#they do keep emailing you periodically but just to keep offering you discounted boxes with no obligation to ever buy a full price one
alex51324 · 5 months
Everyplate unboxing
I did the Everyplate offer again! Seriously, guys--I'm not trying to be, like, a corporate shill here, but if you do their introductory offer and then immediately cancel, they will beg to give you the introductory offer again. And again. And again. I've done it like six times, all with the same credit card/address/etc. They've even started adding bonus offers--this time I got an extra meal and a packet of steak for $1.
If you live in the US, have a credit card, and like cooking, you should probably do it, is what I'm saying. All you have to do is remember to cancel it when the box arrives.
Here's the box:
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It's a nice box, with a corrugated/reflective lining for temperature regulation. It's sturdy enough that you can re-use it (and the ice-packs that you get) as a little picnic cooler several times.
Here's inside the box:
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Everything's just kind of jumbled in there, so you have to unpack it and sort out what goes with each meal. I've been doing the 6 meals/2 servings plan the last few times (the first few times I did 3 meals/4 servings), and with the extra meal offer this time I got 2 servings each of 7 meals. (You can get a smaller number of meals, but the shipping is a flat $11 no matter how many you get. If you pay attention when you're choosing which recipes you want, you can easily stretch the box out over 2 weeks--pick some things with vegetables that keep well, like carrots and so forth, and put the meat component in the freezer.)
Chicken stir-fry and dijon mustard steak:
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With their stir-fries, I like to add some extra vegetables; I made this one last night and put in carrots and some more peppers, and it ended up being more like 3 servings than 2. The other one is originally a pork-chops recipe, but I'm going to do it with my free steak instead; I'm planning to have it tomorrow.
Shepherd's pie and linguine:
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These two I'm putting aside for next week--I put the ground beef in the freezer, and everything else should be OK.
Sweet-potato hash and sausage flatbreads:
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The sweet potato hash is also for next week. I made the flatbreads today. It was a little more complicated than I thought--they have you making a white sauce from scratch; I had to go out and buy milk--but it was really good!
Cherry pork chops/chicken:
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They do a lot of recipes that are chicken or pork chops with some sort of fruit jam--I've done apricot and fig ones; this one has cherry jam. Since I ordered two meals that came with pork chops (this one and the dijon mushroom one) I swapped one set of pork chops for chicken, but then I also got the $1 steak, so I have an extra packet of meat; once I decide which one I want to have, I'll put the other one in the freezer.
I paid, like, $35 for all this food. I don't really understand why it's worth it to them to keep sending me this introductory offer when I have never bought a single full-price box, but they keep sending me emails asking me to please consider letting them send me a big box of food that they cannot possibly be making any money on, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . I will oblige them.
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sweepseven · 2 years
Cirque du Soleil: O and KÀ viewing notes, post-pan edition!
First trip to Las Vegas since the pandemic and holy shit!! Was it a TIME. The When We Were Young festival was my excuse to be there, but I can’t set foot in that town without fitting in at least one Cirque show. I managed O and Ka and a last-second Atomic Saloon decision and oh my god did I have the visit of a lifetime. I’ll keep this post strictly to the circus shows, but like. Truly it was nuts. 
Anyway! O! I cannot overstate how happy I was to see this show again. This turned out to be my 50th ever Cirque performance and I couldn’t have asked for more. The detail most worth reporting is that according to a friend in the box office, whispers say the show is due for a refresh in January! It's been 24 years and O has never had a facelift! This is so so exciting! There's so much new technology they can integrate into the show, potentially new acts (though I can't imagine O without any one of its current acts), maybe even new music...I can't wait.
Richard MacDonald refreshed the sculpture gallery the very day I arrived in town and of course they're all incredible. He was there and apparently I just missed him when I went to pick up our tickets - too bad, I wanted to say hi!
Our performance was flawless, as always. One flyer fell during bateau but every other detail in the show went beautifully. I had three contortionists, and for some reason I am cursed to only ever see solo swinging trapeze but whatever, it was amazing regardless. The singers were going fucking hard, especially on Tzelma, and their little dance during Simcha was worth the cost of admission alone. I just love seeing them have fun. Crowd was solid, probably 75% full, which for O is more than plenty. There were nothing but empty rows behind us so my friends and I moved back a little ways so we could chat. I've never gotten to talk through an entire performance and it was such a treat hearing my friends react, ask questions, and just engage with the show with so much enthusiasm.
Last thing for O is that the day of the show I received a kind of "keep the magic going" email from Cirque offering up to 50% off LOVE and Ka, which is insane! Like, an almost alarmingly steep discount! And of course everyone likes to say both those shows are on the eternal chopping block, so I was a little 👀 about it. Still, hot tip for all: if you're seeing multiple Cirque shows in LV, maybe take the gamble on seats and wait until the day of your first, get that email, then book the others. I wouldn't expect to see an offer for a discount on O or Mystere, but worth a shot!
That said if anyone would like this offer, lmk and I'll gladly forward you the email. It's good until 12/31 and I won't be back in time to take advantage of it!
Next up was Atomic Saloon and I'll just say that show is an absolute fucking blast and if you can go, do. Fernando Miro is living his best life times a thousand. There's a dog. There's some of the most convincing physical acting I've ever ever seen, and I won't go into more detail for the sake of preserving the surprise for you. See this show. The end. Period.
So now Ka! By this point in the trip I am utterly fucking tapped. We had seen and done so so much between the shows, the festival, the partying, everything. I had the wildest nights I've ever had in that city and by that point it was all really taking its toll. So my attitude going in was very "Ka, I love you, but Jesus fucking Christ." Until then I thought it was impossible to feel disappointed that I had Cirque tickets. But I achieved it. Like that's how rough it was lol
That feeling lifted like a fog the minute the music started. I was so exhausted and out of it that I got an almost totally fresh perspective on a show I've seen now six times: it was just happening before my eyes and I was along for the ride. The boat rowed in and I was immediately transported. I forgot how much I missed this show, and watching each character go by as the stage rotated honestly felt like seeing old friends after years apart. And in a way that's exactly what happened! Watching the Chief Archer's Daughter put on her makeup so slowly and gently, the Firefly Boy sprinkling a handful of petals, the Jester eating his grapes, all of it felt as warm and welcoming as a long delayed embrace.
I'll be quick about acts for the most part: Pageant has some updated choreography that was very fun, Icarian games killed it, Storm isn't quite as fun to watch up close as it is from further back, the turtle scene was shorter and tighter (YAAAY), Pursuit was exact as tense and exciting as you could dream, batons remains perfect, idk why I can't care about that wheel of death act but I can't, and Battle was fine.
But listen!!! Kerren McKeeman as the Twin Sister is! A! Revelation! She's a phenomenal performer and utterly shines in the role. The straps act has some updates to highlight her strengths, and at one point she based the Firefly Boy in a lift and I lost my goddamn mind. Their chemistry together is unmatched, probably the best I've seen for this act. At the end she kisses him fully on the lips. Girl just goes for it. I wanted to cheer. I'll reiterate that I wanted to cheer, I who has spent thousands and thousands of words writing out the Firefly Boy entirely to make room for an impossible romance in goddamn clown fanfiction. Amazing act by amazing performers.
Other details of note: Forest has new bugs! The potato bug is BACK and badder than ever. Firefly Boy pets it like it's the family dog or something. Adorable. The snake was out tonight for some reasons, but there was a giant dragonfly-like one instead that I'd never seen before. There was also a green scorpion-ish thing that I don't think is new new but I don't recall from other viewings. The Counselor had new eyebrows - thicker and more sculpted. Both Firefly Boy and CAD had new, more extravagant costumes for the curtain call. Love Dance and Firefly Both have updated arrangements that I'm not sure I like yet: both give a more theatrical, sparkling impression but might not fit as well with the rest of the show's style. Def didn't hate either one. And did they turn up the volume on the seat speakers? Because holy shit were we rocking. The band killed it all night. The power of this show’s music cannot be overstated.
Okay, character details! Ie the most interesting part to me by a mile:
We had Tricia Woo as the Twin Sister and I completely adored her. She was so energetic and expressive and her chemistry with Peng was adorable. Specific shout out to her raw emotion as the ship sinks. She calls out the nanny's name over and over in this desperate scream, and never has that act had the impact on me that it did tonight. It made The Deep so much more powerful.
TS is visibly afraid of the Counselor's Son when he and his pops crash the function. In fact most everyone was, which was new and interesting to me. CAD isn't just perplexed by his pursuit of her, she's actively nervous of it and him. She turns from him in the Den, she startles when he touches her, and she cowers at his finale reappearance. It was a little chilling - you can’t help but wonder what he has done to get such a reputation.
Jason Biltz delivered yet another excellent turn as CS but it lacked the clarity I've seen in other performances. Tonight the character seemed to favor the path of least resistance and and tbh comes across as a master gaslighter: on multiple occasions he puts his hands up defensively as if asking "why are you so upset?" when he has clearly done something out of line, and he hunches his shoulders as though trying to appear smaller. He does appear to court CAD for 90% political reasons, but come Love Dance he looks truly heartbroken. And then later he doesn’t seem to give a remote shit that she just watched her father die right before her eyes, nor is he at all bothered by the way she's held with a literal knife to her throat. And if he’s always looking for an easy way out, why does he still protest the attack on the Imperialists at the beginning? What's the truth, Rensai, you goddamn snake??
Despite somewhat hazy motivations, Jason plays this bastard as ruthlessly, brutally passionate. It's honestly remarkable. His pride at his every entrance, the deliberate dramatics of his firepowder presentation, his restless and energetic pacing during the wheel of death’s construction, all of it makes him look like the real powder keg about to explode. And when that's exactly what happens, you can't help but feel like you should have seen it coming. I stand by my claim that almost every other singular character in this show could be written out except him: he is essential to the narrative and theme.
The first archer to try to present CAD with a gift was a WOMAN. It was something new, some weapon or something I don't know the name of. Kind of a weighted chain that she whipped around like water meteors. Regardless: BI CAD???? I lost it.
If anyone ever asks you to describe non-sexual human intimacy, show them Shadowplay. It is just desperately tender. The Court Jester tends to the Twin Brother's hand with such delicacy - he removes the bandage, of course, but then has TB hold his palms up so the jester can smooth them with his own. He passes the bandage gently over them, and the gesture is miniscule but it feels like something out of a broader practice. A way to prep TB for the shadow puppets to come while also guiding him away from the tragedy of what they just escaped and into this deliberate moment of peace and rest.
My hasty post-show notes say "TS and FB FUCK but TB and CAD are taking it slow :)" and I'm still kind of laughing about it. There's a distinct difference in the way the twins approach each of their new relationships. TS and Firefly Boy are magnetic and give the immediate impression that they can't keep their hands off each other. Meanwhile TB and CAD are very reserved - more whispers in ears, blushes, and hesitation to hold hands. It's an adorable contrast.
Noriko continues to reign supreme. She gave the most adorable, startled little sound when TB kissed her. 
Peng for president. He’s the best. He’s the best. He. 
And to cap it all off, I swear that theater was 80-90% full. Better than I’ve ever ever seen it. I was thrilled for the artists to get the recognition they deserve in a space so massive. I hope they felt the energy because what they gave to us that night was utterly electric.
All in all a wholly epic weekend. And O got to be my 50th! See ya at 100, CdS. Feeling very lucky, grateful, and verrrry tired. Back in LV in January for Mystere and hopefully LOVE. 💛💚
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188bet-vn · 4 years
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A good tip to consider when you're downloading music is to organize the music you download into a neat folder. You don't want to lose any of the music that you bought and paid for. It's important that you have it all organized so that you can easily access it when you want.If you use iTunes, make sure to sign up for their email alerts. They often send out specials and discounted albums that are available at a lower price for a very limited period of time. If you do not sign up for the email alerts, you might miss out on these savings.Make sure that you backup your library. Building up a sizable library of songs can eat up a lot of your time and money. It would be terrible to lose all of it. 
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Being in the blogging business for around 8 years now I came to learn a lot. Let’s hear from the old bitter blogger about the difference between being an ambassador and being a customer. When you’re investing more than you’re gaining from the collaboration it’s not really a collaboration you’re looking for.
There is a new trend going around social media, especially Instagram. I’ve been getting collaboration offers on a daily basis even pre COVID times but now the amount of pseudo collaborations increased.
Hands down it is an incredible business strategy from the business point of view.
Everyone wants to be an ambassador.
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Ambassador became an even more prestigious title than an influencer. Influencer posses some sort of responsibility for their actions whilst ambassador is just being paid for simply being.
Who wouldn’t want that?
Many brands use this knowledge to the fullest and offers these pseudo collaborations.
So what is a pseudo collaboration?
Well, it starts off by being contacted by a brand.
You’ll receive a ctrl+c ctrl+v message from a brand-name-scout. The message contains several cute emojis and addresses you as a gorgeous, pretty, cutie, love, honey, sweety, and if they really want to get you, even by your Instagram name.
It’s usually followed by a bunch of compliments about your fashion style, vibe, Instagram, or whatever. Then there is a lie about following or just generally noticing you for a while without ever seeing your insta story, like any of your posts, or even actually following you.
Now it’s time for an offer beneficial for you.
Usually, it’s free products, a way to earn a commission, or just the sheer option to be able to call yourself an ambassador. Every single brand out there offers a “support” like anyone really knows what’s that supposed to mean. I had several ones even offering me a travel trips, but never elaborated on it after my further questioning.
Now comes the hook with a “do you want to learn more?” question.
If you think I’m exaggeration for the story and I can’t be generalizing all of the collaborations offers into a simple standard form I wish you were right. Here are some of the screenshots of my current Instagram DMs:
You might think: “What’s wrong with that? They’re trying so don’t be mean. Just ignore them.” let me remind you how dumb Instagram algorithm is.
If your account is followed by bots, messaged by bots, liked by bots Instagram assumes you’re one of them or you got hacked by them. Sweet of them for trying to protect you thought, but holy hell did that made everything super complicated for me.
I got several messages from the brand scouts messaging me again because their previous account got deleted.
No shit Sherlock, it’s like you can’t keep creating accounts, following and messaging a bunch of people at once and ask for money anymore.
So now every time my account gets suspicious activity such as too many likes/follows/messages Instagram suspects my account got hacked. Each time they require I change my password and let me tell you I ran out of password ideas months ago.
That’s not the worst part though.
After each time I change my password I’m blocked for 7 days from liking, following, or adding tags to my posts and that sucks. Just to get a better picture of this issue I’m blocked approximately once sometimes twice per month.
The block comes hand in hand with a shadowban that lingers for god knows how long, meaning Instagram is not gonna support you in any way. That’s why I have around 40 likes on a posts with 47K followers most of which are bots anyway.
I loath Instagram app yet I spend hours a day on the hellish site and I’m not only one.
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We spend so much time on Instagram anyway so when a chance to earn money form it comes along you’re tempted to take it. Brands know that.
Imagine you’re a small-town girl with around 400 followers on Instagram. You already feel pretty popular right?
Now imagine you get the messages I shared above but you get just one. Someone out there thinks you’re so popular they want you on their team, you are just like the big influencers, you get job offers for being an Instagram star. You’re the next Kardashian.
You can have all of the things they said to you BUT you need to do something for them first. You have to pay for it.
And here is the catch with all of the pseudo collaborations.
What they don’t say to you in their first message is what it’s gonna cost you.
Many offers you free stuff but you need to pay for the one-time shipping. Some brands offer you a unique discount of around 40-60% off so you’ll pay just a part of the price and you can call yourself an ambassador.
I don’t know about you, but I thought that was called the customer. You buy a product, you wear it and occasionally you take photo of it on your social media sites. The new term is an ambassador apparently.
I get why so many people agree to this kind of collaboration. It’s new for you. It makes you feel good and successful in your friend’s and families eyes. And there is that hopefully undertone of making money from it.
Aren’t the brands unprofitable when they give away discounts and free stuff?
In a theory, yes, but there is one thing all of the brands that messaged me had in common except for the audacity.
Overpriced products.
I got messaged by jewelry stores, fashion stores and gym equipment stores most of the time. I took the time and did my research on every one of them.
When a store sold jewelry, they had the same products as the rest of the jewelry stores I got contacted by. A small variety of around 8 products most of them sold out anyway. And let’s not forget the ridiculously high prices. You can’t charge a cheap Chinese necklace you can get on amazon or aliexpress for under a 1$ for 40$.
So even if you’re paying just around 30$ for your ambassador order they are still making a profit on your wannabe Instagramer need cuz they purchased said items for far less.
Well, I’m being a little miss know it all right?
How can I talk about pseudo collaboration like this when it’s all based on assumptions. Well you know me, I’m curious as hell and I actually went through 3 pseudo collaborations myself just to prove a point.
I literally spend money so I can tell you about it right now so here is how my 3 pseudo collaborations went like.
All of the ones I choose were jewelry based pseudo collaborations. With the corona times, post offices are overwhelmed with parcels. I ordered big parcels in recent times and they arrived with around a month delay. I figured smaller jewelry in an envelope form would be quicker to arrive and I was right.
Pseudo collaboration number one VONACHI:
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A simple yet luxurious-looking website with very few decent pieces of jewelry, offered me 3 free pieces to take a photo in and promote. I would also get a 60% discount code and every time my code would be used I would receive 30% of the money amount. Incredibly overpriced amount in the first place.
Here is the list of all of the benefits they offered.
The scout that approached me was very eager. They kept insisting I place my order right away. No time to waste.
To make it clear I got a simple code to apply in a check out that subtracted the price and I got the pieces for free. All I had to do was pay a 20$ shipping fee what seems like nothing but for 3 small necklaces, it is way too much.
Another thing that was odd was that I was required to take a screenshot of my order and send it back to scout. I guess to prove I was legit.
After bunch of further compliments and claims how excited they are to be working with me we ended our conversation.
If you think I was being reckless to give my credit card and home address to such a questionable site don’t be.
Honestly, I trust zero people, sometimes I don’t even trust myself. I used a card I have no to very little money on and I got it shipped to a work address.
My parcel from china arrived in around a month and a half. I got one black box with one necklace and the other 2 necklaces were in small plastic bags. I received a note about welcoming me to the program and asking me to contact vonachi’s official Instagram account for setting up my discount code and that’s exactly what I did. The official page responded after longer time period with just a “this is your code” message. I took a photo, tagged vonachi as a business partner, and shared my code. I did my part and I was never contacted by them again.
My 60% code is VONAMBNAT and as you might have guessed no one used it so far.
Or at least no one told me it was used. If someone were to use my code I would be contacted by vonachi and here is the problem. I’m supposed to trust them with their credibility cuz there is no other way for me to check it for myself. This is what it’s missing from the old Time collaborations of mine. I would get a tracking code, an account login, graphs, statistics, and one on one communication with a brand in my previous collaborations. But you know Golden times for influencers are long gone.
Now I’m left to just simply trust them.
Why would they ever confess someone used my code? If a customer gets 60% off and I’m getting 30% from already discounted item there is just a very little left for vonachi. They don’t say anything and get to keep my 30% share.
They didn’t put much effort into tracking system cuz they are not expecting their ambassadors/customers to make any sales anyway.
The products were not that bad. They came in a bit rusty and tangled but I was excepting much worse.
Hell, I was not expecting them to legitimately arrive.
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Pseudo collaboration number 2: ENGELSINN
I initiated this pseudo collaboration myself. Engelsinn paid a significant amount of money to Instagram promoted post and that’s where I found out they are looking for ambassadors.
I filled out an application form.
This one felt more legit cuz they actually asked for followers count and all of the communication occurred via email. Automated emails but still it reminded me of good old days.
I was given a 40% discount code to use on my first order. The shipping was free but it still cost me another 20$ to get the product. Since placing my first order I got a 20% discount code “nat7x20” for my followers to get 20% off their engelsinn order.
When my code is redeemed 2 times I get one jewelry of my choice for free.
Do I even need to mention that I didn’t get any email since?
Well, that’s not exactly true I got 2 more emails each with another discount code I could use for 24 hours and buy more of their stuff. But none about redeemed code.
Engelsinn is a german based brand and living so close I got my parcel in around a week. I got myself a rose gold knot bracelet and I feel like a hypocrite but I actually really love this one and wear it every day. I know I wouldn’t get it if it wasn’t for the research but I’m glad I did.
Btw the ad about engelsinn looking for ambassador is still up there and it still says they have only a few places left. It’s been 2 months.
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Pseudo collaboration number 3: CUZETTE
I got messaged by them on my Instagram and their offer was super confusing. They promised it all. 3 free stuff now, free stuff every month, paid trip to several destinations, and even 50$ voucher. The scout called me sweety exactly 9 times during our conversations. It was super annoying.
So I choose another 3 free items and paid another 20$ for shipping. When I asked about the 50$ voucher I was told I would need to refer 5 friends who would also become cuzette ambassador or delegate as they named it, to get the 50$. No info about the travel trips though.
I was told to contact the official page for more info but it took days for them to finally reply with nothing new just more compliments and excitement about the future. It’s been 2 months and I still haven’t received my order just as I was expecting.
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Later on, I endorsed in conversation with several other brands asking for more info, looking for something different than standard copy and paste form. Unsuccessful.
Every time I asked how many ambassadors they have in their program the answer was always “around 3000“. Once again, you have 3000 customers and not 3000 ambassadors. If the only people who buy from you are people you ask to buy from you, you’re doing something wrong.
But your business plan is on point.
When I asked about who and where makes their products I was either met with a silence or a sweet talk about a responsible brand.
These brands are providing people with content. You get to take photos of the items you ordered and you get to be as creative as you want. In these COVID times so many brands had to cancel or postpone their collaborations with bloggers or Instagrammers. I saw huge travel/luxurious instagramers switch form hotel and travel collaborations to promoting kitchen wipes. Times are tough and you got to do what you got to do.
Yet these small businesses with hight prices are thriving?
You know it’s not about the product but about the potential.
Profiting on greediness.
So smart.
To prove my point even further I got to confess one more thing. I mentioned before that I manage Instagram accounts for different brands and among them is one fashion store. I was not only at the ambassadors’ side but on the scouting side as well.
All I had to do was search for people who looked like they would be willing to become an ambassador for our store and had decent amount of followers. I had saved message form and all I did was try to guess peoples names so the message seemed more personal. Once they agreed to a discussion I let my boss take the lead.
So yeah, try to really think about the offers you get.
Look at it from all points of view and ask yourself if it’s profitable for anyone else but the brand.
If you want to have offers pouring your way try adding #ad #spon #collab to your next Instagram posts. That’s how they look for their next ambassador.
Everyone wants to be an ambassador. 
Pseudo Collaborations- Everyone wants to be an Ambassador Being in the blogging business for around 8 years now I came to learn a lot. Let's hear from the old bitter blogger about the difference between being an ambassador and being a customer.
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ofstormythoughts · 4 years
What Happens at the Toy Box Part 1 with @OneCheekyGal
••I wasn't quite sure what to make of my non-grand-opening Grand Opening, but Birdie's had done surprisingly well in the first few months, even considering the challenges that came with 2020. I had sorely lacked in marketing myself but it seemed I had garnered enough local fanfare by word of mouth, I’d even sold out of some of what I had on offer. I felt greedy in my happiness despite all the effort it took to realize this dream that spanned more than my own lifetime. The only way in which I had announced my arrival into the scene was via introduction to the surrounding business owners and shop managers. There was a sole location that had evaded me.  The Toy Box had managed to both pique my interest and stoke a sadness when I tried to stop by. Clearly it was not a store for children as the name would imply by a glance from afar. Thankfully it was in my nature to cast a deeper line into the sea of curiosities. I wondered the story behind its extended closure and during some lulls in my own foot traffic, I was prone to imagining its caretaker had been swept up into a torrid love affair and was sailing around the world with an incomparable lover. The wind held the secrets of The Toy Box at bay, sadly, so I was left to my own musings. It had become a habit to glance across the way before I opened and I held a silent yearning to see the sign switched from “Closed” to whatever elusive welcome alerted the passer by the store was open for business.
This was why when I stepped out to tend the garden and saw the door open that hadn't been since my arrival, excitement quickened my pulse. It was silly, really, but I wouldn't feel my induction into the local scene had been completed until I met this last neighborhood retailer.
My next appointment wasn’t scheduled for an afternoon and I could use a technology break. Setting up the online store was not on my list of favorite things to do. Locking up Birdie's temporarily, I sprung into action, lest I miss my chance and face that closed sign. I nearly skipped across the street before happily crossing the threshold that had been to date a gatekeeper to my curiosity. A bright but genuine smile curved my lips as I approached the petite and pretty girl behind the register, sure to keep a proper distance since I wasn’t wearing a mask.  Maybe it had been my daydreaming of her whereabouts, but on sight of her alone, I found my interest in her story piqued even more than all the wares for sale. I tried to keep my gaze from wandering and my eyes from widening at all the things, some which I wasn’t completely naive to, others that had me clueless about their potential use.••
*The decision to temporarily close my shop so I could take a vacation had given me heaps of anxiety and a weight of worry on my shoulders that felt heavier than the Costco sized bag of cat food I liked to buy for Betty. I had considered hiring someone temporarily while I was away, but the efforts of training them for such a short period of time seemed like more of a hassle than losing the week’s worth of sales. 
What had started out as being closed for a short holiday had unexpectedly turned into something much longer. I had been out of the country enjoying the sand and sun when the travel restrictions and the COVID pandemic had been declared, and upon my return home, a mandatory quarantine had been instituted which meant the shop doors would unfortunately be staying closed.
Fortunately, my online shop was already well established and after an emailed Newsletter to my customer list indicating orders could still be placed during the brick and mortar closure, the lull that my vacation created gradually picked back up. My rainy day savings had helped during the months where in store purchases were entirely obsolete. In my time away and then the subsequent closure, the small cluster of businesses in the area surrounding mine seemed to stay fairly stagnant, with the exception of a new shop that I had completely missed opening, I could only assume it happened while I was away. I hadn't planned to make the time to introduce myself. New businesses tended to avoid mine. God forbid someone admitted to knowing the owner of a sex shop...not that it phased me anyways. The day I had been phased to re-open the shop, I used a wedge of wood to prop the door open to help get rid of the stale air while I dusted for the first few hours. I didn't expect a rush of customers even though I had made a re-opening announcement on the shop’s website with the new hours, and had sent out a discount code to my email list in the hopes of drumming up some more sales and maybe even some foot traffic. It felt good to get back to my old routine of keeping busy and taking pride in what I had built up over the years. It was while I was in the middle of organizing a new countertop display of novelty single condoms that someone walked through the open door. My smile, the one that was reserved just for customers came back to my lips easily, just like old times and as I angled the stand next to the cash register just so, I greeted the lovely looking redhead and tried to guess in my mind what she might be here for...a game I sometimes liked to play with myself just for fun.* Hello, how can I help you today?
•• I was immediately disarmed by the friendly body language of the girl that I was meeting at long last. My eyes betrayed me by stealing glances at the various displays which were successful in drawing the attention of a complete sexual novice, hoping the color of my cheeks was not as evident as the warmth I felt there. I could only imagine that someone with more experience would be quick to spend their savings based on the appealing presentations alone. I felt oddly at ease and out of place all at once, perhaps the impressive and colorful water wall behind the shop’s mistress was at work. I couldn’t help but appreciate that her store had its own water feature befitting its personality just like my own at Birdie’s.••  First, apologies for my barging in without paying mind to whether or not you were actually open. I saw from across the street that you were no longer shuttered and I was too excited for any patience. I’m Raine and I just opened up across the way. •• As I smiled, I caught a glance of a beautiful and fluffy white cat circling her legs, wrapping its tail around her, perhaps to state “She is mine.”•• I have been eagerly awaiting your return, there was a void because you’ve been nowhere to be found. Maybe the universe wanted me to save the best for last.
 *The way the girl looked around with wide eyed curiosity as she approached had me titling my head and feeling momentarily stunted when it came to a guess of what she might possibly wish to purchase. She had the look of uncertainty until she spoke and then surprise took hold of my features before I could school them back into place.* Oh! You don't have to apologize. *As I peered through the window in the direction of where she indicated, I mumbled to myself how I hoped the welcoming committee had been nicer to her than they had been to me before I turned back to her and extended my hand to shake hers out of habit before I could stop myself, I laughed awkwardly and pulled my hand away, remembering to keep my distance.* It's very nice to meet you, Raine. I'm Camille and this here is Betty. *I bent down to pick up my cat and lifted her up into proper view.* Usually she hides away in the back but since today is the first day back after closing, she hasn't left my side. *As Betty nuzzled against me, I smiled for the comfort she brought then sat her back down and made my way around to the other side of the counter.* It's very sweet of you to want to introduce yourself...so did you open pretty recently, then? I was closed briefly for a holiday before the pandemic started and had to stay closed.  
•• Nodding in immediate reaction as not to interrupt Camille before she was done speaking.••
Yes, three months ago, but we must have just missed each other for your sabbatical because I have been here for about five renovating. If you need any help settling back in, I’d be happy to volunteer. I haven’t made too many acquaintances and I am just getting my bearings, really so there are no social distractions to be had.•• I hoped I hadn’t been too forward. I had never much been desperate for human contact, but there was a smidge of isolation seeping in on the year anniversary of losing my Birdie. I tried to concentrate on the sweet of the bittersweet at my opening, but of course had been confronted with pangs of my loss. Daring another peek around, smiling as another blush warmed my cheeks. •• Not that I think you and Betty don’t have it handled. Do you mind if I take a look around? •• I was a mermaid out of water but that didn’t mean my curiosity was not at a healthy level. The range of items in my immediate view offered plenty of options for my perusal without my naivety making me completely foolish in front of my new kitty-corner shop neighbor.••
*I couldn't help the smile that took hold of my lips when Raine offered to help me settle back in...and it clicked in my mind that I should have been the one to make that offer given how long the shop had been opened. I was starting to feel like I didn't deserve her kindness for how oblivious I had been to the renovations across the way. Thankfully her question brought me out of my mind and the pondering of what else I might have missed while my toes and head were in the sand.* Please, take your time and browse as much as you’d like. *Not wanting to make her feel like I was hovering or being one of those nosy shop owners, I moved back around to the other side of the counter to continue with the display I had been working on, speaking loud enough for her to hear without being intrusive.* I don't have much to do in the way of settling back into things, but I’d love to take a look around your place when you're not too busy. *As I waited for Raine to reply, the sound of a vehicle pulling up outside the shop demanded my attention, and an old familiar feeling of what it was like to be busy returned along with a pang of guilt for being away so long. That feeling slowly faded and was quickly replaced with interest as I watched the gentleman exit his truck and begin to walk across the parking lot, headed straight for the shop Raine had pointed out as hers. Turning back to see if she noticed, I called out to warn her.* Hey, um...Raine...I think you might have a customer…
••My reaction of a sigh to the call to duty was uncharacteristic, but spoke to the fact I instinctually would like to get to know Camille and the setting of her shop was too perfect to urge me out of my hermit comfort zone. With the slightest reluctance I turned towards the door. I also knew whoever it was hadn’t made an appointment. While I was still allowing walk-ins, I had to limit the number of people in Birdie’s to three.••
You’re welcome to come across the way with me, if you’d like? I am not done exploring your shop, so either way, I will be back. 
••With a little more quickening in my steps, I exited, hoping Camille might follow. I passed the man as casually as possible, but was greeted with thoughts that made my nose crinkle, as it was plain he was looking at my ass with graphic intentions of what he’d like to do to it. I flushed again, this time in embarrassment and anger, and not at all out of flattery. My eyes pinched closed just before I unlocked my door, the sanctuary and water feature running through the floor calmed my wild emotions and allowed me to form a smile that though unauthentic, would fool the man when he caught sight. He didn’t hesitate to return the smile, though his was dripping with sleaze. “Just back from lunch? Maybe next time I’ll get here earlier so you won’t have to eat alone.” I gagged at the back of my throat and wished to shove politeness aside, but with a little more cleverness than the man deserved.•• Too bad my lunch table is reserved for one and booked months in advance. 
••I focused on the blessed sound of the water while he honed in on my chest with beady eyes, I turned out of view when he pestered me with more intrusive questions. “Boyfriend? Husband?” His pause was not long enough before he added, “Girlfriend? I’m more than willing to share.” I ignored his utterly insulting insinuations, refusing to satisfy any of his base curiosity, instead I fetched a bottle of Camphor essential oil, known to be used by monks to suppress sexual urges, smiling as I took his hand, dotting the top between middle and ring fingers with the oil.•• This is on special today. ••winking, though I felt like I must immediately return home to scrub myself clean for providing him any kind of returns to his advances•• Just for you. 
••I made a show of using my own, house made blend of hand sanitizer as his smile somehow got creepier. It seemed like at least an hour had passed since I left the Toy Box, though I knew for certain it has been a short few minutes. “Oh, I didn’t come here to make a purchase. I’ve been watching you come and go and… decided today was the day I’d let my fiery little redhead crush in on the secret.” My eyes flared wide and the creepy crawlies multiplied from head to toe. Stupefied and appalled, I shook my head vehemently.••  I suggest you leave, go home and clean those binoculars you’ve been using, that way the next time you look you’ll see I’m not interested. 
••”I wasn’t using binoculars --” Pointing out the door, my lips in a set in a stern line, frustrated with myself for entertaining any of this stupidity.•• 
*I nodded at Raine when she excused herself with haste for her customer. I understood completely. New businesses were hard to turn a profit the first handful of years and each sale was important toward ensuring one’s livelihood. Not wanting to encroach on her sale, I took my time gathering my keys to lock the door but before I could, Betty snuck her fluffy white self out, circling my feet and curling her tail around my leg. With a smile, I scooped her into my arms and locked up my own shop, not at all concerned about missing out on a customer. There hadn't been any all day while I had been cleaning anyways.
As I approached Raine’s store front, I could see her speaking with the man then pointing toward the door with a look on her face that was unmistakable. It was an expression I had used more than a few times, I had perfected it, really. Generally it was used on under-agers, and despite my petite size, worked very well. I was no pushover. But this guy was old enough to know better and to know he wasn’t welcomed.* Oh man, Betty. I wonder if our new friend needs some reinforcements. *Squaring my shoulders, I pushed the door open and painted on my brightest smile.* Hey, Raine. *I took my time looking around while holding Betty, her purrs from being in my arms and having her head scratched slowly began to fade with each step I took closer to the man who still couldn’t take the hint.* 
I just adore the water feature you have here, it’s so lovely. *Satisfied with being close enough to my new friend, I picked up a jar on a nearby table, pretending to look at the label as he spoke again. My nose scrunched at his blatant disrespect and I waited to hear how she would handle herself. Betty, ever the excellent judge in character, hissed in warning from my arms, and I caught Raine’s gaze briefly, winking as I quietly let my guard cat jump down from my hold. It seemed she had very quickly taken offence on Raine’s behalf and moved to circle around her legs as she always did with me. From my spot out of the guy’s view, I mouthed at Raine to pick Betty up, if he got any closer, I knew the claws would come out.*
••I knew we’d only just met, but Camille and Betty were both quickly becoming essential to my survival. Their audience reinforced my backbone, especially when I witnessed Betty hissing. Animals were the best judge of character and I caught Camille’s wink and easily read her lips.•• I’m afraid you will have to go now. I have a private consultation. ••I wasn’t prone to lie, but I also wasn’t an idiot. I needed to ensure this man got the message the first time lest he think there was any question in my denial. The encounter was new to me, I hadn’t ever really been in this position, but I was in a new locale and I was certain it wouldn’t be the last time.•• I’m so sorry, Camille, he was just leaving… 
•• “Before I go, can I set up a private… consultation?” My stomach absolutely turned over, most especially for the way he rolled over the words private and consultation.•• Consultations are for customers intending to make a minimum purchase of five hundred dollars. You can call to set it up when you decide you are interested in my inventory. Now please leave.
••I watched as Betty sauntered closer to me, stopping right by my feet. I was flattered by my newfound feline friend’s quick warming up to me. When she nudged my calf with her nose, I dipped down, gingerly picking her up and surprised when I was greeted with a purr of her approval before she turned her head to the man and let loose a low growl. I watched as the sleaze put his hands up in relent and started backing towards the door. “I’ll see you soon, beautiful.” Disgusted, once he left I let out a sigh of exasperation.•• Please tell me they aren’t all like that here? And thank you, complete lifesaver. You too, Betty. 
*As I waited for the jerk to get the hint Raine was trying to send his way, I found myself biting my tongue. She was being too kind, in my opinion. And if this guy was in my shop acting like this, I wouldn’t hesitate to tell him off and kick him out. Then again, I could recall when my shop was new, years ago and I had to have a few similar experiences in order to find my grit. Raine would find hers, too, I was certain of it. 
Setting the jar I had picked up back down, I slowly made my way closer to Raine, just in case dickwad decided to do something dickwad-ish. Fortunately, Betty had done exactly what I had hoped, and helped reinforce Raine’s request that he leave. As he moved past me on his way to the door, I smirked when he made eye contact, which probably wasn’t the greatest idea as we were left with his promise to return. 
Ew. Gross. 
I really hoped not. Moving toward the door, I smiled over my shoulder at Raine as I twisted the deadbolt...just in case and watched as he climbed into an older truck and slowly left the parking lot. I’d make sure to keep an eye out for him over the next week or so. Something about him felt...off.
Raine’s voice brought me back from my thoughts and I laughed lightly at her question, giving a small shake of my head.* Not all of them. Usually I get the creeps at my store given what I sell... and even then, it’s not very often. *Moving closer to Raine, I reached out to scratch behind Betty’s ears* A casual mention of knowing how to use a whip is enough to get them to leave pretty quick. Want me to show you how in case he returns? *My offer was mostly a joke...mostly.*  
••I laughed at the offer while simultaneously blushing. I liked Camille, a lot, but to say I wasn’t intimidated by all her wares would be complete fabrication. Still, my world was fairly lonely and my desire to branch out and make friends well outweighed any embarrassment over my naivety. For truth, Camille was the first person I’d felt comfortable with and conversation was coming too easy. It had always been Birdie and me and I’d never had true friends, only passing acquaintances. I couldn’t live a cloistered life anymore, and though it made me nervous to open up, I had already made the first steps with Camille, I could only hope she wasn’t just being polite.••  Do you offer beginner courses or something that comes before beginner? 
••Laughing again, I sat Betty down on the counter top and turned to reach for a bottle of a special elixir that I didn’t typically share with someone I’d just met, it was more reserved for requests of a special nature. I couldn’t help but recall that I’d blushed, too, when Birdie had first brought up the idea of concocting this particular blend of extracts, mostly for the reason behind it.  She had gently encouraged me, in a way only she could get away with, to come out of the nunnery and embrace my sexuality. She’d imparted her blunt wisdom, insisting I didn’t need a partner to learn what I liked myself. I probably didn’t quite crack the mold of my prudishness in a way she had hoped I would, but I dared to believe that my entry into a sex shop and making an acquaintance of its proprietor would have both made her laugh and proud. 
I snapped out of my happy reverie back to the present before turning to face Camille with the bottle in hand.•• Since you so kindly served as my protector and have additionally offered me whip training, perhaps you will indulge me in sharing something of mine with you?
Pre-beginner course? Hmm. Let me think...maybe a paddle or a soft flogger to start with before we get you yielding a whip then. *My laughter joined hers and it left me feeling good despite the lingering creepiness that she wasn’t afraid or too intimidated to joke around with me. Sure I had a handful of friends, but it had been a long while since I could claim anyone as a close friend or a best friend for that matter. And after the encounter with the disgusting guy, I felt a bond of sorts with her, and had already decided she was someone I wanted to be around. Her humour, while it skirted the edges of an obvious innocence gave me the impression she already appreciated my brand of unapologetic crass. It wouldn’t take long before I would help break her free of that shell, and I was confident it would be without much effort, too. 
When she put Betty down on the counter, I reached out to run my hand over her arching back, scratching through her white fur all the way down along her tail, letting it twist around my fingers the way I always did as I watched Raine grab a small bottle. My head tilted in curiosity at what the contents might be. A smile grew easily at her offer and I nodded without hesitation, not caring in the least what it was.* 
You know you don’t have to pay me back for doing what any friend would do. That guy was gross on so many levels! *laughing with a shudder, I shook my head continuing on so she didn’t  think I was being rude.*  But that doesn’t mean I’m going to say no. What is it? 
••Laughing openly at the softened suggestions, I continued to be at ease in Camille’s company. It had been too long since I’d laughed in such an organic way, the feeling rising with a genuine rush. Even if I had no use for anything at all in her shop, I was interested in what more I could discover from her expertise. Though I was verging on a comfort level that had me wanting to leave the mask down, I pulled it up out of respect for her and in order to share a more intimate distance. Leaning across the counter, circling my fingers around her wrists and turning her palms upward, I smiled behind the silk of my mask.••  This is called… Awakening. Think of it as a bridge from my world to yours. ••My brow lifted to communicate the intrigue I hoped was translating. I twisted the top of the bottle off, the scent of lavender and ylang ylang blooming in the air.  Retrieving a dropper from my sanitized tray and filling it with the oil. I dabbed each of Camille’s wrists and then circled my thumbs over each drop, gently massaging it into her skin before another application to my own fingers. Leaning slightly closer, I brought my fingertips up and behind her ears to dab just behind them before the last application to either of her temples. There were other pressure points for full effect but asking even her permission to do that would not be appropriate and would involve removing clothing.••
The effect will be subtle but this blend should allow you to clear out stale energies while refreshing you and opening you up to new and arousing potential. ••I could feel my cheeks warm again as I struggled to find the words to basically say what it was without blurting that it was basically like opening up a dam for energy that could block a libido. I wasn’t being presumptuous about her circumstance, my intention was to have fun.••  It will leave you attracting complimentary energies to your own. ••Betty meowed and butted her head against Camille’s arm, drawing another laugh.•• Looks as though Betty approves, unless I am reading her wrong. ••Lowers my voice though we are alone in the store.•• You can use it in other erogenous zones… the dimples on your back, the sternum, the inner part of your knee… 
*I found myself slightly surprised when Raine pulled her mask back on and leaned closer. Seemed I was getting an up close and personal demonstration of whatever this “Awakening” stuff was. My grin grew as she spoke and began to massage the small drops of oil into my skin. It smelled lovely and light, which was nice. 
As soon as she moved her hands to my ears I couldn’t help the soft laugh which was immediately followed up with an apology and explanation of being ticklish there. My laugher was short lived however because the gentle circling of her fingers at my temples earned her a sigh for how nice it felt. I was so focused on the beginning of what felt like a slight warming tingle on my skin that I nearly missed when she explained what the oil was meant to do. 
Now. I wasn’t normally someone who lived any kind of holistic lifestyle but damn if Raine didn’t have me rethinking that with the way she spoke and the way the oil felt as she applied it to my skin. I wanted it to do exactly what she said it would. I needed a complete and thorough cleansing of all stale energies. The whole world needed it really, but I didn’t think she had that many bottles of her oil.* 
Complementary energies? Hmm. 
*I was considering just how that could ever be possible given the whole social distance pandemic thing, but Raine’s laughter at Betty’s usual demand for affections drew me from my thoughts and I laughed with her as I gave my cat a scratch beneath her chin and returned my full attention back to Raine. Her lowered voice despite the fact that we were the only people in her shop had it dawning on me. Suddenly the warm tingling sensations on my skin and her mention of erogenous zones had me laughing. Loudly.* 
Oh, Raine. You are quite the surprise. I just clued into what you’re trying to say this stuff is. *laughing some more and giving my head a shake, I lift my wrist to my nose to give the oil a proper smell.* You just put arousal oil on me. How forward for you. *winking with a teasing grin so she knows I’m not bothered at all, I point at the bottle* I hope it works with the whole complementary energies. And if not, I do enjoy the way it feels. 
••I beam for the compliment of being a surprise, while I twist the dropper into the bottle, sliding it Camille's way•• I insist you indulge in the rest of the bottle. Maybe not all at once. ••laughs again, finding the atmosphere having lightened considerably from just earlier.•• 
Dare I suggest you try it somewhere I didn't? ••bats my lashes in acknowledgement of my less than innocent rhetorical•• 
If you're open to it, I think you may find it delivers on its promise with time and in its own way. Match.com it is not. ••a laugh bubbles up for how silly I feel talking this way and about things I've never conversed about.••
I only ask your honest feedback. ••biting my lip behind my mask before I pull it back down for a reprieve•• And maybe we could get together socially some time? I would be grateful for your company in the expanse of my wide open calendar. 
*Giving Raine a bright smile, I take the bottle and laugh with an understanding nod.* I promise not to dump the whole thing on my nipples in one go. *My snort is loud as I laugh again, entirely unable to keep a straight face at the idea.* 
I also promise to give you any and all honest feedback and I would be happy to be your guinea pig for anything else in the future. Unless it’s meant to dry me up like a prune in which case, no thank you! *While still holding the bottle in one hand, I reach for Betty, holding her in my arms as I consider Raine’s question to hang out.* I can do you one better than just getting together some time. Which, let's be honest here...people only say that to be polite and never actually plan to follow through. So, there’s a food truck that usually parks about a half block away, it’s amazing! Let me buy you lunch for this? 
*Giving the bottle a little wiggle, I let Betty down next to my feet and nodded firmly, not leaving her an opportunity to decline.* There are even a few scattered tables we can eat at. I will just take Betty back to my shop, lock up, and meet you out in the parking lot in a few. And then you can tell me all about the other kinds of concoctions you have made.
*Moving to the door, I twisted open the deadbolt I had locked earlier and opened it for Betty to walk through first.* See you in a few! *Giving a quick wave as I let the door close behind me, I grinned when I saw Raine nodding back at me, not that I had given her any choice to object.* Look at us making a new friend, Betty. And on the first day back at the shop.
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wantyellow548 · 3 years
How Much Does It Cost To Download Songs On Spotify
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How Much Does It Cost To Download Songs On Spotify Playlist
How Much Does It Cost To Put Music On Spotify
How much money do musicians make on Spotify? There is no fixed rate on how much an artist is paid per stream - Spotify calculate royalty payments based on a number of factors, including territory and market share (the more popular your music, the more you'll get paid). Remember, when you distribute your music through Ditto, you will keep 100%. Last fm spotify scrobbling. I went through the whole list and did some research. Most of them charged around $10 per song you wanted to get up there, but the last one on the list, RouteNote could do everything for free, leaving you 85% of the profits (after Spotify takes a cut) and giving you the option to at any time upgrade a song to 100% profit for around $10.
Is Spotify free?
Spotify is sort of free. It is what is commonly referred to as a “freemium” service. This means that you don’t have to pay any money to sign up for the service or use it. However, the service has several features that are locked unless you purchase and maintain a paid subscription, known as Spotify Premium.
For instance, if you only have the free version of Spotify:
You will see advertisements in the Spotify application, and hear them between songs.
You can only skip songs a certain number of times over a certain length of time.
You cannot download songs to be able to listen to them when not connected to the Internet.
You will not be able to customize the order in which certain songs play (on a mobile device).
Your audio quality will be somewhat limited.
How much does Spotify Premium cost?
Spotify Premium costs $9.99 per month (plus tax) in both the United States and Canada, charged at the beginning of each month. If you cancel your subscription in the middle of the month, you will not get a refund for your fee for that month, but you will avoid paying more fees until you renew your subscription.
Are there ways to get discounts for Spotify?
Absolutely! Though Spotify no longer offers 30-day (or 60-day) free trials, it does offer users a 3-month trial of Spotify Premium for a 99₵ flat fee. It only works if you’ve never used Spotify Premium before, though, either through a free trial or some other promotion. We’ll show you how to get it at the end of this tutorial.
You can enjoy unlimited free music online but on the premium version, you can skip the music unlimited time and can also save music offline.Spotify app is not available worldwide. If you are leaving in one of those countries. Currently, you are in the right place we will show you how to take benefits of the Spotify app and also to download and install it successfully in your android device,You can enjoy the premium features of the Spotify in restricted countries, by just downloading the tutuapp Spotify apk on your android device for free. Get spotify premium free android root. Free Spotify premium is a restricted app in many countries to download. Spotify 2020 app comes in two versions regular version and premium version.
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(NOTE: after the time period for this trial has expired, if you haven’t cancelled your subscription, you will continue at the usual monthly rate of $9.99 plus tax.)
There are also other discounts that you can get. For instance, with the Spotify Family promotion, you can have up to 5 family members (yourself plus four others) use the same paid subscription. Instructions for how to set it up can be found at this link.
How Much Does It Cost To Download Songs On Spotify Playlist
You can also get 50% off your subscription if you are a student at an American college. We’ll tell you more in our Spotify Student Discount article.
How to get a Spotify (almost) free trial
How Much Does It Cost To Put Music On Spotify
Go to www.spotify.com in your web browser. In the top-right corner, click Upgrade.
On the next screen, click Get 3 Months for 99₵.
You’ll be prompted to log into Spotify. If you don’t have an account yet, visit our How to Sign Up for Spotify tutorial to learn how to make one. Otherwise, just enter your user name and password for Spotify, and click Log In.
On the next screen, click in the highlighted boxes and type in or select your credit card number, the month and year that your credit card expires, your credit card’s security code (move your mouse cursor over the “?” to learn where to find this number), and your mailing code. Then click the box labelled “I’m Not a Robot” and complete the activity that appears.
You can also click PayPal to pay for your subscription with a PayPal account, if you have one.
When you’ve filled in all of your information, scroll down and click Start Premium.
You will receive a confirmation email of your order. Enjoy Spotify Premium! Also, if you ever want to cancel your subscription to Spotify Premium, our How to Delete Your Spotify Account tutorial will show you how to do so.
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atakportal · 6 years
Starve Mode - Reversing Metabolic Adaptation
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Starve Mode - Reversing Metabolic Adaptation
Product Name: Starve Mode – Reversing Metabolic Adaptation
Click here to get Starve Mode – Reversing Metabolic Adaptation at discounted price while it’s still available…
All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Starve Mode – Reversing Metabolic Adaptation is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
*Avaliable in PDF & Audiobook.
This book isn’t just anecdote and sketchy “bro-science” (though a little never hurts). This book is filled with science-backed research, latest stats, and non-cherry picked research.
Combining the latest nutritional research and real-time monitors so you’ll have hard data to apply to your situation.
You can access this media on your phone or tablet on Android or iPhone. Access is also instant.
This book flows through seventeen chapters that cover how the metabolism works, refeeds, cycles, hormones, aging & dieting related effects on metabolism, disordered eating research, and more.
This book provides two different refeed strategies (if you need) and multiple tips on how to increase your metabolic rate and how that even works in the first place.
No one hates poor customer service more than me. Since 2006, I’ve been part of online business. I have no hesitation in saying I have one of the best customer service records that exist. If you’re not happy, you get a refund, period.
“Starve Mode is free of agenda, dogma or zealotry. Do you want the truth about hormones? This is your science-based hormone bible. Want to make sense out of nutrition and fitness research? You’ll get step-by-step coaching on how to find it, read it, make sense of it and become your own expert in the process.”
Author, Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle
For the first time in years, I feel sure of where I’m going. I’ve lost over 10 lbs so far and I’ve got about 15 more to go. It’s far from over, but at least now I see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Leigh has helped me put together a plan to restore my metabolic rate to an optimal level so that I can achieve the level of leanness I desire. Had I discovered her blog and site when I started my transformation over 3.5 years ago, I probably wouldn’t have drove myself into the ground for as long as I did and wasted a lot of time, effort, and energy.
I’m now at the point where I sporadically count calories to keep myself in check, I don’t feel like a slave to a food scale, and now that I’m back to lifting I’m getting even closer to my personal goal.
Leigh, I can’t thank you enough! I now have an actual butt!!
This helped me regain my confidence and trust in myself and gave me an enormous amount of freedom.I am still ambitious and want to lose the last bit of fat, but I have sworn to myself I will not wreck myself again.
This brought me back my life.
I simply cannot offer enough praise for Starve Mode and it’s author Leigh Peele.
Starve Mode is the best nutrition resource I’ve read in years! It’s far from a diet book. It’s an education in how to achieve the healthy metabolism you are meant to have.>
For a limited time, you can grab the ultimate fat loss package so you’re assured not to miss any angles or make any mistakes.
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My name is Leigh Peele. I am a trainer, author, and layman researcher. My work can be found in Women’s Health, The Guardian, and Livestrong, to name a few notable resources. I truly believe one of my purposes in life, narcissistic or not, is to help people help themselves.
Writing Starve Mode was one of my greatest accomplishments. I wrote this book because it needed to be written. There is a sea of confusion clogging the minds and hearts of people in regards to metabolic behavior, weight loss, and “starvation.” A confusion that is so aggressive, it can lead to disorders and severe physical and psychological distress. I want to be apart of stopping that confusion.
Because of all that, I wrote this book. I hope you enjoy it and it brings you the education you deserved all along.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact my support at one of the many options below.
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All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Starve Mode – Reversing Metabolic Adaptation is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
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your-dietician · 3 years
World's Fastest Property Price Surge Since Financial Crisis Sparks Bidding Wars
New Post has been published on https://depression-md.com/worlds-fastest-property-price-surge-since-financial-crisis-sparks-bidding-wars/
World's Fastest Property Price Surge Since Financial Crisis Sparks Bidding Wars
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Around the world, property markets are going bananas. 
From the U.S. to the U.K. to China, housing is riding an extended boom. Global valuations are soaring at the fastest pace since 2006, according to Knight Frank, with annual price increases in double digits. Frothy markets are flashing the kind of bubble warnings that haven’t been seen since the run up to the financial crisis, a Bloomberg Economics analysis shows.
On the ground, outrageous stories are rife, with desperate buyers promising to name their first-born after sellers and derelict buildings selling for mansion prices.
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This property in Sydney’s Kensington suburb sold for A$4.7 million after a bidding war.
Source: NG Farah
The drivers for the frenzy are remarkably consistent: cheap mortgages, a post-pandemic desire for more space, newly remote workers taking city cash to regional locations — and, crucially, a pervasive fear that if you don’t buy now you may never be able to.
As prices mount, so do the risks for both individuals and society. Even without an outright crash, big mortgages mean borrowers are vulnerable if interest rates rise, have less disposable income to spend in the wider economy and are more likely to retire in debt. For younger people, buying property becomes increasingly difficult, further widening intergenerational inequality.
While regulators are starting to get nervous, there are few signs of meaningful action in most countries. They expect the market will start to cool on its own, arguing that a decade-long focus on higher lending standards combined with the prospect of low interest rates for an extended period means there is no obvious trigger for a crash. Much of the activity is also being driven by owner-occupiers rather than investors, who typically don’t all head for the door at once if prices start to drop.
So for now, expect the wild stories to keep coming. Here are a few of the most startling ones we’ve come across. 
As a real estate agent, Kristin Cripps knew the market was hot in Barrie. Prices in the fast-growing city about an hour and a half’s drive north of Toronto have been pushed skyward as buyers hunt for larger homes or vacation properties on scenic Lake Simcoe.
Yet nothing prepared her for selling her one-bedroom vacation home. It’s not a remarkable property—Cripps says it looks like “a small box” from the outside—but within 24 hours of listing, 192 showings had been booked. And that was only the start.
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Homes for sale in Barrie, where prices have been pushed skyward.
Photographer: Galit Rodan/Bloomberg
Throughout the following three days, bidders and agents kept showing up without an appointment, tramping through the snow to bang on the door while Cripps conducted virtual viewings inside.
The property’s narrow driveway became so congested, no fewer than six cars ended up in a ditch and needed to be towed out. At the height of the bidding war, Cripps estimates she was getting about 75 emails every 20 minutes, and didn’t sleep more than two or three hours a night as she tried to keep up with all the inquiries. In the end she received 71 offers. The property, listed for C$399,000 ($328,665), sold for almost twice that sum — C$777,777.
“You know when you see videos of Black Friday and everyone rushes in and they’re grabbing stuff and they’re having fights in the store and pulling people’s hair and there’s security and they’re grabbing people? That’s what it felt like,” Cripps said.
“Everyone was just so hot and bothered to get a property.”
It didn’t have a kitchen or a toilet or power, let alone flooring or paint. Yet the semi-derelict home about seven kilometers (4.4 miles) south of Sydney’s city center sold anyway—for A$4.7 million ($3.5 million), after a heated bidding war. 
It’s just one more jaw-dropping sale in the harborside city, where more than half the houses sold this year fetched at least A$1 million and quarterly gains to May were the highest in more than 30 years. House prices rose by A$1,263 a day in May.
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Prospective buyers place bids during the auction of a house in Sydney’s Paddington area in February. 
Photographer: Brent Lewin/Bloomberg
“I’ve been involved in this industry 25 years and seen nothing like it,” selling agent Joe Recep of NG Farah Real Estate said. “We had 30,000 enquiries on the property in four weeks—from UAE [United Arab Emirates], Dubai, America, New Zealand and all the Asian countries.”
It’s the top end of the market that’s really motoring. Cashed-up buyers returning from overseas and wealthy locals kept in the country by Australia’s closed borders are prepared to pay eye-watering amounts for a desirable lifestyle.
Sydney’s Top-Tier Home Prices Soar
Values rise fastest for the most expensive properties
Sources: Corelogic Inc., Bloomberg
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D’Leanne Lewis, a principal at real estate agency Laing+Simmons in the tony eastern suburb of Double Bay, sold homes worth a record A$60 million in a single day in May—more than she had ever previously sold in a month.
Among the five houses Lewis sold on her banner day was an eight-bedroom, nine-bathroom property in Bellevue Hill, an expensive area in the city’s east. It was snapped up pre-auction for $25 million—almost 40% above its advertised price—and more than triple the $7 million it sold for just five years ago. While palatial, it doesn’t have the waterfront views or access you’d normally expect in Sydney at that price. 
“It’s crazy but does make sense when you think about it,” says Lewis. “Being locked down in a place like Sydney does not feel so dismal when you compare it to the rest of the world. People are looking for a safe haven.”
In the wealthy enclave of Greenwich, Connecticut, you can’t even bank on being able to see a property before you put in an offer. 
Shut out of appointments to view a just-listed $1.55 million house, one set of homebuyers decided to make a cash offer above asking price anyway. Their only condition was to be allowed into the house once before signing the contract. 
“It was accepted as the highest and best bid, and they’d never been in the house,” said Mark Pruner, a broker with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices in Greenwich. “There were all these other people lined up for appointments in 15-minute intervals for two days.”
New York’s Divided Property Market
Prices in Manhattan keep falling as bidding wars erupt in the outer boroughs.
Source: StreetEasy, Bloomberg, Q1 2021 data, YOY % change
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U.S. home prices jumped the most in 30 years in April, with even more dramatic increases in many suburban and rural areas. At the peak of the pandemic, Greenwich attracted exiles from New York City — and they’ve kept coming ever since. Signed contracts for single-family homes more than tripled in May from a year earlier to 165, according to appraiser Miller Samuel Inc. and brokerage Douglas Elliman Real Estate. And that’s after a first quarter when the median price of home sales surged 31% to $2.24 million. 
In Manhattan, sales have picked up in recent months too, but that’s largely thanks to the prospect of discounted prices. By contrast, buyers pushing deep into the outer boroughs in search of more spacious homes are facing bidding wars.
Things are even hotter in more remote areas of the U.S. Take Boise, Idaho, a picturesque city of roughly 225,000 set against the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. An influx of buyers from California and other more expensive states has sent the market wild: Prices at the start of June were up 42% from a year earlier, according to brokerage Redfin. In April, eight in 10 offers made by its customers faced bidding wars.
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An influx of buyers has sent the Boise market wild.
Photographer: Jeremy Erickson/Bloomberg
Desperate buyers are doing whatever they can to secure a deal — including promising not to actually move in. Shauna Pendleton, a local Redfin broker, said one vendor negotiated the right to stay in the property for five months on a peppercorn rent until their new home was built. 
“Sellers know they’ve got power in this market, they know they hold the cards and that they pretty much make the rules,” Pendleton said. 
Buying a U.K. property right now is nerve-jangling. Almost a quarter of homes sell within a week, according to estate agents Hamptons International, many before they even hit the property portals.
The intense competition is leaving would-be-buyers like Alyson Nash, 63, and her husband out in the cold. They sold their family farmhouse last year and moved into rented accommodation so they could hunt commitment-free for a property near Guildford, a commuter hub in England’s southeast.
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Property listings in Guildford, U.K. Almost a quarter of homes sell within a week, according to estate agents.
Photographer: Luke MacGregor/Bloomberg
Eight months later, after making offers for three homes at their asking prices of at least 2.5 million pounds ($3.5 million), they’re no closer.
“I had never in my life anticipated it being this difficult,” Nash said. “There’s very little on the market and what there is, is being chased down by too many people.”
U.K. House Prices Are Rising Faster Outside London
The capital city isn’t attracting buyers the way it once did
Source: Acadata
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The booming market has led to the resurgence of a practice known as gazumping. Property deals in the U.K. aren’t legally binding until contracts are formally exchanged, which can take months after an offer has been accepted—particularly when mortgage lenders and lawyers are struggling with high volumes.
At any point in this period sellers can accept a different offer. That’s what happened to Charlotte Howard, 46, in February. Four months later, as glacial proceedings on another property left her terrified of being gazumped again, she found herself contacting the seller on Facebook to reassure them of her interest.
“I’m feeling just a bit broken and a bit bruised,” Howard said. “Things can go wrong still.”
Fortunately for Howard, she and the seller exchanged on June 11th. 
Reining in property speculation is a key objective of the Chinese government. But even they are struggling. While in much of the world the pandemic spurred a dash to the suburbs and beyond, buyers in China piled into top-tier cities where the best jobs and schools can still be found. 
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New apartments under construction in Shenzhen, where prices are rising faster than anywhere else in China.
Photographer: Yan Cong/Bloomberg
Existing home prices in those cities rose 10.8% in the year to May, despite crackdowns on loopholes such as fake divorces, designed to bypass rules on how many properties a family can own.
In the tech hub of Shenzhen, an apartment costs 43.5 times a resident’s average salary, according to the research institute of real estate firm E-House (China) Enterprise Holdings Ltd. That’s not far behind Hong Kong, the world’s least affordable city. With Shenzhen prices rising faster than anywhere else in China, the list of obstacles facing would-be buyers just keeps getting longer—and more arbitrary. 
China’s Home Price Gains Slow, But Don’t Stop
Increases continue despite tough cooling measures
Source: China’s National Bureau of Statistics
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At one new development in the city’s west, interested parties had to temporarily transfer 1 million yuan ($157,000) and upload personal credit reports before they could even make a bid.
Many of those who managed to do so—not easy, with queues of bidders snaking around the block at bank closing time—still didn’t even get their offers considered.
Under pressure from the local housing regulator to prioritize residents, local developer Coaster Group decided to vet applicants on how long they’d paid taxes in the city. The 2,114 successful applications all had more than 23 years of tax records.
That meant renewed disappointment for many, including Jerry Huang, 29,  who has 14 years of Shenzhen tax history. It’s the third time that non-monetary requirements have prevented him from even making a bid. 
“It looks like I have to shelve the purchase plan for a long time,” Huang said. “There are so many people competing I’m not sure I have a winning chance.” 
  — With assistance by Emily Cadman, Ari Altstedter, Olivia Konotey-Ahulu, Charlie Wells, Emma Dong, Nabila Ahmed, Prashant Gopal, and Oshrat Carmiel
(Updates Sydney house price chart to include June data.)
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ali-ab-volgopoint · 3 years
This Article On Online Shopping Has All You Need To Know
Do you have kids with a wish list a mile long? Maybe its a husband that has some hobbies that can get costly. No matter what you are shopping for, it can likely be found online. Before you begin looking, take a few moments to learn a few tips that are sure to help, Volgo Point is best online jewelry shops, most people think that if you have seen one, you've seen them all.
Install a good antivirus program before you shop. Unfortunately, online shopping is ripe for fraudulent activity. Some people create online shopping sites to give your computer malware. It's best that you take precautions prior to visiting any stores, no matter how reputable you feel they are.
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Before buying from a new online retailer, do some research on them. Check online reviews from other customers to see how it handles items like customer service, shipping, and its overall buying experience. You can also check the BBB to see if it has any disputes and whether those disputes were resolved professionally. Try contacting the company via email and phone number, if it's posted to ask questions about its business before you buy anything.
Always save copies of your orders and receipts from online purchases. Many stores will redirect you to a page after you've submitted an order detailing everything that was bought, customer information, the prices, etc. You should either print a copy of this or save a copy to your computer in case any issues arise before the end of the return period. Make sure to save any emails about your items' status or correspondence with the company regarding your orders, too.
Online shopping is a great way to save money since you can shop around so easily. If you're looking to save as much money as possible, remember to check out any deals that the online store may offer. Most stores offer some from of sale or deal frequently, so you should be able to find a great deal that will help you save even more money.
When shopping online, be sure the site you are on begins with "https". The "S" means that the site is secure, which entails that you can safely enter your personal information without having to worry about identity theft. If a site does not have the "S" in it, you may want to avoid using it.
Although buying clothes online can be very convenient and a great way to save time, make sure that any clothes you purchase can be returned if they don't fit or aren't what you wanted. A big drawback of buying clothes online is that you can't actually see them before purchasing them!
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Look at sizing charts when shopping for clothes. Learn your measurements since you will not actually be able to try on the clothes before you buy. Online stores will generally have sizing charts that can be used to determine your correct size. Also, it is not uncommon for online stores to offer free returns for undamaged items that do not fit properly, so don't let fitting fears deter you. It is an invaluable tool.
If you make a purchase and you are directed to a confirmation page that fails to load, never hit the button that refreshes the page. if you do this, you run this risk of being billed multiple times. If you must confirm your purchase, contact the company or check your credit card statement.
If you are purchasing a common item, search between several websites to find the best price. This is much easier than price shopping at physical stores, since the information is only a click away. After doing this several times, you should start to notice trends in which wites offer the best deals..
Look for coupon codes when you have to buy something online. A lot of the time when you're checking out you will see a box that says something about entering a code. As soon as you see that box search online for the site's name plus coupon codes. It's a good idea because you'll be able to get a better price on your order usually.
Shop with a friend to save money. Many times an online store will offer free shipping or another discount if you spend a certain amount of money. If you find that you will not be spending the amount needed, ask a friend if they need anything from the store so you can both save money.
If you want retailers to send you emails about discounts and sales, but do not want your email to be cluttered with junk mail, create an email account just for receiving sales promotions from merchants. This will keep your regular email free of promo clutter, and you will have all of your sales announcements in one place.
Apply the tips from above to your next online shopping experience and you will find that shopping online is easy. Keep these tips by your computer so that if you have any questions about the online buying process, you will have the answers at hand. Have fun while exploring the virtual shopping world.
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What is digital marketing? || LN-TECHINFO
What is Digital Marketing?
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Digital marketing is the response to marketing your goods and services through digital means. Digital marketing is done through the Internet. We can connect to it through internet, computer, mobile phone, laptop, website advertisements or any other applications.
The first few attempts were made in the 1980s to establish a digital market but this was not possible. Its name and usage started in the late 1990s.
Digital marketing is a simple way to reach new customers. It carries out marketing activities. It can also be called online marketing. Digital marketing is marketing to reach more people in less time. It is a technological developing area.
Digital marketing allows the producer to reach his customer as well as keep an eye on their activities, their needs. What is the trend of customers, what is the customer looking for, all these can be discussed through digital marketing. Simply put, digital marketing is a means of reaching customers through digital technology.
Why Digital Marketing Is important?
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This is the era of modernity and in this modern time everything has been modernized. In this sequence, the Internet is also a part of this modernity, which is spread everywhere like wildfire. Digital marketing is capable of functioning through the Internet.
Today's society is struggling with scarcity, so digital marketing has become necessary. Every person is connected to the internet, they can use it easily everywhere. If you ask to meet someone, they will say I do not have time, but on the social site, they will have no problem talking to you. Given all these things, digital marketing is making its way in this era.
The public can easily get their favorite and necessary goods through the internet as per their convenience. Now people avoid going to the market, in such a situation, digital marketing helps the business to reach its products and services logo. Digital marketing can show different types of the same item in a short period of time, and consumers can quickly consume what they like. Through this, the consumer goes to the market to enjoy the goods, the time it takes to come and go.
It has become necessary in the present tense. The trader is also getting help in business. He can also connect with more people in a short time and can convey the characteristics of his product to the consumer.
Demand for digital marketing in present times
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Change is the law of life, you all know this. How much has changed in the first time and in today's life and today is the age of the Internet. People of all varnas are connected to the Internet today, due to all these it is easy to collect all the people in one place, which was not possible in the first time. Through internet, we can also establish the connection of all businessmen and customers.
The demand of digital marketing is being seen very strongly in the present time. The businessman who is making his goods is easily reaching the customer. This is giving a boost to digital business.
Earlier, had to resort to advertisements. The customer looked at him, then liked, then he would buy it. But now goods can be sent directly to the consumer. Everyone is using Google, Facebook, YouTube, etc., through which the trader shows his product to the customer. This trade is within the reach of all - traders and consumers as well.
Every person gets everything for every use without any hard work. The businessman does not even have to think of resorting to newspapers, posters, or advertisements. In view of the convenience of all, there is demand for it. People's trust is also moving towards the digital market. This is a matter of joy for a businessman. The saying goes, "What you see is what sells" - the digital market is a good example of this.
Types of Digital Marketing
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First of all, let us tell you that 'Internet' is the only means for doing digital marketing. On the Internet itself, we can do digital marketing through different websites. We are going to tell you about some of its types - (i) Search engine optimization or SEO
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It is a technical medium that places your website at the top of the search engine results which increases the number of visitors. For this, we have to make our website according to keyword and SEO guidelines. (ii) Social Media
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Social media is made up of many websites - such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. Through social media a person can express his views in front of thousands of people. You are well aware of social media. When we see this site, we see advertisements on it at certain intervals, it is effective and effective means for advertising. (iii) Email Marketing
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E-mail marketing is the delivery of your products via email to any company. Email marketing is necessary for every company in every way, because any company gives new offers and discounts to customers on time, for which email marketing is an easy way. (iv) YouTube Channel
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Social media is a medium in which producers have to communicate their products directly to the people. People can also express their reaction to this. This is the medium where there is a crowd of many people or just say that a large number of users / viewers live on YouTube. It is an easy and popular way to make your product visible to the public by making videos. (v) Affiliate Marketing
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The remuneration that is earned by advertising products through websites, blogs or links is called Affiliate Marketing. Under this, you create your link and put your product on that link. When the customer buys your product by pressing that link, you get hard on it. (vi) Pay per click advertising or PPM marketing
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The advertisement which you have to pay to see is called pay click advertising. As it is being known by its name that money is deducted by clicking on it. This is for every type of advertisement. These advertisements keep coming in between. If someone sees these advertisements, then money is deducted. It is also a type of digital marketing. (vii) Apps Marketing
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Making different apps on the Internet to reach people and promote their product on it is called apps marketing. This is the best way of digital marketing. Nowadays a large number of people are using smart phones. Big companies make their apps and make the apps available to the people. Digital Marketing Utilities
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We are telling you about the utility of digital marketing - (i) You can create a brochure on your website and advertise your product on it to the people's letter-box. How many people are watching you can also be detected. (ii) Website Traffic - Which website has the largest audience crowd - first you know it, then put your ad on that website so that more people can see you. (iii) Attribution Modeling - Through this, we can find out which products people are interested in or are seeing the advertisements. For this, special tools have to be used which can be done by a special technique and we can monitor the activities of our consumers i.e. their interest. How you are making contact with your consumer is an important topic. You should also keep an eye on the choice with their needs, this can increase business. Their trust in you is also very important, that after seeing that advertisement, do not hesitate to buy your product and take it immediately. You have to give faith to their trust. It is your responsibility to assure the customer. If someone does not like the stuff, e-book can help you to change it so that he can convey his message to you. Conclusion
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