catsuit… 
Peace out, much love
Rory, Lahayna x
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Brands Magazine
Confessions of a Salesman
Have you ever wondered (or complained) about salespeople? I started by asking the group of product managers, “What is the biggest frustration you have with sales?” I got a laundry list of the ills, character flaws and foibles of the sales team. Let’s face it; we are not the easiest people in the world. But we do a hard job and we keep the lights on. Here are the top four sales issues that were mentioned:
Salespeople are only concerned with commissions.
Salespeople think that they own the customers.
Salespeople always want what the product doesn’t have.
Salespeople have short attention spans.
This is a small subset of the overall rant I got from that group of product professionals. Frankly, as a sales guy, I think they are fair. But why are we sales guys (and ladies) like this? Let me explain the reality of being a salesperson.
Driven by Commissions
We are intensely concerned with our commissions, because it makes up between 50 percent and 100 percent of our income on a monthly basis. Any given month could be great or lousy, depending on how we do. We also live under the constant threat of losing our jobs. Believe me, as sales professionals, we are generally no more than one or two quarters away from losing our jobs if we do not perform. So if salespeople can sell a bunch of product A, and it is not hard to get installed and has a shorter sales cycle, then that is the product that moves.
Customer Relationship Owners
Yes, sales own the customer relationship. Maybe we don’t own the actual customer, but the salesperson is the face of the company. That customer may even have come over from a competitor, simply because the salesperson joined your     company. In some cases, they are more loyal to the salesperson than the product. It is that relationship that is the “value” that got the salesperson hired.
Features that Aren’t There
In many cases, customers would buy more or buy now—if only the product had that one single feature that isn’t there. Sometimes that is smoke being blown, but it is a real customer response. Customers want everything, and they want it at half the price. Look at any request for proposal. The customer has taken your specs and those of your four biggest competitors and put all of those features into the “required” column. We are then expected to “sell around” that. That is what we deal with.
We are working numerous deals at any one time, and these deals may have vastly different values, products, services and product managers involved. We have to keep all of this in our heads, and try to make sure that we are as expert at what we do as possible. We go to meetings, learn new products, attend training and update our customer relationship management tools.
You see our relationship building with clients as “schmoozing,” but it also is a critical part of our job. We work many more nights and weekends than you think and play a lot less golf than you imagine. We spend more time in airports and traffic than any human should have to.
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joronomo · 7 years
How They Spent Their Summer Vacation
New Post has been published on https://joronomo.com/how-they-spent-their-summer-vacation/
How They Spent Their Summer Vacation
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Exclusive report: What our elected representatives did for summer vacation!
And so we bid a hearty “Welcome Back” to our elected representatives, as they reluctantly trudge back to Washington following their annual summer vacation recess — and the fact that it sounds like a holdover from elementary school is no accident. Ostensibly, this respite from the business at hand is meant to renew, refresh, recharge and reload so they can be rested and relaxed as they fight for we, their constituents. Mostly though, they raise campaign funds.
But a few did manage to carve precious minutes from their busy schedules of schmoozing and networking for more pastoral proclivities. And through a series of dogged investigations we here at Durstco were able to uncover those previously unreported recreational activities that they and other public figures engaged in over the break, and are proud to offer them up in a segment we like to call “How They Spent Their Summer Vacation.”
Sean Spicer chopped 30 points off his blood pressure by spending the summer in Louisiana tagging alligators.
Steve Bannon earned a pretty penny for checking into a Swiss spa and switching out his blood with Keith Richards’.
Paul Ryan spent the summer visiting all 30 MLB stadiums and defied the laws of probability when the home team lost every game.
Kelly Ann Conway broke many nails writing a book on the power of patience and persistence coupled with a strict regimen of willful ignorance.
Donald Trump surreptitiously installed solar paneling on his vast holdings in Guam.
Mike Pence taught Bible School to a group of at-risk youth who just happen to be the kids of Republican Mega-Donors.
Chris Mathews visited secret and ancient Vatican libraries searching for loopholes.
Michael Flynn went off his meds and no one noticed.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio sailed to Jamaica on a raft he personally lashed together from the bleached bones of dead immigrants.
Chris Christie visited many beaches no one else was allowed to.
Mitch McConnell gained experience dealing with President Trump by refereeing the finals of a Pee-Wee wrestling tournament for hyperactive children.
Bernie Sanders attended 3 Comic-Con Conventions dressed as the John Candy character from “Spaceballs.”
Chief of Staff John Kelly took a plumbing correspondence course with an emphasis on leak-plugging.
Elizabeth Warren hitchhiked across Europe with a maple leaf patch sewn onto her backpack.
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III traveled to Italy to get custom four-inch lifts installed in all his shoes.
California Senator Kamala Harris piloted a highly prestigious Congressional Task Force that studied the efficacy of task forces.
Jared Kushner followed the New England State Fair circuit hawking vegetable slicers.
Hillary Clinton studied with many tutors so that she could attempt to appear spontaneous on her upcoming book tour.
First Lady Melania Trump consulted with Manolo Blahnik on his Limited Edition “Shoes Fit For a Flood” Collection.
Bill Clinton never left his hammock. Except for twice when it needed to be re-netted.
Anthony Scaramucci spent 30 days in community service in Kalispell, Montana after threatening the life of a KOA campground manager who failed to stock enough marshmallows for the traditional Friday night S’mores bonfire.
Donald Trump Jr. spent the summer writing an infinite number of times on a Trump University blackboard “I will quit being such a dufus.”
Ted Cruz interned at the Calgary Stampede as a rodeo clown.
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The New York Times says Emmy-nominated comedian and writer Will Durst “is quite possibly the best political satirist working in the country today.” The Humor Times says “Durst is the Sage of Satire, the Learned Lampooner, the King of Political Satire!” Check his website, willdurst.com, for upcoming stand-up performance dates. Will’s books, including Elect to Laugh! A Hilarious, Common Sense Guide to American Politics are available at Amazon and better bookstores all over this great land of ours. From Ulysses Press.
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miamibeerscene · 8 years
8 Women in Craft Beer Who are Making a Mark Right Now
Jen Cuesta, Betsy Lay and Kate Power, the co-founders of Lady Justice Brewing. (Credit: Lady Justice Brewing)
March 7, 2017
Women leading craft beer businesses certainly isn’t unusual. A 2014 Stanford survey of 2,500 breweries found that 21 percent had at least one woman in a leading role, which, as our Julia Herz points out, is relatively high when compared to other industries.
You likely know the names of the women in beer pioneers, like New Belgium’s Kim Jordan, Odell’s Wynne Odell, Jennifer Glanville from Boston Beer and Lost Abbey’s Gwen Conoley.
Those are big shoes to fill, but here are eight women who are making a mark in craft beer right now.
(MORE: 2017’s 51 Great American Beer Bars)
Liz Preston | Brewer, Prestonrose Farm and Brewing Co. | Paris, Arkansas
Liz Preston is the brewer and co-founder of Prestonrose Farm Brewing Co. in Arkansas. (Credit: Prestonrose)
Liz Preston is the head, and only, brewer at Prestonrose Farm and Brewing. “We brew beer just as fast as we can.”
Prestonrose is an organic farm that added a small-batch brewery (1-barrel nano system) in the past year. It’s truly a family affair. Liz’s husband handles the sales, retail and “schmoozing” according to Liz. “We hope to offer the farm/brewery as a venue, as an educational opportunity for students and community members to come to and learn everything from cheese and beer making to composting to harvest and storage of food,” said Liz.
Liz was in the molecular science field before this, so being in a male-dominated field is not new to her.
“If I’m the only female brewer in a room of male brewers, I don’t shy away from talking shop, and I don’t feel like they’re judging me based on my gender. I try very hard, though, to be considered a good brewer rather than a good female brewer.”
Jess Reiser | Co-owner, Burial Beer | Asheville, North Carolina
Jess Reiser is a co-founder of Asheville’s Burial Beer Co. (Credit: Burial Beer Co.)
Asheville is a mecca for craft beer lovers in the East. Among dozens of breweries, Burial Beer stands out for its unique and forward-thinking flavors. “Beer is like art and the more you understand the background and the mindset the more you will appreciate the final product,” said Jess Reiser, co-owner of Burial Beer. Reiser says she sees more women getting into craft beer and has felt nothing but respect from male colleagues.
So what does Riser see as the next big thing in craft beer? “The return to styles like Pilsener and Kolsch: an homage to historical beers that take patience and that don’t hide behind adjuncts or aggressive dry hopping. Finding complexity in the things that appear to be simple and understanding the history and processes behind beers.”
(MORE: 7 Offbeat Places to Drink Craft Beer This Year)
Betsy Lay, Kate Power and Jen Cuesta of Lady Justice Brewing. (Credit: Lady Justice)
Kate Power, Betsy Lay, Jen Cuesta | Co-founders of Lady Justice Brewing | Mountain View, Colorado
Lady Justice Brewing is run by a trifecta of female innovators. “Our mission at Lady Justice is to brew and sell great beer, then donate all our profits over costs to organizations that support the status and opportunities for women and girls,” say the women of Lady Justice.
Lady Justice considers itself a philanthropic brewery. It’s completely female-founded, owned and managed. The three founders have come up with some innovative ideas in craft beer: they’re distributed primarily through a community beer share.
“Members buy a 6-month membership and then get a hand-bottled, small batch bomber of beer in return, in addition to other goodies.”
Dr. Nicole Garneau, PhD | Scientist | Denver
Dr. Nicole Garneau is researching the sensory side of beer. (Credit: Nicole Garneau)
Dr. Nicole Garneau wears many hats: Curator/Chair of the Health Sciences Department at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, co-author of the beer flavor map and co-founder of DraughtLab (and CraftBeer.com science contributor). But get her talking about craft beer and you can see where her passion lies. “My career as a woman in science … craft beer opened my world up.”
For those of you who think science and craft beer are odd bedfellows, Dr. Garneau explains, “The microbiology, the genetics, the chemistry —all those pieces and more tied to the brewing operation and right down to the consumer and what they’re experiencing.”
Through her research into sensory perception, Dr. Garneau is helping the craft beer industry understand the roles of taste, aroma and texture on flavor. She says everyone experiences flavor differently.
“Women, in all the studies for taste, are more sensitive than men in their ability to detect flavor attributes,” said Dr. Garneau. “Right out of the gate there’s a palate difference that’s simply based on your biological sex.”
(MORE: Science Says You’re Wrong About IPAs and Spicy Foods)
Chelsea Nolan | Brewer, The Alchemist | Stowe, Vermont
Chelsea Nolan is not afraid to get dirty, which is a prerequisite for a brewer. On any given day, you can find her cleaning the kettles, lifting bags and, in general, creating great beer.
“I got my start in craft beer in the retail shop in Waterbury, when the retail shop closed, I decided to take the opportunity to get my hands in every aspect of the brewery,” Nolan says.
Like many people who make a career in craft beer, Nolan says there’s a lot of on-the-job learning.
“I eventually found myself hanging around the brew house more often. Eventually, I started following each brewer around, learning their individual techniques, and of course always getting the same amazing end result like Heady Topper (a flagship beer for Alchemist).”
Owned by a husband and wife team, The Alchemist started as a brewpub in Waterbury, Vermont. They’ve now expanded to include two production breweries which distribute regionally. What does Chelsea think is the next big thing in craft beer?
“I’m noticing a growing trend of the use of lupulin powder amongst different breweries. It’s always exciting to see new stuff flourish in the beer world,” she tells us.
Saralyn Grass | Co-founder, Grasslands Brewery | Tallahassee, Florida
Saralyn Grass is a co-founder at Tallhassee’s Grasslands Brewing. (Credit: Grasslands Brewing)
For Saralyn Grass the focus for Grasslands Brewery is local. “We use a lot of ingredients from right here in Tallahassee and the surrounding area. Sometimes from a friend’s farm and we even partnered with the local college to use their muscadines in a beer.”
Finding local inspiration led Grasslands to create some truly unique beers, including an award-winning dill pickle gose and a beer called Margie-Rita which is named after a female investor named (you guessed it) Margie.
The local mantra doesn’t solely apply to Grasslands’ ingredients. It’s also the atmosphere the brewery is hoping to achieve. They have an LGBTQ night at the brewery and make sure they donate something to most groups that request their help.
“We just really want everybody to feel like Grasslands is their place. Like a ‘Cheers’-type of place.”
Becky Kellogg
Becky Kellogg is a journalist with 20 years of experience in Washington D.C. and Atlanta. She’s covered everything from Beltway politics to hurricanes. When she’s lucky she gets to write about one of her favorite past times: craft beer. An Alabama native and Atlanta resident, most weekends you can find Becky enjoying the outdoors and a nice local beer in some city in the Southeast. Read more by this author
The post 8 Women in Craft Beer Who are Making a Mark Right Now appeared first on Miami Beer Scene.
from 8 Women in Craft Beer Who are Making a Mark Right Now
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