#they be saying acab fr
cable-salamder · 3 months
Hantro: “Please don’t arrest me for “nabbing” mystical things from shops I swear I won’t get into trouble again :{{{“
The ninja, who have all stolen very powerful and important artefacts and definitely do not have the authority to arrest anyone (if anything they are against cops and the general law as a whole): “bitch who do you think we are”
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th3houseofleaves · 3 months
one (1) dove baek thought before i go do stuff.
at first when dove was stealing it was a necessity yknow? they took food and clothes sometimes and it was always something they needed to survive and they never tried to take more than they needed (unless they were helping out another kid). but when they're older and they're at the foster home where they'd like during their senior year of high school (in my heart they're still in contact with their foster parents and they were the only people who dove would've been okay with staying forever with. i have more thoughts to come later) stealing stopped being for necessity and they mostly stopped doing it but. at some point they started stealing things just because they could? it wasn't a bad problem per say but it did get them in trouble a couple times.
the most important one – and the one that got them to stop – was when dick caught them shoplifting and he wasn't even going to arrest them he was just gonna talk but they. well. they messed that up. but getting arrested and having to go to a group for people w kleptomania honestly helped a lot. bc while they Weren't like that. it helped put things into perspective
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1roentgen · 2 years
You'd be very surprised to learn that there is a part of the DE fandom who are into KimHarry (well. Mainly Kim, actually) who very much Do Not Like the game itself because it's too........... political is the wrong word, but also the right one. They don't enjoy media that touches on Issues, and unfortunately I've seen many hot takes which in summary is just 'I don't like how this is portrayed because I find it uncomfortable and upsetting and that's why DE is a bad game.'
These people also ultimately do not understand Kim as a character because they're busy turning him into The Perfect Flawless Man, so. Yeah. It's not as bad anymore, at least. Most of these people moved on to the next flavour of the month (ie 'the next media with Difficult content that they choose to ignore or outright shittalk because they're only there for like 1-2 characters kissing')
man… i personally hold the opinion that people should be free to interact with a piece of media however they want so i try to refrain from judgement in that regard but i ALSO think that to completely reject any nuance in characterization that challenges the portrayal of a character as a anything but a flawless perfectly shippable puppet would be a huge disservice to not only the creators and the game as a work of art (with a cogent message and rich narrative inextricably tied to those central themes!!) but to the player as well, like DE is a whole Experience and you’d be missing out on so much if you refuse to actually engage with it ykwim?
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((This originally comes as my response to someone saying that ppl don’t like The Sun and The Star because it’s a middle school book and we were expecting the series to grow along with us.))
Valid point I keep finding BUT I recently read the PJO series again in preparation for TSATS and those books still slap!! They’re so good even tho I’m reading them as an adult even though they're meant for kids. (Also I recently read ToA because of course I’m gonna keep reading Rick’s middle school books until the day I die or they stop coming out lol. And that series while more goofy at points I still really liked) I also read one of Mark Oshiro's other books in prep for this book because I was excited for The Sun and Star to be released and I just COULD NOT get through it 😭 the writing was just giving me the ick and the characters where all kind of samie like that sassy talking wit. Which was a bummer because I liked the premise of the book “Anger is a Gift”, which was about underfunded schools mainly facing ppl of color and immigrants which leads to the school-to-prison pipeline because of the defunct way America funds public schools that keeps the poor poor and the rich getting richer & it was ACAB & had a lot of queer representation & etc. So I thought I’d really like it but I just couldn’t get through it because of the writing and I noticed this same writing style showing up in TSATS. Just because it’s for kids doesn’t excuse it from being bad. Like early Pixar and Studio Ghibli is still so good to watch back again and my 50+ yrs old parents like it. Book examples would be Harry Potter (screw JK Rowling tho fr) & the The Little Prince
Not to bash on ppl who say this is the main reason ppl don’t like the book but it feels like a straw man argument to say that the books not growing with us is the main reason ppl didnt like it. All tho I’m sure ppl have argued this but that is definitely their fault because Rick is staying in middle-grade fiction forever like that’s his thing! Why would ppl expect different 🤣 You think he wants to write a sex scene?! LMAO
(Here’s my review, it’s unhinged and not great because I should be doing productive stuff but am distracted until I can at least write down some of my thoughts on my disappointing experience)
Here are some things I didn’t like about it from a piece of art standpoint:
The pacing was bad
This book was filled with the first thing they teach you about writing which is: SHOW don’t TELL
It made me not ship Solangelo surprisingly like how??! I used to love Solangelo but I think this mainly is because of the collective consciousness of the fandom and because we wanted Nico to find happiness with someone. But if you really look back on their moments canonically from the books Will is a background character (who honestly kind of gaslights Nico by invalidating that ppl treated him differently as a son of Hades and that he didn't feel welcome at camp) and they kind of have a quick meet cute in the last book of The Last Olympian. They get together without us seeing their developing relationship and we now know they’re dating in The Trials of Apollo where we see them briefly in the first book and then more so in the last book. Honestly, this canonically alone doesn’t give me enough information or examples to really know or care about their relationship in comparison to Percy and Annabeth who we get to see develop. So TSATS just kind of felt hollow to me because I’m supposed to believe they’d die for each other but I DONT KNOW THE POWER OF THEIR LOVE?? This could just be a first love fling type thing like I was never shown the depth of their romance just told constantly in the book how much they love each other so it just felt kind of empty and emotionally unsatisfying to me.
Solangelo's relationship has always been in the background and the fans are what really made it cause we love Nico and want him to be happy. So when Will and Nico are fighting in this book all I can think is that this is just their relationship period.
So the reason it made me not like Solangelo was because Tarturus was supposed to bring out the worst in them and strain their relationship but, like, I haven’t really seen much of their relationship so I don’t have a “control group” to base this off of. So Will just seemed rude when he was so mean about Nico’s underworld home and about Nico's darkness which I also didn’t understand wtf he was talking about because Nico has killed just as many monsters as other campers and what else was his darknes based off of. cause he’s emo/goth?? Cause he can raise the dead?? Like guys we’ve discussed this just because a character wears black doesn't automatically make them the bad guy. I honestly thought Will just thought that was hot and they’d have that normie x alt relationship dynamic (that meme of: My hot witch wife. Me doing whatever she wants) I thought THAT was Solangelo not Will constantly trying to bring this light side to him and trying to change him. I agree that Nico needs help w his trauma and PTSD and things like that but this felt like if someone tried to “cure” a goth person, like actually screw you
I thought Will was supposed to look like a normie but be secretly a freak (in a good way lol) / goth interest. Cause this is meee I thought I was like Will as someone who looks like a normie and has a sunny disposition but I have a lot of alt/goth interests and I would let an alt girlie step all over me tbh lol. So does he like Nico for who he is or not?!
This is more in line w what I thought their relationship was like lol:
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The flashbacks and forwards I thought were ok even if they took you out of the story a bit but this device is supposed to be used for an IMPORTANT event not just as a way to quickly give context to their relationship and when we got to the scene this was taking place in I was like that’s it?? He what? fell down and is suffering from sun withdrawals and this is the book's big moment to justify jarring flashback scenes?
Mark Oshiro is not a fantasy adventure or horror writer and it shows. Maybe it’s just me but their depiction of Tarturus and the nightmare and the journey were just not up to snuff with good horror and fantasy books I’ve read. (And if your gonna say something about how it’s for kids then I raise you the book series “Goosbumps”) So as a genre in itself, it was just disappointing. It was mainly a relationship guidebook book but I didn’t really like that or feel like it was done well, It felt lectury and also idk if that's the genre middle schoolers really like?? 😅
It had too many references which really dates a book, A lot of professional writers say not to use too much slang or modernreferences (unless you’re trying to make a book expressly about a time period) because it really dates a book and doesn’t make a story feel timeless for future generations if you use too many references (this doesn’t include political novels tho which are very much based in that time when the events happening) Anyways for future writers keep this in mind, you don't need to keep in touch with the youth through urban dictionary you can just write about the emotions of being young or whatever. If you’ve tried to read a comic book aimed at teens from the 50s like I have you’ll realise how funny that is.
(Also the carebear reference that I didn’t even understand and I watched carebear as a kid & Lil Nas video which if this was written for kids that music video feels a bit inappropriate for them 😂 it had a reference both too old and too young for middle schoolers AND how in the world would 1930s born, dropped out of elementary school, can’t use the internet or phones half blood, NICO DI ANGELO know these references???)
The writings giving:
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Bad alt representation. (This is my most out-of-pocket opinionated bullet point rant so if you don't agree that’s a-okay :D ) This could be a whole post in itself but although I know ppl joke about Nico as the Emo kid I would really like to get into how Nico is actually, or it would be cool, as having some goth subculture inclinations. And ppl probably think of Trad Goths with the whole makeup and teased hair look but it’s mainly a music-based subculture and/or it just has a different idealogy around the ideas of death and what is deemed beautiful while most ppl see it as ugly. (Like listen to “Gallows Dance” or the Bauhaus's “Bela Lugosi’s Dead” & “The Passion of Lovers”, to name songs off the top of my head) This bullet point is definitely MY OPINION and doesn’t contribute exactly to the book being bad but aren’t those songs the vibe of an underworld kid like Nico?? Embracing the darkness and dancing in graveyard vibes fr!! Anyways most alt subcultures and especially emo are seen as a phase in life that you grow out of and then become normal. This book just really gives the energy of being written by a normie who would be confused by the choices of alt ppl and just doesn’t get it because it’s not their personal interest, which isn’t exactly bad even tho I want more philosophy from Nico on the chillness and acceptance of death (all tho greek mythologies view on the afterlife sucks fr and THAT is a whole other post haha) So this isn’t exactly a problem BUT what gives me the ick is WILL NOT ACCEPTING THESE THINGS LIKE SIR STOP BASHING YOUR BOYFRIENDS LIFE!! Will asking Persephonee, “How do you love someone from the underworld” SHUT UP!! 😤
Will was useless and I know what they were trying to go for but if I had a girlfriend (oh I’m a lesbian btw just in case ppl think I’m going harder on this book more than the other books because I’m homophobic bruh I swear I’m not I’m only disappointed in the art itself, NOT the representation which I actually liked) and if I was super good at fighting and they weren’t, I’m sorry but I wouldn’t take them BECAUSE of my love for them. If they were going to be useless on a mission of such life-threatening danger and importance I WOULD NOT TAKE THEM OUT OF KINDNESS. Like skills in medicine and art and music are great and there’s of course nothing wrong w not being a badass fighter (lmao this is me and most readers) but then DONT GO TO SUPER HELL!!! Especially if you have something that makes you more pathetic than being a normal human in Tarturus, his suffering from no sunlight is out of pocket and just makes the story draggg and makes him seem boring and the story more boring. I know they were trying to go for a fish out of water storyline and roll reversal but I think it wasn’t done well enough and overall hurt the story
Also, I’ve heard ppl talk about how it would have been nice to have a book focus on their relationship while at Camp Half-Blood. Like maybe it takes place pre Jason's death and we can just see them living at camp. It’d be chill and we can actually see them as a couple & It would give the energy of readers wanting to go to camp half-blood again like how everyone wanted to go to Hogwarts. Cause we haven’t seen the camp as a fun home since the very early PJO books ;-; (this is just a fun idea I like and I think would have been more manageable for an author but this is FR my opinion on a fun book idea i’d like to read) ALSO this would have been so nostalgic for the older readers who have been here since middle school gobbling up this universe 😌
I know ppl get mad at ppl making fun of Will for being pathetic in tarturous. As saying he’s a child and no one can be happy and sunny and doing well 24/7 which is valid but that’s not really my argument. I like watching characters put in situations where we watch them bend against what we thought they were when put in a hard situation (the masochist in me lol jkjjk). But this I think didn’t work for me because as I’ve said before he’s mainly a background character at the end of one book thrown together with Nico and we as a fandom have mainly made him up. Also, Tarturus was just not as scary or adventure-filled as like any of the other missions from previous PJO books, It didn’t feel as trauma-inducing as everyone in the series tried to explain it as. (again show not tell from the book) Also, I would have liked to have seen Will cool at least once or one reason for me to like him with Nico but I saw him as pretty bland as a character
The writing style felt bad to me because of the show don’t tell part for example telling as “it made him sad and traumatized” when showing would be, you know, actually showing the scenes and this book just felt like 80% telling what they were feeling instead of letting the reader feel the emotions of the scene for themselves
I think that’s another thing I really didn’t like related to the Show Don't Tell. And another hallmark of bad writing was this book was really telling the audience how to feel instead of allowing the story to be powerful enough to do that for itself. This book follows a trend I’ve seen a lot in TV shows where everything kind of feels like detached irony from being on Twitter where you hear everyone’s opinions so the story is written as a wink and a nod like we know what we’re doing and we know what your thinking and how twitter will react to it. Like it’s hard to describe this trend I’ve mainly seen in TV shows and movies recently which always gives me the ick cause it doesn’t feel funny it feels like I’m in a response piece that is breaking the fourth wall and reminds me that I’m in reality watching or reading something instead of actually feeling like I’m in the story. It’s like pseudo-wittiness or something. Tell me if you guys feel this way about some modern tv shows or books, I can't be alone please 😭!!
The stupid toast scene at the end lol The book is like: Do you get it? Did you get it?? They’re opposites! And they attract!! We did the trope you guys!! Also, the stupid Darth Vader scene to start off the book 💀
This whole book made me cringe where I had to constantly get up walk around and lie on the floor before I could continue, only to constantly repeat the cycle 😅
Anyway, idk how to end this review/rant I just had such strong emotions I had to get out probably because I was so excited for this book to come out for like over a year and got back into PJO for a bit and read some of Mark Oshiro’s books and greek mythology and stuff, so I think it wasn’t just me reading any random bad book it disappointed me more that it was poor quality because I wanted to love it so much.
It did have some actually good parts, the troglodytes were cute … I can’t remember the other stuff but it was there I swear lol! If you enjoyed it I’m happy for you! Don’t let me ruin a book you like, you deserve to feel joy 😘💐
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spike-and-faye · 5 months
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wait not cowboy bebop?????
It’s giving
It’s giving
It’s giving
Its the existentialism for me 💀😭
Slaye valentine. No notes. Send tweet
Gren go off GNC Zaddy 🗿🗿🗿
Spike is rizz-pilled and gyat coded. BDE.
Um anyone who says boogie Woogie Feng Shui is mid bouta catch this fade aight shit fuckin slaps
I’m low key big mad @ all the cheugy ass girlies who gaslight themselves into hating on Julia. like go touch some grass babe ~ I’m a Faye simp too but it’s giving pick me. Girls’ girls stan 2 qweens
Not me in my basic bitch spike and Faye ship era (pro tip the era is infinity) .. not girlboss nepo baby x beige flag sadboi snacc . Chat hear my out these two do NOT pass the vibe check iykyk. Yes queen give us nothing
Vicious is a sussy baka w réal main character energy but why he ate that fit tho
Cigarettes are ✨girl dinner✨
Ur tweakin if you think Vincent was not kinda bussin 👀 I mean biological terrorism really ain’t it but he do he kinda cute tho
but fr Jets a réal one, his man titties have won the game, he’s based as fuck, and he’s my emotional support gruff daddy. Fax. no cap 💅🏼
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mothermara · 2 months
the dead kennedys didn't get up on stage and yell nazi punks fuck off in 1981 fr people to say shit like "acab applies to fandom police"
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lurkingshan · 3 months
Hi, thanks for answering my question about your favorite shows of the year (so far). Since I've been following your blog for some time now, I can't say I was totally surprised by your answer. Although, seeing the killer paradox on your list did shock me. I had no idea you've watched that show. Anyways, i'm really happy you asked me about my own list. I've had an idea for quite some time about which ones would actually be part of it, even though i'm not done watching most of them. I guess I've been feeling optimistic about all of them (ironic, isn't it?). Sorry for the big rambling. Without further do, here is my list of favorite shows of the year so far (in no particular order): Lost ( kdrama, 2021, 16 episodes, not completed), Unknown( Taiwanese drama,2024, 12 episodes, completed), Shooting stars ( cdrama, 2024, 34 episodes, not completed), Tender light ( cdrama, 2024, 28 episodes, not completed), imperfect us (Taiwanese drama,2024, 8 episodes, completed), living with him (jdrama, 2024, 8 episodes, completed), dead boys detective (british tv show?, 2024,8 episodes, not completed), begins youth (kdrama,2024,12 episodes, not completed), mood indigo ( jdrama,2019, 6 episodes,completed), the queen's classroom (jdrama, 2005, 11 episodes completed) and the office games (thai drama, 2023, 16 episodes, not completed). I can't say I would recommend all of them, but they all made me feel something, so there's that. Honorable mentions for story of kunning palace and a journey to love.
Ooh, good picks and some that I really like on that list, too! I have not seen Imperfect Us and I just looked that up--will add it to my list! And glad to see you watched Mood Indigo! I hope you'll continue and finish the Pornographer series, I really love the final installments and a lot of people haven't seen them.
Re: A Killer Paradox, I like to keep people guessing! No, but really I just watch all kinds of stuff, and I loved that drama. It was a fast, intense binge so I didn't really post about it, but I thought it had such an assured vision of what it wanted to be (and what it wanted to be was pretty weird in such an interesting way). Its visual storytelling was great and I really liked the themes and ambiguity about morality in the story, and how positively ACAB it was. I also love Choi Woo Shik fr fr and I like that he sprinkles in such off the wall projects.
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scarletserpenta · 7 months
Btw i didn't comment on this one bc it was more like. It made sense to not allow it. But i do NOT envy the staff member who has to enforce the numbers half of the acab/1312 rule. Like acab ya, saying acab on a 13+ website does not automatically make the b not mean bastard. But 1312? 13 12 . Two numbers right next to each other if you count down in descending order. God i would hate having to moderate that bc there's no way there aren't sneaky ways around that that would make a FR user post a admin decision in their inbox online and say "why is fr staff making conspiracy theories about my use of the numbers 13 and 12" and have ppl mad at staff even if staff determined correctly that the player was trying to sneak around it.
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peckforlovingheck · 11 months
I’m remembering some of the shit me and my friends said last night when we watched the fnaf movie lol
I fr said “WHEN YOU SAY ACAB THAT INCLUDES VANNY” and we all yelled when MatPat and William Afton said the line
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stvharrngton · 2 years
acab but cop!steve fucking reader on the roof of his squad car. biting my lip screaminf without the s playing dangerous by lana del rey type beat
yeah fr he’d have to pull into some abandoned parking lot or like down a dirt track or somethin after he’s clocked off n like maybe you’d been teasing him all day so he pulls in and is like ‘on the roof. now’ and you’re just like ???? the roof?? steve what 🤨 and he grabs your face with one hand and just says ‘get on the roof honey’ and obvs you do what he says cause he’s got that look in his eyes and he’s so feral for you n then he makes you scream as he fucks you hard on top of his squad car
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
10 Characters, 10 Fandoms, 10 Tags
How to play: name 10 of your favourite characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people to do the same.
Tagged by @r1-sw-lover​
Okaaay lets get this bread lol
Fate Series: Li Shuwen (Old Man/Assassin)
Both Li’s are good actually, but AssLi has sunglasses and LanceLi does not
Call Of Duty: Overlord
Sure sure you don’t actually see the guy but come on! he’s such a calming voice
Star Wars: Cin Drallig
look at my blog
Fullmetal Alchemist: Solf J. Kimblee (Brotherhood/Manga)
He’s just a fucked up guy i want to throw into the sun
Mortal Kombat: Erron Black
I want to microwave this man + I always love a good Yee Haw accent
Houseki no Kuni: Rutile
They’re pretty, they’re unhinged, they’re a doctor, what more could I want?
CoverCorp/VTubers/Holo-Pro: Gawr Gura
Does Holo count as a fandom or a community? Either way, I love this lil sharky, shes so cute fr
Black Rock Shooter: Black Gold Saw
For a woman who says ZERO things, shes so cool. Also her outfit? 10/10. That sword? 10/10
Pokemon: Nanu
ACAB Cop who doesnt do his job and lives with 16 cats? Yes sir
J.R.R. Tolken’s Books (NOT RoP because fuck that shit): Elrond
The suffering dad energy is so real i love him so much
No pressure tags:
@purgetrooperfox​ @dilf-archivist​ @hotshot9​ @genifer-first-of-her-name ​ @certified-anakinfucker​ @tombraxas @spacerocksarethebestrocks​ @maulpunk @hellyeahpancakes @chiafett​ / Anyone else who wants to really
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lemonitenite · 2 years
Got the feeling of sick twice during a "growth session" talk abt drugs earlier from a cop
My body do be saying ACAB fr
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scarletserpenta · 7 months
Honestly says a lot for this community that posting abt Palestine gets you not a lot of negative attention unless you count drama blogs vaguing you but you say it makes sense to not allow a acronym that commonly has the last letter mean a swear (acab) in a post that's mostly about how moderating FR must be hellish for the admins and someone will go call you a cracker (hilarious is this case). Awesome community that is mostly normal
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3d10fire-damage · 2 years
Colors That Run Highlights 39
On their way to Fort Silver, Valor did her best to act as a food provider for herself and Calypso. In the interest of efficiency she mostly just shared trail mix for every meal until Calypso started complaining about acorns (they were actually cashews) and Valor had to educate her a bit on types of nuts.
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Slim, Kattie, and Egg were all placed into separate interrogation rooms and had to wait a bit before being questioned. For these rounds of questions, two of the players and our resident observer/tech person/gamer took up the role of Shifty Fort Silver Guard.
Kattie was questioned by a skinny tiefling individual that beat around the bush for a while and didn’t really seem that concerned (or even aware?) of the pirate ship that shot down the boat with Ikarene and the undead aboard. Kattie gave them the runaround and offered up no one’s names or descriptions, and eventually Lerali came in and dismissed the guard. Lerali apparently had also not been told of the ship being shot down. Bro this fort sucks
Slim was questioned by a southern-talking human guy in a long coat who was unable to comprehend Slim’s full Spanish name. Slim remained uncooperative and generally classy, more or less handing the guard his own ass (though the guard did suggest he might go looking through Slim’s confiscated journal... too bad it’s all written in Spanish 😏)
Finally, Egg was up for questioning. A dark-haired elf woman sat across from him and seemed pretty confident she could get the information out of him that she wanted. This woman was apparently something of a “rat whisperer” and claimed that rats (perhaps regardless of their actual race) all have one thing in common-- they eventually squeal.
Egg gave her the runaround as best he could, accidentally dropping Fea’s name at one point (or two) and maybe giving up some info on account of him needing to praise the party for the gods that they are. He also admitted that he was from Barnesville, though due to his lack of geographical knowledge, he couldn’t really tell where it was. This interrogation was goddamn hilarious and iconic and could’ve been its own TV special.
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With the interrogations over, the group was allowed out of their cells and given back their belongings. Eventually, the rest of the party arrived at the fort. Fea remained quiet as everyone caught up and discussed the interrogations on their way the hell out of the fort.
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There was some tension among the group as they traveled and set up camp for the night-- during Kattie’s watch she opted not to speak to Fea whatsoever. Slim woke up (from this now habitually troubled sleep) and started making breakfast, at which point he had a civil talk with Fea about slowing down a bit and trusting the party a little more in dire situations like what happened at New Port. Afterward, Fea got up and started pacing around the camp, notably abstaining from her usual morning prayer routine.
Rather soon after their conversation, Calypso got up and started doing her monk warmups. She exchanged a look with Slim and started following Fea, and asked her about the morning routine, which Fea didn’t seem to want to do right now. So instead, Calypso prayed for her, and hoped she’d be alright. Slim nearly burned breakfast in his observing of them, and Eva indulged in much of the bread made available for the meal. She just like me fr
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Egg expressed concern for the safety of Barnesville, and it was decided that the next time the party was near that area they would check in on the place. Plus Egg could show himself off to all the rat ladies. A little later Slim checked in with Kattie, who claimed to be frustrated and was choosing to say nothing to Fea because she didn’t have anything nice to say.
Once back in Guild City, the party noted that the entire garden outside their cabin was picked clean. And also... the cabin had been egged. Recently. Fea and Eva set to work cleaning the place up, Kattie went inside and crashed immediately, and Slim sat down to read a letter from a certain tiefling in Norsum-- and what a letter it was! Calypso delivered a letter to the post office and visited another guild to set a plan into motion. Valor started an hours-long bathing session at home, eventually falling asleep in the bathroom.
Calypso went next door and spoke to Mishon, who had no idea who might’ve egged the Breakfast Club’s cabin. After taking his offering of a cranberry muffin, Calypso also asked Thedda about it, and she didn’t know either. Also, her daughter Percy has a new look post-White Lady-ing, with a lock of white hair and something like vitiligo happening.
Upon her return to the cabin, Calypso wrote a brief note and left it on the front door: “If you fuck with this cabin, I will fuck with you.” She then spotted Fea on the roof, trying to clean eggs from the shingles even though she had no way of perceiving it. Calypso called her down from there and dragged her inside for bed.
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(can you imagine spooning with someone you have a crush on and still not actually being in a relationship with them)
Slim discovered Valor in the bathroom in the morning, which was a somewhat strange and awkward encounter. Slim later set about making pancakes for everyone, and Calypso managed to get Fea out of bed and into the usual morning prayer ritual. She also admitted that she had no idea what she would’ve done if Fea hadn’t come out of the ocean in New Port and was glad she was okay. Despite the moment, Fea seemed out of it, quiet and reserved.
Kattie requested to speak to Slim in private, so Slim made a grocery list and gave it to Calypso, telling her to collect everyone else and go out shopping in his place (because “she’s been responsible lately” 😭💕). Once everyone was out, Kattie informed Slim she had written to Maria about the whole Teresa situation. Basically Kattie was trying to convince Slim that the whole group has his back and he doesn’t have to go through this shit all alone, though it’s a hard thing for him to internalize. She gave him a photo of Teresa and her “parents” that Slim’s family had given her to-- Slim would get more value out of it, partly because he can actually see it. Afterward, the two of them had a nice venting session about recent events.
In the market, the rest of the party realized quickly that many of Guild City’s populace seemed... wary of them. Unwelcoming, even. When they approached their usual veggies and seeds vendor, Sadie, she seemed shifty-eyed and avoidant. She even charged them twice the amount they normally pay, though she just claimed it was the current price of the goods. Calypso got the distinct feeling she was lying, and feeling afraid.
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From there, the group proceeded to the butcher. Fea seemed to believe the city’s new attitude toward the group was her fault, though Valor and Calypso denied that, since the undead were traveling with the whole group. Fea’s just... not doing too hot today
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At the butcher’s shop, Valor took point in ordering the meat and paying for it. Again the butcher seemed unusually distant, and handed over less than ideal cuts of meat seemingly on purpose. Valor, in a small girlboss moment, informed him that the undead were all very dead and gone now, so they wouldn’t be causing any problems to anyone now.
When Slim and Kattie learned of this predicament, they agreed that the best option for the group was to just be cool and not agitate anyone any further-- hopefully things would die down soon, and in the meantime the group could do their shopping elsewhere.
The party teleported to Marstis and ran literally into Liz. Which was lucky, since Slim and Kattie had her gift ready-- a pixie-sized guitar in the shape of a leaf. Liz was delighted and promised she’d have a song prepared for the next time they all met up together. Nearby, two blink dogs eyed the party, which Calypso hooked onto immediately. Naturally, she played with those dogs, happy as a clam.
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Eventually the group left for Whismal, where their next mission awaited them. Once there, the group was quickly met by a fox who then turned into a (naked) man. He introduced himself as Sadao, the leader of Whismal. He led the group to a more private area, cloaked in fog, and explained that fairies had been going missing lately. He knew that there were a group of mortals nearby that were responsible for stealing them away (and perhaps selling them) but, due to the Iron Laws, he was not allowed to confront them himself.
Sadao’s plan then, was for him to bolster the party with his illusory magic so that the party could fuck with them, and hopefully scare them away. This would involve each member of the party impersonating one of the archfey-- and upon Slim’s suggestion, lacing the mortals’ food with Ethi’s magic mushrooms so they would hallucinate. Sadao left the group to rest for the night, and they’d set the plan into motion the following evening.
That night, Calypso sat up with Fea and asked her what was going on. Fea explained she felt very responsible for how people are treating the rest of the group for their involvement with the undead. What if it got worse, what if it got them into danger? First it’s higher prices and egging, what would be next?
Calypso struggled a little with her words, but at the end of the day, Fea had been trying to help, and people’s bigotry is their own fault and their own problem. They could handle little things like what happened in the market. She vowed steadily that if anyone fucked with them because of their issues with undead or with Fea’s monstrous attribute herself, she’d beat their asses. ‘Mess with one of us, mess with all of us’ kinda thing. Fea seemed to respond at least somewhat to this, and settled enough to lie down for “bed.”
At some point in the night, Slim awoke with a scream due to more nightmares. Kattie tried to calm him down a bit, and played a Song of Rest to aid him in returning to sleep. Fea, who had sat straight up at the sound of the scream, did her best to lie back down and help Calypso back to sleep too (wasn’t too hard; that goober is great at sleeping).
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In the morning, Fea stepped away for a bit to do a proper morning prayer in the sunniest clear she could find in the dense Whismal Woods. Valor noted how most of the rest of the party kinda looked like shit. Soon enough Sadao returned and announced the roles he’d picked out for each member of the party for the mission at hand. Slim would play Ethikot, Calypso would play the Queen of Air and Darkness, Valor would play Queen Titania, Sven would play (the role of) Tag, Fea would play Oberon, and Kattie would play Verenestra.
Valor tried to make one additional fun plan with Sadao, something involving teleporting to the center of the mortals’ camp. The others started thinking of how they’d play their respective roles, though some of them were more prepared than others.
this will totally go really smoothly, yep
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takato1993 · 2 years
What i Watched in February
getting ahead of things and going to write these as i go
this time around while i did watch a lot on Tubi there were also a lot of movies that were on TV this month specifically on the channel MoviesTV.
Dog Soldiers 8/10
definitely one of my top 10 werewolf movies
The Exorcist III 6/10
I don't know why this movie is more Zodiac Killer investigation than Exorcism but it is surprisingly strange and fun.
Heathers 5/10
i am going to be honest I did not really understand Heathers or why so many people like it so much, but i would like to.
The Initiation 5/10
Trollhunter 7/10
a fun mockumentary about a film crew that end up following a real life Trollhunter and learn how very real trolls are. I enjoyed this one a lot and i really like the troll designs.
Bless The Child 5/10
Abnormal Attraction 5/10
Trigun: Badlands Rumble 6/10
I have been meaning to watch this for 10 years and with the release of the new Trigun series the timing seemed right. I think this is just an okay addition to the series but I appreciate the aesthetic and even that it showed a legitimate flaw in Vash's philosophy
Dark Night of The Scarecrow 2 4/10
this is a cash grab and nowhere near as amazing as the original
Knightriders 5/10
about a small group of traveling performers essentially a renaissance fair but where the jousts are performed on motorcycles and the weapons are recklessly close to real weapons. this movie is very philosophical, absolutely says ACAB, and well it's knights on motorcycles so it has a lot going for it
if I could compare this movie to anything I would call it a modern Don Quixote
at over two and a half hours with characters that are pretty unlikable for a lot of the film it is a commitment
but the character growth fuels a satisfying last 20 minutes
Body bags 7/10
if someone told me this was connected to the Tales from the Crypt i would believe them. The first story is a bit weak the other two are very solid, and the host segments *chefs kiss.
Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers 6/10
A Comedy of horrors Volume 1 8/10
another top tier horror anthology, this one has a more manic comedic vibe. this one has a grand total of four stories instead of the traditional 3 stories and it gets a lot out of them, the first 3 are the strongest with story 4 being the weakest
and once again the host segments are very fun and will not disappoint.
I really hope theres a volume 2. Walmart seems to be selling both movies together but as Volume 2 does not exist and the rating for that item is terrible i think some people are getting ripped off big time.
Wake Wood 6/10
This one is about a family who loses their daughter and finds a way to bring her back from the dead temporarily but things go very wrong. CW: scary and intense scene with dog
Tag 5/10
a very bloody and surreal Japanese horror film. to be honest i kind of liked where it was going before the more surreal twist started. but If you like a very surreal film don't pass on this one.
Duel 6/10
A man finds himself at the mercy of a murderous trucker determined to run him off the road and kill him. I went in expecting to be disinterested in this plotline but as the movie picked up pace I began to find it very compelling.
the way the Trucker without ever being seen or speaking makes it clear that he is in control and things are going to go by his rules is brilliant this he is after this guy but he is only going to kill him with his truck and only while the man is in his car never on foot but he won't let him stop to call the police or get comfortable either.
the tension, the dread its so evil and i appreciate it so much. but don't worry too much the protagonists journey of personal growth is equally impressive but no spoilers here.
High Tension 6/10
Mothers Day 4/10
Motherly 5/10
Dagon 7/10
A lot of people say the H.P Lovecraft stories have no good movie adaptations. but most of the ones I have seen have gorgeous practical effects and this is probably one of the best examples alongside From Beyond, The Unnamable, The Curse, and Reanimator
if you want a nice spooky story about a fish people cult and some sort of eldritch abomination this is for you
The Lost Empire 3/10
the name, time period it was released, and the cover/poster would have you believe this was one of the many 1980s Sword and Sorcery movies.
it is not its a very low budget action movie about secret agents stopping some sort of cult. this movie is mostly about the large breasts and skimpy costumes and even there this movie is limited.
Communion 5/10
This is probably the second very psychological alien themed movie where it is revealed that the reason the aliens look the way they do is because they are wearing some sort of spacesuit that hides their actual bodies.
I also found the acting in this one to be very good and Christopher Walkens characters was very fun to watch.
The War of The Gargantuas 5/10
this was a rewatch but my first time really giving the movie a fair shot. I learned that the same people that work on the Godzilla movies also worked on this and i must say it shows the effects were enjoyable, the ( lyricless) music was good, and I think most of the people who worked on it enjoyed themselves which matters a lot
I will say I think they should have kept the name they called the monsters in the Japanese version: Frankenstein
it's not a perfect fit but it would have been a very funny choice.
The Leopard Man 3/10
I don't want people to think i cannot appreciate subtlety, atmosphere, good filmography, and acting this movie has all of that however what it barely has is a leopard and what it definitely doesn't have is a leopard man and the story is unsatisfying
Mortuary 4/10
TBH I don't know how this movie got on my to watch list it is not my usual type of horror movie. nothing wrong with cults and murderers and it probably deserves a rewatch when i am more awake but I was not very impressed.
It's Alive 6/10 (1974
Theres probably a few movies out there about killer mutant babies but this one really leans into it thematically. CW- animal death
the Birdcage 5/10
always nice to see a Robin Williams movie I haven't seen before it was funny enough but the ending feels very sudden.
i Frankenstein N/A
I remember not being impressed with this movie and I am not fully willing to backtrack on that as the acting, dialogue, story, and use of CG are all pretty bad
and having gargoyle characters that look fully human is also kind of baffling, why did they pull a Supernatural they had a big movie budget.
But the exaggerated gothic architecture, sense of fun, and general badassness of this movie make it worth a watch after all. I think this movie wants to be like Castlevania so badly and it should have leaned into it more, or more like Van Helsing would also have worked
Puss In Boots: The Last Wish 10/10
I was probably one of the last people that desperately wanted to watch this movie to watch this movie and my first viewing I was a half hour late in a movie theater with a blurry dark screen and static coming through the speakers uncomfortable seats at the top of a hill so steep I was afraid my car was not going to make it all the way up.
and even on that viewing I had to say it was one of the best animated movies I have seen and definitely the best animated movie so far in 2023
also anybody else notice that Shrek started with Allstar by Smash Mouth and the series is essentially ending with an actual star very poetic symmetry? I know there is going to be a Shrek 5 and maybe some other stuff but i feel like Puss in Boots 2 wrapped up the series in a very important way that doesn't mean that Shrek 5 cannot be a companion in doing the same.
I think we are past wearing out animated movie series with cashgrab sequels constantly. I really feel like genuine passion was revived for Puss in Boots 2 and nothing should take that away.
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globodamorte · 2 years
seongbin baby you're so smart for not talking to the cops I love you
also that old ass cop "make something up if you have to" "back in my day is beat them until they started talking" wow it's almost as if the police don't actually care for finding the truth and will most definitely abuse their power over you!!! the way he was saying "it's always the quiet ones" and yeongchae "there's something abt him idk what it is :(" ACAB FOREVER
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and seongbin's comment like are "y'all seriously clocking me as the killer just because my mother had mental illness?" like YEAH SAY IT SAY IT
and I even saw a comment like "oh so he's killing NOT because of his mental illness just bc he's evil" NAH BITCH HES CALLING OUT THE ABLEISM IN THE POLICE FORCE BC THEY HAVE LITERALLY NO CONCRETE PROOF AGAINST HIMMMMM
I hate cops so much fr
jeongdo may be hot but I swear get another fucking job
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