#they started the boop war
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rczepetalz · 11 months ago
i have a list of people i can annoy and i know they wont get mad at me
right now @r3dblccd is on the top of that list
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michaelscorneroftheinternet · 4 months ago
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And I'm only getting warmed up...
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skyloftian-nutcase · 11 months ago
The Great Boopathon
It had honestly been an accident, a truly sincere miscalculation. Sky tried to remember that Wolfie was Twilight. But sometimes, when the fluffy animal trotted into town, panting from exertion or cheer, Sky just immediately knelt in front of him with a sweet greeting and a gentle boop on the nose.
He didn't think it was possible for an animal to look so offended, but somehow Twilight managed it.
This was war.
Twilight huffed as he watched Sky sleep. The teenager was out cold, as per usual, curled into himself and covered in blankets. It was a little more unusual than his usual sleep position, in which literally anything was possible because he could fall asleep literally anywhere, but the boy's head cold had him shivering.
That didn't stop Twilight, though. He still remembered the boop. The completely humiliating and degrading gesture, the cute noise Sky made with it as he bapped Twilight's wolf nose gently with a smile on his face and a flush to his cheeks.
Sky moaned miserably, looking distinctly uncomfortable. Twilight swallowed, grabbing his resolve. He walked forward stealthily before laying on the ground, his canine nose stretching forward until it met Sky's own congested one. Then his tail swished back and forth, dusting leaves off the earth.
Sky scrunched his nose in response, tickled by the wetness of it, before he opened his eyes to see a snout. He yelped, trapped in his blankets, and Twilight pounced on him, bapping him with a paw and pinning him in place as he laughed and tried to fight.
"There's no way you can do it!"
Link glared defiantly in response. He would do this, and there was no stopping him. He would always rise to a challenge. He couldn't afford to fail, he couldn't afford to lose the faith of those who believed in him.
He was stealthier than he'd ever been in his entire life. He could pass for a Sheikah, he was certain. His heart pounded in his chest, anxiety trying but failing to whittle away at his resolve. His naysayer watched with bated breath.
The greatest challenge, of course, were the floorboards. There were some that creaked. It would be absolutely catastrophic if his foe heard his approach. Carefully, Link tried to remember which boards creaked the most, settling his bare feet with such care to distribute his weight properly.
When he finally reached the bed, he nearly failed in his mission. His enemy stirred, almost awakening, but he managed to avoid disaster. Finally, his objective in sight, the Hero of Hyrule leapt, landing on his prey with a mighty hyah.
Abel nearly jumped out of his skin as he was startled awake before getting slammed in the face with a pillow.
"I told you I could do it!" Link yelled at the stairway where his sister, Lyra, was hiding.
The leader of the Gorons had many precious memories to make him smile when he was more contemplative in the evenings. Perhaps his favorite, though, was when the Champions met his child, who had been so delighted to meet them that he'd rolled over Revali's toes and crashed into Link's knees, knocking the Hylian over. It had been a fun day in general, but the little boop his boy had given him when he picked him up had been the most delightful part.
It was usually what Daruk would do for the child before bedtime; to have such a simple gesture reciprocated brought him more joy than he could ever articulate.
Shadow Link
He had nearly succeeded in getting away from the damn gloom hands, but his stamina had run out. When they'd caught up to him, he could practically sense the displeasure radiating off them, and his insides froze at the sight of them.
Then one of the hands leaned over and booped him on the nose, making him yelp, before the others grabbed him and teleported him through the gloom back to Ganondorf's location.
"Was that really necessary?" Link grumbled, holding his nose as if it had been burned.
"Yes," the demon king replied without hesitation as he snatched him by his tunic and plopped him beside him. "Now rest."
Mystery Link
Link wasn't sure how it happened, but being completely smothered by his dog was not how he wanted to start his mornings. Nevertheless, it was how Friend decided to be his new morning alarm, slapping his face with a paw as a warning before laying her whole head over him and asphyxiating him.
By the fifth morning, he started wrestling her in response, and she always got so excited about it that she would spend the next few minutes zooming all over the forest, tail tucked and legs flailing in all directions.
Twilight was acting weird.
Wind was a little worried. After all, he'd only just recovered from his injury recently. Although the sailor had the utmost faith in the elder Hero's abilities, he couldn't help but watch him and see what was up. This was a matter of great importance, and only Wind could truly understand as the others seemed completely oblivious.
He made several observations while the others were pointlessly distracted. Twilight's eyes were wary, looking everywhere as if he were expecting an attack. Wind knew for certain that the rancher hadn't been patrolling because Time and Wild wouldn't allow for it quite yet. But no one else was on edge. It was possible Twilight just felt inadequate or useless, as he was typically the one who tried to shoulder a great deal of responsibility.
Wind moved closer to his dear friend, curious. He was going to ask him outright if he kept this behavior up, but--
Twilight gasped, grabbing Wind around the ribs and holding him like a shield in front of his body, and Wind yelped as Sky poked his nose.
"Hey!" Sky snapped. "No cheating!"
"There are no rules in this war!" Twilight huffed back. Then he gave Wind a squeeze against his torso as a compensatory hug. "Sorry about that, little pirate."
"Ha! Sorry? Let me go, I'll avenge you!" Wind happily offered, already wiggling out of his grip as Sky fled.
"This is getting out of hand," Time said severely, hands on his hips. "And is unbefitting of a Hero."
Twilight looked extremely schooled. If he were in his wolf form, he probably would have his tail between his legs, ears peeled back. Time did not feel guilty in the slightest about it. The camp was in utter disarray, supplies strewn everywhere as Twi's wolf form had utterly destroyed the place and barreled over most of the heroes while he'd tried to escape Sky's little winged mechanical booping machine and Wind's exuberant screams.
Unlike Twilight, Sky looked nearly indifferent, but somehow he managed to convert his expression to apologetic when Time glared at him. Wind, however, was unrepentant.
And giggling.
Time was going to lecture him further when the reason for Wind's laughter dropped out of the nearest tree, landing on Time's shoulders and booping him on the nose.
Sky and Wind cheered as Wild scrambled off Time and fled into the forest, giggling all the way.
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cconfusedkat · 4 months ago
Okay now that I know what I'm doing I'm booping you a lot on purpose
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dipplinduo · 11 months ago
just learned about evil boops and it's all I'm giving out now if u finna catch deez hands. try me bro. do u even lift
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tmspaintz · 11 months ago
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Kitty April 1 : April 2, 2024
I'm in the mood to draw a bunch of cats to practice so I'm doing Kitty April where I just draw 30 cats. Feel free to suggest a kind of kitty for me to draw!
These will be made into stickers; in fact this one is already available as such on my Redbubble!
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tiff0vero · 4 months ago
Nothing important or exciting just your cool and very silly :D /vpos
Omg !!! You too !!!
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loredwy · 4 months ago
Bro I was WORRIED (I couldn’t boop you)
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great-master-airplane · 11 months ago
I think Nikolai would have loved booping people on his birthday <3
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mizavia · 11 months ago
If you interact with this in ANY way, that means war.
I mean, now that I got the option to hit strangers in the face- Why not? C:<
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mixtercandy · 11 months ago
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Too late .. i have super booped AND evil booped you already... its JOEVER for u
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noodlesoup1819 · 4 months ago
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Maxed out the BOOp-o-meter!! Not gonna boop back anymore because I need to study but feel free to boop to get your badges!
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arsonthing · 11 months ago
I am here to start a riot. A riot to bring the BOOP BACK! Join my cause and protest with me to get our booping rights back!! WHO’S WITH ME
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papenniesandbentoboxes · 11 months ago
To all my clue crew tumblr mutuals sending me a ton of boops and EVIL BOOPS I am AUDIBLY saying your names aloud if I know them
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condorclown · 11 months ago
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kanene-yaaay · 11 months ago
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