#they live in a mansion on the hill
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fazcinatingblog · 10 months ago
Remember when Brodie Grundy and Tim Broomhead were broommates
#i want to be a broommate#goals#Tim's in Albury now and Brodie's in Sydney#do you think Brodie takes trips down in his caravan to see Tim#he walks into Albury and there's a huge billboard with Tim broomhead on it#in the town square there's a statue of Tim#Brodie just like 'oh my god is Tim the mayor of Albury?'#asks the locals about Tim and they all gush about his heroic feats#holding up the queue at the grocery store because he asked the cashier about Tim and people push their trolleys over to join in#they live in a mansion on the hill#Brodie is worried that Tim's moved on and is so popular now that he's forgotten his old broommate#Brodie nervously knocks on Tim's door and Luka answers like 'daddy there's a strange man here'#'Luka finish your caviar I'll get it' Tim says as he comes into the foyer and he sees who's at the door#'it's me' Brodie says hope spreading through his limbs that Tim hasn't forgotten him#'Brodie' Tim says amazed 'come in'#shows Brodie around the mansion where there's a bedroom for each child plus a room for every cat#dea steps from the kitchen 'hey i was just in the middle of a Belgian feast Brodie stay for dinner'#'oh i really should get going---' Brodie starts and dea looks at her boyfriend 'have you shown him the basement yet?'#Tim blushes shyly and shakes his head#'oh what's in the basement?' Brodie asks intrigued 'is that the wine collection?'#dea pushes Tim toward the basement stairs and he cautiously descends into the basement Brodie following#Tim waits until Brodie is standing next to him in the darkened basement then flicks on the light#The room illuminates and reveals framed Grundy portraits on the walls and every newspaper clipping ever written about Brodie Grundy and#everything shining and polished and gleaming and 'i come down here to polish it all every day' tim boasts#'what's that?' Brodie points to an old dusty couch in the middle of the room#'sometimes i come down here and sit there and just think' Tim says 'it's our old couch from our broommate days'#'when we'd sit together and discuss the world's problems' Brodie reminisced wistfully#'it's beautiful' Brodie said walking throughout the room and gazing at all his paraphernalia with his name on it#'I even had a Brodie Grundy inspired chess set made' Tim said gesturing to the porcelain pieces on the coffee table#'awww you changed the chess pieces to incorporate my ideas for them!' Brodie cried picking up the two kings
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marzipanandminutiae · 9 months ago
The Haunting of Hill House
or as I like to call it
A Bunch of 1950s Ingrates Bitching and Moaning About Second Empire Architecture
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withmytailtotheworld · 8 months ago
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motliez · 5 days ago
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IG: @Motliez
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khuuxu · 8 months ago
I've been playing a lot of stardew valley and now I REALLY want to draw Blue Lock x Stardew Valley
(I have so many ideas to draw fjekkfjf check tags)
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vodka-bot · 1 year ago
Silent Hill 2 stands out to me bc in MOST survival horror games the ending you get relies on finding an object or making a choice, but SH2 really went 'Hey sorry but you looked at the photo of your Dead Wife to many times so now youre going to drive off a cliff. Maybe next time if you have 69 bullets left you'll get the fleepflorb ending.'
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celebrityresidence · 1 year ago
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Dennis Rodman's Luxurious Bloomfield Hills Mansion
Explore the grandeur of NBA legend Dennis Rodman's mansion in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. This image captures the essence of Rodman's residence, showcasing its blend of historical elegance and modern luxury. The mansion, known for its European architectural influences and contemporary design, reflects Rodman's unique personality and taste. Nestled in the tranquil suburbs of Michigan, this property is a testament to Rodman's legacy, combining opulence, personal style, and eco-friendly features. Visit: https://www.omnihomeideas.com/design/celebrity-homes/dennis-rodman-house-in-bloomfield-hills/
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tamis-fabulous-adventure · 9 months ago
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Party Time!
Phew! I haven't done a juice keg since my uni days, but I've still got it!
I met Stella Striker in my first week working at the salon, and I had the pleasure of helping her pick out new swimwear. Tonight she invited me over for a house party! It was a nice break from the clubs. Intimate atmosphere, chance to meet new friends, good times.
One of the most exciting parts? Stella introduced me to Emmy Starr! I told her how obsessed I was with her style in I'm Dying, Lets Dance!, and she was impressed by my portfolio so far. I guess you could say I'm... Starr-struck!
Sorry for the lack of photos, friends. I was too busy living in the moment! So here's my tip for the week: Put that damn phone down and talk to some people! You have no clue who you might meet!
~ Love, Tami
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widowshill · 1 year ago
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herman's hermits, "just a little bit better" / hadestown
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vashti-lives · 2 years ago
Oh god, if you've ever read The Haunting of Hill house and have a passing familiarity with Shirley Jackson's life history the opening chapter of Life Among the Savages is EXTREMELY OMINOUS AND UPSETTING OH MY GOD.
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urdreamgirls-dreamgirl · 28 days ago
part one
“so how was your first day?” robin asks steve as he slides onto the barstool next to her and chrissy.
“it actually wasn’t that bad,” steve shrugs before taking a long pull from the freshly opened bottle the bartender slides his way.
“it wasn’t that bad?” chrissy asks, incredulous. “so he didn’t make you go to the erewhon all the way across town? the one he goes to because selena gomez was seen there once?”
“that’s why he made me go there?”
“yeah, he really likes that one movie she’s in.”
steve thinks for a moment. “the dead don’t die?”
“no, the one with the dancing,” chrissy snorts.
steve makes a face and then shrugs again. “i made him his breakfast, i drove him around, i organized his tshirt closet… pretty standard stuff for an assistant.”
“you organized his tshirt closet? what the fuck does that even mean?” robin asks, laughing.
“exactly what it sounds like,” steve grins at her. “anyway, really, it wasn’t that bad. sure, he’s insufferable but not anything i couldn’t handle. don’t worry about it.”
“well, thanks for doing this,” chrissy says. “vickie handled it for a while, but i guess once you’ve been fired twelve times in the course of six months, you have to draw a boundary with the thirteenth.”
“it’s really not a big deal, it’s not like i’m doing it for free,” steve responds. “the money is more than worth it.”
“still, i know how he can be. but he’s really not so bad. once he’s… comfortable.” chrissy frowns.
“whatever,” steve shrugs for a third time. “i’m just here for the cash.” he winks and gives her a reassuring smile.
the next morning, steve pulls up to eddie’s huge beverly hills mansion bright and early, just as he had yesterday. he punches in the gate code, waves to the security guy on duty, and makes his way inside to the kitchen.
eddie storms in while steve is halfway through cooking another omelette, this time with tomatoes and onions and freshly grated cheddar cheese.
“i don’t care, wheeler, i’m not making a fucking appearance and i’m definitely not doing it with him,” eddie snarls into the phone pressed to his face. he hasn’t seemed to notice that steve’s in his house again.
eddie waits for whoever it is on the phone to speak before he says, “well maybe i don’t want to fix it. maybe this is it,” and then hangs up the phone. he lets out a frustrated little scream before he turns to leave the kitchen, finally noticing steve by the stove. “you’re back,” he says, voice monotone.
“i’m back,” steve smiles, sliding the plate full of food across the large island toward him. eddie looks down at it like he’s surprised. “eat,” steve tells him.
“another sweater vest?” eddie sneers instead of picking up his fork.
“i like them,” steve shrugs, still smiling.
eddie rolls his eyes. “whatever,” he mutters and then picks up the plate and retreats from the kitchen.
eddie is deeply annoyed by how good steve’s omelettes are. he practically licks the plate clean when he’s finished, which only serves to make his bad mood worse.
“can i take your plate?” steve asks from the doorway of the living room.
“jesus christ, man, wear a fucking bell,” eddie grumbles before holding out the plate, forcing steve to walk across the room to the couch and take it from him.
“i’ll remember to announce myself from now on,” steve replies. “chrissy just called; you have another meeting with the pr team this afternoon. we’ll leave here in about an hour.”
eddie doesn’t respond and steve goes quietly back to the kitchen.
eddie tries to confuse steve with the directions to nancy’s office again, mostly just to annoy him since the car has a built in gps. steve ignores eddie, leaving him to play on his phone in the back seat. the windows are tinted dark, just how eddie likes it & it lulls him into a false sense of security to where he’s almost relaxed by the time they get to nancy’s office.
the meeting is a fucking drag. it’s just a rehashing of the morning’s phone call and eddie had already made himself perfectly clear. he’s not willing to fix anything. nancy and chrissy try to double-team him, begging him to think about the tour & the album roll-out & the rest of the band. the entertainment blogs are running wild with the rumors circulating about the other night and now they’re digging up shit that he wishes would stay buried.
“absolutely fucking not,” eddie spits out. “i refuse to be fucking cordial with that moron.”
“fine,” nancy says finally. “i guess we’re done here then.” she gets up from the head of the conference room table and leaves through the big glass doors and the rest of her team takes that as their cue to leave, too.
chrissy levels him with a look, waiting until the last intern has left the room before speaking.
“eddie, i know you’re pissed right now. trust me, i would be too,” she says, using that tone eddie always hates—the one that makes it sound like she’s trying to placate a rabid dog. “but the label has invested a lot of money into you and they need you to put in some work right now. take a minute, take a breath, and then we’ll talk again. but we need to respond; we can figure out what that looks like. i’ll talk to nance… maybe we don’t need a joint appearance. maybe you can just make a statement.”
eddie knows there are a ton of people relying on this tour & this upcoming album. he knows the band doesn’t deserve the hit from this. but what is there to even say? he’s just so fucking angry about it.
“fine. i’ll make an appearance. but i won’t, under any circumstances, be seen with him,” eddie tells her firmly. he slides his sunglasses back onto his face before pushing himself out of his chair and making his way over to the door. “just tell me when and where. and make sure nancy doesn’t make me sound like a fucking idiot.”
“great,” chrissy smiles so bright she looks like a teenager again. “i’ll talk to nancy. we’ll figure it out.”
any reassurance eddie feels is washed away by a renewed sense of annoyance when he sees steve waiting for him in the lobby, still wearing his pastel yellow sweater vest, drinking a purple smoothie from a straw and scrolling on his phone. he’s laughing at something on the screen and the sunlight comes through the huge front windows just right, making him glow golden, and eddie just feels something inside him twist unpleasantly.
steve looks up then to see eddie coming, but eddie breezes past him to the sidewalk. steve jumps up to follow, handing the valet their ticket. when the car finally pulls up, eddie says, “no liquids in the car,” before sliding into the back seat.
he sees steve shrug before smiling at the valet and handing him his half empty smoothie to dispose of and a tip.
the car ride home is silent. eddie practically leaps from the car before it’s even come to a stop when they pull into the driveway. there are packages on the table in the foyer, likely brought in by the security guy at the gate. “grab those,” eddie tells steve with a wave of his hand.
steve follows eddie into the kitchen, arms laden with paper bags and boxes. most of it, eddie knows, is free product and merch, stuff he never uses and mostly stuff he doesn’t even want. steve places the packages on the counter and watches as eddie sifts through them, clearly looking for something.
“do you want lunch?” steve asks. eddie ignores him, finally finding the package he’d ordered earlier today. he flings it across the kitchen island toward steve on the other side.
steve catches the package in his hands and arches an eyebrow.
“open it,” eddie tells him, nodding at paper wrapping. he opens the fridge to pull out a bottle of water and takes a long sip as he watches steve’s fingers tear at the brown paper.
once the package is open, steve huffs out a laugh, barely a breath, before holding up a bright pink cat collar with a tiny bell attached. he shakes it in the air, making the bell tinkle. the collar clearly will not fit him.
“fuck you, man,” steve says, still smiling.
“fuck you, too,” eddie says.
and then he leaves the kitchen.
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exhaled-spirals · 22 days ago
« The culture of the 21st century – on an increasingly planetary scale – is oriented around the practical principles of utility, effectiveness and impact. The worth of anything – an idea, an activity, an artwork, a relationship with another person – is determined pragmatically: things are good to the extent that they are instrumental, with instrumentality usually defined as the capacity to produce money or things.
[…O]ur culture of instrumentality has settled like a thick fog over the idea that some activities are worth pursuing simply because they share in the beautiful, the good, or the true. No amount of birdwatching will win a person the presidency or a Beverly Hills mansion; making music with friends will not cure cancer or establish a colony on Mars. But the real project of humanity – of understanding ourselves as human beings, making a good world to live in, and striving together toward mutual flourishing – depends paradoxically upon the continued pursuit of what Hitz calls ‘splendid uselessness’.
[…N]ot all useless activity is actually good. Binge-watching television, being hooked on drugs, or spending one’s day doing nothing but eating are useless activities, to be sure. But truly splendid uselessness nourishes and elevates us spiritually, rather than simply providing a rush of mental or bodily pleasure. The output is always more than the input: the contemplation of nature, the joy of music-making, and even the study of mathematics can be rich and ennobling activities that, while also being pleasurable, reward the intellect and the soul. And the more we engage in these kinds of activities, the more we hone our sensibility and capacity for receptivity […].
While rewarding each of us internally, splendid uselessness enriches the world beyond us. Like the fertile soil of a well-kept garden, a life of splendid uselessness provides abundance far beyond one’s immediate aims, […] tends to overflow, to bring more goodness and beauty into being: one good poem can spark a dozen others […]. »
— Joseph M Keegin, "A life of splendid uselessness is a life well lived"
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rafecameronssl4t · 3 months ago
Could you write about a phone call from Morocco between the reader and rafe the reader really misses him
Lonely in My Mansion || Rafe Cameron x fem!reader
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gif by @rafeyscurtainbangs
A/n: loooove this!!!
Warnings: none rlly
Word count: 764
The sun filtered through the large windows, casting a warm glow on the living room as the movers carefully set the velvet couch in place. You tilted your head slightly, stepping back to admire its placement. It was perfect, exactly how you’d envisioned it when selecting it from the showroom. A satisfied grin spread across your face as you clasped your hands together. “That’s perfect right there,” you said, your voice filled with approval as the movers carefully adjusted it into position.
“Where would you like this painting?” a woman asked, holding a canvas wrapped in protective plastic. Taking a moment, you scanned the room, letting your gaze settle on the wall just above the futon. “Right above that futon—” you began, gesturing toward the spot. But before you could finish your sentence, the vibration of your phone in your pocket interrupted you. Pausing, you slipped it out and glanced at the caller ID. A smile tugged at your lips when you saw the name flashing on the screen.
Rafe. The sight of his name alone filled you with a warm, familiar comfort. “Excuse me for a moment,” you said politely to the woman before stepping into the airy kitchen. Lifting the phone to your ear, you answered the call, your voice bright and eager. “Hello?” “Hey, baby,” Rafe’s smooth, familiar drawl came through the line, and you couldn’t stop the grin that spread across your face. “Hi,” you replied, your voice soft but brimming with energy.
As you spoke, you instinctively reached for the fridge, pulling out a pitcher of freshly made juice for the movers bustling about. “How’s it going? Settling into the house okay?” he asked, his tone warm but with a subtle edge of distraction. “Yeah, yeah,” you replied, glancing back toward the living room where the movers worked. “They’re moving in all the furniture and decorations. It’s coming together nicely,” you added with a light laugh.
“Good, good,” Rafe said, his voice softening for a moment before shifting slightly. “Hey, listen, I need a favour.” You paused, your brows knitting together. “What’s up?” you asked, your tone immediately shifting to one of concern. “Is everything okay?” “Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine," he reassured you quickly, though the faint tension in his voice didn’t escape your notice. “I just need you to find a pen that Groff gave me. It should be in the kitchen somewhere, in one of the drawers maybe. ”
“A pen?” you repeated, setting the juice pitcher on the counter and scanning the room. You began opening drawers one by one, your eyes darting around for the item. After a moment, you spotted it in the second drawer, its sleek design catching the light. “Found it,” you said, inspecting it curiously. “Perfect,” Rafe said, his voice tinged with relief. “There should be a name of a hotel written on the side. Can you read it out for me?”
Turning the pen over in your hand, you squinted slightly to make out the embossed letters. “Riyadh Mimouna, Essaouira, Maroc,” you read aloud, the foreign words rolling off your tongue carefully. “Okay, great. Yeah, I think I saw a sign for that,” Rafe's voice dropped, the lightness from earlier replaced by something heavier. You leaned against the counter, a faint frown tugging at your lips. “Rafe,” you said gently, “are you sure everything’s okay?” There was a beat of silence on the other end before he let out a breath.
“Yeah,” he said, though the hesitation in his tone made you question it. “I’m just handling some business. Don’t worry, babe. I’ll get it all back with interest.” Your chest tightened slightly at his words, and you instinctively ran your thumb along the edge of the countertop. “Just… be careful, okay?” you said softly, your concern bleeding through your voice. “I will,” he replied, a low chuckle escaping that managed to ease some of the tension. “I promise. I’ll get this wrapped up and come home as soon as I can.”
A playful smile tugged at your lips as you decided to lighten the mood. “It’s so lonely here,” you said dramatically, your voice taking on a teasing lilt. “And the bed is way too big for just me.” You heard him exhale sharply on the other end, followed by a groan. “Babe,” he drawled, his voice rougher now, “don’t do this to me.” “Do what?” you asked, feigning innocence, your grin widening as you bit your bottom lip to stifle a laugh.
“I think you know,” he muttered, a strained chuckle following his words. You laughed softly, leaning more comfortably against the counter. “Maybe,” you teased, drawing out the word just enough to make him groan again. He sighed heavily, his tone reluctant but firm. “I gotta go,” he said, and you could hear the pull of obligation in his voice. “Okay,” you said quietly, your teasing fading into softness. But just as he was about to hang up, you stopped him. “Rafe?”
“Yeah?” he replied immediately. “I love you,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper but filled with sincerity. “I love you too, baby,” he said without hesitation, the warmth in his voice washing over you like a blanket. “I’ll come home as soon as I can, yeah? Can’t wait to see what you’ve done with the place.” “Please do,” you murmured, a soft smile gracing your lips as you held the phone to your ear, lingering for just a moment longer before the line went quiet.
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gublershrry · 4 months ago
Only Angel • B.E.
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Summary: you meet a girl at a party, you smoke a joint with her, and you let her fuck you like crazy.
Warnings: smut, gxg, degradation, shes high, dom!billie, sub!reader, one night stand, strap!billie, i did not proof this
You don’t know why you let Abby drag you to this party.
She claimed you needed to “go out more” and “not be so shy” now that you graduated college. Living in L. A. Was threatening to you, though. Too many people, too many drugs, too much drama.
So when your roommate first asked you to join her, you laughed in her face. When she begged you (for days, actually) you finally gave in.
“What’s the harm in it?” She asked. It was a “small” function, one of her friends from her college invited her to a party in the Hills. He told her to bring as many people as she knew. And well, Abby only really knew you. You didn’t want to disappoint her.
Plus, it’d probably be nice to get out of the house for a night, especially after moving all of your shit across the country 2 weeks ago.
And so, now you’re here, silently motivating yourself to walk through the huge doors of the mansion just 2 streets over from Rodeo Dr. That is, until Abby drags you inside by your wrist before you’re done manifesting a good night.
You immediately go to the kitchen to get a drink.
The entire house was packed, the music was loud, and you’re honestly surprised nobody has made any complaints about it to the police. The speakers were rattling and you just wondered who the hell owned this nice of a place and also listens to Drake.
3 shots later and you’re ready to wonder around the house. You look outside the back patio first, watching stupid, drunken idiots jump off the roof into the huge pool. Internally rolling your eyes, you keep looking around until you spot a girl on the couch, manspreading in cargo pants at least 4 sizes too big on her, smoking a joint while a blonde kisses down her neck.
And she spots you too.
All Billie is thinking in this moment is how innocent you look: a cute pink mini skirt with your black lace thong barely peeking through, probably by mistake, and a small sheer top with a matching bra also vaguely showing. You looked like an angel.
Your eye contact with the mysterious black-haired girl doesn’t waver, even while the blonde, practically on top of her at this point, sucks marks into her neck that will probably be there for days.
The girl blows smoke out towards you, then curls her finger to beckon you over.
You oblige.
She shoos off the other girl, who doesn’t seem phased but instead runs outside to probably find her friends. The girl on the couch pats her lap, looking you up and down, silently telling you to sit there. Instead you sit next to her, take the joint out from between her fingers, and take a long drag.
“I’m y/n” you say, not daring to look her in the eyes as you give back her joint. She takes it, and you see from the corner of your eyes as she puffs once more before putting it out on the tray in front of you.
She adjusts her backwards fitted cap before licking her lips and slouching down a little more.
“Billie. You come alone?”
You tell her Abby’s somewhere probably hooking up with a dude before Billie puts her hand on your thigh, sending chills up your spine. She leans in to your neck, her lips barely grazing your ear, and whispers just loud enough for you, and you alone, to hear.
“Wanna follow me upstairs, baby?”
So obviously, you go.
She walks behind you, staring at your ass shake each time you take a step. You silently thank God that Abby made you wear a tiny mini skirt and just a lace thong underneath. You remind yourself to thank her later.
Billie puts her hand on the small of your back as she leads you to a bedroom down the hallway, then slams the door shut and locks it. Immediately, she slams your body against the door, kissing down your neck and squeezing your hips simultaneously.
“Coming out looking like this was dangerous, you know.” Billie groans into your ear as her hands travel around your waist.
She makes her way up to your tits, gently squeezing them and then moving her hands around to take your bra off. You lift your hands up so she can rip your shirt and bra off together, your legs shaking with anticipation. After haphazardly tossing your top across the room, she grabs you and pushes you on to the bed, face down. As you moan, she smacks your ass and grabs the handprint after, soothing your fiery skin.
“You gotta hush, baby. Can’t let your friend know who you’re having fun with.” Billie tells you seductively before kissing down your spine, then propping your ass up so she can get a good view.
“So fuckin’ wet already, hm? Can’t wait to taste this pretty little thing.” Billie said quietly, to herself most likely, before grabbing your cheeks and attaching her mouth to your pussy.
She moves her tongue around expertly, making you fall apart under her touch.
“F- fuck Billie!” You exclaim, feeling your legs get even shakier and that pit grow in your lower stomach. You reach your arms out, grasping for the sheets, the pillows, anything to grab onto. You struggle to keep your moans in, not wanting to know what her punishment would be if you got too loud.
“Don’t stop, pl- ah!” You’re cut off by Billie sliding her middle finger inside of you, curling it to hit that soft, spongey spot. Your body weakens and your eyes roll into the back of your head as you shake and beg for more.
Although, all she does is stop.
As she removes her finger, she gets up and pulls your hair so hard your back arches, your back now flush against her chest. As you pant for air, she shoves her finger down your throat, watching you through hooded eyes. You taste yourself on her finger, gagging and keeping your eyes locked with hers.
She pulls your hair tighter, sliding her hand out of your mouth and grasping onto your neck instead, aggressively making out with you. Although Billie mumbled through the kisses, you heard her loud and clear;
“I’m gonna fuck you so fucking hard, angel.”
“I’m gonna turn you into a little devil in these sheets, hm? You want that?”
You nod and she releases the grip on your throat, which forces you to flop back over onto your stomach. However, this isn’t the position she wants you in.
Billie swiftly grasps the back of your legs and flips you around so you’re lying on your back as she leans over you, her knees on either side of your legs at the end of the bed. She quickly (and with one hand) takes her belt off, and then pulls her pants down revealing a strap she had been wearing this whole night. You look up into her eyes, a glimmer of fear not going unnoticed by the woman above you. She just smirks and spits down onto the fake cock, rubbing it around before running the tip up and down your folds.
She leans over you, moving your legs onto her shoulders before sliding the very end of the dick into your entrance. You gasp loudly but she shuts you up, shoving two fingers into your mouth.
Billie thrusts her hips all the way into you, watching your back arch like an exorcism.
She was gonna fuck that only angel right outta you.
As her pace sped up, your moans increased in number and volume, and she moved her fingers away from your mouth, now toying with your nipples. As she pinched and squeezed at you, she watched your jaw slack and your eyes flutter shut, appreciating the effect she had on you.
“I’m gonna cum, Billi- fuck!” You yelp, her fingers finding their way to your clit. As she rubbed tight circles, she could tell you were getting close. She watched with a low gaze as you came apart right underneath her, soaking her cock and fingers.
She fucked you all through your orgasm, hers following soon after, the pressure of the strap hitting her spot too much to handle. She slowed her pace but not her hardness, eyes rolling back and her hair falling into your face as she bent over you, cumming.
Her sighs in your ear sounded like heaven, and she lightly licked your ear before sucking on the lobe.
“God, you’re so fucking good, I wanna die tonight in your sweet little pussy.”
Idk how to write smut I’m just bored sry
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frenchkisstheabyss · 6 months ago
♡ Sweetest Pie ♡
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♡ Pairing: sex worker!mingyu x chubby!fem!sex worker!reader
♡ Genre: smut/fluff
♡ Word Count: 3.2k-ish
♡ Summary: While spending the weekend at a mansion in the Hollywood Hills, a risky late night comment of yours draws the attention of your crush who happens to be in the same city and wants to see if you're all talk or about that action.
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♡ Warnings: you're both spicy content creators, drinking, unprotected sex, Gyu's dick is kinda really huge, size kink for sure, stretching, riding, rough sex, doggystyle, clit play, ass slapping, oral sex (m receiving), cum eating/swallowing, dirty talk, switch Gyu/reader
♡ A/N: I usually put a sweet artistic statement in this space but I don't have a sweet artistic statement. I have a hot girl playlist and Mingyu's existence which is exactly how we ended up here. It's Mingyu, for the love of goddess, can you blame me?
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This was never where you thought you’d end up. When you joked with your best friend, a successful OnlyFans girl, about starting one if your job kept working your nerves you hadn’t imagined actually doing it. Yet here you are, 8 months after that tipsy girl’s night, with a hefty following on social media and enough subscribers to never have to set foot in that job ever again. 
Like any other job it has its ups and downs but having your best friend there to help you navigate it early on makes it feel like lightwork now. Plus it’s so easy to ignore your haters when your bank account’s as stacked as it is.
For the first time in your life it’s optional to check pricetags, you can literally have whatever you want. Some things you don’t even have to pay for, they’re just dropped in your lap simply because you are who you are. 
That’s precisely how you scored yourself a weekend at this million dollar home in the Hollywood Hills. You’d passively mentioned during a custom video for one of your fans how hot you found it that he owned so much property.
“I’ve never played with my pussy in a mansion before” you pouted cutely, a vibrator whirling away inside you on its lowest setting. It wasn’t hint dropping as much as you wanted to stroke his ego but he took it as a chance to impress you, offering you a getaway at one of his places while he went on vacation for business. 
You’d be doing him a favor, he insisted, because he hated to leave the place empty for so long. The ego boost was more than enough compensation on his part that he didn’t feel like you owed him anything. Good because as a rule you do not fuck customers. You don’t even do content with other people in your industry. Everything’s solo. Always.
“Show us the top but off” you giggle, reading through the comments on your Instagram live. You do a quick spin, showing off your barely there bikini top. “There it is but it’s not coming off. You guys are gonna get me banned.” 
You only arrived a few hours ago and, exhausted from travel, decided that you’d rather spend the night in the jacuzzi out back than venture out to some crowded bar. This weekend is about relaxation after all and what’s more relaxing than sipping champagne in this warm bubbling water under the starry night sky?
It began to feel a little lonely though, you’re so used to having your best friend with you on these trips, so you decided to prop your phone up on the edge of the hottub and go live for a little bit. 
Reading through the comments, you get caught up in conversation about a million random topics. There’s suggestions for the best restaurants in LA, debates over if aliens are real or not, and even a quick KPop Smash or Pass game before someone brings you to a topic that has your heart thumping harder than an EDM festival.
Your rule on sleeping with other creators is a hard “No”, this everyone already knows, but when it comes to one man in particular that rule’s nonexistent. 
100_karat_xo Gyu saw your retweet 👀 youngxkwonskitty He’s coming over here aaaaaah!!!
You nearly choke on your next sip of champagne, watching the chat go wild as the memory of a recent drunken retweet hits you like a wrecking ball.
Your introduction to who Kim Mingyu was had been innocent enough. You were scrolling your feed one night and saw a video of a bunch of guys dancing. They were just fucking around really but they were genuinely talented and hot as hell so you had to do a little independent research to figure out who they were. 
Mingyu was the one who caught your eye the most with his beautifully tanned skin and a face so gorgeous it hurts to look at. It only worsened the situation when you stumbled upon his spicy account and found out he had the deadly combo of a body Greek gods would envy and a cock that’d have you walking funny for days. Who needs to walk straight anyway? You followed him on everything immediately, nearly died when he followed you back, and it’s been non stop flirting since. 
The two of you even ran into each other at a few parties where things would almost get hot and heavy but never ventured beyond a cute little makeout session. It’s painfully obvious both of you want something more though.
The most recent evidence came when Mingyu posted a video of himself seated in a chair facing a mirror wearing nothing but a pair of gray sweatpants. No shirt, nothing under the pants, just that muscular sunkissed chest and a mouthwatering dick print. 
You were weak in the knees from the sight of that alone but when his hand started moving in his lap, his palm smoothing over the long, thick print, you went feral. Mingyu’s caption asked, “Who does this belong to?” and the shots of Soju in your system that night had you responding, “Me!” before you could think better of it. That was a week ago and you must’ve pushed it to the back of your mind because you haven’t thought about it since. But Mingyu has. 
“Coming over here? What do you mean?” you ask, slinking down into the water as if it’ll somehow make you invisible. You get your answer immediately when a familiar name appears in the chat. 
dongangu.daddy Hey beautiful
“Mingyu! Stop! What are you doing here?” you squeal, a hand thrown over your mouth to hide the uncontrollable smile his arrival brings to your face. As if there’s a way to conceal how giddy you are over this man. Two words from him and your whole aura changes. You were glowing before but now you’re radioactive.
jeonghanssimp95 my worlds collide omfg _horanghaeheaux_ Can you both marry me?
dongangu.daddy has requested to join
Your eyes widen at Mingyu’s request, not expecting to be put on the spot like this. It’s not that you don’t want to see him. You’d look at that face every day if you could—beside you, on top of you, under you—but you’re mortified of swooning over him in front of this many people. 
Finally deciding that your retweet did all it could do to expose you for being down bad for Mingyu, you dry your hands on a nearby towel and accept his request. Another screen pops up below yours. There’s some darkness at first, a few seconds of shuffling, and then Mingyu’s displayed in all of his bare chested glory. 
“Why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost?” he teases, shifting to a more comfortable position in bed. Of course he had to be shirtless. Of course he had to be in bed. Fuck your sanity. 
Your brain has to shake off a five second delay before you can answer. “You just got on and already you’re picking on me. I’m about to revoke your privileges, sir.”
Mingyu laughs off your comment, confident that you’re bluffing. You are. “No, don’t do that. I’m sorry” he pouts, raking his fingers through his short dark hair, “I just expected you to be happier to see me.”
“I am happy to see you but you can’t come on my live talking your shit.”
“I thought you liked it when I talk my shit” he smiles, recalling all of the X rated texts you’ve exchanged over the past few months. 
You shrug, mindlessly twirling your hair, “Talking is cute buuut actions are better.” 
The true meaning of “action” is clear for you both. Mingyu’s wanted action with you from day one, spam liking your posts the moment he saw that you followed him. You had the prettiest face, the sweetest smile, and your body was so soft and plush he couldn’t stop fantasizing about getting his hands on you. You were even more irresistible in person and that knowledge has had him on a mission to make you his ever since. A mission he’s not willing to give up on easily.
“Action? I can do that. I heard you’re in LA” he says, the white sheet around him falling away as he sits up in bed, “I am too. If you aren’t busy, maybe we could see each other tonight.”
“Oh, y-you wanna see me? And do what?” you stutter, going in for another nervous sip only to find that the glass is empty. You were not prepared to be this thirsty for a drink or for him. 
Mingyu tucks his bottom lip between his teeth, eyes flicking down to take in what he can of your figure peeking out from the water. His heart begins to race, his cock stiffening at the way your lush breasts bob above the surface, droplets of water decorating your cleavage like diamonds. 
“You tell me, babe. What do you wanna do?” 
His question soaks your bikini bottoms with a new type of moisture, your pulse already racing. What do you wanna do? With Kim Mingyu? What don’t you wanna do? 
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“Gyu, aaah, fuck. It’s so…so…mmm” you whine, sinking lower onto Mingyu’s cock.
Your fingers trace his abs, your pink and blue ombre acrylics nicking his skin as your pussy relaxes to take the next inch of his cock. You’d seen it in pictures, even felt his bulge once or twice in person, but having him inside of you? Nothing could’ve prepared you for this stretch or for how full you’d feel after only a few inches. There’s still a couple more to go and you’re already shaking like you’re ready to cum. 
“Keep going, baby. You’re taking it so well” he praises, hands cradling your hips to help you take him at your own pace.
He isn’t in a rush to fuck you. That was never an intention of his. Mingyu’s more than pleased to lay here with you in bed, your fluffy thighs snug around his waist, and enjoy the view from below. And what a view it is. The faces you make are too cute for words. They make him want to hold you close and protect you from the rest of the world. At the same time, they’re the sexiest thing he’s ever seen. And, coupled with those little whines of yours, they give him the ravenous urge to fuck your brains out. Every last cell. 
“Don’t wanna wait anymore” you moan, leaning back with your arms behind you, palms resting on his legs. “I need it all.” 
He smooths his hands down your thighs and back up again, “Anything for you.” 
One thrust of his hips and you’re seeing stars. Mouth wide open. Eyes watering. It’s the fullest you’ve ever felt and you can only piece together a string of broken moans as your body adjusts to the new sensation. 
Mingyu smiles up at you, beaming with pride at what he’s done to you. “Too much for you?” he teases, his thumb stroking a solitary tear away from your cheek. 
You shake your head, never the kind of girl to reject a challenge. Breathing in deep, you steady yourself, raising your hips and slowly lowering them back down in a motion that has his eyes rolling to the back of his head. 
“Oh god, fuck” he groans not just at how perfectly your walls hug him and not just at you being wet enough to make that hottub outside look like the desert. Every move you make hits the perfect spot, your body titled at the exact angle required to make him feel like you’re stealing his soul straight from his body.
Keeping your pace, you lean forward and lick your way up his abs, sprinkling kisses across his chest. Mingyu can pretend that it doesn’t tickle in a way he likes much more than he thought he would but his body’s a dead giveaway. His muscles contract beneath your kisses, his length pulsing against your walls. You can almost hear his heart pounding through his chest. 
“Too much for you?” you taunt, smiling up at him, your walls purposefully clenching even tighter around his cock. 
Mingyu bites his lip, staring down at you like a meal he’s prepared to devour. The fire in his eyes makes your heart jump. Teasing him back has consequences and you can tell you’re about to suffer them. 
“Nah, I want more” he growls and two strong arms close around your body, one at your back and the other at your waist. Keeping you flush against his chest, he spreads his legs and buries himself even deeper into your needy core. If you thought you were seeing stars before, there's galaxies now. 
Mingyu holds you like he loves you, cradling you gently while he fucks you like he hates you, and with your arms pinned to your sides all you can do is take it. Waves of heat wash over your figure, the tingling of your nipples brushing his chest sending sparks through your system. There’s no talking back now, only fragments of his name rolling from your tongue. 
“M-min…” you whine, crumbling as the thick head of his cock bumps your sweet spot. You can feel his warm precum leaking into you, mixing with your arousal to make every movement all the smoother. 
“M-min” he coos, reaching a hand up to brush away the hair sticking to your pretty face, “Having a hard time talking back, sweetheart?”
Your eyes are hypnotizing on a regular day but he must admit that there’s something special about seeing them so dazed and glossed over all for him. He grabs the back of your neck with just the right amount of pressure, lifting you away from him enough that he shifts angles inside of you. It’s such a small change in position but it’s more than enough to have you squirming, mindlessly rocking your hips against his. 
“I didn’t know I had such a greedy girl on my hands” he says, tracing your jaw with feathery kisses. In a split second the room’s spinning on its head and you find yourself face down on the sheets with your arms held behind your back.
Mingyu slaps your ass and the sting gets you up on shaky knees. He doesn’t even need to tell you what he wants because you want it too. Teasing his cock at your entrance, he takes his time savoring the way that your juices drip all over him, your pussy already clenching in anticipation.
He runs the head along your slit, dipping it up to roll across that perky little clit of yours. He keeps you like this so long you’re drooling onto the pillow, clenching and dripping down his length and he isn’t even inside of you yet. 
Not one to be outdone, you drop your hips down, slipping him right up to your entrance. You sink back on him an inch or so, popping his head right inside of you. You hear a sharp inhale and feel his body give out on him for a second. You move your hips in a circular motion, teasing him with the sight of you stretching yourself open with his cock.
“I thought you said you wanted more” you giggle, shaking your ass in the cutest way. 
Mingyu slaps it again, gripping your hips, “So she can still speak. We gotta change that.”
He slams into you and you cry out at the force of his thrust. The aftershock has your body humming but there’s no time to soak it in. Mingyu doesn’t stop, doesn’t let up even a little bit. He’s feral for you. Already addicted to the feeling of you wrapped around him. 
Keeping your wrists pinned, he reaches around to massage your clit, and your knees almost give out. He catches you before you can collapse, keeping you right where he wants you. Gripping the pillow, you bite down hard, screaming as loud as you want into the soft cotton while he deep strokes you to the brink of insanity. 
It’s not long before a familiar feeling’s tugging at your stomach. You’re like a bottle of champagne, all shaken up and ready to pop. Mingyu rubs your bud faster, kissing the small of your back, “You gonna cum for me, baby? Hmm?”
Your body answers before your words can, jiggling in all the right places while you cum harder than you ever have. The clench and release of your walls as you gush down your own thighs drags him closer to his own high but he’s not ready yet. He has to keep thrusting into you, playing with your pussy until your body’s spent. 
For a moment it seems as if he’s achieved his goal. Reeling from your high, your whole body gives into the mattress and you’re stuck there, letting out the sweetest whines with his cock still inside of you. But that moment’s fleeting and in a few seconds you’re back up on your knees, whipping around to take his cock into your mouth. 
You don’t hesitate to take all of it into your mouth, not gagging once as you rub it against the back of your throat. If the gasps and moans coming from overhead are any indication, your tongue wrapped around his cock has him wrapped around your finger. You feel around blindly until you find his hands, intertwining your fingers with his. Your tongue traces the veins of his shaft, feeling the blood rush to the head throbbing at the back of your throat. 
The taste of your mixed arousal floods your senses as it drips from the corners of your perfectly pursed lips. You sneak a peek up at him. That gorgeous face. Those muscles dripping with sweat. His body jerks and you easily pick up on the signs, slipping him out of your mouth at the perfect time for him to cum all over your tongue and those plush, puffy lips. You take him into your hands, stroking him until you’ve gotten every last drop. Licking your lips clean, you kiss the tip and lay back in bed, bringing him down with you.
Mingyu cozies his head up to your belly, his chest heaving for air, “Where’d you learn to do it like that?”
“I don’t know, maybe I’m just gifted” you sigh, brushing your fingers through his hair. 
“Well, whatever you did, just know it’s yours now” he says, propping his chin up to gaze at you. 
“Mine? What’s mine?”
“I asked who this belonged to.  You said it’s yours. Unless you don’t want it…”
“No! No! No!” you scramble, your cheeks warming up again, “It’s mine! It’s mine! I’ll take it.”
Mingyu raises an eyebrow, using his last bit of energy to crawl on top of you, “You’ll take it again? So soon?”
He spreads your legs, dipping his fingers between your legs and you’re still dripping wet. He presses up against you and you giggle feeling how hard he still is.
“You did say it’s mine” you smile, legs wrapping around his waist, “So give it to me.”
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rafecameronsversion · 2 months ago
bright beverly hills || r.c
summary : kooks bully you at a party, and rafe reassures you.
warnings : bullying, discrimination, cursing, use of y/n, feminine descriptions.
i'm unsure if this is any good 🥸 i feel like i rushed it a lot. but hope u likey
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rafe and i were two sides of the same coin, opposite but inseparable. he grew up in a silver spoon gated community, everything was served to him in a silver platter. a bubble-wrapped future, footsteps for him ready to follow.
while i was having candle-lit dinners at the cut, he had them in fancy michelin star restaurants. rafe had a cold exterior when it came to other people; to protect himself. however, when it came to me, he was the most caring boy.
clandestine meetings at the age of 12, his father would berate him for hanging out with a "pogue" like me, but he couldn't let him take away the one thing that brought him peace. we were best friends, eventually becoming more with lingering touches and longing glances.
he became a honorable part of my humble family, sometimes being invited over to our most simple of dinners, dancing in the living room late night swims in the beach.
it was friday night in outer banks, a party in full swing. this house belonged to topper. i was clinging to rafe's arm, feeling out of place. the tension in the air was palpable. i had debated that i didn't want to go here, knowing i would feel singled out and small.
this place yelled every single thing that was different between us two. the glistening chandeliers, polished floors, and snobby laughs coming from kooks who have never worked a day in their lives.
rafe smiles, looking at me. "i'll grab us some drinks real quick, alright baby?" he spoke, a gentle tone in his voice that was reserved only for me. i hesitated, not wanting to be left alone in this damned place. but i nodded, i couldn't be the one to hold him back, especially in his world. glamorous, shining, bright beverly hills.
he turned around, getting lost in the crowd of super rich kids. i stood in a less crowded corner, trying to attract the least attention, and it seemed to have worked.
three girls nearby were whispering among the other, yet they were louder than they realized.
"could you believe rafe cameron brought that girl here?" the blonde one scoffed, jealously reeked out of her mouth. the other two agreed, chiming in.
"must be hard living on the cut, always desperate to climb their way out." another one insinuated. i couldn't help but scoff at the idea, my heart was heavy and i couldn't bare being here. the bimbo chimed in, a confused look on her face.
"you really think she slept her way to be his girlfriend? i don't think even cameron would allow that..." she spoke, eyes wide. the blone one rolled her eyes. "well, even the richest men can still think with their dicks, jessica." she was an absolute mean girl, and her tone displayed it perfectly.
i felt like the walls were moving in on me, it was all too much. this place was too much. i quietly turned away, going outside by the porch where no one seemed to stay. i breathed in the fresh air, fidgeting.
soon after, rafe had found where i was. he looked at me fondly, a soft smile on his face. "hey... there you are. i thought i lost you in there." he said, rubbing his hand over my shoulder. i exhaled sharply.
"why am i here, rafe?" i questioned, my voice was low as i stood against the railing of the front porch of toppers' home, that was as big as the living room of my family's house. rafe looked at me confused.
"what do you mean, baby?" he asked, a soft and confused look in his eyes.
i laughed out a scoff, a bitter tone. "i don't belong here, rafe. your world... this mansion, these people." i paused, unsure how to continue. "i grew up on the cut, these people do nothing but look down at us. i can't be here rafe, i can't be in this world."
rafe's jaw tightened, looking away for a second before looking back at me. "you know that's not fair" he spoke, his voice on the edge.
"what's not fair is you pushing to bring me here! i don't have any of the things the girls here have. you'd be better off with someone from your world..." i spoke, my voice breaking a little from frustration.
rafe's eyes softened, he moved closer toward me. "baby..."
"don't you see how different we are? your world is all polished floors and bright chandeliers. mine is messy and chaotic." i spoke softly, afraid my voice will betray me.
he reached out, grabbing both hands and bringing them closer to him. "listen, i didn't bring you here to make you feel small. i don't want these girls, they can all go fuck themselves! i love you, and i love that we're different." he spoke softly, kissing the knuckles of my hands.
"none of this matters to me, baby. it doesn't mean anything if i don't have you." rafe spoke, his blue eyes warm.
i searched his face, looking into his eyes. i want to believe him yet doubt lingered in the back of my head. "you say that now..."
"but what happens when your friends remind you of who i am? when your dad tells you i'm not good enough." my voice was below a whisper, afraid of the possibilities of this relationship we had.
rafe held me by my shoulders, "i don't care. i'm done caring what they think. i want you, and the messy and chaotic world you've shown me." he said, leaning in and kissing my forehead.
"i don't need this world. i want the one where you showed me it's okay to be real, that it's okay to feel." he says softly, looking deeply into my eyes.
the way he looked at me so gently, so genuine. i felt as if i could cry. i attacked him in a hug, my arms wrapped around his torso.
"its just... those girls get under my skin. kept talking about how i slept my way out of the cut." i admitted quietly, my head still against his chest.
rafe shakes his head, hugging me back. "never ever let them get to you. they're just pissed." he pulled back to look at me, smiling. he pressed his lips onto mine, for a short and delicate kiss. "how about we just get out of here?" he said, a cheeky smile on his face.
i laughed, nodding my head yes. "i'd like that so much. please." he grinned, putting my hand in his as he guided us out of this place.
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