raayllum · 2 years
What’s CHET?
Basically a theory I came up with after the graphic novel Through The Moon came out detailing Rayla's departure, positing a possible full reconciliation of their relationship moving alongside a plot to release Aaravos, i.e. the Key of Aaravos is a literal key to his prison. At one point, Rayla will get captured and/or taken hostage by the bad guys. Aaravos will threaten Rayla's life / Claudia will have her life on the line in order to force Callum to hand over the Cube / Key of Aaravos to save her. Otherwise known as Cube Hostage Exchange Theory - nicknamed by the fandom as CHET
Long version here (written a couple weeks ago)
Short version here (written back in Oct 2020)
Tag version here
S4 obviously didn't go that way (although I did get a hostage situation with Claudia and Rayla involved) as Aaravos didn't get out of his mirror yet, but I do plan to write a follow up post of how it could manifest in S5 (esp since S4 gave more fodder to the theory in some ways), and where other theories could go as well.
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blutopaz15 · 4 years
Prompt(s) if you’re still taking them: Rayla tries to surprise Callum with a traditional Katolian meal, and of course it goes wrong
I debated going a few different ways with this but ultimately decided ingredient mix-up was the way to go! Hope you enjoy! :) @thesockswhowearsfox
“Go on then,” Rayla said and sat down across from him, resting her elbows on either side of her bowl and settling her chin atop of her threaded-together fingers. Callum beamed at the adorable way her nose wrinkled a little as she grinned at him, first casting his smile in her direction, and then down at the bowl of—
What was that?
“It’s stew!” she exclaimed. He looked back up, wondering if he’d misjudged a sarcastic grin for an excited one a moment ago. Nope. Her eyes were too wide and bright for this to be a practical joke. ”Ez told me it’s your favorite.”
Uh...huh. Right. Stew. That’s what stew looked like.
Callum took a breath to speak, but decided against it, unsure of how exactly to break it to her without completely deflating her proud little grin.
Maybe...it would be fine? Even though it was...purple for some reason?
He used a spoon to poke at the purple half-moon shaped chunk of...something...that had bobbed to the surface after he gave the bowl a stir. The way the gravy oozed onto the spoon when he pressed down into the goop was...not appetizing.
“Uh...Rayla?” He said, looking up to find her head tilted to the side now, still watching him with a grin. “Where’d you get the recipe for this?”
“Ez. Well, I think that Ez asked Opeli.” She tracked the plot points of the conversation with a finger poking in the air. “She said we could just get the kitchen to make some, but I wanted to make it for you, so—” 
“Uh huh,” he interrupted. “So, what, uh...what are the ingredients?”
“What do you mean? You know what’s in stew, dummy.” She rolled her eyes, but started counting out the items anyway, using each finger twice before she was done with her list. 
“Right, right. Okay.” He nodded, and scooped up some of the purple bits onto his spoon. Nothing seemed out of place in her recitation of the recipe, but she was certainly forgetting whatever this purple addition was. Maybe she’d been trying to be creative? “And what exactly is this, then?”
He stood and leaned over the table to show her the mysterious substance.
“Mushroom,” she said with a shrug. 
Mushrooms weren’t purple...and couldn’t some—especially, he thought, purple ones—be toxic? And why had it made the rest of the food all slimy like that? He resisted the urge to shove the bowl away when he sat back down, but he did let the spoon clatter back into the bowl. She continued on, undeterred. 
“I thought it was a weird ingredient for something like this but Ez said that that’s the way you like it, so...”
“Rayla, that’s not a mushroom.” He gestured to the suspicious purple pieces in his bowl. She paused and squinted at him, smiling again as if she thought he was just teasing her. 
“Yes, it is,” she laughed, shaking her head.
“I promise you, it’s not.” He leaned forward and couldn’t help but chuckle too.
“It definitely is, Callum. I went to the market myself. I had to go to the Xadian vendor there, though, to find any, which I thought was weird since this is a Katolian recipe but...” She shrugged.
Ah. Okay. Xadian mushrooms. Apparently, different from Katolian mushrooms. Probably not going to die from eating Rayla’s stew, though, even if it was purple and viscous and—he leaned down to smell it—pungent.
“Are you going to eat it or not?” She was starting to look less amused, her eyebrows lifting with the question. She’d grown serious watching him, apparently not yet realizing the mix-up that had occurred.
Callum swallowed the lump in his throat that developed as he scooped some “stew” on to the spoon and lifted the smelly, gooey concoction to his mouth. He made the mistake of breathing before taking the bite.
“Rayla, tell me about Xadian mushrooms,” he said, lowering the spoon once more, dawdling in an attempt to navigate letting her down easy. She squinted at him again, much more skeptically this time.
“Uh...they’re kind of sour and juicy, I guess?” 
Sour and juicy mushrooms? He stopped himself from sputtering out in laughter, covering his mouth with his hand to hide his smile. 
Yeah, no. Callum pushed the bowl away with an air of finality, grateful for such a clear way to get out of eating the mess of a stew without offending her. After all, how could she have known? 
Still, she looked at his bowl, then down at her own, with a frown before he had a chance to explain his amusement. He reached across the table to put his hand over hers, fully intending on kindly explaining the mistake, but when she looked up, he had to press his lips together to keep from continuing to giggle about it.
“That’s not what our mushrooms taste like, Rayla,” he said, daring a small smile. 
“...it’s not?” She raised an eyebrow, and a corner of her mouth pulled upward. Callum was grateful when she looked back at to their bowls and snorted with laughter. “So...this is probably as disgusting as it smells then, right?”
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frostedpuffs · 6 years
Have you watched “The Dragon Prince” on Netflix I think it might be right up your alley
havent yet but i have plans to!
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zxanthe · 6 years
thesockswhowearsfox replied to your post: now that i’m in college it’s a lot easier to talk...
Fucking lies? Phone calls are awkward how can you read body language through the phone
it’s all in the tone of voice my dude; nuances are captured there that u just can’t get over text
phone calls with strangers are still pretty :// but friend phone calls are gr9
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oberynmartell · 7 years
Blake Shelton is the guy who sings that song Blurred Lines
ah okay
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kcsplace · 7 years
Saw your response post to the "therapy is dumb" thing. Could you do one about the difference between "I go and tell a therapist my problems for an hour" and "my therapist helps me with my maladaptive cognitions"? (Or a "how to tell if your therapist is actually helping you"? I know a lot of friends who don't get anything from therapy because they just go and complain for an hour)
Apologies, I’ve only just seen this - my browser updated and I hate it and I keep missing everything!But, I will totally try to do this, as this also drives me a little bonkers.  yes, sometimes just talking at someone for an hour can be ‘therapeutic’ in of itself, but if you want to actually change and avoid these problems in the future or minimize their impact on you, you gotta be a) with the right therapist for you, someone who isn’t a friend but is actually pushing you, challenging you and doesn’t just smile and nod and b) putting in the work yourself.   talking about your problem for an hour/x hours a week isn’‘t gonna fix a thing.  talking through your problems, working on your homework, identifying maladaptive thought processes and coping methods and being with the right therapist are important.
therapists are like shoes, sometimes the first one you try fits perfectly, sometimes you have to try a few. 
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fynneyseas · 7 years
thesockswhowearsfox replied to your post “Shannon, the eldest cousin, trained in diplomacy: let’s lowkey take a...”
You're my hero.
Thanks bb I try.
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Dedan: I knew you were lost
Kvothe: I will seriously pay you to shut up
Dedan: That's not your money
Kvothe: No, but I can be *yours* for 5 minutes of silence.
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Can you make a gif of the scene from Brain Drain where Perry eats a fly and doof goes "PERRY THE PLATYPUS THATS WORSE THAN SIDEWALK GUM!"
The free time for gif requests was a few weeks ago, sorry. Since i’m reblogging through the series it’s in chronological order again, so it’s going to be a while until I get to “Brain Drain” (/Season 2) and can post the gif. You should send your request in again when I get to that episode, or Season 2 in general. (I did make a gif for the sidewalk scene itself, if you want to reblog that for now.)
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raayllum · 2 years
So theoretically the Sun Primal can be used for purification.
If Callum connects to the Sun Primal, do you think he could Prevent Future Possessions by Aaravos?
Possibly! Idk if a literal arcanum connection (either Sun or Moon tbh) will be what protects him rather than a connection to another arcanum being a narrative / emotional reward (reaffirmation) for Callum breaking through the brainwashing of his own accord, but I could definitely see Callum maybe looking for a way to purify himself ahead of time next season!
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witblessed · 7 years
thesockswhowearsfox reblogged your post:hernameisevilevelyn: witblessed:...
Ha fuckin lol I guess I didn’t know what was happening my bad
yo dw don't ever feel bad for not knowing what's going on, as I said a while ago I straight-up read "unite them" as "untie them" for more than one read-through and accepted it without question. I even wrote mental meta about the metaphor (meta for metaphor??)
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frostedpuffs · 6 years
Honestly can I take you on an ice cream date if I’m ever in Florida you’re so nice and talented and gorgeous
im down for anything if ice cream is included
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timebenderss · 7 years
I just listened to the Dear Evan Hansen soundtrack and I am DEAD
so is connor
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makapedia · 7 years
23, 25, 29, 44, 30
25. Is your father bald?
29. What’s the name of your favorite restaurant?
i dont know if i have a favorite
44. What’s the last compliment you got?
something along the lines of “YOU’RE PRETTY”
30. Have you ever been to Olive Garden?
i fucking love breadsticks 
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silluuuu · 7 years
a ★
sox!!!! hello my friendo. you are a great, fun, hardworking human and i can see all of the effort you put in to your job and your life, despite the dumb work obstacles. ALSO i am so glad we have occasional D&D sharing/commiseration stories and we should totally do those more often!!! i’m also totally in for the next fandom D&D extravanza so hmu if that happens again!next time i am in the ATL area let’s defo meet up because i am bummed we didn’t get a chance to see each other last time and chow down on some amazing burgers.AND LASTLY i am literally over the moon (space pun!) excited for your reverb. i’ve been looking forward to it since i read the summary during claims all of those moons ago
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moghedien · 7 years
Can I ask like WHY you're doing this? I'm 109% behind it but I'm just curious
No real reason. I’ve been looking into Scientology a lot lately, and mostly looking at the highly critical material, and while I believe what I’ve heard, I think there’s something to be gained from looking at the source material for myself. If only so that I know exactly what’s being talked about when I hear/read about others criticizing it. 
And I might as well share what I read, because I literally had nightmares after I read the first chapter, and other people don’t need to read this book, lol
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