#these b*tches are gay good for them
bitchface24-7 · 2 months
I love the dichotomy between Sam and Dean where they see each other in opposite lights. (lowkey a character analysis below)
We’ve seen how Dean views himself. He thinks he’s worthless, weak, stupid, and unloveable. He “hates what he sees in the mirror.”
Sam thinks Dean is amazing. He’s a phenomenal hunter and an even better brother. He stepped up to take care of him when dad fucked off. Dean took care of Sammy in ways most people would never understand. Dean is strong, kind, funny, witty, and undeniably gorgeous. Sam loves Dean with all his heart. No one will ever replace him. No one. Sam cannot live without Dean. If Dean leaves him, he’ll just be surviving.
Sam on the other hand thinks he’s a weirdo, a freak, an abomination. Something to put out of its misery since how could something so disgusting be alive in this world?
Dean thinks Sammy is brilliant. A keen eye and a knack for researching into unknown lore the brothers didn’t even know existed. He’s snarky, snooty, sarcastic, and sweet. Sammy knows the power of both his bitch stare and puppy-dog eyes. Sammy must know he has Dean wrapped around his pinky finger? There isn’t a goddamn thing in this world that tops Sam in Dean’s eyes. Sam is perfect. He’s both beautiful on the inside and out. Sammy is Dean’s priority, his main focus, his baby brother. Eventually it just switches to “mine. mine. mine.” in Deans head. Dean cannot live without Sammy, he’ll k*ll himself before he lives in a world without his baby brother.
Like??? HELLO?!?! I love them so much it isn’t even funny
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v-createz · 1 year
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Bro who did this
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scoups4lyfe · 1 year
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cuz you're a thieving scumbag
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I love how much Michinaga is getting on Mary's a$$ about this
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lmao really taking a page out of Ace's book here
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can’t tell me otherwise
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in case ya wanna use it
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inaflashimagine · 1 year
just replayed life is strange after 7 years and to see that the proportion of people who chose to sacrifice Arcadia bay is now the minority had me shook !
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marumenkai · 7 months
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❤️💛Happy Valentino Day❤️💛
I've had Yakuza on the brain and AGAGRHRO I feel so normal about this game and and- I love Zhao and Ichiban's interactions so much. Love how we can agree as a community(?) that watching them interact was a very "Dam... These b*tches gay. Good for them" moment.
📷 Would also like to mention I did use a reference to draw this! Got it off of Pexels (a good website for good references!). Original photo used is by Anna Shvets 📷
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cruxbatface · 2 years
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My god!!! These b*tches gay!!! Good for them
(2021 piece)
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lizaluvsthis · 7 months
A Chamber of Burning Souls
Fanfic Written and Illustrated by @lizaluvsthis
Idea of creation by @itsajjanea
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First off- I'd like to thank @itsajjanea for the main fic idea I feel so tempted on making the fic cause I really don't want to attend prom rn and I dont even have no partner. Anyways- consider this as a valentines meal for yall-
I know how much everyone has been wanting a valentines fic for our gay boys :))
Oh- just a reminder that me and AJ are making an AU dedicated with the Movie we both watched and gave us the gay fairy boys some ideas of it so :D
Summary: It's Prom and everyone is invited to celebrate at Square Plaza, having no partners left to find. SMG4 and SMG3 both paired together.
With Four having no experience of what Prom is at all, he happens to find himself binded with his ex rival filled with complicated thoughts.
Tags: Friends to Lovers, Sun and Moon, fluff, romance, drama, hurt/comfort, angst, gay fruits are real, LOVE IS IN THE AIR YALLL
Mario & Meggy Spletzer
Meggy & SMG4
Mario & SMG4
Mario & SMG3
Bob & Mario
Chapter: Prologue- The golds in strangles
SMG4 gets a knock on the doors step as he opens it with no one at the presence. His eyes phased down to spot an envelope. "Huh- that's weird-"
SMG4 picked it up and brought it to the living room where Bob and Mario are currently playing games, Meggy cheered Mario up. "Come on Mario! You can do it! Beat his ass!"
Mario trying so hard as he spam clicks the buttons from the controller, with another set of limb to eat his spaghetti trying to focus. "I'm trying here!" Mario grunts in frustration as he gets almost beaten by Bob.
"OH YEAH!? YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER? WELL TRY ME B-TCH CUZ THIS BOB NEVER RES-" almost filling up Bob's sentences, he gets knocked over to the ground as SMG4 pops into the couch.
"Yo guys! Check this out! We have got a letter!" Meggy and Mario looked at each other, then back to him. "Ooh a letter? What does it say?" Tari spoke right beside Meggy as she pets her rubber duck.
Four carefully opens the envelope and took out the paper, he makes a small joke before opening it's last fold. "Hope it's not our loans for the castle-" in an immediate took by his suprise, the shining of the font reflected to his eyes.
The text is filled out of gold ink in a fancy choice for the font's italic words. The scent of the paper is dried oatmeal, with a mixture of red roses that can be smelled.
The crew found it astounding to take the envelope a bit too serious now as SMG4 carefully read out the words.
"Good afternoon to everyone, I hope you all are having an amazing day. This letter that we provide you all, is about an upcoming event that will be held at the Square Plaza near the Mushroom Kingdom, you are all invited to join in.
The main event is a party themed for Prom, just to remind everyone it's almost close to valentines day and make sure to bring yourself a partner.
We'll be glad to meet your attendancies at the party."
After SMG4 had read the letter, the bubbles of the air filled in and popped with his crew's early celebration.
"LETS GO BABY I'M GONNA GET MY OWN B-TCHES FOR TONIGHT!" Bob excitingly said, picking out something from his pocket and shot up a launcher through the roof as he called a helicopter to take him away.
"I'm so excited! I've never been on a prom sadly, last time I remembered were other of the inklings I know were the ones to beg for me to be their partner. I didn't know how prom works so I went alone and got kicked out- like thats a big sucker-" Meggy gazed up waving her hand away to think about the past and brushing it off as a cold plain memory.
"Mario's got-ta have thems spaghettis for free!" He 'Oooh'd' rubbing his stomach craving for more spaghettis than he'd eber order in a silver platter.
He day dreamed sitting on a fancy table holding a fork to his right as he asked the waitress for more pasta, sit up straight confidently pointing up his hand.
As a result of Meggy breaking through his 'imaginable-barrier' with the paper ripped on to the spaghetti. "Mario, we're supposed to bring our partners not just enjoy food." He threw out the paper snapping back to reality.
"Atleast foods can be your love match when it comes to terms of 'love' like my sweet spaghetta pasta rolli" he accordingly pulls another set of pasta out of nowhere patting the 'sauce' on top.
Meggy pinched the bridge of her nose fuming out frustration, guess it's always assumable that Mario will always be Mario.
"Mario, you do know foods aren't real beings right?"
The orange haired girl turned to look at SMG4, but to all she could see is a Meme Guardian whos pondering deep from his thoughts.
It was such a very hard decision, he wasn't even sure if he'll attend. "What about you SMG4?" The man in white and blue didn't respond, but instead. Turned the letter to look at the back.
Location held in: Square Plaza
Time in: 5-6 pm
Time ends: 11 pm
Note- Required to attend and bring a special guest/partner
Gazing through the golden text double checking, it made his eyes felt life threatening from the word's mouth. He squints his eyes. "I don't know Meggy, you guys seemed to have an experience when it comes to prom but I... well-"
Mario scoots closer to be in the side view "Assuming, you've never had a partner to dance with in your days?" Out of curiousness, SMG4 breaks everyone out by telling a word.
"I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT OR HOW PROMS ARE SUPPOSED TO WORK!" throwing the letter and the envelope at the same time to the sky.
"Aww don't worry SMG4! If it makes you feel any better, I don't know how proms are when it comes to occassions like this! I only watch it on animes with my waifu hatsune miku!"
Boopkins filled out enlightment with a soft pull from the sheets is a body pillow of miku hatsune where it gets hugged tightly by boopkins.
"But that isn't the same in reality, I've never had a partner- or even went to prom- neither!" "I thought you said people loved you and your contents before?" Mario urged in gibberish.
"They do... But- I'm not that as funny as a kind guy I am. I'm not one of those rich wealthy dudes, I don't have experience-" "well you're about to have it now!" Meggy cracked her knuckles.
"No- I don't think you understand-"
"we're pulling you in for your first ever prom experience!"
"Mario's gonn to help you find some chicks!"
The M&M duo spoke in different answers.
The dried inkling added a death stare to Mario's soul, giving him the creeps making him change back the sentence. "I mean- uh- help you with prom." Mario thought to himself with both eyes turning on opposite directions away from each other and his mustache growing bigger.
SMG4 gave them an awkward look, and finally decided. (If Three were to come then... I'll be there...) He didn't want to miss out all of the fun stuffs that will happen during the event.
"I guess- whats worse that could happen during prom?" He brought up a wide smile to the team as everyone Wooh'd in excitement.
Leaving then, pointing on view to SMG3's cafe where a letter is left the side of the doorstep the same placement back at the blue's castle.
*ding-dong* a doorbell rang. Where Three opened the door to check.
What could've been a result to happen when you didn't come?
"What is this... A letter?"
End of Prologue...
Next Chapter- Night Bring Out... [COMPLETED]
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sgiandubh · 1 year
No Liberace's smile
Warning: this will take forever to read. It didn't take forever to write or research, though. But since I will be gone tomorrow and back well, next Saturday, let it be done with a bang.
S the Actor. S the Entrepreneur. S the NYT (3x!) best-seller Writer. Coach S. S the Lover. S the Womanizer. S the Husband. S the Father.
Is something missing, in this deck of Happy Families?
S the (closeted) Gay, of course.
It doesn't really matter the man himself took the time to deny it loud and clear. Twice. This avatar, fueled by idiocy, hatred and ignorance, makes regularly the rounds, each and every time we dare to celebrate something, anything really. It serves three tribes and serves them well: the Congregation of Domestic Bliss (aka Taiters). The Data Lounge crowd. And the Disgruntled Harpies, who once were some of the most fervent Ginger Jesus worshippers, but whose hopes, dreams and trust wrecked on the shores of Quarantein Ha-wa-wee.
It is the proper of calumny to leave a pungent, persistent trail wherever it fumbles around. Calomniez, calomniez, il en restera toujours quelque chose, Beaumarchais once wrote. Calumny, calumny, something's gonna stick - in a very lazy, but dependable translation. This one is particularly vicious, because it sounds coherent: he trades in make-believe, lots of actors are, precedents exist. And my favorite: it explains everything (fun fact: it doesn't even start to cover the shitshow).
Four exhibits should put us out of this dumpster. Chronologically and comparatively:
Exhibit A: Rough Beginnings (2009)
This one is the most touted on Tumblr, by that horrible woman Queen Puff thought was the same person as Paul C. (and was probably wrong). In a nutshell, she was in London then, she often went to the theatre, she was in the know, fuck knows what else, but she has SOURCES, too: there is nothing straight about his bat.
I suppose this person must have watched Nicholas de Jongh's Plague Over England, a play essentially narrating a scandalous episode of John Gielgud's biography, with a heavy-handed focus on homophobia in Britain during the 50's.
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He got naked on stage! He kissed a man! Oh, oh, oh... the rumor! the scandal! (insert domestic fire shrieks) My eyes! Quick, let's fetch the smelling salts! And chlorine! I need a good rinse!
You would imagine Sodom & Gomorrah Ltd on that stage, eh?
Tumblrettes United of the disgruntled sort, did your talkative friend ever show you this devastating Guardian chronicle, signed by their in-house critic, John M. Morrison on February 27th 2009 (https://www.theguardian.com/stage/theatreblog/2009/feb/26/de-jongh-plague-over-england) ?
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Should I sign it or use a pistol flare? It wasn't exactly scandalous, the only thing is the text was really, really piss poor. S is only gracing the above picture, hovering over the article: no mention of him whatsoever. Unlike Somerset 2019, a most Unremarkable Performance.
And S himself was very interested to explore precisely this kind of progressive-ish acting, as he clearly writes in Waypoints. This sounds legit - this is business, baby:
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Exhibit B: Know your Classics, bi@ tches (2010)
*channeling Tears for Fears* Data Lounge, I am talking to you/[something, something]/These are the things I could do without...
Aside the already very, very tired stock stories purporting that "my dog's aunt knew Heughan and yeah, he was so, so, so gay I could cry", all you have (I checked!) is 1 (one) absolutely dubious BTS pic taken on the set of that terrible dud, Young Alexander, shot in Egypt, circa 2010. Prominently featuring S's waxed calves (see? gay AF!), an unbecoming, supremely effeminate white tunic and *gasp* a bong (no comments were made on that one, a pity). Yeah, you got it: I am writing and I am laughing at the same time. Freak.
How the hell do you want him to look but, pardon my French, queer as a three-dollar bill? You clearly have no idea about sexual ambiguity as social norm in Ancient Greece and also no clue about that fascinating Alexander himself, his life and his yeah, blatant, documented bisexuality.
Take one of the most interesting sources (yeah, only serious ones, with FACTS) of the Late Antiquity, a guy named Athenaeus of Naucratis. He left us The Banquet of the Learned, a fifteen-volume encyclopedic compilation on the pleasures of eating and drinking and doing it in style, along with some juicy gossip. For example, this (open in separate tab, it's worth it):
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What do we read? Alexander's mom, dad and tutor (Aristotle, my favorite Greek philosopher, along with Diogenes) are worried he finally might not really be into women, after all. The future of the Macedonian Kingdom itself is at stake (that watery semen made me choke on my Coke) and this is a very serious affair of the state. The most cost-effective and discreet solution is to handsomely pay that Callixeina courtesan from (famous for pin-ups) Thessaly and be done with it.
Apparently, it worked, not without some resistance. If you ever have the curiosity to go on that (in)famous Wikipedia, you will find a whole page dedicated to Alexander the Great's personal life. It reads exactly like the ABC, do-re-mi summer soccer mercato, feat. the Fitness Harem. One of the major joys of Classical studies is to realize we really didn't invent anything new.
But I digress again, so onwards to ...
Exhibit C: Jobbing Actor on the Road, nothing straight about his Bat (2011-2013)
Once the Batman show is on world tour, things are looking a bit better and it is time to try and lockpick America. Still, the struggle is real:
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Also, this:
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This is something no one noticed. And this is very clear: how on Earth do you expect to commit to a relationship, any relationship, when your basic needs, according to Maslow's Pyramid (a roof, a job, a steady paycheck, etc), are not satisfied? What would you offer your woman? Your precarity? Your insecurity? Your fear and shame of the bailiffs? A pint of cheap Polish beer? A futon in Golders Green?
But let's conveniently not answer these questions. Let's pretend that poverty has no impact on one's sexual life or dating history. Let's just endlessly cackle and blather on a drunk tweet stating candidly - and perfectly truly - "there's nothing straight about my Bat". I hate to quote myself - for any good speaker, this is a defeat- but, LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE OF MORDOR:
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Exhibit D: A French example - the case of Michel Serrault
The 1979 comedy La Cage aux Folles, later adapted for the US public under the name of Birds of a Feather (that Robin Williams/Nathan Lane forgettable gay movie) is absolutely representative for the live and let live French approach to homosexuality, ever since it was decriminalized by the revolutionary Penal Code of 1791. This is why I chose Michel Serrault, one of its two leads, to illustrate my Gay Anon post. Not to mention Serrault was a genius who could play absolutely anyone, from a retired hitman in Matthieu Kassowitz' Assassin(s) to Zaza Napoli.
This balding, ageing, cantankerous drag queen (sound is horrific, but you've got English subtitles - granted, you lose about 30% of the hysterical hilarity in translation, but it is what it is), as seen here in a domestic scene opposite her partner, played by notorious womanizer Ugo Tognazzi:
By the limp standards of Mordor, Serrault must have been a French LGBTQ+ institution, given his stellar, flawless acting, isn't it?
Incorrect, dolls. In his real, personal life Serrault was a devout Catholic, an exemplary father of two and a one-woman man. His wife, Nita Serrault, whom he met in drama school and never looked back.
It almost sounds like... but no, this cannot be..
The hard, gruesome life of shippers.
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smokeybrandreviews · 27 days
Missed Me With That
I just watched some chick say she's sad The Acolyte is dead because she liked that sh*t and, instead of dismissing her obviously wrong opinion, i took it serious. I actually thought about that sh*t for a second and ignored the fact everything about that show is bad. It dawned on me that there has to be a certain amount of people who DID enjoy that flaming bag of ssh*t somehow. Pardon my geek, because i got some sh*t to say about all of that. The most egregious thing to me about Disney Star Wars is, aside from writing good scripts, was all of this bullsh*t could have been avoided. All of it. Just set your trilogy outside the Skywalker saga. That's it. Leave what came before alone and make your own sh*t. KOTOR exists. SWTOR exists. Cade Skywalker exists. Darth Bane exists, both in canon and Legends. F*cking create something new. Why did this specific story, or any of them really, absolutely HAVE to be Skywalker adjacent?It's almost as if someone has a four and a half year long grudge against Lucas or something, and is doing everything in her power to destroy what he created in order to steal that valor for herself. Wait... The Acolyte got canceled Normies didn't watch it. That vocal minority everyone keeps trying to pin this on definitely exists, but there aren't enough of them to actually sway the numbers like that. Regular folks who think space wizards and laser swords are cool, watch three episodes of that trash and bailed because it was bad. Fans bailed because the show is disrespectful to a damn near fifty year history. Bigots with pinky dicks bailed because of all the "Woke" agenda sh*t. I bailed because, during a murder investigation, the Jedi didn't even check the f*cking cameras on that goddamn space frigate! They're cops! That's investigation 101! Your show can be as stupid and gay and opinionated as you want. Tying it to characters that have GENERATIONAL fan bases, that's been in the pop culture zeitgeist for almost half a century, is f*cking questionable. To commit to that, while pushing so much transparent animosity for the fans who made that franchise big enough for you to even have this opportunity, and to execute that vitriol with all the subtlety of a riot brick through a window, is the dumbest sh*t, ever. To do so poorly, with sh*tty scripts, paper thin characters, and a plot that doesn't make any f*cking sense, is basically suicide. You get what you f*cking deserve. It's a shame really. I've said, pretty consistently, that there was potential in The Acolyte. The concept was strong but the wrong people were in charge of bringing that idea to life. It could have been a brand new era to explore, something Kennedy could do whatever the f*ck she wanted with, outside of what Lucas built, but nope! Lesbian Space Witches created the method Plaugueis used to make Vader. Only after they created Osha, who is a superior specimen of a Force Vergence. Because b*tches get sh*t done. Set all of this nonsense just after the Jedi became a thing, and you're good to go. The Stranger can legit be the "first" Sith. Osha can be the first of many Vergences. This Jedi council can fall by the wayside, a grim reminder of their hubris, long forgotten by the Clone Wars. Right there, The Acolyte has a chance. No one is comparing it to the Skywalker saga. It's a blank slate for you to run wild with whatever messaging you want to Force down people's throats. It's not going to ruin Disney's Quarter. Fans have something new, Normies can see another side of the overall universe, Neckbeards can go f*ck themselves with their needle dicks, and i, hopefully, can get a Jedi Knight smart enough to check the goddamn cameras!
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smokeybrand · 27 days
Missed Me With That
I just watched some chick say she's sad The Acolyte is dead because she liked that sh*t and, instead of dismissing her obviously wrong opinion, i took it serious. I actually thought about that sh*t for a second and ignored the fact everything about that show is bad. It dawned on me that there has to be a certain amount of people who DID enjoy that flaming bag of ssh*t somehow. Pardon my geek, because i got some sh*t to say about all of that. The most egregious thing to me about Disney Star Wars is, aside from writing good scripts, was all of this bullsh*t could have been avoided. All of it. Just set your trilogy outside the Skywalker saga. That's it. Leave what came before alone and make your own sh*t. KOTOR exists. SWTOR exists. Cade Skywalker exists. Darth Bane exists, both in canon and Legends. F*cking create something new. Why did this specific story, or any of them really, absolutely HAVE to be Skywalker adjacent?It's almost as if someone has a four and a half year long grudge against Lucas or something, and is doing everything in her power to destroy what he created in order to steal that valor for herself. Wait... The Acolyte got canceled Normies didn't watch it. That vocal minority everyone keeps trying to pin this on definitely exists, but there aren't enough of them to actually sway the numbers like that. Regular folks who think space wizards and laser swords are cool, watch three episodes of that trash and bailed because it was bad. Fans bailed because the show is disrespectful to a damn near fifty year history. Bigots with pinky dicks bailed because of all the "Woke" agenda sh*t. I bailed because, during a murder investigation, the Jedi didn't even check the f*cking cameras on that goddamn space frigate! They're cops! That's investigation 101! Your show can be as stupid and gay and opinionated as you want. Tying it to characters that have GENERATIONAL fan bases, that's been in the pop culture zeitgeist for almost half a century, is f*cking questionable. To commit to that, while pushing so much transparent animosity for the fans who made that franchise big enough for you to even have this opportunity, and to execute that vitriol with all the subtlety of a riot brick through a window, is the dumbest sh*t, ever. To do so poorly, with sh*tty scripts, paper thin characters, and a plot that doesn't make any f*cking sense, is basically suicide. You get what you f*cking deserve. It's a shame really. I've said, pretty consistently, that there was potential in The Acolyte. The concept was strong but the wrong people were in charge of bringing that idea to life. It could have been a brand new era to explore, something Kennedy could do whatever the f*ck she wanted with, outside of what Lucas built, but nope! Lesbian Space Witches created the method Plaugueis used to make Vader. Only after they created Osha, who is a superior specimen of a Force Vergence. Because b*tches get sh*t done. Set all of this nonsense just after the Jedi became a thing, and you're good to go. The Stranger can legit be the "first" Sith. Osha can be the first of many Vergences. This Jedi council can fall by the wayside, a grim reminder of their hubris, long forgotten by the Clone Wars. Right there, The Acolyte has a chance. No one is comparing it to the Skywalker saga. It's a blank slate for you to run wild with whatever messaging you want to Force down people's throats. It's not going to ruin Disney's Quarter. Fans have something new, Normies can see another side of the overall universe, Neckbeards can go f*ck themselves with their needle dicks, and i, hopefully, can get a Jedi Knight smart enough to check the goddamn cameras!
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ask-joe-caine · 5 months
Royalmelon woke up, he didnt want to .
He just said to himself "let it happen", he didnt want F.D to control his life and potentially attack Pear.
Royalpear saw him wake up. He was shocked, but relief ran through him.
"You're awake... Thank god..."
"What happened?......."
Pear couldn't just explain what happened. He couldn't. He felt guilty. He shouldn't had choked F.D, but, still yet, F.D was about to control melon, forever.
He looked to the side.
"Uh.... Someone choked F.D till he passed out..."
He was too scared. The only thing he ever wanted was to remove F.D form melon. He wanted to just fucking remove F.D, making him a completely different body, and beat the everloving shit out of him, or torture him.
"You're feeling alright?..."
Pear asked, like a mother worried for her child
Melon replied, they, in reality, had a headache, it was painful.
The two proceeded to take a walk together, just a walk at 3 AM, nothing too much
"Uh .... So uh.. "
Pear was extremely awkward, probably because this may or may not be either their frist date or just "best friend stuff"
"Uhh... Hows life???"
He said, finally trying to say something to cover up the fact that he literally had a crush on him
Mel responded, i mean, could you blame them? His life was hell, especially since all the damage done to F.D is happening to him.
". ....Do you ..Do you wanna talk about it ....?"
These b!tches gay- Good for them, good for them!
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oliveroctavius · 2 years
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the Mary Jane (2004) spinoff is only in-character for about two and a half issues but that's long enough for some sweet bits
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req’d by @spikeythespians
this has the vibe of unhinged gay euphoria, which I do enjoy.
you asked that i keep all the typos, correct?
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meeblott · 3 years
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If we lose the light of Hestia, we lose everything. A world without forgiveness is a world not worth saving. He must not have her. I will not allow it.
- Hecate, 4 Hallowroot of the year 4728
Excerpt from A Brief History of Il Umbral
The people of Il Umbral will not soon forget the treachery of the Tidesage Khadgim Lath, who sought to summon an avatar of the Keeper and bring about the downfall of the gods, nor his defeat by the impossible cooperation of benevolent Hestia and unknowable Hecate, goddess of secrets. The Mistmaw swelled from the south, plunging the island into Hecate’s domain, thereby allowing the goddess Hestia to step from Mount Celestia into the beleaguered city, severed as it was from the Material Plane by Hecate’s intercession. Accounts vary of the events that led to the defeat of Khadgim Lath and the servants of the Dark 6, but all agree that Hecate, who until this time, had never taken interest in the affairs or welfare of mortals, struck the final blow in defense of Hestia, whom he sought to corrupt as he had the city. When the deed was done, the Mistmaw receded, though many feared Hecate would claim the city forever as recompense for her aid, freeing Il Umbral and its people. Thus, it is to her and to Hestia both, that the Temple of Redemption is dedicated, that both goddesses might retain some small domain here, and cast their combined gaze favorably upon us.
So the party might have thwarted my evil plans in the absolute best way possible...and reconciled two goddesses in the process. Hoo boy! Can’t wait to see what comes of all this!
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