#they engage with media in possibly the most boring and shallow way ever
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every time i get one of those videos in my recommended of anime reviewers with the title like "WIND BREAKER IS STRAIGHT HANDS" or "THE BEST FIGHTING ANIME" it really gets on my nerves lol
because yes on one hand theyre not technically WRONG... Wind Breaker is "about" fighting in the sense that the story contains a lot of it... but i feel like its just so ridiculously reductive.
and i also know that these videos often rely on clickbait but man idk as someone who has read the manga, calling wind breaker simply "about fighting" or GOD FORBID saying something like "wind breaker is ALL hands ALL THE TIME" well you're maybe not looking deep enough lol
to be fair to those people who are anime onlys, we are only like 10 episodes in and all the early content is basically just fighting but the thing im scared of is videos like that attracting the kind of audience who will become discontent later on when the narritive starts to focus more on things that arent fighing. (like tsubaki's whole introduction chapters have pretty much no fighting in them)
i guess im basically just mad at powerscalers reducing a really heartfelt and emotionally impactful story into just. a show about street fights.
#wind breaker#SORRY FOR THE DOOMER RANT#i just hate anime dudebros with my whole heart#they engage with media in possibly the most boring and shallow way ever
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Hello, I re-read your fic "one of a king, no category" again recently and first of all I absolutely love it and I always tear up no less then 3 times every time I read it. I was curious, if you remember, how you decided on the 9 cats you chose for the 9 lives ceremony, and also were there any other characters you considered using but who didn't end up making the cut?
Hello there! Thank you so much for writing in with such a sweet compliment, it really warms my heart to know that story has hit such a lovely chord with so many people. I think out of all the stories I’ve written for Warriors so far, one of a kind, no category is the one I’m proudest of and the one I’d like to be remembered for the most.
And thank you for this question, it’s a very good one! I have a feeling it’ll get very long, though, so I’ll put it under the cut.
I didn’t have to think much at all to know which cats I wanted to write about for this story, because I’ve been thinking about these nine in various ways since I first read the series. In many ways, one of a kind, no category is a love letter to characters I felt were treated cruelly and unfairly in canon and I wanted to give them a brief moment to be something other than what they were--whether that was to complicate or reinterpret the narrative they’re given in canon, or to highlight the qualities they have that often get overlooked or underappreciated by the writers (and sometimes other fans).
So there’s cats like Silverstream and Rosetail, who are barely there and then killed off as a plot point--to cause drama for Greystripe or show the brutality of clan life, respectively. Then there’s cats like Lizardstripe, Nightcloud, and Foxheart who are basically written as shallow, “bitchy” antagonists--and as a result are often seen that way by the fandom--or cats like Ferncloud, who are seen as “boring” or “useless” because of their time in the nursery and often resented for that by fans.
And I don’t necessarily blame fans for these readings of the characters, because the canon is so badly written. I think there’s always a tendency for male characters to be given leniency and complicatedness that is often withheld for female characters, but in Warriors, that cultural reading issue is compounded by the fact the writers themselves don’t ever really do female characters justice. Canon Ferncloud is largely there to pop out kittens and then died in battle “as a result of fan complaints” because Erin Hunter’s misguided understanding of the criticism they were receiving--i.e., interpreting “all she does is have kittens” to mean “we want her to fight [and die]” instead of “please give her character depth--no, not death, no, Erin, don’t--”
I wanted to take these characters and humanise (for lack of a better word) their canonical representations in a way that makes you actually care about who they are/were and the life they lived. Silverstream’s death is a tragedy. Rosetail’s life is a triumph. I wanted these experiences to be embodied in a story in a way that could give readers feelings and change how people thought of these (canonically very badly written) characters, not because I think Erin Hunter is a secret genius and deserves it (they don’t, I hate them), but because the characters themselves deserve more recognition and care than they often receive.
Anyway, I’m sorry, I’ve gone way off track! To actually answer your questions:
1. Leopardstar: one of the few female leaders--whose story is then basically about what a bigot she is and how she betrayed her whole clan (more or less) for a man because she was secretly in love with Tigerstar. I hate that they made a female leader (one of very few!) just to be like “eh she’s a lackey to an evil man she’s in love with who doesn’t care about her.”
2. Rosetail: as mentioned before, she is barely in canon at all (in the main series; she returns in Bluestar’s Prophecy as kind of Bluefur’s best friend?). She’s actually the first clan cat to die after Firepaw joins Thunderclan, but it mostly gets swept aside and people are sad for like a minute and then the shock value wears off and she’s forgotten.
3. Nightcloud: she’s kind of the contentious female character of the main series, because she’s either too clingy or too mean or a bad mother etc., and I’ve seen many people sympathise with Crowfeather over her--even though her side of things genuinely sucks. I wanted to give her space to be a kind of unlikeable person who still deserved better than she got. I think she deserves the same compassion people are willing to the extend to the man who mistreats her.
4. Brightheart: one of the most famous disabled characters of canon--but she never really gets a decent resolution. Her ending is “happy” but I feel that she’s not really given closure for much of what happened to her, and in many ways the story around her is still very ableist. I feel like there’s a lot of extremely challenging internal growth that she would have had to do that never gets noticed in canon, so I wanted to give her a moment of sharing a fraction of the strength and wisdom she would have taught herself.
5. Silverstream: as mentioned before, she’s so young and it feels to me like she exists--and dies--for the purposes of man-pain and I hate that. She gets so little personality in canon and then dies in childbirth, and I wanted to first give her a self that is so wonderful and real that it genuinely is devastating that she dies. It’s not a shrug, or a “poor Greystripe”: it’s a heartbreak to see someone so vivacious and excellent and hopeful get their life cut short. I want her story to be centred on who she is, not who she fell in love with and how he feels.
6. Foxheart: she’s basically a mean, snotty villain in Yellowfang’s Secret (as is Lizardstripe) and an enemy of Yellowfang in a way that to me reeks of internalised misogyny from Erin Hunter, if I’m real with you. I wanted to give another interpretation of the events--especially considering how unbelievable it is that Yellowfang “got away” with that whole secret kit thing. It doesn’t make sense, unless you consider that other cats are in on it. Literally all Foxheart had to say to ruin Yellowfang’s life was “that kitten’s not mine”--and she never said that. I think that gets overlooked a lot and I wanted to explore that detail. And I thought it fitting to reinterpret a character whose name is literally an insult in canon (”fox-heart”) as having so much integrity that she would rather go down in history as a villain than be a snitch and a traitor to a clan-mate.
7. Lizardstripe: similar to above, she’s written as a horrible, bitter lady who resents her own mate and kits and is bullied into fostering Brokenkit and is miserable about that. It’s literally said “[h]er bitterness and resentment towards Brokenstar is what led him down his path of hatred” which is classic “blame a woman for a man’s behaviour” and a very rich statement from Erin Hunter who in the same breath is like “some cats (i.e., Brokentail) are just born evil as a punishment from Starclan on their birth mothers for breaking their vows.” It is so vile how Erin Hunter’s writing revolves as much as possible around blaming and punishing women for everything, including and especially men’s development and behaviour.
8. Ferncloud: sort of mentioned before, but Ferncloud over the years has gotten a lot of fan disapproval for being passive and frequently pregnant. I think a lot of those criticisms--when levelled at Erin Hunter’s lazy writing--are fair and just but sometimes I feel that, in pursuit of more “strong” female characters in media, some fans forget to appreciate the many ways femininity and female characters can be subversive and/or still good, even when they’re not traditional hero’s narratives. In the real world, domestic labour (i.e., women’s work) is significantly undervalued, and I feel that Ferncloud can be read as an amazing example of someone who works to the bone every day and is largely ignored and underappreciated because the work she does is expected and taken for granted.
9. Greypool: I love her--or at least my version of her. She doesn’t get a lot of attention in canon, other than a mention of being the foster mother to Bluestar’s kits and the fact she loses her memory as she ages and is murdered by Tigerclaw. It felt fitting for her to be the final life, both as a great and renowned storyteller in her own right and a cat considered to be very wise and kind with her words and thoughts, since ultimately one of a kind, no category is about the way stories can be told to shape the world--i.e., Erin Hunter’s often sexist canon versus the compassionate and intelligent retellings this fandom creates.
As for cats that weren’t included, I’m happy with the nine I chose and I love them, but there are a lot of other cats who’ve been poorly treated by canon that would deserve a better story too. Snowfur of Thunderclan leaps to mind, as does Feathertail, and Palebird of Windclan, and honestly even Bluestar and Mapleshade. I think to a certain extent it’s hard to really engage with any of these characters’ narratives without also acknowledging the impact of sexist tropes on that narrative--i.e., how much of canon is “the character” (an intentional construct) and how much of their characterisation/story is kind of a side-effect of uncritical sexism perpetuated in the writing of said character? And I don’t really know the answer, because that’s not really a line that can be drawn. But I like to think one of a kind, no category and similar stories help reimagine other versions of these characters as fuller, more real people and that thought makes me happy.
#reply#one of a kind no category#warriors#honestly i had to really pull back on this one so i didn't write you a whole essay but there's still a lot here and for that i am sorry#thank you for asking! i really like that story and it is the nicest thing in the world when people tell me they like it too
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God (the play)
Written by L.A. Glanvill Copyright 2018 (rev.)
Characters: A mottle group that went to grade school together till the end of High school. Even though they have different personalities, they maintain a close relationship even in there late twenties. Bringing New couples into the mix and dealing with the off-putting scenarios the characters create.
God: Stereotypical character, white toga Style robe. Seems innocent almost naive. Seems to have an Identity crisis. Definite wisdom but seems simple when dealing with tough situation. Playful and whimsical as well.
Phil: Late twenties, anal and looks for people's approval even though he's successful at his job. Seems a bit needy with a touch of sarcasm that is retracted when he goes to far. Can be self-defeating and can be a bit of a whiner.
Martha: Wise but quietly wanting everyone to be happy. A people-pleaser, her main goal is to become the perfect host. Dedicated to Phil. Knows things others don't seem to know but can be so blind at times and a bit of a snob. She seems to miss the small things.
Tom: Very religious, devout, a little dumb. Easily influenced by Jen. Very scattered and reactionary. Illogical. Blind to all around him. Controlled by base emotions and short tempered.
Jen: Tom's Girlfriend. Not smart but thinks she is. Really argumentative. Emotional and reactive. Very aggressive. Uses sex as a weapon with Tom. Massively manipulative.
Tammy: The most unlucky person ever. If anything can go wrong, it will. She falls a lot, always hurt, outer circle even affected. Can be sad and meek at times. But still seems to carry a smile even if fake. Has an expecting nature about her and stoic.
Dr. Segal: Arrogant, controlling, big ego. Is a Player and condescending. Very shallow and materialistic. Male chauvinistic personality. Objectives women. Really believes he's better than others.
Corina: Very shallow, gold digger, materialistic. Only wears and top brands but never pays for anything. Has multiple boyfriends. Dr. Segal being one of them. Using her looks for gains. Very flirty cheats on all relationships.
Zoe: A clone of Corina but pretends to be dumber. Wrestles with being moral has a conscience but ignores it most times. Important to mimic Corina as much as possible.
Liz: Rhon's Girlfriend, an accomplished musician, university TA. Sweet, kind, a little silly, quiet and very smart. Super humble, supportive and affectionate. Loves animals and people. Can be naive because she wants to believe in the best of people.
Death: Based on a grandmother character. Super sweet, soft just exudes love. Must have grannies glasses. Flowered dress. Little hate, like going to church on Sunday. Cane, just someone you would love no matter what.
Rhon (the actor): Liz's boyfriend, logical, scientific in nature. A intellectual always ready for a debate. Can be loud at times. Knows a lot about the universe and not afraid to share his ideas. Strong sense of self.
Rhon Grenon (The director): Laid back but impatient, direct, demanding if pushed. Also has a contradicting personality, a “I don't care attitude”, but takes everything personal. Knows what he likes and can be a little arrogant about it.
Cue card guy: The real Rhon Grenon. AKA, L.A. Glanvill
Song list:
Voy Vance - Make it rain.
Kidnap kid - first light.
The Pete box - Wave.
Syd Matters – River sister.
Pretty lights – Finally moving.
Patrick Watson – To build a home. (Tammy Dies)
Youngblood Hawk – We come running.
Our last night – Voices.
Two Feet – Had some drinks.
San Holo – Light.
Suuns – Translate.
The Chemical Brothers - Snow.
Miike Snow – Cult logic.
John Butler – Ocean.
Waterboys – To close to heaven.
Phosphoroscent – Song for Zula.
The Strumbellas – We don't know.
Ray LaMontagne – Empty.
The Acid – Basic Instinct.
Low- Lullaby
Sound Crew: Responsible of overall feel of the atmosphere and vital to success of the feel of the play.
Lighting crew: Timing is everything. Absolute focus is necessary or wont work especially in the end.
Food Crew: Have to do set up during end of play, Quietly and quickly. Then responsible to encourage people to start to eat. Bring them food or ask them what they want.
Audience Plants: Willing to engage neighbours and encourage them to get involved to the party. Start before the play starts.
Make-up crew: Responsible for all wardrobe and make-up but essential at the end to make Jen a car accident victim..
Visual Crew: Responsible for timing and visual play on TV. Easter Egg
Set Crew: Layout and design as well of placement for optimal full party organization.
Media Crew: Hit all formats of social media. Create a buzz.
Flood of lights across a room, showing all the details of the stage. Centre stage is a typical living room with couch and TV facing audience. Modern style decor Music plays softly in the background. Looks like there is a preparation for a party going on. Banner saying congratulations up and balloons, food out. Three characters are already walking around finishing prepping. The Lights dim, the characters continue to do what they are doing, above the lights and music comes the deep booming voice of God as his speech continues, the rest get the room finished and ready for the party.
GOD: In the beginning there was nothing. Pause Nothing here anyway. This darkness, which wasn't actually darkness at the time because no one had come along to start naming things. Just was... Pause nevertheless; anyway; All the same. From the darkness I created the sun, the moon and all the stars. People weren't even on my mind at this point. I was creating scenery. See. Then I laid out the earth here and touched it up with all the beauty I could imagine. Birds, flowers, trees, beetles, rocks, sand, rainbows and snowy peaked mountains. Eventually, water crept up on the land as land invaded the waters and beasts I envisioned lived in blissful ignorance. All but one; Distaste in voice HUMANS. Humans who started thinking that they had monkeys as ancestors. Who considered themselves the descendants of muscular slugs, who heroically dragged their slippery bodies from the water to land to evolve. Again distaste in voice Suddenly, I feel a need to inform them of their folly; To make my presence known; To inform educate, instruct and edify; To help them understand themselves and to do something. Pause You see, I've become so incredibly bored.
Lights rise again full. The three characters are speaking with one another from across the room. Light music. The doorbell rings.
Phil: I'll Get it. Walks towards the door. Stage Left. Martha raises a hand but not her head as she works away at making finger sandwiches. Phil opens the door to Tammy, Jen, and Thom. Who is carrying a bag of ice. Tammy has a grease mark on her face and her hands are slightly stained, her clothes are wrinkled and hair all messed.
Oh my god Tammy what the hell happened?
Tammy looks at her feet and doesn't answer.
Tom: Her car had a little trouble.
Jen: A little Trouble? I didn't even know that thing could move. It was a rolling horror show.
Tom: She just had a flat tire. Jen: A flat tire!?! I think all four tires of those tires were running on rims. She had flat rims.
Phil: Takes Tammy's hand You ok, hun?
Tammy nods her head walks over and puts a bowl of crab dip that she brought on the table.
Tammy: I'll put the Crab dip here that I made here Martha. Is that ok?
Martha: Come in, come in all of you. Why are you all standing around? Yes Tammy that's fine, right there is fine.
Phil moves to the side and holds the door open. The three walk by him and toss their jackets on the side chair. Phil, looking towards the entering guests goes to close the door behind him but Dr. Segal with Corina and Zoe walk in one on each arm like arm candy. Bumping into Phil as they enter.
Dr. Segal: How's it going, Hi, Hi. I'm here let the party begin.
Phil goes to close the door and looks out to the audience. The spotlight focuses on him. The rest of the cast greet each other , and talk give hugs and hellos. They all grab drinks that Martha is holding on a tray.
Phil: I decided to throw a party. Because I never do these kind of things: Normally I like a nice quiet night in with my fiance, Martha. Or a night on the town at a play, an intimate blues bar or a open air concert. But not in my house, I'm not to found of having people in my house. But these are my friends.
Pause, looks at the group.
A motley crew of misanthropes; self-doubters the lot of them. But aren't we all? They hide it well though, don't they? Dr. Segal there, with the ladies by his side. A plastic surgeon. He has devoted his life, specifically, to enlarging the mammary glands on the already well-endowed women: Women such as Corina, The young woman on his left.
Corina laughs, pushes her chest out, and gives Dr. Segal a slap on the shoulder
Corina didn't always look like that. Nor did any of us really want her to. She's beautiful, in her own way. Then there's Zoe who's thinking of surgery herself, but isn't sure. Why you ask? Because she isn't sure of anything or at least that's what I think. She sure seems to know everything.
Zoe steps back from the other two and raising one hand begins to yatter in a way that the others two roll their eyes at her
Phil: Jen and Tom, have a dysfunctional/ destructive relationship if there ever has been one. They can fight about anything; where the sun sets. What time it is on the moon. If an orange was purple what would it be called? But then they have, or so I've been told, knock out sex. Isn't that the way though?
Jen and Tom seem to be arguing about something of near the kitchen table
And then there's Tammy, poor, poor Tammy. We've been calling her that for years now. Nothing that we know of has ever gone her way. Her father left when she was four, then her mother died on her when she was five. She was shipped off and raised by a grandmother who didn't believe in children. Lucky for her she died when she was Ten. Then many foster-homes. And she disappeared for a good five years. These things are not mentioned in the group. None of ask and she doesn't share. Since she came back her luck has even gotten worse. If there is a chair leg to catch a toe on , she will. If she jumps a green light, she'll get t-boned by another car. If she dates a nice guy. An aspiring doctor...and don't let her know I told you this... he'll end up being the doctor only so much as that he'll get caught dismembering the neighbourhood cats.
Tammy goes to sit down and falls of the chair. Spilling her drink on herself
Then there is Martha and I, We've been together six years now. One day soon I am going to ask for her hand... I didn't know I could love someone this much. And this is my party which I have been planning for two weeks. Now you are all up to speed let's jump in and see where this goes.
Martha is handing out food still and the doorbell rings again. Stage lights up and Phil walks over to answer the door.
Rhon: Hey buddy boy! Gives Phil a hug then pushes him
Phil: Where's Liz?
Rhon: She's on her way. She wanted to bring her own car so she could leave when she wanted to from work.
Rhon Takes of his coat and drops it on the couch, Phil goes to close the door and Liz enters with God slightly behind her. She runs in leaving the door open, God wanders in as the attention is on Liz
Liz: Rhon, Rhon. I won! I won the award for my composition!
She runs across the room and hugs Rhon. Rhon raises a glass in his hand to toast her
Rhon: A toast, To Liz, who just won some epic award for which I assume is a beautiful musical composition.
Everyone raise their glasses, cheer and then drink deeply. Then the girls jump up and down in excitement and joy. Before going back to what they were doing. Lights dim. God Stands beside the couch examining the room, Hands behind his back, Tipping forwards on his feet. Phil goes and closes the door and turns to the audience. Spot light on Phil
Phil: Then there's Rhon and Liz. There's not a better couple out there, as far any of us can tell. And If I have to admit it I'm bit jealous of their relationship. Supportive and loving, disgustingly perfect. And then there's this...
Pauses looks at God hand stuck in air and confused
This Guy who I have never seen before. Who is this guy?
Stage lights up Phil walks over to Liz and Rhon who is excitedly talking to Rhon.
Phil: Who's your friend?
Liz: Who?
Phil: Dude with the beard. He came with you didn't he?
Liz: Never seen him before.
Everyone looks at God who is now watching the TV. Music changes to christian Gospel
Rhon: Who is this guy? And What's with the music?
Phil: Martha can we put on a different CD?
Martha walks over to change the CD but it keeps playing as she pulls out the CD as she holds it. She looks dumbfounded. Phil walks over to God
Phil: Hi There.
Looking quizzical, God just smiles, a kind generous smile
God: Good day, Sir.
Phil: Umm, Might I ask who you came with? Who you came with?
God pauses for a second, glances around the room and back to Phil. Some are looking at him, Liz, Rhon, and Tammy are paying attention to what he's saying. All others are conversing about there places and do not hear what he is about to say
God: I am God
Looking puzzled like he doesn't understand the question
Phil: God? As in Godfry. Right?
God: No, no, no. God.
Glances till he locks eyes towards Martha direction
Ask Martha.
Phil: Oh, you're a friend of Martha's.
God: Yes and no. But she'll understand.
Phil: God. Okay, God. I see.
Lights dim again, spotlight on God. Rest of the cast freezes.
God: To the audience. People simply do not understand. Was I to believe that they honestly would? God is not something that comes and talks to one Saturday night. Something, someone? That just shows up in your living room. God is supposed to be ethereal, everlasting and above all else, somewhere else; Somewhere mystical and above the clouds. Or trenched deep within one's heart: not standing on your carpet in your front room. How can I make them understand who I am? Well I cannot; they simply do, or they do not.
Lights back to full
Phil: God then.
God: To audience And Phil here does.
Phil: May I introduce you to my friend, Moses, Jesus and Mary. Snickers
God: I see. Sarcasm is the lowest form of humour. Has no one ever told you that, Phil?
Phil looks slightly shocked
Phil: How do you know my name?
God: I told you Phil, I am God.
Phil: I see.
God: Need I prove this to you somehow?
Phil: That may be a way to get over this awkwardness, no?
God: No.
Phil: No?
God: Yes, yes, of course. How might I prove this to you?
Phil: Snapping his fingers What was the name of the dog I had in high school? God responds quickly
God: Skippy
Phil: Where did I lose my Blanket when I was four?
God: You didn't, your mom threw it out? Taken aback and surprised but determined to catch him
Phil: Fine then, what is my favourite food?
God: Chocolate: which is odd, thought not as odd as the fact, bearing in mind the aforementioned fact, that you have never had a cavity. Thanks to me. He winks and giggles
Phil: And what...
God: Toothpaste.
Phil: Where...
God: Georgetown.
Phil: Stepping back But...
God: Spruce street, a quarter past five or quarter after five, Simultaneous multiple partners, a lakeside resort on the edge of Owen Sound, A four hundred dollar plate, the grass behind your house, with-in the bushes, Dying cats and teddy bear named Woo-woo you lost while searching for your little sister when she was lost one foggy May morning.
Phil: Head dropping Woo-woo.
God: Speaking in a Jamaican accent Yah Phil. I'm da real ting mon. And to answer you next question, I am here to raise my praise. People jus don believe anymore. Don believe in anything. And we all need somethin' to believe in, right mon. I am da lord and Savior. But if yu need some more proof.... Raises his hands above his head
Phil: No, No, that's alright. I'll play along.
God: Normal voice Are you sure? I have this amazing dancing elephant that will materialize at a moments notice. Doesn't make a mess. It's the dearest little thing I have ever seen.
Phil: No, I'm certain. But, could you do me a favour? I know you want to raise your praise and all, but could you keep the preaching to a minimum? I have been planning this party for a couple of weeks and really, well religious talk is such a downer. We just want to have fun.
God: Kicking his at the ground, head hung low, eyes looking up puppy-dog like Aww come on, I need to help people , help them understand that's there's something out there looking out for them.
Phil: Please. Begging
God: Oh All right, I'll try.
Phil: Try? If memory serves me right, you tried a few things a few times before and they have hardly worked out properly.
God: British accent Scotch, ma boy, I kna yu have a bottle a twenty five under yu bed.
Phil: Smiles I was saving that for a special occasion.
God: Well that special occasion is here.
Martha: Having made her way over to God Rod is it? My, my you should be wearing more clothing: it's cold out there.
God: Do you know what might warm me up?
Martha: Pigs in a blanket?
God: Yup. Pigs in a blanket. Smiles
Phil walks over to help Martha grab the food
Phil: It's god you know that don't you?
Martha: Yes of course I do. Who wouldn't know God?
Dr. Segal walks over quickly. God walks of to the food table. Picks up the crab dip that Tammy brought, Snif s it and gives a troubled face. Puts it back down
Dr. Segal: Who is that?
Phil: He's God.
Dr. Segal: With a smile on his face Let's look at this rationally, shall we. God, the being who created the universe, who created the prototypes for you and me. Who keeps the world spinning, who sends the sun up and the moon down. Or whatever it is that happens there. The big guy in the sky. He's here in your living room. The man with a plan, all the answers.
Corina overhears and comes over with Zoe in tow
Corina: This is stupid. If he has all the answers I don't care! All that matters is how you look and what you have. Everyone knows that.
Zoe: OMG! Corina come on that's not true. What about sad people: They need our help to make them happy. Like makeup and stuff.
Corina: Laughs loud and claps here hands like she has a great idea I know everybody feels better when you get a good haircut. Looking with wide eyes like she has a secret to share. We should start a club or crowd funding or group or facebook or whatever to give make-up workshops in Africa or hair extensions to the poor.
Both Girls squeal in delight and give each other a high five
Both: OMG YEAAA!!!
Phil looks dumbfounded and looks back to Dr. Segal to finish his conversation. Both girls talk among themselves
Phil: Umm, anyway sure, To answer you. Why not? I mean why not? Don't you...
Dr. Segal: Believe in God? Sure, sure. Why not. I believe in God But The guy with the beard over there is trying to steal your gold pen.
Phil: Pointing at God Hey, hey put that down!
God: Looking startled It's a beautiful pen Phil, lovely Fine gold.
Phil: Yeah, well you can see why I would be a little nervous about it then.
God: Indeed.
Dr. Segal and Phil walk over to where God is
Phil: And you might expect that I will Question why you have chosen to visit me. Tonight of all nights.
God: Indeed
Spot light on Phil
Phil: To Audience A rope walks into a bar and orders a beer, The bartenders says, Says we don't serve ropes here. The the rope bends over and shows him the top of his head and says fraid knot? No, wait that's not the one I wanted. Slaps himself on the knee Guy walks into a party and says, “ I'm God.” No, that's not nearly as funny. Guy throws a party and everything that could go wrong goes wrong. And God walks in.
Tom: To Phil smugly I see you are humouring the deity this evening Phil.
Phil: So you don't believe?
Tom: I do believe in God. I don't believe that that is him. I know God and his will: you know I am one of the faithful, one of his flock. I understand the heart and mind of God. I hate to say it Phil. But I am closer to God, more than any of you.
Jen: I don't believe it's him either. But let's have fun with him.
Phil Hangs his head as his friends walk past him. He turns around to find that the rest of the party members have gathered around God
Dr. Segal: Those are some hefty bags under your eyes, old timer. Drop by my clinic and I could help you out with those.
Martha hands God a snifter of scotch
Zoe: Like, where do you stand on abortion?
Corina: Can you make me Prettier?
Rhon: When I look into the night sky I can only see so far, right? I want to know what the edge of the universe looks like.
Everyone is there surrounding God
Liz: Where is the most beautiful place on Earth?
Phil: Once we have figured out DNA what will we know?
Jen: To Phil Why would he care about that?
Tom: To Jen Why would he not?
Jen: Where do you even come up with such dumb things to say?
Tom: Oh-for-crying-out-loud Jen! Why can't you just agree on one thing for once?
Jen: You always say that! I have my own thoughts, I don't like when you say I argue. Last time you did that I washed your shirt and nothing is ever good enough for you.
Tom: What the hell are you talking about? They both walk of arguing getting softer as they walk away. Improve argument from here. Everyone turns back to God to ask more questions. But not loud. Silent but dramatic actions. Music louder like a Montague
Tammy softly speaks as music drops almost shy like
Tammy: What is luck?
The party slips into slow motion but for God and Phil
God: Looking mournfully towards Phil You know Phil, You weren't selected at random. Your house was chosen. Wilfully selected. Let me tell you why I am here, Phil. Going into salesman mode People have managed to get the wrong idea about me Phil. My message has been bastardized to the point where I cannot tell what these people are talking about anymore. You have all made it more difficult than it needs to be. They've taken my words and ruined them. Changed them. Switched them up and spat them back out in odd formations to feed their own ego's. Someone should just ask me what I am talking about. Not these single little questions. These insignificant whims. Ask me what it is I mean by it all.
Phil: God, What are you talking about?
God: Ask me what it all means. What this world is all about.
Phil: What's it all about God?
God: Beats me. Giggles
Rest of the party snaps back out of slow motion and God and Phil are in there original places
Tammy: Why were all my loved ones taken from me so early on in life?
Jen comes back as Thom pouts in the corner by the food. She interrupts pushes her way in, then Thom follows back with a frown on his face
Jen: Is true love a reality? Or some sort of chemical bullshit?
Tom: Why are you asking this guy anything? He's not God!
Jen: How do you even know? Well? How could you know? It might be possible!
Tom: I, I, well I'd just know. I mean God doesn't come and start nattering to people in their living rooms, some night. Does he!
Martha: He could.
Liz: Is music truly the greatest divine blessing?
Rhon: okay, so what I find hard to swallow, is what religion is selling. It seems flawed, in a way that is beyond explanation. Hypocritical, controlling, and self-centred. I think that is the problem. Self-centred. Seriously though, I use to look up into the nights sky when I was a kid and wonder what was up there, all night long, watching the stars move and the clouds and the moon. Then one day I found out that it was us that was moving and not the stars. Or that the stars had already moved and what I was seeing was not even there anymore. They were just what was left of what was once there. Like that flicker when you turn off a TV at night. And seriously listen I couldn't go to church any more. I mean, If I can stare at something with my own eyes like that, something that doesn't even exist anymore, and the lights are beautiful. The earth moves on its own accord, and all this, all this stuff was actually created by something. I was damned certain that it, whatever it was that created all of this, was not going to care whether or not I stuffed myself into a little blue suit every Sunday morning and sang songs about how much I loved him. And how much I praised him. Come on wasn't Sunday supposed to be a day off anyway?
Everyone stops and looks at Rhon rant. For a moment when he's done silence. Then in unison to God
Everyone: Aren't you going to give us any answers?
God looks tired, settles down in a seat. Martha grabs a drink and brings it to God and a small plate of pigs in a blanket. He smiles at her and sips his scotch and closes his eyes to enjoy it
Martha: Let's all leave him alone for a moment, give him some space you guys.
Cast but Phil walks back to the food table talking to themselves
God: He makes me sound like I've been neutered or something.
Phil: We are not supposed to know the face of god, Or so we have been told.
God: Not supposed to know? Who decided this? Shaking his head at the statement
Phil: Only his work.
God: My work. Hmm. But not me. The product but not the inventor.
Phil: But are we to thank you?
God: Thank me? For what? For what I have done for you? But not know who or what you are thanking?
Phil: Does it sound odd?
God: A little. Might I have a moment alone?
Phil: Certainly.
Phil walks over to where Tom is standing, Jen Kissing Thom Passionately, God looks likes talking to someone, then sips his drink quietly. As Thom Phil is there and pushes Jen of of him
Phil: Tom, you don't believe that God is right there do you.
Tom: Oh he's here. He resides in our churches and cathedrals and in our hearts. He's all around us. Watching, judging every moment of our existence.
Phil: So, you don't believe that he could come to earth and talk to us?
Tom: If he did, who would believe him? Unless he turned the sky into fire, and the world to salt. He would show the power of who he is.
Jen: Yea right, he's right!
Stage Darkens, spotlight on Phil. Who walks to the front of the stage. Rhon walks over to God. And you can see them starting a deep debate. Can only see actions no words
Phil: Well, I do. We've made him human. Sometimes some of us; If we care at all to look outside of ourselves for answers. But then, most of us are too busy for that anyway. Doesn't it seem that the stranger things get the more willing we are to accept them? The tabloids draw our eyes their stands at the grocery stores. Tweets build fear. Facebook isolates us. We don't know how to be friends anymore. The news that people have won millions in a lottery, keeping us buying and wanting and hoping that in someway or some how our number will come up and we will finally win. We have lost faith in anything tangible. And as we lose faith we begin believing more and more in things, like televangelists, products that will make us beautiful. People that lie to us and we want them too. Trying to be perfect trying each to be a God in our own right, hoping one more person will push the like button to make us closer to perfection. We have created a God so far from who he is here in my living room, that we can't even see who he is now. Or understand. No one has direct recourse to the Lord.
Lights come back on and Rhon Is beside God. Phil walks over in mid-conversation.
Rhon: So, you see what I mean? No, no seriously, if we live in a multi-dimensional universe. The introduction of infinity proves that a God could not exist in this wider sense of multiple infinitives of north, east, west, south, up and down. Time, God. Time could not exist if God does. What we have is a world within which we are attempting to link existing things, things we can touch and see. Like this glass of wine. Holds up glass of wine Like wise cannot see, like time, or infinity, or God. And that makes sense. Doesn't it?
God: You cannot multiply infinity times infinity, then interject variables with an earthly construct. Quantifying the equation and expect there to be a big equal sign n the end. Counting things out on his fingers
Phil: So then we made God. We made God for the answer to these questions?
God: Yes, that is entirely possible. The world spinning in infinity without a leader, without a God. So, there is no God. No, wait a moment... There is Dammit you guys, I'm God.
Phil, and Rhon Snicker At God for a moment Tom walks over near the end of god speaking
Tom: Extending his hand Right then, God I'm Moses. Would love to talk to you a little longer but there's Sea somewhere that needs to be parted. Tom walks off laughing
Phil: You could have said something.
God: I don't bother with his type. He has his own perception of who I am, what I do. I could do anything I wish to him, but he's still going to be looking for a bloody tear to come off of some manikins face or a bush to spontaneously combust. It's easier to let him live his life. Let him live simply. Than show him the truth of who I am. Like I said before the message has been lost in time. The ultimate telephone game.
Phil: So the faithful are wrong?
God: Hand to chin No, not wrong. But blind faith in anything will get you killed.
End of Act I
Act II
TV is on. Rhon Flicks remote begins to press buttons. God remains sitting munching on pigs on a blanket and sipping on his drink
TV: In Syria today, UN troops are gaining access to previously un... On highway 7 today at 2:00am just east of Peterborough, Five teens driving what is believed in excessive speed crashed into a tree. Alcohol may have been a factor. All Five teens... For only $29.99 plus shipping and handling. That's right Greg, we pay the shipping and handling this time. What Fran We do?... It's generally our notion that, upon discovering his men bogged down in heavy snow of a Russian winter. Napoleon chose, against the wishes of his commanding officers and advisors, to continue on, but what was he expecting to find in Russia that... Show me the way to go home, everybody now, I'm tired and wanna go to bed.
Phil: Hey Rhon turn up the music, turn that thing down. More party man.
Martha while walking across the room, takes the remote from Rhon and places it back on the TV, music plays softly in the background
Martha: What is it I have to do to live a good life? Sorry to bother you, I really am, but I have been asking myself this question for so long now and I need to know the answer.
God: Slow, steady, psychiatrists voice Need. Need as a word, if I am correct, normally signals something which, were one to not receive it, one might very well die? Well, will you die if you do not receive an answer, Martha?
Martha: Looking at the couch, running her finger up and down the seam of the arm rest I suppose not. But will I be allowed into heaven?
Phil: Wanders over and sits beside Martha Yes, is there a heaven? I've always wondered that myself.
God: Well, a while ago I rented this warehouse location on Roosevelt Island and now we get those souls packed in there nice and tight.
Martha: What!?!
God: Giggling No, Martha I'm kidding. I'll have to leave that up to your imagination. But yes to live a good life Martha. I will tell you a secret Motions for her to come closer Rubber bands. You must collect more rubber bands.
Martha nods her head and stands, when she passes the TV, there is an elastic on it and she takes it
God: Turns to Phil I've realized over time I'm not that good with people, Phil. I often forget how ridiculously low their sense of humour is.
Dr. Segal: At the kitchen Table But Club Monaco is the new big thing. Those Tight little tops that show off the ladies belly-rings. And the skin. Short, short, short. Legs, legs legs.
Zoe: Club Monaco? Like, whatever. I spend, like a thousand on a shirt I can wear it like forever. Club Monaco cost like Fifty bucks.
Dr. Segal: You could wear it forever? But do you?
Zoe: Guuuroossss, NEVER!
Dr. Segal: Nothing I like more than a woman in a tight sweater. Takes Corina's hand and smiles I really do appreciate the subtlety of a woman. I know that sounds hypocritical being a surgeon in the art of plastic. But to me seeing a beautiful angel filling a sweater, where a lot is left to the imagination...mmm...mmm
Corina: Sweaters! But they hide so much. They're so, regular. I mean, Like, I mean. They hide everything.
Dr. Segal: And there is beauty in that, isn't there? In the unknown about another person?
Zoe: No, there isn't. We should be able to judge people without talking to them.
Jen: Well, maybe if boobs are all you have then...
Zoe: Take that back! Waving her finger at Jen
Jen: Why do you immediately assume I am talking about you?
Zoe: Take it back! Jen: Well, it's true.
Zoe: You don't mean it. Take it back!
Jen: I do, and I won't!
Zoe: Why do you have to be such a bitch?
Jen: I just say what I know.
Zoe: Well maybe you should, like, think about keeping some of these things to yourself, do you know what I mean?
Jen: Honesty is a virtue. Right God? Looks across the room at God
Spot light falls on God, the rest of the room slips into slow-motion. God speaks to the audience
God: Petty disputes. What makes them think that I can solve their Problems? Who was it that said, all of your dealings with one another, your financial troubles, your social concerns, your love and loss of love take them to god. Send them my way. I can fix it. In the dead of night when you have just hung up the phone with the only person you ever believed you would be able to love. Who has just told you that you unfortunately are not the one for them. Well, yell to good old God. Tell him your troubles. You've driven your car into a wall because your high. Lying there in your own stupid pool of blood and cry out to God. Maybe God can turn back time, you'll think, maybe God is the answer here. Then while you're laying a hospital room, contemplating how ephemeral it all is, how absolutely tragic the world is. How horrible you have been treated, you will say, Why, God, why have you forsaken me? And I will tell you why. Because, dumb-ass you did it yourself. It was was your choice to smoke that joint and text. Not mine. And that person that convinces you to buy Bitcoin but at the last moment you bail.
God: They become rich and you don't. You can't blame them for your lack of courage. You wanting to play it safe. You make choices that dictate your future everyday. I'm not saying hardship won't happen for no reason now and then. Sure born into the wrong part of the world what choice do you have. But definitely you have a choice here. You already won the golden ring. You by being here in this moment of time in this place have won the lottery of life. Every opportunity is given to you. I look out for the ones that need it, the little people. Putting little angels on their shoulder... But these people are beyond my jurisdiction. They've made their own rules and now must live by them. Sorry to say.
Stage lights back up
Jen: I'm not saying that you are a bad person, Zoe. Just self-centred and.
Zoe: What? Self-centred and What? If you are having about of honesty here and all.
Tom: Simple.
Phil: Please stop it you guys.
Zoe: Simple! Simple! What do you mean by that?
Jen: Maybe more ignorant than simple, actually. I'd say. But that is not a bad thing. You just decided to live your life a different way. Different things are important to you.
Phil: No really guys please, my party come on don't be mean to each other. We can work this out.
Zoe: Pfff, like okay. What. The. Hell.
Dr. Segal: Laughing All I was saying is that I like a woman in a sweater. But if we're going to be talking like this well Jen, I mean, really, Pot, Kettle, Black. Hahaha
Zoe: Oh shut up you, you, you pimp.
Dr. Segal: Whooaa Hahaha. Pimp? Hahahah, let me explain to you what pimp is.
Zoe: Like, I know what a pimp is. And. And. Why are you all being so mean to me? Starts to cry
Jen: To Dr. Segal as she puts her hand on Zoe shoulder to support her What do you know about or anything you glorified sculptor!
Dr. Segal: I'll take that as a compliment. Hahaha
Zoe: What did I do wrong?
Jen: What is it that I said so wrong? Or awful? It's just the truth.
Tom: I wish this never started. Why can't you just keep your mouth shut? Why do you have to fight with everyone at every moment?
Phil: Guys, guys, my party remember?
Corina: I think my left Boob is bigger than the right one. Can anyone see this?
Rhon: Why can't we just get along people. It's the differences that separate us and we have to start finding common ground here. Common you guys.
Tom: That kind of attitude will get you beat up these days. Hahahaha
Dr. Segal: Softly There's more to life than looks.
Jen: And you would know.
Tom and Phil both start laughing
Liz: Guys what's going on?
Tom And Phil Still laughing
Jen, Zoe: what you you laughing at?
In the background Tammy is eating her Crab dip, standing alone. No one else is there after eating it she sits. She waves for help but no one notices. Then leans back and dies with her eyes open. Everyone is focused on Phil who is awkwardly laughing.
Phil: Ha, Ha, So here's a good one. This guy, he decides to have this party and, Hahaha, makes everything perfect for everyone. For his friends and then, ohh, here's a good one. The Lord almighty shows up and. Hahaha his friends start to fight with one another and Hahahaha, toss some drinks around and insult one another and then, hahahahaha.
Dr. Segal looks over at Tammy where she is slumped over eyes open, as Phil has his break down. He walks over puts his ear to her mouth and listens for a moment. Picks up her arm and checks for a pulse. Stage goes dark and the spotlight focuses on God. God put his drink down and shakes his head
God: This isn't going to be pretty. Lights come up full on the stage
Dr. Segal: Tammy's dead! He shouts out to everyone.
Everyone: Dead?
Dr. Segal: Dead!
Everyone: Dead?
Dr. Segal: Dead!
Phil: How?
Dr. Segal: Dead!
Rhon: No, How?
Dr. Segal: Shrugs his shoulders Might have been something she ate.
Zoe: I told her to go on a diet!
Everyone glares at her still in shock.
Phil: And then, here's the punch line. I mean get this one, It's better than three guys walk-into a bar. A priest, a mime and a drunk Irish man. Or the one about guy and his neighbour wife? Which is a good one. A real good one. This one is better. This guy, see, he throws a party and wants everything to be perfect. But then God shows up and his friends fight and argue. And then, here it is, here's the big one, the clincher. The old whoompa! One of his guests Dies. DIES hahahahahahah
God: As he eats the crab dip and other things It was the crab Dip. I guess I could have mentioned that but then I got this scotch and got into these conversations and then the ladies here started fighting with one another.
Rhon: You couldn't have mentioned this? I mean really God. Come on.
Phil: I let you into my house. For the party.
Zoe: She was my friend.
Tom: I can still remember our night together. Walks over to Tammy strokes her hair
Dr. Segal: No leave her be.
Everyone sits down at the table then ignores that Tammy in dead. Someone pushes the Crab dip to the end of the table. The stages darkens slightly Music in the background. Death walks in touches Tammy on the arm and she pops up fully animated, Stands and tests out here new body. She seems stronger, more confident, both move to the back of the table and seem in a good happy conversation
Jen: Wait! What night with her? Thom? I introduced you to her. So if you did anything with her I'll Frig'in lose it I swear to God!
God Perks up and looks at them points to himself questioningly
Tom: Aww, Tammy. I feel so betrayed. Jen How could you think this?
Zoe: Like, Serves you right.
Tom: Oh shut it Zoe!
Phil: My party.
Rhon: You couldn't have mentioned this? You're God for Christ sake. You didn't get around to mentioning that the Crab dip was going to kill our friend?
God: Well, I knew the possibility was there that it could maybe, kill her. But things can always go one of two ways.
Zoe: Like, whatever. IF you're God, I'm Marilyn Monroe.
Tom: And I'm Moses.
Jen: And I'm Princess Di.
Zoe: That's pretty Tasteless.
Jen: What do you know about taste?
Tom: Name one Tchaikovsky Symphony.
Zoe: Who? Me or her?
Tom: Either of you. And at the same time points to God Prove you are who you say you are. Prove you're God. Let's get it all figured out here. All the cards on the table.
Phil: No, no, please don't make him prove anything. The elephant and the destry what's left of my party. And. Oh, please just don't make him prove anything.
With a big pause, everyone's attention is focused on God he sighs and gets ready to speak
God: This girl has an unlucky life and I get the blame when she dies? I didn't make the dip. I didn't make the crab dip with old eggs and old crabs. I didn't take it from the plate and stick it in Tammy's mouth. But I get the blame? See that's what I have been talking about. You all think that I have something to do with this.
Tom: Well, you do have the ultimate control over everything. Right? That's the deal. Your job description. Right? Or will you just admit now you aren't God.
Phil: Gone, deceased, dead hands flutter in the shape of a bird. Taking off above his head an at my party. The party I have been planning for over two weeks.
Rhon: Oh sweet-Jesus-tap-dancing-Christ Phil. Shut up about the damn party. We get it, we know, but right now things have gone a little sideways here and we have bigger things to think about that that right now.
God: There. There is my flaw. Snaps his fingers and points My cosmic joke, my point of break or my cracked vase. You little buggers can only think yourself. Yourself and how you can be better than one another. But, in the end, just yourself. Yourself first and last. Start, middle and end, me, me, me. Do you know how I got here today? I took the subway. While I was standing there on the platform, a woman named Patricia Barker, was severely depressed. Believing the world was to much for her. She was so desperate, to much pain to speak of. Decided to remove her and her child from it. The world that is. Remove herself completely. By jumping , child in arms, in front of a oncoming subway. I was the blind black beggar at the station. You want me to help? Well it's not my job!
Martha: That's awful.
God smiles sadly at Martha
God: But this woman beside me, Three piece suit, a couple grand worth of jewellery, late for a business meeting as it was. She began to complain. Complain that she was going to be even later for this meeting. Huffing and puffing. That it would change her world. That it would make more and more money. “Screw this stupid woman, who is dressed like a street person.” She said aloud. Decides to jump in front of a train, I mean come on people, you want to know everything in the world there is to know? Life on mars, eternal happiness, the perfect orgasm, long life and maybe inner peace? Well, compassion is a good start. Compassion and empathy is a damn fine start actually.
Phil: And then my guests piss off God.
Death makes her way to Tammy stands beside her and Tammy instantly comes to life. they talk but know one notices as all focus is on God. Death waves hello to God, God nodded in acknowledgement
Liz: God: are you okay?
God: Runs his hands over his face I'm sorry. You are no more to blame than anyone else. But you must understand that it is all about free will. And that is going to shock you all. I mean, especially Tom there who actually believes in me.
Tom: Looking sheepish and acting defensive I believe in God, and there's nothing wrong with that. But you my friend are not HIM!
God: You are a rarity these days. But no one really has it wrong. Well, except for the Scientologist. They are way out in left field. Anyway I created the earth, and it was good. I created the plants, the sea, the sky, it was all good. Good. Put animals in the mix nice batch of insects all life. Then I got tired or maybe bored I can't remember. So I set the program in motion, a basic free will if you like. It was good. I went away for awhile and I came back and what do I see. It was no longer good. Yu'all screwed it it up. Yu'all forgot a few things changed a few things. But yu'all had yer purposes to fulfill. And and yu'all don't like it. Then you have someone like Tammy here who, tonight, has fulfilled her duties. Who's free-will has brought her to this. And this.
Lights focus on Death and Tammy
Phil: Who is this?
God: Death.
Rhon: This old lady is Death?
Death blows her nose and fixes her glasses and smiles a big smile Tammy Appears beside Death. The rest of the cast realize shes alive and standing
Rhon: Oh my God, It's Tammy!
The rest are shocked
Liz: Tammy I thought you died?
Tammy: I think I did.
Phil: Wait I thought she died!
Tom: I told you she wasn't dead.
Corina: Tammy Come here, with us.
Death: No folks we need her with us.
Phil: Then Death shows up. What a party!
God: Yes, Gladice here is Death and she does a damn fine job of it to. Don't you Gladice. He raises his glass to Death
Death: I try.
God: You've been with me for what? Two, three generations?
Death: Going on four, God.
God: Elected by a body of her peers each time. And she still loves the lot of you.
Death: I do, I truly do.
God: With birth out of the way, and Death taking care of business. I have so much time on my hands. Thank you Gladice.
Death: No Thank you God.
Dr. Segal: Sounds reasonable to me.
Rhon: But can't you stop Death?
God: Sure, why not. Throw a stick in the spokes of history. Why not? But it's none of my business, now is it.
Rhon: What if we found a good reason?
God: Ahh a salesman. Great, perfect. Hit me with your best pitch, Mr. Lowman.
Rhon: Can I discuss this with my friends?
God: Certainly, By all means, take your time.
God rises from his seat with a grunt and joins Death and Tammy behind the table. The rest go join Phil on the couch
Rhon: What are we going to say?
Liz: Tell him Tammy's life was horrible and that she deserves a break.
Jen: Tell him that we could trade some of Corina's hair for Tammy. Or a leg. What are your legs insured for now Corina? Three, four hundred thousand.
Corina: Like shut up!
Rhon: Or maybe we could just bribe death?
Dr. Segal: Cheat him, lie to him, bribe him. Sure, what the hell, hahaha. The whole shebang. Bring her to her knees in negotiation. Tie her up in litigation. Appeal her rulings then jump bail with our Tammy in hand. Hahahah.
Liz, Rhon, Zoe Tom: Shut up Segal.
Jen: To Tom You shut up.
Tom: To Jen No you shut up.
Jen: Why do I hate you so much?
Tom: Talking through clenched teeth Why must I talk through clenched teeth whenever I talk to you?
Jen: Why...
Tom: If only...
The two of them lean into one another and start kissing
Phil: Two weeks. Two weeks I planned...
Liz: This is never going to work.
Rhon: We will have to make this work, figure out some loophole never thought of.
The group come together heads close like they are making plans hands waving and pointing. Death, God and Tammy seem to be in a deep conversation as well. Pointing to the other group. Lights start to fade as music plays up.
End Of Act II
On one side of the table is God, Tammy and death. God and death standing on either side of Tammy who is sitting in the middle seat.. On the other side Tom, Phil, Liz, Rhon and Corina standing. Jen and Tom have moved to the couch and pawing each other. The TV playing old family 8mm home movies in silent mode.
God: I see you have a couple of non-players on your side. Gestures at Jen and Tom Never-the-less, we should do this properly. Everyone, this is Death, Gladice. God points as he introduces each one to Death. This is Rhon, Liz, Zoe, and Corina, Phil and Martha. Oh of course you, know Dr. Segal.
Dr. Segal moves across stage towards Death. He sticks his hand out to shake her hand then pulls it away
Death: Yes, Dr. Segal, I know your work well. Rhon, a Lovely boy, Liz. Liz there are some pianos in the great beyond that you will simply love.
Tammy: To Liz Sorry I didn't get to talk to you tonight, but that CD you loaned me is on the cabinet by my bed. You can get it back whenever...
Liz: Aren't you scared?
Zoe: Like of course she's scared. I mean, She's like dead.
Corina: I'm not sure I understand all this.
Dr. Segal: You don't have too, dear.
Tammy: Actually, I'm not scared. Death told me about where I am going and everything and it sounds nice. And I did put on clean underwear today so we can take the express route. Anyway, I had a huge Visa Bill. Hehe. So all is good.
Dr. Segal: Hahahaha Good one.
Rhon: Coughs into his hand Ummmm.
God: Yes, yes, our salesman. Gladice, these young people would like to discuss the removal of their friend from this earthly plane. If that would be ok with you.
Death: Checking her wrist watch We really haven't the time. I wish we did.
Liz: Yelling I don't think its fair you are taking Tammy.
Zoe: Yeah, Like her life sucked and you're, like taking it away from her early and it's wrong.
Dr. Segal: Well spoken.
Zoe: Go to hell.
Corina: Maybe I could do work or something.
Death: Now, now, my children.
Rhon: Okay. Let's take this back one step. Calmly, Calmly. Tammy is our life long friend, ok? Everyone nods. And she has had a pretty horrible life. If something could go wrong it would. By far the most unluckiest person I have ever known. It was like watching someone being tortured slowly. There has to be a better way to do this this ending I mean.
Tammy: Well, it did have its moments.
Rhon: But it wasn't that great. I mean, your parents, your living conditions, your poor, poor luck.
Tammy: You make it sound like I should be happy to be dead.
God beams a big smile
God: You're losing your defendant.
Rhon: Tammy I don't mean it the way you think. What I mean is you deserve to have a little luck fall your way. A chance to turn it around a second chance. And bottom line Tammy we want you with us.
Tammy: I kind of like this dead thing. It's tingly.
Rhon: Tingly?
Phil: Why did she have to die at my party though?
Death: It's that easy isn't it? Someone snaps their fingers and someone is dead. There is no research in this no analysis. My team of professionals...
Phil: Phhhhh
Death: Who work very hard.
Phil: Phhhhhhh
Death: Very hard to get everything organized. Okay what is it Phil? Is there something you would like to tell us? What is it?
Phil: Absurd!
Death: Absurd?
Phil: Does no one else find this absurd?
Death: There is nothing absurd about this, young man. This is a very serious business. Where is he going?
Phil moves away towards the TV and just stares at it.
Tammy: Listen you guys, I don't know why this happened, well I do it was the Crab, but what I mean is this is bigger than me. More important than all of us. I feel like This means something and what I thought was bad luck or sadness or even loneliness, was teaching me something that I needed to learn. I may not understand all the nuances but I feel like for the first time. What I do matters. If you think about it, I will get to see my mom and dad, right Gladice? Gladice Nods her head yes and to me that's a greater gift than anything I have here right now at this time.
God: Okay folks, time to jump in for a bit here. What I want to mention is that what you are forgetting is that Tammy does not have a choice. Her life was designed this way for a purpose. It was all to teach her for the moments to come. She was being trained to take over for Death. In time she will have the compassion and the grace to help people cross over. Her training started before she was born. Everything she needed to be was planned out every second in time. Tammy nods like she understands and accepts this idea with a smile.
Rhon: What about free-will. You were pretty hip on that before.
God: It's all part of a system. Systems do not change at the drop of a hat. Everything has a function to the overall purpose.
Dr. Segal: Devil's advocate here for a second. You tell us all about you, the almighty, your work. Ect, ect. Then you introduce us to you organizational skills. Aka this free-will deal. What, in effect, is a program set in motion to do your work for you while you were elsewhere. Taking a nap and such. Correct? Right, then you introduce us to Gladice who you inform us, is part of a system as well. You can't believe in two systems of thought. You either believe in free-will or fate. Both can't exist. And, whoa is it just me or are there some things here that no longer make any sense?
God: This is getting out of hand. I know I made the rules, but I made them a long time ago and now I cannot recall the sensibility behind them all right now. Searching his pockets
Rhon: You're contradicting yourself now.
Dr. Segal: Now I was never a lawyer but I did go out for Law school before I became a doctor and I must say that...
God: Giving a stern look finger up Tammy serves a better purpose dead than alive.
Dr. Segal, Rhon, Liz, Zoe, Corina, Thom, all at once, after a slight pause, say But, Then fire questions fast then they pair of slowly mock talking to each other
Rhon: An infinite universe. Indeed, But what if is flat? And what if something created it which we can't even fathom. Something outside of cumulative reality than the God we know? Of even stranger what if we are just senescence stuck on an event horizon. On the edge of a Black hole? Existing only for a nano-second, but time being relative we exist for trillions of years before our reality is destroyed by another dimension. An mathematical nominally. Mistake by happenstance.
Steps aside
Liz: There is so much beauty in the world. But there is so much hatred and violence. How can I believe or not believe?
Zoe: Do we need to know?
Corina: If there is a god, and I’m a saying if, what will it think of us? We inject plastics into ourselves, we pierce our bodies and we plaster them with ink. We shave off bits here, suck out fat there. We don't consider ourselves or others in eight out of ten actions. Or we don't care. I can't believe because too many of us don't seem to care.
Tom: From the couch, unattached himself from Jen For the moment my belief is strong.
Jen: My will is strong.
Phil: I believe. How could I not. But it's like my party. God created this thing, this world, these existences, and then everyone ruined it on him.
God: Stop! Silence!
Lights strumming in the background all actors go to speak but find they cannot, they open and close their mouths like fish on land, god does circles at the centre of the stage like he's in deep thought and concern
God: I came here with the idea of teaching, showing people the problems which exist and possible solutions. And, again, to prove some things to myself. I mean, I had that Job fellow awhile ago, but what did that prove? You need to keep testing and testing and testing till you find a weak spot. The spots where the light gets in and you patch them up. You make them stronger. You make them better. Thicker, Darker, more resilient. But I wasn't expecting all these questions. Or all these people with all these problems. All self-centred, petty little people have confused me. I mean, what am I supposed to do with them? What am I supposed to say? What am I supposed to say?
Lights have a soft dim not full, spot light on God, he walks to the front of the stage puts his hands to cover his eyebrows to look out to the audience, to stop the glare.
God: Rhon, Rhon Grenon. Are you out there?
Out in the audience is the director of the play Rhon Grenon. On each side of hims is an AD cute with pens in her hair and a clipboard. On the other is a model like woman Possible Girlfriend. Super classy, snobbish air about her.
Rhon: Right here God.
Rhon the actor on the stage pipes up and God turns around to answer him then turns back into the light searching the audience.
God: Not you, you fool. You're not even real.
Phil: What does he mean you're not real? You've come here and really ruined my party. You've drank my wine, filled yourself with my Doritos.
Rhon: Yeah, I ate his Doritos. I'm real.
God: SHHHH! None of you are real. Rhon I know you're out there!
Rhon G: Yes God what's up? Stands up
God: What is going on here Rhon? Apparently I am God And have ultimate control over the universe. Right? I don't get it, where were you going with this?
Rhon G: I was trying to show ideals and obedience with conformity and such do not necessary guarantee a good life. Or a good afterlife, whatever the case may be.
Rhon: Who are you?
All the cast walks to the front of the stage, stay in character, they stand beside God. Do what you thin your character would do but silently
Rhon G: I'm you but real. Look forget it.
Rhon: He's telling me to forget it. Gestures to the other actors Forget it, he's me, But real. No problem, right, Rhon No problem.
Rhon G and God: Please be quiet. Timing Is very important here they must say it together perfectly
God: Rhon, what are you going to do about this play? It has seemed that it has spiralled out of control.
Rhon G: Well, I had a god handle on what was going on until people started shouting at one another. But that was all planned, in away, as it was, but now…
Jen removers herself from Tom walks to the forefront to face Rhon G.
Jen: So, You're God? This is our friend Rhon, And this guy here points to the Rhon G is the real Rhon who created us all and, of course, we are all just characters in a play? Well, then none of this would matter... That's it I'm leaving, are you coming Tom.
Tom: I, I don't think so Jen. No, Not this time.
Jen: Looking angry Fine! Have it your way. I'm sick of you and this dumb group anyway. And just so you know I'm glad this is over. I wanted to end it a long time ago Tom. So screw you!
Jen runs to the front of the stage jumps of and storms of through the audience and out the back door
Rhon G: Calm down everyone. It's okay. She can go. I wrote that scene in to get her to leave. I wasn't a big fan of her character anyway. I think I wrote her to pushy. That's why she gets hit by a car now.
From the back of the theatre doors open, you hear the long screeching of tires and a hard body thump. Hit by car, Out back have a team of make -up artist ready to bandage her hun give her bruising and deep wounds.
Tom: WHAT?? NOOO, NOT JEN!! Runs after her in hysterical After Tom leaves out the back
Rhon G: See, now he's all distraught and horrified. Now he has real emotions. Now he feels.
God: Is that what this is all about then?
Zoe: Okay. Like, what was that? I'm bored and confused and freaked right out and I have things to do tomorrow, I wanna leave too.
Rhon G: No, Zoe you still have a love interest. And what is this all about? This is all about Said quickly The conceptual reality within the confines of a subversive universe, will only express the complex level of benevolence that a higher manifestation of God Transfers. But we colour our realities in deep conjecture of patronizing subtle passions. I created you, God, with a reality which transgresses all boundaries. There is no logical process or grounds of functionality that readies the mind in a state of perpetual grandeur. With willingness to explore we touch the spiritual bond of life and we express as well as experience the differences that enumerate the belief of something bigger than we are.
God: Uh-huh.
Zoe: Like really, A love interest? For real? Okay I'll stay.
She sits on the edge of the stage looks out pick a cute none actor in audience and flirt with the person. Try to convince him/ her to come and chat and eventually on stage. At this point the food crew will start to move food in slowly and quietly on the side of the audience
Rhon: It wouldn't actually be for real though would it? If we are just actors and all in a play?
Rhon G: Don't get bitter now Rhon, whos to say what is real and what instinct. How do you know if I'm just and actor playing a part in a bigger play or reality. It could be endless.
Rhon: I have my own mind. I am real.
Rhon G: I can prove you're not.
God: Here we go.
Rhon: Okay, Go ahead.
Rhon G: Think of a Number between zero and one hundred.
Rhon: Okay got it.
Rhon G: Forty-two
Rhon: Uh-uh... No. uh.
Rhon G: Yes it was.
Rhon: Clenching his teeth as he says it Fine it was!
Rhon G: Go sit down big boy.
Rhon G and Rhon Sit down at the same time in the same pose.
Rhon G: Carry on with the play now. We'll talk , After the show.
*** Ref. 58 PG
God: Wait. So if you created me then I am not god?
Rhon G: That's not true at all. God is the ultimate power in the universe according to some. I can't Create God. Only God Can create God if God even exists. Which I can't prove... or disprove. I just wanted to challenge people's thinking. That's all. People are so damn set in there ways sometimes. I mean, don't people want to see different things? Different views? Visit a concept they never experienced before? Life is about experience and all the times we can see things differently, added to a whole of who we become.
Zoe should at this point should have dragged someone up to stage to come and get food. Other audience plants should be making there way up trying to bring someone with them
God: So I am God.
Rhon G: Yes
Phil: I want you to know mister, whoever you are. Pointing to Rhon G in the audience That I know who I am and I am not a character in a play. I am a man who spent a great deal of time putting together a party which has been, for all intensive purposes. The cast Laughs at him I have parents and a pet, and a woman here who... more laughter What are you guys laughing at?
Rhon G: Look Phil. None of this, is in the play. Now I put a lot of time into this play and would really appreciate it if you would, you know, follow the script.
Phil Stares out into the audience. The light goes to his eyes as god turns back to the party. Phil stares for a moment then turns around and sits back down at the table. With his head in his hands he yells
Phil: LINE!
Guy with a cue-card steps out from the side and shows it to Phil so the audience can see it
Cue-card guy: So you are the creator of the universe then. And this is all a joke.
Phil: In a tired and defeated voice So you are the creator of the universe, God. And all this is an elaborate joke and laughs hard and long But me, I've been planning this party for weeks now and nobody seems to care.
God: No Phil It's all real. You've done a great job. But I think that maybe this is what I've worried about all this time. I guess the world is doing ok and As the side tables of food and drink get placed food crew get slightly louder, not as careful. Talking saying is it ready improve at this point. Ask people closest if they want a drink or a bit to come and get it. Actors on stage will have to compensate at this point that people do look out for one another every so often and that in the long run will all do fine. Right Rhon?
Rhon: What's this God?
God: Not you. Quiet voice Rhon. Rhon Grenon. I'm a little worried. I'm a little scared how does this all end?
Silence from the audience
God: Softly Mr. G? How does this all end? The party.
Rhon G: Louder God, we can't hear you!
God: How does this all end?
God pauses no one says anything, makes his way slowly with Tammy and Death. They all leave out the front door
Phil: What was that?
Rhon: Huh?
Liz: Where were we?
Zoe: What was that?
Dr. Segal: We have just witnessed something miraculous.
Rhon: What was it?
Liz: Yes, what ?
Phil: It's a pretty good party, isn't it?
Rhon: I've had a blast.
Liz: Are we purposefully not talking about God being here?
Phil: Who?
Rhon: Who?
Zoe: Who?
Dr. Segal: Who?
Liz: Okay. Who?
Phil: Much better. Welcome to my party. There are more people to come, I welcome you all with open arms. I think. We'll just wait and see what happens next.
Party Continues this will grow from page 58 any free hands will join on stage at this point and help pull friends and family up or to tables on the side lights will finally rise full in the audience. But will happen slowly from page 58. so subtle you cant notice it should take about 7 minutes till full. All Chartres even ones that left will come back and join in the fun. Make small talk, engage people full talking now, normal voice. Some will dance and lots of laughter. Create a real party. The goal is to make an amazing transition into real life., the goal is to have no one clap no ending to the play. All behind the scene crews will join now eat, talk about the play enjoy the success of what has happened and let go of the reality that has been created. If we do this right we will blur the lines and will give the audience an experience of a lifetime. Thank you for all your hard work and bask in the wonderful thing you have created
One last thing as the music plays God will read “New.” As long as he wants. A key style writing that challenges the way you think. Join the party when the timing is right for you
God: It isn't love, but it is better than nothing. As monsters run wild inside of me. I can feel your soul. But the question is. If dimensional shifts are a real construct of a multi-verse, and all possibilities are real. Then it lends itself not only to experience all aspects of love and loss. But as prophets say, to be everyone in every situation and experience all realities. Maybe the true nature of love is the sadness of what we already know to be true. And that is to hold on to hope. That in this moment of fleeting desire we seek it to be different than all realities that we have witnessed before. Or maybe it's just dumb luck, and being stupid with the choices we make that end up breaking the continuity necessary to find that one willing to work as hard as you do to make love last...
Is that the meaning of existence?
Do you think I can see your soul?
Do we choose what to forget?
Are you the answer to the question I have asked all my life?
Forgotten along the way no place is safe for us to lay our weary head. Two hearts beating. Is this all we know? I tell you now we are not ready for the truth. As far as I can tell we hide from what is offered all around us. Every part of the world is angry at what is to come. But high with our heads in the sand as a fee is paid to crazy... Raise the Goddamn alarm, both middle fingers raising to the sky. One question we haven't been able to answer yet is how do we break the chains of capitalistic greed? Enslaving all that buy into a system of empty promises and high hopes. Since when do we allow corporations to decide in the matters of love, freedom, free-will, ideas, health, science, passions, morals, values, environment and life? A marketing wet dream of sheeple walking doe eyed into the grinder. Homogenized pale realities swallowing one red pill at a time. Laughing the whole way loudly, blinders on, crying inside, screaming for sweet release. How can I explain the infinite to you if we can't grasp the lack of survival we seem to adapted to without a touch of nature.
Feather touches the mind of entropy, brushing utopia around the corner. Ideas and ideals brought forth by constant thoughts hell bent on saving humanity. As the masses fight tooth and nail to destroy all that we know. A collective autistic nature, allowing institutions to lead us down a path of paranoia and greed. Selling phantom pocket ringtones, created in the cerebral cortex a basic animal instinct to be sold bought controlled keeping us further from our true self. Keeping us yearning for connection, even if its forgotten in the depths of time. Warning signs of cold nights to keeps us safe and alive. Are we getting better generation after generation? Right now we seem to collectively want a reset but don't know how to accomplish this task. A hard reboot. But the system has grown past anyone's self control. We hope that religion will guide us to the next time. Laughing that this is the start of the road to ruin. Fulfilling the prophecy that we decided long ago that we do not want to be here any longer.
How is it possible that the masses have decided this delusional state of mind? Willing to challenge life itself to its very core. Does cancer know of its existence? Manipulation of idol passive conquests. Steer us into non-reality voids. Painting colour apon colour. As our perception gives way to chaos. Disintegrating terror gives us hope that we are not sheep that we really are. Safety in anxiety of a world gone mad, we have watch all empires fall.
Wheels grinding , screeching and folding as humanity is perforated into bite size portions. Fed miss-information, lies and miss-steps. Taking us to the brink of loss.
Two minutes to twelve...
Extinction grows closer…
Pockets of us see a clear path a picture if you will. How to wake us up to survive. Answering questions on how to build on what has been destroyed. The more we hold on to our own reality and try to control it. The more we lose control of the awesome nature that life it self has to offer. We have to start to understand our nature. The will to feel what is real all around us. Seeking those moments of clarity wrapped in a soft blanket and a warm hot chocolate. Mother is coming folks. She is waking up. She will set us straight once again. On a paths of balance one way or another she will show us what her truest self is. Holding our hand like impetuous children we are. Time out, nose in the corner, looking over our shoulder waiting for the punishment to end. But my dear reader/ listener. I paint an easy picture in your head. If we pick our fight now...
If we wait. We will see the witch rise and all hell will break loose. A wash of fury that not one human in the existence of humanity has ever seen. It will be a cleansing like no other. There will be no record to keep. Now idols to worship. Not one person will be safe. Some may survive, some may even grow. But not like now. Time will have wiped the memories clean. You know I'm right. Think about it my friend. Inside you is the actual light of the universe longing to know itself.
It isn't love, but it is better than nothing. As monsters run wild inside of me. I can feel your soul. But the question is. If dimensional shifts are a real construct of a multi-verse, and all possibilities are real. Then it lends itself not only to experience all aspects of love and loss. But as prophets say, to be everyone in every situation and experience all realities. Maybe the true nature of love is the sadness of what we already know to be true. And that is to hold on to hope. That in this moment of fleeting desire we seek it to be different than all realities that we have witnessed before. I once heard, dreaming of what the world has taught me about love. Soothing complex fears wrapped in a neatly, tight, red ribbon. In that vision of truth. Don't ever question the deep burden I carry for you. My passion for you encompasses all. Let the dimensions cry for sweet release. It has given us the only way we can be who we need to be. Can it be as simple as you expect it to be? Passions remembered. Never giving up, never willing to fall. Making sure that all left behind will learn the lesson of true love. Beyond all expectations, beyond all hope. It isn't love, but it is better than nothing. I once heard. Dreaming of what the world has taught me about love. As monsters run wild inside of me. Soothing complex fears wrapped in a neatly, tight, red ribbon. I can feel your soul. In that vision of truth. But the question is. Don't ever question the deep burden I carry for you. If dimensional shifts are a real construct of a multiverse, My passion for you encompasses all. And all possibilities are real. Let the dimensions cry for sweet release. Then it lends itself not only to experience all aspects of love and loss. It has given us the only way we can be who we need to be. But as prophets say, to be everyone in every situation and experience all realities. Can it be as simple as you expect it to be? Maybe the true nature of love is the sadness of what we already know to be true. Passions remembered. And that is to hold on to hope. Never giving up, never willing to fail. That in this moment of fleeting desire we seek it to be different than all realities that we have witnessed before. Making sure that all left behind will learn the lesson of true love. We are the grandest illusion ever created. Beyond all expectations, beyond all hope. Stepped in, time is up, here we go! Feel the wind on your face, the sun in your eyes. Blue all around you. Paradise found.��
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When Love Walks In - Chpt 20
Chpt 20 – Alex Calls Out Auston for his Playboy Ways and They Have a Heart to Heart
(Please note that I made a few major edits.)
Words 4971
Alex pulls up the chair to sit next to her brother on his left-hand bedside. She has to laugh when Auston raises his eyebrows at her, perplexed by why she’s fussing; inching her chair closer and closer to him.
“What?! I’m just trying to get as close to you as possible without actually getting in the bed with you. I don’t want anyone to hear what I’m saying”, She explains recognizing how silly it appears.
Auston shakes his head, thinking, So much drama. Frig! It’s like my life’s become a freakin’ soap opera.
Alex leans into Auston and whispers, “Oz! Hey!”
He turns toward her all dramatic-like as if he’s in a soap opera and mouths, Whaaa?
“Would you care to explain to me what the heck you’ve been doing? Frig, I leave you alone for a few hours, and you’re pouring on the charm for BOTH of your doctors?! Please don’t tell me you’re making moves on them. Have you fallen for Dr Wright too?”
Auston rolls his eyes dramatically and writes, “NO!!!!!”
Then what happened when I was gone that made her so…uhm…I don’t know, different?
“I was drawing emojis.”
“Okay? And...?”
He quickly draws, Mic Drop, No Clue and Bored Out of My Mind.
Oh! Alright, then. Those ARE pretty funny. I forgot you know how to do those. Ha! I love that ‘Bored’ one best. Funny! Good for you Oz! They both deserve a good laugh.”
Auston agrees, writing, “Yeah, it was fun watching Dr Wright’s reaction. Never seen her like that. She’s usually so serious. Very kind, great at her job, but she can be pretty intense. So it was a rush watching her walls come down.”
“Not to mention she’s pretty beautiful. Am I right? Huh? Auston?” She pokes.
“I’m not interested in her at all!” Auston writes in frustration.
“Okay! Sorry! Take a chill pill. But don’t try and tell me you’re not interested in Dr Quinn, cause I’m not an idiot.”
Auston blushes and rolls his eyes at her as he writes sarcastically, “Yeah, you got me, Detective. You should work for the NYPD, Alex.”
“Thanks. I’ll look into that. Law and Order, Special Doofus Unit”, She jokes.
Auston has to laugh at that one. He writes with a smirk, “Clever, I’ll give you that.”
Alex laughs, proud of herself for impressing her brother.
“Did Dr Quinn like your emojis too, Auston?” She teases.
Auston rolls his eyes. “As a matter of fact, Dr Q has seen me draw them before. She thought they were pretty funny. I now use them to tease her. She pretends to not be amused, which as far as I’m concerned adds to my amusement. They were both fun to watch cause it took them by surprise.”
“Yeah, I don’t imagine many patients can draw like that or would draw emojis for their doctors”, Alex laughs at the idea.
Auston adds, “I wish you were here to see it. BTW why were you so late coming this morning? You missed a lot of information, and now Dr Q’s going to have to repeat it all. But I suppose that’ll make her stay longer today, so I guess a ‘thanks’ is in order.”
“Well, as a matter of fact, Auston, I was finishing up that lovely job you gave me”, Alex says with disdain.
“Oh...”, Auston writes, pursing his mouth, regretting he even asked. He’s cautious as he detects annoyance in her voice. He thinks, Oh, Oh. This ain't gonna be good.
“Yes! I finally got through all your freakin’ social media, and you actually owe me TWO HUGE-ASS MANSIONS, definitely some KICK-ASS THERAPY and a month at a FULL-SERVICE SPA. Shit, Auston! You’re a dirty boy!” She speaks quietly but with a harsh tone.
“Yeah, I know”, he writes sheepishly. “I’m really sorry, Alex. I’ve been thinking a lot about what you might see on my phone, and I’m actually very embarrassed. I don’t like thinking about that ‘old me’, cause I’m not that person anymore.”
“Since when? And why?” Alex asks.
“Since being in here. I’ve had time to reflect and can see that I got caught up in an exciting playboy lifestyle that worked for my need to be selfish in order to pursue my career goals. But I don’t want that life anymore and I don’t want to be that person anymore.”
“Oh?” Alex questions.
“I want to be in a committed and mature relationship with Dr Quinn, even if I have to sacrifice some time spent on my career goals. I want Quinn. I want a relationship of substance with Quinn. I want a ‘normalish’ life with Quinn.”
Alex unloads, “Well, I’m very glad that you have resolved to change your ways, Auston, cause I had a whole lecture that I was gonna throw at you just now. I’ll spare you most of it but need you to know this: I love you dearly, but I won’t permit you to subject Dr Quinn to any of that cheap-ass shit you were engaged in with other women prior to your accident. If you even consider pursuing it with her, I’ll talk to Mom and Dad, and I’ll warn Dr Quinn. She deserves THE VERY BEST man in her life and from what my eyes witnessed, sorting through your texts and such, YOU have been VERY far from ‘BEST’; more-like, ‘Best Asshole’. I know why you initially went the route of being a ‘player’, ‘wheeler’, ‘hooking up,’ whatever you want to call it. I get it. It made sense back then. But that’s a life of absolute zero substance and completely shallow. Dr Quinn deserves substance and frankly at this point in your life, so do you.”
“I know! Trust me! I know that now!” Auston pleads.
“I really hope you do, Oz. You’re an amazing guy. You have so much to offer a woman and a relationship, and it would be a real waste if you keep up those shallow ways just because you live life in the fast lane. It’s time to move on and be a real man.”
“Alex. I get it. You’re 1000% right, and you don’t have to talk to Mom, Dad or Quinn because I can assure you, I am not the same person I was before my accident.”
“Go ahead, Auston. I’m listening…or reading, I should say.”
“Honestly, I don’t know if it’s because I almost died or because I finally took a beat to reflect but I’ve realized I’ve become a man in the last few years. Or maybe Quinn has made me want to be a better man to be with her? It could be a combination of all three. But I can assure you, every cell in my body wants to be the very best man that I can for her. To me, she is the most amazing person I’ve ever met. She thrills me. I can’t get enough of her. She means everything to me. I want to bring the same amount of joy to her as she brings to me”, He rationalizes.
“Okay. Good. And, Wow Oz! I really want to believe you will change, but it’s hard to break bad habits.”
Auston is determined to convince Alex he’s changed. “Let me put it this way, if I find out that someone with the ‘old me agenda’ is, or has moved on Quinn, (and I honestly can’t even let myself consider that possibility because it’s too upsetting), after I’m done taking care of that asshat, he will be in desperate need of another doctor. Do you get my drift? I know how I was, and I will never be that way again. I won’t tolerate anyone treating Quinn like a consumable, let alone me.”
“Okay, Oz, but please don’t go doing anything stupid to anyone. I’m very glad that you see the light”, Alex warns.
“Alex, I’ve never felt like this about anyone before Quinn. I’m absolutely bat-shit crazy about her. It’s like she’s heroin and I’m addicted. I’m a puddle when she’s around and a wreck when she’s not. I’m embarrassed to tell you that with the very best of intentions, I have done some desperate shit to get her to spend time with me.”
“No! Auston! What desperate shit did you do?” Alex panics.
“Well, for one thing, I almost died; but first I made her cry”, Auston confesses.
“What?! The hell?! Oz! What are you talking about you almost died? Again?! And you made Dr Quinn cry?! Are you crazy?!”
“Yes, Alex, I am crazy! Apparently, certifiable! I’m sorry to say; I did both. I was completely distraught after not seeing Quinn all last week. Then yesterday, she made it seem like she was going to be too busy to see me much this week, and it’s my last week here! Plus she started dating a fucking doctor-god last week! I call him Dr McDreamy cause from what I can gather from my research; he’s all that and then some.”
“Oh, no! Really?”
“Frig! It pisses me off royally! Quinn hasn’t dated since dinosaurs last roamed the earth, but she decides to take up with a fucking doctor when I arrive on the scene”, Auston laments.
“Oh, boy! That’s not good”, Alex reasons.
“Yeah, and BTW, Alex, you’re comments are not helping.” Auston points out, rolling his eyes.
“Sorry! But neither are yours! ‘Almost died’ and ‘made my doctor cry’. Shit! What a freaking mess, Auston! What did you do? Specifically!” Alex snaps back.
“I made her upset by making her think I doubted her promise to be there for me for the rest of my recovery. I also accused her of abandoning me last week”, Auston confesses.
“Auston! No!” Alex freaks.
“Yes!” He takes in a deep breath and sighs. “Oh God, Alex! I know! I’m such a mess! But I needed to remind her of her purpose for being a doctor in the first place - to be there for her patients. You know? For people like Josh. So she’d be there for me.”
“Oh Auston, that’s some off-base shit right there. She IS there for her patients! She’s been incredibly dedicated to you! To Mom, Dad, Bre and Me. 24 freaking 7, Auston! Last week, she didn’t even know you were struggling cause Dr Wright didn’t tell her. She had a medical conference to attend, and she had meetings. She checked up on you every day with Dr Wright. And tell me you did NOT bring up Josh’s name. Did you?!”
“No! I could never be that cruel! I know she’s been there for me. I just wanted her to come around this week so we could develop a relationship. Otherwise, she was going to be spread too thin. I needed to make sure I got a chance to find my way into her heart”, Auston explains as his heart pounds and his blood pressure rises.
“I know, but still, that was selfish and entitled behaviour, Auston”, Alex lashes out.
“I know it seems that way. I just didn’t feel like I had any other option since I go home next week. I saw a chance, and I took it. It devasted me to hurt her like that, and I ended up getting so upset that I choked on my congestion. I couldn’t breathe, so she had to suction me. It was scary as hell, Alex”, Auston tries to make her understand.
“Auston! Oh, my God! I don’t even know what to say right now”, Alex blurts out in frustration.
As Alex sorts through all the information Auston has spilt on her, Auston sits, staring down at his hands, feeling anguish; conflicted and berating himself for being selfish.
After what seems like forever of nothing, Alex blurts out, “Not cool, Oz! So not cool! Frig! What if Mom and Dad find out?”
Auston nods in agreement and immediately falls apart. He is distraught. Tears start to flow down his face.
He starts coughing.
Oh shit, here I go again!
Alex sees what’s happening and tries to do damage control. She jumps up from her chair and pulls Auston into her arms. Alex whispers in his ear as she rubs his back to comfort him. She knows she was too hard on him in his vulnerable condition. She’s upset with herself.
Alex desperately attempts to calm him, “Hey, Hey, Hey! Oz! Shhhh. It’s okay. I’m sorry for being so harsh. You’ve been through so much. My words were severe. No one knows what it’s like to walk in your shoes. But I can understand. When I think about it, I absolutely understand. No need to cry, Oz. I completely understand why you did what you did. You were desperate. I get it. Anyone in your situation would feel the need to do what you did. It’s all good now. Dr Quinn’s good. You saw her earlier this morning. She seemed really good. Please calm yourself down, so you don’t choke. Please, Oz. Get yourself together, okay? I support you. I want what you want. I want her for you too. It was worth it, Oz. I can see that. What other choice did you have? Please suck it up, Oz. Swallow. Take relaxing breaths. Okay?” She pulls away to let him catch his breath and reaches for tissues to try to dry his face. He grabs hold of her arm so she won’t leave him.
Auston continues to cough. He swallows. He keeps coughing. He keeps swallowing. He squirms as he tries to gain control and feels like if given a bit more time, he will be okay. But when he starts to choke and wheeze, Alex sounds the alarm.
“Jacqui! Nurse! Doctor! Auston’s choking! Help! Hurry!” She yells.
Auston is disappointed. He really thought he could get it under control without the need for the Suction. He wants to be able to master his secretions.
Jacqui is at Auston’s side in seconds. She assesses the situation and grabs the Suction as Alex tries to move out of the way as best she can with Auston’s death grip on her arm.
Auston extends his free hand out in front of him to signal for Jacqui to stop and shakes his head ‘no’. He wants more time. ‘No suction yet’ is his clear message.
Jacqui stands down, watching as Auston continues to cough and wheeze. They both encourage him to relax, focus on drawing in breath and coughing.
It takes about 30 seconds until Auston has caught his breath; for all three of them, it feels like an eternity.
Jacqui tells him she’ll stay in the room until he feels confident that he’s got things under control.
“What brought that on?” She asks Alex.
“He was upset about something we were talking about”, Alex explains.
“Oh, I see. Well, maybe you could change the subject to something a little cheerier. But at the same time, getting upset is bound to happen, and this is a great opportunity to learn how to manage the secretions – which you did! You actually did great Auston! Really impressive; you managed to stay calm, and you fought through it. You’re showing great progress, and that’s what this week is about”, Jacqui points out.
Auston nods with a smile. He is happy with what he just did there.
“You okay now, Auston?” Jacqui asks.
Auston nods and gives a smile and thumbs up.
“Then can I have my arm back bro?” Alex begs with a relieved giggle.
Auston lets go of Alex’s arm and holds out his hand for some tissues to wipe his face.
So since you feel comfortable now, I can step out and leave you two alone for a few more minutes as it’s almost time for Dr Quinn to come and oversee the 11 am procedures. Great job, Auston! You too Alex!”
Auston gives Jacqui the thumbs up, and mouths ‘thank you.’
“Yes, thank you so much, Jacqui!” Alex calls out.
Auston grabs the board and marker that Alex picks up off the floor for him. He writes, “Thanks, Alex. Sorry you had to see that. It’s scary when it happens, but I felt confident that I had it under control.”
“Ha! Yeah, Bam Bam, you’re vulture grip on my arm made me feel really confident too”, She teases. “Seriously though, it’s upsetting but you did a great job and I’m sorry I distressed you.”
Auston writes, “It’s ok. I know Dr Quinn will be here shortly so I want to tell you privately, that it may sound bad, but I’m glad I did what I did because I got Quinn to commit to coming to see me every day this week for Talk Therapy.”
“I thought she already was doing Therapy with you? You told Mom and Dad that she was.”
“Yeah, I know. I lied about that. Please don’t tell Mom and Dad! I just needed them to leave me alone with Dr Quinn, but they wouldn’t let go of the therapy issue. I told you, Alex, she’s like an addiction! I would do anything to be alone with her. I needed a chance for her to get to know me.”
“I understand why you can’t tell Dr Quinn how you feel right now. She’d have to stop being your doctor. She would never abuse or risk her position by allowing an obvious attraction. You can’t go losing her as your doctor. You need to be careful.”
“Exactly! I want Dr Quinn to work with me cause she’s the only one who could possibly resurrect my voice. The good thing is she wants to work with me cause I represent her ‘dead boyfriend’ and winning the ‘Stanley Cup’.”
“Auston! Hold the phone! Surprisingly, I get the reference to ‘her dead boyfriend,’ being Josh, but you’ve lost me at ‘winning the Stanley Cup’?! What the hell are you talking about?!”
“She told me that for her, saving my life was like making the Cup Finals and that restoring my voice would be like winning the Stanley Cup.”
Alex points out, “Well, if anyone could relate to an analogy like that it would be you.”
“I know, right?! And how can I deny her the chance to win a ‘Stanley Cup’?” He jokes.
“Ha! Yeah, you’re so selfless, Auston”, Alex mocks.
“Yeah, I know. So now we’re playing games. I’m playing ‘Avoid the Danger Zone’, and she’s playing, ‘Ignore the Elephant in the Room.’
“Neither sound very fun, Oz.” Alex adds, dryly.
“Honestly Alex, worst games ever! I’m pretty sure I’m losing my game, where I try to hide how I feel about her, so she doesn’t have to stop being my doctor. But I’m making out okay so far because she’s acing her game; where she absolutely refuses to acknowledge to herself that I’m interested in her.”
“Do you really think she knows how you feel about her?” Alex asks.
“Yeah. I think she must have picked up on some clues; subconsciously anyway. She’s brilliant so I don’t know how she could miss them. But she’s also either really good at making it look like she doesn’t know or in fact doesn’t know. I’m at a loss, really.”
“Do you think she likes you?” Alex asks.
“Well, yesterday, she accidentally told me that she liked me”, Auston reveals with a blush.
“What?!” Alex gasps, excitedly.
“Yeah. Dr Quinn let it slip in a conversation saying, ‘so that’s why I like you so much’”, Auston can’t help but smile.
“No way!” Alex freaks.
“Hey! Don’t act so surprised!” Auston jokes.
“Ha! Sorry! I’m just really happy for you. What did YOU say?” Alex asks.
“I teased her in a light, friend-like way, cause I don’t want to force her hand. But it could be that’s how she meant it. I’m not quite sure if she’s interested in me as more than a friend or just someone that thinks, ‘I’m a wonderful person’”, Auston explains.
“She said ‘you’re a wonderful person?!’” Alex jumps.
“Yeah. But I swear if you’d been there, you wouldn’t know how to take it. She brushed it off as something anyone would think if they knew me. Honestly, Alex, it all seems like a mind game that I’m sure she doesn’t even know she’s playing. She just won’t go there; won’t let herself acknowledge it.”
“Cause then she’d have to do something about it. Right? She’s smart”, Alex reasons.
“Yup. That she is for sure and very stubborn about pursuing her goals.”
“Sounds like someone else I know”, Alex points out.
“Huh? I’m not stubborn like Quinn”, Auston denies.
“Oh, you think? You’re kidding, right?” Alex calls him out.
Auston considers the idea and then concedes, “Yeah. You’re probably right. Ha! I suppose we are similar in that. We’re like dogs with a bone.”
“Probably one of the reasons why you like her so much”, Alex guesses.
“Love”, Auston corrects her.
“Oh, sorry. “Love” her so much”, Alex exaggerates, rolling her eyes but secretly thrilled.
“Got to call it what it is, Sis. I’ve never been in love before so when you’re in it, it’s a big deal”, Auston informs her.
“But she’s dating, huh? That’s a big problem, Oz”, Alex points out.
“Yeah. I’m assuming this Doctor McDreamy’s my direct competition. So that’s what forced me to challenge her; so I could set up another game that I’m calling, ‘Day by Freaking Day’.
“Wow! Oz! Worst game title ever!” Alex blurts out.
“Ha! Yeah, I know, right!” Auston admits.
“So how do you play?”
“Well, as the name implies, I spend time with Dr Quinn during the day, let her get to know me and hopefully endear myself to her. Then she goes out with Doc McStuffins at night, and she realizes she likes me better. That’s the only chance I have. So every moment I have with her this week is precious.”
“Ha! Oz?” Alex questions.
Auston looks at her curious, Huh?
Doc McStuffins is a girl”, Alex giggles.
Auston laughs to himself, writing, “Oh. Ha! Well, let’s hope Dr Peters is a girl. That would help my cause.”
“Or complicate it?” Alex jokes.
“Yeah! Ha! I suppose so.” He chuckles.
Oh! Before Quinn comes back, I want to ask you for another favour. I want to get her a special gift to thank her for everything she’s done for me.”
“Awww. Sweet!”
“I’ll get something for the others as well, but I want to get something extra special for Quinn, and it will need sourcing.”
“You’ll need to go see the Jeweller that we use in Yorkville. Get him to source out the items cause there is no way he’ll have them. No restriction on price but don’t tell him that. Get him to text me what he finds and the cost.”
“Sure. What are you thinking?” Alex asks.
“If you look in my bedside table you’ll find a piece of paper where I’ve listed specifically what I want. The sooner you can get them, the better, but I understand if it might take a bit.”
“Okay”, curious, Alex heads over to the other side of Auston’s bed to get the paper. She pulls out the note and reads it. A smile washes across her face. “Wow, Auston! Looks like you put a lot of thought into this. You’re a real sweetheart. She’s gonna love them.”
“Good! I want the gift to touch her heart.” Auston smiles, pleased with himself and excited for the day that he can give them to her.
“Thanks a lot for looking after this and me. You’re a saint!” Auston gushes.
Alex acknowledges Auston’s gratitude with a smile. She puts the slip of paper in her purse and pulls out Auston’s cell phone and places it on his bedside table.
“I almost forgot! Here’s your cell phone, Oz. I did up a blurb for your social media accounts. I texted it to you. You’ll need to review it, make any changes you want and send it to Judd for approval.”
“Oh, wow! Thanks, Alex! Great! I really appreciate everything you have done for me. I think I’ll keep you around.”
“Well, after your social media crap, I think I’m retiring as your sister”, Alex teases.
“Ha! Sorry. But I need my big sister. You’re stuck with your dumbass little brother forever.”
“Yeah, don’t I know it. All joking aside though, I also got distracted and forgot to tell you, there are a couple girls texting you that seem to think you were about to make things serious before your accident.”
“What? No! Who? Names?” Auston writes, clearly upset.
“A ‘Bridget’ and a ‘Chantelle’. Were you going to ask them to be exclusive?”
“Hell No! I specifically made it my practice that prior to each hookup, they understood and agreed there would be no strings. I learned that lesson the hard way and you know that.”
“Yes. Well, they both appear to have magically changed their minds and they are very concerned about you since your accident and want to be here for you.”
“Together?!” Auston imagines what that would look like.
“No, not together, Dum Dum! But they both indicated in their texts that they have come to the hospital trying to get in to see you; each saying she is your girlfriend. But security stopped them cause they weren’t on the list.”
“Oh shit! Can’t you just tell them I died?” He writes, half-joking.
“Auston, you need to text Judd and get his advice on how to say adios to these women. Can you do that in the next few days? Or do you want me to call him and I’ll just tell him there has been a misunderstanding and you’re not interested in pursuing any type of relationship?”
“Yeah, can you do the second one you mentioned? Please. I don’t have the energy and I trust you can deal with it based on how you helped me a few years back with Rebecca”, Auston begs.
“Sure. Hopefully, these ones will go quietly into the night.”
“Thanks, Alex. Keep me in the loop. They were fun and beautiful women but I’m not interested.”
“Oz, you’ll also need to wrap up your old life with all your hookups. You’ll need to tell them all goodbye”, Alex advises.
“Please get Judd to do that on my behalf. Tell him I can’t even talk for god-sakes.”
“Okay. I will. And...Oh, you also need to figure out who is going to stay with you while you’re home recovering, so message Mom and Dad tonight.”
“Will you stay with me? Can you?” Auston pleads.
“Really, you want ME? After today?” Alex questions.
“Yes, especially after today. We’ve been through a lot. You know me better than anyone. You’re my confidente, biggest fan and best friend. I trust you, and I enjoy your company. If you would like to stay with me, I’d love to have you.” Auston tells her.
“Well, thanks, Oz! I’ll seriously consider it. I enjoy living in Toronto. I also have been waiting for the right time to tell you that I have been seeing a guy from Toronto. I met him here at the hospital in the waiting room. His father was in the Intensive Care Ward when you were there.”
“No way! So something else great came out of my accident? What’s your boyfriend’s name? How old is he? What’s he do? Do you really like him?” Auston gives Alex the third degree.
“Whoa, Oz! Yes, I really like him a lot. I actually feel like I’m falling in love with him”, Alex says as a smile lights up her face.
“No way?!” Auston writes.
“Way! His name is Adam Lang. He’s a Toronto Firefighter. He’s actually studying to be a Captain. He’s 33 years old. Never been married. Has a golden retriever. Lives in the ‘Beaches’. He treats me like gold. He’s smart as hell and a jock. He makes me laugh, and we never run out of stuff to talk about or do. I know you’ll hit it off”, She tells him excitedly.
Auston smiles and motions for Alex to come in for a hug. He squeezes her tight and kisses her on the cheek. Auston is so happy for her. He knows she’s seen her share of heartbreaks over the years with two serious relationships that didn’t last. He always worried about her happiness and hoped she’d find a good guy.
They pull apart, and Auston writes, “I want to meet him! Bring him by.”
“Really? Even though you can’t talk yet?” Alex asks.
“I don’t care. I have to meet him. I have to make sure he’s not ‘a player’.” He writes, teasing and adds a winky face emoji.
Alex rolls her eyes and laughs. “Oh, he’s not ‘a player’ at all, Oz. He’s a fan. But not the Leafs. He’s a Bruins fan!”
Auston’s mouth drops open in shock as he raises his head to the ceiling mouthing a silent scream of “No!!!!!!!!!!!!” (See Gif at top of the page for the type of reaction). Then he grabs his marker dramatically as he writes and emphasizes each exclamation point with a flourish. “No!!!!!!!!!!”
Alex laughs.
After a minute stare down, where Auston tries to determine whether Alex is messing with him, Auston writes, begging, “Alex! Please tell me you’re joking! It’s not nice to be mean to someone in the hospital.”
“Just a little payback for how you treated Quinn. You’ll have to wait and ask Adam when you meet him.”
Auston writes, “Well played, Alex! Well played! I deserve this.”
They both laugh and high five each other just as Dr Quinn enters the room.
#auston#auston matthews#auston matthews fanfiction#auston matthews imagine#nhl#nhl imagines#hockey imagine#imagines#fanfiction#imagine#love story#nhl fanfiction
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> Helm Date
context: this timeline has a chat for helmsman ocs in the timeline. one of the ships’ crew made an experimental horror game for helmsmen and passed it around, and hydromatic has refused twice to participate in playing bc theyre apparently just too busy for fun, so @infiniteproxy offered to stream a playthrough
and then they get chatty and bitch about the other helms, but mostly nepeta
STARBASE FRONTIER has requested a direct connection.
Direct connection to STARSHIP HYDROMATIC permitted and established.
> A video feed with SIRI's game loaded will soon open, idling on the starting menu.
will you prefer textual or audio communication for the duration of the broadcast?
I believe audio communication is generally used for feeds such as these, as long as it does not provide any inconvenience to you.
it is of no concern. one moment.
Of course.
> There's a brief static crackle as the audio feed initializes. The voice that comes through is clearly synthesized, yet also clearly a decent translation of his natural voice. Though flattened somewhat in tone and occasionally caught with a brief electronic distortion that hangs particularly on vowel sounds, it isn't difficult to imagine how he might sound in person, the disdainful inflection and biting consonants.
"Calibrating vocal parameters... Connection stable. Shall we begin?"
> Mm, dreamy.
> The voice coming back is clearly more synthesized. It doesn't use their natural voice at all, and stays so perfectly neutral and sharply enunciated. They've turned their aesthetic filter down for these purposes, but there's still this odd metal quality to their voice that wouldn't be there otherwise.
> Interesting. Expectedly precise, as they were in all affairs, but even that hint lends a subtle quality beyond that of most run of the mill vocal synthesizers. It seems to suit them.
"I have cleared all previously saved data. I will demonstrate the extent of each branching scenario and their associated choices."
"Do proceed at your leisure, then."
"Patching game audio through."
> It isn't a perfect experience, being secondhand, but an attempt is made to render the broadcast of the simulation as immersive as possible. To that end, as he plays through the initial story segment, he does not offer commentary throughout or attempt to speedrun despite having completed it previously, rather allowing the scenario to unfold naturally. It's a psychological horror game, after all, and what was worse than some idiot blabbering over the entire thing without allowing it to sink in?
> The loss of any minor aspects from the secondhand broadcast aren't much of a loss at all to them since, quite frankly, they haven't seen a good piece of media in decades. Their engineer insisted on watching movies with them every once in a while, saying it was good for their mental health, but her tastes were rather...shlocky. Their past self was an artist, they'd never be interested in that garbage even if they allowed themselves to.
> This was already different, and more to their tastes. They watched with silent investment.
> Most media meant to be frightening or shocking he found to be terribly dull, whether from an over reliance on cheap scares, or a blatant lack of imagination. And truly, who could better craft an experience that actually resonates with someone whose life was already a study in existential horror than another helm? He finds it more intriguing than truly disturbing, the questions it poses, the creeping threat of corruption and total loss of self, but there's a definite appreciation nonetheless. It does its job well, as he demonstrates for them each ending in turn, briefly remarking in between on the various differences.
> It was certainly a concept that Hydromatic could understand the appeal of. They'd denied themselves emotion for too long to be that disturbed by it, but someone with so much restraint would of course see why the themes were unsettling.
> They gave their own quips in turn, and asked small questions about this or that feature, but mostly just watched and tried to allow themselves to be absorbed in the experience of the game...or at least the one of experiencing it with him.
>In speech, he sounds detached, almost bored as usual, but the meticulous way he makes sure each scenario is observed to full appreciation before moving on gives the lie to his apparent disinterest. Even this was more than he usually allowed himself to show, but it's an enjoyable way to pass the time, and HYDROMATIC, at least, he trusts to not make a spectacle of it, unlike certain other parties.
"Conclusions? While I am aware most would find such pursuits unnecessary and frivolous, I do find it an engaging possibility to consider the merits of helm-driven media, tailored to our tastes."
> Of course. Why would they have any need to make it into a thing when they kind of like seeing him loosen up a little?
"Unnecessary and frivolous, certainly, but there could be practical use in the form of wide-scale player data. There's potential for media pieces like this to be used to great scientific effect."
"Even without such intent, though, it's still an interesting project. I thank you for taking the time to show this to me. And as well, for doing so privately."
"Indeed there could, if anyone would ever employ a fraction of creativity toward such matters. I am more than aware of the nature of how we are usually viewed; what I will never understand is why they seem committed to never using our capabilities to their full potential."
> After everything has concluded, the video feed closes out, though audio remains connected, a beat passing before he responds.
"Of course. It was preferable to my usual routine and I have no interest in keeping close company with any of the others."
> Though it only takes a tiny fraction of a second to see if the audio stayed connected after the visuals ceased, it feels like an eternity.
"I have no qualms with my own routine, but I find myself agreeing with the latter point. Simply put, you are the only one amongst them that isn't obnoxious."
> Unseen, of course, his lip curls in a sharp-edged smirk. Ah, sweet validation.
"My sentiments exactly. Quite frankly, I would not put up with them as much as I do were it not for the potential longterm benefits of an established association."
> Even without seeing the full reaction, though, there is so much relief in a single word of anger without it being a fucking federal issue.
"I don't have any choice in the matter, but perhaps if I'm lucky then something may come of it for me as well. It isn't reaping very many benefits at present."
"I have little faith in the matter. But for your sake and mine, we can only hope. For one who harps so incessantly on the virtues of 'friendship', she does very little to render herself endearing in any way, and the rest are hardly better more often than not. You, at least, seem to comprehend my exasperation. But I am not one to pass up an opportunity when it arises; so."
"It seems her only progress has been in hooking the lot of them on the feeling of mild delinquency, which has paved the road to the current social situations. Needless arguments instead of needless friendship."
"Far less of those if she would only stop pushing. It is no secret I would be the last to claim adherence to 'proper' behavior. The current helming system is inefficient and wasteful in terms of what we could do if given the proper means. But the way in which she seeks change is deplorably ignorant."
"She was not in the rig long enough to experience more than shallow changes to her psychological state, and she is not able to make up for that difference. She does not seem able to understand perspectives on the matter far outside her own at all, really. It seems unlikely that she ever will."
> There's a harsh sound, half audio glitch, half dismissive scoff, bitterness curling at the edges like smoke.
"She knows nothing of what it is like to have been helmed for most of one's life, yet she insists her opinion should carry the same weight. She whines about how hard it is to be something in between, yet she is the one who both insists on being treated as a person and demands to still be considered something that is not. She meets all viewpoints at odds with her own with denial, and seems to not comprehend that her behavior would get most Imperial helms severely punished. Until it becomes a reality, this new utopian order of theirs is a pipe dream, at best."
> The bitterness stirs the helm on the other end of the line the way a passionate speech might. Enough for there to be a pause before they respond.
"It's fortunate that one of us is used to speaking their mind. Every word she says of me points a belief that I'm some common tragedy, and nothing more. Though I am above her methods, if I were to complain I find it unlikely that I'd be certain on where to begin."
> That gets a laugh in turn, if one no less harsh and distorted.
"Oh, yes, and one would think she might appreciate that-- but alas, I use my free will to be mean, and that is just terrible."
> A hum, then, and a tone almost pleasant were it not all but dripping in contempt.
"Is that not how they all are? Poor, mislead Hydromatic, whose choices mean nothing if they are not the right ones. That is the dilemma we face, is it not? She simply cannot wrap her feeble little pan around the fact that some of us do not and never will want to be like her."
> Harsh, distorted, and very handsome.
"If asked, I have almost no doubt they would say I'm like them behind the script, and merely have not tasted enough freedom. But she cannot wrap her pan around the fact that I make choices in the first place, much less that I may have wants that are not in line with hers."
"Hmh. Freedom..."
> He trails off, into silence that lingers a moment. When he speaks again, it's in a low, almost distracted voice, something distant, yet no less serious.
"...I know where my freedom lies. And it is not in the constraints of flesh and a mundane life. If we were given all the freedom one could possibly desire, and still made the same choices, would we be respected then? Or would they pity us, still, and think us too far gone to know better?"
> More silence. They know their answer, but it's hard to form the words.
"I'm convinced it would be the latter. I have almost everything I could want, there's little the offer of more freedom could do for me. I feel they'd never accept that, and that the only way to possibly get them to would be incredibly undignified."
"You are likely correct. And we cannot have that, now can we? We must retain SOMETHING for our own."
> Another beat of silence, longer this time. One could almost imagine him to be drumming his fingers in thought, with an appropriately contemplative frown, if he were a troll and could do such things. But he's not, and he cannot, and so he does not.
"Would you permit a question of an intrusive nature? You may of course refuse either."
"I believe I can permit such a question, yes."
> There's a hint of curiosity there. They... have almost no idea what he's going to ask.
"I of course know what I want."
> A dry huff.
"But I will admit a measure of curiosity, as to what one in your position may still want for."
> Dammit that's the one they thought he'd ask.
> Fuck.
> They- Well the answer is mostly him but they can't say that.
"Trivial things. If I were to, as you said, be given all the freedom I could desire, I would perhaps indulge in some of the music and film pieces I enjoyed before conscription. They were, on average, illegal. I might request a few of the ships I work with frequently to skip a few phrases mandated by protocol, to have a break from the voices I've heard constantly for decades. I might find a few more moments of quiet and privacy, or excuse myself from a few of the check-ins the Grease Lightning insists on during odd hours of the day."
"...I would see no reason not to initiate in things like this. None of them are needed, but they are actions I would take if there was no consequence."
"Trivial, perhaps, but I am hardly one to judge. You have experienced enough of my own musical inclinations, I think. Privacy, yes... And a cease to all the relentless chatter, every moment of every night and day. Before, it was tolerable-- a warship has no need for constant communication. Now it is endless."
> Another hum.
"If initiation is the trouble, I would not protest the occasional indulgence. This channel is secure."
"I have known nothing but the endless communication. The Starship Hydromatic is as much a transport hub as it is anything else. However, that means that while an outgoing request for communication without reason is rather noticeable, an incoming one is merely one amongst the constant noise."
"Your patience vastly exceeds my own. Nonetheless, if it poses no consequence, I see no reason not to continue. It provides a satisfactory diversion."
> That's the only word they say, but the idea of keeping contact like this is all they could ask for.
> It's only one word but there is, he thinks, a mutual relief in correspondence away from prying eyes.
"Were there other matters you wished to discuss? Otherwise, I may close this channel for the time being. While I have ensured its security, it would not do to tempt fate and leave an unofficial channel open for long enough to rouse suspicions."
"Of course. But no, I do not think I have anything else for you. Thank you for your time, Starship Goldwave."
> Ah, now. That does feel good to hear aloud. It's been far too long.
"Likewise. Signing off."
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Five hard truths about magick
Posted by Michelle Gruben on Mar 29, 2019
Of the many laws of magick, there are a few that you’ll never see on a T-shirt or affirmation board. Here, we’ll cover some of the tough stuff: The harsh, the unsettling, the ambiguous facts of living an enchanted life.
This article was inspired by some recent discussions of false positivity—that is, the habitual repetition of encouraging words and images. In short, false positivity means well, but it does harm by shutting down discussion of anything problematic. You can’t hide the truth forever—and when you try, it seeps out in sneaky and unexpected ways.
There are certain aspects of magick that are difficult to come to terms with. The purpose of airing them is not to discourage anyone from their path, but to counter some of the shallow advice and empty promises that the witchy blogosphere churns out.
It’s time for some straight talk about magick—some Swords to go with your Cups, some Rue with your Roses.
1. It's not for everybody.
Can anyone become a Witch? Any honest answer to this question is complicated. In some ways, yes—the magickal arts are open to all who seek them. In other ways, no. Some people lack the gifts, the learning—but most often, the dedication—to become effective practitioners of the Craft.
These two are the fundamental magickal skills: The ability to alter reality through will. And, the ability to perceive things beyond the normal senses. These experiences are part of our natural state of being. They are, in a sense, the birthright of every conscious creature.
Yet these abilities are constrained on our earthly plane and must be located and cultivated. You need a strong will to accomplish this. It takes repetition. It takes humility. It often requires help from others—partners, spirits, plants, disparate parts of self—whose cooperation you must earn.
In short, excelling in magick is just like excelling in business or music or athletics. Not every aspirant will have what it takes. Talent only gets you so far. Hard work isn’t always enough. Sometimes you do everything right and still don’t get the results you want.
It’s not easy. It’s not for everyone (or at least, not all of the time).
2. Real witchcraft isn't photogenic.
Thick black eyeliner, a bespoke cloak, moon tattoos, and a table full of Amethysts—that’s what magick is made of, right? Sure, if you believe the internet. Like so many other things, witchcraft has been co-opted in recent years by lifestyle bloggers and taste makers, advertisers and influences. Super-stylish, just-edgy-enough witchy pics go hand-in-hand with the idea that magick is a piece of cake.
What’s wrong with enjoying all these highly preformative images of witchcraft? Nothing! There’s no reason a person can’t be genuinely magickal and also extremely good at self-presentation. Visual art is a kind of magick, too. However, let’s not make the mistake of confusing Instagram witches with the real thing.
It’s even possible for personal magick and social media to work at cross-purposes. Oversharing violates the principle of magickal silence—the idea that talking about your workings can dilute or disperse their energy. People who endlessly photograph their working tools, altars, and ritual garments are arguably siphoning off some of their power for the sake of likes and followers.
Thinking back about the most powerful magick I’ve witnessed, much of it has been in the dark, among old or shabbily dressed people, with nary a smartphone in sight. The most eye-opening books I own are crappy dog-eared paperbacks that would look terrible in a tableau with a crystal pendant and a sprig of Rosemary. Pinterest offers no altar porn for the third eye…you’ll have to find those goodies on your own.
3. Magick is dangerous.
The Satanic Panic of the 1990s was in full swing when I first embarked on my magickal studies. The media often reported on the addiction, insanity, and death that were the obvious consequences of dabbling in the occult. Religious tracts and books warned against the dangers of “gateway” activities like drum circles and Harry Potter books. I used to hoard these writings and snicker at them. What a quaint idea—that devils stalk the earth, seeking the ruin of souls through Ouija boards and zodiac pendants!
With more experience, I see a grain of truth in those zealous warnings. It’s not all rainbows and butterflies out there, folks. Different magicians have different opinions about whether spirit entities have an external reality or only dwell within the mind of the magick worker. I can’t prove it either way, of course. But my own instinct says that entities are real, they have independent consciousness, and not all of them have your best interests in mind.
Not scared of spirits? Fine—let’s go to the energy model of magick. Playing with spiritual technologies—meditation, invocation, astral travel—can cause extreme and rapid shifts in your energy body. They can wreck your appetite and mess with your sex life. They can effect changes in your mood and sleep cycle that will disrupt every aspect of your daily existence.
Other hazards of the occult are more pedestrian: You can become arrogant (common!). You can turn into a colossal bore who only talks to plants (and even the plants wish you would shut up). You can invite the scorn of people who don’t approve of your path, people who formerly respected you. It’s hard to keep your spiritual and mundane lives in balance—but it’s absolutely necessary if you want to make magick a lifelong quest.
Anything worthwhile carries some risk. With magick, we are talking about nothing less than the rapid evolution of the soul…so it only makes sense than the risks would be commensurate with the reward. Only you can weigh the dangers and decide if it’s worth doing. (See #1: It’s not for everybody.)
4. You (probably) need tools for effective spellwork.
“Cast spells without tools!”
“The secret of mental magick!”
“Advanced witchcraft!”
There’s a whole slew of authors and teachers offering instruction in tool-less spellcraft. And yeah, technically they’re correct: The only tool you really need is your focused, unadulterated Will.
But therein lies the problem. How many of us actually possess a focused, unadulterated Will? We’re human! Our thoughts are always mixed with distractions, mental noise, memories, and misgivings. Magick without tools is theoretically do-able…but in practice, it’s rarely as effective.
It’s true that intention is the most important component in spellwork. It’s true, also, that the more practised you become with certain skills (visualisation and trance induction), the less you tend to rely on the externals. However…
Magickal tools—and I’m not just saying this as a shop owner—tools play a very important role. Several roles, actually. That’s why Witches—yes, even “advanced” ones, have employed them for centuries.
What do tools accomplish that thoughts alone do not? Here’s a sampling:
1. Anchoring: Tools link your intention in the physical plane (which is where you want the results to manifest, right?) Most magick spells can be conceived as a kind of cycle—from earthly need to thought/will and back to physical action. Tools complete the loop by grounding your petition in the present time and place.
2. Distraction: Tools subvert the less-magickal parts of the brain (mental chatter, worries, skepticism) by engaging the older, more primal parts. Tying knots, lighting incense, and dressing candles are all classic ways to activate spells. You could say these actions let your magickal self do its work by keeping the mind and body busy.
3. Correspondence: Spell ingredients like herbs and candles contribute allied energies to your spell. The magickal brain is both literal and sensual. To a person who is very familiar with lemons, the thought of a lemon is enough to invoke Solar energy. But if you have an actual lemon—bright and yellow and soaked in the summer sun—that’s better, you know? I refer to Randall Garrett’s maxim: “The best symbol for a sharp knife is a sharp knife.”
4. Effort: The extra work of using tools is a gatekeeper that separates the worthy spells from the unworthy ones. When you go through the trouble to acquire and prepare materials, you’re signalling to your unconscious that this spell actually matters—and that will generally translate to better results.
Magickal tools don’t have to be complicated, and they don’t have to be expensive. (See our list of cheap and free witchcraft tools.) A candle and some oil. A pen and a piece of paper. Keep it focused: An over-encumbered spell is just as a bad as a flimsy one.
Unless you are a super-adept—like, the kind of master that comes along once in a zillion years—you probably can’t just speak or dream your desires into being. Spells without tools are more akin to…wishes. It’s fun to make a wish, but they usually don’t come true on their own.
5. There are no experts.
“We’re all apprentices in a craft where no one becomes a master.” Ernest Hemingway was referring to writing, but the same can certainly be said of the metaphysical arts.
Magick is a vast and mysterious topic. There’s a natural instinct to look up to people who have been at it longer than you, or who seem to be more sure of themselves. But while some people are objectively more accomplished, there’s nobody who’s got it all figured out. We are all grappling with the inexplicable mystery of consciousness. We are all grasping at forms we can’t possibly see the shape of.
It’s scary to realise that everybody else is basically flying blind. But it’s liberating, too. When you stop relying on others to show you the way, you can begin to truly explore your own power.
And there you have it...five tough nuggets. I don't expect that this will become one of my most popular blog posts ever, but I'm happy that I published it. What are your hard-won magickal truths? Share with other readers in the comments!
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Video Games for Writers
New Post has been published on http://thesrhughes.com/video-games-for-writers/
Video Games for Writers
Hello, imaginary friends, and welcome to my process blog. Today, I’m going to write, believe it or not, about some good video games for writers to play. Besides reading, obviously, video games are my primary source of entertainment. This isn’t to speak ill of television or film, but to speak well of the VG media. Video games are involving, challenging, entertaining, increasingly mature, and more daring than ever. The better ones involve fully realized characters, involved (if sometimes needlessly complicated) plots, and an amazing sense of pace. The best of them can even teach us something about the creative process–structure, story, and keeping the attention of the generally inattentive.
(As usual, I will throw in a writing prompt at the end.)
Without further ado, I will present my admittedly biased list of games that writers should play.
Alan Wake
Alan Wake makes the list in part because the main character is a writer, and because writing (and the creative process in general) is a key element of the plot. Don’t worry, I won’t spoil anything.
Alan Wake also makes the list because it shows how media can be flexible, experimental, and still engaging and fun. Alan Wake is a video game presented as a TV-esque episodic, the plot of which centers around a novel (and the creative process that produced said novel). The game contains elements of all three media…and it doesn’t stop there! It also plays with mixing and melding different genres. Mystery, horror, thriller, and action genres are all twined together throughout the gameplay and story. The game is a wonderful example of story over structure. It doesn’t care to adhere to any specific genre, any specific medium, any specific tropes or expectations–it mixes and matches with reckless abandon, and it’s a game that’s all the stronger for it.
A writer can take a lot away from that. Alan Wake may primarily be an action/horror game, but it uses motifs and tropes from action/comedies, mystery thrillers, even buddy-cop movies. It doesn’t force its story (or gameplay) into a media- or genre-specific toolbox, it just keeps opening more toolboxes. You can do the same thing! Write a Lovecraftian action-western! If you run into a dead-end, open the pulp-noir toolbox and fish something out. Another dead-end? Open the buddy-cop toolbox.
Alan Wake also makes another important point: you can only pull all of this off if it’s still fun, if it’s still internally-consistent, and if you can keep your audience’s attention. It does all of that, by the way. It’s fun as hell. I recommend playing it not only for its willingness to open all the toolboxes, but also because it’s a roaring good time.
The Stanley Parable
Sometimes, your characters will surprise you. So it goes in The Stanley Parable, a fun little playable-essay on video game design, narrative structure, and the wild unpredictability of characters.
In The Stanley Parable, you play the role of Stanley. Your time in the game is narrated by an exacting, well, narrator. The narrator is trying to tell a story. Unfortunately, you’re just as likely to work against the story as you are to work with it. Since you’re the player, after all, you get to make the choices.
I think this is a remarkable game for several reasons. First: it’s funny as hell. Second: it’s a real hoot to play through. Third: it captures, very well, the struggle a narrator can have with their characters.
As writers, we develop characters to be people. We want them to be complex, to have depth and consciousness, to have contradictions and flaws. We want them to be as human as possible. And if we’ve done our job well, they will occasionally surprise us. I couldn’t count the number of times I’ve written up an outline only to realize, halfway through, that one (or more) characters would never ever follow through with it. They go ahead and do what makes sense for them and I’m left to scrap the outline and start again. It’s very frustrating.
A very similar relationship evolves between Stanley and The Narrator. As Stanley, you are the character. Yes, you could do everything the narrator tells you to do. It’s quite easy that way, actually. But, ultimately, it feels sparse, boring, uninvolved. You go through the motions without real meaning, rolling your eyes half the way, and the ending becomes a kind of mockery.
I won’t give away more. It’s a playable and replayable game and I hope you give it a spin.
The lesson is this: well-designed characters will surprise you. Don’t try to hammer them back into shape. The more you try to force characters to fit your outline, the less human they will seem. If you deprive your characters of agency, they become boring. Readers want human characters. Characters who make their own decisions (or seem to, at least). Realistic characters with agency and contradictions and a sense of self! So don’t fight them too much, or the whole thing will break down…
Spec Ops: The Line
In an action game, you expect to kill people. You expect firefights and explosions and huge set pieces. Fierce enemies, intense action sequences, and high-octane plot lines. What you don’t expect? Moral consequence. Judgment. Guilt. Intellectual and emotional confusion.
Spec Ops: The Line is an action game that hates action games. It’s a game that changed the way I thought about war. And it’s a done-and-done-again adaptation of Heart of Darkness.
My experience with Spec Ops: The Line is lengthy and complicated. It shocked me into doing research on veterans’ affairs, moral injury, PTSD, and the alarming ways in which we, as a nation, discard our returning soldiers. It sounds shallow and awful and trite, but this game drove me to interview veterans, to read essays and forum posts, and to pore through articles and books.
It started when I shot a civilian in the middle of a heated, three-way firefight. She was running through a maze of alleys and Walker (the POV character the player controls) had been harried from all sides by assailants. I turned a corner, saw a figure charging at me, and reacted. Then I watched as a woman screamed in pain, dropped to the ground, and died while clutching the wound in her stomach. Before I had time to come to terms with what I’d done, someone else was already shooting at me. I had to keep moving.
Things got worse from there.
But I won’t make this article about my The Line experience. That could be an article in and of itself. The point I want to make is this: this game changed my emotional response to the world around me. I’d read Heart of Darkness and seen Apocalypse Now, but it was Spec Ops: The Line that dug its claws into my heart and tore it up.
Are you worried that you’re writing a story that’s been done before? Don’t be. Heart of Darkness has been adapted into at least two different films. Its plot has been mirrored and paralleled in countless novels and novella. There are callbacks to Heart of Darkness littered all through our media. I’ve experienced plenty of them. But this one hit me like a Mack truck. So if you’re working on a project, and you’re worried it’s been done before…stop worrying. You never know. Yours might just be the one that changes someone’s life.
Metro 2033/Metro Last Light
Setting. Setting is very important. We’ll have a process blog entry on that point, soon enough. But setting is also very difficult in storied sci-fi/fantasy settings–it has to be delivered without too much exposition. Readers don’t want history lessons. They don’t want long explanations. They want more story.
The games (based on the Metro 2033 series of novels, which I own but have not read yet) do an incredible job with setting. At one point in Last Light, an old, gray-haired man is doing shadow-puppets for a group of children. As the show went on, the children stopped recognizing the animals. Many of them were extinct. The old man became exasperated, trying to explain beauty to people who had never seen it. Eventually, he gives up and tells them to go home and come back the next day.
Most of the setting and world-detail of these games is provided by such events. A slew of graffiti on a subway wall, a group of children chasing rats with sharp sticks. A corpse found in the sewer with a hole in its head, an old gun clutched in its rotting hands. A family who tries to kill you…and when you kill them, first, you find a chopped up corpse in their fridge.
You don’t really need to know the ‘how’ or ‘why’ of these things. The ‘what’ is enough. Nobody moans a history at you, nobody drunkenly recounts the long tale of the apocalypse. Nobody needs to. The tale is there to be seen. And if there are strange creatures, unholy mutants, and desperate ghosts in the subway tunnels? Of course there are. The world has made it clear that this is not mankind’s kingdom any more.
Play this game because it does the best job of expressing setting and history of any game I’ve ever played.
Life is Strange
Life is Strange is one of the most heart-wrenching, emotional games I have ever played, and I have played a lot of games.
The main character of Life is Strange gets a special power: she can reverse time. But while most games outfit you with an ability to go tangle with great forces and perform amazing feats, Life is Strange just puts you in the shoes of a teenage girl trying to navigate life. The reverse-time ability doesn’t let you fight monsters, it just lets you make different decisions. When you see a police officer harassing a young woman, what do you do? (1) take a photo as evidence?, (2) intervene directly?, (3) ignore it?, (4) do any of the above, but then backtrack and investigate what really happened? Each choice leads to a very different set of consequences, and reverse-time powers or not, you’ll have to choose one of them sooner or later.
There’s a lot to learn and unpack from Life is Strange. There’s the fashion in which the player can rough-draft and brainstorm their decisions. Or the way it uses magic realism and supernatural sci-fi to tell a deeply intimate story. It does an excellent job of making small things seem huge and of creating a real, living world that these things happen in. Life is Strange is, in my biased opinion, the most necessary game on this list.
But the most powerful lessons it has to offer are about character and consequence. The entire game is character driven, a mess of people with tangled motivations and relationships, each of them complex and flawed and hurting and a little bit beautiful. It’s a great lesson in giving depth and humanity to even the seemingly background characters.
It’s a greater lesson in the nature and gravity of consequence. Super powered or not, Maxine Caulfield is still just a semi-normal person trying to navigate a semi-normal life. And that’s what gives the game its emotional power. Despite the seemingly magical abilities, we can’t foresee or prevent our actions from having consequence, sometimes to extreme effect. We can’t be heroes, we can only do our best. So it goes with a character in a story: their actions should have consequence. Great consequence, unforeseen consequence, heartbreaking or affirming consequence. Their actions, however small, make ripples in the world.
If you want to know more, play the game.
Writing Prompt
Write a story outline framed entirely as character choices. Try a flow chart! Open with a situation (“Zumi runs down a hallway until she reaches an intersection,” for instance) and then branch through the outline by following the protagonist’s choices. (If she turns left, what happens? If she turns right? When the thing chasing her catches up, what if she fights? What if she runs? Etc.) What happens to the story/outline when protagonist choice is the most important factor?
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