#they really did that because they felt bad for obi-wan ❤️❤️
charmwasjess · 6 months
hi! for the choose violence asks: 7 and 13
Hi you!!! Thanks for stopping by ❤️
7: the character I hate not because of canon but because of how fandom acts about them ...well, this is the violence game on the getting too personal website, so I'll get a little too violently personal.
Honestly, a big part of why I stopped writing fic and ultimately left the fandom for over a decade was that I started to hate Dooku. I felt so fed up with having to justify and explain writing him as a Good Master, as a steadfast Jedi, when it felt like the much more popular version was to write him as a grimdark asshole who mainly existed to give angst and whump to Padawan Qui-Gon. (At the time, a major blorbo.) And yes, I got that the guy ultimately becomes a villain, I loved me some Sith era badness fics, but there were so few people writing in pre-prequels era/Dooku's Jedi years as it was, and that idea felt really pervasive. I say "felt." It's funny, over the years I've wondered how accurate my perceptions even were: I had great, supportive friends and a small but wonderful handful of readers, and I was writing mainly in a community of people who cared about the character as much as I did. You know, who was this mean cabal of people who I thought were judging me for not writing him evil enough in his Jedi era?? Was that real, or did I just have that perception because I was an insecure teenager uncomfortable with my own writing and projecting on it?
Over the weekend, I got Boli's kind tag in the WIP Graveyard and I looked at my old account to see about maybe pulling a snippet from my one big WIP from that era. Kind of a cute throwback post. You know, "wanna read my writing from when I was a baby Jess?!" But reading it again made me so unhappy! Not because it was bad or because of not loving my younger self enough or whatever, but that tension in how I was writing Dooku, the way that I could tell how much I was frustrated with and agonizing between how I wanted to write him and how I felt I should write him. How "the good writers" were writing him. The inconsistency all over the page. That's sounds SO dramatic but you know, it was a big deal to me at the time, and I could remember hating that feeling.
I will say now I feel totally differently. Jedi-era Dooku being a categorically good guy or bad guy is missing the point. He isn't an idea I'm defending in an essay, he's a character, he has good days and bad days, triumphs and failures, times when he gets it and times when he totally wipes out. Flaws, loves, moments of valor and moments of ugliness, contradictions, humor, rare sweetness, and above all, the strangeness that makes me love the guy.
13. Worst blorbofication Have you SEEN me with Sifo-Dyas?! My friend, I have no room to be hurling stones about blorbos from my glass house, which is itself shaped like the tragic, yet beautiful figure of Sifo-Dyas.
But probably Obi-Wan. :D I genuinely love him, but just saying... Fandom king blorbo? Probably Obi-Wan.
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underacalicosky · 10 months
For the soft dialogue - 41, 46, or 47. Or all of them, or a combination of them, I'll take what I can get. Lol. 💖
Thanks for the prompts! ❤️ I posted my response for #46 earlier today. @sky-kenobye also asked for #41.
I decided to make #41 part of the Heartbreak Prince AU. It happens the same night as when Anakin asks Obi-Wan to re-pierce his ear for him.
41. “Is that my shirt?” “Is… is that okay?”
And #47 is part of The Next Model universe (aka Top Model AU) and takes place a few weeks after the epilogue.
47. “Have you eaten today?” “Am I gonna get in trouble if I say no?”
Like Old Times
Obi-Wan flips the light switch off as he leaves the bathroom and shuffles over to his living room where Anakin is staying on his pullout couch to see if he needs anything before bed. The apartment is mainly dark except for the light from the kitchen, and that’s where Obi-Wan finds him putting another ice cube into a ziplock bag.
“Does it still hurt a lot?” Obi-Wan winces when his eyes land on Anakin’s red earlobe newly adorned with the shiny metal hoop.
“It’s not too bad,” Anakin says and give him a reassuring smile. He closes the freezer door.
“We should put more antibacterial cream on it,” Obi-Wan suggests. “It’s going to get infected. Again.”
Anakin laughs and the sound is comforting and familiar as it wraps around Obi-Wan. “I’m sure it’ll be fine,” he says and presses the ice cube to his ear.
“Alright, well, let me know if you need anything in the middle of the night. Like a trip to urgent care for antibiotics.”
“You’re so dramatic,” Anakin chuckles and rolls his eyes.
As he’s pivoting and about to walk back to his bedroom, Obi-Wan pauses, his eyes roaming over Anakin.
“Is that my shirt?”
“Is... is that okay?” Anakin glances down at himself before looking up at Obi-Wan. “I forgot to pack a sleep shirt because I usually sleep without a shirt on.” He blushes adorably and his hand drops from his ear. “I found this on the hook behind the bathroom door and it felt really soft so I figured I could borrow it?” he adds, shrugging one shoulder. “Sorry, I should’ve asked first,” he mumbles and the way he casts his eyes away and tips his head down hasn’t changed in ten years. Except now, his hair is long enough for a wayward curl to fall across his forehead.
“No, I don’t mind that you’re borrowing it,” Obi-Wan says and a flush begins to crawl its way up his chest and neck as he takes in the sight of Anakin wearing his shirt. “I could get you a clean one.” Obi-Wan wore it to bed the night before and it’s not terribly dirty, but the fact that Anakin knew it was a worn shirt stirs something in him.
“This one’s okay,” Anakin says quickly. “We used to share clothes all the time.”
“Yeah, we did, didn’t we?” Memories of them from high school flood his mind and Obi-Wan takes a deep breath. “We used to sleep over at each other’s houses every weekend,” he says softly. “Your mom made the best meatloaf and potatoes.”
“She did,” Anakin agrees wistfully. For a moment, they’re both lost in thought. “I have her recipe.”
Studying Anakin’s face, Obi-Wan reads every emotion that dances across his features. So much has changed in their lives in the past decade. So much time has slipped away.
“Well, I know what we’re making for dinner tomorrow,” Obi-Wan tells him.
It earns him a bright smile and he’s swept away by nostalgia as he reaches out to squeeze Anakin’s shoulder.
“Come on,” Obi-Wan says, his voice soft. “Sleepover’s in my room. Just like we did when I visited you.” He tugs on Anakin’s arm and is met with little resistance. “But same rules apply. I will knock you to the floor if you fart on me.”
With another laugh, Anakin follows him down the hallway, the bag of melting ice still in his hand.
* * *
When he catches sight of the auburn hair, Anakin flips his turn signal on and guides the car over to the curb. He parks their sensible and affordably-priced used hybrid vehicle in an empty space, switching on the hazards before he steps out.
Logically, it made sense to not lease a new sports car. They simply weren’t in the financial situation to do so, with both of them still a couple years away from finishing graduate school while planning a small wedding for the summer.
Anakin sees Obi-Wan’s face light up and he laughs, hurrying over to wrap him up in a hug.
“Hi,” Anakin whispers into the neck of Obi-Wan’s puffy winter coat.
“Hi,” Obi-Wan responds and places a small kiss on Anakin’s cheek. “I missed you.”
“I missed you, too.” Anakin straightens up enough to cup Obi-Wan’s clean-shaven face and brings their lips together. “How was your flight?”
Anakin smiles, happy that Obi-Wan was back from his conference. Grabbing the rolling suitcase, he pops open the trunk of the hatchback and places it inside. Obi-Wan tosses in his duffle bag and backpack.
“Thanks for picking me up,” Obi-Wan says.
“No need to thank me. I wanted to see you as soon as I could,” Anakin replies.
After they settle into the car and buckle in, Anakin pulls away from the curb and into airport traffic, checking his mirrors.
“Have you eaten today?” Obi-Wan asks.
“Am I gonna get in trouble if I say no?” Anakin grins as he glances over at him.
“Wait, Anakin, you missed the exit.”
But Anakin just bites his lip and continues to the left, toward short-term parking. Beside him, Obi-Wan is silently trying to figure out what Anakin is doing. The scent of Obi-Wan’s aftershave wafts over as the car turns and it make Anakin’s heart beat faster in anticipation.
They pull up to the ticket kiosk and Anakin punches the button to get a slip of paper. The gate lifts and he pulls through.
“It’s almost noon,” Obi-Wan observes. “You really haven’t eaten anything yet today?”
“The only thing I want in my mouth right now is your dick.”
“I see.”
Anakin winds the car around the parking complex and into a spot in a dark corner. His fingers unfasten his seat belt and he quickly gets out of the car. A beat later, he opens the door to the backseat and waits.
“Are you coming?”
Turning his head hesitantly, Obi-Wan looks up at him. “You’re serious?” But he doesn’t wait for an answer and opens the passenger side door to shuffle out, closing it behind him before he crawls into the backseat. “There’s not enough room back here,” Obi-Wan notes.
Anakin slides in from the other side and closes the door. A second later, his hands are in Obi-Wan’s hair, crushing their mouths together. He feels Obi-Wan moan against his lips and attempts to rearrange their limbs to fit in the cramped space so that he can grind his hips down on his fiancé.
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan pants between kisses. “You couldn’t have waited until we got home?”
Sometimes Obi-Wan could be such a troll. Anakin palms and squeezes at the obvious arousal in Obi-Wan’s pants, making him gasp.
“No, I couldn’t wait.” His hands work to peel Obi-Wan’s coat off him while his mouth sucks on the little silver hoop earring, then latching onto that spot right behind his ear.
“But now we’ll have to pay for parking,” Obi-Wan protests breathlessly.
“Under thirty minutes is free,” Anakin says, pulling back from him. His fingers begin unzipping Obi-Wan’s fly. “And I only need about five,” he adds with a grin and shimmies down Obi-Wan’s body.
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thewriterowl · 2 years
Hello Owl ❤️ I know that maybe I'm not on topic at all, because now all the attention is on the kenobi show, but still I want to share my thoughts, because I'm still bombed!
What did they do with the Mandalorian ending in the Boba Fett show. Seriously, Lord, how could you devalue and excuse me to shit on your own creation? Well, I understand that income is very important for Disney, this is their main motivation and in general the goal for which they make all these shows, and the duet of father and son, Din and Grogu is probably the most popular in star wars, but then why do such a heartbreaking parting father and son, if literally in a short time they will be together again and Din, who sincerely wanted Grogu to start training and how the damned was looking for at least one Jedi all over the galaxy, suddenly changes his shoes and down with these selfish Jedi, and many can say about Grogu, that he dropped out of training, because this is a reference to Luke with Yoda, but in the case of Luke there was a vision of the future, where he saw the danger that his friends were in and of course he chose to save his friends from death, and in the case of Grogu I it seems that he just wanted to go to his father, well, then it would be better if Grogu refused to study with Gideon on the ship and the father and son would simply thank Luke for saving him, honestly it would be better.
And yet, many may say that we have not seen everything, that perhaps we will be shown the true reasons for all the actions of the heroes, but honestly, I doubt it very much, considering what kind of people come up with new star wars, they probably just come up with stupid excuses as always and just will quickly switch our attention to the adventures of Din, and they will simply forget about Luke, because his graphics will take a lot of money from Disney. And a little attention to the scandals that are now going on because of the show about kenobi, where they didn’t give a damn about the history of Obi Wan and almost all the time they show the all-powerful black woman Mary Sue (I’m not a racist, I’m just for quality scripts), this again shows that Disney is important only money and propaganda, and since the Disney sequels, they are again stepping on the same rake, it seems that they began to improve, everyone loves the mandalorian, and started their own again (
Hello! It is fine if you are not, this ask seems to be open and ready for most anything at this point XD
And I understand what you mean. What was done to the Book of Boba Fett felt so wrong. How for the first half it was about Boba and then becomes a third season for the Mandalorian—it felt wrong. There was so much potential with both storylines and for them to be just haphazardly smooshed together in such a way was wrong. This was a chance to let Boba shine, as so many fans wanted, and get it connected to other aspects in the galaxy (like Bad Batch, Clone Wars, even Kenobi) rather than the Mandalorian. 
Din being involved would’ve been fine but not to have his own few episodes of a short series. He should’ve just appeared and Boba may have asked, “What took ya/what have you been up to?” and Din would be telling him about it later. Then Din’s episode in the BoBF would be episode one of season three as to inform everyone what he is doing, him getting the NB-1 fighter, and either 1) going to see Grogu after it shows he assists Boba or 2) he doesn’t go see Grogu at all until mid-way or the end of season 3. Then we get more Luke (who would be played by an actor so they don’t have to spend more time on the CGI and we can get more of him) and Luke trains him.
What they did just made Luke feel rushed and easy to misinterpret, when he is still a good, selfless man who is not trying to keep a father from his son. 
I really loved Kenobi and I thought Reva was great, though not the best written out to screen, but there does seem to be a sort of rushness to things and it does feel like the creative team may be getting squashed by the business side. It is about marketing but they get so grubby and rushed with getting everything focused on what sells they forget that these stories are wanted desperately by the fans and for it to be focused on these characters, one at a time, without a need of forcefully tangling everything together. 
There is so much potential in all of these things and I see how great they can be, and some are far better than others, but, yes, there is way too much “hurry, hurry, back to the one that sells” that they forget the potential these others can sell just as well if they gave them just some time and consideration and storytelling.
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tennessoui · 3 years
i love the tropey sleeping beauty au!!! it's so cute and funny haha!! all of the poor clones and jedi masters forced to kiss anakin cause obi-wan can't get his head out of his ass. the funniest thing to me is imaging windu's face as this is all happening LMAO. all i can think about is when it's windu's turn to take one for the team, the kiss he plants on anakin is more akin to a headbutt than anything haha. he then proceeds to go bleach his mouth. anakin can't look anyone in the eyes -12
i imagine Mace calls a urgent and mandatory jedi council session for everyone but obi-wan (and yoda who refuses to be a part of this) and they gossip like twelve year olds at a slumber party the entire time but they're also like "oh obi-wan must be heartbroken......" "no one saw this coming....." "i had down that skywalker's been in love with obi-wan since he was seventeen this doesnt make sense!" "force, imagine how skywalker acts around his dearest love if he acts the way he does around obi-wan!"
and mace is like "ok everyone....we have to be really nice about this its obvious he's heartbroken and lost and it's not a good look on him. he told me he just wants anakin back--"
"OH! the poor man is so in love he doesnt even care his lover doesn't love him the same way that's TRAGIC!"
"--so we have to give him whatever he asks for in regards to this curse breaking. no expense spared. he's moping. moping."
obi-wan: so really, i was thinking. maybe it could be like. metaphorically. a dearest love. not his actual dearest love 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
the entire jedi council (to themselves): look at him go poor boy is grasping at straws, let's nod encouragingly, yeah sure obi-wan maybe it is more metaphorical. wow youre so smart anyone would be lucky to love you you'll find love again!!!
obi-wan: yes! i see nodding!! 🙏🏻❤️phew! ok i think anakin's dearest love could be his lifestyle as a jedi, so i think all the best jedi should kiss him, just to see!!! 👀🙈🥺👉🏻👈🏻
the jedi council (looks at mace):
mace (through gritted teeth): whatever....... you think..... might work.....obi-wan...............
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