#they both have book clubs
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blumenherzen · 2 years ago
Just found out Right Wing Women by Andrea Dworkin will be published for the first time in Italian translation and that it will come out in October (link)! The publishing is by VandA editions, a press (founded in 2013) dedicated to "radical themes in feminism" (as it says on the site). They also curated a new edition of "The Lesbian Body" by Monique Wittig (out of print since the seventies). For all the gyns interested!
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soliusss · 2 years ago
Funniest thing I’ve seen on tiktok are those sigma male boys getting mad that American psycho was written by a gay man and going “well I like fight club better” buddy I’ve got some world ending devastating news for you
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starscream-is-my-wife · 1 month ago
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The Decepticon book club gets a new member
(Who came prepared with illegally downloaded yaoi)
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peacockrulz · 3 months ago
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Sorry for the lack of posts, have some more headcanons!!
#MYYY self indulgent V headcanon number 234 is that shes a huge fucking dork#i.e she was a huge bookworm as a worker#well she was a dork in general#reading. painting. dancing. all of it#but alot of that. was kinda things she had to leave with the rest of her. when she became a Disassembly Drone.#And while alot of her died in the manor. she still kept some things close.#and one of those things is reading!!!#she cringes at like 90% of what she used to read but still goes out of her way to reread the copies she finds or is given#N usually gives her copies#She acts like she hates it but still reads them alone anyway#theres a reason she has bad eyesight and its because she reads with the book 3 inches from her face in the dark#also Uzi probably makes her read Twilight at some point and laughs the entire time (they both hate it. Uzi just likes messing w/ her)#anyway i just like the idea that in a world where V is finally allowed to start her life again#she looks for the things she loved that she had to leave behind#and finds new joy in them as who she is now#she might not be that little worker anymore#but shes still the girl who loved to curl up in the library when no one would notice. reading any book she could get her hands on.#idk i just like the idea that V deep down is still just a girl who wants to have fun.#i just want her to be HAPPY#anyway do you guys wanna hear why Chappell Roan's “Pink Pony Club” is so V code- (i fall down the stage stairs)#murder drones#serial designation v#serial designation n#uzi doorman#also for context ive never read Pride and Prejudice despite meaning to#its just one of the only actual romance books i know off the top of my head#imean no offense to it. I just like joking abt V reading romance sdkfjkldsjf
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sea-changed · 3 months ago
Four quotes from The Bitter Road to Freedom that I though all belonged together in the same post:
"In the eyes of the GI, the Germans fared well when compared to the French: said one trooper, 'these people are cleaner and a damn sight friendlier than the frogs. They're our kind of people.'" (196)
"But everywhere the Military Government turned to look for capable administrators, they found people who had worked in some way for the Nazi regime. General George Patton, now commander of the Third Army Military Government in Bavaria, spoke for many of his subordinate officers when he said it was 'silly' to get rid of 'the most intelligent people' in Germany." (203)
"It is remarkable how, in the first accounts of the camps by Western journalists, names of individual prisoners, their countries of origin, and their personal experiences are totally absent. Rather, reporters and soldiers described an undifferentiated mass of human refuse. [...] Even the living were reduced to inanimate, nonhuman objects of pity and almost contempt." (299)
"Upon first encountering the smouldering corpses at the small labor camp at Ohrdruf, General Eisenhower declared 'we are told that the American soldier does not know what he is fighting for. Now, at least, he will know what he is fighting against.' Ike was right: for the soldiers, the liberation of the camps lent a moral clarity to the war. In dozens of war memoirs by U.S. soldiers, the discovery of the camps is said to have answered the question of what the war was all about. But for the surviving Jews, liberation brought not answers but questions." (308)
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mrs-theirin · 1 month ago
so tired of genuine complaints being thrown under the bus with "they will complain just because they want to complain" that's actually not how any of this works!
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ardri-na-bpiteog · 2 months ago
I swing wildly between "I want to live in a big city with a variety of restaurants, museums, concerts, nightlife, gay options, and everything I could want either in walking distance or a short ride away on public transportation" and "I want to live in a cute, quiet, safe town where I can have a garden and a dog and a large kitchen to bake and a nice house with room for my piano and books instead of a tiny apartment" and I can't decide which I really want more.
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heartbeatbookclub · 1 year ago
I was looking at a few posts about autism (as one does) and it just suddenly clicked into place a fundamental thing about Yuri's character that I'd been grasping at, but hadn't really been able to adequately identify. I still have a much longer and more thorough analysis going through a whole lot of my thoughts on Yuri's character and her experience of autism that i'm working on (of which this will likely be a component), but I thought I'd share this separately just to emphasize.
Post I saw which made this click for me was making fun of the fact that most media depicting impaired empathy in autistic characters explicitly depicts them with this unflappable confidence of never having been rejected by people they love. The crux of this is that in actual reality, autistic people almost always have that experience at some point, for some behavior, for reasons they don't really understand. "There is an invisible line where people will get sick of you, and you have no warning of when you're about to cross it." So frequently, autistic people attempt to ride a razor thin edge, walking on constant eggshells to desperately attempt to avoid crossing that line.
Very often autistic people will attempt to avoid doing anything at all which could be considered weird, or off-putting, and will try their absolute hardest to do things in a way that is acceptable to other people, sometimes to the point of outright suppressing their emotions, because they are afraid that they'll say something just wrong enough that the people they care about will push them away, and they don't understand WHY it happened, but they know it's THEIR fault. Sometimes masking is fighting to appear aloof all the time because you can't regulate your emotions in a way that is acceptable to other people.
And holy fucking Jesus, that fits the exact mold of what I've been trying to talk about with the particular way Yuri's anxieties manifest.
It really feels to me like Yuri has this constant fear of breaking the "rules" of socializing, despite not really understanding what those rules even are. She's constantly afraid of saying something wrong, when she doesn't even know what wrong would be, she's just sure everyone ELSE will know it when they hear it. I think a huge part of her social anxiety comes from her own understanding of herself as a very weird person who doesn't really get a lot of how to socialize, and it seems to me like she's probably dealt with her fair share of social rejection and isolation based on those traits. She then felt she had to take responsibility for those traits, probably because it's the one thing she can change, and she is the one common denominator in all of these bad situations (This is something which is pretty common, actually! "Everyone else can socialize just fine, and I have so much difficulty with it! I must just be broken in some way. I have to try super hard to be normal to make friends!")
I think a big part of why it's so apparent in the Literature Club is because she really thinks she's found a place where she can make friends in spite of all of her issues, so when she starts...being herself, and receives even the smallest HINT of pushback, she overcorrects and tries to rein all of herself in to fix her "mistake", because she really wants to make friends here, and doesn't want them to reject her as well.
She's had this experience of others pushing her away for being weird so often that, coupled with her acknowledged trouble for reading situations, when anybody responds poorly to something and she recognizes it, she immediately overcorrects out of fear of being an annoying burden to everyone around her, and that "correction" consists of suppressing herself into being "normal" (or at least "less weird"), because she believes nobody could actually like her just for being who she is. There's something wrong with her fundamentally, and to make friends, for people to like her and want to be around her, she has to "fix" herself.
it's just, like...
it's really hard for me to interpret Yuri's character that doesn't involve her being somewhere on the spectrum, bros. she's written with such delicately constructed autistic coding, despite the appearance of just being a hackneyed weird girl visual novel trope. she deserves the world.......
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karliahs · 5 months ago
two silly thoughts from me still thinking too much about UA teaching logistics:
1. I think given all might's time limit at the beginning of the series, they really can't have given him a homeroom class to look after - but I do think it would be very funny if nedzu did it anyway. yeah I know you're just here for OFA purposes and that you can only be in hero form for like 3 hours per day, but you do have to spend like 15 minutes of that looking after 20 random wide-eyed business course kids. no slackers allowed
2. each year presumably has the same class structure as what we see for class a's year - 2 hero classes and 1 of each of the others - [ETA: oops no they don't, it's apparently 2 hero classes and THREE of each of the others??? consider this now a non-canon-compliant joke:] but it seems at least vaguely plausible that the additional hero class is a more recent addition brought on either by hero commission pressure to churn out more heroes per year, or - funnier option - as a counterbalance for the fact that aizawa is expelling like 50% of the hero course anyway, so you have to start out with a bigger pool
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spurgie-cousin · 6 months ago
i took a pause making sister wives tiktok content after Garrison passed and have really only been making VERY half-assed Duggar stuff, since the Jana speculation was at least kind of interesting.
but now that's over and they're boring again, so I have two ideas for a video I'd actually be interested in making:
now people have made Jill Rod videos before don't get me wrong, even some bigger creators, but there definitely aren't as many people aware of her as any other fundie family that's talked about on TT and i feel like there's some serious shock potential there lol
but I also think people love to hate Robyn and don't really know much about her, so that could go over well too, esp since SW interest is picking up again.
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pinkgrapefloyd · 4 months ago
elim garak is who terry silver thinks he is. no i will not elaborate
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theodoravery · 10 months ago
so, guys! i'm curious...
please feel free to expand your answer in the replies or in tags, i would love to know! also would love to know, if you rename your mcs, what criteria do you use when looking for a name? or maybe you always play self inserts and name them after yourself? idk, let me know!
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mokutone · 2 years ago
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hi everyone i've been obsessed with this post by @raisinchallah for the past 9 months :)
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de11amorte · 3 months ago
hi I just discovered this wonderful Crowskull artist & all I’m now thinking about is soft romantic lucanis/emmrich gestures.
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bewareofitalics · 11 days ago
Joseph, as the disgusted Stella said, looked like a walking rag-bag. It was impossible to say what his ground color was. His legs were white with black spots on them. His back was gray with a huge patch of yellow on one side and a black patch on the other. His tail was yellow with a gray tip. One ear was black and one yellow. A black patch over one eye gave him a fearfully rakish look.
Does Joseph's coloring make genetic sense? Male calicos are rare but possible, but I think that arrangement of black and gray on the same cat is less likely. Maybe he's a chimera? Or maybe LMM was just making a fancy OC!
Anyway I love the Patty's Place cats, Rusty/Joseph BroTP. And long may the Sarah-cat reign!
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sharkneto · 9 days ago
I'm finally getting around to reading the Name of the Wind, and maybe it was too hyped for me because 3/4 through and it's. It's Fine. It's a fine book. I do get that Kvothe is not the most reliable of narrators as he's telling his own story, but that doesn't mean it doesn't still read like 'Kvothe is the bestest and smartest at everything" - his arrogance is his flaw, but I prefer a character who is a bit more wet and pathetic around the competency. And then the man is constantly in money troubles. The second you think "Oh dang! He finally has some money! That should keep him going for a while!" he fucking loses it all and we're back to square one. Kvothe, I'm begging you to hold onto a talent for more than a day.
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