#they say that time helps it pass but youre the one i cant forget???
mercuryislove · 1 year
I need to fix my character playlists 🤔🤔🤔
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toytulini · 1 year
man i remember complaining about The Bone Bees and someone asking why i drank the 5hr energy and my answer being that i was "a little sleepy!" and saying that "god i shouldve just been A Little Sleepy! it was Fine!" and someone being Concerned by that and being like you shouldnt drive when youre A Little Sleepy! and just being like. i dont know how else to tell you that the Bone Bees Were So Much Worse Than Being Sleepy. i cannot stress enough that the condition it put me in was Worse. i recognize and acknowledge that drowsy driving is bad. that is why i made the Caffeine Mistake in the first place. i was trying to Avoid Drowsy Driving. and i had not Realized that the Caffeine was going to make me So Much Worse Than Drowsy. 0/10 never again. 5hr energy evil.
#toy txt post#i don't remember who it was but man. the bone bees. guys the bone bees were so bad. it was so bad. i never wanna feel like that again#not to admit to reckless driving on main and i want to stress i dont endorse this behavior and also never want to do what im about to say#again either: having once driven after taking a benadryl. and once driven in The Bone Bees. the benadryl was not as bad#i will grant. the benadryl. i was also So Fucking Full Of Adrenaline. for bug reasons. and i also want to stress i really did not want to do#it at the time but really did Not Have Better Options. and am comparing the bone bees to that and saying it was not as bad as the bone bees#to stress just how bad the bone bees were#if the bone bees ever happen again im gonna just fucking wait it out at a rest stop and chug water and piss til the bees fade#you know the feeling when you take adhd meds with no food and then you also have coffee on top of that with no food and you forget to eat#all day and you keep not eating and then to top it off you decide to have more coffee and it feels like you have been hollowed out and like#all of your bones are vibrating and also like you might pass out and stop breathing? it was like that but food wasnt helping and it was just#one single 5hr energy#(i did also have my adhd meds that day) (but it was not at the same time the 5hr energy was way later in the day)#anyway you know how ppl in their 30s will be like oh man i cant do things like i used to when i was 20! that was me at like idk 24 with the#5hr energy#anyway#this is why that battery acid spaghetti post felt like they were really overhyping the effects of the beverage. it didnt taste bad and it#gave me zero bone bees
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beenbaanbuun · 8 months
seventeen hyung line’s reaction to their youngest member forgetting to take care of themself
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choi seungcheol
seungcheol is literally your father (or at least he believes so) so be warned, he will be watching you 24/7
notices the small things, like if your eye bags are particularly dark, and will call you out on it immediately
“how much sleep did you get last night?” he falls onto the couch, occupying the spot next to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulders
“uh, like 4 hours, i guess,” you ignore the glare he gives you, “but it’s only because i was practicing late…”
he hums as he uses his hand to push your head onto his shoulder
“that’s not enough, kid,” he mumbles into your hairline, “not nearly enough, actually. how about you nap now?
you consider arguing, but you know it’s useless so you just nod and let yourself get comfy against him
he just sits and scrolls through his phone for an hour or so before rearranging you so you’re not leant on him
cant help himself when he sees you with your cheeks squished up against the pillow and takes a photo
carats will love it when he posts it on weverse…
yoon jeonghan
jeonghan takes care of you without even noticing you’re not taking care of yourself
it’s all part of being his baby the youngest
so you’re far from surprised when he comes into your room one day with a cup of ramen in his hands
he says he’s just come to see what you’re doing, but you cant help but notice that in between his own bites, he’s shoving mouthful after mouthful in your direction
and you barely get to answer his questions because whenever you try to, he just scolds you for talking with your mouthful
“so what did you say you’re doing?” he leans over to you, eyes trained on your computer screen as he holds another mouthful in front of you
you take it and begin to chew
“well, you s-”
“finish your food before you talk,” he scolds, “don’t be gross!”
you just roll your eyes and do as he says
you know there’s no point in arguing
joshua hong
joshua hong can and will make you go outside with him
most of the time he claims it’s because he’s in need of a photographer, but you begin to notice a pattern
oh, you haven’t been out in a few days? you’re practically counting down the seconds until josh is walking through your door with your shoes, ready to go
and don’t worry if you refuse - joshua has his methods
“i’ll tell seungcheol,” he says as he walks into your room, swinging your trainers from his hands.
“oh yeah? what will you tell him?” you pay him no mind, knowing seungcheol won’t care if you haven’t left the house in a few days…
“i’ll tell him all about how you’ve locked yourself in your room and you’re not sleeping or eating enough,” he grins at you, happy with the lies he’s spouting.
you gasp and stand up in shock
“that’s not fair!” you grumble, “you can’t just lie to him!”
joshua laughs and passes you your shoes.
“i can and i will,” he gives you an innocent smile, “now come on, my little photographer! you have a job to do.”
wen junhui
doesn’t necessarily notice you’ve been living off of energy drinks and snack food until hoshi mentions it one day in practice
and sure enough when he looks over he notices you with a monster can in hand and a bag of chips resting between your thighs
and actually, now that he thinks about it, you woke up too late to eat breakfast so this is your first meal of the day
he excuses himself from his conversation to walk over to you and crouch next to you
“is that all you’re eating?” he pulls you out of your daydream and you look at him in confusion, “i mean, you didn’t have breakfast, which you should’ve because cheol told us to eat a lot since we’d be too busy for lunch.”
you frown and look at the bag of chips, which is almost gone, and think about how you should’ve rationed them more
“i take that as a yes,” he frowns, “and don’t get me started on the monster! if minghao sees you drinking that he’ll have an aneurysm. doesn’t he always warn you about keeping yourself healthy?”
you can’t help but roll your eyes and put your drink down on the floor
“i just need the energy,” you complain, “my body feels tired.”
“yeah, because you didn’t eat this morning,” he argues and stands up, holding his hand out to pull you up too, “now, let’s go and beg cheol for a small lunch break, okay?”
kwon soonyoung
he notices the way you trip over during practice and have to stumble through the rest of the dance with a limp
immediately pauses the music once the routine finished and calls you out on it
“take a seat for a while,” he orders, “you cant dance on an injured ankle, and it’ll make it worse if you try to.”
but you insist that you’re fine because you don’t want to slow down practice or make it difficult for the others
there’s a staring match between you and hoshi for a while, but he will not give in
if there’s two things he cares about to the end of the earth, it’s dance and his members and you’re just unlucky that this involves both of them
“go and sit down before i drag you to the bench myself,” god, you hate how scary he gets when he’s teaching choreography, “and don’t test me because i will do it.”
you know he will, so you just bow your head and hobble to the side of the room where the bench is waiting for you
“good,” he mumbles, going back to the stereo that’s waiting for him to press play, “i’ll get someone to grab an ice pack for you, okay?”
jeon wonwoo
he likes to spend quiet time with you which means more often than not, he’s around to take care of you
like he’ll literally be sat playing games on his pc, checking on you out of the corner of his eye every few minutes
if he sees your eyes drooping for even a second, he pauses his game and gives you a soft look
“go to sleep, kiddo,” he instructs softly, smiling a little when you jolt yourself awake, “i can see you dropping to sleep over there. don’t fight it, you probably need it.”
you grimace, taking a deep breath before you sit up properly and rub your eyes
“i’m fine, woo,” you grumble, widening your eyes slightly to try and make yourself feel more awake
he just laughs to himself, shaking his head as if he didn’t believe you
“go to bed, or i’ll take you myself,” you roll your eyes at him, but open your arms wide
“carry me?” you beg as if you’re a kid rather than someone just a few years younger than him
to which he rolls his eyes jokingly and stands up from his desk
“you’re so lucky i love you,” he chuckles
“you love me?” you tease
“yes, even though you’re annoying…”
lee jihoon
he loves you, he really does, but sometimes he’s a little too busy to pay too much attention to the small things
besides, he trusts him members to take care of their maknae well
except the two of you are in the studio, just messing around really
it was your suggestion because you wanted to spend time with him, and he had nothing too important to do so obviously he said yes
you’re spitting absolute bars into the microphone whilst he struggles to hold in his laughter, but half way through he can’t help but notice a strange grumbling behind your voice
he pauses the track he quickly produced just moments prior to you stepping in the booth and your voice peters away
“have you eaten today?” he furrows his brows as he hears it again, “and don’t even think about lying to me, kid.”
you roll your eyes in annoyance
“i had breakfast…”
“it’s midnight,” he deadpans, “you haven’t eaten since breakfast?”
you shrug, not seeing the big issue
“wasn’t hungry, was i…”
he stands up from his desk and shuffled over to the booth’s door, pulling it open immediately
“don’t care, pipsqueak,” his voice is much clearer now he’s speaking directly to you, “let’s go eat. we can carry this on again later and then we won’t have your tummy grumbling in the background, yeah?”
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sturnsdarling · 1 month
the library
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love and cigs, merc
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(!) indicates smut, (✯) are my faves
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!'you're much better company, tough girl' ✯
{insp by sturnioz au} fratboy!matt has met his match with smartand'mean'!reader, and he can't get enough of her
'she's the coolest person I know'
{insp by sturnioz au} fratboy!matt tries to play it cool about him and smartand'mean'!reader spending alot of time together, but fratboy!chris and nate aren't convinced
!'I don't know how to forget you' ✯
matt and y/n have been best friends their whole life, but after a drunken kiss and a night of tangled limbs, everything is changing.
‘I get them too, sometimes'
y/n has an anxiety attack and Matt calms her down the only way he can think of in the moment (based on the ICONIC stydia scene)
'lets just stay here for a while'
{part two of 'I get them too, sometimes' } anxious!reader has an anxiety attack so bff!matt kisses her to calm her down, after, they agree to not go back to the party and just hang out with each other for a while.
!'Dinner and a show'
Matt and his girl go to dinner, but little does he know she has something planned for him when they get home.
!‘never have I ever; shared a girl with my brother' ✯
Matt and Chris’ best friend takes an innocent game of ‘never have I ever’ as her opportunity to ask the boys something she’s always wondered
!'Birthdays in Boston' ✯
a prequel to 'I don't know how to forget you', and the full story behind the photo of Matt and y/n on the fridge
!'you look like this song'
{insp by sturnioz au} smartand'mean'!reader is getting ready in fratboy!Matts room, listening to Nirvana, and he can't keep his eyes off her.
!'save a horse...'
you and Matt go to a ranch for your anniversary and end up finding an old abandoned barn, taking the perfect opportunity to live your true wild west fantasy.
'teenage dirtbags', Intro, part I
Skater!Matt and Overachiever!reader have never gotten along, but after Matt needs her help passing philosophy, everything starts to change.
'gloves off'
Hockeyplayer!Matt is on the ice, and a guy from the other team says something about his girl, so Matt deals with him
*fratboy!matt and smartand’mean’!readers insta launch
{insp by sturnioz au} “yeah my boyfriends pretty cool…but he’s not as cool as me”
!'It's 2am, and I miss you'
You and Matt broke up months ago, but he cant seem to get you out of his head.
{insp by sturnioz au} smartand'mean'!reader goes to one of fratboy!matt's freshers parties, and has a run in with a boy that doesn't end well.
‘it’s just a dream’…incoming
y/n has a nightmare but Matt is there to sooth her back to sleep
‘cherry cola’…incoming
you ask for Matts assistance in dying your hair red
‘it’s so obvious’…incoming
the boys’ best friend joins them for a stream, and fans notice the tension between her and Matt
!'say it again'...incoming
{insp by sturnioz au} fratboy!matt tells smartand'mean'!reader he loves her in the heat of the moment
...more tbd
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'are you still awake?'
Chris and y/n had a stupid fight, but he refuses to go to bed angry
!'just need t'feel you around me'
part two of 'are you still awake?', Chris can't keep his hands off y/n once they make amends after an argument.
'stay the fuck away from her'
{insp by sturnioz au} fratboy!chris leaves shy!reader alone at a party for the first time and it goes south, quickly.
'Chris likes girls who don't like him back' ✯
Late night streaming with your best friends turns to a conversation about the boys' type, and Chris gets called out.
!‘never have I ever; shared a girl with my brother ✯
Matt and Chris’ best friend takes an innocent game of ‘never have I ever’ as her opportunity to ask the boys something she’s always wondered
!’take it’
You and Chris have had sex a thousand times, but this time, after a dirty comment you thought nothing of, Chris’ secret obsession comes to light
lazy days…incoming
Sometimes you just need a pretty girl on your lap and some good music, and that’s what Chris has with his girl.
!’it’s always been you’…incoming
(part two of ‘chris likes girls who don’t like him back’), Chris and his best friend can’t keep pretending that there’s nothing between them
...more tbd
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*indicates fratboy!mattXreader | *indicates fratboy!chrisXreader | **indicates interaction with both (if it's both, fb!matt is always the romantic interest)
*!'you're much better company, tough girl' ✯
fratboy!matt has met his match with smartand'mean'!reader, and he can't get enough of her
*she's the coolest person I know'
fratboy!matt tries to play it cool about him and smartand'mean'!reader spending alot of time together, but fratboy!chris and nate aren't convinced
*'stay the fuck away from her'
fratboy!chris leaves shy!reader alone at a party for the first time and it goes south, quickly.
**'what the fuck is wrong with you?' ✯
fratboy!matt calls smartand'mean'!reader after the fight, telling her she needs to come look after shy!reader, but after she finds out what happened, she lays into fratboy!chris, giving him the reality check he needs.
*!you look like this song'
smartand'mean'!reader is getting ready in fratboy!Matts room, listening to Nirvana, and he can't keep his eyes off her.
**an unlikely friendship' ✯
fratboy!chris needs a girls help with a deal, and the only girl he knows he can trust, is fratboy!matts.
*fratboy!matt and smartand’mean’!readers insta launch
“yeah my boyfriends pretty cool…but he’s not as cool as me”
smartand'mean'!reader goes to one of fratboy!matt's freshers parties, and has a run in with a boy that doesn't end well.
*!'say it again'...incoming
fratboy!matt tells smartand'mean'!reader he loves her in the heat of the moment
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!'lemme jus' put it in
how and when I think Chris/Matt would beg for you to cockwarm them
!what chris is into
the kind of stuff chris is into…according to merc
...more tbd
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leviathanspain · 2 years
his embrace
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finnick odair x reader
synopsis: finnick odair, capitol sweetheart and the thorn in your side
standing on the plate, you nearly broke your neck looking for him. frantically you looked, your eyes straining to see across the water, it was no use as the timer went off, and you had forced yourself to dive into the water.
your lungs felt like the could burst, but you ran towards the cornucopia, lifting yourself just over the edge only to be pulled back into the water. a career tribute was on you, you could tell as you fought him in the water. but you were losing, as you weren’t able to catch your breathe before you had been pulled back in.
only did the sight of a knife though the career’s chest did you feel some relief. someone had saved you. your body relaxed slightly, and your chest stopped trying to fight for the oxygen, and your eyes closed, your body feeling heavy as you passed out.
the buzzing of arguing flooded your ears. water had them plugged, and as you sat up, coughing up water, you heard the arguments cease, as other tributes rushed to your aid.
finnick was the first you saw, and he grabbed your shoulder, patting your back as you tried to spit out all the water.
you took a good inhale of the air and realized that you were deep in the jungle. along with finnick was katniss and peeta.
without saying anything, you embraced finnick. finnick laughed, hugging you tightly.
you pulled back and kissed him, “i thought i was dead. no one this pretty would be in my version of the afterlife.”
finnick laughed, “you wound me, darling.”
katniss and peeta shared a look, but stayed silent. suddenly the reasonings for why finnick had argued with them to keep you alive was now ever so obvious.
you looked at them, almost forgetting they were there. “katniss, peeta. normally my greeting wouldn’t be so half assed but, then again i’m not normally fighting for my life.” you offered a smile and only peeta gave back a weak one.
days and events had passed by you, and you were getting more and more irritated with your situation. you didn’t think that you would end up arguing with finnick over your safety, after offering to head into the jungle for some wood to build a fire.
“i can do it, finnick.” you rolled your eyes, hoping that he would relent as he usually did. but he wasn’t going to this time, especially with such danger all around.
“no. i alreayd lost mags, i cant lose you.”he shook his head, and you rolled your eyes, “finnick, do i have to remind you that i’m not entirely defenseless? i won my games too.”
but finnick wasn’t budging, and instead he pulled you back towards katniss and peeta, “i said no. im not letting you go in there.”
“if you’re jealous that i’m the one with a cool nickname just say so, don’t start acting like some sort of keeper.” you grabbed one of the knifes he had lying around on the beach and moved into the jungle, “don’t wait up.” you called.
finnick had followed you in, but you had mastered silent footsteps, and you were hard to track.
as you ventured deeper into the jungle, you felt regret in your stomach as you thought about finnick. you had disregarded his comment about mags, and you felt like an asshole.
you stopped, and thought about going back. but you had already left, and you couldn’t go back empty handed. but the screams are what sent you into a run. his screams, your name in the screams had you screaming back.
“y/n! help me!” his voice was on your ears and you ran, “finnick? finnick where are you?” as you tried to run back to camp, you heard birds wings flapping, and you realized that it was jabberjays, and as you swung your knife around to get them to stop, all you could do was listen to the rest of his screams, his mixed in with your families screams.
finnick had heard you scream, and realized he was a lot closer than he thought. you were crying, sobs recognizable as he ran, seeing you cursed up in a ball with a group of birds flying over you.
he realized as your screams intensified what they were. he pulled you up to your feet and practically picked you up, running with you back to the beach.
as he ran, you clutched onto him, crying and muttering apologies, he set you down just a few feet away from katniss and peeta, “stop. it’s not your fault. it’s okay, see? im fine, i’m right here baby.” he kissed you, and finally you calmed down, nodding as tears fell from your eyes.
“oh, finn.” you hugged him, “that was so stupid. im sorry, i promise i won’t do that again. i won’t leave you again, finnick.” you reassured, and hugged him, just as katniss and peeta neared the two of you, questions about your well-being buzzed in your ears.
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starreyblueberry · 25 days
Every time I think about Peri and Timmy a part of me breaks apart. I saw a fanart and some description about Peri and Timmy being like you wake up one day and your best friend is gone and it broke me cause actually imagine that.
You have been born because of a wish, something no child has done in thousands of years. He was beside the bed you were born in, Eyes filled with wonder. You would grab his finger while he cradles you in his arms, listening to him talk to you, looking at you as if you were his entire world. He would say the words I love you over and over, and you believed him. He was your first word, for a while. He was the only person you wanted to call out too, to reach out, and he was delighted to be there for you anytime you said his name. He would rush to your side and do whatever you needed. he helped teach you how to ride a bike, even if it was a human activity, you could fly with him anyway. you still wanted to do it with him though, cause it was Timmy!. he snuck you out late at night just to get you an extra sweet, and even if you could wish for it, you still wanted to do it with him. he picked you up from school with your mom and dad, talking to you about all the wacky antics and adventures he had with mom and dad. he helped you beat the last round of video games, teaching you the controls and secret hacks to beat the bosses properly. he hugged you when you felt like you had no one else. when you were the only kid fairy in a long, long time, he reminded you he would be there for you every single day. Every single birthday he was there to celebrate- make a cake with his bare hands and decorate his house just for you, it was always bliss with him.
Until you were 8. You were 8 years old when it was your older brothers birhday- 18. You were warned as the days came, but it felt so far, so impossible, that he had to go. he had to leave, and he could never see you again. He tried to find any- any loophole that could let him stay, Cosmo and Wanda looked everywhere in da rules, they hopped dimensions talked with other planets, had a case that could prove he was meant to be with his fairies forever, but he couldn't. No human could ever remember fairys, there were consequences that would affect everything outside of his family, he had to accept it. He could never say your name with such kindness again, He could never bring you to the ends of the galaxy again, he would never remember anything at all. You cry. You cry and cry and cry and think how cruel it is that you can never see your best friend again. You can never see your older brother ever again. He wouldn't remember carrying you, hugging you, tucking you before bed, he wouldn't remember birthdays, holidays, vacations, he wouldn't remember you. It felt worse then anything you've ever experienced, you barley could handle it at the time and still cant now. The only proof that he was in your life was your mere existence, your whole life was proof that Timmy Turner was your older brother, that he was Cosmo's and Wanda's godkid, and you would never forget that, no matter how much time has passed, no matter how many godkids go though the same cycle, you would always remember Timmy Turner.
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daze-puppyboy · 3 months
had a fantasy while in the shower last night...
invite me over to play video games, maybe a few of your friends are here too. we start playing and snacking, im too wrapped up in this round to pay much attention when you bring brownies out. once the round is over, i go to grab a snack and you ask if i wanna try your brownies. they taste a little funny but i don't wanna be rude because you're my friend, so i finish mine and im used to the taste. after a while i start to get a little sleepy, and you say i should have another brownie. the sugar will help me stay awake. your friends all agree, so i have another one. its late now, and one of your friends suggest we make it interesting. the loser of each round has to do a dare. everyone else agrees, and im too out of it to react much. you pass me the controller and i can barely focus, eyes hazy and head spinning. what was in those brownies? you laugh and i realize i lost the round. one of your friends dares me to take my shirt off. im self conscious at first, but you all push me to do it. "you lost, you have to do the dare" "come on, it's not a big deal" "guys take their shirts off all the time" i nod slowly and pull my shirt off. it doesn't click in my mind that it should be someone else's turn as we start the next round. soon, im in just my boxers, eyes half closed, leaning against you for support. you put your hand on my waist and the other starts groping my chest. i look at you confused but you assure me you're just helping me stay awake. just giving me a little massage. im not sure when the others joined us on the couch. one friend puts his hand on my thigh. i pull my leg away but you forcefully push it back, spreading my legs. "no no, we're just helping you stay awake. this is what bros do for each other" i whimper in protest, making you laugh. two of you are groping me while the other two clean up the snacks and turn the tv off. im whining and struggling weakly, unable to see anything except a blurred, spinning mix of color. you lay me down on the couch and pull my boxers off. i don't realize what's happening as you start to get undressed, pulling my arms behind my back and holding my legs open. im dripping down onto the sofa, murmuring incoherently and shaking. you decide im being a bit too vocal and shove your cock down my throat. my eyes get wider as i feel you growing in my mouth. you grab my hair and start thrusting your hips, pulling my head up to meet you roughly. tears stream down my face. once you're hard, you pass my mouth off to the next guy idly stroking his dick beside me. i weave in and out of consciousness for the rest of the night, cockwarming in my pussy and mouth while someone fucks my ass, all four of you jerking yourselves off before slamming into my cunt to cum one at a time. covering my face and body with your seed, hair drying sticky and gross. once youve lost count of how many loads have been dumped into my holes, you send your friends home and get to work cleaning me up, making sure i forget everything in the morning. i wake with a throbbing cunt and a sore throat, head spinning. i ask you what happened and you tell me; i fell asleep playing video games last night. youre my friend, so i trust you. i thought i wore boxers to your house last night, but i cant remember clearly. lucky for me, your friends all really like me, so ill be allowed to hang out with you more. and as you introduce me to more and more friends, your storage space on your computer drops significantly. its a good thing i keep falling asleep or blacking out, because it gives you plenty of time to remove the recording devices and clean everything up.
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lixern · 11 months
; xx. wriothesley x gn!reader , modern au
imagine being in a mall youve never gone to before with your friends, so they know the place and you dont. they give you locations but you just cant memorize them all! you tell your friends youre going to the restroom, and they tell you directions to the restaurant theyre going to so you agree to meet up with them there. well.. when you step out- wait, what was the restaurant's name again?
you ponder for awhile, what is it? but then suddenly forget the directions they gave you. god, you just have to wing it.
well, wing it you didnt! you got lost, and didnt see any of your friends in the restaurants you walked pass. you look around for reliable looking people to ask, and there you see a man with black hair with a few gray streaks, with supeeeeerrrr light blue cute eyes! a few piercings and a wolfish appearance to him. you walk up to him and..
tap tap "hey.. uhm- do you know how to get to.." you say, embarassed. you literally just forgot the name!
aha! nevermind that, you just remembered!
"*******. ya, the restaurant? thats the one i think!"
you look like a lost dog!! infront of the most sculpted man youve ever seen aswell... hes so cute, you shouldve asked someone else for directions or your nose probably wouldve bled infront of him if you didnt keep your composture. especially infront of his friends! they looked so attractive too. long, white hair with blue streaks and a dark purplish blue type of hair color? god, youre surprised how such good looking people exist.
he turns to look at you the second you tap him, and now you realize just how tall he is the way he stares down at you!
"Well sure, but the buildings preeeettty big so you want me to escort you?"
wow.. his voice was super hot too. well- wait! nows not the time to dream!!!
you look at him and nod, too stunned at his appearance to speak. you watch him talk to his friends, hearing them but not listening. he then pats your shoulder, signalling your leave. huh.. maybe youll ask his number later.
you walk with him, a bit flustered at how tall he towers over you. should you engage in conversation, should you stay quiet? how do you avoid embarassing yourself infront of a gods creation?!?!
"so, whats your name?"
the man asks in the middle of your pondering, well atleast you dont have to think about that anymore. so.. you give him your name and ask his!
"well, it's [name]. how bout you?"
you sound pretty cool, but inside you arent!! he sounds so pretty, hes indeed a pretty boy..
"wriothesley." he says with a gentle smile, looking down at you with bright eyes. he seems fond of you, but you dont know that!
"rio- rizzley? wosley??" you try to pronounce the name, failing ultimately.
"wrio, for short." he chuckles, patting you on the back. whats up with all the physical affection its driving you mad!!!!!
you laugh slightly, smiling a bit too sweetly for your first interaction and, he notices. but he doesnt wanna scare you away.. youre just so cute!
you talk and talk with him, and hes the same level of talkative as you are! finally, someone who actually responds to your yapping! you just wish he could be your boyfriend right now.. waitwait. you guys just met no way!
its been about 5 or more minutes you guess, then you see him pull out a white card on his bag and write something on it with a pen. he puts the pen back and shoves the card into his pocket. you then speak up, pointing at a restaurant and asking him if its that one. he says yes, nodding as he does so.
"i can go there by myself now, thanks for the help wrio!"
but no, he disagrees.
"nah, i think ill just bring you there. you might get lost even if its just right there."
he smirks, mischievously at that. but.. its kinda cute not gonna lie. so you just nod and walk with him. his hand slides across your side, your hand then the bag you carry, it drives you insane how close you are!
you finally get there, smiling up at him. admiring his pretty face one more time before having to let the sight go.
"thank you really, for the help- I hope it wasnt a distraction to you and your friends hangout or something..."
a light red tint dusts over his cheeks, as he says a polite "your welcome" before walking away. you first fix your composture before entering, but then suddenly.. wait! you forgot to grab his number!!!
"wrio!" you scream, but hes too far to hear you so you just weep internally in vain, before entering the restaurant.
your friends scold you, its been like 20 minutes since they were there! little do they know you got a bit lost.. you sit down beside them, before noticing the pocket in the bag you carried had a little white card peeking out of it...
on the back of the card in the clearest space there is, you read..
i know its just a business card im sorry aha, pretty shit way to tell you my number yeah? but its all i have right now.
maybe you dont have to say goodbye to his pretty face after all.
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delcakoo · 2 years
hiii emaaaa
ok so i have a request if you can write something for riki 😋
i have this like randommmm prompt in my head “can we js forget about it?” “you mean forget about when we kisse-“”STOP”.
like an e2l 🫣 if u can write it omg its totally okay if u cant!!
mua ily 💗
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part 2
SUMMARY ! how is niki supposed to focus on biology when his shy tutor is so irresistible and fun to tease?
PAIRING ! jock!niki x tutor!gn!reader
WC ! 800
WARNINGS ! smooching in the library smh
a/n: lilly baby !! this prompt is so cute omg thank u for the req <3 i hope u enjoy and ilyt :D
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3:39PM — being assigned to tutor the star player on your school’s basketball team — aka the biggest slacker of them all, nishimura riki — was probably the biggest obstacle you’d face during the entirety of your high school career.
you didn’t think he was unintelligible beyond saving — no, niki was rather quick with catching onto things when he actually tried. the real problem was that he preferred to stare at your pretty face (his words, not yours) all period then listen to the mumbo jumbo of you explaining the human body’s skeletal system to him, which turned out to be a detrimental issue during your sessions.
there you both sat; legs crossed and eyes focused as you point around different parts of the skeleton in your textbook while niki rested on his elbow, staring holes into the side of your face with a tiny smirk. every once in a while you pause and look up to ensure he’s listening, which he seemed to be doing okay at to your surprise.
“and right below the patella, we have the..?” you look up at niki with a questioning gaze, waiting for him to continue your sentence and demonstrate his listening.
the boy blinks, following your finger that’s pressed on the page, tapping the answer for him blatantly. then, he smiles, biting his lip mischievously. “mm.. if you recreate what we did at our last session, i’ll say it.”
you don’t need to pause and think to remember exactly what he’s referring to. gulping slightly, you glance off to the bookshelves nearby. “look, can we just forget about that?”
“what?” his expression grows brighter, enjoying your shy reactions to the fullest, “forget about when we kissed?”
“niki, stop talking so loud-“
“why? does it make you nervous?” you don’t reply, turning away only for him to lean over the desk to see you better. “ay,” he snickers, “what’s that on your face, y/n? are you blushing for me?” he giggles proudly, reaching over to push some hair behind your ear, successfully revealing more of the apple color painting your cheeks.
the only reason you’d agreed to the whole mess that ocurred last week was because niki promised to study for his upcoming test in return, which he did. in fact — he passed with flying colors, and it only encouraged you more to help him one way or another. the potential he held was begging for assistance, and if a kiss was the cost of that, it was a price you were willing to pay.
and maybe, just maybe because deep down, you’ve been wanting to kiss him as well. niki didn’t need to know that, though.
“shut up, that was for the sake of your grades, and grades alone,” you insist sternly. “now answer my question, what’s below the catella?”
“c’mon, don’t act like you didn’t enjoy it too.” annoyingly, the jock dodges your inquiry, much too intrigued with the new conversation at hand.
“yeah well i- i didn’t.” shit, did you have to stutter now of all times?
before you could process anything, niki gently grabs your jaw, angling it back towards him softly. he waits for any signs of protest while staring down at you, curly black bangs covering parts of his sharp eyes, challenge burning in them at your previous denial. when you don’t push him away, he grins cheekily before bending down to meet your lips.
the kiss was soft and quick, but the plushness and confidence in his movements still made your head dizzy even as he pulled back and surveyed your dazed features, all while licking his lips again to taste the remnants of your own.
“how about that one?” he demands.
it takes you a moment to come back to earth, shaking your head dumbly as you realize he’s asking you to rate his kissing skills. “i- it was alright..”
his tongue clicks in offense, scooting closer to you with a damaged ego and flaring determination. “never would’ve thought my little tutor would be so hard to please.” as you open your mouth to protest, niki’s lips are back on yours, and this time he’s holding the back of your neck to deepen the contact as his other hand reaches over to slam your textbook shut, making you flinch slightly in his hold. “fuck bio,” he murmurs against your lips, “i can’t let you bruise my pride like that and get away with it.”
you gulp, glancing at the library clock only to have your eyes widen in horror. shit. your session with niki ended three minutes ago, and pretty much all you’ve done is make out.
yet.. you can’t find it in you to complain when the pretty boy leans back down for more.
basketball player niki,, 😇
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savannahsdeath · 1 year
Hiii, so I wanna request an ellie x reader where they are like fake dating but then one night they're out at a bar and some guys are messing with/bothering (basically harrasing) reader and Ellie BEATS them up. Like bad lol. Then reader gets mad at Ellie, insisting she could've "handled it herself" but then ellie ends up accidentally saying she's in love with reader hence why she got so protective
i cant stop thinking about this omg.
mdni please<3
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warnings: 18+!! mention of alcohol, catcalling, sa and just creepy guys overall, blood, fighting
writers note: writing this took my blood sweat n tears and im not sure wether it was worth it or not
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while you and ellie had been close and even affectionate with one another, the nature of your relationship had always been that of simple friends. holding hands, sitting on her lap, or other romantic gestures seemed natural and casual between the two of you without any thought to anything more. however, you were both acutely aware that everyone believed you were romantically involved and you knew that was one reason you were still single.
when you were in ellie's room you began to notice little things. she had framed pictures of the two of you together, notes and sketches she had made about you, and a diary full of your name. dina and jesse kept teasing you about it, but 'isn't it what friends do?'
and, god, how oblivious you were.
one day, you took her out to a local bar, feeling the need to just drink and forget about everything for one night.
as you walked into the pub, you couldn't help but notice all the heads that turned to watch as you passed. it was like something in the air compelled you to turn to look at her. a familiar feeling of warmth ran through you and you instinctively reached out to take her hand. ellie giggled at your gesture, but didn't let go and you continued through the crowd which got already bored with your appearance.
it was just a normal night, the drinks making you a little tipsy and loosening your tongue, but everything was going just fine.
you saw a group of boys your age suspiciously eyeing you and ellie, their gaze mostly focused on you and your clothes.
well, that's true, you didn't put your everyday clothes on, but you had a good humour and felt like dressing up... actually, who am i trying to lie to? you wanted to look good for your friend.
she didn't notice the boys, but you did. your eyes met with the one in the leather jacket, and he looked away quickly. his group turned back to their beers, but you couldn't stop thinking about the way he glanced over at you.
the situation made you a little uncomfortable, but you played it cool and ignored the boys, turning your attention back to ellie. she was in her element, chatting away in a loud and lively fashion, her hands flying to emphasize whatever story she was telling. you couldn't help but let out a laugh as you took in the scene.
things were going just fine until one of the boys approached you. "hey, gorgeous." he said, in a voice that was trying just a little too hard to sound casual. "can we buy you a drink?"
ellie frowned, her gaze flickering between you and him. "she's not alone."
the boy tried again, undeterred. "i wasn't talking to you." he scoffed, his voice dripping with condescension as he turned to ellie, pointing you with his chin. "who wears a dress like that if they're not looking for a good time?"
ellie looked shocked for a moment, then her eyes narrowed. she leaned towards the boy, keeping her voice low. "this dress looks like it's worth more than you make in a month. now, leave us alone."
the boy laughed, turning his attention back to you, seemingly oblivious to the warning. "why don't you take off the dress and let us see what's underneath?"
you watched ellie open her mouth to answer for you again but you cut her off with a shake of your head and quiet 'let it go'. she looked at you, her mouth half open, as if she was waiting for your permission before starting her response. she rolled her eyes at you, but said nothing.
the boy seemed frustrated that his insult was met with no reaction. he jabbed his finger at you. "or maybe you're just a dyke?"
at that, ellie's eyes flew open. "the fuck did you just say?" she hissed, clenching her fists to the point her nails were digging into her palm.
you gripped her wrist, trying to pull her away. "ellie, come on–"
as things were just starting to escalate, a bartender rushed over, looking agitated. "hey, hey! none of that in here!" he pointed at him. "you, out now!"
the boy scoffed, as did his friends, but obediently left. you could hear him muttering complaints under his breath, but his voice faded away into the background din of the bar.
you kept close to ellie as the boys were led out.
ellie was still fuming, taking a few deep breaths. she looked up at you with daggers in her eyes. "why did you stop me? he deserved more than that." after a little pause she added; "no one will disrespect you like that. and no one can disrespect you when they're unconscious."
you weren't sure whether to be amused or horrified at her comment. "and how exactly were you planning on achieving that?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.
ellie smirked, taking your hand in hers. "you don't need to know. just know that i was prepared if things had gotten out of hand."
that answer did little to ease your skepticism. "you know you can't go around knocking people out like a character in a movie, right?"
ellie raised her eyebrows, staring at you with a challenging expression. "sure i can," she grinned, "if the situation calls for it.
"ellie," you said, "be serious." but ellie's confidence was charming, and you couldn't help but crack a little smile. "alright," you added. "just... try to keep your cool next time, alright?"
she nodded, squeezing your hand. "promise. no knocking heads unless i absolutely have to."
you decided to leave the bar shortly after, not in the mood to socialise anymore. she told you to wait outside as she, obviously, paid for the both of you.
the atmosphere outside wasn't so cozy - not only because it was cold and windy, but you also saw those boys there, smoking and laughing. you thought about going back inside but they didn't seem to notice you - well, not at first.
one of the boys spotted you and instantly smiled. he nudged his friend and said something you couldn't quite make out. the two of them laughed and started approaching you. "hey," the first one said, "is your little girlfriend taking too long in there? we could take you home and warm you up."
the thought of people thinking ellie is your girlfriend seemed funny but not new to you, so you ignored it.
you rolled your eyes at their comment, but kept your expression neutral. "no, thanks, but you might want to work on your pickup lines. 'warm you up?' really?"
the two boys exchanged a look and laughed. their friend said "oh, she's feisty. we like that."
you felt your stomach drop. ellie was still inside the bar and you had no clue how long she might be. not too long, you hoped. i mean, how long can paying for a few drinks take?
as if on cue, ellie opened the door and came out. she stopped dead in her tracks as she noticed the two boys who'd just been hitting on you.
she took a moment to take in the situation, then rolled her eyes and scoffed. you were relieved to see she was wearing a smirk that told you she was ready for whatever was coming.
the two boys stared at ellie, eyes darting from her to you and back again.
"oh, hey ellie." you exhaled, putting on your best fake smile. "good timing. we were just about to–"
ellie didn't give you the chance to finish. "sorry i took so long." her tone was friendly, but it was obvious she was trying to claim you as her territory. all three boys watched her in silence.
"can i help you, boys?" ellie said sweetly, her voice dripping with sarcasm. she put her arms around your waist, which only amplified her already mocking tone.
the boys watched her with leering eyes. the tall blonde one put his hand on his friend's shoulder. "we were just saying how pretty your friend is." he paused, raising an eyebrow. "she sure looks... hm, how do i describe it? slutty?"
at that, ellie's demeanor changed, and her previous smile faded. her look was cold as ice, and she clenched her fists again.
'this is getting out of hand'
"hey," the tall blonde said, "i bet there's something better under that dress." he pointed at you.
"yeah, there's a fucking gun." you hissed.
he didn't seem to take you seriously, as he should - you were in fact completely unarmed. the only weapon you had was... well, ellie. "we'd like to personally test that theory."
ellie's knuckles turned white. "i'm here with her."
"look, you can watch from a distance." the blonde laughed. "but me and my friends here are going to have a good time with a girl like this, whether she wants it or not."
you felt yourself flush with embarrassment. "oh, uh, no. we're just leaving." you said, grabbing ellie's wrist and trying to pull her away.
ellie wasn't having any of it. "go to the car and wait for me there." she whispered, tossing the keys to you.
"you're crazy." you whispered under your breath.
"just do it," ellie hissed. "i can handle them, and i don't want you getting involved."
'like i'm not involved already.'
it was impossible to argue against that last point, and you reluctantly followed her instructions.
you were surprised they didn't try to stop you but you realised they probably know what's going to happen.
as you opened the car door and got in, you watched the situation from the safety of the passenger's seat. the boys had surrounded ellie, one with his hand on her arm and the others laughing and pointing at you. you couldn't hear them but you guessed what they talked about. they were just little shadows in your eyes now, you barely could tell which one's ellie.
from your vantage point, you watched ellie and the three boys facing off. she spoke in a quiet, measured voice that you weren't sure you wanted to hear the contents of.
suddenly, you saw the blonde reach towards her. that was enough for her.
she slapped his hand away, and in a swift motion, kicked him in the groin. he let out a, silent for you, cry of pain and sank to the ground, while the others were still recovering from the surprise. ellie turned to them and and soon they were all on the ground. the blow knocked the last boy out cold. ellie quickly turned to the blonde, who was now sitting up and holding his injured part. without a word, ellie approached him and kneed between his legs just as he was about to stand up.
the boy groaned, dropping back to the ground. ellie reached down and grabbed him by the shirt. she hauled him back up, and raised her fist again. you turned away, not wanting to look at the scene and uncomfortably shifted in the passenger seat, hoping it'll be over soon.
she took her time. you didn't know what could they possibly say to piss her off that much but you didn't want to.
she approached the car and got in, not saying a word to you.
you didn't say a word either, you just watched her cautiously driving. your anger started to grow - at the boys, at the whole situation, even at ellie. what she did was just reckless, one of them could be armed... or have really good skills. plus, they barely touched you and the comments didn't really get to you anyway.
you let out a frustrated sigh and turned to her. "why did you have to make such a big deal out of nothing? i could have handled it just fine on my own."
ellie didn't look at you or even acknowledge your words. she kept driving, her attention focused on the road.
you weren't sure what to think, but it frustrated you that she was acting like this. 'why can't she just drop the tough girl act and admit she overreacted?'
you tried again. "ellie, come on, i know you were just trying to help, but–" you sighed. "just ignore me, i guess."
you turned to look out the window in annoyance, but then ellie spoke suddenly, her tone deadly serious. "you know i was right to do what i did."
you whipped your head around to look at her in surprise. "what do you mean?"
ellie looked straight ahead as she kept driving. "those guys would have taken advantage of you," she said quietly, "like it or not."
her words hit you like a ton of bricks. you sat in silence for a moment, trying to process what she said.
"but that's ridiculous," you frowned, "i wouldn't have let anything happen."
ellie shot you a look. "you really think you're the one in control of the situation? sweetheart, you have no idea. as soon as you let them talk to you, it was out of your hands."
you mockingly laughed. "oh, so i can't handle them but you can? what am i, a deer surrounded by lions?"
ellie sighed, shaking her head. "god, you're infuriating," she said, keeping her eyes on the road. "yeah, actually, you are like a deer surrounded by lions – completely oblivious to how predatory these men are."
she cast a sharp and serious glance at you, making you flinch.
"i can handle myself." you repeated, with growing annoyance. after a moment, you added; "why the fuck would you do that? you should mind your own business."
"i make it my business to look after my friends." ellie answered, still not looking at you.
you felt your blood boil, but you forced yourself to remain calm. "i don't want you to look after me, ellie. you are my friend, not my babysitter."
"oh, i'm sorry!" she shrugged, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "i thought friends protect each other!"
you scoffed at her last comment. "how exactly was i in danger?" you asked. "they barely even touched me!"
she sighed again, this time with irritation. "jesus, you were really lucky, alright? i get that you feel like your ego's been hurt by all this, and i'm sorry. but if i hadn't stepped in, you could have been hurt. maybe the situation wouldn't have escalated to violence, but i wasn't taking any chances." she looked at you, her expression softened and she seemed truly concerned. "do you understand?"
you huffed but your tone calmed down a little. "that was my problem, not yours."
"fine, it was your problem," ellie rolled her eyes. "just don't get mad at me for looking out for you."
"i'm not mad." you said, your tone turning defensive. "i'm annoyed you think i'm incapable of looking after myself."
her eyes fixed on you, cold and sharp. "you're lucky i was there."
she parked the car in front of your house, where she was supposed to sleep this night. at least, you planned it like that. now you'd prefer to be alone. you let her in anyway, hoping to talk about what happened in better circumstances.
as soon as you came in, you took some ice bags and went back to ellie. her knuckles were bloody red and swollen, even though she didn't seem to be hurt. she looked up and took the bag from your hand, but her expression was still stern.
"thanks." she said in a raspy monotone, holding it to her hands.
you cleared your throat awkwardly, hoping that the ice would help ease the situation. "ellie, i just want to say i appreciate what you did, but–"
she sighed and shook her head. "don't start."
"well, i was going to." you said, unable to hide your irritation. "you overreacted. i don't need your help. it was my problem to deal with."
ellie stayed silent for a moment, as if contemplating what you just said. "i might have overreacted," she admitted, "but i still don't regret what i did."
you sighed and threw your hands up in frustration. "we're just going around in circles here. why can't you understand that i can handle myself? i don't need you. i didn't ask for your help. i don't understand why you just have to get all protective over me."
ellie sighed, dropping the ice bag to her side. her voice was still calm, but with a hint of anger. "i was trying to look out for you. i was trying to do something nice, and you just keep yelling at me for it."
you felt your confusion growing even more. "but- why?"
she shook her head in disbelief. "because i love you."
the air seemed to suck out of your lungs when she said that. her words were unexpected, and you wanted to know if you heard her right. "what did you say?"
ellie chuckled and nodded, her expression almost teasing but still nervous and even a little aggresive. "i said i love you, of course."
you couldn't reply, too stunned to speak. you just stared at her, feeling the familiar heat on your cheeks rise.
she clicked her tongue at your obliviousness. "that's why i'm so protective. that's why i couldn't just ignore how they talked to you."
you just blinked, still unable to process what she said.
ellie must have sensed your confusion, because she continued. "i'm not your babysitter, alright? you're a big girl. you can take care of yourself– but that's not what i meant." she took your hand in hers. "i'm worried about you because i love you."
the realization of what she'd said suddenly hit you like a train, and you felt your heart race. for what felt like an eternity, you just stared at her, still not believing what you were hearing.
ellie just smiled, a little bit embarrassed, as if she hadn't just made one of the most profound declarations of love imaginable.
"so," she said quietly, "can you forgive me now?"
her tone was so innocent, so sincere, that it seemed almost cruel to keep arguing with her. it seemed cruel that you ever did.
in the end, you nodded. "yeah, i can."
that was all it took for ellie's expression to light up.
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teyamloving12 · 1 year
Innocent virgin reader getting passed around her friend group to 'help' them😫😫
Kiss, kiss 😘
Your Coconut Jelly
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Warning: NSFW content (MDNI), foursome, fingering, blowjobs, bukkake, innocence kink, praise kink, manipulation, etc.
Pairing: Neteyam x Reader x Aonung x Lo'ak
Synopsis: Neteyam, Aonung and Loak worked so hard to capture an akula. It was unsuccessful. Now they needed your help to stop this cause of their mistakes.
The Sully's found themselves a home, a place where they belonged other than the forest and a friend. A friend that was oblivious, kind and the word "no" did not exist in her vocabulary. Lo'ak and Neteyam had their rough patches with the firstborn of the Olo'ekytan of the Metkayina clan but over time, scars heal and so did their friendship. Like their father, the Sully brothers rose to the top.
Strong warriors of the sea they became.
They adored the Metkayina way of life, but the forest was their home. They worked hard for what they wanted. They were glad to have a friend that just couldn't say no. Neteyam and Lo'ak along with Aonung, wanted to prove to their fathers that they were strong. So off they went. To the deepest depth of the blue ocean in search of the most dangerous creature that could lurk the deep sea.
They set off. The waters were rough for an early morning. The tide splashed up on their skins almost highlighting the blue pigmentation with the damn yellow lighting of the morning twilight. Eywa was probably angry or it was just a bad day for a hunt. Heavy rain poured from the sky and the further they went from the island, the more anxious they became.
It was time.
The akulas swam around the boys, almost making them dizzy. The movements were so calm, so vengeful, so captivating. The akulas felt threatened in their territory, the "prey" wanted to defend themselves so they finally decided to attack. Neteyam shot the predator with his crossbow but it was determined.
No prey was going to take its victory. Its teeth clamped around his leg, he screamed almost forgetting he was underwater. Neteyam wouldn't allow himself to die here. He gave the beast a fierce kick, and it finally let go. He was not the only one struggling in this battle, his brother and companion were mildly injured from the attacks of the beasts.
They couldn't go back knowing that they failed. How would their father's react? They tried to prove themselves but they were not ready. Lo'ak huffed and puffed as he rode back to the Island, as his brother and his friend remained quiet in shame. The weather was surprisingly better now. The sun was shining brightly almost burning their skin.
"I cant fucking believe we didnt catch the akula!", he yelled as her feet laid up in the hot, golden sand of Awa'atlu. Neteyam sighed and shaked his head in disappointment. " After all that training on top of it!", Aonung threw his hands in the air. The three boys swore Eywa had something out for them. They trained for months thinking they were ready, they set out for sea. Only to fail miserably and now covered with scratches, cuts and bruises all over their bodies.
Aonung couldn't go back to his parents' marui. He knew his mother would have scolded him brutally. Instead his eyes gazed at your marui. "I can't go home like this.", Aonung stated. "Can't we just go to Y/n? Isn't she a healer or something?", Lo'ak asked in frustration knowing his mother and father would tell him he clearly wasn't ready. Lo'ak stormed over to your marui.
"Lo'ak wait! You can't invade her privacy like that!", Neteyam shouted as his stubborn little brother refused to listen. Lo'ak walked through the shell curtain that acted as a door to your home. "There you are!", LO'ak exclaimed. Your head shot up at the voice of your friend. You were excited to see your friends but Lo'ak being injured was another thing.
You rushed towards him in panic. You raised your hand but your fingers could touch his face, he placed his cheek into your hands and closed his eyes in comfort. "What happened to your hunt? you were so excited about it yesterday.", you were about to ask another question until Ao'nung and Neteyam barged in, panting as if they were running for miles. Lo'ak rolled his eyes at the two.
"We need help.", Lo'ak stated with a smirk on his face. "What the fuck is he thinking?", Neteyam whispered to Aonung who just shrugged his shoulders. " You wanna know why we failed, pretty girl?", you shrugged as your doe eyes met with his amber orbs.
" I don't know about them but I have a bit of a problem.", Lo'ak pointed to the erection poking through his loincloth.
"Huh?", you responded. "What do you mean? I don't understand!", you exclaimed. "Lo'ak, are you serious?", Neteyam yelled. "C'mon baby, I'll teach you, kneel down f'me.", he commanded. You dropped to your knees, his boner sprung in your face. You watched as his loincloth fell to his ankles. Your mouth became to drool at the sight before you.
"Tell me what to do Lo, I don't wanna see you hurt like this.", you said with a sad expression on your face. "Lo'ak whatever you plan on doing, you better stop!", Aonung warned him. "What do you mean? I help him to get rid of his problem, right Lo?", you asked. He nodded as you stroked your cheek.
Lo'ak began to rub his throbbing cock in your face. It was so fascinating, it's length and girth were perfect as if his cock was made just for you.
"Wrap your hand around it. And stroke it up and down, ok?", Lo'ak advised. Your fingers traced the shape of his cock with curiosity, it looked almost edible. You pumped his cock in your hand, the precum soaked your palm and spread it over his member like butter on toast. Your lips sucked on his tip, Aonung and Neteyam was shocked
What the hell were you doing?
"Open your mouth for me baby.", he said. Even the way you widened your mouth for him was adorable. He chucked softy. "Y/n, you know my cock is big, open wider, m'kay?", you listened to every command he gave without hesitation.
"She looks good with her lips wrapped around my cock, doesn't she?", Lo'ak asked his shocked friend and brother. A purple hue spread from their cheeks to their pointed ears.
He continued to thrust inside your mouth, gagging noises were slightly heard. "Shh baby, don't cry.", Lo'ak cooed seeing the tears that threatened to fall. "Breathe through your nose.", he said before going a slower but still rough pace. It would be a lie if Neteyam and Aonung said they were not aroused by the sight in front of them.
They clearly had a problem too.
Lo'ak came all over your face. You wrapped some off with your index finger and observing the liquid. It reminds you of coconut jelly, maybe it tasted like coconut jelly.
And in fact, it did. It tasted even better
You looked at Neteyam and Aonung's problem. You tilted your head before crawling towards them and stoped at their crotch. "Let me help you...please?", you begged. How could they say no to you? You pulled off their loincloth and began to lick the tip of Neteyam's throbbing dick.
"Mhmmm", you hear him groan from the friction of your lips around him. You pumped his shaft as you gave Aonung the same treatment. You were moaning around him.
"Louder. Let me hear you, yawne.", Aonung was high from the pleasure he received from your mouth. "You take me so fucking well, yawne. Fuck, can you go deeper?", you would do anything to help them. You forced your head you go deeper.
He felt like he was making tsahyelu. His eyes rolled back, gripping his curls as he cummed inside of your mouth.
You looked at Neteyam who was thrusting his hips into your small hands, trying his better to get off. But it was simple.
Your mouth was better.
Your fangs grazed over the full veins on his dick before taking his whole, Lo'ak climbed behind you, looking at your glistening and soaked cunt. You felt his fingers traced over your folds, making you take Neteyam even deeper into your mouth.
"So tight f'me babygirl.", Lo'ak whispered into your ear. Aonung attacked your neck with violent kisses leaving purple marks on your skin. Lo'ak's fingers kept pumping inside of your cunt. "Cum baby, don't hold back.", he said as you felt Neteyam's sperm flow down your throat. The knot in your stomach burst. Lo'ak smirked as your juices soaked his hand. Neteyam finished on your face. You were coming down for your high.
You didn't mind helping a few friends in need. "Hey Lo'ak, can I get some of your coconut jelly tomorrow?", you asked with a smile on your face as the boys deadpanned at your question.
Even after all that, you were still clueless.
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aihaitahm · 1 year
Hello! Do you mind doing headcanons of dan heng, blade and jing yuan with a reincarnated s/o?? Like their s/o died in the past long ago in a war or something but got reincarnated again, the s/o doesn't remember them right away, thank you so much in advance ❤❤❤
hsr men and how they react to reuniting with reincarnated! s/o!
cw death, ooc? gn! reader, more in depth abt blade’s lore so i hope its correct !! been looking into it. kinda angst —> comfort.
sorry for the wait!! been busy but hope u like it:3
characters: dan heng, blade, jing yuan
dan heng
up to this day, he remembers the promises you both made, what you liked, disliked and everything about you. although reminiscing does not hurt him like it used to, it still makes him long for your presence.
the type to get dreams of you and when you tell him in his dreams that you will most certainly meet again, he is patient enough to wait. maybe it was foolish to rely on dreams but his desire to meet you and love you again is immeasurable.
time passed by and dan heng was still waiting, wearing the bracelet you always wore. he would always fiddle on it when he is worried. maybe he should stop waiting? but what if you appear when you stop waiting?
when himeko and welt came back from an expedition, they brought in a new member of the astral express. their name happened to be (name) and they happen to have similar features to the one dan heng has always remembered.
dan heng’s eyes widened as he realized his dreams were correct. you were correct. he continued to stare at you while doing your introduction. you looked ethereal, you looked timeless as if youve never aged the last time hes seen you and it was like youve always been alive.
you caught up on his staring after you introduced yourself to the astral express and vice versa. you somehow cant put a finger on why he does look familiar but you felt at ease just being with him.
“um… dan heng correct? we have the same bracelet, can i ask where did you get it from? also do i know you?”
“i got this from someone who i used to know and their name was also (name). they made it for me.”
after sacrificing himself to become a blade, his memory of you was not the best however he still felt the same intensity of emotions he held whenever he remembers your name. he doesnt know if its a blessing or a curse.
despite being blade, some parts of him is still ren. and ren has intense feelings for you. blade for some reason remembers the last argument you both had before you died. you were concerned about him possessing and delving into more power which lead to him being defensive and arguing with you.
as much as blade likes remembering you, your touch, your love and you in general, he cant help but harbour some guilt and sadness. he’d prefer if he left your name alone in peace. even though he wants to get to know you again and apologize, what was the point if you were dead. if your lives werent meant to meet each other again in any universe? it would be best if he just forgets about you.
fast forward and his bad luck struck him or this is probably in elios’ script but he was now arrested by the cloud knights of xianzhou alliance. it wasnt much of big of a deal to be honest but while in his cell, one of the cloud knights didnt have a helmet on, guarding his room.
he caught a glimpse of your face and this unlocks a lot of his memories as ren. how… timely, ironic it was to be held captive by your own reincarnation. its as if the heavens really planned it from the start.
you felt him staring at your face and which you snarled asking if theres something wrong. he just continously stared and smirked. you couldnt shake a feeling of familiarity with blade but aeons its an unbearable feeling but why would you say this to the general or other cloud knights… they might just interrogate you.
“you know if youre not going to answer my question well so be it. i know ive seen you in my dreams. i know we’ve met before. i know you know me from somewhere. but who are you?”
“you are bold as ever… but you should maybe figure out things on your own? its no fun giving you all the answers is it not? my new appearance is a clue, i’ll give you that.”
jing yuan
you knew jing yuan as your sparring mate whenever he was under jingliu and you under a different master. you both trained to becoming the strongest and maybe compete for the highest title of the alliance.
you sparred almost everyday with him. he enjoyed every moment he has with you. whether it was going for walks or eating food with you, it is a cherishable moment for him and you too. as you both grew into your teen years, you both happened to confess at the same time and became official.
unfortunately, your death caught up with you quickly. jing yuan was still quite young to experience grief but it didnt hinder him to train the hardest. jingliu wasnt in particular fond of you in the first place since you were distacting him.
without letting his master know, jing yuan would write letters to you everyday about what hes doing and how much he loves you. wherever you are he knows you both are in the same world or universe one way or another. he keeps most of your possessions because he believes it is his goodluck charm.
when he became general, he still wrote letters to you and even ask some of his servants to make a mini statue of your weapon to be displayed, in exchange for great amounts of money. he deeply misses you and he knows he carries a great amount of responsibility now that he is a leader. he secretly prays he gets to meet you again, even for one last time.
one faithful morning, he stumbled across a familiar face while shopping miscellaneous stuff for his cute mimi because he accidentally bumped into you pretty hard.
“ouch! be mindful of where you’re…. i-i apologize! i didnt mean to.”
“oh its alright it is actually my fault, i apologize. sorry to ask you this question but is your name (name)?”
“yes it is… why do you ask?
… on second thought i think you look familiar asides from the fact youre the general, i feel like i’ve known you before.”
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renjuns-foolscover · 4 months
Huang Renjun the type of boyfriend to never show much affection especially in front of others but when he feels insecure he will simply wrap his arms around you and hold you close
Huang Renjun who notices the little things about you. Things even you forget about yourself sometimes. He will notice how you fidget with your clothes when uncomfortable or how your smile is different depending on who you are talking to. He is your personal admirer and everything you do is so special to gim so he makes sure to take in all of you
Huang Renjun who would randomly pass you littke post-its with little drawing if them and you will keep them in a box he also painted for you. Amongst the drawings there are little letters from him expressing his love
Huang Renjun who cant talk about the way he feels and thats why he gives you letters. He knows that you know he loves you, but he also knows that you love to hear it as well, and since he cant tell you as much as he would want to he orefers writing for you
Huang Renjun who knows about your trouble sleeping during stressful periods so he sings at you every night his honey like voice reaching every corner of the room helping you fall asleep while he holds you tight in his arms
Huang Renjun who when you first started dating was gettung really jealous when you were talking to another person for too long, especially if they made your real laugh and smile appear, something that only him could successfully do. Eventually he realised that they were all just friends and he was and is the love of your life
Huang Renjun who met your parents and they immediately loved him. He hit it off pretty quickly with your mom saying things like 'now i understand how y/n came out so pretty and cute' and he threw dad jokes in the table making your dad chuckle more than even him would like to admit. But you told him that it was obvious that they were gonna like him because everybody likes him.
Huang Renjun who knows you get anxious when around a lot people and even tho he doesnt likepda he always holds your hand or puts his hand in your back pocket just to let you know that he is there with you
Huang Renjun whose love language is acts of service and quality time so he always gets you gifts, little ones or big ones it doesnt matter as long as he sees your smile when you open them or he spends his days off in bed with you watching a movie or just simply cuddling
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memmemmemoww · 2 months
"What happened to our love.. it used to be so nice...it used to be so good"
Reader x Simon Riley | A Call of duty fanfic
Summary: Simon Riley and reader used to date but had a falling out which lead to them breaking up. Years later 141 and the 274 (readers task force) have to team up on a mission to locate the missing missiles. A lot of memories get re-opened for good and bad.
warnings: TW cursing, TW cheating, TW talks about in game terrorism
pt 1
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| I will try to follow the og plot of mw2 but ill add a little bit of my own ideas|
You and Simon met on the 141. You were a new recruit but you two quickly grew fond of each other. This slowly turned into a relationship, a very lovey and caring one. Even your task force members knew about it...and supported it even your Captain let you guys keep together in secret. That all changed one day when you walked in on him with another recruit...an image you could never seem to get out of your head. You never even gave him time to explain. Maybe that was on you. You put in a transfer which Price accepted, as much as he was against it. Then you left and didn't look back.. or so you thought. Now your in the same room with the man who broke your heart five years ago and your old team...the 141, Johnny, Kyle, and Price. There was some underline tension that all of you ignored. They needed help on the mission that involved stolen missiles which you Captain, Captain Anderson decided to lend a helping hand...yay. You all stood around a table while Price spoke, debriefing the team.
"We have a lead on Hassan's phone. It leads us to location on the west coast of Galicia Spain." he spoke as he passed out files onto the table. You grabbed one and opened it. Hassan. You heard about him and the Las Almas. A terrorist group. "We will be infiltrating this location tomorrow. So rest up. Captain Anderson as agreed to let us set up shop at the 274." he spoke to his team. "Yes yes" he said as she looked over to you, "{reader} can you show them to your rooms" she asked. You sighed...great...back with your old team.. once again. You nodded, "Yes ma'am" you spoke as you set down the file and made your way out of the room, 141 slowly following behind you, "So how are you these days." Garrick asked as he walked up to you, walking side by side. You looked over at him and answered, "I'm good. How about you" You asked which he made a sarcastic sigh, "Ill be better when we catch this guy" she said which you nod in agreement.. That's when Price spoke up, "We at the 141 missed you." he said. Well you knew that wasn't true for Simon.. Given how silent he was. You just chuckled as you stopped in front of a room, you opened the door and stood to the side.
"You guys can rest up here for the night. If you need anything Captains room is right down the hall" you said with a smile. Garrick and Price made their way into the room, checking it out. Soap was about to enter before he looked over at you, "It was really good seeing you, hope you are doing well" he said before he went it. Simon just stood there like he wanted to say something but you could care less, you turned and was about to walk back to the briefing room when his hand grabbed your wrist.
"{reader} listen... the way things were left" he started but you cut him off, "forget it Simon. I'm over that" you spoke which you knew wasn't true but as long as he believed it that's what mattered. With that you pull your hand away and walked back to the briefing room. Your captain was cleaning up the files and she noticed you and quickly spoke, "{reader} I know-" but you cut her off, "Next to you decide to bring that team back into my life. Tell me. As much as I love them I cant... I cant stand seeing him.. knowing what he did." You spoke before grabbing one the files for the upcoming mission. You then walked out of the room and made your way to your private quatres. Entering your quarters you let out a groan and locked the door behind you. This is going to be okay. You told yourself... just get the mission over with you thought as you placed down the file on the table. You flopped down onto the bed sighing.....fuck
a/n: HELLOOOOOO I hope y'all enjoy this cause I know I'm having fun writing it! kinda of a messy and rushed start but I just need it so I could get to the good bits :D
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thomase1 · 6 months
Two broken make a whole; chapter 6
Series masterlist Main masterlist
Yup, back again.
Please be aware, this is the first smut i have ever written (yes its been in my drafts that long) and one can only do so much to save a catastrophe. :,) The foreplay is way too detailed for my taste, but somehow i just couldnt cut it. Lots of kissing omg, this rlly is kinda mid, sorry.
Warnings: Smut, masturbation, fingering, ¿loss of virginity?, probably some corruption, awkwardness, fluff, worried reader, tender Loki, big time jump
Wordcount:~4.300 of pure filth and brainless fluff (oops)
Or in other words: that escalated quickly
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Its now been a little over 6 months the gods have been living here. While you enjoy Thor being here and notice Loki settle in as well, one thing becomes clearer with each passing day.
Loki is your kryptonite. You have never felt such a strong attraction to anybody. His constant flirting and teasing do not make it any easier.
Its like hes been pestering you on purpose after that unfortunate mission months ago. Everywhere you went, he just casually appeared or was already there. Hell, even the helipad wasnt safe.
And the cocky demeanour and ambiguous statements really have been takeing down your walls one brick at a time. Its quite embaressing how quickly one god can wreck the walls youve built up for as long as you can remember.
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So now youre here, late at nigh, lying in bed after an eventful, tiring, day. But of course, you couldnt sleep.
You didn't mean to, but you thought of Loki. You've never had relations with somebody before, at least not that you remember of, which is problematic at your age and with your stress level.
Maybe thats why your body is reacting so ferociously to Loki. The thought of him is makeing you all tingly, you cant help but sigh in pent up sexual frustration.
You are engrossed in finding relief and relaxation, which doesn't always work for you. Actually never, yeah, you've never managed to climax before. Or maybe you just expected more of a feeling? You are not quite sure. But it defently isnt satisfying your need.
You concentrate on your movements, in your imagination you see Loki in front of you. You've seen him shirtless a few times, which worsened your interest even further. Damn why must he be a hot villain too.
Well, he is an ally now, yes, but he is still Loki Laufeyson.
You keep concentrating, attempting to avoid thining of him, trying to picture hot actors or just anybody but him.
Suddenly your dark room brightens with a green shimmer.
Loki appears and you quickly hide under your covers.
"I know you're awake Y/N," the intruder says. You don't answer and pretend to be asleep.
"I heard your rapid breathing as I passed your door. I know what I'm interrupting." he teases in a singsong voice.
Damn how embarrassing, your breath catches in your throat.
"Oh, don't be embarrassed. Unless you were thinking about me Y/N, of course that would be a rather peculiar situation, huh?" he purrs provocatively, his voice getting even closers.
He can read minds, you know that, but you didn't think he could do it without even seeing the person.
"Oh, so you're not even denying it. Interesting. There's quite a bit I can do that you don't know about, kitten.", he continues.
Goosebumps form all over you, leaving you to shiver under the covers. He's right next to your bed.
"So Y/N, are you in need of assistance?", you can hear the smirk in his voice.
You try to think of nothing which is near impossible when consciously trying. Especially in the middle of getting yourself off.
"I heard your thoughts before, about you finding it hard to get a high. I just want to help you."
"How long were you listenig you little shit?!", you snap, throwing the blanket off your face huffing.
"Long enough to know how desperate you are."
"Cant you just leave and forget about this, please?", you mumble ashamed.
"But where is the fun in that? Come on now, its a win for both of us. Promise I wont tell.", he sits down at the edge of your bed.
Should you just accept? As soon as that thought crosses your mind, you get nervous. Cheeks burning, hands sweaty and heart racing.
"Do you fancy me that much, getting nervous like this?", he asks grinning.
You dont know if you should punch him or fuck him right now. He is so infuriating.
"I dont fancy you! Its just my hormones going crazy ok? Dont flatter yourself!", you hiss. Why must he torture you like this?
"Yea sure it is.", he says sarcastically.
You dont respond.
"Oh come on Y/N, do you really think you can finally reach your high this time? Just take it as a favor."
He sounds so sincere all of a sudden, what the hell? Well, god of mischief and lies, aint he?
"A favor? Dont act like you dont just want an easy girl for a night, but i am anything but easy.", you scoff bitterly. If there is one thing your job taught you, its to be suspicious of everything and everyone.
He sighs, "No, I dont think of you as easy. I admit I havent engaged in sexual activities for quite some time either, but what of it? It would stay between us, we would both profit from it."
He really sounds thruthful and his tone is kind of... tender? And for a moment the though of just accepting the offer crosses your mind again. It sounds simple enough, but you just dont know if you can trust him.
"Listen, I am entirely truthful right now. What would I gain by bragging about having sex with you? I am no school boy seeking validation Y/N. I believe here on Midgard you say, 'A gentleman doesnt tell.'."
"Will you please stay out of my thoughts?!"
"I can do that.", he smirks.
It actually makes sense though, he isnt friends with the others, why would he tell them? "Ok Loki, just promise me again, this stays between the two of us.", you awkwardly reach out your hand to him, attempting to seal the deal by a handshake.
He, however, grabs your hand and places a gentle kiss on your knuckles, "I promise. I know the past has not been kind to you either, I wish no harm to you.".
This gesture throws you off completely, you are not used to such tender affection. Your worry about trusting him eases a bit, a smile crosses your lips.
But now when you think about it, what if only he gets a profit out of it? When you cant get it yourself, what makes him so sure he will? You already expect a response from the god, but it seems he is keeping his word.
"On another note, what makes you so sure you can even help me with my *you gulp* struggle?", you ask with shaky voice.
He gives a deep chuckle, "Because I've gained some experiece in over a thousand years of living. So, shall we start?".
"Uhh, yea I guess.", as those words leave your lips, he gently sinks his lips onto yours.
You are surprised for a second, but return the kiss after a few moments. Its been some time since you kissed or made out, but you get into it pretty quickly. He leans forwart to you, one hand on your cheek. The kiss is deep with passion, his tongue asking permission to explore. You grant him entrance and he begins his route of discovery.
You grab the back of his neck, pulling him down so he is closer to you. He nibbles at your bottom lip and you cant keep a gasp from escaping you. Your tongues start to dance with each other, fighting for dominance. As you break apart for air her stops for a moment.
You hear him takeing off his shoes and crawl into your bed, now hovering over you. You cant help but giggle, seeing his determined expression lit by only the little light to your right.
You expect a cocky comment but instead your lips meet again. The kiss now just as determined as Lokis expression. It sends a warm feeling through your stomach, down to your core.
You lay your hands on his shoulders, traveling down his firm muscular arms. His hands start to wander too, from your back, over your ribs down to your waist where they stay with a firm grip.
You suck at his bottom lip and he takes a surprised breath. You smile into the kiss which leads him to lay his hands on your bare bottom and give it a hard squeeze. You let out a small yelp of surprise. He gives you a low chuckle and trails his lips off yours, down your cheek to your ear.
His hand moving up to steady himself again, the other one stroking a strand of hair from the path of his lips, he kisses behind your ear and starts nibbling at your earlobe, feeling his warm breath. You are overwhelmed with these new sensations.
Your hands travel to his chest, down his sturdy stomach, sixpack apparent to the touch. Then you wander further to the hem of his shirt, under it and up his torso again. His skin is soft. As he is assaulting your neck, he stops, "Like what youre feeling?", voice full with pride.
"Not bad, I must admit.", you giggle to which he only smirks and takes off his shirt.
Instantly your eyes wander down his bare chest and stomach. Wow. Pure eyecandy. He goes back to kissing your ear, but now the other one. The way he lets you feel him up so extensively while only gently kissing you, it feels like he wants to show you he is no threat to you. Maybe you are just imagining that, but it does make you more comfortable with the god.
As he does just that, you feel around his sides to his broad back and shoulders. And for the first time, a man above you with strong muscles does not make you panic. No, its hot. It feels strangely safe. He starts to trail down your neck, pulling down your shirt collar to reach your collarbone. You let out a tiny moan, you didnt know you were so sensitive in that spot.
You can feel your middle getting, shamefully, damp.
Lokis hand reaches the bottom of your shirt, starting to pull it up a bit. You grab his hands, stopping his movement. "What is it?", he asks hoarsly.
You swallow, "I- I was just getting a bit nervous, sorry.", you say shy.
You have quite a lot of insecurities lurking under the fabric of your shirt, accompanied by many scars, ugly reminders of past battles. While you feel more comfortable with him not harming you, letting him see all of you is still terrifying.
"Dont apologize, I'm glad you told me about it but I am without my shirt too, its only fair!", he grins.
"But then I'm completely naked!", you protest. Honestly, you are just afraid he is going to say sometehing hurtful.
"I do apologize for breaking my word but I was curious. Come on dear, I am sure you look beautiful. You can trust me.", he says so sweet, you think honey may start to drip from his lips. You blush at the sweet remark.
"Ok, just dont tell me if I prove you wrong.", you say, removing your hands from his.
"Oh nonsense my dear, even I wouldnt stoop so low. Especially when it isnt true, you are stunning.", Loki says waiting for you to trust him it seems.
You smile softly at his words, cupping his face and kissing him, leaving him gasping for air. He deepens the kiss again as you feel him slowly pulling your shirt back up.
Bare before him, you can feel his eyes before you even see them and your heart begins to race. You feel so exposed and vulnerable under his gaze, starting to move your arm to cover yourself. "Gorgeous. Ravishing, as I told you darling.", he coos.
He starts feeling up your stomach, to your ribs, settling on your breasts. Your stomach explodes with butterflies as relief washes over you.
As you start feeling around his wall of torso again he starts kissing your collar bones and boobs. You play with his hair, you always wanted to, it just looks so nice and it is as soft as it looks, smelling like lilac and mint.
You start to fondle with his scalp and can feel his shoulders relaxing. He definitely likes that. He showers your whole body with kisses and is slowly moving south, his long hair tickling you down his path. You keep massaging his head as you grip his shoulder with your free hand.
To say it pretty clearly, you are horny as fuck right now.
He is trailing down your hip, slowly moving your covers away as he is kissing down your thigh, takeing his sweet time which is, quite frankly, driving you insane. In the best way possible. As he kisses more and more to the middle of your thighs, you cant help but grip his hair firmly and letting out a small moan.
You feel your sex getting hot and twitchy. His hands are moving towars your middle and you feel a finger sliding over your lips. "So wet for me kitten, you want me to make you feel good now?", he purrs from between your thighs.
You feel his breath fanning agains your skin giving you goosebumps all over. "Yes, oh god yes.", you plead, urgency obvious.
"Say please.", he taunts, finger still stracing up and down.
"Please Loki. Please.", you plead with even more urgency.
And then finally he does; tongue caressing your most sensitive spot, hands pushing your legs apart. Your grasping at his hair harder again as you cant hold back a moan. It feels incredible. You claw into the sheets but keep your other hand in his hair, frankly, you have no control over it right now.
You let out a breath of surprise as he sinks a finger into you and starts moving it, makeing you whine in pleasure. He reaches a spot which feels so good, its unlike anything you felt before. And you think he knows that you feel good, keeping his movement exactly on that sweet spot of yours. Its sending waves of pleasure up my stomach. You move your hips feeling so good, arching your back off the bed as he takes a second finger.
"You taste exquisite.", he purrs as he gets some air into him.
Just as you think of an answer to that, he starts again. He sucks at your bundle of nerves, pushing you to arch your back again. Your whole body feels hot with lust.
You just wish you could touch him too right now, this feels a bit selfish letting him pamper you like this while he gets next to nothing. Arent you surpossed to give him something in return? And then he stops all of a sudden which you comment with a sad face. "Stop overthinking dear, just enjoy it. I will take care of you first, I'll have my fun soon enough.", he assures you, obviously having listened to your thoughts again.
He shifts and kisses you gently. You can taste yourself which somehow turns you on even more. He starts moving his fingers, thumb now rubbing your clit. The kiss gets heated as you lay your arms around his neck, pulling him close. He moves his fingers faster and faster as you claw at his back out of pure arousal.
He sits up, moves his lips from yours and uses his second hand to stroke your clit now. You let out a moan, you think you are nearing a climax.
He moves faster and faster as you cant hold back little croaked mewls. He watches your face like his life depends on it, feeling Lokis clothed cock press into your thigh which turns you on even more.
You swear you are so near an orgasm, you no longer hold control over your body, hips pressing into your helpers hands looking for further friction. Your crys of arousal growing more and more, Loki starts cooing sweet encouragements at you.
"Thats it dear. Dont hold back."
"Come on kitten, come undone for me."
"Dont resist it. Let it all out darling."
Those sinful words spoken so sweetly tumble you over the edge. "Oh g-od, Loki, I think I'm gonna com-e", you say with a sharp cry.
"Thats it Darling, come for me. Give into it.", he supports.
Just like that you reach your high. You claw at the sheets, head jolting back as your body arches into his hand. "There it is. Beautiful.", you hear Loki from a distance.
You feel your whole body shiver. While still in the process of climaxing, Loki keeps moving his fingers inside of you. Your hips are moving on their own, rubbing against his hand. You feel your body quake as you hold onto him and he pulls you closer into a sloppy kiss.
Just as you relax and lean back, body done twitching, he pulls his fingers out of you. You lay down catching your breath and he lays down next to you. He snakes his arm under your back, pulling you into his chest. His hand hovers over you back, softly raking against it.
"Held my word, didnt I?", he whispers into your ear sending shivers down your spine again.
"You certenly did.", you mumble into his chest on which you are drawing circles with your fingertips.
He lays a hand on your cheek and lets it stay there. You close your eyes and enjoying a kind of relaxation and peace youve never felt before.
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"Would you like us to go further today?", he asks while stroking your head.
"You know what, yes, I trust you.", you say turning to him with a smile.
He shifts so he can meet your lips. Its not a passionate kiss, it feels more... loving? No, that can't be it. You cant describe it but it makes your heart flutter for a moment.
"I just remembered, I dont have a condom and I dont have one in my room either.", he says, surpising you of beeing so responsible in his excitement.
Said excitement beeing very noticable, urgendly pressing into your side. The question of how he even knows about eartly forms of contraception is a question for another time, you think to yourself.
"Oh, its alright, I'm on the pill.", you say, which surprises him apparently.
"Why are you on the pill when you dont have a partner?", he asks suspicious.
"Ive gotten it because of my acne and symptoms of my period.", you explain kind of hurt he is so suspicious of you.
"Very well then.", he says and gets up.
You sit up too, blanket clutched over your chest. "You think its gonna hurt?", you ask the question every girl has.
"What do you mean? I wont hurt you dear.", he says dubfounded.
"Oh, so you didnt hear that part. Well-", you stop, so embarassed you wish to vanish from earth.
"Are you trying to tell me you actually never slept with someone?", he asks soft but also curious.
"It just never- got to that. At least not to my knowledge, if you remeber the mystery about my name.", you mumble bashful.
"Right, sorry darling, that is fine.", he says softly, "I dont think it will hurt, at least not badly since you already had the pleasure.".
You smile dumbly, your mind racing back to other, filthier, thoughts. Hot breath makeing your mind foggy as tongues collide once again. He pulls you closer, so close you feel his cock nudge up at your stomach. You wander down to his waistband, wanting to feel him.
He smirks and snaps his fingers, suddenly naked in front of your very eyes. Well, you cant exactly see but defently feel his excitement. Your hands basically wander on their own, touching his hips and sliding to his sex, leaving him gasping as you stroke him once.
He lays his head on your shoulder and lets his fingers meet you most sensitive spot again, giving him a appreciative moan. You keep your fingers around his throbbing cock, pleasing him as you like. He lets out a tiny moan which makes you quite proud of yourself.
You sink your head back into your shoulders, enjoying his skilled touch. You quicken your movement, makeing him stop for a second to catch himself, it appears like. That may be because you are not stopping with the teasing. You enjoy seeing him off his high horse. His tense face is a nice sight as well. "Y/N- should we takes this further now?", he groans.
"What do you think we are working towards?", you taunt with a giggle.
He looks into your eyes a little more seriously, "I am asking your consent, kitten-".
You only mouth an "oh". You stop your motions, makeing him relax against you slightly.
"Am I right to take that as a yes?"
You nod, biting your lip.
"Oh my sweet, you dont even know how crazy you drive me. I will make you write in extacy.", he whispers against your shoulder, pressing himself against you. You barely hold back an audible gasp, instead sinking your hands down his back, "And you dont even know what kinds of sensations you bring me.".
"Oh I think I do." He slides down your sloulder, feeling him spreading sloppy kisses all over your cleavage, you grip his hair thightly as he moves his hips to meet yours. You feel him throbbing against your wetness.
"Ready darling?", he asks attentively, lightly pressing against you.
"I think so.", you say anxiously.
He leans forwart and gives you a chaste kiss, swallowing your lips as he sinks into you slowly. The kiss breaks from the vulgar sounds now echoing off the walls. You grimace a bit because it does feel a bit weird, but after a few seconds you get used to the feeling. He stays still for you to adjust, his jaw flexing in concentration.
That jaw... Oh lord that jaw.
"It doesnt hurt. I dont know if thats good or bad.", you whisper against his lips.
The question you had for years starts to resurface. Scenes that picture your own personal horror movie start to plague your imagination.
"Dont overthink it too much sweetheart, just enjoy the moment.", he soothes.
You exhale, calming your mind down from the scary szenarios almost takeing over. You are here, you are safe, nothing you dont want will happen.
"Are you alright?", he watches you and cups your cheek. He looks concerned. You lean into his touch, finding comfort in his caring demeanour.
"I think I am.", you whisper, looking at him, his eyes.
"Is it ok if we continue then? Excuse my blunt choice of words but it is rather difficult to withhold me fucking you into this matress right now.", he says calm, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
Insatiable bastard. You shut him up with a kiss, figuring that counts as an answer. He smirks and starts lightly thrusting his hips. You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer.
Gradually, his speed increases and now, every time he reaches that one spot deep within you, you get pushed up the mattrass a bit more. By now you are pressed against the headboard. "Where do you think your going?", he asks, gripping your hips and yanking you down to him again with one firm pull, "I'm not done with you yet.".
You whine as he pounds into you ruthlessly, bis tip barely off that spot before he crashes into it again. Your toes curl and your fingers grip a fist full of his hair as he cups the back of your head, pressing you into his chest.
The room is filled with the sounds of sex.
You feel yourself nearing a climax, heatwaves coursing through your body. "I- think I'm... cl- close-", you croak hoarsly.
"Me too darling.", he growls.
You pull him down by grabbing his neck, wanting more of him. You press yourself into him as much as you can, earning a low groan as reward.
"Come for me Y/N! Say my name as you come for me!", he commands, thumb harshky stroking your clit.
You scratch at his back...nearing... nearing... "I'm gonna co-", you whimper.
Your back arches and your body errupts into a shudder as every muscle of your body goes rigid. Only croaked crys of pleasure are able to leave your throat.
"S-ay my name Y/N, gods let me h-ear yo-u-", he groans, about to climax too.
"Lok-i, oh g-od, fuck.", you let out with a cry as him still trusting into you prolongues your high. With a low, beast like, growl he thrust into you hard one last time, feeling him spill into you.
He pulls out and falls next to you. The thick smell of sweat in the air is somehow really comforting to you. You nestle against his chest and he sneaks an arm around you. You come down from what you just did together, his quickened heartbeat just under your ear.
About to fall asleep on him, he suddenly moves and sits up. "What are you doing?", you ask, kind of sad the cuddles ended so soon.
"I saw you were falling asleep so I figured I'd leave now and let you rest.", he explains softly.
You hate to admit it, but something inside you doesnt want to be alone right now.
"Could you maybe stay? If not an inconvenience of course.", you ask shy.
"Of course dear.", he says with an understanding nod, smiling warmly. Loki slips back into bed, taking you into his arms once more. You pull the covers over you two and soon drift off to sleep.
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soureggs · 5 months
I want to say my opinion on the btd gomenne gomenne fan game , i basicly have no leg to stand on but this is just my view on it
Controversial opinion but
I DONT think anyone is wrong realy in this situation,both sides are vaild.
°its very muddy and ppl try to bring in topics i DONT understand????
*I think ppl often forget alot of the Loud minority of gatos fanbase has sorta parasocial relationship with her since at one point gato was very active in her fanbase offten answering questions on the spot and constantly liking fanart and leaving comments, something not alot of creator's do ( i know the creator of sally face interacts with their own fandom too!)
But bc gatos fanbase is so niche the small amount of ppl assum she approves of everylittle thing or knows about every protect/merch ect She doesn't , it apperse to me shes often the last one to hear the news. If even(?)
( somewhat un related but im using this as an example bc its recent) vvvvvvv
// Very recently a merch creator/ seller said that her version of ren was a. l%li-con and there was some ppl who assumed gato was okay with this. She wasn't lol- i mean gato said multiple times kids DONT even exist in the games plot, BUT because gatos so lenient and open to head canons /spins on her characters thoes ppl assume she approved it \\
Its also very hard when you make a character and then a person starts writing them using their own head canons or having alot of out of character moments
And a STRANGE AMOUNT of thoes ppl thinking its canon or cant get THAT version of your character out of their head/ fan art /wrighting untill eventually its a fanon
Even WHEN a fangame is a perfect (like said fangane) because one person dose it , some ppl with bad intention will use this as an excuse to make a upsetting fangame and wont REALY get in trouble.
Hell even ppl with good intention could do the same and completely miss interpret the characters yk??
Veteran btd fans saw this years ago -
But keep that in mind with Everthing i said above how it might be a reasonable personal rule to have in such a small fandom. Especially if she had bad passed experiences
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I think ppl misinterpret her words, not out of malice ! Im sure of it! , but (creating your own game based off my work) is much different than
(Creating a game using my characters and or plot or story)
I belive she ment ( you can make your own muderp%rn dating sim) like courten cowboys or lurking for love , lovers trophy , etc etc ! Maybe her wording was a misstranlation ? Or misinterpreted? , im on the spectrum so i have that problem too sometimes ! And Especially since gatos so flexible and vague its easy to missread /gen
To be Inspired by a work dosent mean to use the characters or plot, just like referencing when drawing ! Example, OFF and undertail was Earthbound inspired but they both dont use any characters ect OVER THE GARDEN WALL Was inspired by Dante's Inferno! But its not the same characters pulled out and used
I hope that helps/gen
I personaly believe stuff like that , what happened before and even in other fandom is why gato has that particular rule about not wrighting her characters at length. Not wanting to take the risk of someone miss using her characters again! /lh
I think its odd that ppl can Wright about sans undertail doing some weird ass shit and ppl dont scream about how toby fox approves of it . but they do for gato for some reason? ( if you could let me know why pls do ! )
" well ren was giving to gato so its not even hers"
That argument is silly to me, ren was giving as a gift, when you give a present to yourfriend is it yours anymore?? When a person buys an adoptable is it still the sellers?
Its not like gatos shy when saying she didnt creative ren, she was given him and modified him and still lets ppl know she didnt crate him .
Some of them use that as a talking point to say that said fangame creator is fine using that character in particularly as if hes free use, i DONT understand as someone who sells characters /designs(?)
( if you could explain i would appreciate it!)
The fangame devs are very talented the game seems fine from what i hurd! They did take creative liberties but its still very much gatos characters, I think they where respectable with them even in the contex of said game! . But i find it weird that the post says fanart for their fan game is appreciate ( at least in the English post i found prompting it) fan art of a fan game is confusing and i see how some ppl might mix the two up! Know?? like what would even be the tags? 'Sorrysorrybtd?' :0 So i can see how that could be another reason for the rule!
°I acknowledge and am so grateful that the artist. And devs worked so hard on the game and assets , im sure alot of ppl are as well! And im 100% sure it wasn't their intention to upset gato or anyone in that matter at all!
they are NoT obligated to apologize, maybe not make a second game out of respect(?) But thats their prerogative! They can do it , they wield the power yk?
And making dramatic posts about it as well - it just rubs me the wrong way. Especialy using this as a opportunity to disrespect gato and ONE of her only rules she has for this very odd ( positive) fanbase. its kinda a little silly in my opinion . NOT to mention harassing the other game devs - this might make them not want to make any other games at all in the future ! D:
Please know i dont mean anything in this post to be upseting or malicious in anyway, i honestly think no one this fangane drama had any bad intentions or would do anything to upset anyone on purpose! I know its very high tension. And i would be upset too if a fangame i worked SO hard on with characters i love was met with disapprove instead of praise. And this is to say -this could have ben done better on gatos part. Thos could've ben done in privet imp
BUT im not gato , im not the other devs. im not in the positions to say ' i would've done this' bc ive never ben in that position, ive never had to deal with anything like this. So i wouldnt know what ild do in that moment ! And i think alot of ppl also forget that with all devs involved
We are all vary passonat in this fandom. But please dont start burnning bridge's over this! :'3 this fandom is already so devided due to all of our strong personal opinions it dosent realy need to be a. ' pick your side ' thing i dont think..
I am relatively new to the fandom, so i DONT know much about the past dramas srounding it, so if yall have anything youll like to say or add or educate me on PLEASS let me know and i will retract any of thoes statements !
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