#they just look so freaking cozy on that mushroom
canadiankakashi · 2 years
Finally got around to drawing more creatures
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year
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Mushroom Oasis (Visual Novel)
Created by: DeersphereStudios
Genre: Romance/Horror
Mushroom Oasis is very cute, and I love Mychael's design a love (I'm a huge sucker for good monster design). @deerspherestudios always seems to make pretty nice games with cute characters and it was really nice to be able to hang out with Mychael! The artwork in it is also very pretty and cozy, much like Mychael himself.
The story starts out with the MC losing their cat, and has become worried about their disappearance. After being unable to look for them, they desperately look into the forest near their house. After wandering for a very long time, they end up stepping in a fairy circle, where they pass out due to the spores after finding their cat's collar.
Waking up in a cabin, they are tended by someone with messy hair. The two of them talk for a while, with the guy revealing himself to be named Mychael. The MC finds Mychael's appearance to be a little bit odd given the horns, his green skin and his pointed ears. The MC tries to ask Mychael where their cat is, showing them a picture of her, but Mycheal doesn't seem to know. Mychael seems touched that the MC is willing to go out of their way to find their cat, and is happy to make conversation with him. While the MC tries to go home, Mycheal seems to convince them using his spores that they should stay. Mycheal brings the MC to the kitchen and offers them food.
If the MC refuses and leaves, Mycheal will reluctantly let them, but as they walk, they end up falling to the forest's influence, passing out. The end is Mycheal walking sadly to see the body of the MC taken by the mushrooms in the ground next to their cat.
If they agree, Mycheal will cook them something and the MC eats it eagerly. The two talk about why Mycheal lives in the woods until the MC accidentally drops their mug on the floor... which Mycheal catches with his tail, later revealing his four eyes. This can lead the MC to either freak out or stay calm.
If the MC decides to calm down, Mycheal will become bashful hiding behind his plate, telling the MC that he'd be willing to hide his eyes if they'd prefer. The MC drinks the tea, and reassures Mycheal about his appearance. Mycheal insists on having the MC stay for the night.
If the MC freaks out, they will try to escape. Mycheal tries to get them to calm down. They can either attempt to take the sewing needles as a defense or leave them.
Leaving them will cause Mycheal to grab the MC forcefully and use his spores to brainwash them into calming down. He cries a bit, sad that he won't be able to love the "real" MC but is willing to play along with the sedated and brainwashed version of them. The MC is then brainwashed into believing that they've been with Mycheal all of their life as Mycheal plays along with this state.
Taking the needles will cause Mycheal to release spores to get the MC to calm down, however, if the MC does attack him, the needles are stabbed into his heart causing him to fall down bleeding. As Mycheal dies on the floor, he talks about how happy he was that the MC was there with him before dying. The MC feels regret.
I gotta say that this artwork is way, WAY too pretty, from the backgrounds to the characters, it's just really cozy and it's great. I love Mychael's design since I love looking at unique monster designs and it's pretty cool seeing a mushroom based monster character. His four eyes are just so expressive, and he has cute expressions. The creator really has to pull on the heartstrings on the ending where he dies though, don't they.
As a yandere, Mychael is pretty interesting because he is pretty much doing the right thing in forcing the MC to stay with him. As we see in the bad endings, if the MC does end up leaving Mychael's cabin, then they end up being taken by the forest much like their cat, so subduing the MC using his spores is probably the best he can do to make sure that they don't leave, even if it's likely out of selfishness as well since he is pretty lonely. The spores do raise up the question of how powerful his mind control is, as we see that sometimes the MC can break out of it, while in others, such as the ending where the MC is braindead, they can pretty much completely erase their memory. It might come down to how much is released in the air or even what kinds are released. It's possible it might come from his eyes as well, since they turn into a sort of pink hypnotic state. Mind control in yandere stories is an interesting topic to get into since it goes into the idea of if the yandere is okay with an MC that doesn't really have a free will anymore and the amount of angst if they do ever snap out of it. Mychael is a curious creature since I'm not sure we know where he came from or if he's the only one of his kind. My theory is that he's some sort of mutation with the forest (since he's able to sort of tell when the forest "takes" someone and is unaffected by it or at least knows how to avoid it) and possibly was chased out by humans at some point as well (thus his complex about his appearance) so he's forced into isolation. Or I'm completely wrong since there can be a lot of reasons why he isolates himself so much. Also, his blushing sprite? Adorable, I love it.
Overall, a pretty cute demo. I like how it's introduced with the MC running after their cat which I feel is pretty different from how other VNs I've played initially introduce their MC. I'm curious to see how Mycheal will develop as a yandere as the story goes on.
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voidselfshipp · 3 months
Bloom in the Forgelands
Cw: injury mention.
>only mutuals allowed to reblog.
Summary:Muria the shaman,gets a visit of her beloved crush Jerico,Lady of secrets.
A/n: I freaking love her.
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Muria stood there,Leaning on her staff and looking longinly to the Beauty of tri-stone. Magic flowed from her to replace her covered eyes, she smiles warmly as spring settles in.
Full Bloom across the forgelands is a beautiful sight to behold, she breathes in the still cool air and exhales as peace settles in her chest. Pollen and dust werent much of a bother to her,after all she grew herbs and medicinal flowers. But that could be said to poor Karn,who every spring has the worst allergies.
But its not that which breaks her from her pensive moment. No its a screech coming from her right, she turns as a female voice screeches-- MuuuuRIIIAAAAAAA!
She chuckles,shaking her head with endearment as her eyes fixate on the murder of crows that come flying at her at full speed. Its a mess of beaks,talons,feathers and dull green eyes.
They all gather on the floor and with a flash of Teal light there before her stands Jerico,Lady of secrets and child of the crowfather.
--Ah,always a lovely sight, Lady of secrets-- Said the chaman, turning to face them. She smiles and continues-- What brings you to the forgelands?
--Brought what you asked me-...What you asked Death to bring you--They explained,walking towards her while singing off their satchel that clinks with a myriad of things-- Frigid Dew from the Icy veil, Death Beetle Bones from the land of the dead, water from the drenchfort And...--They look up at the maker,seeing as her kind are very tall, and smiles shyly--I mean...death just wanted me to drop off the items...
Unconvinced,the maker tilts her head to see the fresh bandages that barely peeked from underneath the leather armor and feather and silk clothes of the person before her.
--You went yourself and picked them up...--She concluded.--How did you get the list from the pale rider?
--Tried asking,insisted,didnt work. Soooo I stole it, and he didnt even notice
--Heh. If anyone were to outwit a horseman,it would be you,Lady.-- Muria said,taking the satchel and putting it on--But I do believe I owe you a healing potion...
--Muria,its alright..
--I wouldnt forgive myself if I didnt pay you back,Lady. Your time is precious,just as you are
Jerico smiles sheepishly--Ah shucks...fine. fine..
The shaman grins--I believe I have some healing potions in my cabin,Perhaps you can stay for tea? Its almost time anyway
--Su-sure,thanks Muria...
Muria shook her head and gestured towards the set of stairs that lead down Tri-Forge and into Stonefather's valley--Shall we?
--We shall
In quiet chatter they walk down the Valley towards the cabin of the shaman, mundane talks about their lives in their respective realms. The spring sun is pleaseant on their skin,leaves blow by and ever so slowly flowers Bloom into being.
Eventually they make it to the shaman's cabin,cozy and ridiculously overgrown with herbs,plants and fruit trees. There are ponds that illuminate with a dull blue glow and theres stone pillars with carvings that also glow,but what jeri likes the most is the makeshift scarecrows. Theyre rudimentary In a charming way,crudely carved out of stone.
They walk down a small path,up the stairs and into the porch of the cabin,covered in moss and mushrooms. Then,Muria unlocks the door and lets them both in.
Within the cabin it smells like incense and a faint wet dirt scent,the fire crackles with an Orange glow and theres all manner of half done proyects from potions to amulets.
--Ill get you that potion,and then the tea--Muria commented,closing the door behind her as she stepped in.
--Sure thing, ill..ill go sit
--Feel right at home,Lady--The shaman said with a smile, before walking up the set of stairs that led to the second floor. They figured thats where her room and workshop was, and after that they go sit on the couch near the Fire.
Its a pleasing warmth,that has jerico sitting with their knees up to their chest and curling into a ball. They let out a pleased squak and the feathers in their outfit fluff up until they just look round.
Soon after Muria comes back with the potion,she drinks it happily and then the shaman does a gesture with her hand,a bit of blue energy flashes and then both hear the soft clinking And clattering of moving cutlery And utensils.
--Let me check those bandages,the potion should help regardless...--the maker extended her hands and the Lady of secrets shuffled closer,peeling off their armor until theyre only in their clothes.
Her companion is gentle as she unwraps the bandages,she sees the bruises and cuts heal up all around their arms, where the skin has thisdark purple ink . Theyre runes, much like the ones the Crowfather has tatooed on, and when theyre all complete they emanate a soft,almost unhearable humm,and a gentle purple glow.
--All healed up-- Said the shaman,before turning to the heavy bandage on the person's leg.
--Yeah..that one's tricky. My dad took care of it but...--They trail off as the maker rummages around her Many bags on her and goes to look for a mortar and some New bandages.--Its alright...
But the woman doesnt seem to hear her and when she has everything she needs, she begins to grind up herbs and plants,muttering some sort of incantation.
Soon after,Jerico has their leg bandages unwrapped and this green mixture applied upon the large gnash on their skin,she lets out a whinge At the sharp pain upon contact. Muria puts her hand on it,a lot more careful now,and with blue energy, the cut gets Mended bit by bit until its gone and the green mixture is nothing but ash that gets blown away.
Blue glyphs begin to burn themselves around the Lady's leg,they make up a Word "Haste". And then they go just a little Darker with a faint,faint glow of blue. Not blue like maker magic,but of ancient,ancient Power.
--You didnt need to--Is the phrase the Lady of secrets find themself saying more than ever.
--Nonsense,im merely repaying a favor--Muria insisted, taking her spot beside them once again--And I do believe its time for tea
A boiling kettle of Maker craftmanship and a few cups float with whisps of blue,setting on the coffee table before them. Then,a few pastries follow and settle down as well.
For the rest of the afternoon,both Just talk and hang out. Sharing anecdotes, silly jokes, tales of adventure and mundane stories of the every day. It was always nice to spend time with the Lady of secrets, warm as the sun and fresh as the Ocean,her enthusiasm And light were something the shaman really did love about them.
She had been...crushing on them for a few good years Now,it makes her blush just to think about how silly it is that she hasnt said anything about It. The feeling is clearly mutual but she never found the words to say it, she just hoped her actions talked louder.
And she also appreciates how cuddly they are,for she loves having them lay upon her chest while she hugs her waist with a gentle grip. For a being of the icy veil,Jerico was a walking heater and the shaman could use the extra warmth and the joy that she feels just existing in their vecinity is enough to make her chest Bloom with warmth like spring does with the flowers.
But eventually the sun does begin to set,the moon brings darkness and soon Jerico ought to leave. Not before Muria helps her put on all her armor,the close proximity making them both get just a little giddy with loving delight.
--Its a shame you must leave--Said the shaman as her beloved stands at the door.
--I can come by in a few days,i'd like to spend More time with you-- the Lady answered,a little sheepish but happy.
--I...I would love that--muria admitted with a warm smile that quickly Fades as her companion steps closer,standing on the tip of their toes to press a sweet kiss upon her lips.
She kissed back,hugging her waist Gently and leaning into their face. Soft,brief and chaste,both share just a moment of intimacy before they part to end their day in different ways.
When they pull back, Jerico smiles and goes to adjust the cloth around the maker's eyes,and slowly breaks the hug.
When the Lady of secrets exits the porch,she becomes that cloud of beaks,talons And feathers with those dull green eyes glimmering with an unsettling Beauty underneath the moonlight that begins to replace the ochre light of the sun.
And with their departure, Muria finds herself missing her heart,for her beloved had taken it amongs their wings and held it within her claws with gentleness unrivaled. She finds herself staring longingly once more,but not towards the spring settled upon the forgelands...
But upon the purple Mass that flies towards the tree of life,back to the icy veil...
Still she worries,hoping her beloved gets there safe,that the cold doesnt bite at their skin and that her food is warm and tasty...
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akaashisupremacy · 3 years
Yes, Always
Summary: Having broken off your engagement for an arranged marriage with Gojo, your relationship is in shreds. As you and Gojo try to pick up the pieces, what does love look like?
Gojo Satoru  x reader
Multi-fandom Masterlist || HQ Masterlist || Ao3 version
Genre: Mostly fluff, lil bit of domestic angst, exes to friends to lovers (wc: 1.8k)
“How on earth are you still bed when the sun is setting? Gojo Satoru dramatically bursts into your apartment. The door flings open and you’re sure the knob dented the wall. 
You don’t even blink. His theatrics rarely faze you anymore. You shift on your bed to face the wall. 
You don’t have energy for this. 
Gojo knows you since your childhood. You hadn’t always been so easy to tire. But Jujutsu work was a lot. It accumulated fatigue that  drained you physically and emotionally ever so often. 
“You cancelled on Ieri, I knew something was up and I was right!” he placed his hands on his hips. He walks over to you.
You yawn and ignore him. 
Gojo opens a window and pulls out your covers in response. 
“Hey!” you yelp. 
“You go shower while I make you something to eat.” he commands. 
You continue to ignore him. 
He tries to haul you off the bed and into the tub. 
You finally sit up, crossed beyond words. He kneels down so he can look up to you.
“You need a warm shower. It will help you feel better, I promise.” he says firmly, “Get yourself some fresh clothes. I’ll run you a bath.” His tone is is a mix of stern and gentle in away you don’t hear often. 
You grudgingly get up and do as he says. 
You drag yourself off the bed and into the bathroom. As you body soak in the hot water, the fatigue peel off and you feel re energised. You look up at the steam that floats around you. 
Your reverie is interrupted by the kitchen noises.
Why was he doing this? You thought to yourself. This wasn’t like him to cross the boundaries of your home and to check up on you. Sure you were dating, but coming over was way too cozy for Gojo who only ever dated casually. 
You walk out in new clothes, hair still dripping wet. 
Gojo had set up a pot over a portable stove on your dinner table with some food already boiling away. The smell of dinner on the way was already wafting in the air. 
“Thanks for doing this.” You murmur, wrapping your arms around him and burying your face into his chest. 
Gojo resists the urge to pull away or look extremely nonchalant. He’a never been good with commitment or sincere expressions pf affection. 
“The water was nice.” you added. 
He carefully plants his hand your nape and press your forehead on his lips. You body is still warm from the shower. It still shocks him how close he can hold you. 
“If you like the water so much we can go swimming in the summer.” he nods, “I’ve always wanted to go to Okinawa and go diving or snorkeling.”
You briefly pull away, “If we’re still seeing each other.”
He hesitates, “We will.” 
“How do you know we’ll last till then?” 
“I just do.” he pushes. 
“Sure,” you take tour arms off him.
Gojo is not good at commitment. It is hard for him to sustain his interest in any one person, which you’ve accepted when you began dating him. Your set-up isn’t even exclusive. Why was he kidding himself? 
Now that you’ve detached yourself from him. He heads back to the kitchen counter. 
“Because this is the hardest I’ve tried.” he replies softly, “I’m concerned about you you think and how I make you feel. I don’t think I can take the weight of disappointment if things spiral a second time.”
You look at him as he prepares so vegetables. Gojo was your technically your ex-fiancee. You thought the break-up freed him. Maybe you weren’t completely right. 
This is your second shot of your relationship. Why are you surprised that he’s trying so hard? Why is it difficult for you to believe in his sincerity? 
“Okinawa sounds nice, I want some oysters.” you reply, taking out some bowls and chopsticks. 
“I want to see you in a bikini.” He smirks. 
You instinctively throw a towel at him. He dodges with a grin. 
As the meatballs begin to cook, you both take a seat. Gojo recalls his conversation with his student earlier today. 
“Yuuji,” Gojo called out as he enters the kitchen, “I need you to teach me how to make meatballs. I’m bringing them over for a friend.” 
Itadori Yuuji is busy cutting up some mushrooms. Must be hotpot night again for the students. 
“Here take this, this is ready made.” he pulls out a container of meatballs from the fridge.
“Aren’t you going to teach me how o make it?” Gojo asks his student, slightly perplexed.
“You look like you’re in a rush. I can teach you another time,” Iatdori smiles congenially and waves his hand. He causally takes the meat and scallions from Gojo’s bag and begin prepping them for his meal. 
“Is this for you ex-wife?” he causally asks his teacher. 
Gojo snorts, “Ex-fiancee. Yeah that one, they’re not feeling well today. I’m going to drop off something to eat.”
“I think it’s kind of nice you’re a second try.” Yuuji grins good naturedly. 
“The first time wasn’t really a try. Our engagement was arranged.” Gojo packs some other things onto a bag, “Our marriage would have ended in flames if we had pushed through.”
“Yeah, but even if you had married, I think it would eventually work out. It might take years but you clearly do get along and you’re attracted to each other. You’re both willing to put in the work.” Yuuji reasons. 
“Just people try doesn’t mean they always succeed.” Gojo mutters. Yuuji is the eternal optimist. 
“Its not gonna work any better if you don try at all. Relationships aren’t a one time task.” 
“Why can’t you just teach me? It’ll take just a little bit of time.” Gojo asks again. He slings the bag over his shoulder, ready to head out. 
“But a little bit of time is still worth something. More time together is always good.” Yuuji nods. 
“Just take it sensei,” Itadori said before he left the school, “Make the most out of today.” 
After dinner, you yawn. Gojo goes over your side and sweeps you off your chair. Your legs are dangling awkwardly over his arms. This feels so new yet strangely comfortable.
“Let’s get you back to bed.”
He looks into your eyes, framed by your lashes. Warmth has returned to your cheeks. Your face is brighter than when he first came. 
You lace your arms around his neck. 
Gojo has never been to your house on a personal visit before. He doesn’t know how to feel in this new kind of intimacy—an intimacy outside of sex. It is intensely emotional for him to see you at your lowest, at home, without the trappings of your jujutsu powers or even you work coat. 
Who were you outside your jujutsu sorcerer? Who were the two of you outside of your jujutsu connections? 
“Put me down, I want to stand.” you quietly request. He relents. 
When Gojo gets up to do the dishes, you follow. You’re standing side by side, elbows bumping as a creeping sense of domesticity inches up his spine. 
Gojo prefers to eat out. Cleaning up after dinner was like breakfast after sex—too much commitment. 
“If this is freaking you out, we can stop.” You mumble, quickly reading through him “I can do the dishes and you can just go.”
He’s surprised by the exit you create for him, but he buckles down.
“I’m not running away from anything tonight.” he says. He’s shirking from extra time, not from his feelings and definitely not from you. 
He fills his ears with the sound of clanking dishes and your slow and steady breath. His time today was your anyways. Why would he take it back? Domesticity is unfamiliar, but he so badly wants to give it a shot. 
After all the dishes are put aside, you wipe his hands dry with the kitchen towel. His heart is racing, his palms sweaty. He thinks about cracking a joke to hide his tension, but decides otherwise. 
You eyes look steadily at him, as if testing him to see if he will sat or go. He takes the towel and gently dries off your hands, careful to get in between your fingers and to be gentle around your wrists. 
“I’m not going anywhere.” he remarks, “even if you don’t believe me.”
“I’m really trying.” he adds. 
“I believe you.” you nod. Some of the tension and discomfort in his face fades. 
You walk towards your room, “I’m going to bed. I’m tired.”
He scurries behind you, turning off the lights as he goes “Can I lie down beside you?”
You’re taken by surprise but you don’t let it show. 
Gojo mostly lies on top of the sheets and he watches you tuck yourself in. You look so young like this — pajamas, no make up, no work clothes. 
You were arranged to be married by 20 and you look just that age. He notices you staring back at him, inspecting him in this new angle you’re both experiencing for the first time. 
“Did you ever think about what our first night would be like?” you ask candidly.  
He rolls onto his back and stares into the ceiling, “It would probably be awkward. I’ve thought about taking a sleeping pill to knock myself out. What about you?”
“Just the usual stuff.” you shrug. 
“What usual stuff?” he prods. 
You make a face and reply, “I guess I expected you’ll about some of my habits that I’m embarrassed about eventually.”
“It’s not the sex?” he asks surprised. 
You laugh and shake your head. When you were younger you were curious about it, but once you learned what it was it didn’t seem as interesting to you. 
“No, I thought the sex would just make me sad. Judging by the way things were going then, you’d be thinking of someone else while I give myself to you.” you turn away from him as you talk, sheepish to voice your hurt out loud and look at him in the eye at the same time, “You’d make me feel small, like my family did. For most of my life, my only value was to be married to you and I couldn’t even feel good in it.”
Your words heave silence into the room. You don’t know what expression he has on. 
“Man, I sound like horrible husband.” he murmurs. 
You slowly turn back to him. 
“But that was what would have happened if we had married at 20. That’s not us anymore.” you shake your head. 
Your faces so close your noses touched. 
“What are you doing?” he half-asks. 
You press your face to his shoulder. He pulls away a bit to get under the sheets. He wraps an arm around you and uses his other arm to turn off the lights. 
“Can I stay tonight?” he breathes in your smell even though he already knows the answer. You feel so impossibly soft against him, he feels the lull of sleep approaching. 
“Yes,” you barely whisper, “always.”
I wrote this as a follow up for another Gojo x reader fic who used to be engaged. Check out the other parts!
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 || Part 8
Comment or message to be added to the taglist! Or write down some comments about your feelsssss
Series Taglist: @tokyo-love-hotel @samkysnks@herownescape@cherrianne192@shamelessdonutsludgebanana@kageyamakock@shirostrbl@luvang3l @cloudsinthecosmos@httpjungoo @saturnki  @itstheee-ha-chan @gucci-froggy @soy1melk @dora-the-grownup@cherryonigiri
If you’d like to continue being part of my taglist (JJK or Haikyuu), please let me know! I also write oneshots for both fandoms and soon I’ll be doing BSD too!
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ezdotjpg · 3 years
Staying overnight at the hospital so i got a lot of time to sit around... So you mind if I kinda just, ask a few?
But also, must know: Do the links have any favorite foods?
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Okay unfortunately I can't do one for everyone at the moment or it'll take 1000 years but. here I go (Also tripletreebirb I hope you're alright, wishing you the best and here is a very long post to keep u company lol. Ask as many as you'd like!)
Favorite food: this is the easy answer but PUMPKIN SOUUP. I have literally no idea what else they eat on Skyloft. can they grow wheat? do they even have bread? slate gives him a loaf of wheat bread with butter on it once and he is near tears over it
Idea of a good time: doing highly dangerous stunts with his Loftwing. Not dangerous for the Loftwing, strictly just to him. Also minecarts. He fucking loves minecarts, the more rickety and broken the better
Favorite things in general: uhhh soft blankets. woodcarving. being unconscious. the way your stomach swoops when you fall from a great height safe in the knowledge you'll be caught. having his hair pet. making people cute beaded friendship bracelets. the mushrooms in faron. playing the harp even tho he SUCKS at it
Favorite food: I want to say it is some sort of Kokiri dish that he remembers fondly and can't recreate bc you just can't find the right ingredients outside the forest. some sort of. nut and berry cake idk. He and Malon try and it never turns out right. other than that he really likes hot chocolate. I'm just going to assume there is chocolate in hyrule and u can use lon lon milk to make fukcing banger hot chocolate. that's not a food but u get me
Idea of a good time: Just like. chilling out with the cows in the pasture on a really nice day and playing music while Malon sings
Favorite things in general: doing anything with Malon. watching fairies get excited about the sugar water he puts out for them. FISHING. Climbing in really tall trees and just hanging out there. blowing stuff up with bombchus. solving problems for people. playing games with the kids in town. FROG CHOIR.
Favorite Food: Listen. Listen. I exclusively feed Link hearty ingredients when I play BOTW bc I am a coward who cannot rest peacefully without at least 10 extra hearts. My botw link is an absolute freak about radishes and durians. That being said. I like the idea of him really liking curry and extremely spicy food so. That too :-)
Idea of a good time: Just, climbing to the absolute highest peaks possible. And then shield surfing down them if feasible. Sometimes even if not feasible. Yes I do spend 90% of my time just rockclimbing to nowhere when I play botw these days.
Favorite things in general: SAND SEAL RACING. Similar to mask, hanging out in really tall trees. Catching bugs. Getting close enough to wild animals they let him pet them. sleeping outside and waking up at dawn to the morning dew and cool air. Visiting Terrytown. Listening to Zelda talk about stuff she loves. Haggling with merchants. Solving Korok puzzles. Fishing, but wrong lol. Gemstones and pretty earrings. Foraging in general. Sleeping in the bed the koroks made for him.
Favorite Food: Probably just like. Good old fashioned bread and goat cheese and jam. Look, it's simple but it slaps okay. Also, like, raw meat, lately.
Idea of a good time: Hmm, idk, sitting somewhere warm and cozy and reading by firelight. Or running around in the forest as a wolf
Favorite things in general: Riding Epona. Sleeping curled up in a little loaf as a wolf. Making Midna laugh, when he could still do that. Wrestling. Playing with the kids in Ordon. Giving each and every goat on the ranch increasingly ridiculous names. In that vein, having conversations with the goats like they're people, even when he's a human and can't hear them talk. Holding Uli's new baby. Singing.
Favorite food: Okay, hear me out here, I have nothing to back this up except that I want this to be true: he has a massive sweet tooth. Just absolutely loves sweets of all kinds. Pretends that he doesn't. Would die the second anyone could tell. (Slate, who has a 6th sense about these things, slips him honey candy)
Idea of a good time: taking a really long warm bath and then getting very drunk by himself and not having anyone bother him
Favorite things in general: wrecking shit with his firerod. perfume, lotions, hair products. Freshly laundered clothes. Embroidery. Dancing. Parties where he doesn't have to play the role of the hero. Cuccos, much to everyone's horror.
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thesunicarusfellfor · 3 years
Regeneration Potion (Plat!C!Tommyinnit x Witch!F!Reader)
TW: Mentions of Dream's actions during Tommy's exile INCLUDING his un alive moment. YES I KNOW TUBBO CAN HAVE MORE THAN ONE FRIEND. SHUSH. PLOT.
Reader wears a dress most of the time. Also Tommy is around 17 (I forgot his canon age sorry)
I might make this a series!
☆Tommy P.O.V☆
His hotel was taken over.. His house was practically empty.. He was stared at everywhere he went.. His best friend replaced him instantly without much of a second thought.. His brother was dead, his other brother probably wanted to spill his guts for switching sides... He had... Nothing...
He had died for God's sake! Sure, he didn't expect people to immediately bawl their eyes out at the news, but he didn't expect to be brushed off so damn quick! He didn't expect the person he betrayed his brother for to replace him so quickly! He didn't... he... Was... Tubbo really his friend? He exiled him without checking up on him... He... He moved on so.. quick..
Standing over the giant crater once known as L'manberg, now covered with a thick sheet of glass... He wrapped his arms around himself and gave a sigh. In the distance, he could see Ranboo and Tubbo running around, most likely gathering materials for Sam Nook...
Gritting his teeth tightly, he felt a familiar burning behind his eyes before he stood up from a pile of dirt he claimed as a temporary chair. It took all of his power not to scream in emotional agony as he stormed away from the sight of his old best friend with someone else who he claimed as his new bestfriend.
Don't turn back...
With a few iron ingots and a low durability netherite sword to his name, Tommy walked as quickly as he could away from the memories. The sacrifices. The pain. The lonely feeling...
He had easily walked for a few hours, trying his hardest to find an area completely secluded from everything and everyone.
If they moved on once... They can move on twice..
He wanted to hold on.. He wanted to keep every little memory and object that he found comforting... But now... Everything he looked at caused a sharp pain to jolt through his heart...
He glanced up at the biome around him, only to frown slightly. It was a Dark Forest... But there was many problems..
He knew there were some large mushrooms, but he had never seen massive flowers bigger than a mansion! Everything... Felt weird... Somethings were incredibly varied in sizes! He spun around in awe as he stared at the different sized flowers and mushrooms scattered around him. Then... fear struck into his heart again...
Wilbur... He told him a story about a forest far to the north of L'manberg... Trees bigger than the eye could see, mushrooms taller than a house or smaller than a fingernail, flowers being anywhere from a millimeter tall to miles high into the air, all because of the land was protected by a Witch.
In the story, Wilbur said that only the lost and lonely would find that forest out of desperation to find salvation...
The Forest of the Forgotten...
His lips parted in surprise and he spun around to exit the land, in fear of upsetting the witch... Only to find a silhouette standing against the light a few inches away from him.
A not so manly scream tore from his throat and he hurriedly threw himself backwards, raising his arms above his head as he landed on the ground, "I'm sorry, Dream! I promise not to wander off again! Please don't take my stuff! Please I don't have anything left! Please...! Please!" He begged, tears spilling from his eyes as he scrambled backwards until he hit a tree. Tommy didn't even hear the foot steps wandering closer until a purple light rose into view.
He took a few gasps for air as he slowly lowered his hands. 'Dream's in prison. He's not here. He's not gonna hurt you again..' He carefully rose his gaze, only to see...
A young woman... She looked... Around his age!
She was kneeling on the ground a few feet away from him, just... Watching him. A black pointy hat was balanced on her (h/l) (h/c) hair that was nicely framing her (s/t) face. Her eyes were analyzing his every movement as they surged with purple flames... But they weren't threatening or violent... They were curious but calm..
He stared at her for a solid few seconds before realizing that the soft purple glow was coming from a ball of coloured fire in her hand. Mesmerized by the energy, Tommy hardly noticed when a dull pink glow appeared in his vision, only when the woman made effort to talk, did he notice.
"I... Don't know who Dream is.. But, I'm not here to take your stuff. That's a promise." She smiled softly, and moved her hand that held the pink glow closer to him. It... Was a Regeneration Potion. "Here, you look a little... Uhm... How do I say this nicely... Torn up...?"
Tommy couldn't hold back a frown as he rubbed his eyes free of tears. He forgot that his injuries from Dream hadn't healed yet... And probably wouldn't be healed for a long time. "Thanks... I guess.." He grumbled in an attempt to save whatever dignity he had left.
While he was considered naive, he wasn't stupid. He knew not to trust strangers immediately, so he uncorked the bottle and smelt it as he analyzed the colour to make sure it was really regeneration potion. At first, he wasn't going to drink it, but he quickly remembered that it wasn't like he had anything to lose, so he took a small sip.
It was dangerously sweet, much sweeter than Phil or Techno's potions, but it definitely wasn't awful and it for certain wasn't poison. He rolled his shoulders as he continued to sip at the potion while she stood up.
Dusting her black robe and dark (f/c) dress of any dirt, despite them being already dirty and a bit tattered, the (h/c) woman stood up and continued to clean the dirt off. "It will be getting dark soon... I'm not much of a fighter, so I will not be able to fend for the both of us if need be. Do you have a shelter nearby or would you like to seek refuge with me for the night?"
Did this crazy woman not know the meaning of stranger danger?
☆Your P.O.V☆
No matter how much you threw yourself into your studies, the looming loneliness never seemed to leave you..
Keeping to your daily routine, you begrudgingly lifted yourself out of bed and sat down at your vanity, glaring at your reflection that bared knotted hair and sleepy (e/c) eyes. Your non dominant hand stretched out towards your closet and watched as your irises lit up a bright surging purple, activating your magic. Your dominant hand began to run a brush through your hair while your other hand controlled the magic that was currently being used to sort through the row of clothes in your closet. Once you found an outfit that you deemed adequate, you made a quick gesture with your hand that caused the clothing to float onto your bed.
It didn't take very long to get ready, I mean, come on, you were in a large forest miles away from the closest village! It's not like you were going to be seeing anyone for a few more centuries.
Your house was cozy and rather small, but it housed you and your black cat Salem comfortably. It was nice and quiet where you lived.. Albeit dark and lonely..
The trees often covered the sun and prevented you from knowing what time it was, but you had stopped caring about the date long ago. It never mattered to you anyway.
"Yeah, yeah. Quit meowing. You act like you haven't eaten in a year." You rolled your eyes at the dramatic feline as you prepared your own breakfast first. Salem kept meowing loudly, standing beside her food bowl and swatting it every so often until you used your magic to toss a fish to her. "You done with your whining now? Big baby."
You rolled your eyes as you sat down with your bowl and quickly ate the fruits you had sliced up. Downside to living here, you primarily survived off of fruits and berries because animals rarely wandered into the forest, and if they did, well you kept them for their resources like milk or eggs or wool.
With a small sigh, you got up and washed your bowl, via magic so you didn't have to feel the burning sensation of the water on your skin, as you contemplated what you were going to do today.
Eventually you decided on going to walk through the forest to find more animals or scavenge for more fruits. Throwing your bag over your shoulder, you double checked that it was stocked up with healing and regeneration potions just in case, only to throw your shoes on. Waving good bye to your lazy annoying cat, that you still love regardless, you shut the door and walked down the path.
The silence was normal... But god it was deafening when something stepped on a branch or when one of your chickens decided to give a particularly loud squawk, but it did indeed heighten your senses.
Giving a sigh, you rose your hand and a purple pulse flew from your hand then trailed down your body and travelled through the forest. Your magic didn't detect anything out of the ordinary except for once thing near the entrance.
"Ah.. God.. Please don't be a zombie.. I'm not a fighter.." You whispered under your breath before setting off towards the untouched and overgrown entrance of the forest.
Arriving to the main path, you looked over a little bit to see a tall blond male spinning around in absolute awe of the forest.
He then took a sharp breath and spun around, almost immediately coming face to face with you. The loudest scream you had ever heard left the boy and he quickly stumbled backwards until he fell to the ground and hit a tree, "I'm sorry, Dream! I promise not to wander off again! Please don't take my stuff! Please I don't have anything left! Please...! Please!" He practically cried apologies while he curled into a wall.
'What kind of reaction was that?!' You thought curiously as you kneeled down a few feet in front of him. Assuming that the dark had freaked him out, you summoned a ball of fire and held it out, using the time to study the strange boy. His dirty shirt was ripped and torn in several places, his skin was decorated with mud, soot, cuts, bruises and scars and his cheeks were damp with tears. His breath was turning into gasps as his thin frame shook violently.
"Hey... Are you okay?"
He didn't seem to hear as he began murmuring quietly to himself, rocking back and forth a small bit to calm himself down. After a few moments, he lowered his arms and stared blankly at the magic in your palm.
Seeing the injuries on his pale skin, you dug into your bag and pulled out a glowing pink potion before holding it out to him. He didn't seem to notice it until you cleared your throat. "I... Don't know who Dream is.. But, I'm not here to take your stuff. That's a promise." You smiled as politely as possible, and moved your hand that held the potion closer to him. "Here, you look a little... Uhm... How do I say this nicely... Torn up...?"
The male grumbled a bit under his breath but looked genuinely thankful as he took a small sip of the potion. After deeming it wasn't poisoned, he began to take larger drinks of it.
"It will be getting dark soon... I'm not much of a fighter, so I will not be able to fend for the both of us if need be. Do you have a shelter nearby or would you like to seek refuge with me for the night?"
Honestly... The face he made amused you quite a bit...
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nyxerebus · 3 years
Boring Bar - Modern Levi x Female Reader
“Why are we here again?” The raven-haired man asked his friend. “You need to get out more Levi, So this is me dragging you out” Erwin smiled back. Levi just scoffed at him and looked around the bar.
“Hange and some others are coming soon”.
Huh!? “Shitty glasses and her shitty friends are also coming?” Erwin chuckled and nodded. Levi’s mood became even more shittier. If that was possible. They both drank in silenced for a while. Both ordering the same glass of whisky, Erwin on the rocks, Levi with a twist. The music was typical bar music, boring. Some people were dancing over at the dancefloor. Half the booths were filled, but Erwin and Levi were the only two sitting at the bar. “So, how have you been?” Erwin asked. He knew the answer. Not good. Levi and Petra had broken up a month ago, and he was still hung up on it. The breakup was really messy. Levi had caught her cheating on him with her co-worker. The biggest cliché in the world. “You know”, Erwin expected something more, but that was the only thing he got from Levi. “Okay, talking about it clearly isn’t something you want, but do you know what you need?” Levi raised his eyebrows at the blond. “A rebound!”
“A rebound?” Levi repeated. “You need a quick one night stand to get over her and move on, it will clear up your head. I promise” Levi looked at the man with a questionable look, but didn’t push further. They both fell into a silence, Levi still processing his words - was a rebound all he needed?
The glorious silence between the long-time friends was cut short when the bell at the door rang. “Leviiii! Erwinnnn!” Hange’s voice boomed over the bar. Her and Mike and Nanaba walked over to them and hugged Erwin, (Hange tried to give Levi a hug, but ended up with a elbow in the ribs).
A comfortable conversation fell between the four adults. Even though Levi gave them a hard time for dragging him out, he loved just sitting on the side-line and listening to the conversations. It was comforting. “Oh! I forgot to tell you guys” Hange exclaimed. “What’s up four eyes”.
“An old friend of mine is coming over and staying with me the next week! She’s going to meet us here, you guys fine with her hanging out with us?”.
“Of course! Where do you know her from?” Nanaba asked.
“We were dorm roommates back in my collage days!”. Hange smiled. “She is really nice, so you better treat her nice!” She threatened, even though she wasn’t that threatening.
The bell over the door rang again. “She’s here!” Hange waved over a (your height) woman. Hange hugged her and lifted the poor girl up from the ground, her legs kicking in the air. “So good to see you again!” Hange squealed and danced around, still holding the girl up. “Hange, let the poor girl down” Nanaba looked a bit concerned by her mad scientist friends action. Hange, reluctant, let the girl down and introduced her to her friends.
“This is (Y/N) (L/N)! My long-time friend form collage!” The group greeted her and Erwin moved over a bar stool she could sit on, moved it next to Levi. He sent the raven man a smug look. Damn eyebrow freak.
“So, (Y/N), what did you study?” They asked her many questions about her life. They learned that she studied History, (was still studying, but balancing school with working in a flower shop with her brother), she had two cats and her favourite book was Pride and Prejudice. Hange was clearly proud of her friend and showed her of to no extent. Levi noticed the girl, (Y/N) was looking very nervous and would often blush and wiggle in her seat when Hange went on about her life.
What was he thinking? He couldn’t develop a thing for Hange’s friend, she was clearly very protective of her and would no doubt rip his dick of if he tried to get with (Y/N). “So, (Y/N), got a boyfriend” This time it was Nanaba that asked. This made Levi perk up, for some reason the idea that she had a boyfriend made his chest tighten.
What was wrong with him? He felt more jealous at the possibility that a woman he had just met had a boyfriend, than when he caught his girlfriend of 9 months in bed with another man.
“No, its just me and my cats at the moment” She rubbed the back of her neck. Levi realised a breath of relief, no one noticed. Well, no one except Erwin, who grinned into his drink.
The conversation drifted away from (Y/N) life to more mundane things. Work, family and what not. To be honest, Levi was only paying attention if (Y/N) was speaking. But sadly, the evening turned into the night. And everyone was suddenly reminded that they had work tomorrow.
“It was great meeting you all! Hope we can meet another time!” (Y/N) smiled at them. “Of course! Maybe for lunch?” Nanaba questioned. They agreed to meet for lunch one day, and split up. But luckily for Levi, he and Hange lived on the same street. So the three of them walked together to the building the two ladies lived at. Hange wouldn’t stop talking about her latest experiments.
Levi tried a few times to ask (Y/N) some questions, but they either came out as insults or as interrupted by Hange. Usually he was smooth with woman, never having to struggle cause most flocked towards him. But when he had to impress her, he became suddenly shy and nervous.
Snap out of it Ackerman! But before he could snap out of it, the stood outside Hanges apartment. “Looks like were parting ways here Clean freak! See ya tomorrow!” And with that they disappeared behind the entrenced to the building. Levi stood on the street for a couple of minutes, thinking over the night. He cursed at himself for not growing a pair and asking her out. He went to bed angry with himself.
The next week past with everyday just the same like the last. Levi would meet you and Hange at 8 am and walk to your respective jobs. Everyone would meet for lunch (sometimes Erwin, Nanaba and Mike couldn’t make it, but Levi would always make it). And everyday, Levi became more and more enchanted with (Y/N).
“I don’t know what to do!” Levi groaned and threw his head back against the coach back. He and Erwin and Mike was chilling at Levi’s apartment. “Sounds like love to me” Erwin replied with his cheeky grinned. Oh, how Levi wanted to smack the grin of off his face.
“How? I have only known her for one week!”
“Love at first sight” Mike spoke up. “That doesn’t exist asshole” Levi grumbled out, chugging back his drink. “I don’t know man, Mike might be on to something”.
Levi was driving home when he saw it. ‘Mushrooms and Flowers’, the flower shop (Y/N) worked at. His body reacted before his mind could stop it. And before he knew it his car was parked in front of it and he was halfway between his car and the shop.
A bell rang when he entered the small shop. It was cozy, fairy lights hanging from the celling and the walls were covered in flowers, and by the counter there was a mushrooms display. “Levi!” A familiar voice called from him. “So good to see you” She walked over to him. “How can I help you?”
He was silent. The cold, stoic, gives zero shits Levi Ackerman, was fucking silent.
The hells wrong with you?! Speak!
“I need some flowers” Yeah, idiot why else would you be here?! “You came to the right place! What is the occasion?”
Oh god? Was he going to get flowers for a girlfriend? Of course, he had a girl, a man that gorgeous always have an equally beautiful woman by his side. You cannot compete!
(Y/N) was equally nervous as Levi. The same pang of jealousy raced through her at the thought of him with another woman. “A girl” was all Levi muttered out. Sadness filled (Y/N), but she bit her tears back. Not wanting him to know about her feelings for him. The same feelings that had kept her up at night and made her heart race in a way it never had.
“Well, we have some beautiful roses in many colours! What’s her favourite” (Y/N) tried not to sound disgusted by the mentioned of another woman.
Levi thought back to when (Y/N) mentioned what her favourite colour was. “Orange”.
Good taste, (Y/N) thought. “Well, these are my favourite. They have a nice deep orange colour and gets pretty red at the tips of the flower leaves”. (Y/N) pointed at the flower in the rose’s aisle. Levi agreed that it was beautiful and didn’t hesitate to say: “I’ll take it”.
His apartment smelled of roses. On his kitchen island, four rose bouquets of the orange flowers sat. He had gotten all they had in the store. He was opening a new bottle of whiskey. Not knowing what to do. The glass he filled was quickly swallowed and he filled another.
“I blew it!” He shouldn’t have said it was for a girl. What if she thought it was serious and stopped talking to him? What if she found out that he lied about having a girl and though he was a creep?
A million bad thoughts raced through his head, until he finally decided. He was going to do something about it. Maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe it was the alcohol. But a new wave of courage waved through him and he grabbed the flowers and his keys. He knew Hange had a meeting at work, so (Y/N) was home alone.
The walk over was quick. But not quick enough. When he reached the apartment door, the courage washed of and he realized what was going to happened. He was going to confess and she was going to reject him. Why would she not? She has probably heard about his insults and how cold he is from Hange. Why would someone as cheerful as her want someone as dickish like him?
No, he couldn’t do it. He left the building.
(Y/N) heard someone moving around outside the door. She looked out the peep hole and saw no one, but something on the ground caught her eye. The flowers Levi had bought from her. All four bouquets. Wasn’t these flowers for a girl? After a minute of looking at the flowers with pure confusion, it clicked.
She was the girl.
Without thinking she ran after him. Only in her sleeping shorts and tank top, and her slippers, she ran down the stairs and out to the street. After looking around, she caught him walking away.
He turned around and was met with her body colliding into him. She was out of breath after running down all the stairs after him. “The hell you doing out here brat!”
He looked down at her hands and saw the flowers. He rubbed his hand down his face and sighed deeply. Here comes the rejection.
“Was I the girl?” He looked down at her. Risking it all, he nodded. “Yeah, yeah you are”. Time stood still. The people around them didn’t matter, the rain that was starting to pour down didn’t matter, only them. He looked in her eyes, looking for an answer, but when she pulled him down too meet his lips, he got it. Even though it took a moment for him to realize this was actually happening, when he snapped out of it he kissed her back.
It was like something out of a movie. The rain was pouring down. He was bending her back down a bit and leaning down with her. One hand was behind her back, stabilizing her and the other was on her jaw, holding her close. Her hands were wrapped around his neck. He broke the kiss when he felt her shivering against him. Suddenly he was reminded that they were out on a busy street, it was almost midnight, and she wasn’t wearing clothes fit for the rain, or just being outside in the cold.
“Let’s go inside, yeah?” She nodded her hand. As they walked back to her apartment hand in hand, Levi thanked the gods that Erwin had dragged him out to that boring bar.
A/N: Hope you like it! I'm not too happy with the ending, its a bit rushed but i am writing this at 2 am, sooo hehe. Might write a part 2! Take care :)
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6okuto · 3 years
the interior design hcs idea is so cool?? u also seem like a really nice person 🥺
anyway if you’re still taking recs, my oc’s name is haseul. she’s korean and 23, three years younger than felix. she usually dyes her hair but rn it’s burgundy and mid back length. she’s kind of an asshole and VERY blunt, always frowning/scowling + she talks really fast and curses like a sailor. she likes wearing skirts and dresses the most, likes to wear makeup. she has a huge family like. 6 siblings but she’s not very close to her parents. she has her own apartment and hates minimalism, has the most random shit lying around but is also a neat freak. is this enough for hcs idk help 😭
note from nia: i am so sorry this took longer than i thought it would😭 help . u guys are so nice do u want me to cry and throw up. anyway ur oc sounds like a girlboss but like,, in the cool way. PLS i love to see it fr!! (if smth doesn't fit w her apartment,, erm...ignore it . pretend she's the one that moved MSSHFJ)
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they move in together and felix has never appreciated something more than her hatred of minimalism.
have you seen this man and all of his things? it works out with haseul's own random stuff around the house—anytime they have friends over they act like it's a game and point out any and all of the new decor
i think they'd find a compromise between their aesthetics with like, darker wood and earthy tone/pastel decor and then felix gets his dark study (i don't want to think about apartment hunting for one with a study but i know they exist)
there's a place to hook jackets or scarves when you enter the living room (they're these cool looking key hooks)
possibly weirdly specific but i think they'd have an L shaped couch . i don't know why. it's a dark shade of brown and there's a bunch of muted pastel throw pillows
there's always a blanket or two because one of them falls asleep and the other covers them (and joins)
the coffee table has a permanent bowl of snacks they just refill
felix has a very interesting mix of aesthetic dark academia and also funky weird decor
did he put a very nice tall lamp up? yes. is there a mushroom lamp he found thrifting on the table below the tv? yes because "why wouldn't we be able to have both? they're both for ambient lighting"
there's some board game on the table and also,, you know those kind of weird but cute creature plushies? the ones that are like "oh he's just a funky guy." felix keeps buying them. they're all hanging out there for some reason
big fluffy brown rug. specific but needed
i think felix would love if haseul picked out some things that tied to her culture !! whether it's some pattern wall decor, flower pots, art, etc. he's happy to see her put them up :-)
felix's study is probably the darkest room aesthetically in the apartment
most of his,, weirder things are in there away from prying/judging eyes.
it's where he keeps his taxidermied animals, Crab Man, other weird creatures that probably should not exist
there's dark oak bookshelves on the far wall with a couple of book nooks in them that the two made—i just know this guy has a little section with books for haseul i know it (novels, botany books, etc.)
is it a hot take if i say he'd have a bean bag chair next to the sofa because that's what i'm saying
the sofa in his study also has a blanket, it's knitted and soft and sometimes he wraps himself in it while walking around
he has a moon lamp. he thinks it's so cool
he has this one locked drawer that he keeps things hidden away in. it's literally his fanfiction ideas and go-to spot for hiding gifts. haseul is still looking for the key
their bedroom is kind of cluttered but in like, a cozy way.
big comfy bed, sort of a rustic oak bedframe with light coloured bedding
there's a cool floral tapestry above it
little plants on the windowsill in cute pots. thank you
they have a desk + three-part mirror combo in front of their bed (like an unofficial vanity) with,, many things
there's a jewelry organizer, a smaller mirror for when they do eyeliner, a tiny crocheted plushie, backup earphones (this might be a specific problem for me with losing mine), a small fake plant, this random animal skull felix decided to put on it? he put a couple of rocks in the corner and left them there at some point
the wall above it has art prints/posters and a collection of sticky notes they keep leaving each other as reminders or doodles
the apartment has a balcony and it's small but one of their favourite places to be together
loveseat and a small wooden table,, boom you have outdoor seating
it's so pretty there's a little lamp on the table and hanging lights above the door
they have one of those small bluetooth speakers so they can play music outside
it's another reason why there always seems to be blankets in the living room—they end up bringing them outside when it's chilly
this is where they usually go to think or vent since it's calming and they get fresh air ( ´◡‿◡`)
general hcs
felix helping dye her hair or do eyeliner ohhh sorrow...pain...sorrow and pain /pos
the rants they have about their families. they just go back and forth like "oh my god, don't get me started on that,"
she was so blunt with her insults to escell that felix did a spit take. he finds her personality almost freeing sometimes just because he can rant and she's just like, "so true. fuck that guy"
at first her whole style vs personality thing kind of gave him whiplash?? but now he's just like "yeah that's her i love her. do you not?"
haseul walks in on felix eating his little olives in the kitchen at night and he can Feel the look she's giving him before he even turns around. he hears her "what the fuck" before facing her
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top 5 lancelot moments 😳
Oh absolutely 😘
In no particular order
1. When Merlin faints in 4x01
Dude goes BALLISTIC. Lance never freaks out like that, but he does then. Just rushes over to him and is the only one to, frantically questioning Gaius if he's gonna be all right... just. Good shit man
2. 3x13 when him and Merlin are lying in their lil sleeping bags talking 🥺
Includes such classics as 'I know you too well' 'Leave it to me' and of course 'You're the one Arthur should knight'. Also there's this one moment that legitimately makes me want to cry I think I have a gif somewhere hang on
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That SMILE. He's so soft and cozy and I'm 🥺
3. His first scene with Gwen in 1x05
Where he's just all floofy and awkward tripping over his tongue bc she's the most amazing person he's ever met and Merlin's in the corner watching them like :D and Lance is having an absolute bi crisis
4. His first scene in 1x05
Wall to wall iconicness. From appearing out of nowehere (bc you know he was watching Merlin picking mushrooms looking like a goddamn fae and trying to work out if he was real and work up the courage to talk to him 🥺) to trying to stab the giant cgi bird lion to realising how bad an idea that was and yelling RUN to awkwardly bleeding out bc he wouldn't want Merlin to think him impolite by not introducing himself what a himbo
5. His first scene in 4x01
Do 👏 magic 👏 in 👏 a 👏 crowded 👏corridor 👏 Merlin 👏 fuck 👏 destiny 👏 that 👏 says 👏 it 👏 should 👏 only 👏 be 👏 used 👏 for 👏 grand 👏 purposes👏
I love one (1) chaotic king
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This turned into mostly mercelot but I mean what did you expect :')
Thanks for the ask! 💖
Send me top 5 anything!
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hookedonapirate · 4 years
Trick or Treat
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A/N: It feels so great to post again. I've been in a writing slump for several weeks now, so I wanted to write something short and sweet to get the writing juices flowing. Thank you @hollyethecurious for your ideas for the premise and @darkcolinodonorgasm for Killian’s costume!
Rated: Teen and up for mature language
“Well, that’s disturbing.” Emma grimaces at the zombie gnome with gnarly teeth, reaching out with dirt and blood covered hands like he's coming out of the ground to get them. Even though it's not real, the graphics are enough to give a kid nightmares.
 “That’s so cool, Mommy!”
 Well, any kid who’s not her seven-year-old son that is. Henry runs down the sidewalk, his oversized hat falling off his head. He’s a ball of energy most days, but tonight, he’s extra energetic, and he hasn’t even had any candy yet.
 “Kid, your hat!” She follows after him, picking up his hat from the winding walkway which is lined with jack-o'-lanterns on each side. But as she passes each one, she’s surprised when she realizes these aren’t just typical jack-o'-lanterns with a mouth, nose and eyes carved into them. No, these are intricately crafted jack-o'-lanterns. One is carved into a haunted house, one is a graveyard full of ghosts, another looks like a skull from afar, but up close, it appears to be carved into long stem mushrooms and grass. Her favorite is the pumpkin carving that mimics a scene from the Nightmare Before Christmas. 
 Like seriously, who has time to carve out all these pumpkins? And why weren’t the Jack-o'-lanterns on display as she had seen at the Night of 1,000 Jack-o'-lanterns at the Chicago Botanic Garden? Whoever carved these has some ridiculous artistic talent. They are also way too into Halloween, because their yard is all decked out. There are games set up on tables in the yard, skeletons and ghosts hanging from the trees and tombstone yard signs all over. 
 As she walks up the steps to the house, fake fog sweeps around her feet, the porch is covered in fake cobwebs with large spiders and the porch railing is lined with decorated jars, “potions”, skulls and other Halloween themed knickknacks. She laughs at the potion bottle labeled, “love potion.” When she reaches the door, which is wide open, a group of kids in cute costumes gathered around waiting for treats, she’s expecting the three looney witches from Hocus Pocus to emerge from the house. 
 When a man in a black top hat, tailcoat and a cane appears through the door with a bowl full of candy, she realizes how wrong she is. 
 Boy, is she wrong.
 Holy shit, he’s gorgeous. His skin looks ghostly white from the makeup on his face and he's wearing a brown curly mustache, but those vivid blue eyes are so very blue, even in the dark and under the hat he’s wearing. She’s afraid those eyes will set her on fire when he looks at her.
 “Trick or treat!” the children chorus. 
 Emma can’t take her eyes off the man as he excitedly hands out candy.
 “I love your costume, lassie,” he compliments a little girl who's wearing an Elsa costume.
 He has an accent? Holy hell.
 The little girl frowns, clearly not understanding what he meant by lassie. “I’m not a dog, I’m Elsa.”
 He chuckles, dropping a candy bar into her pumpkin bucket. “My apologies, Elsa. Please don’t blast me with ice.”
 “Thank you, mister,” she says cheerfully before scurrying down the steps to meet her parents at the end of the walkway. 
 “Trick or treat!”
 The man looks toward the small voice, seeing Henry approaching him. He grins big and wide, which makes him look much creepier than he already looks in his costume. Creepy, but sexy. “Well, hi there. Captain Hook, I presume?”
 Henry nods his head and opens his Halloween sack, using his plastic hook to hold one of the straps.
 “Very nice costume, lad. My favorite one so far.”
 “Thank you. I made it,” Emma boasts with a smile as she steps behind her son, placing the hat on his head. She’s not normally one to brag, but then again bragging doesn’t normally afford her the opportunity to talk to ridiculously handsome strangers.
 The man looks up, and when his eyes finally connect with hers, he completely steals her breath. She was wrong. His smoldering blue eyes don’t set her on fire, but they do make her melt.
 And his heavy stare makes her skin tingle.
 “You made this lovely costume?”
 She waves her hand nonchalantly. “It was easy. Just took a red, long-sleeved shirt, some ribbon and slapped some red felt and white feathers on a straw hat and voila.”
 “Very impressive, lass.” He glances at her shirt briefly before returning his eyes to hers. “Did you also make your costume?” he asks, his eyes dancing with mirth. He must have been referring to her red leather jacket and white t-shirt that reads, “This IS my Halloween costume.”
 Emma laughs. “No, I bought it on Amazon.” 
 “Wow, Mom, check this out! Full-size candy bars!” Henry shouts excitedly when the stranger deposits the candy bar into his sack.
 Emma tears her eyes from this man’s mesmerizing blue ones to see the full-size Snickers bar Henry’s holding out to show her. “Huh, people actually do give out full-size candy bars.” She looks up at the man. “I’m impressed. Let me guess, you also carved those pumpkins, too?” she asks, pointing to the pumpkins in his yard.
 He nods with a small smile. “I did. You’d be amazed by what I can do with these hands,” he says smugly.
 Emma wants to roll her eyes, but she can’t deny she very much wishes to find out exactly what he can do with those hands. Instead, she flashes a sarcastic smirk. “So who are you supposed to be, Jack the Ripper?” 
 He chuckles. “Not quite. I’m a gentleman from the Victorian Era. A devilishly handsome gentleman, may I add.”
 She cocks a brow, laughter bubbling in her throat. “If by a  devilishly handsome gentleman, you mean creepy.”
 He sets down the candy bowl and surprises her when he takes her hand in his and lowers his head, murmuring softly as he looks up at her. “The name’s Killian Jones. And it just so happens, I’m always a gentleman. Not just on Halloween.” His touch sears her skin, then he presses his lips to the back of her hand and it feels like electrical currents are surging through her. Her breath catches, and she’s worried he will notice. Judging by the smirk spreading across her skin, he definitely noticed.
 Emma turns her head, looking for her son, whom she spots in the yard playing games with the other kids, their parents supervising them. “I should get back to my son.”
 This man actually pouts as he releases her hand. And it’s freaking adorable. “I told you my name and yet you haven't told me yours?”
 She bites her bottom lip, contemplating whether she should or not. But then again, what’s the harm? It is a small town, so they’ll probably end up running into each other again at some point. “It’s Emma.”
 He grins, making her heart melt. “Nice to meet you, Emma.”
 He scratches behind his ear, which makes him look less creepy and even more adorable. “I’ve never seen you before. Are you new in town?”
 “I’m from Chicago.”
 “Well, love, welcome to Storybrooke.”
  Oh. Now he’s calling her love? Can this man get any sexier? Jesus Christ. “Thank you.” She gives him a shy smile and turns to head down the steps.
 “Wait. Before you go, I have a treat for you, too.” 
 She spins around, arching her brow. “Oh, that’s okay. Henry will share some of his candy with me.”
 He chuckles and shakes his head. “This treat is not for kids.”
 Emma gulps. “What kind of treat did you have in mind?” Something salty? Her mind definitely did not go into the gutter there. Okay, it totally did. 
 He heads inside, then returns not a moment later with a caramel apple. 
 “A caramel apple?” She almost sounds disappointed. But she’s definitely not.
 “Aye, but not just any caramel apple. It’s an adult caramel apple. So make sure you don’t share this with your lad.”
 She eyes it suspiciously. “It’s not laced with love potion, is it?”
 He chuckles and leans closer, whispering in her ear. “No. But it is laced with cannabis-infused butter.”
 Emma smirks as she takes the caramel apple. “Wow, you really go all out on Halloween, don’t you?”
 He shrugs. “You should come back around Christmas.”
 “Oh God, you’re not one of those people who goes completely crazy with the Christmas lights and the decorations and Santa and his reindeer on the roof, are you?”
 He shrugs again, donning a smirk. “Guess you’ll have to wait and find out.”
 “Is that an invitation?” Because she's definitely not thinking about inviting him to get high and engage in hot, sweaty sex with her. Not at all.  
 “Perhaps. Do you and your son enjoy hot cocoa and watching Christmas movies in front of a cozy fireplace?”
 She eyes the caramel apple and then glances up at him. “Does Santa enjoy adult cookies with his milk?”
 His grin widens, making her heartbeat skyrocket out of her chest. “Aye, then it’s a date.”
 Emma rolls her eyes, a smile tugging at her lips. “Not a date.” She doesn’t like the idea of waiting until Christmas to see him again, though.
 His face clouds with guilt. Sorry, love, I just didn't see a wedding ring on your finger so I assumed-”
 “I'm not married,” she clarifies, her cheeks flushing because of the fact that he was curious enough to check her hand for a ring. “Nor do I have a boyfriend. I'm single.” Very single. She's never been so glad to be single before.
 He sighs in relief, which gives her the courage to say what's on her mind and to thankfully change the subject.
 “You know, adult cookies aren’t just for Christmas...”
 He cocks his brow, and good Lord, she really needs him to stop doing that, because it’s doing things to her breathing and her heart. “No? What other special occasions are they for?”
 She shrugs. “Like a Saturday night, say next week when my parents are taking Henry for the weekend.”
 His eyes flash with something she can only describe as excitement. Or anticipation, maybe? “But still not a date, right?”
 She shakes her head. “Nope, just two adults enjoying their adult cookies.” 
 He laughs. “Okay, I’ll bring the apple cider.”
 “Sounds like a date,” she says accidentally when she had meant to say Sounds like a plan. But she doesn't even bother correcting herself as her cheeks warm with blush. She backs away and manages to rip her eyes from him to turn around and head down the steps. She finds Henry playing a game with the kids and takes his hand, telling him it’s getting late. He leaves with a groan but doesn't make a fuss. 
 As they leave the yard, Emma turns around, getting one last glimpse of the devilishly handsome Victorian gentleman. He winks and smiles at her, making her heart stutter, and she blushes and walks away as she leaves with her son.
  She had doubts when she moved to this small town to start over, but the warm feeling in her chest is telling her perhaps coming to Storybrooke wasn't a bad idea after all.
Tagging a few people who might be interested in reading:
@kmomof4 @teamhook @ilovemesomekillianjones @onceuponaprincessworld @artistic-writer @nikkiemms @snowbellewells @donteattheappleshook @itsfabianadocarmo​ @searchingwardrobes​ @melly326​
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saecookie · 4 years
Tag 5 or more people that you are thankful were in your 2020, that you’re thankful exists in a world that’s hard to live in. Whether that be through random reblogs on your posts, or people you have had full blown conversations with. Whether it’s just seeing them on your dash, or interacting with them.
Please Spread this love. 2020 has been hard for so SO many of us.
Tagged by @ineffable-yikes and oh god you’re a darling <3. I hope you know that and get a warm and cozy day and all the good things you deserve in your lil corner of the world ! Keep it up, you’re a gem, honestly, and as always, I’m proud of you !
Now let me get into a rant because. BECAUSE. Because I love loving people.
@maddiesup MADDIE ILU. I  cannot express how lucky I feel to be able to just. Kick in your  messages and just ramble or scream or. You know. Ilu ilu.
@gay-impressionist   hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. hhhhhhh. Les meilleures soirées de l’univers  rohlalala. Tellement contente de pouvoir te parler je. Je sais pas quoi  dire. <3 <3  
@megabadbunny my love my beauty my darling I am so very gay for you and your bunnies and your face and the light you shine and hhhh I don’t know how we evolved from tumblr once in a while cutie comments to I’M GONNA BONK YOU IN THE HEAD AND You’RE GONNA FEEL BETTER and I really, really love you and you’re so dear to me.
@sparklingwaterbabie can you believe we got to see each other in 2020 ? It seems so far away----. But what an incredible wonderful moment I had with you, I really really had the time of my life. I’ll def never see a kermit the same way :’).
@gingerteaonthetardis  HHHHHHHHHH oh boi. What can I say ? You’re so. Such a wonderful person ?  And I adore you ? And the way you seem to FEEL things and I vibe so  much with it and and and. You’re so bright. I really really really love  to see you around and listen to you talk about things and. Sending you  cute mushroom stickers. You’re forever linked to cute forest stuff in my  mind now. You’re trapped.
@i-lost-a-flip-flop i love you ??? so much ???? what I can I say ??????? I just do ???? Like, it’s so easy to talk and share and open up and. Yeah. I’m really, really so happy I met you (even if it wasn’t strictly in 2020 but you’ve been a soothing presence all throughout this year so YEAH).
@smallblueandloud honestly same I just. Really really love having you around. You’re spirited and clever and witted and I can just barge in and scream about my feelings and that’s so precious you have no idea. You’re a comforting presence and a safe person.
@galiifreyrose listen I’m not gonna say anything. You’re safe and musically galaxy brain and I feel like I share so much and you’re a new person to me and I’m not coherent but I don’t care. Yo’ure. Everything. 2020 would not have looked this way without you. I fucking love you so much and timezones and geography have never been so punitive. I. Just. Want to hug you and spend time with you and. Just be with you. (Guess I did say something...)
@effervescentdragon ooooh now I know you’re in your exam and I get to write this. Listen Aki. I’m. Beyond grateful that I’ve been able to meet you. And scream with you. And then vibe and share and talk and discover you and. It’s been a very few month, and a very few eventful month, so I guess there’s still a lot of things to be said and a lot of things we could disagree on, but honestly ? I just feel like we match ? And. You told me once “I don’t care, just talk to me about the emotions”. Well that’s this kind of moment, when I don’t have sentences, just emotions. Full of them. I’m sure you’re killing your exam. I send you all the best hugs you like. (I didn’t even start on how many freaking qualities you’re full of but it’s already getting a bit long and sappy...)
@goneadrift always such a pleasure to see you around honestly <3. It’s been a few years now that we’re mutuals and I couldn’t imagine my dash without you. And your fma viewing gave me LIFE.
@demoiselledefortune always a familiar presence on my dash, it would be v weird without you honestly, and I love seeing all those passionate reblog I don’t understand a thing about, like. Really. There’s a whole aesthetic that I love.
@skyler10fic listen Skyler I  absolutely adore you ok ? You’re such a bright spirit and. I really  vibe with everything you say ? haha. ALL THE HUGS TO YOU.
@elialys I’m ? So grateful ? For you ? I don’t know how to express it ? You’re so smart and talented and a good friend and and and. How are you you ? I wish I was able to TALK MORE but you know, stuff. I’m really grateful for you.
@booksandwoollysocks you’re so precious ? And I can’t wait to post this letter ? hhhhhh I’m really impatient. I love everything about what you blog and your opinions and everything. <3
@yellowsuedeshoes I’m shit at talking and I WILL have to try Destiny at one point because there’s no reason we’re the two europeans connected late at night and not making the most of it. I’m so glad I met you and got to talk to you so much in vc !
@melusine0811 Oh wow how my life changed since you messaged me on tumblr haha ! I’ll never thank you enough to show you gratitude. You’re so brave and so strong and I love being around you and don’t ever think I don’t appreciate you to the moon and back whaveter dumb brain says !
@crazyrose912 meeting you was such luck. You’re lovely and caring and strong and I can’t think of someone more peaceful than you. You really are the calm presence around here for me <3.
@cleverlittlejay you’re a gem and even if I’m shit at talking I really love every little message we exchange and fandom we don’t share and I wish I could just come and hug you !
@emjee I like following you so much because I discover SO MANY THINGS thanks to you and I. Just love seeing people being passionnate and. Yeah. So many hugs your way.
@elwenn-dreaming listen I always love seeing all your lil comments about stuff and posts and good providing of lotr meme and I’m sending you all the strenght I think you need to go through these 2 (maybe +) years because they can be good and I really hope they will be for you, you deserve it !!
@lastbluetardis hfsdgdkjfghdfjgflhg. All the love. And the vibing. And the video games. And the reading. And the sharing. And the feelings. I. You know. Still the “how are we the same age you’re so much more EVERYTHING”/”NO YOU” and I really love you and I wish I could just. Be more with you.
@doctorrosetennant oooooh you’re so sweet and precious and I’m so glad I got to meet you this year and we’re able to get each others back. Honestly this year would have been very different if I hadn’t met you all, really <3.
@timeladyofthesith I know we don’t talk much and everything but. I first met you through your writing and it. Really did something to me. And now I know you a little and you’re such a bright and spirited person and I really admire you ? And your cosplaying is gold ? And you’re so funny ? uuuuh we don’t deserve you.
@tardisinateapot meeting you was a gift and I’m grateful I can exist in your orbit and your wise and funny words and. Thanks for your grounding presence. You’re a gem and I love you <3.
@temporary-dysphoria I discovered your writing this years and WOW. It did something to me. And I’m very, very grateful for that, and thank you for your stories and for all your good content and opinions and I’d send you hugs if I knew if you’re comfortable with them, but without that knowledge let’s just say I wish it’s getting better your way !
@naromoreau (typing your @ I just discovered that I’ve always called you naNomoreau.... SORRY) I also discovered your writing this years and it’s so special and I’m so happy I did. Thank you for all your stories <3 <3.
@chocolatequeennk you’re a gem you’re a treasure I feel so safe and seen with you and I hope I can provide something good too and you make me so happy and just. Seeing you everyday. And your smiles. And the bad days. You’re just. hhhhhhhhhhh <3 <3.
@wildchildamandaa you know what ? Meeting you has been a gift. A real true gift because you’re so kind and soft and gentle and funny and adorable and I just want to hang out more because I’m just. Blown away by how cool and great and nice and strong you are. Iluvmuch.
@pellaaearien mgngngnngngn I really adore you and you being so NICE and I really don’t want it to be in the bad way because I know it can be a struggle but you’re really gentle and kind and generous and. Thanks for being around <3.
@sunnibits WELCOME TO TOLKIEN FANDOM you’re so smart and funny and I don’t really know you but you always me smile >w< !
@xyloophones lrehfdgdfkjg I LOVE YOU ? You’RE SO SPECIAL AND PERFECT AND YOU just. Get it when I’m screaming stuff and. I really really love talking to you and you’re such a warm person to be around. All cozy <3.
Other people I’m grateful for ! @tolkien-understands @turtle-pond-stims @finn-shitposts @hinamie @oreliel-from-valinor @charlottemadison42 @cleowho @letters-to-lgbt-kids @obiwanobi @eccleston @smolshoma1 @narootos and I’m forgetting a ton of people but. YEAH.
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honeyct · 5 years
[ 8.14 PM ]
it was a friday evening, and you were sat cross-legged and cozy on the couch, wrapped warmly in a blanket. your close friend since childhood, mark, was sat on the floor, right by you, in a pile of pillows and duvets. the two of you, both in pyjamas, were locked in an intense game of mario kart.
"you're going down," mark muttered through his concentration as you entered the last lap.
you scoffed, "mark, i won the last five games, do you really expect to win?"
"but i'm winning this time," he said forcefully.
"cute," you let out with a small laugh.
"what is?"
"that you think you can beat me."
"hey, you're in second right now."
that was true. mark was currently in first place while you tailed close behind in second.
you couldn't help smiling to yourself; this reminded you of the mario kart contests the two of you used to have when you were younger. you loved when you got chance to spend time with mark like this - the two of you ran in completely different circles at school and never really got to see each other anymore. no one even expected you to be friends, if anything, they thought you would hate each other.
neither of you spoke another word for the rest of the race; absorbed in the competition. you let mark stay in first for most of the race, all the while keeping close on his tail, until just before the end you used a mushroom to speed past him and over the finish line.
"ha!" you exclaimed in victory, whilst mark whined a long "no," and fell forward burying his face in one of the pillows.
"i'll let you win next time," you teased, leaning forward to ruffle his hair.
that made him look up with a frown, glaring at you before he picked up a pillow and threw it straight at your face.
you gasped in mock horror and laughed as you threw the pillow back at him. the pillow hit him square in the face, and you were both laughing now.
mark threw the pillow to one side, and reached up to pull you by your waist, knocking you onto the duvet pile on the floor beside him.
"hey," you yelped as you got a face full of blanket. you tried to pick yourself up and grabbed another pillow, ready to throw it at mark.
"oh no you don't," he warned. you moved to throw the pillow anyway but before you could he jumped on top of you, pinning your arms down so you couldn't throw anything else.
unable to move or do anything else to attack him, you decided to lift your head and kiss his cheek, expecting that to make him freak out and jump off you. but your laughter slowly died down as you realised mark wasn't laughing anymore. he'd frozen in shock, his eyes wide, and a gentle flush of pink beginning to spread across his cheeks.
you gazed up, meeting his eyes, and your heart began to race as you realised you wanted to kiss him again - and not just on the cheek. but this was mark - this wasn't what you two did.
but maybe it could be...
mark's eyes flickered nervously across your face, reading your expression, before he finally decided to lean down and capture your lips with his own.
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Flashfic: Reviews
The ‘food critic / chef’ AU that no one asked for! It was supposed to be for Day 3, but I’m so behind with my drabbles&flash fics! *******************
Karma is a bitch, isn’t it? For far too long he got away with his sassy restaurant reviews, when he’s not even an accredited food critic. Well, it’s not his fault if people find him funny and keep asking for more… They made his column – ‘the outraged Italian’ – one of the most read in the magazine. Martino is just giving his audience what the want. Contributing to keep afloat the project that got Gio and Eva back together. Born from his best friend’s idea, and nurtured by Eva, it’s like… their baby, you know? The least he can do is help them out, this time. And, let’s be honest, it has been a pleasure to tear down those who claim to serve ‘authentic Italian food’ and then they’ve got chicken on their pizza. Or freaking ‘Alfredo’ in their menus. Those who make barely edible lasagna or put huge meatballs in their spaghetti. Those who cook a carbonara with vegan salami, mushroom, tabasco and anchovies (anchovies!!) but no guanciale. Until tonight. Here, at the “Four Seasons”. ‘What a pretentious name’ he had thought. Surely the poshest place you could find, given that the one of the chefs/owners was a trust fund’s kid with a huge flat near Covent Garden. With a live quartet playing Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter over and over again.
His expectations, however, were crushed the moment he stepped in. Vivaldi’s music can only be heard from a vintage boombox in toilets, first of all. And then, the design of this place is… Unique, yeah, it’s one way to describe it. Imagine a penguin and a unicorn going on an acid trip and then puking all over the furniture. That’s how it feels like. The atmosphere is cozy, joyous, with children busy painting on the walls and playing with their food rather than running around screaming. For them, there’s a menu shaped like a giraffe – what? there’s nothing weird about him perusing the kids’ menu! he’s simply being thorough, that’s all! – with nice colored pictures and all… And then a plain looking – quite boring, really, but in nice shades of red and blue - one for adults. Enough beating around the bush, all right? What he should focus on is not the ambience, but the dishes being served here. How karma slammed the door open, walked up to this table and slapped him in the face. How he brought that upon himself. Not by tasting unusual but still rather enjoyable starters. No. It was by asking for the chefs to surprise him, and bring him what they believed to be their best main course. Which led to him getting this… thing, and nearly throwing up in his napkin. He thought he had been discreet enough, but he had looked up to find Niccolò Fares himself sitting opposite to him. Why was he even there? To make sure he hadn’t accidentally poisoned a client? Who knows. It hardly matters. What matters is that he didn't leave, and Marti has all but lost his appetite. For food, anyway. For a gentle, gorgeous - and funny! – man, on the other hand… And now he doesn’t quite know what to do. Can he really threaten Niccolò’s career, discrediting all the hard work he had Luca – who is the sweetest, dorkiest and most absurd guy he has met in while… - had done up to this night? Can he conveniently forget to mention that the atrocious carbonara was part of an elaborated prank? That the actual one – an ‘unstructured’ version of the same dish, with tuna instead of meat – was not so bad, after all? “Hey, we’re from Rome ourselves. We allow you to say it’s ‘da bomb’” Niccolò concedes, with air quotes and a fully body laugh. “Who does even say that anymore? You and your grandpa?” Marti asks, fondly amused by his antics. “Says the man who raided his gramps’ closet… Anyway, I’m all about setting new trends and bring back old ones, don’t you know?” Martino doesn’t even have the time to come up with some witty rebuttal, before Niccolò distract him by raising his glass. “To getting to know each other better, before you give us a 1 star on TripAdvisor and pen down the most scathing review of your life, Mr-I-only-know-blue-as-a-colour?” “You can call me Martino.” “Marti it is, then. Nice to meet you. I’m Nico.”
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poppibranchlover · 4 years
Nine Lives, One Fight - Part 22
The story: Deep in the forest of Troll Town, there lies a mysterious tiny purple mushroom that has a secret magical ability. King Peppy calls this mushroom forbidden for all Trolls to go near it. One day, while Branch is out in the woods doing his survival research studying, he encounters it and, not knowing it is a regular mushroom, decides to harvest it and bring it home. But in the next morning, its magic effects transform him into a small blue cat! After being sent to the animal pound, his girlfriend, Poppy, finds him and decides to adopt him, although not recognizing it is Branch. Desperate to finish his research project due for a special event invented by Poppy, Branch is forced to learn how to behave like a pet cat and must figure out what caused him to become one.
You already seen what had happened in Part 21. Now get ready for Part 22!:
“I’m so sorry, Poppy. I should have listened to you and your dad,” Branch muttered sadly, feeling the pressure to give up. He closed his eyes and settled himself to sleep.
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Wiggles, the little bunny, emerged from the shadows, desperate for his friend. He saw Branch sleeping alone on the cliff and hopped towards him.
“There you are!” he cried, looking worried sick. “I’ve been searching the whole forest for you! You would’ve been caught by a net, or something worse!” Then he noticed how he was feeling right now. “Why the long face? What happened?”
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Branch opened his eyes and turned to Wiggles, his face overwhelmed by guilt and sadness. “I should have saved myself from that mushroom,” he said hopelessly. “You heard what the lieutenant of Poppy’s dad said to her? Now everyone, including Poppy, thinks I’m dead. They all can’t recognize me.”
He then sunk his chin onto his front paws in despair, mourning about his failure to get the other Trolls’ attention. Wiggles crept to his side and thought for a moment to help cheer him up and come up with a plan.
“Hey, kid. It’s going to be alright,” he said gently, stroking his fur with one bunny paw. “Let the entire village know what’s really at stake if you’re under a spell of a magic mushroom. They’ll help us figure somethin’ out.”
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But Branch is completely overwhelmed, feeling like his heart is about to shatter even more. “It’s not going to be alright,” he said, shaking his head in despair. “I’ve messed everything up, and soon after tomorrow, I’m going to become ‘full cat’ forever.” He sighed for a moment. “If only there’s another Archaeo morphisis mushroom somewhere in the woods that will help change me back. I just miss my Troll body so much.”
Wiggles nuzzled his cheek. “Don’t worry about that,” he reassured him gently. “I think there will be more time to retrieve that mushroom if we could just keep going.”
“But it will be my last day to live like this soon,” Branch said, on the verge of tears. “I’m not sure if I can make it.”
“I’m positive you will make it out of the spell,” Wiggles told him with strong passionate emotion. “Everyone will not think you are dead. Just do not run away from your only companion ever again, okay?”
Branch quickly thought for a moment about what he told him and he turned back to him, grateful for his support. “I’m glad you’re here for me, Wiggles,” he said, barely making out a relieved smile.
“Me too,” said Wiggles, hugging his face. “Unless, of course, you would be stuck like this for another day later.” After a moment of comforting Branch, he looked away and sighed, as if he remembered something tragic that happened to him before.
“Listen…” Wiggles admitted sadly, taking a deep breath before he can say anything. “I had the most painful secret I ever kept that I didn’t want to tell you about.”
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Branch looked confused. “What secret?” he asked, looking at the sad little rabbit. “You never told me any secrets you kept.”
“Well…” Wiggles started to say, but he grunted with frustration. In fact, he was afraid that Branch might be freaking out if he did tell him something truly dark. “It’s still haunting my mind for a very long time that I don’t want to talk about it much!” The bunny was clearly panicking as his long ears droop closer to his back.
“No, it’s okay,” Branch told him gently. “I’m listening. Don’t be shy, Wiggles. Just tell me something.”
Wiggles shrank back with guilt. This was it. Now it is the perfect time to say something else to his only friend he had ever known. “Okay, here goes nothing.” He took a big, deep breath before blurting out inexplicably “The truth is…I am also a Troll cursed by the magical purple mushroom!”
That settled it. Branch immediately stood up and turned directly to him, completely horrified at what he had just said.
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“WHAT?!” he shouted in horror. He couldn’t believe his ears! Ever since they met, Wiggles was just an ordinary little bunny in the woods! And now, after all this time, the bunny WAS ACTUALLY A TROLL UNDER THE SPELL OF THE ARCHAEO MORPHISIS?! He felt like this is not right. There had to be some kind of terrible mistake.
Looking at Wiggles, totally baffled at his secret, Branch stammered in disbelief “You’re a Troll too?! But…how is this even possible?”
Wiggles was so guilty of blurting his secret in front of his friend that he explained “I’m sorry for telling you the truth about my backstory. Now is the time I’ll tell you why I am just like you a long time ago.”
“Really?” Branch asked, staring at him. “What did happened to you? How did you end up like this?”
Wiggles sighed and went on to explain his backstory. “Don’t you see? I was a carrot farmer, working day and night in the farming premises of the village. I had a passion for harvesting carrots and selling them for investment.”
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Scrapbook imagery began to play before his mind. Wiggles remembered that in his early days as a Troll, he used to have lime-colored skin, green hair and old-fashioned clothing like a farmer. In the scrapbook flashback, he was raking a garden and watering crops with a watering can.
“I was having such a happy life, taking care of my precious carrot garden and making sure the crops are ripe enough to eat. I even had a tremendous appetite on carrots,” Wiggles explained, shaking off the memory of his daily routine. Flipping through the next scrapbook memory, he remembered about a big toadstool-shaped restaurant with a picture of a smiling carrot on top of the roof.
“Carrots were my favorite vegetables, and I decided to run a business about them! That’s why I opened a fabulous gourmet restaurant for the Trolls to go crazy on these orange buds!”
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Wiggles smiled at the memory of himself opening his famous restaurant, with Poppy impressed and awed at his amazing work.
“You may come in!” he announced in the flashback. “My carrot restaurant is open for business!”
“Yay!” scrapbook Poppy cheered. “It’s a nice restaurant!”
Wiggles remembered that all the Trolls were lining up to buy carrots from his restaurant, giving him so many money. He would have been rich if he had much more.
“But little by little, there are less people entering and exiting my cafe,” he explained. “I grew bored, wondering what to do next and how to get more currency to invest for my farm.” In a scrapbook image, he was sitting on the cashier counter, bored and staring longingly at his small tower of money.
“That is when I decided to get more carrots,” Wiggles said. “The more I will grow them and take them to business, the more money I will pay!”
The memory then changed to another one depicting him in his garden.
“In my farm, I went for some gardening. It didn’t take long for me to get started as I whipped out my rake and headed for the crops. But as I was walking along the way, I stepped on something on the ground.”
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In the scrapbook flashback, Wiggles was making his way to start his raking when he stepped on something with a…SNAP!!!
“Huh?! What is this?” the green Troll asked, startled at the sound. He bent down and picked up the object from the ground. It turned out to be a purple seed that glowed bright purple magic inside. Wiggles felt so suspicious at his find.
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“When I picked it up, it looked like a strange-looking seed. I have no idea what it is, but I’m curious of what it is doing here.”
“Hang on just a second,” Branch interrupted. “There’s something really strange going on with that seed.”
Wiggles kept going with his backstory. “After a long day of gardening for more carrots, I started to feel tired. Taking my bundle of carrots and that strange seed along with me, I headed home, inside my cozy, humble pod. It’s where I used to live.”
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Wiggles remembered what his own Troll pod house used to be like. It was orange-reddish on most of it except for the bottom half, which is coated with yellow.
“I was trying to relax myself by reading a book when a violent thunderstorm burst into the sky.”
BOOM!!! ZAP!!!!
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The scrapbook image of Wiggles’ Troll pod in a sunny day quickly changed into a dark and stormy night. Rain poured from the dark clouds (and even Cloud Guy was pouring rain as well), thunder roared and lightning flashed. The stormy wind caused the pod to sway unsteadily.
“The heavy rain is causing me to drop my book as I got startled by the wind from outside. I looked for something to hold onto, but then I started to feel a little pain in my head. The next thing I knew was that I’m experiencing some severe or mild discomfort in my whole body.”
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Wiggles shuddered at the moment he had a headache and was sweating like crazy.
“What happened?” Branch asked, looking worried. “I knew there is something going on with that seed!”
“That is for you to find out its symptoms,” Wiggles explained, his voice filled with grave emotion. “Stage 1 is when you get a severe headache. Stage 2 is the discomfort of deforming in the limbs.”
“What is Stage 3?”
“Stage 3 is in the middle of chromothripsis. You’ll definitely pass out. Your genomes will be smashed apart…so they can be reassembled with animal DNA.”
A scrapbook image depicted Wiggles in Troll form, undergoing a werewolf-like transformation. A shadow of a rabbit can be seen in front of him.
“After I suffered from stage 4, which is epigenetic modulation, I went to the final phase of my transformation,” Wiggles said. “That is when your body is being flooded with endorphins to prepare you for the immense physical pain you’re about to experience.”
The scrapbook cutout of Wiggles clutched tightly onto his stomach with his two hands, groaning in pain and falling onto the floor, barely becoming unconscious in the process.
“The next thing I knew is that my house engulfed with a violent blast of purple magic!”
In another scrapbook image, Wiggles’ beloved pod went…
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Purple clouds of magic covered everywhere in the pod. A second later, it crashed down to the ground. CRASH!!!
Some Trolls who were walking by got startled at the sound of a pod crashing. They cautiously walked towards the broken pod house, in which purple light began to glow from inside.
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“The Trolls frantically rushed to find me in my home, but all they can find is a glowing purple mushroom,” Wiggles stated sadly.
Branch was shocked at the memory of two Trolls finding Wiggles’ wrecked pod. It had been clear that to according to everyone’s reaction, the green Troll is nowhere to be found inside the house, and the Archaeo morphisis mushroom is what is left laying in there.
The scene then changed to a funeral. All the Trolls were gathered around a casket, wearing formal black clothing. Some were sobbing and paying their respects.
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“Soon, with no trace of my whereabouts, a funeral was held for my presumed death,” Wiggles explained. “Worst of all, my beloved carrot restaurant went out of business.”
He gestured to another scrapbook image of his carrot restaurant, which now had a sign that says “Closed” pinned to the cute-eyed carrot picture. It now displayed a sad face instead of smiling, meaning that it became sad that the owner of the restaurant was gone.
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Scrapbook Poppy approached Wiggles’ restaurant, and upon reading the sign, she looked very sad. “Oh no.”
Branch looked stunned. For a moment, Wiggles just shook his head, overcome by the sad memories. Then he took a deep breath and said, “Many of the Trolls never knew what became of me. When I woke up, I looked down at a rain puddle and realized that I transformed into a rabbit. Since then, I spent most of my life living as this small carrot-craving animal for two years after my funeral was held and the Archaeo morphisis mushroom became extinct and taken away from Troll history for good.”
Another flashback projected in Wiggles’ mind, but only this time, it wasn’t made from scrapbook cutouts. It depicted the little bunny that he had become, lost and alone in the forest.
“No one will see me. No one will need my help anymore,” said Wiggles, almost feeling like crying. “I realized I was so far away from my home, I couldn’t find it. A few days later, as I was roaming the woods, the Animal Control tried to catch me.”
Wiggles remembered that when the Animal Control officers find him in the forest, they chased after him. He desperately searched for a place to hide from the two angry running Trolls wearing caps, who were holding their nets.
“I ran for my life when I found the perfect place to be hidden,” said Wiggles. “As the catchers ran away, I was about to get going when a flash of purple light blinded my sight. That’s when I realized that I was hiding behind a log that was beside another Archaeo morphisis mushroom.”
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The rabbit remembered the day he found the Archaeo morphisis mushroom in the furthest peak of the forest. It was standing there, barely making out repeated haunted voices that would draw Trolls close to it and order them to touch and pick it up.
“I tried to ignore the voices in my head, remembering the incident that happened a long time ago,” explained Wiggles. “Suddenly, I heard a voice in the distance…it was your voice.”
That was when Branch quickly remembered the first time he encountered the magical mushroom. Wiggles saw Branch, in his normal Troll form, approaching towards the Archaeo morphisis and hid in a bush. He had witnessed him preparing to pick it up when King Peppy and Poppy worriedly rushed to his side, attempting to warn Branch not to touch the mushroom.
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Wiggles watched from his bush as Poppy started shouting at Branch. “You’ve got some explaining to do, mister! Where were you just now? My dad heard you almost touched the magical purple mushroom!”
“How dare you told me that!” Branch said, glaring at her. “I was just harvesting some ingredients for your festival!”
“But you almost harvest that mushroom!” said Poppy. “You could’ve been vanished!”
“I’m just doing what I need to do right now!” Branch said, looking very mad at her. “So why did you and your father try to stop me?”
The flashback soon ended as Wiggles sadly finished his story. “It turns out I’m not the only one trapped in the mushroom’s magic spell. One day, I came across you, selfish and stubborn with blue mad eyes. That is not how you’ve always been acting.”
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Branch was totally speechless. “So…you’ve been spying on me when I argued with Poppy and her dad?” he asked in disbelief.
Wiggles looked at Branch directly in his eyes. “That’s how I realized what you just did! While I’m still stuck in this tiny little rabbit body for a long time, I came to your assistance and told you the truth,” he explained, his voice growing more serious as he spoke. “According to King Peppy, there was only one purple mushroom existing in the other side of the woods where no one can collect it. One day, you didn’t listen to him, and you angered its magical power by taking it away from good hands. Thanks to you, there are no more magic purple mushrooms that exist.”
The instant Wiggles told him this, Branch felt his stomach twist. He felt more guilty than ever. He thought for a minute before realizing the horrible truth.
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“Oh no! You are right!” Branch admitted, looking scared. “This was the last Archaeo morphisis mushroom existing right now! I must have lost it somewhere in town while I was holding my basket of berries on the way home!”
“What?” Wiggles asked, shocked. “Why did you lose the mushroom? That’s our last one!”
Branch paced around on his four legs as he explained “I was so careless that I bumped to a passing Troll and spilled my basket holding the mushroom and my berries in it. I don’t have much time to pick them up because a dog chased me and the Animal Control sent me to the pound until Poppy adopted me.” He heaved a big, sad sigh and he felt tears stinging in his eyes. “It’s my fault. I totally lost one of Troll Village’s forbidden possessions without permission.”
Wiggles stood in front of Branch, his mouth hung open with unbelievable shock. “How could you….?”
“I’m so sorry, Wiggles!” Branch said, anguished. “I’ve been such a careless boy. All that I spent throughout this day was getting the Trolls’ help, but no one can hear me or see me, and the Animal Control will always get me. Without that mushroom, I will never turn back into a Troll.”
He turned around in a circle and curled himself up, disappointed at his mistake. “What have I done?” he mumbled in a small voice.
Wiggles stepped forward. “I’m sorry that I told you what happened to me a long time ago,” he said with as much shame as possible. “But it made you feel even worse. What I had said about the horrible feeling of transforming into animals that represent our talent has got to be the most painful weakness.”
“Yeah, it’s alright, Wiggles,” Branch replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “You already told me about that one. I really appreciated your backstory.” He sighed heavily before continuing. “But I don’t want what happened to you… to happen to me.”
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Branch looked down at the grass as another scrapbook image flashed through his mind, depicting his own funeral. “I also don’t want to be announced dead like you, Wiggles,” he said, nearly crying.
“I feel the same way. I even regretted picking up that magical seed in my garden two years ago,” Wiggles said despondently. “With the two of us becoming animals, all the people and our loved ones think we’re goners.”
The two of them sat on the cliff for a moment, sadly thinking of their future. Branch took a moment to wipe his tears and make a decision. He let out a big breath from his throat and looked up with determination.
“I guess I’ll have to do what is needed to be done,” he said in a brave voice, standing up on his four paws. “I have to find the last existing Archaeo morphisis before its effects expire.”
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Then he looked back at Wiggles and added firmly “But I can’t do it alone, no matter how scared I am.” After that, he hung his head low, sighing.
Wiggles looked excited. “Look in the bright side,” he said enthusiastically. “You should be glad you had a companion to support you. But I’ll stay ahead of your tail until we do it together, like a team!” He nudged Branch’s shoulder and gave him an encouraging smile.
Branch felt a wave of relief wash over him. He hadn’t let himself admit that he had been scared to be alone. Now that Wiggles encouraged him to move on, he is sure to be ready to set things right.
“I knew you can count on me like that, Wiggles,” Branch told him with a gentle smile. But then he noticed he wasn’t really answering back. “Wiggles?”
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He looked down at his side and saw the little rabbit beside him with his eyes closed. He was so tired from searching for him in the woods that he immediately fell asleep.
“Oh, Wiggles.” Branch smiled, feeling touched at the bunny’s funny little personality. Then he had an idea. He rested himself on the ground, folding his tail around Wiggles and using it like a furry blanket. He dragged him closer to his shoulder to make sure he is more comfortable.
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Branch was feeling sorry for his friend’s longtime tragedy and whispered “Hang in there, buddy. I promise I’ll help change you back as well.”
Then he licked his face and rested his head down his front paws, closing his eyes as the two friends settled to sleep for the night.
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Comforted by his gentle words, Wiggles snuggled himself into the warmth of Branch’s long tail, leaning in as blue fur bristled through his grey face. He is more grateful to have a special friend who will always be there for him.
An hour later, Branch’s eyes suddenly snapped open, thinking that he might have forgotten about one thing.
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Wide-awake, he gasped and realized something! “Oh no! Poppy! I should be getting back to her pod!”
Branch knew he had to get back to Poppy’s house because he had been staying as her pet in there. He quickly looked back at Wiggles, who was still curled up in his long blue tail. “I could really use your help taking me home,” he told the rabbit.
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Responding to the sound of his voice, Wiggles yawned and stretched. “What? We’re leaving now?” he asked in a tired tone.
“Yeah, we need to get moving!” said Branch. “Get up!”
Wiggles thought for a moment, and then made up his mind. “Okay then, let’s do it.”
They were about to leave when Garth burst out of the shadows. He walked slowly forward with his net. “All right, kitty cat. Come on…”
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Branch and Wiggles gasped. After capturing the stray cat earlier, Garth had focused back on finding and capturing Branch!
Wiggles squeaked in horror. “RUN!!!”
“Come on!” Branch screamed as he picked up Wiggles in his mouth and made a run for the edge of the woods.
Garth ran after the two animals, yelling “HEY! COME BACK HERE, YOU CAT!!!”
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As he ran, Branch quickly tossed Wiggles onto his back. Garth swung his net forward but he slipped on the edge of the cliff!
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He screamed as he tumbled into the river with a…
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When Garth dunked into the water, his cap went flying before landing gently on the river. This slowed him down and allowed Branch and Wiggles to escape.
They both looked back at the defeated Garth behind them and cheered as they finally got away from the Animal Control officer.
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Wiggles held on to Branch’s back, riding him like a horse. He looked up at him and boasted triumphantly “I told you I’d always be ahead of your tail!”
“Yeah!” Branch said proudly, looking over his shoulder as he ran. “Me too, Wiggles!”
Together, the two of them quickened their pace as they made their way to Troll Village.
                                             To Be Continued…
                                         Stay tuned for Part 23!
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harryandmolly · 5 years
Ten Years - Part One
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summary: ten years after 2007 Warped Tour, Shawn and Val come face to face in London
warnings: Language, that good yearning
WC: 3.3k
A/N: this is a post-epilogue miniseries of I Could Write It Better Than You Ever Felt It. I recommend you read that first or this will make you go 🤔
Shawn has never felt further from his 19-year-old self than right now, squished into what has to be the world’s tiniest lift with Val and Alice and Alice’s very large, fancy pram.
The rickety lift slowly drags them up to the third floor of the old building. In the mirrored doors, Shawn watches them, saved from Val’s returning gaze as she focuses on making faces at her sleepy baby. Her back is pressed up against his chest. He can smell the achingly familiar citrus scent of her hair. But he can barely recognize the boy that ran away from this girl.
The lift stops with an alarming little jolt but Val looks unbothered. She hands the pram off to Shawn to steer while she fishes keys out of her purse. Shawn walks slowly, gazing down at Alice’s round and curious face. Who are you to be taking up my mommy’s attention? She seems to say. Shawn’s lower lip twitches. Who, indeed.
Val lets them into the dark flat. It’s roomier than Shawn expected, having seen the modest building from the outside. As Val flips on lights, Shawn’s hungry eyes suck in as much as they can, committing it to memory for further study.
The walls are a rich shade of deep, deep red. The furniture is modern but comfortable. There are bookshelves in every corner, packed full of fantasy, art texts and music biographies. He stumbles over a stuffed colorful caterpillar toy. It makes Val chuckle.
He looks up at her and watches as she drops her jacket onto a hanger and kicks her boots into a corner next to a teeny tiny pair of cleats that make him smile.
“Already got her on a club team?” he rasps, finding his voice has failed him slightly. Val graciously ignores it and glances over at the cleats.
“Aren’t those hilarious? Raf sent those for her a few weeks ago. They were his daughter’s when she was Alice’s size.”
Shawn smiles and tucks his hands into his jacket pockets, rocking back and forth. He’s gazing around, memorizing as casually as possible, when he feels her warmth again. He looks down to see her smirking up at him. He ducks his head and chuckles. There never was any hiding from Val.
“Wanna stay for dinner? I was going to order takeaway.”
He grins at her British -ism and bites into his lower lip, nodding at her fridge. “I can cook if you want.”
Val’s eyebrows lift. Shawn’s laugh is low and gravelly. His voice is still not working quite right. He thinks it’s prolonged exposure to her coming out of nowhere. He doesn’t really mind. She could always understand exactly what he was saying even when he was babbling helplessly, even when he wasn’t speaking at all.
“You can… cook?”
Shawn rolls his eyes and shucks off his jacket, placing it on the back of a barstool at her modest kitchen island.
“I did grow up a little in the last ten years,” he sighs, wandering into her kitchen curiously.
“I noticed.”
Shawn freezes almost comically. His hand is halfway to the fridge handle. He blinks and turns his head slightly to look at her. She’s wearing the smile that’s haunted him for ten years, the one that’s so signature Val -- it’s a dare and a promise all in one. He swallows so hard his throat visibly bobs.
She’s fucking flirting with him. And she doesn’t look like she did it accidentally.
His motor function comes back enough to open the refrigerator and look around, and also hope the cool air will reduce the pink burning in his cheeks. Val busies herself with freeing fussy Alice from the pram, holding her against her hip after shedding all her tiny little layers down to a pair of leggings and a long sleeved tee with the Arsenal FC logo on it.
Shawn studies the contents of the fridge. It doesn’t take long. He looks up at her, frowning disapprovingly.
“You don’t cook,” he says plainly.
Val snorts, which makes Alice wriggle against her chest.
“I don’t cook. Never have, never will. It horrifies my mother, who sends five pounds of frozen homemade empanadas every month packed with dry ice.”
Shawn groans and lets his head loll back. “Fuck, I love your mom’s empanadas.”
A moment later, his head snaps up. His eyes widen. He claps a hand over his mouth.
“I’m so sorry!” The sound is garbled against the skin of his hand. He removes it to Val’s amusement.
“Don’t worry,” Val hums, pressing her nose and lips up against Alice’s patch of dark hair above her little ear, “I swear around her all the fucking time. Don’t I, nina?”
Shawn grins and turns back to the fridge. With a sigh, he unloads a carton of old Waitrose eggs, some wilted spinach and a bag of shiitake mushrooms. He snuggles the ingredients into his arms and nudges the door shut with his foot, glancing at her reproachfully.
“Don’t judge me on this, it won’t be my best work. But I have limited resources.”
Val takes a deep, calming breath, watching him start to sort out a cutting board and a pathetically dull knife at her kitchen counter. Because Shawn Mendes is cooking her dinner.
It’s been a weird six hours.
Val props herself up on a stool, planting Alice in front of her, holding her by the waist so her floppy, energetic baby doesn’t squirm onto the floor. Alice also serves as an excellent shield between herself and the man in her kitchen she can’t stop staring at.
She listens to him chop and crack eggs and melt butter like making dinner for her is some kind of Food Network challenge. She tries to tamp down a goofy smile at the thought. Alice smacks her tiny palm against Val’s lips for her attention. She holds her daughter’s hand and mimes nibbling at her fingers, making Alice squeal with laughter. Val peeks over Alice’s shoulder to see Shawn grinning at a frying pan, expertly flipping an omelette. Val’s stomach flips with it.
“So,” Val coughs, “How’ve you found London so far?”
Shawn slides the omelette sizzling onto a plate and cracks pepper over the top. He slides it over to her with a fork, slinging a dish towel over his shoulder while he gets to work on the second. Val mouths thank you, sealing it with a wink as she lifts the baby into a high chair and pops open a can of mashed carrot and swede from the countertop.
“I love it,” Shawn murmurs, nodding, “I’ve always really liked it here. My mum has family here. I’m over here a lot for work.”
He slides his tongue over his lower lip, making the black enameled ring quiver as he thinks about the comment he left out -- he’s long been considering getting a place here. Many of his favorite producers are based out of London. He and the guys love working out here. Forefront has remained more popular in the UK after the scene faded in the US. It makes sense.
“And… how long are you staying?”
Val hopes the eagerness doesn’t cut too deeply into her voice. If Shawn notices, he’s mercifully cool about it.
“I’m leaving Thursday to go home for the holidays.”
Val’s jaw tightens. She straightens up and stares at Alice, watching as she takes a fist of Val’s hair and shoves it into her mouth instead of the spoon of food Val is offering.
“I’ll be back after New Years to write the new album. Gonna spend a few months here.”
Val’s stomach swoops. She jams the spoon into Alice’s cheek by accident, reaching for her bib to wipe the food away before Alice can protest.
“That’s nice,” Val replies airily.
Shawn plops into the stool next to her with his plate and eyes her as she takes one bite of her food and feeds her daughter with her other hand.
“Ever accidentally mixed up the spoons and eaten baby food by mistake?”
Val barks a laugh. “Happens like, once a week.”
Shawn, Val and Alice eat in comfortable silence. Shawn chews a little slower than usual because he knows he’s probably getting kicked out after dinner and he’s not really ready to let go of this just yet.
What is this?
Shawn shakes the thought before it can sprout in his brain. He’s not going to freak out over this. This is fine. It’s dinner with an old friend and her baby. Nothing weird can happen with a baby around, right?
Val stands and scoops a squirming Alice out of her high chair, walking toward the nursery with a glance over her shoulder.
“I’m gonna get her changed and put her down for the night. Want to open that bottle of wine there?” She nods at a bottle of cabernet and Shawn’s eyes get a little brighter.
“Yeah,” he responds enthusiastically, nodding, “Good night, Alice!”
Val beams and flaps Alice’s little hand at him. “Night night, Shawn!”
When Val emerges twenty minutes later with the baby monitor, Shawn has the dishes cleaned and the wine breathing with two glasses out on the counter while he flips absently through his phone.
“I’m gonna get changed, too,” Val says softly, gesturing down at her leather pants and chewing on the inside of her lip, trying not to read too much into all the different cozy-cute outfit ideas in her head.
Before she can overthink it, she swaps out her urban mom chic look for clingy charcoal leggings and a black camisole with her favorite cable knit cardigan over top. She gives her hair a flip in the mirror and pinches some color into her cheeks.
You know, just because.
When she walks back into the living room, Shawn has the wine poured. She tips her glass against his and murmurs “cheers,” willfully ignoring the way Shawn is trying not to check her out.
They sit at the bar. Shawn watches Val cross her long, slender legs, her bare, black-lacquered toes glinting up at him. He hums a chuckle and sips his wine.
“What?” she giggles.
He nods at her. “You. Your black nail polish. Some things never change, I guess.”
The words feel heavy as soon as they leave him. It swirls around them, all that has changed, all that hasn’t.
It would be easy to look over at Val now and see a stranger. It’s been a full decade. The amount of life experience packed into the ten years between 22 and 32 could have made her an entirely different person. But Shawn’s been watching her, listening to her all day. She’s still Val.
It’s a comfort and a curse, he thinks. It’s not like he hasn’t wondered about her, about how much the years have changed all the things that drew him in. It hurt to think she was changing and he didn’t even know it, couldn’t see it. And now he knows just how… Val she still is.
This night won’t last forever, even if they did just open a nice bottle of wine. He’ll go back to the hotel, he’ll leave London. He’ll be stuck with knowing the woman he loved is still every bit as incredible as he remembers her. Hell, she got better. He can’t believe it, but Val Moreno got better with time.
He shakes his head and pushes a hand through his hair. “Wow,” he mutters.
Val takes a gulp from her glass and nods. “I’m kind of feeling that, too.”
“It’s just…” Shawn hisses, finally cracking with the help of the fine cabernet, “It’s been… ten fucking years.”
Val looks over at him. She’s silent for a few long, slow seconds.
“So tell me about them.”
Shawn looks at her as she stands and reaches for the bottle and her glass, heading for the couch.
“Didn’t we do that all afternoon?” he laughs, standing and ambling after her.
Hey moron, he thinks to himself, Do you really want to give her a reason to make you leave sooner than you have to?
To his relief, Val persists, swinging her legs up to fold beside her and patting the cushions. He settles in and continues sipping from his glass for courage.
“Well,” she starts, looking a bit uncertain as she gazes into her glass, “If your ten years has been anything like mine, you have a list of things you’ve been wanting to tell me, saving up for if we’d ever see each other again.”
Shawn’s fucking fingers tingle. She’s been making a list. For him.
He nods. “Y-yeah. I mean… yeah.”
Val smiles. It’s soft and encouraging. “Ok. I’ll start.”
Shawn’s heart softens its battering ram motion in his chest. He bobs his head.
“I was… so scared when I got pregnant with Alice. God, it was the most frightened I’ve ever been of anything. More scared than when I told Raf I was leaving Streets, even more scared than when I was pregnant with Rafael. Because I felt so ready this time. If she was taken from me… god, I swear to god, I held my breath the entire nine months with her. Even after she was born, I just stared at her. Like if I blinked, that would be it. She’d be gone. I think it’s only in the last six months that I’ve started to fucking relax.”
Shawn’s body surges with affection and protective instincts he barely recognizes. He nods eagerly.
“I think it’s amazing you decided to do it on your own. I mean, I bet you hear that all the time. But…”
“But you know better than most how much of a risk I felt I was taking,” she says softly, leveling him with her gaze.
Shawn is quiet remembering the night she finally released it into him, a flood of words he was too young to hear, to feel, to accept. It was the night they said ‘I love you.’ It was the night he ran.
“Your turn,” Val whispers, refilling their glasses. Shawn drinks eagerly.
“Uhm… I… fuck. The closest I ever came to calling you was six years ago, after Making Midnight. I felt like shit. I think I knew all along it wasn’t right -- none of it. It wasn’t me, it wasn’t us. It was a bad album. I had no business being as pissed as I was that it sucked and everyone hated it. But I was so angry with myself. I just felt powerless. It took me so long to be ok with speaking up and saying when I thought something was wrong. It took me so long to find a way to be a leader. I think that’s the way I’ve changed the most in the last ten years.”
Val watches him thoughtfully. She takes a short sip and shakes her head.
“Maybe that’s one of the ways. I’m not sure it’s the biggest. I think 19-year-old you wouldn’t have lasted through a walk in the park with me and my kid. 29-year-old you held her for over an hour. I think you fell a little bit in love with her.”
She chuckles but she’s not joking. Shawn goes crimson.
“She’s… god, Val, she’s amazing. You’re so lucky. You… you both are.”
Val’s eyes drift shut. She drains her second glass. When she opens her eyes again, Shawn’s warm honeyed eyes are watching her. He doesn’t look scared. He doesn’t look anxious. He looks a little lonely.
Val fills their glasses again. She’s warm enough now to slip out of her cardigan and leave it beside her on the sofa. She watches Shawn watch her toss her hair over her shoulders. He chews on his lip until it’s red and swollen.
“Say it.”
He looks up from his already half empty third glass. He blinks quickly. “What?”
“Say it, whatever it is.”
Her voice is calm and smooth. He swallows.
“I was just… wondering if you’ve been in love in the last ten years.”
Val’s head tilts. “Honestly? I didn’t really try. I didn’t want to be. I just wanted Alice. Even before I was ready for her, though, I wasn’t all that interested in looking around. I guess I figured it would fall into my lap when it was right.”
“Why didn’t you look?” Shawn asks, a little too quickly.
Val notices. She takes a slow, deep breath. Shawn watches it inflate and deflate her chest as his tightens. With a resigned smile, Val reaches out and cups his cheek. Her whole body is warm, humming with alcohol in her veins. Her fingers have him choking down a gasp.
“Do you know what I think is really the most incredible part?” she breathes. He blinks at her again, dumbstruck.
“We were together less than three months. It was Warped Tour. We were… fuck, we were kids. I never expected that I’d be hung up on it after all this time. That years later, I’d be on dates and thinking of you. That I’d be sleeping with other people and still thinking of you. I thought this is something that would fade. When I saw you in the garden today, it felt exactly the same as waking up next to you in my bunk on that stupid tour bus, like it was 2007 all over again.”
Shawn’s eyes have fallen shut. He’s overwhelmed, breathing heavily. He turns his face to nudge his lips against her thumb, leaving a gentle kiss.
“God, I still write songs about you. Like, all the time. I thought I was crazy. Maybe I am. I don’t know. Maybe we both are.”
Val waits a beat, then drags his lips to hers. Her kiss is firm but sweet. Her face softens as soon as his mouth touches hers. His fingers curls into the ends of her hair as he edges closer, carefully, dropping himself headfirst into the kiss because who knows if he’ll get another.
They break apart, panting for air. Val plants her hands on his shoulders and wastes no time hauling herself into his lap.
Shawn whimpers, gasping into her mouth. She feels… perfect. Fuck, he’s on fire. It’s been so long. Her tongue slips against his, she groans into his mouth. Her arms are slung around his neck so all he can see and hear and feel is her. How did he go without this for so long? How did he let her go? How could he leave?
But he knows why he left. He left because he was a kid. It took every ounce of strength and maturity he had to walk away when he let himself realize it. He left for him.
Shawn inhales deeply and scoops his hands around her cheeks, easing her back gently. Val’s eyes are heavy. She’s panting.
“Wait… wait,” he grunts, shaking his head as he breathes heavily, in synch with her, “It can’t be like this this time.”
Val feels his words snapping into place in her head. She looks down at the baby monitor she dropped next to her sweater. She lets her head fall forward as she laughs breathlessly.
“Ok. Add that to the list of things you wouldn’t have done ten years ago.”
Shawn grins and tugs her forward until her head rests against his shoulder and his arms drape around her back.
“You deserve so much better than what I gave you last time,” he says softly. It’s not pained or self-deprecating, it’s simple and honest. “I want it to be real.”
She turns her lips against his neck and sighs. The same scurry of goosebumps she remembers she always left on him marches across his skin.
“Then let’s talk about it in the morning,” Val murmurs. Carefully, she unfolds her body from his, takes his hand, and leads the way to her bedroom.
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itisannak · 5 years
Heat (Calum Hood Smut)
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Summary: Calum is home from tour, craving some piece of normal life and lots and lots of sex with his girlfriend. (Requested and based on THIS GIF) (Description of GIF: a man performs oral on a woman while she talks on the phone)
The story is linked to the chapter "Fetish" and there is a mention to characters from Grey's Anatomy.
I stand up from the couch as I hear her unlock the door and walks inside our house, setting Duke on his feet as he whimpers to go to her. She kneels down, petting the puppy as I emerge from the living room, leaning against the frame. I hear her gasp as her eyes fall on me, jumping up and running to me. "Thought you were coming home tomorrow." She squeals hanging from my neck. I hug her close to my body, taking a whiff of her hair as my hands make sure that there is not an inch between our bodies. "Surprise..." I whisper, kissing the spot underneath her earlobe. "If I knew I would have asked for a day off today instead of tomorrow. You know, pamper myself and look good before you come home." She cradles my face in her hands. "Look better than that? How would that be possible?" I ask her, eyeing her up and down. "I think you are a tad bit too flattering." She replies, tracing her thumb over my bottom lip. "Are you kidding me? Look at you... You went to the hospital in that?" I ask her, looking at her skin-tight knee-length skirt and white blouse that has a loose fit on her body and from where I stand I can see down it. "I was doing consultations today, so I said screw it and dressed up. Like it?" She asks me, taking a step back to pose for me. I can stop staring at how good her ass looks in this skirt, my mind spinning around the thought of having her naked on our bed, in just those high heels and nothing else. "So much that I want it off of you in the following 5 minutes." I state, pulling her by her waist to my body. She squeals happily, biting her lip as I look down at her. "I can take care of that, Mr. Hood..." She says, placing her palms flat on my chest. "You should, Dr. (Y/L/N)..." I lean down, pulling her in for a kiss. I take in her taste, my fingers instantly wrapping in her hair. "Hi..." She whispers as we pull away. "Hi..." I chuckle, stroking her cheek. "I am starving..." She pouts at me, making me pout at her back. "We can go for dinner then." I reply, lowering my hand to her ass and giving her a squeeze. "Aren't you tired from the trip? I can cook something up while you rest." She suggests and I shake my head, pressing my lips to her forehead. "I wanna take you out. Give me 10 minutes to freshen up, and we are off, ok?" I ask her and she nods. "I'll be waiting in the living room." She smiles at me softly.
I walk back in the living room, finding her talking on her phone. She motions me to be quiet and that's what I do, looking at her as she chuckles at the person at the other end of the line. "Yeah, he surprised me today. And I have talked with Dr. Shepherd and she is will to cover up for me for tomorrow and the day after, if you agree with that, Chief... Yes, I will keep it open, thank you so much. Talk to you on Monday. Have a nice weekend." She smiles as she hangs up, jumping up from the couch and skipping happily towards me. "I just got the weekend off, all thanks to Amelia..." She cheers, making me giggle at how childish she looks now. "I have to get Amelia something big then. Weekend off, huh?" I chuckle, rubbing my thumb over her hip. "Yeap. I will be all yours for the weekend." She announces, making me moan. "Honestly, it is all I want." I reply, pecking on her nose.
(Y/N's POV) "I will have a steak and steamed veggies, please." Calum says, shutting the menu and handing it to the waiter while giving him a polite smile. "And I would like the chicken filet with the mushroom cream and a side of mixed leafs salad with lemon and olive oil instead of dressing. Thank you." I say, handing in my menu as well. "Anything to drink?" He asks us, looking at Calum, who purses his lips, unsure. "2 glasses of Barossa Shiraz Valley, please." I chime in, throwing a smile at my boyfriend who sighs thankfully. "We only sell that by the bottle." The waiter chuckles. "Oh, then we will have the..." I scan the wine catalog, trying to find something else. "We will take the bottle then." Calum says, prying the catalogue away from my hands and handing it to the waiter. "I will be back with your meal soon." The young man replies, smiling before he leaves our table. "The bottle is too expensive..." I whisper and he chuckles. "We can afford it, baby. Trust me." He smiles charmingly, taking my hand and bringing it to his lips. "Did you like those 2 weeks away from me?" I ask, making Calum laugh at my question. "It was horrible, actually. Missed you lots. I liked stretching on the beds, though. And having the covers to myself." He winks at me as I fake a shocked expression. "I am kidding, I would have given everything for you to join us. Especially when we were in Paris." He rubs his thumb over my hand. "I would have loved to have been there. Paris is our city." I sigh, reminiscing the first time we visited Paris. "I promise to take you there soon." He assures me, giving me a soft smile. "Honestly though, how was the promotion tour?" I ask, moving my chair closer to the table so I can hear him better. "It was nice, exhausting, let's be honest, but it was nice. We did god knows how many interviews, but we interacted a lot with fans, which was incredible as always. But I have missed home, and Duke, and you, and normal life in general." He explains. The waiter approaches us with the wine, showing us the bottle with the label. "No need for the test. We trust you." Calum stops the waiter from doing the whole procedure. "As you wish..." The waiter says, pouring us a glass of wine each. We thank him as he walks away, picking up our glasses and clinging them together. "Welcome back home, my love. It is good to have you back." I say as our glasses touch. "It is good to be back. Missed you lots." He replies before he takes a sip from his wine. "How much?" I ask, looking at him mischievously. "I'll show you how much when we get home." He replies casually, relaxing back on his chair. "Sounds promising." I smirk, pushing my hair to the side. "You have no idea, princess. I have been thinking about this moment for 2 weeks now." He groans, looking at me greedily. I bite my bottom lip, stretching my leg to stroke his under the table. "We will need to finish with dinner quickly then." I sip on my wine and rest back on my seat.
"I think we need to call a taxi..." Calum suggests as he gives me a spoonful of the desert. "I second that. Too much wine..." I giggle, feeling my face already hot. He chuckles in agreement, reaching to stroke my cheek. "I like it when you become tipsy. You turn giggly and you look so freaking innocent." He comments, picking up his glass and bringing it to his lips. "You know what taking a taxi home means?" I ask, licking my lips. "That I will have to come and pick up the car tomorrow?" He asks me, furrowing his eyebrows together. "No, silly. It means that we get to make out on the ride back home." I reply, causing him to chuckle. "That sounds so much better than what I thought..." He smirks, nodding his head. "I always have better ideas than you... You have to admit it." I say, licking my spoon clean. "I beg to differ..." He replies. I cock an eyebrow and call the waiter over for the cheque. The man approaches the table almost immediately, setting the leather tab in the middle of it. I pick it up before Calum reaches for it, picking up my purse to hand in my credit card. "Let me pay tonight." Calum protests, going for the tab in my hands. "It's my treat, for your homecoming." I reply, writing the cheque and handing it back. "The wine is expensive. Let me pay you for that at least, it was my suggestion to take the bottle." He offers, reaching for my hand. "I can afford it, baby. Don't worry." I wink at him, stroking my thumb over the back of his hand. "What happened to splitting the cheque on our dates?" He asks and I shrug. "This is a special occasion, so shut up and take the treat." I say, blowing him a kiss.
"If you are cold, I can give you my jacket..." Calum suggests, putting an arm around my waist. "I am fine, but this is very sweet of you..." I reply, resting my head on his shoulder. His hand lowers from my waist down to my ass, stroking it slowly. "You look fucking fine in this outfit... I can only imagine how hot you looked with the medical coat over it..." He whispers. My breath hitches to the back of my throat as I feel his hand on my ass; Calum usually keeps PDA on the low, barely ever pecking on my lips quickly when we are out, so this is excitingly new. "If you think this is hot, you should see me without it." I reply, turning so I am facing him now. "Can't wait to see what's under it." He replies, tracing his thumb over my chin. "Under this? Nothing exciting. But wait until I change into the special something I got for you." I look up to him, watching him close his eyes and throw his head back.
The taxi driver pulls up in front of us, so Calum walks us to it, his hand not leaving my hip for not even a second. We get inside, greeting the driver as we get cozy. "Mind if we shut the divider?" Calum asks, earning a slight punch on his shoulder. "Not at all." The woman chuckles, rolling up the divider. I glare at Calum who obviously finds it amusing. "Are you serious? You might as well have asked her if we can fuck on the backseat of her car..." I scold him, but he pulls me closer to him, leaning to kiss my neck. "I know what I am doing... Can you not be a pain in my ass for once?" He asks, pulling me to straddle his lap. "No... And that's what you like about me..." I remind him, cupping his jaw. "Can you fucking kiss me already?" He asks me, grabbing onto my thighs as my skirt inches up my legs. "And what am I going to get for that?" I ask, gripping into his jaw a little harder. "I can tell you what you are not going to get if you don't..." He cocks an eyebrow. "Is that a threat?" I ask, grazing my lips over his as I tease him. "That's a promise for a good night. Now shut up and kiss me before I fuck you right in this taxi." He groans, wrapping his fingers around my throat. As the cold metal of his rings contrasts my skin, I shiver, moving slightly against him. I press my lips to his, feeling his fingers loosen up from around my throat. I wrap my hand around his wrist, signaling that I want his hand there, tight around my throat as he kisses me deeply. His tongue invades my mouth, dominating the kiss as I feel the rings leave marks on my skin. " 'M gonna fuck you so good tonight, princess. I promise." He whispers, moving his lips to the side of my lips. I take a look at his face, looking dazed and turned on. "Can't wait... Need you lots." I state, my voice barely above a whisper as his hands still make my breathing harder. "Let me see..." He commands, lowering one hand down my body. I spread my thighs a little more, letting him slip it under my skirt and rub my core over my underwear. "Fuck..." He breathes out as he rubs his fingers on my slit, feeling my wetness seeping through my panties. "Can't wait to fucking taste you." He whispers, making me think of him between my thighs, looking up at me from down there while his tongue is lapping on my pussy.
The taxi driver leaves us right in front of our house, wishing us a fun night as Calum pays the ride. We barely make it to our front door, stopping every few steps to make out, holding onto each others' body for as long as we can. "Can you give me 5 minutes to go change?" I ask as we enter our house. Calum grabs onto my hips, turning me and pressing me onto the door. He looks at me hungrily, licking his lips before his hands move to my blouse, hooking a finger into the neckline of it to look down my body. "Why bother wearing them? You'll be naked within seconds..." He states, lowering his hands to the zipper of my skirt on my lower back, pulling it down in a fast, but yet delicate way. "The only thing I want you to keep is your high heels... Keep them on, baby..." He whispers, grasping my chin to pull me in for a kiss. As his tongue works in my mouth, his hands help me out of my clothes, leaving me bare upon him, only breaking from my lips to take off my top.
His thumbs sketch down my body as he takes a step back from me, stopping on my perky nipples, stroking them softly as he looks down at my body. "Why do I fall more in love every time I look at you?" He asks, looking at me mesmerized. I stay speechless, simply pulling at his shirt to show him how badly I want him to take it off. I watch his body as he undresses, the dim light hitting his frame just right. "Take a picture, it will last longer..." He teases me, undoing his pants. "Look who's talking now... Mr. 'I fall more in love with you every time I see you'" I roll my eyes at him, bringing my hand to rest over the waistband of his brief boxers. He looks at me with a cocked eyebrow as I snap the elastic against his skin. "You think it's fun? I haven't felt you around me for 2 weeks, I will fucking burst if I don't have you in the next 2 minutes..." He barks, snatching my hand away. I bite my bottom lip, looking at him with the most innocent look I can muster. "Then have me... Now." I reply, causing him to groan as he presses me on the wall and lifts me up by wrapping my legs around his waist. I giggle and cup his face, pulling him in for a kiss. I feel him bring his hand between our bodies, reaching down to line his cock up with my entrance. He holds my face with his other hand, squeezing at my jaw. "Fuck me..." I whine and he chuckles cockily. "That's what I am about to do, princess." He states, slowly thrusting in me. He looks into my eyes as I feel every inch of his cock inside me, observing me as I nearly fall apart. He groans as he moves his hips on mine, holding onto my thighs hard. "I fucking missed how tight you are..." He groans, thrusting out and then back in, putting more force into it. I wrap my legs tightly around his body, pulling him closer by his waist. "You are mine... All mine." He figs his nails into my skin; the slight pain makes me jolt back, squeeze around him and causing him to curse under his breath. "I am yours." I reply, stroking my fingers over the back of his head, feeling the 5 o'clock shadow that has formed after his buzzcut. "All mine... Mine, mine, mine..." He says through gritted teeth as he gives me strong, short thrust in between words. "Yours... Yours." I cry out, dragging my nails down the back of his neck, letting them scratch him deeply. "Fuck... You little slut, you think you can do that?" He growls, slamming onto me. I feel him in my stomach, the thrust being a little too violent, but in the most exciting way. "I thought you like my nails in your skin..." I mumble after being able to gather together the words. "I fucking love them. But your pussy milking me and your fucking nails in my skin will make me cum far too soon." He groans, resting his head in the crook of my neck. "I miss your curls. I miss pulling on them as you fuck me so good, I feel the room spinning." I gasp, stroking his head as his teeth graze my sweet spot. "I promise to let them grow." He replies, tangling his fingers in my hair and pulling my head to the side, giving him free access to my neck. I whine loudly, walls clenching around his length as he takes me, guiding his cock deeper and deeper with every thrust. "Wanna cum... Please let me cum..." I plead for him, enjoying the sensation in the pit of my stomach. "Not yet, princess." He says as he pulls out of me, causing me to whine at the loss of pleasure. I breathe heavily, looking at him as he lines up in front of my entrance again. "Don't you fucking do that again..." I scold him, failing to keep my voice bossy as it breaks in the end at the feeling of Calum's tip finding my spot. My toes curl in my high heels, brain going fuzzy as he gives me again what I was craving, only this time letting me feel him throb and having the vein on the underside of his cock graze my insides. "Feels so good, feels so good, feels so good." I chant, gripping onto him for dear life. "I know, baby. You are driving me fucking insane." He bites onto my neck, provoking a deafening moan to escape my lips. "Please, let me cum... I need to... I can't take this any longer." I cry out, bucking my hips on him to relieve the feeling that coils deep inside me. "Do it. Fucking cum on my cock, princess." He encourages me, thrusting inside me fast but sloppily, showing me that he is about to reach his high too. He brings his hand to caress my cheek, smiling at me softly before his whole face shifts to his infamous angry look. His hand lands on my cheek, not too hard, but sure not taken as a caress. My heart stops for a second and when it starts again it is beating so loud that I can hear it in my ears. I smile at him even though my eyes are brimming with tears. "I freaking love you more than I have loved anything in my life, you filthy whore." He states, crashing his lips to mine.
That's when I cum, biting his plump bottom lip as hard as I can as my body becomes oversensitive. I feel tears rolling down my cheeks from the intensity, my face certainly feeling like it is on fire. "Fuck... You feel so good." He growls, sinking his hips on mine and gluing them there, allowing himself to feel my walls clench around his length as my orgasm grools out of me. "Cum inside me... Please." I beg, getting excited as I think of him cumming inside me, filling me up with warmth. "Can't say no to my princess." He murmurs, thrusting in and out of me rapidly, until he throws his head back and closes his eyes, cursing and calling my name as he cums. He rests his head on my neck, kissing it softly as we both try to catch our breaths. "Are you ok, baby?" He asks me gingerly. "I am perfectly fine." I whisper back. "Are you sure?" He asks me again, making me look at him. He looks at me inquisitively, trying to figure out whether I am lying or not. I cup his chin in my hand, bringing him closer so I can plant a kiss on his lips. "I have never been better." I assure him, causing a smile to spread on his lips. "Good." He states, letting me on my feet. Before I could get adjusted to standing on my own two feet, he picks me up bridal style, carrying me to our bedroom. I can't help but giggle, resting my head on his shoulder. "I am perfectly capable of walking, you know..." I remind him, making him chuckle. "I am aware." He replies, only letting me down when we are inside the bedroom and we have reached our bed. "I will have to take a shower." I lean in to kiss him before I make my way to the en-suite bathroom.
I barely even slip under the steaming hot water of the shower when I feel Cal's arms around my body. "Need a shower too..." He states, kissing the back of my neck. "Yeah, you stink..." I mock him, relaxing in the embrace of both the warm water and the love of my life. "And you are a dirty little girl..." He replies, reaching his hand to the front of my body, guiding his fingers to my clit. I gasp and jolt at his touch, my body leaning forward and supporting myself on the glass wall of the cabin. "I am too sensitive, can't take more..." I mumble as his fingers rub the bundle of nerves softly. "I know. I am not going to push you more, baby. I just wanted to see you react..." He says, reaching for the shower gel and my loofah. Once his hand is off my pussy, I finally regain my breath. I turn around and look at him, finding him smirking. "You are a prick." I gasp as he squirts the gel on the loofah. "You didn't seem to mind that a few moments ago." He replies, running the loofah over my body. "I can wash myself..." I mumble and he chuckles. "I wanna take care of you..." He replies, leaving a tender kiss on my collarbone. "You just did, like 5 minutes ago." I wink at him. "I wanna do it on every aspect I can..." He states, scrubbing down my shoulders.
We wrap ourselves up in fluffy towels before we walk to our bed, water dripping from my hair but Calum looking at me as I am the most beautiful creature on earth. "Where's Duke? Haven't seen him since we left for dinner..." He asks, looking around for the pup. It is utterly strange for the dog not to be tangled at our feet or whining for our attention, so I just look around with knitted eyebrows. "I'll go look..." I offer but he moves ahead, motioning me to stay back. Of course, I ignore him and follow right behind him, looking around for our Dukey. "You think he is ok, right?" I ask, trying to block my mind from going through all the horrible scenarios. "Of course." He mumbles without shifting his attention back to me. "Duke, where are you, buddy?" He shouts, patting his thigh to signal the dog over. We both seem to hold our breath until we hear tiny little paws hitting the floor. The puppy appears in front of us, cheerful as ever and with Calum's shirt covering his body and head. I can't help but burst out laughing as Calum squats down to pick him up into his arms. "Little rascal... Mommy and Daddy were scared." He scolds him but leaves a kiss on the top of his head right away. "He was probably hiding because we were fucking." I coo, petting the adorable furball. "Yeah yeah, you always make excuses for him..." He rolls his eyes, walking towards our room.
I open my eyes in the morning, my body feeling a little sore but surely comfortable between the soft covers. I open my eyes and turn to my side, looking for Calum but instead of finding him on his side of the bed, I see him in the closet, slipping a t-shirt on his body. "Where do you think you are going?" I ask, my voice still sounding sleepy. He turns around and looks at me smiling, walking out and sitting on the end of the bed. "Good morning to you too." He chuckles. "Yeah yeah, good morning. Now get naked and back on the bed with me." I order but he smiles. "I gotta go pick up the car from the restaurant. Maybe I'll bring you breakfast and coffee too if you promise to be a good girl." He explains. "No promises... Can't you go a bit later? I was thinking about snuggling in, maybe having a little bit of morning sex... The bed feels empty without you in it." I pout and he coos. "Aw baby... You and I both know that we are going to spend the whole day fucking if I don't leave now. So, the sooner I leave, the sooner I'll be back and be completely yours to use however you like." He says, crawling towards me and leaving a kiss on my lips. I still pout, groaning at the fact that I could not convince him. "Yes, but..." "No buts. I'll be back before you know it. You should rest a bit more... You will definitely need the extra energy later..." He suggests, getting off the bed. "Fine. But be quick or else..." I begin but he cocks an eyebrow at me, taking his intimidating look as he walks back to the bed. "Or else what, princess?" He asks, snatching my chin up to make me look at him. "Nothing..." I swallow my words, looking at him as he towers over me. He seems to enjoy this, the submission to his dominance, so I just play along. "Be good while I am gone. Or else I'll be very bad when I get back." He smirks at me, walking out of the bedroom.
I stay in bed for just a little bit longer, trying to fall back asleep but feeling my body becoming too tingly to stay there. I get up and decide on making myself a little presentable, so I gather my hair up in a bun and wash my face, deciding that's enough for the day. I walk to the window, looking out in our patio. Today seems to be warmer than yesterday, typical for Los Angeles in late June. I sigh as I take a look at the view, the idea of spending the day by the pool seeming too intriguing for me to brush it off. I smile at the thought of soaking in the sun while music is playing in the background and Calum and I sip on beers to battle the heat. "Screw this." I let out loudly, walking to the closet and digging in for my bikini. I hold up the tiny garment, deciding that I would love nothing more than be in it and have Calum gawk at me all the damn day. I slip in it, fastening it up and taking a good look at myself in the mirror, admiring the reflection of my body. I smirk at my image before I dig into Calum's drawers, trying to find his swim trunks that I like a bit too much for my own good. I pick a bottle of sunscreen from the boudoir as well before I make my way down the stairs. Duke runs next to me, waging his tail excitedly. "We are going to have a pool party, baby." I cheer, placing the trunks on the island by the door, where Calum leaves his keys. I reach for the notepad, contemplating what I should scribble down on the paper. 'Wear this and nothing more.' I decide to keep it simple but to the point. "Let's go pick some beers, bub." I call the puppy, running to the kitchen.
I lay back on the sezlong, Duke instantly laying on my lap to beg for some attention. I giggle, scratching behind his ear as I press play on my phone and start a random playlist, letting the music fill my ears. Duke seems to enjoy the sun as he looks content, happy to be here; yet again, when is he not happy? "Feels good, bub? Wait until daddy is here and we get in the water... And then we will play fetch and have a nice meal and just spend time together..." I cheer at the dog who wags his tail happily. "Did you take a dip already?" Calum asks me from the entrance of the patio. "Not yet, we decided to wait for you." I smile at him as I stretch my body. Duke jumps off of me and runs to Calum, who kneels down to pet him. "Smart choice. I brought coffee and breakfast..." He points inside with his thumb. "And I have a bucket of ice, filled with beer bottles." I reply and he chuckles. "Yours is way better. But it is barely 1 in the afternoon." He points out. "And? It's just one time. Come on..." I motion for him to come over, fishing a beer out of the bucket. "You are a bad influence, Dr. (Y/L/N)." He states, walking towards me. "And you have turned into such a prude, Mr. Hood." I say, cracking the bottle open. "I like this bikini on you. You look so good, you should wear it all the time." He says, taking the bottle. I pick another one, opening it for me and clinging my bottle against his. "I should definitely wear it in the operating room." I mock him and he shrugs. "One thing for sure is that no other doctor or nurse will be able to focus on the patient if you do." He replies, dragging the sezlong closer to mine.
"I love feeling the sun on my skin..." I mumble, taking a sip of my beer. "And I love feeling your skin on my skin. Come over, princess. I need to feel you on me." He says, extending his hand to pull me over. "What if I want to stay in my seat?" I ask, relaxing more on the chair. He looks at me with his eyebrows knitted together. "You want to stay in your seat?" He asks me, tilting his head to the side. "Maybe..." I reply. "You wanna stay on your seat?" He asks me again, his tone changing to playful. "Maybe..." I giggle as I watch him crawl to me. He sits between my legs, letting his bottle on the ground before he starts tickling me. I squeal and laugh, trying to cover my body and save myself from his attack, accidentally spilling beer on my body. "Cal, no..." I laugh hysterically, twitching as he laughs at my reaction. "Oh, you are ticklish? I had no idea..." He teases me, tickling me on my lower belly. "Oh my God... Duke, come save mommy." I say in between fits of laughter. "Duke, stay... Mommy and I are playing." Calum orders the dog and I whimper. "I surrender... I surrender." I say breathlessly. "What's that? You surrender?" He asks, tickling my neck. "Yes, yes. Please, stop..." I giggle, kicking in the air. "Why should I?" He asks me, bringing his hand to tickle my leg. "I'll do whatever you want." I say and he hums. "You would either way. You are a good girl..." He says and I groan. "Please... Just ask for whatever you want, but please stop..." I am gasping for air.
Before we could continue our conversation, the music stops and my ringtone goes off, causing both of us to turn towards it. "It's my mom..." I say, picking the phone from the table next to the sezlong. "Hey, mom. How are you?" I ask as I slide the accept icon and the line goes live. "Hi, love. I am fine. How are you?" She asks me, cheering at the phone. Calum lays his head on my stomach, resting there as I place my hand on his hair, stroking the short hair. "I am fine, mom. Just a bit tired from working shifts, that's all. How is dad?" I ask. Calum looks up at me, smiling as his lips are pressed against my skin, fingers playing with the strings of my bikini bottoms. "Ah, you are overworking yourself, darling. Maybe you should take fewer shifts, honey." She says, making me chuckle. "Well mom, I am a doctor. Lives depend on me, so not working shifts mean that people might die because of me. Anyway, how is dad?" I ask her again. Calum's fingertips peak in the waistband of my bikini, dragging a pattern on my skin. "Your father is just fine. Per usual complaining about anything and everything." She says, chuckling over the phone. "Well, if dad ever stops complaining, something is wrong with him." I joke and she chuckles. "How is Calum's tour going? When is he coming back?" She asks me. I look down at Calum, pursing my lips together. "He actually got back last night. He is good, said he had fun on the road but he is a bit tired." He strokes his hair. Before I realize it, he undoes the knot of my bikini and scoops my ass up, removing the bottoms and spreading my legs. My eyes go wide, looking at him in complete shock, trying to come to senses with what he is actually doing right now. "Ah, I am so happy he is back. He takes such great care of you, I feel safe that you are not going to die of starvation or exhaustion now that you two are living together... Is he there? I would love to talk to him." She coos with excitement. Calum looks at me with a smirk, while he uses his fingers to part my lips. "Uh, actually he is still asleep and I really don't want to wake him up. He looked... exhausted." I bite my lip as he brings his lips to my sex. He just kisses my lips in the beginning, but his breath on my pussy alone right now is too much for me to handle. "Oh, poor boy. You should let him sleep... Since you have time, let me tell you about your aunt..." She says. I sigh, but soon the sigh turns to yelp as Calum takes my clit between his teeth, biting lightly and moving it between his teeth. "(Y/N), are you ok? What happened?" She asks me with worry in her tone. "I am fine, I am fine... Just, uh... Duke, he fell from the couch and I got scared." I lie, arching my back as Calum moves his tongue to lick my slit. "That goofball. Anyway, your aunt called me the other night, middle of the night actually, to tell me she run into that ex friend of yours... Oh God, what was her name..." I try to control my breath while Calum laps up my slit, swirling his tongue around and making me pulse. "I will need more info to figure out who you are talking about." I breathe heavily as he slides his tongue down on my entrance before he slips it inside me. He moves his hands to spread my legs more, placing one of them over his shoulder as his whole face fucking dips into my pussy. "Oh, who was that girl that used to cheat on the tests and you almost got expelled because of her... Stephany? Stacy?" She asks. I suppress a scream, digging my nails in my palm. "Stella... Her name was Stella." I groan; my hips buck on Calum's face, trying to get more, but at the same time, I am reaching down to tap his shoulder. He chuckles against my pussy, sending vibrations in me and making having control over my reactions 100 times more difficult. He raises a finger in the end, moving it to show me that he is not going to quit. "Yes... I didn't know it still bothered you, baby. Anyway, your aunt stumbled upon her and she told her that she is in nursing school. Can you believe it? Wouldn't it be so funny if she ended up working with you? You would be her boss, right?" She asks me. I bring my hand to cover my face, this situation feeling surreal. "Not really, but I could boss her around... Listen, mama. I have some food in the oven, and I really don't want to turn it into coal... Can we chat about it at some other point?" I ask, feeling my legs closing involuntarily. But Calum's arm snaking around one of my thighs keeps them spread apart, allowing him to continue his sweet torture. "Oh, sweetheart, of course. But only if you promise to bring Calum over next weekend." She cheers. "Yes, mom. We can talk about it later, ok? Love you..." My voice breaks at the last part, right as Calum slips 2 fingers inside me and brings his tongue to my clit. "Ok, sweetheart. Love you too. Give my best to Calum when he wakes up." She says and I hum in agreement. I press the end icon and throw the phone on the table, bringing both hands to cover my face.
"I hate you. I hate you so much... Fuck you, you are horrible." I cry out, curling my toes as I feel him devour me. "You don't seem to hate me much right now." He replies, stopping for just one moment. "We could have gotten caught..." "But we didn't... Who's the prude now?" He asks, winking at me and getting back to eating me out. "We are practically in public... right now..." I mumble under my breath, but the moans escaping from my lips gives away that I could not care less about that. He sucks on my clit, while his fingers move on my spot. I feel my stomach twist as pressure builds up on my sex. "Cal, I am going to... I am going to... I wanna cum" I am practically off the chair, pressing his face down, trying to get what I want. I am jolting, feeling like I am being hit by electricity with every pump of his fingers, with every flick of his tongue. He doesn't reply. Instead, he gives me all his hand, thrusting his fingers inside me with all his force and flicking my clit rapidly, while he looks up at me, not breaking eye contact for even a second. My eyes roll back, chest heaving as I reach my orgasm, letting out a sigh of release. "Holy fuck, I love you." I cry out, digging my nails into his scalp. He continues licking me, prolonging my high. He crawls up, hovering above me and bringing his lips over mine. "And I love you too." He replies, leaning down to kiss me. I can taste myself on his lips, making me sigh in his mouth.
"How do you get tastier every time I taste you?" He asks me, staying an inch from my lips. "I have no idea." I reply, giggling and touching his face. "I love you." He says, smiling at me. "You just told me, a minute ago, literally. But for what is worth, I love you. More than anything." I state, resting on my side. "Let's go for a dip. I wanna make out with you in the water." He says, trying to get me to stand up. "I wanna lay in here, take in the sun." I pout, resting my head. "Dip in, make out with me and then we can sleep under the sun. I'll even let you sleep on my chest. Come on..." He kisses my neck, making me hum. "You know how to win me, huh?" I smile at him, standing up and slipping my bikini bottoms on. "Of course I do." He says cockily, picking me up over his shoulder.
"Let me down..." I giggle, earning a slap on my ass. "As you wish." He says, jumping into the pool, with me still over his shoulder. Duke stands on the edge of it, barking at us as he gets worried for our safety. "We are good..." I say as I resurface, rubbing my eyes to get the chlorine off. "I think he wants to protect you, from me..." Calum giggles, pulling me to his body. "Mmm, thank God someone does..." I giggle, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I want to protect you as well. I won't let anything hurt you, ever..." He says, wrapping his arms around my waist and stroking my lower back. "I know. I just want to mess with you a bit..." I chuckle, licking my lips. "I know, princess." He replies and leans in for a kiss. I kiss him back, with the same softness as he does, enjoying being held by him. "I'm hungry..." I mumble, causing him to hum. "Wanna call the guys over and have a pool party? We will order in, swim around, have a drink or two... What do you say?" He asks and I nod, resting my head on his chest. "Tell them to bring alcohol. I'll take care of the rest." I say and he nods. "That's my fucking girl." He praises me, kissing my forehead.
"Let's go... We have stuff to do..." I say, trying to move away, but his hand wraps around my wrist and pulls me back to him..." "I adore you..." He reminds me. "I adore you." I reply, pulling him in for a kiss. "Tell them to bring their dogs as well. And any floaties they have..." I say to Calum before I turn to get out of the pool. I earn a slap on my ass as I push myself out of the water, making me turn around and look at Calum, smirking at me mischievously. "What?" He asks, pretending to not know why I am glaring at him. "You are such an ass sometimes..." I shake my head and roll my eyes. "What can I say? I fucking love your ass in this bikini..." He shrugs his shoulders, moving to get out of the water as well. "Will you be able to contain yourself in front of our friends, or will I have to change into a different bikini?" I ask, taking a towel to dry myself. "We will have to wait and see. But so you know, in the case I can not control myself, I could just pull your bikini bottoms to the side, no one would even notice..." He winks at me, picking up his phone to text his friends. "You wouldn't..." I gasp and he chuckles sarcastically. "Wanna bet, pretty girl?" He cocks an eyebrow, making chills erupt on my skin.
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