#they haver another ship name
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spineless-lobster · 1 year ago
Alright I am done silencing myself and I am here to come out as a proud patcapvers shipper okay the captain has TWO hands and TWO holes and TWO LOVELY MEN who can be his forever there are NO downsides to this!!!
They’re literally the perfect outdoorsy polycule cap infodumps about birds, pat sets up all the camping stuff and havers goes on and on about plants do you see my vision?!
They all cuddle on the bed watching campy 80s movies movies together okay they know all the lines and the quote them to each other
Havers bakes, pat cooks and the captain cleans they live in a cute little house at the end of the street they have a cat named blondie they sing and dance to ABBA together DO YOU HEAR ME?! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!?!?
And you bet your ass pat and havers are kissing sloppy style to there’s no reason why they shouldn’t, why put two bad bitches against each other when they should kiss???
*I am dragged away by two men in lab coats as I continue to yell*
(Thank you so much to anon for reminding me that I feel very passionate about this)
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natjennie · 5 months ago
complaint incoming.
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eriscl · 1 year ago
Really love me
Argenti x gender neutral!reader| wrote on a whim and a will| first post!! |he calls you dove and other cute names
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Pancake batter mix wafts through the air, the low hum of the space ship accompanying it, creating a recipe for a calm morning. If you can define morning while being in space.
Argenti's hands skillfully crack the eggs against the bowl, pouring the yolk in and mixing it up. humming a quiet tune to the song you showed him last night, keeping him up and making him listen to your 2 hour angsty playlist but he would do it again. because its you.
a groggy voice mutters from behind him followed by the pitter-patter of feet slapping against the trains tile. you emerge from your comfortable bed due to the absence of your lovely and warm boyfriend.
"good morning my love." he greats you, planting a kiss to your forehead as you come up next to him, "did you sleep well my rose?"
your tired hum and nod gets a chuckle out of him. laying your head against his shoulder you can feel yourself doze off again. his body heat is insane. he's the definition of a walking oven. even better he's a beautiful, elegant, walking oven.
Argenti sets the whisk down. moving his long red locks from your face and turning towards you. your face falls to his chest from the action and his hands fly to your waist, pulling you closer to his chest.
"allow me to carry you back, love. you need your beauty sleep after all." at the sound of your sleepy 'mhm,' he lifts you into his arms bridal style, carrying you to your shared bedroom. setting you down back in bed, he smooths a hand down your forehead, planting another kiss.
"sweet dreams my rose"
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hi first post kinda nervous. I'm not really sure what to say but thank you for reading kind reader 😭🙏 I hope for Argenti wanters (I'm one) will be Argenti havers!!
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jailbird-junkrat-writes · 5 months ago
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°•○☆About☆○•° I used to write for Overwatch years ago under the same blog name but had something big happen in real life and foolishly deleted the blog.
You can sometimes see some of the reblogs floating around.
I'm Jailbird and I'm a huge overwatch fan. After taking a big break I am back.
(I left in 2020 and had been in and out of the game but not active in fandom)
°•○☆Tags☆○•° Jailbird jabbers - not related content/just talking Jailbird polls - polls Spicyrat - N/SFW Posts/thoughts
°•○☆Current Prompt List☆○•°
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My overwatch bio and RULES below
°•○☆Rules☆○•° 1. You can request up to 3 chars at a time for headcanons. 1 for drabble/fic 2. All my readers are gender neutral and if I write notsafe fw its mostly genderlessly written. If otherwise I will always state.
3. I do write yandere and dead dove content. Will be tagged.
4. I will not write daddy/mommy kink. Age play, minors, anything racist or homophobic/transphobic etc. No form of pregnancy nor anything with anyone having children.
5. I'm 99% kink friendly.
6. I won't reply to requests that don't have a please or thank you.
7. I will only write for the following characters as of (Dec 7th 2024) Those with names in >BLUE< I am not super confident in writing but I will. Those with names in (PINK) are my faves to write about and I will prob go overboard <3 If they have a * next to them. I only write SFW with them.
Ana Ashe (Baptiste) (Cassidy) D.va * >Genji< * Hanzo Hazard >Illari < * Junker Queen (Junkrat) (Lucio) >Mauga< >Mei< * >Mercy< (Moira) >Pharah< (Ramattra) Reaper Reinhardt (Roadhog) (Sigma) >Soldier 76< * Sombra Symmetra Widowmaker >Zarya< * (Zenyatta)
There are characters I want to write for I just need to learn their canon a little more.
Note: Please be gentle with me and lore/canon. I have not been active in overwatch fandom/writing since 2020. I am doing my best with my ADHD memory brain ✌️
I am proship - I ship canon characters with one another. Love OCs and selfships. Come chat at me about these things <3
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°•○☆My Mains☆○•°
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I'm pretty competent at
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Don't make me snipe. I'll explode.
°•○☆More☆○•° I'm LGBT+, chronicly ill and chronicly chill. ADHD haver. European. Crafter, writer, coffee consumer. Closer to 40 than 30. I have learning disabilities that I have damn well tried to overcome but I do struggle with grammar and spelling no matter what spellchecker I use but I'm doing my best.
I'm married. I actually met my wife via the first time I wrote overwatch fanfiction hahaha.
Junkrat brought us together ✌️
°•○☆DNI☆○•° Terfs - tories - minors - antis - homophobic- racist - transphobic
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theconfusedacorn · 3 months ago
More Hoarder AU; I present, Burningpile (hope this isn't already a ship name :/):
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Idk why, but I've decided whilst RED Hoard is over there, fumbling Miss Pauling, BLU Hoard has actually managed a successful partnership!
They're somewhere between QPR and a true couple, but do refer to each other as Partner/Girlfriend (Pyro REALLY ENJOYS calling Hoard their girlfriend). They hold hands, cuddle A LOT, and give each other little smooches, but Pyro is VERY Ace, and Hoard has almost no sex drive, so no spice here.
I have also decided that, as Soldier suggests in the comics, Pyro does, in fact, menstrate. Another reason they like Hoard, because the fellow period-haver ALWAYS has a stash of pads on her person (Pyro forgets a lot), so they're covered in an emergency! :D
T h e m
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rowavolo · 1 year ago
hi were you aware you are the FUNNIEST person on my dashboard by the way? i haven’t thought about pfps or them of me (I AM NOW THINKING ABOUT BOTH HOWEVER) but i do have a full list of my contacts of them ! i have gone into detail about my reasoning and also cannot stop talking about these guys so this ask is likely 3 miles long. anyway
the one gc with a solid name is “sweet tooth,” with barbatos, luke, n i. based on ‘sweet tooth’ and the fact that i feel my ability to bake would SKYROCKET if i had their numbers. there’s one with lucifer and dia that’s essentially just the ship name and whether or not they realize the significance beyond just “oh it’s our names” is constantly up in the air.
lucifer — ‘COLOGNE(?!)’ to ‘inkwell’. he 100% has a very distinctive cologne, i know you can tell him apart in a dark room. he uses fountain pens for official documents still (a mishap has been caused where one of his bottles spilled over his suit)(don’t ask)(satan may or may not have been involved) and at some point the name had to change. i also just think it’s a sweet nickname.
mammon — ‘monopoly man’ to ‘anklet haver’. his pants are never short enough to see it but he always manages to wear one. it’s like a shiny jumpscare. the first time i saw it it sparked a half hour discussion and the consequential contact change. he was only mildly upset (they don’t have monopoly)(he didn’t know what it meant outside of maybe ‘monopolizing time’ which is the cause of his problem with it)(stop fussing this isn’t some declaration i’ll never spend time with you again)(his contact for me after this is probably ‘anklet.’ he insists it’s because of like manacles cause “you’re always botherin me” but nobody buys it)
levi — ‘levi-fi’ to ‘jean main :/‘ after i put genshin in yet another media because he got lucky one time and it has become his entire genshin career. i like to think he’s biased towards turn-based strategies, stuff with very obvious and clear cut metas, so he probably didn’t pick up genshin (he does know a few characters and their surface lore, owns an acrylic stand of like keqing maybe, but nothing in depth) until i brought it up. i need to talk w him for hours about lore it would be good for my mental health
satan — sebastian, at first. autocorrect from a poorly written attempt at his name that stuck. he gets confused because ‘that’s not my name, and it’s not a joke, so why is it my contact?’ and after explaining it we both start to periodically change the other’s contact to be something further and further away from their name each time. think of the barnacle codswallop joke but taken to the extreme because it’s him and i’m me and we both quietly one up each other by sending screenshots of the new contact.
asmo — cycles ‘PINK(IE)’ and ‘dni after 10pm’. both are self explanatory and said affectionately. he gets mock offended whenever it’s the second one (“is my contact set to dni” “yeah” “so you hate me?” “asmo.”) and changes the heart in my contact (you know there is one) to a 💔 every time he notices. he doesn’t fix it until i, direct quote, “kiss it better.” despite his phrasing it typically is just his excuse to take me to a cafe for a while or something
beel — ‘chef gordon’ to ‘nokia brick.’ can he cook? yes. does he? not often, he’d rather eat the raw ingredients. was just brick but it was soon discovered he can navigate the most complicated uis to order his lunch but he has no idea how to like. change his brightness. it doesn’t bother him so he never looked it up.
belphie — ‘totally not suspicious’ to ‘pillow princess’ change after an invisible arc that the devs didn’t decide to show where [i devolve into an irritated blur about chapter 16]
luke — macaro(o?)n. i still forget which ones which. i think it would be fun to call him so he’d have to explain it out of his Baker Pride or something. he feels like the type to send you 10 links to various cooking sources if you ask “how do i make scrambled eggs” because he doesn’t know which one you mean.
simeon — golden bunny. bunny is autocorrect from ‘bonnie,’ logic is angel -> michael -> william. sidenote but he’d either get so startled at jumpscares or he’d be completely stonefaced and both are hilarious outcomes. levi is very conflicted about this (can’t criticize him, he’d die, but also very confused about the situation)
barbatos — barbie girl 💞💞💞. self explanatory. this one starts fights sometimes (/silly)
diavolo — ‘princiPAL’ to ‘dewdrop’ after a friendship arc. no justification i just think it’s cute and fits him :]
barbatos naming his close contacts after tea is brilliant and i am stealing it. if you’d like to use this ask to share your headcanons about their little mannerisms pretty please feel free to share!!! id love to hear them :]
- blue !
WAAAAH thank you i do enjoy making people smile/laugh . also thank you for this ask being so long its been so delightful to read over :D sorry my reply is going to be about the same length because im so AWWAAWWAAWAAA over your ideas honestly
sweet tooth is SUCH a fun group chat name . yall better make sure to share those sweets with me okay /silly
also subtly not-so-subtly shipping diavolo and lucifer to their faces is so funny. i feel like lucifer would Know but he doesnt want to admit that he knows or bring it up at all in case it makes dia uncomfy sdkfjhkds
i really like those lucifer ideas. he definitely wears a very distinctive cologne . the only thing i can liken it to (to me at least) is the way gin feels going down your throat, but like . in smell form instead, if that makes sense?? and inkwell is so fitting but simultaneously i feel like hed be Cross over it (but only on a surface level. if somebody else notices it he gets all grumpy but as long as its just you hes cool with it)
im losing my mind at the idea of mammon wearing an anklet . when i first read the nickname my brain immediately went to those house arrest anklets people wear. like, lucifer putting one on him because mamms is a mischievous little guy. HIM BEING HTE MONOPOLY MAN IS SO FUNNY TO ME ACTUALLY . you know he always insists on being the banker when you introduce everyone to the game and skims cash off the top, citing "interest" and "handling fees" and the like.
YEAH yeah in my brain i want levi to be into genshin but i think hes kind of blase about playing it regularly. he plays the occasional event and will hyperfixate on it once every few months and catch up, and also log in to spend all his money on characters he thinks are Neat (or that he's read are going to be the New Amazing Awesome Cool OverPowered Meta Guys) . he seems like an enjoyer of all the most 'typical' genshin characters, like keqing, ganyu, ayaka, raiden shogun and kokomi . like thats the extent for him sjdkhkjsd
i love the imagery of satan initially being Mildly Annoyed and Confused but the moment he's let in on the joke he's fully on board. i feel like he's that way with a lot of things, he just loathes being excluded and doesn't know how to word it so he gets snippy or even just downright mad. i could also see satan assigning haikus to peoples contact descriptions that get increasingly more ridiculous as he comes up with them.
Asmo's are so fun and silly too, i feel like he gets so grumpy if you message him too late or too early so the DNI is totally warranted but hes SUUUCH a bad sport about it . he WILL whine about it to an absurd extent. i can totally see him having hearts in almost everyone's contact name but he has this whole dictionary in his brain of the different heart emojis and their meanings . (i was gonna say something about yours being blue (because of the nickname you chose) but honestly i associate you with more of a minty green ?? not sure why. its a compliment though!) i just love asmo being SUCH a drama queen but like you know that he knows that you dont actually hate him and arent mad at him he just plays it up, its like an intricate game of cat and mouse to him. he plays the damsel in distress and you have to go save him from the evil dragon ( the fake villainous version of you that he basically made up for the funny)
IM REALLY OBSESSED WITH BEEL BEING NOKIA BRICK. THERES SOMETHING SO AMUSING ABOUT THAT TO ME. i read it initially more in the sense that he can take anything that's thrown at him (or that he gets thrown at) without a scratch . man can eat all kinds of weird nasty food without even BLINKING. the idea that he can hardly use technology simply because he doesnt really Care is also very amusing to me. hes the epitome of "damn bitch you live like this?" because he just doesnt care to learn about the things that he doesnt feel are necessary (a complete opposite to belphie, who must have everything Just Right or else he goes bonkers insane. beel will learn to do things for belphies sake i think).
Belphie is so pillow princess coded honestly, youre so right. i do not blame you for being irritated about chapter 16 it is so. its so. it is. yep. like. sorry solmare these characters are mine now ill develop them good and also not flanderise them so its okay.
ok i think macaroons are the chewy ones, and macarons are the meringue ones. i love luke so much i feel like he's a chronic over-explainer like. you ask him where a place is and he's like "oh its in this place thats sort of near this other place, do you remember when we did (xyz)? yeah its kinda adjacent to there but also not really. the building next to it is this colour and sometimes they have a sign outside oh but also sometimes they dont so its like... yeah." and you find out its like the biggest building on the main street and its just like . "dude why didnt you just say that" and he just shrugs because he genuinely didnt think about it in that way . hes a very visual thinker and he has to explain every little detail forever or else he loses his little mind (yes im projecting no i dont take constructive criticism )
calling barbatos barbie and barbie girl genuinely always SLAUGHTERS me its so so funny . come on barbie lets go party <3 . i feel like the best solution to that starting fights is to mention it to diavolo who will then be Ecstatic at the realisation because he loves barbie and suddenly he will ONLY call barbatos 'barbie' and oh boy you have opened pandora's box there barbs would NOT be happy sjkhfks
princiPAL made me giggle a lot its so silly and fun. dewdrop is also an ADORABLE name for him he is soooo dewdrop coded to me . i feel like dia loves the first one especially because he loves goofy puns and also knowing that people think of him in like a friendly light. he aches to be approachable and friendlike as opposed to a Distant Unapproachable Demon King Grr Scary
thank you so much again for sharing all of this with me, it was so so fun to read and respond to i feel like we are So on the same wavelength about a lot of things and its really delighting me :D
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daytonasand · 1 year ago
and yknow what even if his name really was meant to be anthony from the beginning which i highly doubt why couldn’t they have changed it to william it really makes no difference other than adding another layer to that whole story like. i don’t really gaf about capvers. obviously i am king of capulian nation but literally outside of that i don’t think capvers is all that like. idk. compelling??? we just know nothing about havers so it’s hard to care about him as a character or them as a ship. anyway. like if they’d just had the captain go ‘william…’ as he laid there dying i think that would’ve added so fucking much to his character and it would make such a significant part of redding weddy worth something. and then it would also just be satisfying from a viewer/fan perspective that the theories would be correct. and it would really be like. oh. oh the captain wrote a letter probably confessing his feelings. he was so in deep that he was willing to write a whole letter and risk someone else finding it and outing him and ruining his life. he was willing to put himself in that danger just on the off chance that he would get some dick. like. if they had just named him william it would be so much better not just from a fan perspective but from a storytelling and Depth perspective.
literalt why does the captain hide that envelope and look at it all sadly like that after havers leaves his office and why does he bury it like that like it’s more than just blueprints if it wasn’t some kind of confessional letter. like. what was it for if not for that. and. yknow what. i never watched pretty little liars but i did watch a video essay about it and in it i recall them mentioning that like the writers always wanted to be two steps ahead of the viewers and would change the story if the viewers theorized on something correctly so it just ended up weird and disconnected. and ljke. idk i have faith in the idiots enough to not do that but idk when i think about that letter and william and ‘anthony’ it’s like. benjamin. look at me. look at me in the eyes and try to tell me his name wasn’t william from the beginning and you didn’t change it for no reason. you can’t. you literally can’t.
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sofianonimo · 5 years ago
Jane just really likes to annoy Aragon with her puns pt4 (mate what? Again?!)
This one is dedicated to @yeah-itwassoextra and all the other accounts that are making and creating quarantine related text-posts every day (I wouldn't know about that, I dissapeared for like, two weeks). Your creative minds are appreciated <33
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Jane: Is it because of your hebr-
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leopardgeckoz · 3 years ago
Robin Knows
Nico Robin knew a lot of things.  From in-depth archaeological facts, to generalized history, to how to commit the perfect murder  .Among her vast array of knowledge, she knew how her reckless captain and his fearless first mate felt for one another long before either of them realized it.  She saw it in their passing glances, heard it in their banter, and witnessed those feelings manifested in their blind faith for one another- always believing the other capable of doing the impossible.  They always did, too, make the impossible possible.
Being the intelligent woman she is, Nico Robin never said a word about what she knew, but occasionally she found the other crew mates catching on as well.  The metaphorical lightbulb above their heads blinking on as soon as they pieced it together.
Nami was the first.
It was a particularly stormy day on the Grand Line, the ship jostled by the crashing of waves.  The winds ripping through the sails, most literally.
Nami was yelling orders, Zoro and Luffy quick at work furling the sails to salvage whatever they could from the wind.  Luffy stretched himself up and across the ship, rigorously tying rig after rig in place ensuring the security of the sails when a particularly nasty wave crashed across the ship, rocking her to her side and washing over the deck.
The force of this wave took the crew's dearly beloved captain with it.
"LUFFY!" No one was sure who'd yelled his name, perhaps it was the entire crew in unison, maybe it was just one of them yelling what they were all thinking.  But not a moment after the wave took Luffy with it, pulling him into the sea, Zoro was running across the deck, tossing his swords to Usopp to hold.
"I've got him!" Was all the swordsman said before diving off the side of the ship.  Usopp rushing after him, stopping just short of the railing with swords in his arms,
"Zoro you idiot!" He called after.
"Hurry, get the lifeline!" Nami yelled as Franky rushes up to them, a lifeline in his fist.  Between the wind, the rain, and the onslaught of waves, the crew could barely see Zoro's form swimming out after Luffy.
For a moment, the swordsman would appear above the surface, then dive down into the chaos of the sea kicking and thrashing, desperately searching for their captain.
He would surface again, gasping for air, and with every resurface, the crew began to worry more and more.  Finally, after a particularly long stretch spent out of view, the swordsman was spotted clinging to their captain as another wave rose up from the sea, crashing down upon them with a vengeance only the ocean herself could muster.
"THROW THE LINE!" Nami ordered,
"I'm on it!" Franky launched the line into the storm, the prayers of the straw hat pirates visible in the way they clenched their teeth, watching with anticipation and fear for their crew mates.
"There's another one!" Usopp shouted, eyes wide in terror at the incoming assault.
"Nami!" Sanji's call for the navigator drowned out by the crashing of water, the straw hats washed across the deck.  Franky held Nami and Usopp down, his fists gripping the floorboards.  
"Mil fleur!" Robin called out, arms on arms reaching for Chopper who was submerged in the water flooding the deck.  She grabbed him by his pack, pulling him up and out of the water.  Sanji had a grip around her waist, keeping the power haver from washing away herself.
"PULL US IN!" Zoro's shouting carried on the wind and waves, 
"Hurry!" Nami took hold of the line with Franky, the two of them pulling viciously on it, dragging their crew mates in closer, closer.  Until they were hoisted up, and Franky was reaching over the side, gripping Zoro by the shirt and tossing him and Luffy onto the deck.
Zoro was sputtering, spitting sea water from his mouth, but Luffy wasn't moving, he wasn't breathing.
"Oh no!" Chopper cried, "is he-" 
Zoro scrambled over to Luffy, pressing ear to his chest, hand hovering over Luffy's mouth.  A moment later, Zoro began compressions, swearing under his breath.
"C'mon, c'mon you idiot.  Are you really going to let the sea of all things take you out?" After a hundred or so compressions, Zoro tilted Luffy's head back, opening his airway.  The swordsman pinched the Captain's nose before placing his own open mouth on Luffy's, breathing into him.  One.  Two.  Then compressions again.  After another hundred or so, Zoro's mouth was on Luffy's again, breathing into him.  One.  Two-
Luffy sputtered, and Zoro reeled back, avoiding the water being purged from Luffy's lungs.  The swordsman's eyes never left his captain as Luffy coughed, turning over on his side, fingers gripping the ship.
"Luffy!" Nami and Usopp rushed over to him, falling to their knees beside him.  Luffy coughed again, harder, more water spilling from his insides as Zoro rubbed his back.  Eyes still on Luffy, and Nami's eyes flickered from Zoro to Luffy and back.  The situation replayed in her head.  It was Zoro who had yelled after Luffy the loudest, it was Zoro who launched himself over the side without hesitation, it was Zoro who was first to press on Luffy's chest and breathe into his lungs.
"Are you alright?" Zoro asked, with heavy breaths.  Luffy coughed again, wiping his mouth with his arm, he turned to look at Zoro.
"Yeah, thanks, Zoro," Luffy stared at Zoro, and Zoro and him and there was something there on both of their faces that neither of them could place, or perhaps that they weren't yet willing to.  But as they looked at each other, breathing heavily in the wake of the storm, Luffy's life having just been hanging by a thread, Nami saw it.  She placed it.
Sanji was second.
The sky was a brilliant blue, the wind was perfect for sailing, and overhead the sun shined brilliantly, reflecting off the ocean waves.  Zoro was asleep, leaning against the mast.  Mouth hanging open, drool trailing down the side of his face.  Dead to the world until the over zealous captain charged onto the deck, calling for the swordsman.
Zoro cracked open an eye, yawning as he did so,
"Hm?" Sanji was on Luffy's tail, a platter of new recipes propped in his arm.
"Sanji made some new yummy food! I wanna share it with you!" The cook stopped dead, blinking at his captain.  Never in his time as the Straw Hat Crew's cook had Sanji ever heard Luffy say he wanted to share food, let alone witnessed him sharing it to begin with.
Zoro smiled, it was small and sweet, and something Sanji hadn't seen before.  A smile reserved only for Luffy.
The captain plopped down next to Zoro, reaching for the platter and snatching it from Sanji's hands.  Usually, the cook would have some sort of insult or whatnot to throw at the swordsman, but he was stunned into silence at the exchange.  Watching as Luffy took a piece of roasted meat from the platter, bringing it to Zoro's mouth.  The green haired man opened his mouth, accepting the offering graciously.  Luffy popped a piece of the meat into his own mouth and happily ate it.
"Feedback?" Sanji finally managed to ask,
"It's GOOD! Isn't that right, Zoro?' Luffy said, a wide grin plastered on his face as he looked at his first mate.  Zoro swallowed his piece,
"Yeah, it's good," he agreed,
"Thank you, enjoy.  I'm working on desserts next so if you're still hungry when I've finished, I may be willing to let you sample them."
Luffy nodded his head, "I think we'll be okay with the meat, but thanks Sanji! Don't work too hard!" It was the look on Zoro's face as he watched Luffy talk that cemented what Sanji was witnessing.  He couldn't stop himself from chuckling,
"Aye aye, Captain," the cook sounded off before leaving the pair to their own devices.
Franky, technically, always had a sneaking suspicion, but he was the third to confirm it.
The ship had docked on a small island, the crew heading off on their usual shenanigans.  Chopper and Robin in search of book stores and museums, Sanji on the lookout for a market for ingredients, Nami and Usopp shopping for fun gadgets and fishing for info about the island and its locals.  Luffy took off like he always did, carelessly excited while Zoro stayed behind.  Opting for a nap, and to guard the ship in case any ragamuffins came along trying to cause problems.
Franky set out in search of Cola, in need of replenishment for his dwindling stash.
He was the first one back to the ship, or so he thought, after an uneventful yet fruitful trip to town.  He managed to knab a large quantity of Cola for a bargain, something he prided himself on greatly.
He returned to the ship with his spoils, intent on storing them in the refrigerator until needed.  Franky stopped halfway up the ladder, low voices catching his attention.  One of them was most certainly Zoro, but Franky couldn't be sure of the other.  Quietly, he climbs further up, peering onto the ship.  The other voice belonged to Luffy.
The two were lying on the deck, bodies in opposite directions so their heads were right next to each other, and they were staring up at the sky.  
"It's okay to be scared sometimes," Zoro said, and Franky felt wrong for eavesdropping, especially on a conversation such as this.
"I'm always scared, Zoro.  That's why I run head first into everything.  If I don't let myself stop to think and realize the fear I carry, it isn't real," 
Silence washed over them as Zoro pondered Luffy's words, and Franky did as well.  His heart clenched at Luffy's statement.  He was proud to call this courageous twerp his captain.
"Running so fast you can't face your fears is just as dangerous as being consumed by them," Zoro said, rolling to his side and propping himself up on his elbow as he looked down at the captain.  "You're not alone, Luf.  You don't have to face these fears on your own." It was a promise.
Franky decided now was better than any to ruin the moment before he saw something he absolutely should not.  He makes a big ruckus, warning the two he's coming into the ship.
As soon as the ruckus was made, Zoro sat upright, away from Luffy.  Luffy remained in his spot, still staring at the sky.
"What is going on up here bros?!" Franky hollered, "look at this haul!" He held up his bags of cola, Zoro cracked a smile, but Luffy was still staring wordlessly at the sky.
"Franky, what's your biggest fear?" The question took him off guard, especially coming from Monkey D Luffy.  Without hesitation, Franky answered it,
"Making something for the better only for someone to use it for the worst." 
"How do you cope?" 
"Well, I can't control the actions of others, only my own.  I know my intentions are true, so if someone looks at something I made and says 'I'm gonna do something bad' that's their choice.  Not mine.  It doesn't always work, but it reminds me that I can choose to be who I am everyday, or I can choose to be different.  Does that answer your question?"
Luffy sat up, grinning at Franky, "yeah, it helps, thanks!" Whatever worry had been plaguing Luffy seemed to have disappeared, or at least, the captain stuffed it down until it was nowhere to be seen.
"Yeah, yeah! Well, these Colas need some cooling.  Be back in a bit," Franky headed into the kitchen, but something in him told him to look back.
So he did, just in time to see Roronoa reaching out to their captain, a soft expression on his usually hardened features.  Luffy took his hand, and the two looked at each other for a small while.  Franky couldn't see the expression on Luffy's face, but he imagined it mirrored Zoro's, and Zoro looked utterly infatuated.
Usopp and Chopper found out together.
It was late, Luffy was perched in the lookout, taking first watch while the others settled into bed for the night.
Well, most of the others.
Usopp and Chopper were hiding away in a corner, making paper airplanes out of Nami's old cartography work she deemed unworthy of her world map.  (With her express permission to do such things,)
"What're you two doing?" Zoro asked, stepping out of the men's quarters and casting a look over to the giggling pair.
"Watch watch, it flies!" Chopper said, jumping up and down with excitement. 
 "Mhm, mhm, it does Zoro! See!" Usopp sent one of their creations flying.  It glided through the air for a few moments before crashing to the ground, Zoro merely raised an eyebrow.
"Doesn't fly very well," he comments, effectively hurting his crew mates feelings.
"What're you doing up anyway?! Are you only here to dash our dreams?!" Usopp yelled, Zoro put a finger up, telling Usopp to quiet down.
"I came to check on Luffy," the swordsman admits, "he seemed out of it today," Usopp and Chopper exchange glances,
"Oh, well, he's up-"
"I know where he's at," Zoro interrupted, walking past the pair.  Usopp and Chopper exchanged puzzled glances, then watched as Zoro climbed up to the lookout.
"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Usopp asked,
"If it's something we shouldn't be thinking, then, yes!" The reindeer chirped, a twinkle in his eyes.
The duo, with the help of Usopp's new telesponderscope, (a telescope with the ability to enhance audio frequencies, allowing the user to hear conversations from a far off distance while also being able to visibly spy on them) found the perfect angle on the ship to spy on Luffy and Zoro.
"I'm sorry," Zoro said begrudgingly, his face drawn into a scowl as he shifted his weight from one foot to another.
Luffy didn't say anything, he was staring out at the expanse of dark, the only light the moon guiding them overhead.
"Luffy, you can't avoid talking to me, you're my captain, I'm your first mate, that's not how this works." Zoro huffed, he hated being the one to apologize, he hated being the one in the wrong just as much.  But he was and he wasn’t, but he was so much so that Luffy hadn't spoken to him for at least a day.  Every passing hour of Luffy's silence drove Zoro further and further into madness.  He wanted Luffy's smile, his laugh, his chatter, but he had spent the better part of the day on the complete opposite sides of the ship as Zoro.  Out of sight, but most certainly not out of mind.  If anything, his absence plagued Zoro's even more.
"Go away," Luffy finally said, causing Usopp and Chopper to exchange wide eyed glances.
"No. You're on watch, you can't go anywhere, you're going to listen to what I have to say," 
"What do you think he did?" Chopper whispered,
"I don't know, I didn't even know they were fighting! Has Luffy said anything to you?"
"No, he seemed fine, but now that I think about it, anytime Zoro walked into a room Luffy would leave." Chopper pointed out,
"Yeah, yeah you're right, I can't believe I didn't notice that." Usopp frowned, Luffy's voice caught their attention.
"Well, I don't want to listen to what you have to say," Luffy stood up, turning to Zoro with clenched fists and angry eyes.  "I had him, Zoro!" 
"He must be talking about the fight from the other day," Usopp commented, 
"Yeah, that one was pretty bad, Luffy was still recovering from his last battle, he wasn't fit to fight.  I told him," Chopper explained,
"You had nothing!" Zoro argued, "you were on the ground, barely able to move.  You still haven't mastered those new skills of yours and until you do you can't be pushing yourself like that.  I understand the sanctity of a match more than anyone else, but I'm willing to break that if it means saving your life.  Every time."  Zoro snapped.  Usopp and Chopper's jaws fell open.  Never did they think they would see the day where Roronoa Zoro would defy Luffy when it came to a fight.  Not when honor was on the line.
"I didn't ask you to save me! I didn't need you to save me!" Luffy yelled at him, 
"You didn't have to ask!" Zoro yelled back, "you never have to ask! I will follow you into the dark without question, I will stand back as you fight your toughest battles, I will watch as you declare war against the world, and I will fight with you as you do, but I will not stand by when you're in no shape to fight and let you get your ass kicked." Zoro said, running a hand through his hair, and gesturing wildly with the other one at Luffy.
"It feels like," Luffy started quietly, "it feels like you think I'm weak," and Zoro dropped his hands, his eyes were wide, and he stared at the man before him.
  "I have never once thought that." He said honestly.
"Holy shi-" Usopp fell quiet on the last syllable, the two talking so quietly he strained to hear them over the telesponderscope.
"You promise?" Luffy asked,
"I swear." Zoro confirmed,
"I think they're in love," Chopper whispered, Usopp didn't say anything.  Only nodded his head, 
"I won't apologize for saving your life, I don't regret that.  I would do it again in a heartbeat, but I will apologize for upsetting you, for making you think I find you weak.  That wasn't my intention," Zoro confessed, "I'm sorry, Captain," Luffy stood there for a few moments, chewing at the inside of his cheek, arms crossed over his chest as he took Zoro in.  His words, their meaning, finally he broke out in a grin.
"You're forgiven," Zoro, Usopp, and Chopper let out relieved sighs.
"Right, well, I'll let you... I'll let you get back to it." Zoro says, heading for the ladder.
"You're on next watch, right Zoro?" The captain asked,
"Yeah, I am,"
"Do you wanna stay on both? Together?" Zoro paused, his expression shifting just so, something...hopeful.  The swordsman nodded, walking over to Luffy.  The pair took a seat, shoulders touching, and after a few minutes Luffy rested his head on Zoro's shoulder.
"They're definitely in love," Chopper whispered, 
"What're you two doing?" Robin asked from behind them.  Usopp closed the telesponderscope, shoving it in his pocket as he and Chopper whirled around.
"R-R-Robin!!! We weren't doing anything, it's not like we were spying on Zoro and Luffy or anything!" Usopp said, 
"Yeah!" Chopper chimed in.  Robin smiled at them,
"Mm, so they're talking again?" She asks,
"Yeah, Zoro apologized to Luffy," the reindeer told her, "they seemed...." He pauses, contemplating if telling Robin of their revelation was a good idea or not.
"In love?" Robin inputted for him, "I know,"
"You know?!" Usopp questioned exasperatedly.
"I've known since I met them, it's a hard thing to miss.  Well, to outsiders it is.  I presume neither of them are aware of it just yet." Her hands were propped on her hips and she stared up at the lookout, a smile on her face.  "You two should get to bed," 
"Yeah, probably.  Robin?" Usopp asked, 
"Hmm?" She picked up Chopper, booping his nose and pulling a giggle from him.
"Do you think they'll ever know?" The archaeologist shrugs, 
"Maybe someday, but that's their business.  Until then, all we can do is watch."
 Zoro was the next to know.
Maybe he had been in denial, maybe he hadn't recognized what romantic feelings felt like, maybe he was lost on the way to his destination.  All merely speculative, for that conversation on the lookout, when all Zoro wanted was for Luffy to talk to him, that was his revelation. 
He had asked himself, why? Why did it matter if Luffy talked to him, if he was mad at him? He swore to himself it was because Luffy was his captain, and he wouldn't be a very good first mate if his captain refused to so much as look at him.
But as they sat there, shoulder to shoulder, in comfortable silence, Zoro realized he never wanted to leave Luffy's side.  They could sit there forever and he would be content, no, he would be happy.
"Luffy," Zoro started, after everything was quiet and all others had gone to bed. 
 "Hmm?" The captain turned, looking up at Zoro with curious eyes and a smile on his face.
"I…" Luffy raised a brow when Zoro trailed off, seeming lost for words.
"Let me get through this, damn it," Luffy held up his hands in defense, falling quiet once again.  "I," he swallowed his pride, "I think that I might love you," 
Luffy's smile widened into a grin, his face shining like the sun.  "I know," he said,
"You- what?! You know?!" Zoro asked, exasperation written all over him.
"I know," Luffy confirmed, "you wouldn't follow me all over the sea if you didn't.  Just like you wouldn't stop yourself from throwing Sanji overboard if you didn't secretly love him." 
He doesn't know.  Zoro realized.  Not the difference between what Zoro meant and Luffy thought.  How could he explain it? Zoro barely stuttered through telling Luffy he loved him.  How could he get the captain to understand what he meant?
A lightbulb turned on, a thought creeping to the forefront of Zoro's mind.  
He grabbed Luffy's face, squishing it as he did.
"Oi! Zoro what the hell?" Luffy asked, Zoro loosened his grip, only grabbing the pirates face in order to angle him the way he wanted.  When he let go, Zoro cut off Luffy's protests with a kiss.  Soft and gentle, something Zoro wasn't often.  Only when it came to Luffy.
Luffy's eyes were wide when Zoro pulled away, and all his captain could muster was one single syllable.
Luffy was the last to know.
Cross posted on AO3 
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padawansuggest · 3 years ago
Okay so as a chronic nightmare haver some of you guys write really shitty nightmare scenes. They’re all so clear and vivid and the character wakes up screaming. While waking up screaming is up to the nightmare haver; I think Obi-Wan being a nightmare screamer is wildly out of character for his PTSD induced survival instincts. He’s not waking up screaming, he’s waking up sobbing all low and quiet in his tummy with a migraine and feeling like he’s pumped with adrenaline and terror and he probably isn’t gonna perfectly remember his nightmares.
I woke up SOBBING yesterday because I had a dream about a ghost in the White House but the White House was a space ship and the ghost only showed up when we orbited night areas of the planet and the spaceship/White House was full of aliens, one of which whited out my mind I was so terrified of it, and another of which let out a noise that I hear in most nightmares. The ghost kicked my fucking ass to hell and back cause I accidentally offended it.
I am afraid of NONE of the aspects of this dream. I’m not afraid of aliens. I’m fairly sure one of the noises one of them made was a nightmare inducer but that’s about it. I’m not afraid of the White House or ghosts. Especially not a child ghost named Billy. I’m not afraid of mom and she was there with me the whole time (I was tryina show her a tiktok when the White House entered orbit 😭) and I’m sure as hell not afraid of space.
So??? Why did I wake up sobbing???? Various reasons but none had to do with the actual content. The noise one of the aliens made was terrifying but in more of a ‘lol wtf’ way. It was PROBABLY because my mouth was dry irl and the ghost beating the shit outta me. Sometimes my nightmares just involve me trying to fight someone who’s hurting me and absolutely failing at it, plus my mouth being dry means that I can’t actually talk in my dreams. My throat hurts and I can’t open my mouth.
So. What I’m saying? Obi-Wan’s nightmares are probably about him using a blaster but he can’t aim right and every shot it off the mark and the Elders are getting closer and closer and he’s running out of ammo/charge and he’s hungry cause he forgot to eat before he slept or he’s sleeping in a damp enclosed space or he feels something tight on his neck, and in the dream it’s collars on his neck and he can’t run from the enemies and he’s weak as he was on Melida/Daan and can’t even run away and he’s watching others get hurt-
A nightmare and PTSD isn’t just flashes of memory. It’s the sensation that it causes your body. It’s the feeling of being right back in that moment. I’m terrified of fighting a stronger enemy and no matter how hard I hit they don’t even react. He’s terrified of fighting and strategizing as hard as he can and the others still die around him and the elders are getting closer and suddenly there’s a collar around his neck and he can’t breathe and his stomach feels empty-
Anyways. I don’t think he’d wake up screaming. I think the sobs are silent, because the idea of drawing attention to himself is unthinkable.
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browniefox · 3 years ago
Lost in the Snow
Or, a short and kinda incomplete (it has a beginning and ending, just not like, as much middle as I could've done) fic expanding on this post by @skitter-kitteruwu
At first, he wanders around the snowy land, shivering, as wrapped up in his coat as possible, calling for Emmet. He doesn't have his pokemon on him. He's alone. The snow is deep, and every step seems to take more and more effort. He can't feel his feet, his legs, his hands, his face.
He falls into the snow, and thinks that's the end.
He wakes up in a cave, warmed by tens of little furry pokemon who have blanketed him. He does his best not to upset them, moving just enough to look at them. Sneasel. Sneasel with odd markings, but sneasel not the less. His small shifting is enough to rowse a couple, who blink blearly at him, and then excitedly, making little chirpling sounds.
There's a louder, deeper chirp that responds. A sneasel that is far too big, too long, to actually be a sneasel steps into view. A new evolution, perhaps? She regards him, and he can't do anything but stare back, because there are still sneasel on him, keeping him warm, but also keeping him trapped, in a way. If he hadn't wanted to disturb the little pokemon before, he knows he would regret dong so now. They stare at each other for a long while. Then, the big sneasel makes another sound, and the entire pack of sneasel are waking up, shifting ot get off of him. He sits up, and finds there's a small pile of fruit set out for him.
"Haver you seen another man who looked like me? His name is Emmet." Ingo says.
The large sneasel makes an almost humming sound, but that's not really an answer.
There are many large cliffs in the area. His job as a Subway Master had been busy, but certaintly not hing compared to trying to scale a rock face with only his hands. The large sneasel seems to try and teach him, and the small pack that follow her around scamper the rocks like they were born doing so. They probably were. His hands are soft, though, and the rock face rough and unforgiving.
His coat becomes ripped, but he keeps it. It's not as if he has any other clothes to wear. And perhaps somebody will see it and recognize him.
He dreams of trains.
He's been living in the same cave he was found in, and every night the sneasel curl up around and on top of him so they can all share what warmth is available on the cold mountain.
He dreams of the roaring of a train as it passes by, the rocking of it liek a ship at sea. The thrill of stepping onto the back and feeling how the wind slides by.
A train, long and snaking like a servine, and that, that...
the feel of a train remains in the dreams, but when he tries to look at it, it's form begins to abstract, begins to become impossible to comprehend.
When he wakes, he searches for the food that is so precious on the mountain, and tries not to worry about what a train looks like.
He finds a little gligar with a large grin on his face. THe little thing is freezer in the cold, and Ingo bundles him up in his coat and carries him back to the cave. The cave he tells himself doesn't feel like home.
The grin reminds him of-
Ingo freezes at the cave entrance.
Reminds him of who?
Of another smile, of white like snow, of battles done in pairs. The most important person to him. But what is the name of that person?
His heart his pounding loudly in his ears.
That is when he knows he's in trouble.
"Ingo," he says out loud. That's his name. If he cannot remember the name of the man in white who is so important, then at least he can try and remember his own name.
That morning, he takes a rock and tries to carve his name into the stone of the cave. It's not right, not perfect, and his hands shakes as he writes, but it's there all the same. He nods. Ingo, Ingo, Ingo. That is his name.
When he comes back in the evening, the sneasel have clawed at the wall. A game to them, it was a game, and they chirp a greeting and pull him over to show off their scratches in the rock wall. Ingo breaths a sigh of relief when he can still find his name among the mess, though it is nearly obscured.
The big sneasel is often gone.
He gets the distinct feeling she's more of a solitary pokemon, but who is also mother to the other sneasel, and so comes back to dote on them, but still needs her time alone. She also has not forced him out of the nest yet. When she returns from her wanderings with food, there's a portion clearly set aside for him and that he thanks her for.
There's also a sound she makes, a little odd chirp, whenever she's trying to get his attention. Not anyone's attention, because the other sneasel ignore it. Only his attention. The other sneasel have learned the chirp, and they make the sound when he returns.
It's not his name, though.
He needs to remember that the chirping sound is not his name.
He looks at the rock wall and thinks Ingo, Ingo, Ingo.
He's not sure if he's even looking in the right spot in the hundreds of scratches anymore.
Ingo, Ingo, Ingo.
The pokemon are dangerous.
He knows this, but he's careful.
Not careful enough.
The snow is turning red as all the warmth literally bleeds out of Ingo.
There's crunching of snow, and he looks up to see big sneasel there, looking down at him, chirping the familiar sound.
"I-" He says, voice rough and raspy. Big sneasel turns and leaves.
He bows his head. This is how it goes, sometimes. Nature is nature, the world is the world. He will die in the snow, and a pokemon will come by and pick his bones clean. His only worry is that Gligar had been left behind in the cave. The sneasel seem to mostly tolerate the pressence of the other pokemon. He hopes they will continue to tolerate each other.
Crunching of snow.
Big sneasel is back, this time with some kind of large basket. She picks him up from the snow and, careful with her poisonous claws, deposits him into the basket. He gasps in pain, and she purrs at him.
"Good, you've finally woken up."
He has, hasn't he?
He's somewhere warm, but not warm because of the other small bodies around him. There's something thick on top of him, like his coat but not as threadbare. A blanket, of course, he was under a blanket.
His head lolls to the side, towards the voice that had spoken words.
A young woman stands there. She is no pokemon. How odd, how strange. Ingo had almost thought he was the only human on the entire mountain, on the entire world. He knew that wasn't true, but the reality of it had seemed right.
"Well, who are you?" The woman - no, girl, she is just a girl - demands.
He opens his mouth, and there's a faint little chirping sound that comes out, as best as he can manage. The girl's brow furrows.
"Do you need water?"
She pushes a cup in front of him, and he drinks from it, thinking where he went wrong. He almost chokes on the water as he recalls, almost spits it out.
"Ingo." He says, and the shape of it is sweet on his tongue.
"My name is Ingo." Ingo, Ingo, Ingo.
And that is all he is.
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grimtrespasser · 3 years ago
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*trips and tens of drawings of Star Wars OCs spill out* oh, oh my this is- look I can explain, I’m just holding them for a friend I swear, I- *goes to pick them up and countless paragraphs of lore fall out* oh dear, okay, I know this looks bad but just give me a second I promise it’s not what it looks like—
Anyways, I have a problem and it’s called I Cannot Leave This Sandbox
names + more under the cut 😎✌️
Khalla Obré—A sith zabrak and generally very petty person. She’s temperamental and emotionally unreliable but she’s damn good when you need backup against stupid odds. She was a padawan during the clone wars but was hardly ever a star student, constantly berated for every little slip up that her master claimed would lead her to the dark side. She cared about him and knows he cared about her and was just looking out for her in the best way he knew how, but still her relationship to the Jedi was and still is… complicated. After a particularly nasty fight with her master, she ran away, before she was fully knighted. Only to end up too far away to help him when, unbeknownst to her, the order was given, and she heard the blaster fire over the ridge. After that she let her resentment of the Jedi and the Empire grow and decided to get back at them both by embracing the title of sith.
Zaor’ova’navik aka Rovan—Chiss ex-imperial and haver of anxiety, seriously someone give this man a fucking break not me tho I still gotta break him a bit more. He was born deaf and is fluent in galactic sign language but was issued mandatory hearing aids when he first joined the Empire and was always discouraged from using GSL both on and off duty. Despite that, he was a devoted imperial for a good portion of his adult life simply for the fact that he liked having rules to follow and help him color within the lines. But there were always things that bugged him about the way the Empire ran things, chief among them the lack of rule following among its most powerful members. He finally became disillusioned with the Empire and (rather impulsively) defected when a particular prisoner was taken on board—a little girl strong with the force who they planned to mold into yet another inquisitor.
Jess, just Jess—A human bounty hunter and scavenger with a wild streak systems wide. He’s somewhat infamous for a slew of absurd heists that frankly should’ve never succeeded, although they’re all split across his countless aliases. Despite not officially being a part of the rebellion, she’s got a bit of a habit of throwing a wrench in the Empire’s gears whenever possible. Their ship, the Honorable (a rather intentionally ironic name) has been the primary aid in just about every mission, and it was soon to be Rovan and his so called stolen resources’ ticket out of the system and into the hands of the rebellion-if they could find the base that is. Jess is sociable to a degree, but guarded about anything personal. She doesn’t talk about her past, where she grew up, family, or anything of the like. He gets along fine with just about anyone though, and blends in perfectly with any crowd. It’s a skill that’s served them well as the face of the crew.
Auri—Twi’lek, force sensitive, and way too young to be dealing with this shit. She was raised by her uncle and cousin on one of the seedier Outer Rim worlds, although since both were always working or busy she was more often than not left to fend for herself. Regardless, she was determined to survive the place long enough to strike out on her own as soon as possible. Instead, she found herself kidnapped barely two weeks after her ninth birthday. There was fire, and screaming, and she was dizzy and half asleep, but she saw red blades carving those homes—and her only family—into rubble. When she came to in her cell, it was to the discovery that they intended to make her one of them or break her in the process. She had nearly resigned herself to the idea, until the strange imperial broke her free, with the intent of finding her somewhere she’d be safe and properly trained.
Steady—Previously a clone commander, now mostly Jess’s pilot and babysitter. He’s the most rational and level headed person on the Honorable both before and after it gained its new crew members. During the war he was commander of the 367th under a Jedi general by the name of Ashia, a Pantoran woman and good friends with Steady and his troops. As a cadet he was a part of Viper Squadron with his batchmates Jinx, Blastzone, Sasha, and Venus, who he fought alongside all throughout the war. Steady’s chip had been deactivated on accident (ergo the scars on his right temple) well before Order 66, and as of when he fled only Jinx and Venus were still alive. Now he assumes he’s the last of the Vipers left, though whether that’s true is yet to be seen.
Gear—An Imperial sentry droid that Jess scavenged and reprogrammed. He’d been abandoned in some old crash site half scrambled but still in decent condition, so Jess fixed him up and wiped his old Imperial coding. ‘Gear’ was the best stand in name they could come up with to replace his old chain codes. Now he acts as Steady’s copilot, Jess’s mission backup, and everyone’s general unpleasant nuisance. He’s rude, snarky, and sarcastic, and will use a literal spray bottle on a person if he decides they’re being annoying, whatever his definition of annoying may be. I’ve barely drawn him cause sentry droids are fucking difficult, so I’ll drop a reference image.
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Story wise, I think all their paths converge midway through the rebellion era, probably at least a few years before Luke ever gets involved. Steady, Gear, and Jess are on a backwater Outer Rim spaceport refueling between jobs. Rovan escapes an orbiting star destroyer with Auri and some key intel and lands on world looking for a pilot that’ll help him smuggle the Empire’s “resources” to the Rebellion. Khalla’s been hopping from world to world doing as she pleases but has lately been tracking a powerful signal through the dark side that’s led her to the same spaceport. She knows there’s something—or someone—on that world that the Force is drawing her towards. Once they’re all on world, timeline of events is as follows:
Rovan stashes away Auri and tells her to cloak herself in the Force so the Inquisitors will take longer to find them and goes to find a way offworld, Jess parts with Steady to head into town and check the cantinas for work, Khalla goes stalking after the traces of this force signal, except it’s gone dim since she entered the space port, leaving her tracking mere dregs. The three of them converge on the same hole in the wall place, Jess having payed the barkeep to send anyone looking to hire his way, so when a guy who’s clearly Imperial and doing a terrible job of hiding it comes in looking for just that, he’s sent to Jess’s table. Khalla doesn’t sense the source of the not-quite-sith not-quite-Jedi energy there in the cantina, but she feels contact traces of it from Rovan. Naturally, an Imperial trying to hire a bounty hunter in secret and getting interrupted by a rather terrifying woman holding a red lightsaber under his chin has the place clearing out pretty quick. She demands to know where this force signal is coming from that she senses on him, Jess demands to know what he did to get a “red blade” on his tail, and Rovan explains that there’s no time to explain because this commotion no doubt had stormtroopers on their way and if any of them was caught by the Empire it would mean bad things for all of them. There’s a tense moment in which weapons remain drawn and Khalla stares both individuals down, considering… And then she switches off the saber blade and returns it to its staff form, nodding in agreement but clearly unhappy about it. “You’re right, but you’re my only lead in finding this… whatever it is the Forces wants me to find, so where you’re going I’m going.” And while it’s not exactly ideal to have the person that just had her weapon against his throat tagging along, he’d rather have her with him then against him. Jess agrees to move him and his cargo so long as they’re getting paid. So the three set off against the clock to find the “cargo” aka Auri and get aboard the Honorable and offworld asap.
I’m considering writing up some of the scenes I’ve been imagining for the crew but even if I don’t post those, I’ve got plenty more drawings under my belt so y’all will be seeing a lOt more of these guys sjds
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nightwingsbf · 3 years ago
I have some things to say if you're interested as an nblm. The Asian ship tag works like this, character who penetrates is the first name and recipient character is second name. If it's sfw, if the creator has only sfw works and they use one tag almost exclusively, assume that it's the dynamic they prefer. Usually one tag is more popular than the other so that becomes general tag. It's not just for ships between penis havers, and some creators prefer switch too. Most creators and fans all over the world do have a preference for their personal reasons. This includes gender identity related reasons so I'd like to see more thoughtful handling of the discussion.
Regarding fem! tag, many people still don't know or understand the difference between trans tag and fem/ male! tags. Here in the west genderbend is a frowned upon trope, it of course is harmful. But in many other countries and cultures and languages you'll find different tags, or it's way worse to be out as trans than being seen as just fans of queer media so it's easier to tag like that or with a gender symbol. There are different words too, gender labels and concept is culturally linguistically different in other cultures. If it's a fic written in English by English speaking creator it's justified to condemn that, but for a fic in another language or an art where being trans is not the focus like showing surgery scar to prove this is a trans character, it's a bit too much expectation.
If the conversation was just about fics on ao3, ignore me. Do look into how the characters are feminized by different subsets of the fandom, it's quite obvious in my eyes and I won't be surprised if many trans and enby fans dislike either styles. The anon who was all about... boobs, was very frank. I feel that some of the cis portrayals are as fetishistic as genderbend and it bothers me quite a lot. It's more difficult to filter as well, and it sounds bad to tag top or bottom but it helps me not accidentally experience dysphoria over feminized portrayal of the pov character. This is a tiresome discourse but I will support tagging top/ bottom characters no matter the gender.
Sorry for the wall of text, I tried being as clear as I could. Have a good day!
Thanks for your insight and for your explanations and reflections. They definitely helped me have a broader perspective on the origin of these tags and their functionality depending on the person and their identity. Truthfully, the conversation went into different directions at some point and then was lost, at least in my part. But at least in terms of what you stated here, you were very clear.
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stephantom · 3 years ago
I'm not really into reader inserts myself, but I reckon they have to do with people having special interests/hyperfixations on certain stuff and latching onto specific characters in a very intense way, often in combination with these people maybe not having a lot of actual human connections irl (not a burn against such individuals, just a common phenomenon). Even if they may seem silly, these imagined scenarios can really bring people a lot of comfort. Like, I don't usually daydream about actually being in a relationship with a fictional character, but if I'm having a bad day I might imagine a character I like giving me a pep talk or something, know what I mean?
(Also sometimes people are just horny and there's nothing wrong with that!)
Oh, I definitely don’t mean to judge anyone for having “silly” fantasies. Sorry if I came across that way.
As a lifelong haver-of-silly-fantasies, all of what you said makes sense to me. I’ve always fixated on characters in a really intense way that brings me comfort, etc. Whether that leads someone to want self-insert fic or anything like that is probably just a matter of style and preference and what someone happens to be used to, not so much an actual difference of any significance.
Personally, I just don’t tend to like me as me being involved in imaginary scenarios, and that’s partly because I want to be there in some sense as one (or more) of the characters. I like to inhabit my favorite characters’ headspace. That’s just how I happen to prefer it. I’d rather be my beloved character receiving a pep talk (from another character, or be some other character receiving a pep talk from them, or whathaveyou) than be me receiving the pep talk from anyone.
(I’ve never been big into “kinning” either, but in some ways, I guess I’m probably closer to that style of fantasizing than self-inserts. (Tbh, I think the only frustrating thing about fans who take “being kin” super seriously is that so many seem to get possessive of the characters in a kind of entitled way that makes any interaction or engagement difficult (e.g. tagging character content as “[character name], me, don’t tag as [insert any possible ship or association with that character, or implication that anyone else could ever also be kin with them]))).
What that post said about narrative coherence is a big part of it. But the, uh, sublimation-of-self is pretty key and it’s hard to say if the lack of me is more essential to maintaining narrative/thematic coherence or whether it’s that maintaining narrative/thematic coherence feels essential for true self-loss/immersion/sublimation. (If any of that makes any kind of sense…?)
Anyway, thank you for making these points and being thoughtful. I didn’t mean to suggest that people who like self-insert stuff are sillier than anyone else. I just meant to lightly poke fun because I happen to prefer a different flavor of what’s basically the same activity. (And I have had trouble filtering out x reader and imagines in some fandoms lately (mostly Squid Game and Vikings?) but that’s just annoyance about a personal inconvenience, not an actual judgment about the right of those things to exist.)
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eloquentmydear · 4 years ago
I don't have the brain power for a full meta but I wanted to add some disjointed thoughts of my own to the Captain commentary from @eloisetheartist @patcaps and @winoforever32 so here's some info on WWII service and homosexuality and how it relates to Cap's behaviours
TW discussion of homophobia, persecution of homosexuals, and homophobic stereotyping of the era, misogyny of the era
So, obviously there was legal repercussion for those found to be "practising" homosexuality (ie. Men having sex with each other), due to male homosexual activity being illegal at the time of WWII. Any evidence of a relationship, even chaste love letters (or sometimes simply witness statements), were enough to convict you, even if you were a man who hadn't been sexually active with a man. If there was any evidence - or falsified evidence - that you had engaged with another man in a romantic way, you could be persecuted just the same, and face a prison sentence, being listed as a deviant by the government, and/or conversion therapy such as chemical castration. Which may be why he was so afraid of the envelope being unearthed - IF it did in fact contain an affectionate letter or declaration, that was sufficient evidence for him and/or Havers to be prosecuted.
However, there was still repercussion if you were found to be a "non-practising" homosexual, and this is likely why Cap struggles so much with his own identity - even though he didn't have a homosexual relationship (beyond flirting and perhaps a love letter), he would've faced devastating consequences for who he is.
So here's a look at some of the possible consequences, why they happened, and how they link to Cap's behaviours.
Being discharged from the military - there's almost no way you would be allowed to remain in service unless your superior elected to "cover up the scandal". Your discharge may have prevented you from ever joining military service again. Towards the end of the war, you may have been allowed to stay because there was a desperation for more troops, BUT there was also a greater awareness of homosexuality in soldiers and a worse attitude towards that homosexuality. It would really come down to how "bad" your scandal was, how easily it could be covered up, and the opinion of your superiors towards homosexuality. If you had been one of the few allowed to stay, you could bet you would be demoted to the lowest rank, and a black spot always left over your name - homosexuals simply couldn’t be trusted with military secrets (more on that later) and wouldn’t be respected in positions of authority. Cap's entire identity, even down to his name, is intertwined with the military and his rank. We know nothing about his life before he joined. Losing this part of himself would be catastrophic, so it is the identity he holds most dearly now. Particularly up until S2E3, he holds his rank very dearly. His profession means everything to him.
Viewed as physically weak - homosexual men were viewed as physically inferior to heterosexual men. This is a contributing factor to being expelled from the military. An attraction to men was seen as a sign that something was physically wrong with you, and physical illness almost always meant you were unfit to serve. Being attracted to men also marred you as "effeminate" and "womanly", and therefore unfit for frontline work and - especially towards the beginning of the war - unfit for most military work. We see multiple times that Cap is seemingly eager to be on the frontlines, to fight and use weaponry. He makes an effort to be enthusiastic about objectively violent equipment such as grenades and tanks, but also to be well-informed about them. We also see Cap continuing to be athletic, even trying to improve his athleticism, though it is a pointless activity as a ghost. We can assume that this is because he values his ability to pass the physical fitness test required for military service.
Viewed as mentally ill - an attraction to men was also seen as a mental illness. This is another contributing factor to expulsion from the military, as mental illness disqualified you from service. As above, we know how highly Cap values his military work. But he also values being seen as a fortress, a man "stronger" than the emotional whims of the other ghosts. Of course, we see that he isn't - nobody can be. But his attempted repression of all emotion - not just his homosexual feelings - can be linked to his desire to be seen as stable and sound-of-mind, and therefore capable of military service.
Considered weak-of-morals - due to the assumption of "deviant" nature, and the above discussed mental weakness, homosexuals were considered to be dangerous to the war effort, because they were viewed as "easy targets" for enemy infiltration. It was assumed that these "feeble, effeminate" men would help the enemy - by being scared of the frontlines and committing desertion, by being weak against torture and giving away secrets, by being easy to manipulate into defecting, or by using their learned "sneakiness" to serve as a double agent. There were a lot of suspicions and rumours of homosexuals being innately "anti-British" or "anti-ally", and thus untrustworthy. Again, this is a reason they were deemed unfit for military service, especially higher positions where sensitive information was exchanged. Cap, as we know, takes secret information - and his duty to protect it - incredibly seriously. He repeatedly asserts the “evil” of the Nazis and the “good” of the allies, loudly declaring a strong moral opinion. He also attempts to bury any "deviant" whims, both in himself and others, for the good of "King and country" - everything he does must be for the good of "the war", even one that is long over. He cannot accept dropping that guard, because to drop your guard for a moment is to let the enemy win. He cannot even talk about his feelings, his buried secrets, because "Loose Lips Sink Ships".
Thanks for reading this shit, I'm a fuckin gay mess and Alan Turing deserved better, good night
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arsenicpanda · 4 years ago
Bughead Appreciation Day 1 Except It’s Day 2
So I spent yesterday nice and cozy in bed and put this off (good choice, tbh, I was very snug as a bug), but now, now comes the time for me to gush about some people in the fandom!  This is definitely not a comprehensive list, I have absolutely left some people out because I am very forgetful, but, in no particular order and under a cut because I’m a wordy bitch:
@tory-b: A delight and a dear, leading writer of monsterfucker!Betty, co-runner of @riverdaleprideandjoyzine, a legend and a friend, we have no choice but to stan.  Her stuff is so good and varied and just *chef’s kiss* a delight, two favorites of mine are Fangs/com/Match (Betty/dragon!Jughead meet via monsterfucker Tinder, has some great friendship moments with Kevin and Veronica and is v sexy and funny, features the horniest Betty) and Sticky Sweet Serenade ((past)-friends-to-enemies-to-lovers bughead, mixes up some statuses in Riverdale, excellent mystery, I remember reading it and going, “holy shit, a believable take on Northside!Jughead”).  I’ve also gotta mention Whats in a Name? (Betty and Jughead meet on tumblr, Betty writes poetry and Jughead is a shitposter, they slowly connect, it’s great) and To Balance the Scales (scientist!Betty/mermaid!Jughead, currently a slow build, I cannot wait for you guys to see the excellent worldbuilding she’s done).  I could keep going, or you could binge all her fics today, an excellent use of your Saturday, I assure you, because I’ve left a lot out.
@stillhidden: Always good for some great thoughts on the show, one of the best reasons for my your thoughts on Riverdale please show them to me tag, I get psyched every time I see a Riverdale text post or ask answer because I know I’m in for a good time.  Thoughtful and funny and nice, what a combo!
@satelliteinasupernova: So talented!  Author, artist, co-runner of @riverdaleprideandjoyzine, funny, haver of good thoughts on Riverdale is there anything she can’t do?  No, there is not.  Every time I see her art I’m like !!!, the colors! how well-drawn the hands are! the accuracy of their hair! the backgrounds! the way I can see the love in their eyes! I cannot even, there are no words.  Also!  Her fics!  So original!  One of my earliest memories in the fandom is reading The town called Riverdale (a sort of mystery about the meta fuckery going down in Riverdale, explores time loops, stories that control lives, the roles the Archie characters are “supposed” to have, a mash-up with concepts in Princess Tutu that requires zero knowledge of Princess Tutu) and going !!! is this a Princess Tutu mash-up?  Have I been #blessed enough to see a mash up between Riverdale, a story that fucks with archetypes, and Princess Tutu, one of the shows about fucking with archetypes and the way stories ontrol lives?  I was and I am and I raved to my non-fandom but Princess Tutu liker friend about it.  Has also wonderfully tackled eldritch horror in return to Eldervair and gothic horror/romance in The Lady of the Manor, does fluff, does angst, does it all, so go check her out!
@go-ldy: An angst and time skip queen, tbh, and always has some great thoughts on Riverdale, another reason I’m glad I have that tag.  Every time she answers an ask, I’m like, “Yesss, incoming Good Thoughts, I am HERE for this”.  But do not sleep on her as an author!  Into the Deep is some delightful dark!bughead, and I’ll walk with you in the shadows is such good time skip angst and a mystery and there’s a certain surprise I love but is a spoiler but you simply must read this, you must.  The Time after Time series is giving us that good angst bughead content that season 5 is not going to, and I’m so glad it exists and just thrilled that she trusted me to beta it.  I’m leaving a lot of stuff out though, so you should go check her out!
@milajovovich: One of the best gif makers in the fandom, I will fight you on this.  Makes absolute miracles with footage, the way she makes season 4 webrips look like they’re actual blurayrips is godly, they’re so crisp and so smooth and the coloring is always great.  And like, jesus, the way the bluray footage looks?  Fucking outstanding, the talent is off the charts.  Go marvel at their gifs, go, go.
@imreallyloveleee: A prolific, talented author and funny to boot!  loveleee is one of the people who has been here since the beginning, a mainstay in the fandom, and we are so, so lucky she hasn’t left.  How do I even begin to rec you some of her stuff?  She can write smut with fics like burn, baby (a 3x16 missing moment of bughead fucking in the car as the trailer burns, what a gift to the fandom, I can’t even), is queen of pining with fics like boy problems (season 1 post 1x05 canon divergence, a bughead get together but with that quality pining) and her i’m just a shot away series (two fics, one from Jughead’s POV and one from Betty’s, that are fully of pining and sexual tension and miscommunication and major teenage vibes, you gotta read them), and writer of one of the funniest fics in the fandom and one of my favorite, like spirits in the night (the core four + Kevin perform a seance to contact Jason Blossom and yes, it is just as funny as it sounds, perhaps even funnier).  And there are countless others, so settle in and go check her out because she does it all, fluff and angst too, I just don’t have time to rec them all.
@meditationonbaaal: Absolutely one of my all-time favorite fic authors, like across fandoms, the talent, I cannot even properly describe it, like the quality of the prose, amazing, iconic.  the devil’s daughter (a season 2 rewrite with some differences in season 1, jumps back and forth through time in the best way, has the best and creepiest dark!Jughead, has some great smut that includes dom!Betty and dom!Jughead can you believe we are so blessed, such a good rewrite of season 2, and you know how I love season 2, so that is some high praise, let me tell you) is easily in my top 10 all-time favorite fics across the many, many fandoms I’ve read many, many fics of, and you simply must check it out, you will not be disappointed.  develop, stop, fix just blew me away as a kink week fic of bughead playing with bdsm in a dark room, the layers, the smut, the trust, the feelings, I cannot even.  And doll parts!  doll parts is so good, just such an amazing take on drop dead gorgeous, a fabulous Jughead and Betty as per usual, dare I say even better than an already fantastic movie.  I am behind on loose lips sink ships, but I can already tell it’s going to be a great exploration of the Stonies and a great take on season 4.  Keep an eye on her stuff here and here, do not miss out!
@dieqohargreeves:  An icon and legend in gif making, just makes the most beautiful and intricate and creative gifs.  The coloring is amazing, the techniques are amazing, that shit is Art, I will fight you on this.  You gotta check ‘em out, you just gotta, I can’t do their work justice.
@sullypants:  The wit!  The humor!  The observational skills!  The talent, my god!  Sully is the genius behind @bettycooperoutfitwatch and @riverdalearthistory as well as a fabulous writer of both meta and fic, yet another excellent reason for me to keep up with others’ thoughts on Riverdale.  Her a comic miniverse series is so funny and sweet and such a great take on the Archie Comics version of bughead, and the after-party series (Betty and Jughead attend a, well, prom after party, and the events that happen, and I am not doing it justice, but it is v good, I promise) has such a great vibe and such great characterization.  And young adult friction (librarian!Jughead is in a kind of competition with librarian!Betty, it’s so funny and so great) is such a delight, and we do not have time to get into everything great she’s written, but go check it out here.
@lilibug--xx: The queen of bughead smut, can you believe she has graced us with her stuff?  It is steamy and it is in character and it is amazing.  Dark Cherry Chutney is still a fandom favorite of mine, just some great dark!bughead who are unaware of each other’s darkness (but oh, they find out!) as well as some excellent smut.  And Pressed for Time (Betty teasing Jughead with her skirts in an effort to get him to fuck her and he is barely holding on until he isn’t, alternating POVs in the best way) is sexy af but makes you work for it, it’s a delight.  And give you mine (Betty and Jughead fuck at work and it is so hot, I can’t even) is so goddamn good, just some of the best dom!Jughead out there.  Has also written monsterfucker!Betty, which you know I’m a fan of, in once upon a midnight (werewolf-hunter!Betty/werewolf!Jughead with sex pollen where she does not shy away from some wolfy-ness and it is hot af) and has written monsterfucker!Jughead, a rarity but always a delight, with reap what you sow (witch!Jughead/undine!Betty and Betty is so delightfully otherworldly and it is so sexy but also sweet), and there are countless other smut fics, we would be here all day if I went through them all, so you gotta check her out here.  One more thing though: she can also write fluff with Lemon Drops and Chocolate Chips, a sweet fic of Betty and Jughead as neighbors that you should definitely check out.
@thatiranianphantom:  Funny and thoughtful and talented and has correct opinions on musicals!  Writes such good explorations of post-4x17 (and post-4x17 adjacent) scenarios.  Like, the we are a masterpiece series is v good and so interesting, and no one else is singing my song is such great angst as a post-4x17 fic and a great use of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend songs.  I am forgetting a lot of stuff, I know I am, and I think I might be behind like a fool, so let’s go check out all her stuff together here, yes?  Yes.  Also?  Great for Riverdale speculation, especially about the season 5 musical episode.
@heartunsettledsoul:  So talented, queen of canon missing moments, and funny to boot!  I love reading her liveblogging of the episodes, and I cannot recommend her stuff enough.  Her Forgotten Moments series of canon missing moments is iconic, you must go read all of it, especially there’s witchcraft in your hips, a post-2x13 fic of Betty and Jughead being such teenagers and Jughead being a dweeb about his cheerleader girlfriend and I am not doing it justice but you gotta go read it, man, you gotta.  But the series is full of gems from the beginning with Midnight Silence (Betty and Jughead talk post-1x04 about the Grundy debacle and it’s such a delight) and going all the way through to the most recent it might’ve been a nightmare (a 4x12 through 4x16 fic that gives me a wide range of emotions and is fantastic) and your eyes look like coming home (Betty’s diary entries throughout season 1, simply inspired).  But she’s also so good at AUs!  a dark world aches (for a splash of the sun) is already looking so good as a bughead mystery with some varchie fun on the side, just some quality core four content, and won’t be the same (if you’re not here with me) is a favorite of fake dating, Christmas, and there was only one bed, just the best tropefest.  And there are so, so many more, so you must check her out here.
@lovedinapastlife: She writes such a variety of AUs, I am just in awe of them all!  The talent, I am amazed.  The dark!bughead in The Society is peak dark!bughead with a simply iconic yandere!Betty, and you are seriously missing out if you have not read it yet.  Oh, and there’s some more dark!Jughead with a side of dark!Betty in the key to harm(ony) that you must check out because it’s such a great ride and is sexy, what more could you want?  Every movie AU she does really takes the source material and makes it her own from works You Drive Me Crazy (but I'm gonna keep on loving you), based on Drive Me Crazy and definitely better than the movie, to the most recent to all the boys (but especially you), based on To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before and just so sweet.  But also can write otherworldly fics like Heart’s Desire with genie!Betty and The Second Coming with fae!Jughead, as well as regular aus like Detention (Betty and Jughead in detention and it gets a little sexy but also quite cute), and pure porn like Eye of the Beholder (Betty and Jughead as sorcerers who hook up over sorcerer Tinder and it is sexy but also sweet), as well as some of the best ABO in fandom with her A/B/O Mine series (alpha!Jughead/omega!Betty in high school and holy shit is it hot as hell).  I am only just skimming the surface here, so definitely go check her out!
@kyloren aka @jughead-jones:  Mila is so talented at making gifs, like goddamn, and also so funny, but I bet you didn’t know that she also has written some damn good fic!  She hides it, but it is out there and it is very good, my favorite being let me hang my hook on your splendor, a fandom fave of a Scooby-Doo au that is so much more thoughtful and clever with its casting, and also very amusing, you must check out the rest of her stuff here.
@elizabethbettscooper: A delightful person and a delightful writer who is largely retired from the bughead fandom but still such a talent, like seriously.  Her Twin Peaks Riverdale AU The Past Dictates the Future is so good, you simply must check it out, like you must.  And yours was the first face i saw is such a fun AU of “what if Betty’s crush on Archie was a front for her crush on Jughead”, you must go read it.  And holy shit, her i may be bad (but i’m perfectly good at it) series is peak dom!Jughead/sub!Betty taking place when they’re in college and fucking in so many varied ways, like if you are into that, you must go read these fics, you must, you will have a great and sexy, sexy time.  And there’s so much more good stuff, you gotta go read it all here.
@bettycreeper: She does so much for the fandom and she makes such gorgeous gifs!  Like, the coordination she does on the @bugheadfamily server and @bugheadfanfictionawards and @riverdale-events and probably elsewhere cannot be understated, she is such a valuable presence in the fandom.  And have you seen her gifs?  Gorgeous quality, just gorgeous, and her movie poster gifs for fics are simply inspired.  Also?  She’s an amazing beta, just outstanding.
@stillscape: A very thoughtful person and excellent writer who I can’t seem to tag.  Dianthus Caryophyllus is still one of my favorite fics in the fandom, a high school bughead fic with some amazing pining from Jughead with an oblivious Betty, I can feel it, it’s so good.  And of course there’s Ninia, an amazing take on the soulmates trope, just so good, I cannot do it justice, you must check it out.  The for the life of me series is also such a good AU for Betty and Jughead getting together pre-Riverdale at a summer internship, I have such fond memories of it.  And la peste (the plague)!  So good, I cannot even.  We don’t have time for everything, except you should make time and go check all of it out here.
@theheavycrown:  God, where would we be without Sarah?  She does so much work for the @bugheadfamily and @bugheadfanfictionawards and @riverdale-events and @riverdalecentral and I’m probably forgetting some, tbh.  And so sweet and talented!  Her gifs are fantastic and so are her fics.  Like, Rain Comes Down (Betty and Jughead fucking in the car on the side of the road while cars drive by)?  Iconic, some amazing exhibitionism.  you had me howling(Betty in heat in the woods and then Jughead finds her and fucking ensues)? Fantastic ABO, so horny, so desperate.  Beneath the Silver Moon Rising?  Excellent dom!Jughead, excellent sexy times.  You must go check out all of her stuff here, you must.
@50shades-of-bughead:  Just some of the absolute cutest art that you must check out, especially their series of dark!bughead that is just fantastic.
@thepointoftheneedle: The variety of work here is phenomenal, the talent, I cannot.  Took my ridiculous double fake marriage/draft-dodging concept and turned it into an excellent, thoughtful period piece with phenomenal characterization and a great mystery with Never No Locomotive, I cannot recommend it enough.  And Ghosts and Clouds and Nameless Things (ghost!Jughead/grieving-dead-Jughead!Betty with a side of mystery) gave me so many emotions, I think I almost cried, and I am not a crier, I assure you.  Hey Pixie Dream Girl, I’m Coming for Your Man! (Betty in her bookstore saves Jughead from his date with a Manic Pixie Dream Girl) is so delightfully funny, and Sunflowers (Betty and Jughead share a working space and fall in love) is so goddamn cute.  I have actually found myself behind on her work, which is a crime, it all looks so amazing and I know it will be, and you must check all of it out with me here.
@hellodinoflower:  Such an amazing presence in the fandom, such a delight, so clever and funny.  She ran @bugheaddrabblechallenge this past summer and gave us all so much joy in the process, and, while her fics are deleted now (as is her right), I promise you that they were amazing, you all missed out if you slept on her.  She’s such a great follow, you gotta follow her.
@bluevelvetvideo:  A delighful soul, great character insight, great writing.  Like, her smut is fantastic, have you read Arsenal (a double feature of Betty and Jughead fooling around in public and then having some sexytimes back in private with some quality dom!Jughead, let me tell you, v steamy)?  Because you should.  Christmas Lights (Jughead ties Betty up with their Christmas lights, it’s fantastically sexy) is a delight, and you can’t blame gravity (for falling in love) is a very fun take on soulmates and soulmarks, and you simply must go read it.  She is a master of smut, let me tell you, and you must check out all her stuff here.  Also?  An excellent beta, 10/10, I’m so lucky to have her.
@a-true-janian-reply:  Very funny, has excellent thoughts on Riverdale!  Like, truly, every time I see an original text post or a reblog from her, I am PSYCHED because it’s always going to be SO GOOD.
@writeradamanteve:  Such great talent across genres, really impressive.  Drive (illegal drag racing Betty and college student but former-ish Serpent Jughead, just fantastic) is one of my earliest fandom favorites, I remember excitedly telling my non-fandom friend about it because I thought it was so clever, and we all know how good Daemon Bound is, yes?  Yes, I’m sure we do.  Let’s go make sure we’ve read all her stuff here.
@thugheadjones:  Has some great insights, some great responses to dumb anons, and some fantastic art, like holy shit, I cannot even.
@bugggghead:  A delightful soul, so nice, so talented.  Writes some amazing smut, like, have you read intimately acquainted (alpha!Jughead/omega!Betty, meeting up on an app to help Betty with her heat in a heat retreat, four chapters of excellent smut)?  Because you should if you’re even kind of interested in ABO.  And en pointe is the bughead knifeplay fic of dreams, you gotta check it out.  And there are so many other ones, we do not have time to cover them all.  She also does cute fics, btw, and Message Me (fanfic-author-who-is-actually-the -real-author!Jughead/gif-maker-and-fangirl!Betty meet on tumblr and fall in love and it’s great) is such a delight, definitely go check it out.  In fact, go check out all her stuff here.  Also a fantastic beta, I really owe her for that.
@heavy-lies-the-crown:  A talented soul who has written so much high quality fic, from the hilarious red ribbon winner (a Christmas fic comedy that I cannot describe well but I assure you is both hilarious and sweet) to the emotional and moving road to me (Betty and Jughead break up, find themselves, and come back together and it’s perfection) to the heart-ripping angst of apizza (a semi post-4x17-speculation fic of bughead together but apart at Yale and the way they will come back together and it is so good and so angsty) to many, many more.  You gotta go check it all out here.
@lurker-no-more:  Yet another funny person, we as a fandom are so blessed, you must check them out, you just must.
@iconic-ponytail:  Another excellent writer!  a revelation in the light of day is SUCH a great slowburn and  SUCH a great take on both FBI!Betty and Sheriff!Jughead and the two of them falling in love as adults.  Also, the side varchie is fantastic, and the mystery is amazing.  I have not yet checked out the nighthawks, but I already know it’s going to be good, I can tell, you can trust this author to be quality, so go check all of her stuff out here.
@soyforramen:  Funny!  Very funny!  Also?  Writes some great ficlets that are, I think, exclusive to tumblr, which is a tragedy, tbh, but as is their right.  But I do have the link to this genius fic about bughead and a platypus in honor of the platypus anon that was going around this summer.  Definitely go check them out!
And now I am very tired, I have used up my energy, and I am so sorry if I forgot anyone!
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