#they all need hugs methinks
sealrock · 1 year
If your muse could say one thing to their childhood self, what would they say? Would your muse want to meet their childhood self in the first place?
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16. If your muse could say one thing to their childhood self, what would they say? Would your muse want to meet their childhood self in the first place?
so I'll be answering this for the brat pack (aka paris / evander / achille / patroclus) because this is too good of a question for just one. out of all of my ocs, these 4 have the most baggage regarding their childhood
cw: mentions of abuse
paris to their childhood self: 'this isn't something you want to hear, and it's hard for me to say as it is. but don't hate your mom, you don't know the full picture. I cannot tell you what will happen in your future, but please... don't do what I did'
I have it planned that paris and andromache eventually repair their strained relationship once the full details of andi's departure are known. but paris as a kid was traumatized and angry by both their dad's 'death' and their mom's abandonment of them, even if it was for paris' safety. paris, now having lived a life that revealed many truths and secrets, would like to go back in time to comfort their younger self and promise them that things will get better. they doubt it'll do much since there's not much to say to begin with, but they can try
evander to his childhood self: 'I won't paint a pretty picture for you or promise something that was not destined for you; your future is bleak and filled with hardships'
evander... doesn't have much to say to his younger self. he always gets bitter whenever he thinks about his past and the emotional abuse he got from his grandfather priam (and what he thought to be his mother's favoritism towards his brother). he was an extremely resentful and depressed child. evander now does not want to meet his childhood self; even though he's doing marginally better now, he doesn't think this would change the outcome of his childhood self's future. evander thinks there's no point
achille to his childhood self: 'I'm sort of bad at this kind of thing, I'm talking to myself for fuck's sake if that ain't strange enough... anyroad, what I'm trying to say is... you do have a reason to be here. you're not a mistake, and people love you. you're valued and thought of by many friends you made... so chin up I guess, eh?'
for all of achille's bravado and impulsiveness, he clams up whenever he has to think about his younger self before he was found by chiron. that short period of his life continues to haunt him since he's still trying to recover from tauvane's neglect and abuse. as for meeting his younger self, achille is reluctant to. achille tries to forget everything about the past since it's too painful to really talk about, so he doesn't want to carry that part of himself around any longer. despite his complicated relationship with his mother, achille's actively trying to forgive tauvane in order to have a normal relationship with her, but his childhood essentially made him who he is today
patroclus to his childhood self: 'I'm not sure if my words will be any comfort to you, but please don't lose hope. there are so many things you have yet to see. this star we live on is full of wonders and surprises, just like the stories mama would tell. you'll see them someday, with friends who care about you'
patroclus was extremely lonely growing up after the death of his parents and he wasn't allowed to explore much of the outside world. so I think patroclus would love to meet his younger self just to give himself a friend and someone to talk to. as an adult patroclus is trying to forgive and forget many things about his past and learn to let go of any lingering resentment, so he wants to pass this wisdom to his younger self so he could grow up less emotionally scarred
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heliocentricsunflower · 10 months
levihan chilling in hange's office; hange gets up, flops on top of levi, and hugs him; he hugs them back, also patting their head
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satorisoup · 3 months
EEEK good afternoon friends and happy sunday !! ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝ i hope everyones day is full of love and i’m sending all of you SOSO many smoochies !! MWUUUUAH !! 🍓
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edutainer2022 · 1 year
I may... be slightly embarrassed by this story, but definitely NOT sorry. I had lots of fun writing. The FlashFiction "PORTAL" prompt @janetm74 brought up (https://www.tumblr.com/flashfictionfridayofficial/727887160802410496/stories-are-the-door-to-whole-new-worlds?source=share) was too good to pass up. I typically don't do OCs. I am nearly dialogue-impared and attempts at humor are admittedly not stellar. But hey... we all have that pet sandbox of headcanons about "Next Generation Thunderbirds" or "What if Timetravel", right? I was thoroughly entertained to play in mine with this piece. Hope, you're all somewhat amuzed reading too.
The young man and woman reached for the sidearms in unison, barely stepping through a hissing door, before freezing in wide-eyed wonder. About the same hight, blond, hazel eyes that belied an unmistakable resemblance of fraternal twins, they moved as one. Scott was faster, however, stepping to shield the rest of his brothers, hands thrown up, palms open in a universal gesture of "We mean no harm!" Before he could say a word, however, the young man had already holstered a gun - a glossy futuristic model they never saw GDF carry - and tutted them all to keep quiet. The woman next to him tapped her ear, activating a mic:
- Listen up, everyone! We have a situation! Butterfly effect. Repeat, possible butterfly effect.
They were obviously in some kind of crew quarters or an officer lounge - sleek, clean lines, but comfortable seats in different areas. The space was lived in too - the holo photos on the walls displayed young men and women laughing, hugging, leaning against unfamiliar sleek aircrafts. Some groups contained the pair present - both in civilian clothes and in uniform none of the Tracies could place. It would be fascinating to ponder, except they were supposed to be in a different lounge altogether. In fact, they were - a minute ago. On their own island, going through a mission debrief that was headed into a pleasant family evening all together, even John, once they wrapped up and changed out of uniform. There were no palm trees or the sky outside the huge port windows now. As far as the eye could see the view displayed only the infinite dark and the stars. They were in space.
Virgil and Alan were gawking, stunned by that realization. John was scanning the room for some clues or a comm. Their own comm units were, conspicuously, dead. Scott was still processing the fact that he was effectively shut up by a stranger with a gun. Gordon turned his attention back at the holo pictures on the wall for some suitable intel. Following his eyes movement, the woman by the door tapped a quick command on the wrist and the holos turned off simultaneously.
- Sorry about that. Mandatory Paradox protocol - the fewer details you know the better. 
Five pairs of eyes were trained on her. John found his voice first:
- Paradox protocol?
The blond man shrugged noncommittaly in a manner unnervingly familiar:
- The butterfly effect. You know, Bradbury? How in time travel you can't interact with stuff or it'll change the timeline? Sometimes the Delta-drive gets the timey-wimey all confused and it creates a temporary paradox. Like a portal.
- But no worries! - his, sister (apparently), chimed in, clearly amused. - Our Brain Trust will sort it out and get you out of here in no time. See what I did here?
They shared a Look, sniggered, and high fived.
Of all the details and questions, snowballing around, Alan, for some reason, latched onto the term:
- The Delta-drive? Like the T-drive?
The blond siblings shared a confused look again, before the man answered:
-Yeah, kinda. But at some point B... they ran out of Latin alphabet.
At that moment Scott's indignation and thinly veiled worry breached containment and, fists clenched, he almost screamed:
- Where is HERE?! Who are you?! How did we get here?!!!
Virgil switched his own imploding anxiety from the twinkling unfamiliar stars to a more immediate target and placed a calming hand on his big brother's shoulder.
The young woman rolled her eyes in a manner that too, was unnervingly recognizable, if hard to place:
- In reverse order: 1) We don't know how you got here, but, hopefully, will figure it out soon. You can't stay long. 2) You can't have too much information on who we are, but if it helps - I'm Sally, this is Grant, my twin brother and the bane of my existence (Grant made a point to give her a Look with a dramatic flourish); 3) "Here" is in Oort Cloud, strictly speaking. Welcome to the Lighthouse.
The collective audible gasp was swallowed by another door hissing, at the opposite wall. A group of four walked in - all young, an age bracket indistinguishable from that of the Tracy brothers. Two guys  and two girls. All looking rather disheveled and yawning, eyes bleary from lack of sleep. One of the girls had a screwdriver holding up a messy bun of black hair. A tattatered flannel shirt was wrapped around her waist -  more oil stains and burn marks, than fabric. There were grease stains on her forearm too, over an elaborate wreathe of flowers and wings, tattooed there. The guy walking next to her, dark haired and broad, sported a similar state of attire, except his flannel shirt was on. There was soot smeared on his forehead and cheek, covered in overnight shadow. The taller young man in the party was poking at holograms of some specs on the go, paying little attention to his surroundings. Dark auburn hair was curling every which way, one lock falling on the forhead to his obvious annoyance. He was clad in a cardigan that would have promoted Brains to the fashion icon of the Nerd community. That made three of them looking in disarray. The fourth young woman was rather prim and put together, if pale, looking around stiffly. The gaze of green eyes landed on the Tracy brothers, still standing back to back in the middle of the room, and she froze.
The rest of the newcomers effectively bumped into her, shifting attention to the present party. More audible gasps passed around, from the hosts this time.
Scott took the opportunity to take the initiative again:
- Hi, I'm Scott Tracy, these are my brothers. We're International Rescue...
The flannel clad big guy heaved a sigh, but smiled warmly:
- We know who you are. How? - his question was directed at the blond duo, still guarding the other exit.
- We were kinda hoping you guys will shed some light on that. Timey-wimey is your area.
It was the tall guy's cue to huff in exasperation, a slight accent hard to place:
- For the thousand's time! It's not timey-wimey, it's quantum physics!
- You say tomAIto... - his blond counterpart was grinning sunnily. All Tracies had a distinct feeling they had already witnessed this conversation on multiple occasions.
- Technically, it was the eight hundred seventy fifth time.
All eyes were on the girl speaking, but she just smoothed a non existent wrinkle on a crisp pant leg and clasped her hands awkwardly. John's eyes widened. Gordon's squinted.
- Anyhow... - the bigger man coughed discretely, to switch the conversation back on track. - Nice to meet you! I'm Kip. (Virgil yelped from an unexpected elbow in the ribs from Gordon). Tweedledum and Tweedledee there yonder probably told you we can't volunteer too much information. This is my little sister Kyra (he gestured to the girl with a screwdriver, currently in a hushed conversation with the auburn nerd), that's Lee over there and... Dawn.
The visible stumble in introductions had John squint too, then hitch a breath.
- The Delta-drive is offline after the last... mission. - That was Lee speaking again, surrounded by even more holograms, Dawn at his side sifting through data streams with uncanny speed. - We spent the night cycle rewiring and reconnecting everything manually (that was supported by enthusiastic groans from Kip and Kyra, now busy distributing generous cups of coffee around). - So whatever caused the Paradox is, likely, on their side.
That shifted all gazes in the room back to the Tracies again. In the spotlight, they looked utterly baffled.
Clearly a self-appointed morale officer - Grant supplied a consolation:
- Could be worse, right?
Kip pinched his nose, in a familiar attempt to stave off a headache after an all-nighter with busted equipment:
- Speaking of things getting worse... Where's our Intrepid Leader?
The question was directed at the Twins. It was Sally's turn to shrug:
- We were on perimeter patrol when Phoenix One left. Skye is off planetside for a Joint Chiefs meeting with the World President. The... last mission report and debriefing.
There was a snort from the general direction of the coffee table:
- I'd sell tickets to THAT show. Do we have GDF on standby? International Rescue notified for the possible fallout? Do we even still HAVE a World President?
Another mechanical hiss of the doors was an answer to that. The Twins shifted to attention imperceptibly, as a young woman in black space grade uniform strode in with urgency and determination. Lithe, runway model tall and as beautiful, blue eyes intense and dark in fluorescent light, assessing the scene in fraction of seconds, dark curls sleeked back in a bun.
- As you were.
The next words were directed at Kip and Kyra, still beaming in astonishment:
- I'll let you know that yes, we, in fact, still have a World President. I may not be on speaking terms with the man, but I draw a line at patricide.
Blue eyes glanced over the Tracies, but pointedly didn't linger, directing the unvoiced question at, obviously, the science team of the group - Lee and Dawn. They shifted several holograms her way immediately. There was something harsh about the young commanding officer, a shadow of pain etched in every feature.
Kip gulped down a mouthful of hot coffee:
- I was thinking more along the lines of a heart attack or a stroke. But good to know. Why are you back so soon? Didn't you have a report to deliver?
- I did. I delivered the report, encrypted, for President's eyes only. Then I left.
Grant and Sally whistled in unison as they, apparently, did many things in life:
- Sooooo... how long till the cavalry arrives? And all the king's Thund...
An elbow to the ribs put a halt to Grant's babbling, just as Gordon sported a cartoonish light bulb expression - jaw dropping and all. The confused gargle at the back of his throat was, however, muffled by John's palm over his mouth. Scott stood uncharacteristically still, thunderstruck.
Kyra broke the precarious moment with a splash of another helping of coffee (third since they arrived) into the mug:
- No need to worry. We're all due at the Met tonight for Lucy's recital anyway. We're gonna get the full dressing down there. That's including Gramps. We're gonna get such an earful from... everyone - we might not hear her sing.
In that moment Lee punched the air and released what could only be described as a war cry:
- That's it! The recital! That's what triggered the Paradox!
The Tracies were mostly reduced to speechless perplexity by that point, but Virgil couldn't let that one go, brows furrowing:
- How can music trigger time travel?
Lee rolled his eyes again in a gesture that had Alan inch closer to the light bulb moment too. Kip took it upon himself to be the pillar of patience (maybe not for the first time in present company) and explained:
- Music doesn't trigger time travel. Space-time context does. You're all here. And you're all due to be present at one of my sister's recital at the Metropolitan Opera tonight. It's a memorial concert, the World President will be in attendance. Well, not the you you, but the other you. The today you. Does it make sense?
A cacophony of "no"s in all Tracy voices filled the room. Gordon chimed in, voicing general confusion:
- Why would we ALL attend with the President? And how many sisters do you have?
- As... International Rescue you're guests of honor and four. Val is a lead neurosurgeon at Tracy Memorial, Casey is currently Deputy Chief of Communications at the World President Office, Kyra here, is, obviously, an engineer of the Lighthouse, and the eldest one, Lucy, is a world class opera singer, mezzo soprano. Does that answer your question?
Gordon squinted again, not willing to let the bone go:
- Why are you attending then? You guests of honor too?
Kyra stepped forth, pointing at the mourning tattoo on her arm:
- It's a memorial recital for one of our own. We lost...Commander Skye's brother in an... experimental equipment test. A Cognitive drive malfunction. It is his birthday.
The Commander in question landed her scrutiny, finally, from the holograms and formulas back on the Tracies, deep in thought. Then to Lee again:
- This doesn't add up. There are all five of them pulled in by the Paradox. Only four would be present tonight.
This time the Tracies erupted in a more than worried "why"s.
Dawn, mostly quiet heretofore and engrossed in the datastream, spoke up:
- This may explain it. A dispatch from orbital patrol is just in: USS ZXL CJT made a Delta-drive jump back into the solar system.
Gasps of surprise were summarized by Skye's hoarse wisper:
- What happened? They were not due back another three years! Not after what happened to J... (under her breath). Can you rise the Captain?
- Negative. Not from this range.
Lee clicked his fingers and pumped the air again:
- That's our trigger! We'll have to jump the Lighthouse from Oort Cloud back to Earth now, to investigate. That's how the Paradox would assemble!
Alan snapped his head from one person talking to the other and finally burst out a question:
- What's ZXL CJT?
Dawn paused, seemingly, choosing words. Skye, suddenly grim and somber, gave her a slight nod to proceed:
- A Zero-XL class deep space recon and rescue vehicle "Colonel Jeff Tracy". Captain on board - Alan Sheppard Tracy.
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leonsliga · 1 year
Goodbyes are never easy, but these wrecked me
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nc-vb · 1 year
Gosh, Kaveh really is the best person in that entire game, isn't he?
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pupyuj · 1 month
Need ur thoughts on baby daddy ive unnies 😊
since i’ve already covered jiwon and yujin before i’m only gonna do gaeul, rei, and wony here! 💕💕
[cw: pregnancy, lactation kink]
gaeul would be the sweetest baby daddy ever :(( i like the idea of the two of you being a long term couple who everybody always assumes that are married but actually aren’t 😭 and naturally gaeul would want a kid with you but due to thinking that you might not want one yet or ever, she ends up just staying quiet about it until you bring it up, in which her eyes literally light up as soon as you say “i’d love to have your baby” one night during a heart to heart 🥺🥺 after that talk, the two of you would then try to get pregnant every time you fuck! there’d be a different kind of hunger in gaeul’s eyes every time she’s on top of you—she fucks you in a way that feels good for you and her and to top it all off, she’s making sure not to waste a drop of her cum 😵‍💫 promises you so many sweet things in your ear after every thrust 🥺 things such as: “i’m gonna give you however many of my babies you want” and even taunting you almost?? “you want that, hm? you wanna be a mommy, my love??” 🤤💕 of course countless nights spent fucking and being a nightmare for your neighbours results in you having a perfectly healthy child in your belly months later 💞 now ik ya’ll were expecting something nasty and allat but gaeul is just . the angel ever so this was mostly just soft hours 😭
rei and her baby daddy moment would come as a welcome surprise methinks 🤓 getting you pregnant was neither planned nor unplanned 😭 yes, she frequently daydreamed about starting a family with her one true love but she wasn’t actively trying to knock you up every time you fucked! in fact, reibear is very careful and strict when it came to protection bcs the last thing she wanted to do was give you a baby you didn’t ask for 💀 so she was shocked in the best way when you gave her the big news with the happiest look on your face 🥺💞 rei would hug you, spin you around, then jump about the room with you before stopping abruptly to ask you if you really are happy with all of this and when you answer “yes” (bcs of course!!), she would jump around with you again 😭😭 ah, rei would be so happy that she’d just pick you up, put you on top of her desk, and give you the best head she’s ever given you in all your years of dating 🥰 and she’d honestly have an obsession with eating you out throughout your pregnancy and it is not just because she’s addicted to your taste! there’d be this whole misunderstanding where you’d start thinking that maybe rei was starting to get the ick seeing your stomach get bigger as her child grows inside you when really she’s… scared to do anything else 💀 hell, you’d even catch rei jerking herself off alone in your shared bedroom and she’d explain that she’d just been afraid to fuck you properly bcs she didn’t want to potentially hurt you and the kid ☹️
ofc you’d reassure rei with both words annnnd… riding her reverse cowgirl style and proving that you can be safe having sex while pregnant! 💕 and now onto actual baby daddy stuff; rei takes it all very seriously to the point where it’s so endearing 😭💘 she’s always on high alert when it comes to your needs and there’s never a moment where she’s far away enough to not immediately be there when you need her, such a sweet girl 🥺☹️ she’s giving your baby bump kisses, caressing it, staring lovingly at you while you take a nap in her arms… SHE’S JUST A WONDERFUL MOMMY UEUEUE 💔💔
wonyoung acts like a kid who has just been given a new toy when you drop the news on her head in the middle of a lovely friday afternoon after coming home from a doctor to confirm that yes, you are in fact pregnant with jang wonyoung’s child! and when i tell ya’ll she’s locked tf IN throughout your entire pregnancy.. 😭 actually leaves work to always be in the house and take care of you, never ever leaves your side, actually loses her mind when you so much as trip on air or get a paper cut, and is clingy and overprotective to the point it’s kinda annoying?? 😭 like you would actually have to sit her down and tell her to not stress about you and the kid bcs she’s already doing so much for the two of you 🥺 ofc she’d calm down then and be a bit more tame around you! 😭💞 ugh, wonyoung would be so sweet… constantly talking to your stomach in this baby voice and getting so happy when she puts her hand on it and feel your baby kick 🥺🥺 seeing you so happy carrying her child just makes her want to make more! and this is where her clinginess became rlly adorable bcs she’d just stare at you with shining eyes and a lil pout… you’d think she’s just being cute for no reason but nopeee~ let your eyes wander down a bit further and you’ll her cock fighting against the fabric of her jean shorts 🤤☺️
wonyoung would absolutely not let you do anything that requires you to do too much so she would actually have you sat on the couch while she’s standing up with her dick all hard and up in your face 😵‍💫 and even though you’re only using your hands and mouth on her, wonyoung is still asking you if you’re doing okay, praising you endlessly, and rewarding your hard work with the loveliest of moans, whines, and the softest hair pulling 🥰 cums all over your face, neck, chest area, and your tits… the sight of her seed dripping down your breasts just gives wonyoung the idea of her newest obsession! wonyoung + lactation kink is just a match made in heaven okay?? it’s impossible to not picture her just getting absolutely turned on at the idea of getting a taste of your breast milk and then actually going ahead to do exactly that when you decide to entertain her fantasy 🤤🤤 and she cums in her underwear while she does it. oops 🤭
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thewertsearch · 4 months
Karkat’s pretty close to snapping himself, which would be an understandable reaction to the events of the last two minutes, let alone the last month. He doesn't deserve this.
Come to think of it, have we ever seen any incarnations of Karkat from beyond this point on the timeline? I don't think we have. That's understandable, I suppose - seeing a Karkat this traumatized would have given the game away.
CCG: GUESS I HAVE TO BRAVE IT FOR FEFERI'S SAKE. PAST cuttlefishCuller [PCC] 380 HOURS AGO responded to memo. PCC: For my sake? 38)
A ghost appears in chat.
This is just haunting, isn't it? Thanks to Trollian, Karkat can freely converse with his dead friends, but trying to save them will immediately doom the timeline. All he can do is dodge her confused questions, as her corpse lies not five feet from where he's standing.
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Oh, the clown car is just full to the brim today, isn't it?
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That’s what an angel looks like? I don’t know what the fuck us up with LOWAA, but I need to find out more.
Methinks Eridan is just not a very observant person. The trolls have a lot of smart cookies on their team, but he's not one of them.
PCA: can you put in a wword wwith your past self maybe buggin him to make the trip wwhen he gets the chance CCG: WAIT, WERE YOU HITTING ON ME BACK THEN? CCG: *ARE* YOU HITTING ON ME? CCG: LIKE AN ACTUAL RED SOLICITATION, IS THAT WAS THIS WAS???
I honestly think Eridan might be a bigger problem than Vriska.
With Vriska, there’s always been a sense that she at least regrets what she does. That doesn’t stop her from doing it, but it does mean there’s a seed of remorse inside her that could, in time, bloom into actual character development.
Eridan, on the other hand, completely lacks even the most meager shred of introspection. Not only does he not understand why his behavior is wrong, he doesn't even recognize it as wrong. He was remorseless in his harassment of Feferi, he was remorseless when he attacked Sollux, and I guarantee he’ll be just as remorseless as a full-fledged murderer.
Can someone just give this kid a hug?
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issacballsac · 1 year
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“Being Mileena’s Girlfriend„
Saw someone say there isn’t enough MKfem characters x fem reader so here we are ! Fem Reader
Meeting | MKX
You’d def be from Outworld
From the time where she ruled Outworld; before Kotal Khan rebelled against her
Her being Khan obviously you adored her and you couldn’t rlly get close to someone of such high status
However! When she was overthrown it wasn’t too hard to get close to her seeing as she was stripped of her previous status
Just go and join her rebellion lmao
Ngl I don’t think she’d care if you’re strong or not just if you’re loyal to her cause
Her multiple failures in trying to regain her throne put her in quite the sour mood
So she’d appreciate if you threw in any new ideas or if you’re dumb as hell like me comforting her is fine too
If you shared any of your food/supplies with her personally(rather than the whole group) she’d be kinda embarrassed to rely on you
Especially if she is physically stronger than you
If you talk about how untrustworthy Tanya is in the beginning she’d be upset with you and distance herself so just wait until ur closer with her/have tangible evidence
She doesn’t take her mask off often in daily passing; excluding during battle ofc
But if you do catch her with her mask down she’d be hasty to put it back up
“You’re really beautiful, Mileena. You know that right?”
“Of course I know that.”
She’d def play off your comment but she’s DYING on the inside of embarrassment
If you specifically pick out a gift for her she’ll be happy and smile under her mask
She’ll start to linger around you more and when planning she’ll always sit next to you
She’s really desperate for love and will grasp onto anything like Shao Khan and Tanya who obviously didn’t truly care for her
Light | End
Depending if you convince her to stop the rebellion/run away with you changes the outcome of your relationship during the original/MKX timeline
If you don’t and go along with her plan to use the amulet you’ll probably die protecting her
Of course the same events as MKX go down with her execution but it’ll be prolonged💀
Kiss one another, die for each other 😦 - Katy Perry or Demi Lovato I don’t remember Ngl
If you do convince her to call off the rebellion it’ll be great!
Of course you can’t just throw a rebellion and walk away unscathed
So you’re gonna have to go into hiding or just cross realms altogether
Methinks she likes physical touch
Think hugs, kisses, hand holding, etc.
You probably wouldn’t be able to stay in one place for long so you’re constantly on the move
Mileena is a big fan of sleeping together though she rlly jus needs comfort bro💀
She’d pick you up and carry you if your into that(totally wouldn’t start freaking out if she dropped you)
When/If you escape to another realm you’ll take on a more relaxing life
Of course you guys don’t stop training just in case but it’s better than being on the run constantly
Taking on a more domestic lifestyle
You’d do a lot of single person tasks together just because
Taking out trash? She’ll help
Washing clothes? She’ll hang them up to dry
She’s not a good cook by any means but she’ll help where she can
She’ll def match outfits with you especially if you guys are the same size she’ll just wear your shit
Depending if you live amongst a dense population she’ll keep her face hidden in case anyone were to recognize her
If you live in a secluded village she’ll take off her mask more often and when the people get used to you guys she’ll keep it off
She can’t sew/patch up clothes for shit so if anything rips she’ll just stand there and watch you do it
You’d never have an actual wedding but the people of your community would totally come over if you guys hosted an informal relationship confirmation
“I’m grateful to take you as my wife.”
“And you as mine.”
Raiden the nosy bitch would obviously notice your presence no matter how much you try
Being EarthRealm’s protector ‘n all
Seeing as you guys are peaceful living he would only tell Kotal if Kotal asked for additional information
Pre-Shinok Raiden ofc
Overall she’ll defend you against the world all at the expense of you loving her
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yapperina · 2 months
zayne is the type of man methinks who was so deeply repressing every single romantic/physical urge and need (in the pre-relationship period at least) that if any of it ever seeps through the cracks of his composure he'll be the most bewildered of all AND I NEED TO BE THERE TO SEE EVERY MOMENT OF IT
you go for a hug for whatever reason and zayne holds you so tightly your back cracks, the moment lingering a tad too long to write it off as a friendly gesture and you have to literally tap out before he lets you go. the tiniest frown on his face like he's too trying to figure out the fuck was that about. immediately going to adjust his glasses and mess with the cuffs to mask the awkwardness
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eras-mus · 10 months
get this . everyone chilling at ramshackle dorm doing their own thing, yuu (and grimm by extension), ace and deuce sitting by the table talking about whatever crosses their mind
Eventually the conversation escalates to birthdays and holidays and ace asks how old Yuu is. Azul interjects with saying Yuu's age from the contract they signed a few months ago, but then Yuu pipes up and tells them that they're one year older than that.
Theres a small moment of confusion until it dawns onto Deuce that Yuy's birthday was a month or two ago and they never spoke a peep about it. Not even to grimm!! And when asked, Yuy makes an excuse like "that was when __ was kind of close to overblotting and I didn't want to make it about me because that'd be so nitpicky—"
It was based off an audio i heard and idk if i want to write it into a short drabble for myself i probably cant since im only on book 2 ueue). But like. its a fun prompt methinks. what would all of them do when they find out Yuu deliberately didn't say a thing about their birthday
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★Reader is Yuu and is 17 years old
★gender neutral
★takes place after the third book
Sorry it's short, hope you like it!
"Can we start yet!" Ace complained, head slamming onto the table.
"I told you we're waiting on a couple more people." The perfect told him "I invited Kalim and Azul to join us since Sebek and Jack couldn't make it"
Tonight was the Ramshackle dorms weekly game night, normally it was just the freshmen but Sebek said that Malleus 'needs' his protection and Jack was just to tired from Spell Drive practice.
"They outta hurry up" Epel started, country accent slightly showing through "don't they know it's rude to be late."
A awkward silence fell over the dorm for a moment before a knock echoes through the dorm.
When y/n opened the dorm they were greeted with a cheerful smile and a hug.
"Thank you so much for inviting me!" Kalim smiled "I hope you don't mind that I brought Jamil, I also brought food, well Jamil did, he made it!"
Y/n blinked for a moment, taking in all the words one guy manged to say so fast. They looked over Kalim's shoulder just in time to see Jamil face plant.
"Thank you for the food Jamil" They smiled, giving him a wave.
"If was the least I could do perfect" he stated, not returning the wave.
Luckily Azul showed up before y/n could shut the door.
Just a few minutes later the group was playing some sort of trivia card game where they would either have to answer a question about someone else playing, a question about themselves, or just a random fact. If they got it wrong the next person would answer the same card, whoever got the most questions right won.
"Who is the most followed person in Magi Cam?" Epel read, "That's easy, Neige"
He revealed the answer to show it was correct.
"Of course you would get that one right" Ace complained "Vil never stops going on about it"
Every one just ignoring him looked over at Deuce, who was next to pick a card.
"How old is the person sitting to your right?" He looked over at y/n. "I'm not sure...18?"
They just shook their head.
"I know this one" Azul butted in, ready to take another point "Our contract from a while ago said that they were 16."
One again y/n shook their head. "I just turn 17 last month"
The room went silent for what seemed like forever.
"WE MISSED YOUR BIRTHDAY!" They all shouted in union.
"Riddle is going to have a heart attack when he finds out" Deuce commented, Ace nodding in agreement.
"You should've said something, we could've had a huge party" Kalim whined.
Y/n scratch the back of their head, "It's not big deal, it was right after one of the overblots, plus where I'm from birthdays aren't that big of a deal."
"Jamil we need to plan a party right now" Kalim said, getting up from his seat.
"We have to too" Ace said "Or get Trey and Riddle to do it for us"
Soon everyone had said something similar and got up and left leaving a confused Ramshackle perfect.
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bitterbutblue · 1 month
loser zhu yuan thoughts..
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but that's illegal-! ☆ zhu yuan headcanons
~ guys shes so loser coded please hear me out please peaselapelapslepfkgsfjhkld i need her to hug me rn it would fix me methinks ~
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⤷ if ANYONE fucking quotes her fucking pubsec ad to her she will immediately turn red and start screaming internally. if it is a good friend and they are in a private setting she will start screaming OUT LOUD.
⤷ genuinely a massive loser. secretly adores all sorts of stupid cop movies where they seem so badass and cool...
⤷ huge fan of action movies and picked up all sorts of martial arts when she was younger because she thought they were so cool
⤷ hates cats for the dumbest reasons but she secretly has an axolotl in her house that she cares for a lot beacuse she thinks they are silly little creatures
⤷ has a consensual workplace relationship with qingyi probably. qingyi is the 'excuse me she asked for no pickles' and zhu yuan is hiding behind her with a goofy, shy smile on her face
⤷ qingyi and her had the most awkward relationship at first because qingyi doesn't know how to emote and zhu yuan is a LAME LOSER who LOSES (doesn't know how to initiate anything)
⤷ every time there is a cat case she tries to push it to qingyi but qingyi is insistent on her getting over her hatred of cats and their fur..
⤷ she is that officer that everyone admires because she's so put together can do almost anything but god that entire extroverted, socially aware self collapses sthe second she gets embarrassed or shy
⤷ she gets embarrassed so easily... also turns red really easily. first time qingyi held her hand in public she turned so red qingyi thought she was having a fever
⤷ don't even get me started on their first kiss. she started giggling to herself and then got so mortified she tried to run away and qingyi just laughed at her (while falling more in love)
⤷ insanely good chef. cooks with the vegetables she grows in her own garden and loves to feed the community! is that person who invites random neighbours over to eat meals!
⤷ insecure about her body but we all know she is probably toned as shit with a solid six pack abs that qingyi has qingyi malfunctioning. she doesn't get what's so attractive about her body and often puts herself down but qingyi is straight up overheating and blue screening at the sight of zhu yuan.
⤷ can ramble on forever about stuff she likes. indulges in fan theories about her favourite movies and is secretly a fanfiction reader. will stay up to 2 in the morning on weekend nights to read fanfiction instead of going out for drinks or stuff
⤷ a super sheltered kid growing up so... she really doesn't know much about romance or sex. like that time she accidentally watched porn with belle... didn't think it was odd to watch it with a friend, rather thought it was odd people would watch that stuff PERIOD.
⤷ the most loving person anyone will ever meet. once they get past her initial officer facade, they're greeted with this dorky loser officer who just wants to talk to you about your day.
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dozing-marshmallow · 1 year
helloo!! i saw that your requests were open and wokred up the coruage to send in a request :] i rarely see chris mclean x readers (despite him being a fan favorite, methinks) and i kinda wanted to see if you could write hcs of him x a young nibling!reader who participates in tdi? (nibling is the gender neutral term for niece/nephew - since i want a nonbinary/gn reader :])
basically having to do with anything; basic interaction between reader and chris, his reaction or what he'd do if reader got hurt, etc. ty!! :]
Hello there!! Thank you so much for the request, it turned out a lot more wholesome than I expected! And yeahh I agree with you there that there isn’t a lot of Chris McLean content despite the large number of people appearing to like him in the fandom which hurtss ;A; but nonetheless! I hope this makes an enjoyable read, and that you feel more welcomed to send in future requests <3
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Ever since you were younger, you always had a strong bond with your uncle, and were always excited whenever he came over.
However, there was never a time where you went over to his place, since he was always busy.
Up until this summer, where Chris got the job hosting a brand new reality show where teenagers would compete in challenges in hopes to win a large amount of money.
After talking with your parents, your uncle was ecstatic to announce that you were going to spend the holidays with him on the show.
It felt like preparing for a sleepover! You had to pack everything you’d need for the two months: your pyjamas, your toothbrush, a variety of clothes, your portable movie player, (naturally) some movies and your mountie stuffed bear.
“Be careful when you get there, (Y/N)! My brother always had a bit of crazy in him.” Your mother advised, kissing you goodbye and watching you get on the boat for Camp Wawanakwa.
“Uncle Chris!” You called out to him, seeing him wave at you from the dock. Frantically, you wave back.
“(Y/N), welcome!” He ebulliently greeted you, helping you out of the boat. Once you got on the same ground as him, you share a hug before he walks you down the island, rolling your suitcase for you.
“Are they recording yet?” You asked, looking around. It’s so big!
“Not yet, we will be in fifteen minutes!”
“Is this...where we’re staying?” You didn’t want to be rude, but the island wasn’t as tropical or as vibrant as Chris made out to be.
“Nope! It’s where they’re staying.” He laughed, referring to the teenagers,“We’ll be staying at my crib that’s just around the corner.”
Upon learning that Chris McLean was an uncle, the campers were keen on leaving a good impression on you, especially since what you thought of them actually did play a role on their chances in the competition.
It goes without saying, there were some foul people that painfully obviously wanted to use this kin as a tool for themselves. Exhibit A:
“Hey kiiiid.” Heather came over to you during her free period. The smile she had on her face was too kind to be true. You’re also sure she forgot your name,“Really cute pair of overalls you’ve-“
You pause your movie,“What do you need?”
Ah, cut to the chase,“Listen. You know all the challenges that Chris has in store for us, right?”
“Mhmm! Gross stuff.” 
She leans on your chair, intrigued,“What do you want in exchange of helping me win immunity?”
This was precious. She’s asking you for help. You place a finger to your chin, thinking carefully,“Hmm... A pony!”
Her nose wrinkles,“Ah...not that.”
“But that’s the only thing I don’t have yet...” you whine. So much for negotiation!
“Why not something more realistic? Like...” she struggled to think of something appealing to give you from her conditions,“Ugh you know what, forget it. Just forget it.”
Good riddance! Let’s look at an example where a camper was in your favour.
It was dinner time and the contestants were stuck eating their questionable sloop.
Using Chris’ pointed attention on Chef, you snuck out into the mess hall and crawled under the table of the Screaming Gophers.
“Psst. Leshawna.” You tugged at her shirt from underneath.
“(Y/N)?” She keeps her voice low, peering down at you,“What are you doing there, baby?” Leshawna was always so nice to you- and not because she wanted an advantage, but because that’s who she is.
That’s why you decided to do this for her,“I wanted to give you some of what we’re having.” You place a wrapped up burger and an ice cream tub on her lap, resulting her to internally squeal and cover her face’s lower half in joy.
“For me?! Oh, you’re an angel... Thank you, sweetie!” She gushes, squeezing your cheeks, amazingly attaining a low voice.
Also there was no reason for you to be sneaky: Chris would’ve allowed you to treat your favourites overtly if it meant hostility could grow among them. You knew that- you just enjoyed feeling like a spy.
Which would have consequences for getting your forehead grazed and knee scraped later: like any kid, you wanted to explore around your new environment; not during the day when everyone would be awake, that’s no fun, but when the sky was mixed with tangerines and blueberries.
You made sure Chris was still sleeping, for no adventure could be fun if someone knew exactly where you were going.
Putting on your wellington boots, you left through the back door of his mansion and embarked into the woods, humming, singing, throwing your stuffed bear in the air and catching it as it came back down.
All was going well, until a sudden blast of an air horn terrified you out of your skin. With the ground shaking, you lose balance and fall into a pile of leaves. To your horror, you discover your stuffed bear not landing with you, but rolling off the hill.
Urgently, you leap to your feet and was smart enough to know you were approaching the edge- a wrongly timed tree root thought differently, leading you to roll too. Bluntly.
For what felt like ages, you finally came to be stationary and in dizzy vision, you saw your intact teddy bear in front of you.
You would’ve cheered, but your suspiciously wet forehead contracted your arm, seeing the freshly imprinted red on your palm reminding your consciousness of a similar sensation on your knee,“Ohhh that’s not good...”
“Hey Chef... Do you know where (Y/N) is?”
“(Y/N)? I thought you had ‘em.”
Chris’ instinctive worry quickly morphed into nonchalance once he heard your tale, but was still willing to bandage you,“You had me all worried just for that to be the case?”
“Are you mad at me?”
“Did you have fun?” He asked, cleaning your knee.
“I did.”
“Then you’re spared. You gotta be more careful though. If it was anything more serious, your parents will never let you into my hands again.”
Really? Over this?,“Ohhh, but I’m fine! I’m still alive, aren’t I?”
“Haha, you’re lucky you’re not my child.” He joked in response,“Alsoooo, while we’re on the topic of home, they called.” He walks over to his drawer and extracts a dreadfully familiar booklet, smirking at you,“Looks like someone forgot to pack their summer homework.”
You groaned,“Nooo... Why did you show me that? I thought I was on holiday, aren’t I meant to relax?”
Chris chuckled, shrugging,“Education is the scam of the century, (Y/N)! You’ll get used to it.”
“No faiiiir. I’m a kid! I should get to be on holiday forever!” You protested.
“Shouldn’t we all? Sadly, it’s one of those yucky things of life.” He wears a mocking melancholic look.
You blow a raspberry,“More like the yuckiest! Why does school have to exist in the first place? It’s sooo boring!”
“We can all agree with you there, my dear child,” He rubs your head in pity.
You tittered,“You’re the coolest, uncle Chris! If I said that back home, mom wouldn’t let me watch tv for the rest of the day.”
He laughs with you,“She was never the fun one in the family.” He goes serious,“Don’t tell her I said that, or else you won’t be the only one with an injury.”
“Got it!”
After Chris was done patching you up, you take the booklet outside, sulkily murmuring,“Nghh... I don’t wanna do this...”
Courtney happened to be nearby when she heard your dilemma,“Hey (Y- What happened to you? Are you alright?” Her concern real.
“I’m fine...”
“Aw! Poor thing. You can’t do homework when you’re unwell! Want me to help you?” She offered...to do algebra?
“Sure! It’s one of my best suits, especially as a CIT!” She enthusiastically seizes your booklet from your hand and immediately starts answering the first page. You watch in bewilderment.
She’s so smart...! Like a robot!
“(Y/N)? Any camper you want to give invincibility to tonight?” Your uncle asked with a smile.
“Uh... I really like Gwen, but I also like Leshawna...” you sheepishly selected.
Keeping his smile, he turned to said campers and threw both of them a marshmallow.
“That’s my buddy!” Leshawna cheered.
“Thanks (Y/N)!” Gwen’s sweet smile tainted ruthlessly to Heather.
It was funny seeing Heather get annoyed.
After the week’s elimination ceremony, you gave Chris a toothy grin,“Unnnncle, wanna play uno with me?”
“You bet I do! Wanna invite Chef?” He asked, taking your hand.
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ripdragonbeans · 10 months
Shakespeare In Love // Modern!Aemond x reader
CW: afab reader, p in v, creampie, second hand embarrassment, oral f receiving, smut
Summary: Your roommate and best friend, Helaena, and her older brother Aegon, have decided that both you and her younger brother, Aemond, need to go on a date. Both of you are too wrapped in your academics so they decided to take it into their own hands to bring you two together.
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Ever since the accident, Aemond knew he was different. That everybody stared at him with curiosity and fear. Usually the latter. With a jagged scar running over his face, and a dazzling sapphire in the other. It’s no wonder to him why they gave him those looks.
Aemond sighed, slid his hands into the pockets of his black leather jacket, and braced himself against the cold wind that would hit him as soon as he walked out the door. He was on his way to meet up with his brother and sister, Helaena and Aegon. Surprisingly, they met someone whom they both agreed that they needed to introduce to Aemond.
He still didn't really know why he accepted the invitation. Well, he did, but was confused as to what was the why. At first he agreed to meet up because Helaena put on a pouty face and begged him to. Then Aegon kept pestering the hell out of him, constantly texting him and sending annoying ass Snapchats. But as the day to the meeting creeped closer Aemond couldn't help but feel curious, hopeful even, that there might be someone else to talk to.
Aemond was quiet; he studied hard and put all his energy into his work, but didn't have company outside his family and close family friends.
He picked up his pace to get to the cafe faster, the blistering wind slapping him in the face. Thankfully, he got there without freezing his ass off. Aemond entered the cafe and was instantly welcomed by a cozy warmth and the smell of coffee. He barely had time to take in a deep breath when Helaena called out to him.
"Aems! Over here!" She shouted. Well, not really shouted. Helaena never raised her voice above her usual delicate tone but Aemond could hear her anywhere if she was calling to him.
Aemond gave a soft smile to his sister and rolled his eyes at Aegon, seeing him sprawled over the table, most likely feeling the effects of a hangover. Aemond quickly got his black coffee before joining his siblings at the table.
"I'm so excited for you to meet my best friend, she's an absolute sweetheart!" Helaena exclaimed in a sing-song voice. She leaned closer to Aemond and gave him a sly smile, "and she has a very soft spot for Shakespeare."
Aegon groaned without lifting his head. "Did you seriously just say something about Shakespeare?"
"Be quiet and be nice when she gets here," scolded Helaena.
This time, Aegon rose, putting on the grandest voice he could muster. "Methinks the lady doth protest too much."
Helaena glared at Aegon while Aemond closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
He couldn't help himself, he had to correct him. "While the sentiment is the same, that line is frequently misquoted. The correct line is actually -"
"'The lady doth protests too much, methinks.' said by Hamlet's mother from Hamlet."
Aemond's eyes went wide as he saw the girl who finished the sentence for him. She was right behind him, how did he not notice?
She gave Aemond a shy smile and gave him her name. "Hi, I'm Helaena's friend,and I guess I'm Aegon's friend, too."
A high pitched squeal erupted next to Aemond. Helaena never makes such sound unless she’s extremely excited. She shot up from her chair and nearly tackled her.
"I can't believe you made it!"
"Of course I made it, you know I always pull through for you.”
Helaena pulled out of the hug but kept her arm around her best friend.
“And I'm not proud to admit it, but Aegon did help a bit with easing the nervousness of meeting up with…"
Her eyes locked in on Aemond. She had never seen a guy so beautiful and it made her heart flutter a bit. His silver hair fell down just below his shoulders. Against his all black attire his hair and his eye beckoned her attention.
Eye. Only one. A vibrant violet eye, but still only one. In place of the other eye was a black eyepatch that sculpted his face perfectly. What the eyepatch didn’t cover, however, was the angry scar that marred his face.
"Meeting up with you. Yeah, hi, um… I'm -” she stopped herself from introducing herself again. “Sorry, I already said that when I interrupted your conversation. I just get really excited about Shakespeare, you know? And there's so much of his work to digest and analyze and his work is so prevalent even today and can really help actors because his work is just beautiful and -- shit, I'm rambling aren't I?"
Aemond couldn't help but smile at her babbling. It wasn't every day that he came across someone who gets as excited over Shakespeare as him. Even though it was brief, he noticed how her eyes lit up when she mentioned Shakespeare. He could tell she was nervous but her passion covered anything that suggested otherwise.
“My girl is here for a few weeks on her winter break. Initially it was just gonna be me and her but then Aegon brought up that our fellow sibling might need a new friend,” Helaena explained.
She reached out her hand to Aemond. “I’m going to assume you’re the famous, brooding sibling your brother and sister talk so highly of.”
Aemond went to run a hand through his long silver hair. She watched him, completely entranced by his beauty. She knew she was fucked. She knew she was fucked when she interupted their conversaion and laid eyes on him.
“Yeah, I’m Aemond,” he took her hand and gave her a little shake. “Glad to know my brother and sister speak so highly of me to others,” he chuckled.
Her eyes went wide. “Oh fuck, I’m so sorry, no that's not what I meant. I meant that they talk about you a lot and I think you're interesting and oh shit." She proceeded to flop her face on Helaena's shoulder while her best friend patted her head.
Aegon grinned at Aemond. "See? She's just your type. Rambling and all."
A muffled noise came from Helaena's shoulder.
"She’s right. Shut up, Aegon."
Aemond looked at his siblings and then her. He awkwardly coughed to break the tension.
"So…uh…" Aemond had no idea what to say in this situation so he blurted out the first thing that darted through his mind.
"Ya like jazz?" Silence fell as Aemond registered what he said. "God fucking dammit," he immediately snapped his head to Aegon. "Shut the fuck up, Aegon."
"Seriously? That's the first thing you say to someone? 'Ya like jazz?' from the Bee movie?" Aegon was almost falling out of his chair from laughing too hard.
Aemond was too focused on trying not to punch his brother in the face that he didn't notice that she had lifted her face from Helaena's shoulder and softly giggled with her.
“Okay, I’m not gonna lie, that definitely caught my attention, and in a good way,” she laughed.. “Really, it’s a nice break from my stream of consciousness.”
Aemond turned to look at her and gave a small smile. His face now had a tint of color and went down the sides of his neck.
“Glad to be of service, then,” he said, almost giving a theatrical bow before deciding against it. Instead, he opted for a cheeky wink.
Aemond locked eyes and for a moment it was just them. A violet eye meeting warm brown ones.
“And I think that’s our cue to leave, Aeg,” muttered Helaena. She knew Aemond and her best friend would hit it off, but not this quickly.
Aegon clapped Aemond on the back. “Okay, little bro. Have fun on your date!”
Aemond snapped his eye to Aegon and she snapped hers to Helaena.
“I’m sorry, a date?” she asked Helaena.
“Yeah…sorry, girl. But you know you need to go out more, especially after that, and, well, here’s my solution to that. You can’t stay cooped up in your apartment by yourself all the time.” Helaena looked at her and then Aemond. “Both of you.”
She drew in a deep breath then turned to Aemond.
“I’ll give it a shot if you do.”
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A date. She was going on a date with Aemond Targaryen, her best friend's brother. The idea shouldn't excite her but she would be lying if she said it didn't make her heart leap up in her throat.
Once Helaena and Aegon left, the rest stood there not really knowing what to do.
"You said you'd give it a shot?" She asked. Aemond nodded. Offering her hand to Aemond, she quickly smirked. "Well then, let's go."
Aemond deeply inhaled, smiled back, and took her hand. She led them out of the cafe and walked them around a block before realizing she didn't know the area at all.
"So…do you know where you're going?" Aemond asked.
"Not really, but that's what an adventure is, right? And this surprise date is certainly one."
Realizing that he was still holding her hand, Aemond pulled his hand away and shoved it into his pocket. Some color stained his face as he coughed and said, "There's a bookshop nearby if you want to check it out."
She stuffed her hands in her pockets as well and glanced a look at Aemond, smiling. "Yeah, sure, that would be great."
In comfortable silence, the two made their way to a hole in the wall bookshop. Her eyes widened at the view. She thought this was going to be your usual bookshop. But this was no ordinary bookshop. This was heaven on earth. What looked like a mess to an outsider was really shelves upon shelves of books that have been loved. Some were donated books with scrawling annotations for the next reader to delve into. Others were sparkling new, completely untouched, books ready to be loved and hated.
"Hey, Aemond!" A friendly voice sounded.
At the counter was a guy who didn't look like your stereotypical bookshop employee. If anything, he was the opposite. His face was worn and he had what looked like an itchy five o'clock shadow. He obviously worked out and could easily be assumed to be an off-standish person but his eyes were kind and welcoming.
"Cregan, hey. Just wanted to show my, uh, date here,the place," Aemond introduced.
Cregan gave you a welcoming smile. "Go on in, my guys. If you find anything you want you know where to find me," he winked at Aemond before turning back to his work.
Aemond took her hand and led them through the shelves, weaving in and out. "There's this one spot here that I think you'll love," he said.
A red tinge creeped up to her cheek as she smiled and picked up her pace to keep up with Aemond. The only thing she knew they had in common was Shakespeare so she could only assume this has to do with those famous works. Her mind flooded with thoughts of The Tempest and Richard III. Those beautiful, and in Richard III's case, subtly distressing, stories.
She once saw this production of Richard III had a grunge, steam-punk style but still maintained some modern form of politics, suits and all. The beauty of it, the darkness splattered with blood, and the eerie chanting of the opening line in Richard's monologue, "Now is the winter of our discontent," over and over again, layered on top of each other until all that could be heard was a cacophony of voices. The mere thought of it sent shivers down her spine and caused her to physically respond.
Aemond felt her little shiver while he was directing her to nook that was what he considered his own private spot. He tugged her hand a little more as they closed in and came to a stop.
"We're here," he said.
She pulled her attention away from her memory and took in the beauty that was before her. Stacks upon stacks of Shakespeare's plays ranging from old and used to new and pristine. There were even programs of professional productions scattered around. She released Aemond's hand and slowly approached the book shelf closest to her. Her hand grazed the spines of these books, these plays, that have granted her an escape from reality.
Aemond watched her as she explored the section. He couldn't help but stare at the wonder in her eyes. While she was flustered and a bit scatterbrained when they first met, here she was calm and inspired. It was as though every step she took was calculated. She stopped at a book and carefully reached for it.
"Macbeth," she breathed out.
She simply stared at the beautiful copy, a collector's edition. The cover was a soft black with gold roses interwoven with snakes. In the middle was elegant silver lettering of the title sitting above a bubbling cauldron.
"You dare say the title aloud?" Aemond feigned concern.
Snapping out of her trance, she smack Aemond with the same play she was entranced with and rolled her eyes."We're not in a theater so we're fine."
Aemond crossed his arms and leaned on the nearest book shelf and chuckled. "Are you telling me that you actually believe in that superstition?"
She gently laid the book down and slowly walked up to him. "Of course I believe it. You'd believe it if the myth became reality to you too."
"I'm sorry, love, but I don't believe you," Aemond said. He silently cursed at himself for calling her love and prayed to the gods she didn't hear him.
She heard him.
"Now," Aemond started, "I've never been involved with a Shakespeare play -"
She was quick to cut him off, "and that's where I have the one up on you." She gave him a little smirk. "Let me tell you the story of the Old Valyria Theatre." She dramatically cleared her throat before beginning the tale.
"On a dark and stormy night -"
"Was it really dark and stormy?" Aemond interrupted.
The storyteller huffed and rolled her eyes. "No, but I was having fun so shut up."
Aemond gave an amused smile and nodded his head to let her continue.
"Anyway, it was fucking August, happy now?"
"Very," he said with a cheeky grin.
"Okay, so it's August and the Old Valyria Theatre decides to take on a Shakespeare show, like any other company does. Such a big brain idea, I know. Out of all the plays, they chose Macbeth hoping the audience would have some knowledge of the play and it's nuances. Old Valyria Theatre had a stellar cast, every actor playing a named role had previous experience with Shakespeare, which is always a plus. Shakespeare is fucking hard."
"Don't 'hmmm' me, Aemond. It is! You're distracting me again."
"Wonderful, experienced cast, right? Well, except for the children who played Fleance and Macduff's son; they were menaces to society. Everyone told them the significance of the 'myth' of Macbeth as well as other superstitious within theatre. Of course, like all children, they didn't really care and thought it was all fun and stupid. Until the accident." She stopped and stared at Aemond.
"The accident? Really? I don't think it's truly that dramatic, love, but go on." Aemond shook his head.
"Okay fine, it wasn't all that dramatic but it was still pretty intense. Because these kids were little shits, they tried out all the other superstitions: whistling in a theater, turning off the ghost light when everyone has gone, and yelling good luck. Once the first week of shows were finished, the cast knew they were pushing their luck by continuing the rest of the month but they kept going. The show must go on, right? Well, as they were closing up, the one playing Macduff ran up to the second floor platform and yelled out 'MACBETH!' Everyone in the theater looked at the kid in fear as he laughed his ass off. He was laughing so hard that he had to lean on the railing and, lo and behold, the railing broke and the kid fell off and nearly broke his tailbone. Aemond, I'm telling you the curse is real!"
Aemond cocked his head to the side and pondered the story. "So you're telling me," he started, "that you believe the curse of Macbeth is real because a kid decided to be a little shit, scream it, and then ended up falling off a set piece?" He chuckled and shook his head. "That's just kids being stupid and sets not being properly built."
"It was safe! We had gone on it thousands of times! There's no other explanation!" She argued.
"Okay, okay, I'll take your word for it," he said as he pushed himself off the bookshelf and slung an arm over her shoulders.
She leaned into him and snaked a hand around his waist as they headed out.
"Not buying anything?" Cregan asked when they appeared.
"Eh," Aemond said while the girl beside him called out.
"Next time, I swear!" She giggled a bit and pushed herself closer to Aemond.
The two walked out of the bookshop, still linked to each other. Aemond looked at her and thought she was the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. When he first saw her he knew she was pretty but watching her become so passionate and silly over Shakespeare made everything about her shine.
They were heading back to the coffee shop when Aemond paused, almost tripping her, and blurted out what he's been wanting to say ever since the book shop. "Wanttoheadtomyplace?" He blurted.
"I'm sorry, what? I couldn't make out what you were saying."
Aemond took a deep breath. "Want to head to my place? It's not far and it's warmer and we don't have to spend extra money."
She looked at him with bright eyes. "Yeah, let's go."
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It was a bit of a longer walk to Aemond's apartment but neither of them minded it much. Aemond held her hand right, refusing to let it go for even the briefest of moments. He still couldn't believe that a set up from Helaena and Aegon would actually pull through but here she is. This beautiful young woman who is as witty as she is passionate.
Around two blocks away from the apartment Aemond squeezed her hand and came to a stop. "I know I said we'd go to my place but I want to show you this first. That okay? I know it's freezing out here."
She gave him a small smile. "Yeah, sure! I don't mind the cold, really. Kinda makes me feel alive, you know?"
"I do. The cold makes you…feel." He paused for a moment, lost in thoughts when a tug pulled him out of it.
"So this place you wanted to show me? I'm intrigued now."
"Yeah, um, right this way."
He led her through the city, weaving between pedestrians. As brisk as the walk was, she couldn't help but take in the beautiful sights, a dusting of snow beginning to lay upon it all. Shops had their Christmas lights up and began to glow. The smell of pine danced through the air along with sugary sweets as they passed a bakery. The smells and the sights had her so entranced that she didn't realize Aemond had come to a stop.
“I wanted to show you this,” he said as he turned to face you. “I don't know if this is considered moving too fast but something about you feels…right.”
No, I agree, Aemond. It does feel right,” she smiled at him and stepped closer. Wrapped her arms around his waist and resting her head against him she knew he was right. He felt right. This felt right.
Aemond wrapped his arms around her and held on tight, resting his chin on her head.
After a few moments of simply taking her in, he stepped aside to reveal the hidden beauty. It was a lake. A beautiful lake that sparkled even more than it usually would. The ice on top reflected the sun in the most perfect way it was as though it came straight out of a fairytale. Despite the lake being further from the hustle and bustle, it was also decorated with bells and lights among the trees.
“Aemond, this is stunning,” she said in awe.
A slight breeze encouraged the trees to dance and the bells that decorated them jingled a little song. Like the lights on the shops, these lights were beginning to glow as well.
She stepped forward, the pull of the lake too strong to be ignored. Aemond wrapped his arms around her waist and gently rocked them back and forth. She turned to face him and he pressed his forehead against hers. His breath was warm against hers as he gently bumped his nose against hers.
“May I kiss you?” he whispered. It was almost too quiet for her to hear.
Aemond gently closed the gap between them and brought his lips to hers. It wasn’t a rushed kiss, it was simply soft and sweet.
“‘I kiss thee with a most constant heart’,” he said as they pulled apart.
“Henry IV, Part 2, good choice,” she laughed. “Cheesey, but a good choice nonetheless.”
*“Would you rather I call you my acorn, my knotgrass?” He joked.
“Really? Acorn and knotgrass? That’s an insult!” she said. “If you call me either of those then I’ll climb you and scratch your eyes out,” she grinned.
“Scratch my eyes out? Yeah, that doesn’t seem great but climbing me? Maybe I’ll take that chance.”
Aemond captured her lips once again but there was little softness this time. There was passion. Aemond swiped his tongue across her bottom lip asking for permission. She opened and let him in, all of him in. When their tongues touched it was as though lightning struck her. She wanted him and she wanted more. Her hands moved up to the nape of his neck and pulled him closer while his grip on her waist tightened. When they broke apart they pressed their foreheads together again.
“Can you take me to your apartment now?” She asked him.
“Absolutely,” he said with a kiss.
Aemond grabbed her hand and tugged her away from the lake and back to the sidewalk. This time there was a rush to get to his apartment. No waiting, no time to take in everything. The main goal was to get to the apartment.
The young woman holding his hand couldn’t keep the excitement at bay. Every time he squeezed her hand a shot of anticipation ran through her and straight to her core. All she could think about was his lips on hers, his hands all over her, his hands going under her shirt and -
“Thank the fucking gods we’re here,” Aemond interrupted her thoughts and dragged you into his apartment.
As soon as the door closed she was on him. She took charge and pushed him against the wall but Aemond wouldn’t have that. As soon as his back was against the wall he flipped them over so she was the one pressed against it.
“Trying to gain the upper hand, my flower?” He teased her while kissing down her neck.
“Flower? What happened to acorn? I thought - oh, fuck,”
Aemond brought his lips back up her neck and nipped at her earlobe. “I’m sorry, what was that?”
“I - I thought you were going to -”
He ran his hands down her body only to snake them under her sweater. The skin on skin contact shot pleasure all the way through her.
“Aemond please,” she begged.
“Aemond please what?” he smiled against her lips as he captured them once more.
“Please touch me.”
Aemond immediately brought his hands around her to unclasp her bra underneath her sweater. He slowly brought them back around and gently swiped a thumb over a nipple. His cold hands were quick to harden them and all she could do was whine. She arched her back to get more friction but as soon as she did he took a step back.
“Gods, you’re beautiful.” Aemond took this moment to take her in, her face flushed and her hair slightly messy.
She, however, took this moment to pull his hands back to her and encourage him to take off her sweater. Aemond chuckled at her impatience.
“Slow down, don’t you want to make this last?” He asked her.
“Yes, I want to make it last but I need to get out of my clothes and so do you,” she growled.
Aemond let her take off his clothes. She wanted revenge, though, and she had a plan once she stripped him of his jacket and shirt. He took her hand and led her to his bed. She pushed him down and stepped away from him.
“You want to be a tease? I’ll tease you back,” she told him.
He leaned back on one hand and watched her as she slowly stripped all her clothes off. She swung her hips and played with the hem of her shirt, making sure that Aemond could see just the tiniest bit of her tits before pulling it back down. She walked up to him and turned around to grind her ass on him as she took off her shoes and socks. She could feel him move to grab her but as soon as he did she moved away from him.
“Nope, no touching, Aemond. I told you if you wanted to be a tease then I’ll tease you back.”
She heard him growl in frustration but that only spurred her on even more. With her back still facing him, she slowly shimmied out of her jeans, leaving her in only her panties and sweater. When she turned around Aemond was out of his pants and underwear and touching himself at the sight of her. She smiled at him and lifted the sweater over her head before sauntering over to straddle him.
She bent down and whispered in his ear. “Is this what you wanted, babe?”
“Holy fuck yes,” Aemond responded. Immediately he flipped them over so he was on top and she was laying flat on his bed.
He kissed her hard before dragging his mouth over her jaw and down her neck. He nipped at her collarbone and she tangled her hands in his hair, urging him to go lower. Aemond complied and kissed his way to her tits, slowly circling from the outside of them to the pert nipple. But he wouldn’t touch her where she wanted, not yet. He kissed right next to her nipple then blew on it, causing it to become a peak. She whined and arched her back wanting more. Aemond looked up to see her eyes closed and smiled before finally taking one of her nipples into his warm mouth.
“Fuck, Aemond,” she whined.
“Is this what you wanted, babe?” he parroted back.
“Yes, yes, please!”
“Don’t worry, there’s more.” He switched to the other nipple and brought his hand up to the one he just left to play with it.
It felt so good, she could feel herself soaking her panties. Aemond could feel it too when she tried to grind against him. He smiled against her before letting go of her nipple with a pop and bringing his lips back to hers.
“Fuck, I can feel how wet you are. But I think you need a little more, do you agree?”
All she could do was nod in response as he kissed his way past her tits and down to her core. He kissed her over her panties and made her arch up.
“Patience, babe.”
He placed a hand on her lower stomach to keep her from bucking up as he continued to kiss her over her panties. He soon let go of her to drag them down. Aemond licked his lips at the sight of her glistening pussy. This was all his, she was this wet because of him and the thought drove him crazy. He gave her little to no time to recover before he was back between her legs, kissing and licking. He pressed an open mouth kiss to her center before dipping the tip of his tongue inside her. She cried out in pleasure as he began fucking her with his tongue. He brought one hand up to knead one of her breasts and play with a nipple while the other gently stroked her clit. She could feel the pressure building up.
“Aemond, please, I’m gonna cum,” she cried.
He simply hummed against her and picked up the pace with everything. It was all too much. The pleasure building inside her was coming to a breaking point and with a slight pinch to her clit she soaked him.
Aemond pulled away smiling. “Fuck, you taste perfect,”
He bent down to kiss her and she savored the taste of herself on him. He was hers, she knew it.
“Tell me what you want,” he said against her.
“I want you to fuck me,” she whispered against her.
“Good, because that’s all I’ve been thinking about since the lake.”
He pulled away from her and let her position herself in a more comfortable position while he reached for a condom in a drawer.
“Don’t worry, I’m on the shot,” she grabbed his arm and pulled him close. “I want to feel all of you inside me.”
Something snapped in Aemond that had him on top of her in an instant. His hands were on her tits and he could feel her reaching for his cock. She gently tugged him forward, lining him with her entrance.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Now fuck me, Aemond.”
In a quick motion he sheathed himself inside her as she cried out loud in pleasure.
He let himself settle but she didn’t want to waste any time. While Aemond was catching his breath she moved her hips against him. He gripped her hips and pulled out slightly before slamming back into her. She didn’t want any slow fucking, she wanted fast and she wanted hard.
Aemond’s grip on her hips didn’t lessen as he fucked her into the bed. But he wanted to go deeper. He pulled out of her, making her whine, but was quick to flip her over so she was on her hands and knees. He pushed her down so her chest was against the bed and her ass was in the air.
“Fucking love this pussy, and it’s fucking mine.”
Aemond wasted no time joining them together again. This was even better. She could feel him hit all the right spots, making the pressure build up again. She felt Aemond’s hand snake around her hips as he started to rub small circles on her clit.
He bent down over her and whispered, “I need you to cum on my cock, babe.”
“AEMOND,” she screamed as the pleasure peaked.
“Fucking hell,” Aemond said as he felt her tighten around him. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum. You feel so good, taking me so well.”
“Please, please, please,” she begged. “Please cum inside me, I want it please. I want you.”
Aemond’s thrusts became erratic, his grip on her so tight that they would leave bruises. He began pulling all the way out and slamming back in. With one last thrust he finished inside her, collapsing on top.
Together they lay there, his cock still inside her.
“Fucking hell, that was perfect. You are perfect,” Aemond whispered as he kissed her cheek.
He slowly got up and pulled out of her. “I’m gonna clean us up, okay?”
“Okay,” she breathed out.
When he left the room she rolled over on her back and stared at the ceiling. That was the most perfect fuck she has ever had and it was with someone she actually liked. This was perfect, he was perfect.
Aemond came back with a wet rag and cleaned her up, being careful around her clit and core. When he was done he discarded the rag and got into bed with her and held her.
“So what do we think about this? Want to make this an us?” He asked.
“Yes, let’s make this an us,” she smiled at him and pressed a soft kiss to his lips before tucking into his chest and falling asleep.
*Acorn and knotgrass/climbing and clawing eyes out is a reference to Midsummer Night’s Dream when someone was called an acorn for being short*
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edutainer2022 · 1 year
It's Mother's Day, so here's a little Thunderbirds AU thing. It's a rogue idea I've been entertaining any time I think about Jeff's tragic abrupt widowship and later the need to cut off all ties and ship his orphaned sons to a super secret isolated location. (In my headcanon Alan was about two, when they lost Mom). Kayo's POV.
mother, should I build the wall?
The boy was about Alan’s age. A couple of years younger, maybe. And he looked unnervingly like Scott at fourteen - in those last photos with their Mom - bar the sheen of auburn in the dark wavy hair. That was one of the reasons Alan and Kayo lingered in the hospital waiting area, having delivered all survivors of the earthquake-turned-rockslide they could dig up in between themselves and two pods. It was an all hands on deck rescue in South America. Scott, Virgil and Gordon were wrapping up in the village several miles away. Even John came down, alternating comms coordination, liasing with authorities, and helping out at a triage point Virgil set up with the local services. The boy was trapped by the wall of the local school and badly battered. Alan squeezed through an opening in the jumbled bricks and stayed near, talking him up to stay awake through a massive concussion, and staving off bloodloss as best he could, till Kayo figured out a way to clear the debris and not kill them both. The rest of the kids in his homeroom didn't make it. That was another reason they hovered at the hospital eventually. Alan was visibly shaken and exhausted, so Kayo preferred they stayed somewhere in the vicinity of medical assistance too, other than having to explain to Scott and Virgil a baby brother succumbed to shock. They had to wait for the conclusive reports on injuries and casualties anyway, the GDF would be on Scott's case the moment IR cleared the area. A disaster of that magnitude was a paperwork nightmare in the making, among other things.
Kayo was keeping an eye on Alan’s half-hearted attempts at grounding exercises, when a woman stormed the reception lounge. Middle-aged, likely not local, judging by a smattering of freckles over fair skin, curly graying hair in a disheveled bun, eyes frantic and voice desperate - she was looking for her son among the victims extracted from the collapsed school. Kayo vaguely remembered Alan's chatting with the boy they saved - his Mom was American, a music teacher at that same school, off at a piano contest in the neighboring town for the day. Kayo shifted her stance instinclively to shield Alan, largely still out of it and shivering, from the sight - as the woman was pointed to a gurney among the chaos of the ER and all but threw herself over the frail form of the injured teenager. Kayo knew she and Alan shared that wound - the ever present phantom pain of not knowing a mother. They were surrounded by a sea of love, of course, it was easy to drown out the longing for something they only ever knew by proxy and hearsay on a good day. But today was not a good day. Kayo was ready to turn away, the moment between a mother, out of her mind with fear and relief, and her child almost too intimate to intrude on, yet too mesmerizing to relinquish, when the woman moved up to take a better look at the boy and shifted to brush stray hairs from his forehead. Tears, flooding her eyes, caught in the corner of the smile, streaming down. Kayo was grateful for all the rigorous training her father put her through and she picked up along the way on her own or working with Penny - never loose your cool, never give anything away, never break composure. She did feel her head swim a little bit, chalking it up to ten hours of gruesome rescue. Maybe she was imagining things. But she was schooled to recognize a face by the slightest of features, even in disguise. The safety of those she loved depended on her skill. Besides, she would know those eyes anywhere - electric blue to rival the sky on a cloudless noon in July, and dimples flanking a soft smile.
Kayo braved a glance over at Alan, considering her options. Her next string of actions was decided by Scott's hologram popping up on Alan’s wrist, face worn out and haunted, not too subtly glancing Alan over for injuries and demanding status report. Kayo took that as a cue to propell Alan out of the noise and bustle of the overflowing ER and into the subtle comfort (and much needed distraction!) of the big brother being there for him, and made her way to the reception, asking for the patient manifest. The IR uniform and logo was key to a well of information to be obtained discretely. If she still had any doubts, the answer Kayo didn't know how to begin to process or comprehend, was staring her in the face among a list of casualties admitted to the ER from the danger zone - the woman that just ran in, the local music teacher, as a friendly receptionist helpfully supplied, was looking for her son. Donald Kent Slayton*...
To snatch a piece of discarded blooded gauze on her way out, past the mother and son, engrossed in their own little world, was the easy part. To run a strictly classified DNA test in a GDF facility where a lab technician owed her a favor or ten - was slightly trickier, but doable. As the results turned out the way she knew deep down they would, Kayo pulled on all of her composure and deposits of reason to reserve judgment till she knew all the facts. Till she knew all the facts and rationale firsthand, and looked that person in the eyes. That was the least Kayo owed her sons. After everything they had been through.
The hardest part was completely hinged on Eos and her ability and willingness to not only keep a secret, but to lie - even to John. There was no certainty how the brothers would all handle the truth. Or even if they should.
With that in mind Kayo waited for Eos to dig up top secret files of GDF witness protection program.
*Donald Kent "Deke" Slayton - one of Mercury Seven.
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quartzalynlove · 1 year
Dating OJ Haywood Would Include
Pairing: OJ x black fem reader
Summary: things that come with dating our favorite cowboy
A/n: Daniel Kaluuya pls marry me
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He was probably real shy to ask you out at first
Emerald would tease him and say if he wasn't gonna ask you out then she would
However if you confessed first he'd be chill about it and very flattered as he accepted your affections
Love language is definitely quality time
A movie night snuggled together on the couch is his idea of a perfect date
Whether it's eating together or taking care of the horses during the day he's just glad whenever you're around him
He's also a great listener and could follow along your rambles and rants for hours
He can be a bit awkward with physical affection
Not that he doesn't like it he just overthinks it
But that usually doesn't happen if you're feeling particularly needy
He'll hold you for as long as you need
And when he is affectionate he holds you and kisses you like he needs you to survive
He's strong and silent but inside he's just all warm and fuzzy for you
And the longer yall date the more it starts to slip out
He likes being silly and messing around with you
Mostly so he can hear you laugh
Every once in a while he might hold something over your head and chuckle as you jump trying to reach it
He'll also realize that he loves making out with you
Holding you close to him and letting his hands wander as he comepletly loses himself in you
Best thing in the world to him
He'll flip through a few pet names before landing on one that's yours
Methinks it's "sugar"
At some point it replaces your actual name
He'll be talking to em or angel and all of sudden goes "I was talking to sugar the other day" like it's what your mother named you at birth
If you ever need comfort he's definitely a solution giver but gives the best hugs
If you're crying he'll have you sit on his lap and wipe your tears while he shushes you
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