#they saved me from my own lesbian ways
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symphorine · 4 months ago
taking a walk around arlathan forest! to go to d'meta's crossing
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the tree people. wish we could comment on it??? its definitely creepy. some look like they got turned in very intense moments, some look pretty peaceful. when did this happen? is this something that happens continually? either way it sure gives a particular ambiance :')
little neve and bellara banter about the forest, I think just when seeing the first tree people. it also played the same when i came through with harding in previous playthrough.
Neve: Sounds like a lot happened here. Bellara: What hasn't happened? This area is where Tevinter magisters destroyed Arlathan City centuries ago. Whole lot of bloog magic during the war. Neve: And now? Bellara: Whatever Solas did stirred up everything again. Bellara: The old blood magic from the war... it never went away. Bellara: Ancient relics appear out of thin air, ruins float... Bellara: It's like... an old wound that never healed. And now it's bleeding again.
Letter we find on a desk overlooking the VJ's camp
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A Lament for Fallen Elvhenan From a Veil Jumper's letter: I hear tall watchtowers once stood where these waters emptied into the sky, their torches lit to guide the weary traveler. Sometimes on still days, when the mist hangs low on the river, I can imagine the lighted path up to the golden spires of Arlathan, and the voices of my people calling me home. I know Elvhenan, our lost civilization, is not how I imagine it. Arlathan was a place of wonder and magic, and also of conflict and war, ruled by tyrants. Yet still I mourn it, and wishg that I could have seen it just once, and called it mine. Added below in different handwriting: These feelings are not yours alone. There is no sin in grieving what was lost, imperfect thought it was. -- Strife.
i like that we get to see a glimpse of complex feelings about all this in the veil jumpers. considering they are at the very least primarily dalish (if not all), I wish we could talk to them more, or overhear more dialogue about how they feel about the evanuris and the truth behind the legends they've been hearing all their lives! and how two of those gods are now walking thedas! it's especially nice to see this for strife, since we do talk to him more but we're mostly restricted by like, plot urgency. maybe it's different if you play a veil jumper rook?
getting to the boat, in that area we find two halla, one dead and one alive. irelin says later in davrin's personal quest that the veil jumpers have been so busy they've neglected to check on the halla, but they're literally minutes away from camp, so... idk. level population oversight maybe.
we find that first owl statue, which when activated (really fun to me that we get to hear rook hoot) shows this note:
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EXPLORER'S JOURNAL: DISCOVERY I'm convinced these owls are more than statues. There's a power behind these silent guardians. I'm hesitant to tamper with them, but on the other hand, owls represent wisdom and transformation. I can't imagine a monument to such noble creatures would be harmful. -- Renay Limfort
D'Meta's Crossing is a big tone shift coming from arlathan forest and i LOVED IT, even before my warden rook said they sensed blight i was very excited to see fucked up things. and boy is that village fucked up. we've seen some of the new blight already, but this is a whole other level. i don't think there's anything in particular i want to note here though. aside from maybe the mayor's fate? if you send him to the wardens, he ends up saving a group of wardens in the hossberg wetlands later on. presumably, if you don't, they just die? as a warden i decided to bring him in, mainly because the situation is clearly getting dire really fast, and the more bodies to fight the blight, the better, but bellara was not happy about that :') he also has some lines about how he's trying to atone for what he did and seems sincere, which I suppose could play into the larger theme of regret in the game, but tbh it just felt relatively standard in terms of wardens shit.
also the dragon looks goooooood
some fun screenshots of the village and stuff:
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i guess this is also the first encounter with ghilannain and glimpse into what she's doing - from the conversation with jahel, one of the veil jumpers, "a blood ritual, to release the blight" (which I guess is what caused the sinkhole to the deep roads that is now in the middle of the village?), from the dialogue with mayor julius "ghilannain's new creation", according to harding "so the gods could gain power from the blight". not sure exactly how this worked tbh. the blight already exists here, and both elgarnan and ghilannain are already blighted. but this is a conjecture from harding, and it's possible this was just ghilannain toying with the blight and seeing what she could with it now.
also at the end when you leave the mayor, he says that no one could withstand the influence of the gods, and bellara says "Watch me.", which I think is a GREAT parallel if you pick her to do the wards at the end and she becomes blighted and tells elgarnan that he's not her god while using the blight against him. bellaraaaaaa i love u. free gifset idea tbh
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im probably not gonna say much about the extra varric narrations. the art is nice but i really do not care for them and in fact i think they detract from the game.
a codex entry from the veil jumpers (which i think actually is from before u go to the boat but my screenshots are not entirely in order):
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Scouting Report: Apparition Expedition scouting report, Veil Jumper Caeda reporting: I was in the northernmost stretch of Arlathan Forest trying to find a way into the Gennelis ruin. We recently discovered an old journal that claimed a lost halla keeper found a room full of relics inside Gennelis, down in the labyrinth. The entrance was blocked by rubble. As I was getting ready to wedge myself through a gap, an apparition appeared in front of it. It seemed to be blocking my way. Whatever it was, it wasn't solid, so I think I could've passed through it, but it seemed to be waving its arms. It felt like a warning -- that I shouldn't enter the ruins. I didn't argue and turned and ran.
everybody give it up for genre aware veil jumper caeda who definitely saved his own life there. gives a little bit of insight on VJ missions again! he was alone in a part of the forest clearly far away and possibly dangerous - even before the apparition warned him away, he was going to go into an old ruined labyrinth, which cannot be a good idea. so I guess, while there are probably some members who do more ordinary things - hunting and foraging for food, trading, maintaining the camp, mapping the forest, patrolling - long expeditions alone in ruins don't seem out of the ordinary.
when we get back to the camp, we get to have a conversation with strife and irelin and morrigan appears! i did not expect her to be there this early so i was really surprised in my first pt. i feel like throughout the game she was very much used as a character to pad some gaps and give rook information, rather than... fully as who she is and what she can do, which is a shame. but then again, considering we couldn't import anything to do with her, I suppose her role had to remain pretty removed so her actions and dialogue didn't contradict things we might have done in previous games.
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also morrigan and harding are pals I guess? they weren't particularly close in inquisition (i don't even know if morrigan /talked/ to harding then), but it could make sense that they've worked together more closely in the ten years since while harding was looking for solas.
I do think they could've stood to make morrigan look older, but she does have crow's feet and lines when her face moves, so it's not entirely half assed.
Some of the conversation:
Harding: Morrigan helped the Inquisition when Varric and I were part of it. She knew more about ancient magic than anyone except Solas. [...] Morrigan: As dangerous as Solas himself may be, his imprisonment of the gods was just. Morrigan: To leave them unchecked would have been the very end of Thedas. Rook: (So you know the Dread Wolf?) Just to be clear, you know your old friend Solas is actually the Dread Wolf? Morrigan: So I have come to learn. It rather explains how he knew such a great deal of ancient elven history... Morrigan: And why he became so vexed when I attempted to explain it to him.
she rolls her eyes when she says that last part. it is funny, but also i think bioware maybe poking fun at how people who played an elven inquisitor did not appreciate getting explained their own history by morrigan? idk maybe im reading too much into this. i give it a pass because I think it would make solas look like he just bit into a lemon to know someone called him and morrigan friends and I think that man should be bullied forever.
we then get some info from morrigan about the vi'revas, Solas's special eluvian, and his dagger, and onwards we go. bellara goes to the lighthouse to fix the eluvian, and rook, neve and harding go to the ritual site to get the lyrium dagger that solas used to open the fade, and also to stab varric.
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huggywuggysuppy · 2 months ago
once you finish Empires S1 i'd like to hear your thoughts about esmp1!gem. she's genuinely one of my favorite characters to analyse because she is so nuanced and interesting in so many ways anywhere you look at her. her twisted determination to achieve peace at ANY cost, her rigid thinking and neurodivergency, her relation with symbols like her tower or the end and the moon, or her genuine wish to be a good person and so many other things. there's so much that is impossible to grasp at first (<- <- me, lesbian who is really normal about her favorite gem)
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She's right.
Essentially, Gem understands the role a wizard PLAYS in a story. She's never the cause of something, but she sure amplifies both the problems and the solutions. She's morally gray, she's playing both sides, but nobody ever challenges her on that because of course Gem's helping the heroes too -- they need artifacts! She's a plot device, a questgiver, a weapon. She's the voice of reason, the straight man in any comedy duo, yet makes the same questionable decisions as anyone. She's experimenting, she's out of her comfort zone, she's having the time of her life. Wizard Gem is, ultimately, a real wizard.
That's the short answer anyhow. Longer analysis, well, I'm so glad you asked. I can't talk about character without diving into the content creator metanarrative (feature not a bug) so let's get into the noodles! What about Wizard Gem makes her so fantastic?
Wizard Gem is a catalyst.
From the beginning, Gem is mixing up dynamics and forcing new inspiration by opposing what's static. The way the rest of the Wither Rose Alliance sort of? Molds? Around her. How Sausage and fWhip are beefing until the day she alliances with Pearl and suddenly the four are besties. How she adds moral nuance to the villain side, both by mixing relations with the hero side, and just by insisting the Wither Rose are seeking peace, really, they're trying their best! This stops things from being so cut and dry and basic. Instead of Xornoth's vain forces against the heroic bumbling fish people (with the plant and animal empires in between), there's all sorts of messiness and drama. And Gem's aware of this, of how she's changing things, and so the effect is amplified.
On a CC level, even her origins are experimental. Gem was originally planning a more naturey plant wizard, but since Shubble, Katherine, AND Pearl, were plant based (& arguably Joey too) she adapted into amethyst and rocks. And it turned out amazing! That foundation of experimenting made it easier to take larger risks both content and character wise. All the empires folk enjoyed the lore centric storytelling: only getting deeper into it through the season, but Gem especially paved the way for embracing rp and outfits and items and fun.
But back to C! As the Wither Rose alliance progresses, terrorizing the server included, Gem maintains her peace loving stance. Taking on the role as fWhip's (and later Sausage)'s PR managers is genuinely so important to me. She never really stops them from doing bad things, but she's always discouraging them and talking them down one or two degrees. Ultimately loyal to her alliance, she's also taking responsibility for the consequences. Helping out Jimmy behind the scenes to lessen the blow, both for him but also herself.
At her core, Wizard Gem wants peace.
For herself and friends at least. Unfortunately, the Crystal Cliffs aren't in a bubble, so she keeps having to save the world anyway. She dreads conflict at best and fears it at worst. Her concerns are her kingdom, her neighbors, whatever magic / building she's invested in right now, and maybe a light shenanigan here or there. She'll help fWhip get out of trouble because they really do love each other, he's always helping her out too in his own ways (ex: making her stuff,) and she'll protect the realm so the problems stay far away from their doorsteps. When things do eventually fall into her lap, she definitely deals with them. Just... not 100%. Enough that they stop breaking the peace for now.
Let's be honest, Wizard Gem is firmly in denial. She's down for burying the corruption and letting it claim whole towers of her base. Often she'll just accept whatever another player brings to her: buying Scott and Katherines plush, whatever weird scams Lizzie tries on her, etc. When Scott gives her the Elsa curse, she hangs out in the nether, takes Shrub’s dodgy Xornoth cure, and stubbornly "it's fine"-s her way through avoiding a real solution until fWhip drags her to Katherine. It's telling that her (short-lived) corrupted evil version is more confident, while others become hyper or angry. This isn't laziness: it's fear. She doesn't want to step on any toes and start any conflicts. You can see it in how she talks to Jimmy and fWhip: giving them what they need not to win, but to end things.
This is how Gem maintains the story role of a wizard: she's always trying to stop things, so she's never starting new things, only making them better or worse. But how does Gem get away with it? She's simultaneously one of the most invested players in the lore, yet playing a character who'd rather be anywhere else. That dichotomy is entertaining, sure, but there's something else here.
Wizard Gem is loyal, curious, and moral. Just... not obviously.
Gem is unfathomably loyal. While she plays both sides, she's always standing alongside her allies in battle and all her actions are ensuring they're safe. She may be exasperated, yet treats her immediate alliance members with kindness. How fWhip drags her into things, but he never asks her to, it's always Gem CHOOSING to follow him because what else is she gonna do? Let him do it himself? How Sausage makes her laugh with his absurdity, even when they're fighting. How she's always a little uncomfortable, even in her great empire, except in the quiet simple moments with her allies between schemes.
(Still can’t believe roseblings isn’t canon. Like fWhip’s line about how he blew up relations with Scott because he messed with Gem, "it's okay fWhip I'm fine now," their tones, ohhhh devious work. They don't need to be canon, nonfamilial platonic relationships and all that, but STILL. I'm only human.)
Gem's also invested in magic and learning more about it, and she learns to trust and share that with others. The Crystal Cliffs Academy demonstrates growth: from solving problems herself when they’re too big to ignore, to actually addressing things at the source. Explicitly, the goal is to strengthen other empires magic knowledge so less crises happen. That’s preventative instead of reactionary. Even choosing the Ocean Queen as her first student is intentional: not an ally, causes a lot of medium scale ruckuses, in text Gem sensed her using transformation magic that wasn’t hers and wanted to guide Lizzie towards at least controlling it. Start of season Gem would’ve just kept handling any crises herself.
Essentially, Gem is trying SO HARD to be good. As anon said, she has a sort of rigid thinking (again, fun contrast between CC experimental and C rigidity) that creates this fantastic mix where she's staying true to the Wither Rose because she loves them and wants to keep them safe as their friend, but also trying to act for the greater good as a wizard, even though she'd rather focus on her own things. It's not a stable point of view, and is constantly challenged, creating the amazing series of events that we get to see unfold.
Also, Wizard Gem is straight up cool.
Regarding imagery, Wizard Gem has a distinct style that’s so fun to build and draw and write about. She's magical and otherworldly (dragons, the end) but also ethereal and magnificent on a human scale (towers, the moon.) Amethyst itself is inherently unique: something about forming deep under pressure, growing slow and beautiful, sought after as thrones and paths alike. These aesthetics have infinite storytelling potential, and look cute doing it.
And all these things are carried into Gem’s imagery as a whole! Losing her eye to and getting corrupted by the end portal in Life Series, building dragons and towers and villages all across her mc worlds, often using the moon in builds like her hc10 lighthouse. She’s solidly the moon in shinyduo sun/moon dynamic (while they both employ sun/moon all the time, Pearl builds and lores solidly more sun, let alone their comedy dynamic.) Even the struggle between embracing/chasing excellence versus holding herself back out of fear: that's Gem in every world! Emp1 is combining a lot of Gem's themes into one single character. And turns out she's really awesome!
This character wholeness lets Gem maintain her signature exasperated excellence over the other players. Like PVP prowess and building skill, she's an expert here too, and delightful to watch and interact with. Wizard Gem is amplifying everything, trying to keep her loved ones safe, learning that she needs to make peace herself, all while staying true to her beautiful masterful self.
Finally, CC!Gem is delighted to roleplay like this.
Every time she turns to the camera to give disclaimers and talk about her character, there's an infectious joy and "I can't believe this is my job." She often compares it to D&D, which ohh the parasocial brainrot is taking so normally, but also there's an unapologeticness to it. If you don't like her character / the roleplay / etc, stop watching, whatever, this is fun for the rest of us. Her and other CCs have talked about the crippling pushback from playing antagonistic characters -- and there's no shortage of that in emp1, she has to put disclaimers on the RP portions! But unlike Life Series where she's constantly fighting demons (it's own post, really) Wizard Gem is having too much fun to care. I think that's why emp1 hits different, at least for us Gem girlies. She's taking this seriously, and she's having the time of her life.
I originally posted about Worldhopper/Watcher Gem because that adds an extra layer of spice to her in all series, but it's still really awesome by itself. Summoning the dragons from ANOTHER WORLD? Hello?? Don't think I missed her using the nether portal to change skins either. Giggling during convos with Xornoth, undaunted by the Empires Crown, the list goes on. One day someone will assemble all her characters into the same room to compare notes and that someone will either be me or Geminitay herself.
In short, Empires S1 Gem is a Wizard. She's a catalyst, she ultimately wants peace, she's loyal curious and moral, she's straight up cool, and she's having fun. And isn't that just the most magical joy of all?
Anyway, accepting empires fic recommendations in reblogs / directly into my inbox. What a privilege to get to watch so much great art. Thank you for reading!
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pawsmos · 4 months ago
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100th post special!!!
this is art for my “Prince and the Knight” AU ive been working on for some time now.. here’s a meal whace nation!!
lore under cut!
(im not that good with writing nor am i well versed in medieval honorifics and terminology or anything like that so there may be anachronisms)
(this is a separate au from any other medieval aus!! I’ve seen those and love those though)
(the rest of the drdt cast also exists in this au too btw. im considering making charles a butler or a lord or something. none of the cast are the king or queen by the way! that’s aces parents / Eden’s parents. ace also still has all his siblings)
tw for mild homophobia
- Prince Ace, a soon-to-be king, is arranged to marry Princess Eden from a nearby kingdom.
- Both Ace and Eden are upset about the marriage, as Ace is gay (he’s subconsciously aware that he isn’t attracted to women) and Eden is lesbian.
- They both feel resigned to their fate despite their discontent.
- While coping on the back balcony, Ace meets Sir Whit, the newly promoted head of the royal guard. (somehow. who knows how whit got promoted tbh)
- They talk, during which Whit makes joking advances towards Ace.
- Ace, though flustered by Whit’s passes, thinks about the consequences of both liking a man and betraying the kingdom.
(he doesn’t personally care about the latter but he does fear that his father would… idk execute him or something. he is also in denial.)
- Much to Ace’s dismay, they become close friends. However, Whit is aware of the upcoming marriage, so he tries to shut off his own feelings to save himself from feeling bad.
- A few months pass, in which Whit helps Ace overcome his own fears and come to terms with his feelings and sexuality. They start slow (like doing horseback riding together haha), but end up routinely sneaking out together.
- On one particular night, on the same balcony they met, just a day before the wedding, something happens. In a spur-of-the-moment decision, Ace kisses Whit and REALLY likes it.
- He realizes that he wants this man. But, realizing that he might get caught, Ace runs away.
- Before the wedding, Ace and Eden finally meet. While preparing for the ceremony, they bond over their shared reluctance of their marriage.
- Eden confesses that she’s actually a lesbian, and there’s a lady back at her kingdom that she’s deeply in love with. (it’s arei LMFAO)
- Ace bluntly replies that he’s gay too.
- insert uhh lightbulb ding effect
- They conjure a plan to get married for convenience, and to appease their parents, but mostly so that they can pursue their own partners. They worry about the kiss though and the people who might be watching. Especially Whit and Arei.
- Skip to the wedding day, Whit suppresses his feelings (like usual) and claps while he watches someone he loves dearly get married off to another. Whit excuses himself from the wedding.
- For post-ceremonial reasons, Ace can’t apologize or even talk to Whit for another week.
i haven’t really thought about the rest but i assume that, once Ace is allowed to go out, he will be the one confessing his love to whit. whit gets “caught”, miscommunication,,,, idek they just… ARE IN LOVE. HAHA.. if you want to write any fics about this or make any art feel free! use the tag “#whace prince and knight au”
thank you!!
id also like to say that i might start opening commissions because i need a form of making money. but umm i don’t know how to start a paypal or venmo or anything like that. LOL. digital gift cards could work i guess, uhhhh idk. dm me for info!
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not-the-cheese · 2 years ago
one sentence(ish) summaries of every magnus archive episode PART 2
(eps 61-110) thank u for the funny comments and tags on the last part i love u guys
the rest of these may take a while as i've caught up to where i am currently in the podcast but i will finish them like in a month i promise
61. the thrilling sequel to man does not open coffin: man DOES open coffin.
62. surely this doctor can find an easier way to scam people out of money than putting them in a little book.
64. this is possibly the plot of laura croft tomb raider
65. mmm crumchy
66. what's the opposite of an unboxing video
67. as close to a coffeeshop au as you're going to get from this podcast
68. Doctors hate him! Man REFUSES to die from tuberculosis!
69. your college's psych department has the worst idea ever.
70. reverse death note
71. not even death will stop this woman from taking the british subway
72. man doesn't want to be low key racist in his last moments before getting eaten
73. police versus the second coming of dark jesus
74. lady is haunted by an ad for coffee
75. mike crew says "uh fuck it let's just put this guy on a skyscraper forever"
76. ryan from buzzfeed unsolved breaks into a train yard and suffers consequences
77. you're not a enough of a bitch to be my real mom
78. man gets harassed by his cousin and then exorcises him
79. you know that chase scene in scooby doo with the doors
80. stupid idiot motherfucking jurgen leitner
81. i have been personally victimized by the sequel to the hungry hungry caterpillar
82. pov: elias threatens to cancel you
83. mannequin takes matters into its own hands after people don't like its pitch for a new window display
84. a hoarder put newspaper on my friend's face :(
85. hey there's maybe a little man upon these stairs?
86. man gets got by a squiggly thing in the dark.
87. plumber is so oblivious to spooky happenings around him that it possibly saves his life.
88. guys i think this guy likes to dig
89. lesbian investment banker finds a new, less evil job: arson!
90. guy who turns people's bones starts a gym where he promises not to turn your bones! (he is lying)
91. i was stalked by lightning for 10 years and i all i got were these stupid scars
92. jonah magnus is a bad friend // another day another elias slay
93. ocd is no match for purple fuzz
94. let the bodies drop gently to the floor let the bodies drop gently to the floor
95. im so sorry my brain refuses to remember what the war ones were about but i think one guy got gently kissed on the forehead so that's pretty nice.
96. diversity wins! the not-quite-human delivery men who stole your identity and business are maybe gay?
97. man gets gaslighted by an entire town about a hole
98. 🎶mister sandman bring me a dream, actually don't, please stay far from me 🎶
99. another one bites the dust
100. archival assistants face off against the general public (they lose)
101. jon finally levels up high enough to unlock an eldritch horror's tragic backstory
103. peppa eats a clown and they cover her in concrete instead of congratulating her.
104. pennywise stole my brother's skin
105. it's world war z baby
106. Something Big Is In Space.
107. man is interrogated about the time he saw thomas the train roasts people alive and also sans is there
108. actor is stalked by mask who liked his monologue so much that it tells its mask friends to come watch.
109. sometimes a family is just a serial killer's daughter and that guy who maybe killed some vampires
110. yeah man those spiders be eating
Part 1 |
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little-annie · 7 months ago
Happy Birthday @strangerthingswritersguild ❤️
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M (Mentions of sexual activity and Eddie's 🍆) | WC 836 | Stobin & Steddie
It was Steve's 29th birthday and although Eddie had plans -rockstar duties- that didn't stop Robin from swooping in and saving the day.
Work couldn't be escaped, which sure, that was shitty, but Steve owned the place and still had to see through certain duties on a daily basis. Plus it gave him and Robin the opportunity to hash out their plans for the evening. On their way out of the shop they ordered pizza to Steve's apartment and set out to the closest gas station to procure a hoard of candy and a couple bottles of wine.
It was their constant gabbing back and forth that distracted Steve from Eddie's car in the parkade. 
Both he and Robin, oblivious to the fact of what was waiting in the apartment for Steve, they carried on.
By the time the elevator reached the 34th floor, a bag of Skittles had been demolished and Steve was laughing so hard he was hiccuping. With tears in his eyes and gasping for breath Steve was bent over wheezing when Robin opened the door to his and Eddie's apartment, leaving him momentarily blind to the sight before him.
But that didn't mean he missed the blood curdling scream released by Robin in the same instant Eddie's voice yelled out a happy, “Surprise!”
Popping upright with the joy that his boyfriend was home for his birthday, Steve was met with a very nude Eddie. There in his porcelain skin and tattooed glory, Eddie was laid out on their black leather couch, surrounded by rose petals, candles and chocolates.
Steve's heart fluttered with excitement.
And Robin's shuddered with horror. “Eddie! What the fuck!? Put your junk away!”
While Eddie calmly cupped himself on the couch not moving another inch from his position, Steve struggled to pull his eyes away as Robin's ire was turned towards him.
“I thought you said he wasn't going to be home, Dingus. How am I ever going get the image of Eddie's saggy nuts -
“-hey my nuts aren't saggy!”
- out of my head. It'll be forever burned into my retinas. I'll have to bleach my eyeballs or carve them out with a fucking spoon.”
Eddie's now grumbling to himself on the couch looking down at his crotch, most likely trying to hype himself up from Robin's early insult. Steve's sure he hears the whispered words of, ‘You're not saggy, you're perfectly normal and I love you.’ And with Eddie Steve can never be sure, but it's not a far off guess.
God how he loves that dork.
Steve can't believe Eddie flew in from his tour for his birthday.
Still shielding himself from Robin's delicate eyes, Eddie catches Steve's lingering stare and puckers his lips into a kiss, blowing it in Steve's direction while he continues to stand in the doorway with Robin.
Eventually he decides to tune back into her rant.
“- penis, Steve. I'm a lesbian, I shouldn't have to see anyone's dick. And we both know I've seen yours enough as is. Lord knows I can't forget last Halloween and the horror that it truly was. But Eddie's?! I didn't need to know it was pierced, let alone tattooed! Sure you probably would have told me eventually, but come on man, I didn't need to see it.”
It's the mention of such a tattoo that has Steve whipping his head back in Eddie's direction.
Eddie didn't have a tattoo there when he left.
As Steve catches on and Eddie sends him a wink, mouthing a sly ‘Surprise,’ he has to restrain him from shoving Robin out the door.
“Get out.”
Robin's rambling stops and she looks at Steve deeply offended, “Excuse me.”
He'll make it up to her later, but currently his rockstar boyfriend is laid out naked on their expensive couch with a new tattoo that Steve really feels the deep seeded need to taste, lick from the man's body, or suck from his skin. 
Truly any of the above works.
Robin rolls her eyes and groans, “But Steve-uh, the pizza.”
“I'll order a pizza to your damn apartment, Robby. But I swear to god if you don't leave in the next five seconds you're going to see a whole lot more than just a single dick.”
She scrunches her nose in disgust, “Boo you whore.”
“You know it.” Steve states proudly, “Now out, please. I swear once Eddie's gone we can do a pizza and wine night.”
Robin groans once again, but she does eventually leave with a pinch to Steve's ass and a snarky, “Don't get him pregnant!” sent in Eddie's general direction.
With the click of the door behind him, Steve sheds his clothes clumsily and hops from one foot to the other as he steps out of his jeans, then underwear, on his way to the couch.
With little to no grace he falls into Eddie's arms with a giggle, feeling the press of lips to his forehead and the whispered words of, “Happy Birthday, Baby,” to his skin.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year ago
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Propaganda Under Cut
Sakura Haruno
Her husband is gay and her author doesn't know how to write women. So many people say she's the worst but she. DESERVES. BETTER!!! Save her from this franchise.
My baby girl my bestie my best friend. She committed the crime of um being written by kishimoto who both doesn’t know how to write women and somehow writes men in the gayest way possible specifically naruto and sasuke. Like the thing is naruto and sasuke ARE gay and also she gets so much hate for the crime of kishimoto writing her one dimensionally in love with sasuke. I know her personally she is a butch lesbian to me just trust me she’s in love with Ino and has a lesbian thing going on with Karin okay just trust me. My everything. She needs to divorce the loveless lavender marriage she’s in 
What is there to say, even? The OG Threat to my 90s anime brain, the only woman I've ever hated with such a passion she made me turn away from the color pink. I used to write fics with my friend where she got left behind on purpose so our OCs could join the Naruto and Sasuke team instead. I loathed this bitch until I was 16 and realized the author simply couldnt write women and decided it was time to make peace with Sakura. It is not her fault she's vaguely written and obsessive over Sasuke. She deserves better. Sasuke and Naruto still should be together and Sakura shouldnt be with Sasuke but I no longer believe this because I hate Sakura, it is because I love her. She deserves a spouse who will actually put in the time to treat her like the hero she is.
Misa Amane
she gets treated in-canon the way fandoms treat female characters that Threaten an m/m ship. it's like, "oh why don't you go sit in the corner and be pretty, misa, while the Men have intelligent conversation and pretend they aren't ten seconds from fucking each other, doesn't that sound nice?" it's infuriating. and MAYBE it's better now but i remember her getting treated the same way in fanfiction too, like we all need to do just as badly by our female secondary characters as fucking tsugumi ohba, but with the added insult of making her be alternately oblivious of the relationship between light and L or actively trying to sabotage it—incompetently, of course, because god forbid misa be allowed dignity or moments of cleverness.
she's one of the first characters I think of when I consider old school fandom misogyny. The annoying bitch and clingy crazy gf allegations were AFTER HER ASS. She's also a lot more intelligent than people gave her credit for, but most seem inclined to take the Very Biased word of our unreliable, narcissistic narrator and his homoerotic arch nemesis and claim that just because she's bubbly and into romance that she's also a complete moron. Which is blatantly untrue. Everyone was afraid of Misa girlbossing too hard. Killing people and devoting yourself to the deranged twink of your dreams even though you know he'll never love you back??? Having a hardcore goth aesthetic and being so Hot even literal Death Gods are into you?? God forbid women do ANYTHING!
Not only is she the victim of yaoi culture, she is the victim of early 2000s misogyny by an author that wanted to introduce a girl character because he knew his male rivals were getting too homoerotic. She is a goth bimbo icon who portrays what I think is one of the few callouts for stan culture and what parasocial relationships can do to both the stan and the idol. The fact that she is a toxic fan of Kira and also hot, funny, sociable is tragic in its own way, which I think the author did try to touch on but was too misogynistic too really get through. Of course, she was reduced to villain status by the fandom and anime alike because she got in the way of the supposed romance in their psychological horror anime
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theconstitutionisgayculture · 3 months ago
The video is telling because it shows how much leftist thought (due to being divorced from reality) feels that people are more at ease by being "understood" than in actually having their problems solved.
I get that it can be important having someone who can comfort the victims and listen to them when they're trying to tell their problems...but if it's that or someone who'll put the fire out and save my loved ones, I'm taking the latter. It'll put me more at ease.
Also, what problem could a black lesbian possibly have during a fire that everyone who isn't a black lesbian doesn't have? Having your house burn down, losing everything you own, losing loved ones, losing pets, being injured--all of those are universal things. If I just lost my parents in a fire and my first thought when a straight, black firefighter tried to comfort me was "He can't understand what I'm going through the way a gay white man could" I would literally kill myself. That's insane. If anyone actually thinks that way in real life in an actual crisis situation, I sincerely hope they get the psychological help they desperately need.
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year ago
Title: Unrequited.
Pairings: Arlecchino x Reader x Furina (Genshin).
Word Count: 1.1k.
TW: Reader Doesn't Have A Gender But Everyone Here Is A Melodramatic Lesbian. Live Dove: Tender and Sweet.
[Part Two]
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Arlecchino has never struggled to find her way to you.
She would have, if she needed to. That was something she prided herself on: her perseverance when it came to all things, her determination when it came to her pursuits – romantic or otherwise. When she was in Snezhnaya, she dreamed each night of crossing oceans and climbing mountains and tearing apart the Tsaritsa and all of her many soldiers with her own monstrous hands if only to win the chance of finding her way back to your side, and when she was in Fontaine, there was nothing – not her duties as a Harbinger, not the fate of her nation, and only very rarely her beloved children – that could keep her away from you. Fortunately (more so for the rest of Teyvat than for her), she never had to go through so much effort.
No matter how distant she might’ve been, you were always exactly where she'd left you: at the right hand of Lady Furina, Protector and God of Fontaine, or as Arlecchino had come to think of her, the only person you would ever cross oceans to be with.
Also, coincidentally, the only person thick-skulled enough not to pay you a second glance.
She found you watching your dearly beloved from your usually crow’s nest; a balcony that overlooked the rest of the venue, your eyes cast downward towards the ballroom and a sickeningly tender smile painted across your lips. As Arlecchino neared you, she could see what you were so transfixed by and weather the wave of nausea that accompanied the sight of Lady Furina holding court with a handful of Fontaine’s elite, her hands moving excitedly as she recited some practiced monologue Arlecchino could only be thankful she was too far to hear. An exasperated sigh escaped her lips as she came to stand beside you, extending a flute of champagne which you gladly accepted. She had invited you back to her manor when she first discovered your fondness for such fine things, practically begged you to sample the finest wines and bourbons in her vast collection, but you only shook your had and told her that Furina would need your held reviewing case files for her next trial, grinning like an idiot all the while. If she hadn’t been so endeared by your smile, she might’ve hated you for how thoughtlessly you dismissed her.
“The orchestra is half-way decent, tonight.” She rested a hand on the crook of your arm, let her head lilt to the side. “Care to join me for a dance?”
Your love-struck smile widened. “No, thank you. I’m saving my first for her.” A quick nod towards Furina, one of her boots now propped on a chair provided by one of her audience members. “She’s been working on her waltz, lately – she only stepped on my feet twice while we were practicing this afternoon.”
You said it as if Furina had plucked the moon from the sky and gifted it to you on a silver chain. Arlecchino couldn’t help but scoff. “I have no idea what you see in her. She would starve to death if you weren’t there to remind her to eat.” You sighed wistfully and she took a generous sip from her own drink before going on. “She’s a poor excuse for an entertainer, let alone an archon. If it wasn’t for that judge of hers, she’d have a revolution on her hands in a matter of hours.”  
“You’re only saying that because you don’t know her. She might not have Monsieur Neuvillette’s resolution, but she’s not trying to be Monsieur Neuvillette.” For the first time since the start of your conversation, you looked towards Arlecchino and she could’ve sworn the rest of the ballroom ceased to exist. If she’d been a weaker woman, she would’ve fallen to one knee and presented the ring she kept in her breast pocket when she knew she would see you, would’ve drawn her sword and pleaded with you to drive it through her heart, but your attention turned back to your archon and the temptation faded back into more of a wishful fancy than a possible reality. “She’s wonderful, and brilliant, and she makes me laugh. Whenever I picture myself happy, I picture myself with her. I love her.” She’d heard you say it a thousand times before, and yet, her heart seemed to break in an entirely new way every time those words – coated in such a saccharine affection – trickled off of your tongue. She was glad she was not a weaker woman, upon further thought; if she was, you would’ve done her in months ago. “She’s everything to me.”
She couldn’t help herself. As delicate as she tried to be with you, there would always be a part of her that couldn’t help but twist the knife. “Doesn’t it hurt?” And then, when you hummed for clarification, “Loving someone so incapable of loving you back?”
You let out a breath of a laugh, the noise like windchimes and wedding bells. “I don’t know, Lord Arlecchino.” You glanced over your shoulder. “Does it?”
Ah, there it was.
Despite everything, she’d fallen for a sadist after all.
She let the corner of her mouth curl upward. “More than I could ever say.”
This time, your laugh was more throaty, more full-hearted. “What a sorry sight we must make, too pining romantics mourning lost love at a party.” Your tone dipped into something more genuine, albeit still playful. “My first dance is taken, but would it be too much of an insult to offer you my second?”
She moved to speak, to tell you that you could dig your heel into her foot and spit in her face and she would still be able to thank you sincerely for sparing her so much of your attention, but a melodical voice called your name and instantly, you were stolen away by a head of white hair and two mismatched eyes emerging at the top of the nearest staircase, still glowing with the zeal of a performer post-applause. Furina latched onto you with all she was worth; arms wrapping around your own as she pressed herself into your side. “Evidently, you have forgotten your duties to your goddess,” Furina started properly, her little speech already rehearsed to perfection. “Must I remind you that I am always to be the center of your attention?”
“Never, my lady.” And, in an instant, Arlecchino was gone to you, nothing more than a momentary distraction you would not be returning to for as long as Furina held you in her spotlight. “In fact, I believe you still owe me a dance.”
The reminder was unnecessary. Furina was already pulling you back down to the ballroom floor, already spouting off something about how cruel it would be of her to deny such an earnest request from her most faithful servant, about how foolish you are for believing her memory would be so fallible as to forget even the most trivial of promises. With a ragged breath, Arlecchino took up your post, watching dutifully as you were pulled into (what could be called by the most generous of onlookers) a terribly mangled waltz. It was proof of Furina’s fortune that she’d found the only person in Teyvat with the fortitude and patience to be so hopelessly in love with her.
It was proof to your fortune that, even when faced with the wrath of gods, Arlecchino was not one to give up so easily.
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barb-l · 1 year ago
As a desperate lesbian who has been wanting a sapphic Wednesday portrayed for AAAAGES now, I still can't believe these things that the show gave me:
THE Wednesday Addams being shown jealous of a character that barely has any lines MULTIPLE times just because Enid mayyybe wants to choose said minor character as a roomie/bestie over her
BFFs Thing and Enid ganging up on Wednesday over her fashion sense and her pouting about it
Wednesday, who takes pride in her independence and relishes in isolation, admitting to have missed anyone is unthinkable. But she did! In her own way. Even if she was roundabout with her admittance, the fact that she got called out by both Thing and the goddamn villain shows how down bad she was during that fallout with Enid
"Thing said he missed you" and the way she visibly struggles against her nature to say "Skip the tape" with the tape symbolizing her breaking down her walls for Enid
something about Thornhill, who is played by an actress who also used to play Wednesday, telling this new Wednesday that she has to admit someday how much Enid has come to mean to her is just... ugh. Will never get over how much it adds so many layers to Wednesday's self-denial.
she held off all the insults in her bottomless vocabulary so she wouldn't completely offend Enid over the snood she made for her. She sugarcoated her words for Enid, which Wednesday NEVER does. In fact, it's the opposite of what she always does!
Enid VS Tyler bearing so much resemblance to that classic trope where the Love Interest saves the girl from the other Love Interest, even being a parallel to the fight between Gomez and Garret over Morticia
Enid lamented how she would never find a mate because she's not a real werewolf and would hence die alone, to which Wednesday remarks that it's a good thing in episode one. To emphasize Wednesday's apparent indifference to isolation, she is told that her nature as a raven means that she is fated to be alone like Enid feared for herself. In the finale, after Wednesday accepts that she doesn't want to be alone in the wake of her fallout with Enid, Enid finally wolfs out to save Wednesday. Enid made Wednesday realize that she doesn't actually like being alone, at least not when it meant she wouldn't have Enid by her side. In turn, Wednesday's life being threatened gave Enid the push to finally wolf out and, supposedly, now be given an opportunity to be eligible for a mate. I mean... I don't have high hopes, but the narrative is making it too easy to make it look like they were meant for each other
The heavy implication that Wednesday joined the Poe Cup because Bianca specifically said she wanted to make Enid cry over losing. The fact that she always deflected whenever Enid tried to confirm that Wednesday is doing it for her, but she never outright denied it!
"The mark you have left on me is indelible" and "I'll think of you" about Enid aksnnzzinsosnsj she gets sooooo sappy for herrrr
THE HUG. For people she's very very soft for, like her family, she only ever let THEM touch her. She's never show to start or reciprocate. SHE pulls Enid back into her. She holds Enid just as tightly, despite the injuries and despite Enid's pink coat. Enid toughens up for her but Wednesday is so vulnerable for her my god im so ill for them 💀
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foreverdolly · 2 months ago
Intolerance cannot be beaten with tolerance. 
I have always written and read as a means to escape from my day to day life, even before the struggles of adulthood was even a blip on the horizon. This blog is a safe space for me. I love hearing that my writing, despite the fact that it is nothing but fanfiction (for now, at least), helps people escape for a little while as well. Whether you’re reading before bed in order to silence your mind for long enough to get some shut eye or pulling up tumblr during a rough and emotional day, somewhere along the way you found your way to me. I cherish the fact that our paths have crossed like this. 
Right now, more than ever, the world feels like a very terrifying place. I hate the idea of lifting the finely tuned veil that I have tried to cast over this blog, what with it being my safe little corner of the internet, but silence is complacency. I refuse to be complacent to what is going on right now in the United States of America. When I woke up on November sixth there was an impending sense of dread. As a woman who had listened to the vitriol from the other side, I was naturally terrified. Waking up and seeing “your body, my choice” plastered on every social media site was nothing short of horrific. There is no woman or girl in this world that has not been violated in some way by a man, whether that be physically, verbally or emotionally. 
I look at the hateful rhetoric disguised as Christian love- pastors preaching about eradicating the queer community. About taking away a woman’s bodily autonomy. About ripping children away from their parents. They paint the progressive thinkers to be monsters. To that I say: who are truly the monsters?
We are more worried about banning drag queen story times than protecting our youth who are being killed whilst trying to do something as innocent as receive an education. Our people are living paycheck to paycheck and we're more focused on stripping people's basic human rights away from them than uplifting the impoverished.
This country takes away social media platforms or buys them out all together as a means to monitor the speech and behavior of its people. It dictates how we will raise and teach our children all while forcing them to assimilate to a consciousness of their own design. Women are dying every day due to health complications. Transgender youth and adults would rather eternally sleep than put up with the constant harassment and erasure. The gay and lesbian communities are having their way of life threatened. . . and for what? 
The states have never seemed this divided. It is no longer a difference of politics but a difference of morals. Beyond even that, it is a total lack of empathy. The vocabulary being thrown around by that side is eye opening: “eradicate”,“purge”,“the reckoning” etc. 
Fear mongering is something that I absolutely abhor, but I truly mean it when I say that these next four years are going to be rough. I am certain that the rules and regulations that will be put into place will affect us for many years to come. We are going backwards- back to a time where people of color were terrified to leave their own homes because of the threat of violence. A time where people couldn’t love who they wanted. A time where women had rights stripped away from them and were seen as little other than cattle. 
If there was ever a time to fight then now would be that time. We all have a voice, no matter how quiet. Use it. 
Reject racism. Reject sexism. Reject classism.
This blog is a safe space for those that are genderqueer, queer, and of color. We are trapped. The fire is coming from inside of the house and sadly we can no longer save those that are throwing themselves into it as kindling. 
If you are scared and need someone to talk to please message me. I will give you my personal discord so that we can chat regularly if you need someone on your side right now.
If you feel alone please know that you are not. 
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wordslikesilver · 9 months ago
Wait. Oh my god I just. Something clicked and I need to be held now. St Trina is supposed to represent the part of Miquella that was able to heal others, genuinely and truly heal them, such that even the sickness would kneel and swear loyalty to her, for taking away its pain and misery (source: putrescent knight). Miquella’s needle represents a stop gap. A way of holding back and shielding one from the influence of outer gods. Pure, unalloyed kindness that can relieve you of even the pain of the scarlet rot, so long as it remains within you.
So when… when Malenia ripped out the needle… and sacrificed all her pride, honour and humanity in order to let the scarlet flower bloom in her fight with Radahn to guarantee her victory no matter the cost (Millicent is her humanity trying to return to herself, she is literally the rejection of the scarlet rot that Malenia feels, ejected from her body during the first blooming, I’ve gotta do a whole post on Millicent because she’s a fascinating character study with world building context of the DLC added)…
Doesn’t that mean she ripped out the literal kindness she felt from her own brother in order to do what she did? Dude wtf hold me. But wait it’s even worse because not only can she no longer feel her brother’s kindness protecting her, she didn’t have anyone or any way to put back the rot goddess. Unless… it was Finlay. Because as stated by putrescent knight’s remembrance, to be loved is to be healed (St Trina is Miquella’s love). So not only did Finlay carry the Scarlet Bloom all the way back to the Haligtree from Caelid, when Malenia awoke alone without her brother there anymore to help her heal making her bloom all over again, Finlay stepped in to help save her from herself. To be loved is to be healed. And Malenia was definitely both loved and healed because when we find her… she’s asleep. And St Trina, saint of healing and sleep, is love.
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serqphites · 8 months ago
Thinking of g!p lee harker with a mommy kink….
oh my fucking god you might be onto something…
i’d also like to make it known that i have never written for men/dicks(?) before because i’m a big old lesbian so im sorry if it’s not accurate!
warnings! g!p, not pulling out, breeding? mommy issues, crying during sex
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heavy thoughts of lee waking up with morning wood…
the two of you spooning, her dick poking into your back as she squirms uncontrollably, desperate to not wake you.
well jokes on her because you were already awake!
deciding to mess with her, you back your ass up against her growing bulge. god the noises she makes.
“really lee? this early?” your tone is mocking as you chuckle at her, feeling your girlfriend jump slightly upon unexpectedly hearing your voice.
less than a minute later you’re grinding your ass against her hard cock through her boxers, precum seeping through and leaking onto your pj bottoms.
lee is embarrassed to tell you she has a mommy kink (i mean girly we know what ur moms like it’s kinda obvious)
“do you think we could try something tonight?” someone tell me why is bro looking at you like a stray kitten begging for food??
“of course baby, what’d you have in mind?” needless to say you aren’t shocked when she reveals she’d like to try out calling you mommy. you’d definitely noticed before that she seemed to enjoy being taken care of. like yeah sure who wouldn’t? but with lee you could just feel how different it was. it felt more like something she craved rather than something she simply enjoyed.
some examples include; why did she blush so fiercely when you brushed her hair? why did she get so shy if you showed you were proud of her? why did she always get a hard on if you cared a little too deeply for her…? (not that that’s physically possible bc hello?? save me awkward lesbian)
cut to that same night, lees hands gripping the backs of your thighs as you straddle her lap. you could feel her growing beneath you, your hips naturally beginning to roll against it, her bulge hitting your clit almost perfectly.
you now find yourself sat on lees hard cock, her girth filling you in a way only she could. you wanted her so bad, needed her so bad. yet you didn’t move.
“baby… please?” she sounds so fucking pathetic underneath you, her hips bucking as she grows needier and needier for your pleasure.
“baby? i thought you wanted to call me something else tonight” lee whimpers at your voice alone.
“please… mommy please- need you s’bad” yeah you’re bouncing on it.
she’s a fucking mess, her eyes sealed shut as she assists your bounces down onto her throbbing dick.
“you’re doing so good lee, so good for mommy” despite your head being rolled back with your own eyes also squeezed shut, you still don’t miss the way your girlfriends thrusts speed up and the whimpers slowly turn into quiet cries.
you panic momentarily, stopping and moving to face her once more. before you even get a chance to ask if she was okay lee has started bouncing you in and out of herself once more, her nails digging into your hips as she more than just guides your bounces this time.
“good tears… please don’t stop… fuck- fuck mommy please don’t stop… m’so close” all you needed to hear was good tears before you continued your previous movements, this time rolling your hips on every bounce to help push lee over the edge.
her cries turn into pants, her pants eventually coming to a halt before a long exaggerated moan escapes from her lips, her warm seed filling up your cunt just perfectly. that ends up doing it for you also, lee biting her lip so hard she draws blood as she jolts underneath you, only enduring the overstimulating sensations to allow you to ride out your high.
once you’re both settled into bed and ready for sleep, you turn to face your extremely smiley girlfriend.
“take it you enjoyed it?”
“not at all” with a sarcastic roll of her eyes, she leans over to press one last kiss to your soft lips before you two say your goodnights, both falling asleep fantasising about your earlier activities.
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tempestimes · 14 days ago
Last week I was going to write an essay on the symbolic parallels of the imagery in Ave Mujica to Revolutionary Girl Utena aka The Lesbian Anime ever, but right now I'm also just disappointed by episode 11 because of. Everything. It feels weird to make so many references to such an iconic queer anime then slap the "and they were related !!" thing on a major (albeit unhealthy) ship. To be clear, I'm not an Uisaki shipper and I never saw Uisaki as endgame, mainly because Uika's obsession over Sakiko is far from healthy and is clearly not romanticized or portrayed in a positive light. It clearly has an impact on Uika's ability to function and maintain other relationships and obviously Saki is not happy about this. But at the same time, there were so many connections I could draw between the imagery in Uika and Saki's relationship and Utena and Anthy's.
The MV for Imprisoned XII is packed with Utena imagery:
The coffin filled with roses a girl is sleeping in.
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2. The endless stairway up to "eternity" (which is supposedly some kind of freedom, but that freedom is only an illusion constructed by the people who control the greater stage play)
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3. The setting of the bird-cage like garden.
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And then there's the references/imagery inside of the actual show itself.
Sakiko reading Demain, which has this iconic line about a bird breaking out of its shell, which is referenced repeatedly in Utena.
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2. The two cups of coffee Uika always makes for herself and Sakiko, and the cups of tea Anthy and Utena share. (The "I poisoned the tea" and the "Well, I poisoned the cookies" bit in RGU ugh UGH)
3. The theatrical and stage play nature of Ave Mujica itself and the artificial world/theatricality of RGU (perhaps best illustrated by the Shadow Play or the moving architecture much like stage pieces in the film Adolescence of Utena).
Additional note: the line between Gothic dolls and fairytale princes/princess ough ough.
Additional additional note: Uika was designed to be fairly ambiguous in gender, which really interests me as this relates to Utena Tenjou and her masculine gender presentation as a way to be more "prince-like" but also her insistence she is "still just a girl" wearing a boy's uniform.
Additional note to the additional additional: Y'all remember all the fanart of Sakiko stabbing Uika with the "you could never be my prince, because you are a girl" line, right? Y'all know that's a direct reference to Utena right?
There's probably more I'm missing out on but these makes me so conflicted about how Uika and Sakiko's relationship is portrayed.
Both Uika and Utena have this interest in/curiosity for a girl (Sakiko, Anthy) who is trapped in a patriarchal system where she is at once idolized and villainized (along with other factors playing into the complicated nature of each of their situations, Sakiko's being class and Anthy's being race). But whereas Utena takes that scene she saw as a child of Anthy's suffering and decides to become a prince/play into gender roles to save Anthy from cycles of abuse (something Anthy can only step out of on her own later on), Uika - being a lonely and isolated child- built up an idealized image of the girl who her sister got to experience joy with, the girl who had all that she was denied, the girl who could give her meaning, and ended up becoming incredibly and deeply obsessive over someone who was ultimately her family member. I could go deeper into some of the Sakiko and Anthy parallels, but it is just so heavy.
I don't think I need to go into detail about how fucked up is (especially because of fucking Akio Himemiya and what he did to Anthy), but yeah. It just feels like a slap in the face to make so many (what felt to like to me) clear references to an iconic queer anime about disrupting cycles of abuse, the patriarchy, and victims of abuse and assault and then also add on the "and they're related and if you thought Uika's obsessiveness was bad you don't know the HALF of it"
Maybe I'm just way out there for making all of these connections between Ave Mujica and RGU, but this connection I made early on in the show definitely impacted how I felt about episode 11 and the Imprisoned XII MV. If you like toxic yuri, then you do you. This just isn't my cup of tea and I'll leave it at that.
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creatingblackcharacters · 14 days ago
Hi! I really love your blog and you've taught me so much about Black representation and helped me get started on the path to being better informed, so I really need to say thank you so much for all your hard work. You are amazing.
I was wondering if I could get your input on something since I feel like it has a place here. See, one of my most favorite game series is Telltale's The Walking Dead. I love it for its highs and lows, great story telling, and for some of the most amazing characters in the franchise. A lot of elements of this game series has not really aged well, however, and I feel like it all culminated in the series being racist on a lot of levels. Some of it is directly racist featuring microaggressions (like with one character referring to the character of Lee as "urban" and asking if he knows how to pick a lock), but there's one element that really bothers me that's most prominent in the last season. Apologies for spoilers but this has been bugging me so bad for years.
In the final season, our main protagonist Clementine has the chance to romance two characters. One is Louis, a laid back flirty guy who is Black with natural hair and loves the piano and puns. The other is a girl named Violet, a very angry but caring and protective blonde haired White girl who is a lesbian. At one point you have to pick who you save during an invasion on your camp, and whoever you don't save gets taken by the enemy to their boat to go back to the enemy camp.
If you save Louis, Violet becomes angry at Clementine for letting her get taken, actively fights against her at first when Clem and her team stage a rescue, but eventually goes back with her after the enemy's boat blows up and she becomes partially blinded and burned (which is a whole different issue I have regarding the writing but that's for another day). But if you do save her and pursue a romance, it's genuinely one of the most heartfelt moments in the entire game. You talk about what you'd do if you could take a road trip, make up constellations, and even slow dance together. It's genuinely sweet.
However, because of what happens to Louis, I can't bring myself to play a Violet route on any replays. Because if you let Louis be taken, the people who kidnapped him torture him and eventually do something really terrible (I really don't feel comfortable writing here it is that graphic), as punishment for "not shutting up" while imprisoned. I always end up pursuing the Louis romance because, along with being cute in its own way, with Louis writing a song for you on the piano, doing a quick candlelight dinner as best he can with what rations they can spare before the rescue, and even talks about eventually building a dream house with Clem, it's the better alternative to what would happen otherwise.
I don't like what happens to Violet if you let her get taken, but on some level it's better than letting what happens to Louis when he's kidnapped happen. He becomes absolutely broken if you let him get kidnapped.
For years I've felt this was far too uneven towards Louis, but a lot of the fandom doesn't seem to care about it since Louis isn't the only Black character in the series (most of the playable protagonists of these games are Black, Latino, or of East-Asian decent) and they like seeing the Queer representation with Clementine and Violet. But even so, I still feel like it's not fair.
There's a lot of other issues regarding the treatment of Characters of Color in these games, but the treatment of Black characters, especially dark-skinned Black characters in particular, really bothers me.
Oh I'll say it with you- yes, I would absolutely save the Black boy from being lynched over sparing the white lesbian character's hurt feelings, 100%. In the game and in real life. No amount of queer representation means that I should be sacrificing a Black kid and I simply won't do that 🤷🏾‍♀️ fuck the Black boys who may or may not be queer seeing themselves treated like that, huh? And anyone who genuinely believes that the two outcomes are comparable should not be trusted around real life Black people lmao I'm sorry that upsets me to hear.
I think it's baffling that they even made that decision as a studio, to take his suffering THAT far, especially for "not shutting up" when we know full well that "speaking out of turn" is often a trigger for antiblack violence. That is actually sickening, fr. I'm sorry you had to see that, and I'm angry that it goes that far one sidedly. I personally don't think romance options should be attached to decisions like that, either.
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jamiepaige · 4 months ago
Constant Companions Closeup #9: OBJECT OF AFFECTION
(also on spotify!)
O, wayward soul, I beg of thee an ear; Companionship, a Constant of desire, is all too fleeting. Would thee quell this fire? My love, do you know what you want to hear?
Welcome back to the Constant Companions Closeups - a series of in-depth dives into the songs off of my latest album, Constant Companions! Yesterday was some gay shit (Liaison) and today is some more gay shit (Object of Affection)
I'm usually pretty good about letting go of the things I make and letting them live imperfectly, but there is exactly one released song of mine that I've ever been actively unhappy with the final product of, that I haven't been able to let go of my displeasure with.
Honor Majesty, off of Autumn Every Day.
It's not that it's a bad song, or that it didn't have good ideas! In fact, I genuinely think it shares more with the music I make now than a lot of my older work does. Rather, it was incredibly rushed and full of uninspired choices I made for the sake of completing the song rather than making it the best version of itself, and it ultimately ended up falling incredibly flat relative to what I wanted it to be!
I really like the intersection of synthpop/electropop and fantasy. One of my favorite musicians ever is Baths, whose album Romaplasm is chock full of this exact thematic and sonic intersection, and it's so deeply inspiring to me that it still gets put on whenever I want to dream things up. I've always wanted to make things like that! Bubbly and fantastical, brimming with a sense of magic so pervasive it makes even the mundane seem mystic.
...Also I'm just a fantasy dork okay. I like wizards and shit. Sue me
I've been wanting to make a grandiose and fantastical story song for years, and my single attempt to do so felt like it missed the mark entirely. I did touch on fantasy a couple times on Bittersweet, but ultimately, when I started working on this album, I knew exactly what I wanted to take a second crack at.
The intended story in question here is fairly vague, but to sum it up as literally as possible:
A rebellious, disobedient, gender-questioning prince has mildly inconvenienced "his" royal lineage one too many times. Their solution is to invoke magicks widely regarded as heretical - what's a fantasy monarchy without some hypocrisy - to seal their "son's" soul within an automaton body, rendering "him" a perfect, subservient doll.
This doll is promptly spirited away under cover of darkness by a mage, and is granted free will once again. She experiences the crushing weight of newfound self-awareness and nearly spirals out of control, before realizing the mage who saved her is the same - a doll. It turns out being a magical-mechanical construct has its perks if you are TRANSGENDER. then they overthrow the monarchy and fuck nasty or whatever idk this is where the story gives way to things like "metaphor"
this is a song about artifice and being transgender
Seriously, though, I know that being an electronic-music-producing transgender lesbian with a thing about dolls or robots or whatever is a major endless-store-shelves-of-identical-buzz-lightyear-action-figures moment on my part, but dammit, I own a copy of Logic Pro and a genuine leather wizard hat, I inject estrogen into my stomach fat every Wednesday, and I think ball joints are cute. I'm posting this on Tumblr, for gods sake, I am unconcerned as an active choice
With the exception of Liaison, the entirety of Constant Companions utilizes only three unique vocal synth characters - ANRI, Gumi, and Teto. This trifecta was born organically from simply being the vocal synths I enjoy using the most, and in this song, I wanted to use all three of them almost like one single singer, freely shifting intonation based on the context. I messed with this idea before on Ballroom, my voice meshing and melting into Gumi V3's voice, but it felt especially appropriate for this context; Plus, I feel like there aren't a lot of examples of vocal synths being used/recontextualized in this way, and that's a shame in my opinion!!
I really want to do more story-driven songwriting like this in the future as well. Now that I'm a bonafide VocaloP I've been floating the idea of doing a song series with this trio... I'm mostly just worried I'll want to get too ambitious with it.
Off the top of my head, Object of Affection references at least eight other songs of mine - Honor Majesty is an obvious one, but it also directly samples parts of Autumn Every Day, and lyrically references genuinely just a bunch of things. I'm probably forgetting some, even!
I know I'm the Leitmotif Lover, but it's a lot even by my standards. However, this song's entire existence already served to satisfy a fairly self-indulgent desire, and these days, I don't deal in half measures. I think the final product serves as a lovely little look back at where I've come from, though, and perhaps even a little glimpse into the future!
That all being said, Object of Affection in some sense is also a love letter to a beloved part of my creative process - the voice memo. A lot of the audio I've provided with these posts have been recordings off my phone for good reason! Not only are the chops at the beginning of the song entirely comprised of edited recordings I got on my phone, but the sample at the very end happens to be from a particularly legendary recording, never before heard by the public...
Until now. I present to you an excerpt from "the worst beat on planet earth", featuring none other than unit.0.
That's about it for today!! If you have any questions, I'll gladly answer them below, but otherwise, I'll be back here tomorrow to talk about this album's title track laid askew - My Darling, My Companion!
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Helluva Boss S3 predictions
OOC:// these are entirely based off of rumors and speculation, ranking these from "i wouldnt really care if this came true" to "if this becomes true DNR me because i will be DECEASED"
S3 gets cancelled / not produced because Viv either runs out of fans to milk funds out of, her fixation shifts back to Hazbin so Helluva is put to the side (unlikely), or because she gets canceled because of the amount of insane stunts she pulls. I get the feeling that Viv is going to do something so tone deaf and stupid this year, that even some of her more diehard fans will have to jump ship just to save their own faces. Very likely that this will have something to do with the recent EVENT that is US politics.
At the absolute least 2 new one-off characters that they try to oversaturate with merch and hype up only for them to show up for a grand total of 2 seconds and say maybe 4 lines. Either none of them will be fat and they will get super sexualized for easy merch for simps, or if any of them are fat they will be insufferable and supposed to be unlikeable, with minimal merch despite whether the fans like them or not.
Cherubs and Dhorks get an episode to woobify stolas further. My prediction is that they show up for one episode to challenge Stolas after he has lost his powers - but after a struggle they end up defeated because of some last minute plot armor. TBH they might even die just for the joke.
Belphegor and Leviathan end up as one off characters with barely any episode appearances or speaking lines. They are women in Vivziepop shows, i have nothing more to say. Also 1000% chance Vivz continues to portray Belphie as lethargic despite the fact it is extremely ableist to compare a symptom of illness/disability to sloth/laziness. It could be argued that Belphie is lethargic because of drug use (Bee mentions that she has drugs) - but there is blatant ableism in all of Helluva Boss, So Viv gets no brownie points from me. Also, comparing a lack of energy/the inability to stay awake to Laziness/Sloth is still ableist.
Barbie Wire either gets absolutely no screen-time, or one episode about her. I would not be shocked if they completely forget about her until S4 (or only give her minor mentions/flashbacks from blitz POV while she never actually shows up until S4) only to throw her into the ring for some juicy stolitz drama points or to give her a partner for easy merch + "lesbian rep" (i'd put money on Verosika or Sallie May). I feel like because shes Blitz's sister she has to have at least one more appearance (for Blitz's sake, not Barbie's, of course. Because she is a woman in the Vivzie-verse)
Millies pregnancy episode is somehow turned into a Moxxie episode. They'll probably fight but Moxxie will simp his ways back into her good graces. IDRC what happens with the pregnancy bc Millie and Moxxie are such stereotyped one note characters that i dont care about them in the slightest. I also didnt like how they first met shown in ghostfuckers. IDC Moxxie was weird for drooling over a woman he just met.
Loona gets MAYBE one episode, and thats only if shes lucky. If Loona gets an episode it'll FOR SURE be a shared episode with Octavia for the symbolism/parallels between them and their dads. Loona's friends stay irrelevant and Loona has more off screen character development while also continuing to assault people. If S3 is mainly about the goetia's i have to assume they will sideline Loona's "major character moment" until S4, this moment is undoubtedly Stolas becoming the Offical receptionist for IMP, and Loona joining the team of assassins.
S3 is supposed to be about the Goetia - so i have to guess that Paimon will at least make one singular appearance. My money's on him being a plot device to woobify Stolas even more. Viv will 1000% have an episode dedicated to Paimons abuse towards stolas until stolas has to eventually stand up to him.
Verosika gets woobified and/or villainized completely. They already tried to woobify + villainize her in Apology tour, i wouldn't be surprised if we got an encore of some sort. Theres also a high possibility that she will get forgotten about (or get exactly 1 episode to appear in) and Viv will pretend like its because her arc ended in Apology tour or smthn.
I've heard speculation that Striker is likely sleeping with Stella, i know that if it happens it would only serve to make Stella and Striker look like assholes/hypocrites and villainize them further. This is very likely to be canonized unless Vivz wants to spite her critics.
Stella will be completely useless to the plot, while still being depicted solely as a heartless bitch and abuser. She will likely get 2 or potentially 3 significant episode appearances and exactly 0% character development with them. Andre will likely overshadow her again. On the VERY small chance that Stella gets any character development (so viv can try to shove it to the critics) it will be meaningless and not discuss the very real trauma that comes with an arranged marriage, especially for the woman who has to bear an egg for a man she doesn't love and gets harassed by her brother. If she does get any character development she will likely get a one off character to be shipped with. Most likely a woman (IE: marthaberry)
Striker will get one episode, likely for stolass woobification, Stella bashing, and more narrative excuses. My guess is that Stella and Striker are/were together in some way. Potentially before the divorce to make Stella look like a hypocrite for being mad at Stolas, and Striker look like a Hypocrite because of his entire shpeal in Oops.
People have speculated on a Fizz x Ozzie or Stolas c Blitz Wedding. I could potentially see Fizz and Ozzie Wedding, but i dont think Stolitz is in the cards until at least S4. The Stolitz new relationship drama, Octavia plotline and a potential Paimon/Andre/Stella sideplot will likely take up the main narrative of S3
Octavia is tormented by the narrative. Its likely that if Paimon shows up she will interact with him and compare Stolas to him (in a way that makes her feel bad for cutting off Stolas). This will DEF piss me off but I've prepared myself mentally for the Octavia lobotomy that will inevitably happen in S3. I couldn't comprehend a way for the series to keep Octavia mad at Stolas for 2 whole seasons while continuing to up the ante. So if i had to guess Octavia is the main plot device for S3 and the Sins are the main plot devices/antagonists for S4.
More crossdressing because Viv fetishizes queer men. Also because boys dressing up as girls is funny and/or sexy. I hate this because its always portrayed as either an early 2000's misogynistic joke - or is blatant fetishization of queer men. Likely both!
More Incest jokes, Fatphobia, Racism, Sexism, Ableism, Classism etc. AKA the Vivziepop special. No extra comments needed tbh.
Helluva continues to be the Male Rapist Apology Manifesto. Again, the Vivziepop special, no extra commentary needed.
Stolas and Vassago have a fling because Stolas and Blitz get into a fight. Stolas and Vassago dont date but cross boundaries in a very easily excused way that doesnt put any real blame on Stolas- hell maybe they'll pull a "Blitz thinks stolas is cheating on him with Vassago but hes actually "just super paranoid" and Blitz needs to have more character growth so that he isnt scared that the owl that cheated with him will cheat on him, because stolas CLEARLY would never cheat FOR REAL!!" - Another minor prediction about this is that Stolas likes Vassago and Vassago is basically perfect in every way, they have flirty / ship fueled moments, but in the end Stolas cant fill the void inside of him with anyone besides Blitz "despite their flaws/the ups and downs of the relationship", so he knows its True Love or whatever.
Blitz is framed as being unreasonable, the bad guy, and overall the one in the wrong in his relationships again. If i had to guess one of the Blitz episodes will be Loona focused, but wont actually adress the main issues behind their relationship, this episode is likely to be shared with Octavia and Stolas. Blitz will possibly have drama surrounding his ex's/flings again (Verosika most likely), but this time him and Stolas are dating!! so its totally not just apology tour 2.0!!
Vassago and Andre are endgame. This one is unlikely, but even if they just have ship fueled moments i will rip my own eyes out (bc Viv will use it to excuse Andre's creepy-ass comments made towards Stella). But we all know that Viv is notorious for turning fan ships into canon if she likes them enough, so this one really just depends on Vivs mood when she starts scripting the episodes.
I've also heard word that Striker could possibly be sleeping with BOTH Stella AND Andre. If this comes true it will kill me. 100/10 WORST decision that could be made for Helluva besides the inevitable Stolas abuse excuses. Andre literally calls Striker a "Mangey Stray". Vivienne... Vivziepop... WE DO NOT WANT MORE ABUSIVE (racist)CLASSIST YAOI.
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