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seekforwarmth 8 months ago
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Niall tipping his cowboy hat in Austin (03/08)
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srldesigns6277 8 months ago
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July 23rd, 2010 - July 23rd, 2024 Happy Fourteen Years ONE DIRECTION!! From the group's formation - first performance visuals - latest performances Group's formation - OTRA Hong Kong - Final X Factor Hug
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savebylou 6 months ago
Apolagies in advance for all the photos of Niall with the mexican flag that I will share in the @theshowliveontour . Probably a lot of you don't care about it, but I found a few of them and I love every single photo that exists of Niall holding the flag. Is a celebration and a goodbye of Niall in my country. I'm going to miss him seeing him in my country and being happy with the mexican crowd.
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dailyniallnews 1 year ago
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niallhoran: 2 DAYS #TheShowLiveOnTour
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apureniallsource 8 months ago
niallhoran: Ari made me a cake for my birthday so I had to return the favour 馃嵃 #TheShowLiveOnTour
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theshowliveontour 8 months ago
niallhoran: Ari made me a cake for my birthday so I had to return the favour 馃嵃聽#TheShowLiveOnTour
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sunkissedlouis 6 months ago
I took a long break on tumblr but I'm back who are the harry/louis/niall/1d accounts i should be following?
heyyy anon! welcome back to tumblr! 馃挆
for harry updates: @stylesnews @stylesarchive @styles-edits @thestylesindependent @mr-styles
for louis updates: @dailytomlinson @tomlinsonsource @louisupdates @tomlinsonedits
for louis&harry updates: @hldailyupdate @hlupdate
for niall updates: @apureniallsource @dailyniallnews @theshowliveontour
for 1d content: @1dsquad @1dsource
here are some lovely people on my dash that post a mix of the above (mostly louis&harry): @bilouistomlinson @thechavier @medicinelarrie @defences-down @whatifai @statementlou @theirloveisgross @dreamings-free @goldcrumble @louisarmpits @louisgrayhairs @28cum @28goldens @braverytattoos @quickpauseinconversations @creulsummer @haztobegood @himynameiszayn @rockstarbflouis @louisandtheaquarian @sunshineandlyrics @sunflowervoltwentyeight @sthabit @letmeadorelouis @allwaswell16 @holduwheremyheartis @justthinkingaboutlouis @punkpillowprincess @cherrygarden @tommos @timetohealit @harryisthelilspoon @harryisamilf @faithinthefuture-louis
i want to include more but tumblr limits mentions up to 50 only 馃槶 sorry if i wasn鈥檛 able to include my other mutuals!
but anon, the ones i reblog from, i highly recommend them as well. you can check them out if you want 馃ズ
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eroticbellybloatfan 5 months ago
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hl-obsessed 10 months ago
blog rec for @forwhatiam! (also great url!)
they are new in the fandom and looking for active blogs so i guess you can also reblog with your recommendations if you have more 馃挄
@savebylou @theeliampayne @thechavier @louisarmpits @rachelchinouriris @srldesigns6277 @yourslarry @shinylights @bidamonalbarn @whoreforlarrystuff @harryisthelilspoon @larry-hiatus @lululawrence @medicinelarrie @justthinkingaboutlouis
from the update accounts: @hldailyupdate @louisupdates @dailytomlinson @tomlinsonsource @keepingupwithzaynmalik @zaynjmsource @liam-93-productions @liamnews @apureniallsource @theshowliveontour
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makeupinthedrawer 7 months ago
no blog works harder than @theshowliveontour and we must love them for that!!!!馃挀馃挒馃挐馃挄馃挅馃挅馃挐馃挄馃挀馃挆馃挆馃挒馃挐馃挊馃挅馃挄馃挄馃挒馃挒馃挄馃挊馃挅
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hellolovers13 1 year ago
I love all your tour Niall content馃馃徏 On that note - do you have some recommendations who to follow if I want to see more of Niall on my dash? My dash is mostly dead as it is lol but those who are active don鈥檛 really post about Niall, mostly just HL. So I鈥檇 love to follow some new people.
sorry I'm answering so late.
Thank you so much, I'm really glad.
To be honest, I don't have many accounts to rec here. My dash is mostly HL, and honestly in the last few months I haven't been very active in this fandom either. @nouies makes lovely Niall gifs
I just started following this UA @theshowliveontour
(I am so sorry, I know I follow more Niall centric blogs, but I am the worst at remembering馃槶)
Maybe we can use this ask to find some blogs to follow together, so if you post a lot about Niall, interact with this so Anon and I can find you
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seekforwarmth 10 months ago
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Niall reading a fan鈥檚聽exam results at Singapore鈥檚 show聽 (09/05)
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srldesigns6277 3 months ago
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Niall's recap of The Show: Live on Tour 2024
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savebylou 7 months ago
No one works harder except you rely on other update accounts (hence your tag rants about them not crediting the owner). So kudos to the other updates accounts and a thank you for you to bring their job to tumblr I guess.
Bold of you to assume that I only check update accounts anon. Let me tell you a little secret of what Ingrid and I do to make the blog happened:
We check the hashtag of each show on twitter, because the fans that go to the show usually post and use the hashtag so is easy to find content and make fast the updates.
We follow some fans that usually go to different shows and share content but don't use the hashtag.
We follow photographers because sometimes they go to the shows.
We check constantly on Instagram fans that post about the show to see what photos and videos we can share.
We check on tiktok with different hashtags to find content from each show because not everyone tags the same.
When I talk about not tagging the source is because it appears the content with the hashtag of the specific show on twitter, I'm not refreshing the update accounts for new content, I'm refreshing the hashtag of the show and I see sometimes some accounts on twitter that take the content but not share the source when is so easy to give credit. But with this I blame the original account that finds the content download it and share it without credit.
If we rely on update accounts for content the blog wouldn't get not even a quarter of the content we have and that is only for show days I'm talking about. I check the update accounts on twitter or ig to get the original source sometimes the day of the show but they are not my primary way to check content is the other ways I mention.
We find new content because we are constantly checking different social media plataforms and we are following the hashtags. So you are wrong anon.
You are free to believe what you want to believe anon but you are not gonna minimize the work, heart, time and effort we take to make the blog possible.
I hope you have a nice day.
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dailyniallnews 9 months ago
niallhoran: Here鈥檚 a look behind the scenes of #TheShowLiveOnTour stage. More parts coming soon !
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apureniallsource 8 months ago
niallhoran: Here鈥檚 how the tour fittings work #TheShowLiveOnTour
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