#these two fellas in a human trench coat just want to be fucking people
mcskullmun · 1 month
We’re okay 95% of the time but sometimes we remember that we likely won’t be able to transition until we’re like 20-fucking-5 and get the insatiable urge to Throw Things
(Cw for some trans-related rage/desperation in the tags)
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For @danceworshipper #27- “Kiss me” (Angsty to fluffy Destiel but they aren’t together yet)
Dean sighed heavily behind the steering wheel of the Impala. He nervously wiped his palms on the top of his thighs as the pulsating neon lights of the bar---no, gay bar--danced across Baby’s hood.
Castiels voice jerked Dean back to reality. “Yeah?”
“Would you be more comfortable if Sam were here instead of me?” 
Yes, he thought to himself. Because an angel, his best friend, and the guy he’s been in love with for-fucking-ever was sitting next to him looking like pure sin.
Instead of his old trench coat, Cas was wearing dark blue jeans that hugged his body in ALL the right places and had borrowed one of Deans’ old Rolling Stones t-shirts. The black cotton barely contained the massive biceps Cas had been hiding God knows where. His hair was looked like he just rolled out of bed but somehow was still sexy as hell.
“Nah, man. I’m good. Just gotta---,” he looked Castiel up and down quickly, “think. Of a game plan. Gotta think of a game plan,” he trailed off, willing his eyes to peel themselves away from the angel next to him.
“Alright. We know for certain that the siren is here tonight. We blend in, find it, lure it outside and kill it. That---is that still the plan?”
“Yeah, Cas, that’s the damn plan,” Dean snipped. He shook his head and stared out the window. “Sorry, I just---there’s a lot on my mind lately.”
Castiel frowned and rested his hand on Dean’s leg. “You know you can talk to me about anything, Dean. Can I help?”
Dean froze, his eyes glued to the hand on his knee. Shoulder touches and back pats were nothing new. But this was new.
 Reading too much into it, man. It’s not like that. He doesn’t feel that way abou---
He snapped his head up, eyes focusing on the worried looking angel next to him.
“M’fine. Let’s get in, get the job done and get the fuck outta here.” He swung the door open and slammed it shut. Rounding the car, he opened the trunk and pulled out two bronze daggers. He handed one to Cas carefully. He’d justify it as being cautious not to cut the angel, but in reality he knew what happened when he felt Cas’ skin touch his own. He didn’t have time to unpack that right now, so he ducked his head and headed towards the entrance.
“Uh, the siren,” Dean tried to hide the tremble in his voice, “they go after people who’re---like---they make them wanna kill someone they---fuck,” he shook his head, looking straight ahead.
“Dean, I understand how they work,” Castiel nodded. “I’ll watch over you. Just, maybe don’t kiss anyone while were here. That’s usually how they infect their prey.” The angel offered a small smile.
Dean pressed his lips together. “Won’t be a problem.”
Dean pushed the door open and was bombarded by thumping music and the smell of sweat and alcohol. There were people gathered on the dance floor, writhing to the beat enough to make Dean blush.
Castiel walked up to the bar and leaned his elbows on it, effectively making his ass stick out. The bartender’s eyes lit up as he sauntered over.
“What can I get for ya, angel?”
Dean smirked and suppressed a laugh.
“Vodka tonic and a whiskey with a beer back, please,” Castiel purred.
Jesus fuck, kill me now, Dean thought. Of course he’d know is drink order.
The bartender came back and handed them their drinks with a wink. “Have a great time tonight, fellas.”
“Oh, we will,” Castiel smiled and actually winked back at the guy.
Dean was in hell. Agonizing hell. Seeing Cas act human was not helping his situation. Choosing to ignore it, he turned and rested his back against the bar, surveilling the crowd. He felt something brush against his shoulder and turned his head.
Castiel was leaning in to say something directly into Dean’s ear but stopped. Their faces mere inches apart. Dean licked his lips, his eyes bouncing from the angels mouth to his eyes.
“I uh---so, what do we do now?” Castiel tilted his head, looking Dean in the eye.
“We---,” Deans heartbeat was rapidly increasing, “we do the job, Cas.” Dean took his shot of whiskey and slid it down on the bar, grabbed his beer and nodded for Castiel to follow him.
He walked out onto the dance floor and took a long drink of his beer before turning around.
It wasn’t fair. No one should look this good.
Castiel set his drink down on the bar and raised an eyebrow at Dean. He pushed off the bar and slowly walked towards Dean, hips swaying a little more than they usually do. The lights danced across his face and lit up his eyes that were staring at the man in front of him. He raised his hand slightly, resting it against Dean’s hip and pulled him in close.
“Blend in,” is all he said before his other hand laid on the back of Dean’s neck, running his fingers through the short hair. His hips started slow, moving to the beat of the music.
Dean took the hint and wrapped his arm around the angel, pressing his groin against the other mans hips. He felt himself moving without thinking, letting Castiel take charge.
Feeling his friend grind against his thigh and grip the back of his neck was overwhelming. He felt himself slowly getting hard between them and prayed Cas didn’t notice.
“Dean,” Castiel breathed against the mans ear.
“Cas,” Dean all but moaned, tightening his grip on the angels shirt
“Dean, the siren, it’s watching us.”
Dean’s blood ran cold. He’d totally forgot they were on a hunt and not just getting dirty on the dance floor.
“Good, ok. Good,” Dean huffed. “Who uh, who’s it lookin’ at more, you ‘r me?”
Castiel turned his head, baring his neck to Dean who wanted nothing more than to lick a stripe up it.
“Me,” he confirmed.
“’Course he is,” Dean whispered. How could anyone NOT look at Castiel? “K, well, let’s lure it out.”
Reluctantly, Dean let go of the angel and reached out his hand for Cas. Once he interlocked their fingers, he led him off the dance floor and out the back exit.
Dean looked back and smiled at Cas, also noticing that the siren was following them.
He pushed the back door open and was relieved when the cool night air touched his skin. The back alley was dark and dripping wet, it stunk of vomit and an overflowing dumpster but Dean welcomed it. Anything to get his mind off what just happened.
“It should be here any moment,” Castiel whispered, reaching behind his back and gripping the blade.
“Wait,” Dean held his hand out to stop the angel. “Might scare it off if we ambush it right out the gate. We should---we have to distract it. Make it think it’s got a chance at infecting you.”
Castiel tilted his head. “How?”
The handle of the door slowly turned down, the door was about to open.
“Kiss me.”
Castiels eyes flew open. In an instant, Dean was being shoved against the wet brick wall. The angels body pressed tightly against the other mans, fisting the side of Deans shirt. Their lips collided in a rough kiss, all tongue and teeth.
“Well isn’t this a sight,” a voice called from behind them.
Castiel pulled away then, watching Deans chest rapidly rise and fall. He was panting himself, trying to regain his composure. Dean looked over the angels shoulder to see a short blonde man standing there with his arms crossed and smiling.
“You get your kicks outta watchin’ two guys make out, buddy?”
The man smiled brightly. “Maybe I do. Or maybe I want to join the party.”
Don’t kiss anyone Castiels voice rang through Dean’s head.
“Do you, now,” Castiel’s voice was deep and sultry. Dean didn’t want to know where he’d learned how to talk like that. He stepped up to the siren, tilting his head. “Sorry, but my boyfriend doesn’t share.”
In a swift movement, Castiel pulled the knife out from it’s hiding place and thrust it up in the sirens throat. It’s eyes widened as it tried to scream but failed. The blonde man shifted and turned into a grotesque, hairless monster before their eyes. Castiel pulled the knife out slowly, letting the body drop to the ground.
He turned to Dean who was still pressed against the wall.
“Dean, are you alright?”
Dean nodded, trying to control his emotions. “Cas, that was---that was awesome,” he smiled.
Castiel shrugged his shoulders as he stowed his blade.
Dean smiled and pushed off the wall. “Seriously, man. You can act. Dancing, flirting, the uh---the kissing. Didn’t know you had it in ya.”
Castiel walked up to Dean and braced one of his hands against the wall beside Deans head, crowding into his personal space.
“I’m full of surprises,” he whispered. He watched Dean lick his lips, feeling the mans breath on his face. He leaned in and captured Dean’s lips in a soft kiss.
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lokibug · 6 years
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Pairing: Loki x Blind!Reader
Summary: Beauty and the Beast AU in which Loki is forced to stay in his Jotun form until another human loves him. He becomes a caretaker for You due to be recently permanently blind.
Warnings: Angst, Cursing, Mention of Blood
Song: Heal by Tom Odell
A/N: Hey everyone sorry for the delay and the length of this one, but there’s more to come. Also for those in my ask box, I’m sorry but I can’t add more people in the tags. I’ve hit the limit as well as realizing the struggle of tagging people in the comments, but I’m still so honored for all of you in support of my story. Enjoy!
Part 1| Part 2| Part 3| Part 4| Part 5| Part 6| Part 7| Part 8| Part 9| Part 10
Sirens flared throughout the streets. It was as if everything were happening in slow motion. Stephanie pulling Y/N away from her father’s limp body. Loki making sure the medics lifted him properly. The God was not used to such a sight, he always seen humans as such weak specimens. Little did he know how strong they could be as well. For their flesh might’ve been weak, but their hearts far more intense than all else.
In order to save y/f/n’s life, the surgeons had to put him through surgery immediately. They worked as fast as they could in an attempt to save y/n’s father’s life. Y/N stood side by side with Loki and Stephanie. All with sorrowed faces. Despite all looking like complete messes, the doctors allowed them in a side waiting room so they wouldn’t disturb other worried patients. Y/N cling to Loki’s arm as her foot continuously and impatiently tapped on the carpeted floor. The wait allowed her to stop her sobbing and control herself somewhat. Stephanie rubbed y/n’s other hand in an attempt to comfort her. It worked for the moment.
Four hours later, a doctor came to the three of them. He asked to speak to y/n alone, despite her not truly being able to handle it...she went anyways. He broke the news that her father pulled through, but due to health conditions slipped into a coma. The tears appeared again and she felt as if she was going to scream. Instead she remained quiet minus a few sniffles. The doctor apologized and informed her of the process of which they were going to go through with her father’s recovery. After another half hour of explaining, Loki finally ushered her out of the hospital.
“Y/N?” Stephanie whispered, “Do you need me to stay with you tonight?” Y/N pondered over in her mind and rubbed her hands on her dress, still damped with spots of her father’s blood.
Raspy voiced, she responded, “Thank you Stephanie,” she sniffed, “But I think I’ll be okay...”
Stephanie gave her a tight hug and rubbed her palms on y/n’s back, “If you need anything at any time, I’ll be there.”
“Thank you...” she whispered before pulling away and grabbed onto Loki’s arm.
Y/N said nothing on the way home. She remained silent and leaned against the window of the car that took them home. Her heart was shattered and her beloved could only sit there and watch. He didn’t know how to hold her hand or display any type of love in the moment. Upon arriving to their home, y/n only held onto Loki until they made it completely inside. She wordlessly grabbed a robe for the shower. She showered for almost an hour scrubbing her skin till it burned. She never thought the smell would disappear. She was absolutely a nervous wreck. No tears fell as they did before, her mind only rewound on a continuous loop of the possible outcomes.
She grabbed the brush from the cabinet and ran it through her wet hair. Loki was near by, she had been inside the bathroom far too long and he was beginning to worry about her, well if had ever stopped worrying to begin with. The lights were dimmed and the main light source came from the moon. She stepped out of the bathroom and into the room. She had bumped into the doorway twice and groaned. She rubbed her arm and threw the dress on the bed. Y/N slowly stepped out the room and into the living room.
“Hey..” Loki said softly.
“Hey—“ suddenly y/n bumped her shin into the coffee table knocking over the coasters and she groaned. “—fucking shit! I can’t do t-this!” She began to sob as her body shook and she slowly sunk to the floor. Loki quickly went over to her. He wrapped his arms around her and gently carried her upon the couch. His cold fingers released her as he looked at her hands covering her face.
“Hey, Hey, Hey...” he whispered, “Y/N...please...talk to me...tell me what’s on your mind..” he encouraged her to voice her sorrow.
Catching her breath Y/N opened her eyelids, something she had never done before. The obvious pain and confusion laid in them and caused Loki’s heart to break. He knew not of the accident that caused this but he knew that she absolutely hated the thought of what her eyes must’ve looked like. “I can’t even walk to t-the living room without being scared sometimes Loki. I remember looking into my dad’s eyes and seeing only love. The only love I’ve ever known. Loki-I’ll never see him again because I’m fucking disabled and blind! I can’t do anything, what if I never feel him again?...what if he never scolds me again for making inappropriate jokes—o-or ask me about the movies no one else likes...” she laid her head down, “...I’m never going to see him again.” She his her face from him.
Loki quickly took his palms and placed them on her cheeks so she would face him. She could see his shadow from the moonlight. “Y/N,” his voice cracked, “Your father loves you, he loves you so much. He does not want you to worry for him, he’s going to be okay. I can’t promise, but y/n there’s hope. You taught that to me. There’s so much hope that we have...if you don’t have enough then I suppose I shall have enough for the both of us...” He pulled her into a tight hug as his eyes watered, “And you cry if you need to cry...don’t every deny yourself the privilege of your humanity. For you are the most beautiful and loving human I’ve ever met.” He stroked the back of her head as she buried her face in his shoulder as she quietly cried. Loki held onto her for as long as she was able to not fall asleep from exhaustion. The whole time she felt safe...warm, even in his cold aura. She didn’t understand what changed in him, why he was so nice to her. Perhaps Stephanie was right, maybe Loki was into her.
Little did she know this entire evening Loki felt lucky enough to hold the woman he felt he could love if he hadn’t already. Without his magic, it pained him to see that there was physically nothing he could do about the situation. What he did know, was that he had a pretty good idea as to who it could’ve been.
The two eventually made their way to bed, Loki gently lying her down and keeping her company until she was fully asleep. The next morning across town, the rather bad part of town, Lucas stood in an alley way in a hat and trench coat that shielded most of his identity. He held a suitcase full of money and waited until another hooded man appeared before him.
“You bring it all?...” The brown haired man spoke to him rubbing his gloved hands together.
Lucas nodded, “All of it here, the rest transferred.” He then handed over the briefcase into the hands that held a gun the previous evening.
“It better all be there, or we’ll make sure we get it.” He said inspecting the case. He snapped it closed once more as two other large men stood at the end of the alley way. Lucas eyed them and looked back at the man. “Are you threatening me?” He questioned.
“And what do you think you’re gonna do about it pretty boy?”
Lucas merely chuckled and wiped the corner of his mouth with his thumb, “You fellas have a good day.” With that he turned on his heels and walked in the opposite direction. With everything going just the way Lucas planned, he knew it was only a matter of time till he neared his goal and no one was getting in his way. He was going to deal with things his no matter who got in his way.
Since visiting hours started Y/N and Loki made their way down to the hospital. Loki still wore the surgical mask and hat. He left in the contacts and makeup from the previous night as Stephanie guided him on how to do so. Y/N managed to throw on whatever hoodie and jeans were lying around. She was eager to know her father’s condition. It was stable and improving, she was glad to hear this.
Loki stepped into the hospital room, seeing Y/N curled up on a chair next to the bed. She was caressing her dad’s limp hand and in deep thought. Hearing the quiet footsteps, she cleared her throat, “Who’s there?”
“It’s me love, I brought you back something from that room down stairs. They said they sold food and I just brought you back this...turkey,” he inspected the label, “sandwich and some of those chips you buy.” She sat up and smirked softly.
“Thank you, Loki. I was thinking I could read to him. I read somewhere that if you keep talking to coma patients that they could hear you. He loved when I could read to him, so I brought my brail book Stephanie got me. It’s in my bag, can you hand it to me?” She asked retrieving the items Loki had just brought her.
Loki rummaged through the black backpack next to the wall. He found a few things but no sign of the book.
“Hm, I can’t seem to find the book. I don’t think you put it in there.” He commented. Obvious disappointment was painted upon y/n’s face. Loki looked away from the bag to her face and rubbed his hands together. “I could go retrieve it for you. Carry it back, if you’d like.”
“You sure?...” She asked softly rubbing the plastic on the sandwich packaging.
“Of course,” he walked over to her and placed a soft kiss upon the of her head, “excuse me while I’m gone. If you need me for anything in the mean time, I’ll have the phone.”
“You mean the voice box?” She asked and chuckled softly. Loki shook his head, “A smart woman once told me it’s called a phone okay.” He turned on his heels and headed out the room once more.
After calling a taxi and getting a ride back to the apartment, he had a weird feeling. Almost an aura. He made his way up the stairs and to the door, pulling out his keys he put his hand around the door knob. Twisting it, he realized it was already unlocked. Stepping in her glanced around. The chair in the living room was occupied by none other than Lucas.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Loki asked composed. His demeanor never changing despite his emotions.
“Ah Loki. Loki Laufeyson?” He asked standing to his feet and stood near him, “or was it Odinson?”
Loki’s eyebrows immediately furrowed and he looked confused.
“Surprised? Did you really think you could hide forever? Helping out a poor blind girl, nice cover up really, almost had me fooled. How long do you think it will take for her to find out? I do see the way you look at her,” he circled around Loki slowly an evil smile present upon his chiseled cheeks, “like you two are going to have a happy ending. Pathetic.”
Loki’s jaw clenched as did his fists. He closed his eyes painfully holding back the urge to slam the blonde man into the wall. “What do you want?..” he growled.
“What do I want?...it’s quite simple really monster, I want you to hurt her. Break her heart,” he whispered in his ear, “crush her soul. Make her absolutely despise the sound of your voice.”
“Or?...” He questioned gazing equally as aggressive into Lucas’ eyes.
“Or, I tell her your little secret...making sure she knows of the monster you really are, and minimize the chances of that old fool ever rising from that coma...choose correctly Mr. Odinson.”
Fuming, Loki watched as Lucas as he chuckled and exited the apartment.
Loki taglist: @drakesfiance @sunflqweroses @bambamwolf87 @pandaqua @bonelessbarnes @dorkybryan @hunter-demigod-timelord @thatmemequeen @powerstrangerdacre @barnes-infinity-bucky
Story Taglist: @mrssangsterstylesxavier @awkward-silence-turtle @vxidnik @fandoms-allovertheplace @limedane21 @yourpotatotwiceremooved @crazyweirdgeekthatneedstochill @ajduurikscjsja @kiwigrease @fireismysaftey @nhievyenne @bambi-loki @bilesxbilinskixlahey @jessiejunebug @imarockstar45 @fuckthatfeeling @the-deity-ofthe-cosmos @chibiyanai @zarizha @mell-bell @blueskiesbleakeyes @always-kneel-to-loki @graveyardchild @some-person-somewhere @aljadams369 @marvelc00kie35 @harleykittykat @lokis-little-kitten @sparkling-liability @youveseen--thebutcher @wickedscorpio22 @zeddlocket @sheeraverage @trenchcoatdevilsworld @wishrains
Permanent Taglist: @marvelismylifffe @libbymouse @keithseabrook27 @maladaptive-ninja-returns
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atomicsimulacra · 7 years
The Smell of Rotting Orchids
(( Anna finds AM and AMos, after they were kicked out of Vault 67. Content warning for animal death/animal gore and some nasty swears from AM. ))
A gunshot rang through the air, blowing a feral dog’s head clean off its shoulders. Whatever bark tried to leave its throat silenced with a gurgle, its body collapsing limp on the hillside. The chilly, morning air stilled, save for the faint breath of the hunter; a thin, red headed woman.
After a moment, Anna Lovett walked down the frosty slope, stashing her hunting rifle on her back and pulling the brim of her fedora lower over her eyes. Her beige trench coat bunched around her armpits and sides, but settled as she readjusted the fabric, under the gun’s strap. Crouching besides one of the dead dogs, she pulled out a hunting knife and made an incision.
Steam and entrails spilled from the carcass. The fleeting urge to gag crossed her mind.
As she harvested the meat from her kills, Anna counted the morning’s blessings. She now had something to cook up for lunch, after having stayed in Diamond City to give Valentine a tune up and heading out an hour prior. Perhaps, if Danse was in the mood, they could share a meal together, before she headed home to Croup Manor. Cambridge Police Station was easily thirty minutes away; Croup Manor an hour and a half. She’d end up at home with sore feet one way or another, she reasoned to herself. Might as well make it enjoyable.
Satisfied with her plan and butchery, the red-haired woman rose from the last mongrel and stretched, arching her back and rolling her neck. Once she decompressed, she looked down and frowned. She’d gotten a couple specks of blood on her light blue shirt, even after having been careful. Before she could curse her luck, a soft, male voice broke the silence.
“What’s the good of moonliiiiight?
When you haven’t got a boyyy to looooove…?”
Anna paused, then turned her head to the right. The voice continued to sing, having emerged from a cave in the side of a rocky outcropping, which sat on the hill Anna stood on. If it weren’t for the voice, the cave was easily camouflaged by the surrounding rocks.
“Niiiight time’s just the time to spoooon…
Underneath theeee silv’ry mooooon…”
The red-haired woman scanned her surroundings, her brows furrowing, before venturing to the mouth of the cave. She didn’t enter it, but she did listen in, intrigued. It wasn’t everyday people sang in the open, let alone from caves.
“Every fella’s ha-ppy, cuddlin’ ‘neath the stars abovvvve…
Ohhhh, when the Moon is shinin’, what a heavenly bliss!
Look at what you’re missin’, when you caaaan’t steal a kisss—“
“Oh for fuck’s—“ another voice, similar to the singer’s, tried to interject.
“Soooo, what’s the good of moooooonliiiiiight? When you haven’t got a boy to love?”
The other voice spoke up again, with a peeved tone.
“I was about to ask the same thing about us sitting here, AMos.”
 “Are you just saying that because there’s a scuffle outside, AM?” AMos hummed.
“Something, probably human, is tearing those dogs apart outside,” AM growled. “And yet here we are, in a dank, cramped, shithole—“
“A safe little outhouse, more like,” AMos interrupted. AM audibly seethed, pacing the floor. The sound of something metal against soft rock followed, mirroring human footsteps.
“If you’re expecting me to stay on that lackluster reasoning alone,” AM spat. “Then you have another thing coming, you yellow bellied scrap heap!” Anna couldn’t help but wince. She couldn’t see who was talking from where she sat, nor could they see her.
“You mean to tell me you’re content?!” AM ranted. “Hiding here, giving humans something to gloat about?!”
“They blew up the goddamn world, AMos! They deserve to suffer and bleed!”
“These humans didn’t,” AMos calmly replied, his tone distracted. He sounded preoccupied with something, other than his brother’s tirade.
“They never asked to be born here. They’re as scared and confused as we are, poor dears.”
The sound of someone getting up from the floor followed, as AMos continued speaking.
“I simply couldn’t kill them in good conscience. Even after Pohl.”
Anna leaned in, as she eavesdropped. Whoever these two were, they didn’t sound like ghouls or super mutants. This filled her with the urge to reply, but how? That was the question. Regardless, the pair raged on.
“The raiders outside don’t care about our sob story, jackass,” AM growled. “They want us dead!”
“Only because androids are uncommon or malevolent,” AMos reminded him sharply.
“They want to kill us, brother!” AM said exasperatedly. “The why doesn’t matter here!”
“Son of a fucking bitch, how many times do I—“
AM didn’t get to finish. In that moment, Anna found her words and spoke up.
“Excuse me? Is… someone there?”
The two beings fell quiet. They didn’t even breathe. Anna tried again, holding her hands up to show she wasn’t a threat. Her amber eyes softened, peering into the dark.
“There’s no need to be frightened, whoever you are,” the red-haired woman explained.
“I’m not a raider, nor do I mean you any harm. Are you two alright in there?”
From the darkness of the cave, two pairs of eyes emerged. One pair had red and blue irises set among black sclera and bored into Anna’s very soul. The other two had pink and baby blue irises and closer resembled human eyes, though they had the unnatural sheen of glass. They also fixed onto her, but they hardly scrutinized. Each set revealed a certain truth to both individuals; they were both clearly second generation synths.
“Is… That a fact now?” AMos asked. On registering how Anna looked, his tone brightened.
“Oh, how wonderful! It’s been a while since we’ve met someone civilized!”
The longer he stared, the more the eyes he owned became half lidded. His voice softened, more resembling a coo.
“Civilized and… Goodness,” AMos sighed appreciatively. “Simply ravishi—“
“Who the fuck are you and how the fuck did you hear us?” AM demanded, having put a hand over his brother’s mouth. AMos let out a muffled sound in protest.
“My name is Anna,” the thin woman replied. “Are either of you hurt?”
“I asked two questions, you horse-faced cunt,” AM spat. “How did you hear us, goddammit?”
Before Anna could answer, AMos bit into his brother’s hand, getting AM to shut up with a pained whine and pull away. Anna flinched, causing AMos to pause before speaking.
“…Forgive my brother, Ms. Anna,” AMos said gently. “He isn’t very trusting of your kind.”
“I, however, have good people sense, and you appear trustworthy. I’m assuming you heard our disagreement, from inside our shelter?”
Anna nodded, wary of both synths for different reasons.
“It sounded to me like you’d been there for some time,” she explained. “So I wanted to offer a hand, if you needed it. I’m skilled in robotics you see, and I was on my way home.”
AMos’ eyes widened in interest. Carefully, he neared the human woman, as AM inspected the damage AMos had done to his metal palm. As the synth ventured more out of the cave, it was clear he wore rose tinted glasses and a pink sweater vest, with a white shirt, jeans, and matching shoes. The seams of his plating were sewn and stapled, giving him the appearance of a doll.
“Is that so?” AMos asked warmly. “I must say, that’s very kind of you, Ms. Anna.”
“Was,” Anna corrected. “But with your brother’s attitude, I’m tempted to redact my offer.”
AMos shot a tense glance to AM, before continuing on.
“As I said before,” AMos explained. “My brother is wary around your people but he doesn’t mean ill will. I mean, just look at what they’ve done to him, in the time we’ve been out here.”
AM let out a yelp as he was yanked into view by his brother, revealing he was in quite the sorry state. The back plate of his head was completely gone, revealing his metallic skull and the numerous wires that connected his body together. His seams were worn and frayed, the plates that made them up stained with dirt and blood. His hand and foot plates had completely broken away, leaving his metal endoskeleton exposed.
An ugly scar from Mirelurk Hunter acid crackled across his chest, but the true extent of the damage was hidden by a ratty, green cloak AM wore, haphazardly held together with crude stitching, rope, and duct tape. Worst of all, two sets of Yao Guai claws had been raked across his face, giving it a savage grid like pattern. AM’s gaze hardened, as he was gawked at.
“Goodness,” Anna gasped. “You two really are in dire straits.”
“Indeed,” AMos sighed pitifully. “The outside world has just dreadful!”
He lounged on his brother, forlorn. AM bunched his shoulders in response. With AMos having made their case, Anna considered the two synths then rose to her feet.
“Follow me, then,” Anna offered. “I can give you two a tune up and a place to stay.”
AMos’ face lit up like a Christmas tree. He practically jumped to his feet, beaming at Anna.
“You’re too kind, Ms. Anna,” the more intact synth replied appreciatively. “You won’t regret it.”
“I certainly hope not,” Anna said with a hopeful, smaller smile.
“Now come along. We have a long way to go."
Anna started on the trek home, but AM didn’t move an inch, even as AMos followed behind her. AMos turned and glared at him, causing AM to frown. The two stared at each other a moment, equally stubborn regarding what they wanted to do. AMos then marched back over and pulled his brother upright, murmuring something in his ear.
“Now, now, brother dear,” AMos said through tight teeth. “I know you have your reasons for acting this way, but if you continue to insult Ms. Anna or her generosity… I’ll going to have to do something I’ll regret. And no one will find the body.”
He had an eerily serene smile on his face. AM appeared completely unaffected, save for a small huff of annoyance. The human woman looked over her shoulder, having not heard a word they’d exchanged.
“Are you two coming?” Anna called.
“Yes, of course, ma’am! I just had to fetch the wet rag!” AMos replied with a giggle.
He then proceeded to drag AM after him with frightening ease. The roughed-up synth scowled in outrage, trying desperately to pull himself away.
“You insufferable, brown nosing—“
Anna had already tuned out their conversation, to try and focus on getting the three of them home. She knew for certain now she couldn’t visit Danse, but they hadn’t planned anything formally, so she wasn’t too fussed. She was more worried about the two synths tagging along behind her. It was clear there was some truth to AMos’ words; the world thus far had been unkind to them. AM’s behavior screamed that of primal, fight or flight response.
 Despite this, the red-haired woman resigned herself to her offer. She wouldn’t know the true extent of their damage until they got home.
It couldn’t hurt to give them a chance.
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