#they all survived and are now living peacefully
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alicentsgf · 20 hours ago
its interesting how nat and shauna are such parallels of each other. both the skeptics of the group, forced into acting out roles they dont want to play because the others believe its the will of some higher power
shauna forced to be the butcher. when she chose to pick up that knife she couldn't have known where it would lead. that she'd have butcher javi alone, pulling cloth over her eyes so she doesnt have to fully experience the horror of it. because they have to eat and everyone is looking to her to make that possible. to take the burden of making a person into meat so they dont have to face the reality. they look to the wilderness to allieviate their guilt, so they can tell themselves it was the will of some higher power, where shauna just stews in it, burdened by the actual weight of her choices. sending jackie to her death, telling the others jackie wanted them to eat her, telling them to wait as javi drowned. at every turn shes made the hard choice for them, to keep them all alive. every time she strips a carcass shes stripping away her own humanity a little more as she relives the moment she had to cut into the dead body of a 14 yr old boy who was good and kind and that she liked. and the others cant ever fully appreciate the burdens shes taken on for them, because then they'd have to face the actual visceral, bloody truth of what they've all done.
just as they cant appreciate nats sacrifice either. nat whos forced to lead, chosen as a direct result of javis death, of letting him die. letting the boy who risked his own life to try and save her die in her place. every day when the others look to her to lead shes reminded of the choice that got her here. but she still does it, because she knows they all need her to play this part. she knew coach was out there surviving, she could have tried to find him and left the others to fend for themselves, but how could she. she doesnt feel she deserves to live, at least not peacefully. she thinks she deserves the burden after what shes done. shes isolated, asked to make all the hard choices, to people manage, when so much of it is not her strength. and not only does she just play the part, she does her absolute best for them because Nats tragedy is she cares so so much about people, she can't stop caring even when they’ve hurt her. and it works. its GOOD. they build something good out of the fucking ashes. so good they can play games, waste food, and have petty fights !! so good they begin to forget just how bad the winter was.
they both did too good a job. these 2 non-believers carried the burden so well the others dont even see how much they've sacrificed for them. they all thank the wilderness when if anyone saved them, it was shauna and nat. and now everything they've built is going to burn because these two girls couldnt see each others pain clearly. even though they should be able to understand each other best. they’re both crushed by the expectations placed on them by the others, with no faith to abate their grief and shame, all of it changing them so deeply they're becoming unrecognisable to themselves, let alone each other. their little moment of telling each other to be safe in the cave is going to haunt me. probably not as badly as its going to haunt them though.
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gigi-does-art · 10 months ago
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Tried an attempt at drawing Manuela as ive been wanting to try drawing her for a bit. I really love how she turned out! Gave her some extra details along with post-operation javier design in mind. She’s now mostly happy and living a normal life being raised by Krauser and Leon-
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jonahs-arks · 3 months ago
ARK Harpy AU but it's with prehistoric theropods [and some prehistoric birds and ARK creatures if they're close to what we want] :)
Me and my friend are working on it. Most of the characters have been worked out, and it's mostly just a chill slice-of-life au full of peace and love, but it's been such a fun thing to work on. I'll share sketches when I can :3
Current Characters with Current Assigned Creature Species:
Sir Edmund Rockwell - Microraptor [we thought it would be extremely funny, plus now he's quite small; and me and my friend headcanon that he loved birds and would have loved tamed Microraptors]
Helena Walker - Argentavis [because she was gifted one from Rockwell in the game, so it makes sense. She was originally gonna be an Archaeopteryx, but we decided to change it because her interactions with specific characters would have been made better with this bigger sized creature]
Gaius Marcellus Nerva - Yutyrannus [for obvious reasons, I'm sure. Plus it gives a cute, big size difference between him and Rockwell <3. And I headcanon him to really like Yutyrannus. Plus it's relevant to his backstory in this AU.]
MeiYin Li - Qianzhousaurus [not an ARK creature, I know, but it suits better than our original idea with her being a Utahraptor [which was for a Wuzui reference]. I just could not see her as a Utahraptor, so I felt that a different theropod would be better. We're gonna use more region specific creatures with future characters, because the research is fun :3]
Diana Altaras - Featherlight [cute size difference with her wives [epic polycule with MeiYin and Helena] and it makes sense for her, being from Aberration and all. Subject to change, though. Plus she'd be a great help for when our lovely, lovely feathered friends go there [which is under the Island. They are not on ARKs, but something is going to force our beloveds into a cave system which will lead to them finding the Aberrant zone. Though, this, too, is subject to change.]]
Bonus stuff in the tags for this au :]
#ark survival ascended#ark survival evolved#jonah talks#Rockwell can't fly by the way. he injured his wings when spelunking once so Helena carries him up and drops him so he can glide#which he can glide still. and he lives in the Redwoods where the trees are tall. he lives to glide/divebomb Nerva#and Nerva can't fly at all. his wings are small [deformity] but he makes up for it in size [he is large for a Yutyrannus]#the Island is quite literally an Island. I don't know yet if we're gonna make some fictional prehistoric Earth or not#but Rockwell has lived there the longest. he went there for exploration but pretty much retired there peacefully.#[though he still goes exploring every now and then]. he knows the cave systems and the map pretty well. but he does miss flying.#Nerva comes from a tyrannical place he didn't like the ruling of [currently] called the Romanic Legion. he seeks better places to live#and when he finds the Island where a scientist/chemist resides he eventually calls it the New Legion. he's not evil here#Helena comes to the Island because she just wants to explore everywhere she can [or that's the current reason for her coming there]#MeiYin escaped the Romanic Legion but has clipped wings. they'll come back and Helena will help her fly again :)#she comes to the Island looking for a peaceful area to live though [again current reason]#not everything is fleshed out yet but it's been so fun with the research going into this. plus it's a break from serious AUs :3#we have ywt to nane the AU too lol. it will come eventually
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thethief1996 · 1 year ago
I can't stop thinking about the news out of Palestine. Israel is sieging al Shifa hospital. Videos of people's limbs being severed off are haunting (graphic video tw). The hospital has ran out of fuel and 39 babies in incubators are fending for their lives by themselves, because Israel has stationed snipers around the hospital and is shooting all medical crew that walks into their sight.
First, the narrative was Israel would never bomb hospitals. Now, the hospitals are Hamas bases. Then, we respect journalists. Now, we have a fucking kill list of journalists because they are Hamas collaborators. First, we are not letting fuel in until the hostages are released. Now, we are not accepting the hostages back because that would stop our ground invasion and let Hamas win. And I could go on about every single lie they're making up. If you look up "Hamas rape" on google, the first link leads to Times of Israel saying Israel has found no forensic evidence of sexual violence, and only one eyewitness testimony out of 3.5k people attending the rave. If you Google "Hamas beheaded babies" the top links say they have no evidence for the claim besides word of mouth from extremist soldiers. Israeli extremists think about the ugliest goriest scene they can make out in their sick heads, tell that to a international journalist and they run away with it like it's gospel.
And children are being killed in the name of these lies. Thousands are being displaced in images that remind me of the pictures of Tantura 75 years ago, with their hands up so the tanks don't shoot them. Amputees are leaving the hospitals in wheelchairs hours after their surgeries because they are being shot at. Elders who survived the Nakba on 48 are having to walk towards Southern Gaza on foot (imagine walking from one end of your city to the other on foot), displaced again. People are cheering for the haunting images of white phosphorus bombs being dropped over Gaza. Gazan workers who were arrested in the West Bank are being thrust back into the bombings wearing numbered labels.
This is not normal. We are seeing the early stages of the settler colonial genocide of an indigenous population. Native leaders who have visited Gaza say its refugee camps look eerily like reservations. We can stop this. For the first time we are able to see wide scale accounts from the hands of the people suffering the genocide, and Israel is so scared of it they have cut all communications in Gaza.
This is our litmus test. I think we have never seen more clearly, with Palestine, Armenia, Congo and Sudan how colonialism has made our world a rotten place to live in.
The South African apartheid collapsed due to boycotts. We have to do everything in our power to stop Israel's hegemony. Even talking to a group of friends about Palestine changes the status quo. There's no world where we can live peacefully if Israel accomplishes their goals.
Keep yourself updated and share Palestinian voices. Muna El-Kurd said every tweet is like a treasure to them, because their voices are repressed on social media and even on this very app. Make it your action item to share something about the Palestinian plight everyday. Here are some resources:
Al Jazeera, Anadolu Agency, Mondoweiss
Boycott Divest Sanction Movement
Palestinian Youth Movement is organizing protests and direct action against weapons factories across the US
Mohammed El-Kurd (twitter / instagram)
Muhammad Shehada (twitter)
Motaz Azaiza (instagram) - reporting directly from Gaza.
Hind Khudary - reporting directly from Gaza. Her husband and daughter moved South to run from the tanks but she stayed behind to record the genocide. The least we can do is not let her calls fall on deaf ears.
You can participate in boycotts wherever you are in the world, through BDS guidelines. Don't be overwhelmed by gigantic boycott lists. BDS explicitly targets only a few brands which have bigger impact. You can stop consuming from as many brands as you want, though, and by all means feel free to give a 1 star review to McDonalds, Papa John, Pizza Hut, Burger King and Starbucks. Right now, they are focusing on boycotting the following:
Carrefour, HP, Puma, Sabra, Sodastream, Ahava cosmetics, Israeli fruits and vegetables
Push for a cultural boycott - pressure your favorite artist to speak out on Palestine and cancel any upcoming performances on occupied territory (Lorde cancelled her gig in Israel because of this. It works.)
If you can, participate in direct action or donate.
Palestine Action works to shut down Israeli weapons factories in the UK and USA, and have successfully shut down one of their firms in London.Some of the activists are going on trial and are calling for mobilizing on court.
Palestinian Youth Movement is organizing direct actions to stop the shipping of wars to Israel. Follow them.
Educate yourself. Read into Palestinian history and the occupation. You can't common sense people out of decades of propaganda. If your arguments crumble when a zionist brings up the "disengagement of Gaza", you have to learn more.
Read Decolonize Palestine. They have 15 minute reads that concisely explain the occupation (and its colonial roots) and debunk popular myths, including pinkwashing.
Read on Palestine. Here's an amazing masterpost.
Verso Book Club is giving out free books on Palestine (I personally downloaded Ten Myths about Israel by Ilan Pappe. If you still believe in the two states solution, this book by an Israeli professor debunks it).
Call your representatives. The Labour Party in the UK had an emergency meeting after several councilors threatened to resign if they didn't condemn Israeli war crimes. Calling to show your complaints works, even more if you live in a country that funds genocide.
FOR PEOPLE IN THE USA: USCPR has developed this toolkit for calls, here's a document that autosends emails to your representatives and here's a toolkit by Ceasefire in Gaza NOW!
FOR PEOPLE IN EUROPE: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace targeting the European Parliament and one specific for almost all countries in Europe, including Germany, Ireland, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, Greece, Norway, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Finland, Austria, Belgium Romania and Ukraine
FOR PEOPLE IN THE UK: Friends of Al-Aqsa UK and Palestine Solidarity UK have made toolkits for calls and emails
FOR PEOPLE IN AUSTRALIA: Here's a toolkit by Stand With Palestine
FOR PEOPLE IN CANADA: Here's a toolkit by Indepent Jewish Voices for Canada
Join a protest. Here's a constantly updating list of protests:
Global calendar
Another global calendar (go to the instragram of the organizers to confirm your protest)
USA calendar
Australia calendar
Feel free to add more.
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sohilaalwan · 2 months ago
"Please Help Us: Shadi and His Family Are Desperate for Your Support"
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I am Suheila, Shadi's wife, and today I write to you with a heart full of pain, hoping you might be the light we desperately need. Our life was simple and full of love until the war tore everything apart. 💔
Shadi was once a fisherman, providing for our family with the catch of the sea. We lived peacefully, but that all changed when the airstrikes destroyed everything. 💥 His boat, our only source of income, was obliterated, and with it, our future seemed to disappear.
Since that day, we've lost everything. Our home was bombed, and now we are left with nothing but rubble and fear. 😢 Shadi is the only one holding everything together. He cares for me, our five children, and his elderly mother, "Um Shadi," who tries to support us despite her age. But we have nothing left to give.
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Every night, as bombs fall around us, Shadi holds our little daughter, Mira, trying to comfort her in the midst of the chaos. The fear in her eyes breaks my heart. 😔 I watch my children live in constant terror, and it hurts more than words can express.
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We are running out of hope, and I don’t know how much longer we can keep going like this. We need your help more than ever. Every donation, no matter how small, can make a difference. 🙏 It can bring us food, shelter, and safety. It can give us the hope we’ve lost.
Please, don’t let our family suffer alone in this nightmare. Help us survive, help us rebuild. Your kindness can save us from this pain. ❤️
Donation Link
The campaign was checked by 90 ghosts.
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nezuscribe · 4 months ago
an idea I have in mind because I think too much about arranged Gojo.
at some point, when they're already happy and in love, they meet her sisters again. Maybe they are hosting some party or his mother invited them to the seaside house like in the past. Reader is in much a better place now personally. What’s more, she’s in a better position in the hierarchy than she was before. She's a sweetheart and a kind person. So she doesn’t care about any of that, she just wants to live her quiet, happy life with Gojo. Gojo, however, is a different story... he's heard and saw enough of how her sisters treated her and he's a petty man. A very petty man. For the duration of the visit, Gojo makes it his sole mission to flaunt their happiness. He insists on buying her the finest dresses and jewelry, making sure she’s never seen wearing the same outfit twice. Every day, he presents her with another gift, just to remind everyone of how she's adorned now. He sticks to her side at all times, while the other women are left alone when their boring husbands goes hunting or something like that. And he doesn't stop to show, verbally and physically, how he loves and admires her. Maybe, just to make his point even clearer, he asks for their rooms to be on the same floor. So they'll get a 24/7 show of the great treatment she gets.
so when i was writting the arrangment i wanted to add some scenes with readers family but it didn't work out so i think this is a great opportunity to expand on that
and totally. the thing abt reader that i hope people take away is that she's had to be stronghearted to survive in the conditions she's been brought up in, but because of that she just wants to live peacefully and quietly. she's elated that she gets a caring husband on top of it, but she just goes to the beat of her own drum and if people can't then she doesn't really care
but when this little get-together is planned at the gojo summer home, something customary and necessary, both reader and gojo dread it. reader because she doesn't like her sisters and father's wife and gojo because he hates your sisters and your father's wife
so gojo shows you off whenever he can. the two of you haven't had sex yet and he's fine with that, he's trying to find the best moment anyway, but he's so touchy it's insane. his arm is either around your waist, in yours, or sometimes around your neck if he wants to show you something from where he's standing
you're wearing the highest fashion, the best jewelry, and expensive oils. your sisters gawk and groan, but what else can they do? their husbands are old and ugly and don't give a rats ass about them, and you couldn't be more content
and this one time when all the younger people are around the lake gojo brings you onto his lap to open up the seat for one of your other friends, letting you curl up into his strong chest as he wraps a blanket over you. and your sisters watch in pure jealousy as you giggle at some of the things he tells you, watch as he blushes unabashedly when you kiss his forehead
arranged!gojo just loves you too much and there's nothing wrong with that
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mahmoudalmasrifund · 7 months ago
I am Mahmoud Al-Masri, I'm 21 years old, living at the Gaza Strip, an academic student majoring in Graphic Design.
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I am here to ask for your support to complete my university education outside my city of Gaza after the Israeli occupation destroyed universities and colleges in the Gaza Strip and destroyed education facilities, youth support institutions and training spaces that aim to provide training for all disciplines and then provide job opportunities for young people, most of which were destroyed.
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We used to have a beautiful life, despite the siege on Gaza and the wars on it. We used to have a house and now we live in a tent "displaced", we used to have dreams and we pursued them and still do, we used to go to the sea which is the only breathing space for the people of the Gaza Strip, we used to live peacefully despite all the siege. We here in Gaza have brilliant and innovative minds that learn medicine, technology, professional specialties, agriculture, industry, trade and all specialties, we just need someone to support us, appreciate what we do and motivate us to keep going.
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Help me
October 7, 2023 is a date that I will never forget, we were displaced about 8 times and lived through terror and destruction and are still living it, we saw death with our own eyes and survived death several times, our features changed, we became young people instead of worrying about our future, we became tired of securing water and food for our family and carrying water from a distant place to the tent is very tiring, our bodies are tired of the weights we carry daily and the diseases that spread and we don't know what's next.
I decided to pay back my knowledge and the information I gained from study, search, and workshops by share it on social media. I will answer on everyone's questions, and make webinars as my teachers do with us.
These ideas will help educational community to grows.
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My goal in launching my campaign is to raise funds to complete my university studies outside my city, to cover the costs of travel, housing, food, the costs of the university I will attend, and I am currently looking for a distinguished university in the field of graphic design. I asked my friends who attended universities in Europe to suggest some universities, and among my goals after studying is to provide a safe and stable place to live with my family.
I would be very grateful for your support for me and my educational journey.
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I wish you a life full of happiness and prosperity
@el-shab-hussein @ibtisams @nabulsi @90-ghost @tamamita @apollos-olives
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brbiekiss · 8 days ago
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⋆. 𐙚 ˚ it’s a beautiful day to save lives ft, satoru gojo
💌 neurosurgeon!gojo headcanons | smut mdni
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neurosurgeon!gojo who you meet in a bar on the night before your first day at your new job. you didn’t intend to get as drunk as you did, and you didn’t intend to kiss this really cute guy at the bar, but you more than definitely didn’t intend to bring him back to your apartment
“oh- fuck.”, you whine as he continues pounding into you, his hand wrapped around your neck with the other roughly grabbing onto the plush of your hips. his brows furrowed as he chases both of your highs with his own faint whimpers, his movements just so perfectly hitting your g-spot as you wrap your legs around his waist and throwing your head back because of pure euphoria he was giving you
neurosurgeon!gojo who wakes up in your bed the next morning after you just shook his peacefully sleeping figure awake
“so yeah, you need to leave.”, was the only thing he managed to clock onto after rambling something about being late for your first day of work while he was still figuring out where he was for a second. he thinks you’re cute, though, he’s never had a girl rush to get him out her bed the morning after.
neurosurgeon!gojo who eventually leaves, thinking that was it and you’d never see this ridiculously attractive stranger again
neurosurgeon!gojo who is described as a genius on your first day at work as a surgical intern, as one of the best surgeons in the country, even going as far to say the world. you were so excited to meet and potentially work with him with your interest in neurosurgery, even hoping to specialise in it
neurosurgeon!gojo who makes some time in his busy schedule to talk to all the new surgical inters as head of neurosurgery and give some insight and advice
neurosurgeon!gojo who sees you as he’s talking, getting caught on his words which go unnoticed by absolutely no one as you shrink down in embarrassment, praying he wouldn’t notice you
“oh my god, do you know the dr. gojo?”, one of your fellow interns ask as you feel your face heat up in embarrassment, shaking your head and pretending like you’ve never seen this man, when the night before he was eight inches deep inside you
neurosurgeon!gojo who pulls you to the side with a cheeky grin on his face as he mentions the night before while you stand there awkwardly, you really hoped this wouldn’t affect your job now
neurosurgeon!gojo who shamelessly asks you out to dinner, only to be met with your furrowed brows and stern voice telling him that it was inappropriate. he was basically your boss, who was several years older than you. not to mention that you’d both literally get fired if anyone was to find out
neurosurgeon!gojo who takes your rejection as a game, flirting with you shamelessly any chance he got despite the eye rolls and heavy sighs you meet him with
neurosurgeon!gojo who chases you for the next month, even letting you assist in his surgeries after finding out how interested in neurosurgery you were
neurosurgeon!gojo who you realise isn’t as bad as you originally thought, his cocky demeanour slipping every so often where you see a genuinely selfless and kind hearted man who simply wants to save lives
neurosurgeon!gojo who asks you out for a drink, one drink, he says, simply to celebrate a successful surgery on a case that had a 20% chance of survival after your assist with him
neurosurgeon!gojo who is so delightfully surprised when you say yes, his 30 days of chasing you finally moving in the direction he wanted, even if it was minimal
neurosurgeon!gojo who ends up buying you both multiple drinks, as you knew would happen, the both of you so giggly as you stumble out the bar together
neurosurgeon!gojo who decides to take his chances, the liquid courage hitting his head, and pulls you in slowly as he places a small and sweet kiss on your lips
neurosurgeon!gojo who apologises profusely once he sees your shocked reaction, thinking he’s just fucked up the good night you both were having together
neurosurgeon!gojo who is shut up by you, pulling him down on your level and roughly kissing him again, the previous worries you had before completely gone and the only thing on your mind was him, and the mind blowing sex he gave you the first night you met
“take me home?”, you ask as gojo catches on by the real meaning behind your words, smiling to himself as he nods with butterflies in his stomach. maybe his hard work flirting with you had finally paid off
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© brbiekiss | do not plagiarise or translate any of my work
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nikovraskol · 3 months ago
Crack baby is very *chief kiss*🤌
I wonder if MC knows that legally they can't live alone as a minor without the involvement of an adult? Like you can do that at 16 but for this to be legal you still need a legal guardian and to get an ok from the government by giving a good reason like your parents working out of the country and you stay for school.
If I was MC I'd not ask because Bruce will not care enough to think of a good lie to give the government (but also he can just pay the right people)
Also what would happen if MC didn't ask for money for the House? Will Bruce tell them that he decided to move their room to the family wing? What else will he want to talk about? And how will he react to MC refusing to move rooms calmly and saying that they are who moved that room that that section (it can be a lie) and that they prefer the quite.
Alfred finding that he has more work to do, and also gets worried that you saddenly don't want to be close to the family
you're very perceptive anon, i do have plans regarding mc's age and all that jazz
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but if mc weren't too ask bruce for money, let's say you convienently had enough money saved up or you had a friend to stay with, you would likely leave silently.
you pack their bags and dip, just like that. of course, alfred would be the first to notice and he would be absolutely devastated! he cares for mc like a child and you just left without a word!! but not to worry, he's sure you'll be back, evident by the way the family reacts.
just -- don't be surprised by how closely he lingers when you're back, he must make sure you don't do anything rash anymore.
slowly but surely, the manor would become strangely silence, a lack of a presence that nobody can put their finger on what's changed .. i mean, they didn't take notice of you anyway so it's not like they'd suddenly realise straight away.
it's definetly damian who notices first .. he takes a walk around your room hoping to bump into you and (see you) remind you how useless you are.. but there's a silence around your room that puts him on edge.
he's completely disgruntled when he realises you've gone! blasphemous! how could this be?
he then tells bruce, who is just as perplexed -- how did you leave? you're a child! way too young to survive gotham alone. he then recruits the others and they track you down with ease ! you're obviously upset -- who do they think they are? they suddenly want to take interest in you now? after all that's happened.
like, you'd probably be casually lounging around, doing what you do and you turn your head and there's a family gathering in your room.. except they don't look too pleased.
you can cry as much as you want, kick, scream -- they'll take you back, you felt neglected, right? that's why you left, don't worry. they'll take care of you, just don't try running away again, yeah?
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as for mc refusing to move wings.. that's really interesting to me because it opens up so many possiblities.
first of all, you refusing just adds to bruce's guilt. he takes it less as you being resentful and more-so you being scared, it adds to his image of you being some helpless, naive fool.
he'll probably relent for a week, but the image of you stuck in your room, crying alone has him clutching his hair until he can't take it and he'll just move u in ur sleep.
you go to sleep peacefully in your little box room only to wake up in some fancy, way too big room that has you gaping in shock -- you're obviously pissed off, where does he get off treating you like a child!
he sighs whenever you kick and scream, gently soothing you much to your chagrin. he'll change his plan from dropping in every once in a while to every single day.
he sees you as a child, so each time you shout at him, telling him you no longer want his attention, that you're not a child -- it just adds to his helpless image of you !!
there's nothing you can do now, there's no moving out or running away, because as soon as bruce sets his eyes on you, so does everyone else.
you're stuck, poor you, but don't worry, with bruce holding your hand you don't have anything you need to wish for! isn't that great?
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strayingawayy · 2 months ago
the parenting pro...
...where you're flabbergasted by how good jeongin is at being a father
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it was a typical saturday morning, and you were trying to survive your new life as a parent. your baby girl was crying, her tiny fists flailing around like she was preparing for a boxing match. you stood there, holding her awkwardly, wishing for some magical parenting wisdom to hit you. you thought you'd be the one running around like a headless chicken, but nope. that honor? apparently, jeongin’s.
he walked into the living room like it was a walk in the park, holding a bottle of milk in one hand and a clean diaper in the other.
“jeongin, i-” you started, but he was already in full-on baby whisperer mode.
“don't worry, babe, i got this,” he said, giving you a confident little finger wave like he was in charge of a multi-million-dollar business, not holding a crying baby. you stared, eyes wide, as he proceeded to feed your daughter with one hand and change her diaper with the other.
you didn’t know whether to cry or laugh at the absurdity of it all. your daughter was blissfully drinking from the bottle, while jeongin hummed a lullaby and expertly switched between diaper-changing wizard and snack provider.
“how...?” you managed to say, almost in disbelief. was this some sort of magic?
jeongin looked up, completely unbothered. “oh, i helped raise my little brother. no biggie. basically, i’m a parenting prodigy.”
“you… raised your brother?” you asked, blinking rapidly as if you were hearing some wild story from another dimension.
“yeah,” he said, like it was as normal as breathing. “my mom was a little busy, so i was basically his second dad. changed diapers, made him sandwiches, taught him how to walk, swear. no biggie.”
you stared at him, dumbfounded. how was this the same jeongin who couldn’t even find his own socks five minutes ago?
“wait, wait,” you said, still processing. “you...you’re like, good at this. you’re... a dad genius.”
“yep.” jeongin said, popping the 'p.' “i’m basically the da vinci of diapers.”
you were trying to hold back a laugh but failed miserably. “you’re a literal parenting genius. i'm over here trying to figure out if she’s crying because she’s hungry or because she's plotting world domination.”
“i mean, both seem like possibilities,” jeongin said, deadpan, as he rocked the baby to sleep with one hand, casually flipping through his phone with the other. “but i think she just needed a nap. oh, and don’t worry, i also packed her snacks for when she wakes up. you're welcome.”
you stared at him, in awe and total confusion. “you've got snacks for a baby? like... pre-planned snacks?”
“obviously,” jeongin said, as though that was the most basic thing in the world. “they’ve got to be prepared for snack time. it’s a crucial part of the schedule.” he paused, glancing at the baby now peacefully asleep in his arms.
you were speechless. you felt like you were in the presence of a parenting deity. “jeongin, i... i’m genuinely in shock right now. you’re amazing.”
you laughed, defeated but relieved. “i'm marrying this bro.” you whispered to yourself, already wondering how you got so lucky.
as jeongin continued to rock the baby to sleep, you couldn’t help but think: maybe this whole parenthood thing wouldn’t be so bad... as long as jeongin was in charge.
"...babe, did you just call me bro?"
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werewolfetone · 4 months ago
As a student in the west one of the most sickening things in the entire world to me right now is the fact that every day I can wake up, eat breakfast, and work quietly on any schoolwork I might have for the day without any worries beyond academic and personal concerns, while Marah @freepaleatine95 can't, simply because she's from Gaza and I'm not. I know that many of yous are also students and I would urge yous to consider as well how maddeningly, infuriatingly unfair it is that Palestinian students in 2024 can't even peacefully study the way western students can. after all, how would you feel if you were forced to complete a computer science degree in a tent, during a genocide, without consistent access to food or water, constantly unsure if you were going to be killed the next day simply for daring to exist in an area which the local genocidal coloniser country has decided they want to annex? or, if you aren't currently a student, how you would have felt trying to complete what education you do have under those conditions? sit with those feelings for a minute and then channel them into donating to this vetted fundraiser to help Marah reach a place where she is afforded the basic right of being able to work, study, live, and thrive in peace:
As always, if helping an innocent family survive a genocide somehow isn't enough incentive to donate, remember that I'm offering commissions in return for donations to this fundraiser here.
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m8hammed · 4 months ago
The Story of Mohammed Hussein Ismaeel and His Family: A Journey of Struggle, Loss, and Hope 🍉 🙏💔
Hello everyone,👋🙏
I’m Mohammed Hussein Ismaeel, a 23-year-old Palestinian from Gaza, and I write to you today from a place of deep sorrow and isolation. My family and I have been through unimaginable devastation, and I am here, pleading for your support to help us survive.
My Family's Painful Journey 🗝 🍉🕊
We were once five in my family: my mother Rajaa (51), my father Hussein (58), my sister Iman (18), and my younger sister Noor (13). Our lives were simple, filled with dreams for a better future. But the war has taken almost everything from us.🍉
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On October 7th, six days into the war, we were forced to flee our home and seek shelter in Al-Maghazi refugee camp in central Gaza. We spent two and a half months there, surrounded by fear and chaos. Then came the night when the camp was bombed. We lost two of our relatives, and many of us were injured, including my father who now struggles with a severed tendon in his finger.🍉
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Loss, Isolation, and Despair 🍉💔😭
After leaving the camp, we found temporary refuge in Rafah and then Deir al-Balah. But I am now separated from my family, living alone in a tent. My life feels like it's falling apart. My sister Iman has contracted hepatitis due to malnutrition, my father suffers in silence from his injury, and our dreams have been shattered.
I lost my job just before graduating, and Iman had to abandon her studies. Noor, the youngest, hasn’t been to school in months. I was working on a master’s degree in business administration, a future I once saw as bright, but now, all I see is the dark reality of our situation.🍉
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Friends Scattered, Left Behind 💔💔💔😭
Not only has the war taken our home, but it has also taken my closest friends. Some have fled to America, others have passed away, and the few left are too far to reach. I am here, in a tent, alone, clinging to a fragile hope for survival. I haven't felt the touch of a normal, civilized life in over a year. I don't know what it's like to sleep peacefully or to live without the constant fear of death.🍉
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A Call for Help 🙏🙏💔
I am tired. I feel lost, like I no longer belong to this world. I’m pleading for your help, not just for me but for my family. We need your support to escape this place, to find safety in Egypt. Any donation, no matter how small, can make a difference. Please, share our story, help us reach those who can make a real change.
From the depths of my heart, I thank you for any help you can offer. Your kindness and compassion will never be forgotten in these dark times.🍉
Verified by 🙏👋
@Ibtisams and
Link vetted her 🌹🙏
Note📝: My previous account was deleted, and this is my new one. I hope you can continue to support me during these difficult times.
Thank you very much ❤️
With gratitude,
Mohammed Hussein Ismaeel
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unintentionalseductress · 5 months ago
Someone You Loved
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I'm a mess since I finished Xavier's myth and my period came early so now I'm just sad and can't focus on anything else. Headcanons for the men when MC breaks up with them. Warnings: None, but lots of angst because everything SUCKS. Love and Deepspace. Hmph. More like Love and Deep Depression.
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In the darkness, Zayne wakes suddenly, his hands instinctively reaching out to pull you to him; only for his grasp to curl into cold sheets and emptiness.
How long had it been? Since he’d slept peacefully? The nightmares never seemed to plague him when you were asleep beside him in his bed, your breath softly ghosting the crook of his neck. He glances up at the ceiling trying to calm his breath. The little dreamcatcher you’d hung so long ago sways slightly and his heart clenches. The bed felt too big for just him. Before meeting you he slept in the middle; now he can’t bring himself to take back your half, leaving it empty, remembering the way your curled form occupied it.
The only time he saw you was when you came in for your checkup. And you seemed fine, which was good, but a part of him is haunted by the possibility that maybe something about him had made you leave him. You had insisted it wasn’t but he can’t help but run scenarios over and over in mind, swirling like a mess of ink in water.
Perhaps his reticent nature had finally driven you away. Or his sarcasm. Or maybe the scars on his hands. Women didn’t like scarred men, did they? He’d wondered about that for too long before Greyson, catching him staring at his hands, said, “Your hands are healing Dr. Zayne. Why do you look at them so doubtfully?”
After those words had been spoken, Zayne had thrown himself into his work. He’d always been a workaholic of course, but it had amplified to a point where he couldn’t go home. It was on purpose. He slept in his office until his superior had caught him, insisting he can’t sleep here.
No one was checking in on him. No one to remind him to take a break or to coax him into taking a nap in between patients. No one waking him up with a smile and a slice of cake that they’d picked up on their way to his place.
The nightmares started after he tried sleeping at home. He hates himself for feeling like a little boy, unable to sleep without a security blanket. But he needed you. The way all living things needed air and sunlight to thrive, he needed you in such a poignant way that it almost stops his blood knowing you’re not in his life anymore.
He knows he needs to sleep. Silently, because that’s what he’d grown accustomed to, silently rolling out to bed so as to not disturb you, he pads over to his closet and pulls out a t-shirt, far too small to be one of his own.
The t-shirt had somehow survived the purge, the day you’d taken all your stuff out of his apartment. It was strange to look at his apartment now because all he sees are the empty spaces you left behind. The spots on the windowsill where your little planters used to be. The blank space on the nightstand on your side of the bed where your phone, earbuds, and hand lotion used to once sit. The cup in the bathroom now holds only one toothbrush.
He brings the t-shirt to his nose and instantly your scent fills his being. He’s thankful he didn’t return it to you as he’d initially planned. The piece of fabric that retained the wonderful smell of your shampoo and the fresh scent of your skin. It calmed him. Cradling it against his cheek, he makes his way back to the bed, laying the t-shirt on his pillow and burying his nose into it as he tries to find a comfortable position.
The t-shirt works its magic, eventually lulling him into a dreamless sleep. The only peace he’s ever known was when he was with you.
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It was hard to avoid Xavier no matter where you went. His being your upstairs neighbor and your mission partner made it impossible not to see him. His chest ached whenever he saw you but he masked it with a smile. He never stopped looking out for you. Because he had promised, hadn’t he? So many centuries ago, in a different lifetime, that he’d always be there for you no matter what?
The day of the breakup is always a blur to him. He can’t recall any of the details, but he remembers your face with clarity, remembers the pained expression in your eyes. He had soothingly embraced you, encouraging you to talk to him about what was bothering you, because even his deepest worries never fathomed the idea of you leaving him.
Xavier had frozen when you had tearfully whispered that you wanted to break up. Surely he had misheard you? But no, he hadn’t. You had tried, in vain, to get him to explain where he disappeared to. It bothered you when Xavier disappeared and it didn’t matter if he came back each time. You told him you wanted the truth, and nothing less than that would convince you to stay. Xavier had faltered; he knew he owed it to you, but he didn’t know where to begin.
Philos was a distant dream, probably lost to time and deepspace but he couldn’t help it. The possibility of returning to his own timeline weighed down on him, a heavy burden of duty. If it had been just him, he would have gladly given up months ago, content to stay here with you. But the crew that had accompanied him, dedicated to his cause, stuck here because of his decisions deserved the chance, and he couldn’t give up on them.
Knowing he would never be able to explain without hurting you, he had given you a sad smile, his blue eyes growing misty as he tried to put conviction into his words. “I hope you find someone more worthy.” The feeling of your hands leaving his felt like a rift had divided his heart into two, a chasm separating you both. You left his apartment, and he spent the night on his balcony, listening to your sobs carrying through the air, not knowing how he could take away your pain. 
With much trial and error, Xavier now had a cordial relationship with you. He accompanied you whenever you asked. He still hung out with you at the arcade and came out for hot pot whenever you asked. Because hadn’t he promised to love you even when you weren’t his?
Xavier watches you talking to Tara and when you finally catch his eye, you give him a smile and wave, which he returns. Although he wishes you weren’t broken up, it always brings him relief to see you smiling. He had felt the satisfaction of watching you become a happier person, seeing you grow and eventually finding joy around you. And that would have to be enough. 
He would settle for having you in his life any way he could, even if you decided you didn’t love him. Because after losing you twice, he’d take anything to cut his losses. 
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Thomas follows Rafayel around his studio. He can see the state Rafayel is in, the dark bags under his eyes, and the unkempt hair and clothes.
“Rafayel, I think some rest-”
“I don’t need it.” Rafayel picks up a paintbrush, which is already messy from the various hues it was dipped into previously and begins to put strokes onto his canvas. Across the room are scattered paintings and unfinished sculptures, all half-done and looking rather gloomy. 
Thomas tries again. “I can book you a weekend at your favorite onsen. Perhaps a massage. It’ll help clear your head.”
Rafayel glares at him, anger in his lavender eyes. “I said I don’t need it. I have work to do. You know where the door is.”
Signing, Thomas takes his dismissal and the studio is plunged into silence. Rafayel tries again to finish his painting then grits his teeth and hurls the paintbrush away. Droplets of paint drip across the marble floor as it clatters some feet away.
It had been a while since you had broken up with him and Rafayel feels like he’s stuck in time. All his works are incomplete, becoming a neverending list of things that he might never actually pay attention to again.  
Of late, he’s obsessed with trying to paint you, but each time he recalls your face, something or the other feels off. The shape of your eyes, too slanted to be accurate, the curve of your nose, too round to be correct, haunt him as he gazes at the canvas before him. It was you, yet it wasn’t you. 
There’s panic growing in his chest at the idea that he might be forgetting what you look like. His hands and memory seem to be at odds with each other, unable to communicate and translate what he was remembering onto paper. 
He traces the edge of your face, the paint smearing his fingertips, frustration welling up in his heart. He feels disappointed in himself. Hadn’t he said to himself that even if you forgot, he’d remember for the both of you? Yet now, he can’t recall the features of your face, like the image of you in his head was behind a pixelated curtain, and all he could recollect were rough features that somewhat resembled you.
He might put himself into a manic state. He hasn’t slept, haunted by the possibility that he may never paint your portrait accurately again. Rafayel pulls out his phone, the light illuminating his tired face and he desperately looks through his photos. A few days after the breakup, in a fit of rage, he’d deleted all your photos off his phone, an action he now regretted.
“Please…please…there’s gotta be at least one…” he prays as he swipes through the pictures. As he’s about to give up, he finally comes across a single photo, a group picture, taken from his art exhibition some time ago. And there you are, all your features coming back to him with painful clarity. With a sigh, he picks up a fresh paintbrush and tries again, feeling relief flood him as your familiar face finally begins to bloom onto the canvas. 
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Luke and Kieran looked in concern at the closed door of Sylus’s room. Sylus wasn't the type to conduct business remotely. Even with all the henchmen at his disposal, he still preferred going out into the N109 zone to ensure his armories and money accounts were secure. But after the breakup, he had been delegating more and mingling with his associates less. 
The missing bottles of whiskey hadn’t gone unnoticed by their keen eyes, and the twins carefully crack open his bedroom door a fraction. He’s slumped over the large desk made of fine oak wood, a liquor bottle cracked open, and a glass in his hand. 
His ruby eyes are hazy and it’s clear he’s intoxicated. The little grumpy crow plushie was sitting on his desk, and his unfocused eyes were gazing in reminiscence at it while Mephisto glared at the soft toy in objection. 
“Boss?” Luke dares to approach him, and Sylus looks up sharply. 
“What?” The irritation in his voice is evident. 
“Um…Your meeting with the protocore dealer. He just left a message saying he hasn’t been able to get in touch with you and…” His voice falters as Sylus’s eyes glow like embers in a fireplace.
“He can wait.” The words are snarled as he downs the whiskey in a single gulp before pouring more. “Get out.”
Luke and Kieran retreat but they glance at each other despairingly. This was the N109 zone after all. Dealings with mafia leaders didn’t just get put on hold without consequences.
“Damn it all,” Sylus murmurs. He swirls the whiskey in his glass, and all he sees are your eyes, fixated on him in horror. He was used to the erratic atmospheric changes in the N109 zone but the night you left, it felt like he was being choked by the air, not a drop of oxygen left for him to breathe in. He knew he’d overdone it when threatening the merchant, knew he should have controlled himself from using his evol as cruelly as he had. But he needed the upper hand and the only way knew how to assert himself was through violence.  
He’d never hurt you. His precious little dove, his whole heart. But what you’d witnessed had left you terrified of him and his ominous abilities. Sylus had begged; his pride wasn’t so great as to risk losing you. He’d fallen to his knees, his arms locked around your waist, his cheek resting on your chest, listening to the way your heart was beating in your ribcage. It was hard to say how long the two of you had remained that way until you had gently disengaged from his grip, bid him goodbye, and left. He wasn’t deterred at first, calling and texting you desperately, sending gifts and bouquets to your door until you had called him and told him to stop. 
He drinks, feeling the heat and the sting of the whiskey as it goes down his throat, the only thing that helped with the pain. You were the sunlight in this dark world and without you, Sylus feels nothing except coldness. You were gone, the only blessing he’d ever received.
© unintentionalseductress original work | no copying, plagiarizing or translating
@theimmortalbuns @otomegamesforlife @sweets-kozume @supernaturalbaesduh @ladyparamount
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wijdan309 · 1 month ago
Finally, after 470 days, the children will sleep peacefully, and the bombs will stop. A quiet, silent night will pass over the entire Gaza Strip.
This is what it seems to the world, but the reality is completely different.
From this night on, the real pain begins. Families will begin to remember the loved ones they lost in this war. Children will remember their parents who died before their eyes.
Mothers will remember the best moments they spent happily with their families, moments that no longer exist due to the death of their children. The wives will remember their husbands returning to them every day, now brutally murdered before the eyes of the world.
Starting tonight, life will become more difficult for those who have lost parts of their bodies, those who have lost an eye, those who have lost one or both legs, those who have lost their hands, or those who now suffer from complete or partial paralysis. All this will not be shown to you in the media. We are still suffering even after the ceasefire.
Yes, it is a relief that the bloodshed and massacres have stopped, but our suffering continues.
We are still displaced, we are still under siege, and we still need your support.
Our goal is 50,000 euros. Thanks to you, we raised 3,779 euros. This means we have reached 8% of our target.
We have a lot left to reach our goal.
Please contribute and donate. I will be very happy with your generous donation and grateful for your kindness.
✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #370 )✅️
@dirhwangdaseul @b0nkcreat @tamamita @chokulit @3000s @apas-95 @pitbolshevik @ot3 @punkitt-is-here @vampiricvenus @turtletoria @paper-mario-wiki @valtsv @omegaversereloaded @i-am-a-fish @catsgifsarefun @spongebobssquarepants @postanagramgenerator @feluka @nyancrimew @90-ghost @beserkerjewel @neechees @memingursa @certifiedsexed @afro-elf @11thsense @sawasawako @spacebeyonce @skipppppy @beetledrink @fools-and-perverts2 @dailyquests @evillesbianvillain @wolfertinger666 @taffybuns @ankle-beez @sabertoothwalrus @meshugenist @isuggestforcefem @hotvampireadjacent @marxism-transgenderism @boobieteriat @jonahmagnus-research @pitbolshevik @communistkenobi-archive @haootia @skinwretch @determinate-negation @talasem @girldraki @jame7t @treesbian @pollocksbollocks @rocksnstars @mayonaisalspray @toiletpotato @pisshandkerchief @longseasons @wis-art @beserkerjewel @wolf-tail @strangeauthor @wolfertinger666 @a-shade-of-blue @yekkes @postanagramgenerator @feluka @punkeropercyjackson @strange-aelurus @nabulsi @ringosnoop @sporesgalaxy @palhelp @turtletoria @valtsv @annabelle--cane @anneemay @tamamita @taffybunnie @prinnay @prisonhannibal @paper-mario-wiki @komsomolka @neechees @victoriawhimsey @punkitt-is-here @vampiricvenus @ankle-beez @autisticmudkip @catnapdreams @mushroomjar @pissvortex @prisonhannibal @apas-95 @neechees @memingursa @afro-elf @vampiricvenus @turtletoria @marxism-transgenderism @beetledrink @bevsi @beserkerjewel @feluka @i-am-a-fish @spacebeyonce @b0nkcreat @11thsense @boobieteriat@omegaversereloaded @punkitt-is-here @tamamita @skunkes @ot3 @valtsv @wolfertinger666 @paper-mario-wiki @nyancrimew @spongebobssquarepants @sabertoothwalrus @90-ghost @komsomolka @sawasawako @hotvampireadjacent @certifiedsexed @isuggestforcefem @3000s @chokulit @ankle-beez @pitbolshevik@sar-soor @plomegranate @communistkenobi @queerstudiesnatural @bluebellsinthedells @rizzyluke @kordeliiius @self-hating-zionist @raelyn-dreams @unfortunatelyuncreative @licencetokrill-blog @jezebelgoldstone @ramelcandy @labutansa @sammywo @autistwizard @tortiefrancis @sparklinpixiedust @feluka @revcuse @golvio @star-and-space-ace @rainbowywitch @marscollection @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @boyvained-blog @ammonitetheseaserpent @girlinafairytale @timelightbox @appsa @half-empty-orbitals @seasnipper @gaza-strip @akajustmerry @ree-duh @neptunerings @dlxxv-vetted-donations @sayruq @malcriada @sar-soor @northgazaupdates2 @dirhwangdaseul @jdon @ibtisams @sawasawako @memingursa @schoolhater @toesuckingoctober @waskuyecaozu @lapithae @ryo-yamada @opencommunion @el-shab-hussein @paper-mario-wiki@commissions4aid-international @sunmooneclipseandstars @franki-lee @none-until-all @blossomfully @chillywillow1 @gatsby-system-folks @wizardarchives @postanagramgenerator @newportfolkfest @bisexualpositivity @writeouswriter @galactic-rhea @ur-local-relatable-alt-kid @princessnessa2017-blog @neptuneschaos @wild-forest-bee @cam24fan @strflwers @hotsugar @hahvdh @moronic0xymoron @animebabe55 @paper-mario-wiki @profoundlyscreechingkryptonite @corpsenurse @d3lph1unkn0wn @confusedsheepsblog @p33rpressure @heritageposts @victoriawhimsey @wizardarchives @humanculi @runawaycatherine @opencommunion @problemnyatic @partridgeinayanderetree @palhelp @palestinegenocide @autisticats @ashwantsafreepalestine @angelicdevil @actuallyapigeon @aflamethatneverdies @lotus-tower @selflovejolteon @feluka @gayscifi @fagkit @frazzledhare
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waiting-foratrain · 22 days ago
> do you ever think about how scary remembering being alecto must have been for nona? because i think about that a lot.
(NONA THE NINTH SPOILERS) (this is mostly a post inspired by my personal experience and feelings so feel free to disagree. but also i Am correct)
dissociative amnesia is terrifying. just. full stop, point blank- as a concept, to experience, however- its terrifying. the idea that there’s something missing and half the time you don’t even know it’s gone? and then to remember? to slowly start remembering every horrible thing that happened to you? to be nona, remembering, and suddenly realise that you’re doing what everyone around you seems to have wanted you to do since you first opened your eyes, you’re remembering- only it isn’t helping, and instead, you’re realising that everything you thought you were was built on a fault line that only seems to keep growing with everything more you remember?
and then it’s nona, the girl who’s anger has only ever been treated gently and peacefully by the people who love her, who is determined to be good, to be helpful, suddenly having to remember so much unrestrained anger, so much pain? and the more she remembers, the more she becomes sure that all of that is what she is going to be left as when her time, and her life is up. of course that scared her. how could it not scare her?
i don’t think it was just the realisation of who she had been that was terrifying - it was the understanding that she was a makeshift person walking around in a world where (nearly) everyone else got to be wholly themselves for as long as their bodies lived- but she’d been on borrowed time her whole life, and suddenly she has a rapidly running out countdown.
further - dissociative amnesia isn’t just about the loss, it’s about the shape of the loss. it’s about the gaps in the narrative of your own life, gaps you can’t see because your mind has plastered over them, smoothed them out so seamlessly that you don’t even think to ask what’s missing. It’s about waking up one day and realising the foundation you’ve been standing on isn’t real, and worse, that the truth waiting underneath it might be so much worse than the not-knowing… and when those memories do start to surface, you don’t quite know what it is, but it feels like a betrayal- and you aren’t quite the same as you were before anymore (which happens on such a bigger scale with nona!!!! it’s so important to me, that in ntn, nona’s remembering is not celebrated. so often in media, i see people remembering memories lost to trauma related amnesia portrayed as a good thing, and every time i’m just sat there thinking ‘is it worth it? really?’)
like. just imagine you’re nona, for me. your mind kept those lost memories from you for a reason- it buried them because it thought you wouldn’t survive them, and maybe you won’t, but now, whether you’re ready or not, they’re coming back. they’re clawing their way up from a grave you didn’t even know was there, and you have to look them in the eye and reconcile the person they tell you you were with the person you fought to be.
for nona, remembering meant losing herself. she didn’t just gain alecto’s memories, she became alecto again. the life she had built, the life she had clung to, the love she had felt, all of it just unraveled beneath the weight of who she had been before. how could it not be terrifying?
to remember. to finally give in and remember what she’d been so determined to not, to finally know what you were missing - and have to realise that your fears weren’t unfounded. it is scary - because remembering doesn’t make you whole. sometimes, remembering just erases you instead.
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qiu-yan · 24 days ago
if i had been in jiang cheng's position immediately after the fall of lotus pier, i probably would not have tried to strangle wei wuxian.
i don't like dealing with negative emotions, so instead i'd probably say some bullshit like "whaaat? no, it's not your fault and i don't blame you at all, so don't worry about it," and then just put all my energy towards trying to survive. except i would blame wei wuxian. i would very much blame him, from the depths of my soul. even if i tried my hardest to convince myself not to blame him, that i should not blame him, that i do not want to blame him - nonetheless, my subconscious would remain convinced that, were it not for him, my family and everyone i grew up with would still be alive.
and, because of that resentment, i would begin to pull away from him.
i would not save wei wuxian from that wen patrol. even if i did love that deeply, my resentment would still blunt my reaction time and i would not be able to act in time. for the sake of convenience, let's say that wen ning rescues wei wuxian from lotus pier anyways. wei wuxian lives. what happens then? on one hand, i still resent him for causing the deaths of all my family; on the other hand, though, now i also feel guilty for allowing him to be captured and tortured simply because i would not die in his place. how do i deal with these complicated emotions - these unsightly, ugly emotions? i don't. i bury them and pretend they don't exist, because running away from difficult feelings is how i've always lived my life - i run away from him, because whenever i see him, this twinned of resentment and guilt rear their ugly heads again.
thus, because of my emotional unavailability, the relationship tanks. maybe wei wuxian gets his core melted, somehow picks up demonic cultivation anyways, and is thus pulling away from me as well; maybe the avoidance comes from both ends. and if wei wuxian instead notices that something is wrong and starts pestering me about what's wrong - well, i have full faith in my ability to deflect. i am long-practiced in diverting the focus of a conversation specifically to imply that the other party's concern isn't welcome.
thus, by the time the sunshot campaign ends, our relationship would have severely deteriorated. and then, because of this, i would take wei wuxian leaving our sect to protect the wen remnants as the actual end of our bond. unlike jiang cheng, i would not even argue against wei wuxian's leaving, nor say things as sentimental as "if you insist on protecting them, then i cannot protect you" - instead, i'd simply write off our relationship as doomed and sever it peacefully.
after all, he owes me nothing. i am entitled to neither his labor nor his presence. if he wishes to leave, then he is free to go; if he wishes to no longer be family, the i will no longer think of him as so. in fact, the less familiarly i think of him, the better: it is at once much easier and much more comfortable for me to believe, in a post-hoc sense, that someone who has left me actually never wanted to be with me to begin with, and i therefore have not lost anything of value at all. and this loss would not hurt me as much as it hurt jiang cheng in canon. after all, i, unlike jiang cheng, am a veteran at avoiding all thought on topics that distress me; instead, i'd soon find something new and exciting with which to distract myself.
i would not visit wei wuxian in the burial mounds. if jiang yanli insisted on seeing him, perhaps i would accompany her there, but i would not make any conversation with him myself beyond what is absolutely necessary. i would consider the death of jin zixuan unforgivable. i would consider the death of jiang yanli unforgivable. but perhaps i would not feel as wretchedly betrayed as jiang cheng does in canon: after all, i in this scenario, unlike jiang cheng, have already given up on wei wuxian a long time ago.
i would probably lead the first siege of the burial mounds. i would not hold the same level of animosity against the wens as jiang cheng does in canon - in general, while i can hold onto subconscious resentment for a long time, actively clinging onto seething hatred for extended periods of time is difficult for me. perhaps i'd even speak up more for the wen remnants, out of purely some abstract moral concern for the wellbeing of POWs; however, i'd stand down the moment any of said speech put my own people in danger. perhaps i'd lead the first siege of the burial mounds because it is expected of me. or perhaps i'd genuinely want the man who hurt my sister to die.
either way, if i then encountered wei wuxian in the burial mounds battlefield, i would actually kill him. it would be easy for me to do so.
as you might have guessed, the "i" in this passage is not actually me (yanyan) from real life. if it were Me In Real Life in jiang cheng's position i would probably just die.
instead, the "i" in thjis passage is a different MDZS character. prize for you (bragging rights) if you can guess who it is!!!!!
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