#they loved her! or at least thought they did! but either way it wasnt enough! what if i screamed
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claudeleine · 7 months ago
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"She looked at me, at the end, like a child...looking to her father. But I was never..."
INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE 1.07 // 2.01 JAMAICA KINCAID, from The Autobiography of My Mother
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cbsghostsmetasandtrevor · 2 months ago
Been thinking about Pete, Carol and her death:
First, I think they really needed a season that had more episodes if they were going to do an arc like this because it needs more time and attention to fully work through.
Second, if they always wanted to kill her, there's a few things they should have had on a "what needs to be addressed if you kill the living wife of one of your main ghosts" list.
On said list:
1. Address talking a new ghost through their death and what the ghosts know about ghost living.
2. Have Carol seek Pete out and talk to him about the last 40 years since he died.
3. Have Carol figure out that Sam's weirdness with the scout book and the wedding was due to seeing Pete.
4. Deal with Laura thinking the BnB is likely cursed for her family (I mean seriously BOTH parents died there???)
5. Have Carol realize what her death means for Jerry, Laura and little Pete, have her talk to Pete about how he dealt with knowing his family moved on while he was stuck there.
6. Have a confrontation with Pete and Carol about the cheating - maybe have (and I don't believe this is real but I saw it on HIMYF and I think some people out there might agree even if I don't) a discussion on "good cheating". Have Carol be faithful to Jerry and Pete be upset because "why wasnt I enough for you?"
7. There should be a storm out, so when they come back together to talk it out, Carol and Pete talk about how their marriage was one of their bad decisions. They did love each other once but they got married because she got pregnant with Laura and it was the right thing to do (pure HC for me). This is resolved by them both admitting that divorce wasn't something Pete would have ever followed through on and that at least they both found happiness in different ways. Pete and his Troup and Carol/Jerry.
8. Carol acknowledges that cheating was the biggest regret of her life. She meant her apology a couple of years before and she means it now. Loving Jerry for 40 years meant it was a good thing even if it wasn't fair.
9. Either a) Pete tells her that he needs time and would like some space - which explains why she ends up in the shed or basement - or b) Carol forgives herself for what happened and gets sucked off.
10. If it's A) Pete goes through a bit of self reflection and works out the situation allowing them to become friends again, if it's B) Pete figures out that maybe forgiveness is the answer and works out what he needs to forgive to move on himself. (B takes a whole because hes a Main Character in the series. Perhaps his power leads him to push it off so he can explore.
Related to that, he and Carol can be disappointed that he hadn't figured it out sooner so he could have been there all that time.
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hollowwrites · 1 year ago
A Recipe for a Bad day
Ominis x MC
Summary - Ominis' bad day continues as he finds his jealousy towards the new fifth year reach new heights
A lot of this is Garreth and Sebastian I just like the goofy bois. It’s my absolute favourite thing rewriting scenes from the game in more detail. And if you can’t tell I love shoving voice lines and dialogue in!!
Warnings - Mentions of Ominis past and Evelyns past (Her mother has passed) other than that just another PINEFEST!
Word Count - 4668
Ominis wasnt sulking. He was not brooding.
No matter what Sebastian said.
No, this was just his face. He normally walked around looking like he was sucking on a lemon. Whilst that was normally true, that wasn’t the case here.
He just couldn’t remove the images he had conjured for himself of Evelyn and Leander.
Sebastian said ‘dragged her away’. Did he mean figuratively or literally? Did he touch her?…grab her? She did look annoyed, but how much can one tell from someone’s gait. And he doesn’t truly know her well enough to make those kinds of assumptions.
However, he couldn’t stop the anger he felt for himself allowing her to slip through his fingers. Quite literally.
So he was back to square one, torturing himself with images of her softly placing a hand on Leanders arm. Giggling to some joke.
She does that for me.
Now he was sat across the room from her. It was almost worse than if she wasn’t there at all. At least then he might possibly be able to concentrate on this awful class. Right now he was much more fixated on eavesdropping into every conversation she had. Desperate for just that small crumb of information about her. Just one more detail.
From what he could gather, she was sat between Sebastian and Garreth.
Ominis was friends with both of them. Good friends. But he couldn’t quell the wave of jealousy he felt upon hearing her laugh.
It was Garreth, of course she was laughing.
But that didn’t stop it from stinging.
Why do you care? Why are you acting this way?
He summised that it was his minds way of replacing Anne. No, not replacing. No one could replace Anne, and Sebastian would never speak to him again if he voiced those thoughts. But he needed a friend.
Just a friend.
After coming back to school, the first year Anne would be completely absent, and after spending the entire summer helping Sebastian and Solomon ‘make her comfortable’, Ominis was left with a friend shaped pit in his stomach.
And this new fifth year seemed just the right fit.
So why was he feeling this protective? He was never like this with Anne, nor Sebastian.
Maybe he was just being sensitive. He’d watched one companion get ripped from him, his other not taking that departure well either. And even though Sebastian’s behaviour had taken a swing towards the positive as of late…Ominis could feel a distance between them. Like it was only a matter of time.
So he would keep this new friend of his close…no matter how possessive it made him feel.
After Professor Sharp set the task of a ‘simple’ Wigginweld, Ominis physically turned himself away, hoping the act itself would put a stop to his obsessive nature.
If anything it made it worse.
Not many people knew about Ominis’ advanced hearing. Whether it came from one of the spells his parents tried as a child in an attempt to ‘fix him’ or if it was simply his bodies way of compensating for his disability, he didn’t know. He had just always been able to hear from across large rooms, even busy classrooms. Such as this.
He was suddenly very thankful for Imelda standing next to him. She silently brewed her potion as instructed, not caring much for small talk, allowing him to listen in on the table at the far end, whilst he haphazardly chopped at his Dittany leaves.
Evelyn watched as Ominis turned towards his station and began slicing through the neatly piled assortment of leaves. She couldn’t help the growing need to help him as she saw his fingers glide effortlessly across the chopping board to find his knife.
He didn’t fumble for it, nor did he injure himself upon finding the blades edge instead of the handle. He was perfectly capable. But she felt she could help him. Make his life just a little bit easier.
She just wanted to help.
“Do you think Ominis is upset with me?” She muttered to no one in particular, aiming the question out towards the middle of the classroom as she stared off towards the Blonde Slytherin in the distance.
Garreth and Sebastian looked at each other, a smirk pulled wide over the latters face.
“I don’t think it possible for you to upset him” Sebastian responded under his breath, slicing into his own pile of Dittany “Why do you ask?”
“He just seems…off with me. Since Herbology…” she wondered out loud, absentmindedly cutting and prepping her own ingredients like she’d done this a thousand times “…you don’t think I offended him do you?”
“Oooh interesting. What did you do to offend the powerful and ominous Ominis?” The curly, red head chirped with an impish grin across his features.
Evelyn looked across to his station. Every available surface had been covered with vials of various sorts. Some of them weren’t even ingredients. In fact she swore one was labelled ‘Troll Belly Button Fluff’ but it was empty…She decided not to question it, partly because she was scared of the answer.
Her confused features must’ve been quite obvious based on the amused little chuckle from Sebastian.
“I suppose I should introduce you two. This is Garreth Weasley. Garreth, this is the infamous new fifth year everyone has been talking about. Evelyn Hollow”
“I’d shake your hand but honestly, Merlin’s knows what’s on them now…” Garreth beamed, shaking a vial of thick liquid he’d pulled from his robes.
“Oooookay” Evelyn giggled. “Are you related to Professor Weasley?”
“She’s my Aunt” he replied, pouting like a child whose sweets had been snatched from their grubby little hands “Keeps to close an eye on me for comfort. But she can’t be everywhere”
Something about this red head caused a wave of comfort over her. It’s possible it was the slightly vacant and near constant smile on his features. Or maybe it was the blatant disregard for the rules and his charming and almost arrogant tone of voice.
“So how did you offend Ominis?” Garreth asked.
“She hasn’t. He’s just moping…as usual” Sebastian shot a look up towards Ominis, smirking.
“You sure? I’ve never seen him so…cold” Garreth teased, shivering dramatically.
“Stop that!” Evelyn moaned. “I’m serious…”
“Okay well…what did you do that you think has offended him so?” Garreth asked, genuinely for the first time as well as working on his potion for the first time too, finally adding his chopped Dittany to the Pestle and Mortar and crushing it lazily. He looked almost…bored.
“I helped him in Herbology…” Before Evelyn could continue, Garreth gasped loudly, grabbing the blade of his knife and pretending to stab himself in the heart.
“Godrics Great Golden Garter…you didn’t help him did you?” Garreth said rather unnecessarily sarcastically “…You are indeed a cruel witch”
Evelyn decided to ignore his display, continuing on like nothing had happened
“I didn’t mean to suggest he couldn’t do any of it alone but…” she pouted slightly thinking back to how many times she interjected in his work “…some muggle-born girl comes along and acts like she knows everything. Must be frustrating…”
“It is…” Sebastian smirked, piling onto the teasing with a soft nudge with his elbow.
“…thanks” Evelyn retorted flatly “…I don’t know why I bother talking to you”
“Look…” Sebastian started, placing his utensils down pointedly “…Ominis is a complicated fellow. As his friend of many years, he just…gets like this sometimes. I promise it’s not you”
That satisfied her for all of five seconds, but dropped the subject anyway. Lest she suffer more teasing from the comedy duo either side of her.
Evelyn looked between the two boys as she worked on her Wiggenweld. How she’d landed with these two she wasn’t entirely sure but she felt like their combined charm and roguish behaviour could very easily lead her astray. She smiled easily, listening to the two of them endlessly tease her for her worrying.
At some point, Professor Sharp hobbled over to the other side of the room and Sebastian slipped an old dusty book across the station towards Garreth, who stowed it whilst looking shiftily around the room. She recognised it immediately as the book Sebastian pocketed upon entering the Restricted Section.
Almost as soon as Sharp turned his back, he’d shot back around, his eyes narrowing as they fell over Garreth and their table.
“Miss Hollow…” the old Auror addressed her with a curt nod “…How are you getting along?” He continued, looking towards Sebastian and Garreth, the implication clear in his voice.
“I think I’m doing okay, Sir. I’ve already bottled some” she picked up the tiny corked bottle and held it up for the Professor.
“Hmm…” Sharp inspected the bottle intensely, turning it over in his fingers over and over “…Not an easy potion to brew. Well done…And from what I hear of your recent exploits in Hogsmeade you’d also do well to practise brewing the defensive Edurus potion. Professor Weasley had you acquire the recipe from J. Pippin’s correct?”
“Yes, Sir” She heard Sebastian snort under his breath, clearly amused at how quickly she transformed into the most studious of classmates.
“Good. For the moment you can find the ingredients you need in my office - in the future however you will be expected to provide your own. Some will require you to be a bit more - resourceful. Perhaps your friends can help you with that…” Sharp turned toward Garreth again as he shook a vial of ‘Dragons Blood’ towards Evelyn before hiding it quickly as Sharp stared through him.
“I don’t even want to know, Mr Weasley. Just keep it out of your cauldron…” Professor Sharp didn’t reign in his clear disappointment as he rolled his eyes, though Evelyn swore she saw a vague smirk pulling at his lips “…Come and see me when you’ve finished brewing, and we’ll see if it was luck or skill the first time around”
This time as he left, he shot her a wry half smile and nodded firmly, moving over to the table next to them.
“Speaking of resourcefulness…Did I hear Professor Sharp say that you have permission to go in his office?” Garreth hissed quietly over the bubbling and various other noises of their station.
“He did say that” Evelyn replied tentatively.
“Brilliant! You, my friend, have been presented with an extraordinary opportunity. I’m missing one tiny ingredient from this potion I’m working on” Garreth said looking down at the purple liquid in front of him. Everyone else cauldrons were an array of greens…Garreths’ looked more like an angry bruise than any sort of Wiggenweld she’d ever seen.
“I suspect that’s where I come in?”
“You were right, Sebastian. She is as clever as I’d hoped” Garreth grinned devilishly before continuing: “I simply need a single Fwooper Feather. As you’ll already be in Sharps office - with his permission, perhaps you could grab it for me.”
“I don’t know Garreth. I don’t want to get on Sharps bad side.” Evelyn murmured, eyeing the old Auror from across the way.
“You won’t. Fwooper Feathers aren’t that valuable. Sharp won’t even miss it.”
Evelyn rolled her eyes before flipping to the page in her Potions book labelled ‘Edurus’. She made a mental note of the ingredients and headed towards Sharps office without another word.
“And now we add the mallowsweet and…that’s odd. What’s happening?” Garreths eyes went wide as he stirred in the stolen Fwooper Feather and the liquid turned from a deep purple to a bright gaudy pink.
“Wait it’s not supposed to- ah!” Garreth yelped crouching behind his station as the fireworks of pungent sparks fell around him like snow. “Dragon Dung! What happened?”
Evelyn couldn’t help but giggle as Sebastian leaned over into her station and covered her with his robe. A seasoned avoider of Garreths mishaps she assumed.
“What now, Mr Weasley?” Sharp rose from his chair before falling back into it, quickly deciding it wasn’t worth the pain in his leg for another one of Garreth’s failed experiments.
“Sorry, Professor” Garreth pouted and used his perfected ‘guilty’ voice
“That’ll be points from Gryffindor - again. Miss Hollow…a word please”
Evelyn shot Garreth a stern look as she pulled from out of Sebastian’s robes, a long boney finger pointing accusatorily at the Gryffindor. “You said…”
“I said nothing…”
“I brewed an Edurus potion as you asked, Professor” Evelyn chirped, trying her best to seem sweet and innocent, like the previous carnage wasn’t completely her fault.
“I’m surprised you had the time…” He snapped crossing his arms like a disappointed father, his tone, for want of a better term, was Sharp. “…You seemed rather busy helping Mr Weasley brew chaos”
“Sorry Professor…” She sighed “…I thought considering you’d given me a more advanced potion to brew, you’d done the same for Garreth. He told me he was quite proficient at Potions…I assumed he was just trying to be efficient. I misjudged the situation. I’m sorry.” She lied…expertly, her brows meeting in the middle out of faux concern. She was perfectly aware of what Garreth intended to do. Sebastian had talked about the shenanigans he got up to in class and despite her not agreeing to get the feather, she decided to grab it when it was just lying in the office. It was begging to be taken.
“Ah…” Professor Sharps posture relaxed exponentially, his arms falling to clasp together in front of him “…well now you are aware of Mr Weasleys intentions I shall also assume this won’t happen again, and that you have learnt a lesson.”
“Of course, Professor” she nodded repeatedly, a practised look of disappointment on her features.
“Taking responsibility for one’s actions does go a long way with me. As for the work you did at your own cauldron, I will say you’ve done well. I confess I was skeptical, but you have exceeded my expectations.”
She immediately felt bad lying to the man. He seemed sweet…even if he did have a rather unpleasant aura around him. One of authority and command.
“Thank you, Professor”
“Class is dismissed” Professor Sharp called in the middle of Evelyn taunting Garreth. He smirked when she told him she’d played innocent and dropped him in it, clearly unbothered that he may be in more trouble after her conversation with the Professor. He playfully called her a ‘Typical Slytherin’ and lightly punched her arm as he walked out of the class, one more detention under his belt.
“Mr Gaunt, if you could stay after class to work on your Wiggenweld it would be beneficial” Sharp said after the majority of the students had left the classroom. Only Evelyn, Sebastian and Ominis remained.
She tidied up her station slowly, memorising the ingredients as she packed them away into the drawer below the desk. Sebastian was leaning against the counter by Ominis.
“Miss Hollow, perhaps you can use your natural gift for potioneerring to actually help one of your fellow classmates. Mr Gaunt has a fantastic theoretical knowledge in the field. He just struggles a little with the practical elements”
She watched Ominis turn in her direction, an almost pained look on his face, similar to when she’d overstepped and touched his hand.
Her chest tightened.
“Of course” she agreed under her breath, hoping this after hours session wouldn’t be too awkward after how their Herbology class ended.
Professor Sharp gathered his things piling an extraordinarily large stack of items into his briefcase before picking it up and shuffling over to Ominis. He placed a supportive hand on his shoulder, tapping twice.
“I know you can do this…” Sharp murmured, a gentler tone than she had heard all evening. “…Mr Sallow, you best be off, lest Scribner start looking for you…again” With another tap to Ominis shoulder, Sharp left the classroom.
“He’s right…that Detention won’t complete itself. Thanks for getting me out of it by the way” Sebastian said sarcastically, pulling his robes over his shoulders properly.
“You’re welcome” Ominis chirped, completely unphased.
“Don’t have too much fun you two” Sebastian purred with a suggestive tone, his eyes rolling as he strolled casually out of the classroom.
Oh god…
He knew.
Sebastian knew this was going to be awkward. What else could he mean?
Evelyn gulped as she turned slowly towards Ominis, silently thankful he was blind. She just couldn’t hide the look of apprehension on her face.
There was silence for a long time as Ominis silently read and reread the recipe, his wand illuminating the words as it pressed against the page. The potion he had toiled on, over and over, sat forgotten in the cauldron in front of him, its heavy medicinal scent wafted over them both. With a sigh, he placed his wand down over the recipe book, marking the page with the tip.
“It seems pandemonium follows you” he broke the silence first, with a smirk “First the Sorting Ceremony, then Hogsmeade…now here”
“In my defence, I didn’t actually do anything” Evelyn retorted, falling into a playful tone easily.
It was so easy with him…
“So then what actually happened? I could just hear - and smell the carnage from over here”
“I was coerced into stealing from a teacher” she exaggerated, her voice turned soft and twee. Like butter wouldn’t melt.
“Huh…” he laughed softly “…You’re quite the covert little thief aren’t you? Well done”
Her cheeks burned.
She couldn’t pinpoint exactly why. Whether it was his praise or him referring to her as ‘little’, as he peered down at her gazelessly. She was unsure. But she decided to physically take a step back, hoping some distance might quell the rising blush.
“Oh I…well…” she stammered after she realised she hadn’t said anything “…I wouldn’t say that. Though I’m sure Garreth appreciated it. Even if it did earn him a detention.”
“Yes…” Ominis’ tone shifted, a sudden sharpness cutting through “…it seems Gryffindors have a bit of a thing for you”
. . .
So maybe he was a little jealous…maybe
Though his mind spilled out over his lips without much thought, he knew what he was doing. He fished for any information he could about her little trip to see the cabbages. After she’d disappeared into the secondary greenhouse, Garlick called an end to the lesson and he’d lost track of her completely.
He wanted to know what Leander had said. What he had done…if anything.
“Gryffindors?” She laughed “…Well so far only two have been tolerable”
“Two?” He tried to question innocently but the jealousy rose in his throat like bile.
“Who’s the second?” His tone betraying him again
“Natty” she spoke like the answer was obvious. Of course! Charms! Thank Merlin for Natty.
“Ah…have you not met Leander?”
“Oh I’ve met him. I found him to be quite…insufferable” she shivered at the memory of Leander. His clammy hand around her wrist, his blatant dislike for Slytherins, his constant oneupmanship.
Then Ominis grinned. Wider than she’d seen previously. The flash of pearly white teeth and the way he bit into his lip made her stomach flip.
“Sorry…” he mumbled but continued to smile wide “��I shouldn’t smile. But I can’t help but agree”
It was a little white lie. He didn’t actually mind Leander. If anything his stupidity was a constant supply of entertainment. That and his minor fued with Sebastian.
But now he was getting friendly with Evelyn.
And that simply wouldn’t do…
“So…” she cleared her throat “…Professor Sharp says you’re in need of some help.”
“That’s putting it lightly…” he chuckled, his brows knitting together in worry “…My Wiggenweld Potion’s utter rubbish. Wish I could just replace it with one from J Pippin’s” the tiny self-deprecating laugh that left him, broke her heart.
“Mind if I take a look?” Evelyn asked, the fear of over-stepping coming back to her in one tidal wave of paranoia.
“Be my guest…” he gestured towards the Cauldron, taking a step back out of her way. But she didn’t move.
“And you don’t mind me helping?”
He’d overheard her conversation with Sebastian and Garreth…
…Well…not overheard…he was actively listening in
She was so sweet to think his sudden shift in attitude was because she had helped him. And not because of some silly hormonal obsession over her that he still could not place. He reigned in his emotions best he could, something he was never very good at. Sebastian often said he wore his emotions on his sleeve…or across his face in the form of an ever-changing mask.
“Of course I don’t…” he almost whispered, his voice far softer than he’d ever sounded. It almost shocked him. If he hadn’t known he’d said those words, he never would’ve believed that was his voice. “Why would I?”
“It’s just I…” she started, shaking her head in embarrassment after she was now confronted with her reasoning…He was sweet…how could she think he’d be upset over her trying to help “…it’s nothing, anyway…”
She rose on her tiptoes to peer into his cauldron, the stand just a little bit higher than hers due to his surprisingly tall frame. It leaned slightly closer to blue on the colour spectrum as it simmered away.
“This doesn’t look too bad…the colour is a little off. Suggests the Dittany wasn’t prepared properly.”
“Let me see…” he says, a phrase that ordinarily wouldn’t cause much fanfare. But as The Blind Slytherin took his wand and dipped it into the liquid, Evelyn stood transfixed.
“Does that let you…see?” She asked leaning into him out of curiosity. Purely…curiosity.
“In a way. It’s how I see colour. For example…” he withdrew his wand, a slight curl of disgust to his lips as he wiped the liquid on a handkerchief he pulled from his back pocket. The light at the tip of his wand turned green as he pressed his wand to her head.
“You have grey hair…” he said matter of factly, before removing his wand from her locks, a strand or two curling around the end as he pulled away.
Sebastian was right. He was perfectly capable.
“That’s fascinating…” she breathed a little too excitedly. Just him knowing that little bit about her made her smile giddily. “…perhaps you could use that to see what a proper Wiggenweld should look like” she said genuinely…but her choice of words earned a smirk and a raised eyebrow from Ominis.
“You don’t mean yours do you? That would be awfully big headed of you” he teased lightly.
She opened her mouth to apologise. She didn’t mean to insinuate she knew exactly what she was doing. For the most part she just read the instructions and applied what she already knew from cooking and baking. But when she saw the way he smirked down at his wand, tilting his head in her direction, she decided perhaps she needn’t be as cautious around him. Perhaps they could be…friends
“Well…Sharp did say I had a natural talent” she smiled back, the act itself clear in her voice and Ominis’ smirk widened to a smile.
She pulled the little vial of Wiggenweld she had made from her robes and passed it Ominis. He uncorked it with his teeth, possibly unwise considered she could’ve handed him anything, and poked his wand into it.
He trusts me!
Nodding, seemingly satisfied, he put the stopper back and passed the vial to her as she looked through her textbook.
Ominis could hear the soothing sound of pages turning as she read through her Potions book. Accompanying the tiny bubbles popping in his bubbling concoction, was the faint smell of Horklump juice. Not entirely unpleasant. It was earthy and warm. The constant breeze coming from the open window made him feel as though he were taking a walk through the woods.
And yet again, he found himself enjoying the smaller aspects of one of his least favourite subjects.
Off in the distance, the gentle hum of students going to their Common Rooms for the evening drew Ominis’ attention to the time. Potions was his last class, and the reminder that it was getting closer to curfew may ordinarily annoy him.
But he was with his new friend…
This is…lovely…
“Let’s start over…see what you may be doing wrong” she offered gently, still trying not to offend
“You mean; Let’s find out what I am doing wrong” he corrected and pulled the spare Dittany from the potions case to his right. Fifth pot in from the left, the lid slightly indented. He immediately began to chop the leaves, knuckles down into the foliage, guiding the knife. Flawless technique! He scooped them in his hand and waved it over to the cauldron…before he felt cold digits grab his wrist.
“Wait…” She guided his hand back to the chopping board coaxing the long ribbons of leaves from his palm.
“Here…” Her fingers weaved with his, flattening the pads of his fingertips against the Dittany.
“Cut sideways as well as lengthways. Smaller pieces disperse better in the cauldron. Even better if you can crush them.” She explained softly, whilst her hand worked against his to shift the ingredient. When her hand was clear, he reached for his knife again as she searched for a pestle and mortar.
He felt the ghost of her hand cup his, even after she’d left. His skin both frozen and on fire in her wake. Her phantom voice still whispered in his ear whilst she read the book again. He could hear her shifting around. And her presence just stood there caused the back of his neck to tingle.
“You really are a natural” he murmured, trying to shake her from his mind and focus on the now.
“Not a natural…” she replies half heartedly “…I cook and bake a lot. Potioneering seems quite similar so…I’m just transferring my skills”
“You like to cook?” He asked gently, ears pricking at any shred of new information. She was muggle-born at the end of the day. She likely had many skills he didn’t. From relying on magic on a day-to-day basis to growing up with house elves, He wasn’t the most domesticated of people.
“Not really…” she exhaled a laugh “…I have to. I live alone”
“Oh?” Ominis inquired almost gleefully. She was opening up! He was learning all about her! Her and Sebastian had spent quite a bit of time together but…he knew Sebastian wouldn’t ask about these sorts of things. He now knew something no one else did!
“Mmm hmm…” she hummed almost hesitantly. He heard her fold her arms around herself, the stiff fabric of her robes scratching against itself “…I never knew my father and…my mother. She passed away just a little over a year ago. I’ve had to teach myself a lot of different things…” she laughed singularly “…and then obviously coming here…it’s a lot of new experiences”
“I-I’m sorry…” Ominis muttered, immediately regretting pushing the issue.
He wasn’t the most…compassionate of people. He found it difficult to relate to matters he had no experience in. And especially when it related to family. He despised his family. It’s all he ever knew. Losing his parents would mean…nothing to him.
He tentatively reached a hand out to her shoulder and squeezed softly. He felt her stiffen beneath his hand and he felt the urge to pull away immediately. But her fingers brushed against his delicately and then dropped to the counter.
“Thank you…but honestly it’s fine. It was for the best” she explained, rather flatly but he took no offence to her tone.
“I understand”
She was quiet for a little while as he continued to work on his potion. He pulled a pipette from his potions set to help him with the Horklump measurements.
Her assessment was right. The only thing wrong with his potion was the Dittany. The moment the last drop of Horklump juice touched the liquid it bloomed a bright, almost neon green.
“You did it!” She chirped, completely different from the somber tone she had just moments previously.
“Well…I had some help. Not as much as I would have liked but…” he teased, a soft gentle smile on his lips.
“It seems you didn’t need it…”
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mechacringekitty · 1 year ago
incredibly messy essay of my thoughts on darkstalker, straight from my DMs with a friend because they demanded i post it [which means it has incredibly improper grammar]
hes an awful awful person, unapolagetically, and i think there are scenes and areas where he could've been written better. or had more nuance, like his dynamic with arctic [why do they hate each other ?? theres no explanation given, really, besides the fact that they do] but people who reduce him to a monster just baffle me. he loved his mother, he loved whiteout, he tried to love clearsight even though he did it wrong. and clearsight/darkstalker is a really iffy territory, because he did love her and he thought he was loving her right but he wasnt he was kind of controlling and bad! the earrings !! the earrings that kept her from seeing the bad futures !! but he also loved her, he did. their relationship was doomed from the start but he tried. she loved him back too, thats why it didnt work. thats why it hurt so much. he loved his mother too,, the few brief interactions they got in arc 2 hurt me to my core because fuck foeslayer loved him too, even though she realises he's done bad things. and whiteout!! whiteout!! she's one of the only characters we see darkstalker actually properly caring about in a way that doesnt really hurt them somehow. i think she loved him too,, she tried to warn him, she did :( ive thought about them a lot, maybe darkstalker trying to calm whiteout down at times, or them hiding with each other while arctic and foeslayer fought. arctic and foeslayer make me really ill too but this rant is getting long enough as it is. darkstalker lost a little of his pizzazz in arc two because of how domination focused he was and the writing went more focused on making him this evil, hateable villain [imo] than a relatable and understandable villain. which is the best kind of villain. i hate the peacemaker thing i hate it i hate it and that scene in book ten makes me cry every time because he was hurt by it he was so hurt by it. he didnt need a second chance, he needed to die, he needed to reconcile with himself and accept that there was no way he would ever save any of it. something like him coming to his senses, him realising everything he's done is awful and hurtful and he's not ever going to be able to fix it, but he can at least apologise even if the icewings dont accept his apology, not all of them, they'll understand they havent been hating a monster without feelings this whole time,, and maybe some of them can start to understand him and they can start to heal and they can stop hurting each other. but he needed to die and it needed to be on his own terms and i think foeslayer shouldve gotten her peace with that and i think if i were here i wouldve chosen to die too. the world is so different from what either of them knew and i would be tired of trying to change and i would be tired of trying to fix it and i think ending that legacy right there and right then with the two of them together wouldve been good. and maybe foeslayer can tell darkstalker she loves him - maybe she never had time when he was a kid - and maybe he can tell her too and they can leave that world together with the knowledge that they tried but they dont have to try anymore.
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years ago
FL CONCEPT : Urban and FL get into a big argument! Maybe he said something jokingly and she took it to heart so she’s really upset and doesn’t speak to him for a whole week 🤭
I’m messy, call me MESSYca 😈
"Bestie, are we still going to Morris Deli?" Urban asked as he poked your cheek, but you immediately rolled your eyes.
"Go with your other bestie since he's the one you always tell everything to anyway."
"Uhh, what are you talking about?"
"Oh, like you don't fucking know." You fired back and Urban threw his hands up in confusion.
"Obviously I don't! Hence, why I'm asking. Don't start this shit again."
"Start what exactly? Go head Urby, Say it."
"BECAUSE YOU LIED TO ME LET’S GET THAT PART FUCKING STRAIGHT! And you had the nerve to say the other day when Clay introduced us to the girl he's dating that you hope that I let him have a peaceful relationship and not be on his back all the time and you would be surprised if the relationship lasts for a week."
You simply made your way to walk up the steps as Jack had opened the front door and saw the pissed off look on your face.
"Uh, baby what's wrong?" Jack asked and you simply waved him off and continued walking up the steps and turned to Urban and eyed him.
"You better not be the cause of that. Why is my baby upset?" Jack said to Urban as he pointed towards the steps.
"Umm, you see what had happened was…"
"What the fuck did you do?"
"Uhh she didn't like how I joked about her breaking up Clay and his girl like she used to do all of my other relationships."
"And the dumbass of the year awards goes to…"
"I didn't mean anything by it." Urban quietly said as Jack was trying to think of how he could get you to agree to talk to Urban because he knew for a fact that you were the queen of the silent treatment.
"But you know how she feels about that! She thought that you would never forgive her for doing that even though there were good intentions behind it!"
"Didn't think about that."
Jack went upstairs to check on you and found you laying down and when you saw him, you immediately got up to hug him.
He simply rubbed small soothing circles on your back as he now heard you crying and waited for you to speak.
"Do you think Clay thinks that I'm going to do the same thing?"
"No, babe. Even though he knows how protective you are, he at least came to us first and told us. He didn't hide it. That's no shade to Urb, but it's the truth."
"I don't want anyone taking advantage of him either. I will literally flip my shit if someone hurts my little baby."
"I know and I'll be right there with you."
"I hope you didn't come up here to convince me to talk to Urby because my answer is no."
"But baby..."
It had been an entire week since you spoke to your best friend and he was going through it.
You decided that this had gone on long enough and knocked on his bedroom door.
You heard his voice telling you to come in and when you did he was surprised to see you.
"Get your keys, we're going to get food and you're driving. Jack's already downstairs."
"You know I never meant to hurt your feelings and you know how important you are to me. That's not me at all."
"Urby, I'm hungry so I suggest you come on because I will leave you and I love you too. Pay for my food and I just might forgive you."
"At least you didn’t tell me you wanted a Birkin."
"Don't push it Wyatt because I can always change my mind."
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eclipse-rain · 2 years ago
TR ; Yin and Yang : Part 2
Warnings; Pronouns : she/her, Slight manga spoilers, TW : ¿slight? angst, Tense you/your
Part 1 •Part 3
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You never knew your biological father.
You think you werent suposed to ever find out anything about him.
You think they tried to shelter you.
Your mother and brother did.
To keep it from you like they did with so many other things. Shelter you from the outside world that the eyes and ears of a child are not ment to yet witness.
You heard your mothers husband, your brothers father, had an affair with another woman. That was how your younger non-blood related sister was born.
You wondered why that happened.
Why he had an affair with a woman other than your mother. Why he would do such a thing since mother really seemed to love him so much.
Than again you were never told how you were brought into the world either.
How you came to be.
It had to have happened before he cheated on mother considering you were older than his daughter, even if it was only by a couple months.
Although, even after considering your similarities to that sister you didnt think you were brought into the world quite like how she was.
You didnt think she was born out of love like how you thought shin and his younger brother were. But you also thought that the reason she was born wasnt the same as your reason for birth either.
Which begs the question once again.
Why were you born?
Why didnt she throw you away?
Your mother.
Why didnt she get rid of you?
Out of a sense of responsibility?
They were right.
You knew they were.
When they had said everyone would have been better off if you were never born.
And your mother and brother tried to keep that from you. To shelter you from the truth. But even if you hadnt found out that day, before you even knew the meaning behind those words you were hearing, you probably would have found out one way or another.
Your mother loved your brothers very much.
She even loved their sister who was not her own.
But did she love you?
Could she have?
I mean could she really have?
When you grew old enough to finally comprehend and understand you came to a conclusion.
You didnt think you could have if you were in her position.
So you always asked yourself those two reoccurring questions.
'Why was i born?'
'Why didnt she get rid of me?'
I guess the time had just finally come.
At the worst time when you finally dared to have hope.
You were cast aside.
You were thrown away.
Like you were always ment to be.
You had fooled yourself too long on the delusion of hope. Hope for a better future, for a better life in this world.
Mabey it actually gave you a bit of relief like how it did when your mother died and you thought you no longer had to be kept on the edge of uncertainty, of unknowing. A scared child who finally didnt have to stay strong anymore.
Or so you thought.
You were taken away in that black car and away from any dream, any hope, of a regular life with a normal happy family you had at that time.
Now you had two new questions to answer.
What was your purpose in life?
And where would you go from here?
Unfortunately, though, you didnt know if it was unfortunate for yourself or everyone else, you could now only see one direction that would point you in the direction in which might answer those questions.
And that was down.
Down the wrong path.
The path of darkness.
The path of no return.
Or so they say.
Who's they?
You weren't really sure.
You didnt think anyone was really sure.
No one really knew.
But people fear the unknown.
They fear the darkness.
The embodiment, the physical apperance of the unknown in this world.
Not you though.
You would embrace it.
You had to.
Or it would consume you too.
Then mabey embracing it was like sentencing yourself.
But if that was the case than at least it was the first thing in your life that you had control over.
And you would do anything in your power to keep it that way.
To keep yourself from ever again feeling the powerlessness of those days in which you could do no more than watch as your life was debated right in front of you and you couldnt do or say a single thing to stop it.
When your life was thrown around in front of your eyes carlessly like you were a rag doll. A side character in a story getting in the way of the main characters happiness.
Like you were a doll who was only ment to sit still while her body was moved for her. Her arms and legs repositioned and her face painted on like a mask.
A mask to cover the fact that while she was beautiful on the outside, on the inside she was only hollow.
That she didnt have a soul.
So to keep yourself from ever being thrown away again you would put a lock and chain around your heart and build up the walls of the barrier that had long been forming behind your mask.
You would throw yourself down the path of darkness.
Of tranquillity.
Of refuge.
The only refuge left in this world for you.
You, who had finally been cast aside after being kept on the edge of your seat, on the edge of that pirate ship plank, would take the plunge into that icy water below, into that unknown.
So you would no longer have to seek out those things, for if you let the power to have those things rest in other peoples hands to hold over you it could strike a fatal blow.
A final blow.
One you could not return from and if that would be the case you would rather the finishing blow be by your own hand.
That even if it was in your last moments you would be the one to have control over your own life.
Of course this change didnt happen straight after you were taken away in that black car.
No, no. It didnt happen until two years later.
You had not been so weak willed that you could not retain sanity or understanding or compassion for the situation you and your older brother were in. You had done it many times before.
Fought down your own feelings to please others. Why talk when you could say something wrong? Why breath when you shouldnt be alive in the first place?
'A waste of space' they told you. Live like your dead so you dont bother those around you, thats the least you could do.
And so you would do that once again, although it didnt bother you as much when it was for your brother. Yes, your feelings were hurt but you could understand, couldnt you?
There were responsibilities, there were priorities. So you could push your own feelings aside to not be a bother or a hinderance of any sort. And if you werent a priority for your older brother than you couldnt do a thing about it. Of course this was all just your thought, the way your mind worked, the thoughts that were always flowing without end.
It was another thing in your life that you had no control over. But you tried your best to do so and so you pushed everything as deep in your heart as you could, put everything on the highest shelf so you wouldnt have to face it.
You chose to remain ignorant so that you could keep your older brother even for a little longer. Only, you didnt know how little time that would really be.
You think it actually all started, your decent into the unknown, when locks of your hair fell like those flower petels withering.
Those flower petels, the ones from the flower you layed at the side of your mothers picture.
They withered as time went on.
And so did you.
They say time heals all wounds.
The same 'they' that are afraid of what they dont understand and so in their hardest efforts not to face the truth they make the most practical understanding they can for themselves.
So they can stay ignorant in their own little bubble without having to face the outside world.
Mabey thats what you were doing too.
Creating your own little bubble.
Mabey you were just like them.
Or you would have been, if that bubble hadnt been popped.
Mabey you could also have been blissfully ignorant.
But that chance had long passed you by and the most ignorance you had instead were the four walls of the barriers around your heart that time had also built up. As well as the walls of the orphanage where you were forced to grow up.
The dull damp grey walls that looked like they would blow apart if there was a strong enough wind.
The walls of the orphanage, not the ones around your heart.
No, no, those ones had been built far sturdier, time had been kind to them and done them well, at least thats what you thought.
More hair fell.
Lock by lock you got rid of one of the cursed key features that made you be abandoned by your brother, to you, hacking off as much as your could without mangling your face.
Of course after your mother died and you were abandoned by your older brother there was no adult left to take care of you, shelter you, so naturally you would be staying right you always had been.
In that damned orpahnage.
Though now you thought that if you were going to say goodbye to that same brother, whatever feelings you now held, which even you couldnt quite discern, you should at least not look the same as when he had last seen you.
The last time you had seen him alive which was also the time he had abandoned you.
And mabey for that reason. Your damned appreance. Your damed hair which you hacked off in an effort to pretend like you were actually doing something useful to relieve your anger.
You thought back to that time. The time you last saw him.
No, not the time after your mothers funeral. Not the time you were taken away in that black car by another social worker and back to the orphanage instead of to a warm and happy house with your brother.
But two years after.
Just a little while before the accident that permanently ment you would never again get to see your older brother.
It happened on a day much like the day of your mothers funeral, another day in the pouring rain.
Only this time you had been the one who chose to walk away from shin instead of being taken away from him forcefully.
You heard that hair holds memories.
So that when a girl gets broken up with thats why the first thing they do is cut their hair.
To get rid of the memories, good or bad, to start anew.
To be reborn.
The same could be said here, only when you were done and the slight cuts on your fingers bled from where you were careless with your scissors, you seemed to have replaced one dead face with another.
A newer ghost of a person.
Now instead of the last one you had buried you looked like one whos blood had only recently been spilled. Whos body was basically still warm.
And whos funeral you had been preparing to somewhat attend.
Looking at yourself in the mirror, the way your hair now hacked off into shorter pieces fell around your face, shaping it, made you look strikingly and sickeningly like your older brother, Shinichiro.
The one who now lay in that casket instead of your mother.
Of course he had also looked like your mother.
You both shared much the same face as her, you had heard that his younger brother also had a strong resembalance to her.
You recalled how your mother and even shinichiro had loved your long hair. Your mother would often spend time brushing the soft locks as she sat in her hospital bed with you sat close in front of her body.
She would praised it by saying how beautiful you were and shinichiro would chime in saying you took after her as you would agree and giggle at the compliments you were given.
She would sit and brush it all the while you both talked together in the hospital. And then when ever you would leave and return to the orphanage you often felt a sensation, almost ghost like, of a hand, your mothers hand as she stroked the top of your head.
Then your mind would immediately switch to how shinichiros much bigger, stronger, hand would roughly pat the top of your head with his calloused fingers from working on the bikes in his mechanics shop daily.
Then the question of why you were at the orphanage at all would continuously pop into your head.
Why did shinichiro and his little brother get to live with their grandfather while you lived in this place. Even their little sister lived with them as well.
You had heard that she had previously lived with her mother and her mothers husband but shin had taken her in to live with him when she was three.
This you had not heard from shinichiro or your mother like the other bits and pieces you heard from them about your other siblings. This, you were told by someone diffrent but also in much the same situation as you.
You wondered why emmas mother was willing to let her live with shinichiros family when she already had a family and why didnt your mother, who knew you didnt have any other family, let you live with them as well.
Were you missing something? Were they keeping something from you like they always were? Trying to shield you again? Or was it all just a misunderstanding, a mistake?
Was it because they all shared the same dad while you had no blood relation to him. Their dad had been their grandfathers son so perhaps that was the case. You were only the child of his son's wife so could you really be allowed to be part of their family.
You stared at yourself in the mirror.
You saw your older brother staring back at you.
Your eyes had always looked rather lifeless, creepy even, you had been told by others, but now even more so.
No matter how hard you tried then you couldnt recall what it was like to cry.
Or when the last time you had cried was.
You hadnt shed a single one at even your own biological mothers funeral.
Your eyes remained bone dry, no tears would flow.
Not now, not then, not since a long time.
You had heard that shinichiros younger borther had the opposite problem.
And that he thought it must have stemmed from the conversations he had with his mother. The start of his dream to be strong, to protect.
The conversations about his father in which he recalled the only memory he had of the man before he died. That was of a little superhero action figure and what it ment to be strong.
'Mikey had always tried his hardest to be strong' - like those memories, you had been told.
He always tried his best not to cry. But you, you had the oppsite problem.
You couldnt cry anymore.
No matter how much you wanted to, no matter how much you tried to make the tears come out, your eyes remained dry.
And your heart remained void.
Another memory had started to resurface but you forcefully pushed it away when you heard a noise behind you.
When you turned that person seemed to have just seen your face properly. It was also their first time seeing you with your hair cut short.
You knew then, by the look on their face, that you werent the only one who thought you looked like your older brother.
Like Shinichiro.
"You're not going to the funeral...are you?" You asked in a monotone voice.
You caught the hint of a grimice when you looked him in the eyes, much like how shinichiro had done when you had started to look a bit too much like your mother after her passing.
You stared at the man who had returned back to the dazed look on his face seeming as of he were a million miles away. The man who chose to ignore you as you didnt get a responce to your question but you didnt need one, you knew the answer. You knew he would not be going.
You would once again have to walk up that aisle alone. There would be no hand to guide you this time. You knew shins death had hit the man hard, as it did you. You suposed you just were able to hide it better since hiding your emotuons was something that you had long grown accustomed to doing. You also knew that was most likely the reason he was not going to his funeral and also because of the last interaction this man had with your older brother.
One you had unfortunately been present for. One which unfortunately had also been your last interaction with shin.
At that time you had once again been made witness to the broken trust of another person. Witness to the lies and the heartbreak. To both sides of the story and the unfareness of the world.
Something you were too young to have already witnessed countless times before.
And when your that young and someone who has never yet learned how to rest and been witness to such betrayal, the lines get skewed.
Good and bad. Morals and empathy.
You learn from the wrong person, witness the wrong things and suddenly your walking a whole diffrent path wheather you mean to or not.
You had blocked that out as well, when your vision had been blurred, the lines turned askew. As many seemed to do as a coping mechanism.
Maybe it started at your first betrayal mabey at your last. Mabey it was when your mother died or the conversation you had had with her just before her health went downhill for the final time.
The conversation that would never leave your mind no matter how much you wanted it to.
The day when your mother had taken a turn for the worst in the hospital and you knew the end was near.
That day when the rest of your astranged family all gathered in the hospital as you peered at them from around the corner of one of the white hospital walls.
Those two siblings that you had never before met and their grandfather who knew of your existence and often sent you small presents on your birthday or get well wishes through shin whenever you fell ill but who you had never personally met either.
And shin stood in the middle of them all as you peered around the corner at him hoping he would spot you as you had come looking for him.
The news had just been shared. Your mother was dead and they were just about to go into the room to see her lifeless body laid out on the hospital bed where she spent the last years of her life.
You had yet to see her but you had been with her when she had taken a turn for the worst.
You were the one who alerted the nurses and made the call to your older brother about what had happened before the hospital could.
You had yet to see her lifeless body but you didnt want to, you couldnt, not when you had been the last one to see her alive.
You could hear the crying of a young girl from inside the room and you watched as a moment later a blond haired boy who looked much around your own age stormed out of it and veered towards the staircase before decending down them.
That must have been shins younger brother. The one who was so hung up on the idea of being strong. You wondered then what his idea of strength was. If he could cry without restraint in a house where he didnt have to be strong to survive. When he could rely on other people, the people around him, his loved ones and the ones who loved him back and if he couldnt than his only barrier was himself.
Like yours was, like your is.
Although you hadnt started to build barriers around your heart until a while later.
But you already know how that part of the story goes.
A minute later shin also came out of the room. His head turned in all directions around the hall. He was probably looking for his younger brother who had left the room a little while before him, you had thought at that time.
And mabey he was or mabey he was really looking for you. You didnt know and you didnt want to find out so that if the answer was one you didnt like you wouldnt have to bury your feelings once again like you always did for those around you. For the sake of happiness for everyone else even at the cost of your own.
"He went that way" you said as you pointed a small finger in the direction of the stairs in which Manjiro, Shins younger brother had decended.
Shin had stopped when you said that. You expected him to turn and go in the direction you had pointed to, to follow and console his brother but he only stared at you.
You had stayed in your position hiding behind the corner of the hospital wall when you had spoken, only showing half of your body. Shin started to slowly walk over to you and you backed behind the wall more. So that you would both not be seen together if anyone were to leave your mothers room and venture into the hall or if his brother were to walk back up the stairs that also led to it.
He turned the corner to follow you and now with you both behind the wall he was standing in front of you as you both stared at each other neither knowing what to say.
What could he say in this situation. He didnt know. He was the adult. Ten years older than you who was only two months older than Emma. Making you thirteen months younger than Mikey. You were still a child and you had just lost your mother.
The only parent you had and the only other person you had with you all your life other than him. What could he possibly say except...
"Im sorry" he murmured as his voice cracked holding back tears.
"I'm so, so sorry" he repeated as he knelt down on the hard white tiles of the hospital floor in front of you and wrapped his arms around your much smaller body.
You could do nothing more than stay still as he hugged you. It hit you then. Your mother was really dead this time. There was no going back from here.
You couldnt move. You couldnt cry. You couldnt think.
It was a rush of everything and nothing all at once.
So you just let him hold you.
You let yourself rely on him.
And that was the worst mistake you could have made.
But you couldnt stop yourself.
And in that moment you didnt want to stop yourself.
Right then all you wanted was to fall into his warm embrace.
You wanted to soke in your amazing older brothers light and reminisce in all the memories you had with your mother that you would never have again and that you could never make more of.
But that embrace he gave you spoke to you.
It told you kind words.
Words that said 'its going to be alright'.
And just for a little while...you would let yourself believe that.
If i accidentally delete one more of my drafts i will have a mental break down and you will be made hear about it 👹.
@rianemorgan @kazuhabrainrot @night-shadowblood-writes2
Anyone who comments gets tagged unless you specifically say you dont want to be tagged in your comment just so ye know.
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bunnidid-reviews · 1 year ago
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I got the second Elle(s) book today and ofc read it soon as I could
Some thoughts:
- this book focuses more heavily on the inner world exploration, and I found the art to be even more dynamic and lovely in this one
- Blue takes over the host position from the previous book, because of the loss of her aunt and shocking revelation that Elle was adopted as a baby. The whole book is about rose Elle finding her way out of the inner world and back to taking control of her life
- we get a little bit more development on the other parts of Elle, since Rose interacts with them as she’s going through each of the inner worlds. But there’s not a lot there, if I’m honest? They all act like strangers that happen to be dragged into the story rather than parts of your very self who’ve always had a sense of being at least connected to you in some way. Especially since its implied that Elle has ‘had problems with this before’, and she purposefully made these inner worlds for each of them, we as the reader are left confused to how much they actually know eachother.. theres just not much there
- and as for Blue, the one part who’s been looming over both this book and the last, we don’t know much about her either, aside from being manipulative and stealing money and clout off her friends. If she’s supposed to be a persecutor part, she has no obvious drive outside just ~being evil~. (To quote my very own blue-colored persecutory part; “What a lazy bitch”)
- this.. ending..?
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(The text reads: Wow! Embryos merged? So that means.. I really am six different people! )
Maybe it’s a problem with translation, but the tone of this picture and text really cuts off any of the built up tension thats been riding throughout the book.
- this book never explicitly mentions DID as being a diagnosis, so it’s more of a concept of multiple personalities being used in a different way…
I’m not someone who’s going to speak on what makes ‘enough’ trauma to create DID, because birth complications and adoption are traumatic, and it’s also not something I have experience with. I can’t speak on how this would feel for people who had twins and lost them for it to be portrayed this way, though. In the book, this is clearly stated to be some sort of Special Unreal Circumstance and I found that.. in weird taste..
-it’s not.. DID. I thought the adventuring through the inner worlds would be more about making honest connections and getting to know these parts of her more fully, but Elle’s journey was really just about pulling herself up by the boot straps and switching back out. She doesn’t really have trauma and this book makes it super clear
-I’m disappointed that there wasnt much time spent with brunette Elle because she really seemed to be grieving honestly in the last book, I thought theyd be helping eachother more. But its.. not reallyyy and its shown as growth anyway
-I like the series but I can’t really take it very seriously. It has the vibes of seeing all the major plot points of someone’s OC stuff without all the extra content that fleshes out the characters.
I might just be in a mood because I feel very out of place with my own DID at the moment(I’m usually fairly comfortable, but I think I might be having a DPDR episode), but I’ve been sitting on the Elle(s) series for a good few months now, and I don’t really get any deeper connection
I’ll get the next book anyway and see if any of it ties up more neatly. I know its the artists’ first comic I believe, so maybe theres not so much depth becauseeee offff inexperience. Or translation issues because I believe it came out elsewhere first. I dont know!
O well, enjoy my short review
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winderlylandchime · 1 year ago
2/2 of 2x08: ‘why is she acting like this? Is she okay? Oh god, is she sick? What’s wrong deb? Talk to me, redhead! *deb tells vic about ben* please, for the love of everything i own, stop talking. Why are you still talking? I said STOP! Twist your words? Deb, girl..that’s what you said, do you want me to rewind the tapes? AND TO SAY THAT TO VIC?! YOU WISH HE WASNT WHAT NOW? Listen to me Deb, straight still gets hiv. MIKE GET BEHIND ME, I MIGHT HATE YOU BUT I GOT YOU! OH NO HES HEARING HER! WASTING AWAY TO NOTHING? AND SHE SAYS THAT TO VIC OF ALL PEOPLE?! Poor vic. Fought for his life and now his sister says all that?! *pauses the tv and looks at me all scared* just so you know, i would NEVER say something like that to you. I might be an idiot but I’m not *waves his hand at the tv* that dumb…can you get me another soda?’… ‘he’s more sad for vic than himself? Damn, he has his nice moments. Deb, why would he have to tell you about Ben? That is literally none of your business. What’s up with you and Ted? SHE FORBIDS HIM FROM DATING BEN? Man, i hope Ben fucks the shit out of Mike this episode. I’m talking can’t walk for a week type of fuck! Because yall are pissing me off!’ And now the scene with britin is up!!!! ‘Ohhh look at them. Getting busy! Why is Justin talking about Ben? What is going on this episode..Man, ben has to have the craziest hiccups this episode. THATS RIGHT BRI! ITS MIKES DECISION! FINALLY SOMEONE WHO IS SMART! *pauses tv* justin. No. Please never do it raw. You can’t trust anyone THAT much. Cheating exists. And also you and Bri Bri don’t exactly have the most….how shall I put it nicely? Ethical relationship..is that respectful? Idk either way *shakes his head* no blondie! Brian..smack sense into him, don’t encourage him! GOOD BOY! EXACTLY BRIAN! Condoms are your best friend *shakes his pill bottle* next to these lil shits. HE WANTS HIM SAFE! AND HE WANTS HIM AROUND FOR A LONG TIME, YOU MIGHT AS WELL SAY I LOVE YOU! (My name) did you hear that?! He wants him safe! And around! FOR A LONG TIME! That’s like many years! I cannot wait for him to say i love you to Justin! Would be a dope finale. Like *pretends to be brian, ig* “Justin!!! I love you. And i wanna be with you!” Yeah that’s the shit!’ My heart breaks for when he’s gonna see the finale. ‘Brian looks good. Leather jacket, messy hair…i fuck with it. Ohhh i like Brian and this bandana chick! Look at him taking his kid to the park. OH FUCK HER PARENTS *the scene in the park with that random lady comes up* the fuck they do?! I bet Michael just got a boner hearing her say that..Brian..Brian, come on i was rooting for you! Not to be the devil’s advocate but at least his reasoning was nicer in some weird way.’ He just scoffed at the sight of Deb so i’d say he’s doing well ‘Deb..you’ve talked enough. I think you should be quiet for the next 3 episodes..oh vic forgave her way too fast! Couldn’t be me tho’ ‘…no offense but if your parents don’t like you, you really shouldn’t care..but i get it, our greatest fault as human beings is the need we all have to be loved, it’s the only thing we all have in common. *look at me as if he just saw me* ice cream! *goes to get ice cream*’ I honestly wonder how he would watch this if he wasn’t high as a kite. ‘Is justin blowing a strap on?? Go off, i guess! Oh shit oh shit! Oh the dad is having a blast. i am honestly impressed that brian is quiet’ The scene with Ben and Mikey is on and he is not okay ‘NO MIKE NO! I mean do what makes you feel comfortable but NOOO DONT LET THEM GET TO YOU! But also I support your decision but fuck’ this obviously ended with him going for a smoke and is currently outside talking to mom and lying about why he was MIA, he also tried to turn the subject on qaf but failed badly bc his attempt was ‘how would you feel if i had a boyfriend with hiv?’ It was followed by ‘no mom, i im not gay. I’m not. HE IS JUST A FRIEND’ Keep my soul in thoughts and prayers because i am going through it.
AHAHAH YES. Exactly. Deb is such a fucking hypocrite. Ugh she is the worst about Ben’s HIV. And then Michael makes it so fucking awkward when he confronts Debbie IN FRONT OF BEN.
Your brother screaming about a) wearing a condom and b) I WANT YOU SAFE AND I WANT YOU AROUND FOR A LONG TIME is all of us. He is in the fandom. Brian DOES love him.
“our greatest fault as human beings is the need we all have to be loved, it’s the only thing we all have in common” - I know you described him as a himbo but Brother Anon is spitting some serious thoughts here.
Asking your mom how she would react if he had a boyfriend with HIV. I am dyingggggg. I love you brother.
Thoughts & Prayers Anon. You are truly doing the lord’s work.
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bumblyburg · 2 years ago
ted lasso finale thoughts
Need the richmond women's team spinoff NOW!!!!!!!!!!! And it better have LESBIANS i swear to god!!!!!!!
As always the strongest part of this ep was the team dynamics. Roy joining the diamond dogs. Isaac with the penalty kick!!!! The fucking dance sequence callback T^T theres no place like afc richmond <3 Them winning the match but losing the whole thing was a good balance of success vs realism. I didn't know enough about football to predict it beforehand LOL but that probably worked in my favor bc i genuinely didnt know whether they would win or lose. Rebecca and ted's friendship was heartwarming as always. I was living in fear that they'd become a couple even though i knew that wasn't what the writers were going for, so I probably need to rewatch to fully enjoy it.
Tedependent lost RIP. it would have made sense but at the same time im kinda glad they didn't, at least this season. trent was still very much a side character and i just don't think the story beats were there for tedtrent endgame. the story would have had to been constructed differently, or it would need another season. I also liked how the main focus was ted & rebecca's friendship rather than either of their romantic relationships. I love a good romance but its not what this story is about.
Thats part of the reason why the dutchman return felt cheap to me lol. Sorry rebecca im always rooting for you but i just wasn't feeling it. Another part of that is probably because Ted and Trent had a much stronger foundation and we still didn't get to see even their friendship develop as much as i would have liked. Maybe ive been spoiled by all the trent this season idk. but i was just hoping for a little more. After all, it's not lost on me that we only got one confirmed gay couple at the end (we don't even know anything about Michael!!! Ugh sorry Im a michael hater he's so boring.)
Speaking of boring, I simply do not care about ted's family. So him moving back was... not really compelling for me. like none of the kansas characters are fleshed out at all. i wish they had done something more interesting with them so i could actually get invested. There was something there with michelle dating their couples therapist, but it ended up falling flat imo. Also Michelle being a teacher is a total copout, I would have preferred if she had an unexpected job that revealed a new side to her. Give her a personality outside of being a wife/mother/caretaker please and thank you.
I did like how Royjamie was left openended!!! thats the ship i care most abt and i knew it wasnt going to *actually* happen so im satisfied with what we got. I am in the (im assuming) minority of royjamie enjoyers that is against roykeeleyjamie. This episode really hammered it in why roy and jamie are not good for keeley LOL, but the signs have been there all along. Keeley needs to be her own boss for a bit! Roy and jamie are just not at her maturity level (lovingly), and they've got some misogyny to work through.
(I need to think on it more, but I'm pretty sure that I liked the way this episode/season handled the Roy And Jamie Are Lowkey Sexist subplot. Like the whole fighting over a woman thing is soooo trite atp, and i still dont know how i feel about them physically fighting over her or whatever. but the story was realistic about how these asshole male footballers are going to have some weird views about women, while still shutting that down those views. like not even giving them the time of day. Keeley literally shoos them out without a word LMAO. So idk need to think about it more but at least keeley didnt end up with either of them).
Hey you know who DOES deserve each other.... and makes each other better people, as represented by their football training arc.... the student is the teacher and the teacher is the student etc etc…… Anyways royjamie is real TO ME!!! (And brett goldstein and phil dunster, number one royjamie warriors. phil dunster wrote royjamie smut I will never get over that)
Overall im sad to see ted lasso go. i think i need to sit with all 3 seasons a bit more before forming my full opinion, but s1 will always have my heart. Mostly because evil jamie and evil rebecca are so so fun to watch.
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kreuiza · 5 months ago
his only friend his best friend UGHHH but also so rika wasnt strong cause she was cursed but cause yuta cursed her and he’s related to gojo so they are both equally strong in a type of way gojo always on top but still he’s strong and even if he did die geto wouldn’t have been strong enough to actually win still
he was fighting not understanding it fully and you don’t win the battles you don’t understand i think
either way geto fckn died and i think i knew he wasn’t himself but i didn’t get it fully i didn’t understand like in the actual anime it was talking about the soul and how what is stronger the soul or the body and it was clear he wasn’t alive but something was controlling him too but he was still a bit mis going in the wrong direction he didn’t seem to really want to but he lost his hope i think and this movie showed he died died like his actual death and who he was before and he was just lost he hated non jujitsu sorcerers but he wasn’t a murderer with no reason or at least no reason he thought was valid he is going off his own ideals which isn’t great if you are losing yourself because you become foggy to the understanding of others and he lost it
But in that same way as he lost it i really think he had a chance to get it back he had every chance to he had people who loved him but he surprised himself with other people who would agree with his ideals and to them he is a king a god even but then you look at it through someone on the other sides perspective and you see how much pain and fear he has caused them
but another note that is very true in real life everyone goes off their own ideal and what they perceive as right to them and if they have people who keep saying it’s right and okay they aren’t going to change unless they see within themselves and want to change and understand as much as you fight and argue with anyone someone who won’t change their ideals simply won’t like hm let’s say just in general i have no real knowledge on it but like how the people who have power in this world do something bad it gets pushed under the rug because they are the people in power they are the ones helping everyone and seeming like a good person to those with the same ideals or who they know they have a chance to turn to their ideals because they see the broken in them so they make them agree and shit because as much as it sucks people do share those same ideals at times but they won’t change unless someone who is stronger or with the same respect tells them and even then it’s still not luckily to work because why work to be strong and be actually in power to lose it all and stay in the pedestal of where you once were it’s a fight in yourself between being good and being powerful and being able to control everything in your own ideals but ideals change as you change and everyone changes sometimes not wanting to but it isn’t always better so is it really a you won’t change unless you want to i think that quote really only works in the way you see it
like you don’t change unless you want to be better
or you don’t change unless you want to be worse
or maybe you don’t want to change and you do
or maybe you never were the person you or any one thought of you
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musicoftheheart · 8 months ago
4-8 for pride asks?
hiya! thank you <3
4. Are you "out" to your family and friends?
this is a... complicated question. ill start with gender, because thats nice and easy: no. i was out as genderfluid to one person, a couple years ago, but we lost contact a long time ago so we arent in each others lives and i dont count it. other than her, i havent told anyone-
actually, technically i told my university? but only for accomodation purposes, and im not at uni yet so im not counting it either (ha ha im totally not avoiding reality)
as for my sexuality... kind of? im out to my friend(s? thats up in the air atm) as queer, because thats the simplest way i can put it. my closest friend is cishet and isnt a huge ally (i will be making better friends when i go to uni, dw) so i try not to talk too much about lgbtq+ stuff in depth because he just wont care enough to listen. if i was still close with the girl who knew i was genderfluid then id explain abrosexuality to her, but im not so...
im not out to my sister at all and will be cutting contact entirely when i move out. i came out to my parents as bisexual (now an outdated label for me) years ago, and they conveniently "forgot" less than a month later, so i just... dont bother
i was outed to my brothers by my now ex gf though but theyre both super supportive!! one of them keeps trying to set me up w his coworker which is really funny (and its not even in the 'oh youre both gay you should date' kind of way, he actually thinks we'd be nice together so its really sweet)
5. Are you "out" publicly?
i never explicitly came out as anything to most people i know, but i dont hide it either. ive got they/she pronouns listed in my personal instagram (because thats the closest thing to reality i feel comfortable sharing atm) and openly discuss queer parts of my life to people like coworkers (which was scary af the first time) and ex-teachers, such as when i had a girlfriend, going to pride, writing queer love songs/changing existing songs to be queer, etc.
6. (If you're out) do you wish you came out sooner? Later? Or was it the right time?
i wish id never said anything to my parents at least, because we never had a good relationship to begin with and after i came out it just... got worse. i wish id managed to avoid being outed to my brothers so that i could tell them myself, too, because theyre two of my favourite people in my life even though i rarely see them since they both moved out and my relationship with them both is such a big deal for me, so the fact i had that moment ripped away from me hurts. otherwise, im okay with how the rest of my coming out has gone
7. Are you the "token" queer person in your family?
actually, no! my eldest brother - when he spoke to me about the fact someone had outed me to him - confided that he was bisexual, so he understood some of what i was feeling, and assured me it was okay. growing up in the household that we did, having him say things like that - having him show me that if someone like him (who i really look up to, though it makes me icky to admit because ew emotions) can be queer and still be the strong, loveable, kind person he is - it meant a lot to me, as someone who sometimes thought of themselves as broken and monsterous because i wasnt hetero
8. Describe your gender without using any words traditionally related to gender:
spin the wheel!! watch where it goes!! where will it stop? who the fuck knows!!
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tentaipetto · 1 year ago
Chapter 7
Eija sat at his small desk with a pencil in his hand, he chewed the end of it as he contemplated what was to become of him. Belben had been unhappy about the way he had behaved on the cliff top, Eija had expected that. What he hadnt expected was exactly the thing that happened after that. Belben told him he was being transferred to serve another wizard, something in the contract from 6 years ago that had, like everything else, been convieniently missed out of the conversation before he signed it was that if Belben deemed him to be severely insubordinate in his duties he could be transferred and replaced, or killed. Eija was marginally pleased that Belben wasnt taking the latter option, but the former was still puzzling him. Where was he going to end up? Who was he going to have to serve this time? How long would he last? Surely Belben wouldnt transfer him to a better wizard for insubordination, but the thought of a worse wizard made Eija shiver. He gripped the pencil with renewed purpose and began to write, 'Dearest Mother, Im sorry it has been so long since I have written to you, a wizards assistants jobs are never done you see. I shall deal with the issue at hand quickly as Im not sure how long I have to write this letter but I have exciting news! Belben has decided that I have served my duties so well to him that he is going to transfer me to another wizard as a reward. He is so kind and gracious, my gratitude is overwhelming. I am excited to find out where I will be placed, I shall let you know as soon as I am able to send another letter. Hopefully is sharnt be too long. I hope that you and father are in good spirits and keeping well as the weather begins to chill. Please send news of Enid and Arthur, I miss them terribly. Love always, your son, Eija' Eija stared at the pack of lies he had written to his dear mother, the truth would kill her, he and his father had agreed the way it would be before he left. He sometimes wished he could be honest, that he could tell her of his missing fingers, his half-blindness, his crippling loneliness. But he knew that even in this predicament he had a responsibility to care for his aging progenitor. He scribbled the address of his family onto the envelope and carefully inserted the letter, he wasnt in possession of a wax stamp so he just tipped the candle up and splodged the wax with his thumb. It did the trick either way. The maid took the letter from him, Belben wasnt a fan of 'employees' having contact with thier families, it made them weak according to him. But the servants of his house had found ways and means around this, an entire blackmarket economy and sprung up around avoiding what Belben wanted. So, he let go of the letter and gathered the last of his things, gently folding his drawings and placing them in the pages of books so they wouldnt be damaged in his transit to his new 'home'. Eija felt nervous, scared even, but there was a hint, just a hint mind, of excitement. At least it wasnt going to be more same old same old for a while.
Despite Belbens ability to transport Eija in an instant to his new home he had graciously decided to send Eija on a trading ship which was hopping along the coast of the Western Isles before it set off for the main port of the Northern Bank. Eija hadnt been told this, he had gleaned it from what he could understand of the thick accented captain and crew that surrounded him. The ship itself was nice enough, he had a bunk all to himself and was able to spend his time largely undisturbed by the other people onboard as they found him strange and tedious. Eija stared at the twinkling lights of yet another port he didnt know the name of, the ship was running late for its mooring and the captain was screaming what Eija was fairly certain was a lot of profanities at the crew members who were all rushing about the deck doing very important sailing things that involved rigging and such. Eija sat motionless while the ship floated towards the gentle growing glow, it was the last stop before he had disembark on the Northern Bank, it was Shadowglass. The port smelled of fish, drunken tramps, rats and an entire selection of rotting fruits which had been thrown overboard but landed on the deck of another ship and had yet to be cleared away. Eija was permitted to alight the ship during these nighttime moorings, he was under the eye of Belben at all times, remotely of course, Belben wouldnt stoop so low as to ride in a trading ship. Eija was just happy to have a little bit of freedom, or the closest he could pass for freedom these days. Wandering down a small street lined with dimly lit shops that were either just closing or just opening he wondered what it would be like to truely be free, to actually have no one to answer to. He ruminated that he probably wouldnt like it very much and would probably get himself in quite alot of trouble, either that or he would be so entralled by all the things he could stop and look at that he would never actually move anywhere quickly enough to achieve anything. Shadowglass, unbenknowst to Eija, had a reputation of being a rather sin soaked kind of place, the sort of place that is knee deep in filth of one kind or another but no one mentions it for fear of appearing uncooth. There were dens of iniquity left right and centre, above shops and in basements women used thier womanly ways to help sailers and passers by lighten thier wallets and lift thier spirits. Thieves, muggers and burglars (which could be considered the same thing, but I dare you to say that to them) were also known to prowl the streets at night, and in the day, and any time they damn well liked. Visitors to Shadowglass were usually sailors who were just glad of some company, tourists were rare and usually agreed happily to view Shadowglass from a boat as they sailed safely past. But Eija knew none of this, to him, this place was wonderful and colourful and full of amazing sights and smells and things he had been held back from for years. Something caught Eijas eye, all his senses seemed to flare up at once and he felt himself held in place by some invisible force that he couldnt control. At first he assumed that Belben must be toying with him, controlling him from across the seas. But then he let his eyes focus, find what was holding him, it was….a woman. It was, in fact, the most beautiful woman that Eija had ever laid eyes on in his entire life. He had assumed a few years ago that this part of the human condition was going to be lost to him, he just didnt have the time to contemplate affairs of the heart, or the body for that matter, but his heart was certainly doing some contemplating right at this very moment, along with a few other portions of his anatomy. The woman smiled at him, the warmest, gentlest, most affectionate smile she could muster.
"Ive been waiting for you Eija, please, come into the warm" she motioned for Eija to follow her through the doorway into the small jewellery shop. Eija stared at her for a moment, willing his feet to move or his mouth to open or something to happen. His brain whirred, almost audibly with questions, thoughts, feelings, emotions, her skin, her smile, her bosom…. Somewhere in the recesses of his brain he regained some unconscious level of poise and pushed his body towards her, this made him very happy, on many, many levels.
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away-ward · 1 year ago
wow, i read your alex's character analysis and i got some anon response to it. Disclaimer, i respect your opinion, just wanna share my thoughts, and also go off a total different tangent about how i see some scenes differently. Thank you for posting so much contents for dn, are you gonna do more of this with other characters?
now going back to the main point of this ask:
i think i know why i feel kinda tired about nightfall if i read it in your perspective: i feel like the way you read it is like you're emory before she met aydin, and i'm emory after she met aydin. The Feeling of dead and alive. Like in corrupt, michael said something: if you don't own it, it will own you, and i think the reason why emory doesnt mind much about anything anymore at that point of life and keep going forward despite the hurt and all that were caused by everyone around her, were because
1. She's so tired of waiting, she was trying to take more control of her life now, instead of just decaying, at least in the romantic and sexual aspect of her life,
2. she doesnt care about the specifics about who is hurting who anymore, because there's only so much to blame and expect from the things or people around her to fall into place like you / readers would expect them, but she can just do whatever things best she thought she could do at that time,
3. She wanted someone to guide her and be patient with her, which not even will was patient enough to learn how to love life with emmy, he only complained complained complained, and i hated how weak his character was, because he had everything, and she had nothing. All talk, but no action. Will was never patient with emmy, so i dont understand where did will's audacity was coming from? (This was a rhetorical question, no need to answer, i understood his pov, i was just voicing my thoughts when i read his words and actions). these charactrs (especially emory aydin will alex) were all very prideful people, so something has to give. They can't be like that forever, right? Something big has to happen to breakthrough these dramatic and extreme people. It's unfortunate it was aydin that we had to see emmy bonding with like this, or it was alex that she trusted and wanted to be in a sexual intimate situation with in fornt of everyone, instead of will and damon in the locker room, but it's just what it is, the timing wasnt right for emory will and dmaon + the horsemen were never really close to her either, so that train scene was more like how she was opening herself up and accepting their poly situation from there onwards. It wasn't just a show of trust, it's a show that her lifestyle was the same iwth them, and she wasn't ashamed of herself or them. That's why i guess it's easier for michael to help her later and talk a bit with her when they catch martin because her relationship now is beyond "just will's girl", but she is truly family. She accepted them, they accepted her. That's why rika had no doubt when she said "thank you for being my family". Emory might not have understood what that meant at that time, or even the readers, especially the ones who only read nightfall and not the books before, but rika expected emmy to show up from now on and fight for and with them like family just like how they would for her. (Side note, Unfortunately for us willemmy stans, even willemmy is poly-coded, we cannot get away from pd's sharing and poly dynamics' clutches). Do i think they look like clowns who take themselve sto seriously? Yes. But does emmy like this? Yes, 😭 unfortunately.
In this situation, as i read it (like emory) emory was the one owning them, and letting them join, not always the other way around. She is not being passive or expecting perfect detailed things from imperfect people to happen anymore, she can only deal with imperfect situations by owning who she is and go for it, even if it sounds stupidly unfair to us or she kept on hurting again (which is not true because we saw the moment she gave in, thinsg were chaning, sides were switched, and she got more allies instead of being isolated again). She was perfect for will and everyone when she just be herself and be what she wants or when she let herself be, instead of being someone she was not, even though it took her nearly a decade to admit (understandably because of her situation). By the time they got married, i believe that's why there were no resentment anymore from hee to the world or towards anyone really, for her part. A part of her that was hurting and self-destructive was finally growing up, and that where she wants to let herself be was still like a child in neverland. She never left thinder bay, she just grew up and accepted it. l feel very similar with her though, if i was her, after 10 years of disappointment by will and everyone around me including myself, i'd be so fucking tired of this self-destructive guy grayson and everything else too, but then i still wanna be with him and the past was not just one night, so i must have figured out that i really had to initiate things and have to do something to breakthough this shit, because unlike michael, kai and damon who were dominant and more outgoing with their pursuit of their S/Os, will was more submissive and tolerant, and coupled up with him being weak from ptsd and self-worth/confidence, they became his deadly passive combos, so willemmy's relationship would be at a stale point if emmy didnt do something. Unfortunate, by sigh what do you expect from a weak character/ love interest like will? That's why i like damon' line in the pool with kill switch when will threatened to hurt damon if he hurts winter, and damon replied "you dont have what it takes to be me" or something like that because as much a si hate damon, i agree. At leats damon worked for what he wanted despite how disgusting and cruel he was, will was only sitting on his high horse, coast through his life and expect things to fall into perfect place for him. And when it failed, he complaint complaint complaint. Like, will, how about you shut the fuck up sometimes?
4. since she felt like a dead leaf before aydin, always waiting, and never fighting for some of the things she wanted so much in life: like will (as opposed to her grandma's rights to heathcare and her own access career and education, that she fought for everyday, which was the opposite of banks. Banks fought for damon and kai, so she got damon and kai, but she was never as independent as emory or fought for her own things or demand education or other basic needs from anyone even though she grew similar to emory. She could even fought for these basic needs and beleive she didnt deserve to be happy to have them like emory, until emory apologized to will and resolved her (underdeserved) guilt, but banks never did. I was waiting for a breakthrough from banks like emory, but it never came. Even though emmy's wrap was hushed, it was there, but banks' never came.
We saw Emory had limits to what she can deal with, and while she would take a beating (only while she was still in the haze of abuse feeling like love, and when she still couldnt be fully financially independent from martin), emmy wouldnt let anyone take her basic rights to education, healthcare and safety away from her. These are things that i found very interesting about her, because if you ever have had to survive in the real world, even not to the extend of how emory had to, you'd know how hard it is to even do 10% the things she did without any support from anyone. Out of everyone in the series, emory scott will always get my utmost respect for this. Emmy had to be independent even though it was very scary, and had to lose so much if she chose these rights more than she chose will. This was why, even though i love nikova second from this series, i will always love emory more than her. It's just a personal preference tbh.
5. now, finally coming back to the main topic from my long tangent, Instead of letting things happen to her again and again and again, EMORY is happening to people. EMORY is taking the spotlight. And idk, i feel like a lot of your meta about alex in general gave too much expectation and unecessary light to alex, and it counter whatever things that emory was trying to do, if that makes sense? Idk, that's why i said we had very different way of looking at these scenes and prioritising which meaning we chose best how to see it, so it affects the way we saw them. Even after writing this long ask, i still agree with a lot of your points in your alex meta, but i guess i'm more delusional than i thought so even after reading your post, i still don't put too much emphasis on it. Idk, i feel like emory might have the same amount of delusion like me, that's why we move on easily? 😭😂
Granted, i still believe, it's pd who didnt write ir right, and fucked up their story, but like you said, i understand where you came from and i respect that, i'm just responding because you ask for opinions. Maybe i'm just a self-centred person so i never saw it like you? A but tired and self-propelled delusion like aydin and emory after blackchurch? Idk, but this is so interesting to me. What i know is, i feel everything, from jealousy, to envy, to sadness, to grief, to joy, yo happiness, to love, to list, to desire, and to all the weird feelings that i spcannot describe about this series. I hate it, but i kinda like it? Idk. But i do know emory hates to love it, lmao!
I guess when i'm reading nightfall, i was just reading it with a lot more positivity and delulu than you (?) and i didnt get caught up in these perfect details so much (like emory), but i feel like if people kept on reading nightfall like you, i can see why they would hate it so much. Pd already did a bad job with alex's character, especially in regards to her relationship with will and why the fuck cant they just say theyre only bffs who fucked a few times and never had anything more to emory?? And they always had to rub the fact they hooked up so many times in front of her too? All those time that will can put himself to care more about emory and starts to give a fuck more about what she needs. He had time to fuck alex and build a friendship and trust with alex, but no time to call emory? Nah, will grayson can die in a fucking ditch, not a real man to me. When aydin called him out in the shower, i fucking cheered. Cant believe will's dick even got limp when alex was moaning his name, willalex was so fucking embarrassing. Like willalex so fucking stupid, cant even do shit, two brains, but no single braincells spotted, they made me root for aydinemory instead, especially everytime willalex was fucking shit to emory. Like how can emory come to a point where she thought she was laying in a bed with will's gf alex? Why the fuck cant will just said he didnt feel the same for alex like he felt for emory? He only pined for her in his head! What, he though she was a mind reader or something? Stupid as fuck, god im such a will grayson hater honestly, i hate alex, but i will always hate will more, because he was the on who promised her the world, not alex, even though she was em's friend. Will was the one who owed her something 🙄 Serve them right when they were jealous af of her and aydin. Idgaf at that point if it just guves whatever aydin wants, but like a said, it's the matter of perspectives, i guess if you're delusional enough, it's not always about aydin. It's one of those "let women do whatever they want and let them define what they need instead of telling them how they feel".
at this point, idk anymore, what do you think? Just call me 😶‍🌫️
Hey! No worries about having a different take. I totally get that I come at this from an odd standpoint and do my best to respect and listen to other’s opinions. Thanks so much for taking the time to write such a long comment.
are you gonna do more of this with other characters?
Probably not. As you mention later on, I feel PD sort of messed up in writing Alex, specifically in Nightfall.
Throughout the entire series, the readers are reminded that Alex is beautiful and special and different. She’s warm, everyone's sister and mother. She’s a sexy vixen, but with a heart of gold, who’s experienced the worst life can throw at her, but managed to walk through the fire – in heels! And everyone between Rika and Emory says they can’t resist her charms. So why is it that whenever she opens her mouth in Nightfall, I hate her more? What are the characters seeing that I’m not seeing?
This seems like a conflict between the writer and the character, so I wanted to analyze Alex’s character scene by scene, to determine exactly why it is that I’m so dissatisfied with her, when, based on what is written, I am supposed to love her. At the same time, I’ve been asked previously if I could change any storyline what would it be, or what could have made certain aspects of Nightfall better. While I was spending the time analyzing, I figured now would be a good time to add in what I would have preferred. In this scenario, I would prefer if Alex had a clear motive for showing herself to Emory and actually followed through. When I read the scene, focusing on her instead of Emory, I found that I was irritated with her being dodgy and secretive. It also felt like Alex didn’t really want Emory there when they went into the passageways. So, then, what was the point of revealing herself?
Anyway. I don’t have a reason to do it for the rest of the characters, because I don’t feel the same conflict with them as a reader.
Reading farther into your comment, I agree with just about everything you’ve said regarding Emory, or at least, I’ve heard those opinions/interpretations before and see them as completely valid! There’s not a lot for me to reply to because I’m mostly nodding and agreeing as I read. Still, I’ll try to pull out some bits that I find interesting.
she was opening herself up and accepting their poly situation from there onwards. It wasn't just a show of trust, it's a show that her lifestyle was the same iwth them, and she wasn't ashamed of herself or them. That's why i guess it's easier for michael to help her later and talk a bit with her when they catch martin because her relationship now is beyond "just will's girl", but she is truly family. She accepted them, they accepted her.
As far as Emory being accepted into the family, I’ve always felt that they were meant to be close. I was just frustrated that we never got to see it. I’ve also always thought that all the couples shared each other sexually, but I would love some more Willemmy moments because they’re my favorite and I thought some of the opportunity for them were given to less important scenes.
However, I was surprised to find out that the “sharing” began again so much later? According to PD, Michael, Rika, Kai, and Banks don’t engage in this activity until the ten-year later mark. I mean, what?
will was more submissive and tolerant, and coupled up with him being weak from ptsd and self-worth/confidence, they became his deadly passive combos, so willemmy's relationship would be at a stale point if emmy didnt do something.
I think this is an excellent point. Many times, we’re reminded that Will doesn’t act on his own, and he likes it when Emmy is the aggressor and is forced to admit that she wants him too. Additionally, in Nightfall, he’s at the peak of his weakness, which causes him to be even more passive than usual. He also feels that he has a valid reason to hate her, so he's even more resistant to moving forward with her. Emmy did need to make the moves that drove the plot forward.
What I meant in my Alex post when I said they were at a standstill, was just that. I could see how, if Alex hadn’t come in, Emmy and Will would have continued to circle each other, making a little progress and then taking two steps back because they’re both too prideful and confused at the moment. Aydin would continue to pull their strings, never satisfied, because, as it would turn out, revenge isn’t actually what he wanted. And I know that, because throughout the entire series, revenge has never been what these guys truly wanted.
They wanted the girl.
Aydin wanted Alex. Making Will suffer was just his way of feeling better in the meantime. Even Aydin was surprised to see Alex at Blackchurch, so he wasn’t expecting her to come for Will. What was happening between Aydin and Emory was never about helping Emory, even if she did benefit from the things that he said and did. It was about making Will hurt.
Without Alex coming out of hiding, I think the story would have dragged. I just wish she was brought out of hiding with an actual plan/motive, instead of forced out by the author to move the plot along. That was my interpretation of the scene.
Banks fought for damon and kai, so she got damon and kai, but she was never as independent as emory
I thought this was interesting commentary on Banks. So often, Banks is herald as a queen of toughness and independence, especially since she inherited Gabriel’s fortune. I’m not saying she isn’t tough or independent, there’s something about how she’s never had to go out on her own; she never tried, even when Damon was in prison. She went from her mom’s to Gabriel’s under Damon’s care to Kai’s. And when Damon wasn’t there, Banks was still watched over and cared for by Gabriel’s staff.
I’m not going to try and compare Martin to Gabriel, but I can feel for Emory not having even a single person looking out for her, and I think it speaks volumes about Emory’s strength that she made it through so much.
you'd know how hard it is to even do 10% the things she did without any support from anyone. Out of everyone in the series, emory scott will always get my utmost respect for this. Emmy had to be independent even though it was very scary, and had to lose so much if she chose these rights more than she chose will. This was why, even though i love nikova second from this series, i will always love emory more than her. It's just a personal preference tbh.
I absolutely agree with this statement. Emory deserves all the recognition for what she managed to accomplish without support. As I’ve said before, Emory is the most accomplished, talented and skilled of all the girls, and she gets the least amount of acknowledgement for it. I will never be moved from that opinion.
i feel like a lot of your meta about alex in general gave too much expectation and unecessary light to alex, and it counter whatever things that emory was trying to do, if that makes sense?
I’m not quite sure what you mean.
As I mentioned earlier, my whole purpose with analyzing that scene the way I did was to figure out specifically why Alex was annoying me personally. It’s one thing to say she’s being annoying, but what is she actually doing that’s irritating. Characters can be irritating, and for reasons that make sense. Sometimes that's the case. In this situation, I don't think her actions make sense and not in a way that the character is just making decisions that are different from what I would want, but that... her presence in the scene doesn't make sense.
Emory in that scene is fine. She handles everything the way I’d expect someone in her situation to do, even if she is a lot more tolerant than I would be, and I wasn’t bothered by her at all – except for the moment she starts to talk about how wonderful Alex is because I’m so tired of being told how wonderful Alex is without understanding why Alex is so wonderful.
i was just reading it with a lot more positivity and delulu than you (?) and i didnt get caught up in these perfect details so much (like emory), but i feel like if people kept on reading nightfall like you, i can see why they would hate it so much.  
If this is one of the few things you’ve read from me, I can understand why you’d think that, but truthfully, I approach Nightfall with so much hope and positivity. I usually try to talk about the potential that is there; how much I love Thunder Bay, and the world, how the characters (in my idealistic and delulu world) could be a great example of a chosen family. There’s so much here to build on, and I find that it’s enjoyable and fun to joke about if people can get over how much they hate one or two aspects of it.
You went on a little Will rant, which is fine. I've heard it all before 😂
I'll circle back to Aydin, because I think there might be a misunderstanding about why I dislike Aydin, though I’ve touched on it a few times.
I fully understand that Emory needed guidance, and someone who cared about her and validated the decisions she made. Emory put herself first for once in her life, and she carried a lot of guilt for the consequences of it. She never wanted to hurt anyone. Aydin told her what she needed to hear to finally move on from that misplaced guilt, so that she can start to fight more for herself instead of just letting things happen around her.
The part that I get stuck on is that Aydin gets the credit for making Emory feel better. People celebrate him for validating her, and taking her side when Will "never did." Which I also don't understand what that means, but that's for another time.
The way I see it, nothing that happened between Aydin and Emory was because Aydin wanted to build Emory up. She was a pawn to him. As a review: Aydin had Emory drugged, kidnapped, and put on an island inhabited by criminals, because he wanted to hurt Will. Emory is forced into a terrible situation because of something Alex and Will have done, but nobody blames Aydin for thinking this was a way to deal with his jealousy.
Another thing that bothers me is how Aydin knew about Emory in the first place. Will wasn't being vocal about his feelings for Emory. As many people like to point out, he didn't call or reach out, or do anything to involve himself in her life. For five years, he spent his time drunk, high, and buried in women, most often Alex.
Nine years since he'd seen or spoken to Emory. Will's feelings for her would not be so obvious to people on the outside. At that point, there should have been only two things that connected them.
One was Will burning her gazebo. That could be written off as Devil's Night antics.
The other was the video of Will assaulting Martin. However, Martin and Will had issues outside of Emory, with the way Martin had constantly been pursuing him because he was the "stupid" one.
To even get to Emory being Will's weakness, someone would have to dig deep. Because of how deep they'd have to go, I am not convinced that Aydin wasn’t at least somewhat aware of Emory’s abuse. Even if there isn’t a record of it, Martin was obviously a dirty cop. Emory taking her college money to take care of her grandmother while she’s in school, and figuring that out on her own, never returning home or acknowledging Martin in any way, would be a clear indication that something wasn’t right with the Scott family. Aydin is intelligent, manipulative, and has experience with men like Martin. He’d know the signs.
Aydin used her history of abuse to manipulate her. Just because some of the things he said made her feel better, and she was able to improve her mental and emotional state, doesn’t erase what his motive was.
Emory benefited, and that’s great. But she only benefited, because of the way she looked at the situation – not because it was Aydin’s goal to help her. He wanted to get into her head and be her reasoning, so that he could hurt Will, because of Will’s relationship with Alex.
I won’t give him credit because Emory improved her condition. I put him on the same level as Alex and Will in the way they did Emory wrong. The reason I give Will any slack is that he apologized for what he did, and tried to make amends. Aydin and Alex never did; Emory gave them her acceptance because she's genuinely a kind person, despite everything that's been done to her.
But that’s my unpopular opinion for the day. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I really enjoyed the ask and hope you didn’t mind my rambling as well.
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teeto-peteto · 1 year ago
Apologies for the strange question and for any inconvenience, what are your thoughts on Seraphine. Do you like her? I personally feel like that hatred for her is a bit... a lot... much.
I'll try to condense my response cause i dont want to do another longpost. I must say and warn that my relationship with Riot Games almost always dances on the love-hate. Either i love something and i adore it and cherish it, or i just hate it and despise him. But time also does the thing, where i just turn my hate to being oblivious about it or just trying to enjoy it my own way.
Going to be completely honest, i dont really care about Seraphine. Wich doesnt mean i want to tear her apart in pieces or that i hate writing about her, not the case at all, i like enjoying fanwriting and fanart about her cause its what i believe really matters about her since Riot (IMO) did a bad job on her.
I do enjoy playing Seraphine, i think her champ is neat, and honestly? She has pretty skins, wichever but her OG design (in League Of Legends) is very nice, i do own one of her skins cause i really liked it and i enjoy playing her. She's fun to play wich somewhat made me not hate her with time. Keeping up with the positive traits, i think her LOR illustrations and expanded context really helped filling some blanks and making her persona more realistic and more adapted to the context, her OG league design and the way the placed her in the context of the lore (IMO) was like placing one of those cute 'Follow your dreams!' mugs in a warzone with blood and dead bodies on the ground. I appreciate that Riot wanted to add variety to the champ pool, there's a lot of war lords and edgy people hanging around or just girls whose only personality is giving her big bazoongas that well, the idea was good in starters. The lore started well... i mean, i like the thing that explained that she had a disease that was affecting her hearing, i think it triggers her passion for music, and that her family was loving and supportive of her, it helps to understand her bubbly and positive personality, her lore wasnt entirely bad.
On the other hand, though... i wont be the person that screams 'BUT SHE USES SKARNERS DEAD KIND' cause being quite frank, if i dont care about Seraphine, imagine how much i care about Skarner, but i will admit that her initial lore was very gorey when you stopped to think about. And i just know that Riot moves by cashgrabs (hell, open league of legends or a league related blog and scroll down just 1 month and you will see disaster and rage) and its clear they made Seraphine as a huge cashgrab using K/DA as a bait to get you to buy a definitive skin of a champion that just came out, when there's champions that dont even have a legendary skin, and im not even talking about champs like, Yorick, for example, but champions with huge rates like Lulu... It felt highly insultating, at least for me. I admit its a pretty skin and i like the concept of seeing her grow in popularity and her different phases through her journey on music, i ADORE her second look in the definitive skin with the white/blue outfit and the flowers... but, in the end, hideous cashgrab. You can see the amount of work in KDA Seraphine but... OG Seraphine feels weak, wich in the end LOR tried to fix and did good imo.
If her hate was too much... well, if anything i would throw her out of the boat just for the obvious cashgrab, aside from that... perhaps and looking back at it maybe it was somewhat unjustificated, i still feel her original design is a mush of concepts that didnt slap well and i dont feel her quite fitting in Piltoverian/Zaunitan context but theres not really any other place in Runeterra you can place her... I appreciate Sera for what the fandom did to her, how they improved her and made her more likeable, not for what Riot decided that was worth enough money.
I like her with Rell pop star and heavy metal girlies slap :)
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ssunspoiled · 1 year ago
He IS precious! A fascinating person, such easy conversation! Deeply pleasant to know already! Id love very much to catch up on how things are now, with him , withthe children! I have about a hundred questions at least! And thank you. For listening.. but. Focusing. I told you I would lay some of the ..pining feelings out. going back to being felt precious? I hung on to that. you know. It lleft echoes. Do you remember when you had called me wholesome .of all things? That it healed your heart to see me ,when things were feeling bad. It felt amazing, even just the thought of bringing something so light. fixated on it.. When you called me 'sunshine for all of us flowers' ha. I dont know if this was before that was the kind of language II really used, but. you know how much the ccomparison means to me now. Do you rememberwhen you called me sweetie. I felt ..Who ,after seeing me, could ever have such soft diminutives to describe that? Was a hope that I had some where I was building something positive, and then .. How badly I wanted to be that sweet small thing. Your words, they were felt so heavily. I. dont know if fromthe outside it was readable where I tried expressing love, or , least that I wanted closer. I dont know if iit was distinguishable from gratitude or if either just looked instead like compulsion. I dont nknow if I ever managed making you feel special. but you were. Not only for how you made me feel but this admiration, pride in you, the gut feeling of your conversation ,your company, for so much. Your energy. Swear I wanted to sink my teeth in it was a time where Ii didnt feel safe.I didnt feel safe. There was no justification for existing if I kept doing damage and everything was so so so delicate.
Then you , this sturdy. soft. Solid. Warming figure. A hope I could do wwell by someone. beautiful thing ,most piercing eyes ..dark hair. too powerful to hurt ,physically at least. Or, we both seemed convinced of it. and some how you saw me.. like that? werent unsettled ,by me, or afraid or dismissive. or disgusted.
And there wasnt pity. Not that I could smell. felt safe.the thought of you. Got to where it felt safe both ways around. That was idealized. Unfair to you. There is nobody who cannot be hurt. And I did, I know. but before that. Or through that? before things turned nasty , I dont remember. There was this simple.simple image of you .safe with me. It was this fantasy of every time I would try to find a reason to be in your company. me .brightening your day in what ever abstract ways that you said I did before.. your arms , solid. Me ffinally not the largest thing in the room. Me as maybe warm kindling to offer in to a greater fire. if that meant sacrifice or not I dont know what it is I thought I would say , to keep conversation going but I remember before I ever had a chance hearing what your laugh was, imagining what iit would be. maybe against a couch or I wasnt sure quite what to imagine a hotel like, always imagined a house .I dont remember much but.this .dark blue interior of some space , the color Ii always associated for you lihts off. maybe lit by a screen resting against you whatever excuse, my skin against yours, and . what was past that was much closer to that image of sacrifice. And I. Wanted that. KNOWING I shouldnt have Its alright. Needlss saying I wouldnt have been great for that at all ,myself. Ithink in clearer moments ,I worried I might have made you feel like a monster, if you ever saw how I couldnt put up boundaries ,couldnt prioritize my comfort. I dont think I felt poisoned.but I thnk I felt twisted. Iim sorry for how. when things turned ..I. know this all turned to boiling. I tried keeping it down but I know I still llet it boil under all of that. Was sharper than deserved, I really was so much sharper than you deserved. Through things with him. Through what you went through with her. Thought. If I only kept it down enough it wouldnt cause problems.. Was .the wrong call I cannot tell you how it feels, the idea of no need to mourn? Of time.. STILL getting used to the idea of a future! Of there being so much more to have II want to kill this ambiguity.I want there being no need to worry about where things are.
It's as much a compliment as it is frustrating, Luke's always been adorably precious-- And so have you, you know..
I'd mourn the lost time, lost experiences, but what's the loss when you're immortal? I probably wouldn't even have been that great of a romance back then, throwing myself at anyone who expressed any amount of interest..
Thank you. For telling me.. And I understand if those feelings stayed in that different world, I know how yearning for so long can poison it..
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sadisthetic · 2 years ago
jaya string of fate au
ive mentioned string of fate au a few times here. ive finally put it together into a post. okay so the reason why ive taken so long to transfer this is bc ITS FROM JULY OF LAST YEAR. i wasnt sure if i should lightly edit it or rewrite it. because it started out as me complaining about rebooted and then me fucking craving fanfiction and hurt (i do this 24/7) and then it morphed into this au that also doubled as character/relationship analysis and me fixing rebooted with my bare fucking hands in the context of this au
anyways. jaya string of fate au with emphasis on the heartbreak of s3. half of this was written half a year ago. man i was so mad about s3 back then lol
been thinking about s3 again. whats even more frustrating about the bad het drama. is that they didnt even give jay and nya a proper break up. granted their get together wasnt on screen either BUT IF YOURE GONNA OH SO RUDELY TEAR THEM APART LIJE THAT. THE LEAST YOU CAN DO IS DO IT WITH MORE FUCKING PURPOSE. THE WRITERS JUST PITCHED A WRENCH INTO THE WORKS AT BULLET SPEED JUST BECAUSE! JUST BECAUSE THEY WANTED DRAMA. BUT FOR WHAT!!!!!!!!! MAKES ME FUCKING MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL IT DID IS DO JAY DIRTY AND NYAS CHARACTER DIRTY
nyas fucking integrity spit on. you didnt have to make her be like that. it just really fucking made her look BAD. god i wont say jay was a perfect boyfriend but he didnt deserve THAT.
anyways. i want a canon compliant jaya breakup fic set in s3 (present jem speaking: I STILL WANT THIS BY THE WAY.) im so certain nobody has written this. i think heartbreak could be a form of whump if you make it hurt enough.
well. technically. it would be more emotional hurt fic rather than whump. but im a guy who has his definitions twisted. this is whump to me. also im a guy who thinks unromantic things as romantic but also loves love thats void of romance above anything else. i can do both. anyways.
i want jay to feel absolutely crushing heartbreak. i want jay to be hurt. i want him to feel it in his chest. unfairness— rending, jealousy— twisting, want— squeezing. all he yearns for is to be with nya. because he loves her. but apparently... nya doesnt feel the same way. and it hurts
i want to consume heartbreak. i think itll be crunchy on the outside but soft and squishy on the inside. absolute chewable pleasure. lightly salty and bittersweet. i also wanna squeeze jays heart like a stress ball and maybe cause arrhythmia. scratch it a little (a lot). jay is my emotional and physical fucking chew toy
and so to make heartbreak a bit more whumpy tho... i thought up of red string of fate au...
in this version of this concept, the red string of fate is something that needs to be tied by the pair together. and the feelings behind it is what gives the string color. but sometimes if a love is fated to be, the red of the string is instantly, intensely vibrant, almost glowing 
but you dont know who your soulmate is until you actually get together and tie the knot. it is not preexisting, the string does not connect people together for them to find each other before they even know the other exists. it only exists when two people make the decision to bind each other to themselves. most people dont find their soulmate but because its so often the case ppl are content with someone who isnt bc you dont need to find love in your soulmate alone, love is abundant in other places. but that isnt to say the red string of fate isnt romanticized in society tho. anyways. nya likes jay and their string is a pleasant warm red thats a little pink. its typical color for those who arent soulmates but its ok
jay is a little smitten in a slightly overbearing way tho. i think they are a couple who are a little bit mismatched in terms of showing affection. and also nya is very independent type so jays chivalrous tendencies grates on her a little but she lets it slide bc to her, jays positives outweigh his negs. hes cute and funny and they both can geek out and bond over tech stuff. thats a part of the fun. 
but then the match maker thing happens and nya doesnt immediately start considering cole as a romantic interest. but she does start... considering things tho. why cole could be her match. and if he really is her soulmate. why isnt jay her perfect match? its less nya becoming interested in someone else and more nya examining herself to think about what she actually wants for herself and what she wants in a person and if jay really isnt the right guy for her in the end. she doesnt know if cole would actually give her what she wants more than jay does. but she does grow more aware of the mismatch between her and jay
but before anything could be done about her doubts and dismiss it all and just carry on with their relationship, jay finds out in the trailer and is devastated. and intensely jealous of cole.. because hes been a bit insecure about his and nyas relationship for a while now also. he jumps the gun too quick before nya could reassure him so then that Fight happens and things get messy and ugly really fast. jay makes himself look really bad in front of nya which unfortunately reinforces her doubts in jay and she thinks. maybe they shouldnt be together after all. 
and so one night nya talks to jay alone. she explains herself. how shes been feeling about them. how she wants to focus on herself. and that hes too much for her and hes stifling her and she thinks it would be better if they cut things off and go back to being friends. and then she cuts the string that binds them together before jay could even object. it stings for nya but for jay it feels like his heart was sliced in two. literally. he feels a sharp pain that makes him clutch his chest. for nya, she had more time to process the severance. because she was sorta falling out of love for a while. her side of the string has become desaturated and dull. which is why she doesnt hurt as much
she doesnt realize how much jay truly loves her and how much it would hurt him when the string was cut. so when jay falls to his knees, tears falling, she just turns and walks away because she thinks its just from the heartbreak. she knew she was breaking jays heart
she doesnt realize how much hes literally hurting, how she left his heart bleeding. she knew but she didnt know. its most painful experience jay has ever felt in his life. a searing ache. theres a sudden painful void instead where there once was nyas love. its loss that was much too abrupt
heartbreak cant kill a person but it can leave them wounded. and with an abrupt disconnection like that, its why jay hung onto those feelings for nya for months after even tho he never acted on them. his half of the string refused to wither away and he didnt want to discard it either. how could he when he still loved nya. but he couldnt do anything about it though. nya made up her mind. and jay knew her well enough that she would probably hate him more if he chased after her. and so... he kept his feelings close to his chest and his sad, loose thread wrapped around his finger tight all the way until skybound...
okay. now present day jem speaking. that was the end of original story i had written on twitter... its meant to be a missing scene (inbetween seasons) fic + au. canon compliant except for the fact its set in this au. so skybound more or less carries out the same way. except minor details being changed...
such as nadakhan approaching jay. he tells him he cannot fix or create strings of fate. but he can give him other means of winning nyas heart... 
although this isnt a part of the “fic” i do imagine at the end of their divorce era.... nya who had casted away her old string, remakes her string to tie to the end of jays (and her) old one where she cut in. the thing is making strings of fate is something anyone can do regardless of being fated to be or not. what the string of fate is in this au is more of an oath... an intention to be together to the end of time. the two people are choosing to bind their fate to each other. nya, who had felt stifled in a relationship and decided she didnt need to be in one back all the months ago, realized something in skybound.... the string of fate isnt a contract or a shackle. not like how she thought... its a sentiment of how much you care about somebody to want to be connected forever. till death do us part. and jay very sincerely wanted that. he wanted to be with nya forever. and nya realizes... despite all his flaws, she really cares about him. she does want to be with him forever. she wants to be together with everyone, all her friends, her family forever. i think she doesnt know the nature of her feelings for jay. they are a bit conflicted and shes not sure how to sort out her desires from her feelings. but i think she decides to give jay a second chance of sorts. when they tie the loose ends the color on nyas side is an ambiguous grey barely tinging pink 
she tells jay she doesnt want to just get back together. she wants them to start over. and jay isnt sure what that means. and by the color of the string hes not sure if it means theyre dating again either. its a very ambiguous ground theyre standing on. but... jay takes the fact that nya retied their string to mean something. that nya isnt rejecting him anymore. that she cares. that he means something to her. it gives jay hope. his feelings for her havent changed... but he decides that to just be. and take things slow. hes happy even if hes confused by what nya wants. hes connected to her again.... and that means so much to jay
i think that their relationship from the end of skybound and onward is a bit more slowburn. well its a weird sorta slowburn. because theyre together but not really. its about them figuring their relationship out. and also nya falling back in love for reals. i love navigation of ambiguous relationships. i think for a while for nya the term “girlfriend”/“boyfriend” is more loaded than the term “soulmate”. thats how fucking weird their relationship got. whats not ambiguous is that nya does love him. she wouldnt have retied their string if she didnt. whats ambiguous is the nature of that love.... its not quite platonic but shes hesitant to call it romantic. whatever. they have time to figure it out
okay. that turned out so much more aro than i was intending. but i do like leaving it like that tho. feelings are difficult to navigate arent they sometimes? how they figure it out is up to whoever. love is love. they are more than “just” friends. but romance itself is a difficult and different beast than love. but jay and nya.... they meet halfway somehow. even if it takes a bit of work
ALSO. LOOK AT THIS ART BY DAN @rotten-dan he drew it for me several months ago when i first finished this au’s original thread which ended at the breakup skdjgthulkd. HEARTBREAK!!!!!!!!!!! YEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you again dan for drawing this for me 
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also. heres some bonus supplemental worldbuilding that doesnt pertain to story stuff but fleshes out how i picture the world in this au to work. most of this was written to answer dans questions about this au lol... not necessary to read unless if youre interested in my take of string of fate concept lol. or unless youre interested in the bit about bruiseshipping in this au at the very end
the string is often attached to the ring finger. so its a very romantic gesture when couples tie it together to each others fingers. like putting wedding rings on each other but its more of a cute fluffy thing rather than binding. not ceremony but its a Thing. its the same level of formality as asking someone out. and string is like. supernatural. its not completely physical but its definitely exists and can be touched. but not as if a literal string is tied to them if you know what i mean? like if the pair are far apart then the strings middle isnt visible but the ends that are tied floats towards the direction of their partner. the string is like. metaphysical. its a perceivable, somewhat tangible representation of love
but if desired the string can be cut if the parties want to separate. but it usually hurts. like a lot of breakups do.
okay so. the thing is with like. almost all soulmate aus. is that they know about their soulmate. or that the evidence of who it is is instantly visible. and like..... that sorta kills part of the fun? of falling in love?
so what if they dont know until they decide to try each other out first. thats the like. the thought behind the set up for this
like. theres sometimes the occasional dumbass whos going off constantly try to find their soulmate but ultimately a soulmate isnt someone you can simply Search for and find. so those kind of people end up being pricks who never will find a soulmate in their life because they dont want to work things out with ppl who arent their soulmate. the pursuit of a soulmate will usually end in disappointment
but sometimes. for the people who do find their soulmate. its because they gravitated to each other in the first place. 
like they fell in love with each other naturally. they liked the person for who they are. and so they decided to get together because they enjoy the other person so much. so when they realize they are meant to be they laugh like oh of course! they were meant to be. theyre like the hallmark movie couple of couples and the few of the very lucky ones
not being soulmates doesnt mean you can only fall in love with your soulmate tho. you can fall in love with anyone. regardless of whether theyre your soulmate or not. and even if theyre not. why does that fucking matter? the important thing isnt that they arent meant to be, but that they love each other anyways. isnt that more romantic? fuck fate the one i love is you
usually nonsoulmate relationship take more work. because the instant perfect chemisty of fated couples isnt there. buuuut. isnt that how love is like in reality? love is work sometimes. love is sometimes hard. but love is also worth it. so making the decision to work for it is more easy the more youre in love. not always the case. but in the healthy couples its usually the case
previously that the feeling behind the thread gives it its color. so. the string can end up being a different color if the feelings felt arent romantic love. most people dont know this though bc ppl who usually tie it are couples. and also it takes both of them to tie the string. every single relationship has a theoretical string color. its just most people who actually want the string are couples usually couples. and so for example, most aros dont ever even think of trying to tie it with someone bc they dont want that kinda bind. but if a curious aro wants to try it out bc they are questioning about their best friend if the two of them agree just to see. their string could actually be a different color than red. because the feelings behind it are platonic
its also entirely possible for a string to be entirely black between enemies hfhjskl. but however those kind of pair would usually NEVER tie the string together bc you know hbghsk. enemies. but if they were. it would be that color. but maybe some insane enemies who are obsessed with each other would do it tho. you know fated enemies and such
..... i have thoughts about bruiseshipping in this au also. theyre best friends, they can bind each other if they wanted to. they have the mutual sentiment required to. but due to the culture surrounding the red string of fate specifically, they never think to. even if they did consider it once they didnt ever bring it up bc awkward!!!!!! the string of fate is the symbol of love. couples treat it a bit frivolously but it is a loaded thing. the string of fate is conversely isnt strictly about love but its just often the case when you want to connect the souls of two people for eternity its usually because of love. theoretically i think their string color would actually oscillate between black and their standard representative color (maybe ill go with light blue lol....) depending on if theyre fighting or not. because it would be funny if it did. also. i think they might try it only after jay and nya retie their string of fate. because then they see its an option to tie strings of fate nonromantically. so theyre like... hey.... do you wanna like... just see? and thats that. two besties bound. jay has two strings of fate now
hysterically it would be funny if all the ninjas did it to each other. it would be a mess. but a colorful one. you know those ship charts where ppl draw lines for their otps and notps. its like that but its not shipping its just relationships and also every single person is connected to every single other person. not saying it has to happen in this au its just that the image of it is so fucking funny to me i had to say it. it would be useful tho if they wanted to find each other wherever they are. practical
maybe they should do that. idk
anyways. thats the end of my au. the post is longer than my og thread of it hjhklkjlkghjf. anyways. thats my weird subversion of string of fate au for jaya. writing the endgame jaya part tonight made think again. damn. im so fucking aro. i think the way i write romance always turn out not so romantic because of it. but also. THIS IS PEAK ROMANCE. SUBVERT BORING ROMANCE TROPES INTO SOMETHING LESS AMATANORMATIVE AND MORE INTERESTING FOR YOUR ENRICHMENT. I RECOMMEND IT. ITS MORE FUN. thats my biased aro ass speaking tho. but for reals. subvert tropes. find out what makes something truly romantic. anyways thanks for reading all of this. i am very fond of this au..... especially for the breakup scene lol...............
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