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hauntingsofhouses · 9 months
We all already know Mizu and Akemi are narrative foils. But you know what? Lemme just say it, here's what I think:
Taigen and Mikio are foils.
Not necessarily to each other as individuals in the way that Mizu and Akemi juxtapose each other, but mostly in the contrast between their relationships with Mizu.
I've covered specific parallels between Taigen and Mikio in other posts I wrote; but as the number of parallels I'm noticing between them keeps piling up, I'm compelled to just compile them all in one post. So! This is, thus, the post in question.
First of all, let's look at their similarities.
1. Their status in society is the same. They are both samurai who lost their honour and have dreams of reclaiming it.
2. They are also both diligent as they strive to achieve this goal, they both care deeply about their work, but here as they begin to contrast, as the work in question and way they go about their goals is different:
For Mikio, his work is in taming and rearing horses; in order to prove himself, he must tame Kai—a willful and strong horse—and present it to his lord. For Taigen, his work is in sword fighting and martial arts; in order to prove himself, he must kill Mizu—a willful and strong swordsman—and present her dead body to his lord.
In the parallel above, not only are Taigen and Mikio contrasting each other, but Mizu and Kai are placed in comparison as well. And of course, Kai is Mizu's horse, and represents her. Which is why, when later, Mikio sells Kai off, it represents the way he is tossing Mizu (and their relationship) aside.
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From there, the rest of the details of their character begin to contrast and juxtapose each other more clearly. So let's look at those differences, shall we?
Their backstory:
Mikio was a great samurai who was banished. A somebody to a nobody. Taigen was a fisherman’s son who rose to the top. A nobody to a somebody.
2. The first time we meet them on-screen:
Mikio is an adult. An older man. Mizu's superior in age. He is Mizu's to-be husband. A love interest. Taigen is a child. A young boy. Mizu's peer in age. He is Mizu's bully. An antagonist.
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3. Their maturity and growth:
Mikio is mature, but stuck in his ways. Taigen is immature, but capable of changing and learning.
4. Their overall attitude:
Mikio is generally relaxed, easy-going and unfussy. Taigen is uptight, irritable and severe.
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5. How they talk to and conduct themselves around Mizu:
Mikio is aloof, soft-spoken, and serious. Taigen is obnoxious, brash, and sarcastic. Mikio is quiet, speaking only when spoken to, even when Mizu turns to smile at him and shows openness to be near him. Taigen is loud, talking while others are silent, even when Mizu turns from him and shows no interest in conversing with him.
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Mikio doesn't show much of who he is to Mizu throughout their marriage, despite their growing affection. Taigen openly shares his traumas and life story to Mizu during their brief alliance, despite their mutual antagonism.
6. Their external vs internal selves:
Mikio is calm, gentle, and considerate on the outside. Taigen is hot-headed, rude, and selfish on the outside. Mikio is cowardly and deceitful on the inside. Taigen is brave and loyal to a fault on the inside. Mikio tells Mizu that he wants to know and see all of her. But he scorns and betrays her, the woman he loves. Taigen tells Mizu that he wants to duel and kill him. But he endures torture to not betray him, the man he hates.
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9. Their hair, a symbol of their honour:
Mikio's topknot is untied by Mizu during their spar. This humiliation occurs in private, the two of them alone in a rural location where no one can see them. Taigen's topknot is cut off by Mizu during their duel. This humiliation occurs in public, the two of them being watched by many others in the Shindo Dojo.
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10. Their power dynamic with Mizu:
Mikio believes he is Mizu's mentor. He teaches her to throw knives, how to ride and care for horses, and about the tactical benefits of using a naginata. Taigen believes he is Mizu's equal. He views Mizu as a samurai like himself who received all the same teachings he did, and who possesses the same values.
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11. Their perceptions of Mizu:
Mikio sees Mizu's feminine side first. He sees her as sweet and gentle, but also clumsy and incompetent. Taigen sees Mizu's masculine side first. He sees her as terrifying and deadly, but also strong and skilled.
12. The way they approach sparring with Mizu:
Mikio only spars with Mizu once. As the fight progresses and she is beating him, he tries to put a stop to it. When she teases/provokes him, he starts taking the fight personally and seriously, finding no enjoyment in it. Taigen spars and brawls with Mizu all the time. No matter how many times Mizu beats him, he doesn't back down. When Mizu challenges him with a chopstick, he is eager to compete with her and gladly rises up to the challenge.
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Mikio and Mizu's one and only spar is a friendly match; Mizu is smiling and having fun while he grows increasingly frustrated. Taigen and Mizu's last-seen spar is a playful wrestling match; both him and Mizu are having fun and laughing.
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Mikio cannot deal with Mizu being better than him, so he scorns her and walks off, avoiding her thereafter. When Taigen cannot deal with Mizu being better than him, he follows her to observe her moves and continues training in hopes to eventually beat her. After being bested by Mizu once, Mikio leaves her and sells the horse he'd previously gifted to her. After many times losing to Mizu and fighting alongside her, Taigen commends her and admits she is better than him.
13. When Mizu pins them down in a friendly spar:
Mikio sees Mizu's whole face objectively. Taigen stares at Mizu's mouth and eyes.
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Mikio gets angry when she kisses him, throwing her off of him and snapping at her, calling her a monster. Taigen gets aroused, apologising, so she pulls herself off of him.
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14. Mizu's blue meteorite sword is a reflection of her soul. She believes most are undeserving to face it, let alone hold it. And on that note:
Mikio is the first person (chronologically) that Mizu fights against using her sword. Taigen is the first person (we see on-screen) that Mizu fights against with her sword. Mikio is the first person (chronologically) to ever hold her sword, as she passes it to him, letting him wield it. Taigen is the first person (we see on-screen) to ever hold her sword, as she passes out, and he picks it up and carries it for her.
15. Then, last but not least, in Fowler's fortress, when she is drugged and in pain, she hears Ringo's voice in the dungeon. She then follows it to an open cell:
Mizu first sees Mikio as a hallucination, the sight of him haunting her and causing her to lose her grip on reality. Her eyes glow a surreal blue to represent this. Her Mama appears then and says Mizu's name accusingly.
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Mizu then sees Taigen, but he is real, the sight of him a relief and grounding her back to reality. Her eyes return to their normal blue colour to represent this. Taigen looks at Mizu weakly and says her name softly.
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Then, later, when facing Fowler, her revenge awaiting her, she instead chooses to follow her conscience (represented by Ringo's voice in her mind), putting aside her vengeance for a time, in order to save Taigen.
So that's basically all the ones I've noticed so far, but even then, I feel there's already so much that forms a contrast between these two.
What makes it especially incredible about these juxtapositions is that Mikio was Mizu's husband, the man she had fallen in love with, the one person she had ever been intimate with, the man who made her begin to accept herself, to put down her desire for vengeance and instead live a life of peace and happiness.
So for Taigen to have so many parallels with him... Do you see what I'm saying here!
Not to mention that Mizu clearly already has some burgeoning attraction to him, as indicated by how she thinks of him when asked about her desires. And Taigen clearly has shown interest as well (see: him getting a boner after their spar, him holding her hand and telling her, "We're not done yet.").
And on the topic of speculating future possibilities of this relationship, this post by @stromblessed has pointed out yet another parallel between Taigen and Mikio:
Mizu promises Taigen to meet him for their duel in autumn. Mizu fell in love with Mikio and duelled him during autumn.
With all that said, I do believe Mizu and Taigen's relationship is definitely hurtling towards something. But whether they will actually end up together in a sustainable relationship and have a happily ever after? Well, that is a whole other story; we'll just have to wait and see.
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Attention (M)
Part six to the Pathetic series
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Everyone keeps acting like you aren't over Jeonghan, and you are determined to convince everyone that you are.
Tags: 16k words (I lied omg), dub con for safety reasons, Porn with Plot, frat boy!Jeonghan, college student!y/n, best friend!Jeongyeon, soft!dom to hard!dom Jeonghan, mean!Jeonghan (and y/n loves it), submissive!y/n, female!y/n (sorry gender-neutral friends), impact play, masochist!y/n, sadist!Jeonghan, Jeonghan aftercare king, y/n crys in this but it's not what you think, Jeonghan is a huge tease also
Part Six:
“You’re being stupid.”
You were vividly aware of that. After all, how could you not be being stupid when you were sitting on your floor, a hand mirror propped up in front of you and a whisk on your neck.
Arguing with Jeonghan was one thing but this couldn’t really be considered arguing, could it? After all, you hadn’t even let Jeonghan explain himself. You had practically thrown a fit somewhere where he couldn’t do anything about it and then left.
You hadn’t ever thought that you would end up using one of your safe words with Jeonghan, and honestly, the safety phrase that you two had come up with left your lips before you could really think over it carefully.
You remembered what Jeonghan had said. How he got reassurance in the trust you gave him. You wondered how he felt considering in that moment it probably seemed like that trust was gone.
Jeonghan deserved to feel that hurt from lying to you.
… Probably.
You didn’t know why he was lying to you, so you couldn’t really say with full confidence whether he deserved to feel hurt.
You also couldn’t ignore the knot in your stomach. You didn’t want to hurt Jeonghan. You still trusted Jeonghan. You knew he wouldn’t do anything to physically hurt you. You just… Also didn’t trust him in some ways. Maybe he would do something to mentally hurt you.
Your mind started to bring up instances in which Jeonghan had showed undeniably that he didn’t want to mentally scar you and you shook the thoughts out as quickly as you could.
You didn’t want to think about this right now.
Your eyes narrowed at your reflection in the mirror.
“Y/n,” Yeongtae said, trying to garner a reaction from you. You ignored him in favor of twisting the whisk over one of your hickeys. Yeongtae sighed.
“Why is she so stubborn?”
Jeongyeon shrugged.
“She’s always been like that. Just let her be dumb. She figures it out eventually.”
You shot a glare at Jeongyeon.
“I’m being dumb?” You demanded. “I’m not the one lying to a fuck buddy about fucking other people.”
Jeongyeon gave you an annoyed expression.
“But you are the one on the floor using a whisk to get rid of hickeys that you know you love,” Jeongyeon pointed out. “And you’re also going to be the one crying in bed later when you realize that the one thing you still have left of Jeonghan has been literally whisked out of your neck.”
You pressed your lips together and focused back on your whisk and neck. You didn’t want to say that Jeongyeon was right because she couldn’t be… Right? This situation was not a situation that warranted crying. You weren’t that emotionally attached to him.
Sure, you had spent a lot of time together, and yes you were abnormally angry at him for just another fling but that didn’t warrant crying.
He hadn’t necessarily hurt you either. He just lied.
It was shitty that he lied to you, but you were mad because he was stupid. Mad because it didn’t make sense. But he hadn’t hurt you, so there was no reason to cry.
Still, Jeongyeon’s words worried you. You looked at yourself in the mirror, your eyes flickering down to the hickeys on your neck. You knew that they would fade with time regardless of you whisking them away, which sort of asked the question that you didn’t really want to address.
Was this it? Were you done with Jeonghan?
He had lied to you, you were mad, those were two things that you were acutely aware of, but did this situation warrant cutting him off completely?
You felt sort of like you were acting out for no reason. If you were a psychology professor evaluating this situation you might say that it seemed like you wanted extra attention from Jeonghan and that was why you were making such a big deal over something that was realistically a conversation.
But with the knowledge that you actually had of the situation that just didn’t align.
“I’m not going to cry over Jeonghan,” you said finally. “I’m over him.”
It didn’t take a genius to know that no one in the room believed you.
“Really,” you insisted. “Jeongyeon knows how I am. He’s just another boy to get over. I’ve been in this situation a million times.”
Jeongyeon shrugged.
“Well, she’s right there. If y/n is good at anything it’s at dropping flings that aren’t treating her right,” she agreed.
“But Jeonghan-”
“He lied,” you interrupted, shooting Jun a glare. “If he didn’t want me to leave, he shouldn’t have lied.”
You thought over your words, that residual doubt still lingering in your mind. You pressed your lips together. “Besides. He’ll be sleeping with other people in no time. I’m not the sort of person that Yoon Jeonghan would get attached to.”
The first thing that Jun was greeted with upon getting back to the Alpha Mu house was none other than a pacing Yoon Jeonghan.
Jeonghan hadn’t slept well at all since you had left him at the party, and everyone in the house knew. He wanted to check on you. He wanted to see you. He just wanted one conversation.
“Well?” Jeonghan asked, his eyes flicking nervously to Jun as he toed off his shoes at the door. “Does she miss me? What did she say? Should I call her?”
Jun gave Jeonghan an apologetic look.
“She says she doesn’t care,” he said.
Jeonghan cursed, his gaze dropping to the floor, but the conversation only made Seungcheol laugh humorlessly.
“I told you. I told you that if you treated her badly, she would leave,” he said with a shake of his head. “But what did you do? Used her, abused her-”
“That’s dramatic,” Jeonghan interrupted.
“You lied to her!” Seungcheol argued back.
Frustration filled Jeonghan to the point where he felt like he was going to boil over. The others didn’t get it. Seungcheol didn’t get it. They didn’t see the way he treated you.
“I can explain that to her I just need to talk to her,” Jeonghan insisted. “I’m just going to call her.”
Jeonghan pulled out his phone but just as he did Seungcheol grabbed it.
“No. You don’t get that chance,” he said. Jeonghan’s face was starting to turn red, and Seokmin and Minghao shared looks of resignation to the fact that they wouldn’t be finishing their assignments any time soon.
“Give me my phone back,” Jeonghan said, his voice dropping to a dangerous octave.
“No,” Seungcheol repeated, squaring his shoulders. “You can’t force y/n to talk to you. If she wants to, if she decides to you will get the chance to get her back.”
“You have been against me and her from day one,” Jeonghan snapped. “You don’t get our relationship. I don’t treat her like an object. This is the last time I will ask. Give me the phone.”
“If you call y/n now, you are risking your entire relationship with her,” Seungcheol said. “You lied to her. She is confused. She doesn’t know where she stands with you. You will only further confuse her if you talk to her now.”
“The solution to this is a conversation,” Jeonghan insisted. He realized quickly that Seungcheol wasn’t about to just give him the phone, so he darted forward, trying to grab it. Seungcheol easily pulled it out of Jeonghan’s grasp.
He hated how sloppy he got when he was emotional. If this wasn’t about you he would have grabbed the phone easily.
Of course, if it wasn’t about you, he wouldn’t be arguing with Seungcheol at all.
“Let her think first. If you don’t listen to me about anything else listen to me about this.”
Jeonghan turned again to face Seungcheol, now even angrier but the anger dissipated when Seungcheol slammed his phone into his chest, forcing them to look at one another.
“Y/n let’s you do whatever the hell you want to her and puts up no fights. She trusts you to respect her when she says no, but she never says no.”
Jeonghan’s eyes narrowed at Seungcheol.
“So, she said no. She used one of her safety phrases.” Jeonghan reached up to pull his phone out of Seungcheol’s grasp and once he had it Seungcheol dropped his hands to his sides. “Go ahead. Call her. But if you do, I guarantee she will never trust you again.”
Jeonghan stared at Seungcheol, trying to will him down with just a stare but Seungcheol wasn’t just anyone. He’d been with Jeonghan long enough to know when Jeonghan was just throwing a fit. And Jeonghan had been Seungcheol long enough to know when he was right.
“Fuck off, Seungcheol.”
But he was still going to be mad about it.
“Moved on already?”
You looked up at Yeongtae who you hadn’t even noticed had been staring at you for the last few minutes. Your eyebrows furrowed and your head fell to the side.
“Moved on…?” You murmured. He hummed and gestured to your phone.
“You’re checking your phone every ten seconds trying to see if anyone’s messaged you. You must have a hot new boyfriend.” You stared at Yeongtae for a few seconds trying to figure out what would have made him think that but then a smirk started to cross his lips and you realized what this was about.
“Yeongtae, I swear to god-”
“Seriously? Still?” He pressed, a laugh leaving his mouth. “How dumb are you?”
“I’m not dumb, I’m not even checking my phone that often,” you protested.
“Okay, not every ten seconds,” Yeongtae relented. “But more often than usual.”
He closed the book in front of him.
“Has Jeonghan not reached out to you yet?” He asked.
“Of course, he hasn’t,” you replied. “He’s Yoon Jeonghan. Remember? Massive University fuck boy? He’s probably fucking someone else as we speak.”
Yeongtae rolled his eyes.
“I know you’re in denial but be so fucking for real.” You made a face at his choice of words. “Jeonghan was utterly obsessed with you. He certainly hasn’t moved on that quickly.”
You looked away from him, letting an unamused noise of disagreance leave your lips.
“He really hasn’t called you?” Yeongtae asked again, but this time he seemed to be talking to himself. “I would have thought that he would have reached out immediately. Especially considering the way he talks about you.”
You perked up at that, your eyes darting back to Yeongtae.
“The way he talks about me?” You asked. Yeongtae hummed.
“Yeah, some of my study groups overlap with his so I see him every now and then. People are always asking about you, practically everyone has heard about your relationship.”
He shook his head clicking his tongue.
“People are such pigs sometimes. They’re always asking Jeonghan how to score with you, and he gets downright scary. If you didn’t like me I would probably be dead. I’ve never seen someone as relaxed as Jeonghan get angry so fast. He punched this guy Seonghun over you.”
It was a bit hard for you to imagine Jeonghan getting physical with someone else over you. Sure he had gotten a bit rough with Hyeon but you had sort of assumed that was mostly for show because you were there.
“No, he didn’t,” you said with a shake of your head.
“Seonghun has the black eye to prove it,” Yeongtae insisted. “Regardless, Jeonghan didn’t show his face at the last study group. I was sure he would call you.”
“Well, he hasn’t,” you said finally. You let silence fall between you two for a few moments. “… And, he wouldn’t no matter what because I told him not to call me.”
You could feel Yeongtae staring at you.
“You’re a different kind of stupid.”
“You told him not to call you?” He reemphasized. “And you’re checking your phone waiting for him to call you?”
“I’m not-”
“Yes, you are,” Yeongtae interrupted. “How long are you going to be in denial over the fact that you still want to be with him?”
“Yeongtae he’s just…” You trailed off, feeling a bit frustrated. “He’s just a guy.”
Yeongtae rolled his eyes.
“You know who is just a guy?” He asked. “Yunjun, Seonghun, Jun, Me.”
“You’re not just a guy,” you protested. “And neither is Jun. We’re friends.”
“Oh,” Yeongtae said, seeming to be actually surprised by what you had said. “So then, because we have a relationship, despite it being non-romantic, you consider us as not just guys.”
You were a little disheartened that he would think otherwise.
“Well of course,” you agreed. “I can’t deny that Yunjun is just a guy, and can’t speak on Seonghun but we spend so much time together, how could I ever think of you as just a guy.”
A small smile crossed his lips.
“So then, all that time you spent with Jeonghan? Him taking you home after you got drunk, him taking you shopping, him building lego sets with you. All of that still reduces him down to ‘just a guy’?”
And just like that you realized that Yeongtae had just been putting on an act to make a point.
“Yeongtae,” you blurted, leaning over the table so that you could hit him lightly. He raised his hands in defense against you, laughing.
“I’m just saying,” he said. “Stop being a hypocrite and I’ll stop getting on your nerves.”
You sighed, returning to your seat.
“Look, I get you mean the best, but I really am not hung up on Jeonghan,” you said. “It’s just the end of…” You hated to say it. “A relationship albeit a non-romantic one. It makes sense that I would feel a little hung up on it.”
Yeongtae rolled his eyes.
“And here comes the psych major.”
You sighed.
“I’m just saying, what ever emotional attachment I have to him-”
“So, you admit there is one!” Yeongtae interrupted.
“Will pass,” you emphasized. “And it will pass fast because Jeonghan and I were barely emotionally attached in the first place. We just got comfortable with each other. That’s all.”
Yeongtae clearly wanted to press the subject but after searching your eyes for a moment he simply shrugged.
“Okay, I relent,” he said. “I’ll let you be stupid as long as you pay for dinner tonight.”
You let out a soft laugh.
“Yeah, of course, you will.”
You could feel everyone’s concern in the air as you promptly began to bury yourself in your coursework and it only made your situation more frustrating.
You knew they meant well. You knew that they just thought that you were focusing on work because you were trying not to think about Jeonghan but that simply wasn’t true. He was just a fling; you didn’t get hung up over flings.
You probably just missed the reassurance that Jeonghan gave you. That was it.
There was a soft knock at your door, and you frowned. You glanced at Jeongyeon who looked up at you from the floor.
“Are you expecting anyone?”
She shrugged.
You sighed and got to your feet, walking over and cracking the door open. You didn’t think you could have been more surprised by who was at your door.
The man gave you a tired smile.
“Hey.” A frown riddled across his face. “Did you check to see who was at the door before opening it? You know you should be more careful when opening the door like that.”
You were getting a bit of dejavu.
“What are you doing here?” And on second thought- “How did you know where I live?”
“That’s where I come in-” Seungcheol was suddenly pushed aside by Jun who smiled at you before pushing past you too.
“Jeongyeon,” he whined loudly as he walked into your apartment, falling face-forward into the couch. “I’m really fucking bored, and I need help with chem.”
“You didn’t even bring your bag stupid-”
As Jeongyeon and Jun started bickering you turned your attention back to Seungcheol, leaning on the door frame.
“I don’t suppose you came here for Chem help?”
Seungcheol gave you half a grimace.
“Can we walk?”
It was cold out. You hated April. One day it was in the 70s, the next it was in the 40s all over again. Class being cancelled today had meant staying indoors and you had barely bothered to put jeans and a tshirt on. You wished you had thought to throw on a jacket.
Seungcheol had been quiet so far but upon you wrapping your arms over your chest he sighed and shrugged his own jacket off draping it over your shoulders before you could argue.
“Look, it’s about Jeonghan,” Seungcheol started off. You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah. Duh,” you mumbled. You tugged Seungcheol’s jacket tighter around your body.
“I don’t want to intervene in you two’s business,” Seungcheol started. “It’s just that we’re all sick and tired of Jeonghan’s attitude.”
He looked away from you.
“Usually, he’s really easy going but he’s just been a grumpy asshole all week.”
You snorted, finding it hard to believe that he would be so upset over what happened between the two of you, but Seungcheol’s expression stayed scary serious.
“I’m not saying you need to forgive him for being an idiot or anything,” Seungcheol said. “It was stupid of him to pretend like he was fucking other girls. I don’t really know what was going through his head.”
Seungcheol’s eyebrows furrowed as if he was trying to make sense of it, but after a few seconds passed he shook his head.
“Look, I don’t know. Don’t you miss him at all?”
You sighed; a bit heavier than you really meant to.
“Why should I miss him? We were just fuck buddies,” you stated. Seungcheol pressed his lips together, a strangled noise leaving his mouth.
“I just thought you had some emotional attachment to him I guess,” he stated. “After all, you got really jealous over that Chaedom situation.”
“Hey, Chaedom is just a bitch!” You protested, your voice growing a bit higher and louder. You cleared your throat. “I don’t care if he sleeps or slept with other people. Just Chaedom-”
“Right,” Seungcheol agreed. “Funny, that’s what Jeonghan always says about Yeongtae.”
You scoffed, stepping in front of Seungcheol so that he had to abruptly stop.
“Why do you care, Seungcheol?” You demanded. “We aren’t close. Jeonghan will move on and go back to his old ways- If he hasn’t already, and you’re better off without me there all the time anyways. Should I remind you what I sound like?”
Seungcheol raised his hands in the air.
“I’m not trying to pry,” he insisted. “I’m not trying to make you mad, I just…”
He sighed.
“I’ve known Jeonghan for years and never has he ever settled for anyone. He has sex practically once a week.”
“Yeah, I’m sure it was rough for him to go back to his old ways,” you scoffed.
“He hasn’t,” Seungcheol said. You rolled your eyes and you weren’t looking at him, so Seungcheol grabbed your wrist. “He really hasn’t.”
“Give him until the next party,” you said.
“Y/n, he is obsessed with you. He’s changed,” Seungcheol insisted. “You made him want something that he’s never wanted before and that scared him. He wants to reach out for you but he’s respecting your wish for space. Can’t you just… Whatever- Hate him forever, but you have to believe that he-”
“What? Loves me?”
You laughed.
“He doesn’t love me. He’ll move on. This next party for sure.”
“Then come,” Seungcheol said. His face was serious. You just frowned at him.
“I don’t want him to see me and think I want him back or something,” you mumbled. That wasn’t completely true. You didn’t want him to see you at the party because you knew that if he saw you and wanted to… You would let him take you all over again.
“Then come in a disguise. We’ll get Mingyu in on it. A wig, and different makeup than you usually wear-”
“Do you think he’s stupid?” You blurted. “He’ll see right through it.”
“Not if we’re good enough,” Seungcheol insisted. “Just come. Please.”
You took Seungcheol’s jacket off your shoulders, shoving it into his hands.
“you said you didn’t want to get in Jeonghan and I’s business? Well, then actually stay out of it.”
You briskly turned away from him, heading back in the direction towards your apartment. You heard Seungcheol make a defeated sound.
“Just… Think about it, okay?” He called after you.
“Fuck off,” you called back.
Unfortunately, what your mind had told you to say wasn’t what your heart was willing to enforce.
You couldn’t sleep that night because of your conversation with Seungcheol.
You had been pretty sure at a time that the boys of Alpha Mu liked you. Enough so that you didn’t think they would like to see you hurt. So, Seungcheol’s words caught you off guard.
If he thought Jeonghan had bad intentions, he certainly wouldn’t come to try and get you to take him back. That being said, it was odd that Seungcheol didn’t seem to care if you actually took back Jeonghan or not. He just seemed to want you to believe that Jeonghan genuinely liked you.
“Are you thinking about Jeonghan again?”
You would think that Yeongtae would have been tired of you glaring at him at this point, but he didn’t seem to care.
“You are so annoying when you aren’t getting laid. How do you make friends when you are in between fuck buddies?”
“Yeongtae I-” You wanted to scream at him as if he was wrong about the fact that you had been overly frustrated but… He was right. You really needed to blow off some steam but no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t touch yourself without thinking about how much better Jeonghan could touch you.
Whenever you closed your eyes, you heard him telling you what to do.
Whenever you took your clothes off you could hear him chiding you and telling you that you didn’t deserve him, but he would fuck you anyway, just because he pitied you-
“Oh my god, I don’t have to hear your thoughts to know that you are fantasizing about Jeonghan.”
“I’m not,” you protested. “God, why’s everyone acting like I miss him so much? He was just a fuck buddy.”
“Yeah, but he’s a fuck buddy you are still hung up on. Apparently, he’s more than just a fuck buddy,” Yeongtae argued. You couldn’t figure out how to respond to him, so you just threw an eraser at him. He didn’t even flinch.
“Look, you won’t convince anyone that you are over him until you prove it,” he insisted. “So…” He leaned forward, propping his elbows up on the table and resting his chin on his hands. “Let me set you up on a date.”
“What?” You asked. “Yeongtae, I’m not interested in dating anyone right now.”
“Right. Because you are still hooked up on Jeonghan.”
“No,” you disagreed. “Not because I’m still hooked up on Jeonghan. I just don’t want to go on a date.”
“What’s the worst that could happen?” Yeongtae prodded. “Maybe you hit it off with the person. Maybe you just relieve some of the built-up horniness in your body. Either way he pays for your meal.”
“How would you even set me up?” You asked, unamused by his prodding. “You don’t have any friends.”
Yeongtae cocky expression dropped into a genuinely hurt one.
“Ouch,” he said. You shrugged. “I told you the guys in my study group are all dying for a chance with you. And despite the fact that any guy with eyes on you makes Jeonghan mad, Minhyuk makes him the least mad of everyone.”
You ignored the comment about Jeonghan.
“Minhyuk?” You repeated. “I actually think I met him at a party once with Jeonghan.”
“Perfect,” Yeongtae insisted. “You even know him!”
“It was like a two-minute interaction.”
“Well, did you like him?”
You thought back on your conversation, and from what you remembered you couldn’t really say that you hadn’t liked him. Yeongtae seemed to notice your hesitance.
“It’s just one date. You guys can go somewhere public, and you’ll see how it goes,” he said, waving his hand in the air. As he spoke, he pulled out his phone. He typed for a little bit on his screen and then looked up at you. “Well?”
You stared at him.
“If I go on this date, you promise you’ll get off my back about this Jeonghan thing?”
Yeongtae very seriously drew an x over his chest with his fingers.
“Cross my heart.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Set up the date.”
Despite the fact you were up early quite often trying to sneak out of the Alpha Mu house, you hated getting up early. So, meeting Minhyuk at a coffee shop at 9 in the morning made you want to melt into the ground.
Still, if it would get Yeongtae off your back then it was worth getting up so early. 
When you got to the coffee shop, Minhyuk was already there looking at the menu and you were surprised to find that he looked really well-kept when he wasn’t getting drunk at a party.
His hair was slicked back, and he was wearing a button-up and a pair of jeans. You felt a little under dressed in your tee shirt but you pushed aside the feeling. This date wasn’t that serious anyways.
“Hi Minhyuk,” you greeted, shooting the boy a smile. He turned over his shoulder, giving you a smile back. You noticed that two of his teeth looked like fangs.
“Hey! I can’t believe you’re actually here,” he said, his voice light. “I assumed Yeongtae was playing a prank on me.” He thought over his words for a second. “Yeongtae is a weird guy.”
You laughed.
“Considering you two aren’t friends, you know him really well,” you commented. You fell in step next to Minhyuk, looking up at the menu in front of you. Your eyes scoured the options but even as you did that your mind wasn’t entirely on the menu.
Minhyuk was taller than you, but not taller than Jeonghan was. Your eyebrows furrowed a bit as you made note of the distance that Minhyuk was putting between you two. Unlike other people in the past, Minhyuk was keeping a respectful distance from you.
Of course, you couldn’t help but think that it was nice when Jeonghan was holding you as close to him as you could get. When he had mentioned that he wanted you as eye candy, he really had meant it.
“So, what are you thinking about getting?” Minhyuk asked. Your attention snapped back to the menu, and you dragged out an exaggerated hum.
“A latte,” you said.
“Of course,” Minhyuk agreed. “But what flavor?”
“Now that’s the question,” you said. You crossed your arms over your chest, letting your head fall to the side. “What flavor?”
Once you had settled on a latte flavor, Minhyuk had insisted you go and sit down so that he could pay for the food. Even though Yeongtae had named one of the perks of going on this date as getting free food, you still persistently argued with Minhyuk over getting your drink paid for.
In the end however, you settled for him paying as long as long as you could repay him in the future.
“So, y/n, why the sudden change in attitude?” Minhyuk asked. “I thought Jeonghan was going to have my head the day that I proposed us trading numbers.”
You snorted.
“You have a good memory,” you commented.
“And then when Chaedom got back, I was starting to realize why he was so possessive.”
You rolled your eyes.
“I didn’t come here to talk about Jeonghan,” you said.
“You should have seen the way that Chaedom came back down the stairs,” Minhyuk added with a laugh. “It was not her day.”
You couldn’t help the smile that flickered across your lips at the statement.
“So, what about you? If you thought, I was so taken then why did you tell Yeongtae to hook us up?” You asked.
“Jeonghan has been testy recently,” Minhyuk replied. “Word on the street was that you two were taking some space.”
Your eyebrows furrowed slightly.
“Why are people so obsessed over Jeonghan and I?” You asked. Minhyuk hummed.
“Because Jeonghan is the guy who never settles and you are the one he settled for,” he replied. “Everyone who didn’t see you before is seeing you in a whole new light now,” he explained. “And I was just the lucky one who got to go on a date with you first.”
That was a weird thing to think about. The thought that people were interested in you now, partly just because you had messed around with Jeonghan for a little bit didn’t sit quite right in your head. Of all the things to come from all of this… That was the most unexpected.
“Well, some of your information is a bit inaccurate,” you said. “Jeonghan didn’t really settle for me. I was a phase just like everyone else.”
“True or not,” Minhyuk said with a wave of his hand. “I’m honored that you came out with me. I’m surprised that you’re over him so quickly.”
You rolled your eyes.
“I’m just another person Minhyuk,” you said lightly. “Besides, there wasn’t much to get over. We were just a passing fling.”
“I’m surprised to hear anyone say that so casually,” Minhyuk laughed. “But then again, you’re a psych major huh? It must be easy for you to sort through your feelings.”
“That’s not entirely true,” you said. “It’s just easier to name my feelings. Not to sort through them.”
Minhyuk hummed and nodded.
“And what feelings are you feeling right now?” He asked, his lips flickering into a smile. You took a drink of your coffee.
“I’m feeling happy,” you replied. “Relaxed.”
“And me? What am I feeling right now?” He pressed.
“Cocky,” you stated. “And flirtatious.”
Minhyuk broke out into a loud laugh, that quickly led to him covering his mouth. You laughed too, surprised by how funny he took your words.
“You’re right,” he said once his laughs had died down a little. “I have to lay it on thick though. If only to see you smile.”
You didn’t normally like people who flirted with you so brazenly, but Minhyuk was a lot more easy going than other guys like him. Plus, it helped that he was really attractive.
Conversation between you and Minhyuk turned quickly to other topics, and you were starting to think that it was going really well. Did you see you and Minhyuk dating in the future? No, probably not. But was it a relief to talk to someone who wasn’t walking on glass around you? Yeah, it definitely was.
You watched as Minhyuk’s eyes flickered over your shoulder, seeming to catch the attention of someone in the middle of your two’s conversation. Your eyebrows furrowed slightly at the action.
“Oh, Jeonghan-”
It was comical, really. Not only how fast that you turned around but at the fact Jeonghan’s full name didn’t even leave Minhyuk’s mouth before you were turning.
It only took you seconds to realize that no one was standing behind you, only seconds more to register the fact that Minhyuk was laughing. You pressed your eyes shut.
“God, not you too,” you groaned.
“Yeongtae told me that everyone thinks you’re still hung up on Jeonghan,” Minhyuk said lightly. “I had to see for myself outside of your vocal reassurance that you are.”
You turned back to face him, your shoulders slacking a little bit.
Okay, you missed him. 
You couldn’t really deny it anymore. You were dying to see Jeonghan. Every day that you checked your phone you hoped to see a message from him, every time you went to the library you hoped to find him studying, every day someone talked about the Alpha Mu party this weekend you wanted to go.
And of course, you missed him.
You had grown accustomed to being around Jeonghan. You liked how he treated you. It was fun to be with him.
You knew that no one had said it was shameful to miss him, but you couldn’t help but feel like it was. 
Because he had lied to you. Even if it was a small lie, it was a lie. You two had to have complete trust in your relationship.
But as much as you were homing in on that detail. The fact that he lied, you couldn’t quite put your heart into it.
“But really y/n. Why are you pretending not to be hung up on Jeonghan?”
You sighed and waved your hands through the air.
“I’m not pretending,” you replied. “I’m trying really hard to make it true.”
You looked down at the empty coffee cup in your hands, your eyebrows furrowing a bit.
“Okay, here me out,” Minhyuk said. “Let’s talk this out. Like… A school project.”
You looked up at him.
“Listening,” you said slowly.
“So, in this scenario there is a guy who everyone goes crazy for,” Minhyuk started. “And a girl who ends up catching his eye. Everyone can tell he is obsessed with her.”
“This is just a random scenario!” Minhyuk interrupted, raising his pointer finger to his lips. You gave him a glare but let him go on. “So, if he is obsessed with her and everyone knows it. Psychologically speaking, why might she think otherwise?”
“It’s just a little on the spot presentation,” Minhyuk teased lightly. “Surely that’s easy for you to answer.”
Another sigh left your mouth.
“Maybe she thinks otherwise because he really isn’t obsessed with her.”
“What would other people gain by thinking that he is obsessed with her if it weren’t true?” Minhyuk asked. “After all, if he wasn’t then everyone who wanted to get with her instead would have no fear of repercussions.”
You fought the urge to argue with him.
“Okay, fine. There’s a couple of different reasons for it,” you said after a few moments. “Psychologically speaking she could be experiencing Imposter Syndrome.”
You thought over symptoms of Imposter Syndrome for a few moments.
“If not a specific syndrome, maybe she just has blocks to receiving affection, or maybe she’s clinging to negative core beliefs. She could even just be nervous to get into a serious relationship.”
“Okay, now that we’ve acknowledged what could be causing those thoughts, what caused the separation between the two?”
“I thought this was just a random scenario?” You asked skeptically. Minhyuk gave you an annoyed look. “He lied about sleeping with other people. Not saying that he wasn’t. He said he was, but it turned out he was only sleeping with me.”
Minhyuk’s eyebrows rose in surprise.
“Uh-” You saw him physically shake off his surprise. “Okay, so you find out. You’re mad?”
“Hypothetically,” you mumbled.
“So hypothetically, what is the logical next step to take?”
Of all the stupid things you had done recently, this might have to be the stupidest and it wasn’t even your idea.
Sure, looking at yourself in the mirror you looked a little different, but anyone with two eyes would be able to tell it was you.
“Keep in mind, it will be dark,” Seungcheol reminded you as if he could read your thoughts. “And you won’t be close enough to him for him to notice you.”
“And you never wear this kind of makeup,” Mingyu agreed. “And that wig looks nothing like what your hair usually looks like.”
“And most importantly, he isn’t expecting you,” Seungcheol added on.
You sighed. You supposed all that was true.
“I think he’ll still see through it.”
“He won’t,” Seungcheol assured. “This plan is foolproof. All you have to do is hang around my friend Yeonjun at the party, watching Jeonghan from afar. You’ll see that he hasn’t moved on and then you can decide if you want to have that conversation with him or not.”
It was still stupid. Hallmark rom com behavior. And yet, even so-
“Y/n, Yeonjun. Yeonjun, y/n.”
You eyed up the boy in front of you, give him a small smile despite your indifference towards him. He smiled a bit wider than you, his head falling to the side and his eyebrows scrunching together slightly.
“You’re y/n?” He asked, holding out his hand for you to shake. You ignored his hand. “You really do look different. That’s a good disguise.”
Mingyu personally seemed to take pride in that.
“Thank you,” he said with a smile. Seungcheol rolled his eyes and started to push Mingyu away.
“Okay, we’re going to go now so that Jeonghan doesn’t get suspicious of anything,” he said. He gave you a weird look, hesitating for just a moment. You raised your eyebrow at him. “Stick to the plan.”
Stick to the plan.
The plan wasn’t really a plan, and no matter how you thought about it you felt like you were in high school all over again. At your age, putting on a disguise to see if a guy really liked you was a bit childish. But, despite that, the plan was for you to spend the night at the party with Yeonjun, and watch Jeonghan from a far.
Why, Yeonjun? Because the salt and pepper haired boy was someone that you had never associated with before. So, if Jeonghan did think he recognized you, he would be thrown off by the fact you were with Yeonjun.
Maybe it was just the alcohol but as far as you could tell the disguise that Mingyu and Seungcheol had put you in was convincing. Nobody that had bumped into you thus far had recognized you. Even the Alpha Mu boys seemed to be none the wiser.
And Yeonjun, despite his excessive drinking, was proving to be quite the amusing partner in crime. As the night started out, the two of you had been located near the snack table. You had used this time to spot Jeonghan, while Yeonjun used this time to start drinking. At first he was quiet, just focusing on the alcohol, and then he seemed to go practically comatose. He stood next to you, completely silent, completely unmoving. It made him easy to ignore.
Jeonghan had started the night talking to Soonyoung and Seokmin, but as the night progressed, he started to move around the party. You hadn’t really pinned Jeonghan down as a particularly social person, despite the fact that he slept around.
You noticed that other than hanging out with the other frat boys he didn’t really associate with people. You were a bit surprised to find out that he was in a study group with Yeongtae.
Jeonghan didn’t stay with one group of people for very long. Instead, he floated from group to group, sometimes barely even partaking in conversation.
“It’s almost pathetic the way that you are staring at Jeonghan. You’re looking at him like most of the girls desperate for him look at him.”
You fixed Yeonjun under an unamused gaze to which he just shrugged unapologetically.
“Just thought I would tell it as I see it. You’re obsessed with him.”
It was the first time that you had heard anyone flip the tables on you. You were so used to people telling you that Jeonghan was obsessed with you that this felt weird.
“You’re drunk,” you said pointedly.
“Drunk but not blind,” Yeonjun argued back. He leaned towards you, his finger flicking across your nose. As he did, he tipped his cup of alcohol, spilling a few drops on the ground. His eyes widened in despair and he ducked his head to try and catch the spilled drink.
You laughed at him, shaking your head and allowing your eyes to turn back to Jeonghan.
“You really like him,” Yeonjun pressed.
“I’m just trying to see something,” you argued back.
Yeonjun hummed and suddenly his head fell against your chest.
“Hasn’t everyone been telling you? He’s been turning down people left and right for the last few weeks,” Yeonjun said. “Rumors on the street is that he is into someone.”
You rolled your eyes, but honestly found his behavior amusing. You raised a hand to his head, patting him like he was a dog.
“You always drink so much?” You asked him. He looked up at you with a pout on his lips.
“I don’t drink anymore than the next person,” Yeonjun replied. You fixed him with a skeptical look. “Okay a little more than the next person.”
He paused.
“We should get more alcohol,” he stated. Then another thought occurred to him. “You should drink some.”
“I think that if you are so drunk you’re spilling your alcohol than you are too drunk for more.”
Yeonjun whined his protests, but you ignored them. You kept your hand placed on the drunk boys’ head, staring at Jeonghan. A girl had joined him a few moments before. Her hand raised to his arm but he shook it off, looking like he was annoyed by her advances.
“Why are you so obsessed over Jeonghan?” Yeonjun asked. He paused. “Wait. Right. The plan. You don’t think Jeonghan is obsessed with you.”
You grunted, watching as Jeonghan walked away from the girl he had just shook off of him.
“I don’t believe this,” you murmured. Yeonjun peered up at you, his eyes wide and pupils dilated.
“What? That Jeonghan hasn’t fucked with anyone else yet?” He questioned. His eyes wandered over to the man in question who was practically social distancing from the girl in front of him. A completely different girl from the one he just turned down. “Isn’t this irrefutable proof that he actually does like you?”
“He’s got to be…” You trailed off in frustration. “Maybe he’s just being overly picky. He can’t just not be sleeping with other people because of me.”
Yeonjun looked back up at you. There was a moment of silence.
“Well, why don’t you try to seduce him then?”
Listening to a boy as drunk off his ass as Yeonjun was at this point was stupid.
“Yeonjun the plan-”
“The plan is stupid,” Yeonjun blurted out. “You put on a disguise this good just to stare at him from afar? You need to get into the action. Figure out for yourself if he really will sleep with someone else. You know him, what makes him tick.”
He gestured in the direction that Jeonghan was in, stumbling a little bit.
“Go make him tick.”
“He’ll recognize me,” you protested. Yeonjun rolled his eyes and gestured to the people around you two.
“No one recognizes you,” he replied. “Get it together and go figure out if that man is really your man.”
You really did no better than to listen to someone drunk, but something about Jeonghan really did make you stupid.
And yet, you still ended up finding yourself leaving Yeonjun with a girl whose name he had known, making your way towards Jeonghan in the crowd.
Your mind was screaming at you, begging you to not be stupid. Begging you to stay away from him. But even as you thought that, your shoulder was bumping against Jeonghan’s.
Time to see if you were really as good at acting as you sometimes pretended you were.
An innocent smile flickered across your face.
“Oh I’m-” You sucked in a breath that you wished you could say was rehearsed but really you had just really forgotten how nice it was to be in Jeonghan’s presence again. “I’m so sorry.”
You stumbled a little from the inertia of your bump and Jeonghan caught you by the wrist. A confused expression was riddled across his face. His eyes flickered across your body, his gaze pausing at your neck and then flicking back to your eyes.
Your heart stopped. You were sure you had been caught.
“And who might you be?” Jeonghan asked softly, a smile curling across his lips.
Game and point.
Pride surged through your body at the fact you had been able to trick him. Even more excitement buzzed through your body when you saw that undeniable glint his eyes. Lust, interest. His fingers tightened their grasp on you, causing your body to burn with desire.
“Is it important?” You asked. “All that matters is who you are.” Your eyes glinted in excitement. “Yoon Jeonghan.”
Jeonghan’s head fell to the side ever-so-slightly.
“So, my reputation proceeds me as it always does,” he said. His eyebrows furrowed. “I can’t help but wonder what you’ve heard.”
“Just that you always bring people to the finish line,” you replied your voice light.
You worried that your current conversation was too reminiscent of your first one with Jeonghan, but your worry over being caught was clouded by the knot that was growing in your stomach. Why did you feel like this? Wasn’t this what you wanted? To be right?
“Do you want to come upstairs with me?”
Jeonghan’s invitation was tempting, despite your disguise. Mostly because it reminded you just how much you craved him. Being mad at him was exhausting but this also showed that you were right and Seungcheol was wrong. He was the same Jeonghan that he had been when you met him.
Picky. But still willing to sleep with any person he thought fit his standards. You had simply been a glitch in the system. A break in a chain that was now put back together. You were forever just going to be a notch in his belt.
But you couldn’t help it…
You were reconsidering everything as you traveled back up those stairs. Now they were so familiar to you. Each little scratch and notch reminding you of a different time that you had traveled up them.
So Jeonghan hadn’t recognized your face. Did that mean he wouldn’t recognize your body?
Surely not, right? How distinct could your body be from others?
You shouldn’t let it get that far. No, you needed to make an excuse- Any excuse to get back downstairs to the party.
Maybe that would knock down Jeonghan’s ego a little bit. If suddenly, a conquest turned him down.
Yeah, that felt like good revenge and totally made up for the lack of self control you had when it came to Jeonghan. You would really have to unpack at some point why you really didn’t care if you were just a notch in Jeonghan’s belt.
Jeonghan opened the door of his bedroom, gesturing you in. He was being a little bit more detached than he usually was when he was about to fuck you, but maybe that was just a difference between you and the other people he slept with.
It didn’t necessarily mean that he liked you more than them.
You opened your mouth to make some excuse to go back downstairs but before you could Jeonghan was slamming the door shut with his foot. Your eyes widened as he suddenly closed the distance between you two. You backed yourself up against the wall and he trapped you there between his arms, his face mere itches from you.
“Did you think I wouldn’t recognize you?”
His entire demeanor was different than it had been just a second ago. You could practically feel a hundred feelings radiating off of Jeonghan’s body. Lust, desperation, frustration.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Jeonghan’s hand shot up and ripped your wig off of your head. He held it in front of your face, his lips pressed in frustration.
“Do you think I’m stupid? That I wouldn’t recognize you just because you had a little bit of makeup on and a wig?”
“I understand my reputation,” Jeonghan said. He threw the wig to the floor and pulled away from you. You took a large breath of relief for the space.
Generally, when it came to situations like this, where you were stuck around an angry man. You were, reasonably scared.
But this was Jeonghan. Yoon Jeonghan. He only hurt you when you wanted to be hurt. And he never hurt you over actual anger. You knew you were safe.
“I’m Yoon Jeonghan, and I fuck around. But… Fuck that shit, I only want to fuck you. I thought that we were past this. I thought you understood that.”
You were ripped from your thoughts at that, your eyes wide.
“That’s surprisingly intimate,” you joked. Jeonghan looked at you.
“Y/n, I’m sorry I lied to you about sleeping with other people,” Jeonghan said. He walked back over to you, placing his hands on your shoulders so that you had to look at him. “I didn’t sleep with anyone. Not since we established you couldn’t sleep with other people. I haven’t wanted to sleep with anyone else.”
Again, the scariest thing about Jeonghan was just how serious he was acting. You laughed.
“You sound like you’re about to confess your love to me,” you joked.
Jeonghan’s eyes didn’t leave yours, but they saddened a little bit. His lips pursed together into a thin line. The smile dropped from your face.
He looked away from you, his hands leaving his shoulders.
“Yes, at first it was just sex. I mean, really. What are the odds that we would find each other?” He asked. “How many people like to get spit on and have their face smacked? You like it when I rough you up. That’s crazy.”
You just stared at him, unsure of what to say. He didn’t look like he wanted you to say anything yet anyways.
“Yes, I’m jealous of the people that you get to spend time with,” Jeonghan said. “Stupid, fucking Seungcheol… I’m not jealous of Yeongtae because I’m scared that you are going to fuck him. I’m jealous because you two have an emotional attachment that we don’t have, and I was scared we would never have it.”
“Why would you want an emotional relationship with a fuck buddy?”
There was silence from Jeonghan, and he turned around to look at you. He had a sad look on his face.
“Y/n, Jeongyeon told me once… In passing, that you weren’t looking for a real relationship.” The air in the room was suddenly so heavy you felt like you needed to sit down. “Why not?”
Your heart skipped a beat, the implications seeming unreal.
“I just...” You tried to figure out the right words to say. Tried to figure out what you were thinking. “I haven’t needed that in my life. No one has proved to me that we would really work out.”
Jeonghan stared at you, and you stared back at him. There was something in his eyes. You were scared that Jeonghan was going to say something that you didn’t think you wanted to hear right now. You needed a distraction.
“I really… I really need you.”
“Fuck,” Jeonghan said, turning his body slightly away from you. “I’m trying to apologize to you, y/n.”
“Apology accepted,” you agreed. You lowered your hands to the hem of your shirt, dragging it off your body. Jeonghan groaned, covering his hand with his face.
“Y/n, I am not that strong. This is the longest I’ve gone without sex since high school,” he said. “Just let me…”
You walked over to him, unbuckling your bra as you walked. You let it drop to ground, knowing that he heard the sound. You grabbed Jeonghan by the collar of his sweater.
“Come on, Jeonghan. I know you need it just as bad as I do. You want me… I want you… The door is closed…”
You took Jeonghan’s hands, pressing them to your bare sides. His fingers obediently wrapped around your body. You dragged his hands up your body by his wrists.
“Come on,” you whined. “Didn’t you miss me? Don’t you want to use me?”
A groan left his mouth.
“You’re not being very good y/n.”
Jeonghan looked reasonably torn. You could tell he was trying to be mature and take this the right way and that scared you even more. Coming to this party you had expected to see Jeonghan flirting with other people, but here he was doing everything that he could to actually amend things with you and you couldn’t wrap your head around why.
“And what are you going to do about it?”
“Fuck it. But we’re talking after this.”
Jeonghan’s hand tightened around your body, and his other hand came to your hair. Braided to keep it hidden beneath your wig. A growl left Jeonghan’s mouth.
“Never braid your hair before seeing me. Ever again.”
He placed his hands square on your shoulders and pushed you back onto his bed.
“Unbraid your hair right now.”
You scrambled to pull the rubber bands out of your hair, your fingers running through the strands of your hair as you struggled to get them out of your braids. Jeonghan meanwhile was watching you, a dark look in his eyes as he practically ripped his shirt off of himself.
“If I don’t have something to pull-”
Just as you got the last bit of your hair untangled from the braid, Jeonghan was climbing on the bed, fingers hooked in your pants as he pulled them off your body. You didn’t have to be told what to do from there and immediately shimmied out of your panties, tossing them to the side and propping yourself up on your elbows, simply anticipating what Jeonghan was going to do next.
You couldn’t help how your body was buzzing just at being in this position again. Being in Jeonghan’s room, being naked in front of him. Normally, you would feel embarrassed, but you really seemed to have no shame when it came to Jeonghan.
“Fuck, look at you,” Jeonghan mumbled, his hands lowering down to his pants. His fingers hooked on his belt and he began to unbuckle it and you had to literally wipe drool from your lips. Fuck. “You are so fucking gorgeous.”
He tossed his belt to the side with a soft clang.
“And even though you are being so bad in distracting me with sex,” he said, unbuttoning his pants with a single flick of his thumb. “You are literally on bed waiting for me to do whatever the hell I want to you, aren’t you?”
You nodded, and you were burning so badly that your core hurt. You needed to be touched by Jeonghan. You couldn’t just lay there under his gaze and watch him get undressed. God, you needed to do something. Anything.
“I know how badly you want to touch yourself,” Jeonghan cooed, dropping his pants to ground. You swallowed hard, trying to keep your eyes on Jeonghan. “But I also know just how badly you need to be good for me. Isn’t that, right?”
Your face was blazing and you could feel your pussy beginning to drip wetness despite the fact that Jeonghan hadn’t even touched you yet.
“Go on y/n. I wouldn’t blame you if you had to play with your cunt while you waited for me to finally touch you,” he said. Your eyes widened slightly but he shot you down quickly. “No that’s not permission. You will get punished if you touch yourself. But I know that you really need to touch yourself. I’m just saying I won’t blame you for succumbing to your own desires.”
A smile flickered across his face.
“What will it be huh? Are you going to relieve yourself? Ease that feeling of desperation that’s just building up in your body?”
Jeonghan laughed at you and dropped his boxers down to the ground. You didn’t speak to him. Too afraid of what you were going to say. You were excited now, thinking that since his clothes were off you wouldn’t have to choose between being good or bad.
You were wrong.
As soon as Jeonghan had stepped out of his boxers he walked up to the edge of the bed, but instead of joining you on it, instead of throwing foreplay out the window and taking you right there, he stopped where his knees brushed the comforter.
He wrapped his fingers around his rock hard cock, groaning at his own touch.
“I love that you let me do anything to you,” he said. “What would you do if I told you that I wasn’t going to touch you at all? What if I told you that I was just going to look at you and get myself off and cum all over you and then just leave you? Make you sit there covered in my semen until I decided that I should touch you.”
He thought over that for a second.
“If I even decided to touch you.”
“Jeonghan-” You blurted, your eyes wide as panic seized your body. “You wouldn’t do that.”
Jeonghan gave his cock a pump.
“Are you sure about that?”
There was something sadistic in his eyes, and it made you second guess everything you knew about him.
“You wouldn’t even-” Your voice cracked. “You wouldn’t even touch me?”
You swallowed hard, unable to help yourself from spreading your legs out a little further.
“Didn’t you miss me at all?”
“I missed you so fucking much, y/n,” And as he spoke his voice grew deeper, shaky even. “That’s why I can’t touch you. I need you to need me as much as I need you.”
You felt yourself whimper at his words.
“I do. I do need you Jeonghan, d-don’t do this to me,” you blurted out desperately. Jeonghan mostly ignored you, his eyes threatening to flutter shut from the pleasure of even just slowly pumping his cock. You thought that him touching himself made it that much more cruel.
“I don’t know why you are complaining,” he commented. “All you have to do is misbehave. Are you really that scared of misbehaving in front of me?”
You nodded, squirming in place.
“Yes. Jeonghan, please,” you begged. “I don’t want to be bad, I want to be good, I want to be of good use to you.”
“You’re good use to me right now,” Jeonghan replied, the corners of his lips quirking up. “You’re so pretty to look at and so good at begging for me.”
A loud whine escaped your lips.
“Jeonghan,” your voice was tiny now, your fingers balled in Jeonghan’s comforter as you fought the urge to do what Jeonghan wanted you to do. You honestly thought that this was crueler than any kind of punishment he could and had ever given you. You couldn’t help the fact that tears were beginning to sprout out of the corners of your eyes.
You scrambled to your hands and knees, crawling to the edge of the bed. Jeonghan narrowed his eyes at you, but you stopped before you really hit bad territory.
“Jeonghan please, I’m not this strong,” you pleaded. You let your eyes grow wider, and tilted your head to the side, puffing out your chest. Jeonghan’s eyes darkened.
“Yeah?” He asked. You nodded, scooting forward more on your knees.
“I need you Jeonghan,” you agreed.
Jeonghan’s eyes fluttered shut and you thought for a second that you were screwed and not in the way that you wanted to be but just as your gaze dropped to the ground, you felt a hand gripping tightly in your hair.
Your head was jerked up and you came face to face with Jeonghan, his nose millimeters from yours. He smiled at you, his tongue briefly flicking across his teeth.
“You promise?” He asked you. Your eyes briefly furrowed and your gaze darted down to his lips. A beat passed and then suddenly you remembered that he had spoken to you. You tried to nod, but found you couldn’t move. You swallowed thickly.
“I promise,” you breathed. Jeonghan snorted.
You opened your mouth to argue with Jeonghan but you suddenly got pushed back into the bed. Just as your head fell into the comforter Jeonghan was grabbing you by your thighs, pulling you to the edge of the bed. You propped yourself up on your elbows again, but just as you did that Jeonghan was pushing two of his fingers deep into you.
You felt your elbows collapse as soon as he curled his fingers inside of you. A loud desperate moan left your lips.
“You don’t need me,” Jeonghan admonished. He pulled his fingers from you, humming as he slipped his fingers into his mouth. “No, you just think you need me because you do whatever that pretty cunt tells you to.”
His hand came down on your clit, causing your body to jolt and your head to press harder into the bed.
“And your pretty little cunt will get wet for any man who promises to put his dick in you.”
You felt the tips of Jeonghan’s fingers brush your skin, and he slowly dragged his fingertips down your body.
“J-Jeonghan please,” you managed to get out as Jeonghan teasingly ran his fingers down your body. “Th-That’s not true. I-”
Jeonghan’s fingertips slid between your folds, and when he raised them up in front of you they were literally dripping. His head fell to the side.
“That’s not true? Because I’ve barely touched you and you’re soaked,” he pointed out. “You’re either a slut, or you need me so badly you just can’t help yourself, and we know that can’t be true.”
He didn’t leave room for that aspect of the conversation to continue because then he was pushing his wet fingers into your mouth. You desperately sucked at them, hoping maybe Jeonghan would be tempted to do more to you, but he pulled his fingers disappointingly fast from your lips.
His hands returned to your sides, dragging up to your breasts. He cupped your breasts in his hands, giving them a small squeeze. You arched your back into Jeonghan’s touch.
“Jeonghan, please,” you whimpered.
“What?” He asked innocently. “This isn’t good enough for you?”
Frustration bubbled in your chest at Jeonghan’s words.
“You know it isn’t,” you replied, unable to keep the bite off your tongue. Jeonghan hummed and pushed two fingers back into you without warning.
“What about this?” He asked. “Is this enough?”
You opened your mouth to respond- To tell him that no it wasn’t enough- but before you could Jeonghan was sharply pushing his fingers back into you forcing you to raise a hand to your mouth, biting down on it to keep more noise from leaving your lips.
“You know, I almost didn’t recognize you,” Jeonghan mumbled as he pressed his fingers deep inside of you. “You being there in that makeup, with that wig, in those clothes with Yeonjun? None of it made sense. Not after what happened.” 
He shook his head. 
“But I saw through it. Even though it didn’t make sense I knew it was you, I just got really thrown off by one thing.”
His free hand raised to your neck, his fingers splaying across it. You knew immediately what he was talking about. 
“I’m sorry,” you blurted out. Your frustration gone now that Jeonghan was fucking you with his fingers “I don’t know why I got rid of-” 
Before you could finish talking Jeonghan was pressing his hand to your mouth. He raised an eyebrow towards you in warning.
“I don’t care why you did it,” Jeonghan replied. You pressed your lips together and Jeonghan pulled his hand away from your face. “The question is can I replace them?”
You felt another wave of heat run through your body.
“Y-Yes,” you managed to get out. Jeonghan smiled.
“Are you sure?” He asked, his voice dropping a few octaves. “Because if I leave more marks on you I expect you to leave them this time.”
You nodded, craning your neck.
“Yes, I’ll leave them, I promise,” he bit out. “I fucking missed them, I regretted getting rid of them so much.”
It was true. Ever since you had successfully gotten rid of the marks, you had hated looking at yourself in the mirror. You missed the marks on your neck even if you had been upset about the whole Jeonghan situation.
Jeonghan didn’t argue with you over it. He leaned forward, the tips of his fingers pinching at your nipples as his lips attached to your neck. At first he just peppered soft little kisses to your neck as his hands kneaded your breasts. The further he leaned down however, the closer his hard cock got to you. You felt the tip of his cock brush your swollen clit and you bucked your lips up, chasing the friction.
“Y/n, I’ve never seen you so desperate,” Jeonghan said teasingly, his hot breath making your head press back against the bed harder. “You’re acting like you haven’t been touched in days.”
“I haven’t,” you breathed. Jeonghan’s teeth bit down on your neck, and then his warm tongue flicked across the spot, as if to soothe your neck after the bite. “I-I- haven’t even touched myself since I got with you.”
Jeonghan’s body shifted further and once again Jeonghan’s tip pressed against your clit. You wiggled your hips so that Jeonghan’s tip slipped between your folds. Both you and Jeonghan let out matching groans.
“Even when you’re mad at me you’re still mine, huh?” Jeonghan said his voice low. “You still need my cock to get yourself off. Can’t come without my permission to.”
You nodded your agreement but as you moved Jeonghan was biting down on your neck again.
“Beg me to fuck you,” Jeonghan breathed against you.
“Jeonghan,” you pleaded. “I really do n-need you. Your cock is the only one that I can be satisfied with. I just, fucking, need you. So badly I need you.”
“It’s s-so hard to resist you,” Jeonghan mumbled and you literally heard his voice crack. You knew normally you would get in trouble for grabbing Jeonghan but you couldn’t help it. You raised your hands to Jeonghan’s forearms, wrapping your fingers tightly around them. You could feel how tight his muscles were, presumably from the strain of not pushing his cock into you.
“Then don’t,” you breathed. Jeonghan laughed humorlessly, picking up at you from your neck.
“I’ve got to take my time with it today, baby,” he said softly and your whole body shivered at the word. He pulled away from you, ignoring the way your hands tightened around his arms as he did. “I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I never know when you are going to come around for me to fuck. I have to make the most of it.”
Jeonghan’s pulled back his cock, slipping from your folds and dragging a string of wetness from it. You felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes all over again. The frustration of not being fucked really building up in you.
He began to slide down your body, his mouth trailing kisses to your skin. Your toes curled as his lips trailed over your breasts, his teeth briefly nipping at you before continuing down your body.
“Jeonghan,” you cried out. You tried to move but Jeonghan pressed a hand to your pelvis, pinning you to the bed.
“You’re making it so much harder, to stop from fucking you,” Jeonghan groaned. His mouth came to a stop just above your clit and he started to press wet kisses to your thighs. So close to your pussy that his tongue was darting out to capture some of the wetness that had soaked your thighs. “I want to take you so fucking badly. Give you exactly what you are begging for.”
The tears slid down your cheeks.
He finally wrapped his lips around your clit, sucking on it harder. You still tried your best to move under him, but it was pointless. You reached forward, your fingers burying in Jeonghan’s hair. As good as it felt to have him sucking on your clit, you were still desperate for any thing to be in your pussy. You fucking missed his fingers. You needed his cock.
Jeonghan’s mouth lowered and his tongue ran teasingly between your folds. You let out a wrecked sob, mixed in with a desperate moan and Jeonghan cooed lightly, his breath teasing your clit.
“Poor baby, you’re so desperate for me aren’t you?” He asked. You nodded.
“I’ve been so good Jeonghan,” you begged softly, your breath coming in hics. Jeonghan’s tongue dipped into your pussy and your fingers tightened in Jeonghan’s hair. Not pulling to get him to pull off of you. Just pulling because you couldn’t do anything else.
“You taste so good,” Jeonghan commented. “I could stay down here all day.”
Another cry left your lips and Jeonghan pulled his mouth off of you, sticking two of his fingers into your pussy. His head fell to this side.
“Look at me, y/n,” he said. You looked up at him, your eyes blurry from tears. He clicked his tongue. “Oh look at you. Do you really need cock that badly?”
You nodded and another hic left your lips. Jeonghan cooed at you and raised his body, pulling his fingers from you. He sucked his fingers into his mouth, and then, once they were clean, cupped your face in his hands.
“Don’t cry baby, I’ve got you.”
He slid his dick into you, making a relieved moan leave your lips. Your eyes fluttered shut as Jeonghan pushed himself fully into your pussy. You mewled loudly.
“Fuck, I can’t stand to be apart from you,” Jeonghan groaned. His hands lowered to the sides of your head and he pulled out before pushing hard back into you, your whole body shaking. You raised your hands to wrap around Jeonghan’s body.
“Th-Thank you, Jeonghan,” you breathed out. “But, pl-please, h-harder.”
“Harder?” Jeonghan’s voice was light, muddled with pleasure. “I’m trying to take my time. Really trying to savour this.”
“I know you want to use me,” you pleaded. “Like a slut right? Like your perfect little slut.”
Your fingers dug into Jeonghan’s back.
“I can take it, I can always take it. Stop holding back.”
Jeonghan’s hips stuttered and after recovering, his hips snapped, forcing his cock hard into you.
“Baby, I don’t think you can take it,” he said. “Look at you? Your mascara running, your face red. You can barely take my teasing. You think that you can take it if I fuck you the way I usually do?”
You nodded desperately.
“I can, I really can,” you insisted. “Please, I need it hard. I need to feel you take me. Own me.”
“Fuck,” Jeonghan groaned. “You little-”
He reached forward, his fingers capturing your chin between them.
“You don’t know what you are asking for,” he warned. You forced yourself to look at Jeonghan, your eyes wide.
“Jeonghan, I need you.”
Jeonghan lowered his hands to your neck, his fingers wrapping around them. His eyebrows raised as he stilled himself inside of you.
“What’s your safe word?”
You blurted it out, making Jeonghan laugh at your desperation.
“Good, fucking, girl.”
His fingers tightened around your neck and he began to fuck you fast, deep, and hard. It was a pace that you were familiar with but somehow it rocked your core even harder than it normally did. You felt it growning a little harder to breath as Jeonghan’s fingers tightened around your neck and a whine at the light-headed sensation was ripped from your body.
His fingers loosened at the whine, allowing you to gasp for a breath of air, but as soon as you did Jeonghan was tightening his grip on you all over again. You felt yourself clamp hard around Jeonghan’s dick as a wave of pleasure shot through your body. Your fingers clutched at Jeonghan’s back but just as they did Jeonghan raised his hand to your face, hitting you across it lightly.
“I’ve been letting you misbehave all day,” Jeonghan growled. “But if you want me to own you, you’re going to have to be good.”
His thumb swiped across your face.
“No touching.”
Your hands dropped to the bed, raising above your head. You arched your back, hoping for Jeonghan’s hands to return to your throat but he was much too focused now. You loved it when he became borderline animalistic. His hips were snapping into you, his lips curving up with every desperate cry of his name.
“You gonna tell me exactly how much you missed me?” Jeonghan asked. “Tell me about how I plagued your thoughts every day. How you can’t do anything but think about me and need me?”
You tried to find the words to talk back to Jeonghan, but you couldn’t find your voice no matter how hard you tried. Your silence earned you another slap which went right down to your core.
“God, you’re so pathetic,” he cooed. “So fucked out you can’t even find the words to respond to me. You always get like this eventually don’t you?”
“Only with you,” you managed to get out. Jeonghan lowered a hand to your clit and he began to messily rub it in circles.
“I know baby,” he said softly. “And you’re going to come just for me aren’t you? After all the teasing and the touching, you were able to hold back until just now. What do you think that makes you?”
“Good,” you blurted back. “I’ve been so good.”
Jeonghan’s lips flickered into a smile that you could just barely make out.
“You have been,” Jeonghan agreed. “So, fucking good for me.”
He shook his head.
“Even though you’re loud.” He gave you a particularly hard thrust. “Messy.” Another thrust. “Fucking shameless.”
He reached forward, pressing his forehead to yours.
“You are so fucking good. I fucking love-” His voice faltered before he quickly added: “Fucking you.”
Without warning you felt Jeonghan begin to unload himself into you, you screamed out in pleasure but Jeonghan cut you off by pressing his lips to yours.
“Come on baby, you have my permission,” Jeonghan mumbled against your lips. “Come for me, okay?”
You didn’t have to be prompted further. You didn’t care about being good. You raised your hands to Jeonghan’s neck, pressing him down further on you. Instead of screaming you focused on kissing Jeonghan, you whole body shaking as you came around his cock. As you were coming down from your orgasm, you felt Jeonghan pushing his cum deeper into your pussy.
Unfortunately for you, Jeonghan’s thrusts stopped, as soon as your grip on his neck loosened.
Jeonghan slipped his cock out of you, and a small whine left your lips. You covered your face with your hands finding both comfort and disappointment in the feeling of Jeonghan’s cum beginning to leak out of your pussy. Instead of immediately getting up to start a shower however Jeonghan wrapped his arms around your body, pulling your back flush to his chest and then proceeded to bury his face in your neck.
You let him hold you for a few minutes, focusing on his breath on your neck and the beating of his heart that you could feel against your back before finally speaking.
“Are you not going to start a shower?”
Jeonghan let out a humorless chuckle.
“I never thought there would be a day where you wanted a shower immediately after,” Jeonghan commented.
“It’s just uncharacteristic of you not to try,” you replied softly. Jeonghan was silent for a few seconds.
“It’s just I have to leave you to go start the shower,” Jeonghan said. You frowned at his words.
“And what if when I get back, you’re gone?”
Even as he spoke his arms were tightening their grip on you.
“Jeonghan I’m not going to leave,” you said softly. Jeonghan didn’t seem convinced. “Jeonghan-”
Jeonghan sighed.
“You’re right. I’m being selfish,” he said with a sigh.
He stayed still for a few more seconds, making you think for a moment that he hadn’t meant his words, but then he was pulling away from you.
Your first thought was that you shouldn’t have complained about him holding you. Now it was cold. And before when he was just holding you there was no need to address the situation you two were in at all.
“I’ll be right back,” he said softly. “Don’t go anywhere.”
He walked to the door and paused, looking at you before he left the room.
As soon as Jeonghan was gone you sat up in his bed, using your elbows to prop yourself up.
Just leaving while Jeonghan was gone hadn’t really been something on your mind until Jeonghan mentioned it, but thinking about it know you didn’t think it was a bad idea. After all, you still had a lot to think about.
Had Jeonghan really been unwilling to sleep with anyone who wasn’t you? Or had he known you were there to watch the whole time?
You swung your legs over the side of Jeonghan’s bed, and shakily got to your feet. You looked around the room trying to find your clothes but then you remembered your shopping trip with Jeonghan. You wandered around Jeonghan’s room, trying to see if maybe he had just thrown the bag somewhere.
You were about to give up hope when the brief thought to look in his closet. You pulled open the door, a small frown flickering across your face. At first the closet looked the same as it usually did, but then you noticed something odd about the clothes hanging to the right.
They were the ones that he had bought for you. Your frown deepened as you moved the hangers trying to see if you were right and you were. He had taken the time to hang up every piece of clothing he had bought for you.
Why would he hang up the clothes? Take up space in his own personal closet, just for some person he was sleeping with.
Your thoughts briefly flickered back to what Jeonghan had been trying to tell you before you had distracted him with sex but before you could think about it too much, Jeonghan’s door was creaking open again.
You saw him peak at the bed, a disappointed look crossing his face before you cleared your throat. His eyes flickered to yours and his head fell to the side. Without a word he walked over to the closet and grabbed one of his own shirts. He looked at you.
“Hands up,” he said softly. You did as you were told and Jeonghan slid his shirt onto you. He gave you a small smile and then quirked his head.
“Come on.”
Jeonghan led you to the bathroom, even though it really wasn’t necessary. You thought maybe it was because he genuinely was worried that you would leave. The shower was already running, and you expected Jeonghan to leave once you were inside, but instead he closed the door behind you two. You gave him a questioning look, but he just shrugged, raising a hand to his neck and glancing away from you.
“I thought maybe you would like some help.”
“Jeonghan, I don’t need help to take a shower,” you said. Jeonghan closed the distance between you two, his fingers coming to the hem of his shirt. His fingers briefly brushed your skin before he lifted the shirt back over your head. Once he had dropped the shirt on the floor he raised his hands to your hair, briefly brushing his fingers through it.
“I’ve always wanted to brush your hair,” he said softly. Your face burned hot under the attention. You rolled your eyes and cleared your throat.
“You’re really not going to take no for an answer,” you said with a sigh. Jeonghan’s eyes widened softly, and he pulled his hand away from you.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured. You pressed your lips together.
“Don’t be,” you mumbled. “I know my safe word.”
You stepped away from Jeonghan to step into the shower. You didn’t know how Jeonghan did it, but he always managed to have the shower at the right temperature.
“You can join me,” you said.
Jeonghan smiled.
“Well only if, you’re sure.”
He waited for your nod and vocal confirmation:
“I’m sure.”
Jeonghan climbed into the shower with you, but his focus was surprisingly on getting you clean. He had grabbed a clean washcloth from under the sink before getting in and he immediately put some soap on it to start running over you. You narrowed your gaze at the fruit scented soap you had never noticed before.
“One of your sluts leave that?” You asked. Jeonghan’s hand stilled from where it was rubbing soap suds onto your body. He looked up at you, raising an eyebrow.
“Well, it’s not Chaedom’s.”
You frowned at him, making him sigh.
“I bought it for you,” he said with a roll of his eyes. “As much as I liked you smelling like my body wash, you also smelled like every other boy in Alpha Mu.”
He focused back on cleaning you off, not elaborating on why he saw that as a problem. Not that you really needed him to elaborate. In all of your relationships, you had never taken a shower with anyone. Building on that, you had never had anyone touch you so gently.
Jeonghan was so focused too. Even though his hands were all over you it was clear he wasn’t trying to turn you on at all. Even though, him being so gentle was turning you on.
Jeonghan crouched down, rubbing your ankles with soap. You watched him for a second and then crouched down as well. Jeonghan looked up at you in surprise, his wet strands of hair falling in his face. You smiled at him and brushed the strands out of his face.
“You’re so weird Jeonghan,” you said softly. His eyes widened at your words. “Why are you being so gentle?”
“It’s after care,” Jeonghan responded as if it was obvious. You gave him a half-annoyed look.
“Even washing me is more after care than you normally give me.”
“Before I was scared of my feelings,” Jeonghan said. He thought about that for a second. “And yours.”
He cleared his throat and looked away from you.
“Besides, this might be the last time I see you. I want to make the most of it.”
Your heart hurt a little to hear Jeonghan say that, but you tried to push down the feeling.
“You worried about not having a pussy to creampie?” You asked, trying to keep the mood light. You laughed. “You gonna miss having someone who loves to be degraded by you so much?”
“I do love how you always do what I say,” Jeonghan replied, a smile flickering across his lips. “But you’re also the same girl who knows what she wants. Turned down Chan and threw a drink in Yeongtae’s face. All for me.”
You rolled your eyes.
“I turned down Chan to turn down Chan, not for you.”
“But you did turn down Yeongtae for me.”
You turned your eyes away from him, making Jeonghan sigh. He raised his hands to your face, turning you towards him. He stared at you for a few moments, his eyes flickering down to your lips before he reached over, putting some face wash in his hands. You groaned as Jeonghan start to lather the soap into your face. You let yourself fall back onto the floor of the shower, light-heartedly swatting away Jeonghan’s hands.
“Why’re you being so thorough?” You whined. Jeonghan just smiled, waiting for you to stop talking so that he could dip your head back under the flow of the water. He rubbed his fingers a little over your face until he was satisfied that all the soap was off of your face. He pulled your head back and grabbed a brush.
You groaned, but he ignored you starting to work the brush through your hair.
“Jeonghan you don’t need to be so thorough,” you insisted. Jeonghan just scoffed.
“Maybe I should have been helping you all this time. It seems that you were cutting corners,” Jeonghan mumbled.
“You know what’s nicer than a shower?” You asked Jeonghan. “Your bed. You have such a nice bed.”
Jeonghan rolled his eyes.
“You’re aging me,” he commented. He reached around to grab what you assumed was shampoo, He set the brush down and began to massage it into your scalp. You figured arguing with Jeonghan further was pointless, so you finally fell silent, resting your head on your hand while he cleaned your hair.
You watched Jeonghan’s eyes as he worked the soap into your hair, making sure to coat your whole scalp and get it even in the ends of your hair. His lips were quirked slightly up as he watched his own hands work through your hair. He was giving off such a strange aura.
“Y/n, you’re so beautiful,” Jeonghan mumbled. “More beautiful than anyone I’ve ever slept with.”
You didn’t want to humor him, so you didn’t respond to Jeonghan’s words. He didn’t mind.
“Do you remember the first time we met?” Jeonghan asked. You frowned slightly.
“Yeah, at the-”
“Not the party,” Jeonghan said with a shake of his head. “Freshmen orientation. I slept with your roommate.”
Your eyebrows furrowed, and you tried to catch Jeonghan’s eyes. It was pointless, he was too focused on your hair.
“We didn’t meet freshman orientation,” you denied. As you spoke, Jeonghan tilted your head back under the stream of water.
“Well, not entirely. I met your roommate immediately. The first few hours of freshman orientation and as soon as we got there, we skipped the first meeting to fuck in your dorm. You came in just after we had finished. You didn’t bat an eye. You were so nonchalant. You turned your back while your roommate got dressed and you two practically got to know each other while I just sat there and watched.”
Jeonghan laughed.
“And then you two just left me. You didn’t say a word to me.”
Jeonghan pulled your head forward again and then started to put conditioner in your hair.
“You never gave me the attention I wanted from you. Not then, and it drove me crazy. That whole weekend I was trying to get your attention without getting your attention.”
Jeonghan shrugged.
“Nothing. And then freshman orientation ended, and I thought I would never see you again.”
His fingers got caught in a knot in your hair and his eyebrows furrowed. He focused in on it.
“But we’ve had a few lectures together here and there. You make friends so easily. I just watched from afar.”
Jeonghan pushed your head back again under the stream of the water.
“Only at parties when you were forced to them by Jeongyeon. Never drinking when you did go. Nothing ever seems to phase you.”
Finally, Jeonghan’s eyes flickered to yours. You pressed your lips together, just taking in what Jeonghan had to say. You weren’t really sure what to think of all of this, but you forced yourself to stay in the moment. Just focus.
“When I say that I crave you, I mean it in a way you will never fully understand. I have wanted you since day one, but I have waited for you, and I never thought that I would have the chance to be with you.”
Jeonghan’s hands left your hair to cup your face with his hands. His eyes flickered to his thumbs that brushed over your cheek bones to your lips, your nose, and then back up to your eyes.
“And then I found you in my room and you were more amazing than I had ever imagined you would be.”
A sad look flickered over his face.
“I’m sorry I lied.”
“It’s okay,” you said softly. Jeonghan’s hands fell from your face, and he looked away from you.
“It’s not okay,” he replied. He cleared his throat and stood up. He leaned out of the shower and grabbed a towel, holding it out for you to walk into. You got back to your feet and did what you knew he wanted you to. He wrapped the towel around your body, and you turned around to look at him still standing in the shower. He pressed his lips together into a thin smile.
“I’m going to wash myself off. If you’re in my room when I get back, we’ll talk just a little bit more before we sleep okay?”
You opened your mouth, wanting to say something but no words left your lips. You didn’t know what today. You just nodded and did as he said.
Once you were in Jeonghan’s room your mind was racing and you were faced with your least favorite conflict of the mind. The choice between fight or flight.
You could leave now. Jeonghan was giving you the chance to leave, having already said what you assumed were the things he believed were most important to get out. If you left now you had a lot to think about.
Well, you had a lot to think about either way.
If you stayed, you could really talk through your feelings with Jeonghan. If you trusted him, you could really get some answers that you needed.
You thought for a while, drying your hair as you thought about what clothes to put on. You liked that Jeonghan had bought you all these clothes to wear while you were over but… Nothing hit quite like wearing one of his freshly washed shirts.
You put aside the thought and put on the pajamas he had gotten for you.
As you wrapped your hair in the towel that you had been left with you thought over the most important question in your mind.
Did you trust Jeonghan?
Could you trust Jeonghan?
It was a bit ironic that you weren’t really sure if you could considering you had done nothing but trust Jeonghan up until this moment. You trusted him not to hurt you. You trusted him to not tell others too much about what you two did. You even trusted that he wasn’t lying to you about the people that he was sleeping with.
Maybe that’s why it was a bit hard to trust him now.
You looked to where you had dropped your phone on Jeonghan’s floor when you first got in the room and you picked it up. There was a good way to test the validity of what Jeonghan had said.
You searched your contacts for the name of your freshman orientation roommate and let out a breath of relief when you found you still had it.
The phone rang only twice before Geumseong answered the phone.
“Hello? Y/n? Is everything alright?”
You pressed your lips together.
“Hi, yeah, no I’m fine I just… I had a weird question,” you replied. You gave it a seconds pause and then said: “Do you remember sleeping with anyone at freshman orientation?”
“Oh god, of course I do,” Geumseong replied. “That was the best sex that I’ve ever had in my life.”
“Do you remember…?”
“Yoon Jeonghan,” Geumseong said without much of a thought at all. “Fucking shame, he doesn’t sleep with anyone twice.”
You felt your heart pounding in your throat.
“Are you sure?” You asked, your voice kind of airy. Geumseong hummed a confirmation.
“How could I forget?” She asked. You sat there trying to figure out what exactly you were going to say back, but just then the door to Jeonghan’s room opened and Jeonghan appeared. To his credit, he look surprised.
“Okay, well, that was all I needed to ask. Thanks,” you said into your phone. “We should get together sometime.”
“We should!” Geumseong agreed. “I’ll call you later this week.”
The line between you and Geumseong disconnected and you dropped your phone to your lap. Jeonghan raised an eyebrow at you.
“So, you want to talk?”
“Let’s say I believe that you’ve liked me since freshmen year.” You did. Geumseong was practically undeniable proof. "Why did you never approach me?"
"Y/n, you’re too good for me.”
You blinked.
Jeonghan turned away from you to get changed into pajama pants.
“I’ve never settled for anyone in my life,” Jeonghan replied. He turned around when he was dressed. “I just knew I was going to end up breaking your heart.”
Your eyebrows furrowed even further.
“So then why did you…?”
“Ever fuck with you?” Jeonghan finished. He closed the distance between you two and for a second you thought he was going to kiss you. Instead, he brushed past you, sitting on his side of the bed. “I’m selfish. You were right in front of me, and you wanted me. I honestly thought that maybe fucking with you would get you out of my system.”
Jeonghan laughed.
“I’m stupid,” he concluded. “You just became that much more irresistible to me.” He seemed to think for a few moments. “Did you ever wonder why I decided to retire to my room that night at the party?”
You thought about it for a moment.
“No,” you replied, but now that he brought it up, it was a bit odd.
“I was so angry that Jun introduced you to Chan. Would he have been good to you? Undoubtedly. But I wanted you. I couldn’t stop thinking about you two and looking over at you talking. Then you disappeared and I thought you were in Chan’s room…”
Jeonghan didn’t have to go on.
“Okay, so then why lie to me about being with other girls?” You pressed. Jeonghan sighed.
“I don’t know what it is about you, but you drive me crazy. I think about you all the time. Seeing you with other men when I want you is absolutely infuriating but you?” Jeonghan laughed airily. “It drove me crazy that you kept saying you didn’t care if I slept with other people. I needed you to be obsessed with me the way I was obsessed with you. So I lied.”
You glanced over at Jeonghan to find that this whole time he had been talking he had been staring at you. When your eyes met he looked away from you.
“And I kept lying because I thought that maybe the longer it went on, the further it got, then you would start to feel the same way I do,” Jeonghan stated. “But I think that I just ended up emotionally detaching you more.”
You didn’t respond because again you were at a loss for words. You didn’t think anyone had ever liked you as much as Jeonghan was making it seem like he did. Building off of that you had never thought anyone would ever like you as much as Jeonghan was claiming to.
And yet, here you were.
Jeonghan seemed to sense your internal struggle.
“You should sleep,” Jeonghan said softly. “Do you want me to sleep on the floor?”
It seemed Jeonghan just couldn’t stop surprising you.
“What? No. It’s your room, your bed-”
Jeonghan raised his hands in the air.
“Just want to give you space if you want it. Go to sleep then, okay?”
You didn’t think that you could fall asleep after this conversation with Jeonghan, but regardless you nodded.
“Right.” You laid down in his bed, taking note of the fact that he was pressed as far on his side of the bed as he could get. “Good night.”
“Good night,” he echoed.
But you couldn’t sleep. Minutes turned into hours and Jeonghan’s breath evened to the point where you knew that he was asleep. You propped yourself up on your elbows and looked over at his sleeping body. You thought carefully over his confession, running his words on repeat through your head.
Fuck, why was this so confusing?
He was in love with you. Well, he hadn’t said it in those exact words but you could feel it anyways. Looking back he had been fairly obvious about it. Every time he was with you, every time he held you, every time he kissed you he did it all as if it would be the last time he ever got to.
You knew how you should feel in this situation. You should feel relieved, and excited but your brain just refused to accept what Jeonghan was telling you as the truth.
It wasn’t because he had lied to you about sleeping with other people, even though you had made a big deal about it. You made a big deal about it because it didn’t make sense. Now you knew why he did it. Now it made sense. Even if it felt unreal.
Your lips pressed together as you watched Jeonghan. You kept having this feeling like everything was super complicated when in reality it wasn’t.
Jeonghan loved you.
Did you love him?
Part Seven: One Call Away
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pegasusdrawnchariots · 5 months
Odysseus' reintegration into the world bound by mortal limitations foregrounds both his age and the distance he has traveled. The shipwrecked sailor who manages to crawl ashore naked on Scheria, bereft of companions, possessions, any token of identity — of all but the bare ember of vitality (cf. 5.488-90 — a lonely spark in a pile of ashes) — meets the young Nausikaa, whose life (like that of Telemachus) is just opening to the possibilities before her. The scene in which Odysseus, awakened by sounds that evoke in him fears of hostile men, faces instead a group of teenage girls playing ball, is both comic and poignant as it measures the difference between their expectations and stages of experience. Later, as he is challenged to compete in an athletic contest, Odysseus acknowledges the toll that age and journeying inevitably take. This is not, then, the epic of the beautiful death (one way to read the Iliad (e.g., see Vernant 1991: 50-74)) but the epic of timeworn, embraceable life.
John Miles Foley, A Companion to Ancient Epic, 2005.
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danothan · 1 year
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Just reading some comics and saw a panel I thought you might like. :)
ah fuck, characters reminiscing always get to me ;__;
but i will never ever get over that fond way these two talk to and abt each other. especially when they’re poking fun, you can just hear the love in their voice it’s SICK.
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the halbarry love language is annoying each other, but even more than that, it’s being each other’s exceptions
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isbergillustration · 8 months
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Some character doodles from three of the different stories I'm writing as procrastination from actually writing much.
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communistkenobi · 1 year
another very silly writing rule I remember from high school english class was the idea that you should not repeat yourself in essays. books and essays that restate their main argument each time they present new evidence has always been very effective for my own learning, especially when the topic is complicated. the “no repeats” rule makes sense when it’s used to discourage students from trying to beef up word count and encourage students to properly synthesise their own arguments, but it was never explained to me in those terms, it was all just these writing axioms you had to follow to produce a “good” piece of writing
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inklessletter · 1 year
I read last night the first chapter of Prism by @thorniest-rose and @azrielgreen and I am in absolute need of a tumblr group chat because I need to talk to both of them about it so bad asdfasdf
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thingsseenandheard · 3 months
New Cazador meta that I've been cooking for a few days now: Cazador and poetry!
This is once again going to relate to my apparent thesis of Cazador's identity problems but I'm coming at it from a slightly different angle this time. My prior mad ravings have been about Cazador's concept of who he is as a person, this is going to be about anonymity.
I think it's fair to assume that someone with no concrete concept of who they are as a person might struggle to identify and come to terms with their more difficult emotions. And I've talked before about Cazador's response to this sort of thing being to separate it from himself as much as possible - separating his past self from his current self, for example, is a big one. So it follows that to handle difficult emotions (i.e. anything that makes him feel weak or inadequate in some way. Fear, frustration, despair, that sort of thing) he would try to separate them from himself. It's easier to get perspective, and to walk himself through them that way.
I think poetry is how he does that. It offers him anonymity - I mean to say, he is not required to identify himself with the emotions he's writing about. It allows him to express these things in a way that still keeps them at arm's length. It's also helpful because in order to write, Cazador doesn't need to identify himself either. I don't mean as an author by signing the poem, I mean he doesn't need to try to figure out who he is before he can go to the next step of handling difficult emotions.
And it's because of the anonymity of it - he doesn't have to be Lord Szarr in a little poem - I think this is one of the few, and perhaps the only way that he can identify himself to himself in any meaningful way. He can write all of it down, get it out of his system, and then look back at it and it's like looking in a mirror. Obviously, because he wrote it. But I think he's not used to that sensation. He's not used to recognizing himself in general, so when he does, it catches him off guard. I think it forces him to recognize that he doesn't really know who he is.
Basically I think it allows him to both express himself without the requirement of personal identity, and to sort of lay out his personal identity while still keeping it separate from his cultivated persona. The parts of himself he thought long dead and buried rise from their graves long enough for him to write about them, and I think poetry is maybe the one thing that really unites all of the different versions of Cazador that he's split himself in to.
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wormmpile · 2 months
Sometimes I see someone say something about a piece of media as if it is revelatory mind blowing hot off the press news, and not the most basic obvious point of the work or the most basic obvious allusion, and it makes me roll my eyes a little because I'm like yeah yeah the time knife we've all seen it, and then I have to like physically step in and shake myself and be like actually Susan we have Not all seen the time knife, and anyway someone else is enjoying the wonders of media analysis as a hobby for maybe like. The first time in their life if they're young enough. Don't be a bozo just because you think you're smart. Nerd. Fuckass. If you were a high school english teacher you'd be pissing yourself in joy rn because someone connected the dots. That's so cool that they did that. And I go about my day because I'm normal
#i also do this with history stuff but somehow less... even though it's my actual academic field which i am trained in#i think bc i always felt out of my depth in my history program and the only reason i was ever any good at it#is because im innately just good at understanding media#like all my history work was secretly just an excuse for me to do literary and rhetorical analyses of very niche real world paraphernalia#if i got my grad degree in something completely fucking useless it would be either rhetoric or comparative literature#but sometimes people do say base historical facts that are just fundamentally incorrect and sometimes conspiratorial garbage#and it does make me want to die#anyway this is about someone in a youtube video arguing that flowers in the attic by vc andrews is a gothic horror novel#babe that's.... that is in fact the genre of that novel#0 note post#im aware it is an insanely cocky ridiculous thing to say that im innately good at understanding media but the thing is#im right#i dont have to study it the media just tells me things it whispers them in my ears sensually and i nod and take notes#i see the patterns constantly it's pretty scary#i told my friend recently about my secret plan to one day write a novel length thesis on why house of leaves and moby dick are the same#type novel and they were like saturn your brain is so big and well it is because tell me im wrong. you cant#the whale is literally a house#i think i could make it a whole thing about Haunting as a physical presence within the narrative and expand it beyond those 2 books if i was#ambitious enough. because good ghost stories and stories of the dead are all warped at their foundations#they were broken before they ever came to you by the weight of all the death inside them#this is my poetic justification for why moby dick is unnecessarily long btw. the chapter where ishmael lists white things actually was#necessary because well it's about grief. can't forgive the bad whale facts though#i mean for the time maybe but there is no justification for them they're just extremely funny
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ahh just solved a puzzle I've been rotating around in my mind for a while now.... the North American social model of disability is a different beast from the British model.... and Australia appears to use a blended form.... cool cool cool
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mummer · 2 years
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hundreds..... HUNDREDS...... why did i only just now notice the Hundreds of it all... grrm release the abelon tapes NOW. this is so painful to just sprinkle in there bc you know gyladyn is hiding some bullshit because how does the chad abelon have in depth material about the lives of hundreds of different minor female nobles and the virgin gyldayn is like “lemme go on a ten page tangent about the hungness of the guy who impregnated 14 year old coryanne wylde instead of saying something interesting ever” shut UUUUPPPPP
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kevinsdsy · 3 months
so i've been working all day on my thesis and one thing about me is i can't do uni related work unless i'm listening to music (or watching a film/series) but anyways not allowed by tv girl just came on shuffle and i lowkey wanna write an au where kevin and jeremy are make out buddies, but kevin is closeted and jeremy is out and they both struggle with this but it'd be an alternative universe with exy involved, maybe even them being rivals idk ?? but maybe less canon-based because i have absolutely no idea how i could ever write it when i keep canon events in mind :(
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plutorine · 10 months
how i look like writing my thesis:
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sintanic · 2 months
Number #1 thing you should do when working on a (new) story is to create a Pinterest board!!!
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innocet · 11 months
what's up with "human nature"?
I mean the first thing you need to understand is that interpretation is generative, right
So by watching doctor who you are inherently Creating doctor who because you are creating an idea of it in your head and stringing together continuity in a way that is slightly different to everyone else who has done it. Your dr who is not my dr who, okay.
The doctor who that Paul Cornell was a fan of as a teenager and young adult was a doctor who in which the doctor Cannot fall in love due to the fact that he’s not human. Human Nature (the 1994 novel) was his answer to the question “what would need to happen in order for the doctor to fall in love?” In Paul Cornell’s mid-90’s reading of the show thus far, the only circumstance under which the doctor could be a sexual or romantic being was if he were to become human.
The thing is that this reading conflicts with the reading that Russell T. Davies canonized in the first two seasons of nuwho. RTD’s doctor IS a romantic entity; he can and does fall in love as a time lord. So the 2007 episodes “Human Nature” and “Family of Blood” are responding to a version of the doctor who no longer exists. To a viewer of the modern show, the question these episodes is asking is “what would it mean for the doctor to be human?” Which has a very different answer, but the plot isn’t portrayed all that differently from how it is in the book, which creates an implication that being human means being racist. The episode’s commentary becomes about MARTHA, not the doctor, because it seems to imply that this deeply romantic man can fall in love with many people as long as they aren’t Martha (as long as they aren’t a black woman). It’s weird as fuck.
Also, I’m just generally more fond of the book - I think a romance between two middle aged people who haven’t been in love in a long time is far more interesting than a love triangle between the 10th doctor, another ambiguously young blonde woman, and Martha. We’ve been here before!!! We’ve seen 10 be a dashing young man falling in love!!! There’s a version of these episodes that focuses much more on themes of War as a central aspect of human nature and I think with what nuwho had been doing to that point leaning more into the fact that this takes place on the eve of WWI would have been much stronger thematically. There’s a whole section in the book where John Smith lectures his students on the horrors of war and it’s so BAFFLING to me that it isn’t in the episode. Sir you are The Time War Man.
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