#they don't even have to be swifties! there's so many options for this and so many cool methods you can use!
rai-knightshade · 1 year
Where did you buy your beads for taylor bracelets? I'm having a hard time deciding
A combination of Walmart, hobby lobby (NOT ideal but it's basically my only close by option), Michael's (a better option but there's only one in my area and it's a bit of a drive; also this is likely where Halsey got most of her charms as I've seen said charms at Michaels specifically), and Joann's fabrics/craft supplies (honestly my favorite to go to but similarly to Michaels there's only really one in my area and it's a drive).
Pro tip: if you see pre-made strings of spacer-size beads (or even particularly cool looking larger beads) that you like, get those. They're often cheaper than all but the cheapest of loose beads and all you need to do is just cut the string and pull off enough beads for the bracelet(s) you're making, then retie it. Bam, you got plenty of spacer beads and don't have to worry about a bunch of loose beads like with most loose bead packs (they almost never seem to be resealable).
Also, don't forget about bracelet-making kits! Admittedly the gimmicky ones tend to have very little variety in things like color and letter beads, but the basic ones will get you pretty far at a reasonable price.
And uhhhhh I guess if you'd like some inspo here's a couple of the bracelets I've made? And some of the ones I've traded for too (cause the best part of this is that there is literally no wrong way to make these bracelets!) Let me know if you've got any other questions! I've basically gone mad with power at this point but I'm happy to share said power (tips for making fun bracelets) with anyone who asks cause it's HELLA fun!
(descriptions of each photo/bracelet and further info/tips based on them can be found in the alt text! Let me know if you'd like it added to the main body of the ask instead tho.)
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saedii-gilwraeth-simp · 2 months
Okay I'm back in my feels about tydii, so here have my list of headcannons that will never die;
Saedii's hair is uncontrollable when it's not braided, bc 7 braids that don't look stringy = thicc af hair and from experience, that shit is a nightmare regardless of texture. Tyler has made the mistake of undoing Saedii's hair for her before bed and waking up with both of them tangled in it many times.
Tyler likes older music and by that I mean he is 100% a swiftie. Saedii once threatens to break up with him bc if she has to hear the chorus of Shake it Off through their mind bond one more time while he's a galaxy away she's going to punch someone in the face (possibly herself).
Saedii's a biter and vastly enjoys watching Tyler try to look all official in his AL uniform with his neck covered in bruises. Even better if she knows he has to teach younger cadets who are all short enough to see them very clearly.
Tyler gets her back by being as obviously and publicly in love with her as he can. He will call her every ridiculous pet name that he can think of and holds her hand as much as possible. Saedii claims to hate it but no one misses that she's always the slightest bit more purple in the ears when he does it.
Saedii has the ship log footage of Tyler killing the drakkon saved on her personal uni. No one is really sure why. Except for Tyler, who knows exactly why she has it (bc long distance is a bitch and it gets her going lol)
Tyler keeps a list on his uni of all of the things he likes about Saedii. He sends her one every day if they have to be long distance. Saedii's not one for super open affection, but in return she sends him photos of things that made her think of him. They're not all winners (she sent him a photo of the Great Ultrasaur after they'd had a particularly nasty fight) but the good ones make up for the bad ones (and the one she once sent him of her in her favourite bra more than made up for plenty of bad ones).
Saedii sings their kids Syldrathi lullabies, but from memory, which means Tyler is unsure if they're actually lullabies or softened versions of some weird Syldrathi death metal (some of them are but Saedii won't tell him that). Ty's not much better, he goes between rock ballads and whatever hyperpop song Scar stuck in his head last. And Taylor Swift, because he's on a mission to get his kids to annoy their mother with it.
Tyler has pretty regular nightmares after all the shit he's seen and doesn't like to talk about it with the others because he wants everyone to think he's fine. Saedii always knows and will call him in the early hours of his day so he can get everything out of his system before he has to appear all perfect.
Saedii's lieutenants are more scared of her after she gets a Be'shmai than they were before. None of them are really sure what about it makes her seem scarier, but she is. And don't even get them started on how terrifying she was when pregnant (Tyler's not sure what they're on about, according to him, she was basically a teddy bear while pregnant).
The pair of them are complete horndogs. It's actually so stupid how often they get caught doing stuff in places they shouldn't be. Scarlett is fully ready to bleach her eyeballs just so she never has to walk in on them again.
They adopt many many animals over the years they're together. A couple were pets for their kids (Tyler vetoed a drakkon for either of them, so Lae had a snake and Kal had a husky) but after the kids moved out, Saedii got a couple of drakkon and Tyler got a couple of dogs. They also have a cat, but neither are really sure how, the cat just appeared one day.
Saedii is the favourite grandmother of all of her grandkids and she's definitely not emotional and totally normal about it. To be fair, Kal and Shae's kids don't have another option, but that's cancelled out by the fact that Lae and Flora's kids have about 6 other grandmothers.
Tyler gets so hot-and-bothered when Saedii's being bossy. And he plays it off for the most part, but if she asks he'll happily admit to her that she could step on him and he wouldn't complain. Saedii also gets hot-and-bothered when Tyler's being bossy. But only when he's bossy to other people.
Anyway, add more if you want
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blonde-and-cat-suc · 10 months
choose violence ask game: 3, 12 and 22?
p.s. love your blog, please keep spreading the truth!
And I love blogging <3!!! I do it for the girls and the gays.
Answers under the cut . . . This is gonna be a long one.
3) Screenshot or description of the worse take you've seen on tumblr?
Okay, so, the only problem with this one is that I've literally seen too many to count. But the one that I'd often seen and had the most visceral reaction to were definitely the longer, well articulated analysis posts from stans that did SO MUCH bending and twisting to claim Adora being equally toxic/(and or abusive) to Catra. Which, obviously, I also spent time analyzing. Trying my best to understand what was going on. And you know what? I get it. I don't agree. But I get it. Adora and Catra grew up under the same circumstances, so yeah, they wouldn't be entirely innocent of picking up bad habits from their childhood. Realistically. Fine.
But implying that Adora is worse? Worse than Catra?
Anyway, I've suffered from my own self-inflicted torture in the past. I wish I hadn't spent so much time reading stan analysis the way I did, but... Here we are.
And that's just on Tumblr. I don't believe that other social media/forum sites are better or worse about c//a and SPOP, but I have seen worse in The Wilds. (At least on Tumblr there's the filtering options. Everywhere else, good luck).
12) The unpopular character that you actually like, and why more people should like them?
First of all, yes, yes, yes, Swift Wind is horrendous wasted potential (surprise, surprise), and yes, of course, I'm still pissed over it. Those scenes where he's so loyal and kind to Adora, and she, having no other point of reference for a friend, much less a resourceful friend... Like, awwhh. Plus, he makes it very clear that he has his own will and isn't just mindlessly following Adora around like a god-honest horse would. He has his own agenda. He doesn't have to go into battle with Adora, and doesn't gain too much from risking his life to help her and her friends in the short term, but Swift Wind does it anyway. He's interested and invested in Adora, personally, anyway. He wants to be there for her and support her growth as a person.
And Adora deserves all of those amazing, raw, sappy, fairytale friendships!
22) Favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores?
In my experience, this is the type of fandom that cultivates, um, extreme niches, for lack of a better term. As in, literally what my blog is compared to a "stan's" blog. They're like. Different SPOP fans everywhere, so I don't truly believe that there's a portion of this show that is genuinely ignored... There's someone out there that liked even the tiniest, unimportant fraction of this show. Just got to go find them. (Hell, I know people that love, like, Tall Star specifically, out of all the other characters. Nothing has gone totally unnoticed, which is something I really love about the fanbase as a whole, despite everything).
Anyway, to keep it short, my favorite "underappreciated" parts are hm... Maybe the parts where Adora gets to explore the world around her? And not in a super plot related way. I know that the BFS goofing off so much isn't totally ignored. But I like to see that Adora especially was still learning new things everyday in canon, just like, randomly. Nothing to do with the Horde or the Rebellion. Just. She should be excited for the new world around her, dude. Those are pretty rare moments in the show, actually. Wish there were more.
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lifeascaty · 6 months
I've been away from tumblr for a few months. In October 2021, my Dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer. I felt like my whole world was falling apart. He already followed me on tumblr, so I filled my feed with things he would like so he had something new and interesting (or a cute cat) to see every day. (I was already posting a lot for him, but now my queue was entirely for him.) It was a small thing, but I wanted to do anything to help make him smile or distract him. As it was a neuroendocrine cancer, there were treatment options, and soon he was back to living life as if nothing was wrong. But I still kept my queue running for him. In November 2023, a scan was misread. They told my Dad his cancer was responding well to treatment, and he wouldn't need any more nuclear medicine for two years. Unfortunately, this mistake meant my Dad passed away on January 26th 2024. There's no question that this is the worst thing to ever happen to me. My Dad is the person I am/was closest to in the whole world. I've never felt pain like this. I don't know what to do with my tumblr now. I've had it for over a decade, but I've been posting for my Dad for so long that it feels wrong to post without him. I know that's silly. I just miss him so much.
I'm going to post the eulogy I wrote for him below the cut. I don't expect anyone to read it, but I want it to exist somewhere online. I'm really proud of it. It has mistakes - repetitions of words etc. - but I also think it's the best thing I've ever written, because it's about my Dad.
As a professional writer, I’ve felt a lot of pressure to write a eulogy that does my Dad justice. The problem is, I don’t think that’s possible. Especially without him here to give me notes. My Dad has always given me his opinion on my writing at whatever stage it was at, bouncing ideas back and forth with me and arguing over intricate punctuation but, on this occasion, he can’t. I hope he’d like this anyway.
I could talk forever about my Dad. There are so many things I want to tell people about him, about his love and excitement for the world and his joy in getting to live each day. To quote Marcus Aurelius, as my Dad often did, “When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” This sentiment defined him, really.
My Dad and I have so much in common. We traded books back and forth. He introduced me to his favourite shows and I showed him mine. He showed me his favourite movies from when he was growing up, and we were always first in line to see new releases at the Odeon in Wrexham. I would spend hours hanging out on the couch in his study as he worked and played music, talking me through his love and admiration of various songs and bands, like Led Zeppelin, Genesis, The Jam, The Smiths. We talked a mile a minute over dinner, always excited to share whatever new thing we’d learned that day. We experimented with various recipes and he gave me my love of cooking. We debated politics constantly, always talked about what was in the news, forwarded interesting posts and memes to each other across multiple social media platforms. Even when I lived on another continent we were in contact with each other every day, keeping track of our respective timezones so we could always find time to talk.
My heart aches every time I read a news article about some interesting new archaeological finding or a new discovery in space, because I want to share it with him. There are so many movies we planned to see, upcoming TV shows we wanted to watch, books we were waiting to be released.
I want to talk to him about the new Taylor Swift album and the Grammys she just won. As some of you may know, my Dad was a Swiftie – he was in the top 0.5% of Taylor Swift Spotify listeners last year. He was a fan of her before I was, often falling asleep to her 1989 album on international flights. He bought us tickets to see her Eras Tour together this summer and we were so excited. I can’t describe the pain I felt when last month he told me that I’d have to go and enjoy it without him. Because he should be here to see it with me. He loved stained glass – even taking classes and making his own artwork. He promised to teach me this summer, and now I’ll have to do it without him. But I’ll still do it. Like I’ll still go to the Eras concert – because it’s what he would have wanted, and because it keeps his memory alive.
I recognise how lucky I am that he is my Dad. So many things had to happen to make it so. Various ancestors had to meet and have children. My parents needed to be born, needed to both decide to go to the same university, needed some anonymous admin person to assign them both to the same university halls where they would ultimately meet. All so that one day I would come in to being and he would be my Dad. The chances of that happening, for everything to have gone right, are so infinitesimally small. And yet they happened. How miraculous is that?
I am who I am because of him. As a young man, he reviewed books for The Oxford Times and Interzone, a Sci-Fi and Fantasy magazine. (He was particularly proud to interview Terry Pratchett, his favourite author, and have his quote used on Pratchett’s books for years to come). He fell in love with stories and storytelling, a love that he passed down to me. Without him, I don’t know if I would have become a screenwriter and author. Storytelling is such a huge part of me, and I don’t know who I’d be without it, and without him. 
There are so many big, impressive things that my Dad did and achieved through his lifetime, but the things that make up a life are the smaller moments. My parents dancing around his study to God Only Knows by The Beach Boys. His love of all our cats across the years and his special relationship with each of them. The time we went out into the garden, on a freezing cold night in November, to watch the Leonids – shooting stars – falling brightly through the atmosphere. Picking me up from Gobowen station every time I came back from London or undergrad, no matter how late my train was. His specific way of stacking the dishwasher that only I could emulate. Summer holidays swimming in the pool, eating ice cream together, and marvelling over his tan.
The problem with loving my Dad so much is that it’s incredibly painful now he’s gone. One of his favourite Marvel TV shows, Wandavision, had the line “what is grief, if not love persevering?” There is so much grief because there has always been so much love between us. And I am thankful for that. Thankful for him, and everything he has done to build a beautiful life for our family.
My Dad’s last words were beautiful. Something we often said to each other, from childhood to adulthood, was “I love you more than the moon, and the stars, and the wide, wide world”. I started saying it to him, none of us knowing the end was hurtling so quickly towards us. He smiled as I began to say the familiar words, and as my Mum and brother joined in, so did he, still smiling as he said “and the wide, wide world”. And that was it.
'To reference Marcus Aurelius once more, he talks in Meditations about how just a day–just a minute–of happiness, of perfection, of peace, is enough. The same goes for the people we love. That we ever had my Dad in the first place is a wonderful thing, something to be so grateful for. Whatever comes after, whatever fortune has in store for us in the future? It can’t change that. What happens next matters less because of the wonderfulness of having had my Dad at all.'
He is my best friend. He will always be my best friend. Whatever happened, I knew he would look after me. That he loved me and cared for me and that with him I was safe. He would look after our family, always. And he did. Even now we’re discovering things he did and put in place to make sure we were okay.
I know I need to stop talking, although, as I said at the beginning, I could talk forever about my Dad. I will finish with a quote from Terry Pratchett: “No one is finally dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away.” Hopefully my Dad will live forever.
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"Of course, the weather and the issues about all the logistics from the very first night of her concert weren't Taylor's fault."
Sorry, no diss, but I cannot agree. She's a massive star, plans worldwide tour many months in advance and decides it's a good idea to do South American leg during the time when Southern Hemisphere is in the summer? Yeah, sure, no way to say for 100%, if it's gonna be a heatwave specifically at the date of the gig, but looking at average temperatures in that region at that time chances are damn high.
And in case of miscalculation on weather, she absolutely could have said that she's not gonna play unless people can bring in their own water or give out water bottles to everyone by entances out of her own pocket, because she can afford it. She's a damn billionare with incredibile pull, her PR brags about her upping economy wherever she goes, companies and stadiums definitely would bend to her will if she had asked. But she didn't.
I've also heard about vents being blocked, so people in the parking lot, who didn't pay for the tickets, couldn't listen to whatever would able to pass those vents.
Also Swift not adressing this tragedy almost at all, her blocking tribute that fans prepared for Ana on the next concert during usual short break by suddenly not taking it and rushing to next stage, and the fact, that a lot of people outside of South America, even Swifties, still reacts to this situation with astonishment, because news about it never reached them, suggests that Swift's PR was actively squashing them.
If Travis Scott is partially responsible for Astroworld Festival disaster, then so is Taylor Swift for the concert in Rio de Janeiro.
Yeah- no disagreement here. I didn't say that Taylor Swift wasn't responsible for her death. She is absolutely partially responsible. I meant as much, when I said that she could have postponed the event due to the heat wave.
I'd also have to agree with you- I do not understand why she chose to host a massive event like a stadium show during the summer months.
Everyone on Earth is aware of climate change, especially Taylor Swift who is the subject of much scrutiny to how her own private jet use is affecting the Earth, so we all know that the heatwaves are getting more intense.
Honestly, I don't understand why she needed to go south during their summer months. Personally, I think she wanted to be in North America for our summer months- because she enjoys being in North America more than she likes South America.
The other option would have been to spread out the Eras Tour dates even more- so she could go to the Southern Hemisphere during their winter, and still be able to be in North America for our summer the year after or something. However, I think she didn't want to spread out the tour dates- and would prefer to not have North American dates occurring in our winter, which means having to go to Brazil during their summer months.
It's confusing to write out but remember that the
summer months of North America are roughly: May to August/September.
and the winter months of Brazil are roughly: June to September.
It overlaps- thus the need for her to choose who to prioritize, and thus she ended up doing Southern Hemisphere dates in their summer (Nov.- Feb).
I also think she just wanted to stay in the USA for the summer (because she's a USAmerica-centric person who wanted a cut of the summer-vacation revenue in the USA).
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halucynator · 10 months
Omg I really needed more swiftie mutuals <3
Please rant about all things you like, i love rants, gosh we seem to have so many close interests, I am not a writer tho, but I do read, effectively making me a reader which doesn't sound as cool, now that I think about it.
My fav Taylor song at the moment is "Slut!". I cannot get that out of my head. I mean "got lovesick all over my bed", I die a little everytime I hear that.
Fav Olivia song at the moment is logical (kinda like you username aah). I still CANNOT get over "can't take a joke, can't get you off". Like please kill me already.
Fav Sabrina song at the moment is probably "because i liked a boy". (damn who hurt me?)
And fav conan song at the moment, "Lookalike"
Tell me yours?
omg thank you thank you thank youuuu <33
okay so i love a lot of things some of them are pretty questionable but I'm questionable literally ask anyone on the discord server so its fine. anywhoo, i love taylor, maisie, gracie, phoebe, alix page, lucy (dacus not myself I'm not THAT narcissistic), olivia hardy (from wasia project) julien, conan, liv, sab (and @loserdiaz but that's a known fact) and so many other people to the point that even i cant keep track. oh and i love laufey, mitski and lyn lapid just bc.
my current fav by wasia project is petals on the moon but ur so pretty especially live from the studio is so gooddd
anywayss, reading is really cool thats how i got into writing (which is the best thing ever ik /hj) i also really really like reading bc it makes me smart and it's super fun
which is your favourite book series?? mine is lockwood and co as if you couldn't already tell by the amount of times I've mentioned it i also really love agggtm series bc why wouldn't it its so good. I'm sure i love so many more book series but my memory sucks (it does not but I'm lazy so I'll use that as an excuse)
anywhooo, i love scream which is weird bc i watched the first one when i was 10 (i know, who let me do that???) and i... liked it? (I'm very questionable i know) but i also tend to rant about it as if its real life (like WHY DID THEY KILL OF *insert name of dead character* IM SO MAD) and not a movie so I'm a bit annoying sometimes but pls don't tell me that otherwise I'll start crying /j
hmm my favourite taylor song atm would be "is it over now?" or "now that we don't talk" bc at the moment i resonate so well with those songs (ikr my life sounds like a nightmare: it is but it isn't really? idk) at yes i totally agree with the "got lovesick all over my bed statement but" also "love thorns all over this rose" and omg "you're not saying you're in love with me, BUT !! YOURE !! GONNA !! DO !!" like who gave taylor the right to be such a mastermind (funny, right? no? okay.) like the entire song, heck the entire album is so GOOD. HER ENTIRE DISCOGRAPHY IS SO GOOD. (this is totally normal fan behaviour btw)
favourite liv song atm is probably lacy but i love all of the songs all the album (and yes logical is soooo good i mean i have to love it otherwise my url is meaningless) but my favourite lyric from the entire album is probably "we both drew blood but man THOSE CUTS were NEVER EQUAL!!" from the grudge (also one of my top 3) bc that hits DEEP. (bc the cuts were deep, i know I'm so funny /j)
favourite sab song atm is prolly cindy lou who / opposite (been there) / a nonsense christmas. i cheated but i simply cant choose one shes too good. also super funny bc cindy lou who and opposite are like sad vibes and then a nonsense christmas i want you to [redacted] and [redacted] me on the couch while we [redacted] presents (sorry i just think I'm so funny when I'm not but dont tell me that i wanna be a stand up comedian no I'm just kidding I'm not a failure. IM JOKING) (also regarding bc i liked a boy, I agree. who hurt you???)
anyways, my favourite conan song atm is prolly the best known option "heather" BUT i also like "the cut that always bleeds" the entire of kid krow tbh
okay i wrote a lot asdxcasdcvafd sorry
alsooo, you didnt ask this but my favourite gracie abrams song atm is "where do we go now?" and "cedar" (you arent mine) bc its such a heartbreaking song especially when you can relate to it. ooh and i also love camden, painkillers, rockland and long sleeves but they're all pretty depressing so if you don't like sad songs they're prolly not for you.
and THANK YOU for this ask this was so fun send me more sometimes <333
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okay I don't usually post on swiftie tumblr but I'm done standing by and watching y'all complain about hits different not being on spotify when it's super easy to upload it yourself. get ready for some instructions™ because after these very easy steps you too can have hits different on spotify.
1. okay so step number one is having spotify premium. unfortunately, this step is unavoidable because this does NOT work on the free version of spotify. so if you can't get spotify premium I apologize.
2. step number two is…uh having the song. if you're not sure how to go about that there are a few options. if you're really committed to supporting taylor with your every cent then you can buy the target version of midnights and rip the file onto your computer then send it to your phone but I know not everyone has a CD burner in this day and age—and let's face it, I don't expect most younger swifties would know how to use one lol. the second best option is asking a fellow swiftie for an mp3 file of the song (what I did). or you can…*ahem* 🏴‍☠️ cuz if we're affording eras tour tickets then we can't be spending all our money on CDs we can't even listen to (at least I know I can't since I haven't had a CD player in years). ooooor you can just download it here!
3. okay now that you have the file on your phone the rest is simple. you go to your spotify app and open the settings. I'm doing this on android so it might be a liiiiittle different on ios but I'm sure the gist of it is the same. you scroll until you find the section titled local files. then you simply switch the toggle shown below:
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4. and voila! now you will see a folder titled local files in your library. from there you just open that section and you will see all the audio files downloaded to your phone. you can even like the songs or add them to playlists!
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here I have need and added it to a playlist with the rest of lover
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I even have the stolen version of red (because I prefer it to the rerecord don't kill me) but since it's in my local files it doesn't contribute any streams to the stolen version so I can listen to it guilt free.
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anyhow I know I'm not the best at instructions but I hope it was easy enough to follow. it's really not that hard and requires very little technical knowhow so I think anyone can do it! and being able to play local files opens a lot of doors because you'd be surprised at how many songs aren't on spotify. so please take things into your own hands and do this because hits different…hits different when played between mastermind and the great war!
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allamericansbitch · 10 months
brazilian fans are dissapiunted because Ana's family was begging for donations and taking out a bank loan to bury their daughter. Swifties came together to help them cover the costs which was nice but T4F and Taylor are multimillion dollar companies that could have reached out to help.
The family said they were looking for an investigation into the venue but were aware the artist and her team were trying to help fans by giving them water, so they're not even trying to blame Taylor.
So fans are upset that for fans in the us Taylor can do swiftmas, send wedding presents, pay thousands in student loans, etc but a brazilian swiftie dies and Taylor doesn't even reach out to the family. Something that artists like Ariana have done in the past when fans die in their shows.
There's also the issue that Taylor only acknowledged the death of Ana in a story that is no longer on her page, said story doesn't say Ana's name, says that she died before Taylor's set started (which isn't true she died during Cruel Summer), and ends with Taylor saying that they didn't expect this to happen when she decided to tour Brazil (and as brazilian fans have been enduring a ton of xenophobia from even before the shows started the sentence rubbed them the wrong way). This, combined with the fact that she said won't talk about it on stage, made fans think she's trying to downplay it or ignore it, with the latest Travis Kelce article they're extra upset.
I don't think it's fair to say they're just trying to hate on Taylor. Most of the Brazilian swifties I've seen say something about this are big fans of her, they're just hurt by her silence and lack of support for the family. They're also frustrated that some swifties keep telling them it would be too hard/impossible for Taylor (the literal billionaire) to reach out and help them. They're not even asking for her to help the other fans cover their medical bills a swiftie has literal second degree burns on her leg now.
I really don't think they're using Ana as a game. I live here in latam, not brazilian, but every discussion about Ana's death I've had with a swiftie or even concert goer has been about the pain we feel at her loss, even if we didn't know her. There's just a big sense of community that we have, and her death really hit us. Ana's death is big deal here I can't imagine how Brazilian swifties must feel.
I have nothing but compassion for Brazilian Swifties right now, even if I don't agree with everything they're saying/doing. Sorry for the long ass ask, have a nice day Sarah <3
i completely get the frustration and can understand being disappointed that taylor seems to not be acknowledging it, but i think we need to have a little more compassion here. like i said theres no right way to handle this, its not a normal situation. it literally just happen a few days ago and grief is a very difficult thing that takes on so many forms. the people of brazil have every right to be disappointed shes not seemingly doing a lot, but also shes probably dealing with the pressing issue of making sure it doesnt happen again, fight the venue to reschedule and getting water and other services available for people. of course she could be doing more but so much happened in the last 48 hours (a lot of which is probably behind the scenes stuff we dont even know about). i dont wanna make excuses for her and again i agree that the people have a right to be disappointed, i just think pointing the finger at someone who is also dealing with a lot and grieving from this isnt the best option.
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torchickentacos · 2 years
Hi! This might be asking you to play on hard mode, but I really liked your ships as Taylor Swift songs/lyrics and I wondering if you think you could also do Brock/Cilan(I believe they're called opticshipping, idk why tho). I know they only really have that one special that takes place after BW that was never dubbed and they're a rarepair w/ very little content so if you can't or don't want to, that's totally fine.
I'll instead ask you to explain one of your choices. I have half mind to just ask you to go down the list since you seemed so excited and I really want to enable you but I guess I'll just ask: how'd you ended up deciding on the ones you had multiple options like Treacherous for May/Drew over Mine or Sparks Fly? (Unless you've already done that and I missed it sorry, if that's the case.)
(PS I think the one you choose for Ash & Iris is pretty perfect even platonically as someone looking at them platonically lol, I mean they're all pretty good from ones I'm fairly familiar with)
Thanks for your time and sorry if this is too long of an ask.
OK literally how many of you are closet swifties (swiftie is not derogatory here lmao). I have gotten SO many taylor related asks (and I love it!!!) but where are you guys hiding fgsjdfhs. I made that post a while ago and it’s hella fun to revisit it! And NEVER apologize for long asks! I give LONG answers, so you guys can always throw it back at me, I love it!!!! This kind of thing is what keeps me on tumblr, this unapologetic acceptance of getting long-winded with no character limit or cringe shaming to hold me back. Anyways, I answered everything here! Answer under cut. Long, which is why this took me a little while! All takes here are just my opinions, which can be either discussed and swayed or ignored if anyone dislikes them. Ideally the latter. LONG.
First off, I like opticshipping!!! I can’t say I’ve really seen much art or fic for it but I vibe with it! Then again I vibe with pretty much everything that’s like. Morally fine. I’m not picky, I am an appreciater of many things! And opticshipping is one of them! I just KNOW they make eachother the best food.
Anyways, the song for them that I settled on is Lover. Which, basic choice but hear me out!!!
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First off, it's a perfect song for just... domestic bliss. It's intimacy at its most casual, it's loving someone and every little trivial minor moment you two spend together. And I think that fits these two! They're very much people who I think would value the small things, like cooking dinner together, nights spent watching movies and sunday mornings cleaning together with the windows wide open. I also considered Sweet Nothing, since it covers that topic-of all anyone wants from you being... nothing. Just you. They don't want your time, your body, your money or your talents. Just YOU.
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NOW!!!! as for why I decided on Treacherous for contestshipping instead of the others. THIS IS MY TIME TO SHINE. The two things I've loved since I was seven, contestshipping and Taylor Swift. Call me dedicated or pathetic, either choice is fine by me.
I've spoken before on the push-and-pull of contestshipping. In early AG especially, they have this wonderful dynamic where they're always giving and taking. It's this fascinating dynamic of pushing away with seemingly harsh words that hide support and encouragement and pulling her back with roses and quieter moments where the affection shines through the clouds, it's this push and pull of conversation, this push and pull of figuring out the boundaries of friendship, rivalry, and romanticism. They're never static, there's this sweeping undercurrent, a back and forth. I adore it. When they argue, no one person has all the control. They throw it back at eachother. When they're having a nice moment, it's never static. There's that tension, that wanting to pull closer but not knowing quite how. I think Treacherous really captures that for me. Lyrics below.
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Here, we see this mention of wanting to be close but not too close. "put your lips close to mine as long as they don't touch". Trying to keep that safe disatnce while also longing for that closeness. "eye to eye until the gravity's too much". For this line, it really screams contest to me because like. All Drew does half the time in late AG is look at May fondly lmao. Someone made an entire post about it that I cannot find for the life of me. Here's more lyrics.
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This just perfectly sums them up to me, especially earlier on. Once they're together I think another song would fit more but for the moments we have in canon, I think this perfectly encapsulates that hesitance, that magnetic pull, the trepidation.
As for the othersongs, I think sparks fly and mine would have fit well, but to be honest I think Treacherous just really captures it in a way the other two don't.
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thrownswiftly · 2 years
Let's break this down, shall we?
Next, we feel we owe it to everyone to share some information to help explain what happened:
Yeah we know we fucked but like we're gonna give you "reasons" that don't excuse why it happened/how we fucked up.
Keeping bots out of queues and avoiding overcrowding helps to make wait times shorter and onsales smoother.
Let's remind you why bots are bad so you forget that we are the ones that fucked up.
Over 3.5 million people pre-registered for TaylorSwiftTix Presale powered by Verified Fan, which is the largest registration in history.
There are too many of you Swifties. And scalpers. But mostly Swifties, because as you'll see later... not many bots or scalpers got tickets.
However, this time the staggering number of bot attacks as well as fans who didn’t have codes drove unprecedented traffic on our site, resulting in 3.5 billion total system requests – 4x our previous peak.
Well, except here. Bots did try to get in but they didn't get tickets. Not a lot anyway.
We handle onsales for countless top tours, some of the biggest sporting events, and more.
Ignore the fact that we're literally their only option. It's obviously not because we're a monopoly or anything.
Overall, we estimate about 15% of interactions across the site experienced issues, and that’s 15% too many, including passcode validation errors that caused fans to lose tickets they had carted.
This is an arbitrary percentage we think sounds reasonable. It was actually probably higher than that, but y'all can't prove otherwise so nyah.
Over 2 million tickets were sold on Ticketmaster for Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour on Nov. 15 – the most tickets ever sold for an artist in a single day.
Because she's too popular.
All 2 million tickets for the Verified Fan onsale were sold to Verified Fans.
Not a single bot or scalper. Or if they did get tickets, they were obviously Verified Fans. Bots like Taylor Swift too!
Less than 5% of the tickets for the tour have been sold or posted for resale on the secondary market. Onsales that don’t use Verified Fan typically see 20-30% of inventory end up on secondary markets.
You believe this percentage too right? Right?!
The biggest venues and artists turn to us because we have the leading ticketing technology in the world – that doesn’t mean it’s perfect, and clearly for Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour onsale it wasn’t.
Again, because we're awesome. Not because we are literally the only choice and have a monopoly on the ticket and entertainment industry.
We’re working to shore up our tech for the new bar that has been set by demand for the Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour. Once we get through that, if there are any next steps, updates will be shared accordingly.
We could do a boost system like she did for the reputation stadium tour like you guys are suggesting, bit like... we lost money on that because scalpers and bots didn't get as many tickets as usual sooooo..... nah. We'll think of another way to screw you over but make it look nice.
Even when a high demand onsale goes flawlessly from a tech perspective, many fans are left empty handed.
You didn't get tickets because you didn't move fast enough. It's not all our fault. Be better.
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frostyreturns · 14 days
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The new womens hockey league spent a full year playing without any name/logo or branding to not rush the process of choosing team names and logos...and this is what they came up with.
The Boston Fleet (which is just a shittier version of the old hartford whalers logo flipped on it's side)
The Minnesota Frost...looks like a minor junior logo very boring, not terrible but safe and cliche, the name could work with a much cooler logo. It's Minnesota... put a viking shield maiden in the logo, if done right that coulda been rad as hell and would have been endearing to all the vikings fans in minnesota.
Montreal Victoire...meh I can see the frenchies liking it, it's the right brand of crap I don't like it but I never like french canadian branding
New York sirens is just fucking awful, I could come up with a better name and logo in 5 minutes.
Ottawa charge is stupid for so many reasons, they're basically poorly ripping off the Calgary Flames logo which is also the city known for the calgary stampede...stampede...charge... people are going to get confused and not realize the team is from ottawa....wait a minute...maybe they're hedging their bets, maybe there's already talk the team might have to be moved to calgary. You heard it here first.
Toronto scepters is also fucking awful, they want to pay homage to the monarchal roots of the city which is gay as hell, I get that women's hockey isn't anywhere near as tough as mens hockey but you really want to choose a fucking gold baton as your branding, are you going to twirl batons at half time or are you playing hockey? Also the logo design sucks it looks like it should be a patch on a paramedics uniform...but someone else also pointed out where the real inspiration probably came from...
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The colour scheme is even the same, might as well have called your team the toronto swifties. lmao
Also the fact that the league has to be called the PWHL because WHL is already the western hockey league is just a shame. Women's hockey isn't for me and it's already rubbed me the wrong way that people in the organization are already complaining they don't earn as much as the NHL players but women should have their own options for playing professionally and it would be good if the league worked out...bad branding can kill a team...and a league full of bad branding doesn't bode well. This aint it.
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foolishone-downbad · 2 years
New Year's Resolution time!
I know I don't have many mutuals cause I've been such a lurker the past few years and not having the time to really actively blog, BUT I'm gonna shoot my shot.
My husband and I are trying to move from Texas, US, to Germany to be closer to my brother and provide better opportunities for our son (2). Right now we are both English teachers. My husband is currently transitioning to cyber security. I'm pretty conversationally fluent in German (working on refreshing myself), and my husband is a total newbie to the language but working on it.
We're looking at moving after the school year/our current lease ends, so mid June at the earliest.
My brother is in a small town outside of Leipzig right now, but we aren't married to living where he is since we just need to get over there and also because Europe has better public transportation options and visiting won't be as much of a pain as traveling Texas is right now!
I know that somehow I mostly follow UK and Aussie blogs, but if anyone close to DE has any leads or connections (or even tips!) to help a swiftie tumblr mutual out, I'd be forever grateful. 💙 As long as just one of us can secure a job for now, we'll feel a lot more comfortable with the whole thing.
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sheerioswifties · 4 years
The time has come that I have to pull the switch and go fully public with my story and what's been happening- and what's been done to me- the past 5 years; leading to me becoming homeless in the middle of this pandemic, weak, sick and in a lot of pain, immunocompromised and at high risk... I have been living under duress, threatened not to reveal what the people who own the house I was living in have done to me and to others or else they'll evict me; living in so much fear I've tried to see if witness protection was an option, being poisoned with this actual psychopath woman's bodily fluids like that girl Channel(sp?)... I've been trapped in one room, being harassed and violated, then thrown into the street to live in a car that there are no words to describe how painful it is to sleep in, not to even mention how incredibly difficult it is to be homeless right now with this pandemic with everything closed and unsafe. How do you go to the bathroom? Get food? Etc it's HORRIBLE. I HAVE BEEN LIVING IN A NIGHTMARE THESE YEARS BUT MUZZLED&HANDS TIED. Now it's escalated so bad, I've lost everything, and it's time to go totally public.
I will have to tell my story in detail probably in bits, there's SO much. Right now I just need to sound the alarm, because I'm gonna need help and support so so badly
In the meantime in case anything happens to me- and yes, I literally mean, like, if I'm hurt or killed- the people who did it= Bill Bryant and Jeanette Hazen Bryant of Vancouver, WA. They own a health insurance business, Bryant & Associates, where they practice so many illegal acts it's sigodgodhphdhfp
This is why I wanted @taylorswift to read my DMs- I've been telling her this stuff as it's been happening and especially when I became homeless and there is this huge legal issue and the thing is I really really really do not want to go to court okay and ppl like Taylor who've been through this will understand ("get a good lawyer! " which I REALLY NEED but have no $), how horribly painful it is to go through that process even when you are the victim, the completely innocent party - because when the other side has nothing they can accuse you of, they go after YOU, your character, your REPUTATION and they will RIP YOU APART. I think all the time about what Taylor must have gone through just for the $1 case, opening herself up having to surrender all of your personal information for the discovery process, to let the opposition pour over to try to find things to publicly throw at you to make you look bad; the attack on your character. ..not to mention how LONG it all takes I AM SO STRESSED. I HAVE BEEN LIVING THIS FOR YEARS. I'M EXHAUSTED. I JUST WANTED TO GET AWAY FROM THEM.
Anyways um there's a ton more but I have to go fill out paperwork and I'm in so much pain idk how I'm gonna
The way I thought of it was like this: to fight this battle, where the other side will play dirty, lie, cheat, manipulate, frame, etc- I need big help on my side-
I need an army or I need a Hulk. Taylor would be the Hulk- a hugely powerful individual with all the connections and the experience, there are so many more things that are exactly like what Kanye did to her plus what sb&sb did(4 years of hard work and hundreds of thousands in earned wages taken!!!!) plus more... but I know that was a stretch to hope for. But then the army- that's you. My friends, followers, Swifties!!!! I'd hoped to find a much more elegant way to ask this but seriously would you be willing to back me up, support me, etc? Be the army? ?? Obviously the best would be to have the army AND the hulk but...
Okay I gotta go. I'm sorry I know that everyone is probably focused on the city of lover concert which I've missed, I don't have TV! I don't have a kitchen! Anything! Omg! I'm sorry but I HAVE WANTED TO SCREAM OUT ABOUT ALL THIS FOR SO LONG OKAY
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sweettaylor1213 · 5 years
My Lover Secret Session experience 💗
First of all, I really appreciate Taylor. Thanks to Taylor, I have had the most wonderful time in my life. I'm not good at English, but I want to write about this experience.
On July 22, I received a DM from Taylor Nation on Twitter. TN sent me a message at 1AM Japan time, but I was working so I noticed it at 8PM the same day.
I felt that the time stopped when I saw this. Because the word that "CONFIDENTIAL MESSAGE!" was written there. I knew what this words meant. I never imagined that I would get a DM from Taylor Nation, so I thought this was a dream and read the message over and over again.
There was written that wanted to know my information, and I hurriedly replied. After that, I found out that I received the same message on Tumblr too so I also replied on there. The next day TN sent me a reply “Thanks :)” on Tumblr.
I was glad that TN read my reply. But I couldn't get any more replies a day later.
So I thought I lost some precious opportunity because of my late reply. I regretted my late reply and became sad. I felt very sad for this two days.
However, I received a call from TN on July 24th. TN contacted me at 11AM Japan time. In the United States, although it was late at night, TN chose a time when I could get a call for me.
I usually work from 10AM in the morning, and that day happened to start at a later time than usual. This coincidence allowed me to pick up a call from TN. I thanked this miracle.
On this phone, TN asked me where I lived and how old. And they also asked that I could come to LA and that I'm interested in the event. I tried to understand the English spoken by TN and of course I told them that I wanted to go to this event.
They carefully explained the details of the event to me. Since I was worried about my understanding, I checked with TN many times. Nevertheless, they took long time to help me understand. I really appreciate the kindness of TN.
I was in a hurry and prepared to go to LA. My parents were wondering about this invitation, but there was no option not to go to me. I had to keep this invitation secret after receiving this contact. I kept a secret to avoid this event being canceled.
August 4 I flew from Japan to LA. This was my first trip to the United States. I was excited and nervous for this few days.
And finally, on August 6, I went to the designated place for the meeting time. I was worried that this event would be not held until I met the person in charge.
When I finished the reception, there were already a lot of swifties. There were people I saw on SNS and my friend that I met before. I was very happy to meet them.
Some of the participants were invited from all over the world, of which two were Japanese. I was relieved that there was another Japanese person.
We waited for about an hour at the place, then divided into several cars and boarded and went to the venue. It wasn't Taylor's house but it was a very nice house.
First, I ate some snacks in the garden of the house. There are also sweets such as M&M's with "Lover" that I saw on SNS before, and I enjoyed it.
After eating and enjoying conversations with friends, I went to the living room. There was one chair, and I could predict that Taylor would sit on that chair. A few minutes later... TAYLOR ENTERED THE LIVING ROOM!!
Tears came out naturally after seeing Taylor because I realized that there was a person I loved the most in the world in front of me. I honestly doubted that I could meet Taylor until I actually saw her. I still remember the excitement at this time clearly.
At the secret session in the living room, Taylor told us a lot & introduced the album's songs. I'm not allowed to publish details such as what Taylor has told us and the theme of the song, but there is no doubt that this time was SO AMAZING!!!
We left the living room and returned to the garden. From there, we were called one by one and given time to talk with Taylor. I waited there for about 2 hours because I was called late. While I was waiting, I ate Lover cookie & handmade chocolate chip cookie. And I talked about the song with other participants and shared my impressions.
At last it was my turn and I entered the living room. That's means I COULD MET TAYLOR ALISON SWIFT!!!!
Taylor was there and greeted me with a huge smile. I was delighted that this moment I had dreamed of for many years came. I was trying to tell Taylor how much I appreciate you and how much I love you, but before that, she told me many times "Thank you!".
Taylor asked me where I came from. I told her that I was from Japan. Then she thanked me because I'm coming from far away.
I was really glad that Taylor knew my existence. Taylor told me "I saw your picture Moeka, you made a sign like a cat for the tour right?" I was moved by this words from her. I had never been noticed by her before, so I couldn't believe she knew me. I posted about the signboard more than half a year ago but she remembered my post. I was happy that she remembered it.
I also explained to Taylor about the dolls I made. When I told her that I deposited it with TN, she promised to receive it. I hope she actually sees my handmade doll. To give her this doll was one of my dreams.
After a little talk, Taylor suggested that I take a picture. The house had a balcony and the night view was so beautiful that she suggested that I take a picture with the night view in the background. Of course I was willing to accept it and I asked Taylor to hug with you and take a picture. Taylor accepted my hope and hugged me tightly.
I talked her much thanks for being invited here. And she said "Of cours!" to me.
Taylor always thanked me after taking the photo. I'm thankful to her so much, but she kindly talked to me a lot.
At the end, I told her my Tumblr account and asked me to find me. Then she said "Sure". And she told me to go back to Japan safety. She hoped for my safety and she was kind to the end.
I felt that my time with Taylor was very short. I couldn't tell everything I wanted to tell with tension. But this time is an irreplaceable treasure for me.
I have only been able to see her from a distance in the show so far, but this was the first time that I could actually have a conversation. She was a very beautiful and wonderful person.
She was always hold hands when I was talking. And she also hugged me many times, some of which crouched to my height. I realized her kindness many times.
I can't express my emotions well in words because of too much HAPPYYY!! :)
I received a present from TN and left the living room. These presents are really good and these became my treasure. Then I got on the bus and returned to the meeting place. I still couldn't believe that this wonderful thing happened to me.
After returning, I took a picture with my friend and returned to my hotel. Then I reported that "I MET TAYLOR" on Twitter. And many friends celebrated me.
The next morning the photo that ME & TAYLOR was sent to me from TN. I couldn't confirm the picture when I took it. So when I saw my photo, I knew Taylor was laughing with her teeth. It was my dream that Taylor's smile with her teeth, so I was impressed again to see this photo. My M&G photo is my favorite!
I was able to have this wonderful experience thanks to the support of many people. I thank all the friends who RTed my posts and tagged Taylor to my posts. Moreover, thanks to Taylor, I was able to get to know people from all over the world. This encounter is a miracle.
Some people may think that I don't deserve to meet Taylor. I don't even know if I deserve it. I'm sorry for taking your opportunity. I was just lucky.
I had never been noticed from Taylor so I thought I would never meet her for a lifetime. I was giving up my dream. However, Taylor knew me. My dream suddenly came true. She always sees swifties posts on Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. So never give up your dream. Your opportunity will come. I wish everyone happiness.
My English is not good. But thank you for reading till the end. I can't write all my experiences, but I'm glad if my happiness is conveyed to you.
Lastly, To Taylor. Thank you for making my dream come true. Definitely I will never forget this day. Of course I'll keep supporting you and I love you forever and always.
Lover Secret Sessions LA
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- August 6th, 2019 🏹
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I've been discussing with a group of swifties before deciding to send this because I don't want to be rude at all. Please let us see the runner ups. I get having a patreon for extra things you do like styling or sharing tips. I even understand making people wait for your posts while patrons see them first. But taking away Taylor related fashion content just because we can't afford this is really just unfair after the loyalty and time we've had with you for years.
Hi! I appreciate the thought and consideration made prior to sending this feedback. That said, I hope I can properly articulate why I have chosen to have the runner-ups on the Patreon and not the blog. 
While I have long provided TSS Predictions (in a fun twist of irony, my very first was for the 2014 Golden Globes), I have not always included my runner up or honourable mentions. They are not a hard necessary requirement of the predictions post which has always included four top choices, a breakdown of why I chose it, and potential styling options to pair with each. I have not always included them and they are inconsistent in both number and whether they are present at all. Which is why I have always considered them an “extra”. They are a sweet bit of additional content, but they are not the bones of the content. As I’ve sought to distinguish the blog and Patreon content, the TSS Exclusives tier is meant to encapsulate all of that “additional” content, under which runner-ups fall (imo). 
Sometimes I simply link to the looks that are my runner ups such as here. Sometimes there is only one with an actual styled breakdown below it like here. And sometimes there are more than that with additional styled breakdown here.
One thing runner-up commentary has always had in common is that the looks aren’t formatted into an image or post and there very rarely is more than 1-3 of them. The Patreon runner-up commentary is its own image post (exactly like the one that has always been formatted for the blog), includes four looks, and an equivalent breakdown of commentary and styling suggestions. Effectively: exactly double the work that one single predictions post typically warrants for the blog. 
I truly don’t want to create unfairness or slight the amazing loyalty and fanship of TSSers who have been around for so many years (or anyone who has been around and chooses to support TSS in any fashion for any length of time) but to me this difference in content and this line in the sand makes sense to me - though, as always, I will continue to be open to feedback regarding the Patreon and its contents as I fully understand what how sensitive it can be to some and the feelings of exclusivity it evokes. 
For more info on the TSS Patreon head here.
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singinginthecar · 5 years
hey Keshika! i’ve seen so many beautiful posts about you on POC nights! i’ve loved your posts so much. Now, me saying an ask about not being political and focusing on Taylor was because as u said (limit your social life incase it’s straining u mentally and i did. i’m not on insta or snap) tumblr is our happy little place where we are gathered , escape mean world and enter our little swiftie community. i solely come here to support Taylor and my dash was again the same thing. also, u should—-
(cont.) u should see the hate ask i’ve been getting after it, i don’t think Taylor will ever appreciate us being mean to each other. we even have whatsapp swiftie groups where we don’t talk about politics as it can offend someone and we talk about every artist, everything except for politics because it’s a controversial topic. me not choosing to do it here is same, it’s offending, it’s mentally straining, i’m an adult and i know what’s going on, i vote and right now my vote will count.
hi, thank you for reaching out to me. i'm sorry about the anon hate you've been getting. and i understand if talking about politics is particularly straining for you. i get that and it's completely fine. if you don't want to see any posts about the current situation in india, i suggest you block the tags that people usually use when posting about this (popular ones are #india, #citizenship ammendment act, #citizenship ammendment bill, #caa, #cab, #nrc). this will prevent you from seeing any such content. unfollowing people who post about this is also another option. that's all well and good. what isn't fine and what especially has everyone riled up, is how you went to someone's inbox and told them to stop posting about it. a person's blog isn't a group chat. people don't refrain from posting things just because it may be offensive to other people. a blog is a person's safe space. a place where they can post about anything they want. if that is met with criticism, that's a risk they took. what anam ( @loverstann ) posted wasn't something that deserved to be called out. she wasn't being racist, xenophobic or any of those things that a lot of swifties in this fandom mostly are. she was simply calling out the injustice in our country. really, the only reason why people are offended by your behaviour is because you asked a person to stop posting about things on THEIR blog which they have every right to. that's it. if you don't agree with what she's saying, then take up a civilized conversation with her and discuss it. if you don't want to discuss it, then don't. but it's not right to tell people what they should or shouldn't post. the indian government already does enough of that censoring.
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