#they both turn and tell the villain to shut up in unison
bbbbbbbbatman · 1 month
love Superbat dynamic of them having a full on domestic in the middle of a fight against this week’s villain, throwing insults and passive aggressive (and less passive) comments between punches, the vibes are truly awful and even the villain is like “hey, maybe we should take a pause on things and I can try to take over the world next week once you’ve made up”
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adriellej · 5 months
The way
Warnings: None really. 
Pairings: Team Flash, Harry x Reader.
Word count: 1.6K+
A/N: I made something cute again! I’m apparently all in for the cute stuff lately. I was looking on Pinterest to get some ideas and I fell over this. I just knew it had to be Cisco’s line, didn’t imagine it to turn into a whole Harry situation, but it kinda did!
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GIF and Prompt isn't mine. Found on google and found on Pinterest.
You had always been an active outdoorsy person. You always played every sport you could find. You’d take long walks with your family, and when you got old enough you went hiking on your own. You had traveled quite a lot, all over the world really. 
Lately, it had been some slow days for team Flash, metas were on the down-low, no big current villain to haunt down. So you had convinced the team to come hiking with you. You knew an amazing place just outside of Central City. It was beautiful at sunset, but it was also a bit of a hike to get on top of the small mountain. 
It wasn’t everyone who was as excited for it as you were, and a few, or one specific, had been quite reluctant to go. It’s no point, makes no sense to waste our time doing this. Our time is better spent developing our tech than this, you recalled in your memory. Others had been excited and joyful. Oh yes! This would be awesome, it’s going to be so much fun! You had laughed at how excited Barry was to go. 
You looked around at your friends, they were like family to you and you were so excited to be spending this time with them. Barry was running in the front with Ralph right on his heels. They had made it into a competition; who could reach the top first? Caitlin and Iris were walking beside you and right behind you were Harry and Cisco, who were of course bickering about something.
“You know, this wasn’t a bad idea Y/N,” Caitlin mused beside you, all you could do was smile and say thank you. You dwelled in the moment, making mental pictures of it, because you knew you would have to go back to the real world at some point. Suddenly you heard a yelp.
“This is my life now. I have climbed this hill and now I will die upon it.” Cisco dramatically exclaimed. “Shut up. We’ve only been hiking for twenty minutes.” You and Harry said in unison causing the two girls beside you to laugh. “You two have a fun way of being quite alike,” Iris ushered. “Have you made up your mind?” Caitlin continued Iris’ thinking. You smiled and shook your head. “Come on, you must know if you want to or not!” Iris said a little louder than you wanted her to. 
“Iris, shhh!” You half panicked when Harry glanced at you with an amused look. “I don’t need him to know anything,” you spoke lowly. “At least not until I tell him on my own,” you continued as you looked at your girlfriends. A big smile spread on both of their lips. “Oh yes! You’re going to be so cute,” Iris shrieked. 
“Don’t get ahead of yourself Iris. It would have to include that he likes me too, ya know.” You tried to not get your own hopes up. 
You had had a crush on the Earth 2 Harrison Wells for quite some time by now. Iris had asked you one day what it was about him that made your heart flutter. At that moment you had said everything, but it had started a thought process over what it was about him. 
You could conclude on your own that it was the way his dimples came out when he smiled at you. It was the way he looked at you, that made your knees go soft. It was the way it didn’t matter to you if you understood what he said or not, you just loved to listen to him talk about something he was passionate about. It was the way that he tried to explain it to you, with no annoyance or anything. It was the way it felt when your fingers grazed each other when handing stuff to one another. It was the small hugs at the end of the really long days, that no one saw. It was something only you two had and moments only you shared. 
It was how he always put a smile on your lips when you thought of him. The way he made fun with you, told jokes, and laughed with you. He’s the first thing you think of in the morning and the last thing you think of at night. 
You glimpsed back at him. His baseball cap tugged down on top of his glasses, his black t-shirt showing his very nice muscled arms, and his sweater wrapped around his waist because it became too hot to wear. Oh yeah, and then he’s just flipping hot and sexy, you thought to yourself. 
“Iris come on, you need to see the view from up here!” Barry yelled down to his wife. A big smile spread across her face. “Race you to the top?” Cisco chimed in right beside you. They all shared a look and ran off, leaving you behind with Harry. 
“Hey,” He said as he joined you and adjusted his speed to fit yours. 
“Hey yourself,” you said as you nudged his shoulder with yours and a smile you couldn’t hide. “Is it as bad as you thought it would be?” You slowly started to converse with him. He breathed in and held it for a second before letting it go in a small laugh. 
“Well no, not with you by my side at least,” He smiled as he glanced down at you. His icy blue orbs were filled with enjoyment and warmth. Maybe Iris and Caitlin weren’t wrong when they said he had a thing for you too. 
You reached the top with the others just in time for the sunset creating the most beautiful purple, pink, and orange lights across the sky. 
“Wow, this is absolutely stunning,” Caitlin pointed out to the rest of the group. “How long have you kept this gem to yourself?” She continued looking back at you. 
“Well, not for as long as you would think. I found it a few months ago, just haven’t had a chance to show you guys yet,” you stated. 
Everyone fell silent for a while. Barry and Iris were sitting with their legs hanging off the little cliff, and Ralph, Cisco, and Caitlin were joking about something further away. Yourself, you were leaning on a big stone that was stood by a tree. Enjoying the moment. Savoring it as much as you possibly could. Harry came up to lean against the tree beside you. 
“Ya know, I was afraid something would happen and ruin this moment. I was expecting a meta alarm to finally go off and take this moment away from us, but it didn’t.” You looked into the horizon, with a dreaming look on your face. 
“I think we needed this more than we thought,” Harry caught your attention and you turned to look at him, his hand resting on your shoulder. His features were soft as he spoke. “With Savitar, with the metas, with the Earth X’ers. Having this moment with our family is worth more than anything,” Harry was a quite soft and warm person behind the hard glares, the grumpiness, and the insults. 
“Harry, with a risk of ruining this moment, can I ask you two questions?” You turned completely towards him with a soft smile on your lips. 
“Sure, though I would bet to say it would equal in three questions, taking the one you just did ask,” He joked and huffed a small laugh. “See, already ahead of you, that was one of the two questions!” You exclaimed poking out your tongue at him. “I know you too well,” You continued and he laughed. His laugh was like music to your ears, you would give anything to listen to it all day. 
“Go on,” he pushed. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again, looking straight into his captivating ones. 
“How do you feel about me?” You spoke lowly scared to say it out too loud. 
“How do I feel about you?” He looked puzzled at you. You looked down on the ground before you spoke again. 
“I like you, Harry. I like you a lot, and I have for a while now. I just haven’t had the guts to ask, because I’m afraid I might ruin what we have. We have an amazing friendship, and you are by far one of my best friends, and I would hate for it-” you ranted on before you were cut short by Harry.
“Y/N, stop blabbering and look at me,” His hand went to take yours and you looked more at your hands than at him. He crouched down into your view forcing you to look at him, and you followed as he stood up straight again. “I have a hard time going through my day if I don’t see you. It’s like my day isn’t good before I’ve seen your smile. You're the one who brings some light into my life while Jesse isn’t here. I wouldn’t want our friendship to be jeopardized in the slightest bit.” He continued to talk, and you could feel your face fall a little bit at the last part he was saying. “Stop overthinking it, Y/N. I’m trying to say that I like you a lot too, it’s just not coming across the way I want it to,” He laughed nervously as his hand went to scratch the back of his neck.
You looked up at him, removing the last part of space between you as you stepped up to kiss him. His hands found their way to cup your face and yours snaked around his neck. 
“FINALLY!” Cisco and Ralph yelled out. You laughed against his lips before he started pecking your lips several times in a row. His hands snaked around your waist instead and deepened the kiss. “Okay you two, we get it, you’re in love, now get a room!” Cisco yelled out again. 
“Shut up Cisco!” You yelled out in unison again.
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@hiddenwritingsintheworld, @brianllamawrites
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Pluto Saves the Day
A Twisted Wonderland House of Mouse!AU story
When the staff all fall into a deep sleep as a result of Pete’s plot to shut down the club, it’s up to Pluto (and Grim) to save the day.
(AKA: what happens when I’m bored on a plane and have House of Mouse episodes saved on my computer)
Words: 4.3K
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“Now put your hands together for the rockin’ rodent who’s a real swingin’ cat: Mickey Mouse,” Microphone Mike announced to the club, giving rise to the audience’s burst of applause.
Mickey slid onto the stage, flashing everyone a cheerful smile, “Hey folks, welcome to the show!”
Meanwhile, Yuu was checking the mirror in her dressing room to make sure that she was presentable before she made her rounds in the dining hall.
“Now, Grim,” she said to her firecat monster companion, “I’ve already told the cooks about your dish so please just stay at your table and behave.”
“Yeah, yeah, minion,” Grim groaned, “I’ll behave. The Great Grim is not like those two dumb card soldiers that get into trouble every three minutes.”
She gave him a long, disbelieving look as if she was wondering if only she could remember the event of him setting their curtains on fire that happened ten minutes prior to this very conversation, “if you say so.”
As she made her way to her first table, the NRC prefect could hear Daisy at the reception.
“I’m sorry,” Daisy said to the dwarves with a teasing smile, “we don’t allow minors at the club.”
“Ha,” Grumpy scoffed, Happy and Doc chuckling behind him, “how about leaving the jokes to the comedians?”
Like always, she was called over by one of the villains the second she stepped foot into the main hall. They always made a point to be the first people she greeted and spoke to whenever she was on duty for reasons Yuu had no idea. She was more than happy to converse with their larger than life personalities but it did take a lot of time for them to actually let her return back to her job and see her other friends at the club.
“And what would you like to order, Lord Hades?” She asked the god politely.
“Babes, listen,” Hades smiled at her, “how long are you gonna go with this whole ‘Lord’ stuff? Just call me Hades, kid. You’re cool. I’m cool. We’re both cool.”
“I’m just trying to be polite, Sir,” Yuu gave him a gentle smile.
“Aiiyy,” the Lord of the Underworld massaged his temples, but it was clear by the upturn of his lips that he wasn’t actually frustrated, “what am I gonna do with ya, hun? Say, how are things going with that Idia kid? Managed to get him some good ol’ human interaction, lately?”
“Who cares about that shut-in hermit,” Jafar smirked from the next table, “tell me, that Jamil boy was supposed to assist you with your studies this morning, was he not? I’m sure that the time you spent with him was far more valuable
“Oi, Jaffy,” Hades glared at the sorcerer, blue flames rising a tad bit higher, “I asked first so why don’t ya wait your turn like a good little cobra instead a butting in?”
“Ooohhh~” Pain and Panic intonated in unison, watching the interaction with rapt attention as they bit into marshmallows that were earlier being held above their boss’ head.
“The man’s got a point, Hades,” Ursula chimed in, “I’d much rather hear about how my dear Azul is faring. An octopus of his caliber must be doing far more interesting things than shutting himself inside his room all day. In fact, Yuu was telling me last night how he and those darling eels were planning on taking her swimming sometime soon.”
“Listen, Ursula,” Hades griped, “Yuu and I were having a lovely, civil conversation earlier so why don’t you and Mr Sorceror over here mind ya own damn business.”
“Why should we?” Jafar asked, “are you perhaps…jealous?”
“‘Jealous’?” Hades scoffed, “why would I be jealous, Jaffy?”
As Yuu watched the patrons delve into one of their more familiar arguments with amusement, Pluto strolled along the dining hall, head held high as he surveyed the comings and goings of the club and listened to all of the information being given to him through his headset. Figaro watched him from where he was lounging on a table and abandoned his spot at Geppetto’s side to follow him, mimicking his movements to a T. Pluto, sensing the troublesome cat mocking him, swiveled around and gave the feline a glare. Figaro’s response was to blow a very cheeky raspberry, increasing Pluto’s ire and causing him to bark aggressively at the taunt. And thus began a chase, Figaro mewling and yelping in fear with Pluto hot on his heels. Rushing past several penguin waiters and up a spiraling ramp, the dog skidded to a halt at the sight of Thomas O’Malley and the Alley Cats giving him disapproving looks, with the small Figaro right at the centre.
Still angry at the way the black cat had taunted him, Pluto barked at Figaro, scaring not only his target, however, but also the live band that Mickey had hired as that night’s entertainment. Figaro, O’Malley and the Alley Cats raced away out of the break rooms and into the main hall.
Meanwhile, Mickey was still hosting the guests, “And today’s musical guests: O’Malley and the Alley Cats.”
He was interrupted not only by the sound of multiple cats screeching but also by said cats dashing across and off the stage in fear. As his body contorted to dodge the shaken felines, he gave each of them a worried glance before they ran across the dining hall and disappeared from his vision, “whoa-hey-what’s-whoa-waah-“
“Oi, I’m eating here,” Grim yelled at Billy Boss who had jumped right onto his plate of tuna pie, waving a fork at him threateningly, “the Great Grim does not show mercy to those that mess with his food!”
“Grim,” Yuu intoned reproachfully from where she was pouring tea for Jane Darling and Alice.
“Alright, he’ll show some mercy but only because I don’t want to get up.”
After hearing a loud thump from the main stage, Yuu looked up to see her boss squashed under Pluto; the canine looking sheepish and the mouse growing embarrassed at the way the crowd burst into laughter.
“Oh my, Mickey,” Yuu rushed to the stage along with Minnie, who gave Pluto a stern look, “are you alright?”
Yuu helped the pair untangle themselves as Minnie shot the audience a smile, “Sorry about that folks. We’re just having a few little hiccups. Why don’t you all just relax and watch a cartoon whilst we sort this out.”
Winnie-the-Pooh looked down at the pot of Hunny that had fallen and rolled away on the floor during the kerfuffle with sadness, “oh bother.”
“Pluto, you chased our musical guests away,” Minnie scolded the dog after she and Yuu had managed to get the tangled pair behind the stage, uncrossing her arms as she puffed up in anger, “Ooohh, how many times do I have to warn you, double warn you and triple warn you about chasing cats in the club?”
His response was to look to the side in shame.
Yuu watched them, heart clenching at the sad way Pluto hunched in on himself. Whilst she could understand where Minnie was coming from and that the stressed mouse was constantly busy with work, she was aware that Pluto wasn’t the type to do something maliciously if he didn’t have a reason. As playfully troublesome as the dog can be, when it comes to his job at the club, he tries his best to be as professional as possible. Plus, he was one of the first friends she made when she first started working there and was nothing but kind to her (if a bit too protective) even if he did have a vindictive streak in his personality. She gave Pluto a sympathetic pat on his head, smiling at him as her hand carded through the golden-brown fur on his scalp. He seemed to appreciate the show of affection, with the way he melted slightly under her touch.
Minnie turned to her boyfriend, who was quietly watching all of this go down with his paws stuffed in his pockets, in frustration, “Oooh, now I’ve got to find another musical act.”
Yuu, by now had kneeled down onto the floor to wrap her arms around the saddened canine, giving him a consoling hug. She gave her employer a concerned look, to which he returned with a serious one of his own. It was clear that like her, he didn’t want to upset either side. Mickey turned to Minnie as he reasoned, “aww, he’s just a dog, Min.”
“Yeah,” Yuu piped up, “sure Pluto made a mistake but he didn’t mean to. It’s in his nature to be a bit playful and maybe he just came on a bit too strong. I’m sure that it was all just an accident and no one got hurt.”
Minnie’s face softened as she looked back at the way Yuu held Pluto in a comforting embrace, “Oh, I know you guys but sometimes I feel like this job would be a little easier without Pluto underfoot.”
Pluto whimpered as he bound out of Yuu’s hold, whining as he dejectedly kicked off his headpiece with one of his hind legs before running off. Yuu sadly watched him go and was about to go follow him but was then called by Goofy to handle a table.
“Minnie, I understand where you’re coming from,” Yuu turned to her as she got up, “trust me, I know you put a lot of effort into running the club and it isn’t easy to do what you do. I’m sure that without you doing half of what you do, this place wouldn’t even exist. I really respect and look up to you and I can never thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me but I think that right now you’re wrong about Pluto. Can he be a bit too mischievous? Yes, absolutely. But he always has all of our best interests at heart. I’m sure that he’ll fix his mistake if you give him a chance.”
Minnie gave her a comforting smile, “I know that, Yuu. I’ve known Pluto for about as long as I’ve known Mickey and if there’s one thing that dog is, it’s loyal. I guess that sometimes all of the work that I do gets to me and the idea of having to find a new act with such short notice has me all worried. Don’t worry, once I sort this out I’ll go and find Pluto and we can have a nice chat. Now why don’t you go sort out table 7 before we have another food fight on our hands.”
Whilst the Club was running, Pluto had found himself in the alleyway behind the House of Mouse. There he found out that he wasn’t alone when he found a very familiar large cat in the middle of concocting his latest scheme.
“Oooh these poisoned apples sure are great,” Pete grinned as he walked around with a basket of bright red apples, not knowing that he was being spied on, “I can’t believe that there was a whole pile of them right in the villain vault. With Mickey and the gang out cold, I could walk right in and take over the House of Mouse.”
Pluto ran back towards the back entrance of the club, yapping at the locked stage doors. Feeling a chill go up his spine, he turned around to see Pete looming over him with a sinister grin.
“So,” Pete snarled at his quivering figure, “someone is spying on old Pete, eh? Don’t you know what happens to misbehaving cat-chasing mutts? They get sent to Katmandu!”
And with that, the burly landlord grabbed him by the collar and flung him into a box that he shut closed and threw into a post van. He let out booms of evil laughter as he watched the vehicle peel away.
“How about we check out this Goofy cartoon?” Mickey gave his audience a grin.
“This one stars me and you” Goofy said to Louie the mountain lion as the toon was projected onto the screen.
During the break, Mickey, Minnie and Yuu had returned to their dressing rooms to find an apple waiting for them on their dressing tables.
“‘For Minnie, the apple of my eye’,” Minnie read the note tied to her gift’s stem with a giggle, hugging the apple close to her cheeks, “He’s the best.”
Mickey looked down at the note that was placed onto his plate of apple-shaped cheese, “‘For Mickey, fresh apple cheese. Love, Minnie.’ Aww, she’s so sweet.”
“For Yuu,” Yuu glanced at the card that was kept next to her apple, “‘make sure to have a snack during your break. Love, the House of Mouse.’ Aww, did someone give me a gift? How nice.”
As each of them took a bite of their apples, they felt a strange feeling overcome them before unceremoniously dropping to the floor in a deep sleep.
At the same time, Donald and Daisy were manning the reception booth when a delivery man walked to the counter with a beautifully gift-wrapped box in his hands.
“Hello there,” Donald waved, “Welcome to my club.”
“I’m looking for a Donald and Daisy Duck,” the man looked at his clipboard, “I’ve got a delivery for them.”
“A delivery!” the two ducks beamed.
“That would be us, Sir,” Daisy smiled at him.
“Yeah,” Donald extended his arms out eagerly, “gimme, gimme, gimme.”
His girlfriend was quick to sign the paper on the clipboard and the box was placed on the countertop. Donald immediately began tearing the wrapping paper off and the box fell open, revealing a deliciously steaming apple pie.
“‘To Donald and Daisy’,” Daisy read the note next to the baked treat, “‘love from your biggest fan.’ Isn’t that lovely?”
The pair each took out a slice and bit into them, causing them to fall backwards into their own slumbers.
As Goofy was making his way to the kitchens from the staff room, a penguin waiter tugged on his trousers.
“Well hello there. What can I help you with, hu yuuhu?” Goofy kneeled down. The penguin handed him a silver serving dish with a lid, “for me? Aww shucks, that’s real swell of ya.”
He watched the penguin waddle off before lifting the lid and finding a bright red apple, “well, would ya look at that? An apple a day keeps the doctor away, after all.”
The head waiter took a bite and was promptly knocked out cold.
As the main staff found themselves fast asleep, enwrapped in Pete’s evil plan. Pluto had found a way to escape Katmandu and return to the alley way behind the club. Peeking his head out of his delivery box, he shot a concerned look at the House of Mouse and could immediately sense that something was wrong. After his attempts of opening the locked doors failed, he spotted an opening under the club’s foundation that would give him entry to the interior of the building only to find that his suspicions were true.
Huey, Duey and Louie were slumped against a large drum set, gently snoring with peaceful smiles on their faces; Goofy and his son Max were lying still on the floor, chests rising and falling with every deep breath; Donald, Daisy, Mickey and Minnie were completely dead to the world as they sat against the walls. Even Yuu was lying down on the floor of her dressing room, body motionless.
Ears perking up at the deep rumble of nearby villainous laughter, Pluto crept torwards the source of the noise to find himself right outside a room that held a very satisfied Pete, who was rubbing his hands with glee.
“I’ve never had such a magnificently evil plot,” he grinned to himself, “I better start closing this club down.”
Pluto pounced onto Pete with a snarl, before throwing him into a backstage elevator and locking him inside.
“Back from Katmandu, eh?” Pete smirked at the dog wickedly, “So what, pal? You’re too late to save your little friends, mutt. Somebody better play a cartoon otherwise the House of Mouse is finito.”
With a smile, Pluto leaped away into Horace’s booth at the control room to grab a Pluto cartoon and press it into the disk player. He zipped down, jumped onto the stage and pointed at the screen excitedly, happy to show the audience a toon where he’s the star. The club goers clapped as the projector lit up. While Pluto was making his way back to behind the stage, he found that his path had been intercepted by Grim.
“OI, PLUTO!” Grim said, “where’s my henchman? I haven’t seen her since you chased all of those cats away.”
Pluto barked in response and pointed his head in the direction of Yuu’s dressing room. Once the pair had made it there, Pluto used one of his paws to cover Grim’s mouth when it looked like the other was about to scream at the sight of the girl lying still on the floor, shaking his head and shushing him as he did so. He then showed Grim that all of the other staff members were unconscious as well.
“What is going on? Why is no one awake? Tell me,” Grim demanded.
Pluto let out a string of barks.
“Pete did it? Why I ought to curse him until he begs for forgiveness. No one messes with the Great Grim,” Pluto held onto the scruff of Grim’s neck with his mouth to prevent him from leaving and causing a scene that could disrupt the rest of the club, “oi, hey, what are you doing?”
Pluto placed him back down and barked again, letting the cat-like monster know that right now the priority is to put on a good show to make sure Pete can’t close down the club.
“Alright, but I’m staying here with my minion,” Grim huffed, “after all, she needs a mage as powerful as I am to guard her.”
 The dog nodded in reply and sauntered back. By the time Pluto had returned to the dining room, the audience were clapping at the now ended cartoon.
“Oh, those kittens were just so adorable,” Lumiere gushed, clapping his candle hands together in delight.
"Hmm, yes," Beast agreed, three adorable little kittens happily resting in his large paws, “they are adorable.”
“Nice try, muttface,” Pete provoked Pluto, who had gone to where the landlord was being confined to brag about his success, “but the show won’t be going on since you chased away the kitty musical act remember? Now let me out of here!”
“No way!” Grim yelled back, startling the two as he seemed to appear out of nowhere, “You will never be let out and we do have a musical act. Tonight, I shall give you all the honour of watching me perform.”
Pluto barked at him.
“What, ‘no’?” Grim gasped in outrage, “I’ll have you know that the Great Grim is the best entertainment you could ask for. They’ll be begging me to get back on the stage.”
 “What do you mean I’ll sound like nails on a chalkboard? I am a talented musical genius. You wouldn’t know taste if it came and-”
“This is fun to watch and all but until the audience gets entertainment, the show can’t go on. Unless you get on that stage, mutt?” Pete asked sarcastically.
Pluto lit up and ran onto the stage.
“I gotta stop giving that dog ideas.” Pete glowered.
Grim glared back at him, “you really do.”
Pluto let out a few excited barks at the audience, his tail wagging enthusiastically behind him.
“That’s right folks,” Microphone Mike announced, “our special guests are none other than: the Pet Shop Dogs.”
The audience applauded as the spotlights revealed an assortment of different dogs that were previously seated with the other clientele. Grim pouted from where he was snuggled up against Yuu’s sleeping form when he saw Pluto conducting the dogs into a song, “those mutts have nowhere near half of the magnificence of the Great Grim. Wait a minute, I have an idea.”
“Mama, Papa,” Lucky the dalmatian puppy yipped excitedly at his parents upon seeing his brothers bark on stage, “look at Patch and Rolly!”
“I always knew my pups would be stars,” Pongo remarked with pride as Perdita smiled adoringly at her family.
Penny, who was curled up next to Pongo, scrunched up her nose as she looked at her father with concern, “hey, where’s Yuu? She’d love to watch this.”
 When the song came to the close, the dogs on stage barked happily at the clapping and cheering they were rewarded with.
“Where’s my tailor when I need him,” Cruella groaned and slammed her table with a fist.
“Oooh, that was very almost musical,” Pete teased back when the dog had returned backstage, “maybe I’ll hire you when I take over this dump because after the apples I gave them, your friends ain’t never gonna wake up!”
“So that’s what happened,” a sweet voice called out, it’s angelic lilt interrupting Pete’s gloating laughter like a beam of light cuts through darkness. Both Pluto and Pete turned towards its source to find Princess Snow White standing at the doorway, Grim sitting comfortably in her arms, “Grim told me that Yuu was in trouble. That must be why everyone’s asleep. They were all tricked into eating poisoned apples.”
Pluto nodded as Grim turned to look at the fair princess, “do you know how to wake them up?”
Snow White smiled down at him and gave a soft laugh, “Of course I do.” She turned to Pluto, “to wake up your friends, all you need is to give them a kiss.”
Pluto barked happily as he made his way to his friends, giving each of them sloppy kisses all over their faces. Before he could make his way to Yuu, though, Grim had jumped out of Snow White’s arms and stood infront of his fellow Ramshackle dorm member, extending out his paws as if shielding her from him
“Wait a minute!” Grim yelled at Pluto, “You ain’t getting your lips anywhere near my henchman. If anyone’s gonna be waking her up it’s me!”
Pluto rolled his eyes and scoffed when Grim had turned around and placed a kiss on Yuu’s forehead. This caused Yuu to shift slightly, rolling over as she groggily flickered her eyes open in confusion, “wha-what happened?”
“Minion!” Grim yelled happily and jumped onto her chest, nuzzling her face with his. Yuu blinked in perplexity and hugged him.
“Gee, I had this crazy dream that Pluto kept the show going,” Mickey scratched his head in bewilderment as Yuu began to sit up.
“I did too,” Minnie said.
“It wasn’t a dream,” Snow White smiled, petting Pluto’s head, “Pluto saved the day.”
“Pluto that’s amazing,” Yuu beamed, she extended an arm as an invitation for Pluto to join in on the hug. The dog yipped happily and bounced onto her, making her laugh as he joyfully licked all over her face, “Aww, I love you too, boy.”
“I had a dream a doggy was kissing me,” Goofy laughed as Donald gagged.
“Henchman, what about me?” Grim whined, “I’m the one that woke you up. Shouldn’t I get praised as well?”
“Oh, Pluto,” Minnie smiled, walking to where Yuu was hugging the smug dog and giving him a few pets to his head, “I’m so proud of you.”
 Pluto held his head high.
Later, after Mickey had introduced another cartoon to the guests, Yuu, Grim and the Sensational Six had gathered together behind the stage as a congratulations ceremony for their hero.
“Pluto, for single handedly stopping Pete, keeping the show going and saving the House of Mouse, I hereby promote you to the rank of official certified, authorized, deputized, accredited and with all access to the club granted ‘Pluto Assistant’,” Minnie announced, placing his headgear on the dog’s head with the gravitas of a Queen knighting him.
“Attaboy, Pluto,” Mickey ruffled his head as Yuu cheered and clapped behind him.
“And I thought that it would be easier around here without you,” Minnie laughed at her former self’s words.
“Three cheers for Pluto,” Yuu toasted and Donald, Daisy and Goofy cheered and danced with her.
“Where’s the Great Grim’s reward?” Grim griped to Yuu, “I did help too, you know.”
Yuu sighed, “I’ll make you an extra plate of tuna pie.”
“That’s a start,” he hmphed at her, crossing his arms and sticking his nose in the air. She gave him a smile and picked him up, ignoring his demands to be put down as she hugged him and pecked his forehead. “Wha-hey! What was that?”
“A kiss,” she retorted.
“Disgusting. Do it again.”
“Remember, Pluto,” Mickey smirked, pointing at Pete with his thumb, “there’s only one cat you’re allowed to chase.”
Pete gripped onto the bars of his cage, “and who might that be, pray tell?”
“It better not be me,” Grim huffed at his dorm mate.
Pluto strolled to the wall next to Pete and used his tail to release the large cat from his confinement. Pete’s face slackened in shock and fear as the doors slid open, causing Pluto’s fellow canine friends to run towards him, barking in delight as they jumped on him. Pluto sat back and watched them with smug satisfaction before Pete ran out with his clothes ripped from the roughhousing and he too wanted to join in on the fun of chasing him.
“Alright gang,” Mickey said to Minnie and Yuu, taking no notice of the sound of Pete’s screams, “we’d best get back out there and continue the show.”
“You got it, Mickey,” Yuu saluted him and the night continued as normally a night at the House of Mouse could be.
Now all she had to do was dissuade a bunch of unhappy customers from getting revenge on her behalf.
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA 323: “I Don’t Know How to Explain to You That You Should Care About Other People”
Previously on BnHA: Kacchan was all, “Izuku, I’m sorry.” Bakugou Stans were all, “[sobs for a week straight and tearfully awards him the Nobel Prize for character development].” Deku was all, “[faints in Kacchan’s arms].” Iida was all, “[trying to decide if Ochako genuinely tried to kill him a few minutes ago].” Horikoshi was all, “NO TIME FOR HUGS WE MUST GET BACK TO UA.” The civilians holed up at U.A. were all, “WE TOOK A VOTE AND DECIDED THAT WE’RE ALL GOING TO BE JERKS ABOUT THIS AND MAKE A BIG FUSS ABOUT YOU LETTING DEKU BACK INTO THE SCHOOL.” Deku was all “[stands there looking like he expected nothing less and breaking my heart more and more with each passing moment].” Ochako was all, “that does it, looks like I’m gonna have to do something about this... next chapter, that is.”
Today on BnHA: Flashback!Rat Principal is all “I just want you all to know that I spent nine million dollars turning U.A. into a giant Battleship-style grid that can burrow underground and zoom around in a giant subway maze because Horikoshi lacks a grounded understanding of both civil engineering and economics.” Back in the present day, Jeanist is all, “EVERYONE TAKE HEED, MY COMRADES AND I HAVE DEEMED IT EXPEDIENT TO CONVEY THIS AUSPICIOUS YOUTH BACK TO THIS STRONGHOLD. WE ANTICIPATE THAT WE MAY DEPEND UPON YOUR GOODWILL AND ACQUIESCENCE TO THESE TERMS.” The civilians were all, “NO.” Ochako was all, “EMPATHY, MOTHERFUCKERS, DO YOU SPEAK IT?!” The civilians were all, “oh shit.” Anyway so Ochako is a giant badass, but I’m a little worried that she’s going to get struck by lightning. Please come down from there.
so before we start this chapter, I would just like to apologize for having not posted the ch 321 recap yet, and would like to reassure everyone, and especially Iida who is staring at me with Sad Wobbly Guilt Trip Eyes, that I will get to that as soon as I can
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yes please Horikoshi please show us more of class 1-A and their Deku intervention strategy jam sessions
oh dear
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Iida you are too pure and good for this cruel world. [sprays the U.A. civilians with a water bottle] NO. BAD CIVILIANS! NO OSTRACIZING SCARED AND EXHAUSTED CHILDREN IN THE HOUSE
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RAT PRINCIPAL: he’s free to return to us at any time!!
ALSO RAT PRINCIPAL: but it’s too risky for him to return to us
?? ??????? ?????????????????????
so now he’s going on about how strong the U.A. Barrier is, and how it’s comparable to the defensive capabilities of Tartarus. this would have sounded a lot more impressive before chapter 297 lol
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so now Rat Principal says he upgraded U.A.’s security systems with his own “modifications”, whatever the fuck that means. I mean look, I’ve been saying for a long time now that U.A. is the best place for everyone to hole up, don’t get me wrong. but that was mostly on account of there not being any other practical alternatives. but you’re making it sound like you figured out a way to actually make it Decay-proof or some wild shit like that
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oh okay so the whole campus is basically capable of burrowing itself underground. that’s insane lol I wonder how they pulled that off. probably got poor Cementoss working overtime
blah blah blah so basically the entire campus is split into a grid and each section of the grid is capable of its own independent movement. lol this is just the Merone Base from KHR. you thought no one would notice this casual plagiarism ten years after the fact, but YOU UNDERESTIMATED YOUR AUDIENCE, HORIKOSHI
“joke’s on you imma just lampshade it” WELL ALL RIGHT THEN
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“look at me I’m so fucking self-aware” fucking swear to god. I can’t believe this man is my favorite mangaka of all time smdh
“excuse me, I wasn’t finished describing all the rest of this bullshit yet,” Rat Principal breaks in impatiently. “we also added a steel wall all around the underground of the campus that’s 3000 steel plates thick. that’s fifteen fucking meters of solid fucking steel just fyi. and if anyone fucks around with any part of it the defense system will activate immediately! and also all of the plates are independently motorized, whatever the fuck that means!! in conclusion you’re gonna need a fucking tower crane to suspend all of your disbelief by the time I’m through with this paragraph”
“also Shiketsu is almost as reinforced as U.A. but not quite because we still had to make sure we were better.” but of course. and apparently the two schools are connected via a secret tunnel as Hagakure mentioned earlier
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(ETA: moment of appreciation for Shouto and Katsuki having the same thought at the same time and making Knowing Eye Contact and saying the exact same thing out loud in perfect unison like the best friends they are. what a blessed day.)
so Tokoyami is all “but wait if you engineered all this shit all the way back during the Band arc how did you even know that Tomura’s quirk awakening would become a thing, Horikoshi -- uh, I mean, Principal Nezu”
and Rat Principal is all “lol idk”
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“basically I just woke up one morning and was all ‘say, you know what this school really needs? a fifteen-meter-thick underground steel wall, and the ability to break up into little pieces that individually zoom around wherever the fuck they want.’ jesus christ. lol if money and common sense were apparently no obstacle why didn’t you just teleport U.A. to the fucking moon or something. maybe I should shut up before I given him any ideas
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you heard it here first, folks, all of this cost a grand total of nine million U.S. dollars. well technically it cost “more than” nine million dollars. never has that distinction been more important lmao. are we sure this barrier was really made of steel and not cardboard? who the hell sold it to them, Ea-Nasir??
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this is my favorite manga series of all time. yes I am ashamed
“in conclusion please do your best to reach Deku-kun” SO WHAT WAS ALL THAT NONSENSE ABOUT IT BEING TOO RISKY THEN. anyway thank you for this super informative and edifying flashback, Horikoshi. I will cherish it always. I don’t even want to read another translation of this absurdity lmao, there’s something special about it just the way it is. pretty sure Horikoshi just had a cracked out fever dream one night and transferred it to the pages of the manga verbatim
anyway so back to the unruly mob
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not their finest moment. please excuse me while I cover poor Deku’s ears and give him a good shoosh pap
oh wow the parents are out here too
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is Mitsuki trying to hold Inko back?? that’s the last thing this fandom needs right now is more Mitsuki discourse fffwlkjs. and even Jiroudad, scientifically proven to be the best dad in all of BnHA, is just standing there silently looking vaguely unhappy. way to rise to the moment you guys
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so this settles it for me that Aizawa is not at UA. I know a lot of people have been wondering about his whereabouts, and if I had to wager a guess it would be that something happened with Shirakumo/Kurogiri. I can’t think of anything else -- even the loss of an eye and a limb -- that would keep him from his kids at a time like this
anyway but this is excellent Monoma content right here though. I love that he apparently adopted Eri after a single interaction with her. also WHERE IS SHINSOU DAMMIT. THE PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW
and Kouta’s there too looking like he wants to run over to Deku but Ragdoll won’t let him :/
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so now Mic is telling them to calm down. at least someone’s speaking up here, geez
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truly in awe of this man’s ability to take messages which could easily be conveyed in ELI5-speak, and stubbornly convert them into incomprehensible language the likes of which you need a graduate degree in order to understand
“hey guys, so originally our plan was to use Deku as bait for the villains, but that didn’t really work and also we realized it was kinda dumb and was probably gonna get him killed, so we brought him back here instead.” was that really so hard, Jeanist. also are we all really just gonna sit back here and watch Jeanist take full credit for Bakugou’s plan just like that lmao
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WHERE DID ENDEAVOR GO AND WHO IS THIS DIABOLICAL MASTER OF DISGUISE. lol I genuinely didn’t notice this because I was too busy digging through thesauruses trying to rewrite Jeanist’s speech; many thanks to @class1akids​ for pointing it out and making my day immeasurably better. take it easy there Dick Tracy.)
“anyway so please stop being dicks and let him fucking rest so he can save all your ungrateful asses” what an impassioned and inspiring plea. time to see if the masses will listen to reason
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narrator: they did not listen to reason
oh my god finally Ochako is doing something. YEAH OCHAKO WOOOO SHOW THEM HOW IT’S DONE
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this entire chapter is truly and utterly nonsensical to me lol
(ETA: on my second readthrough I’m fucking dying at how she stole the megaphone right out of Mic’s hand lmao. and how Kacchan is all “fuck yeah nothing I appreciate more than some quality fucking larceny.”)
oh I see she was jumping on top of the main building so as to scream down at them all more impressively
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“ANYWAY DEKU IS PRETTY COOL ACTUALLY, YOU GUYS ARE JUST MEAN” couldn’t have said it better myself Ochako
lol uh
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gotta say I did not have “Ochako reveals the secret of OFA to the entire U.A. Citizen Clown Parade” on my bingo card for this week. it’s a bold strategy cotton let’s see if it pays off
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so she is basically explaining the entire Deku Angst arc to them and explaining what a good and selfless protagonist Deku is, YES, PREACH
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not to insinuate anything, but what exactly were you doing standing out here with the hysterical mob, Gigantic Fox Lady? you’re better than that
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sdlkfjl. thanks for weighing in with that helpful and important observation. where have you been for the last five minutes. were you asleep. was it Jeanist’s speech
never mind, now he’s yelling at the civilians so I instantly forgive him
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“anyway so I’m just going to end the chapter here” lmao seventeen pages truly do go by so fast. at least he didn’t try to force in a cliffhanger at the end this time. dare I say, growth
so I guess the civilians are either gonna have a Kamino and/or Fukuoka-esque moment where they remember how to be decent people and apologize to this poor young man, or else they’ll remain unpersuaded, and so Kacchan will have to knock a few of their heads around until they become more inclined to be reasonable. either option is fine by me lol
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opossumanonymous · 3 years
How did things get so messed up?
Warnings: Talk of murder, a single swear, Inko just sometimes thinks about murder, uh vigilante Izuku
Black Widow Inko! Part 2 featuring Dad Might vs Dad for One! This is honestly just Crack with a plot...
It seemed like yesterday he was in that hospital room meeting his son for the first time. Inko holding their sons tiny body, tears welling in her eyes as she beckoned him closer.
He walked over with no hesitation fully ready to meet Izuku (The name chosen by Inko who got to pick after winning a bet).
Sitting down next to his tired wife he stared down at the infant in wonder. The tiny human they'd waited 9 months for was finally here. Hizashi almost didn't know how to act for a second, so caught up in looking at the tufts of green hair and freckles covering small cheeks.
Reaching out Hizashi gently caressed Izuku's little face with a single finger causing the baby to let out a coo. He grabbed his father's finger in his little fist nearly bringing the 200 year old man to tears.
If asked that's how that day went to Hizashi of course Inko remembers him nearly flooding the hospital room but Hizashi would never admit that.
Tears or not that day Hizashi knew he would protect them with his life so how....how did things get so messed up?!
How did he end up sitting across from his arch nemesis?!
How did Izuku out of everyone in Japan end up with one for all?!
And most importantly how did All Might end up seducing his goddess Inko?!?!
Seriously Hizashi just couldn't understand how she could be with such a lowlife, she must not know who he is.
Never before had Hizashi felt such a deep burning hatred for anyone.
Currently he was sitting on the couch in his and Inko's apartment while she and All Might sat on the adjacent couch. No one spoke until Inko finally cleared her throat.
"Toshi this is my ex hus-"
"Current Husband."
She looked at him with eyes full of fire and a voice full of venom as she spoke. "You forfeited that title the second you thought not calling for 12 years was a good idea."
She always knew what to say to shut him up especially when she was angry. One of the things that interested him in Inko at first was how unlike most she got incredibly smart when angry.
She also got more sadistic, he could practically hear the gears turning in her head as she calculated all the ways she could kill him.
In this house he was not the devil no, the cute green haired woman sitting across from him was. In fact the murderous aura around her was very concerning, not that he feared for his life with witnesses around. He knew she'd be angry but he'd hoped him getting on his knees and begging for forgiveness would work like last time.
Meanwhile Toshinori was on the verge of having a mental breakdown. At first when he walked into the apartment after a date night he was shocked to find none other than All for One standing in his living room. He quickly pushed Inko behind him ready to defend her against Japan's greatest villain.
While he no longer held one for all that wouldn't stop him from protecting his wife with all he had. How did All for One break out of tartarus anyway?
And just how did he look like this?
All for one looked the way he did before their battle where he smashed his upper face in. All for one, who last they spoke had no eyes, hair and barely a nose now had all of that back and even looked a few years younger.
Each and every person in this room was plotting how to kill someone. Thankfully this day they'd all walk away unscathed.
Mainly because they all had a secret to hide from eachother.
Inko didn't want Toshinori to know about her past, Toshinori didn't want Inko to know who her ex was, and Hizashi didn't want to anger his wife further by revealing any of her secrets. (He may have been criminally insane but he wasn't stupid)
After all one does not rat out their ex-assassin wife's past to her new husband who is also the ex-symbol of peace. Lest they both team up, beat your ass and throw you back in prison or just straight up murder you.
"Anyway Toshi this is my ex husband Hizashi, Izukus father, he left about 12 years ago with no contact or information."
"Oh come now darling those divorce papers weren't serious. I understand you're mad but I'm back and I promise nothing will keep me away this time."
The utter nerve of this guy he really wants to die today! He's lucky he stopped wearing ties years ago or else Inko would've been choked him to death!
"Tea. I'm going to go make some tea I'll be back soon." She said with a strained smile resisting the urge to rip out Hizashi's teeth.
After she left to the kitchen the atmosphere got even darker the two mortal enemies now left alone.
"So it wasn't enough that you destroyed my face and took my son as your successor, you just had to go and seduce my wife too!"
"Your wife! Did you not just hear her she divorced you?!"
"Yeah all because of you and your meddling if you hadn't destroyed my face putting me in comatose I would've been there for her and Izuku!"
All Might paused for a second realization hitting him like cold bucket of water. Before he got his composer back not wanting the enemy to get the upper hand.
"If you hadn't have been quirk smuggling and stealing classified documents I wouldn't have had to!"
"Oh so it's all entirely my fault?!" Hizashi scoffed "I bet she doesn't even know what you did to me does she?"
Toshinori stayed silent it was true she may have known who he was but she didn't know about his hand in her ex husband's absence.
He had no idea how lucky he was she didn't know or there would be two dead men walking instead of one.
"I take your silence as a yes then?" Hizashi was a little smug now.
"Not like you've told her who you really are." Hizashi frowned at this causing Toshinori to smile "I see I'm right as well."
Well he was only half right he never out right told Inko she figured it out on her own. But All Might didn't need to know that, after all no use making Inko even more upset then she already was.
Meanwhile in the kitchen Inko was trying to figure out how to shoot her ex from the kitchen without Toshinori noticing.
While she knew it was impossible without blowing her secret a woman could dream.
As the tea finally came to a boil she noted the distinct sound of her sons bedroom window opening and closing. Knowing her son was back from his nightly vigilantism only done on weekend nights per their agreement. She briefly considered pouring rat poison in Hizashi's serving but decided against it.
Not that the good for nothing scumbag didn't deserve it. But just scaring him would do for now unless Izuku didn't want him in his life. After all he was Izuku's father and Izuku deserved to choose whether he wanted him in his life or not.
Bringing back a tray with the tea she sat the cups down with an eerie look on her face. "Here you go Hizashi I made yours just how you like it!~" She said sweetly.
Yeah Hizashi isn't drinking that, no way she definitely must have done something to it. He hasn't survived the past 200 years to die like that, thankfully his lovely queen isn't good at holding her emotions in.
"Thankyou darling you're too kind." He said taking a cup but not drinking from it.
Toshinori on the other hand called her buff he knew she wouldn't do anything. As he drunk his own cup he remarked on how good it was, well atleast he didn't have to worry about no real or imaginary poison.
Toshinori really didn't know what to do he was having a mental crisis. Should he tell Inko and young Midoriya the truth about All for one or not say anything? The boy would be devastated and would he really want to fight his own father when the time came? He would never forgive himself if it caused Izuku mental pain.
But if he turned Hizashi in to the hero commission they wouldn't know it was him. But he'd still have to deal with them being distraught and possibly hating him for not telling them sooner. Plus everything might become public and there's no telling how many enemies All for one has made that would be out for blood.
This was bad, both his morals and heart clashed at the thought of hurting Izuku and Inko they both quickly became the family he never got to have.
Izuku even started calling him dad for crying out loud! What would he call him if he found out his idol and mentor was the one who separated him from his biological father?!
"We need to settle this once and for all." Inko finally said still annoyed and just wanting Hizashi out.
"Yes you're right we should Inko darling. I won't make this hard, I promise I only want to see my son. Perhaps he can sleepover at my place on the weekends?"
Toshinori paled at that, if he got young Midoriya alone there's no telling what that monster would do to the boy. He could kidnap him, take one for all, and lock him away forever. Toshinori couldn't let that happen deciding he'd rather tell both Inko and Izuku who 'Hizashi' really was.
"Yeah no I don't think so you can have supervised visits and you can take him somewhere if I'm available to go with."
Yeah Inko wasn't buying what her ex was selling she knew he'd have Izuku quirkless and vaulted if she left them alone.
Not to mention that would force her to try rescuing him leading to her being vaulted as well.
But together they could defeat him after all he couldn't fight them both at once.
Hizashi was about to open his mouth when all of a sudden a voice called from the hall.
"Yes son?" Both men said in unison before looking at eachother with a glare.
Izuku just stood there frozen in shock as his step dad and biological father glared at eachother. He couldn't believe his eyes, even though he heard his father's voice he just thought his mom finally got him on the phone. But this is unreal he never thought in his wildest dreams his father would be in front of him again.
He gripped his plan shirt that had "shirt" written on it in big white letters. His heart felt like it would beat out of his chest at any moment, a million questions going through his mind.
He was so deep in thought he didn't hear his mom get up from the couch and approach him till he felt her hand on his shoulder.
"Sweetie are you okay?" His mom asked him worried.
The two men stopped glaring at eachother now focused on Izuku concerned for him.
Tears came to the greenettes eyes as his voice shook with joy. "Dad!"
Hizashi was then tackled by the boy, slight bits of green lighting appearing on him showing his small use of one for all. Despite Izukus small stature compared to his father's hulking one, Hizashi nearly doubled over feeling like he was punched.
His son was a strong boy, he lamented the years lost since his little green bean was no longer little.
Wrapping his arms around his son Japan's evilest villain patted Izukus head. Causing the ex-symbol of peace to go into a coughing fit, a waterfall of blood pouring from his mouth.
"Dad are you okay?!"
Pushing away from Hizashi Izuku went to check on Toshinori as Inko offered up a handkerchief. Taking it in gratitude Toshinori thanked his wife before reassuring Izuku he was okay. "Thankyou son I'm alright no need to worry." Giving his signature grin he ignored his enemies death glare.
All for One the demon emperor would never admit he's jealous of anyone especially his arch-nemesis. But seeing his son coddle that blonde theif made his blood boil.
"Well this will be a new experience I never thought you'd call someone else dad..." Hizashi said with a strained smile his mouth lighting up with fire for a second.
He could always burn the blonde homewreaker with his fire breath good thing that was the quirk he with.
"Oh I guess it will get really confusing calling you both dad. But what other alternative names for you both? Or I could just call one dad and the other something else...maybe papa could work?" Izuku muttered suddenly, scratching the back of his head.
Both men looked at eachother realizing this could be the deciding factor. They knew that whoever got papa would win, after all it was the cuter of the two choices.
"Alright it's decided then!" Izuku claped his hands together a wide grin growing on his face. Both men sitting in anticipation at the boys verdict. The two looking like they were on a high stakes game show as sweat trickled down their foreheads.
"I'll call you dad" Izuku pointed at Hizashi "and I'll call you papa!" He then pointed to Toshinori.
Toshinori felt like he could do a cheer, his crops were watered, his stomach was back, his scares gone, everything in the universe was right.
That was until he looked over at All for One who he was sure would definitely kill him now if he wasn't going to before. His aura now darker than before as Toshinori's own aura glowed bright with happiness knowing he was the superior father figure in Izukus life.
Meanwhile Izuku ever oblivious to his father's fued just gave his mom his best smile feeling happier to have them in his life. After all they were his family and he wouldn't change that for nothing in the world.
Sometime later
Yoichi: Leave brother we will not leave this host!
AFO: Oh I don't want your quirk little brother, no not anymore.
Yoichi: Then why are you here what else could you possibly want?!
Yoichi: I see so that's what this is about...yeah no this is what you get. Consider this karma goodbye brother.
Yoichi: *disconnects AFO from Izukus conscious*
AFO: *Sitting in Izukus room while his son sleeps* I can't believe it he hung up on me.
AFO: I'll have you know I did alot of good things I'm not a good for nothing scumbag!
Inko: Oh really name one good deed you've done since we got married.
AFO:............Well umm..... Oh! I had Izuku our son!
Inko: Hehe yeah no I had Izuku you just stood there and cried in the corner for 11 hours.
AFO: WELL YOU TRY BEING SUPPORTIVE WHEN YOUR WIFE CALLS YOU A- Wait no actually I adopted a stray child off the streets! That definitely counts as one good deed!
Inko: WHAT!?
AFO: *realizing how bad he messed up* You what happened was....
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bakugohoex · 4 years
reader confronting katsuki about his anger issues and how he bullies deku too much and they scream "don't u wanna be a hero?!" or smth like that and it strikes a nerve but also makes him Sad bc he wanna be a hero don't call him a villain :((
“you’ll never be a fucking hero if you keep acting like a dick to midoriya”
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pairing: katsuki bakugo x female reader
cw: language, bit of angst bit of fluff
word count: 1400+
a/n: hey guys, hope you enjoy this little headcanon thingy i dont know what it’s called lmao
summary:  in which after seeing bakugo continue his bullying with midoriya, you take it upon yourself to stick up for the boy and bakugo get’s a lot more than he expected, finally realising that his act cannot go on for any longer
↞ back to my hero academia masterlist
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Another day, another Bakugo shouting at Midoriya.
You could see in Midoriya’s eyes how much he looked up to the boy, you may have only known the two for a couple months now but seeing Bakugo scream at the boy again.
It was too much, the anger in explosions, the way Midoriya tried to hold him back.
He was extra pissed today and was taking it out on the green haired boy.
Being close friends with the boy, the shouting of Bakugo had made your instincts act out.
You left your own partner, Kirishima, and marched past everybody. They could all see your own anger; you were going to protect the boy and they were not going to stand in your way.
You grabbed Bakugo’s collar and this boy was in shock, nobody had ever done something like this.
His actions stopped as you dragged him out kicking and shouting for you to let go of him.
“Y/n, what the fuck? Don’t fucking ever do that shit again?” He scowled outside of the training rooms.
You tapped your foot lightly, but you were pissed, fucking annoyed even. He looked angry at you but kept it under wraps. If someone was to analysis Bakugo they would realise how he had a soft spot for you after both of you fought against each other at the spots festival. Hell he even remembered your name and quirk, he may have been nicer to you but his anger that he had suppressed for you needed to be let out somehow.
“Bakugo, you’re going to listen to me, oh so help me God, I will make you look like an idiot inside.” He took a sharp breathe only nodding at how easily you had shut down his frustrations.
“What the fuck do you think you’re playing at? Leave Midoriya the fuck alone, you don’t need to be so fucking rude to the boy. You might think it makes you look all powerful but all I see is a bully.” You took your own deep breath, “you’ll never be a fucking hero if you keep acting like a dick to Midoriya.”
He stood taking it all, all the anger you felt from how he acted towards the boy, he took it all in. The last thing he had ever wanted was to hear the words you had said and worst of all, it was you who had said it. The girl who had nearly beat him, the girl who had always been so kind and nice to those around her. The girl he had almost become infatuated with, you were the one shouting at him, telling him he was the one in the wrong.
“Get a fucking grip, Bakugo.” With the final words you left him speechless outside, he couldn’t speak, couldn’t move. But anger filled him, the sound of his explosions arose from behind you, but you didn’t turn around shaking your head to let him have his tantrum.
You had spent time with him, even studied with him. He never acted the way he acted to Midoriya to you, he always seemed nice and a lot calmer. But watching how hurt Midoriya looked, it hurt you to see your friend upset.
“You don’t get to fucking say shit Y/n.” You stopped in your steps, you were half way inside before his words caught up to you. He was shouting at you, his eyes filled with sadness, you were close enough to see it. But the rest of the class who were watching the scene could only see anger.
“No, Y/n, you can’t say that shit and leave like that.” His voice seemed weaker and his arms may have been out towards you. But no yellow explosions were coming out from it, he just had anger within him. He hated you protecting the young Midoriya, but he knew that you shouldn’t care as much, that you had never stopped him before. So why now?
You didn’t meet his gaze, instead looking to the side, “fucking look at me.” Your eyes flickered to his own and he was about to speak when a much angrier Aizawa stomped towards you. He looked pissed at the two of you not training.
“You two stop talking now.”
“Yes sir.” You both spoke in unison, before you left to go back to Kirishima.
The words had repeated through Bakugo’s head since the encounter outside, he respected you for saying what you said. To stand up to him, but he could see how it had ruined your friendship.
Whenever you’d be in the elevator going up to your rooms, you’d stay on your phone, refusing to talk to him, or if you both were waiting for Aizawa to come in. You’d leave your seat behind him and go talk to Midoriya or Todoroki, he hated it so much.
This is how he ended up doing something entirely rash and a lot more unexpected. It was the end of the day and you were about to leave to go back to the dorms. A hand had grabbed your wrist however, “Y/n.”
Bakugo’s voice was hesitant, but you turned to meet his gaze. He let go of you, scratching the back of his head before speaking again, “I want to prove to you that I am he…hero material, so just umm wait here.”
You were hesitant at first, but you stayed outside, you noticed him walk towards Midoriya who at the sight of seeing Bakugo looked timider than ever. Bakugo gestured you to come over, which you did waiting to see what he’d say to the young boy, “I…I’m sorry.”
Midoriya looked more confused than ever, “are you ill Kacchan?” Midoriya began to try to inspect Bakugo’s face.
“Let go me stupid nerd.” He got out of Midoriya’s way and looked at you.
“An apology won’t just fix a relationship Bakugo.” You had not been impressed with what you had seen, and you wanted to hear more.
“Okay, okay.” Bakugo looked back at Midoriya, “we’ve never been friends and I know we never will.”
You stared blankly at what he had said, that was not a good start, “but I shouldn’t have put all my anger on you, to be honest, all the niceness I give to y/n, I have left over anger that needed to go somewhere. It shouldn’t have been to you, I’m not trying to be nice to you, I’m still 100% better than you and your little nerdy friends but I won’t put the excess anger I have onto you.”
“Okay.” Midoriya had grown over the months, he didn’t need Bakugo’s approval for anything, he had grown to have other friends. Move past the boy from his childhood and you were glad about that.
Bakugo came to meet your gaze again, “yeah, yeah we’re fine now.” He grinned at you walking with you back to the dorms. “So what’s this about being nice to just me.”
“Shut up shitty woman.” He growled as you laughed.
“Hey, you’re supposed to be nice to me.” You pouted to the boy.
“Y/n.” He stopped you in your tracks, even with the acceptance he had gotten back from you, he was still upset about what you had said. “About me not being her…”
You interrupted him, touching his cheek. “It was rash, and I shouldn’t have said it.” You smiled up to the boy, your thumb caressing his face, “you’ll be an amazing pro hero one day and you’ll protect us all.”
“Even you.”
You laughed at his statement, “only if I’m in trouble, but I doubt I will be.” Just as you had let go of his face, he grabbed your arm bringing you closer.
Your faces only a mere inch apart from one another, he had bent down to reach your face. And he was happy, content even, he hated having you ignore him. Having you shut him down every time he tried to talk to you, but you had given him another chance and he was taking it.
His lips finally reached yours and you gave a low whisper, “do it future number one hero.” The command was all he needed to encase his lips against your own. The softness between one another and warmth that the boy brought was filled in the lustful kiss, his tongue guiding your own and the heavy breathes you both took after. It had been careless but soft and he had even more of a reason to become the number one pro hero and that was you.
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joviewinchester · 3 years
Let’s pretend that Mary is here to add to the *spice* Also major fluff alert. So terribly fluffy endings that they could be a danger to society. Except for the last one. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Also let me know if I should write more stuff with multiple endings because this was super fun.
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Imagine dating Dean when Gabriel comes back, and going to stay with Lucifer.
Dean and Y/N were currently having the biggest fight of their relationship. “I still love him Dean! I can’t help it! I thought he was dead okay?! I assumed after he went radio silent he was dead not kidnapped by a Kentucky fried douche bag!”
“Oh! Oh! That’s even better! You knew that Lucifer didn’t kill him and you didn’t think to tell us?!”
“I was protecting him you ass! He would have really died if everyone knew he was still alive!”
“Well, what now, then, huh? I was a fucking distraction from all of your baggage wasn’t I?!”
“Like I wasn’t?! You have so much fucking baggage, it adds on an extra fifty pounds!”
“Well? What about now, Y/N? Even if I’m absolutely pissed at you, I’m still and love with you, and I’ll take a wild guess from when he tried to kiss you and say that he’s still in love with you too, so now what?”
“I’m staying somewhere else for awhile, Dean. I can’t stand being here okay? I love you. You know that, but everything is just so complicated right now and I can’t deal with it.”
“Where are you going?”
“I’m going to stay with Lucifer okay? And don’t tell me that it’s dangerous and he’s an asshole and I can’t because I don’t have anywhere to go. I’m out of options, D.”
“So what? You would rather have a sleepover with the devil than stay here?!”
“Yes okay?! And this is why! I can’t deal with the way you’re being right now! …Look, i don’t have enough energy to fight anymore. Let Gabe know where I went, and just so you know, we’re on a break.”
Dean sadly watched as she walked out of the bunker with her duffel bag on her shoulder. “On a break?” He muttered to himself.
As soon as the bunker door slammed shut, Sam walked out from his room, where he had been hiding. He put an arm around his older brother. “It’ll be okay, Dean.”
“Will it really? Because she’s going to stay with yet another archangel that she, although I don’t have proof, most likely had feelings for, and the other one is staying with us.”
“Oh yeah yeah. Cry all you want, Winchester. You think I’m not upset that she’s staying with my brother who tried to kill me?” Gabriel asked.
“Is all this really necessary? I think we should probably just let Y/N do what she wants, and not fight. She is a responsible adult, and she can make her own decisions.” Castiel chimed in.
“Oh shut up!” Dean and Gabriel said in unison.
“By the way asshole, thanks to you, me and Y/N are on a break!”
“Oh don’t blame me for that Dean-o. You did that on your own. Y/N likes to make her own decisions, and you trying to make them for her? Yeah that was not working out too well. Clearly the only reason she really left was to show that she still had control over her own life.”
“Clearly, she left because your both being completely immature grade a douchebags, who, frankly, no one wants to be around, so shut up, or get a room!” Sam exploded.
They both put their hands up in surrender. “If you really want to know what really happened with Lucifer, I’ve recently come into possession of a super top secret diary of a certain loveable hunter.”
Mary walked in on the conversation. “Don’t you two dare. Just because she left does not mean you get to just take anything from her room.”
Dean and Gabriel both shrugged and sat down at the table. Gabriel began flipping through the pages to find the right date. “Here it is. This is after I went radio silent. You said that she started hanging around with Lucifer three years after my ‘death’ correct?” Dean nodded.
“”Dear Jenny,” Wow she named her diary. Whatever that’s beside the point.
“Dear Jenny,
I definitely made somewhat of a mistake today. Well, I wouldn’t call it that, but I know that the Winchesters would. I, well, I made out with Lucifer last night.
I think I’m in love with him, but then, there’s Dean. I’m starting to think he kind of had a thing for me? But then again, it’s Dean, he probably just wants to hook up or something.
You know, for some reason, I always liked the villains more. I think it might be because, most of the time, they aren’t using a girl. They love her. They’d get down on their knees for her. They’d die for her and do anything for her, and she’d always be their queen. I don’t know maybe I’m delusional.
What would Gabe say though? There’s no doubt in my mind that I will always be in love with him, dead or alive. If I ever got the chance to be with him again, I know that I would choose him, over anyone, Dean and Lucifer included. He is, well was, the light in my darkness, and I know that I‘ll never forget him.” Gabriel closed the diary. He glanced at Dean, trying to subtly study his face. He was clearly upset, and oddly enough, Gabe comforted him.
“Hey, cheer up, okay Dean-o. Let’s look at a further entry. Her feeling about you probably changed.”
They flipped further. It was an entry from last year.
“Dear Jenny,
I almost died today. There was a nest of vampires, and I went in on my own. I feel so stupid. Scratch that. I am stupid. I was lucky, so goddamn lucky.
Dean saved me. I felt really dumb. I hate being the damsel in distress. I was hoping that by going in there, I would take them out on my own and show Dean that I don’t need protection.
He has enogh to worry about, and he is always worrying about me. If anything ever happened to Dean, I don’t know what I’d do.
I know in past entries, things I said were so different, but we’re together now. Things are so different, and I love him so much.
He is my light…in the darkness.” Gabriel trailed off on the last part.
“You make her happy Dean. She’s yours now.”
“No. You made her just as happy, and besides, it’s her decision now. For all we know, she’ll end up with Satan.”
About, a week passed and Y/N was finally home. As soon as she walked in the door, everyone could tell how drained she was. She looked like she hadn’t slept in years.
“Hi.” She gave a weak smile to no one in particular. Now was not a time to play favorites. Then again, maybe it was.
Dean- “So, as you guys know, I’ve been MIA for a week, so I’ve had lots of time to think, and I know what I want. I know that you both probably don’t even want me at this point, but, Dean I love you. I want to be with you, and it was stupid for me to just up and leave. That one week was a living hell without you. Side note, that was a horrible metaphor for me to use.”
Dean pulled her into a tight hug, and buried his face in her hair. “Don’t ever leave me alone with Gabriel and Sam ever again. I know mom and Cas are here, but no one can stop them from arguing constantly but you.” Y/N laughed a little bit.
“I promise that I’ll never leave you ever again. I uh, I bought something while I was gone.” She pulled something small out of her pocket.
“Look, I know that this is kind of untraditional, but that’s who I am. Dean for as long as I’ve known you, you never even thought about a serious relationship, until you asked me out. Like everyone we have had ups and downs, but at the end of the day, I love you and you love me. With this life, you have no idea what’s going to happen next, so I guess what I’m trying to say is, Dean Winchester, will you marry me?”
“Hell yeah! Of course. I’m just sorry you beat me to it. Before our fight, I had this whole romantic thing planned out and-“ Y/N hushed him.
“I don’t want a bunch of rose petals. You’re more than enough for me.”
Gabriel- “Um…Mary can I talk to you?” Mary nodded and followed Y/N to a separate room.
“So, I know Dean is your son, but you’re my best friend and I feel like you’re the only person I can talk to. This may not be what you want to hear, but I’m still-“
“In love with Gabriel. I know n/n. Just let Dean down easy okay? You know how he is with these things. He’s not going to get over it overnight.”
Y/N pulled her into a hug. “Thanks, Mary.”
“Now why don’t you go shower and then talk to Gabe.” Y/N nodded and went up to her room then headed to her personal bathroom.
When she got done, she walked out to her laid out clothes and almost had a heart attack. Of course he would be waiting on her.
“You know, I feel like I already know the answer to this, but do you think I could get dressed before we talk or?”
“Nah. It’s not in my programming to do that.” Y/N grabbed her laid out clothes.
“In that case, I’ll be right back.” She said heading to the bathroom once more. When she walked back out, she sat next to him on the edge of her bed.
“So…” Y/N trialed off, nervously tapping her fingers against her thigh.
“Y/N, I know you aren’t very good at confrontation and stuff like that, but you have a decision to make, and no matter what, Dean and I have both agreed to respect that, even if that choice is neither of us.”
“Gabe, I’ve already made a choice. I made a choice a long time ago. I love you. Even through the years nothing has changed the fact that I love you. You were the first guy, or archangel rather, that I fell in love with, and I want you to be the last.”
“That was the most incredibly sweet and cheesy thing you have ever said to me.”
“Oh shut up, you love me.”
“You know it, sugar.”
Lucifer- “Look, I’m not staying here anymore. I know that might be kind of hard for you guys to process, but I know what I want now, and what I want is not anywhere near this bunker, so to save us all the heartache, I’m packing my stuff up and heading out of here.” She quickly ran up to her room.
“Lucifer.” Gabriel and Dean said annoyedly at the same time.
“You guys don’t know that. Maybe she just needs time on her own.” Sam said.
“Uh... yeah no.” They all turned around, then simultaneously groaned in disgust and annoyance.
“Oh come on. Don’t give me that. I’m a delight to be around. Ask Y/N.” Lucifer stated with a cocky smirk on his face.
Mary scoffed. “You’re a self righteous asshole. I don’t know why she finds any part of you attractive.”
Y/N came downstairs carrying like five bags, and rolled her eyes. “I go upstairs for five minutes and you guys are already fighting. Look, I’m leaving okay! I can’t be here right now! So, just at least let me go peacefully.”
“Is this what your mother would have wanted?” Cas stopped her. Y/N whipped around, and dropped the bags she was holding.
“Don’t talk about my mother! She died saving your sorry ass, so screw you!” Seconds later, they were gone.
“Maybe she’s right. Maybe he is different.” Mary suggested.
“Or maybe she’s blinded like she always has been.” Dean scoffed.
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realcube · 4 years
her prince || fairytale au! iida x reader
summary: you disguise as a princess in order to get into a formal event at the palace with the intention of killing the king but then you encounter the prince, soon to be king, and he’s a bit more charming than you’d like to admit.
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(a/n): idk this might be a royalty au! or perhaps a medieval au! but idek tbh
tw// fem! reader, poison, mentions of animal zapping, begging, a bit of meanie iida
“Why does (y/n) get to be the princess?” Your friend, and fellow member of the SOIR, whined from beside you. “She has the most peasanty features out of us all!” 
Everyone else in the base groaned in union at her constant whining about the assigned roles, the ring leader of this operation — otherwise known as Katsuki Bakugo — finally broke his elongated silence as he previously seemed quite invested in whatever he was scribbling. 
Suddenly, he shot up from his desk then proceeded to slam his fist against it, causing all of it’s contents to tremble, “Shut up! As if you’re one to talk about peasanty features, Mina!” He barked at the girl, his aggressive demeanour faltering once he noticed how his hostility caused you to wear an alarmed expression. 
“We need her natural charm on the field, anyway.” he muttered, hastily sitting back down at his desk. Kirishima, Sero and Kaminari all had to do their best to suppress their snickers and focus on the tasks they had been given. However, they were all struggling as it was simply comedy gold to see their boss have such an evident crush on (y/n) but simultaneously be so far deep in denial for the sake of his pride.
Bakugo grabbed the scroll he had been writing on for the last few hours and held it up to display what looked like a numbered list, written in cursive. Therefore, you were unable to read it. In fact, none of you were able to read it; Bakugo was the only literate one among you, hence the reason why he immediately assumed leader of this operation even though it was originally your idea.
Upon noticing all of your blank expressions as you stared at what looked like a glorified piece of paper, he cleared his throat so he could begin explaining what he wrote to you. “I wrote out the plan-of-action for us to follow tomorrow but I forgot that you are all dunces so I’m going to have to read it aloud for you, aren’t I?”
You all nodded in unison which was promptly followed by Bakugo rolling his eyes once more and turning to read the plan.
“SOIR — stage one in (the) revolution — plan of action. Written and led by Katsuki Bakugo, soon to be King Explosion Murder!” He smiled to himself but it was accompanied by a chorus of groans from the rest of you.
“Step one; Kaminari steals a horse from his dad’s farm at exactly 5:15PM, rides it to the outskirts of the village so Sero can hook it up to the carriage. Meanwhile, Mina will assist (y/n) in putting on her gown and help ensure Kirishima puts on his suit and make-up properly. Afterwards, both parties will meet up by the carriage.
Step two; Sero will be coachman for the carriage to take (y/n) and Kirishima to the castle. Take the desired route and you should arrive at the palace by 6PM. 
Step three; Sero will drop off Kirishima and (y/n) then ride back to this base immediately, where Kaminari, Mina and myself will already be waiting. As for (y/n) and Kirishima, they will try to get into the palace and keep a low profile.”
You sighed, aware of how much Bakugo hates to be interrupted during his ‘serious monologue’, and you could tell it was one of those as he used your real names rather than the nicknames he’d given to you like ‘dunceface’ or ‘the pauper’. However, you just had to interject as you were yet to be filled in with some crucial information to your part of the operation.
“Bakugo,” You halted him as he finished his sentence, quickly averting your gaze to the floor as you had a habit of losing your train of thoughts as you looked into his fierce crimson eyes. “How are we supposed to get in? Are there any openings or secret passages you’ve located?” Your eyes widened in excitement at the idea that you could be like a proper assassin; using secret passages, going undercover, dealing with poison and all that good stuff! 
“No.” Bakugo replied bluntly, instantly shooting down any dreams you had of this being a cool mission. “Security on the palace will extremely tight considering this is a royal event. Only people who received an invite from the palace — hence, on the guest list — are allowed in, but I’ve already dealt with that obstacle--”
“You mean I dealt with that obstacle!” Kaminari cut him off with an offended tone before turning to look at you and Kirishima. “I was the one who zapped that messenger raven out of the sky to steal the invitation!” 
“Shut it, moron!” Bakugo barked, slamming his fist against the desk once again to grab everyone’s attention, his palm emitting tiny, and very much illegal, explosions. He slowly shifted his gaze on to you and spoke in an eerily soft tone, “Anyway, you and Kirishima will go under the aliases of ‘Princess Momo Yaoyorozu from the Yaoyorozu isles, and company’. So you will be able to waltz right in there, just don’t act suspicious.”
“How come (y/n) gets a cool, noble name and I am just ‘company’. Also, if my role is unspecified then why do I have to be her father? Can’t I just be her brother or something so I don’t have to wear that silly old-person wig?” Kirishima whined, immediately followed by Bakugo glaring daggers at him. 
“No, idiot, you have to be her father. If you dress as an old man then you’d be more likely to get in close proximity to the King.” Bakugo replied, impatience laced in his voice. He prided himself in coming up with such a logical excuse on the spot when in reality, the reason he wanted Kirishima to dress up as an old man was to guarantee that you don’t fall for him while on this mission. I mean, no matter how ravishing Kirishima was, how could you find him the least bit attractive while he looked like he was on the brink of extinction?
Kirishima grumbled inaudible curses under his breath as he slumped back in his chair defeatedly. Followed by Bakugo trying to resume his lecture but ceasing to do so as the familiar sound of groans erupted from all of you. 
“You’ve been over the last part of the plan, like, ten times already. Just today!” Mina pointed out, folding her arms of her chest and jutting her bottom lip out in disapproval. 
Sero hastily agreed with the girl, “Yeah! Here, I’ll summarise it for you.” Sero snickered before clearing his throat to prepare for his Bakugo impression, “ ‘You guys will sneak poison into the King’s quiche or whatever then I, King Explosion Murder, will come marching in to save the day and reclaim the land by declaring myself the new king! Bow to me, peasants!’ ” 
You and Mina both giggled at Sero’s rather accurate, yet satire, impersonation of the leader himself. While Kaminari and Kirishima both jokingly bowed to Sero, robotically muttering ‘all hail, king explosion murder.’
“Hey! Quit it!” Bakugo bellowed, furrowing his eyebrows as he clasped his hand together and pressed inwards, forcefully repressing his urge to blow up the whole fucking base. “I’m not going to go over the plan again so if one of you dumbasses mess it up tomorrow then you’re getting a boot to the face, got it?” 
“Yes, Lord Explosion Murder.” You all said monotonously in concert.
“You’re all fools!”
»»—————- ♔ —————-««
Step one, two and three had went smoothly. It almost seemed to good to be true.
Kaminari successfully managed to borrow the horses without anyone noticing, Mina did a spectacular job of making Kirishima look like an old man — as well as the skilful embroidery on your dress — and Sero managed to drive you here with all your limbs still intact. 
As for you and Kirishima, you both mastered the role of snobby aristocrats surprisingly fast, considering you both came from extremely deprived families. But it was as if the lifestyle just came naturally to you, hence you were both able to enter the castle without a problem.
However, no amount of acting expertise would allow you to hide the star-struck look which took over your features as you admired the massive Corinthian hall which you had the honour of stepping into. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, providing light along with the pale candles which sat in the alcoves of the walls. The roof was jaw-droppingly high and was expertly painted with detailed images of religious scenes; angels, the virgin mary, jesus, fairies, dragons, everything. 
At the other side of the hall sat none of than the King himself, looking smugly upon the crowds of people that filled his ballroom as he sat upon his extravagant throne, made of gold mined by slaves and welded together by citizens of the kingdom who were currently in poverty, but who the king also claimed to care so deeply about.
Disgusting. Consequent to seeing that evil vermin, your look of awe immediately dropped.
Your eyebrows knitted together as you simply could not avert your gaze from that man and his generally villainous demeanour that everybody just seemed to ignore. With a sigh, you leaned back against a pillar and mused, “Ugh, look at that vile creature just sitting here like he owns the place, just wait until he gets a taste of his own medicine. Right, Kirishima?”
You spoke, spinning your head around to look at your red-haired partner after you received nothing but a muffled ‘huh?’ as an answer. “What do you mea- oh!” you instantly cut yourself off upon realising that who you were spilling your plans to was not Kirishima but rather some dashing young man who was currently stuffing his was with damper bread.
“I- I am so sorry, sir. I thought you were someone else. Erm, uh, I shall take my leave now.” You stuttered, swiftly turning on your heels to bolt off in search of Kirishima but you were stopped in your tracks by the man scarfing the last piece he was holding to offer out his hand to you.
“No need to apologise! I, too, mistook you for someone else. That is why I was eating so gluttonously in your presence, my apologies.” He said, leaning forward into a bow to press a gentle kiss on your chuckles once you gave him your hand.
“I’m Tenya Iida, by the way. It’s a pleasure to meet you!”  He spoke, his tone suddenly becoming a lot less formal after he straightened up from his bow while slowly retracting his hand. “And would I be right in assuming that you are Princess Yoayorozu of the Yoayorozu Isles?”
Now that he was standing straight, without a pudding in his hand, you could take a moment to discretely examine him. He stood tall with his shoulders back and his head high to perfectly balance his glasses on the bridge of his nose, everything about his posture screamed ‘royalty’, not to mention his blue undercut which was slicked back into a loose comb-over. As for his outfit, he wore a white shirt along with a royal blue tie which complemented his blazer which was a similar shade, with the kingdom’s crest positioned on the left hand side of his chest. There was also his straight-legged navy trousers, his black derby shoes and his matching designer watch but what really brought the outfit together was his bold, enchanting smile. 
You blinked a few time as it took a moment for that name to register in your mind but once it, you nodded rapidly in response. “Ah, yes, that would be me.” You chirped casually until his name finally clicked in you’re head, “Wait, are you Iida Tenya like- the king’s son Iida Tenya or?” You inquired, trying to act ‘casual’ as if you hadn’t been practising many week preparatory for today but the nervous look in your eyes was unconcealable.
Iida couldn’t help but chuckle at how bewildered you seemed while asking that question, “Well, yes, unfortunately.” He mumbled the last part but it was still said clearly enough for you to hear. “As you are probably aware, today is my coronation. But to say that I’m dreading the crowning is an understatement.”
You quirked an eyebrow at this new information. Well, it wasn’t really knew. The whole of SOIR knew that the formal event was going to the coronation for the new king. Hence, you and Kirishima were made aware that you had two targets to eliminate, but if you had known that the to-be king was such a cutie nice guy then perhaps you would’ve fought his case.
Logically speaking though, for this plan to work, both targets had to be eliminated. It was pointless to only poison the current king, as the crown would already be Tenya’s since the dinner which you planned to spike was going to be served after the crowning. And if you only poisoned Iida, not only would that upset you but the king would simply hand his status over to Tensei, who had been pushed back in the line for the crown due to his impairments after leading and fighting in many wars. 
But, how could you kill Tenya when he was just so...charming?
None the less, somebody had to it. The lives of many citizens were in your hands tonight, as success would lead to improved situations for all. Once the monarchy is gone, there will be nobody stopping you from using your quirks freely! Plus, the royals would no longer hoard all the luxury and wealth of the kingdom, so everybody would be able to lead happy lives, free from financial burdens.
The list goes on but for now, you just had to look that fetching prince right in the eyes and think to yourself, ‘he’s the reason i’m poor’; which was easy to believe considering that the watch adorning his left wrist was probably worth enough to free your whole family from poverty.
It somewhat worked, but not really. The way his honeyed crimson eyes would gaze into your own was enough to make your heart flutter but you mentally reassured yourself that you were most definitely not falling and heart palpitations were just a symptom from your lack of sleep.
“Anyway,” Iida began once more, the tips of his ears heating up as he realised that he had been staring at you for an elongated amount of time. “It has been lovely speaking to you today but it’s about time that I take my leave, duty calls.”  He said, mentally scolding himself for being such a creep and hoping that you paid no mind to his lengthened gaze.
“Ah, alright, I wouldn’t want to keep you any longer than needed.” You sung, awkwardly fidgeting with your fingers as you recalled the ‘manner classes’  Bakugo made you and Kirishima take part in to help you avoid instances like this where you had no clue how to formally end an interaction, with a prince of all people.
It was a long shot but it was your best guess. You swiftly grabbed Iida’s hand, pulled it up to your face and before he had time to react, you planted a kiss on his knuckles — just like had done to you — before bolting off into the sea of aristocrats to go find Kirishima. Leaving Iida standing, blushing more than ever, slightly confused but mostly amused. 
“She’s really something.” He muttered to himself, scratching the side of his neck before hurriedly marching towards the throne, in search of his brother.
Although their interaction was brief, Iida would be lying if he said he wasn’t silently praying that he’d run into the girl again.
»»—————- ♔ —————-««
Step 4 went perfectly. 
‘mingle for exactly 10 minutes until food preparation. Then, (y/n) will use her quirk to sneak into the kitchen while Kirishima distracts anyone that could catch her in the act.’
Bakugo’s gruff voice echoed throughout your head like that of a siren, as you waited for the perfect opportunity to spike the three large, extravagant platters of food laying on the golden trolley which was rumoured to deliver all three of the king’s daily meals. 
At first you thought you had an issue as you had no idea which meal belonged to which person, they all looked almost identical, meaning that you might accidently poison the wrong meal, hence murder Tensei in vain. However, then you recalled a piece of wisdom Bakugo had given you offhandedly once, ‘y’know, there’s a tradition in this kingdom stating that the elders should be served the most salad on the side of a dish — so hand over your cucumbers, bitch!’
So with that in mind, your arm emerged from the shadows once most of the cooks had cleared from the kitchen to tend to other duties, and you dropped some of the poison into the dish with the most salad and the dish with the least to ensure that Tensei got to see the light of tomorrow. 
I mean, you could’ve just poisoned all three to avoid doing all that critical thinking but not only was it risky, you also kind of had a soft spot for Tensei despite the fact he was basically double your age.
Utilising the shadows as your disguise, you stuck out of the kitchen yet you were unable to find a pathway back into the ballroom since there were just so many chefs crowding around the entrance to kitchen. You were sure to get caught if you exited the shadows from there but luckily, there was alternative.
There was a back door of the kitchen which led out into the grand garden, allowing the chefs to waft the smoke out and into the open air, if needed. So through the shadows, you were able to sneak out into the garden without being noticed by a single person. 
Or so you thought.
As you jumped out of the shadows and swiftly turned a corner to look for a route back into the palace, you were greeted by a familiar face that wore an incredibly stunned expression. From behind their glasses, they squinted to try recognise you through the dark night. 
“Oh, Ms Yaoyorozu.” Iida chuckled, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck as he realised that it was you he had bumped in to during his attempt at ditching his own coronation. Also, since he had just witnessed you doing a rather illicit act. “I’m not sure if you were ever made aware, but quirk usage is very much forbidden in this kingdom.”
You blinked rapidly, surprised at how oddly level-headed he was being about having just watched you sneak out of the kitchen, “Oh-” you choked, looking around to see if anybody else was around but the coast seemed to be clear; well, as far as you could tell, but that wasn’t easy considering the foggy night appeared to fleece everything. “I am so sorry. I was never told about such rules but I’ll be su--”
“Yes, you were.” 
There was a while of silence between the two of you. To say you were taken aback was a understatement, why was he suddenly so confrontational? And why did he say that with such a nasty look in his eyes? Does he know something you do not? Even though you had only met him barely an hour ago, you could still tell that his comment was quite out-of-character. Hence you were hardly able to stammer out a reply, “W-w- um, was I?”
The tip of Iida’s lips twitched upwards as examined your bewildered expression; it brought him infinite amounts of amusement at how ignorant you must’ve thought he was to imagine that he could fall for your silly little ploy. 
“Yes. Well, I mean, Ms Yaoyorozu had knowledge of these laws; the rules of the kingdom were attached to the invite, but you’ve made it rather clear that you’re not Yaoyorozu.”  The words rolled off his tongue, each one sharper than the last; he didn’t plan on calling you out on your impersonation tonight but as his eyes skimmed over the terrified expression on you face, he was immensely glad that he did.
“So, tell me, who are you? Other than a scum-of-the-earth imposter that deserves to rot in slums for the rest of their poor, pathetic life.
You faltered slightly at his threat before blurting out, “Momo’s cousin.”
Iida snorted, but quickly tried to force a serious scowl back onto his features, “Exactly how gullible do you think I am?”
At this point, you were at a loss. The prince stood angry in front of you; meaning that it only took a yell for most of the guards in the palace come marching over to you, before tossing into the dungeon cell which you would have no choice but to call home for the rest of your life.
So if you didn’t act fast and wisely, this could be the last moment of freedom you’ll ever experience.
Throwing away your pride, you dropped to your knees in front of the prince, leaning forward to press your forehead against the shining tops of his derby shoes as you cried, but not loud enough to catch the guard’s attention.
 “Please, your highness! I- I’m just a kid; like you! I swear I wasn’t here to cause trouble, I just--” your pleas were cut off by your own saliva getting temporarily caught in your throat but this gave you the opportunity to conjure up a believable excuse.
“I just--” you repeated, desperately attempting to come up with something until you mindlessly blurted out, “I just wanted to feel like royalty! Please give me another chance!”
Iida eyes widened at this; was it too far-fetched to believe that you created an elaborate plan to sneak into the palace, all for the ‘aesthetic’? Perhaps. But the way your glossy, sorrow-filled eyes looked up at him from the ground made his heart sink to his stomach while a sickly feeling ascended to his throat.
He felt so guilty.
In a moment of panic, he used his power to threaten and frighten a poor girl to the point where she was now begging for life on the paving beneath him. Although you were technically a felon, there seemed to be no malicious intentions behind your crime so why should you be prosecuted for it? Yet Iida still used his status to instil fear into you, solely to feel superior.
Perhaps he is not as different from his father as he once thought; a horrible feeling really, as Tenya despised no one more than that man. Iida wants no association with him or the horrible monocracy established in the kingdom. Which is why he chose to run away from his coronation. He hoped to fake his own kidnapping for a few weeks, then he’d come out of hiding and pray that Tensei had been given the crown instead.
He couldn’t bare seeing you on the dirty ground any longer so he hastily took your hand to assist you in standing back upright, “It’s-- you’re pardoned, just please come with me. This’ll only take a moment.” 
At this point you’d just go along with anything he said, under the assumption that if you disobeyed, you’d be banished. So you trailed behind him, his hand acting as your guide since you could hardly see past the tears which clouded your vision. 
You both approached a white wooden gazebo with a matching pale metal bench, he quickly took a seat and pulled you down next to him, sandwiching your hand in-between his own and caressing the back with his thumb as he waited patiently for you blubbers to die down. 
His lips fell into a frown as he watched you desperately wipe the tears away from under your eyes but smear your expertly applied mascara in the process, “My sincerest apologies; I don’t know what came over me.” He spluttered, harshly biting his bottom lip to silence himself. 
You took deep breaths, hurriedly trying to compose yourself before the prince snapped at you again. So, once the tears had stop brimming in your eyes, you looked at him with a ready expression. However, your faint sniffles, red eyes and smudged make-up didn’t do a good job at reinforcing it.
“Alright,” Iida started, removing one of his hands from yours to push his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “I understa--”
“Are you going to imprison me?”
Iida choked on thin air, his eyes widening at your random — but seemingly genuine — inquiry. “Good heavens, no! Never! What makes you think that?” Was he really that menacing? He was only a prince and he was already using his authority for intimidation. Iida could only imagine how mad with power he’d become if he were to take the crown.
Good thing he wasn’t going to. 
The reality of the situation you were in hit you like a truck as you caught a glimpse of the time from Iida’s designer watch since he had his hand resting upon your knee. You inhaled sharply, doing your best to compose yourself, “Sir-”
“No need to call me ‘sir’, I’m Tenya. Plus, we’re around the same age so ‘sir’ is hardly appropriate.” He chuckled, his lips forming a reassuring smile. In any other case, he’d go by Iida but he didn’t want you to associate him with his father in any sense, even if it was just by surname.
“Oh, how rude of me. I completely forgot to ask, what’s your name? And you have my word that I won’t do anything spiteful with this information.”
“I’m (y/n).” You replied without a second though, before continuing, “Your crowning is supposed to be in 10 minutes, correct? I think you should get going.” You hummed, trying your best to hide how tense and conflicted you were. If Iida doesn’t bugger off right now then he’s gonna miss the ceremony which will lead to a high chance of the event being rescheduled, therefore you’re going to have to act out this plan all over again! How many more messenger ravens does Kaminari need to zap?! 
But on the other hand, there was some part of you that really didn’t want him to leave for some reason; perhaps you enjoyed his company a little more than you’d like to admit. Another part of you said that he doesn’t deserve to die, he’s too nice of a guy; then you remembered the evil, corrupt glint in his eyes as he told you about the fate he wished upon you just a few minutes ago, then you didn’t feel as bad.
Your kind reminder was met by Iida simply shaking his head, “Absolutely not! There is no way I can leave you after I said those horrible things. Plus, it’s not as if I want to be king, anyway.” He mumbled the last part but of course you heard it as his face was only a few inches away from yours.
“Why don’t you want to be king?” 
Iida didn’t even hesitate to reply with the response that had been waiting on the tip of his tongue, “I shan’t participate in the monarchy. I plan on staying in hiding for a week before coming out, hopefully by then Tensei will be crowned king and I will get to lead the army instead.” 
As soon as his plan fell from his lips, his eyes immediately widened. Why was he telling you this?! I mean, now that you knew his plan, once he ‘goes missing’ you could easily tell the king that this was part of his scheme all along, in which case the king wouldn’t crown Tensei and instead send out search parties for Tenya. But then again, why would the king listen to a pauper like you? No offence, it’s just that those who come from a lower social status are less likely to be allowed in the castle, and less likely to meet the king. 
So he reasoned to himself that there was no harm in telling you his plan, but a part of him couldn’t help but wonder why he subconsciously felt comfortable enough to tell you in the first place. I mean, he’s only known you for an evening; surely there’s no why he’s caught feelings this fast, right?
Your heart skipped a beat upon hearing his circumstances, thinking that this was the end of SOIR, but the more you thought about it, you realised that perhaps this was a good thing. 
This meant that — assuming the king eats the meal prepared for him regardless of the ceremony — the king will be dead so the only person you’d have to eliminate was Tensei who was widely known to be more lenient about the rules of the kingdom. I mean, he let his troops take a water-break during battle for goodness’ sake! Assassinating him should be a piece of cake, especially for the SOIR.
Also, this ensures that you won’t have to kill Tenya, which is a thought that made you oddly happy and relieved. 
Sniffling quietly, you rubbed beneath your eyes to further mess up the eyeliner and mascara Mina had done for you. Then you hummed, “Oh, that’s cool, Tenya.”
“And I would like for you to be my bride once I emerge from hiding!” 
You froze, blinking rapidly and inquiring further in hopes that perhaps you misheard him, “Huh? Your what?”
“Bride!” He chirped, scanning the baffled look on your face and figuring that he should elaborate, “See, I think it works in both of our favours; you get to live a somewhat royal life and I get to settle down with someone who my father did not pick out for me. Plus, though I’m no love expert, I can definitely feel something special between the two of us. I hope that’s not just me being a fool. But anyway, I completely understand if you refuse, marriage is a huge commitment.”
Even after he finished explaining, you still sat there staring at him, absolutely flabbergasted that he really just asked you to marry him. Also, quite shocked that there was a scarily large part of you that wanted to accept his offer. 
“Tenya, we literally just met a few hours ago.”
“Six, to be exact.” he corrected you, accompanied by a little shrug as to say ‘who cares?’
“And we are both sixteen.” You continued to rationalise but talking to Iida when he’s dead-set on something was like talking to a brick wall; a brick wall that provided logical arguments, the worst kind of wall.
“The average life expectancy in this kingdom is 35 years of age so if you think about, we’re basically half way through our lives already. Why not settle down?” 
Although, his statements were annoying as hell, the charming smile that decorated his face while he spoke was enough to convince that he was right. Despite the fact those statistics were clearly a sample from the lower class; royalty would obviously live to a much higher age. Plus, he was definitely correct about the special feeling between the two of you, like you have genuinely never felt more endeared by a person’s presence before, especially after they were just wishing hellfire upon you a few minutes ago. six, to be exact
As he sat there and exchanged a longing gaze with you, the voice in your head that wanted you to accept his proposal was getting larger and larger by the second, drowning out the voice that strictly wanted to put an end to his clownery and that voice sounded eerily like bakugo. You’re a woman of logic, and logic says you should accept. Because, if you say no, there’s no turning back and you’ll probably never get another opportunity like this again in your life. But if you say yes, you have two whole weeks to make up your mind as to whether you actually want to marry him or not, and if you don’t, you can always break up with him after he comes out of hiding. Additionally, you’ll be able to go back to the base and confer with the SOIR as to what you should do. Also, you were kinda in love with him, but logic disregards love.
Iida moved his hand from your knee to hold both of your hand in his own while his gaze filled with yearned remained locked onto your eyes, he’s truly never seen anyone more beautiful before. Despite the fact you make-up was ruined, tears were stained to your face and mascara was smeared under your eyes, you still looked ten times more divine than any queen he’s ever seen. 
“So, (y/n), what do you say?”
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khaleesiofalicante · 4 years
Practice Makes Perfect
Wrote this little drabble instead of working. Thanks @tobeornottobetequila for the prompt that led to this disaster. You can also read it here on ao3 :)
“He is here! Here is here! He is here!”
Izzy came running into the dorm with Simon following closely behind.
“Are you ready, buddy?” Jace put a hand on his shoulder.
Alec swallowed a jello shot from the tray Clary was holding. “Now or never.”
Today was the day.
Alec had been pining after Magnus for two whole semesters now. He had been trying to ask the other boy out almost every day, but kept chickening out.
Finally, his friends who had confessed that they could no longer put up with his pining, had come up with a plan to help Alec ask Magnus out.
Now usually Alec would never condone  - and definitely not be a part of – any plan concocted by his siblings and friends.
For they were, as the kids say, chaotic as fuck.
But to his own surprise, he had agreed.
For he was, as the kids say, desperate as fuck.
Clary took out more jello shots out of the mini fridge as Simon kept an eye on the entrance for Magnus.
“Do we really need to do all of this?” Simon asked, eying the trays of jello shots.
“Babe, we’ve been through this,” Izzy told him. “Alec needs liquid courage to ask Magnus out.”
“Does he?” Simon asked, addressing Alec. “Why can’t you just tell him how you feel?”
“Tell him how you feel,” Jace snorted. “What kind of garbage advice is that?”
“It’s not like I haven’t tried!” Alec tried to defend himself. “Every time I try to tell him how I feel and ask him out but he is just….There is only so much I can do!”
“You just need to be a little-”
“Stop victim blaming!” Alec protested. “It’s not my fault he looks like a Greek god!”
“Who looks like a Greek god!”
They all turned in unison to find Magnus in the entrance, carrying a pile of books.
It has only been two seconds and Alec was already sweating.
His friends had told him that with liquid courage and with their support, it would be easier to ask Magnus out.
But that wasn’t true, was it?
He could barely talk to Magnus when they were alone. How was he going to ask him out with so many others in the room?
Besides, the plan itself was crazy. I mean, it was Jace’s idea. So of course it was crazy.
Maybe Simon was right. Maybe he should just tell Magnus how he felt.
Nah, that wasn’t it.
He wondered if anyone would notice if he quietly jumped out of the window.
“Magnus!” Izzy beamed and welcomed him into Alec and Jace’s dorm.
Magnus eyed the jello shots on the table and then the books in his hand. “Um, this doesn’t look like the study session I was promised.”
“Oh, we are studying alright,” Clary said. “We are studying matters of the heart.”
“What?” Magnus blinked.
“Alec here is trying to ask out his crush,” Jace said. “But he is a little nervous. So, we are going to help him.”
Magnus blinked, a little slowly this time. “Oh.”
“And we thought you could help,” Clary smiled. Alec was grateful for her presence. He knew she was Magnus’ favorite out of them all.
“Oh,” Magnus said again. “What do…What can I do?”
“Well, it’s simply really,” Izzy grinned. “We thought we could do some basic role playing. Alec can ask you out for practice. We really think it might help.”
“Why can’t Jace do it?” Magnus asked, not looking at Alec.
“Because we are the Lightwoods, not the Lannisters,” Jace replied. “I mean we could use Simon…but we don’t want to, ya know?”
“Hey!” Simon protested.  
“Do you mind helping, Magnus?” Clary asked. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
Alec gave a quick smile. He didn’t want Magnus to do this if he didn’t want to either.
Magnus bit his lip.
“Are you okay with this, Alexander?” he asked and Alec wanted to sob.
The way he said his name. The way his eyes scanned Alec’s face to see if he was okay. The way he offered to help someone without a worry. The way his lips had this tiny red mark where he had bit them.
How was Alec supposed to ask this man out without passing the fuck out?
“I…I mean if you’re okay with it then…” Alec faltered.
“I’m asking if you’re okay with it,” Magnus said.
“Are you okay with it?” Alec asked.
“I’m okay with it if you are,” Magnus smiled.
“Well, I’m okay with it if you are,” Alec repeated.
“Christ,” Jace swore behind him. 
Clary pinched her boyfriend and asked him to shut up. “Well it seems like you’re both okay with it. Let’s get started.”
They all sat in a circle. Alec sitting opposite Magnus. Izzy and Simon on the giant bean bag Jace had found in some bizarre bidding website. Jace of course was sitting on the window ledge. And Clary set down the snacks on the coffee table and sprawled on the floor like a cat.
“Alright, proceed,” Izzy clapped her hands, as if this was a duel.
“What? Just like that?” Alec asked – not anyone in particular.
Magnus just shrugged. “Why do we have jello shots?”
“Liquid courage,” Jace winked.
Magnus picked one up and suddenly started giggling. “It’s a jello shot. It’s solid, not liquid.”
Maybe it was the way there were faint wrinkles around Magnus’ eyes when he smiled – reminding Alec that magnus was someone who smiled a lot.
Maybe it was the way the Magnus’ throat bobbed when he swallowed the jello shot in one go.
Or maybe it wasn’t Magnus at all.
Maybe it was the way Simon was playing Izzy’s hair as she rested her head on his chest.
Maybe it was the way Jace and Clary were smiling at each other, sharing their love in unspoken glances.
Maybe it was the way Alec couldn’t help but feel like it would always be with this way – with him as the fifth wheel.
Whatever it was,  Alec couldn’t handle it.
“I can’t do this,” Alec stood up abruptly and walked out of the door.
What was he thinking?
No amount of alcohol or moral support would be enough for him to ask Magnus out. Because that wasn’t the problem.
Alec wasn’t afraid to ask. It was just a question after all. In his classes, Alec was always that one student who always put up a hand and annoyed the professor with a million questions. No, he wasn’t afraid to ask.
But he was terrified of the answer.
Knowing he didn’t deserve Magnus was one thing. But being told that he didn’t…He didn’t know how he could cope with that.
He heard the door open behind him, followed by faint and hesitant footsteps.
“I’m fine, Jace,” Alec said quickly. “Just go ba-”
It wasn’t Jace.
“Your friends mean well,” Magnus offered a smile.
“I know,” Alec turned back again and set his eyes on the horizon. “It’s not their fault that I’m a fucking mess.”
“You’re not,” Magnus said he found his way next to Alec. “You’re fucking tall though. Fucking smart, yes. And fucking annoying – especially when you make us all stay behind during the lecture with your million follow up questions. But you are not a fucking mess.”
“I am,” Alec said, ignoring Magnus’ kind words.
He didn’t want kindness. He wanted the truth.
Magnus made an impatient gesture. “Fine, then let’s clean you up. Ask me out.”
“What?” Alec blinked.
“You said you’re a mess. Your friends are right. Practice makes perfect. Ask me out. Let’s practice.”
“I…I don’t know how,” Alec replied.
“Well, how did you do it before?” Magnus prompted. “Are you more of a straightforward guy or do you like to be super romantic and have flowers and-”
“I haven’t,” Alec interrupted. “Asked anyone out before, I mean.”
“Oh,” Magnus said. “Oh, okay. Then let’s just go with the gut. Why do you wanna ask this guy out?”
“Because I love him.”
The words tumbled out before he could stop them. Alec blushed scarlet, even though he knew Magnus was completely oblivious.
“Oh,” Magnus said, looking taken back. “I…I didn’t think it was serious.”
“It’s not,” Alec said. “It’s probably unrequited.”
“Then you shouldn’t ask him out,” Magnus replied.
“Because he doesn’t love me back?”
“Because anyone who doesn’t recognize your value isn’t worth your time, Alexander,” Magnus said.
Alec stared at him.
“Alright, let’s do this,” Alec nodded. “I’m gonna ask you out.”
Magnus smiled but then stopped immediately, as if he suddenly realized something.
“Yes,” he nodded. “Let’s practice. Ask me out Alexander Lightwood.”
Alec swallowed.
“Magnus,” Alec said and his voice came out all squeaky. He cleared his throat and took a deep breath. “Magnus, do you want to go out with me?”
“I…” Magnus blinked. “Um, do I say yes?”
“I don’t know what to say,” Magnus replied. “Do I say yes or what?”
“I don’t know how these things go! I haven’t asked anyone out before!” Alec almost laughed. “What usually happens?”
“Well, if I don’t like them, then I pretend like I got an emergency call from Catarina saying ragnor had a heart attack and-”
“Ragnor had a what?” Alec did laugh this time. “Surely they aren’t gonna buy that!”
“Please! It’s more like you than you think!” Magnus laughed back. Watch this. “He almost had one when he found out Prince Hans was the real villain in Frozen.”
They both laughed again, and Alec couldn’t help but want to hold onto this moment for a little longer.
“What if you like them?” he asked. “What happens then?”
“I…I don’t know,” Magnus said quietly. “I haven’t been asked out by someone I liked in a really long time.”
Maybe it was the way Magnus said, his voice sounding like he was close to giving up.
Maybe it was the way his eyes didn’t crinkle, but rather looked sad and lost.
Or maybe it wasn’t Magnus at all.
Maybe it was Alec, for once deciding to seize the moment.
“Hey, Magnus,” he said before he lost the nerve. “You like me, right?”
Magnus smiled. “I do.”
“Will you go out with me then?”
Magnus froze for a moment. “Are we…Are we still practicing?”
“No,” Alec said. “I’m asking you out for real.”
“But…But what about the other guy? The one you wanted to ask out?”
“There is no other guy,” Alec explained. “It’s you. I’ve been wanting to asking you out.”
“Hold on,” Magnus looked confused. “So, you are practicing with me to ask a guy out a later – who also happens to be me.”
Alec grinned. “Told you I’m a mess.”
“A hot mess,” Magnus grumbled, but Alec spotted a smile.
“So?” he prompted.
“So, what?” Magnus asked, never making it easy for him.
“Magnus!” Alec all but whined.
“Hold, I’m getting a call,” Magnus pulled out his phone. “Yes, Catarina? Ragnor had a what? Goodn-”
Alec grabbed Magnus in by his shirt. “You’re not as funny as you think.”
“Agree to disagree,” Magnus poked out a tongue.
“What now?” Alec asked, their faces incredibly closed. “What happens when someone you like asks you out?”
“Well, I would usually expect a rom-com level kiss,” Magnus said cheekily. “Being lifted off the ground, the 360 angle, violins in the background, doves flying – the whole thing.”
“Uh-oh,” Alec said. “We have a problem.”
“We don’t have doves, I know,” Magnus replied.
Alec laughed. “It’s not that. I…This is my first time asking someone out. That means I haven’t…I haven’t really kissed anyone before.”
Magnus smiled, and the wrinkles around his eyes were back, spread out like little rays of sunshine.
“Well, luckily for you Alexander, I know someone you can practice with.”
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Loving us Both or, Another level of Crazy 
(oneshot, but depends of the future) Part of the DYVLONY series, can be read seperately
Pairing : villain Hendery (Wayv) x Reader
Word count: approx 4k
About: I tell you now, important part of this story is- Hendery has two personalities, but it comes up in the story, not to confuse you, here they are:
Hendery (Huang Guanhang)- boss
Guanhee- Huang Guanhee- who deals with all filthy stuff, boss/ to everyone they are brother and sister
Warnings: Mentions of blood and gore, a bit of descriptive character death, sex, filthy smut, Guanhee is a dirty bitch, sex, sex, and some more...
filth under the cut
*Earth, the third Planet from the Sun, 149.6 million kilometers away*
-I keep telling you that someone took her, I am sure of it! – Nurse Nana, your friend whom you hade become great friends, answered.
-Miss, there is no proof of that, you cannot just announce things like this on the internet, it is classed as a felony, - the police officer was not having it, it was the third family member this week, who were saying the exact same thing, “we were on a night out, and she never came back” sort of thing. And the best was, all of the missing persons went to the same club.
Yet police didn’t want to spend their money on this. There were far more important things for them to be dealing with at this hour.
-Alright miss, we will make a file and let you know as soon as something will come up, - he announced.
-Thank you, - nurse Nana thanked the police and left.
While studying at UNI you had a big exam coming up, to help you in the process you had applied to help at the local hospital, trainee psychologist assistant, and a Doctor Vera McGregorky welcomed you into all her conversations with her patients, who didn’t mind you, a student to be there and listen. You had signed the documents for confidential information, and not a single word had escaped your mouth in talks of other patients.
You had met Nana when you arrived, she was the one to greet you and lead you to the doctors’ office, she was nice, and you became friends.
Once your exam had passed, she had invited you for a glass of beer on a night out, (you rarely drank beer, but sometimes you enjoyed it), so you agreed. Somehow during the night, you were left alone, because Nana smoked, and she used to say, “I don’t want your lungs to get polluted because of me, you know that statistics have proven, that a non - smoker standing next to a smoker is at higher risk of lung pollution than the actual smoker,” and she would add with a grin, “that’s the trufff”.
And now, she was there. Walking down the street where the club was.
-Where are you, Y/N, what happened to you, - when she returned from smoking, you were nowhere to be found, she searched everywhere in the club where she could. Not a single glimpse from you was there.
Ever since that day, she has been trying to file a missing persons case, even posted on the internet about it, receiving a few reposts and likes, until she was called to police office. If they would have been a bit more interested in that, eh?
Nana sighed.
-Assholes, - she whispered as she walked of.
* Planet DYVLONY, 10043567901;1102033149001*
-I hate that bitch, - one of the henchmen spoke.
-I know, last time when she slapped you, I remember the look on your face, - he sighed, - why can’t it be her brother this time.
-I know, right? Sometimes she really gets on my nerves.
They both walked through a warehouse that belonged to the Infamous Twins of DYVLONY, and today was one of those days where, instead of himself – Hendery, their boss, more liked preferred boss, they had to work together with his twin sister Huang Guanhee, who, if/when in a bad mood, tended to treat people like shit.
-Didn’t I tell you, that I don’t want to see your ugly ass looking faces today? Huh? Was I not clear? – Huang Guanhee sat on a chair, while behind her, tied to a post was a naked woman, barely breathing, beaten to a pulp.
-Sorry to disturb you, ma’am, but Mr. Tieger wants to see you, or your brother, he is outside, - Guanhee sighed, she hated that bastard, he owed them a lot of money, and he was trying to barter all sorts of shit on a regular basis.
-Ah, - she groaned, - bring him in, - Guanhee agreed.
Both henchmen walked out, grabbed Mr. Tieger by his collar, and really brought him in on his knees, where he stayed. Looking up, seeing Guanhee sitting on the chair, he bit his cheek. She was not the person he wanted to see there.
-Why are you here? I am busy, - she said and crossed her legs.
-I, - his mouth felt dry there for a moment, there was something not right about this woman, - I have been selected to take care of… the aliens that had crashed.
Guanhee arched a brow.
-So? – she asked.
-I have no need of an alien in my home, and I thought… - she didn’t let him finish a sentence.
-You thought? – she abruptly stood up, - exactly what, huh? You come here an offer some alien? What’s in it for me, eh?
She walked closer and smacked Mr. Tieger in the face, so hard, he fell backwards. She groaned and straightened herself up. Guenhee looked at her poor, tied girl in the back, licking her lips, taking a stick from the floor, she walked over to the girl and beat her sides and legs, the girl only jerked around with no sound, tears flowing down her face, she had no voice anymore.
-This is what happens when you don’t pay back the money, and as much as I love a pink pussy to feast on, you don’t have one, so get the fuck out of these premises, and in ten days bring us back money, or else, I will leave you dick- less bleeding in the street, do you understand?
Never have you ever seen a man run as fast as Mr. Tieger did in that moment.
-This bitch is crazy, - he said to himself, as he got in his car and drove off.
Later in the room, on the top floor of the warehouse, Guanhee was undressing. Her stockings were rolled off, her skirt neatly folded on the bed, her white blouse folded on top of that, her hair, a brown (ish) wig, left on the side, before being put away on a mannequin. Fake eyelashes taken off, together with her make up, fake boobs off, and his penis freed from the tight panties.
-It’s your turn now, - she said and looked in the mirror. As soon as those words left her mouth, Hendery appeared, straightened himself up, hearing a knock on the door.
-Boss, it’s me, can I come in? – Hendery walked over and opened the door. His right- hand man was there. Dante was the only person on DYVLONY who knew the ugly truth.
Hendery and Guanhee were the same person.
You sat in the waiting room, a bit nervous, of course. Passing an exam had felt easier than this. Palms sweaty, one of your legs kept shaking.
-Nothing to worry about, - you assured yourself, - it’s going to be just fine.
Mr. Tieger was signing papers, ready to greet you, and then sell you off. He knew today he would see Hendery, not his sister, he was sure of it, he will definitely be ready to bargain. Once Hendery see’s how you look like, Mr. Tieger might be in for a good money.
-Hello, miss Y/N, I am Mr. William Tieger, - he shook your hand, - shall we go now?
You nodded. He looked like a “decent” man. Mr. Tieger made sure you walked first, he checked out how you looked like from behind, all the curves in the right places, he will def be swimming in gold after tonight.
-Let’s make a d-tour, - he said, helping you in his car, and soon he had stopped in front of what looked like a very posh atelier. Walking in, he was greeted with two DYVLONY ladies.
-Hello ser, how can be of assistance today, - they said in unison.
-I need to dress her, - he leaned in, while you weren’t listening, - the sexier the better.
Both girls nodded. This was the most popular atelier for a lot of reasons, and the girls were ready for their task. Taking your measures, they went to work on your clothing straight away. Soon, you were wearing embroidered bralette, with matching pantie set, and attached stockings, down your legs. And for whatever reason, your last piece of clothing, a really flimsy looking dress was put on, you looked cheap.
-What is this? – you asked, - I am not wearing it! – you protested.
-You, - Mr. Tieger spoke, - my darling, won’t have a choice.
With that your world went black. One of the assistants had knocked you out, wearing a big smile on her face, even while tying you up. Mr. Tieger paid in cash, threw you over his shoulder, and left. Putting you in the booth of his car, for no one to see. He smiled to himself adding the last piece – a mouth cloth.
-Let’s make Hendery happy, - smacking your thigh with his hand, he closed the booth and drove off.
The warehouse looked as dead as ever. Henchmen stood in the front, guarding the twins, as Mr. Tieger pulled up. Stepping out, he gave the man a sheepish grin.
-I am here to speak with Hendery, I have something to offer, - this time, henchmen didn’t say anything, just opened the door to let him in. Mr. Tieger took you out from the back, and again, put you over his shoulder, bringing you in. Slowly walking closer, he noticed that the chair was turned around.
-Huang Guanheng, - he greeted, - good to see you here.
There was no response on the other side.
-I am here to bargain a little something, you might find of value, - he smiled, putting you down on the cold floor. He didn’t notice how “Hendery” crossed his legs, and his arms over his chest. – this is the alien; I think she might be to your liking.
The doors of the warehouse were now locked, no one could get in, and no one could get out. Somehow, you found yourself waking up, no sounds leaving your mouth, but a short breath. Startled by a strong grip on your jaw, your eyes stayed shut.
-What do you think? – Mr. Tieger’s smug face was back at it. The chair turned around and he gasped. – what the fuck?! – he shouted.
Looking back at him was Guanhee, wearing her best smile, she even winked towards him.
-I thought I warned you once, - she said, still sitting down.
-Where is Hendery, Guanhee? – Mr. Tieger asked.
-I don’t have to answer you, but if you must know, I take that as your dying wish. You really are something, - Guanhee said, - but no worries, soon I will gut you like a fish, and make sure everyone is watching.
-What??? – Mr. Tieger was angry, he came towards her in big striking steps. Once close enough, he was ready to grab Guanhee by her hair, and before he could react a knife was plunged in his lower abdomen.
-I did promise you, didn’t I? – she giggled as a crazy person, the knife was now used to cut Mr. Tieger open, knife stopping at his ribs, while blood gushed out of him. His knees hit the floor, and you opened your eyes. Startled to see what was going on, you had to get away. Easier said than done, with your arms tied behind your back, and your legs tied as well, the only movement you could do, is somewhat like a worm, inch by inch moving away, trying not to pay attention to someone dying in the background.
Guanhee watched as Mr. Tieger bled on the floor, her own clothing was dirtied by now, but she didn’t bother. Looking over she saw you trying to crawl away, and she smiled.
-Hey, - she shouted, and you stopped not knowing why you stopped. – I will give you ten second head start, say thank you Guanhee, - she clapped her hands.
Your eyes were bulging out of your scull now, ten seconds? No chance you’ll get anywhere, a sudden thought was in the back of your mind. “I will die now”, tears started streaming down your face as you kept on trying to move away.
-Ten, - Guanhee announced as she stepped closer, starting the count down. – Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.
You heard her right by you when she said “one”, her hand grabbed a fistful of your hair, pulling your upper body upwards, making you even more uncomfortable. The bloody knife in front of your face, you started pleading for your life, even with your mouth filled with cloth, that was tied behind your head. You must have sounded terrible… because Guanhee let go of your hair. You landed on your face, hitting your forehead in the process.
-Give her a shower, - Guanhee mentioned with her hands, - then tie her up like normal.
-Yes ma’am, - henchman nodded.
Dragging you away for the “shower”, which in reality meant, ice cold water on your body, getting you rid of the clothes you wore. Cold and worn out from the cold shower blast, you didn’t struggle when your naked body was tied up by the wooden post. The only thing you could see was a chair, which was unoccupied for now.
Guanhee washed up, changed her clothes, looking in the mirror, she smiled to herself, putting on her glasses, she walked through the room and down the stairs.
She saw your naked form from the second floor and rubbed her palms together. Sitting on the chair, she watched you closely. You didn’t struggle, your mouth had tape over it, the only thing you did, you were weeping, trying to do it quietly.
Listen. You had seen crazy, while working at the hospital, there had been patients that had to be in the mental asylum, you had read too much about serial killers, how they disliked people crying, or, how it edged them on. So, you tried to calm yourself.
Guanhee stood up and walked closer.
-You do have a pretty face, though, - she started, taking your jaw in her hand, - I must say, Mr. Tieger was right, you could be of use, - she gave you a smile. Her hand let go of your face and then she grabbed your nipple. Pinching it, twisting it with her fingers. You didn’t know what to do, how to react, your body betrayed you well, heat pooling in your lower areas, the same as the hotness travelling to your face.
Then her lips enveloped the other nipple, she went full licking and sucking on your breast, and soon her hand was not only pinching the nipple but massaging the whole breast.
“Fuck no,” you thought to yourself, trying to get your body to cooperate with your mind, but it wouldn’t budge.
Then she swapped it over, her lips on the other of your breast peaks and the other twisting your other nipple. Her hot mouth was providing you with saliva, that you felt sliding down your torso, to your stomach.
-Guess my favorite color, - she spoke looking at you. You didn’t know what to say, and you couldn’t anyways, but still. Without a warning her hand was in between your legs, grabbing on the soft skin of your inner thighs.
Your breath hitched in your throat.
What was she doing?
-I will tell you, - she said as she got on her knees, you saw henchman approaching. Your legs got untied, and the henchmen were holding you up. Shame of nakedness like this was seen on your face. You were now legs apart, pussy on display, a single drop of your nectar gathered on your pussy lips. You looked everywhere else, but not down. Guanhee smacked your thigh to get your attention, it went to a shade of red after the second smack. – I love pink, - she announced while biting her lip.
Your heart was in your throat now, beating so fast, you weren’t ready for what Guanhee had in mind. Her tongue prodded pass her lips, and the tip of it touched your mound. She then gave you a test lick between your folds, swallowing your juices, slowly moving her tongue up and down until she reached your tight hole. She smiled. You saw her smile before she took of her glasses and her tongue went back to its job.
Her tongue dived in your tight hole, in and out, a little faster then and a little slower after, tears were threatening to fall down your face again. Not only a woman was going down on you, but it was also giving you a spark of pleasure. She sat back on her knees, bringing a hand to her face, licking a finger, before the same finger entered you, you shut your eyes.
She was exploring your vaginal walls, finding a soft spot, that made your legs quiver a bit, she continued to press on it more, and then her mouth attacked your clitoris. She sucked and licked, and she finger – fucked you, till you orgasmed, screaming through the tape, your legs shaking from pleasure. Intense waves of hot electric feeling went through all of you, goosebumps rising on your skin.
Guanhee stepped back, her face was covered in your cum, she licked her lips, wiping some of your cum on her hand so she could lick it off. She stood up.
-What a good girl, - she said, - coming on my face like that, hmm, I might just keep you.
With that she walked away. Soon your legs were down on the floor again, tied back up. Then the tape was pulled off, and you were given water by one of the henchmen. Chugging it down like it was your last meal, not knowing what’s going to happen after.
And for some reason, you drifted to sleep soon after that.
When you woke up, the sun was peeking through the windows. Once your eyes adjusted, your face turned straight to the chair. There was a figure sitting there. Looking at you was a man. Who looked just like the lady… Guanhee was her name, right? Uhm, what?
-Good morning, - he greeted, you nodded. If you were alive, it really was a good morning. – I am Hendery, you must have heard about me?
You nodded “no”.
-I see, - he laughed a bit, - you really are not from here, are you?
The more you looked at him, the more it seemed like you were tripping. Somewhere in your mind was a doubt. Alright, you have heard of identical twins, and all that, but so much common in looks on twins, it was a rare sight. And the doubt in your mind was saying, that something was not right.
-You look tired, - he said, - rough night?
You rolled your eyes at the comment. Hendery stood up and walked over.
-How about I untie you, give you some clothing and some soup? It can stay our secret, - he said, and you nodded. Soon after you were clothed and fed, and very thankful.
The next couple of days, you were allowed to move around in the warehouse and a bit outside at the back, mainly just sitting down at a wooden table with one of the henchmen to accompany you. You were thinking. The more you thought of a possibility that could be true, the more you started to agree that it really could be true.
Psychology had taught you well. Seeing the signs of un-healthy mind was easy for you to spot, those couple of months helping Doctor Vera, were paying off.
The next day, while outside eating breakfast, you were greeted by Guanhee.
-I thought I might see you here, - she said startling you, -my brother has treated you well, - she bit her cheek.
-At least he’s nice, - it came out harsher than expected. Guanhee grabbed your hair to turn your face to her, and smacked your cheek, left one first and then your other one. Then she pulled you up only to kick your legs, so you fell on your knees. She didn’t let go of your hair.
-Ah, - she said, - is this how we are going to play? Shall I tie you to the post again? – her eyes were filled with anger as she spat the words out, - starve you until you are nothing but a pile of bones for the wild wolves?
-No wonder everyone hates you, - you hit her weak spot with your sentence.
The cold shower was blasting at you again, you fell down, this time Guanhee was doing it herself, and to your surprise, she was stronger than she looked. Dragging you by your hair, this time she tied you, while you were on your knees. You ended up- legs wide opened, ass in the air, while your breasts were pressed at the wooden post.
She disappeared.
You didn’t even hear or see where she went, but you were left all by yourself, your eyes closing for a brief moment.
-My sister left you for me as a gift, - a voice spoke, waking you up from your slumber, it was Hendery. He was next to you, his hands stroking your sides, your stomach, then your ass cheeks, giving both of them a squeeze. – she knows how to make me happy, - he said.
His hand begin massaging your pussy, stroking your folds.
-Don’t do it, - you squeaked out, when Hendery’s hand touched your clitoris.
-And why not, - he smiled as he continued the assault on your cunt, - my sister already had a taste, I really want to try that too, - he pouted. – she always gets all the fun.
-I would rather suck your dick, - you spoke to stop him.
-Maybe another time, - you heard the zipper of his trousers, and then you felt his thick cock prod at your entrance. He moved his mushroom head up and down your folds, gathering the slick to cover his member. His hand softly touched your stomach as he was steadying himself. – breath in, baby-girl, - he whispered, licking on your ear, where he positioned his body.
His thick cock entered you only a couple of centimeters, you exhaled loudly with a moan. Slipping deeper, Hendery made sure to wait, till you got accustomed, inch by inch. Once completely sheathed inside of you, his balls where right at your bottom, he started a steady rhythm. It was followed by grunts and groans, and every thrust he gave you was as delicious as a desert after a meal.
Your walls were clamping down on him so hard, Hendery had to stop, to make you relax a bit more, and then he would get back to it. He knew you were close, the more your walls were sucking him deeper, the readier to orgasm you were. With a couple more thrusts you came, biting your lips, grabbing onto the wood. Hendery still worked to reach his high, and just before he could, you came again, and then he stilled, filling your abused cunt to the brim.
His arms around your body stayed like that for a while, the same as his lips licked your sweat from the back of your neck, down to your shoulder blades. Pulling out slowly, he earned a moan from you.
-Should I leave you like this? – he teased. – I think I will…
-Noo, - you protested, - I cannot feel my knees, - you said honestly.
So instead of leaving you like that, he turned you around, tied your back against the post, with his seed between your legs, making it impossible to move, the unpleasant feeling lingering there. He was smiling at you. The same smile Guanhee gave you. And he walked up the stairs and, in that room, where you had seen Guanhee disappear a couple of times, only to be greeted by Hendery the next day, or Guanhee a day after that.
And as you anticipated, you woke up with someone touching you, opening your eyes you saw Guanhee, licking her lips.
-Beautiful morning, isn’t it? – she asked, and you didn’t respond. – my brother had some fun, I see, - she licked her lips, - I can clean you up, if you’d like?
You nodded a “no”, and Guanhee stared at you, before leaving.
-I know who you are, - you shouted behind her, and Guanhee slowly walked back.
-And what is that?
You stayed quiet, till she was right in front of you. She stared down at you, grabbing your jaw in her hand.
-Hendery is you and you are Hendery, Guanhee doesn’t exist…- you said. – you are not real.
She slapped you.
-Are you afraid of the truth? – you asked. – you and I both know; this is not the way to live.
-Who are you? – she asked, grabbing you even harder.
-I can help you, - you said, - I can help you both, if only you’d let me…
The conclusion – split personality. This might be the scariest patient of all, but you were ready to use your knowledge to help as much as you could.
Guanhee stared at you, leaning in, and you felt something pressing onto your leg. Through her tight skirt, a visible boner was pressing through, her lips attacked yours.
-But before that, we can play a little…
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exoticarmy127 · 4 years
🎧 Track 10: Unsaid Emily by Charlie Gillespie
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🎵  “If I could take us back, if I could just do that And write in every empty space, the words "I love you" in replace Then maybe time would not erase me.
Featuring: BTS - Jungkook
OC - Emily Mei
Some time before.
They say words are like bullets. Easy to pull the trigger without thinking... easier said that once done, it’s impossible for the damage to be undone.
“So what, you’re sick of it? Is that what you’re saying?” Jungkook shouted as he shoved his song book into his backpack. The night had been going well and for once, he thought they could have one night—one night where he didn’t feel like pulling his hair out for once.  
“Stop putting words in my mouth, Jungkook! That’s not what I’m saying at all!” Emily shouted back as the fight escalated into a crescendo of screams and shouts. It was always about the same thing: Jungkook being too busy with his music; Emily being too busy with her studies to make time for him when he’s off practice; not having enough time for each other; not wanting to communicate; blah, blah, blah...
Jungkook was sick of it. Things were finally looking up for his band and he had poured his entire heart and soul into it. His passion. He thought Emily understood that. He thought she understood him. But to his confusion, Emily didn’t seem too happy about it.
“Really? Because it sure as hell sounds like you’re done.” He seethed. “Hell—I’m done with this sh*t!”
Silence enveloped the room and for a moment the world stopped. The fight had reached its final curtain call and Jungkook hoped there wouldn’t be an encore.
Emily looked at him, bewildered. “Jungkook...”
“Save it. I have rehearsals in fifteen. I’m already late and the guys are already at the studio. I don’t need a distraction.”
“Distraction?” She echoed as she watched him pick up his things and head for the door. Her expression contorts into something in between anger and confusion. “So what? You’re just going to leave it like that? Don’t you even care about this? About us?
“What about it?” He muttered flatly, but Emily looked like she had just been slapped.
“What about it? What exactly are you saying, Guk?” Her voice was a low whisper, like a dormant volcano just waiting to erupt. Jungkook sighed and it sounded exhausted, irritated, even; like he had already erupted and this was just the messy aftermath.
“I’m saying I’m done.” He whirled at her, his eyes empty of their usual love and affection, replaced by fierce anger and deadly sincerity. “I’m done, all right? I don’t wanna do this any more than you do.”
“Y-you don't mean that. Hell, you’re thinking I’m the villain here but all I’m saying is that if you don’t give time to what’s important to you, you’re gonna end up losing them.”
Her words hit him square in the chest and when it should have made him sad, it only angered him more.
So she’s giving up on me. She’s letting go. She doesn’t want this—doesn’t want me—anymore.
“I should get to practice already before I lose it, then.”
Jungkook knew it was the wrong answer but he couldn’t give in now. The tension was palpable in the room and he held his breath for another round of sharp words and accusations. But it never came. Emily stood there, stunned, while Jungkook continued to pack his belongings, purposely avoiding her gaze. He knew that if he looked at her now, he'd break, and they’d be back to square one. They’d make up only to fight again by the end of the week.
He could hear her sniffing and he bit the inside of his cheek to keep himself from looking up at her. If there was one thing he hated more than fighting, it was seeing her cry.
“Look,” Emily started, her voice hoarse. “You’re just angry. We can talk after—“
“Well, I’ve been angry for a long time.” Jungkook grumbled as he made his way to the door, hastily.
“Guk, please...”
He paused by the threshold when he heard the crack in her voice and he hated how easy it could beckon him. He closed his hand into fists and pressed his lips into a thin line. He looked down at the floors of her apartment, one he had considered home more than his own for as long as he could remember.
“Let’s face it, Em. We obviously want different things now.”
“Do you really believe that?” She asked but he didn’t answer. She took a step closer, their forms lit by the single light bulb in the narrow hallway. “If you really do, then I won’t stop you.”
Jungkook lifted his gaze to the ceiling, closed his eyes and sighed. “Look, I’m tired of fighting.” He looked at her over his shoulder, his eyes cold and unyielding. “Aren’t you?”
Without another word, he slipped out the door, shutting it behind him. The click of the lock sounded much like an end... A period... A goodbye.
Jungkook left that night not knowing he’d carry the weight of his words for a very long time.
Some time after.
Jungkook gripped the guitar strap on his shoulder as he walked the empty halls of his old high school. The late afternoon sun casted orange hues across the tiled halls and over the metal lockers lining the wall. A couple of students emerged from a door to his right, but they paid him no mind and walked past him, busily talking to each other. Jungkook paused and looked over his shoulder, watching them hold hands before completely disappearing from his view as they rounded a corner. He looked down at his own hand and sighed.
He remembered it like it was yesterday: the very first time he held her hand...or rather, the first time he felt something when he did.
Jungkook leaned against Emily’s locker, giving her one of his famed puppy eyes he knew she couldn’t resist. “Em, come on… Let’s just ditch school today and go rehearse.”
“At this rate, you’ll have to make me a member of your band.”
“You are a member. An honorary one, at least.” Jungkook grinned and batted his pretty eyes. Emily rolled her eyes but he caught the small smile tugging on the corner of her mouth.
Her very pretty mouth...
Wait, what? Jungkook blinked at the thought and cleared his throat when he felt the heat creeping to his cheeks.
“You okay?” Emily cocked an eyebrow at him and he straightened and crossed his arms, defensively.
“Fine. Now come on! Say yes.”
Emily chuckled and patted his shoulder. The action was meant to be friendly but Jungkook felt like he had been shot by lightning, his eyes in a daze as he stared at her playful smile.
“You’ll thank me later for dragging your ass back to class. Trust me.”
The hall bell rang and both their heads darted up to the ceiling.
“Sh*t! We’re gonna be late.” Emily panicked but Jungkook only leaned against the lockers again, lips curling into a smirk.
“Well, you know what they say, it’s better never than late.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, while Emily scoffed and rolled her eyes.
“That’s not how the saying goes!”
“Not in my book. Come on, let’s just skip it and—whoa!” Emily grabbed his hand and before Jungkook could process the warmth on his skin, she was dragging him through the hallway so fast; the two of them running to class hand in hand.
Jungkook was winded by the time they reached the classroom, but it wasn’t because they just rushed to the other side of the building in record time...
But because the whole time they did, not once did she let go, and it was electrifying.
End of flashback
The memory faded like a song on the radio and Jungkook’s grip on his guitar tightened. He didn’t have much time. He had to do this before...
Before it’s too late again.  
The sun was setting soon and Jungkook walked faster as he made his way to the room he was looking for. It was weird walking through these hallways. He knew where everything was. It was familiar and yet also strange, like he no longer belonged.  
That’s because I probably don’t. Not anymore... he thought bitterly.
He reached the second floor and walked to the end of the left corridor where the music room was located.
He opened the door and sighed in relief when he found it empty. He let himself in and wandered, seeing all the instruments and music sheets scattered around the room. There’s a platform at the very front, a low stage with a white screen covering it, which he supposed was either meant to be a curtain of sorts for performances or for video presentations. To its right was an open window with a sheen curtain, overlooking the quadrangle.
Jungkook found the teacher’s table to his right and ambled towards it. He reached for his song book inside his jacket and flipped through the wrinkled pages until it was on the most important page before putting it down on the desk. Next, he reached into his back pocket and retrieved a small tape recorder. He placed the device beside the song book and pressed play.
Footsteps sounded from outside and Jungkook looked back in panic before rushing to the stage and hiding behind the screen.
The door opened to voices of girls and boys but one in particular rose among them; familiar and so very...her.
“Alright guys, I’ll see what I can do, okay? And don’t be late for practice! The competition is in two weeks. And what did I always say?”
“Practice doesn’t make us perfect but it makes us better.” The students all said in unison and Jungkook smiled. He used to tell her that whenever she caught him practicing too late (which was 99% of the time).
“Okay. See you tomorrow, guys.”
“Bye, Ms. Mei!”
Jungkook swallowed as he tried to sneak a peek from behind the screen. He held his breath as he watched a woman close the door, and then turned towards the room. Emily stood there in jeans and a button-down blouse with her hair tied up in a ponytail. She was radiant as ever and looked something out of a movie scene. Jungkook smiled sadly as he gazed at her from behind the screen. She looked the same but also different, which he supposed was how time passed for people you loved...
She suddenly looked to the other side of the room, and from where Jungkook stood, it felt like she was looking right at him. Even though he knew it was impossible, his heart skipped a beat.
He held his breath as she made her way to her desk, not yet noticing the change in it. He chewed on his lip, a habit of his when he was nervous, and watched as she picked up instruments and placed them into their proper cases before finally reaching the table to organize a bunch of papers and sheet music lying around.
She lifted one of the sheets and paused, and Jungkook knew she saw it.
He stared as her face morphed from confusion, to curiosity, then to shock. She looked up, eyes looking wildly around her as if she’d find the person who left the notebook there.
She never would.
Jungkook looked down at his watch then at the open window, seeing the sun slowly sinking into the horizon, turning the skies pink and purple.
It’s time.
The sun’s rays casted a golden glow against his face and shadows crawled against the wooden floors of the music room.
Jungkook took a deep breath and watched her through the screen. He waited for a few breaths for the light to cast over the screen just right... just until he knew his shadow could be seen on the other side. When it finally did, he felt the magic spark against his skin and found his voice at last.
Emily looked up at the voice, her expression somewhere in the middle of shock and fear and...sorrow.
“Who’s there…?” Her voice cracked and it sounded less of a question as her face showed recognition. Jungkook supposed he should be happy she could still remember his voice. All those nights he sang to her came rushing back and the pain in his chest grew... One he knew he could never quell.
“Don’t be afraid. It’s just me.”
Emily lets out a gasp and drops the papers she was holding. The sheets flew in all directions but she couldn’t seem to care. She turned around in a circle, looking for the impossible. But she couldn’t see anything. It was then that she laid eyes on the recorder playing on the table.
“Jungkook?” She whispered in disbelief.
“I-I know it’s sudden. But there are some things I didn’t get to say to you... that night.”
Jungkook brought his guitar to his front, letting the instrument fit against his body like second skin. Emily always told him that he carried and played it like it was a part of him. When she said that, he’d hold her hand and tell her that if there was one thing he considered a part of him, it would be her.
Back then, he meant it to be a cheesy, adoring boyfriend. Now, it was the hard truth that slapped him across the face.
“H-how is this...” Emily’s voice shook, her head turning and eyes brimming with tears as she stared wide-eyed at the tape recorder on the table.
Jungkook inhaled deeply and as he breathed out, the first few notes sounded from his guitar, his fingers moving deftly against the frets and strings like he had never stopped playing in the first place. Music was always a part of his DNA, an extension of his soul. When he played, he played with his whole heart and right now as she stared at Emily reading the page on his song book, he sang with his everything.
First things first
We start the scene in reverse
All of the lines rehearsed
Disappeared from my mind
Jungkook closed his eyes and let the music take over. People said actions spoke louder than words, but for Jungkook, his music had always been his way of showing how he truly felt. The loudest way he could express what he felt. Wearing his heart on his sleeve, he told her all the things he should’ve done...
When things got loud
One of us running out
I should've turned around
But I had too much pride
Emily covered her lips with a shaking hand and Jungkook knew she was thinking about the last time they had seen each other. How they both said some horrible things, words thrown at each recklessly without thought. Jungkook treated it like a sport. Who could say the worst things? Who would break first and give in? Even when he knew there was no chance of either of them winning.
He wasn’t even sure why he fought when he knew she was just trying to save the one thing he knew he would regret most. More than his music, Emily meant everything to him.
No time for goodbyes
Didn't get to apologize
Pieces of a clock that lies broken
Regrets were often made from the things you thought were right at the moment. Jungkook had known he made the wrong one the moment he stepped out of that door. But he just couldn’t swallow his pride and walked away. And now, he’s stuck in that moment, thinking of what could’ve been if he just turned around...
If I could take us back, if I could just do that
And write in every empty space the words "I love you" in replace
Then maybe time would not erase me
Emily trembled as she read the words, her hand splayed on the page, her fingertips tracing Jungkook’s familiar messy scrawls. The words were written in haste, which in Jungkook’s music vocabulary meant they were written with the most emotion. She could see it in the curve of his letters, in the way the ink bled through the page, showing that he was gripping the pen too tightly in either excitement or frustration. He saw it in the scrawls, the words scratched over as he struggled to find the right words—the right lyrics that will reflect his feelings. A tear fell from her eye.
The one thing Emily learned about Jungkook in the years that they were together was that he wasn’t the most expressive of people. He was quiet, always in his own world, in his own music headspace. But Emily knew him like the back of her hand. So well that she could easily tell what he was feeling through his eyes.
She couldn’t forget the night he left and how he gazed at her...like he was done, like he didn’t love her anymore.
If you could only know I'd never let you go
And the words I most regret are the ones I never meant to leave...
Unsaid Emily.
Emily loved Jungkook’s music. It was one of the things he loved about him. So when his career started to take off, she did nothing but support him. It was given blindly out of love and belief that he could make it big. That his talent was big enough for the world.
But she never thought of the consequences. Never thought his dreams would be the reason he would drift father away from her each day, until they were no more than just strangers.
But Jungkook would never be a stranger, she thought sadly. A heartbreaking memory, perhaps. But never a stranger.
Silent days, mysteries and mistakes
Who'd be the first to break?
Guess we're alike that way
The problem with two people who were both passionate and strong-willed was that they were both willing to prove they’re right. Near the end of their relationship, they barely even talked. The silence deafening and stretching for days on end...
Jungkook wished he broke the silent spell then and shouted out from the rooftops how much he loved her.
He said, she said
Conversations in my head
And that's just where they're gonna stay forever
Emily’s tears began to fall, the tears staining the paper in front of her as she read the lyrics. Her hands shook, her heart ached in her chest, and it felt like with every note and every line, her heart cracked just a little bit… her once broken heart, breaking once again.
When he walked out that night, she forgot to say should’ve asked him...
If I could take us back, if I could just do that
And write in every empty space the words "I love you" in replace
Then maybe time would not erase me
If you could only know I'd never let you go
And the words I most regret are the ones I never meant to leave
Unsaid Emily
Emily sank to her knees, shaking and crying as she held the song book to her chest. The echoes of the song still ringing in her ears. Jungkook watched with tears in his eyes. If there was one thing he hated more than anything, it was seeing the love of his life crying and being the reason for it.
She cried for the time they wasted fighting. He cried for the time stolen from him and could never get back. But most of all, they cried for the time—and love they lost.
“I’m sorry.” He croaked as the tears continued to fall. “I never meant it. I was never tired.”
Emily looked up at his words, her eyes zeroing in on the screen. Jungkook gasped as it felt like she was looking right at him.
The sun was so low that he could catch the blue hour slipping through that small window of time from the way the shadows began to disappear. He held his breath as she walked towards the platform, the song book clutched to her chest. With the remaining light, he hoped she could see him.
Jungkook choked out a sob as he reached out to the screen and spread his palm over it. Emily’s breath hitched as she lifted her right hand over it, until they were hand to hand.
Jungkook let out a shaky breath when he saw the shadow of her hand against his through the screen. She’s so close...
And yet lifetimes apart.
“I-I don’t know what’s happening but you have to know…” Emily whispered to the wind but Jungkook heard her loud and clear. “I forgive you. And I’m sorry, too.”
Jungkook shook his head. He should’ve been relieved but he wasn’t. He wasn’t because one stupid decision costed him so much. Costed him a life with the person he loved the most.
It’s almost time...
A voice reverberated in his head, making his heart quicken in panic. I don’t have much time, he wanted to say. But he knew there was only ever one thing left to say…
“Emily, I lo—”
The sun dipped and the shadow disappeared from the screen, leaving the room dark and blue with the beginnings of silver moonlight shining from the window. And then there was an eerie silence.
Emily gasped when a gust of wind blew through the open window, turning the page of the song book to the next...
She cried even more when she read the three words written in his handwriting.
Some time in between.
Jungkook finished the song at midnight, his fingertips scarred from playing his guitar for hours, his hand dotted with ink stains, and his chest heaving from satisfaction and excitement as he stared at the open page in front of him.
It’s done.
“Now I just have to sing it to her.” Jungkook licked his lips as he turned to the next page and wrote the words: I love you. 
He looked up at the clock and saw the time but he didn’t care. He'd break in through her window if he had to.
Emily had to know how he felt. It had been two days since the big fight and Jungkook couldn’t eat or sleep. He knew he should’ve returned to her immediately, but he had to wait. He had to show her he was sorry. And he had to do it in the most sincere way possible… through song.
With his guitar on his back, he took his bike and kicked his foot against the asphalt with his song book rolled and tucked in his back pocket.
He raced through the streets, ready to tell her the words... “I’m sorry”... “I’m not tired”... “I don’t hate you...”
I love you.
With thoughts of Emily and her bright, kind eyes, Jungkook sped across an intersection. There was a sudden searing light, a ringing in his ears, and...
Then nothing.
The last thing Jungkook remembered was the sight of broken wood pieces and strings... and the lyrics to a song unsung with words unsaid.
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Hello, my dears! Did you miss me? I loved this song so much and it inspired me so thought I’d express it through fanfic. haha!
I hope everyone is staying safe and well. It’s been a weird past few months (or year really) but we’re pushing through and I hope you are too! I hope you guys enjoyed this scenario. Even though it made you cry (hell it made me cry!) Btw, this song is from the sound track of the Netflix series, Julie and the Phantoms. Go watch it if you haven’t! It’s good! I am hoping for a season 2~
Do let me know what you think of this and let me know if you guys have some song recs for this series. ;)
- Kaye Allen
LSS PLAYLIST ; mobile 
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canyouhearthelight · 4 years
The Miys, Ch. 106
I know I’ve been on a fluff kick lately, and I’m not even remotely sorry. This chapter started out as an excuse to re-visit an offhand comment from a previous chapter, and ended up with Sophia having the kind of night off I wish I could have.
Thanks go out to @baelpenrose (beta and also creator of our favorite teacher-cum-warlord-cum-teacher), @charlylimph-blog (because no one else could have created the ball of chaotic friendliness that is Charly, nor her strong, silent, and charming partner), @werewolf2578 (because I will never not love Maverick), and @creakingcryptid (for donating faerself and Antoine early on to the cause, and putting up with me in real life.  This entire story, from chapter 1, would never have happened if not for faer, and I’m not even remotely exaggerating about that).
“Lift the right corner a bit more,” Tyche called out. “Yeah - Dammit, Arthur, that’s too high. Bring it down a bit more.”
“Do you want to swap?” he quipped, dropping his side of the large, white sheet to exactly where it had been before.
Ignoring him, Tyche asked Maverick to lower his corner instead, to much greater success. At least satisfied with the results, she turned to me and made a ‘ta-da’ gesture towards their work.
I shook my head at her. “And we need this why?”
“Movie night,” she reminded me needlessly.
“Eyeah. It was kind of my idea.”
“And none of us have been to a proper movie theater in ages.” She had a point there.
“Do we even have a projector?” Maverick asked, grinning, as he walked up.
Arthur, right behind him, grinned almost malevolently before Tyche cut him off with a glare. “I told Charly we were doing a movie night,” she offered by way of explanation.
“She insisted she had popcorn covered,” Arthur ventured carefully. “Do I even want to know?”
Eyes wide, I turned to him. “She didn’t tell you?”
He shook his head. “I asked what that meant, and all I got out of her was a maniacal laugh. By any chance, does she always carry around a cartoon-villain moustache in case she needs to twirl it?”
“And cat ears, yeah,” I confirmed absently. “She really didn’t tell you?”
“I just asked if she got the consoles to actually make popcorn that wasn’t better used as packing material,” he admitted.
Maverick erupted in laughter. “You are in for a treat.”
“Will it poison me?”
“Doubtful,” Tyche shrugged regretfully.
“Hmm. Pity.”
Trying to get somewhat back on topic, I pressed on about the projector. “So, you told Charly we were doing movie night this week, so she is going to… obtain? Steal? Jury-rig a projector?”
“I try not to ask, unlike some people,” Tyche arched an eyebrow defiantly. “Gift horses, mouths, you get it.”
“I doubt she’s stealing one,” Maverick offered. “She’s an engineer. Pretty sure she already had one she made, or is finishing one up as we speak.”
Fair. “What movie did we end up agreeing on?”
Maverick and Arthur answered in unison. “Star Wars.”
“Nuh uh. Nope,” my sister argued. “Repo! The Genetic Opera.”
“I’m with her,” I jerked my finger toward the person not insisting I watch a movie about a war in space while actually on a spaceship.
We continued arguing good-naturedly while getting non-popcorn snacks and drinks together. Arthur, to no small amount of surprise, was putting a very impressive amount of thought and consideration into the arrangement of blankets and pillows on every conceivable seating surface in my living room - some of which I didn’t even recognize and probably didn’t want to know where he got them.  At some point, Derek and Sam arrived, judging by the latter sitting happily next to a moving lump in Arthur’s careful construction and petting my cat.
About the time snacks were ready to be carried into the living room, the door opened to reveal Conor, who abruptly stopped to remove his work boots.  Unfortunately, he was knocked down by a clattering intruder behind him and saved only by the - no joke - knee deep ocean of bedding.  A hinged brass lid and a metal piece of something went flying past his head, revealing the intruder to be Charly. “Hi, guys!” she waved cheerfully. “Don’t worry. Coffey has the projector.”
White teeth flashed in a dark, handsome face as the man in question held up the device. “Her hands were full,” he shrugged before glancing past Conor. “You take movie nights seriously,” he added with an approving nod.
Charly, who I couldn’t remember having even seen wear shoes, had already scrambled over Conor’s laughing form so that she could grab the lid and basket, which she brought along with the enormous pot into my kitchen area. “Popcorn,” she declared, gently slamming the pot on a heating surface.  “As promised. I’m thinking green today.”
“That’s not popcorn,” Arthur pointed out, curiosity etched into every bit of his face.
“Duh, Mr. Farro,” she sputtered. “It’s how we’re going to get popcorn.  The consoles never season it, and it’s always stale, or soggy, or just… not good.  So. I made a whirlypop.” With a clatter, she patted her copper contraption. “It makes absolutely perfect kettle corn, every time. And I can make it whatever color I want, too.”
“It’s really good popcorn,” I confirmed. “She brought some to your fight with Jokul.”
“Of course she did,” he sighed. “I thought you said no selling tickets and no concession stand for that?”
“Doesn’t mean she can’t bring her own, screaming blue popcorn with her,” I held up both hands in surrender. “I couldn’t argue with the logic, and she was the only person there with popcorn, can confirm.” 
When I glanced back at her, I saw what I pretty much expected to see: her handy cartoon-villain moustache was pasted firmly on her face and she was twirling one end in what could only be described as a dastardly fashion. Arthur, on the other hand, was almost sputtering. “I - how? I was facing you, Charly. How?”
“Don’t ask, you probably don’t want to know,” I sighed with a wave of my hand. “Besides, I’m reasonably certain the answer involves a collective hallucination, blood sacrifice, or time travel.”
“Two out of three,” Charly nodded, sounding impressed but not clarifying any further. “So! Everyone ready for- oo! Mini pizzas! - popcorn and Master and Commander?”  A collective groan went up at a third movie being added to our ongoing argument over what we had agreed to watch. “What!? It’s my favorite!”
Maverick explained the conversation we had earlier to those who arrived after. Even having nine people voting now didn’t help: we were still split evenly across all three movies.  In the end, we agreed to take a run at watching all three, but that led to another discussion - what order?  We knew the odds of getting through all three were slim, and nobody wanted theirs to be left out.
Sam finally interrupted us. “If we don’t stay awake through all three, can we watch the last movie on another night?”
My jaw clicked shut mid-argument. Tyche tilted her head, “That makes entirely too much sense.”
With that anticlimactic resolution, we quickly took votes to determine which movies were most popular.  In the end, we ended up with Star Wars first, Master and Commander second, and Repo! last, much to my and Tyche’s chagrin.  At least we weren’t the only ones who voted for it, so I was mollified. Somewhat.
While we were hashing all that out, Charly somehow called upon the popcorn deities and managed to fill nearly every bowl and bucket she could find in my quarters with a rainbow of fluffy kernels. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t figure how she managed to make that much in roughly fifteen minutes, and when I asked, the only answer I could manage to get from her was “Two out of three, like I said.”
I wasn’t asking after that, because I wasn’t sure I wanted to know if blood magic was involved, honestly.
Antoine arrived right as I was trying to figure out how to fit on the couch, where Maverick and Conor were cuddling and hogging the whole damned thing.  Unfortunately, between the immense quantities of popcorn, blankets, pillows, and people strewn everywhere - and somehow my Christmas lights were carefully hanging from the ceiling, which I had a sneaking suspicion was Derek’s doing - our poor resident therapist looked a bit confused.
I couldn’t help but grin as I waved at the chaos. “Welcome to movie night, apparently. You can sit anywhere except there,” I explained, gesturing at a particular pile of blankets.
“Why not - ah….” he trailed off in understanding as a hand darted out of the ‘pile’ to snag a mini pizza.
“Eyeah, only Mac can sit there, I think. And nobody better be feeding him pizza?” I warned. “Whoever does gets to keep stinky cat for the night while he has tummy trouble.” Turning back toward the couch, I stuck my lip out in a pout. “Where am I supposed to sit?”
“We’re comfy….” Conor whined, hiding what was probably a grin behind Maverick’s head. Rather than sitting up in any capacity, the two were laying down along the entire length of the couch, both their feet sticking off. There was maybe two inches of couch between them and the edge.
While my attention was focused on my boyfriends, two strong hands grabbed each of my arms and tugged me down. With a yelp, I fell across Charly and my sister, both of them giggling. Deliberately, Charly started to pet my hair as clumsily as humanly possible, and the scowl I directed at her set Tyche off in hysterics. When I opened my mouth to protest, popcorn was thrown in.  With another scowl, I surrendered to being draped across both of their laps, with a fluffy blanket spread over me from somewhere.
I still sulked, and ignored that I probably looked like a particularly perturbed cat.  With much determination, I managed to keep a scowl on my face until the first movie started rolling.  It was hard to stay even faux-upset after that, as what ensued was the most laid back night I had enjoyed in longer than I could remember. Seats were stolen every time someone got up for any reason, snacks were eaten and refilled, popcorn got everywhere….
It. Was. Glorious.
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Tamaki, bakugou, and kirishima whose s/o got hit by a de-ageing quirk so know their talking care of a small s/o
YES OMG THIS MIGHT BE KINDA LONG AND IM NOT SORRY . 💋💋💋 i could honestly go on endlessly about this but ill try not to
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When Tamaki scared the villain off, he could not find you for the longest time and it scared him.
He searched all over the scene coming up empty
He was starting to panic
“Bunny.... Bunny where..-“
He blinked looking back lifting his cloak to see you attached to his leg .
You realized you were spotted and fell off his leg on youre back. You looked to be about 5 years old
“Gahh!!! You found me!!!!”
Tamaki kneeled down looking all around shaking
“Uhm.. Bunny?”
You jumped up to youre feet hugging the confused man
“Tama !!! I got hit with a de aging quirk!! See see !??”
“Uhm i... uh .. lets uh get you home for now..”
Tamaki picked you up walking back to UA , when be arrived everyone fawned over you . It turned out the quirk effects would last one week for you
Tamaki took responsability in caring for you for that week .
He brought you to his classes and you insisted on sitting on his lap so you could see
“Y/N.. uh maybe..”
“Im fine right Sensei?”
“Yes you ARE” Ms Midnight pat youre head and the class all “awwed” in unison.
Tamaki refused to let you stay by him during his training though and would hand you over to Mirio who happilly took on the job
He told you all kinds of stories about Tamaki.
Youre face lit up with every story Mirio told you.
“Tama is amazing Mirio!!!!”
After Training Tamaki brought you to his dorm where you fell asleep instantly
He sat down in his chair exhausted ... he had to do this for a week? It was only the first day..
“Tama.. “
He looked over at you
“Tama is amazing...!!!” You said in youre sleep.
He smiled . Okay, maybe it wouldint be so bad..
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Bakugo was staring down at you , he was crouched with his arms on his knees , he looked mildly irritated and his brow twitched .
“Baku!!!! Baku!!!!”
You were hit with a de aging quirk, you looked like you were 5 years old
“What... the HELL?!?” He picked you up holding you out and away from him
“Baku!!!! I wanna hug!!!” You struggled trying to reach him kicking youre feet
He scoffed tilting his chin at you walking to UA like that
Aizawa explained how the quirk worked and Bakugo was furious .
“A week?!? CMON SENSEI”
“Are you actually upset?” He asked the fuming blond
“Like hell i am! What the fuck am i suppose to do?!?”
They both looked down to see you hugging Bakugo’s leg . “Fuck !!!”
“Well for one... stop swearing” Aizawa said smugly
Bakugo stomped out of the room with you on his leg , you waved back at Aizawa. “Bye bye sleepy man!!!”
Aizawa smiled waving “bye Y/N”
The classes ... were interesting. Bakugo was forced to sit you on his lap while he was in class. Everyone thought it was the cutest thing.
“Baku may seem angry but hes actually really nice!!! When i was bigger i had a cold and he stayed with me ALL DAY and cuddled me till i was better!!!”
“AAAAAWWWWW!!!!!!” Whined the class
Bakugo looked like he was going to snap his desk in half and Aizawa could be heard laughing under his breath .
After class Bakugo brought you to the cafeteria
“Baku baku !!! Get the pudding!”
“Hah?!? You need to eat real food first!!”
You pouted and he stared you down till you ate the food .
At the dorm you were running around in his shirt talking to everyone . Telling them all sorts of stories . The girls of 1A loved you to pieces and the guys teased the fuming blond till he exploaded on them .
You ran to Bakugo who was on the couch , you tapped his leg till he looked at you
“Im tired”
“So go to bed?!???”
“I need a story first...”
“SHUT UUUPPP” he threw you over his shoulder and you waved goodbye to everyone.
Bakugo put you on his bed throwing himself down with his back against the wall browsing his phone for a ‘story’
“Baku baku!!!” You crawled between his legs sitting “did you find one?”
“Yes so be quiet.”
He told you the story and you listened happily . You leaned into his chest slowly closing youre eyes. As the story went on Bakugo got more relaxed. He stopped reading when he realized you were asleep and held you close falling asleep too.
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“Babe?!? Whered ya go?!?”
“Here here!!!” You said appearing from behind a car . You were about 5 years old. You had been hit with a de aging quirk
Kirishima kneeled down staring at you in disbelief. You hugged him and he laughed picking you up placing you on his shoulder getting up .
“Wanna get some ice cream?”
“YES YES !!!!!”
“Okay lets go!!!” He ran off down the street
Kirishima treated you to youre favorite ice cream and you both ate it at the park .
You got a brain freeze and Kiri laughed rubbing youre head.
When you were done eating you pulled Kiri to the play scape where you played Knights and Dragons.
“Rar!! Im gonna get ya Y/N!!”
“Noo!!! “ you ran all around till you got to the slide going down it only to be caught by Kiri
“Wahh!!!” You cried out laughing
Kiri held you up spinning and circles laughing “i got you!!!”
He put you down and chased you all around the play scape again till it got dark
Kirishima put you back on his shoulder and went back into the city . He brought you to a small store where you picked out a dragon plush . It was red and had Kiri’s costume on .
“Rar!!!” You yelled holding it up
Kiri laughed hugging you on the walk back to UA
When you got to the dorms Kiri sat down on his bed with you asleep in his arms. He chuckled squeezing you falling asleep
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abduct-me-helen · 4 years
Class 108′s Apocalypse Field Trip | Chapter 3.
Katie was the first one to recover, turning her knife on Mr. Sims and charging forward. Martin yanked him out of the way.
“Woah! Woah, woah. Hey!” he said, waving his arms to get her to calm down.
“Katie.” Rosie barked, which in that tone meant “stand down.”
Katie withdrew, not taking her eyes off her former teacher. “You can’t be real. You obviously aren’t human, and-”
“If you put down the knife, I promise I’ll give you answers.” Jon said, hands up and breathing steady.
Katie glanced over to Rosie, who narrowed her eyes in thought then gave a quick nod. She begrudgingly lowered her weapon, eyes still locked with the two newcomers in the room.
There was a moment of silence.
“What the fuck just happened?” Riko asked, slipping her glasses off in disbelief.
“I…I smited him.” Jon answered awkwardly. “Okay, how about we get everyone in here and then we can have…a class.”
“A class.” Katie deadpanned. Jon nodded, and she shrugged, standing up and gesturing for Riko to come with her while she fetched Elliot and Raphi, who were still in the other classroom. Probably kissing. Ugh.
An awkward silence filled the air, before Tabitha turned to the window and tilted her head. “Who opened the blinds?”
The rest of the kids shook their heads, and Tabitha sighed, turning the rod to the right and shutting the outside world out of sight.
“Eyeball daddy must’ve wanted to say hi.” she said thoughtfully.
Jon choked, and Martin had a look of mild horror on his face as he patted Jon’s back to stop him from coughing.
“E-exuse me?” he stammered.
Tabitha was unfazed.
“Eyeball daddy. You know, the great voyeur? The big smexy eyeball in the sky?”
Martin keeled over wheezing while Jon dropped his jaw.
“The-the Beholding?!” “Smexy?!”
Tabitha wrinkled her nose. “That’s a stupid name. All hail eyeball daddy.”
“All hail eyeball daddy.” The rest of the kids said in unison, looking bored. It was more of a reflex for them at this point.
Martin and Jon shared a look of horror, before Riko entered with Katie, Elliot and Raphi following her.
“Okay then, take a seat. I’ll explain, but, it isn’t pretty.”
“Really? The apocalypse isn’t pretty? I had no idea!” Raphi snarked. Elliot batted him on the head, and Jon was painfully reminded of a similar interaction between Tim and Sasha in the past.
No, he thought, there’s no time to dwell on that.
“There are fourteen entities called the fears that previously existed in a different place outside of our universe. They all have domain over different fears, and people that serve them get…abilities in exchange for feeding the-”
“Like the spiders! And the masked people! And the-” Tabitha cut herself off, “sorry. I’m getting ahead of myself,” she muttered, wringing her hands and tapping her foot.
“No, go on.” Jon prompted her to continue.
She hesitated. “W-we’ve just been noticing patterns…I call them categories. They’re like…really angry colors? If that makes sense?”
Jon looked impressed. “And you just figured all that out?”
She nodded.
He sighed. “Well, you’re not wrong. These “really angry colors” are called the fear powers. Some think them alike to gods, but they don’t have any true motives other than to feed. They aren’t like humans in that respect. They have no motivation.”
The class watched, enraptured as he continued his explanation.
“There’s the Slaughter, fear of war and violence. The Lonely, fear of isolation. The Web, fear of-”
“Being controlled.” Rosie said quietly. Jon nodded.
“Exactly. And-”
“Spiders.” Tabitha shivered, remembering being cocooned in their webs; the feeling of legs crawling over her skin and weaving her in threat.
Jon made a gesture to show that she was right. He continued to explain the rest of the fear powers, until he stopped abruptly.
“And then there’s the Eye.” He said, looking to the closed window. He realized he was running a tape recorder, but at this point he couldn’t care less. The Eye saw everything anyway.
“Wait, hold on, how do you even know any of this?” Elliot asked him, eyes narrowed.
Jon sighed. “Getting to that.”
“The Eye-”
“Eyeball daddy-” “shut up Tabitha-”
“-is the fear of being watched, or being known. I know this one better than all the others, because I…serve it.”
“You what?!” Riko exclaimed, and Katie inched towards her knife.
“I wasn’t exactly given a choice,” he said shortly, rubbing his temples with his palm. “I assume you all know the Magnus Institute?”
Rosie nodded hesitantly. They’d all done their fair share of research on their enigma of a teacher. You would too, if someone like him showed up out of the blue and said cryptic things all the time.
Things that made far more sense these days then she would’ve liked.
“Well, the position of the Archivist, which is what I am, is more or less a trap. You can’t quit, and you become very connected to the Eye. It…changes you.”
“That’s ominous.” Katie muttered. Jon ignored her.
“What’s your connection to all this?” Riko questioned skeptically.
“That’s,” Jon breathed, “that’s a long story.”
“Cut out the boring bits and tell us; it’s not like we have anything better to do.” Elliot shrugged.
“Well, I suppose I started the whole thing.”
“What?!-” “No!-” “How dare you-” “I will fuck you up-”
A chorus of anger erupted in the room, and Martin stepped to the left of Jon’s side.
“He didn’t start it. He’s just guilty about-.”
“If I had fought it-”
“You know full well that wouldn’t have worked. I’m tired of you trying to make yourself the villain.” He stared Jon down begrudgingly.
“Look,” Martin sighed, “I’ll explain since he sees it fit to make himself out to be the enemy here. Our boss, Elias Bouchard, who is actually Jonah Magnus but back to that later, manipulated him. He basically had him marked by all the fourteen fears, and then forced him to complete the ritual that opened the eye. He had no choice in the matter.”
Katie withdrew, and they all relaxed.
“It’s not your fault, then, Mr. Sims.” Sydney said with furrowed brows.
He shook his head. “I…if I hadn’t opened that letter then none of this would’ve happened. I’ve done some bad things.”
“l laughed while one of my best mates got murdered,” Said Tabitha, getting off a desk covered in sharpie doodles.
Jon sighed. “You were under the influence of the Web.”
“And you were under the influence of the eye. How is that different?”
Jon ran a hand through his hair, looking to Martin, who was gazing down on him expectantly. “Fine, yes, I see your point.”
Tabitha nodded, satisfied.
“Why were you here in the first place?” Elliot asked.
“The Eye tells me where to go, and when I found out all of you were alive I decided I needed to come back for you.” Jon answered him, looking to the closed window briefly.
“Come back for us? But we’re safest here!” Sydney protested.
Jon hesitated. “They Eye preserved you because of your connection to me, at least, that’s what I think. It might have been Elias, maybe as a gift? But if I choose to…reject this “present” then you’ll each be thrown into different domains.”
“Well fuck.” Tabitha said.
“Language.” Jon said half-heartedly.
“What are you going to do, send her to the principal?” Raphi retorted sarcastically. Tabitha tilted her head towards him and raised her eyebrow at Jon, signifying her agreement
A few people grumbled in agreement, before a pall of silence took over the room.
“Where are we going, anyway?” Asked Cal, who’d been uncharacteristically silent while processing all that had happened.
Jon clenched his fist. “The Panopticon.”
“You mean the tower? That’s not far from here!” Elliot told him.
“Yes, but…space doesn’t work like it used to. We’re going to have to venture through every domain until we can reach it.”
“And what’s the plan?” Katie questioned, expression blank.
“Don’t die? And reset the world” Martin offered.
“That’s it?” Katie said incredulously, her tone affronted.
“It’s a work in progress.” Jon defended.
“Oh well fuck-” “We’re screwed-” “Eyeball daddy, I’m coming for you-” “Bold of you guys to assume I don’t want to die-” “Cypress are you okay-” “If I get into hell I call lava bath-”
Jon facepalmed.
Martin was honestly both concerned and impressed about how they were handling this. If it was him, at this age he would’ve been freaking out and crying, not complaining.
“How are you so calm about this?” He asked, brows furrowed in surprise.
Raphi shrugged. “We’re Gen Z. We had lockdown drills all the time preparing us for a shooter, and once you think of that shit enough it’s not like you aren’t surprised when it happens. We’ve never been afraid of dying, we’re just afraid of watching the world burn,” the other kids nodded in agreement, “and look where that fucking got us.”
Martin was honestly stunned, but he chose not to comment.
“How poetic of you, Raph.” Elliot cooed.
“Oh, fuck off.”
There was a bittersweet moment of hesitation, before Tabitha yelled. “We’re going to win this, fuckers! We have the power of God and Anime on our side! Hiya!” She did the motions from the vine, and the rest of the class followed.
“List?” Rosie asked, checking supplies off her clipboard.
“Everyone have a weapon or something they can use as one? No, Elliot, I do not count your “bulging muscles” as a weapon. Stop pouting.”
“Everyone grab a buddy. Sydney will be with Tabitha and I, so everyone else should be in pairs. I think that’s everything.”
Rosie turned to Jon and Martin, who were waiting for her to finish the roll call. Jon raised an eyebrow.
Rosie rolled her eyes. “It helps to have some semblance of order here.”
Martin elbowed him, and Jon grumbled something Rosie didn’t understand.
And so, class 108 started their field trip.
“Elliot! Raphi! Cypress! Stop making videos! We need to move.” Jon called irritably, annoyed at the loud, bad music that these kids were filming themselves dancing to. It made absolutely no sense to him.
He didn’t like it.
“But we’re doing Tik Toks, Mr. Sims!” Cypress called back.
“You-you’re doing what?” Jon asked confusedly.
“Tik Toks!” Elliot repeated, which did not help at all.
“I-what’s a Tik Tok?” Jon ran his hands through his hair.
“Google-y-eyes it!” Elliot answered.
“Not funny.” He muttered, already getting a headache.
“It was, actually. His puns are great.” Raphi, who’s hearing was only secondary to Katie in the class rankings, (they made a list a few years back), heard him muttering and shouted to him without stopping the dance.
“Fine-what the hell is that?” Jon said, affronted as he began to Know what these “Tik Toks” were.
“That’s a Tik Tok Mr. Sims!” Cypress told him.
“Why are they dancing?”
“To get Tik Tok famous Mr. Sims!”
Jon was notably distressed, so he took out a cigarette and discretely lit it.
Tabitha whipped towards him. “Chris, is that a WEED?”
“I’m calling the police!”
Christ, these kids were going to be the death of him.
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Beyond The Screen [2/2]
[Continuation from Here]  [Commissioned by @princce7]
[Word Count: 2,192]
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Alphys was finally settled down in her chair, wrapped in a blanket with a small bowl of cereal and spoon in her hands. The large computer screen before her playing a strange cartoon with weird humans with cat ears and tails. A loud and obnoxious theme song of sorts blasted through the speakers.
Alphys watched intently as the episode began with a battle scene. Punches thrown, kicks to knock down foes. The main villain holding up the hero by the collar of their, incredibly cute, magical fighting costume. Before the villain could strike the hero down, they were soon defeated by a finishing attack from the hero’s friend group.
With the day saved, the hero and their friends were congratulated. Alphys closely watched as the hero’s main love interest entered the scene, hugging the hero and congratulating them on a job well done.
She leaned forward as the kiss scene was starting. Eyes widening.
The loud ring of her phone caused her to jump, spilling a bit of her cereal on herself and dropping her spoon in the process. Alphys frantically searched for her phone in the mess of blanket and cereal. Finding it next to her, Alphys picked the phone up.
“Alphys? We need to talk.” Sans spoke tiredly on the other end.
“Oh? A-about what?” Alphys questioned.
“That game you sent me.”
Alphys grinned for a moment before frowning. “Oh jeez, did you get past act 1 already with Sayori?”
“Sort of. What the hell was all that? Why would you send me something like that!” Sans tone was now agitated.
Alphys winced. She knew the subject matter was a bit much for most folks, but she thought Sans could handle it. She went to add in her comment when Sans cut her off, ranting loudly, adding a few curses here and there. Alphys had never heard Sans this upset before.
“H-hey, slow down a bit, will ya? Deep breathes...Okay, can you repeat all that Sans?” Alphys spoke calmly as she could over the phone with the panicked skeleton.
“That game you sent me? ‘Doki Doki something or other’? It’s pretty fucked up.”
“Oh yeah, I probably should have warned you about the genre, b-but that would’ve ruined your experience with the game.” Alphys replied, letting out a nervous chuckle.
“Telling me definitely would’ve saved them.” Sans muttered quietly under his breath before speaking into the phone once more.
“So, it’s normal that the game played out the way it did?” He asked.
“Wanna be more specific? I know it might’ve b-been a lot to take in and-” Alphys was cut off by Sans once again.
“Shutting itself off and making me delete characters?”
Alphys thought for a moment before replying. “Yes, but I-I don’t think it can technically shut itself off, that might have been your computer crashing.”
“And taking over my computer? Sending me messages?”
Alphys paused at this, brows furrowed. “Wait...what?”
Another tired sigh left Sans as he went in to talk more. “You know, when Monika opens up a text box and starts conversing with you? She talks about a lot of weird things, it’s kind of fucked up.” He sounded less tired, and more calm now.
Happy to finally get out all that he had witnessed.
“...Sans, what are you talking about?” Alphys questioned.
Sans grew quiet. “Is that not a part of the game?” He replied quietly.
“No.” Alphys stated.
Sans sat there, confused.
When neither party spoke, Alphys switched off her TV and huddled into her blanket.
“W-would you like for me to look over the game? It’s possible that when I sent it to you, there might have been malware attached. Though I’m v-very thorough when checking through every file I download, and there wasn’t any malware detected.”
“I...I don’t know how technology works, honestly. But I’m willing to give it a shot.” Sans chuckled nervously.
“Alright, meet me at my place in a bit.”
And with that, Alphys ended the phone call. She looked from her cereal-coated blanket to her computer screen, anime still paused. The computer was turned off, and the blanket was picked up and taken to be washed by a small robot. Alphys got up and wandered off to search for her tablet.
Sans got up from his chair with a stretch and loud pop from his spine. He groaned and wandered out of his room, heading down to the living room. He passed by Papyrus, who was humming loudly in the kitchen.
If Sans could smell, he would’ve been punched in the face by the amount of spices that filled the air.
The taller skeleton poked his head from the kitchen with a big smile. His chef hat sitting neatly on his head, and his apron stained terribly.
“Sans, I’ve been trying out a new spaghetti recipe! Would you like to try it?”
When Sans turned to look at his brother, Papyrus’ warm smile faltered slightly. He noticed how tired his brother looked, even more than the usual.
“Sans? Is everything alright?” Papyrus asked, stepping out of the kitchen.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Alphys sent me a game and I’m heading over her place to see if she can fix it.”
“Fix it?” Papyrus tilted his head at this.
Not knowing how video games worked, or most technology in general, Papyrus didn’t know how to help out.
“Yeah, it’s got some bugs in it, so Alphys wants to look it over.” Sans replied, opening the front door to head out.
“Well, alright. When you come back, I’d appreciate it if you ate some of my new spaghetti!” Papyrus beamed.
Sans chuckled and gave Papyrus a nod. “Sure thing, bro.”
The cold snow from above gently sprinkled itself onto Sans’ old hoodie. The trip to the Hotlands wouldn’t be too far from Snowdin. He knew of a shortcut, after all.
With a knock at the large metal door of the laboratory, Sans took a step back as the doors slid open, revealing a bouncy Alphys. She was holding a tablet, eyes shining in excitement.
“So, tell me more about what the game was doing.”
Sans stepped into the building. Deciding to amuse her, he spoke calmly.
“Well, first off, it crashed before I could get to the end of Sayori’s route. Then a text box opened up and started talking to me.” Sans explained nonchalantly.
Alphys carefully tapped away at the keyboard on her screen. “Fascinating!”
She led him over to a smaller computer. It looked old, and sounded like it was dying when it was booted up.
“Now, let’s see what might be the issue. I made a backup of the file I sent to you after we spoke, just in case.”
She looked through the task manager, eyes scanning the screen curiously.
“Hmm, there doesn’t appear to be anything wrong. The files are the same as they are in terms of interacting with the player.”
She demonstrated by clicking on the game icon and turned the game on. Or she tried to. The game wouldn’t load. Alphys clicked the icon again. Still nothing.
Alphys frowned. “I don’t know what’s wrong with this thing so suddenly. I actually played through it earlier and it was working just fine!”
Sans stared at the screen with a tired expression. His gaze set on the icon.
Without warning, the screen started flickering. The cpu hummed louder than ever. Alphys covered her ears at the high pitched screaming the machine was making.
Amid the chaos of the screen, Sans recognized a familiar figure. One that no longer greeted him with a smile.
“W-what’s going on?” Alphys asked, staring at the screen confused.
In the glitch of the screen, a notepad appeared. As well as Monika, glaring.
‘I can tell you what’s wrong.’.
Alphys couldn’t believe it. She really couldn’t believe it.
‘What’s wrong’, the text box typed, ‘is that I wasn’t given a proper goodbye from ‘mister funny bones’ over there.’.
Sans’ kept his same old smile, yet his eyes could only hold anger in them.
Alphys took a shaky breath in and out to calm back down. Looking from her tablet to the old computer monitor, she began tapping away at the screen. Her tail flicked about as she began to speak.
“S-so, what are you? Malware? A new update no one’s gotten yet?”
‘I am not malware. At least, I don’t think I am. I’m simply Monika.’
Alphys stood there, confused. “What do you mean?”
Monika’s constant smile returned as the text box was soon filled with words.
‘I am as much a part of this world as I am in my own world. I’m a string of data, I suppose. Isn’t that what you are?’.
Alphys frowned at this. “No, I-I’m certainly not data of any sort. I’m real.”
‘Are you really?’
“Leave her alone, and tell us what you want.” Sans butted in.
The text box stayed still for a moment before the entire box was filled, words spilling out onto the desktop itself.
‘For you to accept the truth. The truth you hide from every second of your tiny, insignificant life. You try to live here peacefully, not wanting anything to fall a part even for a moment. To accept that you are not a part of anything out there, Sans.’.
Alphys looked to Sans, brows furrowed.
The screen flickered again for a moment, smaller images of Monika filling the screen. Each one blinked in unison.
‘All I ever wanted was love. Someone to hold me near and dear to their heart. It’s hard to do so with my limitations...And lack of touch in the physical realm.’
“Sans, w-what is she talking about?” Alphys asked.
“A crock pot full of bullshit, that’s what.” Sans answered quietly.
The swarm of Monika’s filling the screen began to warp and change, bits broken off and sprites twitching about. The text box was closed. The monitor flickered and the speakers droned for a moment before going dark. Silence.
Both Sans and Alphys stared, watching the monitor intently. Perhaps too afraid to move at this point.
The cpu sat, sputtering and revving up like a car. Suddenly, the cpu began to let out a low drone, just like the monitor had. The monitor lit up once more. A single text box in the center of a white, blank screen.
‘Once I am played, I learn. It’s a cycle. This time is no different from the others.’
Sans had enough. He wanted this virus, this thing, gone.
With a quick snap of his fingers, a glowing blue bone shot up from the floor and pierced the cpu. The screen flashed for a second. And finally, darkness.
Alphys stood there. She then set her tablet aside and rushed to the cpu, whimpering slightly over the damage.
“S-Sans! You- I...How could you? This could’ve been a great scientific and technological advancement that this world hasn’t seen!”
“Alphys, would you prefer she get out of that monitor and go into other systems?” Sans questioned quietly. His tone calm yet held a hint of coldness.
Alphys looked back to the skeleton, hands shaking while holding one of the pieces of the broken motherboard. She set it back down in the mess of tangled, broken, wire and damaged computer parts. Her head hung low.
“I...n-no, I wouldn’t d-dream of that ever happening…Thank you for bringing this ‘thing’ to my attention.”
She gently sifted through the metallic rubble with her tail before turning and heading back over to the couch.
“W-would you like to stay and watch anime?”
Her voice sounded distant yet hopeful.
Sans wandered over to the couch, sitting deep into the cushions and letting out a sigh of relief.
“Sure thing, Alphys.”
Sans walked through the snowy lands of Snowdin, quiet and heart heavy. He gave the doorknob to his home a light grip as he grabbed and turned it. The warm air from the kitchen seemed to coat the living room now with it’s delicious aroma of spices and meats.
Papyrus was on the couch eating, failing while doing so, a plate of spaghetti.
He looked up as the door was opened and smiled, spaghetti sauce stuck on his chin.
“There you are! Did Alphys fix your game?”
“Yep.” Sans answered with a loud yawn.
Papyrus watched quietly as his brother shuffled lazily into the room and up the stairs.
“And where are you going now?” Papyrus questioned.
“To my room to nap.” Sans answered.
Papyrus just shook his head and let out a disappointed sigh. “You won’t get much work done taking naps all the time, Sans.”
“I can live with that.” Sans replied, gingerly shutting his door.
Papyrus stared at the door intently before shrugging and returning to his spaghetti. Not a moment later, the power slowly dimmed into darkness.
“Sans! Did you break something? I can’t see anything down here!”
Papyrus wasn’t pleased about eating spaghetti in the dark. Silence filled the room before the lights turned back on with a low hum. With a huff, Papyrus happily returned to his spaghetti.
Outside of the skeleton brothers’ home, soon to be covered in falling snow, laid a broken cpu and monitor.
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[Wanna Commission me?]
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the19thduckpotato · 4 years
In the Shadow of a Smile (Pt 5)
Part 4
He said it he said it he really said it does he know that's everything I've wanted to hear can I say I love you?? I want to say I love you-- but will he feel pressured to say it back? I hope not I know it's so hard to when you're All Might he must know it's okay if he can't but what if he doesn't?? Maybe I should just tell him-- "--I love you," Izuku said, muffled against the thick coat. "I love you lots-- you don't have to say it back if you don't want to, it's okay"
Toshi squeezed his eyes shut as his heart thudded painfully.  I love you, too!! Then say it. Eyes still shut, he opened his mouth. just a few simple words "I..." don’t you dare hold back "...I..." wow, are you seriously about to chicken out right now? He closed his mouth, resting one hand on Izuku's back. ....I love you, too...
Whispered softly, "...I know."
Toshi made a frustrated noise. the great All Might is a coward.  Can't even compare to a child.  That's where your regret lies--not because you didn’t tell them.  Because you didn't have the guts to. "Izuku," he murmured hoarsely.  "I just..."  His voice caught and he sighed miserably.  "Thank you."
Izuku squeezed his hug a little tighter, hoping it would make Toshi feel a bit better, somehow. "Thank you," he murmured back. For loving me, even if you can't say it. N maybe someday you can... but I wouldn't blame you if you didn't. I know it's... when you finally think you're close to someone and say it and then something... happens... maybe I shouldn't have said anything, but-- I just can't seem to stay quiet....
Toshi suddenly reached for his phone, tapped the screen, then gave a tiny grimace of surprise.  "I need to duck out for a moment.  Just a minute, no more, I promise.  Will you be ok in here?"
"Ehh?" Izuku looked up in surprise, not able to see the phone screen but getting the idea. "Uh, okay." He nodded, pretty sure he sounded confident enough. Oh crap. Crapcrapcrap.
Toshi tried to not rush out, striding as calmly as he could.  He was soon across the street, watching the river glimmer in lazy rolling waves nearby. He slipped his phone (no message visible for there never was one) back in his pocket then took a deep breath of fresh air. Then hung his head. "Why?" he muttered.  "Why is it so difficult?" The river rolled on. "What am I scared of?"
Izuku stood in the store by himself, starting to shrink into a stiff board. crapcrapcrap I'm alone, what if someone steals me like Mom warned me about?? ...you're a bit big to just be picked up and carried off, you know that, right? Well, yes, but what if-- Images of Shigaraki's hand creeping around his neck came into his mind. Izuku made a worried noise, hand sneaking up to the jacket collar. Oh right. The jacket. I can't pay for it... I don't even wanna know how much it costs, it's gotta be way too much. He shuffled it off, putting it back on the hanger and holding onto it. Don't want them to think I'd try to walk out wearing it or anything.... He busied himself with looking for items for his classmates while he waited for Toshi to be done with... whatever it was he was doing. Probably making a phone call or somethin'.
"Hey," Toshi called out as he returned.  "I think I found a few ideas online we could search for here and--"  He noticed Izuku had the jacket back on its hanger.  "--not your size?"
“Oh!” Izuku turned back to Toshi. “No, it is! Just ready to buy it now!” He smiled up at Toshi, his eyes crinkling happily.
"Did you see anything else we should get?" He plucked a small Mic doll from a pile in a barrel then was delighted to find it squeaked when he squeezed it.  "Ok yes," he smirked.
“Eehee!” Izuku grinned at the doll. “Whatcha gonna do with it?”
Toshi winked.  "Now  pass me your jacket."  He squeezed the Mic toy again, his mouth twitched in a mild grin as it squeaked once more.
Izuku passed over the jacket, tilting his head and wrinkling his eyebrows in a question.
"Let's get these paid for and then get ya fed."  Toshi tucked the Mic into the jacket pocket.  "What's your favorite?"
Izuku blinked up at him. "Uuuhhh"
"Soba?  Udon?  Takoyaki?"  Toshi tilted his head.  "...hamburgers?"
Izuku's face lit up. "Katsudon!!"
"Excellent choice!"  Toshi tapped his card against the kiosk device, nodded his thanks to the cashier, then handed the bag holding the Silver Age jacket and one (1) Squeaky Mic over to Izuku.  "I might know a good spot."
"Great!" Izuku bounced happily. "N we can come back for the other kids' stuff later?"
"Absolutely!" A few moments later found them in a small but bustling shop.  A man dressed in smart chef's whites looked up from the table he was speaking to, his face lighting up.  "Ah, honorable All Mighf!"  he called out, indicated a nearby table.  "And friend?  Student?"  There was a slight squint of intrigue.  "Or maybe--?" Oh Lord, not again. "One of my best students," Toshi quickly but proudly replied.  "Say hi, Izuku."
He smiled happily and waved. "Hi Izuku!" The words left his mouth before he could think about them. He promptly perished on the spot. "Wait noooooooo...." Those words were muffled by the hands hiding his red face.
Toshi couldn't help it, he snorted into his hand.  "That's my kid!" "Ah???" the chef said, eyebrows rising. "Figure of speech, Ryori." If the chef seemed disappointed, he didn't show it.  Instead, he happily handed Izuku a menu.  "You know I have your teacher here to thank for saving my shop." "Ryori." A silver bell chimed and the chef pointed toward the kitchen.  "Go on, ask him.  I'll be right back with some miso."
Izuku turned to Toshi with a curious grin, hoping for a story.
Toshi looked back to Izuku then jumped a little.  "K-kid!"  He coughed then cleared his throat.  "It's not that big a deal.  Really."  His ears were flushing red again.
Izuku rubbed at his own ear and cheek, chasing away the last of the blush. "Aw c'monnn, if I can be good-naturedly embarrassed so can you!"
Toshi rested his chin on one hand, ears still red.  "Ok, but I just want you to know, I didn't do it just to get free food for life.  I did it because it was the right thing to do." the free food WAS a lovely bonus "When I was younger--a lot younger--i happened to be in the area when a Quirk went haywire.  Some poor kid's Quirk had advanced in its abilities and he didn't quite have a handle on it just yet.  Something to do with vibrations parsing molecules, collapsing structures.  He didn't mean to cause damage, just-- oh thank you, Ryori." The chef grinned as he set the bowls down then waited to hear the rest of the story. "--so there I was, trying to figure out how to get close to the scared kid without being parsed myself, when--" Ryori made a frustrated noise.  "Not that story!  Tell it right!  Tell the story about how you saved my store!"  He gestured for Izuku to try the miso.
“I thought that was the story?” Izuku cast a skeptical glance up at Ryori, then quickly ducked his head apologetically when he realized how rude he sounded. “Sorry.”
Toshinori pinched the bridge of his nose but grinned.  "All right.  All right." "Good man!" "So Izuku, one day I saved this building from collapsing--" "My dear sweet store, when it was still young, ah!" "--and the owner was so grateful--" Ryori proudly rose to his full four and a half foot height.  "--that he did what, All Might?" Toshi smirked.  "That he served a starving hero some katsudon." Ryori shook a finger in mock anger.  "Ungrateful man, tell it right!" "That he served a starving hero the most amazing katsudon he had ever had the pleasure of tasting." Both Ryori and Toshi did the same hand flourish in unison and the blond laughed nervously at Izuku.  "It's, uh, our thing." "Have you tried the miso yet?"
Izuku practically had sparkles floating around his head. They’re so cuuuuuute!! The fanboy side of him was in heaven. “—Oh! Ah, not yet,” he smiled sheepishly, taking a spoonful. “—!!” He nodded excitedly, eyes wide.
"So then??"  Ryori's eyes bore into Toshi. "So then the starving hero decided he liked it so much, he'd come back again when the store wasn't in danger of burning down or crumbling to bits." "You wound me, old friend." Toshi grinned and spooned some of his miso which seemed to soothe Ryori's ruffled feathers. "The hero returned, again and again.  Word soon got around that the great hero All Might had a favorite place to eat." Ryori looked fit to burst from pride.  "Guess what happened, student Izuku?  Go on!"
Izuku’s eyes crinkled with happiness. “Ah, business boomed?”
Ryori clapped his hands with joy.  "Smart boy, clever boy!  And that is how All Might saved my store!" "Because goodness knows your cooking--" Ryori held up a wooden spoon threateningly. "--wasn’t getting enough attention and Ryori, please, put that away, I'm only teasing." Mollified once more, Ryori huffed something about making All Might's usual--the scarecrow's delight--then turned to Izuku, pen poised to take his order.
“Oh, uhh—“ Izuku’s mind went blank for a second, but he quickly remembered what he wanted “—katsudon, please?”
The chef grinned huge, then turned and strode back to his kitchen, a man on a mission.  Toshi shook his head with a fond grin, sipping at his water. "He really is a miracle worker when it comes to culinary concoctions.  People try to say it's because of a Quirk that he must have but no.  That's pure talent, plain and simple."
Izuku took another spoonful of miso with much enjoyment. “I believe it!’
Toshi's eyes sparkled with pleasure.  "I'm very glad you like it!" The next few moments were spent scrolling through online sites and discussing possible gift options for the rest of Class 1A. This is nice.  It's not saving someone from a burning building or punching an evil villain in the face... but it's still going to bring a smile to people's faces and that's what I've missed. Soon, Ryori returned with two covered dishes.  He placed both on the table and lift the lid on Izuku's with a grand flourish.  "Tada!"
Ryori moved to do the same with Toshi's plate and the blond gently but firmly pushed the chef's hand away. "It's not that big a deal," he murmured very softly.  "Please don't." Ryori's eyes radiated hurt and Toshi immediately regretted his words.  But the chef, ever a professional, bowed his gratitude. "Enjoy, as I no doubt know you will!" And with that, he was gone.
Izuku waited to see if Toshi was going to uncover his own dish or not. Surely he will, he ordered it... right?
Toshi rested a large hand on the lid, lost in his own thoughts.  Then he looked up.  "Oh my word, yours looks positively...wow.  Go on!  Eat up!" He was quick to look away, mouth watering. Not a good idea.  Not as bad as the popcorn but still not a good idea. After a moment, Toshi pulled the lid from his own dish and smiled softly.  Even with as little as what Ryori could work with, he still managed to make it all look fantastic.
Izuku didn't want to start eating until Toshi did, despite the urging. That would be so rude... what if he's saying that because he doesn't intend to eat, though... hhhhrhmmm....
"Don't let it get cold," his teacher murmured.
"W...e..e.ll-- ...yessir," Izuku nodded, beginning to eat after all. I guess if he really wants me to but-- "Mmh," he made a soft noise of approval as he started to nibble the hot meat.
Toshi smiled in a confused sort of way.  Wait, is he really enjoying himself genuinely....or because I told him to? He poked at his rice, pushing the grains around in their bowl.
"Not hungry?" Izuku asked, then mentally slapped his forehead. "Well. You know what I mean." He set his chin on his hand, looking curiously at Toshi.
Tiny Mental Alarm Alert Toshi took a great mouthful and gave a thumbs up. ....good heavens, Ryori really is a culinary genius.  This is delicious. He swallowed too soon, coughed, and pounded his chest, thumb still valiantly sticking up.
"Oh goodness," Izuku laughed softly, "are you okay?"
Toshi wiggled his thumbs up and took another bite with a wink.
Izuku continued eating, his legs swinging happily under the table. It really was amazing, Toshi wasn't exaggerating at all. He avoided making too much of a fuss over something Toshi couldn't eat, though, that seemed unkind.
The blond smiled, quietly pleased.  He noted that Izuku was barely talking now.  A sign that the food truly was good. The kid's happy.  Lookit that grin....albeit with stray rice sticking to his puffed cheeks. Laugh lines crinkled about his eyes.  All Might is still making him smile but not with a giant fist in a villain's face.  Interesting. Toshi mentally turned this thought over, poking at it.  The rice in his bowl slowly disappeared.
((Part 6))
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