#these are silly and frankly stupid ideas that do not deserve to be taken seriously
edoro · 7 months
i don't think that whether you use acrylic yarn or natural fibers says anything about Who You Are As A Person, and there are very valid considerations re: price and accessibility (as well as durability and ease of care) that can make acrylic a far superior option for people
HOWEVER i do think that if you treat "concerned about the sustainability of yarn that is, essentially, plastic being manufactured, shipped, and washed repeatedly" and "morally opposed to a sheep getting a haircut because you have decided that literally any use of animal products of any sort is evil, always" like they have equal weight and are equally valid points of view, then you're... being kind of silly
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...Oh. Right.
This must be from AAAAGES ago, since it’s back behind those silly gifs of myself I made years ago, back when I had more hair. Huh. Anyways. I am posting it now! 
John and Sherlock text! They do the flirt!! 
Stranger: This is John Watson, right? Captain of the rugby team? SH (16)
You: Yes... That would be me. JW (18)
Stranger: Excellent. I'm Sherlock Holmes, I need to ask you a favour -SH
You: Oh, right. Okay, then... What can I do for you? JW
Stranger: I need to you tell your little army of idiots to stop attacking me after school. It's getting tedious. And painful -SH
You: Attacking you...? What do you mean, 'attacking you'? JW
Stranger: I mean cornering me as I walk home from school, shoving me into an allway, stamping out my good cigarettes and hitting me repeatedly, all the while hurling terrible insults -SH
You: (delayed) I had no idea any of this was going on. I swear, if I knew, it never would have happened in the first place. Do you have names, specifically, of who's doing it? I know I've heard your name before, but I never even suspected they were harming you. JW
Stranger: Jim Moriarty, Sebastian Moran, Philip Anderson, and Charles Magnessun. And yes, I assume you've heard my name. The rumors going around about me are getting out of hand -SH
You: Just the four of them, then? I'll make sure they're taken care of accordingly. JW
You: I'm so sorry for all of this happening. Honestly, I wish I could say I'm surprised that it's them, but I'm not. I really do apologise for them, though... It's not right. And for the rumours as well, it's very, very wrong. JW
Stranger: What is? Them spreading them, or the things they say I've done. The things they say I am. And..thank you, John. I didn't expect any real help, to be honest. So thank you. -SH
You: I haven't heard the rumours, and I don't intend to. It's wrong for them to be talking about you and hurting you. It's inhuman and it's setting a terrible example for the rest of the school, when the ones who are supposed to be setting good ones are acting like animals. JW
You: It's the right thing to do, why wouldn't I help you? What they're doing is wrong. JW
Stranger: Wow. You...are far kinder than your peers, John Watson. And thank you. And, well, thank you for not listening to the rumors, either. I mean, half the school's convinced I watch you shower in the locker room, it's ridiculous. Which I don't. Ever. -SH
You: Really? Hm. Odd rumour, but people will believe anything sometimes. I'll do what I can to set those right too, if I can. I'm sorry for everything that the four of them have done to you... And you don't have to thank me so much. Like I said, it's the right thing to do. It's not a problem. JW
Stranger: Yes, but if I had a nickel for everytime someone chose to help me because it's the right thing, I'd only have one nickel. Yours. And yes, it's an odd rumor. People will believe anything. It's ridiculous. They just assume. Without any evidence. None whatsoever. It's not true. -SH
You: Thou dost protest a lot, Sherlock Holmes. JW
You: Why aren't people nice to you? You seem fine to me... JW
Stranger: What? No I don't! I mean...I don't. Shut up. People aren't nice to me because I'm a...let's see, what was it? Drug-addicted, psychopathic faggot. Or something like that. -SH
You: ...Jesus. That's a lot of titles for one bloke to have. JW
You: You still protest too much. ;) JW
Stranger: ...I'm sorry, alright? I was merely observing, and it wasn't what they think. And for the record, I'm not a psychopath. So really I only have two titles -SH
You: Sure, sure. I'm not angry, obviously. And I never said I thought you were... Though I don't see you trying to deny the other two? JW
Stranger: Why should I? They're true. Clearly. -SH
You: Considering the fact that I've never actually met you, I wouldn't say 'clearly'. JW
Stranger: Oh. Well...they are. And I just...I thought you might have picked up on it, from the...shower...thing. -SH
You: I don't know. I thought you were 'merely observing'? ;) JW
You: I wouldn't call you a faggot, though. Ever. JW
Stranger: Never? ...oh. Right, good. And I was. I was merely observing and shut up it's none of your business -SH
You: Why does /that/ surprise you? And sure you were. I'm taking your word for it, remember? JW
Stranger: You do seem very skeptical, though. I'm just making sure. And it surprises me because...you're- well, you. You're John Watson. Golden boy. Captain of the rugby team, and all that. I sort of expected you to be an arsehole -SH
You: Well... I guess you shouldn't judge people before you get to know them? Reputations don't really mean much, you should know that. JW
Stranger: I know. I'm sorry. I misjudged you, John Watson. That was stupid of me. -SH
You: It's alright. Don't worry about it, Sherlock Holmes. JW
Stranger: Oh. Good. You know, you can call me just Sherlock if you like -SH
You: Mm. I know. And you can call me John, if you like. JW
Stranger: I don't think I will. John Watson sounds much better. Makes you sound overly fancy, or famous. Like a really dull movie star or an army captain or something -SH
You: Really? I don't know, my name is so dull. Sherlock Holmes is much better... It sounds exciting. Unique. Not like 'John'. Or 'John Watson', even. JW
Stranger: My real name is William, if that helps any. I like John Watson, though. -SH
You: So Sherlock's a nickname? And thanks... I still think it's dull, but it's nice to know someone likes it. JW
Stranger: It's my middle name. And everyone likes it, John. You should hear how those stupid girls that follow you around sqeal ir from the stands of your games -SH
Stranger: *it
You: I hear it... But I don't think it's the name they like. I still like Sherlock, though. And William isn't terrible, either. Sounds posh. JW
You: John is just common. JW
Stranger: John isn't a unique name, sure. It's common. There are millions of Johns. There migt even be millions of John Watsons. But...you have a middle name, don't you? No one's got that. Besides, the uniqueness of a name doesn't determine someone's uniquness. My brother is called Mycroft, and he's dull as dirt -SH
You: My middle name is shit, don't even go there. Jeez, William Sherlock and Mycroft Holmes. You two ended up with the names of the century. JW
Stranger: I know. William Sherlock Scott Holmes. It's...ridiculous, quite frankly. My parents are insane -SH
You: There's another one, even! William Sherlock Scott. Wow. JW
You: I like it, though. JW
Stranger: ...you do? Really? I've always disliked my name. -SH
You: I can understand not liking a given name, but... Well, I like yours. It sounds brilliant. Like... 'You're going to do great things, William Sherlock Scott Holmes'. JW
Stranger: Oh please. Like anyone would ever say that to me. But...thank you, John Hamish Watson. I like your name too. It suits you. And I like you, so it makes sense. -SH
You: Thanks... I'm glad you texted me. JW
Stranger: Really? Because, I mean...I'm glad I texted you, too. I've been meaning to talk to you for quite a while, I just never had the...what's the word? Courage. -SH
You: Well, you needn't have worried. You're obviously bright... And nice, too. Everything that you've had to endure isn't right, with the team and everything. I'll make sure they get what's coming to them tomorrow. Feel free to text me again anytime... Seriously. Or come find me during school... Sod the rumours, I'd like to meet you in person at some point. JW
Stranger: Oh. Alright. I...I'd like that. And- thank you. For taking care of those morons. I really appreciate it. I- I'll find you during school tomorrow, if you don't mind -SH
You: Of course I don't mind. And it's not a problem, really. You don't deserve what's happened to you at their hands. JW
Stranger: Well, that's not exactly a popular opinion. But thank you. I just- I thought maybe you'd be with your friends, tomorrow. That you'd be to busy. -SH
You: But it's my opinion, so it doesn't matter if it's popular or not. And... Are we not friends? I'd like to be friends with you, William Sherlock Scott Holmes. Although I don't know if I can say that ever time I speak to you. JW
Stranger: I'd like to be friends with you as well, John Hamish Watson. Well, not exactly. But..friends. Close enough. I'd like that. -SH
You: Friends is a good start. Then we'll see where it goes. JW
Stranger: Oh. Right, good. Does that mean that it...I mean, is going somewhere a possibilty, then? Hypothetically -SH
You: Hypothetically... I'd say that it could, quite possibly, be a possibility, yes. JW
Stranger: Oh. Right. Ok. That'b be...nice. Hypothetically -SH
Stranger: *that'd
You: Yes, it would. JW
You: Hypothetically. JW
Stranger: Right. All hypothetical, of course. But...hypothetically. What's your hypothetical definition of 'somewhere' -SH
You: Hm... On a date, maybe. Hypothetically. JW
Stranger: Oh. Right. A hypothetical date sounds like it would be fun. Hypothetically -SH
You: You're cute, Sherlock. JW
Stranger: What? Sorry, I just- what? -SH
You: With your whole 'hypothetically' thing. It was cute. JW
Stranger: Oh. Right. Um..thank you. I think. I was just- trying to make my hopeless attempt at flirting sound less stupid -SH
You: No, no, it was good. I liked it. JW
Stranger: Oh. Right. Perhaps it didn't sound as moronic to you as it did to me. -SH
You: It wasn't moronic at all. JW
Stranger: Good. I'm glad. You think it was...cute. You think I'm 'cute'. -SH
You: At least, your personality is. I haven't seen you, so I don't know about how you look, but... Yeah. Your flirting was cute. JW
Stranger: Oh. Right. Just...give me a mintute to process that for a bit. -SH
You: Take as much time as you need. JW
Stranger: Right. I just...you're- You're John Watson. And you think I'm cute. Me. Sherlock Holmes. My mental efficinacy has been dropped by nearly 98%, just by you saying that -SH
You: I don't see the big issue here... I mean, you are cute. You were flirting and making sort of a big deal out of it, and your little 'Oh. Right's were cute, like you couldn't believe it or something. JW
Stranger: Well I /can't/. Not really. Please keep in mind that everyone thought I was mute until the seventh grade, because I never spoke to anyone. I've never had a real friend, and sometimes I talk to a plastic skull I have in my room. I'm not good with people, and I'm certainly not good with attractive, kind people like you complimenting me. /SH
You: Well, I'll just have to keep doing it, then. Get you used to it. I doubt anyone was really trying, if they all thought you were mute... And talking to a skull isn't the weirdest thing I've ever heard of someone doing. JW
You: I still talk to a couple of stuffed toys that I have. It's not uncommon. JW
Stranger: That's cute. That's...really cute, actually. I just- my skull is my best friend. That came out wrong. I meant my fake one. He's called Billy -SH
You: Shut up, I'm not cute. You're cute. I'll have to meet Billy sometime, then... Especially if we're going to be friends that could hypothetically be more than that. JW
Stranger: Well I'll have to introduce you. He's on my bedside table. And yea you are. You're very cute. -SH
Stranger: *yes
You: I guess that means you'll have to invite me over at some point. You know, after we formally meet and all. And hush. I'm not cute. JW
Stranger: Well I suppose so. Once we formally meet, you can come over. As long as you swear not to talk to my brother. And yes you are, stop it. You wear /woolly jumpers/, John. That's adorable -SH
You: My jumpers are manly as hell. Not cute. And why do I have to swear not to talk to your brother? JW
You: I don't think it's fair, by the way, that you seem to know so much about me, when I don't even know what you look like. JW
Stranger: I'm the really tall one with the quote 'riduculous curly hair' and according to Irene Adler 'cheekbones like knives'. I sit behind you in chemistry. You should pay more attention. And you cannot talk to my brother because he's an embarassing, nosy prat. And you're adorable, shut up. -SH
You: (delayed) Oh my god. JW
You: I've never even bothered to find out your name. I know exactly who you are, though... Oh my god. JW
Stranger: What's wrong? -SH
You: Just... nothing. Jesus Christ. JW
Stranger: You seem shocked. Or disturbed. Did I say something wrong? -SH
You: No... No, not at all. Slightly shocked, yeah. I'm fine. JW
You: You're actually gorgeous, by the way. Which is why I'm slightly shocked. JW
Stranger: ....oh. I- thank you. You- you really think that? -SH
You: Yes. Holy shit. JW
Stranger: 'Holy shit'? That...brings a very odd picture to mind. That's an odd expression -SH
You: Yeah, it kind of does, doesn't it. Huh. Never thought of that before. JW
Stranger: I just don't hear that phrase very often. -SH
You: Hm. I see. JW
You: Sorry. Still trying to get over the mental shock a bit. JW
Stranger: Oh. I don't mind. I just...don't see how it's a shock. Did I really make that much of an impression one you? -SH
You: Yes. Very much so. You're attractive and mysterious and quiet, but I hear the comments you mutter under your breath when you think no one's paying attention. You're very smart. JW
I had to go....
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