#they are both the career woman
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I know that the holidays are *technically* over, and I'm late posting this. But if anyone has any cheer leftover here's a Hallmark movie Kyalin fic
Kya stepped off the train, the tempered air pinching her nose.
She looked at the crisp snow as it landed on her belongings with a certain fondness.
The snow in RC was different than the snow at the poles, or the lack of snow in Ba Sing Se.
It had an aura to it, which she attributed to the density of airbenders in the area.
She pulled on her mitts, setting her bag down for a moment.
She would regret it though, as almost instantaneously someone came up behind her, looping the handles of her purse around their arm and sprinting into a run.
“Hey!” She shouted, running after them. She pulled her suitcase behind her, inevitably slowing her down.
The perpetrator was far ahead of her, clearly a skilled thief as they expertly maneuvered through the crowded station.
“Someone stop them!” She shouted, but people simply watched her futile chase.
She was about to give up, when a woman stepping onto the platform stuck out her arm, stopping the thief with a self-inflicted blow to the throat.
Kya gasped as she went up to the stranger and the fallen perpetrator.
“Oh my, thank you so much,” she said, wrapping the woman in a hug.
The woman stiffened, but accepted it.
When they pulled apart she picked up the bag by the straps, the thief wheezing on the ground.
“I believe, based on circumstances, this is yours,” the woman said, handing it to her.
“It is, thank you so much. No one else stopped them and I guess my yelling didn't quite warrant the attention of security.” She said sarcastically, doing a quick check of her bag to make sure everything was there.
“Yeah the security here is pretty terrible.” The woman agreed. Upon closer inspection, Kya was able to make out a few distinct features.
She had porcelain skin with jet black hair. Her eyes were a very distinct shade of green, undoubtedly speaking to her earth nation heritage.
But most notably were a set of paired scars, running from her cheekbones to the base of her face. The tissue was slightly raised, speaking to a rushed patch job, but relatively neutral in color.
“Tell me about it. What a warm welcome back to the city, robbed as soon as I step onto the platform.” Kya said, brushing herself off and strapping her purse onto herself.
Past the other woman she was able to see a couple of guards coming up to them, a definite lack of pep in their step.
“We'll take it from here- chief?”
“Surprise.” The other woman said. Kya watched, trying to make sense of the interaction.
“We were just-”
“I know what you were doing, and it nearly cost this lovely woman her purse, and you three weeks of desk duty.” The officers looked at each other, defeated as they picked up the thief and began to carry him away.
“You're the security,” Kya said, facepalming.
“Mm, close. Lin Beifong, Chief of Police. Please excuse my lack of uniform, I've just arrived from Zaofu.”
Kya accepted the hand shake, still feeling a little embarrassed.
“I feel like an idiot,” she told Chief Beifong.
“Don't. We appreciate the feedback. Helps me decide who's cut out for field work.”
“Well, I'm glad I could help.”
“What's your name, you know, for the incident report?”
“Oh, uh Kya. Kya Cloud.” Kya watched the gears turn in the police Chief's head as her name registered. There was no way someone of so much status hadn't heard her name before.
She was the only daughter of Avatar Aang, after all.
“Well, I reckon it's about time we met, Miss Cloud”.
“Just Kya is fine.”
“Right. Well, is there anything else I can do for you, maybe something that will increase your rating?”
Kya laughed, pulling her things close to her.
“I think this will suffice,” Kya told her, “you can expect at least three elements from me.”
“I'll take it.” Chief Beifong stated. “I'll see you around, ‘just Kya’.”
Kya bade her farewell, watching the woman go down the platform.
She took a deep breath, suppressing her smile, and the butterflies in her stomach as she started the walk home.
“I can't believe you almost got robbed!” Her mother said, hugging Kya again for good measure.
“Mom, relax, it ended up okay. You know I could've taken him. If I had been prepared.”
“Your lucky Lin was there.”
“No kidding. She was very efficient.”
“She's excellent at her job. The best Police Chief the City has ever seen. Including its first.”
“Who was the first?”
“Kya, I know I've told you.”
“And you know I'm forgetful. I'm a busy woman, mom.”
“Lin's own mother, one of my best friends, Toph Beifong.”
Memories came back as Kya pieced history together. No wonder Lin had come off familiar, she had been an essential person in Kya's early childhood. Kya was about fourteen when the Beifong's stopped hanging around. It seemed like a lifetime ago despite it being only twenty years.
“Right, I remember now.” Kya said.
Her mother didn't seem assured, but carried on with her preparation anyway. Her and Kya were currently decorating the temple for the holidays, making everything either sparkle, or shine. It would be the first Christmas with a baby in the family, and Kya's first time meeting the little one.
She felt terrible she hadn't seen Jinora, but her career often had her on the road, and she hadn't gotten a chance to stop at Republic City in nearly eight months.
She took some solace in knowing Jinora was only a month old, so there was still plenty of time for her to become the career-wine aunt.
“When will Tenzin be by?” She asked.
“He told me he and Pema should be back tomorrow. They decided to break the trip from the air temple into one more day, to give them some time to sufficiently rest.”
“So just you and me tonight then mum?”
“Actually I have to make a City council meeting. The last one before the holidays.”
“So just me?”
“Sorry dear. You're welcome to come, or you could go out. Spend a night on the town? It's Saturday so it should be alive. Not Friday night alive, but alive nonetheless.”
“Alright. Know any good spots?”
“Hmm, I've heard some friends talk about Rafters. It might be old for you though.”
“Gotta start somewhere. Maybe I can bring a plus one to Christmas,” Kya smirked.
Katara shot her a glare, so Kya just laughed.
She supposed she was going out tonight.
Her mother was right about the crowd of Rafters being older. Kya didn't mind, it meant more people willing to buy her a drink. At this rate, she'd be plastered before the tides even changed directions.
She sat at the bar, absorbing the chatter of the crowd. Sipping on a peppermint Mojito- tis’ the season. The TV was set to a pro-bending tournament, which she hadn't paid attention to.
Her attention was drawn to a boisterous chatter at the door. A group of people came in, laughing, and dressed uniformly.
At the tail end of the group was a woman, in her thirties, porcelain skin, black chopped hair and a pair of scars on her cheek.
The woman saw Kya, too, excusing herself from the others and coming up to her.
“Are you stalking me?” Lin asked, setting an elbow on the bar and leaning in.
“I could ask you the same.”
“Hah, I always come here on Saturday. Like clockwork.”
Kya had an inkling her mother may have had some ulterior motives sending Kya here.
It was frustrating, but Kya had to applaud her mother's nonchalance.
“Well you got me. Take me away, officer,” Kya said, holding out her wrists.
Lin smiled, looking at the table of her colleagues, then back to Kya.
“Why don't we pretend you weren't drinking alone, and you come join us?”
“Saving me twice today? Someone is looking out for me.”
“Seems to me you're still owed a proper Republic City welcome.”
“Your rating just went up, Beifong.”
Lin smiled, ushering Kya to their table.
“Everyone, this is Kya Cloud.” Lin introduced. Kya watched the same gears turn in their heads as she had with Lin earlier.
“She'd like to join us tonight, if that's alright.”
No one protested, and Kya slid into the booth next to Lin.
She absorbed their stories, shopping recommendations, restaurant recommendations and tourism tips for RC. By midnight she had a comprehensive list of everything Republic City had to offer.
She had also had another Peppermint Mojito, a Gingerbread Martini, and a shared pitcher of Apple Cranberry Sangria.
“Have a good night everyone!” Lin said, watching her coworkers leave. The two of them were left in the booth.
“You didn't want to go with them?” Kya asked.
“Why not? And don't say because I needed a walk home.”
“Hah, I'm wasted. As soon as I stand up I'm going to hit the floor. Didn't want them to see me like this.”
Kya laughed, sliding out of the booth, offering her own dizzy hand to Lin, who took it.
“You got cash?” Lin asked.
“A bit, why?”
“Tip the bartender. I used all mine on the pitcher.” Kya pulled her cash out, leaving it on the table as the two of them headed outside for the sobering cold. They walked a ways, shivering slightly at the brisk air, before Lin pulled a cigarette from her pocket, using a lighter to ignite it.
“You know those are terrible for you,” Kya told her.
“Yup,” Lin replied, handing it to her. Kya accepted taking a puff before handing it back.
“So, you're back for the holidays?” Lin asked her.
“Yeah, my brother had a baby. Figured it warranted a visit.”
“Really? Which brother?”
“Tenzin, the younger one.”
“Wow, I remember going to school with him. He always wanted a family, so that's good to hear.”
“Yeah. A little girl, Jinora.”
Lin nodded, taking another puff.
“And what about Bumi?”
“Still with the United Forces Navy. He's coming back in a couple days. His service will be over in… a couple years I think? Got a couple medals, and don't ask because I'm terrible at that stuff.”
Kya watched as Lin took another long, contemplative puff before handing the cig back to Kya.
“And you?” Lin asked.
Kya scoffed on her exhale, relishing the warmth of the smoke on her face.
“I move around a lot for work. I'm a doctor, wherever a patient needs me to be one. Just came from Ba Sing Se.”
“How's the patient?”
“Jeez, I'm sorry.”
“Don't be,” Kya said, handing what little was left of the cigarette back to Lin, “she was old, she knew it was coming. I was there easing the pain.”
Lin seemed satisfied with that, and her cigarette had run out, so they kept walking. They were making their way towards the ferry, and as the alcohol wore off, Kya was starting to feel the real effects of the cold.
“Can I ask you something?” Kya asked as they walked.
“I got them on duty. Apprehending a getaway driver for a triad.”
“Oh, uh, I'm sorry.”
“Don't be, I haven't even told you the worst part.”
“The driver was my sister.”
Sister. That was right, there were two Beifong children… Lin and…
“Suyin.” Kya stated. Lin seemed impressed, and nodded.
“She was young, dumb, and fell in with the wrong crowd. We've… made up, sort of. I visit once a year, if just to see the kids.”
“She has kids?
“Yup, four with one on the way.”
“Wow.” Kya said, unsure of what to make of that. She didn't even know what Suyin looked like anymore. It was hard to picture the toddler she once knew with five kids.
They were coming up on the pier, and Kya was getting tired of seeing her frosty breath in front of her.
“You don't have to come on the ferry,” Kya told her, “I get it's a hassle, really I'll be okay.”
“It won't affect the rating, will it?” Lin teased, sticking her hands in her coat.
Kya laughed, shaking her head.
“Of course not. Assuming I don't get mugged aboard.”
“Well, if you do, you know where to find me.”
Lin said. The Chief removed a single cold hand from her coat, offering Kya a handshake, which Kya accepted.
They bade their farewells and Kya continued on to the ferry, opting to sit indoors and warm up.
She had to wait ten minutes for the change of the hour before the boat departed, but the journey across was only twenty minutes.
She used the time to reflect on her night, how it had immediately improved upon Lin’s arrival at the bar. She wished she had a better way to express her gratitude.
When they docked she tipped the ferryman, and made for the warmth of the temple.
As expected, her mom was already asleep. Kya went for the pitcher of water and poured herself a glass, hoping to curve the hangover she was going to have tomorrow.
She made her way up the stairs, pausing at her mother's door, but moving on.
She laid in bed, her mind once again drifting to the events of the day, and how circumstances had guided her interactions with Chief Beifong twice.
How many times before she could stop the coincidence excuse?
“Coming!” Kya said, walking to the door. The bell had gone off, and her mother's hands were full with bed sheets as she prepared for the prodigal son’s return.
“hel- Lin?”
“morning Kya,” the earthbender said, her arms crossed.
“did I forget something or-”
“Actually, I'm here for Katara. You don't mind if I borrow her for a moment, do you?”
Kya was caught off guard, and she was well aware of her processing delay crossing her slow response.
“right, of course, come on in.”
“Chief Beifong in the flesh! You aren't fed up with me and Kya yet?”
“fed up with you? Me? Never. I brought those papers you inquired about last night. I know you won't have another order of business till after the holidays, and it seems you have your hands full here, or you're about to, so I figured I'd bring them over early. Take your time, I just need them back before the hearing on the second.”
“Absolutely it's no problem Lin, and thank you so much. I'm surprised you didn't send one of your ‘henchmen’”
“my ‘henchmen’ are far and few right now. No one wants to work over the holidays.”
“and you shouldn't either,”
“heh, I've had my fun. I went to Zaofu last week. I just got back yesterday- when I ran into Kya actually.”
Kya allowed herself to drift into the conversation at the mention of her name.
“good for you! How are Su and the kids?”
Kya could see Lin bite her tongue, and she wanted to ask for the tea, but refrained in fear of coming on too strong.
“as good as they'll ever be.” Lin replied after a thoughtful pause.
“and you?” Katara asked, surprising Kya by placing her hands on either side of Lin’s face.
“good as I’ll ever be.” Katara didn't seem convinced, but she released the earthbender. Lin looked at Kya, a shameful look on her face. Like a guilty puppy.
“Why don't you come for dinner tonight?” Katara asked.
“I shouldn't. Kya tells me you're getting the other thirds this afternoon. You've got a full house.”
“Really it's fine,” Kya interjected. “I mean, there's plenty of food, and you've been such a help.” Lin looked torn. Like her heart said yes but her head said no.
Kya told herself she would accept either verdict.
“Alright, but just for dinner. I refuse to disrupt your family anymore.”
“Of course, we will see you tonight then, Lin.”
Katara said.
“I'll walk you out,” Kya offered. The door was only a few meters behind them, but Kya walked anyway.
“Thanks,” Lin said, placing her nimble fingers on the doorknob.
“It's no problem, really.” Kya assured her. “Holidays, right? No one should be alone.”
Lin nodded, her hands turning the knob slightly.
“Right. Um, last night… you had fun, right?” Lin asked nervously.”
Kya looked at her, not in an inspection way, but in the most honest way she knew how.
“Of course. My mom can't stop teasing me about it.”
“We should do it again sometime,” Lin suggested, and Kya felt her heart skip a beat.
“Yeah, totally.”
Lin's hand finished turning the knob.
“I'll see you tonight, Kya.”
“See you tonight,” Kya replied, watching her step out into the snow, closing the door behind her.
“You are an evil woman mother,” she said, shaking her head.
“I have no idea what you are talking about.”
“Mhmm, so you just sent me to the random cop bar last night?”
“It's the only bar I know about.”
“Right and it happens to be a cop bar?”
“Lin's the only person in the city that I know goes to bars.”
“And inviting her over?”
“She's a friend Kya, we see each other all the time. I helped her with her… accident a while back. You get close in a situation like that.”
Kya eyed her mother suspiciously but decided to let it slide.
She was onto Katara, but truthfully, she didn't mind.
In fact, she was hoping things went well tonight, even if it meant her mother had to do a little meddling.
Things were just as exciting as Kya had anticipated when her brothers arrived. They were both coming from different directions, but their arrival times appeared to be coordinated with Tenzin and company arriving fifteen minutes after Bumi.
“How was your trip?” Katara asked, embracing her youngest in a hug.
“It was fantastic, mother.”
“Mm, so we can expect baby number two in nine months?” Kya teased, earning herself a swat from Katara.
“I prepared the rooms for you guys, washed your sheets and everything. Little Jinora's nursery is all ready for her upstairs.”
“Perfect, I think this one could use a nap, inside a real house, with an actual crib.” Pema stated, taking Jinora inside.
With all of them together the absence of their father was more noticeable. It had only been ten months since his passing, and the first holiday season without him. Kya could see the pained look in her mother's eye, but she knew that offering a hug would only make it worse.
At least they had a baby to help fill the void of Avatar Aang.
Kya helped Bumi and Tenzin carry their belongings inside, like the good sister she was, while she thought about what it would mean for them to have a festive dinner without her dad.
Surely Bumi would take over the toast because he was the oldest? Or Tenzin because he was also an arrowhead?
Either way she was off the hook, which meant she could focus on the chief.
“Lin will be joining us tonight,” Katara told the boys.
“Lin? I haven't seen her in…well it has to be over a decade,” Bumi said.
“How did you manage to convince Lin to join us?” Tenzin asked, looking up the stairs for his wife.
“Oh you are too hard on her Tenzin. She was happy to come. Plus I owe her one for taking care of your sister.”
“You got arrested?” Bumi asked, directing his inquiry at Kya.
“Excuse me? I got robbed at the train station and she caught the guy. Why did you automatically assume I was the perpetrator?”
“It wouldn't be the first time,” Bumi stuck his tongue out and Kya wanted to slap him.
“You got robbed? Kya are you okay?” Tenzin asked, and Kya nodded her head.
“Bumi, see how he was concerned for my well being? Yes Tenzin I am fine, I didn't even lose anything. The guy tried to make a run for it and Lin stuck her arm out and basically throat-punched the guy as he sprinted down the platform.”
“Badass,” Bumi commented, earning a glare from his brother and mother.
“Anyway,” Katara interjected, “I invited her for dinner, it's bad enough she has to work this time of year. The least we can do is offer her a warm meal and some company.”
“Didn't she make up with her sister?” Tenzin asked.
“Yes, but she went last week to see them. As the Chief she's kind of expected to be here over the holidays.”
The others seemed convinced and Kya leaned into Bumi's ear.
“Plus, Lin is super hot now,” she said, earning a raised eyebrow from her older brother.
She caught her mother's smirk, and Kya realized she may not have been as quiet as she'd thought.
Dinner time came, and with it so did snow, and of course, Republic City Police Chief Lin Beifong.
She came in, an impressive bottle of wine in her hand, and allowed Kya to take her coat.
They exchanged small greetings before Kya led her to the dining room. In the better lighting Kya was able to make out more of her features and clothing.
Her pants were gray Khaki's which she paired with a black turtleneck and a black and gold belt.
Kya felt underdressed in her corduroys, but she took solace in knowing she was still more put together than either of her brothers.
“Welcome Lin, please take a seat.” Katara greeted, gesturing to the chair next to her, in between Katara and Kya.
“Thank you for having me everyone,” Lin said as she sat down.
“It's no problem dear. I owe you one for keeping Kya safe, and busy the other night.”
Kya immediately blushed, sure of the insinuation her brother would read into.
Sure enough Bumi smirked at her, and she forced herself to look away.
“Just doing my job, Katara. Tenzin, Pema, Katara tells me you just got back from the Eastern Air temple, how was it?”
“It was beautiful,” Tenzin told her.
“But no place for a newborn, the building is far too drafty. Trying to get Jinora to sleep when the wind is echoing throughout the entire place was a nightmare.”
Kya chuckled a bit, satisfied with Pema's honesty. Tenzin had good intentions, but he was the kind of willfully naive type.
He was optimistic, without the necessary caution. Something he'd learn as a father no doubt.
“And Bumi, I've heard much word of you over the years, Rear Admiral.”
Kya was aware of her brother's status in the Navy, but truthfully she had no idea what rankings meant. She remembered when he was made Lieutenant, and that was a good thing. “Rear” made it sound worse but “Admiral” sounded like a promotion.
Lin was congratulating him, so Kya took it as an improvement.
“You sure know how to make a guy feel special,” Bumi said, “I appreciate that Lin. Take notes, Kya.”
Kya waved him off, plucking a piece of her meal onto a fork and stuffing her mouth.
“Well Lin, we've heard the story from Kya, but we would love to hear your perception of what happened at the train station the other day.”
“Of course,” Lin said, placing her utensils gently on either side of her plate.
“I'm getting off the train, I'd just come from a long, and I mean LONG week at Zaofu. I step into the republic city air, honestly I was looking forward to it. Then I hear this woman shouting, pulling a suitcase behind her, flailing her arms. And a man she's running behind and instinct kind of just kicked in. I stretched out my arm and he hit it. I will never forget the look on Kya's face though. Jaw agape, sweat coating her brow and her eyes shocked and relieved. Went through all of the emotions in a single moment.”
The table burst into laughter, and Kya did too. The whole thing seemed so silly and spontaneous now.
“I owe you one, Lin,” Kya joked, “next time you need a bad guy apprehended and you're double booked let me know. Can't promise it'll be as clean as what you are used to, but it'll get done.”
“Mmm, it's very tempting Kya, don't make a promise you can't keep.”
“I can keep it.”
“Wonderful to hear, you want to go to work for me tomorrow?”
“Can't, holiday plans,” Kya grinned. The look on Lin's face was… confusing.
Captivating, titillating, flirtatious.
Uh oh.
Kya was now well aware of the table watching their banter and she wanted to excuse herself but doing so would confirm what they were all thinking.
She side eyed her brother's smirk and returned to her meal with a blush.
Luckily her mother offered to get the dessert and the conversation continued to flow smoothly for the rest of the meal.
It was nearly 9:30 pm before they were wrapped up. After a glass of wine (or two) Lin was ready to leave so Kya offered to walk with her to the ferry.
“You know,” Lin started, “you don't have to make excuses to come see me.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, if you wanted to stop by the police station sometime you could say it's to follow up on the train station thief. Or you could say you wanted to see me.”
“And why would I say that?” Kya played along.
“Because you wanted to ask me on a second date.”
“Think you skipped a step there, Lin. The wine get to you? Or was it my gingersnaps?”
“On the contrary, Kya, I think it was you. My head hasn't been quite right since the day I saved your purse.”
“Anything I can help with? I'm a healer after all.”
“Probably. I have some free time Saturday at seven. We could go to Zoryu's Palace at seven-thirty.”
“Why not seven?” Kya asked.
“I need time to pick you up.” Lin replied.
It was something about the nonchalance, yet the nervousness. All of the personality, but the withholding words that tempted Kya into saying yes.
One day, Lin would ask her why she agreed to get dinner with the Chief of Police and Kya would tell her it was because she wanted to say thanks, or that Lin's charismatic charm had won her over.
But truthfully, Kya had known she met her match from the moment she saw her throat punch the thief at the train station.
"It's a date."
#legend of korra#kyalin#hallmark#hallmark fic#i actually really love this#once upon a time i wouldve expanded but the one shots are good enough for me#lin is a rizzler#they are both the career woman#korrasami#atla
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I disagree with all of the takes about how elphaba was less into glinda than glinda was into elphaba, if only because imo of all the ways to make sense of wickeds bizzare politics "elphaba's just down that bad for glinda", is by far the easiest and simplest. imo.
#elphaba randomly deciding at the end what the animals *really* need to save them#is a radical centrist who's spent her political career as the wizards biggest cheerleader#is maybe the most insane part of wicked to me#actually the most insane part is that it actually works#those two woman are BOTH stupid about each other#and that's how u know it's true love :)#(in the book i do think glinda being wayyy more down is true tho srry book glinda)#wicked#gelphie
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The mortifying ordeal of being known and all that, but the contrast between my advisor, who has known me for 12 years at this point, giving encouragement under the form of "kill perfectionism", "try to derive enjoyment from writing" and "in order to edit we need a manuscript" vs. the career director who has known me for 2 giving it as "Your advisor told me you are moving along well, I'm certain you'll write an excellent thesis and I congratulate you" is in and of itself such an amusing testimony of *gestures vaguely* you know what I mean.
#career director: this woman is probably paralyzed by poor self esteem#Advisor: this woman is paralyzed by the impossibly high standards she subjects herself to#they are both very kind to me#And neither I think is per se wrong#But one take seems from my pov the most insightful and helpful of the two#which one of the two is unsurprising#well of course I myself deep down believe I'm paralyzed by cowardice and laziness#But I guess you can argue how that could derive from both judgements above#so
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So I finished all the song quests for the latest event, and so now I'm just playing SONG LETTER on repeat (now that I'm at home on wifi and can watch the video without the lag killing me instantly). As you do.
And I absently started thinking about QUARTET NIGHT ships—y'know, also as you do. In this case, specifically the ships that you (or I, at least) don't usually see.
And now I want a serious, slowburn Reiji/Camus fic to exist so bad dammit.
#uta no prince-sama#camus utapri#kotobuki reiji#utapri ships#QUARTET NIGHT#think about it though!#the judgey bitch (affectionate) and the self-effacing clown!#both matching perfectionists!#mr. vaunts his hostility and mr. bottles everything till it utterly explodes!#not to mention how Reiji performs a similar role to Haruka's everywoman and career-woman duality in the VNs#tell me that man wouldn't don an apron and start cleaning Camus's house for him given 40% of a justifiable excuse to do so#you can't. because he would#oh btw did I mention mr. always in the right and mr. everything's my fault always#imagine Camus being forced to admit for Reiji's or their relationship's sake that Reiji is not only valuable but precious and irreplacable#fuck. imagine Reiji being forced to accept such a powerful assertion of his own worth#they are JUICY
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society if felisa valdez had been brought back as eddie's love interest instead of marisol

#like i'd still be rooting for buddie endgame but god at least felisa is interesting#she has a personality and a backstory and a career and a best friend and. yknow. a goddamn last name#i would have enjoyed having her onscreen and i think her relationship with eddie would have been interesting#both of them dealing with past trauma... eddie navigating the weirdness of dating a celebrity... their fun skeptic/believer dynamic...#if we're still going for a repressed gay eddie storyline then instead of the stupid fucking nun outfit#we could have gotten something like eddie wondering 'i'm dating a woman literally thousands of men dream about dating#so why am i somehow still not attracted to her or in love with her? what am i looking for in a partner if she's not it?'#and tbh felisa seems so sweet and developed such a genuine friendship with eddie in her one episode#that i could honestly see him coming out to her first because that's less scary and less real than coming out to anyone at the 118#we could have had it alllllll#911 abc#911 lb
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PPLN prompt: pamela pink
Kicking things off with a niche podcast, love it.
Pamela, like Rosalind, is a flatter character in season 1 who rounds out in season 2. What I think is interesting about her is that while the end of season 1 involves Bea and Brenda in conflict over what stories they should tell and how far they should push until Arden becomes harmful and exploitative, in season 2 Pamela is the one working to try to get their story out there. We follow that journalist as he conducts an audit, and Pamela's the one who asked him to do so (and begs him not to kill her story, saying it's the best thing she's ever made). It's a reminder that multiple people have ownership over a piece of media, including the producers who aren't as front and center as the personalities hosting it. (Since I think listeners are primed to think of this as something Bea and Brenda made.) And it's interesting that Bea and Brenda are staying hands off, while it's the level headed producer with a bit more distance who's now emotionally invested.
We also learn that Pamela's been struggling with infertility, which has been its own labor-intensive, highly scheduled project just as intricate as running a show. While I can't relate to wanting to have kids, I can relate to her frustration that "this is something my body should be able to do". It sucks when your body betrays you. Cis women often receive a lot of pressure about having kids and how it's the specialist most magical thing they're able to do, gag, so women who can't sometimes feel like they're failing at existence, or at least failing at gender.
I hadn't made this connection until just now typing this out, but I wonder if part of Pamela's intense investment in getting Arden season 2 released is connected to that struggle. She's put so much effort in. She wants to make something. Why won't the universe let her have that?
#perpetual perpetual ladies night#the stereotype of the career woman substituting work for family#except she wants BOTH and the universe won't let her have EITHER#arden pod
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andrew garfield chicken shop this...andrew garfield movie tour press that...did anyone see his blue sweater/glasses combo in we live in time
#MAKE SOME NOISEEEEEE !!!#ellie yodels#unironically idk man. like it was kinda really just a romance movie.#but it hit so close to home for me#as a career driven bisexual with reproductive health issues....lmfaoooo i jest but not really...#also her last like significant serious relationship was with a woman and then she meets a man who she ends up spending her life w ........#like she was literally me......#except i was 22 when i started to have significant health issues not. 35 or whatever. also it's not cancer thankfully#anyway.......#my partner and i were crying the whole movie cause it was just so us. like it was freakish in some ways#he's v tobias.....soft emotionally in touch guy.......she's a stubborn maybe too stubborn at times career driven bisexual with health issue#that shes also very stubborn about....to her own detriment.......competitive and hard on herself....not sure if she wants kids...#until the health issues cause her to confront that more directly and she meets someone she could see herself having kids WITH......#so the scenes where she was being stubborn about her health. ooooof. hit hard hard hard for both of us lmaoo#anyway this is getting 2 personal .... <3 xoxo#me clicking post now next to the “for everyone” button after just saying this is getting too personal. yeah this is for everyone :)
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Don't agree with that Dora post going around. We actually do have evidence that she didn't leave without a word. They had plenty of fights. Plenty of words. They literally broke up multiple times over the course of their relationship. She would leave, or he would leave, and they would end up orbiting around one another and coming back. That's where the problem lies; she didn't come back. I do agree with that poster that there is that feeling of Harry being able to "solve" everything else but he couldn't fix the one thing in his life that he feels he should have which was his most treasured relationship with a woman who he literally worshiped.
Why wasn't he ever good enough? Why couldn't he change? Why was she so cruel? I did what you wanted! Please come back I love you!
A mess that would have never worked out because they weren't healthy for one another, and it destroyed him. I don't believe there was really a lack of closer in the traditional way we might think of "she just left". No, she really didn't just leave. It was a long, drawn-out mess and there is this thought in the back of his head that "well we have done this before". That is the lack of closure he feels. She always came back. Why won't she come back?
#disco elysium#also do not get it twisted i do not think dota is a bad woman i think they were REALLY not good for one another and came from two dif worlds#i think they both shat the bed on this one and shouldnt have ever dated in the first place#and i think its extra complicated because he did the thing no one should do which is to try and upend his career to make her happy#joining the goddamn RCM for a GIRL was so so stupid
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𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓪.𝓴.𝓪 𝓐𝔂𝓮 𝓢𝓾𝓾 - အေးစု
#the sims 3#sims 3#ts3#the sims#simblr#alice mccann#first of all her full name is alice aye suu mccann#as a courtesy to her paternal grandmother who is a bamar born in Myanmar and the most and maybe only truly supportive family member#if we go to historic and therefore realistic conclusions#her grandma moved to the mainland Britain from then British Burma most likely and etc.#she is also the person who raised her mostly#and when alice came out as bisexual to her family after all and admitted being in love with the woman ( cathy )#she supported her unconditionally unlike her parents#i think she will build her future career in clothing business and both she and Cathy will move to the capital London later on
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fuck if you click the jaden link on my pinned (it's just search results if you look up her name) she really is being flanderized at the moment. by me. she's not defined by violence i promise she has depths trust me......
#oh god incoming yapping about her in the tags. didn't expect it to be this long waugh#her taking up that yuppie persona isn't just because she likes bespoke suits it's because she feels like that's what she needs to do to be#taken seriously as a woman. always being parroted at told what to do and not to do more than her male peers do yknow#(but like i said she does like dressing up leaning more masculine if she were given the chance to do anything she would keep doing that)#the want of violence is manifestation for lacking control in her own life#she hates authority but not in the punk way. she rebels because she hates being told what to do given that was what all her life was#she wants to be the boot is what i'm saying. she will never side with the anarchs but she also might defect from the cams at some point#also she's a character that was born outta my mind that finds yuppies and failchildren fascinating irl i couldn't care less about#people like her's struggles like oh you had a rich father had many opportunities and can just throw money around like it's nothing#idgaf if your father disliked you ngl#like yea her problems were you to view it from an outsider's perspective is very first world rich girl and i won't really care either BUT#it's important for her character arc !#that's why i liken her to a chained dog often esp in the events of vtmb. the 'chained' part here is integral. could even be a chained wolf#both iggy and lacroix can acts foils to her but i won't get to that here lol#i like ironically referring her to as a girlboss but i don't think she cares about being a representation for women in what is usually the#sense for that word. but she's also not a fuck you i got mine either she's just an ambitious career climber#well she didn't know what that felt like in life being a nepo baby and all but all that work for lacroix taught her a lesson in job securit#chixtalks
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this whole cohabitation of inherently contradictory narratives among supposedly informed, progressive, athlete-focused gym fans has really started to bother me. (and im not exempting myself from this criticism like im sure theres stuff ive argued in recent years that seems hypocritical if not outright being so). but just the entire nature of the reality of the sport, juxtaposed with the commentary about the girls and women who do it at the top level, tends to be both infantilizing and..... idk if theres a word for this or if its just not coming to mind rn but. "over-empowering"...?
#like either u need to be protected from the big bad world of critical commentary and fan hate OR ur a responsible mature elite athlete#one or the other cmon they cant both be true lol#like either ur a wittle baby at the mercy of ur coaches or ur a grown woman who makes all the choices about ur career for urself
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never forget when andrew lloyd webber made the phantom of the opera's opera that he wrote named "don juan triumphant"
that is the one thing that he does not do
in fact this is a major part of the story
#not with anna not with zerlina and not really with elvira#on a more serious note by writing this opera and then him sneaking in to play the role he compares himself to don juan/giovanni#and christine to aminta who is a figure similar to zerlina#then raoul is. basically just don ottavio if he was french#which works i mean in the mozart opera don giovanni promises zerlina that she would be rich if she goes with him#and the phantom lures christine in with the promise of a beautiful voice and a successful career#ofc the phantom is more like the romantic vision of don giovanni where it's like#'ohhhh i'm a tortured lonely soul who wants to find the ideal woman look at how sad i am'#than the version depicted in the mozart opera who is definitely evil#as for raoul. well.#he and ottavio are both usually criticized for being bland ineffectual characters who don't take other peoples' fears seriously#i can't say i necessarily agree with all that. but. they do resemble each other a lot.#operaposting#don giovanni#phantom of the opera#the phantom of the opera
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something something shizuka trying so hard to be bigger and badder than their body and the repression they were forced to endure on account of their appearances-defined upbringing something something shizuka having been hurt so deeply by past relationships that they have to be bigger and badder than anyone who might get the funny idea of 'fixing' them something something shizuka working with men that would eat the common man alive so they have to be so big and so bad that they register a 'friend' rather than 'prey' something something shizuka going home to a quiet and lonely apartment and being too exhausted to keep up the facade for their own reflection.
#it's about performance! performance for them did not end in the cabaret!#they have to play just enough of a woman that no one ever questions their identity!#they have to play just enough of a man that their professional career is taken seriously!#and inside they are neither and both and sometimes one and sometimes the other but mostly they're TIRED!#they wanna wipe off the stage makeup and be themself for maybe five whole minutes!
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first, a hand photo on yunhos story and then a jongho gym photo in a beanie with rolled up sleeves,,, making the 2ho bias in me dizzy😵💫,,, dont even get me started on yeehaw yuyu and the jongho bf post in the butterfly shirt🫠
#the way theyre posting the most delectable stories is wild to me#both during my shift too😭😩#they know how to treat a career woman on a 10 hr shift😔✊#yuyu my love🫶#jongho mi amor🫶#atz#random
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I can't remember if I even talked abt it or not when I posted that drawing of Nel but like the scars on her calf is from her earth's Lizard, I came up w it on the spot when working on that drawing bc I haven't actually thought out of scars and stuff lore wise from her atp
but yeah it's not super interesting but during a battle he swiped and ended up hitting leg in the middle of it lol
#text#random nel lore bc i just remembered it again#if i did talk abt it then oh well#penelope rosewood#earth 761#oh yeah lizard is curt still 👍#they dont have beef when they're civilians they're actually pretty chill since they're both in the science careers so the chat occasionally#when they cross paths or whatever#but when as spider woman now she's just pissed off abt the whole ass gash in her leg and now she has no idea how the make an excuse/story up#for that wound sdkgjffd#she'll think of something outrageous
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ngl this whole taylor swift is not a feminist bc she's blocking charli xcx from getting no1 thing is so funny to me bc like. way to tell everyone u got your feminist principles from twitter baby. oh no she's doing her job? furthering her career? competing in her industry? that thing that everybody does? that thing where if she were a man no one would even question her success? yh sure sounds like she hates women you're right darling :(
#taylor swift#it's not antifeminist to do your job 😭🙏🙏🙏#i actually think this whole conversation is even more misogynistic than it first appears because it also seems to assume#that every competition between women is necessarily a catfight. a woman is not a bitch for competing against another woman in her career.#i saw a post that was like 'taylor is not a girl's girl bc she's blocking charli' i'm sorry WHAT R U ON?#she doesn't have to 'give' charli no1 just bc she's a woman!!!!#also realistically they both would've known this before releasing. taylor historically has multiple week streaks at no1 when she releases#charli would've known that!! or her team should've done their research better!! this is not taylor's problem!!#if you want no1 - strategise better 🙏🙏
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