#they don't bow for anyone
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charlidos · 10 months ago
I keep thinking of everything Orlando said about Viggo in this interview from 2013, since it's so heartfelt. And I feel I need to delve a little deeper into his words. VERY deep.
"That's a very easy question for me to answer. VIGGO MORTENSEN."
Viggo is definitely in a category of his own, in Orlando's mind (and I think most would agree!). He answers Viggo so quickly, without any hesitation. He's without question the one who influenced him the most, despite working with all those other wonderful people. And I bet O would do anything to have a reunion on screen with Viggo. (As would I.)
"I sat next to Viggo Mortensen [...] every day for TWO YEARS nearly."
Viggo started filming mid-October 1999 and the original shoot ended at the end of December 2020. That's 14 months, not 24 months... (They didn't do any reshoots together, O only came over to see Viggo at those final reshoots and waded across a beautiful, moonlit river and O said he was in love with V... sort of). So O added a significant amount of time spent with V. Why? Because it felt like a lifetime? O himself spent 18 months in NZ, including those months of preparation, when Viggo definitely wasn't there, since we all know he arrived at the very last minute. I wonder if, in retrospect, it feels like Viggo was there the whole time? Or if O still remembers, for real, that there was a Stuart-phase too? (But that's a topic for a whole other post.)
"Viggo Mortensen had the biggest impact on me in terms of approach, dedication, intention and artistic outlook."
It feels like O would count basically everything included in life here... It feels like Viggo was his entirely world, for a while. It's actually weird how they ended up in quite different places in life, fame and work. Viggo lives mostly far away from Hollywood while O lives more or less in the middle of it. And I always wonder in what way O brought Viggo's role model with him to his work. Hopefully at the very least by being a good person, treating everyone with respect.
"I'm nowhere CLOSE to how gen.. how good he is as an artist. I wouldn't even put myself in the same category as an actor."
There really is no limit to O's admiration of Viggo. It's like he's a god. And maybe that also means a little unattainable, perhaps? There is something wistful about the way he speaks about Viggo, even when he's idolizing him to the max. Maybe because he fervently wishes to be near this genius artist again? To absorb his greatness again. Maybe because O feels he can't live up to his ideal/his idol? Because he lifts Viggo to the skies, but talks himself down, a bit.
"As a human being he had a very big influence on me. He's a very generous soul, a very dedicated soul."
It's obvious that Viggo's influence on him isn't at all limited to work, but also includes how to be as a human, how to live your life. O may be a buddhist, but really, V is his spiritual guide, his sensei, his god. His Viggod. (Let us worship.)
"He was like a mentor, without me even knowing that's what he was doing because I was probably too young to really understand and appreciate it at the time."
If you look at all the 2947294 times he's said how much he admires Viggo, how he was a mentor, how he wanted to BE Viggo, even back in 2001-2003, it's a little difficult to see that he didn't appreciate it at the time... I think he DID appreciate it, it's just now he's being sentimental about it. I think he just misses those days with Viggo, he wants to go back. Don't we all feel like that about a happy past memory? Like why didn't I see then how extremely good that was? Even though you did, since you were indeed happy. It's just that you want to go back to those moments, and truly savour them, since you don't know exactly how much they'll matter until they're gone.
"As I'm older now and I look back, I always think wow! Just the person that he was, the actor and how he was, with me, was so wonderful."
I kind of want to add O's own words "it makes me sound like I'm in love with the guy". Because yes, that is indeed what this sounds like. The way he says "so wonderful" just has this very "sigh! Viggo is such a dream!" tone. But again, it also sounds so very wistful. It's a cherished memory, but it's also something lost, I feel.
"We trade emails. We were out of touch for quite a while."
It really is no wonder he's feeling so very sentimental about those days with Viggo. They lost touch for "quite a while" (since around 2008 - since they both met new people...). In my ears, it sounds quite sad. From being a part of Viggo's every day life, to losing touch and trading a few emails (which neither of them seem to be that fond of). I wonder if Viggo got in touch to congratulate Orlando on becoming a dad? And that's why they started communicating again?
"But you know, Viggo's an artist. He's not just an actor, he's actually an artist."
To me, it sounds like he's explaining why they were out of touch for a longish period of time. Otherwise I don't understand the segue from saying they're trading emails. In my view, he's saying they lost touch because of this trait, because of Viggo's artist personality. Or perhaps just that he's very busy, having so many arts to pursue, so many talents to hone. Like Viggo is someone who is a little hard to hold on to. He had him daily, to himself sometimes even, for all that time in NZ, that the contrast must have seem huge. O was extremely busy after filming LotR, but I think what he's talking about is the period from around 2008 until a while before this interview. O wasn't quite as busy then, I believe, work-wise at least. Except for having a kid... But I sense that for O this smarted a bit, this absence. Of course, if you add the dimension of them possibly having a love affair before, then perhaps this distance happened because of a break-up. Which might have been painful. And would explain that trace of sadness in how he says this.
"He can paint, he can write, he can sing, he can dance, he can play music. He can do it all. He can take you fishing, he can take you into the wild. He's the guy who does it all."
I can't get over how much of a fanboy O really is. His admiration for Viggo is through the roof! The sky is the limit here, Viggo really is godly, the one you can't quite reach, the perfect man, the unattainable goal. O spent every day with him for so long, and yet he can't find fault with him. The only problem is that he's out of reach for O now. But perhaps O thinks that's his own fault, never Viggo's? Also, we know Viggo took O into the wild - and got lost. O doesn't blame him for that either. I guess that just turned into a magical adventure, particularly with time, Now he probably thinks of it as a perfect night, spent with the perfect man, forgetting the mosquite bites, being thirsty, being scared. I do wonder if O has a little shrine dedicated for Viggo at home. Incense and photos and all. And if they once were in love, O is definitely not over him. And will never be, I guess.
"Most men WISH they were Viggo Mortensen."
Again, Viggo has no bigger fanboy. He already said this once before, back in 2001. But then he said he himself wanted to be Viggo. So that never changed. Still hasn't changed, I imagine. When you see him press himself into Viggo at the LotR premieres, it's like O wanted to melt into him, become part of Viggo. Maybe that's what he meant by being Viggo? :)
"He's devastatingly handsome and cool."
O says this a little off-handedly, somehow. A little quietly. I love that he adds that extra adjective, he's not just handsome, he's devastatingly so. Nothing is ever normal with Viggo as far as O is concerned. Viggo is the perfect man, after all.
"He would hate me. Viggo, I apologise, I apologise, please don't hate me. It's all love. He would hate the fact that I've sad any of that, but he's that kind of guy too."
O knows Viggo pretty darn well. He spent such a long time with him, seeing his every day mood, seeing him under stress, working, on holiday, out in the wild. Really most aspects of life (except, I guess, normal life outside NZ - but then, what do I know? Maybe he did that too?). So he knows how self-effacing Viggo is, how humble and not prone to any narcissism. But it also implies that Viggo perhaps isn't that good at accepting compliments? He probably doesn't like being fawned over; maybe one reason he prefers to live outside of the rather narcissistic Hollywood bubble. O seems to regard this as another amazing trait Viggo has. Not only can he do anything, he also never brags about it. For some reason, this statement seems a little sad as well. The way he speaks to an imaginary Viggo - whom he hasn't seen in a long while, afraid (maybe not 100% seriously, but still, a little) of ruining their maybe frail rebuilt friendship.
All in all, as lovely and loving as O is about Viggo here, it's also so rife with melancholy. O adores Viggo so much, I definitely feel he misses him terribly. That maybe he feels he lost him along the way, regardless of whose "fault" it is, if anyone's. And regardless of what kind of relationship they used to have. There's a Viggo-shaped hole in O's life. I get the feeling this is still true for O. I hope they did rekindled at least their friendship at one point.
I would love to hear Viggo speak of O one day too.
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essegigi · 2 months ago
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𝑳𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒂𝒅𝒂𝒊𝒔𝒚 𝑨𝒄𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 ♣️
📸 @steamninja
Viktor Vasko: @tunainabag
Ivy Pepper: @sweetteachai
Rocky Rickaby: me!
Characters by the wonderful @lackadaisycats
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andorerso · 4 months ago
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rebelcaptain + the hunger games au
When Jyn Erso was eight years old, her mother died and her father left to become a gamemaker for the Hunger Games. Adopted by Saw Gerrera, her mother's friend, she became Jyn Gerrera and was forbidden from ever revealing her true identity to anyone. Ten years later, it's Jyn's last reaping. Saw, the forgotten victor of the 32nd Hunger Games, had rejected every reward the Empire offered him, preferring to live as a recluse at the edge of the forest in District 12, as opposed to the luxury in the Victors' Village. It's been decades since anyone in the district even recalled that Saw was once a victor himself, but he had made sure to teach Jyn all he knew of self-defense and combat training. It's the only thing she has of him left since his passing two years ago. Now, Jyn just wants to get through her last reaping and survive. But when she hears the name of the young girl she trades with sometimes, Jyn doesn't hesitate to volunteer in her place. She has nothing to lose, except her life, and every reason to believe that with Saw's training, she has a chance at winning the games. A chance that 12-year-old Kerri Andor wouldn't have. Things get a little more complicated when Kerri's brother is picked as the other tribute. Jyn is good at surviving, but Cassian, with his quiet cunning and surprising talent with a bow and arrow, could be a threat. Not to mention that Jyn knows he's the sole provider for his young sister and aging mother; a family who needs him. Who may die without him. Nobody is waiting for Jyn back home. When their mentor's plan to make them seem like star-crossed lovers triples the attention and sponsors they receive, Jyn is forced to play along with the scheme and pretend she has feelings for Cassian. Worst of all? She's not sure where pretending ends and where genuine feelings begin. The gamemakers say they can both go home if they're the last two tributes standing, but Jyn knows better than to believe the pretty promises of the Empire. Soon, she'll have to make a choice. Will she do anything to survive? Or will she let Cassian Andor go home to his family - even at the cost of her own life?
#rebelcaptain#rogue one#dailyrebelcaptain#therebelcaptainnetwork#swedit#rogueoneedit#tuserjyn#usertina#rebelsmik#tusersimone#*graphics#*rebelcaptain#thg au#i have thoughts#i think jyn and cassian are both more katniss than peeta#although cassian certainly has some peeta traits especially their ability to lie and manipulate#but cassian is far less ~golden boy~ and far more directly lethal than peeta who doesn't kill anyone in the games#i also think the bow and arrow make more sense for him since he's a sniper and jyn is more hand-to-hand combat#and then jyn's the one who volunteers like katniss but cassian's the one with a family relying on him#katniss has the desire to survive for her family and jyn has survival instincts but she has no one to go back for#cassian does#which i think makes for an interesting dilemma for him#because he doesn't think he can stomach killing jyn but if he dies what will happen to kerri?#for that reason i think the trick with the berries may come from him#jyn who has spent the last two years achingly alone feels she has nothing to survive for#she has a fondness for kerri and has grown to care deeply about cassian so ultimately i think she'd want to give the victory to him#cassian is the one who has to be like 'no we do this together or not at all'#but then if we go further into catching fire and mockingjay territory i think ultimately jyn's the spark#although would it still make sense if cassian did the trick with the berries? i don't know#i always pictured jyn as the face of the rebellion and cassian getting hijacked etc etc but im curious what you guys think!!
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umbrellajam · 2 months ago
y'know what let's do it. have Jack Drake accused of murdering Janet for a different flavor of drama and whump
he was in a coma and then wheelchair-bound for weeks/months after the incident you say? he was FAKING, it was all arranged, a ploy to appear helpless and sympathetic, how else could he have woken up and recovered so smoothly from the same poison that killed his wife
new evidence is produced of a suspicious payment trail from before the hijacking, leading from Jack's DI funds to accounts that appear connected to the Haitian cult/cartel responsible for the Drakes' kidnapping and Janet's tragic demise
the widow of the Drakes' personal secretary, Jeremy Whatzizlastname, and other employees all come forward and wag their tongues about the alarming frequency and escalation of the fights between the deceased and her aggressive, belligerent husband in the lead-up to that final fateful trip - how they were openly arguing about divorce
mysteriously, this relentless mud-slinging media blitz only begins after Drake Industries starts to go downhill and CEO Phil Marin comes under investigation for embezzlement/insider trading...
since it's post-NML the scandal blows up even further. the press hounds young Tim Drake, the iconic NML Kid known to all as the face of re-opening Gotham after the quake. muckrakers gleefully tear apart the recent image of a desperate, loving father who was broadcast on national television putting all his resources and influence toward bringing his lost son home
...actually. doesn't Drake Industries going broke happen right in the middle of Bruce Wayne: Murderer? (checks notes) aha, Robin #100 so lmfao yes, it does.
GOOD EXCELLENT PERFECT, Tim's father figures can both be accused of murder simultaneously 😈 and then the Bats have to divide their efforts and resources between exonerating Robin's dad and attempting to clear the civilian name of an infuriatingly uncooperative Batman…
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holocene-sims · 3 months ago
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🍂 local man pictured in cool outfit 🍂
alternate caption: slapped a silly lil bow tie on the new trench coat mesh today
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maddieandangel · 9 days ago
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Vee and Glisten are very much The Besties Ever in my mind, so what if,, matching themed skins for them?
Vee's design is based on a rosy maple moth, and Glisten's is based on a malachite butterfly!
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d3ssie-r0se · 2 months ago
one of these days i'm going to lose my shit on here about how poorly archers are drawn in comics but for now, have this.
i am truly madly deeply BEGGING DC's artists to watch some olympic archers, or take one (1) lesson for the sake of anatomy. ollie's grip is perpetually shit, and one of roy's designs fully has his arm guard on backwards.
i can suspend disbelief with the physics of trick arrows bc that's fun. i am, however, begging the artists to at least google where an arm guard sits.
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"dessie why do you care so deeply" click ahead at ur own risk for my sexy ass bow bite (injury you get from the string of a bow hitting your arm when you shoot, typically a bruise but can rip skin with higher draw weights -- e.g. ollie's ridiculous 150lbs)
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Sorry, but can I just stress something about Louis that drives me insane? 
In his route where you've saved him, he kills Dorian. Louis directly kills another person. He shot her with a crossbow through the mouth.
It’s unavoidable. 
Sure, it’s considered an accident, and even so, it was also self-defense—Dorian sure wasn’t there for a friendly chat, after all. 
But here's the thing... of the Ericson crew, we know that Clementine, AJ, and Marlon have killed someone. And Minerva if you want to count her, too, since she once was part of the group . But the others? Maybe they have killed before and we just don’t know about it, whether it be out of mercy or self-defense.
Violet in her route had the chance to kill Minerva, but understandably, she didn’t. She opted to shoot her in the shoulder instead… but we never see her kill anyone herself. 
Maybe you could count indirect kills because of the bag of bricks/log that kills Yonatan, and maybe you could consider Mitch’s death as indirectly Tenn’s fault… Speaking of Mitch, he tried to kill Lilly, but we all saw how that turned out, didn't we? 
…but Louis? He killed Dorian. That was his first kill. His first. 
And he feels awful about it! He apologizes to the body as it lays warm at his feet! He’s shaking and can barely speak!! It feels like bile! He doesn't even have time to process it because uh oh, the boat's going to explode!
But he’s also been so hardened over the season by everything that’s happened to him that he comes out of it glad that he has it in him to kill because if that’s what it takes to protect Clementine, AJ, and his family and home, then he’ll do it even if he doesn’t want to.
How does that not drive anyone else utterly mad?
Fandom considers him the funny guy! He's cute and silly! He makes Clementine laugh!
He's also done murder! He's taken a life! Just like Clementine and AJ have! Just like Marlon did!
And honestly, I think this also leads to him forgiving AJ for killing Tenn because at this point, he understands. He hates it, and he wishes it didn’t have to be this way, but he gets that AJ saw something that he didn’t. Louis knows that AJ’s hurting just as much as he is, he even says as much if Clementine says anything other than “AJ saved your life” on the bridge. 
He relived Marlon’s death when Tenn died, but it’s not like his hands are clean, either… and neither were Marlon’s. Clementine’s hands definitely aren’t clean. 
It drives me crazy that best friends Louis and Marlon have each killed someone in TFS but Marlon killed Brody in a moment of panic because he’s a coward who wanted hide what he did while Louis killed Dorian in a moment of panic because he was trying to save Clementine from Minerva and she came up behind him like… hhhhnnnnggggggggg, y’know?
Oh, and don't even get me started on the clouis aspect of this because I'll lose it. He talks to her about it because he knows she'll understand, just like how she's always understood him. How he goes out of his way to tell her that having a home means protecting it and he's going to protect it [that home being her, AJ, and Ericson] no matter what because he wants to build this new life with her aaaaaaaaaaaaaand I've lost it—
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moodymisty · 11 months ago
just learned about aquilan shield custodes... oh to have a huge golden bodyguard following you like a scary dog 24/7, not even leaving you alone to sleep... it'd be a shame if he got a little too possessive, even more so than his duty could justify... a shame if one of the emperor's finest found himself utterly besotted with his ward, wanting things that custodians aren't made to want... a real shame if you became the prize and obsession of your big golden boy, knowing that there was basically no force strong enough, not even space marines, to keep you away from his affections... 👀
Having a Custodes get attached to you would be a weird fucking thing. I mean most of them are super stoic even more so than Astartes, but they are capable of emotion. I mean in Saturine Valdor smiles at a guardsmen making a joke about stripping naked and running into battle, and in another book I can't remember a few custodes joke about another having a stick up his ass.
An Aqulian Shield being placed in change of protecting a particular human and having to spend so much of his time protecting you, perhaps you don't even know he is there at first, until he eventually reveals himself to you. You know he's always watching now, always making sure nothing ever happens to you. You're his charge, his one and only to protect and make sure the future comes to pass.
He doesn't know what love is, but surely this feeling in his chest in that, yes? His overwhelming desire to keep you away from everything, to keep you in his light. Can Custodes love? He's heard of Astartes tempted by such a thing, but could the Emperor give him such a flaw? He doesn't know, but he knows he wants you.
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kaiotisk · 2 months ago
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background practice with this old Aramil piece
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satari-raine · 1 year ago
I'm still not used to fully talking on here but I just have to talk for a minute about Sleep Token and Wembley.
They did fantastic. After touring so much this year, doing back-to-back shows, dealing with a band member having to take a leave of absence for most of their final tour, incorporating new changes to their routine and style, and with Vessel having hurt his voice during such a huge show, they did fantastic.
I watched along with Discord. Mostly lurked. And everything I saw from the effects on stage, the fun antics, the performances, the playing - guitars, bass, drums, the dancers, the choir - they did fantastic. And Vessel. I said it in chat that he doesn't need to hurt himself or his voice to earn the love of those who listen to his music, but he kept going. He sang, and pushed through when he had every right in the world to put a stop to the show and focus on his health. He kept on going while also giving to the crowd the chance to carry him through, and seeing everyone - from those on stage with him to the crowd to people in chat and what I saw on here - still loving him, loving them?
They did fucking fantastic, and I dare anyone tell me otherwise. As a community, we should be celebrating them despite any differences of opinion - being kinder and supportive of one another is literally everything they've shown with III's situation and in general. It's what so many of us showed back to them with the hand salutes for III and the marked ? on our hands during specific songs. Their new outfits have fan-made decals to them, for fuck's sake. They are absolutely, without a doubt, genuine about making everyone feel loved.
Look, I'm just a stranger on the internet at the end of the day but this band has come to mean so much to me since I found them, to the point where they've honestly kept me going some days - them and the wonderful people I've met through them - and I just need them to know that they did fantastic, their music still brings people together despite hiccups along the way, and regardless of any of those hiccups, they are so loved. Loved beyond belief.
The night didn't just belong to all of us at Wembley, but to them, too.
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badnewswhatsleft · 10 months ago
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(x, x) the corners of his mouth are soso pretty 🥰💘🥰💗🥰💖🥰💗🥞💖
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potpourri-of-ecclecticism · 9 months ago
What are the odds...
That a boy with a dark and twisted heart, a wastrel, a bully and a villain got to ride THE MOST BEAUTIFUL dragon of all time?
That THE MOST BEAUTIFUL dragon of all time chose him over other so-called "pure hearts"?
It wasn't even just a choice. It was a bond, a connection so strong that it transcended mortality, spilling over into soulmate territory.
Maybe the boy wasn't so dark and twisted after all. Maybe he was just a... coconut—hard on the outside and soft on the inside.
Everything that the boy sought from his family, this beautiful little dragon gave him... and so much more.
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thethiefandtheairbender · 16 days ago
Rewatching Nimona after later seasons of The Dragon Prince came out made the movie even worse than it was back in 2023 because I just can't take a couple where one half refuses to stand up for the other when it matters the most after ALL THIS tbh
After seeing his friend / 'ex'-partner be arrested, Callum declares that she needs to be automatically released and whatever the reason is she was arrested doesn't matter. His trusted advisor points out he should probably know why she was arrested first. Then it is laid out that Rayla stole his key, broke into his office, broke into the dark magic chambers beneath the castle, retrieved the bow used to kill his father (by her father), and been arrested by his trusted advisor while not speaking up for herself or offering any defense at all, and until a couple weeks ago, she had abandoned him in the middle of the night to go hunt down a dark mage for two years / they are not even a couple at this point
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The last screencap above is when he commits treason and betrays his family for her, bailing her out because she's surrounded by guards and about to be arrested (by this point they are a couple), even after she was like "I can't ask you to do leave behind everything" and he Literally went
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and made a borderline aphobic line even more evident tbh because once again even AFTER they're a happy couple they don't pull the "you're More than a Friend to me" bullshit
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and The Dragon Prince also has good mlm rep (Runaan/Ethari and Soren/Corvus as ships) and wlw rep (Janai/Amaya, the queens of Duren) and explicitly trans characters (Terry, Astrid, Kazi) with coming out scenes / their pronouns in show? Yeah. Yeah
Like I can't go back man
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starflungwaddledee · 1 year ago
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cornbread33y2 · 3 months ago
Banbaleena Redesign
I should prolly wait till everyone is done but ehhh, nah lol.
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Bandaleena felt overdo for a bit of a touch up on her design, her old one feels stiff and I wanted to fix her apron a little. I also feel like the way I draw them now feels very different to their old ref, at least in the face.
🙌Nonbinary Banbaleena supremacy🙌
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