#these 4 fandoms are what i dapple in the most so
lily-ohfally · 1 year
I'm working on making some ideas for charms and stickers since I want to try and table at a convention in the future (most likely going to be a Scandinavian con since that's where I live), so I wanted to hear if there was anything specific that comes to mind people would potentially wanna see? I'm asking here because I'll center most of them around FFXIV, but any and all input is greatly appreciated!
I'll mainly do stickers and charms and pin ideas, but prints and other suggestions are more than welcome!
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the-lone-wolf-artist · 2 months
A Big Changes to this Blog that was Long Overdue...
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Hello Everyone…
It's been quite a while since I last posted anything on this blog, well beside repeats of Desolate Paradise content.
You see, a lot of stuff has changed over the years since I first started this blog in 2016 to now 2024, man a long time huh? Anyway, I never expected the good, the bad, and the ugly things and how it would affect my life. I won't get into the details, but basically I'm just like anyone else in the world that deals with hardships and loss. I found it hard to stay passionate and creative with my art and my mindset, that it got to a point where I had enough…
I stopped doing everything that I loved the most and took a huge break from it.
While I was stewing, reflecting, and just recharging my batteries, I was doing other hobbies during this time that I enjoyed. I was writing for a while through the many fandom Au's I've created and I slowly started getting my spark back and my creative juices flowing again.
I started doodling, sketching and doing art again, even though they may not be the best of what I've done before. I'm still happy with them and it's getting me back to what I love doing most.
I then reached a decision on what I want to do with this blog to not only solve the inactivity but also better myself in the process.
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The Big Changes to this Blog
These are the "Big Changes" that will be happening to the The Lone Wolf Artist Blog…
As I mentioned before I do have other hobbies that I have developed over the years that I love doing behind the scenes, such as:
Beading jewelry
Resin Art
Diamond Art
These are the few prime examples of things I like doing that has expanded my creative space and mindset besides drawing all the time. The reason I haven't posted these types of content was because I was too focused on making masterpieces and trying to keep up with drawing inactivity on this blog.
I started to learn that it was making me unhappy and too stressed out, but that's all about to change for this blog with these hobbies and the other fandom's I'm interested in too! You see the The Lone Wolf Artist Blog is gonna be my personal space for my other hobbies and the other fandom's that I enjoy beside Motorcity, like:
One Piece
Red Dead Series
Studio Ghibi Content
Monster Hunter Series
Evil West
And Many More Fandom Content I enjoy!
These are the few examples of the other kinds of fandom that I enjoy and love. My interest goes beyond just Motorcity. I have written many fandom Au's stories during my huge break and I'm dying to bring them to life!
Basically this blog is gonna be a place where I get to do what I want to do and you guys get to see the kinda stuff I created through my written fandom Au's stories instead of focusing on one fandom!
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Now the Future Changes of this Blog
Now with these big changes happening with this new direction to the Lone Wolf Blog, it doesn't stop there.
You see I do have other changes that will be coming in the future too! Such as:
1: Question Box Opening [Reason for the Idea: It is where you guy's can ask me questions. (FYI: Their will be Rules to prevent Chaos.)]
2: Request Box Opening [Reason for the Idea: Where you can request drawing ideas for me to draw with rules too. (FYI: I'm a bit undecided about the idea right now. If this idea becomes official, it will be a Limited Box Opening of how many I would take; basically an on and off box.)]
3: Previews of W.I.P.S. Artwork's [Reason for the Idea: I know my art takes a lot of time and patience that causes these long pauses in my blog activity, so maybe I'll post some W.I.P'S of my art content process time to keep up the activity.]
4: Previews of W.I.P.S. Animation's [Reason for the Idea: I sometimes dapple in animation every now and then, maybe I'll post some rough animations that I'm really proud of through my simple animation journey.]
5: Short AU Stories [Reason for the Idea: When I'm not drawing or my hand is slightly sore, I like writing small stories in between from my AU's, maybe I'll post these little stories, but no promises I'm not the best writer but not awful.]
6: Small Comic AU's & Scene's [Reason for the Idea: I write a lot and sometimes I like to take the time to bring these scene's to life.]
7: Gaming Clips [Reason for the Idea: Sometimes during the weekend breaks, I play games to give my creative brain a break. Every now and then I capture awesome, funny and goofy moments during my playthrough's that I'm wiling to share.]
These are a few of my suggestions… I will makes post's when I make the final decisions.
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Now The Desolate Paradise Blog Issue
The Desolate Paradise Blog (AKA: Motorcity X Wolf Rain's AU Crossover Story) is going be on hiatus in indefinitely…
I made this decision because I want to focus on my other fandom AU's without focusing on this one all the time and causing me to be stressed out and trying to force myself to keep working on it. It wasn't fun anymore and that's not what I wanted for this AU…
So I'm going to put it on hiatus effective immediately, will it return?…
I don't know right now. For now its on pause and needs to stay like that, until I'm ready to come back to it or.. maybe give up on it entirely…only time will tell.
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Thank You for Reading and Listening
Thank you all for listening and reading this. It means a lot to me, I hope it clears up a lot of the stuff that's been going on with the inactivity to not only the The Lone Wolf Artist Blog but also the Desolate Paradise Blog too.
It was kinda bothering me for a while and I felt I needed to express it and want to make a change for the better.
I hope you are excited about the new changes that will be happening for the better and hope you all enjoy the new content that will be posted on the The Lone Wolf Artist Blog soon!
With that I bid you farewell and I shall return to the darkness again.
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liminalpsych · 2 years
Theory: Gawain's horse Gringolet was an Eriskay pony.
Source for Gringolet's coloring: This excellent blog post, Sir Gawain and the Grey Gringolet.
“They brought Sir Gawaine a steed,
Was dapple gray and good att need,
I tell withouten scorne” [268-70, The Greene Knight]
Wikipedia's entry on Gringolet says, "More generally accepted is the suggestion by the prominent Arthurian scholar Roger Sherman Loomis that the French name Gringalet derived from either the Welsh guin-calet ("white and hardy"), or keincaled ("handsome and hardy")."
So he's dapple gray or he's white. (Possibly "linked to a wider Celtic tradition of white horses with red ears." Not important for the purposes of this post.) Both can be true, since true "white" horses are rare; generally they're gray and have whitened as they've gotten older. Thus young Gringolet could be dapple gray while older Gringolet could be white. (It really doesn't take long for them to get really white looking.)
Back to the Eriskay ponies! We know from a recent comprehensive archaeological study that medieval knights rode ponies. Horses that were under 14.2hh / 4'10" / 1.47 meters at the shoulder or smaller. Which is probably about 950 lbs / 430 kg or smaller (weight is based on my 14.2 horse, who's built pretty drafty and heavy boned, and is 950 lbs when he's not too chonky).
Eriskay ponies are between 12 and 13.2 hh (4 ft to 4 ft 6 inches, or 121.92 cm to 137.16 cm) at the top of their shoulder, which is closer to the average of horses at the time of King Arthur and Sir Gawain.
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They're from the Outer Hebrides islands in Scotland, originally the Isle of Eriskay. They have long been protected from outside influence by their island location, and so the Eriskay ponies of today are probably pretty close to the ones of the 5th century, at least closer than any of the other native ponies of England, Scotland, etc. Here's a map I found on a Google search of the Scottish islands. The Orkneys, where Gawain would have been from in later Arthurian literature*, are 18-20 at the top/north of the map. Eriskay is in the Outer Hebrides, a tiiiny isle between South Uist (16) and Barra (17) on the far left/west of the map. So not exactly the same place, but close enough, relatively speaking. And I couldn't find anything on native horse breeds of the Orkneys.
* He wasn't from Orkney in the early literature, he was of Lothian. His father was Loth of Lothian, which is in southeastern Scotland in the lowlands, and Loth was later King of Norway in Geoffrey of Monmouth's History of the Kings of Britain, supposedly by right of being nephew of the former king. Orkney was a separate kingdom with its own king. But he's most popularly associated with Orkney in later literature and in modern fandom, so we're going with it.
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Other native Scottish breeds include:
Galloway pony. If this one came in gray, I'd say it's as likely as the Eriskay (especially as Gawain was originally from what is now southeastern Scotland in the early literature aka Geoffrey of Monmouth's work), but it was usually bay or black. Now extinct as a breed, unfortunately. Noted for its “good looks, a wide, deep chest, and a tendency to pace rather than trot", which would have been an advantage on long rides. From Scotland and northern England. Small head and neck, elegant build, eventually absorbed into the Fell pony.
Shetland pony. I think they were probably a little small even for shorter medieval knights. They're 3.3 feet tall at the shoulder maximum. That's 10 hh or about 1 meter tall. 300-500 lbs or 135-225 kg.
Highland pony. They are usually various shades of dun, and taller than the other ponies, and do sometimes show up in dapple gray. We have fewer records and evidence of its history though; we have some descriptions in the 18th century of what's believed to be Highland ponies, but that's about it. I'll accept arguments for some old variety of the Highland pony as Gringolet, but remember that we're looking at the late 5th century, so the late 400's C.E., and I think the modern Highland pony is not going to provide a useful model of whatever Gawain was riding back in the 5th century.
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thusatlas · 3 years
Thanks for the tag @amarillis39!
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Currently, write for the Harry Potter fandom but I've recently branched into the Grishaverse fandom. Prior to this, I dipped my toe into the Marvel fandom, and then way back in the 2010 FFN cesspit days, I wrote for (I am showing my vulnerability here, be kind) the Mortal Instrument fandom and Twilight.
... I know, but we stan personal growth.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1) The Fuckening
2) Moribund
3) Bohemian Nights
4) The East Wind Blows (abandoned...maybe)
5) Dangerous Game - Collab with the beautiful @annavek94
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I am so bad at this. I used to reply to every one, but with my job, time isn't a luxury that I have. Sometimes when I have a spare five minutes, I'll try and catch up, but that's rare. I'm thinking that on the final chapters of WIPs I'll do a tour through the comment sections. But yeah, in short, no I don't reply to everyone, I'm useless, but I read and value everyone like gold dust.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
A couple of days ago, I would have said one of the Twilight ones, but they're all gone now. I love leaning into angst, but I don't think I have any angsty endings yet - mainly because the WIPs aren't finished. Of the oneshots, maybe Songbird - it's not exactly a HEA, but a bittersweet broken happiness. The Devil's Strawberry again was an imperfect HEA.
Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
None and I don't really have any plans for one atm.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Aye, The Fuckening and 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. In the Fuckening there were a couple people who just straight up were like, this is the worst thing I've ever read - which, I mean, I respect the bluntness of it. But one of the other reasons I stopped replying to comments was the insidious gatekeepers, of which, are regulars in that comment section. With TNBC, there were one or two Dramione antis, but mainly a lot of homophobic hate and it was entirely on FFN.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I have no idea how to answer this tbh. Yes, I have a couple spicey one-shots and multi-chaps. Moribund and Bohemian Nights were specifically written for this purpose. Everything else is more plot-driven with spice in, and the smut will depend on the context of the story.
With Songbird, it was more about the emotional connection rather than the sex. The small dappling of it in Devil's Strawberry was definitely more abstract and about the magic.
But the other two, they're just straight-up, gratuitous porn.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yep, Songbird is currently being translated into Portuguese by a wonderful Kiddo0008.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
Dramione yes, definitely the OTP. Nottpott is a very close second thanks to @olivieblake. Further to that, Darcy x Steve Rogers holds a comforting old-timey charm that I love. Darklina is so seductive, I can't even. Sterek and Merthur are definitely darlings. But tbh, I'm open to giving most pairings a try. Love is love.
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
The East Wind Blows. I still have the plot in my head, I know where it'll go and I think it could be really fun. I'll have to go back over what's already been done because I started it a couple of years ago and my writing style has changed.
What are your writing strengths?
Worldbuilding - I get lost in the lore quite a lot, hence the word counts. And scene-setting, which ties into worldbuilding. I love going to the reasons why certain places are named the way they are etc. Everything is done with intention.
Tension and suspense - Every time I have a tense scene to write, my English teacher pops into my head. I was very fortunate to have her, she instilled some fantastic lessons, the main one being namely: stick to the rules until the rules no longer work for you. In tension and suspense, the rules hinder. So break them. Art is art, write with emotion, not equations.
The Quadruple P (and pestle) - Purple prose. I like words and I like using prose to paint the scene I'm setting and the world I'm building. I am unashamedly the purple cape crusader.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Scene changes and transition scene - I have to stop myself from writing every minute arbitrary detail like 'he walked up the curb and the looked for the shop etcetcetc'. Skimming over those transition scenes feels weird and like I'm cutting something short, even though it's the best thing to do for the narrative.
Dialogue - ugh, how do people speak.
Being concise - it's a problem. I want to be able to write a 1.5k story.
Plotting - I tried plotting, I can't. I get bored of the story and don't write it. I'm just embracing that I'm a Discovery writer at this point.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Depends. I think dialogue in other languages can add another layer to the story, acknowledging that yes, there are lots of languages out there etc. Particularly if the scene is set in a different country where the native language isn't English, in my case. Granted, I don't think major plot points should be discussed because they might be missed by some readers, but I think it's definitely good to acknowledge the language of the country setting or of the character. I'd even go as far as to do phonetic spelling with accents if the character is a non-English speaker and it lends to their character and isn't a characterisation of the language. Depends on how immersive you want the story to be.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Twilight, but we don't talk about those days.
What’s your favourite fic that you’ve written?
Fuckening mainly because I'm having so much fun with the lore and mythos. It's been such a challenge, but worth it. Bohemian Nights is just pure wanderlust, smutty indulgence and my happy place. Whiskey Whispers was the funniest thing I've written and such a good time. But I think Call to the Void may get into the top 3 if I can pull it off.
Tagging: @simplifiedemotions @andgladly @amixedwitch @priorityskinshipping-blog @underdarkeningskies and anyone else who'd like to
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cruelestbliss · 4 years
My fellow Red Dead Redemption 2 fans, are we really going to stand by and allow out and out plagiarism in this fandom?
I know we all love any stories we can get, but there’s a moral issue here and it needs calling out. I have sat by and said nothing before, but new year, new me. I’m speaking up even if it’s not my business! I saw today that @sad-sweet-cowboah had rewritten the story that she was accused of copying back in 2019. I was excited to read it, but straight away I saw that she hadn’t taken the opportunity to move away from those past accusations and adapt the concept to have the same plot but different execution, instead she’d actually gone ahead and increased the level of similarity in a number of ways.  The most clear of all is this.  @sad-sweet-cowboah’s rewrite of As We Meet featuring videogamearthur/modernreader now titled Keeping Strange Company posted yesterday:  Damn mare,” he grumbled. “The hell are you, Bastet?” Bastet. Proudly named after an Egyptian deity, the reverse dapple Thoroughbred mare accompanied with the version of the game you’d purchased and was your most favorite mount for him. This was your Arthur. In the flesh. This was never in the first version of sadsweetcowboy’s story (As We Meet) but it’s been added during this rewrite and as you can’t see that is exactly the same but a shorter version of what happened in Wish Upon (chpt 4) extract below.  
@miss-oscurita ‘s story Wish Upon that was posted in Jan 2019 and that Sweet had been called out for copying in fall 2019.  
"What was your last horse's name?"
Arthur frowned at her for a moment, wondering if he should answer and what she would reveal with the information. "Artemis, why?"
She suddenly laughed out loud, quickly clamping her hand over her mouth as tears suddenly brimmed up her eyes. The furrow in Arthur's brow deepened at the sight, a cocktail of emotions swirling in his gentle aqua blue. His gaze silently urging her to explain herself and lead him out of the deeper confusion he felt at the sight of her reaction.
"You're my Arthur."
She shook her head softly, searching herself for the right words, unable to believe that she'd already spent so many hours with the man before her. "A player gets to name your horse, the one you got at the stable in Valentine?" He nodded, showing he was following. "I chose that name for her, Goddess of hunt, wildlife..."
"Yeah, I know who Artemis is." Arthur confirmed, having spent many hours reading a wealth of different types of literature, especially the ancient myths that Dutch enjoyed the most.
"Other people who play your game can choose different names and different breeds of horses, but you know your horse as the name I gave her, so....that means...you're my Arthur."
That is not any kind of trope or commonly used idea in this fandom. This is direct copying! It could have been called coincidence again, but this has been added to Sweet’s story over a year after she was made aware of Wish Upon. There’s being influenced and inspired, and then there’s all out copying and this is the latter.  I would love to hear @sad-sweet-cowboah’s explanation for this one?  If people in this fandom cannot see that this goes beyond simply playing with the same plot concept, then I fear for all writers in this fandom, because you will all need to grow eyes in your butts to keep check that the same isn’t happening to you. I remember that Oscurita gave Sweet the benefit of the doubt last time, and was far more gracious than I would have been if I’d seen someone taking my original AU idea and using it themselves. But even if she can forgive this I think the fandom needs to wake up and see what’s going on here!   Sweet managed to survive complete cancelation by claiming never to have heard of Wish Upon back then, but the same excuse doesn’t work now.  I know she’s a popular writer here who people didn’t want to push out of fandom, but you cannot deny this is out and out plagiarism now, and are we really going to continue to support that kind of thing here?  Wherever you stand on this I think we can all agree that there are a dozen ways to write Arthur coming out of the game and into 2020 without using the exact same set up and plot devices in the way Sweet has! And this is just one example, if you read all three fics you’ll see more similarities, most are subtle but others are blatant.  Yeah ideas get reused in fandom a lot, but this is way beyond that now. You don’t have the same idea as someone for a plot AND have the exact same ideas in how to deliver them too.  P.S I can’t wait to see how long it takes for this post to disappear from the tags. 
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becomeawendybird · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions
I was tagged by @allwaswell16!
1) How many works do you have on AO3? Approx. 57
2) What’s your total AO3 word count? 896,137
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? 1
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Small Doses (Loving You It's Explosive)
Tell Me This is Paradise
Buried Like Treasure
I've Always Like the Fireworks (Um... who knew this had this many kudos?)
Far Afield
5) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Personally, I think it's But Now Together, We're Alone because it's mostly unresolved by design. SPOILER The prompt was based on the song Stockholm Syndrome and Harry goes back even though nothing has changed and the court is still super toxic because Louis is the sun king and Harry is what he wants so that's what he gets.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Literally all of them? But, I tend to fade out pretty early into them getting together in any fic on the assumption that yes, from here on out they're together, the end. I could go with my most cathartic endings which are probably my longer fics because they have more build up. Here are the ones I think are most cathartic:
After Dark, After Light
Lend Me Your Hand
The Earl and His Duke
Buried Like Treasure
One Minute to Midnight
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I've written two Harry Potter-verse fics:
Drop to Hold You
and my Bon Appétit-verse...
Felt Nothing Like Home
I just realized that those are both problematic now, haha. Cool.
Ooh! Also a pseudo Agent Carter-verse.
In a Little Bit of Trouble
An argument can be made for a Pirates of the Caribbean-verse.
She's Never Been One to Stay At Home
8) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes, definitely. Also "what kind" is an interesting question. You want some wlw? A little BDSM? Blow jobs? I got something for everyone.
9) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Haaaaaaa. This came up the other day. I do respond to comments... about twice a year. I'm terrible at taking/responding to a compliment and have terrible executive dysfunction which is a perfect storm for me. BUT I will say, I read and appreciate absolutely each and every single one.
10) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I have, and I pretty much knew it was inevitable? At the very least I'm glad it was a substantive argument and not just like... blind hate.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yeah every once in a while my longer or more popular fics pop up on Wattpad. Somehow never the wildly popular wlw one, though. Funny how that works.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, I don't tend to allow translations. Mostly because I don't like that I can't guarantee they're not changing or twisting my words, which is absolutely NOTHING against the people who actually spend their time doing this. Just a control thing!
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah! With twenty of my closest friends for @louandhazaf!
Wine Not?
14) What’s your all time favorite ship?
Louis/Harry! Pretty much why I'm here. But I read Sterek every once in awhile because this fandom has a surprising lack of werewolf fics.
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Oh, man. I'm going to change this a little: I have two WIPs that I'm definitely GOING to finish: Buried Like Treasure 2 and my Pirate AU that was supposed to be for the Omega Harry fic fest.
16) What are your writing strengths?
I've gotten a lot of compliments on my pacing in longer fics and I think my dialogue. Also, the statistics have made it clear I'm pretty good at wlw smut, ha.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm not very visual -- we had a whole long (super interesting!) conversation about mental visualization in one of my group chats and it turns out... I don't have that gene, haha. I think it comes across in my writing too. You might not know what they're wearing at every single moment or what the room looks like, but you'll always know how they feel!
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I'll drop a word or a line but I will NEVER leave you as the reader without context clues as to what it means. You should never not know! This is a big pet peeve of mine.
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
One Direction
20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
This is a really tough question... I think overall my absolute favorite is my newest long fic The Earl and His Duke because I came up in the world reading romance novels and it's the closest to a traditional one that I have. BUT that's my latest fic so is that why? I'm not really sure.
I think also Buried Like Treasure is high up there, and the most underrated of all of mine that's also very high up on the list of my favorites is One Minute to Midnight. I think people might get put off by the age gap in that one, but if they were to actually read it they might see that 1) there's no mental age gap because Louis is cursed into an older body but his mind is the same age 2) everything is strictly professional while there is an age gap and both parties are respectful of that 3) Both parties are hella confused by this weird pull towards each other and ponder the ethical quandary of it all
I'm going to tag @lululawrence @sadaveniren @londonfoginacup @disgruntledkittenface @crinkle-eyed-boo @laynefaire @jaerie and @a-brighter-yellow
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29-pieces · 3 years
First Line Tag Game!
Thanks to @lady-wallace​ for the tag! :D 
Rules: List the first lines of your last 10 stories (if you have less than 10, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line, then tag 10 of your favorite authors! (the original tag was to do 20 but I’m going to be late for work as it is 😅)
#1: Oh Look, I’ve Been Impaled - "This is fine. I'm alright, d'Artagnan." (LOL spoiler alert he’s not fine but it’s so Aramis XD) 
#2: Singularity -  There was no single part of Crowley's body that wasn't on fire. (my poor snek son)
#3: Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire, and Back Again -  Aziraphale sighed with contentment as he turned the page, eyes tracking down the old vellum. Dappled sunlight filtered in through the curtains and his cocoa was just the right temperature. No one had come in to try buying any of his books today. In short, Aziraphale was in heaven.
#4: The Strange and Extraordinary Emergence of Witchfinder Major Saucepan -  Major Saucepan's childhood had been a most peculiar thing, in that it hadn't happened. (OMG crack is so much fun to write sometimes XD the GO fandom makes it so easy)
#5: The One Where Aziraphale Accidentally Trades Places With the Bookshop -  “Are you sure someone wasn’t pulling your leg?” Crowley asked, casting a doubtful eye on the book clutched to Aziraphale’s chest.
#6: Soul of Vellum, Heart of Chrome -  The bookshop had no memory of awakening. It was a gradual thing, but an unavoidable one. You couldn't be home to an angel for so many years without some of that miraculous magic infusing its way into the very bricks. (probably one of my most favorite things I ever wrote ^_^)
#7: It Was a Dark Night (But Hadn’t Stormed Since Last Tuesday) -  It wasn't raining the night Crowley burst into the bookshop.
#8: The Sword and the Shield -  Crowley has only seen Aziraphale do this once before. (probably one of my other most favorites ever) 
#9: An Eye for an Eye (Although in This Particular Case, it’s Feathers) -  Aziraphale was humming to himself as he unlocked the front door of his bookshop and pushed his way in. (a lot of them seem to start in the bookshop, LOL)
#10: The Enemy of My Enemy (Is Still an Enemy, Just a More Useful One) -  "Crowley, are you sure about this?" Aziraphale asked for what had to be the third time in at least the last ten minutes.
LOL you can tell Good Omens is my current fandom love!! 
As far as favorites, I think #4 wins for favorite opening lines XD The idea that an entire person very suddenly Becomes just because Crowley assumed he actually existed is hilarious to me!
I think Lady Wallace already tagged most of the people I would have tagged, so let’s just open this to anyone who wants. ^_^
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flowerflamestars · 4 years
I've been on the Daylight train for awhile now, i just haven't had the courage to actually speak up to you about it. But I really want you to know this, I fucking love Daylight. It is my favourite fanfiction of the nessian fandom and I'll proudly say so. It'll probably be a hassle, but I was wondering if you had any plans for Bryxaris? They are one of my favourite monsters in the series and I was wondering if you had any plans since you've included everything and everyone in such a depth that it's just beautiful. I really love the way you write and just how much more everything means when I read it. I really love Daylight and I really wanted to thank you for writing it. Keep doing what you do best! ❤️❤️
hey, first of all, thank you! Truly, this is SO lovely and probably going to keep me motivated for days :) 
And it is not a hassle at all! I love Bryaxis, beautiful library nightmare. She is actually in the fic, but only lightly:
From chapter 3, talking about how the actions of the war had consequences:  The mountains harbored gods- the Bone Carver walked free, somewhere. Bryaxis had hidden in a sea cave, worshipped by mermaids and fearful human sailors alike.
And then here, when Elain sings the Bone Carver’s song in chapter 4: But what the wind brought, the ocean learned.
All the way down in the dreaming depths, where Bryaxis hid among her children, a hundred generations of nightmares seen across the dark sea down. The prisoner of the library that was not the Library knew again the skys color, the thousand shades of blue that made home- she too hummed the song for waking the forgotten, dead or dreaming.
Passed reverie to all those who saw, and a thousand voices sang back for freedom in the waters of the world.
So, it is not explicitly spelled out until a little later in the story, but remember in chapter two, when Elain comes back to reality and fights with Feyre? And Feyre is like, Nesta doesn’t deserve freedom because she took you to as siren bar.
Nesta, later, in the Bone Carver section talks about drowning- how all water is water, and how the ocean fae recognize Nesta and Elain because of what the Cauldron did to them.
This is why Nesta knows where Bryaxis is. 
Like the Bone Carver appearing in different feared shapes to everyone while he was in prison, Bryaxis showed people their most essential fears...as a defense mechanism. She’s not evil because she’s monstrous, and freed, she can do other things.
I like the idea that siren’s beguile with desire, longing (and in Daylight, quite literally eat sailors with evil in their hearts), and that Bryaxis could be their progenitor, the first manifestation of that power: what is perfect beauty but something to fear? What are dreams if not the sister to nightmares?
She wanted to see the sky. Remember blue. Hear stories. So instead of causing mayhem, as Rhysand and Feyre expected- which rude, if a magical creature can make deals with you, they are probably, you know, cognizant- she returns to the sea.
Where she can hear and learn every secret and story the tide keeps, remember water is what keeps life, where her daughters daughters daughters know Grandmother Nightmare appreciates the beauty in every dark, hidden depth, and secret sun-dappled cove. 
Thank you so much for your kind words! Daylight is purely a passion project, and it never stops being wonderful that people want to read along this journey with me :)
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splendidlyimperfect · 4 years
After Geralt's outburst at the dragon's lair, Jaskier makes his way back down the mountain by himself. But the night is dark, and the mountains aren't safe, and Geralt soon comes to regret his harsh words.
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Chapter Summary: Jaskier wants a different kind of adventure with Geralt.
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 Fandom: The Witcher Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Geralt/Jaskier Other Tags: angst, hurt/comfort, major injury, guilt, caretaking, geralt’s an idiot, i hurt jaskier a lot, it ends really fluffy and sappy, The Coast
Jaskier wakes up curled against Geralt’s chest.
It takes him a minute to figure out where he is, and why he feels so relaxed. He’s woken from nightmares every morning since the attack, but today he feels… peaceful. There’s something else behind it, something warm and contented, and eventually he realizes that he feels safe.
He stays perfectly still as his body slowly accepts the waking – little hurts coming back piece by piece until he’s aching. He doesn’t move, though, because Geralt is still asleep, and Jaskier wants to stay here as long as possible. Geralt smells like woodsmoke, and his arm around Jaskier’s waist feels like a promise.
The moment can’t last forever, though, and eventually Geralt shifts and yawns, kicking the blanket off and rolling onto his back. When he sees Jaskier next to him, he looks surprisingly unperturbed.
“Did you sleep all right?” he asks.
Jaskier goes to reply, and before he can remember that he can’t speak, a raspy, “yes,” makes it past his lips.
Continue reading on AO3
He sits up immediately, bringing his hand to his throat as his heart starts to race. Geralt looks at him, wide-eyed, and Jaskier swallows around the pain in his throat as he tries again.
It doesn’t sound much like a word, but it’s there.
“Don’t hurt yourself,” Geralt insists, sitting up and reaching out to touch the bandage. Jaskier winces and Geralt makes an apologetic face. “Let me check it.”
Jaskier sits still as Geralt removes the bandage, making soft, apologetic sounds when it sticks to his skin. “It looks better,” Geralt says. He takes a cloth and dips it in the water he’s boiled, and uses it to dab at the skin around the cut. He repeats the motions with the bandage on Jaskier’s wrist, and Jaskier’s relieved to see that Geralt isn’t just trying to mollify him. The skin has started to knit together, and while it will leave a nasty scar – that Jaskier will obviously use for poetic reasons in his storytelling – it looks like it’s starting to get back to normal.
“Did you need more for the pain?” Geralt asks once he’s re-bandaged both wounds and dumped the dirty water behind their bedroll.  
Jaskier considers the question for a second, then shakes his head. Not bad, he signs. Hurt a bit to talk.
“Then don’t,” Geralt says sternly. “I know that’s very difficult for you.” Jaskier raises an eyebrow when he realizes that Geralt is teasing him.
Do you think… Jaskier trails off and only realizes it once Geralt pokes his thigh. Does this mean it’ll heal? My voice?
Geralt shrugs, and the guilt that he’s been carrying around flits across his face again. “I don’t know much about medicine. Not for… for humans, anyway.”
You are human, Jaskier tries to insist, but Geralt has already looked away to get something from their pack.
They spend the rest of the morning in a companionable silence, but Jaskier can feel the faint thrum of hope behind both of their movements. He’s tempted to try to talk again, but as much as he’s loathe to admit it, Geralt is right. He shouldn’t push it.
“To Oxenfurt?” Geralt asks once they’ve packed up camp. He kicks more dirt over the remains of the fire, then looks down at where Jaskier is still sitting on one of the larger rocks. “We should make it in three days. Maybe two, if you don’t slow us down.”
He’s teasing again, and it fills Jaskier with a warm sense of relief. I’m not the one we should be concerned about, old man, he responds, huffing out a quiet laugh at Geralt’s indignant expression. Then he looks over at the road, chewing his lip in contemplation. The late afternoon light streams through the branches of the trees, casting dappled shadows on the ground, and it makes Jaskier’s heart feel full.
Do we need to?
Geralt frowns. “Need to hurry?”
Jaskier shakes his head. Need to go, he clarifies. To Oxenfurt.
“You… don’t want to?”
Jaskier doesn’t answer right away. He tips his head back to catch glimpses of the bright blue sky through the trees, then brings his hand up to touch the bandage on his neck.
It’s getting better, he says eventually. I’m getting better.
“But what if—”
What if? Jaskier agrees. What if we get waylaid by bandits? Or a werewolf attacks us? Or – gods forbid – we find another dragon?
“I don’t understand,” Geralt says, settling down on the log across from Jaskier’s rock. His face is drawn in an expression of confusion that makes him look so much younger than he is.
I just mean… Jaskier sighs. Anything could happen. That’s just how life works, and I don’t want to spend it looking for a way to… to fix this. To fix me. He looks over at Geralt and gives him a soft smile. I’d rather spend it with you.
Guilt joins the confusion on Geralt’s face and he shakes his head. “Jas… why would you—”
I forgive you, Jaskier insists. I’m still angry and upset, and frustrated, and it isn’t fair, but none of it was your fault.
“But I—”
Jaskier shakes his head. A physicker isn’t going to be able to make this heal faster, and we both know it. He digs the toes of his shoes into the dirt. We’ll just have to wait and see. Geralt stares down at his hands, not saying anything, and Jaskier kicks a rock over toward him. Scars don’t make us broken, he says, smiling at the way Geralt’s eyes widen. I want to spend my life adventuring. With you.
“Why?” Geralt asks, voice low and uncertain.
You know why, Jaskier replies. At least, I hope you do. I know you’re dense sometimes, but you can’t possibly be that blind.
Geralt doesn’t answer, and for a moment, Jaskier is terrified that he read everything wrong, and that they’re back where they were before – frustrated and at odds. But then Geralt gives him a small smile – barely a quirk of his lips – and Jaskier exhales in relief.
“You offered something to me, before,” Geralt says as he stands up and moves over to Jaskier. He reaches out a hand and pulls Jaskier to his feet.
I did?
“Mm.” Geralt squeezes Jaskier’s hand. “You wanted to go to the coast.” Jaskier can feel the heat rushing to his cheeks, but he forces himself to keep looking at Geralt. “Do you still want that?”
Yes, Jaskier says without hesitation. I do.
“Then let me take you,” Geralt says, and he pulls Jaskier in for a kiss.
Six Months Later
 “You’re going to fall from there and break your wrist again.”
Jaskier cracks and eye open and looks down from his sunning spot to see Geralt next to the cottage, arms crossed over his chest. Jaskier is only about five feet up, tucked onto a small grassy outcropping that’s perfectly situated to catch the last rays of the setting sun.
I’m fine, he signs. You worry too much.
“I worry exactly the right amount,” Geralt insists, reaching out as Jaskier sits up. He helps Jaskier hop down to the ground, then pulls him close and presses a kiss to his forehead. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”
“I’m all right,” Jaskier says out loud, voice rough and muffled by Geralt’s chest. “I’ve got you to take care of me.”
Geralt laughs and the sound rumbles in his chest. It makes Jaskier feel warm and special – he’s the only one who gets to see Geralt like this. He’s the only one who gets Geralt’s soft smiles, his ridiculous morning hair, his tipsy singing, his hands touching everywhere while Jaskier whispers, please, and, I love you.
“There are safer places to watch the sunset,” Geralt says. He pulls back and brushes Jaskier’s hair out of his face, tucking it behind his ear. It’s grown out, almost to his shoulders, and covers most of the twisted scar that stretches down past his ear.
“Mm.” Jaskier kisses Geralt’s nose. “Like in your arms?” His voice is coming back, slowly but surely, and he played his lute for the first time last night, singing a quiet song that he’d learned many years ago. He’d pretended to ignore the tears in Geralt’s eyes at the sound.
“You’re ridiculous,” Geralt says. He’s highlighted by the late evening sun, hair almost tinged pink by the light, and Jaskier things he looks fierce and beautiful. “Does this please you?” Geralt asks. Jaskier sighs happily, closing his eyes as the summer wind ruffles his hair. Light sparkles off the ocean, and the only sound around them is the quiet cawing of seagulls in the distance.
“Yes,” he says, smiling at Geralt and pulling him down for a kiss. “It pleases me very much.”
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taromilkmagic · 5 years
Notes: Cursed Child NY 27 November 2019
My first time watching CC was in Melbourne during previews, and I had an amazing time. A few months later I absorbed myself in the cc fandom here and on twitter and I became more and more obsessed with the incredible casts and crew that are a part of this amazing production all over the world. So yesterday, I finally treated myself to a second viewing of HPCC, but this time with NY Cast 2. I was taking frantic notes in between parts because I wanted to unpack and reflect over it, but when I first saw the play I wasn’t as absorbed into the fandom, so there may be things that are obvious that I’m finding new. Anyway if you’re interested in reading my thoughts on this cast/performance and how I found it different to Melbourne I’ve dumped a rant below...
Part One
Act 1
Nick Albus looking at his family and smiling, so excitedly, when they are about to enter platform 9 3/4, is everything I need in my life. But it really is heartbreaking to watching Albus’s progression from excited and hopeful to isolated and resentful.
Everyone in the background at the station is captivated by Matt Ron’s trick. This time around, I noticed that they are all incredibly grossed out when Ron plucks Lily’s ‘nose’ from his behind (accompanied by a loud fart noise), simultaneously leaning away from the Potters and Granger-Weasleys. It’s these little extra details that really lift the comedy in the show for me.
Bubba Scorpius is anxious and tense, but in a quiet/soft way. While I remember Will having very frantic nervous energy, Bubba is much more reserved and closed in on himself—both emotionally, but also physically. He is permanently hunched over and withdrawn, and his movements are smaller—not as wild— and stiffer than Will McKenna’s (James Snyder does a good approximation of this in the Polyjuice scene). When Scorpius is being sorted, he clenches and unclenches his hands. Then, when the sorting hat declares SLYTHERIN! he slowly closes his eyes. Rather than going ‘oh, as expected!’ like Will does with his head tilt and eye-roll, Bubba Scorp seems a combination of relieved and resigned.
As a sidenote, Bubba was staring emptily in my direction at the start of third year while taking to Albus. So I was a crying mess, but I also felt extremely uncomfortable because it felt like he was looking directly at me with his sad eyes 😂
Something that struck me about Nadia’s and Jenny’s Rose and Hermione: the similarities in how they carry themselves and the way they speak. They both radiate fast-paced Type A energy and you can tell that Rose is every bit like Hermione by her brisk mannerisms and alert eyes.
Jenny’s Hermione has a mischievous streak that isn’t as obvious in Paula’s drier, authoritative Hermione (disclaimer: I love them both). In Harry’s office, the toffee line is sung in an enticing tone. Tof-fee? Translation: Are you sure you don’t want one? Apparently, Jenny was quieter than usual during this performance, but I have to say that I didn’t notice this at all. As my first introduction to her Hermione she was both vibrant and funny. 
Nick Albus and Bubba Scorp are much more tactile than Will and Sean (at least compared to when I saw the Melbourne cast in previews). Some moments that stood out — Nick touches Bubba’s shoulders and back a LOT, including on the train at the start of their third year, and then at the start of fourth year when he escapes Rose’s efforts to (re) befriend him and plunges into Scorpius’ train compartment.
Another instance of cute Bubba-Nick Scorbusness in the visit to St Oswald’s. Scorpius stands directly behind Albus, turned toward the audience and away from Amos, for most of the conversation. He flinches away several times when Amos is talking, essentially sheltering behind Albus. Have I talked enough about how Bubba’s Scorpius really is adorably awkward? When Albus earnestly assures Amos that they know about the danger they’re about to embark on, Scorpius leans in to Albus and says “Do weee?” Albus turns around, and Scorpius immediately spins around and peers at the wall details—he even squeaks Oh LoOk!! (*in small twitter font). Overall, Bubba Scorp feels vulnerable—more vulnerable than Will!Scorp, who is a bit of a drama queen at times—and must be protected at all costs.
Right before drinking his Polyjuice, Bubba did his trademark forehead shzzzzap, and it was art.
Act 2
When Albus and Scorpius decide that Delphi should not travel back to the first task with them, and Delphi is storming off after kissing Albus, Sara and Bubba do that thing where they both almost run into each other and block each other, then feint/dodge in the same direction as each other twice. Bubba Scorp says “OHkay!” in an exasperated voice before going around her. It was an incredibly awkward and funny moment and you could feel the tension between Scorpius and Delphi.
The Edge of the Forest scene was beautiful, as always. I didn’t notice this but at stage-door Nick told me that he stuttered and struggled to say “Look-L-look its-look it’s Hogwarts.” And then he said that Bubba was side-eyeing him like >_> the whole time. Bubba definitely seems like the sort of person who would passive-aggressively judge you at your worst moments, but I love him anyway.
Interestingly, the lighting is different here compared to the Melbourne production. The theatre is lit up with soft golden lights which make it sort of look like golden hour, casting everything in a comforting glow. In the Princess theatre, they go for a more literal Hogwarts-through-the-trees, with gorgeous dappled shadows on vibrant blue and orange stained glass windows. Both of these work wonderfully.
In Dragons, James Romney’s Slytherin student being in the wrong House section and having to squish through everyone was very funny. Kevin Reyes as [Craig Bowker Sr?] was doing something funny in the crowd during the first task as well but I can’t remember it for the life of me sadly. But it made me realise how amazing and constantly on point every single member of the cast is, even when the spotlight isn’t on them. Sitting in row D was a massive change from being in the balcony in Melbourne, and it made me realise and appreciate the actors who are carrying out their own stories in the background. 
Nick’s Albus looks both a little put out and surprised when Hogwarts’ audience has a mixed response to Harry in the first task. 
Interestingly, James Brown III’s Bane is more human than horse here than Melbourne Bane (MelBane?), who would neigh and snort every few sentences. The only horse noise he makes is a loud snort as he backed away into the shadows. 
Albus was having nightmares in the hospital wing during Harry’s conversation with Dumbledore. Several times, he mumbles “Dad?” in his sleep as he tosses and turns. It’s actually kind of heartbreaking. 
James Synder and Nick Podany both pretend to eat the chocolate. The chocolate itself is fake and a Lie. I just thought everyone should know that. 
There is a noticeable difference between Paula’s Hermione and Jenny’s Hermione in the first AU, particularly the DADA classroom. Jenny is much more aggressive and explosive, getting in Ravenclaw girl’s face with a loud nOOO??!!? Her soft, dangerously cold voice was terrifying and a different take to Paula’s terse, irritated, authoritative tone. This AU Hermione seems angry and vindictive, rather than just disillusioned and bitter. In Melbourne, Paula presented her AU Hermione as a possible version of the same person—someone who could grow more and more unhappy with the world over the years. Jenny’s AU Hermione was different; her energy simply felt so wrong and at odds with her usual character, and I think this performance emphasised how unnatural and completely off the new timeline itself is. It definitely made me empathise with how shocked and bewildered Albus would have been, and it reminded me of my experience reading the script for the first time as it gradually dawned on me how messed up the timeline had actually become.
Staircase Ballet in New York made me just as emotional as it did in Melbourne. I don’t think that scene will ever get old for me. Bubba did some incredible face-acting that I was glad to be able to see from my seat. His Scorpius really looks completely broken and despondent as he stares downwards and then, later, at Albus.
Sara’s Delphi is soft (wait what?? I know...) when she speaks to Scorpius about him and Albus. Madeleine Jones had more of a “silly billy, of course you should just talk to him, he’s your best friend!!” big sister vibe when I saw her in Melbourne—gentle, but talking down a little bit (still in a friendly way). This Delphi is much softer, which only makes the reveal more shocking and upsetting when she later reveals her real motives.
Bubba Scorp blowing Polly Chapman a kiss twice in a row to distract her from Delphi under his cloak was so LOUD and breathy and cringe that I may have died from second-hand embarrassment.
The library confrontation! Incredible! @lumoshyperion observed something about Melbourne’s Louis!Scorp in her (incredibly detailed and poetic) review/recap, where he falters and holds himself back at the end of each sentence or phrase during the library confrontation. This was definitely true of Bubba as well! He would sort of trail off and fade away as he spoke, rather than crescendoing continuously to a shout.
When McGonagall came into the library and the two boys were hiding, Nick SKIDDED across the stage and FELL flat on his face, knocking a chair over. It looked really painful and I was like 😶. I asked him about this at SD after, and he said he was okay but that he and Bubba immediately started laughing while they were hiding under the invisibility cloak. After McGonagall left, Bubba casually put the chair back up right before he sat down.
The two boys were both vigorously wiping their eyes during the library confrontation. When Nick hugged Bubba, Bubba made a 😬 and stuck his arms out straight.
When Draco said “The girls’ bathroom on the third floo...ooorwhat on earth would they be doing there.......”, it was so ridiculously deadpan and disappointed and exasperated all at once. I haven’t written many notes on him but Jonno truly is an amazing Draco.
Being from a close seat this time, I was able to see the second task. It definitely didn’t look like a projection this time and that made it feel much more dynamic and engaging.
Bubba Scorp gets immediately self-conscious after the “Consider me engorg-impressed” joke and steps quickly back from Albus and the sink (where he was casually leaning), wrapping his robes around him tightly.
Lauren Myrtle was hilarious as I assume is usual. Lauren’s Myrtle did that thing where she poked at Harry with her foot with every word she said. He flinched back every time, it was hilarious. Diane did a full flinch and staggered back four feet from Myrtle’s hISSSS. 
Lauren looked upside down—DIRECTLY at Albus—when she said the “....and BOYS” line, and Albus immediately started fidgeting with his hair, with his hands behind his head. HE KNOWS THAT SHE KNOWS. In general, Lauren’s Myrtle was just as hilarious as Gillian, although a lot growlier. There was, as there was in Melbourne, a large round of applause as the second task began, presumably for Myrtle! 
I realise I have zero notes about any of the 'adult’ characters but they are just all-around excellence anyway so there’s not that much to say. Matt Mueller is a fantastic Ron, but very different to Gyton. He’s just as cheesy and cheerful, but not as jolly and laidback (if that makes sense...it’s a little hard to describe). Diane Davis as Ginny is Soft™, and very clearly understanding and caring. It’s easy to see that Harry depends on her as a source of advice, wisdom and emotional support. She generally doesn’t “roar” like Lucy Goleby’s Ginny does, so when she shouts it tends to come out in one angry punch—i.e. “My son is missing!” “SO is MINE!” (as opposed to SO!!! IS!!! MINE!!!!). As for James Snyder’s Harry, his anger and frustration in the alternate timeline is scarily believable, and it’s upsetting to see how it affects Albus and Ginny. It made me think of Angery Harry in Order of the Phoenix (I’m not @ing the people who say Cursed Child Harry is OOC, but...maybe I am). His American accent popped in a few times, but I barely noticed it and he was such an incredible Harry that I did not care in the slightest. The woman next to me was marvelling at how much he resembled Daniel Radcliffe, but to me this wasn’t even a fraction of why he felt like an authentic and well portrayed Harry.
Part Two
I have much less notes for Part 2. Part of this is because I was too much of a weepy mess being swept up by the art of Bubba and Nick’s Scorbus and part of it is because my phone died. I hope you enjoy what I DO have though!
Act 3
After being assigned this investigation, I can report that I am pretty sure I saw Bubba drool (?????) in the Dark AU office scene and I don’t know why or how or what... I didn’t even know this was a thing that happened on the daily but yes, yes it did. If anyone can provide more information on this... And yes, Bubba did look amazing in the Dark AU outfit. Thank you for the warning. I was still unprepared.
Spinella Snape was great! He has the deep voice down, and the dryness was Dry. Something interesting that happened in the Snape classroom scene is after he opens the secret passage in the chalkboard, Snape takes Scorp by the shoulders and gently guides him toward it. It’s a surprisingly protective and ~mentorly~ action and it reminded me a little of Snape getting in front of the Golden Trio in the PoA movie. ~Obviously~, Snape is a terrible person. But I guess he’s also capable of looking out for others! Stephen Spinella did an incredible job at actually endearing his character to me.
Ron fumbling with the wand for ages before pointing it at Scorp in the Dark AU. Unlike Gyton (and the script), Matt didn’t point it at himself this time. But he fumbled with his jacket a ridiculous amount before finding his wand and it got a lot of laughs, including from me!
Bubba was so out of breath after getting out of the pool that he had to take a long pause between the first “Harry!!!!” And “HARRRYYY POTTERRRR!”
Fiona Reid’s Petunia, in the graveyard scene, was visibly emotional. You could hear her voice getting choked up as she thought about Lily. I didn’t pick this up the first time I watched the show, but here I got it and I even teared up a little.
The jump scare GOT ME.
During the Slytherin Dorm scene, Bubba Scorp leaned over the top of Albus’ bed and yelled directly over his face to wake him up. This was both hilarious and adorable. And Malfoy the Unanxious: this whole scene was pure gold. Bubba doing weird hip-swaying dances in the air on tippy toes. Bubba waving his hands in weird and wild gesticulations (a contrast accentuated by how stiff and closed up he was prior to this). Aaah. He must be protected at all costs. 
Bubba said the ‘It’s time that time turning became a thing of the past” line very solemnly, and leaning in very close to Albus’s face (!) rather than standing (sitting?) next to him and gesturing proudly, which is what I remember from Melbourne. It’s an interesting take and a more serious one. It’s also more Scorbusy, so I’m not complaining. 
When Harry and Ginny and Draco walk in on Ron and Hermione kissing, Diane Ginny said OH! really loudly and, without a pause in her stride, immediately circled around and started to leave 😂
Jonno Draco acted so disgruntled when Specialis Revelio didn’t work. It was hilarious how grumpy he sounded when he said it was worth a try
Sara’s Delphini was much more menacing than I remember from Melbourne. I think what Madeleine did great in Melbourne is make Delphini seem like Ralph Fiennes’s Voldemort — powerful, ambitious, confident, a little bit dramatic. She DECLARED her lines: it was very Shakespearean. Sara was more sneaky and sinister. You get a sense of how she easily tricked Albus and Scorpius. Also, when she was mocking Albus for being naive, she did the little leg-kick dance that she did when she was saying he was becoming quite some wizard. I don’t remember if this is something that always happens with her or with other casts, but this is the first time I was paying close enough attention to notice it and I got CHILLS at the return. Sara’s Delphini is just that sinister and bone-chillingly terrifying.
Act 4
I have a lot of Feelings about Part 4, but not many details, sadly. Mostly because I was too absorbed by the incredible acting by everyone on stage.
James Snyder jumped around a lot when he said “Clever boy left me a message!” and it was such a pure and adorable move compared to his previous Angst that the audience laughed and cheered.
Jonno was wiping his eyes a LOT in the scene in Harry’s office. Several times, as Draco spoke about Astoria and her death, he got so choked up that he had to pause and take a breath before going on. It was a teary scene for all involved and a great testament to Jonno’s acting ability. 
Since we’re on Jonno, his delivery of “Look at the thatched roofs.......and......is that a farmer’s market?” SENT ME. He genuinely sounded kind of intrigued, interested and hopeful. I guess Joward Draco isn’t the only one who loves a good farmer’s market.
When Draco and Scorpius hugged in Godric’s Hollow, they hugged for a long time. He held onto Scorpius for a long time after, repeatedly craning his neck to be closer and holding him close as if afraid to let go again. Throughout subsequent scenes, Jonno kept his hand firmly on Bubba’s arm/inner elbow. You can see how shaken Draco was at losing Scorpius, and how fiercely protective he is now that he has his son back.
When Nick hugged Diane from her side, sitting on the bench in St Jerome’s, he knocked her down a little and she said oH! as she lost her balance. It was such a spontaneous moment and showcased the bond between Albus and his mum.
In the second to last scene, and perhaps most importantly in this entire recap...When Nick Albus says: “You better ask Rose if that’s the right thing to do!” (in response to “this new version of us”), Bubba keeps his hands firmly gripped on Nick’s arms, and stares at his face for a full three seconds before going “oh-ahaha...yeah!” and laughing awkwardly. Then, when he goes off and the stairs start spinning to bring Nick into the Nice Day scene, Nick keeps his head facing to the side where Bubba had exited—Albus’ gaze lingering distantly on Scorpius. Not saying Scorbus is canon (I really am), but Bubba Scorp’s last scene presented him as a very believable Confused Bisexual.
Finally: Nick and James rushing into a hug right as the lights went down.
“We almost broke like four times” — Nicholas Podany, 2019, on his scenes with Bubba. We are so blessed to have them.
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42 notes · View notes
isa-renee · 4 years
Tagged by my dude bro buddy pal, the incredible @theythinkimabitch
1. Do you make your own bed? Nah. I’m honestly not a fan of having a made bed. I find it constricting.
2. What’s your favorite number? 37
3. What’s your job? I don’t have one. I’m a student still, although I did have a paid tutoring job until school closed, so I guess I’ll count that
4. If you could go back to school, would you? Definitely! I mean I’m still in school lol but I definitely plan to continue with it. I may never truly leave school and I can’t say that’s a fate/career path I mind
5. Can you parallel park? Lol nah I still can’t drive
6. A job that you had that would surprise people? I don’t think there is one. The only job I’ve had is the tutoring thing and nobody who even kind of knows me is surprised by that, although maybe surprised that I actually got paid for it since I also do a lot of volunteer work as a tutor
7. Do you think aliens exist? Almost certainly. I mean the universe is huge. There are so many galaxies and star systems and planets out there. I find it hard to believe that we’re special, that for some reason the only life in the billions of years and billions of planets is on our little blue dot around our average sun out in our little bit of galaxy. I mean it’s possible. I don’t know how life formed; maybe it really was a miracle and a one time thing. But, barring that scenario, I find it unlikely we’re alone. (I do not however think aliens have contacted us or are secretly infiltrating our governments though. Just fyi.)
8. Can you drive a manual car? I cannot drive
9. What’s your guilty pleasure? Uhh idk if it’s necessarily a guilty pleasure but I guess it sorta is? Like I don’t talk about it with everyone, but my fandom/book nerd friends understand. I just love teen fiction. And ya novels. I really do. They’re just so fun. They’re easy to read. The characters are lovable. There aren’t like twenty storylines I have to keep track of. It’s just nice
10. Tattoos? No but I wanttt
11. Favorite color? I’m going to say blue. It’s not really blue since I can’t actually choose a favorite color. Blue has just been my answer for years so I go with it. I don’t actually have a favorite color. Color is such an abstract concept. We never see just one color. Color is meant to be seen as part of something more. Because it’s not ever really the color we’re drawn to but what it symbolizes. So my actual answer? It is a crisp fall afternoon, soon after a slight rainfall. Brilliant rays of sunlight filter through the clouds over the mountains. I am reminded strangely of the sea, by shade or simply majesty and power. Birds are chirping. The leaves dapple shadows on the ground beneath me, sunwarmed and soft. I sigh and think perhaps that this is home. It’s easier to just say blue.
12. Favorite type of music? I’m going to go with sad gay love songs. Right there is like the epitome of my music taste. But I also separately enjoy sad songs, gay songs, and love songs, and other combinations of those three things. My taste is honestly kind of eclectic though tbh I’ll listen to most things. Favorite actual genre I guess is like indie folk? It’s a good vibe
13. Do you like puzzles? Yes! I love puzzles! I wish I had more time to do them because they’re so fun
14. Any phobias? I’m a bit claustrophobic. I don’t necessarily mind all small spaces I just can’t stand being physically confined. I need to be able to fully move all my limbs or I am liable to freak out. And start crying (tears of frustration). And probably kicking things. I’m also getting really uncomfortable thinking about tight spaces so imma stop writing. It’s like an actual physical discomfort. It’s unpleasant.
15. Favorite childhood sport? This depends which part of childhood tbh. I’m going to go with archery because I remember that one most clearly and it still remains my favorite. I also fenced and played tball and volleyball at various points. But I mean I’m definitely going to go with the sport involving sharp objects and deadly weapons so yeah. Archery
16. Do you talk to yourself? Yup. Constantly. It’s an issue. There have definitely been times when my parents thought I was talking on the phone but nope it was just me
17. What movie do you adore? I don’t really watch too many movies. Or remember them too distinctly whoops. I’m going to go with the LOTR trilogy just purely for the number of times I’ve seen it. I can definitely quote large sections of it from memory. And sing all of the songs. At one point in time I could consistently identify basically every piece on the soundtrack by name. I’ve really watched those movies too many times. I regret nothing
18. Coffee or tea? Tea. So much more variety! Coffee tastes nice but I don’t do caffeine and it’s hard to find a good decaf espresso. But tea is just the best. I’ll admit I’m a bit of a tea snob but I’m self-aware at least
19. First thing you wanted to be when you grew up? Paleontologist. For years! So many years. My entire childhood pretty much. Dinosaurs are rad and I stand by that statement
Tagging whoever wants to do this because it’s fun but I don’t like to tag people lol sorry
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hirokiyuu · 4 years
3, 4, 7, 16, 17, 19?
3.  What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
GOD okay. ok ok ok ok ive had a few concepts of a futuristic violence and fancy suits inspired futago au where shido as a hyper rich capitalist dies and futaba inherits everything so goro goes to get her with no ulterior motives whatsoever :) and naturally everything goes to shit bc he was shidos hitman etc etc and like. the reveal where it comes out that he was taking her to try and get the inheritance is one i thought abt a LOT........... but im never going to write this au so uh. u kno.
slightly unhinged goro + freaked out but trying futaba is a fun dynamic. i really like these two together can u tell (looks at pef)
4.  Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
“You never get tired of coming out here,” Nazuna said, once, the summer that Shuu was sixteen. That year had been hotter than most, but even ice cream and air conditioning hadn’t been enough to keep Shuu indoors, not when he could sit with his feet in the river and watch water run over Nazuna’s perfect toes.
“Of course not,” Shuu said, tilting his head up with a sniff. Nazuna’s mask was resting on the side of his head, red eyes watching Shuu from beneath delicate blond eyelashes. “The only thing of worth in this place is you.”
Nazuna laughed at that. The trees left the light falling on him like stardust, gold dappling the lines of his jaw. “You’re so ridiculous.”
“I’m only telling the truth.”
A splash of water; Shuu yelped and tilted back on instinct, flailing as he tipped over. Twigs in his hair, dirt on his clothes, laughter in his ears, Shuu watched the leaves above catch in the faintest possible breeze and thought to himself, Oh, I’m in love. It was not a surprise. He’d known for years. It was just that the word had never come knocking before.
from in the fireflies’ forest!!! i really like this entire fic a lot tbh wwww i spent a lot of time experimenting w/mood and feeling here and i’m really proud w/how ti came out.......... in terms of like. atmospheric pieces i have this is probably one of if not my strongest wwwww
7.  What do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? Would others agree?
HM i think atmosphere is where im strongest. in terms of like? conveying the mood and tone of the scene and the characters emotions thru small things.......... almo has definitely made comments to this effect before so i think so WWWWWW
16. Tried anything new with your writing lately? (style, POV, genre, fandom?)
www recently ive been writing a lot of ffxiv, which basically means i’m writing a lot of oc stuff? it’s odd after going so ahrd on fanfic for so long bc it’s like. there’s no canon i have to adhere to. i mean there’s Some canon but mostly its just like. flings spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks u kno
17.  Do you think readers perceive your work - or you - differently to you? What do you think would surprise your readers about your writing or your motivations?
me, thinking abt the recent pef commenter who asked if ren was also back in time: h a h
realtalk pef is big and popular enough that i Know there are ppl missing my intentions which is.......... odd. i dont necessarily mind but its still weird. actually ive had this happen on non pef things but it’s still weird u kno. pef is just the most visible one wwwwww
i think the biggest surprise is that................. i don’t like futago half-sibs theory GHLKSDHGLKDHG i kno its p popular in futaba+goro fan circles but like. its so boring to me. adds nothing to their dynamic. so much of ftb’s journey is learning to love her New family (ren n sojiro) and having her suddenly Forgive Akechi for Being Her Half Sib is so weird to me. i think there’s potential to explore the concept in an interesting manner tbh (poitns at a certain doc i got) but like. 99% of the time i dont like it
19.  Is there something you always find yourself repeating in your writing? (favourite verb, something you describe ‘too often’, trope you can’t get enough of?)
god sometimes almond makes me ctrl+f words that they think pop up in pef and theyre always right. it kills me a little bit. goro sighs a lot. goro bites back sighs a lot. i try to pass some of the things off as stylistic choices but sometimes im just tired
in terms of tropes tho i have a memory loss au for like. every ship ive ever liked. sometimes multiple. im just too embarrassed to ever post but u kno
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empress-penguin · 6 years
Fiction: Distractions (Chapter 5)
Title: Distractions
Rating: PG-13/T
Fandom: Wild Kratts
Summary: An unexpected move by one side changes the dynamics of the game – and some of the players may never be quite the same again…
Notes: Just a hypothetical that I thought would be fun to explore.  Of course, my definition of “fun” may be slightly suspect...
Navigation: Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 4 ~ Chapter 5
Chapter 5
“You're on!”  Chris flashed his brother a confident grin.  “There's no way you're going to find more zebra-tailed lizards than I am.  I've got a full analysis of their habits right here – it'll lead me straight to them!”
He waved his Creature Pod tantalizingly in front of his brother's face – a move he instantly regretted when Martin deftly plucked the communicator from his hand and, holding it just slightly above Chris's head, began to scroll through its contents.  A teasing grin and a removal of the Creature Pod to a level even farther out of his reach were all Chris got for his efforts to snatch the device out of his brother's grasp, but eventually, the older Kratt relented.  
“Pretty impressive, bro,” he acknowledged, handing it back, and Chris felt a small glow of pride overtake his mild feelings of annoyance.  “You know...”
He trailed off unexpectedly, and Chris, glancing up in surprise, was puzzled to see his smile fading, a tiny crease appearing between his brows.  The younger brother wasn't quite sure what to make of the uncharacteristic expression, but he did know that he didn't like it one bit, so he decided to try a little gentle teasing of his own.  “What's the matter?  Afraid I'm going to win?”
Martin shook his head quickly, the frown vanishing as Chris had hoped.  “No way.  I’ve just got to think like a zebra-tail.  Besides–”  Shifting his gaze a little to the left, he matched his brother's earlier grin with one of his own.  “I’ve got something you don’t have.”
“What's that?”
The grin widened.  “A head start.”
Chris whirled around.  Squinting in the bright sunlight, he could just make out a trim little reptile, almost perfectly camouflaged against the desert soil save for the distinctive black-and-white tail curled over its back.  Pushing itself up on its slender legs, the lizard eyed the brothers warily, its tail now waving from side to side like a tiny flag.  Then, without warning, it turned and bolted, skittering away across the sandy plain in a surprising burst of speed.  Martin gave a whoop and sprinted after it.
Chris stared after him for a moment, then shook his head, chuckling to himself.  “You'll never catch him,” he called to his brother's retreating back, but of course Martin knew that.  He was running for the sheer joy of it – and perhaps, Chris realized belatedly, a touch of competitive spirit.  “Guess I'd better get a move on,” the younger Kratt mused, although he wasn't really worried.  Martin could more than hold his own when it came to creature knowledge, and his methods, though occasionally rather unorthodox, were generally very effective, but Chris was confident that his more analytical approach would put him over the top.  Pausing to consult his Creature Pod once more, he headed off in a slightly different direction than the one his brother had taken, the one that – statistically speaking – should possess the highest concentration of zebra-tails.   The race was on.
Chris paused at the mouth of a small, wooded canyon.  He'd had quite a bit of success on the surrounding slopes, but the more abundant vegetation and the small stream running through the ravine made it unlikely that he'd spot many lizards down here.  Still, the shade was inviting, a good place to cool off with a long drink of water after chasing around in the hot desert sun.  Wiping his brow, Chris settled himself against the trunk of a large cottonwood tree and uncorked his canteen.  His eyes roamed over the surrounding rocks and trees as he drank, always on the watch for any creatures that might be nearby, but everything seemed to be quiet.  
Perhaps too quiet.  The younger Kratt frowned.  It wasn't uncommon for desert-dwelling animals to retreat to their burrows and dens during the midday heat, but this stillness had an unnatural quality, one that sent a faint prickle up the back of his neck.  Replacing the cap on his water bottle, he stood up abruptly and began to move farther into the wash.   
He was almost on top of them before he realized what he was seeing: a pair of cougar kittens, not more than two or three months old, their spotted coats blending in with the leaf litter in the dappled shade.  They appeared to be engaged in a bout of playful wrestling, their oversized paws wrapped around each other, one set of tiny teeth nipping at a wayward tail.  Chris drew in his breath with a hiss, understanding all at once both what was wrong with the scene and why it was that he hadn't noticed them earlier.  The cubs were not moving.  
Chris's lips tightened.  Glancing farther up the ravine, he saw his suspicions confirmed by the familiar pink jet parked near the water's edge, and a small sigh escaped him.  He'd known it was only a matter of time before they ran into Donita again, but he had hoped for his brother's sake that they might be able to put it off a little longer.  But abandoning the young cougars was out of the question – and besides, he had to admit that there was definitely something to be said for simply getting this first meeting out of the way.  Withholding another sigh, he pulled out his Creature Pod and hailed his brother.  
“Looks like we’ve got a creature rescue on our hands,” he reported, fingers flying as he keyed in his coordinates.  “Two cougar cubs in suspended animation.  Donita’s got her jet parked down here by the stream, but I don't see her or Dabio.”
He thought he saw his brother flinch, just slightly, but it could have been a flicker in the transmission.  In any case, all Martin said was, “I'll be right there.”
Martin quickened his pace as he neared his brother's location, his heart thudding unpleasantly in his chest for reasons that had very little to do with the effort of navigating the rocky terrain.  Truth be told, he’d had a bad feeling about this adventure from the start, but he couldn’t tell whether there was actually anything unusual amiss or whether it stemmed from what he considered an extremely cowardly desire to avoid seeing Donita again.  He’d vowed not to allow what had happened between them to interfere with doing his job, and he intended to keep that promise, but there was no denying that it had been a lot easier to focus when the possibility of coming face-to-face with her wasn’t lurking in the back of his mind.  It doesn't change anything, he told himself sternly.  And those cubs need your help.
Cresting the ridge that bordered the wash on that side, he felt his stomach give a nervous twist in spite of all his resolve as he caught sight of the pink jet perched on the gravelly bank, but it was the scene closer to the mouth of the ravine that stopped him dead in his tracks, almost paralyzed with horror.  Chris was bending over the cubs with his Creature Pod in hand, absorbed in conducting some kind of bio-scan and completely unaware of the fully-grown female emerging from a clump of bushes behind him.  From her narrowed eyes and the way she was lashing her tail, two things were very evident: she was the cubs’ mother, and she was not happy.
Martin snatched his own Creature Pod from his pocket – nearly dropping it in his haste – and hurriedly rang his brother's device.  “Hey, bro!” came the cheerful greeting.  “I–”
“Shh!” Martin hissed sharply.  Chris broke off, giving him a puzzled glance.  “Don’t make any sudden movements,” the older brother warned, his voice barely above a whisper, but crystal-clear in its intensity. “Mama cougar at 6 o’clock.  Repeat, mama cougar at 6 o’clock.”  
Chris’s eyes widened, the smile wiped from his face, and Martin felt his own eyes being drawn skyward in the fleeting, desperate hope of spotting a peregrine falcon whose creature powers he might borrow to swoop down and get his brother out of there.  But the vast expanse of blue above him remained clear and empty, unbroken by any shadow of wings, and he reluctantly turned his gaze back toward the ground.  
“I’m on my way down,” he assured his brother, starting down what seemed to be the most direct path to the bottom of the slope.  “Just turn around very slowly and–”
“–try to back away from the cubs,” Chris finished, nodding.  The terrible, frozen look was gone, and Martin could almost see him scrolling through the myriad creature facts stored in his encyclopedic memory, pulling out the ones he could use to formulate a strategy.  The younger brother nodded again, giving his sibling a small smile.  “Got it.  See you soon.”  Cutting the call, he took a deep breath and began rising slowly to his feet.
Making his way down the incline as quickly as he dared, Martin felt his stomach twist once again as he watched his brother turn to face the angry female.  He was sure that Chris's plan was a solid one – the two of them were no strangers to dealing with agitated creatures, after all – but the cougar is one of the most fiercely protective mothers in the animal world, and the younger Kratt was walking a very fine line, needing to retreat without provoking her chase instinct, while simultaneously making himself appear both too insignificant to be a threat to the cubs and too intimidating to be prey.
He seemed to be managing it, however.  Drawing himself up to his full height, he spread his arms and legs wide and held his ground for a moment, then lowered his hands, assuming a slightly more submissive posture, and began to edge away from the cubs.  The mother allowed him to retreat a short distance as she glided swiftly toward her offspring, but on giving them a nudge and finding them unresponsive, she let out a distressed whine, then growled low in her throat and began to pursue him.  
Martin had been approaching cautiously, trying not to alarm her further, but it was manifestly too late for that now.  Breaking into a run, he charged down the embankment, waving his arms and shouting at the top of his voice in a frantic attempt to draw her attention away from his brother.
For a moment, it appeared to have worked.  Flattening her ears, the mother turned and moved a few steps in his direction, her teeth bared in a snarl.  “Come on, come on,” Martin urged her under his breath.  Another step, and Chris, seeing his opportunity, made a dash for a nearby tree, grabbing hold of a low-hanging branch and swinging himself up onto it.  
But whatever relief Martin might have felt was extinguished almost immediately as the mother, apparently unwilling to relinquish her original quarry, turned back toward the younger Kratt with a menacing growl.  One quick leap, and she was beneath the tree, swinging her powerful forepaw toward the human she believed to have endangered her cubs.  Chris let out a cry of pain as her claws raked across the back of his leg.
“No!”  Martin's anguished, answering cry echoed off the surrounding rocks.  Chris was scrambling up the trunk, trying to get himself out of reach, but his injured leg buckled under his weight, and he slipped, barely managing to catch hold of the lowest branch to avoid plummeting to the ground.  Clinging tightly with both hands, he tried desperately to hoist the rest of his body up onto it while the cougar paced below him.  
Lungs burning, muscles screaming, Martin raced toward the pair, faster than he had ever run in his life.  He had to get to Chris, had to help him somehow, but the distance between them didn't seem to be getting any smaller, and suddenly he knew, with a cold certainty that almost brought him to his knees, that he would never make it in time.  
But he still had one move remaining, one surefire way to distract her.  It was crazy, possibly bordering on suicidal, but what else could he do?  Letting out another yell, he pivoted and changed course, heading straight for the cubs.  
He thought he heard, as though from a long way off, the sound of Chris's voice screaming out his name, but he couldn't think about that now.  Every ounce of his attention was riveted on the mother as she started toward him with another terrible snarl, every movement a reaction to hers.  If he drew back too soon, she would lose interest in him and turn back to Chris as she'd done before.  Too late, and... well, he preferred not to dwell on that.  
Five more steps, Martin told himself, praying that he'd bought his brother enough time to make it to safety.  Three more... two...
He hit the brakes, sending up a shower of pebbles as he skidded to a stop a scant few yards from the cubs.  Fighting the overpowering urge to simply turn and bolt, he held his position for a few seemingly interminable seconds before beginning to back away, retreating slowly and deliberately in the opposite direction from the tree.  
The mother paused in her advance, eying him suspiciously.  Martin met her gaze as steadily as he could – a last-ditch display of a strength he was far from feeling – but he could see the powerful muscles under her tawny coat, coiled and ready to spring, and he felt his own muscles tighten in response, equally prepared to dodge the attack.
All at once, the ground between them seemed to come alive in a wriggling mass of spotted fur.  The startled female jumped, not forward, but back, wide-eyed, as the cubs came hurtling toward her; the next moment, she had launched herself at them with a volley of ecstatic purrs, licking and pawing them all over as though to assure herself that they were all right, while they snuggled into her comforting warmth.
The undeniable tenderness of the scene brought a soft smile to Martin's face as he watched, even though he knew that he and perhaps Chris were still in very real danger.  The little family seemed so absorbed in one another, however, that he thought it just might be possible to slip away and rejoin his brother without being noticed.  Slowly, almost imperceptibly, he began shifting his weight to his back foot, but before he'd taken even a single step, the mother glanced up sharply, her golden eyes flashing.  Martin froze, hardly daring to breathe, as she directed a long, penetrating look at him, then back at Chris.  At last, she turned and, giving her cubs a final nuzzle, led them away into the underbrush.
Martin stood gazing after them, held fast by wonder and amazement, until the tip of the last tail had disappeared from view.  Then, letting out a long breath, he turned and began hurrying toward the tree, where Chris, who had been cautiously making his way down from the higher branches, now dropped to the ground, his trademark skilled landing deteriorating into an awkward semi-collapse as his wounded leg gave way beneath him.  
“Chris!”  Martin put on a final burst of speed, almost falling to his knees at his brother's side. His normally bright brown eyes wore a slightly glazed expression, and Martin bit his lip, hoping desperately that he wasn't going into shock.  “Chris?” he called again, more softly, as he reached out to place a hand on his shoulder.  “Bro?”
The younger Kratt jumped.  “Martin... I... you–”  Chris shuddered convulsively, burying his face in his brother's shoulder.
“It's okay,” Martin whispered, although he too was shaking.  “It's okay.”  He hardly even knew what he was saying, pure older-brother instinct taking over as he struggled to absorb the full impact of what had just taken place, and it was only the knowledge that Chris was still bleeding that induced him to loosen his hold on his brother.  He drew in a deep, slightly ragged breath, then another, fighting to hold back the tide of emotions that threatened to overwhelm them both.  “Let's– let's take a look at that leg of yours, huh?”
Chris nodded and sat back, extending the injured limb with a wince while Martin dug the first-aid kit out of his pocket and set about cleaning and examining the wounds.  He worked in silence for a few minutes, both brothers lost in their own thoughts once more, but the familiar – perhaps too familiar – motions carried with them a sense of normalcy that was oddly soothing, and he soon felt his hands growing steadier, the specter of what could have been receding for the moment in the face of practical necessity.
“Well, it could’ve been a lot worse,” he reported at last, sitting back on his heels with a relieved-sounding exhale as he reached back into his kit for a roll of bandages.  “You're probably going to need a few stitches once we get back to the Tortuga, but it doesn't look like there's any major damage.  He gave his brother a crooked smile.  “But no more tree-climbing for a couple of days, at least.”
Chris nodded absently, and Martin noted with affectionate amusement the intent expression that meant that he was puzzling over some question or other.  Injury or no, the younger Kratt was never one to leave a mystery unsolved for very long.  Sure enough, as Martin began wrapping a final layer of gauze around his brother’s leg, Chris's head abruptly snapped up.  “How did the cubs get free?” he demanded.
Martin blinked, a bit taken aback.  Honestly, the question hadn’t even crossed his mind until now.  He’d been stunned to see the cubs suddenly come to life, and almost dizzy with relief when their mother had decided to put an end to the confrontation, but once she and her babies had vanished into the underbrush, he’d had no time for analysis, no thought to spare for anything but Chris.   “I… don’t know,” he started to say, but even as he spoke, he found his gaze being drawn back upstream with the dawning realization of what must have happened.  
Donita was standing beside the jet with the controller in her hand, watching the two brothers with an odd expression on her face.  When her eyes met Martin's, she smiled, ever so slightly.  Slowly, almost unconsciously, he got to his feet, the roll of gauze trailing forgotten from his hand, and for a long moment neither of them moved or spoke.  
“All ready, Donita!”  Dabio's cheerful voice shattered the silence.  
Donita gave a start.  She looked down at Martin for another moment, then turned slowly, deliberately, back toward the jet, sauntering up the ramp in her high-heeled boots.  When she reached the top, she paused, throwing another smile over her shoulder – a smile much more like the confident, slightly flirtatious one she usually wore – and fluttered her fingers in a tiny wave. Then the doors closed behind her and she was gone.
Chris let out a long breath as the aircraft streaked off across the sky, growing smaller and smaller in the distance until it was lost from sight.  “Why'd she do it?” he wondered aloud.  “Did she want us to feel like we owe her one?”  He cast a sidelong glance at his brother, the teasing note of weeks past now conspicuously absent from his voice.  “Or do you think she really...?”
Martin shook his head, his eyes still on the last lingering wisps of vapor that the jet had left behind.  “I don’t know,” he said at last, turning back to Chris with a rueful half-smile.  “And I’m not sure I ever want to find out.”
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wheezehotdaga · 6 years
Tagged by @ghostiac! Thanks anna, I’ve not seen this one before!
1. What’s one thing that made you smile today?
ooh @en-sam-malas put out a new aro!adam post which I loveeee
2. Favorite scent?
this is hella specific but the smell when you’re getting towards the end of a hot day at the beach and you’re crusted in salt from the sea and sand and you can smell the salt and the sunshine and the sand all together and maybe a hint of the suncream you applied earlier. Also coconut. 
3. What’s your favorite weather?
Sunshine! Anything bright enough that i can turn my face to the sky and bask in the warmth.
4. Do you have any comfort movies or books?
The Hobbit maybe? I’ve never been able to get thorough the lotr books but my Dad is obsessed and he read The Hobbit often when we were little and i can hear him read the first few lines in my head. 
5. One food you never get tired of?
6. Name 3 fictional characters that first comes to your mind?
Harry Potter, Wonder Woman and the kid from where the wild things are (Max ???)
7. What song makes you feel the most uplifted?
At the moment the new hamildrop which was Helpless by the Regrettes. A hella cool version. 
8. One otp you’ll go back to?
hmm, I’m not hugely loyal to ships as in i’ll read most ships in any fandom buttt i’m a sucker for polyam ships so Golden Trio in HP maybe?
9. Favorite item of clothing?
Too many! I have a light dapple grey mens vest top (tank top?) that I love to wear around the house also my celtic strip maybe and my hufflepuff hoodie and sunflower vans! 
10. One song that never fails to make you cry?
I don’t cry at music sorry!
11. Dream url(s).
12. What do you do for self care?
wine maybe and youtube.
13. Favorite seasonal holiday?
I’m a massive Christmas fan tbh
Tagging @shaniacbergara @andrewilynyckyj @demonsandthebois @softboybergara @wingatron @yaboybergara and anyone else idk
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televinita · 4 years
[Music Meme] Potion #9!
Couldn’t resist, mate.
Put your music library on shuffle, post the next 10 songs that come up and say what each one means to you.
1. When I Come Around - Rockabye Baby cover When I found out lullaby versions of popular songs exist, courtesy of Criminal Minds, I immediately went scrounging for some to own. CM used a Pixies song, but since I don't know them, I thought Green Day would be much more up my alley. So fun to hear this song in a wordless percussion ensemble edition. All the xylophone and bells!
2. Baby Got Back - Sir Mix-A-Lot I saved this from a 90s mix CD because...it is a hilarious classic now. I'm sorry. So sorry to Past Me, who was horrified and offended when it was first introduced to her via girls on her soccer team lip syncing and dancing to it at practice in middle school.
3. Les Derniers Seront les Premiers - Celine Dion After I found it for a dollar on clearance, I was really disappointed that I never connected with any of her songs on The French Album -- except this one. This one just takes my breath away, it's so epic.
4. Across the Universe of Time - Hayley Westenra THE MOST DOCTOR WHO SONG OF ALL. I think it came to me via a Doctor/Rose fanvid, but it could work for any of them.
5. We Will Rock You - Linda Ronstadt When I was in middle school, my studio’s dance recitals were professionally taped (on videotape. I’M LIKE THE CRYPT KEEPER) so you could buy your own copy. One of my favorite other dances that year was the small-group high school pointe class who danced to this song. I knew the original, but this hushed and haunting female-vocals cover was unforgettable. It took me YEARS to find out who sang it and even longer to find somewhere to download it.
6. Uma Thurman - Fall Out Boy Honestly, this endeared itself to me solely because of that video on Tumblr that shows some 80s workout video syncing to the beat of this chorus perfectly. It makes me fall over laughing every time, and this song keeps that feeling alive.
7. Parting Glass - Emer Kennedy First version of this song I ever heard and no one will ever improve upon it, not even Loreena. This was a free download and it's so pretty and soft while using more modern instrumentation.
8. Polly Oliver - composed by Thomas Root One of the most beautiful songs we ever played in band, all I have to do is look at that title and I can run most of it in my head. I named one of my virtual horses in the RPG after this, incidentally. Lovely dapple grey Percheron mare.
9. Centerfold / Hot in Herre - Glee Cast It's just so terrible that it wraps all the way back around to being awesome. Because what's more appropriate than high school boys singing "good gracious, ass is bodacious"??
10. You Have No Idea - Josh Groban The TJ/Cora song of our dreams and fanvids. Also how I learned he had a new album (Bridges), so thanks for that, Good Cop fandom.
0 notes
mistletien · 7 years
Lover I Don’t Have To Love
Fandom: Fallout 4 Pairing: Soul Survivor/Raider ( Ronnie/Mass ) Rating: M Words: 6571
this is a gift fic for my girlfriend @ravens-slumber of our OC’s banging 
it’s 6k+ of good good smut 
Soft leather wraps were snuggly wound around Ronnie’s knuckles. She heard the gentle, satisfying creak of the leather as she clenched and unclenched her fists, making sure they were wrapped comfortably around her hands. Even though this was going to be a quick fight to test her skill, she’d rather not break her hands when throwing a punch. Repeatedly smacking heavy muscle and sometimes bones could do a decent amount of damage if you weren’t careful. 
Besides, it wouldn’t look good for her reputation to get injured in a practice fight. If she pulled a stupid punch and cracked her hand against bone and caused an actual injury, it would do nothing but make her look weak and stupid. Several raiders stood or sat around, watching as the two women prepared for their fight. 
Earlier Mass had asked Ronnie if she could do anything more than swing a bat, which lead to the former vault dweller, and her ego, to ask for a quick bout of hand-to-hand fighting. She wanted to prove that she was more deadly than she looked, even without her bat. Mass smirked and had led both of them to a small collection of haphazardly made shacks after that. One was gutted out to have high fences caged around it on one side, the inside of the shack had a long bar well stocked with a large array of different alcohols and a handful of chairs for sitting around to watch the show. A makeshift arena of sorts, she guessed. People filed in, all predatory smiles and taunting jeers at the rookie as they drank from dirty cups filled with diluted alcohol. The taunts and calls only fanned the flame of the already growing excitement in the former vault dweller. “What are the rules?” Ronnie asked as she faced her Boss standing several feet away from her. Rolling her shoulders, she exhaled a breath and tried to shake the tension from her body before the brawl. Squinting her eyes, she held Mass under a shrewd gaze. “There are rules, right?” Just because they were raiders didn’t mean there weren’t any rules. Or at least she hoped so. If anything was allowed this could go from a simple practice fight to one of survival. Mass cracked her knuckles and then her neck before shrugging. Dropping into a fighting stance she said, “I asked you to show me what you’ve got, rookie. Don’t be a fucking wimp is all I’ll say for the rules.” Ronnie snapped forward with a strong punch, getting right to it with a cheap, dirty attack ( if the Boss was okay with it, then she was going to use any non-lethal moves at her disposal ). Yet, the raider leader dodged the blow, stepping to the side with little effort. Mass was a good several inches taller, meaning Ronnie had to angle upwards to strike and it left her lower half a lot more vulnerable. Allowing the momentum to carry her forward, Ronnie balanced her weight onto one foot, then swung around with the other in a high kick and aimed for the raider’s head. The blow connected with Mass’ arm instead as she was blocked and hit solid muscle. Growling under her breath, she pushed forward, trying to throw the Boss off balance only to have her leg grabbed and pulled. “I said to show me something good,” Mass ground out before roughly throwing Ronnie of balance after a hard punch to her stomach. “With that kind of sloppy work you’ll be dead in seconds, rookie.” Ronnie set her teeth as she stumbled, lips pulled back into a snarl as her face burned in embarrassment. Her hands covered her stomach after the punch, and she knew there would be a dark bruise formed by the end of the day. The Boss hit hard. All around her she could hear the snickers and jeers of the other raiders over the sound of her own heart beating and heavy panting, all of them were no doubt placing bets on when she’d get her ass handed to her. Fuck them. She was going to win this fight. She shook out her hands then brought her clenched fists up to protect her face as she looked for the best place to strike. Mass was tall, imposing, and still managed to look cool and collected as usual even while in a fight. Honestly, Mass looked rather bored to be there; like Ronnie was barely worth the time to assess. Sharp green eyes watched her. Even behind the heavy red paint they hid behind, Ronnie could see the raider’s mind shifting and working behind that intense gaze, taking in every subtle twitch and deciding what to do. She was always calculating her next move and Ronnie needed to get her to stop. Ducking low, she went to punch Mass in the gut, only to drop lower when the raider boss went to guard her stomach and began to back up a few paces. She rammed-- hard, into Mass’ thighs, throwing all her weight into the move and successfully knocking her off balance. But Mass rolled with the blow, flipping the both of them over and into the dirt. A cloud of dust kicked up, stinging Ronnie’s eyes and blinding her, allowing Mass to successfully pin her as the disorientation worked in the raider’s favor. Ronnie’s teeth clacked together painfully as her world was turned upside down, and she was laying on the hard, unforgiving ground beneath Mass. Blood filled her mouth as her tongue caught on her teeth, and she spat into the cloud of dust around her before wriggling. The firm weight of the other woman was digging against her back and Ronnie squirmed, trying in desperation to dislodge Mass. With a sharp buck of her hips and arch of her back, Ronnie managed to get enough of her moved that she could twist out from under the hold and scramble to her feet once more. She stood, panting, bleeding, and disheveled, before launching out again with a quick punch. Mass, having gained her feet as well, went to block the blow only to fall for the feint and took a sharp left hook to the face. A delighted noise erupted from Ronnie before she skirted back a few feet, knowing to put distance between them now. No doubt Mass would pay her back twofold for the hit. She watched as Mass shook her head before charging forward and landing several hard hits; her arms took the brunt of it all. Ronnie managed to block a majority of the attacks, yet Mass was quick with her punches and managed to get past her defense with several blows. All Ronnie could do for a few pregnant seconds was to block and try and dance out of the way of the heavy hits. She was thankful the adrenaline coursing through her was helping keep the pain at bay momentarily while she continued to fight. If it wasn’t for that she would have been down after being tossed to the ground. The raiders had encircled them now, the majority of them cheering for Mass, of course. However, several had offered the former vault dweller several good hints that lead to a series of successive hits on the raider leader’s stomach and sides. Mass was quick to protect her face after that one lucky hit. The crowd was crowing in delight with each punch thrown, and more caps kept being traded between filthy, grimy hands as bets were still going on with who would go down first and the time it would take. Out of the corner of her eyes, Ronnie could see the large pile of caps that were stacked against her favor. Both women were breathing hard several minutes into the second ( or was it third? ) round of the fight, chests heaving and bodies slick with sweat from the exertion. Blood dappled them both from the multitude of heavy punches each threw and bruises littered their exposed skin. This had gone from a simple physical assessment to an actual brawl. Ronnie’s pride was at stake now, and she wanted to show she was tougher than most of the grunts Mass kept around as fodder for turf fights. But the rush of adrenaline was wearing off, and she could start to feel the toll of the fight on aching, bruised muscles. Her arms were starting to get heavy and her brain starting tickling her with thoughts of running, trying it’s best to protect her with the last dredges of adrenaline her body could muster. She wanted to make this final blow something Mass would remember for the next few days. She at least wanted to do that one final thing before exhaustion overtook her too much more. As quick as a deathclaw, she lashed out, aiming for the other woman’s sternum in an attempt at knocking the air clean from her lungs and claiming victory. If Mass was incapacitated in such a way, victory would be hers. Mass leaned back from the attack, forcing Ronnie to overreach and getting off balance again. This time she couldn’t follow the momentum, and Mass grabbed her arm and wrenched it behind her back. Before the ex vault dweller could use her other arm to elbow Mass in the stomach, she found her feet swept out from under her. This time when she hit the ground, she knew it was over. The metallic tang of blood from a split lip and bitten tongue was less bitter than the taste of defeat.      Mass was hunkered over her, knee digging into the small of her back and the other hand holding her by the neck and pressing her cheek into the dirt as Ronnie puffed and panted while she tried fight out of the hold. The firm weight didn’t budge, no matter how much Ronnie writhed beneath her Mass held firmly onto her and didn’t become dislodged. The fingers digging into her neck tightened their grip the more the former vault dweller fought, and Ronnie let out a snarl of pain before going lax in the hold. “I give up.” Ronnie whispered the words, the adrenaline gone from her body at this point and every ache and bruise throbbing. She was pinned and there was no way Mass was going to let her up unless she submitted. The blood on her face was starting to mix with the dirt and she didn’t want it to dry and cause a disgusting mess, so it was easier to admit defeat so she could clean up and take care of the split lip and bruises. Ignoring the pain that radiated throughout her entire being, Ronnie was still a vain woman and wanted to take care of her face before the wounds set too far in. “You did okay, rookie.” While it wasn’t high praise, it still stroked the ex vault dweller’s ego and sated the urge to impress the other woman. As soon as Mass climbed off of her, Ronnie was grabbed by the collar of her jumpsuit and pulled to her feet. The sudden shift from laying prone on the ground to standing disoriented her and she blinked in an attempt at getting rid of the rushing world around her. The crowd had dispersed at this point, the entertainment now gone since the fight was over and the caps from bets having been distributed. The quiet around them had Ronnie on edge, and even though she was tired down to the cells in her bones, her body was thrumming with nervous energy. All puffed up on inflated ego even after a losing fight, Ronnie was itching for something to do. “I’m going to grab a stimpack and get patched up, Boss,” Ronnie said while wiping away the blood that was dripping down her chin with the back of her arm. She knew Mass was strong, but didn’t expect quite a dizzying blow earlier when it completely split her lip open. “Is there anything I can do afterwards? I’m still wound up from the fight and need to do something to shake out this energy.” Canting her head to the side, Mass’ gaze raked over Ronnie’s body, seeming to size her up again. “Do you want to fuck?” Ronnie choked on her own spit as she struggled to breath. Her tongue had seemed to simultaneously grow too large for her mouth to handle as well as disappear completely. “Excuse me?” she coughed out after gaining her voice again. “Do I want to-- What?” The raider snorted out a breath of air, crossing her arms over her chest and looking at Ronnie as if she was daft. “I’m not repeating myself.” Her heart stuttered for a moment behind her ribs at the offer.   Ronnie had no qualms on sleeping around; she did it often before the war and she continued her free roaming nature even after leaving cryostasis and being thrown 200 years into the future. As long as the person was clean and didn’t have any expectation for more, she was down for a quick fuck. She didn’t expect the offer to be so…. Bold is all. She especially hadn’t expected a notorious raider leader to proposition her. Now that the question found it's way into her list of possibilities, she started to ponder on taking Mass up on the offer. Mass was very pleasing to look at. The taller woman had a handsome face, and was all heavy muscle that were barely clothed at any point. Even now the raider leader was in little more than a harness that kept her breasts strapped down and out of the way, a torn, dirty fishnet crop top, and tight-fitting jeans with tears all over them. Bruises and dirt coated both of them, as did blood, but all those did were accent the woman’s physique. Muscles were prominent behind the bruises, and the slick sheen of sweat that still glazed the raider highlighted the dips and curves of her body Those damned green eyes kept staring at her, impatience written all over Mass’ face. Ronnie would kick herself later if she didn’t accept, and the heat of the fight had manifested itself into growing arousal. Her blood was pounding for a whole new reason now. “Yes,” she replied hoarsely, tongue darting out to wet her broken lips. “Fuck yes, Boss.” Mass wasted no time crushing their lips together after getting consent, causing Ronnie to let out a low hiss of pain as her recently wounded mouth was licked and nipped in a rough kiss. The piercings in Mass’ lips didn’t help much in tempering the pain in her mouth either. Blood intermingled with their kiss, adding a metallic twang to the mix of salivas and she found Mass nibbling at her lip to cause more blood to flow. When Mass pulled back to catch her breath, a ruddy trail of spit still connected them. Hands were on her hips and the former vault dweller found her feet lifted off the ground. She grunted in approval as Mass picked her up, and wrapped her legs around the raider’s waist. Her arms wound around the other woman’s neck and her fingers delved into the short auburn hair and pulled.  Her lip was caressed almost sweetly and apologetically by a soft tongue. Ronnie would laugh, call Mass a sweetheart for taking such care with her if she was anyone else. But they were two raiders on the cusp of fucking in the middle of a makeshift fight arena. She didn't want sweet and caring at the moment and made it known by the harsh way she scraped her nails against the back of Mass' shoulders. Ronnie pressed herself tight against the warm body against her. It had been a few weeks since her last fuck and her hand wasn’t cutting it anymore. Her body throbbed with the sudden, overpowering need that washed over her. “Are we going to do it outside?” Ronnie asked. She raked her hand through Mass’ hair, catching on a few tangles. Grabbing a handful she forced the woman to look up and at her. “What if someone sees?” Mass shook off her hand and carried her over towards the bar, knocking away cups and bottles, letting them crash in a broken pile to the ground. Ronnie was placed onto her back and roughly yanked closer by her hips. The back of her jumpsuit scraped against the rough wood as she moved across it. She made a mental note to thank Mass later for not dragging her bare skin against the rotting, splinter filled wood. “Everyone knows I like to fuck after a fight,” Mass answered before dipping her head. Her tongue rasped against Ronnie’s throat then bit down on the exposed column of the newcomers neck. She sucked harshly at the skin, intent on leaving a bruise behind. “They won’t bother us if they know what’s good for them.” A loud moan fled from Ronnie’s lips as she was pinned against the bar underneath Mass, eyes alarmed as she snapped her mouth shut to silence herself. They were still rather exposed, even after their audience had left. But that just added to the thrill of it all. The intoxication of possibly being seen had left Ronnie damn near breathless. Ronnie raked her nails down Mass’ back, skittering over old, faded scars before grabbing handfuls of the woman’s ass. An approving grunt rumbled against her neck, and she heard the sound of her jumpsuits zipper being pulled before cool air brushed over her exposed skin. Her bra was shoved up and out of Mass’ way, but the cool autumn breeze didn’t get a chance to wash over her before a warm mouth attached itself to one of her nipples. Teeth and tongue alike swept over the hardening nub, pleasure cascading over her in increasing increments as Mass alternated between nibbling at the flesh of her breasts and suckling. Sharp moans were pulled from Ronnie as Mass bit down on one of her nipples before twisting the other between thumb and forefinger and pulling lightly. The former vault dweller’s hips began rocking, searching for something that she could grind against to help relieve herself, even if only a little bit. Mass shoved her thigh between Ronnie’s legs, allowing the woman to gyrate against her as she continued to play with her breasts. As Ronnie rocked against Mass, moaning in quiet sighs, she shrugged out of the top of her jumpsuit, allowing her torso to become freed from the restrictive and sweaty material. “Someone’s eager,” Mass mumbled as she kissed back up Ronnie’s throat. “F-fuck off,” Ronnie mewled, as she ground against the other woman. “Are you going to get in my pants or talk?” Mass grabbed the newly dubbed raider’s face in one hand, cheeks squished from the grip as she glared down at the obstinate woman. “I should put that mouth of yours to work since you seem to want to run it.” Ronnie shook off the hand, the urge to snap back in retaliation rising. A sharp crack broke the air as Mass smacked her thigh. Ronnie’s back arched, eyes fluttering as she let out a breathy moan. “Did you like that?” The raider was looking at her in puzzlement, brows furrowed as she ran a soothing hand over the area she struck. She spanked her again, making sure to keep the jumpsuit in the way of her hand, and gauged the reaction this time. “Do you want more?” Ronnie, still consumed by the buzz being spanked had started to cause her, nodded mutely. Her hips started to rock in an even more eager pace against Mass’ thigh. Soft grunts were let out as she ground herself against Mass, climbing quicker and higher towards a quick and satisfying release. Mass pulled her thigh away, smirking down at Ronnie. Grabbing the woman by the face she delivered a bruising kiss, all teeth and tongue and ferocity. Ronnie kissed back with an equal amount of force before Mass pulled away, panting, “You don’t deserve to get off that easy, rookie. As much as I’d love for both of us to get off as fast as possible, you don’t deserve to mouth back at me while I’m between your thighs. You need to be shown who’s the boss around here.” With a gentle pat to Ronnie’s thigh, Mass zipped the suit back up, leaving Ronnie blinking and trying to put herself back together as she attempted to piece together what was going on. Did she piss off the boss enough that she didn’t want a go anymore? “Get up,” she ordered, pulling the former vault dweller onto wobbly legs. Running a hand across Ronnie’s flushed cheek, Mass hooked her arm around the woman’s waist and forced her to walk alongside her. “We’re going somewhere more private where I can teach you some obedience.” Ronnie’s eyes sparkled in delight, and she allowed Mass to move her throughout the compound, ignoring the knowing eyes that watched the two of them and frequent wolf whistles. She took it all in stride. Sated by the knowledge that she was going to get laid for the first time since coming here by someone who was well known to be good in bed. Yet Mass only rolled her eyes and shouted at the others to stop gawking and get back to work. Mass led her to an empty room with a rickety bed in it. The bare furnishings and little personal effects made it quite clear this wasn’t the Boss’ room, but a spare one that was going to be used for the sole purpose of their little tryst. Ronnie pulled the door shut behind her and turned around in Mass’ arms, leaning up on her toes to press a barrage of eager kisses against the other woman’s mouth, hands fumbling with the spiked belt Mass always wore. Her wrists were caught in Mass’ hands, and Ronnie found herself pushed into walking until the back of her knees caught on the edge of the bed and she fell onto the mattress. Mass wasted no time climbing atop her, straddling her thighs as if she belonged there, and pinned the former vault dweller’s hands above her head. “So what obedience training are we doing, Boss?” Ronnie asked, trying to surge up to capture those lovely pierced lips in a kiss once more, yet the ironclad grip on her wrists kept her from moving too far. “I’m going to teach you how to beg,” Mass replied. Warm breath washed over Ronnie as Mass whispered to her, voice a low, seductive purr. She kept close, enough to tease and taunt that she could kiss Ronnie, only to pull away at the last second and deny Ronnie what she was searching for. Ronnie nodded, worrying her busted lip with her teeth as Mass released her. She kept seated on Ronnie’s thighs as she stripped herself of her harness, tossing it to the floor and allowing her breasts to become free from the restrictive band. “You’re not allowed to touch me yet,” Mass instructed, knowing that Ronnie wanted nothing more than to run hands and tongue over the dusky nipples that started to harden in the cool air. The slight tang of blood was still on her tongue as she watched Mass undress, first removing her studded belt and throwing it in the small pile of clothes, then shucking herself out of the tight fitting black skinny jeans that were more tears and rips than actual cloth at this point. The black boyshorts the raider wore clung like a second skin, and Ronnie couldn’t help running her fingers over the waistband and dipping inside to brush against the soft skin of Mass’ lower stomach. Her hands were pinned once more, Mass' underwear kept in place by the action, and she clenched her hands into fists as her neck was bitten roughly. A loud moan tore its way from her as teeth sank into the tender muscle of her shoulder. She clutched onto the other woman, body shuddering and back arching as pain started to fight with pleasure at the rough treatment. “I said you couldn’t touch me.” Mass ran her tongue over the abused patch of flesh, soothing it for a moment. As quick as she was to soothe the area, she was just as quick to suck on it as well, drawing the skin between her lips as she made sure to leave a dark bruise behind. Mass took several long minutes to mark up Ronnie's neck with a beautiful array of hickeys. “Can you not listen? Or are you that eager to disobey me?” “Sorry, Boss. I’ll keep my hands to m-myself,” the words were moaned out between breaths as Mass nipped at her throat. Ronnie was letting out loud groans with each exhale, her eyes were screwed shut, body arching and hips rolling as her senses were assaulted by the heavy signals that wracked with sensation. A keening cry tore its way from her chest as Mass bit her again. Spots danced behind her eyelids as she shook beneath the heavy body above her. As soon as Mass released her wrists one hand smacked down on her mouth to muffle the pitiful moans that kept breaking free, the other fisting itself in the sheets and holding on for dear life. Mass didn’t care about foreplay anymore, it seemed. She was quick to strip Ronnie of her jumpsuit and toss it into the pile of clothes on the floor. Heated open mouthed kisses were pressed against the former vault dweller’s  breasts, bra still pushed up from earlier and nipples standing at attention. She mouthed her way down her body, tongue dipping into the crevice of Ronnie’s navel for a moment before continuing her journey south. Hooking her fingers into the waistband of her panties, she pulled them down mid-thigh before patting Ronnie on the hip. “Up,” she commanded. When Ronnie didn’t move immediately she smacked her hard on the thigh, causing the woman to arch sharply off the bed. “Good girl.” Mass praised her, running her hand in a soothing pattern over the area she hit after she finished removing Ronnie’s panties. Canting her head to the side, green eyes bored into grey as the Boss smirked at her. “You look good enough to eat, rookie.” Ronnie parted her thighs immediately, already wet and aching for the raider’s touch. Her lower lip was bleeding once more from chewing at it. Again she arched off the bed. Electric pleasure coursed through her being as Mass settled on her stomach and ran her tongue through the wet sex in front of her. She rasped her tongue in slow, heavy strokes over Ronnie's labia before flicking the tip against her clit in fast flutters. Ronnie's cries were sharp and broken. Her body torn between rocking in desperation for harder touches or arching away so she could recover from the stimulus. Her nails raked over the sheets ( one catching on a loose thread and breaking ), and a sob broke free as she rocked her hips forward, desperate for more, more, more as Mass hooked her thighs over broad shoulders and ate her out as if she was the raider’s last meal. Ronnie rolled her hips in time with the rather rough, yet thorough, sweeps of Mass’ tongue. Stars danced in her vision from the amount of attention that was delivered to her, and she couldn’t help but beg Mass not to stop as she quickly started to climb her peak. Fingers prodded at her entrance and Mass looked up after pressing a kiss to the inside of Ronnie’s thigh. “Is this okay?” Ronnie spread her legs wider. “Please, please, please,” she chanted, her entire being shaking as Mass slowly slid two fingers into her. Ronnie stiffened, thighs trembling as the raider slid into her. She clenched and pulsed around the fingers that seated themselves into her. “Fuck me, Boss,” she sighed out the words, hips gyrating as she rocked against Mass’ hand. Ronnie’s fingers no longer clung for dear life at the sheets but were embedded in the other woman’s hair, pulling and twisting as she mumbled nonsensical, broken words into the warming air around them. Mass started pumping her fingers into Ronnie, obviously delighted if the throaty laughter that was breathed against Ronnie’s skin was any indication. “I thought it would take longer to get you into my bed,” she teased, tongue lazily sticking out to run between Ronnie’s labia and pressing hard against the woman’s clit. Sucking the little nub between her lips, she groaned around the flesh, adding a slight vibration element. The raider was rewarded with a keening cry as Ronnie bucked against her hand and face. Fluttering muscles clenched around Mass’ fingers as she continued to fuck into Ronnie. She made sure to constantly switch the pace to keep the former vault dweller on her toes. More soft groans escaped from Mass’ busy mouth as Ronnie raked her nails down the raider’s neck and shoulders, digging into the firm muscle and leaving angry crescent shaped marks and welts behind. A loud scream rang out in the room as Mass fluttered her fingers inside Ronnie, curling them back towards her and pressing against the soft, sensitive area behind her pubic bone. Ronnie began to thrash, thighs gripping Mass’ head as she clawed both Mass’ back and the sheets as she writhed in pleasure. Mass snarled in pain as blood well up beneath Ronnie’s nails from the last swipe down the raider’s back. Removing her fingers, Mass grasped Ronnie’s hands and pinned them to the bed beside her. Once she became pinned down, Mass began to growl in delight as Ronnie gyrated her hips against the raider's mouth. Ronnie moaned while rutting away at the tongue that lapped at her clit. “Mass, please---” Ronnie began rocking her hips even more, voice broken and ragged from all the noise she had been making since Mass first dragged her into the room. She was trembling from head to toe. Body coated in a fine sheen of sweat from all the exertion she expelled while Mass worked her over. Mass glanced up at Ronnie from her spot between Ronnie’s thighs. Those infuriating, gorgeous green eyes stared her down. The pupils blown wide with lust and causing her breath to catch in her chest. Ronnie couldn’t look away even if she wanted to. Blood trickled freely from her bruised and bitten lower lip as she bit down on it to try and muffle the loud cries that spilled out from her mouth. Some were curses, some were Mass’ name, and others were primal, guttural noises that she couldn’t contain. “Fuck. I’m gonna---” A piercing cry cut Ronnie short. Her body seized up, freezing for a moment before she bucked wildly and arched off the bed, hips the only part of her as her orgasm flooded her system. She could feel Mass’ tongue working in eager strokes against her clit, lapping at the nub with almost an obscene amount of enthusiasm until Ronnie collapsed, boneless, onto the mattress. Spots clouded her vision and blurred the room. A weak groan managed to leave her as Mass coaxed her through the aftershocks. Her hips continued to tremble long after Mass stopped licking at her, and one foot continued to twitch from the intense orgasm. “Fuck, Boss,” she panted out as soon as she found her voice. Mass had worked her way back up Ronnie’s body and was kissing her with abandon. Sucking on the raider’s tongue, she could taste the tang that coated the muscle that no doubt was her own essence. She wasn’t particularly a fan of the way her own sex tasted, but relished the tongue that slid along her teeth and twirled around her own. She was, one hundred percent, down for a long makeout session right now. She wouldn’t mind another round of sex, too. Or being able to get her boss off if she was able to. “If it wasn’t so good for my ego,” Mass said between kisses, “I’d be embarrassed for you about making that much noise.” Ronnie bit at the raider’s lower lip, tugging it between her teeth. “Next time I won’t make a sound.” “Is that a fact?” Mass asked as she kneeled over Ronnie, smirk playing on her lips.
Reaching forward, Ronnie grabbed the waistband of Mass’ boyshorts and pulled her close. Sliding her hands over the defined muscles of the raider boss’ abs, she slipped her hand beneath the soft fabric of her underwear. Her fingers were coated in warm wetness from the arousal that was present.
“All this for me, Boss?” Ronnie questioned, a wry smile on her face as she ran her fingers through the woman’s sex, circling her clit with experienced touches. She was light with her hands, keeping the stimulation minimal and making Mass rock against her hand in order to feel more than teasing brushes.
“You see anyone else in here, Ronnie?” Mass chuckled, voice breaking towards the end as she kept her moans stifled behind her lip.
Ronnie wasn’t surprised that Mass swatted away her hands and stripped herself of the last remnant of her clothing, but she was surprised when the boss climbed on top of her and once again pinned her to the bed.
“You have a smart mouth, rookie,” she said, brushing the back of her hand against Ronnie’s lips. “I should get some use from it since you seem to want to be a sassy little shit to me.”
Ronnie allowed herself to be pushed down into the dirty and stained mattress, and even grinned in delight as Mass climbed up to straddle her face. Hands grasped the raider’s hips. Thumbs pressed into the sharp edges of Mass’ hipbones and the former vault dweller chuckled against the warmth that radiated against her face. Her tongue flicked out, quickly getting a taste of what Mass was offering.
Mass rocked forward, a breathy sound leaving her lungs as a tongue trailed between her sex. Soft, gentle tongue flicks that left Mass grunting in approval and grinding down for more.
“Damn, I didn’t know I would eat so well tonight, Boss.”
Mass sat down and covered Ronnie’s mouth completely, keeping the majority of her weight on her knees and tensed in her thighs as she ground her vulva against Ronnie’s face. “Just shut the fuck up and get to work.”
Ronnie’s mouth eagerly attached itself to Mass’ body, the hands she had placed on the raider’s hips urging her to move and rock against her face as she ran her tongue against everything she could touch. She was quick to have Mass moving in eager, sharp jerks as she flattened her tongue and licked in broad strokes.
Mass placed her hands on the peeling wall behind the bed frame, hands splayed wide as she rutted against Ronnie’s face, the slow burning of arousal washing over her in wave after wave as the newbie did her best to please the raider.
Ronnie’s hands grew bolder, sliding up the scarred skin of Mass’ abdomen and reaching up to cup a pert breast. She flicked her thumb over the nipple, humming in growing arousal as this only caused Mass’ hips to stutter, and a sharp moan broke free from the woman.
Mass was slowly becoming more vocal, giving commands where she wanted Ronnie’s tongue and what she wanted the rookie to do with her lips.
“You’re not half bad, Ronnie,” Mass panted out the praise, reaching down to rake her hand through Ronnie’s mussed hair. She pulled the hair she gathered in her hand as she roughly ground against Ronnie’s tongue, nearly doubling over once the probing muscle began to flick in earnest against the sensitive bundle of nerves of Mass’ clit.
Ronnie could only hum in satisfaction as Mass moaned out her approval at the action. Her eyes fluttered shut and she soon could only focus on the taste of wet, aroused flesh, the way the raider ground herself harder against her mouth, the creak of the bed from all the movement.
“I could still give you a few tips for better oral though.” Mass rolled her hips in a slow circle, forcing Ronnie to follow her body’s movement.
A delighted bark of laughter rang out as Ronnie gripped the raider’s hips harder, fingers digging into firm flesh as she indicated she wanted Mass to sit still. Nails scored down Mass’ thighs, and the raider arched upwards, hips stuttered for a moment from the rough treatment.
“Flatten your tongue,” Mass ordered in a breath filled sigh. She tugged harshly on Ronnie’s hair when the woman didn’t follow her orders as soon as they left her mouth.
Ronnie flattened her tongue, running broad strokes against heated flesh. Her face was now sticky and dripping from Mass’ arousal, the raider having thoroughly coated her with the scent of sex. Even after leaving the room, Ronnie was bound to reek of Mass’ scent until she showered.
Groaning between Mass’ thighs, Ronnie licked and lapped at the dripping sex that ground against her tongue. With the way the Boss was rolling her hips and humping against her face, Ronnie could simply stick her tongue out and allow the raider to get herself off and just enjoy the show, but Ronnie wasn’t the one to just sit back and allow her partner to do all the work.
Soft grunts filled the room, and Mass was petting Ronnie’s head encouragingly as she ground herself against the soft mouth beneath her.
“You’re getting better reading my body,” she sighed out the praised, thighs flexing beneath Ronnie’s hands as she moved faster. A broken groan spilled from her mouth as Ronnie expertly circled her clit. “A little bit more, rookie.”
Flushed with pride at the praise, Ronnie made sure to double her efforts in getting the Boss off, using everything she could think of to bring Mass closer and closer to climax.
Soon the grunts started to become lower, more growls than actual grunts, and the raider’s hips jerked in uncoordinated, sloppy moves before Mass tugged on Ronnie’s hair and double over. A low moan left her as she jogged her hips lightly, wetness splashing onto Ronnie’s face as Mass climaxed.
She licked Mass through the aftershocks, groaning at the tang that coated her tongue as she licked up everything the Boss offered her.
Groaning softly, Mass shuddered atop Ronnie for a moment before flopping onto her side next to Ronnie. She accepted the kiss Ronnie gave, and tapped the former vault dweller’s cheek afterwards.
“You’re a pretty decent fuck, Ronnie,” Mass said after pulling away. “Not the best I’ve had though.”
“No wonder you have people lining up to fuck you, Boss,” Ronnie drawled as she stretched out. Wiping her face clean with the back of her hand, she tossed Mass a soft grin. “You’ve got such a silver tongue, after all.”
“Fuck off,” Mass smacked her ass before getting up, delighting in the sharp crack that reverberated off the walls. “Go get cleaned up. Get that lip checked out too.”
Ronnie climbed out of bed and began sifting through the pile of clothes on the floor so she could dress. “This was fun, Boss. We should do it again.”
Mass grunted, already back in her clothes and heading out the door. “We’ll see.”
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