#they don’t like laughter
share-the-skye · 2 years
Idk how many of you are aware of RegularPat’s existence, but just in case you’re not, here’s the kind of content you can expect (and be delighted by)
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antipocalypse · 2 years
buzzfeed releasing articles about this whole thing just makes me feel even more pissed tbh like bitch you don’t get to profit off of one of your ex-employees turning out to be an asshole, you’re an asshole too. you used ned’s family man image for gain too get the fuck outta here you dumpster fire company
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I don’t know how to explain myself
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adrift-in-thyme · 2 months
I know in my heart Time could walk off into the woods for a bit, maybe because he got overwhelmed and just needed to take a few minutes to himself, and he’d come back with some little deer trailing after him, and that’s just his new buddy. Everyone else (except Wars because he’s used to it at this point) is like “HELLO?? WHERE’D THE DEER COME FROM???” And Time just shrugs and goes about his business and the deer follows him wagging its little tail
- crazylittlejester
Time is like a Disney princess in that animals just follow him around without reason. They sense his deep connection to the forest and nature itself (plus I headcanon him being a fairy so there’s that). And they also see how gentle and kind he is.
It’s happened to him his entire life so he doesn’t even realize it’s…not exactly a normal occurrence XD It’s not uncommon for him to have an entire entourage of woodland creatures skipping after him. The Chain has no idea what to make of it
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dipllomat · 15 days
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                                                  CNNS.  PLAYLIST.   PINTEREST.  
atenção, atenção, quem vem lá? Ah, é PRÍNCIPE KIT, da história CINDERELA! Todo mundo te conhece… Como não conhecer ?! Se gostam, aí é outra coisa ! Vamos meter um papo reto aqui: as coisas ficaram complicadas para você, né? Você estava vivendo tranquilamente (eu acho…) depois do seu felizes para sempre, você tinha até começado a REINAR CASTLE OF DREAMS… E aí, do nada, um monte de gente estranha caiu do céu para atrapalhar a sua vida ! Olha, eu espero que nada de ruim aconteça, porque por mais que você seja ALTRUÍSTA, você é APÁTICO, e é o que Merlin diz por aí: precisamos manter a integridade da SUA história ! Pelo menos, você pode aproveitar a sua estadia no Reino dos Perdidos fazendo o que você gosta: PROFESSOR DE HISTÓRIA DA MAGIA EM RED APPLE.
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HEADCANONS. something counterfeit's dead.
o príncipe, antes de ser rei, tinha estrelas nos olhos, e toda a ambição do mundo. foi criado com amor pelo pai, mas as expectativas para sua vida desde jovem fizeram crescer a ansiedade e incerteza no coração uma vez puro, e imaculado - que em algum momento passou a sangrar com o peso das regras, da propriedade & deveres. transformou-se em um menino quieto, sem muitos gostos triviais, abraçando suas obrigações.
cresceu amado pelo povo de castle of dreams, nunca deixando que sua fachada perfeitamente construída ruísse. sempre forte e seguro de si, escondendo em íntimo toda a incerteza sobre o que queria , e os caminhos que sua vida devia seguir. era, para todos, um jovem carismático que recebia afeição, carinho e até mesmo adoração por onde passava.
o baile foi a primeira vez que se sentiu livre do infortúnio que era carregar o céu desde tão pequeno. livre para dançar sob a luz da lua com uma bela garota que aparentemente não esperava nada de si - por merlin, ela nem sabia quem ele era ! - , kit teve a revelação que talvez se casar não seria tão ruim, não se fosse com ela.
portanto, naquela manhã, com os brilho de volta aos olhos, e o coração cantando, desafiou o pai pela primeira vez para encontrá-la. moveu mundos atrás daquela que poderia calçar o sapato de cristal, a bela garota com quem dançou até perto da meia noite.
encontrar cindy foi como finalmente respirar depois de muito tempo debaixo d'água. não se importou com sua realidade de gata borralheira, ou com qualquer coisa que pudesse entrar no caminho dos dois. mais tarde, iria pensar que talvez devessem ter se conhecido melhor. ele a amava, mas estava longe em viagens diplomáticas por muito tempo, e sabia que a deixava solitária, em guerra consigo mesmo , por um lado, jamais queria estar separado dela e por outro - tinha responsabilidades, que continuaram a pesar mesmo depois do casamento. ele não sabe, ou quer descobrir, até quando ela pode aguentar ser tratada como menos que prioridade em sua vida. o que deveria escolher ? o dever ou o amor ? não podia, ao menos uma vez, ter os dois ?
EXTRAS. fresh out the slammer , i know who my first call will be to.
kit , nos raros dias que não estava atendendo a suas responsabilidades como governante, era aprendiz da fada madrinha e se tornou bem versado na história da magia, o suficiente para que quando teve de ir ao reino dos perdidos pode começar a ensinar em red apple, buscando formar alunos interessados pela ancestralidade da magia que corria por todos os reinos encantados.
como um bom diplomata de humor ameno, kit encara tudo com olhar clínico ( que muitos diriam ser cínico ) , e não adorou a chegada dos perdidos pois mancha a história antiga, e mexe com as normas. porém, existe um lado muito mais suave de sua personalidade, e um coração benevolente por baixo da fachada impassível que sofre por estes novos "personagens" que estão longe de suas vidas, casas, e pessoas amadas. portanto, em razões providas de lógica ou de leve sentimentalismo, espera que eles possam voltar aos seus lugares de origem.
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Alastor: If violence isn't solving all of your problems, then you simply aren't using enough of it
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foodsies4me · 2 months
Hi!!! I am such a fan of all your fics, especially the trainees and their shenanigans. But imagine the implications of Alec basically raising dozens of kids!!!! 10-15 years down the line, he literally has all these Shadowhunters, maybe some in different Institutes, who would do ANYTHING for him while also being (probably) married to the most powerful warlock alive and raising another.
Imagine a threat to his life in this scenario. Like someone comes after him, or tries to poison him. The Clave itself would be scared to intervene would that investigation.
Sorry if that got too long!
Hi! I’m delighted to hear you enjoy my silly fics and the trainees, who have completely taken on a life of their own, lol. 😁 Also, please don’t apologize about long asks! I adore long asks!. And short ones. All asks are good.😊
And oh no, Alec being hurt by someone coming after him, or surviving an assassination attempt *would* make them all see red. I can just imagine the carnage Magnus and the trainees would leave behind. I’m pretty sure they’ll terrify so many people in trying to find the culprit (and they will find the culprit, and enact justice because the Clave has no business handling this, this is personal thank you very much) that nobody dares to go after Alec again.
Threatening Alec becomes a sign of insanity after that. Proof you need to get evaluated because Redflower (Clara) took down three Forsaken bare-handed (not entirely true), Stonewell (Leo) single-handedly took out seven shadowhunters by striking them down with their weapons (true). Bhasin (Arjun) summoned a dragon (it was his backpack, but true otherwise). The Lightwood ward (Madzie) and the youngest Lightwood (Max) snuck inside the Council room without setting off any wards, alarms or demon towers just to inform - read threaten - the Council they would be handling things (true) and Bane smiled. He smiled. It might not sound like much but any shadowhunter who was present and saw it agrees they would rather face down a large Shax nest alone than have to see that smile again.
It takes Alec five months after his near-death experience to calm his kids and husband enough to stop them from calling him every hour to check if he’s still okay.
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softpastelqueer · 1 year
It lowkey makes me so amused when people go “imagine if people were still irrational about left handedness like they are about x 🤪” because it’s like… I get the point and I mostly agree, but people are oh my god people still are
Sure it’s less common (increasingly so as time goes on), but I had a teacher attempt to fail me in 4th grade literally just for being left handed. It wasn’t even hidden; she openly admitted to it, saying it violated her “Catholic values”. It resulted in a third party academic team being involved to investigate all of my coursework and regrade everything, but it still happened.
And other left handed people can tell you how difficult it is to find left hand friendly tools, including but especially scissors.
Being taught hand-specific skills is also less accessible, because most of the people teaching said skills are teaching it from a right-hand-dominant perspective and you now have to either learn it “backwards” or find a way to use your non-dominant hand. (This can be skills from handwriting, sports, hobbies, you name it. If it requires a dominant hand, then you can bet it’ll be taught from and for right handedness)
I’ve known people who were forced to be right handed by schools, local communities, their families, their employer, and so on
So I can’t help but giggle when people go “imagine if we were anti left handedness like the 1800’s was” because I’m pretty sure I’m not that old
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poltergeist-coffee · 1 year
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i'll do it. more lesbian slimeriana art please. specifically angelic mariana and demonic slime please. im insane and i love your woman edition designs for them
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her ass is NOT listening
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So I’m watching episode 54 on my tv, and because my tvs speakers are shit when it comes to people talking, I have my volume up relatively loud (and I would turn on the captions, but since they’re autogenerated they’re not always correct and sometimes they just don’t show up). Anyways, my brother just texted me and told me that he could hear laughter coming from my room while he was in the kitchen
For the record, my room is in the garage. And while the kitchen has a door leading directly to the garage, the garage tends to be fairly soundproof from inside the house proper.
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kanene-yaaay · 24 days
Lan Xichen and Wei Wuxian only started to get into tickle fights because one day, while he was teaching about music cultivation to Wangji’s class, since he had to go to shufu resolve a serious matter, Wei Wuxian confused him for Lan Zhan and, in an unfair attack from behind, locked his arms in a hug and tickled his ribs until a very (not familiar??) laughter was ringing in the air.
Of course, even after saying that he didn’t take the confusion to his heart and accept his brother in law’s apologies, his revenge was swift and merciless. Not one to be easily outdone, Wei Wuxian decided to compete to see who was the biggest tickle monster in Gusu Lan
Rip mah bro Lan Wangji. And the juniors. They will all be missed
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kitmarlowe · 1 year
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bfi audience didn’t appreciate my girl lady b enough but birthday girl martha got all the love :)
and they all nearly cried thinking about it ending bless them
I very much enjoyed and can’t wait to see more
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f1nneas · 4 months
Dear mr(s) controller(s) of the world/universe/the fates. Please please please please please please send me a boyfriend who will admire my silly loserness please 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Please believe me don’t you see the things you mean to me oh I love you I love you I love you I love I love all of ya. Now send him my way 🤗🤗 Right through my bedroom window please so I don’t have to leave the house x (you know where I am 😉 (because you know everything, y’all are omnipotent innit))
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mycological-mariner · 2 years
Two books, two quick little lines which whenever I think about I become hysterical
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sadghostgirl14 · 11 months
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daisylovestickles · 6 months
4, 5, 6 and 7 please my friend!
Hi Essie!
The fourth one is answered here!
5. Tag 3 people you’d like to know better!
Oh gosh only three? I’ll tag those who I follow but haven’t interacted with much, but want to!
6. Do you blush? (You’re adorable either way :3)
Wayyyyy too much! I get blushy and flustered at the simplest things it’s very embarrassing!
7. What does your laugh sound like?
Oh gosh how do I answer this without talking badly about myself? 🙈
Ummm I don’t know. It depends on where and how you tickle me, honestly. If you’re making me giggle, I either squeak or giggle rapidly. But if you’re making me laugh really loud, it can get quite raspy.
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