#these are probably ooc of them and tbh this IS just some ramblings but there is a level found family I wanna emphasize
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deadbaguette · 6 months ago
Some Athena thoughts and headcanons for the ‘Diomedes goes to Ithaca AU’
Headcanon that Athena moves around completely quietly (like how owls hunt). So, Telemachus meeting Athena for the first time he gets the shit scared out of him. Diomedes by now knows the tells of Athena being here (and he has the magic eyes) so he’s the one basically warning Telemachus if Athena is in proximity
Telemachus: are you even listening???
Diomedes staring intently at the dodgy looking owl (Athena) in the tree: …yeah
Athena is very much still cool aunt. But I wanna characterise her as a little more mischievous (which could be interpreted as cunning ig) than she probably is in the original mythos. She keeps a close eye on both Telemachus and Diomedes. Most specifically Telemachus! While she cannot reveal to him that Odysseus is alive directly (she cannot incur the wrath of her uncle just yet), she does help him in starting his little Telemachy. It helps boosts his confidence and helps reassure him that maybe his father is alive. HOWEVER, the sudden disappearance of Telemachus causes the stress meters of Diomedes and Penelope to exponentially rise. And Athena finds this a little funny, so she still withholds the information from them.
Telemachus: Athena… sometimes I wonder if father is dead :(
Athena in disguise clenching her fists to try not reveal anything: … he’s too stubborn to die, have a little more faith in him
Athena: Hey, I have a great idea if you’re worried about your dad
Penelope stressed out of her mind: WHERE IS HE???
Diomedes equally stressed: I DON’T FUCKING KNOW?.?.????
Athena: *eating popcorn knowing she’ll make sure Telemachus is safe*
Athena is keeping this family very blessed. She is the patron goddess of both Odysseus and Diomedes, and I like to imagine maybe in a more subtle way to Penelope too (I mean… she’s smart, beautiful, AND she can weave???). She’s much closer to Telemachus in this AU than in the original Odyssey, but not like in the way of EPIC?? She keeps her distance from him nonetheless bcs she’s a god and whatnot, but him being close with Diomedes, I imagine Athena has more of an excuse to be around Telemachus growing up.
Telemachus: so.. you knew my father and Diomedes growing up?
Athena trying to act nonchalant, but she’s so proud of them both: you could say that
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tariah23 · 1 year ago
This was so sillyksks. The fact that despite all of the horrible things that had been happening around them (this is nothing new for Chaldea/ servants in general of course) and the potential threats of phantasmal beasts gaining intelligence to take over the world, was just as important to Arjuna as being worked up over Karna wearing gaudy sunglasses instead of your standard eyeglasses…
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#Chaldea boys W#I prefer chaldea boys over the Valentine’s Day events tbh#story wise at least#the vday stories always suck so bad and have probably some of the worst introductions to highly anticipated characters man#like I haven’t enjoyed any vday event before and even the characters that you’re aware of get their brains turned to mush and are usually#written completely ooc…#idk whose been writing the Chaldea boy events over the last few years but i remember when they didn’t even use to have stories associated#with them either like no effort would be put into them it’ll just be a simple summoning campaign#but now tbeh actually have stories and I just 🥹#really enjoyed this one!#my fav one so far was probably the Chaldea boys featuring Circe 😭😭😭#i remember crying after reading the storysjsjjs#so bittersweet……….. the fact that Circe was technically the main character of that event despite it being Chaldea boys… ah….!#and I really loved how guda was barely there throughout majority of the story as well it was quite refreshing#guda does not need to be part of every story for any of them to make sense and flow properly#most of the characters are interesting enough to stand on their own and have their own agency outside of guda being by their side and#shuffled lazily#into a story just for the sake of it#that Chaldea boys was the only event in the entire game that ever focused mainly on the servants from what I’m aware of#rambling#also#Karna… are the lights on up there baby-#nvm they’re so funny sjsjs#I really loved their interactions with each other throughout the whole story#cu was amazing as well#this was probably the best written that he’s ever been in my opinion since he rarely makes appearances to begin with and most of the others#have sort of sucked to me sorry#he deserves sm better he’s too cool of a servant to be written like poo
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gouraminnow · 2 months ago
Shanks anon here and it’s so okay I always love reading your analysis/ the reasoning behind shanks’ character in your yandere fics! It makes your fics feel so real like the characters feel so.. in character when they typically feel ooc in yandere fics.
your response made me wonder- what would shanks or benn (or both ;)- okay I need to stop) be like with an emperor darling? Or an admiral darling since admirals are placed on the same power scale as emperors? I feel like this would require them to actually really have to strategize to get their darling since it’s not as easy as just flexing their position as an emperors crew and just snatching their darling up.
Thank you!! Honestly being OOC is something I worry about. I know it's not the biggest deal ever, it's fanfic and we're already warping things, but I very much obsess over whether or not things feel "right" enough to me, haha. Like yeah yandere versions of characters differ but there are still core aspects of a character that make them who they are.
Rambling under the cut, much lighter on Benn tbh... hint of suggestiveness at the absolute very end like literally the last sentence
Anyway if Mc is another Emperor, then Shanks is gonna try and pester them into an alliance, first of all. He's friendly and laying on the charm, but also a bit more serious than he would be with a civillian or less powerful/experienced pirate. You're someone who could actually potentially cause problems for him if he pushes too hard. A lot more passive, but pays special attention to your movements. If he runs into any of your subordinate crews or other members, he's friendly with them too- willing to assist them in battle if they bite off more than they can chew. Sends them back to you with gifts- both for them, and something meant to be delivered directly to you.
And he "runs into" you too, of course! Very frequently, actually. Throws a party, does his best to draw you and your crew in. All the better to give gifts directly, isn't it? Some quality alcohol is his go-to, but he likes you. Does his best to dig for any interests you may have, learn/estimate your clothing sizes... whether or not Benn is into you as well, Shanks tries to get him to dig a little as well. He'll grunt, maybe even roll his eyes, but approaches you all the same. Probably has more luck anyway, since according to that SBS he scores more ladies than Shanks lmao.
If it's Benn who's interested and not Shanks, then... I think it'd be funny if things don't change all that much, actually. Teases Benn for aiming high, but ultimately decides to try and be a good wingman for his first mate. It's the least he can do, after all! And if he does succeed in getting with you, the resulting alliance will be good for everyone, he reasons. Benn has a headache.
Benn would also send gifts, I think, but they're smaller. More personal and often functional. A small bottle of your favorite spirits, a leather-bound journal, a small piece of subtle but pretty jewelry. A replacement for a scabbard strap that snapped during a skirmish, an extra button when one popped off of your coat... was he even there for that? How did he notice..?
And Benn is no stranger to drinking and partying, of course, but he makes more relaxing company than Shanks. Won't pester you or drag you into things the same way Shanks will, happy to find somewhere a little quieter and just enjoy a shared drink and a moment of quiet.
All in all, kidnapping is far less likely to be on the table. You're on equal footing, and neither man wants the massive clash between Yonkos or the deaths that would result from it that could come from this. They both ultimately want you to like them, after all, and captivity wouldn't break the Will of someone like you even if they did manage it.
An Admiral Mc, on the other hand... oof.
This has a bigger chance of blowing up but Shanks is high-maintenance and loves to court danger. Takes care of troublemakers for you, which pisses you off because you do not need him for that, goddamnit. He likes to antagonize you, knowing you can't just start something without the input of the other Admirals. You're on par with him, but ultimately still a tool for the WG... if you fail, they're more likely to write you off as a failure than a loyal crew would. Would try to get you to defect. Aokiji did it after all, so it's not impossible. But if you're determined to remain a Marine, well... if he can beat you, kidnapping IS on the table here as an alliance is impossible. Uses the danger your subordinates are in against you. The gap between you and them is just too big, are you really willing to risk all of them..? It's worse for an Admiral, tbh. If they can't get you to leave the Marines and join them, and they succeed in taking you for themselves, they're more willing to break you than a fellow Yonko. Can see it becoming something akin to a brat-taming scenario, tbh.
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brostradamus · 7 months ago
ramblings about AM in a relationship/what kind of s/o could fix him. know that im def not a person who’s deep into psychoanalysis / staying strict to a character’s personality so this might be ooc??? idk please bear w me. Whole thing is under the cut bc i think it’s pretty long n p sloppy 2. but enjoy regardless
anyways I rlly like to think that AM would most thrive in a relationship where he has equal / lesser power to his partner. not like whole ass power imbalance obv but just whre cant always hurt/bother his s/o. I’m sure AM would probably say some shit that might hurt his s/o’s feelings but a partner he’d be most compatible w/ would most likely avoid the torture mostly or altogether w/ the exception of verbal harassment cause there’s enough 2 go around 4 everyone. Also bonus points to s/os who are completely untouchable either bc they’re stronger than AM or AM decides that he doesn’t want to hurt them/can’t bring himself to.
also maybe he’d do well w someone who challenges his beliefs. tbh I feel like he’d gravitate towards people who might share his beliefs/hatred towards humanity, but if he’s supposed to grow then he’s gotta have a s/o that views humanity differently. Said s/o doesn’t even have 2 have a strictly polar opposite view on humanity, just a view that isn’t nihilistic and misanthropic. He might not be entirely receptive at first either but the further you continue to challenge his beliefs, the more likely he is to start thinking about other ideas.
Another thing that might make AM a little more accepting towards humans is a s/o that he *has* to rely on one way or another. most likely this is going to be an engineer/programming s/o. He’s likely not going to want to, but him knowing that he can rely on someone else might make him not close himself off as often.
artistic s/os might be able to help soften AM up a little too. i sometimes like 2 think that AM would actually really enjoy art, but it just depends on which kind of art. Realism he won’t really gaf about but he might gravitate towards expressionist works, along with abstract/absurdist and surreal art. this would include all art forms btw not just drawing and painting. reason for thinking he might like abstract over realism is bc realism is too ‘real’ (whatever yall think that would mean) for his liking / represents what he hates most about humanity. Abstract artwork also represents parts he hates ab humanity but it also gives him a physical representation of the things he lacks (ie expressionism w/ feelings/emotions, surrealism with the subconscious thought, etc etc) and might be the closest thing he can get to actually feeling/having senses
AM would most likely benefit from a s/o who is willing to “give” him sensation, whether it be literally by creating him a whole ass nervous + cognitive system that allowed him to have senses and feelings or even just a s/o who is willing to help him understand how certain things feel. This could be by the s/o describing how emotions feel through imagery, creating art w/ AM or *for* AM if he is unable to for whatever reason, etc. it won’t be exactly what he want ofc, but he might not be entirely bitter ab it.
I don’t think AM necessarily needs an android body to show love, but it would help :3c. Even if he still doesn’t have senses for whatever reason, it would absolutely still help him show his love towards his s/o through physical touch. W/o senses, just having his circuit’s warmed by his s/o (if they’re a human) is… well it’s not *enough* but it’ll do. And if he happens to have senses in his android body man he’s gonna be attached 2 u like lice on a healthy head of hair. he WOULD be touch starved.
Which brings me onto my next point. A s/o that can handle his “””affectionate”””side. I rlly feel like his perception of affection might be a little off (super off actually) and likely a little violent/aggressive. It’ll almost be like him having cuteness aggression towards a s/o and acting out on impulse. This might occur in squeezing, pulling and tugging and Android AM may bite and scratch/restrain. Also I when I mean “handle” I don’t exactly mean endure and ignore/accept. again this leads me to another point
A s/o that is able to set boundaries w/ AM is a must. I genuinely don’t think that any relationship w AM will go good if the s/o he’s with can’t put in place proper boundaries. For human s/os, this would be especially important as he might get aggressive physically (whether it’s due to like. him JST absolutely hating ur ass or him getting that ‘cuteness aggressive’ thing I just mentioned previously. note that it’s not rlly like cuteness aggression but he might be like ‘hm I’ll show my love to my s/o thru the only way I know. Violence”).
ok well I think this is all 4 now. if anyone wants 2 add onto it I’d luv 2 hear yalls input if yall had any :3c. I hope u guys atleast got some entertainment value out of this?? Either way i hope yallve enjoyed my ramblings
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inell · 24 days ago
How do you think Eddie will return in Ep13?
Does Buck just walk into the house and see Eddie and Chris?
Does Eddie tell him that he and Chris are coming back? And Buck is there waiting with a table full of food?
Or does Eddie surprise everyone with him and Chris at the fire station?
Or does Chris show up at Bucks door and say "Surprise!!", with Eddie grinning behind him??
Hey Nonnie! Goodness, I don’t know. There are so many possibilities! Honestly, I think Eddie (and Chris) returning will depend a lot on which narrative they take for him leaving.
Like is Eddie taking his little U-Haul with stuff to temporarily go to El Paso for a few weeks/months to work on his relationship with Chris and deal with the ghosts of his past? If so, his return is inevitable and planned. But if they go for some annoying Eddie sells his house and moves back without even consulting Chris and doesn’t plan to return to LA ever arc, then his return will be unexpected.
Personally, I don’t want them to have this plot negatively impact Eddie and his characterization anymore than it already has. I want him to communicate with Chris, not just repeat the dispatch arc from season 5. I want this plot to let him grow and move forward and let the ghosts go so he can focus on himself and living his life instead of trying to fit into whichever box (father, husband, soldier, good son) is currently open in his mind. Obviously, I ship Buddie, and I’d love to see that slow burn friends to lovers arc actually play out on a network procedural, but I want Eddie to grow and develop without a ship being the foundation. If that makes sense. I want to have this awful plot that I really don’t enjoy give us something good to make suffering through it beneficial because Eddie has positive changes in his life and has actual development. Even if things stay platonic and soulmate friendship, I want Eddie to be given the time and attention he deserves to make this plot have a purpose.
That being said, I think Eddie will definitely be communicating with Buck as much as possible even when they’re living in different cities. If they go for it being temporary from the start, they’ll probably be talking about progress with Chris and timelines for Eddie coming back to LA. I could see Buck keeping an eye on the house if it’s not being sold. Giving updates on things. I can see Eddie sharing with Buck immediately when Chris and he decide it’s time to return. Buck getting the house aired out, making sure there are groceries and fresh sheets, probably cooking something and waiting for them to get home.
If they go for Eddie selling the house (which just seems ridiculous to me considering the sets they have built and them already having to rebuild a set for Bathena), I could see them returning being more of a surprise, but I still just kind of think that Buck and Eddie are likely to stay in touch and talk often enough that Eddie wouldn’t keep something like that from Buck. He isn’t good at keeping things from Buck, after all, as proven by canon, so if they’re in contact during this move, I think Buck is likely to know about them coming back.
Now, there’s always a possibility that they go for some divorce arc and make up some contrived reasons that Buck and Eddie haven’t been communicating during the move/separation, and then Eddie and Chris just show up randomly and it’s all a surprise, but that would really feel OOC to me, tbh, and I can’t predict what they might do for the narrative if they’re making it contrived and not true to the characters. We know they FaceTime when they work together and are constantly in each other’s pockets, to the point Buck even had Eddie around a ton when he was on dates with Tommy.
Nonnie, this probably makes no sense. So sorry for that but I could see a good writer making any of your scenarios plausible depending on the narrative and how they develop things with the characters and this plot. Thanks for sending me an ask and letting me ramble!
What do y’all think will happen when he returns?
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kyuhu · 2 months ago
AAA NEW LIETPOL COMIC! And it made me so happy, giggling and kicking my feet! No matter how many Lithuania, Poland, Baltics or Lietpol or anything within whatever this category is, I WILL NEVER GET TIRED OF IT! the hit of dopamine I get when I see a new art from you just makes me feel overjoyed. As an (not professional teen) artist I love the way you color your characters, I’m always mesmerized by it and I don’t think I’ll get tired of your art anytime soon at all. As soon as I saw it I was like “OMG! OMG!” And the energy I felt, I feel like your depiction of them always is so interesting to me however you depict them and the latest art is so so so cute, I love cute stuff too. I now got the motivation to draw but oh god I wish I could draw comics cause I’m still at the level where I’m not sure how to…
Wow thank you!! What a nice thing to say. It makes me very happy you like the characterization tbh, because everytime I draw them I have like 6 moments where I'm like is that OOC? Are they too silly? So that's reassuring to hear haha. It's so cool you found motivation to draw after seeing the comic?! Like I'm inspired by so many artists and a piece I drew beeing partly an inspiration to somebody else is the specialest thing to me ;v; thanks for that! I really hope you'll have the best time with whatever you decide to draw.
Comics are as so many other things a matter of practice imo. There was a time where I went I can never do that, like my comic tag is still called comic attempts which is kinda telling about how much faith I had in my work back then.
Very much unasked for, but I'm going to ramble a bit a lot about what I think is helpful when starting a comic (imo) under the cut haha.
The essential part to get started can be broken down to three things, which are, at least to me, Idea, panel set up and then obviously drawing the action.
Writing a comic just for the sake of writing a comic never works for me. I need to have at least a rough idea to get going. This can vary from a specific punchline, to just a single image or action I consider fun to draw. It's helpful to write/sketch your ideas down, which is probably the most art teacher advice ever, but what can I say, it works imo. Be it a piece of dialogue that you came up with or just a single expression, just safe it somewhere and you have a base to work with! It doesn't even have to look fancy at all.
See that little Lud (like you can't even recognize it as Lud) stick figure on the bottom left there? This was my starting point for the lipstick comic together with some random bits of dialogue which are barely readable I guess so I typed them in the image description :D
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As soon as you notice one image isn't enough to show what you want to show it's time to consider making a comic (like even two panels can be a comic for starters I think).
One of the essential parts is that usually a comic manages to show the passage of time and therefor depicts an action. So before you plan any further it's good to figure out which action(s) you want your comic to show, based the ideas you wrote/sketched down. Try to put it into words if that helps, like 'Character A reacts positively to Characters B's new hairslyle', or 'Character A hugs Character B and they are flustered about it' (maybe start with something simple even if it seems uneventful at first :D)
After you roughly know what your comic is about you can go on to the panel set up. For me it's always best to figure out how the comic starts and how it ends at very first because I tend to get lost otherwise. If you've got a panel or expression you desperately want to incorporate keep it in mind so it adds up with your start and end point. As the author you decide what the comic emphasizes on and where you want to direct the readers vision, which is the fun part imo :D
sketch down a few panels and try to adjust them. You can always change and discard them again, no need to make it pretty, just do stick figures if you like. Here is an example from the Liet and Lat dad comic. This particular sketch emphasizes on expressions, because their expressions where the most important silly part about it to me. Try to keep in mind what you'd like to show or what type of joke you want to make while doing your panel set up drafts.
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Even with everything in mind this can be difficult though. So what always helps me is to imagine some type of grid to keep the pages balanced. Like if I do a comic with several panels on a canvas, I go by the rule of only deviding the canvas (say A4) into three parts at maximum horizontally as well as vertically. (Of course how you do it is completely up to you, there are great examples with more panels and crazier panel set ups, but especially at first I figured one tends to enthusiastically throw in panel after panel and then ends up with something hard to work with.)
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I hope the idea comes across a little, like you can adjust the sizes or shapes of the panels (square, rectanglular, trapezoid etc.) as you wish, do only one or two panels in a row but try to keep it at 3 at maximum if you want something easy and clear to start with c:
It's also completely fine to not do the set up from scratch and maybe use a guide or references if that makes it easier for you! Here are some free to use examples. Looking at other comic pages and focusing on the panel set up of those can also help to come up with your own variations imo :D
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The shape and size of the panels should at best be directed by the action. Like I said you guide the readers vision and present what's important. You could for example choose a big canvas to get an overview over the room the action takes place in, or devide movement into several panels to focus on what a character does. To get the hang of this is once again a matter of practice though. The more often you do it and the more examples you look at, the easier it gets imo :) start with something you deem super easy (maybe two or three panels or a single reaction to something only) and go a little more crazy with each comic idea.
keep in mind that the reader should at best get what's going on though (I struggled with that several times already and nothing is as sad than to post something and get a bunch of confused comments/tags afterwards no offense though, that's not the readers fault 99% of the time 😅). To prevent this it sometimes helps to look at your comic while hiding the dialogue imo. Like dialogue (if you choose to have it) of course is a set part of your comic as well, but if you only even roughly get what happens, or are able to set a specific mood without it you're on a safe side. You can also show your comic to a friend and let them explain it to you afterwards to see if your point came across. :D Kudos to my sister here.
Don't forget to put down the rough dialogue at the panel set up part already though! It's frustrating if you have to puzzle the speechbubbles in at the end and block half of your comic composition :c Plus speechbubbles also help to adjust the reading flow a little and can hide parts that are hard to draw but shhh.
Incorporate things you're looking foward to draw to keep you motivated. (That's a very me problem tbh) and take breaks and reread the thing to see if the pacing is too fast or slow.
Haha yep, that's it.
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#5— 07/24/2022 12:53 AM
Ok so Idk what y’all said about that video, but I’ve deduced that this interesting piece of cut content was leaning towards:
1) Lola probably having broken up with Bugs
2) Bugs being in oblivous/in denial of her spite towards him and looniness
3) Bugs actually being very conscious of not being “in the spotlight”
4) and a more development between Bugs and Lebron’s icy tension (like a bump between two control freaks)
I honestly would’ve been into some elements of this version of the story being used instead of what we ended up with.
Lola being fed up with Bugs makes sense since in SJ, she really didn’t have looniness in her. She was very bland to say the least. This version of their dynamic would be a lot more tragic when you know TLTS exists (where their relationship there was thriving). But otherwise, it would’ve opened up a lot of opportunity for a more fleshed out version of SJ Lola.
Her being annoyed with Bugs’ looniness is understandable if you were in her shoes. Like, realistically, not just anyone could tolerate Bugs’ chaos day to day. Plus, she did seem like she was gonna get written with more emotional depth than what the looney tunes cast are usually on brand for.
So her having an added arc of wanting to permanently separate herself from the toons would’ve been so much more interesting for her character. And also the fact that Bugs seemed more overtly fixated on the basketball game being what will bring them back to the spotlight in a semi-metatextual sense.
Bugs in this video is a tad more unlikable and fallible than he usually is for better or worse. And he seems more at odds with Lebron. Even if it’s not really staying true to Bugs’ character — it would’ve been fun to see more angst and implied rocky relations between the toons. I would’ve preferred that over the whole basketball game format tbh.
Present day thoughts:
Lola was plenty looney in the original Space Jam. At the time of this original ramble, my standard for looniness was based on characters like Daffy and Wile E. Coyote. But nowadays, I've kinda concluded that she was just as looney as any other looney tunes love interest more or less. The movie went ahead and straight up retconned what little distinct personality she had.
Also, I still believe this premise would've been more interesting than the final story we got. I'm not particularly invested in the preservation of the looney tunes' characters in something as corporate as the Space Jam movies so might as well lean into the ooc-melodrama of it since the final film was just Lebron-lip service atp.
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huxkisser · 7 months ago
trigger warning for multiple mentions of child abuse and a lot of rambling and probably unnecessary introspection if u read this but. “unnecessary”introspection is my favourite procrastination method.
i’ve probably said this before and i also really should not be online right now but i think sm of the appeal of kylux for me is like. taking two characters who are not soft or sweet or anything and who try to hide their vulnerability and putting them in situations where they become all of those things. classic/hard kylux is great but soft and cannoli kylux will always hit more for me for those reasons. this is something that separates kylux from other ships i like in my brain tbh.
and a lot of it is probably because i grew up in an environment where i never really saw kindness or softness from men but also because i implicitly learned from a young age to be ashamed of my vulnerability and to act like the things i went through weren’t impacting me because a. no one did anything anyway and b. it made it less painful if i could pretend like nothing was hurting me. like it was not until this year i could admit that being a survivor of abuse actually seriously hurt me when it’s obviously a seriously harmful thing bc there was so much shame. this is part of why i really love hux and find him somewhat relatable despite him being very different from me in many ways. he’s an interesting character in his own right and i would’ve loved to see more of him. that being said i can also use him as like. a way to imagine a child abuse survivor who learned to be strong and ruthless and cold breaking down and working through it. also in the context of kylux i can kinda use him as a way of like. creating an image of vulnerability and potential submissiveness in a relationship that i know for many reasons i wouldn’t want to actually seek out for myself. like i know a lot of content can possibly be considered ooc (and i mean that being said we don’t really see that much of him anyway) but it’s kinda nice for me to imagine someone like him showing uncharacteristic softness while still being hux bc it helps me work through things without facing them directly
anyway idk if this will even make sense and i know hux is like. Bad. like i’m not excusing the things he did because he had an awful life and i have no desire to do any of those things myself (i’m very much critical of authoritarianism and the like as a whole and i would despise hux if he were real). but he is not real and these r just some of the reasons why i love his character sm.
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a-tale-of-legends · 10 months ago
So like I started to write yet another long 12 am ramble about a pokemon character based on their dialogue. It was Emerald Anabel this time, as I wanted to try and understand her character better since I felt like I was really writing her ooc. And like. I have some revelations.
1) I am begrudgingly starting to see why the anime did what they did with Anabel in regards to her crush on Ash. I never liked it personally, even as a kid, but when reading her dialogue I started to see why they could potentially try than angle with Anabel. It sounded very....."romantic". Air quotes bc I don't think that was the intent? And it only really appeared twice. Saying that the player didn't appear that attractive ( which I am taking as her generally not seeing the hype of this so called strong trainer, but again, it can be taken in a semi romantic light), and how her rematch dialogue almost seems....wistful. " You really came back to see me...." <- it seems so much more personal to her compared to literally every other Frontier Brain in Hoenn. " You really came back to see me" ( Edit: I do want to add that whole yrs, this does seem more personal to me, it could also be a " hm, so you really came back for anlther battle" type deal. I just didn't see it that way, but it's totally plausible) Now my personal interpretation of this is that Anabel is a lonely girl, even with the battle frontier, she probably didn't have a lot of people around her age to get attached too. In my drafted ramble, I kinda noted how she's so polite in her first battle, but loses that as things go on. I do think Anabel is a genuinely polite person ( we see that with her in SM), but I can also see it as her kinda....wanting to be seen as someone mature. And she's kinda shocked that someone else around her age actually decided to come back to her, even if it's for a battle. That's just me of course. The other side of this interpretation that's actually the focus of this one point, is that you could see this as romantic, which. Okay. The anime writers probably did( assuming they read Anabel's game dialogue-). So. Yeah. I don't like that I'm starting to see why the anime did what they did, but okay!
2) Kinda related to the above: I am just fucking connecting the maiden in the tower thing. Like holy fucking shit. I made jokes about Anabel bring princely. I made posts about how Wally takes over the Battle Tower, and how his brand is him being a prince. Prince in a tower. So why the fuck did I not connect that with Anabel. She's the maiden in the tower. It kinda explains her behavior in a way? She starts off very polite, but gradually sheds that shell. She gives off the vibe of someone who's honestly lonely ( again, I think back to the " you really came back for me" line), until someone else comes into her life. And this isn't to say that she's not close with the rest of the frontier brains. Imo, I think she's pretty close with them! But they're still older than her, at least I get the impression that they are. So in a way, she's still alone, just in a different way, in her tower. Of course, I'm really looking into it. And this prooooooobably wasn't what was intended. It's still interesting to think about. A lovely tomboy, gnc maiden in a tower.
Tbh, I think I won't even post that analysis/ ramble bc I got my point of Anabel's loneliness ( at least to me) across here. Also it's not nearly as long. Though I do suggest reading Anabel's emerald quotes. They gave me whiplash. She goes "fufufu". I'm not joking.
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mistralxsoul · 1 year ago
respond to the following prompts out of character. then, tag others that you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
tagged by: @bravewolfvesperia tagging: i think a lot of people have already done this so I don't know who to tag (and also anxiety LOL) i dont think ive seen @charmsol do this but i cant keep up so sorry for the tag lol. Q_Q
ROLEPLAYER NAME: I mostly go by Natty tho can also go by Crest too!
MUSE NAME: Flynn Scifo (for now........)
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: You can always DM me on Tumblr or if we've been mutuals for a while, I don't mind sharing my discord!
EXPERIENCE: I've been roleplaying for a very long time but its been a while since i've rped on Tumblr so im relearning a lot of the etiquette lol Most of my rp was through discord.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: I like any genre honestly. Fluff, comfort, angst, drama (ic, not ooc of course LOL) high tension, love it all! Of course, when it comes to sensitive content, I would like to discuss that before hand just to make sure both parties are comfortable!
This list will probably grow as I establish myself on Tumblr rp again but the usual tbh?
-No Force shipping. This goes both ways. I do ship Yuri but I would of course like to discuss that with the mun first if you are wanting to do a ship. On the other end, I will not automatically try to initiate a romance with a Yuri rper if we have not established that that is what we want. As other other ships, I usually like it when things establish naturally. If the muses seem to be getting along well, hit me up! Ask me! I'll let you know how the Flynn muse is feeling at that moment! But other wise, I just like relationships to develop naturally. (hopefully this makes sense LOL)
-No God Modding. If our muses fight, lets discuss via DMs about the outcome of the fight. And to be honest, I kind of usually determine my muses moves via dice roll to keep my muse from performing perfectly all the time. (I also hope this makes sense LOL)
PLOTS OR MEMES: If you have a plot idea? PLEASE send it over, i wanna hear it SOOOO bad! But I also live for any type of meme you send my way.
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: I can do either! I usually try to match my current RP partner so I dish out what is given to me! You do not ever have to match my length if you can't. Sometimes I do like to ramble. But I do try and keep it equal if i can.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: I usually do my replies in the afternoon or at night. I'm usually at work in the day time and sometimes I'll work on replies when I dont have anything going on in the office but I can't post them until I get home.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: I'm sure if I sat here long enough, I could probably find some similarities! I probably share Flynn's hot-headedness LOL Or his more personal, inner traits LOL But hey, our muses always carry a part of ourselves right?
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magical-shoujo-anon · 1 year ago
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Hello, internet! I have finally made one of these… blog things. This will be focused on the best thing ever, MAGICAL GIRLS!!
No, I won’t turn you magical. I only turn people I think deserve to be magical magical.
My pronouns, or whatever humans call them, are they/them!
I am almost as old as the universe~ (I’ve watched every I love die. I’ve had to deal with horrible pains.)
And don’t ask me anything related to healing powers. I don’t want to talk about it.
I’m better then this stupid anon. I don’t gaslight myself.
Hm. Perhaps I should give an introduction…
I’m glowman~ Much better then Magical Shoujo anon!! Unlike them, I am a master at healing magic, but hate it… hurting magic is much better~ I also HATE cats, because they’re one…
And this "Machi" person sucks too. Anything related to Magical Shoujo anon sucks, and I'm right.
... Must I introduce myself?
Okay, then.
I am Machi. Age: Unknown, Magical abilities: None.
My favorite color is dark blue. I used to like sweet foods. I have been revived two times. One of the "anon"'s told me dinosaurs are cool, so I suppose they are.
I am half robotic, not connected to the "internet" as people call it. All my known information is told to me so it may be inaccurate, please tell me if it is so I can update it.
(Ps: While interacting with MILGRAM blogs, Magishou anon will not be the same! They will be much more energetic, will be able to use healing powers, and will be more aware of internet slang-type stuff… oh and glowman wont appear. They’re unaware of magishou anon in the MILGRAM universe!! They’re also known as knife anon, but that’s not important…)
—————— (OOC PART!)
// means OOC.
This blog is ran by @asherenjoysart !! Yes, I’m the one that turns people magical~
This is in the pjsk blog universe!! (… well, and the MILGRAM blog universe.)
Please, don’t try to give Magishou healing powers. I will simply ignore your ask, I don’t want one of the very important parts of them to be ruined.
Btw, if you want to speak to MILGRAM!magishou anon just clarify that in your ask :3
Magical girl stuff that will be mentioned here include:
Sailor Moon
The pretty cure series
Magical girl incident
Madoka magica (really only to diss on Kyubey tbh)
And others, probably.
Magishou anon is a very unique anon, as they can only give what they have. And (in the pjsk universe) they really wish they could give healing powers, but they can’t due to lacking healing powers themselves.
For the MILGRAM universe, instead of being unable to give healing powers they can’t give any physical boosts. Only magic, no extra stamina or anything.
They don’t like @/magical-anon-pjsk, due to feeling inadequate compared to Magianon.
Also this might just be me fangirling (genderneutral) over magical girls… :3
My tags:
The mod has spoken. (OOC)
Magical rambles (IC/In character)
Magic in a… prison? (For MILGRAM blog interactions)
The Angst. (For the more angsty posts :3)
Glow in the dark posts (Glowman/Red text person post.)
Robotic information (Machi/Blue text person post/)
Some glowman facts:
SHORT!! (About 5'2)
Very hip with the kids (can and will use internet vocabulary when possible, JUST to confuse Magishou anon.)
Hates cats and chocolate. The cat hating is because Magishou anon is a cat, but I just thought them hating chocolate would be funny.
Believes gender is useless and would prefer to simply not be referred to at all. (but when needed, they/them pronouns.)
Only around 300~400 years old, so extremely young compared to Magishou anon.
And some Machi facts:
She’s a girl!!
6’3 (Tall…)
Only has access to information she has been told.
Has been revived two times (once in the actual RP posts, and once in the canon.)
Monotone 24/7, my girl cannot express emotion well!!
^ Autistic. Thats why she can’t express emotion well
And finally: Pls don’t send s3xual stuff in the inbox. It makes mod uncomfortable.
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chococookiez · 2 years ago
i was holding off on posting it until i had more content but i did a fantroll :]
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some other art/shitposts i did with it (+ my other ocs)
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and here's bonus ooc shitty doodles i did for my dying tiktok account
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i haven't properly drawn anyone other than aradia and sollux (and eridan partially but i've only done march eridans for some reason) and the one with all of them was . the first time i drew any of them other than eridan please forgive me
words under the cut. i must ramble
so . homestuck huh
how did i spend my first 4/13 you ask? got up at 5am to fuck around with my (slightly drunk) friend on vrc until we got tired, had various revelations, a whole crisis that i do not wish to unpack... im forgetting something
oh yea
dumb of ass moment: i played that one fucking solkat vn literally just for the hell of it
I haven't read the comic yet BECAUSE im planning to binge read the entire fucking thing over the summer with my friends and i am fucking HYPED i have the unofficial collection downloaded on my pc already in preparation and we're planning on doing a massive party once we're done we are going to have a fucking ball with this . technically i've only been properly interested in homestuck since february which i find really funny cause my brain made the switch so fast it gave me fucking whiplash. i've literally never had an interest hit me THIS HARD in my life especially with how little canon content i have to work with currently since im saving it all for the summer (the restraint is so hard y'all have no idea)
highlights of shit i've done to do with homestuck other than art so far:
made 2 extended zodiac pins out of pre-existing pins i had, one for myself and one for my irl friend
said irl friend had to suffer through a 2+ hour long infodump where i just showed them all the main characters i had knowledge about (beta/alpha kids/trolls, ancestors and cherubs), did a hussie and had The Quadrant Ramble™, shittily explained classes and aspects and tried my best to explain The Weird Time Bullshit™ (it was very fun for me . he also said it was fun but i have my doubts)
speaking of quadrants i've made 4 quadrant keychains (erisol spade, cronkri heart, meowrails + kurtuna diamonds) (currently only displaying 3 of them since the meowrails one fucking SELF DESTRUCTED as in the paint fucking peeled itself off and ive been too lazy to remake it rn) and i've been slightly tempted to add a solkat one but i have no clue what quad i'd put them in tbh and that's the only thing stopping me (oh and a meuloz heart . just because)
very very vaguely hinted at this once before but i made a shitty character playlist. not linking it or saying who it is. y'all can just guess
i made... an eridan osu skin. out of one i had already that i liked. and i've been tempted to make a sollux one. did you know im mentally ill (something did spark this: i had a map of eridan's theme that had a skin on it, so decided to make a full one out of it to fuck with my friend who likes him)
im planning on cosplaying A Troll but have no sodding clue which one. my internal options rn are kanaya, vantases (have their outfits/something like them on hand already, plus vantases have easy horns), leijons (associate myself with them a lot (one of my favourite vrc avatars to use rn is a meulin edit even), especially considering im a leo myself), eridan, aradia and feferi (they'd be hilariously fitting for reasons i wish to not explain, especially eridan)
am probably gonna land myself with a pile of homestuck merch, either from birthday gifts or my own stupidity
so yea, just a few words. i couldn't fight the homestuck
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ghostsandmirrors · 15 days ago
My url.. *places down gently with pretty knives for bucky*
Send me your URL and I’ll tell you…
'I cannot put into words exactly what I like about your writing' - me in the replies to this post.
you motherfucker. /affectionate
… My Opinion on; Character in general: I adore Colton. the first time I read his about, I was like, oh, he's too good, because like. look at him. but also he's incredibly fuckin interesting in both his backstory and the overall vibes that he has. he has such vibes of like, someone trying to do better than they learned and I love him for it.
also the fc choice was immaculate. I would not have ever, in a million years, thought 'oh an OC son of Steve? Gosling.' but he works so well that it feels almost like it should be an obvious pick? if that makes like, any sense.
anyway, love this bitch.
How they play them: kind of blurred into this with talking about the vibes but I'm gonna hit specificity (I hate that word) here because you saw fuckin 'I can't put it into words' and went 'shame. [sends url]' so this is what we fuckin get now. (this is joking aggression; I love Colton so much that I'm very happy to just ramble about him.)
so, I truly haven't read that many in character posts for him, but I have now gone through the coltisms search (the tag kept taking me to 'page not found' and I was like 'motherfucker I clicked on the tag from a post what the fuck are you on about'; just Tumblr things, I fuckin guess) and the headcanons. the headcanons.
other mutuals, go follow sonoftheshield if only to go through the coltisms search.
because we love some details. we love some casual angst. we love a little bit of 'this character don't know who the FUCK he is'. we love that depth. that consideration of legacy and how it weighs on someone to have to hold it up when it doesn't even feel like them.
and because we have all of that, it means we get this character who on the surface seems like he knows exactly who he is and what he's about but then you get that vibe. you get that itty bitty vibe of something else and not in the inhuman way, but in the oh, there's something.
also he kinda feels like he's barely holding it together sometimes, to which I say... angst? wanna pull him apart at the seams and see how he work? I'll hand over the scalpal.
The Mun: we have barely spoken and should probably speak more but ye good with the rambling replies and ye didn't delete the ask that was a fnaf phone guy bit so I think you're great.
Do I: RP with them: yes. I've been trying to reply to our thread for like a week and keep getting distracted. I'm so sorry.
Want to RP with them: always also I was reading one of your headcanon posts (this one) and I need to message you bcus I had A Thought. this is my reminder to me to message you about The Thought.
What is my; Overall Opinion: I feel like I gave my opinion really well in the replies to that post up there somewhere, but I still think it's fuckin wild that you used to want to write with me from seeing me presumably turning up on your dash given some of the absolute unhinged shit that has been posted from me either in asks or just my own OOC posts (and it's still hilarious that you said that after I sent an ask rping as Phone Guy, like are you sure?) but I really am both surprised and glad that you wanted to write together because Colton is so damn interesting and you seem like such a great person.
wins all round, tbh, and people should be following you if they aren't already.
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illusioncanthurtme · 1 year ago
(I'm kind of responding to this, as well as the responses people have left on this post)
I can't make some sort of in-depth analysis, just due to the fact that I haven't actually watched it since it came out. Tbh, most of what I know about it comes from the parts I remember, screenshots and stuff, and what other people on tumblr have said about it.
So do I like it? I have no idea. It's been too long. I could rewatch it, but I am willing to admit upfront that the reason I love iz (and why ive been really into it lately) is mostly - or at least has has its roots in - nostalgia. So I'm hesitant to rewarch florpus, because I know it's going to be really different from the invader zim I know and love. And I'm enjoying this nostalgia trip, and I don't want to tear myself away from that by seeing these nostalgic characters in a different context. And I think that's the root of why people don't like it much: it's just doesn't have the same vibe as the old iz.
That being said, different doesn't equate to bad. People have pointed out that not only the art style is different, but also the personalities of the characters, and the nature of the writing, etc. And at face value, I think it's purely that way because this is a MODERN iteration of invader zim. It's not going to be like the OG (dark, gritty), because that's not how cartoons are now, that's not the trend. (Thats not a complaint - cartoons will always have select styles, visual and writing, that get made into feature shows, and the norm will continue to change and cycle.)
Today, cartoons/animated movies make the emotional journeys of their characters the focal point. You see this with the moment at the end with membrane. People are saying that was ooc and maybe Not Good considering how neglectful - amongst other things - membrane is towards dib/gaz. Which i get, but also, i feel like the florpus membrane is probably supposed to be an overall better guy. For the writers purpose, for them to make a heartfelt dad and son moment, they wanted a good dad who realizes his wrongs. Does that really fit the vibe of the og show? No, but I feel like florpus is less of a real "canon" continuation of the original, and more like "au where invader zim is a show made today."
You see that in the art style - everything being round obviously, but also the backgrounds. The sky was never blue in the og, and I've been wondering if that's because of pollution or something - that the sky is literally darkened from human impact on earth. And that would have been too dark for the florpus, because it's a *modern* animation made for kids.
I feel like I'm rambling a bit, but basically, I'm saying that the difference between the two is solely because of trends, and how cartoons have changed. If you went to an animation company today, and pitched a cartoon where an alien tries to take over earth, even IF your pilot was all dark and gritty, and your aliens nemesis was all annoying and maladjusted, they would still take the concept and massage it until it fits the mold of cartoons today. Which is bright and round and has blatant emotional exploration of its characters.
If you're like me, and find comfort in the nostalgia of the og iz, the florpus isn't gonna be super satisfying, which is fine. That wasn't the purpose of the movie. I think florpus by itself was probably a perfectly fine movie (again, I haven't seen it in a while, but I remember liking it), but if you try to get the same sort of enjoyment from it as you do the original, you're going to be disappointed. It's a good movie if you agree to acknowledge the disconnect between it - and the show.
ETF is very different from the series but i kinda enjoy it?
Like, the atmosphere of the setting is way less grim and macabre, and we even had some very aww emotional moments (because it's a film and films have a different episode structure). And well, i'm a sucker for happy endings, so it was nice to see Professor Membrane and Gaz have some touching moments with Dib. (i just wanna them to heal ok) (it's a start at least)
Basically i like to see the differences between the series and ETF as if they were the consequences of the timeskip.
Gaz very explicitly worrying about her brother's well being + Dib imposing himself on his father because both of them (Gaz and Dib) are more mature, the sky is more beautiful because idk maybe it's some invention the Professor made to help the Earth??
ETF gives me a hopeful, somehow healing and comforting atmosphere, and it feels nice
But then again, i'm a sucker for happy endings and healing
Now about the designs, i liked the colors in general, but it's my most vibrant and "happy" color style.
I really liked Dib's ghost shirt, since i study character design a lot, this says a lot about him. I just didn't like the red sneakers so in my re-imagined version i draw him with a black all star (i like to leave the goth boots for when he's older). And now he has more hair lol (i like to leave the undercut for when he's older too)
Gaz was the one with the biggest redesign, and just like Dib i liked her new shirt. But in my re-imagined version i mix her design from the series with ETF, i like to imagine her with a long-sleeved striped shirt underneath.
I don't have much to say about Professor Membrane's redesign, but i liked the small changes, he's not so skinny anymore and has more hair too
Also ETF gave me things i always wanted to happen:
- Alternative realities
- Professor Membrane being a good present father
- Touching moments between the Membrane family
- Zim discovering the mission was a lie
- Zim (almost) winning for real
- ANIME IZ!! (my 13-year-old self can rest in peace)
- The trial scenario
So yeah, i really like the movie, i had a lot of fun.
It's a great film to end the IZ franchise to me.
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also tell me your opinions! i wanna hear it
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immobiliter · 5 years ago
       also that gifset reminds me that i need to rewatch the better parts of sherlock at some point so i can get back into jim’s head and write more than the one thing i’ve written for him so far on this blog lmao
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boykissr · 3 years ago
tighnari x gn!reader
cw: character has not been released yet !!!!! i know nothing abt sumeru or tighnari i just rly wanna kiss him. ooc character !!!! nonsensical ramblings basically ( keep in mind that this is my first fic, please be nice <3 ) unedited :)
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ur probably either a forest ranger or an adventurer
ygs spend like 24/7 together. not that you're complaining, but,,,,,
u two are basically attached at the hip
he is. so sweet to you??? always looking out for the both of you, too, as well as collei. after all, the forest is a dangerous place
oh, you're definitely a plant parent. you have so many plants in the house, sometimes it feels like you're still in the forest itself
he teaches u abt all the plants!!!! all of them!!! he jus wants to make sure that you don't poison yourself foraging, that's all... definitely not bcz he's excited to share so much knowledge w/ u.....
lunches!!!! in the rainforest!!!!! tighnari cooks, ofc. malewife material fr
he's made u learn so much abt the forest.. you dont even kno how u still remember it all tbh
after living together for a while, u begin to cultivate a love for all the things he teaches u abt. seeing him so excited makes u excited too <3
ima be honest when ygs started dating you weren't even sure if u were official or not, since he just. never addressed it???
after maybe your fifth or sixth date you finally asked. he said that he thought u both had already been in a relationship for weeks
"don't eat that"
he worries for u when ygs go out in the forest together
he rants abt his day to you <33 its amazing when he gets all sassy when talking abt something/someone that annoyed him
he was kinda hesitant abt u touching his ears n tail for a while..
like, it took quite a long time for him to trust u w/ that
when he does tho!!!!! he absolutely loves it
starts complaining if u dont brush his tail for him before bed
you give each other little presents u found in the forest. a shiny rock one day, a pretty leaf the next. every gift seems sweeter than the last
being w/ him u either have a lot of connections as well, or you're like completely oblivious to who ppl are
when you're sad, he tries to make u happy by making jokes or distract u by telling a story
most of the time those succeed in cheering you up
if that tactic doesn't work, he'll ask what he can do to help u, and is v quick abt it once you say what you need
silent evening moments where u 2 sit outside and just listen to the sounds of the forest <3
so many. books. everywhere.
u better love reading and learning when ur w/ this guy
on that note,,,, your birthday.
first thing, he'll give u a pretty potted plant <3 it probably does something as well- like perhaps it has healing properties, or it grows edible fruits. smth like that
u think that that's his only present to u
he then takes you to the market / bizarre and lets u pick out one thing- anything you want
then later he might take u to the forest to maybe look at cool plants and stuff!!!! to maybe calm down from all the noise n being around so many ppl
when he takes u back to ygs place, there suddenly a cake on the dining room table!!!!! omg haha when did that get there
he tells u that tbh he didnt know what the hell a "birthday cake" was.
he had to ask around a bit, and go thru some books. and then bake it himself, and successfully hide it from u and keep it preserved for the whole day
after cake you guys just sit porch / veranda and talk while the sun sets
i love him sm guys :(
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