#they do WORSE than just fighting they LITERALLY KILL EACHOTHER
triglycercule · 7 days
god i wish it wasn't only killer that could come back from the dead so that both horror and dust could die and it would be fine(ish) so they can all just kill eachother over and over. a little peek into my dark twisted mind ahh post but i seriously wish,,,,, time to make killer!versions of them so they'll both have human souls and then be able to respawn and then this idea will be real!
#they do WORSE than just fighting they LITERALLY KILL EACHOTHER#horror and dust can kill killer as much as they want!!!! but he cant kill them back??????#its okay killer can just sadistically torture them until he thinks theyve had enough in exchange#i want them all to die at eachothers hands but for it to have no consequence#if horrordust kill killer and it seriously pisses him off he waits for a few days/weeks/MAYBE EVEN A MONTH in the save screen#that way horrordust have time to think about what they did and itll make them miss him and then theyll see how much it bothered him#and only then will he choose to come back. would killer ever be that mean and petty#maybe not...... or maybe i just cant think of something that's bad enough that horrordust would have to do to get killer to do this#i can see him doing it though and thats the funny part. wdym thats manipulation NO ITS NOT!!!!#theyre so terrible for eachother UGH i LOVE IT!!!! eats the toxic relationship#its more than just a toxic dynamic atp its PHYSICALLY ABUSIVE#tricule rant#OMG killer and paranoia..... bc bc bc paranoia has alizas soul#so he can also save and reload. he cant reset tho i made that up i think#stage 3 killer and fight response paranoia in a constant loop of death and rebirth#until one of them moves on from that stage. idk how long fight response could last for paranoia i should decide#anyways killer!dust when. i need to make dust absorb a soul too so he can join killer and paranoia!#stop thinking about it youre gonna actually make ot happen triglycercule.......
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z0-ne · 1 year
How would the Zoldyck family feel about seeing Future Killua, y'know future Killua is all powerful and all but they also see with KIDS and his wife, but his wife is powerful like POWERFUL POWERFUL, and so are his kids but Killua and his wife don't agree on the kids being assassin's. And the kids don't want to be either. But despite all that, they're like a powerful family that can't be touched. How would the zoldycks react to this? Like headcanons of each Zoldycks reaction😳
YES A HUNTER X HUNTER REQUEST <3 I've been wanting one of these for so long <33
This is actually a really good question, I can't imagine any of them having a positive reaction to their most promising family member basically ending the family "tradition" it'd be a big loss and they won't be happy, accept alluka of.
WHAT IF: What if the Zoldycks had their most promising member go against their traditions with their own children?
● To say he was disappointed would be a huge understatement.
● Killua has seen his father upset before but to visibly see it on his face? It was scary, but he had you by his side to make it easier staying stern with his decision.
● He was very quiet, and it was somehow worse than him yelling. Just quietly staring you two down with his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes filled with a chilling rage. The room felt colder and you felt the fear of an upcoming fight just building, not to mention Killua tensing his muscles in preparation didn't help.
●Then his expression softened and he closed his eyes and sighed.
●"Fine, that's your decision but I can't say I'm not disappointed that you're willing to waste such potential."
● You were both relieved to not have to destroy your home and possibly loose limbs just for the sake of not putting your children through some trauma.
● He leaves without issues shockingly. He doesn't even ask to see the children again, if they approach he'll speak and tell them goodbye but he makes no issues.
● In the back of his head however he's thinking that assassin is just in their blood and eventually he'll get his way and those children will give into their urges.
● It will happen. One way or another, he'll make sure of it
● To be fair, Killua didn't even want her to know you were pregnant or gave birth, she only found out because she forced illumi to tell her once he came back from Stalking you two.
● Since she knew it was hardly anything stopping her from visiting, and with you trying to keep the peace for the sake of the children Killua really couldn't just kill her at the front door.
● She dotted over her grandchildren and kept talking so fondly of how amazing they'd be as assasins how they'd be merciless and talented.
"They won't be assasins." You quickly spoke as you had a butler take the children into another room, Killua and you standing beside eachother and looking at her as her face went to shock.
●She was very verbal with her disappointment and anger.
● You simply watched her, a bit amused at her tantrum and Killua was less than pleased to hear her loud banshee like screaming again.
● It's hard stopping him really, especially with someone he resents as much as his mother with no fear of a fight.
"These are our children to do as we please until they get older and say otherwise and our decision is final no matter what you, or anyone else says." Killua makes it very clear with his stern tone and cold eyes as he forces his mother to stop her tantrum.
● Unfortunately her silence doesn't last long and she goes on a long loud rant about how he is betraying the family and being a disappointment.
● So to prevent Killua from lashing out you have security drag her out kicking and screaming. Literally.
● Killua didn't even want him within one hundred feet of his children so this conversation was had far from your home.
● "You are wasting potential." He says in that blank tone, his large fish eyes staring into your soul as he shifts his gaze to you, making you uncomfortable enough to cringe. "Is it because of the woman? I'd assume such a distraction would effect you, had I known it'd be to such a severity I would have handled it long ago."
● His original plan was to use his pin on you, to shift your mentality to his liking so you'd convince Killua otherwise, and you didn't see it coming considering you hardly interacted with illumi since you and Killua were children.
● Killua however, having grown up with him saw it from a mile away and stood infront of you, immediately making his hostility known, not even hiding his bloodlust as he stares his older brother down.
●Disappointed with the obstacle Illumi sighs and puts the pin away, he's no idiot, a fight with Killua now that he's fully grown and unlocked his potential to its full is a death sentence waiting to happen, and now that you'll be made aware of what he was gonna do he won't risk fighting you either.
● "Fine, I won't. However I hope you know this is a foolish decision. Those children will be assasins, it's in their blood as much as it is in yours."
"Not if we have anything to say about it."
● Illumi stares at the two of you for an unnatural amount of time, it gets uncomfortable but then his gaze shifts to your home in the far distance.
● "Don't even think about it. You are to stay far away from my family, especially my children."
● Illumi looks back at Killua and then at you. "They are lovely assasins."
● Then he turns to leave.
● Out of everyone, Illumi is the worst member of the family to ever find out you two had children.
● Because he'll make sure they become assasins.
● One way or another.
(My love ♡♡)
● To be fair he doesn't care.
● When the news was spread that you guys had kids he just shrugged it off and kept either gaming or building bombs, whatever he does.
● Killua left the family quite a while ago and the animosity that was once held for him shifted into a lack of care for many of the things he did.
● However he did call him wondering what their mother was screeching about.
"Why is mother screeching about failure?"
"We won't let the children be forced to be assasins."
"Oh, whatever." He then hangs up.
● He's not going to waste his time convincing his competition over the years to make more competition with his kids. He's too old for that at this point.
● It doesn't benefit him or complicate things too much. If mother yells to loud he'll slap on headphones and let that be the end of it.
●Visiting? What for? So he can get banned like his mother did? No. He'll send a drone to see if anything changes with the children or if they inherited skills of any sort but that's rare.
● One time one of the children noticed and you watched from afar as they held a conversation with him for about fifteen seconds before the drone left.
● But really he doesn't care too much if at all.
● As one of the only siblings that directly Apologized and made an effort to rebuild a strained relationship with Killua Kalluto is the only assasin who was willingly told of your pregnancy and the birth of the children.
● They are happy for you both for having the children albeit confused about the fact that they won't be assasins.
● They question it at first but when Killua stays firm and explains it's too much for them they back down and respect his and your decision.
● They weren't exactly surprised considering Killua hated being an assasin and your background on being used because of your family. It's not surprising assasin business isn't something you'd want your children apart of.
● They don't want children so they don't understand your love for them, but they are respectful and leave it at you both not wanting it.
● Oh she was ecstatic when they were born. She lives with the two of you so of course she was first to know!
● She doesn't mind that they won't be assasins so when she finds now she shrugs it off. She'll love her nieces and nephews regardless.
● Her experience with assasins obviously isn't that great so she could be a bit relieved because they wouldn't be following that.
● So she's happy.
● He likely passed away around this time so he's rolling in his grave.
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bunnyboyzyon · 27 days
Something that urks me as a vegetarian is existing in both vegan/vegetarian and omnivore (i don't know what the call you guys) online spaces and the vegans and vegetarians are fighting eachother because "You're not doing it right!!!" or desperately trying to get disassociated with peta and the omnivores are just casually like "lol imagine being vegan bc you don't wanna eat animal products??? Get outta our territory you peta lovin weirdo" First of all vegan doesn't automatically mean peta, second of all what the hell is your problem what possesses you to see someone doesn't wanna eat animal products and point and laugh and bully them
Goddamn can't go two seconds without being yelled at because I ate cheese or because I don't like the idea of killing a cow to eat it
Everytime I've told someone I'm vegetarian it got a worse reaction than when I came out as trans or aromantic except from other vegans/vegetarians who have all been really sweet in person actually so vegans/vegetarians online being as nice as the people I've met will help get us a better presence and omnivores literally just shut the fuck up and leave us alone???
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Hello tumblr
I Infodumped about my D&D HMS/CCCC au, Also known as Dungeons and Darrells, in the CJFS so I might as well post it here too :]
The tag is #dungeons & darrells au
Anyways starting off with classes/races,
Heart is a Fallen Aasimar who's multiclassing as a Lunar Sorcerer and Oath of Vengeance Paladin.
Mind is an Envoy Warforged who's multiclassing as a Storm Sorcerer and Undying Light Warlock.
Soul is a Scourge Aasimar w/ warforged parts who's multiclassing as an Aberrant Mind Sorcerer and a Glamour bard
Whole is/was a Half-elf Valor Bard
Their memories seem rather blurry starting out. (Modify Memory my love…]
The trio knows they were once part of the same Whole. They also remember the fighting between Heart and Mind, and those tensions certainly haven’t been forgotten.
Soul tells the others he knows where Whole is, and they set off to find him, with already very obvious tensions and infighting developing.
…Is Whole a physical being that actually exists, or is this just a common goal Soul made up to stop- or at least detour- the other two from killing each other?
...Well anyways, they set off on their adventure.
Tensions are immediately high. Heart and Mind bicker constantly, and it doesn’t take long for the insults to get more and more personal as the rift in their core beliefs grows.
Soul is able to stop them by reminding them of their goal of finding Whole, and he continues to focus on trying to force them to understand eachother.
Weeks, and months pass and their fights continuously become more physical, which leads to Soul having to “mediate” through threats.
Heart and Mind both begin to believe Whole will be better off without the burden of the other, but while Mind tries to turn him complacent through insulting and berating him words, Heart wants to try a more physical, and permanent solution.
Heart prepares his bow, and leads Mind out away from Soul one night.
Juno was mad, he knew he’d been had, so he shot at Apollo with a bow… But listen to this-
There’s not much you can do when you roll a Nat 1.
Juno misses, horribly.
While passing through a town the trio had stolen a potion that allows the user to teleport, but the location and range they end up is randomized. Mind, in a mix of panic and rage, uses the potion on Heart by... literally just throwing it at him, and, oh- Funny how devastating it can be to roll a Nat 20.
(Eye injury)
The glass shatters over Heart's face, and quite unfortunate it now was that he took off his blindfold to try and help his aim. Sure, the thin cloth wouldn't have done all that much, but anything would be better than directly getting broken glass in your eyes.
The effects of the potion take place and Heart is teleported about a two weeks' journey away, as well.
Soul hears some of the commotion and witnesses Heart disappear, and is, obviously, very angry and concerned. Mind and Soul argue for a bit, before Mind is able to calm him down and explain what Heart tried to do.
Soul insists that they find Heart again. They find a higher level spellcaster to cast Scrying for them, and figure out where he is.
Failing so pathetically already would've made Heart feel powerless enough, but that immediately followed by isolation effects them even worse.
(Did you know that you actually only need to show consistent symptoms for two weeks before you can be diagnosed with depression?)
During those two weeks Mind is very confident and proud of itself for "Bringing justice to Heart."
{It takes everything in Soul not to rip out whatever mechanical bits let him speak}
Then they reunite with Heart, and Mind sees how truly devastating this isolation has been on him.
He feels- No, there's no reason he should be feeling guilty for them. Heart tried to kill him, and he got his karma for it... right?
Things between Heart and Mind are incredibly quiet for the next while.
They eventually start to talk more, but it usually leads to arguing or awkward tension. At least that means they're more comfortable with each other again, as Soul tries to convince himself.
Soul stays very protective over them both after All That, and is terrified to leave them alone together, which prevents them from truly getting the chance to try and fully talk anything out.
As they continue with their travels Heart and Mind continue to be forced to work together, and they start to bond. At some point they get temporarily separated from Soul and have a heart-to-uh, mind.
Things are fairly uneventful bonding/communication-wise, and there aren't many other huge events for some time, but the three of them continue to slowly build up their friendship, and put in the effort to understand one another.
Eventually they get to a point where they're all actually super close! Heart and Mind still bicker at times, but they're able to work it out, and it never gets too intense. If anything, the two of them are closer with eachother than with Soul, for once.
For once they're happy, they're getting along, and they're excited to finally meet and reform as Whole.
...They finally stop arguing and the group splits in two. Heart and Mind stay together, devastated and furious, and Soul goes off on his own.
Soul feels incredibly lost, it knows why the other two are angry at him- they should be, they have every right to. But no matter how much he knows he deserves this, that doesn't stop it from hurting.
So he does the only thing he knows in times like these; they put on a smile and plays his music.
He wanders aimlessly through a couple different towns as he plays. They often find a couple other bards, and they play together. Duets, quartets, small groups... He can never bring himself to play in a trio.
In one of the towns he plays a couple times as usual, but this time one of the members, a chicken aarakocra, starts talking with him outside of the shows.
Despite the cheerful mask Soul tries to put on, the chicken sees right through it, and he eventually drops the act. They start to open up to the other bard, who's name he learns is Darrell, and they're both able to find a lot of comfort in eachother. They get along super well, and become good friends quickly.
Soul still thinks about and feels super guilty over his other two friends, and with the encouragement of Darrell, they build up enough courage to search for them again. It's absolutely terrified of seeing the duo, it's terrified to have to see how he hurt them again, but through all his worries they never consider how, despite their pain, Heart and Mind never wanted to be angry at them.
During all this, Mind and Heart have spent a lot of time discussing their thoughts on Soul after everything. They take the time feel and and accept their anger, and agree to go find it again. They still really care about him, after all.
There's certainly more after this, and more I've left out between all the events mentioned here since I enjoy being cryptic, but for now, enjoy!
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sorry-apsalar · 7 months
Frender Drabbles: Games
Summary: i'd like to see bender acting like a depressed widow, like he always does when fry is even a little bit angry at him. or maybe leela acting as their message transmitter when they're angry at eachother 'n don't want to communicate in person, so she gets fed up and forces them to reconcile.
“I don’t even know what they’re fucking fighting about anymore.” And now that she thought about it, Leela wasn’t sure they’d ever bothered to tell her. “They literally live together but when they want to say something to other they text me, telling me to relay the message. It’s driving me crazy.”
Sitting at the bar next to her, Amy patted her on the shoulder. “Have you tried not playing their games?”
“Well… yes but then they don’t talk to each other at all and that’s only gonna make it worse, right?” Leela wanted them to make up, both for their sakes because usually their friendship brought them happiness but also for her own sake because then they could stop bothering her as much.
“Girl, you need to stop being such a people-pleaser. Let them sink or swim on their own for once.”
“I don’t know, that doesn’t feel right but… maybe you’re right.” Playing their games certainly didn’t seem to be helping them reconcile. “Maybe it’s finally time to start putting my foot down.”
As if testing her, her phone pinged. It was Fry. She took a long drink from her rum and coke before opening it. Just to read in case it was actually important.
‘could you tell bender to turn his emo music donw its making it hard ot sleep thks’
It took more effort than it should’ve to close the chat window, turn off the screen, and pocket the phone but Leela did it. They could figure their own shit out for once. She was done with their bullshit. … “Or perhaps maybe, instead of playing their games, I could force them to play my game… metaphorically anyway.”
Amy raised an eyebrow. “Like force them to talk?”
“Yeah. I mean, the ship’s pretty small and Fry’s a good enough polite by now that he probably won’t crash it if it’s just him and Bender aboard.” They’d gone on delivery mission without her before and been fine. Granted those times had been when they’d been on good terms, them fighting might change things.
“Ooh, and if it’s a long enough mission, they’d for sure either kill each other or come back as friends. Either way they’ll finally be out of your hair.”
“Or they might crash because they’re distracted by fighting.” Which would be a good reason not to do it. “Though, the auto-polite just got updated again so it should be even better at preventing crashes so… it’d probably be fine as long the space around them isn’t too populated.”
“So it’s decided then, next delivery mission you’re gonna get seriously suddenly very sick right before boarding, leaving them to go alone and hopefully finally sort their shit out?”
“I guess so, yeah.”
“Cool, if you need a good fake vomit recipe I know several. How good’s your fake retching?”
“Uh… not great.” Leela had never had to fake being sick before.
“That’s okay you can practice when we’re sober. I’ll show you how it’s done.”
“It’s a plan then!” Leela raised her glass to clink against Amy’s before downing the rest of it in one go. They’d come here to have a good time so by golly she was gonna have a good time.
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fhfhfhfh this took so longgg,,, and i really hope this gets enough attention,,, I spent like a week on all of this so pleaseplease read everything,,, and forgive me for my bad storytelling,, I'm not a good writer-
The Lore for the Au
Now everything may sorta seem the same, but alot of the characters have went through a lot of gruesome things. Audrey, even though it seemed like she had a happy ending, it wasn't how it actually happened. She went completely insane after going into the loop, and barely surviving.
The book that Audrey had however, that carried the loop and everybody inside of it, ended up collecting dust, and rewrote itself entirely. Making the loop no more, and the world finally rebuilt itself entirely, and The Ink Demon made sure of it. After what he went through, so many times before, he came to a realization that it was pointless to fight, or make people fear him. So he made sure that the studio, and the city was safe for everybody to reside in. But he knew that people would still fear him, no matter what he did to change. So he hid, deep inside the studio, rebuilt his hidden throne, and stayed out of sight, for the rest of his existence.
But, after some time, he was found, by a young boy. Axel. The Ink Demon learned to care for him, and eventually became known as his guardian.
Hhh that took a lot of effort, now time 2 introduce the main boys and their designs, I'll post more characters as soon as i get the ask box officially open,, but until then enjoy what all I have for these guys!!
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The Ink Demon
The main man himself, now in this au he's very similar to the cannon games. Except he's just a cranky dad and has to babysit Axel 24/7. He can still change into Bendy and Beast Bendy, but it's not all the time he'll do it. The Ink Demon prefers to go by his title, and he'll only allow Sammy and Axel to call him by the nicknames he has for them. (Lord, father, yknow the basic father-son and weird uncle thing)
The Ink Demon may be a cranky old bitch, but he cares for Axel and Sammy, even though he may not seem like it. Him and Axel have a very good father and son bond, and they care about eachothers well being. Sammy is annoying as hell to him, but he's basically the only person that doesn't run away screaming at him.
He's still very powerful here, he can phase through walls, talk telepathically to some people, but he can actually speak in the au too. The Ink Demon's bottom jaw can open up into two, and his teeth can also spike into sharp fangs.
And as you have already noticed, his left eye is a little infected, he's not so sure what it is, but he refuses to actually do anything about it, other than just not wiping the dripping ink out of it (which also makes the infection WORSE,, but he doesn't give a fuck lmao)
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Sammy Lawrence
Time for everybody's second favorite, the crazy ink prophet, Sa m m y. (Cw for mentions of death and some crazy shit)
Now Sammy is also about the same in this au, still a crazy psychotic muscle man. But now that Axel showed up, he's kinda like the weird uncle that everybody has to deal with.
Sammy also suffers from psychosis, and he's very delusional (same) he constantly forgets things, and he's lost alot of his memory. And he's been like this for awhile, even before the pocket dimension of the studio went kinda bonkers. And Joey used this to his advantage with Sammy. Literally posing as Bendy, and making him do his bidding.
As time went on, Sammy went crazy, and made an entire cult in the studio. Practically making sacrifices and killing most of the people working with him, before he eventually killed himself and ended up in the loop with everybody else.
Sammy did eventually find The Ink Demon and Axel. And thinks he's like some sort of priest there???? But he's calmed down, a little-
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Now time 4 my boy, or well my self insert lol
Before he ended up in the loop, Axel lived in a very troubled household. Though he had a very nice house and was able to get around the town he lived in, he delt with a very abusive father. He had to go through alot of very messed up stuff from him, and it ended up just completely ruining him.
After getting completely fed up with what he went through, he ran off, and completely changed his identity (kinda why he's trans now lol) But after realizing he had nowhere else to go, he went out to look for a job, and found Joey Drew Studios. He was hired almost instantly after showing off his art abilities and got straight to work.
Some time passed and he ended up in a very risky situation with Sammy. He struggled to keep himself from getting hurt, but Sanmy completely chopped off his leg, and then, you guessed it, he died. But surprisingly he ended up at the loop with the ink demon.
It took some time for The Ink Demon to warm up and a lot of attempts to prove Axel wasn't another person to fear him, but eventually The Ink Demon learned to sorta trust Axel.
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lemonhemlock · 2 years
Why Aemond, Alicent, Rhaenyra, Daemon and others have been all whitewashed to the point some of them even became new characters while Aegon has been made worse in the show than his book counterpart? The whole thing about watching children killing eachother when some of them might be his own children is something didn't happen in the book and it's actually ramsay-level sadism, the whole plot line of given his younger brother a sexual trauma was invented by the show, he is so incompetent and drunk all the times. BookAegon was drunken yes but it's no where in the same level of his show counterpart, also Book!Aegon shown cunning and bravery during the war , has a very strong bond with sunfyre, has a good relationship with his wife and children.and all of these traits/things are non existing in Show!Egg . BookEgg always give me the impression that he has a strong mentality and perhaps even internal strength since he went through the worst things any person can go through in a such young age but he never give up until he succeeded in killing rhaenyra . The only times we've seen him show any kind of vulnerability are when his son jaehaerys died and when sunfyre has died. The interpretation of the showrunners of his character is not only very bad but it's also strange , inconsistent and extremely unfair considering how literally everyone has been whitewashed. which makes me wonder, what they will change too? will They make him hiding in the red keep while Aemond fight for him? i feel they will really make him a clone of joffery by being man child , power hungry and coward.
I basically agree with everything you've said, anon. 😭 I've long been complaining about this in my Aegon tag.
Anonymous asked: I honestly doubt the writers were surprised about the low support the Greens have with the general audience and I also think they knew very well what they were doing when they made Aegon a rapist. They can say whatever they want in interviews as it's probably just gaslighting for the fans, to keep the discussion going and to keep us engaged for S2.
I was expecting things to be a lot more balanced between the greens and the blacks at the start of the series. I think perhaps someone in the writers' room really didn't like Aegon as a character or something and Miguel Sapochnik didn't care enough to change it? Or they thought that Aegon's awfulness would be counterbalanced by Daemon's awfulness and the audience would be split?
Sara Hess seemed taken aback that the audience ended up swooning for Daemon, in that she gave explicitly anti-Daemon interviews? But that's .. ?? That's Matt Smith in a wig, every Eleventh Doctor girlie (me included) is gonna swoon for him ?? It's a given that he's gonna have a ton of fans stanning for his character. How is it logical (from a marketing perspective) to pit him against poor Tom, who only gets a couple of minutes of screen time, and expect things to be even steven?
And it's not even the same thing, because Daemon is merely the consort, whereas Aegon and Rhaenyra are leaders of their respective factions, the two options for monarch. You can't whitewash one to the extreme, while giving the other the worst possible interpretation. In a story that is famous for the "both sides bad, all war terrible" angle.
I just don't get it. If they wanted to make the greens the bad guys from the get-go, Aemond was right there, it could have been very easy and convenient to make him some kind of child terrorist, yet they seem to like him a lot and gave him a humanizing plot (??) Whereas Aegon is the one they turn into the monster? Aemond/Daemon being the awful ones would have made more sense, since they're foils already.
This is why I tend to think there must have been some disagreements in the writers' room, because I've heard too many contradicting takes from the showrunners/actors that don't really vibe with what's being displayed on screen. So something must have happened between intention and execution and my guess would be too many chefs in the kitchen.
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janeelyakiri · 2 years
[Not a request]
Just giving you some of my headcanons 😤
I have a personal headcanon that all the more feral/primal boys (looking at Hyena, Vulture, Dingo, and even Robin here lol) kids act like irl hyena pups in that they are not only born with their claws and teeth ready to go but they may or may not try to unalive their own siblings and poor S/O had to break up a lot of the fights between them so she doesn't lose a pup/cub/hellspawn like a good parent lol
Then like Fox has the sweetest but the most mischievous kits
Hound and Falcons kids are basically them but like... 2.0 versions and ready to make it everyone else's problem 😈
And every single last one of them is a complete momma/Papa's boy/girl/child and completely obedient when He/They/She's around 😂
Also Robin's spirit animal is the Honey Badger; fight me on this only after watching Casual Geographic on YouTube on this Black Air Force Energy Personified hellion
And personally I feel like the Orca suits Dingo best rather than the sea snake as they're apex predators and the biggest threat to them is literally like... Another Orca (plus them shot putting a seal 80 feet in the air for sport seems like something a bored Dingo would do lol)
Yeah I know that's their Siren versions but I feel like adding it in as a two for one as both spirit animal and his siren form lol
Anyway I hope you liked these little bits, I just wanted to share ya know? Lol
Oooohhh I rather like this!
1- The feral does fit, specially if we wanna factor int he parent's LV and corrupted magic. But for SURE all but Robin would break their pups of the habit hard. Vulture and Hyena suffer low magic output so having pups is nearly impossible, no reason to have them try and kill eachother too! Robin would hold baby fight matches because he's awful. Dingo just loves pubbies and wouldn't want them fighting.
2- Fox for sure, he's a very sweet parent but he is a swap paps under all that anxiety and does have a prankster side! His and Hound's kids would be besties like their parents... and just the WORSE gremlins when together. Falcon's gonna spoil his to bits.
3- Robin is, for sure, a honey badger LOL
4- You're not the only one to suggest an orca! My issue with it though is Reaper Sans is an orca from the person who started the skelemers (far as i can tell but he's pretty recognizable) and I felt... like Dingo wouldn't fit that too much y'know? Dingo isn't malicious on purpose, it's how he was raised. And he's grown a lot over the past year. Sea snakes are dangerous, but also lost danger noodles swimmin in the ocean. Orcas are assholes shfkjsdf
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honestly i know its mostly a shoutout to von croy leaving lara in the pyramid when he was Literally Mind Controlled than anything else but. i do think that her “egypt werner - you walked away and left me” thing was like because he kind of left her by herself after finding her?
like. he brought her back to civilization, maybe stood by her side for a week or two, and then. nothing like from the moment she was found to AoD there were 3 years of... god knows what. 3 years in which she didn’t indulge in tomb raiding nor any physical activity, 3 years in which she got much more reserved, introvert and aggressive. i. believe that eventually he did left her by herself. that she closed herself in her manor.
he was one of her very few friends - literally just her butler, her childhood priest and a character introduced specifically because they had to retcon another - talk fondly of her after her funeral. everyone else in her life is either an enemy, someone who died, someone who distanced themselves from her/she distanced herself from, or a mix of the three (imagining that aunt margaret is no longer with us, anyway). what tells her that von croy didn’t spend a year looking for her for good publicity? out of guilt? for his own ego? in a moment in which she’s so vulnerable, i think she could easily come up with that conclusion, and i. personally don’t think that’s it? granted their relationship after the TR4 prologue was strained at best and antagonistic at worse, but he is the one person who kept believing she was alive. he is the one person who spent an entire year looking for her. werner is the one who told her that he couldn’t leave her when an entire pyramid was collapsing, running away just because he would’ve ended up crushes as well - just like she did when she was younger. werner is the one who could’ve tried to fight back when karel went to kill him, but used his very last breath to save her life. despite everything that happened, despite all the time that they hurt eachother - that she hurt him - he did all he could to fix the mistakes he made and protect her, and lara understanding how much he cared for yer only days after his death is. SO important to me!!
i don’t know ik im rambling but. i just think werner is SUCH a neat character and AoD, at the end of the day, really was meant to be a story about lara relearning to trust people okay!!!!
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busygirlgcttagc · 2 years
[ honestly i know its mostly a shoutout to von croy leaving lara in the pyramid when he was Literally Mind Controlled than anything else but. i do think that her “egypt werner - you walked away and left me” thing was like because he kind of left her by herself after finding her?
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like. he brought her back to civilization, maybe stood by her side for a week or two, and then. nothing like from the moment she was found to AoD there were 3 years of... god knows what. 3 years in which she didn’t indulge in tomb raiding nor any physical activity, 3 years in which she got much more reserved, introvert and aggressive. i. believe that eventually he did left her by herself. that she closed herself in her manor.
he was one of her very few friends - literally just her butler, her childhood priest and a character introduced specifically because they had to retcon another - talk fondly of her after her funeral. everyone else in her life is either an enemy, someone who died, someone who distanced themselves from her/she distanced herself from, or a mix of the three (imagining that aunt margaret is no longer with us, anyway). what tells her that von croy didn’t spend a year looking for her for good publicity? out of guilt? for his own ego? in a moment in which she’s so vulnerable, i think she could easily come up with that conclusion, and i. personally don’t think that’s it? granted their relationship after the TR4 prologue was strained at best and antagonistic at worse, but he is the one person who kept believing she was alive. he is the one person who spent an entire year looking for her. werner is the one who told her that he couldn’t leave her when an entire pyramid was collapsing, running away just because he would’ve ended up crushes as well - just like she did when she was younger. werner is the one who could’ve tried to fight back when karel went to kill him, but used his very last breath to save her life. despite everything that happened, despite all the time that they hurt eachother - that she hurt him - he did all he could to fix the mistakes he made and protect her, and lara understanding how much he cared for yer only days after his death is. SO important to me!!
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i don’t know ik im rambling but. i just think werner is SUCH a neat character and AoD, at the end of the day, really was meant to be a story about lara relearning to trust people okay!!!! ]
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growling · 3 months
Bungou Stray Dogs. My beloved, my beloathed and my ex who keeps walking back into my life for a makeout session after I swore I was done with it for the 11th time.
It is- not a good story, structure wise at least. I get raising stakes but also we started s1 with "we're frenemies with our local gang and we occasionally homoeroticly fight eachother" to *gestures vaguely at s5*
And that doesn't bother me too much tbh because I love media that cares about its audience and keeping things silly but also *ducks nuke*
The mangaka keeps having to write reasons for Chuuya to not show up and murder everypony, that's silly
Fyodor has a funny accent and a silly goofy hat and a greasy hairstyle and I guess he sometimes is smart. I guess.
Justice for my boy Karma who showed up in one episode and then Fyodor killed him for some reason, RIP my boy
Idk man I have lots of thoughts
the stakes one is so real because like. they did get higher after season 1 with the whole moby dick crashing event, but like it made sense it was fine also i liked that season. and then we got introduced to demon fyodor who apparently was even worse both described at the s2 finale and in the dead apple movie, so like, dude got hyped up massively. and then he got s3 to himself but actually its not over yet, it was actually a setup for s4-s5 and. I am asking. since fukuchi is over. and they seem to be making fyodor out to be even more threatening (every single villain is more threatening than the last. you know.) than fukuchi, the goddamn man with time travel sword, reality-altering page, vampire goons, trying to (virtually. his motives as well as execution of them are.... Peculiar to me) achieve mind control world domination....... like how do they plan to go worse than that. the problem with trying to have every single villain be more powerful than the last is that one day you just gonna run out of ideas and just write a literal undefeatable god. which is fukuchi and also fyodor but i am legitimately terrified of what they're gonna do with him in the later chapters. i am all caught up and....... its looking very exhausting already
as well as how like, in the earlier seasons we got these episodes that are just purely character driven with way lower stakes that just exist there to establish the cast, and they just. slowly stopped doing that. right now, from like season 4 up to where we are currently there has been literally ZERO breathing room for the plot, every single scene is just stressful high tension main plot main plot main plot fighting the HD/DOA and it actually made me too tense as i was watching like jesus fuck slow down. which is why i cheer and clap so much whenever i see poe also being there sometimes. thank you for your service king. as well as all the other more minor characters that appeared and nikolai getting to jest with people, as well as the Bram & Aya Adventures, regardless on whether it is "important" to the plot . and also sigma's whole introduction in the manga that just established him as an actually really nice guy that the anime just cut out to make room For The Current Main Plot auurrrrhghgh. shut up about fukuchi show me kyouka. hey where the fuck was kyouka for most of this even
like. if they just released chuuya upon all their enemies it would be over. isnt he like, the actual incarnation of arahabaki you know the. literal god. just make them use corruption after you make sure dazai can stop them from eating shit and fucking dying, deploy her at the entire hunting dogs squad and its all over. like..... chuuya could just fix everything that is going on and the writers know it so they keep making up reasons (and sometimes they don't even do that, and just ignore it) as to why actually she's not available currently. you wrote this guy to be the single most powerful genderfuck in the universe please use him . chuuya i am so fucking sorry i could treat you so much better babygirl
fyodor sure is. A Character. that exists. and like, i like him, but also... i realized i'm only ever entertained by him whenever he's being silly, like with the whole mersault ball fyozai two man comedy show, or with his interactions with nikolai (who is one of the lights in the darkness of the current arc.... please keep being entertaining king). but like, i feel like the writer(s) drove themselves into a corner by making him so inhumanly intelligent, same with dazai. like. each of the serious interactions between him and dazai (the only nda member he's allowed to talk with apparently) just feel like two kids roleplaying "i slash u in the chest with my flaming sword and u are die!!!" "but before that I DODGED and hit u with my laser beam!!" "no but I moved out the way at last second and bring out the BOMBS and then i throw them at u and u explode and are dead for real!!!!" "no but then i miraculously survive steal ur flaming sword and set u on fire and u burn and die!!!" "but before i could die i put out the fire with my water bucket and then shoot u 100000 times and-" like. it was funny the first few times it happened but.... I get it. you have high IQ. I don't like this party I wanna leave chuuya can you please pick me up
karma got fucking massacred and for what. society if fyodor instead recruited him into the DOA and sigma got to have a single normal friend and they bonded over their mutual perpetual anguish. they really just introduced a really interesting guy just to kill him off in the same episode. but they. kept fukuchi i guess
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triglycercule · 5 months
murder time trio but theyre all bitter and divorced exes. they all despise eachother and are incredibly awkward because they really did not get along back in those days and also it was weird for them to date alternate versions of themselves (LITERALLY because theyre all classic varients. not swap or fell or wtvr) but also why is there so much homoerotic energy.
killer is very very very very close friends with color. horror is going through his therapy arc with farm. and dust has.... SOMETHING (i have no idea what. sorry dustard fans i don't know anything about dustard) going on with fell. and they all fucking hate eachother for just having POTENTIAL love interests. like they're not even dating their husband trio (thank you to the japanese people on twitter i follow for naming farm color and fell as the "husband trio")
but the issue is THEYRE STILL FRIENDS. and they all shittalk the other when theyre in duos 😭😭😭 horror and killer go on full out DEBATES on how bad fell is for dust (as if you're any better smh.) dust and horror have made their own form of body and sign language to express their disgust when they see killer with color. dust and killer don't shittalk farm because hes a sweetie but theyre just making fun of horror for being so soft around him (out of pure jealousy)
and then imagine all that but with homoerotic tension. they don't realize they still like eachother because theyre bitter and fucking idiots. dust is so sick of hearing color and killer talk and joke that he keeps on getting into fights with killer (that end up with them almost killing each other but its in a gay way TRUST) killer is always chatting horrors ear (what ear) off with how much better he could do than farm and horror's just sitting there deadpan because why is his ex giving him advice. horror cannot STAND when dust ditches him to go hang out with fell and he always makes passive aggressive comments about how stuck up fells ass dust is.
and then yk they have a big fight after all the beef. and things either get worse or they end up getting back together (you are bad for eachother please don't get back together my pookies.) wouldn't it be funny if it was at farmtale and if the fight ended badly farm gave them some farmerly couples therapy. it doesn't help their relationship but it definitely calms them down
top 10 dumbest triglycercule ideas but this just popped into my head i HAD to. also sorry for practically shitting on dustard and colorkiller and horrorfarm in this one i don't actually hate the ships i just used them for plot progression
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hearties-circus · 1 year
Silly little notes and proper conflict lore underneath v
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[Rosa knows he hates himself, refuses to acknowledge he hates walt for the same reason.
Walt does not acknowledge that they hate themself, the reasons they hate Rosa are just really familiar for no reason]
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[The blus are prickly dicks who don't like eachother so they grab their food and go on their merry way]
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[Man... what if their sister died and that made her start acting really reckless and that's how she died :(]
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[I think if there's ever a chip or a hole in the helmet it's just like blinding light that's visible from it]
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[Rosa and Walt are like dogs trying to fight their reflections, it's just that they hate eachother for being their reflection in the first place, don't realise this, and are fully capable of making eachother dead.
Also just in case the whole 'trying to kill themselves through the other' thing wasn't clear enough, Walt does sometimes call Rosa their "noose"
Rosa talks to Milk about the conflict sometimes, Milk can't help but be biased and resent Walt a little but he's also much more sensible than Rosa and knows full well that Rosa's complaints about Walt sound alot like when he's dealing with his own self esteem issues, Rosa even mixes up 'I' and 'they' when talking about Walt. He won't acknowledge that though.
Walt also occasionally confides in Faye, who, being friends with Walt And Rosa, is really in a position. It doesn't make them feel any better or realise anything about Rosa and themself, it just seems like Faye is defending him, which she kind of is. It kills them both inside a little bit.
Milk & Faye feel responsible for the conflict and the effect it has. Which is sort of fair, the conflict did get worse when Axel and Faye left on their excursion because one of the mediators was gone.]
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[Walt and Rosa both have very different amounts of outward anger despite being just as angry as eachother. Rosa is a prick who constantly gets small bits of anger out at people who don't deserve it, while Walt bottles everything up and is a bit of a doormat honestly.
Because of this in arguments Rosa doesn't get super mad, he doesn't have this backup of anger (even if it does replenished fast) to tap into. Walt, however, has a floods worth of anger in there and a very brittle dam, you get them angry enough and they explode. It sucks because Rosa would be fine with an argument but has significant trauma surrounding being yelled at and blamed and being hit for it and even if its unintentional Walt blowing up like that is Very reminiscent and puts Rosa on the offensive and aggressive.
Even their fights don't make them feel better, Walt is the stronger one physically so Rosa gets banged up worse which reminds Walt of when they used to fight their bullies and get in trouble for doing more damage and getting nothing done about the bully, and makes Rosa feel like he's still weak and needs to prove himself again so he does. Rosa gets bruised all over and Walt gets a broken windpipe.
Both are pretty willing to get dirty and personal with their fights but they have the same issues so they insult eachother and feel the sting of their own bad memories which only makes things escalate further and faster.]
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[They want to kill eachother so bad </3 literally like cats trying to fight their reflections, you're just gonna hurt yourselves pals.
Funnily enough their pets get along, they're pretty civil.
They DO try to kill eachother btw. They pull themselves out to the middle of the forest and decide to thunderdome it, to end it finally. They get pretty close too, I think one gets so exhausted and gives up, they don't care anymore it hurts too much they just want everything to end. And the other considers it, it's a free kill but in their deliberation the ache and tiredness seeps into their bones, into their heart and they just want it to end too. (I think they kind of acknowledge that killing the other would be a stand-in for killing themselves) And you know what. They... don't want to. They don't want to kill themself, they just want it to stop. I think they both sort of collapse, from the pain of their fight and the rush of emotions and whether intentionally or not they do end up holding eachother.
This is a major turning point in their relationship but they're still fucked up about eachother afterwards. They have no clue how to even Begin breaching this subject. So they don't really but they do try to be nicer, by avoiding eachother at first. Sometimes they'll bump into eachother on their break and just apologise.]
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gaybananabread · 2 years
For the Tickletober requests, maybe 16 for lee Dipper and ler Wendy? (Platonic) Hope you’re doing well and take all the time you need! 💖
Of course! I love this request, and I had fun answering it! I hope you enjoy!
Lee: Dipper
Ler: Wendy
Ship: None!
Summary: During one on their movie nights, Wendy discovers something more about her best friend.
Warnings:  none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!
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It was Friday. And Friday always meant a movie night with Wendy. Since they had started to hang out, Dipper had come up with an idea to watch the crappy movies that Gravity Falls offered, together. They would spend hours laughing and poking fun at the films, and just having fun.
This Friday, they had chosen to do a comedy marathon in the Mystery Shack. The two had claimed the TV room, and the others were out working the gift shop. Belive it or not, Stan actually gave them the Friday off. Even though Stan said he did it because Dipper had 'Less friends than a squirrel with a peanut allergy', Dipper knew that he cared about him.
When Wendy arrived, the two raided the kitchen, grabbing popcorn, Pitt Cola, and a bag of Mabel's gummy koalas (don't tell her). They plopped down in front of the TV, flipping it to the Comedy Channel.
The first one was about this man's wife who got turned into a skunk. She had sprayed him, then took a tomato bath together. Both Wendy and him immediately critiqued it, making fun of the robotic voices of the actors, as well as the horrible plot line. It ended with her turning back, and the couple founding a skunk ranch.
The second started out with two animated best friends who lived in a small town. They liked to pull pranks on eachother, each one getting worse until they got out of hand. At one point, the friends had a tickle fight, and Dipper blushed a little. Whenever tickling was even mentioned around him, his cheeks flushed pink.
Wendy looked over at him, watching the blush slowly creep on his face. She put two and two together pretty quickly, wondering how she didn't notice before. Whenever she poked him to get his attention, he would flinch pretty hard. She always thought he was jumpy, but maybe it was more than that.
"Hey dude, are you ticklish?" The question surprised him, making Dipper let out a faint squeak before answering. "W-what? Pshhhh, no, I'm not tciklish! What would make you think that?"  He meant for it to sound confident, but his voice came out nervous and high.
She shrugged. "I don't know, maybe the fact that you got all squirmy and blushy when the tickle scene started?" Dang it, Dipper! Why couldn't he just sit still and watch like a normal person?!
"That doesn't mean anything! How about we watch the movie? Isn't that why we're here?" Wendy rolled her eyes. Could he be any more obvious? "Uh, no way, man. I gotta try this."
With that, Wendy grabbed the brownette's arms, not enough to hurt him, just to restrain, and pinned then above his head. He immediately started to squirm and beg, anticipatory giggles weaving into his words.
"Cohone on, Wendy! This ihisn't fair!" She scoffed. "This is perfectly fair. You lied, now it's time to pay the price." Lightly tapping her fingers on his sides, she thought about where to start. So many options, and so much time to try them! They had at least another hour, though she definitely wouldn't go that long.
Dipper shook his head, pulling down on his arms with little-to-no force. If he was being completely honest, he didn't mind the tickles. It was just the anticipation that was killing him!
"Wohohould you just doho it already?" Wendy looked down at him, taking in the wiggly sight. Dipper's face was red, spreading lighting to his ears. She giggled a bit to herself, but she was being kinda mean. Plus, he looked like he was about to explode from the waiting.
"Okay, okay. Byt remember, you literally asked for it!" She scittered her fingertips across his belly, immediately rewarded with sweet and airy giggles.
"Wehehehendy! Ihihihit- ihihihit tihickles!" He was squirming a bit more than before. She rolled her eyes. "That's kinda the point, dude." The gentle touches had already started to mush his thoughts, which made Wendy want to squish him like a teddy bear.
"Okay man, you have to admit, I just started, and you already look freakin' adorable. It must be your special gift or something." She didn't show this type of affection much, except for around her friends. She reserved her more 'girly' feelings for the people she trusted and loved.
"Nohohot adohorable! Noho teheheasing!" She moved her hands up to his ribs, switching from light touches to kneading. Dipper started to laugh, arching his back a bit. "AHAhahahahA! WeheHEhendyhy! Ohoho MYHYHY GOHOSH!"
The boy bucked his hips as she hit his top ribs, trying to dampen the ticklish shocks running throughout his torso. It did little to help, but he had to try something. Wendy stayed on that spot for a few more seconds, before beginning to move her fingers upward. His laughtrr got louder, along with his begging.
"WEHEHEndhy nohoHOho! NAHAT thehe PIHIHITS!" She stopped right before the base of said spot, swirling her fingers teasingly. Dipper giggled frantically, trying to throw her off of the spot, but just managing to give her more access to it.
"You ready?" He shook his head wildly, steams of 'no's and 'please don't's pouring out. Even though he said he wasn't having fun, she could see the giddy  excitement in his eyes. He wanted this, and she was more than happy to give it to him.
"Go!" She dug into the hollows of his pits, and he screeched,  before pulling and tugging at his arms, thrashing around like crazy. His laughter was borderline hysterical: happy, fast, and loud. This was obviously his death spot.
"Wohow, you are REALLY ticklish, dude." Wendy's little comments weren't making things any better. "IHIHIHIHI *snort* CAHAHAHAN'T! NOHAHAHAHAHO!" Wendy stopped, staring at him in playful amazement. "No way! You snort? That's so freakin' cute!"
The blushy boy tried to catch his breath, groaning and trying to hide his head in his shoulder. Wendy would definitely stop soon, she just wanted to try one more spot.
"You got enough air to not die?" Dipper groaned, making her laugh. "I'll take that as a yes." She put her hand on his neck, and he shrugged up his shoulders, letting a small stream of giggly 'no's spill from his lips. But Wendy didn't resume the tickling.
"Hey, Dipper, are you sure you're cool with this? I'll stop if you want me to." Said boy turned his head forwards, looking at Wendy. "Ihi, um-uggghhh. I don't- don't really mihind it. Youhu can- uh, you know."
He was avoiding her eyes, looking all around the room, blushing so hard, he matched the color of Stan's fuz from the neck up. She beamed at him, happy at the trust he showed in telling her that.
"You got it. One round of neck tickles comin' right up!" She let go of his wrists and used both her hands to scribble down his neck. He was thrown into hiccup-filled giggles, and practically melted into the touch. Wendy actually cooed at the sight.
"Ehehehehehehe! *hic* Whehehendy!" He lightly batted at her hands, scrunching up his shoulders, but overall just enjoying it. True, he was still Mega embarrassed, but Wendy was nice and understanding. It made things so much better and so much worse all at the same time.
She experimentally scratched at the shell of his ear, eliciting a squeak from the boy. Now craving the awesome sound, she focused mainly on his ears. For two whole minutes, Dipper Pines was a human squeaky toy.
Deciding that was enough, she went from scratching to rubbing his ears, trying to calm the tickly shocks running through them. Thirty seconds later, and he had gotten the last of his giggles out. He sat up, face still blazing. "Th-thanks Wendy. That was fun."
She playfully elbowed him. "Anytime, nerd. You really are super cute when you laugh like that. Try doing it more often." He shrugged, and ater a water break,, the two went out into the gift shop to greet the others.
"Hey kids. Sounded like you and Dipper had fun." In seconds, his face was back to red. Mable, Stan, and Wendy all laughed, Dipper joining in at the last minute. "Hey, next time you do it, invite me! I know all sorts of fun tickle-spots on this dork!" Mable punched her brother's arm, and he shot her a non-threatening glare.
"Yeah, no thanks. I'd rather just have a snack and go to sleep." Stan passed his some crackers and cheese, while Wendy grabbed her things. After she had pulled her boots on, she walked over to Dipper, rustling his hair.
"I'll see you tomorrow for work. Maybe next Friday, I can try some of those secret-sister-spots Mable was talking about." With that, the red-head walked out the door, leaving a blushy Dipper and two smirking relatives behind her.
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fan-clan-fun · 3 years
Y'know, Starclan bugs me. So we're to believe that four/five clans fight eachother to survive, occasionally dying traumatic deaths that can directly be tied to their enemies (starving due to lack of food and not taking extra territory, killed in battle, infected wounds, etc.) and... they all go to the same afterlife that puts them all under the same clan umbrella? Why would Starclan emerge as a united 'clan' when over and over dead characters still show a huge bias towards the clan they served in life? If anything, to me it should have been Starclans plural, still separated but united (somewhat) in death. It really undermines the 'oh the clans need to stay separate' thing if they'll all be one 'clan' for a timespan arguably longer than they were part of distinct clans.
What are your thoughts on the clan afterlife? (Ignoring the wildly inconsistent capabilities/knowledge/etc. they seem to have)
Starclan absolutely drives me up a wall, and I'm honestly quite glad I stopped reading warriors at the end of Omen of the Stars, cause as far as I know it only got worse after that.
The concept of Starclan itself isn't bad per se, I just think canon Starclan suffers from the many issues the whole series does. Lack of planning, lack of consistency, lack of documentation (i.e. neither the authors nor the editors make appropriate notes to keep track of so they continue to change things that were once canon). I also think warriors suffers from the recent mindset in media and writing to surprise and astound readers with pure shock value rather than a well crafted story.
I'll mention now that I ascribe to the idea that Warriors is no longer a coherent whole but more of a grouping of legends such as Arthurian legends, since any consistency has literally been tossed out the window. In that case, I feel that trying to adhere to any one understanding of canon as the one and only truth isn't possible, so it's best to find the interpretation that works for each person.
As for Starclan.... where to even start in the hot mess that is Starclan.
Like I said the concept isn't terrible by itself. In a world where the clans were much more willing to see the clans as separate from non-clan entities, while still having their own culture, it fits. The narrative being that well we may be separate in life, but in death we as clan cats are still one. It would be a way to soften potential wars, to give something for the clans to all agree on, and to give a significant difference between clan cats and non-clan cats.
But I actually think that where canon Starclan goes wrong, is the ability that they have to affect and change the real world. Ideally, Starclan should be absolutely neutral or closer to that, like they were in the earlier books. The later the books get, the more they begin to meddle in the clans. But in order to fix some of that, we actually have to define exactly what Starclan does and doesnt know and what they can and can't do on an individual scale and as a group.
See, I feel like canon Starclan as it is could be fascinating to play with, if the authors actually lean into the fact that Starclan isn't one entity anymore, but has its own politics. I know some cats have begun to doubt in canon, but I feel like far more should be questioning Starclan. You could easily change things to have Starclan be simply the cats of the afterlife, have mothers tell cautionary tales about listening to spirit cats, such as we tell tales of the fae. They dont lie, but they dont tell the whole truth. Their gifts always come with a price, their knowledge always with a catch. You can't trust them as far as you can throw them, after all how can you know they are who they say they are? And the Dark Forest? Well, if Starclan is all petty politics, then the Dark Forest is where either the worst cats go, or the cats that the important cats of Starclan don't want around. Who is the worst truly, the Dark Forest, or Starclan? Would clan cats even know, or care?
Or you could change Starclan's ability to meddle in clan dealings. Maybe the reason Starclan's prophecies are so vague, its because they don't only just see "the future" but rather several futures! Things could go several different ways, and they just want to try to prevent the worst outcome so they try to give advice but its vague cause their grasp on the future is tenuous. In this case, Starclan wouldnt be able to give powers, or make judgements on whether a cat belongs in Starclan or not. All clan cats go to Starclan, and for this Starclan it would be better to not have a Dark Forest at all. The afterlife isn't a place of punishment or paradise, but simply a place beyond life, where the spirits exist as long as they are remembered, and fade away once those they loved or who loved them are gone.
A lot of it is a usual up to personal interpretation, but I think Starclan would be much better if its exact limitations were delineated ahead of time, because in canon right now its just whatever works at the time. As long as you write Starclan in a consistent manner, with whatever limitations and expectations you choose, it will still be better than canon, so have some fun while you're at it!
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goji-pilled · 3 years
Okay @princekirijo you want an essay? Well here it is now, or as I like to call it Felix's "Asumari is great and this fandom has no fucking taste" rambling and infodump. Congrats fellas, thanks to Prince you ALL get an asumari essay. But before that I'll try to give you a rundown of Mari and Asuka. 
(I'm also so sorry for putting this long ass post on everyone's dashboard)
(Spoiler warning for Evangelion 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time!!)
Alright on one hand we have Mari Illustrious Makinami. Her whole deal? She's a walking ray of sunshine, literally lol. Unlike any other character in the Evangelion franchise she doesn't suffer from her trauma, she's quite literally the only healthy and functioning human being, she's just slightly leaning towards "batshit crazy" with the stunts she pulls 🤷‍♂️. Other than that she just loves living, she loves being with people, she keeps moving forward, stays positive and decides to live life to it's fullest even after she experiences loss and multiple apocalyptic events (Second Impact, Third Impact, etc.) and she really just embodies the joy of living. That's all there is to her, or at least all we know.
On the other hand, we have Asuka Langley Shikinami who is... well it's hard to explain what she is to be honest. She's part-German and part-Japanese and part of a line of clones specifically made with the purpose to pilot an Evangelion and later on be used as a sacrifice to trigger another Impact (ITS COMPLICATED I KNOW-) Asuka is, unlike Mari, very much suffering from her trauma. She doesn't have her parents and has a very deep seated belief that she's completely alone, which she says doesn't matter as long as she can pilot the Eva. She also very much wants to fight and kill angels all by herself, and it's seriously messing with her when she can't achieve that.
Now we get to the more interesting parts (hopefully this so far wasn't too confusing, then again it's Eva and even I can't fully wrap my head around it all LMAO)
In the second Rebuild movie (Evangelion 2.0 You can (not) advance) we get introduced to both of them, Mari's introduction scene (in the original English dub) has her pilot an Eva and singing about how she'll take the world on by herself, while in the third movie's (Evangelion 3.0 You can (not) redo) opening scene she's piloting the Eva again but this time it's together with Asuka (in her own Unit 02 though) and during that Mari sings about how wonderful it is not to be alone. It's nothing big yet, but it's a really cute detail me thinks,,, you know what else I love about them? They bicker and they banter and it's genuinely so fun to listen to shskdhsuwj
(For a quick catch up: During the end of 2.0 Shinji (the protagonist) triggers another apocalyptic event, the Near Third Impact, and was only stopped due to Kaworu (the guy in my pfp) stepping in. Also between 1.0/2.0 and 3.0/3.0+1.0 are about 14 years (without Shinji bc he's like comatose) where A LOT happens AND we learn in 3.0 that Eva pilots don't age physically bc of "The curse of the Eva"... honestly Eva is wild lmao)
Okay okay I'll get back to it!
So one thing that happens is that Asuka during 2.0 develops a crush on Shinji (girl why-), unfortunately things take a turn for the worse. Asuka had volunteered to be the testpilot for a new Eva (Unit 03), she seemed happy at the time and it was a really sweet build up with the "I can smile, I didn't know I could still do that."-line. And then? Then it turns out the Ninth Angel had infected Unit 03 (Angels are basically the Kaijus they fight using Evas btw). The thing goes on a loose and Shinji is forced to fight it (With Asuka inside mind you), he refuses and his father uses an autopilot to destroy Unit 03. And boy did it destroy the angel, well it and it crushed Asuka between its jaws (you can actually hear her scream btw haha pain :)).
Asuka survived though, but the whole incident cost her her humanity and she ended up becoming an angel herself/she took the place of the Ninth. But despite that, there's one person who keeps believing in Asuka's humanity, who fiercely believes Asuka is still a human and tells her as much.
Yep, that one person is Mari and she keeps holding onto that belief until the very end when Asuka uses her last resort, which is using the power of an angel (Doing so was a guaranteed death sentence btw). Mari's own words (in the German dub) were, "Princess, you're giving up being human…" AND IT MAKES ME SO EMO GOD FUCK
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While I'm at it, Mari and Asuka are a fucking killer combo as a team. They rely on each other for support in combat, listen to the other's orders and advice. Especially in Asuka's case it's kind of a big deal that she so openly relies and counts on Mari's support. Like these two trust each other with their damn lifes!!! Holy shit!!
Guess what though, they also have nicknames for eachother. Mari always calls Asuka "Princess" or "(Your) Highness" while Asuka calles Mari "Four-eyes" / "Four-eyed chrony (idk how you spell that tbh RIP" Even better though, in the German dub Asuka calls Mari "Brillerella" as in a combination of "Brille" (German for glasses) and "Cinderella",,,,Cinderella and her Prince,,,Brillerella and her Princess,,, man, that was a gay fucking move of the translation team. Spoiler: I owe them my life.
Funfact: There's exactly two times throughout the Rebuild movies where Mari uses Asuka's actual name. These two times being when she watches Asuka "die" and be used as a sacrifice for Gendo's selfish plan and when later on she begs Shinji, "So please the Princess… Asuka needs your help!" And the best part? That wasn't even the first time she did that. The mentioned line came from 3.0+1.0, but she did that too in 3.0 with the, "At least save the Princess!" line (although her tone was much more...pissed, like she was really angry lol)
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Remember the crush Asuka had on Shinji? Well due to the Unit 03 incident a whole lot of other shit got mixed into that and her feelings for him in general became really bitter (understandably so). Now Mari being who she is sometimes teases Asuka about said old crush but she really does want Asuka to get closure and sort that mess out. 
As an example for the teasing, in 3.0 there's a scene that goes like this (please imagine Mari with a literal :3 face while saying that):
"Unit! Are you back in the game?"
"I'm on it, your Highness. But first things first, how was our little puppy (Shinji)? Did he sit like a good little boy?"
"He's exactly the same! Same stupid face talking mayhem!"
"That goofy face of his, that's what you wanted to see? Riiiiight?"
"Shut up! I went there to bat him one!... And I feel better!"
There's also a very short bonus manga that was released in Japan for Thrice Upon a Time's release that has Mari trying to convince Asuka to come with her on the mission to get Shinji, given everything that follows, it's just another thing to prove my point. And the final bit relating to that is this:
"Feeling better now?"
"Yeah, I do feel better."
That's the exchange Asuka and Mari have after they talked to Shinji, it's nothing special but I think it's really sweet and this time Asuka actually sounded like she was feeling better instead of when she was screaming after she nearly broke pretty thick glass with her fist (If she had hit someone with that much force she definitely would've broken something omggg #violentimpulsesgang)
To get back on track though: I already mentioned it but during the second half of 3.0+1.0 Asuka "dies" (and honestly that entire scene is worth its own in-depth post because its just one huge parallel to The End of Evangelion), the point is: You can tell that the loss of Asuka honestly hits Mari hard. Not only because of how Mari screams Asuka's name but also because of her expressions. They're pained, like really fucking pained and Mari even apologizes to her that she has to fall back due to the fact that she's injured AND because eveything is going wrong.
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After the events of Evangelion 3.0 these two got seperated from eachother, Mari was with WILLE (the organization both of them are with) and on board of Wunder (the ship WILLE basically operates from) while Asuka was in a Village full of (Near) Third Impact Survivors. When they do meet again it went like this:
Asuka, barely back, comes to the door and calls, "I'm back." And within seconds of Asuka stepping into their room after the door opens Mari already runs towards her, arms wide open and she says, "Welcome back, your Highness! Good job. I missed you so much!" And she says that while she literally nuzzles into Asuka,,,like,,,what the fuck gay people real!!! 
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Best part? Asuka clearly has enough strength to push Mari completely away if she were uncomfortable, but she doesn't. Asuka merely wanted enough space to look at the room (because Mari managed to horde even more books lol) and play her game. During their entire renunion Mari keeps hugging her, and part of me thinks that perhaps deep down Asuka actually enjoys the feeling of physical affection.
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Before we get to the last point though, let me say that Asuka and Mari have scenes in 3.0+1.0 that parallel Shinji and Kaworu's from 3.0. (Fyi Kaworu loves Shinji (yeah, like that, and 3.0 was basically them being gay as fuck for an hour) so like...do I even need to explain? 
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And then of course there's also this, the "Take care of yourself, Princess…" line. That is the last time Mari talks to Asuka and as much as that line alone already is so much, it's Mari's expression in particular that kills me. Because this? This soft, almost bittersweet expression she has, as she basically says goodbye? Because she knows Asuka will finally be happy and safe? It just makes me feel so much actually. Man.
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In the end it's a fact that Mari loved Asuka, wether that is interpreted as platonic or romantic by someone is up to them. But it is a fact that Asuka was loved enough that someone wanted to hug her, was happy to see her, to praise her, was hurt by her loss, wanted her to be safe, that someone told her "Take care of yourself…" Asuka was really and honestly so loved that someone would tell her, "I missed you."
But Asuka? Asuka was too hurt, too wrapped up in her own head to actually see how loved she was by Mari (and other people) that she genuinely believed she's completely alone and always will be alone.
It makes the "Take care of yourself" line hit even harder to me, because it's not only Mari's goodbye, but it's a goodbye during the one time Asuka allowed herself to be vulnerable and admit what she really wanted.
And honestly? All of this? Its makes me feel so many things and I just love them  so much man.
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