#they always looked so smug knowing that if we did our job they would do theirs
adamofingolstadt · 1 year
Thinking about when I worked in a haunted house and we had to ban 3 separate groups of cops from coming through in full uniform (and weapons) and then harassing the actors.
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sixosix · 10 months
and his voice is a familiar sound | scaramouche
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forced proximity + childhood friends reuniting, humor, kissing and tension. suggestive implications and suggestive humor, a bit of scara’s mommy issues, wc 5k
ft. a down bad jealous bf scaramouche, bffs heizou and kazuha, and aether bc aether always has to be there
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“If I ask you to come with us for a vacation, would you say yes?”
Your bedroom was already too cramped for one person, with what you could afford with your money after quitting your part-time job. It made it incredibly difficult for all parties involved when you invited someone over, especially when that person had no concept of personal space. You barely looked up from the pages of your book, humming halfheartedly to whatever Heizou is saying. You heard vacation and instantly decided to not waste your time.
Heizou must have sensed these thoughts, too, because he forces himself into your field of view by nearly climbing over your lap. “Hey, look at me. Would you say yes?”
“Heizou!” you hissed, pushing him off before Heizou could wrinkle the pages of the book that’s definitely overdue for borrowing time. You started to think about taking another part-time job if your friends kept inviting themselves over and invading your personal space.
Heizou looked at you, his face doing a complicated combination of a frown and a smug grin. “Come on. You never join us on trips…”
“For good reason,” you said, gesturing to the lapful of Heizou you are currently getting bombarded with.
“You’re so mean,” Heizou laughed, thankfully getting off your lap. He refused to let go of you, however, immediately wrapping an arm over your shoulder and pressing up against your side. This must be one of his techniques to make the people he was questioning feel restricted. It was working. “How will you get yourself to settle for a nice, young man with that attitude? What are you even reading?”
“I grabbed whatever book had a pleasing cover so I can tune your nonsense out.” It wasn’t exactly a lie.
“What?” Heizou clapped the book shut and turned to you with the eyes of a reprimanding mother. “I swear I’m being serious. Can’t you consider it for even a minute? You’re breaking my heart. Plus, Kazuha’s the one who’s inviting us out.”
Hmm. What a compelling argument. Heizou knew that no one could ever say no to Kazuha. You wouldn’t really care if your absence would break Heizou’s heart, but Kazuha’s disappointed eyes were enough to put a god to their knees.
You zeroed in on Heizou’s wording. “Who’s ‘us’?”
Heizou started listing each with a raise of a finger. “Just Kazuha and Aether—and a friend we met recently. Kazuha invited him.”
You frowned. You didn’t know Aether visited again. “How the hell did Aether get invited?” Then, upon careful reflection: “And who’s the new friend?”
“If he was around, why not, right?” Heizou laughed, carefully setting the overdue book aside from your view. “The new friend’s Scaramouche. Have you met him before?”
What a strange name. Kazuha always managed to befriend people from all over, like a child bringing home turtles and a new species of bugs. You made a note to look him up. “Never heard of him.”
He hummed. “Said he came from Sumeru but he looked pretty Inazuman to me. Funny guy. He’s like a disgruntled baby brother.”
“And you only met him, what, recently? Why is he invited to our group already?” you asked, like the territorial person you are. How come it seemed like you were the last to know about this guy?
Aether was alright. Aether came back every few months to check up on everyone and got roped into all kinds of things with your friends, so you knew him well enough already. You liked his long braid. Heizou and Kazuha had been your friends for as long as you could remember being a college student.
Heizou grinned, patting your head. “Scaramouche’s nice, I promise. You wouldn’t even notice he’s there.”
At your dubious stare, Heizou amended, “C’mon, do you think I’m the type to befriend an asshole?”
Yes, but Heizou wasn’t the type to befriend a major asshole whose opinions he vehemently disagreed with, and he thought belonged better in jail, so you had to think about it for a bit. At the very least, this new guy didn’t seem like a criminal.
Your friends loved traveling, with Kazuha mostly being the culprit, but you liked staying inside most of the time. They never forced you to go with them, so why was Heizou being suspiciously persistent today?
“I think he’s your type,” Heizou finally said, caving in.
“You’re trying to hook me up with him?”
“Not exactly… but you two would seem cute.” He went silent for a thoughtful moment. “I mean, I wouldn’t be opposed if you slept together.”
You made a face.
Heizou laughed brightly. “Alright, alright. You can go back to being the good poster student you are if you promise to think about it. Seriously. Kazuha’s moving to Liyue soon—he’s probably inviting us out because of that.”
“I’ll think about it,” you said, reaching around for your book.
You would. What Heizou said about Kazuha made you remember that there are only a few weeks left until this is all over—then, after that, you all might go your separate ways. That thought floated around your mind for a little while as Heizou made himself comfortable on your bed, sighing before he dozed off.
You sighed, shuffling to give him space. “If this is your way of trying to make me get laid, try to at least be subtle and not weird me out before I even meet the guy.”
You stalked Kazuha’s Insta to search up this Scaramouche guy and nearly dropped your phone.
scaramouche11206. It was empty, entirely useless for your research. Scaramouche’s profile was a public account, had zero posts, and had four people he was following. It was Kazuha, Aether, Heizou, and a Vahumana Darshan update page.
You checked the tagged posts, and your jaw dropped to the ground.
Scaramouche was Kunikuzushi.
Heizou was taking a group selfie in the image, his tongue stuck out and winking while the camera showed two other men. On the left was Kazuha, with his ever-polite smile, then on the other, with the all-black getup was what the tags said was scaramouche11206.
It was a little difficult to tell why you were enamoured with the masked face with a short hime cut for a moment, but the piercing stare to the camera couldn’t be mistaken. It was a minute of staring before it clicked. This was your Kunikuzushi.
You dialed Heizou before you could even think about it.
“What…? It’s five a.m.” He sounded like he just woke up, “What’s up?”
You swiped back to the image of Scaramouche, as if staring at it any longer would imprint each pixel to your brain and bring him to life before you. “Hey, where’s Kazuha? Tell him I’m going.”
Summer. The cicadas rang in your ears. They chirped about as you and Kunikuzushi trudged further into the forest. Sunlight peeked through the leaves, splashing Kunikuzushi’s beautiful face in a delicate glow.
Komorebi. Shadows scattered on the ground. Kunikuzushi lifted his head and turned to you. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
His voice was quiet, but even with the wind and the singing cicadas, you could hear him loud and clear. You could pick out his voice from a crowd. Your heart would know where to find him.
“I like looking at you,” you said. “I like you.”
He accepted the answer and continued walking. You beamed. Usually, Kunikuzushi would scoff and bat your words away, hiding his flustered face. But he didn’t.
Longing. Kunikuzushi turned back to you, stopping in his steps. You nearly bumped onto his back. “Do you like me enough to marry me?”
Was this a marriage proposal? You tried to think of you and Kunikuzushi, walking down aisles and reciting vows, and almost laughed. But then you tried to think of anyone else. You tried to think of a life without Kunikuzushi.
You thought of Kunikuzushi with anyone else and nearly threw up in his face. “You’re the only one for me.”
“Even if I hurt you?”
You frowned. “You would never hurt me, Kuni.”
Kunikuzushi’s expression crumpled. He could never hide anything from you; he was too expressive, eyes round and lip trembling. Your heart sunk to your stomach. You reached for his hands and forced him to look at you. “Kuni, what’s wrong? Did something happen?”
He looked at the ground. “I said I didn’t want to live with her anymore. I didn’t really think Mom would make Aunt Nahida take me.”
The cicadas faded. The world fell into a hush. Your grip on his hands grew weak. “What?”
Kunikuzushi didn’t have a good relationship with his mother; you knew that. They were complicated. They always fought and he grew up to loathe her. You knew that. But you didn’t think…
You breathed in deeply. It was not Kunikuzushi’s fault. It was not Ei’s—and definitely not Nahida’s fault. It was just the way things go sometimes.
You forced a laugh, hoping to ease the troubled expression on his face. “Were you proposing because you’re moving away?”
Kunikuzushi blushed. “Shut up.”
Your face softened. He was always so cute when his face was as red as the red by his eyes.
Kunikuzushi inhaled sharply, taking your hands and looking at you with a determined glint in his eyes. “If I were going to ask you out, I would do it better than anyone who would try to marry you. So don’t entertain them.”
The trip’s plan was basically swimming when you could, staying at a hotel, driving out of the hotel to eat somewhere cheaper, and it would be stretched out for a few days. All in all, it didn’t sound too bad. With the type of people you were going out with, you were expecting a lot more drinking (Kazuha) and near-death-related activities (Aether). Although Heizou said it was Kazuha’s trip, he was apparently mistaken.
“It was originally for Scaramouche and his family, but his mother had last-minute changes and couldn’t go,” Kazuha explained as he helped you fit your luggage in the trunk of Aether’s car. “Scaramouche said it would be a waste and told me to invite my friends.”
“Woo-hoo, Scaramouche’s mom!” Heizou cheered.
“When we met her, it seemed like you hated her,” Kazuha mused as Heizou climbed inside the car. You were in the passenger seat while the two were shoved in the back. It seemed that even if you moved to a bigger apartment, you’d end up suffocated by Inazuman men either way.
“Hard not to after hearing Scara’s contempt for her. I’m an empath or something.” 
Aether adjusted the side mirrors. “Are we forgetting anything?”
“Where’s the Scaramouche guy?” you asked.
Heizou cast you a sly smile. “He’s already at the hotel, probably buying us other rooms.”
At least another thing about him hadn’t changed: he’s still disgustingly rich. You did some digging about the hotel, and it was the kind of place you could only dream of even looking at. You suddenly felt severely underdressed for a five-star hotel, with only sweatpants, a duffle bag, and a dream.
“Hmm, I don’t think so,” Kazuha said, and weirdly enough, you caught him looking at you curiously from the sideview mirror.
“No?” Heizou crossed his arms behind his head. “I doubt Scaramouche’s the type to willingly share a room with anyone.”
Aether scoffed, laughing under his breath. “Definitely not with us.”
You looked outside to hide a smile. It seemed that your Kunikuzushi hadn’t really changed drastically. This made you feel better about meeting him again.
“What made you change your mind?” Heizou asked.
You sighed and fell into step along with him as Kazuha and Aether went on ahead. There are families crowding the lobby, draped in gold that matched the fabric of the chandeliers overhead. Their jewelry was brighter than your future. Even the floor smelled expensive.
“Scaramouche did,” you mumbled.
Heizou’s brows lifted to his hairline. “Oh?”
“I mean—I don’t know, I’m not sure yet.” You were absolutely sure, but it’d be embarrassing if he didn’t recognize you at all, and Heizou would think you were just lying. It had been years.
Heizou tilted his head. “Well, whatever it is, I’m rooting for you. And if he fucks up, I know how to pack a punch.”
You didn’t doubt it. Heizou definitely knew how to pack a punch.
The hotel was so fancy and so meant for only rich kids that you and Heizou stood out like sore thumbs by looking around. Some woman your age walked past, her chin high and her steps light. You and Heizou looked at each other, then tried to mimic the same grace as you pair sashayed towards the desk.
“What are you idiots doing?” Aether asked as you reached them.
“Fitting in, unlike you,” Heizou said.
A new voice cut in. “Took you losers long enough.”
Scaramouche turned around after speaking to the clerk, his mouth in a thin line and his stare piercing. He also stood out next to the men in polo with his fingerless gloves and gold rings. He looked like he belonged better on an Inazuman fashion magazine cover than on a hotel vacation with a bunch of losers.
Heizou beamed. “Scara!”
“Hey,” Scaramouche said, then his eyes landed on you.
It was hard to tell if there was any reaction on his face because Heizou went up to him to ruffle his hair, stealing away his attention.
“Thanks for inviting us out. I didn’t know you were the type to want to snuggle with his friends.” Heizou waggled his eyebrows as Scaramouche pushed him away with a hand to Heizou’s face.
Scaramouche wrinkled his nose. “I am not sharing a room with any of you three. You snore, Kazuha snores louder, and I would wake up to Aether’s leg on my stomach the next morning.”
“That was one time,” Aether muttered, blushing.
“How many rooms are reserved?” Kazuha asked.
Scaramouche sighed, craning his neck. He had a really nice side profile. “Still two. The other one with a king and the other with two queens. I was supposed to have the first, but you didn’t tell me you were inviting someone else. This shithole’s booked full now.”
Your gaze fluttered away as they all turned to you. You bit your lip, frowning. Did Scaramouche not recognize you? He was acting like he didn’t. He was treating you like he would any stranger. That upset you, but for the entire car ride, you were also preparing for it. It probably would’ve hurt worse if you hadn’t mentally prepared yourself.
Heizou grinned, slinging an arm over Scaramouche’s shoulder. “I suppose you have no choice but to share a bed with us.”
“No.” Scaramouche picked up his luggage and started rolling away. “Heizou, Kazuha, Aether, you share the king.”
The three men turned to you instead, surprise visible in their expressions. It was exactly because Scaramouche decided to share a room with you, whom he never acknowledged since you arrived.
You wanted to protest. If Scaramouche didn’t recognize you and opted for a choice that didn’t involve sharing a room with anyone, you’d rather sleep on the floor in Kazuha and the others’ room. But Scaramouche was already stepping inside the elevator and was holding the door for you.
You held your gaze to the floor the entire time as Scaramouche pointed at a room and told the three they would sleep there. Scaramouche flashed the card against the door of your room, then stepped inside.
“This one’s ours,” Scaramouche said. You couldn’t detect any hint of emotion.
The room was bigger than the two rooms at your apartment. It had two beds, as Scaramouche said, and a TV across. The room was cold as fuck. You shuddered, and Scaramouche remained unbothered with his layers of clothes that probably cost more than you.
As Scaramouche set his luggage on the bed closest to the window, you gathered the courage to not make this trip any more awkward.
You breathed in deeply. “I’m Y/N—”
“I haven’t forgotten.” He arched an eyebrow as he sat on the edge of his bed, staring at you. “Have you forgotten about me?”
“No, no, of course not,” you said. “I could never forget you, Kunikuzushi.”
You stiffened, thinking it was a mistake and there must’ve been a reason he was called by another name, but you took a look at him and got distracted. His face relaxed when you said his name.
I could never forget you. It was sickeningly true. You can never forget about Kunikuzushi. He was your first love. He was so cute with his wide eyes; and he was very clingy, too, which made him all the more endearing.
But looking at the present Kunikuzushi, with his intense stare and permanently bored expression, he was hot, and you started to think that maybe your type was just Kunikuzushi.
Horror settled in your stomach as Scaramouche flashed a wicked grin.
“Then you wouldn’t mind sleeping with me, would you?”
“He said what?” Heizou cackled, hitting the wall as he threw his head back, laughing.
Scaramouche meant it as sleeping in the same room, but he could have— no, should have worded it better. Scaramouche laid down on his bed right after and went on his phone as if he didn’t say anything at all. You blurted some half-baked excuse and left the room to cry about it in your friends’ room.
When Scaramouche said their room was assigned a king bed, you didn’t expect it to fit five people—and Scaramouche said he wanted it for himself? The bed was incredibly big, almost in a lonely way. You have never seen an Alaskan king bed before, but now, sitting on the edge of it, felt as if you could fit your entire apartment on it.
Kazuha was in between Heizou and Aether, their backs resting on the headboard. They were about to sleep, too, but as soon as you burst in, they settled into position and listened intently. Except Aether, kind of; he was texting his sister, who was demanding a room tour.
“I never thought he would be this bold. I mean, demanding to share a room the moment he laid his eyes on you? Wow,” Heizou said, looking terribly criminal with his expression.
“It is surprising,” Kazuha mused. “I’ve witnessed how women flock to his feet and how he bat them all off like he never saw them.”
An unpleasant feeling washed over, which was weird because why would you be upset? Of course they’d flock to him—with a face like that. He had the looks and the personality that would garner him a lot of masochistic fans if he were a character in a drama.
“Does that happen a lot?” The way you spat it out spelled exactly how upset you are.
“No need to get so jealous, now. After that display, I’m positive that he wants as much as you want him,” Heizou laughed, falling forward and resting his elbows on the mattress. He moved his chin to his palm. He looked like he was going to ask if you wanted to paint nails and curl hairs the next second.
Your face felt hot. What was this conversation? You’d much prefer painting nails than talking about this. “I don’t want him!”
Heizou arched an eyebrow. “No?”
Even Kazuha looked doubtful, which was enough of a blow.
“I’m just confused,” you insisted. “You know what happens when you’re in a room alone with an objectively attractive guy? You get confused.”
“I get it,” Aether said, setting his phone aside to share his insight. “This is your sexual awakening.”
“What? No!”
“It definitely is,” Heizou agreed. “Why else are you crying about this to us?”
There was a sense of impending doom at realizing that Heizou was brewing some horrible, horrible thoughts in that head of his. “To stop feeding into my madness!”
Heizou clicked his tongue. “How do you think he feels? His childhood best friend came back to his life looking like that—I’m surprised he hasn't eaten you right up yet.”
You didn’t know what was more horrifying: Heizou implying he thought you were hot, or him implying that he thought Scaramouche thought you were hot.
Your face must’ve looked like a constipated mix between flustered and horrified; Kazuha chimed in to tell Heizou, “You should be more careful with your words. I’ve never met anyone as possessive as Scaramouche.”
“It’s already a miracle he even remembers me. He wouldn’t get jealous. I doubt he actually wants me that way,” you sighed.
“Oh, but you want him that way?” Heizou asked.
You wanted to slap that expression off Heizou’s face. “Of course I do. He was so cute when we were little—I already liked him then. I didn’t think he’d grow up to be so…”
“Sexual awakening,” Aether said again.
“Ow,” Aether whined when you hit him square on the head.
Reluctantly, you returned to your room. Heizou, Kazuha, and Aether told you to get your shit together and face this not-sexual-awakening like a man. Kazuha didn’t say it, but you could feel that he was also thinking it. And if he ever said it out loud, you’d tell him to go fuck off to Liyue already.
Scaramouche was awake. The door clicked shut, and you faintly felt like those heroines locking themselves up in a room to hook up with someone who they didn’t think was the murderer on the front page right now.
“Where did you go?” he asked.
You tried not to let your surprise show, but Scaramouche was staring so intently that you would’ve failed miserably either way. “The other room.”
The longer you looked at him, the more you realized that Kunikuzushi felt like a fever dream. Being only a few feet away from the guy you used to be so fond of, now grown and had an air of haughtiness that would’ve been a turn-off had it been anyone else— it was doing things to you.
“Are you scared of me?”
You laughed and nearly choked on it when registering that Scaramouche was still looking. It wasn’t something like embarrassment. It was more like laughing unabashedly and then sensing that your hallway crush walked past. Maybe it was a bit of embarrassment.
“No. No, I’m not scared.” You moved to sit on your bed, eyes trained on the wall. “You didn’t tell me you were back.”
“You changed your number. You moved out.”
“Oh.” You did do that. Your apartment was very far from your home.
“And I figured you forgot about me or wanted to forget about me because of what I did to you.”
“Oh.” You wanted to say that he didn’t affect you that much. Life goes on; you meet new people and lose them every day, and all that. But Scaramouche was affecting you that much, especially when he’s only a few feet away from you, looking like he wanted you to pounce him.
Scaramouche grinned lopsidedly. “But I guess I don’t have to worry about that anymore.”
What the hell does that mean? Your heart skipped a beat. Did he figure it out? Were you that obvious with your thoughts about pouncing?
Scaramouche stood up from his bed, moving towards yours slowly. “Are you seeing anyone right now?”
You tried to avoid getting too close by leaning back, but he kept drawing his face closer, bending towards you. You’re one last tilt away from him pinning you down on the bed.
“No,” you blurted before you could even think about it. It was a little difficult to think about anyone else when you were a breath away from kissing. “Why?”
Scaramouche’s eyes narrowed, electric indigo. “Do you still have a crush on me?”
“You’re asking too many questions.”
“We’re catching up. This is how it works, doesn’t it?”
No, it was definitely not how this worked. Your neck was starting to ache with this awkward angle, and he hadn’t even answered your question.
“Do you?” he repeated, hovering above you.
You gave up on the painful angle and laid flat on the bed, frowning up at him. You crossed your arms to achieve the stance of someone who will not back down easily. “How are you so sure I even had a crush on you?”
“You’re telling me I’m wrong?”
What was this? Some fucked up game of 21 questions, but Scaramouche was too high and mighty to follow the rules? You didn’t know what to say to that. You wisely decided to stay silent, glaring up at him.
You probably didn’t look intimidating at all. Scaramouche smiled, much less sharper. Almost fond as his eyes flicked down to somewhere below your nose. “Am I still the only one for you?”
Okay. You would back down easily if he kept looking at you like that.
“You didn’t hurt me, Kuni.” You sighed. “You never could.”
Scaramouche straightened, his face carefully blank. It was much harder to read him like this. You sat up, wanting to ask if it was the wrong thing to say. You couldn’t get the words out because he lunged for a kiss.
You might have gasped. You might have made some embarrassing noise while a laugh rumbled from the back of Scaramouche’s throat. But that was all thrown out the window the moment your eyes fluttered shut and you lost yourself in the sensation of his warm mouth on yours.
He pushed closer, and you were pulled back on the mattress, his arms on either side of your head. Your eyes flew open when Scaramouche nipped at your lip. As if suddenly remembering where and who you were, you forced his chest back and gaped.
“What?” He looked irritated you interrupted him.
“At least say it back!”
“You didn’t even say it,” Scaramouche said, one eyebrow raised.
“I like you, Kunikuzushi.”
Scaramouche turned red and then looked humbled that you saw it. “I still like you, too.”
You looked at him up and down. You asked, but you didn’t want to hear the answer. “And you didn’t have anyone while you were in Sumeru?”
“Of course not,” Scaramouche scoffed. “You think anyone there was worth my time? You think I’d settle for less than you?” He scowled. “How about you? Nevermind, don’t answer that. I don’t want to know. I’d do it better than any of them.”
You laughed, tugging him close with your arms around his neck. If anyone were to come in, they would assume the worst. Then again, maybe Scaramouche had plans to indulge in the worst.
wake up! let’s eat breakfast at the restaurant we saw yesterday!
ask scaramouche. so he can pay for us
Despite the freedom and space of lying on separate queen beds, you and Scaramouche were huddled and pressed close. And despite books in your bag, you were occupied with huddling and pressing close against Scaramouche. You were lying on his chest while he had an arm resting on your stomach.
As soon as Heizou’s texts appeared on the top banner of your screen, you looked up, and Scaramouche looked like he was going to murder someone.
“It’s a joke, probably,” you said. “They don’t see you as a wallet.”
“It’s not a joke,” Scaramouche said. “I don’t really care about that. You and Heizou close?”
“He’s the one who introduced me to Kazuha and the others.” You sat up from the comfortable position and stretched.
“So you’re close.”
“Oh, very much so.” Then you laughed at Scaramouche’s thunderous expression. “Idiot. Why are you jealous? He’s not the one I’m sharing a room with and was making out with last night.”
Scaramouche’s gaze cut down to your neck. He looked extremely pleased.
You and Scaramouche took the elevator down, holding hands throughout. You felt a little giddy. What must this look like to everyone else? They’d all assume you were out with your boyfriend. As you reached your friends, Aether had just started the car. Kazuha slipped into the passenger seat, and Heizou waved at the both of you.
Then Heizou gasped. Aether turned to you and gasped as well.
“What happened to you? You look like you were mauled by a tiger,” Aether asked, scandalized.
“If the tiger had a short hime cut and a thick wallet, maybe,” Heizou mused. You flipped him off and climbed inside the car. Heizou laughed and sat beside you.
Aether frowned. “What kind of tiger would that be?”
You groaned, burying your face in your palms and wishing that lightning would strike you down. You needed coffee. Or a beer. Maybe if you bat your eyelashes and kissed him on the lips, Scaramouche would buy you bottles of wine.
As if summoned by your thoughts, a figure forced himself in between you and Heizou. Scaramouche worked fast. He glared at Heizou and tugged you away from him.
Heizou’s eyes went wide. “What’d I do?”
“Know your place, Shikanoin,” Scaramouche said. You just wanted to at least not be half-sitting on his lap, but he was proving a point and didn’t let you budge.
Kazuha smiled. “I warned you, Heizou.”
“Damn,” Heizou said. He looked exhausted. He was the one who suggested you and Scaramouche hook up in the first place—did he not expect his intuition to be right this time? “Didn’t take you for the clingy type. Two more days of this?”
“This is not some fling,” Scaramouche hissed. “You think I don’t take this seriously?”
You smiled as your heart fluttered. Scaramouche could be so unintentionally sweet sometimes, not that you’d tell it to his face, because he would grumble and hide his face. You rather liked his face. It was pretty, and you knew that if you tugged his hood down, you’d see a bruise on his neck as well.
“Didn’t take him for a romantic as well,” Kazuha said, thoroughly entertained.
“Wait, are you actually a thing now?” Aether made a face. “What the hell happened in that room?”
Scaramouche smirked. “You sure you wanna know?”
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a/n it was already so hard for me to not turn it into a heizou fic dude. That entire first part was so unnecessary i was just hopelessly infatuated. BUT ANYWAY!!1 thank you so much for reading i hope u liked it <3 if u do, leave a comment or a reblog so i can see your thoughts :DD
also, another note: on the day i wrote this fic the insta acc of scara didnt exist. so if it does by the time youve read this fic, its pure coincidence and i have nothing to do w it. or maybe i did, because i came up w the name HAHA
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pitchsidestories · 6 months
underneath your clothes II Cata Coll x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1687
a/n: based off the cute request here. We're really craving a tattoo on our own now after finishing this oneshot. 😂
You knew tattoos were your passion since you had gotten your first one aged eighteen. So by opening your own tattoo studio with your best friend, you had fullfilled one of your life goals in the last year.
It was not always easy but you loved your job, especially when you could make your clients happy with your artwork. But at the moment, business was slow.
You were focused on wiping down the counter when your best friend and coworker Carla grinned at you: “Your favourite customer is back, y/n.”
Surprised, you looked up and saw someone walk towards the door of your studio: “What? Oh, she‘s not my favourite customer, Cata has been her only once before.”
“She‘s still your favourite.”, Carla shrugged with a smug look on her face.
You grimaced at her: “I don‘t have favourites.” Turning to your customer, you greeted her: “Cata, hi.”
“Hi.”, the goalkeeper smiled at you.
“You‘re here for another tattoo?”, you asked politely.
She nodded: “I am.”
“Do you have something specific in mind?” You noticed her gaze linger on the inked skin of your left arm.
“Uhm, yeah…”, she replied, catching herself and looking back at your face.
You bit back a smile as you thrust your arm in her direction to show her the floral tattoo wraping around your forearm: “Liking this one?”
Catas cheeks reddened: “I do. It‘s beautiful.”
“Thank you.”, you replied. You could feel Carlas eyes on you.
“But I actually wanted to get something for my sister today. Maybe next time.”, Cata explained.
“Oh, that‘s sweet.”
The football player continued while she gestured towards her upper arm: “Yeah, I want it to be on my arm. I was thinking about a wave or something.”
“Is there a meaning behind the wave?”, you asked curiosly while simultaneously trying to picture the perfect tattoo for her.
Cata nodded with excitement: “Yes, we grew up in Mallorca…”
“Thats is adorable. I love when people tell me the meaning of their tattoos.”, you happily replied while getting your sketchbook.
“Ever been to the island?”, Cata asked while she watched you starting to draw different kinds of waves.
Without looking up from your work, you explained: “Actually, yes. My mother was born there and part of her family still lives there so we spend all of the vacations in my childhood there.”
You could hear the astonishment in her voice: “Wait, you did?”
��That‘s a funny coincidence.”
You slid the sketchbook in Catas direction so she could have a look: “Who knows, maybe we‘ve met each other before without knowing. So which wave do you like best?”
The goalkeeper looked thoughtfully at the drawings in front of her:” I like that one.”
With a dreamy smile on her lips Cata continued: “This is a nice thought actually. That we might have already met before.”
“I agree.”, you responded in a warm tone.
“I’m going to the coffeeshop, would you two like an iced coffee?”, Carla chirmed.
“Sure.”, you nodded.
“Nothing beats iced coffee on a warm spring day.”, the Barcelona player confirmed.
“So true.”, you agreed.
After Carla left the coffeeshop Cata promised you with a wink:” Next time, I’ll bring you an iced coffee before I show up.”
“You want another one already? Don’t you get into trouble for it from your coach or something.”, you raised an eyebrow at her.
Confidently she waved it off: “Oh, no. If it’s done in my free time, he can’t say anything about it.”
“Okay, good.”, you sighed relived.
“Don’t worry. I won’t get in trouble.”, the professional athlete replied.
“I’m glad to hear that.”
“Also, it’s just a small one.”, Cata reminded you while you were drawing the wave on her skin with a needle.
For a moment you looked up from your work:” Right.”
Meanwhile Carla had returned, bringing the coffees immediately to both of you:” Hey girls, I’m back.”
“Thank you, Carla.”, you answered sincerely.
“You’re welcome.”, she mumbled.
You quickly took a sip from the coffee before asking her:” What do you think of Catas new tattoo.”
After your friend took a closer look at your art piece, she whistled: “Oh, this is nice.”
“It symbolizes my sister.”, Cata explained beaming.
“How cute.”, Carla smirked.
While they talked for a bit you added the finishing touches until the tattoo was done:” Now you’re ready to go, Cata.”
“Thanks. I love it.”, the goalkeeper told you happily.
“My pleasure.”, you said and meant every word whole heartedly.
She stood up excitedly:” I’ll call you soon for a new appointment.”
“Alright.”, you answered.
After Cata has left your best friend declared dramatically:” That poor girl.”
“What?”, you frowned at her.
“Oh please, don’t play dumb.”, Carla begged you groaning.
This was the moment you realized what she has been hinting at:” Don’t worry. Next time, I’ll ask her out.”
Normally you didn’t open to customers like you did with the Barcelona player. Even though it was you who was the person who has seen her upper body without clothes, her dark eyes seemed to have seen right through you.
“You should.”, your friend grinned.
You couldn’t help but to blush as you thought about Cata:” She’s so cute, Carla.”
“I could tell that you thought that.”
Guys! Cata has a crush on her tattoo artist!“, Claudia yelled full of excitement.
The other Barcelona players looked up from their team dinner with varying degrees of curiousity and surprise while Catas cheeks turned red. A minute ago, she had just shown her new tattoo to Claudia and Patri but the youngest midfielder had immediately caught on as she heard the way Cata talked about her tattoo artist.
“Oh, that’s why she’s getting so many tattoos recently!“, Ona exclaimed with laugh.
“That’s not true.“, Cata tried to defend herself.
Mariona just smiled sweetly at her: “That’s so cute, Cata.“
“Guys, stop.“
When Alexia finally spoke up, Cata had hoped that she would call her teammates back to order but instead she just tilted her head: “So, when are you going to see her again?“
“Whenever I get my next tattoo?“, the goalkeeper shrugged.
Patri raised an eyebrow: “And that’s soon?“
“I mean I do have an idea for the next one.“, Cata admitted with a small smile on her lips.
Salma shared a knowing look with Patri: “Guess this means very soon.“
Cata was back at your tattoo studio only a few weeks after her newest tattoo, this time with an iced coffee in hand. You caught yourself smiling subconsciously as you watched the football player walked in.
“Hi Cata.“, you greeted her and gratefully took the drink from her that she handed to you. “Thank you for the coffee.“
Cata smiled as you took a sip: “Told you, I’d bring you one.“
“Appreciate it.“
It was the perfect mix of sweet and bitter. Exactly how you liked it. You set down the coffee on the front desk and thoroughly looked at the goalkeeper: “But you know that you don’t have to get tattoos all the time to ask me out on a date.“
You rolled your eyes with a chuckle.
Cata looked at you dumbfounded: “Wait, what?“
“Cata, would you like to go on a date with me?“, you asked politely.
Her face immediately lit up: “I would love to.“
“Great.“, you said and had to bite back a laugh as Carla pumped her fist in excitement behind Cata.
But the goalkeeper caught your attention again: “When is your shift over?“
“At 5 pm.“, you replied truthfully.
Cata nodded with a big grin on her face: “I’ll pick you up then?“
You nodded happily: “Yes, okay.“
Cata left the studio without a tattoo this time but she did leave the feeling of butterflies in your stomach instead.
At exactly 5 pm, Cata waited for you in front of the studio. From what you saw through the window, she looked great in her button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to showcase her tattoos. You could barely wait to close the studio.
When you finally locked the door behind yourself, the two of you awkwardly smiled at each other and you had to admit that Cata looked even better when she was right in front you.
You pointed at the picnic basket she was holding in her right hand: “Where are we going?“
“Just trust me, follow me.”, the goalkeeper replied warmly.
You didn’t know why but you trusted her immediately. Walking along side Cata made you feel safe and welcomed. When you reached the destination, you stood there in awe: “Oh my god, the view is stunning.”
“It’s, right?”, she grinned at you.
Truthfully you told her:” Yes, I love it.”
“I hoped you would.”, the player answered satisfied.
Watching at Barcelona from a distance made your worries surrounding your tattoo studio look small in comparison and you felt lighter in the company of the other woman, so you mouthed into her direction a heartfelt thank you.
“Here’s some food.”, Cata hummed, handing you some antipasti to eat.
Closing your eyes you mumbled:” It’s delicious.”
“Wine?”, she asked you, proving to be the perfect gentlewoman.
“Sure.”, you nodded, as the goalkeeper filled your glasses and you both took a deep sip.
“You know I would have come by to get a million more tattoos just to spend time with you.”, Cata confessed with a wink.
You looked into her eyes amused:” I do, so I had to save you from yourself.”
“That’s sweet. But I still want some more.”, the goalkeeper smirked.
Quickly you promised her:” You can get them one at a time.”
“I will.”
With that said you went forward to kiss her, she gladly replied to the kiss, pulling you closer to her, to fully embrace you in her strong arms.
A few weeks had gone by, and Cata and you were officially girlfriends. You were in the tattoo studio when Carla excitedly exclaimed:” Y/n? Thanks to your girlfriend a lot of her teammates have asked us to do their tattoos!”
Hearing that you hugged your girlfriend gratefully:” Love!”
“You’re welcome.”, Cata whispered.
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terry-perry · 2 months
What if Carmine!Reader was the one who told Alastor that her mom killed the angel? 😯
Not part of the main storyline. Literally just a “What if…?” scenario.
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"Waiting for someone?"
Alastor stiffened at the sound of your voice. He took his eyes off the egg creatures playing in the garbage and slowly turned his attention towards you. You were at his side, having just exited the building where the Overlord meeting was held. Normally your appearance was a welcoming one for Alastor, but in this case, it was nerve-racking as you came to him with a less-than-amused look on your face while dangling the whimpering egg he sent to spy on you from his little hand.
"Oh, hello dearest," Alastor did his best to maintain his composure. "I didn't wish to interrupt you, so I sent my little friend to -"
"Don't even start Alastor," you interrupted. "Your 'little friend' already told me you sent him to spy on us." When Alastor glared at the egg, you rolled your eyes some more. "Don't blame him. He was only there on your orders. It's not his fault he did a piss-poor job following them."
You let Frank go, and after falling to the ground with a harsh thud that thankfully didn't leave a crack, he scurried off to join the rest of the eggs bois while you and Alastor continued your discussion.
"Honey, I told you I needed a moment with my family," you chastised. "What made you think it was okay for you to eavesdrop? Do you not trust me?"
"Of course I do, sugar," Alastor cooed, taking your hand. "I'm sorry for taking drastic measures to invade your privacy, but you must admit your mother's reaction to that angel's head was out of character. I've never seen her so spooked or so quick to anger."
He was right to make that observation. Your mother was known for keeping a level head and not letting things affect her so much. She doesn't get surprised easily and always has a tight hold on her emotions. She said it herself that day, however: the last extermination was a brutal one and had many souls not only fear for their lives more but also left them to act on impulse.
She knew that firsthand.
"This last extermination really got to her," you began to explain. "It was a lot, and she's doing what she can to recover from it mentally and ensure nothing like it happens again."
“Understandable, of course, but I can’t say it didn’t hurt that you didn’t want me to join you in discussing everything that happened today. At the very least, I could’ve been there for Carmilla.”
You looked at him and arched a brow. You loved Alastor, but he wasn’t exactly the first demon one would go to for empathy. “Be there for her as she confirms what Velvette accused her of?”
He hummed and shrugged his shoulders, his soft smile growing with hints of his trademark smugness. “If that were to happen as well, who am I to not want to keep that personal information handy?"
There it was!
Again, you loved Alastor, but he wasn't exactly Prince Charming who did things out of the goodness of his heart. If he was going to be there for someone, he'd keep up with his illusion of being a gracious companion, but only if he knew it would benefit him. You've been with him long enough to tell the difference between his genuinely being there for someone and his sniffing out for what could be a deal in the making, and your mother dealing with today was an inappropriate time for the latter. That was why you told him to wait outside while you comforted her. He wouldn't have gone so far as to make a deal with your family, but this secret was perfect ammo for him to use for potential deals with others.
Suppose you could call his bluff and see how valuable this information was to him.
"Well, if you really wanna know, how about we make a deal?"
You concealed the giggle that wanted to burst out upon seeing how big his eyes got from hearing your words. "Excuse me?"
You reached over and patted his hand in an almost sympathetic manner. "I'm sorry for leaving you out of our discussion, especially since you are considered family now. But I knew you couldn't resist some juicy, advantageous gossip," you leaned forward, almost a kissing distance away from Alastor. You released a giggle this time when he slightly flinched away from you. It was plain to see how caught off-guard he was by how things took a turn. You found it quite cute how shaken up he was. "So now I'd like to know what you're willing to give to earn it."
He hesitated for another moment before he narrowed his eyes. He was the one to lurch forward this time, but you were more amused than scared as you reeled back from him. "I can't believe you'd go so far as to bait me, your partner, into making a deal with you, with intel that might not be as vital as we're making it out to be!"
He glared at you for a few more seconds, observing how smug you grew as you now had a hold of the situation.
His eyes softened then, having a warm glow to them, and his snarling smile grew into a happy grin as he grabbed ahold of you by the waist and pulled you towards him.
"I have never loved you more than I do now..."
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nerdieforpedro · 7 months
She made me Feel
Din Djarin x plus size female reader
My blog is 18+ MDNI
Word Count: about 2.8k (double the length of the original - because Din thinks a lot)
Summary: The Mandalorian constantly weighs different scenarios concerning the safety of his child and himself. Din Djarin's mind is now riddled with possible ways to interact with you. Can he figure it out?
Warnings: Din is a pile of nervous beskar, Din is also clueless, Peli is a menace to Din, awkward conversations, Din being so soft, mention of blood and injuries, first aid, HANDS, basically fluff (the fluff is back a little?)
Notes: The follow up to He Told Me His Name. Din might be a tad anxious. It's a companion piece to my other fic. I might do one where it shows where they are now. I thought Din's perspective would be good to see. The dividers are by the talented @saradika-graphics
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Main Masterlist / Din Djarin - The Mandalorian Masterlist/ Our Journey Across the Star Ocean Series
I wasn’t aware Peli had anyone human working with her, only those damn droids. I first saw her repairing one of them, her hands working skillfully with the wires. I wondered why she was here. Her hands could be doing much more delicate work. She finished with the droid and sent it on it’s way. I asked Peli about her and apparently she normally works with droids and I did state that I only wanted Peli and her approved droids on my ship when I first started getting repairs here.
I couldn’t say then that I didn’t mind if she joined Peli in her work on the Razor Crest. I already can’t deal with Peli’s teasing today as she asks about my interest in her assistant. Grogu has already tested my patience with his tantrums about frogs. I told the annoying woman that my curiosity extended to her because she seems much more sane than you and your army of half-functioning droids. Peli did not take that well. She hit me with one of her wrenches. That will bruise.
When the ship needs maintenance, I keep an eye out for her now and she is always repairing some droid or another. She manages her tools as well, cleaning them, polishing them. Despite the grease and grime, her hands look soft and graceful like the rest of her. I wonder if I should offer to assist her with one of the droid’s repairs? 
Dank ferrnik, Peli noticed me watching her arrange her tools. She’s begun with the comments again… I endured only because Peli agreed to have her work on the Razor Crest now. I don’t give two wookies what Peli says, I have never slobbered like a blerg over anyone. I just…respect that she’s an expert. Similar to me with weapons of my clan. 
This time I managed to say hello. Maker it’s nerve wracking. She may be equally as nervous. She only said hello back and looked at her tools. This is a complete mess. I hunt bounties for a living, talking to a woman is not impossible. Just difficult, small talk is painful. Peli has a smug look on her face. If she wasn’t so well acquainted with my ship and cheap I’d…well I’d threaten to go else where. She is here. I would rather not.
Now we exchange greetings with some pleasantries. About business and droids…the only damn thing those buckets have ever been good for. I was able to say a few sentences to her. She replied with her own. I am unexpectedly happy about this. I want to talk to her longer but not a clue what to talk about. 
Maker, why am I even trying so hard? My only focus should be on my Creed and my foundling. My eyes are always drawn to her, watching her. I thought at first it was similar to one of my bounties. Watching and waiting. I know patience and timing with my jobs as they’re for credits and when I can find it, beskar for our covert but I do not want to wait for her to come over to the Razor Crest. I want to go to her but I realize that a figure clad in armor and weapons head to toe is rather…intimidating. I think I’ll carry Grogu when I go over, that should make me seem less fearsome.
Despite napping, my foundling has proven most useful. We spoke at length about him. For almost an hour, I believe. I find myself less nervous and I believe she is as well. Peli spoke to me outside of the Razor Crest away from my dear mechanic. She’s proposing that I bring her with me. One of the few good ideas Peli has had since I started having this woman repair my ship. 
I waited until my next trip to ask her. I needed to find the right words. I thought I had them but the eluded me after I greeted her and asked how she was. She greeted me with the same smile that she’s given me that last few times I have been here. Maker I hope she’s open to the idea. Seeing her smile daily would be…should…should I be courting her? I feel this strongly about her. I may have missed a few steps in this process. No matter.
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“Can I ask you something?” Din is still nervous, but he is slightly less so in the familiar space of the Razor Crest. It’s cold metal echoes his own beskar. The only source of warmth, the woman who he has an important question for. A want, he told himself but was quickly becoming a need. She nods, setting her tools down and wiping her hands on the worn apron she often wears to protect her clothes. He had her full attention. As much as he was worried to have it, he relished in it for a moment before cleaning his throat.
“Sure Mando. What is it?” Thankfully she couldn’t see his face grimace at the nickname. That was for people he wanted to keep at arm’s length, not those he wanted close. It wasn’t something he’d put much thought into as he’d been a Mandalorian since they’d taken him in and been taught their ways. He was certain that only his brothers and sisters in the coven would know his name. His son Grogu had opened his heart to truly caring for another person again. Din had wondered if he was longing for the same type of relationship with her as he saw in his coven between riduurs. Maybe down the line. I don’t even know if I want that now. I just know I’d like her to be with us on our journey wherever we go.
“Would you like to come with Grogu and I? It would be better if we had a capable mechanic with us.” Din stood quietly and waited for her answer. He held his breath and exhaled when she said she would think on it.
“Are you leaving again soon?” She asked him, the delicate hands he watched so often kept folding a corner of her work apron back and forth. He understands the feeling, it’s the same as when he inventories and cleans his weapons and especially his beskar. It’s soothing, he would have found this to be pleasant if it wasn’t his question that had made her need it. A similarity between them, other than a shared soft spot for a certain green child and a large pre-empire craft that they chatted about. “I want to give you an answer but I also want to think about it properly.”
Din nodded and let her be. “I don’t leave again for a few days. Take the time you need.” She didn’t outright say no so there was a chance. As it turned out, she later said yes the day after next. One step forward, she was joining him and Grogu on the Razor Crest. He remained quiet most of the time with her, just happy that she was here with them traveling. 
The small incidental brushes began when they would work in tandem to make repairs to the Crest. The shoulder bumps, her hip bumping his thigh when she would turn slightly to reach for a tool or to maneuver to manipulate wires. He noticed she would move away from him and he was worried that he was crowding her but she mentioned something much worse, “Sorry Mando, I take up a bit of space. I think-“
“No mesh’la you don’t. We just need to figure out a better method to complete the repairs. Please, you are…” I paused. What did I want to tell her? How can I say it? Maker I don’t even know… “You are fine as is. You take up as much space as you like.” Dank Ferrnik….what does that even mean? She turned away from me and I felt like an idiot. This would be the time I don’t bump my helmet on something while fixing this ship.
“Thanks Mando. No one’s ever quite put it like that.” He heard you laugh and his fears were quelled. Thank the Maker you were so understanding. But he worried about what you may have said about yourself. That was when he decided. I don’t think I should hope that we touch anymore. I think I can make it more purposeful. So she’ll know that I find her beautiful and that’s part of courting right? Maybe I should have asked different questions of The Armorer and Paz when I was back on Navarro. No only The Armorer, Paz pisses me off too much and I will not owe him any more than I already do.
At the market, I made sure to touch between her shoulder blades on her back to guide her as Grogu’s pram floated next to us. She didn’t flinch, and I didn’t want to touch lower back because that would be inappropriate. I do wonder…sometimes. But only wonder. 
I began picking up bounties and would need her and Grogu to stay on the Crest to be safe. That doesn’t seem fair, she said she wanted to see the galaxy. I can teach her some self-defense and how to shoot a blaster so I’ll feel slightly better about leaving them alone. Her hands are small in mine, still so gentile, except with a wrench. She was nervous but got the hang of it fairly quickly. We keep practicing until her aim improves. I encourage her every time we make a stop to shoot and she does. I’m trying to make my voice sound softer I suppose, I’m not really sure except outside of Grogu how that sounds. She responds to it and smiles more often, we’ve grown closer and I’m thankful that she’s making progress but it’s slowed some so I can continue to mentor her. 
Maker I have ulterior motives when I do. I can’t think of another good reason to touch her. 
I couldn’t help it. She was holding Grogu and trying to explain the different bolts to him. I bet he was trying to play with her tools while she was sorting them. I placed my hand on her shoulder. It felt like it should be there. She looked up at me and I nodded. I hope she took that to mean that I’m fine with her holding my son. I walked away because I didn't know what to say. She didn’t say anything either. 
I’m lying to myself. I’ve long accepted her holding my son. The Crest wouldn’t be the same without her here. Waiting for me, playing with Grogu, walking through the market, sitting in a comfortable silence in the cockpit. I even look forward to checking my weapon inventory when she’s checking her tools and at the same time. I didn’t think occupying the same space as someone would be so rewarding, well in a different way than my son. Should I tell her any of this?
No. It’s too much and I’m not even sure what this is.
Now wherever we go, I ensure I’m guiding her by her arm, back, or hand. I know I wouldn’t really lose her, she’s clever and would find Grogu and I quickly. The fear is there, I don’t want her to leave, she might want to one day. This life isn’t made for the masses. She’s voiced no complaints. What would I even say if I had to convince her to stay? 
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The hunt didn’t take long and this bail jumper is annoying. The only reason I haven’t said I’m putting him on carbonite is that he finally shut up. 
We’re back to the Crest and there’s blood. Too much blood. I put him on carbonite as I spot her and Grogu. He’s a few feet from her, appears to be unarmed. I don’t detect any other life forms on the Crest. The child's scream feels like it will pierce my helmet, I can’t blame him. I too want to scream at the sight. She’s face down and her back is entirely wet with crimson. I ripped her shirt and bra to visualize the wound. It’s large, nearly the entire width of her back, part of her shirt has stuck to the wound. I’ll need to rip more to see, but then her back will be fully exposed and she’s vulnerable as is.
“I apologize for this. I’ll need to cut off the rest of the back of your shirt to clean and apply the spray and…” This is so much different when it’s someone you care for. “It may be easier for me to do if I remove my gloves. They’ve become too slick with your blood. Is that alright?” It feels silly but I need to ask, I need to know it’s okay. I need to let her choose, I already ripped her shirt without asking.
“It’s fine Mando. Do what you need to do. Grogu’s okay right? I didn’t get any blood on him, I think.” She’s worried about my son at this point?! Maker I…I need to focus for her sake. It’s been months since I took off my gloves near another person. I dabbed her back with gauze to remove the residue from what looks to be some local fauna that are quite violent. Their secretions inhibit clotting to weaken their targets and so they can gorge themselves on their blood. Next, I applied pressure to try and get the bleeding to stop enough so the bacta spray will work and won’t wash away in her blood. It appears after a few minutes the bacta spray is holding and the bleeding is slowing further so I apply pressure dressings and make them tight. It may make her a bit sore but the bleeding should stop with this. 
I need to keep watch over her. I placed her in her bunk and wrapped her up tightly. I need her to rest and recover. I want her to wake up and we have more moments, more time. I don’t want her to leave but after this…I can’t blame her. 
She woke up! “You’re awake? Has the pain subsided? I should check-” She shushed me before she sat up. Pulling the blanket back around her should keep her cool. Before I fell asleep beside her, I charted our course back to turn this bail jumper in. I apologized to her. She recalled her training and how she kept Grogu safe. Part of me is proud but she still was hurt badly, I could have lost her. “Mesh'la you were not safe. You were hurt badly. Do…I would not blame you if you wanted to leave.” Words I won’t want to say but do anyway. I want to beg her to stay but it wouldn’t be right. She’s not a warrior like I am. She wanted to see more than the Peli’s garage. I can’t give her that without danger. 
She holds my bare hand and tells me, “I refuse to go. I will not. You’ll have to toss me off. I’ve seen so many things and places and I want to see that much more. You’re stuck with me Mando.” This isn’t the threat she may think it is. “I’m not going to but. I just don’t want to go.” First my son and now… a partner. Someone who wants to be by my side. 
“I am called Din. Please do so while it’s just the three of us.” My thumb stroked her palm and she chuckled. I wonder if I can make her laugh more maybe daily. “You will remain and hopefully I will hear more of your laugh.” Your smile only grows with his answer. “Please rest for now. Our journey isn’t over.”
I told this to her three months ago. Sometimes in the cockpit when the three of us are sitting, I remove my glove and reach across where her warm hand awaits mine as I speak her name. I’m happy to hear my name from her lips when we’re alone. A glove is what I can give her now. When she smiles softly at me I want to give her more, so much more of myself but I’m not sure how. Learning more of her and loving her as the shape of our relationship changes.
I wonder where else she may allow my hand to go. How else she may say my name as we travel and see the galaxy. Will I change the way I say hers? I wonder if I can tell her that she's both my mesh'la and my cyar’ka. Is it still too soon? Maybe as we continue to explore the intimacy we now share, then I can tell her.
Our journey together continues. This is The Way.
Part One. Part Three
Space Buddies 🚀: @linzels-blog @maggiemayhemnj @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @missladym1981 @morallyinept @sherala007 @yorksgirl @daddy-dins-girl @magpiepills @megamindsecretlair @anoverwhelmingdin @theincredibleinkspitter @alltheglitterandtheroar @mrsmando @drawingdroid @harriedandharassed @i-own-loki @lady-bess @pedroshotwifey @thefrogdalorian @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin
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suckerforcate · 2 months
Pairing: Liandrin Sedai x fem!Reader
Word Count: 4496
Warning: some angst, fighting and blood, death and injuries
Summary: Laindrin and You are on a mission with some sisters and meet white cloaks. Liandrin gets hurt and you go rogue. Why, though? The two of you never seem to get along.
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A/n: Request by @midnight-lestrange
Alright, this took me long enough but it's finished at last. Hope you like it!!! Could write a part two if anyone's interested in that. Would love a comment, like or repost!!!
Walking through the corridor, you didn't really pay attention to your sisters around you or novices that bowed to you. You were tired, and it had been a long day, so you were eager to get to bed. But you should have considered that Liandrin would never let you get away with the events of the day.
You heard footsteps coming towards you and halt in front of you. It was Liandrin, and she had a smug smile on her face. You rolled your eyes, completely aware of what was about to happen.
"I see you're back from the mission, sister. I'm surprised you all came back." Your eyes darted up, and you looked at her surprised. Raising an eyebrow you set to answer.
"I'm not sure I know what you mean, Liandrin." She chuckled and stepped a little closer. The chuckle was bitter, a little arrogant even. "We did our job and gentled the man. Just like we were supposed to."
"You did, after all nearly dying. You underestimated his power and he overwhelmed you. You are too soft with the men." She said, voice icy and head held high, proud. Completely convinced that her way was the only right way.
"I don't share your deep hatred for men, Sister." I calmly responded. "I believe we are mainly there to save them from their own power, it is not their fault they can channel."
"But it's their fault, that they misuse it and besmirch it." She spit the word out, you didn't fully know but were sure she had had bad experiences with men in her life. In a way you couldn't even be mad at her for her attitude.
But it was a fact, the two of you had joined the Red Ajah for utterly different reasons. And hers was much more common with your red sisters. They were filled with hatred towards men and all they wanted was to get rid of them, if they had it their way they'd simply kill them all. You on the other hand had seen a man in your family, someone you loved dearly fall into madness because of the ability to channel. He had distanced himself from everyone, afraid to kill the ones he loved. And you hadn't been able to help. So you had joined the Red Ajah to help men like him. To gentle them before they fell into madness, before it ate them up alive. Though the men weren't always as thankful as you would have liked them to be, you believed in what you did.
"Some men do that, yes. Not all." You stayed calm, you always did. A trait many sisters admired in you, when talking to Liandrin. "Still I don't believe it is right to kill them, as you no doubt would have suggested." You looked at her expectantly. But she simply scoffed and rushed past you. A soft smile formed on your lips as you looked at her over your shoulder and stood in the corridor for a moment. She was a curious woman, hard to read, hard to understand. You chuckled to yourself and set off for your room again.
A good nights sleep would patch you up just fine and tomorrow you would go to the sitter of the red Ajah and report about the mission. So you did just that, but instead of simply reporting back to the sitter, you were sent on a new mission.
"Please, sister. I've just come back yesterday. Sent someone else, I have tasks in the tower." you pleaded, but the red sitter simply shook her head softly. It was infuriating. Not that she sent you, but that she sent Liandrin as well. Everyone knew that the two of you couldn't stay close to each other without fighting.
"You are one of the best Aes Sedai of our Ajah, Sister. We have reports from the East of a group of men, all channelling. It is necessary to sent multiple sisters, multiple powerful sisters." She remained calm, and you saw the reason behind her words. She was right of course.
"I know, and I understand that. But Liandrin? Please!" Your voice took on a pleading tone. This was going to be a disaster. Your sister straightened up and her features lost a little of its patience.
"Enough. You'll both go and that's it. We need you on this mission, both." Her voice left no room for arguments. For her the conversation was over. You raised an eyebrow, curtly nodded and left the room. A few steps down the corridor you leaned against the wall and took a deep breath in. This was going to be an absolute catastrophe.
Your eyes were closed, and you just opened them as footsteps came closer. You looked down the corridor and saw Liandrin proudly walking to the sitters room. You chuckled softly. She looked arrogant, proud because she no doubt knew she was going on a mission. But she looked beautiful. You felt the desire to make her laugh, guessing that just that would probably make the whole tower shine brighter. Make your world a little brighter.
"Something the matter?" She snapped as she noticed your dreamy stare directed onto her. She really had to ruin every nice moment, didn't she? You sighed and pushed yourself off the wall. Liandrin had stopped just in front of the door, just short of entering.
Just two days later you stood in the stables, things packed, horse saddled and all sisters ready. The only one missing was Liandrin. You looked around, at the other two sisters, raising an eyebrow quizzically. They simply shrugged and shook their head.
"Don't be too happy, we're together on this mission." You calmly said and didn't even wait to see her reaction. You could easily predict it. And if you had looked you would have seen that your prediction had been absolutely accurate. She looked surprised, then outraged and huffed, annoyed that you just left. But, for just a tiny moment, there was a slight smile on her lips. Though she wiped that off immediately and opened the door. You were already gone.
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Annoyed you tied the reins of your horse to the stable door and stomped out of the wooden shed. It had been agreed that you would meet in the stables at this exact time. Where the hell was she? You made your way through the tower quickly and up to her room. The knock was unusually hard for you and was immediately answered by Liandrin.
She was casually clothed, had her hair in a few braids and looked at you innocently. You felt like you were about to explode.
"Why in the lights name aren't you down with the others?" You hissed, and she smirked slightly before she turned around and walked back into her room. The door standing open, an invitation for you to come in.
"I'm not coming." Her tone was flat, calm and yet you heard a little bit of satisfaction in it. You took a deep breath to calm down and not immediately slap the smirk off of her face.
"What do you mean?" She chuckled and looked back at you. Her arms were crossed, and her face conveyed pure arrogance.
"I'm not coming. I will most certainly not go on this mission with you. You are incompetent and will probably endanger us all." You sighed angrily. Rushing past her, you grabbed her backpack and opened it.
"You will come. Not coming endangers us. You are powerful and we need that. As much as I'd like for you to stay away. So grow up and get over your stupid grudge." You spoke heatedly, while you ran through her room, randomly opening drawers and pulling out clothes that looked practical and useful. Liandrin's eyes were widened and followed you through the room. She was surprised by your boldness. Surprised by your bluntness and honesty.
It would take you some time to get to the men that had been reported on. It was at least a seven days ride, without complications. But there were always complications. Always. Not once in all your time as an Aes Sedai had you just been able to ride somewhere, do your job and go back.
"Here." You said as you pushed the packed backpack into her arms and sharply turned around to go back to the stables. Liandrin looked down at the backpack and back at the spot where you were no longer standing. She rolled her eyes but chuckled softly. Quickly she followed you, luckily another sister had already saddled her horse. You were ready to leave.
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Sometimes the complications were minor and sometimes, like today, they were a massive fucking problem. Admittedly you were easy to identify as Aes Sedai. Even if you had taken off your rings. Four women, all clothed in red, obviously wealthy. What else would you be?
In certain situations it's good to be recognised as Aes Sedai immediately. It helped to be respected. It certainly wasn't convenient when multiple white cloaks were crossing your path.
It was no secret that Liandrin and you were by far the most powerful, not just of your group, but of all the Reds. So, instinctively the two of you stepped in front of the other, trying to slightly shield them with your horses. A laugh, cold and piercing, empty of any actually humour rang out between the trees.
"Do you really think you can protect your Sisters?" The voice said with cold amusement. A man stepped out of the group, his eyes made you shiver. With a look of pure hatred towards you. A chain dangled from his belt, you could see at least eight serpent rings, in all colours. Mainly blues, but some yellows, a green and a red one were there as well. Trying to remain calm you shot Liandrin a look, seeing the same kinds of emotions in her eyes. Slight panic, that was slowly turning into massive panic. Though she was much better at hiding it than you. She lifted her chin again, preserving the look of arrogance and confidence. It looked extremely believable.
"Don't make a mistake that might cost you your life." Liandrin spoke, sharp and icy as usual. The white cloaks just seemed to see that as a challenge they were willing to take.
"The two at the front are obviously the strongest, tame them. But keep them alive for now. Kill the others." The white cloak sharply ordered the other men and turned around to go back to his horse. Before you could even move they were between your horses. Your two sisters had lost they're hands before they could start channelling. They're screams shattered your soul, and you acted fast, throwing one of the men against the nearest tree, golden weaves glowing around him. In mere second you were off your horse and slowly approached the man, still floating in the air.
"You bastard." You spit out and pulled the weaves a little tighter around his chest and throat, strangling him. Though you let him abruptly fall to the ground as you heard a scream. A very familiar scream. You shot around, your two sisters were dead on the ground, hands cut off but rings already removed. Frantically your eyes searched through the trees and blood for Liandrin.
A glimpse of honey blonde hair caught your attention. Another scream. You started running towards her and saw her kneeling on the forest ground, clothes dirty and ripped slightly. She had a stab wound just below the rips and a sharp cut on her cheek. In a swift motion you threw the man standing next to her through the forest and heard him hit a tree somewhere. You didn't care, you didn't even look after him. You felt someone kick his knee into your back and your knees gave out, you fell to the ground as well. Your hands were being tied behind your back, and you couldn't even concentrate on the one power enough to use it as you saw the white cloak with the rings on his belt harshly grab Liandrin's face and force her to look at him.
"Try to channel, and I'll cut your hands off." He nearly spit into her face and Liandrin tried to get herself out of his grip. He pulled a dagger out of his belt and held it to her throat, pushing it into the flesh slightly.
"You dirty women, think the power is just for you. You think you're so much better than the rest of us." You just knew Liandrin would say something stupid.
"We are." She pressed out. The man immediately pushed the dagger into her flesh more, drawing a little bit of blood.
"Leave her alone." You shouted, you were aware that it sounded more desperate and panicked than strong and demanding. But you didn't care. The man slowly turned to look at you, his dirty fingers were still on Liandrin's face. You tried to loosen the rope around your hands and channel, but you felt a sudden kick into your stomach that took your breath away for a moment. You could have sworn Liandrin had a hint of panic in her eyes at that.
"Leave her, please." This time it just sounded pathetic. Nothing more. It had no edge, no sharpness or demanding tone. It was strangled and desperate. The man chuckled slightly.
"No, I won't." He said and took one of Liandrin's hands, his dirty fingers caressing her knuckles for a moment. As she wanted to pull her hand away he grabbed her wrist so hard, a whine escaped her. He turned around to one of the other men who had cut of the hands of your other sisters.
You were still breathless and desperate, but you felt anger and immediate panic inside of you. You didn't even have to concentrate on the one power, it was like it just flowed out of you. Like the anger and the panic enabled it and took over control for you. You didn't even take notice of it until the power flowed out of you, lighting up the forest and sending shock waves through the ground. You pull your hands apart and rip the rope that had tied them together. The wrists hurt, like the rope had sharply cut into the flesh. But you don't even feel the pain, you simply pull your hands to the front and concentrate on the men.
"I said, leave her." You pressed out, a little stronger this time. Sharper and icy. A tone of voice you had learned solely from Liandrin. On weak knees you stood up, all the men around you too dumbfounded to act. You stepped between the man and Liandrin and threw the men that were left on their feet through the forest. Almost immediately you felt all the strength leave you, and you collapsed, falling to your knees. Liandrin's touch on your arm was softer than anything you thought she was able to muster.
"We have to leave." She said, her voice weakly in your ear, like it was coming from behind a door about a mile away. Adrenaline was the only thing leading your body right now. Shakily you stood up, and somehow you managed to get onto a horse, sitting in front of Liandrin, her arm wrapped around your middle, the reins in one hand. Suddenly a sharp wind hit your face and the world seemed to rush past you. Like a faint memory in the back of your mind you thought about your two sisters. The ones you were leaving behind. But you weren't strong enough to even say something. It felt like you were riding for hours, though you weren't sure how accurate your sense of time was right now.
At some point Liandrin stopped and let go of you, you weren't as weak anymore. Apart from the weakness of using so much of the power you hadn't really been that hurt. A few scratches and some nasty bruises from the kicks. Nothing more. You heard a sharp intake of breath behind you and slightly turned around.
Liandrin had her hand pressed against her side, the robe she was wearing was soaked in blood, and it seeped through her fingers. She looked unbelievably pale.
"Liandrin." You said shocked and immediately got off of the horse. You helped her off the horses as well and let her down on the ground gently. You took her hand away from the wound and opened her robe to push it to the side, carefully shoving her shirt up to reveal her waist and the wound.
"In light's name." You cursed and tried to concentrate on channelling. You were much stronger than before, but still weak and worn out. It felt like the power wouldn't really form to anything proper, you felt like a novice again. Tears sprung to your eyes.
You shook your hands, like that would help. You felt your chest tighten again, the inevitable feeling of panic rising again. She was bleeding, too much. She would bleed out.
"Shit, fuck." You cursed, voice a little shaky. Your palms were sweaty, and you rubbed them dry on your trousers, shaking them again in a feeble attempt to get them to fucking work. Liandrin looked up at you and seemed...confused?
"It's ok." She said weakly. You shook your head violently, pressing the palm of your hand against your chest, trying to calm your laboured breaths.
"It's not. I can't heal you, I'm too weak." You felt her other hand reach out for your hand and squeeze it. It was a very weak squeeze. Too weak.
"Look at me, and concentrate. You're strong." She whispered. You nearly wanted to chuckle. Was this what it took to get Liandrin Sedai to compliment you?
You took a deep breath in and calmed yourself as much as possible. Your hands were shaky as you lifted them again, letting them hover above her wound. You looked into her eyes and took all the strength left in you together and tried to channel. It felt like you were burning out from the inside but the weaves appeared. You were aware of how dangerous it was, but that didn't matter. Slowly, very slowly, the weaves healed her wound. Your breathing heavily, hand shaking more and more. She gained a little of her natural skin colour back, and the second her wound was closed you broke down. The wound wasn't healed very prettily, there would definitely be a scar. Usually you were much better at this, but she was safe. That was all that mattered.
All you felt were soft fingers pushing your hair out of your face and lifting your head. As you opened your eyes you realised, that your head was resting in Liandrin's lap. Her fingers softly combed through your hair, soothingly, nearly lovingly. A touch you weren't aware Liandrin was capable of.
It felt like an eternity that you both stayed like this, her fingers running through your hair. You weren't sure if you had maybe fallen asleep at some point. But you were definitely a little stronger again when she suddenly spoke.
"You risked your life for me." She said, and it sounded like she was confused. It was just a hint in her voice, put you picked up on it. Apart from the fact that you'd risk your life for all of your sisters, you were slightly surprised that she ever thought you wouldn't.
"You should have gotten out of there and not cared about me. You should have saved your own life." She added, sounding almost angry now. She didn't look at you, looked straight ahead into the forest, and yet her fingers were still in your hair. Slowly you sat up and tilted your head as you looked at Liandrin.
"Of course I risked my life for you. I'd do that for all of our sisters." You said simply. You weren't going to tell her that she was special. She turned her face to look at you. She searched for your eyes, for any sort of lie in them, any sort of deception.
"You hate me." She stated coldly, putting on the arrogant and confident mask again. You immediately let out a weak chuckle.
"I don't hate you." She was confused. That was very apparent now.
"Everyone knows that you hate me. You didn't even want me on this mission." She said and raised an eyebrow, it was like she wanted to challenge you.
"I'm the only one in the whole tower who can actually keep calm when talking to you. If I hated you, I definitely wouldn't keep so calm." You explained carefully and shrugged. You weren't sure if she was ready for the whole conversation, for the blunt and full revelation yet.
"But-..." you cut her off. She looks surprised, not many people dared to do that.
"Think about it, when we interact, who's angry and spits venom? Not me." You couldn't help but smirk slightly. She looked stunned, almost speechless. That was a first, you thought.
"What the hell are you talking about?" And she was back. In full glory, icy and mean. You sighed slightly and looked away for a moment. You thought about what to say, how to make her understand.
"Liandrin, I care for you. And I was scared..." you gulped slightly, feeling your chest tighten at the memory of her, so helpless and endangered, "I was really scared for you." You added a little softer and looked back at her.
"Bullshit." She spit out and jumped to her feet. Taking a few steps away from you, she looked down at you, angry and yet a little scared. You were still a little wobbly on your feet but tried to stand up nonetheless. It took a moment to steady yourself once you were up, but you managed. Carefully you took a step closer to her, but she immediately backed off. You sighed.
"Liandrin, please." You pleaded but she ignored it. "No one cares about me, the whole tower hates me. They fear me." She was vulnerable right now, you knew that. But as usual she hid it with anger. You were lost for what to do. It was clear she didn't believe your words. It was clear she didn't want you to get closer. There wasn't much you could do.
"I don't." You said softly, not moving any closer to not upset her further. "I don't fear you. And I do care about you. I always have." You added carefully, choosing your words cautiously. It's like you could see the gears work in her mind, and as she looked back at you, she looked nothing like the Liandrin you knew from the Tower. She looked nothing like the Liandrin that was always angry, always held her chin up high and strode through the corridors of the Tower as if she was the Amyrlin Seat herself.
She looked like a little kid, who had never been loved, never been cared for. Like a woman that was used to being mistreated and used for someone else's pleasure and will. It broke your heart. Carefully you stepped closer again, and this time she allowed it. She looked so small, so vulnerable. With a few steps you stood right in front of her.
"Lia, I care for you. And you deserve to be cared for." You softly whispered, like it was a secret — no, an oath. An oath to always care for her. To give her the love and care she had never gotten in her life. "You deserve to be loved." You added carefully, hoping she would get the hint. And judging by her reaction, she did. Her eyes widened a bit, and she stared at you completely stunned. If not for the situation, and the obvious pain in her eyes, it would have been adorable. You couldn't help but smile slightly and shrug, as if to underline what you had just said.
"You can't-..." She said, voice just a little thinner than usual, a little shakier.
"Yes, I can." You said simply and carefully reached out for her hand. Her fingers against the palm of your hand, soft and warm, was like a grounding power. It calmed your heart, silenced your self-doubt and anxiety.
"And I do." You whispered, face close to hers, so close that you can nearly feel her shaky breath in your skin. You squeeze her hand slightly.
"You're a pain in the ass most of the time." You say and a ghost of a smirk is on her lips. That alone tells you she feels the same or at least similarly to you. Otherwise, you'd be long dead by now, talking to her like this.
"But I care about you, and you're much more than you show people or even make yourself out to be." You finish and search her eyes with yours, trying to decipher a reaction, her feelings on this. You can't read her, and for a moment you ask yourself why. You can always read her. But then you understand why. Her eyes are glossy, she'd never allow even one tear to fall, you know that. But they're there, and that's honestly enough answer for you.
Boldly you tug a strand of honey hair behind her ear, that had fallen out of her complicated half-updo of braids. You'll never understand how she has the patience to do those every day. Your fingers linger in her sharp jawbone for a moment.
"You're ridiculous." She says, and it lacks an obvious amount of sharpness, though you can hear she tries to muster it. She just fails. You smile gently at that.
"Probably." She looks a bit annoyed by that answer, but can't hide a soft smile of her own. A crack of wood somewhere behind you snaps you out of it. You spin around, ready to fight again even though your legs are still a bit wobbly. It's just your horse, you audibly sigh in relief.
"We have to get back to the Tower. I don't know how far you rode, I was completely out of it. But I imagine the white cloaks are pissed, and they're still far too close." You say diplomatically as you look back at her. In the few moments you turned away she sucked up the tears rimmed in her eyes and patched her mask back together. Though it's a bit more transparent than before. A good sign. She agrees and you both get back on the horse. It's a bit awkward now, close together on the horse. Back to the Tower will surely take two days. Maybe longer. You'll manage, and you're sure once at the Tower she'll try to shut you out. But you can be persuasive if you want and now that you've seen a glimpse of her, you won't back down.
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marmorafarms · 2 years
"Good Boy" Sebastian x Cis female reader
This fic was requested by the lovely @darlingsama630
18+ ONLY please and thank you!
Summary: After a family dinner with the parents, you and Sebastian go home. Sebastian wants to know if he had been a good boy. You decide to respond accordingly.
Word count: 2,294 words
Warnings/content: fem dom, soft dom, sub Sebastian, face sitting, orgasm denial, cis female reader
I hope you enjoy!
"Thank you for dinner tonight Robin," you said warmly to your mother-in-law as you packed up to go home. You and Sebastian had been invited over to celebrate Demetrius' 50th birthday with a small get together. Demetrius was never one for huge celebrations, preferring to spend this time with family and family only.
"No need to thank me," Robin said kindly. "I'm just so glad you and Sebby showed up."
You turned to Demetrius, and shot him a gentle smile. "Happy Birthday Demetrius," you said. "I hope you had a great one!"
"Well, that rice pudding you made for me certainly made it better!" Demetrius said good naturedly. "I especially appreciated how practical your gift was. I always need a new journal to write notes in, and I hate frivolous items."
Robin rolled her eyes behind his back. Everyone in the room remembered with clarity the argument Robin and Demetrius had last year in front of the whole family. It was in regards to the new bed she had made. Demetrius had scoffed at how she chose beauty over function…though you still didn't understand that. It still did the job, it just looked pretty.
The whole situation had been awkward, and Demetrius left in a huff when you softly agreed with Robin that it was indeed a lovely bed. Maru had stared at the floor the whole time while Sebastian and Robin looked smug.
Sebastian had suggested you get him a pack of pencils since Demetrius always got annoyed when given anything that was deemed "not useful." You gave Sebastian a look, and he grumbled out that the two of you could buy him something a bit more personalized.
"You know," Robin said in a low voice as she walked you out the door, "You have been a fantastic influence on my son. To think your marriage started out with our husbands arguing over which spoon size was best…and has now bloomed into a wonderful birthday dinner without a single argument! Whatever magic you're working, keep it up!"
You laughed lightly, looking fondly at Sebastian who was politely pretending to understand an obscure science joke Maru had just made.
"I'll do my best," you said, and Robin grinned.
"I think it's your sweet and gentle nature that cools his heat," Robin mused. "I've never heard you raise your voice. When I first met you, I don't think I even heard you speak more than a few words to anyone in town!"
"I'm a bit shy, I'll admit it," you said bashfully. "I'm so grateful that this town has truly accepted me."
With one last hug from Robin and Maru, and a firm handshake with Demetrius, you and Sebastian headed back to the farmhouse. You talked casually about how it was nice to have everyone together again. Sebastian even made jokes about Harvey being at the next family dinner. But you both solemnly agreed that Demetrius would be passive aggressive about dating getting in the way of Maru's dreams so…maybe Harvey wouldn't show up after all.
When the door closed behind the two of you as you entered the living room, you could feel the mood shift. You went about your nighttime routine as usual, pretending not to notice a thing. As you were putting your clothes in the hamper, Sebastian cleared his throat.
Here we go, you thought to yourself.
"So," Sebastian said, standing at the foot of the bed, "Was I good?"
You kept your face neutral, but inside you were cheering, jumping up and down and throwing confetti. He was doing it.
The first time you had asked him to be good had ended in Demetrius and Sebastian nearly getting into a fist fight over who got to use the little spoon at the table. 
"You were terrible tonight!" You had hissed at him when you got home.
"He was asking for it!" Sebastian said, arms thrown wide.
"You are 25, not 12!" You barked out. "I should punish you for this!"
At these words, Sebastian had gone still. The two of you were eyeing each other, both wondering the same thing.
"Maybe you should," Sebastian said evenly.
You walked over to your closet and pulled out a large box you had never shown him before. He had never asked about it, and you hadn't been sure when would be the right time to bring it up. You were aware of Sebastian's kinkier side, but this?
Rummaging around, you finally found what you were looking for, and presented the item to him. "You have to wear this," you said simply, "until you apologize to Demetrius."
Sebastian's eyes went wide. You were nervous, but you refused to let it show.
"A cock cage?" he asked, staring at it warily.
"Yes. I'll keep the key, and will unlock it only when you apologize to your step father." 
Sebastian thought about it, and then nodded.
"Doesn't seem that bad to me."
Oh how wrong he was.
The poor boy couldn't cum for a whole week because his stubborn streak was preventing him from apologizing. When he finally gave in and was allowed to orgasm, it was one of the best he'd ever had.
That had started your play with orgasm denial. But when it came to meetings with Demetrius, you got to decide if he was good or bad. You had started doing a new thing for that situation. It didn't take the wizard much convincing to make you a bracelet that would prevent the user from being able to have any sexual pleasure. No sex, no masturbation, no nothing. It would deliver an electric shock every time the perso tried to get off. Sebastian was willing to try it out, curiosity winning over apprehension.
The best part was, only the person who put it on could take it off. You typically had him wear it for an entire week as punishment, and got great results.
But if he was good…
You pondered Sebastian's question for a moment and then turned to him.
"For the most part," you said. 
"What…what do you mean?" he asked, fear in his eyes. You let out a low chuckle.
"You don't need to worry kitten," you said, using the name you only gave him in this situation, "you won't have to wear the bracelet. But you didn't wish your step dad a happy birthday. That's not what a good boy does."
"I'm sorry Miss," he said, ducking his head. "I should've done better."
"Should-a, could-a, would-a, DIDN'T," you said, narrowing your eyes. "You'll get your reward for not being a brat at dinner. But you still need to be reprimanded."
You walked over, and grabbed his jaw forcefully making him look at you. "Good boys get to cum. Bad boys don't. You know the rules."
"I don't want to hear your voice," you said, letting go. "Strip."
Sebastian did as asked, quickly discarding his clothes in a heap. You looked him over, disapproval on your face, but lust in your heart. He had the body of a Greek god, and you lived to see him naked. You loved it when he sent you lewds, and on the rare occasion, full nudes.
But now wasn't the time to drool over his body. You had work to do.
"On the bed," you snapped, and in an instant he was sitting in the center.
"Eyes closed," you said. "I'm going to undress, but you don't get to look. Open your eyes once and you wear the bracelet. Got it?"
Sebastian squeezed his eyes shut and nodded.
"I asked a question," you snarled.
"Yes Miss, I understand," he said quickly. Pleased with his response, you slowly removed your clothing, making sure that he could hear the rustling of fabric. His dusky pink cock was rising to attention as he sat there, clearly listening closely. You knew he was imagining what you were doing, and it was an ego boost to know that the mere thought of you was making him hard.
You climbed onto the bed, and heard him whimper. 
"Eyes stay shut kitten," you said softly. "Now lie back."
Sebastian got down on his back, and you climbed on top. You knew exactly what you were going to do, and were excited to begin.
"If you touch me, or buck your hips, you wear the bracelet for two weeks," you said firmly. Sebastian let out a whine, squirming slightly.
"Yes Miss," he said.
"Repeat to me what you won't do."
"I won't touch or–ahh!" he gasped, eyes nearly opening. 
Your pussy was on his cock, and you were moving your hips, rubbing yourself along his length. He was lost for words, absorbed in the sensation.
"I said repeat what you won't do," you said calmly, continuing your movements.
"I-I won't…touch or…or b-buck my hips," he moaned out.
"That's right," you said. You leaned forward and rubbed your thumbs over his nipples. Sebastian was panting hard. You could feel his hips stutter as he forced himself not to move. He was trying so hard to be good for you.
You finally moved from his cock, and frowned as he spoke.
"What did you say?" you snapped.
There was a deadly silence. Sebastian had a lot of room to fuck up right now, and he knew it. Lying was not an option.
"I…I asked why you were stopping," he said meekly.
"I don't remember asking you to speak," you said. "Let's put your mouth to better use."
Sebastian was practically vibrating with anticipation as you positioned yourself, lowering your pussy down to meet his mouth. His arms jerked, but ultimately stayed still. You knew he was desperate to hold your hips.
"Lick," you commanded.
If there was one thing your man was good at, it was eating pussy. He had been a natural from the start, and the first time he ate you out you flat out refused to believe he hadn't done it before.
You moaned as his tongue explored your folds, darting inside you before flicking your clit. You rocked against his face, and you felt him groan in pleasure. The vibrations from his noises made you bite your lip, eyes fluttering shut.
Your hips rocked faster as you chased your orgasm. Any time you let out a word of praise, Sebastian moaned and licked faster. You liked feeding into his praise kink, it made everything so much better.
Crying out in pleasure, you let your orgasm overtake you. Sebastian continued to lap at you, your cum drenching his face. As you got off of him, you could see how painfully hard he was. It took all your self control not to slide down onto him.
"You did such a good job kitten," you said, and Sebastian flushed with pride. "Felt so good." You settled in between his legs and ran a finger down his length. Sebastian shivered.
"You even managed to keep your eyes closed," you said. "Since you've been doing well…you can open them."
Sebastian's eyes opened, pupils blown with lust as he looked you over. His eyes roamed greedily, and you knew he wanted to touch. 
"Do you want something?" you asked.
Sebastian gulped. "Yes Miss," he said.
"What do you want?" you asked. "Good boy's use their words."
"Wanna…wanna touch you. Want you to ride me and let me touch you," he panted out. You raised an eyebrow at these words.
"You think you deserve it?" you asked.
"I've…I've been good!" Sebastian pouted. "Only a little bad…but I've been good!"
He looked so pitiful beneath you, and it melted your heart. 
"You have been good," you said, and guided his hands to your waist. He looked at you in wonder, in disbelief that he could touch.
"Hold on," you murmured, and sank down onto him in one swift movement.
"Thank you!" Sebastian cried out. "You're so good to me!"
"You deserve a little something," you said with a smile. "But your hips stay still. If they move, this ends."
"Yes Miss!" Sebastian breathed, and threw his head back in pleasure as you began to move. It felt amazing for you, and you knew he was loving it too. His eyebrows began to furrow, and he pulled his lower lip into his mouth. These were tell tale signs that he was close. You smirked at him, and immediately stopped moving.
Sebastian let out a truly pathetic whine, and you laughed.
"You really thought I'd let you cum that easily?" you taunted.
Sebastian looked at you with wide eyes and a trembling lip. You clicked your tongue and shook your head.
"What do you do you do if you want to cum?" you asked in a sing song tone.
"Please," he whined. You rolled your eyes at him.
"Please let me cum," he amended.
"Better," you said, but still didn't move.
"Please!" he begged, "Please ride me, I want to feel your pussy on me, want it to make me cum! Please Miss!" 
You smiled at him, and wiped away the tears forming at the corners of his eyes.
"Good boy," you said, and began to move again. 
He didn't last long, hot ropes of cum painting your insides white. Sebastian howled in ecstasy, eyes rolling back. When he finally managed to regain his senses, you pulled off and laid down next to him. Your eyes locked, and you gave him a soft kiss.
"Shower?" you asked, and he nodded with a sleepy smile.
The shower was long, as was typical after something like this. Sweet kisses were shared, and, as always, you ended up with your legs around his waist, back against the shower wall, as he fucked you one last time.
The two of you fell asleep in each other's arms. He really was a good boy.
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ellieluvr420 · 8 months
We meet again, darling pt.16 (detective Abby Anderson x criminal reader x detective Ellie Williams)
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Synopsis: Abby Anderson is a skilled detective that's never let a criminal escape her grasp, until you. You've infiltrated every part of her life and she still can't get you. As she grows more and more intrigued by you she finds herself descending further into darkness until there's no way back. She takes your hand and follows you as if your presence is the only thing giving her life knowing that you are the most dangerous thing for her. Her life will never be hers again and she will stop at nothing to keep following you down your path of corruption.
"I decided to bring you back early because you are a fine detective and we need yours and everyone else's skills right now. Despite that, anything happens like this again and I will kick you out on your ass. You got that?"
The fire in Ellie burned as she was shamed for something she knew she hadn't done but then she thinks about you and Abby and everything she's done and the fire dies down slightly.
"Yes sir, I understand, thank you." He dismisses her from his office and she walks straight over to Abby's desk.
"You won't fucking believe it Anderson, I'm back."
"Jeez why are you in a mood?"
"You're happy about being back because they want all our resources dedicated to finding out the identity of our girlfriend who is a ruthless serial killer/druglord. You're happy about that?" She had lowered her voice to a whisper and as she realised she had referred to you as hers and Ellie's she cringed at herself. She didn't know what to call what it was between the three of you. She knew Ellie and her both wanted you but she wasn't sure of their dynamic. She had always respected Ellie despite never showing it because Abby was always given a little bit of respect and trust in her job because of her stature and Ellie didn't have that, she was scary but she had to fight harder to get to the position they were both in. They had always had a strange tension over the years, Abby could never discern whether they were rivals or friends but when she had kissed Ellie at the club and everything that happened once they got home from the club, it made her see Ellie in a different light, although she still wasn't pleased by the smug look on Ellie's face as she stood over her.
"Okay fair enough, it is not a cause for celebration but think about it we can try and steer them away from ever working out its her."
"That's true, the good thing is she won't show up in any databases because she's officially dead." Ellie blinks rapidly as she waits for Abby to laugh and say she's joking but she doesn't which causes Ellie's face to screw up in confusion.
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
"She faked her death, the identity she has now is a fake. But this is not the time or the place and she tells the story much better than me so look busy and we'll talk later okay?"
Ellie goes to speak but remains quiet and nods before turning on her heel and walking to her desk. She settles herself in her chair and immediately starts looking into all the evidence against you. Her anxiety spiked as she saw them inching closer and closer to you but she can't stop looking through all the files until she sees Detective Grant walking away from the interview room looking frustrated.
"Hey you good?" He sighs as he comes to stand in front of her desk.
"Fucking guy in there knows jack shit about the woman we're looking for, I don't understand why he would be hiding stuff about her so I assume he doesn't know. It's like we're so close but we can't quite get there."
"That's what your girl says about your sex life."
"You're such an ass." They both giggle like children until Ellie calms down enough to speak.
"Let me and Abby try, we'll do good cop bad cop and use the shock factor of the fact we're women, if he knows stuff we'll get it out of him." She covers her intentions with banter as she always did with a lie and she felt a sense of satisfaction as Detective Grant laughs with her.
"Yeah alright I'll do your paperwork for a week if you get anything else out of him.
"You're on." She snatches the file being held out to her and immediately speed walks over to Abby's desk. "Come on we're interviewing Mr. chatterbox."
"You're kidding."
"Nope, I'm a lot more charming than you."
"Charming? Annoying? Same thing." They walk to the interview room and go into the back room to watch him behind the mirror and strategize. They looked through the file and observed the man's skittish behaviour.
"He looks like he's tweaking."
"Yeah that's withdrawal if I've ever seen it. How does it say this guy was arrested?" Ellie flicks through the file until she finds the information.
"Caught him selling, it was just by chance, some officers on patrol."
"You think he works for her then?"
"He must do. But how does he know so much?"
"Let's find out." Abby rings you on her burner phone as Ellie watches curiously.
"Hey, can you get your IT guy to do me a favour?"
"Yeah babe, what's up?"
"Can you get him to hack into the CCTV footage again and just corrupt the sound of the footage for the interview room for while we're in there?"
"Yeah I'll get him to do it now. How are my girls doing?"
"Shut up. Thank you, I'll... We'll talk to you later." She hung up feeling flustered by the interaction but regains her composure as she nods at Ellie to signal she's ready.
They walk in and the guy jumps so they both move cautiously and speak quietly.
"Hi Ricky. We need to talk to you." Abby leads the conversation letting Ellie concentrate on observing his behaviour. She had always been good at spotting people's tells.
"I answered all your questions already." He sounds like he's pleading and they almost feel bad until they remember what problems he's caused. Their eyes both go dark and their demeanour's change, it looked inhumane and the man stared like he'd seen a ghost.
"We know you're a runner for her. We have your name and your picture Ricky Matthews. You know that she won't stop until you die a painful death." Abby gritted out with a venom in her voice that neither her or Ellie recognised.
"Who are you people?" His voice is trembling and his eyes look glazed over.
"That's not important. What you need to tell us is how you came about all the information you've shared." Ellie chimes in while looking uninterested.
"I can't tell you that." He keeps his eyes firmly on the floor.
"You tell us and you get a reduced sentence and she will promise to spare your life." Abby offers and as his head shoots up and he makes genuine eye contact for the first time, she knows they've won.
"Promise." Abby genuinely sounds sincere and Ellie watches in anticipation waiting for him to explain how he knows everything, she just wants to be able to tell you, it's the only thought running through her mind, you are often the only thought running through her mind now.
"Okay, er I found out because Richter, he's the guy that's supposed to be the boss, he had got drunk at a party and I happened to be in the small group of people that he was mouthing off about her to. Just said he was sick and tired of her doing whatever she wanted to and treating him like a sidekick and stuff. Then he started rambling about a plan to let her do all the work taking over the Met and then throw her under the bus so he could take over. He didn't say nothing else about it until he..."
"he?... he what?" Ellie snapped losing the tiny amount of patience she previously had.
"He came to me and said he'd pay me if I got arrested and told them about the woman. I got a 2 year old at home I figured it would be good for her for college or something."
"Okay, thank you." At that moment, Abby's phone buzzed with a message from you.
'Tell him I'll pay him whatever Richter was going to pay him.'
"She'll pay you whatever Richter was going to pay you."
"Really? Thank you."
"Yeah it's okay." They both get up and leave without another word and go straight back to the room behind the two-way mirror to call you.
"So you heard all of that?"
"Yeah I did. I'm going to kill that son of a bitch. Good work, thank you."
"It's fine. Sorry it turned out to be him."
"It's fine, it was always going to be a case of who kills who first. I had a feeling it would be me killing him."
"Well alright then. We're gonna go, see you later."
"Yeah, we're all having dinner together tonight by the way so both come straight from work."
"Yes boss." You giggle and hang up the phone as you look at all the ingredients laid out ready for you to cook dinner together. You look at the ingredients for the creamy tomato soup you had as a kid that you plan to make with grilled cheeses and your blood boils at the memories of your childhood with Johnny, you had loved the meal all throughout your childhood and as you got older you grew to enjoy making it all fresh, the more you reminisce the more you seethe. You're seeing red, your body is on fire, your heartbeat is erratic and so loud it's all you can hear but you just stay still trying to breathe. You had planned to make dinner with your girls and fill them in on the plan but now all you could think of was ripping your brothers head off but you decided you would deal with him and your other affairs tomorrow. Tonight you wanted to make dinner and enjoy one of your last nights in the city. You'd miss the penthouse and the high rise but what was coming next was making you excited to leave. You kept reassuring yourself 'not long now.'
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Out of Hell
Pairing: Melissa Schemmenti x Reader, oc x Reader, Melissa x Joe
Warnings: Adoption, sex work, drugs, alcohol,murder, disgusting men, homophobia, hints of molestation, absent fathers, shit fathers, pregnancy, character death, bullying, let me know if I’ve left anything out. Unedited
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.5 Pt.6
My inspo for Y/n is Maria Brink the lead singer
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I was sixteen, I dreamed for a life too out of reach a life of the white picket fence before I stood on the corner and sold myself to the streets. My mother needed help and I was all she had so that became my life until college, my father was a no good man who touched who he shouldn’t and then he left.
I had already become a mother to a child I couldn’t care for with no choice but to give her up for adoption with the name Maria. The hardest decision I would ever have to make and unable to hold her for dear life before she was passed over to parents who could raise my darling.
The world let me go, my mother and I were never the same when I got back from the hospital she had given up on me just as everyone else and just as I would myself. I was only fifteen when Maria was born, I was only sixteen when things took place how was I too know how cruel the world really was?.
Liam was fifteen when his father killed his mother so he turned to drugs for comfort before the drugs took over and he was left alone. His father kicked him out after he came out of the closet and the world seemed to shun him out so he gave up on himself too.
He began sleeping on the very corner I stood almost nightly, that’s where I met him we were just two kids with a bad run at life. He smiled up at me patting the ground beside him “I’m Liam” he introduced “Y/n” I spoke quietly as I took a seat.
That night all we did was sit and talk as people passed by throwing dirty looks our way little did we know how life would turn out. We would meet at the same corner each night and talk we would plan out our lives, I no longer wanted to use myself and he didn’t want to depend on drugs.
Out of Hell we would climb
We would go from club to club for a while chasing an imaginary high we could never achieve always ending up somewhere else. Like doing coke off some womans boobs in a cramped up apartment full of men gazing at us like we weren’t just people.
It took some time before we got there, we both got part time jobs working at a bar for my uncle, I sang ignoring the mens hungry stares. Liam waited the tables staying by my side throughout everything with the kindest smile I had seen.
I’m not sure if we would tell our past so easily
Out of hell we would climb
We both wanted better, more than the bar we wanted to go to college and we worked tirelessly to get there where we met Melissa. I had accidentally bumped into her at the gates causing her to quickly turn our way with a fist ready “I’m sorry” I apologised softly.
Something in her eyes changed as she lowered her fist and smiled “Melissa Schemmenti” she nodded “Y/n Y/l/n and this is Liam Davids” I introduced. “Pretty name for a pretty girl” she flirted with a wink before a guy came towards us wrapping an arm around her shoulders “this is my boyfriend Joe”.
I hated him already with his stupid smirk, Liams hand wrapped around my own while I rested my head on his shoulder. We stood and spoke for a few minutes more before Joe dragged Melissa away with a promise to catch up later.
The redheads eyes never seemed to move from me even when her attention was on her so called boyfriend that was checking every chick that passed by out. He disgusted me in a way I doubt Melissa ever could the way he just existed nauseated me, smug prick.
Melissa’s life hadn’t been kind to her either after her mother passed when she was nineteen her father couldn’t look at her anymore. Her younger sister Kristen-Marie relied on her, Nonna did all she could for her granddaughter’s but Melissa had always been out of reach.
Melissa had never been like the other girls not one for frilly dresses she had been bigger than the other children so she made sure to hide herself. She knew how to throw a ball and to land a punch it became her, she embraced different as much as she could but looking around made her shrink back.
Her differences disgusted her
The people around her didn’t help, children were harsh their words harsher as they cut deep into Melissa’s skin, she couldn’t change who she was but she could hide, she would pretend.
She couldn’t stand the feeling of some guys hands on her body, their lips on hers no she enjoyed women. Beautiful women with soft skin and bright smiles.
“Someone has a crush” Liam sang as we entered my dorm
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
prompts 5, 36, and 38 for the spy please?
(sorry if i alr sent this lmao)
Idk what prompt set you mean so I did mine. Thank you @okchijt as always for helping me :) They've done this plot awhile ago but I never got to it until now. Me and them both struggled on a plot with what we were given so I'm sorry if you don't like it :(
Yandere! Spy Prompts 5, 36, 38
"Manipulation? No, dear, I'm just encouraging you!"
"I'd hate to hurt you but... if you keep this up I might have to."
"My life has been so barren without you...."
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Possible OOC Spy, Manipulation, Threats, Death, Mentions of "Respawn Machines", Jealousy, Touchy behavior, Different from my usual fics, Blackmail, You can imagine darling is part of a different team than RED and BLU if you want, Forced relationship.
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Your grip on the gun shook as you pointed it towards the enemy Spy. Your teammates were gone, held hostage by a sabotaged respawn machine. It was just you... and the Spy in front of you.
"I suggest you listen, dear." Spy warns, looking at you with a smug expression. "I can easily have your team gotten rid of permanently unless you listen. Those respawn machines are important, we both know that... and they're offline."
"You're lying...." You seethe, gun still aimed for the Spy in front of you.
"Am I?" Spy grins, cigarette in hand. "Would you really want to take the risk and doom your team? I thought you cared for them... unfortunately." Spy grimaces, watching you as you take in his words.
Spy only approaches when he sees you freeze and lower you're weapon. He circles you with a predatory grin as he plucks the weapon from your hand. You watch as he tosses it, settling behind you with his hands on your hips.
"Aren't you tired of fighting?" Spy whispers, leaning into you. "I could easily put an end to all of this unless you comply. You see... I have so much info against you and your team. Hate to have it all leaked, no?"
Spy's smile never falters when he sees your breath hitch. He has you exactly where he wants you. He's been waiting for this moment. He has been pretending to play the part of your team member... only to reveal himself as a traitor.
This was his job, after all... gain information and take out those who resist.
"You know what I'm talking about, dear. It's against the rules to have romantic relations with a team member, is it not? I could tell the higher ups about everything... you wouldn't want that."
Spy chuckles when you freeze, knowing he means the conversations you've been having with your "coworker"... aka Spy. The real coworker you adores was dead and gone. Spy made sure not even a respawn machine could help them.
"You trying to blackmail me?" You answer, squirming when Spy pulls you closer. "Manipulate me into doing... what exactly?"
"Manipulation? No, dear, I'm just encouraging you!" Spy hums. "But with me, you don't have to hold your feelings back anymore. I adored our little chats. We can still make this work... I can even bring back that team of yours if you just give yourself to me, my beloved. Our little secret...."
"Don't mock me!" You yell, breaking out of his grip. You try to pull out your secondary but the Spy is faster due to years of experience. He plucks the weapon out of your hand before tossing it again. You then feel him hold you still, a frown on his face.
"I'd hate to hurt you but... if you keep this up I might have to." Spy sighs, sound hurt. The sudden change surprises you. What scares you about Spy... is the fact you can't read him. Spy chuckles, seeing the gears turning in your eyes.
"We'll be seeing each other a lot more often, won't we?" Spy smiles. "After all... you want this little secret of yours to stay quiet no doubt. In fact... once those respawn machines are up and running again, I'm sure you'll be seeing me tonight, love."
He traces his gloves fingers across your jawline, smiling with half lidded eyes.
"I plan to make you mine tonight, dear... better wear something nice." Spy whispers. "I want you to act like you're mine, after all, I'm turning these machines back on because I love you. Don't forget that."
Spy then lets you go, stepping away as he watches you stare him down. You're terrified, frustrated, but unable to do anything as of now. You're vulnerable and he adores it.
"My life has been so barren without you...." Spy announces with a wave. "I'll never let you leave me now."
With that, he activates his watch and disappears from sight...
Leaving you alone with the consequences of your actions.
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narrators-journal · 4 months
The senku fake dating fic was so good!!! We need a part 2 <3 (this isn't pressure or anything I just find your writing so good and need more :>)
Sorry that this took so long, and that I can’t say with a lot of confidence that this has the same charm as the first part. But I hope it’s an amusing follow-up at least. Senku’s character is...questionable to me? But I may be a bit too close to it. Anyways! I hope you enjoy, and I hope this is as funny as I find it lololol.
“What the fuck was that, Ishigami?!” You snarled with indignant fire in your cheeks as you slammed the hotel room’s door as best the thing would let you. “You asked me to be your date to this stupid fucking thing, so I played your date. What else was I supposed to do?!” He snapped back, his crimson eyes sharp as they glared at you. “Maybe not whip out this wild fucking tale of love at first sight or whatever?!” “I did not say it was love at first sight. I pointedly said you annoyed the shit out of me at first. That’s more realistic.” “Yeah! For a rom-com!” You countered, though the man only flopped onto his bed with a groan as you stood at the foot and glared a hole through him. “Dude, this whole scenario is from some rom-com! Might as well lean into the cheesy crap.” He sighed. “Besides, why are you even mad? My tale was plenty romantic, your aunties and grannies were eating it up. You should be offering to up my pay, not chewing me out for doing my job.” He pointed out after, which only worsened the heat in your face. “Did you not think that this would make it near impossible for them to not ask about you in the future? Unless you’re gonna come to every family reunion, birthday, and engagement party for the rest of our days, I’ll have to tell them we broke up. Then you’ll become that ‘one who got away’ to my family.” You hissed, though you didn’t mention the issue of him having flustered you. That was an unnecessary factor for the red-eyed leek to know as he scrolled on his phone. So, you continued, “I’ll be ten years married and still hearing wistful musings of how my life might’ve been if I’d married that nice young man who was so deeply in love with me or some crap.” “You really over think shit, has anyone told you that?”
You shot your apathetic room mate a dirty look, but he didn’t bother with a glance towards you. Which, you were used to. While you and Senku weren’t best friends, you’d spoken a few times in your time as roomies, and each time, he had a skill for not looking at you as he tossed his barbs and snide remarks like darts. He generally just had a skill for being a bit of an ass too.
Which, on some level, was always fun. It took the pressure off of you to be polite and cordial when he’d trudge out of his room and snatch your coffee from your hands as if he was two seconds from crashing. It was entertaining to swap remarks with him, and hear the, admittedly, funny cuts he could cook up towards you. At least, after you’d met Taiju, and it had truly sunk in that Senku really was just like that with everyone. It was worlds easier to not take offense to being called an elephant or compared to an unsocialized chihuahua when you’d seen him tell Taiju that a rock had more braincells than him without a glance. And maybe, a little endearing..
However, at the moment, that parlay of words and chilly smugness only pissed you off further. It seemed to only dig into the melancholic well of anger, happiness, and embarrassment in a way you didn’t enjoy at all. “Fine then, if I’m just over-thinking, what do yousuggest I do to get rid of any future questions of you?” You asked, your words sharpened by the annoyance at yourself, thankfully. “Easy. Just tell them I died in a car crash.” “SENKU ISHIGAMI.” The only response you got was the leek-haired man’s devious cackle. “That’s a horrible way to handle it!” “Eh, not really. They won’t ask much if they think I died.” He pointed out, almost smug at his suggestion as you growled and flopped onto your own hotel bed. Your face buried into the lavender-scented pillow.
As if he could sense your frustration at the idea, though, Senku did offer an alternative. “I mean, if you really don’t want to lie and you’re so worried about your family missing me, we could just. Date for realsies. That way you wouldn’t have to weave a web of lies. And I could come to your other functions.” Which, sat in the air between you for a long, slow moment while you chewed on it.
When you lifted your head to look at him, he didn’t seem to be lying, he looked as he always did, as if the answer had been obvious, and he was amused at your not seeing it. Though, after what he’d said at the dinner...you couldn’t help but think the glint of amusement in his cherry eyes was an honest, affectionate bit of playfulness. Not pure condescension. But, you were still skeptical as you pushed yourself up from the bed and turned to face him on his own mattress. “Are you being serious? Do you seriously want to date me?” You asked, and Senku shrugged, “Sure. I don’t see why not. Though my pay will have to be upped to fifty a date. I need to pay for next year’s classes.”
You gave a bit of a furious scream and threw your pillow as hard as you could at that. The fluffy, lavender-scented mass able to smack Senku in his laughing face before you flopped back onto your bed. Your back now to him, your cheeks alight with a fresh wave of embarrassment, and his maniacal laugh in the air. Of course the bastard was fucking with you. Senku wasn’t an ass, but he had enough of a mean streak to tease you so viciously. Fine then, fuck face. You’re gonna regret those words, though “Fine since you offered, we’re gonna date. That solves my problem, and you can finally say you get girls.” You snarked, pointedly not looking back at the scientist in a similar way he often didn’t look at you when talking to you. “Fine by me. I need a test subject that’s closer than Taiju is.” Was his simple response. Ever smug, as if he’d won.
God I hate this man.
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viburnt · 8 months
Hellooo ! Can you write about bakugou being our bully since we were kids?? Loveur contect!
Heya! Anon, you didn't give me more specifics so I went with the "boys are mean when they like you" route. Hope you like this~
CW: Bullying, emotional manipulation, threats, coercion, angst, dark content
Childhood bully Bakugo
There has to be a reason for Bakugo to bully you since kids although, to be fair, anything could've triggered that reaction from him. Quirkless? Chasing after a big dream? Perhaps you are better on something he is not. Or maybe people likes you more! Whatever the reason is, Bakugo's grip on you gets progressively worse with time, not as bad as Deku's dynamic with him, but still.
Bakugo's mom likes you a lot, by the way; she always encouraged you to play with his sonny. If only she knew...
As a kid, Bakugo would tend to pull your hair whenever you were too happy about something, sometimes sticking gum to it so you'd have a hard time later. Something about your smile made him feel...weird, and don't get me started with your laughter. He also disliked how much adults and classmates praised you when you did a good job. Why? Because he's supposed to be the best! So if it was him who did good and got praised, he'd look at you with the most smug smile a kid can make and start saying things like "See? That's how you do it! Maybe learn."
Sometimes, just sometimes, he'd be a little bit nicer, scaring away other bullies that would annoy you. Your tiny brain couldn't understand why, so you'd only thank him and scurry away.
Don't get me started with Deku. If you had a nice friendship with Izuku as a kid, Bakugo used that as an excuse to be even more mean to you. "Friend of a loser is also a loser". Besides, he hates seeing you with the freckled boy, even after growing up. The blond can't pin point what bothers him so much about it, but he truly wants to vanish Deku with his own hands whenever you chitchat with him. He'd tease the greenette telling him he was your boyfriend of sorts, but he stopped once he realized Izuku actually liked you. It angered him to know that, getting rough with you.
Teen years of course allowed you to be more adventurous, and while you may have changed a lot, Bakugo was still the same prick to you and Izuku. How Bakugo behaves depends on your personality: if you allow him to bend you until you break, he'll do, just like how he did with Izuku. If you don't get bothered anymore by his antics, he'll retaliate. The only way you had to reduce his antics was to fight back. Mitsuki, Bakugo's mom, always asked why you stopped visiting; you never had the guts to tell her.
Highschool was an odd period for you an Izuku, but not weirder than your time in UA. Bakugo would hang out with his "friends" and annoy you in every given chance. Low grades? He had better ones. High grades? You were such a nerd. Trying to make new friends? He'd scare them away from you because he hated the idea of someone else being with you. Bakugo was the dragon of your tower, scorching any possibility of running away.
If you had the balls to stand up for yourself and Izuku, he'd get pissy. "How dare you talk back to me?" But he wouldn't do more than yelling. It's weakness that makes him worse, being passive triggers a violent response from him because "Why are you not paying attention?" He'd hide your stuff, throw out your books, write things on your desk. He wanted a reaction. Bakugo needs to know he is getting through you, he needs to know he is on top of you and owns you.
The beginning of your stay at UA was a bit scary, specially because Bakugo's behavior got amplified by the opportunity of being "the best". He was already angry that Izuku managed to get in (it surprised you too, honestly, but were happy for him), so you getting in too was a plus. Izuku and you were still very close because of your shared experience with the blond, both of you wary of the reality. Bakugo despised the way you'd protect and take care of Deku, to the point where he warned you that if you continued, you'd make it worse for Izuku. Low-key coerces you to bully Izuku because otherwise he'd do something bad to him, and you knew what he was capable of.
There's a high chance that Bakugo bullies you because he can't bear how you make him feel, but that's another story. Overall, Bakugo is the kind of bully that isolates you from others and hates when you're doing good. The kind of bully that enjoys making you scares because it's the only form he has to get to you, living rent free in your head like a nightmare. He low-key accepted that it didn't matter if he was a monster, he'd be your monster. A vice grip you wouldn't get rid of.
You stand in front of Izuku's desk, hot salty tears rolling down your cheeks as Bakugo holds out a permanent marker for you to take. "What are you waiting for? Do it!" The blond yells, growing impatient as you shake your head. "I'm gonna beat him to a pulp if you don't do it, is that what you want?" He laughs, hearing you sob.
Bakugo wanted you to write mean things for Deku to see, so that Izuku could see how much control he had over you.
"Please, don't make me do it!" You cry, hugging yourself in fear. Katsuki grunts, yanking the cap of the marker and approaching you. The black tip of the tool reaches your face, his hand scribbling something.
"Don't wash it, or else..."
Tags: @doumadono @shonen-brainrot @imaginationmess @shionancientsblog @trickster-kat
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miyeonkisser · 11 days
Strumming My Patience and Revving My Nerves
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pairing - kim lip/kim jungeun x rockstar!biker!reader
synopsis - Jungeun, impressed by the guitarist on stage, went to talk to them after the concert, but they turned out to be an asshole. Annoyed by them, she left the show quickly after. A couple hours later while waiting for a friend, she sees someone on a gorgeous motorcycle, which turned out to be the same asshole rockstar, desperate to talk again.
word count - 2004
Jungeun was amazed by the performance on stage, the singer was obviously doing such a wondeful job, but her focus was on someone else. The lead guitarist. They were beautiful, and amazing at the guitar. Every so often she’d glance over at the bassist, the drummer, or even the pianist, but her focus would always lead back to the guitarist. Something about them just drew her in no matter how much she wanted to fully appreciate the entire band. Maybe it was the small smirk on their face the entire time, or maybe it was the pure skill, but one thing was for sure. She needed their number. 
This Lead guitarist she was swooning over just happened to be you! You had joined a band with a couple of friends, you had always enjoyed playing the guitar so you didn’t think anything too awful could come out of agreeing to play for them. However, you already had quite the ego and the attention you got from girls definitely didn’t help it at all. At your current stage, there was a pretty girl staring at you, you were definitely going to talk to her after this. You’d be an idiot not to!
Sooner than you realized, your performance was done. Your drummer, Karina, spoke to the crowd, she always did the talking “Thank you everyone! We were Aespa! Please come see us again sometime!” The crowd cheered as the five of you headed back stage. “They totallyyyy loved us!!! This is definitely our big break guys!” Ningning spoke first once you all were back there. You smiled at her “I don’t know, you could’ve played the piano a bit better~!” You teased as she gasped offended at your comment starting to argue.
“Guys guys, calm down. You both did well.” A voice came from behind you, it was Giselle! Your lovely bassist. Quickly Giselle and Ningning began to chat, Karina joining them not long after. The perfect time for you to slip away and talk to the girl who was eyeing you the entire show.
While you headed out towards the floor, Winter looked at you, lifting her eyebrow to question what you were doing. You just smiled back at her, both of you knowing what you were doing, she let out a small scoff with a laugh as she rolled her eyes. Since she didn’t tell you to know it off you quickly slipped out to search for the pretty red head you saw.
It didn’t take you long to find her, she was standing in front of the poster you had put up last week of your bands information, where to find you guys and your next couple of shows. You had a stupid grin on your face already. You were right behind her as you spoke up “Hey.” She jumped when you spoke, turning around to see you and smiling back. “Hey, you’re the guitarist for this band right?” She asked, but she already knew you were.
“The one and only, I’m Y/n!” You put your hand out for her to shake and she quickly shook it, “Ha, I’m Jungeun. You were amazing up there, I really couldn’t take my eyes off you.”  The smirk on your face only grew as you responded “I get that a lot,” your cocky tone made her brow arch but you spoke again before she could “I know, I saw you staring the entire time, thought I’d say hi.”   
The I get that a lot instead of saying thank you for the compliment through Jungeun off for sure but hey, it isn’t a crime to be confident, whatever. She brushed it off for now, you were pretty enough to ignore being a bit egotistical and arrogant. However the more the two of you spoke, the more Jungeun couldn’t stand your attitude. The final moment was when you leaned back against the poster, a smug grin on your face as you continued to bask in your own glory.
“So, you’re telling me you just knew you’d catch my eye?” Jungeun asked, her tone laced with disbelief. “You really think that highly of yourself?” You laughed, leaning in a bit closer. “Confidence is important for stars, right? And hey, it worked, didn’t it?” Calling yourself a star sure was bold.
Jungeun’s eyes narrowed slightly as she considered your words. She had tried to overlook your arrogance, but now it was getting harder to ignore. Her face tightened, and she took a step back, crossing her arms. “Confidence is one thing, but being full of yourself is another. You know, it’s kind of a turn-off when you think you’re the best ever.”
You raised an eyebrow, momentarily taken aback. “Hey, I was just having a bit of fun. It’s all in good humor.” You let out a small laugh with a tilt of your head, defensiveness flaring up obviously. Jungeun shook her head, clearly unimpressed now. “Well, it’s not funny to me. I came over here because I thought you were interesting and an amazing player, but I guess you’re just another asshole.”
Before you could react, Jungeun turned on her heel and started walking away. You watched, stunned, as she made her way back through the crowd. The vibrant red of her hair was the last thing you saw before she disappeared around a corner. You stood there, still frozen in place, a mix of shock and confusion washing over you. You had been so sure that your charm and confidence would win her over. It was a rare thing for anyone to walk away from you, let alone someone you’d actually been interested in.
You shook your head, trying to regain your composure. Maybe you had miscalculated this time. Or maybe, just maybe, you needed to rethink your approach? 
As you made your way back to the backstage area, you couldn’t help but replay the encounter in your head. Her words made you actually think about yourself, Winter noticed your expression and the slight offness in your behavior. She walked up next to you, her words finally making you stop spacing out “You good?”
You shook your head slightly and nodded “Uh, yeah fine don’t worry about it…” She obviously didn’t believe you but simply gave a small nod back, not wanting to push you any further. As you helped get stuff into the van, you couldn’t stop thinking about Jungeun. You needed to talk to her again, somehow.
It was about two hours later at this point, Jungeun was now waiting outside her friend and roommate Jinsol’s work, she got off work soon and she drove the both of them home. Usually she’d be waiting inside the store, but she was stepping outside to smoke really quick, she was glad she did too. Jungeun soon saw an absolutely gorgeous motorcycle stopped at the red light in front of the store. She was shocked it even stopped for the red light, everyone blew through this light especially motorcycles, but she wasn’t complaining about being able to look at it.
It was stunning, a nice orange and red-orange mix for the paint, a good fast model, the rider had a matching biking suit. As the light turned green she let out a small sigh knowing it’d drive off now. Then it did something Jungeun did not expect at all, it turned around and parked in front of the store, huh? Her face had clear confusion on it as the rider got off the bike and parked it properly. 
“Hey, uh do you need something-?” Jungeun cut herself off as she saw them take off their helmet, Y/n. The stupid arrogant rockstar from earlier, fuck her. “Hey!” Your voice sounded cheery, obviously excited and slightly shocked. “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again!” 
She scoffed slightly looking away thinking I wish we didn’t ever see eachother again, “Yeah, me either.” You caught her upsetness immediately, you need to fix this around quick. “Hey so… uhm I’m sorry for acting the way I did earlier… I uh- Well usually it works for girls…” It was awkward, you clearly didn’t know to exactly apologize, but you really wanted to talk to her more.
Jungeun raised an eyebrow, her expression still guarded. "Usually? That’s your excuse?" She flicked the cigarette to the ground and stomped it out, folding her arms as she leaned against the storefront. You rubbed the back of your neck, feeling your bravado deflate a little more. "Look, I know I came off like an idiot. I just-" You paused, searching for the right words, and for the first time that night, you were at a loss. Jungeun watched you with narrowed eyes, not making this any easier.
"I don’t usually apologize like this," you admitted with a small shrug. "But I don’t want you to think I’m some jerk who only cares about myself. I... actually thought you were really cool. I just... have a tendency to overdo the confidence thing." Jungeun stared at you for a moment longer, as if trying to figure out whether or not to take you seriously. "You really are bad at this, aren’t you?" she finally said, her lips twitching in what could have been a smirk.
You laughed softly, relieved at the shift in her tone. "Yeah, maybe a little. But I’m trying." She let out a small sigh, pushing herself off the wall. "You’re lucky you’re pretty, or I wouldn’t even be standing here right now." You smiled, the tension easing a bit between the two of you. "I’ll take that as a win." Jungeun shook her head, rolling her eyes but without the harshness from earlier. "Okay, fine. Apology accepted. But you better work on that attitude of yours. Arrogance can only get you so far." You nodded earnestly. "I promise. I'll tone it down."
A beat of silence passed before Jungeun broke it, her curiosity finally getting the better of her. "So... what’s with the bike? You didn’t strike me as a motorcycle kind of person earlier." You grinned, glancing back at your bike. "Oh, yeah! I’ve always had a bit of an interest in motorcycles and stuff, I could give you a ride one day?” You were clearly flirting a bit.
Jungeun smirked, her arms still crossed but her stance more relaxed. "Maybe one day. But don’t push your luck." You chuckled, feeling the vibe between you both improve. “Noted.” Just as the conversation seemed to be turning a corner, the door to the shop swung open, and Jinsol walked out, glancing between you and Jungeun with an amused look. "Am I interrupting something?"
Jungeun turned to Jinsol, her expression softening. "No, just... catching up with someone." She glanced back at you, still not fully sure what to make of you, but at least not storming off this time. Jinsol arched an eyebrow, her eyes flicking from the bike to you. "Right... and who might this someone be?"
You extended a hand toward Jinsol, offering a friendly smile. "Y/n. I’m in a band. You might’ve seen me earlier?" Your words ended with a hint of awkwardness. Jinsol shook your hand, smirking knowingly at Jungeun. "Oh, the guitarist, huh? Now this makes sense." Jungeun shot her a look, clearly not wanting Jinsol to stir the pot any more than necessary. "Don’t get any ideas." Jinsol raised her hands in mock surrender. "Hey, just saying."
You giggled slightly before checking your phone and seeing the time, “I have to get going now… could I see you again sometime?” You said with a small smile. She rolled her eyes a bit before writing something down and handing it to you “Sure.” You checked the slip, her number, you had a massive smile now as you waved goodbye to her.
Once on your bike driving away Jinsol looked over at Jungeun “So… finally trying to get some huh? I didn’t think you’d still go after her after your angry messages.” She received a quick glare. “Shut up.”
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snowfinches · 2 years
playing you for a fool | childe x gn!reader - angst
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that was what your relationship with childe was like. it was confusing. everytime, he would blur the lines between being work partners and being more. being more than just a coworker, a person that he'd just "know". and it just felt wrong. sometimes, you felt as though he was more interested in his work as a harbinger than he would ever be in you. you would almost decide that it would be better to stop whatever the hell was going on with you and him, but he would always whisk you away with his charming words - just before you could break off the strange relationship. was it bad that you craved more than just the occasional makeout, the odd hangout, the intimate touches? was it really that bad, to be in love with the harbinger?
but your mind had always prevailed over your heart, and you had always decided to stay put. childe was your superior. a work relationship was unprofessional. you had always feared that your relationship would change drastically and there was always that fear that you’d lose your job if you asked him about it. perhaps a part of you was worried that the moments you had with childe didn't mean anything at all – maybe he was just naturally touchy, maybe those kisses weren't meant to mean more, maybe his nice words didn't mean a thing, maybe you were overthinking things.
but today you had enough.
you were feeling more fed up than ever. the touches became more frequent, the words sounded sweeter, and your heart couldn't take it anymore. over the past few days, you had thought about everything, worked up the courage to bring up your concerns to soothe the anxieties and clear up all the uncertainty that surrounded your relationship.
and then, before you knew it, you were eating out with said man, clutching chopsticks so tightly that you thought you’d break them. you couldn’t help it, it was hard not to be tense in front of the man causing your inner turmoil.
"comrade, you seem to be pretty tense. chopsticks causing you trouble?" you huffed at his comment, taking a bite out of your food.
“no, not really. it’s you - you’re troubling me.” you replied bluntly, shoving more food into your mouth casually to try to distract you from the mix of emotions within you. you had noticed the brief surprise in his eyes before it had disappeared, fading back into friendly emptiness.
"me? wow, to think i’d be causing you so much trouble. i’m flattered." he smirked. you frowned.
you chose to ignore his smirk, "i've been thinking… about our relationship."
this time the surprise was clear on his face. he was silent, and you watched his face slowly shift back to his previously smug look, though the smile had faltered.
it seemed as though he wasn't going to say anything, so you decided to continue speaking, "i can't keep doing whatever 'this' is, childe. i'm confused, and i hate it. i don't understand, why would i mean anything to you?"
"what? where is this coming from?" how could he be so oblivious? or was he being oblivious on purpose? “you don’t have to ruin our perfect night out now, do you comrade?”
were you really ruining your night out with him? was he really blaming you for feeling such emotions?
“i don’t know what we are,” you responded, voice clipped and sharp. his words stung. “and i don’t think we can keep mixing between coworker and lover.”
“oh?” childe looked at you, fairly amused. “really now?"
was that all he had to say? you were beginning to believe that he was just doing this to annoy you. with childe, you found that he was never serious with you, playful smiles and ingenuine laughter… it was all too… fake. but before you could say anything about it, he hushed you, smiling ingeniously.
“why are you even bringing this up?” he asked, a hint of annoyance in his voice despite his seemingly cheerful demeanour, “i thought you enjoyed my company.”
“that’s not the problem.” you instantly replied, almost offended that he might have thought otherwise. did he really think nothing of those times you spent together? “it’s just that one time you’re touchy-feely, and the next i’m just a nobody to you.”
childe finally frowned, eyes as cold as ever, staring right at you. unnerved, you pushed food around your plate, suddenly losing appetite under his heavy gaze.
“i see.” he simply said, folding his arms, “well, would you like the truth?”
"yes? of course i do? why wouldn't i?" you could only sigh. he was being ambigious, and probably on purpose. it wasn't a surprise to you. nothing about childe seemed to surprise you - he was your superior. that was it.
“honestly, i thought you had figured it out already.” his grin had told you everything - he held a sardonic smile that created a sick feeling in your stomach as you anticipated his next words. “ah well. i was beginning to get bored of you anyway.”
your face fell. his face was still perfect and pretty, smile still there.
“oh, i guess i really overestimated your smarts!” he laughed boisterously, ignoring the way your face twisted with raw emotion. perhaps everything felt a little bit clearer. he was just using you, for his own amusement. your feelings had meant nothing to him. you had only wished you noticed sooner.
“i see.” you simply responded to him, ignoring how fragile your voice sounded. even if childe picked up on how distraught you were, you doubted he cared at this point.
“don’t act so hurt! i thought you had known all along!”
“if i had known...” you paused to take a breath. there was no need to cause a scene, there was no need to be angry at him. “if i had known you were playing me for a fool, i would’ve stopped whatever we had.”
you took a few breaths. in, out, in out. it was tough. you had no idea what you were feeling. rage, for being led on for so long? annoyance, for the time that you had wasted with him? grief, for the loss of a relationship that was never genuine? exasperated, for being so blind to the truth?
there was no time to dwell on the past - you had to get out before you said something unsavoury. before you acted irrationally.
“i suppose this is goodbye.” you managed to get out, not bothering to hide how bitter your voice sounded, “a shame we couldn’t finish the pleasant meal before us.”
“a shame really, as the food here is excellent!”
you didn’t bother responding. his carefree attitude had always dominated, even in troubling situations. there was no point in responding. he had already shown his lack of care for you (through his decievingly sweet words), and all you wanted to do was turn away from him and your past relationship.
all he did was play you for a fool. and you believed him, taking every honeyed word to heart, hesitantly anticipating something more.
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Red rose w/ Hajun!
Hajun Yeon:
Red Roses - an anniversary.
You’re convinced he forgot.
Hajun wasn’t a man who acted without purpose. He wasn’t one to forget little details, and he certainly wouldn’t forget something as important as your one-year anniversary. But you hadn’t heard a word about it yet, biting your tongue as you didn’t want to have to remind him; he should remember something like this, right? Hajun talked to you as he always did, checking in with you occasionally as he went about his day, informing you of his plans for the night (which did not involve seeing you).
You’re pacing in your apartment, irritated, not knowing how to bring this up to him. He wasn’t a sentimental person and you never minded that. You didn’t mind that he struggled with affection or that the way he showed love was by being a vicious, unrelenting tease, but this…?! How should you bring it up? This day was supposed to be a happy one, with the clinking of glasses and a cheer of ‘to another year of us’! You shouldn’t be alone in your apartment and Hajun shouldn’t be off doing some sort of silly job, he should be with you!
You’re about to call him to give him a piece of your mind, your chest wound tight to the point you felt like you couldn’t breathe, when a text message from him pops up first.
‘Oh, I think I forgot something. Meet me here at midnight.’
The text is short, to the point, and admitting fault! You thought he could at least grovel a little, but the concept of Hajun of all people groveling made you shiver. Hell would freeze over first. But what better place to curse him out for playing with you like this than in person at midnight at some mildly familiar looking place—
Time moves quickly and soon you find yourself waiting for him on a park bench, legs crossed and foot shaking impatiently. You think you might snap the minute you see him but when you saw his silhouette in the distance, your anger faded and was replaced with sorrow. Did he love you or not? Were you worth something to him or not? You don’t look up even as he stands in front of you, Hajun having to politely clear his throat to grab your attention.
“Happy anniversary,” He said with a smile, grabbing your hands after you stood to push the fresh bouquet of roses into them; you cradled the flowers in your arms, held against your chest like they were a lifeline.  
“Why did you take so long…?”
“I thought it more suitable to say it when I first asked you out. At midnight, under the stars right here,” He teased, tilting your chin up with a single finger. “Don’t tell me you forgot?”
“I-I-I didn’t! It was still today, technically!”
“Oh, we met at 11:59?”
You let out a frustrated huff, going move your face away from his hand but he doesn’t let you. He held your chin firmly, the smug smile on his face so very Hajun of him. You knew he had to be pulling your leg somehow but as it was, your frustration was replaced with… relief. He really hadn’t forgotten, just like you knew he wouldn’t. It lifted such a weight off your shoulders you felt like you could cry.
“Don’t do that,” Hajun whispered against your lips, planting a soft kiss on the corner of your mouth. “Let’s watch the stars. You got enough sleep last night, right?”
“I’ve been waiting for our date all day. No way I’d fall asleep now!”
You sat on the bench together, your head resting on his shoulder, his head resting on yours, watching the stars and wishing for many more anniversaries with him in your future.
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wildestdreamcatcher · 4 months
i would honestly love to see a fic where Ruby or Andrew see Summer with Jude and that's how they find out they're dating
Caught in the Act
Summary: Ruby and Andrew are livid after catching Summer and Jude together
TW: Angst (let me know if I need to add anymore warnings)
We should’ve been back almost an hour ago and we would’ve been if we hadn’t decided to eat and drive around for an hour. I sat in the passenger seat of Jude’s van with his jacket around my shoulders and one of the blankets wrapped around me; winters in Tulsa were always brutal. I liked driving around with Jude, he always let me choose the music and the way he kept one of his hands on my thigh made me feel safe for whatever reason. The car clock said 1:50. I was fucked if my parents saw me in his car this late at night. 
I looked at Jude and noticed how good he looked. He had the ends of his afro dyed blonde, his eyeliner was a bit smudged from performing, he hated Madonna but was still mouthing along to the song. I adore this man, I really do.
He pulled up into my driveway and kissed me. My lipgloss and liner were smudged across his face and he smiled while he was kissing me, he looked out of the corner of his eye and pulled away. Our eyes got wide when I saw my parents standing angrily in front of the driveway; I knew I was screwed. I hadn’t told them I had been dating Jude for 6 months. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing, Summer!” My dad yelled as I opened the door and my mom grabbed my hand. I looked back at Jude, he smiled sympathetically as she walked me into the house. I could still hear my dad yelling at him until he told him to drive away and he did. My parents were livid as they walked into the house. 
“You lied to us, Summer! You said you’d be back by 1:30 and that Ari would be driving you back, instead, you stayed out until 2 am making out with Jude of all people!” My mom said. Aria was the one who drove me but I didn’t think they’d see Jude taking me back home. 
I couldn’t blame them for having this reaction considering Jude’s past. He went to jail 3 times, he lost his last job for stealing, he had a drug problem, and he used to be an asshole to everyone but here I was about to defend him to try to change my parents' mind about him.
“I know you’re mad but he’s changed so much. I promise! He’s been sober for over a year, he’s been working at his new job since February, he’s become so nice to everyone and he’s proved to me how much he cares about me!” My voice broke and I could feel tears rolling down my face. I always got emotional when being yelled at, especially like this. 
“And you really believe that he’s changed!? He’s lied so much I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s doing the same things to you!!” My dad said.
“Your dad’s right, Summer! He’s only going to hurt you and if he loved you, why is he making you hide your relationship from everyone?”
“It was my idea to hide it! We’ve only been dating for almost 2 months!” They didn’t have to know the truth. 
They yelled at me for another 30 minutes before telling me they’d figure this out in the morning without grounding me like I thought they would. Lennon had this smug look on his face as I went into my room. I called Jude from the touchtone in my room; he told me he’d figure everything out and he’d prove my parents wrong.
And God, I hoped he did.
@blowflygrls @sadlonelyyogurt @vommitgirl
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