#they got some of the lyrics wrong in the sing along but it’s ok i knew the truth lol
alister312 · 3 months
la resistance truly does live on
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gorlygorlx3 · 2 months
he was overqualified for the job
“Give it up for the Glamrocks once again!” The roar of an applause echoed through the crowd. Each member of the band waved at their adoring audience. Freddy and Chica both smiled happily while Monty and Roxy relished every moment of it. 5 minutes of fame is always nice, but it’s only 5 minutes. The Glamrocks slowly descended down to the ground floor, content with their performance. Last performance of the day, finally. All that’s left is the meet & greets. The main four split up into their respective attractions.
Gator Golf wasn’t as packed as usual today. The biggest group of people that stopped by was a birthday party. Congrats for little Daniel turning 10. Double digits woohoo! Not important. What’s currently on Monty mind was rock n’ roll music. More specifically, rock bands over the years. Ever since all the animatronics were updated with a built in browser and messaging, Monty had some fun searching up whatever pop into his head when he got bored. Maybe a little too much fun. Anyway in the pools of swampy waters, Monty’s little search engine tab open several articles about history and timelines and random facts about some famous band members.He didn’t care about any of that.
Well…except that majority of the famous ones usually consisted of a drummer.
Monty pondered for a minute as he looked through some photos. As far as he could see, old rock bands consisted of two guitarists (a lead guitarist and a rhythm guitarist, with one of them singing lead vocals), a bassist, and a drummer. Wonder what it could be like to have a drummer. They could finally play different songs than the ones they were used to.
Man…ever since Chica came with the idea of having the band write their own songs, Monty started planning. In private of course! He doesn’t want any distractions. (Yeah right 😏) Brainstorming wasn’t as boring as he thought it was. Time consuming but fun. Especially, listening to some old music for 80’s. Gives him inspiration he says. But until recently, everything the Glamrocks played was just about everything they could come up with. Freddy was stumped, Roxy lost interest, even Chica was struggling. And her songs are the ones they’ve been using! Yeah. They needed a drummer. But who would be the drummer? It can’t be Freddy, he’s already the lead singer of the band. Chica’s too good with the guitar. And Roxy doesn’t plan on switching from her keytar anytime soon. “Maybe I’ll play the drums…” Monty muttered. But he loves the bass. The deep, utter moans crooning along the music. It’s perfect for him. Maybe he could tag-team?
Attention all guests, the Pizzaplex will be closing in 10 minutes. Please make your way to the exits.
The announcement snapped Monty out of his thoughts. Already closing huh? He hasn’t been thinking for that long. Whatever, if it means he can get out of here he’s fine.
Chica: Emergency band meet at in my green room!!!!
Looks like he wasn’t going anytime soon.
“You had to call us over here?”
“What’s the big deal?”
“What is this said emergency you speak of?”
Chica slumps on her couch. She sighs in defeat. “I’ve got nothing…” She mumbles. The rest didn’t hear her. “I said I’m stumped. I’ve got nothing.” She pulls out a bunch of crumpled papers. “This was all the stuff I spent on for the past two weeks!” The trash bin next to her vanity was overflowing, some of the papers migrated to the floor due to a lack of space. “Lyrics, sheet music, you name it! I tried everything.” She slumped back down.
”Why can’t we just use the old songs? Roxy suggested.
“But they’re so boring…” Chica groaned. “It’s so much better to play songs we come up with.”
“There’s nothing wrong with using the pre-uploaded music for our performances.” Freddy reassures. It didn’t really help with Chica’s frustration. Maybe this was the moment for Monty to actual say something genuine.
”We need a drummer.” Ok not as genuine as some thought.
“You’re right!” Chica exclaimed. Wow, an idea Monty came up with doesn’t get shot down in 3 seconds. “Actually, a lot of the sheet music I wrote needed some drums to keep the rhythm going.” She digs through her trash bin to find them.
“And where the hell are we gonna get a drummer?” Roxy raised a brow. Monty didn’t have an answer. Luckily, Chica did.
”But we are not allowed to have any guests stay here after hours.” Said Freddy. He’s sadly right. And even if it was during hours, there won’t be any time left.
“Maybe someone here can play?"
”Chica there’s only two other options, DJ Music Man and the daycare attendant.” Roxy retorted. She doubt any of the staff bots even knew how to how a drumstick.
“And Music Man won’t fit on the stage with us.” Freddy added.
“Then Sun it is! I’ll go talk to them right now.” Chica left her green room with excitement. She left the others in a state of confusion.
“Does really think that clown can drum?
Boy was Chica happy. She’s glad Monty brought up needing a drummer. After all the stuff she wrote down, she knew something was missing. How could she not have known, a drummer’s job was to keep the tempo going. The sheet music she created was meant for fast, upbeat songs. Not to mention she did find an old drum set while wandering around for trash food. The daycare. She made it. Fingers crossed they’re up and running today. Not saying Moon wasn’t as good as Sun, but they just fit the role better.
*Knock Knock*
“Come in~.” A sing-song like voice emitted from the doors. Chica happily walks in, her potential drummer is in her sights.
“Why Ms. Chica! I didn’t think you would come today." Sun greets in his usual manner.
“Listen Sun, it’s important. We need you for something.” Chica grabbed Sun’s hand and hastily pulled him outside.
“Chica, where are we going..?” Sun’s fidgety voice asked.
“You’ll see!”
In the time Sunrise only seemed to get worse, even when they were alone his chipper happy voice had left them. Chica had beamed, immediately rushing down the hall.
Chica: i got them. meet me at the stage!
“Shouldn’t I wear anything different? This will be my first outing in years!” Sunrise huffed when Chica said it shouldn’t be a big deal. To Sunrise it was the biggest, maybe even bigger than a child turning 10! Maybe.
“But aren’t the other Glamrocks are going to see me? I want to look presentable for tonight!” They didn’t exactly have clothing to wear either way, especially none that fit them, but somehow Sunrise had acquired items over the years. Suppose boredom can lead to strange hobbies? (By animatronic standards, as they weren’t meant to have hobbies.) Apparently Sunrise would take clothes from the lost and found and repurpose them, to the best of his ability. Too late now.
“Oh relax Sun, it’ll only be for a couple of minutes.” Chica reassured. Sun whispering worries and doubts under his breath all the while. Chica had already told him why he’s was dragged out the daycare, explaining that the Glamrocks were running out of ideas for songs and that maybe a drummer would help make new songs. Sun admitted that he always liked their music. As much as it was muffled. But hearing they were having some trouble, he wouldn’t mind helping out. Sunrise gazed around the massive dome that was the concert area of the Mega Pizzaplex. It was filled with light, sure as to not bring out Moondrop, colors dancing wildly and beautifully around. And the best part? Near the concert stage was the other three Glamrocks; excitement, anticipation, and welcoming dawning across all of them. “Hey you found the drums!” Chica noticed the drum set that sat atop the stage basking in the light, revealing the golden yellow of each piece. Sun was enchanted by it but looked back at the other Glamrocks with the same delight and fear. “Thank Fredbear over here for finding it.” Monty eyed Freddy; it was his idea, how come Teddy Ruxpin gets the credit?! No matter, the real concern was the clown in yellow who looked anxious.
“Chica, you can’t seriously believe this guy can drum?” Roxy crossed her arms.
“Roxy, there is no need to doubt their abilities. We will give them a chance.” Freddy assured.
”Yeah I think they at least know a few things about drumming right?” Chica turns to Sun, awaiting an answer. To which he responds with a nervous smile and laughs.
“I-I think I know a thing or two.” He said shakily.
“Well no time like the present.” Monty grabs Sun and hoists him up to the stage. “Show us what you got.” The gator huffed. Sun gazed at the golden drum set. They must’ve just cleaned because it looks brand new. Wonder where’d they’ve found it. He sits in the swivel seat, swinging left and right. A little smile grew on his face as it the stool calmed him. A little distraction if you will. The Glamrocks stepped back to get a better view of Sunrise and the stage. “Alright Sunny, whenever you’re ready. You got this!” Chica cheered. Sun smiled at the her words as he picked up the sticks.
As the music started, Sun bobbed their head to the beat. A fairly tame instrumental. A simple rhythm emitted from Sun with the drum set, the sticks playing a 4-beat in a slowly pace. Not bad for someone like him. Freddy smiled at the canary-colored jester, he’s glad his friend’s nerves calmed down as they played. Chica felt the same, but she silently wished for some more from them. No matter, this was a just an idea. Monty was surprised that the clown had actual musical knowledge. Especially for someone who listens to the same jingle every day. But he was starting to get bored. He could see it in Roxy too. As he was just about to cut off the music, the instrumental quickened.
And so did the drums.
Sun's pace increased in what was the bridge of the song. They were completely lost in the music. Eyebrows were raised and eyes were sparkling amongst the four bandmates. Surprise, delight and a little disbelief was in the air. They watch as their friend keep the beat of the sample instrumental, making it more fun and lively.
“See, I told you they had some talents.”
“Right you are Chica. Sun is very capable of become our drummer.”
“Not bad, I guess.”
”I could do better.”
While the Glamrocks were having their own conversation, Sun sped up the pace.
The Glamrocks stopped talking and listen to the new tempo. We’re getting closer to the end of the instrumental. Sun beat the drums like there was no tomorrow. The sticks hit each part of the percussion set. The snare drum, the high tom, the medium tom, the floor tom, some of the cymbals. All in the harmony with the instrumental. Yeah, they’re completely lost in the music. The solo began afterwards. It was like a watch a love concert. Sun jerked with each movement of his body, banging the drums in chaotic but rhythmic fashion.The Glamrocks were speechless. And by Glamrocks, I mean Monty and Roxy. Freddy and Chica were too busy recording and transcribing each beat into sheet music in their data bank. And once the solo ended, he paused for a second before a drum roll brought the rest of the instrumental back for the finale. It was clear, Sunrise was gonna be their drummer. Chica’s creative juices were flowing, she’s already cooking up new songs for future performances.
Once the music ended, Sun huffed as if he was out of breath. If he was human, he’d be covered in sweat by the extreme workout of drumming. “That was fun!” He cheered, drum sticks in the air in triumph. The Glamrocks were still shell shocked by the performance. ”Oops…guess I got carried away.” They said sheepishly as they rose up from the cushiony stool, ready to leave the stage in the embarrassment. Clapping can be heard from two of the Glamrocks.
“Way to go, Superstar! I didn’t know you could do that!” Freddy applauded.
”That was AWESOME!” Chica exclaimed. “Where did you learn to drum like that?”
Sun blushed a little. “Sometimes I like to play with this little drum kit I found in the Lost & Found.” A bashful little smile form on his face. “So…does that mean I’m in the band?” He asked. How was that even a question?! YES! When sun got off the stage, Chica hugged Sun and spinned them around in joy as Freddy congratulated the animatronic.
Monty and Roxy had no words. How? HOW?! And of ALL the people?! THE DAYCARE ATTENDANT?!?! Was it the daycare attendant or did the spirit of a rockstar took over their body? Whatever it was, Sunrise was their drummer no matter what.
For they knew…
he was overqualified for the job.
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paramorearchived · 5 months
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September 12, 2012
to be happy now.
fair warning. i am allllll over the place tonight! so hopefully, you guys can follow along down these rabbit trails...
we're officially a little over half-way through the tracking of this album. it feels real-er than ever. i'm starting to understand all these songs more and where they've actually come from... for a minute, it was such a whirlwind of inspiration, emotion, and sweat. now that we've spent some time getting to know the album and growing with it, i can finally tell myself it's real. i can just almost tell myself that it's alright to relax. 
have you ever been that way? haven't you ever said "things are so great right now that i know something's bound to go wrong... any minute." just so you know, i might be the QUEEN of that phrase. maybe it's part of being a total realist? maybe it's just the fact that i've been through some rough situations and i know how awful it feels not to be prepared for the worst? it's been a while since i didn't have my fists in a ball... since i wasn't sort of on the defense, waiting for the attack. if there was an actual good reason for why i lived that way for so long i'd give it to you but now that i'm (hopefully!) passed that, it's a little unclear as to why that would ever be worth it. because now i wake up every morning and i know for certain that there are at least a few good people around me, if not physically then just by an iPhone somewhere, who could look me in the eye and tell me that they love me. i've got just enough blood in my veins and air in my lungs to know that i am definitely not dead. and that could be enough to say outloud, to myself... "You're OK!" 
another thing to consider is what if there is a part of us that doesn't fully want to be satisfied? what if there's something that asks us: if everything is "OK" then what do we have to strive for? to LIVE for, even? that's the constant duel in my spirit! i want life to go smoothly but when it's all working out... i'm sort of bored. ugh. it reminds me of a lyric by mewithoutYou that i've always connected with so deeply. "All I want is to want one thing." how beautifully that depicts our nature as humans to want everything, sometimes multiple things at once that couldn't be more opposite... and in the end get upset with the whole thing and want to get rid of desire altogether. (i digress!) 
what i've had to learn during this last year and a half, is that i might actually just be happy with where life is heading at this point. doesn't mean i'll always feel this way. nothing's perfect... at least for very long! anyway, it might just be OK to be happy now. right now in this very moment. i should just go with it, right? by the way, if i don't sound completely insane to you after 3 paragraphs which all are complete contradictions to each other then i appreciate your patience and flexible perspective. 
all this to say, i feel happy and i feel like my soul is actually being fulfilled. not only by the making of this album but also by the few close relationships i have in my life that have either stood the test of time or have bloomed from virtually nothing since entering whatever phase of my life i'm in at the moment. i'm not waiting for the sky to fall because i know that while the sky is staying up there in it's place, i have my opportunity to live. no more wasting time, hope, emotions, on worrying when, if, or how i could ever be let down again. i'm going to tell myself it's okay to be happy now.
i guess i want to finish this off by asking you what fulfills you. what is it that reaches your soul? it doesn't have to be some profound thing or even anything cool. if you can hold that one thing in your mind and know that you're exactly who you are supposed to be in that moment, then that could be all you need to get from point A to point B. maybe i want to finish THAT by saying, let's all listen to "One Thing" by One Direction and sing it to each other. you've got that one thing and guess what? it doesn't even need to be named. cause you just know and so does One Direction.
ok, i don't know how you made it to the end of this.... love you, mean it.  hayley
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missnind · 1 year
No Plans and None Can Be Broken
Eddie opened the door of the car with an easy grin.
"What's up, Harrington?"
Steve shot a dazzling smile back.
"Hey, Eds." He said, sweetly. "Ready for the movie?"
"Yeah, sounded cool. You know me... easy." He replied with a grin.
"I wouldn't say that, Munson. You haven't had a single date the whole time we've been hanging out." Steve jibed.
Eddie cleared his throat and fidgeted as he put his seatbelt on.
"Man, I-"
"I was teasing, dude! No need to sweat it." Steve replied as he moved to switch the radio on. "Ready?"
"Yeah, let's go."
The car cruised down the road, Steve nodding his head to the song on the radio. The silence was easy between them and Eddie relaxed. He loved spending time with Steve. Even if Steve didn't feel the same as he did.
Eddie glanced over and took in the sight next to him - full, thick hair, gorgeous eyes, full pouty lips, golden skin - fuck, it was no surprise people fell at his feet.
Steve had been a bitch in school. Now he was Eddie's best friend - something no one saw coming. Eddie had held an unrequited flame for him since 9th grade. Since he realised he really just wasn't interested in girls. Watching Steve in those little Hawkins Tigers shorts doing basketball and the various other jock stuff he was so good at... Well, that did it for him.
"Eddie? You OK, man?"
Eddie shook his head to clear the thoughts and realised he was staring.
"Sorry, dude. You know me - always in a world of my own." He laughed nervously.
Steve reached to place a hand on his knee.
"You sure you're OK, man?"
Eddie felt fire where the hand was. Straight to his groin. This car ride needed to go quicker.
"Yeah. Think a nice smoke before the movie will sort me right me out." He grinned.
Steve sighed and smiled.
"If you say so, man. Those things will kill you. Just saying."
Eddie laughed out loud.
"Yeah, be a shame to die from those after all we've survived, hey."
"What can I say, Munson? That noise you call music saved us all. Well, almost not you but like fuck were we gonna leave you there."
Steve's hand squeezed Eddie's knee and Eddie squeezed it back.
"You wouldn't know good music, Harrington." He shot back with a laugh.
"That, my friend, is where you are wrong! This-" He turned up the radio. "-is good music! You heard this one yet?"
Eddie's ears perked up as the music began and his heart began to hammer against his chest.
Steve was tapping his fingers along to the beat on the steering wheel. He was singing along to the song and Eddie just stared at him. Speechless.
"These lyrics, man! Who even comes up with this stuff?" Steve said as the song ends.
Eddie thinks for a beat and replies.
"Do you not like them?"
"Not like them? Munson, they literally resonate to me deeply! Like, OK so ... one sec, let me compile my thoughts into proper words."
Eddie's heart felt like it was going to force its way out of his chest.
"Ok, so, take this bit - 'Do you laugh about me whenever I leave? Or do I just need more therapy?' Like, I often feel that people are judging me still. You know, King Steve and all that. But is that like paranoia? I know you and the kids and Robs... you are my family. But the thought that you guys are just... The song's title is 'Fake Out'. Maybe that's it. There's a part of me that thinks you all just fake it." Steve took a breath and ran a hand through his hair.
Eddie opened his mouth to speak and nothing came out.
"Anyway, another one, yeah? So, there's this bit that goes 'My mood board is just pictures of you but I'm not sad anymore'. Like... I think it's about some unrequited love or something."
"Steve, I... It is, by the way. It is about unrequited love."
"Ha! I knew you didn't mind this type of music really!" Steve laughed as he reached out to poke at Eddie. "Or is this your opinion as a songwriter?"
"I haven't written in a while, Stevie. My muse must have left me. But I did send a load off and got paid for it. They showcase some to bands/artists. So if you're lucky, someone uses your lyrics for their song. It was a mad moment and Gar said it may be an idea since I had so many."
"Eds!" Steve pulled up the car into the parking lot of the theatre. He turned to face Eddie. "Why didn't you tell me, dude? That's pretty cool."
"I guess I just... it's not likely to be your song picked out of so many. So I just didn't think to." Eddie shrugged.
"Eddie, we would have been proud of you for trying. So, if your lyrics are picked do you get like a credit or something?" Steve asked with interest.
"Yeah. They will credit you for writing. And then you get a percentage of the royalties of the song."
"Well, I think you are gonna hear good things soon, Munson! Positive vibes." Steve smiled and leant towards Eddie for a hug.
Eddie's mouth was so dry. He did the only thing he could think of.
Singing quietly, he sang "We did it for futures that never came. And for pasts that we're never gonna change. Love is in the air. I just gotta figure out a window to break out. Buried alive inside my dreams. But it was all a fake out."
Steve looked at him curiously.
"That... it's my favourite part." Eddie explained. "It's about how we never really escape our pasts and a future that isn't... it can't happen. Won't happen. And no matter how much I want it, it won't be real."
Confusion flickered across Steve's face.
"Hey, Eddie, we aren't our pasts anymore. You know that, right? I mean, look at us! You're my best friend. Who would have thought it back then?"
The words stabbed through Eddie's heart. Worse than any demobat bite.
"Yeah." He managed a weak smile. "Friends."
"Eddie, come on. Talk to me, man. What is going on?" Steve seemed genuinely concerned.
"I just... OK, don't judge me. That song? It's mine. I wrote it."
Steve's face lit up with excitement.
"Man, that's awesome! That was you? Damn, you made me feel some kinda way! Maybe this is the road to the big time for our Eddie Munson from Hawkins! The kids are gonna-"
"Please, don't." Eddie began. "Don't tell them. I... I have something else to say."
Steve settled back against the car door.
"Eds, man, you're scaring me here." He said with a cautious smile.
Eddie looked down at his hands as he played with his rings nervously.
"I don't want to be friends." He blurted out.
Steve looked like he had slapped him.
" You don't wanna... did I do something?" He said, the hurt clear.
"That didn't come out right!" Eddie panicked and grabbed for Steve's hands.
Steve recoiled and Eddie looked like he was going to cry.
"Stevie, I-"
"Nah, it's cool, man. Don't sweat it. I'll just-"
Steve opened the car door and got out. He ran his hands through his hair, breathing quickly and trying to calm himself.
Eddie pulled open his door and ran around the car. He grabbed Steve and pulled him around the side of the building into an alley, away from prying eyes.
"Hey, dude, not cool!" Steve riled as he backed away from Eddie.
"Steve, you're not- ok! OK, I like you. I don't want to be friends because I want to be more." He trailed off as he pulled at the hem of his tee and looked at the floor.
There was silence and Eddie couldn't take it.
"'M sorry. I'll get Gar to come get me." He said quietly as he turned to leave.
"Eddie." Steve said quietly and calmly.
"It's ok, Stevie. Thank you. For everything." Eddie rambled as he walked quickly towards the open lot.
Hands spun him around and lips found his own. Pushing. Desperate. A tongue felt its way between his lips and he opened up, allowing it to explore his mouth.
Eddie backed up and the look on his face made Steve laugh.
"Eddie, you're an idiot." Steve laughed.
"I'm sorry? You-" Eddie began in an incredulous tone.
Steve looked at Eddie with hooded eyes and puffy lips.
"Eds, you took your sweet time. I've wanted you for longer than I care to admit. You just didn't seem-"
"You wanted me?" Eddie looked like he was about to hyperventilate.
"Yes, dingus. Didn't you- All those times we spent the night out in your van talking. Sitting up when the kids had gone to bed and just shooting the shit. All the times I tried to get you to open up about your love life... you really didn't...?"
"I... you want me?" Is all Eddie can push out.
Steve walked towards him and backed him against the wall of the alley. He put his arms up against the wall, blocking Eddie in. He leaned forward towards his ear and pressed a gentle kiss beneath it. He felt Eddie shudder.
"Yes. I kinda want you, right now." He said as he grabbed Eddie's hand and pushed it to the growing hardness in his tight jeans.
Eddie moaned and smiled like the cat who got the cream.
"I can help you with that, Stevie baby. If you want me to." He gave a positively filthy look as he dropped to his knees and Steve was glad he was holding himself up because the sight made his knees weak.
"Fuck, Eds. Here?" He looked around cautiously but it was empty except for them.
Eddie looked up at him with his doe like eyes and grinned devilishly.
He began undoing the button on Steve's jeans and slid the zip down slowly as he pressed his face to the emerging bulge.
Steve hissed and gently pushed forward chasing the pressure.
Eddie mouthed over Steve’s clothed length and moaned softly.
"Oh, baby, I'm gonna enjoy this." Eddie said as he pulled out Steve's length. "Fuck, you're so big."
Steve looked down at him, a dopey look across his face.
Eddie started giving the tip kitten licks and Steve moaned softly. Pre-cum oozed out and Eddie lapped it up.
"Mmmm, you taste so good, Stevie." Eddie moaned before he popped the head between his lips.
Eddie sucked and licked at Steve, hollowing his cheeks. He loved the sounds Steve was making and he decided he could die happy if this was how he went.
Steve tried so hard not to thrust into Eddie’s hot mouth.
“Fuck, you’re so good at this.” Steve gasped as he looked down. “So fucking hot with my cock in your mouth. Fuck.”
Eddie just looked up through his lashes and hummed, causing Steve to moan again.
"Eddie, Eds," Steve's breath hitched. "Close."
Eddie looked up at him and took him deeper. A strangled sound left Steve's mouth as he spurted into Eddie's mouth. Ropes of hot cum covered the inside of his cheeks and his tongue.
Eddie swallowed down Steve's load and got himself to his feet.
Steve grabbed him into an embrace, bringing their foreheads together.
"That was..."
"Yeah, yeah, I'm amazing, I know." Eddie laughed teasingly, voice slightly hoarse.
Steve smiled widely and laughed.
"Where does this leave us?" Steve asked softly.
"Um, the alley behind the theatre, Stevie boy." Came the sarcastic answer.
Steve bounced his head gently against Eddie's.
"Was that song really about me?" He asked curiously.
"Mayyyyybe." Came the reply. "Why? You into that?"
"Eds, I just kissed you in an alley and you sucked my dick. I'd say I was so into that." Steve replied.
"Still wanna watch that movie or wanna come back to my place? Wayne's at work. Maybe we could figure out what this is?" Eddie said, holding his breath for the answer.
"Sure. Sounds good. I mean, I think this is the start of something wonderful." Steve said as he began to walk to the lot, pulling Eddie behind him.
"Sure it's not a fake out?" Eddie replied with a grin.
"Imma show you it's not, Munson. Every day if I have to." Steve replicated his grin.
Eddie rolled his eyes.
"I suppose that would be acceptable, Harrington."
"The kids are gonna be pumped." Steve said with an air of confidence.
"I'm sorry, what?" Eddie paused by the car.
"The kids. They've been taking bets on how long til we finally got it together." Steve said matter of factly.
"Wait... the kids? Our kids?"
"Yes, dude. Our kids."
"They know I'm-" Eddie stumbled to say it aloud.
"Gay? Yeah. And that I'm bi." Steve raised a brow. "Just seemed you were the only one who didn't."
"Man, I... Fuck. No, I didn't. I just don't assume."
"If you had, this could have happened quicker." Steve teased as he pulled Eddie towards him and kissed him softly on the lips.
"Let's go home, Stevie." Eddie said.
They got back into the car and they held hands all the way home.
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tenoart · 9 months
Animatic idea I had
Secret life spoilers
Ok it goes to the song Monster from epic
Anything in red is for lyrics
"What if I'm the monster? What if I'm in the wrong?"
Its Scar at the secret keeper after his win. He's been there for weeks. The ghosts of all the others haunting him. Looking down at his blood stained clothes
"What if I'm the problem that's been hiding all along?"
Scar turning around seeing all the others ghosts, all blurring together and kind of transparent, like fog or mist. He steps towards them, getting closer to a group: tango pearl and Jimmy
"What if I'm the one who killed you?"
Scar dropping to his knees in front of them, they're faces are blurred, he's crying
"every time I caved to guilt"
Scar whipping his tears. Trying to sit up. Assuming these are all just hallucinations
"what if I've been far too kind to foes but a monster to ourselves?"
Visuals stay about the same, but scar looks over at Scott, in the crowd, he stands out. Feeling guilty for betraying him.
"what if I'm the monster?"
A purple flash of the Evo symbol goes in his eyes. He blinks, all the ghosts fading some except four
"Is the cyclops struck with guilt when he kills?"
Martyn, now looking like his red limited life skin walks past scar towards the secret keeper, dragging a bloodied sword
"is he up in the middle of the night?"
Martyn leans against some of the rocks by the secret keeper, his face becoming clearer. It looks like he's wincing scars still the one singing , looking at Martyn in awe
"or does he end my men to avenge his friend"
Martyn stabs his sword into the ground, looking past scar at Jimmy, smiling, scar looks back at Jimmy to see him smiling back.
"and then sleep knowing he has done them right."
Martyn closes his eyes, with a content smile.
"when the witch turns men to pigs to protect her nymphs is she going insane?"
Pearl flys above scar, landing beside Martyn, it flashes to pearl teaming up on Gem with scar
"or did she learn to be colder when she got older and now she saves them the pain"
Gem backs away, looking upset, pearl looks saddened, but still smiles. The implication being she was sparing gem by not letting her win.
Scar looks back at gem, about to reach out and apologize
"When a god comes down and makes a fleet drown"
Grian flys from the back of the crowd, tackling scar sending him sliding against the grass, closer to the secret keeper and the other two winners. Fist raised like he's about to punch scar
"is he scared that he's doing something wrong?"
It flashes to third life from scars pov of Grian, fist raised in third life, the look of guilt in his eyes flashing back to the cold empty look in his eyes now
"or does he keep us in check so we must respect him"
Grian smiles at scar when scar doesn't look scared, grabbing Grians wrist, seeming satisfied that scar defended himself this time.
"and now no one cares to piss him off"
He flys up on top the secret keeper behind scar, sitting.
"does a soldier use a wooden horse"
Scott emerges from the crowd of ghosts, kicking scars bow towards him. Scar flinches back from his own bow. Scott sings this line, talking about scar.
"because he is vile"
Scott is standing over scar as scar picks up his bow, from scars perspective it looks like he's glaring scar sings this line, calling himself vile
"or does he throw away his remorse and save more lives with guile?"
Scott reaches out a hand and helps scar up, smiling, being the one singing this line, basically praising scar for his win, patting him on the shoulder and walking past him.
"if I became the monster, and threw guilt away"
Scar is standing, looking out towards the bone winner ghosts, they're all still foggy, hard to make out and further away from him now from how grian dragged his ass.
"Would that make us stronger? Would it keep our foes at bay?"
He turns around to the other winners, while the ghosts look empty, lacking distinct facial expressions they all are fully colored like scar, all dressed like the season they won in. On the line keep our foes at bay scar looks up at the watcher symbol on the secret keeper, it glowing purple for a moment before scar sharply looks down, scared.
"if I became the monster to everyone but us? Made sure we got home again who would care if we're unjust?"
Side profile of scar looking at the winners, then in front of him on the line "to everyone" showing all the ghosts behind him as he takes a step forward. the line "but us" moving to behind scar, showing him and all the other winners. Lingering for the rest of this line. Basically meaning that as long as someone makes the sacrifice of remembering, of living with the guilt of killing everyone, then everyone else can move on. That scars win and all the others wins are sacrifices.
"if I became the.. monster"
Scar sings the first part, then he turns around to all the other ghosts, the entire group singing the line monster, slowly moving past him like mist
"oh ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves, and deep down I know this well"
All the ghosts surrounding him, but he doesn't crumble to his knees or fall to guilt, he grabs an arrow from the quiver on his back.
"I lost my best friend I lost my mentor my mom, 500 men gone this can't go on!"
He shoots an arrow through bdubs at best friend, image flashing of them hanging out in hermitcraft season 7, an arrow through Joel at mentor, last life flashing, another through Cleo at mom, flashing limited life. All them disappearing after being shot through. At 500 men gone this can't go on he he goes to put another arrow in his bow, tears falling from his eyes onto his hands
"I must get to see Penelope and Telemachus "
He closes his eyes, happy memories from hermitcraft flashing, mostly from season 9
"so if we must sail through dangerous oceans and beaches I'll go were Poseidon wont reach us"
Images from all the different life seasons in order, throughout them scar becoming more dangerous and hostile
"and if I have to drop another infant from a wall in an instant so we all don't die"
It gets to secret life, scar chasing pearl her getting knocked of the ledge and lightning striking in the memory.
"Then I'll become the monster! I will deal the blow!"
Lightning strikes behind him a transition from the memory back to scar, All the ghosts start going past him, more must then people, he's crying, but determined
"and I'll become the monster"
He turns around ignoring the mist going past him, dropping his task to the ground
"like none they've ever known"
He looks up at Grian, who's smiling, then panels of each of the other winners faces. Martyn looks worried, Scott relived, pearl guilty. All the ghosts chanting monster in the background
"so what if I'm the monster?! Lurking deep below."
Scar turns around, shooting an arrow through the mist breaking it apart
"I must become the monster, then we'll make it home"
He's crying. The camera looking at him from where the arrow shot past, he's breathing heavily. Horrfied. The Evo symbol glowing behind him, purple. The camera panning out as he starts to look behind him at the symbol, showing him and the other winners being all that's left. All in a eerie purple glow, with faint purple eyes
It fades to black while the ghosts still chant monster
Characterizations aren't quite canon but
Grian - cares about scar, but distanced himself from scar thinking he was too soft to handle the burden of winning, he tries to punch scar as a test, to see if he's still like that, and is content and happy to have scar around again now that he's strong enough to handle the truth. Creepy fella but not horrible person, just low-key apathetic to non winners
Scott - while hurt my scars betrayal, it's more pity then anything. If he held a grudge for every betrayal he'd hate everyone. He forgives scar, but is sad that he has to win.
Pearl - had to pick between letting scar or gem win. She was closer with gem but feels horrible for scar winning, knowing the burden of the memories is overwhelming. Wishing she could've just won again.
Martyn - is worried for scar, knowing how the close friendship with grian and becoming a winner with all his memories can be dangerous. Knowing how much the weight of it all hurts. How it's easy to spiral and wish it didn't happen. But isn't particularly close with scar, and is just happy Jimmy's curse was at least temporarily broken and wanted nothing more.
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all-will-be--well · 10 months
The Maybe Man
ok no one asked, but here is my AJR album review, song by song:
🌀 Maybe Man: I love this. I have a special place in my heart for all their album openers, they always give me chills. I can't wait to see them open with this live, especially when it goes so hard at the end! I've danced to this a lot already. Also learning that each verse references one song on the album! like a table of contents! I love them so much.
💔  Touchy Feely Fool: Very cute, and fun to sing along with. Probably like a solid 7 or 8 out of 10. Great to listen to, and has grown on me after listening to that Zach Sang interview and learning a little backstory
👍  Yes I'm A Mess: One of my faves from the album. I feel like such a badass walking around listening to this. Wish I could whistle!! The only thing i can't stand is the very end. I don't mind the tempo change but I don't like the slo mo voices that sound like a toy running out of batteries
🤓 The Dumb Song: More mid-tier for me. Got a great swing to it, and the instrumental breaks are really fun to dance to like a total idiot. I like to try out the lamest dance moves and just really commit to it. Lyric-wise, it's cute but reminds me of male weaponized incompetence (I know this isn't the intention, just what i think about), so it makes me feel a little weird if I think about it too much. Can't wait to hear a whole crowd scream "You should nooooot have done that!"
▶️ Inertia: Currently, this is my FAVORITE song on the album. It's fun, it's meaningful, it's got a great beat, and there are sounds that bring me back to past albums so it feels almost nostalgic. They used the instrumentals a lot in their promos for this album, and I can see why. It's both angelic with the choir sounds, and dark with the reverb/bass sounds. So good.
🧍‍♂️ Turning Out Pt iii : Always appreciate the Turning Out songs. Personally, the original is still my favorite. But even that one took me listening to it a dozen times before it really HIT, and then i was crying in the car. So maybe the same will happen with this one someday! Also if i'm not mistaken it's Ryan on vocals? So that's fun to have a change (though honestly he and Jack sound so similar)
🧠  Hole in the Bottom of My Brain: Gosh, so fun! Has that kind of nursery rhyme theme where it builds on itself (swallowed the spider to catch the fly, etc). However, unlike a nursery rhyme, the lyrics are kinda complicated to it's hard to sing along to. I'm sure people will be singing along by the time they're performing it live, like everyone memorizing the rambling line from Karma.
💿 The DJ is Crying for Help: I want to like this one more than I do. Don't get me wrong, I do like it! I think I just find it a little auditorily overwhelming. Like the string arpeggios are awesome, but I can't listen to that and the back up vocals and other sound effects at the same time. idk. To quote my favorite movie, Amadeus: "There are simply too many notes"
🙅🏻‍♂️ I Won't: This one has been out for a while so I feel like I've listened to it a lot already. Definitely makes me swagger walking around my apartment like I'm a total badass. Doesn't get my blood rushing like some of the others, but again that might just be because I've heard it a lot already.
🎡Steve's Going to London: Took me a few play-throughs to actually realize it wasn't just a nothing song! I appreciate them kinda breaking the 4th wall in a very AJR way. This song has grown on me with each listen! Very fun to sing and dance to, and has a great beat. My prediction is that this song will have a lot of special effects when they perform it live. We'll see...
💜 God is Really Real: RIP Gary ❤️ I love that their dad became a beloved part of the fandom. Very touching that they released this song early when it became clear they didn't have much longer with their dad. Beautiful, meaningful addition to the album.
🍂 2085: Perfectly packages up the album! The lyrics say that the old-timey voice says "You are not alone, young child, young child" which is NOT what it sounds like?? So hopefully that gets cleared up. I've seen some claiming it's a Yanny/Laurel situation, and tbh i wouldn't put it past the boys to find a way to do that on purpose. (I hear "You are my heart grown, just know, just know" which i know doesn't really make sense, but it's sweet to me) But the lyrics at the end "You've gotta get better, you're all that I got" give me chills. And then switching to "I gotta get better, I'm all that I got" 😭 . Also loves that it connects so perfectly back to Maybe Man so I can just listen to the album on repeat without interruption
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schneezburger · 1 year
So what's the story of POWR band AU and how they became a band?
I was originally saving this so I could make art for it- but then the wonders of ✨artblock✨ happened. So I’ll answer it now and one day make art for it 😭
So Ruby was originally in a band with Weiss, Blake and Yang as RWBY, they all had musical experience and a passion for it, and lots of anger to express, so why not!!
I’ve explained before why RWBY splits up, so after that, it’s just Ruby, who tries to make some music with JNPR because Pyrrha isn’t feeling music as much anymore, but they eventually disband too just due to not wanting to continue music at the moment.
So! Ruby is without a band and she has a strong desire to make! Music! So, Ruby asked her friends if they want to start a band, and they agree! Unfortunately, her friends Penny and Oscar have no knowledge of music, but Ruby can fix that! So she starts giving them musical knowledge.
Taiyang and Yang were both drummers, so she gets her dad to give Penny lessons every week.
Her Uncle Qrow was mostly on bass/guitar, and now works as the music teacher for the high school. Ruby is able to get Oscar to have lessons with him on his free time.
Since they consistently hang out in the band room, they eventually take notice of one other person who spends a lot of time there!
When they come a bit early for their free block in the band room, they find another student using his free block for the music room as well. Whitley! He spends his free block playing the piano, and perfecting songs he has to play for events.
Ruby is absolutely thrilled to learn that there’s someone else that she kind of knows, who knows music too. So she immediately is set on making Whitley join her band.
Whitley however, is extremely against joining. Refusing anytime they ask, no matter how they do it. He has a slight idea of who Ruby is and that she’s one of the reasons Weiss got in so much trouble with their father.
Eventually Ruby understands she’s not going to wear Whitley down like she was able to do with Weiss, so she gives up and leaves him alone. But it’s actually four separate events after that, that make Whitley want to join!
Event 1! Whitley decides to stay in the band room during lunch, and due to Penny and Ruby not being at school, Oscar goes to the band room to get some more practice with Qrow.
He tries to ignore them, but finds he can’t really focus on his own music, so he ends up just kind of listening in on their lesson, and he notices how nervous Oscar seems while trying to play, so when Qrow is out of the room, he gives Oscar some advice on how to not be afraid to mess up, and to just relax.
Event 2! Penny runs into Whitley in the hallway, and due to their families kind of knowing each other, they occasionally chat. Or, Penny rambles to him while he mostly listens.
While Penny rambles this time, she talks about the band and how excited she is to learn the drums and play music, and how even if they’re not playing, and just hanging out, she’s having so much fun. Whitley due to this, starts thinking about what it would even be like to be able to hang out with friends and just have fun.
Event 3! Ruby messes up her schedule and accidentally comes into the band room at the wrong time, Whitley is a bit confused on what she’s doing, but doesn’t concern himself with it.
Ruby starts practicing singing some lyrics, and eventually she asks Whitley if he would mind playing some notes for her to sing along too, and then she’ll leave him alone again, which he is surprisingly ok with doing for her. While playing, he realizes how much fun he finds playing the songs Ruby has given him, they’re so much more different than what he’s used to playing.
Qrow eventually comes in and tells Ruby she has the wrong schedule and she runs out to her class 💀 very late
Event 4! Ruby’s band is practicing a song during their free block, but playing a bit over the time. Whitley, who’s free block is right after, is out of class early and comes in during one of their songs.
He kind of just watches from the door, and they don’t notice him yet, very much in their own world of music. But in that moment he sees how much fun they’re having together and how much better at the instruments Penny and Oscar are, and he realizes how much he wouldn’t hate being a part of the band.
He spends a week with that thought on his mind and finds himself kind of stalking their social media posts about playing. Then at like 2 am while trying to sleep but thoughts about the band keeping him awake, he unblocks Ruby’s number and texts her, asking if the band offer is still open.
He regrets it in the morning, as Ruby has spammed his phone with 100 yes’s and questions.
Whitley has his first band practice after school the next day!!
And that’s how POWR became POWR!!!
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Hello everybody here's Annie to tell you (ramble to you) ab the ballad of jane doe!!!
first off, I've heard some people say that it should be "Jane Doe's Lament" and "The Ballad of Monique Gibeau", since a ballad tells a story, and to lament is to feel pain, agony, etc, but i think that is WRONG. Bc as Karnak states, the entire point of the show is to give them the chance to express what they wish they were, not what they were perceived as. a ballad tells a story. Jane wanted a story. Noel wanted tragedy. I think the titles fit them very well. Anyways, let me tell u ab some lyric choices that I luv sm bc this entire musical is a lyrical work of art. Ok first first!!! Lots of people get confused by the beginning of the song, but I think it makes sense if you've seen or read Legoland, because penny was unhappy with life, she had a realistic point of view, she always knew she would die one day, she is just lamenting (ba-dum tsss) the fact that she can't remember who she is. Another thing I like is that in fall fair suite when she does her screaming thing they're all spinning around and she's repeating the same notes bc its like she's swirling around them, but in her song it just represents falling straight down. Another thing is the next bit where she references Saint Peter, who is the guy who judges souls and decides if they were good or bad or wtv. I like this part bc the way she says it so desperately is that she doesn't care if she was a horrible person, she just longs to know who she is. "And from the ground, beneath my feet" this line is more evidence that penny was still dying after the rest of the choir was already dead, disproving the theory that penny was dead before everyone else. One of my favorites bc it has so many ways it could be interpreted, "a choir never complete." There are a few things I think it means. 1. She lost her head, this can be either metaphorical (referring to the "head voice" which is a way one can sing) or literal (since one of penny's body parts is missing, they can never reunite the entire choir.) 2. Penny was the only soprano. It's clear that Ocean's actor has a wide vocal range when you hear her sing in the background of other songs, but whenever she sings as Ocean, she mostly stays in alto range, meaning penny would have been the only soprano in the choir, and the choir isn't complete without their soprano. 3. Since it's implied that penny joined the choir at the last minute, she never got to perform with them, they were never complete. This is my favorite bc it shows up multiple times!!!! "An old forgotten tune, a song that no one knows, forgot how it goes" any time she references a song, the song she's talking about is penny. In Legoland, penny has a quote something along the lines of "Im just one song in a big symphony." (I can't remember the full quote right now.) She's saying that penny is forever forgotten. "Why be left with no family and no friends?" In this part in the musical, the choir covers their faces. None of them know who Jane is. "Time eats all his children in the end." This is a reference to Kronos, who is sometimes associated with time, and is known for eating his children. It's also a reference to earlier in the musical when she talks about lions eating their children. "A melody floats through the air, when silence falls, does no one care?" Going back to what I said earlier, the melody is penny. When penny dies, silence falls. The melody stops. But there's no one to care. "Another sad forgotten tune, another song that no one knows, so that's how it goes!" I like to think that she's talking about Jane now. Jane is the other song, but they know how that song goes already!! So, that's how it goes. "No one to sing, no one to sigh" here, she's saying that when people hear a Jane Doe body was discovered, people are obviously sad, but nobody can say "Hey, that's somebody i know." "Isn't there anyone to tell me who I am?" Penny is Christian, so she was probably expecting to go to heaven and see her relatives who could identify her. "Just a sorry speculation" bc Jane's entire existence is a speculation. Nobody knows who she is.
Thank you :]
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cacklefrendly · 9 months
Hi this th same anon who ask for gin and vodka hc and thank you for answer first and you say you have more hc about the two not as a duo so spill the hc i will enjoy hearing you rant about them ofc if you want and about the compliment you're welcome
anon i would've answered more quickly but the weather has been Too Cold to do anything but hibernate. i refuse to let that stop me.
here have a song that's in my Vesper Cocktail playlist — "Slaughterhouse Floor" by Skippocalyptic:
Be thou flesh of my flesh, and I’ll be the house that you haunt Lay down your neck for my blade, and I’ll be what you want And I can’t seem to imagine, perfect love But I have to imagine That it’s blood, blood, blood
ok more headcanons YIPPEE—
He's always just a bit sleep-deprived and just a bit under-weight. It’s perfectly understandable given his job but the 'tism isn't helping him any.
Gin is trans, and transitioned after he got his first codename (Kina Lillet, as previously mentioned). Turns out that the Black Organization already has paperwork ready for name changes!! Black Org. says Trans Wrongs. He doesn't see his old codename as a deadname, but he's so comfortable with 'Gin' that he considers that to be his real name. The only reason he doesn't talk about the old codename is that he and Vermouth had a couple one-night stands while he was Kina but she doesn't know that was HIM and he would like to KEEP IT THAT WAY—
For dysphoria-related reasons he used to keep his hair short religiously. When he got De-Titted he started letting it go a bit longer between cuts. Then the T started really kicking in as he was climbing the B.Org’s ranks and he decided “gender norms are simply another law to be broken over my knee” and from then on only ever trims the ends. As he should.
Gin does Not play video games. He’s never even played Portal. It’s one of his more glaring flaws as a person.
Silver is his natural hair color! He used to dye it darker, but he stopped when it was getting too long to be worth maintaining. He’ll go through the hassle if he REEEEEEALLY NEEDS TO for undercover shit but he only uses temporary dyes. And tries not to leave the house until it’s gone.
Speaking of his hair, again, 90% of the people who end up fighting Gin hand-to-hand go for his hair. Which is a trap! He’s specifically trained himself to break out of hair grabs — or use them to his advantage, which is way more fun for him.
He's actually pretty calm and laid-back when he's not on-the-job. In the same sense that lions and wolves are kinda lazy when they're not hunting. Predators need to conserve their energy! Of course the SECOND he has an assignment he is 100% in Murder Mode.
First and most importantly: Vodka wears Doc Martens. Because he deserves it. He mostly wears work-appropriate ones — Oxford-style, black stitching, little-to-no heel. Actually just. THESE ONES — but he owns a selection with high-heels and/or platforms. (the first time he struts walks out in THESE Gin’s like “firstly you’re taller than me and that’s unacceptable. i trusted you. but secondly God-Damn,”)
As I’ve said (and drawn) before, Vodka can sing. Because I deserve it. He likes to change the lyrics to make songs gay. Also because I deserve it.
Before Vodka was codenamed, while he was working for one of the Black Org's front businesses, while he still wasn't privy to any super illegal information (rather, wasn't SUPPOSED to be, but he’s not stupid and could tell that numbers weren’t adding up the way they were supposed to), he was kidnapped along with three coworkers. The kidnappers were part of a decent-sized rival group looking to get some dirt to force the Black Org. out of their territory (not knowing exactly what they were getting into) by interrogating its employees. One by one, all of his coworkers cracked and admitted that they didn’t know anything. So they were killed. Vodka didn't tell his captors a damn thing, so they concluded that he must have access to important information. They kept him alive and quickly moved from interrogation to torture — but Vodka lasted long enough for the Black Org. to track the threat down and kill them. His secret? the only thing he let himself think about was a song, one he'd kept hearing when he hung around his superiors' offices: Seven Children. By the time he should've cracked, the only thing he had the presence of mind left to do was sing. The incident got him codenamed, and he’s proud of himself for it, but in particularly high-stress situations you might hear him singing under his breath — "Cute, cute," The mother crow sings. "Cute, cute."
Yknow how in like every movie with the Black Org. the team has some Super Expensive New Toy (spy plane, submarine, ect.) that is absolutely going to be Blown The Fuck Up by the end? While the movies technically don’t exist, i 1000% believe that Vodka is extremely good at convincing The Boss and the people in charge of weapons distribution that Gin’s team should totally get a shiny new toy to play with, thank you. He presents the keys to the newest Vehicle For Manslaughter and watches Chianti and Gin vibrate with excitement like two grayhounds you just asked "wanna go for a walk?"
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OK, I gotta ask, BPP: how many times have you seen BTS live? And what was your most out of body experience doing so?
Hi @onthecuterside! 💜
I've seen BTS live in concert eight times, including the KCON in August 2014.
Every one of those times, became one of the highlights of my year. I don't want to overstate it, but BTS are literally one of the most phenomenal performers I've ever seen.
And I've seen Epik High, Twenty One Pilots, Radiohead, Shinee, Kendrick Lamar, Beyonce, ONE OK ROCK, Big Bang, AC/DC, Burna Boy, Janet Jackson, Coldplay, EXO, Foo Fighters, Slaves, etc in concert.
BTS are something else.
Tumblr media
You sent in this ask some time ago @onthecuterside, and the truth is I agonized over it. Because how am I supposed to choose my favourite concert?
It's impossible to. Each concert was tied to different circumstances for me that made each one take on a quality of its own. But I did select a couple to potentially talk about:
The Speak Yourself concert in Seoul on October 26, 2019
The Wings tour in Seoul on February 19, 2017
...I saw recently fans were posting clips from the SYS tour. So, I'll talk very briefly about the Wings tour.
BTS were so young back then, but the energy they created was electric. Like I got goosebumps just now remembering and writing about it. The Wings Tour DVD is something I recommend every fan watches at least once to get a sense of the sort of energy, inexperience and sincerity they had (and still do). [I can provide a streaming link of the concert DVD via DM for anyone interested]
Set list (excluding Encore section):
Not Today Am I Wrong Silver Spoon Dope Begin Lie First Love Lost Save Me
I Need U Reflection Stigma MAMA Awake BTS Cypher Pt. 4 Fire N.O No More Dream Boy In Luv Danger Run War of Hormone 21st Century Girl Intro: Boy Meets Evil Blood Sweat & Tears
Not Today started with a few hiccups if I recall correctly. It's not really evident in the DVD but I remember the sound was a bit inconsistent in some areas, as if they were still getting used to the volume and deciding how hard to sing/rap. Their introduction was cute, and it was easy jamming along to the setlist. By the time it got to Baepsae, I was very awake. But it was Reflection that did me in.
It's Namjoon's solo song. He just stood in front of a mic in a white-ish button-down shirt, and he seemed a bit nervous at some points singing it. The Wings emblem that was moving the entire time, when contrasted against the blue background, was such a simple and arresting sight. I hadn't actually heard the song before that day, and so hearing it for the first time, hearing the lyrics of what he was singing... It stuck with me.
I remember screaming myself hoarse during Cypher Pt 4, and I probably blacked out during Blood, Sweat & Tears - imagine, it's the end of the show, Jimin's visuals after dancing and singing for more than one hour, high on adrenaline...
It's not captured in the DVD but just before the final chorus, I remember there was this look Jimin gave right before moving to the center, and y'all, I had a revelation.
I don't want to rub it too much in people's faces, but I knew BTS was different and were going to dominate no matter what, after seeing them live in February 2017. I wasn't even an ARMY then, I didn't have an ARMY bomb, and I knew that if the next year didn't end with BTS on everybody's lips (more than it already was at the time), then something must've gone very very wrong.
It's not their best concert ever IMO (the SYS concert and a few others are contenders for that), but that entire Wings era was incredible.
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y’know thinking about my emo kid self, there’s such a difference in me in 2022/nearly 2023 at 27, where i can finally sing along to songs like therapy and remembering sunday by all time low, when it rains by paramore, the day i left the womb by (old school) escape the fate literally basically every mayday parade song ever, but most particularly i swear this time i mean it and a little bit of truth by you me at six… etc etc et al et al…. in the shower without choking back tears while sliding down the side of the shower.
like the day that i just started randomly singing therapy by atl and the day i left the womb by etf, for example, in the shower in like 2017 after not listening to them for a few years, bc both songs were randomly just stuck in my head…..
i knew i was feeling much better than i was at 15/16 in 2011, when i was going through my teen mental breakdown phase. i WAS screaming and choking out the lyrics to therapy and sick little games (along with the other songs mentioned above) in the shower in tears on the floor….. because i just fucking hated my life so much (lol, but not lol) and i thought i’d never leave my hometown (ok this is true and it’s fine) and it was also fucking shit because i couldn’t decide if i was depressed or not or anxious or not or i was just a big fucking fake *cue i’m a fake by the used here* and i wasn’t emo anymore and i had to be indie to sit with *echosmith voice* ~the cool kids~ when i changed schools.
like yeah. don’t get me wrong. there are times when the songs mentioned in this post make me cry (usually on my period tbh. lmao sorry for the tired joke)- like when the song/s really decides to hit me/i’ve actively looked them up on YT or spotify so i can have a good cry lol. but now i can sing these songs at any time without having an absolute snotty cry fest during any shower/bath i decide to sing these in. or just generally. like getting older rocks, in some aspects, and this is one of them.
because the songs that got you through what you thought at the time were your hardest times yet- you’ve got a huge storm coming in your mid20s, teen me- these songs will be your light instead of the pain, the utter angst and self-loathing you felt towards yourself on a daily basis as a teenager. yeah where’s that corny ass tumblr quote i used to post every fucking day of my life at 19- we all know it. but it really is. and yeah, there’s the thing that these songs are still emotional as all fuck, i still love them to this day. but i’m just not crying to them as much anymore. y’know what i mean??
anyway idek where this post was going. but growth is good and every current emo kid should know that it does get better. for the love of god it does. hang in there kids. because one day you’ll be 27, and whatever mid2000s or late 2010s emo song you’ve got on blast right now, because tiktok has been having a moment with them over the last couple of years…. will be a source of joy and not a source of self loathing and reason to cry every night in the shower. anyway. my point is, you won’t be “outdated, overrated” and you can still be “a dreamer for sure”- to quote the mayday parade song i mentioned earlier. you’ll just be a newer, hopefully happier, you. even when you’re “at bottom of the blackest hole” and want to “sleep enough to not see the sun anymore”. and that’s all you need.
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rocketdive · 2 years
mcr/bmth report (kinda)
wall of text under cut
also no, this wasn’t we were young fest 
queueing so i can think about it later
mcr finally happened after hanging on to those tickets for 2 years
Honestly was not expecting them to be so incredibly good live, idk what i was thinking
i also went to do something on the way to the concert and ran into someone i kinda know
ootd: (when you wanna be a nerd at 6pm, but have an mcr concert to attend at 7:30 pm)
too lazy embarrassed to do emo makeup in public
also fuck when i got to the venue i probably chose the longest line for the loo and the slowest merch line
really wanted to get that bag (and i did)
got a bag for me bag as well
talked myself out of getting a shirt tho
was it worth 1.5 hrs tho 
literally was in the merch line for both openers
also me yelling at one of the dudes to get the plastic merch bag XD ...because he was about to refuse it 
when i finally found my seat, at least the girl in front of me was totally rocking out / seemed pretty cool even tho we didn’t talk
we didn’t get gerard way’s fashion show (i think???) for my date, but dad hat came out
also i am not used to his speaking voice
Gerard way has some absolutely feral screams
^ an entire mood
He had some programming thing to add microphone effects, which was cool
Also the whole time i was just like…. I’m also in the same room as frank and mikey and ray!!!!!!
(lmao finally seeing thee mikey fucking way in the flesh)
Ray jumping around
Ray kneeling while doing his guitar thing at the end
There was that one song where gerard was trying to get ray to sing along as well
we also sang happy birthday
stoked that we got vampires for that date
Backdrop changed 3 times? There was 1st to curtain drop reveal of the backdrop, and then lights on for the backdrop
didn’t run into my brother’s ex lmaooooo
honestly was kinda saving energy for bmth / made the wrong shoe choice and entered me back hurty time :c
bmth was really good
like REALLY good
i think that might be an understatement
tb very h i enjoyed bmth more than mcr
their video was ON POINT
Like at points they instructed the crowd to form a pit or sit down
"Illegal substances are strictly prohibited, please consume them immediately" (something along those lines)
honestly really glad that my friend was being an enabler / & that i actually went
Was watching some recording of the NY show and they didn’t have confetti to open
Also the confetti was heart shaped (but i couldn’t tell from where i was)
And then red streamer confetti during throne
at some point, oli acquired a light up devil horn headband and he put it on
It also flashed
Oh apparently oli had bloody makeup or something but obvs couldn’t see it
the girl next to me was really cool! and peeps in front of me were totally vibing
Can you feel my heart into happy song is such a mood
Ngl, the newer songs / post that’s the spirit were kinda…weaker with the crowd
Except maybe teardrops? Dear diary? Maybe parasite eve?
Sandpit turtle shadow moses was so good live
Kingslayer was a rave / literally oli calling it a rave song
Also not me and temp concert buddy doing the babymetal parts of the chorus lmaooooooooooo
Accidentally butt recorded most of diamonds
Also wtf they played diamonds
(i cannot remember lyrics part 65431235768767)
Follow me was acoustic
Lgbtq flag ^
Forgot which song towards the end, oli was telling people to get on each other’s shoulders
Mosh pit for knocked loose was just as described/expected
Literally first song starts and their vocalist is calling for a pit
imo, GA went harder in the pit during KL than bmth
i’m going to put “saw kl live and was completely ok” on my resume
ok coz everyone talks about how ridiculously chaotic kl is, to make an analogy in terms of spice tolerance level, -> handling the spice level is not an issue for me, it’s just not a flavor i really like or dislike, but also a flavor that i would be ambivalent about/wouldn’t mind trying again IF it just happened to present itself to me (as in, i wouldn’t go seeking it out, but would be down if it was just readily there)
Honestly the pits during bmth looked weaker than the ones for KL
esp the one where oli was doing the whole “PUSH IT BACK YOU PUSSIES”
(also for the record i did not get a GA/pit ticket because i am a pansy / was recovering from mcr/ I’M GETTING OLD)
i didn’t realize Grandson was so openly political
I think some dude in a wheelchair crowdsurfed during his set?
Siiickbrain had some pretty sick vocals / screams
10/10 would do it again
0 notes
michelleleewise · 2 years
Pairing: Loki x plus-size reader
Warnings: self esteem issues, some swearing (song lyrics), fluff.....all the fluff
Summary: Loki invites you to dinner, with a very important question.....
Part 18-
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It had been a little over a month since Emma met Loki, and the two were thick as thieves. She begged for him to come over, his response "who am I to disappoint my princess." Making you smile. They spent most of their time conspiring against you. "She can't say no to both of us." You'd heard him say as he contstructed a pillow fort in the living room. You would always smile and sigh, what did you get yourself into. But if you were honest, you were never happier.
"Hey y/n, we don't have a closer tonight, she called in." Sarah told you coming in the kitchen. "Ok, I'll call Mel and make sure she can watch Emma." You said heading to your office. You got off the phone, her telling you Bucky was going to be over but wasn't an issue to watch Emma. You were about to set your phone down as you got a text.
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You smiled as you put your phone down after reading the "I love you" more then a few times. You absolutely adored him, and felt bad you couldn't make it, wondering what he wanted to ask.
You sent eveyone home, wiping down the counters, putting the pans away seeing it was almost closing you decided to call it, lock the doors and throw some music on, smiling that the last time you did you tried to impale Loki with a spatula. You flipped the sign, and turned half the lights off as you picked a song, one you wanted to dedicate to Loki.
Made a wrong turn, once or twice Dug my way out, blood and fire Bad decisions, that's alright Welcome to my silly life
You sang along with the lyrics as you began sweeping, twirling around the broom.
Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood Miss knowing it's all good, it didn't slow me down Mistaken, always second guessing, underestimated Look, I'm still around
You felt the music take over you as you swayed through the shop, singing as loud as you could, turning to see Loki waving through the glass, smiling you waved for him to come in, as green light surrounded him and he was in the shop. "Dance with me!" You yelled grabbing his hands as you swayed back and forth.
Pretty, pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel Like you're less than fuckin' perfect Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel like you're nothing You're fuckin' perfect to me
You let your hair down, pulling his jacket off, tossing it somewhere as you wrapped your arms around his neck, his going around your waist as you continued singing the lyrics to him as he gave you the biggest smile.
You're so mean When you talk About yourself, you were wrong Change the voices In your head Make them like you instead So complicated, look happy, you'll make it Filled with so much hatred, such a tired game It's enough, I've done all I can think of
Chased down all my demons, I've seen you do the same, oh
You looked into his eyes as you sang, they seemed soft, almost vulnerable as he head the lyrics. You leaned up kissing his cheek before serenading him again
Pretty, pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel Like you're less than fuckin' perfect Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel like you're nothing You're fuckin' perfect to me
You laid your head on his chest as his arms tightened around you, closing your eyes you listened to his heart beat, as you swayed back and forth you knew without any doubt that this man was your happy ending.
Yeah, oh, oh pretty, pretty please Pretty, pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel Like you're less than fuckin' perfect Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel like you're nothing You're fuckin' perfect to me, yeah
You're perfect, you're perfect
As the song ended, you opened your eyes, looking up at him you pulled him down, pressing your lips to his as he held head, slowly deepening the kiss as he lifted you up setting you on the nearest table. You pulled back panting, lacing your arms around his middle as he laid his forehead on yours. "That song was for you love." You said as he looked at you, smiling. "I love you so much." He said cupping your cheek.
"What was it you wanted to ask me?" You asked playing with the hem of his shirt. "Oh, yes well, you see." He started, looking around as you cupped his cheeks "You can ask me anything Loki." You smiled as you felt him relax "Darling, you and Emma have brought so much love into my life, I can barely stand to be away from you, either of you." He said looking down. "We love you too." You said caressing his cheek. "Would you.....umm....would you like to move in with me?" He asked looking at you, waiting for your answer.
"Well, I'll have to talk to Emma, but my answer is yes, and if she adores you half as much as I think she does, she'll say yes too." You said as he smiled "really?" He asked "yes, really." You said as he pulled you into him, hugging you hard "l...loki...cant......breath." you panted as he let go "oh sorry, I'm just..." he said shifting back and forth "happy? Me too." You said. "Do you want to come over tonight? I'm almost done, and we can start looking for places." You smiled as he pressed his lips to yours, kissing you passionately. "I would love to." He breathed as he hugged you again. You couldn't wait for the next chapter of your life to begin.
@vbecker10 @lokisprettygirl22 @mcufan72 @midnights-ramblings @sonatabee @catalina712 @cabingrlandrandomcrap @kilikina34512 @delightfulheartdream @froggiecky @sinsandguilt @sweetberry47 @buttercupbestie @wtfislifeugh @asgardianprincess1050 @commanding-officer @lovingchoices14 @crystaldragonborne @juulle987 @xorpsbane @elenaysusneuras @yoongissidebitchh @daggers-and-mischief @lightupmyjass @plut0min @lulubelle814 @lucylaufeyson3 @howdidurhammergrowchris @d1a2n389 @lokiprompts @sititran @kats72 @awesomephilosophus @justagirlthatlikesanime @lokisninerealms @storybrook-beck @yunho-leeknow @high-functioning-lokipath @glitterylokislut @huntress-artemiss @lonadane
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edie-baby · 3 years
mr & mrs | liam lawson x reader
Summary: You and Liam were teammates at Hitech for 2021. You had the biggest crush on him, but you were sure he didn't see you as anything more than a little sister. But oh, how a few basic questions could uncover the truth between you.
Warnings: swearing, and I think that's it?
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When you walked into work in the Hitech Grand Prix building this morning, you didn’t expect to be playing the fucking newlywed game with your crush. And if you’re being honest with yourself, crush is a light way to put it. You were head over heels for your F2 teammate and best friend, Liam Lawson. There was just something about the New Zealander that always had your heart racing, your legs buckling, and your stomach dropping.
So when you were directed into the garage for a ‘different background’ from other videos you had done with Liam, your stomach lurched. Here this gorgeous man was, in all his Kiwi glory, hair waxed back but falling out of place, jeans hugging the toned curves of his legs and ass and giving you a glorious view of his bulge, and the fucking blue sweater. The same blue sweater he had worn the last time the two of you did a video that had reduced you to a stuttering mess when you first saw him.
But now it is worse. So, so much worse. He was standing in a garage. Around cars, and tyres, and grease, and all of the inanimate objects you found so sinfully appealing, and he was just right in the middle of it looking like that. You just about turned around and walked right back out.
“Mighty Mouse! There you are. I was starting to think I’d have to be the brains and beauty of the operation.” Liam called once he spotted you, and suddenly you remembered why you had never tried making a move on him. He treated you like a little sister. Nicknames like ‘kiddo’ and ‘mighty mouse’ were a regular occurrence, and they never failed to make you squirm.
“Well, you struggle to be anything but the brawn, and I think I’m even starting to overtake you there.” You teased, pushing yourself to stay casual, platonic, familial. There was so much opportunity to flirt with him, but the few times you had tried were brushed off, so you had given up many moons ago.
“Ouch Princess, that hurts.” Liam mocked, his hand cradling his chest and you couldn’t help but wonder how it would be to fall asleep against his chest, curled up after a rough night of-
“Who’re you calling princess, princess?” You shot back, cutting your thoughts off before they continued developing and became an issue. Liam laughed, his arm slung around your shoulder while the two of you walked over to the team that were in charge of running your activity for the afternoon.
“Ok, I don’t know if you guys have heard of it, but this game is called Mr and Mrs, one of you will have a whiteboard and wear headphones while the other tries to guess what the answers to the questions you’re writing down are. Make sense? Ok, great, let’s do an intro and go from there.” One of the guys explained quickly, and you began having flashbacks to an awful 80s game show called The Newlywed Game, and blushed profusely. Having you and Liam in a video titled ‘Mr & Mrs’ was sure to get the fans going, and you couldn’t blame Hitech’s PR plan.
You and Liam settled into the wheely chairs from the office next door, Liam positioning himself in frame of the camera and fixing his stupidly perfect hair when you came barreling toward him with your chair, legs tucked up high so you didn’t cop a chair arm to the knee. Liam screeched when you finally hit him, almost toppling off the chair in surprise while you spun slowly, laughing freely as you did so.
Liam looked over at you, your head thrown back in carefree laughter, the yellow sundress that covered your body made you look radiant, and he was sure he had never seen a sight so beautiful before. Your laughter calmed down, and as you looked over at him, he couldn’t help but send you a lovestruck smile, his eyes dopey with admiration. You blushed slightly, laughing as the team asked if you could do the intro again, but actually introduce what you were doing.
Liam slid out of the frame, and you followed his movements as you could tell a fierce battle was about to commence. Kicking off the ground with force, you tucked your legs up onto the chair again, spinning into Liam so fast, you couldn’t actually see his face before you crashed into him. The two of you exploded in laughter again, laughter and smiles were common between you, and Hitech’s Instagram was full of photos and videos of you and Liam smiling at each other, or doubled over in laughter, clutching onto each other.
“Hi, I’m Liam Lawson, and this is Y/N, we drive for Hitech in Formula 2.” Liam began once you had slowed down your laughter. He kept a firm grip on the arm of your chair, holding you close and still, as your chair really liked spinning around.
“And we’re here to play Mr & Mrs, another game in our long series championship to see who the better teammate is.” You finished, gesturing to yourself subtly, but Liam caught it and pushed your chair away jokingly. As much as you loved the man and wished you could be more, you wouldn’t give up this relationship you have with him for something that might work.
“Liam, what is Y/N’s favourite colour?” The same guy from before asked, one who Liam still didn’t recognise due to the facemask and hat he was wearing. Nevertheless, he held up a whiteboard where the question was scribbled in messy writing, three multiple choice answers written waiting for not only Liam’s, but also your answer. You had airpods in your ears, connected to the blaring music playing from one of the Hitech employees’ laptops, a whiteboard in your hand that you quickly scribbled out an answer to.
Liam looked over at you, holding the whiteboard to your chest protectively so he wouldn’t cheat, but there was really no way that he could.
“It’s not an answer listed here, but her favourite colour is a light brown. She always says it calms her down because it reminds her of a cafe she went to once back home.” Liam spoke, watching you as he answered. You didn’t hear a word he was saying, bopping your head along to the 2000s hits pumping through the earphones. Liam pulled one of them out, his head nodding over to the camera while you proudly turned the board around, thinking you had gotten one over on Liam.
“My favourite colour is light brown, because it reminds me of the Brew Cafe in my hometown, and it brings a really nostalgic and calm feeling.” You stated, watching the faces of the employees morph from business to shock. You looked over at Liam, who had a smug smile on his face while he listened to your answer.
“There’s no way you could have known that!” You protested, glaring accusingly at the dirty blonde. He laughed in response, and you couldn’t have felt happier in any given moment. Not even the top step of the podium could compare to the warmth spreading in your chest. Little did you know, Liam was feeling the exact same way.
“Y/N earphones back in, Liam your next question. What is Y/N’s favourite song at the moment?” The same guy asked, yet this time there were no multiple choice answers. Liam’s eyes widened, turning to look at you to think of any songs he had heard blasting from your speakers or earphones recently, or something that you had ranted excitedly to him about. He spoke to himself, mumbling about artists and songs he could remember falling from your lips. You twirled a piece of hair around your finger, thinking about the answer to the question, when suddenly it hit him.
He had to wait a few moments as you were slowly writing down your answer, still not 100% sure of yourself. It was only after you had taken an earphone out that you jumped, furiously rubbing out the answer on the whiteboard and writing a new one, looking much more satisfied with the new answer. The team counted down, and as Liam spoke, you almost dropped the whiteboard.
“Feeling Something Bad by Ellise. She’ll start singing it randomly when she concentrates, which is usually a giveaway to what songs she's been listening to recently.” Liam said his answer so confidently that it made you feel as though you were inferior because he knew your favourite song and it took you a decent minute to think of it. Liam got another point as he had gotten two of your answers right, and you were starting to feel competitive.
“Alright Liam, who does Y/N get along with best in the F2 paddock? Oscar Piastri, Dan Ticktum, or you?”
“Oh, oh. Well, she hangs out with Oscar a lot, but I don’t know if she would say they get along better than we do? Like, she’s closer with Oscar but we get along best, if that makes sense? I don’t think it does. I’m gonna say Oscar because I don’t want to be rejected, but I really hope I’m wrong and that she says me.” Liam rambled, finally deciding on Oscar, and when you were told to turn your board around, Liam’s heart sank a little. You had written Oscar, and as you began trying to defend yourself, Liam waved it off and laughed to hide the disappointment in his eyes, but you could see it clear as day. You tried to move on like he did, to keep playing the game like you didn’t hurt her best friend and crush.
You began trying to cheer the Kiwi up, dancing along to the songs playing, and occasionally belting out the chorus. He was laughing along, finally joining you to sing when you were screaming the lyrics to Promiscuous, dancing all around the garage and trying to pull him up around with you. While you were dancing with some of the employees off camera, being recorded for Instagram, Liam was still in frame of the main camera, a fond smile on his face, and anyone who had looked at him could see that he was completely and utterly whipped for you, but you were too caught up in Nelly Furtado to see it yourself.
It was your turn to answer questions now, passing Liam the whiteboard that had a little love note written on it.
I’m going to crush you.
You wrote, and Liam thought it was adorable how competitive you got in trivial games like this, but it always made him try even harder just to give you some semblance of a battle.
“Y/N! How old was Liam when he started karting?” The guy you had begun to think was not an actual Hitech employee asked. The three ages to choose from scribbled on the whiteboard. You studied them for a moment, and could see Liam in the corner of your eye writing out his own answer.
“He was seven, because I remember him telling me that there’s regulations in New Zealand that you can’t race go-karts competitively until you’re seven and then won the race.” You explained, remembering the story he had told you easily, it was one of your favourites, purely because of the joy on Liam’s face when he recounted it.
He turned the board around, showing the exact answer you had given, and he gave you a cheeky smile in response to your silent gloating about getting a point. There was nothing cuter in his eyes than you getting so worked up about a game.
“What is Liam’s pre-race superstition?” Before the board with the question and possible answers came up, your mouth blurted out the answer you already knew all too well.
“He gets in the car from the left.” You practically yelled, and Liam looked at you with wide eyes, not hearing your words but seeing the excitement at knowing the answer.
“How did you know that?” One of the Hitech PR asked as her main priority was to stir up more rumours about the two of you, as it was always good for the team’s press.
“Because I’m just as superstitious about getting in from the right side, so when he found out, he asked the team if we could switch around how our cars are placed in the garage so that we could meet in the middle, do our little ritual, and then get in the car from there.” You explained, watching as Liam wrote down his answer with no idea of the words you were saying.
When Liam turned the board around, he explained the exact same story you had, and you giggled when he finished, showing off a proud smile before putting the pieces together that you had already run the same spiel.
“It’s quite cute that the two of you explain things using basically the same words.” That same PR lady stated. And you almost rolled your eyes, almost. But you caught Liam blushing slightly, and a small, stupid part of you began jumping up and down, because not only did someone think your relationship with Liam was cute, but he blushed at that.
“It happens when you spend so much time with someone. I’ve started picking up Kiwi slang, and he’s learning some of my slang. You don’t realise it until you say something to someone when he’s not there and they’ve got no idea what I mean. It’s so normal for Liam to always be by my side, and me by his that when I’m with other people it feels weird.” You started on a ramble, something you were known for. And then just would… not… fucking… stop. The press officer looked satisfied, but as you had finally gotten your mouth to stop moving, you were scared to look over at Liam.
“Whenever she’s not within arm’s reach, I feel like I’m missing something.” Liam spoke quietly, and you gulped as you heard his words. The man was going to kill you, surely. This little production crew didn’t give a shit about your blossoming romance though, as they hurried you through to the next questions. You and Liam barely looked at eachother, your answers shorter and much more vague than they were before. You just wanted to get out of this chair and go freak out in an empty office somewhere.
“Well, the winner of this round is Liam, which means he has officially overtaken Y/N in the Hitech championship. How do you guys feel about this one?” The producers asked. You would usually have felt a bit of a blow to your chest finding out you had been beaten in two ways, but you truly couldn’t think of anything except your proximity to Liam.
“I think we found out a lot, and I’m glad to finally be ahead in the championship. I think it’s the only time I’ll ever be able to beat Mighty Mouse in anything.” Liam chuckled, reverting back to your ‘little sister’ nickname because he felt like the distance would help him process his emotions.
“Hey, you already beat me in height, age, and supercar experience, you gotta let me have something.” You whined, you looked over at Liam with a pout and puppy eyes, unintentionally making his heart pound out of his chest.
“Well you’re the cuter one of the team, and you’re a hell of a lot smarter than me, so I’d say you’re winning enough. Plus you’re higher up in the drivers standings than me.” Liam replied, leaning closer to stare into your eyes, barely two inches between your faces, you blinked slowly, afraid that any sudden movements would scare him away.
His large hand reached up, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear, then coming to rest at the side of your neck, his thumb resting on your jaw.
“I don’t think you realise what you do to me.” You mumbled, leaning forward very slightly to nudge your nose against Liam’s. His breath hitched, eyes boring into your soul in a way that made you freeze.
“It can’t be any worse than what you do to me. Looking as beautiful as you do, all I want to do is hold you, keep you close, show you off to the world, and I want to call you mine. I want to take you home and show you around my hometown, I want to introduce you to my parents, to take you to parties with my friends, I want to curl up in your apartment watching Harry Potter movies, and I want to dance around the kitchen with you at 2 in the morning making pancakes. I want to live my life with you.” Liam confessed, and for a few moments, you felt as though you couldn’t breathe.
You lurched forward, balling your fists up in that stupid blue sweater and pulling him closer. Liam’s eyes closed instinctively as your lips met, the coconut lip balm you applied before you came into the office was shared on your tongues, Liam’s exploring your mouth with vigor. You had never imagined him to be this passionate, this intense. But you had no complaints, his hands tugging you forward until you fell onto his lap, legs slotting in beside his own to straddle him on the wheely chair.
You broke away for a moment to catch your breath, eyes surveying every square inch of Liam’s face to commit it to memory. He truly was a gorgeous man, and you hoped you would get to see him like this many more times to come. He caught the look in your eyes and dove back into your lips, his teeth capturing your bottom lip in a bruising grip, a whimper escaping your lips before someone clearing their throat interrupted you.
“I guess we have everything we need for the video. Thanks you two.”
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babyspiderling · 2 years
Random katsuki imagine
Accompnying this playlist
You're studying in the dorm next to Bakugou, and at first you're annoyed at the music so loud it's barely muffled by the paper thin walls. You lift a hand to bang on the wall as a warning but his shouts make you lower your fist and just attempt to continue studying through the noise. As time goes by you pay attention to the lyrics and the words he's shouting. You always had a tiny little crush on the explosive boy, but refused to get too close in fear of rejection. A song you recognize shuffles into the playlist and you find yourself singing along, connecting to the lyrics as deeply as your neighbor. "I hate everything about you, why do I love you?" is sung under your breath as you type. From the angst filled screams, you know something is wrong with the blonde boy, and you desperately want to help and comfort him but you have no idea if it would make things better for the both of you or just wreck the little relationship you had just begun to build. Time drags on and your eyelids droop and your head bobs forward with exhaustion. You're startled awake by yells and bangs before you can properly go to sleep. in your drowsy mind, the situation confuses you. From the music and shouts coming from next door, it seems that Katsuki had feelings for someone who either rejected him or just was oblivious to them. Stifling a yawn, you sink down the wall to lean into the music and hopeful companionship. You wonder if he's doing the same thing. If the only thing separating your backs from each other was the paper thin walls of the dormitories. You let a few more songs play while typing and re-typing a text message to the explosive boy. You finally decide on a simple, "You have a good playlist. However loud it may be. Hope you're doing ok." You hear the ding through the speaker and through the walls. There's a shuffling you assume is him moving to see your text. He replies with "Get some sleep. I know you've got stuff in the morning." You roll your eyes and type another text. "Seems like you're going through some stuff now. Wanna talk about it?" A huff is muffled by the crickets and the walls. "I like a girl, but I don't know how to tell her. I don't think I'm her type anyways." A sad smile falls across your face at his admission."Well, this girl clearly doesn't know what she's missing." A sound of confusion is your reply. Feeling a little confident, you send another text. "If I was that girl, I'd feel lucky to have your affections." It isn't long until you hear him moving out of his room to yours. Knocking on your door has you lifting yourself from the floor to answer it. "Hey dumbass get some sleep." Rolling your eyes you follow him to his door. "Hey dumbass, don't bottle everything up." His red eyes narrow and he pulls you into his room. "Guess we're both dumbasses, You'e the girl I like. I just never thought that you would like me." Shaking your head, you raise onto your tiptoes to gently give him a little peck. "Come on dork, lets get some sleep."
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froghwon · 2 years
ALRIGHT I’VE HAD ENOUGH SLEEP TO FUNCTION AS A HUMAN BEAN, and im ready to talk about the amazing time i had seeing svt yesterday!!! 😊😊
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i took some videos from the concert and saved them to this google drive folder for anyone thats interested: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1955YuE8GkDD6jw3XOwkDn5iDGaIvaf2_?usp=sharing
i’ll keep them in there until i see sunmi in september ^^
Ok rant starts below the
got to the venue early to buy merch :]
waited in line for 45 mins :’’) but managed to get a cute crop top + a pc pack ^^ (apparently jun wore the crop top during the encore??? love that for us <333)
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went to a nearby cafe that was doing a bday event for scoups for snacks <3
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tripped on a curb while walking around, and ate concrete hard 🤡🤡🤡 had to ask the employees at a boba shop for a bandaid >.< (reason why my body hurts today #1)
MET UP WITH A LOVELY ANGEL BEFORE THE SHOW 💞💞💞💞 miss Lissa, aka @wonheons
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the concert itself
the setlist was so good omg!!!!! a lot of the songs they did were fan faves and/or songs i just LOVE <333 i mean they did mostly title tracks obviously, but they did march and shadow, my fave songs on the FTS!!!! 🥰🥰
performance unit did my fav perf u song, moonwalker, the first half was rearranged to be slower, and it was ~sexy~ ^^
hhu did my fav hhu song, gam3 b01!!!! the hype was sooo real
other songs that made me go fucking ape: hot, hit, aju nice back it up, left and right, and mansae
they did aju nice in the middle, so i was worried we wouldn’t get a neverending aju nice encore, but i was fortunately proven wrong :’’)
vocal unit did a rearranged version of come to me which was absolutely gorgeous 😌
also they did imperfect love (which is not really one of my favs) and right before the bridge they’re like “come on~ you know the words, sing along!” and i felt like a highschooler being unprepared for a pop quiz like no the fuck i do not sdncksndjfkn the romanized lyrics on the big screens behind them was no help whatsoever LMAO :’’)
at the end when the lights go went down and we were chanting for an encore, my voice is absolutely shot and cracking in the middle of my screams :’’) (reason why my body hurts today #2)
the boys come to the part of the stage that’s closer to my seat, so i throw up a scrolling sign on my phone screen that says “ 부석순 2022!” (BOOSEOKSOON 2022!) in hopes that they see it, and it lights a fucking FIRE under their asses, c’mon fellas, the year is already halfway over!!!!! >.< (reason why my body hurts today #3, my arms are so sore fuck + i have a bruise on my right shoulder from falling before the concert, so it hurt to sleep on my side </3)
they did a few songs for the encore, ending with the never ending aju nice chorus (+ sometimes the bridge) and i fully went mental kjdfnksdskf jumping up and down and screaming omg (reason why my body hurts today #4) 
tldr: svt are absolutely incredible live performers (no surprise there), but getting to experience the music and see them live in the flesh, is just inexplicable 😌😌 no videos or online concerts can replicate that same feeling of excitement and connection 💗 you’d have to experience it for yourself to know >.< so i cant WAIT for the next opportunity to see them live again!!
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