#these were a lot of cats
troutfur · 2 years
If you're still doing geomancy fortunes, I bring Whitekit, a small black tom-kit. Despite his slightly diminutive size for a kit of his age (and parentage) he's rather evenly proportioned. (@stonefall-wc)
You're in luck! Very last SandClan submission. I got no more sitting in my inbox as of now. This is the last geomantic birth chart I'm drawing up for the foreseable future, although I'm open to the idea of doing more eventually.
Now, the chart Featherstorm would've drawn up would look a little bit like this:
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[Image ID: Under the header “What will Whitekit’s life be like? (02/19/2023)” 16 rows of tally marks crossed out two by two until there is only 1 or 2 left uncrossed. To the left, a shield chart at the top with the following geomantic figures: Populus as the first mother, Cauda Draconis as the second mother, Coniunctio as the third mother, Amissio as the fourth mother, Acquisitio as the first daughter, Coniunctio as the second daughter, Caput Draconis as the third daughter, Populus as the fourth daughter, Cauda Draconis as the first niece, Fortuna Minor as the second niece, Fortuna Maior as the third niece, Caput Draconis as the fourth niece, Albus as the right witness, Rubeus as the left witness, Coniunctio as the judge, and Coniunctio as the sentence. Below the shield chart, an astrological house chart with the first twelve geomantic figures above mentioned assigned to houses 1 to 12 in the order mentioned above. /end ID]
NOW! I was getting a really strong sense of dejavu looking at this chart and I worried that perhaps I had somehow drawn up one of the 65,536 mathematically valid charts twice. But looking at the figures more closely and flipping through my notebook I noticed while not the exact same, this is a very similar chart to the one I drew up for Ocotillostripe. Only four figures here are different: the third and fourth mothers and the third and fourth daughters.
In an effort to give y'all an interesting interpretation I'm deliberately not consulting what I wrote for Ocotillostripe, BUT. It is a very similar chart and naturally there will be overlap.
So, without further ado!
The sentence and judge figures are both Coniunctio, connections and communication. So, we've got a cat who is very straightforward. Communicative and social are his main character traits. When we look at the right witness, Albus, wisdom and experience, and the right witness, Rubeus, anger and uncontrolled aggression, we get the sense the way it became like this is due to how he is able to be a cool head in the face of heightened emotions.So, a mediating influence in SandClan. Our cats tend to fall into either this archetype or the hyperaggressive type to be honest and a polarization of influences like that sounds like... an interesting writing challenge of a community to write.
Now going down the houses of the house chart we have:
Populus, stillness, in the first house! A cat that is not inclined to do much. A background character, crowd filler kind of dude. Not the worst role to play, a Clan does need some members that are there to fill the ranks and he might just yet have interesting quirks or a backstory the fans could flesh out so let's keep going...
Cauda Draconis, endings and foregone conclusions, in the second house! Damn this one's hard. You all know that I am notorious for having a proble interpreting this house specifically, as the cats have no material posessions, but I've sometimes used it to indicate something about food or hunting prowess. Unfortunately I have no clue here how that connects. Perhaps... he's just kind of average? IDK.
Coiunctio again in the third house, representing close platonic and particularly familial bonds! I like the idea that he'd be close-knit with his littermates. Sibling relationships are just in general appealing to me so yeah I'm taking the opportunity here. And particularly because...
Amissio, loss, in the fourth house! Orphans are a classic and also a common feature around SandClan. Wonder if it would be warranted to bunch up a lot of them and have them lose them in bulk to a particularly bloody war. Aggressive factions and harsh seasons are already a reocurring theme in the charts. Hmmmm.
Acquisitio, gain, in the fifth house! This contrasts pretty directly with the previous house, presaging bountiful legacy. I'm thinking we have enough prolific parents, we'll let him be a mentor figure.
Coniunctio int he sixth house! I do remember what I did for Ocotillostripe when this one showed up! I gave him a congenital cataract to have him bond with an elder over going over a similar experience to a condition due to aging at a young age. I like that idea so let's give White something similar! I'm thinking hip dysplasia so he can relate to an elder with arthritis. You described him as small despite his parentage so I'm thinking that while as a kit he may not feel the health complications of it but as he comes into his adult size and bulks up his size is going to make the condition worsen.
Caput Draconis, new beginnings and endless potential, in the seventh house! Dude must be quite handsome and lucky in love, he can get whoever he wants. I'm not thinking he'd be the kind to want a family though, I already did commit to him being plentiful in legacy through mentoring so let's go with that.
Populus in the eight house! Nothing terribly interesting on the matter of death and dying. Good, if this is going to be a mostly background dude he better not have anything too dramatic in that department.
Cauda Draconis in the ninth house! Foregone conclusions in the place of journeys. With what we've discussed I can only feel like this is just telling us he's doomed to remain background.
Fortuna Minor, dependent or short lived success, in the tenth house! I also remember what I did for Ocotillostripe in this one and once again I like the idea of it for here. In the house of authority this suggests the idea of someone whose main accomplishment is just the status that comes with age. So, yep!
Fortuna Maior, independent or long lasting success, in the eleventh house! For a cat that is good at forging connections and facing hot heads with a cool one this makes sense he'd succeed in making friends and such. Very much one way to interpret it I feel.
And finally Caput Draconis in the twelfth house! Endless potential in the house of antagonism and enemies. I feel like this could indicate that were he to seriously pursue using his connections to elevate his standing he would face enormous opposition. Good for him he doesn't really I suppose!
And for our final round of putting it all together!
Whitekit's immediate future involves a tragedy, loss of parents, possibly to an incident that involves most of SandClan. However, he won't be too turn up about it, having basically never known them. It will however, result in him growing close to his littermates. Though he won't be interested in having a family his legacy will nevertheless be plentiful through being a mentor. He will grow into a size more like the parents he never knew, but unfortunately, this will bring with it the complication of hip dysplasia, giving him a taste of aging very young and prompting him to bond with the elders. Nevertheless, he will still be pretty active in the social life, and particularly dating, of the Clan even if his condition will have him withdraw from taking part in many duties. As he ages for real he will begin to reap the benefits coming from age and be regarded as a great friend by many. Were he more ambitious he would've made many an enemy, but he always preferred to keep a low profile.
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lesbianambermoon · 5 months
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what if warriors had on-page illustrations?
excerpts taken from skyclan's destiny, squirrelflight's hope, crookedstar's promise, and moth flight's vision
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somnimagus · 10 months
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My page for @sheikahzine; about Impaz's duty to her village, empty of people and full of memories.
[id in alt text]
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bogcreacher · 8 months
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maibel-mai · 4 months
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This was originally going to be for LeshyCatPril but I ran out of days and so I modified it a bit. (Sorry if something is not understood, I don't know much English, but I did the best I could).
In my game I didn't know what to name my yellow cat for a long time, it was only after Leshy joined the cult that I came up with the name Blossom, and Leshy being the one to name him was my friend's idea, like When you adopt a cat, you give it a name and you become its owner.
or that's what Leshy thinks
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hellenhighwater · 3 months
I have a maybe silly question, but uh. How do I become a more interesting person? I have a horrible habit of staying home and not going out and doing things. How do I not do that? This feels very goofy as a thing to ask, but you appear to have an interesting life, therefore making you a reliable source. Do with this what you will, and please say hi to your creatures! Here is my mischief goblin Jammer for your troubles:
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It may seem backwards, but...don't try to be interesting, try to be interested.
Find things you find engaging, and then find ways to pursue them. It's best if you can find some kind of group or community that also does the thing you want to try--if you're struggling to find things you like, then just start trying things local to you. You've probably got a local birdwatching group, or a sewing circle, or a community theater, or a historical society, or a comic shop that does game nights, or a group of regulars volunteering at an animal shelter, or stained glass classes, or a makerspace, or any number of little communities that are out there. Try them! The first meeting will be the worst. And if you hate it, you don't have to keep at it, and trying will give you a fun story. Sooner or later you will land on something you like and then...keep turning up.
And if you're not finding things local and in person, then just take up whatever strikes your fancy at home. If you could be incredible at any three hobbies, what would they be? What's stopping you from starting those hobbies? You're going to fail at them when you start but you're already failing at them now by not starting, so what do you have to lose?
Here's the thing: nobody wants to talk with someone who's just singing their own victories. The best stories are the ones where we tried something new and different and silly and strange and maybe messed it up, but had fun. And the best stories are shared--ask other people about the things they're into, be interested and engaged and maybe see if they're open to teaching you a little, if their interests seem fun to you. It's not about being interesting, it's about sharing passion.
So find the things you're passionate about, and keep at them even after you've failed, and the rest will follow.
And pet your cat, he's doing his job so well!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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A collection of Poorly Drawn Cats
(Part 2)
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martyryo · 6 months
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Need to draw them being stupid at least once a month
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luminarai · 5 months
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Attempting to get the beast used to a dental hygiene routine is… well, it’s going.
(She stayed that way for a solid 8 seconds despite hating being held belly up so I think it’s safe to say that Mim is not beating the ‘tiny speaker playing elevator music instead of a brain’ allegations any time soon.)
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cubbihue · 5 days
Hey if Hazel, Dev, and the gang play DnD, what do you think they would play as.... and how who would be the fortunate(or unfortunate) DM?
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When I was 10, my older brother would play massive D&D campaigns in the living room. He tried teaching me the mechanics but it was too much and too boring for my small brain. Instead, I was far more fascinated with things like Warrior Cats.
Apparently Warrior Cats has a d&d game though. So. The kids would all play that instead!
Dev would eventually be roped into joining. Mainly because when you're sitting with a table of kids doing storytelling, you end up getting very invested, and very frustrated when they make the very wrong choices!!!
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morganbritton132 · 2 years
Eddie to his Tiktok following: Hey guys, it’s currently eight AM on a Saturday and we just got back from the grocery store because Stevie here needs to make a pie for our neighbor and sworn enemy, Diane.
Steve: You don’t understand because you didn’t grow up in an upper middle class neighborhood, Eddie. This is warfare. She brought us cookies.
Eddie, sarcastically: Wow, thank god I grew up in a trailer park where I never got hate-crimed like this.
Steve: She’s saying that we suck
Eddie: Or, and consider this, she was just being nice? Maybe she was making cookies and wanted to share.
Steve: They’re oatmeal cookies, Eddie
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naamahdarling · 2 months
I just got INCREDIBLY GOOD NEWS at the cardiologist! Unexpectedly, inexplicably, remarkably good.
"Look at this," he said, and showed me the CAT results from earlier this year, with all the beautiful blood vessels like flawless white brushstrokes. "It's perfect. Your chances of having a heart attack are about as low as they can possibly be. Your heart is incredibly healthy. You're probably going to be the healthiest person I see today."
Considering my dad's heart disease, the strange finding on the CAT, my activity level, and my diet, I was completely shocked, and this is an incredible relief. I can't even express what a relief it was. Legit started crying while I was in line at Starbucks.
First time I've ever been booted from a practice for being too healthy.
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panoffrying · 5 months
Leshycat please 👉👈
Maybe hurt/comfort? Or fluff?
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I gotchu! This was honestly my first time actually fully drawing Leshycat and do definitely expect more in the future because I will be making more art of them soon lol I had a lot of fun with it
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cfffrk · 3 months
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sofiaruelle · 6 months
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It was a little crowded at the fish port. So here’s a little color study of some Mayamaya on display.
They’re actually called Bukaw-bukaw according to my parents lmao. They also said the fish got its name because of the eyes. They’re huge just like an owl’s and in Hiligaynon owls = bukaw. The fish is also a fave of my lolo’s and tita to grill/sugba.
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icewindandboringhorror · 11 months
I know this is just a silly bad quality random screencap of a screencap that I found on facebook lol, BUT it's a succinct enough image to easily describe the concept in a quick/accessible way hopefully :
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(and of course, feel free to elaborate in tags, etc.! (especially elaborating about other senses as well.. can you "hear" in your mind just as well as you can "see"? taste? etc.) It's an interesting topic to me, as someone who's like a 4.5 at MOST lol. I'm curious what option will be the most common :0c )
#tumblr polls#hrmm... a little poll perhaps.. about a subject I find interesting.. since this image came across my facebook today#still really not feeling that well. no longer shaking violently and such but I still feel weird and weak much more than usual#They did say my markers for like infection or inflammation were elevated but that they werent sure of the cause so hopefully#it's nothing too serious. they did also say a lot of different things can cause that thing to be higher than normal but didn't go into spec#fics of what. maybe some of them are relatively benign or something. I still havent felt much back to normal since#I got really sick that one time though. I feel fine on and off but then little bouts of feeling weird and sick happen. hrmmm#ANYWAY.. looking for small ways to be productive. such as little doodles on evil ipad or editing game videos#or posting polls or cat pictures or some other like not very labor intensive things#I WISH I COULD FOCUS on writing HHRGGhh... I need to finish my game.. it would be so freeing.. a project that's been looming#over my head for like 5 years even though througouht that 5yrs I've probably spent a total of 3 months working on it lo.. ANYWAY#I still partially really cannot beleive that people CAN see stuff in their heads. There's always part of me that's thinking like. well mayb#e everyone DOES see the same exact thing but we just describe/conceptualize it so differently that we think we're talking about#different things when we're really not. But I have been assured by people I've talked to about it that they can GENUINELY really see#stuff in their heads like as vivid as an actual picture in real life or something. And the other senses are neat too. Like for exmaple I#can hear in my head much better than I can see imagery. I still CANNOT hear vividly like as if I were listening to actual music out loud..#but I think it's developed more than my sight. AND interesting how this varies the creative process. a friend I was talking to on the phone#said they write by literally just watching stuff play before them like a movie. where my process is COMPLETELY different. AND that affects#the content/what details we focus on as well as our individual styles of writing have differences that can be traced back to that.. hrmm
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