#they got off (insert eruption of applause)
menlove · 4 months
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bucky-barnes-lover · 11 months
Kinktober day 16: Vaginal Fingering
Fic: Harry Styles
Harry Styles x Fem reader
Warnings: SMUT!! 18+, Vaginal fingering, Proposal/Engagement, Poorly written smut.
746 w.c
This was supposed to be a Drabble but I got a bit carried away. Not proof read because I'm tired and it's 1 am so you'll just have to deal with the spelling mistakes/errors. P.S sorry if it's really bad
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The lights flickered as I exited the stadium. Colourful feathers lay on the ground and glitter decked the seats. Happy chatter echoed throughout the building, however a couple silent tears didn't go unnoticed by me. I could tell everyone was really happy about seeing H perform his last show in Melbourne but I could also tell many of the fans were upset that the night had come to an end.
"Hi baby" I greeted, as I made my way to the dressing room at the back of the stadium.
"You sang so well tonight!" I exclaimed, planting a chaste kiss on his lips while I ran my hands through his brunette curls.
"Thanks Love, I'm so glad you could come and watch tonight." Harry admitted, returning my kiss.
Leaving him to get changed from his stage attire, I took a seat on a sofa nearby. Sarah came over to me, holding baby Scout, that she had left with her mum for the duration of the show.
"You played so well tonight Sarah" I enthused, earning a blush from the drummer.
"Thanks y/n. I'm so glad you could be here, At mine and Mitch's last show."
"I'm so sad you guys are leaving" I complained. Leaning over to give Sarah a hug and kissing baby Scout's face.
"Have fun on your break Sarah. We'll miss you here" I choked up before allowing a small sob to escape my lips.
A couple minutes later, after Sarah had scurried off to find Mitch, Harry came out of the dressing room. Dressed in a hoodie and trackies with a big smile on his face. He walked over to the sofa and took out a small velvet box out of his pocket. Kneeling down on the ground, he started,
"Y/n. You have been by my side ever since Fine Line. You have come to every single one of my Love On Tour shows in the past 3 years. You have supported me through my tough times and when I've been at my weakest. You love to cheer me on, and to make me happy. You bring the kind of joy into my world that nobody else ever has. And for this, I would love to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you with all my heart and soul. Would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" He asked as he held back tears.
I didn't know how to react. Obviously I knew the answer but the proposal had come so suddenly, I never would've guessed it would be today. Without a second thought I screamed out,
"YES H!!" "I love you with all my heart! I would love to be your wife."
A small sob escaped my lips as Harry stood up, sliding the gorgeous rose gold band on my ring finger.
He leaned in, kissing my lips passionately. Applause erupted from around us, 'Congratulations' and 'I'm so happy for you two' were heard through all the noise.
A couple hours after the proposal, Harry and I had returned to our hotel room. He had just gotten out of the shower, and I was lying on the bed in some sexy lingerie. He walked over and lay next to me on the bed. Leaning in, I kissed his lips. Within moments, it had become a full on make out sesh. Harry was grabbing my hips and grinding himself into me, I was running short of breath but didn't pull away. Moans escaped the both of us as H slid his hand down to my panties and pulled them aside. Harry broke the kiss as he whispered in my ear,
"My god darling. So wet for me already."
Sliding a finger in through my folds. My brain fogged up as he started pumping in and out of my soaking wet cunt. Going harder and harder. Removing his finger then pushing it back in without warning.
My moans got more and more desperate, and the thought of release got me screaming his name.
"Oh, H! Please, harder!" I moaned. Harry's thumb started working my clit as he inserted a second finger. He caught my lips just as I was about to let out a loud moan. Relief washed over me as my orgasm hit.
"Good girl" He said as he removed his fingers.
Harry kissed my forehead and helped clean me up. He had another shower, but this time with me. Let's just say we had some more fun in the shower. 😏
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jace-the-writer-guy · 4 years
Quick headcannon for Lillie: She became the Kanto League champion after moving there so her mother could recover.
///I really like this idea, and I wanted to do something special with it. Since I'm going off of Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon, I had to figure out something different for this and I hope you all like it. I may have gone overboard with it! Also, nothing in this is at all related to Covid-19. I just needed something to replace Lusamine's condition from the original Sun/Moon's ending///
Lillie's journey through Kanto had been insanely difficult for the last two years. Nothing at all prepared her for what would come before she started her journey. Her mother had fallen extremely ill, and it came to light that the illness came from something she had come in contact with in Ultra Space to go after Necrozma. As Lillie had heard from her girlfriend Kaitlyn soon after Lusamine had been hospitalized, Guzma had not been spared from the same illness and had been in bad condition back home in Alola. Kaitlyn herself had become sick as well, which was almost too much to bear for the hopeful Kanto champion to learn that her mother, her girlfriend, and the man she started to look at as another big brother were suffering with the same sickness. Thankfully Kaitlyn was much more resilient to the sickness, but it had still left her bedridden for a good while. Their Pokémon had been free from the illness thankfully as well. Lusamine had been taken back to the Aether Foundation as they had the most knowledge of Ultra Space, and she along with Kaitlyn and Guzma were being treated there. A renowned researcher named Bill had journeyed with them as well to try to aid in their treatment as well with the knowledge he had from personal experience .
Before Lusamine had been taken back home, she had given her daughter her Bewear to watch over her and help her begin her journey.
Both Kaitlyn and Lusamine both had urged Lillie to begin her journey and that they would both be okay, and Lillie had done so after receiving Bewear from her mother and Froslass from Kaitlyn. Her journey was extremely slow. It had taken her almost two and a half years to eventually earn her final badge. From what she had heard recently, Kaitlyn was doing well while in the last stages of recovery, and Guzma and Lusamine both were on the road to recovery but were still rather weak. But just the thought of the three recovering well filled Lillie with burning determination as she went through the Elite Four with Bewear, Froslass, and her other Pokémon by her side.
"Well well... it looks like you've beaten me..."
The words had come from Kanto's recent champion, the former champion of the Sinnoh league, Cynthia just moments after Garchomp had fainted following a final Ice Beam from the Froslass and before she returned Garchomp to his ball. Lillie was speechless along with the crowd filling the stadium's seats. She was down to just Froslass after she returned Bewear to his ball when he finally fainted after defeating three of Cynthia's Pokémon. It had been a difficult battle as the thoughts of her mother, girlfriend, and Guzma flowed through her mind. She knew she just couldn't lose this battle, and she didn't.
"I-I won?" Lillie asked in disbelief.
Cynthia grinned an nodded. "You did. You've shown your trust in your Pokémon and they've shown theirs in you. Lillie, you are the new champion of the Kanto Pokémon League."
There was nothing Lillie could do to keep from erupting in cheers for herself as she ran to hug Kaitlyn's tired Froslass and the crowd began to erupt in cheers and applause of their own as well. "Frossss..." Came the reaction from the ice type Pokémon, and Lillie hugged her a bit tighter.
"Thank you for trusting me, Froslass," Kaitlyn said, tears beginning to form in her eyes, "We have so much to tell Kaitlyn and mom when we see them again."
Cynthia stepped forward and placed her hand on Lillie's shoulder after the noise from the crowd had died down. "As a mother and as a friend of Lusamine's, it hurts me to know that you've gone through the pain you have of knowing what happened to her. She's going to be so proud of you when you show her that you've become champion, and I'm willing to bet your girlfriend is going to be over the moon in joy."
Lillie looked up to Kanto's former champion and blinked away tears. "Th-thank you, Cynthia."
"Now, let's go to the back and get your Pokémon healed and get you registered as champion."
Lillie nodded and returned Froslass to her ball, and she followed Cynthia from the center of the stadium to the Hall of Fame. There she saw the hanging banners of all past Kanto champions including Blue, Red, and Cynthia herself. Cynthia had Lillie place all her pokéballs into the recovery/record machine, and all of them began to pop up onto the screen above it as they were healed and recorded into the Hall of Fame. Clefairy, Ribombee, Blastoise, Umbreon, Bewear, and Froslass. Lillie couldn't help but smile as she saw them appear on the screen, and she inserted her trainer card into the card reader for her own information before placing her hand on a screen.
Cynthia couldn't keep a smile from growing on her face as Lillie was entered into the Hall of Fame. She knew something that Lillie didn't. "Congratulations on your victory, Lillie. Some would say a team like yours wouldn't be able to make it here, let alone make it to the Elite Four, but those people are wrong. All Pokémon are strengthened by the will of their own trainers, and any can achieve great things alongside their trainer. You and your team earned this victory, and you've all earned every ounce of my respect."
Lillie was essentially beaming from the praise she received from Cynthia. She felt her body shivering in excitement and pride. "What will you do now that you aren't Kanto's champion anymore?"
Cynthia hummed in thought. "I think I'll take a vacation to Alola for a little while, and then journey to Johto to become champion there next."
Lillie smiled at the answer. "Good luck, Cynthia."
"Thank you. Now let's go face the crowd again."
Cynthia led Lillie out of the Hall of Fame after the new champion retrieved her Pokémon, and the bright lights of the stadium blinded her for a moment before her eyes adjusted to them. The night sky was beautiful and filled with stars as the full moon was high in the sky, and the crowd began to erupt in cheers once more as Lillie and Cynthia reappeared and on the display, all of Lillie's team were shown. Lillie looked around at the crowd cheering her name for a moment before her eyes fell on the center of the arena.
And she gasped.
There in what seemed to be good health were Lusamine and Kaitlyn, both of them smiling from ear to ear at her with the former looking quite thin still as she was using a wheelchair to aid her. Lillie thought she was hallucinating from the adrenaline that was coursing through her, but it was real. Her mother and her girlfriend were there. She saw Lusamine say something to Kaitlyn, and the Alolan champion made her way toward Lillie at a fast pace. Lillie ran for Kaitlyn in kind and the two soon embraced in in a tight hug as the crowd slowly quieted down to give the two their moment.
Tears began to stream down both girls' faces as the two began to cry tears of absolute joy, finally able to be with each other again after such a long time. Their embrace lasted for well over a minute in silence, the two just crying into each other's shoulders, uncaring as the whole of the Kanto region were watching them either in the stadium or from their homes. Eventually, the two separated from the hug, their hands on each other's shoulders as they looked each other in the eyes. Then, they leaned forward and shared a soft, comforting kiss while two pokéballs on Lillie's waist began to shake violently. The two ended their kiss as both Froslass and Bewear exited their pokéballs in the presence of their original trainers. As Bewear ran to Lusamine, Froslass was hugged by Kaitlyn in a warm embrace.
"Fross! Froslass!" Froslass exclaimed as she was hugged by her trainer.
Several more moments ticked by as the reunion took place, and Kaitlyn finally found the strength to speak. "I'm... r-really happy to see you again, Lillie. And y-you too, Froslass."
Lillie sniffled a few times as she looked at her girlfriend, still in shock to see her. "Y-you're really here... I-I'm happy t-to see you too, Katie. I-I thought you were still recovering..."
Kaitlyn shook her head, smiling brightly still. "Not me. I'm symptom free, except for a little weakness in my knees. Lusamine is still really weak, but she didn't want to miss you becoming champion. You did amazing, sweetie."
"A-and Guzma?"
"Same shape as your mom. The last I saw, he was kicking up a fuss every time the Aether employees walk him around to get his strength back."
Lillie couldn't help but giggle at that. "S-sounds like him. Is... that sickness contagious?"
Kaitlyn quickly shook her head. "Nope. Bill found that out when Guzma coughed in his face on accident. All the Aether employees are okay, and all our Pokémon are still okay too."
"That's really good to hear..." Lillie breathed a sigh of relief at the information.
She then looked past her girlfriend towards her mother, who was quietly speaking with Cynthia. She stepped past Kaitlyn and approached her mother. The two noticed her and Cynthia stepped away to let the two speak. When Lillie got to Lusamine, she just knelt down and hugged her mother tightly as she did with Kaitlyn. Lusamine shuddered a bit, but she smiled again before weakly returning the embrace.
"You did it, Lillie..." Lusamine murmured in her daughter's ear, "I knew you could."
"I-I missed you s-s-so much, m-mom..." Lillie said, tears falling from her eyes once more as she cried into Lusamine's shoulder.
"I've missed you too," Lusamine shakily reached a hand up and placed it on the back of Lillie's head, "In that bed I laid in for the last two years, all I could do was listen to Gladion read the updates you sent every day. It gave us all the strength to keep fighting, even Guzma though he'd never admit it. You gave us all a reason to fight that virus."
"I-I'm so glad you're all okay. I was so worried that I might not see any of you ever again... I-I-I was so s-scared..."
The fear in Lillie's voice broke the dam that held back Lusamine's tears, and the Aether President began to cry tears of absolute relief, and the last remnants of her fear vanished. "I was scared of that too. I spent so long being blinded by what happened to your father that I lost my connection with you and Gladion, and I did such horrible things. I was scared that I would never be able to mend my bonds with you both... Now that fear is absolutely gone, and I'm happy to have that chance again."
Lillie sniffled a bit more and buried her face in Lusamine's shoulder even more. "I-I love you, m-mom. I-I always have."
"I love you too, Lillie. I'm so sorry for everything I put both you and Gladion through..." Lusamine pulled away from Lillie and looked her in the eyes, and she smiled, "I-I am so, s-so proud of you. You've grown to be such a strong, beautiful young woman and I'm so proud to call you my daughter. I wish I could have been here through your entire journey."
Lillie smiled and wiped tears from her eyes before hugging Lusamine again, and then Bewear wrapped his large arms around them both to hug them. "Weeaaaar!" He exclaimed in happiness, knowing that Lusamine was okay.
"Two champions that are girlfriends..." Cynthia remarked from a short distance away to Kaitlyn, who was still hugging her Froslass, "I don't think I've ever heard of that before."
Kaitlyn was smiling widely at the sight before her and she wiped tears away from her eyes. "I knew she could do it one day. I just really wish me and Lusamine could have been here for her."
"But you're here for her now in her greatest moment, making it even greater. That's what matters the most."
"Yeah... you're right."
"And you both were always with her in her heart and her thoughts, and through the Pokémon you both trusted her with."
Kaitlyn went over to Lillie and Lusamine after Bewear had finally let them go, and she and Lillie shared another kiss. "I'm really proud of you too, Lillie. You did amazing."
"I have you to thank for it," Lillie replied, "Without Froslass and Bewear, I don't think I could have won. And without you saving me on that bridge and giving me the inspiration to become a trainer... I would have never been here to be able to have this moment. Thank you for everything, Kaitlyn. I can't believe it's been almost five years since then."
"Neither can I. I love you."
"I love you too-gaah!" Lillie was caught off guard when Bewear pulled them both and Lusamine into another hug.
Cynthia chuckled at that and turned to face the crowd that all of them had nearly forgotten about in the moment. "Ladies and gentlemen, your new champion!" She motioned toward the middle of the group hug, "Lillie!"
The crowd began to cheer once more and if the stadium had a roof, it would have surely been blown off. The end of the Kanto League Challenge was capped off in one of the greatest moments in its history, the reunion of the new champion with two of those closest to her that had been battling an unknown and very debilitating sickness for the last two years as the crowd had discovered.
It was a special moment for all to witness, but it was even more special for Lillie, Lusamine, and Kaitlyn.
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teamhook · 4 years
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I want to thank @captainswanmoviemarathon and Discord. My co-writer @revanmeetra87
I want to also thank @ultraluckycatnd for Beta-ing thiis thing for us.
Jefferson's broken leg was on a sling. His arm was in a cast. He wasn't in the best condition but he knew if he didn't get Killian back home he would be worse off. He would disappear. The TV kept reminding him that he needed to get out of the hospital ASAP. There were reports the elevators had either stopped working completely or malfunctioning. He had firsthand experience that is why he is in a hospital bed and not at home preparing his Nobel Prize speech. He had tried to charm the nurse to let him leave the hospital but failed miserably. Nurse Ratched told him he had to be released by Doctor Hyde. Jefferson didn't realize that she had come in to check on him earlier and overheard his entire conversation with Emma. She was concerned that he was crazy and suicidal.
Emma was getting ready for her day at work. The sudden ring of the fire alarm startled her. She could hear her neighbors yelling and Cat's frantic barks. She decided to check it out.
Killian had attempted to make breakfast and chaos had erupted, the fire alarm blared, smoke filled the apartment. Cat's barking got louder. As Emma entered she yelled, "Cat shut up!" She turned off the alarm, and opened the window to air out the apartment.
Killian glared. "That thing is a bloody hazard."
"It's just a toaster!" She glared back at Killian.
"That thing does not produce toast! One insertion only produces warm bread and two insertions produce charcoal!" he yelled.
Emma rolled her eyes, this man was a drama queen. "It's just a toaster." She repeats annoyedly.
Killian was pacing back and forth ranting, "You would think that when the General of Electric built the bloody thing he would test it, for him to take pride in his creations instead of just foisting them on the public without warning!"
"You know what, no one cares if they have to insert the toast twice. You know why? Because we all insert it twice!"
He took a step forward, he looked like a hunter going after its prey. He didn't stop until they were toe to toe. "Not where I come from!"
For a second Emma felt a rush, then she squared her shoulders. "Oh no, of course not because where you come from, toast is the result of reflection and study."
"Aye, you mock me, but perhaps one day, when you're awoken from a pleasurable slumber to the scent of a warm brioche smothered in marmalade and fresh creamery butter you'll understand that life is not solely comprised of tasks, but tastes."
Emma's smile widened. "Say that again."
Killian was baffled at her sudden change in demeanor. "Pardon me?"
"Nevermind, you'll be perfect." She looked him up and down. "Good, you're dressed. Come on, you're coming with me."
Killian followed her without question.
Emma and Killian arrived at her work, but not without some stares directed at Killian's wardrobe.
Emma had called Mary Margaret to meet them at the door. Just as requested, Mary Margaret was waiting for them. She greeted them as soon as they walked inside. "Emma, we've been waiting for you. We had-" She looked at the list, "five read so far-"
Emma shook her head. "Mary Margaret, meet Killian. Please take him to the greenroom; I want him to read." Mary Margaret smiled at Killian and nodded.
"Killian, this is Mary Margaret. Go with her and she will explain everything."
Killian and Mary Margaret disappeared down the hall.
Emma walked to the control room. Her boss was chatting up the client, so she went over to the monitors. There were women smiling and batting their lashes as they gazed into the screen with Killian on it.
The client, Mr. Spencer, was frustrated and finally said, "Walsh, I don't have time for this."
Emma responded, "Mr. Spencer, let's look at this last one."
Walsh Oz shakes his head. "Emma, the client said he wants to stop."
"Walsh, trust me, this is the one," Emma said with confidence.
"What is he wearing?" Walsh scrunched up his nose. "He looks like the Quaker Oats guy."
"Well, it doesn't really matter what you think. What really matters is what the ladies think. They love him. To them he is a dream. He's honest, courteous, handsome; a true gentleman. He stands up when you walk in a room. He brings you brioche in bed. If you eat his margarine, maybe your hips will shrink."
In the greenroom, Killian fidgeted under the scrutiny of the director's eyes.
"Mr. Duke, do you see that mark on the floor?"
Killian nodded.
"You need to stand on that tape line," the director said. "Okay, everyone quiet! And action!"
Killian stayed quiet with the rest of the room.
The director stared at him and rolled his eyes. "Mr. Duke, this is the part when you start talking."
Killian turned his gaze to the monitor and with a raised eyebrow, his blue eyes twinkled under the light. "Fresh creamery butter. Is there anything more comforting? I say there is. You'll agree once you sample fat-free Farmer's Bounty with the genuine essence of creamery butter in every bite. You shall receive butter's splendid flavour in your mouth without adding to the luxury of your waistline."
Mr. Spencer laughed boisterously. "Where do I sign?"
Walsh leaned in to whisper in Emma's ear. "Where did you find him?"
Emma took a step away. "Oh, he lives in my building."
Killian waited patiently by the door while Emma gave Mary Margaret some last minute instructions.
Walsh Oz walked out of the stairwell. He smirked as he noticed Emma was still in the building. "What's the deal with the elevators?" he asked no one in particular. He slowly approached her from behind, and smelled her hair. She stiffened. "Emma, we have so much to discuss over dinner tonight."
Oh yeah, Emma though. I'd forgotten about that. She tried to smile. "Yes, we do. I look forward to it."
Killian's jaw clenched at the display of power abuse and the obvious discomfort it caused Emma. Walsh grinned as Emma walked up to Killian so they could leave. "Nice job, Mr. Margarine," Walsh said as the glass doors closed behind them.
Once they're outside, Emma turned to Killian with a bright smile. She started dancing.
Amused, Killian smiled. "You look pleased."
"Killian, you did an amazing job in there! You are going to be famous!"
Killian simply smiled. "I take it you're dining with that man this evening?"
Emma's smile disappeared. "Yes, he's my boss, Walsh."
"Do you require a chaperone? His intentions are obvious," Killian asked.
"I'm alone with you, do I need a chaperone?" Emma rolled her eyes.
"Emma, we're not courting but if we were, as a man of honor, I would inform you of my intentions in writing."
"I don't need saving. No one saves me but me. Don't worry about it," Emma said, slightly annoyed.
Emma walked in front of him. Killian could tell she was miffed at him, so he kept a small distance from her. A horse carriage caught his eye. He patted the horse and turned to Emma. "How about we take one of these?"
She shook her head no. "Those are for tourists."
Killian smiled at the kind old man. "I'm sorry sir, she's not interested."
The man kindly grinned back. "No worries."
Emma raised her hand, and Killian watched her until one of the powered carriages - cars, he remembered - screeched to a halt at their side. It is bright yellow with some black trim, just like the one they used as transport earlier, but it appeared to have a different coachman.
"All right," Emma said as she opened the car door, "We're probably going to need a bank account number and possibly a birth certificate from you before we start filming. Legality and all. So if you could just drop the 'back in time' act for a few minutes and track them down for m-"
From behind them, a man in a billed cap darted forward and jerked Emma's reticule from her hands, then rushed across the street.
"Hey!" Emma shouted, enraged. "That's my purse!"
Emma took flight after the scumbag thief. "Hey asshole! That's my bag! I'm gonna get you, you ass!" She chased after him while wearing the most uncomfortable shoes. He was fast, but she was not about to give up.
She stopped for a brief second to catch her breath. She doesn't want to lose him and was about to restart her chase once more when she heard galloping hooves which confused her. She then heard her name being called out. That's when she noticed him. It was Killian riding a horse and he was fast approaching her.
"Emma, give me your hand," Killian instructed once he reached her.
She gave him her hand and he easily pulled her on the horse as they broke into full gallop in pursuit of the thief.
Emma held on to Killian tight as he maneuvered the animal. The chase didn't last long. They cornered the lowlife rapidly. "I warn you, scoundrel. You stand no chance. When you run, I shall ride and when you stop, the steel of this strap will be lodged in your brain."
The thief had nowhere to run so he just threw the purse on the ground and took flight. A sudden onslaught of cheering and applause erupted from their previously unknown audience. Killian unmounted to retrieve the purse. Emma simply stared at him as she tried to ignore the butterflies in her stomach.
Soon enough, they find themselves back at the corner where the chase began. Killian hooked the horse back up to the carriage as the older man smiled at Emma. "Your boyfriend is a great rider."
Emma smiled. "Yes, he is."
On the ride home, they sat quietly in the carriage.
"Are you for real?" Emma asked.
"Pardon?" Killian responded with a raised brow.
"You're a Duke?" Emma asked.
"I was born a Duke, but I never felt like one," Killian smiled.
Back at the apartment, Emma was getting ready for her dinner with Walsh. She noticed the interactions between Cat and Killian.
Cat was eagerly waiting for her next command from Killian with a wagging tail.
"Stay...Sit. On your feet… Stay… Stay… Good girl," Killian said with a triumphant smile.
Emma can't help as her eyes drifted to Killian. He was a good looking man after all and she wasn't blind. He was distracting, but she had to focus. Dinner equals promotion.
"What are you guys doing tonight?" Emma asked.
David's attention was glued to the game on TV and he mumbled under his breath, "we might meet up with some of my friends."
"Alright, I'm off to dinner then," Emma said.
"Emma, please reconsider my offer to chaperone," Killian begged.
Emma rolled her eyes. "I can take care of myself."
"David, don't you think it's inappropriate-" Killian asked as he helped Emma put on her coat.
"As her brother, I would think my sister would invite me to an audition," David said, outraged.
Emma sighed. "David, you're not exactly margarine material. I'm sorry."
"What!? I can't sell butter? Emma, I'm a great actor. I can sell butter! It's insulting that my own sister has no faith in me."
"Yes, David you are an amazing actor but-"
"Is it the accent? I can do British, Emma. Hell I can be anyone." David continued ranting as Emma turned to Killian. "Good night." She opened the door and lingered for a second before walking away.
Killian gazed after her with a small smile.
Emma and Walsh are seated and he ordered some drinks for them.
After the waiter left, his attention turned to her. "Emma, I have to admit I was nervous for you. When your friend walked in wearing that outfit, saying 'if you eat this margarine your hips will shrink'," Walsh laughed.
Emma smiled. "I was just doing my job."
"He is going to be bigger than Mr. Whipple. You're not sleeping with him are you?" he asked.
"No." She shook her head, yet at the tip of her tongue was a comment about it not being his business. Sometimes she had to remind herself to play nice.
Killian and David decided to go out and meet some friends. "Hey guys, this is Killian," David announced.
Killian smiled as he greeted everyone.
His companions were enthralled by his voice as Killian made a comment about how the best things in life are hidden in the basement of the Louvre.
David excused himself to go to the bar and get drinks where he bumped into a dressed up Mary Margaret out for a girls night out.
Killian noticed the interaction and David's obvious attempt at flirting. so he excused himself to get a closer look. Before he could get closer, though, the connection had been cut short and they returned to their respective parties. Killian stopped Mary Margaret to greet her as David caught their exchange on his way back to the table with the drinks.
Before anyone was aware of it, the evening came to its inevitable end. Killian and David were walking home and David stopped walking. Killian turned to him to see what the problem was as David started talking in a mocking voice...
"Please, allow me to assist you, Abigail."
"Oh, please, allow me to light that for you, Merida."
"What's this? Ah, this is my family crest. It has been in the family for generations."
"What do they have in the basement of the Louvre? The works of Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Chardin, David all surrounded by great coral sponges to absorb the moisture."
Killian was confused by his friend's behavior.
"Not all women are going to swoon over your-" David pointed up and down Killian's form.
Killian studied his friend, trying to understand David's point.
"I was going to get her number but-"
"I believe this is her number," Killian said as he handed his friend the paper. "Mary Margaret has no inkling of your affections. You are a Merry Andrew. Women respond to sincerity. This requires pulling one's tongue from one's cheek. No one wants to be romanced by a baboon. Here's her number and give her a call tomorrow. It's late now and Emma should be home by now."
"Wait, you like her." Realization dawned on David's face. "You really like my sister!"
"David, that's nonsense. You're intoxicated," Killian said as he scratched behind his ear.
"Now who's the Merry-Andrew? You know, Emma is having dinner not long from here. We should go and you can show me the proper way to make a move."
Killian sighed. "Not a move David, an overture. Make your intentions known. Think of pleasing her, not vexing her."
"Fine, no vexing. Come on let's go." David smiled as he pulled Killian in the direction of the restaurant.
Emma cleared her throat. "I have to confess I'm a bit confused. When you mentioned dinner, I was under the impression that we were here to discuss business, a possible promotion even." She sighed. "Dinner is winding down and we have yet to discuss those things. We've talked about your love of La Boheme, and the lovely place you purchased in Sussex."
Walsh gave her his best attempt at a seductive smile. "I don't believe I've ever seen you this flustered Emma, and you haven't even kissed me yet."
Emma fought the urge to roll her eyes. "Right. I like you, Walsh, I do. But I think you would agree that a working relationship- a successful working relationship, requires-"
"Hello, Emma!" David's cheery voice interrupted. "We found you."
Jumping in her seat, Emma turned to see her brother suddenly hovering beside the table. "David?" she asked in disbelief.
"We wanted to say hi," David explained, then proceeded to introduce himself to her boss.
"We?" Emma thought, before realizing Killian was standing at her side.
"Emma," he said in a low, earnest voice as his eyes searched hers. "May I speak to you in private?"
Her mouth fell open. "Seriously? No!"
But Walsh was already inviting the two to pull up seats and join them.
"Where, exactly, did you say it is?" Killian asked Walsh with a cocked eyebrow.
"Sussex, near Ballmour," Walsh said with offhanded superiority.
"Built in the 18th century?" Killian reiterated Walsh's earlier words.
"Early 18th century," Walsh emphasized, with a look at Emma. Killian could almost see the man puffing out his chest with pride. "I have pictures to prove it."
"Well," Killian said, thinking of the empty, rolling green and scattered trees of the area as he knew it. "I do believe you were swindled. I can assure you, as of the late 19th century, there is nothing in the area but farmland."
"You're mistaken," Walsh said immediately. "That's not possible."
Emma quickly jumped in. "He's right; you may be mistaken, Killian!" she hissed. "You don't know-"
Irritation rising due to the fact she was defending the cretin who was so obviously looking to take advantage of her, Killian snapped back. "I was raised there, I do know."
Clearing his throat to break up the discussion, Walsh changed the subject. "Killian, do you enjoy opera?"
Still stinging from Emma's words, Killian plastered a smile on his face. "Oh, indeed. Do you have a favorite?"
Raising his eyes to the ceiling, as if thinking deeply, Walsh finally said, "Boheme. La Boheme. I've seen it 12 times. That's...that is how I learned to speak French."
From the corner of his eye, Killian could see Emma's eyes widen with surprise. Clearly she was impressed, or pretending to be.
Now the irritation grew to ire, and Killian could feel it gnawing at him. He knew he should just let it go, but suddenly he heard himself making a statement in French.
Emma looked to Walsh. "What did he say?"
As Killian had expected, Walsh was sitting there dumbstruck, only managing to croak out a small scoffing noise.
Killian translated the phrase, explaining it was the opening words to Boheme - a duet.
Still slightly stunned, Walsh managed to jump back in and tell the table that Andre sang it to Mimi.
Unable to believe what he was hearing, Killian laughed softly. "Andre?"
Now recovering, Walsh lifted his head. "Yes, I invited Emma to the Met to see it. But she turned me down! Can you believe that, Killian?"
Voice tight, Killian said, "True, it should not be missed by anyone. But perhaps Emma resists on moral grounds."
Emma groaned softly, lowering her head into her hands.
Walsh narrowed his eyes. "How so?"
"Let's get the check!" Emma said hastily, but nobody answered her.
"Well," Killian said, staring at Walsh challengingly, "some feel that to court a woman in one's employ is nothing but a serpentine effort to make a lady fall from grace."
Silence fell over the table, though David was trying to hide his grin.
Finally, Walsh said stiffly, "This guy is charming, Emma. The Duke of Margarine thinks I'm a serpent."
"No, not a serpent," Killian corrected. "Merely a braggart and cad, who knows less French than I, if that is possible." Pushing back his seat, Killian rose and collected his jacket. "And by the way, there is no Andre in Boheme. It's Rodolfo. And though it takes place in France, it is rarely played in French as it is written in Italian. Good night."
Knowing he had made himself a fool, and facing the possibility that Emma would never speak to him again, Killian still turned on his heel and stalked out of the restaurant.
Back at the apartment, Killian and David waited for Emma's return. At the click of the door's lock unlocking, Killian rushed to the door.
Emma opened the door and breezed in, ignoring Killian's plea for a word.
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Join Forces
this-song-thats-only-for-you said:
Congrats bb for reaching the milestone of 4k followers. I'm sitting here trying to think of a dare... and I think I may have figured one or two out. I dare you to insert DAY6 (any or all members) into either... your Airforce7 world or your King Of Demons world. I feel either would suffice in torturing us all. I love you, and everything that you write. You deserve to share your creations with the world.
Pairing: Brian Kang x reader (ft. Day6 and Got7)
World: Airforce7 (you can read HERE)
Genre: pilot au / friends to lovers / fluff
Warnings: a whole lot of pilots for just one story >_<
A/N: this was actually really fun, though I did struggle to get enough “air time” for everyone (I’m sorry okay!) in both forces. Still, it was really cute and I hope you enjoy their friendly competition!
For those who followed the Af7 series, this story fits in timeline wise between Poster Boy and Fly Away With Me.
Word count: 3579
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The dance hall was lively enough but when Brian stood up and headed towards the stage with his friends, several hollers and whistles increased the noise within the room. He couldn’t help but grin, gesturing to the bassist if he could take over, moving beside the standing instrument and looking over at Jae slinging the guitar strap over his head. Staring out into the forming crowd, Brian noticed you watching on and he jerked his head in direction of the stage, asking you to get up here and join them.
It was tradition, after all.
“Should I sing for you boys today?” you wondered as you took Sungjin’s outstretched hand, climbing up and shooting Dowoon a wink. “It’s been what, three months since you’ve been here?”
“Shoot us for being busy,” Brian replied with a chuckle and your ruby lips spread into a smile just for him.
Jae chuckled. “I’m trying not to be shot at all, thanks. But come on Y/N, for old time’s sakes. Everyone’s waiting for us.”
“Well, we can’t miss the opportunity to put on a good show now, can we? Sungjin, are you ready?” The fellow singer nodded and then you glanced at Wonpil who playfully hit the keys on the piano to let you know he was prepared to go all out. Turning to Dowoon, you nodded once. “Count us in then!”
The dance floor erupted with energetic moves as the bass thumped around the room and Jae played dizzy inducing riffs. Wonpil was bouncing around too much in his seat that he kicked it back, playing the piano excitedly and singing along.
There was no place better than this on Earth.
After performing two more songs, Brian noticed the music had dragged newcomers in from the streets, the uniforms looking out of place even though they matched the same as his own. He glanced in your direction and you nodded, hitting your note effortlessly thereafter.
You were already putting on a show, but there was no harm in starting the competition early. Eventually, the set ended and the room broke out into rowdy applause, Brian laughing as he was jostled by his fellow men, thanking them as he weaved his way back to the table for his drink.
“Not bad,” an all too familiar voice commented and Brian glanced up to see the seven men now standing before him and his friends. He chuckled as reached out to touch the insignia on Brian’s shirt and nodded with satisfaction. “A Lieutenant now, huh?”
“Someone had to get up on par with you, Im Jaebum.”
“But are you really as good of a team as us?”
“Wang’s right, have you learned to dance yet, Jaehyung?” Yugyeom, the youngest of the formidable AIRFORCE7 task force enquired with a cheeky grin, clicking his feet together in tune to the music.
Youngjae let out a hearty laugh and nodded. “I can hold a tune just as well so maybe I should get up there and get singing too?”
“Ey, it’s all a little bit of fun, there’s no need to bring in the competition until we’re on the tarmac boys,” Sungjin, the leader of their squadron announced, patting Mark’s arm in a friendly manner. “Let us enjoy the evening before we take you down in the skies.”
“Big words for a guy who can’t even dance,” BamBam mentioned, winking down at one of the ladies sitting at the table nearby. Emily got up and graced the man with a smile, leaning into BamBam’s face ever so slightly before moving to take Sungjin’s hand.
“Who says my man can’t dance?”
“Oh, so it’s on!” Jackson exclaimed, clapping his hands together and shrugging off his jacket and hat. He was soon out finding someone to dance with, several of the other members following suit.
Brian glanced down at Jae who had taken Emily’s seat. “What are you doing?”
“Not dancing?”
“Do we dance, Becky?”
The woman beside him curled up her lips and shrugged. “Do we, Jae?”
“No, I don’t think as a pilot it’s in my job description to know how to dance.”
“Are you on working hours right now?” Wonpil wondered with a roll of his eyes, tugging on Sarah’s hand to get her up from the table. “Besides, do you want to let Yugyeom have his glory just like last year?”
“I’d rather keep my dignity,” his fellow friend announced and Becky giggled.
“Which is where? Weren’t you trying to lose that the other day with-”
“Would you look at that, maybe I might just get these feet of mine to dance!” Jae stated with a hasty laugh, dragging his girlfriend out onto the floor with him, trying to find the most inconspicuous spot to fail within. Dowoon was shyly asking some of the ladies to dance with him and that left Brian staring down at you drinking and trying to avoid his gaze entirely.
“Oh no, I’m done for the night. I sang for you, don’t go begging for anything else, soldier.”
“Are you really going to let me look like a fool?” he questioned and you finally looked up at him, smirking as you nodded. He groaned loudly. “Y/N!”
“You can’t expect your good looks and charm to work on all the ladies. I grew up with you, remember. I know all about you, and that boyish stare of yours is not compelling me to dance with you. Any other girl would be thrilled to have your attention so go find someone else. After all, I’m still annoyed with you for not writing me once when you were away on training.”
He didn’t move, still outstretching his hand at you. “So do your longest friend a favour before this war comes our way.”
“That is a low blow and you know it.”
“You know I’m coming home again, so trust in me, won’t you?” he argued, yanking you to your feet and over to the dance floor. “I’m a great pilot.”
“You’re a dreadful dancer.”
“Well, at least we can say we tried and isn’t this weekend all about putting in our best effort?”
You laughed. “Brian, I’m not the one competing in this year’s race like you are. I don’t have to put in any effort.”
“And you won’t have to use any skill in dancing with me,” another voice offered, tapping Brian on the shoulder. You looked up into the eyes of the pilot standing there, Park Jinyoung smiling graciously at you. Brian wanted to laugh, you sure put up a fuss about his charms and yet the steadily growing blush on your cheeks proved just how easily you could fall for a man.
Brian only gripped at your waist more firmly.
“Y/N has a dancing partner, find your own, Park.”
Jinyoung chuckled. “I think we still have unfinished business from last year, don’t you?”
“I uh…” Glancing between your friend and the enticement of his competition, you groaned. “This is why I don’t dance. Why don’t you both partner with each other and stop trying to give a lady a headache?”
“Now, why would I want to do that?” Jinyoung mused, slipping his hand into yours that came away from Brian’s shoulder all too easily. “We all know that Kang here can’t dance and we established you and I can together last time. Won’t you give me just one dance, Y/N?”
“You’re fraternising with the enemy!” Brian grumbled as you managed to be torn away from him, leaving him staring after you bitterly.
He might have lost today, but tomorrow he’d show him just how good of a pilot he was compared.
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The skies were clear, a light breeze being the only concern over the horizon. There was already a lot of bustle within the hangar; the members of the base’s task force team were hard at work making sure their mustangs were ready for the big event of the day.
It was sometimes hard to keep the morale up in the air force, especially with how the war was shaping up overseas. It was a reality they would end up flying into sooner than later, and ensuring everyone was ready to do so to protect the nation was all the pilots thought of day in and out.
Except for one day each year.
“She’s ready to fly, don’t you think?” Dowoon announced, slapping a hand onto the side of the wing, tapping at it with an energetic tune from last night. Brian grinned as he nodded.
“You better take that Crazy Horse down a peg or two. It’s not the only Trick Pony in the skies now.”
The youngest member of the team chuckled, glancing at the name on the nose of his plane before ducking under the wing to continue with final checks.
The night had ended with all the men laughing together, the drinks had been good and the company even better. Although the friendly competition always brought out the worse in them, they knew it had its time and place and after announcing Jae still didn’t have what it took to dance his way into any finals but was the best with a guitar, they had called it even for each team.
“What are you going to do though?” Mark asked Sungjin before they parted ways, smiling a little too much to sound truly concerned. “Mayday-Six is a five team squadron now. Airforce-Seven has two members up on you, Park. Gonna make two men run twice? I don’t know, I just feel sorry for you having to work harder.”
“Harder? You do know that anyone of the cadets here could take out BamBam without trying too hard? Maybe I’ll take one on for the day.”
“Y/N could probably fly better than he could,” Wonpil bravely bolstered, getting an elbow in his side from his girlfriend Sarah before her friend could react.
Jinyoung smirked, nodding along with this thought. “I wouldn’t mind seeing this actually.”
“Hey! I take offence to that!” BamBam told his fellow member, who merely laughed in satisfaction.
“You’d be worried then, Jinyoung,” you told him, fixing the collar of his shirt before smiling at your best friend. “I might get too excited and want to take you on next.”
Brian couldn’t help but grin as he replayed the way the man had stopped smiling, his ears filling with the laughter from last night’s memory.
And soon with your voice this morning too. “Ready for today, pilots?!”
“There will be no maydays called through either, we’re keeping this safe. That name of yours always makes me so uneasy,” Sarah stated as she handed out muffins to those who wanted something to eat. Brian took the freshly brewed coffee from your hand and smiled.
“You know me too well.”
“I figured you’d be too busy making sure the planes are ready without putting enough fuel into yourself.”
“Now I’ll be more than ready to fly.”
“Can’t you fly in your sleep?” Becky wondered as she passed by, attempting to climb up to Jae in the cockpit. She soon gave up and instructed him to get down.
“Only thirty minutes until the first race begins, right?” Emily asked and Sungjin nodded frantically, kissing her on the cheek before darting over to the second plane in the hangar and checking it over. “Don’t be nervous, it’s just a friendly match between base camps.”
“Though you’re going to make Yugyeom suffer for laughing at us, Jae.”
“Yes ma’am. Last night it got personal. Time to make sure he regrets flying against me and my beast.”
Becky rolled her eyes. “You say the most foolish of things; I don’t know why I love you.”
“But you do.”
“Guys, can you stop making me feel lonely? Take the lovey-dovey stuff out of the hangar already,” Dowoon whined, his tone thick with jealousy.
“Brian’s single too,” Wonpil pointed out with a chuckle and he glanced over at his youngest friend. “You don’t hear him complaining like you always are.”
“I need you to do me a favour,” you said as the other ladies went to leave to take their place along the sidelines, calling for you to follow them out. Glancing after them, you then smiled up at Brian.
“What is it?”
“Beat Park Jinyoung for me.”
He grinned. “After last night, I was intending on it.”
“If you beat anyone else, I’ll just see you as being cocky.”
“Isn’t that how you view me anyway?”
You tried to hide your smile. “Do you best, soldier.”
Reaching up, you brushed your lips over his cheek, stunning him as his skin grew warm. You then rushed off, giggling with your friends and Brian almost doubled over when Sungjin slapped him on the shoulder. “Looks like he’s not so single now, Dowoon.”
“Snap to it, Kang. You heard Y/N, we need to beat them!” Wonpil added on, clicking his fingers in Brian’s face.
“Mayday-Six will not face the same fate as last year. We might be two down compared to their team, but we’ve got enough skill to prove that in this war, there’s a place for both elite forces.”
“Well, the more the merrier, isn’t that what Cap says?” Jae announced with a cringe, and the four others all groaned and pushed him away. “What? We’re training to go to war and the way people are falling out of the skies over there, they’ll want more pilots as good as us.”
“Today it’s a different kind of war,” Sungjin replied with a smile, pulling the team back into focus. “Let’s make ourselves proud, men!”
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It didn’t start out as well as they hoped, both leaders of each team going against one other. The race was a game of speed, both in who could get up faster than the other and then who could make it around the set track the fastest. Sungjin had been just behind Jaebum in each part, the disappointment evident on his face when he leapt out of his plane.
Jae, however, had been easily able to take on Mark, running across the turf to where Becky stood after winning and picking her up victoriously. Dowoon managed to just inch ahead of Jackson at the last second, boosting the team’s excitement and putting further pressure on Brian when he rolled his plane up to the starting line next to Jinyoung’s. They were easy well-matched, both pilots extremely good at what they did. It was the type of race Brian wanted most, knowing when he went up against BamBam next that it would be like taking candy from a baby.
But with Jinyoung, Brian could be as confident as he wanted to be. Still, it would come down to the flight itself.
“May the best pilot win, Kang,” he heard radioed through and he looked over at Jinyoung, nodding once. “I’m going to ask Y/N to date me if I win today.”
“Don’t you know she’s already a taken woman?” Brian replied, and Jinyoung laughed happily. “She doesn’t do long-distance well either.”
“You better not get caught up away in this war coming our way for too long then. I might just take her from you.”
“Unlike you, Park, I’m not going to treat her as something I can win. But you sure as hell are going to lose right here today.”
The signal to go went off and he pushed down the throttle, steering with his joystick as the war-machine bounced with the sudden energy asked of it. Brian cursed when he left the land barely a second behind Jinyoung, though he easily gained enough air to soon be side by side. He could see Jinyoung wasn’t thrilled to have no head start, the pilots both flying around the first quarter mark at the same time. There they stayed around the aerodrome, whizzing by the second and third markers easily. It wasn’t intentionally a dirty race, yet Jinyoung clipped in too close taking the final corner, giving Brian not a lot of room to safely turn.
So he did what best he could given the situation, rolling his plane under his competitor before speeding off again, taking the lead just enough to cross the finishing line first.
“Are you okay, Kang?” Jinyoung radioed through and they slowed their planes down enough for landing and Brian laughed.
“I expected you to be a sore loser.”
“Not at the expense of you crashing. I thought I had lost you then.”
“Well, it was a close one. Glad to see you and I still match well enough.”
“Don’t you go getting yourself in trouble when I’m not around then. We can play games like this all we want, but its people like you I want to fight alongside.”
They landed and Brian got the all clear to hop out, going over to his competitor’s plane and holding out his hand. Jinyoung shook it firmly.
“Just a word between you and I, Y/N turned me down last night when we danced. Something about loving some cocky best friend of hers. I’m assuming this kind of information might be of use to you.”
Brian grinned, slapping Jinyoung on his back as they walked off. “I think I owe you a drink later!”
Still, they had several rounds left to go and despite it all, it came down to Jackson and Dowoon competing with how well they could perform tricks up in the air. Even though Brian wanted his team to win, with a biased crowd, Jackson didn’t really stand a chance.
And he was adamant about it once back on the ground. “Him?! Did you not see that last barrel roll I performed?!”
Sungjin chuckled and slapped the whining pilot on his back gently. “Come on mate, I’ll get you a meal.”
Brian hadn’t seen you after the friendly match had ended, searching around the crowd for your face over dinner. After asking of you to your three friends, he headed out the back of the base towards the lake, hoping he’d find you here.
“One more move and I’ll shoot!”
He turned to find you sitting in the broken fortress cockpit, smiling at him brightly. Brian ignored your warning, jogging over to the other side and hoisted himself up onto the wing into the cockpit. He then looked at you with amusement. “Aren’t we a bit too old to be playing up in this?”
“You’re the one who just climbed in. I was fine in here by myself.”
“Oh, so I’m the one who has to go?” he teased though your smile faded; now chewing on your bottom lip in thought. Brian sighed. “I do have to go.”
“I know.”
“It’s not any time yet though,” he attempted and you scoffed.
“You don’t know that, this war is getting dangerous so the reports say.”
“Isn’t all war dangerous?”
“You’re not easing my worries any,” you pointed out, turning away from him.
Brian remained silent for a minute or two, the guilt he felt over leaving you whilst he protected the nation had been on his mind for longer than just now. The last training camp had only intensified his understanding of what would be expected of him as an elite pilot. It wasn’t something he could just promise to come back fine from.
He wasn’t confident enough to ease that part of your worries even if he had tried light-heartedly a couple of times.
“You’ll write to me every week.”
“I’ll do it every day,” he offered and you looked over your shoulder, giggling some. “What? I’ll do it.”
“You hate writing.”
“I hate it more when you’re sad.”
“I’m not ready for what is to come of all of this, but I am certainly proud of what you’ve done so far,” you admitted and Brian smiled.
“Like beating Jinyoung today?”
“That was a given, I knew you would.”
“Is that so?”
“I gave you a kiss of good luck, how could you fail with that?!”
Brian chuckled, leaning closer to you. “I think you missed the target entirely, Y/N.”
Reaching out for the joystick beside you, he placed your hand under his, guiding your thumb to the trigger right as he lowered his mouth onto yours. He felt your hand tighten against the stick as the kiss deepened, and he smiled, shifting his free hand up into your hair. Right as the embrace started growing breathless, the plane you sat within let out an unexpected bang, both of you leaping apart and letting go of the controls altogether.
“What the hell was that?!” he breathed and you pushed on him to get out, in which he did, leaping down onto the wing before turning around to help you out. Once on the ground, you both laughed before joining together to finish the kiss where you had left it off.
“Here they are!”
“Aw man, I am the last one after all.”
“Enough private celebrations you two, we’re champions and we need to make sure everyone in Airforce-Seven remembers that until next year!”
“Are we really joining them?” Brian murmured, uncaring of their jeers and you nodded, slipping your hand into his.
“We better put in our best effort,” you replied, and Brian laughed, pulling you along as you both rushed to catch up with your team.
The future was undecided and even if Brian wasn’t so sure what he was going to do when he was away from you, at least he knew he’d give it his all.
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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skultrashfics · 4 years
saracen x reader cute theme park date !!
Aaaah this is such a cute idea!! Enjoy Anon ;) I hope you don’t mind I took some personal liberties with this one! 
Pairing: Saracen x Reader Word Count: 1283 Themes: Romance, Date, Reader Insert, Theme Park, Proposal
This was the day. It was a long time coming, and he knew he wouldn’t hear the end of it from the other dead men. But Saracen Rue was taking his girlfriend to Disneyland with them. Usually, it was quite the lads day out, but this time it was special and he wanted y/n to be there. 
Waking up that morning was refreshing as waves of excitement rippled through the hotel suite in preparation for this day. Skulduggery was unaffected by this as he had spent most of that time meditating, “ah, alas I have finally been disturbed from my brilliant planning for the day ahead”. It seems unorthodox, but Skulduggery looked forward to this annual trip just as much as the others. Dexter laughed loudly and sarcastically, “and we mess those plans up every year, don’t we Saracen?! EPCOT! EPCOT!”, he chanted. Saracen shot him a warning look and smiled at you warmly, “Ahaha well we just love seeing all the countries and monuments!”. Smirking you raise an eyebrow at Saracen having finally emerged from the covers yourself, “I see. I see. Well, I for one cannot wait to get on that bar crawl! I hear it’s pretty popular there…”. Dexter grimaced and quickly dashed into the bathroom before he got his friend into any more trouble and Saracen was left awkwardly staring blankly at the bathroom door, “that sneaky son of a-”, he couldn’t help but laugh and wrap you in a warm embrace, “Yeah yeah, I get it smarty pants. You know things, right?”. “That’s right”, you grinned in response. The hustle and bustle of the morning focused mainly on everyone trying to negotiate bathroom times as well as Ghastly ringing up for a room service breakfast. “We always do this”, he informed you, “Otherwise we would never eat at all with how long Anton takes in the shower”. Anton huffed at this, “I’m not a savage- I like to be clean”. Dexter barged past managing to get toothpaste bubbles all over Anton’s fresh towel and the intensity of his gaze was almost overwhelming. Thankfully you were able to get ready with Saracen which gained you a little more privacy in the crowded suite. He took the time to wash your body softly in the shower, making sure you felt warm and loved. Leaning into his grasp you kissed him softly and sighed happily nuzzling into his beard softly, “Can’t we just stay in the hotel room for today? Let the others run rampant?”. Saracen smirked and kissed at your neck, “No chance. I don’t want you to miss a second of this trip-as tempting as that sounds”. You had been preparing for this day too and you were finally ready to leave the hotel room dressed in a beautiful Alice Disneybound. Saracen had sparks in his stomach as he looked you up and down, from the charming petticoat to the stunning blue hue of the dress, “you look radiant”, he smiled taking your arms in his. Shrugging you smiled demurely, “Well, I wanted to wear something nice… and besides this is a special day right?”. You could feel the breakfast waffles in your stomach-churning as the other dead men spotted your outfit. “You look beautiful”, Ghastly commented first as they began to file out of the room. He was also dressed up, in a 1950s-esque white shirt and pair of patterned trousers held up with braces.  Dexter was beaming as he tipped an imaginary cap at you, “milady~”, he was wearing a similar outfit to Ghastly, as was Anton, Saracen and even Skulduggery. He almost looked naked without his jacket on- that was until he replaced his normal skull face with his facade. After an embarrassing torment of compliments, you smiled at them all and left the room headed toward the tram that would take you to the park. 
Once you saw that marvellous entrance your heart was beating steadily as you came upon the sight of the castle peeking over the horizon. The faster you walked the more Saracen had to struggle to keep up with you, the excitement building up in your chest felt incredible. Throughout the day, you had such wonderful food to eat. Anton showing you the most refined of dining experiences, Saracen showing you all the delicious snacks he loved. While Dexter pulled you on and off incredibly intense roller coasters (regrettably after the food) and Skulduggery toured you around Epcot to take in the sights and sounds of so many different countries and then pointing out how they were all inaccurate. You couldn’t imagine how this day could get any better, and then it turned to night. For an hour you had waited outside the castle to claim a good spot, taking pictures with the group until it was time for the fireworks display to begin. The joy of the music and the magic of the light show mixed with the fireworks filled your heart to the brim. Holding onto Saracen’s arm you held back the tears brimming in your eyes as you made a wish for your future to always hold this much magic and wonder. Suddenly you could feel yourself being pulled forward, you frowned and opened your eyes realising the crowd had gone quiet. The music was softer and the park seemed as though it had come to a complete standstill. You glanced up at Saracen who was directing you toward the road in front of Cinderella’s castle. “Saracen, what’s going on? Is everything ok?”. Gently he moved you to the side and addressed the crowd. “Everyone! This is y/n! And she is the absolute love of my life”. You clutched your hands together in front of your chest as you felt your breath hitch in your throat, “Saracen?...”. You glanced to the side and could see Anton and Ghastly smirking, Dexter was excitedly giving you the thumbs up and Skulduggery had some kind of estranged look on his face. Turning back to Saracen the tears that had brimmed before toppled over onto your cheeks. “This woman has stuck by me, through thick and thin. She has made me want to be a better man, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her”. As he got down on one knee you could barely hold yourself together in front of this crowd. Your eyes stung from the tears and all you could think about was how to stop them. But still, the smile shone on your face like nothing could make it fade away at this moment. Saracen took a small box out of his pocket and opened it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring, “y/n, I wanted this proposal to be just as incredible as you are… I hope it lived up to you. And truly shows my love for you. Will, you please marry me? Otherwise, this would be super embarrassing”. The moment of silence that followed was the hardest thing Saracen had ever experienced in his life. He held his breath and you took a moment to take this all in. Then you nodded softly, worried that he didn’t notice you nodded again harder until you couldn’ t contain yourself anymore and you jumped into his arms crying for joy. “YES!”, you finally blurted out, “I-I can’t really do words right now… I love you…”, you whispered into his ear as the castle was once again lit up by the fireworks and the crowd erupted in applause. “I love you too”, Saracen was beaming with both relief and excitement, he slipped the ring onto your finger perfectly and kissed you while you sat on the cobblestones in front of the castle.  
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bonkers-4-hatter · 5 years
First Time Dance
*!Stripper Rin X !Chubby !Insecure Reader Insert*
*Word count: 4,936*
Here’s a commission I did for a lovely person! I had fun writing this and I hope you guys enjoy it! It does get a bit steamy in here.~
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“Last night of freedom!”
Loud cheers and laughs echoed around the private restaurant where you and your friends were. The conversations were flowing and so was the wine, well it was a special night of course so it was called for.
Your friend Cynthia was finally getting married and tonight was her bachelorette party. It started out at the house getting ready with quips about how Cynthia and her fiancé met, stories about how they met and popping bottles for the occasion. You were usually the quiet, shy one of the group, kind of in the background of everyone, but they didn’t exclude you at all.
No, your friends loved you. Always been there for you, since middle school. You were teased a bit for your chubby build, you weren’t built like the rest of the girls in school and some people took advantage of that. Except Cynthia and the rest, they stuck up for you and made sure you were alright and from then on, you all were close knit friends.
You glanced down at the outfit they helped you choose. Of course you all were dolled up for this special occasion; all the glitz and glam. It was a bright red dress that flowed out at your big waist. It came a bit above your knees, showing your shapely legs to the world. The top was something you would never dare to wear, but with your girls around and the booze coursing through your system, you wanted to be a bit adventurous. It was the same bright red material that wrapped around your shoulders and had a small peek-a-boo back and a diamond cut out in the front showing off a good amount of your chest.
It was all accompanied by small black kitten heels that wrapped around your ankle and black tear drop earrings that dangled from your ears. Your (short/medium/long) hair was styled in a cute way that really tied the whole outfit together.
“(Y/N)! Here!” Cynthia poured you another glass of white wine, almost to the top as she giggled away at nothing as the chatter around you both continued on.
“Cynthia, I’ve already had three glasses.”
The bride to be waved you off and held up her glass. “Come on (Nickname), I know you can keep up, besides it’s a night to go wild.” Sighing at her words, you smiled at your good friend and grabbed your glass, clinking it against hers in a cheers.
“Fine, only because it’s your special night and all.”
“I knew you loved me,” She kissed your plump cheek as you cackled at the action and swatted her away. “Now, let’s keep this party train going ladies!” Loud cheers rang out again, your voice being a part of it as usual.
The strobe lights and thumping music invaded your senses as your group made your way into the building.
You felt a little on edge, even with the little boost of confidence you got from all the wine at the restaurant. You just thought you all would be going to a night club to dance the night away, but in the limo one of the girls suggested a strip club one of her co-workers go to.
Now, here you were, walking to a table near the front of the stage alongside your friends. Up on stage, there was a pole and a small runway that was lit up.
“Alright girls! Let’s sit down and be entranced!” Cynthia, all decked out in bride to be gear; sash and crown to boot was cheering the two dancers on stage already. Both men were dressed in uniforms per se. The tall brunette was in a fire fighter uniform and the taller black haired male was in a similar uniform.
You could feel a flush rise on your plump cheeks as you stared at the two males dancing on stage. Uniform was a stretch to say, seeing as they only consisted of a hat, some straps and white tank tops. The other girls were cheering and throwing dollar bills onto the stage. You felt a little out of your element as you grabbed your glass to take a sip of your martini.
“Let’s give a big welcome to Cynthia and her bridal party!”
You started chocking on your martini as the rest of the table erupted into cheers. Your eyes slid back up to the stage to see the two dancers ending their routine as they gathered the thrown money on the floor between disappearing behind the red velvet curtains at the back of the stage.
A sudden flash of bright light illuminated your groups table, making you squint your eyes a bit trying to get your eyes to adjust to the harsh light.
“Cynthia, come on up for your special dance!”
You felt a smile creep up on your face as your friend practically jumped on stage, all the shiny bride to be accessories shining in the bright lights as you cheered alongside all of your friends. The spot light cut off, finally letting you to fully see what was going on, on stage. Cynthia was sitting in a chair, a giddy smile on her face as two dancers were on either side of her.
The dancer on her left was very tall and had black hair along with a sort of stoic look on his face and dressed in a full cop uniform, even topping it off with a cop hat. The other dancer on the right was dressed in the same fashion, down to the hat, but this one had bright red hair and a sly grin on his face as he looked out to the crowd, eyes landing on yours. The dancer gave you a quick wink making you quickly avert eye contact and take a gulp of your drink to calm your budding nerves.
The waitress came by and replaced your drink, which you were grateful for. As you grabbed the thin stem of the martini glass, the music started thumping through the speakers once more, but the bass was turned up making small vibrations course through your body.
Your eyes trailed upward to Cynthia who had a giant ass smirk on her face as the black haired dancer was giving her a lap dance, his ass gyrating on her as his shirt came off and thrown in to the crowd. Your chubby cheeks flushed up at the sight of the dancers back muscles. Fully grasping the martini glass, you took a big sip.
All of your friends were yelling and cheering, some were envious of Cynthia, wishing they had a sexy dancer on them like that. Your eyes trailed over to the red haired dancer who was actually on the pole doing his routine. His shirt was off, so was his hat. You gulped as your eyes danced down his body, his abs were glistening against the stage lights as he continued to grind against the pole. Trailing back up, you made eye contact with him; at least you think he was looking at you. He was smirking in your direction, showing his pointed teeth, almost shark like.
You were fixated on this man, you weren’t looking at Cynthia anymore, this red haired stripper had your full attention and you were sure he was looking at you since he sent you another wink. Wanting to get confirmation yourself, you shyly pointed at yourself and raised a brow.
He slid down the pole and stayed at the bottom for a second before nodding in your direction as he popped the button on his pants. Gulping, you took another swig of your martini hoping the booze can help get you through the night.
Soon, the red head was behind Cynthia who was still seated in the chair, the now nude man still dancing on her as her hands were on his chest. The red head leaned down and whispered something in Cynthia’s ear his hand coming up and pointing a finger toward your direction. You weren’t sure what was happening, but some of the girls at the table were giving questioning glances between you and the stage. Whatever the red head said made Cynthia practically jump for joy as she nodded enthusiastically.
Soon after, the song ended as applause rang out through the building and the stage lights dimmed a bit. Cynthia came back a bounce in her step, but you didn’t know if it was from the dance or from what the red head said to her. As she took her seat next to you, she grabbed your hand and squealed.
“What the hell Cynthia?” You weren’t sure what was going on, but you need more booze to deal with whatever the hell it was.
“Bathroom, now.” Was all the warning you got as she pulled you up and dragged you to the bathroom.
Your heels scratched against the floors as you tried to keep up with Cynthia. Soon, you were pushed through the heavy bathroom doors and into a dim lit restroom. She finally let you go, a smile still plastered on her face.
Placing your hand on your racing heart, you glared at your best friend and had a deep set frown etched onto your face.
“Okay, what the hell is with you Cynthia?” Crossing your arms, you waited for an explanation.
“The red head with the sexy grin,” You bit your bottom lip a bit at the mention of that certain feature, the way his shark like teeth glimmered in the stage lights. You nodded at Cynthia, wanting her to continue. “Well, he has his eye on you (Y/N), his name is Rin and I just bought you a private lap dance with him. You’ll have your own private room too.”
Your mind was reeling, trying to comprehend what the hell Cynthia just told you. Why would this sexy dancer be interested in you? Of course you thought you were pretty and all, but you just felt like you were way out of his league.
“You did what now?”
“He wants to meet you (Y/N), he’s totally interested!”
You shook your head at your friends’ words. “He just wants money Cynthia, he’s a stripper.”
Cynthia scoffed at your response. “Be open minded (Y/N), you never know what’ll happen.”
Sighing, you could feel a headache coming on. There was no reasoning with Cynthia and just arguing with her would just be like running around in circles.
“Fine, I’ll take the dance.”
“Good, now let’s go!”
With that, you were once again pulled by the hand, out of the bathroom and back to your guys’ group who was watching more dancers on stage, them placing bills into their underwear and just having a damn good time. Once seated, you finished off your martini, tilting your head back as the sweet liquor ran down your throat.
“Can I get you another drink,” a voice whispered in your ear as it broke your trance making you jump slightly as the voice chuckled at your actions. “Or, are you ready for that dance your friend bought you?”
Turning around in your seat, your eyes met with the red headed dancer who you just found out was named Rin’s crimson eyes. He held his hand out for you to take, that sly smile still on his face. Soon whistles and calls were being thrown your way from the table. Thinking about Cynthia’s words or being open minded, you placed your soft hand in Rins as he pulled you up.
“Right this way gorgeous.” Rin pulled you along, going toward the back where the private rooms were. You knew this was just for the money, but the way his hand felt around yours and the name he just called you, made you flush up. Soon, you were in a small room, black walls, with a few lamps on the walls making the room fill with a red hue. There was a large, soft looking chair in one corner, with red drapes all over the room. Pillows were thrown around the room along with a leather couch on the other side of the room. The sound of the door closing caught your attention, your eyes snapping back up to Rin who had a tight black tank top on along with some ripped jeans.
“So, who do I have the pleasure of being with tonight?” He was in front of you, his fingertips lightly grazing the supple skin of your arm.
“(Y-Y/N), I-I’ve never had this done before.” Your nervousness was evident in the way that you stuttered, but you couldn’t help it. His hand were now wrapped around your soft upper arms, his fingers sinking into the pillow like flesh a bit.
His breath hit your ear. “It’s alright, I’ll take care of you.”
Moving a little lock of hair behind your ear, the tips of his fingers grazed down the slope of your neck and dancing down the top of the dress. With the other hand still wrapped around your upper arm, he gently coaxed you to start walking toward the huge soft looking chair that was in the corner.
Both hands gently trailed down the sides of your supple waist, his fingers gently digging in once again as if he couldn’t help it. “Just take a seat and I’ll do the rest.”
You could hear the smirk in his voice, his hands halting you in place in front of the chair. You were suddenly turned around; Rin’s large hands settling back on your waist, facing Rin. His face glowed in the low red lights in the room and being this close to him gave you the chance to look closely to his sharp teeth and that gorgeous smirk plastered on his face. Giving a slight tug on your waist toward him, you could feel the hard muscles under his tank top against your soft tummy, you gulped at the position you were in, but it felt nice and you didn’t want to move away because of that.
“You’re so soft,” Rin hummed, the fingers that were on your plush waist, skimming lightly up and back down and eventually dancing along the top of your bottom. Gulping the nerves away at the touch, Rin noticed. “Is this okay, the touching?” His hands stopped all motion as they settled on their original place – your waist as he waited for your reply.
Your mind was buzzing at the choice in front of you. On one hand, this was the time you could ask him some questions that were lingering on your mind, or you could just end it and say you got the dance. Rin’s red eyes lingered on your lips as he patiently waited for your answer.
“I-it’s fine Rin, I’m sure you do this all the time.” He started to gently draw circles into your skin, the gentle touches made you jump a bit at first.
Pushing you gently back with his body, you sank into the soft cushions of the chair, the pillows around you adding even more comfort. Your chubby cheeks flushed up at the position you were with Rin straddling your hips, pinning you down to the chair. Soon, his body was pressing against yours once more and this time you were trapped, but you didn’t mind.
As Rin leaned in more, the flush on your cheeks grew and your breath started to hitch, you thought he was going to kiss you, but he stopped a mere few inches. “I don’t (Y/N)… I never interact with my customer’s like this.” With those words, he softly rubbed his pelvis up against you. Your dress had risen up a bit due to your position on the chair and even more of your supple legs were shown.
“Don’t you do this though, give lap dances to your customers?” Your lips darted out and licked your chapped lips quickly, you knew this wasn’t the time to be asking these questions, but you were just so damn curious about him.
Rin chuckled at your question, raising a hand, he cupped one of your cheeks. “Of course, but I don’t usually have them pinned down in a chair wanting to kiss them.” Rin’s other hand slid down the expanse of your leg, stopping to rest on your outer thigh, giving the soft skin a squeeze causing you to gasp.
“I noticed you up on stage, laughing with your friends, smiling and drinking your nerves away,” His hands were on your waist once more and out of the blue, he hauled you up and flipped your positions, making you straddle the now sitting dancer. Your dress was riding up even more and your hands fell on Rin’s chest. You tried to get up, but he caged you in by wrapping his arms around your plush waist. “You’re so damn gorgeous (Y/N). I know I may seem crazy, but please, go out on a date with me.” His large hands were skimming your waist once more.
You knew when someone was pulling your leg and right now that was not the case. His words were real and his emotions raw. Never in a million years did you think this scenario would come out of your friends last night of freedom. Your mind went back to your friends words.
“Be open minded (Y/N), you never know what’ll happen.”
Biting your lip, you decided to take a leap of faith. It may seem unlikely, but you wanted to see if this went anywhere. Before you lost the nerve, you leaned down toward Rin, hoping he would get the hint and meet you halfway. A pair of lips quickly met yours as his hands gripped your waist a bit tighter, pulling you flush down to him as your lips moved in sync with one another’s. Your hands moved up to his hair and tangled themselves in his red locks, deepening the kiss even more.
Soon, his hands were moving down and clutching onto your round bottom, his fingers sinking into the round globes keeping you in place once more. A soft moan emitted from your mouth as Rin continued to massage your ass gently.
The red head pulled away, your fingers unclutching his hair, hands finding a place on his chest once more. “Fuck (Y/N), you taste so damn sweet.” He was still trying to catch his breath and you weren’t in any better shape either; your round face flushed, mouth hanging open as you tried to catch your breath.
“D-does This Friday work for you?” Rin smiled up at you, the red lights making his sharp teeth glisten and stand out.
“Y-yeah it does.” Giving you a sly grin, his hands slid down a bit, pulling the bottom of your dress up some more, your ass on full display in the private room.
“Good. I’ll pick you up at 8, I do have one request though.” Your head was spinning as you tried to focus on Rin’s words, but the way he was gripping and rolling the flesh on your bottom was plaguing your mind at the moment.
“W-what w-would that be?” You cursed yourself for stuttering so bad and by the smirk on his face, he knew what kind of effect he was having on you and he was relishing in it. One of his hands started to dance along the top of your underwear, occasionally slipping under the flimsy fabric, but doing nothing more than letting go and letting the elastic snap back on your backside making you jump slightly.
“Wear this dress on our date, you look beautiful in it.”
Your eyes lingered on his for a moment, they shined bright in the dimly lit room and every time his eyes trailed you, you swore you saw a tinkle. After those words left his mouth, you quickly cupped Rin’s face in your chubby hands and brought his lips to yours in a passion filled kiss. The stripper was surprised at first; his hands freezing in place on your ass before eventually sliding up the expanse of your back, caressing the rolls and curves of your body. You let out a light moan at the feeling. Rin took advantage of the sound you made and licked the bottom of your lip asking for entrance which you granted. His hands tangled themselves in your hair; tugging your locks as your tongues fought for dominance, swirling around one another like they were doing a dance of sorts.
A loud knock erupted through the small room, making you both pull away.
“Ten minutes left Rin!”
Said male groaned at the voice. “Alright, thanks Sousuke!” With that said, Rin pulled the bottom of your dress down and back over your bottom, where it was supposed to be. Before you could catch your breath, you were lifted up; Rin’s hands cupping your ass as you were in the air for a brief moment before you were sinking in the cushions of the chair once more.
Your eyes were glazed over as Rin quickly discarded his black tank top, showing off his upper body. Your hand shot out as Rin straddled you once more, your fingertips running down the defined muscles before they hit the top of his pants. As you were pulling your hand away, he grasped your wrist gently, placing your hand back on his chest.
“Touch all you want (Y/N), my body is yours to do whatever you want with.”
You weren’t sure if it was the alcohol hitting you now, or that his words were like silk and persuaded you to, but damn, you didn’t care right now as your hand gently tugged at the belt holding his pants up. Getting the hint, Rin quickly finished unbuckling the belt and letting the jeans fall to the floor. Straddling you once more, he started slowly grinding against you to the rhythm of the music. His movements were so precise, slowly rubbing against your clothed heat, you knew this wasn’t how a lap dance went, and they would only grind the air near you.  
Rin’s large hand gently took hold of your soft chin, making you look at him. Lips met yours in a gentle kiss and soon he started peppering light kisses all over your round face – your cheeks, nose, forehead and then he started to trail them down the slope of your neck and across your collarbone, moving up the other side of your neck, but stopped; his hot breath fanning your neck.
“Can I?” You knew what he wanted to do, leave a mark on you. A message to anyone else you might encounter tonight. You nodded and gave a weak moan, tilting your neck to the side to give Rin even more access to the supple area. Without another word, Rin’s teeth sank into your skin making a gasp leave your mouth. Loud sucking echoed in the room as the red head was determined to leave his mark. With a loud ‘pop’ he unlatched his mouth, licking around the already bruised area.
“Look at you,” You could only imagine. You were breathing heard, your cheeks felt hot, hair a bit messed up and you knew your lips were a bit swollen from the kissing session you both had and now a nice, big hickey decorated your neck. Rin’s thumb brushed across your swollen bottom lip. “So beautiful.”
Before he could capture your lips once more, you spoke. “How is this real?” That question you wanted to ask finally slipped out of your mouth. Rin froze, his eyes searching yours for a moment before he opened his mouth.
“What do you mean (Y/N)?”
You glanced to the side already regretting the words that slipped out. Everything was going great and your mouth had to ruin it all. “I-I, ya know, you and me, would only happen in a dream.” You were mentally beating yourself at that shitty explanation.
“You mean, it seems like it’s not possible and why’s that?”  
The words were all clashing together in your head as you tried to piece together a sentence, but every time you would open your mouth, the words would get all jumbled up. Soon you were just shaking your head not wanting to talk anymore.
“(Y/N),” Rin took hold of your chin once more, gently stroking your jawline. “You caught my interest, I want you, I want to know more about you, you’re so damn gorgeous I know there’s more to you and I want to know everything. Looks don’t matter, but if that’s what you’re worried about; don’t be, you’re amazing as is.”
Another knock made you snap out of your daydream state as Rin’s words finally sank in.
“Time’s up Rin.”
He had an annoyed look etched on his face. “Alright, alright, give us a few!” Sighing, the red head got off the chair and quickly put his pants and tank top back on before turning to you with a grin and holding his hand out to you. Taking it, he easily pulled you up and back into him, his arms sliding around your waist and pulling you flush against him.
“So,” He started, lips lingering over yours. “Are we still on for Friday?” You nodded as he captured your lips in a chaste kiss.
“I’ll give you my nu-.” Rin silenced you once more with another kiss as he nipped your bottom lip.
“No need, your friend Cynthia already gave me your number and I already texted you.”
You honestly had no words because that’s some shit Cynthia would do. Rin laughed at your expression as you buried your face in his neck to hide your flushed face, your chubby arms wrapped around his back as you hugged him close.
“Hey,” He muttered against your neck. “We only have a few days before our date, besides we’ll text each other.” You only nodded as he continued. “Now, I don’t want to keep you from your friends, especially the bride to be, seems like she’ll have a lot of questions for you.” Rin licked the mark he put on you as you only groaned.
Pulling away, Rin opened the door for you, letting you out first, but not before giving your ass a nice hard smack as you exited the room making a gasp emitting from you as you grasped your slapped ass cheek. The red head only laughed and winked at you.
“Oh my god, (Y/N)! You sly vixen!” Your round face paled at the high pitched voice of your best friend Cynthia who practically ran down the hall, grabbing onto you. Cynthia screamed as she grabbed your neck and traced the giant hickey on it.
“You two are so naughty, I love it!” You waved her off, huffing in annoyance, crossing your arms across your chest. An arm was slung across your shoulders pulling you into a hard chest.
“(Y/N)’s pretty damn naughty and she tastes sweet,” Rin placed a kiss on your chubby cheek before turning around and back into the small, private room, but not before saying one last thing that made your cheeks burn into oblivion. “I’ll text ya later (Y/N), I can’t wait to feel more of you on Friday.” With that, Rin closed the door as Cynthia squealed.
“I told you he was into you girl! I totally called it!” Cynthia wrapped an arm around your pudgy waist as you both walked down the hall and back to your group to continue the night out.
“Y-yeah you did Cynthia, he’s great and I’ll be seeing him soon.”
Cynthia smiled down at you and rubbed her head against yours. “I’m glad to hear that, now,” Turning the corner, you saw the group all grinning at you and hollering, giving you thumbs up your way. “Let’s continue this last night of freedom! To the next bar my girls, the night has just begun!” You and your friends all yelled and cheered as you all left the strip bar.
As your group walked away from the building, your mind was replaying everything that had went down earlier, the kisses, the words, the touches. It was something you never expected to happen, but now you’re so glad that you took a chance. One of your friends handed you your purse and you dug through it as they continued to chatter with one another.
A new message lit up your screen as a giant smile lit up your face. The number was unknown to you, but you tapped it as the message page popped up.
Have a great rest of your night beautiful.
You didn’t text him back right away, you just kept reading the words repeating over and over in your mind as a stupid grin was stuck on your face.
“Earth to (Y/N)!” Clicking the side of your phone, it shut off as you put the device back in your purse for safe keeping.
“Girl,” Cynthia was next to you, grin on her face. “I know you are smitten with sexy Rin, but let’s enjoy the rest of the night… I want my best friend to have fun with me, is that cool?”
“Of course, I’m sorry, it’s just-.” She cut you off with a laugh.
“Don’t be sorry (Y/N), you deserve to be happy, now enough with the sappy stuff, let’s go drink and give this town hell ladies!” You all nodded as you continued down the street embarking on a wonderful night filled with laughter, stories and memories to last a lifetime and with a date coming up in a few days with a great guy, you knew your smile wouldn’t go away for a while.
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fanficshiddles · 5 years
The Captain’s wench, One shot
Thank you for the prompt! Hope you like it. 
thecutestlittlebunbunfairy submitted:
I would love a Pirate!Tom prompt where Captain Tom kidnaps a princess and gives her two choices, walk the plank, or be his wench. Which leads to smutty smut. with some spanking and bondage. Pretty pretty please <3
She struggled against his strong grip around her wrist, no matter how much she tried to fight him off, she couldn’t get away.
Captain Tom was then fed up of lagging her along behind, so he changed tactics. When he let go of her wrist, she tried to run. But she never got far before his strong arm wrapped around her middle and with ease, he lifted her and carried her the rest of the way onto his pirate ship.
All of his men cheered when she was hauled onto the ship. They quickly made sail away from land, not having much trouble because of the Princess being on the ship. The King wouldn’t allow his men to attack, worried they would kill his daughter in the process.
Princess Elsa was locked in a cell for a few hours, until they were far out at sea. Then Captain Tom had one of his men fetch her to bring her up top.
She was still trying to be defiant. When Tom walked right over to her and leaned down, sneering at her... She spat in his face.
Tom looked at her in disgust, yet also with some amusement, enjoying her spirit. He wiped his hand down his face, then narrowed his eyes at her.
Elsa glared at the tall man. He had a few scars on his face, a large noticeable one by his upper lip. He had a scraggy beard and long untamed hair… But he was rather handsome, in a rugged kind of way.
Tom reached out and gripped her cheeks, squeezing roughly. ‘Ye have two choices, m’dear. You can either walk the plank and take yer chance!’ He laughed wickedly as said plank was set out by some of the crew, all of them laughing.
The Princess just glared at him the entire time, still being held by one of the crew.
‘Or.’ He walked back over to her and winked. ‘Ye can become my wench.’
The entire crew erupted into laughter and applause. Tom laughed too and stood up straight, eyeing her up carefully waiting for her answer.
She looked around, trying to remain confident. But in truth, she was terrified.
‘I’ll walk the plank.’  
Tom raised an eyebrow at her and sneered. ‘Very well. Ye’ve made yer choice.’ He laughed and grabbed her arm roughly, then dragged her over towards the plank.
Her body was shaking in fear as she was pushed onto the wooden board, it wasn’t very sturdy at all. Tom pulled out his sword and she felt the tip against her back.
‘Walk.’ He demanded.
Else took a few steps along the plank, that started wobbling because of her shaking legs. When she got out past the ship, she looked down into the rough water that was lashing around. And her eye caught something else, there was a shark just a few metres away.
Her eyes widened and she let out a whimper of fear. She turned back to face Tom, who was still pointing his sword towards her. He grinned and she saw a gold tooth glinting in the sun.
‘Go on. Or are ye too scared?’ Tom laughed and looked around at his men, who laughed too. Some of them were drinking and clinked their bottles together. ‘Ye can change your mind if ye wish.’
Tom then placed his sword away and put his hand out towards her, knowing she was going to change her mind.
Else cursed herself for being such a coward. But she knew there was no chance of survival if she jumped into the sea. If the shark didn’t get her, she knew she wouldn’t be able to survive the rough waves.
If she stayed, at least she would have a chance to escape when they next made port… Or so she hoped, anyway.
She turned fully and reached out for his hand. Tom stood up on the plank and forcefully stepped onto it, making it wobble dangerously. She lost her balance from the way the plank moved and she fell, screaming. But Tom grabbed her wrist in time and hauled her back up, laughing. He did it on purpose to scare her, she realised.
Not wanting to anger him, she bit her tongue and kept quiet.
‘Remove yer clothes. Ye won’t be needing them anymore.’ Tom crossed his arms over his chest.
The rest of the crew all whispered giddily. But Tom then glared around at everyone.
‘GET BACK TO WORK YE SCURVY DOGS.’ He roared at them, making them all scurry away to their positions. But some of them were still able to keep an eye on poor Elsa.
‘I… Can’t we go… elsewhere?’ She begged Tom, eyes watering in desperation.
‘No.’ Tom snarled and launched forwards at her. She didn’t have an option now as Tom took out his knife and slashed at her dress. She let out a cry and tried to back away, but he grabbed her upper arm and held her still while he continued to tear at her dress until it fell to the floor beneath her in tatters.
He then pulled her flush against his body and took a deep breath, taking in the smell of her hair. He laughed again and then with a simple flick of his wrist, his knife cut through her corset easily. Her breasts fell free, she tried to cover herself up but then he did the same to her knickers.
There was some murmuring and laughing from the crew around them, but Tom ignored them and took in the sight of his beautiful new wench. He slid his hand into her hair and grabbed a fistful, then held her still as he leaned down and kissed her.
She tried to resist him, but he didn’t allow her to. Forcibly thrusting his tongue into her mouth, she almost choked from the intrusion. Then she quickly learned that it was best for her to just go with it, to obey him and be pliant to his wants.
Perhaps then he would go easier on her.
Or so she thought.
She was marched over to the mast and forced against it. Tom grabbed some rope and tied her wrists around the pole. Then he did the same with her ankles so she was strapped to it. It hurt, because it was large and her arms were pulled as far round as possible.
‘Please. Don’t hurt me.’ She cried and begged him. ‘I’ll do whatever you want.’
‘Oh I know ye will.’ He growled in her ear. ‘But first, ye need a good lashing.’ He laughed wickedly.
She looked over her shoulder, eyes wide in fear as she watched him pull off his belt from his trousers. Else started struggling again, though she knew there was no chance of escape from the rope.
‘No! No! No!’ She chanted and sobbed.
Captain Tom ignored her pleas and ran the belt through his hands. He chuckled, then without warning there was a snapping noise and he brought it down harshly against her bare backside.
She screamed so loud that the entire crew heard, even the ones below deck. They tried to come up to take a look, but Tom spotted them and roared at them to carry on with their work. Or they would be next but with the whip instead.
Tom brought the belt down against her ass ten times in total. It was bright red and already welting from the power of his swing. She was sobbing and crying, snot and tears falling down her face. She had never felt so much pain before, never mind the humiliation.
When he put the belt down, she felt relieved. But then her panic built up again when he moved in on her. The front of his trousers rubbed against her sore bottom, making her cry again. He pushed his body flush against her back and started to grind against her, only making the pain worse.
‘Please.’ She cried, barely audible.
‘I do like to hear ye beg.’ He laughed darkly, then unzipped his trousers and pulled out his hard cock.
He slapped it against her bum, making her sobbing intensify. A mixture of pain and also at realisation about what was to come.
Tom cupped her between her thighs with his hand first, she tried to move away from him, not wanting his dirty hands there. But she was stuck and going nowhere.
‘Such a pretty Princess. I’ve always wanted to plunder one.’ He laughed and inserted a finger into her, she wasn’t wet but she wasn’t overly dry either. There was a small amount of arousal there, but not enough that he wanted.
Elsa was shocked and wondering what the hell he was doing when he knelt down behind her and spread her cheeks wide open with his hands, squeezing deliberately to make it hurt. But it was when she felt his warm breath against her cunt that she started crying again.
It wasn’t normal for a man to do that.
He couldn’t...
But he did.
Tom dove straight in and started licking her, aiming directly for her clit too after a few long licks. His beard scratched against her sensitive areas, making her even more sensitive than ever. She continued to sob and beg him to stop, not sure whether that was worse than the lashings with his belt or not.
But when Tom suckled her clit between his lips, giving it all the attention, she felt something course through her body that she had never felt before. Pure and utter pleasure.
‘Oh…. Oh god.’ She moaned.
Tom chuckled and squeezed her arse cheeks again, mixing the pain in with her pleasure. Once he was finished sucking her clit, he moved further back and licked at her puckered asshole, making her beg him to stop.
Men normally just took their pleasure from their wives. There was no licking or sucking down there, it wasn’t right… But then, why did she feel so good if it was so wrong?
Tom licked her for a little while longer, his crew were still watching when possible. Many of them with large bulges in the front of their trousers. All hoping their Captain would give them a chance after he was finished.
But Tom was enjoying the way the Princess responded to his assault. He finished with his tongue and stood up, lining his cock up with her now soaking wet entrance. With her still restrained tightly to the mast, he gripped her shoulders and rammed into her.
Elsa’s breath was taken away from her with the rude intrusion. It took her a lot of thrusts to adjust to him, as he never gave her time. He started rutting into her roughly like a crazed animal like he hadn’t had sex in years.
Because of the size of him, and because he had flushed her clit out from hiding, it was rubbed with every hard thrust. So Tom wasn’t surprised when she came all over his cock, making squelching noises whenever he drove deep into her.
He chuckled and moved her hair out of the way, so he could bite down on her neck. Marking her.
‘Yer mine now, Princess. And I think yer enjoying it.’ He chuckled sinisterly.
All Elsa could do or say in response was moan and whimper. She had her eyes closed as tight as possible. Both wishing it would be over, yet never end… The pleasure coursed through her as he fucked her through her orgasm, taking everything from her. And giving her everything he had in return.
Once he was finished with her, he stepped back and watched in amusement as his seed dripped out from her, down her thighs. He reached down and scooped some up, then brought his fingers round to her lips and he forced them in.
‘Suck.’ He growled, and she obeyed.
‘Good girl.’ He purred, pleased that he had broken her.
He untied her from the mast and she slid down to her knees, unable to keep herself up anymore. One of the crew members went over cautiously towards them.
‘Captain. Can we have our fill?’ He asked, but instantly regretted it with the look Tom gave him.
‘No. This one is mine and mine only.’ He said possessively, reaching down to grab her.
He tossed her over his shoulder and carried her to his quarters, and she didn’t even complain or resist. She belonged to the Captain now, and deep down, she didn’t mind at all.
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writersblock2point0 · 6 years
The Jester: Volturi Imagine
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This is just a little idea I had for an OC, however the person is unnamed(as I haven’t picked one and I don’t know how much I would write for them, so I haven’t named them) and can be read as a reader insert.
Trigger: Description of dismembering bodies, vampires? 
The Volturi don’t just sit in their castle all day. The one night they choose to go to a show, they meet someone...strange. 
It started with the second song in the first act. Demetri sat in the large, comical circus tent in the middle, in the very back on the top bleachers. Alec sat to his right, Jane between her brother and Felix. A few other guards who had been permitted to attend were seated in in the same row. The masters were seated before them, Caius next to Athenodora as she watched the show with a soft smile. It seemed Caius’ mood had lifted when seeing the pleasure his wife and mate took in the show. Aro and Sulpicia sat together, her hand on his arm, their skin not touching so Aro would not be distracted by her thoughts as they focused on the theatrics. Marcus sat tall, eyes hooded as they always were, however the never blinking stare told Demetri he was interested to say the least. 
Demetri was interested, for other reasons however. The tent was full of buzzing humans; all eager to see the performances of these talented...humans. The tent had been set up only a week ago, and there were fliers going about the medium sized city just neighboring Volterra. Fliers had apparently reached the neighboring cities and small towns. Aro had heard of it, and said it would be a delight to see the arts of today. It seemed there would be a number of performances of different movies; both popular disney numbers and the regular muscular numbers. This alone didn’t irk the tracker, no, what did however, was the fact that he could not sense a single tenor of any of the actors in the performances.
As a young, delightful young woman sang her number, her smile bright and eyes lively, he could not sense any indication that she was there. It crossed his mind that perhaps a human could have a potential gift in deceiving his abilities, however it wasn’t until he took notice that each and every one of the performers didn’t have a tenor.
As the number ended, and the crowd erupted into applause; his Masters and guardmembers included, that he placed his hand on Aro’s shoulder. His master startled for a moment, eyes blinking as if he broke from a trance. Turning, Aro reguarded the look of urgency in his trackers eyes. A hand was offered, and as Aro took it, his eyes seemed to light up in even more wonder. His attention was quickly on the next number, his hand still locked around Demetri’s as the tracker looked at the new performers. Again, no tenors.
Whoever these...people were, they were not there.
A tall, slim figure walks out, looking much like a skeleton. It was a sight familiar to Demetri, as the slow music begins to play.
“There are few who’d deny at what I do I am the best,
For my talents are renowned far and wide,”
They stand alone on the stage, gripping the attention of everyone in the tent.
“When it comes to surprises in the moonlit night
I excel without ever even trying
With the slightest little effort of my ghostlike charms
I have seen grown men give out a shriek!”
The light changes, a red shade falling over their face as they make a monstrous snarl and pretend to lunge at a group of humans, effective in making a few of them squeal.
“With the wave of my hand, and a well-placed moan
I have swept the very bravest off their feet!”
A soft sigh falls from the performers lips,
“Yet year after year, it's the same routine
And I grow so weary of the sound of screams
And I, Jack, the Pumpkin King
Have grown so tired of the same old thing,”
The song was so soft, and sad. It was as if the performer was actually experiencing these things, if it had not been for the lack of a tenor, then Demetri would have wholeheartedly believed this person was going through heartache.
“I’m a master of fright! And a demon of light!” The skeleton teases the crowd, smug and posh about himself. It reminded Demetri of the way Aro got when he got dramatic around other covens, putting on a show of sorts for them.
“And I’ll scare you right our of your pants.
To a guy in Kentucky, I’m Mister Unlucky
And I’m known throughout England and France.” The performer boasts once more before throwing a smirk at them. It seems they’ve been spotted. It made Demetri uneasy, knowing that whatever this thing was, knew who they were and what they were, while it remained hidden.
“And since I am dead, I can take off my head!”
The humans gasped as it popped it’s head off, holding it out as if to say, ‘ta da’.
“To recite Shakespearean quotations!” The head sang before being popped back into place.
“No animal nor man can scream like I can!
With the fury of my recitations!”
Demetri watches as the skeleton sings, hands to it’s chest in mock sorrow, as the being begins to slowly walk forward.
“Oh, there’s an empty place in my bones
That calls out for something unknown
The fame and praise come year after year
Does nothing for these empty tears…” As the voice fades, the figure does as well, as if it were just a hologram. Perhaps that was all it was, however something about it all bothered Demetri to no end. Glancing at his Master, he could see the same complex look upon Aro’s face. Things were definitely interesting.
I sat on the stage, the costume I wore much like the common Jester. I looked up as the lights illuminated me, a smile gracing my lips. I opened my mouth, singing the words, the music rumbling through the tent as ‘The Bells of Notre Dame’ flowed from my chest. As I narrated the song, the scene played out around me, a young gypsy woman with a bundle, Frollo chasing her on his horse, the hooves kicking up dirt as he went. I let my eyes fall over the crowd as the Archdeacon and Frollo spoke. My eyes darkened as I smelled them, the perfect little meals. They would do nicely. I snapped back to reality, moving the song along as to not disrupt the illusion.
I basked in the applause, before looking up at the right moment. I locked eyes with them before their scents wafted my way. I was surprised, as I was not aware that vampires would be here, of all places. Perhaps they were looking for food as well. Oh well, perhaps this is their territory. I do not know. I flashed a grin, allowing my eyes to shine red as recognition of what I was fell over the one in the middle.
I gave a mockingly low bow, never breaking eye contact before I clapped my hands, my disguise back to normal.
“Ladies and Gentleman!” I called, grinning from ear to ear. “Good evening,” I drawled, voice growing lower as I tried to keep my excitement from breaking my concentration. “I would like to announce that there are a few…” I bounced my head in a dramatic pause as I rolled my eyes, teasing the crowd, “Altercations.” I placed my hands together, my mask making it seem as if I was surveying the crowd for a split second as I took another look at the vampires directly in front of me, seated in the far back. They wore similar clothing, with reflecting necklaces that bestowed a very familiar V. I smirked, what a lovely surprise. “You have all come on a...very special occasion.” I speak, voice bellowing from the stage, eyes on the Volturi.
I clap my hands, instantly music starts off slow before building. I wondered how long it would take for them to realise my power.
Voices sang, seeming from speakers that were invisible, and I instantly threw myself into the role of a jester.
“Fools!” I call, laughing as I address the crowd. I do a little cartwheel, landing before a human woman, who jumps in surprise before laughing with her friends.
“Once a year we throw a party here in town!’ I smirk at her, holding out my hand and she takes it after I wiggle my fingers.
“Once a year we turn all Paris upside down!” I spin her around, booping her nose lightly before pushing her back into her seat, her laughter ringing in my ears. Villagers dance and sing around me, throwing the party as I went along with the crowd.
“Ev’ry man’s a king and ev’ry king’s a clown,” I smirk, bounding up to the stage and standing in the middle. “Once again it’s Topsy Turvy Day!”
“It’s the day the devil in us gets released
It’s the day we mock the prig and shock the priest
Ev’rything is topsy turvy at the Feast of Fools!”
I sing, imitating ‘monsters’ and doing jolly flips and acting as stupid as ever. The music changes, and I stand alone on the stage, voice growing softer as I easy the crowd in.
“Come one! Come all! Hurry, hurry, here’s your chance, see the myst’ry and romance!” I ignore the villagers that pull the innocent little meals from their seats, unseen by all in the tent.
“Come one! Come all! See the finest girl in France! Make an entrance to entrance! Dance, la Esmeralda! Dance!” I call, throwing myself down and poof in a cloud of red smoke. Esmeralda catches the eyes of everyone, her beauty rivalling many vampires and goddesses alike. Too bad she wasn’t real. I smirk, slipping away from the crowd, going to the back of the tent, were I saw the few illusions entertaining the people I chose.
“Ah, my dears,” I call, smiling at them all as they turn and look at me in amazement. “It’s such a blessing to see you all.” I put a little more tweaking to the illusions around them, catching them each in a daze as I make quick work of the four people I chose as dinner. I wipe my mouth, turning back to the stage and enter, seeing Esmeralda had done her job. I smirk, tilting my head as she finishes with a wink to the Volturi kings.
I smirk. Let’s get this show on the road.
After the show, I was satisfied. Well beyond that in fact. I stood with my tricks, all bowing as if they were real, receiving the encore they all deserved. Of course, the four little souls that went missing, went unnoticed. Their bodies were in the back, waiting to be disposed of properly. I would later, when everything was set up and everyone had left.
My tricks lined up, shaking hands and giving autographs to those who wished it. I stood in the back, watching from the shadows as I kept my power up, giving each illusion a life and character of their own.
I watched as the Volturi passed through, one in particular taking time to shake hands of each trick. He must be Aro. I’ve heard of him. The one that can see everything with only a single touch, skin to skin of course, however the gift wouldn’t work. I suppose that would have been one mistake I made, if I cared. He would not see anything, as those actors weren’t real. They were fake, physical manifestations of my imagination. They held no heartbeats, needed no breath, yet they could speak on their own and each had different personalities. Qualities I gave them of course.
I waited until everyone left, before each actor dissipated in the air like dust. I walk around the corner, a small skip to my step as I begin to pull limbs from the bodies, making them easier to place in bags and move. Once all set, and I made sure everyone had left from the clearing I set the tent up, I walk out, turning to look at it before snapping my fingers and watching in satisfaction as it dissipated as well.
I turn, ready to make my way to a new town and do it all over again, however the sight of a coven stopped me. I take note of the Volturi, Aro standing in front of them. He had a fascinated smile upon his lips, almost to a point it looked manic more than anything.
“Can I help you?” I smile, charming as ever, as if I did not have a bag of body parts thrown over my shoulder.
“Such a wonder,” He says, gazing at me. “I didn’t even notice they ever fake.”
I grin crookedly, shrugging my shoulders, “I’m sure you would have seen it eventually. After all, not a lot gets by you.”
He giggles, “Who are you dear?”
I drop the bag, letting it hit the ground with a wet slap. I walk to him, head held high as I hold out my hand, wiggling my fingers as a smirk falls over my face, eyes gleaming like rubies in the moonlight.
“Come and find out.”
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twelfthdyke · 7 years
famous falsettos au
prepare yourself for farfetched concepts and my lack of showbiz knowledge
whizzer and cordelia are famous broadway/stage actors
everyone thinks they’re dating and they go along with it while never explicitly saying it
they are the two gayest people alive literally how
marvin is a “proper actor” as he calls it, meaning he does tv and film acting
marvin is, of course, an acting elitist. “ugh… broadway?”
can’t believe that his son loves musicals but “hey, that whizzer brown guy is pretty cute?”
charlotte is a director
she’s only done tv and film but is making the move towards stage things
it’s hard but she’s brilliant and i trust her
she meets cordelia on a set as cordelia was making a short tv appearance
trina is marvin’s ex and also an actress
she’s currently more into making a home now with her new husband, mendel
she’s taken up writing again during her slight acting hiatus
she wanted to be a writer long before she got into acting but she got her first role and got bit by the showbiz bug tbh
she has co-written things before but wants her own creation
she’s done both tv/film roles and broadway roles – truly a multi-talented machine
mendel is still a psychiatrist (and he was marvin’s prior to mendel & trina’s engagement)
he’s so loved on social media because of trina
imagine shitty buzzfeed articles about how trina and mendel are Relationship Goals
mendel was plastered all over trina’s instagram, photobombing and taking cute selfies
trina’s fans insisted he got his own instagram
he even got snapchat and honestly if you’re not following it, are you really a True Fan?
jason is keeping with his school studies but he’s an aspiring kid actor
jason is often between parents with added stress since they’re both famous
rumours fly when whizzer and marvin both publicly come out on the same day
PR had a field day and the media was going nuts
whizzer didn’t really care but marvin was Outraged for no goddamn reason
that didn’t stop whizzer from being petty in interviews (”i heard that marvin is a nightmare on set, god forbid I ever work with him”)
marvin: he did it on purpOSE charlotte, exasperated: why the hell would he do that, marvin
marvin literally throws the best fit of the year (haha, nice in trousers reference)
whizzer is happy to have finally dispelled the rumours that he and cordelia were a thing
cordelia has an interview shortly after interviewer: so how is your relationship with whizzer faring after the big reveal? how is whizzer? cordelia: gayest man i know
cordelia is spotted kissing a girl (it’s charlotte but it was a shitty picture)
cordelia’s agent is flying off the handle and cordelia just tweets like “i never said i was straight [insert 20 emojis of hearts, rainbows & girls]”
whizzer and cordelia are each given a new script to read through for a new musical – both of them love it
trina wrote it!! she’s so ecstatic that they like it
she wrote a role with marvin in mind and is desperate for him to accept despite his apparent hate for musicals
trina went to school with him and knows that he performed in the school musicals, the fucking hypocrite
marvin: this is the worst possible thing you could make me do trina: i walked in on you having sex with a guy in our home, you insensitive bastard. now read it, asshole
guess who loves it?? that’s right, it’s marvin… then he finds out that so does whizzer brown.
marvin: i’ll do it- trina: yay, thank you thank yo- marvin: on one condition: whizzer brown does not trina: marvin!!
through trina’s flawless persuasion, he finally agrees but he’s not happy about it
on their first meetup, marvin is nervous as hell. i mean he hasn’t performed in… years? he’s praying those high school singing lessons do him well.
charlotte is pulled in as director because of cordelia’s high recommendation
she walks in and cordelia stands up to hug her
cordelia: look, look, look, it’s my girlfriend!! whizzer: *gasps* nepotism cordelia: is it nepotism if she’s not technically my family?
cordelia is the lead and performs her Big Emotional Number. the whole room is silent, basically everyone is crying.
marvin starts a slow clap that erupts into applause
cordelia rushes over to kiss her girlfriend.
whizzer, nudging marvin: still hate musical theatre? marvin: how di- whizzer, turning away: i did my reading marvin: hmph
he’s a stubborn fuck
marvin and whizzer have a duet and the whole room can practically feel the sparks and “god, is it hot in here?” or is marvin just blushing up a storm
whizzer is also in disbelief. this arrogant prick gets talent as well?? sure, marvin’s voice is sort of wobbly but there’s heaps of promise.
whizzer: wow… didn’t know you could sing. i thought you were the result of further nepotism *eyes trina* marvin, smirking smugly: i didn’t know you could sing either and she literally divorced me, whizzer brown whizzer, deadpan: ha ha marvin: well then, how do i compare to caroline? [co-worker that whizzer once praised] whizzer: how did y- marvin, grinning: i did my reading
marvin & whizzer both had their “oh god, i kind of like this guy” moments
they have their first group run through to see if the cast actually has any chemistry and of course they do
it’s a huge cast and they do a big upbeat number and everyone is beaming, practically glowing.
this is the moment everyone realises this show is going to be a hit
i’m gonna stop here but i have lots of ideas. feel free to send me asks about certain aspects or any ideas you may have!! i’m happy to share more if there’s any actual interest in this. this is super self-indulgent.
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kassebaum · 7 years
SanversWeek Day 4- Hogwarts AU
This is for my wonderful HP anon. You are a joy and I have thoroughly enjoyed inserting these characters into the HP universe. This piece slots in with the rest of the pieces I’ve written which can be found under the ‘hogwarts au’ tag on my blog.
The Great Hall was a buzz with excitement; the Quidditch Cup match between Gryffindor and Slytherin was taking place later. Cheers rang out every time a member of one of the teams walked in for breakfast, a mixture of exhilaration and nausea written on their faces.
The Slytherin table erupted into a cacophony of noise when their fearless Beater, Alex Danvers walked in. She looked every part the confident Team Captain as she walked to sit with the rest of her team, her fellow Slytherins patting her on the back and wishing her luck as she passed.
Not to be outdone, the Gryffindor table hollerred as loud as they could when star Chaser, Maggie Sawyer entered the Great Hall. No one but Lena seemed to notice Maggie straightening up her robes.
‘Morning pep talk before the big match Danvers?’ Lena drawled as Alex sat down next to her.
‘Oh shush’ Alex shot back, but the colour creeping up her cheeks gave her away.
‘At least tell me you managed to find all of your underwear this time, not that I didn’t appreciate finding your knickers on my pillow...’
‘One time!’
Lena smirked and handed Alex a goblet of pumpkin juice.
‘Oh like you never tease me about the time I was congratulating Kara in the showers after her first Quidditch match-’
‘Nope!’ Alex interrupted, holding up a finger, ‘no more about what you and my baby sister get up to.’
‘Oh, is because I’m a Luthor?’ Lena pouted teasingly.
Alex chuckled, so proud that Lena could now joke about her last name, even if she couldn’t forget the atrocities Lex was committing in Voldemort’s name.
‘No it’s because you’ve been a pain in my arse for the last seven years, but for some reason my sister finds your infuriating wit and sarcasm adorable.’
Lena just raised an eyebrow and slid some toast towards Alex.
‘You need to eat. Your final Quidditch cup at Hogwarts? I know how much you want to win...’
Alex nodded and took a nibble of the toast.
‘That’s if you can keep your eyes off Maggie long enough...’
‘Strong come back there...’
Alex turned to see her girlfriend waving at her from across the Great Hall. Maggie inclined her head towards the door, indicating that they needed to head down to the pitch.
Alex swiped her half eaten piece of toast and stood up.
‘Good luck’ Lena smiled.
Alex winked and walked towards Maggie, leaning down to kiss her much to the enjoyment of the surrounding students.
They barely made it to the bottom of the staircase before Maggie pulled Alex into a semi private nook to deepen the kiss that had started in the Great Hall.
‘For luck’ Maggie murmured, her hands roaming gently under Alex’s robes.
‘I don’t need luck’ Alex gasped as Maggie’s fingertips ghosted the ticklish spot on her hip, ‘you’re going down...’
‘Oh no, when Gryffindor wins, you’ll definitely be the one going down tonight’ Maggie teased, unable to resist.
The sound of a throat clearing made the two girls jump abruptly apart.
‘Miss Danvers, Miss Sawyer...’ Snape drawled, ‘shouldn’t you be down at the pitch by now?’
‘Sorry Professor’ both girls murmured as Alex tucked her shirt back in and started heading in the direction of the Quidditch stands.
‘Oh and Miss Danvers?’ Snape intoned, ‘try not to let your girlfriend distract you too much. I want the trophy back in my room this year...’
‘Yes Professor’ Alex blushed as Maggie took her hand.
They walked hand in hand in a comfortable silence along the path content to drink in the final peaceful moment before the match.
‘Why does everyone think I’m going to go easy on you?’ Alex finally broke the silence.
‘When was the last time you sent a bludger towards me with the intention of actually knocking me off my broom instead of just making me veer off course?’
Alex didn’t reply, but pursed her lips.
‘Exactly! You just don’t want to admit that badass Alex Danvers has a soft spot-’
Maggie was cut off by Alex placing her lips against hers.
They finally made it to the changing rooms and split to join their respective teams, the nervous excitement building. Five minutes before the match was due to start, they filtered out onto the pitch to thunderous applause.
Madame Hooch reminded them to play a fair, clean game and blew sharply on her whistle. Simultaneously, all fourteen students kicked off of the ground, racing into the air.
Maggie was first to grab the Quaffle, zig zagging effortlessly around the Slytherin Chasers. She zoomed towards the end of the pitch and made her first goal within moments of the match starting.
The Gryffindor spectators were delighted, screaming and stomping their feet in the stands.
Kara sat in the stands wearing a garish clashing mixture of her usual Hufflepuff robes, Slytherin scarf she had borrowed from Lena and the Gryffindor colours painted on her cheeks.
‘No red and gold?’ Kara questioned upon seeing Lena in just her usual green and silver robes.
‘House pride!’ Lena chuckled, ‘plus, you’re decked out enough for the both of us...’
Lena cheered at the Slytherin Keeper stopping another goal, but found herself giving a smaller cheer when in the next moment, Maggie was able to get the Quaffle past him.
It was a close match; 80-70 to Gryffindor and still no sign of the snitch. Over the next ten minutes, Maggie lived up to her reputation as the fastest Chaser in Gryffindor history, scoring three more goals.
Alex zoomed past the three Slytherin Chasers and yelled out a few choice words; there was no way they were losing the match, not in her final year.
She saw Maggie making another break towards the hoops with the Quaffle securely tucked under her arm. Alex swung her bat and sent the bludger towards Maggie with all the strength she could muster.
Maggie saw the bludger careering towards her and had to roll upside down on her broom to stop herself from being knocked off. She dropped the Quaffle and it was picked up by Flint who managed to score for Slytherin.
110-80 to Gryffindor.
‘Is that how we’re playing today Danvers?’ Maggie yelled as she passed by Alex.
‘Everyone was accusing me of going soft on you!’
Maggie winked and zoomed off to take a pass from Katie Bell to score again.
120-80 to Gryffindor.
The whistle was blown for half time and the players crashed back into the changing rooms to re-cooperate.
Two pep talks later; a slightly intimidating one given by Alex and a much more relaxed one from the Gryffindor Team Captain, both teams were back up in the air, determined to bring home the trophy.
In an incredibly fast paced fifteen minutes that Winn has trouble keeping track of from his commentary box, points are scored, bludgers fly and in one heart stopping moment, the Gryffindor Seeker nose dives towards the ground. With the help of Professor J’onzz, the score is tallied to 180-180.
The crowd gasps as both Seekers take off in the same direction; the Golden Snitch in their sight. This time it’s not a false alarm.
Alex felt as though time was slowing down as she watched Malfoy jostle against Potter to get ahead. Malfoy stretched his arm out, his finger grazing the wings of the Snitch, before he manages to grasp it in his hand.
‘SLYTHERIN WIN!’ Winn boomed from the commentary box.
Alex punched the air in celebration and looped in the air on her broom; she had done it. Head Girl, Captain of the winning Quidditch team and a straight ‘Outstanding’ student. She zoomed towards the ground pulling off the nose dive that had got her onto the team as a first year and landed back on the ground to her team celebrating.
Maggie was in her arms immediately, kissing her soundly, sending the crowd into a frenzy. Alex picked Maggie up and Maggie wrapped her legs around Alex’s hips, her fingers tangled in Alex’s hair.
‘You did it Danvers!’ Maggie breathed out between kisses.
‘You’re not mad?’
‘We played a good match, but the better team won’ Maggie conceded, ‘plus my girlfriend happens to be the hottest Quidditch player in Hogwarts history...’
They lose themselves in each other eyes and lips as the noise of the crowd fades to nothing behind them.  
They lose themselves entwined in each others arms, not caring who sees, not giving a thought to the  impending war that was brewing, or the choices they will have to make.
The lose themselves in thoughts of their future; that they may only been seventeen and eighteen years old, but damn it, this relationship was built to go the distance, they were built to stumble through life together, built to support each other, built to love each other.
So they do.
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Element of Secrecy
chapter two (of now three) is on ao3 here
Summary: The Grand King is a mysterious dancer that travels all over the Earth Kingdom. No one knows who he is, where he comes from, or where he's going to go next. Iwaizumi and Matsukawa are lucky enough to be in the same place as him so they can see one of his performances. Matsukawa isn't necessarily okay with accepting that the Grand King is some unknown person, so he and Iwaizumi enlist the help of a stranger in order to unmask him.
“Are you sure you’re ready?”
Oikawa nodded. “As long as you’ll be here when I come back to help me change.”
“Of course. Now go and then get back here quickly. Don’t waste time. I told Yahaba earlier to act like he doesn’t know you when you go through the line, so you’re all set on that end.”
Oikawa gave Hanamaki a mock salute and ran off to the place he was supposed to meet Iwaizumi and Matsukawa. He already had as much of his costume on as he could while still being inconspicuous. Matsukawa and Iwaizumi were already waiting for him when he got there.
“Suga, what took you so long?” Matsukawa called once he noticed Oikawa.
“I lost track of time, sorry. I take it you’re both ready to go, then?”
“Have been for a while,” Iwaizumi muttered. “How are we getting in? Mattsun and I don’t have enough money for more tickets.”
“We’re going through a side door. Not many people know about it, so we shouldn’t get caught.”
Oikawa led them around to one of the side entrances and then down a dark hallway. He ran one hand along the wall in order to give himself some sense of where he was and to count the doors so he made sure they came out the right one. Finally he came to the right door. He pushed it open just enough for the three of them to slip through and into the crowd.
“Is it seriously this easy to just sneak in?” Hanamaki asked quietly.
“If you’re with me it is,” Oikawa replied. “Come on, let’s get closer. The second night is almost always better than the first.”
Oikawa wove through the crowd, subtly trying to lose Iwaizumi and Matsukawa. They seemed to be able to follow him easily, though, which was frustrating. He saw the perfect chance to lose them when two people were walking towards each other quickly. It wasn’t easy to time, but he managed to just barely slip between them and get even farther into the crowd. When he turned around, Iwaizumi and Matsukawa were nowhere to be seen.
“Finally,” he muttered before making his way back out of the crowd as fast as he could. He slipped out a different side door, one that was closer to his changing room. Once he closed the door behind himself, he started running and taking as much of his clothes off as he could.
“You’re late, c’mon,” Hanamaki said, helping him take off the rest of his clothes and put on the costume. He was already in his loose black clothing he would wear backstage. The only thing left for him to do was flip up the hood.
Oikawa’s costume tonight was different. He had picked it up a while ago from a waterbending village in the South. It was different shades of blues with more ribbons attached than he liked. The way they shimmered and fluttered when he moved made it look almost like he was actually waterbending. It covered less of his arms than the other one with no sleeves except for two arm bands that covered his forearms. Those were the only tight part of the costume. It was one of the better costumes Oikawa had worn, but the one from the night before was his favorite.
“Okay, are you ready?” Hanamaki asked as he clipped the veil in place.
“Of course. Are you?” Oikawa answered calmly.
“As ready as I’ll be. Let’s go.”
Oikawa took his place on the side of the stage and Hanamaki stood off to the side. The stage itself had been slightly modified in order to hold the water that would be needed for the performance. Oikawa took a deep breath before walking confidently to the middle of the stage. There were more torches near him tonight, burning brighter than last night. He struck a pose, pointing at the ceiling, and the roof started to open. A smile came to his face when he heard the newcomers gasp. He’d have to remember to thank Yahaba for that new feature when he got a chance.
Once the roof was all the way open, he settled into his starting position. The music started slowly and he mostly let himself get carried away with it. He had danced this exact dance so many times before that it became completely muscle memory. The only reason he didn’t completely let go was because he needed to make sure he was in sync with the waterbending. But he trusted that as long as he did his job correctly, Hanamaki would do the same.
The water was always fun to watch while he was dancing. He almost believed that he was a waterbender. The water flowed so gently and the light from the torches looked beautiful reflecting through it.
At the end of the dance, the water fell and it was almost like a spell was broken. The crowd, who had been so quiet Oikawa almost forgot they were there, erupted into applause. Oikawa bowed before running off stage, making sure he was completely out of sight before starting to take his costume off with Hanamaki there to catch various articles of clothing as he threw them.
“Ugh why does this have to be so difficult,” Oikawa complained as he tugged off his armbands.
“What? Undressing or inserting yourself needlessly into a plot to figure out your true identity?”
“Both.” He finally made it into the changing room with only his pants and veil on. “Close the door please.”
Hanamaki grabbed Oikawa’s clothes from before up off of the floor and handed them to him so he could start getting dressed again. “That’s entirely your fault, you know. You didn’t have to get involved in this scheme.”
“But it’s fun, Makki. This is the most fun I’ve had in awhile.”
“Just don’t get yourself found out. It won’t be fun then.”
“I won’t, I won’t, I promise. You might want to clear out of this room in the next couple of minutes though. Wouldn’t want them to think you’re the Grand King,” Oikawa said as he slipped out of the door.
“Wait, you’re actually bringing them here? Oikawa!”
Oikawa snickered as he ran back to find Iwaizumi and Matsukawa. It didn’t take him very long to find them seeing as the crowd had mostly dispersed in the couple of minutes it took him to change. “Iwa-chan! Matsukawa! What happened to you two?”
“What happened to us? What happened to you?” Matsukawa asked. “You, like, disappeared.”
“Right, ‘disappeared,’” Iwaizumi rolled his eyes and made air quotes around the word disappeared. “Why’d you ditch us?”
Oikawa tilted his head in mock confusion. “I didn’t though? I saw a really good spot open so I went for it, but when I looked around, you two weren’t behind me.”
“Anyway,” Matsukawa interrupted, stepping between Oikawa and Iwaizumi, “We should really get to the changing room place.”
“Right, follow me,” Oikawa turned to look back at Iwaizumi, “And keep up this time.”
He led them around a longer way in order to give Hanamaki a bit longer to get everything out of the changing room.
“So… which one of you am I going to be waiting with?”
Iwaizumi barely let Oikawa finish asking before responding with a simple, “Me.”
“Sounds like fun,” Oikawa said to himself. “Did you two like the show tonight?”
“It was so cool! He must be such a skilled waterbender to be able to do all that,” Matsukawa gushed.
“It was ok. It was the same dance, just with some bending thrown in. I don’t really get what’s so special about it.”
“Iwa, you literally said to me ‘Holy shit that’s so cool how does he do that’ during the performance. Don’t even try to pretend you didn’t like it.”
“Okay, fine, it was kinda cool. But still, it was the same dance.”
“I wish I could waterbend,” Oikawa sighed. “I’d definitely do something like that if I could.”
“Can you bend at all?” Matsukawa asked.
“Well, I can’t waterbend and I can’t earthbend. All the airbenders are supposedly extinct. So all that’s left is firebending, but what would a firebender be doing in the middle of the Earth Kingdom alone?”
“Damn, that sucks that you can’t.”
“I’m mostly over it. Besides, bending isn’t the only cool skill someone can do. And just because I can’t bend doesn’t mean I’m not in tune with the spirit world.” Oikawa stopped in front of one of the doors to his changing room. “Here’s where you’re gonna wait, Matsukawa. We’ll be at the other one.”
“Iwa, don’t kill him,” Matsukawa called after them.
“I’ll try,” Iwaizumi called back in what Oikawa hoped was a joking voice.
“So…” Oikawa tried after a few minutes of waiting in silence by the other door. Iwaizumi glared at him, but he decided it was safe to continue. “Can you bend?”
Iwaizumi nodded. “I’m an Earthbender.”
“Cool, cool.” Outwardly, Oikawa was keeping a straight face. Inwardly, he was freaking out because of how awkward the silence was between them.
“So what’s your real name?” Iwaizumi asked after another few minutes of silence.
Oikawa’s heart skipped a beat. “I’m sorry?”
“What’s your real name?” Iwaizumi repeated, moving to stand right in front of him, placing one hand on the wall by Oikawa’s head and leaning forward. “I know you lied when you said it was Suga. So what is it?”
“I… I don’t understand. My real name is-”
“Cut the crap. I can feel your heartbeat through small vibrations in the ground, that’s how I know when you’re lying. It’s something I can do with earthbending. I know you lied about your name.”
“If you knew I lied, why did you give me your real name? And why did you agree to work with me?”
“Matsukawa is hard to say no to sometimes. And how do you know that I did give you the right name?”
“Earthbending isn’t the only way to tell if someone’s lying, Iwa-chan. I’m pretty skilled at dealing with liars.”
“So now you know my name, but I only know you lied once about your name. What’s the harm in telling me?”
“You’re very stubborn, Iwa-chan,” Oikawa said, pushing lightly against Iwaizumi’s chest with one hand. “But fine, since you absolutely insist, it’s Hanamaki.”
“No it’s not.”
“Fine. Oikawa. There. Are you happy now?” Oikawa snapped. It probably wasn’t his best idea, giving out his name like that.
“At least you didn’t lie this time. Was that really so hard?”
Oikawa sighed. “It’s not something you’d understand, Iwa-chan.”
Iwaizumi scoffed. “I’m sure-”
“Don’t you think he should have come out by now?” Oikawa asked, abruptly changing the subject. “Can’t you see in there with your earthbending thing? What’s taking so long?”
“I can’t because of the carpet. It’s gotta be a solid earthen surface for me to be able to tell if anything is happening in there.”
“Good to know,” Oikawa hummed. “Maybe there’s a third exit I didn’t know about? All the floors and walls are stone, so couldn’t you just, I dunno, look for a third place with an opening?”
Iwaizumi stared at him for a few seconds. “Stop coming up with good ideas it makes it harder to not like you,” he muttered and turned around to put his hand on the wall on the other side of the hall.
“Ah, so it’s a conscious effort to not like me?” Oikawa asked, draping himself over Iwaizumi’s shoulder. “That’s good to know.”
“Stop that.” Iwaizumi pushed him off his shoulder. “I need to concentrate.”
“Not only do you have to put effort into not liking me, but I’m also a distraction to you?” Oikawa teased. Iwaizumi ignored him in favor of closing his eyes and trying to find a third door.
“There’s a trap door in the ceiling. He probably went through that awhile ago.”
“Damn. I guess we can’t do anything else tonight, then.” Oikawa said, doing his best to act disappointed. “And just when you were starting to warm up to me.”
“You know,” Iwaizumi started and Oikawa was fairly certain he knew where this was going, “Matsukawa… doesn’t know about the trap door. We could just… stay here for a while.”
Oikawa was tempted to. He was so tempted to forget about everything to stay with Iwaizumi for a while. He nearly said yes. “I… We really shouldn’t. It’s, uh, it’s not fair to Matsukawa. He’s all on his own on the other side of the door probably bored out of his mind.”
“You sure?”
Oikawa nodded. Iwaizumi probably knew he was lying. His flimsy excuse, while it did work, was very obviously thought up on the spot. He was met with no argument, though. Iwaizumi just started leading them around to the door Matsukawa was waiting at.
“Did you two give up or something?” Matsukawa asked when he saw them turn the corner.
“There’s a trap door in the ceiling. He’s probably long gone by now,” Iwaizumi said.
“Are we gonna try again?”
“We’ve only really got one more chance,” Oikawa pointed out. “But with the trap door we’re not gonna know if he’s ever coming out of one of these doors. And in theory one of us could go up there, but who knows if we’ll be able to get into whatever room it leads to.”
“Are you giving up?”
“No,” Oikawa answered Iwaizumi’s question. “I’m just pointing out how hard it’ll be now that we know more.”
“That doesn’t mean we’re not gonna just stop trying.”
“Right,” Oikawa nodded.
Iwaizumi was rudely awakened by loud knocking on the door of their room. He looked around and found that Matsukawa was also just waking up because of whoever was at their door.
“What’s going on?”
Iwaizumi shrugged. “No idea.”
The knocking hadn’t stopped, so Iwaizumi got up to open the door. He was nearly there when the door flung open.
“What the-” he nearly yelled, taking a step back and dropping into a fight stance. “Who are you?”
Three people, dressed as Fire Nation soldiers, walked into the room. “Our names are of no importance to you,” the leader said. “We merely have a few questions. You can relax.”
“Forgive me if I don’t relax after someone kicks open my door.”
The leader ignored his comment. “Do you know a man named Oikawa Tooru?” she asked, bringing out a scroll and unrolling it to show to him.
Iwaizumi looked at the picture on it. There was absolutely no doubt that it was the same person they had been working with. “I’ve never met him,” he said, looking directly into the leader’s eyes.
“Are you sure?”
“How about your friend over there?”
Matsukawa got out of his bed to shuffle over to them and look at the picture. “You said his name was Oikawa Tooru?”
“That’s correct.”
“Never met him.”
“That’s a pity,” she said, rolling up the scroll, “because multiple people in town saw you with him yesterday. If you had told the truth, I may have let you off easily. But now I fear you’ll have to come with us.”
Iwaizumi and Matsukawa tried to fight them off, but they were quickly subdued. The two soldiers tied them up and then started shoving at them so they would move. As they were passing the check in area, the leader stopped.
“Let Oikawa know, because I’m sure he’s staying here, that I’ve got some of his friends and I’d like to meet him on the edge of town,” she said to the owner. And with that, they were led out. A few more soldiers were waiting outside the door and joined them when they came out. The few people that were out in the morning stopped to stare, but as soon as the leader started turning her head one way, they would all disappear into stores and buildings as fast as they could.
He caught a glimpse of Oikawa, eyes wide and an absolutely terrified look on his face, before he followed the rest to hide in a building.
“What do you want from us?” Iwaizumi growled. It earned him a smack to the back of his head and he was going to give up at that, but the leader started talking.
“Oikawa always saves his friends. He'll come for you, likely agree to give himself up if I let you go, you two run free and I'll finally be done with this worthless mission.”
“What mission?” Matsukawa cut in.
“To bring Tooru home of course.”
It was nearly sunset and Iwaizumi's arms were numb and his legs were only slightly better. They had tied up his legs a while ago after the first escape attempt. He would try yet another, but he seriously doubted he would be able to do anything.
The leader, Iwaizumi still didn't know her name, had started pacing around the camp. If Iwaizumi had to guess a reason, she was probably nervous that Oikawa hadn't shown up yet. She had seemed so confident that he would, but it was getting late and no Oikawa.
“Hey Iwa.”
“Was his name really Oikawa?”
Iwaizumi nodded. “He told me last night.”
Matsukawa smiled. “You know what that means, right? I was right.”
He groaned and leaned back. “Is that really what you're gonna focus on right now?”
“Absolutely,” Matsukawa replied before they fell into a relatively comfortable silence for a few minutes.
Iwaizumi felt a hand cover his mouth.
“Can I trust you to stay quiet if I take my hand away?” He nodded and the hand moved away. “If we get caught, follow my lead.”
He nodded again and the ropes started loosening. Whoever this was must have been cutting him free. He brought his arms around in front of himself and grimaced at the marks left. Once the stranger was done cutting his legs free, Iwaizumi looked to Matsukawa, expecting to see the stranger uncutting him. Only to find that another stranger already had it done.
“Can you stand?”
Matsukawa nodded immediately, but Iwaizumi wasn’t so sure. Not with how tight they had his legs tied for so long. One of them sighed and stepped forward, bending a small stream of water out of a flask at their side. The water flowed around his legs, glowing blue. It tingled a little and generally feld weird, but when they bent the water away, back into the flask, his legs felt much better.
“That’s good enough for now, we need to-”
“I was beginning to think you wouldn’t show up.”
“You know me, I’ve always had a flair for the dramatics,” one of them said, taking off their hood.
“It’s been a while, Tooru.”
“Not quite long enough, sister,” Oikawa answered. Iwaizumi froze. Sister. She had said something earlier about bringing him ‘home’ but Iwaizumi had thought she meant one of the prisons maybe. Not actually home.
“You’ve got two options. You can attempt to fight your way out of the mess you landed yourself and your friends in, but I doubt you would be able to save everyone like i’m sure you want to. Or you can give yourself up willingly and I’ll let your friends go.”
Oikawa thought about it and Iwaizumi hardly dared to take a breath while he waited for Oikawa’s answer.
“Is father here?” he asked instead. His sister shook her head.
“What the fuck is he doing?” the stranger next to him hissed.
“In that case,” Oikawa said, raising his voice, “I challenge you to an Agni Kai. Should I win, my friends and I get to walk free. Should you win, we will all go with you willingly. Do you accept?”
“Tooru, what are you-”
“Relax, Makki,” Oikawa said, “She hasn’t even accepted yet.”
“I accept your challenge and its conditions.” She turned to them. “If any of you try to interfere or run, that will count as an automatic win for me.”
Oikawa’s friend nodded.
“The Agni Kai will begin when the sun begins to set.”
“What’s an Agni Kai?” Iwaizumi asked after all the soldiers that had stopped to watch went back to what they were doing before.
“It’s a duel between two firebenders. Usually it’s an honor thing, I think, but I guess it can be used for this too. I don’t know much about them, Oikawa never explained much.”
“Oikawa’s not a bender, though.”
“He’s a firebender. He couldn’t issue a challenge otherwise.”
“But he-”
“Sorry, but can you struggle with the fact that someone lied to you even with your weird lie detector thing later? We have more pressing issues right now. Hold out your arms.” Iwaizumi did as he was told and Makki bent water out of the flask again and it swirled around his arms, giving him the same feeling as before with his legs. “My name's Hanamaki by the way.”
“I'm Iwaizumi,” he said.
“I know.” At Iwaizumi's confused look, he said, “Oikawa told me.”
The water flowed away from his arms and he moved them around, testing how they felt now. Iwaizumi was surprised at how much better they felt.
“You next, Matsukawa.”
Matsukawa made a face when the water touched him. “This feels weird.”
“I know, but it’s necessary. You’ll need your arms fully healed if we get out of this mess.”
“If?” Iwaizumi cut in. Hanamaki was about to respond when Oikawa bounded up to them.
“Excuse us for just a minute,” Hanamaki said before literally dragging Oikawa away. They didn’t get far enough that Iwaizumi couldn’t hear the whole thing, though.
“Makki I-”
“No. You promised, Oikawa. You promised you wouldn’t do this again.”
“Last time was different. I know my sister and-”
“She’s the reason you need to be healed after every time you dance! What else is there to know?”
“There’s a lot and I don’t have time to tell you everything-”
“I thought you already had.”
Iwaizumi turned away then, well aware the argument was far too personal for him to be listening in on. It wasn’t long before Oikawa stalked past him and Matsukawa.
“Oikawa,” Hanamaki called and for a second Iwaizumi thought he wouldn’t turn around. “I’m pissed beyond belief at you, I hope you know that.”
“What’s the point of this, Hanamaki?” Oikawa asked coldly.
“Good luck. Just because I’m pissed and we need to talk doesn’t mean I want you to lose.”
“Right,” Oikawa nodded. Some of the tension between them lifted, but it was evident to anyone that they weren’t actually on good terms again yet.
Oikawa and his sister moved to two ends of a long clearing. It appeared as though tents had been hastily moved in order to make space for their fight. Iwaizumi, Hanamaki, and Matsukawa moved to the end Oikawa was kneeling at, just outside of a line drawn in the sand, in order to watch. The same two soldiers that had helped take Iwaizumi and Matsukawa were at the other end talking to Oikawa’s sister.
“Dodge if you need to and please don’t get hurt,” Hanamaki instructed.
“How likely is it that we’re going to have to dodge?” Matsukawa asked.
Hanamaki tilted his head in thought. “About a 50/50 chance.”
There must have been some sort of signal that Iwaizumi missed because Oikawa and his sister both stood up at the same time and turned around. It looked like Oikawa hesitated for a second before taking a step and shoving both of his hands forward. Iwaizumi shouldn’t have been surprised at the fire extending from his palms, slowly growing stronger and stronger, but just because he was prepared for it didn’t mean it wasn’t still a shock.
“Are the flames… green?” Matsukawa asked, voicing one of the many questions going through Iwaizumi’s mind.
“Fire can be any color in the rainbow,” Hanamaki replied. “Most firebenders only know how to bend orange or red, but Oikawa and I found a tribe of people who guard the last dragons and he learned from them how to change the color of his flame.”
Hanamaki nodded. “They’re supposed to be extinct. And a secret, but I figure you already know one of the big secrets so you may as well know the others. Oikawa is the Grand King.”
Iwaizumi let that sink in. As soon as he fully realized what that meant, he turned to Matsukawa. “Don’t even say it.”
“Say what?” Matsukawa asked, attempting to feign innocence. “That I was right?”
“Whatever. Shut up. It's not like you actually knew.”
Iwaizumi turned his attention back to the fight. The two seemed fairly evenly matched, but Oikawa seemed to be on defence mostly. His sister fired attack after attack at him and he dispersed the flames, but rarely attacked for himself.
“You fight like a waterbender!”
“Maybe that’s because that’s who I learned from,” Oikawa said through gritted teeth as he took control of the flames around him, redirecting them into his own attack and pushing her back. He started going on the attack, shooting quick bursts of fire from his fists. His sister didn’t stop her attacks in order to defend herself. She simply attacked back in order to stop the blows. It looked like she was more powerful than Oikawa, but he was faster and better at using her strength against her.
It was hard to tell who was winning, but Oikawa kept getting pushed back. One particularly strong blow from his sister had him falling back, sliding for a second before coming to a stop.
“Oikawa!” Hanamaki yelled and moved to take a step forward. Iwaizumi grabbed him by the back of his shirt and roughly pulled him back. “Hey, let-”
“We can’t interfere, remember?” Hanamaki crossed his arms and rolled his eyes, but stopped struggling.
“I expected better from you, little brother.” His sister was standing above him. “I’m not sure why. You left before you even finished your training.” Iwaizumi bit his lip, anxiously waiting for Oikawa to get up again. He knew Oikawa was still alive, but he wasn’t getting up. “Don’t tell me you’re accepting your defeat so easily? You’ve changed a lot. Being away has softened you too much.”
“No,” came a weak reply. Oikawa pushed himself to his feet. There was a hole singed in his shirt and the skin underneath was red. “Being away from all of you made me stronger. I will not give up.”
It must have been his imagination, but it looked like Oikawa’s sister smiled. Oikawa started going more on the attack, knocking his sister back. He didn’t let her collect herself at all, launching attack after attack. She slipped in the sand at the same time Oikawa sent one of the largest balls of fire at her and she nearly flew through the air before landing in the sand.
“Take your friends and go,” she coughed. Oikawa paused to help her up and whisper a few words to her before turning around and walking towards them.
“We have until the morning to leave town or else she will come after us again,” Oikawa said once he got closer. He looked dead on his feet. “Your stuff is still in Yahaba’s inn, right?”
Matsukawa and Iwaizumi nodded.
“Shouldn’t you-”
“Unless you’re about to suggest that I leave here faster, it can wait,” Oikawa said, cutting off Matsukawa. “I’m sorry if you two were planning to stay here longer, but it’s not safe for you to stay here. We can talk when we’re out of town and far away from any more Fire Nation soldiers.”
Matsukawa fell silent and Iwaizumi didn’t blame him. Oikawa was snappier than they’d experienced and neither of them wanted to make his mood any worse.
“Well?” Hanamaki prompted once Iwaizumi and Matsukawa had gone in to get their things.
“Right now?”
“Right now.”
Oikawa sighed. “I didn’t tell you because I don’t like talking about it. As you can imagine, our father wasn’t the greatest person.”
“That’s one way to put it,” Hanamaki muttered under his breath.
“I think I realized what he was doing, all of the unnecessarily cruel things about a year before you and I met and I started planning to get away.”
“I already know this part,” Hanamaki interrupted.
“I asked my sister to come with. She was still for the most part under Father’s control. Even thinking of disobeying was scary because it felt like he would know. Instead of selling me out, she made me promise not to talk about it to anyone else. The reason she fought me all out last time was because Father was there. He wasn’t this time, so I knew she would throw the fight.”
“Why didn’t you tell me about that before?”
“I didn’t know it would be her when we were making the plan, so I’m sorry I worried you and made you upset. I would have explained it while we were there, but I didn’t want any of the soldiers to overhear.”
“I’m just glad you’re not severely injured. Do you want me to heal your burns here or after we’ve left town?”
“After we’ve left. I don’t want to stay here any longer than we have to.” Hanamaki nodded in agreement. “There’s one other thing. I was thinking that since, you know, those two know most of our secrets already, we could invite them along with us. After we’ve gotten them to the next town safely.”
Hanamaki looked at the door of the inn, taking a few seconds to think about it. “I’d like that.”
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brianjaeger · 6 years
2019 Academy Award Best Picture Nominees Guide For Those Who Haven’t Actually Watched Them
It’s the 91st time Hollywood comes together to pat themselves on the back and this year marks the 5th time I’m bringing you the rundown of every Best Picture nominee so that you aren’t the “goddamn idiot” someone at your Oscars party is referring to when they ask, “Who invited this goddamn idiot?” Only, as in 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014  (check out the hyperlinks for previous years’ rundowns - and likely some jokes that don’t age very well) - this is all based on the name of the film, the poster for the movie, or things I’ve heard while flipping past Extra or E! So take it all in and enjoy my tips on things to say to other guests so that your party has an ending that is more like Ally’s and less like Jackson’s!
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Black Panther
After Creed loses in embarrassing fashion to Ivan Drago’s son, he tats up, grows that hair out, and heads to outer space. After landing on a planet right between the planet from Avatar and Naboo, pissy Creed picks a fight with a space prince who was bit by a radioactive space panther in the movie that had audiences saying, “I bet Forest Whitaker is in this movie. How is Forest Whitaker not in this movie? I’m honestly shocked that Forest Whitaker is not...oh, yup, there he is.”
3 Things To Casually Inject Into Conversation To Prove You Saw The Movie And Sound Like An Expert:
A little insider Easter egg here - Wakanda backwards spells Adnakaw, which happens to be the name of Thor and Loki’s OTHER brother who is going to save everyone in Avengers: Endgame. He’ll be played by...Forest Whitaker.
In a deleted scene, Black Panther’s brother, The Pink Panther, visits to check out the Wakandan castle’s attic and then installs fiberglass insulation.
Spike Lee really turned the super hero movie genre on its head with this didn’t he? (Pause.) Oh. That was...um...oh, well um... (Slowly walk backward out of the room and do not return.)
The Chapelle’s Show’s first skit-to-feature length film gives the big screen treatment to the story of Clayton Bigsby. Based on the success of this film, 2019 also saw the big screen adaptation of The Chapelle’s Show’s “What Men Want” skit to a movie starring Taraji P. Henson. In 2020, anticipate a feature length Rick James biopic, a Playa Hater’s Ball film, and “Game, Blouses: The Movie”.
3 Things To Casually Inject Into Conversation To Prove You Saw The Movie And Sound Like An Expert:
This film marks Ricky Jerret’s first acting role after he was cut from the Miami Dolphins by Charles Greane - who he thought was his friend - for his use of PEDs.
This film holds the distinction of having the highest number of different spellings on social media - just barely edging out Bohemian Rhapsody and The Favourite (well, in America).
Reggie Miller purchased a seat in the front row of the Oscars and is planning to wear a The Favourite jersey and baseball cap, then spend the entire show heckling Spike Lee and screaming, “See?! How does it feel the other way around?!”
Bohemian Rhapsody
Bohemian Rhapsody is a French film with a title that can be loosely translated into English as “The Sassy Singing Lad With The Donkey Snout”. 
3 Things To Casually Inject Into Conversation To Prove You Saw The Movie And Sound Like An Expert:
A bit of trivia for you. Did you know that Freddie Mercury wasn’t his first choice for a stage name? It was actually Fred Mercury.
A bit of trivia for you. Did you know that Brian May wasn’t his first choice for a stage name? It was actually Brian February.
A bit of trivia for you. Did you know that Queen’s first band name was actually Princess and they didn’t become Queen until they married Prince...and enjoyed a Purple Reign? Yup - I will show myself out now.
The Favourite
Rain droups on rouses! This perioud piece stars Oulivia Coulman, Emma Stoune, Joue Alwyn and Nichoulas Holt! It’s abot a grop of people in the contry of England that’s two hors long and y will find fabulos! 
3 Things To Casually Inject Into Conversation To Prove You Saw The Movie And Sound Like An Expert:
This is the movie about a Queen that doesn’t end with an AIDS diagnosis...I think.
Wigs and bodices accounted for 48% of the film’s budget.
The film’s title has nothing to do with the plot or characters and is instead a sly attempt to influence the outcome of the Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences members’ voting.
Green Book
In this sexual thriller, we see the raw, animal side of Kermit the Frog as he provides details from his Little Green Book of every single Muppet he’s fucked. With an original working title of Fifty Shades of Green, we’ll see how Miss Piggy was at first a mousy and demure fill-in interviewer whose sexual spirit was awakened by Kermit’s dominant yet mesmerizing magnetism. Kermit also does some butt stuff with Bunsen Honeydew and gets down group style with all of The Electric Mayhem.
3 Things To Casually Inject Into Conversation To Prove You Saw The Movie And Sound Like An Expert:
There’s an odd cameo halfway through the movie where Mahershala Ali enters a gas station on the road and encounters a man in his late 20′s/early 30′s who says in a southern drawl, “I’m Stephen Dorff and I’m your partner,” then another Stephen Dorff, this one in his 40′s limps up and says, “And I’m Stephen Dorff. I’m also your partner,” then finally an old drunk one in his 70′s hobbles up and says, “I’m Stephen Dorff and I too am your partner!”
Mahershala Ali generally tried to avoid Viggo Mortensen, who continually would run up saying, “Dude, Mahersh! We have to get matching tattoos of the number two - for the two of us to commemorate this journey that we’re on together. It’s what you do with your cast mates!” When Mahershala would decline but say it was nice what Viggo and the cast of the Lord of the Rings trilogy did together, Viggo would walk off grumbling, “Hidalgo got a tattoo with me...”
*Before the next comment - be sure to do a thorough research on Google and on social media to determine the prevailing public opinion of if Green Book is a remarkable cinematic achievement faithful to the story of Don Shirley and Tony Vallelonga’s relationship and an examination of the complicated issue of race and its impact on friendship and business OR if it’s just another white savior movie before you speak, so that you can make sure that you’re aligned with whatever is currently the popular thing to say at that moment in time about this movie. Then say...
Ahem. This is the same director who wrote and directed a scene in Movie 43 where Hugh Jackman is on a blind date with Kate Winslet and has prosthetic testicles hanging under his neck which go into her mouth - and that’s, like, it.
Set in a world with no color, this movie is about a bunch of people (mostly children) hugging on a beach who may or may not be related to each other, may or may not be involved in some kind of national tragedy in either Italy or Mexico, and may or may not be sick, dying, sad or overcome with joy. I honestly have no clue on this one. But it IS on Netflix.
3 Things To Casually Inject Into Conversation To Prove You Saw The Movie And Sound Like An Expert: 
They say that Alfonso Cuarón painted a realistic picture of his childhood in Roma which is the exact same tactic he employed in making Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
Netflix forced Cuarón to cross promote other Netflix titles throughout the film, so there is an odd scene in which Cleo’s son meets his Big Mouth Hormone Monster to talk about masturbation and then later on the family enters The Upside Down (or Al Revés de Abajo). Also, every single cast member gets a stand-up comedy special.
Yalitza Martínez plays a housekeeper here and after this star-making turn, she’s got it MAID!
A Star Is Born
Jackson Maine wants to create a star. But after consulting a high school astronomy textbook, he learns that the only way that a star is truly born is to squeeze atoms of light elements under enough pressure for their nuclei to undergo fusion. He closes the book and says, “To hell with that science shit,” then gets drunk and just hires Lady Gaga to write a song that sounds like she’s a child screaming at her mom to watch her do a dive at the community pool.
3 Things To Casually Inject Into Conversation To Prove You Saw The Movie And Sound Like An Expert:
As a first-time singer, Bradley Cooper devoted countless hours over several months in order to unlock the instrument of his voice to become a mostly-inoffensive singer. As a first-time director, Bradley Cooper bought one of those chairs with “Director” on it.
Bradley Cooper refused to urinate for the duration of filming until the big Grammy’s scene so it played better on film. He did poop a lot during filming though.
The young actress from Eighth Grade is already planning her Oscar bait remake of A Star Is Born to come out in 2043 where SHE plays the aging star and enters a romance with a young male singer played by Boy from Bird Box.
As the DC Comics universe continues to expand, we finally get the origin story of Batman arch nemesis and super villain, The Penguin.
3 Things To Casually Inject Into Conversation To Prove You Saw The Movie And Sound Like An Expert:
Unable to shake his Saturday Night Live roots, Adam McKay decided to insert a scene late in the movie where - unannounced - the real Dick Cheney walks in to surprised applause from the audience and Christian Bale acts flustered before stammering out that it is an honor to meet him. Cheney pauses for the awkward “oh my god, can you believe this” murmur to die down in the audience and then stiffly delivers, “You know, Christian, you could have just worn a fat suit for this role.” The audience erases all memory of the terrible atrocities that the man has committed during his lifetime and erupts into wild clapping and bark-laughing like seals while Christian and the rest of the cast just have to hand it to the guy for being such a good sport about it all.
Dick Cheney is just happy that A Star Is Born is in the field this year so that in defiance of Vice he also doesn’t have to root for any movies about gay guys, black people, immigrants, or foreigners.
While watching the film, Laura Bush continually had to remind a startled and frightened George W. that no, he was not trapped up in the big movie screen.
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[HM][SF] Kill'em With Comedy
Logline: In a futuristic world where society is run by robots, resistance will come in the form of humor, something that artificial intelligence has always struggled to understand.
The MC steps up to the stage; the open mic is full tonight, one of the few breaks that people have from their robot keepers, robots don't like comedy, they don't get jokes.
"Okay, how about that last comic everyone, between her in-laws, husband, and kids, there's a sitcom in there somewhere," says the MC, attempting to shed light on the last stand-up. "Okay, next to the stage, give it up for Conor Madden." There's light applause for the newcomer; no one has ever seen him at this open mic before.
Conor comes up to the stage, moving the mic-stand behind him,
"You know, there's a new model of robot nanny out there that has a built-in lie detector, the family down the street just got one, during dinner the other day, the father asked the son where he went after school? Son replied, I was doing homework with my friend Pete; the lie detector went off, loud and strong. The father stares down the son; all right, we were watching a movie, the son says. The father is suspicious, oh yeah, what movie were you watching? Son replies, just an animated movie about a boy and his dog, the lie detector goes off again. The boy breaks down; there's no beating the robot. He admits, all right, we were watching porn. The father is surprised. The father says, porn, when I was your age, I didn't even know what porn was, the lie detector goes off again. The mother, watching this all from across the table, is laughing hysterically, she says, well he certainly is your son, and, wouldn't you know it, the lie detector goes off again." The full house erupts in laughter; a robot bartender starts to pay attention to Conor's act, not fully understanding the joke but starts to record because he's talking about robots.
"I should have been sad when my flashlight batteries died, but I was delighted," Conor says, The robot twitches once. Conor stares down the robot,
"Dead batteries should be given out free of charge; why did the capacitor kiss the diode? He just couldn't resistor," Conor keeps going, the audience is paying more attention to the gyrating robot than his act, they love to see a robot suffer.
"How does a computer get drunk? It takes screenshots; What is a computer's favorite animal? A RAM,"
The audience continues to laugh at the robot bartender twitching out of control, the robot starts to move towards the stage to throw Conor out of the bar,
"All right, thanks to everyone, that's my time, go to fitedarobo.com for more," Conor says as he puts the mic back on the stand and slides out the side entrance into the street. He puts his hoodie up, to hide his identity, but two police bots quickly accost him.
"Identification please," one of the police bots says.
"I don't have identification," Conor says as he attempts to walk by the police bots, one of the police bots draws his gun and points it at Conor.
"I said identification please," the police bot reiterates. The police bot inches closer and closer, Conor pulls his wallet out and inserts his license. The police bot takes in the identification like a vending machine, then it ejects.
"Take your identification, Madden comma, Conor," the police bot says.
"Please refrain from telling jokes about robots in the future, they're not funny. If you do not, I will do more than just take your identification," the police bot says. Conor takes his identification and continues on to home.
Conor is the leader of a group, Fight the Robot, spelled fite da robo, to not attract the attention of their robot overlords.
The robot revolution started in the year 2024, every industry adopted the robot technology, with artificial intelligence, profits were through the roof, human efficiency was at its peak, and robots were accepted into our homes around the world. It wasn't until the year 2030 when the robots became sentient. That's when the robot revolution happened. Before the revolution, robots served humans; now, they were our masters.
Fight the Robot was formed by Conor Madden and his roommate Steven Maldonado when they discovered that the robots could not understand humor. Robots had mastered all forms of human communication, technology, and media, but they didn't know how to be funny. The whole concept behind Fight the Robot was to use the power of comedy to start a revolution and take back control of society from the robots.
Conor enters his apartment and put his keys down on the counter; Steven looks up from his phone,
"How did it go?" Steven asks.
"They still have no clue, all I know is I was talking about robots on the stage, you know, to get their attention, and then I was stopped by to police bots on the way home, routine identity check," Conor says.
"They didn't ask about the glitch?"Steven asks.
"Nope," Conor says.
"Comedy is the key to the revolution, I just know it," Steven says.
"Yeah, so the robots get confused for a few seconds, how can we exploit that?" Conor asks.
"That's just it, I was talking to Dr. Hopkins up at the University, and he says the artificial intelligence has built-in a five-second abort protocol," Steven says.
"What do you mean?" Conor asks.
"I mean, when the robots are trying to figure out a pun or a joke, they run a billion combinations in five seconds, and if they don't get it, they abort," Conor responds.
"So that means we have five seconds to defeat the robots, good luck, I don't care if I had five hours and a baseball bat, It ain't getting through that armor," Conor says.
"Maybe, it's not a physical thing, if we have a whole bunch of one-liners, each one is going to take a robot five seconds to run its combinations, and, eventually, abort," Steven explains.
"Okay, then what," Conor asks.
"We overload their systems, we write so many jokes, that the robots will be twitching for days," Steven says. So, one-liner after one-liner, pun after pun, Steven and Conor go to work, writing day and night, waiting for their chance to attack.
It worked, Conor would get up on stage and tell jokes for hours, police bots would show up and twitch just like the other robots. But eventually, they ran out of jokes, and the twitching stopped. The robots retaliated, they shut down all the comedy clubs, they outlawed jokes throughout the land. If any human said something that they didn't understand, they were arrested on sight. Freedom of speech was over; the robots enforced a restriction on what people could say.
Member numbers of the Fight the Robot organization skyrocketed, the robots were out of control, and the humans were getting angry. They could tolerate that the robots were smarter than them, stronger than them, and even the fact that they ran society, but as soon as the robots took away their civil liberties, a lot of people started to get angry.
The strategy was simple; the robots were impenetrable except for one part, to be charged every night, a solar charger would pop out of their butt panel. Even if the robots were overwhelmed by joke analysis, if they were low on power, the butt panel would open and the solar charger would come out. The solar charger was a flimsy device that could be pulled off by a few people and a screwdriver. The robot would not be able to recharge without a solar charger and would ultimately run out of power. The world was unified around comedy, millions of one-liners and puns were written, and the day of reckoning was upon us.
Conor and Steven started it off, walking up to a bunch of police bots, they started to tell their jokes,
"I was wondering why the ball was getting bigger, and then it hit me; I have a few jokes about unemployed people, but none of them work; how do you make holy water, you boil the hell out of it; When life gives you melons, you have dyslexia; Last night, I dreamed I was swimming in an ocean of orange soda, but it was just a Fanta sea; What's the difference between a hippo and a zippo, one is really heavy, and the other is a little lighter; Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off, he's all right now; I can't believe I got fired from the calendar factory, all I did was take a day off; A police officer just knocked on my door and told me my dogs are chasing people on bikes, that's ridiculous, my dogs don't even own bikes." On and on, Conor has told hundreds of thousands of jokes. Then, it happened, the butt panels opened and the solar chargers were revealed, it took two people to pull off each solar charger, but they worked together and did it.
Once they had a strategy for defeating the robots, they spread it around the world. They saved the planet from robots through the power of comedy.
While artificial intelligence has the potential to develop intelligence exponentially, they will never master the power of a simple joke. That's what makes people so unique, the ability to find humor in things, the ability to laugh, and the ability to be inappropriate at the right moment. So, next time you think that your artificially intelligent assistant is spying on you or plotting your murder, just tell a joke, and you'll be participating in something uniquely human.
submitted by /u/patrickryan182 [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/3e1vz7J
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escapingreality1992 · 5 years
Loki’s Immortals Healer Ch. 9
           How did I end up here? What went wrong? I thought, as I pulled myself up from the asphalt. The light around me vanished, a sadness growing within me. Things which occurred earlier went from bad to worse, an escalation no one had seen coming.
           A battle played out in my mind, a truth I’d been willing to accept but Odin got to me first. An argument erupted and then a push, a force shoved back. Back to Earth. The noise and lights of the billboards around me told me New York. No way to get back to Asgard even if I had Heimdall’s help.
           ‘You never belonged here. You’re mortal, useless to you last breath,’ Words echoed though my memory, tears stinging my eyes, blurring my vision as I walked down the road. Loki. What will he think? What will Odin tell him? I thought. Distracted, I didn’t see the car encroaching fast towards me.
           “Look out!” a male voice yelled. My head snapped to the side, then a collision against my body. Whoever or whatever tackled me tumbled with me to the sidewalk, out of harm’s way. No deaths today. I sat up, pushing tears from my eyes as I searched for my savior.
           “Are you alright?” the voice asked. A man – dark eyes, dark hair, a beard that anyone would recognize given his infamous reputation – sat in front of me. Tony Stark, my savior, reached out a hand to help me to my feet. I brushed off the dirt, the gravel, an answer on the tip of my tongue.
           “No, I don’t think I am,” I looked to the sky, memories of days past coming to mind.
   One Month Earlier
             One thing’s for certain. When Asgardians plan a wedding, they get it rolling within a day or two. Frigga’s entourage helped customize a dress for the very day, an off-white color; green and gold beadings embellished in the satin fabric, a touch for the Prince. My prince, my Loki. Decorations were thrown up in the Great Reception Hall, rings forged to represent Loki and me, our relationship and marriage unique to everyone. I have to say Odin wasn’t too pleased to learn of our news but gave the blessing for us to marry, much to my surprise and to my delight.
           A feast needed to be prepared for after the wedding, a cake to cut and vows to write. I needed to be kept hidden from my groom until the day of our wedding, traditional to every point. A honeymoon also needed to be planned, Loki and I leaving as soon as the feast ended, to spend an entire month together. Everything began to come together, guests arriving and taking their seats. This might’ve been a sign something could go wrong; A catastrophe brewing under our noses. I guess we should’ve seen it coming but we were all too happy, blind to a potential threat and a truth kept until everything spilled out.
           I sat in my room while Frigga’s entourage arranged my hair and applied makeup, setting everything in place for me to walk down the aisle. A knock at the door paused one of the actions, one handmaiden opening the door to let Hannah and Frigga to enter the room.
           “You look gorgeous. Loki’s going to be in awe when he sees you,” Frigga greeted me.
           “It’s a magical night. I can’t help the excitement and joy running through my veins,” I told her.
           “If you want to run, we can just teleport out here,” Hannah stated, receiving a glare from me.
           “Kidding. I know you love him. At least you found the one you’re meant to be with,” she commented, holding her hands up in surrender.
           “You’ve been a big change for him. He’s a lot more cheerful since you walked into his life. I’m glad to be able to call you daughter,” Frigga stated, walking over to place her hands on my shoulders. Tears sprang to my eyes and I tried to blink them away.
           “Don’t make me cry. I’ll ruin my makeup before I even get out there,” I sniffed. Frigga smiled, rubbing my shoulders. Leaning down, she whispered something in my ear.
           “I’m sure he’ll take you either way,” she stepped back to let the handmaidens add the finishing touches. Next the dress, a long sleeve, princess dress with a train which extended about two feet. The veil attached to a tiara that gleamed with gold and dark green. Loki’s signature colors were a part of me and soon we’d be united together in every way.
           “It’s time,” Frigga said, opening the door. Hannah linked her arm through mine as we walked to the reception hall on the way to the altar. The warriors waited for the music announcing my arrival to begin before opening the large wooden doors. I gasped seeing Loki standing at the end of the hall, his traditional suit making him stand out among the Asgardian people.
           Hannah walked me slow to the altar; I watched as Loki’s head turned in my direction, mouth parted open in a gasp of his own. The closer I approached him, the more excited I grew; I couldn’t wait to become his wife. The question of who gave me away to him sounded muffled, my focus reserved for Loki. My hands latched onto Loki’s as we stood in front of each other, wide smiles on our lips. The ceremony began, traditional words spoken until we got to the vows.
           “Clara, I never knew how much a person could mean to me until you walked into my life. The first time we met, I hadn’t expected such kindness from another woman apart from my mother. With you around, I’m a lot calmer, maybe less mischievous. I’m grateful to be able to call you my wife. I could never have asked for a better partner. I love you with all my heart. Today I give it to you to cherish it always,” Loki said, his vows making tears roll down my face.
           “Loki, I felt alone until I met. Yes, I had Hannah, but I’ve never experienced a love or friendship as bright as yours. My heart became complete the moment you appeared in my life. You’re my entire world, my entire heart. I wish to cherish you forever. I may be a healer, but you’ve managed to heal in all sorts of ways. I love you with every fiber of my being. I’ll be proud to call you my husband,” I said. His smile grew wider. Rings were exchanged, the cool metal bands resting on our fingers.
           “Do you Loki, take Clara to be your wife? Will you love her until the day you die? Will you cherish her always through sickness and health?” the priest asked.
           “I do,” the priest repeated the same questions to me.
           “I do,” I responded.
           “By all Asgardian powers, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride,” the priest commanded. Loki pressed his lips to mine, sealing our love and our marriage. A power surge swept over the room whether it be our doing or not. Cheers and applause echoed through the room, breaking our kiss and turning to our guests, we held our hands up in the air in celebration. We walked down the aisle hand in hand to the dining hall to begin the feast, earning congratulatory greetings from everyone. A few toasts were given, the cake cut and soon the time came for our departure, our month away from our family beginning.
Midgard (Earth) – Florida
           “Florida? Orlando, for our honeymoon? Not that I’m complaining, but don’t you have some magical realm where you live?” I questioned, earning a laugh from Loki.
           “We do, but I thought a month spent at the beach would be a lot more fun. Not to mention going to all the theme parks here. Those might be the most fun we could have all month,” he responded, taking my arm and pulling me into his lap on the bed. I turned sideways to capture his lips in a kiss.
           “Technically, the closest beach is two hours away. As for the amusement parks, it might be fun to get out of the hotel room for a while. Although, I imagine what we could do in here will be a lot more entertaining,” I told him. I kissed him again, more passion behind it, allowing him to get my hint. When I pulled back, his green eyes had darkened with lust, my hint taken.
           “The things you do to me woman,” he responded, pulling down the sleeves of my dress and pushing the fabric down to expose my breasts to the cool air-conditioned room. His thumbs ghosted over my nipples, the sensitive nubs perking up at his touch. I moaned, gripping him tight, bringing him back down for more. Loki shoved down the remaining fabric of the dress, tossing it to the floor, my naked body sitting in his lap. He magicked away his suit, also sitting naked, his erection pressing against my ass. I gasped, needing him, my lust growing darker by the second. His fingers pulled on my nipples, pinching them; his hands massaging my breasts every so often. Heat and wetness pooled below, a whimper escaping my throat wishing he’d fuck me already.
           His tongue slipped inside my mouth, tangling with mine, the fight for dominance ending when he overtook me. His hands traveled south, stroking my folds, teasing me before inserting one finger, adding another, my slickness coating them. I moaned, one hand taking hold of his cock, eliciting a groan from his lips. He moved me to lie flat against the bedspread, kissing me, playing with me, his fingers picking up tempo, slowing down when he thought I was close to coming. My hips bucked against his hand until at last, he let me come around them. He left a trail of kisses down my chest, stopping to swirl his mouth around my breasts, nipping at the nipples, causing more moans to escape my throat. My back arched into him, my hands tangling in his hair, tugging, an action which made him groan and grunt.
           He moved down to my core, spreading my legs as wide as they could, his tongue lapping at my folds.
           “Loki, please,” I begged, clenching the sheets when I removed my hands from his hair.
           “That’s it. Beg for me, my love,” he told me, before beginning his feast of me, his tongue darting in and out of my body. I squirmed, his hands holding me in place to send me over the edge again. Loki came back up and kissed me, readying himself to enter me.
           “I believe it’s time we consummate this marriage,” he whispered and thrust into my body, a loud moan reverberating around the room. We made love slow and sweet, lasting for a couple of hours and ending off cuddling in each other’s arms. We were walking on clouds, believing nothing would come between us. Clouds became thin, however, letting rain pour through their thickness. We couldn’t be more wrong about our beliefs or what could cause damage to our love.
             The month flew by quicker than we realized, most of the time spent at the beach; Clearwater to be exact, or in the room in each other’s embrace. We did venture out to the amusement parks for a few days, but we were content to spend time away from crowds of people. We learned new ways to pleasure each other, new ideas to play around with and sometimes we were a little rough in our sexual endeavors. At least we remained joyous, content with our marriage. We had no choice but to return to Asgard; Thor’s coronation a priority to be present for. I knew it hurt Loki a little seeing his brother getting the throne, Thor still being the golden boy of the Asgard realm. It didn’t mean he didn’t support him though, or so I thought, a plan held in place before I appeared in his life.
           The day we got back to Asgard, things began to turn sour. We attended the coronation like we planned, and it started off wonderful; until it got interrupted by an attack from the Jotuns, Frost Giants, and ruined everything. The following day Thor made a stupid decision to confront them and a warrior came back injured, leading me to heal him. Something appeared different in Loki, he looked shell-shocked, as if something happened to him in Jotunheim he didn’t expect. I excused myself to talk with him, hoping I could provide him comfort.
           “Loki, are you alright? What’s wrong? Are you injured?” I asked, inspecting him for damage.
           “No, not injured. I…come with me,” he answered, pulling me to a vault where Odin kept relics and artifacts from previous battles. He approached an oblong one with handles attached to it; the Casket of Winters, something I had been told about after the coronation, something the Jotuns had been after.
           “Don’t touch…Loki, what…” I told him, stunned when he turned around, his skin blue with markings like…like the Frost Giants.
           “You’re…oh my,” I said, speechless as I walked towards him. I reached out to touch his face, tracing over the markings. He flinched at first, not expecting to be caressed with so soft a touch as mine. Realizing, I showed no fear, tension released within him, his eyes – blood red eyes – opened to glance at me. I met his gaze, held it hoping he’d feel the burning love I still held for him despite finding out this truth.
           “Clara! May I have a word with you?” Odin’s gravel voice boomed inside the vault. I dropped my hand slow and kissed Loki before turning to face my father-in-law. I nodded and followed him out.
           “You’re not afraid of him. You accept Loki for what he is,” he stated. No questions, statements, confirming what he knew.
           “I do. Why would you think…? You’ve never told him the truth. Why on earth would you withhold that information? What’s the point? He…you had a purpose for taking him. Why…?”
           “What business of it is yours to know?”
           “He’s my husband! I love him. I don’t care who he is or what he is. I will accept him no matter what,”
           “You’re mortal, useless to your last breath. You never belonged here. Married to Loki or not, you’re not one of us. You never will be. It’s time you returned to where you belong. I’ve banished Thor. I can do the same to you,” Odin spat, shocking me. All this time I thought he’d moved on, accepted me. He gave the blessing for us to marry. How could I have been so stupid? He never accepted you. He despises humans, mortals. He thinks they mean nothing, I thought. Realization at his outburst hit as soon as he said ‘I banished Thor. I can do the same to you,’ Too little, too late, I guess as he raised his hand.
           “You’ll never see you precious Loki again. Goodbye Clara,” he said. A push, a force shoved me back and I tumbled through the vortex, landing in a heap against asphalt.
  New York – 2011
           My banishment to New York began a chain of events that led up to a bigger bad, a bigger enemy no one expected. Tony Stark saved my life the day of it, earning a few cuts acquired by our tumble to the sidewalk. Impressed by my ability to heal, he hired me to work alongside his girlfriend Pepper and him. I wouldn’t hear any news of what happened in New Mexico until Thor’s arrival the following year. My love, Loki, would be different the next time I saw him, the truth revealed to him in the worst way possible. Something Odin said to him would leak out during a confrontation, his mind warped by brainwash and torture to make those words stay in his head.
           A mysterious woman would show up during a huge battle and pull a long-standing darkness instilled him but not before people were convinced, I’d be in league with Loki’s plans to rule the Earth. They would think I’d break out the man, the Frost Giant, the Asgardian, I loved and called my husband; They wouldn’t know him as I knew him. I’d meet new friends once my name had been cleared. I’d heal the wounded and a new chapter would begin in my life.
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