#they hit a good balance in spreading suspicion in suspects and making reveals unexpected but no inexplicable
sharkneto · 2 years
I think the most satisfying thing about watching Wednesday is how it took Checkov's gun to heart. If something was mentioned or shown, by god was it going to pop up again in a relevant way by the finale
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bsd-hq-writer · 7 years
Allen Walker Ghoul AU: When he tells his gf about being a ghoul. FLUFFY SCENARIO
Okay so the ask for this one was eaten so I had to make a new post for it :) But I love this AU and got a bit carried away with headcanons about it, but here’s some things I’ve thought of:
The main cast (Allen, Lavi, Lenalee and Kanda) reside in the 20th ward and are frequent customers at Anteiku. In fact, both Allen and Lenalee work there. Kanda does too but his job is more similar to Yomo. Lavi’s more free-lanced and just shows up out-of-the-blue.
Allen is a one-eyed ghoul, who was created using the kakuhou of two different ghouls. Thus Allen’s kagune are unique in that they are a hybrid-type. He has both an Ukaku and Kokaku-type kagune. The Ukaku spreads out from his upper spine like a cape (reminiscent of the Clown Crown’s), while his Kokaku comes from his shoulder blade and coats his left arm, forming long claws (again like Clown Crown’s). For the cherry on top, his mask is a clown.
Lavi has a Binkaku-type kagune. Hard-hitting and well-balanced. No one knows if he’s a natural born ghoul or a one-eyed since he always wears and eye patch. None of the others have ever seen him hunt nor does he get his meals from Anteiku, so no one has ever seen him eat. His mask is in a masquerade style and resembles a rabbit.
Lenalee is an Ukaku -type. Fast and maneuverable, though quick to tire. She works at Anteiku as a barista and part-times as an assistant to her brother Komui at the local university. Komui is also a ghoul but is trying to learn more about his species so that maybe ghouls and humans can find a means of coexistence. He’s trying to earn his doctorate in ghoul physiology and biological studies. Lenalee is very much a pacifist and prefers not to hunt humans, at least the good ones, but if she comes across a human trying to hurt someone or a mugger, she’ll pick them as her dinner. Her mask is simple and black like a cat-burglar’s and she wears tall thigh-high boots when hunting.
Kanda is a hybrid Rinkaku/Binkaku-type. Incredible regenerative skills and powerful strikes. Kanda is not so keen on gorging himself on weak human nor does he really see them as prey but he feels no remorse when choosing a unsuspecting soul for his supper. He’s just indifferent, as long as he eats, doesn’t get caught or have to deal with other ghouls and CCG, he’s content. If it turns out to be less of a hassle to just to go to Anteiku, he’ll do that though its annoying to hear Lenalee chide him for killing innocent humans when he can just as easily get a meal from the cafe. He wears a traditional noh mask.
In this AU, I haven’t decided if the Noah would be better suited as CCG or if they’d be a family of powerful kakuja Ghouls?? (I’m leaning towards the latter)
Okay now on to the scenario ^_^
Allen paced along the riverside, anxious worry twisting in his gut as he waited for you to arrive. He had cancelled your date at the coffee shop and insisted that you meet him here, where the two of you first met.
He looked out of the fiery-red sky as the sun had began to set, vivid strokes of violet and magenta clouds painted a beautiful scene. He chewed his lip in anticipation, this may be the last time he could enjoy such a wonderful sight. After all, if things went as terribly as what he feared, then he could very well be dead by the morning.
He had decided to tell you what he was, a monster, a ghoul. For so long, he had been meticulous about keeping his secret hidden, ordering small, simple meals on dates and coffee so it was easier to purge moments later, or making sure to visit Anteiku for meat before visiting with you. He worked so hard so that you would never suspect, so you would never see his human facade falter and see the truth. Yet here he was, preparing to uproot all his hard work by simply voicing it.  
But you had grown more serious as a couple, having dated nearly two years, you were talking about the possibility of moving in together after you graduated. Talk of the future and what your lives would be like years from now and Allen decided he had to be honest. He couldn’t keep it secret anymore, if you loved him as much as you said you did… then maybe… just maybe things would work out.
Though he couldn’t stifle the thought of what would happen if you rejected him, if you ran away screaming and worse of all, if you reported him to the CCG. His appearance stood out among the crowd with his stark white hair and grey eyes, if it were known that he was a ghoul the Doves would have no trouble tracking him down and ending him. Not to mention, Anteiku would come under suspicion and all the non-violent ghouls who benefited from its services would suffer.
The more he thought about the worst-case scenario, the more his resolve wavered, he shouldn’t endanger the others because he was too cowardly to leave you before now, when its becoming more and more difficult to hide his identity.
But before he can turn to leave, he heard you approach and he whirled around to see you smiling warmly at him. His chest ached at the sight, he was too weak, he couldn’t bare to leave you but his fear of your rejection was even more frightening. He was such an idiot.
“Allen! I’m sorry I’m late but it’s quite a walk from here from the station.” You smiled wider and tilted your head at his oddly solemn expression, “Was there something you wanted to tell me?”
Allen responded with a feigned smile, one that you knew well and could see through as if it were glass. He was hiding something and the worry laced on his features began to reflect in your own. Why had he asked you to come here, to the very place you both met? Anxiety raced in your chest as you tried to quell the negative thoughts, gritting your teeth as he spoke.
“Remember when we first meet, how you stumbled across me..,” his voice shook as he spoke and he looked back at the river, now a burning shade of crimson. “Haha of course Allen, how could I ever forget.. you were crying and muttering about how hungry you were!” You laugh but the humor doesn’t reach your eyes, “I thought you were homeless at first.” Why was he asking you this? What did he really want to say?
Allen looks away as his resolve falters.. this was such a bad idea. He should leave, end it before something terrible happens, but his mind is wiped blank when you step close and take his hand in yours, “Allen, please talk to me… whats wrong?”
He takes a deep breath and begins to speak, “You’ve heard the stories on the news…about man-eaters that look human… ghouls.” Your grip tightens as the conversation takes an unexpected turn, but you say nothing for a moment and then nod, “I have..”
Allen’s chin quivers, he never thought it would be this hard, what if you were terrified of him, what if you ran away screaming, cursing him. His chest felt like it was being crushed…the mere notion of seeing you frightened made him feel sick but he took a sharp breath and allowed his kakugan to reveal itself and he turned to face you, his expression tortured and expectant of your rejection.
“[Y/N], I am a ghoul. I’m one of the monsters they talk about. But…,” he looks away unable to hold your gaze in fear of what he’ll see. “I don’t hunt people like many of my kind… I’ve found less violent means of eating though I know that doesn’t change anything. For me to live, someone must die… I’m… I can’t keep this from you anymore. I… I’m so sorry [Y/N].”
He waits for you to pull your hand away from his, to scream and push him away running. But you don’t… there’s only silence as your expression morphs into one of surprise and your gaze traces wildly over his change in features.
But then you did something Allen never expected, you squeezed his hand tightly and place your hand to his cheek forcing him to meet your eyes. “You’re not a monster Allen, you just…different, that’s all.” Your initial surprise melds into a heartwarming smile, “I don’t care what they say on television. I don’t care what other ghouls have done.. they’re are not you. I love you Allen, no matter what.”
He stared at you in utter shock as tears spilled down his face and a bright smile lit his features as he pulled you into a passionate kiss, his arms snaking around your waist to pull you flush with his chest. He couldn’t believe it and though there would be a lot the two of you would have to talk about,  in that moment he didn’t care. All he could think about was his mouth on yours and his arms around you. You loved him and he you and somehow together you would make this work.
–Admin Moon
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