#these are the men we choose to stan i'm losing it
mp3minded · 4 months
I really didn't want to make this post, but I just couldn't sit with my thoughts here.
@loveislandthegame I apologize for the awkward context I'm tagging you for, but I want this to be an actual open dialogue where anyone can feel free to share their perspective (and that invite extends to anon too), because that's what I want this to be, and it was this post that made me want to have my say too;
Before I get to anything else, I want to list off everything I agree with you and anon on;
I'm a firm believer in the player having a breadth of choices for LIs to endgame, so I wish Sienna and Hazel were in-game options for anon too, especially considering..
I also agree that there only being 2 sapphic options for this season tops is a serious lack of options for wlw players.
Whether or not the player is strictly sapphic, or fiercely loyal to who they coupled up with last before the reunion, I do agree that being forced to kiss another man for the "kessing" game was horribly handled, because it takes an important choice away from the player.
There was a definite lack of well-written women this season, that lose facets of themselves that lie outside their interests in men.
Considering the layoffs Fusebox had awhile ago, I think there being at-least one incel writer on the Fusebox team is a very likely case.
I'm not sure if we got the same anon, but my first and second points are stances I've elaborated on before here;
Now, I can confirm that Liam's three-way after the show was with Sienna and Hazel, not Bea.
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Liam also apologized to Bea after the show, and probably didn't even know if he was forgiven or not until this moment, because realistically she probably didn't want to text him back, understandably so;
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Now, the bit from anon's ask that, as a black stan of Liam, did bother me;
"It'd have made just as much sense as Bea and Hazel fulfilling all of Liam's white boy fantasies. Because women of color are once again written to be toys for the sexist white man to entertain himself with before he confesses his feelings for the main character."
Even though I've confirmed Bea was nowhere in his three-way, and it was Sienna instead, there's still more I want to respond to here.
I don't like talking about race on this sort of topic because there's no pathway that would "win" here.
There's canon, where he doesn't limit his grafting pool to white women, which lends way for him to then be insinuated as a race fetisher. It's also insulting to Liam stans of color such as myself, and Hazel (though I wouldn't call her a literal Liam stan, she's just involved here too), because it implies that we lack the capabilities to make our own judgement calls on whether or not someone is only interested in us, as black women, because of our race.
And if it was only white women he pursued outside of MC instead, he could then be given side-eye for a coincidental trend like that.
Hazel has expressed that it went beyond physical attraction for her and Liam, for at-least some point in time, and it appeared that the sentiment was mutual from his end as well;
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If it was just a laugh for Liam the whole time, he wouldn't of done any of that.
And again, I don't like talking about race here. But anon has expressed interest in Sienna (besides Hazel), and;
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Both Liam and Sienna are blonde, green-eyed white people, whom would've had interesting enemies-to-lovers arcs, if Fusebox had let it be an option with Sienna too.
I guess the other main thing I was upset about, besides the race stuff, was that the last thing I want is for the fandom to be any more divided on this stuff than needed, in my opinion.
I don't expect most people to understand my interest in Liam, because I know that he's farrrrrr from perfect. But, the same can be said for Sienna, and really, it just comes down to not yucking other people's yum.
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ladymorghul · 8 months
Aemond can truly be called a villain after he'll execute the Strongs at Harrenhal and burns the Riverlands…until then, I definitely agree that it's way too soon to assign him this label. Maybe so far he would deserve it for killing Luke, but like you said, TB stans refuse to condemn Daemon and call him a villain for his bad deeds and will keep doing so even after B&C, yet we're supposed to do it with Aemond?
I also agree with the other anon that it's some Aegon stans who are often starting this whole Aegon vs Aemond discourse and I also think it's mostly because they are frustrated with how Aegon was treated by the writers vs how Aemond was (I think they did it to prop up Rhaenyra though, not Aemond, so everyone watching the show sides with her claim) but frankly they should direct their complaints at them instead of beefing with Aemond fans and lowkey hoping that Aemond also gets villainized next season by having him act like a psycho who cares about nothing except himself instead of receiving a proper arc with him slowly descending into madness.
That's not to say Aemond stans are innocent in all this. We all know how the Aemondwives act about him, claiming he's this very loyal, dutiful prince, who truly cares about the women in his lives and would never SA a woman (vs Aegon who's a rapist and Daemon who's a pedo -- just pointing out some of them say when they compare the men) and generally someone who'll never do anything, intentionally or not, that puts Aegon's claim or his family into danger…which we know is false and I'm sure they will change their tune once he hooks up with Alys ("hey we never said he's dutiful", "doing his duty did him no good, he still became a kinslayer, now he has every right to choose love this time since Alys is the only one who can love him for himself", etc.) and effectively loses the war for the Greens by abandoning King's Landing and then separating with Criston.
agree with much of this. but also... the more i think of what follows, the more depressed i get lmao
yeah neither aegon nor aemond have completely innocent stans who didn't feed in some way into the discourse. and with aemond stans it's tricky because many of them are not fans of tg characters, just aemond, so i've seen some say they don't care if he leaves them all for alys because they would too. some jokingly some not, it's the same narrative as parentified aemond narrative.
but yeah, i wish everyone would calm down and see the real villains (the writers!)
i'm joking i'm joking... but am i. my baby alicent </3
anyway we'll see what happens next season in the actual show but i'm sure that the great aemond vs aegon fandom war, 2024 ac will come
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spaceorphan18 · 2 years
Unpopular. Santana is not an amazing character, the fandom excuses her antics too much.
Ha. Okay.
I'm going to be diplomatic on this one. Every time I post an opinion about Santana I either get people yelling at me or lose ten followers.
(I'm being hyperbolic.)
There are two parts to your thoughts - A) Santana as an amazing character. B) Fandom excusing her meanness and ager.
There were times when Santana is an amazing character. When the writers took the time to flesh out her character and have her be more than a series of mean spirited rants she was a pretty complex and interesting character. I think her struggles during season 2 were relatively well handled. And her growth in Season 4 into Season 5 was relatively well done (until they regressed it some with her fight with Rachel.) When she gets to be a full character and not a schtick or a plot device, she is a good character.
When the writers needed her to play the mean/bitchy girl, that's when I think she isn't so great - and am not a fan. I don't think (and I feel this way about Sue and Quinn and a lot of the mean spiritedness of the show) that humor based in belittling someone else is funny. (People speak of her rant against Kurt as too much, but I didn't find her meanness in Season 1 funny, nor things like how she treated Rory in Season 3 entertaining either (even if I think Rory is easily the most boring character on the show)). I think the writers being a bunch of men kind of held back the possibilities of really creating a phenomenal character out of Santana and, really, out of all the women on the show.
The reality of fandom, in regards to the second part of the question, in any capacity is that a lot of them don't want to look at the good or the bad of a character but instead chooses a side. A lot of fandom discourse always seems to be bent on having to defending /why/ you like x, y, or z -- hence people defending even the worst choices of a character. And there's a strange sort of gatekeeping in which, even if they are your favorite, the minute you say something /bad/ - it means you don't like them.
It's an unfortunate side effect of 'stan' culture that I don't agree with. I think you can acknowledge that your favs can be good or bad and still have them be your favorites. Humans aren't either good or bad -- and live in a gray area of morality. So why do we need to make sure that our fictional characters live in some unachievable plane of existence?
Oh because some troll on the internet is going to tell you why you're wrong for loving the thing you do.
So, bringing back around - there are things I don't like about Santana, which doesn't erase the things I think are good, or erase the fact that she means a lot to a lot of people. And I think it's unfortunate that stan culture sometimes gets in the way of open discussions about things. Ah well.
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findsilver · 5 years
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George and I lived very near each other in Liverpool. So, in fact, we were just a bust stop away from each other. I'd get on the bus, and then the stop afterwards George would get on.  (...)  Might have been a failing  of mine, to tend to talk down to him, because I’d known him as a younger kid.   —  ANTHOLOGY, EPISODE 1.
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thedarkplume · 3 years
Hey, guys I hope everyone's day is going spectacular! As you all know, today is Chris Evans 40th birthday!! I wanted to do something special for such a special day. Thus, I have compiled a list of my absolute favorite stories written for Chris Evans's characters.
Be advised, however, some of these are dubious consent, non-con, daddy kink, spitting, squirting, oral m/f receiving, creampie, anal, and all other manner of kinks I did not realize I enjoyed until joining the site.
It took me a very long time to compile this list and I may have to do some for Sebastian Stan later since some people want to cancel him. But we're not going to talk about that right now.
Here is a list of some of my absolute favorite Chris Evans stories in no particular order.
Golden Boy (Dark!Steve Rogers) - @angrythingstarlight
What sets this one apart from the rest of her stories, is that there's a deep resentment from Steve to Bucky in the very beginning of their friendship.
What The King Has (Soft!Dark Steve Rogers) - @sincerelythedarkside
I just read this one this morning. This was sooo good guys!
Hidden Solace (Andy Barber) - @ozarkthedog
This was difficult. I kept thinking I'd pick Reparations or Cock Worship, but Andy being a little touch starved did it for me.
Burning Desire (Andy, Steve & Ransom as Triplets) - @sinner-as-saint
She really gives you the best of 3 worlds here!
Ticking Clock (Dark!Andy Barber) - @syntheticavenger
Another tough choice. Synth comes straight for your heart and vagina, and you'll love her for it!
Stealth (Steve Rogers) - @afriendlyblackhottie
I may have bitten off more than I can chew, guys! It's so hard picking just one because there's nothing she's written that I can say is not one of my favorites. I'm telling you, get some wine or your favorite drink (alcoholic or not), put your feet up, and enjoy this lovely lady's artistry!
Back Rooms (punk!Me from Playing It Cool) - @fineanddandy
Not only did she use the fabulous @nix-akimbo edit for this one, but she makes you question if loyalty to a friend is worth walking away from a guy that genuinely wants you.
A Different Kind of Love (Alpha!Andy & Beta!Jake) - @river-soul
Can you imagine having both Jake and Andy in an A/B/O world? Read this story and you won't have to imagine!
Wear Me Down (Ari Levinson) - @navybrat817
Her fight is commendable, but you can't fight fate!
The Valentine's Cock Up (Steve Rogers) - @drabblewithfrannybarnes
God, this makes me laugh just thinking about it!
Original Sin (Dark!Bryce Langley) - @stargazingfangirl18
This had to be my hardest pick yet. What can I say about this ridiculously talented author? She made me lust over Robert Pronge which I promise was not an easy feat. I went kicking and screaming, but I'm here. Honorable Mention to her latest series Necessary Arrangements & Devil's Advocate.
Good Little Wife (Soft!Dark!Mob!Andy Barber) - @donutloverxo
All of her stories have a sort of soft and gentle reader that the men trip over themselves to take care of. I love it!
Goodbye Again (Endgame!Steve Rogers & Avengers!Steve Rogers) - @sweetlyscared
I can go on all day about how much I love this story! The emotions, the love, the loss, gah!!! I'll never not reblog this story.
Snowed In (Ransom Drysdale) - @the-iceni-bitch
Another author who has me lusting over Robert Pronge! I love her Ransom stories, beginning with Snowed In, because while he's still an ass, his girl gives it back just as easily.
Renewing Vows (Dark!Steve Rogers) - @gotnofucks
Dibs is one of my favorite authors. She's one of the few authors on this site that when you read her stories, especially the dark ones, you feel the obsession and single-minded desire to possess you no matter the circumstances. I love how she incorporates her culture in some of her stories as well, particularly the Happily Ever After series. You know it's wrong, but seeing the Avengers in their desi apparel still makes me go, "aww! They really want to make her feel welcomed!" P.S. I really, really came close to choosing Murder at the Whorehouse!
Dark Assassin (Dark!Silverfox!Steve Rogers) - @kleohoneyao3
It took me forever to find this story again. I've always been attracted to older men, but Silverfox!Steve is the goat! My second favorite is Of the Earth.
Little Red series (Steve/Curtis/Andy/Ransom/Johnny) - @autumnrose40
This proud Omega always gives you the best C. Evans characters stories. And she's not afraid to push boundaries with different species(werewolves, mermen, octogods, etc). I'm always so happy to see she's posted something.
Creamsicle (Robert Pronge & Dark!Andy Barber) - @sapphirescrolls
I don't think I need to list Robert as dark, do I??? While she has a cornucopia of dark writings, this is my favorite!
I Have Questions (Steve Rogers) - @royallyprincesslilly
Accidentally dirty-talking Steve Rogers? Hell yeah!
Unhappily Married (Dark!Steve Rogers) - @cherienymphe
This is a wonderfully talented dark writer. I almost chose Twice Bitten several times because (1) she writes vampires the way they're meant to be written, and (2) Steve is so unapologetically hot and cold with the reader it makes me weep. But I do love kids (set in fiction only) and poor Nathan needs a real mother!
Hirsute (Werewolf!Andy Barber) - @avintagekiss24
Whew! This was tough. I literally love all her stories, particularly Blue Ocean Floor and her latest, 'with the weight of the world at the tips of my fingers.' There's a sleek elegance to her writing that is unmatched.
Let Me Teach You (Jake Jensen) - @vannybarber
Jake Jensen does not get enough love. Luckily, he's starting to come up. This writer gives him all the love and appreciation he deserves with this story.
Tell Me You Love Me (Steve Rogers) - @lotusss-flowerbomb
We all have pasts, but if you're going to let your co-workers get drunk around your girl, give her a heads up that you may or may not have hooked up with the gorgeous red-haired spy. Loved this so much!!
Mr. and Mrs. Ari Levinson Invite You to...the Worst Wedding. Ever. (Mob!Ari Levinson) - @caffiend-queen
I've never seen Ari written like this. He's wild and crazy and utterly addicted to his new little wife.
I loved everything about this wedding, especially the author letting us see the different Jewish wedding traditions. If you didn't love Ari before this story, you will after this story!
This was fun you guys! And it gives me a point of reference in case I once again lose some of the stories listed here.
As an added bonus, here are some of my favorite @nix-akimbo edits:
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navegandoaciegas · 3 years
Maneater Writing Challenge
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(gif not mine, found of Pinterest)
Hello everyone! I hope you’re doing great!!
In honor of the upcoming Hot Girls Summer, and of me hitting 2.6k followers here on Tumblr, I wanted to host a smut writing challenge with the topic of “Maneaters”, aka fem doms.
FemDom is a large term that includes many different kind of dominant women. It originates in the BDSM community and it indicates activities and relationships where the female partner is in charge. There’s different type of femdoms, for example the gentle kind that combines sexual dominance with nurturing elements (example: mommy kink), or the more widely known dominatrix kind that enjoys dominating in a cruel, strict way.
Fem!Dom readers x Sub!Male character is a pretty rare trope in the Marvel fandom, but I hope that by hosting this challenge I will inspire more people to write this type of content.
Let’s go over the boring rules before we can get to the fun stuff:
You can write for any characters played by Sebastian Stan (ex. Bucky Barnes, Lee Bodecker...) or Chris Evans (Steve Rogers, Andy Barber). Any other Marvel character, like Sam Wilson, is also fine.
The story must be a reader insert (character x reader). So no OC’s and no character x character. Poly and multiple characters x reader is fine to me.
The closing date is September 9th, my birthday! No pressure if you can’t get it done by then.
You must be 18+ to participate.
No word limit, but please use ‘read more’ if your story is longer than 250 characters.
Due to the nature of the challenge, all stories must include smut. You can make it nsfw of any kind, as any genre is welcome: fluff, angst, dark (dub-con, non-con), hurt/comfort.
Any AU, trope and kink is welcome except: scat, snuff, gore, underage, bestiality.
Send me an ask or a dm with the prompts you’ve chosen. Choose at least one. You can pick as many as you want from all categories. No limits of # people per prompt.
I’m going to reblog and comment each story I get, and I will eventually create a masterlist with all the submissions I get.
If you have any doubts, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
I picked over 50 prompts in total, so I hope you’ll find at least one that will inspire your creativity.
The prompts are listed below the cut.
Lyrics (You can use the whole song or the lyrics I selected as inspo):
Maneater by Nelly Furtado: I wanna see you all on your knees, knees, you either wanna be with me or be me. Maneater, make you work hard, make you spend hard, make you want all of her love.
Bubblegum Bitch by Marina and the Diamonds: Candy bear, sweetie pie, wanna be adored, I'm the girl you'd die for. I'll chew you up and I'll spit you out, 'cause that's what young love is all about. So pull me closer and kiss me hard, I'm gonna pop your bubblegum heart.
How to be a Heartbreaker by Marina and the Diamonds: Rule number one, is that you gotta have fun, but baby when you're done, you gotta be the first to run. Rule number two, just don't get attached to somebody you could lose.
CryBaby by Megan Thee Stallion: Uh, his friends and his dad hate me (yeah), I broke his lil' heart, he a crybaby
Heart of Glass by Blondie: Once I had a love and it was divine, soon found out I was losing my mind. It seemed like the real thing but I was so blind. Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind.
Daisy by Ashnikko: Make your man call me daddy, he talk too much, he's too chatty.
Get on your knees by Nicki Minaj: You gotta beg for it, beg for it, I wanna see you lookin' up. Baby I'ma need you to beg, beg beg for it. Get on your knees, get on your knees, get on your knees.
Poker Face by Lady Gaga: Russian roulette is not the same without a gun. And baby, when it's love, if it's not rough, it isn't fun.
Mommy kink
Gagged and Bound
Anal Plugs
Chastity belts
Body Worship
Loss of Virginity (Virgin Character)
Innocence Kink
Corruption Kink
Men wearing panties and stockings
Revenge/Makeup sex
House Husband kink
Mistress kink
Lactation/Breastfeeding kink
Breeding kink
“How quick can you make me cum?”
“I’m not touching you unless you beg me to.”
“Bad boys don’t get to cum.”
“Take it.”
“Please, mommy.”
“You look so pretty on your knees.”
“I like men better when they shut the fuck up.”
“Did that hurt? (...) Good, because it was meant to.”
“Keep making those noises for me, baby.”
“You’re not coming unless I say so.”
“You’re in so much trouble, baby boy.”
“Should've thought about it before you decided to piss me off.”
“Jealousy looks great on you.”
“I’ll be so good to you.”
“I’m yours, all yours.”
“Please, gimme more.”
“So fucking tight.”
“You’re such a pathetic little slut.”
“Look at you, drooling all over yourself.”
Situations (You don’t have to use these, but I thought I could give you some extra inspiration):
Jealous reader shows character who he belongs to;
Reader pegs the ‘_’ (insert whatever annoying behavior you want) out of the character;
Reader cucks disobedient character;
Character surprises the reader with a maid costume;
Reader makes character wear a sex toy (anal plug, vibrating panties, chastity belt) in a public setting;
Seemingly innocent and sweet reader surprises character with a kinky side;
Seemingly kinky and experienced character reveals a soft, innocent interior;
Reader gets revenge on her cheating partner;
Reader verbally humiliates the character;
Character accidentally call the reader “mommy” in the middle of sex;
Yandere!Reader is obsessed with character;
Yandere!Reader thinks that the character is cheating on her with another woman.
Tagging some writers who may be interested. Please don’t feel pressured to join.
@buckycuddlebuddy @msmarvelwrites @sweeterthanthis @whateveriwant @imanuglywombat @nsfwsebbie @jtargaryen18 @jobean12-blog @world-of-aus @river-soul @buckyownsmylife @burnthematches @sherrybaby14 @sinner-as-saint @kleohoneyao3 @literate-lamb @candy-and-writing @cap-n-stuff @docharleythegeekqueen @darkficsyouneveraskedfor @honeyloverogers @honeygingergemini @fafulous @foxgloveprincess @giorno-plays-piano @gotnofucks @gogolucky13 @cherienymphe @mcudarklibrary @emilykjh @overr-written @teamcap4bucky @threeminutesoflife @iraot @sebbysbaby @propertyofpoeandbucky @hailmary-yramliah @cryptidcasanova @asadmarveltrashbag @angrythingstarlight
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bookofmirth · 3 years
I find the speech Lucien needs to leave Elain alone and have her autonomy very funny.
Does Lucien show up once a year, except when he goes to work and Elain is being held back from making choices?
It only took 2 years or less from Acofas to Acosf, Lucien might want it in his mind that things work out between them, nothing wrong with that and that's why he still gives this and looks forward to it.
Elain is single and as Cass made clear, she can talk to all the men she wants in the Night Court.
Elain and Lucien are partners and in the book it indicates there was no rejection on her part, so I don't blame Lucien for still waiting.
But at what point is he preventing Elain from having autonomy in her life, or is he acting as if he's letting her decide?
Elain doesn't even need permission, though Az believes he can decide for her.
Sorry for the rant, I hate it when I get the rant that Elain has no choice or autonomy and Lucien who shows up once a year is keeping her from dating other men.
It's been about 2 years now and Elain is not the child that people sometimes seem to think she is..
Elain herself didn't decide her life, she didn't take the reins of her life and when she takes it for me her first step won't be choosing who she's going to spend her life with.
Her choice will not be in her love life, but in who she wants to be.
Sometimes people also forget that Lucien and Elain are partners and prefer that they treat each other as enemies...
Lucien might be waiting because it's her partnership, and also because it's worth it, and I doubt it's going to be another life Az to wait 500 years to accept him..
Rhys waited or he would wait for Feyre for years...
Cass would also wait for Nesta for years...
Waiting doesn't mean it will stop Elain from making choices and taking away her autonomy.
What is Lucien really doing differently from the other males of the Acotar, everyone there was waiting for a chance and none of them was accused of taking away the autonomy of the partner.
Sarah has beaten us over the head with how respectful Lucien is being towards Elain. She's giving us the green light to stan.
And we are being beaten over the head with how much "choice" Elain has in her life. She can do literally anything she wants, and no one would stop her. There are things that happen to her that are out of her control, but it's never been because someone stepped in and said, "hm, you must do this now". It's always been bigger forces at work, like her father losing his money? Poor decision-making. Being rich again? Thanks, Tamlin's magic. Being Made? Betrayed by Ianthe. None of those things were personal, none of them were characters saying "I'm going to make Elain do what I want!" It was completely different for Feyre when she was under Tamlin's control and then was targeted by Amarantha. Those were just events occurring organically in the story that impacted Elain's life, for better or worse. The way she reacts to them is completely, 100% up to her. In every way possible, Elain is given complete independence. She is naive, but she isn't stupid or a child, like you said!
Lucien wanted to know if she was worth fighting for - and he is fighting, in his own way, by waiting for her.
What is Lucien really doing differently from the other males of the Acotar, everyone there was waiting for a chance and none of them was accused of taking away the autonomy of the partner.
EXACTLY Lucien is acting exactly how Rhys and Cassian did. Rhys and Cassian stepped back and waited for Feyre and Nesta to be ready, to make their own decisions, to fall in love (if that's the path they wanted!), to be with other people, they fought, they had tension, they disliked one another at times, it's all the same.
The biggest difference is the fact that Elain and Lucien knew right away that they are mates (you cannot tell me that she didn't know right away too, not when she looked at him for the first time right before he said "you're my mate"), which to me is a really interesting way to 1) still have a mating bond endgame but tell that story in a different way, and 2) show the tension between what they think they wanted versus what they realize they need.
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transhawks · 3 years
I was tagged by @todomitoukei. Thanks!
Why did you choose your URL?
I was originally waxwingedhawks on here until June 2020 when a very kind mutual gave me the transhawks URL due to me really often talking about the "Hawks is trans" headcanon I have.
Any side blogs?
Yes! My main blog (but quite dead) is @baezetsu, my "personal aesthetic" blog is @bacchantis.
How long have you been on tumblr
I think it might be 10 years, though this is the second tumblr account I made. My old personal tumblr got deleted by me....five years ago?
Do you have a queue tag?
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I really wanted to talk about BNHA and Hawks with other people after stalking the tags for a bit. I was never "involved" in fandoms on social media, only forums, so this was a new thing for me.
Why did you choose your icon/pfp
This is by @lemongogo! I just wanted Hawks and Trans flag. Simple, gets to the point, yanno?
Why did you choose your header?
so on the 'main header', it's just a pretty image of Keigo. On the dashboard header, it's basically how I feel most of the time when I make my more inflammatory posts because I've had like.... hero stans, hawks stans, and villain stans upset with so frequently that it felt good to make a joke about it.
What’s your post with the most notes?
My badly made image making fun of Hawks being outed as a spy by the LoV.
How many mutuals do you have?
Probably several dozen.
How many followers do you have?
I lose a lot frequently so often for weeks I'll have a very steady number. Like I get several follows and unfollows a day. Currently it's sitting at 3150-ish, not as many as people think.
How many people do you follow
338. I want to follow more but I'm careful about who I follow since I just don't want to see certain things or rbs from certain people especially. Yes, I xkit and tumblr savior, but sometimes certain usernames on here just honestly trigger anxiety attacks from me.
How often do you use tumblr each day?
I scroll daily if I'm not busy.
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
Too many. Some I feel were justified in having due to the...frankly disgusting actions of the people behind them. And some I think I could have let go, not gonna lie. I still clearly have very firm beliefs about things, but I was also in a place where I was very much trying to please my former best friend by following her lead or just being just as quick to argue and fight as she was, with little room for nuance or just letting go.
As much as it hurts that the friendship is over, honestly letting her go was probably one of the best things I could have done for my mental health. Sometimes I feel as if I was in some sort of cult where my every move was evaluated for moral righteousness and approval by someone who ultimately didn't know how to care about me as much as I cared for her.
A few months after I ended stuff last year, I came across a tweet from Contrapoints about how "women" show their bitterness and isolation by moral fanaticism, as opposed to cis men, who usually resort to violence (context was a discussion of incel-led violence) and it made me realize just what had been happening and why.
The constant fights, discourse, need for every iota of fandom activities align with some moral radical leftist code that had genuinely nothing to do with actual fucking activism - it was a product of bitter, angry women and someone who was socialized as a woman seeking to find whatever piece of power they could have since the world so often denies people like us any material power whatsoever. And that's not...who I want to be. I don't want to be domineering or aggressive. Even if I don't mind arguing itself (I'm Ashke, we argue!), the constant fights and constant feeling of having to justify even the smallest, silliest things wore me down.
In short, I was probably an incredibly unpleasant person to deal with for a long time. I'm sorry, and I'm trying to change myself for the better.
How do you feel about “you need to reblog this posts”
Definitely dislike them.
Do you like tag games?
If I'm not busy, I like doing them
Do you like ask games?
Sometimes! If I have time.
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Quite a few within the meta-writing or villain/hawks stan community! @thyandrawrites and @moodyvoid and @scarletrain1724 and @linkspooky @todomitoukei and I'm probably forgetting people but if I see you a lot you're bnha standom famous I guess lmao.
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Yeah. Two of them. I don't say anything though because I'm tired of internet relationships and am trying to meet people in meatspace.
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loudestcloud · 3 years
Things I own that I think Kirishima would have too
1. Lil' Huggy Puffer Sharks!
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First off, we do not have squshmellows over here and if we did I wouldn't be able to afford them. I only own one and that's the Kirishima would have the entire shark collection because I don't think he could stop. He might even go so far as to buy all the sea themed ones, who know? The default names for the sharks are Stan and Sutton but I think Kiri would call them something better. Stan also has a darker version and I think Kiri would get both and make the names sound similar. For anyone wondering, mine is called Kiripima, sometimes just 'Pima, he has messed up teeth just like I do and I got him £7.99 or so at Peacocks.
2. Lynx shower gel
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I only have the cool metal and it's only cos my step dad used to use the manly men™ stuff. I like to think Kirishima has the cool metal one and that TetsuTetsu uses the Fever one because they had a birthday party together n those gift got mixed up but they didn't notice. If you have a bath and wash with cool metal, it makes the water all metallic and I think that's super fun and he'd enjoy that.
3. A Straw hat
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It's heavily implied Class 1A reads One Piece and while Smash isn't cannon, thank gods, Kirishima is the one to make the biggest reference to it we have and it's directly about Luffy so hat. I think Franky is his favourite tho cos Franky is that mix of fun yet strong and manly but non toxic will cry at everything type of guy and Kiri can relate to that.
4. Cheap arcade machine toys
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I feel like Bakugo and Kirishima go to arcade's a lot because most games take patience or you'll set off the alarms so it's nice for Bakugo to clear his mind. As Bakugo is "too cool" for the actual prize tho, he'll pretty much always give them to Kiri and que the 'Thats so manly of you, bro'. From what I've seen, Japanese arcade machine are a lot cooler than the UK ones so the Cheap toys I mean probably aren't there but basically the vibe I'm going for is non name brand and questionable fabrics haha. My little guy is called Tubs, he's 11 to years old but I live near a sea front and my family used to work at Holliday parks so I grew up on these types of toys.
5. Fatgum hoodie
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Cos he's a support son who loves Fat!!
6. Pink Croc bracelet
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I've had mine since 2006 and it doesn't fit but it's still around cos I don't wanna lose those memories and it's a nice texture. Kirishima would also have a pink one cos pink is manly and if you wanna know why this 2000s mess is what a choose for him, it's cos he dead ass wears Crocs. I don't make the rules. Now, he'd have a lighting McQueen charm, a butterfly, a pride one, and a little flame. He has more but you can't fit too many on at once or they'll fall off when you move. He gog Kaminari a black one and then Kaminari found out that Jiro has a purple one cos she let it slip that she has some charms if they wanted some so now it's a little thing with them 3.
And that's all I got rn, hope you enjoyed!
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search-for-light · 5 years
The ShawMila Mess
Camila and Shawn claim they don't use social media on their phones anymore, they don't care about what people say, they want to keep their relationship private and then as soon as Camila's Liar music video is released, Shawn posts a disturbing kissing video as a "joke". What a contradiction! Can these two and their teams stick to a single narrative please?!
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Now more people are discussing the kissing video from Instagram than Camila's actual music video. Why was this video uploaded today at around the same time as the Liar music video release? The kissing video is most likely prerecorded as I don't believe Camila and Shawn are in the same city at the moment. I could be mistaken.
This relationship has turned into a mess for Camila because not only does everyone keep calling it fake, she is basically pushing the narrative that she is a cheater. She was pining for Shawn Mendes while she was claiming to be deeply in love with Matthew. Or so they'd like us to believe.
In her live, she kept asking her mother, Sinu, when she should say she wrote Shameless and Liar. Do you need to think that much when it comes to telling the truth?
I'm certain that her album has been ready for a while.
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She didn't just write up Liar and Shameless in the last few months and pick those for release over everything else that was ready. This was always planned. They just wanted to give Señorita the time to succeed before releasing her music. And this kissing video is nothing but trying to create a narrative even if it means people talk about it more than her actual music.
In the Liar music video, Camila shows that when she chooses her "true love", she loses all the riches and goes to rags. Has her picking Shawn Mendes made any difference to her career? Even ShawMila stans claim she's clearly winning. So how can her true love be Shawn? Any bad publicity hasn't affected her financially. What if she chose a same sex partner? Now THAT will certainly raise eyebrows. Is it a coincidence that Camila chose to include two gay men who finally accepted they had feelings for each other even though they were both in relationships with women?
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However, the music industry (even the film industry) doesn't look too kindly upon LGBT+ artists. She would definitely lose a lot of deals and publicity should she ever come out. Essentially going from "riches to rags" and "woke to broke".
Isn't that the reason why even the likes of Kristen Stewart picked PR relationships?
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And it's 2019.
The only reason that would explain why it's important to highlight ShawMila at this instance is to make the public believe her true love is Shawn even though neither have actually ever said they are in a relationship because they want privacy (they've done everything EXCEPT be private). That way neither have lied to us. If we think they are dating, that's on us.
Don't know about the rest of you, but I'd rather think of them as a PR couple than Camila as a cheater. I just wish we all were talking about Camila's music rather than her relationships but here we are.
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dukereviewsmovies · 5 years
Duke Reviews: Captain America: The First Avenger
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Where We Are Continuing Our Look At The Marvel Cinematic Universe...
Where Today We Are Looking At The First Movie With The First Avenger, Captain America...
When I Saw The Trailer For This Movie, I Had No Idea Who Captain America Was, I Had Seen The Original Movie With Matt Sallenger When I Was Younger But I Had Absolutely No Memory About It Whatsoever And After Watching The Nostalgia Critic's Review Of It, I'm Glad I Don't...
So I Went To The Comics And Bought An Omnibus Of Captain America Comics With The First Few Issues, And I Liked It To The Point I Couldn't Wait To See The Film In Theatres, However, When I Saw The Captain America Costume I Started To Not Hold Out Much Hope For The Movie As It Didn't Look Like Captain America From The Comics
And The Idea Of The Human Torch Playing Cap Instead Of Someone Who Hasn't Been A Superhero Just Added To That But Luckily, When I Saw The Film I Absolutely Loved It But Is It As Good As I Remember It?...
Let's Find Out As We Watch Captain America: The First Avenger...
The Film Starts In The Arctic, As 2 Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Are Taken To A Ship That Has Been Uncovered By A Russian Oil Team, Lasering Their Way Into The Vessel, The 2 Agents Find The Vessel Iced Over. Discovering What Looks To Be A Red, White And Blue Shield Covered In Ice, One Of The Agents Tries To Contact Nick Fury, Saying That He Has To Know About What They Found...
But Before We Can Find Out, We Go To A Flashback In Norway In The Year 1942, As A Hydra Tank Barges Into A Church, So The Leader Of Hydra, Johann Schmidt (Played By Hugo Weaving) May Enter With Soliders To Find The Tesseract...
(Imitating Agent Smith From The Matrix) Mr. Anderson...
Searching A Tomb, Schmidt Finds Something That Looks Like The Tesseract But As Schmidt Points Out, The Tesseract Was The Jewel Of Odin's Treasure Room And It's Not Something Someone Buries...
Asking The Caretaker Where The Tesseract Is To The Point Of Threatening To Destroy The Entire City, The Man Points To A Big Wooden Wall Carving Of Yggdrasil, The Tree Of The World, Which Is Where Schmidt Finds It...
With The Caretaker Telling Schmidt That He Contol The Power Of The Tesseract And He Will Burn For It, Schmidt Kills The Caretaker Before Walking Out...
Meanwhile In New York, We Go To An Army Enlistment Center Where Steve Rogers (Played By What's Left Of Chris Evans After Playing This Character For Many Movies) Attempts To Join The Army Only To Not Get In Due To His Bad Health..
Going To A Movie Afterwards, Steve Gets Mad At A Guy Who Doesn't Care About The Newsreels And Wants The Cartoons To Roll Which Leads To A Fight Outside Between The 2 Of Them...
Saved By His Best Friend, Bucky Barnes (Played By Sebastian Stan) Who Got Himself Enlisted And Is Shipping Out Tomorrow So, That Night Him And Steve Take 2 Girls (One Being Possibly An Ancestor Of Clara Oswald) To The World Of Tomorrow Expo Where They See A Science Demonstration Done By Howard Stark (Played Here By Dominic Cooper)...
Going To An Army Recruitment Center At The Expo, Bucky Tries To Stop Steve From Enlisting Again (As He's Been Lying On His Enlistment Forms And That's Technically Illegal) But Not Willing To Sit On The Sidelines Anymore, Steve Tells Bucky That He's At Least Got To Try No Matter What The Cost...
Telling His Friend To Be Careful And To Not Do Anything Stupid, Bucky Leaves, Overhearing His Conversation With Bucky, Steve Is Confronted By Dr. Abraham Erskine, A Scientist Who Works For The SSR Who Offers Steve A Chance To Get What He Wants...
Meanwhile At Hydra HQ, Johann Schmidt Has Arnim Zola (Played By Toby Jones) Work On A Machine That Will Transfer The Power Of The Tesseract Into Weaponry For Hydra....
Activating The Machine, Arnim Zola Is Cautious When Raising The Energy For The Transference But Schmidt Is A Patient Man And Places The Machine At Full Power Which Causes A Interesting Effect But It Works...
With The Energy They Have, Zola Tells Schmidt That It Could Not Power All Of His Designs But Change The War As Well As The World...
A Few Days Later At The SSR Base Camp, Steve And A Bunch Of Other Guys Are Briefed By Agent Peggy Carter (Played By Hayley Atwell) And Colonel Phillips (Played By Agent K Himself, Tommy Lee Jones) Who Tell Them About The SSR And How They Will Be Choosing A Man To Be The First In A New Breed Of Super Solider...
Cue The Training Montage!
Well, I'll Admit Steve Isn't Mulan But He Got The Flag!
With Erskine Deciding That Steve Is The Right Man For The Job, Phillips Fights Erskine On It As He Believes That Steve Is A Loser And That A Man Named Hodge Is Better Decision As He Passed All Their Tests, But Looking For Qualities Beyond Physical For This, Phillips Decides To Throw In A Dummy Grenade Which Steve Gladly Takes For His Fellow Soldiers, Saying That He's Still Skinny, Phillips Walks Away...
With The Experiment Happening The Next Day, Erskine Pays Steve A Visit In His Bunk Where He Asks Erskine Why Him? This Leads Erskine To Tell Steve How He Was Recruited By Adolf Hitler Himself To Join The Nazis But Telling Hitler That He's Not Interested, Hitler Instead Sent Schmidt Who Shares A Passion With Hitler For The Occult And Myths...
However Unlike Hitler Who Believes It To Be Fantasy, Schmidt Believes It To Be Real And That There Is Some Great Power Left By The Gods Waiting To Be Seized By Man. Hearing About Erskine's Formula, Schmidt Could Not Resist Taking That Power For Himself, But When Schmidt Took It There Were Unfortunate Side Effects...
Saying That The Formula Amplifies Everything That Is Inside Of The Person, With Good Becoming Great And Evil Becoming Worse, He Says That That Is Why Steve Was Chosen Because A Strong Man Who Has Known Power All Of His Life Will Lose Respect For That Power Where A Weak Man Knows The Value Of Strength And Compassion...
Before Tomorrow, Erskine Has Steve Promise Him One Thing, That He Will Stay Who He Is, Not A Perfect Solider But A Good Man...
Back At Hydra HQ, Schmidt Tells Zola That His Men Have Located Erskine And Tells Zola To Give The Order To Kill Him...
Taking Steve To The SSR's Hideout, Peggy Takes Steve Into A Lab Where The Experiment Will Happen...
Meanwhile At Hydra HQ, Schmidt Is Visited By Some Of Hitler's Generals Which Leads To Him Showing Them The Results Of His Work By Saying That Hydra Is Developing An Arsenal To Destroy Schmidt's Enemies In One Stroke Including Germany, Which Leads To Him Wiping The Generals Out With One His New Weapons...
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I Guess We Can Change The Name Of The Musical To Springtime For Red Skull...
With The President Retasking The SSR To Go After Hydra, Steve Wants In But With Erskine's Death, Phillips Considers The Project A Failure As Erskine Promised Them An Army Of Super Soliders And That Just Having Steve Is Not Enough To Win The War.
However, A Senator Believes Different After Both Him And The Country See Steve In Action And Offers Steve Another Opportunity To Serve His Country...By Selling War Bonds....
(Start At 0:22)
And What Can I Say About This? I Absolutely Love It! There's Only One Other Thing That Could Top It And That's If They Played This...
Doing A Performance At An Army Camp That Goes Horribly, Steve Runs Into Peggy Who Reminds Steve That Erskine Wanted Better For Him Than To Just Be A Performing Monkey, Seeing Wounded Soliders Come In From The 107th, Steve Remembers That That Is Bucky's Troop Which Leads Him To Talk With Phillips About If Bucky Survived And Phillips Makes It Look Like He Didn't...
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Asking If Phillips Is Planning A Rescue Mission For The Ca, Phillips Tells Steve No As They're 30 Miles Behind Enemy Lines That Are Heavily Fortified And They'd Lose More Men Then They'd Save, But Unable To Accept That Steve Plans A Rescue Mission With The Help Of Peggy And Howard Stark, Who Takes Steve Into Enemy Lines On Board Stark's Airplane...
Parachuting Into Enemy Lines, Steve Boards A Truck That Takes Him Into Hydra Base, Once Inside, Steve Rescues The Missing Soliders Including The Howling Commandos (With Two Of Them Played By Damien Dahrk And Spider-Man's Principal?)...
(Start At 0:31)
With The Soldiers Fighting Hydra And The Base Exploding Around Them, Steve And Bucky Go Up Flights Of Stairs Only To Be Confronted By Schmidt...
(Start At 0:30)
Back At The SSR Camp, It's Believed That Rogers Is Dead But...Yeah, Steve Survived As Well As The Soliders From The 107th Including Bucky...
Meanwhile In Washington, Steve Is About To Get A Medal For Valor By The Senator But Of Course He's Not There...
Stan Lee Cameo!
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Returning To The SSR's Headquarters In London, Steve Shows Peggy The Locations Of The Hydra Bases That He Saw On Schmidt's Map While Bucky Tells Them About The Weapons Factories However, Hydra Has Shipped The Parts To His Main HQ Which Is Not On The Map...
Phillips Tells Carter To Coordinate With MI6 (Which Makes Me Wonder If Captain America And James Bond Have Ever Teamed Up) To Look For Schmidt's Main Base, While They Send Rogers To Deal With The Other Bases...
With Phillips Putting Together A Team To Help Steve, Steve Already Has People In Mind Which Leads Him To Recruit The Howling Commandos And Bucky To Help Him...
The Next Day, Steve Goes To Meet With Howard Stark, But While He Waits, He Talks With Margaery Tyrell Which Leads To Her Kissing Steve (And Who Wouldn't Want To Kiss Her) Only For Them To Be Spotted By Peggy Despite Steve Thinking That Her And Stark Had Something Going On...
When Stark Talks With Steve, He Tells Him That There's Nothing Going On Between Him And Peggy Before He Shows Steve Some New Shields Until Steve Finds A Prototype Made Out Of Vibranium...
(Imitating Black Panther) Wakanda Forever!
Which Will Work...
(End At 2:02)
Not Happy With What Is Going On With His Bases, Red Skull Tells Zola To Finish His Mission Before Captain America Does Or Else...
Attempting To Get Zola Back To His Headquarters As Quick As Possible, Zola Ends Up Boarding A Speed Train That Unfortunately Passes By Where Cap And His Crew Happen To Be...
Using A Zip Line, Cap, Bucky And The Other Howling Commandos Board The Train Only To Be Confronted By Hydra Soliders With Major Weaponry...
Major Weaponry That's Powerful Enough To Burst Open A Wall...
After Dealing With The Soldiers, Another One Enters And Blasts Bucky Out Of The Train Only To Leave Him Hanging By A Handle, Attempting To Save His Best Friend Steve Tries To Reach For Him But Unfortunately The Rail Breaks And Bucky Just Falls To His Death...
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But In Good News, They Capture Arnim Zola...
Phillips Interrogates Zola Who Doesn't Say A Damn Word Until Phillips Gives Him A Letter That Shows Him That The Red Skull Has Turned On Him And Believes Zola To Be A Liability Which Leads Zola To Spill His Guts On Red Skull's Plan...
Finding Steve In A Cafe That Him And His Friends Went To Before It Was Destroyed, Peggy Finds Steve Having A Few Drinks To Try To Dull The Pain Of Losing Bucky But Like The Flash, Due To His Powers He Can't Get Drunk...
But Peggy Tells Steve That It's Not His Fault And If He Believed And Respected Bucky Then He Should Honor His Decision. Understanding That, Steve Swears To Go To Go After Schmidt And Destroy Hydra...
Steve, Peggy And The Howling Commandos Fight Hydra's Soliders Off, But Eventually Steve Catches Up With Red Skull Only To See Him Take Off In His Massive Plane, But When Phillips And Peggy Commandeer Red Skull's Car, They Attempt To Catch Up With It...
(Captain America) You Remember The Little Red Button?
(Phillips) You Don't Have To Tell Me Twice!
(Pushes Little Red Button)
Catching Up With Red Skull's Ship, Steve Kisses Peggy Goodbye, Before Hopping On Board...
As Steve Sees Missiles Targeted For Every City On The Planet, More Soliders Appear To Fight Steve, With Him Defeating Every Single One Of Them, Before Facing Off Against Red Skull...
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(Start At 0:28)
With Peggy Contacting Steve On-Board The Plane, She Tries To Direct Him To A Site To Land But There's Not Enough Time And He Has No Choice But To Force The Ship Down...
Peggy Talks With Steve For As Long As Possible Till His Ship Crashes....
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We Get A Montage Of What Happened After The War Including A Scene Where Howard Stark Finds The Tesseract In The Ocean And Peggy Keeping A Picture Of Steve Before Cutting To The Future! As Steve Wakes Up Years Later In A Hospital (That Looks Like It's In The Past) By A Woman (Who Is Supposedly Sharon Carter Except Instead Of Emily Van Camp It's Amanda Righetti From The O.C.) Who Is There To Tell Steve What's Going On...
However, The Game Playing On The Radio, Is A Game Steve Went To Years Ago...
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(Start At 1:17)
After The Credits We Get A Sneak Peak Of The Avengers Before The Movie Ends...
And That's Captain America: The First Avenger And I Absolutely Love This Movie...
The 1940s Setting Is Fantastic, I Love The Story, I Love The Characters, I Love The Villain Despite Everyone Saying That He's Lame And Honestly I Have No Idea Why Hugo Weaving Did Not Want To Come Back For A Sequel As Red Skull Is Such A Good Character And A Great Villain In This Movie, I Love The Effects In The Movie With The Hydra Weaponry, The Costumes Are Great And It Is One Of My Favorite MCU Films And I Say See It...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke Saying That Next Week We're Tackling The Avengers!
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albumsreviews · 3 years
Listen to it when you’re feeling: afraid of being alone
Key lyric: “I don't wanna cry, some days I do / But not about you / It's just a lot to think about”
Eilish reflects on the thought of death and how everything comes to an end with dark synths that perfectly fit the atmosphere. Normally, people fear dying because you lose somebody you love in the process. Sometimes, you might feel abandoned. She even wonders about when it’s her time: “Everybody dies / And when will I?”
Listen to it when you’re feeling: like standing up to someone powerful
Key lyric: “I thought that I was special / You made me feel / Like it was my fault, you were the devil”
In an acoustic guitar ballad, Eilish brings awareness to the trauma of abuse and power imbalances in a relationship: “Try not to abuse your power / I know we didn't choose to change / You might not wanna lose your power / But havin' it's so strange.” She also wonders from time to time if abusers know what they do is wrong. “How dare you? / And how could you?” she asks. It’s easy to want answers and closure but in the end, but it’s better to be self-aware of any toxic behaviors and attitudes you have to avoid hurting others.
13. “NDA”
Listen to it when you’re feeling: defensive
Key lyric: “Yeah, I made him sign an NDA / Once was good enough / ‘Cause I don't want him havin' shit to say, oh-oh”
Eilish’s struggles to have a private personal life and a romantic partner have sometimes been caused by the creeps that watch her every move, so much so that she “had to save [her] money for security.” Deep synth bass beats and plucky strings accompany the instrumentals to create an eerie atmosphere. Because of the stress of fame, Eilish sometimes has second thoughts about her career: “30 under 30 for another year / I can barely go outside, I think I hate it here.”
Listen to it when you’re feeling: sick of fake friends’ bullshit
Key lyric: “I’m not your friend / Or anything, damn”
The title of this R&B track is a play on the iconic philosophical quote from René Descartes, “I think, therefore I am.” As a result of her celebrity, Eilish explains feeling distrustful from time to time when making connections, fearing her friends might be using her for clout. It’s even frustrating when people think they know her but they really don’t: “Don't talk 'bout me like how you might know how I feel / Top of the world, but your world isn't real / Your world's an ideal.” Even if you are a huge stan for your favorite artist, you’ll never know everything about them.
Listen to it when you’re feeling: angry and sad after a breakup, but better off than before
Key lyric: “When I'm away from you / I’m happier than ever”
The title track begins as an acoustic breakup ballad, calling out an ex who made Eilish miserable: “I knew when I asked you to / Be cool about what I was tellin' you / You'd do the opposite of what you said you'd do / And I'd end up more afraid.” Upon the second verse, the song evolves to bass strings evoking frustration. By the third, a hard electric guitar rages to exclaim her anger and sadness: “And all that you did was make me fuckin' sad / So don't waste the time I don't have / And don't try to make me feel bad.” If you listen carefully in the outro, you can hear guttural screams accompanying the riffs, so if you’re going through a rough breakup, feel free to rage along.
Listen to it when you’re feeling: heartbroken
Key lyric: “Guess it's hard to know / When nobody else comes around / If I'm getting over you / Or just pretending to / Be alright, convince myself I hate you”
The album closes with a somber acoustic ballad as Eilish tries to move on from a recent heartbreak, reflecting on what is real love and what is not. The title is a reference to Eilish’s feelings that pornography perpetuates a fantasy in which women exist solely to please men. “Distract myself with pornography / I hate the way she looks at me,” she sings. But Eilish knows real love is more than just sex. And sometimes, you just can’t explain it.
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