#these two still choose to be open and honest and CHOOSE to be soulmates
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happy early juke jeudi 💃🏻👏🏻
i know i’ve made this post before but i love how in dance class, the first time julie rehearses with nick, she trips and falls into him- and it only lasts a millisecond (an awkward millisecond) and then she immediately pulls herself away and takes a couple steps back
vs whenever she’s with luke and can physically touch him (in her daydream and irl at the end) she’s the one who willingly jumps into his arms, willingly goes to him and stays there
and if that doesn’t say much idk what does
#juke#love to see it#jatp#but yeah nick is like#the childish first crush u have in school - something almost unattainable purely cause once u actually get close to said crush u realise its#not it#vs luke who is the best friend who so easily slips into your life and then suddenly realise HES what a real crush is- which is ironic cause#in reality he’s the person who is unattainable (cause of yknow. death)#AND YET AND YETTT!!#these two still choose to be open and honest and CHOOSE to be soulmates#amazing beautiful incredible#happy juke jeudi!#or as i sometimes like to call it#happy lulie lundi!#lmao
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𝔭𝔦𝔠𝔨 𝔞 𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔡: 𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔞𝔟𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔣𝔰
(this is for my female audience interested in men)
˜”°•.˜”°• Who are they?
What do they have to say to you?
What are their intentions towards you? •°”˜.•°”
We'll see what their energy (and the cards) say
Try to meditate on the piles beforehand and choose the one which calls you the most. If you don't feel drawn to any of them, close your eyes, take a deep breath and open your eyes. The pile you notice first is your pile!! If you feel drawn to two piles, i'd suggest choosing the one you're most drawn to, as the messages tend to be similar in nature.
𝔭𝔦𝔩𝔢 1 𝔭𝔦𝔩𝔢 2

𝔭𝔦𝔩𝔢 3 𝔭𝔦𝔩𝔢 4
Signs this might be for you:
444 is significant to you
you have a flowy red dress that you love wearing and it looks great on you (i see you turning around happily in that dress)
Who is your fs?
the hermit, temperance, page of cups rx, page of wands rx, five of swords, king of cups
Greetings, pile 1! For starters, i see that your fs is someone that you’ve already been in a romantic connection with. Your fs is someone who is more introverted or a loner at heart. He usually takes a lot of time for himself to balance his emotions out in his day-to-day life. He can be rather emotionally immature at times, not admitting his feelings for his love interests due to poor communication skills. I feel like he’s not the type to take risks. He wishes to be like everyone else, instead of standing out from the crowd. Your fs is a guy who doesn’t engage in conflicts much. Whenever he gets into conflict with someone, he tends to leave the situation to meditate upon it instead of lashing out. What I see coming for him is the fact that soon enough, he’ll be in his king of cups energy, because he took the time to get to know himself and seek answers to his problems. He’ll become an emotionally mature man, who can be honest about his feelings and support you emotionally when you need him.
His message for you
tower rx, four of cups, justice rx
“I��m sorry (i felt a lump in my throat right after that). Justice wasn’t done in our connection and it’s all my fault. I did you wrong big time and I don’t expect you to even forgive me, let alone take me back. I was a fool in the past when I denied your offer. I pursued other options over you (i don’t feel like this is a third party situation, just casual dating). Now I realized that having a lot of options won’t bring me emotional fulfillment and happiness if they’re not you. Our break-up was a traumatic experience for me and I did everything I could to numb my feelings and forget about you.”
His intentions towards you
death rx, ten of swords rx
Dear pile 1, I’m sorry to break it to you, but for now, your fs wants to heal from the connection. He feels like there are some demons from your past connection that still follow him and he wants to stop them from inflicting more pain on him. He wants to let go of the past and move on with his life. Considering he’s going to be your fs, the story isn’t probably over yet, i think?. Knight of cups rx is at the bottom of the deck, he feels like he can’t make a love offer rn. Under this there’s the queen of cups, omg he sees you as his soulmate. He deff still loves you, but is too heartbroken over the past. Give him time, pile 1. It’s just not the right time for the two of you to be together now.
likes reading a lot
also likes ducks (and other feathered animals)
zodiac placements: virgo sun, water signs (cancer, scorpio, pisces) in big 6
Signs this might be for you:
33 is relevant to you
you have sneezed recently or you sneeze a lot
Who is your fs?
three of pentacles rx, three of wands, king of swords rx, seven of wands, ace of wands horizontal (yes, i take horizontals as advice cards), eight of swords, the world (bottom of the deck)
Hello pile 2, hope you’re having a great day! Your fs is someone who’s independent – he prefers to work alone than in groups or in collaboration with another person. He’s likely an adventurous type who travels a lot for work, but also in his free time. When he travels for fun, he likes to explore the natural wonders of our planet: hiking in the woods, tasting the freshness of the water streams around him. On the downside, he can be rather arrogant with his words, feeling like he’s above others intellectually or that people aren’t as honest and truthful like him. He can get a lot of backlash because of this, which makes him feel like he needs to defend for himself most of the time. I see that your fs wants to pursue a new creative endeavor, likely stemming from one of his passions, but he’s afraid. He is advised to take a leap of faith and do it anyway. He won’t know what’s in store for him unless he tries.
You two will probably be in a long distance relationship for a while. He’ll deff open you up to new experiences, getting you out of your comfort zone. Since he’s well travelled, count on him when you two are booking a holiday destination – he tends to know the coolest spots for taking pictures :)
His message for you
sun horizontal, page of pentacles horizontal, three of swords rx, king of cups, four of cups, five of pentacles rx
“Hey baby, it’s okay. The sun isn’t shining today, but that doesn’t mean it won’t shine tomorrow. Tomorrow is a new day. I know you’re afraid to take a new beginning, you’ve been hurt so bad by love and all I want to do is take away your pain. I promise you, I’ll take away your pain one day, okay? Just don’t close yourself off to new possibilities, heck even in love. Don’t wait for me. Live your life, explore other options. See what you like and what you don’t. Just remember, you’re never alone. There are people who will love you for who you truly are, your family loves you (i sense that you might have had a difficult upbringing, a dysfunctional family, especially an absent mother, but your fs doesn’t know that yet). I will. You’re never alone, remember that.”
His intentions towards you
the high priestess rx, wheel of fortune rx, the star, nine of pentacles
Pile 2, your fs is closing himself off from your connection in the higher realm for now. Like pile 1, he feels like now is not the right time for you two to be together – your connection is divinely guided by the Universe and his higher self is guiding him towards some hardships in his personal life to learn valuable lessons, which are needed for your connection. He’s hopeful that you exist and he knows that you will be reunited at some point, but for now, he’s happily single and he wants to focus on maintaining his independence.
rice is very significant (either his origins are from Asia or he strongly loves/hates rice)
zodiac placements: strong sagittarius, especially sagittarius sun/venus, gemini sun (it might be aspected with pluto, i see mostly conjuncting pluto or squaring/opposing pluto), gemini mercury, leo in big 6 (mostly ascendant and mars)
Signs this might be for you:
you have blue eyes (sorry guys, i can’t get any more signs for this one; he’s also telling me that you’ve eaten something specific recently but i can’t see what; i'm hearing mozarella sticks? lmk if it resonates, i'm not sure on this one)
Who is your fs?
five of pentacles rx, the tower rx, the emperor rx, temperance, page of cups rx, eight of wands, the star (bottom of the deck)
Woahh, pile 3. When i was shuffling the cards for this question, a lot of them fell down. Your fs has a lot to tell you about himself!! I think he has been often told to shut up by others. That’s what made him keep to himself a lot, but with you, he wants to tell you everything. Hahaha, now he's got a much calmer energy. Pile 3, your fs is the type of person that has outbursts of anger and he lashes out everything, but after that he’s like a lamb lmao. I see that your fs has been through some deep, dark shit in his past, likely involving his parents. Either his parents divorced at some point and it affected him deeply or his father abandoned him at a very young age. This broke down his world at the time, but i see that he has healed from it. He wished he had a happy childhood, but he just wants peace now and he got it. I felt his energy for a moment where he kept saying “I just want the fights to be over already” and then he kept repeating “over” again and again in a very demanding tone. I’d say his unhappy childhood still haunts him at times (i got death rx on the bottom of the deck when i clarified the first 3 cards), but he does believe in true love. He’s someone who tends to keep his feelings in check and his life in moderation. He can act immature at times, but i feel like he does feel sorry for his actions and tries his best to become a better person.
His message for you
six of swords, nine of pentacles, the well rx (i'm using ethereal visions by matt hughes it's my only deck ;-;), knight of swords
“Be strong. You have walked away from so many storms, that you’ve become this beautiful butterfly on your own. And if you haven’t walked away from those toxic people – do it NOW. I’ve walked away from my parents and friends, was it easy? No, but I’m much better now. You gotta be who you truly are as a person, you’re so fricking valuable. You need to be upfront and direct with people. I’ll teach you if you can’t. Why have you blocked your creative juices? Was it because of pain? Don’t let past hurts hinder your light. You are this beautiful goddess that is above EVERYONE else (i can really feel this feminine energy coming from you). I’ll worship the ground you walk on. Just don’t let them win.”
Pile 3, i feel like some of you are healing from a break-up, but you are already almost fully healed. You’re glowing and your fs adores that.
His intentions towards you
six of cups rx, page of swords rx, king of wands rx, wheel of fortune horizontal (yes, i take horizontals as advice cards)
For some of you, i feel like you already know them. Your fs might have been a childhood friend, a neighbor or a classmate that you used to hang around with when you were kids, just doing fun stuff. I don’t think he was in your life for a long time, you probably lost contact for some reason. I also don’t think you two were romantically involved, but if you did, it was more of an innocent fling.
For others of you, this is someone completely new and the six of cups rx might just point out to his unhappy childhood. He’s been pondering on it lately and feels very sad, maybe even depressed.
Either way, I feel like he’s going to enter your life really soon, but it won’t be at the right time. He’s not someone that is guided by a higher force, his intuition is quite blocked and he tends to act on his impulsive feelings without thinking of the consequences too much.
If you already know him, he might tell you about some harsh truth. Either point out to something you do which isn’t right, so he’s gonna call you out on that or he’ll say something regarding the times when you hung out as kids, which didn’t sit right with him.
If you don’t know him, he’s probably going to show off to you in a very “look at me, I’m better than the other guys” kinda way.
Whether you already know him or you will in the near future, i do feel like he has romantic feelings for you and he feels like he has got a chance to be with you, but like i said, the universe is saying that right now is not the right time for your union. It’s very likely that he’s still in school/college and is very focused on it. He doesn’t know if he should choose to pursue you or his career rn. This last bunch of cards just flew so this has been heavily on his mind. I’d say don’t engage too much with him, this is only the beginning of your love story. It will solve itself out when the timing is right.
bichons/havanese dogs might be significant to your or them
zodiac placements: heavy aries and leo energy (i wouldn’t be surprised if most of his birth chart is filled with fire placements), libra sun or an afflicted sun (with lots of squares and oppositions)
Signs this might be for you:
you had a very hard time picking a pile (yeah, i literally didn’t know if i should make this pile or not)
your fav color is purple
Who is your fs?
three of swords horizontal (yes, i take horizontals as advice cards), the emperor horizontal, three of cups rx, nine of wands rx, knight of wands, six of wands
Pile 4!!! Spirit was telling me to do this reading asap because it’s urgent (and then i got a call lmao). Your fs is likely a very busy guy, getting calls all the time. Damn, I just saw him in a suit. He’s someone influential in his career for sure, probably works in business. Even the cards hardly came out, like he didn’t want to talk because he’s too busy atm. I see that for your fs, career is everything. He is used to declining invitations to social events and parties because he would rather spend his time and attention on making money. He’s very VERY successful in what he does, i see massive recognition here, because he seizes every opportunity to advance in his career and he goes for them!! Sadly, he wasn’t always like this. At times he felt like the competition was too much and that he won’t succed, but in the end he gave his all, despite his feelings. He is advised not to become too bossy with the people around him, even though i feel like he isn’t like that anyway. I also believe that his overfixation on his career comes from a past break-up that he hasn’t processed fully. He is advised to process it and move on, instead of trying to simply forget it by doing something else.
His message for you
The chariot rx, queen of cups, page of pentacles clarified by two of swords, eight of cups clarified by seven of cups, five of pentacles rx clarified by the hermit, five of swords rx clarified by the king of wands
This is more about his ex and what happened to him, I feel like he really needs to vent so be gentle with him pile 4
“I wasn’t ready for her. I wasn’t ready for our relationship, but my feelings for her were so much, I just couldn’t hold them inside of me anymore. At that time I believed this was a new beginning for us, one that we would both (and i emphasize both) build for, something which would have lasted for a long time (i’m hearing everlasting). I felt like something was off from the beginning, but I thought it was only my imagination playing tricks. I wanted to take it slow because I wasn’t sure…oh boy, was I wrong. I had to leave when I found out that she was cheating on me this whole time. I poured my heart to her and she cheated…I don’t want to remember what happened after. It took me a long time to get over it, get over her (i’m hearing sleepless nights). I felt so alone and abandoned, I didn’t want to talk with anyone, I drank myself to sleep. But this experience made me into who I am today. I know I’m strong. I weathered storms no one would have imagined and I came out victorious. But I’m never leaving my heart to anyone else.
I don’t know if you exist…I’m feeling strong now, but what if it’s just a façade? Do you even exist? (death is on the bottom of the deck , under the death card is the queen of wands rx, he really doesn’t feel like you exist). I feel like the world is filled with harsh people, people that only want to benefit from others and I’m not letting others exploit me anymore.”
Pile 4, i honestly feel like he has so much love to give to others, even to you, but i’m not sure if he sees that. He will make a great partner, i can feel this already. Please show him that you will be there for him and that your feelings are genuine. He needs it.
His intentions towards you
four of pentacles, page of wands, ace of cups, seven of swords
Well, he’s deff focusing on his finances rn for sure. I see that there will be a passionate, new beginning in your connection. I don’t think you two have met, i feel like this is a fresh energy. I heard that you will have to make the first step tho. He will open up to you quite fast after that, but he will also feel a bit wary in the beginning. He doesn’t want the past to repeat itself. I see him trying to peek into your phone when you’re texting someone, just to make sure you’re not cheating on him or anything. He does have the tendency to become paranoid, which can get out of hand if not addressed. My advice to you is to have open communication at all cost. I see a lot of love between the two of you. Don’t let it go to waste.
zodiac placements: capricorn in big 3, sun/ascendant conjunct saturn, strong sagittarius and leo in big 6, mars in aries or sagittarius, scorpio energy in big 6 or pluto is significant
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Update Matt Bomer & Jonathan Bailey
Tumblr allows only 10 pictures at the time, that’s why there are none of the last two asks.
*reading is alleged/for entertainment purposes
Fairytale Lenormand:
Ring, letter, birds, fox, lilies, rider
Thoughts: conversations, communication, Written conversations, suspicion about a conversation, communication for selfish means, passionate conversations, conversations about sex, open communication, making promises, contract
The love angels oracle deck: redirect your thoughts, actions speak louder than words, open your eyes, reconciliation, engagement, have faith
situation love deck: coffin, soulmates, teddy bear, paradise
The romance angels oracle cards,: trust, heart to heart conversations, worth waiting for, children, calling your soulmate, stay optimistic about your love life
Love oracle cards island time wellness: seduction, the dragonfly, the golden mirror, the snake, ascending
the hermit tarot: now is not the time, there is someone else, I never imagined perfection, I have so much desire for you, you make my heart full, maybe
They seem to be a lot in contact, texting, ringing, being open and vulnerable with each other. I think Matt's not too careful at the moment, so his husband may suspect something is the matter.
They seem very committed to each other, both of them feel like they have never felt anything like this before. It's difficult for Matt, but he knows his marriage no longer exists. He feels like it has run it course and he wants out. He hesitates because of his family, especially because of his children. But he's very unhappy. He feels like a snake (sneaky) talking to Jonathan sneakily. But he doesn't want to stop.
Everything with Jonathan feels right. Again, I pulled soulmates, twice with different decks. they are willing to wait for each other, Jonathan especially gives Matt space and time to come to terms with his conflicting feelings.
So, summarizing, they still have very strong feelings, are actually in a lot of contact with each other. Matt feels conflicted still, but knows he has to make a decision. They will have a wonderful relationship when Matt comes to terms with his situation and walks away.
Are they emotionally and physically compatible? A: 6 of wands, ace of swords, five of swords reversed. Wellness oracle: separation, passion. Yes they are, they would have a very good and peaceful yet a passionate relationship. It's just complicated by the circumstances of Matt not being a free man.
Are they sexually attracted to each other? Will they end up together in a relationship? A: Yes, they are. I have pulled for their sexual attraction in this reading. They will end up together when they figure everything out and Matt is honest with his husband.
Are they in love? A: Abundance, blowing kiss, five of cups reversed. Yes, they are very much. But for Matt there are still a lot of obstacles and fear of leaving something familiar. Also grief of letting it go.
Does Matt's husband know? A: seduction, shock, the butterfly, self-indulgence, coffee cup. I think he suspects something. Matt's distracted and stand-offish. His husband tries to be nice, but Matt feels trapped.
Is Jonathan dating or sleeping with anyone? A: the star reversed, 3 of swords reversed, 8 of cups. Not at the moment, no. He's really in love, hoping they'll work it out. Trying to have faith Matt will choose him and leave his bad relationship behind.
How long will Jonathan wait for Matt? A: I pulled a time card, but as ever: don't put to much faith in it, energy changes all the time. So, it's hard to predict. Temperance, justice: As long as he and Matt are in a good place, he will have hope. He knows Matt just needs some time.
What kind of connection and love do Matt and Jonathan have? A: They are soulmates. I have pulled a soulmate card in every reading I did for them. Twice, this time. They have never felt anything like this before.
Will they act together again onscreen in another project? A: two of cups, the tower reversed, the hierophant reversed. They would love to and in future they might. Or come together in a different project, not necessarily acting together. Could also be something close to their heart, like a charity.
Will Jonathan win an Emmy for Fellow Travelers in this coming September? A: 6 of wands, 5 of wands. 6 of wands indicates triumph, 5 of wands competition. So, it's unclear. I can check again closer to the date, but you'll have to remind me.

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While I'm choosing violence, here's another hot take I see a lot...
-> Teruhashi isn't evil for having a crush on Saiki and pursuing him.
✓ Correct. She has no way of knowing how much trouble she's making for him because he never gives her any feedback. Teruhashi is not aware of the Kokomins trying to "purge" him either. As far as she knows, he's in love with her and has no clue she's interested, so she keeps making up "opportunities" for him to confess to her.
-> When it comes to pursuing Saiki without his consent, Aiura is equal or worse.
✘ Wrong. Teruhashi and Aiura's pursuits of Saiki are NOT AT ALL equivalent. Aiura is up front and honest from the beginning about her hunt for her soulmate, and she directly and clearly expresses her interest to him. She never tries to hide her interest.
While Aiura does intercept him for a date or two, she knows about his powers and Saiki is completely free to send her home or leave himself. He sure feels comfortable stuffing a towel in her mouth when he wants her to shut up. However, he does not leave or tell her to fuck off, indicating that he enjoys it at least a little, which is later proven by the fact that he agrees to a dessert date when she directly asks him about it.
Additionally, Aiura respects Saiki's boundaries. Once she realizes he's not a "lucky feel" enjoyer, she switches to just hanging out, which Saiki seems to approve of in his tsundere way. While she misunderstands his invite to "come over, his parents aren't home", she immediately puts her clothes back on as soon as she realizes her mistake. She asks for a kiss at the volcano but respects his "no".
On the other hand, Teruhashi doesn't really respect Saiki's boundaries because it doesn't actually occur to her that he has any. Every other guy would give EVERYTHING just to be around her - she can't imagine having to ASK a guy if he wants to go out with her! Even though she chases him for 6 years due to the time loop, it's still unthinkable to her that he could NOT be in love with her, and she never confesses to him either.
And due to social conventions / Saiki's attempts to "be like air", Saiki HAS to play along, whether he wants to or not. Of course, he becomes more fond of her throughout the series, so you can easily argue that he's not even trying to escape her at that point, but the fact remains.
While Teruhashi doesn't know the full extent of what her fanclub does, she DOES know they exist and that logically they could cause trouble for Saiki. It's obvious she knows this when she mobilizes a huge crowd of men to find Saiki and force him to hang out with her.
If Saiki had been a normal, powerless guy, this could have gotten him killed. He almost did get assassinated in Reawakened after all, and that was just 2 high schoolers – what if the dozens of adults who were searching for him on Teruhashi's request had found him? Now he'd be on all of their shit lists for the crime of having Teruhashi's attention.
There's nothing wrong with shipping Teruhashi and Saiki, there's plenty of evidence for it, and while Teruhashi was dishonest and coercive at times, it's ultimately fine and Saiki clearly isn't that bothered by it.
But do NOT try to claim that Aiura was equivalent or worse, when she was always honest and open about her interest, respected his boundaries, and actually received approval to keep going out with him on dates.
No need to bash another ship to defend your favorite. 👍
#terusai#nopsi meta#sorry this just pisses me off. you can't be like ''oh everyone hates Teruhashi unfairly!!'' and then turn around and shit on Aiura unfairly#it's not illegal to have a ship preference but it IS cringe as fuck to make out the rival to be worse if they really aren't
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Repeat After Me | Oneshot
(Tony Stark/Reader, Soulmate AU Canon Divergence 'Mob AU')

Summary: You're thriving in Loki's Empire as the most respected smuggler out there. You earned that reputation by remaining neutral, traveling between the city-states run by powerful Magnates like Loki's thrall Tony Stark in NYC or the relocated Wilson Fisk in Miami. It's lucrative business, but the real reason you have to stay moving is written on your arm.
Length | Rating: 3,635 | T (for language)
Notes: Set ten years after Loki successfully mind controlled Tony Stark and took over the world in 2012. My tongue-in-cheek take on a mobster-style AU, series potential if folks are interested.
Written for @caplanbuckybarnes's Three Words Challenge, using 'Don't look back.'
Tags: @ronearoundblindly @chickensarentcheap @themaradaniels @starksbf @tiny-anne @starryeyes2000 @my-soulmate-is-mycroft
Repeat After Me
You might be the only person who has both soulmate Words written on your body.
Repeat after me: don’t look back.
At first, you’d found them comforting. After all, they’re predictable in a way almost no one else’s Words are: if you’re right about them, it means you can choose whether to speak those fateful Words aloud. Then Loki came with his Chitauri army, and everything changed.
It’s been ten years since Lord Loki became the ruler of the world; ten years of societal restructure and bleak acquiescence. It turns out that humans are well adapted to be ruled, just as he’d said-- but perhaps not quite in the way he’d intended. Everyone has figured out their own way to survive, whether it’s in one of the densely populated city-states, the agricultural backwaters, or the uneasy suburban sprawl that straddles both extremes.
You’re one of the few who can travel easily through all three, and you pride yourself on that. Pre-Empire, you’d been a top exec at a shipping company, and your talent for managing large egos, ability to memorize maps, and knowledge of machinery was easily translated to a life as a smuggler. Your top rule? You do not take sides. Ever. It’s what made you successful, what kept you alive.
And no one knows the real reason.
“Zephyr, how long before you head out?”
You’re half-in, half-out of your truck, the open door heavy on your ass thanks to all the armor plating. “Weather looks like it’s gonna hold for another hour and a half, I was thinking forty-five minutes?” you guess, squinting up through the tint on the upper part of the windshield.
“Got time to meet with a potential?” Karl laughs at your obvious groan, adding, “Fancy suit says D.C., maybe New York. Probably shouldn’t risk skipping.” You trust your second in command, even if you don’t want to take his advice. Karl Mordo is pragmatic, honest, and a baronic pain in your ass sometimes.
“Fuck. Okay. But I’m going right now, before I de-grease for the trip.” You hop down and hold up your dirty hands, wiggling your fingers.
“What if they’re from Stark?”
You clench your jaw. “His people should know better, even after two years. We just did Fisk a favor, maybe he’ll remind Loki’s strongman that there’s a reason he relocated to Miami.”
Karl nods and heads back to the house, and as soon as he’s gone, you hold still and count to ten to calm your breathing. Tony Stark rules the northeast with a literal iron fist, and no one’s sure whether the mind control has turned him cruel or he’d been released years ago and just likes it. Only people Stark trusts have been close enough to know for sure.
Despite your reputation for neutrality, a few years back he’d sent his clever and ruthless ex-turned-CFO Pepper Potts to ask you to spy on some of the biggest players on the Eastern Seaboard.
It had been the first time you’d gotten close enough to see the electric blue of Loki’s mind control first-hand. Her threats had been articulate and terrifying, but your response ended up having a lasting effect on the way Lord Loki does his business. Word is that the emperor includes additional spells and enchantments to prevent a simple blow to the head from releasing a thrall and undoing years of work.
You still get messages from Potts, filtered heavily by word of mouth, through the Resistance.
When you get up onto the porch, you note with approval that someone’s already gotten the burly, suited visitor some sweet tea. He turns around, and your heart sinks as you recognize him from news articles. Tony Stark’s sweet-faced associate, Happy Hogan.
“Zephyr, is it?” he says warmly, reaching out a hand to shake. You offer him your left hand, and he immediately grins. You wear a binding on your right forearm, and it’s basically an open secret that your Words are there. Words you’ve made very clear you intend to remain a secret, on pain of death. “We have a job for you.”
“That’s truly unfortunate,” you say with a smile. “Your boss burned that bridge years ago. All I have is my integrity, I’m sure you understand.” Leaning up against one of the porch pillars, you send all of your anxiety to your legs, to hold you up and maintain the illusion that you’re not distressed. “Since you’ve come all this way, I can offer to connect you to one of the reputable smaller orgs.”
“Interesting you mention integrity. Did you know your right hand man is a known member of the Resistance?” Hogan’s tone is light, almost teasing.
You do your very best not to react, but on its face, you doubt the accusation. Karl had come to you deeply disillusioned by the Resistance, after working with them openly for a year, spending double that in prison, and being released with an interdict that prevented any employment but fieldwork. By the time you brought him in, he was full of quiet fury and determination to survive. The money you spent to clear his interdict was some of the easiest you’ve ever spent.
“I assume you have newer information than 2013?”
Hogan pulls an envelope from his lapel pocket and hands it over. Inside is a set of pictures showing Mordo speaking with and shaking the hand of Steve Rogers, the most wanted man on the continent. Karl’s hair has only been in that particular style for a few months.
You hand them back, keeping your hand steady. “If you can point and shoot pictures, why not point and shoot that particular problem?” The question is important to your public front, but you also want to know what kind of answer you get, whether it’ll be something you want to pass along.
“One step at a time,” Hogan says, walking over to you. He stops only inches away, a physical power play that masks the psychological threat.
“Which step are you on?”
“The one where you come with me to speak to Stark in person, or we reveal how thin your claims of neutrality really are.”
You nod as though you’re considering it, then say, “What if I dismantled everything and moved to Arizona? Started over.” It’ll sound like a joke, but you’ve considered it. You want nothing to do with Stark.
“You’re welcome to make that decision after the meeting.” The guy’s so confident he slides his hands into his pockets, fully relaxed except for the way his pulse is jumping in his neck. There’s zero chance that Hogan’s anxious because of you, so that means it’s important to his future that you leave with him today. If you have to, you’ll use that.
“You act like meeting with Stark won’t destroy my reputation just as much as your false accusations would,” you point out.
Happy Hogan shrugs. “Stark is prepared to offer you one alternative. Meet with him or give us a credible way to contact Pepper Potts.”
You want to swear under your breath, but instead, you channel all your frustration into a single act of defiance. Lifting your grease-stained right hand, you press it right in the center of his chest, fingers spread so you get his white button-down and both lapels.
Then you shove, letting your hand slip against the resistance he immediately puts up to avoid moving backwards and show weakness. You would have expected anger, maybe even to be thrown to the ground, but Hogan just chuckles. It’s dismissive, diminishing, and does nothing to lower your level of fury. Especially not since he’s got you over a barrel.
You push past him toward the house. “I’m sending Mordo with my load. Your guys fuck with him and I’ll tear down every fucking thing you’ve built or die trying.” Given the clout you’ve accumulated in the last decade, which one depends on whether the emperor is in town to shield his pet Avenger or not.
You hadn’t told Hogan you’re coming with. You both know you have to.
The flight to New York City is stressful, but most of that is because you know how much effort and care it takes to maintain a fleet of airplanes. Now that flights are nearly all restricted to just the Magnates, you doubt the due diligence of their maintenance teams. This is reinforced when you land and walk down a presidential-style rolling staircase instead of into the abandoned airport. It’s hard not to think of what air travel could do for your business. One flight would take so much food from one place to another-- but the safety margins are horrifying.
“What’s with the face?” Happy Hogan asks, after the two of you get into the waiting limo.
“Just imagining how much work it would be to get an orange to Maine nowadays.”
“You don’t have to live in Georgia, you know. The offer’s always open.”
“Fuck your offer, and fuck you,” you say coolly, crossing your arms and looking out the window. There’s a non-zero chance he’ll kill you, but you’ve got a trick up your sleeve that might just carry the kind of irony that would make even a man as powerful as Tony Stark cry. It’s the reason why Hogan wants Potts back, the reason she won’t go, not while he’s in Loki’s thrall.
Midgard hadn’t been interesting enough for the trickster god. No, he’d grown bored by the way most of his new subjects had responded to his rule. Too many of you had accepted that you weren’t strong enough to resist him, and so, with the power granted to him by the staff he always carried, Lord Loki had bestowed each soulmate pair on the planet a random power set.
Pepper Potts and Happy Hogan’s version had been the ability to detect lies.
Tony Stark’s inability to find his soulmate had been newsworthy before the attack on New York, but now that he’s the de facto ruler of the place, his search has become an obsession.
It’s the reason you live in Georgia, the reason you wear the distinctive binding around your right forearm, the reason you’d balanced yourself on the knife-edge of neutrality instead of choosing a side that’s not Stark’s and then leaving yourself vulnerable to being discovered.
Stark’s Words are well known: ‘Don’t look back.’
Ironically, you don’t think he has connected your well-known quirk about protecting your forearm with his soulmate search. He wants you because Lord Loki wants Pepper Potts’ lie detecting powers, and Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff’s soulmate bond is keeping her hidden. Karl Mordo has forsworn his connection to the Mystic Arts, but a man will do many things to prevent his own death, including oathbreaking, so instead of putting pressure on him, they’ll put pressure on you.
And somehow, you’re going to have to resist without speaking a word.
The car is underground when it stops. You nod at Hogan in thanks for his hand as you exit the vehicle, and he cocks his head to the side and looks at you.
“Passive resistance, eh? Good luck.” He leads you through a warren of hallways, stairwells, and locked doors. This display of strength is clearly designed to intimidate and/or give you time to think and fear what comes next, but you wonder whether it’s annoying to Hogan. Undoubtedly he’d be taking the short way if it weren’t for this task, and that kind of time-wasting adds up.
Sure enough, the last leg of the trip is an elevator ride. The doors open out into the wide expanse of the penthouse, a rich space with wall-to-wall windows looking out over the city. A man in a well-fitting white suit walks out from behind a bar area, and you recognize him to be Tony Stark himself. Instead of a tie, the signature blue of his arc reactor glows against the buttons of his shirt, and as he approaches you, you see that it’s matched by the blue tint of mind control in his eyes.
That knowledge is dangerous; already, this man’s leverage over you has doubled. You wonder what you’ll have to promise to get out of here alive.
Tony Stark stops a foot away and looks you over. His brown-blue eyes linger on your right arm, and as you’d planned during your pseudo perp-walk, you shift into a challenging pose, popping your hip out and lifting your chin. Stark’s lips curve into an appreciative smile. It’s attractive, he’s attractive, and you’re annoyed that you’ve even noticed. Everything about him exudes the confidence of a man who is never challenged, and that’s always been your catnip, your kryptonite. You love to bust egos, it could even be said that you live for popping that bubble. This man might be the first one you’ve ever met whose arrogance is well-deserved, though, and that could be a problem.
He gestures, and behind you, Hogan answers.“No weapons that we found, multiple scans.”
Ah, so the many doorways and long hallways had more than one purpose, you think to yourself. Well played. You stay still and expressionless as Stark looks you up and down, eyes lingering on your chest and your arm. He lifts his glass in an appreciative salute before finishing off his drink. Something about the way his throat works makes you feel the burn of the alcohol in your own chest.
“What’s under the armguard?” he asks Hogan.
“According to sources, a nasty burn. Sunlight makes it worse.” It’s the truth-- you’d tried to burn off the words as soon as you’d heard about Tony Stark’s search for his soulmate. The magic of the mark protects it, so all you’d managed to do was destroy the skin around it, causing a wound that never fully healed. The vambrace you wear is for concealment, yes, but it’s also there to keep the damaged skin protected and dry.
You turn your head and direct a grumpy look at Hogan. “This whole meeting could have been an email. What is it that you two want?”
Before you can stop him, Stark steps forward and slides his hand into the hair at the nape of your neck, forcing you to meet his eyes. With a fierce, determined expression, he says, “Repeat after me: don’t look back.”
You can feel the strength in every single aspect of the man, voice, personality, grip, but that just fuels your need to fight back. With all your might, you manage to shake your head just enough to convey your refusal.
Tony Stark’s expression lights up. You realize your mistake immediately: if it didn’t mean something, if the words weren't important, you would have had no trouble repeating them. A million impossible escape routes spill out like marbles in your mind, scattering every other thought.
“Go on, Hap. Keep this to yourself for now,” Stark says. The triumph in his voice is as frightening as it is sexy.
“You got it, boss.”
You fight back a strong feeling of desperate inevitability. Really, your only hope now is to wrench free and follow your contingency plan: to say the words and play them off, avoiding the physical contact that reinforces the bond. If you can convince this man that you planned to trick him into thinking you’re his soulmate, you might still get out of here with your free will intact.
That’ll be easier to do without Hogan there, so you force yourself to remain still. Stark sweeps a broad, warm caress along your neck with his thumb, and god, it’s been so, so long since anyone’s touched you like that. There’s something insidious about it, like some part of you is already lost to him if you enjoy it even a little bit. All you can do is close your eyes, clench your fists, and wait.
The elevator doors close, and Stark starts pulling his hand away, stroking your neck possessively on the way. You do your very best not to like it. In truth, Tony Stark the billionaire, Tony Stark the Avenger was absolutely your type. You imagine that after ten years of mind control and cruelty, there’s probably little of that man left.
“You might as well say it,” he tells you with a smug little quirk in his voice. You open your eyes to see that Stark’s headed back to the bar. “Got a favorite drink?” You shake your head. “You strike me as a Tequila Sunrise type. Fun to look at, goes down easy.”
You cross your arms and glare at him, but it was a cute line for such a tense situation. Wrong, but cute.
Stark gestures to you with the Tequila bottle. “So, what, did you think you’d just stay quiet and run back home to Georgia? Happy says it didn’t take much persuading.”
You smile at him, but not warmly. One thing you hadn’t considered was that Stark might be pleased, might be looking forward to the other… perks of having a soulmate. That might make him more inclined to be kind to you, at least until you try to bluff him. You can use that.
“Don’t think I can’t see how furious you are, little one,” Stark purrs. “I’m still figuring you out, but I’ve had a file on you for years. You want to know what people say about you?”
He rests a large hand on a folder you hadn’t noticed before, pushes it across the bar in invitation. You shrug and turn your head to look out the window, the picture of indifference. You hope it pisses him the fuck off.
“Yeah, you’re right. It’s all trash now anyway, now that you’ve met with me.” Stark holds it up. “They’ll never trust you again.” He tosses it behind him. When it strikes the wall, the many single pages that made up the bulk of the file fly out around him like some kind of monstrous confetti, to the accompaniment of breaking glass. You wonder how many bottles he just wasted, whether they’re even replaceable in this brave new world you’re all trapped in.
You nod, feeling the weight of the coming moment. Mentally you gird yourself, but physically you try to adopt an attitude of casual discourtesy. You want Stark to hate his soulmark, to hate you, enough to send you away or destroy you.
Anything, anything but touch you again.
Letting out a sigh, you spread your hands in a ‘what can you do?’ gesture and say, “Don’t look back.”
The words strike him, so much so that he chuckles ruefully on an indrawn breath. A bitter disappointment sweeps across his face before it hardens into anger. You're grateful; you'd expected something-- a thunderclap, a rush of adrenaline, a gust of magical wind, but there’s nothing to indicate that you’ve both said the Words. Maybe, maybe, you can get out of this, if you’re careful. If you’re just the right level of heinous bitch.
“Did you practice that?” Stark finally says. He walks out from around the bar, and you take the opportunity to make your way over to the window, the picture of unconcerned, unattached, unbothered.
“What do you want, Mr. Stark?” Shit, your voice is shaking.
“I want a challenge,” he snaps, his voice closer than you expected. He’s just a foot away, and you can’t hide your shock fast enough. “You think that file was just for show? I read the whole thing.”
“Then you know I don’t want to be here. I have a business to run, a business you’ve fucked over with--” you back away in the guise of making a dismissive, furious gesture; “--whatever this is. What do you want, so I can get the fuck out of here?”
“What’s wrong, pet? Foot caught in a trap?” he asks, tone suddenly gentle, soothing. You scoff, turning on your heel to stalk away from him--but Stark reaches out swiftly and catches your hand in his.
A jolt of pleasure-fueled electricity floods you with an almost overwhelming need for closeness, companionship-- to be known. It's as if until this exact moment, you’d been empty, and you gasp, screaming against the sudden, insidious desires that have cropped up in your mind.
Oh god, no, this is too much, this is--
What you don’t expect is for Stark to answer.
Oh FUCK yes, telepathy. My second favorite superpower, right after flight.
You snatch your hand away and fall back onto the window, eyes wide. Stark shakes his head almost imperceptibly, then throws both hands in the air as if in disgust.
“You really had me, but there’s just… nothing. I should toss you off of the roof, you know that, right? Faking soulmark words? Ballsy.” He twitches his lips as though he can’t decide whether to be angry or not, and steps closer. “Hold out your hand?”
There’s vulnerability in his expression, something you hadn’t at all expected to see, but you are still reeling from what had passed between the two of you. Tony Stark is one of the smartest men on the planet, and certainly one of the most ruthless. He’ll stop at nothing to get what he wants-- and it’s well known that every inch of his penthouse is under surveillance, not to mention whatever Lord Loki has monitoring his most powerful thrall.
Just like the words written on both of you, neither of you can look back.
Sullenly, you lift your hand, and immediately, Stark engulfs it in an angry grip.
Okay here’s how this is going to go: Do as I say, and we can keep this our little secret. Resist me and I’ll tell Loki I’ve finally found my soulmate. Believe me, you do not want anything to do with what he has in store for us.
Possibly TBC if there's interest...
#threewordsforcaplan#tony stark x reader#tony stark x you#tony stark imagine#marvel fanfiction#marvel fic#tony stark fic#tony stark fanfiction#soulmate au#canon divergence#mob au#but only if you squint#tony stark x f!reader
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A-Z Ask Meme | Open
@dezimaton asked: A-Z ask meme: O(adapted) because I'd like to hand you the song: [Gone Angels, Library of Ruina], U, X please!
Thank you! Also, I love that song you suggested, it's got an interesting vibe!
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of? This may be too obvious, but just listening to that song and reading over the lyrics, my vibe was just...Sephiroth, and then specifically Sephesis. Like, it felt like a flavor of Sephesis during their separation, during the defection--it's like they're in the middle of a dance, dealing with the loss, the betrayal, the separation, the confusion, the devastation of information, and then just the reality of the dark lies crashing down on them. It's as if they want to go back, yet they know they're stumbling forward. They want to hold close, yet they want to just toss each other away. Just, their dance.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites. Not sure if this was three period, one from each fandom OR three each, three from one fandom each, so I'm going with the first lol. With FF7, it's always been Vincent Valentine. It started superficially because of just, aesthetics and primarily because his english VA in AC being a VA I was following somewhat at the time. But the love for him has just grown heavier and heavier through the years. Dirge was the first FF game I ever got, and ever beat, too. And it's the one I've replayed the most. I just adore his character, in ways that it'd take me too long to list out lol. Best way to summarize is just...his vibe from the inside in, the tragedy, the spooky intelligent badass vibes, his heart, his pain, his dark humor, just, all of it. Uuummm...trying to decide other fandoms to choose, though. I'll be honest, the top two other fandoms that have circled the back of my mind while my focus has been on FF7, feel free to judge, have been Marvel and BNHA/MHA. Though, Marvel I'm fairly disconnected from most new media and really only care for my choice of its classic MCU days. But, with Marvel, Loki was my top favorite. I was obsessed, he was my first character muse I RP'd as, and my time writing as him and investing in the content made of him was very impactful (I don't really follow anything made from Ragnarok on, that's just me, no judgment to those that do enjoy). But his story is fucked up, too, and though it may go over some peoples heads, he did try, he was something more than just a petty, mischievous jerk (he really wasn't petty or jealous to the degree people make him out to be, he was the more balanced 'Odinson' before he went too far doing something that NEEDED to be done, and it led to a devastating truth). I could go on way too long about Loki, so, I'll just leave it there XD With MHA, it's Bakugo. Again, feel free to judge. I'm aware he is an asshole and was very much a bully and needs to be held accountable for that, and I will never excuse his roof-dive comment towards Deku. But I'm of the mind that, for one he's a teenager than can learn and has learned and is still learning from his faults. For two, he can be an ass but that is technically how he's learned to communicate and if people get to know them they realize it's just him being loud and rough to express his critiques, advice, compliments, etc. But most of all, it's his character complexity and growth. I adore him, and I'm not going to apologize for that.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom. Soulmate trope, I suppose! I'm not super versed enough to have a list to pick from, but I feel like this comes through a lot, and it's not always just romantic, though that can be appealing! Just the idea that there is someone out there that matches a character, whether it's to counter them, or to meet their energy. It could be enemies to allies, it could be best friends, it could be lovers, it could be a mix! But the idea of them being tied to one another, for better or worse, it just gets me!!
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An unusual collaborative poem from Geoff and Myriam that explores the very essence of two people writing together as a “team”.
A collaborative poem about deeper understanding and tolerance. We learn from each other and our interactions, as John Donne so wisely once said “No Man is an Island” *1
Please help us grow and develop by expressing your thoughts and feedback?
Am I in love?
or am just in love with the
Idea of being in love?
Given that we often only “get one bite at the cherry”
will I succeed in sharing my feelings
with just one person?
Is that, after all that matters, and enough.?
We are persuaded that
“all the world's a stage”. *2
and that we are but mere “players”
We believe we’ve learned our parts
but often go on to “fluff our lines”
There’s often no autocues to rescue us…
and help our communicating align.
We choose our partners
often quite subjectively, it can
appear something of a lottery.
There’s no real “try before you buy”
You takes your chance by being attracted
by what really is quite superficial
hardly having the time or excuse to ask “why?”
But then you can discover a “soulmate”
that very rare and special relationship
Here, what really matters is much deeper,
more lasting and probably forgiving…
But often a million miles away from those early superficial
“love at first sight” impressions that
can be so deceiving.
The soul mate, that mystery that transcends words,
an echo in the night, a light at the water's edge.
A concept that emerges quietly, soft as a caress,
and turns our days upside down with tender joy.
It's a secret voice that echoes,
a gaze that guesses, even behind the scourge.
when all seems lost, it lights the way,
weaving a thread of hope through our destinies.
It’s not just love that ignites,
It’s the clarity of the mirror that reveals our souls
In her sincere reflection, can be found rest,
A shelter of trust against winds and ghouls.
Sometimes she's so close we can't see her,
Like the air that surrounds us and yet still shapes us.
At other times, it hides in the corner of our smile,
But its essence persists, ready to delight us.
A soul mate is a pact beyond the flesh,
An eternal dance, a chord that’s vibrant and fresh…
It unites two minds in singular vibration,
two souls merged in close communion,
And if our lives go astray, and our bodies separate,
It remains immortal, against all seeming odds.
The soul mate’s , a mystery inscribed in spirit
a fragment of eternity in reunited hearts.
Such a friend will share with you the unadulterated truth
when you request their personal feedback...
"Constructive" but "critical" in how they critique
but it's always honest and supportive.
A soulmate’s purpose is to shake you up,
tear apart and rebuild your ego to some extent,
break your heart open, to let new light can in...
make you responsive to objectivity and revision.
* 1 John Donne (1572-1632). “No Man is An Island”
* 2. William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616) “Severn Ages of Man” from “As You Like It”
A poetic collaboration between “G” and “M” supported by graphics from Google Images and You Tube,
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Soulmate AU of sorts? Like, every subject of Ymir gets visited by the Godfather at some point during their life. The Godfather comes to the person “at the right moment�� with a few ring models for the person to choose within (each ring is made with the respective person in mind and their personality/life, all made by Ymir herself). The one ring that gets chosen is then given to their soulmate by the Godfather. The whole idea is for the person to get their ring back from their soulmate when they meet (if they meet) (and for the soulmate to get their ring too from the person).
IF the person doesn't like any of the rings, they can describe their dream ring to the Godfather. However, in that scenario the person doesn't get to see the ring until they meet their soulmate. IF the person refuses to choose a ring altogether (say they either don't believe in soulmates or have no interest in taking part of this), the Godfather decides for them. That's for in case the person changes their mind at some point.
The soulmates don't have to be strictly romantic or anything like that. The pair(s) are decided based on how compatible the two are, made by Ymir herself to help her subjects avoy the pain and suffering she went through for loving the king. They're perfectly made for each other so to say. Still, Ymir doesn't force anything on anyone. She just wants to help.
IF the soulmate isn't a subject of Ymir, then they don't get to choose a ring (for example, Niccolo doesn't choose a ring BUT gets Sasha’s ring. And Sasha doesn't get any ring, but she gets to choose hers). Theoretically speaking someone can have more soulmates, but the cases are extremely rare.
No ranting about JeanMarco with this one, mostly because I don't have much to say on the matter lol. Marco gets Jean's ring within a few weeks prior to enrolling and Jean gets Marco's ring two years into their training (because let's be honest, Jean at the very beginning wouldn't be ready for the realization that Marco's his soulmate. Jean after two whole years of friendship though?). I don't see Marco going around asking people about their ring and stuff, so he keeps it ‘secret’(he just doesn't open the subject). Is only when Jean goes to Marco and shows him the ring Godfather gave him that, you know, pieces start to fall into place. Marco doesn't even let Jean rant excitedly about it, he straight up pulls out the ring out of the pocket and pushes it in Jean's face. The whole situation is chaotic. I think. Too tired to think properly rn.
#Armin got a ring similar to the one Annie already have and it doesn't take them long to find out they're soulmates. Annie shoots him down#immediately saying she wants nothing to do with that bullshit. Their whole situation is a mess#Ymir doesn't even wait around the second she knows she wants to be with Historia she shows her the ring. No hesitation#Mikasa actually gets her ring really late. Like years later late. Never gets the chace to ask Eren if the ring is his#Eren meanwhile got the ring even before meeting Mikasa#I can't remember if Niccolo is a subject of Ymir or not lol. But yk I was only giving an example anyway#I think Sasha might have two soulmates. Niccolo and Connie. But yk Connie is extremely platonic#I don't know man this came out of nowhere don't ask me too many things about this au#aot#snk#Should I even tag this with characters?#jeanmarco#soulmates#soulmate au#JeanMarco Soulmate AU#Snk soulmate au#Btw I had no clue how to call the guy so I'm using Godfather for now. I'm open to suggestions tho
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Chapter 7 ~ Purgatory Series.
Pairing: American Dean Winchester X English Y/N L/N; American Dean Winchester X American Y/N L/N.
Blurb: Purgatory suits you, to be honest. Plenty of distractions to choose from, you can kill as many as to your heart's content. And your heart is one insatiable bastard—it'll do anything to keep the memories of your ex away. Until a face much similar to his struts up into your territory, looking for you, promising you a home you lost too long ago. Your heart melted once before, do you think you would be able to risk it all again for the same criminally handsome face?
Warnings/Trigger Warnings (18+): Supernatural Wars spoilers, major and minor character deaths, mentions of previous major character deaths, violence, gore, tons of angst, (sort of, but not really) love triangle, language, self-sacrifices (not exactly suicide), betrayals, etc.
Note: This was written four years ago and English is my second language - I've tried to edit without losing the past-me's "authenticity", but let's face it, spellings ain't my strong suit, and even Grammerly gave up, soooo all the mistakes are mine 🙂🙃.
{ Series Masterlist ; Main Masterlist }
Purgatory Series: Part 7.
Being in Purgatory via dreams while your face-thief yapped about how pertinent it was to save your soulmate was not fun. Watching other Universes crumble when you were just trying to get a few hours of sleep in was not fun. Losing all your family and friends because you were a monster was not fun. Hunting monsters as a job, which didn't pay, was not fun.
But this?
Dying to arrive at Purgatory?
Let's just say you've had better fucking hangovers.
'I'm never drinking again,' you'd growled under your breath as soon as you'd woken up and realised what had happened.
This was worse than everything bad in your life. Purgatory made it look like your life had always been filled with sunshine and rainbows.
You had but a faint recollection of how you got here. But surely, "I wish I had never pissed off a Winchester" made it up the ranks in your bucket list faster than the blink of an eye.
Oh, did you mention that you had been attacked the moment you had opened your eyes after dying back on Earth?
Once the initial shock had subsided, your hunter reflexes had been back in action.
Some hunter I am, you cursed yourself. Killed by a freaking human. Didn't even have the time to defend myself . . .
You wanted badly to blame it on how drunk you were - you didn't think your ego could take it otherwise - you still believed a tiniest part of you didn't fight on purpose.
You had a growing suspicion that the only fight you put up was to get a reaction out of that guy. Your drunk self had succeeded because if your face-thief from your dreams was correct, then the only way you were making it out was through the human portal, through the only human in this hellhole who could actually cross the said fucking portal. And it was that one human you hadn't wanted to save in the first place.
Okay, maybe there was no saving your ego - it was bruised; beaten black and blue. Wrecked, really.
Trotting through the woodland carefully, you had an ear out to listen for odd noises, which you had quickly realised that that could be anything in here. You were so tensed with the idea that any second now, anything could attack and devour you; it was puzzling to imagine how any human could survive this long - let alone two!
You had to admit, you weren't much better than humans, you barely had any power when it came to fighting off monsters because your only power was dreaming, and it wasn't exactly like you could just take a break and take a nap right now. Plus, let's face it, even with your dreams you didn't stand much chance against the monster folk in here. So, you were as good as a human, too.
Yay, fun times.
And to add shame to you're already limping dignity, you had to now go seek help from the namesake who you had been denying help for weeks now . . . Dammit! Could I be more pathetic?
You twirled almost mindlessly the golden dagger in your hand. It had been lying around on the floor and formed to be a good distraction from the continuous flow of war talk. Most of it was in the foreign language that you had only recently started comprehending.
This is so boring, Dean had whined in your ear.
Sh! It's important.
I'm dying here.
You'd shot him a bitch-face. You're a baby.
Oh, now I'm baby? You called me old yesterday. Make up your damn mind.
I know what you're doing. It's not working.
What am I doing?
Riling me up.
Well, you do push me around so good when I rile you up, his sultry voice had whispered in your ear.
That had been a satisfying night.
You were indulging your happy memories until a few officials flooded into the room with urgent frowns.
'Human!' the one in the front exclaimed.
Your groan was involuntary. 'What'd he do now?'
The official gave you a distasteful look - and you honestly understood - Dwarves are territorial, it isn't fun to have a human on your premises, in the dead-centre of a war plan that's supposed to wipe your arch-nemesis' species' existence.
But he schooled his look, 'No him. Her. You. Y/N here.'
'No. Y/N here,' another little guy who had already been in the room said, pointing at you.
'No, no, no this Y/N. Y/N! She here!'
Hope bloomed in your chest and you couldn't believe that your look-alike actually died . . . She came to save Dean.
'Y/N, this only!' the person said, getting impatient. 'Dumb!' he then pointed at the official who had brought the news of the American.
'I think,' you interrupted before it could escalate. 'He meant my doppelganger is here.'
Nan-nan, the one who called Sav-ty dumb, looked at you like you were an alien.
You had to repress a smile. Most of them were still learning English.
'—pelganger,' you completed, 'My look-alike.' You switched attention to the one who did understand your language. 'Kan-fir, it's her. She's here to save Dean.'
He nodded thoughtfully. 'Well. Bring in.'
An obedient nod later, Sav-ty gestured to the Dwarves behind him. In came a small group of marchers carrying Y/N, bound and gagged.
Her body wiggled and squirmed, trying to get away from the fingers of the small creatures that likely felt like insects crawling on the skin (personal experience). They dumped her on the ground with no gentleness, and you kinda got the feeling that she may have deserved it - if your past encounters with her were anything to go by.
They ripped off her gag, and the curses that poured out of her made you want to go back to Earth, go to a store, and buy a label on which you could write "Rated R, not recommended for children and dwarves. Interact with at your own risk."
'You!' she snarled with venom, her eyes falling on the one person her size - literally - given that she looked exactly like you, down to the last hair, and even the pitch of her voice. 'When I get out of these, you're gonna be the first fucking person I'm gonna find! I'm gonna gouge your pretty eyes out and shove them so far up your perky ass that your gonna feel how fucking slimy it is in your goddamn perfect mouth!'
You almost laughed at the self-appreciation she seemed to intersperse in with her threats. That's a new personality you were witnessing.
'Charming. Also self-involved,' you sighed. 'I think Dean can make you a better person.' You know your Dean had done it for you.
'My God! You're still on that!?' she let loose a manic laugh. 'Jesus. Talk about not being able to move on.'
You deflated as something dawned on you: 'I assume you died per an accident.'
'Obviously. Did you think I'd come to get your lover's whore ass?' she bared her teeth, an action bordering on animalistic.
'I mean, he did get around. He wasn't paid for it, but they should pay him,' you mused - quickly realising how off-topic you were. 'However, he's extremely loyal when he's with someone - that, I know.'
'I. Don't. Care!'
'Y/N,' Kan-fir called, 'Do kill we her?'
'"Do we kill her?",' you corrected. 'And no. Could you give us some privacy?'
'Sure?' he asked in doubt.
'Yes,' you flashed him a smile. 'And, untie her, too. She's not dangerous.'
'You're not dangerous!' she snarled.
But it was hard to be scared of a woman who wore the face of a person you've underestimated your whole life. Also, she was hilariously entitled. You realised that being as lonely and as isolated as she had made herself, it might have been bound to happen . . . Weren't you somewhat like that once?
You took her by the wrists, twisted her arms behind her back, and pushed her out of the cabin, walking on the thick gnarly bark of the elongated branch.
The American version of you wiggled, her feet tremoring, trees an uncharted territory. You'd been there.
You halted when she very nearly tipped over; your fingers flexed on her joint hands and her flannel collar. 'One thing: you need to stop squirming.'
'You're squirming!' she shot back.
'Two things,' you corrected yourself. 'You need to stop squirming, and you need better come-backs.'
'Your face needs a better comeback! Bitch!'
'I'm dealing with a twelve-year-old.' You interrupted before she could speak again, 'If you say, "your face is a twelve-year-old", I will slap you like I'm Connary.'
That seemed to pause her. 'How do you even know who that is?' she said instead. 'I didn't think he was in your world. Heck, I didn't think you knew what a T.V. was!'
'We had T.V.,' you told her. 'We also had Universe Travellers who could bring content from other Universes for the said T.V.' You paused, 'Even I've travelled, specifically through Y/Ns who share my scars - emotional and physical.'
She was exasperated: 'If you can fucking travel, why did you approach me? You could have just jumped into our world and all would havebeen sweet and dandy!'
You gauged her thoughtfully - did she not know about your visit?
'Excuse me?'
'You said you travelled through Y/N's - Hello!? I'm Y/N, travel through me like I'm your gate to my world, then leave me the frack alone.'
'You are a dreamwalker, correct?'
'No, that'd be your face!'
Considered, but you resisted slapping.
Your eyes fell to her rolled up sleeves. An expanse of smooth, creamy skin. No scar.
Shock rippled through your chest while your face remained an unchanged poker. You were sure you had hitched a hike in this Universe's Y/N. She had a scar, and that's what triggered your return to your own Universe.
My face-thief . . . I've been expecting you.
It took you under a minute to figure out what had transpired: you had jumped the body of a future version of this dreamwalker. No wonder the American Dean from that time was looking at you weirdly - like he knew you, and he'd lost you . . .
Suddenly, everything fell into place. You knew exactly what to do now. You could see the end.
'Let's go,' you said, a smile twitching on your lips. It was a smile of insanity, acceptance and peace. 'Let's go meet Dean.'
She smirked down at him in soft love. Her fingers went to brush his blood-soaked hair away from his eyes.Dean sighed, fluttering his world-weary eyes open, smiling a half-smile, his head in line with her ripped open stomach - one that she had just extracted the knife out of.Her legs were crossed under herself, letting Dean rest his head in her lap in the handful of breaths those two had left.
Your eyes sorrowed, you knew this couple - you had dreamt of them earlier. Just another world, another Universe for you - but for them, this was their life. And it was ending.
You hated it. You hated the goodbyes.
At least, this inevitable doom of theirs didn't seem to be deterring them from joking.
'Told you today was no good for an outing, Dean-o.'
'Yeah, well,' a cough, then some more, 'We had some fun killing monsters.'
A raised brow, 'Oh, sure, sure. Being stabbed and watching the love of my life being ripped apart slowly was the highlight of my day.'
'Finally, you've learnt to be an optimist.'
Both chuckled. Then hacked a few coughs. Y/N's hand came away bloody, a tear tracked down her cheek. Another sniffle, 'Do you . . . Do you think . . . Maybe in some another Universe—?'
'Definitely,' he cut her off, taking her hand and kissing the back of it. 'We have to be happy somewhere.'
She sighed, 'I wish we had a happy life here.'
'We did for a while.'
'You know what I mean.'
He locked eyes with her, understanding plaguing both of their features as fear chipped away at their last moments of solace they brought each other.
'It's been an honor loving you, Almost-Mrs. Y/N Winchester,' he winked.
And it never failed to clench your heart - the always almost. Everyone was always a couple, but never married - never really together. No kids, no real life - just a love that died.
'Likewise, Mr. Dean Winchester,' she chuckled airily as if her voice couldn't really decide whether she wanted to cry or laugh.
Another reason not to save your soulmate. Another proof that you wouldn't survive with him. Another sob story, another heartthrob - another way your relationship with him failed.
'Wake up!' a yell rung through her dream. It disoriented you - the voice - it was yours, just in a different accent. Blinks didn't get you anywhere for a few long seconds, until you focused on the wood beneath your palms.
Purgatory. Death. English Y/N.
Your soulmate.
'We need to move,' she told you, without waiting for you to collect your thoughts.
She was already packing her things, speaking quickly and short. 'Werewolves scented me.' It was then that you noticed the huge gash along her side. 'They'll be here anytime now.'
'You're bleeding.'
'What an accurate observation,' she scoffed, shooting you an angry glance. 'Now, if you don't want to meet the same fate, I suggest you move your ungrateful arse!'
You obeyed. Handing her the requirements, and helping her stuff them in an already bulging bag. You grasped the bottle of the miraculous medicine, putting the bottleneck to her lips, 'Drink.'
Surprise flickered in her expression, doing as told.
'Since when do you care for me?'
You realised how out of character that had been for you. But cut yourself some slack - you'd just seen one of your other face-thieves die in arms of, and alongside, your supposed lover's lookalike.
You sheathed your vulnerability into a bitch-face: 'I don't. You're my ticket out of here.'
She nodded thoughtfully, like she was trying to look for some humanity under my brashness. You hoped she wouldn't see beyond your adversely insolent attitude. She should believe you didn't care.
'What's the plan?' you asked when you two left the house and started walking east.
'Don't die,' she snarked. 'And do what I say.'
You were nearing your one-week-death-aniversary and she had been giving you the same effing answer for a week.
'You're so hell bent on saving him; yet you haven't introduced us,' you said.
Your first attack yielded no response.
'You didn't tell me why you didn't just use me to get out like a portal into our world. Wouldn't have had the rest of the drama to deal with then, you know?'
Zilch reaction.
'What about those scars?'
You spied a twitch of an eye. Maybe it was your desperate imagination.
'You're hiding something,' you accused. 'I'm going to find out, you know?'
A sigh.
You called that progress.
Then again, you'd already covered all the areas you just mentioned - this was very little progress that you made every day. How do you press her buttons further?
You chewed on your bottom lip. With your patience running out and her endless capacity for silent treatment, you might have to resort to some dirty tactics.
'I don't know why you think I'll fall for him - I won't.'
She finally glanced your way, 'You talk big game, but I think you act this way on purpose - so that he doesn't love you, and you don't have to even bother pushing him away.'
'What do you know - I have a free therapist.'
'Lucky you.'
You breathed long through your nose. Do not kill the person who's gonna save your life - do not kill her.
'You think you're doing us a favor, aren't you? Say, we did fall in love - then what? It'll end. Like it always does. Either me, or him, or both-ah'-us - we end up heartbroken.'
'Or you don't. You know one out of a hundred cases - semantics.'
'You're delusional if you think there's even a one percent survival rate of this relationship. I don't know with what right you people call yourselves soulmates - you just end up destroying each other!'
'At least you won't be a loveless zombie then,' she replied, nonplussed.
It frustrated you how consistent she was in defending the one person who ruined her the most. You didn't get how loving and letting him go could possibly be better than never having loved him at all.
At least your heart was still beating merrily, but the reason for her heartbeats was gone.
'You mean, I won't be like you,' you retorted. 'A loveless zombie.'
She cut you a dark look. You got cocky with that reaction.
'Oh, wait! You do love a person,' you said. 'Here, in Purgatory. And you're gonna lose him all over again!'
You were pushed up against a tree so fast that the impact was almost non-existent, your focus immediately drawn to her furious e/c orbs, her height on par with yours.
She posed an intimidating picture. You kept your mouth shut because you knew she could take you down. You'd been in her mind, and it was pretty obvious she was resourceful. A cold tingle down your spine didn't fail to remind you that you may not be her only plan - just the best and the easiest.
'There's a line,' she warned. 'Don't cross it.'
You clenched your jaw in defiance. 'I was just trying to break the ice.'
'You don't want to do it, you're on wafer-thin ice,' her elbow dug into your neck which she was using to keep you pinned in a chokehold. 'You break it, and you won't need Dean to destroy you.'
Ego reared its ugly head. 'You need me.'
She released you. 'You know why I can't use you like a portal?' She pulled an arrow, noticing the protest on your face, which she replied with a punch, harshly grasping your face and aligning the pointy edge with your neck.
'You aren't meant to be a portal,' she deadpanned. 'None of us are. We can be replaced though, by the people you've met, or share the same backgrounds as we do. For example, I once took over the body of a Princess who had to hide her relationship with Prince Dean because of the other Royals, and she shared the scar that I have. You know when I could take over?'
You hardened your glare.
'When she died,' she enunciated.
Fear lanced your very being.
'And you . . . I've travelled in you before. Albeit, I was the problem of the future you who donned the scar. So, when I say I travel, I mean I hitch a ride. And if my vessel dies, I replace them, if only for a few hours.'
A dark smirk charmed her face, 'Unless you're already dead, then I can truly take your place. No one knows you exist, no one loves you. At least, Dean loves me back. So, if I were to kill you now, and wipe your existence from this planet completely - no one would know. And I'd be you. Do you really want that?'
Silence ensued.
Perhaps the adrenaline took over; you struck your leg in a brilliant swipe that took her off balance. You launched with the weight of your body into a sprint.
You didn't know who you were kidding. You were no match for her speed even if you had a good head start.
She tackled you to the ground within seconds, rolling the two of you on the grass, fallen leaves and crunchy branches under your body. Her far more agile instincts landed several blows to your face before you could understand what was happening. Black dots invaded your vision and fear choked you, your heart strained under overexertion.
What you did next was entirely instinctual.
You channelled the supernatural within you, letting your magic emanate from your finger pads which you pressed to her forehead, diminishing her barriers between her dreams and her wakefulness. Her nightmares became her reality. Her eyes rolled back into her head as yours started bleeding; she fell atop you like lead weight.
You whimpered in relief, thrusting her body away as you scrambled back, then you wiped your blood from your face. Your body sagged with exhaustion.
You'd done it, you'd defeated her . . .
But nothing made any sense.
She'd had so many chances to kill you - so many times in the last week when you were sleeping under her protection when she could have wiped you off the face of the Earth, but she didn't.
Was there more to the story than she was letting on?
Either way, you thought.
You stood, dusted yourself off. Hesitated.
You were a hunter for God's sakes, you couldn't leave someone to die . . . Could you?
She just tried to kill you!
. . . Maybe . . .
Or maybe you assumed that she did.
It bothered you a great deal.
You didn't know why it troubled you to leave her for the dead - the wolves would catch up and finish her off for you.
Then, an image of Dean flashed in your mind, and her words - Dean did love her. Not you, her.
Would he be heartbroken if she was gone?
So many heartbreaks plagued you . . . but they didn't have to plague him.
Cussing yourself out, you did the one thing that you could for her: you prayed to Cas.
'Castiel, angel of the Lord, blah, blah, blah, Y/N 2.0 speaking. Y/N 1.0 told me you were around, she's stuck her in darkest nightmare, you can rouse her with your angel-hoo. Raise her from the perdition or whatever else that helps your self-esteem. 2.0 out,' You saluted to an empty audience.
Good enough, you praised yourself.
You drew the line on waiting for Cas. You did your part - you tried to save her life like a good samaritan; you tried, and that was more than you expected from yourself.
Your Mommy would be proud. Moving on.
Now you just had to figure out how to not unalive.
You had a new begrudging appreciation for your English counter-part when you had failed to go a day without evading capture. This was the second time during your existence in Purgatory when you'd been captivated by a group of monsters. At least the first time you were relatively safe.
Now that you had managed to sabotage even that contact, you were bound and gagged inside a tree trunk of all places, under a strict gaze of the rotating schedule of fairy guards. There weren't many left, apparently. If you'd heard correctly from their heated discussions on whether to keep you alive or not, your face-thief was to thank for that development in their population.
You wondered if they'd been on the Earth long enough to heed to a classic quote: Enemy of my enemy is my friend. You hoped they'd listen to you pitch that angle before they decided you weren't worth their time.
Your eyes noted as another shift of fairies came to take place of the previous batch. You sighed through your nose again, straining your rope bindings again. It was useless. The first few hours you had twisted your hands till your skin shredded into raw wounds. Now, it was itching endlessly.
And that wasn't even what hurt the most on your body. You were on your knees currently and the pebbles dug into your caps. The wet gag was so tight around your face and hair, that it pained your jaw - to the point that when you went to close your mouth to stop the drool, you flinched.
Next were your thighs; all the muscles in your legs screamed to be sitting in the same position for so long. Begging for release - but the trunk they had stuffed you in was too small in width for you to even wiggle properly.
Then, it was your arms; your hands and upper body muscles throbbed from being pointed backwards.
All you wanted to do was stand up and stretch, and probably kick a few miniature asses with your big hunting boots.
You did none of that.
Your body grew weaker and weaker, grew more numb. Soon, your fatigued body fell back against the bark and you were called into the deep recesses of your mind. Alas, the numbness didn't extend to your dreams and emotions as you were popped into another nightmarish love tragedy.
You had several reasons to curse your fate when you woke up. For one, you woke up in a hammock hundreds of feet in the air, with no soft landings.
So, once the nightmare had decided to free you from its clutches and you woke up with incidence, you were already turning in your makeshift bed, ready to fall right into Death's arms.
But that wasn't the worst part.
It was the person who caught you.
Lo and behold, Dean Winchester became your savior.
You had yelped, but then your right wrist had slapped against his right palm. He risked his own safety to hold onto you. He hung from another hammock that seemed to have been stationed one foot adjacent to yours onto the friendly neighborhood branch.
Your body wiggled in the air, mostly in fear, and whimpers started escaping you whenever you looked down, his palm growing sweatier the more he held on.
'You need to stop wiggling,' he grinded out, looking down at you; and your eyes locked for the first time with your "soulmate".
He was as gorgeous as ever, you had to admit. He had forest fire eyes; treacherous golden amongst the loyal green. He could cut angles with that jaw, and a light stubble that aided his wild look. He was wearing a worn-out leather jacket, layers of flannel underneath, and a pair of washed-out jeans, but in your eyes, you only saw a Greek God.
Gods scared you.
'You need to climb up,' his voice was strained, and then you realized you had gone limp in his grip.
You reverted back to your senses with full panic. 'I-I don't know how to climb! Or get down!'
'Yeah, right!' he scoffed. 'This is no time to joke, Y/N!'
'I'm serious!'
His brows furrowed. 'What the fuck happened to your—?'
You yelled again as his grip on you faltered for the minutest of seconds and you almost slipped from his hold. His muscles flexed as he corrected it.
'You see that ledge,' he nodded near your feet and you just about pulled him down with you trying to look at where his gaze had landed. 'Foothold.'
'You're kidding me!'
'We don't have all day here!'
Your fingers were already slipping, your palms had grown sweaty and you didn't want to find out the limitations of your face-thief's special Purgatory healing concoction right now.
'Don't let me fall,' you whispered, letting your vulnerability slide into your gaze when you locked your irises with his.
His eyes smothered all your doubts: 'Never.'
You raised your palm to his jacket-clad forearm and leaned your bodyweight into it as much as you could, while strengthening your core to bend your body sideways until your feet reached the bark of the tree.
Nausea climbed up your throat when your eyes noticed the ground; hundreds of feet between you and your demise. You exhaled sharply, and used Dean's hand to push yourself backward till your back was pressed against the bark.
'Okay, what now?' you wondered in a rather high-pitched voice.
'You see that part of wood jutting out?' he nodded with his chin above your head. You noticed that it was at least one and a half meters away - just out of your reach.
'You're gonna hold that, flip one-eighty after letting me go and then—'
'Dude. Not everyone is a born giant!'
'Dammit, Y/N! I'm holding on by a thread here - literally!'
'Fine, fine! If I die, it's your fault!'
'Just do it, goddammit!'
Steeling yourself, you stretched all your muscles and tendons till you felt like you were being pulled on a Procrustean bed. You failed more than once, but Dean didn't complain anymore as he waited patiently for you to approach safety.
Seventeenth time was the charm.
You grunted, and whimpered as you felt the burn in your body at being stretched in such a weird position.
'Okay, good. Don't leave that at any cost. You need to whirl one-eighty now . . . you can do this, sweetheart.'
'Don't call me that!' you snapped. squeezing his free hand that was still in your empty one.
He scoffed, though you wondered if you were imagining the hurt.
'Look, just - when you turn, I need you to push off the foothold with as much force as you can. A'ight? You will need a little altitude to reach the hammock strings!'
'Okay. Jump. One-eighty. Hammock. Okay!' you swallowed. Trepidation infiltrated your body, and a lance of adrenaline went through you.
In a leap of un-faith, you let your foot slip and body twirl mid-air. You yelped for the jarring sensation, but you pulled with all your might to give you an upward momentum.
You missed the ropes by an inch.
As a scream escaped your lips, Dean acted fast, lending a placating hand on the small of your back that roughly pushed you towards the tree bark, and you scampered to scrape your feet against the woody surface till you had managed another boost, and you grasped the ropes!
'I reached! I reached!'
'Do you want a trophy?! Climb up!'
You huffed, and moved out of his reach into the warm and cocooning embrace of the hammock. Dean parroted your action into the opposite hammock, and sighed loudly.
The skin on his left hand looked raw and scraped with rope burns, almost to the point of blistering. You felt guilt trickle into your heart.
The gratefulness flooded.
'Thanks,' you breathed out.
You wondered about his intentions of saving you and how much the English woman had told him.
Did he know that your face-thief can replace you, but he saved you anyway? You would ask, but if he didn't know, you weren't gonna be the one to break that news to him like an axe to your foot.
All this speculating, and you didn't even know if he knew that you were his real soulmate.
'Sure,' he muttered, breathing deeply as if to calm himself.
'What happened to the fairies? Where are we?'
He frowned deeply, glancing about. 'I don't know.'
Your eyes bulged, 'What do you mean you don't know?'
There was a thread of irritation in his expression. 'I don't even know who you are.'
You scoffed, 'Then why did you save me!?'
'I wasn't thinking! One sec, I was thrown into a fucking tree, and the next I know you're falling off the damn hammock, like some cheap American knockoff of the woman I—' he cut himself off abruptly, averting his gaze losing a furious battle against the fifty shades of red.
I'm so stupid!
'Of course!' you breathed out. 'This is a dream!'
He assessed you inquisitively. 'Excuse me?'
'I just assumed that after those three Hellsites,' you referred to the three different Universes you'd just paid visits to, 'I thought I was waking up!'
'What are you talking about?'
'Well, I just didn't expect to be part of a scene!' you gestured between the two of you. 'I'm not usually with a Dean in my dreams - there's always a face-thief.'
He blinked at you.
You held up an index finger, and concentrated with your eyes closed. You tugged the strings of your imagination and merged it with your dream reality until the air around you was shifting, and Dean gasped.
When you could see again, you two were in a quaint cabin, far away from the unreliable hammocks. You shuddered once more when you remembered the height, and decided to address the confused man in the room.
'How'd you do that?' an edge of distrust spilled into the flow of his grittily smooth voice; like crunchy peanut-butter.
You knew you couldn't tell him the truth - he'd kill you. It was his dream after all.
Even as a dreamwalker, you'd never murdered anyone in your sleep - which was a possibility, you just never saw why you'd need to exercise it - especially when most of your dreams weren't really dreams but mere reflections of other worlds. No one could see you in other Universes.
In your Universe, all bets were off though. This is uncharted territory . . .
'I'm . . .' you desperately looked for a good introduction, but the whole of the English language seemed to have wiped from your brain. 'Oh, fuck,' you sighed. Before you could even begin to piece together an explanation, a knock sounded on the door, much to your shock.
'Who's that?' Dean sharpened his tone, looking at you with accusing suspicion.
'Dude, I know you worship this face, but news flash - no Y/N's got all the answers for you.'
The door was pushed in before either of you could acknowledge whoever had blissfully interrupted your awkward conversation.
You bit your lip when the replica of your face popped in.
Your face-thief grinned good-naturedly. 'Ah, figured you might be here,' she said with all the glory to her accent.
Dean's jaw dropped a bit, looking as shocked as a Winchester could possibly be with all they'd seen in their bizarro lifestyle.
'You're alive,' you leveled a dry look on her.
'So are you,' she countered with the same unimpressed gaze.
'How're you here?'
'Oh, darlin', this ain't my first rodeo. They taught us to use African Dream Roots when we were barely out of elementary school. After I woke up from the magically-induced sleep, I thought, what better way to find you than this?' Before you could strap on your sassy mouth, she turned her eyes to her lover, 'For the record, this was not how I was planning to tell you that your soulmate is here to rescue you.'
'Yes,' you sarcastically added. 'Moi, a tall glass of Americano, handmade for you.'
'She's a bit self-obsessed. Nothing you can't work on.'
'What the fuck is going on?!' Dean roared.
You shrunk a little, your copycat was unfazed. She gripped your wrist - you hadn't realised she had gotten so close to you - and pulled you towards the door.
'Sorry, darlin',' she jerked you into the outside world. 'Gotta borrow her for now. Will explain everything later.' The door shut in Dean's face.
White light color-penciled your visions. You groaned when you could see again.
'What's with you two and hammocks!'
Your companion sniggered. 'Chill. I figured you'd have a penchant for falling off of them so I brought us into a treehouse - even though we technically cannot die since this is a dream.'
'Hey!' you raised a finger. 'Have some respect for the dreams, dude. It comes from the darkest parts of ourselves - what you don't know can kill you!'
She chuckled again, 'Like the dream spell you put me under?'
You crossed your arms. 'I thought you were going to kill me.'
She mock-gasped. 'You don't trust me?'
'Oh, trust is oozing out of my pores - sweating it like bullets; why haven't you killed me?' you deadpanned.
'You saved my life by calling Cas. I can spare yours. Even-Steven,' she answered good-naturedly.
'I put you in danger!'
She hummed. 'Yeah, that was unpleasant. But I forgive you. Plus, we girls ought to stick together for Dean's sake, right?'
'You're a nut case! You just blew our cover by telling him that there's two of us! It won't take long for him to know that only one of us is going back.'
'Yeah, that was the ideal plan,' she sighed. 'But I have a back-up. So, don't you worry.'
You looked at your self-proclaimed saviour incredulously.
'You don't want to be saved, do you?'
The truth was just out of your reach - you could see it prowling in her identical e/c orbs behind a thin veil of smugness that only comes from being a messiah. When you looked closer, you could also read the darkness around the edges. A darkness that burned her up from the inside out; one that swallows a person whole; one that you were too familiar with. The worst kind of darkness to be seen in humans. The one that came when you hate yourself.
Perhaps, the only difference between you two was that hers was beyond repair and she hid it behind self-sabotage, while you hid behind arrogance and hollow self-entitlement.
'I want to be,' she amended softly. 'But no one here can save me.'
Your chest spasmed with pain.
She shot your fallen face a wan smile. 'I'm sorry for making you believe that I was going to kill you.'
'No, you're not!'
'No, I'm not,' she muttered in gleeful satisfaction. 'But I know what the pain of losing a soulmate is, I would never bestow such a fate upon Dean.'
'He doesn't know me. He doesn't care!'
Why were you doing this again? She was giving you a freaking hall pass! Your ticket out of here. Why the heck were you questioning that?
'That's where you're wrong,' she nodded. 'Y/N, you've seen death and destruction in our lives, but did you not see that there was nothing to destroy before.'
You squinted at her, 'Come again in English?'
She chuckled a bit. 'Let it be, you won't understand.'
'Humour me,' you were somewhat desperate to understand just why someone would ruin their lives for this!
Love was overrated . . . wasn't it?
She struggled to string a good enough sentence until you saw the bulb go off in her head. You disliked the grin that grew on her face, and even more the tears that began to shine in her orbs.
'It's simple: My Dean Winchester is my soulmate because he was somehow the beginning and the end of me.' You smiled: 'And only he can save me.'
You knew she meant it, she believed it, she lived by it.
You couldn't help yourself when you blurted, 'That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.'
'Told you: you wouldn't understand. Not until it happens to you, darling.'
You were about to offer an abhorrent platitude, with a side of denial and irritation when the treehouse shook around you.
'What's happening?' she leapt out of her hammock, prepared for a fight.
Your brows furrowed. 'I'm waking up. When you took me, you pulled me out of Dean's head who'd been sleeping or had been knocked unconscious. You pulled me back into my own head. Although you are only a temporary dream-traveller because of the Roots you took, you cannot be the host for my dreams.'
She frowned. 'Look, I wanted to talk to you because this may be the last time, and I want you to know that no matter what happened, and no matter what happens - I'm coming for you, Y/N.'
The world faded into nothing.
Pissed didn't even begin to cover the areas of your mind the rage had reached. You were planning and plotting fantastical murders. You were cursing and harking on anyone courageous enough to remain in your vicinity.
First of all, there was the constant headache. The pounding, hammers and nails against your skull; a side-effect of recovering from your personal Hell, if you will. You honestly don't remember much after you woke up. Nothing from your past that you didn't want to remember came to you. All you knew was that the American had put you to sleep, and Castiel had roused you.
You had decided to reach out to your doppelganger, the only way you knew that wouldn't freak her out. A place where she'd be comfortable enough for a chat with you, without feeling like she was under any threat. You vaguely remembered that part: only that somehow there was Dean, and something had gone seriously wrong during the endtail of your talk with the other Y/N.
Kan-fir (Cas had flown you off to the Dwarves' lair) had been happy to enlighten you that while you'd been a sleeping beauty, your look-alike had been kidnapped by the fairies, Dean had tried to save her thinking it was you, and failed, and now the American had been shipped off to Leviathans. You hadn't known any of that while you were sleeping.
You couldn't believe that she slipped from your fingers. You blamed yourself for her capture. You hadn't meant to scare her, but you did. She deserved to feel your wrath, if only for a second, you won't deny that - she really hurt you but you wouldn't kill her!
Whatever you said was true, yet, it wasn't enough to work. Even if you did replace her after killing her, which would honestly be too easy - and too good to be true - you couldn't truly replace her.
She'd always be the American Dean's true soulmate. Just like your Dean would be yours and only yours, and you would be his. You couldn't deny that even when you had American Dean with you, it had felt like a betrayal to your Dean. You were never complete with this one, never a whole like you had been with your Dean.
You guessed that just his presence in your life again was enough sustenance to ignore the ever-present void. If you could fool your heart and soul for even a second in the twenty-four hours that you had to survive - then even that was enough. Just that second of distraction had been allowing you to breathe before you were drowning again.
But how many days were you willing to waste for a meagre serving of those seconds?
It wasn't fair to Dean. Stringing him along like that when you couldn't give him your heart.
This Dean was a close second, but he was still a second to you. And he deserved everything best. He deserved a girl, a soulmate, and their undivided love. Their unbroken heart. Their untarnished memories. He should have someone who'd fight for him till the last breath. He deserved someone who'd love him for him, not because he was a good substitute.
And the thing was that no matter how much the monster Y/N resisted, no matter how much she evaded falling in love with him, no matter if she didn't care for him - you knew she'd do it all one day.
If there was a betting pool, you were going to put all your money on her.
Soulmates is no joke.
And it doesn't really matter if it ends good or bad - no one knows what's going to happen to that relationship. Nevertheless, it's going to start. It's going to commence, and it's going to flourish at one point. Then, the endings will differ.
Although you did hope that this one relationship was happier than the thousand other ones the American had seen fail. Probably you hoped that because you had met them both in person. More than once: now, and that one time when the past-you had met the future-them.
'We're here,' Castiel's grave tone calmed your turbulent thoughts till you were as calm as a hunter ready to jump their monster.
A path through the woods, scattered ashes, trail of blood, faint conversation. It was a site of a recent monster slaughtering - and the blood indicated a human. The only human in the Purgatory other than you was Dean.
'Are you sure you want to do this?' Castiel wasn't so sure himself.
'Do I have a choice?'
'He's going to be mad.'
'Any tips on how to handle him mad? I'm told you're pretty experienced.'
He side-eyed you, his resentment towards your uncalled for jab visible. 'Try to not make him angrier.'
You scoffed. 'Yeah. That's gonna happen.'
You walked ahead instead of responding.
Soon, they came in your sights. Bickering like an old married couple. Dean just had that Alpha, protector of the family vibe that automatically made him the impatient, arrogant, reserved but a caring husband of any duo he chose to be a part of. Everyone else in his presence automatically became that sassy wife who was done with his shit - it was rare to see the roles reversed.
Benny tensed as you assumed Castiel came on his radar.
You knew that he could sense humans too. But you were technically a defect piece. Not really a human of this world that gave you a weird stench which even actually faded into the surround smells of Purgatory. While Dean was still fresh meat, and originally from the planet of this respective Purgatory. His smell was too overpowering not to guise yours. A tidbit you'd earned as a courtesy of the Dwarves.
Benny turned, taking Dean's gaze with the twist of his body. The latter's mouth dropped, and his green eyes glimmered with a new surge of hope and excitement. His wound forgotten, he sprang to his feet, almost butting Benny who had been hovering over the older Winchester, and he rushed at you.
Before long, you were sealed into his warm and much welcomed embrace. His face nuzzled your hair affectionately before it took residence in the crook of your neck; his hot breath fanning your neck as he pulled you in tighter.
'You're okay,' he whispered to you, pressing a small kiss to the joining point of your neck and shoulders, 'you're okay, sweetheart.'
No, I'm not.
You patted his back, somewhat awkwardly, because you didn't feel as excited as he seemed to be.
'We thought the fairies whisked you away for good,' Benny commented.
Dean pulled away, blissfully unaware of your conflict. His grin wavered for a second, 'You scared me, sweetheart.'
Silence stunted your verbal facilities.
'Dean,' Castiel's low baritone saved you.
The blond-haired man noticed, for the first time, his best friend's presence, with an exclamation of the blue-eyed man's name, he was rushing to treat your partner-in-crime the same as you - with a relieved hug and nothing but a childlike exuberance.
Your e/c orbs fell to the last man standing, and they narrowed. Mutual distrust was communicated both ways in that one look. You knew what your problem with him was - he was an accomplice to the death of the love of your life.
What was his problem?
'Where have you two been?' Dean's question beat yours.
Castiel exchanged a fleeting look with you.
Dean missed it, 'We've been looking all over for you two! Then, a ghoul told me you'd been captured - and . . . I had a weird dream.' His lip wobbled, 'I thought . . . when I woke up, I thought the fairies must have taken you to the Leviathans because of their ties . . . .'
'We know,' you shrugged.
Anger danced across his features as his exhilaration quickly evaporated. 'Why did you leave in the first place, Y/N?' his brows furrowed.
'I need your help.'
Surprise flashed, then hurt creeped in. 'Is that why you're here? You needed my help?'
Castiel shot you a look: You've hurt him!
You rolled your eyes at him: Didn't make him angrier, did I?
Castiel seemed done with you.
You addressed Dean. 'I don't need it. But manpower would be appreciated.'
'Oh, yeah?' Dean spat out. 'Then, why didn't you go to your precious Dwarves?'
'They refused to help me.' Technically, they refused to help the dreamwalker - "potato", "po-tah-to", you figured.
'So, let me get this straight,' he stepped towards you, 'you run out on me when I need you,' another step, 'avoid me for months,' closer with each accusation, 'refuse to give me an explanation when I'm warding off all the monsters,' three feet, 'when all I want is to get us to safety,' two feet, 'and you show up like all that didn't mean anything to you,' he stopped in front of you, 'asking for my help?'
You maintained the eye contact, 'You could've just left.'
'I'm sorry, sweetheart,' venom dribbled, 'I don't leave the people I care about behind.'
You grimaced.
Your Dean's dead body and the battleground flashed into your mind's eye . . .
Go, darling.
I'm not leaving you, you'd cried.
Lara needs you, he'd said. Go save the world . . .
You did leave him behind.
You knew this Dean didn't mean your ex-fiancé when he said what he did; he meant himself. But you weren't leaving this Dean behind - you were saving him.
'Exactly,' you played into him. 'You'd want to help.'
Curiosity ruffled the forest of his eyes.
Interruption, 'We're not taking another detour.'
It was Benjamin this time. Your nerves were already grated because of him. You may have forgiven Castiel to some extent, but this Benny was still a sore spot. Truthfully, you were surprised that you hadn't jumped him and turned him to ash by now; probably the influence of your frenemy Castiel.
'I don't remember asking you,' you gritted without so much as turning your head at him.
'You can't be serious!' the Cajun groused. 'Chief, tell me you're not thinking about this. It's taken us months to reach here - find just the two of them. Do you really want to spend God knows how long trying to save God knows who while the Leviathans are God knows where.'
You circled on your heels, calculating his profile. 'It's a good thing then I have the address of the person and a plan, right?' You weren't really asking.
'Who is it?' Dean finally bit.
Do you give him a heads-up and let him be accustomed to the fact that his bratty soulmate had begrudgingly and forcibly come to save his life? Or do you let him try to guess and have a few moments more with him where he isn't looking at you weirdly?
No, you can't let yourself indulge in his warmth.
You replied with your resolution. 'The girl of your dreams.'
Dean scowled deeper. 'That really happened? She's real? She's really here to save me?'
'What am I missing?'
Castiel was the one who replied this time. 'The fairies really did take away someone . . . it just wasn't this Y/N.'
'There's more than one?' Benny inquired.
'She's Dean true soulmate. And she's here to save him,' you stated, squaring your shoulders.
'Fat lotta saving that Y/N's doing,' Benny huffed.
'How'd she even get here?'
'She died,' Castiel simply told before you could make something up.
'She's a monster?'
You winced, bit your lip as you bulldozed a glare good enough to kill at Cas, your frayed nerves bustling with electric anger. Castiel just opened and closed his mouth, an apology stitched into his deep blues.
'Isn't there a theory that two doppelgangers cannot live on the same planet?' Benny mused out loud.
Oh, fuck!
Dean's eyes snapped to yours in shock. 'Did you know about that?'
'Um,' you stepped back, laughing a little nervously, raising your hands in defence. 'You know what? This was a mistake—'
'You've been planning all along to not come, haven't you?' he accused. 'That's why you left!'
You looked away, jaw clenched.
'How could you do this to me?'
Castiel was rudely cut off when a huge projectile crashed into him and he tumbled into the dry leaves with a boom.
The projectile grew in shape, opening its wide maw.
You realised your folly. You were standing too close to the recent battle-site.
'Leviathans,' you whispered.
A/N: Complicated, huh? I remember when I first wrote this chapter, lol . . . took me months to make it as less confusing as possible while keeping all the details in 😂🫠🙃.
Anyway, I'd like to apologize for delaying this by a day. I was sick, and in no condition to edit, heh.
I'm also very excited to bring you the next and last chapter of Purgatory coming week, hehe. Stay tuned and stay safe!
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I am an adult baby seeking a serious relationship with a mature daddy bear who wears traditional white briefs. I removed my longer profile message to avoid wasting time with people who are not interested in me. I am stable, intelligent, and enjoy traveling. I prefer warm weather and eventually want to live in a warm climate. I recently ended a 15-year relationship and am now ready to meet someone who wants the same things as me. I am a 37-year-old chubby, single, Caucasian, gay male, and I am exclusively a bottom. I am 5.7 feet tall and weigh about 240 pounds. I am working on getting to a healthier weight. I do not identify as an adult, but rather as Hunter, so I will be changing my name.
In the past year, I have been living my life as a baby as much as possible. This means I have thrown away most of my adult clothes and have been exclusively wearing diapers for a whole year. I have actually been wearing diapers on and off since I was four years old. I have also started coming out to the people in my life who I know will love and accept me as Hunter, a 1.5-year-old baby boy. To avoid confusion, I am changing my legal name to Hunter. Throughout my life, I have struggled with two different identities. I want to make it clear that I am not trying to take away from the transgender community. However, I strongly identify as both Hunter, a baby, and as a male who was born in the wrong body and identifies as female.
I have been working towards complete incontinence. Some might find this to be a drastic life choice, but I see it as similar to a man transitioning to a female or vice versa. I am searching for a mature and understanding partner who wants to have a baby boy. I am looking for a traditional daddy, not just roleplay. As you can see from my pictures, I enjoy drinking baby formula and eating baby food. I love everything about being a baby, and I hope to find a daddy who understands and appreciates this. I want a daddy who is willing and confident to be with me full-time. While I don’t necessarily need a sugar daddy because I make good money, I understand that the demands of my job might make it challenging for us to have this type of relationship dynamic.
I am looking for someone around my age or within a ten-year gap, preferably. I am open to older men, but we need to discuss this further. It’s important for me to be completely myself and find someone with whom I can share my life for a long time. I want to be transparent, so I am seeking a true daddy/baby dynamic. I naturally enjoy a daddy who chooses to wear traditional white briefs, is a bear type, and is confident in himself. If you think we might be a good fit after reading this, please reach out. Also, if distance seems like an issue, I work remotely and prefer warm weather. I have no ties keeping me in NYS.
I’m wondering if sharing my thoughts on a site like this is worth it, but I hope it is. Just so you know, I really enjoy warm weather, so hopefully you do too. I’m being completely open and honest here. My hope is to find a daddy who is my perfect match, my soulmate. Before messaging me, please read through everything I’ve written. If you’re younger than me and your profile doesn’t align with what I’m looking for, I will simply delete your message. However, if you’re looking for a friend and someone to talk to who can relate to you, then I’ll respond. I’ve been completely honest and open. If, after reading all of this, you still send me a message claiming to be “your daddy” but you’re the complete opposite of what I’m looking for, I will delete your message because it shows you didn’t take the time to read my profile. Only serious direct messages, please.
• ABDL Match • Diaper-Bois.com • DiaperMates • Daily Diapers • DateGGL • LitteSpace Online Personals • ABDLC.com • Recon • Adam4Adam • Match.com • GROWLR • Scruff • Manhunt • Daddy Hunt • Match.com •Fetlife
I have a few non-negotiables that are important to me. First, I aspire to be trained to become absolutely dependent on diapers. Second, I prefer a daddy who already wears traditional white briefs. Last, it’s a requirement that you are my age or older than me.
Daddy’s Rules For Me:
• You must obey Daddy at all times.
• Diapers must be worn at all times, just like a baby wears them.
• Using the toilet is completely off limits.
• You must use your diapers for wetting, messing, and even Cumming.
• You are never allowed to use the toilet.
• Once a week, you must do a coloring for Daddy. Failure to do so will result in a spanking. The coloring will be displayed on the wall or fridge.
• Meals will mainly consist of baby food, formula and toddler food.
• While at home, you will always drink from a Bottle/Sippy Cups. Glasses, Big Boy Cups, and Mugs are off limits to babies.
• While at home, you are not permitted to wear pants, shorts or anything that covers your diaper, unless instructed otherwise. You must change out of your “grown-up clothes” shortly after you’re through the door. Baby clothes are allowed. (Diaper covers, plastic pants, onesies, shortalls, or sleepers)
• Your diaper is never to be removed without permission. No matter how full, wet, or messy.
• You will wear a chastity cage at all times. Your chastity cage must never be removed without permission.
• Babies are not allowed soda or alcohol; you may only drink water, juice, milk or baby formula. (Baby can be given soda or alcohol as a reward or if Daddy is feeling nice)
• You can help yourself with water, if you prove you can, but you must ask permission for juice or milk
• You will be in bed no later than 9 pm (sometimes later as a reward for good behavior)
• Confession every week or so. I like to ask the baby to confess any rules he has broken. (removing his diaper, wearing pants in the house, drinking
from something other than a bottle, for every rule he confesses, he gets 5 spankings)
• You may only crawl while at home. Baby may walk around if thickly diapered and a waddle can be seen. (Baby may not walk around the house without permission)
• You must ask permission if you wish to go out and play. (i.e. going out with friends or taking part in leisure activities)
• You must watch baby shows, cartoons, or Disney movies, but only ones that have been approved by daddy and tell Daddy about it.
• If Baby is bad, the baby will be double/triple diapered and not given a change for 24 hours.
• At bedtime, you will be given a Pacifier to suck on. You must try to keep it in your mouth as you sleep (pacifier gag will be used to help reinforce the need of a pacifier.
• You will, as a typical baby, be in a crib, except on special occasions where the baby is afraid, cranky or otherwise requires daddy’s attention to help the baby settle down to sleep.
• If the baby is loud, being punished, or otherwise told by Daddy, they will suck on their Pacifier. (A Pacifier Clip WILL be used and always kept nearby. If the baby struggles with this, a Pacifier Gag will be used to help enforce it.)
• Anytime that Daddy and Baby are alone/safe, unless otherwise instructed, is Baby Time and ALL rules are in effect.
• As an occasional punishment, the baby will sit in the corner with a padded butt lifted into the air (baby may be tied up, straitjackets, etc.)
• Another punishment, Baby will write lines or words for being bad (write 50 times I’m sorry I was a bad baby)
• If instructed to wear an outfit, you have to wear it and are not allowed to adjust it in any way without permission, (both inside the house and in public, after all, you are a baby)
• Babies are not allowed to tell Daddy when they use their diapers. Regular Diaper checks will be performed. Baby may beg Daddy to change them, but only when their diaper is both wet and messy, and again at the discretion of Daddy.)
• Remember the most basic rule, you are 100% a baby and because of this, daddy has to make sure you are taken care of. That you are constantly reminded that you are a baby. The rules above are a helpful and consistent reminder of this.
If you want to talk or know more just ask or send a message on Skype or Telegram: If you reach out, please do so only to discuss interest in my blog or if you are looking for the same. No BS please. Be honest and direct!
• Skype hunter40578
• Telegram @Diapered4Daddy
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When will you get married?
꒰⠀from left to right ; intuitively choose the pile your mind, heart and soul desire for. if you are having trouble choosing the right pile for you, here’s some tips you can do ; (1) take a deep breath (2) close your eyes (3) ask guidance from your guides (4) finally open your eyes and you can choose the right pile for you by the guidance you ask from your guides. if you are still having trouble by choosing the right pile for you let me know because i am willing to help and guide you.

Pile one
I think pile one, you are someone who is a late bloomer. You seems promise to yourself first before you will ever get married when you already reach your financial desire you want for yourself. You will get married in your late 20's or early 30's because you will be busy working and gaining money for your future and to be honest you will literally achieve your goals regarding to financial but you need to put a lot hardwork and effort as the eight of pentacles indicated here. Another message for you, you are someone who is afraid of being independent but you seek for the balance. You tend to ignore or shut down the opportunities that is coming to your way right now but in the end like if you will get matured and grow old, you will know your real purposes in life and you will learn to be independent in the future but it will take a lot of adjustments and time for you.
However, your future spouse will be someone who is you younger than you. This person is someone who likes to have fun, makes friends and have a very youthful energy. This person will have dark hair, neutral color of skin and might have a beautiful white teeth.
After the nuptial, you will gain huge property. This be might be from an inheritance from your family or your future spouse family or on the other hand both of you might start a business that will bloom and become well-known by many people. This marriage will bring a lot of abundance and happiness from the both you. You will get married from the minimum of two years to the maximum of eleven years and in the months of January, March, May, August and December.
Pile two
Right off the bat, this relationship is screaming a strong soulmate connection. However, there's a lot of unrevealed mysteries here or your partner might be someone who is mysterious, they can be someone who is alluring too. You or your future partner might have a strong capricorn placements. If you are in relationships right now you would likely or get married by a year and half from now since i see your partner here is not yet ready for now and it will take them a year or even years to have courage to be wedded with you because they enjoying this life first is what i am seeing, they're not yet ready to have family and wanted to have money first and fix there financial issues first(they might already said this to you). For singles , you will get married when you are in your mid 20's to mid 30's.
For some, you will marry someone who is very possessive, wealthy and popular. This person is like a star, they're attractive and charming to the eyes of other people. They will be someone who is old soul (might be older than you) and mature person. You will meet this person when you start a new beginning for yourself. In a place where there's a celebration and you are surrounded by many people or even a huge crowd. However, there's someone who can be or act like a blockage here in this relationship. This person who will against with this relationship can be their mother or someone who has a feminine energy on their side but you will overcome this problem. I'm also seeing here that for the like 15% of you, you first born will be twin more likely a girl and a boy. This marriage is indicate of the two couple great bond and trust for each other, you will learn a lot of lessons with this relationship.
You will get married from the minimum of a year to maximum of ten years. In the months of April, October, November, May, December but most of you will likely get married in the month of April and October.
Pile three
You will get married when you accepted your past and heal your inner child. Most of people who chose this pile is highly intuitive individual and might have psychic abilities that they're using now. I think some of you might already married or just consider themselves already married with your current partner yk. But if you are single, you are most likely to get married when you are still in your young age like earlier than 20's or just in your mid 20's but i don't consider this pile to get married more than the ages I have mentioned.
Also getting pregnant before marriage is very common here, you or your future spouse might get pregnant before your marriage.
You will marry someone who is helpful, down-to-earth and traditional person. For some of you, this might be someone you known since your childhood and you have no idea that you will end up with them. For the rest of this pile, you will meet this person when you are traveling, working or even studying abroad. This relationship will bring a lot of healing to you too. You will get married most likely five - seven years from now. In the month of february, january, september, june and july.
© tarotwithdanise ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost my work.
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8 — shitty debates : first and last love — scaramouche x fem reader smau

written work utc!
normal white colored text is you / [name]
normal red colored text is hutao
normal orange colored text is lumine
normal blue colored text is xingqiu
blue colored text with bold is chongyun
purple colored text is scaramouche
red colored text with bold is heizou
orange colored text with bold is aether
normal green colored text is xiao
green colored text with bold is venti
white colored text with bold is kazuha
white colored text with “ ” is anyone / everyone ?
"hello everyone, my name is kaedehara kazuha and I'll be your host for this debate night. since it's our first time— let's ask some of our players what they think."
"to be honest—"
"wait heizou, I didn't tell you to speak."
heizou covers his mouth slightly, sarcastically hanging his lead down in shame.
"xiao, please give your thoughts.”
"okay you know what, I'll just stop asking. Let's choose the teams based on the topics. which popcorn do you dig the most? savory, or caramel?"
"dig the most..?
"shut up stop complaining"
[name], hutao, lumine, xingqiu, chongyun - savory
scaramouche, aether, venti, xiao, heizou - caramel
"okay.. I'll go first." venti tilts his head, "I'm gonna go easy this time. I will argue logically."
"Caramel is sweet, right? If you eat something sweet, your mood becomes sweet as well."
"I thought you said you'd argue logically."
"... You'd become a sweet person, and warm hearted— which makes you attractive."
"..after eating popcorn?"
"STOP. anyway, you can become a sweet guy."
"there's no such thi—"
"eating caramel popcorn will make you sweet, so—"
"life isn't all sugar and rainbows"
"venti i know you're our teammate but please stop embarrassing us"
hutao points her pen towards heizou at the other end of the room, "the fact that heizous making that face means that he, himself doesn't understand your logic."
"..let me say one thing—"
"it's still our turn. nowadays, people eat popcorn while drinking cola, caramel popcorn + cola, sugar + sugar"
"AHHH that's dangerous"
then suddenly, aether speaks up, and stands up from his seat, walking in the middle of the two tables facing each other.
"everyone, do you believe in fate?"
he looks down and go backs to his seat in embarrassment, but then goes back to the middle again.
"well.. I believe in fate, everyone, soulmates, really do exist. just like scaramouche and [na]—"
“AEEEEYYYYY. TOO SOON.” everyone yells, "Are you going to announce it yet?"
"everyone... sweet caramel makes you.. sweet."
lumine and xingqiu yawn sarcastically, "the candy called sour and sweet, right?"
"it doesn't work." he says as he goes back to his seat.
".. what happens when you eat caramel popcorn? your hands get sticky, right?"
"ah, I don't use my hands, I just eat from the box."
"motherfucker what are you a dog?"
"so, what happens then?"
".. rub your hands to the person right next to you."
"now, savory taste also blends in salty taste, salty and savory— then you will become, salty—"
"stop saying such ridiculous things!"
we'll be right back. (no we won't)

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SYPNOSIS scaramouche accidentally meets a girl on a late night while he was on vacation. it was cold and there were fireworks. soon, they had become friends after a week, but then scaramouche had to go back home, but unfortunately he forgot to ask for her number. now he's trying to look for them, he doesn't know why, but he felt like he should.
TAGLIST, opened! send in an ask to be added because i won't be accepting comments. if your name isn't highlighted, it means i cannot tag you. please notify me if you've change your user. 🏷 @kunikame @plinkuro @cherrybeomgyu @sakiimeo @lez-zuha @blurr3db3rry @rvoulte @mcchaoticgrimreaper @jiminscarmex @euhla @dazaisfavgf @phoenix-eclipses @cerisearan @myspacekuni @katsumikumo @alatusorrow @beriiov @aikochan4859 @giggles8899 @thenightsflower @tsukuyo-kou @cupiditis @alwaysmentallyill @tjjjrsj @jinxnotpowder @arraxthatsonjah @invaderzia1 @akagism @lisaslittle-helper @lfgceo @eimuros @aloveablechaos @kiyuuyu @elysiasbae @dollpoetwriting @jiyua @moonbunny-fl @lxry-chxn @bleedingwhiteroses222 @xingyunclouds @vvyeislazzy @skimm0nzz @yoitslei @meigalaxy @iwishitwas @simp4bakuh03 1/2
#genshin impact x reader#genshin x reader#genshin impact#genshin impact headcanons#genshin impact scenarios#genshin smau#scara x reader#scaramouche x y/n#scaramouche x you#scaramouche x reader#scaramouche
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Soulmate au where first five words are written on the chest. Steve rogers is trying to find his until is getting attacked by reader zemo, the sister of baron zemo. he found out that reader is his soulmate
It's you - Steve Rogers
Summary: In a world where five letters define who will be the love of your life. Steve finds his soulmate in an unexpected way.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Zemo reader
Author’s note: Okay yes, I think I might need to watch the movies again because I'm already a bit rusty about Steve, and to be honest,there are things I don't remember anymore, but I tried my best, hahaha.
Hope you like it and thanks for requesting!
Five letters. Steve has had those five letters tattooed on his right chest for as long as he can remember. Well, it's not his fault. Everyone in the world was born like this. Five letters.
Five letters that determine who is your soulmate, your better half. The person you will spend the rest of your life with.
Everyone, including his friends, his family, have found their life partner but Steve… Years. He hasn't found his in years.
So focused on them, he doesn't hear Nat knocking lightly on the door. Steve responds with a slight come in.
“Steve” is the first thing Nat says as she opens the door. Steve turns to find her standing in the doorway of it.
"What?" He asks as he walks over to his closet to find a shirt to wear.
"Tony is looking for you." He just nods and walks out of the room with her.
“Rogers, Zemo escaped. I need you to go to the prison and find out how. You have to find him." It's the first thing he hears when he enters the room. Tony has his back to him, he’s at the computers. Typical of him. Tony turns to wait for a response from him. Steve nods, letting him know that he will.
Ready to leave to get ready, Stark stops him one last time. “Also. He didn't do it alone. Looks like someone helped him. I need you to find out who. Be careful and good luck."
“It’s incredible, the cell has sensors everywhere, but they didn't activate, there were no hits, no cuts, nothing. Whoever helped him must have been an expert.” Explains the director of the maximum security prison, in which Zemo was held as a prisoner.
Steve carefully observes any aspect that is altered that could serve as a clue. But it’s impossible to find a mistake.
"What about the cameras?" He asks.
“They didn't detect anything. We don't know how someone got in, or if they got out of here-"
Steve stops at the last bit and cuts him off, “Wait. You said you don't know if they got out of here?
The director approaches Steve. After coming to the conclusion that Zemo, and whoever helped him, are still inside the prison, hiding, Steve suggested that they disable the main entrances and exits and turn off the lights.
“All set captain, when you give the ok, we'll execute the plan” Steve nods. "The team is located at the entrances and exits, did they give you a radio?"
“Yes,” He points to his belt, where he has it.
The director nods.
“Let's get started then,” Steve confirms.
“Well, you heard the captain! initiate protocol!”
Three… two… one… Everything goes dark.
Steve, along with other guards accompanying him behind, head towards one of the exit doors of the prison. All with night vision goggles and heat detectors. Like in old school.
They all take their positions, ready to catch them, if they're still here.
One of the guards approaches Steve. "Captain, I detect two figures in sector three."
Steve looks at the small tablet that shows two heat spots. It has to be Zemo.
"Okay, I'll go investigate, stay alert."
The guard nods.
Steve is cautious with every step he takes. Quietly following the screen, he's maybe a couple of meters away. I got you. He thinks referring to Zemo.
He prepares to catch it. Not only Zemo, but also the one who helped him.
He turns off the tablet, so as not to attract attention with the brightness that it emanates. He is about to pick up the radio to tell the rest that he already has it, but he chooses not to do so so as not to generate noise and attract attention.
It was a smart decision since he could hear the footsteps. He was right, they're still here.
Steve braces himself, ready to catch him when…somebody punches him in the leg causing him to fall to the ground.
“I told you they would be here!” says a slightly more feminine voice? Steve thinks. But who is it? Who would help him?
"Zemo, come on!" Zemo and the female voice that he cannot recognize begin to run
Steve gets up quickly. He has to put a little weight on the other leg at first but then he gets into a rhythm, quickly grabs the radio and turns it on and alerts everyone. "They're here! I repeat! Activate the protocol, they're still inside!" Without waiting for a response from the rest, he begins to run to catch up with them.
Steve hears how in the distance the voice seems to rush Zemo. He quickens his pace to at least catch up with him and hold him. Have the guards take care of the assistant.
Through the night vision goggles he can tell that he's close to him.
Three steps were enough to knock Zemo down... well, at least he thought so. If he took down Zemo, just not the Baron.
"Ouch!" That didn't sound like the baron.
The lights suddenly come on. And that's when Steve realizes that the one he caught wasn't the Baron. But a woman.
"Who are you?"
The woman was familiar to him, the features. As if she were the exact copy of someone, only the opposite sex. She tries to wriggle out of his grasp, but Steve is obviously stronger.
"Answer me! Who are you!?"
Obviously the woman seems to be unreceptive, as she ignores him and continues to focus on getting out of his grasp. She manages to tackle Steve and break free. She starts running. Steve chases her, a few meters away. She tries to get to Zemo but he is already surrounded by guards, he looks at her, implying that she doesn't worry about him. She struggles but realizing that Steve is close to catching up with her, she decides to separate, searching for another way.
"You guys take care of Zemo! I'll go get her!" He yells at the guards before turning the other way.
Y/n runs without looking back. I need to hide, make them think I escaped, and then come back for my brother. But it is impossible, these corridors are pure walls, there are no gaps, doors, no nowhere to hide. she only has to run. But as she runs, her body gets tired. She has accumulated fatigue. Spending months planning the escape, nights hacking the cameras, studying every part of the prison, his body doesn't give any more. I should have thought about this too, damn it.
She's so submissive in her thoughts as she runs, she doesn't realize that Steve, with his shield, stops her, causing her to fall to the ground. The blow was very strong, she couldn't get up. From her pants pocket, she takes out her little knife.
Steve walks over to her, but quickly backs away, reflexively seeing how she points her knife at him.
As she can, she gets up and gets into a fighting stance.
"I don’t want to fight with you. Put down the knife please."
"What? Are you afraid of hurting me?” she replies sarcastically. "I'm not afraid of you, Captain"
“I just want to know why you helped Zemo”, Steve approaches slowly but with his guard up.
“Why wouldn't I help him? He's my brother ".
Steve doesn't answer, Zemo has a sister?
Y/n is not swayed by the captain's attempted compassion and attacks him, he dodges the attack to the side. They both start a fight. Y/n attacks him with the knife while Steve takes cover with his shield dodging. He pushes her to the ground with his shield and gets on top of her, takes the knife from her and slashes across her chest, ripping open the outfit she's wearing of hers.
The knife falls to the ground. Steve is petrified. Y/n doesn't understand anything.
"It can't...be..." Steve's eyes seem to be fixed on the woman's chest.
She takes her gaze to where he is looking at her tattoo. She sighs as he closes her eyes.
Those five letters have been there, branded on her body for as long as she can remember. But she never managed to find the other person. And she never believes that she will.
The next thing surprises her even more.
Steve takes the knife to make a small slash right in the same area, opening up his suit a bit, showing her his tattoo. Neither he nor she can believe it.
"It's you..." Both say at the same time...
#chris evans#chris evans imagines#chris evans x reader#cevans#christopher robert evans#chris evans drabble#chris evans x y/n#steve rogers#steve rogers imagine#captain america#the avengers#captain america imagine#steve rogers x reader#steve rogers x y/n#steve rogers x fem!zemo reader#misscherry 26's writings#misscherry 26's requests
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just saw WF in theatres again and I’m here to report that it was even better the second time around I mean I wasn’t 15 ft from the screen for one so that was a big plus but okay also lemme just say that after viewing numero dos I confidently maintain that Namor is not being manipulative with Shuri during her stay in Talokan cuz some of yous wanted real hard for that to be the case and I was starting to get gaslit but nahhh I saw it twice now with mine own eyes and mans is perfectly genuine and open with her from day 1 abt who he is what he stands for what he wants from her etc anyway namuri stays superior the soulmatism stays real they are two sides of the same coin they saw the image of their mothers in each other for gods sake they saw the same humanity and duty and love for their families and peoples that their mothers passed on to them despite Namor and Shuri’s mirror efforts to throw love away in favor of anger vengeance hatred (Namor “the boy without love” and Shuri “my heart was buried with her”) etc etc and in that NYT Rolling Stones interview from today Tenoch Huerta agrees that they have a special connection and he explicitly does not rule out future romance for them and that’s a win for Namuri enjoyers because what he is essentially saying is that the foundation is there for a romance if the choice is ever made to go in that direction and thats all the Namuris have been saying and seeing all along too ie not that they are in love or that they will fall in love in canon but that there is something “beautiful and bright and intimate” and “magical” (Tenoch Huerta’s words not mine!!) already linking them together and it’s really weird for some ppl to want to erase or invalidate that and its wild that shippers are getting so much backlash when ships have been shipped for far less (or far less complex) content and connection than Namuri canonically have aka that pure unfiltered raw organic non-GMO honest to god “let’s burn the world together”-to-enemies-to-“it could have been different”-to-“show him who you really are”-to-dotdotdot realness and goodness that shippers are perfectly allowed to explore in the fanon sphere however they like including romantically and if the filmmakers ever choose to do the same in canon then yee haw but if they don’t oh well we still win well I mean the point here is we’ve already won so cool cool cool
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Season 2 Episode 20 (#62) commentary/theory session.
(This is a more organized version of my original comment on Webtoon.)
I would like to state that I'm finding the most recent development interesting according to the plot and storytelling we've already seen.
Despite the whole soulmate concept being a building block to the many things, romance is not actually a very heavily pressed issue. I've seen some theories stating that she might not get with Omega and the two end up just having a really close bond. I find that to also be an intriguing outcome. Platonic soulmates are underutilized in stories.
My theory I want to happen and believe there's a chance of happening is below.
Sibling/familial dynamic with Delta and Anya is a very positive outcome in my opinion. Many fans are quick to jump to the gun of shipping, but bonds are deeper than that (not saying romance cannot be deep; though to me, a best friend has always seemed closer than a lover.) A brother you have chosen to call your own is so much deeper in tune with you than a blood connection you cannot choose, no? The people you choose to keep in your life are more important than the people you have no choice over being around.
Anya has shown to be starved of the sibling aspect in life. Her younger sister is dead (and past chapters have shown that Alexei blames her for it). Her older brother is a self righteous prick who seems to hold very few humans with value beyond practical purposes. No other familial connections besides her mother are to be noted (I wonder who her dad is). To have Delta as her adoptive sibling/cousin/etc would be very great development for her healing process.
Despite a few panels where they have close bodily contact for various reasons (i.e. checking on Anya's health, keeping the other safe, etc.), there has been no inclination of romantic attraction or even anything beyond going the next step after trust. He was the internalized bias she has known all her life. She is finally opened up to seeing him as someone she can trust and rely on (I'm thinking maybe even beyond the initial deal to a point but that has no backing). Anya is a very empathetic and emotional person. She wants to understand Delta. It's one of the first steps to peace in her view.
He has proven (from what we have seen) to be honorable to his word despite all the pushing backwards he has done fudging drama king. He's proven to be bloodthirsty and fight with an almost animalistic vengeance despite being quite tactical. He pretty much tells her not to get too comfortable because he is a cold blooded killer; but I feel she has stopped listening to that show of intimidation at this point. She is shown smiling, almost in an amused sense, after the most recent honesty dump.

I feel they have finally passed the point of him making elaborate shows of drama (cause he's a dramatic ruler and we all know it) to make her realize how scary he truly is and entered the the stage of being honest with feelings and opening up to the other. Truly, a development.
They currently have a unique relationship of "I'm gonna analyze you and try to make you talk about feelings and the past" though the intentions for the analyzing are completely different.
Delta—beyond keeping Anya healthy both physically and mentally—has only shown active interest in Anya as an experiment of sorts. Regardless, I'm almost certain he'll warm up (in his own quirky way) in the next few episodes after the fight (Anya is impossible to not warm up to). He has made himself appear to be cold, protective, and calculating to a cruel degree; but if you read closely, you will notice he shows sparks of unnecessary kindness and emotion. His humanity is still very much inside whether or not he believes it.
Anya, on the other hand, has shown much interest in learning about the androids and their origins as well as current social/political/war (idk what to call it) issues. She wants peace between everyone with minimum bloodshed if possible. Her hesitance towards certain topics and interactions is understandable after the trauma she has gone through and situations of constant fear she's put in.
I genuinely believe that if Kat and Ali don't throw a plot twist in (though this whole series is a series of plot twists and angst) Anya and Delta will come back from this with a deeper bond. One bonds from saving the other's life, no? Let's see how the creators plan this out.
I'm really curious as to your theories. The fandom is so small. I'm curious if I'll find anyone else here to talk about the story with.
Younger Omega

I need more of Omega before the war.
#in the bleak midwinter webtoon#itbmw#webtoon theory#itbmw delta#itbmw anya#itbmw omega#in the bleak midwinter;#itbmw;#in the bleak midwinter
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Sneak Peek: Repeat After Me
Tony Stark/Reader 'Mob AU' (set in Loki's 'Empire' after the Avengers lost in 2012)
Written for Round 1 of Trope Madness to vote for Soulmate AU, I was searching for a way to put a fresh spin on Soulmate Words, and came up with this. I decided to combine this with @caplanbuckybarnes's Three Words Challenge and use the words 'Don't look back.'
Tags: @ronearoundblindly @chickensarentcheap @themaradaniels @starksbf @tiny-anne @starryeyes2000
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged! It's... probably going turn into a series. I'm really enjoying the worldbuilding.
Repeat After Me
You might be the only person who has both soulmate words written on your body.
Repeat after me: don’t look back.
At first, you’d found them comforting. After all, they’re predictable in a way almost no one else’s words are: if you’re right about them, it means you can choose whether to speak those fateful words aloud. Then Loki came with his Chitauri army, and everything changed.
It’s been ten years since Lord Loki became the ruler of the world; ten years of societal restructure and bleak acquiescence. It turns out that humans are well adapted to be ruled, just as he’d said-- but perhaps not quite in the way he’d intended. Everyone has figured out their own way to survive, whether it’s in one of the densely populated city-states, the agricultural backwaters, or the uneasy suburban sprawl that straddles both extremes.
You’re one of the few who can travel easily through all three, and you pride yourself on that. Pre-Empire, you’d been a top exec at a shipping company, and your talent for managing large egos, ability to memorize maps, and knowledge of machinery was easily translated to a life as a smuggler. Your top rule? You do not take sides. Ever. It’s what made you successful, what kept you alive.
And no one knows the real reason.
“Zephyr, how long before you head out?”
You’re half-in, half-out of your truck, the open door heavy on your ass thanks to all the armor plating. “Weather looks like it’s gonna hold for another hour and a half, I was thinking forty-five minutes?” you guess, squinting up through the tint on the upper part of the windshield.
“Got time to meet with a potential?” Karl laughs at your obvious groan, adding, “Fancy suit says D.C., maybe New York. Probably shouldn’t risk skipping.” You trust your second in command, even if you don’t want to take his advice. Karl Mordo is pragmatic, honest, and a baronic pain in your ass sometimes.
“Fuck. Okay. But I’m going right now, before I de-grease for the trip.” You hop down and hold up your dirty hands, wiggling your fingers.
“What if they’re from Stark?”
You clench your jaw. “His people should know better, even after two years. We just did Fisk a favor, maybe he’ll remind Loki’s plaything that there’s a reason he relocated to Miami.”
Karl nods and heads back to the house, and as soon as he’s gone, you hold still and count to ten to calm your breathing. Tony Stark rules the northeast with a literal iron fist, and no one’s sure whether the mind control has turned him cruel or he’d been released years ago and just likes it. Almost no one Stark doesn’t trust has been close enough to know for sure.
Despite your reputation for neutrality, a few years back he’d sent his clever and ruthless ex-turned-CFO Pepper Potts to ask you to spy on some of the biggest players on the Eastern Seaboard.
It had been the first time you’d gotten close enough to see the electric blue of Loki’s mind control first-hand. Her threats had been articulate and terrifying, but yours ended up having a lasting effect on the way Lord Loki does his business. Word is that the emperor includes additional spells and enchantments to prevent a simple blow to the head from releasing a thrall and undoing years of work.
You still get messages from Potts, filtered heavily by word of mouth, through the Resistance.
#tony stark fanfiction#tony stark x reader#tony stark x you#mob au if you squint#tony stark imagine#story: repeat after me
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