#they make tumblr glitch out. but this is my blog anyway what am i apologizing for. but thank you guys for putting up with me i love you
adammilligan · 2 years
also previous posts are why it's soooo important to me that in postcanon adam gets a minimum of a few years to learn how to live on his own for the first time like. ever. before michael comes back. because when he went to hell he was so young! he was nineteen! and he hasn't actually been his own person in a thousand years and i think he should get to figure out who he is. and it'd make for such a good contrast because while adam is probably not going to be lively like he was before hell for a very very very VERY long time he would be livelier as he carves out a little place in the world for himself and learns how to live without hell or imminent destruction hanging over his head. and then michael who was clearly already spiralling in the wake of adam's death in 15x19 would be in absolute shambles after he's killed by chuck as well. he'd spend those years in the empty wasting away. he'd be so much more defeated than ever before because he's never existed without purpose he's never existed without his father hanging over him in some way whether it's following his orders or hiding from his wrath. so when they reunite you'd have adam whose eyes have the tiniest bit more life to them after being able to live and you'd have michael who's so defeated that he doesn't even bother to play the role of high and mighty archangel as a defense mechanism anymore like he did in 15x08. the only thing that makes him light up is the fact that adam is alive again. and they both learn where to go from there.
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falconfriend · 4 years
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bluebuckstallion · 3 years
the sun will rise again - mlp fic
part two this is part one! part two and so on will be updated/reblogged when they are out! contents: aj and big mac are like. 13 and 15. big mac realizes she is a trans woman, and is guided by applejack, but there is much more to it than just that lol. its also a little hard for her. sappy, feel-good, tough internal conflict but overall happy fic. paragraph one is previewed here, the rest is below the cut! (note: i am aware my blog makes posts a little hard to read bc of a glitch, i am trying to fix it at the moment, i apologize D: i rec reading it on tumblr mobile or highlighting the words as you read, im sorry!)
Big Mac shuffled his hooves awkwardly. Racing thoughts fought furiously, cluttering his hurting head, and he put a weary hoof against his temple in an attempt to clear the fog. No avail. It was as strong as ever, the rushing current of rip tide sweeping him in the more he struggled. He insisted he'd never felt this way before, trying violently to shake away the thought, it made him shudder. But deep down somewhere he knew, he couldn't hide this strong feeling he'd become so familiar with. It felt like home, but he was trapped inside with the windows boarded and the floorboards were so old they were making him fall through with every step, and there were thick dusty cobwebs everywhere he tried to rest his burdened hooves. He couldn't leave. Outside of his overflowing head, there was a faint knocking at his door, though he had tuned it out completely. His thoughts whirled, and everything was making *so* much noise, the ceiling fan, the electricity in the walls, the birds outside, even the trees being rustled by the evening wind. Everything was so loud, and so muffled and far away, so close and inside his ears, they twitched eagerly trying to bat the harsh noise away, all collected into one horrid ear-piercing amalgamation of staticy sound. His fur was disturbed by his blankets, and his teeth felt uncomfortable as they grit desperately in an attempt to relax, his eyes were dry despite how much and how hard he was blinking, it felt like even the smallest thing would throw him overboard in this thundering storm of unsettlement. -
The knocking got louder. "Big Mac!" The sound was lost in the chaos of it all, but it prevailed. "Big Mac!" There it was again. It didn't quite reach him yet, though. But my, was it there. Incessant. Pounding. Oh, the headache of it all. Just adding to the pile. It hesitated. "Big Mac." The gentle coo reached him, piercing through the overwhelmingly loud silence in the air, he felt this odd choking sensation in his throat when he registered the voice, so familiar and so loving. But would it continue to be after this? The thought scared him. Fear struck his spine in striking bolts, waves of dread sulked, creeping in and making their nest in his aching body. He was so tired of coming back to this again and again, but it plagued his mind like a cold. He realized his internal monologue had been ongoing - even though it hadn't really spoke - but alas he had been lost in his own downward spiral of paranoia again, and had forgotten to respond. "Yu- uh- eeyup?" he stuttered out like he was drowning, he felt and sounded like a silly foal learning to walk for the first time again. He pushed his hoof lightly against his throat, shocked at his own lack of voice. Usually he was calm and confident, knowing what he wanted to say, despite how little it ever was. However he feared this would give way to his sister finding out, that she would know something was awry with him. "Can I, uh, come in?" the voice questioned. He nodded, then processed he had forgotten to use his words, and managed a sheepish "Yup." "Uh, okay." She responded equally as softly, her voice leaving a tinge of confusion to be interpreted. Applejack trotted in, her hooves making the wood beneath her creak as the old house settled. She nudged the door shut behind her nonchalantly with her back hoof, not taking her gaze off of what was ahead of her. She made a gesture towards Big Mac's bed and tilted her head, knowing he was a horse of few words, moreso when he got this way. And goodness, how he could manage to get into his own head. Applejack understood the feeling, more than he was letting on. Applejack got up and sat down awkwardly, glancing at her hooves as they, too, dragged over one another slowly, she never did like eye contact. Big Mac was more fidgety - he was straight-up restless, as he clapped his hooves together ceaselessly, clicking them atop one another with a hard "Clink." The silence was substantial, but it wasn't like it bothered them, usually. It drove Big Mac up the wall, he was sweating buckets thinking about what Applejack could possibly say. *Did she find out? Does she know? Does she hate me? She hates you. She knows and she hates you. She'll never forgive you. She'll never see you the same-* his thoughts were cut off abruptly. "So, big brother," she chuckled stiffly, "what's on your mind?" Blunt and to the point. She looked upward briefly, catching a glimpse of his face, caught in an uncomfortable twist as his mouth hung downward and his eyes sunk, staring blankly ahead. Neither of them looked at the other, but this again, was not unusual. When she said 'brother,' the word stung like a mosquito bite. It was barely there, but just enough to irritate him. And it grew bigger the more he picked away at it and gave it the time of day. Maybe if he just ignored it it'd heal itself, he thought. Her words in general hung high above his head, and he had forgotten to respond with the way he was over-analyzing it a million different ways inside. What was on his mind, besides this scary, burning question gnawing him alive? He gave a lackluster response to divert any inkling of anxiety, "Oh, nothing," and with that he kicked his back hooves loosely up, and they swung back down heavily in the empty air. What else could he say? The silence sat for a couple of seconds. Too long for Applejack's liking, she was growing a bit impatient with his lack of answers. She looked up and moved her head upward in tune with her eyes, rolling her head from one shoulder to the other as her lips pouted and she let out a quick exhale. She looked down at her teetering hooves again. "Nothing..." she repeated, tapping her hooves together about three times, give or take, she wasn't paying attention. "Oookay.." she said in a quiet tone, and the cadence in her voice had shifted after this minute or two of waiting. She scratched the back of her ear. "Well, if you won't tell me, I'll figure it out myself." She looked up and beamed what was supposed to be a reassuring smile, which came out rather awkward. It fell just as awkwardly. She wasn't the best at conveying emotion, but neither was Big Mac. They had that in common. "Ok, I'll spit it out, rapid-fire," she said funnily, holding her hooves up and moving one in front of the other and back again in tune with the quirky enunciation of the last word. If nothing else, she was making an attempt to lift his low spirit. She inhaled, "Is it about me? About Ma or Pa? *Granny?* Baby Bloom?" and with that she exhaled overexaggeratedly. It took a second, but the half-smile she had faded from her face as he stood there saying nothing, simply folding one hoof over his other arm, rubbing it rigidly and looking away, and what she hoped was not true, had hit her. It was about himself. "Oh.. brother," she whispered to him, "You can tell me anything," she reached her hoof up toward him, pulling it back when it was halfway there as she winced at his lack of response, not even a lean-in to her gesture, but she continued anyway. She gingerly put her hoof on his shoulder. Becoming more confident with her comforting, she rubbed his back gently. "So it's about you?" He took a second, and nodded somberly. "Hey, that's alright. Tell me what's on your mind for real now, when you're ready. If, you're ready." AJ's voice, he found, was quite calming. Big Mac shot a glance at her timidly, then down at her hooves, and back up at her, but he couldn't look too long in order to stop the waterworks from coming. He gulped dryly and looked at the wall, and after the ceiling. He watched the fan dodder decrepitly, but so sure of itself, it's purpose, rotating on it's axis, again, and again, and again. He wished he could be so sure of himself, he wasn't sure if he ever could be, though. And here, he found himself envying the rotating of a ceiling fan. What an interesting moment, he thought sarcastically to himself. Was this really where he was at? He zoned out briefly, watching the blades go in circles, and then snapped himself back to reality with a hard blink, a downward motion of his head, and a squeezing of his hooves. "I..." he started softly and then trailed off. He sighed in dejection. "I- Well, I am me. But... I'm not. I look in the mirror, and it's not me looking back. I know that sounds... stupid, but it's not me. It's not like it isn't who I am, it's just not me. And I, don't know why. I mean I think I do, but I don't - sometimes-" He took a second to collect himself and inhaled, exhaling sharply after, he put his hoof firmly against his chest, as if almost trying to coax the words out. "I'm me, but I'm not. I'm not who I'm meant to be, I, I was born wrong. My body is wrong," he shook his head, like trying to shake the bad thoughts away. "It's not mine. I was born with something wrong about me, outside, inside I'm me, but outside I'm not. But - I'm not bad or anything, it's just that there was something different. And, you know that funny feeling of those butterflies in your tummy when someone you like says your name? I'll get that, but I won't recognize my name as mine, but I do get that feeling when...ponies accidentally call me what they call fillies, even though they don't mean to and fix 'emselves right after, and they act like it's so wrong, but I still get that funny feeling of, goodness. It catches me off guard in the best way... my heart skips a beat. And I know I'm s'posed to like girls, but there was something wrong about me lovin' 'em... it feels like. I feel real guilty-like when I start getting all lovey about one. It feels like I'm not allowed, like there's somethin'.."  he teared up, "different. About me." He emphasized the last word quite significantly. He began to finish, not wordvomitting as much as he was before, instead saying it slowly, as if he was really trying hard to get his thoughts out. "I- I think, I think if I were born in the right body I'd be happier, but I don't want to change me, I just...want to change how people *see me."* Applejack raised her eyebrows and looked down, pushing her hooves together. She couldn't move, and she didn't. Big Mac's welling up had turned to a tear, gently rolling down his cheek. He held his breath, eyes darting back and forth from his sister's gaze - or lack thereof. Applejack held her breath as well. "Big mac, well - gosh." she let out staggeredly, anxiously chuckling, raising her hoof to her chest as she exhaled bluntly. Big Mac felt it coming, Roaring and Crashing. The water was surrounding him still, no matter how subtle it was before, it had been growing this whole time. Internal dread multiplying like a bilious bacteria, out to get him and cover him in it's killing spores. It must've been at least neck-high now. AJ chuckled, "Big Mac, I love you no matter what. You're my family." She looked him in the eyes, "It's gonna be ok." And there was the straw that broke the camel's back. It came through gently, like a soft breeze through his hair in summer, but it broke him so, so ruthlessly. He bit at his bottom lip and released, his mouth turning to a shaky U-shaped frown, and he bawled. Oh, how he bawled. He lunged for his sister's arms, which quickly opened for him to land in. Applejack huffed as the wind left her with his impact, but she regained control of herself and softly smiled, tenderly hugging him back. His head rested on hers, as hers on his. "It's alright big guy," she laughed. "In fact, I think I know exactly what's up." She pushed him off cautiously, and held her hoof against his shoulder. His tears subsided slightly, he wiped them with a trembling hoof. "Have you ever thought that maybe you feel like you're in the wrong body, because you're really a mare? I know nobody sees you that way right now, but I could start if that's who you really are." Big mac's pupils constricted, and he felt a leap in his chest. A mare? He tried so hard to push it out, but he couldn't. A mare. A mare! He let out a small smile, "A mare..." he then promptly shook his head. "But, I can't be. I wish it was that easy, that I could just be a mare, oh I wish so bad AJ," he put his hooves together and shook them, like he was pleading. He pushed her hoof off of him, sighing and speaking again, his voice cracking from the tears and raw emotion, "But I never could. I couldn't. I wish I could, but I'm not allowed to." he sighed defeatedly. Applejack chuckled, "Says who? All it takes is you saying you can. And I'll be honest, I feel like a lot of people don't give it much thought whether they want to be a mare or not - they just are." It all clicked. They, just are. He processed it for a second, and thought, and the thoughts slipped into words, "I'm a mare," he whispered. He smiled, the most genuine smile he'd ever shown. "I'm, a mare." He laughed, looking at Applejack. "A mare! I'm a mare!" His smile faded slightly, "But Applejack, am I still allowed to like other fillies? I figure now I'll have to like colts, that's what I've heard at least, and I really don't want to-" despite his concerns, he still looked quite euphoric. Applejack laughed again, "No, Big Mac, you can still like mares. It doesn't work that way I'm pretty sure." She rubbed the back of her head, "If it's any help, you can do whatever you want... What feels right." She closed her mouth and grinned, waving her hoof in the air dismissively of any negativity, her eyes in the other direction. Stopping, she looked at the ground and fiddled her hooves, "I, I actually know a lot about how you're feeling," she spoke nervously, cautiously, dancing around her words like she had something she didn't want to admit to herself as well. "I, know how you feel - about liking mares and, and the wrong body an' stuff. Feeling like your body isn't yours, it doesn't belong to you and never will, unless you make a big change, or somethin'. I get it. I feel wrong when people say I'm a girl, but I don't reckon I'd feel right with them callin' me a boy or something either - I don't think I really feel like either." She paused, cutting herself off, "I don't expect that to make sense to you, I know it's kind of weird and all." Big Mac thought for a bit, and then nodded, "No, I get it. I mean - I don't, but, I know you're you, no matter what, and I don't care who you are, you're still my sibling." Big Mac smiled nervously, trying to make sure he was doing the right thing. "And you're my sister, Big Mac," Applejack smiled back at him. "Now, how do you feel about me calling you by girl terms? Like, sayin' she, and stuff..." she struggled to think of an example. "Oh! Like, if I meet someone, I'll tell 'em "Oh Big Mac? She's my big sister!" Applejack let out a wide twinkling grin, feeling confident and proud with supporting her sister's feelings. "I, I like that." Big Mac said shyly, and she did. "Wait, how do I do the same for you?" she questioned. Applejack stalled, she really didn't think she'd get this far. "I think... I really like being called he, and brother and such. Although to be honest I'm not your sister and I'm not really your brother, and I still like other fillies - but I'm not one of them, or not in the same way, and - I don't know, it's a little confusing. I think the only way that I'm a filly is in the sense that I'm a mare who likes other mares. I don't really know what any of this is called," he voiced embarrassedly. "I wish I did." Big Mac smirked, "It's okay you don't, I don't know either. And we can learn together, little brother." She fluffed Applejack's hair playfully and her smirk became a toothy smile. Applejack laughed and joined her smiling. "Thanks," he said, quite gratefully. "To be honest, I've known this for a really long time, I just didn't know how to say it," he looked out the window longingly, "I wish I knew how to tell Ma and Pa, or Granny," he laughed a little, "and I don't even know how to tell a baby," he uttered, trying to lighten the mood a little after bringing it back down. Big mac grinned, "Why don't we go out to the orchard, little brother?"
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awsugar · 4 years
i just read ur apology for saying the n word and it really sounds like ur patting urself on the back for not saying it more often like please revise it
i’m not sure where you’re getting that idea. i gave context and explained the intent for the one instance of it on my blog becuase i thought that was important and it was obviously lacking from the original post. i think it’s important that people know that it was 9 years ago in the early 2010s and at the time i didn’t know that using it even in a way that was more like slang and wasn’t intended as derogatory was still bad. i think it’s important that people know it happened one time, which proves it was an ignorant mistake that i don’t even remember making rather than a hateful habit.
i said i was sorry, and i am sorry. i’m sorry in general and i’m sorry to any poc who may have been hurt by what i typed then, regardless of my intent. i’m ashamed and i can’t even explain how shocked i was when i found out about it. that word is not in my vocabulary and never has been, im still almost convinced that it was a tumblr glitch attributing my url to a caption that wasn’t mine because it’s so out of character for me and not something i can even imagine myself typing tbh. either way, i apologize anyway. i said i will do better in the future and have been doing better for like 9 years anyway.
i’m not patting myself on the back and i don’t know what else i could possibly say at this point.
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turnaboutimagines · 4 years
Hello, it's been a month and I want to check up on you if that's okay? How are you? I hope you're doing okay. I also want to tell you that you're my favorite writer, and you pushed me into writing again and wanting to make my own imagine blog, although it's for a different fandom. That's just how much I love your writings. You are also very kind and friendly! I adore that part of you, too. I hope you have a good day and stay safe! -minus point anon
Hello!  It’s perfectly okay and I apologize for the novella you’re getting in response, haha.  But it’s been a while so I feel like talking a bit more about it is good.  I hope you’re doing okay, too, minus point anon!  Along with all the other members of the Turnaboutimagines anon family and anyone reading this.  💚
Just gonna put this under a cut for courtesy because I am a Rambler™️.  ( ´▽` )ノ
(RIP to Tumblr desktop users, but there’s a read more glitch rn where the Read More goes in the ask and not your response alksdjfsdlkjf.  It looks fine on mobile.  If anyone knows a workaround please lmk!  I don’t like clogging up people’s dashboards :”D)
Before I get into what’s been going on with me, I just want to say that I’m really happy to hear that you’ve started writing again!!!  :D  That’s fantastic and I really hope you’ve been having a blast with it and that you have a great time with your blog, too.  Writing is one of my favorite things to do, so it always makes me happy to hear I’ve helped get someone else either into writing or back into it.  ;w;  So, thank you for telling me!!!  It made me smile.  Sharing writing is always a bit scary, but it’s very worthwhile. 💙
But I am... getting on.  This year is really one thing after another and my mental health hasn’t been great, I’ve been having some depressive symptoms pop up again and am doing teletherapy.  But we also have a terminal illness in the extending family right now along with an aunt having a severe mental health flare-up.  It’s been pretty stressful.  ;;;  However, I finished my first year of grad school strong (lowest grade was a 98%!), so that’s some silver lining, at least...  :”)  The reason why I vanished about a month ago is that I’ve had severe burnout from writing for my classes and was also just highly stressed by the format switch since I did not have the skillset for learning online.  ;;  I’m only now starting to gather up the energy to be more present online again now that school’s out of the way.
I would like to apologize to the people who sent me messages and wanted to talk in the meantime.  ;w;  I really appreciate your messages and I’d like to respond, but I’ve barely been able to talk with my three friends.  It’s just ;;; even little things are a lot for me right now.  I thought that I’d have a better social battery than this, but I simply do not and it sucks.  I do plan on responding eventually, but it may take me a while.  ;;;;;
My creative battery is still utterly drained and while I wish I was the kind of content creator who could keep feeding you guys new pieces and banging out requests during all this free time I have.  But I’m not.  Writing takes a lot of energy for me and I’m just barely getting on with the essentials right now.  Video games are the one non-draining thing I have right now, so I’ve been playing a lot of ACNH....like a lot.
I don’t know when I’ll be back over here (hopefully sooner rather than later!  I miss it terribly ;;m;;), but I’ll be responding to the other asks in my inbox when I do.  I like to keep this blog pretty streamlined for writing.  :>  Sorry in advance for sitting on some asks for a while.  ( ´▽`;;)
However, for those of you who enjoy Animal Crossing or just want to check in on me from time to time or maybe send conversational asks (that I may be slow responding to, but I’ll do my best!!! (ง'̀-'́)ง), you can find me over on @ad-nayseam!  It’s an AC/personal sideblog attached to this account and I’m going to try and at least reblog or post something over there on a regular basis.
Anyways, this is it for now, pals.  I dunno how long this hiatus will last, but I really do hope to be back as soon as I can get my writing energy back.  This blog is such a joy to run and I love writing for AA.  ;;w;;  Thank you all for reading my content, sending in requests, and being patient with me this year.  It’s really made Turnaboutimagines such a joy to run and I hope to come back with more content for y’all soon!!!  Please stay safe in the meantime and take care.  💚
- Hattie
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go-diane-winchester · 6 years
This is why hellers are so stupid.  They have a hierarchy.  And sitting right on top of that hierarchy is usually the most articulate person, who can spin the dumbest yarn but make it look like she is super smart.  This particular hierarchy in this corner of tumblr has @intelligentshipper  and the sad thing is, younger more impressionable idiots listen to her with wide, googly eyes.  Because they are too stupid to know she is speaking out of her rectal cavity.  She will use pie charts and graphs [no, I am not joking] to prove that destiel and/or Castiel are relevant and important.  Like feces, this creature goes by many names.  @GhostofBobby is one of them.
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See, there's the freak's little chart.  I told I wasn't joking.  The thing with her method of operation, is that she uses these diagrams to impress a heller but frighten away any layperson who doesn't understand numbers.  That's why she calls herself ''intelligent''.  She is most definitely not.  She insists that there is a ''Secret Bibro's Council'' [I am not joking about that either].  Well, I am not hiding your nonsense in the anti tags.  I use the main tags to show your crimes and cruelty against J2.  Whatever I am doing is not a secret because I am afraid of no one.  So you are obviously not talking about me.      
Now, why am I interfering with this ugly freak?  By the way, I have seen her picture.  She is indeed, as ugly on the outside, as she is on the inside.  If you want to see how hideous this beast is, she has a YouTube account called Intelligent Shipper.  The account didn't do so well, perhaps because the ''millions of destiel shippers'' who watch Supernatural, didn't know she was on YouTube.  That has to be the only reason.  Cant be any other reason.  But go listen to her nonsense, though.  Just for a laugh at the very least.  Anyway, I digress.  Why did this beast tick me right off?  I did a post about demographics when I first pitched up.  She and another unimportant freak @tinkdw  came onto my post to tell me off.  Then she put together charts to prove me wrong.  This grown woman has the air of a scammer - someone who spins words to confuse you.  And she seems to target young shippers who don't know any better.  After awhile, Tumblr started to misbehave and I couldn't access my account.  So I told another bibro friend of mine, who happens to be a tinhat, about my dearly departed account via a message.  This is what appeared on my own post when Tumblr apologized and corrected the glitch.
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So this slithering snake in the grass, was on a tinhat blog.  Any guesses why?  Because she is the worst heller out of the lot.  She looks at other people's posts and when she finds something that can threaten destiel's status,[or should I say, perceived status] instead of confronting the OP, [in this case, the tinhat blog], she runs back to her own blog and prepares a counterargument that the OP doesn't know about, because lurking is a heller thing to do, and therefore cannot defend herself.  This time she left this message on my post, thinking that I will never return to find it because of my terminated account.  When she realised I wasn't gone, she disappeared.  She never contacted me again.  Now this nasty person decided to look through my post.  I was actually wondering why she was so quiet.  She was not making her presence know, like a true reptile.  She found a wonderful subject:  Statistics.  Her most major turn on after Misha Collins.  A fan wrote something in the comments of my post.  Instead of going after me, this overgrown cow goes after this commenter.  The commenter was reduced to almost tears when she realized what this thirsty freak had done.  Just look at this.
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The commenter in question, tried to speak her peace but these beasts basically ambushed her.  Because nobody has a more gang mentality than hellers.  Tink and ''intelligentshipper'' [is the name her attempt at trolling?] are bonafide gang leaders.  The commentor messaged me and told me that, for my own sake, I should block this freak.  I got her to calm down [I am sure she was crying] and go to bed.  She is probably asleep right now.  I could feel how upset she was.  I told her I will deal with this Misha-pushing menace because by the looks of it, she does need to be dealt with.  She doesn't behave like a rational grown woman.  When you see her hideous face on YouTube, you will see exactly what I am talking about.  She is a fully grown heller beast. 
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Then, and wait for this one, this creature who clearly bribed her way to a passing grade, uses only her own blog and the contents thereof to prove that ALL destiel shippers have other tags that generally predominate their blog.  WOW!  Fortune 500 companies must be kicking her door down to gain access to her...intelligence.  Even on my demographic post, she did the same thing, although she inserted her favorite thing into the subject: graphs.  She said that she is not a child.  Well duh! I know what you look like, ugly bag of nuts, you are about as old as I am.  And because she is old, and everyone in her group are old [thank goodness children are not near enough to her] it must mean that EVERY heller is her age.  This person bugs me because she has a really horrible way about her.  She sneaks behind people's backs.  She backbites.  She actually used baseball stats to prove Cas is good for ratings.  No, I am not making that up either.  How stupid are the people who listen to her?  Tinkdw is like a loud, obnoxious bedroom dog, and therefore not worth my time and venting.  This heller mobilizes other hellers and only is a fool or a dishonest person will be her friend.
Intelligentshipper, if you want to run your ugly mouth off [and it is a very ugly mouth, I have seen it] come after me.  You don't look for comments on my posts and then post a nonsensical rant about it on your own blog.  The commenter was so upset, that I had to literally stop what I was doing in order to calm her down.  That is not how you treat another human being, especially when she was right and you were wrong.  The OP of the chart in question, was attacked so many times, she deleted the chart.  That is how your kind operates.  Bullying.  Try it with me.  You will regret it.  Don't toy with me or any of my friends.  Do the honorable thing and speak to my face if I said something you considered wrong, or shut your big mouth and back off.  Don't slither behind me, serpent.  I have no patience for spineless freaks. 
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evanthenerd83 · 7 years
Blood And Ink: The Other Notes
It’s been a while since I last posted an update and the situation hasn’t improved. You guys and girls and ghouls should know why. Even if you just recently found this blog, you’ve probably seen the posts, the photos, and the glitched out text.
It isn’t exactly subtle in its goal. It hasn’t tried to hide from you all. It knows that you’re reading this and won’t stop drawing attention to itself until I do what it wants.
And I’ll get to that later.
So, here I am.
I didn’t use my laptop for a week after reading the second note. I kept it behind the bookshelf, unplugged and turned off. It wasn’t because of the note itself, though. I understood what it meant and while it was definitely unnerving, it didn’t really bother me that much. Something about my stories has inoculated me against real life oddities. Write enough stories featuring the paranormal and you get used to weirdness.
My autism might have helped, too. I tend to adapt easily to a schedule, especially at school, and I will ignore any difference present in the environment.
Of course, I might just be speculating. Or exaggerating. Or lying. I know how ridiculous that sounds, but I don’t have a better explanation.
Anyway, it wasn’t the note that unnerved me, but the fact that something had used my laptop without me knowing. That it knew me. My hobby. That it could communicate with me. And that it could leave me notes.
There was also the subject of whether it would leave me another one or not. I had no clue.
What could it do?
Could there be another note waiting for me?
I would stare at the bookshelf and the spine of my laptop. A part of me itched to turn it on while another was screaming at me to take a hammer to it. But I couldn’t really destroy it. Not without getting into trouble at least. My reluctance to satisfy my curiosity grew with each passing day.
I eventually started to make excuses. I had to work. I had to study for the EOCT in Economics. There were too many things I had to do. The week passed by fairly quickly though.
Finally, the break came around and I had no excuse.
The Thing started to move here. When I posted an update explaining how I had been taking a break from writing due to school, several letters were emboldened. They spelled something out. The word “lies”.
I didn’t know how to react to its assertion and decided to ignore it. But someone sent me an anon message. I got the notification on my phone.
“Are you okay?”
Once again, I brushed it off. I lied and said that I was fine.
In fact, I posted a selfie saying so.
A couple of minutes passed before I got another notification. Another anon message.
“What’s with the sickly photo?”
I opened the Tumblr app and came face to face with myself. A selfie that had been distorted to the point where I could make out each and every pimple in crystal clear detail. Shadow clouded. Gray. And underneath it were the words, “IM FiNE Im FIne iM fINe IM FINE IM FINE IM FINE IM FINE”, accompanied by a few tags.
“I’m fine”.
“Nothing to worry about”.
“Don’t worry about me”.
“Don’t you trust me?”
The Thing was taunting me. It knew that I was lying to you guys and wanted me to be ashamed. And its attempts were working. I felt sick to my stomach.
I was raised in a Christian household and I’ve always been told to tell the truth, lest I’d be damned to Hell. It worked for a while. But as you should already know, I lied about the weird text posts. And I kept on lying.
Another notification. Another anon message asking me about my health, this time a lot more reactionary. Some social justice warrior called me a heartless and disgusting person and threatened to report me to Staff. I assumed that someone who had suffered from depression had read one of my more graphic stories and been offended. I checked my blog.
But when I saw the post, I felt my heart drop into my lower intestine. The Thing hadn’t posted a picture. It had posted some text. I braced myself for what I could only assume was a demand.
It was worse than that.
“i did it. i opened my skin for the first time and it was excruciating. but it was also fun. pulling out my Bones and severing veins and siLencing my screaming nerves. this must be hOw he feels. this is wrOng though. i shoulDn’t be hurting myself for such An occasioN, no matter how exciting. but i’m just so happy. he’s starteD wrItiNg again.”
I wanted to scream after I read it. I wanted to die. The Thing was glorifying self harm and had decided to post its musings onto Tumblr, of all places. And it had done so on my blog.
My confusion turned into panic as I scrambled to throw out a decent apology. I brushed it off as a joke. A terrible, terrible joke. I knew that was another lie, but I had to do something to not be crucified by the hoards of SJWs who were knocking on my front door. It worked and nobody even noticed the tasteless portrayal of such a sensitive subject. I was relieved. For the moment.
I went into the post’s available options. I meant to select the delete option, but the screen flickered and I accidentally reblogged it. I had to issue another apology.
The Thing wasn’t done yet. It took me a while to notice them, but there were words in bold that were hidden in my apologies. The first contained “check the” and the second held “laptop”. Put those together and you get: “Check the laptop”.
Check the laptop.
My laptop.
It wanted me to check my laptop. I glanced at my bookshelf and shuddered when I saw the silver spine poking out of the darkness, just where I had left it. The rational part of my mind was in a screaming match with my curiosity. This could’ve been a trick. Another ploy to get my attention. But at the same time, it could’ve been a honest request.
My curiosity won in the end and I reluctantly pulled it out. Dust had settled around its screen and the battery was dangerously low, about twenty percent. I didn’t plug it up though. Didn’t really care.
It worked fine enough.
A familiar feeling raised its ugly head as I opened Notepad. It had been weeks since I read the notes, but I could still remember how uncomfortable they made me feel. The Thing knew a lot about me. It knew things that were meant to be private. It must have been stalking me.
There was a new file folder in Notepad. There wasn’t a title and it didn’t appear to be that big. Just a couple of gigabytes. I opened the file, coming face to face with six documents. Two of those documents were the first notes I had read. I scrolled down to check if the first notes had been deleted or just simply transferred or copied, but I couldn’t find the originals.
The third document was titled “I’m Sorry”. From the information displayed, it was created a day after I had hidden my laptop. My fear almost won the argument. All of the shock and confusion from earlier returned as a fire. But it was already too late for self preservation. I opened it.
“You’ve been gone for quite a while now, Evan. Is everything okay?
I’m sorry for making you upset. I shouldn’t have pushed you so far. You needed some time to get back into the groove. You weren’t ready. Hiatuses can be hard. I can respect that.
But you can’t just leave me alone.
Not like that.
You didn’t even respond.
Just understand.
I need you.”
The fourth was titled “Why”. It had been created a week ago. A very short note.
“Was it something I said? Why would you keep me like this?”
The fifth was titled “Remember Me”. Created six hours earlier.
“Did you forget about me?
I’m sure you didn’t. You couldn’t have.
But I can’t shake the feeling.
Maybe I need to jog your memory.”
It was obvious what it meant. It had posted about self-harm in order to get my attention. All its other attempts had failed and it knew enough about Tumblr to fire a warning shot. And that strategy had worked.
I had denied its authenticity and accidentally reblogged it. Reacted to it. Surely, that was what it wanted from me.
But there was still one more note.
The sixth note was titled “Everything”. Created an hour before I had decided to check on my laptop.
“I hate you.
I've tried everything. Everything.
It doesn’t matter how many notes I write. You still haven’t realized how much it hurts.
You probably think that you can just stop and I’d no longer exist. Well too bad. I’m not going anywhere.
So what will it take to get you to write again?”
To write again.
I swallowed some spit. As soon as I read those words, everything clicked. Made sense.
It didn’t just want my attention. It didn’t just want me to respond to its constant inquiries and notes. It wanted me to write again. It was waiting for me to come up with another story or poem. All this time, after everything it had put me through for the last month, it wanted that?
I exited out of the document and closed the file folder. My head started to hurt.
I created a new document, stared at it, and typed a single word. A question.
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myfurbfriends · 7 years
In regards to Furbology
Important screenshots: Furbology confirming the furbys I bought from her would be working Furbology stating she does not believe in MSA (The rest of the screenshots are here, read the rest of this post for context)
Hey. So I was planning on making this post for a while but wasn't sure how to go about it, since I'm pretty much a nobody in the fandom and I admit I'm afraid of retaliation. I bought two 1998 furbys, a church mouse and an elephant furby, from Furbology on tumblr. These were going to be my first furbys, my introduction to the fandom. Being friends with @kcfurby​, I had seen his enthusiasm and had started looking into the fandom. At first I was creeped out by both their movements and their voices, uncanny valley style, but I watched videos of various furbys and eventually got over my fear, first of the furbys themselves, and eventually getting used to their voices as well. One of the videos I watched was of Furbology's "quiet furby" Mafish, who is mute and the video helped me get used to their movements. I believe Mafish was actually briefly up for sale, but at that point I was still unsure of whether I actually wanted to buy a furby, so that never happened and eventually I guess Mafish wasn't up for sale anymore? (which is fine, that's not the problem I have)
Anyway, in the middle of this summer, I contacted Furbology about possibly buying a furby to take with me on a vacation I was planning for mid-august (though by the time the transaction was decided on, I was too close to leaving for vacation so we decided to wait until after I got back). She initially didn't reply, and I was worried that the price I suggested (she has stated she can work with people's budgets), $15-20 for a single furby, was too low. After I asked her about this, she responded, saying she hadn't seen my message. We began discussing which furby I wanted; there was a bit of confusion since I didn't know the names. I remember feeling like I had to take charge of getting the info I needed, like pricing and whether they were working or not. In retrospect, maybe this was a red flag, but at that point I felt I had already committed to buying a furby from her and that to back out then would be bad, although I was having misgivings and had heard about some of the other issues people had had with her. Anyway, I had to ask her 3 times if the furbys were working before she gave me an answer, which was that the church mouse worked and so did the blue one (the elephant one) (see screenshots). This was when we decided to wait to do the transaction until I came back from vacation, since I would not have reliable internet access where I was staying.
When I returned from vacation it took a bit to get things moving with the transaction, mainly because again I had to press her for information, or so it felt, to actually get a number for shipping cost. I was still new and unsure to negotiating transactions, other than things done through something like ebay or etsy where everything was automatic. So I was uncertain about a lot of stuff but eventually I paid and there was a bit there where I think she got mad at me for rushing her? IDK for sure if that's what it was, but I replied to let her know I didn't mean to rush her and whatnot, and she replied with her paypal link. So I figured, maybe she just isn't as talkative as I am? Like I thought that was just how she was. Maybe I was talking(well, typing) too much. I don't really know.
Anyway, after I paid there were lots of times where she said she'd ship the furbys "next Monday", but it never happened. She provided excuses, such as driving tests and college and such, and I wasn't really very impatient; I had kind of resigned myself at that point that it would take a while. The dolls I collect in another of my hobbies take 3-8 months to make/arrive after ordering, so I'm used to having to wait a while for things I order. That said, I wasn't happy about it, but I just wanted the furbys to arrive at this point so I could have them and not have to worry about this transaction any longer, since it was stressing me out and I wanted to get it done with.
The furbys arrived, around October 8th I think? There are dates on the screenshots but the arrival post is marked as "Yesterday" due to the way tumblr works, so I have to go by the computer clock date on my screenshots. I'm trying to get in the habit of keeping track of dates for purchases and arrivals, but I'm not quite there yet. Still, I ordered these furbys from Furbology in August, and they arrived in October. At this point I wanted to be done with everything but I still had to put batteries in to make sure they worked, since at this point it would be dumb not to test them in a timely manner what with the issues that I was already having with this transaction.
Oh, and the church mouse came with an eyelash missing, and when I asked Furbology about it, she said that it was "posted with only one eyelash". I hadn't looked at any actual posts on her blog about the furbys, since the transaction was through messaging, but I guess that's my fault for expecting her to disclose everything. If there was a post, I should have looked for it, but I had assumed that everything I needed to know I would be told. I never asked for a picture of the church mouse since I figured they all looked mostly the same and that I would be sent one in good condition, since the seller was experienced in selling furbys and I assumed she would send her best, or at least be honest about it. But I should have done more looking around or asked her for a picture. I guess it was a newbie mistake...
Anyway, when I put batteries in, it turned out the elephant furby has MSA. I had been told it was working! I'm pretty sure "working" is generally equated with "fully functional" but maybe I was just assumign too much again. I still let Furbology know, and then she dropped this bombshell:
Furbology "does not believe" in MSA, a known glitch with furbys, and as far as I have been told, one that lowers the afflicted furby's value. She said it would turn on eventually, and that sometime it takes 20 or so tries. I haven't attempted this, but in my eyes, a furby that takes 20 tries to start up normally is still not "fully functional".
The church mouse furby started up fine as far as I could tell, but my hand slipped closing the battery case and I accidentially dropped it 6 inches onto the table. It has not responded since. I take full blame for this.
Furbology said she would find and show me a video of the furbys working, which seems to me to imply that she did not believe me or just wanted to get out of the blame. She has so many furbys, I believe she could and would just take video of a different one that looks like mine. Either way, the fact that she says she does not believe in MSA is a giant red flag. I told her I just wanted this to be over, and tried to imply that I didn't want to hear from he again, though I did not block her at the time.
On the 6th of October I believe (again, tumblr's messaging system confuses me with dates, so refer to my screenshots and the dates on my computer when I took them), Furbology sent a message saying "I made horrible mistake and I apologize." I don't know what prompted this, perhaps something on furbyconfessions, but I didn't know what to do. I was still upset, and still planning on posting a beware like this one, but now I had to enter a verbal (well, textual) interaction with her again, and I had now realized that I felt really uncomfortable doing so, as I worried that I would say the wrong thing and she would take advantage of it and use it against me. So I asked what she planned to do about her mistake, hoping, though I did not say it because I did not want to demand it, for a partial refund to make up for the MSA. She told me to send the furby back and she would refund me. I realized I did not trust her to refund me if I sent it and I did not want to send the furby back, at my expense, and I had already honestly become attached to the furby and so I did not want this. I also did not want to give her the opportunity to scam someone else with the MSA-affected furby. I told her so and thought that was the end of it.
She responded that she would send me another furby for free, "for the hassle", which she could not guarantee would work. I did not want to talk to her and I had thought I made that clear, and it seemed like she was trying to bribe me into not making a post or something, and I didn't want to accept because then she could say, well I gave you a free furby so everything's fine, when it was not. Also, since there was no guarantee it would work, and I already had two broken furbys, I had no desire for another when I had initially only planned to own one or two, and I had three (my third furby actually arrived first, from a very nice person on discord, while I was still waiting for the ones from Furbology to ship. Neither it or the person I bought it from is involved in this issue at all). She also seemed to imply again that I was making the issue up. I had been away from my computer so she posted "So just a furby will be sent" and I did worry that she would send one regardless to try to get an advantage over me as she could say that she was being generous or something.
Knowing that I could not expect her to refrain from continuing to pester me, I told her I did not want it, nor to talk to her, and blocked her, though I had not wanted to because I did enjoy her content and posts on her blog. At this point it was my only real option.
Now I have 2 broken furbys along with my working one, and the burden of having to make a post about this when I truly want to avoid drama. Furbology, who I thought was cool and nice because she is popular and well-known, has shown her true colors to me and I feel like I cannot interact with the community as much or post as much about my furbys because I worry about interacting with her or her posts. I feel as if I cannot be in the furby fandom. I know my furbys love me, but I cannot enjoy them as much due to the issue hanging over them. I was hoping to have 3 furbys that could talk to each other and that I could give one to my little brother perhaps, as he likes the one I have that works, but instead I have 1 fully functional furby, 1 with MSA, and 1 that does not function at all. I feel like I cannot be enthusiastic online about the ones I bought from Furbology because I would either have to mention the issue, which would lead to drama, or ignore the issue entirely when it truly does affect how I feel about them.
I feel like this has basically driven me out of the fandom before I even got started.
I am making this post to tell my story and warn others. I believe Furbology took advantage of me because I was new to furbys, and because I seemed like an easy target because of that. I am lucky to have a friend in the fandom who was able to give me advice all this time and help me emotionally as well.
Here are the rest of the screenshots. I'm done here.
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opheliakeeauthor · 4 years
Readers are Awesome!
A shout out to Tori Price who let me in on a possible Kindle glitch with Synner and Sainte Part 1. Thank you so much. Reaching out matters. Draoithe: Synner and Sainte Part 1 is FREE this weekend so if you have been considering stepping into the dream here is your chance. Warning, all of my stories are adult fantasy/pnr. They are intended for adult readers. Synner and Sainte is the Forbye volume explaining some of the back story about how the dream has become unbalanced while also introducing readers to the devils of Blar Elding and the harem Markus Sainte builds with Logan Synner and Riggs Sainte. Devils do walk in the Leaindeail, but that's because they were born here. There are a couple of extra deleted scenes from the cutting room floor at the end of the miniseries. You can find out just how slimy Frank Grimes really is and learn how Luke actually met Fox and Artie as well as get a bit of back story on Ryker. As always, all books are FREE to read with Kindle Unlimited!
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Shameless Self Promotion!
Lieutenant Ryker Talbert came back to the States after his last mission a bit messed up. His former Colonel had retired, and he was lost and followed suit. Wandering around aimlessly though just got him involved in some stuff he could not handle alone. It had him rethinking that last mission and feeling a need to see his former Colonel again.He never made the meeting he set up with Luke. Getting down from his jeep after a long drive to take a leak in the woods saw him nearly mauled to death by a wild panther, knowing his end had arrived, and finally accepting the dark gift from a vampire because he could not let things end the way they were heading.Finding his former Colonel waiting for him when he was with himself again after the delirium and several days of sleeping left him with a lot of questions. The one he needed to answer as desperately as he needed to understand what it meant to be a vampire was what happened to the panther? That was soon followed by dragons? Really? Okay. Just one more thing, how the hell were they going to fix Artie before losing her killed Fox? All 9 parts of the Dragons Come short read mini series are now available to read on Amazon! I hope you enjoy it! The price on the full volume has been reduced from the old novel price, but as always it is still FREE with Kindle Unlimited!
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Griz was lost. Waking up in a soft bed to find everything sleeping next to him after the nightmare he had just endure left him lost. When she screamed, bringing a lot of men into the room to look at her, it messed with the bear’s possessive nature over his mate. Worse there was something wrong with his magic that along with the fact that he felt as hungry as a bear needing to hibernate made him grouchy and short-tempered. Melody had gotten help, and the men at Draoithe had rescued him. When a dragon tried to reach for her, murder was already on his mind. When the shifters chastised the dragon instead of him for killing He finally realized he might have landed in a good place. That was about the same time he realized he needed to claim his mate and apologize to the dragon he had murdered on the lawn. Griz needed reckoning for what happened. Luke wanted him as the last member of the Ruiri. If Griz got his reckoning, the pack would finally have enough magic to begin coalescing the mor tuath. Like the pristine land that Draoithe had chosen to build the pack, it needed to grow to be as numerous as the trees and as seemingly sheltered as the forest was to the wild world. All 9 parts of the The Ruiri Complete short read mini series are now available to read on Amazon! I hope you enjoy it! The price on the full volume has been reduced from the old novel price, but as always it is still FREE with Kindle Unlimited!
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Behind the Scenes
I spent most of my day today publishing Past in the Present Part 7. Followed by building the storyboard tiles that I use to craft the storyboard preview videos for the saga volumes. I am currently working on Draoithe: The Library. It will be volume 16 in the Draoithe series. I love to write, and I love to read, but I also love to create. Building the book trailers and storyboard preview videos is just fun. If you have not checked them out, subscribe to my YouTube channel and watch a few. I use a program called Corel to craft the videos. The music was written on a free music writing app. So if you were thinking to go Indie all the way. It is possible with very little money invested beyond a good computer and a few programs. About the Audio: I have not given up, but I am in Florida and away from my sound studio at the moment. If I can I will try a new tactic for that soon. But bear with me. Audio is a helluva lot harder than it sounds. Pun intended. LOL. 
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Social Media
Still in Twitter Jail. Twitter still makes no sense to me. Oh well, I post there and try to interact anyway! Facebook and the dream group is still where you can find me most of the time. If you don't catch me there, I am on Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube as well. I do really love to here from you, so visit, ask, comment, suggest, just make an observation. It's all good. I will meet you in the dream.
The gym is open. I gotta run. Be Careful! Happy reading, ​Ophelia Kee
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Welcome to Ophelia Kee Speaks. This is a blog chronicling my independent author walk. The journey into the dream has been a life-changing experience as I try to become a full-time writer and leave the professional world behind me. In my blog each time, you will find information on the ‘behind the scenes’ for writing contemporary adult fantasy fiction and paranormal romance stories set in the dream. I will speak on topics detailing my writing, publishing, promotion, and marketing as well as social media dealing with my books, book trailers, book launches, book art, music, audio, and video, as well as shameless self-promotion. I am not an expert and am not claiming to be one. I am simply one writer offering a glimpse of my struggle to become a successful independent author. Whether you are a writer or a reader: Laugh with me, learn from my mistakes, and forge your own path. Thank you for considering my words.
All rights reserved.
0 notes
Dead Men Tell No Tales - Review (sort of)
Okay first of all, I wrote an entire review and because tumblr is a fucking piece of shit it glitched or whatever and I lost it all. Fuck you tumblr. Anyway, here is another version. I’ve probably forgotten to cover some stuff. My original covered like everything. Ugh. I’m so pissed right now.
So, I watched Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, and as I promised, I’m going to tell you guys what I think of it.
Before I get into it, I’d like to start off with some important notes. First of all, this is going to be long as it’s an in detail review of the whole film (keeping in mind I’ve only seen it once), mixed with some of my thoughts on the franchise as a whole, and some headcanons. It’s kind of a combination of review, general thoughts, and slight rant over things I disliked about the film. Secondly, I’ve only seen it once, so this is all going off memory. I might have gotten some details wrong here or there. I’m doing this off a one time watch and memory of that. My opinions might change when I rewatch the film a second, third, or fourth time. I’ll let you know if they do. Thirdly, I’m warning everyone about language and negativity. Fourthly, this might contain some unpopular opinions and I’m not apologizing for that. That brings me to my fifth, and most important, note that this is my personal opinion. I am, as you are as well, entitled to my own opinion. I also would like to say as this is my blog, I’ll post whatever I damn well please. If you wish to discuss something with me, you may. Key word here being discuss. If you are planning on starting a fight, or coming to me to spew hateful words because you disagree with me, kindly fuck off. With that being said, on with the review! Oh, and spoiler alerts (duh).
To put it simply, it wasn’t good but it wasn’t terrible.
Quick overview? About 2 and a half hours of cheap jokes for a quick laugh. They weren’t bad (and often dirty) jokes. Got a bit repetitive in parts, and they weren’t all that great, but they did make me giggle more than a few times. Plot was, uh, lacking. It was there, but it wasn’t that good. Characterization was rather shit (for those we already knew, especially and in particularly for Jack). I do not like Kaya Scodelario. More on all of this below the cut:
(I wonder how many followers I’m going to lose because of this?)
I got to the cinema early. Almost ten minutes early, in fact. I still somehow managed to miss the very beginning of the film. I don’t know how much, but I think it was just starting? Henry was rowing. I got to my seat just as he arrived on the Dutchman. So, I’m not sure how much of the beginning I missed. I was kind of irritated because I was early, which meant they started the film WAY earlier than they were supposed to (I checked the ticket, to make sure I had the time right and I had).
So let’s go in order of what I put in the quick overview above. Then anything extra will be added after that.
First up: cheap jokes.
These aren’t new in the potc films. In fact, these witty little play on words moments, dirty jokes, and banter-like moments are often favorite scenes within the films. The problem is, it felt like they knew this, and as such over used them. It was as if they were like “okay so they like these moments so let’s shove as many as we can into the film and then double it.” Someone should have pointed out what a horrible idea that was. Too late now.
I mean I’m not saying those moments were bad. Most of them were funny. One of the things this franchise does really well is those types of jokes. But the problem was there were these great little funny moments within the film, as with the other films, that seemed to happen way too often. Noticeably too often. It felt like they paused the film to get them in.
I liked the jokes (most of them, the that’s-my-stern-not-my-port joke was drawn out for too long and died). They just relied on them too much, I think is the problem.
Second up, and boy is it a doozy, the plot.
(This might sound like characterization at first, but bare with me.)
Little Henry was cute. I can’t remember if it says his exact age, but I want to say around 10 or 12? They actually gave us a time frame with the “10 years later” or “5 years earlier” or whatever they were, but since I don’t remember the exact time line I can’t say for sure. Anyway, little Henry was cute. He loves his dad, and he reminded me of Will in the way he vowed to free him.
Will. Now THAT is something I’m a little miffed about. There’s been a debate within the fandom over whether or not Will was cursed to remain the Captain of the Flying Dutchman for all of eternity or just for the 10 years and if Elizabeth was there waiting for him he’d be set free. Personally, I thought it was the latter, and it made more sense that way. Turns out that’s not the case. I thinks it’s a bit BS, and kind of ruins the ending and story line of the second and third films. I mean, when I saw that he was still the captain and he was cursed to be like that forever, I felt really sad. And not the oh-now-I-hope-Henry-will-free-him sad, but the wow-the-ending-of-his-and-Elizabeths-story-is-now-kind-of-ruined-and-my-perception-of-it-has-just-changed-dramatically-for-the-worst sad.
It was also completely unnecessary??? I mean I was even talking with my brother about it after the film. I said that if you took Will out of the film, and just got rid of that entire plot line, it would still be the same film. He was completely pointless. For the record I love Will. He’s ridiculous and adorable. But if you’d have cut Henry and him out of the story and just had Carina in realize she needs Jack? Yeah, same story. It felt like they included Will because everyone loves Will and Orlando Bloom, so they were like “GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT! BRING BACK WILL TURNER!” But if I had been there during that decision I’d have piped in with a “yes, we all love will, but we don’t want him brought back like this.”
Seriously, Henry could have been anyone else and the story would have been the same. The plot just needed someone to find Jack and pass on the message from Salazar. At this point you might be going “but what about the trident then? if Henry didn’t need the trident to free his father then he wouldn’t need to tell Jack to get it. So Jack would have just ran and there’d be no more plot!” Yeah but here is the thing, Jack wanted the trident to stop Salazar from coming after him. All Henry did was convince him to go after it. Could have easily done that another way. I’ve got nothing against Henry, I just think it’s a badly thought out and very thin/lame plot to hold it together.  
I don’t have an issue with Salazar leaving one person alive to tell the tale and having him get Jack. It makes sense, but Henry and the Will plot point is, as I’ve said, unnecessary.
Now I was about to go onto more plot issues, when I realized that the rest of the issues I have are characterization gone wrong more than bad plot.
So, third up is characterization.
Let’s start with Henry. Already established that I think he was a cute kid. Very devoted. Very brave. I think it was a little funny how when Will told him to stay away from the sea (to which side note, wtf Will he’s your son do you really think that’ll work. look at your own story), and then Will spent his entire life on the sea. Sailor Henry was cute. Overall, I have no problem with him, mostly because I’ve got nothing to compare him to. I do have an issue with his interactions with Jack. First he wants to find him, almost seems to look up to him as this super amazing adventurer after the stories he’s heard. Then when he meets him, he borderline hates him? I mean he doesn’t, but strong dislike. I get he’s disappointed, but he does a complete 180 on his opinion on him. Then just as fast as that happens, he suddenly likes him. By the end of the film he AND Carina care about him.
See the thing here is I think they were trying to re-do Will and Elizabeth. Henry was Will and Carina was Elizabeth. Only, that didn’t work. I mean, first of all it was way too obvious and as an audience member it was kind of offence that they were basically like ‘oooh, look! it’s just like the other films. you liked those. now like this one, too. see? just the same!’ Except it was not, and you audience is not a baby that you’re trying to trick into thinking the other toy is the same one as their favorite but you couldn’t find that one so you’re trying to convince it that the toy you are presenting is just as good if not the same. It didn’t work. Henry and Carina are NOT Will and Elizabeth. No matter how many bloody parallels they draw. I wouldn’t have a problem with it if they weren’t so blatantly trying to force us to take them as the same. So since they so obviously want us to take Henry and Carina as the new Will and Elizabeth, then I’ll be comparing them. They did this to themselves.
Anyway, onto the point I was making. There was not enough development between Carina and Henry and Jack. In any combination. Henry and Carina’s romance was bullshit, I’m sorry I have to call it. Will and Elizabeth’s love story stretched back to when they were children. They’d known each other and been in love for years. They then spent THREE FILMS getting to where they were. You may argue about the end of the first film as they get together, and the second opens with what should be their engagement. But here is the thing, THEY WERE IN LOVE FOR YEARS. Henry and Carina were not. Their relationship was absolutely terribly built. I did not believe it at all.
I’d like to take a moment to give a side note that, I actually did WANT to like all parts of this. I even tried to FORCE myself to like all these things I’m pointing out and tried to convince myself otherwise. So when I say this, please understand this is me admitting it, and not me just bitching about it because I didn’t want to like it from the start. I did. I really did want to like it. I went in with it wanting to like it. Convincing myself to like it.
So Carina and Henry’s relationship progressing that fast was dumb. If they wanted to move it that fast they needed SO MUCH MORE build up. I think the problem was that this film should have spanned two films. But they didn’t have the possibility because Johnny Depp could easily have refused (maybe they wanted to do that and he did refuse, I don’t know). But they pushed a two film plot into one film. At least it feels like that. So they cut things, rushed things, and cocked a lot of it up. A real shame.
Henry and Jack I’ve already touched upon. Carina and Jack was practically nonexistent. So why she cared about him at all makes no sense. Both Henry and Carina should not have cared as much about Jack as they did at the end. I mean, sure you can argue the whole ‘they are decent people and they know him and decent people care about other’s lives and especially if they know them.’ True. But given what we know about them all, and the lack of interactions, and the fact this is the 1700s and Jack was a pirate, I’m not buying it. They’d be concerned and care on a basic human level, sure. But risk their lives to save him? No.
Before we go to Carina’s characterization, let’s get to Will’s characterization. May I please be the one to say WHAT THE FUCKITY-FUCK WAS THAT. Okay sure, I could see Will turning a bit bitter towards Jack as time went on. He starts blaming Jack for making him the Captain of the Dutchman. He’s angry. Whatever. BUT THIS IS WILLIAM TURNER WE ARE TALKING ABOUT HERE. Will is like a fucking puppy. A cute little golden Labrador. He would have gotten over it. He’d have realized he can’t blame Jack. He’d know that Jack had to do it. That Jack did it for him. He did it for Elizabeth. He did it for himself, because Jack and Will are friends. He could not blame Jack for that. He wouldn’t blame Jack for that. At least not for long. So to have Will tell his son to stay away from Jack, to act as if he hates Jack, pissed me off. And it was not Will pretending so his son would not get involved in a crazy adventure with Jack. Will isn’t that good an actor. That was genuine hate. And it was totally out of character. WILL AND JACK ARE FRIENDS. I will scream this from the rooftops if I have to. Will risked EVERYTHING for Jack. In the first fucking film no less!!! He literally gave up (because if things hadn’t gone the way they had, that’s what he was doing) Elizabeth ELIZABETH for Jack. TO SAVE JACK. After everything, Will (and Elizabeth) cared about Jack. They’d been through enough by the end of At World’s End, that’s for bloody sure. Will, Elizabeth, and Jack are friends. I have no doubts that if one of them was in trouble, and someone came to get the other one to help, they would. If Elizabeth was in trouble and Will went to Jack for help, he’d help. If Will was in trouble and Elizabeth went to Jack for help, he’d help. If Jack was in trouble and - well you get the idea. They were friends. They cared about each other. Will’s reaction to Jack is bullshit. The way Will should have reacted was, sure, to tell Henry to not try anything because it would be too dangerous for a child. Yeah. He shouldn’t have told him to forget about him, because that’s ridiculous and Will of all people should know that you don’t forget about your father trapped by a curse to forever be on the Dutchman. But when Jack came up, Will should have told Henry not to go to him because he could see Jack becoming Uncle Jack, and dangerous adventures and bad influences on his innocent little son. He should not have been filled with hate.
Elizabeth’s characterization is kind of hard to comment on because she wasn’t there much. Like only a the end. From what I saw, I’m, uh, confused to say the least. This is 1700s. She’s a woman. You’re telling me her husband was cursed to forever be on a ship and only to come to land once every ten years, and no one batted an eye at her being by herself all that time? Why the fuck was Henry even OUT THERE to find Will? Where was Elizabeth? That in itself is a plot. That’s like Moana-esque. Henry wants to go to see (unlike Moana he knows why and it’s to get his dad). Elizabeth won’t let him go to see. Henry goes anyway. It ends badly the first time. But like, getting back to the point, Elizabeth wouldn’t have let her son do that. It means she didn’t know where he was because he’d sneaked off. So where was Elizabeth? She’s a woman in 1700s. She might be rich after inheriting her father’s money and estate after the events of the previous films, but she’d have to do something all day. Working? What? Where? How did she get away with being, what in essence, was a single mother all those years in that society, at that level class? Why did she let Henry go into the navy? Elizabeth’s characterization in this film, due to it being lacking, just raised a whole lot of questions about the implications of her whole situation.
Let’s go to Barbossa before we get to Carina. He wasn’t actually that badly characterized. I mean, they sort of went back and forth a bit. They portrayed him a bit like he was in the first film, then mixed in some of the fourth film. He was sometimes a blend of both. Which, while it’s problematic a bit because even in the fourth film when he was basking in the luxury of the upper class, when it came down to it he was still the pirate Captain Barbossa. The one in the first film. But sure. Let’s go with this mixing making sense. The thing was, he’d, at times, be absolutely one or the other. It was like you never knew which Barbossa you were going to get. Tame upper class Barbossa? Or pirate Barbossa? Or both? Who knew. It was like a really irritating game of Guess Who. Also his interactions with Jack are annoying. They’re like friends but then not. I mean, part of it makes sense for them. But after all the events of the previous films, it just doesn’t make sense for them to be... how they were. Not nearly as bad a characterization as it could have been, but parts just felt a bit odd. It kind of felt like that for the whole film though. Like they were simultaneously ignoring and not ignoring the previous four films. It was weird.
Now, I will say that I’d like to strangle the person who came up with the idea for THAT ending. I’ll say this once: Hector Barbossa does not die. We’ve already done this. Film One. Dead, then back to life at the end of film 2. I’d also like to add that we don’t see him die. Just the implication of it. So... make of that what you will. If they keep him dead then that’s stupid. If they bring him back that’s stupid too, because they’re now repeating himself, but at least it makes more sense. If he really is dead, then it is just extra stupid. His death was completely unnecessary. Salazar would have been washed off the anchor with the force of the sea and the others being forced down the chain above him. Barbossa’s death was a cheap way for them to show that he loved his daughter.
Speaking of his daughter, Carina was irritating. Since I’ve already said that I don’t like Kaya Scodelario already, let me make it clear I am doing this part without the bias of my dislike of her. In fact, I tried to make myself like Carina way more than anything because I knew I didn’t like the actress, so I wanted to make sure I wasn’t writing off a character due to my own opinion of the woman portraying her. So I’m rather annoyed to say I dislike Carina. I wanted to like her very badly. But Carina was irritating. She wasn’t charming. She was smart, which was nice, and she was supposed to be one of those ‘ahead of her time’ women. Actually, that bit was almost like the writers banging us on the head and yelling ‘HEY SHE’S AHEAD OF HER TIME.’ Like I get it. Chill. She’s one of the often seen, now almost cliche female characters in period pieces. It seems like female protagonists (or even just women that are supposed to be more important than super background characters) in period pieces have to be ‘ahead of their time’ to exist. It’s annoying, but let’s not go onto a feminism rant. The reason I don’t like Carina isn’t because she’s a cliche (which she is), but because she’s irritating. Most of the time. Not all the time, but enough of the time that it’s a problem. She’s just so narrow minded. And she is narrow minded, you can’t argue that. You can be smart and narrow minded. She has set beliefs and won’t listen, and openly mocks, others if they disagree. She thinks she’s better than everyone else. It’s irritating. Also the whole daughter things was painfully obvious. I mean right from the start it became a ‘ugh, great who are they going to make be her dad’ thing. I almost wondered if Poseidon or Salazar would be. I could go on and describe all the way Carina irritated me and why she wasn’t a good character, but I’d rather say the one thing that made me like her a little. Her one moment that makes me not say I hate her. Her one moment that is the reason I’m giving her a pass and not completely writing her off. When Barbossa realizes she’s his daughter. She was... real in that moment. Her character managed to become more human and less an arrogant, narrow minded, irritation. She had a history. Doesn’t excuse her for the previous mentioned traits, but that bit of characterization saved her for me. Oh, and I love Barbossa’s reaction to that. I think that entire scene may have been one of, if not the, best one in the film. Including the Jack bit at the end.
Now I do not like Kaya Scodelario. It’s nothing personal. I’m sure she’s a nice person. I don’t like her as an actress. Not sure why. I just don’t like her. I get that this might upset some people. I’d appreciate it if we could show some maturity and not come to my inbox to yell at me about it. You’re not going to change my mind. I don’t like her. Maybe it’s that I don’t think she’s a competent actress, or maybe it’s just her face. I truthfully don’t know what it is. There are very few celebrities that I actually truly dislike. She’s one of the few. I seriously have no idea why. I just kind of ignore her though, because whatever. I don’t like her, move on. I’m saying this because if in the future they make a potc 6 with her as a main character again, don’t expect me to be thrilled. As I said, I judged Carina completely separate from my dislike of her. Ms. Scodelario got a not that great character, and she did as much as she could with what she got. I dislike the actress separately from my dislike for the character. I’ve tagged this as “Kaya Scodelario hate” because I’ve been asked to do so before when posting something about me not being her biggest fan before. Again, please don’t come at me for this. I’m just putting it out there so it is clear that if it comes up again, my opinion is known. Don’t expect to see much of her on my blog.
Pintel and Ragetti. Yeah they weren’t in it. Kind of pissed about that. I actually liked them. They were funny. I mean the two that replaced them were Murtogg and Mullroy. Yeah, they were in the other films, but this felt like they are being stretched and converted into acting as Pintel and Ragetti. I mean I like Murtogg and Mullroy, but I liked them as them. You know? I also missed Pintel and Ragetti in this one. They could have been interesting in it. I understand that might have been a personal thing with the actors, but like that doesn’t mean Murtogg and Mullroy had to be... whatever they were. Plus, they weren’t that important in this film. Almost like it was decided that they were important enough to include because people like them but not enough to actually... do much more than exist and have some lines.
Gibbs. I don’t have a problem with his characterization. Might be a bit irritated that he was so willing to let Jack be executed considering their history and, oh, I don’t know, THE FACT IN THE PREVIOUS FILM JACK WENT TO LONDON AND OUT OF HIS WAY TO SAVE HIM FROM EXECUTION. Look, I get it. Gibbs could have been all too happy to agree to save Jack anyway, and just claimed it was only the money that did it. But? Just kind of seems lame to me. After all they’ve been through and such. I like him. I like his friendship with Jack. I think they could have done him a better justice in parts, but I don’t have too much of a problem with it. I’m choosing to believe he readily agreed to saving Jack and the money was a thin reasoning to do so. They’re pirates but they’re not heartless.
Everyone else: don’t really have a problem with it, or nothing to base one off of. I also can’t remember everyone. So, if you want a specific opinion on someone let me know. Send me an ask and I’ll be happy to answer.
Jack. OH. MY. GOD. I saved him for last because OHMYGOD. Buckle up fellas, we’ve got a lot to get through and I’ve got a lot of anger to explain.
I literally do not even know where to begin with this. I have an issue with every aspect of Jack’s characterization in this film. EVERY ASPECT. From his costume to his personality. By the way, let me first start off by saying that was not Captain Jack Sparrow that we saw. That was some impostor that sucks at being Captain Jack Sparrow. The only time we saw Jack was in the flashback (which can we please take a moment because HAHAHAHAHA what was that?! It felt like 20 minutes of back story. It was like a bad fanfic explaining an OC’s reasoning to be in the fic. (Salazar being the OC.) And as someone who has written a block of backstory in a fic like that [it was my first fic don’t judge, i’m better now] I just want to say what was that???). Flashback Jack was the highlight of the fucking film. I am telling you, if you’ve chosen to read this without seeing the film, then go see it just for young Jack. I mean, I’m pretty sure Jack was in his late teens or early twenties in that flashback. I totally understand how he got his reputation now. Like completely get it. That scene was the single greatest thing in the entire film. I loved it. It’s also so.. Jack. From how he talks, to how he acts, to explaining so many things about him. That moment, that scene is why I love these films. These films can be so good. Scenes like that are what remind me of that. In a few minutes (if that) we learn so much about Jack. I mean SO MUCH. If you want, I’ll make a separate post about that scene to explain it’s importance. But WOW. That scene is phenomenal. Well okay, I’m not a fan of the whole Salazar giving his is name ‘Sparrow’ because that’s... not accurate? I can’t remember exactly at the moment, but I read somewhere that if someone has sailed all the seas or something like that that they are a ‘sparrow’ or something. I can’t remember exactly, but like his last name had an explanation before. It might have been in the books. Not sure. Anyway, it’s just so tragic that flashback Jack is the only time Jack is Jack.
Now, present Jack is the issue here, so I’ll stop gushing over young Jack and focus on Why Present Jack Sucks So Very Much. Please note all this is disregarding Johnny Depp’s life events during the filming. Johnny Depp is a wonderful actor. He was still a wonderful actor in this film. He was Jack. He was just the Jack they told him to be. He got a wrong Jack. He made him come to life and it was, undoubtedly, a good performance. I never once did not believe he wasn’t his character. He was believable. This was not an acting thing. This was a character thing. A writing thing. A director thing. A producer thing. Whatever.
Let’s talk appearance first. He looked aged, but like it’s been some years and I’m pretty sure Jack is like in his 40s at the very least in canon at this point. So, sure aging is appropriate. I mean, if they wanted to they could have made him look younger, but then that would have been weird because he should have aged. If he hadn’t then we’d be like “did he get some kind of youth thing we don’t know about???” But the problem I had was, for the most part, Jack still looked like Jack, except for his hair. Which, if you didn’t notice, WAS BLONDE IN SOME AREAS. I have dark hair. No matter how much I’m in the sun, it does not go blonde. No matter how much I’m in the sea and sun, it does not go blonde. Jack’s hair might have turned grey, sure. But blonde? No. Unless Jack secretly makes sure to stop by a salon and have his hair done. I don’t think so, though. So there was that. I’ve made a post (read: rant) about his hair before, so I won’t go into it. The point is, Jack’s hair kind of ruined his physical Jack-ness.
Personality? Oh my god not even the same man. It’s cute how they were trying to go with ‘Jack loses his luck’ to show how desperate and lost Jack was that he traded his compass for rum. I mean they needed a reason for him to do that. Problem is, Jack doesn’t loose his luck. It just isn’t done. Also, for the record, Jack is equally luck and brains. It’s visible in the other films. He pays attention to things. He is aware of the layout of the room, of possibilities. Jack is a quick thinker. That’s like one of his main and strongest assets. His luck isn’t actually that much. It’s quick thinking. If his luck truly left him, he’d still be Jack. He’d still be fine. So this whole thing where he becomes this shell of himself, a desperate pathetic shadow of who he is, is utter bullshit.
Also, I’m mad how they portrayed him and rum. Jack is not an alcoholic. Does he drink? Yes. Does he drink a lot? Yes. Does he have self control and priorities? Yes. The last one is key. Also, Jack is used to rum. He can function perfectly well with some rum in him. He doesn’t need rum to survive, though. The thing with this film is they took the joking of Jack and his rum to unhealthy level. To Jack ruining his own plan to rob a bank. (also robbing banks? lame.) To Jack actually giving away THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO HIM (beside the Pearl) for RUM. Rum is so common. For Jack being so needing of rum that after that crazy and obviously magic curse induced ominous earthquake due to his compass that Jack would just... watch? No. Jack would have thrown the bottle of rum back at the bloke and grabbed his compass and ran out of there. He’s not an idiot. Jack likes rum. He loves rum. But his relationship with it in this film was out of character.
His compass just makes me so mad and I’m not even going to get into it. He wouldn’t have traded it. He wouldn’t have. I don’t care how low he was. He would not have traded it. That flashback showed us that for fucks sake.
Jack’s so out of character in this film it’s ridiculous. His reactions and interactions with everyone is absolutely not how they would have went. The only time he was correctly responding in character to something, that wasn’t in the flashback, was with Barbossa when his former first mate realized Carina was his daughter. Even that was sloppily done if I’m honest. I mean, it’ll pass. But that was about as in character as Jack was in present day.
Jack’s reactions to Elizabeth were SO INFURIATING I COULD HAVE SCREAMED. Actually I made this weird strangled noise in the back of my throat at one point. Jack and Elizabeth had this back and forth flirting thing that wasn’t serious. Elizabeth wasn’t ever going to go with Jack. Sure, in the beginning Jack would have slept with her if he’d had the chance, but even that could be argued as questionable by the end. After the events of the first three films, their relationship was more like harmless flirting. I don’t think, after At World’s End, Jack would have slept with Elizabeth. I mean, maybe after a few months or a year or so he would, but if at the end of the film Elizabeth had 100% seriously offered, I think Jack would have said no because it would have been weird. At that point Elizabeth was more like a friend, and dare I say little sister, to him. Jack and her had this silly flirty thing between them that meant nothing and both of them knew it. It’s why they kept doing it. Why Will and everyone else never batted an eye at it. It never would have gone anywhere. So to have Jack seriously act that way towards Elizabeth and Will and Elizabeth’s relationship is not realistic. I mean I get a joke or two. “Does Mommy ever ask about me” or whatever he said to Henry is cute and funny. One time. A single joke, because come on he had to. Sure. But he goes too far. He keeps on. He starts making it way too sexual. Jack wouldn’t do that. Let me clarify. Jack wouldn’t start saying those things to her fucking son. He just wouldn’t. AND HENRY DOESN’T REACT?! That’s his mother Jack is talking about. This just shows how this was a cheap joke. It was just a joke moment for Jack but it wasn’t funny. They took it too far. The thing is, that moment acted as characterization for Jack. And it was out of character. Jack would of course make a joke, but just one or two. A quick little quip. He wouldn’t make it so... sexual. That’s the problem. Jack turned it dirty. Far passed a silly joke. He wouldn’t do that. Jack doesn’t do that. This might sound weird to the casual view who doesn’t think much about the films or Jack. But think about it. Jack’s behavior isn’t saintly. It’s nowhere near it. But Jack isn’t a fucking monster either. Even how Jack reacts to Elizabeth in other times in the film is out of character. His reaction to seeing her at the end with Will? When he sees her it’s so sexual again. Sure, Jack would give her an appreciative once over, and he might roll his eyes and her and Will together, but he wouldn’t react to them, or her, like that. Throughout the whole film his behavior to Elizabeth is appalling because when it comes to Elizabeth especially, Jack is almost gentleman-like. No seriously. Rewatch the films. Not once did he treat Elizabeth like how this film had him do or imply the actions he’d take if he bumped into her again. Even when Jack was very drunk, alone on an island with her, and had reason to believe Elizabeth would be up for a tumble in a bit because she hadn’t had enough to drink yet but possibly would be up for it, Jack still treated her with, well, respect. He flirted. He pushed it a bit with what was really proper in the 1700s. But Jack NEVER touched her or acted like he does to her. Jack doesn’t even treat WHORES badly. I mean he’s not particularly gentleman-like with them, but he’s never actually abused a woman. He’s never done something (to our knowledge) without their permission. So to have him talk like that? It’s not Jack. They made Jack seriously act like that, and it was not Jack. I’d personally like to believe the reason Jack is so, for lack of a better word, gentleman-like with Elizabeth and generally decent to all woman, is that his upbringing. I feel like his dad had a lot to do with it. I can kind of imagine Jack having a very clear lesson and reiteration in how you do not treat a woman, why, and the consequences if his dad finds out he has (of course now that Jack’s an adult he doesn’t need the consequences as a threat, though it’s totally still valid). But whatever the reason of Jack’s treatment of women, it’s lacking in this film. 
Overall Jack is not Jack and it’s so obvious. It’s terrible that they did that to him. I know this is called Pirates of the Caribbean, and not Captain Jack Sparrow, but let’s be honest here. This is about Jack. So to change Jack so much? It’s ridiculous. I don’t know who that was, but it wasn’t our Jack.
Now, one character I didn’t mention before but would like to touch upon and provide some comments/thoughts because he’s kind of great? Uncle Jack. The entire thing with him was hilarious. I mean at the end it wasn’t. The ending of that bit sort of killed it. You know when there’s a running joke going on and one person says something to add to it or whatever and it ends up killing the joke? Yeah, Jack’s little note that got them back to the plot of him going to his execution did that. But before that the bit was hilarious. I also loved that we got confirmation that Jack’s dad can sing. I mean we all figured but we weren’t 100% sure, so it was great that we got that confirmation. Also, that Uncle Jack can sing. It’s like a low key family trait. Which is great. Can Jack sing? I mean we’ve only heard him sing when drunk or lightly murmuring. We’ve never heard him try. I bet he can. That just makes my day. Imagine it. Their entire family low key being known around the world as great singers. It’s just great. Also Uncle Jack’s existence is just great. Can you image the reunions? Imagine little Jack and him? Uncle Jack, probably his name sake, visiting him. I’m talking four year old Jack. Jack who looked at his dad in awe. Jack who wanted to be just like his dad. He loves when Uncle Jack visits. He gets to hear about the adventures he and his dad went on. Of the adventures (read: trouble) Uncle Jack got into. Eyes wide in awe. Little Jack vowing to be just as cool as his dad and Uncle Jack. It’s so cute. Jack’s family seems so close. Like sure they aren’t physically close, like they don’t see each other much. They sort of just run into each other. If one of them dies they’ll probably find out through the grapevine, but like they stick out for each other. 
So yeah. Overall it wasn’t a bad film. I mean I know this might not seem like it, but honestly it wasn’t terrible. If you’ve chosen to read this before watching the film, I’m telling you that you shouldn’t take this as a reason not to go see it. It wasn’t bad. It just wasn’t particularly good. Mostly I just pointed out the issues as to why it wasn’t good but not terrible. To a casual viewer I’d imagine it was decent to borderline good. It was kind of what I expected but also not. Like I didn’t think it would be very good, but hoped it would be good. I didn’t think the problems there would be were what they were, and the disappointment was in those problems. I think I could have dealt with the plot weakness if even Jack’s characterization was the only thing that was the right one. But overall, it wasn’t awful. 
So... I think that’s it? I had way more on the other version. Thanks, Tumblr. If I’ve not covered something on here that you want to know about, just send me an ask. I’m happy to give my opinion on anything if anyone so wishes for it (for some unfathomable reason). No hate please. I’m open to discussing (again, discussing. no hate) or explaining something I’ve said further if you want. I’m pretty sure there is a load more I should have covered and did in my original post but I’ve been writing this for like over five hours now. My brain’s a little fried at this point. 
To the person who asked me specifically to share my opinion of Dead Men Tell No Tales, I hope this is sort of what you were looking for? Again, don’t hesitate to send me an ask if you’ve got a specific question. I’m sure I meant to or did have it on here originally, and am sorry I didn’t include it in this. As I said, I’m more than happy to discuss this more and/or answer more questions!
What did you think of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales?
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Eyyyy ! Surprised Surprised it’s meee //selfslap
So first off, happy Valentine’s day <3 I hope you have a good one despite what happened a while ago – And I’m sorry if you are disappointed that I turned out to be the one to draw for you //awkward laugh bc my art isn’t as good as some and my digital art is not as nice to look at than some but i hope you like it either way —
Secondly, a while ago, you uploaded a text post explaining why you have been feeling down and so on and one of the reason was because you received a comment about something you posted. You never really say much about it but I have a strong feeling it was me that made you feel that way and if that is the case, I am deeply sorry. I’m not afraid of apologizing if it is rightfully my fault and despite you said you knew I didn’t mean harm, I still have to come out and give a proper apology because that’s the best I could do for you– 
Thirdly, this is actually my second time drawing Georgi for this event. The first time I drew him was traditionally where my cousin just stepped on the paper with no mercy, I think I talked about it before on my blog so we’re not going to detailed with that
but if you wanna see it, here it is ! http://sta.sh/0ikr3d8gjev 
I drew a lil minako, a lil fem minami, a lil mila and was about to add more but ya know
Anyway, I didn’t get to send this be4 bc tumblr glitched out on me so hopefully it works this time —
Happy valentine, I hope you enjoyed the gift and I’m sorry for what I said and I’m sorry if you didn’t want me //awkward laugh
((Thank you so much for this, I have always loved the way you draw your eyes. His hair is also really awesome! Thank you for putting the time into this, it looks really good!
And I love the first one with the other lil gods!! I’m making it my phone background))
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voltage-vixen · 5 years
Author Interview 💻
Thank you very much dear @lin-ful! I’m a huge fan of your work, and I feel truly flattered to be tagged by you! 💕
Name: Kristen 
Fandoms: L365,  SLBP, MLQC, Ikemen Sen/Vamp/Rev & MidCin. 
Want to do in the future: I would like to finish writing the original novel I started. I’ve actually set aside the time to sit down and start writing it, and I’m already a few chapters in. (Which finding the time is half the battle!)
Where You Post: I post mainly on tumblr, but due to recent glitching issues on the site, I’m going to start posting my fanfics to AO3. At least we will see how it goes over there for now!
I’m going to keep the prompts and special event stories on my blog here though. 
Most Popular One-Shot: I don’t know if a HC is technically considered a “one-shot”, but if it is my most popular one would be Bath Time with the Bidders. 
If that doesn’t count, then these stories for Gavin and Victor are both currently tied for first based on the note count: “Show me how you play with yourself.”--Victor  &   “I’m not feeling well.” “Then that means you’re on bed arrest today, and I’m your bed mate.”--Gavin
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: A Reassuring Reminder which features Gavin from MLQC. 
It’s funny because this was never intended to turn into a multi-chapter story, but lately Gavin has been one of the few characters that I’ve actually been feeling really excited to write for, and this story ended up continuing for that reason!
Favorite Story You Wrote: The Prequel to Paradise 
This was a story about how I pictured Yosuke and Taki meeting for the first time. I enjoyed really having to think about the box with this one, because writing for a character in the past can be tricky (at least for me) since we often only have a snapshot to work off of. I was very proud of being able to finish this one, and it really forced me to think
Story You Were Nervous to Post: Feelings Amiss
This was the first fanfic I ever wrote, and the very first one I ever posted to tumblr. I kept deleting the post when I originally first published it, but this was the story that helped me overcome the initial fear I first had. 
Also, it was my first one ever, so please don’t judge it too harshly! 😂
How You Choose Your Titles: In case it wasn’t obvious already, I LOVE alliteration and I will sit there and desperately try to make it work with the title, before I eventually give up and move on to something else. 😂
I can’t start writing the story without having the title, so the title process is a huge deal for me personally as a writer!
Completed: Is a lot an acceptable answer? 🤣🤷‍♀️ I honestly don’t know the count.
Incomplete: See answer to the question above. 😂
Do You Outline? NOPE! 
Been there, done that, and it’s not for me. More times than not I end up deviating from my original thought process anyway. 
Plus, I’ve been having difficulties managing my schedule lately, and that just adds another step for me to have to worry about.             
Do You Accept Prompts? I have a lot in previous requests sessions. I still will moving forward, but with the added disclaimer that despite my best efforts,  I won’t be able to guarantee anything. 
It’s nothing personal-some ideas just click while others have proven to be more challenging. 😣
Coming Soon/Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: I’m a rebel and combined these two questions since they had the same answers. 😂
I am SO unbelievably excited for the new events to get started!!! (I won’t list them all again, but you can find them HERE if you haven’t seen them yet.)
I’m going to be posting a calender shortly with the info on when you can expect to see them!
I’m also really stoked to start writing out for some of the newer fandoms I recently joined! I found some new characters that I really have grown fond of, and I already have a ton of ideas for them! 😊
What do you use to edit?: I write in Word and besides the basic catches it flags (and let’s be honest it misses a lot) I don’t edit. I HATE editing with a passion. 
I do edit in my freelance work (and I still dislike it) but for my hobby writing I “post and pray.” I know this is bad, and I truly do apologize in advance, but I overthink everything and I would start to second guess myself. 
This is 100% a me problem, but it’s a vicious cycle I prefer to avoid!
Writing setup: Chaos. Sheer and utter chaos. The more chaotic the better. 🤣 Seriously, I tend to thrive in a more busy environment. 
I sit on my couch and binge watch all the shows on Netflix that I can’t watch when my kids are awake. (Currently I’m watching Dexter in case anyone cared to know that.)
While I’m writing, I’m normally chatting with friends and I’m trying to use my energy/stamina so I can clear one of many events I’m probably playing. (cough-IkeSen right now-cough).
I end up getting distracted a lot throughout this process, but that’s alright! Sometimes the most randomest things can spark the slightest idea!  
Do you use a beta reader? 
I recently asked a friend for her opinion on the characterization for a newer character I was writing for, but otherwise I don’t on a regular basis.
Nearly all my writing lately has been taking place very late at night, and I always immediately post a story once it’s completed. The exception being the special event stories, but otherwise it’s all published right away. Even if I could find a patient enough soul willing to do it, my writing schedule is sporadic and it would be difficult for me to communicate consistently.  
Additionally, if I’m left alone to wait with my own devices, who knows what would happen?!😂
Where do you get your writing inspiration?  
A lot of times random thoughts will pop into my head when I’m reading a route. Or something I see or hear in real life may trigger an idea that I think would be perfect for a story.
Also, I hate waiting for new content to be released, so I need something to entertain myself with in the meantime! 😊
Can we get a quote from an upcoming WIP?
“You’re finally awake?”
MC groaned as her eyes flickered adjusting to the newfound darkness of the room she was currently being held captive in. 
“W-Where am I?” MC questioned, while glancing around the room trying to find any sort of clue that would provide her with the answers she was seeking. 
A tall intimidating cloaked figure, furtively scuttled over and roughly pinched the side of her bruised cheeks. 
“That’s enough out of you,” he snarled. “Today, I’ll be the only one asking the questions around here.”
(This is from the final chapter of A Reassuring Reminder)
Tagging: @iluvsexyvoltageguys & @that-wasnt-so-bad
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