#they r baking a cake together btw
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based off a manga panel i saw for death island where chris was wearing the tightest shirt possible for no reason and me and all my friends all made fun of him for buying XS shirts just to show off his muscles
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honey-milk-depresso · 4 years ago
Stuck with Heartslabyul
I also procrastinated on this for so frickin’ long. I made two other series of being home dorm quarantined with other TWST characters like Octavinelle and Savanaclaw which you can go read if you want! I hope you enjoy this one! ^^
Riddle Rosehearts
He still somehow carry out his dorm leader duties-
Let us shed a tear for this young boy-
also there is from head to toe neatly
V e r y  neatly 
placed in order
organized files, books, documents-
What tf is this an office or a dorm room?????
well whatever-
He thinks that this is the perfect opportunity to bake things.
With you!
Well, truthfully he can’t really bake as well as Trey but he tries,
and if you are by his side baking,
he feels a little bit more confident, and a lot more happier!
Unbirthday parties can’t be carried out since
ya know,
no social contact :’)))
so, he’ll just have daily unbirthday parties with you!
And lemme just tell you,
after so many hours of baking,
he’s getting the hang of it-
And you realized he’s actually really good in setting a tea party atmosphere.
Like he knows how to arrange the teacups,
he prepared frickin’ napkins my lord this Ciel Phantomhive kid is extra-
But not going to lie, 
It’s really pretty the set up.
Buuuut, his baking still needs some work going-
“Oh? R-really? Didn’t it say 5 tablespoons?”
“You poured 5 whole cups-”
Trey Clover
being stuck with Trey is the best option-
He bakes
And I’m not saying he baked a lot of pastries equivalent to how much he bakes for unbirthday parties-
Oh no non no-
It’s frickin’ thrice the amount-
He experimented a lot-
From baking macrons, chiffon cakes, frickin’ candy art-
You are blessed when you’re stuck with him, s/o-
“Holy shit Trey, what is that??”
“Oh, I’m just carving the chocolate.”
“Honey, that looks like you just created Van Gogh shit, that looks fancy and really hard to do-”
“Sugar, I’ll make your food look and taste like ‘Van Gogh shit’ for you anytime.”
Cough cheesy Trey cOuGH
And he’s like a housewife not gonna lie-
he wakes up earlier during quarantine surprisingly, 
maybe cuz he always finish schoolwork MUCH earlier now-
and he doesn’t have much to carry out as Vice dorm-
so he wakes up early,
and cooks frickin pancakes whatever delicious shit that comes to mind for you to eat for breakfast
cbdhidcchnff hnf
W H A T-
Also brush your teeth after you finish eating-
Cater Diamond
Cup noodle game is strong-
Unhealthy, yes-
but you do all sorts of things with it,
to which he’ll always post on Magicam.
Like you guys make curry instant noodles,
salad with the dry instant noodle bits for salad toppings--
list goes on my dude-
and not only that, 
he posts all those like daily life at home (or in this case his dorm room-)
and he’s gonna be posting about E V E R Y T H I N G
From what you both had for breakfast, what you guys did at 3 pm,
Every. Second. Of. Being. Stuck. With. You.
“I know, that’s why I’ll post it in my private account which is my diary btw~”
“First off, your private account has like at least 1000 people in it, secondly, buy yourself an actual book diary, and thirdly, I’m liTERALLY IN THE TOILET WITH UGLY ASS BAGGY PANTS TRYING TO FIX THE LIGHTS-”
Because of this incident, you bought him a plain writing book online.
You know he wouldn’t like writing with a lot of words,
Scrapbooking! *Cue the glitter filter*
he has so much fun!
Decorating, pasting all the photos he took with you and printed them out.
He loves it so much! Being stuck with Cater is productive and maybe a little tiring, but hey! Works for the both of you!
Deuce Spade
This boy-
Oh my god-
He’s absolutely so sweet and adorable-
I can’t-
He’s not the best, he knows,
sometimes he wonders why you would ever want to be stuck with him-
but this man puts in more effort than he can to make sure you are comfortable during the pandemic time-
like his cooking went from a C to S class dear-
Although they are egg based dishes, there is
A  w i d e variety in each dish-
And it really tastes good-
But you can tell he’s really tired trying to perfect his dish,
he wished he was Trey my lord-
Cuddle him please,
every day at every hour at every second just pleaseeeee
he needs it-
and he wants it-
but is just shy about it-
ahem sorry-
he surprisingly took up knitting and wanted you to join in after browsing online for more recipes to which randomly stumbled upon knitting basics videos
So arts and crafts time!!! ahh children-
He knits a very simple cloth at first-
which escalated to become scarves, blankets , mittens, sweaters like-
w o a h
Grandma Deuce-
and he also found these charity organizations who sold homemade products online to collect money to raise funds to give to people in need.
Let us put it as it’s not a scam website.
Soooo he published some of his hand made scarves, blankets and sweaters online-
And I swear this man is so sweet I can’t-
“Well, we have to do something to help these people! And they’re giving us a chance to give them our support!”
He also used the first handmade blanket he knitted with you as your official sleeping blanket.
With shit tons of cuddles.
Being stuck with Deuce is honestly just so sweet and wholesome.
Ace Trappola
This idiot-
This absolute h e a t h e n-
I just wish you good luck man-
He just absolutely LOVES to prank you.
“What the fck what?”
“Huh? What makes you think that?”
You just gotta survive by pranking him too.
Also this man-
And not just video games,
Oh non no no-
Hide and seek, chase-
ya name it.
At every hour-
You also play virtual UNO with the whole Heartslaybyul gang sometimes-
“Riddle, lower your microphone level-”
*Pulls a green card*
*You put in the green reverse card*
*Switch back to poor Riddle lmao*
every night-
moving on,
He’s also the type who will make memes of the two of you when being stuck together lmao-
As for food-
either take out or you cook-
He cannot be trusted with the kitchen-
he can’t take one step in it no joke-
All in all, being stuck with Ace is really just crack level head energy soraing through the sky with his love dovey antics.
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girlgrouptrash101 · 4 years ago
Cooking with Loona
Request: "i know requests are closed and i’m reallyyy sorryyyy 🥺 i’ve been going through a lot and i just didn’t have time and didn’t feel right enough to ask this: maybe cooking with loona??"
A/N: to the anonnie that requested this, i hope you're feeling better and ily ❤️❤️
(had to put a keep reading tab cuz the post was too damn long f)
- C
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we’ve all seen the cement brownie she tried to give to chuu on her birthday vlive..... yeah....
she always skips like half the steps when she’s following recipes and then gets confused when her food doesn’t turn out the same like,, Heejins sweetie pleASE-
lowkey can’t cook but she thinks she can because you hype her up too much
like she will serve you a dish that will somehow be both burnt and cold at the same time and you still tell her she did amazing because it makes her so happy and that’s all that matters
your guys’ favourite thing to make together is probably cupcakes or cakes
because you get to bake them and Heejin gets to decorate them, and they always end up looking and tasting immaculate
everything in your guys’ relationship works better when you’re together, you two simply complete each other :’)
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not only does she make the most kickass bread but girlie really is a chef of all cuisines too
you still don’t know how or where she even learned to cook so well but you aren’t complaining at all
whatever you feel like eating, Hyunjin knows how to cook it to absolute perfection and she always offers to teach you how to make your favourite dishes
you two also have matching yellow cat aprons uwu
the kind of girl to either kick you out of her kitchen for distracting her while she’s making a meal or else back hug you and help you stir a bowl with her hand over yours all romantically
it literally just depends what mood she’s in at that very moment
highkey loves loves loves cooking for you and surprising you with dinner after a long day, because her favourite thing to do is put a smile on your face :D
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starts off really strong and sticks to the recipe... but then her mind wanders and she's like,,, well,,, what if i add this????
and you're like haseul,,,, please don't put chilli peppers in Kim lips birthday cake, i promise she can do without them,,,,,
she finds cooking in the dorms a bit stressful, doing her best to feed the hungry members after a long day of practice
so cooking with you tends to be a much more therapeutic experience, just you two, a bit of music and some tasty treats
but she of course brings back plenty of wonderful bakes for her members to enjoy too, they're literally her babies she is can't just let them STARVE 😔🙄😢
lowkey pretends she's having trouble stirring so you'll reach from the back and help her with the spoon all romantically
miss haseul you are not slick we SEE YOU
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yes she did in fact bejewel her cookery book
"yeojin... I can't even read the recipes, there's too much glitter!!"
"Well Y/N, sometimes, sacrifices have to be made in the name of beauty."
said sacrifices are usually cupcakes and cakes that don't rise, burnt food or just complete mush that doesn't even look like food
however, when yeojin is fully dedicated she can pack a mean lunch, sometimes she makes them for you when you're going off to school/work, and she always makes sure presentation is A+
prefers to just go out to cafes/restaurants on dates rather than cook
but that doesn't mean there haven't been times where you and her have been in the kitchen at 2am, trying to make a gigantic cake for you and all her members to share 😌
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has the most peaceful, lofi cooking playlist ever
you two work in harmony, always helping one another but never tripping over the other in the kitchen
it's so harmonious it's like.... y'all were meant to be or sumn idk 😳😳😳
however if u try to eat any batter she will smack ur hand and be like no ⛔ that is for LATER hfhdhd
her hair always gets tied up in the cutest little bun when she's baking, and that along with her fairy apron makes her look like an actual princess
she also LOVES cooking/teaching you how to make her favourite foods from Hong Kong that she'd always make with her mom
those meals always help her when she's homesick, and with you by her side make her feel like she's not alone 🥺
Kim Lip:
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CEO of pretending she has everything under control when in reality she has absolutely no idea what’s going on
“Uhhh Jungeun, is something burning?” “NOPE NOPE IDK WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT HA HA HA........”
wants to put your apron on you every time but she’s always way too shy to ask so she just resorts to back-hugging you until you get the hint and let her tie a cute little bow behind your back with the apron string hehe
makes pretty decent food when she’s not flailing around and panicking over a single grain of rice that escaped from the pot or something
however she refuses to admit when she messes up in the kitchen
like she could burn something to a crisp or use completely the wrong ingredients but she’d still eat every bite just to prove she’s the best cook in the house
if your food sucks she will tell you to your face, followed by a kiss so you forget about the fact she just roasted your cooking skills lol
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Jinsoul gives off Hawaiian shirt drunk uncle at the family barbecue vibes who won't let anyone near the steaks
and you're like,, Jinsoul do you even know what you're doing????????? to which she responds - "food, heat, it's cooking. isn't that all i need to know?"
chaotic but refuses to acknowledge the chaos she causes in the kitchen
so when you have baking dates u have to keep such a close eye on her to make sure she isn't going to poison anyone with her creations
once she gets into it tho, she's grooving around the kitchen in her little robot apron, dancing to Christmas songs when it's not even Christmas and just 10/10 having a blast
not really the biggest fan of cooking but she knows you are, and since you help her build her gundams she does like to try and help our properly in the kitchen when she can
perhaps Jinsoul best girl???? perhaps??????
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hello this sunshine absolutely LOVES baking, especially for others because putting a smile on someone's face is her main goal in life
she loves decorating with icing too, her go to patterns are smiley faces, flowers and the sun!
her playlists are always so upbeat, the two of you end up bouncing around the kitchen singing at the top of your lungs as you work
LOVES LOVES LOOOOOVES backhugs, especially recieving them,,, it makes her feel all worm and mushy inside hehe
also likes to kiss face icing off of your face, just to have an excuse to give you as many little pecks as she so desires
choerry always makes you a birthday cake every year, and she puts so much work into it, it absolutely melts your heart
plus it makes her happy to see you eating well and having a good time, she truly just is the biggest sweetheart :']
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she always says yes whenever you ask her to cook with you, but only because she just wants to flirt with you for an hour
"why do we need to make all this food, when the real snack is right in front of me? 😏"
cooking with you actually really does make her happy though, she loves that she can be so domestic with you, it's such an amazing break from her hectic life
also lowkey makes her feel like you're a married couple... and you best believe Yves can't wait to wife you up
she doesn't suck at cooking, but has often times gotten,,, ahem,,,, somewhat distracted and has prioritized making out with you against the kitchen counter rather than how long the food has been cooking, which ends up in a lot of burnt meals
baking with her is really a time, and has more than once ended in a very messy food fight because Yves wouldn't stop smearing icing all over your face 💔
her specialty is dialing the local takeaway and ordering food instead ✨ okay Yves Ramsey go off ✨
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this baby girl is just torn between actually wanting to cook or just asking you to cook with her so she can get affection from you (as if she doesn't get that anyway smh)
backhugs except she won't let go
whenever she's making something she calls you over and she's like "Y/N is this okay?" and always asks for kisses as a reward for doing good
will feed you every single ingredient no questions asked
she loves surprising you with meals on very random occasions though, for example that one time she cooked your favourite food because it was the anniversary of the first time she got sick while dating you
she's actually a pretty good cook when she puts her mind to it though, she loves making good food that'll cheer people up when they really need it
btw you will be forced to wear matching aprons and they will be the pinkest, loudest and sparkliest ones that she can get her hands on ✨
Go Won:
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have the fire service on speed dial before you even think about cooking with gowon omg
you literally also need to have indestructible tastebuds because she WILL destroy them
her speciality is starting fires and combining foods that were NEVER. EVER. E V E R. meant to be combined 😭😭
"babe come try this dish!! it's ramen mixed with coca cola, jelly and vegetable soup!!! it tastes GREAT trust me"
at the end of the day you just leave her be in the kitchen because at least she's having fun LMAO
(just always have a fire hydrant by your side okay??? she set the loona dorm on fire making chicken nuggets once...)
despite all her chaos, she somehow always produces something edible at the end and.... sometimes it actually tastes good too???
Olivia Hye:
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lets you do all the work cuz she's worried she "might mess it up" when in reality she just wants to order takeout and cuddle instead smhhh
will probably follow you around the kitchen or rest her head on your shoulder while you do all the cooking, because this tsundere is secretly the biggest softie for you
she's actually a decent chef when she's motivated to help though
like she even put together a cooking playlist for you guys - which she very shyly revealed to you one time, a slight blush on her cheeks as she played the songs for you
cuz miss olhye is very much a romantic, she just doesn't have the confidence to show you all that yet hehe
her favourite is making desserts because well,,,, she gets to eat the batter and also gets tasty treats at the end
10/10 cooking backhugs also 🖐️😌
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bushdivingbushranger · 3 years ago
oh and 32 &62 for the ask thing y not
32: What is your favourite color?
Green, and it has been for a v long time but I'm slowly but surely recognising blue as a fav colour too. im indecisive so they're BOTH my fave colours. they r best friends
62: What makes you happy?
birds, watching birds, thinking about birds, seeing pictures of birds online, monkeys, thinking about monkeys, seeing pictures of monkeys, apes, thinking about apes, seeing pictures of apes, animals generally, watching animals, thinking about animals, seeing pictures of animals online, animal facts, paths with lots of puddles, ice cream with two or more scoops, or one scoop but its like in a swirl so its a soft serve, eating, drinking cool soft drinks in the countryside by the local breweries bc the cola is always better than coke??, i know i said birds but seagulls at the beach, and i know i said birds but the spur wing plover's very long legs... i love watching them run around, colourful leaves, long grass with lots of flower weeds (especially onion-weed), stationery omg i love stationery so much, new journals... with nice paper feel, gel pens...., wax seals and seal stamps!! i only have 3 seal stamps and i want more!!, looking at my bedsheets when its a sunny day because theyre always crumpled so it looks very cozy and warm, pulling typewriters apart and putting them back together again, any and all bodies of water but especially shallow and clear creeks, looking at eggs and thinking about different egg types (cuckoo eggs r so cool looking), when my handwriting looks nice and not messy (rare), wish houses, holding worms (only when im digging and im moving them somewhere safe i promise im not just terrorising them), whistling back and forth with the rosella until i whistle the wrong tune and then it wont reply to me anymore 😭, where i live, thinking about travelling, oooh boba.... especially matcha or jasmine and with red bean and pearls, OOOH yum cha...., when i write stuff for some of the stories in my head and they dont turn out like complete garbage (rare!), thinking about the fact that cows have best friends, reading carl safina's 'beyond words' again and again (its about elephants its very good), i had a dream with david attenborough in it last night btw that was cool, going to the museum alone, seeing lesbians deeply in love with each other, sewing something and when its done all the stitches look super clean and straight and profesh..., baking cake, when no one is in the house and its very quiet, sound of snow crunching in tes oblivion, honestly sound of ppl eating chips gbskjgbdfg, i love when ppl eat and theyre really enjoying it and theyre like mm! or make the orughpmf sound when theyre biting bc theyre excited to just dig into it, thinking about characters in my different w.i.ps that ill likely never finish, when my mum is really happy, talking 2 da tumblr bestie bwiththel, when i see old stuff of people whether its photos or things they made for me b4 i remember that we're not in each others lives anymore, sitting on a big rock, melbourne chinatown, letting myself think about the future in the most unrealistic way, watching leaves fall
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rkmeiqi · 5 years ago
—may 3rd, 2020. sbs inkigayo waiting room.
on the days where the group are to appear on music shows, meiqi finds that there’s a surplus amount of free time where they’re expected to do nothing but sit around and wait for their turns on the stage. it’s quite boring most of the time, so she goes around bothering her members or the staff. occasionally, she would leave the waiting room to explore the building, only to get lost and having to call one of the members or their manager to bring her back, and now she’s banned from doing that too (it only happened four times, sheesh! get over it!). 
at least, today is their last day having to suffer in waiting rooms. the promotion cycle is ending already (it feels like it’s gone by so fast!) and since there’s not much left for her to do in their final wait, she opens up youtube to find a video that can entertain her.
curious, she types the group’s name into the search bar and waits for the results to load. there are their official videos like music videos and dance practices, a few special stages from festivals, and surprisingly, there's a variety of fan-made contents.
meiqi skips over a compilation of wendy’s singing (she saves it for later though), and a video that claims to introduce the newest maknae of and*roma, landing on a peculiar title, only uploaded a few hours ago: learn the alphabet with and*roma: sunmi's birthday vlive edition!
the video starts.
a is for — “aaaAAAAHHHHH” (the members scrambling around, everyone is screaming, rip headphone users) b is for — birthday girl (a picture of sunmi holding a cake, taken from juhee’s instagram post, there are hearts drawn around her and a caption that says “happy birthday gf <3”) c is for — candles (zoomed into the couch aflame in the corner, courtesy of the candles on the fallen cake right beside it) d is for — “don’t eat cake off the floor!!” (sunmi yelling at meiqi) e is for — “expensive cake" (a screencap of the cake before it was dropped, sparkle emojis and money bag emojis are edited around it) f is for — “floork” (seulgi saying the word she’s just created while crouched over the fallen cake) g is for — G7 (wendy’s scream as the cake falls, the caption says “she just naturally hits a g7 note??? the g in kpop stands for gyeoul,” rip headphone users part 2) h is for — "happy—" (everyone starting to sing happy birthday, but it’s cut off after the first word as the cake starts to slip) i is for — “i’m going to make tiramisu!” (sunmi starting the baking process at the beginning of the vlive) j is for — juhee falling (juhee tripping over air and dropping the cake, the caption says “PROTECT THE MAKNAE”) k is for — kaeun is a firefighter (kaeun throwing a cup of water to put out the fire) l is for — like the office (sunmi looking into the camera like in the office) m is for — meiqi soap opera queen (meiqi falling to the floor dramatically with a loud wail as the cake also falls) n is for — “new york” (sunmi saying she’s from new york, the caption says “mrs. worldwide” with the earth emoji and pitbull superimposed beside her) o is for — “of course i know how to speak english” (sunmi talking to the camera in english) p is for — per_se (sunmi talking about how and*roma and per_se were together for her birthday last year, the caption says “we love brother-sister groups supporting each other”) q is for — queens (a clip of the cushion mv, the caption says “stream cushion btw”) r is for — really fucking loud (a montage of the loudest moments from the vlive plays, rip headphone users part 3) s is for — sunmeow (meiqi telling sunmi to say meow and calling her “sunmeow”) t is for — talented sisters (sunmi saying luxe’s ashe is her sister, images of the two keep piling on top of each other until sunmi is completely covered, the caption says “stan luxe”) u is for — unbelievable (a montage of the girls trying to salvage the cake, the caption says “does nova not feed their artists??? SAVE AND*ROMA!!!!”) v is for — video silently (sunmi saying they’ll do the vlive quietly to not disturb the other members’ sleep, followed by the clip of them yelling, the caption says “so quiet!” rip headphone users part 4) w is for — “we are clean women!” (meiqi trying to argue with seulgi and sunmi about eating the cake from the floor) x is for — xcited (the group cheering when the clock hits 12am) y is for — younggi really wants to eat cake off the floor (seulgi’s initial recommendation to eat the part of the cake that didn’t touch the floor, followed by her final words of the vlive again talking about eating the floork) z is for — zfamily (everyone happily making the tiramisu together, the caption says “they really do love each other so much T____T they’re so cute”)
meiqi is laughing herself to tears by the end of the video. when they had planned to surprise sunmi on her birthday, she had no idea that the night would have gone the way it did. the memory itself is enough to reduce her to a hiccuping laughter, but the way the fan had edited the clips together and added commentary, it’s just... it’s pure gold.
“guys!” she manages to yell out between cackles. meiqi wipes a tear from her right eye as she flings herself off the couch, rushing towards the closest member to her. she rewinds the video to the beginning before shoving her phone screen in front of their faces. “you have to watch this!”
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juminsmysticmc · 6 years ago
Don't know if you already did this, but i would like to request the RFA members reacting to a MC who tries to surprise them with some delicios cooking by herself, but it gets burned. She tried, but she is just really bad at cooking. ~Love your blog btw
RFA with a Mc who is a bad cooker and burns their food
Hii! No! I didn’t write this yet at least I think so, sometimes I forget my own writing lmao! I know how Mc would feel because I‘m the same. Well perhaps I can cook but I‘m too lazy. But I will try my best! Here, please enjoy and THANK YOU FOR YOR SUPPORT! I LUV YA TOO.
You looked at the clock and at the laptop on your beautiful legs.
It was a hot summer day and you were only wearing an old, way too long singlet out of Jumin‘s closet.
,,Ahhh this sounds soo good!“ you smiled as you read the dish‘s name.
You wanted to cook potatoes and asparagus with grilled salmon.
It didn’t took long until you stood in the kitchen, ready to cook a tasty dinner for your husband.
,,My love I‘m home-MC?!“ Jumin yelled as he opened the door.
He was surrounded by black smoke.
He began to choke as he searched you.
He quickly noticed that the smoke came from the kitchen and immediately entered the room.
,,Mc!“ he exclaimed your name and opened the window.
,,Ohh no, Jumin, is it okay if the potatoes are a little bit darker?’’ you asked him with an embarrassed smile as you showed him the black potatoes.
,,Maybe…we should order something…’’ you mumbled when the two of you sat around the table.
,,No, I can’t let go this food in vain!’’ Jumin smiled at you and took a bite of the food you prepared for him with love.
It wasn’t really tasty but love filled his heart when he thought about you cooking his meal.
But ever since then he decided to stay by your side to not let you cook alone.
You were on vacancy but unfortunately the agency did some mistakes and so Zen had to work.
It was sad since you wanted to go somewhere for a trip.
Since Zen thought that it was his fault, you wanted to make him feel better and so you decided to cook his favorite dish by your self.
You put in the ingredients and stayed alert that everything worked out but unfortunately you failed.
The pan was black, filled with unhealthy oil as the food turned black.
You looked at the food on the plate and realized that it would be pretty unhealthy.
But before you could call your boyfriend to please bring take out with him, he already entered the room.
,,Hi! They let me go earlier.’’ he smiled happily and kissed your cheek.
,,Oh, did you cook for me?’’ he asked you a bit unsure and took a bite, chewing pretty hard on the disgusting food.
He still tried to smile even through it was pretty hard.
,,Don’t, oppa. You will get sick!’’ you whined and took the plate to throw it away.
The two of you instead ordered Pizza and enjoyed it together.
,,From today on we will just watch cooking shows okay, princess?“
Everyone knew that Yoosung liked to cook for the people he loves.
He was still a bit clumsy but even through it didn’t always look good, it was tasty.
And so of course you thought it was a shame that you as the woman never cooked for your hard working husband.
,,So, Mc, let’s do it!“ you giggled and put a few ingredients into the pot.
,,Uhm….the table the table!“ you talked to yourself and ran out while the food was in the pot.
,,Oh! Yoosung‘s favorite series!“ you yelled and went to the living room, leaving the half undone table.
Unfortunately you forgot your food afterwards and instead went to the toilet, put on some make up and began to chat with Jaehee while she was on her way home.
This was until you smelled something burning.
Totally disgusted by the smell you approached the kitchen and remembered-you wanted to actually cook.
,,FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK IT’S ON FIRE!“ you yelled and searched for something to stop the flames.
,,Mc!“ Yoosung yelled and pushed you away, putting his jacked on the fire to suffocate it.
,,Where you trying to put the house on fire?“ he asked you still terrified and checked your body.
,,Are you hurt?“ he asked you when he couldn’t see anything.
But you, amazed by his handsomeness just hugged him.
,,Mc…“ Yoosung blushed and tried to stay calm….
You were so embarrassed. Everything you did was serving customers or cleaning the kitchen.
But except for that you were good for nothing.
And you hated it.
You wanted to help her, your only love and partner.
You wanted to see her wide smile filled with pride and so you mixed all ingredients to bake a special cake.
,,So lame…“ you mumbled after a few minutes.
It didn’t take a long time after your body reacted before your brain did. 
In the next moment you turned the oven on the highest temperature and tried to tidy up the place.
,,Mc I‘m here again-why does it smell so odd?“ Jaehee began and looked around.
She quickly reacted and tried to save the cake.
Although your girlfriend failed.
,,I‘m sorry…“ you mumbled and looked down.
,,Don’t worry…I like you the way you are. This was good enough!“ she smiled at you with a proud grin.
You hated it for a long time to be honest.
You hated the fact that you guys would simply eat junk food.
You hated it.
The reason was that none could cook.
Or that you guys were just lazy to do so.
But after you noticed your weight gain, you decided to change everything.
You let Saeyoung hack into Weight Watcher‘s program to get the recipe‘s and began to cook.
Although, it didn’t really work out.
Saeyoung kept teasing you and playing pranks on you.
And at some point you were just so angry that you needed to give him a proper payback.
You put everything aside into the pot, the brand new tupperware on the stove and ran after your future husband to hopefully slap him.
,,Come here SAEYOUNG!“ you yelled as you tried to stop your tummy ache you got from laughing and breathing.
No use, he was way too quickly.
,,GOTCHA!“ you yelled at some point as you finally touched his sweaty back.
,,What’s that?“ he suddenly asked you dead serious.
,,Mh?“ you asked him.
But suddenly before you could answer the extinguisher turned on and began to beep loudly.
,,The food…is a mess…“ you guys mumbled after you finally got the gadgets crushed.
,,Let’s just enjoy Chips and Ice cream as long as we can.“ Saeyoung mumbled as he tried to shallow your broccoli.
23.04.‘19// 21:31 MEST
@foreversunshine-love @giulia2372 @milkyxstrawberry
@widya345 @remiliadacalde @sailormoonrocks666 @r-f-a-journalists
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chrysolina · 7 years ago
Clinging to you
Asks - Hiii! How’re u? I was wondering if you could do an imagine where the reader is dating cevans, and over hears I’m saying that she’s too clingy and he might break up with her? Then she avoids him for days. And the reason she’s clingy is bc she thinks she’s going to lose him? But chris didn’t know that and realizes how much he misses and loves her? Love ur page btw seriously - anon
Hiii! Can you do a fic with cevans x girl reader. She overheard him saying that she’s too clingy and sometimes he just wants to be alone and is thinking abt breaking up w her and so she ignores him for days but he doesn’t know why but they get into a fight about it after ? Basically angst to fluff? -
Thank you both for this amazing ask!! Here it is, hope you enjoy 💕
Summary - Chris is getting tired - tired of your clinginess to him. So much so, he wants to end your five year relationship - but how can you with a massive obstacle soon to be in the way?
Word count - 2.6k
Warnings - angst, swearing, fluff, mention of sex
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Photoshoots, Chris hated them. As much as he was a kind soul and wasn’t one to complain, he wasn’t having any of it today. A humid, gripping air hung around LA the whole day and the studio was no different, the air-con was trying it’s best to cool everyone but with the recent heatwave that had just passed, it just wasn’t enough.
Ever since he was a baby, Chris never liked the heat - period - it still made him as cranky, snappy and generally frustrated at the most mundane or innocent of things even now, thirty six years later.
Through all the hair styling, outfit changes, prop swapping, flashes and clicks of the camera, he was continuously keeping his cool - until you, literally, stepped through the door of the studio. He didn’t understand why but as of late, you had been rather clingy with him - far too clingy, if Chris had further words for it.
He hadn’t dared to say it to you yet but your incessant clinginess only made him want to tear away from you and call it quits. He was a lone spirit, an independent one at that and he just couldn’t stand the cramped feeling you gave him whilst you were around him.
You smiled, waved and said hi to him whilst the hairdressers were sorting his hair, like most would, you expected him to smile back and either tell you to come see him or say hey back but no, Chris just glared daggers into you, making your happy go-lucky smile drop in an instant. You didn’t digress too much over it however, you shrugged it off and went off to the lunchtime buffet that had just opened on the other side of the studio.
After a while, things weren’t adding up. The head photographer had called it time for lunch just over twenty minutes ago and Chris hadn’t showed up. With a huff, you asked his and your manager if he knew where he went, to which he replied ‘I think he went to his dressing room darling’, you thanked him and paced quickly to Chris’ room.
Halfway through your walk, a god-awful gut feeling stabbed your insides like a katana ‘what if he doesn’t want to see me? What if he’s mad at me?’ You shrugged off the thoughts, clenched your now incredibly valuable handbag closer to you and kept walking.
The dressing rooms were deadly silent bar your heeled sandals clicking on the tiled floor, a cool air whipped past your neck and made you hold your body whilst it shivered. Although it was from afar, you could hear Chris’ voice bellow through his dressing room and seep out of the flimsy door and its gaps, making you puzzle at the anger in his voice.
You didn’t want to knock the door and ask how he was, as bad as it was you wanted to listen to what on Earth had got him so riled up and moreover, who he was talking to.
As best as you could, you stayed pressed against the wall next to his door and steadied your breathing so you could hear what he had to say. “You have no clue how fucking ridiculous she’s being right now man,” who was he on about? “She’s driving me fucking insane with her constant fucking neediness!” He wasn’t talking about you..was he?
“Chris I’m sure it’s just a phase,” you knew who’s voice that was on the speakerphone, Scott. “Y/N’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you. Believe me when I say that bro,” wait...was Chris venting about you? Neediness? Your head began to spin with all the accusations.
“More like the worst thing to happen to me.” You could almost visualise Chris’ face when he said that about you. Unbeknownst to you, tears began to cascade down your cheeks freely at the painful words that Chris kept spewing out about you. “She really does make me want to run to the fucking hills Scott.”
“You don’t mean that Chris.”
“The fuck I do, Y/N’s just become too much for me and I can’t stick it anymore...how much will mom and dad hate me if I came back home without Y/N?” No, he wasn’t thinking about this now, of all the times right now he was choosing to do this now?
Before you actually let out a sob, you bolted straight out of there and straight to the ladies toilets to basically bawl your eyes out. You sat on the toilet seat and looked at the pristine photo that sat in your bag, waiting to be shown to the world and more importantly, to Chris; you couldn’t bare to look at the image after hearing what he had to say about you - his fiancée, his supposed ‘rock’, his ‘everything’ - was it all a lie?
After a twenty minute cry alone in the full toilets, you cleaned yourself up, refreshed your makeup and wandered out to an awaiting Chris and your manager. To your disgust, Chris smiled at you like as if you had come back to life from the grave and went to go and hug you but you ducked away from him with a coldness you never thought you’d have.
“Right then Y/N, are you ready?” Your manger asked you kindly, you were to feature in the magazine shoot alongside Chris - due to your own stardom - in some very pleasing photos.
“Actually, can I reschedule it for another day?” You smiled sadly at him and watched out the corner of eye Chris’ brows furrowing in question.
“I think I must’ve eaten something disagreeable and I kinda threw up in the toilet just now,” you partly lied clean through your teeth and smiled weakly at your manager, your colourless parlour catching his eye.
He was the first to know about your recent stomach bug that had lingered in you for the longest while now and was quick to understand your position right now, being sick in this heat must be awful.
“Of course, how about I bargain for this Friday? It’ll give a bit of time then,” he smiled and ignored Chris head moving from you to his manager a flurried way. Three days to get well again and do the appropriate precautions, a squeeze but perfect.
“Wonderful, thank you so so much Charles.” You sighed, waved your goodbyes to everyone bar Chris and paced off to your car in the parking lot.
Without notice, a large hand caught your forearm and pulled you back a step of two. “Where’re you going Y/N/N?” Chris partially snapped at you and tried to look you deep in the eye but the facade you put on prevented him from doing so.
“I’m going home Chris,” You snapped and yanked your hand out of his vice-like grip with such a strength, it made him look twice. Chris panicked, he needed to talk to you and ask you where you were going.
As quick as he could, his hand caught yours and held you still. “Why? Y/N what’s going on?” Chris whined and pleaded to you like a child who wanted his favourite candy. You clicked your teeth and yanked your hand away again, this time taking a step away for precautions sake and kept your handbag close to you.
“Nothing that’d concerns you.” You snapped furiously and steamed away to your car around the back of the studio, your hand holding the side of your stomach protectively.
What a mess the supposed best day of your life had turned out to be.
Instead of holing yourself up for the rest of the afternoon and evening, you chose to be as productive as possible with your free time before Chris came back home to your shared LA home.
You out all your clothes in suit protectors int he wardrobe and kept everything neatly together in case the worst came to be tonight, you cleaned the house, baked a chocolate cake for all times sake, took Dodger for a walk around the local trail and emptied your valuables from your shared safe in your dresser.
By the time the photo shoot was finished and they were packing away, you were all set for the worst and was calmly watching the evening lights flicker in the distance, your feet dangling peacefully in the pool, Dodger laying next to you and your phone.
Like the devil’s calling, you could hear the said actor’s car pulling into the driveway, the engine stop and the door slam shut with a loud slam that jolted Dodger out of his dazed slumber. Before Dodger could get up and run to see Chris, he had already come through the door and likewise, slammed it shut with a fury that made you sick to stomach.
“Y’know you can sometimes be a real bitch Y/N Y/L/N!” Chris yelled and echoed through the entire house, his footing more like stomps as he neared your form by the pool. Dodger jumped out of the way and paced back in the house, as if he already knew to leave his parents alone.
“It’s part of my speciality.” You deadpanned and kept your head forward, refusing to look at Chris who stood beside you.
“Sixteen times Y/N, sixteen times I called and you never answered. Lord knows how many times I text you.” Chris ranted and raved and paced back and forth behind you. You didn’t budge though, you just stared off into the distance holding your tongue from saying something real bad.
“Look who’s being the clingy one now, Christopher.” You chided with a dead-like face and smiled internally once the pacing stopped and you could feel Chris’ eyes on your head. Chris’ heart dropped mike and miles at your words and immediately thought back to the heated conversation he had with Scott earlier.
He couldn’t articulate any words and only looked at you stunned. “No words now, hm? You seemed to have plenty earlier, didn’t you Christopher?” This time your urned to look him dead in the eye with a glare that could easily freeze over hell and its counterparts.
Slowly, you rose to your feet and stood only a few inches away from Chris’ sullen form, eyeing him up as of you were going to murder him.
‘How did you hear...” Chris trailed off and let his mouth go slack at the sight of you, red eyed and pale as a dead person - he did this to you, he knew it.
You scoffed at the Bostonian as if he had said something utterly ridiculous. “C’mon Chris, anyone at leat ten foot away could hear you slagging me off!” You snapped and pushed past him back into the house, your feet getting especially wet.
“I wasn’t slagging you off!” Chris suddenly shouted from the patio doors, making you stop dead in your tracks.
“Weren’t you? Cause it sure fucking sounded like that Chris.” You snapped him off again and began to walk to the staircase.
“I had every right to do so Y/N!” Chris’ voice echoed around the house and made you stop again, this time with tears rolling down your cheeks.
“You’ve been so clingy and up in my business lately, it’s driving me fucking insane. ‘Oh Chris help me here. Chris can I come with you here. Can I come with you there. Can you tell me this, that and the other. Come with me here Chris. Do this Chris. Do that Chris.’ Do you get what I’m saying Y/N?” Chris yelled at you shaking form and didn’t let up, not like he saw your shaking anyways.
“You’re clingy Y/N, admit you did wrong and apologise.” Chris demanded and it made your blood boil in rage. Apologise? Apologise for being unwell? Apologise for being pregnant with his child? Your stubbornness wouldn’t allow it.
Instead of doing the usuals yell at each other gimmick, you turned around and sulked towards him as if you were sorry, as if you had a lot to apologise for. Chris’ cold glare never left you whilst you stood before him, your eyes plastered to the floor. “Tomorrow is coming Y/N. Anything would do.”
Without any second thought, you stood straight and slapped him straight across the face, sending him stumbling back a step or two. “Give me a fucking break Evans! Five years we’ve been together and you were willing to throw it all under the bus and run away just because I’ve been a little clingy lately?” You screeched at him, not daring to hold back.
“I hope you’ve got a big heart because I’ve fucking over this bullshit. You wanna throw away us, fine but just remember, you’ll also be throwing away a possible son or daughter too.” Your voice broke into a sob near the end of your speech. You couldn’t stand it anymore, to stand here in his presence was making you feel light on your feet in the worst possible way.
You didn’t bother to look back at Chris and bolted for the stairs, cradling your small bump and holding your head in the process. Your ran to your once-shared bedroom and shut the door tight, your legs giving away and crumbling from beneath you once your back hit the thick wood.
It could’ve been minutes or hours later, you felt yourself being hoisted off the floor bridal style and placed gently on your bed. Your eyes fluttered at the sudden feeling of wet salty lips on your own, you didn’t know what to do; reciprocate the kiss or leave it?
Reciprocate or leave?
No matter how cumbersome his words were on your mind, Chris was your one love, your fiancé, your everything and you couldn’t imagine anyone else filling that role; ever.
Just before he was going to pull away, your smaller hands flew to his bearded cheeks and pulled him back down to kiss you like never before. It was a kiss that neither of you had ever shared before, it was so powerful, so loving and so apologetic you couldn’t help but allow Chris’ frame to slide in between your legs and his arms circle around you like a warm blanket.
Once you opened your eyes, you were met with the face of a scared, broken and elated Chris who looked like he had been slapped square in the face with - oh wait, he had.
You tentatively touched the bright red area and watched him wince at the touch, much to your horror. “What did I do to you..” you mumbled in a breath and rubbed his other cold, wet cheek with your thumb.
“No baby, what did I do to you?” Chris’ forehead leant against yours lovingly and stared into you Y/E/C eyes longingly.
“Where shall I start?” You tried to lighten the mood with your joke but it seemed to be taken the other way once Chris’ lips met yours again in a steamy, passionate kiss.
“Let me make it up to you Y/N...” Chris sighed into your mouth, hooked one of your legs around his hips and ground his forming erection softly against your core, giving you the precise idea he had.
“So long as you don’t go a-wall on us again, then yes. Love me, Chris.” You sighed at the motion down below and slowly under the belt of Chris’ jeans.
Tags - @patzammit
A/N: if anyone’s up for it, I’m thinking of doing a small smut following this watery ass ending lol. If anyone’s interested ofc * (:
*A/N: since school stuff has got mega crazy all of a sudden I may put a future smut off until I can get around to it!! So sorry everyone!! )):
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murfeelee · 3 years ago
^THIS. #6 really takes the cake for me, because this has NEVER been about early access; it’s been about people wanting to make money, with zero regulation and zero accountability for their actions, and zero regard for the game itself or the gamers who are harmed in the process.
6) Shifting the focus in the community from creativity to monetary gain. Modding communities (such as those for the Sims, TES, Fallout, Dragon Age, Stardew Valley, and many many more) are built upon learning from one another and working together to enhance the gaming experience. In other words, to have fun! Modders have done amazing things without having the goal of making money off of it, and while it’s nice to have that as an option, the sims community shows that it winds up hurting more than it helps when it consumes to this extent. I’ve talked about this before so I won’t go into it too much, but creators are burned out and tired, and other simmers are frustrated and bored. It changed the community as a whole and it shows.
As a concept, early access is fine, but in practice… when everyone is doing it, in so many different ways, with no sense of standards… it becomes a problem.
People took early access for granted, and the ENTIRE gaming landscape has suffered because of it. I’ve mentioned in passing (X X X) how Steam created the early access program for indie developers to beta test their games and crowdfund its completion, and how godawful AAA companies like EA and Activision-Blizzard (currently being sued and unionized btw) pushed the normalization of live services and microtransactions, using and abusing the early access model to release half baked broken buggy lazy AF products people have to pay for--and teaching their audiences to do the same. In this unregulated hellscape, there’s been zero accountability, with no hope of refunds, recalls, or compensation for busted content, while these scammers make off like frikkin bandits under the excuse of “early” access. Even T$R went back to their scummy roots and adopted the early access model, when the VIP/timegated tiers weren’t enough.
But this mess has seeped into the very fabric of gaming, not just in The Sims, and not just with EA--as much as I like to blame it all on them.
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What the disgusting NFT-bootlicking-sellouts at Square Enix said about how gamers shouldn’t create for fun but for profit really highlighted the mentality of these exploiters who didn’t come into the community to do anything but prey on a new market of suckers they could charge for monetary gain.
I mean just look at what EA’s former CEO got caught saying about people who don’t approve of nickel and diming and preying on, scamming and conning people:
Now he’s scrambling tryna save his g-d job at Unity! 🤡🤣
These are the same corporate bloodsuckers who made “whales“ and minnows and dolphins a thing; making tiers of gamers who are willing to spend/waste the most money on digital garbage in half-cooked games turn from a derisive term to identify the effing MARKS of their scams, into a label of “pride and accomplishment.”
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They’ve been steadily brainwashing the entire gaming community into thinking that having to pay for content that should be free is NORMAL and defensible, and then further telling content creators that they should never create ANYTHING without doing the same to their user base, too--the devil on your shoulder saying why shouldn’t you be monetarily compensated for CHOOSING to create CC in your FREE time; to do otherwise is STUPID and you’re the “biggest f-ing idiot” if you don’t scam everyone you possibly can! 💀
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Donations weren’t enough. Commissions weren’t enough. A*fly/shortest/bitly wasn’t enough. TSR wasn‘t enough.
And the latest reactions from certain paywallers in the Sims 4 community only reveals the greedy, selfish, predaceous, malicious intentions those “simmers“ had when they made their Patreons, charging whatever tier prices they wanted ($1′s not enough, $5′s not enough; they were charging as much if not MORE than EA does for their own SPs, GPs, EXPANSIONS, and MORE); released “early“ access content whenever they wanted (weeks, months, years, never); from  whatever uncredited asset sources they wanted (Second Life, MMOs, RPGs, 3D/2D websites, etc); in whichever unoptimized state they wanted (100k+ poly meshes, no morphs, bad joints, no swatches, broken makeup/skins, etc etc--but MAN those preview pics and Blender renders sure do look nice!).
Now that they can’t make money exploiting the system and exploiting the simmers, the SELFSAME ethically/morally/legally BANKRUPT paywall creators involved in the doxxing scandal who put motherfrikkin malware in everyone’s CC are now quitting The Sims 4? COINCIDENCE?
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EA warned y’all YEARS in advance that they could pull the plug on early access, and CC/mods in general, if y’all took things too far. These shysters have been a malignant tumor for YEARS, spreading the very WORST practices across the simming landscape; with people like Leosims teaching people how they too could get away with this nonsense. Likeminded paywalling racketeers circled the wagons, doubling down on their rancid behavior and clutching their pearls as if THEY’VE been victimized by EA merely enforcing their own rights to the product they own?! EA was FINE with early access, so long as y’all abided by the rules. Now look what’s happened.
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It changed the community as a whole and it shows.
As a concept, early access is fine, but in practice… when everyone is doing it, in so many different ways, with no sense of standards… it becomes a problem.
I've seen a lot of people over the past couple days discussing patreon early access and whether or not it's included under ea's new policy. Most seem to agree that exclusive/perma-paywall models are bad, and a lot of people seem okay with early access. So I thought I'd share just why I don't really approve of the early access model either.
1) Trusting patreon creators (in the sims community) with your private information is a risk. Unfortunately, it's been shown by exclusive and early access creators alike that it simply isn't safe to trust them with your info. Eacc creators (not just exclusive) have communicated with each other about those that have shared their content early, and the info they have can include usernames, email addresses, real names, and possibly even paypal information if you have it linked to your patreon account. Users have been doxxed and harassed over sims cc of all things. I, personally, don't feel I can pledge to anyone safely anymore, whether they're following the old 2-3 week early access model or not.
2) There is no quality control. There is no way to determine what you're going to get before you pay for it, and if it's not good quality, you're most likely not going to get a refund. Patreon doesn't make creators refund you, they have to decide to do it on their own. So you can have mods that don't work, ridiculous high poly meshes, no proper LODs, low quality textures, etc and you're stuck with that.
3) There are no standards. People on here argue a lot about what should be charged for and what shouldn't, because there's no consistent standard for what is acceptable or not. Should sims/tray files be early access? Recolors? Conversions? Only mesh edits? What about tiny mesh edits? Is it the time alone that matters? But if that's the case, how much time should a creator have to spend on something for it to be worth paying for? There's no agreement, and so what people will put behind a paywall gets more and more ridiculous over time.
4) New (and some old) accounts making patreons without interacting with the community in any other way besides making money off them. There's no standard for who should make an account and when, so a lot started out just with the sole intention of making money. Also, there are older creators that tapered off their interactions with the community to purely focus on patreon. Early access took over the community so completely because it was easy and anyone could do it, and so they did. This only furthered the problems with quality and standards of cc.
5) Early access creators becoming exclusive over time after they built a following. Also, other shady methods to make more money I've discussed in other posts, such as: making super tiny edits look more enticing by lumping them together in "add-on packs", linking their "free" content through link shorteners/simsfinds/tsr, steadily raising tier prices in order to access all of their content, releasing a piece of cc for early access then coverting the same piece of cc to another frame and putting it under early access again, increasing the early access time period or "forgetting" to unlock things on time, and more. All of this just shows me that many early access creators aren't much better than the exclusive creators. They're toeing the line to stay in the public favor, and perhaps avoid legal consequences, and nothing more.
6) Shifting the focus in the community from creativity to monetary gain. Modding communities (such as those for the Sims, TES, Fallout, Dragon Age, Stardew Valley, and many many more) are built upon learning from one another and working together to enhance the gaming experience. In other words, to have fun! Modders have done amazing things without having the goal of making money off of it, and while it's nice to have that as an option, the sims community shows that it winds up hurting more than it helps when it consumes to this extent. I've talked about this before so I won't go into it too much, but creators are burned out and tired, and other simmers are frustrated and bored. It changed the community as a whole and it shows.
As a concept, early access is fine, but in practice... when everyone is doing it, in so many different ways, with no sense of standards... it becomes a problem.
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ahejun · 4 years ago
hey babe! i’m so sorry for being absent for so long :(( life is... pretty tough. but i am here and i’ll keep fighting, just like you. ily!!! what are you up to today?
oh and btw, i just saw the pics u posted, our rooms are both pink big uwu moment ahaha 😎 and you’re also so.. attractive 😳 FHDJD - 😼
aaa no ur completely fine bby !! :( i hope things get easier for both of us soon :(( let's both keep going together!! hmm today im gonna bake a cake :D n probably go to the park !! what abt u bby ?? n PLSSS our brains r so big for that ,, pink rooms r so swag ,, n hjhdjfb thank u i 😔💓
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kikyz · 8 years ago
SU of course
(Ahhh, i love your art n such, just btw. And thanks for sending this, and giving me a chance to ramble lol. okay)
favorite male character: [sobbing] it’s m-my boi, Lars. I can’t deny it. But Steven is so good for my soul. So like, cloooose second.
favorite female character: G A R N E T. Garnet was my insta-fave. When the original short dropped, I fell in love and she continues to be my fave gem/lady. 
least favorite character: probably Ronaldo? I don’t hate him, to be clear, but uh… lol ranking every character, he’ll be dead last.
prettiest character: Amethyst? The Pizza Twins?
funniest character: Call me bias, but like…Lars cracks me up. That video where it only showed when he was on screen? Like 80 percent of that had me cackling. 
favorite season: i’ll be honest, i barely have a concept of time with this show. or most cartoons in general because their scheduling is so weird. So it all kind of blends together. 
favorite episode: have i’ve mentioned how terrible i am at definitive faves? There’s a lot of good eps, but I guess this is my top whatever no. this list ends up being Alone Together (such peacefulness)Jailbreak (the hype was real, and stronger than you is forever a jam) Keystone Motel (great ‘working through the aftermath’ storytelling and we get cute kisses) Sadie’s Song (like this episode honestly cracked Sadie as character open for me. like oh OF COURSE she’d temporarily think trapping a dude on an island keeping the warp pad secret in the name of Lars’s happiness was a good idea when her mom’s like that. and im glad shes become aware of that behavior later on. Also, I want more Sadie episodes that have little to nothing to do with Lars)Last One Out of Beach City (it’s essentially a condense 80′s teen film, and i loved every second of it)The Good Lars (the episode that shouldve made the haters see the light, tbh lol. MY BOY BAKES, and he pretty much said he loved sadie so idec man, my world was changed lol, and holy validation, batman! Lars being Filipino has been a headcanon of mine since forever, and my heart just bled for this boy when we saw he trashed the cake. and then the episode ends on a creepy as heck note lol which i kinda like? mainly because i was able to freak out for a second and go right on to the next episode.)Stuck Together–Lars’ Head (endless sobbing)
favorite romantic ship: lol Larsadie (like ya’ll don’t know) but Ruby/Sapphire is a close second 
favorite family ship: Steven/Garnet interactions are blessed, and I want more
favorite friend ship: Steven/Connie. Of course, I like these two nuggets together romantically too, but their friendship just makes me really happy. Its just so sweet, and good, and cathartic. Steven/Ames is also Grade A. 
worst ship: like…full offense, anything that ships Steven with a character much older than him 
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