#they had access to my email adress so...
pia-writes-things · 10 months
Wtf, I think someone hacked my AO3 account ? There's a bunch of fic in my history and marked for later list that I've never seen in my life, nor for fandoms I'm in ?
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dnalt-d2 · 5 months
the entire debate on wether or not lea is the cause of quackity getting doxxed or not is a complicated one
many people are arguing that because the information about quackity can technically be found in a public (government) website, then it does not count as doxxing, since a doxx is the publishing of private information with the intent of causing harm
the information lea shared (a paypal payment stub that had an email adress, and was identifiable as the admin "Quid", and then a skype screenshot that showed the same email adress being associated to the skype account, and said account having the full name of Q's brother in it) was not uploaded with the intent of threatening Q's safety via publishing his personal information.... but it WAS published to try and tie in his brother (who had some serious accusations on him back in 2020-2021) to the company based simply on speculation
mind you, what this then cause was for individuals to go "oh wait, you all didn know that? you can literally find every single information on Q if you go to this website and put this information, you even get the name of his lawyer!!!" (paraphrased), and suddenly, screenshots of this website and all the information on him that were in it were being shared on twitter, and getting thousands of likes and retweets, all the while with people justifying it by saying "well it's public information, so it's not doxxing" "q fans upset that people are sharing public info about a public figure" and such
the main issue here is that, while yes, the infromation can technically be accessed by anyone because it's a public website... there's a difference between knowing it's there and actively spreading it to the view of thousands of people who didnt even know or want to know it
so.... no, lea didnt technically doxx Q. however her actions (and her response) actively led to other individuals taking action and actively threatening him, as well as others justifying and even celebrating that is happening
so it's a complicated case imho
That is
Holy Hell
Thank you also for the information, that clears some things up
For starters, I wanna clarify in case it didn't come across correctly before, that while I don't think this is what Lea intended to happen, it definitely wasn't cool for her to put that stuff out there, and it REALLY wasn't cool to add any of those extra comments. (Or certain other comments that at this point I haven't felt it's my place to comment on) Just that I can believe it wasn't INITIALLY done maliciously, but as a result from WAY TOO MANY PEOPLE bombarding and practically threatening her for information. Which is why I'm all for keeping CERTAIN things more private
This all really just feels like a huge snowball effect because people can't fathom that they won't be in the loop for every single decision behind this business's actual behind-the-scenes organization, and some people in that business are feeling way too pressured, causing them to make decisions that MIGHT SEEM OKAY IN THE MOMENT but then realize immediately after that "Oh wait it actually wasn't, oh shit, I didn't think that would happen"
This is why I hate speculating and spreading information I don't have verified without clearly stating I haven't verified it. Because that's how stuff like this happens. It's why I haven't made comments about his brother in the first place, because I just straight-up don't have all the information on all that, and it's not even been proven true. But people hear a whisper and suddenly they're just grasping at it like the thinnest of straws for their argument
Once again though, thanks for the info, I always like to keep informed on things, even if I'm not actively talking about it
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maddyshome · 1 year
Someone just hacked my fb account. The help center is useless. Someone with a russian email changed my real email and removed my email, they did a reset on my password so I could not access my account without having access to the email adress they had. NOTHING ON FACEBOOK HELP CENTER COULD HELP ME RECOVER MY ACCOUNT. THEY KNEW I NEEDED ACCESS TO THE EMAIL ADRESS THEY HAD OR THE PASSWORD.
Facebook was so useless its not even funny. I had to report my own account for being fake because the fb AI is a goddamn joke. They have no support chat or phone number. Theres is no customer support. I do not even know if it was me reporting my own account that got it deleted or the russian hacker deleted it.
Fuck you facebook. Fuck you mark zuckerberg. Fuck you stupid russian hacker for stealing my data. Im just a normal person. Why the hell would you do that
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This is a totally pointless anon ask, cause I don't think it really has anything to do with pro or anti, but I have lost access to so many blogs recently.
It will say something about not being logged in, when I am clearly logged in and then I try to log out and log back in and it won't let me. Then I search for my blog and I can't find it
I think they got deleted, but I don't know why, ugh it's so frustrating
My only guess is that it might have something to do with me using throw away temp emails?? (I still verify it) Only because I hate linking silly fun stuff to my good emails, cause then it just gets out of hand eventually (no matter how hard I try to keep my inbox tidy) and I get swamped with stupid emails that don't matter
Why can't Tumblr just fuck off
That does sound like they might've deleted your blogs anon, I also use different e-mail adresses but that isn't itself an issue, however if you get suspended for something they will usually tell you that, my previous account had that happen
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khargaotte · 2 years
Cecilsweep had me missing podcasts and Nightvale specifically so now when I go bake something because I'm feeling like crap* ** and damn does it feel like going home
The rhythm of Cecil's voice, the phrases that are being said for the first time because this is the third episode but are anchored deep in my brain... This weird little town is so familiar and I had missed it
*today's crappy originators: got logged out of a work platform that one of my clients generated the ID for for me, don't have access to the email adress to click on the activation link, and my contact still hasn't fixed it so I lost a whole day despite having a big text to hand in on Monday + my dad is a douche
** also this time I'm technically not baking I'm making a potato and cream gratin for tonight's dinner but usually I'm making cake
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wonderwomemes · 3 years
I recently discovered that one of my friends has way more than 10 different email accounts and soon after we had a discussion going of what was a "normal" amount of email adresses to have.
So, reblog and tell me how many e-mail accounts do you have access to and how many do you use more or less daily?
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First I want to thank you because your stories saved my quarantine last year. That’s Why I am so sad i can’t read them anymore, in my family we have just a mail adress for everyone so I would prefer not to explain wat ao3 is, I’m so curious about your New story. I hope that you’ll allow everyone to read them again and not let idiots discuss your art. In The meantime I hope you keep writing cause you’re amazing.
Hello nonny - I'm very sad to hear that you can't access my stories. As someone who has had the extremely embarrassing experience of having her mother discover her fanfiction back when she had a shared email address *mumble mumble* years ago, I completely understand. I put my stories on restricted to protect my mental health, and I am doing better, so I hope to make my stories available to everyone again soon. I considered doing that with my latest story, but I'm not quite at that place yet.
I understand your situation and I'm sorry you aren't able to access my stories right now. I hope to make them available to everyone again soon and appreciate your support and understanding, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and take care of yourself. ❤️
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honeyyu · 4 years
Sold | Nct - 002
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Summary: Cho Miso lives a difficult life, she works full time jobs to take care of her sick mom. One of those jobs being an secretary to the most rich man of seoul. As she tries to take care of everyhing, she goes looking for her dad who had left them for almost 5 years now. Coming into the life of her dad she was caught up by formal parties and events, her dad finally identifying her as his daughter. And before she could even realize, she was bought by a group powerful rich men who called themselves NCT to be their new secretary.
Genre: Smut (+slight angst?) and a little bit fluff
Warnings: None (only one swear word)
Word count: 2.4K
Notes: This chapter doesn’t contain any smut. I try to make this kinda like a real story that why I don’t go straight into the smut. Im sorry!! I think maybe in 2/3 chapters there will be some. Im just trying to introduce the nct members slowly. I hope this isn’t disappointing :/ Last thing, I think its Kims not Kim’s but Kim’s looks cooler idk why lol
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The rest of the work day went by faster then I thought. None of the 3 Kim’s found out about the accident luckily. I did tell Tiffany, one of the personal assistants. She is also the one i’m close friends with, the one who gave the flowers I totally ruined. She could only laugh when I told her,” I already made copies of the most of them. So don’t worry about them finding out. I will email you the copies and you can retype the ones who aren’t there!” I couldn’t tell her how grateful I was. The most I could do for now was give her a big hug.
It was already passed workhours for me but at home I didn’t have access to a laptop or computer so I had to finish everything here. In the email Tiffany send me most of the papers were there, I mean the copies. I went through the now dried papers and got rid of the ones Tifanny copied. Now there were around twenty papers left for me to retype, and copy immediately before something would happen again.
All of the papers were about interviews or letters who needed to be send to other important companies. Before starting I looked at the clock on the wall behind Tiffany’s desk, who was out to get coffee for our bosses. The other two were busy moving from meeting to meeting together with the two other Kim’s.
The time on the clock was 4 pm. My mind wandered off for a second, thinking about what kind of food I should buy for dinner tonight. This job made me earn a fair amount of money. But most of it went to the debts we had to pay. And the hospital bills for my mom. This week she would stay with me until I had enough money to buy the hospital bills again.
“Ah I should really work on those papers.” I snapped myself back to reality upon seeing the papers I had to write before 6 because I would always have dinner at 6 with my mom but I didn’t know if I would make it this time. I was hoping on finishing a little before 6 so I could do some grocery shopping on my way home. As those thoughts ran through my mind I started working.
My eyes stayed focused on the screen as I was busy writing the last words of the letter. A loud sigh left my mouth when I grabbed the paper off the desk. Again, it was a letter. “From Mr. Kim To Mr Ch-“ I immediately stopped my sentence seeing the name on the paper. Mr Cho. It could be another man but I couldn’t let this go so easily. Was there an adress on it?
“Yes!” I jumped out of my chair with the paper in my hand. It would be unprofessional to ran out of the building and go to the adress. Not to forget I could lose my job if I did that. Only two papers to finish. With that mindset I typed the last papers in not more than 20 minutes.
My hands moved faster than normal. Computer off, papers in bag, chair under my desk, jacket on and card out. I didn’t have to tell anyone I was going. The 3 Kim’s couldn’t care more and Tifanny plus the other two girls were not at the office anymore.
The elevator was slower than usual. Or it was slower because I was excited to maybe find my dad again after five years. I didn’t really know the reason behind my excitement. He was the one who left us and he’s the source of our problems. Maybe I thought that if I would tell him how everything is with mom and me he would feel quilty and help us. Or maybe I just wanted answers to questions I had since the day he left us. And I knew that a small part of me wanted his money. I was embarrassed that I had these kind of thoughts but the money I wanted wouldn’t be for me, but for my mom. Every day she woke up she would look closer to death. Not that money was gonna fix the fact that she was ill or not but he could at least pay the hospital bills.
While making my way outside I looked up the adress on my phone. I was hoping badly that it wasn’t going to be a long route. My feet already gave up by seeing how long the walk was. At least one hour it said. Well if i walk my own speed it will be around forty minutes but still way too long for me to walk in heels. Only two decisions I could make. One, go home to change shoes, forget about dinner and just walk there or get a taxi. Option two it is then because I really didn’t have the time to walk.
Lucky for me a taxi just pulled to the side to let someone out of the car. Taking my chance I speed walked towards it. I was about to grab the doors handle but another hand reached for it faster. It was a young man. “Excuse me,” He muttered to me.
“Sorry sir, I was about to get into the taxi actually.” I politely said, trying not to make a scene. He blankly looked me in the eyes,” I never take a taxi so it’s really important. Now if you will excuse me, I have more urgent things to do then chit chat.” A breath came out of my mouth, sounding like a scoff. I didn’t mean to do that but he was being selfish. Like I had nothing better to do then talk to him,” Well I have something urgent to do too.” I replied but he already stepped into the vehicle.
“We can share!” He looked at me unamused. It didn’t look like he would consider sharing so I looked around for another orange car. To my suprise he left the door open and shuffled to the left to make space for me. I made a ninety degrees bow to thank him before stepping in. “Thank you. My name is Cho Miso.” I thanked him once again. The reason why I introduced myself was also a question to me. Maybe I was trying to be social. He looked at me once I introduced myself. His lips parted like he wanted to say something but he closed them again and looked outside.
Feeling a little hit awkward I gave the taxi driver the adress by showing letter.” You work there?” He asked me while typing the adress into the device,” Not really. I have to talk to the CEO of the building.” His eyebrows furrowed. That must’ve sounded really weird. “Ah, I mean I have a meeting. I work in that building,” I explained him while pointing to the building right outside the window. He nodded and asked the man next to me where he was heading. “The NCT building.” Both heads of me and the driver turned to stare at him in shock. Did he work there?
“Now you say it. I saw you on the news today! You are Kim Dongyoung!” Kim Dongyoung? Is he one of the CEO’s? Now that the driver said that, he was wearing a very expensive suit I recognized from the other CEO’s I often see in the building. I could never really understand people who paid so much for a pair of cothing but if you have the money I guess.
I missed the reaction of the man next to me but the driver started driving. He probably just nodded or ignored like how he did with me. My eyes somehow stayed glued to him. He had black hair, by what I could see long legs, beautiful brown eyes, nice lips. By the last thought I shook my head and whipped my head away from him. God what has gotten into me.
All I did for the rest of the ride was look outside the window, too embarrassed to even look at him. He also, was staring outside. Slowly the car came to halt. That wasn’t a long ride at all. Expected since its a car of course. I laughed a little by my own thoughts but quickly stopped when I saw Kim Dongyoung looking at me.
“Here is your stop miss.” I opened the door saying thank you at the same time. About to walk away I stopped myself, I have to pay. The device showed the amount of won I had to pay so I gave the man half of the bills I had in my wallet, hoping it was enough because I had to get a ride home too. “Have a nice meeting!” He flashed me a smile. I happily smiled back and pushed the door closed. Fortunately I saved myself some drama for later.
A loud sigh left my mouth as I looked at the big building infront of me. How do I even get in without getting stopped by the security. Taking a big risk I walked in. I was wearing office clothing so that was a good thing but I didn’t have an card to access. How was I gonna do this?
As aspected a muscular man stopped me,” You can’t go in miss” Quick think of something Miso! Thats right, I had the letter that had to be delivered here,” I have a meeting with Mr Cho? The letter with all of the information didn’t arrive in time so I came here personally to explain it.” I explained trying not to stutter too much and stretched out my arm with the paper in it so he could see. His eyes went over the paper. He nodded, believing my lie. Then he stepped backwards for me to enter, at the same time bowing.
I bowed back automatically and made my way to the elevator. It looked similar to the ones we had in our building. Made from glass and the floor of gold making it look chic and luxury. If this was my dads company he was very rich. While waiting for the elevator to arrive I thought about how he would look. What do I say. Should I introduce myself or hug him? Nah, he definitely know its me when he sees me so no need to introduce.
Ding! The elevator behind me made a sound, signaling it was open. I nearly ran into it, eager to meet my dad if this was his building. The glass elevator was filled with people in suit, golden watches and expensive bags. I felt a little out of place but that wasn’t important right now. Not sure what floor I had to stop at I waited till I reached the top of the building. Most of the time the important people like the CEO were on the top floor.
And I was right. When I reached top floor it looked alsmost exactly like the floor I worked at in the 3 Kim’s building. A receptionist, waiting room, conference rooms and the CEO’s office I could see way back behind everything with the name Mr Cho on a again golden name plate attached in the door. After examining I walked up to the girl behind the reception.
“Good evening, I have something to discuss with Mr Cho?” I couldn’t tell her I had a meeting because she could search it up on her computer and I would get send away. “Im sorry miss but Mr Cho is in a meeting at the moment. Would you like to wait?” Oh a meeting? Meeting always take a long time but if I had the luck that it was indeed my dad I was gonna meet then it wouldn’t hurt for me to wait a little while. “Yes I will wait, thank you.” With that I walked up to the seats where you were supposed to wait.
I’ve been here, waiting, for almost thirty minutes now and I was losing my patient. I was even so close to losing it that I wanted to walk into that conference room and yell at him for being so slow. Of course I couldn’t do that so my only option was waiting.
Tired of sitting in a chair for the whole time, I got up to get something to drink. When I arrived here I saw a water tap almost next to the CEO’s office.
Filling my cup, I looked around once again. The office walls of Mr Cho were from glass making it easy for me to take a glance of it. There wasn’t much interesting though. His desk was placed by the wall on the left. Infront of the desk a couple couches with a coffee table in the middle. Just like regular CEO offices that I’ve seen in my life.
But something catched my eye. There were three framed pictures on his desk, facing the couches. I couldn’t see them clearly so I walked a couple steps closer to the office.
The cup almost fell out of my hand. It was my dad on the pictures but not only him. Next to him there was a woman, around my moms age maybe younger and two kids, one boy and one girl who looked atleast five years younger than me. This was his new family. Otherwise he wouldn’t have three pictures with them on his desk.
I couldn’t accept the fact that he moved on from his first family. Harshly I threw the cup of water into the garbage can nearby me and I left the building with my hands clenced into a fist. Tears threatened to fall but he wasn’t worth it. He was living a perfect life with a perfect new family and money enough to take care of thousands people like my mom and me. He was so fucking selfish!
I took a taxi back to my house. The whole ride I looked outside the window with a furious expression. Probably making the driver uncomfortable because he turned up the radio so it wouldn’t be all silence. Arriving at the house I gave him the rest of the money I had in my wallet and he drove off after.
Grabbing my keys to enter the house my phone rang. The number on the screen didn’t ring any bell but I still anwered thinking that it maybe was someone from work who needed me.“Hello?” I asked into the phone, waiting for an answer on the other side.
“I heard you’ve been looking for me.”
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5sosbitchfest · 4 years
Alrighty, Nonsters.  We currently have 290 Asks in our box!  As much as we might try, I know there is NO WAY we’re going to be able to get through all of them.  Everything exploded this weekend when MessyGate went down!   I don’t want to ignore any asks just because I already answered a similar one.  So, I’ve tried to gather as many similar Asks as possible to let your your voices be heard.  Y’all are definitely NOT alone in your feelings.  Get ready for a lot of opinions on Messy’s Twitter Drama.  
Also, if you sent in an Ask and we haven’t answered it yet, please feel free to resubmit it!  I do try to scroll through all of them but it is a daunting task and personal stuff and work make it difficult for me to get through everything in a timely manner!
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I’m really disappointed in Luke and this band in general, the way they deal with things. “honest policy” with messy? So he knew all of this and it was okay? Or he confronted her on this and he is okay with what she has done? I’m not sure this whole thing would be a deal breaker for me, but it certainly would make me real mad at my SO and some whiny excuses wouldn’t be enough to make things alright. Radio silence would’ve been much better than that story he posted, made himself look like a fool.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: These girls will sooner or later become their downfall if their management or them does not realise they should rely on other things than bringing relationship up front to sell their music. I find it extremely bad that they are behaving as if nothing happened, I hope there will be changes once touring will be possible again and we won’t see these girls tagging along everywhere or being brought up in interviews all the time but somehow I’m not counting too much on that.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I wonder if Luke knows everything that Messy got exposed for or just the parts Messy wanted to show him. Bc Luke said in his Story that he wasn't online lately so maybe he wasn't on Twitter too and Messy just showed him the parts that make her look good and he still doesn't know that she spoke bad about Ashton or how she stalked the fans also after she knew that they didn't hack his email adress cause he wasn't on Twitter so he couldn't see the screenshots.🤷‍♀️
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I'm just waiting for the day one of them date someone who isn't a part of their circle. tired of them passing around the same toxic girls.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: These girls are just digging a whole for these guys and they want be able to get out of it soon
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: It was a chicken move for Sierra to do it as a reply and no one has talked on twitter that she deleted it because they probably think her deleting it is saying it wasn’t true
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Am I the only one who thinks that guys really only heavily interact with us when they want to promote something or say something about the music? I do understand they have lives so being on Twitter isn't number one priority and with all the drama that surrounds this fandom its very easy to not want to be online a lot, I just can't help but feel that way
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I'm talking about this messy situation (no pun intended) with my friend and she said to me that Messy should consider changing her career if she can't handle that not all people are going to like her. (that ofc doesn't include any form of harassment bc that's not cool)
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I really don't know how to feel about the Luke situation. At first I was upset and disappointed of Luke but now I almost pity him bc real or not either the management would want Luke to defend her or Messy. And I think Luke isn't the kind of person who would stand up against the management or Messy (even though it would probably be better for him if he would). And most people don't realise when they're in a toxic relationship so I can't really blame him. I just hope this ends asap.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I literally was so angry and frustrated with Luke and this whole situation yesterday that I couldn’t even look at him on my home screen, I had to change it. It’s really a disappointing thing to witness. Whether management put him up to this or he genuinely believes this toxicity is okay, I’m just very grumpy with him at the moment. He deserves better and WE (the fans) deserve better.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I think Luke really needs to be in a relationship with sb who either isn't famous and doesn't want to be or with someone who is famous bc they have a successful career too and who doesn't need Like to be famous.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I’ve only seen a few accounts on Twitter who are attacking Messy and Crusty to the core and exposing every bad thing they’ve done with receipts for the sossies defending them! I’m happy that karma is finally getting to those con artist who think they can get away with anything
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: that recent lierra picture is photoshoped lmao. if you look at Sierra's hand you can see color coming off from it and her arm looks hella weird.her forehead looks hella weird and look couldn't have taken the picture because I doubt that he could stretch his arm that far and make a perfect picture. also we haven't even seen Sierra's face so I still don't believe they're together
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: The Lemon pic was like a punch in the face (even though Petunia and Luke are looking cute there). But I've been asking myself lately if Luke has seen the whole drama going around on Twitter or just the posts Messy wanted him to know so the ones who make her look like the victim (and not the ones where she insulted Ashton or she made it clear that she stalked his fans). Cause Luke said he hasn't been online lately.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I mean we dont know how much of the story he truly is aware of and how much s changed to fit her narrative and get L to feel bad for her. Plus he was under pressure from management to do damage control and not standing up for his gf is a very bad look for outsiders who dont understand why she's at fault. It was a pretty neutral statement and he was obviously told to make the post so I dont blame him and just blame her more for putting him in the situation in the 1st place
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I wonder how much toxicity happens behind the scenes, we know S is very manipulative and L is very much a people pleaser so.. and with how much they have to sell their "love" and "happiness" in the relationship. Minipulation is a powerful thing and it could explain why hes out of touch with reality, especially lately since he's isolated with her and doesnt have the voices of the band to raise any concerns and he's been getting skinny again and seems very "meh" rather than happy, idk
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I feel so disconnected with this fandom rn. I feel like no one is streaming CALM and that makes me sad bc it's such an amazing album. The boys aren't even online anymore, everyone is mad at each other and now Luke comes up with this shit... tbh I wish I would wake up tomorrow and see him tweeting something like yeah I'm sorry about my ig story I still love y'all lmao
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Wait wait wait wait ive been gone from the fandom for a little while now and what the fuck is going on with Luke and S? What did S do that she made a fake ass apology for?? I’m so lost please help me! 😂
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I'm seeing a lot of my mutuals unstanning and I'm just so mad bc Sierra started this drama and got Luke into it and I'm sad that people are leaving bc of this, it's just too much toxicity and it shouldn't affect the band and their connection with the fans but with Luke saying this he makes it seem like he supports the ugly things she does
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I am a Luke stan and I've always loved him bc he has inspired me so much through the years but when he does this things it's like...damn. I feel like he's invalidating the fans' feelings by being like "if you don't like my girlfriend, ur fake" like he has never noticed me on Twitter or anything but my biggest fear is to be blocked by him or just ignored bc I don't like her (although I never expressed it publicly) n yeah anyways :// It feels weird
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Going back and re-reading the DM’s messy literally confirms that she accesses Luke’s account by saying “we couldn’t get in” or some shit like that
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I hate being a luke stan, sometimes it just seems like he doesn't care? he always puts these toxic gfs before the ones who adore him and pay his bills. might just move into Cashton's lane. unproblematic kings.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: He literally posted a picture of him cuddling her and petunia within the hour
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: The saddest part of this situation is it’s like a repeat of Arzaylea. Luke has no idea what a respectful, mature relationship is. We saw it with Arz and were seeing it again it’s just a little bit different. He stays being controlled and manipulated by toxic partners. I really think homeboy needs to be single for a WHILE and focus on himself. He needs to unlearn the things his past and current relationships have taught him about love because if I know anything, it’s that this ain’t real love.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Is it bad that I just want the larzaylea drama back?? Like everyone could at least agree on their feelings then...
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Just checked messy’s insta and of course, everyone that still supports her filled her tagged with just the single picture
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I feel like the reason Sierra is getting away with what she’s done is because she isn’t that known. Like yeah she’s associated with 5sos, but they’re also like not that big which is probably why it’s getting swept under the rug. I’ve only seen the 5SOS fandom calling her out for her actions. If this had happened with a well known celebrity, they probably would’ve been dragged and been trending on Twitter. I might be wrong but I feel like this is what’s happening which is just unfair.
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prorevenge · 5 years
Pedophile gets life ruined
TL:DR - Pedophile tries to solicit me over the web then gets doxxed and recorded. Turned in to the cops and becomes a registered sex offender. Life effectively ruined.
So this story begins online where I met this dude playing games, we'll call him KL (Kiddy lover). After playing for a while KL began mentioning how he wanted to do sexual things with young girls and boys (He said some extremely disturbing things but I won't go into detail).
KL was truly sick and tried to justify his words by saying pedophilia was a legitimate sexuality and that it's ok because even young girls have sexual desires (something I see these people often saying to try and legitimize their disgusting actions) which really pissed me off. However this all escalated when KL said that he has actually done things with a young girl and then proceeded to ask me to show me my genitals over a video call (I was 15 at the time but sounded younger over the microphone). That outraged me so I decided to bring this man to justice. I began by telling KL that I would be visiting his state soon and that I would meet up with him if he gave me his adress. Then I used his adress to find out his full name and other details. At this point I got KL in a video call and began recording. After some conversation KL once again asked me to turn on my webcam and show him my dick. He also said he wanted to do sexual things to me and various other crazy things (KL said he wanted to live out a rape fantasy with me). Then KL proceeded to pull out his dick on video and kept saying very sick things. All the while I was recording. I then proceeded to create a new email and posed as a private investigator hired by my family to investigate KL sexually harassing me online. I wrote an email to his POLICE CHIEF detailing all his actions and that KL claimed to have already acted out his fantasies with an underage girl. I also linked all my evidence I had compiled and sent all of KL's details as well (Full name, adress, etc). After sending it KL called me a week later saying the police came to his house and searched his computer finding CHILD PORN on it. KL proceeded to scream at me calling me a fucking denegerate and that I ruined his life. He was charged with possession of child porn and soliciting a minor over the internet. KL was forced to register as a sex offender and had restriced access to his computer (KL was an incel living in his moms basement so not being able to live on the web was a huge shock for him). KL quit school and couldn't find a good job after. I took great pleasure in fucking this dude over after saying many fucked up things to me. Hope hes enjoying his new life and I hope he can get some therapy or something.
My friend encouraged me to share my story so I hope you guys enjoyed :)
(source) story by (/u/lowkeysleeper)
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bjornstuverod · 4 years
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To you all from Bjørn Stuverød den 29.07.2020 Copy Past: To you all from Bjørn Stuverød den 23.06.2020 (Please Help for Justice) Hey I have found out my Family's secret, The Secret of King Fairhairs Descendants, my Great Grandfathers (Ole Kittelsen, Voreland. Born April 18, 1882 Møllevannsstykket, Kristiansand, Vest-Agder, Norway.Death March 21, 1962 (79 year) Evje, Evje og Hornnes, Aust-Agder, Norway) Attempts to seize power in Norway in year 1905 and he's other attempts to seize power in the forties, and how it ended (17 years of screaming in pain) How he and all the Rightful Norwegians Kings my family has been label Crazy and frightened into silence with threats for 75 years (You can check all the facts) How did i find out about this ? Well it doesn't matter, does it ? It was NOT my Father (Just Svensen) He is too scared to tell anyone a word about this.He grew up with his Grandpa's pain scream (The One Eyed King) And I understand that he don't has tell me one word of this, because the evil people that who has stolen the power in my country apparently thinks he told it (But not a word) But that is why they threw my Daddy out of the apartment and shut him up in an old-age home ? And poisoned him there.They has poisoned and locked me up to for 11 years, although a doctor (Jens Moe) Has said that I am perfectly healthy (The law says that Political/Genitical prisoners are not allowed in Norway ? Well it seems like that doesn't not apply to my family, no rule without exception) Those in power have had no problem threatening the other descendants of Fairhair, but they have a problem with me, they have nothing to threaten me with.They have taken everything from me, and I am Abandoned and Alone.And that's the most stupid you can do with your opponents, I got notting to lose and I'm not like anyone else. But I have it in common with Fairhair, My Great Grandfather, my Father etc. I'm Righteous I like Peace and I want what's Rightfully mine I don't want that they that have TORTURED and for 75 years THREATENED my Family for 75 years to have what is rightfully mine.That's my legacy, the legacy of Fairhair (My Birth-Rights) The Norwegian People Demanded in 1905 that they wanted a King of Fairhairs Descendants and my Great Grandfather try 2 times to give the People what they want, and see what he and my Family got for that from the TerrorRegime who stole the power in Norway in the year 1905 It's NOT my Great Grandfather that is the bad guy here he only did what's Right his Birth-Rights the Norwegian Peoples Rights.Is there anyone that's want to help me and the Norwegian People to get what's Rightfully ours ? I would be Pleased for help.My motto will be (With United Forces) So we can get (Liberty and Justice for All) In this County again.I was scared when I was little, I didn't like it.I did not want a civil war, all we need is a little Revolution.Has Fairhairs rightfully heir to the throne still supported by The Norwegian People ? Or will The Norwegian People support they who stole the power from The Rightfully King in year 1905 And Tortured (The One Eye King My Great Grandfather) and the (Fallen Princess My Grandmother) in year 1945 (In Peace time) Tortured with Burning sticks they Burned away his eye and almost half his face for trying to get what Rightfully his (His Birth-Right) And The Norwegian People Demand he did (See attachments) Og the (Peace-mark ?) And Stabbing Burning Sticks into the mouth of young single mothers after killing The Rightfully King's son-in-law I do not want to post a picture of grandma's mouth using your imagination, it doesn't look beautiful after this) So who has The Norwegian People support The Rightfully and Righteous King ? Or the throne Thief with the Torturous Horror Regime ? I Can Easy Prove That I am The Rightfully King of Norway (See attachment) You can easy check that the attachment is Genuine (Use your Computer e.g. Geni) Do you want the Torturous Horror King should Kill 2 Rightfully Kings to (Me The Righteous King) and My Father (The Good King) He's try to Kill us started for 11 years ago and if no-one stop him he will succeed that Killing toTry to imagine The One Eyed Kings Pain Scream and the little Good King that grow up with This Pain Scream.Or you can come to Camp D where I am, and listen to mine Pain Scream, I am not so Good as The One Eyed King to Scream yet, I only Screaming in Pain about 10% Of the Day yet, but I will be better if we not do anything soon.When I visit my Father on Thursday he look almost dead and something frighten him.And it wasn't his death I think it was mine.The One Eyed King did not get the medicine he need, The Good King did not get the medicine he need he get poisoned, The Righteous King did not get the medicine he need, they forced poison in me for about 10 years then they poison my coffee.With Me as King, everyone who needs medicine will get the natural medicine they need.No-one should be hunted down and putted in prison for using a natural medicine.so with me as King then the war on drugs is OVER, But read this CAREFULLY it's (The Good King) Word there is Medicine in every drop and poison in every liter.Well that he use on Alkohol but we can use this Quote on the most, that is good advice not a law Some people will abuse different things regardless of whether it is illegal or not.It does not help and make the life to someone with problem even more difficult.You can die from too much of a lot of things, Even Water.The Terror King the sitting in my chair also used a suicide Bomber as vitnes to testified for locked me up so they could poison me to get me out of the way.So what will The Norwegian People do ? (Support the Terror King ? The Throne Thief That used Suicide Bombers and Burning stick) Or Me The Rightful and Righteous King) What do you think the Good Old King Fairhair want you to do ? Will you live in fear or will you live in peace and harmony.Please Help Me and your self.The most of the Royalty the last 1000-1500 year back is my Great Grandfathers and Daufer The Prophet is my 39 Great Grandfather  If I have inherited some of the Prophet Gene ? Well I will not tell yet.So will someone help me to get what I was Born for ? When I wrote my May 17 speech, I didn't think Oldefar had managed to get the proof that he was (The Rightful King of Norway) Now I'm sure my Great Grandfather managed to get the prove that he was the 27 Great Grandchildren of (King Fairhair) (The One Eyed King) is / was as stubborn as (King Fairhair) and me he works for about 40 years to get the prove that he was the 27 Great Grandchildren of (King Fairhair) So that my Great Grandfather (The One Eyed King) Got burn away half his face was a (Royal Assault) Everything of this can and will be proved, and with this I hereby authorize anyone who reads this email to access all documents in this case, every single paper, from Arkivverket (Arkivverket try to trick me they will not send me the Right Document) The Police, All the Police Office in Norway and Southern Norway Hospital (Sørlandet sykehus) County Doc and almost everyone in Norway, some of you already got much of it.The Norwegian authorities has blocked many placed so it would be nice if you help me so everyone get this mail) (Bilde av The One Eyed King Is it AGK That has taken)Go Ahead Make My Day. Bjørn Stuverød født: 30.11.69 Adresse: Åsveien 51, 4700 Vennesla, Norge Postadresse: Sykehusveien 1 Post D 4838 Arendal, Norge Mail: [email protected] Mail: [email protected] Mail: [email protected] Tel: +4741132959 Litt Mer Kopi Lim Inn: Til Frederiksen Scientific (Kopi til dere andre) Fra Bjørn Stuverød den 28.07.2020. Hei det har blitt en liten forvirring!!! Her på Sykehuset om hvem som bestilte Acetaldehyd (Etanal) Kristian Sæthre (Ansvarlig!!! Lege!!!) Påstår at dere har solgt dette livsfarlige stoffet til en pasient som ikke aner hva stoffet er og som er slettet fra Banksystemet.Kan dere være så snille å Hjelpe meg ? Acetaldehyd,en er blitt plantet på rommet til Bjørn Stuverød. Kan jeg få navnet til den personen som bestilte Acetaldehyd (Etanal) Hos dere og hvilket Bankkonto som er benyttet ?Dette er årsaken til myndighetene bruker leger!!! og livsfarlige stoffer for å bli kvitt Bjørn Stuverød.Jeg kunne sendt dere mye mere innformasjon (Og det kommer jeg til å gjøre) Håper på snarlig svar (Helst før jeg blir isolert igjen) Beklager forsinkelsen men jeg ble isolert i ca en måned På grunn av dette Beklager den dårlige Engelsken (Bruk Google oversetter hvis dere ikke forstår det (Kopi lim inn!)Heavenly Greetings Bjørn Stuverød. The Righteous King Stuveladden
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alaynes-writings · 6 years
Summary: The reader is exchanging e-mails with an unknown person because of a school project. Since they really like each other, they decide to finally meet in person.
Pairing: Alexander Hamilton x reader
Time period: modern
Word count: 2,401
Warnings: none
A/N: Lowkey inspired by Love, Simon. Amazing movie. Amazing book. Also I love penpals. As always, please tell me if you notice any mistakes so I can correct them. If you have time, feedback would be nice. Enjoy!
The most exciting thing you did every day was turning on your computer. Not because you were a huge nerd or had an unhealthy obsession with the internet. No, it was because you couldn’t wait to read a new message from him.
Impatiently you drummed with your fingers on your desk as your browser opened and you logged in into your email account. You almost squeaked in excitement and a huge grin spread on your face when you saw the little “one” next to the new-messages-button.
13th October 2018, 8:43 am
Regard: I love autumn too!
Ah, I’m so glad you love autumn too! It’s my favourite season. I can finally drink coffee again without dying of heat and when I’m writing outside I’m much more inspired. Nature is just so wonderful. Also Halloween is the best thing because there’s lots of candy. Do you like Halloween too?
PS: Did you notice that today is the 13th ? Of course you noticed, it’s your favourite number. But anyway, happy 13th!
You chuckled at the last sentence. How cute that he remembered, that 13 was your favourite number! You opened a new draft and tried to think of an answer.
This whole thing had started a few weeks ago when the school psychologist had the great idea that the students should get to know each other better, most importantly, people who don’t normally hang out together. So this was basically one of those “We are all one big family”-projects. You had hated the idea, there was a reason some people just don’t hang out, maybe you weren’t interested in “making new friends”. But unfortunately this wasn’t obligatory and everyone had to hand in their email-adress. Since you didn’t want anybody to know which email belonged to you, you had created mysteriousperson13 and you didn’t really expect to get any messages. But two days after handing in your email, a message had appeared and since your curiosity was stronger than your dislike for the project you had clicked on it. That’s when you met youngscrappyandhungry. Even though you didn’t know who he was, you two had been messaging back and forth every day for the last weeks. At first you didn’t want to answer. But the message was actually kinda cute and so you gave it a shot. And he was perfect. You two got along so well and soon you felt like you could talk about anything. He was incredibly intelligent, witty and you looked forward to his messages every day.
But you never read them in school on your phone because one time Angelica had gotten really curious why your eyes were practically glued to your screen. She had tried to get a glimpse at your phone and in that moment you decided that this was just for you. You didn’t want to share this yet. So you always waited until you were alone in your room.
13th October 2018, 4:23 pm
Regard: Happy 13th!
First of all, happy 13th to you too! And second, I think you’re obsessed with coffee. Do you ever sleep?
But to answer your question, Halloween and I have a complicated relationship. I love the decoration and the music and the sweets but I’m scared very easily so I basically don’t leave the house on that day. Very childish, I know.
You clicked send and took a deep breath to calm yourself down. You always felt so excited when you were talking to him. And even though you were fine with the situation, the need that you wanted to know who you were talking to, had been growing the last days. When you first asked him who he was, he answered that he wanted to remain anonymous and that was okay for you. But now that you knew so much about each other, you couldn’t help but wonder who he was. The only clues you had was that he was a boy, going to the same school as you and he liked drinking coffee. But a lot of people drank coffee at school so that wouldn’t really help you. He also loved to write and you knew he had a way with words. He had told you that he had a few close friends and that there was someone at school he really didn’t like and got into fights with a lot. He also liked history and politics, so you could delimit the people that came into question, but that still left you with a group around 40 people. And you didn’t even knew half of them. But you were also scared to ask him to reveal himself again. And the more you thought about it, the stronger your fear became. What if he didn’t like you any more when he found out who you are? But you tried to keep those thoughts out of your head.
You sat down at your desk and started doing your homework. Or at least you tried. Your eyes constantly wandered off, glancing at the screen of you computer, impatiently waiting for his reply. You didn’t even know if he was home yet or when he would see your message. You knew that he didn’t have tons of extra courses but he liked to hang out at cafés to write. But he also had internet access there. You sighed, knowing that it was ridiculous to think like that. But then a soft ‘bing’ came from your computer and the homework was forgotten  You clicked on the new message.
13th October 2018, 4: 35 pm
Regard: Halloween party
I’m not obsessed with coffee!
Okay maybe a bit. Just slightly. I just like it. And it keeps me awake. Don’t judge.
And coming back to Halloween, does that mean you won’t be at the Halloween party the school is hosting? I know it’s not really good or anything and most people are only there because they have to but I was hoping you would be there. And maybe I could buy you a drink?
You were pretty sure your heart just skipped a beat at that. Did he really want to meet you? You hadn’t really processed the thought, when another ‘bing’ came and you hurried to click on the second message.
13th October 2018, 4: 36 pm
Regard: I’m sorry
Nevermind, that was weird I’m sorry. It’s perfectly fine if you don’t want to meet and if you don’t like Halloween or parties or anything, I should have asked first if you wanted to meet. I’m sorry.
You couldn’t help but chuckle. It was cute that he thought you might not want to meet him. You were pretty sure it was quite clear that you liked him. And he sounded so… nervous. Not that you weren’t nervous too, but as you thought about it now, you really wanted to meet him.
13th October 2018, 4:42 pm
Regard: I don’t like cherries
I’d like to meet you. Very much. So I’ll come to that stupid party but you have to make sure, I won’t die of a heart attack. And you can buy me a drink, but not the ones with the cherries, I tried them last year and they were horrible.
The next two weeks went by way too slowly for your liking. You felt nervous when you thought about meeting him, but you were also excited. You two kept texting back and forth but you could sense from the way he was writing that he was nervous too. You were scared he could cancel everything. But then it was suddenly October 31st and you two had agreed to meet in front of the history classroom. You had also exchanged phone numbers so you could contact each other more easily.
You hadn’t really put any effort in your costume and now, standing in front of the mirror, you regretted that. It was a simple witch costume that had been in your closet for a while. But since you never celebrated Halloween in that way, you didn’t own anything better and now it was too late to get another one. So you had to go with it.
When you arrived at the school it was already crowded. You were surprised by how many people actually attended the party. You made your way through the crowd and positioned yourself in front of the classroom and took out your cellphone. 8:51 pm. You had agreed to meet at 9.
Nervously you looked around, watching the people around you. Was he already here too? Did he already see you? Was he happy? Disappointed?
You clutched your phone in your hand and took a few deep breaths to calm your racing heart. The minutes passed and they felt like hours to you. 9:01 pm. Suddenly your phone vibrated. A new message!
Sorry to keep you waiting. But I’m afraid of your reaction when you find out who I am. Promise not to judge immediately?
You quickly typed an answer.
I’m scared too. So I promise not to judge if you don’t judge.
You looked around, trying to spot people who were on their phones. You noticed a guy from your English class whose name was Trevor. Was he the one you had been exchanging emails with? But then he looked up and put the phone in his back pocket, turning his attention to his friends. So it wasn’t him. You nervously started chewing on your bottom lip when your phone vibrated again.
Don’t be scared. I’m coming now. You look really pretty tonight btw.
You were sure your heart stopped at the last sentence. You look really pretty tonight btw. That meant he already knew who you were. And he thought you were pretty. So he wasn’t disappointed? He liked you? Everything would be fine?
You were so caught up in your thoughts that you hadn’t even noticed the person approaching you and you flinched when someone tapped on your shoulder.
You just stared at him for a few seconds, unable to say something. It was Alexander Hamilton. The Alexander Hamilton. A genius in school, pretty popular and very handsome as well. He was dressed in a black suit with a dark cape. A vampire costume. With his long hair in a ponytail he really looked like he just jumped out of the 18th century.
“Hi.”, he said, seeming a bit insecure by your reaction. “It’s me.”
Mentally you went through everything he had ever told you about him in his mails and suddenly it was perfectly clear. He loved history and politics and writing, he couldn’t live without coffee, the information you had about his friends and his fights with Thomas Jefferson, even though he had never mentioned any names. Suddenly you wondered how you could have been so blind.
“Hi.” you finally managed to get out. You smiled at him shyly.
His expression immediately changed, returning your smile.
“I’m glad we’re finally meeting. Are you… okay with it?”
You quickly nodded. “I’m just… surprised I guess.”
“But in a good way?” he asked, almost hopefully. You couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Yes in a good way.”
He visibly relaxed and smiled softly.
“Well then, I’m pretty sure I promised you a drink.” He offered you his arm and you took it, giggling.
“I remember that. And now you have to tell me why the hell you decided to take this project seriously and sent me that email.”
He blushed and you two stopped at the end of the line of the sales booth.
“You know… honestly I have to make a confession.”
You raised an eyebrow. “A confession?”
He nodded and cleared his throat before he answered.
“You know the school psychologist needed some help with the mail addresses and to match the students and I volunteered to do that and maybe… I kinda sabotaged it so I would get your email.”
And again you could only stare at him, not really knowing what to say.
“Please don’t be mad. I just really wanted to get to know you and I thought maybe...” he trailed off and left the sentence unfinished. But you weren’t mad. You just didn’t really understand.
“But… you do know that you could have just talked to me, right?”
He let out a nervous laugh and his cheeks turned pink.
“I know. But… I was to scared.”
“I’m scary?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“No! That’s not what I meant.” he quickly clarified, shaking his head. “Remember the history project two months ago? We worked together.”
You remembered. You had never really spoken to Alexander before, but that day you got teamed up for a small presentation. He had been really nice and you were really impressed by his knowledge.
“Yes of course.”
“I just… I really liked you, but when the project was over I didn’t know how to behave. You were always with your friends and I was just scared you would reject me if I asked you out.” he explained. You could see that it was hard for him to admit that.
He sighed. “I’m really sorry. You must think I’m really creepy.”
You laughed. “No, not really. Maybe a bit, but… I guess I’m okay with it. And you put a lot of effort into getting to know me. I appreciate that.”
He seemed relived and a small grin appeared on his face.
“I’m glad to hear that.”
When it was your turn to order the drinks, Alex got you a blueberry drink and a coffee for himself.
“You are really addicted to that stuff.” you said, hiding your smile behind your drink. But of course he noticed it.
“I’m not. I’ll admit that it’s maybe to the best drink when you’re nervous but it’s still delicious.”
You blushed at his confession. He was nervous? Who would have thought that Alexander Hamilton liked you.
“Can I ask you something?” he suddenly said and you turned your attention back to him, nodding.
“Would you go out with me? Like on a real date? A non-halloween-party date? Just… you know, talking. I promise I won’t order a coffee.” The words just stumbled out of his mouth and you could see how embarrassed he felt, but to you, it was the cutest thing.
“Of course. I’d really love to.”
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arawynn · 6 years
Email Blackmailing Scam Warning
In view of the occassion that I got a few Blackmailing mails, I decided to make a post about it. The first one scared and worried me quite a bit, even though I knew that kind of scam exists.
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This is a screenshot of the latest blackmailing mail I received. Since it’s German, I’ll translate it for you:
Subject: Remove this letter after reading!
Hello, dear user of outlook.de.
We installed a RAT-software on your device (note: that kind of software opens a backdoor on your device so whoever controls the software can control your device)
In this moment, I have hacked your mail account, your password is (look, I have access to your accounts).
I downloaded all the intimate information from your system and received further evidence.
The interesting things I discovered are videos how you masturbate.
I have posted my virus on the porn site und you installed it on your system software. When you pressed the ‘Play’ button on the porn site, my trojan was downloaded on your device.
After the installation, your front-facing camera made a video every time you masturbated. Additionally the software will synchronize your video with the video chosen (note: watched?) by you.
Presently, the software collected all of your contact information from social networks and mail adresses. If you (want to have all the data collected by your system deleted - the german is rather crappy at this point), send me 700$ in Bitcoin.
You have 2 days after reading this letter.
After this transaction, I will delete your data. Otherwise I send video with your shenanigans to all your friends and colleagues!
From now on, be more careful!
Please only visit safe websites!
There is quite a number of red flags in this. But in order to catch them, one needs to not panic.
1) The mail seemed to have been sent by my very own mail adress. All of them. As in the mail adress I received this mail at. As if somebody really hacked that mail account.
That was the main point that freaked me out about the first blackmail scam. (A different one from the one in the picture.)
I immediately changed the password to one I never used before (I tend to use a number of variations of a few limited passwords.)
I let my anti-virus programm run a scan of the entire system.
I copied my data to an external harddrive so they’d be safe if somebody encrypted my laptop.
I thought about involving the police and filing a charge of attempted blackmailing.
I didn’t sleep well that night, also because I saw that mail maybe half an hour before going to bed.
Luckily, I have a colleague who knows a few things about IT. We found out that there are tools to easily pretend your mail adress is a different one. As in - I could pretend I sent a mail from my sister’s account while it’s actually been sent by mine.
Or somebody could pretend the mail was sent by the person who received the mail.
2) The password.
The letters and numbers of the password they sent were those of a password I often use.
However, there were two big red flags about that.
Number 1: It lacked the mandatory capital letter.
Number 2: The password was an old one. Not the one I had changed it into after receiving the first scam mail. (At some point, this alone made the whole thing kind of hillarious.
3) Some passages were written in strange german. Whoever sent the mail certainly wasn’t german themselves, but they used a pretty good translator.
(Background note: Scam mails germans get are mostly written in english or VERY CRAPPY german straight from google translator. It makes detecting them rather easy.)
4) I don’t masturbate in front of my laptop, I’D NEVER RECORD MYSELF DOING THAT and I certainly don’t watch porn videos. I prefer the written fandom porn form pages like Tumblr.
So there’s a) no ‘evidence’ they could have filmed and b) no way that I caught that virus in the way they claimed I did. And by the way - HOW does the front-face camera of my laptop know when exactly I masturbate if I did?!?
So in conclusion:
If you receive this kind of mails, delete them.
Dont do anything.
There’s no need to panic about them.
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simp-lyzity · 3 years
for the tag, anything ya want :D also my blog is inactive, tho im not able to annouce it- basically my mother found my socials and im not able to access my tumblr anymore because i lost my email adress and my password due to my mother changing my email and password entirely, so i cant see your ask :(( yeah ofc we can talk more in the future! you seem really chill and you seem like you like beating jerks up like i do so thats smth we have in common /lh OH HOWS UR WRIST?? -lia
oh no i'm so sorry! your email address should be the same, though the password and the recovery email can be changed, so at least you might have the account's handle :( i'd like to say it gets easier when you become an adult but uh, i'm legally an adult and i still have similar restrictions SOO 😬✌ i wish i could help though, i'm sorry. please lmk if there's anything i can do! <3 don't worry about the ask, it's the ask game one i've been reposting and sending <3 just know that you're loved and you're appreciated and beautiful inside and out /gen
i only come across chill sometimes LOL a lot of times i am mostly relaxed but if i get in the mood (which happens often but not as much lately) i go FERAL. i am a gremlin and a human chihuahua HEAR ME ROAR
also yes we do love beating up jerks here <3 i'm actually gonna go off on my anons once i clear out my inbox but i SO APPRECIATE THE PEOPLE WHO ARE AGGRESSIVE INSTEAD OF PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE!!! i had the most toxic relationship (ended now ugh she was a terrible friend) who was petty and passive aggressive AND KNEW IT WAS BAD but she was PROUD OF IT. so ahem anyways yes let's beat up the jerks together pls and thank u and also idk what to do for the tone indicators all the time im sorry BUT I AM LEARNING THEM! which is cool!
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historicfailure · 3 years
GUESS WHO’S STILL ALIVE... (and had access to Tumblr temporarily revoked, but I’m back now!) I missed being here so much, and I’ve got a ton to say, but I’ll start with are you a fan of Marvel? Because I just wrote my first fanfiction for it and, you know, since I look up to you a lot, I thought it’d be cool if I could email it or something? And how are you, btw? :D ~ 1AM
Oh god xD Well, welcome back!
Oh yeah, I’m a fan. Back in the day, I studied for my english exams by watching the marvel movies (which were out at the time ofc) in english. Though, I was also kind of bummed out/disappointed by Infinity War and the treatment of some characters (like, Gamorra could’ve killed Thanos, you know? He took so much away and also disregarded her in so many ways, it would’ve been about the BaLaNcE), but I’m also definitely looking forward to Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings which looks soooo goood omfg >-<
Of course! I would love to read it! :D the email adress is [email protected], so feel free to send me your work ^^
Aaah, I’m good ^^ I have one more month left at my current station and will move soon again, so I’m in the middle of hunting for a room with a bath and kitchen adjoined to it -.-” It’s a hassle, but looking good again after a little slump! Thank you for asking! :D Hopefully you’re also alright after your break ^^
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Openvpn Server For Mac Os 10.10
Openvpn Server For Macos
On your Mac, choose Apple menu System Preferences, then click Network. Tunnelblick helps you control OpenVPN ® VPNs on macOS. It is Free Software that puts its users first. There are no ads, no affiliate marketers, no tracking — we don't even keep logs of your IP address or other information. We just supply open technology for fast, easy, private, and secure control of VPNs. Navigate to the OpenVPN Access Server client web interface. Login with your credentials. Click on the Mac icon to begin download. Wait until the download completes, and then open it (the exact procedure varies a bit per browser).
Spurred by a unhelpful digg post on setting up an OpenVPN server on Windows, I decided to finally get OpenVPN working on my Mac, which is currently running as my web server / other servers. I eventually found some help, but it took awhile, so why not gather it all up here.
What is OpenVPN?
A VPN or Virtual Private Network essentially connects a remote machine to a network, over the Internet, securely. A common use for VPN is to let a user at home or on the road make an encrypted connection to his office’s network as if he/she were actually in the office. In this type of setup, you would be able to connect to file servers, mail servers, or printers remotely, without having to worry about someone on the Internet watching what you do and snagging private information.
I wanted to use it so I could use VNC to connect to some of my home machines on my laptop at school.
OpenVPN utilizes SSL, the same technology used to encrypt websites to make its connection secure. Its also OpenSource and free, which are two good reasons for using it. It is also fast and very powerful, once you get things set up.
One alternative to OpenVPN commonly cited is Hamachi. It seems easier to set up and can run on the major 3 OS platforms. The main reason I shyed away from Hamachi, as many people do, is because it is closed source, and owned by a company. That means you just really can’t be sure about what its doing or how its doing it. Sometimes this is acceptable, like when using Skype, but sometimes, you’d just rather have the open software. Plus, OpenVPN is a much cooler thing to have running on your system anyways.
Configuring The Server
This was where there isn’t a lot of Mac specific info. Most tutorials deal with using Linux or Windows. Thats fine, probably what most people have as servers. But I wanted it on a Mac! The ever useful Darwinports has a port of OpenVPN, labelled “openvpn2”. They have the regular openvpn port, but it is an older (1.6) version, and that won’t due. Install it by using the command
sudo port install openvpn2
This will get you most of the packages you need to get things going.
Now we turn to the OpenVPN site for configuration instructions. You can follow the Linux instructions pretty closely, and things will work out well with a few exceptions:
The easy-rsa folder can be found at /opt/local/share/doc/openvpn2/easy-rsa . I copied the openvpn2 folder to someplace easier to find like /opt/local/etc/openvpn . You could make it easier and put it in /etc/openvpn too, but sometimes I forget to check there…
The sample server and client configuration files can be found at /opt/local/share/doc/openvpn2/sample-config-files. I also grabbed the server.conf file and copied it to my simplier openvpn folder. Making these copies will also ensure your changes won’t be overwritten when OpenVPN is updated.
according to this hint from macosxhints.com,tunnelblick might be needed to get OpenVPN working correctly. Download tunnelblick here,the current version I got was 3.0 RC3. We will be using it as our client as well, so more info in that section below
So with the help of the OpenVPN manual and the nice tip about tunnelblick, we should have a working version of OpenVPN on our server.
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Configuring the Client
Like I mentioned, we need tunnelblick to connect to our server. Tunnelblick is a very elegant and easy to manage GUI front end to OpenVPN. The 3.0 RC3 version comes with everything bundled together, and all you need to do is drop it into your Applications folder. Run it and you should see a little tunnel in the upper-right hand corner of your screen. It should also add the folder ~/Library/OpenVPN. In this folder I copied the ca.crt, client.crt, client.csr, and client.key which were created on the server during the PKI section of the tutorial. I used fugu to move stuff over from the server. Now you can click on the tunnelblick tunnel icon and then click on “details” to get to the meat of the program. Select “edit configuration” to modify the important stuff. I basically copied OpenVPN’s sample client configuration, and pasted it into here. Modifying the destination IP address and the location of the crt and key files. I had to use the entire path file to get these to work correctly for some reason, namely: /Users/username/Library/openvpn/ca.crt . I don’t know why I couldn’t use realitive file names, but it wasn’t having it. Also, I started by using the local IP address of my server to make sure things were working correctly before trying to connect to it from the Internet. When that was all finished, I selected “Connect” and you should be connected to your own VPN server!
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If you have file sharing turned on, you can check your connection by hitting apple + k to go to the connection dialog and connecting to afp:// (if you followed the tutorial exactly, else use the IP address you set it up for). This should connect to your server.
The next step is to get more machines from your intranet on the vpn. But that is for another post, as I haven’t quite figured it out yet…
Export macOS Server Data We’re not going to import this, as it only takes a few seconds to configure new settings. Additionally, if you have outstanding services built on macOS Server, you might be able to pull this off without touching client systems. First, let’s grab which protocols are enabled, running the following from Terminal:
Openvpn Server For Mac Osx
sudo serveradmin settings vpn:Servers:com.apple.ppp.pptp:enabled
sudo serveradmin settings vpn:Servers:com.apple.ppp.l2tp:enabled
Next, we’ll get the the IP ranges used so we can mimic those (or change them) in the new service:
sudo serveradmin settings vpn:Servers:com.apple.ppp.pptp:IPv4:DestAddressRanges
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Now let’s grab the DNS servers handed out so those can be recreated:
sudo serveradmin settings vpn:Servers:com.apple.ppp.pptp:DNS:OfferedServerAddresses:_array_index sudo serveradmin settings vpn:Servers:com.apple.ppp.l2tp:DNS:OfferedServerAddresses:_array_index
Finally, if you’re using L2TP, let’s grab the shared secret:
sudo serveradmin settings vpn:Servers:com.apple.ppp.l2tp:L2TP:IPSecSharedSecretValue
Once we have all of this information, we can configure the new server using the same settings. At this point, you can decide whether you want to dismantle the old server and setup a new one on the same IP address, or whether you’d rather just change your port forwards on your router/firewall. Ports Before we configure any VPN services, let’s talk about ports. The following ports need to be opened per The Official iVPN Help Docs (these are likely already open if you’re using a macOS Server to provide VPN services):
PPTP: TCP port 1723
L2TP: UDP ports 1701, 4500 and 500
Enable VPN pass-through on the firewall of the server and client if needed
openvpn There are a number of ways to get a VPN Server installed on macOS. One would be to install openvpn:
sudo port -v install openvpn2 OpenVPN has a lot of sweet options, which you can read about at openvpn.net. SoftEther One of the other tools Apple mentioned is SoftEther. I decided not to cover it here because it uses Wine. And I’m not a fan of Wine. Or Use iVPN That will require some work to get dependencies and some working with files and network settings. Another option would be to install iVPN from here, on the Mac App Store. You can install it manually as well, and if you do, you’ll need to pay separately through PayPal, which is what we’ll cover here. Once installed, if you purchased the license separately, use the Enter Manually button to provide it. At the Registration screen, make sure the name, email, and serial are entered exactly as you see them in the email you received. At the Thank You screen, click OK.
Openvpn For Mac Os X
At the EULA screen, click Accept assuming you accept the license agreement. Configure iVPN At the main screen, you’ll have a few options, which we’ll unpack here:
Use Directory Server: Allows you to use an LDAP or Active Directory connection to provide username and passwords to the service.
Use custom accounts: Allows you to manually enter accounts to provide username and passwords for clients to connect to the
Shared Secret: The secret, or a second factor used with L2TP connection.
Allow 40-bit encryption keys: Allows clients to use lower levels of encryption. Let’s not do this.
IP Address Range: The beginning and ending IP that will be manually handed out to client computers. When configuring the range, take care not to enter a range of addresses in use by any other DHCP services on your network or you will end up with conflicts.
Basic DNS: Allows you to configure a primary and second DNS server to send to clients via DHCP when they connect to the VPN interface.
Advanced DNS: Allows you to configure DNS servers as well as Search Domains.
Configure Static Routes: Allows you to specify the interface and netmask used to access a given IP.
Export Configuration Profile: Exports a configuration profile. When imported into a Mac or iOS device, that profile automatically configures the connection to the PPTP or L2TP service you’ve setup.
VPN Host Name: Used for the configuration profile so a client system can easily find the server w
If you configure Directory Authentication, you’ll get prompted that it might be buggy. Click OK here. The Directory Authentication screen allows you to choose which directory services to make available to PPTP or L2TP. If the system hasn’t been authenticated to a directory server, do so using the Users & Groups” System Preference pane. Once you’ve chosen your directory service configuration, if you require a third DNS server, click on Advanced DNS and then enter it, or any necessary search-domains. Click Done when you’re finished. Click the log button in the upper left-hand side to see the logs for the service. This is super-helpful when you start troubleshooting client connections or if the daemon stops for no good reason (other than the fact that you’re still running a VPN service on macOS Server and so the socket can’t bind to the appropriate network port).
Install Openvpn Server Mac Os X
Finally, you can also create a static route. Static routing provides a manually-configured routing entry, rather than information from a dynamic routing traffic, which means you can fix issues where a client can’t access a given IP because it’s using an incorrect network interface to access an IP. Once everything is configure, let’s enter the publicly accessible IP address or DNS name of the server. Client computers that install the profile will then have their connection to the server automatically configured and will be able to test the connection. Configure Clients If you configured the new server exactly as the old one and just forwarded ports to the new host, you might not have to do anything, assuming you’re using the same username and password store (like a directory service) on the back-end. If you didn’t, you can setup new interfaces with a profile. If you pushed out an old profile to configure those, I’d recommend removing it first if any settings need to change. To configure clients, we’ll install the new profile. When you open the profile on a client system (just double-click it to open it), you’ll see the Install dialog box. Here, click on Continue. Because the profile isn’t signed, you’ll then get prompted again (note: you can sign the profile using another tool, like an MDM or Apple Configurator). Click Continue. Then enter the username that will be used to connect to the VPN and click the Install button.
Openvpn For Mac Download
The Profile can then be viewed and manually removed if needed. Click on the new iVPN entry in the Network System Preference pane. Here, you can enable
Openvpn Server For Mac Os 10.10
Now that it’s easy, let’s click the VPN icon in the menu bar and then click on Connect iVPN to test the connection. Once clients can connect, you can use the iVPN icon in the menu bar to monitor the status of clients.
Openvpn Server For Macos
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