#they both miss koby a lot
onepiecebrained · 10 months
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rika still makes food for helmeppo sometimes if he's around
(one of koby's favorite foods is rika's onigiri)
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I want to say there are a lot of things that I find really interesting in this chapter. The whole narratove, lore, development, there are a lot of things to talk.
The first one is the fact that there has been the belift that ONLY pirates would be able to find the one piece, which was proof to be false, everyone could find the one piece and here we are reading people's reaction to that. Some of them react ingenous or reacive and untrusty but others react with emotion.
What I find interesting is there's someone saying that "isn't that the reason on why the world sank in first place?" And it's so interesting this because ffor what we know, the reason of why the world is sinking is the goverment not necesarily the pirates.
Anad Vegapunk also mentioned a lot of being in a neutral side of what happened. I mean, we still don't have a lot of info but it's just curious to point it.
Second aspect is Koby and a lot of people will be hateful or angry at him but listen to me.
Luffy didn't help Koby expecting him to gave his life and dreams for Luffy, he didn't hope that Koby would quit his own dreams just for Luffy and this is a big mischaracterized thing the fandom has towards them.
We saw Luffy and Koby more as friends than rivals when in reality, Luffy and Koby's relationship is a pretty resemble to Garp and Roger's relationship, which means that both are RIVALS and friends, Koby's sense of duty intervene on Luffy's goal, so they would eventually be in each others path but in opposite sides.
This was something already established since Water 7, they both knew they were growing stronger and that some day they would need to face each other and it was even more confirmed in Marineford where both of them "fight" for their own goals and their conclusion of the whole event was almost the sense "I need to get stronger"
Luffy is not expecting Koby to be only his friend but also his rival, so don't feel betrayed by Koby saying something that was already established!
My third aspect and probably my biggest point is Elmeth.
Oh boy, I cried so much with this giant robot but let's explore slowly.
I LOVE the way is constantly telling us that LUFFY IS NOT JOYBOY HIMSELF! JoyBoy is dead, so it can't be him, Elmeth said it by himself(?) And I think that was such a beautiful writing, "there's no way that you are still alive but it looks alike you so much, I can't avoid to feel like that time" (forgive my bad translation pls)
The sense of nostalgia of Elmeth knowing that JoyBoy is dead but even with that he can still see him through Luffy in a certain way that even if it's not JoyBoy, it's still similar to him.
And this is what I love about Oda, he literally went directly to say "Luffy is Luffy", hiw personality, his story, his goals and motivations are because of his own persona, not only because being related to JoyBoy and I like the way just reafirm by saying "I think you confused me with another person", he is just unaware of all the comparision and history JoyBoy could have because he doesn't think as himself as JoyBoy.
And finally, the part that broke my heart was when Elmeth was talking to JoyBoy and they are full "I will help you from the past" and "thank you, it makes me really happy because when you died I will know that you would still be by my side" "there's a lot of time yet, so much time that is hard to me to think that I will be alone in the future"
BOY I WAS BAWLING MY EYES. It's just the way so sweet that Elmeth talks about and to JoyBoy, you can sense his love for this person that now It's just vanished in time and that is a vague memory from someone in the past. THE WHOLE ANGST IS SO HEARTBREAKING.
And as someone in grief, this hits double, because it's a feeling that I have feel due to missing my beloved ones, it's a feelings that a lot of people have of wanting to know that no matter what, the other one would be always with us even if they are not in a physical state and it just hit me so hard.
And this stuff is what makes One piece so especial to me, the way that made me cried isn't normal, this knot in my throat because the grief felt so real when I was reading. It just the nostalgic aspects that really push me more as well.
A lot of people focus more intol the whole haki revealed and the way JoyBoy looks but to me the most precious part of One piece would be this type of emotional writing.
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lewiscarrolatemybrain · 9 months
Me, vibrating at a frequency that could shatter glass: I wanted a Koby-and-Luffy-Childhood-Friends AU and that turned into a Koby-grows-up-with-the-ASL-brothers AU and THAT turned into me imagining Koby still becoming a marine (Garp is THRILLED TO TEARS. Ace and Luffy give him a lot of grief for it but they're still lowkey proud of him) and one day, completely by chance, he stumbles across the Chief Of Staff Of The Revolutionary Army.
Wanted posters for the Revolutionary Army aren't passed around like the posters for pirates and criminals are, because it's actually very common for a would-be bounty hunter to get recruited to the cause if they seek them out, and the government doesn't want that, so only ranked officers are allowed to actually have them. And Koby, who recently made rank, did find himself staring for a very long time at the slightly blurry black-and-white picture of Sabo(?), Rank Unknown -- but a picture doesn't do a face justice, and he's been carrying that ghost with him for years, so he ultimately set it aside. Told himself not to wish for impossible things.
Only to, less than a week later, end up helping Sabo (Sabo, it's Sabo, holy shit it's Sabo) escape from a marine base. Koby will go to the gallows for this if he gets caught, but both of his other sworn brothers are pirates. He became a marine knowing that if he had to make the choice, he would chose family over duty. Granted, he didn't expect to have to make that choice for at least another few years, but here we are.
The two don't speak much -- there isn't time. Koby gives hushed orders and Sabo whispers clarifying questions and they breathe warnings back and forth, both of them stretching their observation Haki as far as it will go as they tiptoe out of the base.
This boy feels familiar. Sabo can't explain it, but he felt it the second he laid eyes on this young captain. The pink hair, the big eyes. It's worse now that they're standing right next to each other, Haki signatures pressed so close together it's impossible to ignore. This boy feels like feathers and steel, like something soft and warm and earnest wrapped around a core that is solid and steady and unfaltering. He is the waves that erode the shore, patient and gentle but inevitable in their quest for change. Sabo shouldn't be able to read the soul of a stranger this clearly, but he can, somehow. It feels good next to his own roiling storm clouds and piercing cliffs, it feels grounding, but he can't help the strange thought that there should be fire and forest here, somehow. There should be sunlight.
The boy feels familiar, and Sabo hates that he is the one following behind. Which is stupid, because he doesn't know where they're going and obviously the one who does should take the lead, but every corner they turn and patrol they dodge has the spaces between his shoulderblades winding tighter. He wants the captain tucked safely behind him, with Sabo in the lead where he can take the brunt of whatever danger they face. This, too, is strange.
They make it out of the base and down to the docs, where Koby gets Sabo set up -- the guards change shift in thirteen minutes, if Sabo waits there'll be an opening for him to steal a boat and get out of here -- and Sabo takes the opportunity to ask "Are you... sympathetic to the cause?"
The boy stills.
"You aren't on our books, is all. I don't recognize you as an officer. If this is you looking to join, I'm afraid I don't have time to vet you right now, but I can arrange for you to meet with a recruiter--"
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" It comes out a hoarse, furious whisper. Koby wants to scream.
Sabo blinks. "I'm sorry?"
"Is that how you justified it? Oh, it's been so long, they probably forgot about me? Is that what you told yourself?" He needs to keep quiet, he needs to get back inside before he's noticed missing, they can't do this right now -- "Or maybe you just figured out of sight out of mind, right? Since clearly that worked out fine for you!"
Koby waves a hand up and down Sabo, a gesture meant to encompass -- this! All of this. His fading grin and his fancy coat and his fucking wanted poster.
"Chief of Staff. That's impressive. I'm not surprised you're some big shot, it suits you. Are you having fun, Sabo? Is your grand adventure treating you well?"
"I don't know what --" but Koby can't let him talk, because Koby can't breathe, because Sabo is here and he's alive and he's acting like Koby is a stranger to him and if Koby doesn't spit out the words he's suddenly choking on then he's going to collapse into screaming sobs instead and they can't afford that right now.
"Let me guess, secret identities? Code names? It's all so hush-hush, so cloak-and-dagger, you were sworn to secrecy? I don't care. I don't fucking care what reasons you used to justify letting us think you were dead! For ten years! It was selfish, Sabo. It was cruel. And I--" He gasps. Coughs. Sucks in a heavy breath until the salt of the sea breeze settles in his lungs and he can tell himself the wetness on his face is ocean spray. "We mourned you. Ace and Luffy are still mourning you. Dadan and the bandits and Makino and Gramps. Everyone, all of us -- we have all been carrying this grief and you just--!"
Breathe in. Breathe out. Stay quiet. "If this is the life you want, then okay. Okay. But don't you stand there and pretend I'm a stranger to you, and expect me to play along. Don't you do that to me. Not to me."
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mercillery · 2 months
NOTES: I want to do a Kuzan SFW alphabet next but I literally have no motivation to write. Anyway, this one is for the Koby lovers. I love you Koby lovers.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He's not one for public displays of affection, especially because he wants to keep you safe. To him, letting the world know you're together is basically like painting a target on your back for every pirate out there, you know? And he obviously doesn’t want that. But when he's away from the prying eyes of pirates, things are different. Unless he's at Marine Headquarters, you’re more than welcome to lock arms with him or hold his hand.
However, he does have his limits. Anything too overly affectionate might make him shy and a bit embarrassed—not because of you, but because of the setting. I mean, you're literally surrounded by his comrades, subordinates, and superiors. Imagine the looks you'd get. Just picture a stern-faced admiral trying to keep a straight face while you're smothering him with affection. Not exactly the time or place, right?
So while he's all for the occasional arm lock or a quick, reassuring touch, he prefers to keep the more intimate moments for when you're alone. He’ll give you a smile or a gentle squeeze of your hand in public, but the real tenderness is saved for when you both have a bit of privacy.
In private, he’s a lot more affectionate. He cuddles you more, hugs you more, and does much more.
When it comes to showing affection, Koby pulls out all the stops. He’s got it all: words of affirmation, acts of service, quality time, and physical touch. It’s like he read the book on love languages and decided to master each one just for you.
Koby absolutely loves hyping you up whenever you accomplish something, no matter how big or small. You aced a work presentation? He’s there with a proud smile and a heartfelt, “You’re amazing!” He secretly thinks you’re incredibly cool but keeps it to himself sometimes because he’s a bit nervous that you’ll think he’s just a big nerd.
Spoiler alert: He totally is, but in the best way possible.
Acts of service are his specialty. He’s the type to take care of the laundry, whip up your favorite meals, or help fix that annoying leaky faucet. These little gestures might seem small, but they’re his way of showing he cares. And when it comes to bigger tasks, he’s all in. Need help moving furniture or organizing a room? He’s got you covered. Honestly, he’d go to great lengths for you—there’s practically nothing he wouldn’t do.
And despite the demanding nature of his Marine duties, Koby always makes sure there’s quality time for the two of you. He feels guilty when he’s away for too long, engrossed in Marine missions, and compensates by writing you long, heartfelt letters. These letters are filled with sweet words about how much he misses you and hopes you’re doing well. And when he’s finally back, he makes up for lost time with an abundance of cuddles and hugs!
Physical touch is another big way Koby shows his love. Whether it’s a gentle squeeze of your hand to reassure you, a warm hug to comfort you, or simply holding your hand as you walk together, he’s all about those little touches that make you feel secure and loved.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Starting a friendship with Koby is literally the easiest thing in the world. This is the guy who’s best buddies with Luffy, who’s a pirate. If Koby can forge a bond with the Straw Hat Captain, then whether you’re a pirate, a Marine, a civilian, or even a squid or an ant, you’ve got a very good chance of striking up a friendship with him. The possibilities are as vast as the ocean itself.
Koby’s open-hearted nature makes it easy for friendships to blossom in countless ways. Maybe you’re a pirate who crossed paths with him during a mission, and instead of clashing, you found common ground. Perhaps you’re a fellow Marine bonding over shared duties and late-night shifts. Or you might be a civilian who stumbled into his life, needing help with something mundane like a lost pet. Koby’s the kind of guy who’d stop and lend a hand, no questions asked.
So however you envision it, the beginning of a friendship with Koby can take many forms. What I’m trying to say is that there isn’t really a specific type of way you can start a friendship with Koby; the numerous ways you can become friends with him are endless, so I’ll leave it up to you as to how you think the friendship starts.
As a best friend, Koby is the kind of person who instantly inspires you—his optimism and kindness are infectious. There’s not a hint of evilness in him—he’s genuinely good to the core. Having Koby as your best friend means having someone who’s always got your back, no matter what. He supports you in everything you do, from your smallest goals to your biggest dreams.
Whenever self-doubt creeps in, Koby’s right there to dispel it with his unwavering belief in you. His encouraging words and sincere compliments make you feel like you can conquer anything. And if you ever face fears or obstacles, Koby is there to help you overcome them, just like Luffy helped him conquer his fear of Alvida. His method might be different, but the result is the same: you emerge stronger and more confident.
Koby’s optimism is like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. Even if you’re not naturally optimistic, his positive outlook on life rubs off on you. He’s always looking on the bright side, finding silver linings even in the toughest situations.
His support isn’t just emotional either. Koby’s the type of friend who’ll be there to help you move, lend an ear when you need to vent, or celebrate your victories—big and small. He’s reliable, loyal, and always ready with a kind word or a helping hand. You’ll find yourself inspired by his dedication and drive, striving to be better simply because he believes in you.
Honestly, having Koby as a best friend is a complete game-changer. He’s the kind of friend everyone needs in their life—a literal beacon of hope and positivity. So if you have Koby as your best friend, you best cherish him.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He absolutely loves cuddling! There's something incredibly comforting about being wrapped up in your arms or having his arms around you. When he's holding you close, it's like he's basking in the warmth and softness of fluffy clouds. It’s one of his favorite ways to unwind after a long day of Marine duties. He often jokes that your hugs are better than any bed or pillow, and honestly, he means it. So if you ever want to make his day, just pull him into a cuddle, and he’ll melt into you.
He’s more than happy to cuddle in whatever way you prefer. Whether you like spooning, lying on his chest, or simply being close, he’s always ready to accommodate. But if he had to choose, there’s a special place in his heart for those cuddling positions where you’re both just wrapped up in each other’s arms. The closer you are, the more at ease he feels. It’s like a tangible reminder that you’re right there with him, and it fills him with a deep sense of peace and contentment.
These close cuddles are his safe haven, a place where he can let go of the day's stresses and just be present with you. So while he’s always open to cuddling in any way that makes you happy, those times when you’re nestled in each other’s arms are the ones he holds dearest.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Honestly, yeah, he does want to settle down, but he's thinking more about doing that later in the future. Right now, he's focused on his Marine duties and personal growth, but the idea of settling down with someone special is definitely in his mind.
Now, when it comes to household skills, Koby's got some solid credentials. He’s a whiz at cleaning, thanks to his early days as a chore boy in the Marines. So rest assured, with Koby around, your place will always be spotless.
As for cooking, Koby's no gourmet chef, but he’s decent in the kitchen. He can whip up a variety of meals that are tasty and satisfying. His cooking might not win any awards, but it’s made with care and a touch of love. So, while there might not be much to say about his culinary skills, you can always count on him for a hearty, home-cooked meal. <3
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If Koby ever had to break up with you, he would handle it with the utmost care and respect. He’s deeply considerate of your feelings and wants to ensure that the conversation is as peaceful and problem-free as possible. The last thing he wants is for you to be hurt or to have a sudden emotional breakdown. And if you do start having an emotional breakdown, you better believe he’s going to do his best to comfort you. 
During the breakup, Koby is very gentle and patient. He reassures you that it’s simply for the best, explaining his reasons in a way that shows he’s thought it through and that it’s not a decision he’s taken lightly. His primary goal is to avoid causing you any unnecessary pain and to make sure you understand that this isn't a reflection of your worth or his feelings towards you as a person.
After explaining his decision, he’ll ask if you’d like to stay in touch. He understands if you’d prefer some distance and is completely fine with that. But if you want to maintain a friendship, he’s open to it as well. Koby genuinely wants to be there for you if you need it, even after the romantic relationship has ended.
He makes it clear that just because you’re breaking up, it doesn’t mean he hates you or thinks any less of you. In fact, he’ll emphasize that he still cares deeply about you and respects you. So even though you might be going your separate ways, you’re always free to reach out to him. He’s got your back, no matter what, and he wants you to know that he’s still a friend you can rely on.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Very great dumb question! How does Koby feel about commitment? Well, Koby is a narcissistic man who does not care about you or your feelings!
Just kidding. He’s obviously not like that, which should already be clear.
Koby is very serious about commitment. He values a healthy, fulfilling, and loving relationship and works tirelessly to ensure that’s what you both have. He’s not just in it for the short term, casual flings, or any of that stuff—he's in it for the long haul.
Koby understands that commitment means being there through thick and thin, supporting you in your dreams and challenges, and building a life together based on trust and mutual respect. He strives to be the best partner he can be, always putting in the effort to make you feel valued and loved. He’s all about creating a strong, lasting bond with you and making sure your relationship is as amazing as it can be.
Honestly, despite how young Koby is—just 18—he definitely has thoughts about getting married someday. However, he envisions this happening later on in the future, perhaps around his late 20s or so.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Both physically and emotionally, Koby is the most gentle man you could ever have. He’s never rough with you in any way. His touch is always tender, whether he’s holding your hand, giving you a hug, or simply being close. Emotionally, he’s just as gentle, always considering your feelings and ensuring that his words and actions never cause you harm.
It’s hard to say more because there’s really not much to add—gentleness is simply a part of who he is. It’s not just you who experience his kindness and care; Koby extends this gentleness to almost everything and everyone around him. His nature is to approach life with a soft, compassionate heart, making him a truly special person to be with.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He absolutely loves hugs. As I mentioned in the cuddles part, the closer you are, the more at ease he feels—and that goes for hugs as well! Hugs are one of his favorite ways to connect with you, offering both comfort and warmth.
Koby hugs you pretty often, especially in private, where he feels free to show his affection without any reservations. But that doesn’t mean he deprives you of hugs in public. In fact, he makes sure to give you a warm embrace, particularly when he’s about to leave for a dangerous mission. Those public hugs might be a bit more reserved, but they still carry all the love and reassurance he wants to give you.
His hugs are always soft and gentle, never firm, rough, or harsh in any way. When he wraps his arms around you, it feels like being enveloped in a cocoon of safety and affection. Each hug is a quiet promise of his care and devotion, a way for him to silently communicate how much you mean to him. Whether in the privacy of your home or in the hustle and bustle of the outside world, Koby’s hugs are a constant source of comfort and love. 🫂
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
This can go either way. Koby doesn’t say “I love you” immediately in the first few weeks of the relationship, but he doesn’t wait too long to say it either. It really depends on how things unfold between you two. Either you say it first, or he gathers the courage to do so first.
Koby tends to overthink this a lot. He’s torn between wanting to make sure the timing is just right and not wanting you to feel bad by waiting too long to hear those special words. He’s deeply considerate and wants to ensure that when he does say “I love you,” it feels genuine and heartfelt.
The anticipation makes him a bit nervous. He doesn’t want to rush things and make you uncomfortable, but he also wants you to know how much you mean to him. It’s a delicate balance for him, and he’s constantly thinking about the best way to express his feelings without overwhelming you. So while he waits for the appropriate moment, he’s a bundle of nerves, hoping that when he finally does say it, it’s perfect.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He surprisingly never gets jealous. Even if someone is outright hitting on you right in front of his very own eyes, he still won’t show any signs of jealousy. Koby trusts you deeply and believes in the strength of your relationship.
However, in those very rare moments when he does feel a twinge of jealousy, he keeps it to himself at first. He thinks it's better to avoid such feelings and not let them affect your relationship. He doesn't want to burden you with his insecurities.
If he feels his jealousy increasing and it becomes something he can’t just shake off, he’ll approach you about it very nicely. No arguments, no conflicts, no accusations—just a calm, respectful conversation. Koby values open communication and wants to make sure you both are on the same page. He’ll explain his feelings honestly, but always with the intent to understand and resolve any issues peacefully.
No matter how jealous he might feel, Koby remains his gentle, kind self. He talks to you with the same care and respect he always does, ensuring that any concerns are addressed in a way that strengthens your bond rather than causing unnecessary tension.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are soft and gentle, just like the rest of his affections.
Koby’s favorite spots to kiss are your cheeks and your lips, keeping them sweet and innocent.
When it comes to being kissed, Koby is happy with any part of his face. Whether it’s a quick peck on the forehead, a soft kiss on the nose, or a lingering kiss on the lips!
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
There are multiple clips of Koby with children, and in all of them, he’s literally so sweet and angelic. He interacts with them with such kindness and patience that it’s impossible not to see how good he is with kids. Even with the more troublesome children, he remains calm and understanding.
There’s really not much more to say here because it’s pretty obvious: Koby is amazing with children.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Marine duties call at the crack of dawn, meaning Koby has to be up at the earliest of the earliest hours. But before he leaves, he always makes sure to give you a gentle peck on the cheek. Every morning, he’s torn between wanting to wake you up to let you know he’s leaving and not having the heart to disturb your beauty sleep.
This has become a part of his daily routine: he spaces out while looking at your peaceful, sleeping face, silently debating whether to wake you or not. Sometimes, you wake up while he’s in the middle of this internal struggle and find him just staring at you with a soft expression. Concerned, you ask him why he’s just standing there, and he blushes, clearly embarrassed. With a sheepish smile, he tells you he’s leaving and then leans down to give you a sweet kiss.
Those moments, though brief, are filled with tenderness and love. He then quietly slips out, hoping you’ll drift back to sleep, knowing how much he cares.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Koby are very peaceful and calm! He doesn’t go to sleep until he’s sure you’re comfortable and have everything you need. His priority is your comfort and well-being, and he takes it seriously, ensuring you’re settled in before he even thinks about closing his eyes.
Need a drink before heading to sleep? He’s already there at your side with the drink you wanted before you can even finish your sentence. You can’t sleep unless there’s some sort of noise in the background? Don’t worry, Koby’s already pulling up a playlist!
And here’s a bonus, random thing: if you have a nighttime skincare routine, Koby will definitely take part in it too—only if you want him to, of course. You don’t even have to beg him—he’s already eager to join you in your routine!
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Honestly, the moment you and Koby enter a relationship, he starts revealing things about himself—only if you ask, though. For him, being in a relationship means being open and honest, so he doesn’t see any reason to keep parts of himself hidden away.
So you could say he starts revealing everything all at once. He wants you to know the real him, from his dreams and fears to his quirks and habits. Koby believes that a strong relationship is built on transparency and trust, so he’s eager to share his world with you.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Not easily angered at all. He can’t even remember the last time he’s been angry.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers absolutely everything about you, even the smallest details. Sure, he might need a gentle reminder from time to time—but for the most part, he remembers everything. He wants to make sure you feel seen and valued, so he makes an effort to remember the things that matter to you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
If you’re a marine like him, then Koby’s favorite moments in your relationship are the times when the two of you push yourselves to your limits, both physically and emotionally, and come out successful on a mission. These moments are significant for Koby because they highlight your strength, determination, and teamwork. Working together under pressure and overcoming challenges not only enhances your skills as marines but also strengthens your connection!
And if you’re just a civilian, then Koby’s favorite moments in the relationship are simply whenever he’s around you, enjoying the everyday, ordinary moments that make up your life together. Whether it’s sharing a quiet evening at home, going for a walk, or just talking about your day, Koby treasures these times because they allow him to be close to you and experience the simplicity and joy of your company.
He also finds great satisfaction in protecting you from anything or anyone that poses a threat. Knowing that he can use his skills and strength to keep you safe fills him with a sense of purpose. These moments of protection aren’t always dramatic; they can be as simple as walking you home at night or being there to support you during a difficult time. For Koby, just being able to care for you and ensure your safety is immensely fulfilling.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Koby is normally protective. He’s not overly protective, nor is he too lax—he strikes a balance in the middle. However, if you’re ever in an actual life-threatening situation, his protective instincts kick into high gear. In such moments, Koby becomes incredibly vigilant and determined to ensure your safety. He’s definitely panicking because he doesn’t want you to get hurt, but his determination to protect you far outweighs that panic.
Koby protects you by standing in harm’s way, making sure that if an enemy tries to hit you, they’ll have to go through him first. He wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if an enemy ever managed to harm you in any way, so he tries very hard—exceptionally hard—to prevent that from happening. He would literally take bullets for you.
If you’re ever the one protecting Koby, he’ll definitely be grateful for your bravery and strength. However, he’ll still insist that you let him protect you, no matter how capable you are. While he trusts you to defend yourself, he would much rather take the lead to ensure you aren’t hurt in any way.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He puts a good equal amount of effort into dates, anniversaries, gifts, and everyday tasks. You will never catch this man not putting in effort when it comes to your relationship. Whether it’s planning a special date night, remembering your anniversary, picking out the perfect gift, or simply helping with daily chores, Koby is always attentive and dedicated.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
The only bad habit I can think of is that his commitment to the Marines can sometimes overshadow his personal life.
That—and at times, he struggles to make quick decisions, especially when it involves something important to your relationship. His desire to make the right choice for both of you can lead to procrastination.
Other than that, he's the world's most perfect man.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Honestly, Koby has never been one to be overly concerned about his looks. He’s always been more focused on his duties and responsibilities. But ever since he entered a relationship with you, things have changed a bit. It’s not that you make him insecure or anything, but sometimes he finds himself wondering if you genuinely think he’s attractive or not, and he ponders a lot over that.
This newfound awareness of his appearance isn’t about vanity; it’s about wanting to be his best self for you. Koby deeply values your opinion and cares about how you see him. He starts paying more attention to his grooming and how he presents himself, hoping to make a good impression on you every day.
That being said, your positive responses mean the world to him, and every compliment you give boosts his confidence. Whether you compliment the way his glasses look on him, his hair, or his cute face, he’s already blushing and thanking you more times than you can count.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Would he feel incomplete without you? Oh, definitely. Koby literally devotes himself to you, doing his absolute best to keep you comfortable and happy. If something happened to you or if you left him for whatever reason (booo boooo!! I’m booing you!!🍅🍅🍅), it would feel like all the work he’s put in was completely discarded.
He would feel an overwhelming sense of loss and heartbreak, questioning if there was something he could have done differently. The thought of all the moments you’ve shared—the laughter, the struggles, and the love—being just memories would be unbearable. It would feel like losing a part of himself.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He has a sweet tooth that he tries to keep under wraps. That’s it. That’s the headcanon.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He definitely can’t stand cruelty or evilness. For Koby, a lack of compassion is a dealbreaker. He values kindness and empathy deeply, so someone who is entirely heartless or indifferent to others would be a poor match for him.
Even if someone is a bit rude but still shows a sense of heart and genuine care, Koby can appreciate that. He understands that people can have flaws and that everyone has their moments. What matters most to him is whether a person has the capacity for compassion and understanding.
But someone who exhibits no sign of compassion or kindness? That’s a whole different story. Koby is driven by a desire to make the world a better place and to support and uplift those around him. Being with someone who lacks any emotional depth or concern for others would clash with his core values and make a meaningful connection nearly impossible.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Snores, but very softly.
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megamind2010 · 7 months
Ladybug dies how
peacefully in her sleep at the ripe old age of 94 NAYYYYY IM SORRY
Assuming youre here cuz koby told you to come and yell at me for doing this and id like to say first of all im very sorry i just love tragedy soooo much. koby got really mad at me when i first brought up the idea and it also tortures me horribly too And we also talk a lot about the alternate universe where she doesnt die and instead she and casey just move to new york and hang out and get married and Chill Out
but in the "canon" ending im sorry yes nell dies (ducking rocks and bricks) IMMM SORRY! She's subject to the hereditary blue beetle curse of dying in a fight tragically young (she jumped in front of the metaphorical bullet for jaime on account of he's exempt because he has a much healthier support system than other beetles)
i'm a hack so i haven't really drawn or written anything concrete about it but how it goes down in my mind is your classic event/crisis where all the heroes are mobilised to fight off the annual universe destroying threat. this time it's aliens of some kind and while the league and the rest of the important guys are up there fighting or negotiating or punching the universe or however this particular one gets solved, ladybug is down on the ground in gotham helping to evacuate people and deal with some alien scouts/robots/etc that are menacing civilians. (casey has already been evacuated and is safely sheltering underground with a bunch of other civilians, being checked in on every now and then by some flash or another, & her general attitude is UGH Can you idiots get this sorted out so we can order chinese and watch real housewives...)
it happens while ladybug is getting a family to safety and an alien scout lands on the roof of their apartment. he ushers them downstairs and to his credit does a good job of holding off the attacker while the civilians get out of there - nell has no powers but is a very competent fighter and also is decked out with plenty of kordtech gadgets to help even the playing field :] but it's been a long day and she's so exhausted and there's only so much you can do when an alien shoots you in the chest with a laser and flies away and leaves you to bleed out
so there's nell with her communications down & unable to move & lying there staring at the sky full of invading spaceships and flying superheroes... if she could get someone's attention she might be okay but everyone is busy. it's a crisis! and nell knows that, she knows what this whole business is like, and she's been ready for something like this to happen for a while. nell is a very confident person but she isn't deluded about her own mortality... it's part of her personal philosophy that it's cruel to have too many attachments if you're likely to die horribly young (a mentality learned from the death of her mother and refined by the death of ted kord) so isnt it great that she doesnt have many friends? and that she's on okay terms but not super close with her family? and that casey doesnt actually care about her at all and wont be affected by her untimely death past the inconvenience of finding a new place to live?
at the end of it all nell isn't really that upset about dying... they went out doing something worthwhile, they saved lives, they did the best they could with what they had, and they made a positive impact on the world while they were here. and that's about what he's always wanted to achieve so hey a+ work ladybug! obviously its not like he WANTS to die, theres always more to do, things he's going to miss... he'll miss talking to ted, working on gadgets and sorting through problems and making him laugh... he'll miss his family obviously but they'll be fine without him... michelle is someone she hadn't expected to get so close to, but she and ted both have booster to keep them on track
really annoyingly as she's closing her eyes the person who keeps coming into her mind though is casey. At this point nell is pretty aware that she cares about casey more than she ever planned or wanted to and has done a lot of mental gymnastics to convince herself that it's fine that nothing ever came of it (and now nothing ever will) and in her last moments she reassures herself that it's onesided and casey doesn't love her and he'll be fine without nell and You did a great job at not forming attachments ladybug that's why you're the best! but she can't help the surge of intense regret and fuuuuuck what if it was different and what if what if.........
here's my primo ladybug dying on a roof song
Nell's fatal flaw will always be her self-reliance and conviction that she's doing things the right way despite it all. if she bothered to communicate with the people in her life then she might be swayed on her views on love, or if she was less stupidly independent then maybe she would have been working with another hero and wouldn't have been in this situation. but that's tragedy i suppose, knowing how a character could have escaped their fate and yet having to accept that in this scenario with this set of rules there was no other way for this to happen
anyway if you'd prefer to think about nell alive and happy living in new york with casey then please do that. It's easy and free and it makes me smile
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fallensnowfan · 10 days
Scattered thoughts about OP 1126 and a bit of 1125.
-Osome is working in Kuri now? This is her second appearance during this cover arc. Cool, I like seeing her again. More people having gone missing is starting to become a bigger pattern, hmm. No strong clues as to the mystery kidnapper's identity just yet.
-Sweet conclusion for Kuma's and Bonney's story, them watching the horizon hit a lot harder for me than them seeing gear 5 honestly. ❤️
-The crew being separated reminds me of the time the same happened at the beginning of Punk Hazard. They inhaled gas back then, they got drunk on the strong stuff here. Love this development.
-Curious who is calling out to Nami here.
If Oda wanted, he could have had them just get to Elbaf this chapter, but he swerved and is doing this mystery Lego land plot where the crew are separated now.
I wonder if Nami is going to have some protagonism for a while, and I love this development in general. The crew partied so hard they don't even know what it going on. Her being in the Lego room reminds me of that episode of Pokemon where Sabrina turns Ash and co into her dolls.
-It was interesting seeing Pudding again. Now BB has two captives. Garp and Pudding, and he lost two captives, Koby and Moria were both rescued. And Barto was awesome in this chapter.
-The crew separating from Stussy a few chapters ago, and Nami's group having been separated from those they helped/worked with during Egghead this chapter, Kuma, Bonney, Lilith, and the Giants, all feels very intentional and connected.
Saturn being killed in 1125 also ties in here too. The Elders as a group are no longer the same. Saturn was replaced by Moon-hair man Garling.
And Osome seems to be working at the teahouse full time.
Will a character who has moon symbolism, fill the space left by all of those the Straw Hats/Nami's group parted with recently? Will it be Sailor Moon? Could the Dark Kingdom arc be next?
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roydeezed · 1 year
One Piece-Chapter Round-Up(Chapter 1082)
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Haven’t written anything in a while on here manga-wise but there’s no way I miss talking about such a banger One Piece chapter. To start off with we get an adorable cover of Chopper mistaking Zeus for cotton candy. It’s good to know our collective son is being fed. It takes a fandom to raise a human animal hybrid after all. Jokes aside, I’m going to be diving into spoilers for this chapter below the “Keep reading” so check it out if you’re curious. Also, ya’ll should probably hold onto your butts cause this one’s gonna go a lot of places.
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R.I.P T-Bone. As a lover of weird and offbeat characters in One Piece, I am genuinely crushed by T-Bone’s death. If you don’t remember, as he was mainly a minor antagonist in Water Seven, here are some reminders. 
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He is one of the most lionhearted and kind character’s of One Piece, looking after both his subordinates and innocents. To me, the most logical way for T-Bone to have been killed is to have seen the citizens' plight and laid down on his sword so that he could get the reward money for his family. That’s the kind of man T-Bone was. He transcended the Marines as an institution and stood up to the strawhats as he believed them to be villains on the way to enact evil. After having his car disconnected and facing Rocketman bearing down on him, he faced Zoro in a one move duel, losing but having Zoro acknowledge him in the process. In a certain way he was also used to foreshadow Ryuma in Thriller Bark as he was skeletal looking and a swordsman. But most of all, he was an unquestionably good person in a world where muddled alliances and the forces of the world can waylay and mislead someone from their dreams and ideals. In my heart you will be missed T-Bone.
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Moving on, with a heavy heart, I do want to take a second to talk about old One Piece, specifically Water Seven. As I went back to get screenshots I couldn’t help but marvel at the art of Water Seven. While Oda’s art has probably gotten better, his paneling in those days was in my opinion, at the height of Shounen paneling, matching up with the original Dragon Ball in terms of fluidity of action but bringing such a heavy emotional weight to the characters and line work that it really felt like the peak of his art style. His art has gotten a lot more refined but I really missed the adventurous romantic feel of his pre-timeskip art. As a whole, as things get more dense and locked in, the lack of romanticism and sense of adventure is really felt at times. Despite that, it has been replaced, for the most part, with other equally amazing things. Though I can’t help but miss it at times. 
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Talking about the actual chapter again, I’ve looked favourably on the Marines in the past, like Garp and Koby, but if I spend an extended period of time thinking about them, that pleasant taste turns to ash in my mouth. Because the Marines as an institution, are broken and corrupt, more intent on perpetuating themselves than they are with forward momentum and progress. As is the territory with institutions. It’s a portion of why policing doesn’t work in real life. Living in Japan, with their harsh views on crime, Oda would know better than most. Despite what this chapter seems to be about, this chapter is actually exploring what I believe to be one of the main themes of One Piece, the inevitability of institutions. There are probably punchier and more accurate ways of conveying this theme, such as systemic oppression and such, but this really resonates and covers the full gamut of ideas that I believe Oda covers. I will expand on this as we move along but I wanted to put it out there so it would be on the back of yalls mind.
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I absolutely despise Sengoku. Like as a person. As characters I don’t think there’s any that I actively dislike because the way Oda characterizes just works on me. I need to make that distinction because I think my dislike for Sengoku is something Oda has purposefully generated within me and others. Talking earlier about Koby and Garp and Hibari and T-Bone and other marines, there is a very important distinction to be drawn in that regard as well. And some very important points to be made. Marines that are on the younger side, like Koby and Hibari and Tashigi, are people that have joined the Marines to do good without having yet become fully complicit in its evils. But they have done so because it is, despite its flaws, the best way they can make a difference and not be stopped. It’s the inevitability of the institution, where despite it’s evils it must provide some sort of benefit, and where those with dreams must filter through it and make it greater just to have a shot at their dreams. People like T-Bone and Smoker are clearly different from similarly old people like Garp and Sengoku and Aokiji in that while the former may be in the Marines, they do their best outside of its systems, being forces of good in spite of their association. The latter on the other hand, as a result of their complicity, whether or not they have good hearts, have become tools of the Marines oppression. Garp’s name is repeatedly used to strike fear into the hearts of pirates and as a symbol for common people to look up to, despite his best attempts at changing them from the inside. And the argument for changing the Marines from the inside itself is such a flawed argument as can be seen with Garp himself. Trying his whole life to change things ended up with him being ground into the dirt while watching his grandson be murdered by a coworker. Dragon must have realized this as well and so created an organization to oppose it. The revolutionary army are an institution itself but one built on the premise of opposition rather than self perpetuation. They are meant to end when the World Government and Marines do. Though I do believe Oda also doesn’t think that to be the answer as our hero is a Pirate. Arriving at the end of this paragraph I just realized I didn’t address the moment that made me go on this tangent. As pictured above, Sengoku hears of T-Bone’s death and rather than mourn the man who many looked up to, he worries what it will do to morale. He wonders how the institution of the Marine’s will keep going. If he was ever a good man, the ways of the marines have corrupted him to think this way. In a way Cross Guild, another institution, also occupies a similar area as the Revolutionary Army, but Oda makes it even clearer that it’s not the way as our first big introduction to it is through the death of such a great character. 
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Now let’s move on to the meat of this chapter. Buggy and Cross Guild. As we see above, this really down on his luck man was the one who killed T-Bone. Though knowing how strong T-Bone was, being called the ship slasher and being acknowledged by Zoro, as well as how kind he was, it’s easy to believe he let himself be killed to save this man's family. But it’s also through this interaction that we get a repeat of the theme that I mentioned earlier, The Inevitability of Institutions, as well as a great bonus where we see the inherent romanticism of Buggy. Buggy and his lackeys, Mihawk and Crocodile, have propped up Cross Guild to be an institution for Pirates, a much more successful version and iteration of both the Utopia Crocodile wanted and the Pirate Kingdom Blackbeard wants. They have made themselves the doors one must walk through. But this need also sets up the way that Buggy will later reject this monolithic thinking. 
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As we see here, these institutions make it so that now, even to live, you must subscribe to one of them. As much as Cross Guild claims to be pirates, they are an entity in and of themselves. Because the whole dream of piracy is the freedom of not having to cater to anyone else's whims or conform. Cross Guild aren’t pirates, they’re Cross Guild. Another thing I want to comment on is the In the Flesh chants. Obviously the dramatic irony makes it funny since most of it is just cloth, but it’s also such a great representation of the makeup of Cross Guild itself. By propping up Buggy as the leader of Cross Guild, he comes to represent something that is mostly not him, just like how his giant persona isn’t him. 
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In the panel above incorporates One Piece’s trademark humour, and later levies it into an emotionally resonant and stirring declaration. I know most people are freaking out about Sabo returning but I can’t get over how much I love Buggy. And his crew pulling a similar stunt to Barto Club, and having him be the figurehead of the ship actually also highlights how close Buggy is to Luffy as well. Also I love Buggy’s crying face, it’s so pathetic. 
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I know this panel is mainly played for laughs but I can’t help but feel sorry for Buggy. He really hasn’t done that much wrong to deserve this. And seeing the meeting room, it seems Mihawk, the edgelord that he is, really enjoys his torture. Remember, Mihawk’s full name is Dracule Mihawk, the first part being based on the famous Vampire who’s namesake in turn was known to impale and torture people. It’s really interesting how, other than the mentor and goth side of Mihawk, we also get to see his sadistic side here. But Buggy’s declaration that his life wasn’t supposed to be like this really calls my attention. While Mihawk and Crocodile argue about how to make sure Cross Guild and Crocodile’s Utopia can stay afloat and perpetuate its own system, Buggy dreams. 
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Buggy is one of Luffy’s best foils in the story, their interactions being so explosive that they can’t help but reveal things about each other. Luffy has a lot of parallels in the story from Blackbeard being a cowardly mirror to him to Koby being a weaker version whose cowardice was driven by his lack of strength. Buggy doesn’t have courage or strength and his circumstances had forced him down quite a dark path by the time the two crossed paths. Buggy was someone, who, seeing the potential of his peers, was forced to give up on his dreams and take the route that life gave him. As he stated, he never wanted to be what he became, he genuinely believed in Shanks and probably would have followed him had he set out for the One Piece as Shanks was the reason he gave up on the dream in the first place. Buggy, in an elevated sense, also represents those swayed by the circumstances of their life into having their path chosen for them and filtering into an institution, this time in the form of Cross Guild but earlier in the form of Impel Down. Buggy is someone who was forced to give up on his dreams and Oda shows what dark paths that can lead to but he also loves Buggy a lot because he doesn’t let Buggy fully give up on his dreams. 
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And there it is. With just those words, driven purely by dreams, Buggy injects such a heart-stirring sense of romanticism back into the series. Because here's the thing. We already know Luffy’s unwavering goal has been the One Piece. And he is the most romantic character in the series in terms of love for adventure and exploration. But it’s been a constant and now he has the strength and clout to do all of it without barriers. Buggy is chasing that dream while impeded by some of the strongest people in the verse. In the face of such strong adversaries, Buggy dares to blindly dream and it reminds me so much of Luffy at the beginning of the series, looking down a Sea King as it stood in his path. Crocodile and Mihawk are monstrous but Buggy actively defies them. I love One Piece ya’ll.
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So is Buggy a bad guy? Or just a fool who couldn’t hold onto his dreams as the waves of reality slammed into him? Here, he rekindles those dreams by verbalizing the feelings that drove him and every other pirate out to sea. A dream of freedom and treasure. The dream that you could aim for something other than what life had laid out for you. 
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This is by far, one of my favourite speeches in One Piece. It reminds me of Rogers speech and delivered by such a pathetic character, hits so much harder. By doing this, Buggy defies Crocodile and Mihawks desires for a self perpetuating kingdom as there is now an end goal and really stands for the ideals of the series itself, a blind dreaming hope, the desire to chase after impossible dreams, and the love of the journey itself. What matters to these people isn’t that they’ll get to the treasure, it’s that they tried to. And were free while doing so. 
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Not me crying at Buggy D Clown. One Piece gets me so emotional sometimes. It’s so beautiful. But asides aside, let’s wrap up some other thoughts in this final Buggy panel before getting to Sabo and the Revos (good name for a band?). First of all before we get to what this symbolizes for the series itself, I want to say a few more things about Buggy. His situation of failing upwards has always been shown in a comedic light but I believe it shows the insidiousness of the world. Because while the lower rank people, like the man who killed T-Bone, have to get filtered through these organizations to live, so does someone like Buggy, who doesn’t have the strength to resist such a fate. If you don’t have the strength to resist these institutions, they will use you as tinder, as fuel. Luffy isn’t in an institution because he’s strong. Almost every other character in the series doesn’t have a choice against it. Wheen you think about it, Buggy’s story really is a tragedy. Somewhere along the way, through necessity of survival his values got twisted. He’s always been a dreamer through and through so I think that’s why it’s sent him on an upward trajectory. But it all began with Luffy, who not only set him on the right path, but also gave him hope when he broke him out of Impel Down. 
And now the other purpose of this panel. With Buggy declaring his hunt for the One Piece, all 4 Yonkous are now on the hunt. Do ya’ll realize what this means? What the structure of the next arc is going to be? So this part is going to be mixed with some speculation and some evidence, but I strongly believe the next arc is going to be a showdown at Elbaf for the last poneglyph with every major Yonkou involved, with the final arc possibly after getting the One Piece or at the location itself being a showdown between Luffy, the Revos and the Marines. Or it very well could be a final showdown with all the involved parties at Elbaf. That all depends on how fast Oda wants to end things. I believe one of two people could be the man with the burn scars. The obvious choice is Jaguar D Saul. And that would be the way to go if Oda wanted to end the series faster, as him having the writings of Ohara as well as the last poneglyph would also set the Revos and the Marines scrambling after him. The other could be Scopper Gaban, the third prominent crew member of the Roger Pirates. That would be the final Roger Pirate marking Luffy’s journey and a great source of info. The last possible bead we had on him, if it wasn’t Shiki the lion, was him drinking with Crocus. But effectively, having one person hold the last key to the One Piece makes it so that the four Yonkou’s are on a collision course with them. I would love to see a Mad Max style race where the Yonkou’s are forced to clash purely for the love of adventure and their dreams, instead of ideological differences setting them against each other. It would be a really romantic and fun way to cap off some character’s journey’s. 
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Moving on once again, we see some new Revo’s and I particularly love Ushiano and Ahiru. While the other two are also very cool, I love Ushiano’s way of speaking and his character design, he reminds of Barney but if he was soft and lovable. And Ahiru’s character design is just so great. I don’t know if anyone remembers Nami’s early character sketches but she was supposed to have a bionic arm so I’m really glad to see that return in another character. 
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And here we get to see them interact with Sabo and find out that Ahiru was going to blast him. Ugh, Oda’s just so great with characterization! In about three panels we find out that she has a stoic demeanor, is a shoot first type of character, and worries about and misses Sabo, letting her guard down and being quite cheery around people she just met. And Ushiano is just adorable. I want to hug him. 
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Oh yeah, Sabo’s back by the way. So it appears that Sabo did indeed survive the bombing of Lulusia and he’s seen something. His interaction with Koala is adorable and mirrors Koby and Hobari to a tee. 
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And here we get the theme of this chapter rearing it’s head back one last time. Another set of down on their luck, weak citizens forced to filter through an Institution. This time the Lulusians through the Revolutionary Army. Oda has, in every instance possible in this chapter, where we look out into the world, highlighted the absolute despair involved in the inevitability of institutions and the forced choices that come with such a world. And is it a coincidence that this only happened when we took a look out into the world, away from our beloved strawhats? No, as we saw even earlier, through Aokiji being forced into the Blackbeard Pirates and the 100 damned souls onto beehive, in a world of inevitable institutions and forced choices, such decisions are forced on the weak. It’s why our protagonist is Luffy, and why he desires freedom. It’s exactly what he fights against, and it’s reflected in his crew as well as he took them away from the lives they thought they would be forced to lead. 
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And finally we arrive at the final panel of this chapter. The truth about Mary Geoise. And a promise of a reveal. Oda usually likes to cut away at moments like this to maintain the breakneck pace of weekly releases but I really hope we get to learn what happened. Because it could very well contextualize for us what the next part will look like and whether or not the final confrontation will include everyone. It’s also very sweet that Sabo thinks about now involving his subordinates as it might get them killed. This information could also line up with the potential release of information that could happen from Egghead coming up so it could be saved for that. I’m really excited to see what it brings. Another thing that this chapter, being so good, makes me think about is how I’ll feel about it later when I binge the series. Because it’s always a balancing act between week to week storytelling and making an engaging continuous story. Back in Dressrosa, the week to week was a bit of a slog but on a reread and binge it was frankly amazing. I wonder if the breakneck speed and absolute amazing experience week to week right now will affect it negatively as a whole later on. Well, the only thing we can do right now is wonder and wait for next week.
If ya'll got this far, thanks for reading. I'm super late on this one but I'm glad I took my time because I could let my thoughts develop. And once again, if anyone wants to talk One Piece or any other manga with me in-depth, don't be afraid to hop into my dm's. See ya'll next time.
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We finished one piece live action!
It was interesting how they made East Blue a lot more cohesive, and they made a lot of connections to future arcs which didn't exist originally. Aarlong's whole deal doesn't make sense to manga readers unless they have reached 500 chapters in, but he is way more connected to the sun pirates here. And Koby is a minor character in One Piece, but one of the main characters of OPLA, with Garp also having a presence. Both characters feel veeeery different to their canon selves, but I think they wrap around to being like how Koby and Garp are in Marineford.
Nami, Zorro. Sanji and Luffy were very charming. They have more dialogue between each other here. Overall the characters feel like they were put in a modern day AU, then those AU versions were put back into One Piece! They take things a lot more seriously, Luffy is a kinder but more serious character, Nami and Zorro get a lot of interaction, and Sanji is pleasant to watch, coming across as softer and happier than his canon counterpart.
Unfortunately the same can't be said for everyone - Usopp is arguably my favourite strawhat and one of the best characters in the canon, but I feel like they missed the point of him in the live action. Like, every one of his important scenes was removed! Instead of the smart, cowardly guy who fights with himself to do brave things even if it's hopeless, he never has any moments of threat or skill and just falls into success. He comes across as a dimwitted joke character.
That is a shame, the character and actor deserve better imo.
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cuntyglam · 6 months
one piece characters that i desperately need more of
buckle up. this is a long post because i’m gonna pick one from almost every arc i’ve seen so far. i’m an absolute fiend for characters with little to no screen time, so this is my way of showing love to some of the minor characters from one piece !!
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i know he shows up from time to time, but i would really like more of him. he’s so sweet and cute and i’m a kobylu truther and i need him to give up being a tool of the state so he can sail the seas with his boyfriend and his boyfriend and his boyfriend and-
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i know she eventually shows up again, but i so badly wish she joined the straw hats. this list is kinda becoming “characters i wish were straw hats/that i ship with straw hats,” but i promise a lot of the characters are here for other reasons besides those two !! but yes, namivivi is so real it hurts. i remember virtually mourning the loss of vivi when she didn’t join the strawhats, even though i knew it was coming. i will rep namivivi til the day i die.
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wyper is the reason i made this list. he means everything to me. he is the best native rep i have seen in anime and it hurts me how under loved he is in the fandom. people call him annoying or too violent but he perfectly captures the rage that builds when people have had to live under colonization for generations. he is so close to my heart and i’m slowly starting a collection for him so i can make a wyper ita bag !! i just want to see more of him, whether he show up to say hi to the strawhats every hundred eps or so, or if they cut back to skypeia to show how they’re doing, i just miss him so much. anyone who says to skip skypiea is at best stupid and at worst a racist freak that hates native people.
kiwi & mozu
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these literal queens are the other reason i made this list. i love them so much and they’re just so funny. they’re amazing sisters and i wish we could see more of them !!
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she is adorable and so so tragic. i don’t necessarily wish she continued showing up in the series, i just wish we had more of her in thriller bark. they don’t really explain the whole “her body remembers who she was even though her soul is gone” thing and i wish they explored that more. she’s also absolutely hilarious and i wish she was more loved in the fandom, despite how small a character she is (though i know she does have a few die hards).
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she’s just literally so cool. she’s gorgeous and her relationship with rayleigh is amazing. they love each other so much but they both give each other enough space to do pretty much whatever they want !! their relationship seems to be somewhat canonically open since she flirts with brooke and i just think she’s a really cool character. also she used to be queen of amazon lily ?!?? how fucking cool is that !!
queen iva
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i know her legal name, but most of her friends call her iva so i will too. she is a star, and i absolutely love her. i want more of her so bad, i want her to be a reoccurring character and I WANT IT NOW. not much else to say, she just slays so hard.
madam shyarley
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why was she such a minor character ? she had such a cool character design, is the sister (i’m not sure if by blood or by adoption/found family) of arlong, and has fortune telling powers, for what ?!?? three episodes ?!?? a tragedy. she deserved better.
aaaand now we’re all caught up !! i haven’t finished punk hazard yet so i’m going to finish here !! i’ll try to remember to do another one of these once i’m caught up !!
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skelemoonz · 1 month
Can you draw the three main human in transformers cybertron? They're such a silly companions for the autobots :33
Also I'm going to introduce their friends too.
Morris-the part of the moon/the head maiden of the operation: 0
A Girl who's 12 yrs old, whom can also transform into a cat she's the one who's in the plan of operation: 0 made by nomi, the finsternis's daughter. (Trust me, morris doesn't trust that daughter of the monster but she had to in order to returned lovely's memories) She has a calm and gentle (fake) personality, she's in a relationship with kumu (the son figure of miho rei ayumi) and she also have a little sister, Sunny the part of the sun.
Morris has only genuinely feelings for kumu, because he understands her more then anyone. Morris slashes both of her eyes for kumu's safety, for everyone's safety infact..
Sunny-the part of the sun/the second-head maiden of the operation: 0/a man-eating demon
A girl who's 100 yrs old (mentally 12 yrs old) eat humans in the past (100 yrs ago) and have killed her sister, and has been executed by the village. She was once envy of her sister, and still now. She's intelligent and can be strict to keep the main three human (Koby, lori, bud), before the invasion from starscream and his monster decepticons that he has woken them up on earth. She was saved by lucy Suzuki and later on, she saw her as a mother figure. She silently vowed to protect her no matter what, she's responsible caretaker to nomi. Sunny has no romantic feelings for anyone whatsoever, she's aroace.
She also hate the sun more then anyone, even though she's part of the sun.
She wished that she could've been born as Suzuki's first child.
Ayoku ku-theFormal wraith's minion/the follower of the plan operation: 0
A Boy who's 100 yrs old and has a bottomless stomach, he has a greedy personality for food he see (which are now wraiths, he used to ate misha in the head in transformers enegron) and he has a little brother, named: kumu and they don't get along. Ayoku tries to protect him from dangers which made him the danger instead. (He's also the son figure of miho rei ayumi) of course, he know kumu miss miho and so does he. He has no romantic feelings for no one, he's aroace.
Kumu-The formal wraith's minion/the follower of the plan operation: 0
A boy who's 12 yrs old, he's the most respectful and shy person. He was used as a weapon for miho rei ayumi (transformers enegron to transformers enegron: the bell) and he's in a relationship with morris, sure they don't get to talk much but they still have feelings for eachother, he's the only person who can see Morris's big genuinely smile.
He missed miho, his mother figure, but he's no innocent and think that she'll come back.
Also here's a fun fact about lori, she met a person who's named dolly and is a maiden of finsternis. Dolly has killed humans and put on a big smile when she's happy, dolly will not be ashamed that she admit loving lori. Lori wanted to save her villain but failed, but she know that she couldn't save her anyway..
"are you at peace, dolly?" -Lori
Oooohh this is all very cool, and nice that there’s aro/ace characters! Don’t see a lot of representation there
And, I won’t be drawing the human cast for today, and probably not for a while sorry 🙏
I was tempted to draw my versions of the characters from my au but I don’t have those designs just yet and I’m working on other stuff so :°P But I want to draw them at some point, like Lori interacting with Scourge and/or Override because they call her little sister (they’re siblings yay!!)
I love the relationships of the human characters in the show, like Bud with the minicons is adorable, and Lori with her older siblings or Coby with…Landmine or Hotshot? See idk with him, with my version he has a mentor student relation with Red Alert
Anywho, maybe some day I’ll share the dumb au but not now lol
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zivliveblogsop · 3 months
One Piece Reread Chapter 2: They Call Him "Straw Hat Luffy"
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We open on a delightfully pink Miss Love Duck - for all the lovely details it provides, the colour manga regrettably suffers from the very Oda art-typical problem of everyone having the same (pale) skin tone.
On the topic of adaptations, once again, each of them has moved the action from the island Alvida uses as her base to aboard the Miss Love Duck itself, at sea - both Toei's anime and Netflix's show (which I'm beginning to suspect may be more of an adaptation of the anime, rather than the manga) insert another ship being pillaged by Alvida's crew. Perhaps to make things more piratey? I'm not sure. It seems like a fairly innocuous change on paper, but put a pin in this - I'll be coming back around to it later.
This chapter, notably, also gives us Koby, and foreshadows Zoro's introduction via the pirates speaking fearfully of how they hear the Marines have him locked up (word must travel fast, since we know Zoro only spent nine days in the yard).
For now, though, we have Koby, who arrives to the narrative in an already-interesting predicament. He's kind, clearly terrified of Alvida, and quite resigned to his fate - he immediately offers up the boat he's spent two years fashioning for Luffy's escape, having resigned himself to spending the rest of her life under her thumb. Two years is the length of time he's spent as a captive of the pirates, meaning he began plans for an escape immediately after his capture. The boat is in a finished state, clearly, if he's offering it to Luffy, which means that, for an unknown length of time, Koby had a perfectly serviceable way out that he just... didn't take. Perhaps he continued to fine-tune it, to rework it, anything to have an excuse not to take that final step.
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Luffy even points this out, asking quite literally "Why don't you just escape?" His ensuing estimation of Koby's character is, as he says, quite blunt, but there's quite a bit of truth to it. If there wasn't, Koby could have called him cruel instead of frank. The way that Luffy speaks to him here, though more good-natured, mirrors the things that Alvida says to him. The tone differs, as does the intent (Luffy is simply making an observation, he has no desire to own Koby), but the similarity of the words, coupled with Koby's lack of disagreement and what we can infer about him based upon this exchange, paints quite an unfortunate picture. Koby, at least on some level, has stayed where he is because there's a part of him that agrees with how Alvida sees him. He has no self-esteem, no belief in his own ability or worth, and lingers in a terrible situation for no other reason than the fact that it's familiar.
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This is why I think the adaptations make a mistake by moving the action from Alvida's island base to the Miss Love Duck. This telling exchange is centred around Koby's makeshift boat, his escape route that he's just been sitting on, and the fact is that he could only hide such a thing on an island. By removing the action to a setting where he wouldn't be able to hide an entire boat (and in Netflix's case, by reworking Luffy's friendly, but rather scathing estimation into a nicer pep talk), there's a lot of characterization that gets lost. (On a more minor note, being on a ship requires Luffy and Koby to lower their voices to escape notice, which detracts from the emotion of the following sequence.)
Koby isn't the first one to hear from Luffy that he's going to be the king of the pirates - he first declared it in Chapter 1, as the Red-Hair Pirates were packing up to leave (it specifically, in fact, immediately preceded Shanks handing over his hat). What differs here is Koby's reaction - his immediate response, "You'd have to make the whole world kneel to you!", speaks to a point of view that hinges on the idea of subjugator and subjugated, something which could reflect his last two years under Alvida, or which could, potentially, have a deeper, older root.
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Oda's ability to play characters off one another in very telling ways continues in this exchange - where Chapter 1 shows us Shanks, someone Luffy is more alike than not, Chapter 2 establishes Koby as a kind of anti-Luffy in many ways. Not in the sense that Koby is necessarily antagonistic (though on the very next page, he does acknowledge that his dream of becoming a Marine would make Luffy and himself enemies), but in a way where it's very clear that Koby has a very hierarchical view of the world. He talks about the likeliness of making the world kneel to a single person, weighs things in odds, tries to take his feelings out of things, all to avoid the fact that he is motivated by fear.
Luffy turns all of this upside down when he states, simply, "I'm not afraid to die." He's not unaware of the risks, but to him, not trying would be of greater personal cost than playing it safe. For the first time, it seems like Koby seems to realise that living out the rest of his life safely will mean living the rest of his life wondering about what might have been - he twigs, in that moment, to this facet of Luffy's life philosophy, which shuns regrets above all (remember that).
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The first panel on this page shows a rare moment of uncertainty from Luffy, as he states his belief that he'll succeed (hat held to his chest), before he wonders, briefly, if he's deluding himself. It's a fascinatingly rare and telling moment of introspection - this is a very young Luffy, just starting out, with no crew yet to stand behind him, having a moment of doubt. Still, he immediately proves his statement from just a few moments earlier - he puts the hat back on. If he dies trying, at least he tried.
In the same moment, Koby is rapidly seeing the appeal of Luffy's "no regrets" lifestyle, and shares his own dream - to join the Marines and fight "the bad guys". Luffy's surprise is a bit palpable here, and I think this speaks, again, to the difference in their outlooks. Luffy is, as we well know, someone who values freedom in all respects. One of the main ways this shows itself is his refusal to let anyone else define, control, or intentionally influence him, even if they want to do so out of a desire to be helpful. Koby, meanwhile, is clearly looking for an element of belonging - his offhand mention of "the bad guys" makes it clear that he wants to be one of "the good guys", he wants to be one of these helpful, protective types that Luffy finds annoying.
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Not that he thinks there isn't any use to them - he doesn't shoot down Koby's dream. I think there are probably elements of differing experience at play here, as well; Luffy has hung around pirates, bandits, and other ne'er-do-wells, and has already attained a pretty nuanced view of what constitutes good vs evil that Koby (who has spent two years as the prisoner of the fairly stereotypical pirate) has clearly not had. It speaks well to Luffy's emotional intelligence (and his tendency to let people steer their own course and figure shit out on their own) that he seems to recognize this.
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Despite all this bravado in their moment alone, Koby is still unable to defy Alvida until Luffy does so first. Koby's defining characteristic early on, aside from his own fear, perhaps, is his awareness of his own weakness. His desire to join the Marines is borne not simply out of a sense of justice, but of a desire to be part of something that will make him stronger.
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In this sense, he and Luffy aren't that different. Luffy, too, is looking for a group to make him stronger, but he has both a desire to choose his companions, as well as faith in himself to make the right choice - he's not locked to the comforting idea of an institution the way that Koby is. Their differing world views are on display once more as Luffy throws the idea of the demon pirate hunter being a "good guy", and Koby dismissing the idea outright.
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We aren't done with Koby yet, though. Next stop, Shells...
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miscreantahead · 1 year
I really do think there is a lot to say about how the time constraints or maybe just decisions in general negatively effected the emotional moments, particularly Bellemere's death. The fact that there was no suggestion that she would lose them forever if she didn't say she didn't have kids really made me just kind of feel like she was a silly fuck for not lying... like, I get that she didn't want to deny them, but being willing to die for that isn't nearly as painful or believable as being willing to die to make sure they don't go out into the world and get separated and die because they'll be on their own without a parent. As is we have them hiding under the floorboards, and it's a pretty big leap to ask the viewer to consider that if they stay hiding they might be discovered in the future, or that they'll have to leave after Arlong leaves and then she'll never get to see them again. It would have been nice to get some kind of highlight on the future ramifications of her decision to live (if she'd chosen it) that so it didn't feel like she was stepping up to die just so she wasn't lying about being a mother on principle alone. Also, I think Sanji suffered a lot for not having his own set of villains for himself and Luffy to defeat. The fact that he's only in four episodes and his arc is lacking anything along those lines makes OPLA Sanji a bit hollow to me, which is sad. I think it's nothing a season 2 with plenty of Sanji content can fix, but going from how adored Sanji is in the manga/anime for how complex he is to this introduction with a lot of missing pieces feels a little sad (and also bc of how amazing Taz is). For me, the way things were, I just kind of snorted when Sanji started crying while saying good-bye to Zeff, and that absolutely feels sad and wrong and I wish I could say otherwise. It wasn't that they didn't both do amazing in that scene, but the build-up just wasn't there. Their past together was executed beautifully, but we got so little for them in the present. I wanna say Usopp's development suffered a bit for the same reason. Honestly overall I sort of feel like Koby and Helmeppo ended up being more main-character than Usopp and Sanji, which obviously will change with a season 2, but for now it looks weird.
BUT, that being said, I just feel like that's all an incredibly silly reason to denounce OPLA all together. I get being disappointed, but they did a lot, a lot of things really really well, 90% of them if I had to put a number on it. They just missed on some of the important ones and that hurts for an active fan but that doesn't mean it's not and won't be good and entertaining in its own ways.
I think part of the problem is also that it's difficult not to see this as something by itself thanks to Netflix's track record. We don't have the luxury of just seeing this as a slightly shaky but overall good season one that can grow with the next few seasons. Because no matter how good it is, Netflix might still kill it, and that makes it difficult to try and see what the future of it might offer.
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longbobmckenzie · 3 months
Okay. Here. Give us your top five hottest male islanders IN ORDER. All seasons. Based on who you think is the best looking in terms of design. No ties, no “if X character was in Y style.”
Go 😂
You're making me put them in order??!! That's just cruel. But I'm taking this task very seriously and pulling up pictures of all the male islanders to make my very scientific observations. And let me tell you: Lewie doesn't even get consideration for the top 20
Also, I think it's unfair to base this on design when the designs vary widely. It gives a distinct disadvantage to S1/S3/S5/S7 and an advantage to S6. So I'll give you this list, but just know that if I were basing it solely on which characters I think would be the hottest irl, it would be different
Top 5 hottest male islanders (completely objective, any other answer is wrong):
Roberto. I truly do think his design is top-notch (except his hand but we won't consider stuff like that because they've all got issues), and if I saw someone who looked like him irl I'd be drooling out of both corners of my mouth. He's literally one of the main reasons I played S6 in the first place, and the more I look at him, the hotter he gets
Marshall. Another one who if I saw him irl, I'd be melting. But he's hot from Roberto in a different way - Marshall is all sexual chemistry, Roberto has that but also has a wholesomeness that makes him perfect. Also as I said last night, if Marshall shaved/cut his hair, he'd look like Ozzy 🤣 and Ozzy's not in my top 5. It's the mouth, sorry - Marshall loses points for that
Oliver. djklfjds that is a good-looking man, and he's tall, and we all know he's packing
Levi. even with the S1 art style, he still makes the list. He's hot, and he gets extra points for the little red shorts. He put me through hell in S1 but I stuck with him anyway because he's so hot
I'm stuck between a few but I think I'm gonna go with Andy. He's just really cute and the design is really good
Other strong considerations: Jude, Lucas, Noah, Miles, Hamish, Will
Additional honourable mentions whose designs do them no favours:
Jake - he would be way up there if not for his design. The vision is there, and I've said a million times that I'd love to see him in a cleaner, updated art style
Suresh - I know a lot of people love him and think he's so hot, but I think his sprite is actually pretty middling. BUT he has a ton of potential, and I've seen an incredibly attractive faceclaim for him, so he could've been way better in a better style
Rafi - my looooove I seriously considered him for the top 5 but I just couldn't justify including his cartoony art style. The boy is objectively hot, but the design means there are better options
Theo - the S8 art style was fine, but he's kinda... bland? Like I think he could be so hot, but just looking at his sprite doesn't do much for me
Kobi - very hot man, but the more I looked at his headshot, the more I was like, nah something's missing
Joyo - I think he's the hottest S7 character but his pose is off and I hate the S7 art style in general
What I learned from this is while I still love the S2 art style, something about it kept me from including any of the characters in my top 5. Lucas and Noah were strong considerations because I do think they're both very hot, but when I was considering design, I couldn't put them in the top 5.
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nine-fingered-entity · 4 months
one piece live action episode 1 thoughts:
yeah, i'm months late. who cares?
also. full disclaimer: i have both a huge sentimental connection to one piece (first ever manga, first read when i was like. 8.) and am an enjoyer of it current day (have read the whole thing 3 times. can and will bitch about it at length but genuinely do love it. have posted like. 45k worth of one piece fic.) so absolutely biased as hell.
show is silly goofy which is correct. one piece is silly goofy first and foremost. just relax, enjoy the ride, accept the cartoon shonen logic. once i did that i had a good time.
i 'm actually a fan of the changes made to pacing. breaking up the first chapter with all the luffy flashback lore makes a ton of sense for live action and makes more space for present-day stuff. we don't need to know all that right away. we'll get to it. episode was still a bit rushed but tbh the manga had that issue too with the early chapters (had a lot to do and oda did not yet have free rein to bloat)
along the same lines, introducing nami and zoro at the same time makes a lot of sense. gives us more time with both of them. get to see nami in her element a bit more-very cool. also the map gives them all more of a reason to be in shell town causing havoc.
i especially like the reworking of how zoro and luffy meet and how zoro teams up with him (not a crew! yet!). it always kind of bothered me that luffy somewhat coerced him into joining in the OG - thematically that was a cognitive dissonance, so luffy freeing him without expectation felt a) more luffy and b) will make zoro eventually joining more meaningful imo
do sort of wish that they'd somehow managed to keep zoro stubbornly hanging there starving for like. days. because i think that's a really good intro to his character and what's important to him but at least he still managed to eat the floor rice. like overall i think the changes were a good idea but they do give a different spin on him. (i think he accepted being freed too easily in this one. but. oh well.)
big fan of the alabasta foreshadowing. and zoro's opening scene. kind of ate ngl. cool to see things only offhandedly mentioned in the manga.
acting/writing. hm. i think some of the serious dialogue was a bit clunky and some bits the acting felt a bit...self conscious? sometimes luffy seemed a bit Too Self Aware/and not relaxed enough. during the sillier bits though i thought he did better and loosened up. same with zoro. no notes for nami though.
i was expecting to hate the rubber CGI but. did not mind it. fight scenes felt a bit silly but that's okay they are silly. (it is a plot point in the early manga that luffy fighting looks bizarre.)
fight scenes pretty decent, considering the medium change. three-sword style does just look flimsy live, unfortunately.
why is Garp here????????????????????
surprisingly faithful to all the important bits, honestly. we'll see where this goes. interested to see what they do with orange town now that the set-up has changed.
fun thoughts:
was that crocodile in the execution crowd? oda was apparently pretty involved in all this, so if that Was crocodile then that counts as evidence for my favorite One Piece theory. crocomom real?
spotted Foxy and Bellamy bounty posters, which imply both of them have been to the East Blue. interesting but probably inconsequential set-building. curious on what posters i missed.
my instagram ads keep showing me a one-hole zoro earring set (all three dangles but you only need one piercing) and i've never been more tempted. damn the algorithm.
huge fan of koby's hair
was jumpscared multiple times by british accents. which is on me and my USAmerican-ness.
unfounded guess but i bet they're going to change how kuina dies. please.
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Episode 6 (OPLA)
-Luffy’s zoning out because he isn’t available to deal with it 10/10
-”Someone needs to go back to Baratie” “Um, I’m really not hungry right now, Nami”
-Luffy still freaking out, love it
-Zeff complaining about the most stupid things driving nuts poor Sanji (and Zeff doing it on purpose)
-Sanji moving his lip to the “It needs more oregano”, I’m in love your honor
-Sanji also moving immediately to help Luffy, I’M IN LOVE YOUR HONOR
-Zeff using a fish to cure someone and drinking the whiskey instead of using it on the wound, so in character
-Mihawk sitting in Garp’s chair, Queen slay
-Luffy cleaning Zoro’s sword and trying to pronounce his name, cutie
-Also Sanji cooking in the Going Merry because he wants Zeff to leave him alone (also “Not wasting food” policy always) 
-Luffy trying to decide what is best for his boyf-, I mean friend, just friend
-”Oregano’s for savages” + “I’d rather die than have you season my food” BITCH GET A GRIP
-Also Zeff carrying a bullet belt with species instead of actual bullets
-Love we are doing it the manga way and he eat his own leg
-Luffy “can relate” and Sanji brushing it of
-”I’d eat both arms and legs to save Zoro’s life”
-Nami explaining the story of Jaya arc to Zoro
-Nami being angry to Luffy it’s so on point with her backstory 
-”And I’d do anything to save him”
-Also Luffy I can put myself between someone and his dream is so on point with his backstory too
-Nami’s my dream “It’s for Zoro to not die in my bed”, OH MY, Luffy has it bad but Nami it’s not far behind
-Coby your crush is showing!!!!!! Again btw
-Kind of like a lot Arlong being a boss
-Usopp trying to help Luffy and him open up a little bit about his insecurities, so fucking cuteeee
-Sanji immediately  moving after hearing that Arlong is going to destroy Baratie if Zeff doesn't turn Luffy over because he knows that he isn’t going to turn over Chore Boy
-Luffy going to protect Baratie because he has a heart of gold 
-Sanji in love look at Luffy when his reason to help is that they fed them (oh no, I’m starting to see the appeal to LuSan too)
-Nami looking at Luffy like she is going to rip his head off because she knows that Arlong is going to kick their asses and she is scared
-I love being expose now to the equality problem with the fishmen because it makes Arlong hate for humans more believable and reasonable (he has no right to kill innocent people anyway though)
-Also makes sense that he is angry at the fishmen that works at Baratie (I am sure that Zeff treats him equally but Arlong doesn’t know or care)
-Buggy’s head in the bag 10/10 (also call out to Zoro who had the same idea in Syrup Village)
-Buggy as usual
-”Sorry, honey” I know that this two are not a thing but the PHRASING
-Zeff still trying to protect his Chore Boy
-Sanji screaming Zeff and kicks 10/10 (even if he gets his ass handed)
-Usopp under the table 10/10
-”Not bad for human” 
-Love the door crashing, Arlong always the dramatic bitch
-Nami’s sad confession to Zoro 10/10
-Nami saving Luffy’s live <3 (she knew that someone would have saved him from the water)
-Not gonna lie I am deeply in love with the design of Arlong’s tattoo
-Sanji taking the time to lose the tie and shirt it’s so in character
-Sanji’s abs, thank you
-Luffy’s heart is breaking
-Garp beloved hat making an appearance
-Koby’s realization that his words had the exact opposite effect (his heart is not handling it well)
-”At least I don’t drown everything in oregano”
-Zeff convincing Sanji that he needs to go follow his dreams in the worst way possible, it doesn’t have the same impact as the manga or anime but I like it  
-”You sure missed a big fight. Those fishmen guys were tough. You would’ve loved it”
-Luffy opening his heart completely to Zoro
-”And now I lost Nami. I lost the Grand Line map. And maybe I will lose you too”
-”I need you, Zoro”
-”You gonna to keep talking, or let me get some sleep”+”Right now, I’m wishing I was (dead)” Not gonna lie, MOOD
-Zoro hearing Nami’s sad confession and knowing that she left 
-Zoro making sure that Luffy knows that it’s not his fault
-”I, Roronoa Zoro, vow to stand by your side from now until the end. Until we find the One Piece or die trying. So bring on the Marines or pirates or sea beasts. You’re my captain, Luffy, and I’m your first mate.”
-The fucking life action of One Piece just give us a 5 minute long canon fanfic of Luffy and Zoro and I am hear for it (Still not a ZoLu girl all the way though, I have to many ships in these show)
-”I wasn’t worried for a second” Yeah, right 
-Also after the most tender moment ever, with Zoro’s hand, the one on his chest, still on his own, Luffy almost kills Zoro himself moving him to hard
-Usopp showing off and Zoro’s smiling answer being “You scared’em off, The Great Captain Usopp” knowing full well that it’s just a lie is so fucking cute too
-”Lot of dried meat in these barrels. You think we brought too much?” ”You know who are you sailing with?” and proceeding to look the man that guide them to Baratie only using his nose
-Luffy getting super excited about Sanji joining them not only because he thinks he is a good guy and a good fighter, also because he is an excellent cook
-”Why are we bringing the waiter?” “Because we can’t boil water” (btw Zoro has no right to look this fucking good saying that)
-Sanji’s goodbye 10/10
-Buggy’s head bag <3
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sunshinegat0r · 1 year
Now that I've finished the live action, I want to add my voice to the pile. Thoughts and spoilers below the cut! 🏴‍☠️
Overall I had so much fun with this show. I've seen plenty of live action adaptations of anime that have SEVERELY missed the mark, both with production value and in matching the spirit of the original.
I think OPLA tried really hard to stay true to the spirit of One Piece. The themes of following your dreams, not letting others tell you what you can achieve, and of found family being the most important thing, are all strongly emphasized.
Yes, the costuming, sets, and action are all cheesy as hell! Kuro's speed looks goofy, and personally I can't take the fishmen seriously. But, like, hasn't One Piece always been kind of ridiculous? I'm gesturing vaguely at the entirety of Luffy's most recent anime power-up! If it makes me laugh fondly, then I think it's One Piece.
And of course the best part is the interactions between the main Strawhat crew. Every time a new person joined the crew I squealed because it's THEM they're THERE and they're laughing with each other, they're taking care of each other. Every little moment that I recognized from the manga/anime had me grinning like a moron. (Woof ZoLu shippers really got fed well! That scene when Zoro recovers had me like 👀) Any scene where they were hugging each other or anything made me so happy. Poor Sanji got left out of the group hug at Arlong Park 😭
I do think the cast individually could have been stronger. Zoro was SO stoic, he DID have his dry quips and moments of levity but he was acting more like post-timeskip Zoro imo. I liked how they changed Sanji's flirting but his story felt rushed. I didn't feel like he really cared for any of the other chefs at the Baratie, and his parting with Zeff wasn't as impactful as I think it could've been. Luffy actually doubts himself a lot in the middle?? Which was so bizarre, maybe they're trying to make him more human, but, like... Don't? Luffy is a force of nature, it was weird to see him be anything but confident in what he's doing. Maybe they just needed more time to showcase them. These 8 episodes go by FAST.
I think the changes made to the story itself were fine. It felt more like they were setting up elements for a show and connecting things that you wouldn't necessarily have seen in the anime (Koby and Helmeppo getting trained for example, or Zoro fighting Mr. 7 and getting invited to join Baroque Works).
At the end of the day this is an AU. I can separate this from the manga/anime while still appreciating what it's doing. I'm going to feel REALLY relieved when we go back to watching the anime this weekend, because it'll feel like coming home, because it's so familiar and comforting. But this was a fun new adventure! I hope we get more from this crew. :)
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