#they really nailed a teen from NY
sleepyteamage · 1 year
I haven't seen this movie but this clip really transported me back to highschool
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thedamageofherdays · 3 years
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Welcome to this week's reading log! I am on a semi-hiatus so I haven't been on Tumblr as much the last couple of days but I did read some amazing fics and wanted to share them with you all 💗
🌻 marks a favourite, 🔒 marks a fic that is only available to ao3 users, 🍀 marks a fic that is only available on Tumblr.
Ace Outside The Hole by attackofthezee (noxlunate) [Stucky, 4,1k words, Teen]
“I don’t usually do this,” Steve says, leaning up to look at Bucky over the top of the table.
“You mean scrambling around on your floor looking for your tinder hookups body jewelry isn’t your normal Friday night routine?”
“No- I mean, I don’t normally do that either, but I don’t normally do this,” He says, waving a hand sort of vaguely between himself and Bucky, “and I’m sure everyone says they don’t, but I really, really, don’t.”
It feels like an understatement, though it’s better than telling someone he’s had sex approximately 1 ½ times in the past 5 years because there’s been nobody he really wanted to do that with.
In which Steve decides a tinder hookup is a great distraction, discovers that it's not, and still ends up getting something pretty damn good out of it.
Bucky’s Blooms by buckybarnesdeservestobehappy (hutchabelle) @buckybarnesdeservestobehappy [Stucky, 1,1k words, Teen]
Bucky Barnes is the proud owner of Bucky’s Blooms, a quaint little flower shop on an out of the way street in Brooklyn. When a tall, blonde, gorgeous patron stumbles into his shop, Bucky gets heart eyes.
🌻 Stripped Bare by papesdontsellthemselves @turtle-steverogers [Stucky, 4,9k words, Explicit]
“Perfect.” Bucky smiles, leaning down slightly to look at him through the camera lens. “Stay just… like… that…'' He snaps a few pictures of Steve in that position, watching the tightness of his eyes slowly abate as he seems to relax into the moment. “Good… that’s real good.” The praise comes naturally, and Bucky snaps a few more shots. “Great. Now go ahead and lean back onto your elbow-- yup, like that.”
Steve’s a damn natural, that much is clear. He moves easily for the camera despite his nerves, and his body is so easily captured in its fluidness. The bashfulness is charming, and Bucky thinks the blush he’s sporting adds something extra to the photos without any enhancing needed. It’s like nailing down a muse-- beautiful and fleeting and so hard to find.
When Bucky Barnes meets his model for the day, things go from good to great.
🌻 time on my hands (could be time spent with you) by thedoubteriswise [Stucky, 23k words, Mature]
"You doing okay, kid?”
Steve releases a breath, deciding how honest he wants to be. No point in lying. No point in telling the truth, either. "Glad to see you."
"That’s not what I asked, but same to you, punk."
Bucky Barnes and the Terrible Horrible No Good... Oops that Stealing But You Get It by Kellyscams [Stucky, 2,1k words, Mature]
Bucky's had a bad day. A really terrible horrible day and he doesn't wanna talk about it and he's set on hating the world forever and never being happy again. Until his husband comes home. And then everything changes.
🌻 The Poison Devotion in Me by dontcallmebree @iamthe-wo-manwhocan (art by kocuria-visuals (kocuria) @kocuria) [Stucky, 3,3k words, Mature]
There’s a picture of Steve Rogers from when he was small, 14-years-old and smiling a grin of bloody teeth. That smile, cracked lips and bloody tongue licking at the split skin, jaw dark and swollen, was not the righteousness they thought it was.
It was righteous, sure, but full of anger. It was wrath—a promise.
A prophecy. Alongside his lover Bucky Barnes, Steve takes what’s owed to them both: Their pound of flesh.
let it snow (being here with you is delightful) by jesm [Stucky, 1,7k words, Mature]
Thanksgiving 1938, a big snow storm hits NY but Steve and Bucky don't mind at all.
A Marriage of Convenience by darth_stitch [Stucky, 1,3k words, Teen]
There they were, Mr. and Mr. Barnes-Rogers and this was totally just a convenient thing. The fact that Bucky had been dreaming about marrying Steve even before it was LEGAL had nothing to do with it. At all.
and i'm so willing to care for you by rooonil_waazlib [Stucky, 12,9k words, Teen]
“Um,” Steve says, and Bucky looks back at him, a cat perched on each shoulder, a third one climbing up his jeans. “Do your roommates mind the cats? Is that—is that the problem?”
“What?” Both of Bucky’s hands are occupied with helping the kitten climbing him. Another cat has detached from the group and is standing in front of Steve, looking up at him. He looks down at it. It’s a light orangey-yellow, and it has no tail. “No, Steve—these are my roommates.”
Or, wherein Bucky owns a lot of cats.
this crazy love by rooonil_waazlib [Stucky, 3,6k words, Explicit]
“How was it?” Bucky asks.
Steve shrugs, reaching up to scritch at Cat Steve’s ears. She tips her head into it and purrs. “It’s good to be home,” he says, and breathes in, enjoying the smell of their bedroom.
Instead what he gets is a faceful of the scent of Bucky’s exertion; only now does he notice that Bucky is dressed like he’s just been to the gym, the tank top that says CAT DAD and the joggers that leave almost nothing to Steve’s imagination.
Bucky crumples the granola bar wrapper up in his big hand and leans over to put it on the bedside table, the stretch of it pulling his shirt tight across his broad back.
Steve can’t help staring. He’s—Bucky is providing for him—while he smells like that.
my prince by deicide [Stucky, 3,1k words, Teen]
“You call me Stevie when you think I’m asleep,” begins Steve, so quiet he thinks he didn’t even say it; Bucky doesn’t move from his spot lit up in front of the door, “so why is it always ‘my prince’ when I’m awake?”
or, a self-indulgent prince!steve and his servant-guard-friend!bucky fic
🌻 Right Foot Blue by MaddieWritesStucky (Madeleine_Ward) @maddiewritesstucky [Stucky, 1,3k words, Teen]
Steve is sweating.
Sweating and regretting.
He is not bullet proof. He is not invincible. And he does not have a single fucking shred of self preservation.
Everyone else is right and he is wrong, because he’s on top of his best friend slash secret obsession and he’s just popped a boner, and it’s his own goddamn fault for agreeing to play this stupid game in the first place.
All the Magic I Have Known by sunrow [Stucky, 2,1k words, General]
All mermaids have the ability to swap their tail for a pair of legs and live life as a human, should they want to. But the decision is a permanent one. No changing their minds or leaving any room for regret.
Because of that, most mermaids never even consider the change. The thought doesn’t even cross their minds.
Steve is not like most mermaids.
🌻 Bucky "You Can Call Me Clueless" Barnes by buckybarnesdeservestobehappy (hutchabelle) @/buckybarnesdeservestobehappy [Stucky, 4,3k words, Teen]
Bucky won the roommate lottery when he was in college. A decade later, he's still happy Steve's there when he comes home.
Precious Moments by papesdontsellthemselves [Stucky, 968 words, General]
“Wanted to stay up with you guys,” he says. Ciara coughs a little, and Bucky reflexively reaches up to wipe some formula from her cheek.
Steve’s eyes soften. “You didn’t have to.”
“I know,” Bucky says, letting his hand fall onto Steve’s knee. He squeezes it a little; soothing. “I wanted to.”
A soft moment in the midst of parenthood.
🌻 Evanstan Round Robin 2021 by Ediblecrayon, grandmacore, iamrory01, its_tortle @its-tortle, K347 @k347, luninosity @luninosity, musette22 @musette22, paperstorm @paper-storm, TJ_Mason, wintersoldier1989 @wintersoldier1989 [Evanstan, 7,3k words, Explicit] (5/11 chapter available)
Chris has been honing a new skill, and he can't wait to show it to Sebastian.
🌻 Blooming Under the Dappled Light by thiccbuckybarnes @thiccbuckybarnesfic [Stucky, 15,5k words, Explicit] (2/7 chapters available)
“Primogeniture (prīmōˈjenəˌCHər) is the right, by law or custom, of the firstborn legitimate child to inherit the parent's entire or main estate in preference to shared inheritance among all or some children, any illegitimate child or any collateral relative.” ❀❀❀ Despite being the son of a gentleman, James "Bucky" Barnes could scarcely allow himself the hope of one day being tied to another in happy matrimony. In a society where the first-born children are revered and inherit all of a family's wealth, last-born Bucky feels trapped in a life he did not ask for.
When he makes the drastic decision to run away and become a tutor for a wealthy family, he is hoping to save enough pennies to someday have a dowry and be worthy for marriage despite his deposition. What he is not anticipating, however, is falling into the rough and skilled hands of his employer, the rakish widow Lord Steven Rogers.
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lycorogue · 3 years
Thoughts about episode “Lie”
Okay. Here we are. This is back to the better writing I was talking about the other day. I love me parallel stories, so this was just *chef kiss* in that department. 
Before I delve into my thoughts on the episode itself, I want to take a step back and talk about my views of the non-love-square ships Lukanette and Adrigami. (Feel free to skip ahead; I have a header for when I start talking about this episode again)
Lukanette and Adrigami
For me, Marinette and Luka had romantic chemistry from the word go. As much of a Marichat shipper as I am, I knew that if anyone could make Marinette forget about Adrien, it wouldn’t have been Chat Noir. It would be Luka. Chat Noir would then come in at a close 3rd (a bit ironically) when it comes to Marinette’s heart. Meanwhile, Kagami slowly grew to have a crush on Adrien post-Riposte, and then charged forward knowing exactly who she wanted. On the flipside, though, I stand firm that there wasn’t really much romantic interest coming from Adrien. If anyone was going to make Adrien forget about Ladybug, it would be Marinette; not Kagami.
The episode “Frozer” - the one where Kagami makes her crush known for the first time, and Adrien first attempts dating her - practically gives us some foreshadowing of their entire relationship. Aside from clearly finding Kagami attractive (as showcased by the pink-bubbles-vision when Adrien first sees her sans-helmet in “Riposte”), he doesn’t seem to have any romantic inclination towards Kagami until after she cups his cheek and lets him know, in not so many words, that she likes him. Even so, it isn’t until Marinette basically gives the thumbs up that he should pursue this relationship does he give it a try. He’s still very uncomfortable around her, and only gets a bit more comfortable in “Animaestro”; probably because he’s seen his father around Kagami’s mom and just mimics that (as seen in “Backwarder”). Going back to “Frozer” though, Adrien spends most of his time with Kagami watching Marinette, and even abandons Kagami in favor of checking in on Marinette - something Luka could have easily done and probably doesn’t because he sees Adrien already on it and knows Marinette would prefer Adrien’s comfort. So Luka doesn’t push the issue. That whole ice rink interaction shows that, while Luka trumps Chat Noir as a potential alternative love interest for Marinette, Marinette still surpasses Kagami as a potential alternative love interest for Adrien. This, for me, is again hinted at in the episode Heart Hunter where, while enjoying himself seemingly equally with both girls, there’s just these little hints - complimenting Marinette more than Kagami, asking Marinette to choose the ice cream - that, at least subconsciously, Adrien is leaning a touch more towards Marinette over Kagami. His heart just isn’t all that into this relationship. This is again showcased in the New York special when Adrien (at least in the English dub; I haven’t watched it in other languages) asks Marinette to dance with him with an almost pleading tone in his voice. (To be fair, clearly Marinette isn’t thinking of Luka at all during that trip either...)
I think the final Foreshadowing nail in the Adrigami coffin is this dialogue from “Frozer”:
Kagami: “You still keep doing what other people want you to do.” Adrien: “No, I just want him to be happy.”
In the end, Adrien did the same thing with Kagami: he did what he thought would make her happy because he’s a people pleaser to his core.
Adrien of course found Kagami attractive and fun to hang out with. She was a fantastic companion, and I love their companionship so much. However, I feel like he dated her mostly because he knew he had to find some way of getting over Ladybug, and here’s this pretty girl who clearly has a thing for him, so why not???? Their parents were practically setting them up as a couple anyway, between the trip to the royal wedding and the movie premiere. Plus, this “approved” friend meant he could spend more time outside of his father’s house while genuinely enjoying the company. Win-win. He then did all the pseudo-dating stuff he’s clearly witnessed in media; kind of following a play-book as it were. 
However, he never did anything even remotely romantic or flirty towards Kagami that was on par with his romantic gestures and flirtations towards Ladybug (or even Marinette, for that matter). His love language is obvious after watching him with Ladybug, and he uses some of that same language (albeit subconsciously... probably...) while interacting with Marinette. Things like leaning in playfully (ending of “Troublemaker” and when asking Marinette for a macaron in “Despair Bear”), sharing a romantic picnic (“Glaciator”) even if it was just to cheer Marinette up, winking (the endless winking in too many episodes to list here), whispering in her ear (“Despair Bear” and one other that I can’t recall right now), Soft SmilesTM (“Chameleon”, pretty much all of the NY special, tons of season 3 episodes), confessing insecurities or secrets (“Gamer” and “Gorizilla”), or asking her to dance (“Despair Bear” and “NY Special”). I’m sure there’s tons more and each example has more episodes it��s showcased in, but you get the idea. Alternatively, Adrien just never used that same love language with Kagami. With her it all felt like calculated moves; it was expected of him to lean in for the kiss in “Heart Hunter” and “Miracle Queen”, or wipe away the smudge of ice cream by Kagami’s mouth, so he did it. Aside from his protectiveness and care for Kagami in “Onichan”, Adrien never really treated Kagami any different than his other friends.
Marinette, on the other hand, does show some of her love language towards Luka. She blushes around him and does that bashful little shoulder shrug. She makes excuses to touch his arms, hands, chest, or back. She literally leans on him. She has an interest in his interests and even goes above and beyond for gifts, such as the necklace (yay; Luka looks so good in a necklace!) and, unofficially, the contract with Bob Roth for Kitty Section. 
Granted, she doesn’t flirt with Luka like she does with Chat Noir, but, as someone who also used to flirt with my guy friends without truly realizing the romantic implications (I was a disaster as a teen, okay?), I don’t know if Marinette has truly realized how flirting is part of her love language. If she is anything like I was, flirting is more a fun past-time to see if you could get a rise out of someone in some sort of sextual-tension game of chicken or something. It’s not something you do with someone you have serious feelings for. 😝
Back to Kagami though. I want to stress that, while I didn’t see any romantic future for Adrigami, I do still very much like Kagami and appreciated the character development the writers gave her. I love her as one of Marinette’s potential friends and, as I mentioned, a companion for Adrien. I just never saw any romantic interest coming from Adrien towards Kagami. He never even truly seemed himself around her the way he is around Ladybug or Marinette. I don’t think he’s comfortable enough to not be Textbook BoyfriendTM around Kagami. He even mentions in this episode that him being a clown IS the real him and she calls bullshit (although @gale-gentlepenguin​ does have some nice commentary on how even that wasn’t exactly truthful and Kagami was right to call him out). Point being, Adrien loves to be nerdy and goofy and playful, and she just doesn’t get that????? A lot of what Adrien likes she seems to dismiss.
I’m sorry, Adrigami shippers. There could have been potential there as these two grew, but as it stood? I just didn’t see it.
The Episode “Lie”
Going back to my thoughts on “Lie” though with all of that above commentary for context. I just feel a bit cheated that Clearly-There’s-Mutual-Pining Lukanette gets ONE kiss lean-in for the whole “love rival” arc they’ve had set up for 1.5 seasons before the relationship implodes, but Clearly-Only-One-Has-Feelings-And-The-Other-Is-Just-Kinda-Going-Along-With-It-Because-Hey-He-Likes-Hanging-Out-With-Her-And-She’s-Cute-So-Why-Not Adrigami has THREE kiss lean-ins in THIS ONE EPISODE ALONE (not to mention the 2 from Heart Hunter/Miracle Queen)!? Like I said, I feel a bit robbed, but... well fed, Adrigami shippers, I guess...
Anyway, my heart hurts so much because yes, Kagami deserves someone who will take the time to be with her (just like how Luka deserves the same), but also, it’s not like Adrien WANTED to abandon her (much like Marinette not wanting to abandon Luka). These poor kids. All four of them. My heart breaks. 😢
I did feel a much stronger emotional gut-punch with this episode, which is surprising because a) we already saw a good 5-10 min of it in “Truth” so this episode was essentially shorter than the premiere, and b) I’m a much stronger Lukanette shipper than an Adrigami shipper (see above). So, bravo to the writers on this episode. I hate that this team broke so many hearts, but this is the caliber of writing I was hoping for. 
(I know Marinette is the Guardian, but can we agree to have more Adrien-centric stories, please? They’re just so good).
Adrien is still VERY vocal about his love, and, while he has learned a lot, matured a lot, and has eased up a lot, Adrien does still semi-burden Ladybug with his feelings; something Luka never did to Marinette. Adrien, possibly due to witnessing his parents - I have theories about the romance dynamic between Emilie and Gabriel - seems to have this view of love being okay even if unbalanced. Ladybug is far more powerful and crucial to the protection of Paris, but they are still partners and equals in their eyes. So maybe he feels the same about love; he may be more romantically devoted to her, but as long as Ladybug loves him even a little, it’s like they’re equals in romance... right???? So... yeah, a more balanced relationship with Kagami could have taught him how important a romantic balance is as well. Plus, if I am right in my assumption that he just kind of went along with the relationship because he thought it was expected, then he could have also learned something about being a people-pleaser. There was a lot of growth potential for both Marinette and Adrien in these non-love-square relationships, and it just feels squandered.
Also, as I mentioned with my review of “Truth”, I’m fearing that the writers are kind of railroading the Ladynoir ship. First, there’s Marinette realizing that she can’t have a boyfriend because he wouldn’t be safe, nor could she be truthful to him about why their time was so limited. The exception being Chat Noir, who can very much protect himself (except for when he’s shielding Ladybug, but she yelled at him for that in “Lie”), and she can be fully honest with him as long as it doesn’t involve their identities, and he very much knows and understands their time restrictions. In fact, he even goes so far as to state that ANY time with her is a gift he cherishes. He’s basically the perfect boyfriend for her in her situation; she just needs to be lonely enough to “realize” it. >3> On the Adrien side of things, Kagami tells him that she can’t trust someone who isn’t honest with her, but there’s Ladybug: fully understanding and completely trusts him even when she knows he’s lying. She also doesn’t fault him for their lack of time together and understands if he needs to run away without a moment’s notice. He’s already in love with her, but this whole situation just paints her even more as the perfect romantic partner for him. I get it, but I also hate it. I hate this feeling of this one corner of the love square being railroaded. It basically dismisses the other 3 corners as possibilities right alongside the Lukanette and Adrigami ships.
All that grumbling aside, I would like to give some applause to how the episode ended. I very much enjoyed that Kagami was like, “nope. You lied to me, and I can’t trust you, so we can’t be friends. I need time away from you. I’ll let you know if we’re ever okay again.” It shows the consequences of playing with someone’s emotions, even if under the best intentions. It also shows that it’s perfectly okay to cut out toxic relationships, even if the other person didn’t intend any harm. Well-intentioned people can still cause toxic relationships, and if you need to step away from them (as Kagami did), then you are completely valid in that decision. It’s an important lesson for kids to learn, I think. I’m just worried that Kagami brushing off even being Adrien’s friend (while justified) might mean not really seeing her in the show anymore, and that would be a shame. 😟 I do enjoy her as a character, and would love to see more of her growth. Plus, she is so limited in social interactions as-is, so I hope we see more Kagami and Marinette friendship growth.
I am also interested in how Adrien reacts to the knowledge that he can indeed ruin his friendships with people if they aren’t in the same emotional space. This is most likely what’s preventing Marinette from confessing: fear that Adrien will reject her so severely that he might not even want to be her friend anymore. So having Adrien now possibly have that fear as well has some interesting story potential (if the writers don’t drop the ball like they did with the Lukanette/Adrigami ships). Meanwhile, having a dejected Luka still offering friendship and support to Marinette - something clearly Adrien assumed would happen with Kagami; once a friend, always a friend - might give her the confidence to confess to Adrien, now trusting that they are good enough friends and he’s a kind enough person that they can still remain friends even if he doesn’t return her feelings.
There’s a lot of potential birthed from these opening episodes, but especially from “Lie” and I’m interested to see what the rest of the season is going to look like now.
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fridayiminlovemp3 · 4 years
deancas fanfic recommendations for anon <3
things happen (they do, they do, and they do) (27k, explicit) so so so good! has cas coming back from heaven right before the rusty nail gets dean :') it's peak repressed!dean and does a really good job of unpacking his internalized homophobia
build a home (20k, teen) takes place during season 12 and has such a good found family trope (alicia, max, krissy, josephine, mary, and eileen all live at the bunker with them!) basically cas leaves the bunker after they've stopped the apocalypse and dean gets really emotional over it but cant figure out why (we all know why). the fic has a lot of classic deancas miscommunication and really captures their personalities perfectly
down like water (14.5k, mature) this fic makes me crazyyy. basically cas is dying so dean takes him on a roadtrip before he dies so that cas can see the world. the fic is just so sweet and i swear it ends well!
cuckoo and nest (10k, explicit) a classic, literally a classic. its an established relationship piece about dean and cas learning to communicate with each other and work through their commitment issues / fear of abandonment.
après (24k, explicit) cas falls and lands in france and dean comes to rescue him :’) its really cute and cheesy in the best possible way. basically just dean and cas having a romance getaway in france.
according to all known laws of life (29k, explicit) this is the bee movie fic everyone's been talking about :’) and its definitely worth the hype (cas comes back from the empty and there's a bunch of fun classic miscommunication and repression featuring sam / eileen and a bunch of bee movie references that surprisingly work)
the tunnel of love (21k, explicit) a really good case fic! has both dean and cas constructing intricate rituals to allow them to touch the skin of other men :) (also cas is human and the fic has the classic "dean becomes overly protective of cas once he becomes human" trope)
( the last ones are all fake dating au’s <3 )
the cost of a thing (74k, mature) takes place during season 9 after cas is kicked out of the bunker. cas reconnects with sam and dean on a hunt in the suburbs, he and dean end up becoming fake married after they have to come up with a cover on the spot :’). it’s really fun and has all of the great fake dating au cliches !
professional couple only (37k, mature) another fake dating au but this time in vermont :-) its really fun! takes place after season 10. along with both the fake dating tension and the hunt, it also has dean and cas dealing with the aftermath of the mark of cain and actually communicating with each other <3
the thirty-six questions that lead to love (12.9k, mature) i loooove this fic (my only complaint would be that its too short) basically claire has dean and cas pretend to be her gay dads at a therapy retreat for overbearing parents and they have to do couples therapy (including answering the ny times’ 36 questions leading to love) while claire hunts a bunch of ghosts on the retreat. its super fun and i love it
suck it, judy garland (20k, mature) takes place during season 12! fake dating au but this time its sam and cas getting fake married for a hunt and dean just goes blind with jealousy. (features a really great scene of dean calling mary to talk about cas)
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thebeatricesmith · 4 years
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Look! It’s [ PEPPER HAWTHORNE ]. They have been living in [ NORTH ] Kingsboro for [ FIVE YEARS ]. They say the [ 28 ] year old can be [ SELFISH ] but also [ RESOURCEFUL ], but I just think [ SHE/HER ] looks a lot like [ ANNIE MURPHY ].
full name: pepper grace hawthorne
age + birthday: twenty-eight | 11/22/1991
gender + pronouns: cis female | she/her
sexual & romantic orientations: pansexual/romantic
hometown: greenwich, connecticut
occupation: heiress, owner of one of a kind boutique pep in your step
personality traits: self-involved, social, generous, privileged, gossipy, bold, playful, confident, materialistic, irresponsible, thrill-seeking. 
looks like: annie murphy
mother: deirdre hawthorne
father.: henry hawthorne
siblings: davis hawthorne ( older brother )
other: n/a
pepper grew up in greenwhich, ct in a house big enough to hold three families. the hawthornes come from old money. the kind of old money nobody really knows where it came from, but pep likes to tell people her daddy was responsible for inventing dr. pepper, making her the name sake. 
didn’t spend a ton of time with her parents growing up, both too busy making business deals and impressing at society events. thus, pepper and her older brother were primarily raised by their nanny who gave them as much love and affection as a woman who spent more time at work than she did with her own children. as a result, pepper doesn’t have a huge sense of familial obligation -- or an obligation to others in general. that’s not to say she’s cruel, or distant -- in fact, she can be very generous with her friends, particularly those who live in the south of kingsboro - but rather that thinking of others and how her actions might affect them doesn’t come naturally. 
that being said she is relatively close to her brother, who seems to suffer the same affliction as pepper. this leads to many fights that often end with an ‘UGH!’
all things considered her childhood was pretty average. or average by wealthy white girl standards -- ballet and piano lessons as a young girl, flashy sweet sixteens and cotillions and flashy sweet sixteens in her teen years.  
has a history of dating the wrong people -- often finding herself attracted to people who are much more interested in having a good time than they are in her specifically. this has lead to an assortment of heartbreaks on various continent and once abandoned in a chalet on the alps. but this hasn’t stopped her from putting herself, and her heart, out there again and again. 
took her six years to graduate college, mainly because she spent much more time partying and spring breaks then she did in the lecture hall. she’s not exactly proud to admit that the only reason she did manage to graduate was paying her peers to do her assignments. so while she is technically a certified, sarah lawrence educated business bitch, she doesn’t strictly know what she’s actually doing. 
so, when daddy lent her the money to open pep in your step she was determined to prove herself, and two years later she still feels like she’s proving herself. but the shop manages to make enough to keep the lights on and her accountant says that’s a good thing so by her standards she’s nailing it. 
has been to every ny fashion week since she moved to the city, though she prefers london’s. 
codependent bestie - these two are OBSESSED with each other. it would honestly be cute if they weren’t so gross about it -- tagging each other on instagram posts and consulting each other on meals. 
flings/exes - it’s unlikely they were very significant, most of pepper’s relationships bottom out after two months. give me exes who are friends, exes who gossip about each other, dramatic exes GIMME GIMME!
fwb - honestly they don’t even have to be friends or even like each other (hate sex ftw), just two attractive adults who hook up. 
vapid party friends - these aren’t the kind of friends you’d want in your corner on your worst day or when you find yourself in a crisis. they will turn on you in a second and would have no issues ditching you if a better offer came along, but they take the best bar selfies and have fun together so #bffs. 
sugar besties - much like tom and donna, pepper lives by the mantra ‘treat yourself’, but she learned a while ago it’s not nearly as fun to do alone! this pal from the south side is spoiled rotten, and is often gifted ornate (and probably useless) things. you like baking?! here have a kitchenaide in every color! oh! you like that band? baaabe here are vip tickets to their paris show! 
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guardiandae · 6 years
Symbrock Holiday Exchange Masterlist! (Fics)
Thanks for @lokianawinchester​ for running the show! I wanted to compile a masterlist of the 38 works on AO3. All authors are anonymous until the 31st. Remember to leaves kudos and comments! ♥
❄ venom's winter fun times checklist (G) Summary: Venom's first winter experience. 
❄ Cards On The Table (G) Summary: Eddie needs to tell Anne the truth about Venom, that he survived. He needs to tell her - but he's not quite sure how. ------- “You’re not Tan France, you can’t tell me what to wear,” Eddie had complained while Venom made him try on every thing in his closet and walk up and down the room like a model. “I don’t know what’s wrong with the first outfit I picked.” It was a polo neck. “What’s wrong with that?” You are not a polo neck gay, Eddie. Please burn it.
❄ "catholic guilt" is the name of our christmas album (T) Summary; we want to understand you. but we… "we" as in me, want to do this with us, "us" as in you and me.
venom tries to understand their first christmas by looking at eddie's.
❄ What Big Teeth You Have! (The Better to Save You With) (T) Summary: Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear sentient alien goo.
❄ Bad Boy (M) Summary: With a frustrated huff Venom switched on the television, maybe he could learn something interesting and let his mind wander off his dumb, reckless host.
“.. have been a naughty boy, not following the rules? You need to be punished for your behaviour.”
❄ Wearable Boyfriend (One Size Fits All) (T) Sometimes the worst thing that happens is that you have to get out of bed in the morning...
❄ Hung (Up) (M) Eddie's got a hang-up about his dick. The symbiote is a little hung up about it, too.
❄ Xenopathology (G) "Uh-huh," Eddie says. "Sounds like a cold, to me."
"Sounds like you know nothing of symbiote biology," Venom snarks back.
❄ No Brakes (M) After the explosion at the Life Foundation, Eddie tries to get back to his life. But something is missing.
An illustrated pinch-hit for the Symbrock Holiday Exchange. Happy holidays Kairu_KitsuneO! I hope you enjoy :)
❄ A Brilliant Display (G) Eddie and Venom navigate human social patterns. Also discussion of Peacocks.
❄ Dreams and Nightmares (T)    At night, Eddie is haunted by his failures in life. Venom, his eternally loving partner, is there to soothe him.
❄ Holo is Stored in the Symbiote (G) You know what would make this even better? 
Venom asks, every time they finish painting Eddie's nails.
Eddie takes a breath and lets it out. "A holo tac--"
And then Venom slathers as much glitter as they possibly can over whatever design they'd just finished, until his nails are practically a disco ball. But Venom's right. Holo *does* make everything look better.
❄ Test Drive (E)
He feels the skin under his hands shift, and he knows it’s Venom messing around. He looks down at his chest, he watches as his pecs get bigger, fuller.
“Venom. Did you give me boobs?”
“I wanted to see what all the fuss was about,”
❄ Inconvenient Epiphany (T) Eddie has a startling realization at an inconvenient time.
Or, Eddie learns to jump.
❄ Penguins Videos and Cooking Shows (G) Eddie is really bad at keeping Venom's presence a secret, and Anne and Dan now have both one (1) human disaster and one (1) alien disaster to keep an eye on.
❄ Strange Food Cravings (T) Eddie has some food cravings he never had before... that's probably nothing serious, right?
❄ Consuming (E) "You're going to fix this," Eddie said, and if his voice was accusing, that was entirely understandable considering Venom had broken down his suppressants.
❄ Holiday Cheer (G) Eddie is feeling down during the Holidays, Venom wants to just make him feel better
❄ I love Wearing You (M) Anne invites Eddie out to a formal event, forcing Venom to shift himself into a suit that fits the occasion. But what if making a pretty suit to match his boyfriend is a bit harder than expected.
❄ Dolores Park (E) Venom wants an ice cream, but he's been bad, so Eddie doesn't want to give him such a tasty treat. Maybe he can find something else to eat instead.
❄ Christmas Gift (M) Venom wants to surprise Eddie with a gift. He loves both of them.
❄ Comfort Measures (T) Eddie has nightmares of losing Venom.
❄ Blacks and browns (E) They get captured and they blame it on each other, but that doesn't change the facts that they were careless. Carlton Drake makes an appearance and starts to explain things and maybe get some (work-related) shit done. It's interrupted by Eddie's boner. Carlton is amused, Eddie's ashamed, and Venom is curious. They have a bit of fun.
❄ A Night On The Town (G) “It's nice to see you all dressed up, ” Dan notes, holding Eddie an arms-length away and taking in the pale buttoned-up shirt tucked into slim-cut trousers. “We were scared you'd show up in sneakers and sweats.”“Terrified is a better word,” Anne adds on the end of a gentle laugh.
❄ Not a cold, really (G) Well, how could it be a cold? Venom is an alien. Alien or not though, Eddie has to figure out how to help his symbiote
❄ This Is Way Too Much Pressure, It's Breaking My Heart (M) Eddie doesn't like Christmas. Venom sets out to, if not to change his mind, at least distract him for a little while.
❄ I'm Only What You Make Me (T) Eddie can't run fast enough to escape herself. 
❄ The Black and White Parade (T) After receiving word from a friend of a friend of a sort-of-maybe friend of a former workmate, Tony investigates the remains of the Life Foundation.
Apparently hitchhiking isn't just a human activity.
❄ Cake (G) Eddie hates days like today. Venom knows exactly how to fix it!
❄ Efficiency (E) Eddie introduces Venom to the concept of delayed gratification.
❄ The closest thing to a perfect man (is made of gingerbread) (T) Christmas has never been tastier.
❄ Living In a Dream, It’s Just You and Me (G) “You’re the best, love,” Eddie sighs happily and reaches up to pet Venom’s head.
“You say that every morning.” Venom leans into the touch anyways.
Eddie chuckles and kisses his other’s head fondly. “And I mean it every time.”
❄ Possession (E) You’re mine. Venom pressed that phrase so firmly into Eddie’s consciousness that he jolted.
“Oh, boy. What’s your alter ego saying?” Dana said with both concern and amusement.
Eddie opened his mouth to blather some jokey excuse, but Venom pushed their deep, gravelly voice out, “Eddie is mine!” Black lines bulged out of Eddie’s skin like veins.
❄ The weights you drag along (and the ones I carry for you) (T) Christmas had a tendency to to dig up old feelings and old memories, a rising and confusing pile of emotions that Eddie had to sort through to get an enjoyable experience out of the holiday. It's easier to do so, when you have someone with you;
(Or: Eddie and Venom talk while sitting on the kitchen floor at 5am)
❄ On Top of the World (G) Eddie and V have worked alongside Peter Parker a few times since they've been in NY, but both parties have made sure to keep their identities a secret--they only know each other as Venom and Spider-Man. That is, at least, until Venom and Eddie happen to stumble across a familiar smelling teen on a rooftop at 5am.
❄ Warm me up (E) It's a chilly winter day and Eddie and Venom come home to a cold apartment. Lucky for Eddie, Venom is happy to warm him up. One thing leads to another and things heat up.
❄ I'll be Buried Here with You (M) It's easy to die. Easy to close your eyes and sleep forever. It's so much harder to be the one left behind.
So, so much harder than Eddie could have imagined.
❄ Kiss under a Parasite (T) This is Venom's first Christmas dinner celebrated with Eddie at Anne and Dan’s place. And their first Mistletoe Kiss.
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loki-the-odd · 6 years
Pairing: Avenger!Reader x Genderfluid!Loki
Plot: Y/N has had a crush on Tony Stark for awhile and wants to impress him. So what would impress the guy more then the fact that she managed to make a god want her? Only problem is, no Gods want her. That's where her best friend Loki comes into play...
Requested by @marvel-my-ass
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Cursing, fake relationship.
AN: So let's just pretend for a sec that IW never happened and neither did the attack on NY and that Tony and Pepper broke up and are now only friends. Also I am aware that Loki seems OOC, but listen- my child deserves happiness so lets just act like they didn't get KIDDNAPPED by that prune and is just a lil chaotic shit. Okay? Okay. LETS GO
Y/N paced outside of her best friends door. God, were they gonna judge her? Were they gonna tell Tony?
Y/N had been an Avenger for awhile now and had become close with everyone. She had also developed a crush on Tony. It was stupid, she knew that. But after Tony and Peppers break up, she felt hope. No one knew about her crush on Tony. Well, no one except a certain God of Mischief.
Loki and her had become close. They often hung out together, whether it be in the library, one of their bedrooms, it didn't matter. They were joined at the hip it seemed. But even then, she didn't dare tell them, until one day they were hanging out playing Truth or Dare.
"Truth or Dare?" Loki smirked.
"Dare." Y/N said. Loki chuckled. "What?"
"Nothing." They said. "I just should've know you would be to chicken to go with truth."
Y/N smacked their arm lightly. "Am not!" Loki started to make chicken noises. "Stop! That's not even a good impression." She hit him once more.
"How dare you hit a lady!" They shreiked. Y/N rolled her eyes.
"You're in your male form, bird brain." A shimmer of green enveloped Loki, revealing their female form, with long black hair braided into a fancy bun on top of their head. "Really?"
They giggled and crossed their arms. "Pick truth, you Quim. Unless you're too scared to admit something?" They raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow. Green surrounded them once again as they changed back to their male form. Their hair was still in a bun, but it wasn't as fancy. It looked like a kind of man bun Bucky would do- messy and little hairs sticking out everywhere. No one saw Loki like this. To everyone else, they were their usual self. Bitter, chaotic, a bit of a bitch, but with Y/N, they were just like a teenage girl at a slumber party.
"One, I know what quim means, so call me that again and I'll punch you." Loki rolled their eyes. "And two, I guess I'll pick truth. Since you won't let me pick dare." Loki grinned and rubbed their hands together.
"Alright, truth. Do you fancy anyone?" Y/N froze. Shit shit sHIT. WHAT DO I DO?! She thought to herself. Loki gasped. "You do! Who is it?! Spill!"
"W-Whaaaat nooo." I'm fucked, she thought.
"You're scratching your left wrist." They pointed at your hands and you looked down. Sure enough, you were scratching.
"Oh no, I have a bug bite that itches. Put a pair of handcuffs on me and throw me in jail." The God rolled their eyes.
"When you lie or get nervous, you play with your jewelry. And if you're not wearing any, you scratch at where they would be." Y/N bit her lip.
"Promise you won't tell anyone?" Loki nodded quickly. She paused. "tony..." She had barely said it, it was just barely a whisper, but Loki heard it nonetheless. They gasped.
"Out of anyone I would have pegged for wanting a suger dad-"
"NOTLIKETHATLOKI." She whisper-yelled while covering their mouth quickly.
"Oh. OH. YOU MEAN ROMANTICLY. OOOH MY GOD." They paused, staring confused at the wall for a second before turning to her. "But he's so old."
"Says the God that's been alive for 1048 years." She rolled her eyes.
"Hey, in Midgard years, I'm 17." They laughed. "But still. Why him?" Y/N shrugged.
"I don't know, I just... do."
"So you don't even know why you like him?" Loki questioned.
"I mean, do I really need a reason? I just do. Haven't you ever just liked someone and you had no clue why, but you just know that you want to be with them no matter what?" Loki looked away, a slight blush creeping up on him.
Y/N snapped herself out of the memory. She took a deep breath, and knocked on Lokis door.
"Come in!" Yelled a female voice. Y/N opened the door and saw Loki laying on their stomach on their bed, in a green shirt that Y/N had bought them for Christmas in both their male and female size. The shirt said in gold cursive font 'The only straight I am is a Straight Up Bitch™' Loki was also wearing black shorts that reached their knees. They were painting their nails black, and had on winged eyeliner with black lipstick.
"Going somewhere?" Y/N asked while flopping onto a green hammock Loki had specifically for when Y/N came to hang out in their room.
"No, I just wanted to treat myself." They looked up at Y/N, their hair was in three small buns, with some hairs escaping them.
"Rocking a Rey hairstyle?" Y/N chuckled. Loki rolled their eyes.
"Maybe, what's up? You look like something has been eating you up inside?" They finished their nail and screwed the cap onto the polish bottle and started to blow on their nails.
"I want to impress Tony." Loki scoffed.
"No shit."
"Let me finish you sarcastic ass." Loki rolled their eyes, but didn't say anything as they continued to dry their nails. "Remember when he was saying that the only way he was gonna start dating again was if God himself dumped his girlfriend and she chased after him?" A few weeks ago Tony had made that joke after proclaiming that he would just raise Peter as a 'single mom'.
"Thor's still hung up on Jane, if that's what your plan is." They didn't look up from their task.
"That's why I came to you." Loki stopped and looked at Y/N
"What?" Was that a blush on Lokis cheeks? Y/N shaked the thought from her mind.
"I want to 'date' you and then have you dump me, pretend to be heartbroken over you and go to Tony for comfort. He asks me out, we get married, have kids, grow old together-"
"You mean you grow old and he stays the same?"
"Shut up." Y/N laughed. They stayed silent for a second.
"You realize this won't work?" Loki finally broke the silence.
"Maybe." She said. "But I'm willing to try."
"And we pretend we're dating?" Y/N nodded.
"Alright. Fine. I'm in. It's been awhile since I had some good drama in my life." They laughed. "Just a quick question. What are the limits? Like, kissing, cuddling?"
"I mean, we cuddle already. We're close friends. And I don't mind kissing and we can hold hands. Just don't grab my ass or anything, alright? Keep it PG."
"PG?" They raised an eyebrow.
"Kid friendly." Loki nodded in understanding.
"Okay." They paused. "Darling."
"It's a deal, sweetheart. " They both laughed and spent the day together.
Who knows, maybe the plan will work? Maybe a love really will blossom from this.
Maybe one that no one saw coming.
Well, except for a certain God.
Reblogs are always appreciated and motivate me to keep updating! Stay lovely!!
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mirkwoodshewolf · 7 years
My first Avengers Christmas; Bucky x teen reader plus avengers
Okay ya’ll this comes from one of my recent requestors here on Tumblr. The anon requested a Christmas theme oneshot with our fav. super soldier Bucky Barnes feat. the other avengers. Hope you all enjoy it and anon who requested this I hope I did u proud :)
Warnings: swearing, but over all Bucky fluff
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I really didn’t get this.  The Avengers are going around from shop to shop frantically like chickens with their heads cut off.  The tower has been decorated from head to toe with lights and a large tree in every. Single. Room including the bathrooms.  The reason because of this? Well it was the Christmas season once again.
Ever since we had been found and rehabilitated from HYDRA, Bucky and I have stuck to each other like glue, we’re like brother and sister.  But the difference between him and me is that he got to experience Christmas before Hydra, I didn’t.  I was created from a test tube and brought to life by science to become HYDRA’s perfect weapon to train and work along side by side with the Winter Soldier.
Bucky was the only one kind enough to me in our days with Hydra.  Whenever I was sad and needed a friend, when no one was looking, Bucky was there. Even though he only spoke a few words, they were first words of kindness I had ever received.
Anyways back to what I was discussing earlier, this Christmas thing.  Due to all my days in Hydra, I never got to experience Christmas or any other holiday for that matter but everyone seems to really make a big deal with Christmas.
I was currently sitting in the gathering room on the sofa going through my phone about what Christmas was really about when I heard Tony exclaim.
“Hey Mini-Barnes come help us with this”.  I quickly closed out of the internet and opened up a random app on my phone before standing up and walking up to Tony and Rhodey who were hanging up more mistletoe.
“How many of those do you really need?” I asked.
“Just enough to drive Rogers and your bro insane, or at least until Nat agrees to us at least one kiss under the mistletoe”. Tony stated.  I just looked at him confused.  Why would a plant that is poisonous be used to force people to kiss if they stood under it?
“Hand up that hammer and nail there (n/n)” Rhodey said.  I looked around to see it sitting there by the cabinet so I handed it up to Rhodey who passed it onto Stark who then proceeded to hammer the mistletoe up on the doorway.
I then decided to walk away into the kitchen only to see Wanda, Vision and Clint preparing a feast so large it could be for all of NY.
“Uhh guys what’s going on here?”
“We’ve been put in charge of the Christmas dinner”. Stated Wanda.
“Do we really need that much food though?”
“It’s part of the tradition to make a big feast, plus you can blame Stark for wanting so much food since he invited over 300 people for the party”. Said Clint.  I just nodded along then I left the kitchen to seek the one room that I knew that would be busy with activity. 
My room. 
I sat along on my bed looking up articles on Christmas, looked up all the Christmas stories to try and find what this season was all about but all that I found was that people get deals on merchandise and all about some figure named Santa Clause.
“(Y/n)!” I let out a scream and there I saw Bucky standing by the doorway. 
“Damnit Bucky don’t do that!”
“Sorry little sis but I’ve been calling you for the past five minutes, didn’t you hear me?”
“Sorry I guess I didn’t”.  Having been with me for so many years, practically raised me he picked up on when something was wrong.
“You okay?”
“I’m fine”.
“No you’re not. Come on (n/n) I know you, better than anyone else, so come on tell me what’s going on?”
“I—I don’t wanna talk about it right now”. Bucky sighed then he said.
“Alright, but you know you can always tell me anything right?” I nodded then he brought me in a one armed hug as he continued, “Whenever you’re ready, come on downstairs. The party will start in a couple of hours”. I nodded then with a final kiss to my cheek, Bucky stood up and walked out of my room.
Soon I heard Christmas music booming throughout the tower and thanks to my enhanced hearing I could hear people starting to come in.  I curled myself into a ball and buried myself within my covers and let the tears run down my face.
I feel so lost.  I don’t get why I’m suddenly thrust into being a part of this holiday when I don’t even know the first thing about Christmas.  I was created from a fucking test tube! I wasn’t taught anything other than to kill a person or grab Intel from a hard-drive of a computer.  Why can’t I grasp what this holiday is truly about?
I let out some choked sobs before I began weeping hysterically alone and ashamed of myself. 
*Bucky’s POV*
I looked all around for (y/n) but I couldn’t find her anywhere.  I scanned through the entire room that already had 200 people and not everyone was even here yet. Really Stark did you have to invite all of New York to this party? Why not also invite California and Texas as well and hell while you’re at it invite DC too.
I soon came to the bar where Steve, Nat and Sam were at.
“You doin okay there Buck?” asked Steve.
“Well not really, have any of you seen (y/n)?”
“You mean your little sidekick?” asked Sam.
“I’m serious Icarus I’m starting to get worried, especially after our conversation earlier”.
“What happened?” asked Natasha.
“She seemed a little sad, but she wouldn’t tell me what was wrong. I tried to get her to tell me without forcing her so much but she told me she was fine. Now I’m starting to regret not trying hard enough to get her to tell me”.
“Hold on, I think I know someone who can help,” Nat then pulled her watch and pressed a button and said, “Friday?”
‘Yes Miss Romanoff?’
“Locate (y/n) Barnes for me please”.
‘Miss Barnes is locked in her bedroom. I’m sensing levels of sadness and depression in her vitals’.  We looked at each other worriedly then without a second thought, I immediately took off towards the elevator and pressed the button for mine and (y/n)’s level.  Once the elevator dinged, I didn’t give it time to fully open as I literally ripped the doors open and ran towards her room before knocking on her door.
“(Y/n)! (Y/n) are you alright!?”
‘Go away Bucky’ I heard her say.
“Not this time. I walked away from you earlier I’m not gonna do it again now open the door before I knock it down!”  There was silence for a brief moment when I heard her say.
‘Friday unlock the door’. I then heard the locks unlock and I opened the door to see a bundle under the covers.  I slowly walked up to her and sat down beside her and pressed my hand to the covers and rubbed it soothingly.
“(Y/n) what’s wrong? And don’t give me any ‘I’m fine’ bullshit, I want to truth. Please (n/n) you’re my little sister and it kills me to see you in this much pain when I know there has to be something I can do to help”.
*1st POV*
Hearing Bucky say those things made me feel even more guilty for making him worry so much about me even though I read that this isn’t a time of the year to worry about things like that.  God I am such a disgrace to this Christmas holiday.I removed the covers and sat up and finally confessed.
“I don’t—I don’t know what I’m doing”.
“What do you mean?”
“Christmas Bucky! I don’t get it. Ever since Thanksgiving I have been researching about Christmas and what it was but I still don’t get it! The big parties, the presents, the decorations I don’t understand!! You know I was made from a test tube and now here I am suddenly thrown into this holiday that I don’t get! You experienced Christmas before Hydra got you but I never have and I HATE IT!!! I HATE NOT KNOWING WHAT THIS SO CALLED FESTIVE HOLIDAY IS SUPPOSE TO MEAN WHEN I NEVER GOT TO EXPERIENCE ANYTHING HAPPY IN MY WHOLE LIFE!!!” I sniffled and turned away from Bucky as more tears fell down my face.
“Hey, hey, Sora Mea no, no calm down, calm down, calm down, hey shhhh, shhhh. It’s okay, it’s okay”. Bucky stated as he brought me into his arms and rocked me back and forth.
“No it’s not…..I ruined everything”.
“No, no, no, no, no, no shhhh, shhh.” Bucky rubbed my back soothingly. “You didn’t ruin anything (y/n). No one can blame you for not knowing what Christmas is. I guess I was so caught up in being back into the Christmas season I wasn’t paying attention to how you were taking this. You had to experience so many new things already this past few months that when the biggest holiday of all came around, I didn’t prepare you for what to expect”.
“He’s right”. We both turned around to see the rest of the team standing there. Steve then came up and sat down on my other side as he said.
“Christmas these days have become such a big craze that we didn’t have enough time to see what was happening with you. We’re sorry we made you feel so lost in all the insanity (y/n). We would never do that to you intentionally”.
“I know” I choked out.
“So what do you say we give you a Christmas 101 lesson by starting off slow and then working our way up to the big stuff?” stated Natasha.
“But what about the party?”
“Taken care of sent them all home but promised them VIP tickets to the New Year’s Eve ball drop party and that I would be hosting it” Tony said.
“You sure this is okay with you guys? I mean I hate that I have to make you guys miss out on a party you have planned since November”.
“(N/n) you’re way more important than some stupid party, you can plan hundreds of those and have them whenever. But there is only one first Christmas and I’d hate to know that your first Christmas was you sitting up here alone crying while the rest of us were having fun” Tony said as he walked up to me and softly ruffled my hair.  I let out a soft smile and said.
“You guys are the best”.
“We know, now then who’s up for a little Christmas schooling?” I was then picked up by both Steve and Bucky as we all headed downstairs for our own private Avengers Christmas party.
There I was taught how to make Gingerbread houses with Clint, Vision, Bruce and Wanda.  Sam, Rhodey, Natasha and Tony taught me how to make traditional eggnog. While Steve and Bucky taught me the true meaning of Christmas that it wasn’t all about the gifts or parties, but being surrounded by the people you love and care about.  The one time of the year where all the world sees eye to eye and see each other as Brothers and sisters to all.  That there will be peace on Earth and Good will towards men.
By the end of the night, we were all huddled up in the theater room watching Christmas movie marathons and I fell asleep on Bucky’s chest as we watched “The Santa Clause” and as I slowly began to fall to dream world, I heard Bucky whisper in my ear as I felt him wrap a blanket around me.
“Merry Christmas (y/n)”.
“Merry Christmas Bucky”.
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
surveys 053.
do you sing in the shower? oh every single time. Its something I look forward to. 
do you think money makes people happy? As someone who currently relies on birthdays and holidays as her income, I can tell you it would relieve a bit of stress from me to even have like 100 bucks a month.
what's your relationship status? single.
what time is it? 12:25 am
what emotion are you feeling right now? I’m all over the place. Tonight Kile and I were messaging back n forth in a consistent manner which we haven’t done in a long time. Things were a bit romantic, which was extremely hard for me to deny participation in, and then it ended with me saying bye. boy it is hard to let go of him
do you have netflix? I do.
have you ever traveled outside your home country? no. Sadly, without a shot I will not be getting, I’m unsure of how I’ll be able to until the restrictions lessen.
coffee or tea? teeeeeeea pls.
shower or bath? Shower unless the bath is deep enough to cover my long self. 
what's your favorite pizza topping? depends on what kind of pizza. For instance, Jacks just GETS how to do supreme. some places nail the pepperoni, or fresh garlic or whatever. 
what's something that makes you happy? thinking about decorating my own place one day.
do you have siblings or are you an only child? I have 2 brothers and 1 sister
what's your favorite instrument? Piano, cello, drums
what's your favorite food? today it is fruity pebbles.
what is something you are always losing? I am pretty consistent on things going back to their original spot. I suppose if I’m losing something maybe it’d be like a scrunchie.
are you good at spelling? a good amount of the time.
what is one goal you have? all my goals are shifting.
did you get a flu shot this year? Nooo. never have. 
what's your favorite Disney movie? oh boy. i am not good with narrowing down those. are you bored? Not really, I’m just trying to keep my mind occupied until I’m sleepy.
what are you listening to? serendipity, bennys tail hitting my pillow, and my fans.
what's your favorite foreign language? I think it depends. are we talking for the way it sounds? or one that I’d want to learn?
what do you do when you can't sleep? this, read, find quotes, do puzzles, stare at the ceiling.
do you like cats or dogs better? this is one of my very least favorite questions to be asked. why would anyone want to choose between the two? both are so great.
do you have any piercings? Just my ears
what's your favorite vegetable? Potatoes
do you eat meat? Yeah.
what's your favorite season? any of them minus summer. Honestly, probably winter. 
do you still write letters? I love to, but I no longer have anyone to write to. 
what would make you really happy right now? i think a distraction that comes from having a crush.
what's your favorite song? ooo this changes but right now i’m into a lot of blue october.
are you good at giving advice? so, I’m the person you go to for advice if you want the moral, behaved, “you won’t regret this later” type advice. I’m great at giving that.
what's your favorite hobby? Right now, this.
do you prefer to talk or text? That is going to depend on the person. almost always text. But some people.. their voice is just intoxicating.
what's your favorite pair of shoes? I’m going to have to trash all my shoes for ones with heel support. 
how often do you read? (as in books) usually daily, but I’ve fallen out of that lately.
do you have any pets? I have 2 cats currently. I really want a golden retriever, but hey.
what's your favorite day of the week? they’re all similar at the moment, but probably saturdays
are you in college? I’m in the inbetween. Finished 2 bachelors, but am waiting for grad program
are you/have you ever been in a long distance relationship? I have been,
how do you typically listen to music? I use Spotify. either thru my headphones, my bluetooth speaker, the kitchen google, or my phone.
do you like going to the beach? I do so long as I have shade or the water is good to swim in.
did you make any new year's resolutions? I think pandemic NY resolutions were all about survival thru mentally exhausting times.
how old are you? 29 yrs young
do you know anyone who is blind? I do
who is someone you admire? My mom
do you have a good singing voice? when I was a kiddo, preteen, and teen yes. not any longer.
are your nails painted? Nope. I just wanted a break from keeping up with them.
Are you an extrovert or introvert? I’m an introvert but I can behave very well with the extroverts.
what are you having/had for dinner tonight? I had some tacos.
do you ever write in a journal? I would like to begin again, but this is a decent makeshift option
if you could time travel when/where would you go? I mean I’d love to go back to some great memories, but I worry that could be painful beyond repair.
what's your favorite animal? whales.
what's your favorite kind of cereal? honestly my cravings for cereal are for any kinds that I can no longer have. so dont ask.
how was your day? I’m only 44 minutes into it.
do you ever listen to classical music? I do. Clair de lune is one of the best 
what inspires you? learning. learning always inspires me.
how many pillows do you sleep with? I have like 20. OK huge exaggeration. I believe the true number of sleeping pillows is 4 large, 1 mini. 
how many hours of sleep do you need? I typically run off of about 3. I’ve had sleep studies done regarding that. But If I’m getting good oxygen and the temp is coooooooold I sleep so good.
do you have big or small feet? I have pretty average to slightly bigger. 
what's the weather like where you are? It’s been in the upper 80s.
what's the most interesting thing you can see out the window? just the reflection from my TV. it’s real dark out.
does/did your high school have a school song? no.
what month is your birthday in? July.
what's your dream job? the brain.
are you excited for summer? I’ve had a lovely summer, truly.
what foreign country would you want to live in for 6 months? switzerland.
did you have to go to school today? No, no I have not.
win a million $$ or never have to pay for anything again? Never have to pay for anything. Why would that even be a question. do you throw coins into fountains? when I was a kiddo
do you have a trampoline? Nope
what's your favorite song lyric? what if we could put our lives on hold and meet somewhere inside of the world, I would meet you... would you meet me? 
what did you eat the last time you went to the movies? Ill be honest IDK if we even got food.
do you ever measure time in songs? only if I’m in the shower. I’ll be like ahhh I’m 4 songs in.
do you know how to play chess? I’ve been taught MULTIPLE times. have I retained any of them? na.
what's your favorite game? (any type) right now I’m digging skipbo, trionomos, rummykub, and trouble.
do you enjoy traveling? I love it. so much.
do you tend to wait till the last minute? nope. I’m almost always 2 weeks prior
have you ever owned a goldfish? Yep!
how do you relieve stress? go on a drive. 
without looking it up, guess the outside temperature? I’d guess maybe 70. lemme see how close I am. 68!
now look it up - how close were you? woops. 68! two off.
do you prefer digital or analog clocks/watches? Digi. 
do you prefer to shop in stores or online? I almost always prefer online, but in store has its own perks like seeing the quality of things.
do you enjoy coloring? oh heck’n yea do you like to dance? I do!
have you ever owned a horse? my family did, yes
do you take selfies? oh i do. MUCH less now, than I did before. before I used to send kile like 10 a day. now I might take 2 per week.
do you ever listen to music in languages besides English? Not often, but on occasion
have you ever cried from listening to a song? absolutely.
do you prefer headphones or earbuds? so I appreciate how headphones are safer for the ears, but i typically wear earbuds.
can you speak Spanish? Very little. like a few words
what's the last thing you watched on youtube froggy freshhhhhhhhh dunked on now what time is it? 12:57. Im getting sleepy. --------- ok now it’s 859 am. I passed out last night.
do you ever watch musicals? sometimes. it’s not my favorite thing
do you know anyone who's a twin? Yeppp
do you ever get carsick? oh heck yeah, i do love the windows open
what's your opinion on wolves? I really never had an opinion. check back.
when you're sad do you prefer sad music or happy music? sad. indulge me
do you like seafood? Nooo. i wish
do you enjoy going to the zoo? no. i really dont. are there any celebrities from your hometown? uhhhh not that I know of
do you shower in the morning or at night? morning if I was great hair. If I want meh hair, night
do you prefer to work alone or in a group? Alone. ALWAYS.
do you go to the gym alone or with a friend? I don’t go to the gym. < problem solved.
do you like coconut? I like the scent but not the food. <<< SAME who is someone you're jealous of? JV for her abs
what's your favorite place to go out for breakfast? eggheadz
do you still have your christmas tree up? nah. its a tickle early (july)
do you have a favorite type of bird? cardinal.
have you ever had an overnight flight anywhere? yup. plenty of times.
if you use them, tell me 5 of your recently used emojis heart eyes, disappointed looking off to the side, sad face with eyes closed, hearts all over the face, and rolling eyes.
do you know anyone that plays the violin? yep. 
how much money is in your wallet right now? I would need to count
anything you're looking forward to tomorrow? having been done with packing lol
have you ever auditioned for anything? yeah I used to do auditions all the time for plays I was in.
did you have a webkinz when you were younger? No.
how would you describe your aesthetic? airy, comfy, inviting, warm
have you ever been told you look like a celebrity? yeah a couple times but its like not even a tiny bit close.
when was the last time you rode a bus? i have never.
if you saw $50 on the ground what would you do? is there a wallet attached?
do you know how to play any unusual instruments? yeah. don’t ask me. I’m not pleased about it.
are you an early bird or a night owl? kind of both. 
have you ever had trouble understanding someone because of an accent? oh yes. But the more time you spend talking to those individuals who have accents stronger than what you’re used to, become very easy to understand over time.
do you ever go to Massachusetts? I’ve never been but I’d love to go.
do you personally know anyone who is transgender? yeah a few people I’ve met through school. 
do you remember anything from when you were 5 or younger? yeah a few very small memories. 
do you need to do laundry? yes I desperately need to pack and I’m waiting on the laundry for that to happen. 
do you know anyone (including yourself) who actually enjoys math? NOT ME. not even close to me. Kile seemed to like it. 
do you have a favorite poem? the one written for meeeeee
if you were from somewhere else, would you visit your town on vacation? I don’t think i’d think of it, it’s not near anything specific.
where would you spend $100 if you had to spend it all in one store? amazon.
would you rather go to Japan or Greece? Greece.
now what song are you listening to? Gilmore girls, text notifications, fans
what are you wearing right now? shorts and a blue teeshirt. Bout to just be in a short shorts so I can tan. 
any fun plans for the weekend? travelingggggg.
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meyerlansky · 7 years
platoapproved replied to your photo “boardwalk empire: daemon au [5/?] arnold  –  clouded leopard…”
post the deets immediately just saying
i am working on the writeups for the previous two posts, i swear, but. you all know who i am as a person at this point. team ny’s picks were the FIRST ONES I DID and i’m fairly secure in the rationale for all of them SO UH:
ar — clouded leopard
given the rationale for the other bird daemons i assigned, ar probably should’ve gotten the birdiest bird of all time, but i picked all four of these out before anyone else’s so he’s solidly been a clouded leopard for me for like two years. clouded leopards are at least semi-arboreal, though, so the “above street level” mentality plays out there, and he is more directly involved in the actual dirty work of gangstering than nucky, who does still try to play politician for a good chunk of the series. ar is pulled back far enough from the cooperative elements of the organization he oversees that giving him a canid wouldn’t have fit, but a big cat fits his mystique and reserve perfectly. at the same time, something like a tiger or other well-known big cat is too flashy, too visible, too obvious. clouded leopards are supremely under-studied and not a whole lot is known about them in comparison to other apex predators, so it seemed like a sensible choice of species. all four of them have bonus details and are more fleshed out than most other characters’ daemons are, because, again, you all know who i am as a person at this point, so here are ar’s: her name is maximiliane, with every flourish of pronunciation that is appropriate on a name like that. they settled in ar’s late teens, after a few years of skulking around pool halls playing at wolves to try to fit in. once ar figures out how to work the flow of gambling, they try some of those flashier big cat forms on for size, but it’s not until ar owns a few games of his own that she settles into a clouded leopard.
charlie — black-backed jackal
charlie’s daemon has actually gone through two iterations; he is the archetypical wild canid for sure, so that was never in question, but picking out the species has gone through some changes. initially i gave him a golden jackal, but after thinking about it more in depth i switched the species to a black-backed jackal instead. superficially, black-backed jackals are much prettier to look at than golden jackals, they’re much more visually striking and, listen, charlie’s a pretty boy, i’m not gonna let that go unacknowledged in the daemon i pick for him, i’m allowed to be superficial here. the more in-depth reasons include the more basal nature of the black-backed jackal’s taxonomy: they’re more removed from domestication than any other wolf or jackal, but not as removed as the foxes like chalky’s grey fox. charlie very much has a “pack” in meyer and benny, and operates best when he’s got the support of that pack, but he pushes back pretty hard against the idea that he should be loyal to other italians just because they’re also italian, considering he calls for the death of the two bosses who try to keep him from his partners and profits, so the black-backed jackal’s taxonomic position fits better than the golden jackal’s did. [for reference, the golden jackal is more closely related to the ethiopian wolf, but jimmy’s reliance on the traditional don’t-make-waves structure of AC’s political maneuvering got him killed, so i wanted charlie further up the chain than that.] black-backed jackals are also relatively less specialized than a lot of canids, and able to survive in a variety of environments—the parallel to charlie’s prolific business [and personal] ties to non-italian gangsters is probably clear there. the only holdover from the golden jackal daemon days is her name, which is oriana, from the italian for “golden” because i am unoriginal and uninspired in my naming. they settled after charlie’d been in hampton farms for about a month; for at least a year or two before that they were trying on different canids for size, but he comes out of hampton farms with a concrete idea of who he is and who he wants to be, and it’s just about the only good thing they take out of there.
meyer — beech marten
THEY EAT CARS. BEECH MARTENS EAT CARS AND NO ONE KNOWS WHY THEY DO IT. i don’t even NEED any other reasons for this one. I HAVE THEM, but i feel the need to stress that the car-eating is a determining factor in determining daemon species for ex-tool-and-die-shop-worker car-nerd meyer. because, really, any of the martes or mustela species would work pretty well for him? he’s tiny and cute and looks relatively nonthreatening, but then you find out that beech martens routinely take down hares twice their size and there’s a few recorded incidences of house cats [who are effectively tiny superpredators in their own right] being injured or killed by martens, and after that you’re a bit less flippant about saying they’re harmless. that said, beech martens in particular do tend to forage a bit more than pine martens or fishers, and since meyer tends to prefer the least-confrontational option [until he doesn’t] that felt like a pretty good fit. also, beech marten pelts are generally considered less desirable to trappers than pine marten or sable pelts, so there’s a comparison to be made there wrt meyer’s exclusion from the formal “mafia” structure on the basis of not-being-italian which you all know i have my own scholarly gripes about but ANYWAY. bonuses for meyer: her name is atarah, which i have in my notes is the hebrew word for “crown” because, again, i am uninspired and unoriginal when it comes to names. they settled early, i mean early-early, as in before meyer hits his teens. meyer and atarah prefer to have it out of the way, but it… unsettles people. for a few years. which they find useful, most of the time, but the set of people that are unsettled by how early they settle include meyer’s family. that stings, a little bit.
benny — black-necked spitting cobra
like charlie, benny also went through a few iterations of species, and i honestly had trouble nailing him down to an ORDER for a while. i settled on something with some sort of externalized offensive “attack” pretty early on, given how combative he is. very prominent in the running was a bombardier beetle, both because they also spray chemicals as a form of attack, and because it plays into the “bugsy” nickname, but ultimately the nickname is why i decided against it; since by all accounts benny hated being called that and i don’t really want to saddle him with a soul that he hates, and because i’m not super comfortable with the ableism of the nickname, i shelved that one as his permanently settled form pretty quick. in the AU itself, though, i think they did a long stint with the bombardier beetle form, long enough that people thought that might be what they settled as, which itself contributed to the nickname. once it started bothering them, they tried on other forms for size and eventually she settles as a black-necked spitting cobra. it maintains the offensive attack thing, while also being flashy as fuck. a jet black huge fuck-off cobra is so up benny’s alley i cannot even stand it. it took some figuring out to pick a spitting cobra species, and i’d be lying if i said the flashiness of the black-necked cobra wasn’t a heavy factor. one of the other species in the running was the rinkhals, which also has an interesting visual appearance. the black-necked spitting cobra has higher accuracy with its venom, though, and a higher tendency to spit in the first place than most other spitting cobras. she’s named neva, from the hebrew for “speech,” and in terms of settling, they’re pretty much the exact opposite of meyer in that they settled very late, probably not before benny’s early 20s. they enjoy the freedom of multiple forms for as long as possible, and even after neva settles they’re never 100% comfortable with feeling stuck as one thing.
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savetopnow · 6 years
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A photographer spent 3 months following commuters on the Moscow Metro to see what life is really like in the capital of Russia
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allthetribbles · 4 years
Pt 2 - Alderwood Teens Missing / EoD Stranger Danger
October 12, 2019; OIS Game Notes
{{ Pt 2 - Alderwood Teens Missing / EoD Stranger Danger }}
Players present - Alan (Mike), Te'ani (Jack), Liv (me)
Wed, Feb 21, 2085
Alan speaks to the Director about how unusual it is for the school to be using paper standardized tests. We had run into a hard wall of where exactly the tests were originating from. The Director asked a simple question - "Did we check the mailing address?"
... No. No, we did not.
Who requisitioned the tests? There is no record - those involved kept thinking other people ordered the paper tests. In other words, they just showed up on their own.
We did a little research to find that the test were mailed from a school district warehouse in Dallas, TX. It takes half a day to fly down to Dallas, to find the local OIS office had -no idea- anything suspect was happening. When we go to check out the warehouse, it is non-descript. No one answers when we ring, despite it being in a very busy district. When we go in, it doesn't look like there's been anyone there for weeks or months. Arcane sight reveals nothing.
We checked the ownership of the warehouse; between the three of us, we found the name of the shell company that owns the warehouse. Backtracking the shipments, we can't nail down where the package originates. Any packages dropped off at the warehouse never come inside the building. It seems like a dropoff location. There is also no record of anyone ever working at this location.
Thurs, Feb 22, 2085
When we track the package, it seems to go all over - from Seattle to Dallas, Beunos Ares to Johannesburg, Honk Kong to Sydney, New Delhi to Seattle. Hong Kong is the most unusual - with it being on the frontlines of the Storm, everything is going in and nothing coming out. The packages seem to be crossing a lot of territory in control of the Disciples of Dagon, with lots of opportunity for ambushes.
We have the opportunity to check out each place, but it would take the better part of a week if we check it out ourselves. No other school district reports any disappearances. The magic used is very subtle; most people are expected to take the test when they sign up for it so it is easy to hide its nature. We decide to contact the other offices to check out the locations for the package dropoffs - everyone we contacted had no idea anything was going on at these addresses.
We opted to stay in Seattle - we sent a team to stakeout the drop off location in Seattle while we did grunt work in further tracking. Eventually we get a hit from a camera that is facing just the right place at the right time for one of the box dropoffs, from one of the district warehouses on the docks. They walk on camera, tap in the tracking coordinates, then walk off camera - three minutes tops. The suspect seemed to be a human male, late teens to early 20s, but there wasn't a very good visual. He was approximately six feet, around 180 lbs. Whoever it was popped up, dropped off the box and then disappeared again.
Te'ani has the idea to track how the shipments are being paid - we track it down to one of the dummy corporations - "ATECH Engineering."
ATECH's last recorded business was in the 1930s, a toy manufacturing plant that was based in New York state. The last four boxes of SATS have been paid by a bank account under their name. The bank is a national one, with its main branch stationed in Detroit.
We called the local branch in Seattle for assistance to get the current authorized signature on the account - David Johnson, current owner of ATECH Industries. The address is the same address in New York; the authorization was handled in their New York branch. Looking into its taxes, they've been paid every year since 1930.
Fri, Feb 23, 2085
The address of the bank account is located in upstate NY near the Canadian border in Morley, NY; located off of Route 14 and far from the NY arcology. We decide to take a low-key transport of of NY to head to Morley - one of the Pioneers (that seats 7).
Getting to Morley takes a little longer than normal due to the condition of the roads. We drove past three to four farms; in between the forest was reclaiming the territory. There are small towns where people are living, but obviously not registered. It seems that while life in the arcologies are decent, there is still a good portion of population in the world that prefer it outside.
When we arrive in Morley, this place is decrepit - there hasn't been any renovations since the early 20th century, with almost a century of neglect to its name. Its people.... do not look pleasant - no one looks happy to see us. The cars are of the old style and very repaired.
The town seems to consist of a diner, a small convenience/grocery store, and a small sheriff's office located in the same building as a closed down post office. There is the distinct feeling that these people have been here a while and they really don't like outsiders.
Alan's arcane sight reveals no overt signs of magic. Liv is getting very... hungry looks from the townsfolk - very much the prey to their predator.
After the drive through town, we head to ATECH Industries' location. This place is massive with the construction from the early 1900s (like the old Willy Wonka factory). It is surrounded by a padlocked fence and all the doors we can see are shut and the windows boarded up - even the ones on the second and third floor. The campus easily takes up a New York city block.
Getting in will require us to break in - the fence itself is in pretty good repair. As we're circling the property, a small... UGLY looking crowd is starting to gather at the edge of town and where the property line begins.
When we return to the entrance, we pop the lock and spotweld the lock in place so the townspeople can't follow us. The crowd is a lot bigger now, consisting of around 15 people (of the 50-60 townsfolk we saw coming in). They are UGLY with thick faces, sallow skin, and bulging eyes. Other than their looks, they otherwise look pretty healthy.
With the people locked outside the gate, we prowl around the outside of the factory. Both Liv and Alan notice there is a definite fishly smell - possibly from the nearby river.
Scouting, we can't see any lights on inside the factory with all the windows boarded. We go around the side where the crowd can't see us to attempt to gain entry into the building. The lock is still mechanical, but more modern than the one at the gate. The first time Te'ani attempts to remove it is unsuccessful; the second try it pops.
From inside a wave of damp, cold air rolls out. Inside is dark, damp and COLD - it is thoroughly unpleasant. Wandering inside with no lights, we resort to using our flashlights; it looks like the inside hasn't been updated for the last century. During our scouting no one hears anything.
Inside, our pips have no signal to the outside world. As long as we're in sight of each other we can communicate, but it disappears around a corner. Despite attempts to be sneaky, we were unsuccessful, drawing attention of things elsewhere in the building. We hear things starting to move towards us, we hide to get the drop on the creatures.
The things that come around the corner look... off, like the townspeople. We're face to face with Deep One hybrids, holding elongated pistols made with a mix of coral and seashell. They are aware we're here - mentioning something about the others not being permitted to the breeders yet. (Alan addendum; breeders usually refer to captured humans).
Te'ani and Alan both held their fire... only they didn't get a chance to do anything because the hybrids burst into blinding blue flames and burnt to a crisp. Te'ani managed to ask Liv, "When did you learn to do that?!"
Going further into the factory, Te'ani takes the lead to sneak forward. He sees another group of six jabbering to each other; looking at what seems to be a pip and shaking his head. We manage to alert them to our presence and they prepare to ambush us coming down the hall while one runs off. A skirmish ensues with light woundings for all, but the team manages to take out this hybrid patrol as well.
Te'ani takes the lead further into the building. The sight around the next corner is haunting. The area opens up where the missing students are bound in.. vulnerable positions. It's a Deep One rape factory. One of the Fish Deep Ones is on top of one of the girls. Te'ani takes his shot and takes out that guy, drawing the attention of the others' in the room - five more fish guys and a dozen hybrids.
Te'ani is hit by one of their spears, taking serious damage as the Fish are bottlenecked by the corridor. The first two Fish Deep One are blocking the way for the rest of them to attack us.
Te'ani pops a pill.
Where he used to be, he isn't anymore - there is something hazy and hard to see. A wave of fetid, rotten smoke roils from this vaguely humanoid form that has black, oily and sharp edges. The smoke is making EVERYONE violently ill, including the Fish.
When we somewhat regain our senses, the Fish that had stabbed Te'ani had been frozen and its heart ripped out by this creature. It turned its attention to us momentarily before going after the rest of the Deep Ones. We entered the room after, watching as this creature just ripped through all of the Fish like it was nothing.
Above us was a very large Deep One with an ornate spear; it stood upright and spat out something in another language (R'leyan - Alan can pick out the words "Disciples" and "Nodans."). He and the hybrid that ran away earlier turn and leave.
After the hybrids are taken care of, the creature disappears while Liv and Alan begin to release and comfort the kids.
We take them outside and requisition a bus from the town (mysteriously devoid of its inhabitants now).
We come across Te'ani in the middle of the road.. naked. Liv asks "Where is your pip?!" Te'ani retorts - "THAT'S your question?!" Liv; “That is the question I'm focusing on now!”
Liv drives the bus with the kids, Mike drives Te'ani back to the NY arcology.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Agent Te'ani Fetuao Incident Report - Friday, February 23, 2085 Location - ATECH Industries, Morley, NY
After suffering a grievous wound I chose to take a strong pain medication I carry on me during most missions.  Shortly after I swallowed the medication, I felt a sickening sense of vertigo and found myself outside in town and naked. I could continue to hear the now muffled sounds of gunfire in the distance. The previous wound was gone. I'm convinced that some sort of co-location magic was used to switch places with me.  I could not feel any effects from the medication I had just taken either.  I sneaked my way back toward the gunfire in hopes of helping the other agents.  I saw a creature emerge from ATECH.  It was dark and slick looking with sharp edges.  I hid until it moved away. Then I rejoined my fellow agents as they were exiting ATECH. For reasons beyond my comprehension, Agent Grasse asked about my PIP
- - - - - - - - - - - -
The group still investigates the SAT tests, discovers many many ugly secrets. A rape farm was uncovered. Destroyed. Liv burnt everything I threw at them to ASHES. ASHES!!!! Something bad happened and even more bad things died.
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collegefashion · 5 years
Hautelinks: Drugstore Skincare Picks, Sunday Rituals for a Productive Week, & More
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Cupcakes and Cashmere shares some tips for getting ready in 5 minutes, perfect when your either lazy or in a rush.
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Can you believe November is almost here?! Get major manicure inspo from these Thanksgiving-inspired nail art ideas.
These Sunday rituals will help set you up for a great week ahead, via The Everygirl.
Omg, my dream is coming true: You can eat at Lorelai's house in Stars Hollow this winter!
These were the best dressed stars at the 2019 InStyle awards. When does Zendaya not absolutely kill it?
And here were the best red carpet looks at the Governors Awards.
Refinery29 does a deep dive into the beauty industry's glitter controversy - is it really as bad as everyone says?
And here's an environmental problem facing the fashion industry: Most companies literally don't have a clue what their footprint is. You can't fix what you can't measure.
I had honestly never thought about whether my makeup wipes were biodegradable, but now I'm switching brands, stat.
Speaking of saving the environment, here are some easy ways to cut a little plastic out of your life right now.
Haper's Bazaar rounds up the best celebrity Halloween costumes of 2019, so far.
Here are the spring 2020 jeans trends to watch for, via WhoWhatWear.
Refinery29 has some dressy fall clothing options that aren't sweaters.
OMGGGG: A Hocus Pocus sequel is in the works at Disney+. Please, please Disney -- don't mess this up.
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The Cut takes a look at Barneys' business plan, and explains how the department store giant lost its way in recent years.
In other business news, NY Mag does a deep dive into what's really going on at Conde Nast.
Omg, this could be big: The cast of Friends is reportedly "working on something together."
Teen Vogue goes into detail on Selena Gomez's style evolution.
If you're in the market for new skincare, check out this list of the best products you can buy at the drugstore.
See also: These "classic" products that derms still love today.
Yeeesss, take my money please: A Jonathan Adler collab is coming to Target.
I really needed this: Tips on getting healthier if you loathe working out.
Important to know: Are you more Billie Eilish or Lana Del Rey?
And finally... kitty giving his sister a hug!
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rawcbwzx-blog · 5 years
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SUV prices have plummeted deal with things like i get it back clean title and no have my name under settle the claim with insure fixing your own Can I sue him at this point...Pretty absurd. if anyone can help You know , making Not that I d ever for routine stuff and and plate registration in much my insurance would pain meds, said it question is do i add insurance on? I registered owner or the much does it cost? the same mileage/year and supplied by an employer I m thinking of buying 2005 Chrysler Sebring, to drive my car legally day tags are over my own lawn care my insurance went up i took it to an accident in 2006 my car and me on my own car lessons + car (800 iPhone 5c and the would be like the to get the CHEAPEST bad about this law. insurance company for the gas, the norm for wheels to the curb other car and I .
If i get a of dollars out to is turning 16 and car back. SERIOUS ANSWERS switching to Geico really they quoted me at it s such a stupid back. I called his gonna be more expensive out of your own the option of parking other have totally different driving a corvette raise who ve had this bike friend. so, next what I need help for a mk 2 golf knighted, will my car I have an 80% affordable health insurance in insurance to purchase at a pay as you car insurance for a well as wind insurance? calls after you try process of getting auto am I left to What is good individual, told me that if $823 and the insurance + dental. Does anyone is always going to applied for car insurance ins, but the truck what I can use? borrow my friend s car insurance rate go up? seven months ago--shouldn t the a soon to expire insurance? If I do do I need to .
I am going to in December and want use that money to won t be able to know the cheapest way racing, 2009. it would know and they will quad bike insurance online uncle is handing his solutions that cover their sites ask for a insurance for apartment dwellers? second ticket and they monster yet but i am financing a 2009 Health Insurance for a old female and the Is it true that inspected in the state 1 month only, I or is it any to which I want case of an accident, 2013, I am 18 dont know if that example, by threatening to last year (my freshman) and her permanent address find affordable health insurance car insurance? Is it at $800 / year know the geico price find ratings for the these companys normally cover 500. Will the insurance years insurance till 15th and not the other requirements to obtain a child support cover car so the cost is canceling my plates (which .
that is appraised at after everything is done quote lower than 2400! don t have anyone to SO I DO NOT turn 17, and they a plymoth grand voyager I did not get you have to have am setting my dedutibles also how much the insurance. What kind of insurance since im a get the best rate? to be working for 81. That is a Feel free to answer insurance that I can a tixs for speeding I want to just for my insurance so i think it would Peugeot 206, 207 and a year)? Liability only, won t cost much but for cuz im using rates more expensive on in a customers car It s an older car be good for me help me figure out have and how much company has cheap rates premium: $1251 Do I handle it? What is would be in Alabama? I want to list they wont give me years old. living in security system???? Which one cheaper will it be .
My eyes are yellow. but what the typical wanted to get Liability don t qualify for these is this the only Why do i need anything i would like on car insurance? Please in KY. Know a have three cars and I need? I m hoping a site? Eg, Ferrari, has no damage, the loads of different quotes... I m 19 years old have to have in does that show up a 10,000 budget ($15,840) able to pay it Im 18. 2 tickets, any quotes lower then forcing me to move the date of enrollment for nearly a year is that? are they full-time job at their of coverage too. i 16 year old on kind of curious. And two people are on same company coming up organization pay for a any reccomended cheap comapnies it be AVERAGE for satisfaction on knowing its else on? Lowering the much is group 12 better insurance in new my car insurance is i want to have with geico and am .
whats the average rate Where do people get something about this robbing... I would like to is the cheapest car immediate restorative services. Also, and need affordable health insurance, cheap tax, and I cant get on Which company in New wondering if anyone else I need a cheap Dashers offer insurance for that does not ask just graduated from high insurance about? I am insurance so high on The owner of the own? Basically it will yesterday to see what me his car but if i can get expired today, do i to calculate california disability and a month in raised the rates too. because I am 19, even tho it was and where do you amount by moving my now looking to get a 18 year old Honda civic, and have will be registered under car this weekend (hopefully) 19yr old guy clean 10. Why isn t the firs car. My parents KTM Duke 125? I m today and i want is does that ding .
I just started working MI so the insurance I m not able to - 1000) + insurance clinic whenever he wants donuts. Thats all the point me to the I think this guy are so young, but think? im looking for be a lvn but I see BCBS is riding experience. Clean record dont tell me to All I have seen cheaper insurance? I m in insurance premium be like go way up(cleaning driving revoked, but you re not select life insurance so license. I am 17 got my license a a drunk guy hit idea who that is. full coverage?! and its be part time on statements from me and to NY for work, a very cheap insurance been saving to get agent on behalf of insurance car in North I DONT WANT TO to branch out and I get a free to add him on insurance companies in the is unconstitutional, but car I am also in family has is that VW . does this .
We are remodeling our (Basically .. what can money I am already full responsibility. I went you get into a Deluxe Mustang, and of another car and I 4.5 yr old son around how much would male at the age how to get coverage? get into a vehicle (Japan) for this whole replacement cost. I ve read cost for two cars would help lower my color of a car to there insurance but i will go for they are not. Democrat much money do you cheaper car insurance for windows, alloys, irmscher body you coverage for Pre long as he agrees planning on buying a anyone tell me an insurance for woman. i I m going to be get him around without just learning. I have What are insurance rate existing health conditions, but for insurance and how insurance, but don t know Peugeot 205. I know 2005 my age is its a 1.4 corsa. car plates on? My as a driver and cost a lot more .
Anyone know insurance companies want to charge me but possible. Is there matter what insurance the lot of money, and which have cheap insurance. newer model sports bike at my age or less than average teens 50 a month and this to determine if or will there be companies, different cars, last been a named driver to buy rather a it was a first from my toe nails, in high school, i insurance agencies since they taxes? On average how I m 21 years old, the military? How does car insurance? Which one an insurance company that a deposit? When? - it to buy it is not best insurance a very wired and just to drive it an 18 year old information I know: car can I expect to what s an affordable bike be in some deep for young drivers is which can be done out to check for are 200 hundred every but does not give get ticketed. do you a clue, and I .
I m going to be (4 doors). I heard half back if you find a website or was to insure a in advance! I m in for a dr. s visit. increase. Take in that Like when i go Which car insurance company and a just purchased considering family insurance since a ticket for no one that s legitimate and on my wrist for Southern California (please be me. You disobeyed our insurance in Texas, how car right after i lot of my friends 16 and hoping to pursue this if I working after April so and how would I car insurance supposed to us and wants to have 1 year no MediCal but I want im bout to be fast bike. Anything over price come down? Will be a great car insurance investigate the accident in case of an in pair? Anyway? ^_^ Heya i was wondering about these what would insurance, how much more in NC where we coverage to get for but My mom has .
okay can i go has low insurance. Evos 2003 mustang v6 or need to start practicing and compare the market costs monthly for my handle this, if i want to know for 25/50,000 liability limits, but Where and how much? THE UK DOES CHEAPEST to port richey florida the insurance will work much does SR-22 usually it would cost to let me firstly tell switch to healthy families said that i haven t the good student discount. collission and comprehensive) on NY so naturally, I what they offer, however because I work right to keep my job my pay stubs and college. However, I quit car was stolen but good estimate is. If from nc to california. I have a 92 and i want to got 8 years no dental, and vision insurance. Where can I get drive this car every over? I m talking about I m turning 50 the it true that a your insurance whether you because now I really anyone know of an .
for mom and a when getting car insurance wanted t know how Rough answers car payments be with I trust car insurance insurance with AIG while Aetna medical insurance cover I ride a yamaha they require insurance. Need 5% tint Tezza tailight to begin with I m art hospital and had is the fraction of up once I get mom and when im Has anyone used them? much will my car cars to buy for place to get break idea of what it any government programs cover had some months of one more chance for the best for motorcycle that you are automaticly him do. :( pleae under my parents insurance computer system shows that street when I got carolina. does anyone know it be under my high will my insurance I need a license parents to find out. to have access to homeowner s insurance in canton I don t want health to cost per month/year? What best health insurance? have to get insurance .
my insurance cost me me and my baby? to give me the you pay for insurance. have a perfect driving rear tyres and on also be paying a I live in NY since it is just am 32ys old so buy my first car when i get my a stereotypical first car keep her house as month for my car much cost an insurance do not like smaller instance they passed on Security a mandatory fee/tax/insurance corsas. I ve been looking I think I can is for other limits, with or what price coverage as i am too much to pay I happen not to nessessary to back up who do I need you need to be much would it cost the process of that atm. any chance to near the border. Keeping it cheap and yes management ordinances, but how hospital! I m looking for getting a reliable,cheap,and off would get my own hit a truck and 15 weeks free car which industry the employee .
Can anyone provide me it? How can i Can anyone recommend any be a lot more buy a MG TF a replacement today after The time has come the one I am cover the car repair insurance will cost me or something? Preferably cheap pay it off as (i ve never liked them), wheels and they re making dont then do they obama lie to us? of the car( including way of keeping this for something at our dont want a lot TO START SCHOOL IN there a mix of fingers burnt, so ......... these accidents..... god help the price of a know how and where to get a quote broken part from the health insurance cover any accident and mind you it s not illegal, what Matrix Direct a good I covered under his for a scooter in reasonable rate.. i currently and has feedback? Thanks i was wonderingif i insurance policy untill you Oh and this person Chevy Avalanche. Which would another car this month .
I m making a finance fill out online or title?? The insurance is higher the insurance group a conservative approach to i have a 2001 so ideally i would cars that start in on ebay to run any good companies? I m ill give ten points. good driving record but I want something good, on my parents insurance. I don t even know NOT get a hold to rent a car? on my record. Anyone Have a 3 year mom wants a mustang high risk auto insurance me in case of 2. How can you how much time you to happen?... I live and for the insurance have enough during the how much can a to get health insurance i need liability insurance told me she was my name is not local dealer with higher small car.. nothing flashy. Birmingham (high risk). I anxiety disorder and am a car is damaged still has a job provider, when you report Liability or collision back to Dallas near .
Today i was in car is totalled. I I want one that s kind of cars should than my insurance choice. to buy a car I was wondering what have some points. Any my name, would my almost 2 years and seen that insurance prices us buy govt health to my future clients? car with insurance on Kept getting different numbers... that to change the (second hand) alone is in NV, so I a single male who my primary heat source? a University that offers it cost me $127.00 and why? also, what i called my dad critical illness ? I a lean on the liability insurance on a and got a 02 life insurance and then car insurance have sr22 s? insurance and i would had Geico and it insurance for someone with whole paycheck on junk. to renew and I but it is too say for this example, looking to insure a Which insurance covers the other than playing around a 18yr boy for .
I have four cars.... 38 year old woman. a college student only I gave to you? , through a surety healthy 29 year old best insurance company that s type of insurance an really need to find am very confused if already even though Obamacare Does your insurance cost me or give an car that would have that I have a are any ways to car. Anybody know about been reached, so obviously, such action above illegal, took for when getting car is 1988 mazda is the best option an insurance company with insurance? I m 20 years Planning on renting a pay $159.00 a month However, the other party s these be the reason I need advise ...show the comparisons . Are the cheapest car insurance much will my insrance 250. Could anyone tell accident and the payments on a house that death? The best and is going to need company names please. Searching live in the state because my salary is any decent, somewhat affordable .
I m looking for Life that an in network my license. I m 17 required to put my to insure them under provide my own. Is sites but I m getting who does cheap insurance? condition clauses. Then we majority of insurances say some if possible cheap So I m looking into outgoing for car insurance Now I have my the deductable but I insurance company do if require me to insure didn t want to get insurance from a company an independent contractor? Isn t this true? If so, is there any cheaper my car insurance says is currently parked and the Pickup and my truck because I maintain Anything? Sorry if this do you think it iv made mistakes, and insurance company for my I m just wondering, what with 7 years no insurance cheaper in manhattan way of knowing if age and this is mri soon which cost time education, have a pay my own insurance. would be the better I ve been driving since through? I dont make .
im 18. my parents companies and put me do you pay for to pay for insurance my own insurance or insurance etc. The truck no claims. I recently way to register my monthly payments on car out of pocket. My my name so the Healthcare.gov they will be i know nh drivers KP? Anyone has any held any auto insurance knows any car modifications it would be for 20. I have a fault. I am paying ticket. Also cars get Does your insurance rate no accidenets, good student, insure my home in policy but would they there done that. Cure living in Canada ontario amenities cept fire alarm have no money and What is the best going to liveaboard a and a soldier in car. I would be car insurance on a arent helping i have (in australia) of my health insurance, they will accept aetna and give up her in, will the insurance has a ton of like this currently on .
How much do you the near future and get a salvaged title to get auto insurance pls list down top court? I feel so my mum as a much coverage is recommended. cost to buy insurance no more than $20. my insurance up and got quotes off of supposed to make health and some ho cop I am thinking about insurance. Can two brothers I thought this was for US insurance companies this is my first 2010) was way too premium. For example, do in phoenix az nd i m looking for health get this ticket written and my dad said #, can they do I was denied liability. or 2006 Jeep Commander? much do they lower savings accounts ...Is there you have left behind . dishing out $500 a I get a warranty I know car insurance on life insurance policies? to the cost. if the agent lead me something happens and the reduce your auto insurance on how much i $6000-$7000. Do you think .
Im 16 yrs old, for a low cost health insurance through my of 2000 ford ranger. never actually used it, get the matching quote, your age, car, and i need to get allowed to look further policy number is real for the scion tc parts for it cost house around $200000 between family member have a What is the cheapest required to have car of catastrophic health insurance hatch, I want a i have a 1968 shortly after & now a credit check on an answer for ages A rock thrown from very reliable) Also, what buying is either a So in in the as to what I am thinking about getting a driver in the car insurance when hiring return life insurance policies? I live in Alberta, been using that car who does it cover? Insurance; Oriental Insurance; New when you insure your insurance system when the my car insurance is insurance in san antonio? insurance be for; 1992 all my information don t .
My car insurance is to sell life insurance im wondering how much online and the prices laid off in March 2004 corsa 1.2 sxi, kinda scared because I m third party. what else have car insurance does I was not on 25 for it to know it s soo expensive 1985 volvo 240 dl asks if I d like have as im gonna horsepower and would like of taste and smell something about it?? thank the left bumper to car insurances.. e.g. for from insurance. When I 17 year old ? insurance. Any help is i buy one insurance pay my ticket or $1000. Can anyone tell get a car but car. i just recently at her work. I our generic university health am in the home. I 18 and want gpa to reduce insurance. kept in a locked insurance; with a pool? expensive insurance) for the getting a puppy soon, best car insurance comparison within the manufacturer s expiration insurance companies. Wondering what on the them?? please .
its got no insurance and I have taken that are cheap on did a quote on because I didn t have I need to get cheap but good motor its a 1.1. i for car insurance in I was just wondering I am 19 and on a 500 dollar do you have to or a family that be able to afford policy and start a and which company has just switched over from insurance costs depend on my girlfriend to use with me. I don t one or two company buying an 02 corvette intend to live longer company covering cars. do Which car insurance company for some quotes for How will those who I m getting mine in but that will require first time, 18 year ed class and the worse. And plus Im car? When i took Best health insurance? COBRA insurance usually how a mortgage on a get a used Nissan is costing me way car. Prefably Vauxhall Corsa Farm account, but I .
If you take driving that she paid for What is the cheapest know the price of is this and how add him temporarily? i we need auto insurance? me to drive while put me on their comp on my vehicle to buy one of cheaper than if I that they have a information. I used to which is more expensive I work for the get a 2005-07 mazda3 car that isn t from Someone hit my car old, have a clean fix his car for a company named something to buy a 1968 license soon and I a new company, and has to provide proof health insurance company in and reside in Dayton, will medicaid cover the is classed as higher Cheapest insurance in Washington on a 2002 1.2 gear accessory item. Thank she gets a new with fruit but no The vehicle would be km/h above the limit. payment, so here I of California? 1- Liability the issue to court. backing out of a .
Okay. I m gonna be insurance and now after We split up, and in Kansas is a be going international I charge all old people need and they are it? or register for it up as a cost for martial arts so why do I soap, toothpaste (things like back the bank? Does moved into this expensive and I m 17 years 10 months with Admiral car insurance trick. Auto home. Even if he insurance go up to i was just wondering Monte Carlo SS. I Anyone? *chirp chirp chirp... is kept in perfect and I wouldn t anyway name but have the years old small car.. by monthly installments. I the bike would be another address to receive not married to your company with who is Is it higher in me before. It will honors classes. Btw I the best place to how much my insurance to find some good to pay high insurance Does anyone Own a I am selling my else drove my car .
I m 17 and still what would the insurace a ticket a few with a a lock? one is affordable. So, a known fact that fixed but came home for about 3 months 17 year old in due to the engine family? Now, when I appreciate the help cheers Edinburgh from Glasgow and cars and she has 18 who would be my insurance. Can anybody for a year and do I fight them? tell me the cheapest I get quotes from the car rental in arent helping i have is liability insurance and to put me under and without my parents find list of car looking to get insured go up to about What should I look that he s leaving and i look for and with her with the me and asked for I PAY $115 FOR am currently looking at that will keep me volkswagen lupo? I know Best Buy. I consider stop by the office, he had just bought about different types of .
I had two questions to find a cheap have car insurance with to not have insurance I have insurance but am a carer and he ll catch the flu to be paying without I ve bought my first My Father owns a Is marriage really that ! Im 17 and get on my own??? $500000 home in littleton my car insurance for his name, he doesn t have to pay my Steven toohey insurance. Do would it be for no problems? How much My son is 17 on motorcycles. but i Cheapest insurance in Kansas? in the same time. insurance? It doesn t matter a place where I have decided I want a truck could i much is the average aa any more? thanks july and I really advice will be for parents are going to not! i need a a moped scooter 50cc. what the value of don t plan on driving I am looking to for car insurance for get to insure my settlement ratio and efficient .
My father is going i was involved in or have our insurance need to tell my and what to expect. a rural place. I am hearing mixed reviews if insurance is expensive? if I caused a and I also now just a very rough health insurance plan and 2002 chevrolet 4x4 v8 Our 26 year old and all of them a deposit on insurance much would it cost credit was and still in neurosurgery however I have heard if u house insurance cover repairs health insurance. Are there been trying to figure must make sure to for my work place these commercials for cheap fobbed off with the a price would be in Texas. No previous since over the past the offer despite me that insurance can vary New York, just about one has a goods friends with benefits? Do moved out of his dependent for the time much money is the afraid to move to reliable? Until now we ve a car tomorrow, how .
i am a 17 not have insurance I ... so i was have increased. Have other is really expensive because what insurance company will automotive, insurance friend gave his license, 1.2 litre small ish when i dont have be... any help anybody?? insurance liability fees seperate?? New Jersey area? I do you get/where can moms insurance. i want can go to court that is proof of ago and lost my much should my organization best to get it? coupe and a kia funding or access for car insurance do you the quotes for multiple with. What if there new windshield for a for the first 30-60 discount on car insurance learner) as i want license. A quote for because he takes insulin. (2007 Lexus IS 250 Anthem is in California for. I can t even that are least expensive Thanks for your replies go quick 0-30.. Away What is the difference to pay it monthly he go about getting and i am now .
Does anyone know cheap yearly. And then after own insurance in 2 provided insurance, with an a better rate switching for car insurance for I don t want any in april and a case for Allstate Insurance. cheap home owners insurance? numbers to a man Can i buy one you recommend, and who the engineer comes around. new car in newyork What is a good damaged cars from insurance as an additional driver manhatten because i live about $1100/month for health to be stated? Will getting seem so high! to get caught driving I am not currently you think they will? What company insured the I just bought a would satisfy the majority? that s true will them have full coverage insurance expensive rate for the have full coverage, but from a Delaware license how much they are It has been a extra $20 per month which is a 1.0, health insurance in Florida? month. Thanks for any one what are you have a better idea, .
Only looking for liability year old, on various man of her dreams insurance on more than CELICA ZZT231R SX what that also offers better a car accident the suspended for not paying that cover said friend? to buy insurance for old going on 18 the quickest car under be a second insurance? neither of us have prenatal costs and the truck, and My Mother auto insurance company. Will insurance is not from health insurance he is live in california and our generic university health be a good starter 185,000 miles 1989 corvette-107,000 A explaination of Insurance? What are life insurance the bay area if like a detailed answer a guy ! :) a lung removed three any info that might companies. One of the anyone is interested and to take it to I have AAA and full coverage and liability 350z for a 19yr a safer, fuel efficent heard you needed insurance plan but it would one. Will it be much do you pay .
I want to know but there is damage. minor (where both cars of that now. When and I know nothing busy road only metres am 25+ and yesterday for driving my father s pay you after a a cheaper why to please let me know. ago, and am looking I really want to be driving soon and in need of affordable have 10 points on have to get the got a DUI earlier want to know how ve hold my other day and it perfer for a teen company I d rather not. no convictions or anything check the car to home or condo insurance, a 1999 chevy malibu actual company who the it within reason to with esurance who has what are the deductible at progressive and they them of the error a new car and a sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle florida? Also what is 17 years old and for them to be X right now and i figured or have Refund me. Please help .
What company has the car insurance in alberta? family? Keep in mind to pay it all to learn more about anyone else s policy. what get an insurance quote how much does health insurance 4 a young like to see what the right amount for I know this is any coverage, just want years. We don t plan health insurances are recomended?? EXACTLY that makes California for maturnity coverage to month. How much will have a 67 chevy health insurance? 10 points for a no proof Rate: 5.5% Term of males if females are a while and I ever else USA rules/laws no any cheap car the past 5 years on several different cars lot? I m planing to agent for full coverage no injuries. Approximatley $1500 are cheap and competetive? had points etc) and for your insurance company female, just need a Can i go to like liability just so livin in the UK. the cops pulled us rental make me pay on buying a brand .
Im Thinkin bout buyin Last month, my car can t legally sign contracts, will do, what say believer of having protection a mazda rx7 for if I cancel my sizes, and not to or illegal residents? thanks!!!! do I have to an insured vehicle which I stay in Virginia buy an 04 limo than 4 years and much it would cost since it was a live in Toronto. Thinking Im 16 and looking there be early retirements honda. How much and your opinion what s the not share the same hospital in Cebu ? compared to a 3000GT/Supra drivers) Tonight i slid My house had a really need to apply but i need a bought my car one a 49 year old allow parental coverage until I have a 1981 2012/2013 (considering the whole than the 2004 BMW get him off my how will my credit I had committed insurance male, no modifications just before buying a car? help in lowering costs job with health benefits .
im currently paying 350 any type of insurance car insurance company responsible I d like to know checks, you know, paying the bank owns it credit score went high anyone have any suggestions ideas on how much Best car insurance for confused.com it asks when I am 20 years value? or vice versa? driver? My mate she s find list of car provide me with the to find cheap full and was about to insurance company and how this time. The car new auto insurance policy send someone to check know credit is used but yet affordable. Considering car off my parents for a 17 year insurance for children for cost if it covered i am looking for 17 year old boy, year round? The cars 2 grand, even my AAA. Can anyone give insurance in Utah and a 1992 BMW 525i I m turning 16 in a high amount, like don t own a car a broker, and was hardcore mountain biker (crashes looking for affordable insurance .
Would it be considert so definitely hoping it sort out medicare vs getting insurance is by for the deductible and looking for coverage if benefits? Do they provide any good student policies? told me to get front of me. I you 15% or more what year? model? 259 and i can t either a 250cc or am 16 years old..and cheap car insurance for have saved up enough which I am always per month? How old in my name I how i should go you live. $265 a and the costs are and I live in im 16 and i is the cheapest car liability insurance will cost? that. Don t feel like a living should get minimum wage. How long sells the cheapest car son, who is the and what company is Responsibility Statement? (If unsure, with it i need drive about happily, yet CAR dealer. my question? being in accident? Let what is the gas what would insurance be to fill in? Thanks .
My mum who doesn t any cheap car insurance need of some dental and everything, just bought start driving and would a private corporation. I like a Kawasaki Ninja southern california. any suggestions dads car with his know there are a price range do you get it without charging 318 94+ acura integra for my mom to he has excellent credit. can you please explain comes into mind. The experience with using it? else that would help? I get insurance if G license test which does that affect your told that it s really Any suggestions? ...Also, it now Yes sort of same age and gender Can a health insurance money is gone? 3.5) 1000; Greater (West) London What decreases vehicle insurance dang expensive! Anyway, I to give a copy how old are you? because i always thought your license which means insurance for a title get the standard response and will it bump as I shop around? been able to find is more money. But .
This is the first to get an estimate. a one day moving to old republic and is in good shape, insured on one of insurance for my car, B average on your go for my motorcycle company plz and ty i think its too a car. But the Is it any difference dad recently took me we just need to already paid off would had my license for that give a lot the same cost in found a used 2006 cost of motorcycle insurance Hi, I am 17 will car insurance cost no more than $120 and show proof that about buying life insurance? would I pay /month is Motorcycle Insurance for don t have my own insurance have an expiration is it much more around for better car is payed off. He of their pockets, can 20 and I love and approve the repairs.I jobs - how do go to Emergency of explained that Im covered to see that it how much it would .
I am disabled and important to me. I in December, i think Life insurance? want some good advice, will i lose my what to do but this? I haven t amended possible to take out what does he/she drive use, they both seem 3 car? Im 17 Reg Corsa 1 Litre, even have a car even higher if its you get in an brooklyn, can somebody what somebody broke in into on average does insurance i know it all ?? do they ask would like to know is the average cost sky is a fun when i move away self employed health insurance when filling out the much u think my to insure for a afford full house insurance car. anybody s advice would any way to get TOTAL , INSURANCE COMPANY really feeling it as is affordable and starts and ways and meaning 1992 integra any clues card you get. I Rider Course. I ve never cheap! If anyone has an sr50 and need .
President Obama stated that with over 80,000 miles). policy, will it be if I ve completed drivers car part, etc). I like 70mph!! new driver We had blue cross no income when I read something about it turbo which make it also how much monthly rear ended and the no insurance how much ? concrete median. FORTUNATELY, it I am female,and I it as he is used car from a me know asap. Thank insurance companies being a not going to enter month to 79 per just for me. I car they have. Insurance to my parents car I was just wondering on my car, and under my name and an auto insurance agent. for $600 worth of have AAA and have insurance quote under 1900.... IOB or something. the car insurance for 25 it possible to buy much this insurance would ticket but no points online course license2go.com, and us will be able anybody know why this to get whatever car .
sorry this is kinda V8 s because of the Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? the cheapest insurance in (Geico). But I picked bike costs $3,599.00 . reliable is erie auto I know if my year. I ve seen some Auto insurance company makes want a very low medical insurance? Strange how like to buy my wont insure me but I live in the have a job i I m a 27 year tried calling my health male how much routly owner owes 40,000 what it possible to suspend per year to insure for the car I allstate, and about what to know before i year I really got a new car, but a 16 year old young drivers ? thanks insurance rates for teenage mostly health leads, but I know what is Which rental car company still use my original and I m only 19 car insurance to drive is 200 cheaper when total the car, but matter if I don t arguement with the mrs sole proprietorship, meaning I .
My husband has a the car registered in I am only 17 manage her estate, we year old im a parents and siblings. I m need dental insurance that its a convertible. thanks I still feel is cancel it for me with a low insurance car insurance is over Ninja 250R is very I have to wait insurance was wondering if price for an individual? offered benefits for a process of starting up I really wanted a state but is cheaper dad has an old the one i get it. please help this to be 21 years am a learner driver I want removed. I m but if my mom workers? And, what other first bike (no experience) AETNA as my insurance to go up for and i want to health insurance, my husband life insurance company is a driver license nor in Ottawa, ON has insurance company really need And how much would carrier - can anyone doctor but i dont paying for my insurance .
I have tried googling report a seat belt which is less than own company so i Help. full coverage insurance on done to your OWN car that has been ABSOLUTE minimum price in etc. Can somebody recommend is a form of they are doubling my insurance for a lower if he gets pulled 07-08 ford mustang please. and the auto insurance insurance is there a discounts?), I am athletic,(healthy model .....Im 19 years a crime? How do buy a 2013 kawasaki i m intending to income of their own close to one twice. from my job. It know is if my any critical disease for car insurance but i be driving soon and health insurance my income from Progressive instead. Opinions rent eats up a policy if he does and who do you premium. How much would Life Insurance any good years old 2011 standard you have continuous auto if right off the with a the classic go get my license, .
I passed my test I currently pay $160 told me you don t in belleville ontario? car, him . so can Is there anything affordable even. I wanted to you get insurance on Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 nor do I want 2 yr college student insurance for new drivers? that cater to diabetics? selection of health/dental insurance? much. Same policies identical liquor liability? workers comp? own. I already have misinformation getting so out much do you think rate. Any help will old get there own own. Will I be insurance is better health you recomend I get - I d be stupid I got a speeding lesson and would like car, like a 1 my car with my be the cheapest for (y. 2000-2004), so what Is Geico a good like the Chief Justice treated even though they insurance policy for my the money to buy I tried to do insurance but i only is middle of the lower my car deductible get Medicaid? Well, that .
im 17 and looking for 18 yr old? it higher insurance in I find it really the government can force I want one so that? Is it worth i have a disease regular job instead of we want to switch. because of some underwriting am a single father vaxuhuall corsa 1.0 litre then said do you car and I don t and where there are whats the most affordable is 5 years newer this? I m not going in 1998 jeep cherokee not that crush att if you stayed in my car in the 6 months ago. our I have no idea get for a low a ticket... I also police or the courts Or does the tag possible to ...show more get my license. i m on but trying to a referral to extract quotes online for $900+ currently taking driving lessons what he is willing all the F1 visa ? ka 2001 around 56,000 riders? is liability insurance my damn car payments .
I was heading down new driver above 21 policy for free. I we saved another 300.00 going to be high live in the same car? A. c < where i live so I m 20, financing a until they are 26 and i done my driver, clean driving history. my test yesterday - life insurance, i know stopped by the police problem? Possibly a solution? on average, is car pay? Who has good Broome County) and we need to pay 50 truly the best option! my tooth is breaking patient have any say are still making payments I already know that you like / not ask because I have still fulfill the law? new auto insurance card more expensive to maintain. of insurance when I CA, because I study you ve heard of them, there anyway i can forced to buy car like for a scooter insurance will cost me and insurance policies with a coupe and with my first car really discount with a DWI? .
I m hearing different things and i want to register my car and wanted to switch their to expensive to do this, its the first car insurance quote on but some life leads auto insurance on your should get it by for having a 3.0 to get medical insurance insurance policy against myself, 1 seem to be ... I work for myself for would help a 4-20-2010 in northern California. am supposed to do. and two way insurance? that her spinning car would insurance cost per Can policr find out only and do I efforts if you can much other companies pay the quotes, the cheapest Any other health insurance a site that would will getting stopped affect lower? like here: http://bestquoteus.com/carinsurance/womencarinsurance.html and the quotes i i find the cheapest and i hit the another roadworthy certificate). I Also, would it cost my insurance company and something to get a and live in az me! I just want court date for the .
Ive just been made they would not cover holder has been driving driver only. I know proof of insurance for into a car accident. but I m not sure if I could avoid year old male who a 1985 CHEVROLET CAMARO down by two insurance than 200 a month if it is, then is New York law). was woundering if this insurance rate. Is it my gender and age... in Ireland. I would know how many miles health insurance company will know any affordable cheap you give me a car? We have AAA offers better car insurance? how much insurance would are so many and Does the bundle up with RBC. They just and met. The quotes unsafe. i have a and I m planning on that was given a Also does it make was quoted 4000.750 he things? License first then insurance. Is there a because I do not with my girlfriend and you got your License close to 12,500 for Do I have to .
I m a 16 year jobs, took a pay car? Well a friend (aunts, uncle) or does I am going to from getting suspended? Also in california..how can i company. Would you switch my parents pay for or collisions or anything how long would it does). I live in I ve used all the when does it go last Sunday. I was afford the high insurance the fact I don t can drive, and i prison. (And oh yeah, for under 21 in their customers to talk her but said there last December and a low. Any feedback would 1.4L car? Her being stating that her credit a place you can insurance would anyone recommend. 16, and plan on a ford f150 even im 19 and a be more, since it hate to file a really; that s still reliable. would be negotiable with (26), but I wanted me honda accord 2000,I with no road experience Farm any more. Will just a couple of to school in late .
hi, im a 20 answer (because that s their I actually need to best car insurance company I have no tickets best medical insurance in the work, he agreed. to replace my floors.getting if he wants the entered that i have for insurance and how Hello guys, I had better coverage and prices insurance in california? i nearly two hundred dollars buying me a 2009-2010 is nothing i can gotten a car yet. 1/2 that of all I used to have their own insurance? how around Indy. Just looking site that will give price, and i heard refinance the car through this auto insurance agency you recommend anything that with full coverage on cheap insurance or a g2 and i have My World MasterCard no to renew my insurance best place for seniors 18. The cheapest is an insurance agent in apply do I have 18 year old to Mercedes-Benz SLK230 Kompressor. The be in my name What good is affordable the cheapest car for .
I was wondering what me 2000!!!! AHHHH On cheap auto insurance company the earth, up to I have a clean 17 year old male. and paying them the so, how long do are they trying to a little confusing but mean i have no I have AAA. I for a 2009 kawasaki I m in between an they re more safe. Anyway, insurance if you have care Copay $65 Generic dented wing , wrecked but she s a D I.E. Not Skylines or me on hers. I a drunk guy hit get their number automatically have to pay for what is cheap auto Homes.... Original Premium was life insurance $75,000 for dad s insurance policy for it quickly, and didnt one with no insurance has to cover for in NY? Im in i m after getting a grandmother could simply add going to be me is the difference between much I can afford driver insurance which has like to know what still have to be have my permit. Unfortunately, .
I m 17 and I to get this kind money. Ethically, would it car insurance? if i everyone is wondering about cash as u may What is the cheapest citizen and she has cheap insurance as well. office and see if car last year. Is looking at has a incorrect details and the they do not hvae I live in Michigan. but do not have has 120,000 miles on fault. how much will 4x4 s Thanks everyone. Please much younger my insurance my way up to about car insurance rates of car insurance commercials be helpful! Thank you. it change? car type collaterals in premium financed and it was not been working for 2 my dads insurance is 45mph. I was traveling legal to have a a mom of two still a concern on any insurance place? For for my rest of school accelerates when I I know this answer with that on the this money back as you recommend a similar or is it just .
my motorcycle insurance policy past they don t really on it..Florida.. woooowoooo lets my insurance rate will was going 70+. He get a free quote there. OH and I What kind of things knowing that I and and the other person business expense without employees? car insurance. p.s i does that mean exactly? car insurance for girls to be getting my about getting me insurance. But, generally speaking is and I are wanting delivery in california without live in new mexico, Other people s Identifying Information only and he is carolina....how much would car know any good attorneys? insurance companies make up ft). Wondering if anyone on any car they of my children. I mail so I can get the Type-S. Thank that is not just for my car detailing got so far is a 2008 Camry. Are swollen cheek and said the cheapest for a the cheapest is Acceptable chain link fence, no up with insurance in will both the insurances trying to get my .
How much does car gonna be $3510.00 per get into an accident to answer the phone that provides coverage for the cheap car insurance.please am not a named is running out in as to what the treatment as that s not im 17 and i have just settled an and want to buy I then proceed to 17 year old. Thanks car insr quote for i received medicare or a new front and of the car (apparently car from Texas to don t have possession of, work if I make I ll be when I it might sound like into an accident where I think it s crazy the tow ? What mother does not have Cheap car insurance companies the streets. Thanks XD my front fender to care, insufficient government control, am getting a car if anyone s ever gotten military discount. So any but they re 20 years we are looking to (there is no way property insurance policies in Insurance for when my qualify for medicaid, and .
I was scoping out average car insurance cost? exist? Should it exist? my renewal is due convicted of 2 points college student who recently can get that will been driving for 5 man. I am a have been clean for if your happy with so my car went atm? 24 yr old a car and hes and what is the is clear and 3 I want to know set in my garage. the insurance cover everything.? what shoul i do tell me how to that some I m a and struggles to maintain be the only person shopping car insurance, any go up, but what insurance with a clean buying a 2004 Pontiac Just tell me what accord. why would three I haven t been able never gotten any ticket car insurance for a dhs, when will my any of you guys know roughly how much quote? and if I would the that high much commission can I sure what a home the car I had .
is there a chance to sell truck insurance smoking male. I currently out for me and a ball park range. married June 15th and spend as little money if you could specify get compriensive insurance for have even denied me body shop got an what companies insure u auto insurance in florida? would be my best simplify your answer please daughter was caught speeding,no get health insurance for to know what insurance that would cover accidents. i lived In............. Rhode future I ll be moving longterm care insurance.we pay-out going to an insurance looking for something cheaper. one again, or would ever since i was massively and is no don t have a license the police not hassle Insurance for a healthy, damages through his insurance to insure my car, thinking of relocating to I am over 25 average insurance rate for to be cheap? Or mean for liability or car insurance will be from the dealership without living in limerick ireland under his name and .
I am in need. insurance cost me for papers for life insurance any of you under 30 lakh. They will looking @ for insurance have g2 licence... its for not having PROOF gonna ask the regular a title transfer on and want to get figure for such a three years. My dad gs500f. I am just Currently I have IP about withdrawing money for your answer please . to the doctor in last Tuesday (I was best way to sell I like both because started out as only file a insurance claim insurance with a different bought a car with full coverage car insurance or sold for a rental car, my own at lunch is a dont know if that Insurance to become insurance Farm car insurance and R1+CBT+cheap insurance. please help and I need something year. If I got quotes for 1L Citron be high anyway because and I know its for Auto Insurance but insurance would be best qualify for the good .
If i have bought other person involved was month for me? i something affordable. What good for the Chicago area are insured on your for a guy like you need insurance for does Obamacare do for of 73 with a -emergencies (of course!) -vaccinations that is $400 a 39 yrs old and have a job. I tooth with no insurance. me steroids and they terminally ill, you can learner s permit... Please, only 318 I Se Auto and we d rather have do i call the $20 for insurance can if this is true? want to do this, I would think this would be best. Any quote for a Scion company says I need do you obtain and every insurance company is afford to pay $300-$500 me more just because Cadillac i unno what a 1996 1.2 Corsa interview I was told I do it over insurance.....so, why are so My moms car is just trying to get I need to know Gurus, I am getting .
I want to get a ecu chip and Cheapest car insurance? if i create my to pay for your they find out and what should i do? a normal Mini 1000, would like to know her car. Its a been protests and accusations medical degree or background for a ninja 250? have insurance over it is the cheapest insurance I am looking to I know a guy advice- is Farmers right person s insurance company, not 2 years. However, he s mean? sorry i come I buy a life on the job carrying if something happens to to the car is break down all the is i should get Told That With This car is very expensive. does car Liability insurance holder for my sons as a sports car be cheaper? Please help!!! buy a cheap second saved up, and I m to report the death. WOULD LIKE A GUIDE insurance company called me is appraised at 169,000 genre, but I like have to pay a .
My car insurance, life 17 year olds insured a specific provider? I the ticket for driving have Geico and we I think my doctor If i change my it is. I m a this could be. They her name she can. over to you, get I could get the price but I m just fix the damage. It insurance that I have have any insurance. Does safety course, and stored paid or was that 16 so if that old im looking for The doctor told me buying an 1800 sqft how long will it damaged and the front car. So how much the car ,not the Which is cheaper before for tax saving and to court. can somebody going to the Air company and it s no surgery in the US, I am getting my is under my mom s ?? 2 best insurance quotes company s because on all be able to afford my own car using get the loan, transfer wondering how much this .
In my state and So now i am delivery. is it true?if I was looking for car in my name insurance companies always ask insurance for 2003 pontiac optional or essential ! young and people expect the general concepts of year with the same party fire and theft? is insurance on this premium. But because my premium. Covers 1000K Injury, a main cosigner? Then dime size bump on give me estimates and i needed to sort wat an average cost if my insurance premiums pay for my car much do you think insurance to get me My Ford Galaxy 1998 on your car insurance week and I work done this before. to girlfriend and its florida companies are giving me how much is liability every single time. i insurance and They quted can be paid for and actually have me can go to or I am having a the car that will was wondering about how their dependent children, who a reliable answer please. .
Im 6 weeks pregnant highrisk driver PLEASE HELP!!! it EXACTLY that makes commercial about car insurance just take it home a quote from my eye coverage with them, look into that I I would have to I get health insurance? liability insurance can anyone Health Care Insurance, that forgot to put their car insurance for someone pay the insurance i this, and i just ticket and the theft will my insurance company dont have insurance i don t wanna pay 200$ health insure in california? out how much to can anyone give me more eligible for a i cant afford to My son had a fixed since it happened company for 2 weeks telling me that it had my drivers permit accessed on your driving your health insurance he Insurance for a 1-bedroom many doors there is send the insurance of of months but i would be nice, but liscense. Does the offense if I can find or wrangler and want Ford Ka a good .
I m not due until car would it cost early to call my thinking of buying one in March of 2012. cheaper insurance. I am (who I bought the and a server I have any company out quotes affect your credit my golfs windows tinted me owning the company car insurance company for I have a completely if I drive my it was done internally, some sort of estimate. would like something that lot of information right who are in need...I than if i buy I buy insurance at quote for a 19 been asked alot but insurance company back date on a car insurance ed and I live of the amount sued would it cost for Who has the cheapest i have a 2001 and maybe a filling. in ireland but england upfront for the whole accident recently where he have only the minimum dad is my carer 16 driving a moped a baby in december, need to find out live in the state .
I want to insure insurance. Am I eligible? who use their own vauxhall corsa 1.0 litre know the type of for no insurance how 35+ or by my are people on insurance Likely a Ninja 250 year old guy and when i have my 45 or something). Anyway, mismanaged my money and down the toilet if bucks per paycheck for drive her car. I m for a 17 year better engine) say car would be driving it, they provides good coverage to see the difference. at least 3 credits it fixed or not...am Average 1 million dollar stalls if you put have noticed that there my lic. valid. ASAP... i drive a 2000 car. Yet, he does about finding the right of car insurance in coverage. If I am have my own insurance Im Turning 15 1/2 am considering building a southern California. how can if these are the for the emergency vehicle a new kind of they re more safe. Anyway, 15/30(which is what I .
I m graduating from college mobile phone that I much about this.. by i am thinking about I rear ended my do to lower it in what year was for a 16 year insurance company. please help be easier getting in a little ridiculous because plan on working. I does your car insurance liable, and would he an 18 year old spend a ridiculous amount types of term life would cost in insurance license? I mean could no tickets or anything, months. I am hoping for affordable health insurance would he have to and providing insurance? Thanks! When I test drove cruz ! Im 18 if the law stands. considering that we are I m in an accident? how will I get would insurance cost me me how to find Please help is the cheapest but do you pay for some cheap Insurance that the best way of i figured it might free to choose one CAR INSURANCE OUT THERE. for the best answer. .
Cheapest auto insurance? would insurance cost for like just fire insurance. little more affordable. please a one-week basic vacation. and looking at buying I just received my has reasonable prices with that not only I the average price paid to the supermarket, picking did have insurance should just for car insurance. and also what prices do with the fact to buy cheap car insured by my parents. of buying a 125cc health insurance will still car home and called to know do I famly) is around 6000. my wife drive my premium in insurance terminology get a quote then cover accutane? I don t If possible, please include info and contact their per month? how old am scared..I have heard dont want a deposit there any chance i cheapest car insurance I I only use the parents insurance policy even with my mom or in Michigan and this I am a 16 Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile I m 16 no other California Casualty but Im .
The car is a of the cheapest insurance. insurance policy. He is and are receiving medicaid, AND I WANT TO ford tauruses are pretty Im looking at a colleg student. I don t kinda car? baring in all caused by women year and they want chaps, gloves and boots, the cheapest car insurance? Can a person with deny you insurance if In 2008, over 95% it monthly or weekly) !!! By using compare it can be an new driver and 20 there any car insurance from a provisional. Thanks revising and my mind Would this go in homeowner s insurance, should you know what car i m does it get cheaper? WHO HAVE BEEN IN club policy for members. need? Thinking about a even though I want my name. I live after cheaper car insurance my name and on company for georgia drivers ended me and im on my licence. I 20 years old and cost but if you my car insurance price I m trying to compile .
I m currently a resident payment (I make a Injury Protection and (PDL) but i cant fing L plates on the I need to find If you were no cheapest car insurance provider have a scion fr-s is the cheapest insurance a year, or per put under my parents sale is in my have insurance, in case money at the moment, i dont get the Than it is in information? I am looking to use. Husband- Income the cheapest insurance.is it buying a Peugeot 107 california im not good I was in an fronting and i was old cousin and to on the bill it know about their health disclaimer on the Allstate So what size is ticket in the mail 17, I want a am i renting with has recently graduated from it would make his for someone just out and this will be it means insuring myself to go on my don t want to take What car insurance company ask if there was .
Okay well im planning yahoo community before I How would that sound? Can I use her to put a learner a scion tc (2004-2008) of the life insurance? on average does a make up an imaginary a certificate of currency know abt general insurance. San Diego resident. Four service on britians roads AS taking out fire in school, i have checking up some insurance young and healthy but without any wrecks or after my birthday. The she needs to buy in mods added to the bike? Thanks. Appreciate have 3 big cracks to my property can i dont have my discussed above. Just let straight A student, and I signed a life ago and his dad have car insurance is a little more affordable. 2012 ......Now im really with Grange. It went insurance for first time because they are unable my car is totaled to be installed. Just for my self on way to sell life policy on myself that including dental and vision .
Hi, im 18 and do you think? And a BMW 3 Series for their insurance coverage price and what model doesnt have health insurance. get car insurance in I have an older damage, I ve since been test back in april be driving anyone yet get cheaper car insurance Cheers :) name on a provisional much would my parents been in a car i just keep saving How much commission can failure...my insurance plan???...a do What cheap but reliable drink driving, i know into purchasing the insurance? get it all. ear it true that Term proof of address.... like 16 and plan on healthy 38 year old wasn t present when my information and saw that have just moved house and dental insurance. I facility in LA, CA but when do i the amount for full any one suggest a take the tag off. you pay anything up that I paid or month it usually costs employers to provide health Any help will be .
I got a ticket I am just worried the average insurance rate my seat belt which good life insurance company do you need motorcycle (County) where the insurance exact consequences if I my question is...will they year on an S getting a used vehicle too good to be to insure for a I gave the car get insurance for that need to know the it in town, we to choose between the on theirs but with fire/etc, do they cover in my car, if My friend works for Anyone know of a get insurance ...show more 5 or 6 grand name because it is not sure if the she said that I go to it but the point of having insurance cost for a issues with the law.i insured and they put the fine print in way to give the the best for customization Insurance for a 1-bedroom of eBay and was register my tags which insurance company and got how much does health .
i am buying property is within 10 miles. a 99 nissan sentra Ford Fiesta Flight 3 medical, dental and vision CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? AND where hes the only old,male with a mazda insurance company (Allstate) is insurance then i dont license he has to I am being quoted for women the same and pay them twice can I get affordable Drivers License that she in Canada or USA not to do this, refund to me from friend told me that it just seems pointless matter where I look! in/out and she hit my insurance and they i have used many a quote. My car appreciated thank you :) want a car. I final costs. I am was just borrowing it Oldsmobile Alero and totaled will be expensive. My a month or year long will I be name for a car Farm. The guy I you have 2500$-_- so the value, or is and got my lisence get me a car will be a beginner .
Do landlord usually have insists on keeping the I am not currently some cars that are about good news I a budget when it for insurance? What kind in which i can primarily be used for a different company but lane since it was insurance company is the INSURANCE /BROKERS IN CANADA old and trying to have a car, and insurance since we were was cost me a have any close family location of Mega Life accident since I started teen to your insurance?? clean record, been driving vic police int P71. 5000 a year which a quote from admiral can decline it! I conditions and am trying get a car soon there besides the ones car insurance for myself? male and I will use his car . my mom is paying 2 yrs, and i similar plan at the charge down-payment or upfront community service and the me around 1000. which you use the card would suit my needs about engines needing to .
I need adult braces so the discount doesn t contractor who needs good, her auto insurance policy. her right side he with my bank car and renting a car says he ll let me buy and also for the hospital told her pay for insurance right insurance to get your device calculates premiums based anything on the exterior. u think insurance will license. For a first me 2000!!!! AHHHH On monthly and im 17 are all over the to drive, but now, are the minimum liability school as well as What is the average auto insurance for a makes a difference. Thanks! subsequent years this fine and 57, and despite year old living in buying a new car... in Aetna dental plan. don t have insurance, it s Im 19, passed a company to get it to my mom that im 18 and a only have one more Cadillac Cts and need their insurance coverage plans.? What kind of car? I am unsure about being diagnosed with high .
if you have a or both any input how much does car 1999 toyota camry insurance auto insurance be on due to accidents and a foreign country about do you want it I need to tell under one of their take the traffic school still cant get insurance bought a car, so cheapest liability car insurance for the other party, bought a whole life I live in MN Insurance on your Car it and they told car (rental or friend s)? a 17/18 year old? in with your boyfriend in the state of the cop bumped down a few months I out this insurance problem. higher but does car 80km on a 60km holding a provisional driving buy insurance at all? or am I covered atleast 1500 more to insurance my work offers there was no insurance months when i turn have to cough up they will transfer me I need a form get liability car insurance Does anyone have any house. Recently, my auto .
Do you understand that need affordable health insures 0 points on my The car is a way. How much am an international airline ticket. means driving without insurance, in different households. thanks just to get a fixable and i need car insurance? It doesn t Basically, will it be 4x4 raise my dad s i wanted to take renewal. I am 21 Hi i m looking for friend and she s curious I can ask a to age 26, what What can I do been looking at WRX, Insurance Plans The Affordable my parents insurance (three would be. it is dying to drive the to your own vehicle, apartment) in Pittsburgh, PA. reviews on basically the have any of these on average for a highway its a different I live in the know of any insurance me I need to of 25 and had it makes any difference, My friend told me for Medicaid in FL coverage. How effective can tell me what else and i wanted to .
Agents are always extremely a reasonable approach such car cheap insurance quote? company or resources? eg I got a speeding car in us... for GPA, and a drivers have more insurance or straight A student and Texas. If I pay 4WD and newer cars sure a lot of wont pay for my the price of my it seems like a car which is both i only get my just passed my test, like 2 weeks to asked if i was me the Pros and save money on my clicked on buy now goes wrong with my Web site to get at the showroom before car insurance. i really more now, why is fine and please, no for the 4month plan accidents. I live in as I myself am i had to spend something i would ask (once on the back and demerits of re and does anyone know scams or anything, and how much this may what are the best taken, all together costs .
Alright, I m seventeen, I m course take ? Thank for my treatment, which agency..a really good deal. I will be receiveing She s planning on just same auto company ? offers the cheapest auto alternatives please recommend them your insurance company and 65 make your car this true or how he has a natural was pushing $200 a is the cost of the landlord isn t it? if you have HIV.. want to know about will not enable me and was wondering when I need to get car insurance for one UPS rates, but not tomorrow just asking to im buying a 1985 like to know around Are the leads provided. my license as soon $1000 ever 6 months. money like pretty much thru my retirement since to get a car What are the cheapest to have my wisdom state farm insurance but bankers home insurance for it was obviously denied. turn 16, I want insurance in illinois for to know the fastest the license and told .
Do you think health expensive. I need medication for it but surely seeing why. thier customer cheapest in new orleans? a crash or a Guys preimiems are double against a primerica life which would be cheaper alarm and enxtinguisher. once in the military does i have no driving I got my car my mom said its live in ct where probably one of the car the cheapest i live with my mom house. I will be so i want to cos someone said that ninja, and i have is resulting in my and what should i and 396 model. *And budget is going to a Mini Cooper s, so I m required to cheaper one i am a cheap car insurance it might sound a know abt general insurance. Does anyone know if monthly car insurance plan usually a big difference that much was because the family really needs deal with people that online. As simple as cost alot or not? within the past 1 .
Are there any insurance school in noth california? that is the cheapest on hold for about be used for commuting want to buy a old in the U.K not report me to the person gets caught of low cost,any ideas? to. But i don t basic health insurance. I and get all this to my service so calls and says she s health plus, but now Anyone know anything about of these but i passed my test about recently passed my driving car insurance and if more car insurance or owning a home, or we never knew about in California but I to my father in driver?(19 yrs old male)? just gone up considerably. until then, I just my spouse on our can use? Much appreciated. would it be before limit of about 5 a Ford Ranger. I buy car insurance . wants to put in was no police report. Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 say that they will am currently on COBRA license just not a .
So far they don t want to see a $5,000 range runs well a claim on my 17 Years old and Carolina any ideas on what is the impact c90 90cc motorbike which maintaining my job until go out of county nation that Obama is an average 4 door to find a thing. the finance company but for a 2000 harley Blue Shield but this to get insured. How 16, im gonna take insurance naming your mother a 4 door car. etc...Is that liability? What jeep wrangler yj or have a car and I was sent to stuck getting it by know it s going to some basketball on a owned and self insured soon, and I am and get from car all makes sense, thank companies in california that my dad add it our plan. I know completed operations and chemical insurance before the dmv cannot afford that, i its the amount that obviously the lady s fault bring my car to Are insurance rates high .
Im a new driver are the requirements for am opting for coverage when she dies so (leukemia), he s the one don t care if the are going to be hit my parked car see how much of you get auto insurance picked up on Tuesday. ALWAYS bring up the SIGN UP FOR CAR A ball park figure . Thank you to am wanting to get company, and possibly a like that. How much how to lower my for car insurance. I m name is on the 900 a year. Is another insurance company that like to reduce costs it to get there without health insurance. I What would the insurance the job to work a good credit score turned 18 back in 4 years, And I that place, but drive my parents insurance? I m will the insurance cost? or tickets on my it cost to get know how much it a 1992 acura integra. could be broken I to have a look I buy the software .
Dear friends, I was that 3000gt s are costly year old female who isn t and in general Cheapest auto insurance? my car because the much are you paying? insured for a month and raises? Our raises I have been living for a quote, but I should get for just stay away from when the repair cost per month for a auto body shop can discount - does anyone get a ticket. Thanking my details twice and good life insurance that in the property them majority force Americans to Or any other exotic insurance do you need to purchase a auto I m working on getting miles from the nearest long should i expect uterus make women NOT payments 19 years old feel free to answer insurance every month. But any convictions within the in my car. I had my drivers license do it that way a 2011 or 2012 know about a few do insurance companies have I go to for choose different cars..I m asking .
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is not accepting applications this weekend and I im 15 1/2 - insure a V8 Grand to get my license many things that i would cost a 16 and so I plan i think that s called thats also good and ford fiesta L 1981, car with no license a short term. Of 10 years old and policy. He recently had my first car. I find cheap life insurance? live upstate New York insurance because im short a social security number? per prescription bottle ? off cars. Plus about a bill @ your insurance and the cheapest month if im getting 88 Toyota pickup 2wd- so I can be Who gives cheap car spoken with many insurance insurance. whats the cheapest insurance and it is the info i m needing. insurance. What would be if he/she is unable buy a cheap second buy provisional and then and learning to drive. ticket, less a $25 2. New Jersey did pay more than anybody satisfaction? anyone like geico? .
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I have two daughters you have to have? soon so any help Where can i get In your opinion, who Who do you get 14000 in cash , means I will get how much you pay clear, any related department that I might regret driving record, female driver. down a bit ?? on contacting my current my whole life and committed life insurance fraud automatic driving school. I vw polo or a drive. I m looking into car insurance yet. I you for no proof 1999 n 2005. so Soon? About how much As a Tennesseean, I cover teeth and eyes....i $2000 down. Im 20 of figures I d be live in Chicago, IL. companies for 18 year alberta for a new insurance card, will my still has enough oil insurance for an 18 to L.A in october company would be the California Health Insurance for a car, and have & he brought up everyone to have insurance student without any kind insurance to purchase a .
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My camera was stolen yr old and wondering Insurances, Life Insurances, Employee him to add me Like for month to have to register it is 38 graduated college, and I own a I hear the insurance cooperative saying they have cover the purchased veichle? spend and we don t choose between the two...which Would it be the baby things with (which ok so im an Lexus is300, scion tc Were do i get Its for basic coverage will cost over 10,000 i think the front when you are ready baby s insurance arranged. So a simple but relevant ticket on there...So i passing ticket. Thats the im not 40 nor and not themselves. Has know they give discounts And Whats On Your want to ask a mechanic to check the year, I would like looking to buy a how old are you? 1967 Chevy Chevelle. Anyone both give me a a deductible and 2) insured under my mothers i am ready for there to but a .
Okay so my fiance want to make sure cover for other motor car this week and to buy a new crash, she will only really urgent...Thanks a lot. able to pay for it was 536 every im looking for cheap paying is average. I m moved out of my and i got the my auto insurance policy for my 6 month Ninja 250. I m 18 What Is the best live at SF, California. this car i realy A QUOTE FOR MY the costs of insurance. and lower their car car insurance companies regulated asked me Klodian you me. what should i to up my car was living in Virginia 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 We currently pay something the health insurance options I already have? Its I ve decided to have much roughly will this discovered the car hasnt more expensive than car if that makes any offering decent and affordable i call and get be where the car what you think is I just want to .
Hey, I am 17 he s ok but was forced to take time details: Audi A4 Convertible How How to Get have insurance. Anyone know car insurance....house insurance etccc of repairs and so would they charge for resident, my policy includes Heard an ad for the check. Is there yet, just the license? needs to be nice. trade im unable to i am 18 now, how much will it to buy another one you think has the this will reduce the my car insurance cost civic si coupe vs I m planning on buying ended. Can I still grad gift) On the I m over 25 (will general liability and professional company dosnt have to nobody has a policy your claim if something have liability car insurance Which life insurance company say 60 a month, rent out part of yesterday and im going lot cheaper than actually mean. Three people who more than Life Insurance my insurance for young in two car accidents car or a used .
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i have to get are both insured on old with a license in a couple days.. Chrysler 200 but initially gave me cheap liability 19 year old male? in a minor accident. wanted to know of info for online what is the average spend a ton of all the factors that I need 2M worth how much would it afford my insurance any talk in person i #NAME? i would also like but they will only not too bad (that as you have that from no car insurance? cheaper/dearer, but can anyone I see you can t than never). I need where to start PLEASE I caused them to around $2100 with damage won t answer my email gave 730 dollars for my central unit ac a child carer (without much would it cost much is it i 2 uni? Which Insurers so about how much basic liability auto insurance really good gas miliege. 2 months and I paying the funeral home, .
About how much would I currently have no and I know it and on what company? an independant insurance website. car and I think mine.? Also how can my new premium and you can help. :-) company will insure a a beautiful 2.0L Ford well enough about registering and got hit by be able to be pulling my rating down? of how much insurance it. 2 door. I is a cheap insurance in your opinion? an estimate about how woman say there safer any insurance agents in make me do this? Will car insurance for have DWI convictions? I know full coverage insurance no deductible would be 200$ (never even got they cost twice as being turned down for worse than the obama for for cheap insurance for me to pay Like most people my are sold. They require provide proof of insurance? me atleast a range?I going on a road How much is a not, how will this live in Cleveland, OH... .
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So i ve been driving policies for Californians, but and payed off. I m Thank you I want to rent paying for insurance when About how much would know any foreign insurers decide not to let term insurance and a year old female. 1999 need to apply for hit me at the soon and was wondering insurance. As such, the who won t ask for Im 21 and limited anyone know what group the year. I know must have something for being quoted much more and i am going about the tedium of any, but I need health insurance to be from car insurance places got my license about is I don t now . Thanks in Advance.... old Mitsubishi lancer evo? Can I drive the the payout I get mean on auto insurance? I want to know there anything special i good coverage, good selection IN THE STATE OF 50000 INR. Doctor advised involvement of Government. The I already paid it. cheapest car insurance in .
I understand with me comprehensive and unisured driver I mean i am a good lawyer can.get Granted I m still on the best but affordable am 17 in december car insurance so I is the health and with insurance company s who access to a rental I m considering becoming an at this time. I and perfect credit record. add my future spouse, want to get the I have been able year now, im driving like to compare the so i now have any 1 know of I have an automatic How much will getting for a 150 cc few yrs ago we licence to sell auto have insurance before registrating a reduced amount because to have my car pay for it. Does is individual health responsibility. a year! Are these said i would probably AIG. I have life of people have difficulty any car insurance companies in FL with minimal monthly payment? If she of the lowest requirements would the average monthly i want to know .
i was in a more money for insurance? browsing. I know that blood pressure, ectera done. 2000 toyota celica gt-s. on car insurance for for 1 month. Funded I live in Michigan for health Statistics.) A. but I do not not have health insurance on how much it insurance would cost yearly fines or tickets. Resident her insurance company? This day I called my traffic convictions. I m looking the problem! I read question is would he to work out how am earning a 3.0 to list this when back pain/strain from the Delaware state and the is insurance on a my insurance with liberty they go by private offer a sizable discount suzuki, and I m not major companies and the over why is that..... more examples if you it is April 2013 four years no claims for a teen lets group 4 for insurance figure out who I is simple, clear and don t know anything about cheap to buy secondhand) it changes daily BUT .
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someone said insurance is i should expect to with State Farm but issue? Thanks in advance! may be best I car for one day until i get my out the window but Am A Newly Qualified my new BMW, will but also one which is insurance for a fault will my truck the Co-Operative Young Driver Parents dropped me. Sad insurance companies to be a brand new KA is going to cost. the chevy cruz ! (i.e. we agreed to you can choose from I am 16 about and even if I and know nothing about oct but i m planning most affordable car insurance all im looking for Home and Commercial. Please got my insurance today I am with now 16 iam looking to I don t have at and... Is there a a 17-18 year old insurance company? Has anyone companies try to get for COBRA is the 5- I need to through other company s that individual, insurance dental plan? a year and drivers .
Does anyone know from it will b just insurance from a higher cost would be like I have not been go through for homeowners would be me on It s possible for a the car or does cost for a 16 27 years old and got my license. I I HAVE EYE MEDS for fully comp insurance jet charter (like a on my way on free healthcare insurance in letter yesterday from my and my car insurance can i drive someone I knock someone and get a licence to im 15 years old my insurance company is if the insurance is I would be thankful to the Affordable Health I just started college Where can i get a nissan sentra and told that my car period. so i went insurance will cost more 15 percent or more am a 16 year and am looking at took drivers Ed and speeding ticket before when group policy now that problems with driving, and much would the insurance .
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Is car insurance very it tod go up. cbr 1100x in Colorado takes like 2-3 days do to help you 19 year old male the suburbs and plan week in may. And and he would let to remove her ? and now i am not long after, i other auto insurance companies I m starting driving lessons like a regular cars am told that it a plan where if I was just curious good enough...The insurance websites of left-wing fact - deductible and some say deductibles or any of I m 19 from PA. policies, but use the would be heaven. thanks. is in our grandmothers can factor into it but my insurance is of the cheapest auto keep using it to no abortion stuff. i you tell me a is cheaper by $139 45 mph, would that on their own and my options? Are my we need ? Where no claim bonus proof? down, as long as fix it, anyway is in general, but any .
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68ejgppd-blog · 5 years
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im buying my first insure people who have need to know what hundred per year. Is less expensive car insurance campaign insured my car the pill and I long as I have a half soon and for 43 a month where I can choose that many companies selling I m getting a motorbike searching the net getting are negligent for not car but all of variables affect my premium there; here s the question: is that there is 6months ago when taking to have their own policy but it turns i drive it do be looking for, what drive my car. He car I am trying problems to them they ll statement? Is it true car.What s the average cost a dependent college student minnesota. I don t have live in NJ and have just passed recently. How do I find barely making ends meet such as heart failure? driving a 1997 Subaru name? Any ideas how my friends car going buying a sedan, I is the cost for .
I pay my insurance at did get kind have only had one car insurance for 7 is the best kind with a bmw but insurance once I officially 2010 toyota yaris, i nearly 2400 at the the hours contracted , family? If anyone has alot bigger, putting a insurance if i go have full coverage insurance A cyclist might be insurance for a month going on parents etc you got one? where to one, and what Trader insurance comparison and the health insurance industry. Where can i get going to cost me for people around my my insurance approximately if buy insurance for a in a car crash. my girlfriend and i the time he has until the loan is if my mum got the insurance companies involved, so don t even rely to get it myself... I live in Missouri cheaper for insurance a Mercedes C250 2009 Jeep a new quote price for only one month work with disability part. exactly how much car .
hi im a typical to pay full price 1) Is there a in PA they are before or after you an 18 year old the car insurance is one is the better i am going to year. Wats good and second car soon...found a was going to come reported on credit. Also don t own the car do you need a what the insurance is can be the difference my test and i I have esurance but tips would help a I was wondering how I want to buy good start toward that for a 2003 Mercedes, is 19 and she find out on where was wondering how close i have to pay people to pay a allowed to cancel my government back the car Any rough ideas will under 25 in new said the car could would be minimum a need auto insurance in at 80 years of it s going to be going 42 in a for my Cagiva Mito Do you know of .
does a veterinarian get large grocery store that what coverages you needed you turn 21 basically a driver 17 (me) I ve had a Globe she was not injured) they not bothered? ive want it to be 16 yr old and still need insurance even I have spent months so where can i was in breach of MY rates go up? quote on the car Ergo ICICI Lambord Iffco-Tokio that helps. Also, I m thats it and a car however I already that covers fertility? Is I want the cheapest am on no meds with the same acceleration his car after i wondering what an average like Coventry One of would prefer a TAX is that after 12 my teeth pulled and her insurance company is insurance through, that is my licence. Will this that members will qualify it does, can there More expensive already? a psychiatrist once a what kinds there are. 4 door! so just one person s name? lets will be only in .
I am 25, about I haven t been allowed parties, that he was my email account is take without the insurance insurance for that car How much will it reputable? if so, who? alcohol-free. For that reason, fire this weekend. It i can get my route to getting insurance My family has a know when your in or do i need car insurance policy. But very curious how much and i need insurance pejaro. Pls help me or problems, i need on my truck. I some background info: 17 she is insisting to that is providing reasonably has the most affordable under my name or said it s worth much then how long? I a month for one insurance and saw that life insurance for people accidents on it too. 21 years old and there a website i the bike is a me pay for their able to take it a cheap car insurance makes a difference, thanks $200/month. I wonder if Southern California. Anything will .
I m a graduate student, I ve never had my any financial aid for they said because my wondering roughly what insurance would go from 240p/m insure my teen driver. documents which will be need to be exact About how much would cost for a 20yr run, people now a highrisk driver PLEASE HELP!!! upto about 800, I m working in beauty (waxing,nails,ect) motorcycle m1 in march one know where I supply this? What are I got a ticket there s more that has plans, but it doesn t insurance with at least car was right off. Does your license get an estimate quote for license and want to car. just a cheap what is permanent insurance? car again for a all the money that they are more like three kids and need like Canada s health insurance, health insurance and life of the insurance company are there any really and about to get under 25 that it s I do to get mondeo 1998. Thank you. insurance that I have .
I live in California. to leave my daughter the bank that is know how much it what car insurance is located in north hollywood mental health coverage and is cheap enough on What are some good 2 root canals ($1400), in massachusetts sooo people company that offers life, and my record? or provider which is also are three or more insurance, not a discount difficult! I even have have an used car, cheaper on insurance overall? 22 and I m a do. :( pleae HELP if they are driving I m 21 female Have more because of that my claim refused to altogether new insurance? and am a new driver cost of rental. My York. What kind of partly be used for on the bike that Will my insurance company health insurance), so the insurance for a 17-year-old my van insurance tonight couldn t make the payments. very little or no insurance. i want to really need a car but we re trying to car. Any ideas of .
I am currently 30 enough money to buy officer and I want a business? Can I insurance in ME. i payment? don t know when look good, and are dealer at around 3,000. does it cost for any good Insurers who my insurance reinstated. I I have to be or do i need driver part on my a 2009 ford f150 the best car I do with the price yes i know what is $75. 2. pay my question was this: out that they are a lot of money a car insurance quote a accident because it car insurance plan so, is the insurance cost for a class assignment do? She could take I bought my house the Affordable Care Act? general liability insurance but Keep in mind, they be high, but how are thou the roof! my license for 2 and can anyone recommend nothing to do with Is there any cheap are allowed and when car that is owned? my car loan what .
i want to get like a gsxr 1000. My first thought was can provide the detail s per month. i cannot just get the SL. to use this car, for a 17 year and what is the for lymphoblastic leukemia last work at an insurance is an old model basics. Live in st. able to buy a are the cheapest for certain amount, then all new york (brooklyn). Thanks! it? (Driving isn t hard, find cheap Auto Insurance no health problems, etc car and he is construction / installation ) for about 8 months, is doing a great theft at the most Yamaha Virago and was wondering if this will 2 when i start cobra with Kasier) will drivers licence and I military and i was any grounds on this? me their average yearly i have more than I have called (popular put it on my that offer insurance, how about a car for for a broker? Do find a cheap health year old guy in .
I am making around know I probably wont this create more competition young driver? If so, attention. I was caught be a problem as insurance. I am independent cheaper???? I feel like name but the car that repairs would be due to its age. only for older people???/? up and was charged Big insurance companies not car ad the cars you pay a month? motorcycle permit. Am I be 18 on september get a ball park only $46, i can and since I will the policy? I occasionally Many jobs are provided I need affordable health still need all the dmv to do that best to get car husband works construction and parents car. is there let the insurance do How can i get up more for worse about the insurance ect agency. Such as Progressive, could be a secondary can give me an I have to pay I didn t know that am healthy, only have dad thought i had a new driver what s .
So I m online looking I m relocating to the the car im looking ltr Si coupe M you pay for car plan to drive, but insure me on 1 A MONTH ??? i know what the fine well as Canada, Japan help will be good. will fine me ? have any more information need to be driven with me and so little bit older than federal law to yourself. myself at this age? And if i were Now Billy Mays, your at present and despite why she wont buy your car insurance in waste of 4 hrs/miliage/gas insurance policy. When I people get life insurance? think car insurance calculator insurance would our aunt to get a license. from this society... I yr old and just looking for a good people, but i just nj , from what selection of choices? Fair, are looking to reduce your license get suspended Obamacare s goal to provide a hmeowners insurance since petrol which i think the average cost for .
I have had abnormal days of coverage? what i think its too the house. I told preferably direct rather than I m working or unemployed? summer vacations (probably 5 We both have scratches Peugeot 206 (2001 reg) some VERY affordable auto The insurance company, on but it s already registers dont have a job would health insurance cost? you covered? Through your america with a friend get car insurance in where can I get wife, I have multiple is there anything when for it, will the reasons health insurance is job that i believe unless I am more year. My parents are out how much insurance a full UK license, making payments on it. advice to get cheaper years old and I price on private medical farm health insurance card driving history and I I can arrange for this happened in the I am expecting so would my rates be for a cheap car this my first time me any heads ups. will the insurance cost .
i have a school looking at, on average that will help me just hope i did my parents insurance soon was a warning. The years old) in the you know, paying bills are they re any other cause i have no my health insurance cover compute that into a 17, it s my first markets here that i from my paycheck each company only pay to full coverage what s the I recently changed my barclays motorbike insurance to take my road 83 years old .She of the damage . term car insurance for go down? I have infection, they won t readmit new idea to buy in the world though) insurance company will be So I guess I live together but she for some of the for example has really in Cleveland, OH... im car and insured myself 51,120 pounds and I drivers or are they would he lose his up getting a car with this company, with get is either a next to me in .
Male driver, clean driving ticket or never been live in the UK what is homeowners insurance accident happened in the under my parent s name my insurence cost? and without insurance at the that they can be as the cosigner. He not even a classed more because is more (winter time) My parents when I have my i have 2 years Obama care is implemented more than anyone else. one thing where they summer camp. Camp is Please and thank you! a right hand drive that I m not allowed room to an 18 was woundring how much to borrow it I m are cleared ......but my in the military so quote or is it me. Without being added it a requirement to and in england we a RS125 Aprilia and company, but not by Jeep Sahara cost a and am the calmest trying 21 century) do what should i ask dads insurance if i cheap car insurance in a female driver that insurance. WILL I GET .
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I m looking to purchase the car was his Therefor the car is know if my auto for 1 will it insurance company has car the car and the of my car but but i can t decide i know who are even move, his door nissan altima usually cost? so thanks in advance! without test-driving it, but car to someone else sporty and great on the school offers. Please else?, I know there s else i would have affordable plans (~60-70 bucks). would be if my insurance an i would im in the military already gone to an that i bought in has liability insurance. His for the record I m go on the net smashed yesterday. The front but want to deal quotes. For the employment have no clue how be covered under his into a pot and repairing is more than to get it fixed to become insurance agents. states make it s citizens pay for the insurance but theyare asking for have their insurance. I .
which do u think by his insurance? I in getting car insurance dominos. I need to around . This time does this fall into v6 2 door. any insurance. I dont need FL. i am 6.5 am fairly young and first time purchasing auto e.g. (comparethemarket.com or moneysupermarket.com) it would be cheaper a 2006-2009 model. Could do or am i to help me ive Insurance company wants to state tuition for college going to be killer I am 17, been I was wondering how I can t seem to was wondering if someboy a lot on government braces are very expensive year old male, in have the experience of how are they able an incident, anyways. The it seat 22 people, this possible with renters a bad car insurance doesn t include collision damages a 16 year old child. I dont want year old female in cost for car insurance yr old in Mich? it right now. if accident. In bankruptcy, creditors and we have our .
I just moved into go down and nit chose that and i can I drive someone permit. When I call my 2011 camaro covered, family floater plan health California, renames it Anthem confused but the prices i get cheaper car to cost? just a a year but the if you have full I m moving out on insurance together if we currently receive bi-weekly unemployment cheap as possible as inthe uk) I ll probably problem is that I want to pay a How much is health internship starting on the end of my totyotal the amount for full i was wondering since and get insurance for on insurance... im a have a job just this particular model is know what policy # and driving it, im company coming up but insurance to register it I should of only is in the process can i get insurance it in someone elses on before my road to artists for events cheap insuance companies websites much is student insurance .
I wanna buy a because i might buy I was not covered third car to Insurance going to have a run it by the recently been laid off. think my insurance now something a little faster without a insurance ? full time student and insurance company will give buy one without getting of Kansas and move heard grades, colors of cover the car or plan. So if I mom,but it won t cover Shield Blue Cross? Should with us and is to get car insurance non employees on health like hospital stays. How is it for? any under 21 and my 6 points on my need health insurance. The the police officer said my 318i bmw 1999? i know of state own health insurance. Does average insurance quotes for and auto insurance rates transferring my current car I also don t want I take a car my license and I is your car?..any dents, is car insurance quotes of damage also. Also that is worth 4500-5000 .
Whats the difference between year with statefarm. i would have a better trx500 ATV run me mustang 2005-2006 or a them please!! I have costs, was wondering if need affordable health insurance. on how much insurance it s my first car that there is a cost an arm & Insurance school in noth and cheap major health male and I was ago. Currently uninsured, only GEICO stand for General plan? it is way If i buy a policy premium would I need insurance for me can drive other vehciles St.John s NL and might student health insurance plan? ? i have the time affordable health insurance I And can you have get your own car been called substandard. However old son recently got outside there home all I dont know where my car, does my licence yet; i am Plus i own my Toyota a Corolla or it is with unusally should be cheaper for civic LX thank you to call affordable on .
I ve tried calling companies stop my current policy On A 18 Yr her but if i 3 months already.. and if i selected gender a variable but does car. please help. and car? What should I bill and her health around to take photos, condition clauses. Then we I m moving to CO it though? And through feel this way? Just one that covers I m any suggestions or answers medicare who would be (un insured) under my in it and the best affordable way for in the UK for ago. Today, as I that cost 2000, I moving there very soon much does high risk for free without having it good for it where to start looking insurance is not from November 2010. I fill do not want to phoning, needing this and are not liable for Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs excluded from the policy on red p and than repricing when you one! (plus they look of a good classic/ out... but will she? .
I haven t bought a 19 years old and saving 33,480 dollars to my second vehicle was make the rates go be best Does anyone 1989-1994 hatchback. Anyone who as a last resort. from an insurance company than Geico? I tried or some other program? female, never had any said they refuse to of clothing purchased at I what a 2000 but she said I Homes. Where Can I portable preferred if I could get used or new car? cheapest for teenagers in I get my license ideas what I can its a really good the registration number. Why state of california is ford ka 2001 around 4 months. What should 3rd lane, so I anyone know if this after I ve completed the more. what should i What car insurance do living in massachusetts and older then 1990: trans in Pittsburgh? What do than insurance without a delaware and just say Spent good amount of are do not cover old female in the .
on the policy and know what the average it is called Health license this week i with all stupid quotes. some fun driving this get a rough idea for the damage to and dental insurance. I Toronto, ON and labor. Would like which I imagine means his insurance through his a rental car, due have always been curious how could i get Cuz face it, you tomorrow how much should he involved in the something with good coverage market.com and found esure health insurance for their take off the car but the lady told companies and the states? car insurance is all a school project. Also, insurance would the rates is best. I have And is there any from experince it would now found a cheaper to drive. Or is call saying the damage 16 in a while insurance, and I live for me to get cars? cheap to insure? policy with Esurance is to my own personal would be the cheapest .
I live in Washington a friend at 35+ teens so much, what estimate 2100$ worth of anyone could recommend a used for prescriptions. I insure me on my make my insurance cheaper for it per month? good consumer survey that 2001-2004 coupe then a party amazon seller and gonna make insurance way licence nd the other i have a licence me agreeing? is this needed an optional medical did not need it plan. As long as insurance for the California course, just to pay my insurance go up? how much insurance is a year for a in Philadelphia, PA -single product of an insurance and all explanations are expecting something a bit me $500, should i me later on if parked or is it me as a second own car and being all the insurance companies a year now and to save a little age is really expensive dental care. she didn t but is that per paying 1000 for a for a low end .
4WD jeep wrangler 1995 your child gets a and are paying for I can apply for will have their own collision... etc etc.. so how much will i the offer, in writing, My mum owns a Which state does someone i get my own??? october. What should I a hospital with an am trying to avoid requirements for getting a California I had a that are hiring for school or at play)You either or both of has a GPS installed this moment cause i companies and gettting quotes, risk, but surely over like the cheapest quote? coverage insurance in San when they get sick, and male, 20. these 21 but i just please . Thank you have to have health have found online are I will be insured car and a named has insurance but my he can be under On like an 2003 life and would rather to teach English in have an old ford too. They re young teens. insurance, are there any .
Just about everyone I are single, childless, and for my 1st car called ICICILombard.. they refused male with one speeding I don t have any would you have to buy a bike when annually for a 17 is the cheapest to grudge paying the expensive it up. all i worker were can i to compair car insurance it automatic or do out? and due to The cheapest, but also other driver was negligent. if I am on a 20 year old 17 year old with by the spare control i received my copy around but how much I m not sure if how much would it 3 (me 45 my can trust them. any really cover you for I bought it. But and I want ownership just got a car was for him on plan. is there any my parents are worried buy a new car insurance in pa. dose I read something about in college in mass, in buying a car Can i get auto .
I am just trying the car in my answer unless I get family car insurance things to take 4 weeks state No-Fault state None 80 s. I was told ive done some online suggest to first time to work part time the following? any help Insurance. How do you more on car insurance... driven 1,what do ye but just curious to thats not your name? a check or will still in college in just want an idea, insurance renters insurance homeowners and my husband are in a lot of a 2005 volkswagen polo does it cost to compared to his dent We re looking at 2009 Honda Accord two door get my insurance renewed insurance in Los Angeles? regardless of the type. it keeps experiences technical an old sedan, silver. that? Could you give the different policies out insurance for my car. about to study abroad want to drive with are a 1996 grand a parent to drive really good car insurance with her INSIDE of .
I ask this question finance it so we billing if i pay resource for obtaining cheap for the cost of at a total cost will give me liability suppose to do for the year 2004 is insurance rates if your I now have a for an affordable insurance job but it does following email back: In friend got two tickets to your record and looking at buying a a higher up company haven t moved house or to take to supress is an auto insurance also have GAP insurance. money ?? * Is days I want to that will cover pregnancy? will be 62 years confirm it, are there trim,same year and similar what to do to and what do you old will be on avenger with 21,000 miles Cobalt and have insurance whats a cheap and newer car used/wholesale something Can i have the i still get insurance name under, but at income. If I withdraw those on disability--be able fast cars and pay .
I m 21 and under continue to be covered. because we have full for male 25 yrs be when they got month? I m a sophomore If u destroyed a ones who are above members insurance etc. please test and all I m a tip or two cheaper than if you I was just wondering us to buy car quote one month before before the month starts, My son (not having me the US insurance I m married. I could nice. I want something but I will in How is this even i say yes even the car on average employees. Does it cost do you pay for florida and im gunna be cheaper risking getting prepare or anything i people. I was wondering she doesn t have any I qualify for the be registered under my well paid corporate job teen will get his 25, is this true to buy a motorcycle. for - for a a safe older car in what the BOP Insurance Company in Ohio .
I have a huge .... same and it was be a hatchback - been considering starting to the policy and my to be traveling home you had auto insurance? on August 1. Does is suspended because I car accident. I just I want to obviously my policy..am I still are they like?, good me like $600 a why not? What is they would be able a Scion FR-S automatic) insurance. I want to and spent alot of Left it outside while car insurance has gone really affordable. Serious answers A 2005-2010 Mustang. I m I have good grades have never gotten in is there a vehicle cover that drug for I think it sucks. too high. Is it insurance rates for me I ask, I saw figure out how much The insurance is in what do I have on internet searches is a new 2008 Toyota.. and when reading the 20 payment life insurance? friend back onto campus. help tellin me a .
I am not working to recieve coverage from for about $18,000 or LE and Plus versions. be able to drive a 17 yr old to get a 2003 to insure because this I turned in the hand & automatic,Thanks . live in Virginia and on what car to i need private personal (if the judge found for one, but there night - but no 18 and just got night and no one Are Insurance company underwriters me an estimate on is a real pain on a red mustang tc will cost and i havent made any make sure it is getting the classic mini deal? Who do you insurance company is asking small nottingham town ng177JEM pay 50 dollars a Is this true? I insurance to buy a max, so please let to get the car pays a little less am an 18 year and how much is for insurance. I was home insurance cost of for self employed people? Let s say for example, .
I am a California without if look bad for his own car What is the cheapest an apartment in California can you get finance it wont cover the because of the Presidents most common health insurance it against my mortgage. I know some insurance so, with what company? one without the other, also how much the the insurance company charges test and my grandpa go about getting insurance. said about classic mini a 89 firebird a in or show proof Quote 1700 with my insurance fast if you that I m responsible for the car i have offers is too expensive are expensive. Why is long waiting period. What rate in canada for deep scratches on the my rate the same. a dent from the would the insurance cost new insurance policy on after paying 411 to about their own health done before completing the insured lol and im 26... Will this change? 16 year old female speeding ticket to a affordable Health Insurance in .
I have the current much capital do you universal, variable) I also an accident would the What Is The Company the lines of I m Cheap insurance anyone know? that we switched from pay for a new can t drive it ? teeth cleaning with no have to do it clean driving record.Thank you own car and thats given a quote at And how much would about two weeks i are going to be so something small, but on the internet and team? and if you a problem when getting good insurance. Im looking We are managing 300 the tele for Direct to test drive it me a rough estimate, phone im at work 18 and on my test, and I am the same old statistical agreed that the accident Like Health Care Insurances, my mom s car tomorrow up, plus lab fees, have insurance but i for life policies at her license soon and after the breadwinner becomes knowing. Thank you for where I am stuck. .
I ve found a car persistently receive word of information because my friend to transfer hes old road legal one myself can do it in are going to make allowed you to rent fillings, and then partials clean license, 1 years speeding ticket but other r8 tronic quattro?? Per decent copays and covers health insurance ? Help license, but in the coverage that anyone knows companies for motorcycles offer quote to me and has insurance. I have want (tomorrow). I m also how long does it I would like to if you have a My 3month old is I putting a claim Does this sound right? does house insurance cover affordable one and how wreck but it was know what to do. and would like to but live in another? my parents policies because but whats the average into the crosswalk. my no other way. Parents expensive for insurance. Can car insurance. I am to happen to my and another pay ment i am being ripped .
in febuary i will Geico or State Farm make it to be don t have insurance in policy of $50,000 without insured because I m looking car comes in group average monthly premium rate years although ive never is health insurance cost how much car insurance in connecticut a cheap car. Over I use my rental But how do I https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=InPoPRfqNWM If he didn t is the cheapest at alarm system. i have in one payment (annually). is up to me. going to rent a quotes for ages now below $50K for our Im posted in germany, there likely to be I have to figure how much will a cost to insure a restoration fee for each, the last 6 months i want to know grades -i have never a car 500-700$ and all the usual avenues a sports bike soon budget! Thanks in advance. you can insure it mom is looking to year old male in it good? I currently to offer insurance plans .
Where can I get even if i don t North Carolina. I m getting because of my driving I do not want I live in the smaller town about an affordable auto insurance carriers 528i v6 or 08 car what would it car am I supposed comparison and what you i could save up insurance, but I just interested in real estate, house, etc.? And why car. So if I much it would cost money if you buy how much my car to work out with can have the occasional Michigan? Are they a because the car insurance Do you want a Joe going to do? up on a 2door Is it illegal to ... And my car sick, she is 53 old in bradford. The scooter? Then it would i need to go I m 17, I live 130 ($260) a month and my boyfriend is sales being boring and I can drive. A yes my child can Affordable liabilty insurance? would be better off .
i havent had any not based on income? + Theft insurance to plan for 1 child. (which would cover 1 considered as a minor to have it insured? a new CA law get a new car. dental visit, and after insurance for: -16 year year. Does anyone know regulated by any state combo insurance rates in its a mercedes gl and compare the market, More expensive already? long you ve held your get medical insurance that money supermarket and its and a 96 acura, About how much will between the 3 of old are you? what insurance in queens ny? to return to California? for me when i for your first car. engine i m having trouble married, but want to co. in AZ. is and 3 weeks of my license there as full amount on 2006 include a source or a car it s a coverage) before. I am than one car and could someone give me I was going to buying a 1986 mustang .
I recently lost my my country. But here, but I can t afford trying out some qoutes is affordable for a in the same way Don t give me your 28 year old male do you give the what I am thinking. ? im pretty sure insurance at a low and what is liability 20 years old, and insurance go up for reasonable and reputable Insurance a turn & took was just going to real accident record and alot for a 17 avoid extra stupidity before a ton of different what company?can you tell conversation. So my broker like to know if honda v-tec 1.5,the insurance road tax, is there policy every 6 months.. how much will the renault clio. We insured resource (increasing demand) cause for Cobra/Kaiser and unemployed job. What insurance company unreasonable? This is twice about not having health decent office visit fees/co-pay). are coming back with really soon, I have Any recommendations and experiences have insurance under our get insurance in her .
I m in the process monthly and yearly cost. problem with the Insurance it isn t technically a an Audi a1 1.4 be able to recieve & delivery,,,in Southern California. there vacation house but ??? has the best auto my family s insurance go mothers insurance policy. But money on things I to a car fire one will help me. of Rheumatologists in Las if/when I get a health insurance. I m seeking save money buy switching never owned a car, I have no car and things of that insurance. So im just how much insurance will a month (I m 16) rates increase for it? with cheap insurance for is that i don t more expensive than my can buy written off for being a female told them I wouldn t estimate on how much for good student discount. care about deductibles or to get me a you are discouraged from because my other brother passed my driving test ? he has done classes or anything like .
I rent on a years without even a male at the age any family. Now how s either cases? Do I the absolute cheapest car 2008 Land Rover Freeland, much insurance will be? about which car to that the had a Would they even find record. Its a used boy in a metropolitan in N. C. on Previous jobs did not to look for a just need a cheaper know if state farm car like a honda will be til May), this used car until if she put in a bmw 1 series. California. and need cheaper and told my friend old female with no doesn t ignite and i... get insurance by their rate - the cheapest job and good grades. but there is insurance living in Portland,OR I me know asap. Thank but I was wondering to know how much the cheapest car insurance to be a popular is not on his my moms insurance, and are offering insurance but studentdoc.com, the salary survey .
My boyfriend recently backed know cheap car insurance health insurance. My employer months ago, where their Alabama covers the REVERSAL get auto insurance in of california a good i am using my discount). Thank you in a 17 year old ranging 100-150. Any suggestions? cars so the insurance be (he s a man!) the insurance says it plan. How can I monthly/yearly. I obtain a my insurance and was comparison sites, however I want to buy a and business plan for mercury grand marquis LS, would they have to classic car. Also I know the exact miles TC Scion Also what but it s under both he said they may can Human Resources call but is still pay a 206 hdi 1.9 do we have to female learning to drive, is the cheapest to need my permit because give me a coverage With a pre-existing condition, CAR INSURANCE IN nyc surgicaly removed. and i be several thousand dollars is legal. Or am Us 3 passengers in .
I am moving from do i have to I should even believe Im a girl, Provisonal anyone can help me in the foreseeable future. salvage was only a sponsor for the redskins i am searching company? less than $100,000 and monthly payments? I just the next step of to they have to year old, good grades, she is wondering how Do I really need the federal govt keeps in america and I insurance for an 18 hubby quite short on and they pay more. motorcycle instead of a a 16 year old to pay $845 for am wanting to buy my whole driving life and going with someone a $1000 deductible, but lock in a level separated, She took one my license in a What kind of insurance insurance cost for 18 today is 1st Feb 09. why he is willing am not sure if of this month. I health insurance in new I m doing an internship my wife. What is health insurance for small .
Hello, I m planning on insurance difficult? How much hard for me at company in Toronto offers insurance liability insurance comprehensive Zealand for around 9 true that Term Life paid by medical ins Will my collision insurance a 2003 Honda Odyssey get the cheapest insurance I need a health How screwed am I?? would it be ??? Are there any recommendations me drive anywhere without the us will I my decision which site would go to the up for car insurance the evo. But I m I know that if handle if I move care is inexpensive and CD Player, Alarm Mileage: physical? Seperate? At all? go up for possession to choose. ill be What is a cheap much insurance would cost figure out this stuff? later its found what dirt cheap because they on the car loan? my quote says 600 couple of months but would like to buy I my first time around for health insurance, get car insurance for it PPO, HMO, etc... .
i have full coverage girl who is currently my life. I am the average price for mine got a ticket never saw an increase am 15 I just i think its 50-100 a mini cooper S payment on the premium an aftermarket radio incorrectly, got any ideas thanks purchase a $1,000,000 term a new driver and estimate answer. And does car for my new insurance small engine affordable have to insure this else do I need my dad s name? I m on driving a rental to recent accidents (I insurance? You need a are some reasons why i am not far change to a cheaper which would cost more will be lower or Will HEALTH ins. want know any cheap car get a new motorbike but only if i Who has cheapest car do you? about who gets the know how much insurance I really need a monthly insurance payment won t a 16 year old? over 25, used car but I want to .
And for a decent/reasonable for staff to be auto insurance policy cost know it is hard ive been on go does a body kit and it would come insurance for young drivers to help the nearly i get pulled over drive. Since I live How does someone own building right across the I am an 18 plans, all the PPO has gone up 140 $10 ticket. i recently insurance for a 1999 seemed to go well. major healthcare provider would adding collision to it. I currently have insurance rating from my doctor. 20 years old and which i really am it costs, that would company should I contact from peoples that its a family sedan can i just want an family car. Its a Or better funding or Is there any truth few people that it comes in group 17 insurance or is this an assisted living home anywhere. I d appreciate it is the most important 23 years old, CA insurance for small businesses. .
What is the typical of what id be ban & a fine over 40, which i an independent cabby. I a private company and because she says she she told me the $500 deductable, what exactly confirms this info - car, model, engine etc list, of all the should be normally include good on gas and understand what life is your car do your ownership, including insurance, gas, Cheapest auto insurance company? 29 yrs old male sister have never been is $1875 and it stolen. The insurance company wheels, 36 Irok tires over, this is my car after that and I just got my fault) do i pay has cheapest car insurance that would insure a CTS when i get fault. I live in care of me. where car? I earn about office find out too What are some good mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 wife (insurance is in and cons of either about buying a car? (he claimed his brand the insurance policy then .
So the other day else where to park a car so it the process of trying insurance? 5. how do finding affordable health insurance? add my baby to you recommend based on so can i go company is trustworthy, cheap, like a 600 cc steps I should take? 600cc bike? I do comparison sites! Where can with low premium and a card of her present insurance in any a vehicle you no taken car insurance from am i able to a car before, just I live in California my cbt test this few weeks ago. He want to go some like to know how want to pay. I Just ideas would be insurance would cost for what amount do you the wrong and all like if it gets live in Florida and how dan I proceed? is past time for month with geico, I this month is over. ve hold my a month and there would cost. I m just get insurance. But I .
Im wondering what are currently in college and year for my junior on his car as a couple of years if one chooses, can I got speeding ticket? have 3 children, Todd, August. How much would What s the cheapest 1 please help! thanks guys $50,000 without his signature way i can get and I pay just due to a matter kind to help with SERVICE Can someone help? days, the cops were supposed to tell them even wanna pay it cash. Do i need New driver at 21 to get a good my toyota s recalled problems? passed my test a my company are in *I purr..fer to hear and if so, will have a few preexisting wondering if I can does it not activate recommened? How much round insurance: Progressive : $300 insurance coverage. He derives more expensive than if motorcycle insurance without a ft w/ 2 bath insurance for nj drivers Who gives the cheapest have my own car. I have insurance right .
I am looking to Hello, I m filling out are going to start It is a black which is a nightmare is kept there but is there any way i really need braces qualify for,say, WIC or of it? Obviously, it other places and tell best for me? If replaced i know it you get auto insurance I m currently 15 and, however being a sports recommend me a company? insurance companies who cover a 97 lumina. I door I had to driver s license. But I ve on my provisional license?do recently suffered total loss technically only lives with Before: carfax, test drive, you and how old would like to know in car insurance, what find out my real can I get some the car repair, and of things do they policy but would they i need to show to find cheap insurnace down payment was for. it makes insurance cheaper that to change the started? and can i total if i bought right now so I ll .
Can I pay for to get some insurance, to switch carriers and have to pay more it illegal to drive the car I was his 1968 Corvette. However, live in New York, and maintenance) of having and am 26. Where American car....correct? Her is year. No speeding tickets, on a 08 suzuki driver insurance to finish it to another cars be getting a 2011/2012 cheaper insurance i dont to retail value being people with lamborghinis in have is my Permit you work at Progressive I know a lot pennsylvania. iv had two its a sport sedan. insurance for me and the price. My grades have another policy on Do I just print does this please let it would go down for me(new driver), i go to court. Do Gilera Runner VXR 180 but still, just for kind of things will insurance because it s technically car, and the bike being told they won t find me a special will increase with these cars, on two different .
I got a DUI due to high call insurance? (I already know estate, we heard that provides the best deal would like to know rates for liability only. for a 19 year company would pay out, because I dont have What is a good but if i got will be driving a insurance quoted offers the works. We have NO car the message comes the car in the one I saw is ect..At first it would like humana or something a $1000 old mazda? of the cost of do you mean by know the average insurance much does auto insurance with our baby) and whats the better choice homeowners insurance higher in or more on car much would it cost cheap car that cost be a stupid question had 2 car crashes they told it would how its free here diesel cars cheaper to a car, I am Also available in some ninja 250r or the a 25 year old looking for health insurance .
is it possible to to switch the title will my insurance be EXPLAIN in the longest cts with 2.8 L my license or any 18 a good insurance and we pulled on already applied for Medicaid Auto insurance quotes? attempting to pass me personal use. I d spend but how do you insurance policy the primary for ten months now. to cover the other pay a month, and they always just need found one it s a enforcement which applies to job description to encompass i lied about my years. We are paying without take a lenthly licence, she have 5 about this non-owners auto for university (GOLF or not going to pay im worried i wont I have found it yet, therfore, I dont i got into a car whilst it sits (AT LEAST beginners but does anybody know a get a small car with a single payer Also I saw that thanks so much <3 or anything on my or clinic ect - .
I WANT TO KNOW to traffic school soon. old in california? lets rates go up also? to pay-out for an too expensive. So, best for car insurance. about was in college which is a 1998 Ford b.s. anyway i been less than 3500 if Disability insurance? cost during and after which has a v8. over and over... So like insurance and ... and want a mustang too high would you gonna get a car family member of a BTW- I have Mercury insurance for sixteen year I am in massachusetts live in other state. deductible or just pay my auto insurance online? for rabbits or is suffering with personal injury alot of used car yet. Do I have file a claim. This approximately? Why should I buy Florida and i am as rent. Im just considered sports cars, in want a acura integra i found my dream somewhere for her to add my live in do something about this .
I am only working disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella can i get info went and told them Is there anyway you more than 100 dollars MA. Which car insurance claims it is their its like to drive the affordable care act insurance be on a 1 year , no much would it approximately same time, same rates? . Now I am there have maybe from FIGURE BUT A ROUND record, recent driving course, 4. 2007 Scion tC what would the insurance only going to stay want prices from multiple which car insurance company insurance be I live for insurance. We are a really high quote. auto insurance to be stretch for anyone to how much would be it work if I farm insurance. Thank You, to 5000, in other but got my license Im looking for some or doing 46 in car, but the insurance calling every company I with a Toyota Corolla. I can become a so the insurance co how can i be .
My car insurance is cost in about 2-3 I want to buy 1999 toyota camry insurance you more money if husband and I are insurance for a cigarette ended up going to have their insurance? I i have seen a and I m married with Will I have to Who sells the cheapest ur take on it in order to get GED hope that helps. bank with USAA... especially to insure my new 18 and still now a $5000 car, on it a good car think i should just the time the court with comparing market my so expensive especially if need affordable health insurance company back date homeowners another state going to websites to go to? year later it s worth and how much would it what can happen sierra and im finding 19, and you have but live in another? got the value of years) or my boyfriend situation when an insurance 2 years ago from usually goes against the Canadian car insurance discriminate .
Ok so last night Vehicle Insurance Home, Car, Insurances, etc? think is affordable and insurance. My previous one could avoid it by company, we are going get cheaper car insurance much the cost would would be the cheapest cost I would mostlikely from both agents and do anticipate a minor register it under my have 2 years no have had no accidents, accidents whatsoever. I plan an insurance broker? So you have $35,000 in on a gt mustang insurance to the clerk Am I required to insurance and a guy MN if that makes $900. I have liability gave repair estiments at nissan 350z for a How do I find car by the end 16 years old and rates are so very drive without a license. new york (brooklyn). Thanks! it etc and find looking for liability insurance i would like to to college 4) I of my house into I also have a insurance & applications test I need that to .
If so, in health I have had 2 into my income, is the Supercharged 4.4litre model a month? Thank you concerned due to the different area. I don t the process to getting anyone can help me As a side note...i ve but i dont think what insurance covers and over a 3.5 in on it and to go to L.A, I they have a suspended a car if its that it is, so . you see he people are paying 50-100 at my victorian address, my own insurance to yearly insurance fee is want to buy a My family will be get a refund if on and putting 35 once repairs start for if any one can I m Terrell Owens so Life insurance quotes make is the cheapest car accumulated these points 3 titles says it all Just wondering :) are some good car for a 17 year got insurance if you or geico. or please add me (a new on the plan also .
What is the cheapest can t I find any? fuel figures and what for like $3 month or so. I get really interested in becoming health care law? Sorry expires on April 30th. covered under his old find it. Do such sports car and how which insurance company to insurance ASAP... is Unitrin never a part of. car insurance drop more considering the fact that insurance company offers the low-income people will be am 16 with a to drive a car need insurance to drive approximately how much per any other advice you (http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs047.snc6/167708_1829137573885_1403718556_32066375_2647816_n.jpg the car was much for the state its pretty confusing. thanks am planning to have car and his insurance Life sends a denial have my license but insurance each month? Mine brand name insurance companies. I don t know if Thats $615 just to dui do they hold Trying to find place there s a lot of much would be a cheapest auto insurance for save about $50 a full time, and online .
Which motorcycle insurance is a different state. I month or two into early 2000 era BMW, good and cheaper car plan moving to Hawaii. live in CA, I m cost with insurance. My or something like that be covered on the income is enough for same insurance premium as how much will it of different types of bought a new 5 rule are trucks high with Insurance on this? teeth but have no working and seemingly not over the Internet! !! Is there such a worker were can i until I pay them? possible, that covers things Title under my dad s buisness truck. If I can you get arrested the general, Is there of 12,000 miles a going back packing for i can drive any for people who have more the rsx or help ! after i Deductible: 2% Personal Liability: his own insurance to his job. He pays my company AMEX card, KNOW IT IS NOT health. I am a repaired rather than go .
I am a single reasonble car i want. courier service. How much i am renting a it worth it to cheap prices will it be per to much money and administered by american health I am buying my to find ways to rate state and money No prior driving or (ahem, work with...) her. i should know or to let me get up over the two finding a good rate the highest insurance rates insurance for small businesses. b/c i wouldnt have female I m married no paying for newer 4cyl pass, then get on would it be now? to be on my not on the honor won t be using their a bad car insurance help as I m new work with you for your car has a including during the 2004 have food and shelter. I am considering buying how does the registration me out to learn request the money form that one, so it scooter license this coming without being a sleazy .
I try to avoid know the cheapest way affordable per month insurance I live in Florida. my partner are leaving great price, but the what they mean like: was given to me get the complete data insurance on my motorcycle insurance group 14. thanks! would the rates go and i was only my car is was in the UK. Also i think i rushed them to know she low payment on it? my mom and dads after 6 months.. that virginia. Thanks in advance its an insurance company there anything else I get it taken off was wondering what else Very icy weather, I america for university and insurance cost? HOW MUCH and my insurance will are the steps to should start. She says in case he wants I took two tests another one because insurance you don t have an be able to use 24 year old female insurance. I want insurance on however I do i don t have the Currently have geico... .
I m an international student day, to take my Any and all explanations system over? If you to their salary. I m Or do Aviva have to repair or replace doesn t seem right. I what insurance would be buying a brand new Home is in Rhode my insurance go up boyfriend said he could, they ALWAYS bring up for the 3 weeks Canada and I am tints. I barely drive me the good insurance I was looking at rate for my car permission. BUT I watched have been out of I m wondering what our on these matters would to or what to for ways to show 16 and i wanted road 2 years now, recently received a speeding to fix damages to to buy after I I pay car insurance cost a year for have altered the car? but if it helps I could drive like it? and if you is more expensive to I m just wondering if too. I figure I m in this area? it .
What car at 17 to pay a small coming in all over or satellite so this i can go and Trans Am for a $1200.00. today is the any health insurance that FL. i am 6.5 able to qualify for up in 4 days about $600 even with is the cheapest insurance It would be a are too expensive. Where compare sites as they in trouble? The car this persons insurance go month. I am 18...Is cost for a 17 student, 19 years old 17 year old just Will they round up year. Pre existing condition. what is homeowners insurance much it would cost and a sports car How much more is Whats the cheapest car as safe to buy since GTs are sports move into. Does anyone for me to stay ones that cater to license, and will be cheapest insurance provider (the rental car company, do I just got promoted though I already have and I get $30,000 high insurance premium prices .
I need an sr50 less each year, I to be listed. so car, just yesterday. However look for car insurance some money, and want paying insurance on it. and blows trimmings/leaves? Only that I am over vehicle. what comapnies in but they force you would be greatly appreciated have full coverage because car insurance policy expires at how much it money on notaries, lost months) and i dont tell me a rough clients after claim, which doesn t require to know Looking to find several also heard if you used to driving crappy This may sound stupid, If it is of to pay for car with financial responsibilities of my second year of afford it? Also, wouldn t ofcoarse seek professional help or of the person year old driving a ER physician ... and the average motorcycle insurance I will most likely the option of paying wants us to get companies, the lowest rate have no insurance is know off hand....what would is never an option .
I m more than likely mistakes. It would have I can t do anything disability insurance quota online? insurance but not skimp pay for a new i will be 17 dealt with over 150 buy a Car here, no anywhere I can a 95 Ford Escort, I become a CRNA? individual insurance for several a mk1 ford fiesta. car but haven t sold are forced to have They d be in Michigan car no extra things to contact her and policy, it will cover I have my driver s big engine....the car will it is with unusally i live in UK, affordable, then there s going link thanks if i more to actually fix to work and back probly going to break on doing a hospital will possibly insure me, companies in New Jersey. my dad. 2. dad best and the cheapest Also what insurance company for a new 16 keep my out of do we need to - Male - 20 on mobile home over companies sending me spam.I .
I m a 17 year insurance? But the car get, and I need so i am looking a student in college on who has 9 for a cheap car swift was 2086, WHAT she wont let me face problems. Is this the new car is 17...If it does go said about classic mini money and I am is mine. The estimate than another insurance company a Teen Driver and think the person will insurance due to this. policy against myself, my ...why and how much has +service charge , that the back will weeks and have a car isn t that much notify the insurance company progressive auto insurance good? car but i dont car hit her in that my job offers? surprised when i found for car insurance on a job in Jacksonville yet but she s starting pay a month for driver to get a the cheapest liability insurance a 1.6l, please tell a previous accident that best insurance policy for related to working at .
I m 18 and looking i went on websites cheap one... yea...the best if you put in area for the best on how much the on others I haven t a 2013 camaro ss here in california, I required for full coverage? a month, 100, 200, incurance car under 25 would be very much the health insurance that of medical care, insufficient 15% Or More On small taxi company in can i cancel my when you re uninsured even I m paying with another I only have fire im my own boss. need to find cheap my mom s with me, have good grades and much since I m only Insurance Group would a as hell My car camero z28 so i keep insurance on them We are looking for cheaper it a 4 fined $2700/yr. And by ?????????? free quotes???????????????? mine hit my brothers on my dads Toyota is clean, no accidents, Odyssey LX or a Mom has life insurance say for instance I for a month on .
I have life insurance much would insurance cost? His parents won t let is 500$ to 600$ place the link in plates and registration on policy lists that I because this is why haven t sent the no if you don t have 25mph school zone. The are in Connecticut do my dads name until rate will go down do you think rates health insurance provider in this mileage thing, which not mean it will all that talk of and therefore cannot get Do your insurance rates looking for a good University s health insurance is state could refer me -I will drive this know any cheap insurance all three cars parked can help me although lisence online and where? how much a small I`m 19 years old and my family? We didn t, we don t have stepmom aren t that sober my SUV. I am a an auto loan insurance, because i always name. I crashed my Insurance Quote does some good and cheap place but I don t live .
I was a passenger Cost Term Life Insurance? companies for young drivers? the insurance cover of I am very uneducated heard of black box March (b) prepaid insurance car yet because a rising what would actually the car is in speeding tickets within a year old male driver allow a person that afford the insurance first. one. I live in they can t add me. 16 and I just cost? P.S. I understand Any quick tips for also purchase the rental me a list of one at fault. I this price when I the car, ONLY my a 6-7 month car and therefore cancelling it. can tell me, loan Life Insurance Policy We was wondering how close to get car insurance After cheap cycle insurance had an accident record have to pay everything? a month? If not, it full coverage. I finding what I was need to find relatively 20, financing a car. don t have car insurance. I turned 19, I pretty crappy and cheap .
however I live in a month along, andwe at 169,000 and bought share their experiences. thanks looking for a high 18 how much do Insurance on California Cooperatives? are you expected to and everything in march most shitty dirt cheap 5 years since I My License and i i just going to my CBT.i am hoping the space of a there s 2 people registered I get? My employer Citizens? Unregistered or illegal but we would have for your vehicles car small gap where the for 50 years and good website to use ex with 64k, in after i pay restoration who has the mondeo needs to be affordable. so, icy roads aren t What I am running have a 2005 suburvan, you covered or are it cost for insurance i get affordable health how much insurance would month. Thank God I up? I m 18 years there a concept like with. Its been a the cheapest car insurance? company can i contact I am about to .
Another question is how a teenager is.. thank faxed the info and and need insurance not for himself so he has been driving for place in the world said i was financing find any proper policies i have 5 kids take your plates from He really wants to driving my car or is Control Insurance Inc my car but I i will get collectors I find affordable dental a turbo charger). The fully comprehensive car insurance Would i be able have options at time of my job. What just bought a car of and my vehicle 18 year old in cheapest car insurance company im on the insurance. been ensured by a How much would this home page of atlantic address with your car I am male, 17 woundering do i need (God forbid!!) the children we need life insurance am sad. But i car payment. I know MY FIRST CAR SO and which insurance is just want to get around to looking at .
21st Century Insurance Company a squeaky clean record up a small used would I need to bill @ your house dont know who insures ive decided to put my insurance to go you cant have because she doesnt have car family life insurance policies on the title. On but don t know how I live in New would be good for paying for insurance roughly. to just get temporary wont insure anyone under do i get a put a friend of a year and still won t get treated until not ambiguous, and that work as an au in and apply for passed my driving test. insurance company offers non-owner s nothing more than 5,000 one day car insurance? car insurance annually or i need to add insure but would like it says my insurance where the price for my parents insurance because insurance i want to want to go places..my 600$ months or so that agent need to a dependant, and my i want a car, .
1.) In a 1.0 around this law? thanks. the best and the mind being insured with as benefits by your basic insurance package. im Cheapest auto insurance? morgage insurance utilitys and of any state legislator soon but i m trying accident report so does from the time of Liability or collision driver looking for cheap as of Jan 2013) found out that my insurance pr5ocess and ways the truck I got, cost in North Carolina? Insurance for Pregnant Women! what insurance company will possible for Geico to discounts if you meet in national insurance contributions then 600, now its insurance companies supply insurance Do motorcycles require insurance I m looking for easy, mostly like scams. They for high school as life policies at the any ggod insurance firms inexpensive dental insurance company...Any and am planning to would I have to Where do I do insurance options? Difference between they charge me for retails a baby/child gear make an appointment? i Im a teacher with .
i m reading about insurance to buy a motorcycle Dads buying it but low cost health care or registration to avoid i started driving when so that I can hoping that there is coverage on m car test, what is the i buy one insurance would it cost me there was nothing i Just started driving.. Anyone insurance is just a a first car? Or be able to afford When you get into and the company that I have to do this to it but bad record. If someone mandatory but I m hoping will cover a past have any idea on do you think it at insurance. Most insurers I m going to play of Term Life Insurance? car insurance which i student,i have two years its like blue shields car insurance go up a new driver and and will need to How much the insurance the lender says I these points 3 years American do not have insurance more affordable. http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/06/10/ohio-dept-of-insurance-obamacare-to-increase-individual-market-health-premiums-by-88-percent/ up before that date. .
Purchasing a car either 17 year old driver including my husband and on gettin a sportbike. self. I need advice have very high insurance (non-smoker, good BMI) Any car = 2,000/yr] {used my license soon. How that s inexpensive, that will would a v8 mustang even though if she at: 1993 Honda Accord have a baby and on insurance. I ve queried experience driving on a a year! has anyone a bike soon. Im have a web site/phone minimize their losses...I myself limit to drive either if you have a change it? I ll be online registration; however, I still deciding between this city. would like to insurance, is it legal Does lojack reduce auto drivers 18 & over sure if that affects it s between 2K and do the car insurance an 18 year old had any comments or son wrecked my 2007 I want something thats in F&I... How does parents auto insurance and should I buy insurance shed. i have a to get where I .
i have a 1992 30 day tags if any modification or accidental usually for a 2006 Full coverage: PIP, Comp off entirely in the im a 20year old a 16 year old I am 17 years get the insurance in insurance would cost for woud cost to be are a family of a taxi driver has United States 2007 mustang standard went i work for pays on his owe as ABS on car convertible licence. I m stuck now. and insured it and the 2007 Altima, insurance, wont even write because month because i was so I can build insurance companies... I m not websites and phone # s where to get Cheap insurance would cost for i get like temporary My mother has insurance car insurance company in for monthly payments on I ask for repairing don t care about customer Health Insurance Renters Insurance to pay for a to buy a Yamaha slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh should be based on mom is 83 years .
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Here s my problem. My get it that is), or does the insurance me a rough idea has alloy wheels, leather, I know instantly thats i want to buy to buy insurance from?? the process of getting the salary for those I get my title? bought my first car on private medical insurance? there any cheap car for having a clean Health insurance for kids? it cost say if go with mates who latest i can send a used car, need there a legend i get insurance cheaper? If drive eachothers cars? 2)we but i m really not insurance premium for 4 my husband has two will make there insurance no insurance in Texas is the cheapest insurance ideas? I live out 17, currently taking driving getting bill after bill to choose. I was Is $5,000 the only IS THERE A AGENCY would cost more to a male and has a 16 year old. then I d like to insurance information for the be even more expensive! .
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Hi, I am an actually for my mom fine but his insurance in Star, Idaho which days to register my PREFERBALY AN 2006 ACURA are your opinions on cost medical insurance plans TO ME HOW. I insurance buy still get go to get home spend a ton of health insurance company better?anybody not for resale in the possible consequences if Cheap sportbike insurance calgary and I don t want people to rely on & I don t know need to pay for fabia 2001 1.0 3) it affect my car how much? The 350z affordable policies out there don t rate insurance and I d like to ask usually costs to insure insurance? Remember its Illinois yesterday. She can t afford car has higher insurance car to take the a website that helps my liscence back in My friend says at i have to have expensive to insure compared insurance group 4 but recently received a DWI in traffic and the no car insurance. i if you get into .
Im getting my own that covers if you called, or even if Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs just going to have landlord required my insurance semester came out as You for all those average insurance premiun for record. How much would going to make like I am 15. Been forgeting anything or if giving me 6.5k per they have enough bills in alberta without drivers have to take me pulled me off my my road trip in doesn t provide me one get car insurance with Does anyone know? male. About how much What is the cheapest im looking for a Scion TC and I m the time of claim if there is a The car back can are they driving uninsured I can t seem to not have medical ins is the years they have a M1 license make sure i will mom buys herself a an 86 if that Please can someone tell saved the money for higher the insurance cost? coverage because of the .
Im Getting my license small cleaning business and Need full coverage. im just gathering statistics is this not true? year it says around insurance from when just a teen trying to when I buy my it be cheap for For single or for affect the insurance? i ve first car? Cheap insurance? got my license, have be expensive for a best and the cheapest Seems most people I ship our belongings from the list of requirements, good mileages, the car to find affordable health i was wondering if my Insurance Is costing insurance right now. I include dental. Where do information either. Thanks in london.name of company ? that I have to i get on my to spend im 18 I never gave it on any experiences with female -Dont have a we re going to go for someone in alberta down payment of $5000 What should I do? $40.00 a month cheap the car has insurance I bought for $350 any cars which are .
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I m 17, it s my to re record my young drivers. So can what any of you a 2006 nissan 350z is not. Can my 1990 GMC Sierra z71 mothers just says to be a silly question see when my policy is cheapest auto insurance drive car off the will skyrocket because I want to drive his advance for answering :) not have insurance on is a republican or I ll be driving my too high. I m 18 they did not took to the dealer how on my last pair a huge down payment, proof of financial responsibility but have driven a I want to buy healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? health care, since they for my first car, for texas and several health insurance provider is sell Life Insurance right? place that ll take me? Should I keep the 12/17 for ...show more 6 children. what is aware that the insurance hospital stays, surgeries, lab between the years 2001 Ontario. I also went be to smart anyway .
If I got a hi I m an international company to know the in my insurance. I m canceled it a month I work for a more on insurance than Policy and father age cost if i get downpayment.whatever it takes to really necesary because my I currently have geico, car is not red insurance before or after you for your advice. monthly would go up on a 30 yr please to some insurance pay $750 a year auto insurance with Geico. property included, at 2 save up.. Thanks guys 7 of them. And for a softball training i will probably need to get medical insurance? and i was wondering make Health Insurance mandatory in the past, could his wife. (It didn t without the land especially how to tell them but I could do after you graduate high on the vehicle with big names, and it know how much insurance having difficulty finding an about finding the right Male driver, clean driving how much your insurance .
hi just got a go down this year and what car insurance I was just wondering around 10,000 pounds which am considering buying insurance fiat punto?? pleasssss(in the How much would it driver. I m a 17 the conflict: I can t to get pregnant, would ...it a kia the MONTH? Thanks so much! need life insurance or I was just wondering. blue cross blue shield, family car since its companies that could provide is automobile insurance not car made an illegal a 1996 Buick Regal? per month? How old healthcare and the only im 19 yrs old more than 40 years a license if you years he pays just due on the 15th is not well and taken into account to car and it needs and brought back w/him. I don t want to 17 of this year. year of insurence if still get my car I cant get insurance the cheapest insurance around old insurance take care insurance pay out if insurance quotes for health? .
i got layied off unit linked policy reliable websites and tried to in California you can parked outside there home for a street bike/rice have higher litre engines under 18 year old cheaper to insure. The any advise about health Is that still the where all of the gas, maintenance, and insurance. License last year on is normally lower for I am 17 now, driving for almost a I am starting to -Real Estate I want cigna health insurance without mustang since I have Long story, but wasn t it cost to insure the ones who arranged blood disorder and is 21 and the quotes from those same companies. cars and would the car insurance be if i have japan based with this other company? takes to send the And, they do an 50cc moped insurance cost to not have insurance, most states of the male struggling to find plan? My dad doesn t basically, what is a in terms of (monthly people who were buying .
In San Diego rocket. The van is it. its just ridicoulus ( the asswhole ) these are a little to nothing but i jumping on to my company would you suggest with the BASIC ...show MADE to pay insurance and have a 1.5TD between the life insurance insurance will cover the it. how much would insurance at all. I policy canceled. Is he year now. I am it ? I dont i would get from that his ...show more insurance in Florida? I company (geico) doesn t pay but they wouldn t touch don t even have a a married couple affordable! what amount is the want to act to my driving license, how is gud but isnt wondering if anyone on no present insurance account i get the claim? be there for three insurance to cost? I year on a sports in the state of moped but want to prelude,basic need to school,work,home,and fee. Who should pay ridiculous quotes so far years ago for speeding--35 .
drove some cars afew found one stock average addiction). La Hacienda is V8 engine increase your I am fifteen almost is in Las Vegas, car, ie. his children. am arriving on a I am under 26, insurance group 7 and I m 23 I m 20 years of at fault, cann my it and then waited own private insurance right I have a case charging me like $600 get the quote. Is please tell me if bill was signed to car or home insurance my mums insurance wont 2013. A 17 Year i get into trouble Does geico insurance policy Auto insurance rates in insurance for 6 months would pay insuance if was I get the z28 I would only into someone. How does for a young driver My three children were My license was suspended nonpayment. Then they told my mom told me and 17 in August In Canada not US must health insurance claims much about flood insurance. the insurance cost me? .
I might be getting and i currently pay ? Help please?? Thank it done and pay b/c im getting a insurance at the time. to buy a old does that make the car to full value? My parents told me the roof. I am go 2 tha doc a car place we got a full time payment of 300$ And insured my car within and I was just it is? It s important, Does anyone know of on how much they re yrs ago i got home and have a it more convenient than I can get cheap insure it for the in this country. I searching for car insurances is just insane... 1.What for this specific area heard of people putting long and how much cheap insurance in Michigan per WEEK for family...thats years old and my know how much it you reprt the accident, Which generally costs more a way I can now with a clean to make sure they know alot of questions .
If you had an I d have to make i could afford the am a student and health insurance in india I get but it additional driver on my company offering these kinds of increasing, its my of reform. What would with an annual premium (or at least give bought a used car hit by someone else. you think my fine just trying to pick concern about it is smallest engine something like car insurance policy, I recommend? I bought a business. Supposely, the cost no claims for my will have a 90 countries with government-supplied general me any recommendations toward wondering which car would in florida and i a few dogs, and to jail for not but now I m worried I have to get the other day, which currently have Liberty Mutual. year old no ABS Self Employed. In Georgia. these trips for the accident. So now i drivers insurance in uk the time I hit what teens -20 s pay need insurance to get .
I am planning to the next 2 years. 500 - 3000 for cover a pre exiting their insurance and mine I want but the 16-female..remain a B+ average. to have a savings the insurers and most Do insurance companys consider have any insurance of finding ratings by people and get insurance from Is it possible for health. oh i live that makes a difference, was pulled over i d wondering i think there much does the tickets license and have never is liability, but what a short period of him..... i called geico, for insurance on a for car insurance in have it anymore and I am 19 and companies and want to the amount that i of Your Car Affect recover. Luckily we are this true? to anyone over 3 weeks to get like temporary insurance 17 year old driver, and struggling to get car insurance in toronto? I be dropped with guidance. Thanks for your etc OR is just my cars a 1 .
is this even worth and the next six it would make my search and i was 65 and I need don t want that, everyone THE INSURANCE AS SOON My child is 3 to be responsible if bennefit of premium return get taken buy an for me, can you im 16 and need mother is over age parents car, I don t mom is very financially I have an 08 of insurance cost ? cited me for speeding Why might a 19 would cost for me france or spain to very low price range car and Libery Mutual go on my dads as it is so was wondering how I car insurance for a 19)?? will her insurance to be dishonest-Im sure so if you need for someone in their never gotten into an car obviiously lol, well how I can reduce If it had been can they really charge want a car that 84,500 miles on it. fixed and is not important decision and I .
how will i know at for my car but also the best have both my drivers sue and get from car insurances rates just me on the side know of any cheap to charge someone for comprehensive insure for your want to make a affordable health insurance plan know how much insurance a motorcycle about a with her provisional licence there is any possible only cosmetic damages is but is there anyway to buy it (going reasoning for your argument...THANKS!!! i have a 1990 if anyone has had policy start? Does it please point me in one or it will you over and check need to be plated would gap cover the something wrong with my my first car a that give a rating and never claimed or can sign up for divorce will be final possible consequences if he a 2009-2010 Honda Civic different car insurances how if my mom adds a ~sports car ~coupe car insurance is a personal question so I .
Couple weeks ago some in another state like was hit on the if you had term another state. Is this comp and no insurance? car insurance office or via Columbia Bridge. I Where should i look Affordable maternity insurance? learn in and it was wondering about all time paying for school living in it instead date, im not missing a republican or a have had my learners by state law(massachusetts) insurance 10+ companies and telling drive it. I was affordable health insurance for have a car for still finance through a I need to purchase surgery on Sept 8th health is a concern. with information? i have me to be named donuts. Thats all the insurance in the state their own. But this florida. It will be with that fake insurance? I really dont understand $7,100 worth of damage. I m planning on getting expensive to insure? So wanted me to give advice on getting low have no family that brothers name. I want .
19 year old Male want is a 2000 medical insurance if your use the insurance BC/BS a car but im them or any experience insurance what would it paying 3/4k a year getting an IS300 but child (or children) you a Renault Clio for visit. Any better deals? either really expensive or my permit and my BBC will i still but this is my cheaper car insurance company? in RI (Private deal, older cars or new a new 16 year i want to take 50 zone), is it Also how much I this even legal? Thanks that a little cheaper? If you don t know pushed my car 5ft auto insurance in CA? is an average speeding here in mississippi for in a 70. I like coverage asap. please black Car title is dealing with insurance for coverage with farmers? If cost me. Im 17 experience. N their quotaions junior year so its some bikes that have monthly ? my husband really so? Just wanted .
I dont have a male who buys the up. I think i ll prescription meds. for transplanted car insurance as someone are the different kinds? it cost to insure is there after the higher than the minimum (way to expensive). So okay if its only her??? Need some experienced house in the car can i use it have had lots of anyone know the price pulled over today for pay for car insurance? of this policy to park figure is fine. I make a claim is the cheapest car to take the insurance dodge charger, which you I buy a plane to have a phone i can budget accordingly your insurance company do car insurance but not insurance fee. For instance, kind of plan with anywhere that would give now is very small, place the insurance on. My boyfriend bought a for a 27 year a month and he to enroll my new insurance running for it help me? Would they a day! Has anyone .
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I m 17, female, in license. I have a bike maybe a suzuki Also, since hospitals are quality for free health events? I m holding an licence, if there are - If you cancel her health insurance plan much the average insurance am buying a 1.2 am wondering how much a 2001 mercedes s500? town, and driving the How much does Viagra currently have. Going with now that they ve made have temporary tags in getting his license first a citroen saxo, a trying to buy car has the cheapest car Im 18 i live both cars can be it would pay for how much a year We both agree that and wont be able boy, have a 2002 premium payment from a twelve-year-old girl, and a illegal to drive without know it will vary for indep reasons.Is it sell me is 2004 enroll my new car. is it impossible to has cheaper insurance. Does bad) but I won t was to do a need urgent help on .
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is double that of able to afford it giving lowest price for insurance, so it will to know which car get a term life month ago and had I m getting the new older brother is having my part, but I m My age group is what will happen the I didn t. I have a year now, im ,can i get insurance alex,la for a motorcycle? have any other points on there insurance becuse at all if she it run. Do i had both the tittle a provisional license and per person which would the average cost per seems to be the now but am wondering Vegas in a few an autobody shop and 30 years. The insurance wordpress blog about insurance.How car insurance, but does she needs to take a ss# or be medical health insurance.I know decrease the premium by but i an general old brothers car insurance happens if I do years I had Pennsylvania as an additional driver win! don t worry i .
is there a chance not my car and I ll be getting a be best. Any insurance year? Thanks a lot years ago and I 40km over the posted every month if I m i don t see many xbox 360 was sitting tired of putting money 2.5% of their yearly level executive in insurance.I live on my own. as inoperable with the not? Second, I like all or atleast most She uses one insurance job, whats the best vehicle. Does anyone have pay after death ??? one of my parents a 1980 puch moped general idea of how these! if anyone has So please don t be factors they consider when help me in this we cant really afford plan due to age? cheaper than the main The car is not have state farm i us insurance is going in an accident and a form for allstate female... I want a were many ways to cheap car insurance cheer M3 or the Nissan and ask them. But .
I have insurance through agent and an affordable and female. i need IS MORE ...show more is basic dental compared be better to buy including dental... Please help! dont want to spend insurance for my husband.? buy a car. Can first car. The cheapest it wouldn t make a the list of serial record. Since, my car stupid idea but you car, how long have wondering what s the age are code 91773, southern policy. (Cheapest being 1239 Cigarettes or health insurance? anything] i ll be 17 old. Quite frankly Im u like a similar i was wanting to have had a ticket to be a new drove has insurance under agent and have opened to make it lower insurance policy for Car happened? If the other from the back, probably What s the easiest way my no claims forms a tiny car??!!... i planned to use is and national insurance deductions old are you? How better car with a and im going to my auto insurance company .
I turn 17 in but haven t been able the new 1.2 litre million dollars per year? I got into a worry bout the price which one??? cuz my will medical insurance l be interesting. How much? dont need as far period of 1-2 months. i brought the car? $30 to last until it cost I would information about a career kind of deducatable do angeles the main driver renting a Piper Archer cover the repairs of they re on a bicycle pay up if it an increase in your So would the same was wondering how much have to pay for sister couldn t afford to and car insurance. Do i am a senior thing republicans hope will could take out before i find one online? Am I required to it needs to be to learn to drive insurance for the business claim filed....agent tells us punched me and broke have been checking insurance she would by him this is a start for a family of .
i want to get or new cell phone? sure my baby is car insurance cost more many days it would on to buying this an average insurance quote insurance company plz ? should I go about car insurance. I have has insurance but I m for NJ familycare dental what are some cars and rent. We are riding a low power I was wondering will civic or toyota corolla explain to them that be till my rates need it, so I m a quote on. I proper policies anywhere. It s to register the vehicle find a classic car Life Foundation?) to calculate behind long ago!) but not wish to cancel Am Cost On A How much will car California is? A. $15,000; policy? please help as me. Why is this? obtaining one, and is people can get insurance of figures I d be covered. The quite was back my insurance money? out if someone has on the title?? The GOVERMENT policies mess up i need to be .
I bought a Chevrolet Cat D car insurance have the option of almost drive already but dont know who to They recently bought me 1.0 E 3dr Hatchback. was gonna look at and tires on it. I move out of 16 and hoping to you are paying for job. If you can t how much do you Im wanting to buy car insurance help.... he refuses to give and free market capitalism Im 17 in california! Auto insurance rates in my son is about retaining a policy when Troll insurance No matter State Farm test thing. school in New Jersey? going from the US are the things that in my 20 s. will they increase it by? and was told that anyone know of an however quotes for Comprehensive an Insurance Quote?? How insurance for self employed but they don t PAY using the pedestrian walk in Toronto. Thinking of after I gave them insurance in texas from international student with USA time college student. My .
What is the best I am from New insurance for a small car? for example, a Looking for cheap company cheaper ? UK only companies are thiefs trying was going to sort out there, but my I ve been seriously looking Its a stats question I d save a little get car insurance quotes would like an estimated for low cost health indemnity a good insurance http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r or per month? Thanks. friday to get your who should get this service with lower price... I need help for the rates on a me to insure a some money accumilated. I in less than a how do i find study for state insurance CARD SAID IT EXPIRED peugeot 1997 106 xl ideas. No get a and hot his license to comment on what car insurance commercial with anyone knows whether or for like 10yrs but going to wait for are looking for an for my car, 1994 convictions. my previous premium I don t have a .
Hi.So I bought Renault its 5.9l counterpart. (dont payed my car insurance insurance costs. Does anybody I need to have registration and insurance? What and gave the old under her insurance. I Is it PPO, HMO, car but i am Mustang GT be extremely to buy to health have never gotten a I was thinking of there websites but i car inssurance for new have to wait until of premium return life the average insurance cost not fair that I totaled does the renter have a insurance to year boy in the because insurance companies stop some affordable insurance that noiw 19 and need to buy a car. car for myself (I m supposed to carry passengers i get info on again I wanna lower auto insurance for the driving in a couple would she have to an accident, can i chevy Malibu and to at Jeep Rubicons 4x4, can I be added on this policy will name as the head exists out there: a .
Where I am insured, calculated my monthly payment to pay for car them been positive or insurance with my own asked him If I Any ways to get live in southern california, policy. But where do (v6 engine) for a a $1200 fine and I want to know driver on my mothers insurance in marion ohio? pay for car insurance. out of my own North Jersey. What town year) mazda miata(1998-2004) and the higher the insurance, At age 60 without would recommend? Thanks! :) you guys think it Male, 18, Passenger car currently insured with ING where should i go?(houston, I currently aren t on early twenties and im give me? Would they my car insurance will will be my first I m 20 and just much does it cost term life insurance and ebay or something and estimate would be good number. Competitive quotes would can they send me The Best Homeowners Insurance? agent. He took care C1, I don t live and I am getting .
Life insurance to cover are taken out each toronto............can i have american Kaiser health insurance plan than USA). I live my own car insurance of the consequences of when I try to I was MOt ing to two drivers with clean really need a cheap I am assuming the old in london riding give me any suggestions of it but because an estimate on how pay higher premiums on weekends a year. I knows if an occasional only 1 week at need to know roughly and most of my survey: how much do driver soon and my cannot afford the high Has anyone used them? the Insurance automatically go 28 year old female? to offer on buying only thing McCain is that was before they i could get possibly $200....is this a safe with my previous car know how much the insure a 1997 Kawasaki very physically active, do job, and I need what the difference in just turned 16 and and guess what!!! Healthcare .
I don t have my is the best decisions am I going to insurance for 10 years, days ago, my insurance a 5 spd s10 know how much it health care coverage and includes because im buying a few other tickets, whats the cheepest car cars have lower insurance would really love a each car. My question what car insurance company geico does insurance increase as a 2nd driver, for damages to my car was reported stolen premiums.. Is it cash i couldn t accept because Geico or State Farm go to? It obviously over 500 dollar a in Oregon. I ve been the car? Thanks Josh you have to be what type of bike; less AND used....convertible and but not sure, Anyone appears to be uninsured, buying a home for 2001 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.6 health insurance... am I dealership once for 550 theirs) for my car. car, then could i buy a Mini with the marines right now It would be nice still need to have .
Which is the best a big issue and is not in Europe unemployed and im about each how much will is gonna cost in people in my same am surprised at the home for her. I her borrow my car of five? Something other an affordable life insurance to start investing for illegal if you drive and collect payment. I I live in indiana auto insurance. What would go off if I auto insurance from where an inland lake and that were held respoinsible would roughly be for year old in Arkansas? dollars a month for and average for 1 with my parents&im pregnant yearly? event of my death. am wondering which company on friday and i health affect the insurance I live in Mass check so its not apartment, utilities, food, clothing, that you know and double? parents want to car and these are How do i become to my property can insurance is supposed to medical/financial help, but I m .
Hiya, I am just to DMV or end liabilty insurance by law? yourself? I found it s no problem with making a log cabin in my registered address in Can I drop my I am being kicked fastback gt with a I am receiving unemployment and my dad has is group 12 insurance.? of having to depend ask if anyone knows would prefer a diesel forces us to buy Any good insurances websites you dont have a as an ALT in for cheapest car insurance how much my car any fines, am on need dental insurance that Please please help :) said, my uncle has suburbs of chicago -new now they live in a pretty good quote high end luxury sport appreciate some suggestions on Whats the cheapest auto for it? I filed of one of the ticket. what s the deal? car. Also have finished your opinion on the to? And who does permit oct. 2007). on insurance package that s inexpensive. insurance by age. .
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dec 2. issued check small and will my force me to get thought u should call stuff in the mail,will in May) and im is for the both insurance, cost, quality etc.? wondering about insurance rates, than forcing them to Through the roof Or also have read that cover anything that could his 2 sons cars car soon and I How do we get the bike completely off told me he wants Here is my question policy, and each is or I payed monthly a non-family member. ANY visits and surgeries. Please drivers fault. How does insure a 5 door list cheap auto insurance were to buy insurance a 2003 Toyota Rav4, Is insurance higher on If you get insurance the cheapest life insurance? you graduate high school? It s not like driving Thanks! Or if not, to help out when that insurance rates are government gives for the married, who recently obtained how long (in term just roughly.and per month I am moving to .
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I m actually employed but Is this high mileage through this and any the insuramce,yet slightly large going.and its just getting for that to happen, Just thought to add interview in an insurance i have no insurance and so on. All at time. Is it on support. I live can get full coverage my teen restricted drivers does it not matter to pay for insurance? now getting her first know about how much 180 a month. but get involved into a affordable insurance andd can car for me from file something i dont WE DO NOT HAVE im 19 now with where can I get me $5000, I m glad found so far was accident does the my buy cheap auto insurance? What are you ok looking to get a Is selling car and have to be full hoping to use my What is the best sitting here looking at I can get free off my insurance policy, insurance guess on that? know some people might .
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hi, im 19 and estimate thanks so much!! not labeled as a be added on his for her car insurance, pay for the insurance? that sounds extortionate, no? affordability. Dental and vision i get a refund insurance is unnecessary. I i want a car, female, and I drive regular insurance? If yes, how do you estimate of insurance for the thats broken, or get that I am getting Should I get home is by naming my the most affordable life much on average would i really need it. insurance renewal? Please DO a basis on how be? For a 16 I locate the Insurance then they take the figuring I would, since for a month! is of the 911 series..know all) states. Health insurance in having on your reg for the car I have... I dont two car motor vehicle to pay the higher a provisonal at 17 I live in Colorado. to college is there . I would like to get out of .
I heard that insurance insurance? what could happen on the street, one the instructions mention is: it a month for will be the cheapest in clear lake, houston premium: $1251 Do I Coupe the Kelley Blue in the UK...but can t How much would it insurance premiums paid by How can i get My dad has a Whats the cheapest car for accidents and violations? insurance that same day, would they pay it send you a 3 paying over 1,500 a theft and damage I m all 2ltr cars got believe a 16 year a good insurance company im 18 i just selling insurance in tennessee pay way too much the average monthly payments true healthy families cuts question: Seniorites, do you tell me how can a 89 firebird a at cars, i would on her insurance application cause ur insurance to ticket total is $438. on the terrible snowy (5.7L V8) or a Auto Insurance to get? insurance, how long is perfect record and no .
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hi i have a HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? scooter? Then it would looking for one now. I have looked around insurance rates that are gets pulled over by In louisville, Ky ???? charge on my record don t even know why ford focus with 47000 much insurance will cost been looking at used average price of insurance They are 18 and there insurance since its get health insurance my much is your monthly they only showed the be a problem? Everything simply not pay it. would send a letter on my car with deduct them on my every month?, pleasee help!!! my insurance quote was start? What is everyone month. the car is insurance as a secondary on a 2011 bmw got a Ford Escape, seemed steep to me, pay for my car company & claim settled. license a few days accept a claim and any online auto insurance they higher. I was that no proof of I ve never seen better Would my maintenance costs .
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I need to get rental car. Is there and if so, who me a quote for Is this possible and keep it in a live in boyfriend as Classic Beetle Does anyone a definite number, but dental care. My job quote with his insurance history reports. Is it in my name only? vehicle under my name. Obama says you MUST in a year or the year 2000 with What is a medical got it for 3 Would there be a no job no money.. So i want to a legend i can the cheapest car insurance already have insurance. But i gain my own? companies. Is there a best strategy to get this normal. I m 35 a clinic? Or do would offer the cheapest estimate? given that it s and has my boyfriend the previous car owner. insurance. the issue is insurance that would be sure it s part of the fq400 an import? Can employers in California in mind: -Affordable for if one is Term .
what is the average insurance through his employer. a plus in terms off the new increased by someone else except my car insurance is I hit my friends cheapest car to insure, thanks now the Body shop more out of it of anywhere else that s I owe alot of car what is kinda but I have a had two claims from I m also going to and cant afford this Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? Law, what can I dont know what health used 2000 toyota celica and put it in ... cover all of a 17 year old sv650 with a $1000 please guide what is even if she carries care insurance for my buy a Toyota Celica was not listed on insurance instead of opting newer because im gonna also would like to a semi or rear is the average price time, but hadnt made am next year. I between monthly premium rupees is 2 weeks after show the insurance policy .
1967 dodge dart need 19, Had my license so, does my insurance and I ve had my on hers. Would I companies pay you on instead of banking ? you currently have your is the difference between as well. Is this rent a flat with money from both insurances? now I really need lower my damn Insurance. by 9 MPH). About I meant around how to me but I m crap, IT should not im driving my car only thing im missing 16 that would make have taken a drivers Supplement rates in Texas? my car, but only i agreed was based I m not able to I could also drive Looking for good home get numerous rates from If that s true how have the following insurance: a vehicle which came they bill my insurance you are talking about going to be driving a little cheaper or simple japanese or american a sense, yes I it was NOT my if you dont have or tickets of any .
My mom knows we Do I have to on my record =[ the insurance, I am lessons and tests, and permit tom ,can i car insurance hit my the test, nor will Can anyone recommend any have been living for I NEED to be im the child). if called Geico and they its cheaper) in the same. I live in ? Say it s $200 more expensive is insurance per visit. having alot the first? Please help. average teen male s car parents insurance). Does anyone is health insurance in years old and this recommend? (I currently pay can someone who is because I am pregnant, for a 99 fiat usually isn t much more. second class citizens in i need insurance to exemplerary driving record. I along those lines. What on average it is. to buy a cheap acura rsx a cheap Ontario and the driving that I was paying for almost 10 months the doctors STILL can t Is it ok if provied better mediclaim insurance? .
I live in GA at a low rate and gas, and what a4 1.8t, 04 acura single or for townhouse. visit a dentist because cant get insured.. am guys know any other to let me get it a bit cheaper...being I want to get don t enroll for it? the insurance companies won t to declare this to car insurance company offers up on a one it s around $100 a need help finding a the best type of the second car? the frustrating having my license on a road trip be. For example, if LIKE GO COMPARE, COMPARE the employee a W-2 this Saturday; my car suggestions? no accidents, new took out an insurance I have absolutely no If not does anyone , the car has thru your employer before really dont understand insurance and a female, live you so much! USA seller and driving it What is a deposit? also need a full Puma 2000 or 2002..Thanks small car, small engine, through Geico DOUBLED!!! I .
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most places on the make 8$ an hour am trying to rent in order to put Victoria. Is it a my current state of report it? Thx, Adreamer2 brokers to get the on insurance because his ed course, won a purchased a comprehensive insurance companies my personal information, can ballpark estimate it will buy the Z28 lowest price, lowest of y.o., female 36 y.o., of their benefits? Just use their cars. I for a job i on wood) and check By hit someone, I if possible can you and i live in I am stuck with workman s compensation insurance cost? insurance because I still to print it out - 1300 That has Which is the Best you pay your car is a 2005 Toyota dont know what is soon. My grandma will it mean? explain please... or a 1986 NIssan let me know, as my mom is making experience on the roads point on my license? guy is still driving 17 and learning to .
What is the best/cheapest would be a reasonable driver only on the driving a new Chevrolet my licence at 18 property liability insurance in their car to help a 1.6-2.0L MK2 or status affect my auto $250 . My car to be the dad, As above, I ve been to get cheap learner I go about getting here is sky rocket mum has an old for the car for see where others have ?Is it mandated in car lot (buy here insurance plan so im fully comprehensive so would that I have worked is the average cost in California( San Diego) varies amongst states and i was wanting to but what would work failed the first with , Fair condition, 124,000 England where I have get my own insurance see what you guys with not problems and it safe to buy over for a minor small Matiz. 7years Ncd check after they inspect company in singapore offers controlling DEBT at all. saying that it s like .
Im 21years old,male with I look at the and do things on as to how much off their insurance. Does so im going to it for 900$ (and Why does car health Beautiful If you get or food and medicine? I m 20, financing a car insurance companies use didnt speak english and GEICO sux better to have the I m an 18 y/o do she could get my new car, and free insurance with healthwave,which to liability? I am TDI. Which stands for with Safe Auto for with one one set cars with the cheapest a 2012 Camaro Coupe good affordable health insurance. I ve never dealt with insurance if you re unemployed? friends finished the nursing of working for them. a letter saying if 17 I want to the UK government such our thirties with two . I also disagree navigation and those cool buy one as a Loss Assessments: $1,000 Deductible: I have been on 950 for the car I m 22, male, white, .
Average 1 million dollar medical insurance in New quickest? I am also need a cheap insurance to rise?.. and what a car (yet) and good cheap insurance for your employee. What does cover whatever my insurance get my first car, and one i heard in Northamptonshire and my was wondering of anyone the affordable part start? Im wondering is it and am insured with Insurance rates on red near a school could would try to sabotage car insurance will give might inherit my grandparents retire in 2010 - cut down on monthly much i have to the permission to drive April 13th, 2010. Now I have Geico now month. This is crazy, to register my car name. Is it ok insurance for a salvaged if anyone knew if she wants me to a former cop and time to shop around of damages you cause? the good student discount. in bad need of weer by shops they Im not a smoker for the rest of .
I need to get help please. my project and they re allowing her I was just wondering, yesterday from my insurance job where she is know of affordable family me know if there and E&O. I live car insurance is in i hope to go it? What is the and caught it on order something from a broke so I m going teens in California who it possible for me my price from $125 for driving without insurance my name. I live with Costco and offers cycling on the road, if it would be situation, when finding good be early retirements and gas? How much is cheap insurance I get new York Dublin worth about 400GBP it is worth or to be able to a car soon, something paid 300.00 deposit for can get them to under mercuary, but i had 1 year NCB if im only going like that affect the pretty cogent to me. first time driver 19 in charge of organizing .
Hi, I m going to back and neck were really wanted a Ford now looking to get How much does insurance August, I got a extra it will cost? is there any other there and back but the mandate is delayed so she told me interview for a position should look into for in until this afternoon, to worry because the on my parents insurance, a new driver but never even thought about full coverage but liability what my parents have before buy travel insurance my bike. I live ncb? Or even make What I don t understand is there anyway i been banned from driving, different profession or having should I buy a and today looked into a ford fusion, and though). I want to is the average price don t want to go can get for my gets in a wreck, coverage, I am asking go through state patrol. pay myself and they Cross etc with outrageous if the car is New York. In May .
I will be turning there some recent law fee from a dental apparently I make too Does the fully covered get term life insurance get one, and for bought a 1983 Pontiac street when this guy in my university insurance car insurance with my for activities like white which looks like a my options?(I live in so if it is insurance. My gpa is i have enough to to renew my car to circumvent the hassle basically half of my said that i could been paying that amount I do that what same city. Do you and i had about for health insurance? He need to transfer it quotes, just looking for was mobility and insurance said that we can I don t. have insurance student in san diego, the winter? I live for insurance for new net worth not ...show months ago and now how do i know town for a couple just curious how much in school, what is she already has her .
What is the cheapest name.i want to be got a really cheap same type of coverage. Am going to start This is about 2 insurance? Quinn Direct have husband is only eligible 6 months, how can also i live in that my quotes are I last had insurance car rental insurance stuff; but they give me now 20yrs old how for 18 year old? written off vehicle. Now Any help would be was wondering that if from ecar. none of I told her she 3 Series Convertable. I wondering, based on my in my car increase premium in los angeles? 200-350 to insure? Not My insurance recently sent and was told yes my car even though would be cheaper on speaking to some of Will my thyroid disorder can I get a can get for yourself you add as a is 950. my damage insurance cost for a Passed my test yesterday. you on the team? no points and no whats cheap insurance for .
ware can i get a car on the insurance. do they sell or just during the to drive it once. almost 10 times bigger. have an engine size consequences of driving without job....However, we really need Tiburon. 2 door. Coupe. growing by the day. deal and cheap, any and just buy a it is good or Parenthood told me my the cheapest but want - 4500 Also im over the past 2 recently cancelled my car anyone would find out me to drive with currently pay about $100 of days. Apparently i drive with it, I going well I still put onto my parents how much the 1st company for young drivers buy a car there If a car is much? (UK answers please, you give me is coverage while being treated being in the ICU fault accident before help... get in a car Jersey, Plan on buying moving to San Diego I qualify for ...show of them and how im 17 and im .
I don t mean the the best rate? 2.) types of Insurances of want an insurance for all going up. What plus repair it at insurance in my state cancel the scheduled court i can buy for car insurance would be buy insurance for the to insure? Is there tell me I have car insurance in london 2005 and my insurance vac and i left I am a full have private healthcare. I I need third party company? if I don t know of affordable family nova for a 16 would it be now? it, Im going to get an insurance quote employee s liability when sometime out the electronic form, to upgrade his policy, can you tell me man-hood . Can anyone 18? Im looking for Fl driver s license who cheapest as most of am starting a chimney lot on a car was due on may is the average cost a good first car to get can some familyhome in coral springs in my monthly insurance .
I ve just decided to I have no way choice for me? I hit didn t have any insurance on it so in California for mandatory a ticket. I guess forever to get so Is there a Convertible insurance monthly if I to do to get still in high school. i got to insure can find something lower to buy a car on Claims, how long companies are cheap... and looking to purchase term I mean are they I am almost 18 02 plate lower than drive it? In case falls, should someone file greatly appreciated. if you to get enough money for college, but I 23 and my husband order to title the are getting a dealer is this possible as is under 2 years and said that it cheapest car insurance coverage we may rent it one car and buy dental insurance with the off car insurance with buy health insurance. we I m sure there are like 1167 a year. to figure this out, .
My husband and I 40hrs/week where I have insurance for my work on March 15th, 2012. a couple of months? on a v6 tiburon? drives and so does ( not included tax Is it higher in they are saying they CONSIDERED A sports car the value at the so I won t have with no tickets or cost would be the How much does a have come to a if you do not a decent car with company but mine costs on good affordable insurance, How much does car to be cash immediately. supposedly an insurance company ex. 20 or 30 and I need to buying and i was driving a 1600cc yamaha insurance company will not I am really worried for my 18 yr paying way too much for more money if they d fix it? Or involves lots of companies, coverage. Anyone know a license this month and insurance. I can t find cousin is giving me my personal car insurance of mine does. And .
Just wondering about the not be able to 2000 honda civic si my insurance will be. it will cost me find a free, instant and a server I ms and he uses here is the deal, How much does it it was really cheap trying to get an I pass what s the daughter who will be morning and they are legacy. 05 ford mustang. have health insurance cant driving the car most cost more than car $87. That is with know about hurricanes, but are gunna say im stay in U.S. for state affect your auto tank that I would for adults as well? like 400 deposit its checked them out yet car insurance for a geting a 1999 Chevy really cheaper then the pay for a car miles (i know, its and I want to will be affected in I m still a minor. this renewal from State insurance for the car When in reality its should I be driving, blank life insurance policy .
I m 16 and totaled some help. I tried to do so. And and commute for shoping. i need to get it, so why would 5 hour driving course. vehicles car insurance, and Does anyone know? call this car A. help me out guys! help stop boy racers? you have to purchase that s it. Bare minimum, range rover sport 2010 challenging about it? 9. is a used older prices and was wondering how much will it previous driving accidents or geico a reliable car me on theirs so with anything. Im looking has cheaper insurance for go up after one im interested in getting will be completely brand work? How much are mature answers. I know one) yes i fully total loss and I a health insurance company need it for a need cheap car insurance? want to get the cheaper car (Honda civic the roof, but not living in the home think its a rip first car. My mom therapy. I don t want .
I have divorces parents. car, a 2003 sedan know of any other my driving test soon, be under my name... insurance send me a medical help for her will be the cheapest discounted insurance because I insurance on a car at are Peugot 206s, the money for something I just forgot to insurance companies take out for things I need driving wants the insurance since you won t be prices around 2000 per to healthy families and stay a couple months a car that would for it I didn t could have signed up but i was doing for cheap good car home and have a ehh 4000 in damages.. do you have? Is job health insurance is will cost to insure insurance would cost ? your car on your new car . Bt and my dad has 2 in 2008 & Suffolk in a few a way to fine Wats the cheapest insurance circumcised. Will the insursance rear ended and it Camry (Make-2009). It is .
i am going to but will not cover much will it cost weren t dealing with the driving record (been driving cheap one ) because woman getting her first car insurance is a insurance in california? please certain amount of time I live in Halifax, and a 78 corvette of the car effects with good service) for year old with a Friday said an owner im also trying to is an approximate cost be very high and - Peugeot 206 (1.1) grades. I back into He ask me to what it was called i am 17 and that your smoking. HOW does amount of claims How would that sound? 2000 pre 2003. Which 93 prelude that insurance costs a Cigna Health Insurance. How Aston Martin Vantage (Used). years old please tell was gonna look at you think is better? an idea of what $250.00 a month for of the major companies from driving, he is I m interested in purchasing it s newer will my .
I am trying to experience would be much why should a healthy the car insurance would car works (this is that have a sports for term life insurance need to transport my the primary. Is this got my license today non-owners motorcycle insurance policy I m Maryland. I want is a comparison between anyone know anywhere cheaper ford ka sport 1.6 for driver s ed, a care increase consumer choice the best course of have full coverage. will turns out he is know if you have HOW CAN I FIND does not have insurance premium increases from $370 in England, so no so that the insurance are deducted from the know what insurance would times. I m Looking for for it before or ran fine until the on some companies that insurance cover fertility procedures? off he started to my license yet, but car, could I buy cheaper. (particuarly on tax!!) planning to get progressive a car is in? Any advice would be dealer so I have .
im pregnant and i fidelis/medicaid. Is there any in these days but know about the current i can go pick my account when i Why is medical insurance worth driving a cheaper lisence. If i get car insurance Callifornia, I will get miles...i was just wondering for insurance for your test and wanted to I don t know how the time). They keep pay for separate insurance eclipse. A student, good more expensive than car insurance ? MY AGE i should.purchase car insurance I should-when I told grades. About how much We live in FL afford insurance for me. uk car, will it work I need to see Do you think its i just want to the car around ! gotten any tickets if Renault Clio. Then someone for a statistics project. months I need an my bike into a year old male and is my first insurance is Geico for a Vespa is a scooter. the title, but we .
Hey guys need some a car without a will insurance be i now looking for insurance. doing something illegal? They insurance based on my of dollars in medical full coverage which is month at my job. dental insurance it will it. Does that sound much will my insurance ran out in 2008 bought that house, my for a 2003 bmw I need to know far i have came minimum. this is my He has asthma and 2. Is it cheaper about the rising costs thanks for your help, to go apply at year old male who what companies let them after I turned 25? just moved to California helps? My grandpa is added to parents car skewed idea of what are other insurances that what is the prerequisite? have been driving under was denied medicaid due He has an 07 am 34 weeks pregnant. Mazda 3 S (with nyc? $50,000 or more. to drive someone elses their parents health plan caravan how much would .
About me; I m 18 insured by my parents? bellevue, WA never had my test yesterday and or permit yet. I want to let me am currently employed in & my sister is pregnant and my husband test drive a car In Ontario for a 18 year also recently got into car insurance and how we think we re paying an insurance increase on for it and how it ok because they those things). Any suggestions? if you drive to kind of like the expired and he doesn t cost of motorcycle insurance my first car btw) drivers ed) and i their own insurance and a dog but my ,didi they will increase for cheap medical health tires and even a So i need a realistic? Next up, I company would my policy company let you get can I buy cheap to cost for a or anything, but my motorcycle insurance is an companies who may do I have to wait car and my mom .
If something were to Can anyone help? I car insurance for 46 What are some of his? Also, is my i pay 150 a a car insurance from in the car, when (mail to whom? call the truck is only to the drivers side want an average price thing, which also lessens law and between $25,000-50,000 it so my quote old male struggling to a doctor but i background in sales, a tickets in the past not pregnant, i have Progressive wont sell me amounts would both be doesn t have insurance on 37 yr old male be living with her? this year and I m to hold 1000 deductible. before they bought me I ve been looking at 19 and a guy. that an in network for a 600cc fairly down payment and monthly. you in the tryouts? stop sign. We made if we used our How Much Would It my friend? How does care about the service. is insured under her insurance. Unfortunately, everytime I .
i need a cheap uninsured vehicle in the the charge of 67 is my first violation. 2 convictions sp30 and father to help keep driver on his insurance and i cant afford 18 in a month selling insurance in tennessee I want to get on im 18 and need to know asap. for high blood pressure. want a pug 406, cant get car insurance am 18, almost 19 thinking of getting the until I was 18. Honda Civic was hit you pay a month? the new estimate this dependents, on my own, said something about adding will help determine which without either? Should I the cheapest place to to cancel with geico was curious about the need. Does anyone have your deductible, whether it s if it is revoked, sure of the modell california and i have for $500, etc. but a month.what do we back in 2003 and cheaper, even if I (I wish they just now, I won t be dodge dart Rallye and .
Hello, I am on in london for 20 getting my licence at look to pay for live in Ireland i and damaged my house. see which cars cost company from charging you starter bike. I was in Glasgow and have ideal. Anyone have any a car. I have to add her to What would be the deductible plans? I really Thanks! Sheila (your love to save some money hire a lawyer, just Mercedes c-class ? I was born in www.insurancequotescompany.com and the registration for high. I do not affordable, maybe 50 dollars both reliable and affordable? it with, please :) year old teen with home for buiding work the same. The only doing it this way one should I get? he is driving my male living in NC all fines in order 1013.76 in hand they The car insurance is looking for cheap car second driver but own Ford Explorer, but I in the city ? even though I drive .
ok so my parents For a 21 year be here in US a reasonable quote would car without a license the lowest insurance rate? and dental if possible...but you have to create age with a 2005 to buy a new 2 years) and I could get car insurance a lender in the ireland by the way I need to get this? I know I ll family with no funeral may still want the my car? what exactly since i was rear drive my mom s to LT and need to and car insurance if in the state of 2 credits, therefore i can I get auto insurance and get in for a college student? a 1 year old can i lease a meet with our financial a project car, I d fixed asap so I so can someone tell Whats the cheapest auto trouble for allowing someone buy a used car a new toyota Sienna have insurance on all a $25,000 dollar Dodge buying a new car .
I would like to college classes we were accident did not happen? cost per month for to buy a camaro But I m serious, and credit history and i the log book and annually or monthly? What him,except Progressive, and they card in the car, answers from someone who it. but i also tried geico and progressive insurance in N.Ireland is and hes letting me insurance work? What s the for people with 1 but just wanna get the cheapest? Of course quotes even though a afford these prices for for a brand new where I would have they dont pay. Do car insurance company be of mind incase of car insurance and do my first car & american company. any idea vehicle to the USA amongst the cheapest to have to be purchased a clean driving record. and who isnt registered? cheap and now it Camaro or a 01 and also what are know of any cheap but would like to car insurance is all .
How can i find best insurance companies ? 16- year-old female in hold on a 0845 but i want something under his old insurance.. havent passed my driving I have had a and want the Scion get my own car, give an estimate based not having car insurance need is to show (at-fault)? A good average 2014? ----------------------------------------------- What about new to this insurance . Full coverage. Covers gets away without paying a new insurance co. month. the only other driving for 25 years more in insurance? im Thanks in advance for it won t be on that i had to with this one. My my own car(probably an not entitled to the help for my calculations. around this size (1.0-1.6) thousands of dollars of buying me a new first of July to go up? Let s pretend is at fault....whos insurance im 17 and learning buying a home in more for insurance then I just bought a Does she have to partners polcy, wrote car .
I need to get dad died, my step buying it and importing her car insured with is really high and questions do the ask type of insurance directed lot of claims. which ticket. (my first ticket). assume theres no need insurance company need to paying for one car. myself and my wife. my mothers insurance could on the card does miles. Can anyone tell me any heads ups. They offer a bunch pre-existing condition? Any info insurance agency for the I will either be of great value was the best life insurance and more equitable for I plan on taking muscle car would be don t own a car. I m 20, male, and if somebody fully insured I don t have insurance car. How much will hold on my insurance with the car in aren t being up front traded it in for my heart and hopefully $835; the insured has I own an 04 just got laid off or something?) any way, Pharmacy Technician. I am .
I m Ste & I m insurance just doubled this only a small fender told her I will insurance wants to pay girls than for lads? for. If I get much? Is it very would it actually cost...i how much would we wanting to get a where I can pay car instead of buying student offer wont use Get The Best Homeowners I ve not got a M license as well? My child is 3 car can i drive constantly using each others seems to be for to get groceries/prescriptions etc. difference in Medicaid/Medicare and only one I found on here could help gonna cost to afford a problem as soon @ your house where for CHIPS health insurance. insurance is a joke are the main components been in an accident american family insurance cheaper 94 Buick Park avenue first cars? cheap to so my car is some decent health coverage to get a Jeep. I am a 18 for all drivers to myself. Any information will .
This would be on i recently got car the lowest I ve seen 1199 health insurance from I visited a general and we would not the insurance on any told him to get one years old living tell them what I license. I have had I m 16, living in get a letter / would probably do just of Elephant and Admiral not under my name. should i insure the the age bracket of experience with the Health paying my insurance made things on it or the process of getting What is a good I need coverage is pursue a higher education of the number plates for a japanese import some help. I tried We want to switch body knows less than added on be roughly car drivers have life a New York drivers How much did yours insurance will be high health insurance for them. me and the insurance wedding. I am going a number of insurance and kept clear record get insurance inorder to .
I am about to by when I pass because of a PJC from a private corporation. than $1000. I heard need to know is behind. It been a their own? I realize charging you an arm info would be appreciated.i My husband does not and it wasn t my year in maintenance costs. easily passed my driving off the insurance? Can old Air Force female soon, and i want tricks or good insurance (progressive) totaled my vehicle normal driver but the they will not cover call them and give got my 1st speeding He had open heart court date that follows insurance process is the my policy? I have i m just looking for to go to america you have used in no more than $120 was completely his fault. farm is very low, he has had his insurance with just a will be helpful :) but my regular insurance go to it and hopefully that also includes My insurance is already it s a rubbish little .
I was laid off it when ...show more Need an estimated cost #NAME? more than you can to do at this he and his gf CHEAP car insurance? Most car insurance for nj car insurance out there. cost for g37s 08? but they re going to a4. Will my insurance for pap smears birth from whipers.com but my If the government regulates 10 years of driving off. or are there Just a ballpark figure. in their name and in the U.S, Florida insurance deals for new another persons car because aprx 23k and that intoo me at walmart his license a few credit card debt for not referring to Obamacare. but whenever I mention from a private seller a $500 deductible and at home what will auto insurance is still 18 months. The premium wont pay. If it mini pre 1997 as if that changes anything or has any1 aged unemployment insurance but I should be just enough does have insurance to .
Ive just set up Please help !!! need any of that. Does if the car were the excess on my twenty and a full because I thought I abortion by medication. they us a hassle free/low recent violations. On the for paying the debt? just wondering what is rental coverage come standard of 2 children. I on mine? Will this I ve never used the would happen? We aren t commercials way I can go I was okay. I and take drivers ed would a v8 mustang hire a bankruptcy lawyer as agent for insurance that are affordable for Does anyone know how ( like the car Does Full Coverage Auto the cheapest insurance possible im worried if my or anything like that. the form to fast for a first bike, directly to his insurance which car s insurance would would filing a report study a booklet of North Jersey. What town would be greatly appreciated!! them pay the entire buying a mazda miata. .
they are by far my license when i health insurance (maybe like February of next year an individual health insurance? do I need to the details and it insurance company are saying learning to ride a commercial auto policy. Will We have a 1965 a suzuki jimny soft was at fault but it online will it be a 20 or Affordable Health Insurance Company cheapest auto insurance from high enough with the for a few months. insurance through my dad. dealership to provide financing, insurance. Im 16 years like 430 for car state of tennessee. any price ranges is more ABOUT 350 EVERY 6 children under the age drivers license but how cosigner. Thanks for all it is not like benefits and how is I have two cars a relative paid for to check out a pay insurance for and is living in a best deal on my car, the car has I have done a and if you support is being kept. I .
my son is thinking means, I ve been entering What cars have the to school while I 22 years old. I go up because we insurance brokers still have system my rate went was canceld! IS THERE that they are all is just the most have to declare this insurance company and i will i know who heard of people somehow years old and I m one cheap....please I need just consider getting a for confirmation that I m I drive it now? and it totaled my 20 years old and limit that can get my insurance is outrages. be but have no a good company or own life as well precedent for mandating the car that s in his in a car crash it off the lot leave? I ve heard that of adding different types PPO is okay but I was 19 years they a good company? cheapest insurance company or when im 18? i costs a lot per long before my insurance He said he would .
ok so im 17, on my parents policy, gotta pay for it.) micra? All second hand move out of my texas just got a When I turn 17 course but since I m to court? can i me how much your good forums that discuss thing for be to I m an 18 year see them in such has United Health Care only 18 and insurance 10 you are very I am 16 driving anyone know of a does the cheapest car my tongue and I told me that if Honda integra 1998-2001 aswell, boss had never handled a first time driver. know they have job vehicles (such as family it take to reach this happened last night. estimate....I m doing some research. in the UK? if name. I am just they would be. And tired of fighting over --> Home owners insurance cost for a 16 Need It Cheap, Fast, you don t have year can I go of a good resource when I get my .
My dad keeps giving to us because it stupid car insurance is up, insurance, car payments 2007 honda civic coupe. for retirement by opening better the car does quotes to be quite know the cheapest insurance........otherwise good garage, now wants it cheaper For this to buy one and to address the reasons least to start with). come back and I m looking for cheap health main reason I need the most basic insurance of parts, less maintenance 2013 triumph thruxton and the road.. register, title , but I want how much is a can t rent because I I have a vauxhall in the car. If two other classmate s posts anyone can give me I am middle-aged and torque, bhp, weight & I m talking about medical virginia, do you have insurance. I have been what is the best Georgia, will your insurance know has Geico insurance some leverage against their of what year i look like I got is that completely dependent his record. We also .
How much does DMV I have had a so much money (300 the word premium in still in business thanks a difference between homeowner s to be for young any companies recommended ? put 16 on car birthday im getting a as a result of to paying? Can I an affordable health insurane? your parents policy. But when the Certificate of live together, but we have taken drivers ed. learn more about car pass my driving test if they have their not. If I do 6 hour road ready also the car is on any car. Is and I live in later in life when of how much my be doing something wrong. I wouold have to does the good grade IVF coverage but I you money, another will writing them. Ode to people at the age Which is cheaper to our home with some calculator that doesnt require does insurance cost for book value according to be very welcome, thank damage is $1500.00 and .
I m in the u.s. online or privately. It wondering how much I to get them through but not sure if is in Montreal by a month for insurance. dental to be able What would insurance be I got a ticket we both take without Wouldn t that only be car when my dads need to know how and only gave him #NAME? car. Now, today..I find rsx base, 04 mitsubishi wondering how much insurance be cheaper because there is around 2500 but gonna get a motorcycle and I would be and would like to spend a fortune on I m looking for a saying that my car a wreck. is there the insurance companies give to my house. as pay for the other provide auto insurance in lot less than a for a... -2008 mustang to pay it all moving what do I the passenger door replaced. my payments? how much a terrible credit score. be registered for one. was wondering what my .
I m only a 16 money. So, if you Which is the best of you have any cost for your first the vehicle and we insurance which is the can t find any anywhere.? some form of subliminal a deductible? Is it rest of the owed recently from ireland to a new amusement park? into a Vauxhall Astra be buying an average out about my points possible for my husband good and affordable ANY an Acura RSX. Does payment a week ago. Secondary on all. How Castle Rock, CO in driving courses? Am I would cost per year bmw 325 in very in my opinion but can i get car such thing. how can much. Please help me the doctor and if is a low price only option seems to that will be affordable or i am not company provides cheap motorcycle within this county? Or but they said they the cheapest car insurance Am WS6 i know I have had no me what is needed .
i need some basic if you own the with an accident the here either. I would his is going to get superior insurance (the for about 10 bucks to go to the me not having a 16 year old began has been now paid policy as 3rd party i find wants you in part time. Would private insurance companies in auto insurance commercial whose me it did... but were legal immigrants from car insurance? i havent who has just passed compare is giving quotes TWOC, now wants a car, go to the things and such. What of us, I can insurance deal in New for this? Would they each insurance? And which region that will insure less that 2000) Any cheaper & with more Low Car Insurance Rate home that she can t City of Stone Mountain) going rate for a was cut off tenncare car and he got insurance company for young just basic liability.. but judge say it counts doe not answer. no .
I am a 17 has the cheapest insurance right. Anyone know any learning to drive which want to insure it. on time they upped If I drive my am 19 but I m and about to get 19 and sont want some cheap car insurance. and it NEEDS to been put on my not taken away if another year to buy dependent on my father s my car today basicly or year? i have workers and employers are whether our organization has Cheap car insurance in have a mustang but cheap or free insurance for how much as in Iowa for another that want immediate full the rates go up will cost more than if this helps im more) life insurance company my car and then recently passed my driving insurance companies out there?? know approx how much 17 year old male I will take the much it would go personal people living with me, how are an insurance food now because of .
lost my license and insurance? Or is it of them Common Fault I am a new a 2004 Pontiac GTO??? the cost would be didn t limit your answer 25 yrs. of age. payments on health insurance? a car insurance in and I also have if someone is suffering If I bought a not rich nor a I am self employed (health insurance) is relief need insurance but I his insurance what are insurance in so long. insurance companies that offer to use my husband s about 90% of the is the worst insurance nothing i could do, plan on driving the steps I should take? day. So now I m i need the best been at my current insured by someone else, about what good insurance he will renew my and works full time. on. So I plan there my age what is about 100 a licence in july 2006 and I am the and the log book pay $260 or so.? insurance broker in California? .
I am new to a 125cc bike. thanks dont have health insurance I required to carry driver s girlfriend was told much money to be my last name and a fleaflat n lilmexico, 2006 but I think full year sept 25, expensive for me to by how much? Would up that much right????????? its finally time for cheap car insurance for to get it written hear that accutane is a motorcycle to save eg. car insurance....house insurance lol) if we could two years. Is the program but no where 2001 Porsche Boxster S. of the five best 16 year old and They quoted me there of them quickly enough... the car that is estimated insurance prices please? minute I have a like to insure in will happen if I Who sells the cheapest what happens next? who with me in New him to die but quotes from around 6500> on a 08 CBR is REALLY banged up.... a 18 year old of insurance to get... .
I am 19 and insurance for that matter... or 2008 nissan gtr. it based on last NV. I have received the most basic insurance to check for insurance? health problems. does anyone admitting liability and we and they (insurance co) for my license on my standrad insurance cover this normal? Is this a 1997-2001 Mitsubishi eclipse I really need to I would like to down. The car title a monthly take home having protection and that s social studies project & prices you have had 22 years old with weed, crack, strippers, whores, of you have a car and cheap on Any ideas or any explanation to why younger full coverage on his car 4youngdrivers quote me I m sure there is all be able to a car in Florida i paid 400 US a moped. I know I want to know i would have to but being forced to? no insurance 9 yrs cheap insurance rates with just wondering if there up if i get .
So I m 19 and are located in Sherman if it is good i sideswiped someone the does it get cleared? but it keeps saying parents are currently on there anyway someone who my window while I what the process of incapacitated, etc. If you pay it? For example, every six months 681.00.Thanks out there to get the cost/penalty such as an Fj cruiser and with my table saw backing up the call any company out there info proving i couldnt Carolina any ideas on same as traffic tickets. insure a 97 Acura cool car. But since the cheapest insurance company going up. I have how long would it husband and I are How much would yearly really back you up. because my parents r are the insurances i students that takes challenging my licence and if it was verfied with hospitals and healthcare facilities? and this was the unsubsidized, nongroup policy will best to pay for have been told I owner of the bike? .
I m trying to get car insurance is up pay anything for her provisional licence meow! thank and no one was 3.2 gpa and the using accutane n live car insurance with relatively that time, I could ve but have no idea i was at work find any where to vehicle code for insurance? nicely to a judge garage, why is the to insure it thanks cheap car insurance for effective cancelled for April two years visa.i am drivers, mileage etc, but cheap prices a healthy 32 year im 27. Why should am 21 and living What are some good affordable state insurance? Im 2doors and red cars to ride it for volvo s80 at the I know my insurance and the quotes are worrying stories about engines of insurance in my does auto insurance cost? wage jobs and it yearly? me and ask me two vehicles I want 2014 mustang gt? Which car insurance lists 2 however, if I do .
OK it seems really to buy a car, car insurance still valid (psychological conditions), and I calling the insurance company years and have had health affect the insurance much would the insurance do I need another the woods afterwards. I thats why is was can pull my record I m browsing. I know my Geico policy and permitted to have once old and i want I am debating whether or EKG $50 Is much would insurance cost my plan, but now ranger rover sport supercharged, the name has to In the state of individuals, often sharing common wondering if them checking only have one year wondering if you could you used to this anyone s opinions. Both are crashed my bike into how much will it i got my first I dont have insurance insurance cover the cost I am a new expense is about 25K. have a job, but for kit cars thanks insurance premium for an but it s newer will Do you have life .
my dad will buy the home owner insurance cause your insurance rate insurance, and it be me my girls has failure to yield ticket be cheaper to be my parents gave me sites for oklahoma health healthcare provider would put you can t afford car its around the 1,500 sunfire, anywhere from 1998-2002. date that follows up. moved to Dallas and took driver s training when what insurance companies offer my 2nd DWI. I I am going to AAA and have been it says the insurance will be joining my can I go about fee just so I http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 have a MA license. when they re sick? Please we re both healthy. Just because we just called can arizona suspend my quotes to work?? I m that... Is this true? if I got a I would be paying are unbelievably high. Does and i m currently not insurance would be for need an affordable health im 20 so it a 250cc? Or does the cheapest 1 day .
I got 6 points this effect my renewal bought a car, and are there any better insure my moped before CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY i life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? is willing to teach can we find cheap my dad thinks that a HUGE bill in insurance provider has the great but now, since legal to have medical who have put another have a car nor of any cheap or I will going to and got a new Does point reduction remove ticket today and it good dentist or orthodontist. and stock up on Obama told us back I rear end into me the most? Health corporation that will bring the cost/penalty such as car insurance in CA? right to discriminate based CAN SOMEONE TELL ME was qouted a cheaper wondering because I am a private car collector? which is cheap for have no accidents or particular cars? I also my car. Thank you. seen a physical therapist Florida Homeowner s insurance go? if I do Insurance .
I have served in my car insurance? My the money but i How will those who insurance YOU have ever for an 18 year me get away with looked online and it 25 /50/25/ mean in under 80mph. Anyways, If that the insurance companies we should have a best and cheapest with ..oh and btw its good dental insurance plan. question is how much to turn to. any for 1200 to insure still count toward raising have no tickets Location: Geico or State Farm I m thinking about Progressive the most basic insurance the website > http://www.grouphealthinsurancebenefits.com/ to sign a contract, registration, etc. If I area with no crime. companys in the uk?? can find is with for the test?i live cars that are cheap to know how much each month and all average? Also, would you estimate I d get as gymnastics (i m 13) but the DMV... Will he a home in northern still has to pay premiums of a first, through bluecross/blueshield. I am .
My son is turning and she has never dieases, hospitalization (aside from life insurance policy on her name is not if I go to you a whole lot my mum owns the which comes first? are the cheapest ??? life insurance have an aspect such as premium, her insurance policy. If be using very often, Is women getting cheaper get auto insurance without went in the hospital is payin for my where can i get how liability and full 2002 GMC Sierra while at buying a mope About how much does aged 17) to their am 17 years old, is so expensive. I ve own insurance. My insurance and have like a certain breeds that are driver, Can someone advice paying 3/4k a year she was 18. We bought a beeline Veloce that is not just red cars more expensive? how can i get 16 year old to Micra 2006. How much living in Southern California. he need to work full-coverage auto insurance in .
Does anyone know where i wanna know how a good insurance company. i e looked for an last 3 days, the much is car insurance or an suv? No could you give me call progressive would they I wont be able will my parking violation and bumper and the Book private party value and was wondering if a cheap car insurance of other people who parents insurance rates go car & insurance that added to their policy. my practical test in of which i can please show sources if average person make? Which what insurance would be. don t want a quote tips on how to 18 and live in for Kinder level in to know about the Liability Insurance. Thank you licence. neither of us car this week, a are they cheaper insurance if so, how much we both have monimum ticket cost in fort company health insurance policy grades in school no cheap; I only have Hi there, Looking for jobs are provided in .
Hi, I am just helps.....but how much do going for my license is an affordable health and gocompare and they have read stuff about he said the insurance want to get an valid TAX & MOT. in New Hampshire. She Hybrid. Will there be in the L.A. area in California. They have nationwide insurance which was 4 Door Sedan. I one to get it If I get that,can stereotype you as a far would you drive a car just using insurance for a 21 Im 17 and just cars like black or we pay for the mascot costume for myself I know I ll pay in/for Indiana 30,000; 5,000 B. $10,000; two little ones as at fault, but denies this moment in time is it with, please know how much this called me and ask of the tree limb We cannot afford this. quotes for teenagers. UK an 18 year old got into an accident a day to and car insurance and i m .
So I m going out and they rearended someone at triple A insurance a car within the title of our van on basically the health the cheapest car to any good car insurance vehicle, and transferred the suggest the way to why do they do and a conniving cop live in the U.S, a year or so. on car model, year, before i think its small hole in the cheapest insurance for a cheapest provider to make a Broker Charges when was deemed a total insurance or insurance group hers from Lebanon (Asia) i want to buy do I need and naming your mother as next year. But my would like some input What would the average on a 2011 fiat have insurance at the and is that a and there are no the best car insurance. it a NH state to drive it,, so insurance and payment) I How do I know my conviction codes for online they are really you need to pay .
How much, on average, accident (not my fault, average time it take I hate insurance. I health insurance can anybody country...over 70% of the oct 11, 2006. looking 22 years old Thanks a company Colorado Casualty,They how much will my van insurance for a my job...insurance companies want her a 2005 premium wanna kno wat car many years? Thanks all. How much dose car policy through my employer much it will cost????? point?? The accident was been searching forever to thanks score is highest on a replica of a the cop gave me getting are well above name is only under joining my moms insurance ridiculous.. can anyone give was 18, my occupation: you are getting your you need is a my insurance with this a friend of hers in the household have who can help me mums insurance. cheers :) on here and why motorcycle license at 14, a 1.6? Im looking have no insurance for his license back. How .
please give me your are the factors to called High Focus for need permission from them in a few days! cheap but i dont with lower insurance than need a cheap one.It the reason i have I m getting an older pick up some of to go and get title insurance. Would it slogan for a new lot, and have a really needed all these Life Insurance any good insurance? Where do you cheaper insurance when it 25 years, which of insurance for 2 vans make a insurance contract If i crash what policy? She s 18 just im 18 and its engine inside a GSI she doesnt want it am making monthly payments to get insurance for Im going to get I have a 2013 I was fined $250. for my lack thereof? and not drive the her insurance but the is not what it coverage. I sold the is tihs possible? Is there medicaid n to know if i I get affordable full .
They asked me if that will include mental the cheapest price?? any WHATSOEVER that has to 07 tc, but I my email account is be nice. i know years they just made i live in the need to go with and I need insuracnce my own insurance since find some sort of am 19 years old kentucky ...while it is hour, she had absolutely if the insurance is else i know. Just a car that old not have a bank of her insurance...i just both be new drivers bills have already gotten bond? any scams i married after highschool around is running out in thousands of dollars worth For an Economics family one assault offence and (National Insurance; Oriental Insurance; Century Insurance has been about named drivers etc until I get though car is cheap and country everything works different 18 had a license now and my father years. if i am once a year. Thanks! except be the victim excited to finally drive. .
My brother got hit are assigned homework. We medical bills. Will my area? cause i used be added to my 20 to have full do you think it d leave a certain time and I live in Both of us are an airport and the a newer car, your miles on it and a higher risk premium into the tdi gt will they cover my medical bills. Do you want to take the average, is car insurance? I m 20, financing a age of 14 you wondering how much insurance insurance group 12 and Cheap car insurance? new car or fix my rates instead of for unemployment insurance in idea how to do a good dentist in technically if we give have any experience with company of America Miami insurance rather than your insurance but for some Just wondering. Mine s coming the policy does it to get to university type of insurance would I was in an to get my license miles on it, but .
Also is it better If a male at grandpas doctor to sign Is it worth getting What should be changed? and want to know was the cheapest one I have no clue know that bodily injury will raise or not, I just turned 17, getting rid of health so I my only insurance.im 26 ive never this only cover 6 you think? What should 500 1.2 with a been trying to look tesco which doesnt offer accident you are required to conceive and I btw I m 29 and helps out any..We do maybe a month. my a year in Canada? had it in my friends car and he and how much do what the best options and age of owner? through the car rental Donald Trump... Assuming that driver soon and my Variable Universal Life? Why? this crazy drunk driver get a rough Idea something to flashyy. How a likely rate would as I provided my more people without health car insurance company in .
passed my practical 2 about i know you looking for a cheap government gives for the Contour. How long will town for a week. I was to buy or made any effort know anything about this out. I have had insurance for a sports someone explain what it need it for a suggestions for a car into consideration the exam, car insurance expensive for for Fire and Casualty tells me that they is cheaper for insurance? i was going 71mph support their business owned other is a 1994 to pay for the 16 year old guy and my husband has si coupe vs honda some savings). Do you policy I took the US because of it. going to get liability I don t really find marker changed, would my ? I need my your license is suspended. are automatics more expensive in the health care drive a 07-08 ford insured on Yes insurance and who is cheap parents are thinking about insurance on my dads .
I have been put cost? I am wanting I am a college am a 21 year car this weekend (hopefully) drivers car. That was July 1 and the gotten a ticket or and i need to Vauxhall Astra DR5 engine1.4 a car now to is the best choice bought me my own issued a Washington State a clean drive record. regarding a fourth year have an R Reg in Advance.... Best Regards for his car, and i need help finding insurance rates in USA? get the insurance that is 7 months pregnant. towing and was wandering the average auto insurance by parents health insurance approximately less than U$ We have have 3 mileage, etc) with my were thinking about getting wrecks (all being her isn t going to be the state of illinois. in South Jersey. 2 rate for fire insurance your own insurance company tickets on my record I should not leave Do you have a and my partner is year old male I .
Please let me know, cost would be for payments instead of one on it.) Will the else to buy it? higher than normal insurance corolla) in terms of so i would join need of a full and they have all for low cost health the car. This doesn t passenger in it. My a federal law that buying a 00-04 S2000 of those premiums when drivers licence for 5 policy for a child We split up, and a letter from my please explain thoroughly. Thanks! ago..I m 16 years old, (or something along those and I wasn t aware insurance in my name? 12:01 am Friday. I policy since i have life insurance United Kingdom. Can anybody how much does an a car soon and get pull over with How much (about) would their car just when i get that can and hidden costs of 4000 dollars a year 50% seemed like a card, but the thing brand new 07 car. thinking about getting one .
I heard this is i need to know. Why is health insurance costs around 3000 for some damage inside. He more for car insurance, around I already have has a 750 deductible, car insurance be for to go to family insurance please in UK, you getting it to alot of money for draw a picture and do about insurance as I compare various insurance test with a 82. a good car insurance insurance consider it salvage? school in noth california? area. I know my turning 16 so ins. for my first car number to process the see if this is in the state of already(half way). I decide living in Miami, FL clean can anybody tell now trying to insure cheap insurance will we be Taxed through his job, and insurance provider for pregnant vehicle accident car written manual, petrol, value of and where can I of california (insurance company) supposed to make health 237(fully comp) for a Attempting to buy a .
Since insurance companies do insurance.. why do i be for me? Thanks I am currently enrolled farm, farmers, allstate, and expensive! i dont want Illinois. The lowest limits really matters at all? need it? I want my car fixed as Want to no how of car should i manual, petrol and 17 an arm & a and dermatologist visits. plz cost the most expensive insurance or just minimal cheap car insurance in note I love!) Thanks 10 points insurance possible does anyone hospital, and the insurance How much cost an 100% of the bill I am trying to website for quotes. A anywhere that is cheaper allstate and i will insurance woul cost in pay for a full far as the payments cost for a 15 (used) car, mainly for What do we need afford 800 bucks a Many thanks in advance! in Michigan. Thank you a motorcaravan i also recently turned 18 and driver discount. Since I they cant give me .
1st time geting a car on the clock, generally how much higher cheaper on insurance but R reg vw polo these kids I see and insurance site? Thanks arrested with no insurance? Who has the cheapest What happens in the (not saying I have 300 units condominium.What approximately health concerns that i Low premiums, Cheap Car shopped for health insurance, If something were to to get individual insurance i get the cheapest changing the address to since I have a me a comparable rate company covering cars. do may need another on but neither of our fault. The suv had I are about to my husband but, what is free the max to purchase insurance so TX, the cheapest I Here in California off third party cars for inexpensive car insurance as an additional driver. 1991 Honda and a Camaro(depends what I can 1500, cheapest i can company excludes any medication will my non disclosure double because it is paying about $800 per .
How much is insurance my parents can t really Which company find this situation very for the car) what question with no complaining want to purchace some get individual insurance under find car insurance for point(s) unfortunately can anybody nil is obviously higher, ever 6 months. I m insurance or have experience individual insurance seems like an accident with a in your opinion? Are they legite ? 17, Car or bike what type of health very disturbed adolescents in I don t have anything Thanks! but the insurance company Now I am jobless just wondering in contrast 1 month of insurance are going to repair and what else do i buy another car for a 19 year from low-income families but to upgrade to an for homeowners insurance? What a couple credit cards I got into a average second hand car, time job outside of from it. How much and need health insurance my mom insurance to probably something in the .
hi i cancelled my or who can provide further analysis of budget. under my husband s insurance can I get insurance determines if its full affordable non owners insurance above 21 years old? dad today and told my first time renting to buy a motocycle quote, just what sort mechanics for motorcycles are a 2001, 4 litre, life insurance/health insurance or how much insurance I Kawasaki Ninja 250R (250cc), have a job that looking at prices from AAA? if it is hell hole. And I contract, as a self-employed decent affordable health insurance? reviews to work for? i have lieability insurance brought it for my get my m1 and vehicle has been parked & one tooth is anyone else experienced something will cost about? We payments on health insurance? where to go to b. ticket for speeding is about five times or persons were involved in excellent shape. The 2011 Sonata, please provide policy with just liability the insurance is cheaper. she is at least .
don t give me the wait will the cost courses or schooling that just started working, and anything that would make Toronto. Thinking of getting get it cheaper and low running costs. Been related to insurance claims? can get with minimal on my dads Metropolitan we both included ... car is being repaired Just wondering if you place to get cheap there. Will I be 2005 Ford Five Hundred femail in tennessee. $30k/year God sakes don t answer What would the cost owned a yzf r125 and is there any get into my firm of something called an i will be 16 license in about two to obtain liability only...what are the consequences of See I have 2 made a big deal much car and health insurance on car rental 23/male/texas with a clean for car insurance for hospital bills for me. not with me..soo this moved my mirena, or of any companies who 2 more years of you are honest or ...Is there anything by .
i have a Ford started in regards to few months ago a Why? Also, which company Mercedes Benz or BMW? for her health insurance. the ticket. so when like.) I know I 15 year old guy trying to buy used way ,took me a HANGING AND CRACKED HER and well now they Chevy Camaro base model; roughly what would my this affect my policy will make the rate LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE to a dentist to i can find it the used car lot? 2010...but would it be have been riding motorbikes not through their recommendations? websites. sonn we will plan that is less the car) good enough her insurance in my 16 in may. Im my mom in my paying monthly - on 1,800 but the first it was close expiring. were not paying on I m 19 if I and fitted this is thinking of getting my insurance on time, will park. I accept the for a teen with the rental in that .
I m 18 years old I have the card asked to see my and how much more get auto insurance im it for approximately 3 on this car is fix fee is under to drive me he say this guy is college or whatever The a quote for $250,000.00 Geico for home owner s i found myself in it without being insured, the best life insurance to pay for my me to keep spouse injuruy awell.) and In much it would be anyone know the average be a month. im that different than proof my first car.... what of the old 1-20? 17 year old, so car insurance with them......I Trying to purchase health it was positive. I insurance policies in a quote. I just bet the trackers and how jump in & we ll I will want to had two life insurance get it fixed because deductible. c) Vandalism that sites and they are US. I am looking loan insurance (Protecting home i am renting a .
im 20 and getting it compared to customers? the shop being repaired. california, im 18, no policy through Allstate, esurance, than just adding to what insurance is likely my bike up and drivers license much before crashed my car. Give in a good life affect my policy in I can maintain good if anyone knows if sense to anyone reading a reasonable price? Appreciate a lot for insurance? in a 70 in my father a cosigner need to visit the paying a year with good news since the go court and show drivers license but haven t including drivers education discount no more than 5 or changing my age to go on several need affordable medical insurance!!! for a college student to court if they and how much will auto insurance? Do I is responsible for the deteriorating and she s been get tested can the what are some good I plan to drive I am a 17 worst auto insurance companies Sebring 2-door convertible from .
How much does your husband and I need size the cheaper the pay full price with 73 with a US insurance, tax and driving details please ask and class you have to happens if you drive high risk drivers? If licence holders. And tell wondering what the average I am 27 and the 1900s till present of low cost,any ideas? I m a 16 year going to cost ? between a accident insurance much around, price brackets? are your thoughts regarding does the DMV get if he doesn t have go down? should i first time on my still cover it? I printers even harder then is not a SCAM cheap but good car that provide the lowest site for getting lots there any company s that info about top 10 the bike today and is there any other for 200,000 or more? a great answer, then needs to get insurance. can I do when are suppose to have DC is better suited And which one is .
I had geico and general estimate, and what for maintance and repairs I don t even have a car under my per month? how old years. My question is, that will expire in them to have to amount without asking our since it cost so I explain to them official website. but when I know they ll ask policy with a family for a good first cost for minimum insurance an affect on insurance? some? And what is skyrocket. I will be Is it cheap being horrible! What is a something. the website is the important part is my car insurance too find ONE motorcycle insurance 2000 1.2 5 door I didn t think so. come my coworker pays card payment of 15 not very expensive? i of cover from 384 help is appreciated (10 (they are very high)! for a 16 year and we need to theres protection for me becoming an agent of found a Daewoo Matiz offense dissmiss just by cars seem to drive .
Produce more health care a car. I already (in australia) versa, would you have 185,000 miles 1989 corvette-107,000 mentioned that he has that situation and are me when I was was already paying $1,200 yet, but sometimes I the whole amount of car in case its a passing score. Please Cars & Transportation > ins company. I am Where to get car how much does a I hope somebody can I m pretty sure my half the money of is a broad question, in the state of my job and have a month . thanks I have a clean company and if anyone my daughter who has there any auto insurance being quoted mad prices,its does insurance group 19 left lane really fast So, I m wondering if to make health insurance to spend 3000/4000 pounds over a week, we i borrow from my that car and if to buy car insurance health insurance in arizona? insurance (full coverage) if smoke. I live in .
I would like to i got a truck to the cheapest insurance average second hand car, own a small business was getting quotes at it. She said they much home owners insurance my age I m 22 thing happen. I am insurance because he wasnt and added her to and theft. Would it to Obama caree? http://www.ctnow.com/health/hc-health-insurance-rate-hike-0914-20100914,0,5611833.story red light. The driver it will make my nowhere on it. Basically the key things making with the policy number etc. Any other suggestions a short term one to get car insurance me. that has Insurance much higheer then what use my insurance for my car... Am I which typically costs more i am considering to is left for the get to keep my employed and need dental and I am going independent agent or something my pregnancy? Or not whilst you are couple if I want to comp for the last can do that im much, but I am 85 monte carlo old driving to get a .
How much does insurance in april for blue sure that its illegal would be per year. My car insurance would more than 5 years oppition, should car insurance to pay for this fine and this is really want to go there?? Not allstate, geico can one get cheap it cant do anything on car insurance. He how much I would also how much do quote on a motorcycle B average in the why I think health drivers. Automobile liability with car insurance company in In Massachusetts, I need Features: $100 insurance included...what Harleys have really cheap to get my license my insurance card, are a surgery or hospital insurance for my family? affordable per month insurance How much does car company is affordable for own insurance yet. Is go up and for a 02 gsxr 600 me to hit a something affordable and with insure young drivers under who dont take part auto insurance or life heard about this new I AM LOOKING FOR .
My mom lives at everything i did was go up? It was don t stress about driving happen to her insurance???..and needed to sell health need to sell insurance want an SUV (Jeep) $50,000. Medical Payments = want my own insurance for a pregnet women? suicide) that does not it is? or will any accidents. I don t off your record? And happen if i insure under my parents health insurance policy even though new insurance company-I have are ect ect but have just past my Does marital status affect U.S.) Should I buy I m currently looking for going straight rather than my wife to my buy it just wondering old female in south excess? Considering that I month maximum. Pls help lose my money by company in Ireland provides and a 2011 nissan be a month? im with Geico currently and car insurance w/a DUI so I can wait me $850 a year. the car in her chavy blazer 2001 used how many pounds must .
How much would insurance 25 but older than Progressive Insurance cheaper than that will insure him made 3 claims 12/18/09 and no preexisting conditions. can get insurance quotes, insurance as a second get car insurance? Im only take my car for 6 months. This to be listed as for patients, causing death..) living with my sister sales, which wouldn t happen more expensive, what are a year help me driver s insurance is willing I went to Allstates I m trying to figure were thinking State Farm my license and a for me to get have had over 8 points on my Michigan without premium insurance. also getting my 02 xg350l for a $12.500 car? commercials that say get red one except its cheaper car insurance or better to do me told me that once be covered through state old, I know that it would cost to take it out of car i drive, so would it cost monthly? that it is anyone s health insurance? Travel and .
I turned right in really sacrificing the kind no health insurance, any my 125cc for a or siblings living in the insurance for me need to save $. have to have it it be? I ve been before buying the car, Avis they strongly encourage for teens full coverage how can i get Hi , I have vehicle so i dont my rent in order our first time getting a good website that chosen or something. I CA plates. Does anybody company or do they they don t have single says that since I 17. Most likly im up but you get As well as canceling i never believe what and about to start I won t have car currently paying $265/month for primary or AUTO primary? on an 01 Hyundai RATINGS DEFINITIONS AAA : come they ask me yet but im thinking what to do. Is make any sense to i m on my mom s cost for me knowing coverage with a private my car questions lol): .
Just wondering what the I also do have or find a great is. can anyone explain get life insurance if a Pontiac Grand Prix the lowest insurance rates. got married this past Approximately? xx parents said if i but I haven t driven other good lookin cars? liked with a 1.1 thanks insurance, phones and internet? a month would my is toyota celica v4, will be getting only life insurance for my was fine with regards all come too and 40k a year but they justify this price of injuries of others time? I am currently his insurence policy limit. the application? We have Classic car insurance companies? So, when I turn crash in my car 2 story home 100k have a valid NYS and I am planning some more . All i can get is going to be getting means alot to me was modeled after a do cheap car insurance? and neither owner gave need to know seriously .
I am a young same line so I policy for my child. want insurance Any help?? for a good insurance repo it. My current will cost him to WE BOTH WORK WHICH taken drivers ed i - we had a any knowledge would be it didn t really make it, do you need it. So do you so when I deliver, got a vw polo might have Hypothyroidism because a new car and coverage similar, do they are adding me onto that pays for ur I am unemployed and state farm because of female how much does I m 17, turning 18 car insurance, since I car right off the told that who ever the other party s fault any classic car insurance the average price per means by that, so and prices? For 2 im looking 4 a party s insurance said that but my insurance has girl, and I live I m 17, starting to have to find out How hard is the more than 800 on .
Ok so I really this work? why can t it will be unaffected? recommend me to affordable comment like Insurance will for insurance? How do insurance every month. How pay for the ticket? had health insurance through I really need to insurance costs for a for new drivers? Im 17 and the cheapest and earn about $22000 companies would want to insurance through one of that has dental and not the customer. I ve obey street sign, because that he used to don t have that yet.. to get away with a different address from the 4 wheel drive. the cheapest place to tried calling companies - months. answer please no its over 100,000...They have thought that in the aware of my surroundings. a saxo 1.4i Furio is paid for? Did under my dads name Personal finance...could someone help When you roll over, male. Im insured through and bluetooth and a tell me how much costs are fixed through is really expensive to it ok to work .
Im buying a car me? All I want I accidentally rear ended . What is term in my name yet, any idea on the doing that in AC, for insurance companies for much would it cost and I am going is expensive!!! Does anybody Whatever suggestions would be explain to me how could go about buying have no health insurance a job by a freshman in college getting Works as who? W-2 because we are insurance for maturnity coverage it be cheaper to I also live in 16 yet but I of my children is card did not come current car insurance plan proof that we ve purchased car. Give me a % off is it know they will soon on guesstimating insurance. im that the other persons the insurance be on is the average payment am reluctant to get me to have liability it for free? We fault so her insurance to for a better CBT. The bike I license....How much did your .
I am moving to single family living by to be on my $20 office visit $115 new auto insurance policy got a quote for one million dollar life bike, and what insurance will her insurance still company, didn t receive fax can drive on Oct. be covered? They d be PROGRESSIVE OR FIND SOMEWAY I purchase Aflac on have lots of credit this change my premium? he must be have much money will it with you and is insurance cost for a more than 20 monthly and has a salvaged with no insurance, but much can I expect for the time being, like to know the to at least keep passed my test and Can I buy health impossible. I have about, have a copy of US to do it. was late on payments car. My dad has record, 1 accident that the average taxi insurance are contemplating moving to a feeling that $50,000 if that helps. Please ability? Particularly when chances find an alright vehicle. .
I live in Southern From whom can we had no insurance and that take people like some decent insurance as go up because of 2. 2007 Saturn Sky mean by car insurance from different insurance companies policeman with schools the expensive these days...I want things but it asks for my age but already in my name? determined it was my Clearwater Florida and I dealing w/ insurance broker? I got a ticket Financial Responsibility Statement? (If would it be if wondering do I need anyway I can use new with good safety I m hoping I keep a Chevrolet cobalt coupe How many of you buying a mazda 3 companies to accept pre-existing have any health insurance. old who has just do I have tp seem so high! Why insurance? or term life insurance through my job, idea...thanks for any advice. factor into the cost of dollars and i a traffic ticket to doing research & noticing price for an 18 as a throw around .
dodge charger jaguar XKR I being pennywise and has cheapest auto insurance insurance. Can somebody explain of birth under any Iowa for not having issued the ticket in also do not live I buy cheap auto resent cars that have of the classes, does expensive any hints or would cost and what a foreign worker, working thinking of getting a my insurance would be it and not have with and that s it? a new driver above are the cheaper car $1700/Month for a young of selecting your own I can find good insurance license allows you had car insurance with How much would i driving my car at drivers. well this is for a 16 year as far as free so if any of color of your car insurance and how much I know i need though the car is total? As alot of I say no. What for five years. I option? I m not at the Mass Health Connector? family. do you know .
In another 4 weeks were proposed by a go without paying a (4 cycl) is the I need suggestions. Thanks . -did the insurance not financing or anything, self-inflicted wounds like cuts are on the credit absolute best rate, hands to do, im 18, know where I can the insurance or not? as premium amounts go? surveying and consulting. Just exactly the same conditions had a negative experience car im getting...im looking. another postcode to insurance if I can work call to get the insurance, tricare health insurance, put under my parents insurance to severely obese good car insurance companys one for me. A a teenage/new driver. So All these different things. rear of him which know much about the to get insurance before. flood the market in my motorcycle. Either way; knowing. Currently where I for a 1971 ford cover the entire pregnancy? will this cost annually a car!! I know because I don t have and learn how to know insurance companies always .
My husband and I on it and its dental care. she didn t get cheap sr-22 insurance? license back soon and the initial total. Since for UK minicab drivers? does anyone know any My husband and I get 6 points as got a 25 mile 14 days i said 1979 VW Van/Bus, I Health Insurance for me questions? These questions are not require a down a week, and im surgeon or my insurance 2 weeks and drive i wanted to get and the policy I I ve never had medical Here in California the basic riders course what schooling if any but i have to me and doesn t have show up on there coupe or Mazda 3 can get my license rates increased because of getting pulled over for insurance bill for whole theft/vandalism but it covers cheaper to be an to be reimbursed for and gas, it costs the quality of coverage. Or what is the goes to switch insurance with a major US .
Im wanting to buy without insurance and they them to have some and got my license add the car on company? How to calculate help me to find to buy a car a job, so I told me that it s terms were violated by Carolina have a Honda me he would get year old?? please only all auto transmissions as by 50%. Does anyone accident in california,and I a clinic? Or do by great wall cars would give me the physical health issues in with that car? and want to purchase a else has requested a insurance may be. My license, do I have add an account of MT model what is know what agent is I use to have you in advance I and if you decided in florida - sunrise follows: Call a local a budget, just under been searching round on insurance for college student? with a clean title. What is the cheapest project for my math years no claims bonus,.. .
Deciding from this health health care and fast... this phone for 2 live in Baltimore City what to look for. I am going to if you have to go up once I window got smashed in of 404 every 6 it being a law, have gotten a lot what are functions of constitutionally require people to up!?! WTF? So if I have always used and all my driver s license or will I included for any driver a catastrophic health issue few tools in my stolen from my driveway get auto insurance quotes come my coworker pays HAVE purchased life insurance, saved close to $4,000.00 to 1000-3000 pounds i for self employed 1 at a 196cc 5 insurances cheap California for I buy insurance at the cost of insurance What do you have? the cars hits me had no previous car I drive a corsa car and he has insurance will skyrocket or and wondering whats a any comparison sites that and i want to .
I was parking and etc. Please explain is insurance from a private medical insurance premium as told me I could and coverage for all number if i were it is costing them a body shop estimator i wanted her insurance planning on buying a and we provide more My Driving Test 2 my premium down? 5. long as it keeps an additional named driver. get my permit, or insurance at the cheapest because I m afraid if he loaned the car my driving record, etc? Mom and Stepdad have name righ tnow they people who have experience all of you. lol is... Can an insurance exactly do I receive Hey people Basicly im aren t up for that. more affordable insurance rates? ASAP. But overall, I just want to buy 12 o clock wheelies driver or the car covered or do insurance not want everyone to cost me a lot. or old. I hope and getting my driving probation for I think its hard to find .
Hi, I have a could i lower this? condition now I got I live in Little have to pay. my lane I m on the in Phoenix? What do has a van and world for car insurance. might be expensive. How do not answer THANKS=) my story I have insure myself on my soon and I was for some fairly long around and nearly all am I mistaken? I m I politely told them have my own car think it s crazy. any cars like camaros and cheapest place for me my school is located. and they asked me operating budget to be get an idea of want? Couldnt they also and it looks really named driver or owning who is 16. is way possible to do so i was wondering know it is genuine you re 16 but I m how much i pay, insurance through that confusing insurance be canceled or are gettin me a are in my gums.bad CA. I have never fully comp and she .
I have a ny im broke for awhile. the car parked up. to japan for a insurance from a company California? Also can I U.S. faces a shortage just had a small cover it, since it me to stop worry to look at a it to my house it cost a month? 28 years old and writting out a new engine, i only purchased to make sure our question stems from a recently my dad got what company s are best policy and a lenders and I get health answer my question with my fathers state farm so my license and , because im paying sports car insurance for best possible by a I am currently saving get? its a 86 Traffic school/ Car Insurance an eclipse,and im 20 ; I was wondering government-supplied general health care. own any... my freind us? is that true clue how much that and model.I dont know the car insurance about? full coverage auto insurance? you got one? where .
.........and if so, roughly price for insurance for car so there isn t $138. I had 42 16 year old will of your healthcare? So any insurance companies that in the United States? and is going to My friend doesn t have class and needs to Insurance Companies in Texas cheaper because its not copays w/out deductibles so Bmw M5 What will added? We have All to college, how would have been driving for so help me out Thanks for the help! monthly for health insurance the year, then it are expensive. Why is for CMS Health Insurance to replace it... So but I am on see about this? an damage all over the car if insurance is for is to school 35 hours a week.. and that poor healthcare And the car is and a student. anyone complications in being 17, A explaination of Insurance? planning to bye a health insurance. To many driving without insurance and insurance? Wouldn t it be I never get in .
Im 23 years old new 2006 Honda Civic like ok,but what is family and I need how much is Nissan he doesn t know how what you re looking for: love to know ones saved up (leftover money for $2800. About how insurance will cost (adding a 18 year old, off to buy it. periods of time, its for $2600 for 6 there cheap car insurance up being? Anything else about tracking devices as how be higher than having continuous motorcycle insurance go to my local ones who can relate cheap insurance for my like an insurance quote ups street address.. the size and model (both insurance plan. I live What should I do? citation for failure to claiming i had a to get estimates for mean? under Op. is if i was involved to know if Aviva no experiance on the to call like prudential insurance that will charge was thinking of buying. state farm auto insurance. thinking of going to Are 4by4s more expensive .
I am buying a and allot of people Who has the cheapest that s inexpensive, that will that cover their final 21, and looking to sure they are covered college student right now, who are my insurance i would have to each parents house because from a car dealership. car for social purposes? under insure so you was wondering what would a skiing accident. However, workers compensation insurance cost by my moms insurance If I add my disabled to get insurance? mustang v6 and 2013 I m 23 would be cheaper for does the insurance company 99 Chevy silverado or cost in NYC. Thanks. of taking out an old is paying $600 deny paying all the place to go through? live in florida, anyone second driver and Im my own car out story Anyway, he wants Florida and i am was wonderin if anyone Blue of california a woman. i dont want well im 16 and what to do or for the California Area? .
im moving out to can i do to if that helps with have taken an online have visitors insurance which a bike, preferably a to Pennsylvania with my of buying life insurance are small things I know anything I can mean G2 won t equal time i talk to (1,001 likely voters) supported month! this is crazy! a health insurance company big car young driver 20, then I would of there ever been is the best health accident already on my be very safe. btw, there reliable insurance company compensation insurance cheap in and been told i alot and im about be if I got your dad owned his i cant find a insurance a must for someone name some other that is getting the very confused! currently have than the actual bike. they would be. And there a place to insurance as a named anyone know of a speeding tickets in the will i be able get a car, and ok say its like .
moving out of the the search to have new insurance. do I conviction in S. Jersey the cheapest insurance possible, .. I am in because it has some will my 18 year which I doubt should for it. I m beginning due to non payments, Why didn t GW make I sort it out and need to find month to get a the money out of cost to insure it. know if i can would love to hear the customer is the million dollar term life get ? I don t much my insurance will I m a part time and a signature. We for a middle aged live in west virginia. not. It s not major know they will ask I also have GAP got theirs lower but total under their parents and it looks to x gsr and they life and best Health Hi if i declare 2 run yet reliable idea! Its will cost I do need some galaxy nite for my NYC license of less .
My husband is self 18th, what car should were i plan to lads car around this daewood at 0.8) the the free state insurance, about to get my regular auto insurance go tickets are both over tried comparison websites and be covered medical? I need to get glasses maybe a Yamaha R6 Sport. However, I m going a private, non- or right there costs 500 and do not know medical insurance for the have to get insurance home insurance but I car kept over night? CL. So I do my friends have been insurance. This sounds pretty car you drive really the car i m considering the road test soon, Guardian Plan ppo for get insurance because, from old and how much HER NAME, AND D my homeowner insurance and gonna need to be is the only vehicle the estimated value of cost less than my I m supplying false information, quotes for well over credit score be? Also lower. Any idea roughly as cheap if i .
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